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Public Version of Revision 1 to Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure 5.7.27, Early Warning Sys
Person / Time
Site: Cooper Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/1982
From: Sayer J, Whitman D
Shared Package
ML20062K131 List:
5.7.27-01, 5.7.27-1, NUDOCS 8208170061
Download: ML20062K138 (52)



i Y




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4 i

The purpose of this procedure is to describe the Early Warning System within

-l j

i the emergency planning zone of Cooper Nuclear Station. This system was set up to meet prompt notification requirements for Cooper Nuclear Station. It j

was also designed for response to any disaster; fire, flood, tornado, etc.,

j where prompt notification of the public is desirable.

l II.


The Early Warning System consists of fixed sirens covering areas of high i

population density and tone activated Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) ra-l dios in the low population density rural areas.

The fixed siren system is composed of ten pole mounted sirens located in or near the following towns




r 1.

Peru - one siren in town.



Brownville - one siren in town.

{' N f


Nemaha - one siren in town.


Shubert - one siren in town.


Missouri 1.

Watson - one siren near town.


Rock Port - one siren in town.

I l


Phelps City l one siren in town.



Langdon - one siren near town.


Nishnabotna - one siren near town.

i 6.

Intersection of US-136 and I one siren near this intersection.

These fixed sirens are Federal Signal Corporation Thunderbolt sirens cap-able of producing 125 db of sound in any of three sound patterns.

t P

4 8208170061 820810 i



Kevised dy/Date Reviewed By/Date e

e Rev.

Procedure Page 1


8 Pagesi J. Sayer 6/23/82 D. Whitman 6/30/82 4-}0 72.

1 5.7.27-t

, - ~ - -


t The EBS tone activated radios are in residences located within the rural EPZ areas outside the hearing range of the fixed sirens. These radios are pretuned to the Primary Emereency Broad:ast Stations kHz Omaha, s

within the Nebraska EPZ ana KHz St. Joseph, within the Missouri EPZ) and are automatically activated when the EBS station sounds the EBS tones. These radios also have battery backup power.

s In addition to the primary means of notification, fixed sirens and tone activated radios, a backup system consisting of vehicle mounted mobile l

siren units is available. This Mobile Siren System is comprised of mo-bile units following designated routes. Mobile sirens have been provided to each Volunteer Fire Department within these areas to cover the number of routes specified below.

i t

I A.


i 1.

Peru - four routes.


Brownville - four routes.


Nemaha - four routes.


Shubert - two routes.




Rock Port - seven routes.


Watson - four routes.

In addition, the Richardson and Nemaha County Sheriff's personnel also have designated notification routes.

See Attachment "D" for maps of the designated routes.

The mobile sirens are Whelen Engineering Company Model 370 PA speakers coupled to a Whelen US-295 power amplifier. These sirens are capable of producing four distinct sounds at a sound level exceeding 70 db.




CNS Emergency Plan.



NUREG 0654, Rev. 1.


CNS Emergency. Planning Information Hand Out.



Prompt notification to the public is deemed necessary for implemen-tation of a protective action guide. This will normally be deter-


mined by state and local authorities in accordance with their respec-g_g.-

..:. 3...





t e

tive Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Response Plans. The CNS Emergency Director will reconnnend protective actions to these authorities in ac-cordance with EPIP 5.7.20, Protective Action Guides, or in severe sit-uations, may activate the Early Warning System in accordance with EPIP 5.7.6, Noeification.

I V.


g A.

The Early Warning System, in addition to its use as a means of prompt i

notification in the event of an incident at Cooper Nuclear Station l

requiring protective action, may be used to warn the public of attack, tornado, flood, fire, or any disaster requiring prompt notification i

of the public.

i VI.


The Early Warning System is to be used only in the event of emergencies or testing.


Ten fixed sirens located in the following population centers:





Peru - one siren in town.


Brownville - one siren in town.


Nemaha - one siren in town.


Shubert - one siren in town.




Rock Port - one siren in town.



Watson - one siren near town.


Phcipe City - one siren in town.

i d.

Langdon - one siren near town.


Nishnabotna - one siren near town.


Intersection of US-136 and I one siren near this inter-section.


Tone activatad Emergency Broadcast System radios located in rural residences within the Emergency Planning Zone.


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l 1


Backup mobile sirens in the following fixed siren locations with at least the numbei of mobile sirens equal to the number of mobile siren routes. Normally spare mobile sirens will be maintained at each lo-cation-1.


i a.

Peru - four routes with three mobile units mounted on fire l

trucks and two universal mount mobile siren units within the Fire House.

i 1

I b.

Brownv111e - four routes with three mobile units mounted on fire trucks and two universal mount mobile siren units within


the Fire House.

t I


Nemaha - four routes with one mobile unit on a fire truck and I

four universal mount mobile siren units within the Fire House.


Shubert - two routes with two mobile units within the Fire House.

I j


Indian Cave State Park - one mobile unit mounted on Park Ranger vehicle.

t i


Nemaha County Sheriff - two routes with three mobile units I

mounted on Sheriff's Department vehicles.

l l

r g.

Richardson County Sheriff - one route with two mobile units I

i mounted on the Sheriff's Department vehicles.

i 2.




