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Order on Motion to Dismiss
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 02/20/2015
US Federal Judiciary, US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit
Creedon, meghan
14-1213, 1538641, NRC-DPO-2013-002
Download: ML15054A034 (1)


U n i t e d S t a t e s C o u r t o f A p p e a l s F OR T HE D IS TRICT OF C OLUM BIA C IRCUI T____________No. 14-1213 September Term, 2014 NRC-DPO-201 3-00 2 Filed O n: Feb ruary 20, 2 015 Friends o f the Ea rth, Pet itione r v.U.S. Nu clear Regulat ory Com mission an d United Sta tes o f Am erica, Respo nde nts------------------------------Pacif ic Gas a nd Electric Com pan y , Inte rv eno r BEFORE: Hend erson , Srinivasan, and Pillard, Circuit Ju dges O R D E R Upon con siderat ion o f the m otion to dism iss, the respo nses the reto, an d th e reply, it is ORDERED tha t th e m otion to dism iss be ref erred t o th e m erits pa nel t o which this p etition f or review is assigned. T he partie s are directe d to ad dress in the ir brief s the issues prese nte d in the m otion to dism iss rathe r tha n inco rporate tho se a rg um ent s by ref eren ce. T he Clerk is instructe d to calen dar t his case f or prese nta tion to a m erits pa nel.Per Curiam USCA Case #14-1213 Document #1538641 Filed: 02/20/2015 Page 1 of 1