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Exelon Nuclear, Form NIS-2 Owner'S Report for Repair/Replacement Activity as Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xi
Person / Time
Site: Byron Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/18/2009
Exelon Nuclear
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML100050354 List:
00634687-01, BYRON 2010-0001
Download: ML100050366 (33)


This page left blank intentionally II FORM NI8-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAlRlREPLACEMENT ACTIVITY Aa Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI 1L.-_DO_C_U_M_ENT

__N_O_o_:_L.--3o_1 R_EV_o N_O_o_:_0'.*'Date 09/18109 1.Owner Exelon Nuclear Name 4300 Wlnfleld Road, Warrenville, IL Sheet 1 of 1 ASME Corrected, Code National Removed.or Stamped Name of Nameot Manufactuter Board Other Year Installed (VesorNo)Comoonent Manufactuter sertaJ No.No.Idel rtIftcat10n Built VALVE, COMPLETE DRESSER SIN N1A 1MS016D 1977 Removed YES INDUSTRIES BR09605 Valve Ser.'BR09605 DRESSER SIN 1MS016D VALVE, COMPLETE INDUSTRIES DA27373 N1A 2009 Installed YES Cat 10 1428689-1 Repair OrganIzation.

P.O.No**Job No**etD.Unit....;0:.;1:.-.

_Work Ont.Noo 00834887-01 Type Code Symbol Stamp Not Appllcab..Authortzatfon No...

expiration Date....;N:.:;ot::.:..:,A.:Ip::l:p:.:;lI=:ca:::b:;,:;

..=--_Address 2.Plant Byron Nucl., Power Station Name 4450 N.Gennan Church Road, Byron, IL Address 3.Work Perfonned by ShawlStone

,.Web8ter Name 38400 So eaeex Road, Wilmington, IL 80481 Address 4.Identification of System....::.::M;.:S..J.(M::::;.:AI::,N;:..;ST:.:..::EAM=;;;A):.-.

_5.(a)Applicable Construction Code ASME Section III 1974 Edition, na Addenda, Code Case (b)Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for RepalrlReplacement Activity 2001 Edition I 2003 Addenda (c)Section XI Code Case(s)...,;N;..;,O;;;,;N;,.;,;E;;;....

_6.Identification of Components

  • 7.Description of Work

_Test Conducted:

Hydrostatic 0 Pneumatic 0 Other 0 Pressure 1082 Nominal Operating Pressure I8J psi Test Temp.556 Exempt 0 OF Nota: Supplemental sheets in fonn of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1)size is 8Y" in.x 11 In., (2)Infonnation in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3)each sheet is numhArAli:an'" th.......-..of sheets Is recorded at the too nf thia f,.,.,...

FORM NI8-2 (Back)9.Remarks

-:"(,.*APPIIC8bIi MiriUfiCtirii"s oati Repo;tS to be 8H8Chid CERTIFICATE OF COMPUANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.Type Code Symbol Stamp Not Applicable Certificate No.Not Applicable SignedQ.A,Wv)tlJJ C1:XJAAfMATlJI1-Date awn.or Owner'a Designee, l1tIe CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I.the undersigned, holding a valid commission Issued by the National Board c:A Boller and Pressure Vessef Inspect0r8 and the State or Province 01 Illlno1a and employed by HSS CT c:A Hartford, CT have inspected the components described In thla Owner's Report during the period02.Zo, D3 to (2, ,d.(fl , and state that to the belt c:A my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described In this Owner's Report In accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or Implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described In this Owner's Report.Furthermore, nelthe th Inspector nor his employer shall be liable In any manner for any personal injury or p d a Ios8 of any kind arising from or connected with this Commissions ,t.bJll4-NationIIlSoMi, Stat.ProvIJa, and EndotIem.....Date: LHEu..&C\Ll.20))8"'C1l FORM NI8-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAlRIREPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI I DOCUMENT NO.: 3.1 REV.NO.: 0------------

  • Date 09116/09 1.Owner Exelon Nuc.....Name 4300 Winfield Road, IL Sheet 1 of 1 Address 2.Plant Byron Nuc'ea, Pow.Station Name 4460 N.German Church Roadz Byron, IL Address 3.Work Performed by ShawlStone a Webster Name 38400 S.E.-x Road, Wilmington, IL 80481 Address Unit_0=.,1:...-

_Work Ord.No.00834894-01 Repair Organization, P.O.No., Job No., eta.Type Code Symbol Stamp Not AppllC8ble Authorization No.

expiration Date...:N:.:,ot::.=.;.A.:Ip;&;p::.:IIC8=b:.:;Ie::._

_4.Identification of System MS (MAIN STEAM)ASME Corrected, Code National Removed,or Stamped Name of Name of Board Other Year Installed (Yee or No)Comoonent Manufacturer SerIal No.No.Identlftcatlon Built SAFETY VALVE, 6", DRESSER BR09596 NJA 1MS014C 19n Removed YES 1500'INDUSTRIES SAFETY VALVE, 6", DRESSER 1MS014C DA27374 NJA 2009 Installed YES 15001 INDUSTRIES Cat 101428691*1

  • 5.(a)Applicable Construction Code AS ME Section III 1974 Edition, na Addenda, Code Case (b)Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for Repair/Replacement Actlvity 2001 Edition/2003 Addenda (c)Section XI Code Case(s)...:N;,.:.;O:::.;N:.:.::E=--

_6.Identification of Components 7.Description of Work_R_E=P...;;LA--...C_E


_8.Test Conducted:

Hydrostatic 0 Pneumatic 0 Other 0 Pressure 1079 Nominal Operating Pressure I8J Exempt 0 psi Test Temp.557 OF Note: Supplemental sheets In form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1)size is 8*in.x 11 in., (2)Information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3)each sheet is numbered and th9 nlJmhAr of sheets is recordAd At thA tnn N thi..f",_

FORM NI8-2 (Back)9.Remarks....:006346:.::.:::...:.:::94:..:...;:0:..:1-t"I;*.,.APPllC8ble MiriUfiCtUi8i"s Dati ReportS to hi 8It8d18d\CERTlFlCATE OF COMPUANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this confonns to the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.Type Code Symbol Stamp Not Applicable Certificate

?t('*rization No.Not Applicable SignedC*AdrIA.J 8&4a2@/AlA'17JtLDate Ii!-3'20....;...;090.-