Rock Port - seven routes with four universal mount mobile siren units stored within the Fire House and three units in-stalled on the fire vehicles. In addition, seven mobile I

units are installed on privately owned Volunteer Firemen's vehicles..

l r

l b.

Watson - four routes with one universal mount mobile siren


unit within the Fire House and three units installed on the fire vehicles. In addition, three mobile units are installed


i on privately owned Volunteer Firemen's vehicles.


Although the Atchison County Sheriff and the Rock Port Police l

Dspartment'have no designated routes, three mobile units are i

f mounted on the Sheriff's Department vehicles and two mobile


units are mounted on the Police Department vehicles, should


i assistance be required.


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Communications equipment installed for the backup mobile siren system includes base and mobile two-way radio units to the respective County

'l Sheriff Departments for the following, if equipmeat did not already exist:



l u

s a.

Peru - one base and one mobile.

i b.

Brownville - one base and one mobile.

f i

f c.

Nemaha - one base and one mobile.



Indian Cave State Park - one base and two mobile units.

I a.

Shubert - one unlisted telephone in the Fire House.




Rock Port - Firemen have their own encoder system.


Watson - one base and one mobile.






Fixed Sirens.





Activation of the fixed sirens will be accomplished by the County Sheriff in the county which the siren is located:

1) Nemaha County Sheriff activates the fixed sirens in Peru, Brownville, and Nemaha (Nemaha County Sheriff has the capability to also activate the Shubert fixed siren).


2) Richardson County Sheriff activates the fixed siren in Shubert.
3) Atchison County Sheriff activates the fixed sirens in Rock Port, Watson, Phelps City, Nishnabotna, Langdon, and US-136 and I-29 intersection.

a i


The Sheriff will be requested to sound the fixed sirens in l

their respective area by the local and state emergency re-sponse authorities. These authorities will have responded g

to a Cooper Nuclear Station emergency in accordance with e

their respective state and local emergency response plans.


In a severe situation, the Sheriffs may be requested to sound the sirens by the CNS Emargency Director if immedi-ate protective action is deemed necessary.

l 1

Erne.a.... w...w..

5.7.77 ln...


1 lo.--

5 8


t i

t 2.


i a.

Nemaha County - third Saturday of each month, i

d b.

Richardson Ccunty - fourth' Friday of each month.

J i


Atchison County - each Saturday.

's 3.

Maintenance or repair.

j a.

If repair of the fixed sirens in required, the Cooper Nuclear i

Station Control Room,.

.)'will be not-ified and they will initiate necessary repair action, logging, i

and notification.

Note: See Attachments "A",

"B", and "C" for the Sheriff's procedure to activate the fixed sirens.


EBS Tone Activated Radios.



I Act'ivation of the EBS radios'is accomplished by the primary a.

EBS transmitter stations;.

r.Hz Omaha for Nebraska


EPZ and -

kHz St. Joseph' for Missouri EPZ. When these I

stations activate their emergency broadcast, a dual tone is


sounded which turns on the EBS tone activated radio receivers s



and then the emergency message is broadcast. The EBS tone


activated receivers stay on, continuing with the EBS station's program format until reset to automatic.


The primary Emergency Broadcast station will be requested to


broadcast an EBS message by local or state emergency response authorities. These authorities will have responded to a Cooper Nuclear Station emergency in accordance with their respective state and local emergency responsa plans. In a i;

severe situation, the stations may be requ ated to broadcast an EBS message by the CNS Emergency Director if immediate protective action is deemed necessary.

i l




Once per week the primary EBS stations test their EBS system' which activates the tone activated receivers and proceeds with the message. Had there been a real emergency, appropriate in-formation would be broadcast at this time. Thus, individuals with EBS tone activated radios will have their radios auto-i


matically tested once per week. A test button is also pro-vided on each radio to check the radio by bypassing the auto-matic activation function to verify operability. In addition, the E3S activated radios have a battery test button and in-dicator light to check the battery backup power source.


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6 a


s.2.22 1

e O

l b.

If the EBS activated radios should fail any of the above tests, a telephone number is pocted on the radio for the individual to call to initiate repairs.


Maintenance or repair.

'i Should the EBS activated radio malfunction, need maintenance i


or repair, a telephone number is posted on the radio for the individual to call to initiate corrective actions, see At-I l

tachment "N" for description of material attached to the radio.

j l


Backup Mobile Sirens.


Activation, a.

Upon the decision to activate the backup mobile siren sy-stem by the emergency authorities, Volunteer Firemen report to their Fire House. This is accomplished in the same man-ner as when Firemen normally report to the Fire House in response to a fire within the area, by sounding the fire siren or the respective County Sheriff contacting the local Fire Chief.



The Fira Chief or Senior Firemen will contact the County Sheriff by radio or telephone and request information. If


the Cooper Nuclear Station Early Warning System is to be activated, Firemen will place the mobile siren units on l

tLe vehicles (if not already installed), perform an oper-l acional check, and drive the routes as outlined in Attach-ment "D".

Each Fire House has a procedure outlining these steps. Attachments "E" through "L" contain these proce-dures. Upon completion of the notification routes, the Fire Chief or Senior Firemen will report back to the County Sheriff.

