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Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept Sequoyah Nuclear Plant 1991
Person / Time
Site: Sequoyah  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1991
From: Joshua Wilson
NUDOCS 9205040263
Download: ML20095K012 (125)


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  • Segn, ri Na e V:s A April 28, 1992 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission ATTN:- Document Control Desk Washington, D.C.

20555 Gentlemen: 'In the Matter of ) Docket Nos. 50-327 Teanessee. Valley Authority ) 50-328 SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT (SQN) - ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING' REPORT In accordance with Technical Specification for SQN Units 1 and 2, enclosed is the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report for 1991.. No comitments are contained in this submittai. Please direct questions concerning this issue to W. C. Ludwig at (615) 843-7460. Sincerely, &~ L.-Wilson Enclosure cc: See page 2 f,se - 4 ~ L $$518SI!M5fohj7 /

o. \\ U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page'2 April 28;.1992 8 Enclosure cc (Enclosure): - Mr. D. E. LaBarge, Project Manager U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission One White Flint, North 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, Maryland _- 20852 NRC Resident' Inspector Sequoyah Nuclear Plant 2600 Igou Ferry Road Soddy Daisy,-Tennessee 37379 9

U Mr. B. A. Wilson, Project Chief l-U.S -Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region'II 101 Marietta Street, NW, Suite 2900 Atlanta, Georgia 30323


Nuclear Operations / Technical Programs Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Sequoyah Nuclear Plant 1991


L l 1 I TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents......................... 11 List of Tables iv List of Figures.......................... v Executive Summary......................... 1 Introduction 2 Naturally Occurring and Background Radioactivity...... 2 Electric Power Production 5 Site / Plant Description 8 Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program 10 Direct Radiation Monitoring.................... 14 Heasurement lechniques............. 14 Results 15 Atmospheric Honitoring 18 Sample Collection and Analysis................. 18 Results 19 i; Terrestrial Monitoring 21 Sample Collection and Analysis.......... 22 Results 23 Aquatic Honitoring 26 r Sample Collection and Analysis................. 26 Results 28 Assessment and Evaluation..................... 31 Results 32 Conclusions 33 References' 34 Appendix A Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program and Sampling Locations 39 Appendix B 1991 Program Hodifications 52 11

1 / Appendix C Hissed Sample; and Analyses.............. 54 Appendix D Analytical Procedures................. 58 Appendix E Nominal Lower Limits of Detection (LLD) 61 Appendix f Quality Assurance / Quality Control Program....... 67 Appendix G Land Use Survey.................... 75 Appendix H Data Tables...................... 81 c !ii

LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Maximum Permissible Concentrations for Honoccupational Exposure................ 35 Table 2 Maximum Dose Due to Radioactiv Effluent Releases........................ 35 Y iv

LIST OF FIGURES l r Figure 1 Tennessee Valley Region................. 37 Figure 2 Environmental Exposure Pathways of Man Due 38 to Releases of Radioactive Materials to the Atmosphere and Lake V



This report describes the environmental radiological monitoring program conducted by TVA in the vicinity of the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant in 1991. The program includes the collection of samples from the environment and -the determination of the concentrations of radioactive materials in the samples. Samples are taken from stations in the general area of the plant and from areas not influenced by plant operations. Station locations are selected after careful consideration of the weather patterns and projected radiation doses to the various areas around tha plant. Material sampled includes air, water, milk, foods, vegetation, soll, fish, sediment, and direct radiation levels. Results from stations near the plant are compared with concentrations from control stations and with preoperational measurements to determlae potential impacts of plant operations. The vast majority of the exposures calculated from environmental samples were contributed by naturally occurring adioactive materials or from materials commonly found in the environnent as a result of atmospheric nuc'iear weapons fallout. Small amounts of Co-58, Co-60 and Cs-134 were found in sediment samples downstream from the plant. This activity in strean sediment would result in no measurable increase over background in the dose to the general public. ______ __ _ - ___ ___-___-__ -

INTRODUCTION This report describes and sunmarizes a large volume of data, the results of theusands of measurements and laboratory analyses. The measurements are made to comply with regulations and to determine potential effects on pubilt health and safety. This report satisfies the annual repcrting requirements of the SQN Technical Speelfication In 6ddition, estimates of the maximum potential doses to the surrounding population are made from radioactivity measured both in plant effluents and la envlionmental samples. Some of the data presented are prescribed by specific r?quirements while other data 're included which may be usaful or interesting to individuals who do not work with this material rcutinely Naturally OccurrinQ and Background Radioactivity Host materials in our world contain trace amounts of naturally occurring radioactivity. Approximately 0.01 percent of all potassium is radioactive potas sium-40. Potasstura-40 (K-40), with a half-life of 1.3 billion years, is one of the major types of radioactive materials found naturally in our environment. An individual weighing 150 pounds contains about 140 grams of potassium (reference 1). This is equivalent to approximately 100,000 pC) of K-40 which delivers a dose of 15 to 20 mrem per year to the bone and soft tissue of the body. Naturally occurring radioactive m&terials have always been in our environment. Other examples of naturally occurring radioactive materials are bismuth-212 and 214, lead 212 and 214, thallium-208, actinium-228, uranium-238, uranium-235, thorium-234, radium-226, radon-222, carbon-14, and hydrogen-3 (generally called tritium). These naturally occurring radioactive materials are in the soll, our food, our drinking water, and our bodies. __________ - __ - _ _ -

The radiation from these materials makes up a part of the low-level natural background radiation. The remainder of the natural background radiation comes frce outer space. He are all exposed to this natural radiation 24 hours per day. l The average dose equivalent at sea level resulting from radiation from outer space (part of natural background radiation) is about 27 mrem / year. This essentially doubles with each 6600-foot increase in altitude in the lower atmosphere. Another part of natural background radiation comes from naturally occurring radioactive materials in the soil and rocks. Because the quantity of naturally occurring radi' active material varies according to geographical , location, the part of the natural background radiation coming from this radioactive material also depends upon the geographical location. Host of the f. remainder of the natural background radiation comes from the radioactive materials within each individual's body. We absorb these materials from the food we eat which contains naturally occurring radioactive materials from the l soil. An example of this is K-40 as described above. Even building materials affect the natural b6ckground radiation levels in the environment. Living or working in a building which is largely made of earthen material, such as concrete or brick, will generally result in a higner natural background radiation level than would exist if the same structure were made of wood. This is due to the naturally occurring radioisotopes in the concrete or brick, such as trace amounts of uranium, radium, thorium, etc. Because the city of Denver, Colorado, is over 1000 feet in altitude and the soll and rocks there contain more radioactive material than the U.S. average,the people of Denver receive around 350 mrem / year total natural 1 - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - - _. - _ _ - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

background radiation dose equivalent compared to about 295 mrem / year for the national average. People ir, some locations of the world receive over 1000 rrem/ year natural background radiation dose equivalent, primarily because of the greater quantity of radioactive materials in the soil and rocks in those

ocations. Scientists have never been able to show that these levels of railiation have caused physical ha"m to anyone.

It is possible to get an idea of the relative hazard of different types of radiation sources by evaluating the annunt of radiation the U.S. population receives from each general type of radiation source. The information below is primarily adapted from references 2 and 3. U.S, GENERAL F0PULATION AVERAGE DOSE EQUIVALENT ESTIMATES ~ Source Millirem / Year Per Person Natural background dose equivalent Cosmi 27 Cosmogenic 1 Terrestrial 28 In the body 39 Radon 200 Total 295 Release of radioactive material in 5 natural gas, mining, ore processing, etc. Medical (effective dose equivalent) 53 Nuclear weapons fallout less than 1 Nuclear energy 0.28 Consumer products 0.03 Total 355 (approximately) _4_

As can be seen from the table, natural background radiation dose equivalent to the U.S. population normally exceeds that from nuclear plants by several hundred times. This indicates that nuclear plant operations normally result in a population radiation dose equivalent which is insignificant compared to that which results from natural background radiation. It should be noted that the use of radiation and radioactive materials for medical uses has resulted in a similar effective dose equivalent to the U.S. population as that caused by natural background cosmic and terrestrial radiation. Significant oiscussion recently has centered around exposures from radon. Radon is an inert gas given off as a result of the decay of naturally occurring radium-226 in soil. When dispersed in the atmosphere, radon concentrations are relatively low. However, when the gas is trapped in closed spaces, it can build up until concentrations become significant. The National Council of Radiation Protection and Measurements (reference 2) has estimated that the average annual effective dose equivalent from radon in tne United -States is approximately 200 mrsm/ year. This estimated dose is approximately twice the average dose equivalent from all other natural background sources. Electric Power Production Nuclear power plants are similar in many respects to conventional coal burning (or other fossil fuel) electrical generating plants. The basic process behind electrical power production in both types of plants is that fuel is used to heat water to produce steam which provides the force to turn turbines and generators. However, nuclear plants include many complex systems to control the nuclear fission proce:s and to safeguard against the possibility of reactor malfunction, which could lead to the release of radioactive materials. 1 _-

p Very small amounts of these fission and activation products are released into the plant systems. This radioactive material can be transported throughout plant syrtems and some of it released to the environment. All paths through which r3dimctivity is released are monitored. Liquid and gaseous effluent monitors record the radiation levels for each release. These monitors also provide alarming mechanisms to allow for termination of any release above limits. Releases are monitored at the onsite points of release and through an environmental monitoring program which measures the environmental radiation in outlying areas around the plant. In this way, not only is the release of radioactive materials from the plant tightly controlled, but measurements are mde in surrounding areas to verify that the population is not being exposed to significant levels of radiation or radioactive materials. The SQN Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (00CM), which is required by the plant Technical Specifications, prescribes limits for the release of radicactive effluents, as well as doses to the general public from the release of these effluents. Additional limits are set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for doses to the public. The dose to a member of the general public from radioactive materials released to unrestricted areas, as given in the Offsite Oose Calculation Manual, are limited to the following: - - _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -_ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _

h l Linuid Effluents Total body <3 mrem / year Any organ (10 mrem / year -Ga;eous Effluents I Noble gases: Gamma radiation 1 0 mrad / year 1 Beta radiation 120 mrad / year Particulates: Any organ 115 mrem / year The_ EPA limits for the total dose to the public in the vicinity of a nuclear pcwer plant, established in the Environmental Dose Standard of 40 CFR 190, are as follows. Total body 25 mrem / year Thyroid 75 mrem / year Any other organ 25 mrem / year L In addition, 10 CFR 20.106 provides maximum permissible concentrations (M?Cs) for radioactive materials released to unrestricted areas. MPCs for the principal radionuclides associated with nuclear power plant effluents are presented in table 1. _ _ - _ _ - - _ _ -. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ - _ _ - - - _ _ _ - - - - - - - - -

SITE / PLANT DESCRIPTION The SQN is located on a site near the geographical center of Hamilton county, Tennessee, on a peninsula on the western shore of Chickamauga Lake at Tennessee River Mile (TRM) 484.5. Figure I shows the site in relation to (4 other TVA projects. The SQN site, containing approximately 525 acres, is approximately 7.5 miles northeast of the nearest city limit of Chattanooga, Tennessee, 14 miles west-northwest of Cleveland, Tennessee, and approximately 31 miles south-southwest of TVA's Hatts Bar Nuclear Plant (HBN) site. Population is distributed rather unevenly within 10 miles of the SQN site. Approximately 60 percent of the population is in the general area between 5 and 10 miles from the plant in the sectors ranging from the SSH, clockwise, to the NH sector. This concentration is a reflection of suburban Chattanooga and the town of Soddy-Daisy. This area is characterized by considerable vacant land with scattered residential subdivisions. The northern extent of the l residential development is approximately 2 miles from the site. The population of the Chattanooga urbanized area is ovt. 250,000, while Soddy-Daisy has approximately 10,000 people. With the exception of the community of Soddy-Daisy, the areas west, north, and east of the plant are sparsely settled. Development consists of scattered semirural and rural dwellings with associated small-scale farming. At least one dairy farm is located within a 10-mile radius of the plant. Chickamauga Reservoir is one of a series of highly controlled multiple-use reservoirs whose primary uses are fload control, navigation, and the l 1

generation of electric power. Secondary uses-include _ industrial and public . water supply and waste disposal, commercial fishing._and recreation. Public access areas, boat docks, and residential subdivisions have been developed along the reservoir shoreline. SQN consists of two pressurized water reactors: each unit is rated at 1171 megawatts (electrical). Fuel was loaded in unit 1 on March 1, 1980, and the unit achieved critically on July 5, 1980. Fuel was loaded in unit 2 in July 1981, and the unit achieved initial criticality on November 5,1981. The plant, shut down in August 1985, was restarted in 1988.

i ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOLOGICAL HONITORING PROG M The unique environmental concern associated with a nuclear power plant is its production of radioactive materials and radiation. The vast majority of this radiation and radioactivity is contained within the reactor itself or one of the other plant systems designed to keep the material in the plant. The retention of the materials in each level of control is achieved by system engineering, design, constrJction, and operation. Environmental monitoring is a final verification that the systems are performing as planned. The monitoring program is designed to check the pathways between the plant and the people in the immedit.e vicinity and to most efficiently monitor these pathways. Sample types are chosen so that the potential for detection of radioactivity in the environment vill be maximized. The environmental radiological monitoring program is outlined in appendix A. There are two primary pathways by which radioactivity can move through the environment to humans: air and water (see figure 2). The air pathway can be separated into two components: the d: rect (airborne) pathway and the indirect (ground or terrestrial) pathway. The direct airborne pathway consists of direct radiation and inhalation by humans. In the terrestrial pathway, radioactive materials may be deposited on the ground or on plants and subsequently be ingested by aninials and/or humans. Human exposure through the liquid pathway may result from drinking water, eating fish, or by direct exposure at the shoreline. The types of samples collected in this program are designed to monitor these pathways. l _

l A number of factors were considered in determining the locations for collecting environmental samples. The locations for the atmospheric monitoring stations were determined from a critical pathway analysis based on weather patterns, dose projections, population distribution and land use. Terrestrial sampling stations were selected after reviewing such things as the locations of dairy animals and gardens in conjunction with the air pathway analysis. Liquid pathway stations were selected based on dose projections, water use information, and availability of media such as fish and sediment. Table A-2 lists the sampling stations and the types of samples collected from each. No modifications were made to the program in '991. Exceptions to the sampling and analysis schedule are presented in appendix C. ~ To determine the amount of radioactivity in the environment prior to the operation of SQN, a preoperational environmental radiological monitoring program was initiated in 1971 and operated until the plant began operation in 1980. Measurements of the same types of radioactive materials that are measured currently were assessed during the preoperational phase to establish normal background levels for various radionuclides in the environment. The prooperational monitoring program is a very important part of the overall program. During the 1950s, 60s, and 70s, atmospheric nuclear weapons testing released radioactive material to the environment causing fluctuations in the natural background radiation levels. This radioactive material is the same type as that produced in the SQN reactors. Preoperational knowledge of natural radionuclide patterns in the environment permits a determination, .through comparison and trending analyses, of whether the operation of SQN is impacting the environment and thus the surrounding population. 1 __- _ -

I I The determination of impact during the operating phase also considers the presence of control stations that have been established in the environment. Results of environmental samples taken at control stations (far from the plant) are compared with those from indicator stations (near the plant) to estabitsh the extent of SQN influence. All samples are analyzed by the radioanalytical laboratory of TVA's Environmental Radiological Monitoring and Instrumentation Department located at the Western Area Radiological Laboratory (WARL) in Muscle Shoals, Alabama. All analyses are conducted in accordance with written and approved procedures and are based on accepted methods. A summary of the analysis techniques and methodology is presented in appendix D. Data tables summarizing the sample analysis results are presented in appendix H. The sophisticated radiation detection devices used to determine the .radionuclide content of samples collected in the environment are generally quite sensitive to small amounts of radioactivity. In the field of radiation measurement, the sensitivity of the measurement process is discussed in terms of the lower limit of detection (LLD). A description of the nominal LLDs for the radioanalytical laboratory is presented in appendix E. The radioanalytical laboratory employs a comprehensive quality assurance / quality control program to monitor laboratory performance throughc'It the year. The program is intended to detect any problems in the measurement process as soon b possible so they can be corrected. This program includes equipment checks to ensure that the complex radiation detection devices are working properly and the analysis of soecial samples which are included -~~~-~


31ongside routine environmental samples.