0M1er or Ownet's OF INSERVICE INSPECTlON I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission Issued by the National Board of Boller and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of lllinol.and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, CT jLe the components described In this Owner-s Report during the period Cfl..10 c8 toI.I.*and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has perfonned examinations and taken corrective measures described In this Owner-s Report In accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.By signing this certJfJcate neither the Inspector nor his employer makea any warranty, expreased or Implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measurea described In this Owner-s Report.Furthermore, ne e or nor his employer shall be liable In any manner for any personal Injury or PI'a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this Commissions ll.2144I*SIgnaILn Nationi'Board.State ProYlnce, and Endorsem_Date: 'l}CK;u;&e.

l1L I 20


FORM NI8-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI;;:.1__DO_C_U_M_ENT

__N_O_o_:__5_.2 R_EV_o_N_O_o:_O

__**Date 9-2CHl9 1.Owner Exelon Nuclear Name 4300 WInfield Roald, Werrenville.

IL Sheet 1 of 1 Address 2.Plant Byron Nuel.., Power Stetlon Name 4460 N.Germen Church Roed, Byron, IL Address 3.Work Performed by ShewlStone a Webster Name 38400 S.Eaex Roed, Wilmington, IL 80481 Address Unit....;0::.1:....-

_Work 0.,.Noo 00771881-01 Repair OrganIzation, P.O.No., Job No., etc.Type Code Symbol Stamp Not Applicable Authorization No.

expiration Date-.;N:.:;o::.;:t:..:;Ap%l:p=lIca=b:.:;:Ie::.-

_4.Identification of System RC I REACTOR COOLANT ASUE COrrected, Code NatJon8l Remo¥ed,or Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Y88I Installed (Yes or No)Comoonent Manufacturer Serial No.No.Identltlcatlon Built Snubber, PSA-Pacific SIN 13091 N1A 1CV15040S 1984 Removed YES (1/2)Scientific Snubber, Usaga L1SEGA SIN N1A 1CV15040S 2008 Installed NO (301856 RF2)308003931003 (CAT 10#1033720)

  • 5.(a)Applicable Construction Code ASME Section III 1974 Edition, S74 Addenda, 1644 Rev.7, 1651,1682,1683,1685,1686, 1728, 1729, 1734, N-108,N-tBll (b)Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for Repair/Replacement Activity 2001 Edition I 2003 Addenda (c)Section XI Code Case(s).....;N:.:;O:::;N:.:;E=--

_6.Identification of Components 7.Description of Work REPLACED EXISTING PSA SNUBBER WITH A L1SEGA SNUBBER 8.Test Conducted:

Hydrostatic 0 Pneumatic 0 Nominal Operating Pressure 0 Exempt 0 VT-3 Other I8J Pressure psi T est Temp.OFNote: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1)size IsIn.x 11 in., (2)information in items 1 through 6 on this report Is included on each sheet, and (3)each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

FORM NI8-2 (Back)9.Remarks WO#OOn1881-Q1




__f_o_b_e_a_fta_Ch_ea CERnFICATE OF COMPUANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.Type Code Symbol Stamp Not Applicable Certificate of Authorization No.Not Applicable Signed Date/1-34 ,20..;;;.0,;;".9_

-Owner's Designee, TItle CERnFiCATE OF INSERVICE INSPEcnON I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission Issued by the National Board of Boller and Pressure Vesset Inspectors and the State or Province of IIllnol.and employed by HSB CT crIll.campanonl8

_In IIlIs Own....Report durlng Ill.pertod to 4'and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief,..perfonneCl amlnatlon.

and..-_oc:tive mH8Ut8S described In IIlIs Owner's Report In accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code.Section XI.By signing this certJflcate neither the Inspector nor his employer makea any warranty, expressed or Implied.concerning the examinations and correcttve measures described In this Owner's Report.Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shari be liable In any manner for any personalloss of any kind arising from or connected with this

-9 Commissions-ht!li./.,,1nspectD(S SJgnatln National BoMt, Sta.and Endoraementa Date: VM.I I 20 09'(Final)i,:.-'.\I' FORM NI8-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS Aa Required by the Provision.

of the ASME Code section XI DOCUMENT NO.: 5..2 REV.NO.:°Date 9-16-09 1.Owner Exelon Nuele., Name 4300 Wlnfleld Road, Warrenville, IL Sheet 1 of 1 Address 2.Plant Byron NuelMr Pow.Station Name 4460 N.Gennan Church Road, Byron, IL Address 3.Work Performed by Name 38400 S.Esaex Road, Wilmington, IL 60481 Address Unit_0=.1=---_Work Ord.No.00771882-01 Repair Organization, P.O.No., Job No., etc.Type Code Symbol Stamp Not Applicable Authorization No.

Expiration Date_N:.:.;ot::.:.:.Ap:l:l::pl:.:.;:lcab=Ie=-

_4.Identification of System CV I CHEMICAL VOLUME CONTROL 5.(a)Applicable Construction Code ASME Section III 191i.Edition, S74 Addenda.1644 Rev.7,1651,1682, 1683, 1685, 1686,1728,1729, 1734, N-108, N-180 Code Case (b)Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for Repair/Replacement Activity 2001 Edition I 2003 Addenda (c)Section XI Code Case(s)-:.:.NO.:.:.;:N:E

_6.Identification of Components ASME Corrected, Code National Removed, or Stamped Name of Name 01 Manufacturer Board Other Ye81 Installed (Yes or No)Cornoonent Manufacturer Serial No.No.Identtflcatton Built SNUBBER PSA.SIN 12471 NlA (1CV28003S) 1980 Removed YES SNUBBER LISEGA SIN NlA (1 CV28003S)2008 Installed NO 308003931018 CAT 10 1396543 7.Description of Work REPLACED EXISTING PSA SNUBBER WITH A LlSEGA SNUBBER Nominal Operating Pressure 0 Exempt 0____psi TestTemp.OF 8.Test Conducted:

Hydrostatic 0 Pneumatic 0 VT-3 Other I8J Pressure Note: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1)size Is 810'2 In.x 11 In., (2)information in items 1 through 6 on this report Is included on each sheet, and (3)each sheet Is numbered and the number of sheets Is recorded at the top of this form.

