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Orano Federal Services, LLC, Table of Changes for CR3MP Safety Analysis Report, Revision 2
Person / Time
Site: 07109393
Issue date: 01/31/2022
Orano Federal Services
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Shared Package
ML22033A536 List:
EPID L-2021-NEW-0003, FS-22-0015
Download: ML22033A541 (3)


Enclosure 4 to FS-22-0015 CR3MP SAR Revision 2 Docket 71-9393 EPID L-2021-NEW-0003 Table of Changes for CR3MP SAR Revision 2 Page 1 of 3 The CR3MP SAR has been updated to create Revision 2. Each change in the SAR document from Revision 1 to Revision 2 is marked by a revision bar on the right-hand side of the page.

Section no. of change Material changed Reason for change 1.2.1 Added statement about pressure vent port and plug Update as a result of Section 2.3.1 change to allow for venting of package during welding for potential use of weld pre-heat or post-heat, which could occur prior to full 28-day grout curing Added statement about pressure vent port and plug and the plug weld Update as a result of including vent port Changed compressive strength occurring at 28-day cure, not 7-day Customer-initiated correction to specification Appendix 1.3.2 Updated SAR Drawing to Revision 2

Update as a result of including vent port 2.1.1 Added statement about pressure vent port and plug and the plug weld Update as a result of including vent port 2.2 Added statement about pressure vent port plug Update as a result of including vent port 2.3.1 Removed carbon equivalency requirement for material Allow greater flexibility for procurement 2.3.1 Changed as-cast to wet-cast and added a definition of terms Per customer request, clarify terms 2.3.2 Added statement about pressure vent port plug weld examination requirements Update as a result of including vent port 2.3.2 Changed compressive strength occurring at 28-day cure, not 7-day Customer-initiated correction to specification 2.4.5 Added statement about pressure vent port plug Update as a result of including vent port 2.4.8 Added statement about pressure vent port plug Update as a result of including vent port

Enclosure 4 to FS-22-0015 CR3MP SAR Revision 2 Docket 71-9393 EPID L-2021-NEW-0003 Table of Changes for CR3MP SAR Revision 2 Page 2 of 3 Section no. of change Material changed Reason for change Appendix 2.12.1 Added Reference 28 Update as a result of including vent port Appendix Changed compressive strength occurring at 28-day cure, not 7-day Customer-initiated correction to specification Appendix Changed compressive strength occurring at 28-day cure, not 7-day Customer-initiated correction to specification Table 3.2-3 Changed to As-Cast, from Cast Per customer request, clarify terms 4.1.1 Added statement about pressure vent port plug Update as a result of including vent port 4.1.3 Added statement about pressure vent port plug weld Update as a result of including vent port 5.3.2 Changed as-cast to wet-cast Per customer request, clarify terms 5.4.4 Revised to include statements regarding hydrogen diffusion and clarified the location of grout within the two distinct models for spatial energy deposition and time to reach 5% Hydrogen Clarified per NRC feedback received 5.4.4 Clarified with a statement regarding slurry density and wet-cast density such that LDCC air fraction as minimum 40% is attained Customer-initiated request 7.1.2 Added step regarding installation, welding and examination of the pressure vent port plug Update as a result of including vent port 8.1.2 Added statement about pressure vent port plug weld examination requirements Update as a result of including vent port 8.1.4 Added statement about pressure vent port plug and its weld Update as a result of including vent port Changed compressive strength occurring at 28-day cure, not 7-day Customer-initiated correction to specification

Enclosure 4 to FS-22-0015 CR3MP SAR Revision 2 Docket 71-9393 EPID L-2021-NEW-0003 Table of Changes for CR3MP SAR Revision 2 Page 3 of 3 Section no. of change Material changed Reason for change Changed wet cast density standard from ASTM C567 to ASTM C796/C796M Customer-initiated update to correct the applicable ASTM standard Changed slurry density requirement to an LDCC air fraction requirement Customer-initiated request Changed compressive strength occurring at 28-day cure, not 7-day Customer-initiated correction to specification Changed wet cast density standard from ASTM C567 to ASTM C796/C796M Customer-initiated update to correct the applicable ASTM standard Appendix 8.3.1 Updated Reference 4 and added Reference 5 Changed as a result of Section 8.1.2 and Section updates