ML21306A316 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Grand Gulf, Arkansas Nuclear, River Bend, Waterford |
Issue date: | 11/09/2021 |
From: | Mallecia Sutton NRC/NRR/DANU/UARL |
To: | TerraPower |
Sutton M | |
References | |
Download: ML21306A316 (31) | |
SUBJECT TO DOE COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT NO. DE-NE0009054 Copyright© 2021 TerraPower, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Digital Instrumentation and Controls a TerraPower & GE-Hitachi technology
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- Natrium'Reactor Overview
- Simplified Safety Case - I&C Implications
- Defense-in-Depth Concept
- Plant I&C Architecture
- Design Review Guide: I&C for Non-LWR
- Safety Related I&C Vendor Selection Process
- Cyber Security Program 2
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Natrium Reactor Licensing Overview
- Regulatory Engagement Plan submitted 6/8/2021
- 10 CFR 50 licensing process will be followed
- Construction Permit Application 8/2023
- Operating License Application 3/2026
- Numerous pre-application interactions are planned to reduce regulatory uncertainty and facilitate the NRCs understanding of Natrium technology and its safety case
- The Licensing Modernization Project (LMP) (NEI 18-04), as endorsed by RG 1.233, will support this application 3
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Natrium Reactor Licensing Overview
- Each pre-application interaction will build upon risk insights from prior interactions to demonstrate the Natrium reactors safety case.
- Future Meetings and Presentations include:
- Risk-Informed, Performance-Based Principal Design Criteria
- Energy Island Decoupling Strategy
- Testing Plan and Methodology 4
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Advanced Reactor Demonstration Program
- Demonstrate the ability to design, license, construct, startup and operate the Natrium reactor within the Congressionally mandated seven-year timeframe
- Include improvements in safety, security, economics, and environmental impacts
- Utilize a simple, robust, reliable, and proven safety profile
- Lower emissions by initiating the deployment of a fleet of Natrium reactors - Demonstrate that the plants can be built economically and that they will be attractive for future owner/operators 5
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Rx Building Fuel Building Fuel Aux. Building Rx Aux. Building NI Power Distribution Center & Controls Control Building Warehouse
& Admin Standby Diesels Firewater Shutdown Cooling Inert Gas Steam Generation Turbine Building TI Power Distribution Center Energy Storage Tanks Demin Water Salt Piping SUBJECT TO DOE COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT NO. DE-NE0009054 Copyright © 2021, TerraPower LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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Plant Overview 7
Reactor Aux. Building Intermediate Sodium Hot Leg Intermediate Sodium Cold Leg Reactor and Core Intermediate Air Cooling Head Access Area Refueling Access Area Reactor Air Cooling / Reactor Cavity Reactor Building Fuel Handling Building Reactor Air Cooling Ducts Spent Fuel Pool (water)
Sodium Int. loop Sodium/Salt HXs Salt Piping to/from Thermal Storage System Ground Level
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Natrium Safety Features 8
Control Contain Cool
- Pool-type Metal Fuel SFR with Molten Salt Energy Island
- Metallic fuel and sodium have high compatibility
- No sodium-water reaction in steam generator
- Large thermal inertia enables simplified response to abnormal events
- Simplified Response to Abnormal Events
- Reliable reactor shutdown
- Transition to coolant natural circulation
- Indefinite passive emergency decay heat removal
- Low pressure functional containment
- No reliance on Energy Island for safety functions
- No Safety-Related Operator Actions or AC power
- Technology Based on U.S. SFR Experience
- SFR inherent safety characteristics demonstrated through testing in EBR-II and FFTF Control Motor-driven control rod runback Gravity-driven control rod scram Inherently stable with increased power or temperature Cool In-vessel primary sodium heat transport (limited penetrations)
Intermediate air cooling natural draft flow Reactor air cooling natural draft flow -
always on Contain Low primary and secondary pressure Sodium affinity for radionuclides Multiple radionuclides retention boundaries
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Simplified Safety Case - I&C Implications
- Design Review Guide: I&C for Non-LWR Reviews (ML20238B936) highlights the importance of simplicity in the I&C review 9
Simplicity of the design will facilitate the NRC staffs efficient assessment of the safety of the I&C design The staff considers simplicity to be a cross-cutting concept that supports the fundamental I&C design principles discussed in Section X.0.1.1 for developing I&C systems with high reliability.
- The simplicity achievable in I&C design is somewhat constrained by the complexity of the overall plant design and its safety approach
- The simplicity of the Natrium plant design and safety approach allow for a simple, small-scope implementation of safety-related I&C functions, compared to past LWR applications
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Fuel Cooling - RAC Always in operation Performs both ECCS and RHR roles No automatic or manual control actions to place in service No electrical power No support systems 10 Eliminates existence of Safety-Related I&C systems to initiate, control, and monitor ECCS, RHR and EAS equipment
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Contain 11 Figure credit: Argonne National Laboratory, ANL-ART-49 Vol 1 Functional Containment: A barrier, or set of barriers taken together, that effectively limits the physical transport of radioactive material to the environment (SECY-18-0096)
- No penetrations exist through reactor vessel and guard vessel
- No significant pressure differential across the primary boundary
- Layers of passive barriers and transport inhibitors
- Fail-safe isolation valves on sodium processing and cover gas lines Eliminates need for I&C to initiate large-scale, active containment isolation functions
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Control of Reactivity - Scram De-energize to actuate: Removing power from actuation devices frees neutron absorber to fall into reactor core by gravity Current design concept: On LOOP, actuation devices are de-energized without requiring action from the RPS.