In addition, samples spilt with the Environmental Protection Agency and with the State of Tennessee provide an independent ver!fication of the overall performance of the laboratory. A complete description of the program is presented in appendix F.

i DIRECT RADIATION HONITORING Direct radiation levels are measured at a number of stations around the plant site. These measurements include contributions from cosmic radiation, radioactivity in the ground, fallout from atmospheric nuclear weapons tests conducted in the past, and any radioactivity that may be present as a result of plant operations. Because of the relative large variations in background radiation as compared to the small levels from the plant, contributions from the plant may be difficult to distinguish. Radiation levels measured in the area around the SQN site in 1991 were consistent with leveh; from previous years and with levels measured at other locations in the region. Measurement Techniaues Direct radiation measurements are made with thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs). When certain materials are exposed to ionizing radiation, many of the electrons which become displaced are trapped in the crystalline structure of the material. They remain trapped for long periods of time as long as the material is not heated. When heated (thermo-), the electrons are released, along with a pulse of light (-luminescence). The intensity of the light pulse is directly proportional to the radiation to which the material was exposed. Katerials which display these characteristics are used in the manufacture of TLDs. From 1968 through 1989, TVA used a Victoreen dosimeter consistino of a manganese activated calcium fluoride (Ca2F:Mn) TLD material encased in a glass bulb. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _

In 1989,,TVA began-the process of changing from the Victoreen dostmeter to the Panasonic.Model U0-814 dostmeter, and completely changed to the Panasonic dosimeter in 1990. This dostmeter contains four elements consisting of one lithium borate and three calcium sulfah phosphors. The calcium -ulfate phosphors are shielded by approximately 1000 mg/cm' plastic and lead to compensate for the over-response of the detector to low energy radiation. The TLDs are placed approximately 1 meter above the ground, with three TI'>s at each station. Sixteen stations are located around the plar.t near the ste boundary, one station in each of the 16 sectors. Dostmeters are also placed at the perimeter and remote air monitoring sites and at 19 additional stations out te approximately 32 miles from the site. The TLDs are exchanged every 3 months and the accumulated exposure on the detectors is read with a Panasonic Model UD '/10A automatic reader interfaced with a Hewlett Packard Model 9000 computer system. I Since the calcium sulfate phospho, is much more sensitive that the lithium borate, the measured exposure is taken as the median of the results obtained from the nine calcium sulfate phosphors in three detectors. The values are corrected for gamma response, system variations, and transit exposure, with Individual gamma response calibrations for each element. The system meets or exceeds the performance specifications outlined in Regulatory Guide 4.13 for environmentt, applications of TLDs. Results-All results are normalized to a standard quarter (91.25 days or 2190 hours). The stations are grouped according to the distance from the plant. The first group consists of all stations within 1 mile of the plant. The second group lies between I and 2 miles, the third group between 2 and 4 miles, the fourth between 4 and 6 miles, and the fifth group is made up of all stations greater-than 6 miles from the plant. Past data have shown that the results from all stations more than 2 miles from the plant are essentially the same. Therefore, for purposes of this report, all stations 2 miles or less from the plant are identified as "onsite" stations and all others are considered "offsite." Prior to 1976, direct radiation measurements in the environment were made with dosimeters that were not as precise at lower exposures. Consequently, environmental radiation levels reported in the early years of the preoperational phase of the monitoring program exceed current measurements of background radiation levels. For this reason, data collected prior to 1976 are not included in this report. The quarterly gamma radiation levels determined from the TLDs deployed around SQN in 1991 are given in table H-1. The rounded average annual exposures are shown below. For comparison purposes, the average direct radiation measurements made in the preoperational phase of the monitoring program are also shown. Annual Average Direct Radiation Levels SQN mR/ year Preoperational 1991 Average Onsite Stations 59 79 Offsite Stations 51 63 _.

The data in table 4-1 indicate that the average quarterly radiation levels at the SON onsite stations are approximately 2 mR/ quarter higher than levels at the offsite stations. This_ difference is also noted in the preoperational phase and in the stations at WBN and other nonoperating TVA nuclear power plant-construction sites where the average levels onsite are generally 2-6 mR/ quarter higher than levels offsite. The causes of these differences have not been isolated; however, it is postulated that the differences are probably attributable to combinations of influences such as natural variations in environmental radiation levels, earth-moving activities onsite, and the mass of concrete employed in the construction of the plant. Other undetermined influences may also play a part. These conclusions are supported by the fact that similar differences between onsite and offsite stations were measured in the vicinity of the Watts Bar Nuclear Plant construction site. Figure H-1 compares plots of the data from the onsite or site boundary stations with those from the offsite stations over the period from 1976 through 1991. To reduce the seasonal variations present in the data sets, a 4-quarter moving average was constructed for each data set. Figure H-2 presents a trend plot of the direct radiation levels as defined by the moving averages..The data-follow the same general trend as the raw data, but the curves are smoothed' considerably. l All results reported in 1991 are consistent with direct radiation levels identified at locations which are not influenced by the operation of SQN. There is no indication that SQN activities increased the background radiation levels normally observed in the areas surrounding the plant. l ! i-_ L

ATHOSPHERIC HOP.!TORING The atmospheric m nitoring f.:twork is divided into three groups identified as local, perimeter, and remte. Four local ah monitoring stations ar: located on or adjacent to the plant site in the general directions of greatest wind frequenry. Four perimeter air monitoring stations are located in cc'meJ ities out to about 10 miles from the plant, and four remote air mon 2 tors are located out to 20 miles. The m nitoring program and the locattens of monitoring stations are identified in the tables end figures of appendix A. The remote stations are used as control or baseline stations. Results from the analysis of samples in the atmospheric pathway are presented in tables H-2 and H-3. Radioactivity levels identified in this' reporting parlod are consistent with background and radlonuclides produced as a result of fallout from previous nuclear weapons tests. There is no indication of an increase in atmosphe/lc radioactivity as a result of SQN. 1 . Sam 2 e Collection and Analysis Alc particulates are collected by continuously sampling air at a ' low rate of approximately 2 cubic feet per minute (:fm) through a 2-inch Hollingsworth and Vose LB5211 glass fiber filter. The sampllrig system consists of a pump, a-magnehelle gauge for measuring the drop in pressure across the system, and a . dry gas. meter. This allows an accurate determination of the volume of air pa Wing through the filter. This system is housed in a building approximately 2 feet by 3 feet by 4 feet. The filter is contained in a sampling' head mour,ted on the outside of -the 'nonitor building. The filter is replaced every 7 days, Each filter is analyzed for gross beta activity about 3 days after collectton to allow time for the radon daughters to decay.._

.. _ _ _. _ - ~ _ __

Every 4 weeks composites o# the filters from each location are analyzed by gamma spectroscopy.

Gaseous radiotoftne is collected using a commercially available cartridge containing TEDA-impregnated charcoal. This system is designed to collect lodine in both the elemental form and as organic compounds. The cartridge is located in the same sampling head as the air particulate filter and is i downstream of the particulate filter. The cartridge is changed at the same time as the particulate filter and samples the same volume of air. Each { cartridge is analyzed for I-131. If activity above a specified limit is detected, a comnlete gamma spectroscopy analysis is performsd. 1 Rainwaic is col:ected by use of a collection tray attached to the monitor building. The co; W tion tray is piotected from debris by a screen' cover. As water drains from tne tray, it is collected in one of two 5-gallon containers tr. side the monitor building. A 1-gallon sample is removed from the container every 4 weeks. Any excess water is discarded. Rainwater samplet are held to be analyzed only if the air particulate samples indicate the presence of elevated activity levels or if fallout is expected. For example, rainwater samples were analyzed during the period of tallout following the accident at

Chernobyl in 1986. No rainwater sampics from SQN were analyzed in this reporting pert'd.

o Results The results from the analysis of air particalate samples are sumarized in table H-2. Gross beta activity in 1991 was consistent with levels reported in previous years. The average level at indicator and control stations cas 0.0 S and 0.020 pCl/m', respectively. 1 ' I ~ -,.,-..-,,,,-..m 9 ._ty -.,,.,, y

The annual averages of the gross beta activity in air particulate filters at these stations for the years 1971-1991 are presented in figure H-3. Increased levels due to fallout from atmospheric nuclear weapons testing are evident, especially in 1971, 1977, 1978, and 1981. Evidence of a small increase resulting from the Chernobyl accident can also be seen it 1986. These patterns are consistent with data from monitoring programs conducted by TVA at nonoperating nuclear power. plant construction sites. Only natural radioactive materials were identified by the monthly gamma spectral analysis of the air particulate samples. No fission or activation products were found at levels greater than the LLDs. As shown in table H-3, iodine-131 was detected in eleven charcoal canister samples at a level slightly. higher than the nominal LLD. The highest levels reported are 0.034 and 0.030 pCl/m', respect'vely, for indicator and control stations. Gamma spectral analyses of these samples indice+ed that the positive values were a result of interference l' rom radon daughters in the samples. t 1 ~20-

TJ.RRESTRI Al MONITORING i Terrestrial monitoring is accompilshed by collecting samples of environmental media that may transport radioactive material from the atmosphere to humans. For example, radioactive material may be deposited on a vegetable garden and be ingested along with the vegetables or it may be deposited on pasture gry s where dairy cattle are grazing. When the cow ingests the radioactive material, some of it may be in the milk and consumed by Sumans who drink the milk.- Therefore, samples of milk. vegetation, soll, and food crops are collected and analyzed to determine potential impacts from exposure to this pathway. The results. rom the analysis of these samples are shown in tables H-4 through H-12. A land use survey :t condu ted annually to locate milk producing animals and gardens within a 5-nale radius of the plant. One dairy farm is located at a distance of about 4 miles northeast of the plant. Another dairy farm was identified in the 1991 survey at a distance of about 5 miles east of the plant.. Three farms with at least one milk producing animal hava been identified within 5 miles of the plant. Projected doses to people drinking milk from the farm located 5 'ntles east of the plant are lower than the estimated doses at any of the other milk locations, therefore, this farm has not been included in the monitoring program. The dairy located about 4 miles northeast of the plant and the farms near the plant are considered indicator stations and routinely provide mt!k and/or vegetation samples. The results of the 1991 land use survey are presented in appendix G. . =.

Sample Collection and Analysis Milk samples are purchased every 2 weeks from the datry, from two of the farms within 5 miles of the plant and from at least one of three control dairies. These samples are placed on ice for transport to the radioanalytical laboratory. A specific analysts for I-131 and a gama spectroscopy analysis are performed on each sample and Sr-89,90 analysis is performed every 4 weeks. l Samples of vegetation are collected every 4 weeks for 1-131 analysis. The samples are collected from the farm producing milk but unable to provide a milk sample, and from one control station. The se eles are collected by cutting or breaking enough vegetation to provide between 100 and 200 grams of sample. Care is taken not to include any soil with the vegetation. The sample is placed in a container with 1650 ml of 0.5 N NaOH for transport back to the radioanalytical laboratory. A t.econd sample of between 750 and 1000 i grams is also collected from each location. After drying and grinding, this sample is analyzed by ganca spectroscopy. Once each quarter, the sample is ashed after the gama analysis is completed and analyzed for Sr-89,90. Soll samples _are collected annually from the air monitoring locations. The samples are collected with either a

  • cookie cutter" or an auger type sampler.

After drying and grinding, the sample is analyzed by gama spectroscopy. When the gama analysis is complete, the sample is ashed and analyzed for Sr-89,90. Samples representative of food crops raised in the area near the plant are et t'ined from individual gardens, corner markets, or cooperatives. Types of foods may vary from year to year as a result of changes in the local vegetable gardens. 1 1 In 1991 samples of apples, cabbage, corn, green beans, potatoes, and tomatoes were collected from local vegetable gardens. The edible portion of each sample is prepared as if it were to be eaten and is analyzed by gamma spectroscop,.. After drying, grinding, and ashing, the sample is analyzed for gross beta a tivity. Resulti The results from the analysis of milk samples are presented in table H-4. No radioactivity which could be attri's ' to SON was identified. All 1-131 results werc less that the establ! A u/ u V 0.2 pC1/ liter. Cesium-137 was identified in five sa M u P 4 level slightly hightr than the LLD. Stroailum-90 was found in less than a lf of the samples. The Cs-137 and Sr-90 levels are consistent with concentrations measured in samples collected prior to plant operation and with concentrations reported in milk as a result of fallout from atmospheric nuclear weapons tests (reference 1). Figure H-4 displays the average Sr-90 concentrations measured in uiik since 1971. The concentrations have steadily decreased as a result of the 28 year half-life of Sr-90 and the washout and transport of the element threegh the soil over the period. The average Strontium-90 concentration reported from indicator [ stations was 8.0 pC1/ liter. An 'erage of 2.3 pCl/ liter was identified in samples from control stations. By far the predominant isotope reported in milk samples was the naturally occurring K-40. An average of approxiestely 1300 pC1/ liter of K-40 was identified in all milk samples. As has been noted in this series of reports for previous years, the levels of Sr-90 in milk samples from farms producing milk for private consumption only are up to six times the levels found in milk from commercial dairy farms. -

l l l l Samples of feed and water supplied to the animals were analyzed in 1979 in an effort to determine the source of the strontium. Analysis of dried hay samples indicated levels of Sr-90 slightly higher than those encountered in routine vep'etation samples. Analysis of pond water indicated no significant strontium activity. This phenomenon was observed during the preoperational radiological monitoring near SQN and near the Bellefonte Nuclear Plant (under construction) at farms where only one or two cows were being milked for private consumption of the milk. It is postulated that the feedinn practices of these small farms differ from those of the larger dairy farmers to the extent that fallout from atmospheric nuclear weapons t3 sting may be more concentrated in these instances. Similarly, Hansen, et al. (reference 4), reported an inverse relationship between the levels of Sr-90 in milk and the quality of fertilization and land management. Results from the analysis of vegetation samples (table H-5) were similar to those reported for milk. All 1-131, Cs-137, and Sr-90 values were less than the respective nominal LLDs. Again, the largest concentrations identified were for the naturally occurring isotopes K-40 and Be-7. The only fission or activation products identified in soil samples were Cs-137 (identified in all 13 samples) and Sr-90 (identified in 1 sample). The maximum concentration of Cs-137 was 1.06 pC1/g and the Sr-90 concentration was 0.36 pC1/g. These values are consistent with levels previously reported from fallout. All other radionuclides reported were naturally occurring isotopes (table H-6). -

A plot of the annual average Cs-137 concentrations in soll is presented in figure H-5. Like the levels of Sr-90 in milk, concentrations of Cs-137 in soll are steadily decreasing as a result of the 30 year half-Ilfe of Cs-137 and transport through the environment. All radionuclides reported in food samples were naturally occurring. The maximum K-40 value was 3760 pCl/kg in potatoes. Gross beta concentrations for all Indicator samples were consistent with the control values. Analysis of these samples indicated no contribution from plant activities. The results are reported in tables H-7 through H-12. i , t- -

AQUATIC HONITORING l Potential exposures from the liquid pathway can occur from drinking water, ingestion of edible fish and clams, or from direct radiation exposure from radioactive materials deposited in the river sediment. The aquatic nonitoring program includes the collection of samples of river (reservoir) water, groundwater, drinking wate" supplies, fish, Asiatic clams, and bottom and shoreline sediment- ?!.mples free the reservoir are collected both upstream and downstream from the plant. Results from the analysis of aquatic samples are presented in tables H-13 through H-22. Radioactivity levels in water, fish, and clams were consistent with background and/or fallout levels previously reported. The presence of Co-58, Co-60, Cs-134 and Cs-137 was identified in some samples; however, the projected exposure to the public is negligible. Sample Collection and Analysis Samples of surface water are collected from the Tennessee River using automatic sampling pumps from two downstream stations and one upstream station. A timer turnt on the pump at least once every 2 hours. The line is flushed and a sample collected into a composite jug. A l-gallon sample is removed from the composite jug at 4-week intervals and the remaking water in the jug is discarded. The composite samnie is onalyzed by gamma spectroscopy and for gross beta activity. A quarterly composite sample is analyzed for Sr-89,90 and tritium. Samples are also collected by an automatic sampling pump at the first downstream drinking water intake. i These samples are collected in the same manner as the surface water samples. These monthly samples are analyzed by gamma spectroscopy and for gross beta activity. At other selected locations, grab samples are collected from drinking water systems which use the Tunnessee River as their source. These samples are analyzed every 4 weeks by gama spectroscopy ar a for gross beta activity. A quarterly composite sample from each station is analyzed for Sr-89,90 and tritium. In addition, samples from two of the stations are analyzed for I-131 content. The sample collected by the automatic pumping device is taken directly from the river at the intake structure. Since the sample at this point is raw water, not water processed through the water treatment plant, the control sarnple should also be unprocessed water. Therefore, the upstream surface water sample is also considered as a control sample for drinking water. Groundwater is sampled from in onsite well and from a private well in an area unaffected by SQN. The samples are composited by location quarterly and analyzed by gama spectroscopy and for gross beta activity and tritium content. Samples of commercial and game fish species are collected semiannually from each of three reservoirs: the reservoir on which the plant is located (Chickamauga Reservoir), the upstream reservoir (Watts Bar Reservoir), and the down nream reservoir (Nickajack Reservoir). The samples are collected using a combination of netting techniques and electrofishing. Most of the fish are filleted, but one group is processed whole for analysis. After drying and grinding, the samples are analyzed by gamma spectroscopy. When the gamma analysis is completed, the sample is ashed and analyzed for gross beta activity.