Note: Nemaha County and Richardson County Sheriff personnel also have routes as shown in Attachment "C" and route procedure Attachments "K" and "L".



I a.

Mobile sirens at the Fire Houses will normally be tested during the scheduled Fire Department meetings. See Section VII. for the number of primary units corresponding to the inumber of standby or backup units at each location.

I l


Maintenance or repair.

i a.

If a mobile siren is found to be inoperable or in need of repair, the Cooper Nuclear Station Control personnel will be notified and will initiate necessary repair actions,


logging, and notification.

l Procadne. un-A..

5.7.27 ln-..

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Nemaha County Sheriff - Activation Of Early Warning System.


Richardson County Sheriff - Activation Of Early Warning System.

i C.

Atchison County Sheriff - Activation Of Early Warning System.

s i

r D.

D Feru Notification Routes.-

6 j

D Brownville Notification Routes.

i D Nemaha Notification Routes.

I D Shubert Nctification Routes.

D Nemaha County Sheriff Notification Routes...

D Richardson County Sheriff liocification Routes.

D Rock Port Notification Reutes.

D Watson Notification Routes.


Peru Volunteer Fire Department - Mobile Siren Procedure.


Brownville Volunteer Fire Department - Mobile Siren Procedure.


Nemaha Volunteer Fire Department - Mobile Siren Procedure.


Shubert Volunteer Fire Department - Mobile Siren Procedure.


Rock Port Volunteer Fire Department - Mobile Siren Procedure.


Watson Volunteer Fir 2 Department - Mobile Siren Procedure.


Nenaha County Sheriff - Mobile Siren Procedure.


Richardson County Sheriff - Mobile Siren Procedure.


Indian Cave State Park - Mobile Siren Procedure.


EBS Tone Activated Radio Operating Instructions.

J I.



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which may require immediate alerting of people from the towns of Brownville, I

Peru, Shubert, and Nemaha, the following procedure will be utilized:

I i


Sound the alert tone for sirens in the designated areas (use code near i

controls to alert individual sirens or all sirens sounded at once). Sound i

the sirens for several three-minute cycles.

Note: The Shubert siren may also be sounded from the Richardson County Sheriff's Office.


The sounding of these sirens alert residents in these cemmunities to tune to the Emergency Broadcast Station,.

.dz, for emergency informa-tion. Rural residences within the E=ergency Planning Zone will be alerted with EBS tone activated radios when the EBS message is broadcast.


Contact the Indian Cave State Park Ranger by radio or telephone and re-quest him to alert visitors.



If activation of the Backup Mobile Siren System is deemed necessary:


Established communication with the local Fire Chief in the siren area by telephone or radio (Peru - radio, Brownville - radio, Nemaha -

Fire Chief radio or telephone).


The Fira Chief will dispatch the Firemen with mobile sirens in pre-designated routes. These mobile sirens have public address systems and will alert residents along their routes to tune to the Emergency Broadcast Station.

Dispatch two Sheriff's Officers to cover the mobile siren routes.



The Fire Chief is to report back when the rouces have been completed.

Once notified by the respective Fire Chief and Sheriff's personnel e.

that all Early Warning routes have been completed, the Ne=aha County Sheriff will relay this information to the Nemaha County Emergency Operations Center.

l Testing: Activate the fixed sirens in Brownville, Peru, and Nemaha at 1000 on the third Saturday of each month. Activate each siren for 15 to 20 seconds and then cancel. Contact each community to verify the sirens were sounded. Log this detivation and verification of sounding in the Dispatcher's Log Book. If a siren is found to be inoperable, coatact Cooper Nuclear Station 1 during normal e

working hours or

. during off hours or weekends) and inform


the Maintenance Supervisor or the Shif t Supervisor of the malfunc-



?rocedure Nuahar 5.7.27 ln.c. -



i as 1








'In the event of an emergency at Cooper Nuclear Station or any civil disaster I

which may require immediate alerting of people from the town of Shubert, the following procedure will be utilized:

1 i


Sound the alert tone for the siren in Shubert (use code near controls to I


alert siren). Sound the siren for several three-minute cycles.

I Note: The Shubert siren may also be sounded from the Nemaha County Sher-iff's Office.

4 i


The sounding of this siren alerts residents in this community to tune to j

the Emergency Broadcast System radio station',.

4Hz, for emer-gency information. Rural residences within the Emergency Flanning Zone will be alerted with EBS tone activated radios when the EBS message is broadcast.


If activation of the Backup Mobile Siren System is deemed necessary:


Establish communication with the local Fire Chief in the siren area by telephone (unlisted Fire House telephone number its C

t i


The Fire Chief will dispatch the Firemen with mobile sirens in pre-l designated routes. These mobile sirens have public address systems and will alert residents along their routes to tune to the Emergen;v


Broadcast Station.

ij c.

Dispatch Officer to cover the Sheriff's mobile siren route.


The Fire Chief is to report back when the routes have been completed.

2 e.

Once notified by the Fire Chief and Sheriff's personnel that all Early Warning routes have been completed, the Richarson County Sher-

1 iff will relay this informati.on to the Richarson County Emergency Operations Center.