Reduced inventory of scram initiating conditions
- All scram initiations based solely on Nuclear Island parameters Molten salt storage tanks eliminate direct coupling of reactor plant and turbine/generator output which is inherent to PWRs and BWRs
- Decoupling eliminates fast transients in the reactor system caused by BOP failures/maloperation - such failures do not require direct protection by scram 12 Supports a simple implementation of Safety-Related RPS
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Early Design Application of DID Design team is applying an explicit Defense Line (DL) approach consistent with IAEA SSR-2/1 DL definitions:
- Identification of mitigating functions for PIE and event sequences
- Assignment of functions to DLs
- Confirmation of two functional DLs capable of mitigating initiating events
- Derivation of independence and diversity requirements between functional DLs Supports early indications of safety classifications:
- DL3 functions match SR assignment in LMP
- DL4 functions align with NSRST assignment in LMP but with some expected differences
- In exceptional cases, a DL2 function may align with NSRST This approach is intended to minimize design iterations and decreases potential for surprises when the RIPB Evaluation of DID Adequacy step is performed 13 NEI 18-04, Figure 3-2
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Defense-in-Depth Concept
- Five DLs comprising programmatic elements, design features and design functions
- DL1:
- reduce potential for initiating events to occur
- reduce potential for failures in subsequent DLs
- DL2, DL3, DL4:
- Ensure performance of FSFs in response to initiating events
- DL5:
- Off-site emergency preparedness in case substantial radioactive release occurs or appears imminent 14 Defense Lines provide a relatively simple, consistent framework to support organizing the design basis
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Defense-in-Depth Concept Among DLs 2, 3, 4:
- Two independent lines can mitigate AOO initiating events
- Two independent lines can mitigate DBE initiating events
- One line can mitigate DBE initiating event caused by CCF in DL2 or DL4
- Mitigation means must be independent from effects of initiating CCF
- Mitigation of initiating event caused by CCF in DL3, and BDBE initiating events, by unaffected functions in any DL 15 Points of required independence and diversity in I&C Architecture design are determined based on this approach
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Defense Line Analyses Baseline analyses: Evaluate plant response to AOO and DBE PIEs assuming all plant functions perform as designed
- Preferably uses only DL2 functions; DL3 can be used
- Design basis for DL2 functions Conservative analyses: Evaluate plant response to AOO and DBE PIEs assuming DL2 functions fail
- Must use only DL3 functions
- Design basis for DL3 functions Extended analyses: Evaluate plant response to BDBE PIEs
- Must use DL4 functions when AOO PIE was not mitigated by DL2 alone in Baseline analysis
- Must use DL4 functions when DBE PIE was not mitigated by DL2 alone in Baseline analysis, and it was not mitigated to frequency less than 5E-7 in Conservative analysis 16 Event List is the interface between analysis and design activities, to identify mitigation functions and assign them to DLs.
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Event List Example Baseline case: full mitigation by DL2 functions Conservative case: full mitigation by DL3 functions No Extended case required; mitigation by two functional defense lines achieved 17
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I&C Functional Basis
- Plant-level Operational Narratives:
- Define how the plant is expected to be operated normally
- Define expected/desired plant responses to off-normal situations
- The off-normal narratives are currently housed in the Event List sequence summaries
- Plant functions are systematically derived from the Operational Narratives
- Plant functions are decomposed for allocation to plant systems and to I&C Architecture
- I&C Architecture further decomposes for allocation to specific I&C systems 18 During conceptual design phase, traceability of I&C functions to their originating basis is being established
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The Plant I&C Architecture is the organizational structure of the I&C systems in the plant Organizational structure comprises definition of each I&C system in terms of its:
- Assigned functions
- Safety classifications, and
- Relationships to other systems (including communication between I&C systems)
The Plant I&C Architecture design is where the I&C implementation of the Defense-in-Depth Concept can be most readily defined and understood; The fundamental design principles of independence, diversity, redundancy, and simplicity are first applied to the Plant I&C Architecture (not to individual I&C systems; the I&C systems are constrained by application of these principles at the plant-level).
Plant I&C Architecture - Basics 19 Source - Design Review Guide: I&C for non-LWR Reviews
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Plant I&C Architecture - Process Plant-Level I&C Architecture translates plant-level functions, performance objectives, and constraints into I&C system requirements I&C Architecture Design Plan used to control the design activities in the Plant I&C Architecture scope Current focus is on initial requirements definition and architecture design Future activities
- Coordination and architecture updates to reflect I&C system design progression and plant design progression
- Plant-level I&C integration and validation 20
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Plant I&C Architecture - Requirements 1.