  • ==

i In addition, commercial fish species are analyzed for Sr-89 and Sr-90 as a part of commitments in the Watts Bar Nuclear Plant monitoring program. Bottom and shoreline sediment are collected semtannually from selected TRH locations using a dredging apparatus or Scuba divers. The samples are dried and ground and analyzed by gamma spectroscopy. Samples of As)) tic clams are collected semiannually from two locations below. the plant and one location above the plant. The clams are ur.ually colle:tec in the dredging or diving process with the sediment. However, at times the clams are difficult to find. Enough clams are collected to produce approximately 50 grams of wet flesh. The flesh is separated from the shells, and the dried flesh samples are analyzed by gamma spectroscopy. Results Gross beta activity was present in most surface water samples. Concentrations in downstream samples averaged 2.8 pC1/L while the upstream samples averaged 3.1 pCi/L. All other values were consistent with previously reported levels from fallout. A trend plot of the gross beta activity in surface water samples from 1971 through 1991 is presented in figure H-6. A summary table of the results is shown in table H-13. No fission or activation products were identified in drinking water samples. The positive identification of Sr-89 at levels near the LLD is typically a result of artifacts in the calculational process. Average gross beta activity was 2.6 pCl/ liter at the downstream stations and 3.1 pC1/ liter at the control stations.....

The resulty are shown in table H-14 and a trend plot of the gross beta activity in drinking water from 1971 to the present is presented in figure H-7. Concentrations of fission and activation products in ground water were all below the LLDs. As not9d above, the apparent identification of Sr-89 near the Lt.D is an artifact of the calculational process and the low concentrations the laboratory is attempting to detect. Only naturally occurring radionuclides were identified in these samples. The average gross beta concentration in samples from the onsite well was 4.9 pCl/11ter, while the average from the offsite well was 5.2 pC1/ liter. The results are presented in table H-15. Ceslum-137 was identified in 8 fish samples. The downstream samples contained .a maximum of 0.11 pC1/g..while the upstream sample had a maximum of 0.17 pC1/g. Other radioisotopes found in fish were naturally occurring with the most notable being K-40. The concentrations of K-40 ranged from 5.3 pC1/g to 17.7 pC1/g. The results are sumarized in tables H-16, H-17, H-18, and H-19. Plots of the annual Cs-137 concentrations are presented in figures H-8, H-9, H-10 and H-11. Since the concentrations downstream are essentially equivalent to the upstream levels, the Cs-137 activity is probably a result of fallout or other upstream effluents rather than activities at SQN. Radionuclide's of the types produced by nuclear power plant operations were identified in sediment samples. The materials identified were Cs-137, Cs-134, Co-60, and Co-58. In bottom sediment samples the average levels of Cs-137 were 0.59 pC1/g in downstream samples and 0.75 pC1/g upstream. In shoreline sediment, Cs-137 levels averaged-0.02 pC1/g in both downstream and upstream samples..

I These values are consistent with previously identified fallout levels; therefore, they are probably not a result of SQN operations. In bottom sediment, Co-60 concentrations in downstream samples averaged 0.17 pC1/g, while concentrations upstream averaged 0.05 pCilg. The maximum concentrations were 0.20 and 0.05 pC1/g, respectively. Co-60 was not identified in shoreline sediment samples. Cs-134 was identified in one downstream location at a concentration of 0.02 pCl/g, or about twice the t.LO. Co-58 was identified in 3 downstream samples. The maximum concentration was 0.04 pC1/g and the average was 0.03 pC1/g. A realistic assessment of the impact to the general public from this activity produces a negligible dose equivalent. Results from the analysis of bottom sediment-samples are shown in table H-20. Co-58, Co-60 and Cs-134 were not identified in shoreline sediment. Averat-Cs-137 concentrations dowstream were essentially equivalent to levels upstream,.ledicating no impact from SQN. Results from the analysis of shoreline sediment samples are shown in table H-21. Graphs of the Cs-137 and Co-60 concentrations in stream sediment are presented in figures K-12 and H-13, respectively. Figure H-14 presents a plot of the Cs-137 concentrations measured in shoreline sediment since 1980. Only naturally occurring radioisotopes were identified in clam flesh samples. The results from the analysis of these samples are presented in table H-22. -

ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION Potential doses to the pubile are estimated from measured effluents using computer models. These models were developed by TVA and are based on methocology provided by the NRC in Regulatory Guide 1.109 for determining the potential dose to individuals and populations living in the vicinity of a nuclear power plant. The doses calculated are a representation of the dose to a

  • maximum exposed individual." Some of the factors used in these calculations (such as ingestion rates) are maximum expected values which will tend to overestimate the dose to this " maximum" person.

In reality, the expected dose to actual individuals is lower. The area around the plant is analyzed to determine the pathways through which the public may receive an exposure. As indicated in figure 2, the two major ways by which radioactivity is introduced into the environment are through liquid and gaseous effluents. For liquid effluents, the public can be exposed to radiation from three sources: drinking water from the Tennessee River, eating fish caught in the Tennessee River, and direct exposure to radioactive material due to activities on the banks of the river (recreational activities). Data used to determine these doses are based on guidance given by the NRC for maximum ingestion rates, exposure times, and distribution of the material in the river. Whenever possible, data used in the dose calculation are based on specific conditions for the SQN area. For gaseous affluents, the public can be exposed to radiation from several direct radiation from the radioactivity in the air, direct radiation sources: _ _

i I from radioactivity deposited on the grocad, inhalation of radioactivity in the i air, ingestion of vegetation which contains radioactivity deposited from the atmosphere, and ingestion of milk or meat from animals which consumed r vegetation containing deposited radioactivity. The concentrations of radioactivity in the air and the soll are estimated by computer models which use the actual meteorological conditions to determine the distributton of the effluents in the atmosphere. Again, as many of the parameters as psssible are based on actual site specific data. Besult.1 The estimated doses to the maximum exposed individual due to radioactivity released from SQN in 1991.are presented in table 2. These estimates were made using the concentrations of the 11gulds and gases measured at the effluent monitoring points. Also shown are the regulatory limits for thue doses and a comparison between the calculated dose and the corresponding limit. The maximum calculated whole body dose equivalent from measured liquid effluents as presented in table 2 is 0.041 mrem / year, or 1.4 percent of the limit. The maximum organ. dose equivalent from gaseous effluents is 0.025 mrem / year. This . represents 0.2 percent of the 00CM limit. A nnre complete description of the effluents released from SQN and the ccrresponding doses projected from these effluents can be found in the SQN Semlannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report. As stated earlier in this report, the~ estimated increase in radiation dose equiv&1 erit to the general public resulting from the operatio.1 of SON is trivial when compared to the dose from natural background radiation. The results from each environmental sample are compared with the concentrations from the corresponding control stations and appropriate preoperational and,

background data te determine influences froc the plant. During this report period Co-60, Co-58 Cs-134 and Cs-137 were seen in aquatic media. Cs-137 in sediment is consistent with fallout levels identified in samples both upstream and downstream from the plant. Co-60, Co-58 and Cs-134 were identified in sediment samples downstream from the plant in concentrations which would produce no measurable increase la the dose to the general public. No increases of radioactivity attributable to SQN have been seen in water samples. Dose estimates were made from concentrations of radioactivity found in samples of environmental media. Media evaluated include, but are not limited to, air, milk, food products, drinking water, and fish. Inhalation and ingestion doses i estimated for persons at the indicator locetions were essentially identical to those determined for persons at control stations. Greater than 95 percent of those doses were contributed by the naturally occurring radionuclide K-40 and by Sr-90 and Cs-137, which are long-lived radioisotopes found in fallout from nuclear weapons testing. Concentrations of Sr-90 and Cs-137 are consistent with levels measured in TVA's preoperational environmental radiological monitoring programs. Conclusions It is concluded from the above analysis or the environmental sampling results and from the trend plots presented in appendix H that the exposure to members of the general public which may have been attributable to SQN 1s negligible. The radioactivity reported herein is primarily the result of fallout or natural background radiation. Any activity which may be present as a result of plant operations does not represent a significant contribution to the exposure of members of the pubitc. _ _ _

1 i 1 REFERENCES 1. Herril Eisenbud, Environmental Radioactivity. Academic Press, Inc., New York, NY, 1987. 2. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, Report No. 93 " Ionizing Radiation Exposure of the Population of the United States," September 1987. 3. United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Regulatory Guide 8.29, " Instruction Concerning Risks from Occupational Radiation Exposure," July 1981. 4. Hansen, H. G., CampbeII, J. E., Fooks, J. H., Mitchell, H. C., and Eller, C. H., Farming Practices and Concentrations of Emission Products in Hilk, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare; Public Health Service Publication No. 999-R-6, May 1964. e.. - - - -

Table 1 MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE CONCENTRATIONS FOR NONOCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE MPC In Water In Air' _pCl/1* DC1/m'* Gross beta 3,000 100 H-3 3,000,000 200,000 Cs-137-20,000 500 Ro-103.106 10,000 200 Ce-144 10,000 200 Zr Nb-95 60,000 1,000 Ba-140 - La-140 20,000 1,000 I-131 300 100 Zn-65 100,000 2.000 Mn 100,000 1,000 Co-60 30,000 300 Sr-89 3,000 300 Sr-90 300 30 Cr-51 2.000,000 80,000 Cs-134 9.000 400 Co 90,000 2,000

  • ) pCl - 3.7 x 10-' Bq.

10 CFR-Part 20, Appendix B. Table II.

i Table 2 H2ximum Dose due to Radioactive Effluent Heleases Sequoyah Nuclear Plant i 1991 mrem / year Liquid Effluents 1991 NRC Percent of EPA Percent of lyng Dose Limit NRC Limit Limit EPA Limit Total Body 0.041 3 1.4 25 0.02 Any. Organ 0.052 10 0.5 25 0.2 l Gaseous Effluents 1991 NRC Percent of EPA Percent of Tygg Dose Limit NRC Limit Limit EPA Limit,_ Noble Gas 0.12 10 1.2 25 0.5 (Gamma) Noble Gas 0.32 20 0.2 25 1.3 (Beta) Any Organ 0.025 15 0.2 25 0.1 5,

s gs

  • _

7 ~ 3, x.R,"! t r8 d R s wmws r A. r 't y 't A R e w h; ,/ a<# s, u mJ m r3a E. C A a a .C r.u x s mt u f_AN D 2 8 C N x mT b /, ,'r,l,e E =x ' t8 a*i* G E E t n mF f L h' 1 rS /Af u s

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.. l y N.

i,...:.c. p c ..t n Diluted By Atmosphere Airborne Releases Plume Exposure Liquid Releases V Diluted By Lake l ' p' MAN 0 l' Animals Consumed By Man (Milk, Meat) Shoreline-O Exposure Consumed l I By " Animals v Drinking e_rns*!?M_et Fish l Vegetation l Uptake From Soil l .,-.,..,~_--._,..,.,,..,.,---,,_.-----,,-,--,.,r-, r--


Table A-1 4 SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR FLANT j Environewantal Radiological Monitoring Ppgram* Sampling and Excesure Pathway and/or Sameix Samole Locations

  • Collection Frecruency Iype and frecuency of Analvsis 1... AIRBORNE a.

Particulatas 4 samples from locations (in Cutinuous sampler operation Analyze for gross beta d7f ferent sectors) at or near the with sample collection once radioactivity greater than or site ba ndary (LM 2. 3. 4. and 5) per 7 days (more frequently equal to 24 hours following - if required by dust loading) filter change. Perform gassna isotopic analysis on each sample if gross beta is greater than 10 times yearly mean r,t control sample. Composite at least once per 31 days (by location f3r i a garuna scan). o 8 4 samples from corununities approximately 6-10 miles distance from the plant (PM 2. 3. 8. and 9) l i 4 samples from control locations greater than 10 siles from the plant (RM 1 l

2. 3, and 4) i b.

Radiciodine Samples from same location as Continuous sampler operation I-131 at least once per 7 days air particulates with filter collection once per 7 days c. Soil Samples free same locations as Once per year Gasuna scan. Sr-89. Sr-90, air particulates once each year l 9 ~,, r, r-.-v w., .----.-.m.

Table A-1 SQUOYAH MJCLEAR PLAMT Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program" Sampling and Execture Pathway and/or Samole _jigente Locations

  • Enllection F recuency

' Twee and Freauency of Analysis .d. Rainwater-Same locations as air particulate Composite sample at least Analyzed for gamma nuclides once per 31 days only if other media indicates the presence of increased levels of fallout 2. DIRECT RADIATION 2 or more desimeters'(TLDs) Once per 92 days r.a-a= dose at least once per placed (in different: sectors) 92 days at or near the site boundary in each of the 16 sectsrs l i 2 or~more dosime a platec at-t 1 stations located sp3rculmately 5 miles from the plant in each 4 . a. of the 16 sectors i ' l 2 or more dosimeters in approximately 20 locations of special *nterest 3. WATERBORNE i a. Surface TRH 49F.0* Collected by automatic Gross beta and gamma scan ] TEM 483.4 sequential-type samrier* with of each composite sample. f. TRM 473.2 composite samples collec*ed Composite for Sr-89. Sr-90 ever a period of less than or. and tritium analysis at least j equal to 32 days once per 72 days. 1 b. Ground I sample adjacent to plant At least once per 31 days Composited for gross beta, gamma (Well No.6-) scan, Sr-89. Sr-90, and j-trittue analysis at least once per 92 days j-I sample from ground water At least once per 92 days Gross beta, gasna scan. Sr-89 . source upgradient (Farm HW) Sr-97. and tritium analysis at least ence per 92 days 4 i 1, - 1 I i. 4 .r u., -.v.- ,,,. + ,,r .w 4- -

i V: Table A ;- SEQUOfAH NUCLEAR PLANT _ Ervireneental Kadiological Monitoring Program

  • 2

. Sampiing and - -Exeosure Pathway ard/or Sasele Samole Locatiora* Cellection Freauenew - Tyce and Frecuency of Analysis c.. Drinking i sample at the first potable Collected by automatic. Gross beta and gamma scan of surface water' supply downstream sequential-type sampler * - each composite sample. f rtw= the plant (TR84 473.0). with composite sample collected Composite for tritium Sr-89 over a period of less than or ~ ' days. Sr-90, at least once per 92 equal to 31 days I sample at the next 2 downstream Grap sample once per 31 days } potable surface water suppliers 11 (greater than 10 miles downstream)- (TRM 470.5 and 465.31 2 samples at control' locations Samples coilected by sequential-a (TRM 497.0* and'TEri 503.8) type sampler

  • with composite sample colletted over a period a

of less than or equal to 31 y days ? d. Sedi%tt TRM 496.5 at least once.A 1,4 e,ys Gamma scan of each sample TRM 483.4 y. TRM 480.8 TRM 472.6 1

  • . %oreHae Sediment TRM 485 At least once per 184 days Gasuna scan of each sample TRM 478 i

TRM 477 } 4. IWsESiira .l f d 1. T w a +ma------ a I g .,-y- ~y.. .-y '-r,m, . - w ww=r-i,+- e w + w. r s, --..a =

Table A-1 SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program

  • Sampiiog and-Excosure Pathway and/or SarnelgL Samole tocations*

Collection frecuency Tree and Freesency of Analysis a Hilk i sas:ple from milk producing At lest once per 15 days Ganna isotopic and I-131 animals in each of 1-3 areas. analysis of each sample. Indicated by the cow census where Sr49, Sr-90, once per doses are calculated to be quarter highest. If samples are not available from a milk animal location. doses to that area will ' be estimated by' projecting the doses from concentrations detected in milk from other sectors or by sampling vegetation where milk is not available. e At least I sample f rom a control g location 4

h. ' Fish I sample each far Nickajack.

At lest once per 184 dav*. Gama scan en edible portion Chickamauga, and Watts Bar One sample of each of tr.e Re se rvoirs following species: Channel Catfish Crappie smallmouth Buf f alo (. Invertebrates-2 samples downstream from At least once per 184 days Gamma scan on edible portion (Asietic Clams) the discharge i I sample upstream from the plant ( 14 0 permanent stations established; I deperds of locations of class) ] I + k j l l g i.9, a ( v 9 qw-gep-- q-sg em.m< ---g.e -cy y +y w w +- m_,._._ ,,m.___ _._.,m_mmm.-am_ _ _ m. m.. m.

i, '" Table A-1 j .SEQUOYAH MELEAR PLANT ' Enviroreental Radiological Monitoring Program

  • Sampling and En&t ur+ Iathway amf/er Sample Samole Locatiens' Collection Frecuency Twee and Fre=uenew ef Analvsis d.

Food products i sample each of principal food At least once per 365 days at Gasws scan on edible portion ' products grown at private - time of harvest. The types of 4 - gardens and/or farms in the foods available fs sampling will i w.ediate vicinity of the plant. vary. Following is a list of l' typical foods which may be available: l Cabbage and/or lettuce Corn Green Beans potatoes Tomatoes e. Vegetation Samples from fa m s producing milk At lest once per 31 days I-131 and game scan at least A. but not providing a milk sample. ence per 31 days. Sr49. Sr-90 T (Fann Em) analysis at least once per 92 cays. Control sample from one control farm (Farm S) i T lj I i 4 a The sampling program outlined in this table is that which was in ef fect at the end of 1991. b. Sampling locations, sector and distance from plant, are described in Table A-2 and A-3 and shown in Figures A-1. A-2, and A-3. c. Composite sa.rples call be collected by collecting an aliquot at intervals not exceeding 2 hours. j d. The surf ace wata c1ntrol sample shall be considered a control for the drinking water sample. 1 I I ~l i 2 4 ,. -.. ~. --. -

Table A-2 SEQUOYAH NLCLEAR PLANT Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program Sampling Locations Hap Approximate Indicator (I) location-Distance or Samples Number

  • Station

_ Sector (miles) Control (C) Collected

  • 2 LM-2 N

0.8 I AP,CF R,5 3 LM-3 SSW 1.2 1 AP,CF,R.S 4-LM-4 NE 1.5 I AP,CF,R,5 5 LN-5 NNE 1.8 I AP.CF,R,5 7 PH-2 SH 3.8 I AP CF,R.S 8 PH W 5.6 I AP.CF R.S 9 PM-8 SSW 8.7 I AP,CF,R,5 ' 1'O PM-9' WSW 2.6 I AP,CF.R.S 11 RM-1 SW 16.7 C AP,CF R.S 12 RM-2 NNE 17.8 C AP,CF,R S 13 RM-3 ESE 11.3 C AP CF R.S -14 RM-4 WNW 18.9 C AP,CF,R S 15 Farm B NE-43.0 C M 16 Farm C NE 16.0 C H 17-Farm S. NNE 12.0-C H,V 18 Farm J WNW 1.1 I H 19 -Farm HH NH 12 I H.W* 20 Farm EH N 2.6 I V 24 Well No. 6 NNE 0.15 I W 31 TPM 473.0-11.5" I PW (C.F. Industries) 32 - TRM 470.5 14.0" I PW (E.I. DuPont) d 33 TRH 465.3 19.2 I PW .(Chattanooga) 34 TRM 497.0 12.5" C SW' 35 -TRM 503.8

19. 3 * '

C PW (Dayton) 36 TRM 496.5 12.0* C 50 .37 TRM 485.0

0. 5*-

C SS 38: TRM-483.4 1.1* I SD,SW 39 TRH 480.8-

3. 7 * -

I SD 40 TRH 477.0-7.5* I SS 41 TRM 473.2 11.3* I SH 42~ TRM 472.8 11.7* I S0 44-TRM 478.8 6.5* I SS i r _, ~.. __ __

~ if -Table A-2 s SEQUOYAH NUCLEa.R PLnNT Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program Sampling Locations (Continued) Hap Approximate indicator (I) Location 01 stance or-Collected

  • Samples Number" Station Sector (miles)

Control (C)- 45 -TRM 425-471 I F (Nickajack Reservoir) 46 TRM 471-530-I/C F.CL ~ (Chickamauga Reservoir) 4) TRH 530-602 C F (Watts Bar Reservoir) 48 Farm H~ NE 4.2 I ti a. See figures A-1, A-2, and A-3 b. Sample Codes AP = Air particulate filter CF - Charcoal filter CL = Clams F = F1sh M1-Nilk PW -- Public water -- R'~. Rainwater S--- Soll 50 m Sediment .SS = Shoreline sediment F4 - Surface -water V ' = Vegetat'. T-W Hel' water .,n: 4 .c. =A-control for well water, d. Distance from plant discharge (TRM.484.5)- 4 -( e; -Surface water s;?ple also used as-a contial for public water,, x

.c< -r -. r r w )% . 1 ivqta V-E 53000AVH.Nn313VB d1VNI itnamotnuluassauq OosimalaJ-)110( loaellous Vddaoximvla 0ustla n e, 'wed; 065leuaa oa .loaellou Nnmqaa S)ellou saaloa )Hltas( 0;)slla )0JJ( E-SSM-lV SSM l'2 0u N3-lV N3 l*S 0u 9 NN3-l NN3 l'8 0u L -SM-2 SM E'8 044 8 M-E M S'9 OJJ 6 SSM-E SSM 8'L OJJ 'lO MSM-2V MSM 2'9 OJJ lt SM-E SM-t9*L OJJ lE NN3-# NN3 tL'8 OJJ lE 353-E 3S3 ll*C OJJ lp MNM-E MNM-l8*6 OJJ

  1. 6 N-l 41 O'9 0u SO N-2 N

2'l OJJ .SL N-E N S'Z OJJ . SE: Nv N -lO'O OJJ-SE' NN3"~- NN3 t*S OJJ-59 NN3-E NN3 lE'l OJJ SS- , N3-l f N3 E'> OJJ S9 N3 N3 t'l OJJ SL 3N3-l 3N3 0't 0u 58 3N3 3N3 S'l OJJ 56 3-l 3-l*2 0u-90-3-2: 3 S'2 OJJ 9l 353-V 3S3L O'E 0u 92E 2' 5 3-t -. 353 l*2 0u 9E-353-2 353 t*6 OJJ -9# S3-V S3 O*# 0u ~,- 95 3-V 3 0*E -0u 99 S3-l 53 l't -0u 9L 13 53 l'6 0u '98- , 3-t 53 S*2 OJJ

961 SE3-l SS3 l'9 0u L01 SS3-2 SS3 t'9 OJJ LL S-l S

-l*S 0u 42 S-2' S t*L OJJ LE^ -SSM-l SSM 0*9 0u LV SSM-2 SSM t'O OJJ-LS SM-l SM O'6 0u 'L9 MSM-l MSM O'6 0u LL MSM-2 HSM 2*S OJJ -tL-

r- . Table A-3 SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT 'Thermoluminescent Dosimeter (TLD) locations Approximate Onsite (On)* Map Distance or Location Number ' Station-Sector (Miles) Offsite (Off)- 78-WSW-3 WSW 5.7 Off 79 WSW-4 WSW 7.8 Off 80 WSW-5 WSW 10.1 Off 81 W-1 W 0.8 On '82 H-2 W 4.3 Off 83 WNH-1 WNW 0.4 On 84 WNW-2 WNW 5.3 Off i 85 NH-1. NH-0.4 On 86 'NH-2 NW 5.2 Off 87 NNH-1 NNW 0.6 On 88 NNH-2 NNW l.7 On 89 _NNW NNW 5.3 Off j =. a. TL0s designated onsite are those located 2 miles or less from the-plant. TLDs designated offsite are those located more than 2 miles from the plant. i

  • a

Figure A-1 Environmental Radiological Sampling Locations Within 1 Mlle of Plant 34 a.7 5 N 11.25 NNW 'bI NNE 326,25 33.75 NV / 2 NE 303.75-4 56.25 \\ '8 WNW ENE j / 28;.25 N / 78.75 '(( y OYAH

  • $5 "y& fen E

~ ' S /,2 258.75 / t .25 s 101 76 / 64 WSW

  • /*

4 1 ESE 2 J 6.2 5 '7 123.75-N SW v# sS SE I6 213.75 146.25 SSW SSE i 168.75 191.25 g Scale

.. ry t - Figure A-2 Environmental Radiological Sampling Locations From 1 to 5 Miles From The Plant 348.75 N 11,25 NNW NNE 326.25 ( 33.75 ~ NW J' NE 303.75 50.25 / 56 WNW ENE e55 4 ' 11 ig@A 281.25 4g g,B 78.75 p 82 19 ,/ j@ j \\ 4*E 3 0o W-1 59 -E 4' Q 10 2 a p.21 . d6 101.25 258.75 3 77 69 71 N, 63 WSW ESE c*73l / ~ 236,25 3* 123'7" 7

  • 22 SW

'46 SE

  • 70 213.75 1 72 146.25 SSW i,

I SSE 101.25 S 108.75 g.- SCALE MILES 3 Flpurn A-3 Environmental Radiological Sampling Locations Greate: Than 5 Miles From The Plant 348.76 ? 1 26 www / CRotsvn t t 'N N, 32625 N " C " 000' 33.75 ~ ^ / 8N o*NN Rtt \\ i 16 56.25 / BWEt (R j/ / / / ,f . - ~. 1 5 \\,/ / !{. N 7 281.25 2 0 ,I OWAH 14 / 1, 'Ee

  • ~

n o oo,s



  1. 88 -

'f~M,. ,,, / ,/ (ii/ 255.7 l ' O E0

  1. l

) / f e'x _/ / ,/ / 'I HAttAwooon

  • a'=p'

/ /\\ \\ \\ 's. x\\ 'N / N/ 123.75 '\\ ~ Oatim,, j/ st W ~ e y ~ lg13 146.25 ~ ~ _. 88 191.25 168.75 e o 3 y, 51-


Appendix B Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program Modification During 1991, no modifications were made in the environmental monitoring program. ) '


i Appendix C Hissed Samples and Analyses During the 1991 sampling period, eighteen of the scheduled samples were not collected. -All scheduled analyses were not completed on five of the collected samples. These occurrences resulted in deviations from the scheduled program but not from the minimum program required by the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual. Table C-1 includes a list of missed samples and analyses and an explanation for the deviations. Four milk samples were not collected because of the unavailability of milk and two milk samples would not pass through the ion exchange columns used in the I-131 analysis; five clam samples were not collected because of scarcity of clams; one air filter sample was not collected because of equipment malfunction, four were not collected because of the inaccessibility of the monitors and three were missed while power was being rerouted to the station; one fish sample was lost after collection; and one sediment sample was not collected as a result of an oversight by the sample collecter. The impcrtance of obtaining the milk samples was discussed with the farmers, equipment malfunctions were corrected and the need to improve sample handling techniques was discussed with field personnel. The missed samples and analyses are listed in the following table. -__-___-- - -

Table C-1 SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program -Fxceptions Date Station-Location Remarks -1/3/91 LN-3 1.2 miles SSW Air particulate and charcoal filters not collected. The station was inaccessible as a result of high water. 2/19/91 Farm C 16.0 miles NE Access to the farm was blocked, therefore no sample was available. 1 2/19/91 & TRM 503.8 19.3 miles Two drinking water samples did not o 7/16/91 Dayton Upstream contain sufficient quantities of water to perform all analyses, therefore the I-131 analyses were not performed. 3/13/91, PM-9 2.6 miles HSW Air particulate and charcoal -3/20/91-& filters not collected. Assess 3/26/91 to the station was blocked by the property owner. Access was restored on 3/26/91. 5/1/91 Nickajack Downstream One sample of fish (smallmouth Reservoir buffalo flesh) was lost between collection and analysis. 5/1/91 & Farm H 4.2 miles NE Hilk had already been picked up by 6/26/91 the processor,-therefore no sample was available. 5/8/91 LH-5 -1.8 miles NNE-Air particulate and charcoal samples not collected because of a broken belt on the sampling pump. The belt was replaced ald a sample was taken the next-week. 5/15/91 & Farm S 12 miles NNE Two milk samples were unsultable .6/12/91 for I-131 analysis as a result of spo11 age or the presence of inpurities in the milk. i i -1 Table C-1 SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program l Exceptions Date Station Location Remarks 5/16/91 Chickamauga SQN area Five clam samples not collected: 10/22/91 Reservotr-scarcity of clams made them difficult to locate. 5/29/91 ' Farm S-12 miles NNE Milk had already been picked up by the processor, therefore no sample was available. 10/22/91-TRH 472.8 11.7 miles One sediment sample was not downstream collected as a result of the oversight of the sample collector. 12/4/91,1 LM 1.2 miles.SSW Air-particulate and charcoal 12/11/91-& filters not collected as-a result 12/18/91 of. delays in having-power transferred after sale of the-property on which the monitor is located. l l , J

4 APPENDIX D ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES .R __. x APPENDIX.D-y Analytical Procedures-Analysesofienvironmentalsamplesareperformedbytheradioanalytical laboratory located at the Hestern Area-Radiological-Laboratory facility. -in' Muscle Shoals.-.-All analysis procedures are based on accepted methods. A summary of the' analysis techniques and' methodology follows. The gross beta measurements are made wtth an automatic-low background. counting system.- Normal counting. times are.50 minutes. Water samples are prepared by evaporating.500 ml of samples to near dryness, transferring to_ a _ stainless steel; planchet and completing -the evaporation


For solid samples,~a specified: amount.of-the sample is packed (Into'a deep ~ stainless: steel planchet. Air particulate filters are counted a sh' allow planchet. ' The; specific analysis _'of.1-131: in ~ milk', water, or. vegetation samplest is performed by first isolating and purifying the iodine'by radiochemical-1separationiand then counting the final precipitate on-a beta-gamma coincidence counting system. The normal count time is 100 minutes. :With-

the beta-ganna coincidence-counting system, background counts are a

~ irtually eliminated and extremely low-levels of' detection can be v J obtaln.ed., h,' w w r rm--r. yy,, - - - -

e After a. radiochemical separation, samples analyzed for Sr-89,90 are counted on a low background beta counting system. The sample is counted a second time after a 7-day ingrowth period. From the two counts the Sr-89 and Sr-90 concentratt can be determined. 4 Water samples are analyred for tritium content by first distilling a portion of the sample and then counting by liquid scintillation. A commercially [ available scintillation cocktail is used. l Gamma analyses are performed in various counting geometries depending on the sample type'and volume, All gamma counts are obtained with germanium type detectors interfaced with a'_ computer based mutlichannel. analyzer system. Spectral data reduction is p'rformed by the computer program HYPERMET. e i 'The_ charcoal cartridges used to sample gaseous radiolodine are analyzed with well-type Na! detectors interfaced with a single channel analyzer. The system h calibrated-to; measure I-131. If activity above a specified limit is vetected, the sample-is analyzed by gamma spectroscopy. 4 All of the necessary efficiency values, weight-efficiency curves, and geometry -tables are established and maintained on each detector and counting system. A . series of daily and periodic quality control checks are performed to monitor counting-instrumentation. System logbooks and control charts are used to . document the results of the quality control checks. i._ ;_ 5 L. f 1 9 . APPENDIX E NOMINAL LOWER LIMITS OF DETECTION (LLD) r f i, j Appendix E Nominal Lower Limits of Detection Sensitive radiation detection devices can give a signal or reading even when no radioactivity is present in a sample being analyzed. This signal may come from trace amounts of radioactivity in the components of the device, from cosmic rays, from naturally occurring radon gas, or from machine noise. Thus, there is always some sort of signal on these sensitive devices. 'The signal registered when no activity is present in the sample is called the background. The point at which the signal is determined to represent radioactivity in the sample is called the critical level. This point is based on statistical analysts of the background readings from any particular device. However., any sample measured over and over in the same device will-give different readings; some higher than others. The sample should~ have-some'well-defined average reading, but any individual reading will vary _from that average. In order to determine the activity present in a sample that will produce a read 10g above the critical level, additional -statistical. analysis of the backt;round readings is required. The

hypothetical activity calculated from this analysis is called the lower limit _of detection (LLD). A #1 sting of typical LLD values that a laboratory publishes is a guide to the sensitivity of the analytical

-measurements performed by the laboratory. -

1 Every time an' activity is calculated from a sample, the mach background must be subtracted from the sample signal. For the very-low levels encountered in environmenta' monitoring, the sample signals are often very close to the background. The measuring equipment is being used at the limit of its capability. For a sample with no measurable activity, which often happens, about half the time its signal should fall below the average machine background and half the time it should be above the background. If a signal above the background 1s.present, the calculated activity is compared to the calculated LLD to determine if there is really activity present or if the numbcr is an artifact of the way radioactivity is measured. A number of factors influence the LLD, including sample size, count time, counting efficiency, chemical processes, radioactive decay factors, and interfering isotopes encountered in the sample. The most likely values for these factors have been evaluated for the various analyses performed in the environmental monitoring program. The nominal LLDs calculated from these values, in accordance with the methodology prescribed in the ODCH, are presented in table E-1. The maximum values for the lower limits of detection specified in the ODCM are shown in table E-2. .The LLDs are'also presented in the data tables. For analyses for which LLDs have not been established, an LLD of zero is assumed in determining if a result is greater than the LLD. 1 Table E-1 Nominal LLD Values A. Radiochemical' Procedures Charcoal Sediment Air Filters - ' Filters . Water' Milk Fish Flesh-Whole Fish Food Crops and Soil (pl1/m'1_ (pCi/m 1: fpCi/L1 inCi/L) foci /a drv1. . foci /a drv) foci /ka wet) (cCl/a drv) S Gross Beta 0.002 1.7-9 Tritium -250-Iodine-131 .020 1.0 ' O.2 St ronti um-89 G.0006' 3.0 2.5 0.3 0.7 1.0 Strontium-90 0.00025 1.4 2.0 0.04 'O.09 0.3 Wet Vegetation Clam Flesh Meat foci /ko Wet) foci /a Drv) f oCi/'.2_li211 - E Gross Beta 0.2 15. Iodine-131 4 Strontium-89 140 Strontium-90 60 2 1 b-

