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Report No. R-P0491, Wall Thickness Profile Sheet, (Sketch)
Person / Time
Site: Watts Bar Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 10/05/2016
Tennessee Valley Authority
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML16293A318 List: ... further results
CNL-16-135 R-P0491
Download: ML16293A399 (3)


  • *
  • v *WALL THICKNESS PROFILE SHEET R EPO RT NO: ,_ )l">N PROJECl: ____ vv __ u _______________

SYSTEM: __ m ____ ..... J ______ _ Record Thickness Measurements Ao Indicated, Including Weld Width, Edge*To*Edge At 0° Poalllon o* 90° 1ao 0 270° Ol ,/J ,?'(

'7J ,. [!) '7J . 75'* 1" . ' rn ,'i,\'/ 7'$' J <tJ ,'JJ." C!l .i:f ,7"1" I !'J [!] r-i/A :t"" t.J./.I\ Weld t. Weld Edge Centerline I"


L*O-n"I 5

<'..:; .0&;;15" CROWN HEIGHT: ----------------

(!) .. DIAMETER:---------------------

l'V * '&"S"' CRQWN WIDTH:----------------------

JI 3.
WELD lENGTH: ___ --ll'-----------


TD l) .4J.. IF rsj) $£C.TO(Z,.

sc A,..J AtvC.UiS CP 3S"70 70° (AX) AN'b ,_5*,o 10* (c1tzc.} SllEAt.wAv£

'ID 0 To 70* CA)() flL , REVIEWED .&

Q., .. ,,, @I / LEVEL: OATE*('..-.i

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PAGE OF 'TV A 19668 CNP*S-89) 1-101-999-44 I

TVA Office of Nuclear Power PROJECT: W5t-r SYSTEM: __ 5_15_J_ UNIT: d WELD NO: s1F-b1ei"l-15 LEVEL: 71 REPORT fZ.. -


  • TVA Procedure N-GP-31 Attachment 3 Item 1 ltem2 Item 3 ltem4 ltem5 ltem6
  • Item 7 Item 8 Item 9 Item 10 Item 11
  • Weld# SIF-0199-15 Required examination Volume in sq. in. (width x height) Number of scan directions Total Scan volume in sq. in. Total length of weld Total required exam volume in cubic inches Exam volume achieved (sq. in.) in direction 1 X length of weld achieved Exam volume achieved (sq. in.) in direction 2 X length of weld achieved Exam volume achieved (sq. in.) in direction 3 X length of weld achieved Exam volume achieved (sq. in.) in direction 4 X length of weld achieved Determined the achivied exam volume add 6, 7, 8 & 9 Exam volume percentage item 1 O/item 5 x 100 1.375 0.26 0,3575 21.375 0.3575 0,3J 15,:lJ 0.3575 15.375 sq. in. .__-===*****.;.....i4,directions sq. in.
  • 21.3751inches cu. in. cu. In. cu. In. cu. In. cu. In. % At 180 Degrees, Obstruction due to the surface curvature of the "Tee Throat Area" which used a I ss of contact between the wedge & surface of componant.


  • ided examination Level: K Date: /,1 )v'f. I I