MONTHYEARML20096H4521992-05-20020 May 1992 Rev 0 to WVNS-PCP-002, Process Control Plan for Cement Solidification of Sludge Wash Liquid ML20097G6821992-05-13013 May 1992 Rev 0 to WVNS-TP-051, Test Procedure Sludge Wash Cement- Waste Cores:Windows of Composition ML20096F3661992-05-12012 May 1992 Revised Operational Safety Requirements (Osr)/Technical Requirements West Valley Demonstration Project Index & Cancelled Rev 1 to OSR-IRTS-10, Criticality Control During Processing of HLW Through Ion Exchange Columns.. ML20097G6791992-04-30030 April 1992 Rev 0 to WVNS-TRO-051, Test Request Sludge Wash Cement- Waste Cores Windows of Composition ML20096C1101992-04-24024 April 1992 Rev 3 to OSR/GP-1, Wvdp Operational Safety Requirements ML20094G6991992-02-25025 February 1992 Operational Readiness Review Plan for Resumption of Irts Operations,Hlw Treatment Phase II - Sludge Wash ML20091K4641992-01-0909 January 1992 Addenda 1,2a,2b & 2c to Rev 5 to WVDP-022, Emergency Plan & Procedures Manual ML20094E5161991-12-31031 December 1991 Rev 10 to WVDP-019, Waste Mgt Plan ML20097G6751991-11-15015 November 1991 Rev 2 to WVNS-TPL-70-12, Test Plan Cement Waste Form Qualification of Sludge Wash Liquids ML20079K3231991-10-11011 October 1991 Rev 7 to TR/IRTS-5, Operational Safety Requirements ML20083F3701991-09-20020 September 1991 Rev 0 to Test Procedure WVNS-TP-028B, Water-to-Cement Ratio Variance in Simulated Sludge Wash ML20079E0081991-09-0505 September 1991 Rev 1 to Test Plan WVNS-TPL-70-11, Test Plan for Waste Form Qualification Program for Cement Solidification of Sludge Wash Liquid ML20083E9201991-08-14014 August 1991 Rev 0 to TR-IRTS-11, Fissile Matl Mass Balance Across Lwts Evaporator ML20083F3751991-08-13013 August 1991 Rev 0 to Test Procedure WVNS-TP-034, Confirmatory Cube ML20085K9541991-08-0909 August 1991 Rev 0 to OSR-IRTS-10, Criticality Control During Processing of High Level Waste Through Ion Exchange Columns Containing Ti-Treated Zeolite ML20083F3721991-07-30030 July 1991 Rev 0 to Test Summary Rept WVNS-TSR-025, Waste Form Qualification for Cement Solidification of Sludge Wash Liquids ML20091C2241991-07-24024 July 1991 DOE West Valley Project Ofc Operational Readiness Review Plan for Resumption of Integrated Radwaste Treatment Sys Operations,High Level Waste Treatment Phase II - Sludge Wash ML20083F3601991-07-16016 July 1991 Rev 1 to Test Procedure WVNS-TP-028 a, Procedure for Development of Process Control Parameters for Cement Solidification of Sludge Wash Liquids ML20083F3771991-07-0909 July 1991 Rev 0 to Test Request WVNS-TRQ-034, Production of Cement Product from Actual Lab Sludge Wash Liquid ML20024G9831991-05-14014 May 1991 Waste Form Qualification Program for Cement Solidification of Sludge Wash Liquid. ML20079B1281991-03-14014 March 1991 Draft Rev 0 to Operational Safety Requirement OSR-IRTS-10, Criticality Control During Processing of High-Level Waste Through Ion Exchange Columns Containing TI-Coated Zeolite ML20079B1211991-01-31031 January 1991 Draft E of Rev 7 to Technical Requirement TR/IRTS-5, STS Process Limits ML20079B1241990-01-31031 January 1990 Rev 2 to Operational Safety Requirement OSR/GP-7, Criticality Safety for Liquid Transfers ML19325F3851989-11-30030 November 1989 Rev 0 to WVDP-078, West Valley Demonstration Project Site Specific Plan ML19332C8911989-11-0909 November 1989 Rev 5 to West Valley Demonstration Project Operation Safety Requirements Document TR-IRTS-5, STS Process Limits ML20247D0401989-07-0505 July 1989 Rev 3 to TR-IRTS-4, Operational Safety Requirements ML20097G6841988-11-0404 November 1988 Rev 1 to WVNS-TPL-70-7, Test Plan Long Term Testing of Cement Waste Form ML20040C2291981-12-31031 December 1981 Nuclear Matl Control & Accountability Plan for West Valley Nuclear Svcs Co,Inc,West Valley Demonstration Project ML20011B1261981-10-31031 October 1981 West Valley Demonstration Project Environ Safety & Health Program Plan ML19323A2171980-03-11011 March 1980 Standy Power Usage, Revision 1 1992-05-20