] l Table E-1 Nominal LLD Values-Ei.' Ganna Analyses (Gell) Particulates 'and Hilk. " Vegetation ~ ' Wet-. ~ Soil and. Foods. Tomatoes-. Heat and ? Air Water 'and Grain Vegetation Sediment -Fish._ Clam Flesh' Potatoes, etc. - Poultry. oCi/m3 ' oC i /L oC1/a. dry oCi/ko. wet oCi/a. dry-oCi/a.' dry oCs/o. dry oCi/ko. wet-oCi/ko. wri. Ce-141 .005 10 .07 ' 28 ' .02 '. 0 7 .15 10 25 Ce-144 .01 - 33. .25 - 100 .06


.50 33 - 50-Cr-51 .02 45 .45' -180 .10 .45 .94 45 L90 . I-131 .005 10 .09 36 .02 .09 18. 10 20' Ru-103 .005 5 .05 20 .01 .05 .11 '. 5 15' Ru-106 .02 40' .48 190 .09 .48 .95. 40 95 ' Cs-134 .005 5 .07 28 .01 .07 .31 5 15-Cs-137 .005 5 .06 24 .01 .06' .10 5 15 Zr-95 .005 10 .11 44 - .02 .11 .19 ' 10 25 Nb-95 .005 5 .06 24 .01 .06 .11 5 15 Co-58 .005 Ho-54 .005 - 5 .05 20. .01 .05 .10 5 15 5 .05 20. .01 .05- .10. 5 15 , e3 Zn-65 .005 10 .11 44 .01 .11 .21 10 25 ! *l' Co-60 .005 5 .07 28 .01 .07 .11 5 15 K.-40 .04 150 1.00 400 .20 1.00 2.00 150 300 B4-140 .01 -25 .23 92 .05 .23 47 25 50 La-140 .005 8 .11 44 .02 .11' .17 8 20 Fe-59 .005 5 .10 40 .01 .10 .13 5 15 Be-7 .02 45 . 50 ' 200 .10 .50 .90 . 45 100 Pb-212 .005 20 .10 40 .02 .10 .25 20 - 40 Pb-214 .005 20 - .20 ' 80 ' .02 .20 .25 20 40 Bi-214 .005 20 .12 48 .04 .12 .25 20 40 81-212 53 .40 40 .25 .40 53 n-208 .001 7 .03 26 .02 .03 .35 7 Ra-224 .30 Ra-226 .05 Ac-228 .014 25 10 Pa-234m 700 80 .10 10 1.00 22 22 3.00 l l l i I l l m .m.

Table E-2 'Haximum Values for the Lower Limits of Detection (LLD) Specified by the SQN Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Airborne Particulate Food Hater or Gases Fish Milk Products Sediment Analysis DCi/L pC1/ml,_, DCi/Kg. wet DCI/L pcl/kg. wet pC1/Kg. dry gross heta 4 1 x 10 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. H-3 2000' N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Mn-54 1. N.A. 130 N.A. N.A. N.A. Fe-59 30 N.A. 260 N.A. N.A. N.A. Co-58,60 15 N.A. 130 N.A. N.A. N.A. 2n-65 30 N.A. 260 N.A. N.A. N.A. Zr-95 30 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Nb-95 15 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. I-131 l' 7 x 10 N.A. 1 60 N.A. Cs-134-15 5 x 10 130 15 60 150 Cs-137-18 6 x-10 150 10 80 180

Ba-140-60 N.A.

N.A. 60 N.A. N.A. La-140 15 N.A. N.A. 15 N.A. N.A. If no drinking water pathway exists, a value of 3000pC1/L may be used. If no drinking' water pathway exists, a value of 15 pC1/L may be used. F, - f i 1 l i: 1 APPENDIX F ? QUALITY ASSURANCE / QUALITY C0!!NOL FROGRAM 1 h i Appendix F Quality Assurance / Quality Control Program A thorough quality assurance program is employed by the laboratory to ensure that the environmental monitoring data are reliable. This program includes the use of written, approved pr- .es in performing the work, a nonconformance and corrective action tracking system, systematic internal audits, a complete training and retraining system, audits by various external organizations, and a laboratory quality control program. The quality control program employed by the radioanalytical laborator y is designed to ensure that the sampling and analysis process is working a3 intended. The program includes equipment checks and the analysis of special samples along with routine samples. Radiation detection devices are complex and can be tested in a number of ways. There are two primary tests which are performed on all devices. In the first type, the device is operated without a sample on the detector to determine the background count rate. The background counts are usually low values and are due to machine noise, cosmic rays, or trace amounts of radioactivity in the materials used to construct the detector. Charts of background counts are kept and monitored to ensure that no unusually high or low values are encountered. In the-second test, the device is operated with a known amount of radioactivity present. The number of counts registered from such a ) _

radioactive standard should be very reproducible. These reproducibility checks are also monitored to ensure that they are neither higher nor lower than expected. When counts from either test fall outside the expected range, the device is inspected for malfunction or contamination. It is not placed into service until it is operating properly. in-addition to these two general checks, other quality control checks are The exact performed on the variety of detectors used in the laboratory. nature of these checks depends on the type of device and the method it uses to detect radiation or store the information obtained. Quality control samples of a variety of types are used by the laboratory to answer questions about the performance of the different portions of the analytical process. These quality control samples may be blanks, replicate samples, blind mmples, or cross-checks. Blanks are samnies which contain no measurable radioactivity or no activity of the type being measured. Such samples are analyzed to determine whether there is any contamination of equipment or commercial laboratory chemicals, cross-contamination in the chemical process, or interference from isotopes other than the one being measured. Duplicate samples are scheduled at random by the same computer program which schedules the collection of the routine samples. For example, if the routine program calls for four milk samples every week, on a andom basis each farm might provide an additional sample several times a year. ----

These duplicate samples are analyzed along with the other routine samples. They provide information about the variability of radioactive content in the various sample media. There is another kind of replicate sample. From time to time, if enough sample is available for a particular analysis, the laboratory analyst can split it into two portions. Such a samt 3 can provide information about the variability of the analytical process since two identical portions of material are analy?ed side by side. Analytical knowns are another category of quality control sample. A known amount of radioactivity is added to a sample medium by the quality control staff or by the analysts themselves. The analysts are told the radioactive content of the sample. Whenever possible, the analytical knowns contain the same amount of radioactivity each time they are run. In this way, the analysts have immediate knowledge of the quality of the measurement process. A portion of these samples are also blanks. Blind spikes are samples containing radioactivity which are introduced into the analysis process disguised as ordinary environmental samples. The analyst does not know they contain radioactivity. Since the bulk of -the ordinary workload of the environmental laboratory contains no measurable activity or only naturally occurring radioisotopes, blind spikes can be used to test the detection capability of the laboratory or they can be used to test the data review process. If an analysis routinely generates numerous zeroes for a particular isotope, the presence of the isotope is brought to the attention of the laboratory I supervisor in the daily review process. _ _ _ _ _ _

Blind spikes test this process since they contain radioactivity at levels high enough to be-detected. Furthermore, the activity can be put into such samples at the extreme limit of detection to determine whether or not the: laboratory can find any unusual radioactivity whatsoever. At present, 5 percent of the laboratory workload is in the category of internal cross-checks. These samples have a known amount of radioactivity added and are presented to the analysts labeled as cross-check samples. This means that the quality control staff knows the radioactive content or "right answer" but the analysts do not. They are aware they are being tested. Such samples test the best performance of .the laboratory by determining if the analysts can find the "right answer _.".These samples provide _information about the accuracy of the-measurement process. Further information is available about the variability-of~the process if multiple analyses are requested on the same sample:. Internal cross-checks can also tell if there is a difference in performance between two analysts. Like blind spikes or analytical knowns, these samples can also be spiked with_ low-levels of activity to ~ test detection limits. A series-of cross-checks is produced by the EPA in Las Vegas. These = interlaboratory comparison samples or " EPA cross-checks" are considered to be the primary-indicator of laboratory performan".. They provide an independent check of the entire measurement process that cannot be easily the laboratory itself. That is, unlike internal cross-checks, EPA cross-checks test the calibration of the laboratory detection devices since different radioactive standards produced by individuals outside TVA are used in the cross-checks. I The results of the analysis of these samples are reporte back to EPA d which then issues a report of all the results of all participants. These reports are examined very closely by laboratory supervisory and quality control personnel. They indicate how well the laboratory is doing compared to others across the nation. Like internal cross-checks, the EPA cross-checks providh information to the laboratory about the precision and accuracy of the radioanalytical work it does. The results of TVA's participation in the EPA Interlaboratory Comparison Program are presented in table F-1. TVA splits certain environmental samples with laboratories operated by the States of Alabama and Tennessee and the EPA Eastern Environmental Radiation Facility in Montgomery, Alabama. When radioactivity has been present in the environment in measurable quantitles, such as following atmospheric nuclear weapons testing, following the Chernooyl incident, or as naturally occurring radionuclides, the split samples have provided TV with yet another level of information about laboratory performance. These samples demonstrate performance on actual environmental sample matrices rather than on the constructed matrices used in cross-check programs. All the quality control data are routinely collected, examined, and reported to laboratory supervisory personnol. They are checked for trends, problem areas, or other indications that a portion of the analytical process needs correction or improvement. The end result is a measurement process that provides reliable and verifiable data and is sensitive enough to measure the presence of radioactivity far below the levels which could be harmful to humans. _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -

w z.. T ~ Table I-1


' A.' " Air Filter (pCi/ Filter) Gross Aloha Gross Beta-Strontium-90 Cesi um-137 EPA Value. TVA EPA Value TVA -~ EPA Value ..TVA EPA Value-TVA Dale i 3 siamal &yg. ir3 sioma) Ayg. .I V siama)~ 8r2 fm3 sianal. Agg. 3/91 25 10 28 ~ 124210 133 4029 '37 40r9 '39 8/91 25:10' 28 .92:17 97. 3029 33 3029 29 B. Radiochemical Analysis of Water '(pCi/L) a oss Beta Strontium-89 Strontium-90 Tritium Ioding-131 EPA Value TVA EPA Value TVA' . EPA Value TVA EPA Value TVA EPA Value TVA y QAte' f 3 sicana) Agg. f r3 sima) Agg. fr3 siama) Ayg. fr3 siama) arg. If1sima) Arg. 1/91 529 6 59 6 529 4 2/91 44182766 4658 75214 63 4/91* 2829 25 26s9 23 5/91 46:9 48. 3929 6/91 ' 38 24 9 24 1248022162 11886 8/91 '20:10 18 9/91 2029 24 10/91 24542610 2409 10/91' 1029 10 .10.9 10


  • Analysis of water (pCi/L)

Barium-133. _ _.Jpbalt-60 Zint-6s _Ratbenit.n-10L Cesi'v-134 Ce'ium-137 EPA Vaeve TVA EPA Value TVA EFA Value TVA EPA value TVA EFA Value TVA EPA Value iYA AE-i t3 S I T41 EJS-Dale is3 siassal 8t2 It3 tiCHLI 8.v.E. It3 Si edl AE f t3 S i mtal 82.2-IA2 11GM2I I 2/91 75e14 77 40e9 41 149:26 148 186e33 784 829 9 8:9 9 24t9 24 2529 24 4/91* 64 10r9 11 108 19 105 149:20 143 15e9 15 14 9 14 6/91 62210 10/91 %e 17 98 2929 29 73r12 73 19935 184 10t9 11 1029 10 10/91* 2029 20 10 9 9 11t9 32 1 D. Milk (pCi/L) 1 Strontiur-P9 Jtr on t i:.o-90 J 2sti,ne-131 Ce s i ge-137__, Pctassiue-it0*_ 8 EPA VeTue TVa EPA Value TVA EPA Value TVA EPA Value TVA EPA Value TVA 2 Date is3 sicmal Gy.g. f:3 siFA &IS. fr3 sianal arg. (23 simal ar.g. (23 siamai Ar2-l e 4/91 32:9 22* 32s9 29 60210 60 4929 51 1650e144 1697 9/91 25:9 18 2529 26 1C8:19 107 30r9 29 17402150 1695 a. Perf ormance Evaluation Intercreparison Study. b. Units are erilligrams of total potassium per liter rather than picocuries of K 40 per liter, c. Negative bias resulted from unusually high chemical yield.


I i e Appendix G Land Use Survey A It9d use survey is conducted annually to identify the location of the nearest milk animal, the nearest residence, and the nearest garoen of greater than 500 square feet producing,resh leafy vegetables in each of 16 meteorological sectors within a distance of 5 miles from the plant. The land use survey also identifies the location of all milk animals and gardens.of greater than 500 square fc-t producing fresh leafy vegetables within-a distance of 3 miles from the plant. The land use survey is conducted between Aortl 1 and October 1 using appropriate techniques such as door-to-door survey, mall survey, telephone: survey, aerial survey, or information from local _ agricultural authorttles or other reliable sources. In order to-identify the locations around SQN which have-the greatest relative potential for impact by the plant, radiation doses are projected for-individuals living near SW. These projections use the data obtained in the survey,and historical meteorological data. They also assume that the plant is operating;and that releases are equivalent to the design basis source-terms. The calculated doses are relative -in nature and do not reflect ictual exposures received by individuals living near SQN. .. Calculated doses to individuals based on measured effluer,ts from the plant are Well below applicable dose limits (see Assessment and Evaluation)....

In response to the 1991 SQN land use survey, annual doses were calculated for air submersion, vegetable ingestion, and milk ingestion. External doses due to radiot. < t aly in air (alr submersion) are calculated for the f nearest resident in. m n sector, while doses from drinking milk or eating foods produced near the plant are calculated for the areas with milk producing animals and gardens, respectively. ] Air submersion doses were celculated for the same locations as in 1990, with the resulting values identical to those calculated in 1990. Ooses calculated for ingestion of home-grown foods and milk also were almost identical to those calculated in 1990. One dairy farm was identified in the 1991 survey that had not been identified in previous surveys. This farm is located in the east sector at a distance of approximately 5 miles from the plant. The dose calculated to persons consuming milk from that farm were lower than doses projected from any other farm in the-area and the X/Q for that location was also lower _than the X/Q for any of the other milk' locations. Consequently, no changes to the monitoring program were initiated as a . result of the survey report. Tables G-1, G-2, and-G-3 show the' comparative relative' calculated doses for 1990-and 1991. -.

7 P Table G-1 SEQUDYAH NUCLEAR PLANT Relative Projected Annual Air Submersion Dose to the Nearest Resident Within five Miles of Plant (mrem / year / unit): 1 i 1990 Survey 1991 Survey Approximate .. Approximate i Sector Distance (Miles) Annual Dose Distance (Miles) Annual Dose i N 0.8 0.12 0.8 0.12 i NNE-1.5 0.07 1.5 0.07 NE 1.4 0.07 1.4 0.07 ENE 1.3 0.03 1.3 0.03-E .1. 0 0.03 1.0 0.03 ESE-1.0 0.03 1.0 0.03 SE 1.0 0.03 1.0 0.03 i .SSE 1.2 0.04 1.2 0.04 S 1.4 0.05 1.4 0.05 SSW 1.2 0.15 1.2 0.15 SW 1.8 0.04 1.8 0.04 WSW. 0.7 0.08 0.7 0.08 r N 0.6 0.08 0.6 0.08 'WNW l.1 0.02 1.1 0.02 NW 0.9 0.03 0.9 0.03 NNW .0.6 0.12 0.6 0.12 b h,

i t Table G-2 SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT Relative Projected Annual Dose to Child's Critical Organ from Ingestion of Home-Grown foods (mrem / year / unit) _ 990 Survey 1991 Survey 1 Approximate Annual Dose Approximate Annual Dose Sector Distance (Miles) J Bone) Distance (Hiles) (Bone) N 1.1 2.41 1.1 2.41 NNE 1.9 1.56 1.9 1.36 NE a a ENE 1.6 0.78 1.6 0.78 E a a. ESE 1.1 0.73 1.1 0.73 50 2.0 0.37 2.0 0.37 SSE 1.2 1.19 1.2 1.19 S 1.5 1,64 1.5 1.64 SSH 1.7 3.27 1.7 3.27 SH 2.1 1.11 2.1 1.11 HSH 1,0 1.67 1.0 1.67 H 1.2 0.89 1.2 0.89 HNH 1.2 0.65 1.2 0.65 NH-0.8 1.18 0.8 1.18 NNH 0.6 3.08 0.6 3.08 No garden was-identifled in this sector whithin 5 miles of the plant. .a. i l ) Table G-3 SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT Relative Projected Annual Dose to Receptor Thyroid from Ingestion of Hilk (mrem / year / unit) Approximate Distance Annual Dose location No. Sector (Hiles)* 1990 1991 Farm EH* N 2.6 0.04 0.04 Farm H* NE 4.2 0.02 0.02 Farm HS E 4.8 d 0.01 Farm J' WNW l.1 0.03 0.02 Farm HH' NH 1.2 0.06 0.03 a. Distances measured to nearest property line. b. Vegetation sampled at this location, c. Milk sampled at this location. d. Farm not identified in the 1990 survey. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

f L. Y J l I ) 1 l-APPENDIX H- -j t . s ? ' :4 1 DATA TABLES [ i eI j i r 4 3 h ..}, h w - ,Y - i r 4 f.' [.;.. u i t t 1, e - i --*.rr

  1. ,.e.

,m,,. w J, er w +.. e % +..-og..,..s..,ys, ..,y,.....yv.4,,,,,,,..a. e.. _,.,,.33..,.,._,,__,,,, .a,m,,,,__._,,,_,,__.,

._______..._.___.x- ) Table H-1 DIRECT RADIATION LEVELS Average External Radiation Levels at Various Distances from Sequoyah Nuclear Plant for Each Quarter - 1991 mR/ Quarter

  • Average External Gamma Radiation Levels
  • Distance 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter

.4th Quarter Miles-(Feb-Apr 91) (May-Jul 91) (Aua-Oct 91). (Nov 91-Jan 92) 0 15.2.t 2.2 15.5

  • 1.5 16.3 2 1.4 16.5 t 1.2 1 11.7 2 2.2 13.5 t 1.7 14.0
  • 2.1 14.4 2 1.7

'2-4 11.1 2 1.8 12.7 t 1.8 13.1

  • 2.4 13.2 1 1.9 4-6 12.2 t 1.7 12.9
  • 1.5 13.5 1.6 13.5 i 1.6

) 6 12.1 2 2.2 12.6

  • 1.5 13.6
  • 2.6 13.0 t 1.7 Average.

0-2 miles. (onsite) 13.6

  • 2.8 14.7
  • 1.9 15.3
  • 2.1 15.5 t 1.8 Average

> 2 miles (offsite) 11.9

  • 2.0 12.8
  • 1.6 13.4
  • 2.1 13.3 t 1,7 a.

Data normalized to one quarter (2190 hours), ' b. Averages of the individual measurements in the set il standard-deviation of the set. f

qecE % r ST FEDN ONEE IT M RTRE EUOR GCPU I RES UI RA D N N E I M w w n )2 )1)2)2 D 8C 202020 E 0 - 55 I 5 3, 2E E E ED F 2 9 5 0 5L I ) 2 /8 / 2.6/54/1. L C m SF 8 2 E 7 LN( E 04 512121 < P 2 OO -T 2 S 31 RI NEO S 9 TTAGN t3 (2( T 09 NAEd 20 20,3<3E e 51 OCMAE 0-0-(030U A 0L CO RE - E 9 &. 3 - E EA S L S E4 E E0E0V T s 71 802 00855 N t 96 5 E 757 7 E 5 M R T E R


)2 )1)2)2)3 S OG 80 303"3030 A . N NN 4-1 1 1 1 - E O I E E E L E M I TT 0 4 9 - 5 0 u T ER /3 /1/13/ 7.1/3 E A KO 8 3 5 .T CP N) 2 44 11 3 2 1 8t N OE AF E DR E( .E TA 5 M Hl EO 20 20202030 E E T t3 (2(3(3t3 C E l LNYT LAGN 0-0 0 0 0-T TRS AEN E - E - E EE E SOY UMAE E0 E0E0EDE0 D - SNTS N .BE 53 01.156 0.48 7."O 3 - EIA N S

9. T C

RG A' 16 6 J.1 F ! DON .O YvNSIR T I 8 1 1 1 I 1 TRAATE S-- C 1 N I E LRT3 E I C C C EI-O NI S4 ULM N T' E E N N E T E I LP!/ G C R R T .T R EC s NL!AEFo I E tat CR B M= R C LA UCGI R I t K K C 3R NW I AI TGGI7 NED AS 4SASASAS T sWRWRWNW 8 AF GIONA3 TM SS 8SP P SS YONLI ELOORN0 AC S S N. I L "IJMI OI0 A TE TETLTLTE L' WNI NS NSYEYENS n IY L DT N L ADLAI Y - - O'- T' LNI NI L Ds E VAARNT ' C 7N 5MO 3 SM S I 7I UMJMTI EO I RC 0I3 T -N 1 1 C5C5I E I A84 VM P A t S I EDGE 5 iT' 3527. 2735 I/ C T 3 SNORLTI O S 1 - 1 331 SE CN SALAACC L I M M M M M EM E O TAP D L L - P P L DE NYINND NRDRE I ^ R )2 )1)2)'2)3 R. ET AE TSRT N D S 80 40404040 ASF SU) dA N 0-00 - 0 0- )E SER T O 4E 1E1 . I A( RL R EAEI N~ I E1E12 A 0 4 9 5 DMS MT V L .T 2 /3 /19/13/ 7.1/3 L E A) 8 CN .N PE CF E 4 E E O(ET (4 015352 1. LES E 0 (LE M RS LL 1 O' AS L I G0 BH N AT I Ni (3 (2(3(3(3 NTN s 'R EE ARAA 20 20303030 OCE LN O 0-0 0 0-IER CN TERE I E E E-E* EE TTA V' UE A S E8 E7E0E0E0 CEP N MT C 85 E ' l N .C

8. 6 108
4. 4209.57 0.303 ED I

s T N AO 5 .1 ENI I 1 OL ~ 7 8 8 - 1 DO YT I Ul PD FUE Gi T' O T EM N' - 1 3 2 3 3-3 DA I SN M2O' 0-0 0 0 0 TEC E I SI I I)T E E E E LFTD0 0 0 0 0' E MAD Y) OCL0 0 I 8N TT R EL 8 0 0 0 0 0 L I I I E T(E 2 2 3 5'1 RGS E LL W: E E I I O CC L : D S ENI WA AA ORS FF L N 6 6 FF 1 5 DO OO 6 )1 LNI I AAT EO . R L N A N NC I E5 EG MAO AI MMSE B1 D OEL NT ( NM .A AJTM A N C FLR T A O E AO E C 12 L

  • LhF B

S 4 4 8 YAAR TT E S A T 2 2 2 EE 1 1 0 .OFP S' t TT TO O f S 8 P T NI s E 1 S L O0 R A G G f ,wu' 'tl



co or b t Cf ~ Q ~~ l ha b 1 o ~-

ti ?. } 4*$C.7^ ~. S T F EDN ONEE ITM RTRE EUOR WOPU RES A NRA R I O E I M I )2 )3)2 )0 D 60 6C60 80 E 7+ 7+7+ 3+ I 8 D ED E E D E F 2 L 2L 4 1 L 2 I /0 L /6 C ) 2 L 7/ 0. L 6/66 5 E 3 . SF 7 LN(. E 11 < 7111 2 P T S 2 OO N E'O S - S S J 31 RI 9 TTAGN E (1E (2(1 E (0 TA 09 NAEe U 10U 3010 L d @0 + 51 OCMAE L 0+L 0+0+ L CO RE A +EA +E+E A E S L S V E2V E9E5 V E0 T 40 80 N 2 00.6 3622.22 8 E 4 3

2. 2 I

7 227 ( M R 5 1 5 2 E .E R


)1)0) a)1 )1 S oG 40604060 40 A N NN 2+2+2+2+ + E O I -E' E E E E M - I TT 4 3 8 5 7 T ER /54/ 9. 4/ 4.1/8 /5 E A KO 3 4 L T CP N) 2 3 721 2 1 B N OE AF A E( E T .E DR - M T (1( J(3(1 (0 C M M - E l EO 1 00C3010 10 E U s RYT LAGN 0+0+0+0+ 0+ T TRS AEN +E+E*E+E + E E SOY UMAE E3E2E9E5 E2 D SNTE N RE 58 75

0. 265.1.52 2.3.13 1.8.2 18

.O EIA N S F C RG A tD0N 3 6 1 2 1 YvN8I T N 1 N TRAAT S. O '- O 'EI IE LR E I RSG O L N T' T O NLP / G1 C EC HLIAE 0 I E LA TARCRK3 N R 8R UCOI L I E W E AF AI TGGI7 l ED N N N W W T a GIONM3 TM M YONLI IAD TSRSYS S S u. ELOORN0 WNN REAERE E E lY LOMI OI0 A I LFLILML ML L LI DT N' AI l AIRI RI DN ADLAI Y-0 E-- DMRaDMAM AM EO VAARNT l C< E F F B RC OIL t N R5 5 5 IS R5K3.D E AMV/ A A E 2.A E 2.ES 2.. S2 RT L I ESGE SI ORLTC O'.TS L4W1 L4N1 - E CN II C D + N1 SE SALAACP L t O O O O EM E O TA O N N-N J J DE 7 NYI NNC' .~ 60606060 20 ASF R. NRDREI ) 1 ) 0 ) 3' )1 )1 SU) ETAEMD S TS2TNA N 7+7+7+7+ 1 + A( E )E SOR T O D E E E E D - 7 DMS I N- - MLER ' A' .T 2 L I L 4 3 8 5 L A / 7. 5/ 9. 6/43 9 LES /8 L /5 L E + EAI - L A) NT 9 CF E 3 771 2 1 (LE CN e PE . O ( E' T BH E r E M RS LL G0 - S S AT -N AS L NNl E (1(0(2(1 E (0 NTN e O EE ARAA U 10003010 U 00 OCE R LN OERE L 0+0+0+(1 + L 0+ I ER I CN TM E A + E+E+ E+E A +E TTA e V ET C' E A S V E6E9E5E0 .V .E8 CEP. N

8. 21 0.29571 03 ED 619.5 42
0. 3 ENI 6

2 T N. E l N I W' 7 0 1 LAO 2' 5 1 2 8 DO PD TT I GL FUE. ut O T ut i 1 1 1 0 2 1 0 0 DA u Eu - N - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TEC. t Sl n-O-E + + + + + . E+ I S! MA@ I )T E E E E E E LFTDO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I B YY OCLN 0 0 0 5 0 5 0 L TT R EL E E' T(E 2 2 5 1 2 2 2 RGS. II LL W E E ENI I I O 'D S WA CC L~ ORS AA L N FF 0 2 0 3 5 -5 LWI O FF 1 )1 ' 5 5 AAT OO IMAO I N A L NC EN R MO E S' ' EG OEL AI DBID ( NT NMSE" NM A AUYM 1 M C NLR~ 3 A 12 O E AO 1 C L PLNF S 4 7 4 YAAR E 1 3 1 N A 2 1 0 2 9 0 EE TT E I M 1 S 9 OO OFP M 4 8 9 TT TO 00 A 8 C K P R R NN 1 C S S ,mm' 1 j l' .I r ; ia ,21 ' i'

Table 11-5 e swe-. --r e er lwG E96V59E9 e s 9 s =x x e N. o

  • a a,*

.: ~ N "".*"A 5* W 9 "E - a ggwn. 5 OfBeg9af' M "s c589 /A gg g a e e !s$ajg3s u 2 u i i = a

t a

II UTUTC "U 5 > es = a f 5 m------ m me ~ a .:.9 4 9 r- - glW E 9E9 979 97 8 eagsg5g5p5 .=8a-i og .B ns.s.a.a xa 2 e,2 a "-*N gg g -g 4g g*2aE-W "5 - U-b mb mW g5 5 g5 da Ugg5WQW

e.e s-s-8<,5e eta m-5 m

58EdBEg E55050$d80 ~t " d "f r E :r f r i r"d"d 95 d"

  1. s9 -

5 In m, g y >gga5=s =9"93*s*9 9 Es -E8 gg8<ggo 9s 0 S~S~e~e~- mE. ~ u g ,e g A " A G. A b. 2 / A U. 250 - 35g~[ _ -g 8 a g_ 3 sas sEs8 g g _r ecgusc;*s s g Esse e ~ s s e5. 5: R gm ge. m = W v v

  1. E
  • W W

gg as"98"g W B 505 v v+V .G

  1. 5MB~yg;y5 N

5 5 2 a v

== e e 2 q* 5 EN'

25. 5 5

9 el;8.5eo E.s s ee <3 g =


og -4 m - B"g U,d BB 5 g _'e 9 v8 5 5 5 8 5 a_ ~ 3 '"BGs2 E EE5E5 I 5 y3! 3

j gdp

-ge J 4 4 J J 4 4 4 l5 uu s9 4 2 BB 0 g*~ O N hh $5 8lr9 "N

  1. 8 C


8) LM-3 IST TN BANK REC 1.34E+00(

1/ t) 1.03E+00( 5/ 5) 4.84E 1.34E+00 1.5 MILES SSW 1.34E+00- 1.34E+00 5.63E 1.31E+00 BE-7 1.00E-01 1.51E-01( 3/

8) LM2 NORTMEAST 1.76E-01(

1/ tt 1.15E-01( 1/ 5) 1.37E 1.76E-01 0.75 MILES N 1.76E 1.76E-07 1.15E 1.15E-01 01 212 2.50E 01 9.13E-01( 8/ 8) LM-3 1ST TN SANK REC 1.27E+00( 1/ 11 1.04t+00( 5/ 5) 5.09E 1.27E+00 1.5 MILES SSW 1.27E+00- 1.27E+00 5.94E 1.29E+00 81-214 4.00E-02 1.10E+00( 8/ 84 LM2 NORTMEAST 1.39E+00( f/ 1) 8.66E-01( 5/ 5) 6 7.71E 1.39E+00 0.75 M2LES N 1.39E+00- 1.39E+30 5.40E i.0TE+00 3. CS-137 1.00E-02 4.26E-01( 8/ 84 PM-8 MARRISON, TN 7.61E-01( 1/ i) 4.32E-01( 5/ 5) 3.52E 7.61E-01 8.75 MILES 5"V 7.61E 7.61E-01 8.04E 1.06E+00 K-40 2.00E-01 5.63E+00( 8/ 8) LM2 NORTMEAST 1.2SE+01C f/ 13 7.52E+00( 5/ 5) 8 2.61E+00- 1.28E+01 0.75 MILES N 1.28E+01-1.2SE+01 2.49E*00- 1.52E+01 PA-234M 3.00E+00 8 VALUES < LLD PM-3 DAISY TN 1 VALUES < LLD 3.03E+00( 1/ 5) 3.03E+00- 3.03E+00 5.5 MILES W P8-212 2.00E-02 8.57E -01( 8/ 8) LM-3 1ST TN BANK REC 1.29E+00( 1/

1) 9.86E-01(

5/ 5) 4.92E 1.29E+00 1.5 MILES SSW 1.29E+00- 1.29E+00 5.31E 1.22E+00 P8-214 2.00E-02 1.11E+00( 8/ 8) LM2 NORTPEAST 1.42E+00( 1/ 1) 9.30E-01( 5/ 5) 7.88E 1.42E+00 0.75 MILES N 1.42E+00- 1.42E+00 5.88E 1.18E+C0 RA-224 3.00E-01 9.17E-01( 8/ 8) LP-3 1ST TN BANK REC 1.37E+00( 1/

1) 1.04E+00(

5/ 5) 4.50E 1.37E+00 1.5 MILES SSW 1.37E+00- 1.37E+DO 5.33E 1.32E+00 RA-226 5.00E-02 1.10E+00( 8/ 8) L42 NO ? NEAST 1.39E+00( 1/ 1) 8.66E-01( 5/ 5) 7.71E 1.39E+00 0.75 N1LES N 1.39E+C*- 1.39E+00 5.40E 1.07E+00 TL-208 2.00E-02 3.06E-01( 8/ 8) LP-3 IST TN BANK REC 4.63E-01( 1/ 1) 3.49E-01( 9/ 5) 1.71E 4.63E-01 1.5 MILES CSW 4.63E 4.63E-01 1.80E 4.45E-01 SR 89 1.00E+00 8 VALUES < LLD SR 90 13 3.00E-01 8 VALUES < LLD LM2 NORTMEAST 1 VALUES < LLD 3.64E-01( 1/ 5) 3.64E 3.64E-01 0.75 MILES N NOTE:




ql dh y _T=- S T FEDN ONEE ITM RTRE E t OR W0PU S RES NRA IW0 E 4 M )2 )2 D 10 10 E + + I 8 E E F 2 9 3 I ) -2 /2 /2 C 3, SF 1 1 E 7 LN( - T S E 4 4 P 2 OO 31 RI s EO s 9 TTAGN (2 (2 T 09 NAEle 20 20 A 51 OCMAE 0+ 0* CO RE +E +E S L S E9 E3 T 92 32 N

