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Humboldt Bay Power Plant, Unit 3, License Termination Plan, Revision 1. Part 3 of 3
Person / Time
Site: Humboldt Bay
Issue date: 08/13/2014
Pacific Gas & Electric Co
Shared Package
ML14246A164 List:
Download: ML14246A159 (298)


Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0Appendix ASelected Pages from RESRAD Code Executions

(&13ARTLETT Page 31 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0Am-241 Results:IRESRAD, version 6.5 T<1 Limit = 30 days 11/26/2011 12:36 Page 1Summary : HB soil DCGL_Am241 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\AM241LDCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_Am241.RAD Table of ContentsAAAAAAAAAAWAA Part I: Mixture Sums and single Radionuclide Guidelines Dose Conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter Summary ...Site-Specific Parameter Summary ..........................

Summary of Pathway selections


Contaminated zone and Total Dose Summary .................

Total Dose Components Time = O.OOOE+00


Time = 1.OOOE+00


Time = 3.000E+00


Time = 1.OOOE+01


Time = 3.OOOE+01


Time = 1.OOOE+02


Time = 3.000E+02


Time = 1.000E+03


Dose/source Ratios Summed over All Pathways


Single Radionuclide Soil Guidelines


Dose Per Nuclide Summed Over All Pathways


soil Concentration Per Nuclide ...........................

2489101112131415161718181919IRESRAD, version 6.5 To Limit = 30 days 11/26/2011 12:36 Page 2Summary : HB soil DCGLAm241 File C: \RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILEs\AM241LDCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_.AM241.RAD Dose Conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter SummaryDose Library:

HB DCGLS Plus FGR 12 & FGR 110Menu Parameter A-1 DCF'S for external ground radiation, (mrem/yr)/(pCi/g)

A- AC-225 (Source:

FGR 12)A-1 Am-241 (source:

FGR 12)A-1 At-217 (source:

FGR 12)A-1 Bi-213 (Source:

FGR 12)A-1 Fr-221 (Source:

FGR 12)A-1 Np-237 (Source:

FGR 12)A-1 Pa-233 (Source:

FGR 12)A-1 Pb-209 (Source:

FGR 12)A-1 Po-213 (Source:

FGR 12)A-1 Ra-225 (Source:

FGR 12)A-1 Th-229 (Source:

FGR 12)A-1 Tl-209 (Source:

FGR 12)A-1 u-233 (source:

FGR 12)B-1 3Dose conversion factors for inhalation, mrem/pCi:

B_1 Am-241B-1 Np-237+DB-1 Th -229+Da-1 u-233D-1 Dose conversion factors for ingestion, mrem/pCi:

D-1 Am-241D-1 Np-237+DD-1 Th -229+DD-1 u-233D-34 Food transfer factors:D-34 Am-241 plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless D-34 Am-241 beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pci/d)

D-34 rAm-241 milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pCi/d)

D-34D-34 Np-237+D plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless D-34 Np-237+D beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/kg)/(pci/d)

D-34 Np-237+D milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pCi/d)

D-34D-34 Th-229+D plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless D-34 Th-229+D beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pci/d)

D-34 Th-229+D milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pCi/d)

D-34D-34 u-233 plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless D-34 u-233 beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/kg)/(pCi/d)

D-34 u-233 milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L /(pCi/d)D-5 Bioaccumulation

factors, fresh water, L/kg:D-5 Am-241 , fishD-5 Am-241 , crustacea and mollusksD-5D-5 Np-237+D

, fishD-5 Np-237+D

, crustacea and molluskscurrentvalue# 36.371E-02 4.372E-02 1.773E-03 7.660E-01 1.536E-01 7.790E-02 1.020E+00 7.734E-04 O.OOOE+00 1.102E-02 3.213E-01 1.293E+ 011.397E-03 4.440E-01 5.400E-01 2.169E+00 3 1.350E-01 3 3.640E-03 4.444E-03 4.027E-03 2.890E-04 1.830E-03 5.000E-05 2.000E-06 3.670E-02 1.OOOE-03 5.OOOE-06 1.OOOE-03 1.O00E-04 5.OOOE-06 2.500E-03 3.400E-04 6.OOOE-04 3.OOOE+01 1.OOOE+03 3.OOOE+01 4.000E+02 Base .Parameter Case* 3 Name6.371E-02 DCF1( 1)4.372E-02 DCF1( 2)1.773E-03 DCF1( 3)7.660E-01 DCF1( 4)1.536E-01 DCF1( 5)7.790E-02 DCF1( 6)1.020E+O0 DCF1( 7)7.734E-04 DCF1( 8)O.OOOE+00 DCF1( 9)1.102E-02 DCF1( 10)3.213E-01 DCF1( 11)1.293E+01 DCF1( 12)1.397E-03 DCF1( 13)4.440E-01 DCF2( 1)5.400E-01 DCF2( 2)2.150E+00 DCF2( 3)1.350E-01 DCF2( 4)3.640E-03 DCF3( 1)4.440E-03 DCF3( 2)3.530E-03 DCF3( 3)2.890E-04 DCF3( 4)1.OOOE-03 RTF( 1,i)5.OOE-053 RTF( 1,2)2.000E-06 RTF( 1,3)2.OOOE-02 RTF( 2,1)1.000E-03 RTF( 2,2)5.OOOE-06 RTF( 2,3)1.OOOE-03 RTF( 3,1)1.OOOE-04 3 RTF( 3,2)5.000E-06 RTF( 3,3)2.500E-03 RTF( 4,1)3.400E-04 RTF( 4,2)6.000E-04 RTF( 4,3)3.OOOE+O1 BIOFAC( 1,1)1.OOOE+03 BIOFAC( 1,2)3.000E+01 BIOFAC( 2,1)4.000E+02 BIOFAC( 2,2)IRESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/26/2011 12:36 Page 3Summary : HB soil DCGLAm241 File : C:\RESRADFANILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\Am241_DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLAM241.RAD Dose Conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter summary (continued)

Dose Library:

HB DCGLs Plus FGR 12 & FGR 110 3 Current 3 Base 3 Parameter Menu 3 Parameter 3 value# 3 Case* 3 NameA.....)AIAAAA.AAAAAAAAAA WAAAAAAAAAWAWAX AWA AAAAAAAAAAAA WAAA KWAAAAA.XA W.j ~~pAAAAAAAW.AAAAAAAA D-5 Th-229+D

, fish 3 1.0OOE+02 3 1.0OOE+02 3 BIOFAC( 3,1)D-5 3 Th-229+D

, crustacea and mollusks 3 5.OOOE+02 3 5.OOOE+02 BIOFAC( 3,2)D-5 UD-5 u u-233 , fish 1.000E+01

1.OOOE+O1 BIOFAC( 4,1)D-5 3 u-233 crustacea and mollusks 3 6.OOOE÷O1 3 6.OOOE÷O1 RIOFAC( 4,2)#For DCF1(xxx) only, factors are for infinite depth & area. See ETFG table in Ground Pathway of Detailed Report.*Base Case means Default.Lib w/o Associate Nuclide contributions.

t, BARTLETTPage 32 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 01RESRAD, version 6.5 T'< Limit =30 days 11/26/2011 12:36 Page 4Summary : HB soil DCGLAm241 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\AM241LDCGL\HB SOIL DCGL..AM241.RAD 0men U3site-specific Parameter Summary3 User 33 Input 3oefaultParameter AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA R011R011R011R011R011R011R011R011R011R0I1R011R011R011R011R011R012R012R013R013R013R013R013R013R013RO13R013R013R013R013R013R013R013R013R013R013R014R014R014R014R014R014R014R014R014R014R014Area of contaminated zone (m**2)Thickness of contaminated zone (m)Fraction of contamination that is submerged Length parallel to aquifer flow (m)Basic radiation dose limit (mrem/yr)

Time since placement of material (yr)Times for calculations (yr)Times for calculations (yr)Times for calculations (yr)Times for calculations (yr)Times for calculations (yr)Times for calculations (yr)Times for calculations (yr)Times for calculations (yr)Times for calculations (yr)Initial principal radionuclide (pci/g):

Am-241Concentration in groundwater CpCi/L):

Am-241cover depth (m)Density of cover material (g/cm**3)

Cover depth erosion rate Cm/yr)Density of contaminated zone (g/cm**3)

Contaminated zone erosion rate (m/yr)Contaminated zone total porositycontaminated zone field capacitycontaminated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr)contaminated zone b parameter Average annual wind speed (m/sec)Humidity in air.(g/m**3)

Evapotranspiration coefficient Precipitation (m/yr)Irrigation (m/yr)Irrigation modeRunoff coefficient watershed area for nearby stream or pond (m**2)Accuracy for water/soil computations Density of saturated zone (g/cm**3) saturated zone total porositySaturated zone effective porositySaturated zone field capacitySaturated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr)Saturated zone hydraulic gradientsaturated zone b parameter water table drop rate (m/yr)well pump intake depth (m below water table)Model: Nondispersion (ND) or Mass-Balance (MB)well pumping rate (m**3/yr) 3.OOOE+04 1.000E+04 2.670E+00 2.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO 1.950E+02 1,OOOE+02 2.500E+01 3.00OE+O1 O.OOOE+OO O.OO0E+OO 1.OOOE+OO I.OOOE+OO 3.OOOE+OO 3.OOOE+OO 1.OOOE+O1 1.OOOE+O1 3.OOOE+O1 3.OOOE+O1 1.OOOE+02 1.OOOE+02 3.OOOE+02 3.OOOE+02 1.OOOE+03 1.OOOE+03 not used O.OOOE+OO not used O.OOOE+O0 1.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO not used O.OO0E+OO O.OOOE+O0 O.OOE+O0not used 1,5OOE+OO not used 1.OOOE-03 1.564E+00 1.5OOE+O0 2.200E-03 l.OOOE-03 4.100E-01 4.OOOE-O1 9.500E-02 2.OOOE-01 3.900E+00 1.OOOE+O1 5.600E+00 5.300E+00 3.040E+00 2.OOOE+O0 not used 8.000E+OO 6.250E-01 5.OOOE-01 9.100E-01 1.OOOE+OO 5.600E-01 2.OOOE-01 overhead overhead5.OOOE-01 2.OOOE-01 2.520E+07 1.0E+061.OOOE-03 1.000E-03 1.510E+00 1.50OE+O0 4.300E-01 4.OOOE-01 3.420E-01 2.OOOE-01 8.800E-02 2.OOOE-01 2.880E+01 1.000E+02 2.OOOE-03 2.OOOE-02 7.100E+O0 5.300E+00 1.0OOE-03 1.OOOE-03 1.OOOE+O1 1.OOOE+O1 3 ND ND1.573E+03 2.5O0E+02

/26/2011 12:36 Page 5used by RESRAD(if different from user input).AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJ AParameter I NameUWAA.AA,3AWAAAAAREATHICKOSUBMFRACT LCZPAQBRDLTIT( 2)T( 3)T( 4)T( 5)T( 6)T( 7)T( 8)T( 9)T(1O)s1(1)wl( 1)COVERODENSCVvCVDENSCZ3VCZTPCZFCCZHCCZBCZWIND3HUMID3EVAPTR3PRECIPRIIDITCHRUNOFFWAREA3EPS:DENSAQ3TPSZEPSZFCSZHCSZ3HGWT3BSZDWlBwTMODELrUcIRESRAD, version 6.5 T- Limit = 30 days11,summary : HB soil DCGLAm241 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\AM241LDCGL\HB SOIL DCGLAM241.RAD Site-speci-0Menu ' Parameter AX.A&~JAAAAAAAAAAAA W AAAA W AAAA4AAAAA W AAAAAAW AAAAWR015 Number of unsaturated zone strataR015 Unsat. zone 1, thickness (m)R015 Unsat. zone 1, soil density (g/cm**3)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, total porosityR015 Unsat. zone 1, effective porosityR015 Unsat. zone 1, field capacityR015 Unsat. zone 1, soil-specific b parameter R015 Unsat. zone 1, hydraulic conductivity (m/yr)R016 Distribution coefficients for AM-241R016 Contaminated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 unsaturated zone 1 (cm*3/g)R016 Saturated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 Leach rate (/yr)R016 solubility constantR016 Distribution coefficients for daughter Np-237R016 contaminated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 unsaturated zone 1 (cm* 3/g)R016 Saturated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 Leach rate (/yr)R016 Solubility constantR016 Distribution coefficients for daughter Th-229R016 Contaminated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 unsaturated zone 1 (cm**3/g)

R016 saturated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 Leach rate (/yr)R016 Solubility constantR016 Distribution coefficients for daughter u-233R016 Contaminated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 unsaturated zone 1 (cm I3/g)R016 Saturated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 Leach rate (/yr)R016 solubility constantR017 Inhalation rate (m* *3/yr)R017 Mass loading for inhalation (g/m**3)R017 Exposure durationR017 shielding factor, inhalation R017 shielding factor, external gammaR017 Fraction of time spent indoors( , BARTLETTfic Parameter Summary (continued) user3 Input 3 Default :(ifk4AAkA44WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

,1 .14.040E+O3 4.OOOE+00 1.564E+00

' 1.500E+OO 4.1OOE-0l 4.OOOE-O3 3.15OE-O3 2.OOOE-0l 9.500E-02 2.OOOE-01 5.600E+O0 5.300E+00 3.900E+O0 1.OOOE+01 1.445E+03 2.OOOE+01 1.445E+03 2.000E+O1 1.445E+03 2.OOOE+01 O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+O0 O.OOOE+00 1.700E+01 3-1.OOOE+00 1.700E+01 3-1.OOOE+OO 1.700E+01 3-1.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+0O O.OOOE+00 5.884E+03 6.OOOE+04 5.884E+03 6.OOOE+04 5.884E+03 6.00OE+04 O.OOOE+O0 0.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+O0 O.OOOE+00 1.260E+02 5.OOOE+01

1. 260E+02 5. OOOE+011,260E+02 5.OOOE+01 O.OOOE+0O 0.O0OOE+00 O.OOOE+O0 O.OOOE+OO 8.400E+03 8.400E+03 I.OOOE-04 I1.OOOE-04 3.OOOE+O3 3.OOOE+O3 5.50OE-Ol 4.OOOE-O3 2.725E-O1 7.OOOE-0O 6.571E-01 5.OOOE-0I used by RESRAD 3 Parameter different fromueint)I Ne6. 309E-05not used5.294E-03.

not used1.550E-05 not used7.224E-04 not usedNSH(1)DENSUZ(1)

TPUZ(1)EPUZ(1)FCUZ(1)Fcuz(l)HCUZ(11DCNUCC( 1)DCNUCU( 1,1)DCNUCS( 1)ALEACH( 1)SOLUBK( 1)DCNUCC( 2)DCNUCU( 2,1)DCNUCS( 2)ALEACH( 2)SOLUBK( 2)DCNUCC( 3)DCNUCU( 3,1)DCNUCS( 3)" ALEACH( 3)" SOLUBK( 3)DCNUCC( 4)DCNUCU( 4,1)DCNUCS( 4)ALEACH( 4)SOLUBK( 4)INHALRMLINHEDSHF3SHF1FINDPage 33 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0R017 3 Fraction of time spent outdoors (on site) ' 1.181E-01 I 2.500E-01

'R017 3 shape factor flag, external gamma ý/1.000E+00 1.000+00 3 >0 shows circular AREA.1RESRAD, version 6.5 T<c Limit = 30 days 11/26/2011 12:36 Page 6Summary HB soil DCGL.An241 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\Am241_DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_Am241.RAD Site-specific Parameter Summary (continued)

FOTD3 FSo 3 user 3Menu Parameter

.Input 3 DefaultAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AA WA AxaA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWaAAAAAAAAWAA.AAAAAA R017 Radii of sha e factor array (used if FS = -1): 3R017 outer annular radius (m), ring 1 not used S.OOOE+01 R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 2: not used 7.071E+01 R017 outer annular radius (m), ring 3 not used O.OOOE+00 R017 outer annular radius (m), ring 4: not used 0.000E+00 R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 5: not used 0.000E+00 R017 outer annular radius (m) ring 6: not used 0.000E+00 R017 outer annular radius (m), ring 7: not used O.OOOE+0O R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 8: not used O.OOOE+0O R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 9: not used O.000E+00 R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 10: not used O.000E+0O R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 11: not used O.OOOE+0O R017 outer annular radius (m), ring 12: not used O.000E+00 R017 Fractions of annular areas within AREA:R017 Ring 1 not used 1.000E+0O R017 Ring 2 not used 2.732E-01 R017 Ring 3 not used 0.000E+00 R017 Ring 4 not used 0.000E+0O R017 Ring 5 not used 0.000E+0O R017 Ring 6 not used 0.000E+00 R017 Ring 7 not used 0.000E+00 R017 Ring 8 not used 0.000E+00 R017 Ring 9 not used 0.000E+.00 R017 Ring 10 not used O.OOOE+OO R017 Ring 11 not used 0.000E+00 R017 Ring 12 not used O.O00E+OO R018 Fruits, vegetables and grain consumption (kg/yr) 1.120E+02 1.600E+02 R018 Leafy vegetable consumption Ckg/yr) 2.140E+01 1.400E+01 R018 Milk consumption (L/yr) 2.330E+02 9.200E+01 R018 Meat and poultry consumption (kg/yr) 6.510E+01 6.300E+01 R018 Fish consumption (kg/yr) 2.060E+01 5.400E+00 R018 other seafood consumption (kg/yr) 9.OOOE-01 9.000E-01 R018 soil ingestion rate (g/yr) 1.826E+01 3.650E+01 R018 Drinking water intake (L/yr) 4.785E+02 5.100E+02 R018 contamination fraction of drinking water 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00 R018 Contamination fraction of household water not used 1.OOOE+O0 R018 Contamination fraction of livestock water 1.OOOE+O0 1.OOOE+00 R018 Contamination fraction of irrigation water 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+0O R018 Contamination fraction of aQuatic food 1.000E+00 S.OOE-01R018 Contamination fraction of plant food 1.OOOE+00

'-1RO8 Contamination fraction of meat 1.OOOE+00

'-1R018 Contamination fraction of milk 1.OOOE+00

'-1R019 Livestock fodder intake for meat (kg/day) 2.710E+01 6.800E+01 R019 Livestock fodder intake for milk (kg/day) 6.320E+01 5.500E+01 R019 Livestock water intake for meat CL/day) 5.060E+01 5.OOOE+01 R019 Livestock water intake for milk (L/day) 6.000E+01 1.600E+02 R R019 Livestock soil intake (kg/day) 5.OOOE-01 5.000E-01

1RESRAD, Version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/26/2011 12:36 Page 7Summary : HB soil DCGL.An241 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.S\USERFILES\AM241_DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLAM241.









9)--- RADSHAPE(10) 3 RAADSHAPE(11) 3- RADSHAPE(12) 3 FRACA( 1)-FRACA( 2)3 FRACA( 3)-FRACA( 4)-FRACA( 5)-FRACA( 6)3 FRACA( 7)3 FRACA( 8)3 FRACA( 9)--- FRACA(10)



DIET(1)3 DIET(2)3 DIET(3)3 DIET(4)3 DIET(S)DIET(6)SOIL3- DWI3- FDW--- FHHW--- FLW--- FIRW--- FR9--- FPLANT3- FMEAT--- FMILK--- LF15--- LF163- LWI63- LSI0Menu..Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User used by RESRAD Parameter Paramý r ........................................

Input .... ..D.efa l .t .(i.f different fro... input)..A.AAAAAA5A5AAAA5AuAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA55AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA R019R019R019R019R019R019RO1gR19BR19BR19BR19BR19BR19BR19BR19BR19BR19BR19BR19BR19BR19BC14c14c14c14c143C143c14IC143C143RSTORSTOSTORSTORSTORSTORSTORSTlRTRi 3TRig 3Mass loading for foliar deposition (g/m**3)Depth of soil mixing layer (m)Depth of roots (m)Drinking water fraction from ground waterHousehold water fraction from ground waterLivestock water fraction from ground waterIrrigation fraction from ground waterwet weight crop yield for Non-Leafy (kg/m**2) wet weight crop yield for Leafy Ckg/m**2) wetweight crop yield for Fodder (kg/m**2)

Growing Season for Non-Leafy (years)Growing season for Leafy (years)Growing Season for Fodder (years)Translocation Factor for Non-Leafy Translocation Factor for LeafyTranslocation Factor for FodderDry Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for LeafyDry Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodderwet Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy wet Foliar Interception Fraction for LeafyWet Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodderweathering Removal constant for vegetation C-12 concentration in water (g/cm**3)

C-12 concentration in contaminated soil (g/g)Fraction of vegetation carbon from soilFraction of vegetation carbon from airC-14 evasion layer thickness in soil Cm)C-14 evasion flux rate from soil (m/sec)C-12 evasion flux rate from soil (i/sec)Fraction of grain in beef cattle feedFraction of grain in milk cow feedstorage times of contaminated foodstuffs (days):Fruits, non-leafy vegetables, and grainLeafy vegetables MilkMeat and poultryFishCrustacea and molluskswell wanmr4.000E-04 1.OOOE-04 2.300E-01 1.500E-01 1.220E+00 9.000E-01 1.OOOE+0O 1.0OOE+00 not used 1.OOOE+00 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00 1.750E+00 7.OOOE-01 2.889E+00 1.500E+00 1.887E+OO 1.100E+00 2.460E-01 1.700E-01 1.230E-01 2.500E-01 8.200E-02 8.OOOE-02 1.0OOE-O1 1.OOOE-01 I.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+0O 1.OOOE+OO 1.OOOE+00 3.5OOE-O1 2.500E-01 3.SOOE-O1I 2.500E-O1 3.500E-01 2.500E-01 3.500E-01 2.500E-01 5.800E-01 2.500E-01 3.500E-01 2.500E-01 3.300E+O1 2.OOOE+01 not used 2.OOOE-OS not used 3.0002-02 3.not used 2.000E-02 not used 9.800E-01 not used 3.OOOE-01 not used 7.0002-07 not used 1.O00E-10 not used 8.000E-01 not used 2.OOOE-01 1.400E+01 1.400E+01 1.OOOE+0O 1.OOOE+O0 1.OOOE+0' 1.0002E+0 2.000E+01 2.000E+01 7.0OOE+0O 7.OOOE+0O 7.OOOE+00 7.000E+00 1ffl.000-Of i.000F+nn MLFDDM3DROOTFGWDWFGWHHFGWLWFGWI RYv(1)" C(2)Yv(3)TE(1)3 TE(2)TE(3)TIV(1)TIV(2)TIv(3)RDRY(1)RDRY(2)RDRY(3)" RWET(1)" RWET(2)" RWET(3)WLANC12WTRC12CZCSOILCAIRDMCEVSNREVSNAVFG4AVFG53 STORLT(1)


STORT(6)3 STOR T(7lweARlET Pager 34 OE+0'1 OECM? B A FRT L ETTPage 34 Bartleft Engineering ENG-HB-003 Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLs Rev. 0STOR surface water 1.OOOE+00 1.000E+00 3 STOR-T(8)

STOR Livestock fodder 4.500E+01 4.500E+01

-STORT(9)R021 Thickness of building foundation (m) not used 1.500E-01

--- FLOOR1R021 Bulk density of building foundation (g/cm**3) not used 2.400E+00

--- DENSFLR021 Total porosity of the cover material not used 4.OOOE-01

--- TPCVR021 Total porosity of the building foundation not used 1.000E-01

--- TPFL1RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/26/2011 12:36 Page 8summary : HB soil DCGL.Jin241 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\AM24LoDCGL\HB SOIL DCGLAM241.RAD site-specific Parameter Summary (continued) 0 3 User used by RESRAD 3 Parameter Menu 3 Parameter Input Default : (If different from user input) 3 NameAAAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAA A.AAAAAW4

" WAAAAAAA.AA.AAAAAAAAAAA.A 4AAAAA AAWAXAAA.AAAAAAAAAaAAaAaa.AAA~AAAAAAAA R021 volumetric water content of the cover material not used 5.000E-02

--- PH2oCvR021 volumetric water content of the foundation not used 3.000E-02

--- PH2OFLR021 Diffusion coefficient for radon gas (m/sec):R021 in cover material 3 not used 2.000E-06

--- DIFCVR021 in foundation material not used 3.000E-07

--- DIFFLR021 in contaminated zone soil not used 2.OOOE-06

--- DIFCZR021 Radon vertical dimension of mixing (m) not used 2.000E+00

--- HMIXR021 Average building air exchange rate (1/hr) not used 5.000E-01

--- REXGR021 Height of the building (room) (m) not used 2.500E+00

--- HRMR021 Bui ding interior area factor not used 0.OOOE+00

--- FAIR021 Building depth below ground surface (m) not used 3-1.000E+00

--- DMFLR021 Emanating power of Rn-222 gas not used 2.500E-01

--- EMANA(1)R021 Emanating power of Rn-220 gas not used 1.500E-01

--- EMANA(2)TITL Number of graphical time points 32 ...... NPTSTITL Maximum number of integration points for dose 17 ---. ... LYMAXTITL Maximum number of integration points for risk 3 1 3 _- -- KYMAXSummary of Pathway selections user selection AAM '.AAAAAAAAAAAWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPAAAAAA 1-- external gamma I active2 inhalation (w/o radon)' active3 -- plant ingestion active4-- meat ingestion active5 milk ingestion active6 aquatic foods active7 -- drinking water active8 -- soil ingestion active9 -- radon suppressed Find peak pathway doses f active1RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/26/2011 12:36 Page 9Summary : HB soil DCGL_Am241 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\AM241LDCGL\HB SOIL DCGLAM241.RAD contaminated zone Dimensions Initial soil AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WAA AAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Area: 30000.00 square meters Am-241 1.OOOE+00 Thickness:

2.67 metersCover Depth: 0.00 meters1RESRAD, Version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/26/2011 12:36 Page 1Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGLAm241 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\AM24LDCGL\HB SOIL DCGLAM241.RAD Table of contentsA 4.AA .WAAAAAAAPart vI: Uncertainty AnalysisORESRAD Uncertainty Analysis ResultsProbabilistic Input .................................

2Total Dose ..........................................

4Total Risk ......................................

5Dose vs Pathway:

Ground External.....................

6Dose VS Pathway:

Inhalation (w/o Radon) ............

7Dose vs Pathway:

Radon (water Ind.) ................

8Dose vs Pathway:

Plant (water Ind.) ................

9Dose vs Pathway:

Meat (water Ind.) ................

10Dose vs Pathway:

Milk (water Ind.) ................

11Dose vs Pathway:

soil Ingestion


12Dose vs Pathway:

water Ingestion


13Dose vs Pathway:

Fish Ingestion


14Dose vs Pathway:

Radon (water Dep.) ................

15Dose vs Pathway:

Plant (water oep.) ................

16Dose vS Pathway:

Meat (water Dep.) ................

17Dose vs Pathway:

Milk (water Dep.) ................

18cumulative Probability summary .......................

19summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 1 ..... 20Peak of the mean dose at graphical times .............

21Correlation and Regression coefficients (if any) ..... 221RESRAD, Version 6.5 Tv Limit = 30 days 11/26/2011 12:36 Page 2Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGL_Am241 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\AM241LDCGL\HB SOIL DCGLAM241.RAD Probabilistic Input0Number of Sample Runs: 2000Number Name Distribution Parameters AAAAAA AAAAAAAAA A AA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 1 DENSCZ BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5635 .2385 .827 2.32 TPCZ BOUNDED NORMAL .41 .09 .1319 .68813 HCCZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.36 2.17 .00478 31904 BCZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.73 .323 2.08 15.35 EVAPTR UNIFORM .5 .756 RI UNIFORM .36 .767 DENSAQ BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5105 .1855 .937 2.0848 TPSZ BOUNDED NORMAL .43 .0699 .214 .6469 EPSZ BOUNDED NORMAL .342 .0705 .124 .5610 HCSZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N

.362 1.59 .0106 19511 BSZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.96 .265 3.02 15.5t BARTLETT Page 35 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 012 DWIBWT TRIANGULAR 6 10 3013 UW UNIFORM 1173 197314 H(1) UNIFORM 0 8.0815 DENSUZ(1)

BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5635 .2385 .82716 TPUZ(1) BOUNDED NORMAL .41 .09 .131917 EPUZ(i) BOUNDED NORMAL .315 .0905 .034918 HCUZ(1) BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.36 2.17 .0047819 BUZ(1) BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.73 .323 2.0820 MLINH CONTINUOUS LINEAR 8 0 0.00003 .8119 .00004 .9495 .00006 .9937 .000076 .9983 .000121 SHF3 UNIFORM .15 .9522 SHF1 BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N

-1.3 .59 .04423 DM TRIANGULAR 0 .15 .624 YV(1) TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

.56 .48 .00125 WLAM TRIANGULAR 5.1 18 8426 RWET(2) TRIANGULAR

.06 .67 .9527 DCACTC(1)












TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 4.84 3.13 .00139 BRTF(95,2)


-9.9 .2 .00140 BRTF(95,3)


-13.12 .7 .00141 BBIO(95,1)

LOGNORMAL-N 3.4 1.142 BRTF(93,1)


-3.91 .9 .00143 BRTF(93,2)


-6.91 .7 .00144 BRTF(93,3)


-11.51 .7 .00145 BBIO(93,1)

LOGNORMAL-N 3.4 1.146 BRTF(90,1)


-6.91 .9 .00147 BRTF(90,2)


-9.21 1 .00148 BRTF(90,3)


-12.21 .9 .0011RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/26/2011 12:36 Page 3Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGLAm241 File : C:\RESRADPFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\AM241LDCGL\HB SOIL DCGL.AM241.RAD Probabilistic Input (cont.)2.3.6881.594319015.3.00000811.999.0151 .000016.1365.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999Number495051525311111iNameRA.AAWAWAA BBIO(90,1)





-6.21 .9 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-7.13 .7 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-7.82 .6 .001 .999LOGNORMAL-N 2.3 1.13333333I 33333II3IIII3 333iii33333333i3i333333 iiii333333333 3i3IRESRAD, version 6.5 T- Limit = 30 days 11/26/2011 12:36 Page 21Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGLAm241 File : C:\RESRADPFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\AM24L.DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_AM241.RAD Peak of the mean dose (averaged over observations) at graphical timesRepetition Time of peak mean dose Peak mean doseYears mrem/yr1 0.OOOE+00 9.682E-01

ýg!BARTLETT Page 36 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0C-14 Results:IRESRAD, version 6.5 To Limit = 30 days 11/26/2011 14:02 Page 1Summary HB soil DCGL_C14File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.S\USERFILES\C14_DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL-_C14-l.

RADTable of Contents...............

AAAAPart I: Mixture sums and Single Radionuclide Guidelines lifffffffffffffffffffffffftfiiitfifffiifffffffflfffffff Dose Conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter summary ... 2Site-Specific Parameter summary ..........................

3summary of Pathway selections


7Contaminated Zone and Total Dose Summary .................

8Total Dose Components Time = O.OOOE+00


9Time = 1.000E+00


10Time = 3.OOOE+00


11Time = 1.OOOE+01


12Time = 3.OOOr+01


13Time = 1.OOOE+02


14Time = 3.OOOE+02


15Time = 1.OOOE+03


16Dose/source Ratios summed over All Pathways...............17 single Radionuclide soil Guidelines


17Dose Per Nuclide summed Over All Pathways


18soil Concentration Per Nuclide ,..... 18LRESRAD, version 6.5 T< Limit = 30 days. ii/26/2011 14:02 Page 2summary : HB soil DCGLC14File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\C14_DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLC14-1.

RADDose Conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter summaryDose Library:

FGR 12 & FGR 110 Current 3 Base Parameter Menu 3Parameter value# 3 Case* I NamekXA.A&A A&AAAAAAAAAAk..AAA5AAAAAAAAAAWAAAAAA............AAAAAAAAAAAKAAAAAA.A AAA-AAAAA.AAAWAA.AA.5AA A-1 DCF'S for external ground radiation, (mrem/yr)/(pCi/g)

A-1 C-14 (Source:

FGR 12) 1.345E-05 1.345E-05 DCF1( 1)B-1 Dose conversion factors for inhalation, mrem/pci:

B-1 C-14(p) (Class: ORGANIC) 2.090E-06 2.090E-06 DCF2( 1)B-1 C-14(g) (Class: C02) 2.350E-08 2.350E-08 C14GInhDCF D-l Dose conversion factors for ingestion, mrem/pCi:

3 3D-1 C-14 2.090E-06 2.090E-06 DCF3( 1)D-34 Food transfer factors:D-34 C-14 , plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 5.5OOE+OO 5.500E+00 RTF( 1,1)D-34 C-14 beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pCi/d) 3.100E-02 3.100E-02 RTF( 1,2)D-34 C-14 milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L) /(pci/d) 1.200E-02 1.200E-02 RTF( 1,3)D-5 Bioaccumulation

factors, fresh water, L/kg:D-5 C-14 , fish 5.OOOE+04 5.000E+04 BIOFAC( 1,1)D-5 C-14 , crustacea and mollusks 9.100E+03 9.100E+03 BIOFAC( 1,2)
  1. For DCF1(xxx) only, factors are for infinite depth & area. See ETFG table in Ground Pathway of Detailed Report.*Base Case means Default.Lib w/o Associate Nuclide contributions.
IRESRAD, version 6.5 To Limit = 30 days 11/26/2011 14:02 Page 3summary : HB soil DCGLC14File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILEs\C14_DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLC14-1.RAD 0Menusite-Specific Parameter Summary3 user .used by RESRAD 3 Parameter Parameter Input 3 Default (If different rom user input) NameAAAýýýýAAAAAAAAAAAýýýý--ýýAAýý ROll Area of contaminated zone (m**2)R011 ' Thickness of contaminated zone (m)R011 ' Fraction of contamination that is submerged R011 Length parallel to aquifer flow (m)R011 Basic radiation dose limit (mrem/yr)

Roll Time since placement of material (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)R012 Initial principal radionuclide (pCi/g):

C-14R012 Concentration in groundwater (pCi/L):

C-14R013 Cover depth (m)R013 Density of cover material (g/cm**3)

R013 Cover depth erosion rate (m/yr)R013 Density of contaminated zone (g/cm**3)

R013 Contaminated zone erosion rate (m/yr)R013 Contaminated zone total porosityR013 Contaminated zone field capacityR013 Contaminated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr)R013 Contaminated zone b parameter R013 Average annual wind speed (m/sec)R013 Humidity in air (g/m**3)R013 Evapotranspiration coefficient R013 Precipitation (m/yr)R013 Irrigation (m/yr)R013 Irrigation modeR013 Runoff coefficient RO13 watershed area for nearby stream or pond (m**2)R013 Accuracy for water/soil computations R014 Density of saturated zone (g/cm**3)

R014 Saturated zone total porosityR014 Saturated zone effective porosityR014 Saturated zone field capacity3.OOOE+04 1.000E+04 2.670E+00 2.000E+0O 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 1.950E+02 1.OOOE+02 2.500E+01 3.000E+01 0.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00 3.OOOE+OO 3.OOOE+00 1.000E+01 1.OOOE+01 3.OOOE+01 3.OOOE+01 1.OOOE+02 1.000E+02 3.000E+02 3.OOOE+02 1.OOOE+03 1.OOOE+03 not used 0.000E+00 not used O.OOOE+O0 1.OO0E+03 O.OOOE+00 not used O.O00E+00 0.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+0O not used I 1.500E+00 not used 1.0005-03 1.564E+00 1.500E+03 2.200E-03 1.00OE-03 4.100E-Ol 4.OOOE-Ol 9.500E-02 2.000E-01 3.900E+OO 3 .OOOE+Ol5.600E+00 5.300E+00 3.040E+00 2.000E+00 not used 8.OOOE+00 6.250E-01 5.000E-Ol 9.100E-01 l1.OOOE+OO 5.600E-01 2.000E-01 overhead overhead5.OOOE-01I 2.OOOE-O1 2.520E+07 1.0005+06 I.OOOE-03 1.OOOE-03 1.510E+00 1.500E+00 4.300E-01 4.000E-01 3.420E-01 2.OOOE-01 8.800E-02 2.000E-01 AREA3 THICKOSUBMFRACT LCZPAQBRDLTIT( 2)3 T( 3)3 T( 4)T( 5)T( 6)3 T( 7)3 T( 8)3 T( 9): T(10)3 Sl(1)3 wl( 1)COVERODENSCVVCV3 DENSCZVCZTPCZ3 FCCZI HCCZ3 BCZWINDHUMIDEVAPTR3 PRECIPRIIDITCHRUNOFFWAREAEPS3 DENSAQ3 TPSZEPSZ: FCSZAAABARTLETTPage 37 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0R014 saturated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 2.880E+01 1.000E+02 R014 saturated zone hydraulic gradient 2.OOOE-03 2.OOOE-02 R014 Saturated zone b parameter 7.100E+00 5.300E+00 R014 water table drop rate (m/yr) 1.000E-03 1.000E-03 R014 well pump intake depth (m below water table) 1.OOOE+01 1.000E+01 R014 Model: Nondispersion (ND) or Mass-Balance (MB) NO NDR014 well pumping rate (m**3/yr) 1.573E+03 2.500E+02

1RESRAD, Version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/26/2011 14:02 Page 4Summary : HB soil DCGL_C14File : C:\RESRAD-FAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\c1 4_DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLC14-1.RAD HCSZHG-T3 BSZ3VWTSDWI BWTMODELUWsite-Specific Parameter Summary (conti0 3 UserMenu 3 Parameter 3 Input .Default.. .. ... .. ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .....AAAAAA AAW AAAAAAAAA AAAAAA XAA XAAAWAA AAAAA AA.AAA/.R015 Number of unsaturated zone strata 1 1ROS3 Unsat. zone 1, thickness (m) 4.040E+00 4.000E+00 R015 unsat. zone 1, soil density (g/cm**3) 1.564E+00 1.500E+00 R015 Unsat. zone 1, total porosity 4.100E-01 4.000E-01 R015 Unsat. zone 1, effective porosity 3.150E-01 2.000E-01 R015 Unsat. zone 1, field capacity 9.500E-02 2.000E-01 R015 Unsat. zone 1, soil-specific b parameter 5.600E+00 5.300E+00 R015 Unsat. zone 1, hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 3.900E+OO 1.O00E+01 R016 Distribution coefficients for C-14R016 Contaminated zone (cm3*3/g) 1.100E+01 O.OOOE+00 R016 unsaturated zone 1 (cm*-3/g) 1.100E+01 O.O00E+00 R016 Saturated zone (cm**3/g) 1.100E+01 O.O00E+00 R016 Leach rate (/yr) O.O00E+00 O.O00E+00 R016 solubility constant O.OOOE+000 O.OOOE+00 R017 Inhalation rate (m**3/yr) 8.400E+03 8.400E+03 R017 Mass loading for inhalation (g/m**3) 1.000E-04 1.OOOE-04 R017 Exposure duration 3.OOOE+01 3.000E+01 R017 shielding factor, inhalation 5.500E-01 4.000E-01 R017 shielding factor, external gamma 2.725E-01 7.000E-01 R017 Fraction of time spent indoors 6.571E-01 5.000E-01 R017 Fraction of time spent outdoors (on site) 1.181E-01 2.500E-01 R017 shape factor flag, external gamma 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 R017 Radii of sha e factor array (used if FS = -1):R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 1- not used 5.000E+01 R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 2: not used 7.071E+01 R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 3: not used 0.000E+00 R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 4: not used O.OOOE+O0 R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 5: not used O.OOOE+00 R017 outer annular radius (m), ring 6: not used O.OOOE+O0 R017 Outer annular radius (m) ring 7: not used O.OOOE+00 R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 8: not used O.000E+OO R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 9: not used O.OOOE+O0 R017 Outer annular radius (m) ring 10: not used O.OOOE+00 R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 11: not used 0.000E+00 R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 12: not used 0.O00E+00
1RESRAD, version 6.5 T' Limit = 30 days 11/26/2011 14:02 Page 5Summary : HB soil DCGL_C14File : C:\RESRAD_FAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\Cl4_DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_C14-1.

RADnued): (IkAAAA3333333333333333333333fused by RESRADdifferent om user input)kAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

8. 124E-03not used>0 shows circular AREA.3 Parameter 3 NameLkkA.AjUAAX4)AAAAA NSH(1)DENSUZ(1)










9)RADSHAPE (10)RADSHAPE (11)RADSHAPE (12)0menUROI7555R017R017R017R017R017R017R017R017R017R017R017R018R018R018ROl8R018R018R018R018R018R018R018R018R018R018ROl8R018R019R019R019R019R019R019R019R019R019R019R019R0193R19BR19BR19BR19BR19BRlwe8SAAAAAAAAAParameter 55555AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Fractions of annular areas withinRing 1Ring 2Ring 3Ring 4Ring 5Ring 6Ring 7Ring 8Ring 9Ring 10Ring 11Ring 12Fruits, vegetables and grain consurLeafy vegetable consumption (kg/yrMilk consumption (L/yr)Meat and poultry consumption (kg/yFish consumption (kg/yr)Other seafood consumption (kg/yr)soil ingestion rate (g/yr)Drinking water intake (L/yr)contamination fraction of drinkingcontamination fraction of household Contamination fraction of livestoci Contamination fraction of irrigatiContamination fraction of aquaticcontamination fraction of plant foContamination fraction of meatcontamination fraction of milkLivestock fodder intake for meat (ILivestock fodder intake for milk (kLivestock water intake for meat (L,Livestock water intake for milk (L,Livestock soil intake (kg/day)Mass loading for foliar deposition Depth of soil mixing layer (m)Depth of roots (m)Drinking water fraction from grounHousehold water fraction from grouiLivestock water fraction from grouiIrrigation fraction from ground wawet weight crop yield for Non-Leaf' Wet weight crop yield for Leafywet weight crop yield for FodderGrowing season for Non-Leafy (yeaGrowino Season for Leafy (yeaSite-Specific Parameter summary (continued)

User 3 used by RESRAD 3 Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) Namenot used 1.OOOE+O0

--- FPACA( 1)not used 2.732E-01

--- FRACA( 2)not used 0.OOOE+OO

--- FRACA( 3)not used 0.OOOE+00

--- FRACA( 4)not used 0.OOOE+O0

--- FRACA(5)not used 0.OOOE+OO

--- FRACA( 6)not used 0.OOOE+00

--- FRACA( 7)not used 0.000E+00

--- FRACA( 8)not used O.OOOE+0O

--- FRACA( 9)not used 0.OOOE+00

--- FRACA(1O) not used 0.OOOE+00

--- FRACA(11) not used O.OOOE+00

--- FRACA(12) uption (kg/yr) 1.120E+02 1.600E+02

--- DIET(1)2.140E+01 1.400E+01

--- DIET(2)2.330E+02 9.200E+01

--- DIET(3)r) 6.510E+01 6.300E+01

--- DIET(4)2.060E+01 5.400E+00

--- DIET(5)9.OOOE-O1 9.OOOE-01

--- DIET(6)1.826E+01 3.650E+01

--- SOIL4.785E+02 5.100E+02

--- owIwater 1.OOOE+O0 1.000E+OO

--- FDWd water not used 1.OOOE+00

--- FHHWk water 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00

--- FLWon water 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00

--- FIRWfood 1.000E+00 5.OOOE-01

--- FR9od 1.OOOE+00

'-1 3 FPLANT1.O00E+O0 3-1 --- FMEAT1.000E+00

'-1 FMILKkg/day) 2.710E+01 6.800E+01

--- LFI5kg/day) 6.320E+01 5.500E+01 3 LFI6/day) 5.060E+01 5.OOOE+01

--- LWI5/day) 6.OOOE+01 1.600E+02

--- LWI65.OOOE-01 S.O00E-O1

--- LSI(g/m**3) 4.OOOE-04 1.000E-04

--- MLFD2.300E-01 1.500E-O1

--- DM1.220E+OO 9.000E-01

--- DROOTd water 1.000E+O0 1.OOOE+O0

--- FGWDWnd water not used 1.000E+00

--- FGWHHnd water 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+O0

--- FGWLWter 1.000E+O0 1.000E+O0

--- FGWIRy (kg/m**2)


--- YV(1)(kg/m5*2) 2.889E+00 1.500E+00

--- Yv(2)(kg/m332) 3 1.887E+00 1.100E+00

--- YV(3)rs) 2.460E-01 1.700E-01

--- TE(1)rs) 1.230E-01 2.500E-01

--- TE(2)AAALRTLETTPage 38 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0R19B 3 Growing Season for Fodder (years) I 8.200E-02 I 8.000E-02

1RESRAD, version 6.5 T" Limit = 30 days 11/26/2011 14:02 Page 6Summary HB soil DCGLC14File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\C14_DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL-_C14-1.

RAD3 TE(3)3Menu 3Parameter AAAAAAS.AAAAAAAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AAAAAA AAA,R19B Translocation Factor for Non-LeafR19B Translocation Factor for LeafyR19B Translocation Factor for FodderR19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction fR19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction fR19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction fR19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction fR19I Wet Foliar Interception Fraction fR19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction fR19B weathering Removal Constant for VegC14 C-12 concentration in water (g/cm**C14 C-12 concentration in contaminated C14 Fraction of vegetation carbon fromC14 Fraction of vegetation carbon fromC14 C-14 evasion layer thickness in so.C14 C-14 evasion flux rate from soil C:C14 C-12 evasion flux rate from soil C:C14 Fraction of grain in beef cattle feC14 Fraction of grain in milk cow feedSTOR Storage times of contaminated foodsSTOR Fruits, non-leafy vegetables,.

anSTOR Leafy vegetables STOR MilkSTOR meat and poultrySTOR FishSTOR crustacea and mollusksSTOR well waterSTOR Surface waterSTOR Livestock fodderR021 Thickness of building foundation (R021 Bulk density of building foundatioi R021 Total porosity of the cover materiaR021 Total porosity of the building fouiR021 volumetric water content of the coR021 volumetric water content of the foiR021 Diffusion coefficient for radon gasR021 in cover materialR021 in foundation materialR021 in contaminated zone soilR021 Radon vertical dimension of mixingR021 Average building air exchange rateR021 Height of the building (room) (m)R021 Bui ding interior area factorR021 Building depth below ground surfacR021 Emanating power of Rn-222 gasR021 Emanating power of Rn-220 gasSite-Specific Parameter summary (continued)

.user I used by RESRAD Parameter 3 Input Default .(If different from user input) Name&AAAAAAA



' --- TIV(1)1.000E+00 1.OO0E+00

--- TIv(2)1.000E+00 1.00OE+00

--- TIV(3)or Non-Leafy 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RDRY(1)or Leafy 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RDRY(2)or Fodder 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RDRY(3)or Non-Leafy 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RWET(1)or Leafy 5.800E-01 2.500E-01

--- RWET(2)or Fodder 3.500E-01 2.50DE-01

--- RWET(3)getation 3.300E+01 2.000E+01

--- WLAM*3) 2.OOOE-053 2.D00E-05

--- C12WTRsoil (g/g) 3.OOOE-02 3.OOOE-02

--- C12CZsoil 2.OOOE-02 2.D00E-02

--- CSOILair 9.800E-01 9.800E-01

--- CAIRil (M) 4.270E-01 3.000E-01

--- DMC1/sec) 7.OOOE-07 7.000E-07

--- EVSN1/sec) 1,O00E-10 1.OOOE-10

--- REVSNeed 2.500E-01 8.000E-01

--- AVFG41.OO0E-01.3 2.000E-01

--- AVFG5stuffs (days):d grain 1.400E+01 1.400E+01

--- STORT(1)1.O0OE+00 1.OOOE+O0

--- STORIT(2) 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00

--- STOR.T(3) 2.OOOE+01 2.OOOE+01

--- STOR.T(4) 7.OOOE+00 7.OOOE+00

--- STOPST(5) 7.OOOE+00 7.O00E+0O

--- STORT(6)1.000E+00 1.000E+00

--- STORT(7)1.000E+O0 1.000E+00

--- STOLT(8)4.500E+01 4.500E+01

--- STORT(9)M) not used 1.500E-01

--- FLOOR1n (g/cm**3) not used 2.400E+00

--- DENSFLal not used 4.000E-01

--- TPCVndation not used 1.DODE-01

--- TPFLver material not used 5.OOOE-02

--- PH2OCvundation not used 3.OOOE-02

--- PH2OFLS (m/sec):not used 2.OOE-06

--- DIFCVnot used 3.000E-07

--- DIFFLnot used 2.000E-06

--- DIFCZ(M) not used 2.OOE+00

--- HMIX(1/hr) not used 3O5.OE-01

--- REXGnot used 2.500E+00

--- HRMnot used O.00E+00

--- FAIe (m) not used 3-1.000E+00

--- DMFLnot used 3 2.5OOE-01

--- EMANA(1)not used 3 1.500E-01

--- EMANA(2),AATITL Number of graphical time points 32 ---1RESRAD, version 6.5 T- Limit = 30 days 11/26/2011 14:02 Page 7Summary : HB soil DCGL_C14File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\C14_DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_C14-1.RAD NPTSsite-specific Parameter summary (continued) 0 3 3 User used by RESRAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default ' (If different from user input) NameAAAA W AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA*Aj*AAAAAA.4AAAA AA AýA.......AAAAkAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AAAAAAAA TITL Maximum number of integration points for dose ' ' 17 --- -3 LYMAXTITL Maximum number of integration points for risk k1 .. --- 3KYMAXsummary of Pathway Selections

.User Selection


W AAAAAAAAAA~k AA1-- external gamma 3 active2-- inhalation (w/o radon)' active3-- plant ingestion active4 meat ingestion active-- milk ingestion active6 aquatic foods active7 drinking water active8 -- soil ingestion active9-- radon ' suppressed Find peak pathway doses 3 activeIRESRAD, Version 6.5 T<. Limit = 30 days 11/26/2011 14:02 Page 8Summary : HB soil DCGL C14File : C: \RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.


RADcontaminated Zone Dimensions AAAAAAAAAAWAAAAAA AAAAAAAAArea: 30000.00 square metersThickness:

2.67 metersCover Depth: 0.00 metersInitial soil concentrations, p~i/gAACAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAA AAAC-14 1.OOOE+00

IRESRAD, version 6.5 T< Limit = 30 days 11/26/2011 14:02 PageProbabilistic results summary : HR soil DCGL_C14File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\C14.DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLC14-1.

RADTable of ContentsAAWAAAAAAAAWA Part vI: Uncertainty AnalysisORESRAD Uncertainty Analysis ResultsProbabilistic Input ....................................

2Total Dose ..............................................

3Total Risk ..............................................

4Wi 8 A RTL ETTIM-11,Page 39 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0Dose vs Pathway:

Ground External


5Dose vs Pathway:

Inhalation (w/o Radon) ..............

6Dose vs Pathway:

Radon (water Ind.) ................

7Dose vs Pathway:

Plant (water Ind.) .................

8Dose vs Pathway:

Meat (water Ind.) ...................

9Dose vs Pathway:

Milk (water Ind.) ................

10Dose vs Pathway:

soil Ingestion


11Dose vs Pathway:

water Ingestion


12Dose vs Pathway:

Fish Ingestion


13Dose vs Pathway:

Radon (water Dep.) ................

14Dose vs Pathway:

Plant (water Dep.) ................

15Dose VS Pathway:

Meat (water Dep.) ................

16Dose vs Pathway:

Milk (water Dep.) .................

17cumulative Probability Summary .......................

18summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 1 .. 19Peak of the mean dose at graphical times .............

.20Correlation and Regression coefficients (if any) ..... 21IRESRAD, version 6.5 T" Limit = 30 days 11/26/2011 14:02 Page 2Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGLC14File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\uSERFILES\C14_DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLC14-1.RAD Probabilistic InputONumber of Sample Runs: 2000Number1234567891011121314151617181920.00003212223242526272829303132333+/-333+/-Name Distribution DENSC .BOUNDED NORMALTPCZ BOUNDED NORMALHCCZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N BCZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N EVAPTR UNIFORMRI UNIFORMDENSAQ BOUNDED NORMALTPSZ BOUNDED NORMALEPSZ BOUNDED NORMALHCSZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N BSZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N DWIBWT TRIANGULAR UW UNIFORMH(1) UNIFORMDENSUZ(1)








LOGNORMAL-N 333332f331ffffff3zI33 ff3f3ffffffffffff3ffif3 Parameters AAAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.

W AAAAA1.5635 .2385 .827 2.3.41 .09 .1319 .68811.36 2.17 .00478 31901.73 .323 2.08 15.3.5 .75.36 .761.5105 .1855 .937 2.084.43 .0699 .214 .646.342 .0705 .124 .56.362 1.59 .0106 1951.96 .265 3.02 15.56 10 301173 19730 8.081.5635 .2385 .827 2.3.41 .09 .1319 .6881.315 .0905 .0349 .5941.36 2.17 .00478 31901.73 .323 2.08 15.38 0 0 .000008 .0151.000076 .9983 .0001 1.15 .95-1.3 .59 .044 10 .15 .6.56 .48 .001 .9995.1 18 84.06 .67 .952.4 3.22 .001 .9992.4 3.22 .001 .9992.4 3.22 .001 .999-.36 .9 .001 .999-4.47 1 .001 .999-4.4 .9 .001 .99910.8 1.13fffffffifffff3ff3i3f3f3llifffff3if3ff ff.000016 ..1365IRESRAD, version 6.5 T<< Limit = 30 days 11/26/2011 14:02 Page 20Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGLC14File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\C14_DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL.C14-I.RAD Peak of the mean dose (averaged over observations) at graphical timesRepetition Time of peak mean dose Peak mean doseYears mrem/yr1 O.OOOE+00 3.968E+00BARTLETTPage 40 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0Cm-243 Results:1RESRAD, version 6.5 T- Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 09:51 Page 1Summary HB soil DCGL_cm243 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILEs\cM243 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_CM243.RAD Table of contents Part I: Mixture Sums and single Radionuclide Guidelines Dose Conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter summary ... 2Site-Specific Parameter Summary ..........................

4summary of Pathway Selections


8contaminated zone and Total Dose summary .................

9Total Dose components Time = O.O0 OE+OO ....................................

10Time = 1.OOOE+00


11Time = 3.000E+OO


12Time = 1.OOOE+01


13Time = 3.OOOE+01


14Time = 1.000E+02


15Time = 3.000E+02


16Time = 1.000E+03


17Dose/source Ratios Summed Over All Pathways


18Single Radionuclide Soil Guidelines


18Dose Per Nuclide Summed Over All Pathways


19Soil Concentration Per Nuclide ,..... 201RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days. 11/28/2011 09:51 Page 2Summary : HB soil DCGL_cm243 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILEs\cM243 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_CM243.RAD Dose Conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter SummaryDose Library:

HS DCGLS Plus FGR 12 & FGR 110 a a current 3 Base 3 Parameter Menu Parameter value# I case* 3 NameA.AAAAiAAA.AAAAAAAAAAWAAAAAA44Ki AAAAW AAAAAAAAAAAAAsAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAiA AAAAAAAAAAA A.AAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AAA5AAAA A-1 DCF'S for external ground radiation, (mrem/yr)/(pci/g)

A-1 Ac-227 (Source:

FGR 12) 4.951E-04 a 4.951E-04 a DCF1( 1)A-1 Am-243 (Source:

FGR 12) 1.420E-01 a 1.420E-01 a DCFl( 2)A-1 Bi-211 (source:

FGR 12) 2.559E-01 a 2.559E-01 a DCFl( 3)A-1 Cm-243 (Source:

FGR 12) 5.829E-01 5.829E-01 DCF1( 4)A-1 Fr-223 (source:

FGR 12) 1.980E-01 1.980E-01 DCF1( 5)A-1 Np-239 (Source:

FGR 12) 7.529E-01 a 7.529E-01 a DCF1( 6)A-1 Pa-231 (source:

FGR 12) 1.906E-01 1.906E-01 a DCFl( 7)A-1 Pb-211 (Source:

FGR 12) 3.064E-01 3.064E-01 a DCFl( 8)A-1 Po-211 (Source:

FGR 12) 4.764E-02 4.764E-02 a DCFl( 9)A-1 Po-215 (Source:

FGR 12) 1.016E-03 a 1.016E-03 a DCFl( 10)A-1 Pu-239 (Source:

FGR 12) 2.952E-04 2.952E-04 a DCFl( 11)A-1 Ra-223 (Source:

FGR 12) 6.034E-01 6.034E-01 a DCF1( 12)A-1 Rn-219 (source:

FGR 12) 3.083E-01 3.083E-01 a DCF1( 13)A-1 Th-227 (Source:

FGR 12) a 5.212E-01 a 5.212E-01 a DCF1( 14)A-1 Th-231 (source:

FGR 12) a 3.643E-02 a 3.643E-02 a DCF1( 15)A-1 Tl-207 (Source:

FGR 12) 1.980E-02 a 1.980E-02 a DCF1( 16)A-1 u-235 (Source:

FGR 12) 7.211E-01 7.211E-01 DCF1( 17)B-1 Dose conversion factors for inhalation, mrem/pci:

B-1 AC-227+D 6.724E+00 6.700E+00 0CF2( 1)B-1 Am-243+D 4.400E-01 4.400E-01 DCF2( 2)B-1 Cm-243 3.070E-01 3.070E-01 DCF2( 3)B-1 Pa-231 1.280E+00 1.280E+00 DCF2( 5)B-1 Pu-239 a 4.290E-01 a 4.290E-01 DCF2( 6)B-1 u-235+O a 1.230E-01 a 1.230E-01 DCF2( 7)D-1 Dose conversion factors for ingestion, mrem/pci:

D-1 AC-227+D 1.480E-02 1.410E-02 a DCF3( 1)D-1 Am-243+D 3.623E-03 3.620E-03 a DCF3( 2)a-1 cm-243 a 2.510E-03 a 2.510E-03 a DCF3( 3)a_1 Pa-231 a 1.060E-02 1.060E-02 a DCF3( 5)D-1 a Pu-239 a 3.540E-03 a 3.540E-03 a DCF3( 6)D-1 u-235+D a 2.673E-04 a 2.660E-04 a DCF3( 7)D-34 Food transfer factors:

3 a aD-34 a AC-227+D plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless a 2.500E-03 a 2.500E-03 a RTF( 1,1)o-34 a AC-227+D beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/kg)/(pci/d) 2.000E-05 2.000E-05 a RTF( 1,2)D-34 a AC-227+D milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/L)/(pci/d) 2.000E-05 2.OOOE-05 RTF( 1,3)D-34 aD-34 a Am-243+D plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless a 1.830E-03 1.000E-03 RTF( 2,1)D-34 a Am-243+D beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pci/d) 5.OOOE-05 5.000E-05 RTF( 2,2)D-34 a Am-243+D milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/L)/(pci/d) 2.OOOE-06 2.OOOE-06 RTF( 2,3)o-34 ao-34 a Cm-243 plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 1.830E-03 1.000E-03 a RTF( 3,1)D-34 a Cm-243 beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pci/d) a 2.OOOE-05 a 2.000E-05 a RTF( 3,2)D-34 a cm-243 milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pci/d) 2.OOOE-06 a 2.OOOE-06

.RTF( 3,3)0-34 a1RESRAD, Version 6.5 T< Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 09:51 Page 3Summary HB soil DCGLCm243 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\CM243 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGOLcM243.RAD Dose Conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter Summary (continued)

Dose Library:

HB DCGLS Plus FGR 12 & FGR 110 3 3 Current 3 Base a Parameter Menu 3 Parameter a value# 3 case" a NameAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAWAAkAA.AAAAAAAAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AAAAAAAA&AAAAAA."AAAAAAA4A AAAAAAAAAAAAA.AAAA D-34 Pa-231 plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless a 1.000E-02 a 1.000E-02 a RTF( 5,1)D-34 Pa-231 beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pci/d) a 5.OOOE-03 a 5.OOOE-03 a RTF( 5,2)o-34 a Pa-231 milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pci/d) 5.OOOE-06 a 5.OOOE-06 a RTF( 5,3)0-34 a 3 aD-34 Pu-239 plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 1.830E-03 a 1.000E-03 a RTF( 6,1)D-34 Pu-239 beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pci/d) a 1.000E-04 a 1.000E-04 a RTF( 6,2)D-34 a Pu-239 milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/L) /(pci/d) 1.OOOE-06 a 1.000E-06 RTF( 6,3)D-34 aD-34 u-235+D , lant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless a 2.500E-03 a 2.500E-03 RTF( 7,1)0-34 u-235+D beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pci/d) 3.400E-04 3.400E-04 RTF( 7.2)D-34 a u-235+D milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/L /(pci/d) 6.OOOE-04 6.000E-04 RTF( 7,3)D-5 a Bioaccumulation

factors, fresh water, L/kg:0-5 a AC-227+D

, fish 1.500E+01 1.500E+01 BIOFAC( 1,1)(f!BARTLETT Page 41 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0D-5 AC-227+D

, crustacea and mollusks 1.O00E+03 1.OOOE+03 BIOFAC( 1,2)D-5D-5 Am-243+D

, fish 3.OOOE+01 3.0OOE+01 BIOFAC( 2,1)D-5 Am-243+D

, crustacea and mollusks 1.OOOE+03 1.000E+03 BIOFAC( 2,2)D-5D-5 Cm-243 , fish 3.OOOE+01 3.OOOE+01 BIOFACC 3,1)D-5 Cm-243 , crustacea and mollusks 1.OOOE+03 1.OOOE+03 BIOFAC( 3,2)D-513D-5 Pa-231 , fish 1.000E+01 1.000E+01 BIOFAC( 5,1)D-5 Pa-231 , crustacea and mollusks 1.100E+02 1.100E+02 BIOFAC( 5,2)D-5o-5 Pu-239 , fish 3.OOOE+0l 3.OOOE+O1 BIOFAC( 6,1)D-5 Pu-239 , crustacea and mollusks 1.OOOE+02 l.OOOE+02 BIOFAC( 6,2)o-5D-5 u-235+D , fish 1.OOOE+01 l.00OE+01 BIOFAC( 7,1)D-5 u-235+D , crustacea and mollusks 6.000E+0l 6.OOOE+01 BIOFAC( 7,2)#For DCF1(xxx) only, factors are for infinite depth & area. See ETFG table in Ground Pathway of Detailed Report.*Base Case means Default.Lib w/o Associate Nuclide contributions.

1RESRAD, version 6.5 Tc Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 09:51 Page 4Summary HB soil DCGLCm243 File : C:\RESRADoFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILEs\CM243 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLCM243.RAD 0Menu Parameter AAAAUAAAAAAAAWA.AAAAAAAWAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAA.AAAA Roll Area of contaminated zone (m**2)Roll Thickness of contaminated zone (m)R011 Fraction of contamination that is submercR011 Length parallel to aquifer flow (m)R011 Basic radiation dose limit (mrem/yr)

R011 Time since placement of material (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)R012 Initial principal radionuclide (pci/g):R012 Concentration in groundwater (pci/L):R013 Cover depth (m)R013 Density of cover material (g/cm**3)

R013 Cover depth erosion rate (m/yr)R013 Density of contaminated zone (g/cm**3)

RO3 Contaminated zone erosion rate (m/yr)R013 Contaminated zone total porosityR013 contaminated zone field capacityRO3 Contaminated zone hydraulic conductivity R013 Contaminated zone b parameter R013 Average annual wind speed (m/sec)R013 Humidity in air (g/m**3)R013 Evapotranspiration coefficient R013 Precipitation (m/yr)R013 Irrigation (m/yr)R013 Irrigation modeR013 Runoff coefficient R013 watershed area for nearby stream or pondR013 Accuracy for water/soil computations R014 Density of saturated zone (g/cm**3)

R014 Saturated zone total porosityR014 Saturated zone effective porosityR014 Saturated zone field capacityR014 saturated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/R014 Saturated zone hydraulic gradientR014 Saturated zone b parameter R014 water table drop rate (m/yr)R014 well pump intake depth (m below water tatR014 Model: Nondispersion (ND) or Mass-Balanc R014 well pumping rate (m**3/yr) site-specific Parameter SummaryUser 3 used by RESRAD 3 Parameter Input 3 Default C (If different from user input) 3 NameAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAXAAAA.AAAAAAAAAXAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AAAAAAAAA 3.000E+04 l.OOOE+04

--- AREA2.670E+00 2.OOE+O0


--- 3SUBMFRACT 1.950E+02 l.OOOE+02

--- LCZPAQ2.500E+01 3.OOOE+01

--- BRDLO.000E+O3 O.000E+00

--- TIi1.000E+0 i.O0E+00

--- T( 2)3.OOOE+O0 3.000E+03

--- T( 3)1.OOOE+01


--- T( 4)3.OOOE+01 3.000E+01

--- T( 5)" 1.000E+02 1.000E+02

--- T( 6)3.OOOE+02 3.OOOE+02

--- T( 7)1.000E+03 1.000E+03

--- T( 8)not used O.000E+OO

--- T( 9)not used O.OO0+OO

---3 T(1O)Cm-243 1.OOOE+O0 O.O0OE+OO

--- S1(3)Cm-243 not used 0.O00E+O0

--- wl( 3)O.000E+00 O.OOOE+O0

--- COVEROnot used 1.500E+00

--- DENSCVnot used 1.OOOE-03

--- VCV1.564E+00 1.500E+00

--- DENSCZ2.200E-03 1.000E-03 3-- VCZ4.100E-01 4.OOOE-O1

--- TPCZ9.500E-02 2.OOOE-01

--- FCCZ(m/yr) 3.900E+00 1.OOOE+01

--- HCCZ5.600E+00 5.300E+OO

--- BCZ3.040E+00 2.000E+O0

--- WINDnot used 8.000E+00

--- HUMID6.250E-01 5.000E-01

--- EVAPTR9.1OOE-01 1.O0OE+O0

--- PRECIP5.600E-01 2.OOEO-01

--- RIoverhead overhead

--- IDITCH5.000E-01 2.000E-01

--- RUNOFFCmk*2) 2.520E+07 1.000E+06

--- WAREA1.000E-03 1.000E-03

--- EPS1.510E+00 1.500E+00

--- DENSAQ4.300E-01 4.000E-01

--- TPSZ3.420E-01 2.OOOE-01

--- EPSZ8.800E-02 2,OOOE-01

--- FCSZ/yr) 2.880E+01 lOO0E+02

--- HCSZ2.OOOE-03 2.OOOE-02

--- HGWT7.100E+00 5.300E+OO

--- BSZ1.OOOE-03 l.OOOE-03

--- VWTble) 1.000E+01 1.OOOE+O1

--- DWIBWTe (MB) 3NO ND 3 3MODEL1.573E+03 2.500E+02

--- UW1RESRAD, version 6.5 T" Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 09:51 Page 5summary : HB soil DCGLCm243 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILEs\CM243 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_CM243.RAD 0 3Menu I Parameter R015 Number of unsaturated zone strataR015 Unsat. zone 1, thickness (m)R015 Unsat. zone 1, soil density (g/cm**R015 Unsat. zone 1, total porosityR015 Unsat. zone 1, effective porosityR015 Unsat. zone 1, field capacityR015 Unsat. zone 1, soil-specific b paraR015 Unsat. zone 1, hydraulic conductivi R016 Distribution coefficients for Cm-24R016 Contaminated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 Unsaturated zone 1 (cm**3/g)

R016 saturated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 Leach rate (/yr)R016 solubility constantR016 Distribution coefficients for daughR016 Contaminated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 unsaturated zone 1 (cm**3/g)

R016 Saturated zone (cm*c3/g)

R016 Leach rate (/yr)R016 solubility constantR016 Distribution coefficients for daughR016 Contaminated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 I Unsaturated zone 1 (cm-3/%)&rBARTLETT site-specific Parameter summary (continued)

User used by RESRAD Parameter Input 3 Default C (If different from user input) 3 Name"44A AAAAAA4AA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK"AAW44 A4W AAAAX4JAAAA 31 1 3- NS4.040E+00 4.000E+00

--- H(l)'3) 1.564E+00 1.500E+00

--- DENSUZ(l) 4.100E-01 4.000E-01

--- TPUZ(l)3.150E-01 2.OOOE-0l

--- EPUZ(1)9.500E-02 2.OOOE-01

--- FCUZ(l)meter 5.600E+00 5.300E+00

--- 3BUZ()ty (m/yr) 3.900E+O0 I.OOOE+01

--- HCUZ(l)136.761E+03 3-l.000E+00

--- DCNUCC( 3)6.761E+03


--- DCNUCU( 3,1)6.761E+03


--- DCNUCS( 3)O.O00E+O0 0.O0E+OO 1.349E-05 ALEACH( 3)O.O00E+O0 O.OO0E+00 not used SOLUBK( 3)hter AC-2278.250E+02 2.000E+01

--- DCNUCC( 1)8.250E+02 2.000E+01

--- DCNUCU( 1,1)8.250E+02 2.OOOE+0l

--- DCNUCS( 1)0.005E+00 O.OOOE+00 1.105E-04 ALEACH( 1)0.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 not used SOLUBK( 1)hter Am-2431.445E+03 2.000E+01

--- DCNUCC( 2)1.445E+03 2.000E+01

--- DCNUCU( 2.1)Page 42 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0R016 Saturated zone (cm**3/g) 1.445E+03 2.OOOE+01 R016 Leach rate (/yr) O.OOOE+O0 O.OOOE+O0 R016 solubility constant 0.000E+00 O.000E+00 R016 Distribution coefficients for daughter Pa-231R016 contaminated zone (cm**3/g) 3.800E+02 5.000E+01 R016 unsaturated zone 1 (cmc*3/g) 3.800E+02 5.000E+01 R016 Saturated zone (cm**3/g) 3.800E+02 5.OOOE+01 R016 Leach rate (/yr) O.O00E+00 O.000E+O0 R016 solubility constant 0.OOOE+00 O.O00E+O0 R016 Distribution coefficients for daughter Pu-239R016 contaminated zone (cm**3/g) 9.530E+02 2.000E+03 R016 unsaturated zone 1 (cmk*3/g) 9.530E+02 2.OOOE+03 R016 Saturated zone (cm**3/g) 9.530E+02 2.OOOE+03 R016 Leach rate (/yr) O.OOOE+O0 O.O00E+O0 R016 solubility constant 0.OOOE+00 O.000E+00 R016 Distribution coefficients for daughter u-235R016 Contaminated zone (cm**3/g) 1.260E+02 5.OOO+01R016 Unsaturated zone 1 (cm**3/g) 1.260E+02 5.OOOE+01 R016 saturated zone (cm**3/g) 1.260E+02 5.000E+01 R016 Leach rate (/yr) O.OOOE+O0 0.000E+OO R016 solubility constant 0.000E+00 O.000E+00

1RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 09:51 Page 6Summary : HB soil DCGL_cm243 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILEs\cM243 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLCM243.RAD
6. 309E-05not used2.398E-04 not used9.565E-05 not used7.224E-04 not usedDCNUCS( 2)ALEACH( 2)SOLUBK( 2)" DCNUCC( 5)DCNUCU( 5,1)DCNUCS( 5)ALEACH( 5)SOLUBK( 5)DCNUCC( 6)DCNUCU( 6,1)DCNUCS( 6)ALEACH( 6)SOLUBK( 6)DCNUCC( 7)DCNUCU( 7,1)DCNUCS( 7)ALEACH( 7)SOLUBK( 7)0 3Menu 3 Parameter R017 Inhalation rate (m*3/yr)R017 Mass loading for inhalation (g/m**R017 Exposure durationR017 Shielding factor, inhalation R017 shielding factor, external gammaR017 Fraction of time spent indoorsR017 Fraction of time spent outdoors (onR017 Shape factor flag, external gammaR017 Radii of shape factor array (usedR017 Outer annular radius (n), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 outer annular radius (m), ringR017 outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 10R017 outer annular radius (m), ring 1R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 1R017 Fractions of annular areas withinR017 Ring 1R017 Ring 2R017 Ring 3R017 Ring 4R017 Ring 5R017 Ring 6R017 Ring 7R017 Ring 8R017 Ring 9R017 Ring 10R017 Ring 11R017 Ring 12R018 Fruits, vegetables and grain consurR018 Leafy vegetable consumption Ckg/yrR018 Milk consumption (L/yr)R018 Meat and poultry consumption (kg/y.R018 Fish consumption (kg/yr)R018 other seafood consumption (kg/yr)R018 soil ingestion rate (g/yr)R018 Drinking water intake (L/yr)R018 contamination fraction of drinkingR018 contamination fraction of householR018 Contamination fraction of livestoci R018 contamination fraction of irrigatio R018 Contamination fraction of aquaticR018 Contamination fraction of plant for1RESRAD, version 6.5 T.r Limit = 30 daSummary : HB soil DCGL.cm243 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USEr site-specific Parameter summary (continued) u user used by RESRAD 3 Parameter Input Default (if different from user input) Name\AAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAkAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-AAAAAWAAAAA 8.400E+03 8.400E+03

--- INHALR3) 1. OOOE-04 1.OOOE-04


--- ED5.500E-01 4.0O0E-01

--- SHF33.980E-01 7.000E-01

--- SHF16.571E-01 5.000E-01

--- FINDn site) 1.181E-01 2.500E-01

--- FOTD1.000E+00 1.000E+00

>0 shows circular AREA. FSif FS= -1):1: not used 5.00OE+O1


1)2: not used 7.071E+01


2)3: not used O.000E+0O


3)4: not used 0.000E+OO


4)5: not used O.000E+OO


5)6: not used O.000E+OO


6)7: not used O.OOOE+O0


7)8: not used O.O00E+OO


8)9: not used O.OOOE+OO


9)0: not used 0.000E+00

--- RADSHAPE(10) 1: not used 0.000E+00

--- RADSHAPE(11) 2: not used 0.000E+00

--- RADSHAPE(12)

AREA:not used 1.000E+00

--- FRACA( 1)not used 2.732E-01

--- FRACA( 2)not used 0.000E+00

--- FRACA( 3)not used 0.000E+00

--- FRACA( 4)not used O.OOOE+00

--- FRACA( 5)not used 0.OOOE+00

--- FRACA( 6)not used 0.O00E+00

--- FRACA( 7)not used 0.000E+00

--- FRAcAC( 8)not used 0.000E+00

--- FRACA( 9)not used 0.000E+00

--- FRACA(10) not used 0.000E+00

--- FPACA(11) not used O.OOOE+00

--- FRACA(12) nption (kg/yr) 3.120E+02 1.600E+02

--- DIET(1)2.140E+01 1.400E+01

--- DIET(2)2.330E+02 9.200E+01

--- DIET(3)r) 6.510E+01 6.300E+01

--- DIET(4)2.060E+01 5.400E+00

--- DIET(5)9.O00E-O1 9.O00E-O1

--- DIET(6)31.826E+01 3.650E+01

--- SOIL4.785E+02 5.100E+02

--- DWIwater 31.000E+00 1.OOOE+O0

--- FDWd water not used 1.000E+00

--- FHHWk water 1.OOOE+00 1.000E+00

--- FLWon water 1.0O0E+00 1.000E+00

--- FIRWfood ..OOOE+0 5. OOOE-O1 --- PR9od 3 .OOOE+OO 3-1 --- FPLANTys 11/28/2011 09:51 Page 7RFILES\CM243 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_CM243.RAD site-specific Parameter summary (continued) 0 3 3 User 3Menu Parameter Input Default (IfAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAR018 Contamination fraction of meat 3 1.OOOE+00

'-1R018 Contamination fraction of milk 1.OOOE+00

-1R019 Livestock fodder intake for meat (kg/day) 3 2.710E+01 6.800E+01 R019 Livestock fodder intake for milk (kg/day) 6.320E+01 5.500E+01 R019 Livestock water intake for meat (L/day) 5.060E+01 5.OOOE+01 R019 Livestock water intake for milk (L/day) 6.OOOE+O1 1.600E+02 R019 Livestock soil intake (kg/day) 5.OOOE-01 5.OOOE-01 R019 Mass loading for foliar deposition (g/m**3) 4.OOOE-04 1.000E-04 R019 Depth of soil mixing layer (m) 2.300E-01 1.5OOE-01 R019 Depth of roots (m) 1.220E+00 9.OOOE-01 R019 Drinking water fraction from ground water 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00 R019 Household water fraction from ground water not used 1.0001+00 R019 Livestock water fraction from ground water 1.OOOE+00 1.000E+00 R019 Irrigation fraction from ground water 1.OOOE+O0 1.0O0E+O0 R19B wet weight crop yield for Non-Leafy (kg/m**2) 1.750E+00 7.000E-01 R19B wet weight crop yield for Leafy (kg/m**2) 2.889E+00 1.500E+00 R19B wet weight crop yield for Fodder (kg/m**2) 1.887E+00 1.100E+00 R19B Growing Season for Non-Leafy (years) 2.460E-01 1.700E-01 R19B Growing Season for Leafy " (years) 1.230E-01 2.500E-01 LeIBARTLETT used by RESRAD .Parameter different from user input) 3 NameAAAAAAAAAAAAKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AAAWAAA.,A FMEATFMILKLFI5LFI6--LwI5--LWI63 LSI3 MLFDDM--OROOT--FGWDW--FGWHH3 FGWLWFGwIR--- YV(1)3 Yv(2)3 Yv(3)3 TE(1)-TE(2)Page 43 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-003 Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLs Rev. 0R19B Growing Season for Fodder (years) 8.200E-02 8.000E-02 3 TE(3)R19B Translocation Factor for Non-Leafy 1OOOE-01 1.000E-01

--- TIV(1)R19B Translocation Factor for Leafy 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00

--- TIv(2)R19B Translocation Factor for Fodder 3 1.000E+00 1.000E+00

--- TIV(3)R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RDRY(1)R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy 3.500E-01 2.SOE-01

--- RDRY(2)R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RDRY(3)R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RWET(1)R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy 5.800E-01 2.500E-01

--- RWET(2)R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RWET(3)R19B weathering Removal Constant for vegetation 3.300E+01 2.OOOE+01

--- WLAMC14 C-12 concentration in water (g/cm**3) not used 2.OOOE-05

--- c12WTRC14 C-12 concentration in contaminated soil (g/g) not used 3.OOOE-02

--- C12CZC14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from soil not used 2.000E-02

--- CSOILC14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from air not used 9.800E-01

--- CAIRC14 C-14 evasion layer thickness in soil (m) not used 3.00OE-01

--- DMCC14 C-14 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used 7.OOOE-07

--- EVSNC14 C-12 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) I not used 1.000E-10

--- REVSNC14 Fraction of grain in beef cattle feed not used 8.000E-01

--- AVFG4C14 Fraction of grain in milk cow feed not used 2.OOOE-01

--- AVFG5STOR Storage times of contaminated foodstuffs (days):STOR Fruits, non-leafy vegetables, and grain 1.400E+01 1.400E+01 3 --- STORT(1)STOR Leafy vegetables 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+OO

--- STORT(2)STOR Milk 1.OOOE+03 1.000E+00

--- STOR.T(3)

STOR Meat and poultry 2.000E+01 2.OOOE+01

--- STORT(4)STOR Fish 3 7.OOOE+03 7.OOOE+00

--- STORuT(5)

STOR Crustacea and mollusks 7.OOOE+03 7.OOOE+00

--- STOR.T(6)

1RESRAD, Version 6.5 Tc Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 09:51 Page 8Summary : HB soil DCGLCm243 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILEs\cM243 DCGL\HR SOIL DCGLCM243.RAD Site-Specific Parameter summary (continued) 0 3 User 3 ffused by RESRAD ý Parameter Menu 3 Parameter

.Input 3 Default 3 (If different from user input) 3 NameSTOR well water 1.OOOE+00 1.000E+00

--- STORr(7)STOR surface water 1.000E--+00 1.000E--+00

--- STORT(8)STOR Livestock fodder 4.500E+01 4.500E+01

--- STORST(9)

R021 Thickness of building foundation (m) not used 1.500E-01

--- FLOOR1R021 Bulk density of building foundation (g/cm**3) not used 2.400E+00

--- DENSFLR021 Total porosity of the cover material not used 4.000E-01

--- TPCVR021 Total porosity of the building foundation not used 1.OOOE-01

--- TPFLR021 volumetric water content of the cover material not used 5.OOOE-02

--- PH2OCVR021 volumetric water content of the foundation not used 3.OOOE-02

--- PH2OFLR021 Diffusion coefficient for radon gas (m/sec):R021 in cover material not used 2.000E-06

--- DIFCVR021 in foundation material not used 3.000E-07

--- DIFFLR021 in contaminated zone soil not used 2.000E-06

--- DIFCZR021 Radon vertical dimension of mixing (m) not used 2.OOOE+00

--- HMIXR021 Average building air exchange rate (1/hr) not used 5.OOOE-01

--- REXGR021 Height of the building (room) (m) not used 2.500E+00

--- HRMR021 Building interior area factor not used 0.OOOE+00

--- FAIR021 Building depth below ground surface (m) not used 3-1.000E+00

--- DMFLR021 Emanating power of Rn-222 gas not used 2.500E-01

--- EMANA(1)R021 Emanating power of Rn-220 gas not used 1.500E-01

--- EMANA(2)TITL Number of graphical time points 32 ---.-- NPTSTITL Maximum number of integration points for dose 17 --- --- LYMAXTITL Maximum number of integration points for risk 3 1 .--- --- KYMAXsummary of Pathway selections Pathway .User Selection AAAAAAA AAAAAAAAXAAWAAAAAAAW AAAAAAAAAAaAA.AAAA WAAAA1-- external gamma 3 active2-- inhalation (w/o radon)3 active3 -- plant ingestion active4-- meat ingestion active5-- milk ingestion active6 -- aquatic foods active7-- drinking water active8 -- soil ingestion active9 -- radon suppressed Find peak pathway doses I active1RESRAD, version 6.5 To Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 09:51 Page 9summary : He soil DCGLCm243 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILEs\cM243 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLcM243.RAD contaminated zone Dimensions Initial soil concentrations, pci/gAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAA WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWAAAAA Area: 30000.00 square meters cm-243 1.OOOE+00 Thickness:

2.67 metersCover Depth: 0.00 meters1RESRAD, version 6.5 T'< Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 09:51 Page 1Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGLCm243 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILEs\cM243 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLcM243.RAD Table of ContentsAWA WW .Part VI: Uncertainty AnalysisiItfiIff titffffMftiffffiff ORESRAD Uncertainty Analysis ResultsProbabilistic Input .................................

2Total Dose ..........................................

4Total Risk ..........................................

5Dose vs Pathway:

Ground External


6Dose vs Pathway:

Inhalation (w/o Radon) ............

7Dose vs Pathway:

Radon (water Ind.) ................

8Dose vs Pathway:

Plant (water Ind.) ................

9Dose vs Pathway:

Meat (water Ind.) ................

10Dose vs Pathway:

Milk (water Ind.) ................

11Dose vs Pathway:

soil Ingestion


12Dose vs Pathway:

water Ingestion


13t, BARTLETTPage 44 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0Dose vs Pathway:

Fish Ingestion


14Dose vs Pathway:

Radon (water Dep.) ................

s1Dose vs Pathway:

Plant (water Dep.) .................

16Dose vS Pathway:

Meat (water Dep.) ................

17Dose vs Pathway:

Milk (water Dep.) ................

18Cumulative Probability Summary .........................

19Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 1 ..... 20Peak of the mean dose at graphical times .............

21correlation and Regression coefficients (if any) ..... 221RESRAD, version 6.5 T<< Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 09:51 Page 2Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGLCm243 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\CM243 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLCM243.RAD Probabilistic Input0Number of sample Runs: 2000Number Name Distribution Parameters AAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWAAAA AAAWAAWWAAAAAA.





.0626 DCACTC(3)




















-10.8245 BRTF(96,3)


-13.1246 BBIO(96,1)

LOGNORMAL-N 3.447 BRTF(89,1)


-6.9148 BRTF(89,2)


-10.821RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 09:Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGLCm243 File : C:\RESRADPFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\CM243 DCGL\HB SOIL DCCProbabilistic Input (cont.)AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

.2385.092.17.323.75.76.1855.0699.07051.59.2651019738.08.827 2.3.1319 .6881.00478 31902.08 15.3.937 2.084.214 .646.124 .56.0106 1953.02 15.530.2385 .827.09 .1319.0905 .03492.17 .00478.323 2.080 0.9983 .0001.95.15 .6.48 .00118 84.67 .951.82 .0011.82 .0011.82 .0013.22 .0013.22 .0013.22 .0013.15 .0013.15 .0013.15 .0013.22 .0013.22 .0013.22 .0011.89 .0011.89 .0011.89 .0013.13 .0013.13 .0013.13 .0011 .001.9 .0011.11.1 .0011 .00151 Page 3;L_CM243.

RAD2.3.6881.594319015.3.0000081.0151 .000016 .1365.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999Number NameAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 49 BRTF(89,3) 50 BBIO(89,1) 51 BRTP(95,1) 52 BRTF(95,2) 53 BRTF(95,3) 54 BBIO(95,1) 55 BRTF(91,1) 56 BRTP(91,2) 57 BRTF(91,3) 58 BBIO(91,1) 59 BRTF(94,1) 60 BRTF(94,2) 61 BRTF(94,3) 62 BBIO(94,1) 63 BRTF(92,1) 64 BRTF(92,2) 65 BRTF(92,3) 66 BBIO(92,1)

+/-33+/-33 11fffffffffffff+/-ff3333 Distribution Parameters AAAA A A A A AAAWAA A AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-13.12 .9 .001 .999LOGNORMAL-N 2.7 1.1TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-6.91 .9 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-9.9 .2 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-13.12 .7 .001 .999LOGNORMAL-N 3.4 1.1TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-4.61 1.1 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-12.21 1 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-12.21 .9 .001 .999LOGNORMAL-N 2.3 1.1TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-6.91 .9 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-9.21 .2 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-13.82 .5 .001 .999LOGNORMAL-N 3.4 1.1TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-6.21 .9 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-7.13 .7 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-7.82 .6 .001 .999LOGNORMAL-N 2.3 1.1ftfffffiiif1M1111 itittit3litffittl3+/-


IRESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 09:51 Page 21Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGLCm243 File : C:\RESRADPFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\CM243 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLCM243.RAD Peak of the mean dose (averaged over observations) at graphical timesRepetition Time of peak mean dose Peak mean doseYears mrem/yr1 0.OO0E+00 8.611E-01 LCBARTLETT Page 45 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0Cm-244 Results:1RESRAD, version 6.5 T<< Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 17:38 Page 1summary HB soil DCGLCm244 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\CM244 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLCM244.RAD Table of ContentsAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Part I: Mixture Sums and single Radionuclide Guidelines fffffffff iiiiilfffillifiiIfliiiiiifliffiiffffffffffffff Dose Conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter summary ... 2site-specific Parameter Summary .............................

4summary of Pathway selections


8Contaminated zone and Total Dose Summary ...................

9Total Dose Components Time = 0.oo0 E+00........................................

10Time = 1.000E+00


11Time = 3.000E+00


12Time = 1.OOOE+01


13Time = 3.OOOE+01


14Time = 1.000E+02


15Time = 3.OOOE+02


16Time = 1.OOOE+03


17Dose/source Ratios summed over All Pathways...................

18single Radionuclide soil Guidelines


18Dose Per Nuclide Summed Over All Pathways


19Soil Concentration Per Nuclide .... 9IRESRAD, version 6.5 T.< Limit = 30 days. 11i/28/2011 17:38 Page 2Summary : HB soil DCGLCm244 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILEs\CM244 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLCM244.RAD Dose Conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter summaryDose Library:

HB DCGLs Plus FGR 12 & FGR 110 3 .current I Base Parameter Menu Parameter


A-1 AC-228 (source:

FGR 12) 5.978E+00 5.978E+00 DCF1( 1)A-1 Bi-212 (Source:

FGR 12) 1.171E+00 1.171E+00 DCF1( 2)A-1 cm-244 (source:

FGR 12) 1.2S9E-04 1.259E-04 DCF1( 3)A-1 Pb-212 (source:

FGR 12) 7.043E-01 7.043E-01 DCF1( 4)A- Po-212 (source:

FGR 12) 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 DCF1( 5)A-1 Po-216 (Source:

FGR 12) 1 .042E-04 1.042E-04 DCF1( 6)A-1 Pu-240 (Source:

FGR 12) 1.467E-04 1.467E-04 DCF1( 7)A-1 Ra-224 (Source:

FGR 12) 5.119E-02 5.119E-02

'DCF( 8)A-1 Ra-228 (Source:

FGR 12) O00E+00 3.000E+00 DCF1( 9)A-1 Rn-220 (source:

FGR 12) 2.298E-03 2.298E-03 DCF1( 10)A-1 Th-228 (source:

FGR 12) 7.940E-03 7.940E-03 DCF1( 11)A-1 Th-232 (source:

FGR 12) 5.212E-04 5.212E-04 DCF1( 12)A-1 TI-208 (Source:

FGR 12) 2.298E+01 2.298E+01 DCF1( 13)A-1 u-236 (Source:

FGR 12) 2.148E-04 2.148E-04 DCF1( 14)B-1 Dose conversion factors for inhalation, mrem/pCi:

B-1 Cm-244 2.480E-01 2.480E-01 DCF2( 1)B- I Pu-240 4.290E-01 4.290E-01 DCF2( 4)B-1 Ra-228+D 5.078E-03 4.770E-03 DCF2( 6)B- Th-228+D 3 .454E-01 3.420E-01 DCF2( 7)B-1 Th-232 1.6408+00 1.640E+00 DCF2( 8)B-1 u-236 1.250E-01 1.250E-01 DCF2( 9)D-1 Dose conversion factors for ingestion, mrem/pCi:

D-1 Cm-244 2.020E-03 2.020E-03 DCF3( 1)D-1 Pu-240 3.540E-03 3.540E-03 DCF3( 4)D-1 Ra-228+D 1.442E-03 1.440E-03 DCF3( 6)D-1 Th-228+D I 8.086E-04 3.960E-04 DCF3( 7)D-1 Th-232 2.730E-03 2.730E-03 DCF3( 8)D-1 u-236 2.690E-04 2.690E-04 DCF3( 9)D-34 Food transfer factors:D-34 Cm-244 , olant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 1.830E-03 D-34 cm-244 beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pCi/d) 2.000E-05 D-34 Cm-244 milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L) /(pci/d) 2.000E-06 0-34D-34 PU-240 , plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 1.830E-03 D-34 PU-240 beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/kg)/(pCi/d) 1.000E-04 D-34 Pu-240 milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pCi/d) 1.000E-06 D-34D-34 Ra-228+D

, plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 4.000E-02 D-34 Ra-228+D beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/kg)/(pCi/d) 1.000E-03 D-34 Ra-228+D milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/L /(pci/d) 1.000E-03 D-34D-34 Th-228+D

, plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 1.000E-03 D-34 Th-228+D beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pCi/d) 1.000E-04 0-34 Th-228+D milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/L) /(pci/d) 5.000E-06 D-341RESRAD, version 6.5 T' Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 17:38 Page 3Summary : HB soil DCGL_Cm244 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILEs\CM244 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLCM244.RAD 1.000E-03 RTF(2.000E-05 RTF(.OOOE-06 RTF(1.000E-03 RTF(.O000E-04 RTF(L.OOOE-06 RTF(4.000E-02 RTF(1.OOOE-03 RTF(1.000E-03 RTF(1.000E-03 RTF(1.OOOE-04 RTF(.OOOE-06 RTF(1,1)1,2)1,3)4,1)4,2)4,3)6,1)6,2)6,3)7,1)7,2)7,3)Dose conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter summary (continued)

Dose Library:

HB DCGLS Plus FGR 12 & FGR 110 3 3 Current 3 Base Parameter Menu Parameter value# Case*' NameAA.,AJAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAA.AAAWAAA A5,AAA .5AAAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AAAAAWAAAAAAAAWA A AAA.AAa,.AAAAA4 AAAýD-34 Th-232 , lant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 1.000E-03 1 .OOOE-03 RTF( 8,1)D-34 Th-232 beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pci/d) 31.000E-04 1.0008-04 RTF( 8,2)D-34 Th-232 milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pCi/d) 5.000E-06 5.OOOE-06 RTF( 8,3)D-34D-34 u-236 , lant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 2.500E-03 2.500E-03 RTF( 9,1)D-34 I u-236 beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/kg)/(pCi/d) 3.400E-04 3.400E-04 RTF( 9,2)D-34 u-236 milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pCi/d) 6.OOOE-04 6.OOOE-04 RTF( 9,3)D-5 Bioaccumulation

factors, fresh water, L/kg:D-5 cm-244 , fish 3.OOOE+01 3.OOOE+01 BIOFAC( 1,1)D-5 cm-244 , crustacea and mollusks 1.000E+03 1.OOOE+03 BIOFAC( 1,2)D-5D-5 Pu-240 , fish 3.000E+01 3.OOOE+01 3 BIOFAC( 4,1)BARTLETTPage 46 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0D-5 Pu-240 , crustacea and mollusks 1.OOOE+02 1.OOOE+02 BIOFAC( 4,2)D-5D-5 Ra-228+D

, fish 5.OOOE+01 5.000E+01 BIOFAC( 6,1)D-S Ra-228+D

, crustacea and mollusks 2.500E+02 2.500E+02 BIOFAC( 6,2)D-5D-5 Th-228+D

, fish 1.OOOE+02 1.000E+02 BIOFAC( 7,1)D-5 Th-228+D

, crustacea and mollusks 5.000E+02 S.OOOE+02 BIOFAC( 7,2)D-5O-5 Th-232 , fish 1.OOOE+02 1.OOOE+02 BIOFAC( 8,1)D-5 Th-232 , crustacea and mollusks 5.OOOE+02 5.OOOE+02 BIOFAC( 8,2)D-5o-5 u-236 , fish 1.OOOE+01 l.OOOE+0l BIOFAC( 9,1)O-5 u-236 , crustacea and mollusks 6.OOOE+01 6.OOOE+013 BIOFAC( 9,2)#For DCFl(xxx) only, factors are for infinite depth & area. See ETFG table in Ground Pathway of Detailed Report.3Base case means Default.Lib w/o Associate Nuclide contributions.

1RESRAD, version 6.5 T" Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 17:38 Page 4Summary HB soil DCGLCm244 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\CM244 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_cM244.RAD 0 3Menu Isite-specific Parameter summaryu user 3 used by RESRAD 3 Parameter

" Input o Default : (If different from user input) NameParamter


AAAAAAAAA AAAR011 Area of contaminated zone (m**2)R011 Thickness of contaminated zone (m)R011 Fraction of contamination that is submerged Roll Length parallel to aquifer flow (m)R011 Basic radiation dose limit (mrem/yr)

R011 Time since placement of material (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)R012 Initial principal radionuclide (pci/g):

cm-244R012 concentration in groundwater (pci/L):

Cm-244R013 cover depth (m)R013 Density of cover material (g/cm**3)

R013 Cover depth erosion rate (m/yr)R013 Density of contaminated zone (g/cm**3)

R013 Contaminated zone erosion rate (m/yr)R013 Contaminated zone total porosityR013 Contaminated zone field capacityR013 Contaminated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr)R013 contaminated zone b parameter R013 Average annual wind speed (m/sec)RO3 Humidity in air (g/m**3)RO3 Evapotranspiration coefficient R013 Precipitation (m/yr)R013 Irrigation (m/yr)R013 Irrigation modeROI3 Runoff coefficient R013 watershed area for nearby stream or pond (m-*2)R013 Accuracy for water/soil computations R014 Density of saturated zone (g/cm**3)

R014 saturated zone total porosityR014 Saturated zone effective porosityR014 Saturated zone field capacityR014 saturated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr)R014 Saturated zone hydraulic gradientR014 Saturated zone b parameter R014 water table drop rate (m/yr)R014 well pump intake depth (m below water table)R014 Model: Nondispersion (ND) or Mass-Balance (MB)R014 well pumping rate (m**3/yr) 33.OOOE+04 1.OOOE+04 2.670E+00 2.OOOE+O0 O.OOOE+O0 O.00E+OO1.950E+02 1.OOOE+02 2.SOOE+Ol 3.OOOE+01 O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+00

'1.0OOE+00 1.000E+0O 3.OO0E+OO 3.OOOE+OO 1.OOOE+01 31.OOOE+O 3.OOOE+Ol 3 3.0OOE+0l 1.O00E+02 l.OOOE+02 3.OOOE+02 3 3.OOOE+02 1.OOOE+03 l.OOOE+03 not used O.OOOE+O0 not used O.OOOE+O0 1.OOOE+O0 O.OOOE+O0 not used O.O00E+OO O.O00E+O0 O.OOOE+OO not used 1,500E+00 not used 1.000E-03 1.564E+00 31500E+00 2.200E-03 1.OOOE-03 4.100E-01 4.OOOE-0O 9.500E-02 2.000E-01 3.900E+OO 1.OOOE+01 5.600E+OO 5.300E+OO 3.040E+00 2.000E+00 not used 8.OOOE+OO

' 6.250E-Ol 3 5.OOE-Ol 39.100E-01 1.000E+OO 5.600E-Ol 2.00E-013 overhead overhead5.000E-01 2.000E-01 2.520E+07 l.OOOE+06 1.OOOE-03 1.OOOE-03 1.510E+00 1.500E+OO 4.300E-01 4.0OOEO-l 3.420E-01 2.OOOE-01 8.800SE-02 2.OOOE-01 2.880E+01 1.000E+02 2.OOOE-03 2.OOOE-02 7.100E+00 5.300E+00 1.OOOE-03 1.OOOE-03 l.000E+Ol 1.000E+01 3 ND NO1.573E+03 2.500E+02 AREATHICKO3 SUBMFRACT LCZPAQBRDLTIT( 2)T( 3)3 T( 4)T( 5)3 T( 6)T( 7)T( 8)T( 9)5T(10)Sl(l)wl( 1)COVERO3 DENSCVVCVDENSCZVCZ3 TPCZ3 FCCZ3 HCCZBCZWINDHUMIDEVAPTR3 PRECIP3 RIIDITCHRUNOFF3 WAREAEPS3 DENSAQ3 TPSZEPSZFCSZHCSZHGWT3BSZDWIBWTMODELUW1RESRAD, version 6.5 T.c Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 17:38 Page 5summary : HB soil DCGL_Cm244 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILEs\cM244 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLcM244.RAD 0 3Menusite-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) user used by RESRAD Parameter Input 3 Default .(if different from user input) NameParameter AAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAA AAAR015 Number of unsaturated zone strataR015 Unsat. zone 1, thickness (m)R015 Unsat. zone 1, soil density (g/cm**3)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, total porosityR015 Unsat. zone 1, effective porosityR015 Unsat. zone 1, field capacityR015 Unsat. zone 1, soil-specific b parameter R015 Unsat. zone 1, hydraulic conductivity (m/yr)R016 Distribution coefficients for cm-244R016 contaminated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 unsaturated zone 1 (cmk*3/g)

R016 Saturated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 Leach rate (/yr)R016 solubility constantR016 Distribution coefficients for daughter Pu-240R016 contaminated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 unsaturated zone 1 (cm**3/g)

R016 Saturated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 Leach rate (/yr)R016 solubility constantR016 Distribution coefficients for daughter Ra-228R016 Contaminated zone (cm"*3/g)

R016 unsaturated zone 1 (cm**3/g)

R016 saturated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 Leach rate (/yr)RO16 solubility constant(&BARTLETT 1 314.040E+00 4.OO0E+O0 1.564E+00 1.500E+OO 4.100E-01 4.OOOE-01 3.150E-01 2.000E-01 9.500E-02 2.OOOE-01 5.600E+00 5.300E+00 3.900E+00 1.OOOE+01 6.761E+03

'-1.000E+O0 6.761E+03

'-l.OOOE+00 6.761E+03 3-l.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO O.OO00E+OO O.OOOE+O0 O.O0OE+OO 9.530E+02 2.000E+03 9.530E+02 2.OOOE+03 9.530E+02 2.OOOE+03 O.000E+00 O.OOOE+0O O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO 3.533E+03 7.000E+O1 3.533E+03 7.000E+01 3.533E+03 7.OOOE+01 O.OOOE+00 O.OO0E+O0 O.OOOE+0 0.O00OE+O0 1.349E-05 not used9.565E-05 not used2.581E-05 not usedNSH(1)DENSUZ(1)


1)3DCNUCU(1l,1) 3DCNUCS(







" DCNUCS( 6)" ALEACH( 6)" SOLUBK( 6)Page 47Page 47 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0R016 Distribution coefficients for daughter Th-228 3R016 contaminated zone (cm**3/g)

'-NaN 6.000E+04 R016 unsaturated zone 1 (cm-*3/g)

'-NaN 6.000E+04 R016 Saturated zone (cm**3/g)

'-NaN 6.O00E+04 R016 Leach rate (/yr) 3-NaN O.O00E+00 R016 Solubility constant 5.000E+00 O.000E+00 R016 Distribution coefficients for daughter Th-232R016 Contaminated zone (cm**3/g) 5.884E+03 6.000E+04 R016 unsaturated zone 1 (cm**3/g) 5.884E+03 6.000E+04 R016 saturated zone (cm**3/g) 5.884E+03 6.000E+04 R016 Leach rate (/yr) O.000E+00 0.000E+00 R016 solubility constant 0.00OE+00 0.000E+00 R016 Distribution coefficients for daughter u-236R016 contaminated zone (cm**3/g) 1.260E+02 5.000E+01 R016 I unsaturated zone 1 (cm3*3/g) 1.260E+02 5.000E+01 R016 Saturated zone (cm**3/g) 1.260E+02 5.000E+01 R016 Leach rate (/yr) 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 R016 solubility constant 0.OO0E+00 O.O00E+00

1RESRAD, version 6.5 T- Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 17:38 Page 6Summary HB soil DCGLcm244 File : c:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\cM244 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLcM244.RAD Sol. Kd =-NaN1. 550E-05not used7.224E-04 not usedDCNUCC( 7)DCNUCU( 7,1)" DCNUCS( 7)ALEACH( 7)used SOLUsK( 7)DCNUCC( 8)DCNUCU( 8,1)DCNUCS( 8)ALEACH( 8)SOLUBK( 8)DCNUCC( 9)DCNUCU( 9,1)DCNUCS( 9)ALEACH( 9)SOLUBK( 9)0 3Menu 3 Parameter R017 Inhalation rate (m**3/yr)

R017 Mass loading for inhalation (g/m**3R017 Exposure durationR017 Shielding factor, inhalation R017 Shielding factor, external gammaR017 Fraction of time spent indoorsR017 Fraction of time spent outdoors (onR017 Shape factor flag, external gammaR017 Radii of shape factor array (used 1R017 outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 outer annular radius (m), ring 5R017 outer annular radius (m), ringR017 outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 outer annular radius (m), ringR017 outer annular radius (m), ring 1R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 1R017 outer annular radius (m), ring 1R017 Fractions of annular areas withinR017 Ring 1R017 Ring 2R017 Ring 3R017 Ring 4R017 Ring 5R017 Ring 6R017 Ring 7R017 Ring 8R017 Ring 9R017 Ring 10R017 Ring 11R017 Ring 12R018 Fruits, vegetables and grain consurR018 Leafy vegetable consumption Ckg/yr)R018 Milk consumption (L/yr)R018 Meat and poultry consumption (kg/yiR018 Fish consumption (kg/yr)R018 other seafood consumption (kg/yr)R018 Soil ingestion rate (g/yr)R018 Drinking water intake (L/yr)R018 contamination fraction of drinkingR018 Contamination fraction of householR018 Contamination fraction of livestock R018 Contamination fraction of irrigatic R018 Contamination fraction of aquaticRO18 Contamination fraction of plant fogIRESRAD, version 6.5 Tc Limit = 30 daySummary : HR soil DCGL_Cm244 File : C: \RESRAD_FAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USER 6 0Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) 3 user ffused by RESRAD 3 Parameter

' Input : Default C (If different from user input) ' NameiAAAAAASA4AaaAAXXAAAAAAA&AksAAAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAA44KAAAAAAAAKaaA4sAAAAAAAAAAAA.AAAA 8.400E+03 8.400E+03

--- INHALR3) 1.000E-04 1.000E-04

--- MLINH3.O00E+O1 3.O00E+01

--- ED5.500E-01 4.000E-01

--- SHF32.725E-01 7.000E-01

--- SHP16.571E-O1 5.O0E-Ol

--- FINDsite) ' 1.81E-01 2.500E-01

--- FOTD1.OOOE+00 1.000E+O0

>0 shows circular AREA. FSif PS = 31)1: not used 5.000E+01


1)I not used 7.071E+01

--- RADSHAPEC 2)3: not used 0.000E+00


3)I not used O.000E+00


4)I not used 0.000+0E+0'

--- RAD.SHAPEC 5)not used O.000E+00


6)7: not used O.000E+00


7)3 not used O.000E+00


8)3 not used O.000E+00


9)0: not used O. 000E+00 --- RADSHAPE(10) 1: not used 0. 000E+00 --- RADSHAPE(11) 2: not used O.O000E+O0 3 --- RADSHAPE(12)

AREA:not used 1.000E+00

--- FRACA( 1)not used 2.732E-01

--- FRACA( 2)not used 3.000E+O0

--- FRACA( 3)not used 0.000E+00

--- FRACA( 4)not used O.O00E+00

--- FRACA( 5)not used O.00E+00

--- FRACA( 6)not used 3.000E+O0

--- FRACA( 7)not used O.O00E+00

--- FRACA( 8)not used 0.000E+00

--- FRACA( 9)not used 0.000E+O0

--- FRACA(10) not used O.O00E+O0

--- FRACA(li) not used O.O000E+00

--- FRACA(12) nption (kg/yr) 1.120E+02 1.600E+02

--- DIET(l)2.140E+01 1.400E+01

--- DIET(2)2.330E+02 9.200E+01

--- DIET(3)r) 3 6.510E+01 I 6.300E+01 3 --- 3 DIET(4)2.060E+01 5.400E+00

--- DIET(5)9.000E-01 9.OOOE-O1

--- DIET(6)1.826E+01 3.650rE+Ol

--- SOIL4.785E+02 5.100E+02

--- DWIwater 1.000E+00 1.O000E+00

--- FDWd water not used 1.000E+00

--- FHHWk water 1.O000E+O0 1.OO00E+0

--- FLWon water 1.000E+03 1.O00E+00

--- FIRWfood 1.O000E+00 5.O00E-01

--- FR9od 1.O000E+0 3-1 --- FPLANTys 11/28/2011 17:38 Page 7RFILES\CM244 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_CM244.RAD site-specii Menu Parameter AA44AAAAAAAAAAXKAAAAAAAAaAAAA.AAAAAAAAW AAAAAAAAAAJ R018 contamination fraction of meatR018 Contamination fraction of milkR019 Livestock fodder intake for meat (kg/day)R019 Livestock fodder intake for milk (kg/day)R019 Livestock water intake for meat (L/day)R019 Livestock water intake for milk (L/day)R019 Livestock soil intake (kg/day)R019 Mass loading for foliar deposition (g/m**3)R019 Depth of soil mixing layer (m)R019 Depth of roots (m)R019 Drinking water fraction from ground waterR019 Household water fraction from ground waterR019 Livestock water fraction from ground waterR019 Irrigation fraction from ground waterR19B Wet weight crop yield for Non-Leafy (kg/m**2)

R19B Wet weight crop yield for Leafy (kg/m**2)

R19B Wet weight crop yield for Fodder (kg/mk*2)

R19B Growing Season for Non-Leafy (years)Ri9B Growing season for Leafy (years)R19B Growing Season for Fodder (years)R19B Translocation Factor for Non-Leafy R19B Translocation Factor for Leafy&CSBARTLETT fic Parameter Summary (continuuserInput Default~kAAAAAAAARA AAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAA1.OOOE+00 3-11.000E+00 3-12.710E+01 6.800E+01 6.320E+01 5.500E+01 5.060E+01 5.000E+01 6.000E+01 1.600E+02 5.000E-01 5.000E-01 4.000E-04 1.000E-04 2.300E-01 1.500E-01 1.220E+00 9.000E-01 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 not used 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+O0 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+0O 1.OOOE+00 1.750E+00 7.000E-01 2.889E+00 1.500E+00 1.887E+00 1.100E+00 2.460E-01 1.700E-01 1.230E-01 2.500E-01 8.200E-02 8.OOOE-02

.O100E-01 1.00OE-01 3 1.000E+OO 1.OOOE+00used by RESRAD 3 Parameter (If different from user input)Y s NameSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKAAAAAWAAAAAAAAAA.AAAAAA.

--FMEAT--- FMILK-LFI5LFI63 LWI5--- LWI63 LSI3 MLFD--DM--DROOT3- FGWDW--FGWHH3 FGWLW3 FGWIR-YV(1)3 yv(2)3 yv(3)3 TE(1)3 TE(2)'- TE(3)3 TIV(1)3 TIV(2)LJAA7 -Page 48Page 48 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-003 Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLs Rev. 0R19B Translocation Factor for Fodder 1.000E+00 1.000E+00

--- TIV(3)R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy 3.500E-01 2.SOOE-01

--- R3RY(1)R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RDRY(2)R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RDRY(3)R19B wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RwET(1)R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy 5.800E-01 2.500E-01

--- RWET(2)R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RWET(3)R19B weathering Removal Constant for vegetation 3.300E+01 2.000E+01

--- WLAMC14 C-12 concentration in water (g/cm-*3) not used 2.OOOE-05

--- C12WTRC14 C-12 concentration in contaminated soil (g/g) not used 3.000E-02

--- C12CZC14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from soil not used 2.000E-02

--- 3 CSOILC14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from air not used g9.800E-01

--- CAIRC14 C-14 evasion layer thickness in soil (m) not used 3.000E-01

--- DMCC14 C-14 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not. used 7.000E-07 I --- EVSNC14 C-12 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used 3O1.OE-10

--- REVSNC14 Fraction of grain in beef cattle feed not used 8.000E-01

--- AVFG4C14 Fraction of grain in milk cow feed not used 2.OOOE-01

--- AVFG5STOR Storage times of contaminated foodstuffs (days):STOR Fruits, non-leafy vegetables, and grain 1.400E+01 1.400E+01

--- STORT(1)STOR Leafy vegetables 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00

--- STORT(2)STOR Milk 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00

--- STORT(3)STOR Meat and poultry 2.000E+01 2.OOE+01

--- STORT(4)STOR Fish 7.000E+00 7.000E+00

--- STORT(S)STOR Crustacea and mollusks I 7.OOOE+00 7.00OE+00

--- STORST(6)

1RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 17:38 Page 8Summary : HB soil DCGLCm244 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\CM244 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_cM244.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) 0 .user 3 3 used by RESRAD 3 Parameter Menu 3Parameter Input 3 Default 3 (If different from user input) 3 NameAAAAkWAXAA.AAiAAAAAA~AAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAJAAAAAAA~JaAAAAAAAj4AAAAA------AAA444AAAAWAA4WAkAAAAAAASAaaAAaAAAAAAAAAA STOR well water 1.OOOE+00 1.000E+00

--- STOLT(7)STOR Surface water 1.0OOE+00 1.000E+00

--- STORT(8)STOR Livestock fodder 4.500E+01 4.500E+01

--- STORT(9)R021 Thickness of building foundation (m) not used 1.500E-01

--- FLOORIR021 Bulk density of building foundation (g/cm**3) not used 2.400E+00

--- DENSFLR021 Total porosity of the cover material not used 4.000E-01

--- TPCVR021 Total porosity of the building foundation not used 1.000E-01

--- TPFLR021 volumetric water content of the cover material not used 5.000E-02

--- PH2OCVR021 volumetric water content of the foundation not used 3.OOOE-02

--- PH2OFLR021 Diffusion coefficient for radon gas (m/sec):R021 in cover material not used 2.OOOE-06

--- DIFCVR021 in foundation material not used 3.000E-07

--- DIFFLR021 in contaminated zone soil not used 2.000E-06

--- DIFCZR021 Radon vertical dimension of mixing (m) not used 2.000E+00

--- HMIXR021 Average building air exchange rate (1/hr) not used 5.OOOE-01

--- REXGR021 Height of the building (room) Cm) not used 2.500E+OO

--- HRMR021 Bui ding interior area factor not used O.OOOE+00

--- FAIR021 Building depth below ground surface (m) not used 3-1.000E+00

--- DMFLR021 Emanating power of Rn-222 gas not used I 2.500E-01

--- EMANA(1)R021 Emanating power of Rn-220 gas -not used 1.500E-01

--- EMANA(2)TITL Number of graphical time points 32 ---..-. NPTSTITL Maximum number of integration points for dose 17 3 --.--- LYMAXTITL Maximum number of integration points for risk 1 3 --- -- KYMAXSummary of Pathway selections Pathway user selection AiAA-- external gamma 3 active2 inhalation (w/o radon)3 active3 -- plant ingestion active4-- meat ingestion active5 milk ingestion active6 aquatic foods active7 drinking water active8 -- soil ingestion active9 -- radon suppressed Find peak pathway doses active1RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 17:38 Page 9Summary : HB soil DCGL_Cm244 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\cM244 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_cM244.RAD contaminated Zone Dimensions Initial Soil Concentrations, pci/gAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~AAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Area: 30000.00 square meters cm-244 1.O0OE+00 Thickness:

2.67 metersCover Depth: 0.00 meters1RESRAD, Version 6.5 T- Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 17:38 Page 1Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGLCm244 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\CM244 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLCM244.RAD Table of contentsAAAAAAAAAAAAA W .Part vi: Uncertainty AnalysisORESRAD uncertainty Analysis ResultsProbabilistic input .................................

2Total Dose ..........................................

4Total Risk ..........................................

5Dose vs Pathway:

Ground External


....... 6Dose vs Pathway:

Inhalation (w/o Radon) ............

7Dose vs Pathway:

Radon (water Ind.) ................

8Dose vs Pathway:

Plant (water Ind.) ................

9Dose vs Pathway:

Meat (water Ind.) ................

10Dose vs Pathway:

Milk (water Ind.) ................

11Dose vs Pathway:

Soil Ingestion


12Dose vs Pathway:

water Ingestion


13Dose vs Pathway:

Fish Ingestion


14Dose vs Pathway:

Radon (water Dep.) ................

15t 8 ARTLETTPage 49 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0Dose vs Pathway:

Plant (water Dep.) ................

16Dose vs Pathway:

Meat (water Dep.) ................

17Dose VS Pathway:

Milk (water Dep.) ................

18cumulative Probability Summary .......................

19Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 1 ..... 20Peak of the mean dose at graphical times .............

21correlation and Regression coefficients (if any) ..... 221RESRAD, Version 6.5 T<' Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 17:38 Page 2Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGLcm244 File : C:\RESRADFAAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\CM244 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLCM244.RAD Probabilistic InputONumber of Sample Runs: 2000Number Name Distribution Parameter!






