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Attachment 4 - RSCS Technical Support Document (Tsd) No.21-077 Rev 00 TMI-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for the TMI-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/09/2021
From: Farr H
Radiation Safety & Control Services, TMI-2 Solutions
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Shared Package
ML22105A095 List:
Download: ML22105A090 (121)


{{#Wiki_filter:Attachment 4 TMl2-RA-COR-2022-0007 License Amendment Request Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 2 RSCS Technical Support Document (TSD) No. 21-077 Rev 00 "TMl~2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program (PROPRIETARY)

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program RSCS Technical Support Document No. 21-077 Rev 00 Originator:_ _ _--'* zL _* -~-------*:&_-~--~....a::;;a_

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Harvey Farr Calculation Reviewer: ~~ Chris Keene Reviewer:

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                                            -               -       - i/.ecle-Peter Hollenbeck Approver: _ _ _         &. . :;;.__;;....Co_,__,,(==--~=--------

Eric Darois Prepared by Radiation Safety & Control Services, Inc. 93 Ledge Road Seabrook, NH 03874 1-800-525-8339 +1 (603) 778-2871 (Outside USA) December 9,2021

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 for the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 2 of 120 Table of Contents 1 EXECUTIVE


..........................................................................................7 2     PURPOSE ...................................... :......................................................................... 9 3     BACKGROUND ...................................................................................................... 10 4     EVALUATIONS AND CALCULATIONS ................................................................ 11 4.1    Building Fire Using GPU Nuclear calculation, 4440-7380-990-017 So.urce Terms*******,********* 11


......................................................................................................................... 11 4.2 Calculated Ground Release Accident Dispersion and Deposition Coefficients .................... 12 4.2.1 4440-7380-90-017 Calculated Source Terms ............................................................................ 26 4.2.2 Generic Radionuclide Mix ........................................................................................................... 29 4.2.3 HEPA Filter Fire .......................................................................................................................... 31 4.2.4 Uncontained Combustible Waste Activity Limits .......................................................... :............. 34 4.2.5 Uncontained DAW Cut-Off Dose Rates ...................................................................................... 35 4.2.6 Contained DAW Cut-Off Dose Rates ......................................................................................... 37 5 CONCLUSIONS.......*.............................................................................................. 38 6 REFERENCES ....................................................................................................... 39 ATTACHMENT A 10 CFR 20 LIMITS APPLICABLE TO FIRE PROTECTION PROGRAMS 42 ATTACHMENT B AFHB AND CCB HEPA FILTER CUT-OFF DOSE RATE MICROSHIELD REPORT............................................. :................................................ 43 B.1 AFHB Elevated HEPA Filter 1 mrem TEDE Cut-Off Dose Rates .............................................. 43 B.2 AFHB Elevated Release HEPA 80 mrem HEPA Filter Cut Off Dose Rates ......................;...... 46 B.3 Ground Release HEPA Filter 1 mrem TEDE Cut Off Dose Rates ............................................. 49 B.4 Ground Release HEPA Filter 80 mrem TEDE Cut Off Dose Rates ............................................ 52

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 for the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 3 of 120 ATTACHMENT C - MICROSH/ELD DOSE RATE CUT-OFFS FOR UNCOMPACTED UNCONTAINED DAW................................................................................................... 55 C.1 B-25 Size Uncontained DAW Cut-Off Dose Rates No HEPA, Ground Release ...................... 55 C.2 B-25 Size 4 x 4 x 6 foot pile in Ground Release L':)cation with HEPA Filtration ..................... 58 C.3 Yard Size Roll-Off Pile of Uncontained DAW Ground Release No HEPA Filtration Dose Rate Cut Offs ............................................................................................................................................. 61 C.4 Roll-Off Size Uncontained DAW Ground Release with HEPA Cut-Off Dose Rate .................. 64 C.5 Roll-Off Size Uncontained DAW Ground Release with HEPA Cut-Off Dose Rate .................. 67 C.6 Roll-Off Size Uncontained DAW Elevated Release No HEPA Cut-Off Dose Rate .................. 70 C.7 Roll-Off Size Uncontained DAW Elevated Release with HEPA Cut-Off Dose Rate ................ 73 C.8 Yard lntermodal 1 Size Uncontained DAW Cut-Off Dose Rate No HEPA Ground Release ... 76 C.9 lntermodal Size Uncontained DAW with HEPA Ground Release Dose Rate Cut-Off ............ 79 C.10 lntermoda/ Container Size Cut-Off Dose Rate Uncontained DAW no HEPA Elevated .......... 82 C.11 lntermoda/ Container Size Cut-Off Dose Rate Uncontained DAW with HEPA Elevated ....... 85 C.12 Sea/and Cargo Container Size Cut-Off Dose Rate Uncontained DAW No HEPA ................... 88 C.13 Sea/and Size Uncontained Uncompacted DAW with HEPA Ground Release Cut-Off Dose Rates 91 ATTACHMENT D - MICROSHIELD CUT OFF DOSE RATES FOR OPEN CONTAINERS OF UNCOMPACTED DAW .................................................................. 94 D.1 MicroShield Cut Off Dose Rates for Open B-25 Box Ground Release No HEPA ................... 94 D.2 MicroShield Cut Off Dose Rates for Open B-25 Box Elevated Release with HEPA ............... 97 D.3 MicroShield Cut Off Dose Rates for Open B-25 Box Elevated Release No HEPA ............... 100 D.4 MicroShield Cut Off Dose Rates for Open Roll Off Ground Release No HEPA.................... 103 D.5 MicroShield Cut Off Dose Rates for Open Roll Off Elevated Release No HEPA .................. 106 D.6 MicroShield Cut Off Dose Rates for Open lntermodal 1 Ground Release No HEPA ........... 109 D.7 MicroShield Cut Off Dose Rates for Open lntermodal 1 Elevated Release No HEPA ......... 112 D.8

  • MicroShield Cut Off Dose Rates for Open Sealand Ground Release No HEPA ................... 115 D.9 MicroShield Cut Off Dose Rates for Open Sealand Elevated Release No HEPA ................. 118

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 for the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 4 of 120 Figures Figure 1 - Regulatory Guide 1. 145 Correction Factor M for LY* ........................................... 15 Figure 2 - TMl-2 Exclusion Area and Low Population Zone Boundaries [8] ......................... 16 Figure 3 - Regulatory Guide 1.145 Figure 1 Lateral Standard Deviation Versus Down Wind Distance ........................................................................................................................ 17 Figure 4 - Regulatory Guide 1. 145 and 1. 111 Vertical Standard Deviation Versus Down Wind Distance ................................. .- .............*......................................................................... 18 Figure 5 - Reg. Guide 1.111 Relative Deposition for Ground Level Releases ..................... 21 Figure 6 - Measure Particle Sizes for Combusted Plastic Materials ..................................... 24 Figure 7 - Calculated and Measured Smoke Deposition Velocities and Particle Sizes ........ 25 Figure 8 - Observed Environmental Settling Velocities by Particle Size .............................. 26 Figure 9 - Environmental Release for Each 990-3017 Rev. 13 Fire Zones ........................... 27 Figure 10 Equation for Am-241 decay corrected for ingrowth from Pu-241 .......................... 28

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 for the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 5 of 120 Tables Table 1 - Calculated 1 mrem EAB Area Activity Limits for Areas Outside Rx Bid ................... 8 Table 2-AFHB HEPA Filter Dose Rate Limits ....................................................................... 8 Table 3- Non-Elevated HEPA Filter 1 mrem and 80 mrem Cut-Off Dose Rates ................... 8 Table 4 - Dose Rate Cut Off Limits for Uncompacted DAW of Various Sizes Stored Outside Containers Ground Release ............................................................................................ 9 Table 5 - Dose Rate Cut Off Limits for Uncompacted DAW Stored in Open Containers Ground Release ........................................................................................................................... 9 Table 6 - Federal Guidance Report 11 Total Body and Bone Surface Dose Conversion Factors

     ************************************************************************************************************************************* 12 Table 7 - Variables for Calculation of Vertical az and Lateral ay Standard Deviation ............ 19 Table 8 - Regulatory Guide 1.45 Calculated Dispersion Coefficients ................................... 19 Table 9 - Calculated Deposition (DIQ) Coefficients ............................................................. 22 Table 10- Selected DOTIITIC-27601 Table 2.4 Particle Deposition Velocity ...................... 25 Table 11 - Fire Zone Source Terms Calculated from Environmental Release Activities ....... 28 Table 12 - Decay Corrected Fire Zone Activities .................................................................. 28 Table 13 - January 1, 2021 Normalized Decay Corrected Fire Zone Mixes and Source Terms
     ************************************************************************************************************************************* 29 Table 14 - Normalized 5 Ci Mix Dose from Fire in HEPA Filtered Building ........................... 30 Table 15 - 1 mrem EAB Source Term Limits for Ground Release HEPA Filtered Building Normalized Composite Mix ........................................................................................... 30 Table 16 - 1 mrem EAB Source Term Limits for Non-HEPA Filtered Building Normalized Composite Mix .............................................................................................................. 31 Table 17 - AFHB HEPA Filter Elevated Release 1 mrem and 80 mrem EAB Source Term Limit
     ..................................................................................................................................... 32 Table 18- 1 mrem and 80 mrem EAB Source Term Limit for a ground release ................... 32 Table 19 - MicroShield HEPA Filter Housing Dose Rate Model Input Parameters ............... 33 Table 20-AFHB HEPA Filter 1 mrem and 80 mrem Dose Rate Cut Off Values .................. 33 Table 21 - Ground Release HEPA Filter 1 mrem and 80 mrem Cut-Off Dose Rates ........... 33

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 for the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 6 of 120 Table 22 - 1 mrem EAB TEDE Uncontained Combustible Waste Activity Limits for HEPA Filtered and Non-HEPA Filtered Ground Releases .................................................................... 35 Table 23 - Densities of Decommissioning DAW ................................................................... 35 Table 24 - Typical DAW Container Compacted and Uncompacted DAW Payloads ............. 36 Table 25 - Uncompacted DAW Container Cut Off Values for Ground Release Not HEPA Filtered Storage While Open ...................................................................................................... 36 Table 26 - Dose Rate Cut-Off Values for DAW Approximating the Container Dimensions Stored in An Area without HEPA Ventilation and No Elevated Release .................................... 37 Table 27 - Open Container Dose Rate Limits for Ground and Elevated Release Areas without HEPA Filtration ............................................................................................................. 38

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 7 of 120 1 EXECUTIVE


The Three Mile Island Fire Protection Evaluation conducted in 2018 [1] updated the 990-3017 Rev. 13 PDMS Reactor Building Fire Analysis, [2]. This calculation of the potential releases from fires within the Reactor Building remains valid for decommissioning activities since the source terms have decayed and will not be increased as a result of decommissioning activities and will be a key element in support of work in the next few years. This analysis is not revising that calculation. This analysis is a supplement for areas outside the Reactor Building such as the AFHB complex, Chemical Cleaning Building (CCB), Turbine Building which may contain radioactive material storage and handling areas or have removable contamination source terms that could be resuspended in a fire due to decommissioning activities. This technical document covers a broader scope and replaces the GPUN calc (6510-93-0136, "AFHB Dose Calculation (Revised Source Term)," dated October 8, 1993 [3] by evaluating the following. scenarios;

  • An area fire releasing removable contamination in the AFHB, Chemical Cleaning Building (CCB), Turbine Building or other areas/facilities with or without HEPA filtration as a ground release.
  • Combustible materials fire releasing contamination from materials staged in areas outside the Reactor Building such as the AFHB, Chemical Cleaning Building (CCB, Turbine Building or Yard Area.
  • A failure in a HEPA filtration bank that results in an elevated or ground release of activity to the environment.

The source term radionuclide mixes described in the Fire Protection Program Evaluation 990-3017 [1] which were taken from the Reactor Building Fire Analysis(GPUN Cale# 4440-7380-90-17 Rev 3 [2]) are used in this calculation. The 990-3017 decay corrected 4440-7380 17 Rev 3 [2] Fire Zone source terms in the Reactor Building, Auxiliary and Fuel Handling Buildings were decay corrected to January 1, 2021 and source term limits for areas outside the Reactor Building were developed from a normalized composite mix to ensure the 10 CFR 20 limits to a member of the public at or beyond the site boundary (i.e., exclusion area boundary (EAB)), would not be exceeded in the event of a fire. The AFHB has various doors and openings, such that in the event of a fire 100% of the activity would not be released through the plant vent and would not be an elevated release. Buildings other than the Reactor Building are also not elevated releases. Therefore, a ground release emergency X/Q is calculated for these areas since the RX/AFHB X/Q used in the 990-3017 is for the plant stack, which is an elevated release. Source term limits for area removable surface contamination are provided in Table 1. The HEPA filter source term limits for an elevated (Rx/AFHB) release are provided in Table

17. The corresponding dose rate cut off limits on the HEPA filter housing are provided in Table 2. The source term limits for activity on a ground release HEPA filter are provided in Table 18. The corresponding dose rate cut off limits on the HEPA filter housing are provided in Table 3.

The source term limits for uncompacted combustible DAW stockpiled outside containers are provided in Table 22. The corresponding dose rate cut-off values are provided in Table 4. The source term limits for uncompacted DAW stored in open containers are provided in Table

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 8 of 120

25. The corresponding dose rate cut off values on the containers are provided in The Table 5 dose rate cut-off values for combustible uncompacted Dry Active Waste are limits for DAW inside open fire resistant containers to ensure that a fire and unfiltered release will not result in greater than 1 mrem TEDE at the EAB.

Table 5. Because localized regions of contamination (i.e., Hot Spots) can bias the contact dose rate reading, average contact values or more distant dose rate readings (e.g., 1 meter or 2 meter) should be used to gauge the source terms on HEPA filter housings, DAW stockpiles, and Containers. As long as the radionuclide mix approximates the mix used to calculate the cut-off dose rates, the activity is proportional to the dose rate. Table 1 - Calculated 1 mrem EAB Area Activity Limits for Areas Outside Rx Bid Area Contamination Limits HEPA Filter Ground No HEPA Filtered Release Ground Release Nuclide Ci Ci Sr-90 5.62E+02 5.62E+00 Cs-137 1.63E+03 1.63E+01 Pu-238 4.35E-02 4.35E-04 Pu-239 3.0SE-01 3.0SE-03 Pu-240 1.48E-01 1.48E-03 Pu-241 1.56E+00 1.56E-02 Am-241 5.56E-01 5.56E-03 Totals 2.20E+03 2.20E+01 The HEPA Filter cut-off dose rates are for the HEPA filter bank geometry provided in Table 19

      - MicroShield HEPA Filter Housing Dose Rate Model Input Parameters. The dose rate cut-off values are for the 1 mrem TEDE and 80 mrem TEDE EAB limits. This allows the client to use discretion on which limit to use for a given HEPA filter unit.

Table 2 - AFHB HEPA Filter Dose Rate Limits Contact 30cm 6/eet Cut Of/ Location mR/hr mR/hr mR/hr 1 mrem Side 6.22E+00 2.0SE+00 2.29E-01 80mrem Side 4.95E+02 1.63E+02 1.82E+01 Table 3 - Non-Elevated HEPA Filter 1 mrem and 80 mrem Cut-Off Dose Rates Contact 30cm 6/eet Cut Off Location mR/hr mR/hr mR/hr 1 mrem Side 3.0SE+00 1.00E+00 1.12E-01 80mrem Side 2.54E+02 8.36E+01 9.35E+00

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 9 of 120 The dose rate cut-off limits should be used periodically to monitor HEPA filter dose rates to determine when they should be changed out in order to ensure that in the event of a fire the EAB TEDE limit will not be exceeded. The Table 4 dose rate cut-off values for combustible uncompacted Dry Active Waste are limits for DAW stored outside fire resistant containers in areas will not result in greater than 1 mrem TEDE at the EAB in the event of a fire and unfiltered release. Table 4 - Dose Rate Cut Off Limits for Uncompacted DAW of Various Sizes Stored Outside Containers Ground Release Uncontained DAW Ground Release No HEPA contact 30cm 1 meter Pile Size mR/hr mR/hr mR/hr 6x4x4 feet (B-25 size) 7.72E+03 3.98E+03 1.35E+03 20x8x7 (lntermodal Size) 7.83E+02 5.81E+02 3.25E+02 19.17x7.08x5.08 feet (lntermodal Size) 1.16E+03 7.65E+02 3.94E+02 18.96x7.33x6. 75 (Sea/and Size) 7.38E+02 5.77E+02 3.45E+02 The Table 5 dose rate cut-off values for combustible uncompacted Dry Active Waste are limits for DAW inside open fire resistant containers to ensure that a fire and unfiltered release will not result in greater than 1 mrem TEDE at the EAB. Table 5 - Dose Rate Cut Off Limits for Uncompacted DAW Stored in Open Containers Ground Release Contained DAW Ground Release No HEPA contact 30cm 1 meter 3 meter Container mR/hr mR/hr mR/hr mR/hr 8-25 1.71E+03 9.82E+02 2.83E+02 3.33E+02 Roll Off 2.47E+02 1.76E+02 9.22E+0l 2.81E+0l Yard lntermodal 20 ft 2.10E+02 1.49E+02 7.83E+0l 2.38E+0l V 1.38E+02 1.15E+02 6.81E+0l 2.20E+0l 2 PURPOSE This analysis provides the TMl2 limits for the following scenarios:

1. the removable surface contamination radioactive material allowed within any fire zone outside of the Reactor Building
2. radioactivity on HEPA filters released as a ground release in the event of a fire or catastrophic failure.
3. combustible DAW radioactive material stockpiled outside closed non-combustible containers in areas other than the reactor building.
4. Open containers of compacted DAW stored in locations other than the Reactor Building.

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO# 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 10 of 120 These limits and other fire protection program requirements will be used to control the movement of radioactive material within TMl-2 to ensure the offsite radioactive release expected from a fire would be less than the dose acceptance criteria in 10 CFR Part 20. The calculations are based on an EAB boundary dose of 1 mrem TEDE to ensure that a release which bypassed the filters would be bounded. Since HEPA filter failures would already bypass a filter, an 80 mrem at the EAB activity limit is also calculated. The dose consequence requirements are described in Reg Guide 1.191, which describes an acceptable means of compliance with 10CFR50.48(f). The applicable 10 CFR 20 dose acceptance criteria are discussed in Attachment A . The 8 mrem value is to provide an administrative limit below the 100 mrem 10 CFR 20 limit. 3 BACKGROUND Prior to entry into PDMS in 1993, the potential dose consequence of a fire in the Reactor Building was analyzed and documented (GPUN Calculation 4440-7380 17). At that time, there were no established standards specific for a decommissioning NPP. By 2001, NRC had completed issuing rules and guidance for fire protection at a decommissioning NPP (10CFR50.48(F) and RG 1.191). In 2018, that analysis was updated based on the decay of the radioactive materials of concern, and to provide the TEDE dose for comparison to the standard established in RG 1.191. The Fire Protection Program Evaluation 990-3017 Rev. 13 [1] was conducted May 18, 2018 while TMl-2 was in Post Defueling Monitored Storage (PDMS). 990-3017 [1] decay corrected the source term to 2018 and documented the program compliance with 10 CFR 48(f) and 10 CFR 20.302. The 990-3017 [1] evaluation focused primarily on existing, static conditions and source terms in the Reactor Building and Auxiliary and Fuel Handling Buildings (AFHB) during PDMS but remains bounding for decommissioning activities in the Reactor Building. This TSO covers a broader scope and supersedes GPUN calc (6510-93-0136, "AFHB Dose Calculation (Revised Source Term)," dated October 8, 1993. The Energy Solutions Jingoli (ESJ) LLC has taken ownership of TMI Unit 2 from GPUN and is preparing to proceed with Decontamination and Dismantlement. That work will require relocating the significant RAM in the Reactor, Auxiliary and Fuel Handling Buildings to appropriate containers for disposal. TMl-2 Solutions is preparing a License Amendment Request (LAR) to end PDMS and start active decommissioning. During decommissioning removable contamination and stored waste may be present in areas outside the Reactor Building. Combustible material may be stored and handled at various locations on the site. 990-3017 analysis focused on postulated elevated releases from the reactor building, and AFHB using the plant stack elevated release X/Q. This analysis expands the analysis to include potential ground releases from the areas outside the Reactor Building such as the AFHB, Turbine Building, Chemical Cleaning Building and Yard Area. The PDMS Reactor Building Fire Analysis remains valid for D&D, with some restrictions on the movement of RAM within the RB. The decontamination work may require relocation of RAM to areas outside the RB before it is placed in a closed non-

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 11 of 120 combustible container. This new calculation determines the maximum allowable RAM within a fire area. This is needed to support that future work. The method of analysis and assumptions include the following:

a. The surface area and combustible material RAM limits are based on a TEDE dose of 1 mrem at the EAB. The dose is determined at the Exclusion Area Boundary to conservatively bound the dose a member of the public could receive.

BASIS: 10CFR20.1301 requires "the total effective dose equivalent to individual members of the public from licensed operation does not exceed 0.1 rem (1 mSv) in a year." The calculated RAM limit is based on 1/100 of the 10CFR20.1302 limit so that it ensures a unfiltered release is acceptable .. 4 EVALUATIONS AND CALCULATIONS 4.1 BUILDING FIRE USING GPU NUCLEAR CALCULATION, 4440-7380-990-017 SOURCE TERMS This TSD 1.) updates the 990-3017 source terms to account for 3 years of decay from 2018 to 2021, 2) calculates activity limits on HEPA filter housing whose failure would result in a ground release to the environment 3) calculates activity limits for loose contamination source term in areas outside the Reactor Building, 4) calculates activity limits for combustible DAW stored in areas or open containers outside the Reactor Building and 4.) calculates doses using TEDE methodology.


1. In accordance with PDMS Fire Analysis [4] , an area contamination airborne release fraction of 0.8 E-3 was used for back calculating the are activity levels from environmental release activities in TABLE 3 "RB Source Term Total Curies Released To The Environment" from 990-3017 [1].
2. In accordance with PDMS Fire Analysis [4] , 1% of the Cs and Sr area contamination was assumed to be available for release during a fire for back calculation of the area source terms from environmental release activities in TABLE 3 "RB Source Term Total Curies Released To The Environment" from. 990-3017 [1].
3. In accordance with PDMS Fire Analysis [4] , the available area contamination Cs and Sr, the airborne release fraction was assumed to be 1E-03 for back calculation of the area source terms from environmental release activities in TABLE 3 "RB Source Term Total Curies Released To The Environment" from 990-3017 [1].
4. For HEPA filter failure, the release fraction was assumed to be 100 percent.
5. The airborne release fraction (ARF) of 1.5E-04 from NUREG/CR-0130 [5] Fire Involving Contaminated Clothing or Combustible Waste page J-49 was used for the release of the decay corrected source terms from removable contamination and combustible materials.

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissionina Fire Protection Proaram Page 12 of 120

1. The dispersion coefficient used for releases from the plant stack was 7.67E-04 s/m 3 as the worst case X/Q value for a TMl-2 release. This TSO calculates ground release XJQ of 1.52E-03 sec/m 3 for release points other than the Reactor Building.
2. The HEPA reduction factor for source term releases to the environment through a HEPA filtered pathway was assumed to be 0.01, based on a 99% efficiency.
3. A ground release X/Q of 1.52E-3 sec/m 3 was calculated as described in Section 4.2
4. The breathing rate was assumed to be 3.5E-04 m 3/s for the first 8 hours post-accident.
5. Federal Guidance Report (FGR) 11 and Federal Guidance Report (FGR) 12 Dose Conversion Factors shown in Table 6 are used to calculate doses from airborne intakes, airborne concentrations and ground concentrations.

Table 6 - Federal Guidance Report 11 Total Body and Bone Surface Dose Conversion Factors Direct DirectFGR Ground Submersion Submersion 12 FGR12 FGR11 FGR11 FGR12 FGR 12 bone h_effective, Bone h_effective, Bone h_ effective, Surface 50 Surface 50 Surface 50mrem/hr mrem/hr mrem/hr mrem/hr Nuclide mrem/pCi

  • mrem/pCi perpCi/m 3 perpCi/m 3 perpCi/m2 perpCi/m2 Sr-90 1.30E-03 2.62E-04 1.00E-10 3.04E-10 3.78E-12 1.11E-11 Co-60 2.19E-04 5.00E-05 1.68E-06 2.37E-06 3.13E-08 4.14E-08 Cs-137 3.19E-05 2.94E-05 1.03E-10 3.0SE-10 3.B0E-12 1.09E-11 Pu-238 3.92E-01 7.03E+00 6.S0E-11 1.24E-10 1.12E-11 1.63E-11 Pu-239 4.29E-01 7.81E+00 5.65E-11 1.26E-10 4.89E-12 7.74E-12 Pu-241 8.25E-03 1.55E-01 9.66E-13 2.92E-12 2.57E-14 6.41E-14 Am-241 4.44E-01 8.03E+00 1.09E-08 3.82E-08 3.66E-10 1.24E-09
6. The 990-3017 [1] radioactive decay constants used were Radioactive Decay Data Tables, by David C. Kocher. This calculation uses NRC Radiological Toolbox Version 3.0.0 to ensure compatibility with values endorsed by NRC.
7. It is assumed that all activity released from the fire is particulate in nature. In the unlikely event that any elemental forms are vaporized, the activity would likely attach to airborne particulates.
8. No credit is taken for plate out of activity in the fire scenarios, maximizing the activity available for atmospheric release.
9. It is assumed that all particulate released consists of particles less than 1O µm, AMAD maximizing the dose consequence of inhalation.

4.2 CALCULATED GROUND RELEASE ACCIDENT DISPERSION AND DEPOSITION COEFFICIENTS This section uses NRC guidance to calculate the ground release X/Q and D/Q. Equation 4 uses the vertical Z and lateral Y standard deviations of the plume. These change as the plume widens and spreads with downwind distance. The values vary based upon the distance and

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 13 of 120 stability class of the plume. These values can be interpolated from graphs provided in the Regulatory Guides. Figure 1 in Regulatory Guide 1.145 provides the lateral (cry) standard deviations as a function of downwind distance and Pasquill's stability class, as seen in the copy provided in Figure 3. In order to calculate source term limits for buildings outside the Reactor Building such as the AFHB, Chemical Cleaning Building, and Turbine Building that will not have a release through the plant stack it is necessary to calculate ground release X/Qs and D/Qs that can be used for the source term limits analysis in those areas. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.183 [6] Section 5.3 states," Atmospheric dispersion values (X/Q) for the EAB, the LPZ, and the control room that were approved by the staff during initial facility licensing or in subsequent licensing proceedings may be used in performing the radiological analyses identified by this guide. Methodologies that have been used for determining X/Q values are documented in Regulatory Guides 1.3 and 1.4. Regulatory Guide 1.145, "Atmospheric Dispersion Models for Potential Accident Consequence Assessments at Nuclear Power Plants," and the paper, "Nuclear Power Plant Control Room." Ventilation System Design for Meeting General Criterion 19". The Regulatory Guide 1.145 references are intended for interpreting on-site meteorological data to calculate X/Qs. Regulatory Guide 1.145 [7] states, The atmospheric diffusion models described in this guide reflect review of recent experimental data on diffusion from releases at ground level at open sites and from releases at various locations on reactor facility buildings during stable atmospheric conditions with low windspeeds (Refs. 1 through 6). These tests confirm the existence of effluent plume "meander" during low windspeed conditions and neutral (D) and stable (E, F, and G) atmospheric stability conditions (as defined by the temperature difference (/1 T) criteria in Regulatory Guide 1.23, "Onsite Meteorological Programs," and provide bases for quantifying the effects of plume meander on effluent concentrations. Effluent concentrations measured over a period of 1 hour under such conditions have been shown to be substantially lower than would be predicted using the traditional curves (Ref. 7) of lateral and vertical plume spread." Thus, the regulatory guide's equations include plume meander and lead to lower dispersion coefficients and lower predicted concentrations for ground releases. In lieu of site specific data that credits plume meander many facilities calculate worst case meteorological conditions using the guidance of Regulatory Guide 1.25 [8] or Regulatory Guide 1.145 [7] for a stability class F plume at a windspeed of 1 meter per second as prescribed in the regulatory guide. The center plume ground level dispersion coefficients for a Pasquill Stability Class F plume and a 1 meter per second wind speed can be calculated using the equations of Regulatory Guides 1.25 [8] and 1.145 [7]. Regulatory Guide 1.145 "During neutral (D) or stable (E, F, or G) atmospheric stability conditions when the windspeed at the 10-meter level is less than 6 meters per second, horizontal plume meander may be considered. X/Q values may be determined through selective use of the following set of equations for ground-level relative concentrations at the plume centerline: Equation 1- Regulatory Guide 1.145 Equation 1

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 14 of 120 Equation 2- Regulatory Guide 1.145 Equation 2 Equation 3- Regulatory Guide 1.145 Equation 3 1 X/Q == U1T LY O"z Where; x = the short term average centerline value of the ground level concentration (curies/m 3) Q = amount of material released (curies/sec) u = windspeed at 10 meters above plant grade, in m/sec. Footnote 5 in Regulatory Guide 1.145 explains that the 10-meter level is considered to be representative of the layer through which the plume is mixed when subjected to building wake effects. For this calculation the windspeed is 1 meter/sec (2.24 mph). cry= the lateral or horizontal standard deviation of the plume (meters) [See Figure V-1, Page 48, Nuclear Safety, June 1961, Volume 2, Number 4, "Use of Routine Meteorological Observations for Estimating Atmospheric Dispersion, " F. A. Gifford, Jr.] crz = the vertical standard deviation of the plume (meters) [See Figure V-2, Page 48, Nuclear Safety, June 1961, Volume 2, Number 4, "Use of Routine Meteorological Observations for Estimating Atmospheric Dispersion," F. A. Gifford, Jr.]

         ,[;y = the lateral plume spread with meander and building wake effects in m, a function of atmospheric stability, windspeed u and distance [for distances of. 800 meters or less, LY= M cry where M is determined from Fig. 3 of Regulatory Guide 1.145 provided as Figure 1. For a distance of 11967.5 feet (599.69 meters) as seen in Figure 2. For a 1 meter per second wind speed stability class F plume M=4.

A = the smallest vertical-plane cross-sectional area of the reactor building, in m2 . (Other structures or a directional consideration may be justified when appropriate.)

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissionin Fire Protection Pro ram Pa e 15 of 120 10

                                                           -i--- *-*      -*r - r .

Stability  ! j I Class 6 G

                                    .J i

I 4 F g u


z 3 0 u LU

Ii 0

u D 2: j i i 1~ - I I I -, 5 6 10 WINDSPEED (m/sec:J Figure 3. th~rrec~de*on facton foray values by atmospheric stability class (see Appendix A to rsgu1 1* Figure 1- Regulatory Guide 1.145 Correction Factor M for LY Since the location of a waste handling accident relative to other buildings may vary or the accident could potentially occur during the decommissioning phase at which building demolition is occurring, no credit is taken for building wake effect (A). This reduces Equation 1 to the same equation used in Regulatory Guide 1.25. Similarly, the Equation 3 M factor also includes building wake effect and would not result in a bounding and conservative X/Q across all anticipated site configurations during decommissioning. In addition, Regulatory Guide 1.145 clearly identifies the appropriate wind speed to be 10 meters above plant grade. Dispersion coefficients X/Q for a ground level release can be calculated using Equation 4 which is Equation 1 from Regulatory Guide 1.45 with the building wake effect mixing removed. Equation 4- Regulatory Guide 1.145 Undepleted Dispersion Coefficient without Building Wake Effect 1 X/Q == rruayaz Equation 4 is more bounding and conservative than Equation 2 which is lowered by a factor of 3 and Equation 3 which is lowered by a factor of 4. As seen in Figure 2, the EAB is 2000 feet or 0.6096 kilometers in all sectors. The LPZ is 2 miles or 3.22 kilometers in all sectors [9].

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissionin Fire Protection Pro ram Pa e 16 of 120 5 Mile Radius Low Population Zone Boundary (Radius 2 Miles) Sr.ALE (miles) Figure 2 - TMl-2 Exclusion Area and Low Population Zone Boundaries [9]

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissionin Fire Protection Pro ram Pa e 17 of 120 j I 'I ' I I I I , ; I I ' r' I __J. 'l..- 1... I  ! I I 1 . _j ___ A_.., ,... 5 J I ,. t ,6,4: 7 I

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0- NEUTRAL 77/ , /*V~ I" L.r E - S\.IGH'TLY STABL.E F - MOOERATEL.Y STABLE 2 1/ [/~ /  ! ro'

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                            ,/      r                                      i I                                      j                                                   I 0   /           j                                      I                                                   I 4.: to                                                                                                                       4 10 2         2                       5                    1o           2                   5                 10                  2                 5 DISTANCE FROM S0tl~CE                             (m)

Lateral diffusion without meander and building wake effects, uy, vs. down-wind distance from sou.rce for Pasquill's turbulence types* (atmospheric stability) Figure 3 - Regulatory Guide 1.145 Figure 1 Lateral Standard Deviation Versus Down Wind Distance The graphs for the vertical standard deviation O"z versus downwind distance are provided in Figure 2 of Regulatory Guide 1.145 and as Figure 1 of Regulatory Guide 1.111 [1 O]. This graph is provided as Figure 4 below.

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissionin Fire Protection Pro ram Pa e 18 of 120 1000 I ,., /

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1 ,~ 10 0.1 PLUME TRAVEL DISTANCE (KILOMETERS) Vertical Standard Deviation of Material In a Plumt (Lffltn dmote_ PasQilill Stability Cl~

  • Figure 4 - Regulatory Guide 1.145 and 1.111 Vertical Standard Deviation Versus Down Wind Distance While these graphs are adequate for interpolating values, it is difficult to do this on the log scales. NUREG/CR 3332 [11] Section states, the Pasquill-Gifford system provides equations for calculating the vertical and horizontal standard deviations. Equations 2.22 and 2.23 in the NUREG can be used to calculate the standard deviations at specific distances.

Equation 5 - NUREGJCR-3332 Equation for Lateral Standard Deviation of Gaussian Plume Equation 6 - NUREGJCR 3332 Equation for Vertical Standard Deviation of Gaussian Plume 1 2 O"z(x) = 2 15 _ exp [b 1 + b2 ln x + b3 (ln x) ]

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO# 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissionina Fire Protection Proaram Paae 19 of 120 Where az(x) = is the vertical standard deviation X = the downwind distance in meters, and Table 2.8 of the NU REG provides the vales of a1, a2, b1, b2, b3, for Pasquill stability classes A through F. This table is provided in Table 7 Table 7 - Variables for Calculation of Vertical az and Lateral Uy Standard Deviation Stability Class A B C D E F al -0.0210 -0.0147 -0.0117 -0.0059 -0.0050 -0.0029 a2 0.3500 0.2480 0.1750 0.1080 0.0880 0.0540 bl 0.880 -0.985 -1.186 -1.350 -2.880 -3.800 b2 0.152 0.820 0.850 0.793 1.255 1.419 b3 0.1475 0.0168 0.0045 -0.0022 -0.042 -0.055 The undepleted X/Q is applied to gaseous constituents that do not tend to settle out as the plume travels but remain airborne. The depleted X/Q for a ground release can be derived using the plume depletion curve provided in Regulatory Guide 1.111. [1 O] The ground release curve that provides the fraction of the contaminant remaining in the plume versus distance. This depleted X/Q curve is applied to particulates and halogens which deposit on the surfaces (e.g., structures, vegetation, soil, etc.) as the plume passes. This curve is provided in Figure 5. The calculated vertical and lateral standard deviations, as well as the depleted and undepleted dispersion coefficients X/Q at Exclusion Area Boundary and Low Population Zone downwind distances, are shown in Table 8. The lateral and vertical standard deviations are calculated using Equation 5 and Equation 6 at the downwind distances. The standard deviations are used to calculate the undepleted X/Q using the Equation 4. The Figure 5 interpolated values for fractions remaining in the plume are provided in the third column from the right in Table 8. The depleted X/Q is calculated by multiplying the undepleted X/Q by the fraction remaining in the plume. Table 8- Regulatory Guide 1.45 Calculated Dispersion Coefficients RG 1.111 RG 1.145 Down Interpolated RG 1.145 Ground Down Wind Wind Calculated Calculated Ground Ground Depleted Distance Distance Vert SD HorizSD Fraction Undepleted X/Q Zone Kilometers Meters meters meters Remaining X/Qsec/m 3 sec/m 3 EAB 0.610 610 9.703 21.582 0.93 1.520£-03 1.414£-03 LPZ 3.219 3219 27.319 98.419 0.82 1.184£-04 9.708£-05 The calculated values show that the ground release dispersion coefficients are higher than the elevated release 95 th percentile values of 7.67E-04 sec/m 3 used in the 2019 fire in containment analysis [4]. This indicates that the airborne radioactivity concentrations calculated by the ground release X/Q values will bound any concentrations from an elevated

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 20 of 120 release. The comparison shows the accident X/Q values for the 1 meter per second wind speed and a Pasquill F stability class plume is approximately 1.98 times higher than the 95 th percentile X/Q used in the fire analysis. Thus, the calculated X/Qs provide reasonable assurance that the doses calculated using them are bounding and conservative under all potential atmospheric conditions.

  • Deposition from airborne radionuclides can be calculated as described in Regulatory Guide 1.111 [1 O] which states that Figures 6 through 9 show acceptable values of relative deposition rate (meter 1) as a function of distance from the source and atmospheric stability for ground and elevated release modes. The relative deposition rate is the deposition rate per unit downwind distance (Ci/sec per meter) divided by the source strength (Ci/sec). The curve for ground level depositions is provided in Figure 5.

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 21 of 120 c~l19Cl8d

  • January 1977 1 0 - 4 ~ .........

le w lu


a: w Cl. i ,o-& 2 0 i. 0 IU


5* 11:*

            ,o.-e 10-7 L.._ _j_....L...L.LLL.Ll.1.--...L-..L....L..,L.J...L.LL~--:-,-...a.:-_._-"'.""""'""".'"""~

0.1 , .0 10~ .100.I> 20t.O PLUME TRAVEL DISTANCE (KILOMETERS) . RDl11tivoDeJ)011tlOn for.Ground L.wel R,tames ~I A~osphlllic St!hil~t::t~; Figure 5- Reg. Guide 1.111 Relative Deposition for Ground Level Releases The interpolated values are 7.SE-5 for the Site Boundary at 0.6 km and 2.2E-5 for the LPZ at 3.138 km. To obtain the relative deposition per unit area (meters-2) at a given point in a given sector, the relative deposition rate must be (1) multiplied by the fraction of the release transported into the sector, determined according to the distribution of wind direction and (2) divided by an appropriate crosswind distance (meters). The Regulatory Guide Figures 6 through 9 assume that the effluent concentration in a given sector is uniform across the sector at a given distance. Therefore, for the straight-line trajectory model, or for any model that assumes uniform concentration across the sector at a given distance, the relative deposition rate should be divided by the arc length of the sector at the point being considered. As a conservative assumption, the arc length of the sector is assumed to be 4 times the lateral

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 22 of 120 standard deviation at the given downwind distance (e.g., twice the standard deviation distance to the centerline on either side). The deposition rates calculated using this method are provided in Table 9 Table 9 - Calculated Deposition (D/Q) Coefficients Ground RG 1.25 Release RG 1.111 RG 1.111 X/Q1 RG 1.111 Relative Horiz. 1 sigma 2Sigma DepRate cm/sec Kilo Fraction Deposition SD Width Width 1 Sigma 2Sigma velocity meters Remaining Ratem*1 meters meters meters m*2 D/Qm*2 D/Qm*2 EAB 0.610 0.93 7.50£-05 21.58 43.16 86.33 1.74£-06 8.08E-07 1.520£-05 LPZ 3.219 0.82 2.20£-05 98.42 196.84 393.68 l.12E-07 4.58£-08 1.184£-06 As described in NUREG-1887 [12], RASCAL 3.0.5 calculates deposition for iodine and particles using the dry and wet deposition models used in MESORAD (Scherpelz, et al. 1986; Ramsdell, et al. 1988) and earlier versions of RASCAL. The activity deposited each time step is the product of the total deposition rate and the time-step duration. At any time, the surface contamination (activity/m 2) is the sum of the activity deposited in the current time step plus previously deposited activity corrected for decay. The dry deposition rate is given by Equation 4.36 in the NUREG which is provided as Equation 7; Equation 7- RASCAL NUREG 1884 Deposition Equation Where: c(ld = deposition rate in (activity/m 2)/s Vdd = dry deposition velocity, and X = average concentration. The equation is modified to calculate the deposition coefficient (D/Q) in m*2 by dividing by the release rate Q in activity per second as follows: Equation 8 - Deposition Coefficient Equation X D/Q = -Vdd-Q RASCAL 3.0.5 [12] assumes a dry velocity of 0.003 m/s (0.3 cm/s). This deposition velocity was used because data summarized by Sehmel (1984) indicate that it is a reasonable value for iodine assuming that about one-third of the iodine in the atmosphere is associated with particles, another one-third is in the form of reactive gases (e.g., b or HI) and the remaining one-third is in the form of non-reactive gases (e.g., CH3I). A deposition velocity of 0.003 m/s is slightly high for 1 µm particles. Shehmel 1984 is DOT/TIC -27601. Atmospheric Science and Power Production [13] Chapter 12 Resuspension and Deposition [13]. DOT/TIC-27601 states that deposition velocity is a mass transfer boundary condition at the air to surface interface in atmospheric diffusion and transport models It includes the multibox resistances describing the total mass-transfer effects within the lowest few meters of the atmosphere Chamberlain and Chadwick (1953) defined the deposition velocity as the ratio of the deposition l

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 23 of 120 flux divided by the airborne pollutant concentration per unit volume at some height above that surface layer, thus the deposition velocity is usually reported in units of centimeters per second. DOTfflC -27601 Section 12-3.2 Dry Deposition Velocities for Particles [13] states that the best existing method to predict plume depletion is by the particle dry deposition velocity. Dry deposition velocities for many materials and various deposition surfaces including soils are summarized in Table 12.4. In the table, the velocities for different materials are listed as a function of particle diameter. The results of studies in which particle diameters were not reported are arranged at the end of the table in alphabetical order by each investigator. If possible, the range of experimental deposition velocities for each experiment is presented rather than the "average" deposition velocities. This range is critical in emphasizing the uncertainties in many deposition experiments and in our ability to predict deposition mass-transfer rates. The deposition velocities reported range over 5 orders of magnitude from a minimum of 10-3 emfs to 180 emfs It is expected, and is shown if known, that the deposition velocity is greater than the gravitational settling velocity (Vi). Table 12 4 Dry Deposition Velocities for Particles provides some information relevant to particles from combustion of polystyrene resins and polyester filters [13]. Newman et al [14] burned various materials and measured smoke particle diameters and deposition velocities in a static 1 cubic meter box. Smoke particle measurements were made using a wide-range particle spectrometer (WPS). The WPS is a high-resolution aerosol spectrometer capable of measuring the diameter and number concentration of aerosol particles. As seen in Figure 6, this included plastics such as polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) as well as polystyrene, which anion and cation resins are made of, were in the 1 to 3 micrometer range.