2. 4
2. 4 EM I

R 4 4 E


E U )3 )3 S OG 10 10 A N NN + + E O I E E M I TT 1 3 T ER /2 /2 E A KO 1 1 L T CP N) 2 4 1 B N OE AF A E-M DR E( - E T M T (3 <3 C U E NEO 30 30 E RYT LAGN 0+ 0+ T TRS AEN +E +E E SOY UMAF E1 E3 C SNTS 12 32 EIA . N RE - 2. 4 2.1 a S .FO C t G ) A N YVSSI W T N 1N I I N T 4 1 TRAAT _ S O - O I E LR T E I' EI RSG O E M T T O dLPSW G C-EC NL! AEE( - R BR I E LA TARCRL N : I UC0I PG w w AF AI 7GGPK HED T G1ONA/ TM M M YONLI o IAD RS RS N. ELt ORNt WNN AE AE I Y LOMIOI LI DT 7 N. A -- FL FL L 0N I I ADLAI Y3 O' E~ RM RM EO VAARNT0 I - C E E IRT B RC OI T N K5 K5 S AMV0 A. T A A CN E I A L2 L2 EsGE I C Ss ORLT- . O S W1 W1 SE SALAAC I EM E O TAG . L~ D -M N - DE NYINNDK R. NRDREI / )3 )3 SU) E ETAE DI S 10 14 ASF N TSRTI AC N + . E )E A( SaRP T O E - I NL t N I - 1 3 DMS EAEI A T -2 /2 /2 L E CN - V L '. A) - E 4 1 (LE NT 1 1 LES N PE CF E E-E O(ET BP M RS LL GO AT N AS L NNN (3 (3 NTN O EE ARAA 30 30 OCE R LN OERE 0+ 0+ IER CN TM E +E +E TTA I V UE A S E1 E3 CEP E I T C 12 32 ED N I NN D' 24 2.1 I T N ENI AO N 4 1 DO YT I PD DL FUE UI O T GM T 1 0 2 DA E4 I N 0 0 TEC SM M O E + + ISI I I)T E E MAD LFTDO 0 - 0 BN YY OCLN 0 5 IL I TT R EL E II E T(E 9 1 RGS LL W E E ENI II O D S WA CC L OR? AF A L e t 2 2 Dc LNt F ) AAf 0O I N A L NC EN R E IMAO MO ES G OEL AI DBI D ( NM 4 T NMSE 8A AUYM A N C NLR T A 12 O E AO E C L PLNF B S TAAR TT E S A 0 EE OFF S m 4 TT TO O P OO R A K NN G G e$t ,l i i i e. !4

Table 11-8 O bWa" ~ .~II Ie


^$. 8 0 sE s5 ~ n g a a g g~e m ,e h" 5gh 9v9' se -A ah ggr.- u Eg Ax e n e e R a" J" E s En =c. c e. s5 ~E gi hD -~ a g E .A -A G m -s,k We

a. v, e

.gbg 3r e et em gN G e.- na .a gE9 5 5 g _aa tws 0 a_ g*g-se - gs an n r = gt $_E_"so E 3 S -gE 5. 3. s es $8EdB.2 9.g 33 33 3 m a .a .2 es v*5 gt e e .-e ts: c B8]suvP-Eg sq Eq ig e 5-5- er g"_g. He = a. -b OB OG $50 ~ef 3E w + + 8;s_ g ~ e sE sE eg r 5 .W gO e"y w "a "a 3-r_ - 3" wg XG X9 EG" R Ee 9r:*- g E v+ v +, en e e5 sk Ex- .,s s 'd tg:, ~ o d b e 35 e 8 a -as s s _-e + + t " BUSS ~E! EE i E*s E "!=:E_ vu ~ ~ .9 bO C I f5 a .j",w g so e e s -~ ,#5; ~ "l fS "E t we "g 4 29 Table 11-9 i U BWB" --W "EEh. law W W 09

9 R.

3 >E B ~ 2 s a.b e:s-u sus A _A R ggW5w GV QV %y .s e + w B c-a a-55

9 09 3

t = e ~ g 2 ". 5 ~ ~ ~ ut u e g5 E~ A

  • A U

~ s-- .589 UT G? O s0 gtjw ?e" an E ge:- u s. =, gm gu .B ttl g 5 as "5 = 5 m"g *E e9 en Wo r-

  • p gss9-,

e I I se g t 8 2 5 <4 ga O -S 5.9 !O 50 4 e ggg ~ g -e -e og .-d CE 5d 59f 1ss F"n" "En W -3,. 9a da s; 9- -e wgsg E555lg.jl-g 09 09

!s 8

a r! rN f "9: e e w. >k 3 ". $wd gs g N g a ~ -gr es,3 s _A _A I g. s 5e:= <s,5m w av sv gs 3 a


car s-IB s =, e. 9 4" 4~ g3 8g"g B E W= 5 8 3 - 9 5. = w UBUSD $3! $5 i j"; e -Ve 32-av .95 ~ ~ BB t*" N-IE 9IEg o "j 5

4 e.

= 9

s g Io RB 1

~ B. g 3w 2.

ab]n,,_; 088 196l r e S X g2 =9

  • !E55?,E
  • $ s'q'.!

e .. a e,F -g k ,~? j.a 5 de 5 ~e ~ 1s 11 .s ~ =p l e ,e -e a es s llel!ss iPE .? 'l su or ? 1<dx r#~ r a rllegy$w !l

  1. en !!

E n 5 9 ~ 3a-3 sa a .a ~y.e ~~ h Wh O g v !c z* 15 E jnNell Eg; ee 9i g5 es 5?E #" ~ ~E E S ! l g~ 5 3 e ~ s.: e 1 W U [P 88 m k k [ 5 ~d'Cfk >$ Y 4$4 N Om 0 yS NhMwN b? 250 9 k gs ? Byu $=! es ? g? kl e

y gg gya s

se-etc llg l*f!! l a g alj seg a ':!s 29 !E ~ sp ~ ~ re'd e=

49 aE a

E19 s l < ~. G w

  • 2


l 1! l4} = Hyo =i: ^ S T FEDN ONEE IT M RTRE EJDK BG? MREK UNRA NO E N M 33 )3 D 10 10 E + + i 5 E E F 2 7 6 I ) 2 /7 /1 C 3, SF 1 1 7 LN( E 5 3 n 2 OO T S 31 RI NEO 9 TTAGN (3 r3 T 09 NAEN 30 30 A 51 OCMAE C+ 0+ + S 6 m. CO RE +E L S E7 E T T. 7

7. 3 n

N I D C 5 R 5 3 E E R

P u

)3 )3 OG 10 10 A N N1 + + E O E E M I TT 6 3 T ER /4 / r. E A KO 1 1 t T CP N) 2 5 3 s N OE AF A E DR E( E T M M M T (3 (3 C U E 4EO 30 30 E 3* e+ T RYT LAGN 0+ E TRS AEN +E SOY UMAE E6 E3 D SNT S N RE 64 3 r.

4. 5
7. 3


7. 3 T

u E4i MN D AO N 5 3 D0 Fum e TT I OL O UI QM T 1 0 2 DA EA I N 0 0 TE,C SN M O E + + I S MA. I I )T E E LFTDO 0 0 Ia YY OCLN 0 5 L i TT R EL ras II E T(E 9 1 Eu.i LL W E E I I O D S W CC L ORS AA L N FF 2 7 Lei O FF ) AAT OO I N A L I NC ~ EN R E MAO MO ES G ONnL AI OsI D ( MT NMSE A AUYM A N C NLR T A 12 O E AO E C L PLNF B S YAAR TT E s A 0 EE OFP M 4 TT TC O OO P R A K NN G C E' ,l{\\ll llIfi llt t l lflll}ll'flf(r l llll1! ll6l l i

Table 11-13 I e bw@g ~ Eg [ r@ 7 45.45 8 G 2 e S S S 4%

    • >5

^ ~ "g Wg:- g s -m ~. ~ v a - 33, -8

  1. 5 p E

8 W s gf esgBg V;


= v g w~ e"g. s .a "a.a W m n u w .. =t g pa A8 ABAE 38 o s w s5

1 E

ca aa a t s-w ,:- ~ l 5% E

  1. 5:5

-8 "<gg .sEns IWB-ga es-s ?e- = e v: a m a n 8 ea n .a na a na .a Ogesge ~ ~~ a -5 1 g g g a feI 5n .c g 5ggBr: a= as --gggs .E s-niings! sis me 3sg:lsm N N N 88 5 ~ a 8 n 9 e n. e. e. BHg<5eEE gE ge s = ma a m a or. 5"25WQ 38 28 28: 3533 . ug. 8 "d. "E"ss se e 2 95: a ger ~ o m. - Em s s t g: ca ma a a ee-sE I- ,a . -sg -g ugQu 99 5:5 V9 w s sne e Er-g


us -e: s gE Ex-wa s = = a .a na.a na a tc5 40 M N N N m MO 58 g B Wb 65 ? 5 ? 9 t@5 w 3 SEED E sa s s s sa! 55 iE"g ,Un ~ ~ d a ~ Es-vu ..a n a ~ ~ ~ BB C s<- 5. jWIh g:5 ar e g "WOg 5 G" Ja rmn-w na cc es g a g SB M a A srl g = a g g g a.

Table 11-14 i e awe-w .lEw N ] w<w ~+~9 39 8 38 353 ~s o m o ss e sEse sE 3 e a - ~ m g v <a; s g m; g_e. e n-8 a - gW Vy -yvY V9 s s s R-89 v e e w gs sE e W 2 8 = = .a a,. a ~a w m m m

t 5

cree <V g av eV. 8 s nw = u. nn n n s u 2 .c ~ -n 4 e m g Gugs e _g c g.- 9 gest 9 u e-m -E!EE !#ms EE RESE EE E e se a-x~;a aa o 0 C,. :"

  1. 5 75 5

0 n gut ge g me s-E sgros 3 ge $ ss2 1 8=gsg.g eya me s.g eo eo - ge 9a le Eg lg og eg ;s 3 eg >gg3Ise r -c n se g -_a 2-ag _3 ugs ag-a s s,E a a es a um u 1 -a - -g ~g .ga enSegg g m. men < <e sm5; g e e= x e e gr. .= asan an ~ n. ws. 3 g sE s gg 8s K w un v 4 e n v v _gg v -8 c es -w <s B. 8. E sese 8 s s 8 e= $5 g* a sw a

xcx tw e

e cc w nn sos n, e. o ~ ~ B 9 a" A A 4" E5-N N BS g' O_ a-s-+7 y 8 8 -g5 gg t 8 8 g + + + + 1 --e 2-2 -anes M sss s E E a-: gg g geg ?ge a aa e a a uu 8 s x s a a a me 18 Geo i as c "5 fIEE 5 5 5 ed d van -ee s ~Bmt E ? ? 2 8 es = a 22 8 E E

Table 11-15 c BwS" - E H"Eg W"$ < gW W sf 7V^V G P N, M S S S A. 3 ". W *. k N "E "9-85* W

@as I

8 gg gw 8@ y?g? E E E NM i s s 5 W gg g s l


~230 i

e a

g Rd g = se e 4 E 3 >N u .v g g; g E w* W 9_9' 55 8e' D 5-u=- .nus e a8. sw w w ss se s -*~ 5 1 E N E ". ~N E Rgt gm o = CR$2:" a5 ~5 Es ag-g!g5h $U $9 w - w-g68 g e

  • 2 2"

3_eg8g.g Eg9 sw awar sw e g 82W ~ t s. o ,= ,=,= ,= a sgg3,ise Ee se -u-w -e to e-5 S 5 5 $a -e a aa .s 5a 5 5 5 5 S Q W38g g e ggy a R RR R x. EE555'3s sf 7?

  • Bs Gggl-A g

ee e e e ar. ~ s g ge 2 > ~. e_. a, o. e g e g I g. e.gv

  • s M

W "Bgaw 8@ 8@ E E SE: = g g*e g a +m ss se s Dc E" ~N Wa. w 4 58 9 4" 35-m ,ee 3 g5 o - W= x 5 8 E. 5 8 8 8 N-t 5 w UBUSE E SEE C;

== we. aa w a .s. d" kE W b5" 44 =* 5 a e e e e e 9 Ob C ~3h 5


5_ 1 h 3I.a o r :s g t s 3.. aa = 5 cc t5"5 r E. s a eso e g 3=2 g g 3 92.

Table 11-16 C BWSg ~ uI's t n a. n a. n a. n s. e ^ N % a~;4 %a E a d!e - a- "5"95"3.g

  • E"8 EUE E

a* e e v+e-g gan5gEg~s aA*;;'a t .. e g NE E W" 5 RS

  • M Q

Mg 39" 4 N > *. g.


- ~ a 0 W W~ ~#* ~4 4 U d5-d sigR 5?$ 5?5? O use. sr.- ns +mam n g"Q"*O E "W E9s s. ~*. m CE0g:s s a a-

a 5 5g C E 75

~Wo ga g ;e w I sg W:e _ E te ev g38_"j gt82oo "ga .-.5.W. 6 =4.* 30 54 Omst8"s_.a' 5.9 wh sa" "ges uin.

3. 5 figE

- f_E gr Eo Ua.gj0 E e W,g_ 58~5 w"_ 250 55.25 9s g 7's. 7575 rgr= es ex ar. g5 5 g 9:~ e ~ A9" 3 N ? *. emW e -~ --r ga e",g.s != 5?$ g .5? E80 W

  • B aw 5q:

3_y s W cm . sex car -9.


no. EE 9 a~

  • a" g5~

g5 ~ B8 Wi E5 94V4 E95 ~ 3BEsi sssa Sa8 ee. a eaa .s. dd IE W b*2" WV 9 5 s e BB 0 n* O N hh e gge,j g EWi 3 -~ ?. h 3 ~B r I ? ? ? ? se ~3 3E D L 2 92 Table 11-17 i [ e B W S. "]EIr.r e n u. n s. z -V 4 M

  • B E. "g ~ ~ - -. ~ 53 u-sE ggtgs sesese;m E',gb'EGE~5 a. .;.a s; E- ~ -- E a d d. > 8 n {'. > MJ. s g w s .- ~ =

  • t w

E5 h, I-W O - o. - o. 9e - o. o o o a. aNE5 a y h5.h5.E.h5 U B ga a

  • ; s en8[gBE a

ceg ag 'i5 j*a ate-Bn s v o 3 -e as gas,t e 55"! S a

  • ac s*agn e


  • vvv1

-t seldsma =- s 50 E CMA 86 2 E~s3f=5 g 9

    • *
  • 8,
  • lEuE---- g5 Qv E

gg8 ave. g5 ~5 Ed w e m c-om 8 o - o SEj$"3 m 05050575 UhE ~I s 'k e E 5 !_ ~. a ai:4x4 SE,E, s g.q n t. g. i49 u"s 1. =h.u-6.:a=v=o.hst? 5~ BE, o ~W GCE 4.gW**E'g sg ~En 5 W 9 no. sg$ s a

a a s~

lE ~ B al

t. s.