.0627 DCACTC(1)




















-10.8246 BRTF(96,3)


-13.1247 BBIO(96,1)

LOGNORMAL-N 3.448 BRTF(94,1)


-6.91IRESRAD, version 6.5 T< Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 17:Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGLCm244 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\CM244 DCGL\HB SOIL DC(Probabilistic Input (cont.)AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

.2385.092.17.323.75.76.1855.0699.07051.59.2651019738.08.827 2.3.1319 .6881.00478 31902.08 15.3.937 2.084.214 .646.124 .56.0106 1953.02 15.530.2385 .827.09 .1319.0905 .03492.17 .00478.323 2.080 0.9983 .0001.95.59 .044.15 .6.48 .00118 84.67 .951.82 .0011.82 .0011.82 .0011.89 .0011.89 .0011.89 .0011.7 .0011.7 .0011.7 .0013.62 .0013.62 .0013.62 .0013.62 .0013.62 .0013.62 .0013.13 .0013.13 .0013.13 .0011 .001.9 .0011.1.9 .001:38 Page 3GLCM244.

RAD2.3.6881.594319015.3.00000811.999.0151.000016 .1365.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999Number NameAAAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAAAAA AAAA49 BRTF(94,2) 50 BRTF(94,3) 51 BBIO(94,1) 52 BRTF(88,1) 53 BRTF(88,2) 54 BRTF(88,3) 55 BBIO(88,1) 56 BRTF(90,I) 57 BRTF(90,2) 58 BRTF(90,3) 59 BBIO(90,I) 60 BRTF(92,I) 61 BRTF(92,2) 62 BRTF(92,3) 63 BBIO(92,1)

"f'f'f'f'f'f "f'f'f'f'f'f f 'f'f'f'f'f'f'fff ifDistribution AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.


-9.21 .2 .001 .999-13.82 .5 .001 .9993.4 1.1-3.22 .9 .001 .999-6.91 .7 .001 .999-6.91 .5 .001 .9993.9 1.1-6.91 .9 .001 .999-9.21 1 .001 .999-12.21 .9 .001 .9994.6 1.1-6.21 .9 .001 .999-7.13 .7 .001 .999-7.82 .6 .001 .9992.3 1.1ffff 'f'f'f f'f'f'f'f'f'f l"f'f'f'fiffff ffff fffIRESRAD, version 6.5 T< Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 17:38 Page 21Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGLCm244 File : C:\RESRADPAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\CM244 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLCM244.RAD Peak of the mean dose (averaged over observations) at graphical timesRepetition Time of peak mean dose Peak mean doseYears mrem/yr1 O.00OE+0O 5.197E-01

t. BARTLETTPage 50 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-003 Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLs Rev. 0Cm-245 Results:1RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 18:32 Page 1Summary : HB soil DCGLCm245 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\CM245 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_CM245.RAD Table of ContentsAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Part 1: mixture Sums and Single Radionuclide Guidelines Dose Conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter Summary ... 2Site-Specific Parameter Summary .............................

4Summary of Pathway Selections


8Contaminated Zone and Total Dose Summary ...................

9Total Dose Components Time = O.000E+00


10Time = 1.000E+00


11Time = 3.OOOE+O


12Time = 1.OOOE+01


13Time = 3.000E+ 1 .......................................

14Time = 1.000E+02


15Time = 3.000E+02


16Time = 1.000E+03


17Dose/source Ratios Summed Over All Pathways


18Single Radionuclide soil Guidelines


18Dose Per Nuclide Summed Over All Pathways


19soil Concentration Per Nuclide ...... 201RESRAD, version 6.5 T< Limit = 30 days ....ii 2011 18:32 Page 2Summary : HB soil DCGLCm245 File : C:\RESRAD._FAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\CM245 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_CM245.RAD Dose conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter SummaryDose Library:

HB DCGLS Plus FGR 12 & FGR 110 a Current Base a Parameter Menu a Parameter a value# a Case" a NameAAAi4 AAAA'AAAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAiAAiA4)AWAAAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAA~aAA.A.AAAAAAAAA A-1 a DCF'S for external ground radiation, (mrem/yr)/(pCi/g)

A-1 a AC-225 (Source:

FGR 12) 6.371E-02 6.371E-02 DCF1( 1)A-1 a Am-241 (Source:

FGR 12) a 4.372E-02 a 4.372E-02 a DCF1( 2)A-1 a At-217 (Source:

FGR 12) 1.773E-03 1.773E-03 a DCF1( 3)A-1 Bi-213 .(Source:

FGR 12) 7.660E-01 7.660E-01 a DCF1( 4)A-1 Cm-245 (Source:

FGR 12) 3.400E-01 a 3.400E-01 a DCF1( 5)A-1 Fr-221 (Source:

FGR 12) a 1.536E-01 a 1.536E-01 a DCFI( 6)A-1 Np-237 (Source:

FGR 12) 7.790E-02 a 7.790E-02 a DCFI( 7)A-1 Pa-233 (Source:

FGR 12) 1.020E+O0 a 1.020E+00 a DCF1( 8)A-1 Pb-209 (Source:

FGR 12) 7.734E-04 7.734E-04 a DCF1( 9)A-1 Po-213 (Source:

FGR 12) O.O00E+00 O.000E+00 a DCF1( 10)A-1 Pu-241 (source:

FGR 12) 5.904E-06 5.904E-06 a DCF1( 11)A-1 Ra-225 (Source:

FGR 12) 1.102E-02 a 1.102E-02 a DCF1( 12)A-1 Th-229 (Source:

FGR 12) 3.213E-01 a 3.213E-01 a DCF1( 13)A- Tl-209 (Source:

FGR 12) 1.293E+01 a 1.293E+01 a DCF1( 14)A-1 u-233 (Source:

FGR 12) 1.397E-03 a 1.397E-03 a DCF1( 15)A-1 u-237 (source:

FGR 12) 5.306E-01 5.306E-01 a DCF1( 16)B- a Dose conversion factors for inhalation, mrem/pCi:

B-1 Am-241 4.440E-01 4.440E-01 DCF2( 1)B-1 Cm-245 4.550E-01 a 4.550E-01 a DCF2( 2)B-1 Np-237+D 5.400E-01 5.400E-01 a DCF2( 4)B-1 Pu-241 8.250E-03 8.250E-03 a DCF2( 5)B-1 Pu-241+D 8.254E-03 8.250E-03 a DCF2( 6)B-1 Th-229+D 2.169E+00 a 2.150E+00 a DCF2( 7)B-1 u-233 1.350E-01 a 1.350E-01 DCF2( 8)D-1 a Dose conversion factors for ingestion, mrem/pci:

D-1 Am-241 a 3.640E-03 3.640E-03 DCF3( 1)D-1 Cm-245 3 .740E-03 a 3.740E-03 a DCF3( 2)D-1 Np-237+D 4.444E-03 a 4.440E-03 a DCF3( 4)D-1 Pu-241 6.840E-05 6.840E-05 a DCF3( 5)D-1 a Pu-241+D 7.157E-05 6.840E-05 a DCF3( 6)D-1 a Th-229+D 4.027E-03 3.530E-03 a DCF3( 7)D-1 a u-233 a 2.890E-04 2.890E-04 DCF3( 8)D-34 a Food transfer factors:

aD-34 a Am-241 plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless a 1.830E-03 1.000E-03 a RTF( 1,1)D-34 a Am-241 beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pci/d) a 5.0OOE-05 a 5.OOOE-05 a RTF( 1,2)D-34 Am-241 milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pci/d) 2.000s,06 a 2.000E-06 a RTF( 1,3)D-34D-34 Cm-245 plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless a 1.830E-03 a 1.000E-03 a RTF( 2,1)D-34 a Cm-245 beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pci/d) a 2.000E-05 a 2.OOOE-05 a RTF( 2,2)D-34 a Cm-245 milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/L)/(pci/d) 2.000E-06 a 2.000E-06 a RTF( 2,3)D-34 aD-34 a Np-237+D plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless a 3.670E-02 a 2.OOOE-02 a RTF( 4,1)D-34 a Np-237+D beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pCi/d) a 1.OOOE-03 a 1.OOOE-03 a RTF( 4,2)D-34 a Np-237+D milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/L)/(pci/d) a S.OOO-06 a 5.OOOE-06 a RTF( 4,3)D-34 a 3 a1RESRAD, version 6.5 T- Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 18:32 Page 3Summary : HB soil DCGLCm245 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\CM245 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_CM245.RAD Dose conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter Summary (continued)

Dose Library:

HB DCGLS Plus FGR 12 & FGR 11O a a Current a Base a Parameter Menu Parameter value# a Case a NameA.&5.AAWA.AAA.AAAAAAWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA44AAAAAaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA D-34 Pu-241 plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless a 1.830E-03 a 1.OOOE-03 a RTF( 5,1)D-34 Pu-241 beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pci/d) a 1.OOOE-04 a 1.OOOE-04 a RTF( 5,2)D-34 a Pu-241 milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pci/d)

I.OOOE-06 a 1.000E-06 RTF( 5,3)D-34 aD-34 Pu-241+D plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless a 1.830E-03 a 1.000E-03 RTF( 6,1)D-34 Pu-241+D beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pci/d) a 1.000E-04 a 1.000E-04 a RTF( 6,2)D-34 a Pu-241+D milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pCi/d) 1.000E-06 a 1.OOOE-06 a RTF( 6,3)D-34 aD-34 a Th-229+D

, plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless a 1.000E-03 3 1.000E-03 a RTF( 7,1)D-34 a Th-229+D beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/kg)/(pCi/d) a 1.000E-04 a 1.000E-04 a RTF( 7,2)D-34 a Th-229+D milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/L)/(pci/d) a 5.OOOE-06 a 5.OOOE-06 a RTF( 7,3)D-34 aD-34 a u-233 , plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 2.500E-03 a 2.500m-03 a RTF( 8,1)NMARTLETT Page 51 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0D-34 u-233 , beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pci/d) 3.400E-04 3.400E-04 RTF( 8,2)D-34 u-233 milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/L) /(pci/d) 6.OOOE-04 6.OOOE-04 RTF( 8,3)D-5 Bioaccumulation

factors, fresh water, L/kg:D-5 Am-241 , fish 3.000E+01 3.OOOE+01 BIOFAC( 1,1)D-5 AM-241 , crustacea and mollusks 1.000E+03 1.000E+03 BIOFAC( 1,2)D-5D-5 Cm-245 , fish 3.000E+01 3.000E+01 BIOFAC( 2,1)D-5 Cm-245 , crustacea and mollusks 1.0008+03 1.000E+03 BIOFAC( 2,2)D-5D-5 Np-237+D

, fish 3.OOOE+01 3.000E+01 BIOFAC( 4,1)D-5 Np-237+D

, crustacea and mollusks 4.000E+02 4.0008+02 BIOFAC( 4,2)D-5D-5 Pu-241 fish 3.0008+01 3.000E+01 BIOFAC( 5,1)D-5 Pu-241 crustacea and mollusks 1.000E+02 1.000E+02 BIOFAC( 5,2)D-5D-5 Pu-241+D fish 3.OOO+01 3.000E+01 BIOFAC( 6,1)D-5 Pu-241+D crustacea and mollusks 1.000E+02 1.000E+02 BIOFAC( 6,2)D-5D-5 Th-229+D fish 1.0008+02 1.000E+02 BIOFAC( 7,1)D-5 Th-229+D crustacea and mollusks 5.000E+02 5.000E+02 BIOFAC( 7,2)D-5D-5 u-233 fish 1.000E+01 1.0008+01 BIOFAC( 8,1)D-5 u-233 crustacea and mollusks 6.OOOE+01 6.000E+01 BIOFAC( 8,2)#For DCF1(xxx) only, factors are for infinite depth & area. See ETFG table in Ground Pathway of Detailed Report.*Base Case means Default.Lib W/O ASSociate Nuclide contributions.

1RESRAD, version 6.5 T<- Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 18:32 Page 4Summary HB soil DCGL_Cm245 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\cM245 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_cM245.RAD 0 3Men Parameter summaryuser 3 used by RESRAD Parameter Input .Default : (If different from user input) 3 NameParameter AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAARoll Area of contaminated zone (m-2)R011 Thickness of contaminated zone (m)R011 Fraction of contamination that is submerged R011 Length parallel to aquifer flow (m)R011 Basic radiation dose limit (mrem/yr)

R011 Time since placement of material (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)R012 Initial principal radionuclide (pCi/g):

Cm-245R012 concentration in groundwater (pci/L):

cm-245R013 Cover depth (m)R013 Density of cover material (g/cm**3)

R013 cover depth erosion rate (m/yr)R013 Density of contaminated zone (g/cm**3)

R013 contaminated zone erosion rate (m/yr)R013 Contaminated zone total porosityR013 Contaminated zone field capacityR013 contaminated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr)R013 contaminated zone b parameter R013 Average annual wind speed (m/sec)R013 Humidity in air (g/m**3)R013 Evapotranspi ration coefficient R013 Precipitation (m/yr)R013 Irrigation (m/yr)R013 Irrigation modeR013 Runoff coefficient R013 watershed area for nearby stream or pond (m**2)R013 Accuracy for water/soil computations R014 Density of saturated zone (g/cm**3)

R014 saturated zone total porosityR014 Saturated zone effective porosityR014 Saturated zone field capacityR014 saturated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr)R014 saturated zone hydraulic gradientR014 Saturated zone b parameter R014 water table drop rate (m/yr)R014 well pump intake depth (m below water table)R014 Model: Nondispersion (ND) or Mass-Balance (MB)R014 well pumping rate (m**3/yr)

I3.0O00+04 1.000E+04 2.670E+i00 2.0001+00 0.0008+0E0 0.000+001.950E+02 1.OOOE+02 2.500E+01 3.000E+01 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 1.OO0E+00 1.OOOE+O0 3.000E+00 3.000E+00 1.000E+01 1.000E+01 3.OOOE+01 3.0008+01 1.OOOE+02 1.0008+02 3.OOOE+02 3.OOOE+02 1.000E+03 1.000E+03 not used 0.000E+00 not used 0.000E+00 1.OOE+00 0.000E+00 not used 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 O.O0OE+O0 not used 1.500E+00 not used 1.000E-03 1.564E+00 3 1.500E+00 2.200E-03 1.000E-03 4.100E-01 4.000E-01 9.500E-02 2.000E-01 3.900E+00 1.000E+01 5.600E+00 5.300E+00 3.040E+00 2.OOOE+00 not used 8.00OE+00 6.250E-01 5.000E-01 9.1008-01 1.000E+00 5.600E-01 2.000E-01 overhead overhead5.000E-01 2.000E-01 2.520E+07 1.000E+06 1.000E-03 1.000E-03 1.510E+00 1.5008+00 4.300E-01 4.000E-01 3.420E-01 2.000E-01 8.800E-02 2.000E-01 2.880E+01 1.0008+02 2.OOOE-03 2.OOOE-02 7.100E+00 5.300E+00 1.OOOE-03 1.000E-03 1.OOOE+01 1.OOOE+01 ND ND1.573E+03 2.500E+02 33 .3AREATHICKOSUBMFRACT LCZPAQBRDLTIT( 2)3 T( 3)3 T( 4)T( 5)T( 6)T( 7)T( 8)T( 9)T(10)s1(2)wl( 2)COVERODENSCV3VCV3 DENSCZ3VCZ3 TPCZ3FCCZ3HCCZBCZWINDHUMID3EVAPTR3PRECIPRIIDITCHRUNOFFWAREAEPSDENSAQTPSZEPSZFCSZHCSZHGWTBSZvwrTDWIBWTMODEL3UW3 P51RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 18:32 Page 5summary : HB soil DCGLcm245 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\cM245 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLCM245.RAD 0 3Men u 3site-specific Parameter Summary (continued) user used by RESRAD Parameter

n. .Inpt 3 Default (if different

.rpm userq.p.t) 3 Name ............


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA4AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA R015 Number of unsaturated zone strataR015 Unsat. zone 1, thickness (m)R015 Unsat. zone 1, soil density (g/cm**3)

R01S Unsat. zone 1, total porosityR015 Unsat. zone 1, effective porosityR015 Unsat. zone 1, field capacityR015 Unsat. zone I, soil-specific b parameter ROS Unsat. zone 1, hydraulic conductivity (m/yr)R016 Distribution coefficients for Cm-245R016 Contaminated zone (cm*3/g)R016 unsaturated zone 1 (cm-*3/g)

R016 saturated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 Leach rate (/yr)R016 solubility constantR016 Distribution coefficients for daughter Am-241R016 Contaminated zone (cmm*3/g)(V BARTLETT4.040E+00 4.000E+00 1.564E+00 1.500E+00 4.100E-01 4.000E-01 3.150E-01 I 2.000E-01 9.500E-02 2.OOOE-01 5.600E+00 5.300E+00 3.900E+00 1.OOOE+01 6.761E+03 3-l.OOOE+00 6.761E+03

'-1.000E+00 6.761E+03 3-1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 1.445E+03 I 2.000E+01 NSH(1)3 DENSUZ(i)

' TPUZ(1)EEPUZ(1)FCUZ(l)BUZ(1)HHCUZ(1)' DCNUCC( 2)DCNUCU( 2,1)' DCNUCS( 2)ALEACH( 2)SOLUBK( 2)1.3498-05 not usedPage 52 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0R016 unsaturated zone 1 (cm**3/g) 1.445E+03 2.OOOE+01 R016 Saturated zone (cmvv3/g) 1.445E+03 2.OOOE+01 RO16 Leach rate (/yr) O.OOOE+O0 O.OOOE+O0 R016 solubility constant O.OOOE+O0 0.OOOE+00 R016 Distribution coefficients for daughter Np-237R016 contaminated zone (cm**3/g) 1.700E+01 a-1.000E+O0 R016 unsaturated zone 1 (cm*23/g) 1.700E+01 a-1.000E+O0 R016 saturated zone (cm**3/g) 1.700E+01 a-..OOOE+O0 R016 Leach rate (/yr) O.OOOE+00 a O.OOOE+O0 R016 solubility constant O.O00E+OO a O.OOOE+O0 R016 Distribution coefficients for daughter Pu-241R016 contaminated zone (cm**3/g) 9.530E+02 2.OOOE+03 R016 unsaturated zone 1 (cm*.3/g) 9.530E+02 2.0OOE+03 R016 Saturated zone (cm**3/g) 9.530E+02 2.OOOE+03 R016 Leach rate (/yr) O.00E+OO a O.0OOE+00 R016 solubility constant O.OOOE+OO 0.OOOE+00 R016 Distribution coefficients for daughter Th-229R016 Contaminated zone (cm**3/g) 5.884E+03 6.00OE+04 R016 unsaturated zone 1 (cm**3/g) 5.884E+03 6.0OOE+04 R016 a Saturated zone (cm**3/g) 5.884E+03 6.OOOE+04 R016 a Leach rate (/yr) O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO aR016 solubility constant O.OOOE+OO 0.000E+OO aR016 Distribution coefficients for daughter U-233 a aR016 Contaminated zone (cm**3/g) a 1.260E+02 a 5.000E+01 aR016 a unsaturated zone 1 (cm*23/g) a 1.260E+02 a 5.oooE+01 aR016 a Saturated zone (cm**3/g) a 1.260E+02 5.OOOE+01 aR016 a Leach rate (/yr) a 0.000E+OO O.O00E+OO aR016 a solubility constant a O.OOOE+OO a O.OOOE+OO

iRESRAD, Version 6.5 T4 Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 18:32 Page 6Summary HB soil DCGL_Cm245 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\CM245 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGOLCM245.RAD
6. 309E-05not used5.294E-03 not used9.565E-05 not used1.550E-05 not used7.224E-04 not usedDCNUCU( 1,1)DCNUCS( 1)ALEACH( 1)SOLUBK( 1)DCNUCC( 4)DCNUCU( 4,1)DCNUCS( 4)ALEACH( 4)a SOLUBK( 4)DCNUCC( 5)DCNUCU( 5,1)DCNUCS( 5)ALEACH( 5)SOLUBK( 5)DCNUCC( 7)DCNUCU( 7,1)DCNUCS( 7)ALEACH( 7)SOLUBK( 7)DCNUCC( 8)DCNUCU( 8,1)DCNUCS( 8)ALEACH( 8)SOLUBKC 8)0 aMenu asite-specific Parameter summary (continued) a User a a used by RESRAD 3 Parameter a np .ut 3 .(If different from user inp.) 3...Parameter AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA4AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA44444WA4444A444kkWAAAA4444AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA4444444kAkA44AAAkkkAAAA4AAAAAA R017 Inhalation rate (m**3/yr) a 8.400E+03 a 8.400E+03 R017 a Mass loading for inhalation (g/mk*3) a 1.OOOE-04 a 1.OOOE-04 R017 Exposure duration a 3.000E+01 a 3.OOOE+O1 R017 a shielding factor, inhalation 5.500E-01 a 4.OOOE-01 R017 a Shielding factor, external gamma 2.725E-01 a 7.000E-01 aR017 a Fraction of time spent indoors 6.571E-01 a 5.OOOE-O1 aR017 a Fraction of time spent outdoors (on site) 1.181E-01 a 2.500E-01 aR017 shape factor flag, external gamma 1.OOOE+00 a 1.0OOE+OO R017 Radii of shape factor array (used if FS = -1):R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 1: a not used a 5.000E+01 aR017 outer annular radius (m), ring 2: a not used a 7.071E+01 aR017 a outer annular radius (m), ring 3: a not used a 0.000E+00 aR017 outer annular radius (m) ring 4: not used a 0.OOOE+00 aRO17 Outer annular radius (m) ring 5: not used a O.OOOE+O0 R017 a Outer annular radius (m) ring 6: not used a O.OOOE+OO R017 a Outer annular radius (m) ring 7: not used a O.OOOE+O0 R017 Outer annular radius (m) ring 8: not used a O.OooE+Oa R017 Outer annular radius (m) ring 9: not used a O.OOOE+00 R017 Outer annular radius (i) ring io: not used aO.OOE+Oa R017 Outer annular radius (m) ring 10: not used aO.OOE+00 R017 a Outer annular radius (m) ring 12: not used a O.OOOE+00 aR017 Fractions of annular areas within AREA:R017 Ring 1 a not used a 1.OOOE+OO aR017 Ring 2 a not used a 2.732E-01 aR017 Ring 3 a not used a O.OOOE+00 R017 a Ring 4 not used a O.OOOE+00 R017 Ring 5 not used a O.O00E+OO ROl7 Ring 6 a not used a O.OOOE+OO R017 Ring 7 a not used a O.OOOE+OO aR017 Ring 8 a not used a O.OOOE+OO aR017 Ring 9 a not used a O.OOOE+OO aR017 Ring 10 a not used a O.OOOE+00 aR017 Ring 11 not used a 0.000E+00 aR017 a Ring 12 not used a O.OOOE+00 aR018 a Fruits, vegetables and grain consumption (kg/yr) 1.120E+02 a 1.600E+02 aR018 a Leafy vegetable consumption Ckg/yr) 2.140E+01 1.400E+01 R018 a Milk consumption (L/yr) 2.330E+02 9.200E+01 R018 a Meat and poultry consumption (kg/yr) 6.510E+01 a 6.300E+01 aR018 Fish consumption (kg/yr) a 2.060E+01 5.400E+00 aR018 a other seafood consumption (kg/yr) a 9.OOOE-01 9.OOOE-01 aR018 a soil ingestion rate (g/yr) a 1.826E+01 a 3.650E+01 aR018 a Drinking water intake (L/yr) 4.785E+02 5.100E+02 aR018 Contamination fraction of drinking water a 1.000E+O0 a 1.OOOE+OO aR018 a Contamination fraction of household water a not used a 1.OOOE+OO aR018 a Contamination fraction of livestock water a 1.OOOE+O0 1.OO0E+OO R018 a Contamination fraction of irrigation water a 1.OOOE+00 a 1.OO0E+OO R018 a Contamination fraction of aquatic food a 1.OOOE+OO 5.OOOE-01 R018 a Contamination fraction of plant food a 1.OOOE+OO

'-I1RESRAD, version 6.5 T1 Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 18:32 Page 7summary : HB soil DCGLCm245 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\CM245 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLCM245.RAD










9)a RADSHAPE(10) 3 RAD.SHAPE(11) a RAD.SHAPE(12) a FRACA( 1)a FRACA( 2)FRACA( 3)FRACA( 4)a FRACA( 5)a FRACA( 6)a FRACA( 7)a FRACA( 8)a FRACA( 9)a FRACA(10) a FRACA(11) a FRACA(12) a DIET(1)' DIET(2)a DIET(3)DIET(4)a DIET(S)a DIET(6)a SOILa oWIa FOW3 FHHWFLWFIRWFR9FPLANTSite-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) 0 a user 3 used by RESRAD a Parameter Menu a3Parameter a Input 3 Default a (If different from user input) a Name4AAXAAaaxiAAAAP#A AAAA AAAAAAAAAA A XWW........................AAAAAA.AA

.AA5A .AAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAA.R018 a Contamination fraction of meat a 1.000E+OO a-1 -a FMEATR018 a Contamination fraction of milk 1.OOOE+O0

-1 --- FMILKR019 Livestock fodder intake for meat (kg/day) 2.7l0E+01 a 6.800E+01

--- LFISR019 Livestock fodder intake for milk (kg/day) a 6.320E+01 5.500E+01 a a LFI6R019 Livestock water intake for meat (L/day) 5.060E+01 a 5.OOOE+01

--- LWI5R019 Livestock water intake for milk (L/day) 6.OOOE+01 1.600E+02

--- LW16R019 a Livestock soil intake (kg/day) 3 5.OOOE-01 a 5.OOOE-01 a LSIR019 Mass loading for foliar deposition (g/m**3) a 4.OOOE-04 1.OOOE-04 a-MLFDR019 a Depth of soil mixing layer (m) a 2.300E-01 a 1.500ES-1

--- DMR019 Depth of roots (m) a 1.220E+00 g9.OOOE-01 a a DROOTR019 a Drinking water fraction from ground water 1.000E+O0 1.OOE+OO a a FGWDWR019 a Household water fraction from ground water not used 1.OOOE+OO a-- FGWHH(f BARTLETT Page 53 Bartleft Engineering ENG-HB-003 Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLs Rev. 0R019 Livestock water fraction from ground water 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+O0

--- FGWLWR019 Irrigation fraction from ground water 1.OOOE+O0 I.OOOE+00

--- FGWIRR19B wet weight crop yield for Non-Leafy (kg/m**2) 1.750E+00 7.OOOE-01

--- YV(1)R19B wet weight crop yield for Leafy (kg/m**2) 2.889E+00 1.5OOE+00

--- YV(2)R19B wet weight crop yield for Fodder (kg/m**2) 1.887E+00 1.100E+00

--- Yv(3)R19B Growing Season for Non-Leafy (years) 2.460E-01 1.700E-01

--- TE(1)R19B Growing Season for Leafy (years) 1.230E-01 2.500E-01

--- TE(2)R19B Growing Season for Fodder (years) 8.200E-02 8.000E-02

--- TE(3)R19B Translocation Factor for Non-Leafy 1.OOOE-01 1.OOOE-01

-- TIV(1)R19B Translocation Factor for Leafy 1.OOOE+00 1.O00E+00

--- TIV(2)RI9B Translocation Factor for Fodder 1.OOOE+00 1.000E+00

--- TIv(3)RI9B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RDRY(1)R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RDRY(2)RI9B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RDRY(3)R19B wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RWET(1)R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy 5.800E-01 2.500E-01

--- RWET(2)Ri9B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RWET(3)R19B weathering Removal Constant for vegetation 3.300E+01 2.000E+01

--- WLAMC14 C-12 concentration in water (g/cm**3) not used 2.OOOE-05

--- C12WTRC14 C-12 concentration in contaminated soil (g/g) not used 3.000E-02

--- cl2czC14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from soil not used 2.000E-02

--- CSOILC14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from air not used 9.800E-01

--- CAIRC14 C-14 evasion layer thickness in soil (m) not used 3.000E-01

--- DMCC14 C-14 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used 7.000E-07

--- EVSNC14 C-12 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used 1.000E-10

--- REVSNC14 Fraction of grain in beef cattle feed not used 8.000E-01

--- AVFG4C14 Fraction of grain in milk cow feed not used 2.OOOE-01

--- AVFG5STOR storage times of contaminated foodstuffs (days):STOR Fruits, non-leafy vegetables, and grain 1.400E+01 1.400E+01

--- STORT(1)STOR Leafy vegetables 1.000E+O0 1.000+0 --- STORLT(2)

STOR Milk 1.000+EO0 1.O000E+0

--- STORT(3)STOR meat and poultry 2.OOOE+01 2.OOOE+O1

--- STORT(4)STOR Fish 7.OOOE+00 7.000E+00

--- STORT(5)STOR Crustacea and mollusks 7.OOOE+03 7.000E+00

--- STOR.T(6)

1RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 18:32 Page 8summary : HB soil DCGLCm245 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\CM245 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLCM245.RAD site-specific Parameter Summary (continued) 0 3 User ' used by RESRAD 3 Parameter Menu Parameter Input 3 Default : (If different from user input) 3 NameAAAAWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWAAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAA"XAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA STOR Well water 1.OOOE+00 1.000E+00

--- STOR.T(7)

STOR surface water 1.000E+00 1.000E+00

--- STOIT(8)STOR Livestock fodder 4.500E+01 4.500E+01

--- STORT(9)R021 Thickness of building foundation (m) not used 1.500E-01

--- FLOOR1R021 Bulk density of building foundation (g/cm**3) not used 2.400E+00

--- DENSFLR021 Total porosity of the cover material not used 4.000E-01

--- TPCVR021 Total porosity of the building foundation not used 1.000E-01

--- TPFLR021 volumetric water content of the cover material not used 5.000E-02

--- PH2oCvR021 volumetric water content of the foundation not used 3.000E-02

--- PH2OFLR021 Diffusion coefficient for radon gas (m/sec):R021 in cover material not used 2.000E-06

--- DIFCVR021 in foundation material I not used 3.000E-07

--- DIFFLR021 in contaminated zone soil not used 2.OOOE-06

--- DIFCZR021 Radon vertical dimension of mixing (m) not used 2.000E+00

--- HMIXR021 Average building air exchange rate (1/hr) not used 5.000E-01

--- REXGR021 Height of the building (room) (m) not used 2.500E+00

--- HRMR021 Building interior area factor not used 0.000E+00

--- FAIR021 Building depth below ground surface (m) not used 3-1.000E+00

--- DMFLR021 Emanating power of Rn-222 gas not used 2.500E-01

--- EMANA(1)R021 Emanating power of Rn-220 gas not used 1.500E-01

--- EMANA(2)TITL Number of graphical time points 32 NPTSTITL Maximum number of integration points.for dose 17 --- --- LYMAXTITL 3 Maximum number of integration points for risk 3 KYMAXSummary of Pathway selections 3 user Selection 1-- external gamma active2-- inhalation (w/o radon)3 active3 -- plant.ingestion active4-- meat ingestion active5-- milk ingestion active6 -- aquatic foods active7-- drinking water active8 -- soil ingestion active9 -- radon suppressed Find peak pathway doses active1RESRAD, Version 6.5 T- Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 18:32 Page 9Summary : HB soil DCGLCm245 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\CM245 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLCM245.RAD Contaminated Zone Dimensions Initial soil concentrations, pci/gAAAWAAAAAAAWAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAArea: 30000.00 square meters cm-245 1.000E+00 Thickness:

2.67 metersCover Depth: 0.00 meters1RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 18:32 Page 1Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGL_Cm245 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\CM245 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLCM245.RAD Table of ContentsAAAAAAAAAAAA.A Part vI: Uncertainty AnalysisORESRAD Uncertainty Analysis ResultsProbabilistic Input ................................

2Total Dose ..........................................

4(&BARTLETT Page 54 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0Total Risk ..........................................

5Dose VS Pathway:

Ground External....................

6Dose vs Pathway:


(/a Radon) .............

7Dose vs Pathway:

Radon (water Ind.) ..................

8Dose vs Pathway:

Plant (water Ind.) ................

9Dose VS Pathway:

Meat (water Ind.) ................

10Dose vs Pathway:

Milk (water Ind.) ................

11Dose vs Pathway:

soil Ingestion


12Dose vs Pathway:

water Ingestion


13Dose vs Pathway:

Fish Ingestion


14Dose vs Pathway:

Radon (water Dep.) ................

15Dose vs Pathway:

Plant (water Dep.) ................

16Dose vs Pathway:

Meat (water Dep.) ................

17Dose vs Pathway:

Milk (water Dep.) ................

18Cumulative Probability Summary .........................

19summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 1 ..... 20Peak of the Mean dose at graphical times.............

21Correlation and Regression coefficients (if any) ..... 221RESRAD, version 6,5 T" Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 18:32 Page 2probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGLCm245 File : C:\RESRADFn.IILY\RESPAD\6.5\USERFILEs\CM245 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLCM245.RAD Probabilistic InputONumber of sample Runs: 2000Number Name Distribution Parameters A.AAAA AAAAAAAAMAAAAAAWAA.A5AAAAAAA&AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.


.362 1.59 .0106 19511 BSZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.96 .265 3.02 15.512 DWIBWT TRIANGULAR 6 10 3013 UW UNIFORM 1173 197314 H(1) UNIFORM 0 8.0815 DENSUZ(1)

BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5635 .2385 .827 2.316 TPUZ(1) BOUNDED NORMAL .41 .09 .1319 .688117 EPUZ(1) BOUNDED NORMAL .315 .0905 .0349 .59418 HCUZ(1) BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.36 2.17 .00478 319019 BUZ(1) BOUNDED LOGNORPAL-N 1.73 .323 2.08 15.320 MLINH CONTINUOUS LINEAR 8 0 0 .000008 .0151 .000016 .1365.00003 .8119 .00004 .9495 .00006 .9937 .000076 .9983 .0001 121 SHF3 UNIFORM .15 .9522 SHF1 BOUNDED LOGNODRAL-N

-1.3 .59 .044 123 DM TRIANGULAR 0 .15 .624 YV(1) TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

.56 .48 .001 .99925 WLAM TRIANGULAR 5.1 18 8426 RWET(2) TRIANGULAR

.06 .67 .9527 DCACTC(2)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 8.82 1.82 .001 .99928 DCACTU1(2)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 8.82 1.82 * .001 .99929 DCACTS(2)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 8.82 1.82 .001 .99930 DCACTC(1)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 7.28 3.15 .001 .99931 DCACTU1(1)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 7.28 3.15 .001 .99932 D.CACTS(1)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 7.28 3.15 .001 .99933 DCACTC(4)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 2.84 2.25 .001 .99934 DCACTU1(4)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 2.84 2.25 .001 .99935 DCACTS(4)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 2.84 2.25 .001 .99936 DCACTC(5)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 6.68 1.89 .001 .99937 DCACTU1(5)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 6.86 1.89 .001 .99938 DCACTS(5)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 6.86 1.89 .001 .99939 DCACTC(7)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 8.68 3.62 .001 .99940 DCACTU1(7)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 8.68 3.62 .001 .99941 DCACTS(7)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 8.68 3.62 .001 .99942 DCACTC(8)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 4.84 3.13 .001 .99943 DCACTUI(8)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 4.84 3.13 .001 .99944 DCACTS(8)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 4.84 3.13 .001 .99945 BRTF(96,2)


-10.82 1 .001 .99946 BRTF(96,3)


-13.12 .9 .001 .99947 BBIO(96,1)

LOGNORMAL-N 3.4 1.148 BRTF(95,1)


-6.91 .9 .001 .9991RESRAD, version 6,5 T- Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 18:32 Page 3Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGLCm245 File : C:\RESRAD_.AMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\CM245 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLCM245.RAD Probabilistic Input (cont.)Number Name4AAAA XAAAAAAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAA 49 BRTF(95,2) 50 BRTF(95,3) 51 BBIO(95,1) 52 BRTF(93,1) 53 BRTF(93,2) 54 BRTF(93,3) 55 BBIO(93,1) 56 BRTF(94,1) 57 BRTF(94,2) 58 BRTF(94,3) 59 BBIO(94,1) 60 BRTF(90,1) 61 BRTF(90,2) 62 BRTF(90,3) 63 BBIO(90,1) 64 BRTF(92,1) 65 BRTF(92,2) 66 BRTF(92,3) 67 BBIO(92,1)

+/-33+/-3+/- +/-+/-+/-+/-3+/-+/-+/-t+/-3+/-+/-+/-+/-+/-+/-+/-+/-3+/-+/-

Distri bution Parameters XAWA4AAAAA


-9.9 .2 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-13.12 .7 .001 .999LOGNORMAL-N 3.4 1.1TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-3.91 .9 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-6.91 .7 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-11.51 .7 .001 .999LOGNORMAL-N 3.4 1.1TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-6.91 .9 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-9.21 .2 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-13.82 .5 .001 .999LOGNORMAL-N 3.4 1.1TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-6.91 .9 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-9.21 1 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-12.21 .9 .001 .999LOGNORMAL-N 4.6 1.1TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-6.21 .9 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-7.13 .7 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-7.82 .6 .001 .999LOGNORMAL-N 2.3 1.1+/-+/-+/-+/-+/-+/-+/-+/-titttii+/-+/-+/-ttti ftttfffftft+/-+/-+/-+/-+/-+/-+/-t+/-+/-t+/-+/-t+/-+/-+/-+/-+/-+/-+/-ffff tIff1RESRAD, version 6,5 T- Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 18:32 Page 21Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGLCm245 File : C:\RESRAD_.FAMILY\RESR.AD\6.5\USERFILES\CM245 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_.CM245.RAD Peak of the mean dose (averaged over observations) at graphical timesRepetition Time of peak mean dose Peak mean dose&tBARTLETT Page 55 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0Years5.878E+02 mrem/yr1.406E+00 g BARTLETTPage 56 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0Cm-246 Results:1RESRAD, Version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 13:35 Page 1Summary HB soil DCGL_cm246 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\cM246 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_CM246.RAD Table of contents Part I: Mixture Sums and single Radionuclide Guidelines Dose Conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter Summary ... 2site-specific Parameter summary ..........................

5Summary of Pathway Selections


10contaminated zone and Total Dose Summary..................11 Total Dose components Time = 0.000E+00


12Time = 1.000E+00


13Time = 3.000E+00


14Time = 1.OOOE+01


15Time = 3.OOOE+01


16Time = 1.OOOE+02


17Time = 3.OOOE+02


18Time = 1.OOOE+03


19Dose/Source Ratios summed over All Pathways...............

20Single Radionuclide soil Guidelines


20Dose Per Nuclide summed over All Pathways


21soil concentration Per Nuclide ...... 221RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days .. 11/28/2011 13:35 Page 2summary : HB soil DCGL_cm246 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\CM246 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLCM246.RAD Dose Conversion Factor (anDose Library:

HB DCGLnd Related)

Parameter SummaryLS Plus FGR 12 & FGR 110 3 3 Current 3 Base .Parameter Menu Parameter value# I Case* 3 NameAAAAiAAAAAAAAWAAApAtffAfiA'


.fAXX Xa~a XXXXS AAAAWA.AAiAAiiAiAbAn~AA" AJUkAAAAAAA A_1 DCF's for external ground radiation, (mrem/yr)/(pCi/g)

A-1 At-218 (source:

FGR 12) 5.847E-03 5.847E-03 DCF1( 1)A-1 Bi-210 (Source:

FGR 12) 3.606E-03 3.606E-03 DCF1( 2)A-1 Bi-214 (Source:

FGR 12) 9.808E+00 9.808E+00 DCF1( 3)A-1 Cm-246 (Source:

FGR 12) 1.162E-04 1.162E-04 DCF1( 4)A-1 Pa-234 (Source:

FGR 12) 1.155E+01 1.155E+01 DCFl( 5)A-1 Pa-234m (Source:

FGR 12) 8.967E-02 8.967E-02 DCFI( 6)A-1 Pb-210 (Source:

FGR 12) 2.447E-03 2.447E-03 3DCF( 7)A-1 Pb-214 (Source:

FGR 12) 1.341E+00 1.341E+00 DCF1( 8)A-1 Po-210 (source:

FGR 12) 5.231E-05 5.231E-05 DCF1( 9)A-1 Po-214 (Source:

FGR 12) 5.138E-04 5.138E-04 DCF1( 10)A-1 Po-218 (source:

FGR 12) 5.642E-05 5.642E-05 DCF1( 11)A-1 Pu-242 (Source:

FGR 12) 1.280E-04 1.280E-04 DCF1( 12)A-1 Ra-226 (Source:

FGR 12) 3.176E-02 3.176E-02 DCFl( 13)A-1 Rn-222 (source:

FGR 12) 2.354E-03 2.354E-03 DCFl( 14)A-1 Th-230 (Source:

FGR 12) 1.209E-03 1.209E-03

' DCF1( 15)A-1 Th-234 (Source:

FGR 12) 2.410E-02 2.410E-02 DCFl( 16)A-1 Tl-210 (source:

no data) 0.OOOE+00

'-2.000E+00 DCF1( 17)A-1 u-234 (Source:

FGR 12) 4.017E-04 4.017E-04 DCFl( 18)A-1 u-238 (source:

FGR 12) 1.031E-04 1.031E-04 DCF1( 19)B-1 Dose conversion factors for inhalation, mrem/pci:

B-1 Cm-246 4.510E-01 4.510E-01 DCF2( 1)B-1 Pb-210+D 1.380E-02 1.360E-02 DCF2( 5)B-1 Po-210 9.400E-03 9.:400E-03 DCF2( 6)B-1 Pu-242 4.110E-01 4.110E-01 DCF2( 7)B-1 Ra-226+D 8.594E-03

' 8.580E-03 DCF2( 10)B-1 Th-230 3.260E-01 3.260E-01 DCF2( 11)B-1 u-234 1.320E-01 1.320E-01 DCF2( 12)B-1 u-238 1.180E-01 1.180E-01 DCF2( 13)B-1 u-238+D 1.180E-01 1.180E-01 DCF2( 14)D-1 Dose conversion factors for ingestion, mrem/pCi:

D-1 Cm-246 3.700E-03 3.700E-03 DCF3( 1)D-1 Pb-210+D 5.376E-03 5.370E-03 DCF3( 5)D-1 Po-210 1.900E-03 1.900E-03 DCF3( 6)D-1 Pu-242 3 .360E-03 3.360E-03 DCF3( 7)D-1 Ra-226+D 1.321E-03 1.320E-03 DCF3( 10)D-1 Th-230 5.480E-04 5.480E-04 DCF3( 11)D-1 u-234 2.830E-04 2.830E-04 DCF3( 12)D-1 u-238 2.550E-04 2.550E-04 DCF3( 13)D-1 u-238+D 2.687E-04 2.550E-04 DCF3( 14)D-34 Food transfer factors:D-34 Cm-246 , plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 1.830E-03 1.000E-03 RTF( 1,1)D-34 Cm-246 beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pCi/d) 2.000E-05 2.000E-05 RTF( 1,2)D-34 Cm-246 milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/L)/(pci/d) 2.000E-06 2.000E-06 RTF( 1,3)D-341RESRAD, version 6.5 Tn Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 13:35 Page 3Summary : HB soil DCGLCm246 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\cM246 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGOLCM246.RAD Dose Conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter summary (continued)

Dose Library:

HB DCGLS Plus FGR 12 & FGR 110 Current 3 Base 3 Parameter Menu 3 Parameter value# I case* 3 NameAJAAAAAAAAW AAAAAAA AA4W AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA4AAAAAAAAAAAAAA.............AWiA***W**********AAAAAA D-34 Pb-210+D plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 1.000E-02 1.000E-02 RTF( 5,1)D-34 3 Pb-210+D beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pci/d) 8.OOOE-04 8.OOOE-04 RTF( 5,2)D-34 Pb-210+D milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pci/d) 3.OOOE-04 3.OOOE-04 RTF( 5,3)D-34D-34 Po-210 plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 1.000E-03 1.000E-03 RTF( 6,1)D-34 Po-210 beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pci/d) 5.000E-03 5.OOOE-03 RTF( 6,2)D-34 Po-210 milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/L)/(pci/d) 3.400E-04 3.400E-04 RTF( 6,3)D-34D-34 Pu-242 plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 1.830E-03 1.000E-03 RTF( 7,1)D-34 Pu-242 ,eef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pci/d) 1.000E-04 1.000E-04 RTF( 7,2)D-34 Pu-242 milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/L) /(pCi/d) 1.OOOE-06 1.OOOE-06 RTF( 7,3)D-343D-34 Ra-226+D plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 4.000E-02 4.OOOE-02 RTF( 10,1)D-34 Ra-226+D beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pci/d) 1.000E-03 1.000E-03 RTF( 10,2)10 BARTLETTPage 57 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-003 Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLs Rev. 0D-34 Ra,-226+D

, milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/L)/(pCi/d) 1.000E-03 1.O00E-03 RTF( 10,3)D-343D-34 Th-230 , plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 1.OOOE-03 1.OOOE-03 RTF( 11,1)D-34 Th-230 beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pci/d) 1.OOOE-04 1.OOOE-04 RTF( 11,2)D-34 Th-230 milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/L) /(pci/d) 5.OOOE-06 5.OOOE-06 RTF( 11,3)D-34D-34 u-234 plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 2.500E-03 2.500E-03 RTF( 12,1)D-34 u-234 beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pCi/d) 3.400E-04 3.400E-04 RTF( 12,2)D-34 u-234 milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L) /(pci/d) 6.000E-04 6.000E-04 RTF( 12,3)D-34D-34 u-238 plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 2.500E-03 2.500E-03 RTF( 13,1)D-34 u-238 beef/livestock-intake ratio; (pci/kg)/(pci/d) 3.400E-04 3.400E-04 RTF( 13,2)D-34 u-238 milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L) /(pci/d) 6.000E-04 6.000E-04 RTF( 13,3)D-343D-34 u-238+D , lant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 2.500E-03 2.500E-03 RTF( 14,1)D-34 u-238+D beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pci/d) 3.400E-04 3.400E-04 RTF( 14,2)D-34 u-238+D milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/L)/(pCi/d) 6.000E-04 6.OOOE-04 RTF( 14,3)D-5 Bioaccumulation

factors, fresh water, L/kg:D-5 Cm-246 fish 3.OOOE+01 3.OOOE+01 BIOFAC( 1,1)D-5 cm-246 crustacea and mollusks 1.OOOE+03 1.OOOE+03 BIOFAC( 1,2)D-5D-5 Pb-210+D fish 3.OOOE+02 I 3.000E+02 BIOFAC( 5,1)D-5 Pb-210+D crustacea and mollusks 1.000E+02 1.000E+02 BIOFAC( 5,2)D-5D-5 Po-210 fish 1.000E+02 1.000E+02 BIOFAC( 6,1)D-5 Po-210 crustacea and mollusks 2.000E+04 2.000E+04 BIOFAC( 6,2)D-5D-5 Pu-242 fish 3.000E+O1 3.OOOE+01 BIOFAC( 7,1)D-5 Pu-242 crustacea and mollusks 1.OOOE+02 1.000E+02 BIOFAC( 7,2)D-5D-5 Ra-226+D fish 5.OOOE+01 I 5.000E+01 BIOFAC( 10,1)D-5 Ra-226+D crustacea and mollusks 2.500E+02 2.500E+02 BIOFAC( 10,2)D-5D-5 Th-230 , fish 1.000E+02 1.OOOE+02 BIOFAC( 11,1)D-5 Th-230 , crustacea and mollusks 5.000E+02 5.OOOE+02 BIOFAC( 11,2)1RESRAD, version 6.5 T11 Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 13:35 Page 4Summary HB soil DCGLCm246 File : c:\RESRAD.FAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILEs\cM246 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLcM246.RAD Dose Conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter summary (continued)

Dose Library:

HB DCGLs Plus FGR 12 & FGR 110 c .current I Base 3 Parameter Menu 3 Parameter

.value# 3 case* 3 NameD-5 u-234 fish 1.OOOE+01 1.000E+01 BIOFAC( 12,1)D-5 u-234 crustacea and mollusks 6.000E+01 6.000E+01 BIOFAC( 12,2)D-5D-5 u-238 fish 1.000E+O1 1.OOOE+01 BIOFAC( 13,1)D-5 u-238 crustacea and mollusks 6.OOOE+01 6.OOOE+01 BIOFAC( 13,2)D-5 ID-5 u-238+D fish 1.000E+01 1.OOOE+01 3 BIOFAC( 14,1)o-5 u-238+D crustacea and mollusks 6.000E+01 6.OOOE+01 3 BIOFAC( 14,2)#For DCFl(nXs) only, factors are for infinite depth & area. see ETFG table in Ground Pathway of Detailed Report.tBase Case means Default.Lib w/o Associate Nuclide contributions.

1RESRAD, version 6.5 T< Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 13:35 Page 5Summary : HB soil DCGL_Cm246 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILEs\cm246 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLoCM246.RAD site-specific Parameter Summary0 .User used by RESRAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default ' (If different from user input) NameAA5.A5AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~~aAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AAA5AAAAAAAAAAAAA~aAAAAAAaaAAAAAAAAAAAAA R011 Area of contaminated zone (m**2) 3.000E+04 1.0OOE+O4

--- AREARO11 Thickness of contaminated zone (m) 2.670E+00 2.OOOE+OO

--- THICKOR011 Fraction of contamination that is submerged 0.000E+00 0.000E+00

--- SUBMFRACT R011 Length parallel to aquifer flow (m) 1.950E+02 1.OOOE+02

--- LCZPAQRO11 Basic radiation dose limit (mrem/yr) 2.500E+01 3.000E+01

--- BRDLROll Time since placement of material (yr) 0.OOE+00 O.O00E+00

--- TIR011 Times for calculations (yr) 1.000E+00 1.O0OE+OO

--- T( 2)R011 Times for calculations (yr) 3.OOOE+00 3.OOOE+0O

--- T( 3)ROll Times for calculations (yr) 1.OOOE+01 1.000E+01

--- T( 4)ROll Times for calculations (yr) 3.OOOE+01 3.OOOE+01

--- T( 5)R011 Times for calculations (yr) 1.000E+02 1.OOOE+02

--- T( 6)ROll Times for calculations (yr) 3.000E+02 3.OOOE+02

--- T( 7)ROll Times for calculations (yr) 1.000E+03 1.000E+03

--- T( 8)R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used O.000E+0O

--- T( 9)ROll Times for calculations (yr) not used O.OOOE+O0

--- T(10)R012 Initial principal radionuclide (pci/g):

Cm-246 1.OOOE+O0 O.O00E+00

--- SI(1)R012 concentration in groundwater (pCi/L):

cm-246 not used O.OOOE+O0

--- WI( 1)R013 cover depth (m) 0.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00

--- COVEROR013 Density of cover material (g/cm**3) not used 1.50OE+00

--- DENSCVR013 Cover depth erosion rate (m/yr) not used 1.000E-03

--- VCVR013 Density of contaminated zone (g/cmm 3) 1.564E+00 1.500E+00

--- DENSCZR013 Contaminated zone erosion rate (m/yr) 2.200E-03 1.OOOE-03

--- VCZR013 contaminated zone total porosity 4.100E-01 4.OOOE-01

--- TPCZR013 contaminated zone field capacity 9.50OE-02 2.OOOE-01

--- FCCZR013 Contaminated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 3.900E+0O 1.O00E+01

--- HCCZR013 Contaminated zone b parameter 5.600E+00 5.300E+00

--- BCZR013 Average annual wind speed (m/sec) 3.040E+00 2.OOOE+00

--- WINDR013 Humidity in air (g/m**3) not used 8.OOOE+00

--- HUMIDR013 Evapotranspi ration coefficient 6.250E-01 5.OOOE-01

--- EVAPTRR013 Precipitation (m/yr) 3 9.100E-01 1.OOOE+OO

--- PRECIPR013 Irrigation (m/yr) 5.600E-01 2.OOOE-01

--- RIR013 Irrigation mode overhead overhead

--- IDITCHR013 Runoff coefficient 5.OOOE-01 2.000E-01

--- RUNOFFR013 watershed area for nearby stream or pond (m**2) 2.520E+07 1.000E+06

--- WAREAR013 Accuracy for water/soil computations 1.OOOE-03 1.000E-03

--- EPSR014 Density of saturated zone (g/cmkk3) 1.510E+00 1.SOOE+00

--- DENSAQR014 Saturated zone total porosity 4.300E-01 4.OOOE-01

--- TPSZR014 Saturated zone effective porosity 3.420E-01 2.OOOE-01

--- EPSZR014 Saturated zone field capacity 8.800E-02 2.OOOE-01

--- FCSZR014 saturated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 2.880E+01 1.OOOE+02

--- HCSZR014 Saturated zone hydraulic gradient 2.OOOE-03 2.OOOE-02

--- HGWTR014 Saturated zone b parameter 7.100E+00 5.300E+00

--- BSZR014 w water table drop rate (m/yr) 1.000E-03 1.000E-03 3 --- VWTR014 I well pump intake depth (m below water table) 1.OOOE+01 1.000E+01

--- DWIBWTtBARTLETT Page 58 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0R014 Model: Nondispersion (ND) or Mass-Balance (MB) ND ' NDR014 well pumping rate (m3*3/yr) 1.573E+03 I 2.500E+02

IRESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 13:35 Page 6Summary HB soil DCGL_Cm246 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\REsRAD\6.5\USERFILEs\cM246 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_CM246.RAD site-specific Parameter Summary (contint0 3 User 3Menu I Parameter 3 Input 3 DefaultA4~AAAAAAAAAAAW.AAAAAA4XWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA4AAAAWAAAAAAAAAAAWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJ R0-5 Number of unsaturated zone strata 1 1R015 Unsat. zone 1, thickness (m) 4.040E+OO 4.OOOE+OO R015 Unsat. zone 1, soil density (g/cm**3) 1.564E+OO 1.500E+00 R015 Unsat. zone 1, total porosity 4.100E-01 4.OOOE-01 R015 Unsat. zone 1, effective porosity 3.150E-01 2.OOOE-01 R015 Unsat. zone 1, field capacity 9.500E-02 2.000E-01 R015 Unsat. zone 1, soil-specific b parameter 5.600E+00 5.300E+00 R015 Unsat. zone 1, hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 3.900E+00 1.OOOE+01 R016 Distribution coefficients for cm-246R016 contaminated zone (cm**3/g) 6.761E+03 3-1.OOOE+O0 R016 unsaturated zone 1 (cmn*3/g) 6.761E+03 3-1.000E+00 R016 Saturated zone (cm*-3/g) 6.761E+03 3-1.OOOE+O0 R016 Leach rate (/yr) O.OOOE+O0 O.OOOE+OO R016 solubility constant O.OOOE+OO 3 O.OOOE+OO R016 Distribution coefficients for daughter Pb-210R016 Contaminated zone (cm**3/g) 2.392E+03 1.OOOE+02 R016 unsaturated zone 1 (cm**3/g) 2.392E+03 1.000E+02 R016 saturated zone (cm**3/g) 2.392E+03 1.000E+02 R016 Leach rate (/yr) 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 R016 Solubility constant O.OOOE+O3 O.OOOE+OO R016 Distribution coefficients for daughter Po-210R016 contaminated zone (cm**3/g) 1.810E+02 1.000E+01 R016 unsaturated zone I (cm**3/g)
.1.810E+02 1.000E+01 R016 Saturated zone (cm**3/g) 1.810E+02 1.OOOE+O1 R016 Leach rate (/yr) O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO R016 solubility constant O.OOOE+O0 0.000E+00 R016 Distribution coefficients for daughter Pu-242R016 Contaminated zone (cm**3/g) 9.530E+02 2.000E+03 R016 unsaturated zone I (cm**3/g) 9.530E+02 2.OOOE+03 R016 Saturated zone (cm**3/g) 9.530E+02 2.OOOE+03 R016 Leach rate (/yr) O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO "R016 solubility constant O.O00E+00 O.OOOE+OO R016 Distribution coefficients for daughter Ra-226R016 Contaminated zone (cm**3/g) 3.533E+03 7.OOOE+01 R016 unsaturated zone 1 (cm**3/g) 3.533E+03 7.OOOE+01 R016 Saturated zone (cm**3/g) 3.533E+03 7.OOOE+01 R016 Leach rate (/yr) 0.O0OE+00 O.000E+00 R016 solubility constant O.OOOE+00 O.O0OE+00 R016 Distribution coefficients for daughter Th-230R016 Contaminated zone (cm**3/g) 5.884E+03 6.000E+04 R016 unsaturated zone 1 (Cm333/g) 5.884E+03 6.000E+04 R016 saturated zone (cm**3/g) 5.884E+03 6.000E+04 R016 Leach rate (/yr) O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+0O ROl6 solubility constant O.OOOE+O0 O.OOOE+O0
1RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 13:35 Page 7Summary : HB soil DCGL.cm246 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILEs\cM246 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_cM246.RAD 3 MODEL3uw3ied)used by RESRAD Parameter (If different from user input) I Name£.AAAaASAAAA.AA~


1. 349E-05not used3.811E-05 not used5.031E-04 not used9.565E-05 not used2.581E-05 not used1.550E-05 not usedNSH(1)" DENSUZ(1)




" ALEACH(10)




' ALEACH(11)

' SOLUBK(11) 3 Parameter NamekAAAAAAAAAAAAA






" DCNUCC(13)














9)" RADSHAPE(10)



FRACA( 1)FRACA( 2)FRACA( 3)FRACA( 4)FRACA( 5)0Menu Parameter

...AAAAAAAAAAAAA..AAAAAAAAAAAA R016 Distribution coefficients for daugR016 contaminated zone (cm'*3/g)

R016 unsaturated zone 1 (cmcn.3/g)

R016 saturated zone (cmc*3/g)

R016 Leach rate (/yr)R016 Solubility constantR016 Distribution coefficients for daugR016 contaminated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 unsaturated zone 1 (cm* 3/g)R016 saturated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 Leach rate (/yr)R016 solubility constantR017 Inhalation rate (m**3/yr)

R017 Mass loading for inhalation (g/m**R017 Exposure durationR017 Shielding factor, inhalation R017 shielding factor, external gammaR017 Fraction of time spent indoorsR017 Fraction of time spent outdoors (oR017 Shape factor flag, external gammaR017 Radii of shape factor array (usedR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius Cm), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius Cm), ringROl7 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 1R017 outer annular radius (m), ring 1R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 1R017 Fractions of annular areas withinR017 Ring 1R017 Ring 2R017 Ring 3R017 Ring 4R017 Ring 5&tIBARTLETT Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

.user 3 ffused by RESRAD..( Input Default (If different from user input)hter u-2341.260E+02 5.OOOE+O1 31.260E+02 5.OOOE+01

-1.260E+02 5.OOOE+01

---0.005E+00 O.OOOE+00 7.224E-04 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+OO not usedhter U-2381.260E+02 5.OOOE+O1 1.260E+02 5.OOOE+O1

---1.260E+02 5.OOOE+01 O.O00E+00 O.OOOE+OO 7.224E-04 0.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 not used8.400E+03 8.400E+03

3) 1.000E-04 I.OOOE-04 3.000E+O1 3.000E+01

---5.500E-01 4.O00E-01

'2.725E-01 3O7.0E-01

---6.571E-01 5.OOOE-01

---n site) 1.181E-01 2.500E-01 1.OOOE+O0 1.00OE+OO

>0 shows circular AREA.if FS -1):1:- not used 5.O00E+O1 2: not used 37.071E+01

---3: not used O.OOOE+OO

---4: 1 not used 0.m000E+00

---5: not used O.OOOE+OO

---6: not used O.OOOE+OO

---7: not used 0.0O00E+00

---8: not used O.00OE+OO

---9: not used O.OOOE+OO

---0: not used O O.OOOE+0

-1: not used O.OOO+OO

---2: not used O.OOOE+OO

---AREA:not used 1.OOOE+00

---not used 2.732E-01 3not used O.OOOE+00

---not used O.00OE+OO

---not used O.OOOsOE+00 OPage 59 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0R017 Ring 6 not used 0.000E+O0 R017 Ring 7 not used 0.000E+00 R017 Ring 8 not used 0.000E+00 R017 Ring 9 not used O.O00E+00 R017 Ring 10 not used 0.O00E+00 R017 Ring 11 ' not used O.O00E+00 R017 Ring 12 not used O.OOOE+OO 331RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 13:35 Page 8Summary : HB soil DCGLCm246 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\CM246 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLCM246.RAD FRACA( 6)' FRACA( 7)' FRACA( 8)FRACA( 9)FRACA(IO) 3 FRACA(11) 3 FRACA(12)

Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) 0 user used by RESRAD 3 Parameter Menu Paraeter Input o Default : (If different from user input) 3 NameAAAAAAAAA AAAAA.AAAAAAAAWAAAA.AAAAAAAA.AAAAAAWAAA AAAAAAAA.XKKAAAAAAAAAAAWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWAAAAAWAAAAAAAAA

.AAAAW AAAAWAAAA R018 Fruits, vegetables and grain consumption (kg/yr) 1.120E+02 1.600E+02

--- DIET(1)R018 Leafy vegetable consumption Ckg/yr) 2.140E+01 1.400E+01

--- DIET(2)RO8 Milk consumption (L/yr) 2.330E+02 9.200E+01

-DIET(3)R018 Meat and poultry consumption (kg/yr) 6.510E+01 6.300E+01

--- DIET(4)RO8 Fish consumption (kg/yr) 2.060E+01 5.400E+00

--- DIET(5)RO18 other seafood consumption (kg/yr) 9.OOOE-01 9.000E-01

--- DIET(6)R018 soil ingestion rate (g/yr) 1.826E+01 3.650E+01

-SOILR018 Drinking water intake (L/yr) 4.785E+02 5.100E+02 o-- DWIR018 contamination fraction of drinking water 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+O0

--- FDWR018 contamination fraction of household water not used 1.000E+0O

--- FHHWR018 Contamination fraction of livestock water 1.OOOE+00 1.O0OE+00

--- FLWR018 Contamination fraction of irrigation water 1.OOOE+O0 1.000E+00 FIRWR018 Contamination fraction of aquatic food 1.000E+O0 5.OOOE-01 FR9R018 Contamination fraction of plant food 1.OO0E+00

'-1 --- FPLANTR018 Contamination fraction of meat 1.O00E+00 3-1 --- FMEATR018 Contamination fraction of milk 1.000E+OO

-1 --- FMILK1 3 30 30sf19 :Livestock fodder intake for neat (kg/day) 32.710E+01 I6.800E+f1 3--3LF15R019 Livestock fodder intake for milk (kg/day) 6.320E+01 I 5.500E+01

--- LFI6R019 Livestock water intake for meat (L/day) 5.060E+01 5.000E+01

--- LW15R019 Livestock water intake for milk (L/day) 6.000E+01 1.600E+02

--- LW16R019 Livestock soil intake (kg/day) 5.000E-01 5.OOOE-01

--- LSIR019 Mass loading for foliar deposition (g/m**3) 4.000E-04 1.000E-04

--- MLFDR019 Depth of soil mixing layer (m) 2.300E-01 1.500E-01

--- DMR019 Depth of roots (m) 1.220E+00 g'OOOE-01

--- DROOTR019 Drinking water fraction from ground water 1.OOOE+00 1.000E+00

--- FGWDWR019 Household water fraction from ground water not used 1.000E+00

-FGWHHR019 Livestock water fraction from ground water 1.OOOE+00 1.O0OE+00

--- FGWLWR019 Irrigation fraction from ground water 1.000E+O0 1.OOO0 O0 --- FGWlRR19B wet weight crop yield for Non-Leafy (kg/m**2) 1.750E+00 7.000E-01

--- YV(1)R w9s wet weight crop yield for Leafy (kg/m**2) 2.889E+00 1.500E+00

--- Yv(2)R19B wet weight crop yield for Fodder (kg/m**2) 1.887E+00 1.100E+00

--- Yv(3)R19B Growing Season for Non-Leafy (years) 2.460E-01 1.700E-01

--- TE(1)R19B Growing Season for Leafy (years) 1.230E-01 2.5005-01

--- TE(2)R19B Growing Season for Fodder (years) 8.200E-02 8.00OE-02

--- TE(3)R19B Translocation Factor for Non-Leafy 1.OOOE-01 1.O00E-01

--- TIV(1)R19B Translocation Factor for Leafy 1.000E+00 1.000E+O0

--- TIv(2)R19B Translocation Factor for Fodder 1.000E+00 1.00OE+00

--- TIV(3)R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RDRY(1)R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RDRY(2)R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RDRY(3)R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RWET(1)R19B wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy 5.800E-01 2.500E-01

--- RWET(2)R19B wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder 3.5OOE-01 2.50OE-01

--- RWET(3)R19B weathering Removal Constant for vegetation 3.300E+01 2.OOOE+01

--- WLAMC14 C-12 concentration in water (g/cmn*3) not used 2.000E-05

--- C12WTRC14 C-12 concentration in contaminated soil (g/g) not used3 3.OOOE-02

--- C12CZc14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from soil not used 2.000E-02

--- CSOIL1RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 13:35 Page 9Summary : HB soil DCGLcm246 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\CM246 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLCM246.RAD site-specific Parameter Summary (conti0Menu 3.Parameter....

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA C14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from airC14 C-14 evasion layer thickness in soil (m)c14 c-14 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec)C14 C-12 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec)C14 Fraction of grain in beef cattle feedC14 Fraction of grain in milk cow feedSTOR Storage times of contaminated foodstuffs STOR Fruits, non-leafy vegetables, and grainSTOR Leafy vegetables STOR MilkSTOR Meat and poultrySTOR FishSTOR Crustacea and mollusksSTOR well waterSTOR surface waterSTOR Livestock fodderR021 Thickness of building foundation (m)R021 Bulk density of building foundation (g/cnR021 Total porosity of the cover materialR021 Total porosity of the building foundatior R021 volumetric water content of the cover matR021 volumetric water content of the foundatic R021 Diffusion coefficient for radon gas (m/seR021 in cover materialR021 in foundation materialR021 in contaminated zone soilR021 Radon vertical dimension of mixing (m)R021 Average building air exchange rate (1/hr)R021 Height of the building (room) (m)R021 Building interior area factorR021 Building depth below ground surface (m)R021 Emanating power of Rn-222 gasR021 Emanating power of Rn-220 gasTITL Number of graphical time pointsAN BARTLETTuser3 Input .Default~AAAAAAAAAWAKAAAWAA not used 9.800E-01 not used 3.OOOE-01 not used 7.OOOE-07 not used 1.OOOE-1O not used 8.OOOE-01 not used 2.OOOE-01 (days):*3)erialonc):1.400E+01 1.400E+01 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+0O 1.O0OE+00 1.OOOE+00 2.O0OE+01 2.OOOE+01 7.OOOE+03 7.000E+O0 7.000E+00 7.OOOE+OO 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00 1.O0OE+00 1.000E+00 4.S5OE+01 4.500E+01 not used 1.500E-01 not used 2.400E+00 not used 4.O00E-01 not used 1.000E-01 not used 5.000E-02 not used 3.OOOE-02 not used 2.OOOE-06 not used 3.OOOE-07 not used 2.OOOE-06 not used 2.OOOE+00 not used 5.OOOE-01 not used 2.500E+00 not used 0.000E+00 not used 3-1.000E+00 not used 3 2.500E-01 not used 3 1.500E-01 32nued)3 used by RESRAD Parameter (If different from user input) NamekAAAAAk~444kWkAAMkWA4AWAAAA.

k3--- CAIR3 DMC--EVSN--- REVSN--- AVFG4--- AVFG5--- STORsT(1) 3- STORT(2)-- STORT(3)--- STORT(4)---

--- STOR-T(6)

--- STOR._T(7)

--- STOR-T(8)

--- STOR-T(9) 3--- 'FLOOR13-- DENSFL3--- 3TPCV3--- TPFL3--- PH20CV--- PH20FL--m--DIFCV3- DIFFL-- DIFCZ--- HMIX3--- 3REXG3--- 3HRM3--- FAI3--- DMFL-- EMANA(1)--- EMANA(2)NPTSJAAAPage 60 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0TITL I Maximum number of integration points for dose 3 17 3 --- --- LYMAXTITL 3 Maximum number of integration points for risk 3 -- _ KYMAX1RESRAD, version 6.5 Tc Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 13:35 Page 10Summary HB soil DCGLCm246 File C:\RESRAD_FAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\cM246 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLCM246.RAD Summary of Pathway Selections

..... Pauser selection AAPA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAAA 1-- external gamma ' active2 inhalation w/o radon)' active3 -- plant ingestion active4-- meat ingestion active5 milk ingestion active6 aquatic foods active7 -- drinking water active8 -- soil ingestion active9 -- radon suppressed Find peak pathway doses 3 active1RESRAD, version 6.5 Tc Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 13:35 Page 11Summary : HB soil DCGLcm246 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\CM246 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_cM246.RAD contaminated zone Dimensions Area: 30000.00 square metersThickness:

2.67 metersCover Depth: 0.00 metersinitial soil concentrations, pCi/gWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA cm-246 1.OOOE+00

1RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 13:35 Page 1Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGLcm246 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\cM246 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLCM246.RAD Table of ContentsPart VI: Uncertainty AnalysisORESRAD Uncertainty Analysis ResultsProbabilistic Input .... ................................

2Total Dose ..............................................

4Total Risk ...............


5Dose vs Pathway:

Ground External....................

6Dose vS Pathway:

Inhalation (w/o Radon) ............

7Dose vs Pathway:

Radon (water Ind.) ................

8Dose vs Pathway:

Plant (water Ind.) ................

9Dose vs Pathway:

Meat (water Ind.) ................

10Dose vs Pathway:

Milk (water Ind.) ................

11Dose vs Pathway:

Soil Ingestion


12Dose vs Pathway:

water Ingestion


13Dose vs Pathway:

Fish Ingestion


14Dose vs Pathway:

Radon (water Dep.) .................

15Dose vs Pathway:

Plant (water Dep.) .................

16Dose vs Pathway:

Meat (water Dep.) ................

.*17Dose vS Pathway:

Milk (water Dep.) ................

18cumulative Probability Summary .........................

19Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 1 ... 20Peak of the mean dose at graphical times .............

21correlation and Regression coefficients (if any) ..... 221RESRAD, Version 6.5 T<1 Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 13:35 Page 2Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGL_cm246 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\CM246 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLCM246.RAD Probabilistic Input0Number of Sample Runs: 2000Number1234567891011121314151617181920.0000321222324252627282930313233343536NameAAAAAAAAAA44AXAW DENSCZTPCZHCCZBCZEVAPTRRIDENSAQTPSZEPSZHCSZBSZDWI BWTUWH(1)DENSUZ(1)











Distribution Parameters AAAAAAAAAAK" AAAAAWAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5635 .2385 .827 2.3BOUNDED NORMAL .41 .09 .1319 .6881BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.36 2.17 .00478 3190BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.73 .323 2.08 15.3UNIFORM .5 .75UNIFORM .36 .76BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5105 .1855 .937 2.084BOUNDED NORMAL .43 .0699 .214 .646BOUNDED NORMAL .342 .0705 .124 .56BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N

.362 1.59 .0106 195BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.96 .265 3.02 15.5TRIANGULAR 6 10 30UNIFORM 1173 1973UNIFORM 0 8.08BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5635 .2385 .827 2.3BOUNDED NORMAL .41 .09 .1319 .6881BOUNDED NORMAL .315 .0905 .0349 .594BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.36 2.17 .00478 3190BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.73 .323 2.08 15.3CONTINUOUS LINEAR 8 0 0 .000008495 .00006 .9937 .000076 .9983 .0001 1UNIFORM .15 .95BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N


.56 .48 .001 .999"TRIANGULAR 5.1 18 84TRIANGULAR

.06 .67 .95TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 8.82 1.82 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 8.82 1.82 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 8.82 1.82 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 7.78 2.78 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 7.78 2.76 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 7.78 2.76 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 5.2 1.68 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 5.2 .1.68 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 5.2 1.68 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 6.86 1.89 .001 .999.0151.000016 .136594t BARTLETTPage 61 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 037 DCACTUI(7)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 6.86 1.89 .001 .99938 DCACTS(7)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 6.86 1.89 .001 .99939 DCACTC(10)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 8.17 1.7 .001 .99940 DCACTUI(10)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 8.17 1.7 .001 .99941 DCACTS(10)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 8.17 1.7 .001 .99942 DCACTC(11)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 8.68 3.62 .001 .99943 DCACTU1(11)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 8.68 3.62 .001 .99944 DCACTS(11)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 8.68 3.62 .001 .99945 DCACTC(12)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 4.84 3.13 .001 .99946 DCACTU1(12)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 4.84 3.13 .001 .99947 DCACTS(12)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 4.84 3.13 .001 .99948 DCACTC(13)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 4.84 3.13 .001 .9991RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 13:35 Page 3Probabilistic results summary : HR soil DCGLCm246 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\CM246 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLCM246.RAD Probabilistic Input (cont.)Number4950515253545556575859606162636465666768697071727374757677fttitlNameAAAAAAAWAAT A AA3)DCACTU1(13)





















BRTF(90, 1)BRTF(90,2)

BRTF(90, 3)BBIO(90, I)BRTF(92,1)





-10.82 1 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-13.12 .9 .001 .999LOGNORMAL-N 3.4 1.1TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-5.52 .9 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-7.13 .7 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-8.11 .9 .001 .999LOGNORMAL-N 5.7 1.1TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-6.9 .9 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-5.3 .7 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-7.82 .7 .001 .999LOGNORMAL-N


-6.91 .9 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-9.21 .2 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-13.82 .5 .001 .999LOGNORMAL-N 3.4 1.1TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-3.22 .9 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-6.91 .7 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-6.91 .5 .001 .999LOGNORMAL-N 3.9 1.1TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-6.91 .9 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-9.21 1 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-12.21 .9 .001 .999LOGNORMAL-N 4.6 1.1TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-6.21 .9 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-7.13 .7 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-7.82 .6 .001 .999LOGNORMAL-N 2.3 1.1IRESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 13:35 Page 21Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGLCm246 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\CM246 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLCM246.RAD Peak of the mean dose (averaged over observations) at graphical timesRepetition Time of peak mean dose Peak mean doseYears mrem/yr1 O.OOOE+00 9.700E-01

(, BARTLETTPage 62 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0Co-60 Results:1RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/26/2011 14:16 Page 1Summary HR soil DCGLCo-60 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\CO60 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLCO60.RAD Table of ContentsAAAAAAAAAWAAAAA Part I: Mixture SuMs and Single Radionuclide Guidelines Dose Conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter Summary ... 2Site-Specific Parameter Summary ..........................

3Summary of Pathway Selections


7Contaminated zone and Total Dose Summary .................

8Total Dose Components Time = 0.000E+00


9Time = 1.OOOE+OO


10Time = 3.OOOE+00


11Time = 1.OOOE+01


12Time = 3.OOOE+01


13Time = 1.OOOE+02


14Time = 3.OOOE+02


15Time = 1.OOOE+03


16Dose/Source Ratios Summed over All Pathways


17Single Radionuclide Soil Guidelines


17Dose Per Nuclide Summed Over All Pathways


18soil Concentration Per Nuclide 1..... 8IRESRAD, version 6.5 T- Linit = 30 days. .ii26/2011 14:16 Page 2Summary : HB soil DCGL-CO-60 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\CO60 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLUCO60.RAD Dose Conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter SummaryDose Library:

HB Plus FGR 12 & FGR 110 3 3 Current 3 Base 3 Parameter Menu 3Parameter value# I Case* I NameAAx,,4aAjuuAA.IuAAAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AAA.A.AAAJAAA5A.AAAAAAAAAAAWAA4WA.A.AAAA A-1 DCF'S for external ground radiation, (mrem/yr)/(pci/g)

A-I Co-60 (Source:

FGR 12) 1.622E+01 1.622E+01 DCFI( 1)B-1 Dose conversion factors for inhalation, mrem/pCi:

s-1 CO-60 2.190E-04 2.190E-04 DCF2( 1)D-1 Dose conversion factors for ingestion, mrem/pCi:

D-1 Co-60 2.690E-05 2.690E-05 DCF3( 1)D-34 Food transfer factors:D-34 Co-60 , plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 1.460E-01 8.000E-02 RTF( 1,1)D-34 Co-60 beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pci/d) 5.860E-02 2.000E-02 RTF( 1,2)D-34 Co-60 milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pCi/d) 2.000E-03 2.000E-03 RTF( 1,3)D-5 Bioaccumulation

factors, fresh water, L/kg:o-5 Co-60 , fish 3.OOOE+02 3.OOOE+02 BIOFAC( 1,1)o-5 Co-60 , crustacea and mollusks 2.OOOE+02 2.OOOE+02 BIOFAC( 1,2)#For DCF1(xxx) only, factors are for infinite depth & area. See ETFG table in Ground Pathway of Detailed Report.*Base Case means Default.Lib w/o Associate Nuclide contributions.
iRESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/26/2011 14:16 Page 3Summary : HB soil DCGL_Co-60 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\CO60 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLCo60.RAD 0 3Menu 3Prameter Site-specific Parameter SummaryUser used by RESRAD Parameter Input Default : (If different from user input) I NameýýAAAAAAAAAAAAAAýýýýýýý--ýAýýýA-AýAAAA R011 Area of contaminated zone (m4"2)R011 Thickness of contaminated zone (m)ROl1 Fraction of contamination that is submerged R011 Length parallel to aquifer flow (m)R011 Basic radiation dose limit (mrem/yr)

R011 Time since placement of material (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)ROll Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)ROll Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)R012 Initial principal radionuclide (pCi/g):

Co-60R012 Concentration in groundwater (pCi/L):

Co-60R013 Cover depth (m)R013 Density of cover material (g/cm**3)

R013 Cover depth erosion rate (m/yr)R013 Density of contaminated zone (g/cm**3)

R013 Contaminated zone erosion rate (m/yr)R013 Contaminated zone total porosityR013 Contaminated zone field capacityR013 Contaminated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr)R013 Contaminated zone b parameter R013 Average annual wind speed (m/sec)R013 Humidity in air (g/m**3)R013 Evapotranspiration coefficient R013 Precipitation (m/yr)R013 Irrigation (m/yr)R013 Irrigation modeR013 Runoff coefficient R013 watershed area for nearby stream or pond (m**2)R013 Accuracy for water/soil computations R014 Density of saturated zone (g/cm**3)

R014 Saturated zone total porosityR014 Saturated zone effective porosityR014 saturated zone field capacityR014 Saturated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr)3.OOO+04 1.OOOE+04 2.670E+00 2.0001+OO O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO 1.950E+02 1.O000+02 2.500E+01 3.O0OE+O1 O.OOOE+O0 O.OO0E+0O 1.O00E+O0 l.O00E+O0 3.0OOE+O0 3.0OOE+O0 1.000E+01 i.OOOE+01 3.OOOE+O1 3.000E+01 1.OOOE+02 1.OOOE+02 3.OOGE+02 3.O00E+02 1.OOOE+03 1.OOOE+03 not used 0.000E+OO not used O.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+0O 0.OOOE+00 not used O.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 O.0OOE+O0 not used 1.500E+00 not used 1.000E-03 1.564E+00 1.500E+00 2.200E-03 1.000E-03 4.100E-01 4.OOOE-01 9.500E-02 2.000E-01 3.900E+00 1.OOOE+01 5.600E+00 5.300E+0O 3.040E+00 2.OOOE+OO not used ' 8.000E+O0 6.250E-01 5.OOOE-01 9.100E-01 1.000E+00 5.600E-01I 2.00OE-01 overhead overhead5.000E-01 2.000E-01 2.520E+07 1.OOOE+06 1.OOOE-03 1.OOOE-03 1.510E+00 1.500E+00 4.300E-01 4.OOOE-Ol 3.420E-O1 2.OOOE-01 8.8OOE-02 2.000E-01 2.880E+01 1.OOOE+02 AREATHICKOSUBMFRACT LCZPAQBRDLTI3 T( 2)T( 3)T( 4)T( 5)T( 6)T( 7)T( 8)T( 9)T(10)" s1(1)"Wl( 1)COVERODENSCVvCVDENSCZVCZTPCZFCCZHCCZBCZWINDHUMIDEVAPTR3 PRECIP3 RI3 IDITCHRUNOFFWAREAEPSDENSAQ3 TPSZ' EPSZ3 FCSZ3 HCSZt SBARTLETT Page 63 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0R014 saturated zone hydraulic gradient 2.000E-03 2.OOOE-02 R014 Saturated zone b parameter 7.100E+00 5.300E+00 R014 water table drop rate (m/yr) I.O00E-03 1.000E-03 R014 well pump intake depth (m below water table) I.O00E+01 1.000E+01 R014 Model: Nondispersion (No) or Mass-Balance (MB) ND NOR014 well pumping rate (m**3/yr) 1.573E+03 2.500E+02

1RESRAD, version 6.5 T1c Limit = 30 days 11/26/2011 14:16 Page 4Summary HB soil DCGLco-60 File C:\RESRADoFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILEs\cO60 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLco60.RAD HGWTBSZ'DWIBWTMODEL3uw0 3Menu Parameter 4A4AA UUAAAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAA.AA.AAAAAAAAA, R015 Number of unsaturated zone strataR015 unsat. zone 1, thickness (m)R015 Unsat. zone 1,' soil density (g/cm*R015 Unsat. zone 1, total porosityR015 Unsat. zone 1, effective porosityR015 Unsat. zone 1, field capacityR015 Unsat. zone 1, soil-specific b parR015 Unsat. zone 1, hydraulic conductiv R016 Distribution coefficients for Co-6'R016 Contaminated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 unsaturated zone 1 (cm**3/g)

R016 Saturated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 Leach rate (/yr)R016 solubility constantR017 Inhalation rate (m**3/yr)

R017 Mass loading for inhalation (g/m*"R017 Exposure durationR017 shielding factor, inhalation R017 Shielding factor, external gammaR017 Fraction of time spent indoorsR017 Fraction of time spent outdoors (o0R017 shape factor flag, external gammaR017 Radii of shape factor array (usedR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 outer annular radius (m), ringR017 outer annular radius (m), ringRO17 outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 outer annular radius (m), ringR017 outer annular radius (m), ringR017 outer annular radius (m), ring 1R017 outer annular radius (m), ring 1R017 outer annular radius (m), ring 11RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 daSummary : HB soil DCGLCo-60 File : C:\RESRAD_FAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USE site-specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User used by RESRAD 3 Parameter 3 Input 3 Default : (if different from user input) 3 NameNS4.040E+O0 4.000E+00

--- H(1)"3) 1.564E+00 1.500E+00

--- DENSUZ(1) 4.100E-01 4.OOOE-O1

--- TPUZ(1)3.150E-01 2.000E-01

--- EPUZ(1)9.500E-02 2.OOOE-01

--- FCUZ(1)ameter 5.600E+00 5.300E+00

--- BUZ(1)ity (m/yr) 3.900E+00 1.000E+01

--- HCUZ(1)0 :2.350E+02 1.000E+03

--- DCNUCC( 1)2.350E+02 1.O00E+03

--- oDCNUCU(

1,1)2.350E+02 1.000E+03

--- DCNUCS( 1)O.OOOE+00 O. 000E+00 3.876E-04 ALEACH( 1)O.000E+00 0.000E+00 not used SOLUBK( 1)8.400E+03 8.400E+03

--- INHALR3) 1.OOOE-04 1.OOOE-04

--- MLINH3.000E+01 3.000E+O1

--- ED5.500E-01 4.OOOE-O1

--- SHF33.980E-01 17.O00E-01

--- SHF16.571E-01 35.O00E-01

--- FINDn site) 1.181E-01 2.500E-01

--- FOTD1.000E+00 1.OOOE+O0

>0 shows circular AREA. FSif FS = -1):1: not used 5.000E+01


1)2: not used 7.071E+01


2)3: not used 0.OOOE+00


3)4: not used O.OOOE+O0


4)5: not used 0.OOOE+00


5)6: not used O.OOOE+OO


6)7: not used 0.000E+00 3--- 3ADSHAPE(

7)8: not used 0.000E+00


8)9": not used O.OOOE+00


9)0: not used 0. 000E+00 --- RADSHAPE(10) 1: not used 0.000E+00

--- RADSHAPE(11) 2: not used O.OOOE+00

--- RADSHAPE(12) ys 11/26/2011 14:16 Page 5RFILEs\cO60 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_cO60.RAD 0 3men .U. .Site-Specific Parameter summary (continued)

User used by RESRAO Parameter Parameter Input 3Default 3(if different from user input) 3 NameAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAA AAAAAAAAAAA R017 Fractions of annular areas within AREA:R017 Ring 1R017 Ring 2R017 Ring 3R017 Ring 4R017 Ring 5R017 Ring 6R017 Ring 1R017 Ring 8R017 Ring 9R017 Ring 10R017 Ring 11R017 Ring 12R018 Fruits, vegetables and grain consumption (kg/'R018 Leafy vegetable consumption Ckg/yr)R018 Milk consumption (L/yr)R018 Meat and poultry consumption (kg/yr)R018 Fish consumption (kg/yr)R018 Other seafood consumption (kg/yr)R018 soil ingestion rate (g/yr)R018 3 Drinking water intake (L/yr)R018 Contamination fraction of drinkinq waterR018 Contamination fraction of household waterR018 Contamination fraction of livestock waterR018 Contamination fraction of irrigation waterR018 Contamination fraction of aquatic foodR018 Contamination fraction of plant foodR018 Contamination fraction of meatR018 Contamination fraction of milk3019 Livestock fodder intake for meat (kg/day)R019 Livestock fodder intake for milk (kg/day)R019 Livestock water intake for meat (L/day)R019 Livestock water intake for milk (L/day)R019 Livestock soil intake (kg/day)R019 Mass loading for foliar deposition (g/m""3)R019 Depth of soil mixing layer (m)R019 Depth of roots (m)R019 Drinking water fraction from ground waterR019 Household water fraction from ground waterR019 Livestock water fraction from ground waterR019 Irrigation fraction from ground waterR19B wet weight crop yield for Non-Leafy (kg/m""2)

R19B wet weight crop yield for Leafy (kg/m**2)

R19B Wet weight crop yield for Fodder Ckg/m**2)

R19B Growing season for Non-Leafy (years)R19B Growing Season for Leafy (years)R19B Growing season for Fodder (years)t, BARTLETTnot usednot usednot usednot usednot usednot usednot usednot usednot usednot usednot usednot.usedyr) 1.120E+02 3 2.140E+01 2.330E+02 6.510E+01

  • 2.060E+01
  • 9.OOOE-01 I 1.826E+01 4.785E+02

" 1.000E+O0 not used3 1.OOOE+00 1.000E+00

' 1.OOOE+00

' 1.000E+00 S1.000E+00

' l.OOOE+OO 1.000E+O0 2.710E+01

" 6.320E+01

" 5.060E+01

" 6.000E+01 5.OOOE-01 4.000E-04 2.300E-01

" 1.220E+00

" 1.OOOE+O0 not used1.000E+00


" 1.750E+00

" 2.889E+00

" 1.887E+00 2.460E-01 1.230E-01 3 8.200E-02

' 1.000E+00

2. 732E-01O OOOE+O0O O0OOE+00O. OOOE+00"0.O00E+O0 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+OO O. 000E+00O OOOE+OOSO.OOE+00 "O.OOOE+00 "0. 000E+0031. 600E+02" 1.400E+01
9. 200E+016 300E+Ol5.400E+00
9. 000E-013. 650E+Ol5.lOOE+02 5.000E+00 1.OOOE+O0
1. O0OOE+O01.0005+00 5.000E-01 313_16. 800E+015. 500E+015.000E+01 1.600E+02
5. 000E-011.000E-04 1.500E-01 9.OOOE-01 "1.000E+O0
1. 000E+001.000E+00
1. 000E+007.000E-01 1.500E+00
1. .OOE+O01.700E-01 3 2.500E-01 8.000E-02 FRACA( 1)FRACA( 2)" FRACA( 3)" FRACA( 4)' FRACA( 5)" FRACA( 6)" FRACA( 7)" FRACA( 8)" FRACA( 9)' FRACA(IO)

" FRACA(11)

" FRACA(12)

" DIET(l)" DIET(2)DIET(3)DIET(4)DIET(5)DIET(6)SOIL3DWI3FDW3 FHHW3 FLWFIRWFR9F FPLANT' FMEATFMILK: LFI5" LFI6" LWI5" LwI63 LSIMLFDDM3 DROOT3FGWDW3 FGWHHFGWLWFGWIRYV(1)Yv(2)Yv(3)3 TE(1)' TE(2)TE(3)Page 64 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0IRESRAD, version 6.5 T<1 Limit = 30 days 11/26/2011 14:16 Page 6summary HB soil DCGLCo-60 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.S\USERFILES\CO60 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLCo60.RAD 0Menu Parameter Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

" User ' used by RESRAD Parameter

" Input Default : (if different from user input) NameAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAA R19B Translocation Factor for Non-Leafy 1.OOOE-01 I.O00E-01 R19B Translocation Factor for Leafy 1.000E+O0 1.000E+00 R19B Translocation Factor for Fodder 1.000E+03 1.000E+O0 R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy 3.SOOE-013 2.500E-01 R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy I 3.500E-01 2.500E-01 R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder 3.500E-01 2.50OE-01 R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy 3 3.500E-01 3 2.500E-01 R19B wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy 5.800E-01 2.500E-01 R19B wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder 3.500E-01 2.500E-01 R19B weathering Removal constant for vegetation 3.300E+01 2.OOOE+01 C14 C-12 concentration in water (g/cm**3) not used 2.OOOE-05 C14 C-12 concentration in contaminated soil (g/g) not used 3.000E-02 C14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from soil not used 2.OOOE-02 C14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from air not used 9.800E-01 C14 C-14 evasion layer thickness in soil (m) I not used 3.OOOE-01 C14 C-14 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used 3 7.OOOE-07 C14 C-12 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used 1.OOOE-10 C14 Fraction of grain in beef cattle feed not used 8.OOOE-01 C14 Fraction of grain in milk cow feed not used 2.OOOE-01 STOR storage times of contaminated foodstuffs (days):STOR Fruits, non-leafy vegetables, and grain 1.400E+01 1.400E+01 STOR Leafy vegetables

' 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00 STOR Milk ' 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00 STOR Meat and poultry 2.000E+01 2.OOOE+01 STOR Fish 7.OOOE+00 I 7.000E+00 STOR crustacea and mollusks 7.000E+00 7.OOOE+00 STOR well water 1.OOOE+00

' 1.OOOE+00 STOR surface water 1.OOOE+00 1.000E+O0 STOR Livestock fodder 4.500E+01 4.500E+01 R021 Thickness of building foundation (m) not used 1.500E-01 R021 Bulk density of building foundation (g/cm*k3) not used 2.400E+00 R021 Total porosity of the cover material not used 4.000E-01 R021 Total porosity of the building foundation not used 1OOOE-01R021 volumetric water content of the cover material not used 5.OOOE-02 R021 volumetric water content of the foundation not used 3.OOOE-02 R021 Diffusion coefficient for radon gas (m/sec):R021 in cover material not used 2.OOOE-06 R021 in foundation material not used 3.OOOE-07 R021 in contaminated zone soil not used 2.OOOE-06 R021 Radon vertical dimension of mixing (m) not used 2.O0OE+00 R021 Average building air exchange rate (1/hr) not used O5.00E-01 R021 Height of the building (room) (m) not used 2.500E+00 R021 Building interior area factor not used O.OOE+O0R021 Building depth below ground surface (m) not used '-1.OOOE+00 R021 Emanating power of Rn-222 gas not used 3 2.500E-01 R021 Emanating power of Rn-220 gas not used 3 1.500E-01 TITL Number of graphical time points 32iRESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/26/2011 14:16 Page 7Summary : HB soil DCGL-CO-60 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\cO60 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_co60.RAD TIV(1)TIv(2)" TIv(3)RDRY(1)" RDRY(2)RDRY(3)" RWET(1)" RWET(2)" RWET(3)WLAMC12WTRC12CZCSOILCAIRDMCEVSNREVSNAVFG4AVFG5STORT(1)STORT(2)STOPT(3)STORT(4)STORt.T(5)



FLOOR13 DENSFLTPCVTPFLPH2OCVPH2OFLDIFCVDIFFLDIFCZHMIXREXGHRMFAIDMFLEMANA(1)EMANA(2)NPTSsite-specific Parameter summary (continued) 0 ' User 3 used by RESRAD ' Parameter Menu Parameter

' Input Default (If different from user input) NameA4AAAXAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA AAAAAAAAAA5.AAAA.AA AAAAAAA~,AAAAAAAA AMAAA AAA AAAAAAAKKA.AAAA AAAAAAAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAA TITL I Maximum number of integration points for dose 17 3 --- --- ' LYMAXTITL 3 Maximum number of inteoration points for risk ' 1 3 --- 3 --- ' KYMAXSummary of Pathway selections 3 user Selection 1-- external gamma I active2 inhalation (w/o radon)' active3 -- plant ingestion active4-- meat ingestion

' active5 milk ingestion

' active6 aquatic foods ' active7 drinking water ' active8 -- soil ingestion active9 -- radon suppressed Find peak pathway doses 3 activeIRESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/26/2011 14:16 Page 8Summary : HB soil DCGLCo-60 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.S\USERFILES\cO60 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_co60.RAD Contaminated zone Dimensions AAAAAAAAAWWk~A A AArea: 30000.00 square meters -Thickness:

2.67 metersCover Depth: 0.00 metersInitial soil concentrations, pci/gAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Co-60 1.OOOE+00

1RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/26/2011 14:16 PageProbabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGLCo-60 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\cO60 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_CO60.RAD Table of ContentsAAWXSAAAAAAAAAA Part VI: Uncertainty AnalysisfffI i I ORESRAD Uncertainty Analysis ResultsProbabilistic Input ................................

2Total Dose ..........................................

3(MISARTLETT NaoPage 65 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0Total Risk ..............................................

4Dose vs Pathway:

Ground External


5Dose vs Pathway:

Inhalation (w/o Radon) ............

6Dose vs Pathway:

Radon (water Ind.) ................

7Dose vs Pathway:

Plant (water Ind.) ................

8Dose vs Pathway:

Meat (water Ind.) ................

9Dose vs Pathway:

Milk (water Ind.) ................

..0Dose vs-Pathway:

soil Ingestion


11Dose vs Pathway:

water Ingestion


12Dose vs Pathway:

Fish Ingestion


13Dose vs Pathway:

Radon (water Dep.) ................

14Dose vs Pathway:

Plant (water Dep.) ................

15Dose VS Pathway:

Meat (water Dep.) ................

16Dose vs Pathway:

Milk (water Dep.) ................

17Cumulative Probability summary .........................

18summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 1 ... 19Peak of the mean dose at graphical times .............

20correlation and Regression coefficients (if any) ..... 211RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/26/2011 14:16 Page 2Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGLCo-60 File : C:\RESRAD.FAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILEs\cO60 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLCo60.RAD Probabilistic InputONumber of sample Runs: 2000Number1234567891011121314151617181920.0000321222324252627282930333+/-3+/-Name Distribution Parameters AAAAX AAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAA .XkAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA DENSCZ BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5635 .2385 .827 2.3TPCZ BOUNDED NORMAL .41 .09 .1319 .6881HCCZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.36 2.17 .00478 3190BCZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.73 .323 2.08 15.3EVAPTR UNIFORM .5 .75RI UNIFORM .36 .76DENSAQ BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5105 .1855 .937 2.084TPSZ BOUNDED NORMAL .43 .0699 .214 .646EPSZ BOUNDED NORMAL .342 .0705 .124 .56HCSZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N

.362 1.59 .0106 195BSZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.96 .265 3.02 15.5DWIBWT TRIANGULAR 6 10 30UW UNIFORM 1173 1973H(1) UNIFORM 0 8.08DENSUZ(1)

BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5635 .2385 .827 2.3TPUZ(1) BOUNDED NORMAL .41 .09 .1319 .6881EPUZ(1) BOUNDED NORMAL .315 .0905 .0349 .594HCUZ(1) BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.36 2.17 .00478 3190BUZ(1) BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.73 .323 2.08 15.3MLINH CONTINUOUS LINEAR 8 0 0 .000008 .0151 .000016 .1365.8119 .00004 .9495 .00006 .9937 .000076 .9983 .0001 1SHF3 UNIFORM .15 .95DM TRIANGULAR 0 .15 .6v(1) TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

.56 .48 .001 .999WLAN TRIANGULAR 5.1 18 84RWET(2) TRIANGULAR

.06 .67 .95DCACTC(1)


TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 5.46 2.53 .001 .999DCACTS(1)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 5.46 2.53 .001 .999BRTF(27,3)


-6.21 .7 .001 .999BBIO(27,1)

LOGNORMAL-N 5.7 1.1Mt3+/-+/-+/-tt+/-+/-+/-+/-+/-+/-3+/-+/-3+/-+/-



1RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/26/2011 14:16 Page 20.Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGLco-60 File : C:\RESRAD-FAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\CO60 DCGL\MB SOIL DCGL-Co60.RAD Peak of the mean dose (averaged over observations) at graphical timesRepetition Time of peak mean dose Peak mean doseYears mrem/yr1 0.000E+00 6.553E+00 t BARTLETTPage 66 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0Cs-137 Results:1RESRAD, version 6.5 T<1 Limit = 30 days 11/27/2011 09:09 Page 1Summary HB soil DCGLCS137 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\cS137 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL.CS137.RAD Table of ContentsAAAAAAAAA.AAAAA Part I: Mixture sums and Single Radionuclide Guidelines Dose Conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter Summary ... 2site-Specific Parameter Summary ..........................

3Summary of Pathway selections


7contaminated Zone and Total Dose Summary .................

8Total Dose components Time = 0.000E+00


9Time = 1.000E+00


10Time = 3.000E+00


11Time = 1.OO E+Ol ....................................

12Time = 3.OOOE+01


13Time = 1.000E+02


14Time = 3.OOOE+02


15Time = .000E+03


16Dose/Source Ratios Summed Over All Pathways


17Single Radionuclide Soil Guidelines


17Dose Per Nuclide Summed Over All Pathways


18Soil Concentration Per Nuclide ,..... 181RESRAD, Version 6.5 *. T. Limit = 30 days. ii/27/2011 09:09 Page 2Summary : HB soil DCGLCS137 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\CS137 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLcS137.RAD Dose Conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter SummaryDose Library:

HB DCGLCs137 Plus FGR 12 & FGR 110 3 3 Current 3 Base Parameter Menu 3 Parameter 3 value# 3 Case* 3 NameAA&AJAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AAAWAAAAAAAAAAAX WAAAA .AAAA444k AAAAAAAAA-AAA.AAAAaA.AAAAAAAA A-1 DCF's for external ground radiation, (mrem/yr)/(pCi/g)

A-1 Ba-137m (Source:

FGR 12) 3.606E+00 3.606E+00 DCFI( 1)A-1 Cs-137 (Source:

FGR 12) 7.510E-04 7.510E-04 DCF1( 2)B-1 Dose conversion factors for inhalation, mrem/pCi:

B-1 Cs-137+D 3.190E-05 3.190E-05 DCF2( 1)D-1 Dose conversion factors for ingestion, mrem/pCi:

D-1 Cs-137+D 5.000E-05 5.OOOE-05 DCF3( 1)D-34 Food'transfer factors:D-34 Cs-137+D

, olant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 7.820E-02 4.OOOE-02 RTF( 1,1)D-34 Cs-137+D beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pci/d) 6.520E-02 3.OOOE-02 RTF( 1,2)D-34 cs-137+D milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L) /(pci/d) 1.390E-02 8.OOOE-03 RTF( 1,3)D-5 Bioaccumulation

factors, fresh water, L/kg:D-5 cs-137+D

, fish 2.O00E+03 2.000E+03 BIOFAC( 1,1)D-5 Cs-137+D

, crustacea and mollusks 1.OOOE+02 1.OOOE+02 BIOFAC( 1,2)#For DCF1(xxx) only, factors are for infinite depth & area. See ETFG table in Ground Pathway of Detailed Report.*Base Case means Default.Lib w/o Associate Nuclide contributions.

iRESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/27/2011 09:09 Page 3Summary : HR soil DCGL-CS137 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.S\USERFILES\CS137 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLCS137.RAD 0 1Menu .Parameter Roll Area of contaminated zone (m-*2)R011 Thickness of contaminated zone (m)R011 Fraction of contamination that is submerR011 Length parallel to aquifer flow (m)R011 Basic radiation dose limit (mrem/yr)

R011 Time since placement of material (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)R012 Initial principal radionuclide (pci/g):R012 Concentration in groundwater (pCi/L):R013 Cover depth (m)R013 Density of cover material (g/cm**3)

R013 Cover depth erosion rate (m/yr)R013 Density of contaminated zone (g/cm**3)

R013 Contaminated zone erosion rate (m/yr)R013 Contaminated zone total porosityR013 Contaminated zone field capacityR013 contaminated zone hydraulic conductivity R013 Contaminated zone b parameter R013 Average annual wind speed (m/sec)R013 Humidity in air (g/m**3)R013 Evapotranspiration coefficient ROI3 Precipitation (m/yr)R013 Irrigation (m/yr)R013 Irrigation modeR013 Runoff coefficient R013 watershed area for nearby stream or pondR013 Accuracy for water/soil computations R014 Density of saturated zone (g/cm**3)

R014 Saturated zone total porosityR014 Saturated zone effective porosityR014 Saturated zone field capacitySite-Specific Parameter SummaryUser 3 3 used by RESRAD 3 Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) Name3.OOOE+04 3.0OOE+04

--- AREA2.670E+00 2.OO0E+OO

--- THICKOged O.0OOE+00 0.OOOE+00

--- SUBMFRACT 1.950E+02 1.OOOE+02

--- LCZPAQ2.500E+01 3.OOOE+0i

--- BRDL0.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00

--- TI1.O00E+OO i.OOOE+00

--- T( 2)3.OOOE+0O 3.OOOE+O0

--- T( 3)1.OOOE+01 1.000E+01

--- T( 4)3.000E+01 3.000E+01

--- T( 5)1.000E+02 1.OOOE+02

--- T( 6)3.OOOE+02 3.OOOE+02

--- T( 7)1.000E+03 1.OOOE+03

--- T( 8)not used O.OOOE+O0

--- T( 9)not used O.000E+O0

--- T(10)cs-137 1.00E+00 0.000E+O0

--- S1(1)Cs-137 not used 0.O0OE+O0

--- wi( 1)O.OOOE+O0 O.OOOE+O0

--- COVEROnot used 1.500E+O0

--- DENSCVnot used 1.OOOE-03

--- VCV1.564E+00 1.500E+OO

--- DENSCZ2.200E-03 1.00OE-03

--- VCZ4.100E-O1 4.OOOE-03

--- TPCZ9.500E-02 2.OOOE-01

---. FCCZ(m/yr) 3.3.900E+00 1.OOOE+01

--- HCCZ5.600E+00 5.300E+00

--- BCZ3.040E+00 2.00E+00

--- WINDnot used 8.OOOE+O0

--- HUMID6.250E-Ol 5.OOOE-O1

--- EVAPTR9.100E-01 1.OOOE+O0

--- PRECIP35600E-01I 2.OOOE-01

--- RIoverhead overhead

--- IDITCH5.000E-01 2.OOOE-01

--- RUNOFF(m**2) 2.520E+07 1.OOOE+06

--- WAREA1.OOOE-03 1.OOOE-03

--- EPSI1.510E+00 13OOE+00

.--- DENSAQ4.300E-01 4.OOOE-01

--- TPSZ3.420E-01 2.OOOE-01

--- EPSZ8.800E-02 2.OOOE-01

--- FCSZt BARTLETTPage 67 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0R014 Saturated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 2.880E+01 1.0OOE+02 R014 Saturated zone hydraulic gradient 2.OOOE-03 2.0OOE-02 R014 Saturated zone b parameter 7.100E+OO 5.300E+00 R014 water table drop rate (m/yr) 1.OOOE-03 1.OO0E-03 R014 well pump intake depth (m below water table) 1.OOOE+01 1.OOOE+01 R014 Model: Nondispersion (ND) or Mass-Balance (MB) NO NOR014 well pumping rate (m**3/yr) 1.573E+03 3 2.SOOE+O2

1RESRAD, version 6.5 Tx Limit = 30 days 11/27/2011 09:09 Page 4Summary:

HB soil DCGLCS137 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILEs\cS137 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_CS137.RAD HCSZHGWTBSZ3DWI BW'rMODELUW0 3Menu 3Parameter AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAkkAA.KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, R015 Number of unsaturated zone strataR015 Unsat. zone 1, thickness (m)R015 Unsat. zone 1, soil density (g/cm**R015 Unsat. zone 1, total porosityR015 Unsat. zone 1, effective porosityR015 Unsat. zone 1, field capacityR015 unsat. zone 1, soil-specific b par;R015 Unsat. zone 1, hydraulic conductiv R016 Distribution coefficients for Cs-1R016 Contaminated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 Unsaturated zone 1 (cm**3/g)

R016 saturated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 Leach rate (/yr)R016 solubility constantR017 Inhalation rate (m**3/yr)

R017 Mass loading for inhalation (g/m**3R017 Exposure durationR017 shielding factor, inhalation R017 shielding factor, external gammaR017 Fraction of time spent indoorsR017 Fraction of time spent outdoors (oR017 shape factor flag, external gammaR017 Radii of sha e factor array (usedR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 1R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 1R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 11RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 dasummary : HB soil DCGL-CS137 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USE site-specific Parameter summary (continued) user 3 used by RESRAD .Parameter Input 3 Default C (If different from user input) 3 NameNAAAAAAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAA.AAAAKAWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 1 .1 --- NS4.040E+00 4.OOOE+00

--- H(1)33) 1.564E+00 1.500E+00

--- DENSUZ(1) 4.100E-01 4.OOOE-01

--- TPUZ(1)3.150E-01 2.OOOE-01

--- 3 EPUZ(1)9.500E-02 2.OOOE-01

--- FCUZ(1)ameter 5.600E+00 5.300E+00

--- BUZ(l)ity (m/yr) 3.900E+00 1.000E+01

--- HCUZ(1)374.460E+02 4.600E+03

--- DCNUCC( 1)4.460E+02 4.600E+03

--- DCNUCUC 1,1)4.460E+02 4.600E+03

--- DCNUCSC 1)0. 000+00 O.OOOE+OO 2.043E-04 ALEACH( 1)O.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 not used SOLUBK( 1)8.400E+03 8.400E+03

--- INHALR3) 1.000E-04 1.OOOE-04

--- MLINH3.O00E+01 3.000E+0i

--- ED5.500E-01 4.OOOE-01

--- SHF33.980E-01 7.000E-01

--- SHF16.571E-01 5.000E-01

--- FINDn site) 1.181E-01 2.500E-01

--- FOTD1.OOOE+00 1.000E+00

' >0 shows circular AREA. FSif FS = -1):1: not used 5.000E+01


1)2: not used 7.071E+01


2)3: not used 0.OOOE+0O


3)4: not used 0.000E+0O


4)5: not used O.OOOE+00


5)6: not used O.OOOE+OO


6)7: not used O.OOOE+OO


7)8: ' not used 0.OOOE+00


8)9: not used 0.000E+00


9)0: not used 0. 000+00 --- RADSHAPE(10) 1: not used 0.000E+00 3- RADSHAPE(11) 2: not used 0.000E+00

--- ' RADSHAPE(12) ys 11/27/2011 09:09 Page 5RFILES\CS137 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLCS137.RAD 0Menu Parameter 444AA.WA5AJA.A.AA.~AAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA R017 Fractions of annular areas withinR017 Ring 1R017 Ring 2R017 Ring 3R017 Ring 4R017 Ring 5R017 Ring 6R017 Ring 7R017 Ring 8R017 Ring 9R017 Ring 10R017 Ring 11R017 Ring 12R018 Fruits, vegetables and grain consuR018 Leafy vegetable consumption (kg/yrR018 Milk consumption (L/yr)R018 Meat and poultry consumption (kg/yR018 Fish consumption (kg/yr)R018 Other seafood consumption (kg/yr)R018 soil ingestion rate (g/yr)R018 Drinking water intake (L/yr)R018 contamination fraction of drinkingR018 Contamination fraction of householR018 Contamination fraction of livestocR018 Contamination fraction of irrigatic R018 contamination fraction of aquaticR018 contamination fraction of plant foR018 Contamination fraction of meatR018 Contamination fraction of milkR019 Livestock fodder intake for meat CR019 Livestock fodder intake for milk CR019 Livestock water intake for meat (LR019 Livestock water intake for milk (LR019 Livestock soil intake (k%/day)R019 Mass loading for foliar eposition R019 Depth of soil mixing layer (m)R019 Depth of roots (m)R019 Drinking water fraction from grounR019 Household water fraction from grouR019 Livestock water fraction from grouR019 Irrigation fraction from ground waR19B wet weight crop yield for Non-LeafR19B wet weight crop yield for LeafyR19B wet weight crop yield for FodderR19B Growing Season for Non-Leafy (yeaR19B Growing season for Leafy Cyea&eBARTLETT Site-Specific Parameter summary (continued)

User 3 3 used by RESRAD .Parameter Input Default 3 (If different from user input) NameAAAAAAAA.AAAAaAAAAAAA&AAAAAA AAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAA4""AAA AAAaAA. AAAAAREA: 3 3 3not used 1.000E+00

--- FRACA( 1)not used 2.732E-01

--- FRACA( 2)not used 0.000E+00

--- FRACA( 3)not used 0.000E+00

--- FRACA( 4)not used 0.OO000E+00

--- FRACA( 5)not used 0.OOOE+00

--- FRACA( 6)not used 0.OOOE+00

--- 3.FRACA( 7)not used 0.O00E+00

--- FRACA( 8)not used O.OOOE+00

--- FRACA( 9)not used 0.000E+00

--- FRACA(10) not used 0.00OE+00

--- FRACA(11) not used 0.OOOE+00

--- FRACA(12) mption (kg/yr) 1.120E+02 1.600E+02

--- DIET(1)3 2.140E+01 1.400E+01

--- DIET(2)2.330E+02 9.200E+01

--- DIET(3)r) I 6.510E+01 6.300E+01

--- DIET(4)2.060E+01 5.400E+00

--- DIET(S)9.000E-01 9.OOOE-O1

--- DIET(6)1.826E+01 3.650E+01

--- SOIL4.785E+02 5.100E+02

--- DWIwater 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+OO

--- FDWd water not used 1.OOOE+O0

--- FHHWk water 1.OOOE+O0 I.000E+00

--- FLWon water 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00

--- FIRWfood 1.000E+00 5.OOOE-01

--- FR9od 1.000E+00 3-i FPLANT1.000E+00 3-1 --- FMEAT1.OOOE+00

-1 FMILKkg/day) 2.710E+01 6.800E+01

--- LFI5kg/day) 6.320E+01 5.500E+01

--- LFI6/day) I 5.060E+01 5.000E+02

--- LW15/day) 6.000E+01


-LWI65.000E-01 5.OOOE-01

--- LSI(g/m**3) 4.000E-04 1.000E-04

--- MLFD2.300E-01 1.500E-01

--- DM1.220E+O0 9.OOOE-01

--- DROOTd water 1.000E+00 1.O0OE+O0

--- FGWDWnd water not used 1.OOOE+O0

--- FGWHHnd water 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00

--- FGWLWter 1.OOOE+00 1.000E+00

--- FGWIRy (kg/m**2) 1.750E+00 7.000E-01

--- YV(1)(kg/m**2) 2.889E+00 1.5OOE+OO

--- YV32)(kg/m**2) 1.887E+OO 1.100E+00

--- Yv(3)rs) 2.460E-01 1.700E-01

--- TE(1)rs) 1.230E-01 2.500E-01

--- TE(2)LAoPage 68 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0R19B 3 Growing Season for Fodder (years) I 8.200E-02 3 8.OOOE-02

IiRESRAD, version 6.5 T<< Limit = 30 days 11/27/2011 09:09 Page 6Summary HB soil DCGL.Cs137 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\CS137 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_CS137.RAD TE(3)0menu s Parameter kUAA5AAAA.AAAWAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AAAAAAAAA, R19B Translocation Factor for Non-Leaf' R19B Translocation Factor for LeafyR19B Translocation Factor for FodderR19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction fR19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction foR19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction fR19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction fR19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction f1R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction f1R19B weathering Removal Constant for veC14 C-12 concentration in water (g/cmAC14 C-12 concentration in contaminated C14 Fraction of vegetation carbon fromC14 Fraction of vegetation carbon fromC14 C-14 evasion layer thickness in soC14 C-14 evasion flux rate from soil (:C14 C-12 evasion flux rate from soil (:C14 Fraction of grain in beef cattle fC14 Fraction of grain in milk cow feedSTOR Storage times of contaminated food:STOR Fruits, non-leafy vegetables, anSTOR Leafy vegetables STOR MilkSTOR Meat and poultrySTOR FishSTOR Crustacea and mollusksSTOR well waterSTOR surface waterSTOR Livestock fodderR021 Thickness of building foundation (nR021 Bulk density of building foundatioi R021 Total porosity of the cover materi.R021 Total porosity of the buildin fouR021 volumetric water content of the COR021 volumetric water content of the foR021 Diffusion coefficient for radon gaR021 in cover materialR021 in foundation materialR021 in contaminated zone soilR021 Radon vertical dimension of mixingR021 Average building air exchange rateR021 Height of the building (room) (m)R021 Building interior area factorR021 Building depth below ground surfacR021 Emanating power of Rn-222 gasR021 Emanating power of Rn-220 gasTITL Number of graphical time points1RESRAD, Version 6.5 T" Limit = 30 daSummary : HB soil DCGLCS137 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USE site-specific Parameter summary (continued)

User 3 used by RESRAD 3 Parameter 3 Input 3 Default : (If different from user input) 3 Name4444AW44ý,ýAA 4AAAAAAaA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA4AAAAAW y 1.000E-01 1.OOOE-01

--- TIV(1)1.000E+00 1.000E+00

--- TIV(2)1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00

--- TIV(3)or Non-Leafy 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RDRY(1)or Leafy 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RDRY(2)or Fodder 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RDRY(3)or Non-Leafy 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RWET(1)or Leafy 5.800E-01 2.500E-01

--- RWET(2)or Fodder 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- 3 RWET(3)getation 3.300E+01 2.000E+01

--- WLAM*3) not used 2.000E-05

--- C12WrRsoil (g/g) not used 3.000E-02

--- cl2czsoil not used 2.000E-02

--- CSOILair not used 9.800E-01

--- CAIRil (M) not used 3.000E-01

--- DMC1/sec) not used 7.OOOE-07

--- EVSN1/sec) not used 1.000E-10

--- REVSNeed not used 8.000E-01

--- AVFG4not used 2.000E-01

--- AVFG5stuffs (days):d grain 1.400E+01 1.400E+01

--- STORLT(i) 1.000E+00 1.000E+00

--- STOP.T(2) 1.000E+00 1.000E+00

--- STOR.T(3) 2.000E+01 2.000E+01

--- STORT(4)7.000E+03 7.000E+00

--- STORT(5)7.000E+03 7.O0E+OO0

--- STOR_T(6) 1.000E+00 1.000E+00

--- STOR.T(7) 1.000E+00 1.000E+O0

--- STORT(8)4.500E+01 4.500E+01

--- STORT(9)M) not used 1.500E-013

--- FLOOR1n (g/cm**3) not used 2.400E+00

--- DENSFLal not used 4.000E-01

--- TPCVndation not used 1.000E-01

--- TPFLver material not used S.000E-02

--- PH2OCVundation not used 3.OOOE-02

--- PH20FLs (m/sec):not used 2.OOOE-06

--- DIFCVnot used 3.000E-07

--- DIFFLnot used 2.OOOE-06

--- DIFCZ(M) not used 2.OOOE+00

--- HMIX(1/hr) not used 5.OOOE-01

--- REXG3 not used 2.500E+00

--- HRMnot used O.000E+O0

--- FAIe (m) not used 3-1.000E+00

--- DMFLnot used I 2.500E-01

--- EMANA(1)not used 1.500E-01

--- EMANA(2)32 --- NPTSys 11/27/2011 09:09 Page 7RFILES\CS137 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLCS137.RAD AAAsite-specific Parameter Summary (continued) 0 3 User 3 used by RESRAD .Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) NameAAWA4 AAAAAw AAAAAAA3AAAAJ A~AaaAaAAA444AAsAsaWAAA W AAAA. k KK W A AAAA.W.AAAAAA.APAAK44 AAAA~A.AAAAWAAW TITL Maximum number of integration points for dose 17 --- 3 --- LYMAXTITL Maximum number of integration points for risk 3 1 3 _--- -7 KYMAXSummary of Pathway selections3 user selection 1-- external gamma I active2 inhalation (w/o radon)3 active3 -- plantjingestion active4 -- meat ingestion activeS-- milk ingestion active6 aquatic foods active7 drinking water active8 soil ingestion active9 -- radon suppressed Find peak pathway doses 3 activeIRESRAD, version 6.5 T< Limit = 30 days 11/27/2011 09:09 Page 8Summary : HB soil DCGLCs137 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILEs\cs137 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLCS137.RAD Contaminated Zone Dimensions AAAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAAAAAA Area: 30000.00 square metersThickness:

2.67 meterscover Depth: 0.00 metersInitial Soil concentrations, pci/gAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Cs-137 1.OOOE+00

IRESRAD, version 6.5 T<' Limit = 30 days 11/27/2011 09:09 Page 1Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGLCs137 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\CS137 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_CS137.RAD Table of contentsAAAAAAAAWA.AAAAAA Part VI: Uncertainty AnalysisORESRAD Uncertainty Analysis ResultsProbabilistic Input .................................