MONTHYEARML20096H4521992-05-20020 May 1992 Rev 0 to WVNS-PCP-002, Process Control Plan for Cement Solidification of Sludge Wash Liquid ML20097G6821992-05-13013 May 1992 Rev 0 to WVNS-TP-051, Test Procedure Sludge Wash Cement- Waste Cores:Windows of Composition ML20096F3661992-05-12012 May 1992 Revised Operational Safety Requirements (Osr)/Technical Requirements West Valley Demonstration Project Index & Cancelled Rev 1 to OSR-IRTS-10, Criticality Control During Processing of HLW Through Ion Exchange Columns.. ML20097G6791992-04-30030 April 1992 Rev 0 to WVNS-TRO-051, Test Request Sludge Wash Cement- Waste Cores Windows of Composition ML20096C1101992-04-24024 April 1992 Rev 3 to OSR/GP-1, Wvdp Operational Safety Requirements ML20094G6991992-02-25025 February 1992 Operational Readiness Review Plan for Resumption of Irts Operations,Hlw Treatment Phase II - Sludge Wash ML20091K4641992-01-0909 January 1992 Addenda 1,2a,2b & 2c to Rev 5 to WVDP-022, Emergency Plan & Procedures Manual ML20094E5161991-12-31031 December 1991 Rev 10 to WVDP-019, Waste Mgt Plan ML20097G6751991-11-15015 November 1991 Rev 2 to WVNS-TPL-70-12, Test Plan Cement Waste Form Qualification of Sludge Wash Liquids ML20079K3231991-10-11011 October 1991 Rev 7 to TR/IRTS-5, Operational Safety Requirements ML20083F3701991-09-20020 September 1991 Rev 0 to Test Procedure WVNS-TP-028B, Water-to-Cement Ratio Variance in Simulated Sludge Wash ML20079E0081991-09-0505 September 1991 Rev 1 to Test Plan WVNS-TPL-70-11, Test Plan for Waste Form Qualification Program for Cement Solidification of Sludge Wash Liquid ML20083E9201991-08-14014 August 1991 Rev 0 to TR-IRTS-11, Fissile Matl Mass Balance Across Lwts Evaporator ML20083F3751991-08-13013 August 1991 Rev 0 to Test Procedure WVNS-TP-034, Confirmatory Cube ML20085K9541991-08-0909 August 1991 Rev 0 to OSR-IRTS-10, Criticality Control During Processing of High Level Waste Through Ion Exchange Columns Containing Ti-Treated Zeolite ML20091C2241991-07-24024 July 1991 DOE West Valley Project Ofc Operational Readiness Review Plan for Resumption of Integrated Radwaste Treatment Sys Operations,High Level Waste Treatment Phase II - Sludge Wash ML20083F3601991-07-16016 July 1991 Rev 1 to Test Procedure WVNS-TP-028 a, Procedure for Development of Process Control Parameters for Cement Solidification of Sludge Wash Liquids ML20083F3771991-07-0909 July 1991 Rev 0 to Test Request WVNS-TRQ-034, Production of Cement Product from Actual Lab Sludge Wash Liquid ML20024G9831991-05-14014 May 1991 Waste Form Qualification Program for Cement Solidification of Sludge Wash Liquid. ML20079B1281991-03-14014 March 1991 Draft Rev 0 to Operational Safety Requirement OSR-IRTS-10, Criticality Control During Processing of High-Level Waste Through Ion Exchange Columns Containing TI-Coated Zeolite ML20079B1211991-01-31031 January 1991 Draft E of Rev 7 to Technical Requirement TR/IRTS-5, STS Process Limits ML20079B1241990-01-31031 January 1990 Rev 2 to Operational Safety Requirement OSR/GP-7, Criticality Safety for Liquid Transfers ML19325F3851989-11-30030 November 1989 Rev 0 to WVDP-078, West Valley Demonstration Project Site Specific Plan ML19332C8911989-11-0909 November 1989 Rev 5 to West Valley Demonstration Project Operation Safety Requirements Document TR-IRTS-5, STS Process Limits ML20247D0401989-07-0505 July 1989 Rev 3 to TR-IRTS-4, Operational Safety Requirements ML20097G6841988-11-0404 November 1988 Rev 1 to WVNS-TPL-70-7, Test Plan Long Term Testing of Cement Waste Form ML20040C2291981-12-31031 December 1981 Nuclear Matl Control & Accountability Plan for West Valley Nuclear Svcs Co,Inc,West Valley Demonstration Project ML20011B1261981-10-31031 October 1981 West Valley Demonstration Project Environ Safety & Health Program Plan ML19323A2171980-03-11011 March 1980 Standy Power Usage, Revision 1 1992-05-20