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissionin Fire Protection Pro ram Pa e 24 of 120 4---r----------r---T6 4-----------------4 PMMA Polypropylene

                              -     massmean
                             -o- standard deviation                           ...,. standard deviation o*---------------0 0      20   40      60     80   100 120 0+--------.------+0 0   20   40    60    80   100   120    140 time(min)                                        time(min) 4-----------------4                               4----------------4 Polystyrene                                    Polyethylene 00 0


                              - mass mean
                             -o- standard deviation 0+---.-------,.---,,----+0                        0+---.----..,....-.---,.----+0 0     20  40    60     80   100  120  140          0   20  40    60    80   100   120    140 time (min)                                       time (min)

Figure 6 - Measure Particle Sizes for Combusted Plastic Materials The deposition velocities and mean particle sizes measure are reported in Figure 7. As seen in Figure 7, the measured deposition velocity for polystyrene was 0.07 cm/sec which is much less than the 0.3 cm/sec used by RASCAL for iodine and the deposition velocities in Table 10. The mean measured polystyrene smoke particle diameter is 2.4 µm.

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 25 of 120 Table 10- Selected DOTIITIC-27601 Table 2.4 Particle Deposition Velocity Min Max Min Max Air Air Deposition Deposition Depositing Diameter Diameter Speed Speed Velocity Velocity Material µm µm ucmfs Uecmfs emfs emfs Particles 0.03 3.0 10 200 10 40 Natural Aerosol 1 10 0.8 Co 0.3 1.9 Ni 0.7 <2 0.3 <2 Cs 0.2 0.6 Deposition Yclodty Aernd)1rnnuc rnnss Mean 4 Geomeb*lc standnrd 1\11:lterim (10 m's) diameter {um} de,*JnUon l\ 1e.:tsured Calculated Measured Calculated 1 Polvcarbonacc L9 2.9 3.0 2A 3.4 PVC 1.4 0.5 1.1 2.0 1.8 Nvlon 2.5 0.1 0.4 24 2.0 Polypropylene 1.3 0.7 1.2 2.0 2.0 P.MMA 1.9 l.i 2.3 2.4 4.4 Polystyrene 7.3 1.8 2.4 4.7 2.1 Potyethy ten e 1.2 0.4 1.0 1.8 2.5 Figure 7 - Calculated and Measured Smoke Deposition Velocities and Particle Sizes A presentation by Jim Pederson of the California Environmental Protection Agency [15] provides measured environmental settling velocities based on particle sizes as seen in Figure

8. The 2.4 µm polystyrene smoke particles would have a deposition velocity of about 1 cm/sec (1 E-02 m/s).

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissionin Fire Protection Pro ram Pa e 26 of 120 0 ',------------------------x g - - \d c_alculate:l. ustar=O.~

                                -t1- \Cl caicu1aie:i, us*car-:a.i
                                -,,- \d calculaled, ustar,,1 .4-e- \.cl al:&MP-d, uslar::0_'.<5
                                      \d Ol:SEivad, uslar.:O .7 t:,, w 01JSerwe1, usiat=1.4 0

0.01 Q.1 10 *100 1000 Particle Diameter (µm) Figure 8 - Observed Environmental Settling Velocities by Particle Size Due to the variation in results a conservative deposition velocity of 0.01 m/s (1 cm/s) was used in the EAB and LPZ dose calculations to ensure conservatism. This value used in Equation 8 with the undepleted Regulatory Guide 1.145 X/Qs in Table 8 results in the bounding and conservative EAB and LPZ ground release D/Qs of 1.520E-05 and 1.184E-06 m-2 in the last column of Table 9. Using the 0.01 m/s settling velocity results in an elevated release D/Q of 7.67E-06 m-2 . 4.2.1 4440-7380-90-017 Calculated Source Terms The 990-3017 Rev. 13 Table 3 environmental release source terms can be used to back calculate the radionuclide mixes in the RX/AFHB fire zones, which may be accumulated in areas outside the Reactor Building complex. The values from Table 3 of 990-3017 Rev 13 are provided in Figure 9 and provide the source term released to the environment from each of the four fire zones of the reactor building.

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 27 of 120 TABLE3 RB SOURCE TERM* TOTAL CURIES RELEASED TO THE ENVIRONl\'IENT FUEL RB OPERATING "A." & "B" D-ISOTOPE TRA-~SER BASE:MENT DECK(OP) RINGS (ABD) CANAL(FTC) (BAS) Sr-90 4.85E-04 7.99E-05 l.97E-05 1.46E-04 Y-90 4.85E-04 7.99E-05 1.97E-05 1.46E-04 Cs-137 l.65E-03 9.90E-04 2.4SE-05 l.56E-03 Ba-137111 l.56E-03 9.37E-04 2.34E-05 1.47E-03 Th-230 5.46E-15 4.21E-15 2.34E-15 5.77E-15 Th-231 5.63E-14 4.35E-14 2.25E-14 5.89E-14 Pa-233 2.97E-l l 2.31E-11 l.24E-1 l 3.13E-l l U-233 l.3SE-17 l.07E-l 7 5.75E-18 l.46E-17 U-234 2.33E-l I l.S0E-11 9.99E-12 2.47E-11 U-235 5.63E-14 4.35E-14 2.25E-14 5.89E-14 U-236 S.45E-13 6.30E-13 3.31E-13 S.45E-13 U-237 l.75E-10 l.33E-10 7.02E-l l l.82E-10 Np-237 2.97E-I I 2.31E-11 l .24E-11 3.13E-1 l Pu-238 2.S5E-07 2.20E-07 l.22E-07 3.0lE-07 Pu-239 2.20E-06 1. 70E-06 S.79E-07 2.30E-06 Pu-240 l.l0E-06 S. ISE-07 4.29E-07 l .l0E-06 Pu-241 7.15E-06 5.44E-06 2.86E-06 7.44E-06 Am-241 4.03E-06 3.13E-06 1.67E-06 4.25E-06

           *Reference 4 Figure 9 - Environmental Release for Each 990-3017 Rev. 13 Fire Zones 990-3017 states" Table 1 provides Cs-137 and Sr-90 inventories in the RB basement and the D-rings, approximately 1% of this contamination is available for release to the RB atmosphere during a fire with an airborne release fraction of 1E-3. 990-3017 Rev. 13 states that a release fraction of 0.8E-03 (i.e. 8E-04) was used for fuel that was not contained, trapped, or bonded.

Due to the different release fractions it is necessary to back calculate the radionuclide mixes present in the source terms in each Fire Zone area. The source terms can be calculated from the Table 3 fire zone environmental releases using Equation 9. Equation 9 - Calculated Fire Zone Source Terms (Ci) A FA(Cs,Sr)= A Env FHEPA FFireARF Where, AFA(cssrJ = The Cs or Sr source term Ci in the Fire Area AEnv = the Cs or Sr activity released to the environment FHEPA = the HEPA filtration removal Factor of 0.01 FFire = the fraction of Fire Area source term available for consumption in the fire zone is 1% for Cs and Sr, 100% for fuel.

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 28 of 120 ARF = Airborne release fraction for activity available for release is 1E-03 for Sr and Cs and 8E-04 for fuel The calculated area Cs-137 and Sr-90 source terms using Equation 9 and the 990-3017 [1] Table 3 (provided as Figure 9) fire zone environmental releases are shown in Table 11. Table 11 - Fire Zone Source Terms Calculated from Environmental Release Activities Fuel A&BD Transfer RB OP Fire Rings Canal Basement AFHB Nuclide Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Sr-90 3.23E+03 5.33E+02 1.31E+02 9.73E+02 4.33E+02 Cs-137 1.10E+04 6.60E+03 1.65E+02 1.04E+04 5.20E+02 Pu-238 3.56E-02 2.75E-02 1.53E-02 3.76E-02 3.25E-02 Pu-239 2.75E-01 2.13E-01 1.lOE-01 2.88E-01 2.00E-01 Pu-240 1.38E-01 1.02E-01 5.36E-02 1.38E-01 9.S0E-02 Pu-241 8.94E-01 6.80E-01 3.58E-01 9.30E-01 2.25E+00 Am-241 5.04E-01 3.91E-01 2.09E-01 5.31E-01 3.25E-01 Total 1.42E+04 7.13E+03 2.97E+02 1.14E+04 9.56E+02 The Table 11 Fire Zone source terms were decay corrected from the 990-3017 Rev. 13 date of May 18, 2018 to January 1, 2021. The equation used to calculate the decayed Am-241 while recognizing the in-growth from the Pu-241 parents is provided in Figure 10.

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Pu Figure 10 Equation for Am-241 decay corrected for ingrowth from Pu-241 The decay corrected fire zone source terms are provided in Table 12. Table 12 - Decav Corrected Fire Zone Activities decay Fuel RB constant A&BD Transfer Basement Nuclide yf"l OP Ci Rings Ci Canal Ci Ci AFHB Ci Sr-90 2.42£-02 3.03E+03 5.00E+02 1.23E+02 9.13E+02 4.07E+02 Cs-137 2.30£-02 1.04E+04 6.21E+03 1.56E+02 9.79E+03 4.90E+02 Pu-238 7.90£-03 3.49E-02 2.69E-02 1.49E-02 3.69E-02 3.18E-02 Pu-239 2.BlE-05 2.75E-01 2.12E-01 1.lOE-01 2.87E-01 2.00E-01 Pu-240 1.06£-04 1.37E-01 1.02E-01 5.36E-02 1.37E-01 9.S0E-02 Pu-241 4.BlE-02 7.88E-01 5.99E-01 3.lSE-01 8.20E-01 1.98E+00 Am-241 1.60£-03 5.0SE-01 3.92E-01 2.09E-01 5.33E-01 3.33E-01 Total 1.0SE-01 1.34E+04 6.71E+03 2.80E+02 1.07E+04 8.99E+02

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 29 of 120 4.2.2 Generic Radionuclide Mix The radionuclide mixes evaluated in 990-3017 were specific to the Reactor Building and Auxiliary and Fuel Handing Building. The decay corrected Table 12 Fire Zone source term can be used to generate a composite mix that represents activities and radionuclide mixes in these various areas by normalizing the mix to a 1 Ci total activity by dividing by the total activity in each fire zone. The decay corrected normalized mixes are provided in Table 13. A composite mix was created by summing the fraction of each nuclide in each mix and renmormalizing to create this mix as shown in the last column of Table 13. This shows that Sr-90 and Cs-137 comprises 25.59% and 74.29% of generic mix respectively and the transuranics represent a total of 0.12% of the mix. Table 13 - Januarv 1, 2021 Normalized Decay Corrected Fire Zone Mixes and Source Terms A&BD Fuel OP Fire Rings Transfer RB AFHB Ci Ci Canal Basement Ci Sumo/  % Composite Nuclide Fraction Fraction Ci Fraction Ci Fraction Fraction Fractions Mix Sr-90 2.27E-01 7.44E-02 4.41E-01 8.53E-02 4.52E-01 l.28E+00 25.59% Cs-137 7.73E-01 9.25E-01 5.57E-01 9.lSE-01 5.45E-01 3.71E+00 74.29% Pu-238 2.61E-06 4.0lE-06 5.34E-05 3.44E-06 3.54E-05 9.89E-05 0.00% Pu-239 2.0SE-05 3.16E-05 3.93E-04 2.69E-05 2.22E-04 6.94E-04 0.01% Pu-240 l.03E-05 l.52E-05 l.92E-04 l.28E-05 l.06E-04 3.36E-04 0.01% Pu-241 5.88E-05 8.92E-05 l.13E-03 7.66E-05 2.21E-03 3.56E-03 0.07% Am-241 3.77E-05 5.84E-05 7.49E-04 4.98E-05 3.70E-04 l.26E-03 0.03% Total 1.00E+00 1.00E+00 1.00E+00 1.00E+00 1.00E+00 5.00E+00 100% This composite mix was used to calculate source term limits for the Chemical Cleaning Building, which is HEPA filtered, but exhausts through the roof rather than the plant stack. Therefore, the 10 meter ground release X/Q of 1.52E-03 sec/m 3 and D/Q of 1.52E-5 sec/m 2 are used to estimate the EAB Concentrations from releases from these buildings. The airborne release fraction for Cs-137 and Sr-90 are assumed to be the same as the NUREG/CR0-0163 combustible waste values of 1.5E-4. The transuranic release fraction is also 1.5E-4. The airborne radioactivity concentrations at the site boundary and doses for a fire consuming the 5 Ci composite mix are shown in Table 14. The TEDE dose is 2.28E-3 mrem at the EAB. The source term can be 439 times higher to result in 1 mrem at the EAB.

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 30 of 120 Table 14 - Normalized 5 Ci Mix Dose from Fire in HEPA Filtered Bui/din~, Airborne Env EABAir EABGround EAB Composite release Release Cone Coneen. Bone EABTEDE Release Nuclide Ci Ci pCi/see pCi/m3 pCi/m 2 mrem mrem Sr-90 l.28E+00 l.92E-04 l.92E+06 2.92E+03 2.92E+0l l.34E-04 l.33E-03 Cs-137 3.71E+00 5.57E-04 5.57E+06 8.47E+03 8.47E+01 4.35E-05 9.47E-05 Pu-238 9.89E-05 l.48E-08 l.48E+02 2.25E-01 2.25E-03 2.77E-04 3.lOE-05 Pu-239 6.94E-04 l.04E-07 l.04E+03 l.58E+00 l.58E-02 2.16E-03 2.38E-04 Pu-240 3.36E-04 5.04E-08 5.04E+02 7.65E-01 7.65E-03 l.0SE-03 l.lSE-04 Pu-241 3.56E-03 5.34E-07 5.34E+03 8.llE+00 8.llE-02 2.21E-04 2.34E-05 Am-241 l.26E-03 l.90E-07 l.90E+03 2.88E+00 2.88E-02 4.0SE-03 4.48E-04 Totals 5.00E+00 7.94E-03 2.28E-03 4.39E+02 1 mrem TEDE correction Factor Using the 4.39E2 correction factor the CCB source terms that are allowable for a HEPA filtered release using the ground release X/Q and D/Q are provided in Table 15. Table 15- 1 mrem EAB Source Term Limits for Ground Release HEPA Filtered Building Normalized Composite Mix Env EAB Release EABAir Ground Composite Airborne Rate Cone Coneen. EAB Bone EABTEDE Release Nuclide Ci release Ci pCi/see pCi/m 3 pCi/m2 mrem mrem Sr-90 5.62E+02 8.43E-02 8.43E+08 l.28E+06 l.28E+04 l.18E-01 5.83E-01 Cs-137 l.63E+03 2.4SE-01 2.45E+09 3.72E+06 3.72E+04 3.83E-02 4.16E-02 Pu-238 4.35E-02 6.52E-06 6.52E+04 9.91E+0l 9.91E-01 2.44E-01 l.36E-02 Pu-239 3.0SE-01 4.58E-05 4.58E+0S 6.96E+02 6.96E+00 l.90E+00 l.0SE-01 Pu-240 l.48E-01 2.21E-05 2.21E+0S 3.36E+02 3.36E+00 9.19E-01 5.0SE-02 Pu-241 l.56E+00 2.34E-04 2.34E+06 3.56E+03 3.56E+01 l.94E-01 l.03E-02 Am-241 5.56E-01 8.34E-05 8.34E+0S l.27E+03 l.27E+01 3.56E+00 l.97E-01 Totals 2.20E+03 6.97E+00 l.00E+00 As seen in Table 16, the source term limits for a non-HEPA filtered building such as the AFHB and Turbine Building are 100 times lower than the CCB limits.

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 31 of 120 Table 16 - 1 mrem EAB Source Term Limits for Non-HEPA Filtered Building Normalized Composite Mix EnvRelease EABAir EAB EAB Composite Area Airborne Rate Cone Bone TEDE Release Activity Ci release Ci pCi/sec pCi/m 3 mrem mrem Sr-90 5.62E+00 8.43E-04 8.43E+08 l.28E+06 1.18E-01 5.83E-01 Cs-137 l.63E+01 2.45E-03 2.45E+09 3.72E+06 3.83E-02 4.16E-02 Pu-238 4.35E-04 6.52E-08 6.52E+04 9.91E+01 2.44E-01 l.36E-02 Pu-239 3.0SE-03 4.58E-07 4.58E+05 6.96E+02 l.90E+00 l.0SE-01 Pu-240 1.48E-03 2.21E-07 2.21E+05 3.36E+02 9.19E-01 5.0SE-02 Pu-241 l.56E-02 2.34E-06 2.34E+06 3.56E+03 l.94E-01 1.03E-02 Am-241 5.56E-03 8.34E-07 8.34E+0S l.27E+03 3.56E+00 l.97E-01 Totals 6.97E+00 1.00E+00 4.2.3 HEPA Filter Fire The Table 15 concentrations in pCi/m 3 that result in the dose reaching the 1 mrem TEDE action level can be back calculated to a source term using the ground release X/Q. Since this scenario assumes failure and release of the HEPA Filter, the 1 mrem margin of safety is not required as used in other calculations, and an 80 mrem at the EAB source term limits can be used. Assumptions:

1. 100% of the source term on the filter is released to the environment in a fire.
2. The release occurs over the course of an hour (3600 sec), the average pCi/m 3 is the Table 15 pCi/m 3 divided by 3600 seconds.
3. The appliable X/Q is the accident ground release X/Q of 1.52E-3 sec/m 3 the X/Q for the AGFHB release is the elevated release 7.67E-04 sec/m 3
  • The activity limit on the filter is calculated using Equation 10- Calculation of HEPA Filter 1 mrem TEDE Activity Limit CEAB x 3600 sec/hr A=

X/Q X 1£+012 Where: CEAa= the nuclide concentration pCi/m 3 of the decay corrected normalized mix at the exclusion Area Boundary which if in haled for 1 hour results in 80 mrem TEDE. XQ = the elevated release dispersion coefficient of 7.67E-04 sec/m 3 [2], the ground release of 1.52E-3 sec/m 3 1E+12 = pCi/Ci The 1 mrem activity limit calculated using Equation 10 can be increased to the 80 mrem limit by multiplying by 80. The 1 mrem and 80 mrem source term limits for the CCB HEPA filter unit are provided in Table 18.

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 32 of 120 Table 17 - AFHB HEPA Filter Elevated Release 1 mrem and 80 mrem EAB Source Term Limit Total 80 EABAir Release mrem Cone RateQ Total1 mrem Ci on Composite Release pCi/m 3 pCi/sec Ci on Filter Filter Sr-90 3.56E+02 4.64E+0S l.7E-03 l.3E-01 Cs-137 1.03E+03 l.35E+06 4.9E-03 3.9E-01 Pu-238 2.75E-02 3.59E+0l l.3E-07 l.0E-05 Pu-239 l.93E-01 2.52E+02 9.lE-07 7.3E-05 Pu-240 9.34E-02 l.22E+02 4.4E-07 3.SE-05 Pu-241 9.90E-01 l.29E+03 4.6E-06 3.7E-04 Am-241 3.52E-01 4.59E+02 l.7E-06 l.3E-04 Totals 6.SE-03 5.2E-01 Table 18 - 1 mrem and 80 mrem EAB Source Term Limit for a ground release HEPA Filter Failure EABAir Composite Cone Release Rate Q 1 mrem Total Ci on 80 mrem Total Ci on Release pCi/m 3 pCi/sec Filter Filter Sr-90 3.56E+02 2.34E+0S 8.4E-04 6.7E-02 Cs-137 l.03E+03 6.80E+0S 2.4E-03 2.0E-01 Pu-238 2.75E-02 l.81E+0l 6.SE-08 5.2E-06 Pu-239 1.93E-01 l.27E+02 4.6E-07 3.7E-05 Pu-240 9.34E-02 6.lSE+0l 2.2E-07 1.8E-05 Pu-241 9.90E-01 6.51E+02 2.3E-06 1.9E-04 Am-241 3.52E-01 2.32E+02 8.3E-07 6.7E-05 Totals 3.3E-03 2.6E-01 The dose rate cut-off value can be calculated using the Cs-137 limit and by making some assumptions about the filter sizes and filter housing construction. The filter housing is assumed to use standard HEPA filters and roughing filters in a 2 over 2 four filter array.