2Total Dose ..........................................

3tj BARTLETTPage 69 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0Total Risk ..............................................

4Dose vs Pathway:

Ground External


5Dose vs Pathway:

Inhalation (w/o Radon) ............

6Dose vs Pathway:

Radon (water Ind.) ................

7Dose vs Pathway:

Plant (water Ind.) ................

8Dose vs Pathway:

Meat (water Ind.) ................

9Dose vs Pathway:

Milk (water Ind.) ................

10Dose vs Pathway:

Soil Ingestion


11Dose vs Pathway:

water Ingestion


12Dose vs Pathway:

Fish Ingestion


13Dose VS Pathway:

Radon (water Dep.)...................

14Dose vs Pathway:

Plant (water Dep.) .; ...............

15Dose vs Pathway:

Meat (water Dep.) ................

16Dose vs Pathway:

Milk (water Dep.) ................

17Cumulative Probability summary.........................

18Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 1 ... 19Peak of the mean dose at graphical times .............

20correlation and Regression coefficients (if any) ..... 211RESRAD, version 6.5 Tcc Limit = 30 days 11/27/2011 09:09 Page 2Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGLCS137 File : C:\RESRAD.FAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\CS137 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLCS137.RAD Probabilistic InputONumber of Sample Runs: 2000Number1234567891011121314151617181920.00003212223242526272829f111ffName Distribution Parameters AAWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA DENSCZ BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5635 .2385 .827 2.3TPCZ BOUNDED NORMAL .41 .09 .1319 .6881HCCZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.36 2.17 .00478 3190BCZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.73 .323 2.08 15.3EVAPTR UNIFORM .5 .75RI UNIFORM .36 .76DENSAQ BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5105 .1855 .937 2.084TPSZ BOUNDED NORMAL .43 .0699 .214 .646EPSZ BOUNDED NORMAL .342 .0705 .124 .56HCSZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N

.362 1.59 .0106 195BSZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.96 .265 3.02 15.5DWIBWT TRIANGULAR 6 10 30UW UNIFORM 1173 1973H(1) UNIFORM 0 8.08DENSUZ(1)

BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5635 .2385 .827 2.3TPUZ(1) BOUNDED NORMAL .41 .09 .1319 .6881EPUZ(1) BOUNDED NORMAL .315 .0905 .0349 .594HCUZ(1) BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.36 2.17 .00478 3190BUZ(1) BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.73 .323 2.08 15.3MLINH CONTINUOUS LINEAR 8 0 0 .000008 .0151 .000016 .1365.8119 .00004 .9495 .00006 .9937 .000076 .9983 .0001 1SHF3 UNIFORM .15 .95DM TRIANGULAR 0 .15 .6YV(1) TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

.56 .48 .001 .999WLAM TRIANGULAR 5.1 18 84RWET(2) TRIANGULAR

.06 .67 .95DCACTC(1)



TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 6.1 2.33 .001 .999BBIO(55,1)

LOGNORMAL-N 7.6 .7ffffffffffiM~t~tifttt lffifffffifftftiffiii~t tttfttttfzttitttttffififfffftftftffftfff

1RESRAD, Version 6.5 T- Limit = 30 days 11/27/2011 09:09 Page 20Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGLCs137 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\CS137 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLCS137.RAD Peak of the mean dose (averaged over observations) at graphical timesRepetition Time of peak mean dose Peak mean doseYears mrem/yr1 0.OOOE+00 3.151E+00

&eBARTLETT Page 70MBARTLETT Page 70 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0Eu-152 Results:1RESRAD, version 6.5 T< Limit = 30 days 11/27/2011 09:29 Page 1Summary HB soil DCGL_Eu-152 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\EU152 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_EU1S2.RAD Table of ContentsAAAAAWAAAWAA Part I: Mixture Sums and Single Radionuclide Guidelines fiffiffififififfffffillifffffiifffiffffffffffffffffffffff Dose Conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter Summary ... 2site-specific Parameter summary ..........................

3Summary of Pathway selections


7contaminated zone and Total Dose Summary .................

8Total Dose components Time = O.OOOE+00


9Time = 1.OOOE+OO


10Time = 3.OOOE+00


11Time = 1.000E+01


12Time = 3.OOOE+01


13Time = 1.000E+02


14Time = 3.OOOE+02


15Time = 1.000E+03

....... 16Dose/Source Ratios Summed Over All Pathways

.... : -.:.... 17Single Radionuclide Soil Guidelines


.17Dose Per Nuclide Summed Over All Pathways


18soil Concentration Per Nuclide ...........................

181RESRAD, version 6.5 Ta' Limit = 30 days 11/27/2011 09:29 Page 2Summary : HB soil DCGLEu-152 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\EU152 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_EU152.RAD Dose Conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter SummaryDose Library:

HB DCGLS Plus FGR 12 & FGR 110 a 3 Current I Base 3 Parameter Menu a Parameter value# 3 Case* a NameAA)WULSXAUUAA4AAAAAAXWAPPA.jjjupAAAAA,.pWusAsp WAAxAApk.XXSXXX..........XXXAXX AssaA-i DCF'S for external ground radiation, (mrem/yr)/(pCi/g) aA-i EU-152 (Source:

FGR 12) 7.006E+00 a 7.006E+00 DCFi( 1)A-1 Gd-152 (Source:

FGR 12) O.OO0E+00 O.OOOE+OO DCF1( 2)B-1 Dose conversion factors for inhalation, mrem/pCi:

B-1 EU-152 2.210E-04 2.210E-04 DCF2( 1)B-1 Gd-152 2.430E-01 2.430E-01 DCF2( 3)D-1 Dose conversion factors for ingestion, mrem/pCi:

a aD-1 EU-152 6.480E-06 a 6.480E-06 DCF3( 1)D-1 Gd-i52 1.610E-04 1.610E-04 DCF3( 3)D-34 a Food transfer factors:

a aD-34 EU-152 plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 2.500E-03.3 2.500E-03 RTF( 1,1)D-34 EU-152 beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/kg)/(pCi/d) 2.000E-03 2.000E-03 RTF( 1;2)D-34 EU-1i2 milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/L)/(pCi/d) 5.000E-05 5.000E-05 RTF( 1,3)D-34 aD-34 Gd-152 plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 2.500E-03 a 2.500E-03 RTF( 3,1)D-34 Gd-152 beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pci/d) 2.000E-03 2.000E-03 a RTF( 3,2)D-34 Gd-152 milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pci/d) 2.000E-05 2.OOOE-05 RTF( 3,3)D-5 Bioaccumulation

factors, fresh water, L/kg: a a aD-5 EU-152 , fish 5.000E+01 5.OO0E+ia BIOFAC( 1,1)D-5 Eu-152 , crustacea and mollusks 1.000E+03 1.000E+03 BIOFAC( 1,2)D-53D-5 Gd-152 , fish 2.500E+01 2.500E+01 a BIOFAC( 3,1)D-5 Gd-152 , crustacea and mollusks I.OOOE+03 1.000E+03 a BIOFAC( 3,2)#For DCFi(xxx) only, factors are for infinite depth & area. See ETFG table in Ground Pathway of Detailed Report.*Base case means Default.Lib W/o Associate Nuclide contributions.
1RESRAD, version 6.5 T<' Limit = 30 days 11/27/2011 09:29 Page 3Summary : HB soil DCGL-EU-152 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\EUi52 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLEU152.RAD site-sp0 aMenu a Parameter AAAAAAAAA WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AAAAAAAA R011 a Area of contaminated zone (m**2)ROll Thickness of contaminated zone (m)ROll a Fraction of contamination that is submerged ROla Length parallel to aquifer flow (m)ROll Basic radiation dose limit (mrem/yr)

ROll Time since placement of material (yr)ROll Times for calculations (yr)ROll Times for calculations (yr)ROll Times for calculations (yr)ROil Times for calculations (yr)R011 a Times for calculations (yr)R011 a Times for calculations (yr)R011 a Times for calculations (yr)ROil a Times for calculations (yr)ROil a Times for calculations (yr)R012 Initial principal radionuclide (pCi/g):

EU-152R012 Concentration in groundwater (pCi/L):

EU-152R013 Cover depth (m)R013 a Density of cover material (g/cm *3)R013 Cover depth erosion rate (m/yr)R013 Density of contaminated zone (g/cm**3)

R013 a contaminated zone erosion rate (m/yr)R013 a Contaminated zone total porosityR013 Contaminated zone field capacityR013 a Contaminated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr)R013 contaminated zone b parameter R013 Average annual wind speed (m/sec)R013 Humidity in air (g/m**3)R013 Evapotranspi ration coefficient R013 Precipitation (m/yr)R013 Irrigation (m/yr)ABARTLETT ecific Parameter Summarya User.Input Default3.OOOE+04 1.000+04a 1.830E+00 2.OOOE+00 a O.OOOE+00

' O.OO0E+00 a 1.950E+02 1.000E+02 a 2.500E+01 3.OOOE+01 O.O00E+00 O.000E+00 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 a3.00+00 3.0006+00 a1.000E+01 1.000E+01 a 3.000E+01 a 3.000E+01 1.000E+02 a 1.000E+02 a3.0000E+2 3.000E+02 a1.000E+03 a 1.000E+03 a not used a 0.006E+00 not used O.O00E+O0 a 1.000E+O0 O.O0OE+00 3a not used a O.OOOE+00 aO.OOOE+O0 O.006E+0not used 1 1.500E+00 a not used 1.OOOE-03 a 1.564E+00 1 1.500E+00 2.200E-03 1.O00E-03 4.100E-01 4.000E-01 a 9.500E-02 a 2.000E-01 a 3.900E+00 a 1.OOOE+O1 35.600E+00 5.300E+00 3.040E+00 2.000E+O0 a not used a 8.000E+00 a 6.250E-01 5.000E-01 9.100E-01 a 1.000E+O0 5.600E-01 2.000E-01 used bý RESRAD 3(if different rom user input) 3AAAAkWAkhWAAAAAAAAWAAAA.&

33333333333333333AParameter Name&AAAAAWAA AREATHICKOSUBMFRACT LCZPAQBRDLTIT( 2)T( 3)T( 4)T( 5)T( 6)T( 7)T( 8)T( 9)T(10)Si(1)wi( 1)COVERODENSCVVCVDENSCZVCZTPCZFCCZHCCZBCZWINDHUMIDEVAPTRPRECIPRI~AAAPage 71 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0R013 Irrigation mode overhead overheadR013 Runoff coefficient 5.OOOE-01 2.000E-01 R013 watershed area for nearby stream or pond (mn*2) 2.520E+07 1.000E+06 R013 Accuracy for water/soil computations 1.000E-03 1.000E-03 R014 Density of saturated zone (g/cm**3) 1.510E+OO 1.500E+OO R014 Saturated zone total porosity 4.300E-01 4.000E-01 R014 Saturated zone effective porosity 3.420E-01 2.000E-01 R014 Saturated zone field capacity 8.800E-02 2.OOOE-O1 R014 Saturated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) I 2.880E+01 1.OOOE+02 R014 Saturated zone hydraulic gradient 2.OOOE-03 2.000E-02 R014 Saturated zone b parameter 7.100E+00 5.300E+00 R014 water table drop rate (m/yr) O1.O0E-03 1.OOOE-03 R014 well pump intake depth (m below water table) 1.000E+01 1.OOOE+O1 R014 Model: Nondispersion (ND) or Mass-Balance (MB) ND NDR014 well pumping rate (m**3/yr) 1.573E+03 2.500E+02 3,1RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/27/2011 09:29 Page 4summary HB soil DCGL-EU-152 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\Eul52 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLEu152.RAD IDITCHRUNOFFWAREAEPSDENSAQTPSZEPSZ3FCSZ3HCSZ3HGWkTIBSZ3DW IBWTMODELUW0 3Menu I Parameter AXAAiAAA.AAAAAAkWA44WXX WAXAAWAA.AAA.AAAAJ R015 Number of unsaturated zone strataR015 Unsat. zone 1, thickness (m)R015 Unsat. zone 1, soil density (g/cm**ROS Unsat. zone I1 total porosityR015 Unsat. zone 1, effective porosityR015 Unsat. zone 1, field capacityR05 3Unsat. zone 1, soil-soecific b paraR015 unsat. zone 1, hydraulic conductivi R016 Distribution coefficients for EU-15R016 Contaminated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 Unsaturated zone I (cm**3/g)

R016 Saturated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 Leach rate (/yr)R016 solubility constantR016 Distribution coefficients for daugfR016 Contaminated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 unsaturated zone 1 (cm**3/g)

R016 saturated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 Leach rate (/yr)R016 Solubility constantR017 Inhalation rate (mk*3/yr)

R017 Mass loading for inhalation (g/m**3R017 Exposure durationR017 shielding factor, inhalation R017 3 shielding factor, external gammaR017 Fraction of time spent indoorsR017 Fraction of time spent outdoors (orR017 shape factor flag, external gammaR017 Radii of shape factor array (usedR017 Outer annular radius (n), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius 3m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 1(R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring iR017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 1Site-Specific Parameter summary (continued) 3 user used by RESRAD Parameter Input : Default : (If different from user input) 3 NameA.AAA.AAAAAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA A.kkKAA AWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AAAAA 31 .1 3--- NS4.040E+00 4.OOOE+0O

--- HC1)*3) 1.564E+00 1.500E+00

--- DENSUZ(1) 4.100E-01 4.OOOE-01

--- TPUZ(1)3.150E-01 2.OOOE-01

--- EPUZ(1)9.500E-02 2.OOE-O1

--- FCUZ(1)meter 5.600E+00 5.300E+00

--- BUZ(1)ity (m/yr) 3.900E+00 1.OOOE+01

--- HCUZ(1)7.220E+03 3-1.000E+00

--- DCNUCC( 1)8.250E+02 3-1.O00E+O0

--- DCNUCU( 1,1)8.250E+02 3-1.O00OE+O0

--- DCNUCS( 1)0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 1.842E-05 ALEACH( 1)O.OOOE+0O 0.OOOE+00 not used SOLUBK( 1)hter Gd-1528.250E+02 3-1.O00E+O0

--- DCNUCC( 3)8.250E+02 3-1.OOOE+00

--- DCNUCU( 3,1)8.250E+02 3-1.OOOE+00

--- DCNUCS( 3)0.000E+00 O.OOOE+00

' 1.612E-04 ALEACH( 3)0.000E+00 0.O0OE+00 not used SOLUBK( 3)8.400E+03 8.400E+03

--- INHALR3) 1.000E-04 I.OOOE-04 3 --- MLINH3.OOOE+01 I 3.000E+01

--- ED5.500E-01 4.OOOE-01

--- SHF33.980E-01 7.OOOE-01

--- SHF16.571E-01 5.OOOE-01

--- FINDn site) 1.181E-01 2.SOOE-01

--- FOTD1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00

>0 shows circular AREA. FSif FS = -1):.1: not used 5.OOOE+01


1)2: not used 7.071E+01


2)3: not used 0.000E+00


3)4: not used 0.OOOE+00


4)5: not used O.OOOE+OO


5)6 not used O.OOOE+00


6)7: not used 0.OOOE+00

--- 3 RADSHAPEC 7)8: not used 0.OOOE+00


8)9: not used 0.OOOE+00


9)0: not used 0.OOOE+OO

--- RADSHAPE(10) 1: not used 0.000E+0O

--- RADSHAPE(11) 2: not used 0.000E+00 3 --- RADSHAPE(12)

1RESRAD, Version 6.5 T< Limit = 30 days 11/27/2011 09:29 Page 5summary : HB soil DCGL-EU-152 File : C:\RESRAD_FAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\EU152 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLEU1S2.RAD 0 3Menu I Parameter R017 Fractions of annular areas withR017 Ring 1R017 Ring 2R017 Ring 3R017 Ring 4R017 Ring S,R017 Ring 6R017 Ring 7R017 Ring 8R017 Ring 9R017 Ring 10R017 Ring 11R017 Ring 12R018 Fruits, vegetables and grain ccROl8 Leafy vegetable consumption (kgROl8 Milk consumption (L/yr)R018 Meat and poultry consumption (kR018 Fish consumption (kg/yr)ROl8 other seafood consumption (kg/sR018 soil ingestion rate (g/yr)R018 Drinking water intake (L/yr)R018 Contamination fraction of drinkR018 Contamination fraction of houseR018 Contamination fraction of livesR018 Contamination fraction of irricR018 Contamination fraction of aqualR018 Contamination fraction of planiR018 Contamination fraction of meatR018 Contamination fraction of milkR019 Livestock fodder intake for meaR019 Livestock fodder intake for miltE BARTLETTAAAAAinonsug/yr):g/yiyr)eholtockgati.ticfooit (kk CkSite-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User used by RESRAD Parameter A Input Default (if different from user input) NameAAAAAWAAAAAAAAAA AWAA4WUAAAAAAAA.AkW4"44k W "A AAAAAREA:not used I.OOOE+00

--- FRACA( 1)not used 2.732E-01

--- FRACA( 2)not used O.OOOE+00

--- FRACA( 3)not used 0.O00E+O0

--- FRACA( 4)not used 0.O00E+O0

--- FRACA( 5)not used 0.O00E+O0

--- FRACA( 6)not used O.O0E+O0 3 --- FRACA( 7)not used O.OOOE+00

--- FRACA( 8)not used O.O000E+0

--- FRACA( 9)not used O.0OOE+OO

--- FRACA(IO) not used O.OOOE+00

--- FRACA(1i) not used O.000E+O0 3 --- FRACA(12) mption (kg/yr) 1.120E+02 1.600E+02

--- DIET(1)2.140E+01 1.400E+01

--- DIET(2)2.330E+02 9.200E+01

--- DIET(3)r) 6.510E+O1 6.300E+01

--- DIET(4)2.060E+01 S.400E+00

--- DIET(5)9.000E-01 9OOOE-01

--- DIET(6)1.826E+01 3.650E+01

--- SOIL4.785E+02 5.100E+02

--- 3 DWIwater 1.000E+00 1.000E+00

--- FDWd water not used 1.O00E+00

--- FHHWk water 1.000E+O0 1.000E+00

--- FLWon water 1.000E+00 1.000E+00

--- FIRWfood 1.O00E+00 I5.OOE-O1

--- FR9od 1.OOOE+00


'--1 --- FMEAT1.OO0E+O0

-1 --- FMILK3kg/day) 2.710E+01 I 6.800E+01

--- LFI5ka/day) 6.320E+01 I 5.500E+01

--- LFI6UkAPage 72 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0R019 Livestock water intake for meat (L/day) 5.060E+01 5.D0OE+01 R019 Livestock water intake for milk (L/day) 6.OQOE+01 1.600E+02 R019 Livestock soil intake (kg/day) 5.00E-01' 5.00cE-01 R019 Mass loading for foliar deposition (g/m**3) 4.OOOE-04

' 1.OOE-04R019 Depth of soil mixing layer (m) 2.300E-01 1.500E-01 R019 Depth of roots Cm) 2.150E+00 9.OOOE-01 R019 Drinking water fraction from ground water 1.OO0E+00 1.OOOE+00 R019 Household water fraction from ground water not used 1.OOOE+00 R019 Livestock water fraction from ground water 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 R019 Irrigation fraction from ground water 1.OOOE+00 1.000E+00 R19B wet weight crop yield for Non-Leafy (kg/m**2) 1.750E+00 7.000E-01 R19B wet weight crop yield for Leafy (kg/m**2) 2.889E+00 1.500E+00 R19B wet weight crop yield for Fodder (kg/m**2) 1.887E+00 1.100E+00 R19B Growing season for Non-Leafy (years) 2.460E-01 1.700E-01 R19B Growing season for Leafy (years) 1.230E-01 2.500E-01 R19B Growing Season for Fodder (years) 8.200E-02 8.CCCE-02

1RESRAD, version 6.5 T'c Limit = 30 days 11/27/2011 09:29 Page 6Summary HB soil DCGL-EU-152 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\EU152 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLEU152.RAD LWI5LwI6LSIMLFDDMDROOTFGWDWFGWHHFGwLWFGWIRYV(1)YV(2)Yv(3)TE(1)TE(2)TE(3)0 3Menu I Parameter AAAAR9B Tran aia torforNonAAAAAAAAo

.aAfAR19B Translocation Factor for Non-Leaf:

R19B Translocation Factor for LeafyR19B TranSlocation Factor for FodderR19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction fR19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction fR19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction fR19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction fR19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction fR19B 'Wet Foliar Interception Fraction fR19B weathering Removal constant for Ve.C14 C-12 concentration in water (g/cm*C14 C-12 concentration in contaminated C14 Fraction of vegetation carbon fromC14 Fraction of vegetation carbon fromc14 c-14 evasion layer thickness in soc14 c-14 evasion flux rate from soil Cc14 c-12 evasion flux rate from soil CC14 Fraction of grain in beef cattle fC14 Fraction of grain in milk cow feedSTOR Storage times of contaminated foodSTOR Fruits, non-leafy vegetables, anSTOR Leafy vegetables STOR MilkSTOR Meat and poultrySTOR FishSTOR crustacea and mollusksSTOR well waterSTOR Surface waterSTOR Livestock fodderR021 Thickness of building foundation C'R021 Bulk density of building foundatio R021 Total porosity of the cover materiR021 Total porosity of the building fouR021 volumetric water content of the couR021 volumetric water content of the foR021 Diffusion coefficient for radon gaR021 in cover materialR021 in foundation materialR021 in contaminated zone soilR021 Radon vertical dimension of mixingR021 Average building air exchange rateR021 Height of the building (room) (m)R021 Bui ding interior area factorR021 Building depth below ground surfacR021 Emanating power of Rn-222 gasR021 Emanating power of Rn-220 gasTITL Number of graphical time points1RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 daSummary : HB soil DCGLEu-152 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USE Site-Specific Parameter summary (continued) user 3 used by RESRAD3 Input .Default C (If different from user input)y 31.00E-01 1.00CE-01 1.000E+O0 1.00E+00C 31.00E+00 l.000E+C O-or Non-Leafy 3.500E-01 2.50E-01 C---or Leafy 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

---or Fodder 3.500E-01 2.500E-01 Cor Non-Leafy 3.500E-01 2.500E-01 Cor Leafy 5.800E-01 2.500E-01

---or Fodder 3.500E-01 2.5 0E-01 '-getation 3.300E+01 2.COE+01

--*3) not used 2.CCCE-05

---soil Cg/g) not used 3.CCCE-02 3soil not used 2.CCCE-02 3air not used 9.800E-01 Oil (m) not used 3.000E-01

-1/sec) not used 7.CCCE-07

---1/sec) not used 1.CCCE-10

---eed not used 8.000E01 3---not used 2.000E-1

---stuffs (days):d grain 1.400E+01 1.400E+01 3I.O00E+00 1.000E+00 331.0O.E+00

---.OD0+C2.000E+01 2.000E+01 7.000E+O0 7.00CE+C0

---7.000E+00 7.CCCE+00

-"1.00E+C0 1.000E+C0

---1.000E+00 1.000E+C0 4.500E+01 4.500E+01 m) not used I.SO0E-CI n (g/cm**3) not used 2.400E+00 al not used 4.000E-01 ndation not used 1.000E-01 ver material not used 5.000E-02

---undation not used 3.0C0E-02 3s (m/sec):not used 2.0E-06 C----not used 3.CCCE-07

---not used 2.0E-06 Cc-(m) I not used 2.000E+00

---(1/hr) not used 5.000E-01 Cnot used 2.500E+00 not used 'O.C0E+00

---e (m) not used 3-l.0C0E+00 not used I 2.500E-01 not used 3 1.500E-01 3232 ---ys 11/27/2011 09:29 Page 7RFILES\EU152 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLEU152.RAD Parameter 3 Name" TIV(1)TIV(2)TIV(3)RDRY(1)RDRY(2)RDRY(3)RWET(1)RWET(2)RWET(3)3 WLAMC12WTRcl2czCSOILCAIRD DMCEVSN3 REVSNAVFG4AVFG5STOR.T(1)



STORT(8)STORT(9)FLOOR1' DENSFLTPCVTPFLPH2OCVPH2OFLDIFCVDIFFL3 DIFCZ3 HMIX3 REXGHRMFAIDMFLEMANA(1)EMANA(2)NPTSAAASite-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) 0 3 user 3 used by RESRAD 3 Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) NameAXAAA AAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAkK4AAAS.XA&AAAAA.XXXXXXAjXXXXXX AAAX aAAAAAk AAA~TITL 3 Maximum number of integration points for dose 3 17 --- --- LYMAXTITL 3 Maximum number of integration points for risk 1 3 _-- --- KYMAXSummary of Pathway selections I user Selection AAAAAAA5.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKKAW AAAAAAAAA 1-- external gamma I active2 inhalation (w/o radon)3 active3-- plant.ingestlion active4-- meat ingestion active5 milk ingestion active6 aquatic foods active7 drinking water active8 -- soil ingestion active9-- radon suppressed Find peak pathway doses 3 active1RESRAD, Version 6.5 T'< Limit = 30 days 11/27/2011 09:29 Page 8Summary : HB soil DCGLEu-152 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\EU152 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLEU152.RAD Contaminated zone Dimensions initial soil concentrationsc t BARTLETTPage 73 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0Area: 30000.00 square metersThickness:

1.83 metersCover Depth: 0.00 metersEU-152 1.000E+00

1RESRAD, Version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/27/2011 09:29 Page 1Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGL-EU-152 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\EU152 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLEUlS2.RAD Table of contentsAAAAAAA4A4AAA.A Part VI: Uncertainty AnalysisORESRAD Uncertainty Analysis ResultsProbabilistic Input ....................................

2Total Dose ..............................................

3Total Risk .........


4Dose vs Pathway:

Ground External


5Dose VS Pathway:

Inhalation (w/o Radon) ............

6Dose vs Pathway:

Radon (water Ind.) ................

7Dose vs Pathway:

Plant (water Ind.) ................

8Dose vs Pathway:

Meat (water Ind.) ................

9Dose vs Pathway:

Milk (water Ind.) ................

10Dose vs Pathway:

Soil Ingestion


11Dose VS Pathway:

water Ingestion


12Dose vs Pathway:

Fish Ingestion


13Dose vs Pathway:

Radon (water Dep.)...................

14Dose vs Pathway:

Plant (water Dep.) ................

15Dose vs Pathway:

Meat (water Dep.) ................

16Dose vs Pathway:

Milk (water Dep.) ................

17Cumulative Probability Summary .........................

18Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 1 ..... 19Peak of the mean dose at graphical times .............

20correlation and Regression coefficients (if any) ..... 21IRESRAD, Version 6.5 T<' Limit = 30 days 11/27/2011 09:29 PageProbabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGL-EU-152 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\EU152 DCGL\HB SOIL OCGLEu152.RAD Probabilistic Input0Number of Sample Runs: 200012Number123456789101112131415161718192021.0000322232425262728293031323334353637383940111M3NameAAAAAAAAAAAAA.5A"AA THICKODENSCZTPCZHCCZBCZEVAPTRRIDENSAQTPSZEPSZHCSZBSZDWI Blkr-UWH(1)DENSUZ(1)













BBIO(64, 1)ttf'fftt'tffffff t3+/-3Di stri buti on Pa4ramete rsA AAAAAAAAAAA4WA 4 AAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA UNIFORM .15 3.51BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5635 .2385 .827 2.3BOUNDED NORMAL .41 .09 .1319 .6881BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.36 2.17 .00478 3190BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.73 .323 2.08 15.3UNIFORM .5 .75UNIFORM .36 .76BOUNDED NORMAL 1. 5105 .1855 .937 2.084BOUNDED NORMAL .43 .0699 .214 .646BOUNDED NORMAL .342 .0705 .124 .56BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N

.362 1.59 .0106 195BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.96 .265 3.02 15.5TRIANGULAR 6 10 30UNIFORM 1173 1973UNIFORM 0 8.08BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5635 .2385 .827 2.3BOUNDED NORMAL .41 .09 .1319 .6881BOUNDED NORMAL .315 .0905 .0349 .594BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.36 2.17 .00478 3190BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.73 .323 2.08 15.3CONTINUOUS LINEAR 8 0 0 .000008.9495 .00006 .9937 .000076 .9983 .0001 1UNIFORM .15 .95TRIANGULAR 0 .15 .6UNIFORM .3 4TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

.56 .48 .001 .999TRIANGULAR 5.1 18 84TRIANGULAR

.06 .67 .95TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 6.72 3.22 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 6.72 3.22 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 6.72 3.22 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 6.72 3.22 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 6.72 3.22 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-6.21 1.1 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-6.21 1 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-9.72 .9 .001 .999LOGNORMAL-N 3.9 1.1TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-6.21 1.1 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-6.21 1 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-9.72 .9 .001 .999LOGNORMAL-N 3.2 1.10151.000016 .1365iRESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/27/2011 09:29 Page 20Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGLEu-152 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\EU152 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLEU152.RAD Peak of the mean dose (averaged over observations) at graphical timesRepetition Time of peak mean dose Peak mean doseYears mrem/yr1 0.OOOE+00 2.475E+00 I SBARTLETT Page 74 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0Eu-1 54 Results:RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/27/2011 09:50 Page ISummary HB soil DCGL_EU-154 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\EU154 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLEU154.RAD Table of contents44WAAAAWAA Part I: Mixture Sums and Single Radionuclide Guidelines Dose Conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter Summary ... 2Site-Specific Parameter Summary .............................

3Summary of Pathway Selections


7Contaminated zone and Total Dose Summary ...................

8Total Dose components Time = 0.000E+0O


9Time = i.000 +OO .......................................

10Time = 3.000+00.........................................

11Time = 1.000E+01.......................................

12Time = 3.000E+O.........................................

13Time = 1.000+02.........................................

14Time = 3.O00E+02


15Time = 1.OOOE+03


16Dose/source Ratios summed over All Pathways


17Single Radionuclide Soil Guidelines


17Dose Per Nuclide Summed over All Pathways


18soil concentration Per Nuclide 18.... 81RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days. 1i/27/2011 09:50 Page 2Summary : HB soil DCGL-EU-154 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\EU154 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_EU154.RAD Dose conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter SummaryDose Library:

HB DCGLS Plus FGR 12 & FGR 113 Current 3 BaseParam r .. Value# Case*0menu.3Parameter NameAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAA AAAAAAAAA AAAýAAAAAAAA A-1 DCF'S for external ground radiation, (mrem/yr)/(pci/g)

A-1 Eu-154 (Source:

FGR 12) 7.678E+00 7.678E+00 DCFl( 1)B-i Dose conversion factors for inhalation, mrem/pCi:

B-1 Eu-154 2.860E-04 2.860E-04 DCF2( 1)D-1 Dose conversion factors for ingestion, mrem/pCi:

D-1 EU-154 9.550E-06 9.550E-06 DCF3( 1)D-34 Food transfer factors:

3D-34 EU-154 , plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless I 2.500E-03 2.500E-03 RTF( 1,1)D-34 EU-154 beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pci/d) 2.O00E-03 2.000E-03 RTF( 1,2)D-34 EU-154 milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L) /(pci/d) 5.000E-05 S.OOOE-05 RTF( 1,3)D-5 Bioaccumulation

factors, fresh water, L/kg:D-5 EU-154 , fish 5.OOOE+01 5.OOOE+01 BIOFAC( 1,1)D-5 EU-154 , crustacea and mollusks 1.000E+03 1.OOOE+03 BIOFAC( 1,2)#For DCFl(xxx) only, factors are for infinite depth & area. See ETFG table in Ground Pathway of Detailed Report.*Base case means Default.Lib w/o Associate Nuclide contributions.
iRESRAD, version 6.5 T< Limit = 30 days 11/27/2011 09:50 Page 3Summary : HB soil DCGL_Eu-154 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\EU154 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_EUl154.RAD 0Menu Parameter AWA A W UUU~AA44AAW.AAAAAAAAAAAAA.AAAWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Roll Area of contaminated zone (m**2)R011 Thickness of contaminated zone (m)Roll Fraction of contamination that is submerged R011 Length parallel to aquifer flow (m)R011 Basic radiation dose limit (mrem/yr)

R011 Time since placement of material (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)R012 Initial principal radionuclide (pCi/g):

EU-15R012 Concentration in groundwater (pCi/L):

EU-15R013 Cover depth (m)R013 Density of cover material (g/cm**3)

R013 Cover depth erosion rate Cm/yr)R013 Density of contaminated zone (g/cmn*3)

R013 contaminated zone erosion rate (m/yr)R013 Contaminated zone total porosityR013 Contaminated zone field capacityR013 Contaminated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yrR013 contaminated zone b parameter R013 Average annual wind speed (m/sec)R013 Humidity in air (g/m*n3)R013 Evapotranspi ration coefficient R013 Precipitation (m/yr)R013 Irrigation (m/yr)R013 Irrigation modeR013 Runoff coefficient R013 watershed area for nearby stream or pond (m**2R013 Accuracy for water/soil computations R014 Density of saturated zone (g/cmnn3)

R014 Saturated zone total porosityR014 Saturated zone effective porosityR014 Saturated zone field capacityR014 saturated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr)te BARTLETT%Specific Parameter SummaryUser 3 used by RESRAD" nqput ' Default 3 (If different from user input)AAAA~k WAAAAAAAXX WAAAAAAA A~AAAA.AAAAAAAAAAAW 3.000E+04 1.000E+04 31.830E+00 2.OOOE+03

---O.OOOE+00 O.0008E+00 1.950E+02 1.000E+02

---2.500E+01 3.000E+01

---O.008E+00 O.OOOE+O0 1.000E+O0 1.000E+0O 3.000E+00 3.0008E+0

---1.000E+01 1.OOOE+01

---3.OOOE+01 3.OOOE+O1

---1.OOOE+02 1.OOOE+02

---3.OOOE+02 3.OOOE+02

---i.OOOE+03 1.OOOE+03

---not used O.OOOE+0O

---not used O.OOOE+00 4 1.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 4 not used O.0008E+00 O.O0OE+00 O.OOOE+00 not used 1.500E+00

---not used 1.000E-03

---1.564E+00 1.500E+O0

-2.200E-03 1.000E-03 34.100E-01 4.000E-01

---9.500E-02 2.00OE-01

---3 3.900E+00 1.000E+01 5.600E+00 5.300E+00 3.040E+00 2.000+0 ---not used 8.000E+OO 6.250E-01 5.OOOE-01

---9.100E-01 1.O00E+O0

-5.600E-01 2.000E-01

---overhead overhead

---5.OOOE-O1 2.OOOE-01

---) 2.520E+07 1.OOOE+06

---I.000E-03 I.000E-03

---1.510E+00 1.500E+00 4.300E-01 4.000E-01

---3.420E-01 2.OOOE-O1

---8.800E-02 2.000E-01 32.880E+01 1.OOOE+02

---AParameter NamekAAA.4AAAAWAA AREATHICKOSUBMFRACT LCZPAQ3 BRDLTI3 T( 2)' T( 3)3 T( 4)T( 5)T( 6)3 T( 7)3 T( 8)3 T( 9)T(10)3 Si~i)Swl(i 1)COVERODENSCVvCVDENSCZ3 VCZTPCZ3 FCCZHCCZBCZ3 WINDHUMIDEVAPTRPRECIPRIIDITCHRUNOFF3 WAREAEPSDENSAQ3 TPSZEPSZ' FCSZ3 HcSZAAAPage 75Page 75 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0R014 saturated zone hydraulic gradient 2.000E-03 2.000E-02 R014 saturated zone b parameter 7.100E+00 5.300E+00 R014 water table drop rate (m/yr) 1.OOOE-03 1.000E-03 R014 well pump intake depth (m below water table) ' 1.OOOE+01 1.OOOE+01 R014 Model: Nondispersion (NO) or Mass-Balance (MB) 3 ND ' NDR014 well pumping rate (m**3/yr)

I 1.573E+03 3 2.500E+02 3 31RESRAD, version 6.5 T- Limit = 30 days 11/27/2011 09:50 Page 4summary HB soil DCGLEU-154 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\EU154 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLEU154.RAD HGWTBSZ3vwT3 DWIBWTMODEL3 UW0Menu Parameter AkAAAAAAA WAAAAA WAAAAWA.AAA AAAAAAAAAAA R015 Number of unsaturated zone strataRO15 Unsat. zone 1, thickness (m)R015 Unsat. zone 1, soil density (g/cm*R015 unsat. zone 1, total porosityR015 unsat. zone 1, effective porosityR015 Unsat. zone 1, field capacityR015 Unsat. zone 1, soil-specific b parR015 unsat. zone 1, hydraulic conductiv R016 Distribution coefficients for EU-1iR016 contaminated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 unsaturated zone 1 (cm**3/g)

R016 Saturated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 Leach rate (/yr)R016 solubility constantR017 Inhalation rate (mT*3/yr)R017 Mass loading for inhalation (g/m**R017 Exposure durationR017 shielding factor, inhalation R017 shielding factor, external gammaR017 Fraction.of time spent indoorsR017 Fraction of time spent outdoors (onR017 shape factor flag, external gammaR017 Radii of shape factor array (usedR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 outer annular radius (m) ringR017 outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m) ringR017 outer annular radius (m) ringR017 outer annular radius (m) ring 1R017 outer annular radius (m) ring 1:R017 outer annular radius (m), ring 1.1RESRAD, version 6.5 T- Limit = 30 daSummary : HB soil DCGL-EU-154 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USE Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) 3 User 3 used by RESRAD 3 Parameter 3 Input 3 Default (If different from user input) 3 Name3 3 -NS4.040E+OO 4.OOOE+O0

--- H(1)-3) 1.564E+00 1.500E+00

--- DENSUZ(1) 4.100E-01 4.OOOE-01

--- TPUZ(I1)3.150E-01 2.OOOE-O1

--- EPUZ(1)9.500E-02 2.OOOE-01

--- FCUZ(1)ameter 5.600E+00 5.300E+00

--- BUZ(1)ity (m/yr) 3.900E+OO 1.OOOE+01

--- HCUZ(1)548.250E+02 3-1.OOOE+00

--- DCNUCC( 1)8.250E+02 3-1.000E+00

--- DCNUCU( 1,1)8.250E+02 3-1.OOOE+00

--- DCNUCS( 1)0.000E+00 0.O00E+O0 1.612E-04 ALEACH( 1)O.OOOE+00 0.O00E+00 not used SOLUBK( 1)8.400E+03 8.400E+03

--- INHALR3) 1.OOOE-04 1.OOOE-04

--- MLINH3.000E+01 3.OOOE+01

--- ED5.500E-01 4.OOOE-01

--- SHF33.980E-01 7.000E-01

--- SHF16.571E-01 5.OOOE-01

--- FINDn site) 1.181E-01 2.500E-01


>0 shows circular AREA. FSif FS 1)1: not used 5.OOOE+01


1)2: not used 7.071E+01


2)3 not used O.OOOE+OO


3)4: not used O.OOOE+O0


4)5: not used O.OOOE+O0


5)6: not used 0.000E+00


6)7: not used O.OOOE+00


7)8: not used 0.000E+00


8)9"* not used O.OOOE+00


9)0: not used 3_O.O00E+O0

--- RADSHAPE(10) 1: not used O.OOOE+O0

--- RAD-SHAPE(11) 2: not used O.OOOE+00

--- RADSHAPE(12) ys 11/27/2011 09:50 Page 5RFILES\EU154 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLEu154.RAD 0MenuSite-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) 3 User 3 used by RESRAD Parameter Parameter 3 Input efault (if different rý.o u rnt 3 aAAAAAAAWAAAAAWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAýýýýýýýAýý-ýAAAA R017 Fractions of annular areas within AREA:R017 Ring 1R017 Ring 2RO17 Ring 3R017 Ring 4R017 Ring 5R017 Ring 6R017 Ring 7R017 Ring 8R017 Ring 9R017 Ring 10RO17 Ring 11RO17 Ring 12R018 Fruits, vegetables and grain consumption (kg/'R018 Leafy vegetable consumption (kg/yr)R018 Milk consumption (L/yr)R018 Meat and poultry consumption (kg/yr)R018 Fish consumption (kg/yr)R018 Other seafood consumption (kg/yr)R018 Soil ingestion rate (g/yr)R018 Drinking water intake (L/yr)R018 Contamination fraction of drinkin waterR018 contamination fraction of household waterR018 Contamination fraction of livestock waterR018 Contamination fraction of irrigation waterR018 Contamination fraction of aquatic foodR018 Contamination fraction of plant foodR018 Contamination fraction of meatROI8 Contamination fraction of milkR019 Livestock fodder intake for meat (kg/day)R019 Livestock fodder intake for milk (kg/day)R019 Livestock water intake for meat (L/day)R019 Livestock water intake for milk (L/day)R019 Livestock soil intake (kg/day)R019 Mass loading for foliar deposition (g/m**3)R019 Depth of soil mixing layer (m)R019 Depth of roots (m)R019 Drinking water fraction from ground waterR019 Household water fraction from ground waterR019 Livestock water fraction from ground waterR019 Irrigation fraction from ground waterR19B wet weight crop yield for Non-Leafy (kg/m**2)

R19B wet weight crop yield for Leafy (kg/m**2)

R19B Wet weight crop yield for Fodder (kg/m**2)

R19B Growing Season for Non-Leafy (years)R19B Growing Season for Leafy (years)R19B Growing Season for Fodder (years)fBARTLETT not used 1.OO0E+OO not used 2.732E-01 not used O.OO0E+OO not used O.OOOE+O0 not used O.OOOE+00 not used O.OOOE+00 not used O.OOOE+00 not used O.OOOE+O0 not used O.OOOE+O0 not used O.OOOE+OO not used O.OOOE+OO not used O.OOOE+O0 yr) 1.120E+02 1.600E+02 2.140E+O1 1.400E+01 2.330E+02.

3 9.200E+01 6.510E+O1 6.300E+01 2.060E+01 5.400E+00 9.000E-01 9.OOOE-01 1.826E+01 3.650E+01 4.785E+02 5.100E+02 1.OOOE+00 1.000E+00 not used 1.OOOE+00 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+O0 1.OOOE+O0 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+OO S.OOOE-O1 1.OOOE+Oo 3-11.OOOE+O0


-I2.710E+01 6.800E+01 6.320E+01 5.500E+01 5.060E+01 5.OOOE+01 6.OOOE+01 1.600E+02 5.OOOE-O1 5.OOOE-O1 4.OOOE-04 1.000E-04 2.300E-01 1.500E-01 2.150E+O0 39.OOOE-01 1.O00E+O0 1.OOOE+O0 not used 1.000E+O0 1.O00E+O0 1.OOOE+O0 1.000E+O0 1.O00E+O0 1.750E+00 7.OOOE-01 2.889E+00 1.500E+00 1.887E+00 1.100E+00 2.460E-01 1.700E-O1 1.230E-01 2.500E-01 8.200E-02 8.OOOE-02 FRACA( 1)FRACA( 2)FRACA( 3)" FRACA( 4)FRACA( 5)FRACA( 6)" FRACA( 7)" FRACA( 8)" FRACA( 9)FRACA(1O)



DIET(l)DIET(2)DIET(3)DIET(4)DIET(S)3 DIET(6)SOILDWIFDW3 FHHW' FLW3 FIRW3 FR9FPLANTFMEATFMILKLFI5LFI63 LWI5LwI6LSIMLFDDMDROOTFGWDW3 FGWHH3 FGWLW3 FGWIRYV(2)"v(3)TE(1)" TE(2)" TE(3)Page 76 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 01RESRAD, version 6.5 To Limit = 30 days 11/27/2011 09:50 Page 6Summary : HB soil DCGLEU-154 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\EU154 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLEU154.RAD 0men U3site-specific Parameter summary (continued)

User used by RESRAD Parameter Input Default : (If different from userinput),-

NameParameter R19B Translocation Factor for Non-Leafy R19B Translocation Factor for LeafyR19B Translocation Factor for FodderR19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for LeafyR19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for FodderR19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for LeafyR19B 3 wet Foliar Interception Fraction for FodderR19B weathering Removal Constant for vegetation C14 C-12 concentration in water (g/cm**3)

C14 C-12 concentration in contaminated soil (g/g)C14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from soilC14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from airC14 C-14 evasion layer thickness in soil (m)C14 C-14 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec)c14 C-12 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec)C14 Fraction of grain in beef cattle feedC14 Fraction of grain in milk cow feedSTOR storage times of contaminated foodstuffs (days):STOR Fruits, non-leafy vegetables, and grainSTOR Leafy vegetables STOR MilkSTOR Meat and poultrySTOR FishSTOR crustacea and mollusksSTOR well waterSTOR surface waterSTOR Livestock fodderR021 Thickness of building foundation (m)R021 Bulk density of building foundation (g/cm**3)

R021 Total porosity of the cover materialR021 Total porosity of the building foundation R021 volumetric water content of the cover materialR021 volumetric water content of the foundation R021 Diffusion coefficient for radon gas (m/sec):R021 in cover materialR021 in foundation materialR021 in contaminated zone soilR021 Radon vertical dimension of mixing (m)R021 Average building air exchange rate (1/hr)R021 Height of the building (room) (m)R021 Building interior area factor.R021 Building depth below ground surface (m)R021 Emanating power of Rn-222 gasR021 Emanating power of Rn-220 gasTITL Number of graphical time points1RESRAD, Version 6.5 To Limit = 30 days 11/Summary : HB soil DCGLEU-154 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\EU154 1.000E-01 1.00OE-01 1.OOOE+00 1.00OE+00 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 3.500E-01 2.500E-01 3.500E-01 2.500E-01 3.500E-01 2.500E-01 3.500E-01 2.500E-01 5.800E-01 2.500E-01 3.500E-01 2.500E-01 3.300E+01 2.OOOE+01 not used 2.OOOE-05 not used 3.OOOE-02 not used 2.OOOE-02 not used 9.800E-01 not used 3.OOOE-01 not used 7.OOOE-07 not used 3O1GOE-10 not used 8.OOOE-01 not used 2.OOOE-01 1.400E+01 1.400E+01 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00 2.OOOE+01 2.000E+01 7.OOOE+00 7.OOOE+00 7.000E+00 7.000E+00 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00 4.500E+01 4.50OE+01 not used 1.500E-01 not used 2.400E+00 not used 4.000E-01 not used 1.OOOE-01 not used 5.OOOE-02 not used 3.OOOE-02 not used 2.OOOE-06 not used 3.OOOE-07 not used 2.OOOE-06 not used 2.OOOE+00 not used 5.000E-01 not used 2.500E+00 not used O.OOOE+00 not used '-1.000E+O0 not used I 2.500E-01 not used 3 1.50OE-01 32 ---27/2011 09:50 Page 7CGL\HB SOIL DCGLEu154.RAD TIV(1)TIV(2)TIV(3)RDRY(1)RDRY(2)RDRY(3)" RWET(1)RWET (2)RWET(3)WLAMC12WTR3 C12CZCSOILCAIRDMCEVSNREVSN3 AVFG4AVFG5STORT(1)STORT(2)STOPLT(3)





FLOOR1DENSFLTPCVTPFLPH2oCvPH2OFLDIFCVDIFFLDIFCZHMIXREXGHRMPAIDMFLEMANA(1)EMANA(2)NPTSSite-specific Parameter summary (continued) 0 3 user ffused by RESRAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input : Default : (If different from user input) NameKAAAAAWASAAAAAA55A55AAA555AAA5AAXWAAAM5 AAWAAfiAAA4A.A JJAXSAAAAAAAAAAA&AAAA XXXXXXXXXX.5.X TITL ' Maximum number of integration points for dose 17 --- --- LYMAXTITL Maximum number of integration points for risk 1 ..... -KYMAXSummary of Pathway selections Pathway user Selection AAAMAAAWAAAAAAAAAAAAW AAW W AAAAAAAAAW AAAAA~AAAAW 1-- external gamma 3 activeinhalation (w/o radon)3 active3-- plant ingestion active4 meat ingestion active-- milk ingestion active6 aquatic foods active7 drinking water active8 -- soil ingestion active.9 -- radon suppressed Find peak pathway doses active1RESRAD, Version 6.5 T' Limit = 30 days 11/27/2011 09:50 Page 8Summary : HB soil DCGLEu-154 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\EU154 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLEU154.RAD Contaminated Zone Dimensions AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAArea: 30000.00 square metersThickness:

1.83 metersCover Depth: 0.00 metersinitial soil concentrations.

pCi/gAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA EU-154 1.OOO+001RESRAD, version 6.5 T<< Limit = 30 days 11/27/2011 09:50 Page IProbabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGLEu-154 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\REsRAD\6.5\USERFILES\EU154 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_Eu154.RAD Table of ContentsAAAAAAAAA.AAAAAAA Part VI: uncertainty AnalysisORESRAD Uncertainty Analysis ResultsProbabilistic Input .................................

2Total Dose ..........................................

3Total Risk ..........................................

4UeBARTLETT Page 77 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0Dose vs Pathway:

Ground External


5Dose vs Pathway:

Inhalation (w/o Radon) ............

6Dose VS Pathway:

Radon (water Ind.) ................

7Dose vs Pathway:

Plant (water Ind.) ................

8Dose vs Pathway:

Meat (Water Ind.) ................

9Dose vs Pathway:

Milk (water Ind.) ................

10Dose vs Pathway:

Soil Ingestion


11Dose vs Pathway:

water Ingestion


12Dose VS Pathway:

Fish Ingestion


13Dose VS Pathway:

Radon (water Dep.) ................

14Dose VS Pathway:

Plant (water Dep.) ................

15Dose vs Pathway:

Meat (water Dep.) ................

.16Dose vs Pathway:

Milk (water Dep.) ................

17cumulative Probability summary .......................

18Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 1 ..... 19Peak of the mean dose at graphical times .............

20correlation and Regression coefficients (if any) ..... 211RESRAD, Version 6.5 T<< Limit = 30 days 11/27/2011 09:50 Page 2Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGL-EU-154 File : C:\RESRADFANILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\EU154 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLEU154.RAD Probabilistic InputONumber of Sample Runs: 2000Number123456789101112131415161718192021.0000322232425262728293031323334"3d"Name Distribution Parameters AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAhAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAA THICKO UNIFORM .15 3.51DENSCZ BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5635 .2385 .827 2.3TPCZ BOUNDED NORMAL .41 .09 .1319 .6881HCCZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.36 2.17 .00478 3190BCZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.73 .323 2.08 15.3EVAPTR UNIFORM .5 .75RI UNIFORM .36 .76DENSAQ BOUNDED NORMAL 1. 5105 .1855 .937 2.084TPSZ BOUNDED NORMAL .43 .0699 .214 .646EPSZ BOUNDED NORMAL .342 .0705 .124 .56HCSZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N

.362 1.59 .0106 195BSZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.96 .265 3.02 15.5DWIBW-r -,TRIANGULAR 6 10 30UW 'UNIFORM 1173 1973H(1) UNIFORM 0 8.08DENSUZ(1)

BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5635 .2385 .827 2.3TPUZ(1) BOUNDED NORMAL .41 .09 .1319 .6881EPUZ(1) BOUNDED NORMAL .315 .0905 .0349 .594HCUZ(1) BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.36 2.17 .00478 3190BUZ(1) BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.73 .323 2.08 15.3MLINH CONTINUOUS LINEAR 8 0 0 .000008 .0151.8119 .00004 .9495 .00006 .9937 .000076 .9983 .0001 1SH3 UNIFORM .15 .95DM TRIANGULAR 0 .15 .6DROOT UNIFORM .3 4YV(1) TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

.56 .48 .001 .999WLAM TRIANGULAR 5.1 18 84RWET(2) TRIANGULAR

.06 .67 .95DCACTC(1)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 6.72 3.22 .001 .999DCACTU1(1)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 6.72 3.22 .001 .999DCACTS(1)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 6.72 3.22 .001 .999BRTF(63,1)


-6.21 1.1 .001 .999BRTF(63,2)


-6.21 1 .001 .999BRTF(63,3)


-9.72 .9 .001 .999BBIO(63,1)

LOGNORMAL-N 3.9 1.1tfIttftttfftttttttttft ZII+/-IIIII3ffIIIIII3II3 33I3ffI33IfIIIII3II3IIIIIIII+/-33313I33+/-3I

.000016 .136533333333 f3133333 3333+/-333 33333333 33333333 3333333+/-

fffffff f33333333 33333333IRESRAD, Version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/27/2011 09:50 Page 20Probabilistic results summary : HS soil DCGLEu-154 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\EU154 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLEU154.RAD Peak of the mean dose (averaged over observations) at graphical timesRepetition Time of peak mean dose Peak mean doseYears mrem/yr1 0.OOOE+00 2.660E+00 UeBARTLETT Page 78 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0H-3 Results:1RESRAD, Version 6.5 Tt Limit = 30 days 11/27/2011 10:07 Page Isummary HB soil DCGLH-3File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\H3 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLH3.RAD Table of contentsAAAAA.AAAAAAAA.AA Part I: Mixture Sums and Single Radionuclide Guidelines iiilffffffffffffffffffifffifffiffiiffii ffiffiffffiiI Dose Conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter Summary ... 2Site-Specific Parameter summary ..........................

3Summary of Pathway ,Selections


7contaminated zone and Total Dose Summary .................

8Total Dose Components Time = 0.000E+00


9Time = 1.000E+00


10Time = 3.OOOE+00


11Time = 1.000E+01


12Time = 3.000E+01


13Time = 1.000E+02


14Time = 3.000E+02


15Time = 1.000E+03


16Dose/source Ratios summed Over All Pathways...............17 Single Radionuclide Soil Guidelines


17Dose Per Nuclide Summed Over All Pathways


18Soil concentration Per Nuclide 18.... 181RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days ii/27/2011 10:07 Page 2Summary : HB soil DCGL-H-3File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\H3 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLH3.RAD 0men U .....Dose Conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter SummaryDose Library:

HB DCGLS Plus FGR 12 & FGR 11Current I BaseParaete value # caeParameter 3 NameA-1 DCF'S for external ground radiation, (mrem/yr)/(pCi/g)

A-1 H-3 (Source:

FGR 12) 0.OOOE+00 O.000E+00 DCF1( 1)B-1 Dose conversion factors for inhalation, mrem/pCi:

B-1 H-3 6.400E-08 6.400E-08 DCF2( 1)D-1 Dose conversion factors for ingestion, mrem/pci:

D-1 H-3 6.400E-08 6.400E-08 DCF3( 1)D-34 Food transfer factors:D-34 H-3 , plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 4.800E+00 4.800E+OO RTF( 1,1)D-34 H-3 beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pci/d) 1.200E-02 1.200E-02 RTF( 1,2)D-34 H-3 milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/L)/(pci/d) 1.000E-02 1.OOOE-02 RTF( 1,3)D-5 Bioaccumulation

factors, fresh water, L/kg:D-5 H-3 , fish 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00 BIOFAC( 1,1)D-5 H-3 , crustacea and mollusks 1.000E+OO0 i.OOOE+00 BIOFAC( 1,2)fffff2iff ff ff ifffffffffffiii:

2:It222 Ii~i2 : iffffffffffffffffffftffff ii2 f2222 t 22ff2fffff fif :#For DCF1(xxx) only, factors are for infinite depth & area. See ETFG table in Ground Pathway of Detailed Report.tBase Case means Default.Lib w/o Associate Nuclide contributions.