[Table view] |
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Doc. Number WVNS-TPL-70-7 Revision Number 1
Revision Date 1/12/89
Engineering Release nul Per EC1 #2777 West Vc ley Demonstra" ion Pro'ec" TEST PLAN LONG TERM TESTING OF CEMENT WASTE FORM PREPARED BY
- X/ ; //,4-44 H. L. Payne cognizant Enyineer APPROVED BM fk&Ck (1 GS D. K. Ploetz h " ystem Design Mana66r iza S
- ,////89 R. F. Gessner APPROVED BY et11 Representative APPROVED BY M\\
D. L. Shusars Qual}ty Assuranc Manager,\\j D l. b M 2 01\\ h li bf6J5 D. J. Harwaro APPROVED BY RacignanaSaretynanager
- 6. West Valley Nuclear Services Co.
P.O. Box 191 West Volley, N.Y.14171- 0191 LED 0621 ENG-393 WV-1816 920o170227 920510 PDR PRCJ WM PDR
1 l
If there are changes to the procedure, the revision number increases by one, j
Ther changes are indicated in the left margin of the body by an arrow (>) at j
the oeginning of tl.a paragraph that contains 'a change.
i j
The arrow in the margin indicates a change, i
Revision On d
Rev. No.
Description of Changes Page(s)
Dated i
0 original Issun All 10/88
1 Per ECN #2777 1,2 01/89 e
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e W.1807, Rev. 1 i
LED 0621:ENG.393
,3 e
-,-.,r v.-
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Rev. No.
Description of Changes
Dated l
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l 4
W-1807. Rev.1 it LED 0621:ENG 393
4 WVES.TPL.70 7 WNS LONG TERM TESTING OF CEMENT '.lASTE FORM Rev. I 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of the long term phase of the testing program is to demonstrate long term retention of concrete compressive strength and minimal degradation due to cracking and spalling caused by aging.
2.0 APPLICABILITY This Plan applies to periodic confirmatory testing of VVHS cemented low level waste generated under sceual production conditions to demonscrate long term vaste form stability.
3.0 SCOPE This testing is intended to demonverate and verify waste form stability '
by coring selected production drums, performing compressive strength testing and documentins detailed visual inspections.
Twenty (20) drums shall be selected and set aside from a given produ: tion run for future evaluation as described, This isolation will facilitate handling by minimizin5 stacking, unstacking and restacking.
After an initial cure period of six (6) months, cores shall be obtained from thu first isolated production drum as follows: Two (2) from upper section, two (2) from center section, and two (2) from the lower section of the drum. Core segments shell have a minimum length over diameter of 2:1 to facilitate test sample preparation.
As test specimens are generated, they shall be bagged and uniquely identified to include date, drum number, and core location, i.e., (A top, B middle, C bottom).
Each core shall be visually examined for indications of cracking or spa 1'.*ng and then photographed.
Upon completion of visual examination, one core specimen from each level shall be destructively evaluated for compressive strength per ASTM C-39.
LED 0621:ENG 393 1
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WNS.TPL.70 7 Rov. 1 The restining three core specimens shall remain bsgged and stored in the RTS Drum Cell environment for visual examination at six (6) month interv,ts Tor signs of cracking or spalling.
For i.ine (9) drums the above steps shall be repeated in their entirety with t six month lag time between the start of each.
This test vill cove.r a five (5) year period. The remaining ten (10) drums vill be stored in the RTS Drua Cell for possible future test (s).
Af ter the drum is cored it will be placed into an overpack box and placed back into storage.
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LED 0621:ENG-393. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ - - _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - -