MONTHYEARML20210J1751999-07-30030 July 1999 Marked-up TS Pages for Proposed Changes Re Upper Temp Limit for UHS ML20209B7411999-06-30030 June 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Section 3.8.5, DC Sources - Shutdown, Correcting LCO & Braidwood TS Section 3.8, Electrical Power Systems, Deleting Various References to At&T Batteries ML20204H9781999-03-23023 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Revising Sections 3.7.15,3.7.16,4.3.1 & 4.3.3 to Support Installation of New Boral high-density SFP Storage Racks at Byron & Braidwood Stations ML20204H4291999-03-22022 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs 3.9.3,allowing Use of Gamma-Metrics post-accident Neutron Monitors to Provide Neutron Flux Info During Operational Mode 6 ML20198N3471998-12-29029 December 1998 Proposed ITS Tables 3.3.1-1 & 3.3.2-1,revising Twelve Allowable Values ML20198K5841998-12-23023 December 1998 Revised Tech Spec Pages 3/4 3-53,3/4 3-53a,6-27 & 6-27a,for Rv LI Sys ML20198A0811998-12-14014 December 1998 Proposed Rev T to Improved Tech Specs Section 3.4, Reactor Coolant Sys ML20196G6611998-11-30030 November 1998 Proposed Rev to Improved Tech Specs Section 3.1 ML20196B4101998-11-25025 November 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Facilitating Replacement of 125 Vdc At&T Batteries with New 125 Vdc C&D Batteries While in Mode 1-4 ML20155J2051998-11-0505 November 1998 Proposed TS Converting to Its,Rev R ML20155J0041998-10-30030 October 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Section 5.6.2, Fuel Storage Drainage, to Identify Sf Pool Level Sufficient to Ensure SRP Acceptance Criteria ML20154S5011998-10-18018 October 1998 Proposed Rev N to Improved TS Section 3.7 ML20154M5281998-10-15015 October 1998 Revisions K,O & P of 961213 ITS Submittal ML20154A8881998-10-0202 October 1998 Proposed Rev L to Improved Tech Specs Section 3.8 Closeout ML20153G4331998-09-25025 September 1998 Revs J & M to Tech Specs Sections 3.6 & 5.0,converting to Improved Tech Specs (Its),Final Closeout Package ML20236W5851998-07-31031 July 1998 Proposed Rev G to Sections 3.1 & 3.2 of Improved Tech Specs ML20237B6391998-07-30030 July 1998 Proposed Rev H to Section 3.5 of Improved Tech Specs ML20237E9971998-07-21021 July 1998 Rev I to Proposed Improved Tss,Section 3.9 Re Final Closeout ML20237B7021998-07-0909 July 1998 Proposed Improved TS (ITS) Section 3.3 Issued as Result of Removing Generic Change Traveler TSTF-135,Rev E from ITS Submittal ML20236H6531998-07-0202 July 1998 Rev F to 961213 Improved TS Submittal,Containing Final Package Closeout for Improved TS Sections 1.0,2.0 & 3.0 ML20248M1491998-06-0101 June 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Bases Page B 3.8-58b,converting to Improved Tech Specs ML20248C5511998-05-29029 May 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Bases Section 3/4.4.4, Relief Valves, Specifically Crediting Automatic Function of PORVs to Provide Mitigation for Inadvertent Operation of ECCS at Power Accident ML20217B2681998-02-14014 February 1998 Proposed Rev D to ITS ML20198L8811998-01-14014 January 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Pages,Revising TS Section 3/4.8.2 & Bases,To Allow Replacement of 125 Volt Dc At&T Batteries W/New Charter Power Sys,Inc (C&D) Batteries ML20198L8131998-01-14014 January 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Pages Revising TS 3.4.8, Specific Activity, Figure 3.4-1,Table 4.4-4 & TS Bases 3.4.8 ML20198C3181997-12-30030 December 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Re Condensate Storage Tank ML20203M5921997-12-17017 December 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Rev C Changes Improved TSs 3.0,3.3,3.7, 3.8 & 5.0 as Result of Removing Generic Change Traveler TSTF-115 from Improved TS Submittal ML20203D0361997-12-0909 December 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Pages Correcting Errors Discovered in Current TS W/Regards to Total RCS Volume & Correction to Increase in RCS Volume Associated W/Unit 1 Replacement SGs Accounting for Hot Conditions ML20199A4751997-11-0707 November 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Pages Revising TS Surveillance Sections,, & Bases to Allow Performance of 10CFR50 App J,Type a Testing ML20217K4461997-10-21021 