Collect and define I&C Functional Requirements Define the necessary functions to control, operate and/or monitor a defined part of the plant process 2.
Collect regulatory requirements, codes and standards Identify those that are applicable, scope of applicability and derivation of project/design-specific requirements to implement 3.
Define I&C Architecture Requirements Define the requirements that determine which I&C systems must be independent and/or diverse from each other and levels of redundancy for each I&C system 4.
Define Plant Constraints Identify constraints placed on the I&C from external influences, such as: Plant building and room layouts, environmental conditions, human factors, cyber security, process system interfaces, on-line maintenance approaches, etc.
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Plant I&C Architecture - Design 5.
Allocate I&C Functional Requirements Establish criteria to govern the process of decomposing I&C functions and allocating to I&C systems The act of function allocation establishes the justification for existence of interfaces between I&C systems 6.
Define Plant I&C Architecture Establish the definition of each I&C system including its:
Design basis functions Position among the Defense Lines Safety Classification Implementing technologies (technology platform)
Necessary interfaces Physical location in the plant 7.
Define I&C Interfaces Establish specific requirements to govern implementation of interfaces between I&C systems 22
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23 Conceptual I&C Architecture (NI)
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DRG: I&C for Non-LWR Reviews Key messages from the DRG:
- Increased focus on how I&C supports plant-level objectives:
- Acknowledgement of importance of plant-level I&C Architecture:
- Recognition that diversity is in support of DID; not a goal in-and-of itself:
24 implementation of the DID concept for I&C is achieved mostly at the I&C architectural level by allocating I&C functions into systems belonging to different levels of defense within the I&C architecture While diversity is part of the fundamental I&C design principals, it is only considered as one means to address CCF. Therefore, the review guidance focuses more broadly on the diversity in support of DID assessment The reviewer should focus on verifying the applicable attributes of the I&C system design that support the plant level performance objectives
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DRG: Topics for Future Engagements
- Systematic Assessment
- Safety Demonstration
- I&C Hazard Analysis
- App. A relationship to existing review guidance
- Codes/Standards selection; e.g., IEEE vs. IEC 25
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26 Establishing early partnership with RPS platform vendor is a priority Rigorous technology/vendor selection process established In preparation for RFP, Statement of Work currently under development RPS Vendor Selection Current Activity
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Vendor Selection Criteria 27 General Responsiveness to RFP - Bidders must submit all proposal forms Document quality - references, support for claims On-time submittal I - Management & Operations Feedback from previous customers Management and technical staff defined and adequate Supply chain reliability and quality Resource commitments identified and adequate II - Technical Technology Readiness and Maturity System characteristics including performance, footprint, fit and finish Maintenance, support, training Prototype, simulator, modeling, or emulation of RPS system.
Reliability determined by PFD Source code/ models for site-specific and platform provided III - Quality Quality Program - 10 CFR Part 50, appendix B NRC Regulations Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations Part 21 Cyber programs including SDOE, supply chain, etc are in compliance with industry best practice IV - Regulatory Acceptance Regulatory project fit/licensing risk Diversity/common cause failure - No DAS Required V - Business & Contract Total Cost - must be reasonable and supported Schedule accuracy and time to Market including supply chain reliability Cost allocation between elements is well defined and supported Contract - acceptance of terms and conditions Assignment of IP Country of origin for components
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RPS Vendor Selection Considerations
- Analog vs. Digital (PLC vs. FPGA)
- Intellectual property assignment (per 2 CFR 200; long term RPS maintenance)
- Codes and Standards - Which version/revision to specify
- E.g., 2004 vs. 2016 version of IEEE-1012 28
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Cyber Security 29 Cyber security must be integrated from conceptual design through operation of the facility Both programmatic efforts and plant system development efforts and included Standardized flow down to vendors and subcontractors (supply chain) to assure consistent cyber treatment Cyber Security Plan under development Current Activity
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Acronym List AC - Alternating Current AOO - Anticipated Operational Occurrence ARDP - Advanced Reactor Demonstration Program BDBE - Beyond Design Basis Event BOP - Balance of Plant BWR - Boiling Water Reactor CCF - Common Cause Failure CFR - Code of Federal Regulations DBE - Design Basis Event DID - Defense-in-Depth DL - Defense Line DRG - Design Review Guide EAS - Essential Auxiliary Support EBR - Experimental Breeder Reactor ECCS - Emergency Core Cooling System FFTF - Fast Flux Test Facility FPGA - Field Programmable Gate Array 31 HX - Heat Exchanger I&C - Instrumentation and Control LBE - Licensing Basis Event LMP - Licensing Modernization Project LWR - Light Water Reactor PIE - Postulated Initiating Event PLC - Programmable Logic Controller PSAR - Preliminary Safety Analysis Report PWR - Pressurized Water Reactor QA - Quality Assurance RFP - Request for Proposal RHR - Residual Heat Removal RIPB - Risk-Informed, Performance-Based RPS - Reactor Protection System SFR - Sodium Fast Reactor SRP - Standard Review Plan TREAT - Transient Reactor Test