5 3 8 5 85 BEb5 5$$$ b! ~

== ee.

a s.

de 5E W $3~ 4M ~* a g ag-8B C I-=g a O W gle!. aa i n.~ r .n

== fnco co-- SB U

a. 61 &

QB. Table 11-18 e bre- -r ,BE {1= 454E49 9 3 nA=g ne e e e .= ~ .n," n g g w -s v v gg. esst a-ggrtw s? bey:E l .g ? w Eg E,g e ns s e a e~ = u a a,. o-8 ~ ~

t 3

su ~e ~v~e 3 r > b. e 49d. b E 3 05 gg 9e n g 3 =c u mv -m g g gg ses sese I:ss &!gM s-- E!E:- W3g e-sgam n s- ~a.s .a 18v["swe-eEB IEs ~ " aa s EE ~5 5gg s aw g: --ggg-e e s- -8I_sssR r1a r a ar.c a-a ss =8 e-v e e -t isgB:15g !e 59,9 5 5 98 -e ggsg,ga 9a _eB!_!_e, 9*- 8 "s awae x. ,555lj! 3 45 ^9^5 <is 5 g rg e -}g se e e ar. a.". 29=g s_,w, gu g ~ g-g. m - m e e"[,.5 a. 8 : :r .8 ses s se a a E "NG <s s-w e i.s: GEs.M B 5 5 EEE am,s s a m 3 g ee l_e o5 m -m 8 9 5 w. 0 s ".

s. B. 8 s.

a. B. _e_5 3aEst Msss s s Sa8 g- -g g geg aaaa x -ge Es. av "gg m m as n<g _= I* siEe B 19" 9 i80s B aa -vaa ee e "B E E ~a " S

  • E E

WW ~b 3 eee as n 4* E.LC S T 5 EDN 0 NEE IT M RTRE EJOR 8OPU MRES UmRA N0 E N M )1)0 31 D 2020 20 E - + I 8 E ED D E F 2 8 0L L 2 I ) 2 / 8. 2/ 7. L L /1 C 3, SF T 2 E 7 LN( E 1 5< 2 PS 2 OO T 31 RI NEO S S (1 T - 7 TTAGN (1 (0E E 10 A 09 NAEN 1000t t l t 0-51 OCMAE 0 0+A CO RE - E+E A - E S ) L S E3E4Y V E2 T 27 N 88.5.52 3.2 2 9.1 E I 8.1 M C I R 1 5 1 ER E U


)1 )1 )1 )1 S s OG 202020 20 A + E NN I E E E E M (A i TT 6 5 4 4 T E ER /12/ 9.1/3 /2 E 1 2 L A L KO T O CP M) 2 3 6 2 1 BA N M OE AF E W DR E( E T M M M T (1(3(1 (1 C 10 0 1 0 E 0 901L+0-0 - T EO NEO tRYTL LAGN TRSA AEN - E+E - E - E E SOYF UMAE E6E5E4 E8 D 43 11 136 1 8.6D 6. 3. 2 2.1 SNTSF) N RE .FO EIA UT N S C RGBM A I DON G 3 6 2 1 1 N YVNBINI T N - O TRAATTE S O EI IE LRUW E I T N T RSG OC EC O NLPf Y G C LA MLI AELR I E BR TARCRLD N R UCOI A( I S S S AF AITGGM HED E E E T GIONSG TM R0R0R0 S1 YONLI / I AD 3 3 3 E7 N. FLOORN0 WNN A5A5A5 R4 IY LOMIOI5 A G - G - G - L LI DT N U1U1U1 K5 DN ADLAIY7 O E A7A7A7 C2 EO VAARNT3 I C M4M4M4 A4 B RC OI0 T N A A A J IS AMV A A KMKMKM AM RT E I EDGE I0 C T CPCRCR KR CN $NORLT O S ITIT!T CT SE EM $ALAAC-L I N M N I l TM D C C C W DE I t.NNCM R. Y ORDREIG )1)0)1 )1 S)) I D/ S 404040 40 A9F ETAE TSRTWA1 N + A( I SORC T O E E E D E )E MLER P N I 6 0 4 L 6 3MS EAtI A T 2 /14/ 4.1/3 L /4 L E NT V L A) 2 4 LES CN N PE CF E 3 7 2 1 ( LE E E E O(ET BH M RS LL GO S AT N AS L NNN (T(0(1 E (2 NTti O EE ARAA 10001 0 U 10 OCE R LN OERE 0 - 0+0 - L 0-I ER I CN T M E E+E - E A - E TTA V JE A S E4E0E4 V E1 CEP 43 34 ED N WT C 55733.2 4 T N 3.15. 5 16 ENI E NN ) AO I 2 6 2 1 DO R PD YT I OL FUE J O T I C M T 1 1 0 1 1 2 DA K EA I N 0 0 0 0 0 TEC SM M O E + I SI E MAD M 0 I BN I I )T E E E LFTDO 0 0 0 YY OCLN 2 0 0 0 0 L I E TT R EL I I E T(E 1 1 2 3 4 RGS ENI Lt W E E I i O D S WA C L ORS MA L N FF 6 6 DO LNI FF ) AAT N A OO u I NC EN R E MAO MO ES G OEL AI DBI D ( NM NT NMSE A AUYM N C NLR A 12 O E AO C L PLNF S 4 4 YAAR 1 1 TT E A 2 0 2 9 0 EE 8 9 TT OF P M 4 TO M 1 S OO A 8 K P R R NN G S S M$i ll(lllflf(ll[<l(IlflllfIIl f

Table 11-20 l l e swe= E . Eg [ r<w 2845484V Ca. 4 8. C '7 CVCVCV2845 8 = e = ge w ne segw n8:~nnu.- =gs n~nn" n.nnn.n.n. "5 g ~ y?5?8?5?E ags 5?5?E ' 't. "4-

  1. s-W t.


ssa RE g~s gs~as $?y?y?5?5?s. s.

~ m-gngsne:.g~.-. ~-se ggw"w .D u n e ~n. s

; ; s ;-

E ~ a

a aas~



E 55 CV;fafcV vcvave a94VC949a?A?cv I v 3 gesx wg5xgg=xw n.u.n.nn g gu.n.n.=nn.n.nv.nnn~. s, .n. n -g. .-.-~-------, ,e ~ n w w~ w 8 8@y98?s95?s95?578I8Yy d@8?5? B-e a582 y M +n u-a+ n E n:; =.s g E g s g 5 g 5.E g sh d g e w m g n,M y s y + use gwnm .c,x.. gn-- .w . a e 5 ER,Rv s

; a ;*s a a~s a saa a a ;*;a ms s

w,gc - E5* ~~

  • c n

isegmwE ee e a -ss_-- -e n E=gesv90 sI= 9 se ggsg_~g s3

a. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. u.

es 438_a_"f*8 999999999999999 s.e gesF := 9 a 3 3. g,, .3 .,g .3 sE =-- ee e-e: E55lg-g5 8-e 5 ?:929 ?a?:43?aV39a?:f V29;fav 255 S geg* aggxgg=me -1. a.a.a.a:2g g3,2 2. na.a.amana-

2_s, g@s g e3 s

.a. w ~ gz y


~--m n ge n" u 8.?898?8?8ese 59g 8.: 48eav5?s95?5 8 <s sm 8 5e8 gw ce enos cc. n s g g : gen g t.n w eg % =s an + 8 : ~s+ m,sn a s + e g a g

a a ;~ s.

.5,4 ~.;aa a~s ; sa; ;~N nE ra. a

;~;a 85-as e


  • BS

~ wi ss: 994444499?445 44 al c 3sEst sssssssssssssss 582


.ge gg g ge; En,a av s ~ [*! 00 g:s 5. N w 9,e <-u eN pg fU 5422 $ & 8 s.~~~~g gv.~~~??xa Q U $ sr r-3

  • aaaaeeeeee==e 95 3


I Table 11-21 l C BwS" "'ik l=> CV C8.C8.CB.CVCVCV4849Cs. 8 4 EshsssE 'n ~sa E,E B nE 4;9.A G E m n - ~ s~s a~a a a a ;< ; g ge e s 9g NORNR s?$ sa.4 D8$sA a A A a .a- ?s?B ?s?s?s?s? S-E! raw Ege w e . ~ 9 g a e a s + x e e g g E s =a e g a, w s~s a~ssuem 8 s o*s s~s s~ E e* d5 ~1csafc84448c?c?c?cVas = a.>g y e w = y x e e g g e e


- m ~ h-W eae wa-D waoavaoYB9y@s?8@s?8@'ea (h 5:

  • N2 o

$?s?8?8 s? W

sew sGn.

5g5.g.ssWgme cE.ssex e -+e s x+gax-.snE on 3 s a a a a~s s ; s~ssEn m CE$ ga:s E a


=~ m5 78 I eg EW g g-E eu No e g g s_ ge e se 0lgdgg ega e eee 8v.. 59 5 5 5 5 EJ s n s n=E4E-E-54545-E4e e e n e n=e og ss--- e_ 3Eas eee 3 EE*E*54 E. 535' ~EE

E h"s a sus a =h"us:s:s aI. " I. " I. " h "

g #. h"h"I."h"h" s gs ~ gs E,$ I#U,k _d. U. 787sG87$787$78787sG87s 250 -e$$.lgE. 5" a B a s5sEsssEs-sasMs~smsEsc -g-g- 9g a + + + sg gus_ ~

;< ~; a a~ < aa a a es, us n gO I-Bg

... w g sne uses s s?a-e s:s:s:s:s us N=i. vEw-w$ ?s?s?s?ae e sE@*? 8%xEe:gaex-m gass ~sna,Es.:e? ? ?a?e =sa a x s ,s.


ea 33 g o -a e ~ m s e s ~ a U O W.

e. 5
s. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. u.

-0s i g BUSE $)$$$$$$$$$ $58 g"g"Ugge; -ge

aaeaaaaaa d--

av me! BB O 1*- 0 N hh $5 $t*5o er 9 -~ xa s EW4: -2 W 3 h $ 3 4 4 8 t ~ ~: s~~~~~ ee g ~W -s.r W

0 4 E 2 2 2 d 22 3




t e NOTE:



l. mb 2 u 1 ,VJ. 1 9 \\ J-es bf se lc ~ I 78 l se s t l n e a v 5 1 eP e r L e r r t n a 4 r o 0 e ^ a i I u ta c O u 3 / i N 8 r da a h e R a f Y y 2 t s t o n c a n u I o e Pi q 'r t e na 1 i i r 8 S D g e e p BO ae h h 97 l I e t 9 e i 7 t s j i s f n f j O O l 7 O X 7 { l l e__LIf-L - - I s s C O 5 h 3 a 2 Lga $5}

  1. DNocE L

b lj <ll

.t'![. ,t +-. ( g' ,2 - 1Di rect [Radi ation ' ~ Sequoyah:Nuc1 ear; ~: .4-Ou'arter Moving I .s 25 - L-p 0 l- . 9 .~. .] a-O p 7 c

  1. x-hs

~ = 15-b- E c g p g is-y n 1 E 5. O Onsite Bogin Plant Operation X Offstte. i ,,,f..*1,,.t,,.l ,..'1' iI

    • I'.

i! =Ie **i e, 1e. - I*-e l+ I=** N 77 7e 73 as at s2 E3 as e5 - .es s7_.- se as ss 51 52. .Ye ar/Qu arter.

. Annual Average Gross Beta Activity Air Filters -(pCi/ Cubic Meter) .Sequoyah Nuclear Plant p indicator E. Control C i 0.25 -' Preoperational Phase Operational Phase / C 0.2 - u b 0.15-i q y hc 0.1 - Preoperational Average ![ " "" E B; JB.Bm.4E. ...y..,. t 0 e 71 72 73 74* 75 76 77 78 79 80p 800 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89-90 91 r Year

  • Data not collected in 1974

Annual Average: Sr-90 in Milk Sequoyah Nuclear Plant -*- Indicator 0- Control 14 -- Preoperational Phase Operational Phase p 12 - \\ C T \\. / x. N, ,. / \\. i 'o-i 8 Preoperational Average ,[ 3 6- = .L t Q C E f _-O,g Ye O--C C -c k g c O O O 71 72 73 76 77 78 79 80p 800 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 Year

  • No milk samples were collected in 1974 and 1975.

~ v~ g.. 4 -A - Annual Ave. age:- Cs-137 in. Soil Sequoyah Nuclear Plant.

  • - ln' dicator

-0 Control

2. 5 -

Preoperational: Operational Phase Phase P 2" C b \\ i );g _ -Q g o. Preoperational Average - 3. 1 ",. r c e c W 'e 5 m 0.5" %e y o g S 0-71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 '89 90 91 Year Note: Detector system changed from Nel to GeLi in 1977. e.

Annual Average Gross ~ Beta Activit Surface Water (pCi/ Liter) Sequoyah Nuclear Plant

  • - Downstream 0- Upstream Preoperational Phase Operational Phase 6..

5-- S P N C y i /g \\ /\\m Preoperational Average e 4_. m n l'

  • N

[3-N' o w &4 m "^ E 2 -- ? I o = e 1_. A r 0 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80p 80c 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 58 89 90 -91 Year

) = - A' nnual Average Gross Bota Activity:

Drinking :Y/ater (pCi/ Liter)

Sequoyah Nuclear Plant ~ -*- Indicator. 0 ' Control 5-- Preoperational Phase l.. Operational Phase p 4.5 " e Preoperational Average

  • g

[ A b 3.5 e o%a V / 3/ K e/* 'e e'~Ng %g* ':s m A L 2.5 b i 2 3 e lE t 1.5 - 1 i e 1-T r 0.5 - 0 71 72 73 74 75 76 77.78 79 80p 80o 81 82 83 84.85 86 87 88 89 90 91 Year i

n L;,. ~' ~ ~ .;u i a 3 Annual: Average; 4 4 , LCs-137 in' Fishi. Channel Catfish -Sequoyah Nuclear Plant' Downstreami i. Upstream: 05-Preoperatio'nal-Operational Phase . 0.45 - 0.4 :- . Phase.- .p ." 0.3 5 - 0.' 3 -- -[c 0.25 - i 0.2 C 0 0 ? cL. g'. Preoperational Average k 9 E' 3 r "@0.15 - ~._% c & k g y.h. 1 os O' I ~. 0 71-72. 73 174 75' 76.-7:7? 78 -79 80p 800. 31 82 83-84 85 86 87.'88 89 90 91-i Year' Note: Detector system' changed from 'Nal to GeLi in 1978. b r ,., = y .r..... ,4 m, .~.__...,-m.

Annual Average Cs-137 in Fish: Crappie Sequoyah Nuclear Plant

  • - Downstream 0- Upstream l

0 5 -- 0.45-- Preoperational Operational Phase p Phase 0.4 C 1 0.35-- s 0.3 - C .o o / gg Preoperational Average 0 25 ^ s b 01 y . -ggj=0 ve ,g 0 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80p 800 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 Year Note: Detector system changed from Nal to GeLi in 1978.

l M l 1 l Annual Average Cs-137 in Fish: Smallmouth Buffalo, Flesh Sequoyah Nuclear Plant l 1 i l

  • - Dcwnstream Upstream 0.7 Preoperational Operational Dbase l

p 0.6 - Phase C 0.5 - l l / 0.4 - -:5 9 0.3 -- 'f Preoperational Average 0.2 - C ya A gr N = m 0.1 e g c c c e 1 0 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80p 800 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 Year Note: Detector system changed from Nal to GeLi in 1978. l mu d n

3; +v j q. S 'l'_ ', j ~ f_ k': l' 1 t Annual; Average;

LCs-137.:in Fishi iSmallmouth Buffalo,1Whole.:-
Sequoyati Nucl ear Plant -

e Downstream' LCupstream 0;6 " Preoperational- - Phase ' Operational Phase.

p 0.5.
C i

0.4 - / 0.3 - 2 9 ? o gr 0.2 - A

  • (

Preoperational. Average 2 .. n 0.1 0 i i. v - C 0::=O" b c' C . O 71 72-73 -74 75 76 77. ' 78.79 80p _800. 81

82. 83. 84 85,86' 87 :8889' 90 91-

- Year- - Note: Detector system: changed from Nai to GeLi in 1978. 1 1 1 +- r c y 4 y. 4 <r ,f F w w hns- ~ e-e as =

m ;.r.y e ~ 3;# a ~ - Annual Average:.. Sediment ~

Sequoyah Nuclear Plant -
3. -
  • L Downetream' 0-LUpstream

-8W 'Preoperational . Operational Phase - 7-PC 6 Phase i '5 -- f-~--eQ y 4-- N. g. Preoperational Average 9' 3 3 'o r 3,. e- _,%, 1 T r a g; \\ m' O-O --- C N j. 0 71 '72 '73.74 75 76 77 ~78 79 80p 800 81 82 :83 84 85 86 87 88:89 90 91 Year -- . Note: Detector system changed from Nal to GeLi in 1977. 1 L ...c., x .s -a

i n a i i l ' Annual Average: Co-60 in-Sediment Sequoyah Nuclear Plant

  • - Downstream

> Upstream 1.4 - 1.2 - Preoperational Operational Phase p Rase C j. i f 0.8 - e 9 0.65 E 5 r s 4 Preoperational Averace em 1 0.4'" =- s/ 'e - ? a er N, W%,_e $%p { 0.2 - O-- --C o*p$ o 0 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80p 800 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 Year Note: Detector system changed from Nal to GeLi in 1977. 1

Annual Average: Cs-137 in Shoreline Sediment Sequoyah Nuclear Plant - Dowi1 stream O-Upstream 0.3 ~ p 0.25 -( C 0.2 - / &m 0.05 C.> x. 4- / 0 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 97 88 89 90 91 C Year -}}