Testing: Activate the fixed sirens in Shubert at 1630 on the fourth Friday of each month. Activate the siren for 15 to 20 seconds and then cancel. Contact Shubert to verify the siren was sounded. Log this activation and verification of sounding in the Dispatcher's Log Book. If the sire.n is found to be inoperable, contact Cooper j

Nuclear Statiod..

dring normal working hours or.


' i during off hours or V,ieekends) and inform the Maintenance Super-visor or the Shift Supervisor of thd malfunction.

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?rocedure Nunhar 5.7.27 1

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1 I

In the event of an emergency at Cooper Nuclear Station or any civil disaster i

which may require immediate alerting of people from the towns of Rock Port,


Watson, Phelps City, Langdou, Nishnabotna, and siren at the US-136 and I-29 l

g intersection, the following procedure will be utilized:

t s



Sound the alert tone for sirens in the designated areas (use code near l

controls to alert individual sirens or all sirens at once). Sound the sirens for several three-minute cycles.

i r

i 2.

The sounding of these sirens alert residents in these vtunities to tune to the Emergency Broadcast System radio station, lHz, for emergency information. Rural residences within the Emergency Planning


Zone will be alerted with EBS tone activated radios when the EBS message is broadcast.


If activation of the Backup Mobile Siren System is deemed necessary:

Establish communication with the Rock Port and Watson Fire Depart-a.

ments in the siren area by telephone or radio. Watson has a base i




The Fire Chief will dispatch the Firemen with mobile sirens in pre-designated routes. These mobile sirens have public. address systems arid will alert residents along their routes to tune to the Emergency Broadcast Station.


The Fire Chief is to report back when th's ro'utes have been completed.


Once notified by the respective Fire Chief and Sheriff's personnel f

that all Early Warning routes have been completed, the Atchison County Sheriff will relay this information to the Atchison County Emergency Operations Center.

Testing: Activate the fixed sirens in Rock Port, Watson, Phelps City, i

Langdon, Nishnabotna, and the siren located at US-136 and I-29 intersection at 1200 at each Saturday. Activate each siren for 15 to 20 seconds and then cancel. Coatact each community to i

t verify the sirens were sounded. Log this activation and verifi-cation of sounding in the Dispatcher's Log Book. fIf a siren is found to be inoperable, contact Noer Nuclear Station

, _y' 3

during normal working hours or during off hours or week-j ends) and inform the Maintenance' Supervisor or the Shift Super-visor of the malfunction.


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COOPER NUCLEAR STATION OPERATIONS MANUAL . ATTAC11 MENT "E" EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMEN' RING PROCEDURE 5.7.27 EARLY WARNING SYSTEM -(si PERU VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT - MOBILE SIREN PROCEDURE This procedure out. lines the steps to be taken in the event the Backup Mobile Siren System is n tivated. The Early Warning System for emergencies at Cooper Nuclear ' cation consists of fixed sirens located in the communities J within the Emergency Planning Zone to alert residents to tune to the Emer-gency Broadcast System kHz for emergency information and EBS tone s activated radios to alert rural residsuts. If the Backup Mobile Siren Sy- } stem is deemed necessary, the Sheriff will sound the fire siren or contact the Fire Chief and request the Fire Department to activate the mobile sirens. i 5 Please be aware that this system may also be used for floods, tornados, or i other similar disasters. ? 1. The first volunteer to arrive at the Fire House will en11 the Nemaha County Sheriff in Auburn, Nebraska at 's. .[o'r by using the base radio. This' person will be informed by the Sheriff that there is an emergency in progress at Cooper Nuclear Station and th'at the Peru Volunteer Fire Department personnel will drive their notification routes. 2. The first volunteer in the Fire House may remain there to inform the ~ other volunteers as they arrive of the reason for the siren activation and what their required actions are. f 3. The volunteers will.then mount the mobile sirens, if not already mounted, t and prepare to drive their prescribed routes in accordance with the following: Before leaving the Fire House activate the mobile siren to verify a. its operability. b. Obtain designated route. The driver will drive at normal speeds and as he approaches a house-c. hold or person he will slow down to less than 30 mph and make this public announcement PLEASE TURN TO YOUR EMERGENCY BROADCASTING STA-TION FOR EMERGENCY INFORMATION. d. Af ter completing the prescribed route, the driver will return to the Fire House, deenergize his siren, and inform the volunteer who stayed in the Fire House that he has completed the route. 4. When all routes are complete, call by telephone or radio the Nemaha County Sheriff confirming the completion of routes. 5. If any routes do not have drivers to cover them, the Fire House will make a call to the Nemaha County Sheriff (telephone number in Step 1.) requesting a driver under the mutual aid understanding. s Note: If any mobile siren unit should fail or need maintenance immediately contactCooperNuclearStationat,'} 1 J/fn order to'effect ( repairs. ' ~ _ - .' 'roceditre nnns c 5.7.27 ln.r. lo.J4.4a, ln... 1 as 1 o.--- 1