October 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Re Boron Credit in SFP ML20202F4561997-10-10010 October 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Deleting Lower Flow Rate Requirement Associated W/Nonaccessible Area Exhaust Filter Plenum & Fuel Handling Bldg Ventilation Sys ML20211D9421997-09-24024 September 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Revising Allowable Time Interval for Performing Turbine Throttle Valve & Turbine Valve SRs Requirements from Monthly to Quarterly ML20216G8541997-09-0808 September 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Change to TS 4.5.2.b & Associated Bases Bringing Byron Unit 1 & Braidwood Unit 1 Requirement in Conformance W/Unit 2 Requirements Approved by NRC in ML20216F1351997-09-0202 September 1997 Proposed Tech Specs 3.4.8 Re Specific Activity ML20148P7721997-06-30030 June 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Revising TS 3.9.11, & 6.9.10 to Allow Util to Permanently Take Credit for Soluble B in Spent Fuel Storage Pool Water to Maintain Acceptable Margin of Subcriticality ML20141F3081997-06-24024 June 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Changing TS for ECCS Venting ML20141B7781997-06-17017 June 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Revising TS Sections 3/,, 6.8.4 & to Support New Requirements in 10CFR50.55a, Which Requires Utils to Update Existing Containment Vessel Structural Integrity Programs ML20148J3231997-06-0909 June 1997 Proposed TS Reflecting Latest Rev of Waste Gas Decay Tank Rupture Accident Dose Calculation ML20141K8991997-05-24024 May 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Revising TS Surveillance Requirement 4.5.2.b to Encompass non-operating ECCS Pumps & Discharge Piping Which Are Provided W/High Point Vent Valves ML20141K8931997-05-23023 May 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Revising TS Surveillance Requirement 4.5.2.b.1 for Unit 1 as It Relates to Requirement to Vent ECCS Pump Casings & Discharge Piping High Points Outside Containment ML20141K3381997-05-23023 May 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Requesting Enforcement Discretion from Compliance W/Ts 4.5.2.b.1 Requirements of Venting of Emergency Core Cooling Sys Pump Casings & Discharge Piping High Points Outside of Containment ML20148D6861997-05-23023 May 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Revising TS Surveillance Requirement 4.5.2.b.1 for Unit 1 as It Relates to Requirement to Vent ECCS Pump Casings & Discharge Piping High Points Outside Containment ML20141K0011997-05-21021 May 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Relocating Reactor Vessel Surveillance Program Capsule Withdrawal Schedules IAW GL 91-01 ML20196G0501997-04-25025 April 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Revising Primary Containment & Reactor Coolant Sys Volume Associated W/Unit 1 Steam Generator Replacement ML20137P0081997-03-24024 March 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Removing Values of cycle-specific Core Operating Limits from TS & Relocating Values to Operating Limits Rept ML20135E6851997-02-28028 February 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Replacing Original W D4 SG at Byron & Braidwood W/B&W International SGs ML20138N6841997-02-24024 February 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Changing TS from Current TS to Improved TS Consistent w/NUREG-1431,Rev 1, STS - W Plants, Dtd Apr 1995 ML20134N8481997-02-18018 February 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Table 2.2-1 & Table 3.3-4 Re Sys Instrumentation Trip Setpoints,Ts Re Reactor Coolant Sys & TS Re Surveillance Requirements ML20134E8661997-01-30030 January 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Revising TS 1.0, Definitions, 3/4.6.1, Primary Containment & Associated Bases & 5.4.2, Reactor Coolant Sys Volume, for Bs & Bs to Support SG Replacement ML20134A1551997-01-21021 January 1997 Proposed Tech Specs 3/ to Clarify That Values Calculated from New Equation for Reactor Trip Setpoint Reductions Were Adjusted 1999-07-30