  • 2'W X 2'H, 2 inch roughing filters
  • 24"X24"X11.5" inch HEPA filters. Each HEPA filter weighs 40 pounds [7].

The housing is assumed to be constructed from 11 ga and 14ga t-304 stainless steel and the hardware is 300 series stainless steel. The 11 gauge steel housing wall thickness was used for the dose rate models.

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 33 of 120 The MicroShield parameters for modeling the dose rates on the side of the filter housing are provided in Table 19. Table 19 - MicroShield HEPA Filter Housin-, Dose Rate Model Input Parameters Housing Value Units 14 Ga. T-304 or T-316 0.094 inches 11 Ga. T-304 or T-316 0.125 inches Width 50 inches Prefilter Length 24 inches Height 24 inches Thickness 2 inches Est Weight 1 lbs HEPA Filter Length 24 inches Height 24 inches Thickness 11.5 inches Weight 40 lbs Source Length 48 inches Height 48 inches Thickness 11.5 inches Weight 160 lbs Avg Density 0.167 g/cc The dose rates were modeled at the side of the filter housing on contact, at 30 cm (the 10 CFR 20 Radiation Area distance), at 2 meters. The Rx/AFHB and CCB Model reports are provided in Attachment B . The cut-off dose rates are provided in Table 20 and Table 21. Table 20 - AFHB HEPA Filter 1 mrem and 80 mrem Dose Rate Cut Off Values Contact 30 cm 6 feet Cut ou location

                              'JJ                    mR/hr          mR/hr         mR/hr 1 mrem                 Side       6.22E+OO      2.0SE+OO      2.29E-01 80 mrem                Side       4.95E+02      l.63E+02      l.82E+Ol Table 21 - Ground Release HEPA Filter 1 mrem and 80 mrem Cut-Off Dose Rates Contact      30cm          6/eet Cut Off    location     mR/hr       mR/hr         mR/hr 1 mrem       Side       3.0SE+OO    l.OOE+OO       l.12E-01 80mrem       Side       2.54E+02    8.36E+Ol      9.35E+OO

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissionina Fire Protection Proaram Page 34 of 120 4.2.4 Uncontained Combustible Waste Activity Limits Contaminated clothing and combustible waste (other than the resins and filters) are particles with removable contamination from waste streams such as the Dry Active Waste, Activated Metal or Contaminated concrete waste streams generated during decommissioning activities. Dry Active Waste generated during general decommissioning activities will have similar radionuclide mixes as the fire zone normalized area source terms provided in Table 14. NUREG/CR-0130 Appendix J [5] states the following, "Absorbent materials, such as rags or paper wipes, are used for a variety of purposes during the PWR dismantlement and are discarded after use. Materials such as rags and mops that have come into contact with contaminated surfaces, hold small quantities of radionuclides. Protective clothing such as coveralls, caps, hoods, or shoe covers become contaminated through use. Plastics are generally considered combustible, although many kinds. do not burn readily or are self-extinguishing."

      "It is postulated that combustible contaminated waste containing low levels of radioactivity ignites, and burns, in a working area. Large amounts of these wastes are not likely to accumulate in one place, so it is assumed one cubic meter containing 8 x 10 4 µCi is involved in the fire. The maximum fractional airborne release measured during the burning of contaminated waste under similar conditions was 1.5 x 1Q-4. Thus, it is estimated that up to 12
      µCi could be released to the ventilation system from this fire. A total of 6 x 10-3 µCi are released to the atmosphere through the building HEPA filter."

The NUREG/CR-0130 airborne release fraction (ARF) of 1.5E-04 and the Table 15 1 mrem EAB concentrations pCi/m 3 that result in 1 mrem for a 1 hour exposure can be used to back calculate the DAW source term 1 mrem limit using Equation 11. Equation 11 - Calculation of DAW 1 mrem TEDE Activity Limit CEAB x 3600 sec/hr A= X/Q X 1E+o12 X FHEPA xARF CEAa= the.nuclide concentration pCi/m 3 of the decay corrected normalized mix at the exclusion Area Boundary which if inhaled for 1 hour results in 1 mrem TEDE. XQ = the dispersion coefficient for an elevated release 7.67E-04 sec/m 3 , ground release is 1.52E-3 sec/m 3 1E+12 = pCi/Ci FHEPA = the HEPA release fraction of 0.01 ARF = 1.5E-04 As seen in Table 22, the calculated allowable source terms are quite high. These assume there is minimal source term from other sources such as removable contamination on the floors and that all of the release will be from the contaminated combustibles.

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 35 of 120 Table 22 - 1 mrem EAB TEDE Uncontained Combustible Waste Activity Limits for HEPA Filtered and Non-HEPA Filtered Ground Releases Total Ci Limit Total Ci Limit EAB on DAW on DAW Concentration, Ground HEPA Ground Not Nuclide pCi/m 3 Filtered HEPA Filtered Sr-90 3.56E+02 5.62E+02 5.62E+00 Cs-137 l.03E+03 l.63E+03 l.63E+0l Pu-238 2.75E-02 4.35E-02 4.35E-04 Pu-239 l.93E-01 3.0SE-01 3.0SE-03 Pu-240 9.34E-02 l.48E-01 l.48E-03 Pu-241 9.90E-01 l.56E+00 l.56E-02 Am-241 3.52E-01 5.56E-01 5.56E-03 Totals 2.20E+03 2.20E+0l 4.2.5 Uncontained DAW Cut-Off Dose Rates The cut off dose rates for the Table 22 source term limits were calculated using MicroShield version 8.03 for uncompacted DAW stored as piles of material with the dimensions of the standard containers shown in Table 24. The Microshield reports are provided in Attachment C. The density of compacted and uncompacted DAW is provided in Table 23. And are used as the density of the source for the dose rate modeling. Table 23 - Densities of Decommissioning DAW Densities Material lbs/ft3 g/cc Source Uncompacted Wood 14.81 0.24 Cal Recycle Web Page facilities/cdi/tools/Calcu/ations.htm Uncompacted Metal 22.22 0.36 Cal Recycle Web Page swfacilities/cdi/tools/Ca/cu/ations.htm Uncompacted DAW 30 0.48 Compacted DAW 43 0.69 http://www. wmsym.orq/ archives/1983/Vl/80.pdf Dewatered Resins 49.90 0.8 Sludges 99.80 1.6 pq=SA5-PA26&/pq=SA5-PA26&dq=radioactive+sump+s/udqe+density&source=bl&ots=q2So8 8GkN9&siq=x FDDJpmcKLK 55-ssAURVFkllr0&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiTlNXnnv LUAhXF4D4KHeutDl4Q6AElli AA#v=onepage&q=radioactive%20sump%20 s/udge%20density&f=false

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 36 of 120 Densities Material lbs/ft3 g/cc Source Filters 11.40 0.18 htte.:flwww. wmsy_m.ora/archives L_2007!..e.df?/.7097.e.d[ Rubblized Concrete 88.89 1.43 htte.:L'!.. swfaci/ities/cdi/tools/Ca/cu/ations.htm At these densities, the typical compacted and uncompacted DAW container payloads are shown in Table 24. Although compacted DAW loads could exceed 35,000 pounds, such loads are generally not shippable without special permitting. Compacted DAW loads are capped at 35,000 pounds. Table 24 - Tvnical DAW Container Compacted and Uncompacted DAW Pavloads Uncomp Comp Wall DAW DAW Internal ~nternal 1nternal Thickness Payload Payload Payload Comp DAW Container engthft Width '-leight/t inches Volyd3 lbs lbs t;Jayload Limit lbs 8-25 6 4 4 0.0625 3.56 2.88E+03 i.13E+03 4.13E+03 Roll Off 20 8 7 0.0625 41.48 3.36E+04 i.82E+04 3.S0E+04 Yard lntermodal 20 ft 19.17 7.08 5.08 0.0625 25.54 2.07E+04 ).96E+04 2.97E+04 Yard lntermodal 20 ft 18.96 7.33 6.75 0.0625 34.74 2.81E+04 i.03E+04 3.S0E+04 Sea/and Cargo Container 19.33 7.67 8.83 0.172 48.49 3.93E+04 ,.63E+04 3.S0E+04 As seen in Table 25, containers under the 10 CFR 71.47 dose rate limit of 10 mrem/hr at 2 meters do not require any controls to prevent combustion of the contents. These containers were modeled using the 5.8 Ci Cs-137 source term limit of Table 22 and are unshielded. Table 25 - Uncompacted DAW Container Cut Off Values for Ground Release Not HEPA Filtered Storage While Open Dose Rates for Contained DAW Ground Release No HEPA contact 30cm 1 meter Container 3 meter mR/hr mR/hr mR/hr mR/hr 8-25 1.71E+03 9.82E+02 2.83E+02 3.33E+02 Roll Off 2.47E+02 1.76E+02 9.22E+01 2.81E+01 Yard lntermoda/ 20 ft 2.10E+02 1.49E+02 7.83E+01 2.38E+01 Sea/and Cargo Container 1.38E+02 1.15E+02 6.81E+01 2.20E+01 The dose rate cut-off values that equate to the Table 22 allowable source terms outside a container or in an open container for staged uncompacted DAW in an area without HEPA filtration. The activity limits for a ground release are provided in Table 26. Since the dose rate for a given mix is proportional to the activities in the mix. The actual observed dose rate on

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 37 of 120 the DAW divided by the Table 26 cut off dose rate is the fraction of the activity limit in the storage area. Because the overall source term can be overestimated by localized readings where hot spots bias the mix, it is best to use meter or 30 cm readings when estimating the activity in the waste. Table 26 - Dose Rate Cut-Off Values for DAW Approximating the Container Dimensions Stored in An Area without HEPA Ventilation and No Elevated Release Dose Rates for Uncontained DAW Ground Release No HEPA Pile Dimensions contact mR/hr 30cmmR/hr l meter mR/hr 6x4x4 feet (8-25 size) 7.72E+03 3.98E+03 l.35E+03 20x8x7 (lntermodal Size) 7.83E+02 5.81E+02 3.25E+02 19.17x7.08x5.08 feet (lntermodal) l.16E+03 7.65E+02 3.94E+02

18. 96x7.33x6. 75 (Sea/and Size) 7.38E+02 5.77E+02 3.45E+02 With a functioning HEPA, the cut-off dose rates are 100 times higher than the Table 26 dose rates. Thus, in a ground release, HEPA ventilated building like the CCB, the allowable dose rates are 100 times higher and would pose an ALARA issue.

4.2.6 Contained DAW Cut-Off Dose Rates The cut off dose rates for the Table 22 source term limits were calculated using MicroShield version 8.03 for uncompacted DAW stored as in standard shipping containers listed in Table 24 of the standard containers shown in Table 24. The Microshield reports are provided in Attachment D . The container dose rate models use the same source terms and dimensions a the Uncontained piles of DAW provided in Section 4.2.5 but include the shielding from the steel walls of the container. These are dose rate limits below which the loaded container is not required to be closed to prevent combustion of the DAW. Because combustion of the contents would not exceed the EAB limit. The open container dose rate cut off values for ground and elevated release locations without HEPA filtration are provided in Table 27. The allowable dose rates in areas with HEPA filtration would be 100 times higher than the values in the table.

  • TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissionina Fire Protection Proaram Paae 38 of 120 Table 27 - Open Container Dose Rate Limits for Ground and Elevated Release Areas without HEPA Filtration Open Container Ground Release No HEPA Open Container Elevated Release No HEPA contact 30cm 1 meter 3 meter contact 30cm 1 meter 3 meter Container mR/hr mR/hr mR/hr mR/hr. mR/hr mR/hr mR/hr mR/hr B-25 l.71E+03 9.82E+02 2.83E+02 3.33E+02 l.38E+04 7.51E+03 2.SSE+03 4.88E+02 Roll Off 2.47E+02 l.76E+02 9.22E+01 2.81E+01 9.27E+02 7.51E+02 4.33E+02 4.72E+01 Yard lntermodal 1 20 ft 2.10E+02 1.49E+02 7.83E+01 2.38E+01 l.42E+03 1.01E+03 5.30E+02 l.61E+02 Sealand Cargo Container l.38E+02 1.15E+02 6.81E+01 2.20E+01 7.96E+02 6.61E+02 3.91E+02 l.27E+02 These results are well above the 10 CFR 71.47(b)(3) [16] requirement of less than 10 mrem at any point 2 meters (80 in) from the outer lateral surfaces of the vehicle (excluding the top and underside of the vehicle); or in the case of a flat-bed style vehicle, at any point 2 meters (6.6 feet) from the vertical planes projected by the outer edges of the vehicle (excluding the top and underside of the vehicle).

5 CONCLUSIONS The results summarized in in Section 1 Executive Summary establish area removable activity limits which ensure the release from a fire outside the Reactor Building would not exceed 100 mrem TEDE at the EAB if the limits are applied. Similarly, limits on the activity on HEPA Filters will ensure that a filter failure does not result in greater than 100 mrem TEDE at the EAB.

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 39 of 120 6 REFERENCES [1] "990-3017 Revision 13, Three Mile Island Unit No. 2 Fire Protection Program Evaluation, May 18 2018". [2] "GPUN Calculation 4440-7380-90-17 Rev 3 PDMS SAR Section 8.2.5 Fire Analysis Source Terms dated April 5, 2019". [3] "GPUN 6510-93-0136, AFHB Dose Calculation.October 8, 1993". [4] "CC-AA-309-1001 Revision 9, Analysis 4440-7380-90-017, PDMS SAR Section 8.2.5 Fire Analysis Source Terms, July 5, 2019". [5] "NUREG/CR-0130 Volume 2 Technology, Safety and Costs of Decommissioning a Reference Pressurized Water Reactor Power Station, Appendices June 1978". [6] Regulatory Guide 1.183, Alternative Radiological Source Terms For Evaluating Design Basis Accidents At Nuclear Power Reactors, July 2000. [7] Regulatory Guide 1.145, Rev. 1, Atmospheric Dispersion Models for Potential Accident Consequence Assessments at Nuclear Power Plants, Re-Issued February 1983. [8] Regulatory Guide 1.25, Assumptions Used for Evaluating the Potential Radiological Consequences of a Fuel Handling Accident in the Fuel Handling and Storage Facility For Boiling And Pressurized Water Reactors, Rev. 0, March 1972 .. [9] "TMI-PLN-RFl-060 Emergency Plan Information showing Exclusion Area and Low Population Zone, September 2019". [1 O] Regulatory Guide 1.111, Methods for Estimating Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion of Gaseous Effluents in Routine Releases from Light Water Cooled Reactors, Revision 1, July 1977. [11] NUREG/CR 3332, Radiological Assessment, A Textbook on Environmental Dose Analysis, John E. Till, September 1983. [12] "NUREG-1887 RASCAL 3.0.5 Description of Models and Methods, August 2007". [13] "DOT/TIC - 27601 Atmospheric Science and Power Production, US DOE, 1984," [Online].

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 40 of 120 [14] J. S. Newman, P. Su and G. G. Yee, "Smoke Deposition Velocity in Industrial Fire Environments," [Online]. Available: publications/fss/10/655/view. [15] J. Pederson, "Essential Concepts in Atmospheric Deposition," California State Air Resources Board & Water Quality Control Board California Environmental Protection Agency, Atmospheric Processes Research Section, 9 February 2006. [Online]. Available:

                /hot_topics/atmospheric/presentations/jim_pederson.pdf. [Accessed 25 April 2018].

[16] "10 CFR 71.47 External radiation standards for all packages.". [17] "NUREG-0683 Vol 1, Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement Related to Decontamination and Disposal of Radioactive Waste Resulting from March 28, 1979, Accident at Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 2, 1981 ". [18] "EPRI-NP 2922, Characterization of Contaminants in TMl-2 Systems, March 1983". [19] "GEND-031, Submerged Demineralizer System Processing of TMl-2 Accident Waste Water, February 1983". [20] "NUREG-0683 Supplement 3, Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement Related to Decontamination and Disposal of Radioactive Wastes - Final Supplement Dealing With Post- Defueling Monitored Storage and Subsequent Cleanup, August 1989". * [21] "EPA-520/1-88-20, Federal Guidance Report 11, Limiting Values of Radionuclide Intake and Air Concentration and Dose Conversion Factor for Inhalation, Submersion and Ingestion, September 1988". [22] "EPA-402-R-93-081, Federal Guidance Report No. 12, External Exposure to Radionuclides In Air, Water, And Soil, Keith F. Eckerman anp Jeffrey C. Ryman, September 1993". [23] "Regulatory Guide 1.191, Fire Protection Program For Nuclear Power Plants During Decommissioning And Permanent Shutdown May 20P1 ". [24] "NUREG-1736, Consolidated Guidance: 10 CFR Part 20- Standards for Protection Against Radiation, October 2001 ". [25] "NUREG-1805, Fire Dynamics Tools (FDTs) Quantitative Fire Hazard Analysis Methods for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Fire Protection Inspection Program December 2004".

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 41 of 120

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Proaram Page 42 of 120 ATTACHMENT A 10 CFR 20 LIMITS APPLICABLE TO FIRE PROTECTION PROGRAMS This analysis corrects and clarifies some of the assumptions in 990-3017 which states "This analysis indicates that the total release resulting from the postulated worst case fires would not exceed the 10 CFR Part 20 limits of 100 mrem TEDE and 2 mrem TEDE in any one hour." Within 990-3017 Rev 13 for the RXIAFHB, the following is stated," This analysis indicates that the total release resulting from the postulated worst case fires would not exceed the 10 CFR Part 20 limits of 100 mrem TEDE and 2 mrem TEDE in any one hour." The 2 mrem in any one hour limit is not TEDE it is external dose only or DOE. § 20.1301 Dose limits for individual members of the public. States (a) Each licensee shall conduct operations so that-(1) The total effective dose equivalent to individual members of the public from the licensed operation does not exceed 0. 1 rem (1 mSv) in a year, exclusive of the dose contributions from background radiation, from any administration the individual has received, from exposure to individuals administered radioactive material and released under § 35. 75, from voluntary participation in medical research programs, and from the licensee's disposal of radioactive material into sanitary sewerage in accordance with§ 20.2003, and (2) The dose in any unrestricted area from external sources, exclusive of the dose contributions from patients administered radioactive material and released in accordance with

      § 35. 75, does not exceed 0. 002 rem (0. 02 millisievert) in any one hour."

The only external sources of exposure from an airborne radioactivity release are submersion dose in the plume or direct radiation dose from material deposited on the ground. It is not possible to exceed the 2 mrem/hr criteria from these sources if the internal dose from inhalation is maintained below 100 mrem. NUREG-1736 [3] further clarifies the part 20 requirement "The dose of 2 mrem in any one hour is not a dose rate but a dose in a period of an hour. This allows for short duration bursts of radiation that may produce dose rates much higher than 2 mremlhr but that, when averaged over an hour, will be less than 2 mrem." Attachment A - 10 CFR 20 Limits applicable to Fire Protection Programs

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissionin Fire Protection Pro ram Pa e 43 of 120 ATTACHMENT B AFHB AND CCB HEPA FILTER CUT-OFF DOSE RA TE MICROSHIELD REPORT 8.1 AFHB Elevated HEPA Filter 1 mrem TEDE Cut-Off Dose Rates MicroShield 8.03 RSCS (8.03-0000) By Checked 1

   /      _                                     Filename                                _,_ _ _ _ _            R_u_n-D_a_t_e_--:,_R_u_n_T_1_*m_e-i)D_u_ra_t_io-=<n j
   !     TMI-2 1 mrem Rx_AFHB HEPA Activity Limit Dose                                                     November 17,                          5:4P4M:04      00:00:00 J 1  !                                                                                              2021 1
I r

1 Case Title


_D_e_s_cr=ip.._t_io_n_ _ _ _ _l_m_r_e_m_T_E_D_E_C_u_t_O_f_f_So_u_r_ce_T_erm HEP A Unit ______ Side on_RX_/A_FHB


__HE __ PA_F_i_lte_r_s_ _ _ I 13_-_R~-~~--t~ang_~l~: V~lu~e....~.~----*=--=-=-=-~=-~--,=--~--~-=---~----~J i.l=--=G=e=o=m==e=tr"'

     . ---------- -----"yc=--=-,___,_
                              - --__ ~_~=*-,==**-=*
                                                     =*-=---=--=s~=--*u=--r=~=~=-~=-*im=-=e=n=si=on=s=-=*-=--=--=---=*--=**-=**=----=-*=**-=-=-**=---:--------- *-*; -.:,,.

r* ~'----~~~==....--=====---~--~=-===~=--=====l:; 1 Length 121.92 cm (4 ft) t:' Width 29.21 cm (11.5 in) > . ,.V""**

'::,----H,-e-ig_h_t--~~!_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1_2_1_.9_2_c..._m_{1j]_4_ft__)..___~-----:;-,!/,:**-**. - *
'::=I ==================D=o=se=P=01=.n=ts=y=====zcr==_==_z===*=7==;fi 7
i: :: ~:: : ; 3* .,\;L
  ;1A                                         X
",;-1 :-:-c--~/-:4-~-;7-38-cc_:_\_~-:=1-/_9_i~n-l~)-------:;I                     :~::: : :       ~ :;           i        :

i #3 307.658 cm (10 ft I.I in) Sbi:~;.6 cm Q. ft) I 14.605 cm (5.8 in) * .

  )t         Shield N                                  Dimension                                     Material                                  Density            t i *=*-S...o_u_rc_e=--ia~.=-~--=4_.3=4_e+_0_5=cm3                             _                    Alul}lin:1m =                                 0.167          Jlri r=- . Sh1*e1d 1
  '11                                                     2.54 cm_                    _                    Air                                 0.0_0122        ~t,I
t. _:~:e;.-;-_-. _-J,!'*--____-__-_-:3_1__ 8~c~--------------~ Alu;:;u=~~- ~o,:~;ZZ ~1'.,

B.1-AFHB Elevated HEPA Filter 1 mrem TEDE Cut-Off Dose Rates

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO# 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Paae 44 of 120

. . ~uc~de I. s0~.~t~p~~ (fo~ei~g :,hod- ~rn*l:~~::~n:~~
 ~ 7 m ! 4.6354e-003                                 f l.7151e+008 I             l.0676e-002               ~       3.9501e+002                 .


                             =r      4.-9000~-003    I    l.8130e+008            l.1285e-002
                              - -*-- ----~ ........ ------- *--------- ------~--~----*---*-

II 4.1756e+002

                                                                                                         -- -~.------**-- ---


                                                                                                                                           --i; l                                           Buildup: The material reiference is Shield 2                                                      i i                                                     Integration Parameters                                                                 ~

X Direction j 10 i., L,---~~~==-~--~Y-D-ir=e-ct=io-n~-- 11= 20 '

*'-----------------ll=-11______1 20 l)!=========R=e=su=l=ts=-=D=:=s=:=-:=-:c:s:::=i:=--:=-=1-=:=(1=2=5=.7=-~=,6=~=:9=-6=,1=-~=.6=*O=-~=-;=c=m==--""'.J=-=*=--=-=**===**=*--=-==:l lFluence Rate            Exposure                  Exposure Energy                        Activity       Fluence Rate 1'MeV/cm 21sec                 Rate                      Rate (MeV)                     (Photons/sec)      MeV/cm 2 /sec       W"th 1                  mR/hr                     mR/hr No Buildup BuilduJ>           No Buildup              With BuilduJ>


~I          0.0045                      l.780e+06          6.700e-07     7.21 le-07             4.593e-07                 4.943e-07 0.0318                      3.551e+06          l.719e-01     2.365e-01              1.432e-03                 l.970e-03 0.0322                      6.551e+06          3.412e-01     4.729e-01              2.746e-03                 3.806e-03 0.0364                      2.384e+06          2.460e-01     3.693e-01              l.398e-03                 2.098e-03 0.6616                      l.543e+08         2.245e+03      3.205e+03             4.35le+00                 6.213e+00 Totals                      1.686e+08         2.245e+03      3.206e+03             4.357e+00                 6.221e+00 Results - Dose Point# 2 - (154.7775,60.96,14.605) cm lFluence Rate Exposure                             Exposure Fluence Rate Energy                        Activity                      MeV/cm 2/sec                 Rate                      Rate MeV/cm2 /sec (MeV)                     (Photons/sec)                          With                 mR/hr                     mR/hr No Buildup Buildup            No BuilduJ:l            With Buildup 0.0045                      1.780e+06          5.117e-07     5.503e-07              3.507e-07                 3.772e-07 0.0318 0.0322 0.0364            -I 3.551e+06 6.55le+06 2.384e+06 6.778e-02 l.336e-01 9.00le-02 9.157e-02 l.817e-01 l.321e-01 r     5.646e-04 l.075e-03 5.114e-04 7.628e-04 1.462e-03 7.505e-04 r

I_ 0.6616 l.543e+08 7.251e+02 l.055e+03 1.406e+00 2.044e+00 Totals 1.686e+08 7.253e+02 l.055e+03 1.408e+00 2.047e+00 II I Results - Dose Point# 3 - (307.6575,60.96,14.~05) cm

     '~;,,* ~- '  ...,.. -**

B.1-AFHB Elevated HEPA Filter 1 mrem TEDE Cut-Off Dose Rates

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 45 of 120

  -- -- - - ---              - ---- - - - . - ~--- -- ------- -- Flu~~~~-;a~e[ ---Exposure - - --~xposure      ~

Energy Activity FMluVen/ce ~/ate MeV/cm 2/sec I Rate Rate i

.j      (MeV)             (Photons/sec)            e c~ sec           With     !   mR/hr           mR/hr       l 11                                               No Bmldup          Buildup j No Buildup      With Buildup ;

L 0.0045 J l.780e+06 6.23;e--08 ~~~-08 J 4.~72e-O~ -! 4.589e [~

 ,l     0.0318               3.551e+06             5.431e-03       7.321e-03 II  4.524e~05       6.098e-05 ]*

j 0.0322 6.551e+06 l.069e-02 1.451e-02 I! 8.601e-05 l.168e-04 t,;


L~ _Q:_Q_3_~+/-__ J ____ _ __b~J~~~96 ___

 ;        =                          -  -                                      I

__'Z_J29e-Ql__ ~ l .054e-02 +- 4.0}3e-05 _ ._ 5.989e-05 _ _J: 0.6616 1 l.543e+08 7.360e+0l

  • l.180e+02 n l.427e-01 2.288e-01 1 Totals 1.686e+08 7.363e+0l 1.181e+02 I 11 1.429e-01 2.291e-01 J1 B.1-AFHB Elevated HEPA Filter 1 mrem TEDE Cut-Off Dose Rates

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissionin Fire Protection Pro ram Pa e 46 of 120 B.2 AFHB Elevated Release HEPA 80 mrem HEPA Filter Cut Off Dose Rates MicroShield 8.03

~--~-"'.".!!:""":,;:;;""""'"'~'~""'!.'!!:.,,2*~2:,-'!:!:::~-;~"""""::!?*~--~-.                                                                 ~r:~-~-----i RSCS (8.03-0000)

Filename Run Date Run Time TMI-2 80 mrem Rx_AFHB HEPA Activity Limit Dose November 17, 5:49:02 00:00:00 I 2021 PM

 ====================================:,1 Project Info Case Title                                                                                                                                      HEP A Unit Side Descri tion                                        *,1--~ ----80 mrem TEDE Cut Off Source Term on RX/AFHB HEPA Filters Geometry_                                                                                                                                13 - Rectangular Volume Source Dimensions

Length 121.92 cm 4 ft Width 29.21 cm (11.5 in Height 121.92- cm__(4 ft) I Dose Points A X y z

  #1                                         125.73 cm 4 ft 1.5 in                                                                             60.96 cm 2 ft             14.605 cm (5.8 in)
  #2                                       154.778 cm (5 ft 0.9 in)                                                                            60.96 cm 2 ft)            14.605 cm (5.8 in)
  #3                                  307.658 cm 10 ft 1.1 in                                                                                  60.96 cm G_ ft}           14.605 cm (5.8 inL Shields Shield N                                                                              Dimension                                               Material               Density I                   Source                                                                       4.34e+05 cm3                                              Aluminum                 0.167 I__             Shield 1                                                                                  2.54 cm                                              Air                 0.00122 Shield 2                                                                                  .318 cm                                          Aluminum                  2.7 Air Ga                                                                                                                                         Air                 0.00122
                                                 --- -----                  --*------~---                                                              ------

Source In ut: GrouJ>ing Method - Actual Photon Energies Ci µCi/cm 3 Bg/cm3 8.2 AFHB Elevated Release HEPA 80 mrem HEPA Filter Cut Off Dose Rates

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissionin Fire Protection Pro ram Pa e 47 of 120 r~*-13;mJ 3 6894e-001 J  ;.365l~+ol~ I 8.4972e-001 i 3.1440e+~~4  ! r ___ _g~~J}.Z ___ j__ ]_:29.Q_Q~-001 I l.443Qe+OIO _ I-_ 8.9822e-001 __ J____ 3.3234e+004 __J

',! _                                  Buildup* i!te::!;;~a~::~~ee~:;sis Shield 2                                                 Ii
     -----* -- ---~--- --- ---- ---------- ---- -- ---- - --- - --- ----------- ---~-- -- -r----- -- --- ---------11 1
                              ~----~---X Direction                                                  _J               IO           I' t------*--*- -~----=                         ;; Direction      -~--------~~---                      J              20   --    l:1
   '          _____           .   -            Z D~rection                                        - -            20           I/
  /j Energy (MeV) l
  ,i-------- -----, -- -.

Results - Dose Point# 1 -J125.73,60.96,14.605) cm Activity (Photons/sec) Fl

                                                             - --1 e cm sec N B "Id 0


                                                                                   *1 R t Fluence Rate' Exposure MuVen/ce 21a e, MeV/cm 2/sec Rate mR/hr Exposure :

Rate mR/hr Iij l. i

  ~-      0.0318
                    ='J~ -  - - ~ - - -_ _ _ _ _ _

l.417e+08 2.826e+08 -- r m up l.368e+Ol I Build'!£__ _No Build_up 5.333e-05 ! 5.740e~ l.882e+Ol r__

                                                                                           ~.655e-053.934e-OJ l.140e-01
                                                                                                             =i_th Buil~up .

L l.568e-01 l1 l

!--~Q_:..0322_ / _____,_2.21_4e+08 2.716e+Ol I_. 3.7?4e+Ql __ . ~186~~ 3.029e-Ql__

11 1 O.Ol_~+/--i l.897e+08 _j l.958e+Ql l 2.939e+Ol . l.113e-01 I l.670e-01 i 0.6616_J l.228e+10 l.786e+05 Jj 2.55le+05 3.463e+02 . 4.945e+02 1.

 ,!       Totals        !         1.342e+10          1.787e+~~       -2.552e~~ =- 3.468e+02                      4.952e+02          II t                               Results - Dos~,£.!!!t # 2 - (154.7775,60.96,14:605) cm __ .                  ____               J; 1                                                Fl            j R t Fluence Rate              Exposur], Exposure                      f E nergy                   A cf1v1ty
                                         .          M V/ 21a e MeV/cm 2/sec uence                                  R ate                  R ate         ,I I


  !       (MeV)                 (Photons/sec)       Ne Bc~d sec          With                mR/hr                  mR/hr t--o:~o~~ -r--;;;~7:~8- ~--4°07::~ITT§~-4B:::::71 N2o7::~::L w:t::i:'.~:up

[_ __0.0318~~-~ - 2.-826e+08 _J_ 5.395e+OO *- 7.289e+OO J. 4.494e-02 - 6.071e-02  : wJ=-=0.03221 --~14e+08 ___ 1l.063e+Ol 1.446<?+01 L~)..?"~~-02 __ l.164e--01],

  ;1_~__2_;.03~j-" *-*-           l.897e+08 ----r-;_._!64e+OO Gs1e~~1.. 4'.071e-:_02                      _l__?.973e-O?Ji 1       0.6616        !         l.228e+ 10 15.771e+04               8.393e+04     JI     l.119e+02              l.627e+02         I
   ! . _ Totals         I         1.34~e+10 ___[ ~.773e+04            8.397e+;-jj          1.120e+O;     ~        l.630e+02         .

8.2 AFHB Elevated Release HEPA 80 mrem HEPA Filter Cut Off Dose Rates

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 48 of 120

~      . .t . .                         .. .              B::!~P No;i:;u~ Wit~~~~dupl If__  0.0.~45__ J___~..,J_j_l 7e+0~   _   4.961e-06 __

1 5.~?8e-06 __L 3.400e-0_6 '~_3.652e-0~ I: II 0.0318 )___ 2.826e+08 _.. _ 4,3?3e-Ol Jl _5.827e-01 l 3.601e-03J_=_4J53e-03 lj

\;__  QJ)3_22J_ -~--- 5.214_~~08______8.5Q<?e-0_1 ___ 1.~~5e+00 -~-6.84.§e:--0~}     f_ _9.293e-03_ji 0.0364     I ____J_j_97e+08         5.706e-01      8.389e-01     ~- 3.242e-03      4.766e-03       l 1

_~0._6~.!.L_J 1.228e+10 5.858e+03 j 9.395e+03 [__l,)36e_+/-Ql__l.82le-+:Q__ l _l [' Totals ] 1.342e+10 ~.860e+03 -[;;9;:~03 ] __ 1._137e+0l J 1.823_e+0l ___ /; B.2 AFHB Elevated Release HEPA 80 mrem HEPA Filter Cut Off Dose Rates

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissionin Fire Protection Pro ram Pa e 49 of 120 B.3 Ground Release HEPA Filter 1 mrem TEDE Cut Off Dose Rates B.3Ground Release HEPA Filter 1 mrem TEDE Cut Off Dose Rates

                                                                                                       - -  - ------------~

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 50 of 120 0.0045 8.721e+05 3.282e-07 3.532e-07 2.249e-07 2.421e-07 I:

      '"~-0.-0-31=8---:---1.-7-39-e=+-0-6~-*-8.-4-19-e-02              -l.158e-01      7.012e-04      9.648e-04     j L_ 0.0322                       3.209e+06          l.671e-01     2.316e-01       l.345e-03      l.864e-03    1
       '[    0.0364                   l.168e+06          l.205e-01      l.809e-01      6.846e-04      l.028e-03 Jl
j--0-.6=6-i-~--~---7-.5-5-9-e+_0_7=~~1-.0-9-9e=+-0-3=#-=l-.5-7-0e-+-0=3=-='r 2.131 e+00 3.043e;~;


        ~als                          8.258e+07         1.100e+03      1.570e+03      2.134e+O0      3.047e+00    !

r - - - .- - . Results - Dose Point# 2 - (154.7775,60.96,~-4-~05)-c~ l

      ;I j

Energy Activity Fluence Rate Flue~ce ~ate MeV/cm 2/sec Exposure Rate Exposure Rate Ij

      .I     (MeV)                  (Photons/sec)     MNeVBc~ldsec         With          mR/hr           mR/hr      'i l


1. 0.0045
        ,    0.0318 I

1 _ - 8.721e+05 l.739e+06 2.506e-07 3.320e-02 _ 2.695~-07 4.485e-02 -, No BuildUJ:)

                                                                                  .J__ l.718e-07 2.765e-04 With BuilduJ:>

l.848e-07 3.736e-04 -I! I 0.0322 1 3.209e+06 6.541e-02 8.898e-02 5.265e-04 7.161e-04 j

        !    0.0364        [ ~__ !.168~+Q6 _____~09e-02 _ 6.470e-02                 _ 2.505e-~~3.676e:Q!_l r ~::1: ==I
1 --; - *- - - --- . *o-.
~::~~~_ ~ : : ~=~~. 1

_ ::~:~;;J_;;~[~~~:_;_J Results - Dose Point# 3 - £307.6575,60.96,14.605) cm ----,.-~-----i'

      . Energy
                  --~-i-*-             Activity
                                                     ]Fl        R t Fluence Rate MuVen/ce 21a e MeV/cm 2/sec e cm sec Exposure Rate Exposure Rate t_ -~~:~ -- --- -~h-otons/sec)               - - ~o Buildup___ - B:;li;:r - -- -~~1~~;~p__ _ W!~;-~~~~~PJI B.3Ground Release HEPA Filter 1 mrem TEDE Cut Off Dose Rates L_ -

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 51 of 120 f --*-** ---...... *~** .. -******* -- *-* *-*-**-**---* .... ')

0.0045 8.72le+05 3.053e-08 3.279e-08 2.092e-08 2.248e-08  ;

L 0._031~--- --~ l.739e~06 _____ I 2.~60e-03 . 3.586e-03 2.216e-05 2.987e-05 j f'-_9-,93~~1 ~20~e+06 .~l__~.212.e-03 J ?,~06e-03 4.213e-05--,~.719e-~} I~ 0.0364 l.1~8e+Q6 3.Slle-03~ 5.163e-03 l.995e-05~ 2.933e-05 J i 0.6616 7.559e+07 3.605e+0l j 5.78le+0l 6.989e-02 l.12le-0l I_ ____T~!~ls _______ -----~-~~8e+0? ____ .... ,.~:6~6e+O!J__5.~e+0l _____ 6.997~. 1.122e-0l_ j B.3Ground Release HEPA Filter 1 mrem TEDE Cut Off Dose Rates

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissionin Fire Protection Pro ram Pa e 52 of 120 B.4 Ground Release HEPA Filter 80 mrem TEDE Cut Off Dose Rates IJMI-2 1- mrem CCB HEPA Activity Limit Dose December 2, . 2021 5:27:18 PM 00:00:0oJ:i*1 i Project Info 1~ Case Title I HEPA Unit S i d e f

                                                                                                                                                *1ij Source Dimensions Length                                                   121.92 cm (4 ft)

Width 29.21 cm 11.5 in) Dose Points X y z

   #1               125.73 cm (4 ft 1.5 in)                       60.96 cm 2 ft)                  14.605 cm 5.8 in) i
* #2               154.778 cm (5 ft 0.9 in)                       60.96 cm (2 ft                  14.605 cm 5.8 in) 1

_#} ~-307.658 cm_(I0_ft_ Ll_ in)= ==----60.96 cm QJ!L _-~-14.605 cm (?~L-Shields Shield N Dimension Material Density Source 4.34e+05 cm3 Aluminum 0.167 Shield 1 2.54 cm Air 0.00122

                                               .318 cm                           Aluminum                           2.7
!                            Source Input: Grouping Method -Actual Photon Energies 8.4 - Ground Release HEPA Filter 80 mrem TEDE Cut Off Dose Rates

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 53 of 120

 ' - - ~ - ~ - - -_ _ _
*l Y=D~ire_ct=ion_~~----

Z Direction

                                                                                  ~---1              1 1

11 _ _ 2_0 20

                                                                                                                                   ----:~11 1

r tl - - r ~---=- - - ,_ ~~suits - Dose P~int # 1 - (125.73L~.9~-111~r6'!_5) cm .. * . . -I;!l

                                . .              Fluence R a t e Fluence      Rate Exposure                            Exposure
!     Energy                A ct1v1ty             M eV/cm21sec M eV/cm         21
                                                                             . sec R ate                         R ate                  1 1

(MeV) (Photons/sec) N B 'Id With mR/hr mR/hr j 0 m up Buildup [ No Buildup With Buildup 1; 0.0045 7.267e+07 2.735e-05 2.943e-05 I l.875e-05 2.018e-05 ,i l 0.0318 1.449e+08 7.016e+00 9.652e+00 -5.844e-02 - 8.040e-02 JI t I 0.0322 0.0364 0.6616 2.674e+08 9.731e+07 6.299e+09 l.393e+0l l.004e+0l 9.161e+04 l.930e+0l l.507e+0l 1.308e+05 l.12le-01 5.705e-02 l .776e+02


l.553e-Ol 8.565e-02 2.536e+02 I Totals~]_ 6.88le+09 _, **- ! 9.165e+04 1.309e+05 1.778e+02 2.539e+02 i

                                      ---"'"                                                                                  ~

I Results -Dose Point# 2 - (154.7775,60.96,14.605) c.m \ Fluence Rate Exposure Exposure

 !     Energy               Activity             !,!ue~ce ~ate MeV/cm 2 /sec                  Rate                          Rate
 '     (MeV)            (Photons/sec)                eV cm sec             With              mR/hr                       mR/hr No Buildup I                                                                      Buildup- - l lNo     Buildup With Buildup
                                                                                          -----e..-;-----~1 J     0.0045              7.267e+07                2.089e-05           2.246e-05         1.432e-05                    l .540e-05 0.0318              l.449e+08                2.767e+00          3.738e+00          2.305e-02                    3.113e-02 0.0322              2.674e+08                5.451e+00          7.415e+00      I 4.387e-02 r---

J 5.967e-02

 .~*   o~~I~ 9.73le+07                              3.674e+00          5.391e+00 I        2.087e-02                    3.063e-02 l    0.661§__ ,          6.299e+09                2.959e+0:l,_ ___4_.3_0_4e_+_0_4_'.I__5. 73_7 e+Ql__:l_8_.3_4_4_e+_o_1_,

I Totals 6.881e+09 2.961e+04 4.306e+04 5.746e+0l 8.357e+0l I I-Results - Dose Point# 3 - (307.6575,60.96,14.605) cm


I Fluence Rate I Energy Activity Fluence Rate Exposure I 1 (MeV) (Photons/sec) M eV/cm 21sec / 21

                                              - -- No_l_:l1:1ildup -Me~- cm ---~-e~

Rate ExposureJ* Rate

  ~-~*     * =- -                                                                                         ... ,. __ , - - -~    ~-~ *-* __ -..  .  .

8.4 - Ground Release HEPA Filter 80 mrem TEDE Cut Off Dose Rates

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissionina Fire Protection Proaram Paae 54 of 120

,I  0.0045          7.267e+07       2.544e-06         2.732e-06     1.744e-06      1.873e-06 f~18        j=~.4~9~=-+-0-8~---2-.-21__7_e---0=1=-t!, 2:~88e-O_Lt_ -l!46e-~3_ I:2.489e-03    !
~--0.0322 __J ___ 2.674e+08 ___     4.362e-Ol ...2J22e-0l ~-1.~'?1...].::._4.7.?2"-~-'

0.0364 9.731e+07 2.926e-01 4.302e-01 II l.662e-03 2.444e-03 J! 6.299e+09 3.004e+03 4.818e+03 [ 5.824e+00 9.340e+00 j 6.881e+09 3.005e+~3 11 4.819e+03 ir 5.831e+00 9.350e+00 B.4 - Ground Release HEPA Filter 80 mrem TEDE Cut Off Dose Rates

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissionin Fire Protection Pro ram Pa e 55 of 120 A TTA CHMENT C - MICROSHIELD DOSE RA TE CUT-OFFS FOR UNCOMPA CTED UNCONTAINED DAW C.1 B-25 Size Uncontained DAW Cut-Off Dose Rates No HEPA, Ground Release

          -=*~'-    *O~~:Pe -
  • 1;=*-=** *=-~=~y=C =r * *~" VO~~~:;:;-

MicroShield 8.03 RSCS (8.03-0000)

                                                                                                                             -.c~-"* "**         7     J t-=** -. -Filen:::-~==*=='---_-
     ~~---:;,:,;; _2 Uncontained D1)-W B-25 .msd Run Date~~c*~;.:*.!l~~~[ D~~a~~:;.=~

December 4, 2021 I IO :32 :4 8 AMJ.J1.0:00 :00 I F --*

  • Project l!).fo B-25 DAW 2021

1.* B-25 Size Uncontained DAW Ground Release No HEPA Source Dimensions Length 121.92 cm 4 ft

     , . _____W_id_th_ _ _ _]'----=-_ _ _ _ _ _ _1_8_2_.8_8_c_m_("""6_ft-"'-)~~~--~-
     *~             Height                          J-                                    121.92 cm (4 ft2_

Dose Points A

              ~ - = = = -~-


                               ---~~-~-~~~:,,--=-=-~--                      I               Y                             z
          #1          123.19 cm (4 ft 0.5 in)                                       60.96 cm (2 ft)
          #2         151.92 cm 4 ft 11.8 in)                                        60.96 cm (2 ft                91.44 cm (3 ft)
      '#3             221.92 cm(! ~t 3.4 in)                                        60._9.6 cm(~ ft) __           91.44 cm (3 ft)

Shields Shield N l Dimension Material Dens~ty i

       ,:                           Source Input: Grouping Method - Actual Photon Energies
*=*=---T*---=-*~--~-*~---T - *=*
Nuclide Ci Bq , µCi/cm 3 Bq/cm 3 I r-Ba-137m I ___1.5420e+001 i
                       *-****-~*~.,*~ ~ ..,. . * ._  ,,.,._.....

5.70~3e+0l 1 II


5.6723e+000 2.0988e+005

                                                                                                      -~-~-;---**-~~-***,,u--T*--xe-,:,,n* **,r
                                                                                                                                                ;w**r C.1 B-25 Size Uncontained DAW Cut-Off Dose Rates No HEPA, Ground Release

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissionina Fire Protection Proaram Paae 56 of 120 JFluence Rate Exposure Exposure J Fluence Rate Energy Activity Me V/cm 2 /sec Rate Rate ., j MeV /cm 2 / sec (MeV) (Photons/sec) With mR/hr mR/hr i No Buildup *'

Buildup No Buildup With Buildup I

0.0045 5.923e+09 l.025e+0l l.477e+0l 7.026e+00 l.012e+0l ' j 0.0318 l.18le+ 10 5.903e+02 2.539e+03 4.917e+00 2.l 15e+0l 0.0322 2.179e+ 10 l.113e+03 4.900e+03 8.955e+00 3.943e+0l 0.0364 7.930e+09 4.996e+02 2.818e+03 2.839e+00 l.601e+0l 0.6616 5.134e+ll l.563e+06 3.939e+06 3.030e+03 7.635e+03 Totals 5.608e+ll 1.565e+06 3.949e+06- 3.054e+03 . _,, ... ,, 7.722e+03

                                                                                                                  .. *-., --- ~-

Results - Dose Point# 2 - (151.92,60.96,91.44) cm JFluence Rate Exposure Exposure Energy Activity Flue~ce ~ate MeV/cm 2 /sec I Rate Rate (MeV) (Photons/sec) MeV cm sec W"th 1 11 mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup Buildup n No Buildup 1 With Buildup 11.-~----+---------1------#----""'--l,-.----""---:-----"- 0.0045 5.923e+09 7.61 le+00 l.082e+0l 5_217e+00 7.416e+00 0.0318 l.181e+10 3.837e+02 1.486e+03 3.196e+00 l.237e+0l 0.0322 2.l 79e+ 10 7.226e+02 2.859e+03 5.816e+00 2.301e+0l 0.0364 7.930e+09 3.215e+02 l.600e+03 !1 l .827e+00 9.090e+00 I 0.6616 5.134e+ll 8.906e+05 2.026e+06 l.726e+03 3.928e+03 l-.....-_ Totals r

  • 5.608e+ll 8.920e+05 2.032e+06 1.743e+03 3.980e+03 I

II Results - Dose Point# 3 - (221.92,60.96,91.44) cm I JFluence Rate Exposure Exposure I J Fluence Rate I Energy Activity MeV /cm 2 /sec Rate Rate MeV/cm 2 /sec (MeV) (Photons/sec) With mR/hr mR/hr I I -~ _,.., - *- - No Buildup Buildup No Buildup., With Buildu_p_, C.1 B-25 Size Uncontained DAW Cut-Off Dose Rates No HEPA, Ground Release

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 57 of 120

                                                                            .   - -~, - *- . . .
                                                                                                 *-,1 2.358e+00                   l 4.119e+00 7.659e+00 3.022e+00 l.328e+03 1.345e+03                  " !
                                                                                                   ,_,,i C.1 B-25 Size Uncontained DAW Cut-Off Dose Rates No HEPA, Ground Release

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissionin Fire Protection Pro ram Pa e 58 of 120 C.2 B-25 Size 4 x 4 x 6 foot pile in Ground Release Location with HEPA Filtration MicroShield 8.03 RSCS (8.03-0000) Date By Checked

                                                                                                                                                                             . .- .7".  '"'""-~.1""11' ~- ~- '"
                                                                                                                                                                                                                .I Filename                                                                                        Run Date                Run Time Duration TMI-2 Uncontained DAW B-25 fil!!d wh December 4, 2021 10:33:46 AM 00:00:00
        ~;::.,."'" , **  - ~  *~, s*c  ,~ a  *  **,   ,,,,,,.P!f">'""'C~-*** ______ ;te..:.<....:.=        *,-,,  * '  ,_,-,,.,,,. ,~*,,,~~  ***...,_     *,,<*  -

Project Info Case Title B-25 DAW 2021 Descri tion 'B-25 Size DAW Uncontained with HEP A Geometry~. 13 - Rectan~ular Volume Source Dimensions Length 121.92 cm 4 ft Width 182.88 cm 6 ft th==-*=w*=*- =**,,=-.-=}~tl~!Ln ----* .,,,,.,,,c,ae

                                                        .... ~"""""""""""""""""""""'""""-'"'"'*"~E,l,:E~jil!~-~e:=,.,...,,.,,,

Dose Points A X y z

   #1                    123.19 cm (4 ft 0.5 in                                                                  60.96 cm 2 ft)                                 91.44 cm (3 ft I #2                   151.92 cm 4 ft 11.8 in                                                                   60.96 cm 2 ft                                  91.44 cm 3 ft
   #3                    221_.92 cm 17 ft 3.4 in                                                                 60.96 cm 2 ft                                  91.44 cm Shields Shield N                                                  Dimension                                                      Material                          Densi!Y Source                                             2.72e+06 cm                        3
  • Carbon 0.48 Air Ga Air 0.00122 Source lnJ>nt: Gron ing Method - Actual Photon Energies Nuclide Ci B µ,Ci/cm 3 B /cm 3 Ba-137m l .5420e+003 5.7053e+013 5 .6723e+002 2.0988e+007 Cs-137 l .6300e+003 6.0310e+013 5.9961e+002 2.2186e+007 Buildup: The material reference is Source Integration Parameters C.2 B-25 Size 4 x 4 x 6 foot pile in Ground Release Location with HEPA Filtration

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissionin Fire Protection Pro ram Pa e 59 of 120 C.2 B-25 Size 4 x 4 x 6 foot pile in Ground Release Location with HEPA Filtration

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 60 of 120 C.2 B-25 Size 4 x 4 x 6 foot pile in Ground Release Location with HEPA Filtration

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissionin Fire Protection Pro ram Pa e61of120 C.3 Yard Size Roll-Off Pile of Uncontained DAW Ground Release No HEPA Filtration Dose Rate Cut Offs MicroShield 8.03 RSCS (8.03-0000) Checked Filename Run Date Run Time oration; December 4, I TMI-2 DAW B-25 open Container Ground with 10:18:36 00:00:00 2021 AM Project Info Case Title B-25 DAW Descri tion 0 en Container Ground Release with HEPA Geomet!)'_ 13 - Rectangular Volume Source Dimensions Length 121.92 cm 4 ft Width 182.88 cm (6 ft 12}_.92 cm.J1.ft) Dose Points A X y z

 '#1         123.349 cm (4 ft 0.6 in            60.96 cm 2 ft            91.44 cm 3 ft)
  #2                                            60.96 cm 2 ft            91.44 cm (3 ft
 '#3                                                                     91.44 cm 3 ft
  #4                                                                     91.44 cm 3 ft Shields Shield N                 Dimension                  Material             Densi!Y Source                 2.72e+06 cm3                 Carbon                0.48 Shield 1                   .159 cm                     Iron                7.86 Air G~p                                                Air               0.00122 Source Inp}lt: Groupjng)\Iethod - Actual~Energies C.3 - Yard Size Roll-Off Pile of Uncontained DAW Ground Release No HEPA Filtration Dose Rate Cut Offs

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO# 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 62 of 120 l Nuclide Ci Bq..___--1: µCi/cm 3 Bq/cm 3 JJ j Ba-137rn --j- ;_31~5e+O~; 1.9671:013 I- 1.9557e+002 *-:---;,~2e+006 Ii! fi, __ 1

                 . Cs-137 ...         l_           5.6200e+002                       l_   ___  2:0794e+oq _ ]I - - 2.0674e~002 _                                       _j . ** _7_:~493e~006 _J; 1

1: Buildup: The material reference is Shield 1  ; 1 1.-------~---- Integration Parameters - - -..........---------1* i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ XD_ire_cti_on_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-_~=-~~-~-11r~-lO~~j~ 1 Y Direction [ 20 J; 1~' -~=-*=---=:*=---=-~=--.-~. ::=- ,=-~=*==*-*-*

                                            -=****=-"----=**==--=-~=-           ~-~z-__ _-!?-~.-re-_~_-tL-o~--<---.*_=_-.__-_-___-,_=*-oc.--,_-,-..*.-_-____-__~ - _ --~=11         1
-- _ - _ -~-9-__-___-____,Ii 1

Results - Dose Point# 1 - (1.23e+02,60.96,91.44) cm j I'----------------,,.------'-. . . . . .-------'-.----'-----.------. J.,I I IFluence Rate Exposure Exposure I Energy Activity Fluence ~ate MeV/cm 2 /sec Rate Rate 1 l (MeV) (Photons/sec) Me V/cm /sec With mR/hr mR/hr i l No Buildup Bm"Id up N o Bm'Id up w*Ith Bm'Id up ; 11 0.0045 2._0_42_e_+_l_1_ _ _ 4._2_56_e_-3_1_ _1_.4_27_e_-2_2_,i--2~._91_7_e_-3_1__ 9.779e-23 l,, 0.0318 4.073e+ll 5.714e-01 6.167e-01 4.760e-03 5.137e-03

       -----1------~----~-=1:-**-~-----:,.------*--:;---~----~i f:*'j i,

0.0322 7.514e+ 11 1.462e+OO 1.578e+OO I 1.176e-02 1.270e-02 l 0.0364 2.734e+l 1 9.376e+OO 1.032e+Ol 5.327e-02 5.863e-02 i j 0.6616 l.770e+13 4.153e+07 8.802e+07 8.051e+04 l.706e+05 j! Totals 1.934e+13 4.153e+07 8.802e+07 8.05le+04 1.706e+05 J

       -~ ........ -

ii--=--------_-_--___ j -

                        *-- =*- - ' -- .
                                                              --~es~IJs. ~ ~-~s~-;~~~~-; ;--~ {~--~;~~~2;60.*9~,~~---4~) c~---_---_**:_ -                                                        ==~~l, I

Fluence Rate Exposure Exposure ,! Energy A cf1v1*ty IFiuence M V/ Rate MeV/cm 21sec R ate Rate , I, 21 1 (MeV) (Photons/sec) e cm sec With mR/hr mR/hr , i No Buildup Buildup No_Buildup With BuilduJ> ' 1

 ;----:----~--~-.:--------i-----~--1'1*- - - - " - - { - - - - - - " - " " ' 1 j                    0.0045                                  2.042e+ll                             l.641e-30                         6.993e-23                 l l.125e-30                   4.793e-23 1:i-,1       ---~------:i------+-----,11                                                                                                                                                                         l 0.0318                                  4.073e+ll                            5.003e-01                          5.400e-Ol                 ! 4.168e-03                   4.498e-03           I r=-o.0=32=:;=-                                     --~ -7.514e+ll                                  l.280e+OO                         1.383e+OO 7,-~~3-0e-02 ---                               l.113e-O~-j!

i 0.0364 - 2.734e+ 11 *~ 8.350e+OO 9.191e~OO r 4.744e-02 5.222e-02 _] i*----~*- l 0.6616 l.770e+l3 2.673e+07 5.068e+07 5.182e+04 9.824e+04 l i=-~!~~~s _. *- r I _ - .. }_:2_~_4_!: 1_3__ --~.-- -~'.~7~e'.O?__ _5.°-6~-~+oz _ L ~}S~~t-~4 .. _?,82_4~,:_Q4 ] li --=1 C.3 - Yard Size Roll-Off Pile of Uncontained DAW Ground Release No HEPA Filtration Dose Rate Cut Offs

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 63 of 120 i 11 L (M*V) .* W~~::i.c) - 6:~; ~~:: ::~~;:::

                                   ---~=-=-, No Buildup                 Buildup
                                                                                                  ~~Jf -~:E::*]l N~ Buildup               With Buildup ;
~L~-~~~-~=~=~=~;e+ll .                        -~d;:_~-~ -             -~.402e~;~--I[ 9.893e-31                            -~;7e-~3                    lj I     0.0318               4.073e+ll                 4.374e -    4.~19e-01              ]I   3.644e-~3                  3.93le-03                Ji

[- 0:93E -l -- 7.514e~l _ l.112e+00 1.2Q~_+o~J-~:;~~.2? J 9.663e-~3 1,l

\ _ 0.0364_~ -~---~.734e+ 11 ____ _§_:§~~~+/-_Q0~ JJ_6)e+p_ij __ }._8_Q4e:-02 J_ _:U_?4e_::02]1
j -~-~6-1~ -- l.;7~e+13- . } 9.214e+06 - 1.72~~+07___ 1_ 1:786e+od  ! 3.33d~+04 Jj l

ir Totals


1.934e+13 9.214e+06 1.720e+07 1.786e+04 I 3.334e+04 JJ


Results - Dose Point# 4 - '422.47,60.96,91.44\ I - - - - - , - - - - - - - - . , . . . - - ~ - . , . , ' - - '_ cm _,___ _.__-<-l--~---.---------t11! I rvluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Exposure

I Energy Activity i.1.M'. V/ 21 MeV/cm 2 /sec Rate Rate t1 (MeV) (Ph ot ons /sec) e cm sec W"th R/h mR/hr  !

No Buildup I m r Buildup No Buildup With Buildup I

 ,1     0.0045       ..

2.042e+ 11 8.925e-3 l 4.901e-24 6.118e-3 l I 3.359e-24  !, i 0.0318 4.073e+l 1 l.372e-01 l.477e-01 l.143e-03 l.231e-03 r---~~--*-~~-~----------------f-------11 1 0.-0_3~2=2~--~--7_.5_1_4=e+_l_l_~,;;~3_.4_3_4-e-_0~_l-=::-=3=.7_0_1_e-_0_1_ _2_.7_6-3=e-_0_3__,;,_2_.9_7_8_e-_0_3_j 1,.._ _

I 0.0364 2.734e+ll l.785e+00 l.960e+00 1 014e 02 1- 114e 02 j 0.6616 l.770e+13 l.638e+06 3.207e+06 3 ..176e~03 6 ..218e~03 Ii Totals 1.934e+13 l.638e+06 3.207e+06 3.176e+03 6.218e+03 ]
                                                    ~         , ~        * ~*** .. - - *-* -- --  ---~'  - * ---    - ~--~ - ~-'- - , ~:....:£:........:J C.3 - Yard Size Roll-Off Pile of Uncontained DAW Ground Release No HEPA Filtration Dose Rate Cut Offs

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissionin Fire Protection Pro ram Pa e 64 of 120 C.4 Roll-Off Size Uncontained DAW Ground Release with HEPA Cut-Off Dose Rate MicroShield 8.03 RSCS (8.03-0000)

~-       ___!;'!;_~-~-!F.!'!-~--~-*-~*_'!___

__!l!!!J  !!'J!!f!!_-,!!'!*~ *_ _!!,!_ _ _f!!!l!!!"-!!ll!._!'!!!;'!~~Dliaj§Wk--.f@,~~~ '----- - Date By Checked Filename Run Date Run Time Duration TMI-2 Roll Off Ground No

                              - ~~                      , C-  a,.,             -~  ****L"**

December 3, 2021

                                                                                                        ** - ~ * - ' * ~

9:55:19 AM

                                                                                                                                   -~~ ~  ,- -*--

00:00:00 -

                                                                              . Project Info.

Case Title Roll Off Size Descri tion Roll-Off Size Uncontained DAW No HEPA Ground Release Geome!!)' .l3 .~ Rectangular Volume Source Dimensions Length 243.84 cm (8 ft) Width 609.6 cm 20 ft 0.0 in Dose Points A X y z

 #1             245.11 cm 8 ft 0.5 in)                                     106.68 cm 3 ft 6.0 in.                      304.8 cm 10 ft 0.0 in)
 #2            273.84 cm 8 ft 11.8 in                                      106.68 cm 3 ft 6.0 in                       304.8 cm l0ft0.0in
 #3            343.84 cm (11 ft 3.4 in                                     106.68 cm 3 ft 6.0 in                       304.8 cm 10 ft 0.0 in)
 #4           543.84 cm 17 ft 10.1 in                                       106.3 cm 3 ft 5.9 }n)
  • 304.8 cm 10 ft 0.0 in)

Shields Shield N Dimension Material Densi!)r Source 3.17e+07 cm3 Carbon 0.48 Air Ga Air 0.00122 Source Input: Grou ing Method - Actual Photon Energies Nuclide Ci Bq µCi/cm3 B /cm 3 Ba-137m l .5420e+00 1 5.7053e+0l l 4.8620e-00 1 l.7989e+004 Cs-137 l .6300e+00 1 6.0310e+0l 1 5.1395e-001 1.9016e+004 C.4 - Roll-Off Size Uncontained DAW Ground Release with HEPA Cut-Off Dose Rate

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 65 of 120 r=--. --* _--~uild~:=: : i~~*;;~;: ~i~o~r~--r** * ~ )

t. _~--~,~:.-~ ~ =*:. -:::::::: *=* * -----_- _ -=~*-r* -~~~ -~st
!               _ __                         _ _ Results - Dose Poi~t # 1 - (245.11,10~.68,304.8) ----=------------=-J
   - - - ____.. .. _ . . . . , . . . _ ~ = = , = - . , . ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____,_ _ __;._          -

cm_ - __ 1: E nergy (MeV) A ctiv1ty (Photons/sec) Fl R t IFluence Rate Exposure I Exposure l*l uence a e M V/ 21 M V/e cm 21secl N 0 B 'Id I e cm sec With R t ae mR/hr J I R at e I*'* RI m hr 1 j'I i------=' _____ m up I__ Build~E_.l No Buildul!_ -~ith Buil<!_1:1P 1,

                            ~ J___ s. ~23ee++_o 9~~=-=l_ ~_-_2~~ee+-OOll I 9.894e-Ol J 4.297e-01 i 1
       -~--00:_.0_04 5                                                                                                                    6.78le-01 J;

_ _j 1 18 1 10  ! -2.19-~e+02 -i-*;-.~~;;:;;-1-* i,:' l.826e+O~ -*1: 1:_ _ 0:0322 0 3 18 I 2_)79e+l0 4 8 18 1

                                                                           *->'--9-.0-8-8-e+_o_1-+!-4___23le+02 r--;~~;e-01            r  3.405e+00 --1*!

I r 2.447e+02 r. 0.0364 7.930e+09 0.66 I1 " ~ ~ e +11 _--- .J.,~4e~ : 4.003e:;;;- .. 2.683e+02 Totals J 5.608e+ll 4.104e+0I 1.386e+05 4.012e+05 2.332e I.390e+00

7. 760e+02_

2.701e+02 L 7.833e+02 , 11

                           --- -- -. -                      Results ~ Dose Point~:?, - (273.84,106.68,304:,_S)_c~ -- - .. -- - - . . -- - . -ll
 ~-:~e~      (MeV)

I Activify (Ph otonsI sec) FMluVen/ce

                                                                               , No
                                                                                           ~/*11::~~::~: Ex::::re Ex::::re e Buildup cm sec,          W'th I           mR/h r               mR/h r 1
1 1

____ _ _____ _ ~uildu_p _ No B~ildup With Buildup_ l 1

 ,           0.0Q:!_~ _       _l -5.923e+09                                       5.384e-01          8.469e-0l     r  3.690e-0l           5.805e-01
                                                                                                                        - -----r l.497e+~O ---,I
!            0.0~--- -                                    l.181e+l0               4.135e+0l          l.797e+02 Jr-I 3.~45e-Ol 3.464e+02 [__6J_75e-01 !_?)88e+OO J
 . , - - - - - - - ---~                        -*---~------~-------                             =--,-

l_ _~.0322 __J____ 2.179e+l0 __ 7.798e+0l (_Q.;.9364 !___,. __z.930e+q2____, ~ _ 3.5!0e-J:Ql__ ~~ .968e~{E...J___!:294e-01 =-J _l.118e+0Q __J L~. 0.661_6 J -~*-- 5.134e+ll ----~--D03e+05 2.966e+o~lJ.139e+02 ___ L5.750e+o2_J! i Totals I 5.608e+ll 1.105e+05

                                                                                                 , 2.973e+oi_LJ.154e+02
                                                                                                                                       ~  5.810e+02 J
                                                                                                                                                    -- .. - *I
     ---~--                                                 Results -Dose Point #3-(3~.~4,106.68,30~:8) cm                      -
  • ____ __J).
 !                                                                                                 Fluence Rate I Exposure Iuence R a t e M V/ 2 /

Exposure 1 1

Energy A ct1v1ty
  • M V/ 21 e cm sec I I R ate R ate ' 1 L *-c 0_:9_945, . J_, -*c:--~:?~3e+09 - - -- .. 3_.4_5?.e-OLl --?~4_9o~_~g1 _-"---*---2:370e~Ol .. J -~.1g2e-O_l_ *- 11 C.4 - Roll-Off Size Uncontained DAW Ground Release with HEPA Cut-Off Dose Rate

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 66 of 120

     . -0.0318- * . . .- -1.-~81~+1~ *--     *-J   2.435e~Ol       -lj -l-.010e+~2      j -2.028e--~l          l-   8:415~~0;            Ji fI-

____0.0322 1-~---=-* 0.0364 0.661_6_t _*___ __2.1 ~~e~1_0~+Ql __ [_ J.9~?e+02_ (

                      ---- ---7.930e+09
                               --- *--- ~--

5.134e+l 1

                                               ! 2.060e+0l
                                                    -- ----- ------ I

__ 6.2_75e+04 _ l.656e+05 l.105e+02


_J __ }~6~4e-0l ___I__}-?67e+00_ 71

                                                                                   . -----~--

J! l.170e-0l l 6.280e-0l !* l.216e+02 3.2lle+02  : L 1

  ;     Totals                5.608e+ 11           6.284e+04           1.660e+05                 1.226e+02         3.245e+02

Results - Dose Point# 4 - (543.84,106.3,304.8) cm i - - ~ - 1 E nergy . . FI R t IFluence Rate Exposure Exposure il i1 Activity Muence V/ 21 a e M e V/cm 21sec R ate R ate l (MeV) (Photons/sec) e cm sec With mR/hr mR/hr 1 1 _ _ _ _ , ______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ No _ Buildup _ _ _ _ _ _B "Id u_1__ u_~P__ N


__B "Id m_u_.p_ w* _ h__ 1_t B u_1 "Id_u_,,p'-'i 0.0045 5.923e+09 8.589e-02 l.365e-01 5.887e-02 9.359e-02 f: 1 J 0.0318 I l.18le+l0 7.174e+00 3.132e+0l j 5.976e-02 2.609e-0l l l:--_-0.-0-3u-~~-2.l 79e+ 10 ---l-.35;~~--0-1--6~043e+Ol ~,- l.089e-0-~---4-.-864e-Ol~,:~ 0.0364 I 7.930e+09

----=-;----------------------~---                  6.128e+00           3.468e+0l                  3.482e-02         l.970e-01           l 0.6616                5.134e+l l           l.955e+04           5.297e+04                 3.79le+0l          l.027e+02 ,
,;-,~-----            -----------(------11-------1.'------,'--------:i i     Total~_               5.6~_8e+ll    ___ __ 1.958e+04           5.310e+0~--- __ 3.817e+0l                   1.037e~02___          I C.4 - Roll-Off Size Uncontained DAW Ground Release with HEPA Cut-Off Dose Rate

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissionin Fire Protection Pro ram Pa e 67 of.120 C.5 Roll-Off Size Uncontained DAW Ground Release with HEPA Cut-Off Dose Rate MicroShield 8.03 RSCS (8.03-0000) Filename Run Date Run Time Duration l r:-----------------,1-------------------., TMI-2 Roll Off Ground with Decel!:!£~-L~ _ 10:17:48 AM 00:~~~<?_.J

;===========:_ _._ ...

Project Info Roll Off DAW Source Dimensions Length 243.84 cm 8 ft) Width 609.6 cm (20 ft 0.0 in 213.36 cm {7 ft 0.0 in)

                                                                  , . ~ - ;__ ~--*-,!'*,;.-__      '  ...-,.

Dose Points A X y z

  #1      245.11 cm (8 ft 0.5 in)                 106.68 cm (3 ft 6.0 in)                            304.8 cm 10 ft 0.0 in)
  #2     273.84 cm (8 ft 11.8 in)                 106.68 cm 3 ft 6.0 in                              304.8 cm (10 ft 0.0 in)
; #3      343.84 cm 11 ft 3.4 in)                 106.68 cm (3 ft 6.0 in                             304.8 cm (10 ft 0.0 in
  #4     543.84 cm 17 ' '

ft "10.1 in}

                                    ~" -

I ,:.s::.. 106.3

                                                      ,.  ~ t cm (3 ft 5.9 in)

I 304.8 cm (10 ft 0.0 in)

                                                                                           ~--.-~--:--*~               ~   ' -
  • Shields Shield N Dimension Material Density Source 3.l 7e+07 cm3 Carbon 0.48 0.00122 Source Input: Grouping Method - Actual Photon Energies Nuclide Ci B µCi/cm 3 Bq/cm 3 Ba-137m 1.5420e+003 5.7053e+013 4.8620e+001 1. 7989e+006 l .6300e+003 6.0310e+013 5.1395e+001 l.9016e+006 C.5 - Roll-Off Size Uncontained DAW Ground Release with HEPA Cut-Off Dose Rate

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO# 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 68 of 120

              -- .. -*"           - --- . -                                                                             .. -*          --                                                     --- --- ---*---* -*-*- ----*-* .... --- -7!

rI -- -

            -            ___ ., .                   ...   --~   *-.     ,.    ----   .       -*--*- - - - -                   -~             .. _   - --* -    ,. .  -  .  -   *--*-

Buildup: The material reference is Source l Integration Parameters

                                                                                                                                                                             -                                         -                                          JI 1:

L--=-~~--- I I I I I X Direction

                                                                           - c = - ~ ~ - **-z....---=---=-.-~

Y Direction Z Direction

                                                                                                                                                                                                    ---r-- ~~ 7      1                        1o                   r:


 'I                                                              Results - Dose Point# 1 - {245.11,106.68,304.8) cm
 ,,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  j I           Energy                       I                   Activity Fl uence R a t e IB'luence Rate M V/ 21 1f MeV/cm 2/sec Exposure Rate I         Exposure !


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   'i e cm sec                               W"th
~II (MeV)

I (Photons/sec) No Buildup B .;d . lll Up mR/hr No BuilduJ> With Buildup mR/hr 'l i

-I            0.0045                       [                 5.923e+l 1                                      6.268e+0l                            9.894e+0l                            4.297e+0l                                     6.78le+0l                     j 0.0318                                         l.18le+12                                      4.818e+03                            2.192e+04                            4.013e+0l                                      l.826e+02                    I~

1! 0.0322 2.179e+12 9.088e+03 4.231e+04 7.314e+0l 3.405e+02 I I B:16 I 0.0364 als 7.930e+ll 5.134e+13 5.608e+13 4.104e+03 l.384e+07 1.386e+07

                                                                                                  - -** **- -- ------1/2 *-**-.------**--~--- -~---*

2.447e+04 4.003e+07 4.012e+07 -***. -- 2.332e+0l 2.683e+04 2.701e+04

                                                                                                                                                                                    -- ... ~--. -   ,.. - ---- .. _..... _-        --

l.390e+02 7.760e+04 7.833e+04 I Results - Dose Point# 2 - (273.84,106.68,304.8) cm JFluence Rate Exposure Exposure Fluence Rate Energy Activity MeV /cm 2 /sec Rate Rate MeV/cm 2 /sec (MeV) (Photons/sec) With mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup Buildu(l No Buildup With Buildup *

*1            0.0045                                         5.923e+ll                                       5.384e+0l                            8.469e+0l                            3.690e+0l                                     5.805e+0l 0.0318                                         l.18le+l2                                       4.135e+03                            l.797e+04                            3.445e+0l                                     1.497e+02 II I

0.0322 2.l 79e+l2 7.798e+03 3.464e+04 6.275e+0l 2.788e+02 I 0.0364 7.930e+ll 3.510e+03 l.968e+04 l.994e+0l l.l 18e+02  : I 0.6616 5.134e+l3 l.103e+07 2.966e+07 2.139e+04 5.750e+04

 ! -- Totals [_


                            -- ..      __             ---    5.608e+13                                       1.105e+07                            2.973e+07                            2.154e+04                                    5.810e+04
    --- - -- . -                                              --* -***-**         -. ----s--r       -- -                                  11
                                                                                                             *-* -------*-~-*- -~- --~-___.,.L........-   --**-   ---- *"-.-:...;c--.........<'***- ~   . *--       *-* ---  - ,,,     **-*-** .. -** ---**- -

Results - Dose Point# 3 - (343.84,106.68,304.8) cm JFluence Rate Exposure Exposure 1 Fluence Rate Energy Activity MeV/cm 2 /sec Rate Rate MeV/cm 2 /sec t (MeV) (Photons/sec) With mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup Buildup No Buildup With Buildup I 0.0045

       . -~ ~-- -       . *,-.--,- -- 7'""     .* ,   ~-

5.923e+ll 7:2-;r.,.**r*"**s;;,,-,,-m-**--*_.,*,,-".,1 3.457e+0l 5.400e+0l

                                                                                                                  -*~,:-- - ; -....~::xm~=*n:m**J&-~-   mwz*-m-- *:,             _ 2.~70e+2}                             .I~-~2.~~+.o! ~d C.5 - Roll-Off Size Uncontained DAW Ground Release with HEPA Cut-Off Dose Rate

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 69 of 120 ri_-_*__0.0;18. i_~i~sl~~ 12_ - *-- *- -~-~3~~;m r LOl~e+04 , ~ 2.028e+O~- ) 8.~-15,e~-0-1 *7 i ____ 0.0322 __ J~ _ I 2.179e+12_=~- 4.590e+03 __ 1.947e+o4J __3.694e+0l J 2.060e+03 J l.170e+0l j 1.567e+02 __~

                                        ~= ~:~: : iT::::~ ::::~: 1 : ~!: :~: 1
,J       0.0364               7.930e+l 1                             1.105e+04                ~80e:::.2_Lf;
 ~~F~' ::::::::

I Results - Dose Point # 4 - (543.84,106.3,304.8) cm _ j:j 1 1 Energy I

                      '        Activity           *M V/ 21 11 Fl      R t Fl uence R at e' uence 2 a e 1

MeV/cm /sec Exposure !, Exposure 11 Rate Rate I; l (MeV) (Photons/sec) e cm sec With mR/hr mR/hr  ;

             ---i--------o1:-N_o_B_u_i_Id._u_p-+-_B_u_il_du_,,p_-ll-N_o_B_u_il_d_u~11....,,~ith BuildUJ) l,j 0.0045               5.923e+ 11             8.589e+00       1.365e+0l     5.887e+00     9.359e+00       ~,I 1

0.0318 1.181e+ 12 7.174e+02 3.132e+03 5.976e+00 2.609e+0l 0.0322 2.179e+12 1.354e+03 6.043e+03 1.089e+0l 4.864e+0l

  ,      0.0364               7.930e+ll              6.128e+02       3.468e+03     3.482e+00     l.970e+0l u:      0.6616       i       5.134e+13              1.955e+06       5.297e+06 1 3.791e+03 1~r----5-.6-0-8-e+_1_3_ _-l'--1-.9-5-8-e+_0_6_f.=5-.-3-10_e_+_0~6-lli=--3-.-8-17_e_+_03--=-{.

1 l.027e+04 f 1.037e+04 C.5 - Roll-Off Size Uncontained DAW Ground Release with HEPA Cut-Off Dose Rate

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissionin Fire Protection Pro ram Pa e 70 of 120 C.6 Roll-Off Size Uncontained DAW Elevated Release No HEPA Cut-Off Dose Rate MicroShield 8.03 RSCS (8.03-0000) Date By Checked Filename Run Date Run Time Duration TMI-2 Roll Off Size DAW



                                            .,. "~=,--.. .,.   ""

No November 19, 2021 9:03:03 AM 00:00:01

                                                                                                                           *-~ . . ~~,** , ..

Project Info Case Title Roll Off DAW Descri tion Roll Off Size Uncontained DAW No HEPA Elevated Geome:trY 13 - Rectangular Volume Source Dimensions Length 243.84 cm 8 ft Width 609.6 cm 20 ft 0.0 in

----- Height 213.36 cm 7 ft 0.0 in Dose Points IA                              X                                              y                                   z i#l               245.11 cm 8 ft 0.5 in                             106.68 cm 3 ft 6.0 in                 304.8 cm 10 ft 0.0 in
 #2            273.84 cm (8 ft 11.8 in                              106.68 cm 3 ft 6.0 in)                304.8 cm 10 ft 0.0 in
 #3             343.84 cm 11 ft 3.4 in)                             106.68 cm 3 ft 6.0 in                 304.8 cm l0ft0.0in
 #4         543.84 -t...,..,..,~.;;-w::.;,

cm (17 ft-.......10.1 in) 106.3 cm 3 ft 5.9 in - = * ' 304.8 cm 10 ft 0.0 in)

                                                ~~~.....:.r~_                         ¥ .........

Shields Shield N Dimension Material Density Source l.94e+06 in3 Carbon 0.48 Air 0.00122 Source In ut: Grouping Method -Actual Photon Energies Nuclide Ci B µ,Ci/cm 3 B /cm 3 Ba-137m

  • 3.0556e+001 l.1306e+012 9.6345e-001 3.5648e+004 Cs-137 3.2300e+001 l.195le+012 l.0184e+000 3.7683e+004 C.6 - Roll-Off Size Uncontained DAW Elevated Release No HEPA Cut-Off Dose Rate

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 71 of 120 i_ _ _ ___, ~uild~~,;.~:;::i:~;:!;:;;,~s~u~cc _ ~-~]:

                                                                              ------ ,--- ----- -------- *-*- *lI *. ~-----2; 1

i --.. ~- -- * --~-- -*---~--,- *-*- - --~- ----y--~~;:c~~~~-----

X Direction 10
                                                                                                                                           . *--)l' I(--* ~---*-         -- - -- - . . *- - -.. *-- -z Direction                - - --- . -- - - -                -    .. - ~ r*--       ~- . I':
 'I         Energy          I

Activity 'MuVen/ce 21a e MeV/cm 2/sec e cm sec . Rate , Rate /'

  .i t

(MeV)  ; (Photons/sec) N0 B "Id With mR/hr  ! t mR/hr 1 I j _____ m up BuilduR No BuilduR I With Buildup 1!

  .[         0.0045         I           l.174e+lo] l.242e+00                    ~  l.960e+00           J     8.514e-01        i    l.344e+00     l 1=*___ -0ml8 ~ - ~ - ;;d1e+l0*-                            1* 9~+0~=l 4.343e+~ T- ;:~53e~~~-1.-J.618e+OO _~l; I         0.0322         I           4.318e+10                 l.801e+02 I 8.385e+02 [ 1.449e+00 I 6.748e+00                                  j:i l-~.0364             *-,---;_;~~+10                     -  -~-~            j   4.850e+02                 4.621e-01        l   2.755e+00      ]j
  *1 Results - Dose_ Point # 2 - (1.08e+02,42,120) in                                                   I*i 1

1 j E nergy. A ctiv1ty FI R tjFluence Rate Exposure Exposure I

  *1/                                                           Muence V/ 21a ~e M eV/cm 21sec                      R ate                R ate        i I

(MeV) (Photons/sec) e c~ sec With mR/hr mR/hr j No Bmldup Buildu No Buildup With Buildup I

L~~~ _-___ !)?4e+~-O- ~~ _l.067e+00 _

J _____ 1 _l.678e~~~]__ ;.3l?e-01-~~ _ 1.150e+00 *1!: r l 8.194e+0l l

1 0.0318
___g.o~~~-J 2.341e+10 I 3.561e+oi]
                                     - -~.3-~~- ~J.545~;~- I_ 6:864e~o-2_J__- 1~-~44e~OO 6.826e-01
                                                                                                                            -r    2.966e+00 5.524e+00 J,


I_ -- 0.0)64 - I __ ----- l.571e+H~ 7* 6_J5_6e+Ol_ ]13.~~+_Q2 J _}.952e~_L J _2.216e+oo J 0.6616 I l.017e+12l 2.186e+05 I 5.878e+05 : -4.238e+02 ] l.140e+03- Jj
r. _
    ~~--. __T<>!als *- _               _1.111~~1~ ___ .        I 2'.1.~9e~o~Jj;s92_e+05                  I  _4.~6~e+0~        J. _1.1~!~:+-0~_  J~
i ---~---- R,,sults -D!'f° 3_:_ ------~~----_!~
  'I Energy I ____

Activity iFI Point # (!)5.,+0;,42,121J)in R t Fluence Rate IMuVen/ce 21a e MeV/cm 2/sec e cm sec . Exposure Rate I Exposure l Rate l

  '!         (MeV)                    (Photons/sec)            IN B 'Id               With                      mR/hr         I      mR/hr          1
I n
                           .t -            -- - - - -- -       t ° m - up- Buildup   - --          --- .  . No.. --   -- - - .I With Buildup        -. -- --    - -- I,I Buildup L

I - - -

.... o_.004.s _ _ ! ... ___ 1._~ 71e+ 19_ ... __j ,. 6:~~~e~0_! _ !_.07Qe+~0 _. _4-.695_e-0__l __ J. _ ?:335e~0_l__ J C.6 - Roll-Off Size Uncontained DAW Elevated Release No HEPA Cut-Off Dose Rate

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO# 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 72 of 120 c~.031; . J--- -~ 2.341~+ 10__ - __ ,- 1-~26e+0-1, L2.0~+02 { 4.0-20e-~1 _*L-L668~~00. ]'. F~:~: ~ 11 _ _

               ---i-- :::~::::~ 1 ::~::::~: t~:~:~::~~                   J : :~~::~:-+

o:616 ]~~ -l.!Jl7~_!2~ ]~~~~-3.;8?:e;~; t---;:;-;-;-~~~_:_r-is.363e;;;-d

                                                                                              ~ :~~::~~   ~:
'~      Totals _   I       1.llle+ 12       ! 1.245e+05     I 3.290e+05    I   2.429e+02   I 6.430e+02 . l:
 ,L___*_______             Results - Dose Point# 4 - (2.14e+02,4.19e+0l,120) in__                      .. I:
.'1 1

Fl R t JFluence Rate Exposure Exposure

  • E nergy A ct1v1ty Muence V/ 21a e, M eV/cm 21sec R ate Rate ~

i (MeV) (Photons/sec) e cm sec With mR/hr mR/hr l

 ,L___------*----                              No Buildup I BuildUJJ          No Buildup    With Buildup t j    0.0045             l.174e+ 10            l.702e-01    2.706e-01        l.167e-01  ~[~ 1~855e-O 1   -,:

0.0318 2.341e+10 l.422e+0l 6.206e+Ol . l.184e-01 I 5.169e-01 Jj

  ,1 0.0322     I       4.318e+10            2.682e+0l     l.198e+02        2.159e-O~       9.638e-01     l
 ,,     0.0364     I       l.571e+ 10           1.214e+0l     6.872e+0l        6.900e-02       3.905e-01    ]I

___ o.6616 _LI l.0l 7e+12 3.875e+04 i--~--~ l.050e+05 _7_._51_2_e+0 1 1 2.035e+02 I'! i Totals 1.llle+12 3.880e+04 1.052e+05 7.564e+0l 2.056e+02 fl I* C.6 - Roll-Off Size Uncontained DAW Elevated Release No HEPA Cut-Off Dose Rate

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 73 of 120 C.7 Roll-Off Size Uncontained DAW Elevated Release with HEPA Cut-Off Dose Rate


r~-*~-:~-~. _-: *

  • k~c:;_=:C, -==


                                                *Jr~-    ~y MicroShield 8.03
                                                                  ]r.-~,,cc=~~"-=**~~~~-~c-**: :_ Ch:~~~d-*--*---~ -** =1 RSCS (8.03-0000)

I n 11 . _i Fil~name . . . . . . l===========:::::z---====:

                                                                                  . . . ~~te --*-, ~~n Ti~elDuration!1 Run li~M1:2-~o~~;;;-i;~o:;:;;:;;.;~:;t~-HiP:;:::;~ J~ovemb:r 19, 202il9.Jl+/-8 J>MIJJllcO()c_Qll_l
 .!     C~se Titl~--1*

Project Info

                                        ------------- - *-- Rol;-~ifDA~---. -                          ------ -
                                                                                                                                ---l:  1:
 !--- ~escriptio~----j                  -..         ioI~;ff S-i-ze ~nc~nt;i~~~ -i;"~w with iiEP~-Eleva;;d--

I ---~-----.,--- ------- -~- -- ---=---- - - - - - - - - - - .----~---- -- - ---------- ------- - - - -

                                                                                                                              - --   -ll
                                                                                                                                    -71 I      Geometry              1:                                   13 - Rectangular Volume                                            1:
  -   --  -----    ----    - -    -*- -   ------------ ---                   -  --------       ------  __-  __ -_ ---- ----~---         i r.--;::;,h*--~l                               .~-*- -

Source Dimensions 243.84 cm (8 ft) _____ j ir

  !             HVfe_i*dgthh __         II _          --*--           609.6 CtE_(20 ft 0.0 in) ------~---             --~ l,.