COOPER NUCLEAR STATION OPERATIONS MANUAL ATTACHMENT "F" j EMERCENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE 5.7.27 EARLY WARNING SYSTEM i BROWNVILLE VOLUNIEER FIRE DEPARTMENT-MOBILE SIREN PROCEDURE l This procedure outlines the steps to be taken in the event the Backup Mobile l Siren System is activated. The Early Warning System for emegencies at Cooper i Nuclear Station consists of fixed sirens located in the communities within ,~ the Emergency Planning Zone to alert residents to tune to the Emergency Broad-cast System kHz for emergency information and EBS tone activated radios to alert rural residents. If the Backup Mobile Siren System is deemed l necessary, the Sheriff will sound the fire siren or contact the Fire Chief and request the Fire Department to activate the mobile sirens. Please be l i l aware that this system may also be used for floods, tornados, or other sim-ilar disasters. 1 l. The first volunteer to arrive at the Fire House will call the Nemaha County Sheriff in Auburn, Nebraska by using the base radio. This person will be informed by the Sheriff that an emergency in progress at Cooper Nuclear Station and that the Brownv111e Volunteer Fire Depart-ment personnel will drive their notification routes. 2. The first volunteer in the Fire House may remain there to inform the other volunteers as they arrive of the reason for the siren activation and what their required actions are. f 3. The volunteers will then mount the mobile sirens, if not already mounted, i and prepare to drive their prescribed routes in accordance with the following: T Before leaving the Fire House activate the mobile siren to verify a. l its operability. b. Obtain designated route. The driver will drive at normal speeds and as he approaches a house-c. hold or person he will slow down to less than 30 mph and make this public announcement PLEASE TURN TO YOUR EMERGENCY BROADCASTING STA- -1 TION FOR EMERGENCY INFORMATION. d. After completing the prescribed route, the driver will return to the Fire House, deenergize his siren, and inform the volunteer who the Fire House that he has completed the route. 4. When all routes are complete, contact the Nemaha County Sheriff using the base radio, confirming the completion of routes. 5. If any routes do not have drivers to cover them, the Fire House will contact the Nemaha County Sheriff requesting a driver under the mutual aid understanding. Note: If any mobile siren unit should fail or need maistenance, immediately o contact Cooper Nuclear Station at <[n order to effect w I( repairs. ~~ t .../ lerncea,,,. n--s..

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_.y.. COOPER NUCLEAR STATION OPERATIONS MANUAL ATTACHMENT "C" . EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE 5.7.27 EARLY WARNING SYSTEM i ()- i 4 4 ~ NEMAHA VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT-MOBILE SIREN PROCEDURE This procedure outlines the steps to be taken in the event the Backup Mobile l Siren System is activated. The Early Warning System for emergencies at Cooper Nuclear Station consists of fixed sirens located in the communities w$ thin the Emergency Planning Zone to alert residents to tune to the Emer-gency Broadcast System , kHz for emergency information and EBS tone 8 activated radios to alert rural residents. If the Backup Mobile Siren Sy-l stem is deemed necessary, the Sheriff will sound the fire siren or contact the Fire Chief and request the Fire Department to activate the mobile sirens. i Please be aware that this system may also be used for floods, torndaos, or e other similar disasters. s 1. The first volunteer to arrive at the Fire House will call the Nemaha County Sheriff in Auburn, Nebraska at',' _.or-the Fire Chief's base radio. This person will be informed by the Sheriff that there is an emergency in progress at Cooper Nuclear Station and that the Nemaha Volunteer Fire Department personnel will drive their notification routes. 2. The first volunteer in the Fire House may remain there t'o inform the other volunteers as they arrive of the reason for the siren activation and what their required actions are. ~ 3. The volunteers will then mount the mobile sirens, if not already mounted, (N and prepare to drive their prescribed routes in accordance with the following: Before leaving the Fire House activate the mobile siren to verify a. its operability. b. Obtain designated route. The driver will drive at normal speeds and as he approaches a house-c. I hold or person he will slow down'to less than 30 mph and make this public announcement PLEASE TURN TO YOUR EMERGENCY BROADCASTING STA-TION FOR EMERGENCY INFORMATION. d. After completing the prescribed route, the driver will return to the Fire House, deenergize his siren,' 'and inform the volunteer who stayed in the Fire House that he has completed the route. 4. When all routes are complete, call by telephone at', _ _ _ _ _ _,, o'r radio the Nemaha County Sheriff confirming the completion of routes. 5. If any routes 'do not have drivers to cover them, the Fire House will, contact the Nemaha County Sheriff at-equesting a driver f under the mutual aid understanding. s / Note: If any mobile siren unit should fail or. need maintenance, immedi-ately contact Cooper Nuclear Station at ? in order to s i ( effect repairs. %dv j i v - I f ! 2rocedura W-har l n... '~lo.-4.4a l o.,.. i ac 1 v. .e s7 97 i l

~~ COOPER NUCLEAR STATION OPERATEONS MANUAL ATTACHMENT "H" DwacENCY PLAN IMPLDF?rrING PROCEDURE 5.7.27 EARLY WARNING SYSTEM _ (. SHUBERT VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT-MOBILE SIREN PROCEDURE This procedure outlines the steps to be taken iri the event the Backup Mobile Siren System is activated. The Early Warning System for emergencies at Cooper Nuclear Station consists of fixed sirens located in the communities $ thin the Emergency Plannina alert residents to tune to the Emer-gency Broadcast System 4Hz for emergency information and EBS acci-vated radios to alert rural residents. If the Backup Mobile Siren System j is deemed necessary,*the Sheriff will soun'd the fire siren or contact the Fire Chief sad request the Fire Department to activate the mobile sirens. Please be aware that this system may also be used for floods, tornados, or other similar disasters. l. i l 1. The first volunteer to arrive at the Fire House will call the Richard-son County Sheriff in Falls City, Nebraska at's This person will be informed by the Sheriff that there is an emergency in progress at Cooper Nuclear Station and that the Shubert Volunteer Fire a Department personnel will drive their notification routes.