MONTHYEARML20210J1751999-07-30030 July 1999 Marked-up TS Pages for Proposed Changes Re Upper Temp Limit for UHS ML20209B7411999-06-30030 June 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Section 3.8.5, DC Sources - Shutdown, Correcting LCO & Braidwood TS Section 3.8, Electrical Power Systems, Deleting Various References to At&T Batteries ML20211C3311999-04-30030 April 1999 Rev 2.0 to Generic ODCM for Dresden,Quad Cities,Zion, Lasalle,Byron & Braidwood ML20204H9781999-03-23023 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Revising Sections 3.7.15,3.7.16,4.3.1 & 4.3.3 to Support Installation of New Boral high-density SFP Storage Racks at Byron & Braidwood Stations ML20204H4291999-03-22022 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs 3.9.3,allowing Use of Gamma-Metrics post-accident Neutron Monitors to Provide Neutron Flux Info During Operational Mode 6 ML20198N3471998-12-29029 December 1998 Proposed ITS Tables 3.3.1-1 & 3.3.2-1,revising Twelve Allowable Values ML20198K5841998-12-23023 December 1998 Revised Tech Spec Pages 3/4 3-53,3/4 3-53a,6-27 & 6-27a,for Rv LI Sys ML20198A0811998-12-14014 December 1998 Proposed Rev T to Improved Tech Specs Section 3.4, Reactor Coolant Sys ML20196G6611998-11-30030 November 1998 Proposed Rev to Improved Tech Specs Section 3.1 ML20196B4101998-11-25025 November 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Facilitating Replacement of 125 Vdc At&T Batteries with New 125 Vdc C&D Batteries While in Mode 1-4 ML20155J2051998-11-0505 November 1998 Proposed TS Converting to Its,Rev R ML20155J0041998-10-30030 October 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Section 5.6.2, Fuel Storage Drainage, to Identify Sf Pool Level Sufficient to Ensure SRP Acceptance Criteria ML20154S5011998-10-18018 October 1998 Proposed Rev N to Improved TS Section 3.7 ML20154M5281998-10-15015 October 1998 Revisions K,O & P of 961213 ITS Submittal ML20154A8881998-10-0202 October 1998 Proposed Rev L to Improved Tech Specs Section 3.8 Closeout ML20153G4331998-09-25025 September 1998 Revs J & M to Tech Specs Sections 3.6 & 5.0,converting to Improved Tech Specs (Its),Final Closeout Package ML20153C0351998-08-31031 August 1998 Revs to ODCM for Plant,Including Rev 2 to Chapters 10 & 11, Rev 4 to Chapter 12 and Rev 3 to App F ML20238F8221998-08-25025 August 1998 Rev 2 to Braidwood Station Units 1 & 2 Second Interval ISI Program Plan ML20236Y5481998-08-0303 August 1998 Rev 1 to Braidwood Station Units 1 & 2 Second Interval ISI Program Plan ML20236W5851998-07-31031 July 1998 Proposed Rev G to Sections 3.1 & 3.2 of Improved Tech Specs ML20237B6391998-07-30030 July 1998 Proposed Rev H to Section 3.5 of Improved Tech Specs ML20237E9971998-07-21021 July 1998 Rev I to Proposed Improved Tss,Section 3.9 Re Final Closeout ML20237B7021998-07-0909 July 1998 Proposed Improved TS (ITS) Section 3.3 Issued as Result of Removing Generic Change Traveler TSTF-135,Rev E from ITS Submittal ML20236H6531998-07-0202 July 1998 Rev F to 961213 Improved TS Submittal,Containing Final Package Closeout for Improved TS Sections 1.0,2.0 & 3.0 ML20248M1491998-06-0101 June 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Bases Page B 3.8-58b,converting to Improved Tech Specs ML20248C5511998-05-29029 May 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Bases Section 3/4.4.4, Relief Valves, Specifically Crediting Automatic Function of PORVs to Provide Mitigation for Inadvertent Operation of ECCS at Power Accident ML20216C1011998-03-26026 March 1998 Revs to ODCM for Braidwood,Including Rev 1.9 to Chapter 10 & Rev 3 to Chapter 12 ML20217B2681998-02-14014 February 1998 Proposed Rev D to ITS ML20217C3011998-01-31031 January 1998 Rev 0 to Inservice Testing Program Plan Pumps & Valves Braidwood Nuclear Generating Station,Units 1 & 2 ML20198L8131998-01-14014 January 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Pages Revising TS 3.4.8, Specific Activity, Figure 3.4-1,Table 4.4-4 & TS Bases 3.4.8 ML20198L8811998-01-14014 January 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Pages,Revising TS Section 3/4.8.2 & Bases,To Allow Replacement of 125 Volt Dc At&T Batteries W/New Charter Power Sys,Inc (C&D) Batteries ML20216H4321997-12-31031 December 1997 Revs to OCDM for Braidwood,Including Rev 1.8 to Chapter 10, Rev 1.9 to Chapter 11,rev 2 to Chapter 12 & Rev 2 to App F ML20198C3181997-12-30030 December 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Re Condensate Storage Tank ML20203M5921997-12-17017 