iRESRAD, version 6.5 Tt Limit = 30 days 11/27/2011 10:07 Page 3Summary : HB soil DCGLH-3File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\H3 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLH3.RAD 0Menu Parameter AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~Xai

~~~ AAAAARoll Area of contaminated zone (m**2)Roll Thickness of contaminated zone (m)Roll Fraction of contamination that is submerR011 Length parallel to aquifer flow (m)R011 Basic radiation dose limit (mrem/yr)

R011 Time since placement of material (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)R012 Initial principal radionuclide (pci/g):R012 Concentration in groundwater (pCi/L):R013 cover depth (m)R013 Density of cover material (g/cm*t3)

R013 Cover depth erosion rate (m/yr)R013 Density of contaminated zone (g/cm**3)

R013 Contaminated zone erosion rate (m/yr)R013 Contaminated zone total porosityR013 Contaminated zone field capacityR013 Contaminated zone hydraulic conductivity R013 Contaminated zone b parameter R013 Average annual wind speed (m/sec)R013 Humidity in air (g/mtt3)R013 Evapotranspiration coefficient R013 Precipitation (m/yr)R013 Irrigation (m/yr)R013 Irrigation modeR013 Runoff coefficient R013 watershed area for nearby stream or pondR013 Accuracy for water/soil computations R014 Density of saturated zone (g/cm**3)

R014 Saturated zone total porosityR014 Saturated zone effective porosityR014 saturated zone field capacitysite-specific Parameter Summaryuser 3 used by RESRAD Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) NameAJAAAAA *AAAAAA AAAAA.XXAXA"AA**AaA~AAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA44AAAAAAA.

3.000E+04 1.000E+04

--- AREA2.670E+00 2.000E+00

--- THICKOged C.O00E+C0 O.0000E+0

--- SUBMFRACT 31.950E+02 1.O00E+02

--- LCZPAQ2.500E+01 3.O00E+Oi

--- BRDL0. 000E+00 O.OOOE+00

--- TI1.000E+00

1. 000E+00 --- T( 2)3.O000E+00 3.OOOE+C0

--- T( 3)1.000E+01 1.000E+01

--- T(4)3.000E+01 3.000E+01

--- T( 5)31.000E+02 1.000E+02

--- T( 6)3.CC0E+02 3.000E+02

--- T( 7)31.00E+03 1.000E+03

--- T( 8)not used I0000E+00

--- T( 9)not used 0.OOOE+00C

--- T(10)H-3 31.000E+00 0.OOOE+00

--- S1(1)H-3 not used 0.000E+00

--- WI( 1)O.C00E+00 0.OOOE+00

--- COVEROnot used 1.SOOE+OO

--- DENSCVnot used 31.OOOE-03

--- VCV31.564E+00 31500E+O0

--- DENSCZ2.200E-03 1.OOOE-03

--- VCZ4.100E-01 4.OOOE-01

--- TFCZ9.500E-02 2.OOOE-01

--- FCCZ(m/yr) 3.900E+00 1.OOOE+01

--- HCCZ5.600E+00 C 5.300E+00

--- BCZ3.040E+O0 2.OOOE+O0

--- WIND8.200E+OO 8.OOOE+O0

--- HUMID6.250E-01 5.OOOE-01

--- EVAPTR9.100E-01 1.000E+O0

--- PRECIP5.600E-01 2.000E-01

--- RIoverhead overhead

--- ROITCH5.000E-01 2.OOOE-01

--- RUNOFF(m**2) 2.520E+07 1.O00E+06

--- WAREA1.00CE-03 1.000E-03

--- EPS31.510E+00 1.500E+00

--- DENSAQ4.300E-01 4.000E-01

--- TPSZ3.420E-01 2.00E-01

--- EPSZ8.800E-02 2.O00E-Ol

--- FCSZAAAt' BARTLETTPage 79 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0R014 Saturated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 2.880E+01 1.OOOE+02 R014 saturated zone hydraulic gradient 2.OOOE-03 2.OOOE-02 R014 saturated zone b parameter 7.100E+00 5.300E+00 R014 water table drop rate (m/yr) 1.000E-03 1.OOOE-03 R014 well pump intake depth (m below water table) 1.OOOE+01 1.OOOE+01 R014 Model: Nondispersion (No) or Mass-Balance (MB) ND NDR014 well pumping rate (mk*3/yr) 1.573E+03 2.500E+02

1RESRAD, Version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/27/2011 10:07 Page 4Summary : HB soil DCGLH-3File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILEs\H3 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_H3.RAD 3333HCSZHGWTBSZ3DWI BWTMODELUW0 3Menu 3 Parameter U AAAAAAAAWAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AAA, R015 Number of unsaturated zone strataR015 Unsat. zone 1, thickness (m)RO15 Unsat. zone 1, soil density (g/cm*RO15 Unsat. zone 1, total porosityRO15 Unsat. zone 1, effective porosityR015 unsat. zone 1, field capacityR015 Unsat. zone 1, soil-specific b parR015 Unsat. zone 1, hydraulic conductiv R016 Distribution coefficients for H-3R016 Contaminated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 unsaturated zone 1 (cm**3/g)

R016 saturated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 Leach rate (/yr)R016 solubility constantR017 Inhalation rate (m**3/yr)

R017 Mass loading for inhalation (g/m**R017 Exposure durationR017 shielding factor, inhalation R017 shielding factor, external gammaR017 Fraction of time spent indoorsR017 Fraction of time spent outdoors (o0R017 Shape factor flag, external gammaR017 Radii of shape factor array (usedR017 Outer annular radius (m) ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m) ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m) ringR017 Outer annular radius (m) ring 1i3017 Outer annular radius (i) ring i:R017 Outer annular radius (m) ring 12IRESRAD, version 6.5 Tv Limit = 30 da'Summary : HB soil DCGLH-3File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.S\USER site-specific Parameter summary (continued) 3 user 3 ffused by RESRAD 3 Parameter 3 Input 3 Default : (If different from user input) 3 Name-NS4.040E+00 4.OOOE+O0

--- H(1)33) 1.564E+00 1.500E+0O

--- DENSUZ(1) 4.100E-01 4.OOOE-01

--- TPUZ(1)3.150E-01 2.OOOE-01

--- EPUZ(1)9.500E-02 2.OOOE-01

--- FCuz(1)ameter 5.600E+00 35.300E+00

--- BUZ(1)ity (m/yr) 3.900E+00 1.OOOE+01

--- ' HCUZ(1)4.300E-02 O.OOOE+OO


--- DCNUCU( 1,1)6.OOOE-02 O.O0OE+OO

--- DCNUCS( 1)O.OOOE+OO O.O00E+00 3.433E-01 ALEACH( 1)3O.00E+00 O.OOOE+00 not used ' SOLUBK( 1)68.400E+03 8.400E+03

--- INHALR3) 1.OOOE-04 1.000E-04


--- ED"5.500E-01 4.O00E-01

--- SHF32.725E-01 7.OOOE-01

--- SHF16.571E-01 5.OOOE-01

--- FINDn site) 1.181E-01 2.500E-01

--- FOTD1.000E+00 1.000E+00

>0 shows circular AREA. FSif FS = -1):1: not used 5.OOOE+01


1)2: not used 7.071E+01


2)3: not used O.OOOE+00


3)4: not used 0.000E+00


4)5: not used O.O00E+00


5)6: not used O.OO0E+00


6)7: not used 0.000E+00


7)8: not used O.O00E+O0


8)9: not used 0.OOOE+00


9)0: not used 0. 000E+00 --- RADSHAPE(10) 1: not used 0.000E+00

--- RADSHAPE(11) 2: not used 0.000E+00

--- RADSHAPE(12) ys 11/27/2011 10:07 Page 5RFILES\H3 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_H3.RAD R010menuR017AR017R017R017R017R017R017R017R017R017R017R017R017R017R018R018R018R018R018R018R018ROl8R018R018R018R018R018R018R018ROl8R019R019R019R019R019R019R019R019R019R019R019R019R19BR19BR19BR19BR19BR10%R19BA AAAAAAAAFractions ofRing 1Ring 2Ring 3Ring 4Ring 5Ring 6Ring 7Ring 8Ring 9Ring 10Ring 11Ring 12AParameter AAAnAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAs annular areas withinFruits, vegetables and grain consurLeafy vegetable consumption (kg/yrMilk consumption (L/yr)Meat and poultry consumption (kg/yFish consumption (kg/yr)other seafood consumption (kg/yr)soil ingestion rate (g/yr)Drinking water intake (L/yr)Contamination fraction of drinkingContamination fraction of household contamination fraction of livestoci contamination fraction of irrigatic contamination fraction of aguaticfcontamination fraction of plant foicontamination fraction of meatcontamination fraction of milkLivestock fodder intake for meat ikLivestock fodder intake for milk (LLivestock water intake for meat i (LLivestock water intake for milk CL,Livestock soil intake (kg/day)Mass loading for foliar deposition Depth of soil mixing layer (m)Depth of roots (m)Drinking water fraction from groundHousehold water fraction from grouiLivestock water fraction from grouiIrrigation fraction from ground wawet weight crop yield for Non-LeafI wet weight crop yield for Leafywet weight crop yield for FodderGrowing Season for Non-Leafy (yeaGrowing season for Leafy (yeasite-specific Parameter summary (continued) 3 User 3 used by RESRAD 3 Parameter Input 3 Default : (If different from user input) 3 NameAA.A.AAAAW AAAAkAAAAAAAA WA 44 4 4WAAAAAAA444AWAAAAAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AAAA AREA: .not used 1.OOOE+OO

--- FRACA( 1)not used 2.732E-01

--- FRAAC( 2)not used O.O000E+00

--- FRACA( 3)not used 0.000E+O0

--- PRACA( 4)not used O.006E+00

--- FRACA( 5)not used O.OOOE+00

--- FRACA( 6)not used O.0OOE+O0

--- FRACA( 7)not used O.OOOE+03

--- FRACA( 8)not used O.000E+00

--- FRACA( 9)not used O.OOE+OO

--- PRACA(1O) not used ' O.OOOE+OO

--- FRACA(11) not used O.OOOE+03

--- FRACA(12) sption (kg/yr) 1.120E+02 1.600E+02

--- DIET(1)3 2.140E+01 1.400E+01

--- DIET(2)2.330E+02 9.200E+01

--- DIET(3)r) 6.510E+01 6.300E+01

--- DIET(4)2.060E+01 5.400E+0O

--- DIET(5)9.OOE-01' 9.OOOE-01

--- DIET(6)1.826E+01 3.650E+01

--- SOIL4.785E+02 5.100E+02

--- DWIwater 1.0006+00 1.OOOE+00

--- PFDWd water not used 1.OOOE+OO

--- FHHWk water 1.OOOE+OO 1.OOOE+OO

--- FLWon water 1.OOOE+00 1.000E+OO

--- FIRWfood 1.0006+00 5.OOOE-01

--- FR9od 1.OOOE+00 --- FPLANT1.000E+00 3-1 --- FMEAT1.OOOE+00

-1 --- FMILKkg/day) 2.710E+01 6.800E+01

--- LFI5kg/day) 6.320E+01 5.500E+01

--- LFI6/day) 5.060E+01 5.000E+01

--- LWI5/day) 6.000E+01 1.600E+02

--- LwI65.000E-01 5.OOOE-01

--- LSI(g/m**3) 4.OOOE-04 1.OOOE-04

--- MLFD2.300E-01

' 1.500E-01

--- DM1.220E+00 9.OOOE-01

--- DROOTd water 1.000E+00 1.000E+00

--- FGWDWnd water not used 1.OOOE+00

--- FGWHHnd water 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00

--- FGWLWter 1.OOOE+0O 1.OOOE+00

--- FGWIRy (kg/m**2)

I1.750E+00 7.000E-01

--- YW((kg/m**2) 2.889E+00 1.500E+00

--- YV(2)(kg/m**2)

I 1.887E+00 1.100E+00

--- YV(3)rs) 2.460E-01 1.700E-01

--- TE(1)rs) 1.230E-01 2.500E-01

--- TE(2)ARTLETTPage 80 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-003 Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLs Rev. 0R191 3 Growing season for Fodder (years) 8.200E-02 I 8.OOOE-02 TE(3)iRESRAD, version 6.5 T.< Limit = 30 days 11/27/2011 10:07 Page 6Summary HB soil DCGLLH-3File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\H3 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLH3.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) 0 user 3 ffused by RESRAD 3 Parameter Menu 3 Parameter 3 Input 3 Default (If different from user input) 3 NameXXAAkAAAWAA'AAA&AA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA&AAAAAAAWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA4A.A 4AUAAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AAAA R19B Translocation Factor for Non-Leafy 1.000E-01 1.000E-01

--- TIV(1)R19B Translocation Factor for Leafy 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00

--- TIV(2)R19B Translocation Factor for Fodder 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00

--- TIv(3)R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RDRY(1)R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RDRY(2)R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RDRY(3)R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RRWET(1)R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy 5.800E-01 2.500E-01

--- RWET(2)R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RWET(3)R19B weathering Removal Constant for vegetation I 3.300E+01 2.000E+01

--- WLAMc14 C-12 concentration in water (g/cm**3) not used 2.OOOE-05

--- c12WTRC14 C-12 concentration in contaminated soil (g/g) not used 3.OOOE-02

--- C12CZC14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from soil I not used 2.000E-02

--- CSOILC14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from air not used 9.800E-01

--- CAIRC14 C-14 evasion layer thickness in soil (m) not used 3.OOOE-01

--- DMCC14 C-14 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used 7.000E-07

--- EVSNC14 C-12 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used 1.000E-10

--- REVSNC14 Fraction of grain in beef cattle feed not used 8.000E-01

--- AVFG4C14 Fraction of grain in milk cow feed not used 2.00OE-01

--- AVFG5STOR Storage times of contaminated foodstuffs (days):STOR Fruits, non-leafy vegetables, and grain 1.400E+01 1.400E+01

--- STOPLT(1)

STOR Leafy vegetables 1.OOOE+00 1.000E+00

--- STORPT(2)

STOR Milk 1.000E+00 1.000E+00

--- STORT(3)STOR Meat and poultry 2.000E+01 2.000E+01

--- STOLT(4)STOR Fish 7.000E+00 7.000E+00

--- STORT(5)STOR crustacea and mollusks 7.000E+00 7.000E+00

--- STORT(6)STOR well water 1.OOOE+00 1.000E+00

--- STOR-T(7)

STOR Surface water 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00

--- STOR.T(8)

STOR Livestock fodder 4.500E+01 4.500E+01

--- STORT(9)R021 Thickness of building foundation (m) not used 1.500E-01

--- FLOOR1R021 Bulk density of building foundation (g/cm*k3) not used 2.400E+00

--- DENSFLR021 Total porosity of the cover material not used 4.000E-01

--- TPCVR021 Total porosity of the building foundation not used 1.000E-01

--- TPFLR021 volumetric water content of the cover material not used 5.OOOE-02

--- PH2ocVR021 volumetric water content of the foundation not used 3.OOOE-02

" --- PH2OFLR021 Diffusion coefficient for radon gas (m/sec):R021 in cover material not used 2.000E-06

--- DIFCVR021 in foundation material not used 3.000E-07

--- DIFFLR021 in contaminated zone soil not used 2.000E-06

--- DIFCZR021 Radon vertical dimension of mixing (m) not used 2.OOOE+00

--- HMIXR021 Average building air exchange rate (1/hr) not used 5.000E-01

--- REXGR021 Height of the building (room) (m) not used 2.500E+00

--- HRMR021 Bui ding interior area factor not used 0.000E+00

--- FAIR021 Building depth below ground surface (m) not used 3-1.OOOE+00

--- DMFLR021 Emanating power of Rn-222 gas not used 3 2.500E-01

--- EMANA(1)R021 Emanating power of Rn-220 gas not used 3 1.500E-01

--- EMANA(2)TITL Number of graphical time points 32 ---.... NPTS1RESRAD, version 6.5 T" Limit = 30 days 11/27/2011 10:07 Page 7Summary : HB soil DCGLH-3File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\H3 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLH3.RAD site-specific Parameter summary (continued)

O 3 .user 3 3 used by RESRAD 3 Parameter Menu I Parameter 3 Input 3 Default 3 (If different from user input) 3 NameAAAAAAAA 4WA A 33AA AAAA AAAAAAAA AAkkAA AAAAuAAATITL Maximum number of integration points for dose 17 --- --- LYMAXTITL Maximum number of integration points for risk 3 13 --- --- KYMAXffffffflflfflf f fft flflflflhfl~ff lhtiiifflfltiffffflfliifiifflit~tttttfilhiitfffffffffffffffflffffflffffffltlfl flhfttlt flttttttttflt Summary of Pathway selections Pathway 3 User Selection AA4 ....A. ..AAAAAa.............AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAuse

-- external gamma active2 inhalation (w/o radon)3 active3 -- plant ingestion active4 meat ingestion active5-- milk ingestion active6 aquatic foods active7 drinking water active8 soil ingestion active9 -- radon suppressed Find peak pathway doses 3 active1RESRAD, version 6.5 T- Limit = 30 days 11/27/2011 10:07 Page 8Summary : HB soil DCGLH-3File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\H3 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLH3.RAD contaminated Zone Dimensions Initial soil concentrations, pci/gAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Area: 30000.00 square meters H-3 1.000E+O0 Thickness:

2.67 metersCover Depth: 0.00 meters1RESRAD, Version 6.5 Tm Limit = 30 days 11/27/2011 10:07 Page 1Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGL.H-3File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\H3 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLH3.RAD Table of ContentsAAAAAA4 AAAAAAAAAA Part VI: uncertainty AnalysisORESRAD uncertainty Analysis ResultsProbabilistic Input .................................

2tBARTLETT Page 81 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0Total Dose ...........................................

3Total Risk ............................................

4Dose vs Pathway:

Ground External


5Dose vs Pathway:

Inhalation (w/o Radon) ............

6Dose VS Pathway:

Radon (water Ind.) ................

7Dose VS Pathway:

Plant (water Ind.) ................

8Dose vs Pathway:

Meat (water Ind.) ................

9Dose vs Pathway:

Milk (water Ind.) ................

10Dose vs Pathway:

soil Ingestion


11Dose vs Pathway:

water Ingestion


...... 12Dose vS Pathway:

Fish Ingestion


13Dose vs Pathway:

Radon (water Dep.) ................

14Dose vs Pathway:

Plant (water Dep.) .................

15Dose vs Pathway:

Meat (water Dep.)......)..........

.16Dose vs Pathway:

Milk (water Dep.) ................

17Cumulative Probability Summary .........................

18summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 1 ... 19Peak of the mean dose at graphical times .............

20correlation and Regression coefficients (if any) ..... 21IRESRAD, version 6.5 T' Limit = 30 days 11/27/2011 10:07 Page 2Probabilistic results summary : MB soil DCGLH-3File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\H3 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLH3.RAD Probabilistic InputONumber of sample Runs: 2000NumberaAAAAAA1234567891011121314151617181920.00003212223242526272829303132Miff3tName Distribution Parameters.. ... .... .... .... ..... ...... ... .... ... ...... ... .... .... ... .. ...... ...AAA'AAAA'A'AA AAAAAAA5AAA.AAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA&AAAAAAAAAA DENSCZ BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5635 .2385 .827 2.3TPCZ BOUNDED NORMAL .41 .09 .1319 .6881HCCZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.36 2.17 .00478 3190BCZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.73 .323 2.08 15.3EVAPTR UNIFORM .5 .75RI UNIFORM .36 .76DENSAQ BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5105 .1855 .937 2.084TPSZ BOUNDED NORMAL .43 .0699 .214 .646EPSZ BOUNDED NORMAL .342 .0705 .124 .56HCSZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N

.362 1.59 .0106 195BSZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.96 .265 3.02 15.5DWIBWT TRIANGULAR 6 10 30Lk UNIFORM 1173 1973H(1) UNIFORM 0 8.08DENSUZ(1)

BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5635 .2385 .827 2.3TPUZ(1) BOUNDED NORMAL .41 .09 .1319 .6881EPUZ(1) BOUNDED NORMAL .315 .0905 .0349 .594HCUZ(1) BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.36 2.17 .00478 3190BUZ(1) BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.73 .323 2.08 15.3MLINH CONTINUOUS LINEAR 8 0 0 .000008 .0151 .000016 .1365.8119 .00004 .9495 .00006 .9937 .000076 .9983 .0001 1SHF3 UNIFORM .15 .95SHF1 BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N


.56 .48 .001 .999WLAM TRIANGULAR 5.1 18 84RWET(2) TRIANGULAR

.06 .67 .95DCACTUI(1)


-2.81 .5 .001 .999DCACTS(1)


-2.81 .5 .001 .999BRTF(1,1)


-4.42 1 .001 .999BRTF(1,3)


-4.6 .9 .001 .999BBIO(1,1)

LOGNORMAL-N 0 .133333I3333i33 333i " ' 3 333333333333333333 3

1RESRAD, version 6.5 Tc Limit = 30 days 11/27/2011 10:07 Page 20Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGLH-3File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\H3 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLH3.RAD Peak of the mean dose (averaged over observations) at graphical timesRepetition Time of peak mean dose Peak mean doseYears mrem/yr1 O.OOOE+00 3.646E-02 tBARTLETT Page 82018 A R T L E TTIMI-Page 82 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev.01-129 Results:1RESRAD, version 6.5 Tc' Limit = 30 days 11/27/2011 10:26 Page 1Summary HB soil DCGL_I129 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\129 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_I129.RAD Table of contentsPart I: Mixture Sums and Single Radionuclide Guidelines

+/-tttttttttttttttttttttfitttttItI+/-iIftdtitf f If ftItttDose Conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter Summary ... 2Site-Specific Parameter Summary ..........................

3Summary of Pathway selections


7contaminated zone and Total Dose Summary .................

8Total Dose components Time = O.OOOE+00


9Time = 1.OOOE+00


10Time = 3.00OE+00


11Time = 1.00OE+O1


12Time = 3.OOOE+O1


13Time = I.OOOE+02


14Time = 3.OOOE+02


15Time = 1.OOOE+03


16Dose/Source Ratios Summed Over All Pathways...............

17single Radionuclide Soil Guidelines


17Dose Per Nuclide Summed Over All Pathways


18soil concentration Per Nuclide ...........................

18IRESRAD, version 6.5 Tc Limit = 30 days 11/27/2011 10:26 Page 2Summary : HB soil DCGLI129File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\129 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_I129.RAD Dose Conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter SummaryDose Library:

HB DCGLS Plus FGR 12 & FGR 110 3 3 Current 3 Base Parameter Menu Parameter v value# 3 case* 3 NameAXAAAAAA.AAAAAAA.AAAAAK AAA.AAAAAA AAA.AAAAAAAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

.&AAAAAAAA jIAAAWAAA.AAAAAAAAAAWAAAA.AAAAAAAA A-1 DCF'S for external ground radiation, (mrem/yr)/(pci/g) 3A-I 1-129 (Source:

FGR 12) 1.295E-02 1.295E-02 DCFl( 1)B-I Dose conversion factors for inhalation, mrem/pci:

B-i 1-129 1.740E-04 1.740E-04 DCF2( 1)D-1 Dose conversion factors for ingestion, mrem/pCi:

D-1 1-129 2.760E-04 2.760E-04 DCF3( 1)D-34 Food transfer factors:D-34 1-129 , plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 3.670E-02 2.OOOE-02

' RTF( 1,1)D-34 1-129 beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pci/d) 5.230E-02 7.OOOE-03 RTF( 1,2)D-34 1-129 milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/L)/(pci/d) 1.390E-02 1.OOOE-02 RTF( 1,3)D-5 Bioaccumulation

factors, fresh water, L/kg:D-5 1-129 , fish 4.000E+01 4.000E+01 BIOFAC( 1,1)D-5 1-129 , crustacea and mollusks 5.OOOE+00 5.OOOE+00 BIOFAC( 1,2)#For DCFl(xxx) only, factors are for infinite depth & area. See ETFG table in Ground Pathway of Detailed Report.*Base Case means Default.Lib w/o Associate Nuclide contributions.
1RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/27/2011 10:26 Page 3Summary : H8 soil DCGLI129File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\I129 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_II29.RAD 0menusite-specific Parameter summaryUser 3 used by RESRAD 3 Parameter Input 3 Default : (If different from user input) 3 NameParameterAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAR0113 Area of contaminated zone (m**2)ROll Thickness of contaminated zone (m)R011 Fraction of contamination that is submercROi1 Length parallel to aquifer flow (m)R011 ' Basic radiation dose limit (mrem/yr)

R011 Time since placement of material (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)ROll Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)RO11 Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)R0-1 Times for calculations (yr)ROll Times for calculations (yr)R012 Initial principal radionuclide (pci/g):R012 Concentration in groundwater (pci/L):R013 Cover depth (m)R013 Density of cover material (g/cm*k3)

R013 cover depth erosion rate (m/yr)R013 Density of contaminated zone (g/cm**3)

R013 Contaminated zone erosion rate (m/yr)R013 Contaminated zone total porosityR013 Contaminated zone field capacityR013 Contaminated zone hydraulic conductivity R013 Contaminated zone b parameter R013 Average annual wind speed (m/sec)R013 Humidity in air (g/m**3)R013 Evapotranspiration coefficient R013 Precipitation (m/yr)R013 Irrigation (m/yr)R013 Irrigation modeR013 Runoff coefficient R013 watershed area for nearby stream or pondR013 Accuracy for water/soil computations R014 Density of saturated zone (g/cm**3)

R014 Saturated zone total porosityR014 Saturated zone effective porosityR014 Saturated zone field capacityR014 Saturated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/3.000E+04 1.000E+04 2.670E+00 2.000E+O0 ged O.OOOE+0O 0.OOOE+00 1.950E+02 1.OOOE+02 2.500E+01 3.OOOE+01 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+O0 1.O0E+OO0 3.OOOE+00 3.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+01 1.OOOE+01 3.OOOE+01 3.OOOE+01 1.OOOE+02 1.000E+02 3.OOOE+02 3.OOOE+02 1.OOOE+03 1.OOOE+03 not used O.OOOE+O0 not used O.OOOE+01-129 l.OOOE+O0 0.O00E+O0 1-129 not used O.O00E+O0 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 not used 1.500E+00 not used 1.OOOE-03 1.564E+00 1.500E+00 2.200E-03 1.OOOE-03 4.100E-01 4.000E-01 9.500E-02 2.OOOE-01 (m/yr) a 3.900E+00 1.OOOE+01 5.600E+003 5.300E+00

" 3.040E+00 2.OOOE+O3 not used 8.00E+O06.2SOE-01 S.OOOE-01 9.100E-01 1.000E+00 5.600E-01 2.000E-01 overhead overhead5.OOOE-01 2.000E-01 (m**2) 2.520E+07 1.000E+06 1.OOOE-03 1.OOOE-03 1.510E+00 1.500E+00 4.300E-01 4.000E-01 3.420E-01 2.OOE-018.800E-02 2.OOO-0l'yr) 2.880E+01 1.OOOE+02 AREATHICKOSUBMFRAcT 3 LCZPAQBRDLTI3 T( 2)3 T( 3)T( 4)T( 5)3 T( 6)T( 7)T( 8)T( 9)T(10)s1(1)wl( 1)COVERODENSCVVCV3 DENSCZvczTPCZ3 FCCZHCCZBczWINDHUMIDEVAPTRPRECIPRIIDITCHRUNOFFWAREAEPSDENSAQTPSZEPSZ3 FCSZHCSZt; BARTLETTPage 83 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0R014 3 Saturated zone hydraulic gradient 2.000E-03 2.OOOE-02 R0143 Saturated zone b parameter 7.100E+00 3 5.300E+00 R014 water table drop rate (m/yr) 1.OOOE-03 1.OOOE-03 R014 well pump intake depth (m below water table) 1.OOOE+01 1.000E+01 R014 Model: Nondispersion (ND) or Mass-Balance (MB) NO NDR014 3 well pumping rate (m**3/yr) 1.573E+03 2.500E+02 331RESRAD, version 6.5 To Limit = 30 days 11/27/2011 10:26 Page 4Summary HB soil DCGL-1129 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\I129 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLi129.RAD site-specific Parameter summary (continued)

'HGW'I3 BSZI DWIBWTMODELuW0 3 user 3Menu 3 Parameter 3 input 3 DefaultAAAAUUUWAAAAAAAAAUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...AAAAAAA.AAAWA AAA AAAAAA&AA R015 Number of unsaturated zone strata 1 1R015 Unsat. zone 1, thickness (mi) 4.040E+OO I 4.00OE+0O R015 Unsat. zone 1, soil density (g/cm**3) 1.564E+00 1.500E+00 R015 Unsat. zone 1, total porosity 4.100E-01 4.000E-01 R015 Unsat. zone 1, effective porosity 3.15OE-01 2.000E-01 RO15 Unsat. zone 1, field capacity 9.500E-02 2.000E-01 R015 Unsat. zone 1, soil-specific b parameter 5.600E+00 5.300E+O0 R015 unsat. zone 1, hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 3.900E+00 1.OOOE+01 R016 Distribution coefficients for 1-129R016 Contaminated zone (cm**3/g) 4.600E+00 1.OOOE-O1 R016 unsaturated zone 1 (cm**3/g) 4.600E+00 1.OOOE-01 R016 saturated zone (cm**3/g) 4.600E+00 1.000E-01 R016 Leach rate (/yr) 0.OOOE+03 O.O00E+OO R016 solubility constant 0.000E+OO O.OOOE+OO R017 Inhalation rate (m**3/yr) 8.400E+03 8.400E+03 R017 Mass loading for inhalation (g/m**3) 1.000E-04 1.OOOE-04 R017 Exposure duration 3.000E+01 3.OOOE+0i-1 R017 shielding factor, inhalation 5.500E-O1 4.OOOE-01 R017 shielding factor, external gamma 2.725E-01 I7.OOE-01 R017 Fraction of time spent indoors 6.571E-01 5.OOOE-01 R017 Fraction of time spent outdoors (on site) 1.181E-01 2.500E-01 R017 shape factor flag, external gamma 1.OOOE+00 1.OO0E+00 R017 Radii of shape factor array (used if FS = -1):R017 outer annular radius (m), ring 1- not used 5.OOOE+01 R017 outer annular radius (m), ring 2: not used 7.071E+01 R017 outer annular radius (m), ring 3: not used 0.OO0E+00 R017 outer annular radius (m), ring 4: not used 0.OOOE+00 R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 5: not used O.OOOE+OO R017 Outer annular radius (m) ring 6: not used O.OOOE+OO R017 Outer annular radius (m): ring 7: not used 0.OOOE+00 R017 Outer annular radius (m) ring 8: not used 0.O00E+00 R017 outer annular radius (m) ring 9: not used O.OOOE+O0 R017 outer annular radius (m) ring 10: not used O.OOOE+OO R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 11: not used 0.OOOE+O0 R017 outer annular radius (m), ring 12: not used 0.OOOE+O0

1RESRAD, version 6.5 To Limit = 30 days 11/27/2011 10:26 Page 5summary : HB soil DCGL-1129 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\I129 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_I129.RAD (Aused by RESRAD .Parameter f different from user input) 3 NameA.5AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA4AWA.


--NS--H(1)--- DENSUZ(1)

-TPUZ(1)3 EPUZ(1)3 FCUZ(1)--- BUZ(1)3 HCUZ(1)3 DCNUCC( 1)-DCNUCU( 1,1)--- DCNUCS( 1)1.891E-02 ALEACH( 1)not used SOLUBK( 1)3 INHALR3 MLINH3 ED--SHF3--- SHF1-FINDFOTD>0 shows circular AREA. FSRADSHAPE(









9)3 RADSHAPE (10)3- RADSHAPE (11)3- RADSHAPE (12)0Menu 3Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

" User ffused by RESRAD 3 Parameter Input Default (If different From user input) NameParameter R017R0173ROl7ROl7ROl7R017ROl7ROl7ROl7R017R017R017R017RO8R01lRO8R017ROl8R018'R0183R018R018R018ROlSROI8R018RO18R018R019R019R019R019R019RO19R019R019R019R019R019R019R19BR19BR19BR19BR19BRi9BR1SBAFractions of annular areas within AREA:Ring 1Ring 2Ring 3Ring 4Ring 5Ring 6Ring 7Ring 8Ring 9Ring 10Ring 11Ring 12Fruits, vegetables and grain consumption Leafy vegetable consumption (kg/yr)Milk consumption (L/yr)Meat and poultry consumption (kg/yr)Fish consumption (kg/yr)other seafood consumption (kg/yr)Soil ingestion rate (g/yr)Drinking water intake (L/yr)Contamination fraction of drinking waterContamination fraction of household watercontamination fraction of livestock watercontamination fraction of irrigation waterContamination fraction of aquatic foodContamination fraction of plant foodContamination fraction of meatContamination fraction of milkLivestock fodder intake for meat (kg/day)Livestock fodder intake for milk (kg/day)Livestock water intake for meat (L/day)Livestock water intake for milk (L/day)Livestock soil intake (kg/day)Mass loading for foliar deposition (g/m**3)Depth of soil mixing layer (m)Depth of roots (m)Drinking water fraction from ground waterHousehold water fraction from ground waterLivestock water fraction from ground waterIrrigation fraction from ground waterwet weight crop yield for Non-Leafy (kg/m**2) wet weight crop yield for Leafy (kg/m**2) wet weight crop yield for Fodder (kg/m**2)

Growing Season for Non-Leafy (years)Growing Season for Leafy (years)Growing Season for Fodder (years)not used 1.OOOE+0O not used 2.732E-01 not used O.OOOE+O0 not used O.OOOE+O0 not used O.O0OE+GO not used 0.000E+O0 not used O.OOOE+O0 not used O.OOOE+OO not used O.OOOE+OO not used O.OOOE+OO not used O.OOOE+OO not used O.OOOE+O0 yr) 1.120E+02 1.600E+02 2.140E+01 1.400E+01 2.330E+02 9.200E+01 6.510E+01 6.300E+01 2.060E+01 5.400E+00 9.OOE-01 9.OO0E-01 1.826E+01 3.650E+01 4.785E+02 5.lOOE+02 1.O00E+OO I1.OOOE+OO not used 3l.OOE+OO 1.OOOE+OO 1.OOOE+O0 1.OOOE+O0 1.OOOE+00

" .OOOE+O0 5.OOOE-Ol 1.OOOE+O0



-12.710E+01 6.800E+O1 6.320E+01 5.500E+01 5.060E+01I 5.OOOE+01 6.000E+01 31600E+02 5.OOOE-Ol 35.OOE-01 4.000E-04 1.0OOE-04 2.300E-01 1.500E-01 1.220E+00 9.000E-01 1.OOOE+O0 1.OOOE+00 not used I1.OOOE+O0 I.OOOE+OO I.OOOE+O0 1.OOOE+O0 1.OOOE+OO 1.750E+00 7.OOOE-01 2.889E+00 1.500E+00 1.887E+00 1.100E+0O 2.460E-01 1.700E-01 I1.230E-01 2.500E-01 8.200E-02 8.OOOE-02 FRACA( 1)FRACA( 2)" FRACA( 3)" FRACA( 4)FPACA( 5)" FRACA( 6)" FRACA( 7)" FRACA( 8)" FRACA( 9)FRACA(10)



DIET(1)DIET(2)DIET(3)DIET(4)DIET(5)DIET(6)SOILDWI3 FDW3 FHHW3 FLWFIRWFR93 FPLANTFMEATFMILKLFI5LFI6LWI5LWI6LSIMLFD3 DM' DROOTFGWDW' FGWHHFGWLWFGWIRYv(1)Yv(2)3v(3)TE(1)TE(2)TE(3)LRTLETTPage 84 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0IRESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/27/2011 10:26 Page 6Summary HB soil DCGL_I129 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\i129 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLi129.RAD site-specific Parameter Summary (conti0 3 user 3Menu 3 Parameter 3 Input 3 DefaultR19B Translocation Factor for Non-Leafy

' 1.OOOE-01 1.OOOE-01 R19B Translocation Factor for Leafy 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00 R19B Translocation Factor for Fodder 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00 R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy 3.500E-01 2.500E-01 R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy 3.500E-01 2.500E-01 R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder 3.500E-01 2.500E-01 R19B wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy 3.500E-01 2.500E-01 R19B wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy 5.800E-01 2.500E-01 R19B wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder 3.500E-01 2.500E-01 R19B Weathering Removal constant for vegetation 3.300E+01 2.OOOE+01 C14 C-12 concentration in water (g/cm**3) not used 2.OOOE-05 C14 C-12 concentration in contaminated soil (g/g) not used 3.OOOE-02 C14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from soil not used 2.000E-02 C14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from air not used 9.800E-01 C14 C-14 evasion layer thickness in soil (m) not used 3.OOOE-01 C14 C-14 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used 7.000E-07 C14 C-12 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used 1.000E-10 C14 Fraction of grain in beef cattle feed not used 8.000E-01 C14 Fraction of grain in milk cow feed not used 2.000E-01 STOR Storage times of contaminated foodstuffs (days):STOR Fruits, non-leafy vegetables, and grain 1.400E+01 1.400E+01 STOR Leafy vegetables 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00 STOR Milk 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00 STOR Meat and poultry 2.000E+01 2.000E+01 STOR Fish 7.OOOE+00 7.000E+00 STOR Crustacea and mollusks 7.OOOE+03 7.0000E+0 STOR well water 1.O000E+0 1.O00E+00 STOR surface water 1.OOOE+00 1.000E+00 STOR Livestock fodder 4.500E+01 4.500E+01 R021 Thickness of building foundation (m) not used 1.500E-01 R021 Bulk density of building foundation (g/cm**3) not used 2.400E+00 R021 Total porosity of the cover material not used 4.000E-01 R021 Total porosity of the building foundation not used 3O1.OE-01 R021 volumetric water content of the cover material not used 5.000E-02 R021 volumetric water content of the foundation not used 3.000E-02 R021 Diffusion coefficient for radon gas (m/sec):R021 in cover material not used 2.OOOE-06 R021 in foundation material not used 3.000E-07 R021 in contaminated zone soil not used 2.000E-06 R021 Radon vertical dimension of mixing (m) not used 2.0000E+0 R021 Average building air exchange rate (1/hr) not used 5.000E-01 R021 Height of the building (room) (m) not used 2.500E+00 R021 Building interior area factor not used O.OOOE+00 R021 Building depth below ground surface (m) not used 3-1.000E+00 R021 Emanating power of Rn-222 gas not used I 2.500E-01 R021 Emanating power of Rn-220 gas not used 3 1.500E-01 TITL Number of graphical time points 321RESRAD, version 6.5 T< Limit = 30 days 11/27/2011 10:26 Page 7Summary : HB soil DCGLI129File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILEs\i29 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_I129.RAD nued): (ifAAAA3333333333333333333333Jused by RESRAD 3 Parameter different from user input) 3 Namek.AAA.A.AAAAAAAA.



--- STORLT(9) 3 FLOORI3 DENSFL--TPCV--- TPFLPH20CV--- PH2OFL--DIFCV--- DIFFL--DIFCZ--HMIX3 REXG3- HRM--FAI3 DMFL-EMANA(1)--- EMANA(2)3 NPTSsite-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) 0 3 User 3 used by RESRAD ý Parameter Menu 3 Parameter 3 Input 3 Default 3 (If different from user input) 3 NameAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.XX44XXXX XX X AA A .AA.A.P.P&A5AA.A.Afi.A.A.AA.AAAAAA

,5pX&,&,AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA TITL 3 Maximum number of integration points for dose 17 3-- --- LYMAXTITL I Maximum number of integration points for risk 3 1 3 -- -3 KYMAXSummary of Pathway selections

...Pathway .User Selection I external gamma 3 active-- inhalation (w/o radon)3 active3 -- plant ingestion active4 meat ingestion active-- milk ingestion active6 aquatic foods active7 -- drinking water active8 -- soil ingestion active9-- radon suppressed Find peak pathway doses 3 activeIRESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/27/2011 10:26 Page 8Summary : HB soil DCGL_I129 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\1129 DCGL\HB SOIL DOcGLi129.RAD contaminated zone Dimensions AAAAAAAAAA W AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Area: 30000.00 square metersThickness:

2.67 metersCover Depth: 0.00 metersinitial soil concentrations, pci/gAAAAAAAAA WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 1-129 1.OOOE+00

IRESRAD, version 6.5 T<< Limit = 30 days 11/27/2011 10:26 PageProbabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGLi129File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\1129 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLi129.RAD Table of ContentsAAAAAAAA.AAAAWA Part VI: Uncertainty AnalysisORESRAD Uncertainty Analysis ResultsProbabilistic Input .................................

2Total Dose ..........................................

3Total Risk ..........................................

4Dose VS Pathway:

Ground External....................5 j,5BARTLETT Page 85 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0Dose vs Pathway:

Inhalation (w/o Radon).............

6Dose VS Pathway:

Radon (water Ind.) ...................

7Dose VS Pathway:

Plant (water Ind.) ...................

8Dose vs Pathway:

Meat (Water Ind.) ...................

9Dose VS Pathway:

Milk (water Ind.) ..................

10Dose VS Pathway:

soil Ingestion


11Dose vs Pathway:

water Ingestion


12Dose vs Pathway:

Fish Ingestion


13Dose vs Pathway:

Radon (water Dep.) ..................

14Dose vs Pathway:

Plant (water Dep.) ..................

15Dose VS Pathway:

Meat (Water Dep.) ..................

16Dose vs Pathway:

Milk (water Dep.) ..................

17Cumulative Probability summary.......................

18Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 1 ... 19Peak of the mean dose at graphical times .............

20correlation and Regression coefficients (if any) ..... 211RESRAD, Version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/27/2011 10:26 Page 2Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGLI129File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\I129 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLI129.RAD Probabilistic Input0Number of Sample Runs: 2000NumberAAA1234567891011121314151617181920.0000321222324252627282930ffIfiiName Distribution Parameters AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAA AAAAAWAAAAAAAAAAA DENSCZ BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5635 .2385 .827 2.3TPCZ BOUNDED NORMAL .41 .09 .1319 .6881HcCZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.36 2.17 .00478 3190BCZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.73 .323 2.08 15.3EVAPTR UNIFORM .5 .75RI UNIFORM .36 .76DENSAQ BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5105 .1855 .937 2.084TPSZ BOUNDED NORMAL .43 .0699 .214 .646EPSZ BOUNDED NORMAL .342 .0705 .124 .56HCSZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N

.362 1.59 .0106 195BSZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.96 .265 3.02 15.5DWIBWT TRIANGULAR 6 10 30UW UNIFORM 1173 1973H(1) UNIFORM 0 8.08DENSUZ(1)

BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5635 .2385 .827 2.3TPUZ(1) BOUNDED NORMAL .41 .09 .1319 .6881EPUZ(1) BOUNDED NORMAL .315 .0905 .0349 .594HCUZ(1) BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.36 2.17 .00478 3190BUZU1) BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.73 .323 2.08 15.3MLINH CONTINUOUS LINEAR 8 0 0 .000008 .0151.8119 .00004 .9495 .00006 .9937 .000076 .9983 .0001 1SHF3 UNIFORM .15 .95SHF1 BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N


.56 .48 .001 .999WLAM TRIANGULAR 5.1 18 84RWET(2) TRIANGULAR

.06 .67 .95DCACTC(I)


TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 1.52 2.19 .001 .999DCACTS(1)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 1.52 2.19 .001 .999BBIO(53,1)

LOGNORMAL-N 3.7 1.1M6tII+/-II+/-III1iZi+/-iI+/-1I ffffffI3I+/-+/-fIIfI+/-II53I


.000016 .1365IRESRAD, version 6.5 T11 Limit = 30 days 11/27/2011 10:26 Page 20Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGL-1129 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\129 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLI129.RAD Peak of the mean dose (averaged over observations) at graphical timesRepetition Time of peak mean dose Peak mean doseYears mrem/yr1 0.OOOE+00 5.174E+00 UCBARTLETT Page 86 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0Nb-94 Results:1RESRAD, Version 6.5 T< Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 09:27 Page 1Summary HB soil DCGL-Nb-94 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\NB94 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLNB94.RAD Table of ContentsPart I: Mixture Sums and Single Radionuclide Guidelines Dose Conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter Summary ... 2site-specific Parameter Summary ..........................

3summary of Pathway Selections


7contaminated zone and Total Dose summary .................

8Total Dose components Time = 0.OOOE+00


9Time = 1.OOOE+00


10Time = 3.000E+00


11Time = 1.000E+01


12Time = 3.000E+01


13Time = 1.OOOE+02


14Time = 3.000E+02


15Time = 1.000E+03


16Dose/Source Ratios Summed Over All Pathways


17Single Radionuclide Soil Guidelines


17Dose Per Nuclide Summed Over All Pathways


18soil Concentration Per Nuclide ,..... 181RESRAD, version 6.5 T- Limit = 30 days. 11/28/2011 09:27 Page 2Summary : HB soil DCGLNb-94 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\NB94 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLNB94.RAD 0 3menu 3Dose Conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter SummaryDose Library:

HB DCGLS Plus FGR 12 & FGR 113 Current 3 BasePr....Pameter va.ue. ý casetParameter


A-1 Nb-94 (Source:

FGR 12) 9.677E+00 9.677E+00 DCF1( 1)B-1 Dose conversion factors for inhalation, mrem/pci:

B-i Nb-94 4.140E-04 4.140E-04 DCF2( 1)D-1 Dose conversion factors for ingestion, mrem/pCi:

D-1 Nb-94 7.140E-06 7.140E-06 DCF3( 1)D-34 Food transfer factors:D-34 Nb-94 , plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 1.000E-02 1.000E-02 RTF( 1,1)D-34 Nb-94 beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pci/d) 3.OOOE-07 3.000E-07 RTF( 1,2)D-34 Nb-94 milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pci/d) 2.OOOE-06 2.000E-06 RTF( 1,3)D-5 Bioaccumulation

factors, fresh water, L/kg:D-5 Nb-94 , fish 3.OOOE+02 3.OOE+02 BIOFAC( 1,1)D-5 Nb-94 , crustacea and mollusks 1.OOOE+02 1.OOOE+02 BIOFAC( 1,2)#For DCFrI(Xxx) only, factors are for infinite depth & area. See ETFG table in Ground Pathway of Detailed Report.*Base case means Default.Lib w/o Associate Nuclide contributions.
1RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 09:27 Page 3Summary : HB soil DCGLNb-94 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\NB94 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLNB94.RAD site-specific Parameter Summary0 user used by RESRAD Parameter Menu 3 Parameter 3 Input 3 Default : (If different from user input) 3 NameAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.


" A.AAAAAAAAAAAWAAAA R011 Area of contaminated zone (m**2) 3.OOOE+04 1.000E+04 R011 Thickness of contaminated zone (m) 1.830E+00 2.000E+00 R011 Fraction of contamination that is submerged 0.O00E+OO 0.000E+00 R011 Length parallel to aquifer flow (m) 1.950E+02 1.OOOE+02 R011 Basic radiation dose limit (mrem/yr) 2.500E+01 3.000E+01 R011 Time since placement of material (yr) 0.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 R011 Times for calculations (yr) 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00 ROll Times for calculations (yr) 3.OOOE+O0 3.0OOE+0O ROil Times for calculations (yr) 1.OOOE+01 1.000E+01 R011 Times for calculations (yr) 3.OOOE+01 3.000E+01 R011 Times for calculations (yr) 1.OOOE+02 1.OOOE+02 R011 Times for calculations (yr) 3.OOOE+02 3.OOOE+02 R011 Times for calculations (yr) 1.OOOE+03 1.OOOE+03 R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 0.000E+00 R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 0.OOOE+00 R012 Initial principal radionuclide (pCi/g):

Nb-94 1.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 R012 Concentration in groundwater (pCi/L):

Nb-94 not used 0.OOOE+00 3.R013 Cover depth (m) 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 R013 Density of cover material (g/cm**3) not used 1.500E+00 R013 Cover depth erosion rate (m/yr) not used 1.OOE-03R013 Density of contaminated zone (g/cm**3) 1.564E+00 1.500E+00 R013 Contaminated zone erosion rate (m/yr) 2.200E-03 31OOE-033 R013 Contaminated zone total porosity 4.100E-01 4.000E-01 R013 Contaminated zone field capacity 9.500E-02 2.000E-01 R013 Contaminated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 3.900E+00 1.OOOE+01 R013 Contaminated zone b parameter 5.600E+00 5.300E+00 R013 Average annual wind speed (m/sec) 3.040E+00 2.000E+00 R013 Humidity in air (g/m**3) not used 8.OOOE+00 R013 Evapotranspi ration coefficient 6.250E-01 5.OOOE-01 R013 Precipitation (m/yr) 9.100E-01 1.000E+00 R013 Irrigation (m/yr) 5.600E-01 2.OOOE-01 R013 Irrigation mode overhead overheadR013 Runoff coefficient 5.000E-01 2.00E-013 R013 watershed area for nearby stream or pond (m**2) 2.520E+07 1.000E+06 R013 Accuracy for water/soil computations 1.000E-03 1.OOOE-03 R014 Density of saturated zone (g/cm**3) 1.510E+00 1.500E+00 R014 Saturated Zone total porosity 4.300E-01 4.000E-01 R014 Saturated zone effective porosity 3.420E-01 2.000E-01 R014 Saturated zone field capacity 8.800E-02 2.000E-01 R014 Saturated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 2.880E+01 1.OOE+02AREATHICKO3 SUBMFRACT LCZPAQBRDLTI3 T( 2)3 T( 3)T( 4)T( 5)3 T( 6)T( 7)T(8)3 T( 9)T(10)S1(1)w1( 1)COVERODENSCVVCVDENSCZVCzTPCZFCCZHCCZBczWIND3 HUMIDEVAPTR3 PRECIP3 RI3IDITCHRUNOFF3 WAREA: EPSDENSAQ3 TPSZEPSZFCSZHCSZt BARTLETTPage 87 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0R014 Saturated zone hydraulic gradient 2.000E-03 2.O*OE-02 R014 Saturated zone b parameter 7.100E+00 5.300E+OO R014 water table drop rate (m/yr) 1.OOOE-03 1.000E-03 R014 well pump intake depth (m below water table) 1.OOOE+01 1.ODOE+01 R014 Model: Nondispersion (No) or Mass-Balance (MB) NO .NOR014 well pumping rate (m**3/yr) 1.573E+03 2.5OOE+02

1RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 09:27 Page 4Summary : HB soil DCGLUNb-94 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\NB94 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_NB94.RAD HGWTBSZHVwTDWI BWTMODELUW0 3menuIR 0153R015IR015R015ROl5R015R015R016R016R016R016R016ROS7R017R017R017R017R017R017R017R017R017R017R017R017R017R017R017R017R017R017R017R017R017Parameter XXWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.A Number of unsaturated zone strataunsat. zone 1, thickness (m)unsat. zone 1, soil density (g/cm*unsat. zone 1, total porosityunsat. zone 1, effective porosityunsat. zone 1, field capacityunsat. zone 1, soil-specific b parunsat. zone 1, hydraulic conductivi Distribution coefficients for Nb-94contaminated zone (cm**3/g) unsaturated zone 1 (cm**3/g)

Saturated zone (cm**3/g)

Leach rate (/yr)solubility constantInhalation rate (m**3/yr)

Mass loading for inhalation (g/m**3Exposure durationshielding factor, inhalation shielding factor, external gammaFraction of time spent indoorsFraction of time spent outdoors (otshape factor flag, external gammaRadii of shape factor array (usedouter annular radius (m), ringOuter annular radius (m), ringOuter annular radius (m), ringouter annular radius (m), ringouter annular radius (m), ringOuter annular radius (m), ringOuter annular radius (m), ringOuter annular radius (m), ringOuter annular radius (m), ringOuter annular radius (m), ring 1Iouter annular radius (m). ring 1iouter annular radius (m), ring Isite-Specific Parameter summary (continued)

User 3 Used by RESRAD 3 Parameter Input I Default C (If different from user input) 3 NameI1 1 3--- NS4.040E+00 4.OOOE+00

--- H(1)*3) 1.564E+00 1.500E+00

--- DENSUZ(1) 4.100E-01 4.000E-01

--- TPUZ(1)3.150E-01 2.000E-01

--- EPUZ(1)9.500E-02 2.OOOE-01

--- FCUZ(1)ameter 5.600E+00 5.300E+00

--- BUZ(1)ity (m/yr) 3.900E+00 1.OOOE+01

.... HCUZ(1)3.560E+03 O.OOOE+OO

--- DCNUCC( 1)3.800E+02 O.OOOE+O0

--- DCNUCU( 1,1)3.800E+02 O.OOOE+OO

--- DCNUCS( 1)"O.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 3.737E-05 ALEACH( 1)O.OOOE+00 0.000E+0O not used SOLUBK( 1)8.400E+03 8.400E+03

--- INHALR3) 1.OOOE-04 1.OOOE-04

--- MLINH3.*000E+01 3.OOOE+01

--- ED5.500E-01 4.OOOE-01

--- SHF33 3.980E-01 7.OOE-01

--- SHF16.$71E-O1 5.OOOE-01

--- FINDn site) 1.181E-01 2.500E-01

--- FOTD1.OOOE+O0 1.00E+i-00

>0 shows circular AREA. FSif FS 1)1: not used 5.OOOE+01


1)2: not used 7.071E+01


2)3: not used 0.OOOE+OO


3)4 not used 0.OOOE+00


4)* not used O.OOOE+O0


5)6: not used O.OOOE+O0


6)7: not used O.OOOE+OO


7)8:. not used O.OOOE+0O


8)9: not used O.OOOE+00


9)0: not used 0. OOOE+O0 --- RADSHAPE(10) 1: not used 0. OOOE+00 --- RADSHAPE(11) 2: not used 0. OOOE+00 --- RADSHAPE(12)

1RESRAD, version 6.5 Tc Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 09:27 Page 5Summary : HB soil DCGL_Nb-94 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\NB94 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_NB94.RAD 0 3Menu 3Site-Specil Parameter AAAAW AAAAAAA AAAAAAAAR017R017R017R017R017R017R017R017R017R017R017R017R017R018R018R018R018R018R018R018RO18RO8RO8R018ROI8R018R018R01SROlgR019R019R019R019R019R019R019R019R019R019R019R19BR19BR19BR19B8 AFractions of annular areas within AREA:Ring 1Ring 2Ring 3Ring 4Ring 5Ring 6Ring 7Ring 8Ring 9Ring 10Ring 11Ring 12Fruits, vegetables and grain consumption Leafy vegetable consumption (kg/yr)Milk consumption (L/yr)Meat and poultry consumption (kg/yr)Fish consumption (kg/yr)Other seafood consumption (kg/yr)soil ingestion rate (g/yr)Drinking water intake (L/yr)Contamination fraction of drinking waterContamination fraction of household waterContamination fraction of livestock waterContamination fraction of irrigation waterContamination fraction of aquatic foodContamination fraction of plant foodContamination fraction of meatcontamination fraction of milkLivestock fodder intake for meat (kg/day)Livestock fodder intake for milk (kg/day)Livestock water intake for meat (L/day)Livestock water intake for milk (L/day)Livestock soil intake Ckg/day)Mass loading for foliar deposition (g/m**3)Depth of soil mixing layer (m)Depth of roots (m)Drinking water fraction from ground waterHousehold water fraction from ground waterLivestock water fraction from ground waterIrrigation fraction from ground waterwet weight crop yield for Non-Leafy (kg/m**2) wet weight crop yield for Leafy (kg/m**2) wet weight crop yield for Fodder (kg/m*k2)

Growing Season for Non-Leafy (years)Growing season for Leafy (years)Growino season for Fodder (vearslfic Parameter Summary (continu, User 33 Input 3 Defaultnot used 1.OOOE+O0 not used 2.732E-01 not used O.OOOE+O0 not used O.OOOE+O0 not used O.OOOE+00 not used 0.000E+00 not used 0.000E+00 not used O.OOOE+0O not used 0.OOOE+00 not used O.ODOE+O0 not used O.OOOE+OO not used O.OOE+O0yr) 1.120E+02 1.600E+02 2.140E+01 1.400E+01 1 2.330E+02 9.200E+01 6.S1OE+01 6.300E+01 2.060E+01 5.400E+00 9.OOOE-01 9.OODE-Ol 1.826E+01 3.650E+01 4.785E+02 S.100E+02 1.OOOE+00 3.ODOE+00 not used 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+O0 1.OOOE+O0 1.OOOE+00 S.OOE-O11.OOOE+00 3-l1.OOOE+00


-12.710E+01 6.800E+01 6.320E+01 5.500E+01 5.060E+01 5.000E+01 6.000E+01 1.600E+02 5.OOOE-01 5.000E-01 4.OOOE-04 1.000E-04 2.300E-01 1.SOOE-01 2.1S0E+00 9.OOOE-01 1.OOOE+00 3 1.OOOE+O0 not used 1.OOOE+O0 3.OOOE+O0 1.OOOE+O0 1.OOOE+O0 1.OOOE+O0 1.750E+00 7.000E-01 2.889E+00 1.500E+00 1.887E+O0 1.100E+O0 2.460E-01 1.70OE-01 1.230E-01 2.SOOE-01 8.200E-02 8.0DDE-02used by RESRAD .Parameter (If different from user input) 3 Name--FRACA( 1)3 FRACA( 2)3 FRACA( 3)3 FRACA( 4)P FRACA( 5)-FRACA( 6)-FRACA( 7)3 FRACA( 8)3 FRACA( 9)' FRACA(lO)

' FRACA(11) 3 FRACA(12)

DIET(1)DIET(2)DIET(3)3 DIET(4)3 DIET(5)DIET(6)SOIL-ODWI'oFDW-FHHW3-FLW--- FIRW--FR9FPLANT3 FMEAT--FMILKLFIS3 LFI6--LWI5--LWI63 LSI3 MLFD-DM--DROOT3 FGWDW-FGWHH3- FGWLW-FGWIR3- YV(J)-Yv(2)-Yv(3)3 TE(1).TE(2)--TE(3)LAALRTLETTPage 88 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-003 Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLs Rev. 0IRESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 09:27 Page 6Summary HB soil DCGL-Nb-94 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\NB94 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL.NB94.RAD site-specific Parameter summary (continued) 0 3 user used by RESRAD Parameter Menu3 Parameter 3 Input Default : (If different from user input) NameRB Transoaio ao o Nna fy10AAAAAAA-

.AAAAATAAAAAA.A1AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA R19B Translocation Factor for Non-Leafy 1.000E-01 1.OOOE-01

--- TIV(1)R19B Translocation Factor for Leafy 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00

--- TIV(2)R19B Translocation Factor for Fodder N- 1.0f300E+00 i.OOOs+00

--- RTIV(3)R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy 3.500E-013 2.500E-01

--- RDRY(2)R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RDRY(2)R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder 3 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RDRY(3)R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

1. --- 3RWET(1)R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy 3.800E-01 2.500E-01

--- RWET(2)Ri9B 3Wet Foliar Intercepti

.on Fraction for Fodder 3.500E-01 I2.500E-01

--- R3 T3R19i weathering Removal Constant for vegetation 3.300E+01 2.000E+01

--- WLANC14 C-12 concentration in water (g/cm**3) not used 2.000E-05

--- C12WTRC14 C-12 concentration in contaminated soil (g/g) not used 3.OOOE-02

--- C12CZC14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from soil not used 2.OOOE-02

--- CSOILC14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from air not used 9.800E-01

--- CAIRC14 C-14 evasion layer thickness in soil (m) not used 3.OOOE-01

--- DMCC14 C-14 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used 7.OOOE-07

--- EVSNC14 C-12 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used 1.OOOE-10

--- REVSNC14 Fraction of grain in beef cattle feed not used 8.00OE-01

--- AVFG4C14 Fraction of grain in milk cow feed not used 2.OOOE-01

--- AVFG5STOR storage times of contaminated foodstuffs (days):STOR Fruits, non-leafy vegetables, and grain 1.400E+01 1.400E+01

--- STORT(i)STOR Leafy vegetables 1.000E+00 1.000E+00

--- STORT(2)STOR Milk 1.000E+00 1.000E+00

--- STORT(3)STOR Meat and poultry 2.OOOE+01 2.000E+01

--- STORT(4)STOR Fish 7.000E+00 7.OOOE+00

--- STOR.T(5)

STOR Crustacea and mollusks 7.OOOE+00 7.000E+00

--- STORT(6)STOR well water 1.000E+00 1.000E+00

--- STOR.T(7)

STOR surface water 1.0005E+0 1.000E+00

--- STORT(8)STOR Livestock fodder I 4.500E+01 4.S00E+01

--- STORLT(9)

R021 Thickness of building foundation (m) not used 1.500E-01

--- FLOORIR021 Bulk density of building foundation (g/cm**3) not used 2.400E+00

--- DENSFLR021 Total porosity of the cover material not used 4.000E-01

--- TPCVR021 Total porosity of the building foundation not used 1.iOOE-01

--- TPFLR021 volumetric water content of the cover material not used 5.OOOE-02

--- PH2OCVR021 volumetric water content of the foundation not used 3.000E-02

--- PH2OFLR021 Diffusion coefficient for radon gas (m/sec):R021 in cover material not used 2.OOOE-06

--- DIFCVR021 in foundation material not used 3.OOOE-07

--- DIFFLR021 in contaminated zone soil not used 2.OOOE-06

--- DIFCZR021 Radon vertical dimension of mixing (m) not used 2.000E+00

--- HMIXR021 Average building air exchange rate (1/hr) not used S.OOOE-01

--- REXGR021 Height of the building (room) (m) not used 2.500E+00

--- HRMR021 Building interior area factor not used 0.000E+00

--- FAIR021 Building depth below ground surface (m) not used 3-I.OOOE+00

--- DMFLR021 Emanating power of Rn-222 gas not used 3 2.500E-01

--- EMANA(1)R021 Emanating power of Rn-220 gas not used 3 1.500E-01

--- EMANA(2)TITL Number of graphical time points 32 3 ___-NPTS1RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 09:27 Page 7Summary : HB soil DCGLNb-94 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\NB94 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLNB94.RAD site-specific Parameter Summary (continued) 0 3 User 3 3 used by RESRAD ý Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) NameAAAAWAX .ýAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA4AUUAAAAAAWAAA K5.AAAAAAAAAAAA.AAAAAAAAWA~AAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWAAAA TITL I Maximum number of integration points for dose 3 17 3 --- 3 --- ' LYMAXTITL Maximum number of integration points for risk 1 --..-. KYMAXSummary of Pathway selections Pathway 3 user selection 1 external gamma active2 inhalation (w/o radon)3 active3 -- plant ingestion active4-- meat ingestion active5 milk ingestion active6 aquatic foods active7 drinking water active8 -- soil ingestion active9 -- radon suppressed Find peak pathway doses active1RESRAD, version 6.5 T- Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 09:27 Page 8Summary : HB soil DCGLNb-94 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\NB94 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLNB94.RAD Contaminated Zone Dimensions Initial soil Concentrations, pCi/gAAWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Area: 30000.00 square meters Nb-94 1.000E+00 Thickness:

1.83 metersCover Depth: 0.00 meters1RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 09:27 Page 1Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGLONb-94 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\NB94 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLNB94.RAD Table of contentsPart vI: uncertainty AnalysisORESRAD Uncertainty Analysis ResultsProbabilistic Input .................................

2Total Dose ..........................................

3W. BARTLETTPage 89 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0Total Risk .....................


4Dose vs Pathway:

Ground Eternal ....................

5Dose vs Pathway:

Inhalation (w/ Radon) .............

6Dose vs Pathway:

Radon (Water Ind.) ................

7Dose vs Pathway:

Plant (Water Ind.) ................

8Dose vs Pathway:

Meat -(water Ind.) ................

9Dose vs Pathway:

Milk (water Ind.) ................

10Dose vs Pathway:

soil Ingestion


11Dose vs Pathway:

water Ingestion


12Dose vs Pathway:

Fish Ingestion


13Dose vs Pathway:

Radon (water Dep.) ................

14Dose vs Pathway:

Plant (Water Dep.) ................

15Dose vs Pathway:

Meat (Water Dep.) ................

16Dose vs Pathway:

Milk (water Dep.) ................

17Cumulative Probability Summary.......................

18Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 1... 19Peak of the mean dose at graphical times .............

20Correlation and Regression coefficients (if any) ..... 211RESRAD, Version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 09:27 Page 2Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGL_Nb-94 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\NB94 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLNB94.RAD Probabilistic InputONumber of Sample Runs: 2000Number123456789101112131415161718192021.00003222324252627282930313233iiiiiiName Distribution Parameters AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"AAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA THICKO UNIFORM .15 3.51DENSCZ BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5635 .2385 .827 2.3TPCZ BOUNDED NORMAL .41 .09 .1319 .6881HCCZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.36 2.17 .00478 3190BCZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.73 .323 2.08 15.3EVAPTR UNIFORM .5 .75RI UNIFORM .36 .76DENSAQ BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5105 .1855 .937 2.084TPSZ BOUNDED NORMAL .43 .0699 .214 .646EPSZ BOUNDED NORMAL .342 .0705 .124 .56HCSZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N

.362 1.59 .0106 195BSZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.96 .265 3.02 15.5DWIBWT TRIANGULAR 6 10 30UW UNIFORM 1173 1973H(1) UNIFORM 0 8.08DENSUZ(1)

BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5635 .2385 .827 2.3TPUZ(1) BOUNDED NORMAL .41 .09 .1319 .6881EPUZ(1) BOUNDED NORMAL .315 .0905 .0349 .594HCUZ(1) BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.36 2.17 .00478 3190BUZU1) BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.73 .323 2.08 15.3MLINH CONTINUOUS LINEAR 8 0 0 .000008 .0151 .000016 .1365.8119 .00004 .9495 .00006 .9937 .000076 .9983 .0001 1SHF3 UNIFORM .15 .95DM TRIANGULAR 0 .15 .6DROOT UNIFORM .3 4YVW(1) TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

.56 .48 .001 .999WLAM TRIANGULAR 5.1 18 84RWET(2) TRIANGULAR

.06 .67 .95DCACTU1(1)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 5.94 3.22 .001 .999DCACTS(1)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 5.94 3.22 .001 .999BRTF(41,1)


-4.61 1.1 .001 .999BRTF(41,2)


-13.82 .9 .001 .999BRTF(41,3)


-13.12 .7 .001 .999BBIO(41,1)

LOGNORMAL-N 5.7 1.1+/-+/-+/-+/-+/-+/-+/-+/-+/-iiiiiiiiii+/-+/-ff Iftfti+/-iiiiiiii+/-iti+/-t" i+/-i+/- iiiii+/-+/-i+/-i+/-i+/-+/-tfti-fl+/-+/-

ii iii+/-if+/- i1RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 09:27 Page 20Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGLNb-94 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\NB94 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLNB94.RAD Peak of the mean dose (averaged over observations) at graphical timesRepetition Time of peak mean dose Peak mean doseYears mrem/yr1 O.OOOE+00 3.50SE+00 t BARTLETTPage 90 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0Ni-59 Results:1RESRAD, Version 6.5 T'c Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:28 Page 1Summary HB soil DCGLNi-59 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\NI59 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLNI59.RAD Table of contentsAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Part I: Mixture Sums and single Radionuclide Guidelines illllfiiiiiififlfffffffffffffiffffffffffffffffffiffffffff Dose conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter Summary ... 2Site-Specific Parameter Summary ..........................

3Summary of Pathway selections


7Contaminated zone and Total Dose Summary ..................

8Total Dose Components Time = O.OOOE+00


9Time = 1.OOOE+00


10Time = 3.OOOE+00


11Time = 1.OOOE+01


12Time = 3.000E+01


13Time = 1.OOOE+02


14Time = 3.000E+02


15Time = 1.000E+03


16Dose/source Ratios Summed Over All Pathways


17single Radionuclide Soil Guidelines


17Dose Per Nuclide Summed Over All Pathways


18Soil Concentration Per Nuclide " 181RESRAD, Version 6.5 To< Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:28 Page 2Summary : HB soil DCGLNi-59 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\Ni59 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_NI59.RAD Dose Conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter SummaryDose Library:

HB DCGLS Plus FGR 12 & FGR 110 3 3 Current I Base Parameter Menu 3 Parameter 3 value# 3 Case* 3 NameAAX~iA.XXAjAM.

AAAAAAAAAixxiAxAAAAAAAnJAA..............AAAAAAAAAAAA.AAA AAA. AAAAAAAAA444 A-1 I DCF's for external ground radiation, (mrem/yr)/(pCi/g)

A-I Ni-59 (Source:

FGR 12) 0.000E+00 0.0OOE+0O DCFI( 1)B-1 Dose conversion factors for inhalation, mrem/pCi:

B-1 Ni-59 2.700E-06 2.700E-06 DCF2( 1)D-1 Dose conversion factors for ingestion, mrem/pCi:

D-1 Ni-59 2.100E-07 2.100E-07 DCF3( 1)D-34 Food transfer factors:D-34 Ni-59 , plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 9.120E-02 5.OOOE-02 RTF( 1,1)D-34 Ni-59 beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pCi/d) 5.000E-03 5.OOOE-03 RTF( 1,2)D-34 Ni-59 milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/L) /(pCi/d) 3.210E-02 2.OOOE-02 RTF( 1,3)D-5 Bioaccumulation

factors, fresh water, L/kg:D-5 Ni-59 , fish 1.000E+02 1.OOOE+02 BIOFAC( 1,1)D-5 Ni-59 , crustacea and mollusks 1.000E+02 1.OOOE+02 BIOFAC( 1,2)#For DCF1(xxx) only, factors are for infinite depth & area. See ETFG table in Ground Pathway of Detailed Report.tBase Case means Default.Lib w/o Associate Nuclide contributions.
1RESRAD, version 6.5 To Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:28 Page 3Summary : HB soil DCGLNi-59 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\IJSERFILES\NIS9 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLN159.RAD 0 3Menu Parameter AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AA.~**A**AAAAAA AAA ****AAAWAAAAAAAAAAi R011 Area of contaminated zone (m**2)ROll Thickness of contaminated zone (m)ROll Fraction of contamination that is submerged R011 Length parallel to aquifer flow (m)R011 Basic radiation dose limit (mrem/yr)

Roll Time since placement of material (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times fot calculations (yr)R012 Initial principal radionuclide (pCi/g):

Ni-!R012 Concentration in groundwater (pCi/L):

Ni-!R013 Cover depth (m)R013 Density of cover material (g/cm**3)

R013 Cover depth erosion rate (m/yr)R013 Density of contaminated zone (g/cm**3)

R013 Contaminated zone erosion rate (m/yr)R013 Contaminated zone total porosityR013 Contaminated zone field capacityR013 Contaminated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/!R013 Contaminated zone b parameter R013 Average annual wind speed (m/sec)R013 Humidity in air (g/m**3)R013 Evapotranspiration coefficient R013 Precipitation (m/yr)R013 Irrigation (m/yr)R013 Irrigation modeR013 Runoff coefficient R013 watershed area for nearby stream or pond (m*R013 Accuracy for water/soil computations R014 Density of saturated zone (g/cm**3)

R014 saturated zone total porosityR014 Saturated zone effective porosityR014 Saturated zone field capacityR014 Saturated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr)Ie-Specific Parameter Summaryuser ffused by RESRAD" Input Default : (If different from user input)~.A&AAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAA.AAAA k,.AAAAAAAA.AAAAAAAAA 5.AAAAAAAAX

" AAJ3.OOOE+04 1.000E+04

---2.670E+00 2.OOOE+O0

---O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+O0 1.950E+02 1.000E+02 2.500E+01 3.OOOE+O1 O.O00E+00 O.OOOE+00 l.O00E+00 l.OOOE+00 3.OOOE+00 3.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+01 1.OOOE+01

-3.000E+01 3.000E+01

-1.000E+02 l.OOOE+02

---3.000E+02 3.OOOE+02

---1.000E+03 1.OOOE+03 Inot used O.OOOE+00

---not used O.OOOE+00

---59 1.O00E+O0 O.O00E+0O

---59 not used 3 00E+OO ---0.OOOE+00 0.EOOO+00

---not used S1.500E+OO

---not used 1.OOOE-03

---I1.564E+O0 1.500E+00 2.200E-03 1.OOOE-03

---4.100E-01 4.O000-O1 g9.5OOE-02 2.OOOE-01 yr) 3.900E+O0 1.OOOE+01

---5.600E+00 5.300E+OO

---3.040E+00 2.000E+O3

---not used 8.O00E+00

---6.250E-01 5.OOOE-0l

---9.100E-01 1.000E+00

---5.600E-01 2.000E-01

---overhead overhead5.OOOE-01 2.OOOE-01

  • 2) 2.520E+07 1.OOOE+06

---1.OOOE-03 1.OOOE-03

---1.510E+00 1.500E+0O

---4.300E-01 4.000E-01

---3.420E-01 2.00OE-Ol 38.800E-02 2.OOO0-Ol

---2.880E+01 1.000E+02

---AParameter NamekAAAAAkAA AREATHICKOSUBMFRACT LCZPAQBRDLTIT( 2)T( 3)T( 4)T( 5)3 T( 6)3 T( 7)T( 8)T( 9)T(10)$ S1(1)wl( 1)COVERODENSCVVCV3 OENSCZVCZ3 TPCZ' FCCZHCCZBCZWINDHUMIDEVAPTRPRECIPRISIDITCHRUNOFFWAREAEPSDENSAQTPSZEPSZFCSZHCSZAAAt BARTLETTPage 91 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0R014 I Saturated zone hydraulic gradient 2.OOOE-03 2.000E-02 R014 3 Saturated zone b parameter 7.100E+00 5.300E+00 R014 water table drop rate (m/yr) 1,OO0E-03 1.OOOE-03 R014 well pump intake depth (m below water table) 1.000E+01 1.000E+01 R014

  • Model: Nondispersion (ND) or Mass-Balance (MB) ND NOR014 3 well pumping rate (m**3/yr) 1.573E+03 2.500E+02 s31RESRAD, version 6.5 Tc Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:28 Page 4Summary HB soil DCGLNi-59 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\NI59 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLNIS9.RAD HGWTBSZWfTDWIBwtMODEL3uwsite-specific Parameter summary (continued) 0 u 3 User used by RESRAD 3 Parameter Menu 3 Parameter

.Input Default : (if different from user input) 3 Name....... ...............

.... f .... ..........

... ...........................

p t .ef ul (.... .......f .... fro user........input).

.......*kAAA4W Nube AAAAAAAA*

AAA444XAA AAAAWAAAAAAAAA WAAA-----------AAAAA.WAAAAAAAAAA44k WKXAXXXAXXXXXXXXXXW R015 Number of unsaturated zone strata 1 1 --- NSR015 Unsat. zone 1, thickness (m) 4.040E+00 4.OOOE+O0

--- H(1)R015 a Unsat. zone 1, soil density (g/cm**3) 1.S64E+00 1.500E+00

--- DENSUZ(1)

ROS 3 Unsat. zone 1, total porosity 4.100E-01 4.OOOE-01

--- TPUZ(1)R015 Unsat. zone 1, effective porosity 3.150E-01 2.000E-01

--- EPUZ(1)R015 Unsat. zone 1, field capacity 9.500E-02 2.000E-01

--- FCUZ(1)R015 unsat. zone 1, soil-soecific b parameter 5.600E+00 5.300E+O0

--- BUZ(1)R015 Unsat. zone 1, hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 3.900E+00 1.000E+01

--- HCUZ(1)R016 : Distribution coefficients for Ni-59R016 a Contaminated zone (cm**3/g) 4.240E+02 1.OOOE+03 3 DCNUCC( 1)R016 3 unsaturated zone 1 (cm**3/g) 4.240E+02 1.000E+03

--- DCNUCU( 1,1)R016 Saturated zone (cm**3/g) 4.240E+02 1.000E+03

--- DCNUCS( 1)R016 Leach rate (/yr) 0.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00

' 2.149E-04 ALEACH( 1)R016 Solubility constant 0.OOOE+00 O.O0OE+00 a not used SOLUBK( 1)R017 a Inhalation rate (m**3/yr) 8.400E+03 8.400E+03

--- INHALRR017 Mass loading for inhalation (g/m**3) 1.OOOE-04 1.OOOE-04

--- MLINHR017 Exposure duration 3.000E+01 3.000E+01

--- EDR017 shielding factor, inhalation 5.500E-01 4.OOOE-01 a SHF3R017 Shielding factor, external gamma 2.725E-01 7.000E-01

--- SHF1R017 Fraction of time spent indoors 6.571E-01 5.OOOE-01

--- FINDR017 Fraction of time spent outdoors (on site) 1.181E-01 2.500E-01

--- FOTDR017 shape factor flag, external gamma a 1.OOOE+O0 1.000E+03

>O'shows circular AREA. FSR017 Radii of shape factor array (used if FS = -1):R017 3 outer annular radius (m), ring 1 1 not used 5.OOOE+01


1)R017 outer annular radius (m), ring 2: not used 7.071E+01


2)R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 3: not used O.OOOE+O0


3)R017 outer annular radius (m), ring 4 not used O.OOOE+O0


4)R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 5a not used a O.OOOE+O0


5)R017 Outer annular radius (m) ring 6 .not used O.OOOE+O0


6)R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 7 3 not used O.OOOE+0O


7)R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 8' not used 0.000E+00


8)R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 9: not used 0.000E+00


9)R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 10: not used 30.000E+00

--- RADSHAPE(10)

R017 Outer annular radius (m) ring 11: not used ' 0.OO0E+00

--- RADSHAPE(11)

R017 Outer annular radius (m) ring 12: not used 3 0.000E+00

--- PRADSHAPE(12) 3 ~331RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:28 Page 5Summary : HB soil DCOLNi-59 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\Ni59 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_N159.RAD 0 3Mennu 3site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) 3 User 3 used by RESPAD 3 Parameter Inp.Default I.(if different f.rom user input)-a,,,,Name Parameter R017 Fractions of annular areas within AREA:R017 Ring 1R017 a Ring 2R017 Ring 3R017 Ring 4R017 Ring 5R017 Ring 6*R017 Ring 7R017 Ring 8R017 Ring 9R017 Ring 10R017 Ring 11R017 Ring 12R018 Fruits, vegetables and grain consumption (kg/sR018 Leafy vegetable consumption (kg/yr)R018 Milk consumption (L/yr)R018 Meat and poultry consumption (kg/yr)R018 Fish consumption (kg/yr)R018 Other seafood consumption (kg/yr)R018 a Soil ingestion rate (g/yr)R018 a Drinking water intake (L/yr)R018 a Contamination fraction of drinking waterR018 a Contamination fraction of household waterR018 Contamination fraction of livestock waterR018 Contamination fraction of irrigation waterR018 Contamination fraction of aquatic foodR018 Contamination fraction of plant foodR018 Contamination fraction of meatR018 a Contamination fraction of milkR019 Livestock fodder intake for meat (kg/day)R019 a Livestock fodder intake for milk (kg/day)R019 a Livestock water intake for meat (L/day)R019 a Livestock water intake for milk (L/day)R019 a Livestock soil intake (kg/day)R019 Mass loading for foliar deposition (g/m**3)R019 Depth of soil mixing layer (m)R019 Depth of roots (m)R019 Drinking water fraction from ground waterR019 Household water fraction from ground waterR019 Livestock water fraction from ground waterR019 Irrigation fraction from ground waterR19B wet weight crop yield for Non-Leafy (kg/m**2)

R19B wet weight crop yield for Leafy (kg/m**2)

R19B wet weight crop yield for Fodder (kg/m**2)

R19B Growing Season for Non-Leafy (years)R19B Growing season for Leafy (years)R19B Growing Season for Fodder (years)&CvBARTLETT not usednot usednot usednot usednot usednot useda not usednot usednot usednot usednot usednot used'r) 1.120E+02 I 2.140E+01 2 2.330E+02 3 6.510E+01 2.060E+01 9.OOOE-01 1.826E+01 a 4.785E+02 1.00E+O0not used1.OOOE+O0 a 1.OOOE+00 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+O0 a 1.OOOE+0O 1.OOOE+O0 2.710E+01 6.320E+01 5.060E+01 6.OOOE+01 5.000E-01 4.000E-04 2.300E-01 1.220E+00 3 1.000E+O0 not used1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+OO 3 1.750E+00 2.889E+00 1.887E+00 2.460E-01 1.230E-01 8.200E-02

1. 000E+002. 732E-01SO.OOE+O0 0 OOO0E+000. 000E+000 OOOE+00O.OOOE+O0 O.O006E+0 O .OOOE+OOO.OO0E+OOa O.OOOE+O0 O. OOOE+001. 600E+021.400E+01
9. 200E+01 a6. 300E+015.400E+00 "9.000E-01
3. 650E+01 a5.1OOE+02 1 OOOE+001 OOOE+O01. OOOE+0O"1 0006 +0035.000E-01 3i- a:-1I6. 800E+01S5.500E+01 S5.OOOE+01 a1. 600E+025.OOOE-01 1.000E-04 1.500E-01 9.OOOE-01 a1. OOOE+OO1.OOOE+0O 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+OO 7.O00E-01 1.500E+OO 1.1OOE+O0 1.700E-01 2.500E-01 S8.O00OE-02 IFRACA( 1)FRACA( 2)FRACA( 3)FRACA( 4)a FRACA( 5)FRACA( 6)FRACA( 7)FRACA( 8)FRACA( 9)FRACA(10)



DIET(1)DIET(2)DIET(3)DIET(4)DIET(5)DIET(6)SOILDWIFDWFHHWa FLWFIRWa FR9FPLANTFHEATFMILKLFI5LFI6LWI5LWI6LSIMLFDDMDROOTFGWDWFGWHHa FGWLWa FGWIRYv(2)YV(3)a TE(1)TE(2)a TE(3)Page 92 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 01RESRAD, version 6.5 T<. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:28 Page 6Summary HB soil DCGL_Ni-59 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\NI59 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLNIS9.RAD 0 3Menu Isite-specific Parameter Summary (conti3 UserInput : DefaultA4A4AAA XA

..Paramete.r AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA R19B Translocation Factor for Non-Leafy 1.OOOE-01 1.OOOE-01 R19B Translocation Factor for Leafy 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 R19B Translocation Factor for Fodder 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00 R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy 3.500E-01 2.500E-01 R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy 3.500E-01 I 2.500E-01 R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder 3.500E-01 2.500E-01 R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy 3.500E-01 2.500E-01 R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy 5.800E-01 2.500E-01 R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder 3.500E-01 2.500E-01 R19B weathering Removal Constant for vegetation

.3.300E+01 2.OOOE+01 C14 C-12 concentration in water (g/cm**3) not used 2.OOOE-05 C14 C-12 concentration in contaminated soil (g/g) not used 3.OOOE-02 C14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from soil not used 2.OOOE-02 C14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from air not used 9.800E-01 C14 C-14 evasion layer thickness in soil (m) not used 3.OOOE-01 C14 C-14 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used 7.OOOE-07 C14 C-12 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used 1.000E-10 C14 Fraction of grain in beef cattle feed not used 8.OOOE-01 C14 Fraction of grain in milk cow feed not used 2.OOOE-01 STOR storage times of contaminated foodstuffs (days):STOR Fruits, non-leafy vegetables, and grain 1.400E+01 1.400E+01 STOR Leafy vegetables 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 STOR Milk 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00 STOR Meat and poultry 2.000E+01 2.OOOE+01 STOR Fish 7.OOOE+00 7.OOOE+00 STOR crustacea and mollusks 7.000E+00 7.0OOE+00 STOR well water I.000E+O0 1.00+/-E+00 STOR Surface water 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00 STOR Livestock fodder 4.500E+01 4.500E+01 R021 Thickness of building foundation (m) not used 1.500E-01 R021 Bulk density of building foundation (g/cm**3) not used 2.400E+00 R021 Total porosity of the cover material not used 4.OOOE-01 R021 Total porosity of the building foundation not used 1.OOOE-01 R021 volumetric water content of the cover material not used S.OOOE-02 R021 volumetric water content of the foundation not used 3.OOOE-02 R021 Diffusion coefficient for radon gas Cm/see):

.R021 in cover material not used 2.OOOE-06 R021 in foundation material not used 3.000E-07 R021 in contaminated zone soil not used 2.000E-06 R021 Radon vertical dimension of mixing (m) not used 2.OOE+O0R021 Average building air exchange rate (1/hr) not used 5.OOOE-01 R021 Height of the building (room) (m) not used 2.500E+00 R021 Bui ding interior area factor not used O.000E+O0 R021 Building depth below ground surface (m) not used 3-1.OOOE+O0 R021 Emanating power of Rn-222 gas not used I 2.SOOE-01 R021 Emanating power of Rn-220 gas .not used 3 1.500E-01 TITL Number of graphical time points 321RESRAD, version 6.5 T<. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:28 Page 7Summary : HB soil DCGLNi-59 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\NI59 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLN159.RAD nued): (ifaAAA333333333333333333333Jused by RESRAD 3 Parameter different from user input) 3 NameLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAXAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWAAA 3 TIV(1)3 TIv(2)-TIv(3)--- RDRY(1)3 RDRY(2)-RDRY(3)--- RWET(1)3 RWET(2)--RWET(3)--- WLAM--C12WTR3 C12CZ--CSOIL3 CAIRDMC--EVSNREVSN3- AVFG43- AVFG5--- STORT(1)--- STORT(2)--- STORsT(3)

-- STOR-T(4)

-- STOR-T(5)

--- STORT(6)3- STORT(7)--- STORT(8)--- STOR-T(9)

--- FLOOR1--- DENSFL--- TPCV--- TPFL3- PH20CV3- PH20FL3- DIFCV--- DIFFL--- DIFCZ--- HMIX--- REXG--- HRM--- FAI--- DMFL--- EMANA(1)--- EMANA(2)NPTSEN -B-0site-specific Parameter summary (continued) 0 ' user used by RESRAD 3 Parameter menu 3 Parameter 3 Input 3 Default : (If different from user input) 3 Name W AAA.W.......

.AAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA TITL Maximum number of integration points for dose 3 17 3 --- 3 --- LYMAXTITL Maximum number of integration points for risk 1 --- --- 1 KYMAXsummary of Pathway selections uPathway 3 User Selection AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA "AAAAAAA.AA 1-- external gamma 3 active2 inhalation (w/o radon)3 active3-- plant ingestion active4 meat ingestion active5 milk ingestion active6 aquatic foods active7 drinking water active8 -- soil ingestion active9 -- radon suppressed Find peak pathway doses activeIRESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:28 Page 8Summary : HB soil DCGLNi-59 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\Ni59 DCGL\HB SOIL DCG0NI59.RAD Contaminated zone Dimensions Ak A AAAAAWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA..A Area: 30000.00 square metersThickness:

2.67 metersCover Deoth: 0.00 metersInitial soil concentrations, pdi/gAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Ni-59 1.O00E+00

IRESRAD, Version 6.5 T<c Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:28 PageProbabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGL_Ni-59 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\NIS9 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL-N159.RAD Table of ContentsA4XAA4AAW AAAAAAAAPart vI: uncertainty AnalysisORESRAD Uncertainty Analysis ResultsProbabilistic Input .................................

2Total Dose ..........................................

3Total Risk ..........................................

4Dose vs Pathway:

Ground External


5aspýq;?BARTLETT Page 93 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0Dose vs Pathway:

Inhalation (w/o Radon) ...............

6Dose vs Pathway:

Radon (water Ind.) ...................

7Dose vs Pathway:

Plant (water Ind.) ...................

8Dose vs Pathway:

Meat (water Ind.) ...................

9Dose vs Pathway:

Milk (water Ind.) ..................

10Dose vs Pathway:

Soil Ingestion


11Dose vs Pathway:

water Ingestion


12Dose vs Pathway:

Fish Ingestion


13Dose vs Pathway:

Radon (water Dep.) ..................

14Dose vs Pathway:

Plant (water Dep.) ..................

15Dose VS Pathway:

Meat (water Dep.) ..................

16Dose vs Pathway:

Milk (water Dep.) ..................

17Cumulative Probability Summary .........................

18Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 1 ..... 19Peak of the mean dose at graphical times .............







1) LOGNORMAL-N tttittttttitittttttttl III1tIII3333333333II3 Parameters AAA"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.A.AAAA.AAAAWA"AAAA 1.5635 .2385 .827 2.3.41 .09 .1319 .68811.36 2.17 .00478 31901.73 .323 2.08 15.3.5 .75.36 .761.5105 .1855 .937 2.084.43 .0699 .214 .646.342 .0705 .124 .56.362 1.59 .0106 1951.96 .265 3.02 15.56 10 301173 19730 8.081.5635 .2385 .827 2.3.41 .09 .1319 .6881.315 .0905 .0349 .5941.36 2.17 .00478 31901.73 .323 2.08 15.38 0 0 .000008 .0151.000076 .9983 .0001 1.15 .95-1.3 .59 .044 10 .15 .6.56 .48 .001 .9995.1 18 84.06 .67 .956.05 1.46 .001 .9996.05 1.46 .001 .9996.05 1.46 .001 .999-5.3 .9 .001 .9994.6 1.1iiffffffflliffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

.000016 .1365IRESRAD, version 6.5 T' Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:28 Page 20Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGLNi-59 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.S\USERFILES\NI59 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLNI59.RAD Peak of the mean dose (averaged over observations) at graphical timesRepetition Time of peak mean dose Peak mean doseYears mrem/yr1 0.OOOE+00 1.269E-02 LV~SARTLETT Page 94AAB ARTL ETTPage 94 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0Ni-63 Results:1RESRAD, version 6.5 T<' Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:32 Page 1Summary HB soil DCGLNi-63 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\NI63 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLUNI63.RAD Table of ContentsAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Part I: Mixture Sums and Single Radionuclide Guidelines Dose Conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter Summary ... 2Site-Specific Parameter Summary ..........................

3Summary of Pathway selections


7Contaminated zone and Total Dose Summary ...................

8Total Dose Components Time = O.OOOE+00


9Time = 1.OOOE+0O........................................

10Time = 3.OOOE+OO........................................

11Time = 1.OOOE+01


12Time = 3.OOOE+0


13Time = 1.OO E+O2.........................................

14Time = 3.OOOE+02


15Time = 1.OOOE+03


16Dose/Source Ratios Summed Over All Pathways...............

17single Radionuclide Soil Guidelines


17Dose Per Nuclide Summed Over All Pathways


18soil Concentration Per Nuclide ,..... 181RESRAD, version 6.5 T<1 Limit = 30 days. ii/28/2011 10:32 Page 2Summary : HB soil DCGLNi-63 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\Ni63 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL-N163.RAD Dose Conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter SummaryDose Library:

HB DCGLs Plus FGR 12 & FGR 110 3 3 Current 3 Base Parameter Menu I Parameter 3 value# 3 Case* NameAAA~WAAAAAAAAAAAAAJUU AAAAAAAAAAAA A AAAAk AA"AAA4AAAAAAAAAAXAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A-1 DCF'S for external ground radiation, (mrem/yr)/(pCi/g)

A-1 Ni-63 (Source:

FGR 12) O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+O0 DCFl( 1)B-1 Dose conversion factors for inhalation, mrem/pCi:

B-1 Ni-63 6.290E-06 6.290E-06 DCF2( 1)D-1 Dose conversion factors for ingestion, mrem/pCi:

D-1 Ni-63 5.770E-07 5.770E-07 DCF3( 1)D-34 Food transfer factors:D-34 Ni-63 , plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 9.120E-02 5.OOOE-02 RTF( 1,1)D-34 Ni-63 beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pci/d) 5.OOOE-03 5.OOOE-03 RTF( 1,2)D-34 Ni-63 milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pCi/d) 3.210E-02 2.OOOE-02 RTF( 1,3)D-5 Bioaccumulation

factors, fresh water, L/kg:D-5 Ni-63 , fish 1.OOOE+02 1.OOOE+02 BIOFAC( 1,1)D-5 Ni-63 , crustacea and mollusks 1.OOOE+02 1.000E+02 BIOFAC( 1,2)#For DCFI(xxx) only, factors are for infinite depth & area. See ETFG table in Ground Pathway of Detailed Report.3Base Case means Default.Lib w/o Associate Nuclide contributions.
1RESRAD, version 6.5 T- Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:32 Page 3Summary : HB soil DCGLNi-63 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\NI63 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLNI63.RAD 0Menu 3 Parameter AAAAAAAAAA



R011 Area of contaminated zone (m**2)R011 Thickness of contaminated zone (m)ROil Fraction of contamination that is submercRO11 Length parallel to aquifer flow (m)R011 Basic radiation dose limit (mrem/yr)

R011 Time since placement of material (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)ROll Times for calculations (yr)RO11 Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)R0i1 Times for calculations (yr)R0l1 Times for calculations (yr)R012 Initial principal radionuclide (pCi/g):R012 Concentration in groundwater (pCi/L):R013 Cover depth (m)R013 Density of cover material (g/cm*"3)

R013 Cover depth erosion rate (m/yr)R013 Density of contaminated zone (g/cm**3)

R013 Contaminated zone erosion rate (m/yr)R013 Contaminated zone total porosityR013 Contaminated zone field capacityR013 Contaminated zone hydraulic conductivity R013 contaminated zone b parameter R013 Average annual wind speed (m/sec)R013 Humidity in air (g/m**3)R013 Evapotranspi ration coefficient R013 Precipitation (m/yr)R013 Irrigation (m/yr).R013 Irrigation modeR013 Runoff coefficient R013 watershed area for nearby stream or pondR013 Accuracy for water/soil computations R014 Density of saturated zone (g/cmý*3)

R014 Saturated zone total porosityR014 Saturated zone effective porosityR014 Saturated zone field capacityR014 Saturated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/Site-Specific Parameter summaryUser ffused by RESRAD 3 Parameter Input Default : (If different from user input) 3 NameAiPA AAA&AAAAA5AAAAAA WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA4 WAAWA .....4AAX&A""MA 3.OOOE+04 1.OOOE+04

--- AREA2.670E+00 2.OOOE+O0

--- THICKOged O.O00E+OO O, O.00E+00

--- SUBMFRACT I1.950E+02 1.OOOE+02

--- LCZPAQ2.500E+O1 3.OOOE+O1

--- BRDLO.O00E+0 O.OOOE+O 30 --- TIO1.000E+00 O1.000E+00

--- T( 2)3.000E+00 3.0O0E+OO

--- T( 3)1.OOOE+01 1.OOOE+O1

--- T( 4)3.OOOE+O3 3.O000E+O1

--- T( 5)1.OOOE+02 1.O00E+02

--- T( 6)3.OOOE+02 3.OOOE+02

--- T( 7)1.OOOE+03 1.OOOE+03

--- T( 8)not used 0.000E+OO

--- T( 9)not used O.000E+00

--- T(10)Ni-63 1.000E+00 O.OOOE+OO

--- Sl(1)Ni-63 not used O.000E+0O

--- Wi( 1)O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00

--- COVEROnot used 1.S500E+O0

--- DENSCVnot used 1.OOOE-03

--- VCV1.564E+00 I1.500E+00

--- DENSCZ2.200E-03 1.000E-03

--- VCZ4.1OOE-01 4.000E-01

--- TPCZ9500SE-02 2.OOOsE-O1

--- FCCZ(m/yr) 3.900E+O0 1.OOOE+01

--- HCCZ"5.600E+O0 S. 300E+O0 --- BCZ3.040E+O0 2.OOOE+0O

--- WINDnot used 8.OOOE+OO

--- HUMID6.250E-01 350OOE-O3

--- EVAPTR9.100E-01 1.OOOE+OO

--- PRECIP5.600E-01 2.OOOE-01

--- RIoverhead overhead

--- IDITCH5.OOOE-01 2.OOOE-01

--- RUNOFF(m**2) 2.520E+07 l.OOOE+06

--- WAREA1.005E-03 1.000E-03

--- EPS1.510E+00 1.500E+00

.--- DENSAQ4.300E-01 4.000E-01

--- TPSZ3.420E-01 2.OOOE-01

--- EPSZ8. 8OOE-02 2.000E-01

--- FCSZ/yr) 2,880E+01 1.000E+02

--- HCSZAAALeBARTLETT Page 95AmýW;IBARTLETT Page 95 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0R014 Saturated zone hydraulic gradient 2.000E-03 2.000E-02 R014 Saturated zone b parameter 7.100E+00 5.300E+00 R014 water table drop rate (m/yr) 3 1.000E-03 1.000E-03 R014 well pump intake depth (m below water table) 1 2.000E+01 1.OOOE+01 R014 Model: Nondispersion (No) or Mass-Balance (MB) ' ND NDR014 well pumping rate (m**3/yr)

I 1.573E+03 2.500E+02 3 , 3IRESRAD, Version 6.5 Tc Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:32 Page 4Summary : MB soil DCGLNi-63 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\NI63 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_N163.RAD 33333333HGWT3BSZVwTDWIBwTMODELUW0Menu 3 Parameter............................ idiiUUAAAAAAAAAXXX4AWAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAj R015 Number of unsaturated zone strataR015 Unsat. zone 1, thickness (m)R015 Unsat. zone 1, soil density (g/cm*RO15 Unsat. zone 1, total porosityRO5 Unsat. zone 1, effective porosityR015 Unsat. zone 1, field capacityR015 unsat. zone 1, soil-specific b parR05 Unsat. zone 1, hydraulic conductiv R016 Distribution coefficients for Ni-6R016 contaminated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 unsaturated zone I (cm**3/g)

R016 saturated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 Leach rate (/yr)R016 solubility constantR017 inhalation rate (m**3/yr)

R017 Mass loading for inhalation (g/m**:R017 Exposure durationR017 shielding factor,,inhalation R017 shielding factor, external gammaRO17 Fraction of time spent indoorsR017 Fraction of time spent outdoors (onR017 Shape factor flag, external gammaR017 Radii of sha e factor array (usedR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m) ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m) ringR017 Outer annular radius (m) ring3017 outer annular radius (i) ring 10R017 Outer annular radius (m) ring 1iR017 Outer annular radius (m) ring 1Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) 3 user 3 used by RESRAD 3 Parameter 3 Input .Default : (If different from user input) 3 Name.WXAXXXXAk~X444 W WAM..AA5AA WAA4 WAA..W..AAAAAAA..AAAAAAAAA A31 .1 -- N S4.040E+00 4.000E+00

--- H(1)33) 3 1.564E+00 1.500E+00

--- DENSUZ(1) 4.tOOE-O1 4.OOOE-01

--- TPUZ(1)3.150E-01 2.000E-01

--- EPUZ(1)9.500E-02 2.OOOE-01

--- FCUZ(1)ameter 5.600E+00 5.300E+O0

--- BUz(I)ity (m/yr) 3.900E+00 1.OOOE+01

--- HCUZ(I)333 334.240E+02 1.OOOE+03

--- DCNUCC( 1)4.240E+02 1.OOOE+03

--- DCNUCU( 1,1)4.240E+02 1.OOOE+03

--- DCNUCS( 1)0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.149E-04 ALEACH( 1)0.000E+OO O.OO0E+OO not used SOLUBK( 1)8.400E+03 8.400E+03

--- INHALR3) 1.OOOE-04 1.000E-04

--- MLINH3.0OOE+O1 3.0O0E+01

--- ED5.500E-01 4.OOOE-01

--- SHF32.725E-01 7.000E-g1

--- SHF16.571E-01 S.OOOE-O1

--- FINDn site) 1.181E-01 2.5OOE-O1

--- FOTD1.0OOE+0O 1.OOOE+0O

>0 shows circular AREA. FSif FS= -1):31: not used 5.OOOE+01


1)2: not used 7.071E+01


2)3: not used 0.000E+OO


3)4: not used 0.000E+00


4)5: not used 0.000E+00


5)6: not used 0.000E+00


6)7: not used 0.000E+00


7)8: not used O.OOOE+O0


8)9: not used O.OOOE+OO


9)0: not used 0.000E+O0

--- RADSHAPE(10) 1: not used O.OOOE+OO

--- RADSHAPE(11) 2: not used 0.000E+00

--- RAD.SHAPE(12)

1RESRAD, version 6.5 T<o Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:32 Page 5Summary : HB soil DCGLNi-63 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\Ni63 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLN163.RAD 0MenuR017R017R017R017R017R017R017RO17R017R017R017R017R017ROl7ROlER01ER0lER0lER01ER0lEROlER0lER018R018R018R018ROl8ROl8R018R018R019R019R019R019R019R018RO9R018R019R019R019R019R19BR19BR019R019R019R0193AAAAAAAParameter AAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAmAAAAA Fractions of annular areas withinRing 1Ring 2Ring 3Ring 4Ring 5Ring 6Ring 7Ring 8Ring 9Ring 10Ring 11Ring 12Fruits, vegetables and grain consurLeafy vegetable consumption (kg/yr)Milk consumption (L/yr)Meat and poultry consumption (kg/yFish consumption (kg/yr)Other seafood consumption (kg/yr)soil ingestion rate (g/yr)Drinking water intake (L/yr)Contamination fraction of drinkingContamination fraction of householContamination fraction of livestoci Contamination fraction of irrigaticontamination fraction of aquaticContamination fraction of plant foicontamination fraction of meatcontamination fraction of milkLivestock fodder intake for meat (kLivestock fodder intake for milk (Livestock water intake for meat (L.Livestock water intake for milk (L.'" Livestock soil intake (kg/day)Mass loading for foliar deposition Depth of soil mixing layer (m)Depth of roots (m)Drinking water fraction from grounHousehold water fraction from grouiLivestock water fraction from grouiIrrigation fraction from ground wawet weight crop yield for Non-Leafwet weight crop yield for Leafywet weight crop yield for FodderGrowing Season for Non-Leafy (yeaGrowing Season for Leafy (yeaGrowino Season for Fodder (veaSite-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User 3 used by RESRAD Parameter Input 3 Default .(if different from user input) NameAREA:not used 1.OOOE+OO

--- FRACA( 1)not used 2.732E-01

--- FRACA( 2)not used O.OOOE+00

--- FRACA( 3)not used O.OOOE+00

--- FRACA( 4)not used 0.000E+00

--- FRACA( 5)not used 0.O0OE+00

--- FRACA( 6)not used O.O00E+0O

--- FRACA( 7)not used 0.000E+00

--- PRACA( 8)not used O.OOOE+00

--- FRACA( 9)not used O.OOOE+00

--- FRACA(IO) not used O.OOOE+0O

--- FRACA(Il) not used O.OOOE+OO

--- PRACA(12)

.ption Ckg/yr) t.120E+02 1.600E+02

--- DIET(1)) k 2.140E+01 31.400E+01

--- DIET(2)2.330E+02 9.200E+01

--- ' DIET(3)r) 6.510E+01 I6.300E+01

--- DIET(4)2.060E+01 5.400E+00

--- DIET(5)9.OOOE-O1 9.OOOE-O1

--- DIET(6)1.826E+01 3.650E+01

--- SOIL4.785E+02 5.100E+02

--- DWIwater I.O0OE+OO 1.O00E+OO

--- FDWd water not used 1.000E+00

--- FHHWk water 1.000E+00 31.000E+00

--- FLWon water 1.OOOE+00 1.OO0E+OO

--- FIRWfood 1.000E+00 5.000E-01

--- FR9od l. OOOE+OO '-1 -FPLANTl.OOOE+OO 3-1 --- FMEATS1.O00E+00

'-1 FMILKkg/day) 2.710E+01 6.800E+01

--- LFI5kg/day) 6.320E+01 5.500E+01

--- LFI6/day) 5.060E+01 5.OOOE+01

--- LwI5/day) 6.000E+01 1.600E+02

--- LWI65.O00E-01 5.OOOE-01

--- LSI(g/m**3) 4.000E-04 1.000E-04

--- MLFD2.300E-01 1.50OE-01

--- DMI1.220E+00 9.000E-01

--- DROOTd water 1.0OOE+03 1.000E+00

--- FGWDWnd water not used 1.000E+00

--- FJFGWHHnd water 1.O00E+00 1.O00E+003

--- FGWLWter 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+OO

--- FGWIRy (kg/m**2) 1.750E+00 7.OOOE-O1

--- YV(1)Ckg/m**2) 2.889E+00 31.500E+00

--- YV(2)(kg/m**2) 1.887E+00

' .100E+00

--- YV(3)rs) 2.460E-01 1.Z70OE-O1

--- TE(1)rs) 31.230E-01 2.500E-01

--- ' TE(2)rs) 8.200E-02 8.000E-02

--- TEC3)IARTLETTPage 96 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-003 Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLs Rev. 0IRESRAD, Version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:32 Page 6Summary HB soil DCGLNi-63 File C;\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\NI63 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL-NI63.RAD site-specific Parameter summary (continued) 0 3 User 3 ffused by RESRAD O Parameter Menu Parameter 3 Input 3 Default .(If different from user input) 3 NameAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAUAAAAAA.AAAAAAAAAWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA44~AKAAX WAAAAAA AR19B Translocation Factor for Non-Leafy 1.000E-01 1.OOOE-01

--- TIV(1)R19B Translocation Factor for Leafy 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00

--- TIV(2)R19B Translocation Factor for Fodder 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00

--- TIV(3)R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RDRY(1)R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy 3.500E-01 I 2.500E-01

--- RDRY(2)R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RDRY(3)R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RRWET(1)R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy 5.800E-01 2.500E-01

--- RWET(2)R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RWET(3)R19B weathering Removal constant for vegetation 3.300E+01 2.000E+01

--- WLAMC14 C-12 concentration in water (g/cm**3) not used 2.OOOE-05

--- C12WTRC14 C-12 concentration in contaminated soil (g/g) not used 3.OOOE-02

--- C12CZC14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from soil not used 2.000E-02

--- CSOILC14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from air not used 9.800E-01

--- 3 CAIRC14 C-14 evasion layer thickness in soil (m) ..not used 3.000E-01

--- DMCc14 c-14 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used 7.000E-07

--- EVSNC14 C-12 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used 1.000E-10

--- REVSNC14 Fraction of grain in beef cattle feed not used '8.O0E-01

-- ' AVFG4C14 Fraction of grain in milk cow feed not used 2.OOOE-01

--- AVFG5STOR Storage times of contaminated foodstuffs (days):STOR Fruits, non-leafy vegetables, and grain 1.400E+01 1.400E+01

--- STOR.T(1)

STOR Leafy vegetables 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00

--- STOR..T(2)

STOR Milk 1.000E+00 1.000E+O0

--- STORLT(3)

STOR Meat and poultry 2.000E+01 2.OO0E+O1

--- STORT(4)STOR Fish 7.000E+00 7.000E+00

--- STOR._T(S)

STOR Crustacea and mollusks 7.000E+0I 7.000E+00

--- STOR.T(6)

STOR well water 1.000E+00 1.000E+00


STOR surface water 1.000E+O0 1.000E+00

--- STORT(8)STOR Livestock fodder 4.500E+01 4.500E+01

--- STORT(9)R021 Thickness of building foundation (m) not used 1.SOOE-01

--- FLOOR1R021 Bulk density of building foundation (g/cm**3) not used 2.400E+i00

--- DENSFLR021 Total porosity of the cover material not used 4.OOOE-01

--- TPCVR021 Total porosity of the building foundation not used 1.OOOE-01

--- TPFLR021 volumetric water content of the cover material not used 5.000E-02

--- PH2OCVR021 volumetric water content of the foundation not used 3.OOOE-02

--- PH2OFLR021 Diffusion coefficient for radon gas (m/sec):R021 in cover material not used 2.OOOE-06

--- DIFCVR021 in foundation material not used 3.000E-07

--- DIFFLR021 in contaminated zone soil not used 2.OOOE-06

--- DIFCZR021 Radon vertical dimension of mixing (m) not used 2.OOOE+00

--- HMIXR021 Average building air exchange rate (1/hr) not used 5.00OE-01

--- REXGR021 Height of the building (room) (m) not used 2.500E+00

--- HRMR021 Bui ding interior area factor not used O.OOOE+00

--- FAIR021 Building depth below ground surface (m) not used 3-1.OOOE+00

--- DMFLR021 Emanating power of Rn-222 gas not used I 2.500E-01

--- EMANA(i)R021 Emanating power of Rn-220 gas not used 3 1.500E-01

--- EMANA(2)TITL Number of graphical time points 32 --- NPTS1RESRAD, version 6.5 T" Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:32 Page 7Summary : HB soil DCGLNi-63 File : C:\RESRAD_FAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\Ni63 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_N163.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) 0 User used by RESRAD Parameter Menu3 Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) NameAAAA.AAAAA.A.XAiAAAAAXUPAAi.jAAAAAAAAAA AAA5.AAAAAA4"W4k"AXk"k4AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA4AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA TITL I Maximum number of integration points for dose 3 17 --- __--- ' LYMAXTITL 3 Maximum number of integration points for risk 3 -- 3 --- ' KYMAXSummary of Pathway Selections3 user selection AAAAAAAAAAAAA&AAAAWAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAA...AA 1-- external gamma active2 inhalation (w/o radon)3 active3 -- plant ingestion active4-- meat ingestion active5 milk ingestion active6 aquatic foods active7 drinking water active8 -- soil ingestion active9 -- radon suppressed Find peak pathway doses active1RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:32 Page 8Summary : HB soil DCGLNi-63 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\NI63 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLNI63.RAD contaminated zone Dimensions Initial.Soil Concentrations, p.i/gAAAAAAAAA

.A A AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Area: 30000.00 square meters Ni-63 1.OOOE+00 Thickness:

2.67 meterscover Depth: 0.00 metersIRESRAD, version 6.5 Tm Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:32 Page 1Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGLNi-63 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.S\USERFILES\Ni63 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL-N163.RAD Table of ContentsXAAAAAAAAAA.A Part vI: Uncertainty AnalysisORESRAD Uncertainty Analysis ResultsProbabilistic Input .................................

2Total Dose ..........................................

3Total Risk ..........................................

4BARTLETTPage 97 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0Dose vs Pathway:

Ground External


5Dose vs Pathway:

Inhalation (w/o Radon) .............

6Dose vs Pathway:

Radon (water Ind.) ...................

7Dose vs Pathway:

Plant (water Ind.) ...................

8Dose vs Pathway:

meat (water Ind.) ...................

9Dose vs Pathway:

Milk (water Ind.) ..................

10Dose vs Pathway:

Soil Ingestion


11Dose vs Pathway:

water Ingestion


12Dose vs Pathway:

Fish Ingestion


13Dose vs Pathway:

Radon (water Dep.) ..................

14Dose VS Pathway:

Plant (water Dep.) ..................

15Dose VS Pathway:

Meat (water Dep.) ..................

16Dose vs Pathway:

Milk (water Dep.) ..................

17Cumulative Probability Summary .......................

18Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 1 ..... 19Peak of the mean dose at graphical times .............

20Correlation and Regression coefficients (if any) ..... 211RESRAD, version 6.5 Ts Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:32 PageProbabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGLNi-63 File : C:\RESRAD.FAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\Ni63 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL-N163.RAD Probabilistic InputONumber of Sample Runs: 20002Number4AW1234567891011121314151617181920.000032122232425262728293031:ttttttName Distribution Parameters AAAAAAAA AAXW a.AAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAkAaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA DENSCZ BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5635 .2385 .827 2.3TPCZ BOUNDED NORMAL .41 .09 .1319 .6881HCCZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.36 2.17 .00478 3190BCZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.73 .323 2.08 15.3EVAPTR UNIFORM .5 .75RI UNIFORM .36 .76DENSAQ BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5105 .1855 .937 2.084TPSZ BOUNDED NORMAL .43 .0699 .214 .646EPSZ BOUNDED NORMAL .342 .0705 .124 .56HCSZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N

.362 1.59 .0106 195BSZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.96 .265 3.02 15.5DWIBWT TRIANGULAR 6 10 30UW UNIFORM 1173 1973H(1) UNIFORM 0 8.08DENSUZ(1)

BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5635 .2385 .827 2.3TPUZ(1) BOUNDED NORMAL .41 .09 .1319 .6881EPUZ(1) BOUNDED NORMAL .315 .0905 .0349 .594HCUZ(1) BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.36 2.17 .00478 3190BUZ(1) BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.73 .323 2.08 15.3MLINH CONTINUOUS LINEAR 8 0 0 .000008 .0151.8119 .00004 .9495 .00006 .9937 .000076 .9983 .0001 1SHF3 UNIFORM .15 .95SHF1 BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N


.56 .48 .001 .999WLAN TRIANGULAR 5.1 18 84RWET(2) TRIANGULAR

.06 .67 .95DCACTC(1)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL 6.05 1.46 .001 .999DCACTUi(1)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 6.05 1.46 .001 .999DCACTS(1)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 6.05 1.46 .001 .999BRTF(28,2)


-5.3 .9 .001 .999BBIO(28,1)

LOGNORMAL-N 4.6 1.1ttttttttttfffftfftfittt ffffttIft3+/-fftftffifff


.000016 .13651RESRAD, version 6.5 Tcc Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:32 Page 20Probabilistic results summary : HR soil DCGLNi-63 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\NI63 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL-N163.RAD Peak of the mean dose (averaged over observations) at graphical timesRepetition Time of peak mean dose Peak mean doseYears mrem/yr1 0.OOOE+00 3.454E-02 V BARTLETTPage 98 Bartleft Engineering ENG-HB-003 Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLs Rev. 0Np-237 Results:1RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:46 Page 1Summary : HB soil DCGL0Np237 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\NP237 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLNP237.RAD Table of contentsPart I: Mixture Sums and single Radionuclide Guidelines Dose Conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter summary ... 2Site-Specific Parameter Summary ..........................

3Summary of Pathway Selections


7Contaminated zone and Total Dose Summary .................

8Total Dose Components Time = 0.000E+00


9Time = 1.000E+00


10Time = 3.OOOE+00


11Time = 1.OOOE+01


12Time = 3.OO E+01 ....................................

13Time = 1.000E+02


14Time = 3.000E+02


15Time = 1.000E+03


16Dose/source Ratios summed Over All Pathways...............17 single Radionuclide soil Guidelines


17Dose Per Nuclide summed over All Pathways


18soil Concentration Per Nuclide ,..... 18IRESRAD, version 6.5 T<. Limit = 30 days. .i/28/2011 10:46 Page 2summary : HB soil DCGL_Np237 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\NP237 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL.NP237.RAD Dose Conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter summaryDose Library:

HM DCGLS Plus FGR 12 & FGR 110 3 O Current e Base ' Parameter Menu Parameter value# I Case* Name4$$JL5JUUUAAKXsAaAAAAAAAAAAAA'AAAAAAAAAA.AfAAAfii5 A)AAA5AAAAA A5.AAA.4AWA AAfi.A.5.KAKAsA.AAAA AAAAAAA.AAAAAAAA A-1 DCF'S for external ground radiation, (mrem/yr)/(pCi/g) 3A-1 AC-225 (source:

FGR 12) 6.371E-02 6.371E-02 DCF1( 1)A-1 At-217 (source:

FGR 12) 1.773E-03 1.773E-03 DCF1( 2)A-1 Bi-213 (source:

FGR 12) 7.660E-01 7.660E-01 DCF1( 3)A-1 Fr-221 (source:

FGR 12) 1.536E-01 1.536E-01 DCF1( 4)A-1 Np-237 (source:

FGR 12) 7.790E-02 7.790E-02 DCFI( 5)A-1 Pa-233 (source:

FGR 12) 1.020E+00 1.020E+00 DCF1( 6)A-1 Pb-209 (Source:

FGR 12) 7.734E-04 7.734E-04 DCF1( 7)A-1 Po-213 (Source:

FGR 12) O.OOE+00 0.000E+00 DCF1( 8)A-1 Ra-225 (source:

FGR 12) 1.102E-02 1.102E-02 DCF1( 9)A-1 Th-229 (Source:

FGR 12) 3 .213E-01 3.213E-01 DCFI( 10)A-1 Tl-209 (source:

FGR 12) 1.293E+01 1.293E+01 DCFI( 11)A-1 u-233 (Source:

FGR 12) 1.397E-03 1.397E-03 DCF1( 12)B-1 Dose conversion factors for inhalation, mrem/pci:

B-1 Np-237+D 5.400E-01 5.400E-01 DCF2( 1)B-1 Th-229+D 2.169E+00 2.150E+00 DCF2( 2)B-1 u-233 1. 350E-01 i.350-0l DCF2( 3)D-1 Dose conversion factors for ingestion, mrem/pCi:

D-1 Np-237+D 4.444E-03 4.440E-03 DCF3( 1)D-1 Th-229+D 4.027E-03 3.530E-03 DCF3( 2)D-1 u-233 2.890E-04 2.890E-04 DCF3( 3)D-34 Food transfer factors:D-34 Np-237+D plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 3.670E-02 2.OOOE-02 RTF( 1,1)D-34 Np-237+D beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pci/d) 1.000E-03 1.OOOE-03 RTF( 1,2)D-34 Np-237+D milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pci/d) 5.OOOE-06 5.OOOE-06 RTF( 1,3)D-34D-34 Th-229+D plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 1.000E-03 1.000E-03 RTF( 2,1)D-34 Th-229+D beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/kg)/(pCi/d) 1.000E-04 1.OOOE-04 RTF( 2,2)D-34 Th-229+D milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pCi/d) 5.000E-06 5.OOOE-06 RTF( 2,3)D-34D-34 u-233 plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 2.500E-03 2.500E-03 RTF( 3,1)D-34 u-233 beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pCi/d) 3.400E-04 3.400E-04 RTF( 3,2)D-34 u-233 milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pci/d) 6.000E-04 6.000E-04 RTF( 3,3)D-5 Bioaccumulation

factors, fresh water, L/kg:D-5 Np-237+D

, fish 3.000E+01 3.000E+01 BIOFAC( 1,1)D-5 Np-237+D

, crustacea and mollusks 4.000E+02 4.OOOE+02 BIOFAC( 1,2)D-5D-5 Th-229+D

, fish 31.00E+02 1.000E+02 BIOFAC( 2,1)D-5 Th-229+D

, crustacea and mollusks 5.000E+02 5.000E+02 BIOFAC( 2,2)D-5D-5 u-233 , fish 1.000E+01 1.000E+01 BIOFAC( 3,1)D-5 u-233 , crustacea and mollusks 6.000E+01 6.OOOE+01 BIOFAC( 3,2)#For DCF1(xxx) only, factors are for infinite depth & area. see ETFG table in Ground Pathway of Detailed Report.*Base case means Default.Lib w/o Associate Nuclide contributions.

1RESRAD, version 6.5 T<c Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:46 Page 3Summary : HB soil DCGL_Np237 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\NP237 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLNP237.RAD Site-Specific Parameter summary0 ' User used by RESRAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default3 (if different from user input) NameROll Area of contaminated zone (m**2) 3.000E+04 I.000E+04

--- AREARoll Thickness of contaminated zone (m) 2.670E+00 2.OOOE+00

--- THICKORoll Fraction of contamination that is submerged 0.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00

--- SUBMFRACT R011 Length parallel to aquifer flow (m) 1.950E+02 1.OOOE+02

--- LCZPAQR011 Basic radiation dose limit (mrem/yr) 2.500E+01 3.000E+01

--- BRDLRoll Time since placement of material (yr) O.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00

--- TIR011 Times for calculations (yr) 1.OOOE+00 1.OO0E+00

--- T( 2)Roll Times for calculations (yr) 3.OOOE+00 3.OOOE+00

--- T( 3)Roll Times for calculations (yr) 1.000E+01 1.O00E+O3

--- T( 4)Roll Times for calculations (yr) 3.OOOE+01 3.00E+OI3

--- T( 5)Roll Times for calculations (yr) 1.000E+02 1.000E+02

--- T( 6)Roll Times for calculations (yr) 3.OOOE+02 3.OOOE+02

--- T( 7)Roll Times for calculations (yr) 1.000E+03 i.OOOE+03

--- ' T( 8)Roll Times for calculations (yr) not used O.000E+O0

--- T( 9)t SBARTLETT Page 99 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0R011 Times for calculations (yr)R012 Initial principal radionuclide (pCi/g):

Np-237R012 Concentration in groundwater (pCi/L):

Np-237R013 Cover depth (m)R013 Density of cover material (g/cm**3)

R013 Cover depth erosion rate Cm/yr)R013 Density of contaminated zone (g/cm**3)

R013 Contaminated zone erosion rate (m/yr)R013 Contaminated zone total porosityR013 Contaminated zone field capacityR013 Contaminated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr)R013 contaminated zone b parameter R013 Average annual wind speed (m/sec)R013 Humidity in air (g/m**3)R013 Evapotranspiration coefficient R013 Precipitation (m/yr)R013 Irrigation (m/yr)R013 Irrigation modeR013 Runoff coefficient R013 watershed area for nearby stream or pond (m**2)R013 Accuracy for water/soil computations R014 Density of saturated zone (g/cm**3)

R014 saturated zone total porosityR014 Saturated zone effective porosityR014 saturated zone field capacityR014 saturated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr)R014 Saturated zone hydraulic gradientR014 Saturated zone b parameter R014 water table drop rate (m/yr)R014 well pump intake depth (m below water table)R014 Model: Nondispersion (ND) or Mass-Balance (MB)R014 well pumping rate Cm**3/yr) not used O.OOOE+OO 1.O00E+O0 O.OO0E+OO not used O.O00E+OO O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+O0 not used .1500E+00 not used 1.000E-03 1.564E+00 1.500E+00 2.200E-03 1.OOOE-03 4.100E-01 a 4.OOOE-01 9.500E-02 2.OOOE-01 3.900E+00 1.000E+01 5.600E+O0 5.300E+oO 3.040E+00 2.000E+OO0 not used 8.000E+O0 6.250E-01 5.000E-01 9.100E-01 1.000E+O0 5.600E-01 2.OODE-Ol overhead overhead5.000E-01 2.000E-01 2.520E+07 1.000E+O6 l.OOOE-03 1.ODDE-03 1.510E+00 1.500E+00 4.300E-01 4.OO0E-01 3.420E-01 2.OOOE-01 8.800E-02 2.OOOE-01 2.880E+01 1.OOOE+02 2.OOOE-03 2.OOOE-02 a7.100E+00 5.300E+00 1.OO0E-03

' 1.OOE-031.OOOE+01 1.O00E+01 3ND 3ND a1.573E+03 2.500E+02 T(10)aS1(1)a wl( 1)COVERODENSCVVCVa DENSCZ3 VCZTPCZFCCZHCCZBCZWINDHUMIDEVAPTRPRECIP3 RIIDITCHRUNOFFWAREAEPS3 DENSAQTPSZEPSZFCSZHCSZ3 HGWT3BSZDWI BwTMODELUW3VwIRESRAD, version 6.5 T' Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:46 Page 4summary : HB soil DCGL_Np237 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.S\USERFILES\NP237 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLNP237.RAD 0 amenu aSite-Specific Parameter summary (continued)

" User 3 ffused by RESRAD Parameter

" Input 3 Default (If different from user input) a NameParameter



--AýAAAAAAAAAAA RO5 Number of unsaturated zone strata 1 1R015 Unsat. zone 1, thickness (m) 4.040E+00 4.OOOE+00 R015 Unsat. zone 1, soil density (g/cm**3) 1.564E+00 1.500E+00 ROS Unsat. zone 1, total porosity 4.100E-01 4.OOOE-01 ROIS Unsat. zone 1, effective porosity" 3.150E-01 2.OOOE-01 R015 Unsat. zone 1, field capacity 9.500E-02 2.OOOE-01 RO15 Unsat. zone 1, soil-specific b parameter 5.600E+00 5.300E+OO R015 Unsat. zone 1, hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 3.900E+00 1.OOOE+O1 R016 Distribution coefficients for Np-237R016 Contaminated zone (cm**3/g) 1.700E+01 3-1.000E+O0 aR016 Unsaturated zone 1 (cm**3/g) 1.700E+01

'-1.OOOE+OO R016 saturated zone (cm**3/g) a 1.700E+01 3-1.OOOE+00 R016 Leach rate (/yr) 0.OO0E+00 O.OOOE+00 R016 solubility constant 0.OOOE+0O O.OOOE+O0 R016 Distribution coefficients for daughter Th-229R016 Contaminated zone (cm**3/g) 5.884E+03 6.OOOE+04 R016 unsaturated zone 1 (cm**3/g) 5.884E+03 6.OOOE+04 R016 Saturated zone (cm**3/g) 5.884E+03 6.OOOE+04 R016 Leach rate (/yr) a 0.OOOE+00 O.000E+00 R016 solubility constant 0.000E+00 O.000E+OO R016 Distribution coefficients for daughter U-233R016 Contaminated zone (cm *3/o) 1.260E+02 5.OOOE+01 R016 unsaturated zone 1 (cm**3/g) 1.260E+02 5.OOOE+01 R016 Saturated zone (cm**3/g) 1.260E+02 5.000E+O1 R016 Leach rate (/yr) 0.000E+OO O.OOOE+OO R016 solubility constant O.000E+00 O.OOOE+00 R017 Inhalation rate (m**3/yr) 8.400E+03 8.400E+03 R017 Mass loading for inhalation (g/m**3) 1.000E-04 1.OOOE-04 R017 Exposure duration 3.000E+01 3.OOOE+01 R017 Shielding factor, inhalation 5.500E-01 4.OOOE-01 R017 shielding factor, external gamma 2.725E-01 7.OOOE-01 R017 Fraction of time spent indoors 6.571E-01 5.000E-01 R017 Fraction of time spent outdoors (on site) 1.181E-01 2.500E-O1 R017 a Shape factor flag, external gamma ' 1.gOE++/-00 1.OOOE+00

IRESRAD, version 6.5 T< Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:46 Page 5Summary : HB soil DCGLNp237 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\NP237 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLNP237.RAD
5. 294E-03not used1.550E-05 not used7.224E-04 not used>0 shows circular AREA.NSH (1)DENSUZ(1)

TPUZ(1)EPUZ(1)FCUZ(1)" BUZ(1)HCUZ(1)DCNUCC( 1)DCNUCU( 1,1)DCNUCS( 1)ALEACH( 1)SOLUBK( 1)DCNUCC( 2)a DCNUCU( 2,1)DCNUCS( 2)3 ALEACH( 2)SOLUBK( 2)DCNUCC( 3)DCNUCU( 3,1)" DCNUCS( 3)" ALEACH( 3)SOLUBK( 3)INHALR3 MLINHEDSHF3SHF1FINDFOTDFS0 3Menu3R017IR017IR0173R0173R017IR0173R017IR017I*R017 3R017IR017IR0173R017IR017R0173ROI7R017R017R017R017R017E317site-specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User used by RESRAD Parameter Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) Name~AA."AAAAAp.


~AAAAAM AA"AW 44AAAAA4AWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa.aaAAAa..SAAAA Radii of shape factor array (used if FS = -1):Outer annular radius (m), ring 1: not used ' 5.OOOE+O1


1)Outer annular radius (m), ring 2: a not used 3 7.071E+01


2)Outer annular radius (m), ring 3: not used O.OOOE+OO


3)Outer annular radius (m), ring 4: not used O.OOOE+00 a-- RADSHAPE(

4)Outer annular radius (m), ring 5: not used 0.000E+00


5)Outer annular radius (m), ring 6: not used O.OOOE+OO


6)Outer annular radius (m), ring 7: not used O.OOOE+OO


7)Outer annular radius (m), ring 8: not used O.OOOE+OO


8)Outer annular radius (m), ring 9: not used O.OOOE+OO


9)Outer annular radius (m), ring 10: not used O.OOOE+00


Outer annular radius (m), ring 11: not used O.0O0E+00

--- RADSHAPE(11)

Outer annular radius (m), ring 12: not used O.00E++OO

--- 3AD_..SHAPE(12)

Fractions of annular areas within AREA:Ring 1 not used 1.00OE+OO

--- FRACA( 1)Ring 2 not used 2.732E-01

--- FRACA( 2)Ring 3 a not used O.O00E+OO

--- FRACA( 3)Ring 4 not used O.OOOE+O0

--- FRACA( 4)Ring 5 not used O.OOOE+OO

--- FRACA( 5)Rinn 6 not iced ' OOOr.OO --- FRACA( 6)PRTLETTPage 100 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0R017 Ring 7 not used O.O00E+00 R017 Ring 8 not used 0.O00E+00 R017 Ring 9 ' not used 0.000E+00 R017 Ring 10 not used 0.000E+00 R017 Ring 11 1 not used 0.000E+00 R017 Ring 12 not used O.OOOE+O0 R018 Fruits, vegetables and grain consumption (kg/yr) 1.120E+02 1.600E+02 R018 Leafy vegetable consumption (kg/yr) 2.140E+01 1.400E+01 R018 Milk consumption (L/yr) 2.330E+02 9.200E+01 R018 Meat and poultry consunption (kg/yr) 6.510E+01 6.300E+01 R018 Fish consumption (kg/yr) 2.060E+01 5.400E+00 R018 other seafood consumption (kg/yr) 9.000E-01 g9.OOOE-01 R018 soil ingestion rate Cg/yr) 1.826E+01 3.650E+01 R018 Drinking water intake (L/yr) 4.785E+02 5.100E+02 ROS' contamination fraction of drinking water 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 R018 contamination fraction of household water not used 1.000E+00 R018 Contamination fraction of livestock water 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 R018 Contamination fraction of irrigation water 1.000E+03 1.000E+00 R018 Contamination fraction of aquatic food 1.000E+00

,5.000E-01 R018 contamination fraction of plant food 1.000E+OO 3-1R018 contamination fraction of meat 1.000E+O0

'-1R018 Contamination fraction of milk 1.OOOE+00

--1R019 Livestock fodder intake for meat (kg/day) 2.710E+01 6.800E+01 R019 Livestock fodder intake for milk (kg/day) 6.320E+01 5.500E+01 R019 Livestock water intake for meat (L/day) 5.060E+01 5.000E+01 R019 Livestock water intake for milk (L/day) 6.000E+01 1.600E+02 R019 Livestock soil intake (kg/day) 5.OOOE-01 5.OOOE-01

1RESRAD, version 6.5 T<< Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:46 Page 6Summary : HB soil DCGLNp237 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\NP237 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLNP237.RAD site-specific Parameter Summary (contint0 3 3 User 3Menu 3 Parameter

.Input 3 DefaultAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAA.AAAAKA W AkAKAWAA AAAA AAAAAAAAAAA.AAAj R019 Mass loading for foliar deposition (g/m**3) 4.000E-04 3 1.000E-04 R019 Depth of soil mixing layer (m) 2.300E-01 1.500E-01 R019 Depth of roots (m) 1.220E+00 9.000E-01 R019 Drinking water fraction from ground water 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 R019 Household water fraction from ground water not used 1.000E+00 R019 Livestock water fraction from ground water 1.OOOE+00 1.000E+00 R019 Irrigation fraction from ground water 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 R19B wet weight crop yield for Non-Leafy (kg/m**2) 1.7SOE+00 7.000E-01 R19B wet weight crop yield for Leafy (kg/mk*2) 2.889E+00 1.500E+00 R19B wet weight crop yield for Fodder (kg/m**2) 1.887E+00 1.100E+00 R19B Growing Season for Non-Leafy (years) 2.460E-01 1.700E-01 R19B Growing Season for Leafy (years) 1.230E-01 2.500E-013 R19B Growing Season for Fodder (years) 8.200E-02 8.000E-02 R19B Translocation Factor for Non-Leafy 1.OOOE-01 1.OOE-013 R19B Translocation Factor for Leafy 1.OOOE+O0 1.OOOE+00 R19B Translocation Factor for Fodder 1.OOOE+O0 1.000E+00 R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy 3.5OOE-01 2.500E-01 R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy 3.500E-01 2.500E-01 R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder 3.500E-01 2.500E-01 R19B wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy 3.500E-01 2.500E-01 R19B wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy 5.800E-01 2.500E-01 Rige wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder 3.500E-01 2.500E-01 R19B weathering Removal constant for vegetation 3.300E+01 2.000E+01 C14 C-12 concentration in water (g/cm-*3) not used 2.000E-05 C14 3 C-12 concentration in contaminated soil (g/g) not used 3.OOOE-02 C14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from soil not used 2.OOOE-02 C14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from air not used 9.800E-013 C14 C-14 evasion layer thickness in soil (m) not used 3.OOOE-01 c14 c-14 evasion flux rate from soil (l/sec) not used 7.OOOE-07 C14 C-12 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used '1.0OE-10 C14 Fraction of grain in beef cattle feed not used O8.0OE-01 C14 Fraction of grain in milk cow feed not used 2.000E-01 STOR storage times of contaminated foodstuffs (days):STOR Fruits, non-leafy vegetables, and grain 1.400E+01 1.400E+01 STOR Leafy vegetables 1.000E+00 1.0E+OO+0 STOR Milk 1.OOOE+03 1.000E+00 STOR Meat and poultry 2.000E+01 2.000E+01 STOR Fish 7.OOOE+O0 7.000E+00 STOR crustacea and mollusks 7.000E+00 7.000E+00 STOR well water 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 STOR surface water 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00 STOR Livestock fodder 4.500E+01 4.500E+01 R021 Thickness of building foundation (m) not used 1.500E-01 R021 Bulk density of building foundation (g/cm**3) not used 2.400E+00 R021 Total poroslty of the cover material not used 4.000E-01 R021 Total porosity of the building foundation not used 1.000E-01

1RESRAD, version 6.5 To< Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:46 Page 7Summary : HB soil DCGL_Np237 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\NP237 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLNP237.RAD FRACA( 7)FRACA( 8)" FRACA( 9)FRACA(10)


" FRACA(12)


--- STORT(3)3 STOR.T(4) 3 STOR._T(5) 3 STORT(6)3 STOR.sT(7)



--FLOOR13 DENSFLTPCV3 TPFL0Menu 3 Parameter XAAAA A4AaAKXX 44AAfAW WAAAR021 volumetric water content of the coR021 volumetric water content of the foR021 Diffusion coefficient for radon gaR021 in cover materialR021 in foundation materialR021 in contaminated zone soilR021 Radon vertical dimension of mixingR021 Average building air exchange rateR021 Height of the building (room) (m)R021 Building interior area factorR021 Building depth below ground surfacR021 Emanating power of Rn-222 gasR021 Emanating power of Rn-220 gasTITL Number of graphical time pointsTITL Maximum number of integration poinLeBARTLETT Site-Specific Parameter summary (continued) user used by RESRAD Parameter Input .Default : (If different from user input) Namever material not used 5.OOOE-02

--- PH2Ocvundation not used 3.000E-02

--- PH2OFLs (m/sec):not used 2.OOOE-06

--- DIFCVnot used 3.OOOE-07

--- DIFFLnot used 2.000E-06

--- DIFCZ(m) not used 2.OOOE+OO

--- HMIX(1/hr) not used 5.OOOE-01

--- REXGnot used 2.500E+00

--- HRMnot used O.OOOE+00

--- FAIe (m) not used 3-1.OOOE+00

--- DMFLnot used 3 2.500E-01

--- EMANA(i)not used 1.500E-01

--- EMANA(2)32 ---..-. NPTSts for dose 17 ---.... LYMAXPage 101Page 101 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0TfTLfffMaximum number of integration points for risk k31_-_ KYMAXSummary of Pathway selections Pathway....

3 user selection AAAAAAAAAAAAAA5AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.A.AAAAAAAAAAAAA 1-- external gamma active2 inhalation (w/o radon)3 active3 -- plant ingestion active4-- meat Ingestlon active5 milk ingestion active6 aquatic foods active7 drinking water active8 -- soil ingestion active9 -- radon .suppressed Find peak pathway doses ' activeIRESRAD, Version 6.5 T<< Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:46 Page 8Summary HB soil DCGLNp237 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\NP237 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLNP237.RAD Contaminated zone Dimensions Area: 30000.00 square metersThickness:

2.67 metersCover Depth: 0.00 metersInitial Soil ConcentrationspCi/g AAAAAAAAAA WAAAAAWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Np-237 1.OOOE+00 1RESRAD1 version 6.5 T-< Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:46 Page 1Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGL.Np237 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\NP237 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLNP237.RAD Table of Contents~AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AA Part VI: uncertainty AnalysisORESRAD Uncertainty Analysis ResultsProbabilistic Input ....................................

2Total Dose ..............................................

3Total Risk .........................


4Dose vs Pathway:

Ground External


5Dose vs Pathway:

Inhalation (w/o Radon) ............

6Dose vs Pathway:

Radon (water Ind.) ................

7Dose vs Pathway:

Plant (water Ind.) ................

8Dose vs Pathway:

Meat (water Ind.) ................

9Dose VS Pathway:

Milk (water Ind.) ................

10Dose vs Pathway:

Soil Ingestion


11Dose vs Pathway:

water Ingestion


12Dose VS Pathway:

Fish Ingestion


13Dose VS Pathway:

Radon (water Dep.) ................

14Dose vs Pathway:

Plant (water Dep.) ................

15Dose VS Pathway:

Meat (water Dep.) ................

16Dose vs Pathway:

Milk (water Dep.) ................

17Cumulative Probability Summary .........................

18Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 1 ... 19Peak of the mean dose at graphical times .............

20correlation and Regression coefficients (if any) ..... 211RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:46 Page 2Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGL-Np237 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILEs\NP237 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLNP237.RAD Probabilistic Input0Number of Sample Runs: 2000Number1234567891011121314151617181920.000032122232425262728293031323334353637383940NameAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWAAAW DENSCZTPCZHCCZBCZEVAPTRRIDENSAQTPSZEPSZHCSZBSZDWIBWTUwH(1)DENSUZ(1)











BRTF(90, 1)BRTF(90,2)

Distribution Parameters 4AAWAAASA5.

AAAAAAA AAkAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5635 .2385 .827 2.3BOUNDED NORMAL .41 .09 .1319 .6881BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.36 2.17 .00478 3190BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.73 .323 2.08 15.3UNIFORM .5 .75UNIFORM .36 .76BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5105 .1855 .937 2.084BOUNDED NORMAL .43 .0699 .214 .646BOUNDED NORMAL .342 .0705 .124 .56BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N

.362 1.59 .0106 195BOUNDED LOGNORNAL-N 1.96 .265 3.02 15.5TRIANGULAR 6 10 30UNIFORM 1173 1973UNIFORM 0 8.08BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5635 .2385 .827 2.3BOUNDED NORMAL .41 .09 .1319 .6881BOUNDED NORMAL .315 .0905 .0349 .594BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.36 2.17 .00478 3190BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.73 .323 2.08 15.3CONTINUOUS LINEAR 8 0 0 .000008495 .00006 .9937 .000076 .9983 .0001 1UNIFORM .15 .95BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N


.56 .48 .001 .999TRIANGULAR 5.1 18 84TRIANGULAR

.06 .67 .95TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 2.84 2.25 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 2.84 2.25 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 2.84 2.25 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 8.68 3.62 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 8.68 3.62 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 8.68 3.62 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 4.84 3.13 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 4.84 3.13 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 4.84 3.13 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-6.91 .7 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-11.51 .7 .001 .999LOGNORMAL-N 3.4 1.1TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-6.91 .9 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-9.21 1 .001 .999.0151 .000016 .136594A BARTLETTPage 102 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0414243444546Miif3BRTF(90,3)


-12.21 .9 .001 .999BBIO(90,1)

LOGNORMAL-N 4.6 1.1BRTF(92,1)


-6.21 .9 .001 .999BRTF(92,2)


-7.13 .7 .001 .999BRTF(92,3)


-7.82 .6 .001 .999BBIO(92,1)

LOGNORMAL-N 2.3 1.1t+/-+/-t+/-+/-t+/-+/-+/-+/-+/-+/-+/-+/-+/-fii+/-+/-+/-



1RESRAD, Version 6.5 T'c Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:46 Page 20Probabilistic results summary : HS soil DCGLNp237 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\NP237 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLNP237.RAD Peak of the mean dose (averaged over observations) at graphical timesRepetition Time of peak mean dose Peak mean doseYears mrem/yr1 0.OOOE+00 2.248E+01 t SBARTLETT Page 103 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-003 Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLs Rev. 0Pu-238 Results:IRESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:55 Page 1Summary : HB soil DCGL-PU-238 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.S\USERFILES\PU238 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLPU238.RAD Table of contentsAAAAAAAAAAAAA Part I: Mixture Sums and Single Radionuclide Guidelines Dose conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter summary ... 2site-specific Parameter summary ..........................