2.. The first volunteer in the Fire House my remain there to inform the

, other volunteers as they arrive of the reason for the siren activation and what their required actions are. 3. The volunteers will then mount the mobile sirens and prepare to drive m ( their prescribed routes in accordance with the following: a. Before leaving the Fire House activate the mobile siren to verify its operability. b. Obtain designated route. c. The driver will drive at normal speeds and as he approaches a house-hold or person he will slow down to less than 30 mph and make this public announcement PLEASE TURN TO YOUR EMERGENCY BROADCASTING STA-TION FOR EMERGENCY INFORMATION. d. After completing the prescribed route, the driver will return to the Fire House, deenergize his siren, and inform the volunteer who stayed in the Fire House that he has completed the route. 4. When all routes are complete, call the Richardson County Sheriff by telephone at - c'onfirming the completion of routes. I 5. If any routes do not have drivers to cover them, the' Fire, House will contact the Richardson County Sheriff at-requesting a driver under the mutual aid understanding. -~ ~ Note: If any mobile siren unit should fail or need maintenance. immedi-ately contact Cooper Nuclear Station at $ . in order to effect repairs. N# t N._; 1 ?rocedure Number 5.7.27 lnate l stevininn 1 lpn., 1 nr i pa,- w4 a. m y, ,.,m.c _-_.-..v,% _,,,r-,- .,m, ,w,.,_ ..,,.,,.g.,,.m,w,q p-

COOPER NUCLEAR STATION OPERATIONS MANUAL ATTACHMENT "I" EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE 5.7.27 EARLY WARNING SYSTEM ( -q ROCK PORT VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT - MOBILE SIREN PROCEDURE This procedure outlines the steps to be taken in the event the Backup Mobile ~ Siren System is activated. The Early Warning System for emergencies at Cooper Nuclear Station consists of fixed sirens located in the communities ~ within the Emergency Planning Zone to alert residents to tune to the Emer-gency Broadcast System 4Hz for emergency information and EBS cone activated radios to alert rural residents. If the Backup Mobile Siren Sy-stem is deemed necessary, the Sheriff will sound the fire siren or contact the Fire Chief and request the Fire Department to activate the mobile sirens. l Please be aware that this system may also be used for floods, tornados, or other similar disasters. 4 1. The Rock Port Volunteer Firemen will be notified of an emergency by the i Atchison County Sheriff who will contact then directly over their pagers by use of the tone encoder located in the Sheriff's Office. The Sher-iff's Office telephone number is s 2. The volunteers should then proceed to the Fire House, mount the mobile units, if not already mounted, and prepare to drive their prescribed routes in accordance with the following: Before leaving the Fire House activate the mobile siren to verify a. ~s its operability. b. Obtain designated route. The driver will drive at normal speeds and as he approaches a house-c. hold or person he/she will slow down to less than 30 mph and make this public announement PLEASE TURN TO YOUR EMERGENCY BRCADCASTING STATION FOR EMERGENCY INFORMATION. d. Af ter completing the prescribed route, the driver will return to the Fire House, deenergize his siren, and inform the volunteer who stayed in the, Fire House that he as completed the route. 3. When all routes are complete, call the Atchison County Sheriff by tele-phone at- .-donfirming the completion of routes. 4. If any routes do not have drivers to cover them, the Fire House will contact the Atchison County Sheriff at '. requesting a driver under the mutual aid understandin'g. Note: If any mobile siren unit should fail 'or need maintenance, immedi-ately contact Cooper Nuclear Station at' . in order to effect repairs. t e, s_ s 'rocedura Nimhar 5.7.27 l n c. lo.i,4.<n, 1 lo... i og 1