  • FORM NI8-2 (Back)9.Remarks....:OO:::.:.n.:.1.:.:882=.:.:-o:.:.1






__id.....(*CERnRCATEOFCOMPUANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the requirements of the ASME Code.Section XI.Type Code Symbol Stamp Certificate of Authorization No.Signed ((-74.20..;;;.0,;;..9_

CERnFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the unders;,:ed, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boller and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of IIIlnol.and employed by HSB CT of JiJrtford, CT have the components described in this Owner's Report during the periodto IJ./t;tN., and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described In this Owner's Report in accordance wiUl the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI..By signing this certW-;ate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, cr;r he examinations and corrective measures described In this Owner's Report.!he Inspector nor his employer shall be liable In any manner for any personal.;pe'!:.. a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

,.,:-1 Commissions...



..jjgnature National Board.State Province, and Endorsements (0,f/,20..;;.0=..9


DOCUMENT NO.: 5.2 REV.NO.: 0 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS Aa Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code section XI Date 9-1 Q..09 1.Owner Exelon Nue.....Name 4300 Winfield Road, WIIrrenvll", IL Sheet 1 of 1 Address 2.Plant Byron Nuele., Power Station Name 4450 N.Gennan Church Road, Byron, IL Address 3.Work Performed by Shew/Stone a We"'" Name 38400 S.Eaex Road, WIlmington, IL 80481 Address Unit

_Work Order No.00771883-81 RepU OrpnizatIon, P.O.No., Jab No., eIIC.Type Code Symbol Stamp Not Appllcab..Authorization No.

_expiration Date

_4.Identification of System RC I REACTOR COOLANT 5.(a)Applicable Construction Code ASME 5ectfon III 191!.Edition, S74 Addenda, 1644 Rev.7, 1651,1682, 1683,1685,1686, 1728,1729,1734, N-108, N-180 Code case (b)Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for Repair/Replacement Activity 2001 Edition/2003 Addenda (c)Section XI Code Case(s)

_6.Identification of Components ASME Con'edIId, Code...... St.mped...".d....rIao.d ott.V..,........ev_OINo)seMI..,.No.Idef""'wtfcft Bu.Snubber, PSA-paciftc SIN 7692 NlA 1 RC17003S 1980 Removed YES (1/4)Scientiftc Snubber, Usega USEGA SIN: NlA 1 RC17003S 2008 Installed NO (301856 RF1)308003931019 (CAT 1(11396543)

-7.Description of Wof1c REPLACED SNUBBER Nominal Operating Pressure 0 Exempt 0____psi Test Temp.OF 8.Test Conducted:

Hydrostatic 0 Pneumatic 0 VT-3 Other I8J Pressure Note: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1)size is 8%in.x 11 In., (2)information in items 1 through 6 on this report is induded on each sheet, and (3)each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

FORM NI9-2 (Back)9.Remarks WO#OOn1883-01





__id'.CERTIFICATE OF COMPUANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI..Type Code Symbol Stamp Certificate of Authorization Signed 11-'11 , 20....0.;;..9_Owner'sTIUe CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTlON I.theundersigned, holding a valid commission Issued by the National Board of Boller and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Ill1nale and employed by HS8 CT of ard CT the components described In this Owner's Report during the period to*and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, Owner has performed xamlnatlons and taken corrective measures described In this Owner's Report In accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.By signing this certlflcale neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or Implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described In this Owner's Report.Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable In any manner for any personal Injury or or 8 loss of any kind arising from or connected with this InspectIon.Commissions



8Ignann National Board.Slate ProvInce.and Elldonsem4lflW Date: J)<<leu,JU'/, 20__(Final)I\*.

Document No.:*Rev.No.:0]1...--_FORM NI9-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAlRIREPLACEMENT AcnYlTV As Required by the Provisions of the ASYE Code section XI 1.Owner Exelon Nue...,.Name 4300 Wlnfleld Road, Warrenville, IL Date 9/25109 Sheet 1 of 1 Work Order No.00914669-01 Repair Organlzatkln, P.O.No., Job No.,Unit 1.....:.._--------------

Address 2.Plant Byron Nuel., Power Station Name 4450 N.Gennan Church Road, Byron, IL Address 3.Work Performed by Byron Mechanical Maintenance Type Code Symbol Stamp Not Applicable Name 4460 N.Gennan Church Road, Byron, IL Address Authorization No.Expiration Date Not Applicable Not Applicable 4.Identification of System va-Primary Containment Purge*5.(a)Applicable Construction Code ASME Section III 1971 Edition, W73Addenda, 1682 Code Case (b)Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for Repalr/Replac8iTi'8nt Activity: 2001 Edltlonl2003 Addend.(c)Section XI Code Case(s)

_6.Identification of Components ASME Corrected.

Code National Removed.or Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Installed (Yea or No)ComDOl'lent Manufacturer Sertal No.No.Identification BuIlt Equalization Jamesbury SIN: NC-EPN: 1VQ5000A Valve 17016-02-G N1A 1975 Removed Yes Equalization Trentec SIN: EQ-2-EPN: 1V05000A Device 7M021-8 N1A Catlld 1420998-1 2008 Installed Yes 7.Description of Work Replace Equalization valve with new Equalization Device per EC 0000360245.

8.Test Conducted:

Hydrostatic 0 Pneumatic 181 Other 0 Pressure 45.01 Nominal Operating Pressure 0 Exempt 0 psi Test Temp.Ambient OF Note: Supplemental sheets In form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1)size IsIn.x 11 in., (2)Information in items 1 through 6 on this report is Included on each sheet, and (3)each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

FORM NI9-2 (Back)9.Remarks


  • APPllC8br.

MiiiUf8ClUi8i's DSfi Repons to bi 8If8Chid CER11F1CATE OF COMPUANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.Type Code Symbol Stamp Certlfk:ate of Authorization No.Signed ,20 09........-s Designee, T1Ue CEFmFlCATE OF INSERYICE INSPEcnON I, the'underslgned, holding a valid commission Issued by the National Board d Boller and Pressure Vessellnspectora and the State or Province of Illlno..and employed by HSS CTCT have JnsPJ'ded the components descr1bed In this Owner's Report during the pertod_to..1lJlll'"'and state that to the best d my knowledge and belief, the et" has performeit examinations anc:I taken corrective measures described In this Owner's Report In accordance with the requirements d the ASME Code, Secdon XI.By signing this certificate nelthet" the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or Implied, concerning the examinations anc:I corrective measures described In this Owner's Report.Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor hie employer shall be liable In any manner for any personal orany im_ln_spectlon__**_