4Summary of Pathway selections


8contaminated zone and Total Dose Summary...................

Total Dose Components Time = O.OOOE+O0


10Time = 1.000E+O0


11Time = 3.OOOE+O0



12Time = 1.OOOE+01


13Time = 3.000E+01


14Time = 1.000E+02


15Time = 3.OOOE+02


16Time = 1.000E+03


17Dose/Source Ratios Summed Over All Pathways...............18 single Radionuclide Soil Guidelines


18Dose Per Nuclide summed over All Pathways


19soil Concentration Per Nuclide ,..... 191RESRAD, version 6.5 Tcc Limit = 30 days. 11/28/2011 10:55 Page 2Summary : HB soil DCGLPu-238 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\Pu238 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_Pu238.RAD Dose conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter SummaryDose Library:

HB DCGLs Plus FGR 12 & FGR 110 3 .current 3 Base 3 Parameter Menu 3 Parameter 3 value# 3 Case* .NameAAAAAAAAA)AAAAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AAAAX4AXA.......A.WAAAAAAAAAAAAWAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAWAAAA.X AAA.AAAAA A-1 DCF'S for external ground radiation, (mrem/yr)/(pCi/g)

A-1 At-218 (Source:

FGR 12) 5.847E-03 5.847E-03 DCF1( 1)A-1 Bi-210 (Source:

FGR 12) 3.606E-03 3.606E-03 DCF1( 2)A-1 Bi-214 (Source:

FGR 12) 9.808E+00 9.808E+00 DCF1( 3)A-i Pb-210 (Source:

FGR 12) 2.447E-03 2.447E-03 DCF1( 4)A-i Pb-214 (Source:

FGR 12) 1.341E+00 1.341E+00 3 DCFi( 5)A-1 Po-210 (Source:

FGR 12) 5.231E-05 5.231E-05 DCF1( 6)A-1 Po-214 (Source:

FGR 12) 5.138E-04 5.138E-04 DCF1( 7)A-1 Po-218 (Source:

FGR 12) 5.642E-05 5.642E-05 DCFT( 8)A-1 Pu-238 (Source:

FGR 12) 1.513E-04 1.513E-04 DCF1( 9)A-1 Ra-226 (Source:

FGR 12) 3.176E-02 3.176E-02 DCF1( 10)A-1 Rn-222 (Source:

FGR 12) 2.354E-03 2.354E-03 DCF1( 11)A-1 Th-230 (Source:

FGR 12) 1.209E-03 1.209E-03 DCF1( 12)A-1 Tl-210 (source:

no data) 0.000E+00 1-2.0OOE+O0 DCF1( 13)A-1 u-234 (Source:

FGR 12) 4.017E-04 3 4.017E-04 DCF1( 14)B-1 Dose conversion factors for inhalation, mrem/pCi:

.3B-1 Pb-210+D 1.380E-02 1.360E-02 DCF2( 1)B-1 Po-210 9.400E-03 9.400E-03 DCF2( 2)B_1 Pu-238 3.920E-01 3.920E-01 DCF2( 3)B-1 Ra-226+D 8.594E-03 8.580E-03 DCF2( 5)B-1 Th-230 3 .260E-01 3.260E-01 DCF2( 6)B-1 u-234 1.320E-01 1.320E-01 DCF2( 7)D-1 Dose conversion factors for ingestion, mrem/pCi:

D-1 Pb-210+D 5.376E-03 5.370E-03 DCF3( 1)D-1 Po-210 1.900E-03 1.900E-03 DCF3( 2)D-1 Pu-238 3.200E-03 3.200E-03 DCF3( 3)D-1 Ra-226+D 1.321E-03 1.320E-03 DCF3( 5)D-1 Th-230 5.480E-04 5.480E-04 DCF3( 6)o-1 u-234 2.830E-04 2.830E-04 DCF3( 7)D-343 Food transfer factors:D-34 Pb-210+D plant/soil

'concentration ratio, dimensionless 1.OOOE-02 I.OOOE-02 RTF( 1,1)D-34 Pb-210+D beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pci/d) 8.000E-04 8.000E-04 RTF( 1,2)D-34 Pb-210+D milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pCi/d) 3.000E-04 3.000E-04 RTF( 1,3)D-343D-34 Po-210 plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 1.000E-03 1.000E-03 RTF( 2,1)D-34 Po-210 beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/kg)/(pci/d) 35.000E-03 5.000E-03 RTF( 2,2)D-34 Po-210 milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pCi/d) 3.400E-04 3.400E-04 RTF( 2,3)D-34D-34 Pu-238 plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 1.830E-03 1.000E-03 RTF( 3,1)D-34 Pu-238 beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/kg)/(pCi/d) 1.000E-04 1.000E-04 RTF( 3,2)D-34 Pu-238 milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pci/d) 1.000E-06 1.000E-06 RTF( 3,3)D-34D-34 Ra-226+D plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 4.000E-02 4.000E-02 RTF( 5,1)D-34 Ra-226+D beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pci/d) 1.000E-03 1.000E-03 RTF( 5,2)D-34 Ra-226+D milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pCi/d) 1.000E-03 1.000E-03 RTF( 5,3)D-341RESRAD, Version 6.5 Ti. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:55 Page 3Summary : HB soil DCGL-PU-238 File : C:\RESRAD_.FAMILY\RESRAD\6.S\USERFILEs\Pu238 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_Pu238.RAD Dose Conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter Summary (continued)

Dose Library:

HB DCGLS Plus FGR 12 & FGR 110 3 Current 3 Base 3 Parameter Menu Parameter value# Case- NameD-34 Th-230 plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless I.O00E-03 1.000E-03

' RTF( 6,1)D-34 Th-230 beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pCi/d)

'1.000E-04 1.OOOE-04 RTF( 6,2)D-34 Th-230 milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pci/d) 5.OOOE-06 5.OOOE-06 RTF( 6,3)D-34D-34 u-234 plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 2.500E-03 2.500E-03 RTF( 7,1)D-34 u-234 beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/kg)/(pCi/d) 3.400E-04 3.400E-04 RTF( 7,2)D-34 u-234 milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pci/d) 6.000E-04 6.000E-04 RTF( 7,3)D-5 Bioaccumulation

factors, fresh water, L/kg:D-5 Pb-210+D

, fish 3.000E+02 3.0000E+2 BIOFAC( 1,1)D-5 Pb-210+D

, crustacea and mollusks 1.OOOE+02 1.OOOE+02 BIOFAC( 1,2)D-5o-5 Po-210 , fish 1.000E+02 1.000E+02 BIOFAC( 2,1)1BARTLETT Page 104 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0D-5 Po-210 , crustacea and mollusks 2.000E+04 2.OOOE+04 BIOFAC( 2,2)D-5D-5 Pu-238 , fish 3.OOOE+01 3.O00E+O BIOFAC( 3,1)D-5 Pu-238 , crustacea and mollusks 1.OOOE+02 1.000E+02 BIOFAC( 3,2)D-5D-5 Ra-226+D

, fish 5.O000E+O 5.OOOE+01 BIOFAC( 5,1)D-5 Ra-226+D

, crustacea and mollusks 2.500E+02 2.500E+02 BIOFAC( 5,2)D-5D-5 Th-230 , fish 1.0000E+2 1.000E+02 BIOFAC( 6,1)D-5 Th-230 , crustacea and mollusks 5.000E+02 5.000E+02 BIOFAC( 6,2)D-53D-5 u-234 , fish 1.000E+01 1.000E+01 BIOFAC( 7,1)D-5 u-234 , crustacea and mollusks 6.OO0E+03 6.OOOE+01 BIOFAC( 7,2)#For DCFI(xxx) only, factors are for infinite depth & area. See ETFG table in Ground Pathway of Detailed Report.*Base Case means Default.Lib w/o Associate Nuclide contributions.

1RESRAD, version 6.5 Tc Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:55 Page 4Summary HB soil DCGLPu-238 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILEs\pu238 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_Pu238.RAD site-specific Parameter summary0 3 3 user 3 used by RESRAD 3 Parameter Menu 3 Parameter 3 Input 3 Default ' (If different from user input) 3 NameAAAA AAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AA5AA 4AAAAA AAAWA.AAAAAAA.AAAA.AAAA4.,3AAAAAAAA.AAAAAA.AAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AAAA R011 Area of contaminated zone (m**2) 3.OOOE+04 1.OOOE+04

--- AREAR011 Thickness of contaminated zone (m) 2.670E+00 2.000E+00

--- THICKOR011 Fraction of contamination that is submerged 0.000E+00 0.000E+00

--- SUBMFRACT R011 Length parallel to aquifer flow (m) 1.950E+02 1.0OOE+02

--- LCZPAQROll Basic radiation dose limit (mrem/yr) 2.500E+01 3.OOOE+01

--- BRDLR011 Time since placement of material (yr) O.O00E+O0 O.000E+O0

--- TIRoll Times for calculations (yr) 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00

' --- T( 2)ROll Times for calculations (yr) 3.000E+00 3.000E+00

--- T( 3)ROll Times for calculations (yr) 1.000E+01 1.OOOE+01

--- T( 4)ROll Times for calculations (yr) 3.OOOE+01 3.000E+01

--- T( 5)ROll Times for calculations (yr) 1.000E+02 1.000E+02

--- T( 6)R011 Times for calculations (yr) 3.000E+02 3.OOOE+02

--- T( 7)ROll Times for calculations (yr) 1.OOOE+03 3.1.000E+03

--- T( 8)ROll Times for calculations (yr) not used 0.OOOE+00

--- T( 9)ROll Times for calculations (yr) not used 0.O00E+00

--- T(10)R012 Initial principal radionuclide (pCi/g):

Pu-238 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 3 --- S1(3)R012 Concentration in groundwater (pCi/L):

Pu-238 not used 0.000E+00

--- wl( 3)R013 cover depth (m) 0.000E+00 0.000E+00

--- COVER0R013 Density of cover material (g/cm**3) not used 1.500E+00

--- DENSCVR013 Cover depth erosion rate (m/yr) not used 1.000E-03 I --- vCVR013 Density of contaminated zone (g/cm**3) 1.564E+00 1.500E+00

--- DENSCZR013 Contaminated zone erosion rate (m/yr) 2.200E-03 l.OOOE-03

--- vCzR013 Contaminated zone total porosity 4.100E-01 4.000E-01

--- TPCZR013 contaminated zone field capacity 9.500E-02 2.000E-01

--- FCCZR013 contaminated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 3.900E+00 1.OOOE+01

--- HCCZR013 Contaminated zone b parameter 5.600E+00 5.300E+00

--- BCZR013 Average annual wind speed (m/sec) 3.040E+00 2.OOOE+00

--- WINDR013 Humidity in air (g/m**3) not used 8.000E+00

--- HUMIDR013 Evapotranspiration coefficient 6.250E-01 5.000E-01

--- EVAPTRR013 Precipitation (m/yr) 9.100E-01 1.000E+00

--- 3 PRECIPR013 Irrigation (m/yr) 5.600E-01 2.000E-01

--- RIR013 Irrigation mode overhead overhead

--- IDITCHR013 Runoff coefficient 5.000E-01 2.000E-01

--- RUNOFFR013 watershed area for nearby stream or pond (m**2) 2.520E+07 1.000E+06

--- WAREAR013 Accuracy for water/soil computations 1.000E-03 1.000E-03

--- EPSR014 Density of saturated zone (g/cm**3) 1.510E+00 1.500E+00

--- DENSAQR014 saturated zone total porosity 4.300E-01 4.000E-01

--- TPSZR014 saturated zone effective porosity 3.420E-01 2.000E-01

--- EPSZR014 saturated zone field capacity 8.800E-02 2.OOOE-01

--- FCSZR014 Saturated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 2.880E+01 1.OOOE+02

--- 3 HCSZR014 saturated zone hydraulic gradient 2.OOOE-03 2.000E-02

--- HGWTR014 saturated zone b parameter 7.100E+00 5.300E+00

--- BSZR014 water table drop rate (m/yr) 1.OOOE-03 1.000E-03

--- VWTR014 well pump intake depth (m below water table) 1.000E+01 1.OOOE+01

--- DWIBWTR014 Model: Nondispersion (ND) or Mass-Balance (MB) ND ND MODELR014 well pumping rate (m**3/yr) 1.573E+03 2.500E+02

--- UW1RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:55 Page 5Summary : HB soil DCGLPu-238 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.S\USERFILES\Pu238 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLPu238.RAD Site-Specii 0Menu Parameter AAAAAAAAAWAAAKAAAWA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WAAR015 Number of unsaturated zone strataR015 Unsat. zone 1, thickness (m)RO15 Unsat. zone 1, soil density (g/cm**3)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, total porosityR015 Unsat. zone 1, effective porosityR015 Unsat. zone 1, field capacityR015 Unsat. zone 1, soil-specific b parameter R015 Unsat. zone 1, hydraulic conductivity (m/yr)R016 Distribution coefficients for Pu-238R016 contaminated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 unsaturated zone 1 (cm**3/g)

R016 saturated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 Leach rate (/yr)R016 Solubility constantR016 Distribution coefficients for daughter Pb-210R016 contaminated zone (cmk*3/g)

R016 unsaturated zone 1 (cm* 3/g)R016 saturated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 Leach rate (/yr)R016 solubility constantR016 Distribution coefficients for daughter Po-210R016 Contaminated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 Unsaturated zone 1 (cmc*3/g)

R016 saturated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 Leach rate C/yr)R016 solubility constant(*%BARTLETT fic Parameter summary (continued) user used by RESRAD Parameter Input 3 Default : (If different from user input) 3 NamekAAAAAAAAAA AAAXX~AAAAAA AAAAAAA4AAAAA.5.AAAA AAAAAAXKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWAA.AAA 1 314.040E+00 4.00OE+00 1.564E+00 1.500E+00 4.100E-01 4.OOOE-01 3.150E-01 2.OOOE-01 9.500E-02 2.OOOE-01 5.600E+00 5.300E+00 3.900E+00 1.000E+01 9.530E+02 2.000E+03 9.530E+02 2.OOOE+03 9.530E+02 2.OOOE+03 O.OOOE+00 0.000E+00.O00E+O0 O.O00E+O0 2.392E+03 1.OOOE+02 2.392E+03 1.OOOE+02 2.392E+03 1.000E+02 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 1.810E+02 1.OOOE+01 1.810E+02 1.OOOE+01 1.810E+02 1.O00E+01 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+0O 0.OOOE+00 333333333333333339.565E-05 not used3.811E-05 not used5.031E-04 not usedNSH (1)" DENSUZ(1)

" TPUZ(1)" EPUZ(1)" FCUZ(l)"BUZ(1)"HCUZ(1)DCNUCC( 3)DCNUCU( 3,1)DCNUCS( 3)ALEACH( 3)SOLUBK( 3)DCNUCC( 1)DCNUCU( 1,1)DCNUCS( 1)ALEACH( 1)SOLUBK( 1)DCNUCC( 2)DCNUCU( 2.1)DCNUCS( 2)ALEACH( 2)SOLUBK( 2)Page 105Page 105 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0R016R016R016R016R016R016R016R016R016R016R016R016R016R016R016R016R016R0161RESRAD,SummaryFileDistribution coefficients for daughter Ra-226Contaminated zone (cm**3/g) unsaturated zone I (cm**3/g) saturated zone (cm>>*3/g)

Leach rate (/yr)solubility constantDistribution coefficients for daughter Th-230contaminated zone (cm-3/g)unsaturated zone 1 (cm'*3/g) saturated zone (cm**3/g)

Leach rate (/yr)solubi lity constant3.533E+03 7.000E+O1 3.533E+03 7.000E+O1 3.533E+03 7.000E+O1 O.000E+O0 O.O00E+OO O.OOOE+O0 O.O00E+00 5.884E+03 6.000E+04 5.884E+03 6.000E+04 5.884E+03 6.000E+04 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 O.OOOE+OO 0.OO0E+00 2.581E-05 not used1.550E-05 not used7.224E-04 not usedDCNUCC( 5)DCNUCU( 5,1)DCNUCS( 5)ALEACH( 5)SOLUBK( 5)DCNUCC( 6)DCNUCU( 6,1)DCNUCS( 6)ALEACH( 6)SOLUBK( 6)3 DCNUCC( 7)DCNUCU( 7,1)DCNUCS( 7)ALEACH( 7)SOLUBK( 7)Distribution coefficients for daughter u-234contaminated zone (cm**3/g) 1.260E+02 5.000E+01 unsaturated zone 1 (cm*23/g) 1.260E+02 5.000E+01 Saturated zone (cm**3/g) 1.260E+02 5.OOOE+01 Leach rate (/yr) 3O.000E+0 O.000E+00 solubility constant O.OOOE+OO 0.000E+00 version 6.5 Tv Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:55 Page 6HB soil DCGLPU-238 C: X\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\Pu238 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_Pu238.RAD 0 3Menu Parameter AAAWAAAAWAAWA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AJ R017 Inhalation rate (m**3/yr)

R017 Mass loading for inhalation (g/m**R017 Exposure durationR017 Shielding factor, inhalation R017 shielding factor, external gammaR017 Fraction of time spent indoorsR017 Fraction of time spent outdoors (orR017 Shape factor flag, external gammaR017 Radii of shape factor array (usedR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius 3m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 10RO37 Outer annular radius Cm), ring i:R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 1R017 Fractions of annular areas withinR017 Ring 1R017 Ring 2R017 Ring 3R017 Ring 4R017 Ring 5R017 Ring 6R017 Ring 7R017 Ring 8R017 Ring 9R017 Ring 10R017 Ring 11R017 Ring 12R018 Fruits, vegetables and grain consumR018 Leafy vegetable consumption Ckg/yrR018 Milk consumption (L/yr)R018 Meat and poultry consumption (kg/yR018 Fish consumption (kg/yr)R018 Other seafood consumption (kg/yr)R018 Soil ingestion rate (g/yr)R018 Drinking water intake (L/yr)R018 Contamination fraction of drinkingRO18 Contamination fraction of householR018 Contamination fraction of livestoci R018 Contamination fraction of irrigatiR018 Contamination fraction of aquaticR018 Contamination fraction of plant for1RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 daySummary : HB soil DCGL_Pu-238 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USER Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) 3 user 3 3 used by RESRAD 3 Parameter 3 Input 3 Default 3 (If different from user input) I NameCA..................AAAAjIiiAAAAAA&A.AAAAAA"AAAAAAAAA AA .AA .AAAAAAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAA 8.400E+03 I 8.400E+03

--- INHALR3) 1.OOOE-04 1.000E-04 3 MLINH3.OOOE+01 3.OOOE+01

--- ED5.500E-01 4.OOOE-01

--- SHF32.725E-01 7.OOOE-01

--- SHF16.571E-01 5.OOOE-01

--- FINDn site) 1.181E-01 2.500E-01

--- FOTD1.OOOE+00 1.000E+00

>0 shows circular AREA. FSif FS =-):I: not used 5.000E+01

--- RADSHAPEC 1)2: not used 7.071E+01 3 RADSHAPE(

2)3 not used 0.OOOE+O0 R ADSHAPEC 3)4: not used 0.OOOE+00 R3 PADSHAPE(

4)5: not used O.OOOE+00


5)6 not used O.000E+00 D--- 3ADSHAPE(

6)7: not used O.O00E+00


7)8: not used O.OOOE+0O 3 RADOSHAPE(

8)9: not used 0.OOOE+OO R 'ADSHAPE(

9)0: not used O.000E+0O

-R' 3ADSHAPE(10) 1: not used O.000E+0O

--- RADSHAPE(11) 2: not used 0.000E+00 3RADSHAPE(12)

AREA:not used 1.000E+00 3 FRACA( 1)not used 2.732E-01

--- FRACA( 2)not used 0.0OOE+OO

--- FPACA( 3)not used 0.0OOE+OO 3-- FRACA( 4)not used 0.000E+00

--- FPACA( 5)not used 0.000E+00

--- FRACA( 6)not used O.OOOE+00

-FRACA( 7)not used 0.000E+O0

--- FRACA( 8)not used 0.0O0E+00 3- FRACA( 9)not used O.OOOE+O0

--- FRACA(1O) not used O.000E+00

-FRACA(11) not used O.OOOE+O0

'-- FRACA(12) nption (kg/yr) 1.120E+02 1.600E+02 DIET(1)2.140E+01 1.400E+01

--- DIET(2)2.330E+02 9.200E+01

--- DIET(3)r) 6.510E+01 6.300E+01

-DIET(4)2.060E+01 5.400E+00

-DIET(5)9.0OOE-01 9.0OOE-01

-DIET(6)1.826E+01 3.650E+01

--- SOIL4.785E+02 5.100E+02

--- DWIwater 1.O00E+00 1.000E+00

--O FDWd water not used 1.000E+O0

--- FHHWk water 1.000E+00 1.008E+0

--- FLWon water 1.000E+00 1.000E+O0

--- FIRWfood 1.000E+00 5.000E-01

--- FR9od 1.000E+00

'-1 3 FPLANTys 11/28/2011 10:55 Page 7RFILES\PU238 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_PU238.RAD 0Menu 3site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) user used by RESRAD Parameter Parameter Input Default..

(If different from user input) 3NameKKKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAR018 Contamination fraction of meatR018 Contamination fraction of milkR019 Livestock fodder intake for meat (kg/day)R019 Livestock fodder intake for milk (kg/day)R019 Livestock water intake for meat (L/day)R019 Livestock water intake for milk (L/day)R019 Livestock soil intake (kg/day)R019 Mass loading for foliar deposition (g/m**3)R019 Depth of soil mixing layer Cm)R019 Depth of roots (m)R019 Drinkino water fraction from ground waterR019 Household water fraction from ground waterR019 Livestock water fraction from ground waterR019 Irrigation fraction from ground waterR19E wet weight crop yield for Non-Leafy (kg/m**2)

R19B wet weight crop yield for Leafy (kg/m**2)

R19B wet weight crop yield for Fodder (kg/m**2)

R19B Growing Season for Non-Leafy (years)R19B Growing Season for Leafy (years)R19B Growing season for Fodder (years)R19B Translocation Factor for Non-Leafy R19B Translocation Factor for Leafy&BARTLETT 1.000E+00

'-11.008E+00 3-12.710E+01 6.800E+01 6.320E+01 5.500E+01 5.060E+01 5.000E+01 6.000E+01 1.600E+02 5.000E-01 5.000E-01 4.000E-04 1.000E-04 2.300E-01 1.500E-01 1.220E+00 9.000E-01 1.000E+00 31.008E+0 not used 3.O008E+00 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 1.008E+00 1.000E+00 1.750E+00 7.000E-01 2.889E+00 1.500E+00 1.887E+00 1.100E+00 2.460E-01 1.700E-01 1.230E-01 2.500E-01 8.200E-02 8.000E-02 I.000E-01 1.000E-01 3333333333331FMEATFMILKLFI5LFI6SLWISLWI6LSIMLFDDMDROOTFGWDWFGWHH3FGWLWFGWIRYv(1)Yv(2)yv(3)TE(1)TE(2)TE(3)TIV(1)TIV(23Page 106 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-003 Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLs Rev. 0RI9B Translocation Factor for Fodder 1.000E+00 1.OO0E+00

--3 TIV(3)R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy 3.500E-01 2.500E-01 O-- RDRY(1)R19B Dry Follar Interception Fraction for Leafy 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RDRY(2)R19i Dry Follar Interception Fraction for Fodder 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RDRY(3)R198 Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RWET(1)R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy 5.800E-01 2.500E-01

--- RWET(2)R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- ' RWET(3)R19BI weathering Removal Constant for vegetation 3.300E+01 2.000E+01

--- WLAMC14 C-12 concentration in water (g/cm**3) not used 2.DOOE-05

--- C12wTRC14 C-12 concentration in contaminated soil (g/g) not used 3.OOOE-02

--- ci2czC14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from soil not used 2.OOOE-02

--- CSOILC14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from air not used 9.800E-01

--- CAIRC14 c-14 evasion layer thickness in soil (m) not used 3.OOOE-01

--- DMCC14 C-14 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used 7.OOOE-07

--- EVSNC14 C-12 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used i.OOOE-10

--- REVSNC14 Fraction of grain in beef cattle feed not used O8.O0E-01

--- AVFG4C14 Fraction of grain in milk cow feed not used 2.OOOE-01

--- AVFG5STOR Storage times of contaminated foodstuffs (days):STOR Fruits, non-leafy vegetables, and grain 1.400E+01 1.400E+01

--- STORT(1)STOR Leafy vegetables 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00

--- STORT(2)STOR Milk 1.OOOE+O0 1.000E+00

--- STORT(3)STOR Meat and poultry 2.000E+01 2.000E+01

--- STORtT(4)

STOR Fish 7.000E+03 7.000E+00

--- STORT(5)STOR crustacea and mollusks 7.000E+0I 7.0OOE+00

--- STORT(6)iRESRAD, version 6.5 T< Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:55 Page 8Summary : HB soil DCGLPu-238 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\Pu238 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_Pu238.RAD site-specific Parameter Summary (continued) 0 u 3 User 3 used by RESRAD 3 Parameter Menu 3 Parameter 3 Input 3 Default : (If different from user input) 3 NameAAAAAA W AAAAAAAA Ae WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAXAAAAWAAAAAAAAAAAA WAAAAAAAAAAAAA.WXXAAW AeAeAeA.AAAAAA.AAAWAAAAAWAAAAAMAAAAAAAAA.AAAAW STOR well water 1.0OOE+00 1.000E+00

--- STORT(7)STOR surface water 1.OOOE+00 31.OOE+00

--- STORT(8)STOR Livestock fodder 4.500E+01 4.500E+01

--- STORT(9)R021 Thickness of building foundation (m) not used 1.500E-01

--- FLOOR1R021 Bulk density of building foundation (g/cm**3) not used 2.400E+00

--- DENSFLR021 Total porosity of the cover material not used 4.OOOE-01

--- TPCVR021 Total porosity of the building foundation not used 1.OOOE-O1

--- TPFLR021 volumetric water content of the cover material not used 5.OOOE-02

--- PH2oCvR021 volumetric water content of the foundation not used 3.OOOE-02

--- PH2OFLR021 Diffusion coefficient for radon gas (m/sec):R021 in cover material not used 2.000E-06

--- DIFCVR021 in foundation material not used 3.OOOE-07

--- DIFFLR021I in contaminated zone soil not used 2.OOOE-06

--- DIFCZR021 Radon vertical dimension of mixing (m) not used 2.OOOE+00

--- HMIXR021 Average building air exchange rate (1/hr) not used 5.OOOE-013

--- REXGR021 Height of the building (room) (m) not used 2.500E+00

--- HRMR021 Building interior area factor not used 0.O00E+00

--- FAIR021 Building depth below ground surface (m) not used '-I.000E+00

--- DMFLR021 Emanating power of Rn-222 gas not used 2.500E-01

--- EMANA(1)R021 Emanating power of Rn-220 gas not used i.500E-01

--- EMANA(2)TITL Number of graphical time points 32 3 .---- NPTSTITL Maximum number of integration points for dose 17 3 .---- LYMAXTITL Maximum number of integration points for risk 3 1 .3 .--- KYMAXSummary of Pathway selections Pathway .user Selection AAAAAAAAAAMXWA A AAAAAAAAAAWAAAAAA AAAA-- external gamma active2 inhalation (w/o radon)3 active3-- plant ingestion active4 meat ingestion active5 milk ingestion active6 aquatic foods active7 drinking water active8 -- soil ingestion active9 -- radon suppressed Find peak pathway doses active1RESRAD, version 6.5 To Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:55 Page 9Summary : HB soil DCGLPu-238 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\Pu238 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_Pu238.RAD Contaminated zone Dimensions Initial..Soil Concentrations, p.i/gAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Area: 30000.00 square meters Pu-238 1.O00E+00 Thickness:

2.67 metersCover Depth: 0.00 meters1RESRAD, Version 6.5 T< Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:55 Page 1Probabilistic results summary : HS soil DCGL_Pu-238 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\PU238 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_Pu238.RAD Table of ContentsW APart VI: uncertainty AnalysisORESRAD Uncertainty Analysis ResultsProbabilistic Input .....................................

2Total Dose ..........................................

4Total Risk ..........................................

5Dose vs Pathway:

Ground External


6Dose vs Pathway:

Inhalation (w/o Radon) ............

7Dose vs Pathway:

Radon (water Ind.) ................

8Dose vs Pathway:

Plant (water Ind.) ................

9Dose vs Pathway:

Meat (water Ind.) ................

10Dose vs Pathway:

Milk (water Ind.) ................

11Dose vs Pathway:

Soil Ingestion


12Dose VS Pathway:

water Ingestion


13Dose vs Pathway:

Fish Ingestion


14BARTLETTPage 107 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0Dose vS Pathway:

Radon (water Dep.) ................

15Dose vS Pathway:

Plant (water Dep.) ..................

16Dose vs Pathway:

Meat (water Dep.) ..................

17Dose vs Pathway:

Milk (water Dep.) ................

18cumulative Probability Summary .........................

19summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 1 ..... 20Peak of the mean dose at graphical times .............

21Correlation and Regression coefficients (if any) ..... 221RESRAD, version 6.5 T' Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:55 Page 2Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGLPU-238 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\PU238 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLPu238.RAD Probabilistic InputONumber of Sample Runs: 2000Number Name Distribution Parameters AAAAAA AAAAAAAAAA44AAWAA5AAAW AAAAAAAAAAA.AAA AAAAA AAAAAAAA.AAAAAA............AAAA.AAAAAA 1 DENSCZ BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5635 .2385 .827 2.32 TPCZ BOUNDED NORMAL .41 .09 .1319 .68813 HCCZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.36 2.17 .00478 31904 BCZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.73 .323 2.08 15.35 EVAPTR UNIFORM .5 .756 RI UNIFORM .36 .767 DENSAQ BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5105 .1855 .937 2.0848 TPSZ BOUNDED NORMAL .43 .0699 .214 .6469 EPSZ BOUNDED NORMAL .342 .0705 .124 .5610 HCSZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N

.362 1.59 .0106 19511 BSZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.96 .265 3.02 15.512 DWIBWT TRIANGULAR 6 10 3013 UW UNIFORM 1173 197314 H(1) UNIFORM 0 8.0815 DENSUZ(1)

BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5635 .2385 .827 2.316 TPUZ(1) BOUNDED NORMAL .41 .09 .1319 .688117 EPUZ(1) BOUNDED NORMAL .315 .0905 .0349 .59418 HCUZ(1) BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.36 2.17 .00478 319019 BUZ(1) BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.73 .323 2.08 15.320 MLINH CONTINUOUS LINEAR 8 0 0 .000008 .0151.00003 .8119 .00004 .9495 .00006 .9937 .000076 .9983 .0001 121 SHF3 UNIFORM .15 .9522 SHF1 BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N

-1.3 .59 .044 123 DM TRIANGULAR 0 .15 .624 YV(1) TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

.56 .48 .001 .99925 WLAM TRIANGULAR 5.1 18 8426 RWET(2) TRIANGULAR

.06 .67 .9527 DCACTC(3)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 6.86 1.89 .001 .99928 DCACTU1(3)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 6.86 1.89 .001 .99929 DCACTS(3)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 6.86 1.89 .001 .99930 DCACTC(1)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 7.78 2.76 .001 .99931 DCACTUi(1)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 7.78 2.76 .001 .99932 DCACTS(1)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 7.78 2.76 .001 .99933 DCACTC(2)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 5.2 1.68 .001 .99934 DCACTU1(2)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 5.2 1.68 .001 .99935 DCACTS(2)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 5.2 1.68 .001 .99936 DCACTC(5)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 8.17 1.7 .001 .99937 DCACTUl(5)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 8.17 1.7 .001 .99938 OCACTS(5)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 8.17 1.7 .001 .99939 DCACTC(6)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 8.68 3.62 .001 .99940 DCACTUI(6)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 8.68 3.62 .001 .99941 DCACTS(6)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 8.68 3.62 .001 .99942 DCACTC(7)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL 4.48 3.13 .001 .99943 DCACTU1(7)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 4.84 3.13 .001 .999-44 DCACTS(7)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 4.84 3.13 .001 .99945 BRTF(94,2)


-9.21 .2 .001 .99946 BRTF(94,3)


-13.82 .5 .001 .99947 BBIO(94,1)

LOGNORMAL-N 3.4 1.148 BRTF(82,1)


-5.52 .9 .001 .9991RESRAD, Version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:55 Page 3Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGLPU-238 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\PU238 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLPU238.RAD Probabilistic Input (cont.).000016 .1365Number Name...AAAAAA.AAAAAAA.AAAA.A.AAAA 49 BRTF(82,2) 50 BRTF(82,3) 51 BBIO(82,1) 52 BRTF(84,1) 53 BRTF(84,2) 54 BRTF(84,3) 55 BBIO(84,1) 56 BRTF(88,1) 57 BRTF(88,2) 58 BRTF(88,3) 59 BBIO(88,1) 60 BRTF(90,1) 61 BRTP(90,2) 62 BRTF(90,3) 63 BBIO(90,1) 64 BRTF(92,1) 65 BRTF(92,2) 66 BRTF(92,3) 67 BBi0(92,1) f66ff3 tttttttttttttttIfff ltfDistribution Parameters TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-7.13 .7 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-8.11 .9 .001 .999LOGNORMAL-N 5.7 1.1TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-6.9 .9 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-5.3 .7 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-7.82 .7 .001 .999LOGNORMAL-N 4.6 1.1TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-3.22 .9 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-6.91 .7 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-6.91 .5 .001 .999LOGNORMAL-N 3.9 1.1TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-6.91 .9 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-9.21 1 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-12.21 .9 .001 .999LOGNORMAL-N 4.6 1.1TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-6.21 .9 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-7.13 .7 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-7.82 .6 .001 .999LOGNORMAL-N 2.3 1.11RESRAD, version 6.5 T- Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:55 Page 21Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGL-PU-238 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\PU238 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL.PU238.RAD Peak of the mean dose (averaged over observations) at graphical timesRepetition Time of peak mean dose Peak mean doseYears mrem/yr1 0.OOOE+00 8.427E-01 LeBARTLETT Page 108 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0Pu-239 Results:1RESRAD, version 6.5 T'c Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 11:45 Page 1Summary HB soil DCGLPu239 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\PU239 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_PU239.RAD Table of ContentsAAA/AALAAAAX4444 WkPart I: Mixture Sums and single Radionuclide Guidelines Dose Conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter Summary ... 2site-Specific Parameter Summary ..........................

4Summary of Pathway Selections


8contaminated zone and Total Dose Summary .................

9Total Dose components Time = 0.000E+00


10Time = 1.000E+00


11Time = 3.00 E+OO ............................


12Time = 1.000E+01


13Time = 3.000E+01


14Time = 1.OO0E+02


15Time = 3.000E+02


16Time = 1.OOOE+03


17Dose/Source Ratios Summed over All Pathways...............18 Single Radionuclide Soil Guidelines


18Dose Per Nuclide Summed Over All Pathways


19soil Concentration Per Nuclide ,..... 191RESRAD, version 6.5 T- Limit = 30 days .. ii/28/2011 11:45 Page 2Summary : HB soil DCGL_Pu239 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\PU239 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_Pu239.RAD Dose conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter SummaryDose Library:

HB DCGLs Plus FGR 12 & FGR 11O current 3 Base 3 Parameter Menu .Parameter 3 value# 3 Case* 3 NameWAXXAXAA AAAAAWAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA44AAAAAAAAWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AAAAA.AAAAAAA.AAAAAA.AAAAAA A-1 DCF'S for external ground radiation, (mrem/yr)/(pci/g)

A-1 AC-227 (source:

FGR 12) 4.951E-04 4.951E-04 DCF1( 1)A-1 Bi-211 (source:

FGR 12) 2.559E-01 2.559E-01

'DCF( 2)A-1 Fr-223 (Source:

FGR 12) 1.980E-01 1.980E-01 DCF1( 3)A-1 Pa-231 (Source:

FGR 12) 1.906E-01 1.906E-01 DCF1( 4)A-1 Pb-211 (source:

FGR 12) 3 .064E-01 3.064E-01 DCF1( 5)A-1 Po-211 (source:

FGR 12) 4.764E-02 4.764E-02 DCF1( 6)A-1 Po-215 (source:

FGR 12) 1.016E-03 1.016E-03 DCF1( 7)A-1 Pu-239 (source:

FGR 12) 2.952E-04 2.952E-04 DCF1( 8)A_1 Ra-223 (Source:

FGR 12) 6.034E-01 6.034E-01 DCF1( 9)A-1 Rn-219 (source:

FGR 12) 3 .083E-01 3.083E-01 DCF1( 10)A-1 Th-227 (Source:

FGR 12) 5.212E-01 5.212E-01 DCF1( 11)A-1 Th-231 (Source:

FGR 12) 3.643E-02 3.643E-02 DCF1( 12)A-1 Tl-207 (Source:

FGR 12) 1 .980E-02 1.980E-02 DCF1( 13)A-1 u-235 (source:

FGR 12) 7.211E-01 7.2116-01 DCF1( 14)B-1 Dose conversion factors for inhalation, mrem/pci:

B-1 AC-227+D 6.724E+00 6.700E+00 DCF2( 1)B-1 Pa-231 1.280E+00 1.280E+00 DCF2( 2)B-1I Pu-239 4.290E-01 4.290E-01 DCF2( 3)B-1 u-235+D 1.230E-01 1.230E-01 DCF2( 4)D-1 Dose conversion factors for ingestion, mrem/pCi:

D-1 Ac-227+D 1.480E-02 1.410E-02 DCF3( 1)D-1 Pa-231 1.060E-02 1.060E-02 DCF3( 2)D-1 Pu-239 3.540E-03 3.540E-03 3 DCF3( 3)D-1 u-235+D 2.673E-04 2.660E-04 DCF3( 4)D-34 Food transfer factors:D-34 AC-227+D

, lant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 2.500E-03 2.500E-03 RTF( 1,1)D-34 AC-227+D beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pci/d) 2.000E-05 2.000E-05 RTF( 1,2)D-34 AC-227+D milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L) /(pci/d) 2.000E-05 2.000E-05 RTF( 1,3)D-343D-34 Pa-231 , plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 1.000E-02 1.000E-02 RTF( 2,1)D-34 Pa-231 beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pci/d) 5.000E-03 5.OOOE-03 RTF( 2,2)D-34 Pa-231 milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/L) /(pci/d) 5.OOOE-06 5.OOOE-06 RTF( 2,3)D-34D-34 Pu-239 , plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 1.830E-03 1.000E-03 RTF( 3,1)D-34 Pu-239 beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pci/d) 1.000E-04 1.000E-04 RTF( 3,2)D-34 Pu-239 milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pci/d) 1.000E-06 1.000E-06 RTF( 3,3)D-34D-34 u-235+D , plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 2.500E-03 2.500E-03 RTF( 4,1)D-34 u-235+D beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/kg)/(pci/d) 3.400E-04 3.400E-04 RTF( 4,2)o-34 u-235+D milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pci/d) 6.000E-04 6.000E-04 RTF( 4,3)D-5 Bioaccumulation

factors, fresh water, L/kg:D-5 AC-227+D

, fish 1.500E+01 1.500E+01 BIOFAC( 1,1)D-5 AC-227+D

, crustacea and mollusks 1.000E+03 1.000E+03 BIOFAC( 1,2)D-51RESRAD, version 6.5 T<c Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 11:45 Page 3Summary : HB soil DCGL_Pu239 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\PU239 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_Pu239.RAD Dose Conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter Summary (continued)

Dose Library:

HB DCGLS Plus FGR 12 & FGR 110 3 3 current 3 Base 3 Parameter Menu Parameter value# Case* NameAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA4AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AA)UUUUAAAAAA AAAAAAAD-5 Pa-231 fish 1.000E+01 1.000E+01 BIOFAC( 2,1)D-5 Pa-231 crustacea and mollusks 1.100E+02 1.100E+02 BIOFAC( 2,2)D-5D-5 Pu-239 fish 3.000E+01 3.000E+01 BIOFAC( 3,1)D-5 Pu-239 crustacea and mollusks 1.OOOE+02 1.OOOE+02 BIOFAC( 3,2)D-5D-5 u-235+D fish 1.OOOE+01 1.0OOE+01 BIOFAC( 4,1)D-5 u-235+D crustacea and mollusks 6.000E+01 6.000E+01 BIOFAC( 4,2)#For DCFl(xxx) only, factors are for infinite depth & area. See ETFG table in Ground.Pathway of Detailed Report.*Base Case means Default.Lib w/o Associate Nuclide contributions.

1RESRAD, version 6.5 T< Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 11:45 Page 4Summary : HB soil DCGL_Pu239
t. B ARTLETT Page 109 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USEREILES\PU239 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_PU239.RAD Site-Sp0 3ecific Parameter Summaryuser used by RESRAD 3 Parameter Input : Default 3 (If different from user input) Name,5J~ufi~AXAAXXXSXXp~~AfifA.AA~~saaaaaassAAaAAAAAAAAAAA Menu I Parameter AAUAAAAAAAAW AAAAA4A AAA.AAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAk4X R011 Area of contaminated zone (m**2)Roll Thickness of contaminated zone (m)Roll Fraction of contamination submerged R011 Length parallel to aquifer flow (m)R011 Basic radiation dose limit (mrem/yr)

Roll Time since placement of material (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)R012 initial principal radionuclide (pCi/g):

Pu-239R012 concentration in groundwater (pCi/L):

Pu-239R013 cover depth (m)R013 Density of cover material (g/cm**3)

R013 Cover depth erosion rate (m/yr)R013 Density of contaminated zone (g/cm**3)

R013 Contaminated zone erosion rate (m/yr)R013 Contaminated zone total porosityR013 Contaminated'zone field capacityR013 Contaminated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr)R013 Contaminated zone b parameter R013 Average annual wind speed (m/sec)R013 Humidity in air (g/m**3)R013 Evapotranspi ration coefficient R013 Precipitation (m/yr)R013 Irrigation (m/yr)R013 Irrigation modeR013 Runoff coefficient R013 watershed area for nearby stream or pond (m**2)R013 Accuracy for water/soil computations R014 Density of saturated zone (g/cm**3)

R014 Saturated zone total porosityR014 saturated zone effective porosityR014 saturated zone field capacityR014 saturated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr)R014 saturated zone hydraulic gradientR014 saturated zone b parameter R014 water table drop rate (m/yr)R014 well pump intake depth (m below water table)R014 Model: Nondispersion (ND) or Mass-Balance (MB)R014 well pumping rate (m**3/yr) 3.OOOE+04 1.000E+04 2.670E+OO 2.OOOE+O0 O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO 1.950E+02 l.OOOE+02 2.500E+01 3.OOOE+01 O.OOOE+O3 O.O00E+O3 l.OOOE+Oo l.OOOE+O0 3.OOOE+O0 3.OOOE+OO I.OOOE+OI I.OOOE+01 3.OOOE+01 3.0OOE+0l 1.OOOE+02 3l.O0E+02 3.OOOE+02 3.OOOE+02 l.OOOE+03 1.OOOE+O3 not used O.OOOE+OO not used O.OOOE+OO 1.OOOE+O0 O.OOOE+OO 3-not used O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO not used 1.500E+0O not used 1.OOOE-03 1.564E+OO l.5OOE+OO 2.200E-03 1.OOOE-03 4.lOOE-Ol 4.OOOE-O1 9.500E-02 2.O00E-O1 3.900E+OO 1.OOOE+01 5.600E+00 5.300E+00 3.040E+OO 2.OOOE+O0 not used 8.OOOE+00 6.250E-Ol 5.OOOE-01 9.IOOE-01 l.OOOE+OO 5.600E-01 2.000E-01 overhead overhead5.OOOE-Ol 2.OOOE-01 2.520E+07 l.OOOE+06 1.OOOE-03 1.OOOE-03 1.510E+00 1.500E+00 4.300E-01 4.OOOE-01 3.420E-01 2.OOOE-01 8.800E-02 2.OOOE-0l 2.880E+01 l.OO0E+02 2.OOOE-03I 2.OOOE-02 7.100E+O0 5.300E+OO 3.OOOE-03 1.OOOE-03 1.OooE+01.

3 1.000E+01 ND ' ND1.573E+03 3 2.500E+02 AREATHICKOSUBMFRACT 3 LCZPAQ3 BRDL3 TI3 T( 2)3 T( 3)3 T( 4)T( 5)T( 6)T( 7)T( 8)3 T( 9)T(10)sl(3)wl( 3)COVERO3 DENSCV3 VCVDENSCZVCZ3 TPCZ3FCCZHCCZBCZWINDHUMIDEVAPTRPRECIPRIIDITCHRUNOFFWAREAEPSDENSAQTPSZEPSZFCSZHCSZHGWTBSZDWIBwTMODELUw1RESRAD, version 6.5 T<. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 11:45 Page 5Summary HB soil DCGL_Pu239 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\Pu239 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_Pu239.RAD 0Menu 3Parameter AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ROIS Number of unsaturated zone strataRO15 Unsat. zone 1, thickness (m)R015 Unsat. zone 1, soil density (g/cm*R015 Unsat. zone 1, total porosityR015 Unsat. zone 1, effective porosityR015 Unsat. zone 1, field capacityR015 Unsat. zone 1, soil-specific b partR015 Unsat. zone 1, hydraulic conductiv R016 Distribution coefficients for Pu-2R016 contaminated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 unsaturated zone 1 (cm 3/g)R016 saturated zone (cm*3/g)R016 Leach rate (/yr)R016 solubility constantR016 Distribution coefficients for daugiR016 Contaminated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 unsaturated zone 1 (cm *3/g)R016 saturated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 Leach rate (/yr)R016 solubility constantR016 Distribution coefficients for daugiR016 Contaminated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 unsaturated zone 1 (cm**3 g)R016 saturated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 Leach rate (/yr)R016 solubility constantR016 Distribution coefficients for daugiR016 Contaminated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 unsaturated zone 1 (cm 3/g)RO16 saturated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 Leach rate (/yr)R016 solubility constantR017 Inhalation rate (m*-3/yr)

R017 3 Mass loading for inhalation (g/m**.R017 3 Exposure durationR017 3 Shielding factor, inhalation R017 3 shielding factor, external gammaRO17 Fraction of time spent indoorsR017 ' Fraction of time spent outdoors (oiR017 3 shape factor flag, external gammaIRESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 da'Summary : HB soil DCGL_Pu239 LeBARTLETT Site-specific Parameter summary (continued) 3 User 33 Input 3 Default 3 (If4AAAAAAANAMAAAAAAAAWMkAASAuAA.AAAAA 31 314.040E+00 4.OOOE+00

  • 3) 1.564E+OO 1500E+OO4.100E-Ol 4.000E-01 3.150E-01 2.OOOE-01 9.500E-02 2.OOOE-Ol ameter 5.600E+OO 5.300E+OO ity (m/yr) 3.900E+OO 1.OOOE+Ol 399.530E+02 2.OOOE+03 9.530E+02 2.OOOE+03 9.530E+02 2.OOOE+03 O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+O0 O.OOOE+OO hter AC-2278.250E+02 2.OOOE+01 8.250E+02 2.OOOE+01 8.250E+02 2.OOOE+O1 "O.00E+OO O.O00E+OO O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO hter Pa-2313,800E+02 5,OOOE+Ol 3,800E+02 5.OOOE+01 3.800E+02 5.OOOE+01 O.OOOE+O0 O.OOOE+O0 0.0OE+OO O.OOOE+00 hter u-2351.260E+02 5.OOOE+01 1.260E+02 5.OOOE+01 1.260E+02 5.000E+01 O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+O0 O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+O0 8.400E+03 8.400E+03
3) 1.O00E-04 1.000E-04 3.OOOE+01 3.OOOE+01 5.500E-01 4.0OOE-Ol 2.725E-01 7.000E-01 6.571E-01 5.OOOE-Ol n site) 1.181E-Ol 2.500E-Ol 1.OOOE+O0 l.OO0E+O0 Vs 11/28/2011 11:45 Page 6used by RESRAD 3 Parameter different from user input) I NamekAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA&AAAAWAAA.A 9.565E-05 not used1.10SE-04 not used2.398E-04 not used7.224E-04 not used>0 shows circular AREA.NSH(l)DENSUZ(1)


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA R017 Radii of shape factor array (usedR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 2 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 2 Outer annular radius (m) ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius 3m) ringRO17 Outer annular radius (m) ringR017 Outer annular radius (m) ring iiR017 Outer annular radius (m) ring 1:R017 Outer annular radius (m) ring 1R017 Fractions of annular areas withinR017 Ring 1R017 Ring 2R017 Ring 3R017 Ring 4R017 Ring 5R017 Ring 6R017 Ring 7R017 Ring 8R017 Ring 9R017 Ring 10R017 Ring 11RO17 Ring 12R018 Fruits, vegetables and grain consuiR018 Leafy vegetable consumption (kg/yr.R018 Milk consumption (L/yr)R018 Meat and poultry consumption (kg/yR018 3 Fish consumption (kg/yr)R018 Other seafood consumption (kg/yr)R018 3 Soil ingestion rate (g/yr)R018 3 Drinking water intake (L/yr)R018 Contamination fraction of drinkingR018 Contamination fraction of householR018 Contamination fraction of livestocR018 Contamination fraction of irrigati.

R018 Contamination fraction of aquaticR018 2 Contamination fraction of plant fo.R018 Contamination fraction of meatR018 Contamination fraction of milkR019 Livestock fodder intake for meatR019 Livestock fodder intake for milkR019 2 Livestock water intake for meat (LR019 Livestock water intake for milk (LR019 Livestock soil intake (kg/day)tRESRAD, version 6.5 T<. Limit = 30 daSummary HB soil DCGL_Pu239 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USE 0Menu 3Parameter AA4AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKAKA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA R019 Mass loading for foliar deposition R019 Depth of soil mixing layer (m)R019 Depth of roots (m)R019 Drinking water fraction from grounR019 Household water fraction from grouR019 Livestock water fraction from grouR019 Irrigation fraction from ground waR19B wet weight crop yield for Non-LeafR19B wet weight crop yield for LeafyR19B wet weight crop yield for FodderR19B Growing Season for Non-Leafy (yeaR19B Growing Season for Leafy (yeaR19B Growing Season for Fodder (yeaR19B Translocation Factor for Non-LeafR19B Translocation Factor for LeafyRl9B 2 Translocation Factor for FodderR198 Dry Foliar Interception Fraction fR19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction fR19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction fR19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction fR19B wet Foliar Interception Fraction fR19B wet Foliar Interception Fraction fR19B weathering Removal constant for veC14 C-12 concentration in water (g/cm*C14 C-12 concentration in contaminated C14 Fraction of vegetation carbon fromC14 Fraction of vegetation carbon fromC14 2 C-14 evasion layer thickness in soC14 c-14 evasion flux rate from soilc14 c-12 evasion flux rate from soilc14 Fraction of grain in beef cattle fC14 3Fraction of grain in milk cow feedSTOR 2 Storage times of contaminated foodSTOR Fruits, ncn-leafy vegetables, anSTOR 2 Leafy vegetables STOR 2 MilkSTOR Meat and poultrySTOR FishSTOR Crustacea and mollusksSTOR 2 well waterSTOR Surface waterSTOR 2 Livestock fodderR021 2 Thickness of building foundation L.EBARTLETT site-specific Parameter Summary (continued) 3 User 3 3 used by RESRAD Parameter 3 Input 3 Default : (If different from user input) Nameif FS= -1):1: not used 5.000E+01


1)2: not used 7.071E+01


2)3: not used 2 O.00OE+00 2 RADSHAPE(

3)4: not used 2 0.OOE+00 2-2 RAD.SHAPE(

4)5: not used 2 0.O00E+00


5)6: not used 2 O.OOOE+O0 R PADSHAPE(

6)7: not used 2 O.000E+00


7)8: not used O.000E+00


8)9: not used O.OooE+OO


9)0: not used 2 0.OOE+OO 3 RADSHAPE(1O) 1: not used O.O000E+00

--- RADSHAPE(11) 2: not used O.008E+00

--- RADSHAPE(12)

AREA:not used 2 1.000E+00

--- FRACA( 1)not used 2.732E-01

--- FRACA( 2)2 not used O.O00E+00

--- FRACA( 3)not used O.O00E+O0

--- FRACA( 4)not used O.000+00

--- FRACA( 5)not used O.O000E+O0 2 FRACA( 6)not used O.O00E+O0 2 FRACA( 7)not used O.O00E+O0 2 FRACA( 8)not used O.000E+00

--- FRACA( 9)not used O.000E+00

--- FRACA(0)not used 0.000E+00

--- FRACA(11) not used 0.000E+00

--- FRACA(12) sption (kg/yr) 1.120E+02 1.600E+02

--- DIET(l)2 2.140E+01 2 1.400E+01

--- DIET(2)2.330E+02 9.200E+01

--- DIET(3)r) 6.510E+01 6.300E+01

--- DIET(4)2.060E+01 2 5.400E+00

--- DIET(5)9.000E-01 2 9.OO0E-01

--- DIET(6)1.826E+01 3.650E+01

--- SOIL4.785E+02 5.100E+02

--- DWIwater 1.O0OE+00 1.OOOE+00

--- FDWd water I not used 1.000E+00

--- FHHWk water 1.O008E+0 1.000E+00

--- FLWon water 1.O00E+0O 1.000E+00

--- FIRWfood 1.OOOE+O0 5.000E-01

--- FR9od 1.OOOE+00

'-1 2-3 FPLANT2 1.OOOE+O0

'-1 -FMEAT2 1.000E+00

-I 2-FMILKkg/day) 2.710E+01 6.800E+01

--- LFI5kg/day 3 6.320E+01 5.500E+01 2 LFI6/day) 5.060E+01 5.000E+01 2-- LW5I/day) 6.OOOE+O1 1.600E+02

--- LWI63 5.OOOE-01 3 5.000E-01

--- LSIys 11/28/2011 11:45 Page 7RFILES\PU239 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_PU239.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User 3 3 used by RESRAD 3 Parameter Input Default , (If different from user input) NameAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAXAAAAAA44AAAAAAAAAAAAAA"AAAAAA4K AAAAA" XA.AAA.AA.JAAAA (g/m**3) 4.0OOE-04 2 1.000E-04

--- MLFD2.300E-01 1.500E-01

--- DM1.220E+00 2 9.OOOE-01

--- DROOTd water 2 1.OOOE+O0 1.OOOE+00

--- FGWDWnd water not used 3 1.OOOE+00

--- FGWHHnd water 1.000E+0O0 1.O0E+OO

--- FGWLWter .000 10+0 3.000E+00

--- FGWIRy (kg/m**2) 1.750E+00 7.000E-01

--- YV(1)(kg/m**2) 2.889E+00 1.500E+O0 2 YV(2)(kg/m**2) 2 1.887E+00 2 1.OOE+O0 3- Yv(3)rs) 2.460E-01 1.700E-01

--- TE(l)rs) 2 1.230E-01 2 2.500E-01

--- TE(2)rs) 8.200E-02 8.000E-02

--- TE(3)y 1.OO0E-01 2 1.00OE-01

' --- TIV(1)2 1.OOOE+00

' 1.000E+00

--- TIV(2)1.OO0E+00 1.OOOE+00

--- TIV(3)or Non-Leafy 3.50OE-013 2.50OE-01

--- RDRY(1)or Leafy 3.500E-01 2.500E-01 2 RDRY(2)or Fodder 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RDRY(3)or Non-Leafy 3.500E-01 2 2.500E-01

--- RWET(1)or Leafy 5.800E-01 2.500E-01

--- RWET(2)or Fodder 3.500E-01 2 2.500E-0l

--- RWET(3)getation 3.300E+01 2 2.OOOE+O1

--- WLAM*3) not used 2.000E-05

--- C12WTRsoil (g/g) not used 3.000E-02

--- C12CZsoil not used 2.OOOE-02

--- CSOILair not used 9.800E-01

--- CAIRil (M) not used 3.000E-01

--- DMCI/sec) not used 7.OOOE-07

--- EVSN1/sec) not used 1.OOOE-l0

--- REVSNeed 2 not used 8.OOOE-01 3 AVFG4not used 2.000E-01

--- AVFG5stuffs (days): 3d grain I1400E+01 1.400E+01

--- STORLT(l)

",000E+00 1.0008+00 2 3 STORLT(2) 1.OOOE+00 1.000E+00

--- STORLT(3) 2.000E+01 2.OOOE+01 2-- STORT(4)7.000E+00 7.000E+00

--- STORT(5)7.OOOE+00 7.000E+00

--- STORT(6)1.OOOE+O0 1.000E+00

--- STORT(7)1.000E+00 1.000E+00

--- STOR.T(8) 4.500E+01 4.500E+01

--- STORT(9)m) not used 1.500E-01 FLOOR1Page 111Page 111 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-003 Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLs Rev. 0R021 3 Bulk density of building foundation (g/cm**3)

I not used 3 2.400E+00 3 --- 3 DENSFLR021 3 Total porosity of the cover material

.not used 3 4.000E-01 3 --- 3 TPCVR021 3 Total porosity of the building foundation I not used 3 1.OOOE-01 3 TPFL1RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 11:45 Page 8Summary : HB soil DCGL_Pu239 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\Pu239 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLPU239.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) 0 3 3 user 3 used by RESRAD 3 Parameter Menu 3 Parameter 3 Input 3 Default : (If different from user input) 3 Name021 volumetrAiw AAAAAA.terontentAoft AAAAAAAA AAAcovrAate AAi AAAAnAAAAAAAAAAerA A.AAA5.0E2A-AA AAAA AAAAAAO .AAAAR021 volumetric water content of the cover material not used 5.000E-02

--- PH2ocvR021 3volumetric water content of the foundation Inot used 3.OOOE-02

--- PH20FLR021 Diffusion coefficient for radon gas (m/sec):R021 in cover material not used 2.OOOE-06

--- DIFCVR021 in foundation material not used 3.OOOE-07

--- DIFFLR021 in contaminated zone soil not used 2.OOOE-06

--- DIFCZR021 Radon vertical dimension of mixing (m) not used 2.000E+00

--- HMIXR021 Average building air exchange rate (1/hr) not used 5.000E-01

--- REXGR021 Height of the building (room) (m) not used 2.500E+00

--- HRMR021 Bui ding interior area factor not used 0.OOOE+00

--- FAIR021 Building depth below ground surface (m) not used 3-1.000E+00

--- DMFLR021 Emanating power of Rn-222 gas not used 2.500E-01

--- EMANA(1)R021 Emanating power of Rn-220 gas not used 1.500E-01

--- EMANA(2)TITL Number of graphical time points 32 ....... NPTSTITL Maximum number of integration points for dose 3 17 3 --- --- LYMAXTITL Maximum number of integration points for ris-k3-13 --.... KYMAXSummary of Pathway selections Pathway .3 user selection

-- external gamma 3 active2 inhalation (w/o radon)3 active3-- plant ingestion active4 meat ingestion active5-- milk ingestion active6-- aquatic foods active7 -- drinking water active8-- soil ingestion active9 -- radon suppressed Find peak pathway doses active1RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 11:45 Page 9Summary : HB soil DCGL_Pu239 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\Pu239 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLPU239.RAD contaminated zone Dimensions Initial Soil Concentrations, pCi/gAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Area: 30000.00 square meters Pu-239 1.OOOE+00 Thickness:

2.67 metersCover Depth: 0.00 metersIRESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 11:45 Page 1Probabilistic results summary : HR soil DCGL_Pu239 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\Pu239 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_Pu239.RAD Table of contentsAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Part vi: uncertainty AnalysisORESRAD Uncertainty Analysis ResultsProbabilistic Input .... ................................

2Total Dose ..............................................

4Total Risk ...............


5Dose vs Pathway:

Ground external


6Dose vs Pathway:

Inhalation (w/o Radon) ............

7Dose vS Pathway:

Radon (water Ind.) ................

8Dose vs Pathway:

Plant (water Ind.) ................

9Dose vs Pathway:

Meat (water Ind.) ................

10Dose vs Pathway:

Milk (water Ind.) ................

11Dose vs Pathway:

Soil Ingestion


12Dose vs Pathway:

Water Ingestion


13Dose vs Pathway:

Fish Ingestion


14Dose vs Pathway:

Radon (water Dep.) .................

15Dose vs Pathway:

Plant (water Dep.) ................

16Dose vs Pathway:

Meat (water Dep.) ................

17Dose vs Pathway:

Milk (water Dep.) ................

18cumulative Probability summary .........................

19summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 1 ..... 20Peak of the mean dose at graphical times .............

21correlation and Regression coefficients (if any) ..... 221RESRAD, Version 6.5 T< Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 11:45 Page 2Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGL_Pu239 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\PU239 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLPU239.RAD Probabilistic InputONumber of Sample Runs: 2000Number Name Distribution Parameters AAAAAA AAAAW A W AAW AA AAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAWAAiAAAAAAAAAA 1 DENSCZ BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5635 .2385 .827 2.32 TPCZ BOUNDED NORMAL .41 .09 .1319 .68813° HCCZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.36 2.17 .00478 31904 BCZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.73 .323 2.08 15.35 EVAPTR UNIFORM .5 .756 RI UNIFORM .36 .767 DENSAQ BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5105 .1855 .937 2.0848 TPSZ BOUNDED NORMAL .43 .0699 .214 .6469 EPSZ BOUNDED NORMAL .342 .0705 .124 .5610 HCSZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N

.362 1.59 .0106 19511 BSZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.96 .265 3.02 15.512 DWIBwT TRIANGULAR 6 10 3013 UW UNIFORM 1173 197314 H(1) UNIFORM 0 8.0815 DENSUZ(1)

BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5635 .2385 .827 2.3(fh? B A RT L ETTPage 112 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 016 TPUZ(1) BOUNDED NORMAL .41 .09 .131917 EPUZ(1) BOUNDED NORMAL .315 .0905 .034918 HCUZ(1) BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.36 2.17 .0047819 BUZ(1) BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.73 .323 2.0820 MLINH CONTINUOUS LINEAR 8 0 0.00003 .8119 .00004 .9495 .00006 .9937 .000076 .9983 .000121 SHF3 UNIFORM .15 .9522 SHF1 BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N

-1.3 .59 .04423 DM TRIANGULAR 0 .15 .624 YV(1) TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

.56 .48 .00125 WLAN TRIANGULAR 5.1 18 8426 RWET(2) TRIANGULAR

.06 .67 .9527 DCACTC(3)












TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 4.84 3.13 .00139 BRTF(94,2)


-9.21 .2 .001.40 BRTF(94,3)


-13.82 .5 .00141 BBIO(94,1)

LOGNORMAL-N 3.4 1.142 BRTF(89,1)


-6.91 1.12 .00143 BRTF(89,2)


-10.82 1 .00144 BRTF(89,3)


-13.12 .9 .00145 BBIO(89,1)

LOGNORMAL-N 2.7 1.146 BRTF(91,1)


-4.61 1.1 .00147 BRTF(91,2)


-12.21 1 .00148 BRTF(91,3)


-12.21 .9 .0011RESRAD, Version 6,5 T< Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 11:45 Page 3Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGLPu239 File : C:\RESRADFAMLY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\PU239 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLPU239.RAD Probabilistic Input (Cont.).6881.594319015.3.00000811.999.0151 .000016 .1365.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999Number NameAAAWA AAAAAPAAAAWAkAAAAAAA 49 B810(91,1) 50 BRTF(92,1) 51 BRTF(92,2) 52 BRTF(92,3) 53 BBIO(92,1)


-6.21 .9 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-7.13 .7 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-7.82 .6 .001 .999LOGNORMAL-N 2.3 1.1ffff333fffffffffffftff ffffffffffff3ff9fff3333333933333333U333

1RESRAD, version 6,5 T- Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 11:45 Page 21Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGLPu239 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\PU239 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLPU239.RAD Peak of the mean dose (averaged over observations) at graphical timesRepetition Time of peak mean dose Peak mean doseYears mrem/yr1 O.OOOE+00 9.358E-01 BARTLETTPage 113 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0Pu-240 Results:1RESRAD, version 6.5 Te Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 11:51 Page 1Summary HB soil DCGLPu240 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\PU240 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLPU240.RAD Table of ContentsAAAA.....AAAAXAA Part I: Mixture Sums and Single Radionuclide Guidelines fffffffff Iffffffffffffffffffilfffffifflffffffffffffffffff Dose Conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter Summary ... 2Site-Specific Parameter Summary ..........................

4Summary of Pathway Selections


8contaminated zone and Total Dose Summary .................

9Total Dose Components Time = O.OOOE+O0


10Time = 1.OOOE+00


11Time = 3.OOOE+00


12Time = 1.00O E+01 ....................................

13Time = 3.OOOE+01


14Time = 1.OOOE+02


15Time = 3.OOOE+02


16Time = i.OOOE+03


17Dose/Source Ratios Summed Over All Pathways


18single Radionuclide Soil Guidelines


18Dose Per Nuclide summed Over All Pathways


19Soil Concentration Per Nuclide 19.... 91RESRAD, version 6.5 T" Limit = 30 days. 11/28/2011 11:51 Page 2Summary : HB soil DCGLPu240 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\Pu240 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLPu240.RAD Dose conversion Factor (and Related)Dose Library:

HB DCGLs Plus FGR0 3Menu 3Parameter A-1 DCF'S for external ground radiation, (mrem/yr)/(pci/g)

A- AC-228 (Source:

FGR 12)A- I Bi-212 (Source:

FGR 12)A-1 Pb-212 (Source:

FGR 12)A-1 Po-212 (Source:

FGR 12)A-1 Po-216 (Source:

FGR 12)A-1 Pu-240 (Source:

FGR 12)A-1 Ra-224 (Source:

FGR 12)A-1 Ra-228 (Source:

FGR 12)A-1 Rn-220 (Source:

FGR 12)A-1 Th-228 (Source:

FGR 12)A-i Th-232 (Source:

FGR 12)A-1 Tl-208 (Source:

FGR 12)A-1 u-236 (Source:

FGR 12)B-i Dose conversion factors for inhalation, mrem/pCi:

B-1 Pu-240B-1 Ra-228+DB-i Th-228+DB-i Th-232B-i u-236D-1 Dose conversion factors for ingestion, mrem/pCi:

D-1 Pu-240D-1 Ra-228+DD-I Th-228+DD-1 Th-232D-1 u-236D-34 Food transfer factors:D-34 Pu-240 plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionl, D-34 Pu-240 beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/kg)/(pci, D-34 Pu-240 milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pCi/

D-34D-34 Ra-228+D olant/soil concentration

ratio, D-34 Ra-228+D beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/kg)/(pCi.

D-34 Ra-228+D milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L) /(pCi/D-34D-34 Th-228+D plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionli D-34 Th-228+D beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/kg)/(pci, D-34 Th-228+D milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L) /(pCi/D-34D-34 Th-232 plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionli D-34 Th-232 beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pci, D-34 Th-232 milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/L) /(pCi/D-34D-34 u-236 plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionl D-34 u-236 beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pci, D-34 u-236 milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/L)/(pCi/i es/dd)ed/dd)/dd1)Parameter Summary12 & FGR 11Current 3 Base 3 Parameter value# c case* t Name5.978E+00 5.978E+00 DCFI( 1)".1,171E+OO 3.171E+00 DCF1( 2)7.043E-01 7.043E-01 DCFl( 3)0.000E+OO O.OOOE+O0 3DCF( 4)1.042E-04 I 1.042E-04 DCFI( 5)1.467E-04 3 1.467E-04 DCFl( 6)5.119E-02 5.i19E-02 DCF1( 7)0.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+O0 DCF1( 8)2. 298E-03 2.298E-03 DCFI( 9)7. 940E-03 7.940E-03 DCFi( 10)5. 212E-04 5.212E-04 DCFI( 11)2.298E+01 2.298E+01 DCFI( 12)2.148E-04 2.148E-04 DCFl( 13)4.290E-01 4.290E-01 DCF2( 1)5.078E-03 4.770E-03 DCF2( 3)3.454E-01 3.420E-01 DCF2( 4)1.640E+00 1.640E+00 DCF2( 5)1.250E-01 1.250E-01 DCF2( 6)3.540E-03 3.540E-03 DCF3( 1)1.442E-03 1.440E-03 DCF3( 3)8.086E-04 3.960E-04 DCF3( 4)2.730E-03 2.730E-03 DCF3( 5)2.690E-04 2.690E-04 DCF3( 6)a 1.830E-03 1.OOOE-03 RTF( 1,1)1.000E-04 1.000E-04 RTF( 1,2)1.000E-06 1.000E-06 RTF( 1,3)S 4. 000E-02 3 4.000E-02 RTF( 3,1)1. 000E-03 1.000E-03 RTF( 3,2)1.0OOE-03 1.000E-03 RTF( 3,3)S 1. OOOE-03 1.OOOE-03 RTF( 4,1)1. OOOE-04 i.OOOE-04 RTF( 4,2)35.00E-O6 5.000E-06 RTF( 4,3)S 1. OOOE-03 1.00OE-03 RTF( 5,1)1.OOOE-04 1.OOOE-04 RTF( 5,2)S. OOOE-06 5.OOO,-06 RTF( 5,3)S 23 500E-03 2.500E-03 RTF( 6,1)3.400E-04 3.400E-04 RTF( 6,2)6. OOOE-04 6.000E-04 RTF( 6,3)1RESRAD, version 6.5 T<c Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 11:51 Page 3Summary : HB soil DCGL-Pu240 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\Pu240 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLPU240.RAD 0 3menu3AA5AAA5AAAAAAAAA"AA D-5 Bioaccumulat D-5 Pu-240 ,D-5 Pu-240D-5D-5 Ra-228+DD-5 Ra-228+0

,D-5D-5 Th-228+DD-5 Th-228+D

,D-5D-5 ' Th-232D-5 Th-232 ,(( BARTLETTiDose Conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter summary (continued)

Dose Library:

HB DCGLS Plus FGR 12 & FGR 113 Current 3 BaseParameter 3 value# I Case*..........................

A4A A " W A AA ion factors, fresh water, L/kg:fish 3.OOOE+01 3.OOOE+01 crustacea and mollusks 1.000E+02 1.OOOE+02 fish 5.000E+01 5.OOOE+01 crustacea and mollusks 2.500E+02 2.500E+02 fish i.OOOE+02 1.000E+02 crustacea and mollusks 5.OOOE+02 5.000E+02 fish 1.OOOE+02 1.OOOE+02 crustacea and mollusks 5.OOOE+02 5.OOOE+02 A3 Parameter NameABAOFAC.A(,A BIOFAC( 1,1):BIOFAC(

1,2)BIOFAC( 3,1)BIOFAC( 3,2)BIOFAC( 4,1)BIOFAC( 4,2)BIOFAC( 5,1)BIOFAC( 5,2)Page 114Page 114 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-003 Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLs Rev. 0D-5 ID-5 u-236 , fish 1.000E+01 l.OOOE+O1 BIOFAC( 6,1)D-5 u-236 , crustacea and mollusks 6.OOOE+01 6.0OOE+O1 BIOFAC( 6,2)#For DCFl(sxx) only, factors are for infinite depth & area. See ETFG table in Ground Pathway of Detailed Report.3Base case means Default.Lib w/o Associate Nuclide contributions.

1RESRAD, Version 6.5 Tc Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 11:51 Page 4Summary : HB soil DCGL_Pu240 File : c:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\Pu240 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLPU240.RAD site-specific Parameter Summary0 3 3 User used by RESRAD .Parameter Menu 3 Parameter Input : Default 3 (If different from user input) 3 Name..AAAA.....A..AA A. ...AAAWA,.AAAAAAAAAAAW"AAAA.AAAAAAAAAAAA.AAAAAAA


AAAAAAAAAAA.AAAAAAAA.AAA R011 Area of contaminated zone (m**2) 3.OOOE+04 1.OOOE+04

--- AREAROll Thickness of contaminated zone (m) 2.670E+00 2.OOOE+OO

--- THICKOR011 Fraction of contamination that is submerged O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO

--- SUBMFRACT R011 Length parallel to aquifer flow (m) 1.950E+02 1.OOOE+O2

--- LCZPAQR011 Basic radiation dose limit (mrem/yr) 2.500E+01 3.00OE+Ol

--- BRDLR011 Time since placement of material (yr) 0.OOOE+0O O.OOOE+00

--- TIROil Times for calculations (yr) 1.OOOE+0O l.OOOE+OO

--- T( 2)R011 Times for calculations (yr) 3.OOOE+OO 3.OOOE+O0

--- T( 3)R011 Times for calculations (yr) 1.OOOE+01 1.OOOE+01

--- T( 4)R011 Times for calculations (yr) 3.000E+01 3.00OE+O1

--- T( 5)Roll Times for calculations (yr) 3 1.OOOE+02 1.000E+02 I --- T( 6)R011 Times for calculations (yr) 3.OOOE+02 3.OOOE+02

--- T( 7)R011 Times for calculations (yr) 1.OOOE+03 1.OOOE+03

--- T( 8)RsOi Times for calculations (yr) not used O.00OE+00

--- T( 9)ROil Times for calculations (yr) not used O.OOOE+O0

--- T(10)R012 Initial principal radionuclide Cpci/g):

Pu-240 1.OOOE+00 O.000E+00

--- Si(1)R012 Concentration in groundwater (pCi/L):

Pu-240 not used 0.0O0E+OO

--- W1( 1)R013 Cover depth (m) O.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+OO

--- COVEROR013 Density of cover material (g/cm**3) not used 1.500E+00

--- DENSCVR013 Cover depth erosion rate (m/yr) not used 1.OOOE-03

--- vCVR013 Density of contaminated zone (g/cm**3) 1.564E+00 1.500E+OO

--- DENSCZR013 Contaminated zone erosion rate (m/yr) 2.200E-03 1.OOOE-03

--- VCZR013 contaminated zone total porosity 4.100E-01 4.OOOE-01

--- TPCZR013 Contaminated zone field capacity 9.500E-02 2.OOOE-01

--- FCCZR013 Contaminated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 3.900E+00 1.OOOE+01 HCCZR013 Contaminated zone b parameter 5.600E+00 5.300E+OO

--- BCZRO13 Average annual wind speed (m/sec) 3.040E+003 2.OOOE+OO

--- WINDR013 Humidity in air (g/m**3) not used 8.000E+OO

--- HUMIDR013 Evapotranspi ration coefficient 3 6.250E-01 5.00OE-Ol

--- EVAPTRR013 Precipitation (m/yr) 9.100E-01 31.0OE+OO

--- PRECIPR013 Irrigation (m/yr) 5.600E-01 2.OOOE-01

--- RIR013 Irrigation mode overhead overhead

--- IDITCHRO13 Runoff coefficient 5.OOOE-01 2.OOOE-Ol

--- RUNOFFR013 watershed area for nearby stream or pond (m**2) 2.520E+07 1.OOoE+06

--- WAREAROI3 Accuracy for water/soil computations 1.000E-03 I.OOOE-03

--- EPSR014 ' Density of saturated zone (g/cm**3) 1.510E+00 1.500E+00

--- DENSAQR014 Saturated zone total porosity 4.300E-01 4.OOOE-01

--- TPSZR014 Saturated zone effective porosity 3.420E-01 2.OOOE-01

--- EPSZR014 Saturated zone field capacity 8.800E-02 I 2.OOOE-01

--- FCSZR014 Saturated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 2.880E+01 1.OOOE+02

--- HCSZR014 saturated zone hydraulic gradient 2.OOOE-03 2.OOOE-02

--- HGWTR014 saturated zone b parameter 7.10OE+00 5.300E+00

--- BSZR014 Water table drop rate (m/yr) 1.000E-03 1.OOOE-03

--- VwTR014 well pump intake depth (m below water table) 1.OOOE+01 l.OOOE+01

--- DWIBwTR014 Model: Nondispersion (ND) or Mass-Balance (MB) NO NO --- MODELR014 well pumping rate (m**3/yr) 1.573E+03 2.500E+02

--- UW1RESRAD, Version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 11:51 Page 5Summary : HB soil DCGLPu240 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\Pu240 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLPU240.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) 0 3 3 user ffused by RESRAD 3 Parameter Menu I Parameter W Input : Default : (if different from user input) 3 NameAJU4dAAAXAAAAAWAA.AAAUUUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKAAKjAýAjýAAAi~AAAAA~

l AA AAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA4AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA R015 Number of unsaturated zone strata 1 1 --- NSR015 Unsat. zone 1, thickness (m) 4.040E+00 4.000E+O0

--- H(1)R015 Unsat. zone 1, soil density (g/cm**3) 1.564E+00 1.500E+OO

--- DENSUZ(1)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, total porosity 4.100E-01 4.000E-01

--- TPUZ(1)R015 Unsat. zone 1, effective porosity 3.150E-01 2.OOOE-01

--- EPUZ(1)R015 Unsat. zone 1, field capacity 9.500E-02 2.OOOE-01

--- FCUZ(1)R015 Unsat. zone 1, soil-specific b parameter 5.600E+OO 5.300E+OO

--- RUZ(1)R015 Unsat. zone 1, hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 3.900E+00 1.OOOE+01

--- HCUZ(1)R016 Distribution coefficients for Pu-240R016 contaminated zone (cm**3/g) 9.S30E+02 2.OOOE+03

--- DCNUCC( 1)R016 unsaturated zone 1 (cm**3/g) 9.530E+02 2.OOOE+03

--- DCNUCU( 1,1)R016 Saturated zone (cm**3/g) 9.530E+02 2.000E+03

--- DCNUCS( 1)R016 Leach rate (/yr) O.OOE+O0 O.OOOE+O0 9.565E-05 ALEACH( 1)R016 solubility constant O.OOOE+O 0.000E+000 not used SOLUBK( 1)R016 Distribution coefficients for daughter Ra-228R016 Contaminated zone (cm**3/g) 3.533E+03 7.000E+01

--- DCNUCC( 3)R016 unsaturated zone 1 (cm**3/g) 3.533E+03 7.OOOE+01

--- DCNUCU( 3,1)R016 Saturated zone (cm**3/g) 3.533E+03 7.OOOE+01

-- DCNUCS( 3)R016 Leach rate (/yr) 0.0000E+0 O.OOOE+O0 2.581E-05 ALEACH( 3)R016 solubility constant O.OO0E+OO O.OOOE+OO not used SOLUBK( 3)R016 Distribution coefficients for daughter Th-228R016 Contaminated zone (cmA*3/g) 5.884E+03 6.OOOE+04

--- DCNUCC( 4)R016 unsaturated zone 1 (cm. 3/g) 5.884E+03 6.000E+04

--- DCNUCU( 4,1)R016 Saturated zone (cm**3/g) 5.884E+03 6.OOOE+04

--- DCNUCS( 4)R016 Leach rate (/yr) O.000E+OO 0.000E+00 1.550E-05 ALEACH( 4)R016 solubility constant.

O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 not used SOLUBK( 4)R016 Distribution coefficients for daughter Th-232R016 Contaminated zone (cm**3/g) 5.884E+03 68O0OE+04

--- DCNUCC( 5)R016 unsaturated zone 1 (cm" 3/g) 5.884E+03 6.OO0E+04


R016 saturated zone (cm**3/g) 5.884E+03 6.000E+04

--- DCNUCS( 5)R016 Leach rate (/yr) O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 1.550E-05 ALEACH( 5)R016 Solubility constant O.00E+00 O.OOOE+0O not used SOLUBK( 5)R016 Distribution coefficients for daughter u-236R016 contaminated zone (cm**3/g) 1.260E+02 5.OOOE+0l

--- DCNUCC( 6)t*ARTLETT Page 115 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0R016 unsaturated zone 1 (cm**3/g) 1.260E+02

' 5.000E+01 R016 Saturated zone (cm**3/g) 1.260E+02

' 5.OOOE+01 R016 Leach rate (/yr) O.OOOE+00

'O.OOOE+O0 R016 Solubility constant O.OOOE+O0 3O.OOOE+O0 R017 Inhalation rate (m**3/yr) 8.400E+03 8.400E+03 R017 Mass loading for inhalation (g/m**3) 1.OOOE-04 1.0OOE-04 R017 Exposure duration I 3.OOOE+01 3 3.OOOE+01 R017 shielding factor, inhalation 5.500E-01 I 4.OOOE-01 R017 shielding factor, external gamma 2.725E-01 3 7.OOOE-01 R017 Fraction of time spent indoors 6.571E-01 5.00OE-01

1RESRAD, version 6.5 Tc Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 11:51 Page 6summary HB soil DCGL_Pu240 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\PU240 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_Pu240.RAD 7.224E-04 not usedDCNUCU( 6,1)DCNUCS( 6)ALEACH( 6)SOLUBK( 6)INHALRMLINHED" SHF3SHF1FIND0 3Menu 3Parameter AAAAAAXAXXX AAA A* XXXXXXXKRAAA.AAAAAAAkAA, R017 Fraction of time spent outdoors R017 Shape factor flag, external gammaR017 Radii of sha e factor array (usedR017 outer annular radius (m), ringR017 outer annular radius (m), ringR017 outer annular radius (m), ringR017 outer annular radius (m), ringR017 outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m). ringR017 outer annular radius (m), ring 1R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 1R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 1R017 Fractions of annular areas withinR017 Ring 1R017 Ring 2R017 Ring 3R017 Ring 4R017 Ring 5R017 Ring 6R017 Ring 7R017 Ring 8R017 Ring 9R017 Ring 10R017 Ring 11R017 Ring 12R018 Fruits, vegetables and grain consuR018 Leafy vegetable consumption (kg/yrR018 Milk consumption (L/yr)R018 Meat and poultry consumption (kg/yR018 Fish consumption (kg/yr)R018 other seafood consumption (kg/yr)R018 soil ingestion rate (g/yr)R018 Drinking water intake (L/yr)R018 Contamination fraction of drinkingR018 contamination fraction of householR018 Contamination fraction of livestocR018 Contamination fraction of irrigatiR018 Contamination fraction of aquaticR018 Contamination fraction of plant foRO18 Contamination fraction of meatR018 Contamination fraction of milkR019 Livestock fodder intake for meat CR019 Livestock fodder intake for milk CR019 Livestock water intake for meat (LiRESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 daSummary : HB soil DCGLPu240 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USE Site-specific Parameter Summary (continued) 3 user used by RESRAD 3 Parameter Input 3 Default : (If different from user input) NameWAAAA~nA~usA~...........AAAA~AAAAAA AAAAAkWAAA&A~AA.A.AA UAAAAAAAn site) 1.181E-01 2.500E-01 3 FOTD1.000E+00 1.OOOE+OO

>0 shows circular AREA. FSif FS = -1):1: not used 5.OOOE+01


1)2: not used 7.071E+01


2)3: not used 0.000E+00


3)4: not used O3 00E+O0 --- RAD.SHAPE(

4)5: not used O..00E+O0


5)6: not used 0.000E+OO


6)7: not used O.OOOE+00


7)8: not used 0.000E+00


8)9: not used O.O00E+OO


9)0: not used O.OO0E+OO 3 RADSHAPE(1O) 1: not used O.OOOE+OO

-RADSHAPE(11) 2: not used O.O0OE+00 3 RADSHAPE(12)

AREA:not used 1.OOOE+OO

-FRACA( 1)not used 2.732E-01

--- FRACA( 2)not used O.OOOE+OO 3 FRACA( 3)not used 0.OOOE+O0 3-- FRACA( 4)not used .0000E+00 3 FRACA( 5)not used O.OOOE+O0

--- FRACA( 6)not used O.OOOE+O0

-- FRACA( 7)not used O.OOOE+OO

--- FRACA( 8)not used 0.O0OE+00

--- FRACA( 9)not used O.OOOE+00

--- FRACA(10) not used O.O0OE+OO

--- FRACA(11) not used O.OOOE+OO

--- FRACA(12) mption (kg/yr) 1.120E+02 1.600E+02

--- DIET(C)I 2.140E+01 1.400E+01

--- DIET(2)2.330E+02 9.200E+01

--- DIET(3)r) 6.510E+01 6.300E+01

--- DIET(4)2.060E+01 5.400E+00 DIET(5)9.OOOE-01 9.000E-01 3 DIET(6)1.826E+01 I 3.650E+01

--- SOIL4.785E+02 5.100E+02

--- DWIwater 1.OO0E+O0 1.OOOE+O0

--- FDWd water not used 1.OOOE+O0

' FHHWk water 1.O0OE+OO 1.OOOE+OO

--- FLWon water 1.OOOE+O0 1.OOOE+OO 3 FIRWfood 1.000E+00 5.000E-O1

--- FR9od ' 1.000E+00 3-1 --- FPLANT1.OOOE+O0

'-1 --- FMEAT1.O00E-+OO

-1 3 FMILK33kg/day) 2.710E+01 3 6.800E+O1

--- LFISkg/day) 6.320E+01 I 5.500E+01 3 LF16/say) 5.060E+01 I 5.OOOE+O1 3 LWI5ys 11/28/2011 11:51 Page 7RFILES\PU240 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_Pu240.RAD site-specific Parameter Summary (continued) user used by RESRAD .Parameter

.3 Inpyt w Default : (If different from user input) 3 Name__W 444 W AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA4AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WAAAAW/day) 6.OOOE+O1 1.600E+02

--- LWI65.OOOE-01 5.000E-01

-LSI(g/m**3) 4.OOOE-04 1.O00E-04

--- MLFD2.300E-01 1.500E-Ol

--- DM1.220E+OO 9.OOOE-O1

--- DROOTd water 1.000E+00 1.O00OE+OO

--- FGwDWnd water not used 1.0OOE+OO

--- FGWHHnd water 1.O00E+O0 1.OOOE+OO

--- FGWLWter 1.000E+O0 31.OOOE+OO

--- FGWIRy (kg/m**2) 1.750E+O0 7.OOOE-O1

--- YV(1)(kg/m**2) 2.889E+00 1.SOOE+OO

--- YV(2)(kg/mkk2) 1.887E+00 31.OOE+OO

--- YV(3)rs) 2.460E-01 1.700E-01

--- TE(1)rs) 1.230E-01 2.500E-01

--- TE(2)rs) 8.200E-02 8.OOOE-02

--- TE(3)y 1.OOOE-01 1.000E-01

--- TIV(1)1.OOOE+O0 1.OOOE+00

--- TIV(2)1.OOOE+00 1.000E+00

--- TIV(3)or Non-Leafy 3.50OE-01 2.500E-013

--- RDRY(1)or Leafy 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

-RDRY(2)or Fodder 3.500E-01 2.SOOE-01

--- RDRY(3)or Non-Leafy 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RWET(1)or Leafy 5.800E-01 2.500E-01

--- RWET(2)or Fodder 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RWET(3)getation 3.300E+01 2.OOOE+01

--- WLAM*3) not used 2.OOOE-05

--- C12WTRsoil (g/g) not used 3.OOOE-02

--- C12CZsoil not used 2.OOOE-02

--- CSOILair not used 9.800E-01

--- CAIRil (m) not used 3.OOOE-01

--- DMCl/sec) not used 7.OOOE-07

--- EVSNi/sec) not used 1.OOOE-10

--- REVSN0MenuR019R019ROigR019R019R019R019R019R019R019R19BR019BR198R19BR19BR19BR19BR19BR19BR19BR19BR19BR19BR19BR19BR19BRi9BC14C14C14C14C14C14C14XAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.


.AAAAAAAAAWAAAAAAAAA Livestock water intake for milk (LLivestock soil intake (kg/day)Mass loading for foliar deposition Depth of soil mixing layer (m)Depth of roots (m)Drinking water fraction from grounHousehold water fraction from grouLivestock water fraction from grouIrrigation fraction from ground wawet weight crop yield for Non-Leafwet weight crop yield for Leafywet weight crop yield for FodderGrowing season for Non-Leafy (yeaGrowing season for Leafy (yeaGrowing season for Fodder (yeaTranslocation Factor for Non-LeafTranslocation Factor for LeafyTranslocation Factor for FodderDry Foliar Interception Fraction fDry Foliar Interception Fraction fDry Foliar Interception Fraction fWet Foliar Interception Fraction fWet Foliar Interception Fraction fWet Foliar Interception Fraction fweathering Removal Constant for veC-12 concentration in water (g/cm*C-12 concentration in contaminated Fraction of vegetation carbon fromFraction of vegetation carbon fromC-14 evasion layer thickness in soC-14 evasion flux rate from soilC-12 evasion flux rate from soil CIARTLETTPage 116 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-003 Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLs Rev. 0C14 Fraction of grain in beef cattle feed not used I8.O0E-01

--- AVFG4C14 Fraction of grain in milk cow feed not used 2.OOOE-01

-AVFG5STOR storage times of contaminated foodstuffs (days):STOR Fruits, non-leafy vegetables, and grain 1.400E+01 1.400E+01

--- STORT(1)STOR Leafy vegetables 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00

--- STORT(2)STOR Milk 1.00OE+00 1.O0OE+00

--- STORT(3)STOR Meat and poultry 2.O0OE+01 2.000E+01

--- STOR.T(4)

STOR Fish I 7.0OOE+00 7.0OOE+00

--- STORT(5)STOR crustacea and mollusks 7.OOOE+00 7.000E+00

--- STORJT(6)

STOR well water 1.000E+00 1.000E+00

--- STORT(7)STOR Surface water 1.000E+00 1.000E+00

--- STOI.T(8)

STOR Livestock fodder 4.500E+01 4.500E+01

--- STOR.T(9)

R021 Thickness of building foundation (i) not used 1.500E-01

--- FLOOR1R021 Bulk density of building foundation (g/cm**3) not used 2.400E+00

--- DENSFL1RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 11:51 Page 8Summary : HB soil DCGL_Pu240 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\Pu240 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLPU240.RAD site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) 0 3 User used by RESRAD 3 Parameter Menu 3 Parameter 3 Input Default 3 (if different from user input) 3 NameR021 3 Total porosity of the cover material not used 4.000E-01

--- TPCVR021 ' Total porosity of the building foundation not used 1.000E-01

--- TPFLR021*. volumetric water content of the cover material not used 5.0005-02

--- PH2OCVR021 volumetric water content of the foundation not used 3.OOOE-02

--- PH2OFLR021 Diffusion coefficient for radon gas (m/sec):R021 in cover material not used 2.OOOE-06

--- DIFCVR021 in foundation material not used 3.000E-07

--- DIFFLR021 in contaminated zone soil not used 2.000E-06

--- DIFCZR021 Radon vertical dimension of mixing (m) not used 2.000E+00

--- HMIXR021 Average building air exchange rate (1/hr) not used 5.000E-01

--- REXGR021 Height of the building (room) (m) not used 2.5005+00

--- HRMR021 Building interior area factor not used 0.O0OE+00

--- FAIR021 Building depth below ground surface (m) not used 3-1.000E+00

--- DMFLR021 Emanating power of Rn-222 gas not used 2.500E-01

--- EMANA(1)R021 Emanating power of Rn-220 gas not used 1.500E-01

--- EMANA(2)TITL Number of graphical time points 32 ...... NPTSTITL Maximum number of integration points for dose 17 --- --- LYMAXTITL I Maximum number of integration points for risk 1 1 3 7 --- i..KYMAXSummary of Pathway selections Pathway 3 user Selection

-- external gamma 3 active2 inhalation (w/o radon)3 active3 plant ingestion active-- meat ingestion activeS milk ingestion active6 aquatic foods active7 drinking water active8 soil ingestion active9 -- radon suppressed Find peak pathway doses activetftttdffI+/-+/-+/-+/-ttddfifffflttflttlffifffffffftiiffff

IRESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 11:51 Page 9Summary : HB soil DCGLPu240 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\Pu240 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_Pu240.RAD Contaminated zone Dimensions Initial soil concentrations, pCi/gA AAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Area: 30000.00 square meters Pu-240 1.000E+O0 Thickness:

2.67 meterscover Depth: 0.00 meters1RESRAD, Version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 11:51 Page 1Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGL_Pu240 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\PU240 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_Pu240.RAD Table of Contents"AAAAAA.AAAAAAA Part VI: Uncertainty AnalysisORESRAD Uncertainty Analysis ResultsProbabilistic Input .................................

2Total Dose ..........................................

4Total Risk ..........................................

5Dose vs Pathway:

'Ground External


6Dose vs Pathway:

Inhalation (w/o Radon) ............

7Dose vs Pathway:

Radon (water Ind.) ................

8Dose vs Pathway:

Plant (water Ind.) ................

9Dose vs Pathway:

Meat (water Ind.) ................

10Dose vs Pathway:

Milk (water Ind.) ................

11Dose vs Pathway:

Soil Ingestion


12Dose vs Pathway:

water Ingestion


13Dose vs Pathway:

Fish Ingestion


14Dose vs Pathway:

Radon (water Dep.) ................

15Dose vs Pathway:

Plant (water Dep.) ................

16Dose vs Pathway:

Meat (water Dep.) ................

17Dose vs Pathway:

Milk (water Dep.) ................

18cumulative Probability Summary .......................

19Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 1 ... 20Peak of the mean dose at graphical times .............

21Correlation and Regression coefficients (if any) ..... 221RESRAD, Version 6.5 T.n Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 11:51 Page 2Probabilistic results summary : HR soil DCGL_Pu240 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\Pu240 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL-PU240.RAD Probabilistic Input0Number of samnle Runs: 2000Number Name Distribution Parameters JBARTLETT Page 117 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-003 Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLs Rev. 0AAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAA AAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 1 DENSCZ BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5635 .2385 .827 2.32 TPCZ BOUNDED NORMAL .41 .09 .1319 .68813 HCCZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.36 2.17 .00478 31904 BCZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.73 .323 2.08 15.35 EVAPTR UNIFORM .5 .756 RI UNIFORM .36 .767 DENSAQ BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5105 .1855 .937 2.0848 TPSZ BOUNDED NORMAL .43 .0699 .214 .6469 EPSZ BOUNDED NORMAL .342 .0705 .124 .5610 HCSZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N

.362 1.59 .0106 19511 BSZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.96 .265 3.02 15.512 DWIBWT TRIANGULAR 6 10 3013 UW UNIFORM 1173 197314 H(1) UNIFORM 0 8.0815 DENSUZ(1)

BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5635 .2385 .827 2.316 TPUZ(1) BOUNDED NORMAL .41 .09 .1319 .688117 EPUZ(1) BOUNDED NORMAL .315 .0905 .0349 .59418 HCUZ(1) BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.36 2.17 .00478 319019 BUZ(1) BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.73 .323 2.08 15.320 MLINH CONTINUOUS LINEAR 8 0 0 .000008 .0151 .000016 .1365.00003 .8119 .00004 .9495 .00006 .9937 .000076 .9983 .0001 121 SHF3 UNIFORM .15 .9522 SHF1 BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N

-1.3 .59 .044 123 DM TRIANGULAR 0 .15 .624 YV(1) TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

.56 .48 .001 .99925 WLAM TRIANGULAR 5.1 18 8426 RWET(2) TRIANGULAR

.06 .67 .9527 DCACTC(1)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 6.86 1.89 .001 .99928 DCACTU1(1)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL 6.86 1.89 .001 .99929 DCACTS(1)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 6.86 1.89 .001 .99930 DCACTC(3)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 8.17 1.7 .001 .99931 DCACTU1(3)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 8.17 1.7 .001 .99932 DCACTS(3)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 8.17 1.7 .001 .99933 DCACTC(4)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 8.68 3.62 .001 .99934 DCACTU1(4)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 8.68 3.62 .001 .99935 DCACTS(4)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 8.68 3.62 .001 .99936 DCACTC(5)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 8.68 3.63 .001 .99937 DCACTUI(5)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 8.68 3.62 .001 .99938 DCACTS(5)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 8.68 3.62 .001 .99939 DCACTC(6)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 4.84 3.13 .001 .99940 DCACTU1(6)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 4.84 3.13 .001 .99941 DCACTS(6)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 4.84 3.13 .001 .99942 BRTF(94,2)


-9.21 .2 .001 .99943 BRTF(94,3)


-13.82 .5 .001 .99944 BBIO(94,1)

LOGNORMAL-N 3.4 1.145 BRTF(88,1)


-3.22 .9 .001 .99946 BRTF(88,2)


-6.91 .7 .001 .99947 BRTF(88,3)


-6.91 .5 .001 .99948 BBIO(88,1)

LOGNORMAL-N 3.9 1.11RESRAD, version 6.5 T<' Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 11:51 Page 3Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGLPu240 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\PU240 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL-PU240.RAD Probabilistic Input (cont.)Number Name Distribution Parameters A4 AAARATF(,1TAAAA RU NCATED4ALNRAAA

-6.91 A9 A .001 A99949 BRTF(90,1)


-6.91 .9 .001 .99950 BRTF(90,2)


-9.21 9 .001 .99951 BRTF(90,3)


-12.21 .9 ,001 .99952 BBIO(90,1)

LOGNORMAL-N 4.6 1.153 BRTF(92,1)


-6.21 .9 .001 .99954 BRTF(92,2)


-7.13 .7 .001 .99955 BRTF(92,3)


-7.82 .6 .001 .99956 BBIO(92,1)

LOGNORMAL-N 2.3 1.1IRESRAD, version 6.5 T<< Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 11:51 Page 21Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGLPu240 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\PU240 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLPU240.RAD Peak of the mean dose (averaged over observations) at graphical timesRepetition Time of peak mean dose Peak mean doseYears mrem/yr1 0.OOOE+00 9.357E-01 tEA RTLETT Page 118q. BARTLETTPage 118 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0Pu-241 Results:1RESRAD, Version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 11:59 Page 1Summary HB soil DCGL_Pu241 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\PU241 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLPU241.RAD Table of ContentsAAAAAAAAAAAA Part I: Mixture Sums and single Radionuclide Guidelines Dose Conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter Summary ... 2Site-Specific Parameter Summary .............................

4Summary of Pathway Selections


8Contaminated zone and Total Dose Summary .................

9Total Dose Components Time = O O00E+00.........................................

10Time = 1.O0 E+00.........................................

11Time = 3.OOOE+00


12Time = 1.O00E+O1


13Time = 3.000E 1+0 ........................................

14Time = 1.000E+02


15Time = 3.OOOE+02


16Time = 1.OOOE+03


17Dose/source Ratios Summed over All Pathways.


18Single Radionuclide Soil Guidelines


18Dose Per Nuclide Summed over All Pathways


19soil Concentration Per Nuclide .... 91RESRAD, version 6.5 T<< Limit = 30 days. 1ii/28/2011 11:59 Page 2Summary : HB soil DCGL_Pu241 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\Pu241 DCGL\HB SOIL OCGL_PU241.RAD Dose Conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter SummaryDose Library:

HB DCGLS Plus FGR 12 & FGR 110 Current Base Parameter Menu Parameter value# Case* NameAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAA AAAWAAAAA AAA44AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA4AAAAAAAA.AA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AAAAAA A-1 DCF'S for external ground radiation, (mrem/yr)/(pCi/g)

A-1 AC-225 (Source:

FGR 12) 6.371E-02 6.371E-02 DCF1( 1)A-1 Am-241 (Source:

FGR 12) 4.372E-02 4.372E-02 DCF1( 2)A-1 At-217 (Source:

FGR 12) 1.773E-03 1.773E-03 DCF1( 3)A-1 Bi-213 (Source:

FGR 12) 7.660E-01 I 7.660E-01 3 DCF1( 4)A-1 Fr-221 (Source:

FGR 12) 1.536E-01 1.536E-01 DCF1( 5)A-1 Np-237 (Source:

FGR 12) 7.790E-02 7.790E-02 DCF1( 6)A-1 Pa-233 (Source:

FGR 12) 1.020E+00 1.020E+00 DCF1( 7)A-1 Pb-209 (Source:

FGR 12) 7.734E-04 7.734E-04 DCF1( 8)A-1 Po-213 (Source:

FGR 12) O.OOE+00 0.OOOE+00 DCF1( 9)A-1 Pu-241 (Source:

FGR 12) 5.904E-06 5.904E-06 DCF1( 10)A-1 3 Ra-225 (Source:

FGR 12) 1.102E-02 I 1.102E-02 DCFl( 11)A-1 Th-229 (Source:

FGR 12) 3.213E-01 3.213E-01 DCFl( 12)A-1 TI-209 (Source:

FGR 12) 1.293E+01 1.293E+01 DCFl( 13)A-1 u-233 (Source:

FGR 12) 1.397E-03 1.397E-03 DCF1( 14)A-1 u-237 (Source:

FGR 12) 5.306E-01 5.306E-01 DCF1( 15)B-1 Dose conversion factors for inhalation, mrem/pci:

B-1 Am-241 4.440E-01 4.4405-01 DCF2( 1)B-1 Np-237+D 51400E-01 5.400E-01 DCF2( 2)B-1 Pu-241 8.250E-03 8.250E-03 DCF2( 3)B-1 Pu-241+D 8.254E-03 8.250E-03 3 DCF2( 4)B-1 Th-229+D 2.169E+00 2.150E+00 DCF2( 5)B-1 u-233 1.350E-01 1.350E-01 DCF2( 6)D-1 Dose conversion factors for ingestion, mrem/pCi:

D-1 Am-241 3.640E-03 3.640E-03 DCF3( 1)D-1 Np-237+D 4.444E-03 4.440E-03 DCF3( 2)D-1 Pu-241 6.840E-05 6.840E-05 DCF3( 3)D-1 Pu-241+D 7.157E-05 6.840E-05 DCF3( 4)D-1 Th-229+D 4.027E-03 3.530E-03 DCF3( 5)D-1 u-233 2.890E-04 2.890E-04 DCF3( 6)D-34 Food transfer factors:D-34 Am-241 plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 1.830E-03 1.OOOE-03 RTF( 1,I)D-34 3 Am-241 beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/kg)/(pci/d) 5.000E-05' 5.OO0E-053 RTF( 1,2)D-34 3Am-241 milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L) /(pCi/d) 2.OOOE-06 2.OOOE-06 RTF( 1,3)D-34ID-34 Np-237+D plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 3.670E-02 2.OOOE-02 RTF( 2,1)D-34 ' Np-237+D beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pci/d) 1.0005-03 I 1.OO0E-03 RTF( 2,2)D-34 Np-237+D milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pCi/d) 3 5.000E-06 5.OOOE-06 RTF( 2,3)D-343D-34 Pu-241 plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 1.830E-03 1.000E-03 RTF( 3,1)D-34 Pu-241 beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pCi/d) 1.OOOE-04 1.000E-04 RTF( 3,2)D-34 Pu-241 milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pci/d) 1.000E-06 1.000E-06 RTF( 3,3)D-34D-34 Pu-241+D plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 1.830E-03 1.OOOE-03 RTF( 4,1)D-34 Pu-241+D beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/kg)/(pCi/d) 1.OOOE-04 1.OOOE-04 RTF( 4,2)0-34 Pu-241+D milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pCi/d) 1.000E-06 1.OOOE-06 RTF( 4,3)D-34 I1RESRAD, version 6.5 T<. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 11:59 Page 3Summary : HB soil DCGLPu241 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\PU241 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLPU241.RAD Dose conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter summary (continued)

Dose Library:

HB DCGLS Plus FGR 12 & FGR 110 Current I Base 3 Parameter Menu Parameter value# Caset NameAAAAAAA AA. X AAWAAWWWAAAAAAAA WAwAXXK AA AA p.AA~uA1.A AA.A..AAAAA D-34 Th-229+D

, plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 1.000E-03 1.OOOE-03 RTF( 5,1)D-34 Th-229+D beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/kg)/(pCi/d) 1.OOOE-04 1.OOOE-04 RTF( 5,2)D-34 Th-229+D milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pCi/d) 5.OOOE-06 5.OOOE-06 RTF( 5,3)D-34ID-34 u-233 , plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 2.500E-03 2.500E-03 RTF( 6,1)D-34 u-233 beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/kg)/(pCi/d) 3.400E-04 3.400E-04 RTF( 6,2)D-34 u-233 milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L /(pci/d) 6.OOOE-04 6.000E-04 RTF( 6,3)D-5 Bioaccumulation

factors, fresh water, L/kg:D-5 Am-241 , fish 3.000E+01 3.000E+01 BIOFAC( 1,1)D-5 Am-241 , crustacea and mollusks 1.OOOE+03 1.OOOE+03 BIOFAC( 1,2)D-5t BARTLETTPage 119 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0D-5 3 Np-237+D fish 3.OOO+01 3.OOOE+O1 BIOFAC( 2,1)D-5 Np-237+D crustacea and mollusks 4.OOOE+02 4.OOOE+02 BIOFAC( 2,2)D-5 3D-5 Pu-241 fish 3.OOOE+01 3.O0OE+O1 BIOFAC( 3,1)D-5 Pu-241 crustacea and mollusks 1.OO0E+02 1.000E-+02 BIOFAC( 3,2)D-5D-5 Pu-241+D fish 3.0OOE+01 3.OOOE+01 BIOFAC( 4,1)o-5 Pu-241+D crustacea and mollusks 1.OOOE+02 1.OOOE+02 BIOFAC( 4,2)D-53D-5 Th-229+D fish 1.OOOE+02 1.OOOE+02 BIOFAC( 5,1)D-5 Th-229+D crustacea and mollusks 5.OO0E+02 5.OOOE+02 BIOFAC( 5,2).D-5D-5 u-233 fish l.000E+01 1.OOOE+Ol BIOFAC( 6,1)D-5 u-233 crustacea and mollusks 6.00OE+013 6.OOOE+Ol BIOFAC( 6,2)#For DCFI(xxx) only, factors are for infinite depth & area. see ETFG table in Ground Pathway of Detailed Report.*Base Case means Default.Lib w/o Associate Nuclide contributions.
IRESRAD, version 6.5 T<< Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 11:59 Page 4Summary : HB soil DCGLPu24l File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\Pu241 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_Pu24l.RAD site-specific Parameter Summary0 3 3 User 3menm Parameter

.input 3 Default4A AAAAXX 4 A AAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA R011 Area of contaminated zone (m**2) 3.OOOE+04 1.OOOE+04 R011 Thickness of contaminated zone (m) 2.670E+00 2.OOOE+00 R011 Fraction of contamination that is submerged 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 R011 Length parallel to aquifer flow (m) 1.950E+02 1.OOOE+02 R011 Basic radiation dose limit (mrem/yr) 2.500E+Ol 3.OOOE+01 R011 Time since placement of material (yr) 0.O0OE+0O O.OOOE+OO Roll Times for calculations (yr) l.000E+OO l.00OE+OO Roll Times for calculations (yr) 3.000E+OO 3.OOOE+OO Roll Times for calculations (yr) 3l.OE+Ol l.O00E+O1 Roll Times for calculations (yr) 3.0001+01 3.OOOE+Ol Roll Times for calculations (yr) l.OOOE+02 1.OOOE+02 ROll Times for calculations (yr) 3.OOOE+02 3.OO0E+02 Roll Times for calculations (yr) 1.OOOE+03 1.OOOE+03 Roll Times for calculations (yr) not used O.O00OE+OO Roll Times for calculations (yr) not used O.OOOE+O0 R012 Initial principal radionuclide (pci/g):

Pu-241 1.000E+OO O.O0OE+OO R012 Concentration in groundwater (pCi/L):

Pu-241 not used O.O00E+-iO0 R013 Cover depth (m) O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+O0 R013 Density of cover material (g/cm**3) not used 1.500E+00 R013 Cover depth erosion rate (m/yr) not used 1.000E-03 R013 Density of contaminated zone (g/cm*t3) 1.564E+0o0 1.500E+OO R013 Contaminated zone erosion rate (m/yr) 2.200E-03 1.OOOE-03 R013 Contaminated zone total porosity 4.lOOE-O1 4.OOOE-0l R013 Contaminated zone field capacity 9.500E-02 2.0OOO-0l R013 Contaminated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 3.900E+00 l.OOE+OlR013 Contaminated zone b parameter 5.600E+OO 5.300E+00 R013 Average annual wind speed (m/sec) 3.040E+00 2.OOO+00R013 Humidity in air (g/m**3) not used 8.OOOE+00 R013 Evapotranspiration coefficient 6.250E-01 5.0001-01 R013 Precipitation (m/yr) 9.100E-01 l.0OOE+OO R013 Irrigation (m/yr) 5.600E-01 2.OOOE-Ol R013 Irrigation mode overhead overheadR013 Runoff coefficient 5.000E-0l 2.000-Ol3 R013 watershed area for nearby stream or pond (m*32) 2.520E+07 31.OOO+06 R013 Accuracy for water/soil computations 1.OOOE-03 1.OOOE-03 ROI4 Density of saturated zone (g/cm**3) 1.510E+00 1.500E+00 R014 Saturated zone total porosity 4.300E-01 4.OOOE-O1 R014 Saturated zone effective porosity 3.420E-Ol 2.000E-O1 R014 Saturated zone field capacity 8.800E-02 2.OOOE-Ol R014 Saturated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 2.880E+01 1.OOOE+02 R014 Saturated zone hydraulic gradient 2.OOOE-03 2.OOOE-02 R014 Saturated zone b parameter 7.100E+00 5.300E+00 R014 water table drop rate (m/yr) 1.OOOE-03 1.OOOE-03 R014 well pump intake depth (m below water table) 1.000E+01 1.OOOE+01 R014 Model: Nondispersion (ND) or Mass-Balance (MB) ND NDR014 well pumping rate (m**3/yr) 1.573E+03 2.500E+02

1RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 11:59 Page 5summary : HB soil DCGL_Pu24l File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\Pu241 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_Pu24l.RAD used by RESRAD 3 Parameter (If different from user input) 3 Name3 AREA-THICKO--- SUBMFRACT 3 LCZPAQ3 BRDL3 TI--T( 2)3 T( 3)3 T( 4)3 T( 5)T( 6)3 T( 7)3 T( 8)3 T( 9)3 T(IO)3 sl(3)3 wl( 3): COVERO3 DENSCV3 DENSCZI vcz3 TPCZ--FCCZ3 HCCZ--- BCZWIND3 HUMIDEVAPTR3 PRECIPRI--- IDITCHRUNOFF--- WAREAEPS--- DENSAQTPSZ3 EPSZ-FCSZ--- HCSZ3- HGWT3- BSZHOAT--- DWIBW'r3 MODELI uWAAA0menu 3site-specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User 3 used by RESRAD 3 Parameter Parameter 3 Input Default I (If different from user input) 3 NameAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA R015R015IR015IR015IR015IR015IR0153R0153R016IR016IR016IR0163R0163ROl6R016R016ROI6R016R016R016R016R016R016R016R016R016R0168016Number of unsaturated zone strataunsat. zone 1, thickness (m)unsat. zone 1, soil density (g/cm**3) unsat. zone 1, total porosityunsat. zone 1, effective porosityunsat. zone 1, field capacityunsat. zone 1, soil-specific b parameter unsat. zone 1, hydraulic conductivity (m/yr)Distribution coefficients for Pu-241contaminated zone (cm**3/g) unsaturated zone 1 (cm**3/g) saturated zone (cm**3/g)

Leach rate (/yr)solubility constantDistribution coefficients for daughter Am-241Contaminated zone (cm*-3/g) unsaturated zone 1 (cm**3/g)

Saturated zone (cm**3/g)

Leach rate (/yr)solubility constantDistribution coefficients for daughter Np-237contaminated zoneo(cm**3/g) unsaturated zone 1 (cm**3/g) saturated zone (cm**3/g)

Leach rate (/vr)31 314.040E+00 4.0OOE+OO 1.564E+00 1.500E+OO 4.100E-0l 4.OOOE-01 3.150E-Ol 2.0OOE-Ol g9.500E-02 2.OOOE-Ol 5.6005+00 5.3005+00 3.900E+00 1.000E+01 9.530E+02 2.OO0E+03 9.530E+02 2.0OOE+03 9.530E+02 2.OOOE+03 O.O00E+0O O.O+00E+O O.OE+OO+0 O.OOOE+O0 1.200E+04 2.OOOE+01 1.445E+03 2.000E+01 1.445E+03 2.000E+01 0.000E+0O 0.000E+OO O.OOOE+O0 O.O00E+OO 1.700E+01

_-l.000E+OO 1.700E+01

'-1.000E+OO 1.700E+01

'-l.OOOE+O0 A nnnfrnn 3 nA An nn 39. 565E-05not used7.5g98E-06 not used5.294E-03 NSH(1)" DENSUZ(l)

" TPUZ(l)" EPUZ(l)FCUZ(l)BtBUZ(1)" HCUZ(1)" DCNUCC( 3)DCNUCU( 3,1)DCNUCS( 3)ALEACH( 3)SOLUBK( 3)" DCNUCC( 1)DCNUCU( 1,1)" DCNUCS( 1)ALEACH( 1)" SOLUBK( 1)" DCNUCC( 2)DCNUCU( 2,1)DCNUCS( 2)ALEACH( 2).RTLETTPage 120 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0R016 solubility constant O.O00E+OO O.O00E+OO R016 Distribution coefficients for daughter Th-229R016 Contaminated zone (cm **3/g) 5.884E+03 6.OOOE+04 ROE6 unsaturated zone 1 (cm**3/g) 5.884E+03 6.000E+04 R016 saturated zone (cm**3/g) 5.884E+03 6.O0OE+04 R016 Leach rate (/yr) O.O00E+O0.000E+00 R016 solubility constant O.000E+O0 O.O00E+00 R016 Distribution coefficients for daughter u-233R016 Contaminated zone (cm**3/g) 1.260E+02 5.OOOE+01 R016 unsaturated zone 1 (cm**3/g) 1.260E+02 5.000E+01 R016 saturated zone (cm**3/g) 1.260E+02 5.000E+01 R016 Leach rate (/yr) 0.O00E+03 O.OOOE+O0 R016 solubility constant O.OOOE+OO O.O00E+OO R017 Inhalation rate (m**3/yr) 8.400E+03 8.400E+03 R017 Mass loading for inhalation (g/m**3) 1.OOOE-04 1.OOOE-04 R017 Exposure duration 3.000E+01 3.000E+01 R017 shielding factor, inhalation 5.500E-01 4.OOOE-01 R017 shielding factor, external gamma 2.725E-01 7.00OE-01 R017 Fraction of time spent indoors 6.571E-01 5.OOOE-O1

1RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 11:59 Page 6Summary HB soil DCGL_Pu241 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\Pu241 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_Pu241.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) 0 3 userMenu 3 Parameter 3 Input 3 Default : (IfAAAAAAAA AAAAW AAAAAAAAAAA.I..


AAAAAAAA.AAAkAJAAAAAAAAA U WAAAAAR017 Fraction of time spent outdoors (on site) 1.181E-01 2.500E-01 R017 shape factor flag, external gamma 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00 RO7 Radii of shape factor array (used if FS = -1):R017 outer annular radius (m), ring 1: not used 5.000E+01 R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 2: not used 3 7.071E+01 3R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 3: not used O.O00E+OO ROl7 Outer annular radius (m), ring 4: not used O.OOOE+4O' R017 outer annular radius (m), ring 5: not used 0.O00E+00 R017 outer annular radius (m) ring 6: not used O.OOOE+O0 R017 outer annular radius (m), ring 7: not used O.OOOE+O0 R017 Outer annular radius (m) ring 8: not used O.OOOE+00 R017 Outer annular radius (m) ring 9: not used 0.OO0E+OO R017 Outer annular radius (m) ring 10: not used O.OOOE+O0 R017 Outer annular radius (m) ring 11: not used O.OOOE+O0 R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 12: not used O.OOOE+00 ROl7 Fractions of annular areas within AREA:R017 Ring 1 not used 1.OOOE+00 R017 Ring 2 not used 2.732E-01 R017 Ring 3 not used O.OOOE+OO R017 Ring 4 not used O.OOOE+O0 R017 Ring 5 not used O.OOOE+O0 R017 Ring 6 not used O.OOOE+OO R017 Ring 7 not used O.OOOE+O0 R017 Ring 8 not used O.OOOE+O0 R017 Ring 9 not used O.O00E+0O R017 Ring 10 not used O.OOOE+00 R017 Ring 11 not used O.OOOE+0O R017 Ring 12 not used O.OOOE+O0 R018 Fruits, vegetables and grain consumption (kg/yr) 1.120E+02 1.600E+02 R018 Leafy vegetable consumption (kg/yr) 2.140E+01 1.400E+01 R018 Milk consumption (L/yr) I 2.330E+02 9.200E+01 R018 Meat and poultry consumption (kg/yr) 6.510E+01 6.300E+01 R018 Fish consumption (kg/yr) 2.060E+01 5.400E+O0 R018 Other seafood consumption (kg/yr) 9.000E-01 9.OOOE-01 R018 soil ingestion rate (g/yr) 1.826E+01 3.650E+01 R018 Drinking water intake (L/yr) 4.785E+02 5.100E+02 R018 contamination fraction of drinkinq water 1.OOOE+0O 1.OOOE+OO R018 Contamination fraction of household water not used 1.OOOE+OO R018 Contamination fraction of livestock water 1.OOOE+O0 1.O0OE+OO R018 Contamination fraction of irrigation water 1.OOOE+O0

' 1.O00E+OO R018 Contamination fraction of aquatic food 1.000E+00O3 5.OOOE-01 R018 Contamination fraction of plant food 1.OOOE+00

'-1R018 Contamination fraction of meat 1.000E+O0

'-1R018 contamination fraction of milk 1.000E+00

-1R019 Livestock fodder intake for meat (kg/day) 2.710E+01 I 6.800E+01 R019 Livestock fodder intake for milk (kg/day) 6.320E+01 I 5.500E+01 R019 Livestock water intake for meat (L/day) 5.060E+01 I 5.OOOE+O1
1RESRAD, Version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 11:59 Page 7Summary : HR soil DCGLPu241 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\PU241 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_PU241.RAD not used1.550E-05 not used7.224E-04 not usedSOLUBK( 2)DCNUCC( 5)DCNUCU( 5,1)DCNUCS( 5)ALEACH( 5)SOLUBK( 5)3 DCNUCC( 6)DCNUCU( 6.1)DCNUCS( 6)ALEACH( 6)SOLUBK( 6)INHALRMLINHEDSHF3SHF1FINDused by RESRAD 3 Parameter different from user input) 3 NameWAAAAWAAAAA AA AAAAkAAA AA.AA. AAAAAAFOTD>0 shows circular AREA. FSR PAD-SHAPE(








9)3- RADSHAPE(10) 3 RADSHAPE(11)

... ADSHAPE(12) 3 FRACA( 1)3 FRACA( 2)3 FRACA( 3)3 FRACA( 4)3 FRACA( 5)3 FRACA( 6)3 FRACA( 7)3 FRACA( 8)-FRACA( 9)3 FRACA(1O) 3 FRACA(11)


DIET(l)DIET(2)DIET(3)--DIET(4)3 DIET(5)' DIET(6)3 SOIL3 DWI3- FDW3 FHHW3- FLW3- FIRW3- FR93 FPLANT-FMEAT--FMILK3 LFI53 LFI63 LWI50Menu.Parmeter AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA R019 Livestock water intake for milk (LR019 Livestock soil intake (kg/day)R019 Mass loading for foliar deposition R019 Depth of soil mixing layer (m)R019 Depth of roots (m)R019 Drinkino water fraction from groundR019 Household water fraction from grouiR019 Livestock water fraction from grouiR019 Irrigation fraction from ground waR19B Wet weight crop yield for Non-Leaf:

R19B wet weight crop yield for LeafyR19B wet weight crop yield for FodderR19B Growing Season for Non-Leafy (yeaR19B Growing Season for Leafy (yeaR19B Growing season for Fodder (yeaR19B Translocation Factor for Non-Leaf:

R19B Translocation Factor for LeafyR19B Translocation Factor for FodderR9B3 Dry Foliar Interception Fraction fiR19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction f1R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction f1R19B wet Foliar Interception Fraction fiý .BSARTLETT site-specific Parameter Summary (continued) 3 User 3 used by RESRADInput Default (If different from user input)/day) 6.OOOE+01 1.600E+02

---5.OOOE-01 5.OOOE-01

---(g/m**3) 4.OOOE-04 1.OOOE-04

---2.300E-01 31500E-01

---1.220E+00 9.OOOE-Ol

---d water 1.OOOE+O0 1.OOOE+O3

---nd water not used 1.OO0E+O

-nd water 1.OOOE+O0 1.000E+O0 3ter 1.OOOE+O0 1.OOOE+O0

---y (kg/m**2) 1.7SOE+O0 7.OOOE-01 (kg/m**2) 2.889E+00 1.500E+00 (kg/m**2) 1.887E+00 1.100E+00

---rs) 2.460E-01 1.700E-01

-rs) I1.230E-01 2.500E-01

---rs) 8.200E-02 8.OOOE-02

---y 1.OOOE-01 1.OOOE-01

---1.OOOE+O0 1.OOOE+O0

---1.OOOE+O0 1.OOOE+O0

---or Non-Leafy 3.500E-013 2.500E-01

---or Leafy 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

---or Fodder 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

---or Non-Leafy 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

---A3 Parameter 3 NameL&AAAAAAAAAAA 3 LWI6LSIMLFD3DM0DROOT3FGWDW3 FGWHH3 FGWLWFGWIR3 YV(1)Yv(2)xv(3)TE(1)TE(2)TE(3)TIV(1)TIV(2)TIV(3)" RDRY(1)RDRY(2)" RDRY(3)" RWET(1)LAAPage 121Page 121 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0R19B wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy 5.800E-01 2.500E-01 R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder 3.500E-01 3 2.500E-01 R19B weathering Removal Constant for vegetation a 3.300E+01 2.000E+01 C14 3 C-12 concentration in water (g/cm**3) not used a 2.000E-05 C14 C-12 concentration in contaminated soil (g/g) S not used 3.000E-02 C14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from soil not used 2.OOOE-02 C14 3 Fraction of vegetation carbon from air not used a 9.800E-01 C14 C-14 evasion layer thickness in soil (m) not used a 3.000E-01 C14 C-14 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) a not used 7.000E-07 C14 C-12 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) a not used 1.000E-10 C14 Fraction of grain in beef cattle feed a not used 8.000E-01 C14 Fraction of grain in milk cow feed a not used a 2.OOOE-01 STOR storage times of contaminated foodstuffs (days):STOR Fruits, non-leafy vegetables, and grain a 1.400E+01 1.400E+01 aSTOR Leafy vegetables a 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00 STOR Milk a 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00 aSTOR Meat and poultry a 2.000E+01 2.000E+01 aSTOR Fish a 7.OOOE+00 a 7.000E+0O STOR crustacea and mollusks a 7000E+00 a 7.000E+00 STOR well water a 1.000E+00 1.oooE+OO STOR surface water 1.000E+00 1.000+E+0 STOR Livestock fodder 4.500E+01 4.500E+01 R021 Thickness of building foundation (m) a not used 1.500E-01 R021 Bulk density of building foundation (g/cm**3) not used 2.400E+00

1RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 11:59 Page 8Summary : HB soil DCGLPu241 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\Pu241 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_Pu241.RAD a RWET(2)RWET(3)WLAMc12WTRcl2czCSOILCAIRDMCEVSNREVSNAVFG4AVFG5STORT(1)STORT(2)STORT(3)STOK._T(4)



STORT(8)STORT (9)FLOORI3 DENSFLsite-specific Parameter Summary (continued) 0 a a User 3 used by RESRAD 3 Parameter Menu a Parameter a Input a Default : (If different from user input) 3 NameAAiAAAAAA.

AKKK. XAAAAAASAAAAAAa&4WAKAAAAAAPAA.44K AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 5.AXAW AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA R021 a Total porosity of the cover material a not used a 4.OOOE-01 a TPCVR021 3 Total porosity of the building foundation a not used 1.000E-01

--- TPFLR021 a volumetric water content of the cover material not used 5.OOOE-02

--- PH2ocVR021 volumetric water content of the foundation a not used 3.000E-02

--- PH2OFLR021 Diffusion coefficient for radon gas (m/sec):

aR021 in cover material not used a 2.000E-06

--- DIFCVR021 in foundation material not used 3.000E-07

--- DIFFLR021 in contaminated zone soil not used 2.000E-06

--- .DIFCZR021 a Radon vertical dimension of mixing (m) a not used a 2.000E+00

--- HMIXR021 3 Average building air exchange rate (1/hr) a not used a 5.000E-01

--- REXGR021 3 Height of the building (room) (m) a not used a 2.500E+00

--- HRMR021 Building interior area factor not used O.O00E+OO

--- FAIR021 Building depth below ground surface (m) a not used 5-1.OOOE+00 a DMFLR021 a Emanating power of Rn-222 gas 3 not used a 2.500E-01

--- EMANA(1)R021 Emanating power of Rn-220 gas not used a 1.500E-01

--- EMANA(2)TITL S Number of graphical time points 32 S .a.a.NPTSTITL 3 Maximum number of integration points for dose 17 a a LYMAXTITL 3 Maximum number of integration points for risk S 1 ..a.a KYMAX6+/-+/-+/-i fffff II+/-I666 ii3+/- Z IfI+/- tftIffftffifflittfttltIttiif ittttttttttttt+/-fi+/-+/-Y ii i i i fffffffi ffii ffifififffffllfIIIttf ifffSummary of Pathway selections user Selection AAWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAA.

1-- external gamma active2 inhalation (w/o radon)a active3-- plant ingestion active4 meat ingestion active5 milk ingestion active6 aquatic foods active7 drinking water active8 -- soil ingestion active9-- radon 3 suppressed Find peak pathway doses a activefffffffiiififffffffffffttttifiifiiff fftifftfitltf

iRESRAD, version 6.5 T< Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 11:59 Page 9Summary : HR soil DCGLPu241 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\Pu241 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_Pu241.RAD contaminated zone Dimensions AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAArea: 30000.00 square metersThickness:

2.67 meterscover Depth: 0.00 metersInitial soil concentrations,..pi./g AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAA AAAPu-241 1.OOOE+00

iRESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 11:59 Page 1Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGL_Pu241 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\PU241 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_Pu241.RAD Table of contentsAAAAAAAAAAAA.

APart vi: Uncertainty AnalysisORESRAD Uncertainty Analysis ResultsProbabilistic Input .................................

2Total Dose ..........................................

4Total Risk ..........................................

5Dose VS Pathway:

Ground External


6Dose vS Pathway:

Inhalation (w/o Radon) ............

7Dose vs Pathway.

Radon (Water Ind.) ................

8Dose vs Pathway:

Plant (water Ind.) ................

9Dose vs Pathway:

Meat (water Ind.) ................

10Dose vs Pathway:

Milk (water Ind.) .................

11Dose vs Pathway:

soil Ingestion


12Dose vs Pathway:

water Ingestion


13Dose vs Pathway:

Fish Ingestion


14Dose vs Pathway:

Radon (water Dep.) ...............

15Dose VS Pathway:

Plant (water Dep.) ...........

.... 16Dose vs Pathway:

Meat (water Dep.) ................

17Dose vs Pathway:

Milk (water Dep.) ................

18cumulative Probability summary .......................

19tfBARTLETT Page 122 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 1 ..... 20Peak of the mean dose at graphical times .............

21Correlation and Regression coefficients (if any) ..... 221RESRAD, version 6.5 T< Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 11:59 Page. 2Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGLPU241 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\PU241 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLPU241.RAD Probabilistic InputONumber of sample Runs: 2000Number Name Distribution Parameters AAAAA AAAAAAAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA55AA55/


.362 1.59 .010611 BSZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.96 .265 3.0212 DWIBWT TRIANGULAR 6 10 3013 UW UNIFORM 1173 197314 H(1) UNIFORM 0 8.0815 DENSUZ(1)

BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5635 ;2385 .82716 TPUZ(1) BOUNDED NORMAL .41 .09 .131917 EPUZ(1) BOUNDED NORMAL .315 .0905 .034918 HCUZ(1) BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.36 2.17 .0047819 BUZ(1) BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.73 .323 2.0820 MLINH CONTINUOUS LINEAR 8 0 0.00003 .8119 .00004 .9495 .00006 .9937 .000076 .9983 .000121 SHF3 UNIFORM .15 .9522 SHF1 BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N

-1.3 .59 .04423 DM TRIANGULAR 0 .15 .624 YV(I) TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

.56 .48 .00125 WLAM TRIANGULAR 5.1 18 8426 RWET(2) TRIANGULAR

.06 .67 .9527 DCACTC(3)











TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 4.84 3.13 .00138 BRTF(94,1)


-6.91 .9 .00139 BRTF(94,2)


-9.21 .2 .00140 BRTF(94,3)


-13.82 .5 .00141 BBIO(94,1)

LOGNORMAL-N 3.4 1.142 BRTF(95,2)


-9.9 .2 .00143 BRTF(95,3)


-13.12 .7 .00144 BBIO(95,1)

LOGNORMAL-N 3.4 1.145 BRTF(93,1)


-3.91 .9 .00146 BRTF(93,2)


-6.91 .7 .00147 BRTF(93,3)


-11.51 .7 .00148 BBIO(93,1)

LOGNORMAL-N 3.4 1.11RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 11:59 Page 3Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGLPu241 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\PU241 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLPU241.RAD Probabilistic Input (cont.)kA#AAAA AAA2.3.6881319015.32.084.646.5619515.52.3.6881.594319015.3.00000811.999.0151.000016 .1365.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999Number NameAAAAAA AAAA4AAAAAAAAAAAA WA49 BRTF(90,1) 50 BRTF(90,2) 51 BRTF(90,3) 52 BBIO(90,1) 53 BRTF(92,1) 54 BRTF(92,2) 55 BRTF(92,3) 56 BBIO(92,1)

"tffff "t'3f'3't'f3 3iifflif3

.Distribution Parameters TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-6.91 .9 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-9.21 1 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-12.21 .9 .001 .999LOGNORMAL-N 4.6 1.1TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-6.21 .9 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-7.13 .7 .001 .999TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N

-7.82 .6 .001 .999LOGNORMAL-N 2.3 1.133333333 ffffffi ff33fff33ff3f333333333333333333333333333 33333IRESRAD, version 6.5 T<i Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 11:59 Page 21Probabilistic results summary : HB soil DCGLPu241 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\PU241 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLPU241.RAD Peak of the mean dose (averaged over observations) at graphical timesRepetition Time of peak mean dose Peak mean doseYears mrem/yr1 5.380E+01 2.904E-02 M;IBARTLETT Page 123 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0Sr-90 Results:1RESRAD, version 6.5 T<< Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:36 Page 1Summary Ha sensitivity analysis-soil-sr-90 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\SR90 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLSR90.RAD Table of ContentsAAAAAAAAAAAAA Part I: Mixture Sums and Single Radionuclide Guidelines fffffffffffffffffffffifffifffiiilffffffffffffffffffIil Dose conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter Summary ... 2site-specific Parameter Summary ..........................

3summary of Pathway selections


7contaminated zone and Total Dose Summary .................

8Total Dose Components Time = 0.OOOE+00


9Time = .O000E+O0


10Time = 3.OOOE+O0


11Time = 1.OOOE+01


12Time = 3.OOOE+01


13Time = 1.OOOE+02


14Time = 3.000E+02


15Time = 1.OOOE+03


16Dose/source Ratios summed over All Pathways


-17single Radionuclide soil Guidelines


17Dose Per Nuclide Summed over All Pathways


18Soil Concentration Per Nuclide ...........................

18iRESRAD, version 6.5 T<. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:36 Page 2summary : HB sensitivity analysis...soilSr-90 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\SR90 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_SR90.RAD 0menu3Dose Conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter SummaryDose Library:

HB DCGLS Plus FGR 12 & FGR 11Current ' Base Parameter Parameter value# I Case* 3 NameA-i DCF'S for external ground radiation, (mrem/yr)/(pci/g)

A-1 Sr-90 (Source:

FGR 12) 7.043E-04 7.043E-04 DCF1( 1)A-1 Y-90 (Source:

FGR 12) 2.391E-02 2.391E-02 DCFI( 2)B-1 Dose conversion factors for inhalation, mrem/pCi:

B-i sr-90+D 1.308E-03 1.300E-03 DCF2( 1)D-1 Dose conversion factors for ingestion, mrem/pCi:

D-1 Sr-90+D 1.528E-04 1.420E-04 DCF3( 1)D-34 Food transfer factors:o-34 Sr-90+D , plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 5.900E-01 3.OOOE-01 RTF( 1,1)D-34 Sr-90+D beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/kg)/(pCi/d) 8.000E-03 8.000E-03 RTF( 1,2)D-34 sr-90+D milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pci/d) 2.OOOE-03 2.000E-03 RTF( 1,3)D-5 Bioaccumulation

factors, fresh water, L/kg:D-5 Sr-90+D , fish 6.OOOE+01 6.000E+01 BIOFAC( 1,1)D-5 Sr-90+D , crustacea and mollusks 1.00E+02 1.OO0E+02 BIOFAC( 1,2)#For DCFi(xxx) only, factors are for infinite depth & area. See ETFG table in Ground Pathway of Detailed Report.*Base Case means Default.Lib w/o Associate Nuclide contributions.
1RESRAD, version 6.5 Tc< Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:36 Page 3Summary : HB sensitivity File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.S\USERFILES\SR90 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLSR90.RAD 0Menu Parameter AAA.AAAAA.AAAAAAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaAAAAAAAA.AAAA ROll Area of contaminated zone (m**2)Roll Thickness of contaminated zone (m)R011 Fraction of contamination that is submercR011 Length parallel to aquifer flow (m)R011 Basic radiation dose limit (mrem/yr)

R011 Time since placement of material (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)R0l1 Times for calculations (yr)R01i Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)Roll Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)R012 Initial principal radionuclide (pci/g):R012 Concentration in groundwater (pCi/L):R013 cover depth (m)R013 Density of cover material (g/cm*"3)

R013 Cover depth erosion rate (m/yr)R013 Density of contaminated zone (g/cm**3)

R013 Contaminated zone erosion rate (m/yr)R013 Contaminated zone total porosityR013 Contaminated zone field capacityR013 Contaminated zone hydraulic conductivity R013 contaminated zone b parameter R013 Average annual wind speed (m/sec)R013 Humidity in air (g/m**3)R013 Evapotranspi ration coefficient R013 Precipitation (m/yr)R013 Irrigation (m/yr)R013 Irrigation modeR013 Runoff coefficient R013 watershed area for nearby stream or pondR013 Accuracy for water/soil computations R014 Density of saturated zone (g/cm**3)

R014 saturated zone total porosityR014 saturated zone effective porosityR014 Saturated zone field capacitysite-specific Parameter summaryuser used by RESRAD 3 Parameter Input 3 Default : (If different from user input) 3 Name3.000E+04 1.000E+04

--- AREA2.670E+00 2.OOOE+00

--- THICKOged O.O00E+O0 0.O00E+00

--- SUBMFRACT 1.950E+02 1.O00E+02

--- LCZPAQ2.500E+01 3.000E+01

--- BRDLO.000E+00 O.O000E+0

--- TI1.000E+00 i.OOOE+O0

--- T( 2)3.OOOE+03 3.OOOE+00

--- T( 3)1.000E+01 1.000E+01

--- T( 4)3.000E+01 3.000E+01 3 --- T( 5)1.OOOE+02 1.000E+02

--- T( 6)3.000E+02 3.000E+02

--- T( 7)3.OOOE+03 1.000E+03

--- T( 8)not used 0.OOOE+00

--- T( 9)not used 0.000E+00

--- T(10)Sr-90 1.000E+00 0.000E+00

--- Si(1)sr-90 not used 0.000E+00

--- WI( 1)O 0.000E+00 0.0001+00

--- COVEROnot used i.SOOE+03

--- DENSCVnot used 1.OOOE-03

--- VCV1.564E+00 1.500E+00

--- DENSCZ2.200E-03 1.000E-03

--- VCZ4.100E-01 4.000E-01

--- TPCZ9.500E-02 2.000E-01

--- FCCZ(m/yr) 3.900E+00 1.000E+01

--- HCCZ5.600E+00 5.300E+00

--- BCZ3.040E+00 2.000E+O0

--- WINDnot used 8.OOOE+00

--- HUMID6.250E-01 5.000E-01

--- EVAPTR9.100E-01 1.000E+O0

--- PRECIP5.600E-01 2.000E-01

--- RIoverhead overhead


--- RUNOFF(m**2) 2.520E+07 1.OOOE+06

--- WAREA1.000E-03 1.000E-03

--- EPS1.510E+00 1.500E+00

--- DENSAQ4.300E-01 4.000E-01

--- TPSZ3.420E-0i 2.000E-01

--- EPSZ8.800E-02 2.000E-O1

--- 3FCSt1 BARTLETTPage 124 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-003 Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLs Rev. 0R014 saturated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 2.880E+01 1.OOOE+02 HCSZR014 Saturated zone hydraulic gradient 2.OOOE-03 2.OOOE-02

--- HGWTR014 saturated zone b parameter 7.100E+0O 5.300E+00

--- BSZR014 water table drop rate (m/yr) 1.O000E-03 1.OOOE-03 T--- VWR014 well pump intake depth (m below water table) 31.OOOE+01 1.OOOE+01

--- DWIBWTR014 Model: Nondispersion (ND) or Mass-Balance (MB) ND NO --- MODELR014 well pumping rate (m**3/yr) 1.573E+03 2.5OOE+02

--- UW1RESRAD, version 6.5 T<' Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:36 Page 4Summary HB sensitivity File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\SR90 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLSR90.RAD site-specific Parameter Summary (continued) 0 " User 3 used by RESRAD 3 Parameter Menu 3 Parameter3 Input 3 Default I (if different from user input) I Nameaxfl~sAAAA5xxxA~a5A~xA55~x555Ax&&p~sAA.A 6AXXXXXww~XA~~ss~~s~A.Au..PAA.AAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.A R015 Number of unsaturated zone strata 1 i --- NSR015 Unsat. zone 1, thickness (m) 4.040E+00 4.000E+00

--- H(1)R015 Unsat. zone 1, soil density (g/cm**3) 1.564E+00 1.500E+00

--- DENSUZ(1)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, total porosity 4.100E-01 4.000E-01

--- TPUZ(1)R015 Unsat. zone 1, effective porosity 3.150E-01 2.000E-01

--- EPUZ(1)R015 Unsat. zone 1, field capacity 9.500E-O2 2.000E-01

--- FCUZ(1)R015 Unsat. zone 1, soil-specific b parameter 5.600E+00 5.300E+00

--- BUZ(1)R015 Unsat. zone 1, hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 3.900E+00 1.OOOE+O1

--- HCUZ(1)R016 Distribution coefficients for Sr-90R016 contaminated zone (cm**3/g) 3.200E+01 3.OOOE+01

--- DCNUCC( 1)R016 unsaturated zone 1 (cm**3/g) 3.200E+01 3.OOOE+01

--- DCNUCU( 1.1)R016 Saturated zone (cm**3/g) 3.200E+01 3.OOOE+01

--- DCNUCS( 1)R016 Leach rate (/yr) O.OOOE+O3 O.OOOE+OO 2.830E-03 ALEACH( 1)R016 solubility constant

' O.OOOE+OO 0.000E+00 not used SOLUBK( 1)R017 Inhalation rate (m**3/yr) 8.400E+03 8.400E+03

--- INHALRR017 Mass loading for inhalation (g/m**3) 1.OOOE-04 1.OOOE-04

--- MLINHR017 Exposure duration 3.OOOE+01 3.OOOE+01

--- EDR017 shielding factor, inhalation 5.500E-01 4.OOOE-01

--- SHF3R017 shielding factor, external gamma 2.725E-01 7.OOOE-01

--- SHF1R017 Fraction of time spent indoors 6.571E-01 5.OOOE-01

--- FINDR017 Fraction of time spent outdoors (on site) 1.181E-01 2.500E-01

--- FOTDR017 sha factor flag, external gamma 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00

>0 shows circular AREA. FSR017 Radii of shape factor array (used if FS = -1):R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 1: not used 5.OOOE+01


1)R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 2: not used 7.071E+01


2)R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 3: not used 0.00OE+00


3)R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 4: not used 0.00OE+00


4)R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 5: not used 0.000E+00

--- RADSHAPEC 5)R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 6: not used 0.00OE+00


6)R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 7: not used 0.000E+00


7)R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 8: not used 0.OOOE+00


8)R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 9: not used 0.OOOE+O0


9)R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 10: not used O.0O00+O0

.... RADSHAPE(10)

R017 outer annular radius (m), ring 11: not used 0.OOOE+00

--- RADSHAPE(11)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 12: not used O.OOOE+OO

--- RADSHAPE(12).

IRESRAD, version 6.5 Tc Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:36 Page 5Summary : HB sensitivity analysis-soil-sr-90 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\SR90 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLSR90.RAD site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) 0
  • user 3 Used by RESRAD 3 Parameter Menu .Parameter


..AR017 Fractions of annular areas within AREA:R017 Ring 1 not used 1.OOOE+00

--- FRACA( 1)R017 Ring 2 not used 2.732E-01

--- FRACA( 2)R017 Ring 3 not used O.OOOE+O0

--- FRACA( 3)R017 Ring 4 not used 0.000E+00

--- FRACA( 4)R017 Ring 5 not used 0.00OE+00

--- FRACA( 5)R017 Ring 6 not used 0.OO0E+00

--- FRACA( 6)R017 Ring 7 not used O.OOOE+OO

--- FRACA( 7)R017 Ring 8 not used O.OOOE+O0

--- FRACA( 8)R017 Ring 9 not used 0.000E+00

--- FRACA( 9)R017 Ring 10 not used 0.000E+00

--- FRACA(10)

R017 Ring 11 not used O.OOOE+OO

--- FRACA(11)

R017 Ring 12 not used O.OOOE+OO

--- FRACA(12)

R018 Fruits, vegetables and grain consumption (kg/yr) I1.120E+02 1.600E+02

--- DIET(1)R018 Leafy vegetable consumption (kg/yr) 2.140E+01 1.400E+01

--- DIET(2)R018 Milk consumption (L/yr) 2.330E+02 9.200E+01

--- DIET(3)R018 Meat and poultry consumption (kg/yr) 6.510E+01 6.300E+01

--- DIET(4)R018 Fish consumption (kg/yr) 2.060E+01 5.400E+00

--- DIET(5)R018 other seafood consumption (kg/yr) 9.OOOE-01 9.OOOE-01

--- DIET(6)R018 soil ingestion rate (g/yr) 1.826E+01 3.650E+01

--- SOILR018 Drinking water intake (L/yr) 4.785E+02 5.100E+02

--- DWIR018 contamination fraction of drinking water 1.OOOE+O3 1.000E+00

--- FDWR018 Contamination fraction of household water not used 1.OOOE+00

--- FHHWR018 Contamination fraction of livestock water ' 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00

--- FLWR018 contamination fraction of irrigation water 1.000E+00 1.000E+00

--- FIRWR018 contamination fraction of aquatic food 1.000E+00 5.OOOE-01

--- FR9R018 Contamination fraction of plant food 1.OOOE+0O

'-1 --- FPLANTR018 contamination fraction of meat 1.000E+00

'-1 --- FMEATR018 Contamination fraction of milk 31.000E+0 3-1 -FMILKR019 Livestock fodder intake for meat (kg/day) 2.710E+01 6.800E+01

--- LFI5R019 Livestock fodder intake for. milk (kg/day) 6.320E+01 5.500E+01

--- LFI6R019 Livestock water intake for meat (L/day) 5.060E+01 5.OOE+01

--- LW15R019 Livestock water intake for milk (L/day) 6.000E+O1 1.600E+02

--- LW16R019 Livestock soil intake (kg/day) 5.O00E-01 S.OOOE-01

--- LSIR019 Mass loading for foliar deposition (g/mk*3) 4.OOOE-04 1.000E-04

--- MLFDR019 Depth of soil mixing layer (m) 2.300E-01 1.500E-01

--- DMR019 Depth of roots (m) 1.220E+00 9.000E-01

--- DROOTR019 Drinking water fraction from ground water 1.OOOE+O0 1.OOOE+0O

--- FGWDWR019 Household water fraction from ground water not used 1.000E+00

--- FGWHHR019 Livestock water fraction from ground water 1.OOOE+00 1.000E+00

--- FGWLWR019 Irrigation fraction from ground water 1.OOOE+00 1.00OE+00

--- FGWIRR19B wet weight crop yield for Non-Leafy (kg/m"*2) 1.750E+00 7.OOOE-01

--- yV(C)R19B wet weight crop yield for Leafy (kg/m*"2) 2.889E+00 1.500E+00

-YV(2)R19B wet weight crop yield for Fodder (kg/m**2) 1.887E+00 1.100E+00

---YV(3)R19B Growing season for Non-Leafy (years) 2.460E-01 1.700E-01

--- TE(1)R19B Growing season for Leafy (years) 1.230E-01 2.500E-01

--- TE(2)tSARTLETT Page 125 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-003 Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLs Rev. 0R19B 3 Growing Season for Fodder (years) .8.200E-02

' 8.000E-02 3 3 TE(3)IRESRAD, version 6.5 T" Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:36 Page 6summary HB sensitivity analysis-soil-sr-90 File : c:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\SR90 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL__SR90.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) 0 u 3 User 3 ffused by RESRAD 3 Parameter Menu .Parameter Input .Default : (If different from user input) 3 NameX44AAA.AA..AkiAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAX~k, AAAAAAAkAAA WAAAA4AAA.AA AAAAAAAAA.........AAAAAA.AAAAAAAK4AAAAWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AAAA RigB Translocation Factor for Non-Leafy 1.OOOE-01 O1.O0E-01

--- TIV(1)R19B Translocation Factor for Leafy 1.OOOE+00 1.000E+00

' --- TIV(2)R19B Translocation Factor for Fodder 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00

--- TIV(3)R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RDRY(1)R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RDRY(2)R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RDRY(3)R19B wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RWET(1)R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy 35.800E-01 2.500E-01

--- RWET(2)R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder 3.500E-01 2.SOOE-01

--- RWET(3)R19B weathering Removal Constant for vegetation 3.300E+01 2.000E+01

--- WLAMC14 C-12 concentration in water (g/cm**3) not used 2.000E-05