i COOPER NUCLEAR STATION OPERATIONS MANUAL /LTTAEMMENT "J" l EMERCENCY PLAN ~ IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE 5.7.27 EARLY WARNING SYSTEM r (m WATSON VOLU!EEER FIRE DEPARTMENT - MOBILE SIREN PROCEDURE i l This procedure outlines the steps to be taken in the event the Backup Mobile Siren System is activated. The Early Warning System for emergencies at { Cooper Nuclear Station consists of fixed sirens located in the communities within the Emergency Planning Zone to alert residents to tune to the Emer-l i-gency Broadcast System. dz for. emergency information and EBS cone { activated radios to alert rural residents. If the Backup Mobile Siren Sy-i stem is deemed necessary, the Sheriff will sound the fire siren or contact the Fire Chief and request the Fire Department to activate the mobile sirens. t Please be aware that this system may also be used for floods, tornados, or l i other similar disasters. 1. The first volunteer to arrive at the Fire House will contact the Atchi-i 4 j son County Sheriff in Rock Port, Missouri by telephone at ~ or by using the base radio. This person will be informed oy cne Sheriff that there is an. emergency in progress at Cooper Nuclear Sta-tion and that the Watson Volunteer Fire Department personnel will drive their notification routes. 2. The first volunteer in the Fire House may remain there to inform the -( other volunteers as they arrive of the reason for the siren activation and what theiu required actions are. [ (' 3. The volunteers will then mount the mobile sirens, if not already mounted, ( and prepare to drive their prescribed routes in accordance with,the following: 1 i Before leaving the Fire House activate the mobile siren to verify a. its operability. b. Obtain designated route. The driver will drive at normal speeds and as he approaches a house-c. hold or person he will slow down to less than 30 mph and make this public announcement PLEASE TURN TO YOUR EMERGENCY BROADCASTING STA-j TION FOR EMERGENCY INFORMATION. l i d. After completing the prescribed route, the driver will return to the Fire House, deenergize his siren, and inform the volunteer who l stayed in the Fire House that he has completed the route. i 4. When all routes are 'comolete, call the Atchison County Sheriff by tele-f phone at N _ ,ar base radio, confirming the completion of i o routes. e 'o 5. If any routes do not have drivers to cover them, the Fira House will 'i contact the Atchison County Sheriff a't'. ' 7 dequesting.a ~ driver under the mutual aid understanding. (. Note: If any mobile siren unit should fail or. need_maint.enance immediately .j. contact Cooper Nuclear Station at _T-l'in order to effect s repairs. N " Y l i 1 .'rocedure Nunber 5.7.27 '!nat, la,vilinn 1 lpm.. 1 nr 1 p....

COOPER NUCLEAR STATION OPERATIONS MANUAL 3 ATTAplDiENT "K" ' EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE 5.7.27 EARLY WARNING SYSTEM -g NEMAHA COUNTY SHERIFF - MOBILE SIREN PROCEDURE l The siren routes are to be run in the event of activation of the prompt alerting system: 1. Dispatch two personnel in siren and public announcement equipped ve-j hicles to cover the designated routes. i 2. Before leaving, activate the mobile siren to verify its operability, i 3. Obtain designated route. { r 4. The driver will drive at normal speeds and as he approaches a house-hold or person he will slow down to less than 30 mph and make this public announcement PLEASE TURN TO YOUR EMERGENCY BROADCASTING STA-TION FOR EMERGENCY INFORMATION. 5. When the route has been completed, contact the Sheriff and inform him of completion of the route. e l i i + l e ' f \\ - l me. lo.J4.4n, 1 lo,.. ~1 as 1 o...<; l 'rocedure %mber 9.7.77 y



( RICHARDSON COUNTY SHERIFF - MOBILE SIREN PROCEDURE i The siren route is to be run in the event of activation of the prompt I alerting system: 1. Dispatch personnel in siren and public announcement equipment vehicle to cover the designated routes in the Shubert area. i l 2. Before leaving, activate the mobile siren to verify its operability. l 3. Obtain designated route. l 4. The driver will drive at normal speeds and as he approaches a house-hold or person he will slow down to less than 30 mph and make this public announcement PLEASE TURN TO YOUR EMERGENCY BROADCASTING STA-TION FOR EMERGENCY INFORMATION. 5. When the route has been completed, contact the Sheriff and inform him of completion of the route. e t e a r 1 i e f. \\ d 4 er pp

COOPER trUCLEAR STATION OPERATIONS MANUAL ATTACHMENT "M" r EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE 5.7.27 l EARLY WARNING SYSTEM i INDIAN CAVE STATE PARK-MOBILE SIREN PROCEDURE I l In the event of an emergency at Cooper Nuclear Station or any emergency I where notification of visitors to the Indian Cave State Park is deemed necessary by local and state emergency response personnel, the following should be observed: i i i 1. The Nemaha County Sheriff will contact the Indian Cave State Park Rangers by telephone or radio and inform them of the emergency situ-i ation. 2. The Park Rangers will then drive throughout the park with mobile siren units and with the use of the PA system instruct visitors to PLEASE TURN TO YOUR EMERGENCY BROADCASTING STATION FOR EMERGENCY INFORMATION, or whatever emergency instructions the Park Rangers wish to convey. 3. Af ter notification of visitors of the park is completed, the Park Ranger should radio the Nemaha County Sheriff and inform him of the completion C notification and status of any emergency actions. Note: If the mobil siren units should fail during their monthly test or { need maintenance, contact the Cooper Nuclear Station Maintenance Supervisor during normal working hours or the Control Room Shift Supervisor during non-working hours at. In order to effect repairs. ~ 1 ) t a (. l ' s' i .I 5.7.27 lnar. '.2 ln.wi. inn l 'rocedure Number 1 l9... 1 nr 1 p. .e