December 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Rev C Changes Improved TSs 3.0,3.3,3.7, 3.8 & 5.0 as Result of Removing Generic Change Traveler TSTF-115 from Improved TS Submittal ML20203D0361997-12-0909 December 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Pages Correcting Errors Discovered in Current TS W/Regards to Total RCS Volume & Correction to Increase in RCS Volume Associated W/Unit 1 Replacement SGs Accounting for Hot Conditions ML20199A4751997-11-0707 November 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Pages Revising TS Surveillance Sections,, & Bases to Allow Performance of 10CFR50 App J,Type a Testing ML20217K4461997-10-21021 October 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Re Boron Credit in SFP ML20198P1601997-10-20020 October 1997 Rev 1.5 to Odcm,Chapter 12 ML20202F4561997-10-10010 October 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Deleting Lower Flow Rate Requirement Associated W/Nonaccessible Area Exhaust Filter Plenum & Fuel Handling Bldg Ventilation Sys ML20211D9421997-09-24024 September 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Revising Allowable Time Interval for Performing Turbine Throttle Valve & Turbine Valve SRs Requirements from Monthly to Quarterly ML20216H7011997-09-10010 September 1997 Revised Procedures,Including Rev 2 to Bwzp 2000-18, Post- Accident Sampling Sys (Primary Responsibility - Chemistry Director) & Rev 2 to Bwzp 2000-18A1, PASS Sample Collection Procedures ML20216G8541997-09-0808 September 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Change to TS 4.5.2.b & Associated Bases Bringing Byron Unit 1 & Braidwood Unit 1 Requirement in Conformance W/Unit 2 Requirements Approved by NRC in ML20216F1351997-09-0202 September 1997 Proposed Tech Specs 3.4.8 Re Specific Activity ML20148P7721997-06-30030 June 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Revising TS 3.9.11, & 6.9.10 to Allow Util to Permanently Take Credit for Soluble B in Spent Fuel Storage Pool Water to Maintain Acceptable Margin of Subcriticality ML20141F3081997-06-24024 June 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Changing TS for ECCS Venting ML20141B7781997-06-17017 June 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Revising TS Sections 3/,, 6.8.4 & to Support New Requirements in 10CFR50.55a, Which Requires Utils to Update Existing Containment Vessel Structural Integrity Programs ML20148J3231997-06-0909 June 1997 Proposed TS Reflecting Latest Rev of Waste Gas Decay Tank Rupture Accident Dose Calculation ML20141K8991997-05-24024 May 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Revising TS Surveillance Requirement 4.5.2.b to Encompass non-operating ECCS Pumps & Discharge Piping Which Are Provided W/High Point Vent Valves ML20141K8931997-05-23023 May 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Revising TS Surveillance Requirement 4.5.2.b.1 for Unit 1 as It Relates to Requirement to Vent ECCS Pump Casings & Discharge Piping High Points Outside Containment ML20141K3381997-05-23023 May 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Requesting Enforcement Discretion from Compliance W/Ts 4.5.2.b.1 Requirements of Venting of Emergency Core Cooling Sys Pump Casings & Discharge Piping High Points Outside of Containment 1999-07-30
[Table view] |
/4 E d,'a n g
MO mw 6.1.1 The Station Manager, Braidwood S shall be responsible for overall unit operation and shall delegate in writing the succession to this responsi-bility during his absence.
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- n The Shift Engi M^ (*o*r during his absence from the control room, a
"( nanwe 6.1.2 cesignateh individual) shall be responsible for the control room command function.
A management directive to this effect, signed by the Assistant Vice President and General Manager Nuclear Stations shall be reissued to all y
station personnel on an annual basis.
G C.ommm eo /M, Ed, s o n 6.2 ORGANIZATION OFFSITE commoq u., ea !
- h Gils* n Thekoffsiteorganizationforunitmanagementandtechnicalsupportshall 6.2.1 be as shown in Figure 6.2-1.
UNIT STAFF 6.2.2 The unit organization shall be as shown in Figure 6.2-2 and:
Each on duty shift shall be composed of at least the minimum shift crew compositicn shown in Table 6.2-1; and b.