--- c12WrRC14 C-12 concentration in contaminated soil (g/g) not used 3.OOOE-02 3 --- C12czC14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from soil not used 2.000E-02

--- CSOILC14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from air not used 9.800E-01

--- CAIRc14 c-14 evasion layer thickness in soil (m) not used 3.OOOE-01

--- DMCC14 C-14 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used 7.000E-07

--- EVSNC14 C-12 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used 1.0OOE-10

--- REVSNC14 Fraction of grain in beef cattle feed not used 8.000E-01

--- AVFG4C14 Fraction of grain in milk cow feed not used 2.OOOE-01 AVFG5STOR storage times of contaminated foodstuffs (days):STOR Fruits, non-leafy vegetables, and grain 1.400E+01 1.400E+01

--- STORT(1)STOR Leafy vegetables 1.OOOE+00 1.000E+00

--- STORT(2)STOR Milk 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00

--- STORT(3)STOR Meat and poultry 2.OOOE+01 2.OOOE+01

--- STORT(4)STOR Fish 7.000E+00 7.000E+00

--- STOR..T(5)

STOR Crustacea and mollusks 7.000E+00 7.OOOE+00

--- STORT(6)STOR well water 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00

--- STORT(7)STOR surface water 1.000E+00 1.000E+00

--- STOR-T(8)

STOR Livestock fodder 4.500E+01 4.500E+01

--- STORLT(9)

R021 Thickness of building foundation (m) not used 1.500E-01

--- FLOOR1R021 Bulk density of building foundation (g/cm**3) not used 2.400E+00

--- DENSFLR021 Total porosity of the cover material not used 4.000E-01

--- TPCVR021 Total porosity of the building foundation not used 1.000E-01

--- TPFLR021 volumetric water content of the cover material not used 5.000E-02---

PH2OCVR021 volumetric water content of the foundation not used 3.000E-02

--- PH2OFLR021 Diffusion coefficient for radon gas (m/sec):R021 in cover material not used 2.000E-06

--- DIFCVR021 in foundation material not used 3.000E-07

--- DIFFLR021 in contaminated zone soil not used 2.000E-06

--- DIFCZR021 Radon vertical dimension of mixing (m) not used 2.OOOE+00

--- HMIXR021 Average building air exchange rate (1/hr) not used 5.000E-01

--- REXGR021 Height of the building (room) (m) not used 2.500E+00

--- HRMR021 Bui ding interior area factor not used O.OOOE+00

--- FAIR021 Building depth below ground surface (m) not used 3-1.000E+00

--- DMFLR021 Emanating power of Rn-222 gas not used 3 2.500E-01

--- EMANA(1)R021 Emanating power of Rn-220 gas not used 1.500E-013

--- EMANA(2)TITL Number of graphical time points 32 --- NPTSIRESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:36 Page 7Summary : HB sensitivity analysis-soil-sr-90 File CC:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\SR90 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLSR90.RAD Site-Specific Parameter summary (continued) 0 User used by RESRAD Parameter Menu Parameter input Default (If different from user input) NameAAAAAAA WA44A~WA AAAAAAAAA AAAAA"AAWUAAAAAAMAAAk AAA 444W AAAAAAA.AAAAAAAsAAAXAAA3.WAAAAWAJAAA TITL ' Maximum number of integration points for dose 17 --- 3-- LYMAXTITL 3 Maximum number of integration points for risk 3 1 3 _-- 3 KYMAXsummary of Pathway selections Pathway 3 user Selection AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAA.AiuuuuAA 1-- external gamma 3 active2-- inhalation (w/o radon)3 active3 -- plant.ingestion active4 -- meat ingestion active5-- milk ingestion active6-- aquatic foods active7 -- drinking water active8 -- soil ingestion active9 -- radon suppressed Find peak pathway doses active1RESRAD, Version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:36 Page 8Summary : HB sensitivity analysis-soil-sr-90 File C: :\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\SR90 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLSR90.RAD Contaminated Zone Dimensions Initial soil concentrations, pci/pAAAAAAAASAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.A AAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Area: 30000.00 square meters Sr-90 1.OOOE+00 Thickness:

2.67 metersCover Depth: 0.00 meters1RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:36 Page 1Probabilistic results summary : HB sensitivity analysis-soilsr-90 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.S\USERFILES\SR90 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_SRg0.RAD Table of contentsSWAA)AAaAaAAAAAAAA Part vI: Uncertainty Analysis Uncertainty Analysis ResultsProbabilistic Input .................................

2Total Dose ..........................................

3fBARTLETT Page 126 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0Total Risk ...................................


4Dose vs Pathway:

Ground External


5Dose vs Pathway:

Inhalation (w/o Radon) ...............

6Dose vs Pathway:

Radon (water Ind.) ................

7Dose vs Pathway:

Plant (water Ind.) ...................

8Dose vs Pathway:

Meat (water Ind.) ...................

9Dose vS Pathway:

Milk (water Ind.) ..................

10Dose vs Pathway:

Soil Ingestion


11Dose vs Pathway:

Water Ingestion


12Dose vs Pathway:

Fish Ingestion


13Dose vS Pathway:

Radon (water Dep.) ................

14Dose vs Pathway:

Plant (water Dep.) ................

15Dose vs Pathway:

Meat (water Dep.) ................

16Dose vs Pathway:

Milk (water Dep.) ................

.17Cumulative Probability Summary,.......................

18Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 1 .. 19Peak of the mean dose at graphical times .............

20Correlation and Regression coefficients (if any) ..... 211RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:36 PageProbabilistic results summary : MB sensitivity analysis-soil-Sr-90 File : C:\RESRADPFAMILY\RESRAD\6.S\USERFILES\SR90 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL-SR9O.RAD Probabilistic InputONumber of Sample Runs: 20002Number1234567891011121314151617181920.00003212223242526272829303132I13+/-33Name Distribution Parameters AA.AA~iA.A.i~4AAA AA.AAAAAXXKXXAAAAAAA AmA AA5.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAA.AAAAAAA DENSCZ BOUNDED NORMAL 1. 5635 .2385 .827 2.3TPCZ BOUNDED NORMAL .41 .09 .1319 .6881HCCZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.36 2.17 .00478 3190BCZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.73 .323 2.08 15.3EVAPTR UNIFORM .5 .75RI UNIFORM .36 .76DENSAQ BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5105 .1855 .937 2.084TPSZ BOUNDED NORMAL .43 .0699 .214 .646EPSZ BOUNDED NORMAL .342 .0705 .124 .56HCSZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N

.362 1.59 .0106 195BSZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.96 .265 3.02 15.5DWIBWT TRIANGULAR 6 10 30UW UNIFORM 1173 1973H(1) UNIFORM 0 8.08DENSUZ(1)

BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5635 .2385 .827 2.3TPUZ(1) BOUNDED NORMAL .41 .09 .1319 .6881EPUZ(1) BOUNDED NORMAL .315 .0905 .0349 .594HCUZ(1) BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.36 2.17 .00478 3190BUZ(1) BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.73 .323 2.08 15.3MLINH CONTINUOUS LINEAR 8 0 0 .000008 .0151 .000016 .1365.8119 .00004 .9495 .00006 .9937 .000076 .9983 .0001 1SHF3 UNIFORM .15 .95SHF1 BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N


.56 .48 .001 .999WLAM TRIANGULAR 5.1 18 84RWET(2) TRIANGULAR

.06 .67 .95DCACTC(1)


TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 3.45 2.12 .001 .999DCACTS(1)

TRUNCATED LOGNORMAL-N 3.45 2.12 .001 .999BRTF(38,2)


-4.61 .4 .001 .999BRTF(38,3)


-6.21 .5 .001 .999BBIO(38,1)

LOGNORMAL-N 4.1 1.1ffff1ff3f+/-3fffff3fII+/-+/-

ttttttttttftftIff ttttf ttIttttttttIttttttIItttttlitifttt+/-3t333f

IRESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:36 Page 20Probabilistic results summary : HB sensitivity File : C:\RESRAD_.AMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\SR9O DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL-SR90.RAD Peak of the mean dose (averaged over observations) at graphical timesRepetition Time of peak mean dose Peak mean doseYears mrem/yr1 0.OOOE+00 1.655E+01
f. BARTLETTPage 127 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0Tc-99 Results:1RESRAD, Version 6.5 T<c Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:41 Page 1Summary HB sensitivity analysis.soil.Tc-99 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\TC99 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLTC99.RAD Table of contentsAAAAAAAAAAAWeAAA Part I: Mixture Sums and single Radionuclide Guidelines Dose Conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter Summary ... 2Site-Specific Parameter Summary ..........................

3Summary of Pathway Selections


7Contaminated zone and Total Dose Summary .................

8Total Dose Components Time = 0.000E+00


9Time = 1.OO0 E+OO ....................................

10Time = 3.OOOE+00


11Time = 1.OOOE+01


12Time = 3.000E+01


13Time = 1.000E+02


14Time = 3.000E+02


15Time = 1.000E+03

....... 16Dose/Source Ratios summed over All Pathways


17Single Radionuclide Soil Guidelines


17Dose Per Nuclide Summed Over All Pathways


18Soil Concentration Per Nuclide ...........................

181RESRAD, version 6.5 T< Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:41 Page 2Summary : HB sensitivity analysis.soilTc-99 File :C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\TC99 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLTC99.RAD Dose Conversion Factor (and Related)

Parameter summaryDose Library:

HB DCGLS Plus FGR 12 & FGR 110 3 .Current e Base Parameter Menu 3Parameter 3 value# 3 Case* 3 NameAX...A4JAAAAAAA


A-1 TC-99 (Source:

FGR 12) 1.255E-04 1.255E-04 DCF1( 1)B-1 Dose conversion factors for inhalation, mrem/pCi:

B-1 TC-99 8.320E-06 8.320E-06 DCF2( 1)D-1 Dose conversion factors for ingestion, mrem/pCi:

D-1 TC-99 1.460E-06 1.460E-06 DCF3( 1)D-34 Food transfer factors:D-34 TC-99 , plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 9.160E+00 5.OOOE+O0 RTF( 1,1)D-34 TC-99 beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/kg)/(pci/d) 1.OOOE-04 I 1.OOE-04 RTF( 1,2)D-34 TC-99 milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pCi/d) 1.000E-03 1.OOE-03 RTF( 1,3)D-5 Bioaccumulation

factors, fresh water, L/kg:D-S TC-99 , fish 2.OOOE+01 2.OOOE+01 BIOFAC( 1,1)D-5 TC-99 ., crustacea and mollusks 5.000E+00 5.00E+0O BIOFAC( 1,2)#For DCF1(xxx) only, factors are for infinite depth & area. See ETFG table in Ground Pathway of Detailed Report.*Base case means Default.Lib w/o Associate Nuclide contributions.
1RESRAD, version 6.5 To Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:41 Page 3Summary : HB sensitivity analysis.soilTc-99 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\TC99 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL.TC99.RAD 0menu 3Site-Specific Parameter SummaryUser 3 ffused by RESRAD .Parameter Input I Default : (If different from user input) 3 NameParameter R011 Area of contaminated zone (m**2)R011 Thickness of contaminated zone (m)R011 Fraction of contamination that is submerged R011 Length parallel to aquifer flow (m)R011 Basic radiation dose limit (mrem/yr)

R011 Time since placement of material (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)R01l Times for calculations (yr)RO11 Times for calculations (yr)RO11 Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)R011 Times for calculations (yr)ROll Times for calculations (yr)RO11 Times for calculations (yr)R012 Initial principal radionuclide (pCi/g):

Tc-99R012 Concentration in groundwater (pCi/L):

Tc-99R013 cover depth (m)R013 Density of cover material (g/cm**3)

R013 Cover depth erosion rate (m/yr)R013 Density of contaminated zone (g/cm**3)

R013m Contaminated zone erosion rate (m/yr)R013 Contaminated zone total porosityR013 Contaminated zone field capacityR013 Contaminated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr)R013 Contaminated zone b parameter R013 Average annual wind speed Cm/sec)R013 Humidity in air (g/m**3)R013 Evapotranspiration coefficient R013 Precipitation (m/yr)R013 Irrigation (m/yr)R013 Irrigation modeR013 Runoff coefficient R013 watershed area for nearby stream or pond (m**2)R013 Accuracy for water/soil computations R014 Density of saturated zone (g/cm**3)

R014 Saturated zone total porosityR014 saturated zone effective porosityR014 saturated zone field capacityR014 Saturated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr)AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

-AAAA3.OOOE+04 1.000E+04 2.670E+00 2.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+O0 O.OOOE+O0 1.950E+02 1.OOOE+02 2.500E+01 I 3.OOOE+01 O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+O0 1.OOOE+OO 1.OOOE+OO 3.OO0E+00 3.OOOE+00 1.OO0E+01 1.000E+01 3.000E+01 3.OOOE+01 1.OOOE+02 1.OOOE+02 3.OO0E+02 3.OO0E+02 1.OOOE+03 1.OOOE+03 not used O.OOOE+OO not used 0.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+03 0.OOOE+00 not used O.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+OO not used 1.500E+00 not used 1.OOOE-03 1.564E+00 1.500E+00 2.200E-03 1.OOOE-03 4.10OE-01 4.OOOE-01 9.500E-02 2.OOOE-01 3.900E+00 1.OOOE+O1 5.600E+00 5.300E+00 3 3.040E+00 3 2.OOOE+O0 not used 8.OOOE+OO 6.250E-01 5.OOOE-01 9.100E-01 1.000E+00 5.600E-01 I 2.000E-01 3overhead overhead5.OOOE-01 2.OOOE-01 2.520E+07 1.OOOE+06 1.000E-03 1.OOOE-03

" 1.510E+00 1.500E+00 34.300E-01 4.OOOE-01 3.420E-01 2.OOOE-01 8.800E-02 2.OOOE-01 2.880E+01 1.OOOE+02 AREATHICKOSUBMFRACT LCZPAQBRDLTIT( 2)T( 3)T( 4)T( 5)T( 6)T( 7)T( 8)T( 9)T(10)Sl(1)Wi( 1)COVERODENSCVVCVDENSCZvCZTPCZFCCZ3 HCCZ3 BCZWINDHUMIDEVAPTRPRECIPRIIDITCHRUNOFFWAREAEPSDENSAQTPSZEPSZFCSZHCSZUCBARTLETT Page 128 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0R014 3 Saturated zone hydraulic gradient a 2.000E-03 a 2.oOOE-02 aR014 a saturated zone b parameter a 7.lOOE+O0 a 5.300E+00 aR014 a water table drop rate (m/yr) a l.OOOE-03 a 1.000E-03 aR014 a well pump intake depth (m below water table) 3 1.000E+01 3 1.000E+01 aR014 a Model: Nondispersion (ND) or Mass-Balance (MB) a ND 3 ND 3R014 a well pumping rate (m**3/yr) 3 1.573E+03 3 2.500E+02

a1RESRAD, version 6.5 T- Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:41 Page 4summary HB sensitivity analysis.soil.Tc-99 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\TC99 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_TC99.RAD HGWTBSZa DWIBWTa MODELUW0Menu a Parameter AAAUUAAAAAWAAAA."AAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AAAAAAAAA, R015 a Number of unsaturated zone strataR015 a Unsat. zone 1, thickness (m)ROS a Unsat. zone 1, soil density (g/cm**RO15 a Unsat. zone 1, total porosityR015 a Unsat. zone 1, effective porosityR015 a Unsat. zone 1, field capacityR015 Unsat. zone 1, soil-specific b par;R01S a unsat. zone 1, hydraulic conductiv R016 Distribution coefficients for Tc-99R016 contaminated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 a unsaturated zone 1 (cm*3/g)R016 saturated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 Leach rate (/yr)R016 solubility constantR017 Inhalation rate (m**3/yr)

R017 a Mass loading for inhalation (g/mkk3R017 Exposure durationR017 a shielding factor, inhalation R017 a shielding factor, external gammaR017 a Fraction of time spent indoorsR017 a Fraction of time spent outdoors (onR017 Shape factor flag, external gammaR017 Radii of shape factor array (usedR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 a Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 a Outer annular radius (m) ringR017 a Outer annular radius (m), ringR017 Outer annular radius (m) ringR017 a Outer annular radius (m) ringR017 Outer annular radius (m) ring I1R017 a Outer annular radius (m) ring 1iR017 Outer annular radius (m), ring I1RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 da'summary : HB sensitivity analysis.soilTc File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USE1 site-specific Parameter summary (continued) a user a a used by RESRAD 3 Parameter 3 Input a Default 3 (If different from user input) a Name&AAAAAA.A)ULJAAAAAAAWW AAAAAAWAAAAAA fi AAWA4" W AAAAA4AAA a1 a1 a--NSa 4.040E+O0 3 4.OOOE+O0 a H(1)*3) 1.564E+00 a 1.500E+00 a-a DENSUZ(1) 4.100E-01 4.000E-01

--- TPUZ(1)a 3.150E-01 a 2.OOOE-01

--- EPUZ(1)a 9.500E-02 3 2.OOOE-O1

--- FCUZ(1)ameter 5.600E+O0 5.300E+OO

--- BUZ(1)ity (m/yr) 3.900E+00 a 1.000E+01 a a HCUZ(1)9a 4.280E+00 a O.O0OE+O0

--- DCNUCC( 1)5.100E-01 O.00E+00a

--- DCNUCU( 1,1)5.100E-01 0.000E+00

--- DCNUCS( 1i)O.OOOE+00 0.0OE+00 2.025E-02 a ALEACH( 1)O.OO0E+O0 0.000E+00 not used SOLUBK( 1)8.400E+03 8.400E+03 a-a INHALR3) 1.OOOE-04 1.OOOE-04 a-a MLINH3.OOOE+O1 3.OOE+O1 a-a EDa 5.500E-01 a 4.OOOE-O1 a-SHF3a 2.725E-01 7.OOOE-O1

--- SHF1a 6.571E-01 5.OOOE-O1 a FINDn site) 1.181E-01 a 2.500E-01

--- FOTDa 1.000E+O0 1.OOOE+00 a >0 shows circular AREA. FSif FS = -1):1: a not used 5.OOOE+O1 a-a RADSHAPE(

1)2: a not used a 7.071E+01


2)3: not used a O.OOOE+OO a a RADSHAPE(

3)4: not used a 0.OOOE+00 a a RAD.SHAPE(

4)5: a not used O.O0E+OO


5)6: not used a 0.000E+00


6)7: not used a O.OOOE+OO a a RADSHAPE(

7)8: a not used a O.OOOE+OO


8)9: a not used a o.oooE+oo a a RADSHAPE(

9)0: not used a 0.0O0E+00 a a RADSHAPE(1O) 1: not used a 0.000E+00 a a RADSHAPE(11) 2: not used a O.00OE+00 a a RADSHAPE(12) ys 11/28/2011 10:41 Page 5-99RFILES\TC99 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLTC99.RAD site-spe0 aMenu I Parameter AAAAA.AAAAAA.WAAA WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW R017 a Fractions of annular areas within AREA:R017 Ring 1R017 Ring 2R017 Ring 3R017 a Ring 4R017 Ring 5R017 Ring 6R017 Ring 7R017 Ring 8R017 Ring 9R017 Ring 10R017 Ring 11ROl7 Ring 12R018 Fruits, vegetables and grain consumption (kRO18 Leafy vegetable consumption (kg/yr)R018 Milk consumption (L/yr)RO18 meat and poultry consumption (kg/yr)R018 Fish consumption (kg/yr)R018 a Other seafood consumption (kg/yr)R018 a Soil ingestion rate (g/yr)R018 a Drinking water intake (L/yr)R018 contamination fraction of drinking waterR018 contamination fraction of household waterR018 Contamination fraction of livestock waterR018 Contamination fraction of irrigation waterR018 a Contamination fraction of aquatic foodR018 a Contamination fraction of plant foodR018 a Contamination fraction of meatR018 contamination fraction of milkR019 Livestock fodder intake for meat (kg/day)R019 a Livestock fodder intake for milk (kg/day)R019 a Livestock water intake for meat (L/day)R019 a Livestock water intake for milk (L/day)R019 a Livestock soil intake (kg/day)R019 a Mass loading for foliar deposition (g/m-*3)R019 Depth of soil mixing layer (m)R019 Depth of roots (m)R019 Drinking water fraction from ground waterR019 Household water fraction from ground waterR019 a Livestock water fraction from ground waterR019 a Irrigation fraction from ground waterR19B a wet weight crop yield for Non-Leafy (kg/m*aR19B a wet weight crop yield for Leafy (kg/m*rR19B a wet weight crop yield for Fodder (kg/m*aR19B a Growing Season for Non-Leafy (years)R19B a Growing season for Leafy (years)R1UQ a ornwinn easnn fnr Fndder (v-ars-cific Parameter summary (continued) 3 User a a used by RESRAD 3 Parameter a Input a Default a (If different from user input) a NameAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAA AAWAAAAA&AAAAAAAAAWA.AA a no use a3.OeO RCC13not used 1.000E+00 not used a 2.732E-01 anot used aO.O0008+00 a not used a 0.OOOE+O0 a not used a 0.000E+OO a not used a O.OOOE+00 a not used a O.OOOE+00 a not used a O.OOOE+OO "not used 3O.O00E+O0 a not used a 0.OOOE+OO a not used a 0.OOOE+OO a not used a O.OOOE+OO a not used a O.OOOE+OO

g/yr) a 1.120E+02 a 1.600E+02 a 2.140E+01 a 1.400E+01 a 2.330E+02 9.200E+01 a 6.510E+01 a 6.300E+01 a 2.060E+01 3 5.400E+00 a 9.OOOE-01 a 9.OOOE-01 a 1.826E+01 a 3.650E+01 a 4.785E+02 a 5.100E+02 a 1.000E+00 a 1.OOOE+00 a not used a 1.000E+00 a 1.000E+00 a 1.000E+0O a 1.000E+00 a 1.OOOE+00 a 1.000E+00 a 5.000E-01 a 1.000E+00

'-Ia 1.000E+00 a-1a 1.000E+00 3.-a 2.710E+01 a 6.800E+01 a 6.320E+01 a 5.500E+01 a 5.060E+01 a 5.000E+01 6.000E+01 1.600E+02 5.0008E-1 5.000E-01 a 4.OOOE-04 a I.OOOE-04 a 2.300E-01 1.500E-01 a 1.220E+00 9.000E-01 a 1.000E+00 a 1.000E+00 a not used 1.000E+00 a 1.OOOE+O 1.000E+00 a 1.OOOE+00 a 1.OOOE+O0

2) a 1.750E+00 a 7.000E-01
2) a 2.889E+00 a 1.500E+00
2) 1.887E+00 1.100E+00 2.460E-01 1.700E-01 a 1.230E-01 a 2.500E-01 a R 3OOF- Ra (OOF--FRACA(i1) a FRACA( 2)a FRACA( 3)a FRACA( 4)a FRACA( 5)a FPACA( 6)a FRACA( 7)a FRACA( 8)a FRACA( 9)a FRACA(10) a FRACA(11) a FRACA(12) a DIET(1)a DIET(2)a DIET(3)a DIET(4)DIET(S)DIET(6)SOILDWIFDWFHHWFLW3FIRW3FR9FPLANTFMEATFMILK"LFI5"LF16'LWI 5a owi6aLFLW3LSIaMLFDDMDROOT3FGWDW3FGWHHFGWLWFGWIRYv(1)Yv(2)Yv(3)TE(I)TE(2)t'iSARLETT Pge 12fl): BARTLETTPage 129 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0IRESRAD, Version 6.5 T< Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:41 Page 6Summary HB sensitivity analysis.soil.Tc-99 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\TC99 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_TC99.RAD 0 3Menu 3 Parameter AAJUUUCWAAAAAAAAA.AAAAAA'AAAAAAAA.AAAAAAAA,.

R19B Translocation Factor for Non-Leaf' R19B Translocation Factor for LeafyR19B Translocation Factor for FodderR19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction fR19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction fR19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction fR19B wet Foliar Interception Fraction fR19B ' wet Foliar Interception Fraction fR19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction fR19B weathering Removal Constant for VegC14 C-12 concentration in water (g/cm*.C14 C-12 concentration in contaminated c14 Fraction of vegetation carbon fromc14 Fraction of vegetation carbon fromc14 c-14 evasion layer thickness in soc14 C-14 evasion flux rate from soil (:c14 C-12 evasion flux rate from soil (:c14 Fraction of grain in beef cattle feC14 Fraction of grain in milk cow feedSTOR storage times of contaminated foodsSTOR Fruits, non-leafy vegetables, aniSTOR Leafy vegetables STOR MilkSTOR Meat and poultrySTOR FishSTOR Crustacea and mollusksSTOR well waterSTOR Surface waterSTOR Livestock fodderR021 Thickness of building foundation (rR021 Bulk density of building foundatioi R021 Total porosity of the cover materiR021 Total porosity of the building fouiR021 volumetric water content of the co'R021 volumetric water content of the foiR021 Diffusion coefficient for radon gasR021 in cover materialR021 in foundation materialR021 in contaminated zone soilR021 Radon vertical dimension of mixingR021 Average building air exchange rateR021 Height of the building (room) (m)R021 Building interior area factorR021 Building depth below ground surfaceR021 Emanating power of Rn-222 gasR021 Emanating power of Rn-220 gassite-specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User 3 ffused by RESRAD ý Parameter 3 Input o Default : (If different from user input) 3 Name&AAAA.; CAAAAAA.AA)*AA AAXj A.Ai~AAAAA.....................

AAAA~y 1.OOOE-01 1.000E-01

--- TIV(1)1.000E+00 1.000E+00

--- TIV(2)1.000E+00 1.0OOE+00

--- TIV(3)or Non-Leafy 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RDRY(1)or Leafy 3.SOOE-01 2.500E-01

--- RDRY(2)or Fodder 3.SOOE-01I 2.SOOE-01

--- RDRY(3)or Non-Leafy 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RWET(1)or Leafy 5.800E-01 2.500E-01

--- RWET(2)or Fodder 3.500E-01 2.500E-01

--- RWET(3)getation 3.300E+01 2.000E+01

--- WLAN*3) not used 2.000E-05

--- C12WTRsoil (g/g) not used 3.000E-02

--- C12CZsoil not used 2.000E-02

--- CSOILair not used 9.800E-01

--- CAIRil (m) not used 3.000E-01

--- DMC1/sec) not used 7.OOOE-07

--- EVSN1/sec) not used 1.000E-10

--- REVSNeed not used 8.000E-01

--- AVFG4not used 2.000E-01

--- AVFG5stuffs (days): 3d grain 1.400E+01 1.400E+01

--- STOFCT(1) 1.OOOE+00 1.000E+00

--- STOLT(2)1.000E+00 1.000E+00

--- STORLT(3) 2.000E+01 2.OOOE+01

--- STORT(4)7.000E+00 7.000E+00

--- STORT(5)7.OOOE+00 7.OOOE+00

--- STORT(6)1.OOOE+00 1.0OOE+00

--- STORT(7)1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00

--- STORST(8) 4.500E+01 4.500E+01

--- STORT(9)m) not used 1.500E-01

--- FLOOR1n (g/cm**3) 3 not used 2.400E+00

--- DENSFLal not used 4.000E-01

--- TPCVndation not used 1.OOOE-01

--- TPFLver material not used 5.000E-02

--- PH2OCVundation not used 3.000E-02

--- PH2OFLs (m/sec):not used 2.000E-06

--- DIFCVnot used 3.000E-07

--- DIFFLnot used 2.OOOE-06

--- DIFCZ(m) not used 2.OOOE+00

--- HMIX(1/hr) not used 5.000E-01

--- REXGnot used 2.500E+00

--- HRMnot used 0.O00E+00

--- FAIe (m) not used 3-1.000E+00

--- DMFLnot used 3 2.500E-01

--- EMANA(1)not used 3 1.500E-01

--- EMANA(2)333AAATITL Number of graphical time points 32 --- _1RESRAD, version 6.5 T< Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:41 Page .7Summary : HB sensitivity analysis.soilTc-89 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\TC99 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLTC99.RAD NPTSsite-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) 0 3 .User 3 used by RESRAD 3 Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) NameAkkAA..AAAAXAK AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

.A.4 4.A.AAAA4AAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA TITL Maximum number of integration points for dose 17 --- --- LYMAXTITL Maximum number of integration points for risk 31 1 3- --- KYMAXSummary of Pathway selections Pa.hwa 3 user Selection 5,AAAAAA'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA44AAAAXAAAAAA4A4AAAA.

1-- external gamma 3 active2 inhalation (w/o radon)' active3-- plant ingestion active4 meat ingestion active5 milk ingestion active6 aquatic foods active7 drinking water active8 -- soil ingestion active9 -- radon suppressed Find peak pathway doses active1RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:41 Page 8Summary:

HB sensitivity analysis_soil_Tc-99 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\TC99 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGL_TC99.RAD Contaminated zone Dimensions AA W AAAAAAAAAAAAAW AAA. WArea: 30000.00 square metersThickness:

2.67 metersCover Depth: 0.00 metersinitial soil concentrations, pCi/gAAAAAA"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA TC-99 1.000E+00

IRESRAD, version 6.5 T- Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:41 PageProbabilistic results summary : HB sensitivity analysis.soil.Tc-99 File : C:\RESRADFANILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\TC99 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLTCc9..RAD Table of ContentsAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Part vi: Uncertainty AnalysisORESRAD Uncertainty Analysis ResultsProbabilistic Input .................................

2Total Dose ..........................................

3Total Risk ..........................................

4(&BARTLETT Page 130 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-003 Rev. 0Dose vs Pathway:

Ground External


5Dose VS Pathway:

Inhalation (w/o Radon) ............

6Dose VS Pathway:

Radon (water Ind.) ................

7Dose vs Pathway:

Plant (water Ind.) ................

8Dose vs Pathway:

Meat (water Ind.) ................

9Dose vs Pathway:

Milk (water Ind.) ................

10Dose vs Pathway:

Soil Ingestion


11Dose vs Pathway:

water Ingestion


12Dose vs Pathway:

Fish Ingestion


13Dose vs Pathway:

Radon (Water Dep.) ................

14Dose vs Pathway:

Plant (Water Dep.) ................

15Dose vs Pathway:

Meat (water Dep.) ................

16Dose vs Pathway:

Milk (water Dep.) ................

17Cumulative Probability summary .......................

18Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 1 ..... 19Peak of the mean dose at graphical times .............

20correlation and Regression coefficients (if any) ..... 211RESRAD, version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:41 Page 2Probabilistic results summary : HR sensitivity analysis.soilTc-99 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\TC99 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLTC99.RAD Probabilistic InputONumber of Sample Runs: 2000Number1234567891011121314151617181920.000032122232425262728293031"(fiiiName Distribution Parameters AAAAAAAAAAXýýAAXAWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AAA'AAAAAAAA.AAAAAAAA.AAAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAA DENSCZ BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5635 .2385 .827 2.3TPCZ BOUNDED NORMAL .41 .09 .1319 .6881HCCZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.36 2.17 .00478 3190BCZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.73 .323 2.08 15.3EVAPTR UNIFORM .5 .75RI UNIFORM .36 .76DENSAQ BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5105 .1855 .937 2.084TPSZ BOUNDED NORMAL .43 .0699 .214 .646EPSZ BOUNDED NORMAL .342 .0705 .124 .56HCSZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N

.362 1.59 .0106 195BSZ BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.96 .265 3.02 15.5DWIBWT TRIANGULAR 6 10 30UW UNIFORM 1173 1973H(1) UNIFORM 0 8.08DENSUZ(1)

BOUNDED NORMAL 1.5635 .2385 .827 2.3TPUZ(1) BOUNDED NORMAL .41 .09 .1319 .6881EPUZ(1) BOUNDED NORMAL .315 .0905 .0349 .594HCUZ(1) BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.36 2.17 .00478 3190BUZ(1) BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N 1.73 .323 2.08 15.3MLINH CONTINUOUS LINEAR 8 0 0 .000008 .0151.8119 .00004 .9495 .00006 .9937 .000076 .9983 .0001 1SHF3 UNIFORM .15 .95SHF1 BOUNDED LOGNORMAL-N


.56 .48 .001 .999WLAM TRIANGULAR 5.1 18 84RWET(2) TRIANGULAR

.06 .67 .95DCACTUI(1)


-.67 3.16 .001 .999DCACTS(1)


-.67 3.16 .001 .999BRTF(43,2)


-9.21 .7 .001 .999BRTF(43,3)


-6.91 .7 .001 .999BBIO(43,1)

LOGNORMAL-N 3 1.1.000016 .13651RESRAD, Version 6.5 T. Limit = 30 days 11/28/2011 10:41 Page 20Probabilistic results summary : HB sensitivity analysis.soilTc-99 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\6.5\USERFILES\TC99 DCGL\HB SOIL DCGLTC99.RAD Peak of the mean dose (averaged over observations) at graphical timesRepetition Time of peak mean dose Peak mean doseYears mrem/yr1 0.OOOE+00 2.018E+00 t BARTLETTPage 131 (IBARTLETT ENGINEERING CALCULATION Calculation Number: ENG-HB-004 Revision Number: 0Calculation Title:Guideline LevelsHumboldt Bay Buildingq Surface Derived Concentration Preparer:

,Date 24"- //I/Reviewer:


Date __-_____Engitieeri+/orporate rojectManagerBartlett.

60 Industrial Park RoadPlymouth, MA 02360 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 01.0 PURPOSEThe purpose of this calculation is to develop building surface derived concentration guideline levels (DCGLs) to support final status surveys at the Humboldt Bay site. This calculation is partof the scope of work defined in Contract No. GTO12 3500895165.


This calculation addresses only the development of building surface DCGLs for Humboldt Bay.


3.1 Bartlett Engineering Procedure ENG-AP-02, Verification of Software Operability 3.2 User's Manual for RESRAD-Build Version 3.0, June 2003 (ANL/EAD/03-1) 3.3 Bartlett Engineering Calculation ENG-HB-002, RESRAD-Build Input Parameter Sensitivity Analysis

-Humboldt Bay3.4 NUREG/CR-5512, Residual Radioactive Contamination from Decommissioning

  • Volume 1: Technical Basis for Translating Contamination Levels toAnnual Total Effective Dose Equivalent, Oct. 1992 (PNL-7994)
  • Volume 3: Parameter
Analysis, Draft Report for Comment, Oct. 1999(SAND99-2148) 3.5 NUREG/CR-6697, Development of Probabilistic RESRAD 6.0 and RESRAD-Build 3.0 Computer Codes, Nov. 2000 (ANL/EAD/TM-98) 3.6 NUREG/CR-6755, Technical Basis for Calculating Radiation Doses for the BuildingOccupancy Scenario Using the Probabilistic RESRAD-Build 3.0 Code, Feb. 2002(ANL/EAD/TM/02-1) 3.7 NUREG-1 727, NMSS Decommissioning Standard Review Plan, Sept. 20004.0 METHOD OF CALCULATION The operability of the RESRAD-Build code was verified on each computer used for codeexecutions in accordance with Engineering procedure ENG-AP-02, Verification of SoftwareOperability

[ref. 3.1]. The RESRAD-Build user's manual [ref. 3.2] provided guidance for codeoperation.

Version 3.5 of the RESRAD-Build code was used to calculate building surface DCGL values.The RESRAD-Build computer code is a pathway analysis model designed to evaluate thepotential radiological dose incurred by an individual who works in a building contaminated withradioactive material.

The exposure scenario modeled in this calculation is the buildingrenovation scenario.

The exposure pathways considered are (i) direct external exposure fromthe source (i.e., radioactive material deposited on the floor, walls, and ceiling),

(ii) externalexposure from deposited

material, (iii) external exposure due to air submersion, (iv) exposure(&BARTLETT Page 2 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0due to inhalation of airborne radioactive
material, (v) ingestion of radioactive material directlyfrom the sources and material deposited on the surfaces.

The RESRAD-Build code requires input for numerous parameters in order to calculate the dosevia various exposure pathways to a hypothetical individual working in a building contaminated with radioactive material.

Bartlett Engineering Calculation ENG-HB-002

[ref. 3.3] documents theselection process and sensitivity analyses performed for these numerous parameters; thiscalculation incorporates those results.

The sensitivity analyses performed for the buildingrenovation scenario input parameters identified four sensitive input parameters (i.e., parameters whose values greatly influence the calculated dose) for that scenario:


velocity, resuspension rate, time for source removal, and room air exchange rate. All other inputparameters for the building renovation scenario were non-sensitive.

In order to support the development of building surface DCGLs, Bartlett Engineering Calculation ENG-HB-002

[ref. 3.3] provided recommendations for reasonably conservative values for thesensitive parameters:

25th and 75th percentiles of the input parameter distributions.

Use of 25thand 75th percentiles values provides assurance that the DCGL calculations take into account theuncertainties associated with these sensitive input parameters.

The input values used in thiscalculation are consistent with both the selected scenario and the results of the sensitivity analyses.

RESRAD-Build version 3.5 code runs were performed for each of the radionuclides-of-concern (ROCs) for the Humboldt Bay site. Because each radionuclide was entered at a concentration of 1.0 pCi/m2 and RESRAD-Build code calculates the annual dose associated with thatcontamination level, the RESRAD-Build results (i.e,, mrem/y per 1.0 pCi/m2) were used as adose conversion factor (DCF) to obtain building surface DCGL values that corresponded to thetargeted acceptance criterion, 25 mrem/y. This was accomplished using the following conversions:

The targeted acceptance criterion, 25 mrem/y, divided by the RESRAD-Build DCF, mrem/y perpCi/m2 = the DCGL in units of pCi/m2 corresponding to 25 mrem/y.The next step was to convert the 25-mrem/y DCGL values (in units of pCi/m2) to practical values(in units of dpm/1 00cm2) that would support decommissioning and final status survey activities:

25-mrem/y DCGL (in pCi/m2) -(2.22 dpm/1 pCi) -(lm/1OOcm) 2 _ 100 = 25-mrem/y DCGL inunits of dpm/1 00cm25.0 ASSUMPTIONS AND INPUT5.1 Assumptions Building Occupancy Scenario description:

The RESRAD-Build code v3.5 wasused to model (through use of input parameter values) the building occupancy scenario defined in NUREG/CR-5512, volume 1 [ref. 3.5]. The following exposure pathways are assumed active: (i) direct external exposure from thesource (i.e., residual radioactive material on the floor, walls, and ceiling),

(ii)external exposure from deposited airborne

material, (iii) external exposure due toair submersion, (iv) exposure due to inhalation of airborne radioactive
material, (v) ingestion of radioactive material directly from the sources and materialdeposited on the surfaces.

'd BARTLETT Page 3 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 00 Twenty-two ROCs are identified for the Humboldt Bay: Am-241, C-14,Cm243/244/245/246, Co-60, Cs-137, Eu-152, Eu-154, H-3, 1-129, Nb-94, Ni-59,Ni-63, Np-237, Pu-238/239/240/241, Sr-90, and Tc-99.* The hypothetical individual occupies a room and performs work-related activities inside the building for a full occupational year (assumed equivalent to 97.5twenty-four hours days [ref.3.5]).

  • Conservative breathing rate equal to 45.6 m3/d, a rate appropriate for moderateto heavy activity

[ref. 3.6].* The dimensions assumed for the General Office Building (selected as arepresentative room for the Humboldt Bay site) are shown in Figure 1.5.2 Input0 Table 1 summarizes the classification, prioritization, values and their bases for allinput parameters.

0 Values from NUREG/CR-5512, volume 3 [ref. 3.5], NUEG/CR-6697

[ref. 3.6],NUREG/CR-6755

[ref. 3.7], or NUREG-1727

[ref. 3.8] were assigned for thefollowing scenario-defined parameters:

o Exposure duration:

365.25 do Indoor fraction:

0.267 (= 97.5 work d/y divided by 365.25 d/y)o Breathing rate: 45.6 m3/d (= 24h x 1.9 m3/h, a rate appropriate formoderate to heavy activity

[ref. 3.6]).o Receptor location (center of room): 4.24m, 2.82m,1.0m o Indirect ingestion rate: 1.1 E-04 m2/ho Air fraction:

0.07 for all nuclides except H-3; 1.0 for H-3o Removable fraction:

0.10 Site-specific information (i.e., room dimensions) was used as the basis incalculations (see section 6.0) of values for the following parameters:

o Room areao Room heighto Receptor locationo Location of center of sourceo Source lengtho Source area* 25th or 75th percentile values from Bartlett Engineering Calculation ENG-HB-002

[ref. 3.3] were used as input for the sensitive parameters:


velocity, resuspension rate, time for source removal, and room air exchange rate. Table 1shows these values.BARTLETTPage 4 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0Table 1: Percentile values for sensitive input parameters (data taken from Table 5 in Reference.

3.3)Percentile ValueParametera 25th 50th 75thUD 1.51790E-05 8.52364E-05 4.78217E-04 DKSUS 6.70403E-1 0 1.79444E-08 4.87543E-07 RFO(1) 1.82493E+04 3.30569E+04 5.26952E+04 RFO(2) 1.82301 E+04 3.32029E+04 5.27188E+04 RFO(3) 1.81302E+04 3.30489E+04 5.27756E+04 RFO(4) 1.82071 E+04 3.3041 0E+04 5.27269E+04 RFO(5) 1.80948E+04 3.31085E+04 5.27132E+04 RFO(6) 1.82466E+04 3.30500E+04 5.26222E+04 LAMBDAT 8.35789E-01 1.51522E+00 2.72646E+00 a RFO(#) = source removal time (for source number),

UD = deposition

velocity, DKSUS = resuspension rate, and LAMBDAT = room air exchange rate.Note: The parameters, deposition velocity (UD) and the resuspension rate(DKSUS),

were not identified as sensitive for all sources of Co-60, Eu-152, andEu-154 in the sensitivity analysis (see Table 4 in reference 3.3). The 75thpercentile values were used as conservative input for all Co-60, Eu-1 52, and Eu-154 sources because only RESRAD-Build accepts and applies a single inputvalue for these parameters to all sources.6.0 CALCULATIONS AND RESULTS6.1 Room dimensions:

The dimensions of a representative room are shown in Figure 1.Table 2 shows the unit conversion for the room dimensions and the area associated with each source (i.e., floor, walls, and ceiling).

6.2 Direct ingestion rate (h1) is calculated from the indirect ingestion rate fromNUREG/CR-6755

[ref. 3.7], 1.1 E-04 m2/h, and the total source area, 118.36 M2, asfollows:(1.1 E-04 m2/h)/(1 18.03 M2) = 9.32E-07 hW16.3 Location of the center of source: The center of each source was determined basedon the representative room dimensions.

The locations were determined as the mid-point of the dimension values for the X, Y, and Z-axes. Table 3 presents thelocations for the center of the sources.6.4 RESRAD-Build v3.4 results:

Table 4 (pages 9 through 14) summarizes the inputused in each RESRAD-Build code execution.

6.4.1 Each of the radionuclides listed in section 5.1 was evaluated using aninitial concentration of 1.0 pCi/m2 in separate code executions.

6.4.2 Several evaluation times (t) were used to identify the approximate time ofmaximum dose. For all ROCs except Pu-241, the maximum doseoccurred in the first time interval (0-1 year; see Ref. 3.3). For Pu-241, theJ..BARTLETT Page 5 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0maximum dose may occur at a later time. Therefore, multiple timeintervals were used for Pu-241 to assure that the maximum dose wasused to develop the DCGL value. RESRAD-Build results at the varioustime intervals are summarized below in Table 5.6.5 The maximum doses shown in bold font in Table 5 were used to as the radionuclide-specific conversion factor (CF) for developing the DCGL values, which arepresented in Table Column 2 in Table 6 presents the annual dose associated with aconcentration of 1.0 pCi/m2 as calculated using the RESRAD-Build code.These results were used as radionuclide-specific conversion factors (CF)with units of mrem/y per pCi/m2.For each radionuclide, DCGL valuescorresponding to the acceptance criterion, 25 mrem/y (designated asDCGL25), were calculated as follows:(15 mrem/y) divided by the radionuclide-specific CF = DCGL25 (pCi/m2)The resulting DCGL15 values are shown in column 3 of Table 6.The following hand calculations verify the operation of the spreadsheet:

H-3: (25 mrem/y)/(

2.98E-09mrem/y per pCi/m2)=

8.39E+09 pCi/m2Cs137: (25 mrem/y)/(1.15E-05 mrem/y per pCi/m2)= 2.1OE+06 pCi/m26.5.2 Column 3 of Table 6 presents the conversions of the DCGL25 values topractical values with units of dpm/1 00cm2 (designated in Table 6 asDCGLW). These DCGLW values would support decommissioning and finalstatus surveys at the Humboldt Bay site.DCGL25, pCi/m22.(2.22 dpm/1 pCi) .(1 M2/1 0000cm2) .100 = DCGLW,dpm/1 00cm2The following hand calculations verify the operation of the spreadsheet:

Sr-90: (2.1 OE+06)(2.22)(1


= 4.66E+04 dpm/1 00cm2Pu-239: (1.69E+05)(2.22)(1

/1 0000)(100)

= 3.75E+03 dpm/1 00cm26.6 For practical application, the DCGLW values were rounded down to 2 significant digits. Table 7 presents the rounded DCGLW values.(M-1ARTLETT Page 6 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HB-004 Rev. 0Figure 1: Dimensions of Humboldt Bay General Office Building RoomLA A T E TPg(MlaARTLETT wvýPage 7 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HB-004 Rev. 0Table 2: Representative Room Dimensions (Based on dimensions provided in Figure 1)RecordedSource Dimension No. Description (ft)a mb m21 floor N/A 47.772 north wall 27.8 8.47 21.093 east wall 18.5 5.64 14.044 south wall 27.8 8.47 21.095 west wall 18.5 5.64 14.04wall height 8.17 2.49total source area: 118.03a Recorded length and width dimensions for representative room (see Figure 1).b Feet to meter conversion factor: lft = 0.3048m.Table 3: Location of Center of SourcesSource Source Location of Center of Source (m)No. Description X-axis Y-axis Z-axis1 floor 4.24 2.82 0.002 north wall 4.24 0.00 1.253 east wall 0.00 2.82 1.254 south wall 4.24 5.64 1.255 west wall 8.47 2.82 1.256 ceiling 4.24 2.82 2.49(ABARTLETT Page 8 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HB-004 Rev. 0Table 4: RESRAD-Build Input Parameter Values for DCGLsParameter Type' Nuclide Treatmentb Value/Distribution Value Reference SourceExposure Duration (d) B All D 365 NUREG/CR-5512, VOI.3,section 5.2.1Indoor Fraction B All D 0.267 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol.3,section,5 Use of iy provides doses at t=Oy andEvaluation Time (y) P All D (1, 5, 10, 25, 50, t=ly; multiple input applied to verify100 for Pu-241) time of peak doseNumber. of Rooms P All D 1 NUREG/CR-5512 Am-241, Cm-243, Cm-244, Cm-245, Cm-246, Np- D 1.5179E-05 25th percentile value237, Pu-238, Pu-239, Pu-240, and Pu-241Deposition Velocity (m/s) PC-14, Co-60, Cs-1 37, Eu-1 52, Eu-1 54, H-3, 1-129, thNb-94, Ni-59, Ni-63, Sr-90, and Tc-99 D 4.78217E-04 75 percentile valueAm-241, Cm-243, Cm-244, Np-237, Pu-238, Pu- D 1.79444E-08 50lh percentile value239, Pu-240, and Pu-241Resuspension Rate(s1)

P C-14, Cm-245, Cm-246, Co-60, Cs-137, Eu-152,Eu-154, H-3, 1-129, Nb-94, Ni-59, Ni-63, Sr-90, D 6.70403E-10 25th percentile valueand Tc-99Air Exchange Rate for Room (h1) P All D 8.35789E-01 25th percentile valueRoom Area (M) P All D 47.77 Humboldt Bay-specific data(General Office Building)

Room Height (m) P All D 2.49 Humboldt Bay-specific data(General Office Building)

Time Fraction B All D 1 NUREG/CR-5512 Conservative inhalation rate formoderate to heavy activities

-Inhalation Rate (m3/d) M All D 45.6 NUREG/CR-6697, Attachment C,section 5.1; NUREG/CR-5512, vol. 3,section 5.3.4Indirect Ingestion Rate (m2/h) B All D 0.0001 NUREG/CR6755 NUREG/CR-5512; site-specific roomReceptor Location B All D 4.24, 2.82,1.0 dimensions (General Office Building)

Site-specific model-no shielding Shielding Thickness (cm) P All D 0 assumedRESRAD-Build default value forShielding Density (g/cm3) P All D 2.4 concrete

-not used in DCGLcalculations Default input -not used in DCGLShielding Material P All D concrete calculatins calculations Number of Sources P All 6 Modeling for representative room(includes floor, 4 walls, and ceiling)(MBARTLETT Page 9 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HB-004 Rev. 0Table 4: RESRAD-Build Input Parameter Values for DCGLsParameter Type' Nuclide Treatmentb Value/Distribution Value Reference SourceExternal Dose Conversion Factor, (mrem/y All D RESRAD-Build FGR12per pCi/cm2) M libraryAir Submersion Dose Conversion Factor, RESRAD-Build FGR12(mrem/y per pCi/m3) M All D libraryInhalation Dose Conversion Factor, RESRAD-Build FGRi 1(mrem/pCi)

M All D libraryIngestionl Dose Conversion Factor, RESRAD-Build FGRi 1(mrem/pCi)

M All D librarySource 1: FloorType P All area NUREG/CR-5512 Direction P All Z NUREG/CR-5512 site-specific data -center of floorLocation of Center of Source: x,y,z (m) P All D 4.24, 2.82, 0.0 based on dimensions for GeneralOffice Building roomsite-specific data based onSource length X-axis (m) P All D 8.47 dimensions for General OfficeBuilding roomsite-specific data based onSource length Y-axis (m) P All D 5.64 dimensions for General OfficeBuilding roomArea (m2) P All D --- Source length inputs usedH-3 0.07 ________________

Air Fraction B All othsD NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Section 8.6All others 0.07Direct Ingestion (h1) B All D 9.32E-7 NUREG/CR6755, A.3.3Removable Fraction P All D 0.1 NUREG-1727, Table C.7.1;Removable__Fraction

_PAl__D_0.1_NUREG/CR-6755, section 3.5Time for Source Removal (d) P C-1 4, Co-60, Cs-1 37, Eu-1 52, Eu-1 54,1-129, and D 52695.2 75th percentile valueNb-94Sr-90 and Tc-99 D 33056.9 50th percentile valueAm-241, Cm-243, Cm-244, Cm-245, Cm-246, H- D 18249.3 25Th percentile value3, Ni-59, Ni-63, Np-237, Pu-238, Pu-239, Pu-240,land Pu-241Radionuclide Concentration (pCi/m2) P All D 1.0Source 2: North WallType P 3 Area NUREG/CR-5512 (t BARTLETTPage 10 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HB-004 Rev. 0Thhl~ 4~ RE5~RAD-B.iiId Inniji Parimptpr for flOOL~Parameter Type' Nuclide Treatmentb Value/Distribution Value Reference SourceDirection P 3 X NUREG/CR-5512 site-specific data -center of floorLocation of Center of Source: x,y,z (m) P 3 D 4.24, 0.0, 1.25 based on dimensions for GeneralOffice Building roomsite-specific data based onSource length Y-axis (m) P 2 D 8.47 dimensions for General OfficeBuilding roomsite-specific data based onSource length Z-axis (m) P 2 D 2.49 dimensions for General OfficeBuilding roomArea (M2) P 2 D --- Source length inputs usedH-3 1.0Air Fraction B All D 0.0 NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Section 8.6All others 0.07Direct Ingestion (h-) B 2 D 9.32E-7 NUREG/CR6755, A.3.31b 0.1 NUREG-1727, Table C.7.1;Removable Fraction P 1 0NUREG/CR-6755, section 3.5Time for Source Removal (d) C-14, Co-60, Cs-137, Eu-152, Eu-154, and 1-129 D 52718.8 75th percentile valueNb-94, Sr-90, and Tc-99 D 33202.9 50th percentile valueAm-241, Cm-243, Cm-244, Cm-245, Cm-246, H-3, Ni-59, Ni-63, Np-237, Pu-238, Pu-239, Pu-240, D 18230.1 25Th percentile valueland Pu-241Radionuclide Concentration (pCi/m2) P 2 D 1.0Source 3: East WallType P 3 Area NUREG/CR-5512 Direction P 3 Y NUREG/CR-5512 site-specific data -center of floorLocation of Center of Source: x,y,z (m) P 3 D 0.00, 2.82, 1.25 based on dimensions for GeneralOffice Building roomsite-specific data based onSource length X-axis (m) P 2 D 5.64 dimensions for General OfficeBuilding roomsite-specific data based onSource length Z-axis (m) P 2 D 2.49 dimensions for General OfficeBuilding roomArea (Mi2) P 2 D --- Source length inputs usedM BARTLETTPage 11 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HB-004 Rev. 0Table 4: RESRAD-Build Innut Parameter Values for DCGLsParameter Typea Nuclide Treatmentb Value/Distribution Value Reference SourceH-3 0.07 _____________

Air Fraction B All othersD NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Section 8.6All others 0.07Direct Ingestion (h-1) B 2 D 9.32E-7 NUREG/CR6755, A.3.3NUREG-1 727, Table C.7.1;Removable Fraction P 1D 0.1 NUREG/CR-6755, section 3.5Time for Source Removal (d) P C-14, Co-60, Cs-137,1-129, and Tc-99 D 52775.6 75th percentile valueEu-1 52, Eu-1 54, and Sr-90 D 33048.9 50th percentile valueAm-241, Cm-243, Cm-244, Cm-245, Cm-246, H-3, Nb-94, Ni-59, Ni-63, Np-237, Pu-238, Pu-239, D 18130.2 25Th percentile valuePu-240, and Pu-241Radionuclide Concentration (pCi/m2) P 2 D 1.0Source 4: South WallType P 3 area NUREG/CR-5512 Direction P 3 X NUREG/CR-5512 site-specific data -center of floorLocation of Center of Source: x,y,z (m) P 3 D 4.24, 5.64, 1.25 based on dimensions for GeneralOffice Building roomsite-specific data based onSource length Y-axis (m) P 2 D 8.47 dimensions for General OfficeBuilding roomsite-specific data based onSource length Z-axis (m) P 2 D 2.49 dimensions for General OfficeBuilding roomArea (M2) P 2 D --- Source length inputs usedAir Fraction B H-3 D 1.0NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Section 8.6All others 0.07Direct Ingestion (W1) B 2 D 9.32E-7 NUREG/CR6755, A.3.3NUREG-1727, Table C.7.1;Removable Fraction P 1 D 0.1 NUREG/CR-6755, section 3.5BARTLETTPage 12 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HB-004 Rev. 0Table 4: RESRAD-Build Input Parameter Values for DCGLsParameter Type' Nuclide Treatmentb Value/Distribution Value Reference SourceTime for Source Removal (d) P C-14, Co-60, Cs-137, Eu-154,1-129, and Tc-99 D 52726.9 75th percentile valueNb-94 and Sr-90 D 33041.0 50th percentile valueAm-241, Cm-243, Cm-244, Cm-245, Cm-246, Eu-152, H-3, Ni-59, Ni-63, Np-237, Pu-238, Pu-239, D 18207.1 25Th percentile valuePu-240, and Pu-241Radionuclide Concentration (pCi/m2) P 2 D 1.0Source 5: West WallType P 3 area NUREG/CR-5512 Direction P 3 Y NUREG/CR-5512 site-specific data -center of floorLocation of Center of Source: x,y,z (m) P 3 D 8.47, 2.82, 1.25 based on dimensions for GeneralOffice Building roomsite-specific data based onSource length X-axis (m) p 2 D 5.64 dimensions for General OfficeBuilding roomsite-specific data based onSource length Z-axis (m) P 2 D 2.49 dimensions for General OfficeBuilding roomArea (m2) P 2 D --- Source length inputs usedAir Fraction B H-3D NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Section 8.6All others 0.07Direct Ingestion (h') B 2 D 9.32E-7 NUREG/CR6755, A.3.3NUREG-1727, Table C.7.1;Removable Fraction P iD 0.i NUREG/CR-6755, section 3.5Time for Source Removal (d) C-14, Co-60, Cs-137, 1-129, and Tc-99 D 52713.2 75th percentile valueEu-1 52, Eu-1 54, and Sr-90 D 33108.5 50th percentile valueAm-241, Cm-243, Cm-244, Cm-245, Cm-246, H-3, Nb-94, Ni-59, Ni-63, Np-237, Pu-238, Pu-239, D 18094.8 25Th percentile valuePu-240, and Pu-241Radionuclide Concentration (pCi/m2) P 2 D 1.0BARTLETTPage 13 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HB-004 Rev. 0Table 4: RESRAD-Build Input Parameter Values for DCGLsParameter Typea Nuclide Treatmentb Value/Distribution Value Reference SourceSource 6: CeilingType P 3 area NUREG/CR-5512 Direction P 3 Y NUREG/CR-5512 site-specific data -center of floorLocation of Center of Source: x,y,z (m) P 3 D 4.24, 2.82, 2.49 based on dimensions for GeneralOffice Building roomsite-specific data based onSource length X-axis (m) p 2 D 8.47 dimensions for General OfficeBuilding roomsite-specific data based onSource length Z-axis (m) P 2 D 5.64 dimensions for General OfficeBuilding roomArea (M2) P 2 D --- Source length inputs usedH-3 1.0Air Fraction B All D 0.0 NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Section 8.6All others 0.07Direct Ingestion (h') B 2 D 9.32E-7 NUREG/CR6755, A.3.3Removable Fraction P 1 D 0.1 NUREG-1727, Table C.7.1;NUREG/CR-6755, section 3.5Time for Source Removal (d) P C-14, Co-60, Cs-i 37, Eu-1 52, Eu-1 54,1-129, and D 52622.2 75th percentile valueNb-94D 33050.0 501h percentile valueSr-90 and Tc-99Am-241, Cm-243, Cm-244, Cm-245, Cm-246, H- D 18246.6 25Th percentile value3, Ni-59, Ni-63, Np-237, Pu-238, Pu-239, Pu-240,and Pu-241Radionuclide Concentration (pCi/m2) P 2 D 1.0a p = physical, B = behavioral, M = metabolic; (see NUREG/CR-6697, Attachment B, Table 4.)b D = deterministicBARTLETTPage 14 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HB-004 Rev. 0Table 5: Maximum Dose at Various Evaluation TimesMaximum dose (mrem) at evaluation time::OC Oy ly 5y loy 25y 50y 1OOy,m-241 1.84E-04 1.81 E-04 1.69E-04


D-14 7.90E-08 7.84E-08 7.63E-08


Dm-243 1.27E-04 1.22E-04 1.05E-04


m-244 9.98E-05 9.47E-05 7.65E-05


7m-245 2.48E-04 2.45E-04 2.34E-04


7m-246 2.04E-04 2.01E-04 1.90E-04


7o-60 4.09E-05 3.58E-05 2.11 E-05 ............

s-137 1.19E-05 1.16E-05 1.05E-05


-u-1 52 2.02E-05 1.92E-05 1.55E-05


Eu-1 54 2.15E-05 1.98E-05 1.44E-05


-+3 3.01E-09 2.80E-09 2.10E-09


-129 1.12E-05 1.12E-05 1.09E-05


14b-94 2.86E-05 2.86E-05 2.85E-05


Vli-59 8.77E-09 8.62E-09 8.01 E-09 ............

'4i-63 2.28E-08 2.22E-08 1.99E-08


\ip-237 2.27E-04 2.24E-04 2.11E-04


Pu-238 1.60E-04 1.57E-04 1.43E-04


Pu-239 1.78E-04 1.75E-04 1.65E-04


Fu-240 1.78E-04 1.75E-04 1.65E-04


Pu-241 3.49E-06 3.56E-06 3.75E-06 3.83E-06 3.35E-06 1.93E-08 1.95E-08Sr-90 5.71 E-06 5.52E-06 4.80E-06

--- ---....Tc-99 5.76E-08 5.71 E-08 5.50E-08

---.--- ----(0"BARTLETT Page 15 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HB-004 Rev. 0Table 6: Radionuclide-Specific DCGL ValuesDCGL Value Development:

CF DCGL25 DCGLwNuclide (mrem/y per 1 pCi/m2) (pCi/mr ) (dpm/1 00cm2)Am-241 1.84E-04 1.36E+05 3.02E+03C-14 7.90E-08 3.16E+08 7.03E+06Cm-243 1.27E-04 1.97E+05 4.37E+03Cm-244 9.98E-05 2.51 E+05 5.56E+03Cm-245 2.48E-04 1.01 E+05 2.24E+03Cm-246 2.04E-04 1.23E+05 2.72E+03Co-60 4.09E-05 6.11 E+05 1.36E+04Cs-137 1.19E-05 2.1OE+06 4.66E+04Eu-152 2.02E-05 1.24E+06 2.75E+04Eu-154 2.15E-05 1.16E+06 2.58E+04H-3 3.01 E-09 8.31 E+09 1.84E+081-129 1.12E-05 2.23E+06 4.96E+04Nb-94 2.86E-05 8.74E+05 1.94E+04Ni-59 8.77E-09 2.85E+09 6.33E+07Ni-63 2.28E-08 1.10E+09 2.43E+07Np-237 2.27E-04 1.10E+05 2.44E+03Pu-238 1.60E-04 1.56E+05 3.47E+03Pu-239 1.78E-04 1.40E+05 3.12E+03Pu-240 1.78E-04 1.40E+05 3.12E+03Pu-241 3.83E-06 6.53E+06 1.45E+05Sr-90 5.71 E-06 4.38E+06 9.72E+04Tc-99 5.76E-08 4.34E+08 9.64E+06(&BARTLETT Page 16 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HB-004 Rev. 0Table 7: Building Surface DCGLw, Values by Radionuclide Building SurfaceDCGLV,Nuclide (dpm/1 00cm2)Am-241 3.OE+03C-14 7.OE+06Cm-243 4.3E+03Cm-244 5.5E+03Cm-245 2.2E+03Cm-246 2.7E+03Co-60 1.3E+04Cs-1 37 4.6E+04Eu-152 2.7E+04Eu-154 2.5E+04H-3 1.8E+081-129 4.9E+04Nb-94 1.9E+04Ni-59 6.3E+07Ni-63 2.4E+07Np-237 2.4E+03Pu-238 3.4E+03Pu-239 3.1 E+03Pu-240 3.1 E+03Pu-241 1.4E+05Sr-90 9.7E+04Tc-99 9.6E+06W(?BARTLETT Page 17 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HB-004 Rev. 0Appendix ASelected Pages from RESRAD-Build Reports(W BARTLETTPage 18 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0Am-241 Results:** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 09:56:59 Page: 1 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL_Am241 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Am241.bld RESRAD-BUILD Table of Contents

= -----= = = = = = = = ------------------------------== =RESRAD-BUILD Input Parameters


2Building Information


3Source Information


4For time = 0.OOE+00 yrTime Specific Parameters


7Receptor-source Dose Summary ..........

10Dose by Pathway Detail ................

11Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

12For time = 1.00E+00 yrTime specific Parameters


14Receptor-Source Dose Summary ..........

17Dose by Pathway Detail ................

18Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

19For time = 5.OOE+00 yrTime specific Parameters


21Receptor-source Dose Summary ..........

24Dose by Pathway Detail ................

25Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

26Full summary .............................

28<< RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 09:56:59 Page: 2 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL_.Am241 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Am241.bld RESRAD-BUILD Input Parameters

---Number of sources : 6Number of Receptors:

1Total Time : 3.650000E+02 daysFraction Inside : 2.670000E-01 Receptor Information

=-- -Receptor Room x y Z FracTime Inhalation Ingestion(Dust)

[m] [m] [m] [m3/day]

[m2/hr]1 1 4.240 2.820 1.000 1.000 4.56E+01 1.10E-04=== Receptor-Source Shielding Relationship

===Receptor Source Densit Thickness Material[g/cm3] [cm]1 1 1.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Concrete1 2 1.00E+00 O.OOE+00 Concrete1 3 1.00E+00 0.00E+00 Concrete1 4 1.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Concrete1 5 1.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Concrete1 6 1.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Concrete<< RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 09:56:59 Page: 3 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL_.Am241 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Am241.bld


Building Information Building Air Exchange Rate: 8.36E-01 1/hrHeight[m]

Air Exchanges

[m3/hr]Area [m2]* <=Q01: 9.94E+01HI: 2.490

  • ROOm 1 Q10 : 9.94E+01* LAMBDA: 8.36E-01
  • Area 47.770 * *Deposition velocity:


[m/s] Resuspension Rate: 1.79E-08

[1/S)** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 09:56:59 Page: 4 **ON BfART LETTPage 19 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HB-004 Rev. 0Title Humboldt Bay DCGL.Am241 Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL-Am241 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Am241.bld Source Information Source: 1Location::

ROOm : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 0.00[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+0O width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04


Nuclide concentration Dose conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)[pCi/m2]AM-241 1.000E+00 NP-237 0.000E+00 u-233 0.000E+00 TH-229 O.OOOE+O0 Ingestion


3.640E-03 4.444E-03 2.890E-04 4.027E-03 Inhalation Submersion




4.440E-01 9.554E-05 5.400E-01 1.212E-03 1.350E-01 1.904E-06 2.169E+00 1.741E-03 Source: 2Location::

ROOm : 1 X: 4.Geometry::

Type: AreaPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate:Fraction released to air:Removable fraction:

Time to Remove:24 y: 0.00 z: 1.25[m]Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:


[1/hr]7.000E-02 1.000E-01 1.823E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






AM-241 1.000E+00 3.640E-03 4.440E-01 9.554E-05 NP-237 O.O000E+0 4.444E-03 5.400E-01 1.212E-03

  • k RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 09:56:59 Page: 5 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLAm241 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Am241.bld u-233 0.O00E+00 2.890E-04 1.350E-01 1.904E-06 TH-229 0.O00E+00 4.027E-03 2.169E+00 1.741E-03 Source: 3Location::

Room : 1 X: 0.00 y: 2.82 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr)Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.813E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






Am-241 1.OOOE+00 3.640E-03 4.440E-01 9.554E-05 NP-237 O.O00E+00 4.444E-03 5.400E-01 1.212E-03 u-233 O.O00E+00 2.890E-04 1.350E-01 1.904E-06 TH-229 O.OOOE+00 4.027E-03 2.169E+00 1.741E-03 Source: 4Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.Geometry::

Type: AreaPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate:.Fraction released to air:Removable fraction:

Time to Remove:24 y: 5.64 z: 1.25[m]Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:


[1/hr]7.000E-02 1.O00E-01 1.821E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






AM-241 1.OOOE+00 3.640E-03 4.440E-01 9.554E-05 NP-237 0.000E+00 4.444E-03 5.400E-01 1.212E-03 u-233 0.000E+00 2.890E-04 1.350E-01 1.904E-06

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 09:56:59 Page: 6 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLAm241 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Am241.bld TH-229 0.000E+00 4.027E-03 2.169E+00 1.741E-03 Source: 5Location::

Room : 1 X: 8.47 y: 2.82 z: 1.25[m](& BARTLETTPage 20 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+O0 width[m]:2.49E+O0 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.809E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






AM-241 1.000E+00 3.640E-03 4.440E-01 9.554E-05 NP-237 O.O00E+00 4.444E-03 5.400E-01 1.212E-03 U-233 0.000E+O0 2.890E-04 1.350E-01 1.904E-06 TH-229 0.0Q0E+00 4.027E-03 2.169E+00 1.741E-03 source: 6Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 2.49[m)Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






AM-241 1.000E+00 3.640E-03 4.440E-01 9.554E-05 NP-237 0.000E+00 4.444E-03 5.400E-01 1.212E-03 u-233 0.OOOE+00 2.890E-04 1.350E-01 1.904E-06 TH-229 0.O00E+00 4.027E-03 2.169E+00 1.741E-03 RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 09:56:59 Page: 7Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL.Am241 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HB_.DCGL-Am241.bld Evaluation Time: O.O0000000E+00 yearsAssessment for Time: 1Time =0.OOE+00 yrsource Information Source: 1Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 0.00 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04


Nuclide concentration

[pci/m2]Am-241 1.000E+00 NP-237 0.000E+00 u-233 0.000E+00 TH-229 0.000E+00 Source: 2Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 0.00 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.823E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pci/m2]AM-241 1.000E+00 NP-237 0.000E+00 u-233 0.OOOE+00 TH-229 0.000E+00

  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 09:56:59 Page: 8 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL.Am241 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Am241.bld Evaluation Time: O.O0000000E+00 yearssource: 3Location::

Room : 1 X: 0.00 y: 2.82 z: 1.25 [mlGeometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xtSARTLETT Page 21 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0Pathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hrjFraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.813E+04


Nuclide concentration

[pci/m2]Am-241 1.000E+00 NP-237 0.000E+00 u-233 0.000E+00 TH-229 0.000E+00 source: 4Location::

ROOm : 1 x: 4.24 y: 5.64 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.821E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]Am-241 1.000E+00 NP-237 0.000E+00 u-233 0.000E+00 TH-229 0.000E+00

  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 09:56:59 Page: 9 *Title : Humboldt say DCGLAm241 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Am241.bld Evaluation Time: O.O0000000E+00 yearsSource: 5Location::

ROOm : 1 X: 8.47 y: 2.82 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OO0E-01 Time to Remove: 1.809E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]AM-241 1.000E+00 NP-237 0.000E+00 u-233 0.000E+00 TH-229 0.000E+00 Source: 6Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 2.49 [m)Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[i/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]At-241 1.000E+00 NP-237 O.000E+00 u-233 0O.00E+00 TH-229 0.000E+00

  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 09:56:59 Page: 10 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLAm241 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Am241.bld Evaluation Time: 0.00000000E+00 years--- -- -=-- --=-=== = --RESRAD-BUILD Dose TablesSource Contributions to Receptor Doses[mrem)Source Source Source Source Source Source Total1 2 3 4 5 6Receptor 1 5.30E-05 2.33E-05 1.55E-05 2.33E-05 1.55E-05 5.29E-05 1.84E-04Total 5.30E-05 2.33E-05 1.55E-05 2.33E-05 1.55E-05 5.29E-05 1.84E-04tBARTLETT Page 22 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HB-004 Rev. 0C-14 Results:** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:06:30 Page: 1 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL_C14Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-C14.bld RESRAD-BUILD Table of Contents---------RESRAD-BUILD Input Parameters


Building Information


Source Information


For time = 0.00E+00 yrTime specific Parameters


Receptor-Source Dose Summary ..........

Dose by Pathway Detail ................

Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

For time = 1.OOE+00 yrTime Specific Parameters


Receptor-Source Dose Summary ..........

Dose by Pathway Detail ................

Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

For time = 5.OOE+00 yrTime Specific Parameters


Receptor-Source Dose Summary ..........

Dose by Pathway Detail ................

Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

Full Summary .............................

2347101112141718192124252628** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:06:30 Page: 2 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLC14Input File : C:\RESRAD-Family\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-c14.bld RESRAD-BUILD Input Parameters

---Number of Sources :Number of Receptors:

Total TimeFraction Inside613.650000E+02 days2.670000E-01 Receptor Information Receptor Room x y Z FracTime Inhalation Ingestion(Dust)

[m] [m] [m] [m3/day]

[m2/hr)1 1 4.240 2.820 1.000 1.000 4.56E+01 1.OOE-04=== Receptor-Source shielding Relationship

===Receptor Source Density Thickness MaterialEg/cmSJ [cm]1111111234561.00E+00 0.OOE+00 Concrete1.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Concrete1.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Concrete1.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 concrete1.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Concrete1.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Concrete** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:06:30 Page:Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL_C14Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-C14.bld 3 **-..==... Building Information

.......Building Air Exchange Rate: 8.36E-01 1/hrHeight[m]

Area [m2]Air Exchanges

[m3/hr]HI: 2.490

  • Room 1' LAMBDA: 8.36E-01Area 47.770 *<=QO1: 9.94E+01Q1O : 9.94E+01Deposition velocity:


[m/s] Resuspension Rate: 6.70E-10

[1/S]BARTLETTPage 23 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:06:30 Page: 4 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLC14Input File : C:\RESRAD-Family\BUILD\3.S\HBDCGL-C14.bld Source Information Source: 1Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 0.00[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1,OO0E-01 Time to Remove: 5.270E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






C-14 1.0000E+0 2.090E-06 2.090E-06 2.616E-08 Source: 2Location::

ROOm : 1 X: 4.24 y: 0.00 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+0D Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOE-02Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 5.272E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






C-14 1.000E+00 2.090E-06 2.090E-06 2.616E-08

  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:06:30 Page: 5 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLC14Input File : C:\RESRAD-Family\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-C14.bld Source: 3Location::

Room : 1 X: 0.00 y: 2.82 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 5.278E+04


Nuclide concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






C-14 1.000E+00 2.090E-06 2.090E-06 2.616E-08 Source: 4Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 5.64 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OO0E-01 Time to Remove: 5.273E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






C-14 1.OOOE+00 2.090E-06 2.090E-06 2.616E-08

  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:06:30 Page: 6 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLC14Input File : C:\RESRAD.Family\BUILD\3.S\HBDCGL-C14.bld Source: SLocation::

Room : 1 X: 8.47 y: 2.82 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OO0E-01 Time to Remove: 5.271E+04

[day]t BARTLETTPage 24 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0Contamination::

Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






C-14 1.000E+00 2.090E-06 2.090E-06 2.616E-08 Source: 6Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 2.49[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 5.262E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






C-14 1.000E+00 2.090E-06 2.090E-06 2.616E-08

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:06:30 Page: 7 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLC14Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-C14.bld Evaluation Time: 0.00000000E+00 yearsAssessment for Time: 1Time =0.00E+00 yrSource Information source: 1Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 0.00 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 5.270E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pci/m2]C-14 1.000E+00 Source: 2Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 0.00 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 5.272E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]C-14 1.000E+00

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:06:30 Page: 8 "*Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLC14Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBLDCGL-C14.bld Evaluation Time: O.O0000000E+00 yearssource: 3Location::

Room : 1 X: 0.00 y: 2.82 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 5.278E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]C-14 1.000E+00 Source: 4Location::

ROOm : 1 X: 4.24 y: 5.64 z: 1.25 Em]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 5.273E+04

[day]t01BARTLETT Page 25 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HB-004 Rev. 0Contamination::

Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]C-14 1.000E+00 Source: 5Location::.

ROOm : 1 X: 8.47 y: 2.82 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07 (1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 5.271E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]C-14 1.OOOE+00

  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:06:30 Page: 9 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLC14Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-C14.bld Evaluation Time: 0.00000000E+00 yearsSource: 6Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 2.49 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr)Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 5.262E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]C-14 1.OOOE+00 RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:06:30 Page: 10 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLC14Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-C14.bld Evaluation Time: 0.00000000E+00 yearsRESRAD-BUILD Dose Tablessource Contributions to Receptor Doses[mrem]Source Source Source Source Source Source Total1 2 3 4 5 6Receptor 1 2.28E-08 1.00E-08 6.67E-09 1.OOE-08 6.67E-09 2.28E-08 7.90E-08Total 2.28E-08 I.OOE-08 6.67E-09 1.OOE-08 6.67E-09 2.28E-08 7.90E-08BARTLETTPage 26 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0Cm-243 Results:** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:09:02 Page: I *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLCm243 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Cm243.bld RESRAD-BUILD Table of ContentsRESRAD-BUILD Input Parameters


2Building Information


3source Information


4For time = 0.00E+00 yrTime specific Parameters


8Receptor-source Dose Summary ..........

11Dose by Pathway Detail ................

12Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

13For time = 1.00E+00 yrTime specific Parameters


15Receptor-source Dose Summary ..........

18Dose by Pathway Detail ................

19Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

20For time = 5.00E+00 yrTime Specific Parameters


22Receptor-Source Dose Summary ..........

25Dose by Pathway Detail ................

26Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

27Full summary .............................

29* RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:09:02 Page: 2 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL_Cm243 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-cm243.bld RESRAD-BUILD Input Parameters Number of Sources : 6Number of Receptors:

1Total Time : 3.650000E+02 daysFraction Inside : 2.670000E-01 Receptor Information

==......Receptor Room X' y z FracTime Inhalation Ingestion(Dust)

[m] [m] [m] (m3/day]

[m2/hr]1 1 4.240 2.820 1.000 1.000 4.56E+01 1.OOE-04Receptor-Source Shielding Relationship Receptor Source Density Thickness Material1g/cm3] [cm]1 1 1.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Concrete1 2 1.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Concrete1 3 1.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 concrete1 4 1.00E+00 O.OOE+00 Concrete1 5 1.00E+O0 O.OOE+O0 Concrete1 6 1.00E+O0 O.OOE+00 ConcreteRESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:09:02 Page: 3 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLCm243 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Cm243.bld

-.. Building Information Building Air Exchange Rate: 8.36E-01 1/hrHeight[m]

Air Exchanges

[m3/hr]Area [m2]<=Q01: 9.94E+01Hi: 2.490

  • ROOm 1
  • Q10 : 9.94E+01LAMBDA: 8.36E-01
  • Area 47.770 * *Deposition velocity:


[m/s] Resuspension Rate: 1.79E-08

[E/s]ES BARTLETTPage 27 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0*- RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:09:02 Page: 4 "'Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL.Cm243 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Cm243.bld Source Information Source: 1Location::

Room : 1 x: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 0.00[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






CM-243 1.OOOE+00 2.510E-03 3.070E-01 6.868E-04 Pu-239 0.OOOE+00 3.540E-03 4.290E-01 4.952E-07 u-235 O.OOOE+00 2.673E-04 1.230E-01 9.019E-04 PA-231 O.OOOE+00 1.060E-02 1.280E+00 2.009E-04 AC-227 O.000E+00 1.480E-02 6.724E+00 2.161E-03 Source: 2Location::

ROOm : 1 X: 4.24 y: 0.00 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.0OOE-01 Time to Remove: 1.823E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






CM-243 1.00OE+00 2.510E-03 3.070E-01 6.868E-04

  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:09:02 Page: 5 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLCm243 Input File : C:\RESRAD.Family\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-cm243.bld Pu-239 0.OOOE+00 3.540E-03 4.290E-01 4.952E-07 u-235 0.OOOE+00 2.673E-04 1.230E-01 9.019E-04 PA-231 0.OOOE+00 1.060E-02 1.280E+00 2.009E-04 AC-227 O.000E+00 1.480E-02 6.724E+00 2.161E-03 Source: 3Location::

Room : 1 X: 0.00 y: 2.82 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+0O width[m]:2.49E+0O Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.0OOE-01 Time to Remove: 1.813E+04


Nuclide concentration Dose conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






CM-243 1.OOOE+00 2.510E-03 3.070E-01 6.868E-04 Pu-239 0.OOOE+00 3.540E-03 4.290E-01 4.952E-07 u-235 0.000E+00 2.673E-04 1.230E-01 9.019E-04 PA-231 O.000E+00 1.060CE-02 1.280E+00 2.009E-04 AC-227 O.O00E+00 1.480E-02 6.724E+00 2.161E-03 Source: 4Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 5.64 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OO0E-01 Time to Remove: 1.821E+04


Nuclide concentration Dose conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






BARLTPae2 (AV? E3 A RTL ETTPage 28 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:09:02 Page: 6 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLCm243 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Cm243.bld cm-243 1.OOOE+00 2.510E-03 3.070E-01 6.868E-04 Pu-239 O.000E+00 3.540E-03 4.290E-01 4.952E-07 u-235 0.OOOE+00 2.673E-04 1.230E-01 9.019E-04 PA-231 0.OOOE+00 1.060E-02 1.280E+00 2.009E-04 AC-227 0.OOOE+00 1.480E-02 6.724E+00 2.161E-03 Source: 5Location::

Room : 1 x: 8.47 y: 2.82 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOE-01Time to Remove: 1.809E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion (pCi/m2]





Cm-243 1.OOOE+00 2.510E-03 3.070E-01 6.868E-04 Pu-239 0.OOOE+00 3.540E-03 4.290E-01 4.952E-07 u-235 O.OOOE+00 2.673E-04 1.230E-01 9.019E-04 PA-231 O.OOOE+00 1.060E-02 1.280E+00 2.009E-04 AC-227 O.OOOE+00 1.480E-02 6.724E+00 2.161E-03

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:09:02 Page: 7 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLcm243 Input File : C:\RESRAD.Family\BUILD\3.5\HBeDCGL-Cm243.bld Source: 6Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 2.49[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OO0E-O1 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






CM-243 1.OOOE+00 2.510E-03 3.070E-01 6.868E-04 Pu-239 O.OOOE+00 3.540E-03 4.290E-01 4.952E-07 u-235 O.000E+00 2.673E-04 1.230E-01 9.019E-04 PA-231 O.000E+00 1.060E-02 1.280E+00 2.009E-04 AC-227 O.OOOE+00 1.480E-02 6.724E+00 2.161E-03

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:09:02 Page: 8 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLCm243 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Cm243.bld Evaluation Time: O.OOOOOOOOE+00 yearsAssessment for Time: 1Time =0.OOE+00 yrSource Information Source: 1Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 0.00 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]CM-243 1.OOOE+00 PU-239 0.O0OE+O0 U-235 O.000E+0PA-231 O.OOOE+00 AC-227 O.OOOE+00 Source: 2Location::

Room : 1 x: 4.24 y: 0.00 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 t BARTLETT Page 29 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HB-004 Rev. 0Removable fraction:

Time to Remove:1. OOOE-011.823E+04


Nuclide concentration

[pCi/m2]CM-243 1.000E+00 Pu-239 0.OOOE+00 u-235 0.OOOE+00 PA-231 0.000E+00 AC-227 0.OO0E+00

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:09:02 Page:Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLCm243 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Cm243.bld Evaluation Time: 0.00000000E+00 years9 .*source: 3Location::

Room : 1 X: 0.00 y: 2.82 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.00E-01Time to Remove: 1.813E+04



[pCi/m2]1.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 0.O00E+00 0.OOOE+00 Source: 4Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 5.64 z: 1.25 [imGeometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 1.821E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]CM-243 1.OOOE+00 Pu-239 O.OOOE+00 U-235 O.O00E+00 PA-231 O.OOOE+00 AC-227 O.O00E+00

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:09:02 Page: 10 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLCm243 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Cm243.bld Evaluation Time: 0.00000000E+00 yearsSource: 5Location::

Room : 1 X: 8.47 y: 2.82 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m):5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1,OO0E-01 Time to Remove: 1.809E+04


NuclideCM-243PU-239U-235PA-231AC-227Concentrati on[pCi/m2)1.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 source: 6Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 2.49 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOE-02Removable fraction:

1.00OE-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04



[pCi/m2]1.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00

(&BARTLETT Page 30 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HB-004 Rev. 0** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:09:02 Page: 11 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL-Cm243 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Cm243.bld Evaluation Time: 0.00000000E+00 yearsRESRAD-BUILD Dose Tables------------=== === == === ===------------

= == === ==source Contributions to Receptor Doses[mrem]Source Source Source Source Source Source Total1 2 3 4 5 6Receptor 1 3.69E-05 1.61E-05 1.07E-05 1.61E-05 1.07E-05 3.67E-05 1.27E-04Total 3.69E-05 1.61E-05 1.07E-05 1.61E-05 1.07E-05 3.67E-05 1.27E-04f0ABARTLETT Page 31 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HB-004 Rev. 0Cm-244 Results:** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:12:41 Page: 1 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL_Cm244 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Cm244.bld

-RESRAD-BUILD-Table of Conten== RESRAD-BUILD Table of Contents

=== ===-- -- -- -- -- -RESRAD-BUILD Input Parameters


Building Information


Source Information


For time = O.OOE+00 yrTime Specific Parameters


Receptor-Source Dose Summary ..........

Dose by Pathway Detail ................

Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

For time = 1.OOE+00 yrTime Specific Parameters


Receptor-Source Dose Summary ..........

Dose by Pathway Detail ................

Dose by Nuclide Detail ..............

For time = 5.OOE+00 yrTime Specific Parameters


Receptor-Source Dose Summary ..........

Dose by Pathway Detail ................

Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

Full Summary .............................

2348111213151819202225262729** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, Version 3.50 01/25/12 10:12:41Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLCm244 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Cm244.bld Page:2 **RESRAD-BUILD Input Parameters Number of Sources : 6Number of Receptors:

1Total Time : 3.650000E+02 daysFraction Inside : 2.670000E-01 Receptor Information Receptor Room x y z FracTime Inhalation Ingestion(Dust)

[m] [m] Em] [m3/day]

[m2/hr]1 1 4.240 2.820 1.000 1.000 4.56E+01 1.00E-04=== Receptor-Source shielding Relationship

==Receptor SourceDensit Thickness Material[g/cm3i [cm]1111111234S61.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Concrete1.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Concrete1.00E+00 O.OOE+00 concrete1.00E+00 O.00E+00 Concrete1.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Concrete1.OOE+00 O.OOE+O0 Concrete** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:12:41Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL_Cm244 Input File : C:\RESRADPFamily\BUILD\3.5\HB_.DCGL-Cm244.bld Page: 3 **Building Information Air Exchange Rate: 8.36E-01 1/hrHeight[m]

Air Exchanges

[m3/hr]Area [m2]<-Q01: 9.94E+01010 : 9.94E+01HI: 2.490Area 47.770Room 1LAMBDA: 8.36E-01Deposition velocity:


[m/s] Resuspension Rate: 1.79E-08

[E/s]( BARTLETTPage 32.

Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HBB-004 Rev. 0'* RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:12:41 Page: 4Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL.Cm244 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Cm244.bld Source Information Source: 1Location::

Room : 1 x: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 0.00[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04

[day]Radon Release Fraction:

1.000E-01 Contamination::

Nuclide Concentration Dose conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






cM-244 1.OO0E+00 2.020E-03 2.480E-01 5.735E-07 Pu-240 0.OOOE+00 3.540E-03 4.290E-01 5.548E-07 u-236 O.OOOE+00 2.690E-04 1.250E-01 5.852E-07 TH-232 O.OOOE+00 2.730E-03 1.640E+00 1.018E-06 TH-228 O.O0OE+00 8.086E-04 3.454E-01 9.378E-03 RA-228 0.000E+00 1.442E-03 5.078E-03 5.583E-03 Source: 2Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.2Geometry::

Type: AreaPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate:Fraction released to air:Removable fraction:

Time to Remove:Radon Release Fraction:

4 y: 0.00 z: 1.25[m]ength[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:


[1/hr]7.000E-02 1.OO0E-01 1.823E+04

[day]1.00OE-01 Contamination::

Nuclide Concentration Dose conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:12:41 Page: S *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL.cm244 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-cm244.bld cM-244 1.OOOE+00 2.020E-03 2.480E-01 5.735E-07 Pu-240 0.OOOE+00 3.540E-03 4.290E-01 5.548E-07 u-236 0.O000E00 2.690E-04 1.250E-01 5.852E-07 TH-232 0.OOOE+00 2.730E-03 1.640E+00 1.018E-06 TH-228 O.OOOE+00 8.086E-04 3.454E-01 9.378E-03 RA-228 O.0OOE+00 1.442E-03 5.078E-03 5.583E-03 Source: 3Location::

Room : 1 X: 0.00 y: 2.82 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:S.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 1.813E+04

[day]Radon Release Fraction:

1.000E-01 Contamination::

Nuclide concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






cM-244 1.000E+00 2.020E-03 2.480E-01 5.735E-07 Pu-240 0.OOOE+00 3.540E-03 4.290E-01 5.548E-07 u-236 0.0005+00 2.690E-04 1.250E-01 5.852E-07 TH-232 0.0005+00 2.730E-03 1.640E+00 1.018E-06 TH-228 O.OOOE+00 8.086E-04 3.454E-01 9.378E-03 RA-228 0.OOOE+00 1.442E-03 5.078E-03 5.583E-03

"* RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:12:41 Page: 6 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL.Cm244 Input File : C:\RESRAD-Family\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-cm244.bld Source: 4Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 5.64 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.821E+04

[day]Radon Release Fraction:

1.OOOE-01 BSARTLETT Page 33 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0Contamination::

Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






CM-244 1.000E+O0 2.020E-03 2.480E-01 5.735E-07 Pu-240 O.O00E+00 3.540E-03 4.290E-01 5.548E-07 u-236 O.OOOE+00 2.690E-04 1.250E-01 5.852E-07 TH-232 0.O00E+O0 2.730E-03 1.640E+00 1.018E-06 TH-228 0.OOOE+00 8.086E-04 3.454E-01 9.378E-03 RA-228 0.OOOE+00 1.442E-03 5.078E-03 5.583E-03 Source: 5Location::

Room : 1 X: 8.47 y: 2.82 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr)Fraction released to air: 7.OOE-02Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 1.809E+04

[day]Radon Release Fraction:

1.000E-01 contamination::

Nuclide concentration Dose conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






cm-244 1.000E+00 2.020E-03 2.480E-01 5.735E-07 Pu-240 0.OOOE+00 3.540E-03 4.290E-01 5.548E-07 u-236 0.000E+00 2.690E-04 1.250E-01 5.852E-07

  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:12:41 Page: 7 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLCm244 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Cm244.bld TH-232 O.OOOE+00 2.730E-03 1.640E+00 1.018E-06 TH-228 O.OOOE+00 8.086E-04 3.454E-01 9.378E-03 RA-228 0.OOOE+00 1.442E-03 5.078E-03 5.583E-03 Source: 6Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 2.49[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m):5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04

[day]Radon Release Fraction:

1.000E-01 Contamination::

Nuclide concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion EpCi/m2]





Cm-244 1.000E+00 2.020E-03 2.480E-01 5.735E-07 Pu-240 O.000E+00 3.540E-03 4.290E-01 5.548E-07 u-236 0.000E+00 2.690E-04 1.250E-01 5.852E-07 TH-232 0.000E+00 2.730E-03 1.640E+00 1.018E-06 TH-228 O.O00E+00 8.086E-04 3.454E-01 9.378E-03 RA-228 0.O00E+00 1.442E-03 5.078E-03 5.583E-03

  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:12:41 Page: 8 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLCm244 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Cm244.bld Evaluation Time: O.OOOOOOOOE+00 yearsAssessment for Time: 1Time =O.OOE+00 yrSource Information Source: 1Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 0.00 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr)Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pci/m2]CM-244 1.000E+00 Pu-240 O.OOOE+00 u-236 O.OOOE+O0 TH-232 O.O00E+00 TH-228 0.000E+00 BARTLETT Page 34 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Building Surface .DCGLsENG-HB-004 Rev. 0RA-228 O.OOOE+00 Source: 2Location::

ROOM : 1 X: 4.24 y: 0.00 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OO0E-01 Time to Remove: 1.823E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]CM-244 1.000E+00 Pu-240 O.OOOE+00 u-236 O.OOOE+00 TH-232 O.OOOE+00 TH-228 0.OOOE+00

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:12:41 Page: 9 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLCm244 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBLDCGL-cm244.bld Evaluation Time: 0.OOOOOOOOE+00 yearsRA-228 O.OOOE+00 Source: 3Location::

Room : 1 x: 0.00 y: 2.82 z: 1.25 EmnGeometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 1.813E+04


Nuclide concentration

[pCi/m2]CM-244 1.OOOE+00 Pu-240 O.OOOE+00 u-236 O.O00E+00 TH-232 0.OOOE+00 TH-228 0.OOOE+00 RA-228 0.OOOE+00 Source: 4Location::

Room : 1 x: 4.24 y: 5.64 z: 1.25 [mlGeometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OO0E-01 Time to Remove: 1.821E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pci/m2]CM-244 1.OOOE+00 Pu-240 0.OOOE+00 u-236 0.OOOE+00 TH-232 O.O00E+00 TH-228 0.000E+00 RA-228 O.OOOE+00

  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:12:41 Page: 10 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLCm244 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.S\HBDCGL-Cm244.bld Evaluation Time: O.OOOOOOOOE+00 yearsSource: 5Location::

Room : 1 X: 8.47 y: 2.82 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 1.809E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pci/m2]CM-244 1.0005+00 Pu-240 0.OOOE+00 u-236 0.OOOE+00 TH-232 0.OOOE+00 TH-228 0.OOOE+00 RA-228 O.OOOE+00 Source: 6Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 2.49 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 t BARTLETTPage 35 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HB-004 Rev. 0Time to Remove:contamination::



[pCi/m2J1. 000E+00O.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 O.O00E+00 O.O00E+00

-RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:12:41 Page: 11 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLCm244 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Cm244.bld Evaluation Time: 0.00000000E+00 yearsRESRAD-BUILD Dose Tablessource contributions to Receptor Doses[mrem]Source Source Source Source Source source Total1 2 3 4 5 6Receptor 1 2.87E-05 1.27E-05 8.46E-06 1.27E-05 8.47E-06 2.87E-05 9.98E-05Total 2.87E-05 1.27E-05 8.46E-06 1.27E-05 8.47E-06 2.87E-05 9.98E-05t- BARTLETTPage 36 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0Cm-245 Results:"" RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:16:05 Page: 1 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL_Cm245 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Cm245.bld RESRAD-BUILD Table of ContentsRESRAD-BUILD Input Parameters


2Building Information


3source Information


4For time = O.OOE+00 yrTime specific Parameters


8Receptor-source Dose Summary ..........

11Dose by Pathway Detail ................

12Dose by Nuclide Detail................

13For time = 1.00E+00 yrTime Specific Parameters


15Receptor-source Dose Summary ..........

18Dose by Pathway Detail ................

19Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

20For time = 5.OOE+00 yrTime specific Parameters


22Receptor-Source Dose summary ..........

25Dose by Pathway Detail ................

26Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

27Full Summary .............................

29** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:16:05 Page: 2 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL_Cm245 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILo\3.5\HBDCGL-Cm245.bld RESRAD-BUILD Input Parameters Number of sources : 6Number of Receptors:

1Total Time : 3.650000E+02 daysFraction Inside : 2.670000E-01 Receptor Information Receptor Room x y z FracTime Inhalation Ingestion(Dust)

[im [m] [m] [m3/day]

[m2/hr)1 1 4.240 2.820 1.000 1.000 4.56E+01 1.00E-04=== Receptor-Source shielding Relationship

===Receptor Source Density Thickness Material[g/cm3ý [cm]1 1 1.00E+00 O.OOE+00 Concrete1 2 1.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Concrete1 3 1.00E+00 0.OOE+00 Concrete1 4 1.00E+00 0.0OE+00 Concrete1 5 1.00E+00 0.00E+00 Concrete1 6 1.00E+00 0.00E+00 Concrete** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:16:05 Page: 3 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLCm245 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Cm245.bld Building Information Building Air Exchange Rate: 8.36E-01 1/hrHeight[m]

Air Exchanges

[m3/hr]Area [m2]* <=QO1: 9.94E+01HI: 2.490

  • Room 1 Q10 : 9.94E+01* LAMBDA: 8.36E-01
  • Area 47.770 * *Deposition velocity:


[M/s] Resuspension Rate: 6.70E-10

[1/satSBARTLETT Page 37 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:16:05 Page: 4 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLCm245 Input File : C:\RESRADPamily\BUILD\3.5\HBLDCGL-Cm245.bld Source Information source: 1Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 0.00[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr)Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






CM-245 1.000E+00 3.740E-03 4.550E-01 4.625E-04 Pu-241 O.O00E+00 6.840E-05 8.250E-03 2.555E-08 AM-241 0.O00E+00 3.640E-03 4.440E-01 9.554E-05 NP-237 O.O00E+00 4.444E-03 5.400E-01 1.212E-03 u-233 0.000E+00 2.890E-04 1.350E-01 1.904E-06 TH-229 0.OOOE+00 4.027E-03 2.169E+00 1.741E-03 Source: 2Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 0.00 z: 1.25[m)Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 1.823E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:16:05 Page: 5 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL-Cm245 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-cm245.bld CM-245 1.OO0E+00 3.740E-03 4.550E-01 4.625E-04 Pu-241 0.OOOE+00 6.840E-05 8.250E-03 2.555E-08 AM-241 0.000E+00 3.640E-03 4.440E-01 9.554E-05 NP-237 0.OOOE+O0 4.444E-03 5.400E-01 1.212E-03 u-233 O.OOOE+00 2.890E-04 1.350E-01 1.904E-06 TH-229 O.O00E+0o 4.027E-03 2.169E+00 1.741E-03 Source: 3Location::

Room : 1 X: 0.00 y: 2.82 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m):5.64E+O0 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 1.813E+04


Nuclide concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






CM-245 1.OOOE+00 3.740E-03 4.550E-01 4.625E-04 Pu-241 O.O0OE+00 6.840E-05 8.250E-03 2.555E-08 AM-241 O.OOOE+00 3.640E-03 4.440E-01 9.554E-05 NP-237 0.OOOE+00 4.444E-03 5.400E-01 1.212E-03 u-233 0.00E+00 2.890E-04 1.350E-01 1.904E-06 TH-229 0.OOOE+00 4.027E-03 2.169E+00 1.741E-03 RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:16:05 Page: 6 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLCm245 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Cm245.bld Source: 4Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 5.64 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 1.821E+04

[day]t BARTLETTPage 38 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0contamination::

Nuclide Concentration Dose conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






CM-245 1.000E+00 3.740E-03 4.550E-01 4.625E-04 PU-241 0.OOOE+00 6.840E-05 8.250E-03 2.555E-08 AM-241 0.OOOE+00 3.640E-03 4.440E-01 9.554E-05 NP-237 O.O00E+00 4.444E-03 5.400E-01 1.212E-03 u-233 O.O00E+00 2.890E-04 1.350E-01 1.904E-06 TH-229 O.OOOE+O0 4.027E-03 2.169E+00 1.741E-03 Source: 5Location::

Room : 1 X: 8.47 y: 2.82 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OO0E-01 Time to Remove: 1.809E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






CM-245 1.000E+00 3.740E-03 4.550E-01 4.625E-04 Pu-241 O.OOOE+00 6.840E-05 8.250E-03 2.555E-08 AM-241 O.OOOE+00 3.640E-03 4.440E-01 9.554E-05

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:16:05 Page: 7 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL.Cm245 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Cm245.bld NP-237 0.OOOE+O0 4.444E-03 5.400E-01 1.212E-03 u-233 O.OOOE+O0 2.890E-04 1.350E-01 1.904E-06 TH-229 O.000E+00 4.027E-03 2.169E+00 1.741E-03 Source: 6Location::

Room : 1 x: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 2.49[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+O0 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.O00E-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04


Nuclide concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






CM-245 1.O00E+00 3.740E-03 4.550E-01 4.625E-04 PU-241 O.000E+00 6.840E-05 8.250E-03 2.555E-08 AM-241 O.O00E+O0 3.640E-03 4.440E-01 9.554E-05 NP-237 0.000E+00 4.444E-03 5.400E-01 1.212E-03 u-233 O.OOOE+00 2.890E-04 1.350E-01 1.904E-06 TH-229 0.O00E+O0 4.027E-03 2.169E+00 1.741E-03

  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:16:05 Page: 8 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLCm245 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Cm245.bld Evaluation Time: 0.OOOOOOOOE+O0 yearsAssessment for Time: 1--- Time =O.OOE+00 yrSource Information Source: 1Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 0.00 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+O0 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]CM-245 1.OOOE+00 Pu-241 O.OOOE+O0 Am-241 O.OOOE+O0 NP-237 O.OOOE+00 u-233 0.OOOE+00 TH-229 O.OOOE+00 source: 2Location::

Room 1 X: 4.24 y: 0.00 z: 1.25 [m](SBARTLETT Page 39 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.823E+04


Nuclide concentration

[pci/m2]CM-245 1.000E+00 Pu-241 O.000E+00 AM-241 0.000E+00 NP-237 0.000E+00 u-233 0.OOOE+00

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:16:05 Page: 9 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLCm245 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-cm245.bld Evaluation Time: O.O0000000E+00 yearsTH-229 0.000E+00 source: 3Location::

Room : 1 X: 0.00 y: 2.82 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hrJFraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.813E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2)CM-245 1.OOOE+00 Pu-241 0.OOOE+00 Am-241 O.OOOE+00 NP-237 O.000E+00 u-233 O.OOOE+00 TH-229 0.OOOE+00 Source: 4Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 5.64 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 1.821E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]CM-245 1.000E+O0 PU-241 0.O00E+00 Am-241 0.O00E+O0 NP-237 0.OOOE+00 u-233 O.000E+00 TH-229 O.00OE+00

  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:16:05 Page: 10 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLCm245 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Cm245.bld Evaluation Time: O.O0000000E+00 yearsSource: 5Location::

ROOm : 1 X: 8.47 y: 2.82 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hrjFraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.809E+04


Nuclide concentration

[pCi/m2]Cm-245 1.000E+00 Pu-241 0.OOOE+00 AN-241 O.O00E+00 NP-237 O.O00E+00 u-233 O.O00E+00 TH-229 0.OOOE+00 Source: 6Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 2.49 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OO0E-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04

[day]tSIBARTLETT Page 40 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HB-004 Rev. 0Contamination::

Nuclide concentration

[pCi/m2]CM-245 I.OOOE+O0 Pu-241 O.OOOE+O0 AN-241 O.O00E+00 NP-237 O.O00E+O0 u-233 0.000E+00 TH-229 0.000E+00

    • RESRAD-BUILO Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:16:05 Page: 11 **Title : Humboldt Ray DCGL_cm245 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.S\HBDCGL-cm245.bld Evaluation Time: 0.00000000E+00 yearsRESRAD-BUILD Dose Tables-----------source contributions to Receptor Doses[mrem]Source Source Source Source Source Source Total1 2 3 4 5 6Receptor 1 8.02E-05 2.90E-05 1.80E-05 2.90E-05 1.80E-05 7.34E-05 2.48E-04Total 8.02E-05 2.90E-05 1.80E-05 2.90E-05 1.80E-05 7.34E-05 2.48E-04(&BARTLETT Page 41 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0Cm-246 Results:** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, Version 3.50 01/25/12 10:20:05 Page: 1 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL_Cm246 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-cm246.bld RESRAD-BUILD Table of ContentsRESRAD-BUILD Input Parameters


2Building Information


3Source Information


4For time = 0.OOE+00 yrTime Specific Parameters


7Receptor-Source Dose Summary ..........

10Dose by Pathway Detail ................

11Dose by Nuclide Detail ...............

12For time = 1.OOE+00 yrTime Specific Parameters


14Receptor-Source Dose Summary ..........

17Dose by Pathway Detail ................

18Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

19For time = 5.00E+00 yrTime specific Parameters


21Receptor-source Dose Summary ..........

24Dose by Pathway Detail ................

25Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

26For time = 1.00E+02 yrTime Specific Parameters


28Receptor-source Dose Summary ..........

31Dose by Pathway Detail ................

32Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

33Pull Summary .............................

35&V~SARTLETT Page 42(MBARTLETT Page 42 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HB-004 Rev. 0** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:20:05 Page: 2 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLCm246 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-cm246.bld RESRAD-BUILD Input Parameters Number of sources : 6Number of Receptors:

1Total Time : 3.650000E+02 daysFraction Inside : 2.670000E-01 Receptor Information Receptor Room x y Z FracTime Inhalation Ingestion(Dust)

[ml m] [im] [m3/day]

[m2/hr]1 1 4.240 2.820 1.000 1.000 4.56E+01 1.00E-04== Receptor-source shielding Relationship Receptor Source Densit Thickness Material[g/cm3S [cm]1 1 1.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Concrete1 2 1.00E+00 0.OOE+00 concrete1 3 1.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Concrete1 4 1.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 concrete1 5 1.00E+00 0.00E+00 concrete1 6 1.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Concrete** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:20:05 Page: 3 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL_cm246 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Cm246.bld

-- Building Information Building Air Exchange Rate: 8.36E-01 1/hrHeight[m]

Area [m2]Air Exchanges

[m3/hr]HI: 2.490

  • Room* LAMBDA: 8.36E-01Area 47.770 *<=Q01: 9.94E+01QIO : 9.94E+01Deposition velocity:


[m/s] Resuspension Rate: 6.70E-10

[1/si"* RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:20:05 Page: 4 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLCm246 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-cm246.bld

--==== Source Information Source: 1Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 0.00[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]-Fraction released to air: 7.0OOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04


Nuclide concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






CM-246 1.O00E+00 3.700E-03 4.510E-01 5.209E-07 Source: 2Location::

Room : 1 x: 4.24 y: 0.00 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.823E+04

[day]t BARTLETTPage 43 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HB-004 Rev. 0Contamination::

Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






CM-246 1.OOOE+00 3.700E-03 4.510E-01 5.209E-07

"" RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, Version 3.50 01/25/12 10:20:05 Page:Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLCm246 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Cm246.bld 5 "'Source: 3Location::

Room : 1 X: 0.00 y: 2.82 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr)Fraction released to air: 7.0005-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.813E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






CM-246 1.OOOE+00 3.700E-03 4.510E-01 5.209E-07 Source: 4Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 5.64 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.821E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






CM-246 1.000E+00 3.700E-03 4.510E-01 5.209E-07

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:20:05 Page:Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLCm246 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HB_.DCGL-Cm246.bld 6 **Source: 5Location::

ROOm : 1 X: 8.47 y: 2.82 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOO-01Time to Remove: 1.809E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






CM-246 1.OOOE+00 3.700E-03 4.510E-01 5.209E-07 Source: 6Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 2.49[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OO0E-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






CM-246 1.OOOE+00 3.700E-03 4.510E-01 5.209E-07

  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version -3.50 01/25/12 10:20:05 Page: 7 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL.Cm246 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Cm246.bld Evaluation Time: 0.OOOOOOOOE+00 yearsAssessment for Time: 1--- Time =O.OOE+00 yrt BARTLETTPage 44 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0source Information

..=Source: 1Location::

Room : 1 x: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 0.00 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOQE-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04


Nuclide concentration

[pci/m2]CM-246 1.000E+00 source: 2Location::

Room : 1 x: 4.24 y: 0.00 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[mJ:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.00OE-01 Time to Remove: 1.823E+04


Nuclide concentration

[pCi/m2]CM-246 1.OOOE+00

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:20:05 Page: 8 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLCm246 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-cm246.bld Evaluation Time: 0.O000OOOOE+00 yearsSource: 3Location::

Room : 1 x: 0.00 y: 2.82 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.813E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pci/m2]CM-246 1.000E+00 source: 4Location::

Room : 1 x: 4.24 y: 5.64 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hrJFraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OO0E-01 Time to Remove: 1.821E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pci/m2]CM-246 1.OOOE+00 Source: 5Location::

Room : 1 X: 8.47 y: 2.82 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 1.809E+04


Nuclide concentration

[pCi/m2]cm-246 1.000E+00

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:20:05 Page: 9 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLcm246 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-cm246.bld Evaluation Time: 0.OOOOOOOOE+00 yearssource: 6Location::

Room : 1 x: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 2.49 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

ZPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 tSA RTLETT Page 45 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HB-004 Rev. 0Time to Remove:1.825E+04


Nuclide concentration

[pCi/m2]CM-246 1.000E+00

  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:20:05 Page: 10 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLCm246 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Cm246.bld Evaluation Time: O.OOOOOOOOE+00 yearsRESRAD-BUILD Dose Tables-----------source Contributions to Receptor Doses[mrem]Source Source Source Source Source source Total1 2 3 4 5 6Receptor 1 6.14E-05 2.52E-05 1.64E-05 2.52E-05 1.64E-05 5.93E-05 2.04E-04Total 6.14E-05 2.52E-05 1.64E-05 2.52E-05 1.64E-05 S.93E-05 2.04E-04tN BARTLETTPage 46 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0Co-60 Results:-* RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:22:41 Page: 1 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL_Co60 Input File : C:\RESRAD-Family\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Co6O.bld RESRAD-BUILD Table of ContentsRESRAD-BUILD Input Parameters


2Building Information


3Source Information


4For time = O.OOE+00 yrTime Specific Parameters


7Receptor-Source Dose Summary ..........

10Dose by Pathway Detail ................

11Dose by Nuclide Detail................

12For time = 1.00E+00 yrTime specific Parameters


14Receptor-Source Dose Summary ...........

17Dose by Pathway Detail ................

18Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

19For time = 5.OOE+00 yrTime specific Parameters


21Receptor-source Dose Summary ..........

24Dose by Pathway Detail ................

25Dose by Nuclide Detail................

26Full Summary .............................

28** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:22:41 Page: 2 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL_Co60 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Co6O.bld RESRAD-BUILD Input Parameters

=--Number of Sources : 6Number of Receptors:

1Total Time : 3.650000E+02 daysFraction Inside : 2.670000E-01


Receptor Information Receptor Room x y z FracTime Inhalation Ingestion(Dust)

[m] [m] [im [m3/day]

[m2/hr]1 1 4.240 2.820 1.000 1.000 4.56E+01 1.OOE-04=== Receptor-Source shielding Relationship

===Receptor Source Density Thickness Material1g/cm3E [cm]1 1 1.OOE+0O 0.00E+00 Concrete1 2 1.O0E+O0 O.OOE+00 Concrete1 3 1.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Concrete1 4 1.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Concrete1 5 1.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Concrete1 6 1.00E+00 0.00E+00 Concrete* RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:22:41 Page: 3 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL_CO60 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HB_.DCGL-Co60.bld Building Information

.......Building Air Exchange Rate: 8.36E-01 1/hrHeight[m]

Air Exchanges

[m3/hr]Area [m2]* <=O01: 9.94E+01HI: 2.490

  • Room 1 " QI0 : 9.94E+01* LAMBDA: 8.36E-01
  • Area 47.770 * *Deposition velocity:


[m/s] Resuspension Rate: 6.70E-10

[1/S]r, BARTLETTPage 47 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:22:41 Page: 4 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL-Co60 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-CoSO.bld Source Information source: 1Location::

Room : 1 x: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 0.00[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 5.270E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






CO-60 1.OOOE+00 2.690E-05 2.190E-04 1.472E-02 Source: 2Location::

ROOm : 1 X: 4.24 y: 0.00 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr)Fraction released to air: 7.0002-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 5.272E+04


Nuclide concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






CO-60 1.000E+00 2.690E-05 2.190E-04 1.472E-02

  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:22:41 Page: 5 *Title : Humboldt Bay OCGLCo60Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Co6O.bld Source: 3Location::

Room : 1 X: 0.00 y: 2.82 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

XPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.0002-01 Time to Remove: 5.278E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






CO-60 1.000E+00 2.690E-05 2.190E-04 1.472E-02 source: 4Location::

Room : 1 x: 4.24 y: 5.64 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07 (1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 5.273E+04


Nuclide concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






CO-60 1.000E+00 2.690E-05 2.190E-04 1.472E-02

"* RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:22:41 Page: 6 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLCo60Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Co6O.bld Source: 5Location::

Room : 1 x: 8.47 y: 2.82 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.0002-02 Removable fraction:

1.0002-01 Time to Remove: 5.271E+04

[day](MBARTLETT M11,Page 48 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0contamination::

Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






CO-60 1.000E+00 2.690E-05 2.190E-04 1.472E-02 Source: 6Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 2.49[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 5.262E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






co-60 1.OOOE+00 2.690E-05 2.190E-04 1.472E-02

  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:22:41 Page: 7 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL-Co60 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Co6O.bld Evaluation Time: O.O0000000E+0O yearsAssessment for Time: 1Time =0.OOE+00 yrSource Information Source: 1Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 0.00 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m):5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr)Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 5.270E+04


Nuclide concentration

[pCi/m2JCO-60 1.OOOE+00 Source: 2Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 0.00 z: 1.25 [mlGeometry::

Type: Area Length[m):8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr)Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 5.272E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pci/m2]co-60 1.000E+00

  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:22:41 Page: 8 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL-Co60 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Co6O.bld Evaluation Time: 0.OOOOOOOOE+00 yearsSource: 3Location::

Room : 1 X: 0.00 y: 2.82 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hrjFraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OO0E-01 Time to Remove: 5.278E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pci/m2]CO-60 1.OOOE+00 Source: 4Location::

ROOm : 1 X: 4.24 y: 5.64 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hrjFraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 5.273E+04

[day]AM B ART LETTNm:;,Page 49 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HB-004 Rev. 0contamination::


[pCi/m2]1.OOOE+O0 Source: SLocation::

Room : 1 x: 8.47 y: 2.82 z: 1.25 im]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+O0 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.32OE-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOE-01Time to Remove: 5.271E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pci/m2]co-60 1.OOOE+00

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, Version 3.50 01/25/12 10:22:41 Page: 9 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL-Co60 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-CoGO.bld Evaluation Time: O.OOOOOOOOE+0O yearsSource: 6Location::

Room : 1 x: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 2.49 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:S.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 TiMe to Remove: 5.262E+04


Nuclide concentration

[pci/m2]CO-60 1.OOOE+O0

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:22:41 Page: 10 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLCO60Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-CoGO.bld Evaluation Time: O.OOOOOOOOE+O0 yearsRESRAD-BUILD Dose Tables-= -----=- -Source Contributions to Receptor Doses[tmrem]Source Source Source Source Source Source Total1 2 3 4 5 6Receptor 1 1.78E-05 3.50E-06 1.45E-06 3.50E-06.1.45E-06 1.32E-05 4.09E-05Tota] 1.78E-05 3.50E-06 1.45E-06 3.50E-06 1.45E-06 1.32E-05 4.09E-05( BARTLETTPage 50 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0Cs-137 Results:RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:25:02 Page: 1 "*Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLCS137 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Cs137.bld RESRAD-BUILD Table of Contents

---RESRAD-BUILD Input Parameters


2Building information


3source Information


4For time = O.OOE+00 yrTime Specific Parameters


7Receptor-Source Dose Summary ..........

10Dose by Pathway Detail ................

11Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

12For time = 1.00E+00 yrTime Specific Parameters


14Receptor-source Dose Summary ..........

17Dose by Pathway Detail ................

18Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

19For time = 5.OOE+00 yrTime specific Parameters


21Receptor-source Dose Summary ..........

24Dose by Pathway Detail ................

25Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

26Full Summary .............................

28* RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:25:02 Page: 2 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLCS137 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-CS137.bld

-- RESRAD-BUILD Input Parameters

---Number of Sources : 6Number of Receptors:

1Total Time : 3.650000E+02 daysFraction Inside : 2.670000E-01 Receptor Information

...-Receptor ROOM x y Z FracTime Inhalation Ingestion(Dust)

Em] Em) Em] [m3/day]

[m2/hr]1 1 4.240 2.820 1.000 1.000 4.56E+01 1.00E-04Receptor-Source shielding Relationship Receptor Source Density Thickness Material[g/cm3] [cm]1 1 1.OOE+00 0.D0E+00 Concrete1 2 1.00E+00 0.DDE+00 Concrete1 3 1.00E+00 0.OOE+00 Concrete1 4 1.00E+00 0.OOE+00 Concrete1 5 1.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Concrete1 6 1.OOE+00 0.O0E+00 Concrete** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:25:02 Page: 3 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL-CS137 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-CS137.bld Building Information Building Air Exchange Rate: 8.36E-01 1/hrHeight[m]

Air Exchanges

[m3/hr]Area Em2]* <=QO1: 9.94E+01HI: 2.490

  • Room 1 Q10 : 9.94E+01* LAMBDA: 8.36E-01Area 47.770 * *Deposition velocity:


[m/si Resuspension Rate: 6.70E-10

[l/S]( ,BARTLETT Page 51 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:25:02 Page: 4 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL-CS137 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-CS137.bld

--== Source Information source: 1Location::

ROOm : 1 x: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 0.00[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 5.270E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






cs-137 1.O0OOE+0 O5,OE-05 3.190E-05 3.183E-03 Source: 2Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 0.00 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m):2.49E+O0 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.ODOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 5.272E+04


Nuclide concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






cs-137 1.OOOE+00 5.OOOE-05 3.190E-05 3.183E-03

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, Version 3.50 01/25/12 10:25:02 Page: 5 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLCS137 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-CS137.bld Source: 3Location::

Room : 1 X: 0.00 y: 2.82 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OO0E-01 Time to Remove: 5.278E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)ingestion Inhalation Submersion






cs-137 1.OOOE+00 5.OOOE-05 3.190E-05 3.183E-03 Source: 4Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 5.64 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OO0E-01 Time to Remove: 5.273E+04


Nuclide concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






CS-137 1.OOOE+00 5.OO0E-05 3.190E-05 3.183E-03

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:25:02 Page: 6 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLCS137 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.S\HBDCGL-CS137.bld source: 5Location::

Room : 1 x: 8.47 y: 2.82 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 5.271E+04

[day]W.BARTLETT Page 52 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0contamination::

Nuclide concentration Dose conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






cs-137 1.000E+O0 5.000E-g5 3.190E-05 3.183E-03 Source: 6Location::

Room : 1 x: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 2.49[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 5.262E+04


Nuclide concentration Dose conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






cs-137 1.000E+00 5.00mE-05 3.190E-05 3.183E-03

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:25:02 Page: 7 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLCs137 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBLDCGL-csl37.bld Evaluation Time: O.O0000000E+00 yearsAssessment for Time: 1Time =O.OOE+00 yrSource Information Source: 1Location::

Room : 1 x: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 0.00 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.000m-01 Time to Remove: 5.270E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]cs-137 1.O00E+00 source: 2Location::

ROOm : 1 X: 4.24 y: 0.00 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 5.272E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pci/m2]cs-137 1.OOOE+00

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:25:02 Page: 8 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLCs137 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HB DCGL-Csl37.bld Evaluation Time: O.O0000000OE+0 yearsSource: 3Location::

Room : 1 X: 0.00 y: 2.82 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+0G width[m]:2.49E+0O Direction:


Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.GO0E-01 Time to Remove: 5.278E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]CS-137 1.O00E+00 source: 4Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 5.64 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 C? BARTLETTPage 53 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HB-004 Rev. 0Removable fraction:

Time to Remove:Contamination::

NUCCS-1. ODE-015.273E+04

[day]lide Concentration

[pCi/m2]137 1.000E+00 Source: 5Location::

Room : 1 X: 8.47 y: 2.82 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 5.271E+04


Nuclide concentration

[pCi/m2]CS-137 1.000E+00

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:25:02 Page: 9 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL-CS137 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-CS137.bld Evaluation Time: 0.00000000E+00 yearsSource: 6Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z:Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 Pathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hrjFraction released to air: 7.ODE-02Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 5.262E+04

[day]2.49 [m]width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]cs-137 1.000E+00

  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:25:02 Page: 10 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLCS137 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-CS137.bld Evaluation Time: 0.00000000E+00 yearsRESRAD-BUILD Dose TablesSource Contributions to Receptor Doses[mrem]Source Source Source Source Source Source Total1 2 3 4 5 6Receptor 1 4.93E-06 1.08E-06 4.99E-07 1.08E-06 5.00E-07 3.77E-06 1.19E-05Total 4.93E-06 1.08E-06 4.99E-07 1.08E-06 5.00E-07 3.77E-06 1.19E-05(t BARTLETTPage 54 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0Eu-152 Results:-RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:30:22 Page: 1 *4Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL_Eu152 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-EU152.bld RESRAD-BUILD Table of ContentsRESRAD-BUILD Input Parameters


2Building Information


3Source Information


4For time = 0.00E+00 yrTime specific Parameters


7Receptor-Source Dose summary ..........

10Dose by Pathway Detail ................

11Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

12For time = 1.00E+00 yrTime Specific Parameters


14Receptor-Source Dose Summary ..........

17Dose by Pathway Detail ................

18Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

19For time = 5.00E+00 yrTime Specific Parameters


21Receptor-Source Dose Summary ..........

24Dose by Pathway Detail ................

25Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

26Full Summary .............................

28** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:30:22 Page: 2 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLEu152 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Eu152.bld RESRAD-BUILD Input Parameters

= === == === == ====-Number of Sources : 6Number of Receptors:

1Total Time : 3.650000E+02 daysFraction Inside : 2.670000E-01 Receptor Information Receptor ROOm x y z FracTime Inhalation Ingestion(Dust)

[m] [m] [m] [m3/day]

[m2/hr]1 1 4.240 2.820 1.000 1.000 4.56E+01 1.OOE-04=== Receptor-Source shielding Relationship

===Receptor Source Density Thickness Material[g/cm3J [cm]1 1 1.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Concrete1 2 1.00E+00 O.OOE+00 Concrete1 3 1.00E+00 0.OOE+00 Concrete1 4 1.OOE+00 0.00E+00 Concrete1 5 1.00E+00 0.00E+00 concrete1 6 1.OOE+00 0.O00+00 Concrete* RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:30:22 Page: 3 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL-EU152 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Eul52.bld Building Information

Building Air Exchange Rate: 8.36E-01 1/hrHeight[m]

Air Exchanges

[m3/hr]Area [m2J* <-Q01: 9.94E+01Hi: 2.490

  • Room 1 Q10 : 9.94E+01* LAMBDA: 8.36E-01
  • Area 47.770 * *Deposition velocity:


[M/s] Resuspension Rate: 6.70E-10

[1/s)JA BART LETTPage 55 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0" RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:30:22 Page: 4 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL-EU152 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Eu152.bld Source Information source: 1Location::

Room : 1 x: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 0.00[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr)Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 5.270E+04


Nuclide concentration Dose conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






GD-152 0.000E+00 1.610E-04 2.430E-01 O.O00E+00 EU-152 1.000E+00 6.480E-06 2.210E-04 6.599E-03 Source: 2Location::

ROOm I X: 4.24 y: 0.00 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr)Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 5.272E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






GD-152 0.00E+00 1.610E-04 2.430E-01 O.O00E+00 EU-152 1.OOOE+00 6.480E-06 2.210E-04 6.599E-03

"" RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:30:22 Page: 5 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLEu152 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Eu152.bld source: 3Location::

ROOm : 1 x: 0.00 y: 2.82 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr)Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 3.305E+04


Nuclide concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






GD-152 O.OOOE+00 1.610E-04 2.430E-01 0.OOOE+00 Eu-152 1.OOOE+00 6.480E-06 2.210E-04 6.599E-03 source: 4Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 5.64 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[mJ:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.821E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






GD-152 0.O00E+00 1.610E-04 2.430E-01 O.OoOE+00 EU-152 1.OOOE+00 6.480E-06 2.210E-04 6.599E-03 RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:30:22 Page: 6Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLEu152 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Eul52.bld Source: 5Location::

Room : 1 X: 8.47 y: 2.82 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 t 'BARTLETT Page 56 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HB-004 Rev. 0Removable fraction:

Time to Remove:1.00OE-01 3.311E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]GD-152 0.OOOE+00 EU-152 1.OOOE+00 Dose conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion





1.610E-04 2.430E-01 0.OOOE+00 6.480E-06 2.210E-04 6.599E-03 Source: 6Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 2.49[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OO0E-01 Time to Remove: 5.262E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






GD-152 0.OOOE+00 1.610E-04 2.430E-01 O.OOOE+00 EU-152 1.OOOE+00 6.480E-06 2.210E-04 6.599E-03

  • k RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:30:22 Page: 7 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLEu152 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HB_.DCGL-Eu152.bld Evaluation Time: O.00000000E+00 years== Assessment for Time: 1==Time =0.OOE+00 yrSource Information Source: 1Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z:Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 Pathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.00OE-01 Time to Remove: 5.270E+04