NatIorwI, staI8and EndofMm....Date:_OU.,,, I 20__09"--__

FORM NI8-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAlRIREPLACEMENT ACnvrrv As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code SectIon XI 4-1 Document No.: Rev.No.:0]'---------------

  • 1.Owner Exelon Nuc'" Name 4300 Winfield RO!d, Warrenville, IL Date 1012109 Sheet 1 of 1 Work Order No.00914659-03 Repair Organization, P.O.No., Job No., etc.Unit 1-:.._---------------

Address 2.Plant Byron Nuclea, Poww Statton Name 4450 N.Gennan Church RO!d, Byron, IL Address 3.Work Performed by Byron Mechanical Maintenance Type Code Symbol Stamp Not Applicable Name 4450 N.Gennan Church Road, Byron, IL Authorization No.expiration Date Not Applicable Not Applicable Address 4.Identification of System va-Primary Containment Purge*5.(a)Applicable Construction Code ASME Section III 1971 Edition, W73Addenda, 1682 Code Case (b)Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for RepairJReplacement Activity: 2001 Edltlonl2003 Addendll (c)Section XI Code Case(s)_N:.::;on:::.:.:e:.-..

_6.Identification of Components ASME Corrected.

Code National Removed,or Stamped Name or Name or Manufactunw Board Other Year InstaJled (YeeorNo)CompOl'lent Manufacturer Serial No.No.Identlflcatlon Built Equalization Jamesbury SIN: NC-NJA EPN: 1V05OOOB 1975 Removed Yes Valve 17018-02-A 1 Equalization Trentec SIN: EQ-2-NJA EPN: 1 VQ5000B 2008 Installed Yes Device 7M021-1 Catlld 1420998-1 7.Description of Work Replace Equalization valve with new Equalization Device per EC 0000360245.

8.Test Conducted:

Hydrostatic 0 PneumaticOther 0 Pressure 45.01 Nominal Operating Pressure 0 Exempt 0 psi Test Temp.Ambient OF Note: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1)size IsIn.x 11 in., (2)information in items 1 through6on this report is included on each sheet, and (3)each sheet Is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded atthetop of this form.

FORM NI8-2 (Back)(9.Remarks AppliC8ble MiriUfiCfUrers Dati ReportS to 6e aftaetiea Not Applicable Not Applicable 8&U,.",J.Date/Z'-I r ,20...;;;0.;;..9_

CERTIFICATE OF COMPUANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the requirements of the ASME Code, Sectlon XI.Type Code Symbol Stamp Certificate of Authorization No..Owner or*Designee, TItle CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPEcnON I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission Issued by the NadonaJ Boald of Boller and Pressure Vesset Inspectors and the State or Province of lllinole and employed by HSB CT CT the components described In thJs Owner's Report dUring the period__to'and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, e er has performed examinations and taken correcttve measures described In this Owner's Report In accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, SectIon XI.By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any W8I1'8Ilty, expressed or Implied, concerning the examlnatlons and corrective measures described In this Owner's Report.Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable In any manner for any personal or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this Inspection.Commissions Hf

_lnepecto(a S9'abn NatIonal Board.s....ProvInce, and'.JI, I 20


  • '---_D_OC_U_m8_nt_N_o_oo_o

__4-_1 R_8_Vo_N_O_o_:_O J FORM NI8-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAJRlREPLACEMENT ACnvlTY As Required by the Provlslona of the ASME Code section XI 1.Owner Exelon Nue'" Name 4300 WInfield Road, Warrenville, IL Date 10J2109 Sheet 1 of 1 Work Order No.

Repalr OrganIzation, P.O.No., Job No., efD.Unit 1--:.._---------------

Address 2.Plant Byron Nuclea, Power Stadon Name 4450 N.Gennan Church Road, Byron, IL Address 3.Work Perfonned by Byron Mechanical Maintenance Type Code Symbol Stamp Not Applicable Name 4460 No Gennan Church Road, Byron, IL Address Authorization No.expiration Date Not Applicable Not Appllcabl.

4.Identification of System va-Primary Containment Purge 5.(a)Applicable Construction Code ASME Section III 1971 Edition, W73Addenda, 1682 Code Case (b)Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for RepalrlReplac8m8nt Activity: 2001 Edltlonl2003 Addenda (c)Section XI Code Case(s)....;N;.;.on=e:...-

_6.Identification of Components ASME Corrected, Code National Removed,or Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Installed (Yes or No)ComDOMflt Manufacturer Serial No.Na.Identlflcatlon Built Equalization Jamesbury SIN: NC-N1A EPN: 1VOSOO1A 1975 Removed Yes Valve 17016-02*T Equalization Trentec SIN: EQ-2-N1A EPN: 1 V05001 A 2008 Installed Yes Device 7M021-2 Catlld 1420998-1 7.Description of Work Replaced Eguallzatlon valve with new Eguallzatlon Device per EC 8.Test Conducted:

Hydrostatic 0 PneumaticOther 0 Pressure 46.8 Nominal Operating Pressure 0 Exempt 0 psi Test Temp.Ambient OF Note: Supplemental sheets in fonn of lists, sketches.or drawings may be used, provided (1)size is 812 In.x 11 In.*(2)lnfonnatlon in items 1 through 6 on this report is Included on each sheet, and (3)each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded atthetop of this fonn.

FORM NI9-2 (Back)CERTIFICATE OF COMPUANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.Type Code Symbol Stamp Not Applicable Certificate of Authorization NO.:,n:,p Not Applicable Signed Date IZ-l>-.20 09 or Owner'a Dea9lee.TItle CER11F1CATE OF INSEAVICE INSPEcnON I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission Issued by the Natfonal Board of eoDer and Pressure Vas_Inspectors and the State or Province of lllinol.and employed by HSS CT of H CT In the components described In this Owner's Report during the periodto , and stale that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the er has perform e Inatlons and taken correottve measures described In this Owner's Report In accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or ImpUed, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described In this Owner's Report.Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable In any manner for any personal injury or prop:ty.Z or a loss 01 any kind arising from or connected with this Inspection.


_NatIonal Baud.S1aI8 ProvInce, and Endotumena Date: J)1l.If: , 20-=-09_(I.\.