At least one licensed Operator shall be in the control room when fuel is in the reactor.
In addition, while the unit is in MODE 1, 2, 3, or 4, at least one licensed Senior Operator shall be in the control room; c.
A Radiation Chemistry Technician,* qualified in radiation protection procedures, shall be on site when fuel is in the reactor; d.
All CORE ALTERATIONS shall be observed and directly supervised by either a licensed Senior Operator or licensed Senior Operator Limited to Fuel Handling who has no other concurrent responsibilities during this operation; e.
A site Fire Brigade of at least five members
- shall be maintained onsite at all times.
The Fire Brigade shall not include the Shift Engineer, and the two other members of the minimum shift crew necessary for safe shutdown of the unit and any personnel required for other essential functions during a fire emergency; and 8706050286 870528 PDR ADOCK 05000456 P
- The Radiation Chemistry Technician and Fire Brigade composition may be less than the minimum requirements for a period of time not to exceed 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> in order to accommodate unexpected absence provided immediate action is taken to fill the required positions.
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FENCE LINE ________________j EXHIBIT G
i UNITS 1 & 2 f
Sheet - 2
ATTACHMENT 1 The following general information is provided in support of the application for license amendment.
Subsidiary A.
Name: Central Illinois Electric Generating Company B.
P.O. Box 767 Chicago, IL 60690 C.
The Subsidiary will be a corporation established to hold title to the Facility and, through Commonwealth Edison Company as agent, operate the Facility for the purpose of selling the electricity generated thereby in accordance with rates approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
Organization and Management: The Subsidiary has not yet been created.
It will be created sometime in the future after favorable consideration by the Illinois Commerce Commission. The Subsidiary will be a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Illinois. Its principal office will be located in Chicago, Illinois. All of the stock of the corporation will be owned by Commonwealth Edison Company. All of the subsidiary's directors and principal officers will be employees of Commonwealth Edison Cowpany.
All will be citizens of the United States. They will be:
Name Subsidiary and Edison Position James J. O'Connor Chaiman and President
Vice Chairman
- Bide L. Thomas Executive Vice President
- Raymond P. Bachert Vice President and Comptroller Harlan M. Dellsy Vice President and General Counsel James W. Johnson Vice President Thomas J. Maiman Vice President Robert J. Manning Vice President Donald A. Petkus Vice President Cordell Reed Vice President George P. Rifakes Vice President J. Patrick Sanders Vice President John J. Viera Vice President Ernest M. Roth Treasurer Klaus H. Wisiol Secretrary
- Also will be members of the Board of Directors of Central Illinois Electric Generating Company
. It is not contemplated that the Subsidiary will have any other employees with the possible exception of a few administrative staff persons. As explained below, all personnel and other resources needed to operate, maintain and decommission the Facility safely will be provided by Commonwealth Edison Company.
Facility Under the Facilities Transfer agreement, title to the Facility will be conveyed to the Subsidiary, including control over the site exclusion area as described in Section 2.1 of the Safety Evaluation Report, dated November, 1983, which was issued by the NRC for Braidwood Station.
The Facility is depicted in Exhibit G, Sheets 1 and 2, and consists of the following structures and equipment for each unit:
Reactor Containment b.
Reactor Vessel c.
Reactor internals including control rod drive mechanisms, instrumentation and detectors, pressurizer and steam generators including separator and dryer.
Cranes and floists used solely in connection with operation of the Unit e.
Main and Misc. Instrument and control Panels f.
Piping, including valves and supports used solely in connection with operation of the Unit g.
Circulating Water Pumps used solely in connection with operation of the Unit h.
Turbine (including foundation) 1.
Generator (including foundation)
_ _ _ _ _ ~ -
. j. Condenser k.
345 KV Main power Disconnect Switch (1/2 interest) 1.
Cooling Lake III. Technical Oualifications The NRC has determined under the operating license that Commonwealth Edison company is qualified to operate the Facility. These circumstances will not change as a result of the proposed license amendment. The Subsidiary will appoint commonwealth Edison as its agent responsible for the operation, maintenance and decommissioning of the Facility. This relationship is established under paragraphs 4 and 13 of the Construction and Operating Agreement (Exhibit D).
paragraph 13 also states that the Subsidiary shall have no right to " assign, convey, pledge or otherwise transfer any of its rights" without the written consent of Commonwealth Edison Company. Moreover, as sole owner of the shares of the Subsidiary, Edison will control all decision-making to assure that the Facility's nuclear operations organization, which was found technically qualified by the NRC in its Safety Evaluation Report (SER, dated November, 1983), will remain in place. Finally, the NRC will have regulatory control over the subsidiary as a co-licensee of the Facility as well as Edison thereby subjecting any change in the operating entity of the Facility to the NRC's approval.