[day]0.00 [m]width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:


Nucl ideGD-152EU-152concentration

[pCi/m2]O.OOOE+00 1.000E+00 Source: 2Location::

Room : 1 x: 4.24 y: 0.00 z:Geometry::

Type: Area Length[ml:8.47E+0O Pathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr)Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 5.272E+04

[day]1.25 [mlwidth[m):2.49E+O0 Direction:


Nuclide concentration

[pCi/m2]GD-152 0.OOOE+00 EU-152 1.OOOE+O0

  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:30:22 Page:Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLEu152 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Eul52.bld Evaluation Time: 0.OOOOOOOOE+00 years8 3source: 3Location::

Room : 1 X: 0.00 y: 2.82 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OQOE-01 Time to Remove: 3.305E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]GD-152 O.OOOE+00 t SBARTLETT Page 57 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsEU-152 1.000E+00 source: 4Location::

Room :1 X: 4.24 y: 5.64 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.821E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2)GD-152 ..000E+0OEU-152 1.0O0E+00 Source: 5Location::

Room : 1 X: 8.47 y: 2.82 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 3.311E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2)** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, Version 3.50 01/25/12 10:30:22 Page: 9 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL-EU152 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HRDCGL-Eu152.bld Evaluation Time: O.O0000000E+00 yearsGD-152 0.000E+O0 EU-152 1.000E+00 Source: 6Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 2.49 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OO0E-01 Time to Remove: 5.262E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]GD-152 O.OOOE+O0 EU-152 1.000E+00

  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:30:22 Page: 10 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLEu152 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Eu152.bld Evaluation Time: O.O0000000E+00 yearsRESRAD-BUILD Dose TablesENG-HB-004 Rev. 0---- ----- -----source contributions to Receptor Doses[mrem]source Source Source Source Source source Total1 2 3 4 5 6Receptor 1 8.83E-06 1.72E-06 7.09E-07 1.72E-06 7.11E-07 6.52E-06 2.02E-05Totas 8.83E-06 1.72E-06 7.09E-07 1.72E-06 7.11E-07 6.52E-06 2.02E-05&SBARTLETT Page 58 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0Eu-154 Results:** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:31:37 Page: 1 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL_Eu154 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HtDCGL-Eu154.bld RESRAD-BUILD Table of ContentsRESRAD-BUILD Input Parameters


2Building Information


3Source Information


4For time = 0.00E+00 yrTime specific Parameters


7Receptor-Source Dose Summary ..........

10Dose by Pathway Detail ................

11Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

12For time = 1.OOE+00 yrTime specific Parameters


14Receptor-Source Dose Summary ..........

17Dose by Pathway Detail ................

18Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

19For time = 5.00E+00 yrTime Specific Parameters


21Receptor-Source Dose Summary ..........

24Dose by Pathway Detail ................

25Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

26Full summary .............................

28** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:31:37 Page: 2 ,Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL_Eu154 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Eu154.bld RESRAD-BUILD Input Parameters

---Number of Sources : 6Number of Receptors:

1Total Time : 3.650000E+02 daysFraction Inside : 2.670000E-01 Receptor Information Receptor Room x y Z FracTime Inhalation Ingestion(Dust)

[m] [m] [m] [m3/day]

[m2/hr)1 1 4.240 2.820 1.000 1.000 4.56E+01 1.OOE-04=== Receptor-source shielding Relationship

===Receptor Source Densit Thickness Material[g/cm3J [cm]1 1 1.OOE+00 O.OOE+O0 Concrete1 2 1.OOE+00 0.OOE+O0 Concrete1 3 1.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Concrete1 4 1.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Concrete1 5 1.OOE+00 0.00E+00 Concrete1 6 1.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Concrete, RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, Version 3.50 01/25/12 10:31:37 Page: 3 3Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL_Eu154 Input File : C:\RESRAD_..Family\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-EU154.bld Building Information Building Air Exchange Rate: 8.36E-01 1/hrHeight[m]

Air Exchanges

[m3/hr]Area [m2]* <=QOl: 9.94E+01HI: 2.490

  • Room 1 Q10 : 9.94E+01* LAMBDA: 8.36E-01
  • Area 47.770 * *Deposition velocity:


[M/s] Resuspension Rate: 6.70E-10

[1/Si(nw 13ARTLETT Page 59 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0*' RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:31:37 Page: 4 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL-EU154 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Eu154.bld

-=== Source Information Source: 1Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 0.00[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 5.270E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






EU-154 1.000E+00 9.550E-06 2.860E-04 7.172E-03 Source: 2Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 0.00 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m):2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 5.272E+04


Nuclide concentration Dose conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






EU-154 1.000E+00 9.550E-06 2.860E-04 7.172E-03

"' RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:31:37 Page: 5 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLEu154 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HRBDCGL-Eu154.bld Source: 3Location::

Room : 1 x: 0.00 y: 2.82 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hrJFraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 3.305E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






EU-154 1.000E+00 9.550E-06 2.860E-04 7.172E-03 Source: 4Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 5.64 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 5.273E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






EU-154 1.OOOE+O0 9.550E-06 2.860E-04 7.172E-03

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:31:37 Page: 6 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL-Eu154 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-EU154.bld Source: 5Location::

Room : 1 x: 8.47 y: 2.82 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:S.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 3.311E+04

[day]t BARTLETT Page 60 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0Contamination::

Nuclide concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






EU-154 1.000E+00 9.550E-06 2.860E-04 7.172E-03 Source: 6Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 2.49[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OO0E-01 Time to Remove: 5.262E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






EU-154 1.OOOE+00 9.550E-06 2.860E-04 7.172E-03

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:31:37 Page: 7 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLEu154 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Eu154.bld Evaluation Time: O.OOOOOOOOE+00 yearsAssessment for Time: 1Time =O.OOE+00 yr-=== Source Information source: 1Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 0.00 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OO0E-01 Time to Remove: 5.270E+04


Nuclide concentration

[pci/m2]EU-154 1.000E+00 source: 2Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 0.00 z: 1.25 [miGeometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OO0E-01 Time to Remove: 5.272E+04


Nuclide concentration

[pci/m2]EU-154 1.OOOE+00

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:31:37 Page: 8 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL-EU154 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Eu154.bld Evaluation Time: D.OOO00E+00 yearsSource: 3Location::

Room : 1 X: 0.00 y: 2.82 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 3.305E+04


Nuclide concentration

[pci/m2]EU-154 1.OOOE+00 source: 4Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 5.64 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 I SBARTLETT Page 61 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0Time to Remove: 5.273E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]EU-154 1.OOOE+00 Source: 5Location::

Room : 1 x: 8.47 y: 2.82 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 3.311E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]EU-154 1.000E+00

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:31:37 Page: 9 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLEu1S4 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-EU154.bld Evaluation Time: 0.00000000E+00 yearsSource: 6Location::

ROOm : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 2.49 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 5.262E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pci/m2]EU-154 1.000E+00

  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:31:37 Page: 10 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL-EU154 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Eu154.bld Evaluation Time: 0.00000000E+00 yearsRESRAD-BUILD Dose TablesSource Contributions to Receptor Doses[mrem]Source Source Source Source Source Source Total1 2
  • 3 4 5 6Receptor 1 9.36E-06 1.83E-06 7.56E-07 1.83E-06 7.58E-07 6.92E-06 2.15E-05Total 9.36E-06 1.83E-06 7.56E-07 1.83E-06 7.58E-07 6.92E-06 2.15E-05f .BARTLETT Page 62 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HB-004 Rev. 0H-3 Results:* RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:32:46 Page: 1 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLH3Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-H3.bld RESRAD-BUILD Table of Contents-----.- -=-==== === === == ----------------

= = === ===RESRAD-BUILD Input Parameters


2Building Information


3Source Information


4For time = O.OOE+00 yrTime Specific Parameters


7Receptor-Source Dose Summary ..........

10Dose by Pathway Detail ................

11Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

12For time = 1.OOE+00 yrTime Specific Parameters


14Receptor-Source Dose Summary ..........

17Dose by Pathway Detail ................

18Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

19For time = 5.00E+00 yrTime Specific Parameters


21Receptor-Source Dose Summary ..........

24Dose by Pathway Detail ................

25Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

26Full Summary .............................

28** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, Version 3.50 01/25/12 10:32:46 Page: 2 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLH3Input File : C:\RESRAO_..Family\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-H3.bld RESRAD-BUILD Input Parameters

Number of Sources :Number of Receptors:

Total TimeFraction Inside613.650000E+02 days2.670000E-01 Receptor Information

--- -Receptor Room X y Z FracTime Inhalation Ingestion(Dust)

[m] [m] [m] [m3/day]

[m2/hr]1 1 4.240 2.820 1.000 1.000 4.56E+01 1.00E-04=== Receptor-Source Shielding Relationship

==Receptor SourceDensity Thickness Material[g/cm3] [cm]1111111234561.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Concrete1.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Concrete1.oOE+00 0.OOE+00 Concrete1.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Concrete1.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Concrete1.OOE+00 0.OOE+O0 Concrete** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:32:46Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLH3Input File : C:\RESRAD-Family\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-H3.bld Page:3 **Building Information

.......Building Air Exchange Rate: 8.36E-01 1/hrHeight[m]

Area [m2]Hi: 2.490 *Area 47.770 *Air Exchanges

[m3/hr]<=Q01:9.94E+01QIO : 9.94E+01Room 1LAMBDA: 8.36E-01Deposition velocity:


[m/s] Resuspension Rate: 6.70E-10

[E/s]LeSARTLETT Page 63ABARTLETT NZO,Page 63 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HIB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0*; RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:32:46 Page: 4 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLH3Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HtDCGL-H3.bld source Information

-Source: 1Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 0.00[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 1.OO0E+00 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04


Nuclide concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






H-3 1.OOOE+00 6.400E-08 6.400E-08 3.866E-08 Source: 2Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 0.00 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 1.000E+0O Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.823E+04


Nuclide concentration Dose conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






H-3 1.OOOE+00 6.400E-08 6.400E-08 3.866E-08

  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, Version 3.50 01/25/12 10:32:46 Page: 5 "'Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLH3Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUlLD\3.5\HBDCGL-H3.bld Source: 3Location::

Room : 1 X: 0.00 y: 2.82 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr)Fraction released to air: 1.OOOE+00 Removable fraction:

1.OO0E-01 Time to Remove: 1.813E+04


Nuclide concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






H-3 1.000E+00 6.400E-08 6.400E-08 3.866E-08 Source: 4Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 5.64 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 1.000E+00 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.821E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






H-3 1.000E+00 6.400E-08 6.400E-08 3.866E-08

  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:32:46 Page: 6 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLH3Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HB_.DCGL-H3.bld Source: 5Location::

Room : 1 X: 8.47 y: 2.82 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area ,, Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.498+00 Direction:

xPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 1.OOOE+00 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.809E+04

[day]tBA RTLETT Page 64 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLS Rev. 0contamination::

Nuclide Concentration Dose conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






H-3 1.000E+00 6.400E-08 6.400E-08 3.866E-08 Source: 6Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 2.49[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 1.oO0E+00 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






H-3 1.OOOE+00 6.400E-08 6.400E-08 3.866E-08

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:32:46 Page: 7 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLH3Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-H3.bld Evaluation Time: 0.00000000E+00 yearsAssessment for Time: 1-- Time =O.OOE+00 yrSource Information Source: 1Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 0.00 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 1.O00E+00 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04


Nuclide concentration

[pci/m2]H-3 1.OOOE+00 Source: 2Location::

Room : I X: 4.24 y: 0.00 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Lengthn[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 1.000E+00 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.823E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pci/m2]H-3 1.000E+00

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose ProgramOutput, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:32:46 Page: 8 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLH3Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HB_.DCGL-H3.bld Evaluation Time: O.OOOOOOOOE+00 yearsSource: 3Location::

Room : 1 X: 0.00 y: 2.82 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 1.OOOE+00 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 1.813E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]H-3 1.OOOE+00 Source: 4Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 5.64 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 1.000E+00 CM? B A RTL ETTPage 65 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsRemovable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 1.821E+04


Nuclide concentration

[pci/m2]H-3 1.000E+00 Source: 5Location::

Room : 1 X: 8.47 y: 2.82 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 1.O00E+OO Removable fraction:

1.O00E-O1 Time to Remove: 1.809E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]H-3 1.O00E+00

  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:32:46 Page: 9 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLH3Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-H3.bld Evaluation Time: O.O0000000E+O0 yearssource: 6Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 2.49 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 1.000E+00 Removable fraction:

1.OO0E-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04


Nuclide concentration

[pCi/m2]H-3 1.O00E+00

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:32:46 Page: 10 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL-H3Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-H3.bld Evaluation Time: 0.00000000E+00 years ,ENG-HB-004 Rev. 0RESRAD-BUILD Dose TablesSource Contributions to Receptor Doses[mrem]Source Source Source Source Source Source Total1 2 3 4 5 6Receptor 1 8.66E-10 3.82E-10 2.55E-10 3.82E-10 2.55E-10 8.66E-10 3.01E-09Total 8.66E-10 3.82E-10 2.55E-10 3.82E-10 2.55E-10 8.66E-10 3.01E-09Le BARTLETTPage 66 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 01- 129 Results:* RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:34:05 Page: 1 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL_I129 Input File : C:\RESRAD-Family\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-I129.bld


=== ab o Cn t:: RESRAD-BUILD Table of Contents

=-----------======= ======= ====== ======= =====-= =-====RESRAD-BUILD Input Parameters


2Building Information


3Source Information


4For time = O.OOE+00 yrTime Specific Parameters


7Receptor-Source Dose Summary ..........

10Dose by Pathway Detail ................

11Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

12For time = 1.00E+00 yrTime Specific Parameters


14Receptor-source Dose Summary ..........

17Dose by Pathway Detail ................

18Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

19For time = 5.OOE+00 yrTime Specific Parameters


21Receptor-Source Dose Summary ..........

24Dose by Pathway Detail ................

25Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

26Full Summary .............................

28* RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:34:05 Page: 2 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL_I129 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-I129.bld RESRAD-BUILD Input Parameters Number of Sources : 6Number of Receptors:

1Total Time : 3.650000E+02 daysFraction Inside : 2.670000E-01 Receptor Information Receptor Room x y z FracTime Inhalation Ingestion(Dust)

Im) [iM] Em] [m3/day]

[m2/hr]1 1 4.240 2.820 1.000 1.000 4.56E+01 1.OOE-04=== Receptor-Source shielding Relationship

===Receptor Source Densit Thickness Material1 1/cm3E [cm]1 2 1.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Concrete1 3 1.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Concrete1 4 1.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Concrete1 5 1.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Concrete1 6 1.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Concrete** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, Version 3.50 01/25/12 10:34:05 Page: 3 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL_I129 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-I129.bld

--== Building Information Building Air Exchange Rate: 8.36E-01 1/hrHeight[m]

Air Exchanges

[m3/hr]Area [m2]* <=Q01: 9.94E+01HI: 2.490

  • Room 1 Q10 : 9.94E+01* LAMBDA: 8.36E-01
  • Area 47.770 * *Deposition velocity:


[m/s] Resuspension Rate: 6.70E-10

[1/s](&BARTLETT Page 67 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:34:05 Page: 4 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLI129Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBLDCGL-i129.bld

-... Source Information Source: 1Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 0.00[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hrjFraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 5.270E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






1-129 1.000E+00 2.760E-04 1.740E-04 4.438E-05 Source: 2Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 0.00 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 5.272E+04


Nuclide concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






1-129 1.000E+00 2.760E-04 1.740E-04 4.438E-05

  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:34:05 Page: 5 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLI129Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-i129.bld Source: 3Location::

Room : 1 X: 0.00 y: 2.82 z: 1.25[mJGeometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 5.278E+04


Nuclide concentration Dose conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






1-129 1.000E+00 2.760E-04 1.740E-04 4.438E-05 Source: 4Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 5.64 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 5.273E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






1-129 1.000E+00 2.760E-04 1.740E-04 4.438E-05

  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:34:05.

Page: 6 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL-1129 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-I12g.bld Source: 5Location::

Room : 1 X: 8.47 y: 2.82 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 5.271E+04

[day]SBARTLETT Page 68 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0Contamination::

Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






1-129 1.000E+00 2.760E-04 1.740E-04 4.438E-05 Source: 6Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 2.49[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr)Fraction released to air: 7.g00E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOGE-01 Time to Remove: 5.262E+04


Nuclide concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






1-129 1.000E+00 2.760E-04 1.740E-04 4.438E-05

"* RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:34:05 Page: 7 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL-1129 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-I129.bld Evaluation Time: O.O0000000E+00 yearsAssessment for Time: 1 ==Time =O.OOE+O0 yrsource Information

..-Source: 1Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 0.00 Em]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1,OOE-01Time to Remove: 5.270E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]1-129 1.000E+00 Source: 2Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 0.00 z: 1.25 [imGeometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 5.272E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pci/m2]1-129 1.000E+00

  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:34:05 Page: 8 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL-1129 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-I129.bld Evaluation Time: O.00000OOOE+00 yearsSource: 3Location::

ROOm : 1 X: 0.00 y: 2.82 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::-Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 5.278E+04


Nuclide concentration

[pCi/m2]1-129 1.OOOE+00 source: 4Location::

Room : 1 x: 4.24 y: 5.64 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOO-02Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 5.273E+04

[day]()BARTLETT Page 69 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HB-004 Rev. 0Contamination::

Nuclide concentration

[pci/m2]1-129 l.000E+O0 Source: 5Location::

Room : 1 x: 8.47 y: 2.82 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.D00E-02 Removable fraction:

1.D00E-01 Time to Remove: 5.271E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]1-129 1.0O0E+00

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:34:05 Page: 9 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLI129Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-129.bld Evaluation Time: O.O0000000E+00 yearsSource: 6Location::

Room : 1 x: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 2.49 [m)Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.D00E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 5.262E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]1-129 1.OOOE+00

  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:34:05 Page: 10 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLI129Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-I129.bld Evaluation Time: 0.00000000E+00 yearsRESRAD-BUILD Dose Tablessource contributions to Receptor Doses[mrem)Source Source Source Source Source Source Total1 2 3 4 5 6Receptor 1 3.33E-06 1.40E-06 9.10E-07 1.40E-06 9.11E-07 3.28E-06 1.12E-05Total 3.33E-06 1.40E-06 9.10E-07 1.40E-06 9.11E-07 3.28E-06 1.12E-05UeBARTLETT Page 70 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0Nb-94 Results:<* RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:36:17 Page: I *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLNb94Input File C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBLDCGL-Nb94.bld RESRAD-BUILD Table of Contents

---RESRAD-BUILD Input Parameters


2Building Information


3source Information


4For time = 0.00E+00 yrTime specific Parameters


7Receptor-Source Dose Summary ..........

10Dose by Pathway Detail ................

11Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

12For time = 1.OOE+00 yrTime specific Parameters


14Receptor-Source Dose Summary ..........

17Dose by Pathway Detail ................

18Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

19For time = 5.00E+00 yrTime specific Parameters


21Receptor-source Dose Summary ..........

24Dose by Pathway Detail ................

25Dose by Nuclide Detail.............

..26Full summary .............................

28* RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:36:17 Page: 2 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL_Nb94 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBLDCGL-Nb94.bld RESRAD-BUILD Input Parameters Number of Sources : 6Number of Receptors:

1Total Time : 3.650000E+02 daysFraction Inside : 2.670000E-01 Receptor Information Receptor Room x y z FracTime Inhalation Ingestion(Dust)

[m] [m] [m] [m3/day]

[m2/hr]1 1 4.240 2.820 1.000 1.000 4.56E+01 1.00E-04Receptor-Source shielding Relationship Receptor Source Density Thickness Material[g/cm3] [cm]1 1 1.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Concrete1 2 1.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Concrete1 3 1.00E+00 0.00E+O0 Concrete1 4 1.00E+00 0.00E+O0 Concrete1 5 1.OOE+00 0.OOE+O0

Concrete, 1 6 1.OOE+O0 0.00E+00 concrete<* RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:36:17 Page: 3 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLNb94Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Nb94.bld


Building Information Building Air Exchange Rate: 8.36E-01 1/hrHeight[m]

Air Exchanges

[m3/hr]Area [m2]* <=Q01: 9.94E+01Hi: 2.490

  • Room 1 Q10 : 9.94E+01LAMBDA: 8.36E-01
  • Area 47.770 *Deposition velocity:


[m/in] Resuspension Rate: 6.70E-10

[1/s]f, BARTLETTPage 71 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HB-004 Rev. 0-RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:36:17 Page: 4 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLNb94Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Nb94.bld Source Information source: 1Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: O.00[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 5.270E+04


Nuclide concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






NB-94 1.000E+00 7.140E-06 4.140E-04 8.994E-03 source: 2Location::

ROOm : 1 X: 4.Geometry::

Type: AreaPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate:Fraction released to air:Removable fraction:

Time to Remove:24 y: 0.00 z: 1.25[m]Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:


[1/hr)7.000E-02 1.O00E-Ol 3.320E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






NB-94 1.000E+00 7.140E-06 4.140E-04 8.994E-03

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, Version 3.50 01/25/12 10:36:17 Page:Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLNb94Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Nb94.bld 5 **Source: 3Location::

Room : 1 X: 0.Geometry::

Type: AreaPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate:Fraction released to air:Removable fraction:

Time to Remove:00 y: 2.82 z: 1.25[m]Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:


[1/hr)7.OOOE-02 1.0OGE-01 1.813E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






NB-94 1.000E+00 7.140E-06 4.140E-04 8.994E-03 Source:4Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 5.64 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr)Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OO0E-01 Time to Remove: 3.304E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






NB-94 1.OOO+00 7.140E-06 4.140E-04 8.994E-03

  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:36:17 Page: 6 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL-Nb94 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Nb94.bld source: 5Location::

Room : 1 X: 8.47 y: 2.82 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOQE-01 Time to Remove: 1.809E+04

[day]t BARTLETTPage 72 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0Contamination::

Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






NB-94 1.000E+00 7.140E-06 4.140E-04 8.994E-03 Source: 6Location::

Room : 1 x: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 2.49[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 5.262E+04


Nuclide concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






NB-94 1.000E+00 7.140E-06 4.140E-04 8.994E-03

  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:36:17 Page: 7 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLsNb94 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Nb94.bld Evaluation Time: 0.00000000E+00 years--- Assessment for Time: 1Time =0.OOE+00 yrsource Information Source: 1Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 0.00 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 5.270E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]NB-94 1.OOOE+00 Source: 2Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 0.00 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 3.320E+04


Nuclide concentration

[pCi/m2]NB-94 1.000E+00

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:36:17 Page: 8 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLNb94Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Nb94.bld Evaluation Time: 0.00000000E+00 years* source: 3Location::

Room : 1 X: 0.00 y: 2.82 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:S.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 1.813E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]NB-94 1.OOOE+00 Source: 4Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 5.64 z: 1.25 [ilGeometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 C EBARTLETT Page 73 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 3.304E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]NB-94 1.000E+00 Source: 5Location::

Room : 1 x: 8.47 y: 2.82 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.809E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]NB-94 1.000E+00

  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:36:17 Page: 9 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLNb94Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Nb94.bld Evaluation Time: O.O0000000E+00 yearsSource: 6Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 2.49 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 5.262E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]NB-94 1.000E+00

  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:36:17 Page: 10 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLNb94Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Nb94.bld Evaluation Time: O.O000000OE+00 yearsRESRAD-BUILD Dose TablesSource Contributions to Receptor Doses[mrem)Source Source source Source Source Source Total1 2 3 4 5 6Receptor 1 1.25E-05 2.44E-06 1.01E-06 2.44E-06 1.02E-06 9.21E-06 2.86E-05Total 1.25E-05 2.44E-06 1.01E-06 2.44E-06 1.02E-06 9.21E-06 2.86E-05t BARTLETTPage 74 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0Ni-59 Results:** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:37:29 Page: 1 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL_Ni59 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Ni59.bld RESRAD-BUILD Table of contentsRESRAD-BUILD Input Parameters


2Building Information


3Source Information


4For time = 0.00E+00 yrTime Specific Parameters


7Receptor-Source Dose Summary ..........

10Dose by Pathway Detail ................

11Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

12For time = 1.OOE+00 yrTime Specific Parameters


14Receptor-source Dose Summary ..........

17Dose by Pathway Detail ................

18Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

19For time = 5.OOE+00 yrTime Specific Parameters


21Receptor-Source Dose Summary ..........

24Dose by Pathway Detail ................

25Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

26Full summary ............................

28* RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:37:29 Page: 2 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL_Ni59 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Ni59.bld RESRAD-BUILD Input Parameters Number of Sources : 6Number of Receptors:

1Total Time : 3.650000E+02 daysFraction Inside : 2.670000E-01 Receptor Information

=-- -Receptor RooM X y Z FracTime Inhalation Ingestion(Dust)

[m] [m] [m] [m3/day]

[m2/hr]1 1 4.240 2.820 1.000 1.000 4.56E+01 1.OOE-04Receptor-source shielding Relationship Receptor Source Density Thickness Material[g/cm3) [cm]1 1 1.00E+00 O.OOE+00 Concrete1 2 1.00E+00 O.OOE+00 concrete1 3 1.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Concrete1 4 1.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Concrete1 5 1.OOE+00 0.OOE+O0 Concrete1 6 1.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Concrete** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, Version 3.50 01/25/12 10:37:29 Page: 3 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLNiS9Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Ni59.bld Building Information Building Air Exchange Rate: 8.36E-01 1/hrHeight[m]

Air Exchanges

[m3/hr]Area [m2]S* <=Q01: 9.94E+01HI: 2.490

  • Room 1
  • Q1O : 9.94E+01* LAMBDA: 8.36E-01
  • Area 47.770 *Deposition velocity:


[m/s] Resuspension Rate: 6.70E-10

[i/s]&SBARTLETT Page 75 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0e* RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:37:29 Page: 4 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLNi59Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Ni59.bld

-=== Source Information Source: 1Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: OO.0[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr)Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04


Nuclide concentration Dose conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






NI-59 1.000E+00 2.100E-07 2.700E-06 O.O00E+00 Source: 2Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 0.00 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr)Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.823E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






NI-59 1.0OOE+00 2.100E-07 2.700E-06 0.000E+00

  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:37:29 Page: 5 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLNi59Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Ni59.bld Source: 3Location::

Room : 1 x: 0.00 y: 2.82 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1OO0E-01Time to Remove: 1.813E+04


Nuclide concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






NI-59 1.OOOE+00 2.100E-07 2.700E-06 O.O00E+00 Source: 4Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 5.64 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OO0E-01 Time to Remove: 1.821E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






NI-59 1.000E+00 2.100E-07 2.700E-06 0.000E+00

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:37:29 Page: 6 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLNi59Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Ni59.bld Source: 5Location::

Room : 1 X: 8.47 y: 2.82 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.809E+04

[day]fjBARTLETT Page 76 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0Contamination::

Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






NI-59 1.000E+00 2.100E-07 2.700E-06 0.000E+00 Source: 6Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 2.49[m]Geometry::

Type; Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04


Nuclide concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






NI-59 1.000E+00 2.100E-07 2.700E-06 O.O00E+00

  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:37:29 Page: 7 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLNi59Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Ni59.bld Evaluation Time: O.00000000E+00 yearsAssessment for Time: 1Time =0.00E+00 yrsource Information Source: 1Location::

Room : 1 x: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 0.00 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hrjFraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOQE-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04


Nuclide concentration

[pci/m2]NI-59 1.000E+00 Source: 2Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 0.00 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OO0E-01 Time to Remove: 1.823E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]NI-59 1.OOOE+00

"' RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:37:29 Page: 8 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLNi59Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Ni59.bld Evaluation Time: 0.00000000E+00 yearsSource: 3Location::

Room : 1 X: 0.00 y: 2.82 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.813E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]NI-59 1.OOOE+00 Source: 4Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 5.64 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 1.821E+04

[day]tSBARTLETT Page 77 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HB-004 Rev. 0Contamination::


[pCi/m2]1.000E+00 Source: 5Location::

ROOm : 1 X: 8.47 y: 2.82 z: 1.25 Em)Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+O0 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.809E+04


NuclideNI-59Concentrati on[pCi/m2]1.OOOE+00

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:37:29 Page: 9 ""Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLNiS9Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBLDCGL-Ni59.bld Evaluation Time: O.OOOOOOOOE+00 yearsSource: 6Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 2.49 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+0O width[m]:5.64E+O0 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]NI-59 1.OOOE+00

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:37:29 Page: 10 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLNi59Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.S\HBDCGL-NiS9.bld Evaluation Time: 0.00000000E+O0 yearsRESRAD-BUILD Dose TablesSource Contributions to Receptor Doses[mrem]Source Source Source Source Source Source Total1 2 3 4 5 6Receytor 1' 2.53E-09 1.12E-09 7.43E-10 1.12E-09 7.43E-10 2.53E-09 8.77E-09Total 2.53E-09 1.12E-09 7.43E-10 1.12E-09 7.43E-10 2.53E-09 8.77E-09(M'BARTLETT Page 78 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0Ni-63 Results:** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:38:29 Page: 1 '*Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL_Ni63 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Ni63.bld RESRAD-BUILD Table of ContentsRESRAD-BUILD Input Parameters


2Building Information


3Source Information


4For time = 0.OOE+00 yrTime specific Parameters


7Receptor-Source Dose Summary..........

10Dose by Pathway Detail ................

11Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

12For time = 1.00E+00 yrTime specific Parameters


14Receptor-Source Dose Summary ..........

17Dose by Pathway Detail ................

18Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

19For time = 5.00E+00 yrTime Specific Parameters


21Receptor-Source Dose Summary ..........

24Dose by Pathway Detail ................

25Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

26For time = 1.00E+01 yrTime specific Parameters


28Receptor-source Dose summary ..........

31Dose by Pathway Detail ................

32Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

33Full summary .............................

35** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:38:29 Page: 2 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL_Ni63 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Ni63.bld RESRAD-BUILD Input Parameters Number of Sources : 6Number of Receptors:

1Total Time : 3.650000E+02 daysFraction Inside : 2.670000E-01 Receptor Information Receptor Room x y z FracTime Inhalation Ingestion(Dust)

[m] [m] [m] [m3/day)

[m2/hr]1 1 4.240 2.820 1.000 1.000 4.56E+01 1.OOE-04Receptor-Source shielding Relationship Receptor Source Densit Thickness Material[g/cm3ý [cm]1 1 1.00E+00 0.00E+00 Concrete1 2 1.00E+00 O.OOE+00 Concrete1 3 1.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Concrete1 4 1.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Concrete1 5 1.00E+00 0.OOE+00 Concrete1 6 1.00E+00 0.OOE+00 Concrete** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:38:29 Page: 3 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL_Ni63 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Ni63.bld

-..==... Building Information

.-Building Air Exchange Rate: 8.36E-01 1/hrHeight[m]

Air Exchanges

[m3/hr]Area [m2)<=QO1: 9.94E+01Hi: 2.490

  • Room 1
  • Q10 : 9.94E+01* LAMBDA: 8.36E-01Area 47.770 ' *Deposition velocity:


[m/s) Resuspension Rate: 6.70E-10

[1/s]01 BLARTLETT Page 79 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:38:29 Page: 4 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLNi63Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Ni63.bld Source Information source: 1Location::

Room : 1 x: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 0.00[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+O0 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04


NUclide concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






NI-63 1.000E+00 S.770E-07 6.290E-06 O.O00E+00 Source: 2Location::

ROOm : 1 X: 4.24 y: 0.00 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.823E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






NI-63 1.000E+00 5.770E-07 6.290E-06 0.000E+00

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:38:29 Page: 5 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLNi63Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Ni63.bld Source: 3Location::

ROOm : 1 X: 0.00 y: 2.82 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+D0 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr)Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.00OE-01 Time to Remove: 1.813E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






NI-63 1.O00E+00 5.770E-07 6.290E-06 0.OOOE+00 Source: 4Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 5.64 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OO0E-02 Removable fraction:

1.00OE-01 Time to Remove: 1.821E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






NI-63 1.OD0E+D0 5.770E-07 6.290E-06 0.000E+00 RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:38:29 Page: 6Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLNi63Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBLDCGL-Ni63.bld source: 5Location::

ROOm : 1 X: 8.47 y: 2.82 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr)Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

l.OOQE-01 Time to Remove: 1.809E+04

[day]tNNS ARTLETT Page 80 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0Contamination::

Nuclide concentration Dose conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






NI-63 1.000E+00 5.770E-07 6.290E-06 0.000E+00 Source: 6Location::

Room : 1 x: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 2.49[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






NI-63 1.OOOE+00 5.770E-07 6.290E-06 0.000E+00

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:38:29 Page: 7Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLNi63Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Ni63.bld Evaluation Time: O.OOOOOOOOE+00 yearsAssessment for Time: 1Time =0.00E+00 yr =-source Information Source: 1Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 0.00 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]NI-63 1.000E+00 Source: 2Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 0.00 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 1.823E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]NI-63 1.000E+00

"* RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:38:29 Page: 8 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLNi63Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Ni63.bld Evaluation Time: 0.OOOOOOOOE+00 yearsSource: 3Location::

Room : 1 X: 0.00 y: 2.82 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:S.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.813E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]NI-63 1.000E+00 Source: 4Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 5.64 2: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 1.821E+04

[day]tSBARTLETT Page 81 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HB-004 Rev. 0Contamination::

Nuclide concentration EpCi/m2]NI-63 1.OOOE+00 Source: 5Location::

ROOm : 1 X: 8.47 y: 2.82 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.00OE-01 Time to Remove: 1.809E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]NI-63 1.000E+OO

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, Version 3.50 01/25/12 10:38:29 Page: 9 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLNi63Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Ni63.bld Evaluation Time: O.OOOOOO0OE+O0 yearsSource: 6Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 2.49 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+O0 width[m]:5.64E+O0 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04


Nuclide Concentration EpCi/m21NI-63 1.000E+OO

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:38:29 Page: 10 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLNi63Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Ni63.bld Evaluation Time: 0.00000000E+00 yearsRESRAD-BUILD Dose TablesSource contributions to Receptor Doses[mrem]Source Source Source Source Source Source Total1 2 3 4 5 6Receptor 1 6.56E-09 2.90E-09 1.93E-09 2.90E-09 1.93E-09 6.56E-09 2.28E-08Total 6.56E-09 2.90E-09 1.93E-09 2.90E-09 1.93E-09 6.56E-09 2.28E-08fe BARTLETTPage 82 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0Np-237 Results:** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:39:32 Page: 1 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLNp237 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HB_.DCGL-Np237.bld RESRAD-BUILD Table of ContentsRESRAD-BUILD Input Parameters


2Building Information


3Source Information


4For time = 0.OOE+00 yrTime specific Parameters


7Receptor-source Dose Summary ..........

10Dose by Pathway Detail ................

11Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

12For time = 1.OOE+00 yrTime Specific Parameters


14Receptor-Source Dose Summary ..........

17Dose by Pathway Detail ................

18Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

19For time = 5.OOE+00 yrTime Specific Parameters


21Receptor-source Dose summary ..........

24Dose by Pathway Detail ................

25Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

26Full Summary .............................

28* RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, Version 3.50 01/25/12 10:39:32 Page: 2 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLNp237 Input File : C:\RESRAoDFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBLDCGL-Np237.bld RESRAD-BUILD Input Parameters Number of sources : 6Number of Receptors:

1Total Time : 3.650000E+02 daysFraction Inside : 2.670000E-01 Receptor Information Receptor Room x y Z FracTime Inhalation Ingestion(Dust)

[m] [m] [m] [m3/day]

[m2/hr]1 1 4.240 2.820 1.000 1.000 4.56E+01 1.OOE-04Receptor-source shielding Relationship Receptor Source Density Thickness Material[g/cm3) [cm]1 1 1.OOE+00 0.00E+00 Concrete1 2 1.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Concrete1 3 1.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Concrete1 4 1.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Concrete1 5 1.OOE+00 0.O+00 Concrete1 6 1.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Concrete, RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:39:32 Page: 3 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLNp237 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Np237.bld Building Information Building Air Exchange Rate: 8.36E-01 1/hrHeight[m]

Air Exchanges

[m3/hr]Area [m2]* <=QO1: 9.94E+01Hi: 2.490

  • Room 1 Q10 : 9.94E+01LAMBDA: 8.36E-01
  • Area 47.770 *Deposition velocity:


[m/a) Resuspension Rate: 1.79E-08

[1/s]f) BARTLETTPage 83 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0-" RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:39:32 Page: 4 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLNp237 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBLDCGL-Np237.bld Source Information Source: 1Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 0.00[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+O0 width[m]:5.64E+O0 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr)Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






NP-237 1.OOOE+0O 4.444E-03 5.400E-01 1.212E-03 u-233 0.000E+O0 2.890E-04 1.350E-01 1.904E-06 TH-229 O.OOOE+O0 4.027E-03 2.169E+00 1.741E-03 Source: 2Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 0.00 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m):8.47E+00 width[m):2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OO0E-01 Time to Remove: 1.823E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






NP-237 1.OOOE+O0 4.444E-03 5.400E-01 1.212E-03 u-233 O.OOOE+00 2.890E-04 1.350E-01 1.904E-06 TH-229 O.O000E+0 4.027E-03 2.169E+00 1.741E-03

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:39:32 Page: 5 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL-Np237 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Np237.bld Source: 3Location::

Room : 1 X: 0.00 y: 2.82 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+O0 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OO0E-01 Time to Remove: 1.813E+04


Nuclide concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






NP-237 1.000E+00 4.444E-03 5.400E-01 1.212E-03 u-233 O.O008E+0 2.890E-04 1.350E-01 1.904E-06 TH-229 O.OOOE+OO 4.027E-03 2.169E+00 1.741E-03 Source: 4Location::

ROOm : 1 X: 4.24 y: 5.64 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+0O width[m]:2.49E+O0 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.821E+04


Nuclide concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






NP-237 1.000E+00 4.444E-03 5.400E-01 1.212E-03 u-233 O.O008E+0 2.890E-04 1.350E-01 1.904E-06 TH-229 O.O008E+0 4.027E-03 2.169E+00 1.741E-03

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:39:32 Page: 6 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLNp237 Input File : C:\RESRAD-Family\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Np237.bld Source: 5Location::

Room : 1 X: 8.47 y: 2.82 z: 1.25[m]AN B A PIT LETT1z;q-Page 84 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+0O width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.809E+04


Nuclide concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






NP-237 1.000E+00 4.444E-03 5.400E-01 1.212E-03 u-233 0.000E+00 2.890E-04 1.350E-01 1.904E-06 TH-229 0.ODDE+O0 4.027E-03 2.169E+00 1.741E-03 source: 6Location::

ROOm : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 2.49[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]':8.47E+O0 width[m]:5.64E+O0 Direction:

zPathway :!Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






NP-237 1.D00E+00 4.444E-03 5.400E-01 1.212E-03 u-233 0.O00E+00 2.890E-04 1.350E-01 1.904E-06 TH-229 O.O00E+00 4.027E-03 2.169E+00 1.741E-03

  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:39:32 Page: 7 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLNp237 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBRDCGL-Np237.bld Evaluation Time: O.OOOOOOOOE+00 yearsAssessment for Time: 1Time =O.OOE+D0 yr================================

source Information Source: 1Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 0.00 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.0005-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]NP-237 1.OOOE+00 u-233 0.OOOE+00 TH-229 O.O00E+00 Source: 2Location::

ROOm : 1 X: 4.24 y: 0.00 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+O0 width[m]:2.49E+D0 Direction:

yPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.823E+04


Nuclide concentration

[pCi/m2]NP-237 1.000E+00 u-233 O.O00E+D0 TH-229 O.O00E+00

  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:39:32 Page: 8 Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLNp237 Input File : C:\RESRADFami y\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Np237.bld Evaluati6n Time: 0.OOOOOOOOE+00 yearsSource: 3Location::

ROOm : 1 X: 0.00 y: 2.82 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.0001-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 tBARTLETT Page 851ALVISSIBARTLETT Page 85 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HB-004 Rev. 0Time to Remove:Contamination::



[pCi/m2]1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 source: 4Location::

Room : 1 x: 4.24 y: 5.64 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.821E+04


NuclideNP-237U-233TH-229Concentrati on[pCi/m2]1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, Version 3.50 01/25/12 10:39:32 Page: 9 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLNp237 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Np237.bld Evaluation Time: 0.00000000E+00 yearsSource: 5Location::

Room : 1 x: 8.47 y: 2.82 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m):5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr)Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.809E+04



[pci/m2)1.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 O.OOOE+00 Source: 6Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 2.49 [miGeometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07 (1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOE-01Time to Remove: 1.825E+04


Nuclide concentration

[pCi/m21NP-237 1.000E+00 u-233 O.000E+00 TH-229 O.O00E+00

  • " RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, Version 3.50 01/25/12Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLNp237 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Np237.bld

.Evaluation Time: 0.00000000E+00 years10:39:32 Page: 10 **RESRAD-BUILD Dose Tablessource contributions to Receptor Doses[mrem)Source Source Source Source Source Source Total1 2 3 4 5 6Receptor 1 6.62E-05 2.87E-05 1.91E-05 2.88E-05 1.91E-05 6.57E-05 2.27E-04Total 6.62E-05 2.87E-05 1.91E-05 2.88E-05 1.91E-05 6.57E-05 2.27E-04im BARTLETTPage 86 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0Pu-238 Results:** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, Version 3.50 01/25/12 10:41:26 Page: ITitle : Humboldt Bay DCGL_Pu238 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Pu238.bld RESRAD-BUILD Table of ContentsRESRAD-BUILD Input Parameters


2Building Information


3Source Information


4For time = O.OOE+00 yrTime specific Parameters


8Receptor-Source Dose Summary ..........

11Dose by Pathway Detail ................

12Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

13For time = 1.OOE+00 yrTime Specific Parameters


15Receptor-Source Dose Summary ..........

18Dose by Pathway Detail ................

19Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

20For time = 5.OOE+00 yrTime specific Parameters


22Receptor-Source Dose Summary ..........

25Dose by Pathway Detail ................

26Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

27Full Summary .............................

29* RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, Version 3.50 01/25/12 10:41:26 Page: 2 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL_Pu238 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Pu238.bld RESRAD-BUILD Input Parameters

Number of Sources : 6Number of Receptors:

1Total Time : 3.650000E+02 daysFraction Inside : 2.670000E-01 Receptor Information Receptor Room x y Z FracTime Inhalation Ingestion(Dust)

[m] [m] [m] [m3/day]

[m2/hr]1 1 4.240 2.820 1.000 1.000 4.56E+01 1.OOE-04Receptor-Source shielding Relationship

===Receptor Source Density Thickness Material[g/cm3Y [cm]1 1 1.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 concrete1 3 1.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Concrete1 4 1.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Concrete1 5 1.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Concrete1 6 1.OOE+00 O.OOE+O0 Concrete** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, Version 3.50 01/25/12 10:41:26 Page: 3 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL_Pu238 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Pu238.bld

-. .Building Information Building Air Exchange Rate: 8.36E-01 1/hrHeight[mj Air Exchanges

[m3/hr]Area Nm2]* <=Q01: 9.94E+01Hi: 2.490 Room 1

  • Q10 : 9.94E+01LAMBDA: 8.36E-01Area 47.770 *Deposition velocity:


[m/s] Resuspension Rate: 1.79E-08

[E/s]&SBARTLETT Page 87 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:41:26 Page: 4 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLPu238 Input File : C:\RESRADPFamily\BUILD\3.5\HRDCGL-Pu238.bld Source Information Source: ILocation::

Room : 1 x: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: O.O0[mJGeometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:S.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04

[day]Radon Release Fraction:

1.000E-01 Contamination::

Nuclide concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






Pu-238 1.000E+00 3.200E-03 3.920E-01 5.700E-07 u-234 O.O00E+00 2.830E-04 1.320E-01 8.912E-07 TH-230 O.O00E+00 5.480E-04 3.260E-01 2.032E-06 RA-226 0.000E+00 1.321E-03 8.594E-03 1.035E-02 PB-210 O.000E+00 5.376E-03 1.380E-02 1.043E-05 Source: 2Location::

Room : 1 x: 4.24 y: 0.00 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.0006-02 Removable fraction:

1.0006-01 Time to Remove: 1.823E+04

[day]Radon Release Fraction:

1.000E-01 Contamination::

Nuclide concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






Pu-238 1.000E+00 3.200E-03 3.920E-01 5.700E-07

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:41:26 Page: 5Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLPu238 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Pu238.bld u-234 O.O00E+00 2.830E-04 1.320E-01 8.912E-07 TH-230 O.OOOE+00 5.480E-04 3.260E-01 2.032E-06 RA-226 0.000s+00 1.321E-03 8.594E-03 1.035E-02 PB-210 O.OOOE+00 5.376E-03 1.380E-02 1.043E-05 Source: 3Location::

ROOm : 1 x: 0.00 y: 2.82 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.496+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.813E+04

[day]Radon Release Fraction:

1.000E-01 Contamination::

Nuclide Concentration Dose conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






Pu-238 1.OOOE+00 3.200E-03 3.920E-01 5.700E-07 u-234 O.OOOE+00 2.830E-04 1.320E-01 8.9126-07 TH-230 O.OOOE+00 5.4806-04 3.260E-01 2.032E-06 RA-226 O.O00E+00 1.321E-03 8.594E-03 1.035E-02 PB-210 0.OOOE+00 5.376E-03 1.3806-02 1.043E-05 Source: 4Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 5.64 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr)Fraction released to air: 7.0006-02 Removable fraction:

-1.0OOE-01 Time to Remove: 1.821E+04

[day]Radon Release Fraction:

1.000E-01 tS1BARTLETT Page 88 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0contamination::

Nuclide concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, Version 3.50 01/25/12 10:41:26 Page: 6 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLPu238 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Pu238.bld Pu-238 1.000E+00 3.200E-03 3.920E-01 5.700E-07 u-234 0.000E+O0 2.830E-04 1.320E-01 8.912E-07 TH-230 O.O00E+0 5.480E-04 3.260E-01 2.032E-06 RA-226 O.OOOE+0O 1.321E-03 8.594E-03 1.035E-02 PB-210 O.O00E+00 5.376E-03 1.380E-02 1.043E-05 Source: 5Location::

Room : 1 X: 8.47 y: 2.82 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+O0 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr)Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.809E+04

[day]Radon Release Fraction:

1.000E-01 Contamination::

Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






Pu-238 1.000E+O0 3.200E-03 3.920E-01 5.700E-07 u-234 O.O00E+O0 2.830E-04 1.320E-01 8.912E-07 TH-230 O.O00E+00 5.480E-04 3.260E-01 2.032E-06 RA-226 O.O00E+00 1.321E-03 8.594E-03 1.035E-02 PB-210 O.O00E+00 5.376E-03 1.380E-02 1.043E-05

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:41:26 Page: 7Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLPu238 Input File : C:\RESRADFaaily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Pu238.bld Source: 6Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 2.49[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04

[day)Radon Release Fraction:

1.OO0E-Ol Contamination::

Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






Pu-238 1.0OOE+O0 3.200E-03 3.920E-01 5.700E-07 u-234 0.O00E+00 2.830E-04 1.320E-01 8.912E-07 TH-230 0.000E+00 5.480E-04 3.260E-01 2.032E-06 RA-226 O.OO0E+00 1.321E-03 8.594E-03 1.035E-02 P8-210 O.O00E+00 5.376E-03 1.380E-02 1.043E-05

  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:41:26 Page: 8 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL-Pu238 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Pu238.bld Evaluation Time: 0.00000000E+00 yearsAssessment for Time: 1--- Time =0.00E+00 yr--====== source Information Source: 1Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 0.00 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr)Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04


Nuclide concentration

[pCi/m2]Pu-238 1.OOOE+O0 u-234 O.OOOE+00 tBARTLETT Page 89 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HB-004 Rev. 0TH-230 O.OOOE+00 RA-226 0.OOOE+00 PB-210 O.O00E+00 Source: 2Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.Geometry::

Type: AreaPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate:Fraction released to air:Removable fraction:

Time to Remove:24 y: 0.00 z: 1.25 [m]Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:


[1/hr]7.OOOE-02 1.000E-01 1.823E+04


Nuclide concentration

[pCi/m2]Pu-238 1.OOOE+00 u-234 0.OOOE+00 TH-230 0.OOOE+00 RA-226 O.O00E+00 PB-210 O.O00E+00

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:41:26 Page: 9 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLPu238 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Pu238.bld Evaluation Time: 0.00000000E+00 yearsSource: 3Location::

Room : 1 X: 0.Geometry::

Type: AreaPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate:Fraction released to air:Removable fraction:

Time to Remove:00 y: 2.82 2: 1.25 [m]Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:


[1/hr]7.OOOE-02 1.OOOE-01 1.813E+04


[pCi/m2]1.O00E+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 contamination::

NuclidePu-238u-234TH-230RA-226PB-210Source: 4Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 5.64 z: 1.25 [imGeometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1,OOE-01Time to Remove: 1.821E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2)Pu-238 1.OOOE+00 u-234 O.O00E+00 TH-230 0.OOOE+00 RA-226 0.OOOE+00 PB-210 O.OOOE+00

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:41:26 Page: 10 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLPu238 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Pu238.bld Evaluation Time: 0.OOOOOOOOE+00 yearsSource: 5Location::

Room : 1 X: 8.47 y: 2.82 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OO0E-01 Time to Remove: 1.809E+04


NuclidePu-238u-234TH-230RA-226PB-210Concentrati on[pCi/m2)1.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 Source: 6Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 2.49 [m)Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.0O0E-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04

[day]ME BARTLETTPage 90 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0Contamination::

Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]Pu-238 1.000E+00 u-234 0.OOOE+00 TH-230 0.OOOE+00 RA-226 0.OOOE+00 PB-210 0.OOOE+00

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:41:26 Page: 11 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL-Pu238 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Pu238.bld Evaluation Time: .O00000000E+00 yearsRESRAD-BUILD Dose TablesSource Contributions to Receptor Doses[mrem]Source Source Source Source Source Source Total1 2 3 4 5 6Receptor 1 4.62E-05 2.04E-05 1.36E-05 2.04E-05 1.36E-05 4.62E-05 1.60E-04Total 4.62E-05 2.04E-05 1.36E-05 2.04E-05 1.36E-05 4.62E-05 1.60E-04LeBARTLETT Page 91 Bartlet Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0Pu-239 Results:** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:44:48 Page: 1 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL_Pu239 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Pu239.bld RESRAD-BUILD Table of ContentsRESRAD-BUILD Input Parameters


2Building Information


3Source Information


4For time = O.OOE+00 yrTime specific Parameters


7Receptor-Source Dose Summary ..........

10Dose by Pathway Detail .................

11Dose by Nuclide Detail .................

12For time = 1.00E+00 yrTime Specific Parameters


14Receptor-Source Dose Summary ..........

17Dose by Pathway Detail ................

18Dose by Nuclide Detail .................

19For time = 5.00E+00 yrTime Specific Parameters


21Receptor-Source Dose Summary ........

.24Dose by Pathway Detail ................

25Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

26Full Summary ...............................

28* RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:44:48 Page: 2 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLPu239 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Pu239.bld RESRAD-BUILD Input Parameters

---Number of Sources : 6Number of Receptors:

1Total Time : 3.650000E+02 daysFraction Inside : 2.670000E-01 Receptor Information Receptor Room x y z FracTime Inhalation Ingestion(Dust)

[m] [m] [m] [m3/day]

[m2/hr]1 1 4.240 2.820 1.000 1.000 4.56E+01 1.OOE-04=== Receptor-Source shielding Relationship

===Receptor Source Density Thickness Material1g/cm31 Ecm]1 1 1.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Concrete1 2 1.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Concrete1 3 1.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Concrete1 4 1.OOE+O0 0.OOE+00 Concrete1 5 1.OOE+00 0.O00+00 Concrete1 6. 1.00E+O0 O.OOE+O0 Concrete** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:44:48 Page: 3 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL_Pu239 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Pu239.bld Building Information Building Air Exchange Rate: 8.36E-01 1/hrHeight[m]

Air Exchanges

[m3/hr]Area Cm2]* <=QO1: 9.94E+01Hi: 2.490

  • Room 1 Q10 : 9.94E+01* LAMBDA: 8.36E-01
  • Area 47.770 * *Deposition velocity:


[m/s] Resuspension Rate: 1.79E-08

[1/s]tBARTLETT Page 92 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HB-004 Rev. 0** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:44:48 Page: 4 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLPu239 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Pu239.bld

-.... Source Information Source: 1Location::

ROOm : 1 X: 4.Geometry::

Type: AreaPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate:Fraction released to air:Removable fraction:

Time to Remove:24 y: 2.82 z: 0.O0[m]Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:


[1/hr)7.000E-02 1.OO0E-01 1.825E+04


Nuclide Concentration Pu-239U-235PA-231AC-227[pci/m2]1. OOOE+O0O.O00E+O0 0.000E+00 0.000E+O0 Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion





3.540E-03 4.290E-01 4.952E-07 2.673E-04 1.230E-01 9.019E-04 1.060E-02 1.280E+00 2.009E-04 1.480E-02 6.724E+00 2.161E-03 Source: 2Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.Geometry::

Type: AreaPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate:Fraction released to air:Removable fraction:

Time to Remove:24 y: 0.00 z: 1.25[m]Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:


[1/hr]7.000E-02 1.OO0E-01 1.823E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






Pu-239 1.000E+00 3.540E-03 4.290E-01 4.952E-07 u-235 O.O00E+O0 2.673E-04 1.230E-01 9.019E-04

  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:44:48 Page: 5 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLPu239 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Pu239.bld PA-231 0.000E+00 1.060E-02 1.280E+00 2.009E-04 AC-227 O.O00E+00 1.480E-02 6.724E+00 2.161E-03 Source: 3Location::

Room : 1 X: 0.Geometry::

Type: AreaPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate:Fraction released to air:Removable fraction:

Time to Remove:00 y: 2.82 z: 1.25[m]Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:


[1/hr]7.000E-02 1.000E-O1 1.813E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






Pu-239 1.000E+C0 3.540E-03 4.290E-01 4.952E-07 u-235 0.000E+00 2.673E-04 1.230E-01 9.019E-04 PA-231 0.000E+00 1.060E-02 1.280E+00 2.009E-04 AC-227 O.O00E+O0 1.480E-02 6.724E+00 2.161E-03 Source: 4Location::

ROOm : 1 X: 4.2Geometry::

Type: AreaPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate:Fraction released to air:Removable fraction:

Time to Remove:24 y: 5.64 z: 1.25[m]ength[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+0C Direction:


[1/hr]7.000E-02 1.00cE-01 1.821E+04


Nuclide concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion inhalation Submersion






Pu-239 1.000E+O0 3.540E-03 4.290E-01 4.952E-07 u-235 O.O00E+O0 2.673E-04 1.230E-01 9.019E-04 PA-231 O.O00E+O0 1.060E-02 1.280E+00 2.009E-04

  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:44:48 Page:Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLPU239 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Pu239.bld 6 **AC-227 C.000E+00 1.480E-02 6.724E+00 2.161E-03 Source: 5Location::

Room : 1 X:Geometry::

Type: AreaPathway ::8.47 y: 2.82 z: 1.25[m]Length[m]:5.64E+O0 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xteEBARTLETT Page 93 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HB-004 Rev. 0Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.0OOE-Ol Time to Remove: 1.809E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pci/m2]Pu-239 1.OOOE+00 u-235 O.OOOE+00 PA-231 O.OOOE+00 AC-227 0.OOOE+00 Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion





3.540E-03 4.290E-01 4.952E-07 2.673E-04 1.230E-01 9.019E-04 1.060E-02 1.280E+00 2.009E-04 1.480E-02 6.724E+00 2.161E-03 Source:6Location::

ROOm : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 2.49[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






Pu-239 1.OOOE+00 3.S40E-03 4.290E-01 4.952E-07 u-235 O.OOOE+00 2.673E-04 1.230E-01 9.019E-04 PA-231 O.OOOE+00 1.060E-02 1.280E+00 2.009E-04 AC-227 O.OOOE+00 1.480E-02 6.724E+00 2.161E-03

  • ' RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:44:48 Page: 7 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLPu239 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Pu239.bld Evaluation Time: 0.O0000000E+00 yearsAssessment for Time: I 1--Time =O.OOE+00 yr ---Source Information Source: 1Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 0.00 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m];5.64E+O0 Direction:

zPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04



[pCi/m2]1.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.000E+00 O.OOOE+00 Source: 2Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 0.00 z: .1.25 [imGeometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 1.823E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]Pu-239 1.OOOE+00 u-235 0.OOOE+00 PA-231 O.OOOE+00 AC-227 0.OOOE+00

  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:44:48 Page: 8 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLPu239 Input File : C:\RESRAD_.Family\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Pu239.bld Evaluation Time: 0.OOOOOOOOE+00 yearsSource: 3Location::

ROOm : I X:Geometry::

Type: AreaPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate:Fraction released to aRemovable fraction:

Time to Remove:Contamination::

NuclidePu-239u-235PA-231AC-2270.00 y: 2.82 z: 1.25 [m]Length[m]:S.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:


[1/hr]ir: 7.OOOE-02 1.OOOE-01 1.813E+04

[day]e Concentration

[pCi/m2]1.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00

(~BARTLETT Page 94A011W. B A R T L E T TPage 94 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HB-004 Rev. 0Source: 4Location::

Room : 1 x: 4.24 y: 5.64 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hrJFraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.821E+04


Nuclide concentration

[pci/m2]Pu-239 1.000E+O0 u-235 O.OOOE+00 PA-231 0.000E+00 AC-227 0.000E+00

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:44:48 Page:Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLPu239 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HRDCGL-Pu239.bld Evaluation Time: O.O0000000E+00 yearssource: 59 **Location::

Room : 1 X: 8.47 y: 2.82 z:Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 Pathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.809E+04

[day]1.25 [m]width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:


NuclidePu-239u-235PA-231AC-227concentration Cpci/m2]1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 Source: 6Location::

Room : 1 x: 4.24 y: 2.82 z:Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 Pathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04

[day]2.49 [m]width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]Pu-239 1.000E+00 u-235 O.000E+00 PA-231 0.OOOE+00 AC-227 O.O00E+00

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLPu239 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBLDCGL-Pu239.bld Evaluation Time: O.O0000000E+00 years10:44:48 Page: 10 **RESRAD-BUILD Dose Tablessource contributions to Receptor Doses[mrem]source source source source source source Total1 2 3 4 5 6Receptor 1 5.11E-05 2.26E-05 1.SlE-05 2.26E-05 1.51E-05 S.11E-05 1.78E-04Tota 5.11E-05 2.26E-05 1.51E-05 2.26E-05 1.51E-05 5.11E-05 1.78E-04t)BARTLETT Page 95W'48 A RTL ETT\M,-'Page 95 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0Pu-240 Results:** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:48:07 Page: 1 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLPu240 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HB_.DCGL-Pu240.bld RESRAD-BUILD Table of ContentsRESRAD-BUILD Input Parameters


2Building Information


3Source Information


4For time = O.OOE+00 yrTime Specific Parameters


8Receptor-Source Dose Summary ..........

11Dose by Pathway Detail ................

12Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

13For time = 1.OOE+00 yrTime Specific Parameters


15Receptor-Source Dose Summary ..........

18Dose by Pathway Detail ................

19Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

20For time = 5.OOE+00 yrTime Specific Parameters


22Receptor-Source Dose Summary ..........

25Dose by Pathway Detail ................

26Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

27Full Summary ...............................

29* RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:48:07 Page: 2Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL_Pu240 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Pu240.bld RESRAD-BUILD Input Parameters Number of Sources : 6Number of Receptors:

1Total Time : 3.650000E+02 daysFraction Inside : 2.670000E-01 Receptor Information Receptor Room x y Z FracTime Inhalation Ingestion(Dust)

[m] [m] [ml [m3/day]

[m2/hr]1 1 4.240 2.820 1.000 1.000 4.56E+01 1.OOE-04=== Receptor-Source Shielding Relationship

===Receptor Source Densit Thickness Material[g/cm31 [cm]1 1 1.00E+O0 O.OOE+00 Concrete1 2 1.OOE+O0 O.OOE+00 concrete1 3 1.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Concrete1 4 1.00E+00 O.OOE+O0 Concrete1 5 1.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Concrete1 6 1.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Concrete* RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:48:07 Page: 3 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL_Pu240 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HB_.DCGL-Pu240.bld Building Information Building Air Exchange Rate: 8.36E-01 1/hrHeight[m]

Air Exchanges

[m3/hr]Area [m2]*<=QO1:9.94E+01 HI: 2.490

  • Room 1 Q1O : 9.94E+01* LAMBDA: 8.36E-01Area 47.770 ; *Deposition velocity:


[M/s] Resuspension Rate: 1.79E-08

[1/S]LSBARTLETT Page 96 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HB-004 Rev. 0** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:48:07 Page: 4 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL-Pu240 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Pu240.bld

-. .source Information Source: 1Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 0.00[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04

[day]Radon Release Fraction:

1.000E-01 Contamination::

Nuclide Concentration

[pci/m2]Pu-240 1.OOOE+00 u-236 O.000E+00 TH-232 O.O00E+00 TH-228 O.OOOE+00 RA-228 O.OOOE+00 Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion





3.540E-03 4.290E-01 5.548E-07 2.690E-04 1.250E-01 5.852E-07 2.730E-03 1.640E+00 1.018E-06 8.086E-04 3.454E-01 9.378E-03 1.442E-03 5.078E-03 5.583E-03 Source: 2Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24y: 0.00 z: 1.2S[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

l.OOE-01Time to Remove: 1.823E+04

[day]Radon Release Fraction:


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






Pu-240 1.000E+00 3.540E-03 4.290E-01 5.548E-07

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, Version 3.50 01/25/12 10:48:07 Page: 5 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLPu240 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Pu240.bld u-236TH-232TH-228RA-2280.OOOE+O0 2.690E-04 1.250E-01 5.852E-07 O.OOOE+O0 2.730E-03 1.640E+00 1.018E-06 0.OOE+OO 8.086E-04 3.454E-01 9.378E-03 0.OOE+OO 1.442E-03 5.078E-03 5.583E-03 Souurce: 3Location::

Room : 1 X: 0.00 y: 2.82 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.813E+04

[day]Radon Release Fraction:

1.0006-01 contamination::

Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






Pu-240 1.000E+00 3.540E-03 4.290E-01 5.548E-07 u-236 0.OOOE+00 2.690E-04 1.250E-01 5.852E-07 TH-232 O.OOOE+00 2.730E-03 1.640E+00 1.018E-06 TH-228 O.O0OE+O0 8.086E-04

.3.454E-01 9.378E-03 RA-228 O.O00E+00 1.442E-03 5.078E-03 5.583E-03 Source: 4Location::

Room : I X: 4.Geometry::

Type: AreaPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate:Fraction released to air:Removable fraction:

Time to Remove:Radon Release Fraction:

24 y: 5.64 z: 1.25[m]Length[m]:8.47E+O0 width[m]:2.49E+O0 Direction:


[1/hr]7.000E-02 1.OOcE-Ol 1.821E+04

[day]1.OO0E-01 Contamination::

Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:48:07 Page: 6 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLPu240 Input File : C:\RESRAD-Family\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Pu240.bld (f BARTLETTPage 97 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0Pu-240 1.000E+00 3.540E-03 4.290E-01 5.548E-07 u-236 0.000E+00 2.690E-04 1.250E-01 5.852E-07 TH-232 0.000E+00 2.730E-03 1.640E+00 1.018E-06 TH-228 O.O00E+00 8.086E-04 3.454E-01 9.378E-03 RA-228 O.O00E+00 1.442E-03 5.078E-03 5.583E-03 Source: 5Location::

Room : 1 X: 8.47 y: 2.82 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[ml:5.64E+00 width[m):2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.809E+04

[day]Radon Release Fraction:

1.000E-01 Contamination::

Nuclide concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






Pu-240 1.000E+00 3.540E-03 4.290E-01 5.548E-07 u-236 O.00E+OO 2.690E-04 1.250E-01 5.852E-07 TH-232 0.000E+00 2.730E-03 1.640E+00 1.018E-06 TH-228 0.000E+00 8.086E-04 3.454E-01 9.378E-03 RA-228 0.OOOE+00 1.442E-03 5.078E-03 5.583E-03

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:48:07 Page: 7 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL-Pu240 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Pu240.bld Source: 6Location::

ROOm : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 2.49[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04

[day]Radon Release Fraction:

1.000E-01 Contamination::

Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






Pu-240 1.000E+O0 3.540E-03 4.290E-01 5.548E-07 u-236 O.O00E+00 2.690E-04 1.250E-01 5.852E-07 TH-232 O.O000E+0 2.730E-03 1.640E+00 1.018E-06 TH-228 0.0OOE+O0 8.086E-04 3.454E-01 9.378E-03 RA-228 O.000E+00 1.442E-03 5.078E-03 5.583E-03

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:48:07 Page: 8 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL-Pu240 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBLDCGL-Pu240.bld Evaluation Time: O.O0000000E+00 yearsAssessment for Time: 1Time =O.OOE+00 yr ---Source Information Source: 1Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 0.00 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]Pu-240 1.000E+00 u-236 0.O00E+00 TH-232 0.000E+00 TH-228 O.O00E+00 RA-228 O.O00E+00 Source: 2Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 0.00 z: 1.25 [miGeometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOE-01Time to Remove: 1.823E+04


Nuclide concentration

[pCi/m2]Pu-240 1.000E+00 u-236 0.OOOE+00 TH-232 0.000E+00 TH-228 0.O00E+00 RA-228 O.000E+O0 t&BARTLETT Page 98 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:48:07 Page: 9 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL-Pu240 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Pu240.bld Evaluation Time: 0.OOOOOOOOE+O0 yearsSource: 3Location::

Room : 1 X: 0.00 y: 2.82 z: 1.25 [imGeometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+0O width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 1.813E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]Pu-240 1.OOOE+00 u-236 O.OOOE+O0 TH-232 O.OOOE+00 TH-228 0.OOOE+00 RA-228 O.OOOE+00 source: 4Location::

Room : 1 x: 4.24 y: 5.64 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 1.821E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pci/m2]PU-240 1.OOOE+00 u-236 O.O0OE+00 TH-232 O.OOOE+00 TH-228 O.OOOE+00 RA-228 O.OOOE+00

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:48:07 Page: 10 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLPu240 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Pu240.bld Evaluation Time: O.OOOOOOOOE+00 yearsSource: 5Location::

Room : 1 x: 8.47 y: 2.82 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

I.O00E-01 Time to Remove: 1.809E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]Pu-240 1.000E+00 u-236 O.O00E+00 TH-232 O.O00E+O0 TH-228 O.O00E+00 RA-228 0.000E+00 Source: 6Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 2.49 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04


Nuclide concentration

[pCi/m2]Pu-240 1.000E+00 u-236 O.O00E+00 TH-232 0.O00E+00 TH-228 O.O00E+00 RA-228 O.O00E+00

  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:48:07 Page: 11 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL-Pu240 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Pu240.bld Evaluation Time: O.OOOOOOOOE+O0 yearsRESRAD-BUILD Dose Tables------------------------


Source Contributions to Receptor Doses[mrem]Source Source Source Source Source source Total1 2 3 4 5 6Receptor 1 5.11E-05 2.26E-05 1.51E-05 2.26E-05 1.51E-05 5.11E-05 1.78E-04Total 5.11E-05 2.26E-05 1.51E-05 2.26E-05 1.51E-05 5.11E-05 1.78E-04LeBARTLETT Page 99 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0Pu-241 Results:RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:51:42 Page: 1 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLPu241 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Pu241.bld RESRAD-BUILD Table of Contents----------------- ----- = == = = == == = = == == =RESRAD-BUILD Input Parameters


2Building Information


3Source Information


4For time = 0.00E+00 yrTime specific Parameters


8Receptor-Source Dose Summary ..........

11Dose by Pathway Detail ................

12Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

13For time = 1.00E+00 yrTime Specific Parameters


15Receptor-source Dose Summary ..........

18Dose by Pathway Detail ................

19Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

20For time = 5.OOE+00 yrTime specific Parameters


22Receptor-source Dose Summary ..........

25Dose by Pathway Detail ................

26Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

27For time = 1.OOE+01 yrTime specific Parameters


29Receptor-Source Dose Summary ..........

32Dose by Pathway Detail ................

33Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

34For time = 2.50E+01 yrTime Specific Parameters


36Receptor-Source Dose Summary ..........

39Dose by Pathway Detail ................

40Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

41For time = 5.00E+01 yrTime specific Parameters


43Receptor-Source Dose Summary ..........

46Dose by Pathway Detail ................

47Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

48For time = 1.00E+02 yrTime specific Parameters


50Receptor-source Dose Summary ..........

53Dose by Pathway Detail ................

54Dose by Nuclide Detail................

55Full summary .............................

57** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:51:42 Page: 2 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLPu241 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Pu241.bld RESRAD-BUILD Input Parameters

=-- --------Number of Sources : 6Number of Receptors:

ITotal Time : 3.650000E+02 daysFraction Inside : 2.670000E-01 Receptor Information Receptor ROOM x y Z FracTime Inhalation Ingestion(Dust)

[im] [m] [m] [m3/day]

[m2/hr]1 1 4.240 2.820 1.000 1.000 4.56E+01 1.00E-04=== Receptor-source shielding Relationship

===Receptor Source Densit Thickness Material[g/cm3] [cm]1 1 1.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 concrete1 2 1.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Concrete1 3 1.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Concrete1 4 1.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Concrete1 5 1.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Concrete1 6 1.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Concrete* RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:51:42 Page: 3 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL_Pu241 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Pu241.bld Building Information

(&BARTLETT Page 100 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HIB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0Building Air Exchange Rate: 8.36E-01 1/hrHeight[m]

Air Exchanges

[m3/hr]Area [m2)* <=Q01: 9.94E+01Hi: 2.490

  • Room 1 1Qi : 9.94E+01* LAMBDA: 8.36E-01
  • Area 47.770 *Deposition velocity:


[m/s] Resuspension Rate: 1.79E-08

[1/S]** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:51:42 Page: 4 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLPu241 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Pu241.bld Source Information

Source: 1Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 0.00[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04


Nuclide concentration.

Dose conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






Pu-241 1.000E+O0 6.840E-05 8.250E-03 2.555E-08 Am-241 O.O00E+00 3.640E-03 4.440E-01 9.554E-05 NP-237 0.000E+00 4.444E-03 5.400E-01 1.212E-03 u-233 O.O00E+00 2.890E-04 1.350E-01 1.904E-06 TH-229 0.O00E+00 4.027E-03 2.169E+00 1.741E-03 Source: 2Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 0.00 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OO0E-01 Time to Remove: 1.823E+04


Nuclide concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






Pu-241 1.000E+00 6.840E-05 8.250E-03 2.555E-08

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:51:42 Page: 5 *,Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLPu241 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HB_.DCGL-Pu241.bld AM-241 0.000E+00 3.640E-03 4.440E-01 9.554E-05 NP-237 0.0006+00 4.444E-03 5.400E-01 1.212E-03 u-233 0.000E+00 2.890E-04 1.350E-01 1.904E-06 TH-229 0.OOOE+00 4.027E-03 2.169E+00 1.741E-03 Source: 3Location::

ROOm : 1 X: 0.00 y: 2.82 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

l.OO0E-01 Time to Remove: 1.813E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






Pu-241 1.OOOE+00 6.840E-05 8.250E-03 2.555E-08 Am-241 0.000E+00 3.640E-03 4.440E-01 9.554E-05 NP-237 0.000E+00 4.444E-03 5.400E-01 1.212E-03 u-233 0.000E+O0 2.890E-04 1.350E-01 1.904E-06 TH-229 O.OOOE+00 4.027E-03 2.169E+00 1.741E-03 Source: 4Location::

Room : 1 x: 4.24 y: 5.64 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hrlFraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOE-01Time to Remove: 1.821E+04

[day]10 BARTLETTPage 101 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0Contamination::

Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:51:42 Page: 6 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLPu241 Input File : C:\RESRABFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Pu241.bld Pu-241 1.000E+00 6.840E-05 8.250E-03 2.555E-08 Am-241 O.O00E+00 3.640E-03 4.440E-01 9.554E-05 NP-237 O.O00E+00 4.444E-03 5.400E-01 1.212E-03 u-233 O.OOOE+00 2.890E-04 1.350E-01 1.904E-06 TH-229 O.O00E+00 4.027E-03 2.169E+00 1.741E-03 Source: 5Location::

Room : 1 x: 8.47 y: 2.82 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.809E+04


NUclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






Pu-241 1.000E+00 6.840E-05 8.250E-03 2.555E-08 AM-241 0.000E+00 3.640E-03 4.440E-01 9.554E-05 NP-237 0.OOOE+00 4.444E-03 5.400E-01 1.212E-03 u-233 0.000E+00 2.890E-04 1.350E-01 1.904E-06 TH-229 O.O00E+00 4.027E-03 2.169E+00 1.741E-03

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:51:42 Page: 7 *Title : Humboldt Ray DCGL_Pu241 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HB.DCGL-Pu241.bld source: 6Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 2.49[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OO0E-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






Pu-241 1.000E+00 6.840E-05 8.250E-03 2.555E-08 AM-241 0.OOOE+00 3.640E-03 4.440E-01 9.554E-05 NP-237 O.OOOE+00 4.444E-03 5.400E-01 1.212E-03 u-233 O.O00E+00 2.890E-04 1.350E-01 1.904E-06 TH-229 O.O00E+00 4.027E-03 2.169E+00 1.741E-03

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:51:42 Page: 8 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLPu241 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Pu241.bld Evaluation Time: 0.00000000E+00 yearsAssessment for Time: 1=Time =O.OOE+00 yr-=== Source Information source: 1Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 2: 0.00 [M]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]Pu-241 1.000E+00 AM-241 O.OOOE+00 NP-237 O.O00E+00 u-233 O.OOOE+00 TH-229 O.O00E+00 Source: 2Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 0.00 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m):2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.823E+04

[day]t BARTLETTPage 102 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0Contamination::

Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]Pu-241 1.OOOE+00 AM-241 O.OOOE+00 NP-237 0.000E+0O u-233 0.000E+OO TH-229 O.O00E+00

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:51:42 Page: 9Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLPu241 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Pu241.bld Evaluation Time: 0.O0000000E+00 yearsSource: 3Location::

Room : 1 X: 0.00 y: 2.82 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+O0 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 1.813E+04


Nuclide concentration

[pCi/m2]Pu-241 1.000E+00 AM-241 O.000E+O0 NP-237 O.000E+00 u-233 0.000E+00 TH-229 O.OOE+O0Source: 4Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 5.64 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OO0E-01 Time to Remove: 1.821E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pci/m2]Pu-241 1.000E+00 Am-241 0.O00E+00 NP-237 O.O00E+00 u-233 O.O00E+00 TH-229 O.O00E+00

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:51:42 Page: 10 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLPu241 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HB_..DCGL-Pu241.bld Evaluation Time: O.O0000000E+00 yearsSource: 5Location::

Room : 1 X: 8.47 y: 2.82 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 1.809E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]Pu-241 1.OOOE+00 Am-241 O.O000E+0 NP-237 O.OOOE+O0 u-233 O.OOOE+O0 TH-229 O.O00E+O0 Source: 6Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 2.49 Em]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 1.825E+04


Nuclide concentration

[pCi/m2]Pu-241 1.0OOE+00 AM-241 O.OOOE+00 NP-237 O.OO0E+00 u-233 O.OOOE+00 TH-229 O.OOOE+00

  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:51:42 Page: 11 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLPu241 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Pu241.bld Evaluation Time: 0.OOOOOOOOE+00 yearsRESRAD-BUILD Dose TablesME BARTLETT Page 103 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0Source contributions to Receptor Doses[mrem]Source Source Source Source Source Source Total1 2 3 4 5 6Receptor 1 1.00E-06 4.44E-07 2.96E-07 4.44E-07 2.96E-07 1.00E-06 3.49E-06Total 1.00E-06 4.44E-07 2.96E-07 4.44E-07 2.96E-07 1.00E-06 3.49E-06** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:51:42 Page: 18 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLPu241 Input Pile : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Pu241.bld Evaluation Time: 1.00000000 yearsRESRAD-BUILD Dose TablesSource Contributions to Receptor Doses[tmrem]Source Source Source Source Source Source Total1 2 3 4 5 6Receptor 1 1.03E-06 4.53E-07 3.02E-07 4.53E-07 3.02E-07 1.03E-06 3.56E-06Total 1.03E-06 4.53E-07 3.02E-07 4.53E-07 3.02E-07 1.03E-06 3.56E-06** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:51:42 Page: 25 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLPu241 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Pu241.bld Evaluation Time: 5.00000000 yearsRESRAD-BUILD Dose TablesSource Contributions to Receptor Doses[mrem]Source Source Source Source Source Source Total1 2 3 4 5 6Receptor 1 1.08E-06 4.77E-07 3.18E-07 4.77E-07 3.18E-07 1.08E-06 3.75E-06Total 1.08E-06 4.77E-07 3.18E-07 4.77E-07 3.18E-07 1.08E-06 3.75E-06** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:51:42 Page: 32 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLPu241 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Pu241.bld Evaluation Time: 10.0000000 yearsRESRAD-BUILD Dose TablesSource Contributions to Receptor Doses[mrem]Source Source Source Source Source Source Total1 2 3 4 5 6Receptor 1 1.10E-06 4.86E-07 3.24E-07 4.87E-07 3.24E-07 1.10E-06 3.83E-06Total 1.10E-06 4.86E-07 3.24E-07 4.87E-07 3.24E-07 1.10E-06 3.83E-06*- RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, Version 3.50 01/25/12 10:51:42 Page: 39 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLPu241 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Pu241.bld Evaluation Time: 25.0000019 yearsRESRAD-BUILD Dose TablesSource contributions to Receptor Doses[mrem]Source Source Source Source Source Source Total1 2 3 4 5 6Receptor 1 9.67E-07 4.25E-07 2.83E-07 4.25E-07 2.82E-07 9.65E-07 3.35E-06Total 9.67E-07 4.25E-07 2.83E-07 4.25E-07 2.82E-07 9.65E-07 3.35E-064/BA RTLETT Page 104 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0Sr-90 Results:** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:59:26 Page: 1 -"Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL_Sr90 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-sr9O.bld RESRAD-BUILD Table of ContentsRESRAD-BUILD Input Parameters


2Building Information


3Source Information


4For time = 0.OOE+00 yrTime Specific Parameters


7Receptor-Source Dose Summary ..........

10Dose by Pathway Detail ................

11Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

12For time = 1.00E+00 yrTime Specific Parameters


14Receptor-Source Dose Summary ..........

17Dose by Pathway Detail ................

18Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

19For time = 5.00E+00 yrTime specific Parameters


21Receptor-Source Dose Summary ..........

24Dose by Pathway Detail ................

25Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

26Full Summary .............................

28RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:59:26 Page: 2 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL_Sr90 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Sr90.bld RESRAD-BUILD Input Parameters Number of sources : 6Number of Receptors:

1Total Time : 3.650000E+02 daysFraction Inside : 2.670000E-01 Receptor Information Receptor Room x y Z FracTime Inhalation Ingestion(Dust)

[m] [m) [m] [m3/day]

[m2/hr]1 1 4.240 2.820 1.000 1.000 4.56E+01 1.OOE-04Receptor-Source shielding Relationship Receptor Source Density Thickness Material[g/cm31 [cm]1 2 1.00E+00 0.00E+00 Concrete1 2 1.00E+O0 O.OOE+O0 concrete1 3 1.00E+00 O.OOE+00 Concrete1 4 1.00E+00 0.00E+00 Concrete1 5 1.00E+O0 0.OOE+00 Concrete1 6 1.00E+00 0.OOE+00 Concrete** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:59:26 Page: 3 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL_Sr90 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Sr90.bld Building Information Building Air Exchange Rate: 8.36E-01 1/hrHeight[m]

Air Exchanges

[m3/hr]Area CN2i* <=Q01: 9.94E+01Hi: 2.490

  • Room 1 Q1O : 9.94E+01LAMBDA: 8.36E-01Area 47.770 *Deposition velocity:


[m/s] Resuspension Rate: 6.70E-10

[l/s]&t SARTLETTPage 105 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0-ý RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:59:26 Page: 4 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL_Sr90 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Sr90.bld

-.. Source Information source: 1Location::

Room : 1 x: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 0.00[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 3.306E+04 (day]Contamination::

Nuclide concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






SR-90 1.000E+00 1.528E-04 1.308E-03 2.307E-05 Source: 2Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 0.00 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 3.320E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






SR-90 1.OOOE+00 1.528E-04 1.308E-03 2.307E-05

  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:59:26 Page: 5 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL-Sr90 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-sr90.bld Source: 3Location::

Room : 1 X: 0.00 y: 2.82 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 3.305E+04


Nuclide concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






SR-90 1.OOOE+00 1.528E-04 1.308E-03 2.307E-05 Source: 4Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 5.64 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 3.304E+04


Nuclide concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






SR-90 1.OOOE+00 1.528E-04 1.308E-03 2.307E-05

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:59:26 Page: 6 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL-Sr90 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Sr90.bld Source: 5Location::

Room : 1 X: 8.47 y: 2.82 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr)Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 3.311E+04

[day]BARTLETT Page 106 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0Contamination::

Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






SR-90 1.000E+00 1.528E-04 1.308E-03 2.307E-05 Source: 6Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 2.49[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOE-01Time to Remove: 3.305E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






SR-90 1.O00E+00 1.528E-04 1.308E-03 2.307E-05 RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:59:26 Page: 7 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL-Sr90 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Sr90.bld Evaluation Time: 0.00000000E+00 yearsAssessment for Time: 1Time =O.OOE+00 yr--== Source Information source: 1Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 0.00 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m):8.47E+O0 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr)Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 3.306E+04


Nuclide concentration

[pci/m2]SR-90 1.000E+00 Source: 2Location::

Room : I X: 4.24 y: 0.00 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 3.320E+04


Nuclide concentration

[pCi/m2]SR-90 1.000E+O0

  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:59:26 Page: 8 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL-Sr90 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Sr9O.bld Evaluation Time: O.OOOOOOOOE+00 yearsSource: 3Location::

Room : 1 X: 0.00 y: 2.82 z: 1.25 [imGeometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.4gE+00 Direction:

xPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OO0E-01 Time to Remove: 3.305E+04


Nuclide concentration

[pCi/m2]SR-90 1.OOOE+O0 source: 4Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 5.64 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 t BARTLETTPage 107 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HB-004 Rev. 0Removable fraction:

Time to Remove:Contamination::

NuclideSR-901.000E-01 3.304E+04


[pCi/m2]1.OO0E+00 Source: 5Location::

Room : 1 X: 8.47 y: 2.82 z: 1.25 [imGeometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OODE-01 Time to Remove: 3.311E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2)SR-90 1.DDDE+00 2 RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:59:26 Page:Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL-Sr90 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Sr9O.bld Evaluation Time: 0.00000000E+00 years9 **Source: 6Location::

ROOm : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 2.49 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m):5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr)Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 3.305E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pci/m2]SR-90 1.OOOE+O0

  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 10:59:26 Page: 10 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL_Sr90 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-Sr90.bld Evaluation Time: 0.OOOOOOOOE+00 yearsRESRAD-BUILD Dose TablesSource Contributions to Receptor Doses[mrem)Source Source Source Source Source Source Total1 2 3 4 5 6Receptor 1 1.66E-06 7.22E-07 4.78E-07 7.22E-07 4.78E-07 1.65E-06 5.71E-06Total 1.66E-06 7.22E-07 4.78E-07 7.22E-07 4.78E-07 1.65E-06 5.71E-06fi BARTLETTPage 108 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HB-004 Rev. 0Tc-99 Results:** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 11:00:53 Page: 1 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLTc99Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-TC99.bld RESRAD-BUILD Table of ContentsRESRAD-BUILD Input Parameters


Building Information


Source Information


For time = 0.OOE+00 yrTime Specific Parameters


Receptor-Source Dose Summary ..........

Dose by Pathway Detail ................

Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

For time = 1.OOE+O0 yrTime Specific Parameters


Receptor-Source Dose summary ..........

Dose by Pathway Detail ................

Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

For time = 5.OOE+00 yrTime specific Parameters


Receptor-source Dose Summary ..........

Dose by Pathway Detail ................

Dose by Nuclide Detail ................

Full summary .............................

2347101112141718192124252628** RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 11:00:53 Page: 2 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL_TC99 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-TC99.bld RESRAD-BUILD Input Parameters

Number of sources:Number o f Receptors:

Total TimeFraction Inside613.650000E+02 days2.670000E-01

--=Receptor information

===Receptor Room x y[in] [m]1 1 4.240 2.820z FracTime Inhalation Ingestion(Dust)

[m] [m3/day]

[m2/hr]1.000 1.000 4.56E+01 1.OOE-04=== Receptor-source shielding Relationship

===Receptor source Density Thickness Material[g/cm3] [cm]1111111234561.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Concrete1.OOE+00 0.00E+00 concrete1.00E+00 0.OOE+00 Concrete1.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Concrete1.0OE+O0 0.OOE+00 Concrete1.OOE+O0 O.OOE+00 Concrete*1 RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 11:00:53Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLTC99Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-TC99.bld Building Information Building Air Exchange Rate: 8.36E-01 1/hrHeight[m]

Air Exchanges

[m3/hr]Area [m2]Page:3 **HI: 2.490

  • Room 1* LAMBDA: 8.36E-01Area 47.770 *<=QO1: 9.94E+01Q1O : 9.94E+01Deposition velocity:


[m/s] Resuspension Rate: 6.70E-10

[1/s]t BARTLETTPage 109 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0-" RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 11:00:53 Page: 4 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLTc99Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-TC99.bld Source Information source: 1Location::

ROOm : 1 a: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 0.00[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OO0E-01 Time to Remove: 3.306E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






TC-99 1.OOOE+00 1.460E-06 8.320E-06 1.892E-07 Source: 2Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 0.00 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 3.320E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






TC-99 1.OOOE+00 1.460E-06 8.320E-06 1.892E-07

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, Version 3.50 01/25/12 11:00:53 Page: 5 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL-TC99 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-TC9Y.bld source: 3Location::

Room : 1 X: 0.00 y: 2.82 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 5.278E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






TC-99 1.000E+00 1.460E-06 8.320E-06 1.892E-07 Source: 4Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 5.64 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 5.273E+04


Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation submersion






TC-99 1.000E+00 1.460E-06 8.320E-06 1.892E-07RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 11:00:53 Page: 6 '*Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLTc99Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBRDCGL-TC99.bld Source: 5Location::

Room : 1 X: 8.47 y: 2.82 z: 1.25[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 5.271E+04

[day]t BARTLETT Page 110 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-004 Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 0Contamination::

Nuclide Concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






TC-99 1.000E+00 1.460E-06 8.320E-06 1.892E-07 source: 6Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 2.49[m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 3.305E+04


Nuclide concentration Dose Conversion Factor (Library:

FGR 11)Ingestion Inhalation Submersion






TC-99 1.000E+00 1.460E-06 8.320E-06 1.892E-07

  • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 11:00:53 Page: 7 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLTC99Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-TC99.bld Evaluation Time: 0.OOOOOOOOE+00 yearsAssessment for Time: 1Time =0.OOE+00 yr================================----=-=--------

-===== Source Information Source: 1Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 0.00 [mlGeometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway ::Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 3.306E+04


Nuclide concentration

[pci/m2]TC-99 1.000E+00 Source: 2Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 0.00 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m):8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 3.320E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pci/m2]TC-99 1.OOOE+00

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 11:00:53 Page: 8 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGL.Tc99 Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-TC99.bld Evaluation Time: 0.O0000000E+00 yearssource: 3Location::

Room : 1 X: 0.00 y: 2.82 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

xPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 5.278E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]TC-99 1.000E+00 Source: 4Location::

ROOm : 1 X: 4.24 y: 5.64 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:2.49E+00 Direction:

yPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Page 111 Bartlett Engineering Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HB-004 Rev. 0Time to Remove:Contamination::


[day]Nuclide concentration

[pci/m2]TC-99 1.OOOE+00 Source: 5Location::

Room : 1 x: 8.47 y: 2.82 z: 1.25 [m]Geometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:5.64E+00 width[m]:2.49E+0O Direction:

xPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hrjFraction released to air: 7.OOOE-02 Removable fraction:

1.OOOE-01 Time to Remove: 5.271E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pci/m2]TC-99 1.OOOE+00RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program Output, version 3.50 01/25/12 11:00:53 Page: 9 *Title : Humboldt Bay DCOLTC99Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-TC99.bld Evaluation Time: 0.0000000E+OO yearsSource: 6Location::

Room : 1 X: 4.24 y: 2.82 z: 2.49 [imGeometry::

Type: Area Length[m]:8.47E+00 width[m]:5.64E+00 Direction:

zPathway :Direct Ingestion Rate: 9.320E-07

[1/hr]Fraction released to air: 7.000E-02 Removable fraction:

1.000E-01 Time to Remove: 3.305E+04


Nuclide Concentration

[pCi/m2]TC-99 1.000E+00

    • RESRAD-BUILD Dose Program output, version 3.50 01/25/12 11:00:53 Page: 10 **Title : Humboldt Bay DCGLTC99Input File : C:\RESRADFamily\BUILD\3.5\HBDCGL-TC99.bld Evaluation Time: 0.OOOOOOOOE+00 yearsRESRAD-BUILD Dose Tables----------------------

= == = == == = == == = == == =source Contributions to Receptor Doses[mrem]Source Source Source Source Source Source Total1 2 3 4 5 6Receptor 1 1.69E-08 7.32E-09 4.72E-09 7.14E-09 4.72E-09 1.68E-08 5.76E-08Total 1.69E-08 7.32E-09 4.72E-09 7.14E-09 4.72E-09 1.68E-08 5.76E-08t BARTLETTPage 112 (WBBARTLETT ENGINEERING CALCULATION Calculation Number:ENG-HB-005 Revision Number: 0Calculation Title: Area Factors for Use with Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsPreparer:



Date /4Z,/-3211126Bartlett.

60 Industrial Park RoadPlymouth, MA 02360 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-005 Area Factors for Use with Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLs Rev. 01.0 PURPOSEThe purpose of this calculation is to develop area factors (AFs) for use with derived concentration guideline levels (DCGLs) for assessing soil at the Pacific Gas & Electric (PGE) Humboldt Baynuclear power site. This calculation is a deliverable product specified in the scope of work sectionin Contract No. GTO12 3500895165.


This calculation addresses only the development of AF values for use with soil DCGLs for the PGEHumboldt Bay site.


3.1 ENG-HB-003, Humboldt Bay Soil Derived Concentration Guideline Levels3.2 Bartlett Engineering Procedure ENG-AP-02, Verification of Software Operability 3.3 ANL/EAIS-8, Data Collection Handbook to Support Modeling the Impacts of Radioactive Material in Soil; U.S. Department of Energy -Argonne National Laboratory, April 1993.3.4 NUREG/CR-5512, Volume 1, Residual Radioactive Contamination from Decommissioning:

Technical Basis for Translating Contamination Levels to Annual Total Effective DoseEquivalent, Final Report, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, October 1992.3.5 ANL/EAD-4, User's Manual for RESRAD Version 6, U.S. Department of Energy -ArgoneNational Laboratory, July, 2001.4.0 METHOD OF CALCULATION The operability of the RESRAD Version 6.5 code was verified on each computer used for codeexecutions in accordance with Bartlett Engineering procedure ENG-AP-02, Verification of SoftwareOperability

[ref. 3.2]. The RESRAD User's manual [ref. 3.5] provided guidance for code operation and execution.

The RESRAD code has undergone extensive review, benchmarking, verification, and validation.

Details on reviews, benchmarking, verification, and validation for the RESRAD codeare summarized in Sections 5.1-5.4 of RESRAD User's manual [ref. 3.5].The RESRAD computer code was developed at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) as amultifunctional tool to assist in developing radiological criteria for unrestricted release andassessing the dose or risk associated with residual radioactive material.

The RESRAD computercode is a pathway analysis model designed to evaluate the potential radiological dose associated with residual radioactive material for a defined receptor scenario.

The RESRAD software allow theuser to evaluate radiation exposure through several pathways:

direct external radiation, inhalation, ingestion of plants, meat, milk, aquatic foods, and drinking water, inadvertent ingestion ofcontaminated soil, and radon exposure.

All these pathways were applied in the development ofarea factors.The method applied in the calculation of area factors is the same as that applied in ENG-HB-003

[ref. 3.1] to develop the soil DCGL values. Adjustments to account for a reduced area were madeto certain RESRAD input parameters, such as the size of the contaminated zone, the length ofparallel to aquifer flow, plant, meat, and milk transfer factors.

AFs are not determined for areasgreater than 2,000 M2, the maximum size for a Class 1 land survey unit. Therefore, acontaminated area equal to 2000 M2 was selected as the base case.W. BARTLETT Page 2 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-005 Area Factors for Use with Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLs Rev. 0AF values are calculated from the "peak of the mean" doses (PMD) generated in RESRAD codeexecutions using the following equation:

AF = (PM D2000 / PMDi)WhereAF = the area factor (unitless)

PMD2000 = peak of the mean dose for the base case (mrem/y),

andPMDi = peak of the mean dose for the reduced area i (mrem/y),

where "i" is set at varioussized areasThe above equation shows that the AF is the ratio of the base case PMD2000 to the PMDi for thesmaller area.5.0 ASSUMPTIONS AND INPUT5.1 Assumptions 5.1.1 Radionuclides of Concern (ROC): Am-241, C-14, Cm243/244/245/246, Co-60, Cs-137, Eu-152, Eu-154, H-3, 1-129, Nb-94, Ni-59, Ni-63, Np-237, Pu-238/239/240/241, Sr-90, and Tc- Resident Farmer Scenario:

The dose model used in the development of thesoil DCGL values was the Resident Farmer Scenario defined in NUREG/CR-5512 Volume 1 (Ref. 3.4). That same scenario is applied in the calculations of AFs. The pathways used to estimate human radiation exposure resulting from residual radioactivity in the soil for this scenario includes the following:

  • Direct external radiation exposure pathway;* Inhalation exposure pathway;* Ingestion exposure pathway:-plant foods grown in the soil material containing residual radioactivity,

-meat and milk from livestock fed with fodder grown in soil containing residual radioactivity and watercontaining residual radioactivity,

-drinking water containing residual radioactivity from a well, and-aquatic food from a pond containing residual radioactivity;

  • Inadvertent ingestion of contaminated soil5.1.3 As the area of the contaminated zone decreases from the area used in thebase case (2,000 M2), it is assumed that the values for the contaminated fractions of plant food, meat, and milk originating from the site alsodecrease.

5.1.4 The contaminated fractions for drinking water, livestock water, irrigation water, and aquatic food are assumed not to decrease as the size of thecontaminated zone decreases.

Setting the values for these input parameters equal to 1.0 incorporates the assumption that all water used by the residentfarmer comes from the site (i.e., residential well), regardless of the size ofthe contaminated area.5.1.5 Another input parameter that is influenced by changes in the size of thecontaminated zone is the length parallel to aquifer flow in the contaminated zone. A proportionate reduction in the value for this parameter is assumedas the size of the contaminated zone decreases.

M. BARTLETT Page 3 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-005 Area Factors for Use with Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLs Rev. 05.2 Lnput5.2.1 In the RESRAD executions for AFs, the input parameter values used werethe same values as those used to calculate DCGLs, except for the inputparameters discussed below and shown in Table 1. The RESRADcontamination fractions are:* Fraction of drinking water from site (FDW)* Fraction of livestock water from site (FLW)* Fraction of Irrigation water from site (FIRW)* Fraction of aquatic food from site (FR9)* Fraction of plant food from site (FPLANT)* Fraction of meat from site (FMEAT)* Fraction of milk from site (FMILK)5.2.2 Input values for FDW, FLW, FIRW, and FR9 are held to the same values asthose used in the DCGL calculation

[ref. 3.1].5.2.3 Adjustments to FPLANT were made based on information in the RESRADUser's Manual [Ref. 3.5]. The following shows how the RESRAD codedetermines the contamination fraction (FA3) for plants:FA3 = A/2,000 when 0 < A < 1,000 m2FA3 = 0.5 when A > 1,000 m2The above equations from the RESRAD User's Manual were adjusted tovary the input values for FPLANT, FMEAT, and FMILK in order to remainconsistent with the approach used for the soil DCGLs (Ref. 3.1). The soilDCGLs were developed using a value of 1.0 for each of the contamination fractions, which incorporated the assumption that 100% of plant food, meat,and milk is obtained from an area equal to 30,000 m2 (the size of thecontaminated zone at the Humboldt Bay site). As applied to plants, use of aFA value equal to 1.0 in the calculation of the soil DCGLs effectively multiplied Equation D.5 by a factor of 2 to yield a FA value of 1.0 for areasequal to or greater than 1,000 m2Input values for FPLANT used in this calculation are determined as follows:FPLANT = A/l,000 when A< 1,000 m2FPLANT=1.0when A> 1,000 m2In addition, the following information from the RESRAD User Manual (Ref.3.5) shows how the RESRAD code determines the contaminated fractions for meat (FA4) and milk (FA5):FA4&5 = A/20,000 when 0 < A < 20,000 m2FA4&5 = 1.0 when A > 20,000 m2The above relationships were used to vary input values for FMEAT andFMILK in order to remain consistent with the approach used for the soilDCGLs [ref. 3.1].Table 1 shows the values for FPLANT, FMEAT, and FMILK as a function ofthe area of the contaminated zone.5.2.4 As the area of the contaminated zone decreases, the value for anotherRESRAD Input parameter, the length parallel to aquifer flow (LCZPAQ),


The contaminated zone is assumed to be circular, so the value,j BARTLETT Page 4 Bartlett Engineering Area Factors for Use with Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-005 Rev. 0for LCZPAQ is equal to the diameter of the circle:LCZPAQ (m) = 2 H&Table 1 also shows the values for LCZPAQ as a function of the size of thecontaminated zone.5.3 Results:5.3.1 RESRAD 6.5 code was executed using 2000 observations and 1 repetition.

The Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) technique is used to sample theprobability distributions for each of the stochastic input parameters.

Thecorrelated or non-correlated grouping option is used to preserve theprescribed correlation, and a random seed of 1000 is used to preserve theprescribed sampling technique.

5.3.2 RESRAD code executions were made for each ROC with the input shown inTable 1. The peak of the mean doses (PMD) for reduced contaminated zone sizes are presented by ROC in Table AF values were generated from the PMDs using the equations described insection 4.0. The AFs by ROC are presented in Table 3. Graphic displaysfor area factors for the Humboldt Bay ROCs are provided in Figures 1through 7.W;IBARTLETT Page 5 Bartlett Engineering Area Factors for Use with Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-005 Rev. 0Table 1: RESRAD Input Parameters Vs. Size of Contaminated ZoneRESRAD Parameter Input ValueContaminated Zone (mi2) 30,0000' 2,000 1,000 500 100LCZPAQ(m) 195a 50 36 25 11FPLANT 1.0a 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.10FMEAT 1.0a 0.1 0.05 0.025 0.005FMILK 1.0a 0.1 0.05 0.025 0.005Contaminated Zone (M2) 50 10 5 1LCZPAQ (m) 8.0 3.6 2.5 1.1FPLANT 0.05 0.01 0.005 0.001FMEAT 0.0025 0.0005 0.00025 0.00005 1FMILK 0.0025 0.0005 0.00025 0.00005a Parameter value for DCGL modeling.

BARTLETTPage 6 Bartlett Engineering Area Factors for Use with Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-005 Rev. 0Table 2: RESRAD Dose Results for Varying Size of Contaminated ZonePMD (mrem/y) for Contaminated Zone Size (M2):ROC 2000 1000 500 100 50 10 5 1Am-241C-14Cm-243Cm-244Cm-245Cm-246Co-60Cs-1 37Eu-1 52Eu-1 54H-3I-129Nb-94Ni-59Ni-63Np-237Pu-238Pu-239Pu-240Pu-241Sr-909.58E-016.04E-018.47E-015.16E-011.39E+009.63E-015.76E+001.81 E+002.35E+002.53E+001.94E-021.71 E+003.32E+003.57E-039.71 E-032.19E+018.30E-019.22E-019.22E-012.87E-021.23E+019.57E-014.16E-018.45E-015.15E-011.39E+009.62E-015.67E+001.72E+002.33E+002.50E+001.84E-021.52E+003.28E+003.06E-038.33E-032.19E+018.29E-019.21 E-019.21 E-012.87E-021.21 E+014.87E-011.50E-015.21 E-012.59E-017.45E-014.83E-015.30E+001.41 E+002.28E+002.44E+009.22E-037.60E-013.21 E+001.53E-034.17E-031.11E+014.16E-014.62E-014.62E-011.46E-026.03E+001.10E-011.45E-022.47E-015.34E-022.24E-019.97E-024.59E+001.06E+002.05E+002.20E+001.86E-031.55E-012.89E+003.06E-048.33E-042.45E+008.59E-029.54E-029.54E-023.28E-031.21 E+006.14E-025.43E-031.99E-012.77E-021.52E-015.16E-024.16E+009.49E-011.87E+002.OOE+009.34E-047.88E-022.63E+001.53E-044.17E-041.34E+004.45E-024.94E-024.94E-021.83E-036.08E-011.97E-026.01 E-041.16E-016.83E-037.15E-021.27E-022.65E+005.99E-011.19E+001.27E+001.91 E-041.73E-021.69E+003.07E-058.34E-053.89E-011.10E-021.22E-021.22E-025.87E-041.24E-011.24E-022.44E-047.71 E-'024.14E-034.69E-027.68E-031.76E+003.98E-017.92E-018.46E-019.74E-059.04E-031.12E+001.53E-054.17E-052.25E-016.64E-037.35E-037.35E-033.70E-046.26E-025.09E-033.43E-052.65E-021.83E-031.72E-023.38E-035.71 E-011.31 E-012.58E-012.75E-012.09E-052.06E-033.69E-013.08E-068.37E-066.26E-022.92E-033.23E-033.23E-031.52E-041.28E-02Tc-991.79E+00 1.78E+00 8.90E-01 1.78E-01 8.90E-02 1.78E-02 8.91E-03 1.78E-03C. BARTLETTPage 7 Bartlett Engineering Area Factors for Use with Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-005 Rev. 0Table 3: Area Factors for SoilArea Factor for Area Contaminated Zone (m2):ROC 2000 1000 500 100 50 10 5 1Am-241C-14Cm-243Cm-244Cm-245Cm-246Co-60Cs-137Eu-1 52Eu-1 54H-31-129Nb-94Ni-59Ni-63Np-237Pu-238Pu-239Pu-240Pu-241Sr-90Tc-991.OE+001.OE+001.OE+001.OE+001.OE+001.OE+001.OE+001.OE+001.OE+001.OE+001.OE+001.OE+001.OE+001.OE+001.OE+001.OE+001.OE+001.OE+001.OE+001.OE+001.OE+001.OE+001.OE+001.5E+001.OE+001.OE+001.OE+001.OE+001.OE+001.OE+001.OE+001.OE+001.1 E+001.1 E+001.OE+001.2E+001.2E+001.OE+001.OE+001.OE+001.OE+001.OE+001.OE+001.OE+002.OE+004.OE+001.6E+002.OE+001.9E+002.OE+001.1 E+001.3E+001.OE+001.OE+002.1 E+002.2E+001.OE+002.3E+002.3E+002.OE+002.OE+002.OE+002.OE+002.OE+002.OE+002.OE+008.7E+004.2E+013.4E+009.7E+006.2E+009.7E+001.3E+001.7E+001.1 E+001.2E+001.OE+011.1 E+011.2E+001.2E+011.2E+019.OE+009.7E+009.7E+009.7E+008.8E+001.OE+011.OE+011.6E+011.1E+024.3E+001.9E+019.2E+001.9E+011.4E+001.9E+001.3E+001.3E+002.1 E+012.2E+011.3E+002.3E+012.3E+011.6E+011.9E+011.9E+011.9E+011.6E+012.OE+012.OE+014.9E+011.OE+037.3E+007.6E+011.9E+017.6E+012.2E+003.OE+002.OE+002.OE+001.OE+029.9E+012.OE+001.2E+021.2E+025.6E+017.6E+017.6E+017.6E+014.9E+019.9E+011.OE+027.7E+012.5E+031.1 E+011.2E+023.OE+011.3E+023.3E+004.5E+003.OE+003.OE+002.OE+021.9E+023.OE+002.3E+022.3E+029.8E+011.3E+021.3E+021.3E+027.8E+012.OE+022.OE+021.9E+021.8E+043.2E+012.8E+028.1 E+012.8E+021.OE+011.4E+019.1 E+009.2E+009.3E+028.3E+029.OE+001.2E+031.2E+033.5E+022.8E+022.9E+022.9E+021.9E+029.6E+021.OE+03If)BARTLETT Page 8 Bartlett Engineering Area Factors for Use with Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-005 Rev. 0400350300 '2502001005002000 1000 500 100 50 10 5 1Area (m2)# Am-241-Cm-244Cm-246-. Np-237Figure 1: Area Factors for Americium-241, Curium-244, 246, and Neptunium-237 f) ARTLETTPage 9 Bartlett Engineering Area Factors for Use with Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-005 Rev. 090807060O50 u40U.3O20020001000 500 100 50 10 5 1Area (m2)0Cm-243-Cm-245Figure 2: Area Factors for Curium-244 and 245~ri5ARTLETT Page 10If, BARTLETTPage 10 Bartlett Engineering Area Factors for Use with Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-005 Rev. 0300250200~0150tU.100/,xpr50020001000 500 100 501051Area (m2)-Pu-239-Pu-238Pu-240 -ý Pu-241Figure 3: Area Factors for Plutonium-238, 239, 240, and 241C- BARTLETTPage 11 Bartlett Engineering Area Factors for Use with Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-005 Rev. 01613CD10 "20(UC7 7 ID412000 1000 5E03 100 50 10 5Area (m2)CO-(0 -Cs-i 37Eu-1 52 * -Eu-1 54N b-94Figure 4: Area Factors for Cobalt-60, Cesium-1 37, Europium-1 52, 154, and Niobium-94

~r~8ARTLETT Page 12(M BARTLETTW:F7Page 12 Bartlett Engineering Area Factors for Use with Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-005 Rev. 09008007006005004003002001000CD0U.JCaLL20001000 500 100 50 10 5 1Area (m2)Figure 5: Area Factors for Iodine-1 29V BARTLETTPage 13 Bartlett Engineering Area Factors for Use with Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLsENG-HB-005 Rev. 01,4001,2001,000800 :L-0600 t40020002000 1000 500 1(#WJea (m2) 50 10 51* --H-3 -u-Ni-59Ni-63 -'-Sr-90-I*- Tc-99Figure 6: Area Factors for Tritium, Nickel-59, 63, Strontium-90, and Technetium-99 WBARTLETT Page 14 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-005 Area Factors for Use with Humboldt Bay Soil DCGLs Rev. 0-- -20,O00-18, 0016,00/ 14,000/ 12,000oo0~10,000L-...... /8,000 o6,06, OW2000 11000 500 100 50 10 5 1Area (m2)Figure 7: Area Factors for Carbon-14

,BARTLETT Pacle 15 IwoABARTLETT ENGINEERING CALCULATION Calculation Number: ENG-HB-006 Revision Number: 0Calculation Title:Area Factors for Use with Humboldt Bay Buildinq SurfaceDCGLsPreparer:

/ Dateeviw23-a-- l~Approval:


DatefCorporate Project ManagerBartlett.