FORM NI8-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAlRIREPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the ProYislons of the ASME Code section XI 4-1 Document No.: Rey.No.:0]------------

  • 1.Owner Exelon Nue'ear Name 4300 WInfield Road, Warrenville, IL Date 1012109 Sheet 1 of 1 Work Ord.No.0091465.-Repair OrganIzation, P.O.No., Job No., etc.Unit 1--:.._--------------

Address 2.Plant Byron Nuel., Pow.Station Name 4460 N.Gennan Church Road, Byron, IL Address 3.Work Performed by Byron Mechanical Maintenance Type Code Symbol Stamp Not Applicable Name 4460 N.Gennan Church Road, Byron, IL Authorization No.expiration Date Not Applicable Not Applicable Address 4.Identification of System va-Primary Containment Purge*5.(a)Applicable Construction Code ASME Section III 1971 Edition, W73 Addenda, 1682 Code Case (b)Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for Repalr/Replace;nent Activity: 2001 Edltlonl2003 Addenda (c)Section XI Code Case(s)

_6.Identification of Components ASME Corrected, Code NatlonaJ Stamped Name of Name of Manufactur8r Board Other Year Installed (Yes cwNo)ComIXlO8f1t Manufacturer

.8erIal No.No.Identification Built Equalization Jamesbury SIN: 00.EPN: 1 VasOO1 B Valve 17018-02-R NlA 1975 Removed Yes EqUalization Trentec SIN: EQ-2-EPN: 1 VQ5001 B Device 7M021-7 NlA Catlld 1420998-1 2008 Installed Yes 7.Description of Work Replace EqUalization valve with new Equalization Device per EC 0000360245.

8.Test Conducted:

Hydrostatic 0 Pneumatic 0 Other 0 Pressure 46.8 Nominal Operating Pressure 0 Exempt 0 psi Test Temp.Ambient OF Note: Supplemental sheets In form of lists, sketches, or draWings may be used, prOVided (1)size is 81h In.x 11 in., (2)information In items 1 through 6 on this report is Included on each sheet, and (3)each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded atthetop of this form.

FORM NI8-2 (Back)C 9.Remarks...:0091::.=.:.465.::.;;.;:;.:;.9-05-==-


"";;;;;AppllC8ble ManUfaclUrers Data ReportS to be attaChed Not Applicable NotDate Iz..-If ,20..;;;.0

....9_CERnFICATE OF COMPUANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.Type Code Symbol Stamp Certificate of Authorization No.SignedOwner'.D889lee.TItle*CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPEcnON I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission Issued by the National BoardBoller and Pressure Vessellnspedors and the State or Provincelllinoa.and empfoyed by HSB CT ofhave Jnspteted the components described In this Owner's Reportduringthe period 1111!11d-to.1AJI.l1/J'I ,and state that to the bestmy knowledge and belief,-6t.Ql;f;er hu perform;(eX&nln8ttons and taken corrective measures described In this Owner's Report In accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or Implied, concerning the examinations and correctlve measures described In this Owner's Report.Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable In any manner for any personal Injury or or a loss of any kind arlslng from or connected with this Inspection.Commissions


S9'atln NadonaI Board, State provtnc., and EndorMm_Date: net'.,(,.20 ,,, (-

  • 'I_D_O_C_U_M_ENT

__N_O_._:__5.2 R_EV_._N_O_.:_O

___FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code section XI Date 9-22-09 1.Owner Exelon Nue'" Name 4300 Winfield Road, Warrenville, IL Sheet 1 of 1 Address 2.Plant Byron Nuclear Power Station Name 4450 N.German Church Road, Byron.IL Address 3.Work Performed by ShawlSlone

  • Webster Name 38400 9.Euex Road, Wilmington, IL 60481 Address Unit

_Work Order No.00984177-01 Repair OrganIzation, P.O.No., Job No., etc.Type Code Symbol Stamp Not Applicable Authorization No.

expiration Date

_4.Identification of System RY I PRESSURIZER ASME ComIcted, Code National Removed,O(Stamped Nameot Nameot Manufacturer Board Other Year Installed (Yes or No)Comoonent Manufac:turer sertaJ No.No.Identlftcatlon Built SnUbber, PSA-Pacific SIN 15029 N1A 1 RY06097S 1980 Removed YES (1/4)Scientific SnUbber, Lisega L1SEGA SIN N1A 1 RY06097S Instailed NO (301856 RF1)308003931016 (CAT 10'1396543) 2008*5.(a)Applicable Construction Code ASME Section III 191!.Edltlon, S74 Addenda, 1644 Rev.7, 1651,1682,1683,1685,1686,1728,1729,1734,N-108,N-180 Code Case (b)Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for RepairlReplacement Activity 2001 Edition I 2003 Addenda (c)Section XI Code Case(s)__N:..:,O;:;.N:..:,E=--

_6.Identification of Components 7.Description of Work REPLACED EXISTING PSA SNUBBER WITH A L1SEGA SNUBBER 8.Test Conducted:

Hydrostatic 0 Pneumatic 0 Nominai Operating Pressure 0 Exempt 0 t VT-3 Other 181 Pressure psi Test Temp.OF Note: Suppiementai sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1)size is 8Y.z in.x 11 in., (2)information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3)each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

FORM NI8-2 (Back)9.Remarks WO#OO9841n-01





__id (,.Owner's Designee, ntte , 20..;;;.09;;;...-_

/2-1 Date Not A llcable Not Applicable CERTIFICATE OF COMPUANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.Type Code Symbol Stamp Certificate of Authorizat on No.Signed CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission Issued by the NatJonaJ Board of Boller and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of IIIlnol.and employed by HS8 CT of H.rd CT ad the components described In this Owner's Report during the period to__'and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, e ner has perform Inatlons and taken correctfve measures described In this Owner's Report In accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or Implied, concerning the examlnatlons and correctfve measures described In this Owner's Report.Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable In any manner for any personal or a loss of any kJnd arising from or connected with this Inspection.Commissions

_1nspecfD(8 S9'Ialln NaIIonaI BoaId, Sta..PI"O'Mce, and IEndoRerner'a Date: J)<<IJ!1 f t!I , 20


DOCUMENT NO.: 5.2 REV.NO.: 0 FORM NIS*2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI Date 9-19-09 1.Owner Exelon Nuc"a, Name 4300 Wlnfleld Road, Warrenville, IL Sheet 1 of 1 Address 2.Plant Byron Nucl.a, Power Station Name 4450 N.Gennan Church R08d, Byron, IL Address 3.Work Performed by Shaw/Stone

&W....., Name 38400 S.E...x Road, Wilmington, IL 80481 Address Unit_0=-1:..-_Work Order No.00984181-G1 Repair 0fgMizatI0n.