Financial Oualifications Commonwealth Edison Company is responsible financially for the operation, maintenance, and decommissioning of the Facility under the proposed amendment and as set forth in Article II of the Financing Agreement as that term is used in the NRC's regulations (Exhibit E).
In accordance with its obligations under those regulations, commonwealth Edison Company commits to provide the necessary financial resource to operate, maintain and decommission the Facility safely.
Commonwealth Edison company is an electric utility as defined in 10 CFR Section 50.2, and pursuant to 10 CFR Section 50.33(f) and 57.57(a)(4) no finding of financial responsibility to operate the Facility was required when the operating license was issued. None is required of the Subsidiary since (i) Commonwealth Edison is assuming full responsibility for the Facility, and (ii) the Subsidiary also qualifies as an electric utility under 10 CFR Section 50.2 because as the owner of the Facility its legal status properly qualifies it as a generator and seller of electricity through rates established by a separate regulatory authority.
ATTACHMENT 2 Antitrust Review Commonwealth Edison Company submitted the requisite information under 10 CFR Section 50.33a and Appendix L to Part 50 in connection with the operating license antitrust review for Braidwood Unit 1.
The information was reviewed by the Attorney General and comments were solicited from the public.
1 On September 18, 1986 the NRC's Director of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation made findings, in accordance with Section 105(c)(2) of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, that no significant changes had occurred since the construction permit reviews by the Attorney General and the NRC for Braidwood Unit I which would require a second antitrust review in connection with the OL application.
(See 51 Fed. Reg. 34171 (September 25, 1986)).
The following discussion will demonstrate that neither the Agreement which occasions this Amendment application nor its implementation constitute changed circumstances which raise any significant issues under the antitrust laws or which require a further antitrust review.
For a period of five to eight years after the effective date of the Agreement, Edison (and through it, Edison's customers) will be entitled to all of the power generated by the Units. That is no different from the situation without the Agreement. At all times, both with and without the Agreement, the price of power generated by the Units, and thus as an economic matter, what is paid for entitlement to the power, is subject to regulatory control. The Illinois Commerce Commission controls the price of power sold to Edison's retail customers and the FERC controls the price of power sold to other utilities (including municipal systems).
What may be different under the Agreement is that after the initial period (the duration of which, 5 to 8 years, is to be determined by the Illinois commerce Commission) is the identity of the utility entitled to the power and, more importantly, what is to be paid for that entitlement. Under Edison's ownership, the situation without the Agreement, the amount paid for entitlement to the power is determined by traditional rate base / rate of return regulation. Such regulation serves to place both a cap and a floor on the amounts (rates) paid for the electricity generated. However, with the subsidiary's ownership of the Units under the Agreement, the amounts paid for entitlement to the power may be lower than with Edison's ownership. The Subsidiary, unlike Edison, has no service territory and thus, has no assured market for the power. This means that the Subsidiary may be unable to sell the power at prices equivalent to those permitted by regulation.
In that circumstance, the power will be sold at rates determined by competitive market forces. This circumstance is dependent on the options which are exercised by Edison at the end of the initial 5 year term of the power Supply Agreement, as directed by the Illinois Commerce Commission. This arrangement between Edison, the Subsidiary and the Illinois Commerce Commission is, if anything, pro-competitive.
3107K i
e ATTACHMitNT 3 Analysis of No Significant Hazards Consideration The application to amend the operating license to add the Subsidiary as a co-licensee of the Facility involves no significant hazards consideration as demonstrated herein.
The tests for determining whether a proposed amendment involves no significant hazards consideration are set forth in 10 CFR Section 50.92(c).
The proposed amendment involves no change in the Facility, the manner in which the Facility is operated, or in the personnel who operate it.
The proposed change will involve no alterations to the facility itself and no modifications to plant procedures. Therefore, the proposed amendment involves no increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated. Nor does it create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated or involve any reduction in a margin of safety.