CNL-19-030, Extended Power Uprate: Unit 2 Replacement Steam Dryer Revised Analysis and Limit Curves Report, Supplement 1, Withdrawal

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Extended Power Uprate: Unit 2 Replacement Steam Dryer Revised Analysis and Limit Curves Report, Supplement 1, Withdrawal
Person / Time
Site: Browns Ferry Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 03/08/2019
From: Henderson E
Tennessee Valley Authority
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML19067A219 (2)


Tennessee Valley Authority, 1101 Market Street, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402 CNL-19-030 March 8, 2019 10 CFR 50.4 ATTN: Document Control Desk U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 Renewed Facility Operating License No. DPR-52 NRC Docket No. 50-260


Extended Power Uprate - Unit 2 Replacement Steam Dryer Revised Analysis and Limit Curves Report, Supplement 1, Withdrawal


1. NRC Letter to TVA, Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Units 1, 2, and 3 -

Issuance of Amendments Regarding Extended Power Uprate (CAC Nos. MF6741, MF6742, and MF6743), dated August 14, 2017 (ML17032A120)

2. TVA Letter to NRC, CNL-18-134, Extended Power Uprate - Unit 2 Replacement Steam Dryer Revised Analysis and Limit Curves Report, dated November 29, 2018 (ML18334A351)
3. TVA Letter to NRC, CNL-19-028, Extended Power Uprate - Unit 2 Replacement Steam Dryer Revised Analysis and Limit Curves Report, Supplement 1, dated February 14, 2019 (ML19045A536)

In the Reference 1 letter, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) issued License Amendment Nos. 299, 323 and 283 to the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Units 1, 2 and 3 Renewed Facility Operating Licenses (RFOLs) to increase the authorized maximum power level from 3458 megawatts thermal (MWt) to 3952 MWt. This change to power level is considered an extended power uprate (EPU).

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission CNL-19-030 Page 2 March 8, 2019 The amended RFOLs contain specific license conditions that control the monitoring, evaluating ,

and taking prompt action in response to potential adverse flow effects as a result of the EPU on plant structures, systems, and components (including verifying the continued structural integrity of the replacement steam dryer (RSD)) during initial EPU power ascension . BFN Unit 2 License Condition 2.C(18)(a)3 requires Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) to submit, to the NRC, the results of the BFN Unit 2 revised RSD analysis utilizing the BFN Unit 3 on-dryer strain gauge based end-to-end bias and uncertainties at EPU conditions including updated limit curves and a list of dominant frequencies for BFN Unit 2. In the Reference 2 letter, TVA provided the BFN Unit 2 revised RSD analysis and limit curves required by License Condition 2.C(18)(a)3. In the Reference 3 letter, TVA provided a revision to the information provided in the Reference 2 letter to address the process for evaluating compliance with the BFN Unit 2 revised limit curves.

On February 22, 2019, a teleconference was held between representatives of TVA and NRC staff regarding the revised information provided in the Reference 3 letter. Based on the results of that teleconference, TVA is withdrawing the Reference 3 letter. The BFN Unit 2 revised RSD analysis and limit curves provided in the Reference 2 letter continue to satisfy BFN Unit 2 License Condition 2.C(18)(a)3.

There are no new regulatory commitments associated with this submittal. If there are any questions or if add itional information is needed, please contact Michael A. Brown at (423) 751-3275.


E. K. Henderson Director, Nuclear Regulatory Affairs cc:

NRC Regional Administrator - Region II NRC Senior Resident Inspector - Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant State Health Officer, Alabama State Department of Public Health