P.O.No., Job No., etc.Type Code Symbol Stamp Not Applicable Authorization No.


Expiration Date....;N:.:.;ot:;.::.::.;Ap::l;E;;pl::;:IC8;.:.::,;b

..:.::.-_4.Identification of System RC/REACTOR COOLANT 5.(a)Applicable Construction Code ASME section III 19 74 Edition, S74 Addenda, 1644 Rev.7, 1651,1682, 1683, 1685, 1686, 1728,1729,1734, N-108, N-180 Code Case (b)Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for Repair/Replacement Activity 2001 Edition/2003 Addenda (e)Section XI Code Case(s)

_6.Identification of Components ASME eon.diId, Code NIiIlDNI St8mped.....d Nemed Menuf8durw s.rd ott.v..l..-...a ty_otNo)MMufIIdurW SerlllNo.No.IdelItifIMIIIon Bull Snubber, PSA-Paciftc SIN 29021 NJA 1 RC19023S 1980YES (1/4)Scientiftc 1 RC19023S Snubber, Usega USEGA SIN NJA 2008 Installed NO (301865 RF1)308001501040 (CAT 1011396543) 7.Description of Work

_Nominal Operating Pressure 0 Exempt 0____psi Test Temp.OF 8.Test Conducted:

Hydrostatic 0 Pneumatic 0 VT-3 Other t2J Pressure No": Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1)size is 8%in.x 11 in., (2)information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3)each sheet Is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

FORM NIS-2 (Back)9.Remarks APPitC86Ii MinUfiCliiiii"s 0iIi Repo;ti to be 8ttiiCf1id CERTIFICATE OF COMPUANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.Type Code Symbol Stamp Not Applicable of N_ot_A_P_P_IIca_bl.

Date 11-28Designee.TItle CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National 80aId of Boiler and Pressure VesseilnspedDrs and the State or Province of IIIIQ<*and employed by HSB CTCTthe components desaibed in this ONner's Report dUring the period__

to, and statIt that to the best afmy knowtedge and beflef, e er has performed 8laI1Inations and taken COfl'8Ctive measures described In this Owner's Report In accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implted, concerning the examinations and correcttve measures described in this Owner's Report Furthermore, neither the InspedDr nor his employer shall be liable in any manner tor any personal injury or propertyor a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.__Commissions La../el.$"'......f--------


  1. , I I 20__(Final)

FORM NI8-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAlRIREPLACEMENT AcnvlTY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Cod.section XI I DOCUMENT NO.: 3.1 REV.NO.: 0-------------

  • Date 09118109 1.Owner Exelon Nuc.....Name 4300 WInfield Road, Warrenville, IL Sheet 1 of , ASME Corrected, Code-National Removed.or Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Oltw Year InataI/ed (V_orNo)Comoonent Manufactlnr SerIal No.No.Identification Built SAFETY VALVE.8", DRESSER BR09609 NJA 1MS0170 19n Removed YES 15001 INDUSTRIES SAFETY VALVE.8".DRESSER 1MS017D 0A27372 NJA 2009 Installed YES 1500'INDUSTRIES Cat 10 1428688-1 RepalrOrganization.

P.O.No., Job No..en Unit

_Work Order No.01100841-01 Type Code Symbol Stamp Not Applicable Authorization No.

..=-------expiration Date....:N;.:.;o:;.:t.;.A:a:p.l:.:pl:;.::lcab=

..:=.-_Address 2.Plant Byron Nuclear Pow..Station Name 4450 N.Gennan Church Road, Byron, IL Address 3.Work Performed by ShewlSton**Webster Name 38400 S.Eaaex Road, Wilmington, IL 60481 Address 4.Identification of System_M=9.a.;(M;.;.;AI;..;:.:.;;N;.:ST;.;...:E:;.;AM;;.;;,:.I.,)

_5.(a)Applicable Construction Code ASME Section III 1974 Edition, na Addenda, Code Case (b)Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for RepairlReplac8ii1ent Activity 2001 Edition I 2003 Addenda (c)Section XI Code Case(s).....;N:.:.;O;:;.;N.;.;E=--

_6.Identification of Components

  • .'7.Description of Work_R_E.....P.....L.A C.-E.....R_E=L1_E.....F.....V.....A=lV....._8.Test Conducted:

Hydrostatic 0 Pneumatic 0 Other 0 Pressure 1082 Nominal Operating Pressure 181 psi Test Temp.556 Exempt 0 OF Note: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1)size Is 81'2 in.x 11 in., (2)information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3)each sheet Is numbered and the number FORM NI8-Z (Back)9.Remarks...;0=.:1:..:,1.:;0064:.::::;;::..:.,1-0..::..:..1 M AppllC8ble MSriUliaUrei's Dati ReportS to 6e attaChed CERT1F1CATE OF COMPUANCE I certify that the statements made In the report are correct and this conforms to the requirements of the ASME Code.Section XI.Type Code Symbol Stamp Not Applicable Certificate No.Not Applicable Signed J M&

Date 1)..l'*20..::.;:09=---

Owner or Owner's DesIfJ1ee.

TItle CERT1F1CATE OF INSERVICE INSPEcnON I.the undersigned, holding a valid commls8lcn Issued by the National Board cA Boller and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province cA IIUnola and employed by"S8 CT I:ow: of Hertford, CT have Inspected the components described In this Owner's Report dUring the period 0210.CA to'0.cR , and state that to the best cA my knowledge and belief.the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described In this Owner's Report In accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, section XI.By signing this certificate neither the Insp8ctor nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or Implied, concerning the examInations and COIT8Ctive meaauree described In this Owner's Report Furthermore, oe e Inspector nor his employer shaJi be liable In any manner for any personal InJury or or a lose of any kind arising from or connected with thle InsJ?8Cidon.

Commissions lL.21c.J4*NationIII BoaId.Stat.Promce, and Endcnement8 Date: e\0 ,20 09(Final).'

FORM NI&-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAlRIREPLACEMENT ACnvllY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code section XI I DOCUMENT NO.: 10.2 REV.NO.: 0----------------:-----

  • Date 9-26-09 1.Owner Exelon Nuclear Name 4300 Wlnfleld Road, Warrenville, IL Sheet 1 of 1 Address 2.Plant Byron Nuclear Power Station Name 4450 N.Gennan Church Road, Byron, IL Address 3.Work Performed by ShawlStone
  • Webster Name 38400 S.E...x Road, Wilmington, IL 80481 Address Unit_0;;;.1::...-

_Work Order No.01119588-05 Repair Organization.