60 Industrial Park RoadPlymouth, MA 02360 Bartlett Engineering ENG-HB-006 Area Factors for Use with Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLs Rev. 01.0 PURPOSEThe purpose of this calculation is to develop area factors (AFs) for use with derivedconcentration guideline levels (DCGLs) for assessing building surfaces at the Pacific Gas &Electric (PGE) Humboldt Bay nuclear power site. This calculation is a deliverable productspecified in the scope of work section in Contract No. GTO12 3500895165.


This calculation addresses only the development of AF values for use with building surfaceDCGLs for the PGE Humboldt Bay site.


3.1 Bartlett Engineering Procedure ENG-AP-02, Verification of Software Operability 3.2 User's Manual for RESRAD-Build Version 3.0, June 2003 (ANL/EAD/03-1) 3.3 Bartlett Engineering Calculation ENG-HB-002, RESRAD-Build Input Parameter Sensitivity Analysis3.4 Bartlett Engineering Calculation ENG-HB-004, Humboldt Bay Building SurfaceDerived Concentration Guideline Levels3.5 NUREG-1 575, Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual(MARSSIM),

Rev.1 , August 20004.0 METHOD OF CALCULATION The operability of the RESRAD-Build code was verified on each computer used for codeexecutions in accordance with Bartlett Engineering procedure ENG-AP-02, Verification ofSoftware Operability

[ref. 3.1]. The RESRAD-Build user's manual [ref. 3.2] provided guidancefor code operation.

Version 3.5 of the RESRAD-Build code was used to perform a parameter sensitivity analysis[ref. 3.3] and to calculate building surface DCGL values [ref 3.4]. To maintain consistency withthe approached used in those calculations, RESRAD-Build version 3.5 was also used in thedevelopment of area factors for use with the building surface DCGLS.Area factors permit assessments of small areas of elevated activity.

By definition, an AF is themagnitude by which the residual radioactivity in a small area of elevated activity can exceed theDCGLW while maintaining compliance with the release criterion

[ref. 3.5]. Typically, a DCGLwvalue is adjusted by an area factor that is appropriate for the given area of elevatedcontamination.

The resulting adjusted DCGL value is referred to as DCGLEMC, where EMCstands for elevated measurement comparison.

DCGLEMC values are obtained from the following relationship:


  • AF = DCGLEMCwhere the AF value is specific for the area of the elevated contamination.

The model used for AFs is similar to that used in the development of building surface DCGLWvalues. However, only one source is modeled, instead of the six sources considered incalculating the building surface DCGLw values. The receptor is located at the source midpointILBARTL ETT Page 2 Bartlett Engineering.

ENG-005Calculation of EF1 Building Surface Area Factors Rev. 0at a distance of 1 meter. All other input parameters and assumed active exposure pathways arethe same as those in the building surface DCGL calculation

[ref. 3.4].Elevated measurement comparisons (i.e., assessments of residual activity greater than theDCGL value) are likely to occur only in Class 1 areas. Accordingly, the recommended limit tothe size of a Class 1 structure, 100 m2 [ref. 3.5], was set as the upper bound for sizes used todevelop AFs. AF based on ten area sizes were calculated:

1OOm2, 50m2, 1Om2, 8m2, 6m2, 5m2,4m2, 3m2, 2m2, 1 M2.RESRAD-Build version 3.5 code runs were performed for each area size and eachradionuclides-of-concern (ROC) for the Humboldt Bay site. The development of AFs followedthe steps outlined below.1. RESRAD-Build calculations of the doses associated with each area size for eachradionuclide.

2. Calculation of the AF value by determining the ratio of the doses associated with anarea of 1 00m2 (dose100) to the doses for the various area sizes (dosei):doseloo/dosei.
3. Generation of tables and graphs to present AF values.5.0 ASSUMPTIONS AND INPUT5.1 Assumptions 5.1.1 With the exception of the number of sources and area size input, allassumptions regarding input parameters and active exposure pathwayswere the same as those used in the sensitivity analysis

[ref. 3.3] and inthe DCGL calculations

[ref. 3.4].5.1.2 The following radionuclides are assumed the only radionuclides-of-concern (ROCs) for the Humboldt Bay site: Am-241, C-14,Cm243/244/245/246, Co-60, Cs-137, Eu-152, Eu-154, H-3, 1-129, Nb-94,Ni-59, Ni-63, Np-237, Pu-238/239/240/241, Sr-90, and Tc- The areas used to develop AF values are bounded by the recommended maximum size for a Class 1 structure, 100 m2 [ref 3.5]. Area sizesassumed in this calculation are M2) are 100 M2, 50 M2, 10 M2, 8 M2, 6 M2,5 M2, 4 M2, 3 M2, 2 M2, and 1 M2.5.1.4 The receptor dose point was assumed at l1m above the center of thevarious area sources, which were located at the center of the room anddirectly under the receptor. Values used as input for the RESRAD-Build parameters were the sameas those used in the calculation of the building surface DCGLs [ref. 3.4].Table 1 summarizes the input values for all input parameters.

5.2.2 The location of the receptor was the center of the floor. The dose pointwas set at a height of lm. On the x, y, and z-axes, the locations were4.24m, 2.82m,1.0m, respectively, which is the same location used in thecalculation of the building surface DCGLs [ref. 3.4] and in the sensitivity analysis

[ref. 3.3]. The various sized sources were automatically placedunder the receptor when the area input value was entered.t&8BARTLETT Page 3 Bartlett Engineering.

ENG-005Calculation of EFI Building Surface Area Factors Rev. 06.0 CALCULATIONS AND RESULTS6.1 Using the assumptions described in section 5.0 and the input values shown in Table1, RESRAD-Build code executions were made for each ROC and various sourceareas. The sizes for the various area sources were 1OOm2, 50m2, 1Oim2, 8m2, 6m2,5m2, 4m2, 3m2, 2m2, and 1 M2.6.2 Table 2 summarizes the RESRAD-Build dose results for the various area sizes byROC.6.3 Table 3 shows the AF values for each area size by ROC. The AF values werecalculated as follows:AF = doseloo/dosei where, dose100 = dose associated with 100 M2, and dosei = dose area size ofinterest (i = 1OOm2, 50m2, 1Oim2, 8m2, 6m2, 5m2, 4m2, 3m2, 2m2, and 1 m2).6.4 Figures 1, 2, 3, and 4 graphically display the area factors.~C~BARTLETT Page 4(AC4 8 A RTL ETTPage 4 Bartlett Engineering Area Factors for Use with Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HB-006 Rev. 0Table 1: RESRAD-Build Input Parameter Values for Area FactorsParameter Typea Nuclide Treatmentb Value Reference SourceExposure Duration (d) B All D 365.25 NUREGICR-55i2, Vol.3,section 5.2.1Indoor Fraction B All D 0.267 NUREGICR-55i2, Vol.3,section,5 Use of iy provides doses atEvaluation Time (y) P All D (1, 5, 10, 25, t=0y and t=1 y; multiple input50, 100 for applied to verify time of peakPu-241) doseNumber of Rooms P All D 1 NUREG/CR-5512 Am-241, Cm-243, Cm-244, Cm-245,Cm-246, Np-237, Pu-238, Pu-239, Pu- D 1.5179E-05 50th percentile value240, and Pu-241Deposition Velocity (m/s) PC-14, Co-60, Cs-i137, Eu-152,D 4.78217E-04 75thH-3, 1-129, Nb-94, Ni-59, Ni-63, Sr-90, D 4870percentile valueand Tc-99Am-241, Cm-243, Cm-244, Np-237, Pu- 50th238, Pu-239, Pu-240, and Pu-241 D 1.79444E-08 percentile valueResuspension Rate (s-1) P C-14, Cm-245, Cm-246, Co-60, Cs-137, Eu-1 52, Eu-1 54, H-3, 1-129, Nb- D 6.70403E-10 25th percentile value94, Ni-59, Ni-63, Sr-90, and Tc-99Air Exchange Rate for Room (h1) P All D 8.35789E-01 25th percentile valueRoom Area (m2) P All D 47.77 Humboldt Bay-specific data(General Office Building) 2.49 Humboldt Bay-specific data(General Office Building)

Time Fraction B All D 1 NUREG/CR-5512 Conservative inhalation rate formoderate to heavy activities

-Inhalation Rate (m3/d) M All D 45.6 NUREG/CR-6697, Attachment C, section 5.1; NUREG/CR-5512, vol. 3, section 5.3.4Indirect Ingestion Rate (m2/h) B All D 0.0001 NUREG/CR6755 (C)BARTLETT Page 5 Bartlett Engineering Area Factors for Use with Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HB-006 Rev. 0Table 1: RESRAD-Build Input Parameter Values for Area FactorsParameter Typea Nuclide Treatmentb Value Reference Source4.24, NUREG/CR-5512; site-specific Receptor Location B All D 2.82,1.0 room dimensions (GeneralOffice Building)

Shielding Thickness (cm) P All D 0 Site-specific model-no shielding assumedRESRAD-Build default valueShielding Density (g/cm3) P All D 2.4 for concrete

-not used inDCGL calculations Default input -not used inShielding Material P All D concrete DCGL calculations Number of Sources P All 1 Various size areasExternal Dose Conversion Factor, RESRAD- FGR12(mrem/y per pCi/cm2) M All D Build LibraryAir Submersion Dose Conversion RESRAD- FGR12Factor, (mrem/y per pCi/m3) M All D Build LibraryInhalation Dose Conversion Factor, M All D RESRAD- FGR11(mrem/pCi)

Build LibraryIngestionl Dose Conversion Factor, M All D RESRAD- FGR11(mrem/pCi)

Build LibrarySource 1: FloorType P All area NUREG/CR-5512 Direction P All Z NUREG/CR-5512 Location of Center of Source: x,y,z Asite-specific data -center of(m) p All D 4.24, 2.82, 0.0 floor based on dimensions for(in) General Office Building roomSource length X-axis (m) P All D 8.47 Not used in calculations Source length Y-axis (m) P All D 5.64 Not used in calculations 100, 50, 10, 8, Recommended size for Class 1Area (i2) P All D 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 structure used as upper limit forarea source sizeH-3 1.0 NUREG/CR-6697, Att. CAll others 0.07 Section 8.6Direct Ingestion (h) B All D 9.32E-7 NUREG/CR6755, A.3.3JMBARTLETT Page 6 Bartlett Engineering Area Factors for Use with Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HB-006 Rev. 0Table 1: RESRAD-Build Input Parameter Values for Area FactorsParameter Type' Nuclide Treatmentb Value Reference SourceNUREG-1 727, Table 0.7.1;Removable Fraction P All D 0.1 NUREG -67 55, seCtin1.NUREG/CR-6755, section 3.5Time for Source Removal (d) P C-14, Co-60, Cs-1 37, Eu-1 52, Eu-1 54, D 52695.2 75th percentile value1-129, and Nb-94D 33056.9 50th percentile valueSr-90 and Tc-99D 18249.3 25Th percentile valueAm-241, Cm-243, Cm-244, Cm-245,Cm-246, H-3, Ni-59, Ni-63, Np-237, Pu-238, Pu-239, Pu-240, and Pu-241Radionuclide Concentration (pCi/m2) P All D 1.0a P = physical, B = behavioral, M = metabolic; (see NUREG/CR-6697, Attachment B, Table 4.)b D = deterministic BARTLETTPage 7 Bartlett Engineering Area Factors for Use with Humboldt Bay Buildinq Surface DCGLsENG-HB-006 Rev. 0Table 2: RESRAD-Build ResultsAnnual Dose (mrem) from 1 pCi/m2:(M2) Am-241 C-14 Cm-243 Cm-244 Cm-245 Cm-246 Co-60 Cs-137 Eu-152 Eu-154 H-31 1.14E-06 4.91E-10 8.56E-07 6.03E-07 3.78E-06 1.91E-06 1.79E-06 4.60E-07 8.91E-07 9.44E-07 1.81E-112 2.27E-06 9.79E-10 1.69E-06 1.21E-06 6.98E-06 3.65E-06 3.20E-06 8.22E-07 1.59E-06 1.68E-06 3.63E-113 3.39E-06 1.46E-09 2.51E-06 1.81E-06 9.82E-06 5.27E-06 4.35E-06 1.12E-06 2.16E-06 2.29E-06 5.44E-114 4.51 E-06 1.95E-09 3.32E-06 2.41 E-06 1.24E-05 6.83E-06 5.33E-06 1.38E-06 2.65E-06 2.81 E-06 7.25E-1 15 5.63E-06 2.43E-09 4.12E-06 3.01E-06 1.48E-05 8.32E-06 6.18E-06 1.60E-06 3.07E-06 3.26E-06 9.07E-116 6.75E-06 2.91E-09 4.91E-06 3.61E-06 1.70E-05 9.77E-06 6.93E-06 1.80E-06 3.45E-06 3.65E-06 1.09E-108 8.98E-06 3.87E-09 6.49E-06 4.82E-06 2.12E-05 1.26E-05 8.22E-06 2.14E-06 4.09E-06 4.33E-06 1.45E-1010 1.12E-05 4.83E-09 8.06E-06 6.02E-06 2.50E-05 1.53E-05 9.30E-06 2.43E-06 4.62E-06 4.90E-06 1.81E-1050 5.55E-05 2.39E-08 3.87E-05 3.01E-05 8.38E-05 6.42E-05 1.85E-05 5.14E-06 9.18E-06 9.74E-06 9.07E-10100 1.11E-04 4.76E-08 7.65E-05 6.02E-05 1.47E-04 1.22E-04 2.31E-05 6.76E-06 1.14E-05 1.21E-05 1.81E-09Annual Dose (mrem) from 1 pCi/m2:(M2) 1-129 Nb-94 Ni-59 Ni-63 Np-237 Pu-238 Pu-239 Pu-240 Pu-241 Sr-90 Tc-991 1.02E-07 1.26E-06 5.29E-11 1.37E-10 1.54E-06 9.70E-07 1.07E-06 1.07E-06 2.35E-08 3.84E-08 4.04E-102 1.95E-07 2.25E-06 1.06E-10 2.75E-10 3.04E-06 1.94E-06 2.15E-06 2.15E-06 4.69E-08 7.58E-08 7.94E-103 2.83E-07 3.06E-06 1.59E-10 4.12E-10 4.51E-06 2.91E-06 3.22E-06 3.22E-06 7.02E-08 1.13E-07 1.18E-094 3.67E-07 3.75E-06 2.12E-10 5.49E-10 5.97E-06 3.87E-06 4.29E-06 4.29E-06 9.35E-08 1.49E-07 1.55E-095 4.49E-07 4.35E-06 2.65E-10 6.87E-10 7.41E-06 4.84E-06 5.36E-06 5.36E-06 1.17E-07 1.85E-07 1.92E-096 5.28E-07 4.88E-06 3.17E-10 8.24E-10 8.83E-06 5.81E-06 6.43E-06 6.43E-06 1.40E-07 2.21E-07 2.29E-098 6.82E-07 5.78E-06 4.23E-10 1.10E-09 1.17E-05 7.74E-06 8.58E-06 8.58E-06 1.86E-07 2.92E-07 3.02E-0910 8.31E-07 6.54E-06 5.29E-10 1.37E-09 1.45E-05 9.68E-06 1.07E-05 1.07E-05 2.33E-07 3.62E-07 3.74E-0950 3.48E-06 1.30E-05 2.65E-09 6.87E-09 6.93E-05 4.84E-05 5.36E-05 5.36E-05 1.16E-06 1.74E-06 1.77E-08100 6.61E-06 1.61E-05 5.29E-09 1.37E-08 1.37E-04 9.68E-05 1.07E-04 1.07E-04 2.31E-06 3.44E-06 3.50E-08C!, ARTLETTPage 8 Bartlett Engineering Area Factors for Use with Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HB-006 Rev. 0Table 3: Building Surface Area Factors by Radionuclide and Area SizeArea Factor Values:(M2 Am-241 C-14 Cm-243 Cm-244 Cm-245 Cm-246 Co-60 Cs-137 Eu-152 Eu-154 H-31 9.7E+01 9.7E+01 8.9E+01 1.OE+02 3.9E+01 6.4E+01 1.3E+01 1.5E+01 1.3E+01 1.3E+01 1.OE+022 4.9E+01 4.9E+01 4.5E+01 5.OE+01 2.1E+01 3.3E+01 7.2E+00 8.2E+00 7.2E+00 7.2E+00 5.OE+013 3.3E+01 3.3E+01 3.0E+01 3.3E+01 1.5E+01 2.3E+01 5.3E+00 6.OE+00 5.3E+00 5.3E+00 3.3E+014 2.5E+01 2.4E+01 2.3E+01 2.5E+01 1.2E+01 1.8E+01 4.3E+00 4.9E+00 4.3E+00 4.3E+00 2.5E+015 2.OE+01 2.OE+01 1.9E+01 2.0E+01 9.9E+00 1.5E+01 3.7E+00 4.2E+00 3.7E+00 3.7E+00 2.0E+016 1.6E+01 1.6E+01 1.6E+01 1.7E+01 8.6E+00 1.2E+01 3.3E+00 3.8E+00 3.3E+00 3.3E+00 1.7E+018 1.2E+01 1.2E+01 1.2E+01 1.2E+01 6.9E+00 9.7E+00 2.8E+00 3.2E+00 2.8E+00 2.8E+00 1.2E+0110 9.9E+00 9.9E+00 9.5E+00 1.OE+01 5.9E+00 8.OE+00 2.5E+00 2.8E+00 2.5E+00 2.5E+00 1.0E+0150 2.OE+00 2.0E+00 2.0E+00 2.0E+00 1.8E+00 1.9E+00 1.2E+00 1.3E+00 1.2E+00 1.2E+00 2.OE+00100 1.OE+00 1.OE+00 1.OE+00 1.0E+00 1.0E+00 1.OE+00 1.0E+00 1.OE+00 1.0E+00 1.OE+00 1.OE+00Area Factor Values:(M2) 1-129 Nb-94 Ni-59 Ni-63 Np-237 Pu-238 Pu-239 Pu-240 Pu-241 Sr-90 Tc-991 6.5E+01 1.3E+01 1.0E+02 1.OE+02 8.9E+01 1.OE+02 1.OE+02 1.OE+02 9.8E+01 9.OE+01 8.7E+012 3.4E+01 7.2E+00 5.0E+01 5.OE+01 4.5E+01 5.OE+01 5.OE+01 5.OE+01 4.9E+01 4.5E+01 4.4E+013 2.3E+01 5.3E+00 3.3E+01 3.3E+01 3.OE+01 3.3E+01 3.3E+01 3.3E+01 3.3E+01 3.OE+01 3.OE+014 1.8E+01 4.3E+00 2.5E+01 2.5E+01 2.3E+01 2.5E+01 2.5E+01 2.5E+01 2.5E+01 2.3E+01 2.3E+015 1.5E+01 3.7E+00 2.0E+01 2.OE+01 1.8E+01 2.OE+01 2.OE+01 2.OE+01 2.OE+01 1.9E+01 1.8E+016 1.3E+01 3.3E+00 1.7E+01 1.7E+01 1.6E+01 1.7E+01 1.7E+01 1.7E+01 1.7E+01 1.6E+01 1.5E+018 9.7E+00 2.8E+00 1.3E+01 1.2E+01 1.2E+01 1.3E+01 1.2E+01 1.2E+01 1.2E+01 1.2E+01 1.2E+0110 8.OE+00 2.5E+00 1.0E+01 1.OE+01 9.4E+00 1.OE+01 1.OE+01 1.OE+01 9.9E+00 9.5E+00 9.4E+0050 1.9E+00 1.2E+00 2.0E+00 2.OE+00 2.OE+00 2.OE+00 2.OE+00 2.OE+00 2.OE+00 2.OE+00 2.OE+00100 1.OE+00 1.OE+00 1.OE+00 1.OE+00 1.OE+00 1.OE+00 1.OE+00 1.OE+00 1.OE+00 1.0E+00 1.OE+00Cl BARTLETTPage 9 Bartlett Engineering Area Factors for Use with Humboldt Bay Buildina Surface DCGLsENG-HB-006 Rev. 0I I I161412L,08U-6u42010050 10 8 654321Area (m2)*.- Co-60M Cs- 137Eu-152-Eu-154_ Nb-94Figure 1: Building Surface Area Factors for C0-60, Cs-1 37, Eu-1 52,154, and Nb-94C)BARTLETT Page 10 Bartlett Engineering Area Factors for Use with Humboldt Bay Buildina Surface DCGLsENG-HB-006 Rev. 0110100908070 W60 L50 'L,40 'U302010010050 10 8 6 5 4 3 2 1Area (m2)* --H-3 -.-C-141- 12 9 -ýý Ni-59 +~-- Ni-63 -a- Sr-90-Tc-99Figure 2: Building Surface Area Factors for H-3, C-14, 1-129, Ni-59, 63, Sr-90, and Tc-99fel ARTLETTPage 11 Bartlett Engineering Area Factors for Use with Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HB-006 Rev. 0110100908070605040302010L0*4-U(U(D0100 50 10 8 64321Area (m2)Pu-238 -. Pu-239 -Pu-240 Pu-241 -÷--4Am24l

-a-- Np237Figure 3: Building Surface Area Factors for Pu-238, 239, 240, 241, AM-241, and Np-237Lei BARTLETTPage 12 Bartlett Engineering Area Factors for Use with Humboldt Bay Building Surface DCGLsENG-HB-006 Rev. 0/17171101009080 .60 050Li-40 Cu30----------------

2010010050 10 8 6 5 4321Area (m2)-,-- Cm243-m-- Cm244Cm245-, Cm246Figure 4: Building Surface Area Factors for Cm-243, 244, 245, and 246(V ARTLETTPage 13 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination Plan Revision 1Chapter 7 Update of Site-Specific Decommissioning Costs July 2014CONTENTS7. UPDATE OF SITE-SPECIFIC DECOMMISSIONING COSTS ..........................

7-17 .1 .Intro d u ctio n .............................................................................................

7 -17 .1 .1 .H isto ry ... .....................................................................................

7 -17.2. Decommissioning Cost Estimate


7-27.2.1. Cost Estimate Description and Methodology


7-27.2.2. Summary of the Site Specific Decommissioning CostE stim a te .....................................................................................

7 -37.3. Decommissioning Funding Plan .............................................................

7-67 .4 .R efe re nce s .............................................................................................

7-7TABLESTable 7-1 Summary of Remaining Decommissioning Costs in Year 2011 Dollars(tho usa nds of do lla rs) .................................................................................

7-5FIGURESFigure 7-1 Summary of Remaining Decommissioning Costs Percentages


7-77-i Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination Plan Revision 1Chapter 7 Update of Site-Specific Decommissioning Costs July 20147. UPDATE OF SITE-SPECIFIC DECOMMISSIONING COSTS7.1. Introduction In accordance with 10 CFR 50.82(a)(9)(ii)(F)

[Reference 7-1] andRegulatory Guide 1.179, "Standard Format and Content of LicenseTermination Plans for Nuclear Power Reactors,"

[Reference 7-2] thesite-specific cost estimate and funding plans are provided in this chapter.Regulatory Guide 1.179 provides guidance with respect to the information to be presented.

The License Termination Plan (LTP) must provide an estimate of theremaining decommissioning costs, and compare the estimated costs withthe present funds set aside for decommissioning.

The financial assurance instrument required per 10 CFR 50.75 must be funded to the amount of thecost estimate.

If there is a deficit in present funding, the LTP must indicatethe means for ensuring adequate funds to complete the decommissioning.

The decommissioning cost estimate includes an evaluation of thefollowing cost elements:

  • Cost assumptions used, including a contingency factor* Major decommissioning activities and tasks* Unit cost factors" Estimated costs of decontamination and removal of equipment andstructures
  • Estimated costs of waste disposal, including applicable disposal sitesurcharges and transportation costs* Estimated final survey costs* Estimated total costsThe cost estimate should focus on the remaining work, detailed activity byactivity.

The cost estimates should be based on credible engineering assumptions that are related to all major remaining decommissioning activities and tasks. The cost estimate should include the cost of theremediation action being evaluated, the cost of transportation and disposalof the waste generated by the action, and other costs that are appropriate for the specific case.Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) owns a 100 percent undivided interest inHumboldt Bay Power Plant Unit 3 (HBPP) and provides financial assurance for decommissioning through the use of an external sinkingfund.7.1.1. HistoryPG&E placed the plant in a long-term storage and monitoring condition known as SAFSTOR.

During this period, the plant was7-1 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination Plan Revision 1Chapter 7 Update of Site-Specific Decommissioning Costs July 2014maintained to ensure the integrity of its safety systems and toensure that the health and safety of the public, environment, andwork force were protected.

Several cost studies were performed between 1978 and 2009. PG&E hired a specialty consultant, TLGServices, Inc., to prepare the updated 2001 SAFSTORDecommissioning Study to the original that was issued in 1997.The decommissioning cost study and subsequent studies by TLGprovided PG&E with sufficient information to prepare the financial planning documents for decommissioning, as required by theNuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). The cost studies providedestimates that were based on detailed studies of the uniquefeatures of the facility and accounted for lessons learned at otherfacilities that had undergone similar decommissionings.

Theseestimates were not detailed engineering documents, but werefinancial analyses prepared in advance of the detailed engineering that would be required to carry out the decommissioning.

The 2009cost study was approved by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) in the 2009 Nuclear Decommissioning CostTriennial Proceeding (NDCTP) (Reference 7-4).As HBPP Unit 3 Decommissioning transitions from the PlantSystem Removal Phase (where work scope was dynamic withsignificant uncertainty) to the Civil Works Projects Phase (wherework scope is well defined),

the remaining decommissioning workhas been analyzed and then described in major, well-defined CivilWorks Projects.

These Civil Works Projects include TurbineBuilding Demolition, Nuclear Facilities Demolition and Excavation, Intake and Discharge Canal Remediation, Office FacilityDemobilization, Reactor Caisson and Foundation Piles Removaland Final Site Restoration.

Detailed bid specifications weredeveloped for each project and then bids were solicited frommultiple vendors.

The use of competitively bid, cost plus with fixedfee contracts assures PG&E that the costs are fully understood andprovides for some financial risk mitigation.

7.2. Decommissioning Cost Estimate7.2.1. Cost Estimate Description and Methodology PG&E formed an interdisciplinary and broad-based subject matterexpert team to develop and vet 15 technical specifications accompanied by 10 administrative specifications.

Thespecifications developed by this technically focused group definedthe requirements and criteria to complete the remainder of thedecommissioning at HBPP Unit 3, including a plan for final siterestoration.

The Specifications Development Team met everyweek for 12 months and a Long Term Strategy Team met everyweek for 7 months developing the Level 1 Long Term Schedule and7-2 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination Plan Revision 1Chapter 7 Update of Site-Specific Decommissioning Costs July 2014Exit Strategy.

The effort resulted in a document known as theDecommissioning Capstone Document (Reference 7-5).Three bids were received from leading industry/reputable companies for all four discrete civil works projects.

One additional bid was received for canal remediation only. The four projects are(1) Intake and Discharge Canal Remediation, (2) Nuclear Facilities Demolition and Excavations; Office Facility Demobilization, (3) andFinal Site Restoration.

PG&E identified potential issues associated with the reactorcaisson.

To gain a better understanding of the alternatives toresolve radiological issues associated with the caisson, PG&Ecommissioned an engineering feasibility study. The study, knownas the Kiewit HBPP Caisson Feasibility Study (Reference 7-6),evaluated

methods, risks, schedules, and costs for removal of thecaisson.

After PG&E evaluated the technical issues associated with remediation and in-place abandonment versus removal,management determined that the only viable solution was completeexcavation and removal of the caisson.In addition to the cost of civil works, PG&E will incur overhead costsassociated with oversight of the civil works projects, safetymonitoring, ongoing engineering work, and control of the site.Those costs are captured in the staffing plan. As a result, PG&Ehas prepared a site-specific Decommissioning Project Report (DPR)(Reference 7-7) to identify the cost and schedule to completedecommissioning and license termination of HBPP Unit 3. TheDPR incorporates the site-specific decommissioning tasks anddetailed plans that have been identified as a result of the ongoingimplementation of the decommissioning effort. The remaining costto decommission HBPP Unit 3, including a 10 percent to 25 percentline item contingency applied to remaining work (depending on thedegree of difficulty),

is estimated to be approximately

$982.4 million(2011 dollars).

7.2.2. Summary of the Site Specific Decommissioning CostEstimateSite-specific cost estimates were prepared for PG&E prior tocommencing decommissioning of the HBPP Unit 3 facility.

Theestimates were based on the unique features of the facility andprevious

studies, and accounted for lessons learned at otherfacilities that had undergone similar decommissionings.

As PG&Eidentified efficiencies and discovered issues that affected workprocesses, and therefore costs, changes to implementation methodologies were researched,

planned, and reviewed bymanagement.

With system dismantling work underway, PG&E hasnot updated the previous cost studies; rather this current estimate7-3 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination Plan Revision 1Chapter 7 Update of Site-Specific Decommissioning Costs July 2014reflects forecasts that have been developed from engineering studies and/or actual contractor bids. This estimate updateincorporates the site specific and special tasks that have beenprescribed or implemented as a result of the ongoingdecommissioning planning.

The basis of the estimate and thesources of information, methodology, site-specific considerations, assumptions, and total costs are described in this section.

PG&Ecurrently estimates that the cost to complete remaining decommissioning work at HBPP Unit 3 is $727.6 million (including ISFSI) including contingency.

1 The total cost of decommissioning Humboldt Unit 3 is $982.4 million.

This represents an increasefrom the CPUC approved forecast in the 2009 NDCTP of$499.8 million (in 2008 dollars) for decommissioning HBPP Unit 3.The principal drivers of the projected cost increase are unforeseen changes in the scope of work to be performed and the largeamount of infrastructure upgrades needed to perform the work. Inits previous cost studies, PG&E had specifically assumed that thereactor caisson and associated structures 3 feet and more belowgrade level would remain in place. In late 2011, PG&E was able toobtain access to one portion of the bioshield wall surrounding thereactor vessel. Laboratory testing revealed that there was greaterneutron activation than had been predicted.

PG&E now believesthat it has no viable alternative but to remove the entire reactorcaisson containment structure.

After a detailed feasibility study,PG&E has determined that this new scope of work will beapproximately

$192 million, including contingency.

Additionally, stakeholder involvement within Humboldt County, andstate and local regulatory requirements, the probability is high thatPG&E will ultimately be required to mitigate the final restoration state of the project to a more stringent standard than previously assumed under NRC regulations.

PG&E has changed its previousassumption and assumed lower values of residual radioactive material.

This change in scope particularly affects the remediation of the intake and discharge canals, which, with associated soilremoval and disposal, is estimated to be approximately

$47 million,including contingency.

It is PG&E's judgment that moving to themore rigorous standard now will not only result in more completeremediation, but will also result in lower costs than thoseassociated with regulatory uncertainty, delay, and potential litigation.

Site support and groundwater treatment costs for thecaisson and canal are $6.2 million,Table 7-1 provides a summary of remaining decommissioning costs(from December 2013) in Year 2011 Dollars.

The total does not1 Unless specifically stated otherwise, dollars used herein are in 2011 dollars.7-4 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination PlanChapter 7 Update of Site-Specific Decommissioning CostsRevision 1July 2014reflect the costs of maintaining the ISFSI, as that area is under a10 CFR 72 license.

Bolded totals are the cost category group totals.Summary of Remaining Decommissioning Costs in Year 2011 Dollars(thousands of dollars)Table 7-1GeneralOverall Project 87,002License Termination Survey (Excludes Caisson) 13,166Remainder of Plant Systems 56,693Direct Labor 32,814Craft 17,748Radiation Protection 15,066Liquid Radwaste System 6,659Tools & Equipment 17,220Common Tools 3,771Rad Protection 12,628Glove Bags 821Site Infrastructure 2,074Specific Project Costs (Excludes Disposal

/ Caisson / Canal) 104,254Reactor Vessel Removal 15,368Turbine Bldg Demolition 14,307Other Civil Works 74,579Waste Disposal (Excludes Caisson I Canals) 74,011Labor (Packaging and Handling) 18,994Third Party Disposal Sites 52,315Waste Handling Building 2,701Small Value Contracts 36,042Small Dollar Vendors 10,751Specialty Contracts 25,291Contingency(Excludes Caisson / Canals) 41,2167-5 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination PlanChapter 7 Update of Site-Specific Decommissioning CostsRevision IJuly 2014Cost Category AmountSubtotal Base 419,793Caisson 191,627Field Work 78,000Packaging

/ Material Handling 12,932Project Staffing 22,126Waste Disposal 24,037License Termination Survey 6,168Tools and Supplies 2,346Other 4,238Caisson Contingency 41,780Canal Remediation 47,408Removal 21,000Disposal 20,224Canal Contingency 6,184Common Site Support -Caisson and Canals 6,196Relocation of Trailer City 2,542Groundwater Treatment 2,893Groundwater Treatment System Operation 761Subtotal Caisson / Canal / GWTS 245,230TOTAL 665,0237.3. Decommissioning Funding PlanThe recent additional scope (e.g. caisson removal and canal remediation) of decommissioning activities significantly increase the estimated cost ofHBPP decommissioning.

PG&E filed an application with the CPUCrequesting approval of the 2012 NDTCP (Reference 7-8) revised costestimates and authorization to recover the increased decommissioning funds in the nuclear decommissioning charge paid by PG&E'scustomers.

The Commission issued a decision authorizing

$679 million(subsequently corrected to $680 million)

(93 percent of PG&E'srequest) to complete the decommissioning of Humboldt Unit 3. The7-6 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination PlanChapter 7 Update of Site-Specific Decommissioning CostsRevision 1July 2014decision found that the full scope and costs associated with the CaissonRemoval and Canal Remediation

Projects, as well as costs for priorcompleteddecommissioning projects presented for reasonableness review(-$26 M),were reasonable.

The decision found that $48 million in commonsupportcosts were not supported during the proceedings.

The supportcosts maybe presented during the next triennial cost proceedings (Reference 7-9).Figure 7-1 Summary of Remaining Decommissioning Costs Percentages 6%8%" General Staffing" Remainder plant systemsSite Infrastructure

  • Specific project costs" Waste disposal" Small value contracts 0.003A26%14%Caissona Canal remediation 5%10%7.4. References 7-1 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 50, "Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities, Section 82-Termination of License"7-2 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Regulatory Guide 1.179,"Standard Format and Content of License Termination Plans forNuclear Power Reactors,"

January 19997-3 "Decommissioning Project Report for the Humboldt Bay PowerPlant Unit 3," 2012-2024, December 20127-4 "Nuclear Decommissioning Cost Triennial Proceeding,"

20097-5 "HBPP Decommissioning Capstone Document,"

June 20127-7 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination Plan Revision 1Chapter 7 Update of Site-Specific Decommissioning Costs July 20147-6 "Kiewit HBPP Caisson Feasibility Study," October 20127-7 "HBPP Decommissioning Project Report,"

December 20127-8 "Nuclear Decommissioning Cost Triennial Proceeding,"

20127-9 "California Public Utilities Commission Decision D.14-02-024, Decision On Phase 1 Of The Triennial Review Of NuclearDecommissioning Costs And Activities For Pacific Gas And ElectricCompany As Related To The Humboldt Bay Power Plant Unit 3."7-8 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination Plan Revision 01Chapter 8 Supplement to the Environmental Report July 2014CONTENTS8. SUPPLEMENTTO THE ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT .....................................

8-18.1 Introduction and P urpose ........................................................................

8-18.1.1 Purpose 8-18 .1 .2 B a ckg ro u nd ..................................................................................

8 -18.1.3 Environmental Effects of Decommissioning


8-28.2 Site Description after Termination of the License ....................................

8-58.3 Post-shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report ................................

8-58.4 Humboldt Bay Power Plant Site Environmental Setting andD e s c rip tio n ..............................................................................................

8 -68.4.1 Geography and Demography


8- Site Location and Description


8-68 .4 .1.2 P o p u latio n ....................................................................

8- Site Access, Land, and Water Use ...............................

8-78.4.2 Climate 8- G eneral C lim atology .....................................................

8- Extrem e W inds ...........................................................

8-108 .4 .2 .3 T o rnad o s ....................................................................

8-1 Tropical Storms and Hurricanes


8- Precipitation Extremes


8- Snow and Ice Storms .................................................

8-138.4 .2.7 T hunderstorm s ...........................................................

8- Restrictive Dilution Conditions (Inversions)


8-138.4.3 Geology and Seismology


8-148 .4 .3 .1 G e o lo g y ......................................................................

8-148 .4 .3 .2 S e ism o logy .................................................................

8-158.4.4 Hydrology and Hydrogeology


8-168.4.5 Biota 8- Ecology of the S ite .....................................................

8- Vegetation Patterns at Humboldt Bay Power Plant .... 8- Fauna at Humboldt Bay Power Plant .........................

8-178.5 Environmental Effects of Decommissioning


8-188.5.1 Radiological Effects of Decommissioning


8- Offsite Radiation Exposure and Monitoring


8- Environmental Effects of Accidents andDecommissioning Events ...........................................

8- Storage and Disposal of Low-level Radioactive W a ste .........................................................................

8 -2 Spent Fuel Storage ....................................................

8- Radiological Criteria for License Termination


8-248.5.2 Non-radiological Effects of Decommissioning


8-248-i Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination Plan Revision 01Chapter 8 Supplement to the Environmental Report July 20148.5.2.1 Onsite/Offsite Land Use .............................................

8-248 .5 .2 .2 W ate r U se ..................................................................

8-248.5.2 .3 W ater Q uality .............................................................

8-248 .5 .2 .4 A ir Q ua lity ..................................................................

8-2 Aquatic Ecology .........................................................

8- Terrestrial Ecology .....................................................

8- Threatened and Endangered Species ........................

8- Occupational Safety ...................................................

8-298 .5 .2 .9 C o st ............................................................................

8 -2 Socioeconomics


8- Environmental Justice ................................................


Cultural, Historical and Archaeological Resources

..... 8-308.5.2.13 A esthetic Issues .........................................................

8-318 .5 .2 .14 N o ise ..........................................................................

8 -3 Irretrievable Resources


8-328.5.2.16 Traffic Transportation


8-328.5.2.17 Sub-surface Slurry Wall .............................................

8-338.5.2.18 Intake and Discharge Canal Remediation


8-358.5.2.19 Subgrade Pilings beneath Units 1, 2 and 3 ................

8-358.5.2.20 Final Site Restoration


8-358.6 Overview of Regulations Governing Decommissioning Activities andS ite R e le a se .........................................................................................

8 -3 68.6.1 Federal Requirements


8-368.6.1.1 Nuclear Regulatory Commission


8-368.6.1.2 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ......................

8-378.6.2 State and Local Requirements


8-378.6.2.1 California Coastal Commission


8-378.6.2.2 California Occupational Safety and HealthA d m in istratio n ............................................................

8-3 Regional Water Quality Control Board -NationalPollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit andConstruction Stormwater Permit ................................

8-388.6.2.4 Department of Toxic Substances Control ...................

8-388.6.2.5 California Energy Commission


8-398.6.2.6 Humboldt County .......................................................

8-398.6 .2.7 C ity of E ureka .............................................................

8-398.6.2.8 North Coast Unified Air Quality Management District.

8-398 .7 C o n c lu s io n ............................................................................................

8 -3 98 .8 R e fe re n ce s ...........................................................................................

8 -4 08-ii Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination PlanChapter 8 Supplement to the Environmental ReportRevision 01July 2014TABLESTable 8-1Table 8-2Table 8-3Table 8-4Table 8-5Table 8-6Monthly Average Heavy Fog Events at Eureka ..............................

8-10W ind Direction Distribution (1905 through 1996) ............................

8-10Peak Wind Gusts Recorded at Eureka between 1887 and 1996 ... 8-11Average Wind Speeds -Monthly and Annual for Eureka(th ro ug h 2 0 0 1) ....................................................................

8 -1 1Average Monthly Precipitation and Maximum MonthlyPrecipitation for Eureka from 1948 to 2006 ...............................

8-12Maximum Daily and Annual Emissions Units 1 and 2 ....................

8-26FIGURES8 -1 L o catio n M a p .....................................................................................................

8 2 S ite F e a tu re s .....................................................................................................

8 3 Recreational Opportunities


8-98-4 Proposed Slurry W all .......................................................................................

8-348-iii Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination Plan Revision 01Chapter 8 Supplement to the Environmental Report July 20148. SUPPLEMENT TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT8.1 Introduction and Purpose8.1.1 PurposeThe purpose of this chapter of the License Termination Plan (LTP) is toupdate the environmental report for HBPP with new information andsignificant environmental changes associated with the site'sdecommissioning and license termination activities.

Therefore, thischapter becomes a supplement to the "Environmental Report fordecommissioning" (Reference (8-7). This chapter of the LTP isprepared pursuant to 10 CFR 51.53(d) and 10 CFR 50.82(a)(9)(ii)(G).

LTP Chapter 8 documents an assessment of the environmental effectsof decommissioning the HBPP Unit 3. The assessment determined that the environmental effects from decommissioning HBPP U nit 3are minimal, and no adverse effects are outside the bounds ofNUREG-0586, "Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement onDecommissioning of Nuclear Facilities Supplement 1 Regarding theDecommissioning of Nuclear Power Reactors" (FGEIS; Reference 8-1).Additionally, the conclusions contained in the "Project Description andCoastal Resource Assessment

-Humboldt Bay Power PlantDecommissioning and Demolition of Fossil Units 1 and 2 and NuclearUnit 3" (Reference 8-2), used as the original basis for thedecommissioning environmental assessment of radiological and non-radiological effects of decommissioning, are still valid and aresummarized in this chapter of the LTP.The information contained in this chapter generally follows the guidancein Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Regulatory Guide 1.179,"Standard Format and Content of License Termination Plans forNuclear Power Reactors" (Reference 8-3), and NUREG-1700, "Standard Review Plan for Evaluating Nuclear Power Reactor LicenseTermination Plans" (Reference 8-4). Guidance contained in the FGEISalso was used during preparation of this chapter, as well as the CoastalResource Assessment prepared by Pacific Gas and Electric Company(PG&E) in 2009. The contents of this chapter have also been reviewedagainst the appropriate sections of NUREG-1757, "Consolidated NMSSDecommissioning Guidance Decommissioning Process for Materials Licensees" (Reference 8-5).Much of the information in this chapter has also been provided to theNRC in other forms including the "Humboldt Bay Independent SpentFuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) Environmental Report" (Reference 8-6).8.1.2 Background PG&E is currently in the process of full decommissioning and 10 CFR 50license termination for its nuclear facility at the 143-acre site in HumboldtCounty, California (Figure 8-1). HBPP formerly consisted of five electricgeneration units, including nuclear Unit 3 that ceased operation in 1976.8-1 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination Plan Revision 01Chapter 8 Supplement to the Environmental Report July 2014Units 1 and 2, which have been demolished and removed to grade, wereconventional 52 and 53 megawatt(MW)-electric units that were capableof operating primarily on natural gas with fuel oil as a backup fuel source.Two gas turbines, rated at 15 megawatt MW-electric each, were locatednear the Unit 3 structures and also have been removed.The site has been repowered.

The Humboldt Bay Generating Station (HBGS) consists of 10 reciprocating engines (model18V50DF, manufactured by WMrtsila) with 163 MW total output from10 combined cycle engines.

HBGS will normally run on natural gaswith ultra-low sulfur diesel as its backup fuel. All generating units, aswell as the plant site, are owned by PG&E (Figure 8-2).PG&E is the holder of the Unit 3 Facility License No. DPR-7. Unit 3was granted a construction permit by the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) on October 17, 1960, and construction began in November1960. The AEC issued Provisional Operating License No. DPR-7 forUnit 3 in August 1962. Unit 3 achieved initial criticality on February 16,1963, and began commercial operation in August 1963. The ratedelectrical generation capacity of the Unit 3 generator was 65 MWs.8.1.3 Environmental Effects of Decommissioning A description of both the radiological and non-radiological environmental effects of decommissioning is provided in Section 8.5.Radiological impacts reviewed include evaluations of occupational andpublic doses, decommissioning accidents, low-level waste generation, transportation and disposal, and adherence to radiological criteria forlicense termination.

The non-radiological effects include potential impacts governed byfederal, state, and local regulations.

PG&E used the FGEIS asguidance in evaluating the non-radiological effects ofdecommissioning.


Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination Plan Revision 01Chapter 8 Supplement to the Environmental Report July 20148.2 Site Description after Termination of the LicenseThis section summarizes the final condition of the site at the conclusion ofdismantlement and license termination activities.

Chapter 3 of this LTPprovides a more detailed description of the final site condition.

The impacts ofthese activities are discussed in Section 8.5.A main objective of the decommissioning project is to restore the land formerlyoccupied by Unit 3 to conditions that allow for continued industrial uses of thesite. It is unlikely that the HBPP site will be used for any purpose other than anindustrial site; however, PG&E has chosen the conservative approach ofremediating and surveying to the resident farmer scenario to allow forunrestricted release of the site upon termination of the 10 CFR 50 license.Chapter 5 of this LTP, Final Status Survey Plan, describes the contents of thefinal status survey report.Clean-up of residual radiological contamination associated with the historical power production and other operations since Unit 3 shutdown (SAFSTOR) isthe primary objective for the project.

On the basis of current efforts tocharacterize non-radiological contaminants, such as petroleum

products, solvents, and heavy metals, the site soil and groundwater quality is typical ofan established industrial power plant. No imminent threats to human health orthe environment due to radiological or non-radiological constituents have beenidentified, although additional assessments during decommissioning areongoing.The NRC is the lead agency over radioactive impacts and waste (such asspent nuclear fuel or byproduct materials, radioactive debris and media). TheDepartment of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) also may assert jurisdiction over final site remediation standards as necessary to achieve full regulatory closure of the site. PG&E is currently working with the DTSC to ensure thatproposed actions to remediate radiological and non-radiological impacts areconsistent with any final remedial actions to be approved by DTSC.The Unit 3 license termination is expected in 2019. The spent nuclear fuel andthe greater than Class C (GTCC) waste will remain in storage at the Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) (licensed under 10 CFR 72) until theDepartment of Energy transfers this waste to a federal repository.

8.3 Post-shutdown Decommissioning Activities ReportIn February 1998, PG&E issued a Post Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report (PSDAR),

in accordance with 10 CFR 50.82. The PSDAR provides adescription of planned decommissioning activities, a schedule for theiraccomplishment, an estimate of expected decommissioning costs, and thereasons for concluding that the environmental impacts associated withsite-specific decommissioning activities will comply with 10 CFR 50.82(a)(6)(ii).

PG&E intends to decommission HBPP in accordance with the SAFSTORoption found acceptable to NRC in the FGEIS. PG&E revises the PSDAR as8-5 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination Plan Revision 01Chapter 8 Supplement to the Environmental Report July 2014necessary in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.82. PG&Eanticipates submitting Revision 4 of the PSDAR in June 2013, which includesan updated schedule and cost estimate as well as discussion ofenvironmental impacts.Chapter 3 of this LTP, Identification of Remaining Site Decommissioning Activities, identifies the major dismantlement and decontamination activities that are scheduled to be completed prior to license termination and siterelease.8.4 Humboldt Bay Power Plant Site Environmental Setting andDescription The "Environmental Report for HBPP Decommissioning" (Reference 8-7), wassubmitted with the original HBPP SAFSTOR application.

This document hasbeen updated with information from the Humboldt Bay ISFSI Environmental Report (Reference 8-6), the Coastal Resource Assessment (Reference 8-2) andother source documents.

PG&E reviewed the environmental reports and theguidance contained in the FGEIS to determine what new information needs tobe included in this chapter of the LTP.8.4.1 Geography and Demography Site Location and Description The HBPP site is located on the northern California coast inHumboldt County, situated between the western slopes of theCoast Range and Humboldt Bay, along the Pacific Ocean. Thesite is approximately 250 miles north of San Francisco andapproximately 3 miles southwest of the City of Eureka.The HBPP site is located on a small peninsula known as BuhnePoint, nominally at 12 feet above mean lower low water(MLLW).Land use surrounding the site and Humboldt Bay is mainly ruralresidential and agriculture, and includes a mixture of openspace, commercial uses, and industry.

The only access to thesite is via U.S. Highway 101 onto King Salmon Avenue, whichalso serves the community of King Salmon on the western partof the peninsula.

A more detailed description of the plant site islocated in Section 1.1.2 of Chapter Population Detailed population statistics are presented in Chapter 1,Section 1.1.3, of this LTP.8-6 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination Plan Revision 01Chapter 8 Supplement to the Environmental Report July 20148.4.1.3 Site Access, Land, and Water UseThe project site is accessible via King Salmon Avenue, offU.S. Highway 101. U.S. Highway 101 is a north-south freewayimmediately east of the project area. King Salmon Avenue is acounty-maintained road between U.S. Highway 101 and thecommunity of King Salmon. It is also the main access road tothe entrance of HBPP (Figure 8-2). King Salmon Avenue islightly traveled by passenger cars and trucks. Heavy trucksare limited to those associated with plant operation.

The power plant site is on land zoned as coastal dependent industrial with combining district designations for coastal resourcedependent, flood hazard, and coastal wetland.

The project siteis currently used for industrial purposes (electricity production and distribution).

The majority of the project is in anunincorporated area within Humboldt County's jurisdiction.

The City of Eureka's sphere of influence extends west andsouth of the project site, and the city considers land within thisdesignated area as land that may be annexed to the city in thefuture.Although Humboldt County has a certified Local CoastalProgram, the HBPP site is within the retained jurisdiction of theCalifornia Coastal Commission (CCC).Property owned by the City of Eureka surrounding the HBPP iszoned as coastal agriculture.

An existing public trail, includedas part of the California Coastal Trail system, is located on thenorth and western side of the HBPP site along Humboldt Bay.Recreational opportunities within Humboldt Bay are numerousand include boating,

fishing, camping, swimming and birdwatching.

The following designated recreational areas arelocated in Humboldt Bay, within a 3-mile radius of the projectsite: Samoa Dunes Recreation Area, South Spit, FieldsLanding County Park, Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge,and Elk River Wildlife Area (Figure 8-3).None of the areas on which decommissioning activities willoccur is used for agricultural production.

Prime agricultural land is located within 1 mile of the HBGS within the Elk RiverValley. More details on land usage are provided in Chapter 1of this LTP. A detailed description of the site water supply isprovided in Chapter 1.8-7 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination Plan Revision 01Chapter 8 Supplement to the Environmental Report July 20148.4.2 Climate8.4.2.1 General Climatology The climate of the greater Humboldt Bay region, including Eureka and the immediate coastal strip where the project site islocated, is characterized as Mediterranean.

Summers havelittle or no rainfall, and low overcast and fog clouds arefrequently observed.

The dry season, extending from Maythrough September, contributes only 10 percent of the averageannual precipitation.

Winters are wet, with frequent passage ofPacific storms, and temperatures are mild. The rainy seasongenerally falls between November and March, and yieldsapproximately 75 percent of the annual precipitation, with anaverage annual rainfall of 39.57 inches as measured at Eureka(Reference 8-9). The average annual temperature is 51'F, withthe warmest months from July to September and the coldestmonths from December to February (Reference 8-9). Thetransitional months of April and October contribute the balanceof the annual precipitation.

The area surrounding the HBPP site is influenced by thecoastal mountain ranges (hills).

The hills of influence extendfrom Washington State to near San Francisco.

The coastalrange of interest surrounding HBPP begins with Patrick's Point,30 miles to the north, then extends to the southeast, then tothe southwest, ending in Cape Mendocino, 23 miles from thesite. The tops of these hills range from 1,500 to 2,500 feet,with the highest point (Kings Peak) reaching 4,087 feet,40 miles directly south of Eureka. These hills create a rainshadow and shelter the region from heavier rainfall andtemperature extremes (Reference 8-9).The ring of hills surrounding the area also contributes to themarine effects in the summer. Sea surface temperatures average 55 to 57°F in the summer, and this stronglyinfluences air temperature.

Extensive fog and low clouds area frequent occurrence during the summer. The fog and lowstratus clouds usually retreat offshore in the late morning andearly afternoon, and return at night. The marine layer of theatmosphere is typically 800 to 1,500 feet thick. There areperiods when the day-to-night cycle is broken and the entirearea remains under continuous low clouds and fog for days.Table 8-1 provides the monthly averages for heavy fog eventsfor the HBPP area (Reference 8-9).8-8 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination PlanChapter 8 Supplement to the Environmental ReportRevision 01July 2014ES123010062534RDD SOURCE: FRIENDS OF THE DUNES, 2002 (Reference 8-8)FIGURE 8-3 RECREATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination PlanPG&E Humboldt Bay Power Plant Eureka, California 8-9 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination PlanChapter 8 Supplement to the Environmental ReportRevision 01July 20148.4.2.2 Extreme WindsThe wind direction and speeds in Eureka are governed by theseasonal location of the Pacific high-pressure system and thelow-pressure systems that bring the winter storms to thenorthwest coast. For approximately three quarters of the year,the region experiences prevailing winds from the north tonorthwest as the semi-permanent high pressure settles overthe Pacific Ocean to the west of Eureka. During the winter, thewinds are generally from the south to the southeast as theweather is largely influenced by low-pressure systems thatoriginate in the Gulf of Alaska. Table 8-2 shows the directional distribution based on data from the period 1905 through 1996(Reference 8-9).Table 8-1Monthly Average Heavy Fog Events at EurekaaVisibility less than 0.25 mile.Table 8-2 Wind Direction Distribution (1905 through 1996)Wind Direction From Annual Percentage North 32.42Northeast 2.29East 5.05Southeast 14.83South 13.42Southwest 9.48West 6.47Northwest 16.03All others <1.00The lack of an easterly wind component is caused by the hillssurrounding the region blocking the east winds from reachingthe coast. When east winds do occur, they occur in the latenight or early morning and are due to downslope flows from thesurrounding hills. Eureka's highest daily wind speed is8-10 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination Plan Revision 01Chapter 8 Supplement to the Environmental Report July 201438.2 miles per hour (mph) for the 24-hour period onApril 29, 1915. The highest peak gust is 69 mph and wasrecorded twice in 1981. The first highest peak gust occurredon January 21, 1981, and the second on November 13, 1981.Table 8-3 shows peak gusts recorded at Eureka between 1887and 1996, for each month of the year. The 50-year returnperiod for a 1-minute average wind speed is 58 mph. The50-year wind gust speed is expected to be 71 mph(Reference 8-10). Table 8-4 provides the monthly and annualaverage speeds for a 54-year period through 2001 (Reference 8-11).Table 8-3 Peak Wind Gusts Recorded at Eureka between 1887 and 1996Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecPeak 69 60 60 62 60 60 60 2 50 50 69 60Gust(mph)Year 1981 1902 1898 1915 1894 1899 1897 1918 1914 1924 1981 1982Table 8-4 Average Wind Speeds -Monthly and Annual for Eureka (through 2001)Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual6.9 7.2 .6 8.0 7.9 7.4 6.8 5.8 5.5 5.6 .0 6.4 6.8Source: Reference 8-11.The distribution of wind shows 24.3 percent offshore, 57 percent onshore, and 18.7 percent light and variable windsduring an average year. The prevailing wind direction is fromthe north. The greatest variance (as measured by thedistribution of the standard deviation) is observed during thewet season. The lowest variance occurs during the dry season(Reference 8-7).The high variance on wind speed occurs predominantly withthe wind from the south, and the lowest variance on windspeed occurs predominantly with the wind from the northwest to northeast sectors (Reference 8-7). TornadosThe Eureka area has rarely experienced tornadoes.

Overthe period from 1950 through 2004, one tornado was recordedin Humboldt County, California.

It occurred on March 29, 1958,at 3:40 p.m. It was classified as an F2 (Fujita scale FO -F6)8-11 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination Plan Revision 01Chapter 8 Supplement to the Environmental Report July 2014tornado with winds in the 113- to 157-mph range. Propertydamage was estimated at $3,000 (Reference 8-12). Theminimum return period for an F2 tornado is once in4,000 years at any location in the United States(Reference 8-13) and is expected to be much longer for thisarea of California. Tropical Storms and Hurricanes A discussion of tropical storms and hurricanes is not applicable toHBPP because they are not known to have occurred in the area. Precipitation ExtremesThe rainy season, generally November through March,accounts for approximately 75 percent of the average annualrainfall of 39.57 inches for the Eureka area. December(7.12 inches) and January (6.86 inches) receive the largesttotal average accumulations of precipitation.

The largest singlemonthly total precipitation accumulation was 23.31 inchesduring December 2002. The highest annual total occurredfor the year 1983, with a total of 67.21 inches (Reference 8-14).The 1-day highest total precipitation occurred onDecember 27, 2002, and measured 6.79 inches (Reference 8-15).The average number of days during the year thatproduces

>0.01 inch of rain is 121, but of those 121 days, only8 days average >1.00 inch. Table 8-5 provides the averageannual precipitation by month and the maximum totalaccumulation of precipitation by month for this same period(Reference 8-16).Table 8-5 Average Monthly Precipitation and Maximum Monthly Precipitation forEureka from 1948 to 2006Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecAverage 6.86 5.32 5.31 3.00 1.69 0.65 0.13 0.34 0.76 2.66 5.73 7.12(inches)Maximum 13.92 13.95 11.18 11.25 6.05 3.08 1.13 3.42 3.35 13.04 16.58 23.31(inches)Year 1969 1998 1995 003 1960 005 1991 1983 1977 1950 1973 2002Source: Reference 8-16.During the 5-month dry season, May through September, thereis an average of just 3.57 inches accumulation of precipitation.

8-12 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination Plan Revision 01Chapter 8 Supplement to the Environmental Report July 2014July is the lowest month, averaging only 0.13 inch ofprecipitation (Reference 8-16).The 39.57-inch average precipitation is among the lowest in thenorthwestern California coastal areas. This is due to the rainshadow effect of the surrounding hills and the minimal upliftalong the immediate west-facing beaches. Snow and Ice StormsSnowfall totals are very low for the Eureka area. The averagetotal snowfall is only 0.3 inch for an entire year. December,

January, and February average 0.1 inch of snowfall per month,and the rest of the months of the year average 0.0 inches. Thelargest annual snowfall recorded for 1948 to 2006 was3.5 inches, which occurred during 1972 and again in 1989(Reference 8-14). Using records dating back before 1948,snowfall annual averages were reported as <1.0 inch. In 1907,record snows were produced as follows:" Daily maximum 3.4 inches January 13, 1907* Maximum storm total 5.9 inches January 12-15, 1907* Monthly maximum 6.9 inches January 1907(Reference 8-15)Snowstorms have minimal impact on the Eureka area, as doice storms. No further consideration of snow and ice iswarranted. Thunderstorms The average number of thunderstorms in the Eureka area wasdetermined to be four per year (Reference 8-16). Thethunderstorm frequency is approximately one per month duringthe wet season (November to March). Damaging hailstorms rarely occur in northern California.

The effects ofthunderstorms and their accompanying lightning strikes andhailstorms are very small in the HBPP area. Restrictive Dilution Conditions (Inversions)

Two types of thermal inversions occur in the HBPP area. Bothtypes of inversion affect the vertical depth of the atmosphere through which pollutants can be mixed. Vertical air movementis important in spreading pollutants through a thicker layer ofair. Horizontal air movement is important in spreading pollutants over a wider area. Upward dispersion of pollutants 8-13 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination Plan Revision 01Chapter 8 Supplement to the Environmental Report July 2014is hindered wherever the atmosphere is stable, that is, wherewarm air overlies cooler air below (Reference 8-17).The first type of thermal inversion, radiation inversion, occurswhen the ground cools by thermal radiation, causing a cool airlayer near the surface of the ground to extend upward severalhundred feet. Radiation inversion in Humboldt County is foundin the night and early morning almost daily, but is moreprominent from late fall to early spring when there is lesssunlight and it is cooler. Radiation inversions tend to lastlonger into the morning during the winter months than in thesummer (Reference 8-17).The second type of thermal inversion, subsidence inversion, iscaused by downward moving air aloft, which is common in thearea of high pressure along and off the coast. The air warmsat a rate of 5.5°F per 1,000 feet as it descends.

Thus, itarrives at a lower height warmer than the air just below andlimits the vertical mixing of air. Subsidence inversion oftenaffects a large area and is more common during the summermonths. This type of inversion, which occurs from late springthrough the early fall, can be very strong and shallow, giventhe cooling of the lower layers from the cool ocean water(Reference 8-17).The effect of the numerous inversions found to occur in theHBPP area negatively contributes to the air quality.

TheNorth Coast Unified Air Quality Management District(NCUAQMD) consists of the three counties of Humboldt, Del Norte, and Trinity.

All three counties in the NCUAQMD arecurrently classified as nonattainment for the California AmbientAir Quality Standards for particulate matter less than10 microns in aerodynamic diameter (PM10). The main aircontamination emission sources in Humboldt County releaseparticulates from ongoing processes such as lumber millactivities (Reference 8-17). By comparison, the impact of thedecommissioning of HBPP on the air quality of HumboldtCounty is expected to be small and of short duration, asdiscussed in Section Geology and Seismology GeologyGeology is described in Section 6.2.2 of the LTP.8-14 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination Plan Revision 01Chapter 8 Supplement to the Environmental Report July 20148.4.3.2 Seismology The HBPP is located in the Coast Ranges Physiographic/Tectonic Province and is within a highly active seismic region that hasexperienced numerous earthquakes.

The geology of the regionaround the site is very complex, reflecting geologically rapidprocesses driven by recent (that is, last 10,000 years) tectonics and rapid erosion.

The site lies within the Eel River sedimentary basin. The sediments in the basin are young and generally notwell cemented, and have been dramatically deformed bytectonics driven by the Cascadia Subduction Zone as it extendsfrom offshore to onshore in the Eureka area. The resulting geologic structures of this zone in the Humboldt Bay region aredominated by north-northwest-trending compressional structures, some of which are reactivated faults that formed during earlierphases of plate convergence that have affected the region sincethe Late Jurassic.

The Mad River Fault Zone and the LittleSalmon Fault Zone are major reverse faults that pass near thesite. They are active with multiple movements documented during the past 10,000 years.The HBPP lies within the Little Salmon Fault Zone. The zone hasa total length of 59 miles, including offshore traces. The LittleSalmon Fault Zone is part of the Little Salmon Fault system ofactive folds and reverse faults that extends from its intersection with the freshwater fault/Coastal Belt thrust near Bridgeville, northwest to its intersection with the Thompson Ridge Fault offthe coast of southern Oregon. The fault system trends parallel tothe deformation front associated with the leading edge of theCascadia Subduction Zone and the Little Salmon fault system isconsidered to be the southern end of the subduction zone. Fourtraces of the Little Salmon Fault Zone are mapped near the HBPPsite. These include two primary fault traces, the Little Salmon andBay Entrance Faults, and two subsidiary faults that are in thehanging wall of the Bay Entrance Fault. The subsidiary faults arethe Buhne Point Fault and the Discharge Canal Fault.Based on the analysis of the geologic data from extensive trenching, borehole data, and site mapping, surface-fault rupturedoes not pose a significant threat to the site. Northern California is a highly active seismic region, and faults near the site have thepotential to generate large-magnitude earthquakes.

The U.S.Geological Survey has recorded more than 1,200 earthquakes with magnitude greater than 2.0 within 50 miles of the HBPP site8-15 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination Plan Revision 01Chapter 8 Supplement to the Environmental Report July 2014between the years of 1974 and 2007;, the two largestearthquakes are the only earthquakes that registered amagnitude greater than 6.5 (one magnitude 7.2 in 1980 and themagnitude 6.7 "Petrolia Earthquake" in 1992) (Reference 8-18).HBPP installed a strong-motion recording network in 1971. Since1975, the HBPP strong-motion network has recorded sixearthquakes with peak horizontal accelerations greater than0.1Og, the greatest of which was the magnitude 5.4 "The EurekaEarthquake" of December 26, 1994, with a reading of 0.55g(Reference 8-19).On January 9, 2010, the City of Eureka received significant damage from a 6.5 magnitude earthquake centered 20 milesnorthwest of Ferndale.

Damage estimates from this recentearthquake were over $28 million.

HBPP, HB-ISFSI, and HBGSexperienced minimal damage, and no structural damage wassustained as a result of this event.Tsunamis are also considered a recognized potential hazardassociated with the tectonically active zone along the northwest coast of North America.

Historical large-scale earthquakes alongthe Cascadia Subduction Zone have produced tsunamis thathave resulted in minor runups in Humboldt Bay, such as following the 1964 Alaskan earthquake.

The offshore bathymetry atHumboldt Bay is smooth and wide, and topographic enhancement of tsunamis is not expected at the site. Usingconservative estimates of tsunami runup, the inundation height atthe ISFSI site for a M 9 Cascadia subduction zone-generated tsunami would be 21 to 36 feet above MLLW if the tsunamioccurred at low tide, or 28 to 43 feet above MLLW if the tsunamioccurred at high tide at the site area (Reference 8-19).8.4.4 Hydrology and Hydrogeology A detailed discussion of site hydrology and hydrogeology is presented in Chapter 6 of this LTP.8.4.5 Biota8.4.5.1 Ecology of the SiteCoastal areas in Humboldt County are part of a complex ofdune communities and rocky foothills that evolved in a "fogbelt" climate dominated by maritime influences.

This entire8-16 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination Plan Revision 01Chapter 8 Supplement to the Environmental Report July 2014region is dominated by stands of redwood trees interspersed with areas of coastal prairie.

Humboldt County is mostlymountainous except for the level plain that surrounds Humboldt Bay. The coastal mountains extend to the CentralValley. The western half of Humboldt County exhibitsrepresentative examples of grassland, marsh, scrub-shrub, forest, and upland communities in proximity.

Gradations ofvarious physical features yield a variety of aquatic andterrestrial microhabitats. Vegetation Patterns at Humboldt Bay Power PlantVegetation near the project area primarily consists of disturbed coastal terrace prairie.

The site has been disturbed considerably over the operation of HBPP, from initial construction to theongoing maintenance activities (such as mowing).

Most of thespecies occurring on the site and related project areas arenonnative

species, many of which are ruderals (that is, plantsthat grow in wastelands or disturbed areas). Areas previously cleared of vegetation, such as along the discharge canal, accessroads, and parking lots, are dominated by the ruderal speciespresent in the disturbed grassland.

The project site is generally not conducive to colonization. Fauna at Humboldt Bay Power PlantLists of potential species for the county are extensive.

Asreported in the HB ISFSI Environmental Report, 71 species ofmammals, 32 species of reptiles and amphibians, and morethan 250 species of birds may be identified in the vicinity atvarious times of the year. The majority of birds are commonmigratory

species, residing in the Humboldt Bay areaseasonally or for short periods as transients.

A limited numberof special-status species may occur on or around HBPP.Near the project area, five special-status species of fish-tidewater goby, Chinook salmon, Coho salmon, steelhead trout, and coastal cutthroat trout-occur or have the potential to occur because of the presence of suitable habitat.

Cohoand Chinook (King) salmon, and steelhead trout are animportant part of the cultural and economic history of thearea. Commercial fishing and damming of spawning streamshas greatly reduced the reproductive success of the salmonpopulations.

The three species mentioned previously arefederally listed species with stringently controlled management strategies intended to protect populations from over-harvesting to numbers below critical reproduction thresholds.

8-17 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination Plan Revision 01Chapter 8 Supplement to the Environmental Report July 2014Harbor seals are year-round residents of the Humboldt Bayregion. Harbor seals do not have official status as a listedendangered or threatened

species, but are protected under theMarine Mammal Protection Act. The seals haul out on tidalflats in areas remote from human activity to rest and bear theiryoung. The Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge in thesouthern part of Humboldt Bay is a key breeding and haulingout area used by harbor seals.The majority of mammals in the vicinity are small and occur inlow densities such as mice, rats, voles, and bats. Most preferwooded areas with access to freshwater and dense cover,neither of which is located onsite. Only a small percentage ofmammals, including
opossum, various voles, mice, and skunks,are expected to be identified in the area, and virtually none ofthem on the HBPP site.8.5 Environmental Effects of Decommissioning The most significant potential environmental effects of decommissioning activities are associated with radiation
exposure, structures demolition, and thedisposal of radioactive waste. As described further herein, decommissioning HBPP is anticipated to have a minimal and insignificant adverseenvironmental impact. Moreover, decommissioning is expected to havesignificant beneficial
impacts, including eliminating the risks associated with aradioactively and non-radioactively contaminated facility.

The adverse effects associated with decommissioning include routineoccupational radiation exposure and the commitment of land offsite for radioactive waste disposal.

As discussed in the FGEIS, radiation exposure to the public issmall, even when accidental airborne radioactive releases are considered.

The low-probability, worst-case exposure to an individual from an accidentinvolving a truck transporting radioactive waste to a disposal facility is small.On the basis of the analysis contained in the FGEIS, PG&E's evaluation ofsite-specific issues, and the supplemental analysis contained herein, PG&Econtinues to conclude that Unit 3 decommissioning will be accomplished withno significant adverse environmental impacts.By implementing the appropriate best management practices (BMP) andmitigating measures to minimize the impacts of decommissioning activities, nounique aspects of the plant or decommissioning techniques will invalidate oralter the following conclusions PG&E made on the basis of the FGEIS:" Delaying the dismantlement of Unit 3 has resulted in considerable radioactivity decay with resultant reduced potential for significant exposures.

" Potential public and occupational doses are bounded by the FGEIS criteriaand have been determined to be insignificant.

8-18 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination Plan Revision 01Chapter 8 Supplement to the Environmental Report July 2014* Decommissioning does not constitute an imminent health or safety problemand will generally have a positive environmental impact.8.5.1 Radiological Effects of Decommissioning The occupational dose for complete decommissioning of Unit 3 considers (1) occupational dose received from placing Unit 3 in SAFSTOR andmaintaining Unit 3 in SAFSTOR, (2) dose from all occupational activities required for the actual decommissioning of Unit 3 through 2018, and(3) occupational dose due to truck shipments.

The occupational dosefor Unit 3 decommissioning will meet the regulatory standards in10 CFR 20 and is, therefore, bounded by the criteria in the FGEIS.Public dose from decommissioning Unit 3, following 29 years ofSAFSTOR, considers direct radiation exposure and exposure due togaseous and liquid effluents.

Direct exposure and effluents in gaseousand liquid discharges are not expected to exceed the design objectives of 10 CFR 50, Appendix I, nor the dose limits in 10 CFR 20 and40 CFR 190. Therefore, the public dose from Unit 3 decommissioning is bounded by the criteria in the FGEIS.At the time that HBPP, Unit 3, entered commercial service in 1963, thenuclear fuel assemblies used stainless steel as the fuel rod cladding.

The stainless steel-clad fuel experienced gross cladding failures duringoperation.

These failures were severe enough that radioactive materials were released from the cladding and dispersed throughout numerous plant systems, contaminating these systems with alphaemitting radionuclides, such as transuranic elements.

HBPP completed the transition from stainless steel to zircaloyassemblies in 1969. Over the SAFSTOR period, as beta and gammaemitting radionuclides have decayed, alpha has become a moredominant factor in dose contribution.

Because alpha causes moresevere biological damage when internal exposure occurs, the potential radiological dose consequences are likewise more severe. This issueleads to a unique, plant-specific concern that exists for HBPPdecommissioning.

The alpha issue was described in two previous PG&E decommissioning funding assurance report submittals to the NRC: (1) PG&E LetterHBL-03-002, "Decommissioning Funding Reports for Diablo CanyonPower Plant Units 1 and 2 and Humboldt Bay Power Plant, Unit 3"dated March 27, 2003, Enclosure 5 and (2) PG&E Letter HBL-07-002, "Decommissioning Funding Report for Humboldt Bay Power Plant, Unit3." dated March 30, 2007, Enclosure

3. These enclosures contain coststudies developed by TLG Services, Inc., and state "The extent of thealpha contamination will require additional radiological controls and willreduce the efficiency of component removal activities."

HBPP will8-19 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination Plan Revision 01Chapter 8 Supplement to the Environmental Report July 2014implement appropriate BMPs and mitigating measures so the alphaissue will not invalidate NRC expectations nor the conclusions onradiological environmental impacts contained in the FGEIS.On the basis of the previous discussions, PG&E continues to concludethat Unit 3 decommissioning will be accomplished with no significant adverse environmental

impacts, and will be accomplished because ofthe following factors:* By implementing appropriate BMPs and mitigating measures tominimize the impacts of decommissioning activities, there are nounique aspects of the plant (including alpha) or decommissioning techniques that would invalidate or alter the conclusions of the FGEIS.* Delaying the dismantlement of Unit 3 following 23 years ofSAFSTOR has resulted in considerable radioactivity decay withresultant reduced external dose rates and lower occupational deepdose equivalent exposure.
  • Public and occupational doses are bounded by the FGEIS criteria.
  • Radiation dose to the public will be minimal.* Decommissioning does not constitute an imminent health or safetyproblem and will generally have a positive environmental impact. Offsite Radiation Exposure and Monitoring Since 1986, the radiological characteristics of the HBPP sitehave been evaluated as part of PG&E's SAFSTORRadiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP).PG&E submits annual REMP reports that contain results ofboth onsite and offsite sampling conducted under the REMP.Annual reports indicate that direct radiation from all sourceswas below the 40 CFR 190 limits at the HBPP site. Environmental Effects of Accidents andDecommissioning EventsHazardous materials handling and transportation for the projectis regulated and controlled by numerous state, federal, andlocal agencies.

The regulations for handling hazardous materials are sufficiently stringent to render the potential forrelease to the environment from spill or accidental breach ofcontainment as less than significant.

Modern engineering designs for containment and proven BMPs and standards ofcare will minimize any accidental release of hazardous waste,whether within the project boundary or in transit to a disposalfacility.

Characterization and disposal planning for radiological hazardous waste removal and transportation has been8-20 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination Plan Revision 01Chapter 8 Supplement to the Environmental Report July 2014underway for nearly a decade at HBPP. The following HBPPdecommissioning accidents, as described in the DefueledSafety Analysis Report, Appendix A, were previously analyzedfor their impact on the environment:

  • Dry active waste (DAW) fires* Explosion of liquid propane gas (LPG) leaked fromfront end loaders* Vacuum filter bag ruptures* Contamination control envelope ruptures* Oxyacetylene explosions
  • Filter damage from a blasting surge" Detonation of unused explosives
  • Minor transportation accidents

" Severe transportation accidents

" HEPA filter fires* Loss of HEPA filtration The FGEIS conclusion on the potential impacts of radiological accidents resulting from decommissioning activities states that,"with mitigation procedures in place, the impacts of radiological accidents are neither detectable nor destabilizing.

Therefore, the NRC staff makes the generic conclusion that the impacts ofnon-spent fuel-related radiological accidents are small." Forradiological assessments, impacts are of small significance ifthe total effective dose equivalent (TEDE) to a member of thepublic does not exceed the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 400 Manual protective action threshold of 1 rem, asmall fraction of the limit established in 10 CFR 100.Overall impacts from hazardous materials will not besignificant, given the level of preparation,

control, andregulation that exists at the site for these types of materials. Storage and Disposal of Low-level Radioactive WasteRegulations that apply to the transportation of hazardous, mixed-waste, and radioactive material promulgated by the U.S.Department of Transportation are contained in 49 CFR 171-177.NRC regulations related to transportation of low-level wasteare contained in 10 CFR 71, "Packaging and Transportation ofRadioactive Material."

These regulations contain requirements for transport

vehicles, maximum radiation levels for packages8-21 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination Plan Revision 01Chapter 8 Supplement to the Environmental Report July 2014and vehicles, special packaging requirements, driver training, vehicle and packaging inspections, marking and labeling ofpackages, placarding of vehicles, and training of emergency personnel to respond to mishaps.

Highway routing restrictions for certain shipments of low-level radioactive waste (LLRW) arealso included in U.S. Department of Transportation regulations.

NRC regulations contain performance requirements for certaintypes of transportation packages of radioactive material.

Inaddition, federal and state regulations govern the size andweights of trucks. NRC assumes that equipment, materials, and waste transportation are conducted within applicable regulations.

On the basis of the nuclide concentrations, LLRWs are classified as Class A, Class B, or Class C. Waste above Class C levelsis called "greater than Class C" (GTCC). It requires greaterconfinement disposal and is not suitable for near-surface disposal.

HBPP GTCC waste is to be stored in its own container within the ISFSI facility until a geologic repository is available.

Wastewater, solid nonhazardous wastes, and liquid and solidhazardous wastes will be generated during project activities.

All solid and liquid wastes generated at the project site must beclassified as either hazardous or nonhazardous.

For the demolition of Unit 3, the demolition contractor, PG&E'sradiological protection group, and/or PG&E's environmental coordinator will oversee the classification of the wastegenerated at the project site and will provide information needed to identify the appropriate disposal facility.

PG&E has additionally prepared a waste management plan forUnit 3 decommissioning, which is focused on managingradiological wastes.Waste generated during the demolition of Unit 3 will fall intoone of the following seven categories (All demolition debrisfrom Unit 3 is assumed to be potentially radioactively contaminated and is included in volume estimates listed forregulated wastes):* Radiologically contaminated waste" Mixed waste (both radiological and hazardous constituents)

  • Nonhazardous construction debris* Universal waste8-22 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination Plan Revision 01Chapter 8 Supplement to the Environmental Report July 2014* Non-Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)hazardous
  • Toxic Substances Control Act-regulated materialAn estimated 64,200 m3 of LLRW will be generated inassociation with demolition activities for Unit 3. This amountexceeds the waste quantity evaluated in the FGEIS of18,000 m3 for a BWR under the SAFSTOR option. Thisexceedence is primarily caused by three factors:1. The subgrade configuration of the plant and seismicity ofthe area are believed to have caused additional soilcontamination beyond that typically encountered at aBWR.2. The extensive siltation within the discharge canal hasadded to the projected amount of low-level radioactive waste. and;3. Leakage from the Spent Fuel Pool, volumetric activation of concrete and tritium migration; and the proximity ofthese to the caisson has driven the decision tocompletely remove the caisson structure.

The same land usage justification applied in arriving at theFGEIS value was used herein. Since the total quantity ofproject generated radioactive waste to be disposed of can beaccommodated on less than 8 acres of disposal space andsince 8 acres is small in comparison with the 143 acres to bereleased with the termination of the site's 10 CFR 50 license;the overall environmental impact is reduced by performing thedecommissioning project.Additionally, all Unit 3 demolition debris was assumed to bepotentially radioactively contaminated for the estimating thevolume. The Unit 3 project may result in some generation ofclean debris that will be managed similarly to fossil unit (Units 1and 2) clean debris. All Unit 3 wastes will require intensive screening and characterization. Spent Fuel StoragePG&E has completed transfer of all spent nuclear fuel to theISFSI. The storage of spent fuel in casks at the ISFSI is basedon an in-ground design that results in no detectable radiation doses to the offsite population.

The closest point that an offsitemember of the public may access (such as via the public trail)8-23 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination Plan Revision 01Chapter 8 Supplement to the Environmental Report July 2014is 53 feet from the ISFSI, and the nearest resident isapproximately 800 feet away. Onsite members of the public(security force) are within proximity to the ISFSI vaults and arealso receiving no detectable dose. The multi-purpose canisters are seal-welded and, therefore, are considered leak tight, sothat no leakage is expected during normal operation, off-normal conditions, or design basis accidents. Radiological Criteria for License Termination Chapter 6 of this LTP, Compliance with the Radiological Criteriafor License Termination, provides the methodology forachieving unrestricted release of the HBPP site. Following decommissioning, residual radioactivity will be limited to25 mrem/year and ALARA from all potential exposure pathwaysto the average member of the critical group (Resident Farmer).8.5.2 Non-radiological Effects of Decommissioning The following subsections provide an assessment of thenon-radiological impacts of decommissioning and site release.

Theplanned decommissioning activities were compared against the matrixin Table E-3 of Supplement 1of the FGEIS, to aide in the screening ofpotential environmental effects. OnsitelOffsite Land UseThe project will be located within the boundary of the existingHBPP in an area used for power generation, and does notconflict with existing onsite uses. Impacts associated withestablishing temporary access to the project area also will notaffect existing land use.Prime agricultural land lies about 2,500 feet east of the projectsite along the Elk River. The decommissioning project will notresult in conversion of any prime farmland to nonagricultural use. Water UseWater usage by HBPP is described in Chapter 1 Section Water QualityDecommissioning activities already performed include theremoval of the intake pumps on the intake channel whereHBPP previously drew its cooling water. As a result of theHBGS, PG&E has discontinued the use of the intake coolingwater system. Thus, discharge of elevated-temperature cooling water to Humboldt Bay has ceased and results in a8-24 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination Plan Revision 01Chapter 8 Supplement to the Environmental Report July 2014positive impact on water quality to Humboldt Bay in the area ofthe existing discharge.

Some of the soil encountered during demolition of Units 1and 2 is impacted with non-radiological contaminants.

That soilwas removed to achieve conditions suitable for preparing alaydown area for Unit 3 and, as necessary, to protectgroundwater quality.

During removal, soil and groundwater analyses were conducted.

All soil was handled and, ifnecessary, transported offsite in accordance with the applicable California State guidance.

During the demolition period, sanitary waste will be collected either in portable toilets supplied by a licensed contractor forcollection and disposal of sanitary wastes or be discharged tothe existing sanitary sewer system.In January 2010, PG&E filed an amended report of liquidradioactive waste discharge with the North Coast RegionalWater Quality Control Board to authorize continued discharges to the discharge canal following cessation of cooling water fromUnits 1 and 2. PG&E has monitored the impact that decreasing dilution has had with regard to increasing concentrations ofradionuclides in the discharge canal. PG&E continues toevaluate this impact and has determined the impacts can bemitigated to less than significant.

Radiological impacts onHumboldt Bay environment are mitigated by the total flow ofwater from the discharge canal to Humboldt Bay and by thebay dilution factor, which was not previously credited.

TheOffsite Dose Calculation Manual (OCDM) (Reference 8-20)includes consideration of the nearfield dilution and point ofdischarge to Humboldt Bay. The comprehensive evaluation ofcooling water dilution impacts versus tidal dilution arecontained in Humboldt Procedure TBD-208, Rev. 0, "OutfallCanal Dilution Factors."

There is consideration of the nearfield dilution in the ODCM. Radioactive liquid discharges throughthis pathway are expected to cease by the end of 2013.A temporary treatment system has been installed to managegroundwater and surface water associated with excavations, runoff, and other sources. Air QualityMaximum daily and annual construction emissions wereestimated for demolition of Units 1, 2, and 3 utilizing computercodes. Construction equipment emission factors fromURBEMIS2007 (Version 9.2.4) and vehicle emission factors8-25 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination Plan Revision 01Chapter 8 Supplement to the Environmental Report July 2014from EMFAC2007 (Version 2.3). PM10 emissions from soildisturbance were quantified using the grading emission factorin URBEMIS2007 (Version 9.2.4).Re-entrained road dust emissions were estimated using AP-421(Reference 8-21). Demolition activities for the above gradestructures of Units 1 and 2 were expected to occur over a 12-to 14-month period. Table 8-6 shows annual emissions thatrepresent the sum of the 12-month period with the highestemissions.

This estimate provides a conservative, worst-case scenario that represents the maximum totalemissions expected to occur over a 1-year period during thecourse of the decommissioning activities.

The remaining demolition activities for Unit 3 will occur over approximately 6 years. Emissions associated with Unit 3 demolition areexpected to be comparable to the maximum total emissions forUnits 1 and 2. Unit 3 demolition and decommissioning emissions associated with Unit 3, like those experienced forUnits 1 and 2, will be short term and are not expected to resultin an air quality impact. It is expected that demolition equipment will be operated in accordance with manufacturer's specifications, which will prevent increased exhaust emissions caused by engine malfunctions.

Furthermore, thedecommissioning includes the use of BMP to control fugitivedust during demolition and decommissioning activities.

Therefore, demolition activities will not be expected to cause aviolation of an air quality standard, and the air quality impactwill be less than significant.

Table 8-6 Maximum Daily and Annual Emissions Units 1 and 2Emissions Construction Emissions NO, CO VOC SO2 PM10 PM2.5Maximum Daily Emissions (pounds per day) 102 46 12 0.1 39Maximum Annual Emissions (tons per year) 2Notes:The maximum annual emissions represent the 12-month period with the highest emissions.

These emissions occurduring the Unit 2 demolition.

1AP-42 is U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's compilation of air pollution emission factors.

An emissions factor is arepresentative value that attempts to relate the quantity of a pollutant released to the atmosphere with an activityassociated with the release of that pollutant.

8-26 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination Plan Revision 01Chapter 8 Supplement to the Environmental Report July 2014CO = carbon monoxidePM2.5 = particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in aerodynamic diameterPM10 = particulate matter less than 10 microns in aerodynamic diameterNOx = nitrogen oxideSO2 = sulfur dioxideVOC = volatile organic compound8.5.2.5 Aquatic EcologyAquatic ecology concerns at the HBPP site are primarily limitedto the coastal wetlands described in the following subsections.

Decommissioning activities do not require alteration of thenatural shoreline and will not result in the substantial alteration of any river or stream. Potential impacts associated withdecommissioning are minor because plant water usage anddischarge quantities are greatly reduced.Decommissioning activities will have limited impacts on coastalwetlands that are under jurisdiction of the CCC. Numerouswetlands surveys have been conducted at the site, the extentof wetlands is known, and protection of these wetlands isalways a high priority.

Some decommissioning activities willhave minor impacts on coastal wetland areas, but BMPs andmitigation will minimize the impacts to an insignificant level.PG&E works closely with the CCC to ensure that properavoidance, minimization, and mitigation are in place for eachphase of decommissioning work. Terrestrial EcologyMuch of the HBPP site is heavily disturbed, paved, or coveredin rock and large riprap. The terrestrial ecology of the site wascharacterized in the Coastal Resource Assessment (Reference 8-2) prepared by PG&E in 2009, and has been studiedsignificantly over the past decade. As previously mentioned, some decommissioning activities will have minor impacts onterrestrial habitat. Threatened and Endangered SpeciesSurveys for special-status plants were conducted during severalsite visits to the project area during May and June 2009. Nospecial-status plants were observed onsite, and none withblooming dates outside of the May/June survey window wouldbe expected to occur. One population of Humboldt Bay owl'sclover (Castilleja ambigua ssp. humboldtiensis) was foundadjacent to HBPP. Although potential habitat is present in twosmall tidal salt marshes, no potential habitat is present in theHBPP work area. Similarly, known populations of Point Reyes8-27 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination Plan Revision 01Chapter 8 Supplement to the Environmental Report July 2014bird's beak (Cordylanthus maritimus ssp. palustris) areadjacent to HBPP, but not in the work area.A California Department of Fish and Game Species of SpecialConcern may be present at HBPP, the northern red-legged frog(Rana aurora aurora) has periodically been observed on andaround the project area, and the site does include suitableforaging habitat.

The northern red-legged frog is known tooccur in a variety of habitats, including freshwater wetlands andbrackish areas where the frogs use vegetation for cover andforage.Site personnel receive instruction on how to gently relocate thefrogs and, if necessary, contact the site's wildlife conservation officer for assistance.

Occurrence of the bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) isunlikely at the project site, with the exception of potential foraging in the discharge canal. No roosting or nesting habitatsare onsite. Osprey (Pandion haliaetus),

double-crested cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus),

great egret (Ardea alba),California brown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis californicus),

and the great blue heron (Ardea herodias) have been observedflying and foraging in and around HBPP, but none of the birdshas nesting habitat within 1 mile of the site.Prior to any demolition activities during the breeding/nesting bird season (February through August),

a biologist will surveythe area for ground-nesting birds (no trees will be affected).

Ifdemolition activities occur during nesting season (typically March through August),

take of nests and young could occur.To avoid and minimize impacts on nesting birds, nestingsubstrate for songbirds (taller plants) is proposed to beremoved outside of the nesting season (non-nesting seasontypically September through February) as much as possiblebefore demolition activities begin. A biologist will conductpre-demolition surveys and monitor the site as necessary forbird-nesting activities beginning late February prior to siteclearing and grading.

In accessible areas, nest materials willbe removed if no eggs have been laid. If an active nest isfound in demolition areas that cannot be postponed, or if a nestis found in construction equipment (occasional when equipment is left undisturbed for a period of time), a biologist willcoordinate with California Department of Fish and Game tocollect the eggs and young, and deliver them to a wildliferehabilitation center for rearing and eventual release.8-28 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination Plan Revision 01Chapter 8 Supplement to the Environmental Report July 20148.5.2.8 Occupational SafetyPG&E personnel, their consultants, and contractors strive tomeet the project-specific health, safety, and the environment (HSE) goals. PG&E has developed and maintains a Code ofSafe Practices describing how all employees are expected toconduct themselves on the job. The code is not all-inclusive, but intended as a general foundation to safe behavior.

Thecompany's Safety and Health Program Standard

Practice, SAFE 1001S, procedures, work processes, and jobexpectations lay out the specific roles and responsibilities.

The Code of Safe Practices was developed by PG&E incollaboration with the local labor unions. All employees areresponsible for reviewing and following the code. In addition tothe Code of Safe Practices, site-specific and job-specific training are performed regularly, and health and safetyexpectations are integral to all work procedures and operations.

HBPP received the Shermer L. Sibley award for safetyperformance for three consecutive years 2008, 2009, and2010. It is the highest safety award presented by the PG&ECentral Safety Advisory Committee.

The award is based onsafety performance, including the absence of injuries, afunctioning safety committee, in-house safety audits andinspections, housekeeping, and appropriate safety procedures.

The PG&E safety program complies with California Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Cal/OSHA) regulatory requirements and provides the basis for controlling safety during decommissioning activities.

Compliance withCal/OSHA regulations and with the guidance provided to eachworker, contractor, and visitor to the site is a top priority of sitemanagement and employees. CostA detailed discussion of site project costs is presented inChapter 7 of this LTP. Socioeconomics There are two primary pathways through which nuclear powerplant activities create socioeconomic impacts on the areasurrounding the plant. The first is through expenditures in thelocal community by the plant work force, and direct purchases of goods and services required for plant activities.

The secondpathway for socioeconomic impact is through the effects onlocal government tax revenues and services.

When a nuclear8-29 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination Plan Revision 01Chapter 8 Supplement to the Environmental Report July 2014power plant is closed and decommissioned, most of thesocioeconomic impacts will be associated with the plant closurerather than with the decommissioning process.Impacts caused by closure of the nuclear plant were felt manyyears ago when the plant was initially shut down. Since thattime, numerous jobs have been created by decommissioning activities at the site as well as the construction of the HBGS.It is anticipated that the socioeconomic impact ofdecommissioning activities will have a net positive impact onthe local economy as the decommissioning proceeds through2019 and a negative impact thereafter. Environmental JusticeEnvironmental justice considerations are not significant for thedecommissioning activities at HBPP beyond those alreadyconsidered in the FGEIS.

Cultural, Historical and Archaeological Resources California Energy Commission (CEC) staff declared that theentire property consisting of Units 1, 2 and 3 should beconsidered significant under the California Environmental Quality Act as a historic district.

Consequently, the impact ofdemolition on Units 1, 2, and 3 will be significant, and mitigation will be required.

To mitigate the effects of demolishing Units 1, 2, and 3, aHistoric American Building Survey (HABS)/Historic AmericanEngineering Record (HAER) program has been initiated todocument the properties individually and as a historic district.

The program is being conducted in accordance withHABS/HAER guidelines established by the National ParkService to document historic places. Documentation producedthrough HABS/HAER, and related programs, constitutes thenation's largest archive of historic architectural, engineering, and landscape documentation.

Once this documentation hasbeen completed in accordance with federal standards, mitigation of the effect will have been accomplished.

PG&E submitted the CUL-10 Historic Properties Mitigation Planfor CEC review in August 2009, also a Cultural Monitoring Study is scheduled for completion in May, 2013. PG&E willcontinue to monitor for and take proactive measures to mitigateany project impacts to cultural, historical and archaeological resources.

8-30 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination Plan Revision 01Chapter 8 Supplement to the Environmental Report July 20148.5.2.13 Aesthetic IssuesProject demolition will be visible from places along publicroadways including King Salmon Avenue and U.S. Highway101 and the shoreline trail; the temporary access roads,laydown areas, staging areas, and storage areas will likely bemost noticeable when seen at close range along a limitedsegment of King Salmon Avenue. Cars or other vehiclesparked at the two remote parking sites will also be visiblealong King Salmon Avenue. Views will be limited with respectto both duration and visibility, and will be consistent with thepast and current industrial nature of the site.The number of affected shoreline trail viewers and HumboldtHill viewers is low. Additionally, the views of HBPP from theSouth Spit and Samoa Peninsula viewpoints are at such adistance that HBPP is not highly visible.

Therefore, because ofthe relatively low use of these recreational areas and thedistance of these viewpoints from the site, the resulting aesthetic impact will be minimal.After the project is complete, the site will be restored to a morenatural setting.

Restoration of the project site will have abeneficial impact on the aesthetics of the site, after demolition is finished. NoiseThe nearest receptors include the following locations:

  • King Salmon Community:

a small community located lessthan 0.25 mile south of the project site* South Bay Elementary School: located approximately 0.25 mile east of the existing facility* Sea View Mobile Estates:

a senior citizens' mobile homepark approximately 0.5 mile from the project siteHBGS is a primary contributor to the existing ambient noise atthe nearest receptors, particularly at night. During the day, theplant is not discernible from traffic on U.S. Highway 101 atlocations east of U.S. Highway 101. The plant is audiblyabsent local vehicular traffic during both the day and night atKing Salmon Dock. Ambient noise levels near the HBPP projectsite are consistent with routine operation of the power plant.Demolition activities for Unit 3 are planned to be primarily performed on a flexing schedule with alternating 4-day weeks,at 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> per day. One week will run from Monday throughThursday from 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., and the following week8-31 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination Plan Revision 01Chapter 8 Supplement to the Environmental Report July 2014will run from Tuesday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 5:30p.m. Although construction activities associated with thedemolition project will be audible from adjacent recreational trails, the decommissioning activities will not significantly increase ambient noise levels. Occasionally work may need tobe performed on weekends or during hours outside the7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m window.It is expected that heavy construction and demolition activities may be the greatest impacts on ambient noise posed by thedecommissioning project.

PG&E will inform the potentially affected community members prior to commencement of thesework activities. Irretrievable Resources Irreversible commitments are commitments of resources thatcannot be recovered, and irretrievable commitments ofresources are those that are lost only for a period of time. Theirreversible and irretrievable commitments of resources that areanticipated during the decommissioning process are similar tothose that were considered in the FGEIS. Traffic Transportation Potential traffic impacts primarily result from project stafftraveling to and from the site, as opposed to truck traffic.Workers travel to the site at generally the same time in themorning and travel from the site at generally the same time inthe evening.

Truck traffic associated with hauling project-related materials and waste will be coming and going at different timesthroughout the day and will have less impact on peak volumes.Peak traffic volume on affected roads will occur prior toinitiation of major project activities associated with thedecommissioning project and were associated with the highestcontractor activity levels directly related to construction of theHBGS. The HBGS was fully evaluated and was permitted withTraffic Control Plans (TCPs) in place to mitigate potential impacts.

Following the construction of the HBGS, trafficvolumes have decreased steadily through 2010, with thedecreased construction worker demand.Truck traffic associated with the proposed project is expectedto peak in calendar years 2015 and/or 2016 with 100 shipments per month during the peak of caisson demolition and discharge canal and intake canal remediation.

This traffic volume is lessthan traffic associated with workers traveling daily to and fromthe site.8-32 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination Plan Revision 01Chapter 8 Supplement to the Environmental Report July 2014A TCP will be developed and implemented as necessary tomitigate traffic-related impacts.

The North Access Road willallow one-way truck traffic through the site and provide a0.6-mile controlled staging lane into the site. In addition tomitigating the potential for truck backup on King SalmonAvenue, the North Access Road will significantly decrease thevolume of truck traffic through affected intersections by nearly50 percent. Sub-surface Slurry WallIn order to isolate and control groundwater within a portion ofthe Unit 3 footprint, a slurry bentonite wall down to the Unit Fclay layer is proposed to be constructed to be consistent withFigure 8-4and as described in the PG&E HBPPDecommissioning Capstone document (Reference 8-22). Thewall will extend to a depth of 185 ft below grade. This isproposed as a method to facilitate the complete removal of thereactor caisson and spent fuel pool structural foundations andsubstructure.

Upon slurry wall completion, dewatering wells or well points willbe installed to allow for the removal of groundwater to a levelbeneath the SFP and, later, the reactor caisson itself. Once inplace, the dewatering system must be maintained continuously to keep groundwater levels below the elevation of any activeexcavations that are part of the nuclear decommissioning subgrade demolition tasks.In preparation for the installation of the slurry wall, severalgeotechnical borings were made to verify the top of the so-called "Unit F," which is a thick clay layer at about E1.-170'.

This is necessary to ensure that the slurry wall is designed to"lock" into the impermeable clay, allowing for groundwater control during subgrade work within the slurry wall.8-33 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination PlanChapter 8 Supplement to the Environmental ReportRevision 01July 2014< 1i/I//"I1*+~~~~~0~aVhaV0I.0a*Kiewitaqý r__1FIGURE 8-4 PROPOSED SLURRY WALLHumboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination PlanPG&E Humboldt Bay Power Plant Eureka, California Removal of the central portion of the reactor caisson will beconducted upon installation of sheet or other piling to act asground support from the bottom of the SFP, to the bottom ofthe caisson.

Ring beams or other restraint systems installed around the circular piling system will provide structural stability as the excavation proceeds to depth, with the caisson beingremoved as the site is excavated, in a top-down manner. Uponremoval of the reactor caisson, the resulting excavation will bebackfilled to the surface, and all removable ground supportstructures will be removed as part of the project.The slurry wall itself will be made of radiologically cleanmaterial and will remain in place after license termination.

Thecontinuing presence of the slurry wall will have minor effect ongroundwater flow within the extent of the Unit 3 footprint, and isexpected to have a limited impact on site hydrology of theHBPP footprint.

This is described in the Assessment ofHydrologic Impacts Associated with Slurry Wall Installation (Reference 8-23).8-34 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination Plan Revision 01Chapter 8 Supplement to the Environmental Report July 20148.5.2.18 Intake and Discharge Canal Remediation Work in both the intake and discharge canals will require somesort of water control structure.

Remediation of contaminated sediment and soils in a wetland and coastal condition includesinstallation of a cofferdam or temporary water control structure to prevent influx of water from Humboldt Bay and other waterduring excavation and FSS activities.

These water controlstructures will remain in place until work is substantially complete and stormwater, groundwater, and liquid fromdewatered sediment will be managed through the groundwater treatment facility.

The ouffall pipes to the Bay include asbestos-containing materials that will require special handling and disposal.

Additionally, the sediments in the canal contain radiological andnon-radiological contaminants.

Permits and restrictions onwork in wetlands will dictate how this remediation work scope isperformed.

These permit applications, which are yet to beprepared, must be submitted for approval.

This scope of workincludes mechanical removal of radiologically and chemically contaminated sediment from the Intake and Discharge Canals,demolition of the discharge outfall and levee to Humboldt Bay,demolition of the intake and discharge structures, restoration oflevee and coastal trail along the Bay, management anddewatering of contaminated sediments, and water treatment tomeet discharge permit requirements.

Removal ofapproximately 23,600 and 182,400 cubic feet of wastematerials from the Intake and Discharge Canals, respectively, is estimated.

The removal of the contaminated sediments isexpected to have a positive impact on the local environs. Subgrade Pilings beneath Units 1, 2 and 3PG&E plans to remove subgrade sheet piling and timber pilingsbeneath Units 1, 2, and 3. This task would occur concurrently with excavations to remove any contaminated soils and/or toremove commodities at the locations and would involvesignificant subgrade work. While technically

feasible, challenges posed by this task include groundwater control,large volumes of soil requiring
removal, and ground controlaround the work area. The removal of the creosote pilings isexpected to have a positive impact on the environment. Final Site Restoration This activity includes development of site grading and drainage, placement of ground cover including vegetation and other8-35 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination Plan Revision 01Chapter 8 Supplement to the Environmental Report July 2014surfacing, road construction and repairs, installation of fencingand site lighting, and other final site development work toachieve the required end state condition for PG&E's futureindustrial use. This activity includes demolition of remaining miscellaneous structures to support final site restoration plans.The parcel containing the restoration area is approximately 102 acres. The main features of this scope of work includeremoval of buried asbestos containing materials; demolition ofreinforced concrete settling basins, truck ramp, and associated piping; soil excavation, backfilling, and compaction; wetlandsconstruction; finish grading; storm drain system installation; topsoil placement; vegetation establishment; installation oferosion control features; ground cover installation; finalsurfacing; and removal of portal monitors and truck scales.The goal of the final site restoration work is to prepare areas ofthe site for continued use by PG&E operations, including ISFSIsecurity, transmission, substation distribution and the HBGS.Additionally, to compensate for natural resource impacts fromthe original construction of the HBGS and completion ofdecommissioning, PG&E is committed to restore specific areasof the site to pre-construction conditions.

The final restoration plans for the decommissioned HBPP site will require approvalby the CCC.There are several Coastal Development Permits that establish conditions or require approval of plans for the final restoration of the site. Additionally, certain conditions of the CEC decisionon the HBGS Application for Certification establish conditions for final restoration of the HBPP property.

Site restoration isconsidered a positive impact when completed with very minorimpact during the restoration process.8.6 Overview of Regulations Governing Decommissioning Activities and Site Release8.6.1 Federal Requirements Federal requirements for decommissioning of the HBPP nuclear site arenumerous.

Additional requirements from the State of California andother public agencies are also extensive.

The following information provides an overall summary of the applicable regulations, but is notintended to be all-inclusive. Nuclear Regulatory Commission The lead agency for the overall 10 CFR 50 license termination project is the NRC. The NRC has jurisdiction over the handling8-36 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination Plan Revision 01Chapter 8 Supplement to the Environmental Report July 2014and disposition of radiologically contaminated materials associated with decommissioning Unit 3. The NRC alsoregulates the radiological exposure to decommissioning workers and the members of the public, both on and off of theHBPP site. The NRC has authorized PG&E to commencedecommissioning activities in accordance with its PSDAR. TheNRC will continue to monitor progress of the project throughregular updates of the PSDAR, inspections by regionally basedNRC inspectors, and regular correspondence with PG&E. U.S. Environmental Protection AgencyThe U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regulations areoutlined in Title 40 CFR and apply as follows:* Part 61 -Asbestos Handling and Removal* Parts 122 through 125 -National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System" Part 141 -Safe Drinking Water Standards

  • Part 190 -Radiation Protection Standards for NuclearPower Operations

" Parts 260 through 272 -RCRA* Part 280 -Underground Storage Tanks* Part 761 -Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)* Parts 129 through 132 -Clean Water Act8.6.2 State and Local Requirements California Coastal Commission The CCC has oversight for the decommissioning because thesite is located within the coastal zone. In accordance withSection 30600(a) of the California Coastal Act, any personwishing to perform or undertake any development in the coastalzone, in addition to obtaining any other permit required by lawfrom any local government or from any state, regional, or localagency, shall obtain a Coastal Development Permit (CDP).The decommissioning activities constitute development underSection 30106, which provides in part that development includes "construction, reconstruction, demolition, or alteration of the size of any structure...."

Although Humboldt County has a certified coastal program andis typically the lead agency for issuing a CDP for development inthe coastal zone within Humboldt County, the CCC has8-37 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination Plan Revision 01Chapter 8 Supplement to the Environmental Report July 2014retained CDP jurisdiction for the area encompassing the HBPPproperty.

Therefore, the CCC is the lead permitting agency forthe CDP. The Energy and Ocean Resources division of theCCC issued the CDP for decommissioning and demolition onDecember 10, 2009. The CDP process is, by statute,functionally equivalent to the environmental review processrequired under the California Environmental Quality Act. California Occupational Safety and Health Administration Worker health and safety protection in California is regulated byCal/OSHA.

These regulations include requirements forrespiratory protection,

hearing, illumination, scaffolding, craneand rigging safety, chemical usage and release response, andcleanup operations.

PG&E, along with their consultants, contractors, and visitors to the site, are required to haveappropriate training and equipment to work within theCal/OSHA guidelines, and are committed to site safety. Regional Water Quality Control Board -NationalPollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit andConstruction Stormwater PermitThe Regional Water Quality Control Board provides oversight for the decommissioning activities that involve discharge, dewatering, stormwater, or other potential water quality issues. Department of Toxic Substances ControlIn accordance with the California Health and Safety Code,Division 20, Chapter 6.65, DTSC has been designated as thestate's administering agency responsible for overseeing siteinvestigation and remedial actions.

A Voluntary CleanupAgreement, established pursuant to California Health andSafety Code, Division 20, Chapter 6.8, is anticipated for theproject and will determine the regulatory procedure for finalsite remediation.

Throughout the decommissioning and site remediation process,various documents have been and will continue to be submitted to DTSC for their review and approval.

These include anInterim Measures Removal Action Work Plan, approved byDTSC in December 2009, which summarized procedures forhandling and disposing of excavated soil generated as a resultof decommissioning activities.

PG&E will also submit ecological and human health risk assessment

reports, and a removalaction work plan and/or remedial action plan that will evaluate8-38 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination Plan Revision 01Chapter 8 Supplement to the Environmental Report July 2014remedial options for soil and groundwater and provide detailson the selected remedial solution8.6.2.5 California Energy Commission Although the CEC does not have any direct involvement withthe decommissioning, the CEC conducted an environmental review and issued a license for the HBGS adjacent to theproject site. Conditions of the CEC license may limit orotherwise affect certain activities associated withdecommissioning.

Activities that may require coordination withCEC include, but are not limited to, the following:

" Documentation of historical resources within Units 1, 2, and 3* Any use or expansion of the wetland mitigation areasestablished for the HBGS project" Use or modifications to the temporary access road,parking, and laydown areas constructed for the HBGSAny decommissioning activities that are inconsistent with theconditions of the CEC license for HBGS will not be allowedwithout approval of the CEC. Humboldt CountyThe Humboldt County building division will require that PG&Esecure demolition permits for certain qualifying activities, including dismantling of buildings and other structures.

Additionally, anygrading involving disturbance of 50 or more cubic yards of soilwill require a grading permit from Humboldt County. City of EurekaThe HBPP sanitary sewer is connected to the City of Eureka'sElk River Wastewater Treatment Plant. Discharges of processwastewater to the sanitary sewer are prohibited, unlessauthorized by a pretreatment permit issued by the City of Eureka. North Coast Unified Air Quality Management DistrictNCUAQMD requires notification and subsequent authorization for asbestos work pursuant to 40 CFR 611, Subpart M(National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants).

Both an asbestos abatement notification and a demolition (renovation) activities submittal may be required fordecommissioning.

8.7 Conclusion

8-39 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination Plan Revision 01Chapter 8 Supplement to the Environmental Report July 2014Chapter 8 documents an assessment of the environmental effects ofdecommissioning the HBPP. The assessment has determined that theenvironmental effects from decommissioning HBPP are being minimized to theextent practicable and no adverse effects are outside the bounds of thosedescribed in the FGEIS. Chapter 8 provides supplemental information to theJuly 1984 Environmental Report.8.8 References 8-1 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission NUREG-0586, "GenericEnvironmental Impact Statement on Decommissioning of NuclearFacilities Supplement 1 Regarding the Decommissioning of NuclearPower Reactors,"

November 2002.8-2 Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), "Project Description andCoastal Resource Assessment

-Humboldt Bay Power PlantDecommissioning and Demolition of Fossil Units 1 and 2 and NuclearUnit 3," August 2009., also amended CDP E-09-010 for the Spent FuelPool and Reactor Caisson Removal Project, January 2013.8-3 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulatory Guide 1.179,"Standard Format and Content of License Termination Plans for NuclearPower Reactors,"

January 1999.8-4 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission NUREG-1700, Rev. 1,"Standard Review Plan for Evaluating Nuclear Power Reactor LicenseTermination Plans," April 2003.8-5 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission NUREG-1757, Vol. 1, Rev. 1,"Consolidated NMSS Decommissioning Guidance Decommissioning Process for Materials Licensees,"

September 2003.8-6 Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), "Humboldt Bay Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) Environmental Report,"December 2003.8-7 Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), "Environmental Report forHBPP Decommissioning,"

July 1984.8-8 Friends of the Dunes. 2002. Map for Figure 8-3 used with permission.

Available at:http://www.friendsofthedunes.orq/resources/imaqe/map.pdf.

8-9 Western Regional Climate Center, 2009, "Historical Climate DataSummaries for the Eureka, California Station."

Available at:

Accessed July 15, 2009.8-10 Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), "Final Safety AnalysisReport Update -Humboldt Bay Independent Spent Fuel StorageInstallation,"

Section Rev 0, January 2006, PG&E LetterHIL-06-001, NRC Docket No. 72-27.8-40 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination Plan Revision 01Chapter 8 Supplement to the Environmental Report July 20148-11 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, "NOAA RecordedAverage Wind Speed Data through 2001 ." Available at:

AccessedAugust 22, 2008.8-12 Golden Gate Weather Services, "California Tornado Statistics."

Available at:

Accessed August19, 2008.8-13 American Meteorological

Services, "J3.6 A Hazard Model for TornadoOccurrence in the United States,"


abstract, Cathryn L. Meyer,Harold E. Brooks, and Michael P. Kay, January 2002.8-14 Western Regional Climate Center, "Eureka WSO City, California Periodof Record General Climate Summary -Precipitation."

Available at:

Accessed August20, 20088-15 National Weather Service, "Eureka, CA -National Weather ServiceStation Records as of October 2003." Available at:http://www.wrh.noaa.qov/eka/climate/records.php.

Accessed August19, 2008.8-16 National Weather Service Forecast Office, "Annual Climate Report forEureka CA for 2007." Available at:http://www.wrh.



AccessedAugust 19, 2008.8-17 Humboldt County, Humboldt 21st Century-General Plan Update,Natural Resources and Hazards Report, Chapter 9, "Air Quality."

asp.Accessed August 21,20088-18 U.S. Geological Survey online earthquake CaAtlalog, http://quake.geo.

html; accessed04/04/13.

8-19 Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), December 2002, SeismicHazard Assessment for the Humboldt Bay ISFSI Project, Technical report TR-HBIP-2002-01 8-20 Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E),"SAFSTOR/Decommissioning Offsite Dose Calculation Manual,"

Rev 22July 23, 2012.8-21 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, AP-42, Fifth Edition,Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission

Factors, Chapters 13.2.1 and13.2.2, November 2006.8-41 Humboldt Bay Power Plant License Termination Plan Revision 01Chapter 8 Supplement to the Environmental Report July 20148-22 Humboldt Bay Power Plant Report, Decommissioning CapstoneDocument, prepared for Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E),June 28, 2012.8-23 Assessment of Hydrologic Impacts Associated With Slurry WallInstallation, SHN, Consulting Engineers and Geologists, Inc, Eureka,Reference 012125.100, August 15, 20128-42 Enclosure 2PG&E Letter HBL-14-015 Humboldt Bay Power PlanLicense Termination Plan Revision I Matrix Humboldt Bay Power PlantLicense Termination Plan Revision 1 MatrixChapter Section Change ReasonTerms & Acronyms N/A Added DCGLw RAI 13Address partial site1 1.2 Added verbiage release2 Added document list RAI 012 Added release criteria RAI 02Update Survey Areas2 Table 2-3 OOL03 & OOL08 Update2 Figure 2-2 Update Survey Areas UpdateAdded 19972 2.1.8 characterization info. RAI 102 Added HTD info. RAI 032 Added HTD info. RAI 04Added 20082 characterization info. RAI 052 Added HTD info. RAI 062 Added HTD info. RAI 072 Added HTD info. RAI 072 Added HTD info. RAI 072 Added HTD info. RAI 072 Added HTD info. RAI 072 Added HTD info. RAI 072 Added HTD info. RAI 072 Added HTD info. RAI 082 Added HTD info. RAI 093 3.2.1 Update on cask 6 Update3 3.2.5 TB demo added UpdateUpdated Table 3-13 3.3.1 dates Update3.43 Table 3-1 Updated site exposure Update3. Update waste3 Table 3-3 shipments Update3.4.43 Table 3-4 Update liquid releases Update3.4.53 Table 3-5 Update gas releases UpdateAdded significant digitinformation regarding Explain changes made5 Table 5-1 to table.1 of 2 Chapter Section Change ReasonRemoved 1-129truncated values for5 Table 5-1 consistency RAI 28 & 36Added paragraphs 5 addressing surrogates RAI 11Added verbiage on5 post-remedial surveying RAI 28Added verbiage on5 5.2.2 reclassification RAI 12Added verbiage on area5 control RAI 14Added verbiage on5 thickness RAI 16Changed HB QAPP to5 FSS QAPP editorial 5 Changed verbiage RAI 18Defined subsurface 5 sampling RAI 175 Soil reuse RAI 20Added section onalternate survey of5 excavations Update5 Soil reuse RAI 20Stockpiled material5 protection RAI 21Addressed caisson5 removal RAI 23Addressed pipe scan5 coverage RAI 255 5.5.3 Editorial RAI 265 5.7.2 Report content RAI 27Removed 1-1296 Table 6-3 exemption RAI 28 & 36Inserted reason for6 6.2.4 delisting 1-129 RAI 28 & 366 Table 6-4 Removed 1-129 RAI 28 & 36Inserted deselecting 6 6.2.5 verbiage RAI 37 & 42Inserted smallest room6 verbiage RAI 29Inserted percentile 6 Appendix D value comparison RAI 33Updated verbiage on7 7.4 NDTCP ruling Update8 Figure 8-2 Updated site map Update2 of 2