s... COOPER NUCLEAR STATION OPERATIONS MANUAL ATTACHMENT "N" ,EMERCENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE 5.7.27 EARLY WARNING SYSTL'M EBS TONE ACTIVATED RADIO OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS This Emergency Warning Monitor is provided for your safety by NPPD: 1. Operation. i a. Plug the unit in. b. Turn the unit on. c. Set the volume d. Press and release the red button. 2. Battery test. a. Press the white button, b. The battery test light should illuminate. If it does not, the batteries need to be replaced. 3. Operation test. a. Press and hold the red button. / b. . Listen for the station's broadcast. c. Release the button. Note: After activation by EBS attention tone, the radio will stay-on until it is MANUALLY reset by pressing and releasing the red button. To report system failure or for further information call. G 4 I a j (,..,! 5 'rocedure Weber 5.7.27 lnar. 'lv.J<.<n. lp,.. ~ 1 1 or g no,,,

l .. ~ _ _ _ f ( A, j gg n 1 a ;= e 5d " 5. .w i@k m i I q i5 ~ M i *-4 g l *ti u 3 i Eo ? f, f /

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s, / f [? .r ; ^ fj/, g.. v 5, 9 r 0 0 / ~ / - t L. ) 1" EMERGENCY WARNING MONITOR u a i l N' o O a hh b J i f M* [

6 O~
i This radio receiver is being supplied to you by Nebraska Public Power OPERATION:

A. !r District as your personal 24-hour EMERGENCY WARNING MONITOR. It The Redi-Alert receiver a.s meant to function as a WARNING MONITOR. p: wdl silently monitor the primary Emergency Broadcast System (EDS) g r4 NOT as a REGULAR RADIO. ]- station for your area. The unit is activated by a special signal from the EBS radio station. This means that your household will receive emergency follow these steps to make the unit operational g i warnings as they are being broadcast.

1. Choose a location where the emergency warning would most likely be e

!w Government officials are responsible for providing notification and heard. ] y I warning to an area in the event of an emergency. Tnis radioIS NOT a (Place the unit on a countertop. she!!. night stand. or some area whero st is

  • U replacement for siren systems or other warning methods. It is a not hkely to be bumped.)

N SUPPLEMENT to these methods and will provide additional warning / noti-

2. Plug the unit in.

E fication capability to certain rural areas.

3. Turn the unit ON.

i Your monitor is capable of receiving EBS broadcasts concerning: (Be sure that station reception is CLEAR. The receiver may have to be 5 n E Tests of the EBS System turned or even moved to a dillerent location to assure clear reception.) 8 8 a Flash Flood Warnings

4. Turn the volume to a LOUD level.

f;y a Tornado Warnings

5. PRESS and RELEASE the RED reset button on the' top of the receiver.

a3 a Local Emergencies (This places the unit in the SILENT monitoring mode. The PRESS and M 8 a National Emergencies RELEASE of the RED resol button willalso SILENCE the unit following an p e EMERGENCIES AT COOPER NUCLEAR STATION EBS broadcast.) gi

o I'

OPERATIONAL TEST: The primary EBS station for your area may be alerted nationaHy by the y, president. on a statewide basis by the governor or his designated represen-The Redi-Alert receiver may be checked from time to time by PRESSING u tative, and on the locallevel by individuals authorized by the local EDS plan. and HOLDING the RED reset button. lf it is operating properly. you will hear d y The EBS stations have special equipment that can be activated when they the radio station's broadcast. Release of the button will return the unit to the o ie are notified of an 6mergency. When the station is notified, regular broad-SILENT monitoring mode. -U l? casts are suspended and the special EBS Attention Tone is transmitted. o j t. This tone alerts people listening to the station. and automatically tums on j1 your warning monitor. Immediately af ter the Attention Tone the announcer NOTE: The ONLY way the receiver is AUTOAfA T/CALLY activated is by s ll will broadcast a message about the particular emergency. the EBS Attention Tone irom the radio station. This tone may signal fG a periodic test of the EBS System or it may be a signalfor an emer-e o The primary EBS Station to which your radio has permanently been tuned: gency. A broadcast following the tone wsileuplain the situation or ' '4 5 I NEBRASKA RESIDENTS announce the test. The unit will continue to play until it is c OM AH A............. (AM Radio Dial) MAWAMreset. After the message is completed, you may return &f the unit to the SILENT monitoring mode by PRESSING and y B MISSOURI RESIDENTS RELEASING the RED reset button. ?! p O ST. JOSEPH....... (AM Radio Dlat) vi ! a-CPERATING INSTRUCTIONS da


Q The Redi-Alert receiver is designed to operate from normal household 110 voit power, utilizing the DC converter attached to the power plug. The unit lf your Redi-Alert unit fails to operate contact g vor further i also contains a battery pack to provice emergency poweril there ls a power instructions. failure. The WHITE button on top of the unit is a BATTERY TEST feature. I> When the unit is plugged into 110 volt power DEPRESS THE WHITE If you are movino out of the 10-mile radius of Cooper Nuclear Station. BUTTON. If the BATTERY TEST light illuminates. the batteries are at full contacto. .snd NPPDwillarrangeforsomeonetopick upyour voltage. If it fails to illuminate. it will be necessary to replace the batteries. Redi-Alert unit.'"- Id j i !? I i}}