P.O.No..Job No..etIC..Type Code Symbol Stamp Not Applicable Authorization No.

expiration Date...;N:.:,;o;;;,;t;.;,A.:II:p;.a:;p,,;,;;IIC8=b;,;.;:Ie::...-

_4.Identification of System (VP)PRIMARY CONTAINMENT VENTILATION ASME Corrected, Code National Removed.or Stamped Name 01 Name 01 Manufacturer Board Other Year Installed (Yes or No)Comoonent ManufaCturer Sertal No.No.Identification Built Waterbox Head CARRIER<D7884594-1 137601 1VP01AB 1978 Corrected YES SX*RH*5 Waterbox Head CARRIER (2)7884597*1 137607 1VP01AB 1978 Corrected YES SX*LH*5*5.(a)Applicable Construction Code ASME Section III 1974 Edition, S76 Addenda, 1695-1 Code Case (b)Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for Repair/Replace;nent Activity 2001 Edition I 2003 Addenda (c)Section XI Code Case(s)*...;N;.:.;O:;.:N:.:.;E=-

_6.Identification of Components 7.Description of Work_B...A...;.;S..E_M;,;,.o.;;;.ET._A.._L


_8.Test Conducted:

Hydrostatic 0 Pneumatic 0 Other 0 Pressure 104 Nominal Operating Pressurepsi Test Temp.68 Exempt 0 OF Note: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1)size Isin.x 11 in., (2)information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3)each sheet Is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

FORM NI8-2 (Back)9.Remarks WOlf 01119588-05 A6P11C8bIi M8iiUf8CtUiif"s Dati Repo;tS to 6i 8ft8diid<DS"" numbers for each coo" heed wereldentlfleclln Work Ord.01119588-1doc , 4.

numbers for each coo" heed were Identlfleclln Work Ord.01119588-01, doc , 4.CERTlFlCATE OF COMPUANCE I certify that the statements made In the report are correct and this confonns to the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.Type Code Symbol Stamp Certificate of Authorization No.Signed/Z-/1" ,20..._09_OwrWs Designee, TItte CERTlFlCATE OF INSERVICE INSPEcnON I.the undersigned.

holding a valid commission Issued by the National Board of Boller and Pressure Vessellnspect0r8 and the State or Province of 1ll1noa.and employed by HSB CT 01CTtho compa1__In thlo Ownor'o Ropoot during tho periodto*and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the OWner has perform examlnadons and taken correc:ttve measures described In this Owner's Report In accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code.Section XI.By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or Implied, concerning the examinations and correctlve measures described In this Owne(s Report Furthennore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable In any manner for any personal Inj:: Mor a loss of any klnd arising from or connected with this Inspection.

__Commissions jU-1tl&,,5"....f_InspecIar's spture NatIanII BoMt.Stat8 PruYlnce, n Endorument8 Date: G>a't:./1.20..._09_(Anal)('

  • 1__DO_C_U_M_E_N_T_N_O_o_:

__3_o1 R_EV_o_N_O_o:_O

__FORM NI8-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAlRlREPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As ReqUired by the Provisions of the ASME Code section XI Date 9-26-09 1.Owner exelon Nuclear Name 4300 WInfield Road, Warrenville, IL Sheet 1 of 1 Address 2.Plant Byron Nuclea, Pow.Station Name 4450 N.German Church Road, Byron, IL Address 3.Work Performed by ShawlStone a Webster Name 38400 S.Eaaex Road, Wilmington, IL 80481 Address Unit_0;;..1;.,-.

_Work Order No.01119588-13 Repair OrgInIzatlon, P.O.No., Job No., etc.Type Code Symbol Stamp Not Applicable Authorization No.

expiration Date

_4.Identification of System PRIMARY CONTAINMENT VENTILATION (yP)*5.(a)Applicable Construction Code ASME Section III 1974 Edition, S76 Addenda, 1695-1 Code Case (b)Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for RepalrlReplace;nent Activity 2001 Edition I 2003 Addenda (c)Section XI Code Case(s)*.....;N;.-;,O;;;,;N;.;,;E;;.-.

_6.Identification of Components ASME Corrected, Code National Removed,or Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Installed (Yes or No)ComPClr'lent Manufact\Jrer Serial No.No.Identlficatlon Built HEAD BOL T,1VP01AB, CARRIER 7884594-2 NJA SX-RH-1 1978 Removed NO Boltlee 1VP01AB, Screw, Hex,x Nova Machine Lot'50149187 NJA SX-RH-1 2008 Installed NO 4 SA 193187 Products HTI RT7506880 Bolt, ee CIO, 1396320-1 7.Description of Work INSTALLED NEW WATERBOX HEAD BOLTING t 8.Test Conducted:

Hydrostatic 0 Pneumatic 0 Other 0 Pressure 104 Nominal Operating Pressure I8J psi Test Temp.68 Exempt 0 OF Note: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1)size is 8*in.x 11 In., (2)information in items 1 through 6 on this report is Included on each sheet.and (3\AAI'!h c:h.-t I......-.._._...---'U..._n..........


FORM NI8-2 (Back)9.Remarks wall 01119588-13 AppliC8bfi MiriUf8C6Jii(s 0818 Reporti fo be 8H8Cfiid Serial Number verified on wall 1119588-13, Docll 4 CER11F1CATE OF COMPUANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.Type Code Symbol Stamp Certificate of Authorization No.Signed If./z-/r-, 20..;:;09=--_

CERT1F1CATE OF INSERVICE INSPEcnON I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission Issued by the NatIonaJ Board of Boller and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the Slate or Provtnce of'Illno" and employed by HSS CTCT the components described In this Own.s Report during the period_to.AJb1lK'and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the er has performed examinations and taken corrective measures descrlbed In this Owner's Report In accordance with the of the ASME Code,Section XI.By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or Implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measuree described In this Owner's Report.Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his"9t11ployer

&hajj be liable In any manner for any personaJ.damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this Inspection.Commissions lIt-/,/S.&.<<_1nepedor'a S9ature NatkNI Baud, StaI8 Promce, and Endorum_Date: O,e.17 , 20....;;;,,09


FORM NI8-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAlRIREPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code section XI I DOCUMENT NO.: 3.2 REV.NO.: 0------------

  • Date 09124109 1.Owner Exelon Nuel..Name 4300 Wlnfleid Road, Warrenvillez IL Sheet 1 of 1 Address 2.Plant Byron Nue..., Pow..Station Name 4450 N.German Church Road, Byron, IL Address 3.Work Performed by ShawlStone
  • Webster Name 38400 S.Essex Road, Wilmington, IL 80481 Address Unit....;0:,.:1:..-

_Work Onl..No.1119844-01 RepeJr Organlzatlcn, P.O.No., Job No., etc.Type Code Symbol Stamp Not Applicable Authorization No.

expiration Date....;N:.:.;ot:.:.:.Ap.::l:l:;p:.:;IIC8=b;;:

..:..-_4.Identification of System CC (COMPONENT COOUNG)*5.(a)Applicable Construction Code ASME Section III 1971 Edition.W72Addenda, Code Case (b)Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for RepaJr/Replace;nent Aetlvity 2001 Edition I 2003 Addenda (c)Section XI Code Case(s)....;N;.;.;O:.;N:.:.;:E=--

_6.Identification of Components ASME Corrected.

Code National Removed,or Stamped Nameot Nameot ManufactlJrer Board Other Veal Installed (YeeorNo)Comoonent Manufacturer SerIalNo.No.Identltlcatlon Built VALVE.RELIEF CROSBY VALVE NlA 1CC9428B 1992 REMOVED YES&GAGE VALVE.RELIEF CROSBY VALVE N57027-Q0-0023 NlA CAT 10 27072*1 2009 INSTALLED YES&GAGE".7.Description of Work INSTALL RELIEF VALVE 1CC9428B 8.Test Conducted:

Hydrostatic 0 Pneumatic 0 Other 0 Pressure 130 Nominal Operating Pressurepsi Test Temp.80 Exempt 0 OF Note: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches.or draWings may be used, provided (1)size Is 8Y.z In.x 11 In.*(2)information in items 1 through 6 on this report Is included on each sheet, and (3)each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded atthetop of this form.

FORM NI8-2 (Back)9.Remarks

,,,:: ApplICable ManUfactUrer's Data ReportS to be attaChed{.192-<<-/, 20..::,:09:..-

Date Not Applicable Not Applicable CERnFiCATE OF COMPUANCE I certify that the statements made In the report are correct and this conforms to the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.Type Code Symbol Stamp CertificateSignedJ lUll.&2M'.MM.,,;.;W?-;;;.;..,;::=--

_0Mler or Owner'1 Designee, T1tIe Signature wcu,&<e

__Date: CERnFiCATE OF INSERVICE INSPEcnON I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission Issued by the National Board of Boller and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of illinois and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, CT have Inspected the components described In this Owner's Report during the period Q\!,9, dl to\2.dl, Q9 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described In this Owner's Report In accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or Implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described In this Owner's Report.Furthermore, neither Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal Injury or prora loss of any kind arising from or connected with this Inspection.

Commissions IL._National Board, State Province, and Endorsements (Final).'I FORM NI8-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAlRIREPLACEMENT ACnvrrv As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code section XI I DOCUMENT NO.: 4.2 REV.NO.: 0------------

  • Date 09125109 1.Owner Exelon Nucl., Name 4300 WInfield Road, Warrenville, IL Sheet 1 of 1 Address 2.Plant Byron Nuclea, Power Station Name 4450 N.German Church Road, Byron, IL Address 3.Work Perfonned by ShawlStone
  • Webster Name 38400 S.Esaex Road, Wilmington, IL 60481 Address Unit...;0::,.:1:.....

_Work Order No.01120408-01102 Repair Organization, P.O.No., Job No., e1D.Type Code Symbol Stamp Not Appllcabl.

Authorization No.-:-:N:..;o=:t:..::;A;:J:p;!=p:::lI::;:ca;:b:.:;I.::.-

_expiration Date_N:.:,ot=.:.:A.:Ip:cp:.:::II;:;;C8:::b:.:;I.::.-

_4.Identification of System RY-REACTOR COOLANT ASME Corrected, Code National Removed, or Stamped Nameot Nameot Manufacturer Board Other Veat Installed (Yes or No)Comoonent Manufacturer Serial No.No.ldentlflcatlon Built VALVE, RELIEF CROSBY VALVE N56964-00-0049 NlA 1 RY8010A 1976 REMOVED YES VALVE, RELIEF CROSBY VALVE N56964-00-0031 NlA 1 RY8010A 1978 INSTALLED YES Cat 10 1402762*1*5.(a)Applicable Construction Code ASME Section 1/1 19 71 Edition, W72 Addenda, Code Case (b)Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for Repalr/Replac8inent Activity 2001 Edition I2003Addenda (c)Section XI Code Case(s),-:N:.:.;O::,:N:.:.;E=--

_6.Identification of Components 7.Description of Work REPLACED RELIEF VALVE PER PM PROGRAM 8.Test Conducted:

Hydrostatic 0 Pneumatic 0 Other 0 Pressure 2228 Nominal Operating Pressure I8J Exempt 0 psi Test Temp.649 OF Note: Supplemental sheets In fonn of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1)size Is 8Y.!in.x 11 in., (2)infonnatlon In items 1 through 6 on this report Is included on each sheet, and (3)each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets Is recorded at the top of this fonn.

FORM NI8-2 (Back)9.Remarks 01120408-01/02 AJiPllCi6le MiriUtiidUriH's bati ReportS to hi 8ft8IChid Date I iJ:-:3", 20 Not Applicable Not Applicable CERTIFICATE OF COMPUANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.Type Code Symbol Stamp CertificateSigned/(,&

_Owner or Ownef's Designee, TItfe CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPEcnON I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission Issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of 1ll1no..and employed by HSB CT of H.,-tfont, CT hJlYe Inspected the components described In this Owner's Report dUring the period 0:', eM, rB to fL 15, OJ , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examlnaUonIl and taken corrective measures.described In this Owner's Report In accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or Implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described In this Owner's Report.Furtherm ,nelth th I or nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal Injury or p 8 Iosa of any kind arising from or connected with this

___ Commissions LL.2i1d:.......-

_SptLn Natton.IBolud, Stale ProvInce, and Endotsemenla Date: , 20.=09.:....