1 1 _}1_3.36 cm (7 ft 0.0 in) 111 C. 7 - Roll-Off Size Uncontained DAW Elevated Release with HEPA Cut-Off Dose Rate

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 74 of 120

!j  0.0045             l.174e+12           l.242e+02      l.960e+02      ?--?14e+0l_ L.J}4:1-~~02 JJ r ~;~;---              2.34le+l2          9.548e+03      4.343e+04 IL_J.953e+Ol ]-- 3.~18e~02       '. ;
1 0.-032;--- 4.318e+12 l.801e+04 8.385e+04 ,---i.449e+02 6.748e+02 i 0.0364 l.571e+12 8.133e+03 4.850e+04 I 4.621e+0l 2.755e+02 i 0.6616 l.017e+14 2.743e+07 [ 7.932e+07 5.317e+04 l 1~538e+05 i Totals . -~-1-.-- 1.ll~e~~4_ -~- 2_:?4.6~+0;~[_ 7.942~.+~7 ] __ 5.~?3.e:-~4]_ 1.552e~~5 1l d

Results - Dose Point# 2 - 1 1.08e+02,42,120) in i


Fluence Rate Exposure Exposure Energy Activity Flue~ce ~ate MeV/cm 2 /sec Rate Rate (MeV) (Photons/sec) MeV cm sec W'th 1 mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup Buildul) No Buildul) With Buildup , 0.0045 l.174e+12 l.067e+02 l.678e+02 7.313e+0l l.150e+02

[ 0.0318 2.341e+ 12 8.194e+03 lf-=------1-a~-~~--~-1--------llr--~~--=*-~~--~~l'==~-~-m 3.56le+04 0

6.826e+0l 2.966e+02 I 0.0322 4.318e+ 12 l.545e+04 6.864e+04 l.244e+02 5.524e+02 C. 7 - Roll-Off Size Uncontained DAW Elevated Release with HEPA Cut-Off Dose Rate

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissionina Fire Protection Proaram Paae 75 of 120

  ,                            Results - Dose Point# 4 - (~.14e+02,4.19e+0l,120) in                          [:

1 Fl - R t- JiFluence Rat~ - Exp~~ure uence a e, i Exposu~~-i J 2 J Energy Activity M V/ 21 *MeV/cm /sec Rate Rate , e cm sec . * (MeV) j (Photons/sec) N B "Id With mR/hr mR/hr  : I j---~- o m up Buildup No Buildup With BuilduJ> .!

    ------                                                               *~ ~-----~ -----                   -I j      0.0045 __ [___ __ l.174e+12             l.702e+0l                 L 2.706e+0l __ l.167e+0l         J   l.855e+0l Ii l       0.0318       J        2.341e+12         1.422e+03_ \ 6.206e+03 ll-11~+01L 5.169e+Ol __ lj
  )      0.0322       I        4.318e+12   _    2.682e+03      l.198e+04 J 2.159e+0l_ I 9.638e+0l I~

i 0.0364


J l.571e+12 l.214e+03 6.872e+03 _ [ 6.900e+00 II 3.905e+0l j l j

  *--=-  0.6616     J ..______ l.017e+ 14 ____ 33 75e+06 __ l.050e+07         7.512e-:J:-~03 _J   2.035e+04 _:1 Totals       L_ . _!_.l!le+14           3.880e+06   I 1.05~~+07_     7.564e~_0_~ } _2-Q~_6e+04       l C. 7 - Roll-Off Size Uncontained DAW Elevated Release with HEPA Cut-Off Dose Rate

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissionin Fire Protection Pro ram Pa e 76 of 120 C.8 Yard lntermodal 1 Size Uncontained DAW Cut-Off Dose Rate No HEPA Ground Release Case Title I ~-- Roll Off DAW ):

      -Descriptio~ __                I______~ --                Ro~ Off S-ize-~nc~~~i:d ~AW- Gr~~~-~-~~;~-~~~~;~-=-*-----]i I Geometry 13 - Rectangular Volume
                                                                               ---,-- --* -----,,-,-,.,.-,.----,------v-,                                        .-, ---, --*- ,*--"-****--*-----*- -----,-, -,c>",'*---1


  ;I l___ ~idth
                   ~e~~h---1-~ ---- ----
                                             ----                                     -     Source Dime:;ons
                                                                                          -----                     -       ;i;.84 cm (8 ft) -- -- _-- - - ~ -

609.6 cm (20 _ft 0.0 in)_

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ~--,;u*_:>, :

f _',;./_

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          -"'--'>f \Lt ,.: l j
 *j                Height                             I                                                               213.36 cm (7 ft                        o.q i n ~ ~ : , : i ~ : i , ~ ; * !

1* Dose Points ~, '".\f:j

 ]Al~~                                     x                                                                              y                                                                      z                                         'i ~";:i_".'1
  ,~[_]45.11 c~_i8 ft 0.5 ;ni__J_106.68 cm Q_ ft 6.0 in)                                                                                                                 304.8 cm (10 ft 0.0 in                                          ,:d';t,,,,:,
 #2              273.84 cm (8ft11.8 i~)7-~o6.68 cm 3 ft 6.0 in                                                                                                         304.8 cm (10 ft 0.0 in)                                                   <kt:!
   ,#3 _ 343.84 cm .{11 ft 3.4 in)__ . 106.68 cm (3 ft 6.9 in) _____ ]04::~cm QQ.f!. 0.0 in)                                                                                                                                             l*-t, ::,z I
~-L 543.84 cm (17_ Jt I 0.1 inL[ _ I 06,3 cm (3 ft 5,9 inL _ 304.8 cm (IO ft 0.0 mLJ!:'.:~;~--~i -/

I --* Shields -- - _.,i,;,.,,.... ;

)'!~M;s:~~--F r----- - --

Gap_ - 3 °i~:::;i::,

                                                                                                                                                     ~::::I Air                         ---

D~n:~ty 0.00122 1* ff~;'j

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              .:-*\<-~~ i irl;~;t l
. --- _:.:_ - .:::-_ *-=*:_- -_ -- -- _::._:-_; .::--::::. _-- __:._ - ______ :-c,: --,, __ - -_- : --.-_-::-.--.., _--: ~~:. -::-:_ -=---:__ ~- :_*:=-=* - _:-*::-:_::- - ':: ---- __- __ -_-=,- : _-_:..:.--~ :,:*. ,- -__ ='"' '..\'.,--,_._:s,ci..;_:1
  ,-~:;lid:: l 3"!":irn~ut: Glouping_;~~ctu_*~~gr- -Bq;cm'                                                                                                                                                                                           -11
 *\    Ba-137m __ J_J.5420e;i)03 ___ [
 '- ---------- ----- - * ----* ------- ---- * - "" ---                                      ~.--


                                                                                                         =---- - --~- -*- ---* -~---- ---------- -r*

____4.86~0e+001 ---~~-l.79~9e+006

                                                                                                                                                                             *-*----       -----*--.::-:i::-;---*-----      --*-:r    -     z-*-- -.--,

II C.8 - Yard lntermodal 1 Size Uncontained DAW Cut-Off Dose Rate No HEPA Ground Release

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 77 of 120

~ - 1 3 ; ' ] *- ~.63_9~e+003 ..

fl~ *- -., . . . .- r 6.0310e+013

                                               ~-~ui~dup: *;~~ -~aterial refe~en~e is Source 5.1395e+001            I        l.9016e+O*O~
                                                                                                                                       - --*- -** *-**-. - . --- --,l l

ii Integration Parameters  :.

L_ - 4
                    ~-~-      - __________         -   - -_ _ _ :~-~Directi_o~~--~ ---~:~--~~-~- -_ --=-1""_-~IB-_~. -i; i

i------ - ----- -----~-----~-;~~n-- Y Direction

                                                                                                - ------- - - - - -*-----,----            I                20 20 rj'.

R~s~lt~ --Dose Poin~ # 1 - (;4~-.11,1~6-~8:30~-.8).c~-- _, _ . . ... - . I~

\I j . - .. .
                  -----*------- --------p.; . . ~--------- ---* -------~--~*,I!

Fl R t 1iFiuence Rate Exposure Exposure j: Energy Activity MuVen/ce 21 a e*MeV/cm 2/sec e cm sec .

  • Rate Rate I:

(MeV) (Photons/sec) N B "Id With I mR/hr mR/hr I

  • o m up Buildup No Buildup With Buildup]:
r_9.0045__ _ 5.923e+ll I 6.268e+0l 9.8~4e+0l 4.297e+0l 6.781e+0~ -j
J 0.0318 1.181e+l2 4.818e+03 2.192e+04 4.013e+0l  ! 1.826e+02 !1
r 0.0322 2.179e+12 9.088e+03 4.23 le+04 7.314e+0l 3.405e+02 lj J


     µ.0364                                7.930e+ll                               4.104e+03             2.~i?e::.Q!_k-_2.332e+0l                     l.390e+02 I      0.6616                         5.134e+ 13                              1.384e+07             4.003e+07            2.683e+04           I   7.760e+04            I1i Totals                         5.608e+13                          ] 1.386e+07 [___ 4.012e+07                      2.701e+04           J   7.833e+04         Ji
    ,I--~-~                                   Results -Do~~ Point# 2 - (273.84,106.68,304.8) cm                                                            - -     ... l~il Fluence Rate          Exposure                Exposure E nergy                                  . .

A ctiv1ty Fluence Rate M V/ 21 Rate R t 1 M eV/cm 21sec e cm sec ae I (MeV) (Photons/sec) N B "Id With mR/hr mR/hr ,'! o m up Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 1 l 1

p'.q045  ! -~5-_.9_2_3-e+_1_1_ _ _5__3--8~e+Ol 8.469e+0l 3.690e+0l -i- - 5.805e+O~~l1
    *~_,Q,:_0318_r-~                      -;~~lz- ~ -1 :.; ~~i:-- I.,79~7- 2~~~;:+0L - l .497e~2_ -~
    *I      0.0322                         2.179e+ 12                 Tu98e+03                        1 3.464e+04       I    6.~75e+0l               2.788e+02             i'j'
    'r----_Q_:2_3=64= _                    7.930e+ ll~-~-]=1.,:j1oe+03_                                  1.~~8e+04         ___l~4e+0l =*r-l.~_11_8e+02--                    t:

1 1 [_~_Q_.6~lLJ ____ 5.134e+l3 -~J.:l03e+07 I 2.966e+07 ,.-2.13~e+04 _ L 5.J50e+04 ]!

    ). ____ _ J o ~                 _____ 5.~~~e+!3 -~--i.1.~0?_e+Q7                               J     2.97~e+~7.      L2.154e:+-.Q1 ] _____~.81_~e~04 ___ Jj f ---~---- _____Results - Dose Point# 3 - (343.84,106.68,304.S)_cm                                                                                                          il
  *I 1
  ;I' ..-

Energy (MeV) Activity (Photons/sec) Fl e cm sec N B "Id o m up R t IFluence Rate MuVen/ce 21a e MeV/cm 2/sec With Buildup Rate mR/hr J Exposure f Exposure j:.; i No Buildu~ With Buildup : Rate mR/hr 1

           -*-*. . . . . ___ .* ... __ -*-*-   .. _     c*.*-   .. - ..-,.   --*-*- _ . *-*   . _..     *  --~. _ -**         *  --*      ...       ... __         .-.

C.8 - Yard lntermodal 1 Size Uncontained DAW Cut-Off Dose Rate No HEPA Ground Release

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 78 of 120 c~.-0045. -r 5:923e+l 1 . -- - -3_;~7e:01 5.~00~+01 I 2.370e+-01 r 3.7~;e+Ol 11 f[~ 0.0318 ___[~ __ l.181e+1_2~--- !-;.435e~o;~--* 1~010e+04_J __ 2.028e+0l__l __ 8.415e+0l _J

!I I

_0.0322 _ I

~.0364 0~_6~16 _

j L _ 2.l_Z?e+l~ 7.930e+ll 5.134e+13 I 4.?_90e~03 _ ~)-_94~+o4J _3.6~4e+0l 2.069e+03 6.275e+q6 l.105e+04 1.656e+07 l__ ).170e+0l __ l l.~16e+04 l I 1_.567e+02 6.280e+0l 3.211e+04 I, I! I;,

                    !                                                                          I
                                                           ~3~r~: :~~:6:~;:4~:;~~~~c.~-. -Ex;:~-~

1 [ Totals 5.608e+ 13 6.284e+06 1.660e+07 1.226e+04 3.245e+04 j, F- -*.*- . ~- ~ ..*. -~~~.~ :ff.,.!'.~;n.~ 1: Energy Activity  !!ut~ce ~ate MeV/cm 2 /sec Rate Rate * (MeV) (Photons/sec) e cm sec With mR/hr mR/hr , No Buildup B (;-----*~------~1------ll---u_1_u-1p~-lf--o_u_1_u~R-{-_1__u_1_u~1p~J "Id N B "Id W"th B "Id ' (1 0.0045 I 5.923e+l 1 8.589e+00

                                                          -       l.365e+0l
                                                                    --        I    5.887e+00      9.359e+00 ',
\f 0.0322 l.181e+12 2.179e+12
                                           =r     7.174e+02 l.354e+03
                                                                     ==-=-::--5~976e+OO 3.132e+03 6.043e+03         l.089e+0l   I
                                                                                                - 2.609e+0l -,i 4.864e+0l      f:I 0.0364               7.930e+ll           6.128e+02      3.468e+03         3.482e+00      l.970e+0l l 1

[:,-__o_.6_6_1_6_ _ _ _5.134e+13 _ _ _ _ _ _l.955e+06 _ _ _ _ _5.297e+06 _ _ _ _ _3_._79_1_e_+_0_3___1_.0_2_7_e+_0_4__:! I Totals 5.608e+13 .. 1.958e+06 5.310e+06 3.817e+03 l: -- - -*-- ---- **-- -- --~-- - - -- C.8 - Yard lntermodal 1 Size Uncontained DAW Cut-Off Dose Rate No HEPA Ground Release

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissionin Fire Protection Pro ram Pa e 79 of 120 C.9 lntermodal Size Uncontained DAW with HEPA Ground Release Dose Rate Cut-Off MicroShield 8.03 RSCS (8.03-0000) Date By Checked

 - --~=- s:*-**=====~==*=**=***==---+/-::-*=**=-=*=**=**=*=*:ce,*;:s,,***=**=*--=*-====**F*"=~-::,;:--=-**=*=;====;'

e:::* Filename Run Date Run Ti Intermodal 1 Size Uncontained DAW Ground with December 3, 1:03:53 2021 PM Project Info Case Title Intermodal 1 DAW Descri tion Intermodal 1 Size Uncontained DAW with HEP A Ground Geomet!)'_ 13 - Rectangular Volume Source Dimensions Length 215.798 cm 7 ft 1.0 in) Width 584.302 cm 19 ft 2.0 in He_i~ht 154.838 cm 5_ft 1_._o in) Dose Points A X y z

 #1      217.068 cm 7 ft 1.5 in            106.68 cm 3 ft 6.0 in                   304.8 cm 10 ft 0.0 in
 #2      245.798 cm 8 ft 0.8 in)           106.68 cm 3 ft 6.0 in)                  304.8 cm 10 ft 0.0 in)
 #3     315.798cm 10ft4.3in                106.68 cm 3 ft 6.0 in                   304.8 cm 10 ft 0.0 in
 ~~.-- 515.~8 cm (16 ~ft 11_} _in)_=**= ____,!2§2,_c~3 ft 5.9 in__                .30~.8 c111 p~ ,ft 0:21~)   ,

Shields Shield N Dimension Material Density Source l.95e+07 cm3 Carbon 0.48 Air Ga Air 0.00122 Source ln1>ut: Gron ing Method - Actual Photon Energies Nuclide Ci B . µCi/cm 3 B /cm 3 Ba-137m l .5420e+003 5.7053e+0l3 7.8980e+001 2.9222e+006 C.9 - lntermodal Size Uncontained DAW with HEPA Ground Release Dose Rate Cut-Off

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 80 of 120 J l P il rl! Cs-137 -- ,- l.6300e+~03

                                                -, -.. -Buildup: The mate~ial -referen~: is-Source

__ - ; - - - - -- jn~g_!"_ation Par~mete~-r - X: Direction _ _ _J 8.3488e+001

                                                                                                                               --v        --

__ ~- _I

                                                                                                                                                   ;.089-le+006 1-0

__ _I; IJ

   '---~---* - - - -------* ---------~----=-- -~------                                                                   --~-- -- , - - ----- ----                                    .

i,~----- ____ Y Direction______________! 20 I I Z Direction

                                                                                                                                              , - 20
                                                                                                                                           - -- . _,_  ~- - -       .   ----
                                                                                                                                                                                ---1 i
,;-------                       1*------         Results - Dose Point# 1 - (217.0684,106.68,304.8) cm
                                                       -- -                               ~]**--                         ----~--- -------------:Ii I                                                                            FI            R t Fluence Rate               Exposure                      Exposure 1 I

1 Energy Activity MuVen/ce 21 a e MeV/cm 2/sec e cm sec . Rate Rate i* i (MeV) (Photons/sec) N B 'Id With mR/hr mR/hr [i 1 _ o m up Buildup No Buildup With Buildup~

0.0045  ! 5.923e+ll l.l 15e+02 l.73le+02 7.644e+0l l.187e+02 J1 0.0318 _ l.18le+l2 7.948e+03 3.545e+04 6.62le+0l -~:0-i]!

0.0322 2.179e+l2 l.499e+04 6.84le+04 l.206e+02 5.506e+02 i 0.0364 7.930e+ 11 6.754e+03 3.934e+04 3.837e+0l 2.235e+02

0.6616 I- 5.134e+l3 2.187e+07 5.926e+07 4.240e+04 l.149e+05 j i

J= ...... 5.608e+13 2.190e+07 5.940e+07 Results - Dose Point # 2 - (245. 7984,106.68,304.8) cm 4.270e+04

                                                                                                                                - ...             ,_, __ 1.161e+05


 !           E nergy                                      .

A c t 1v1*ty Fluence / 21 Rate Fluence Rate Exposure MeV/cm 21sec Rate Exposure , Rate

   !          (MeV)                         (Photons/sec)                        MeV cm sec                With        I mR/hr                                 mR/hr j'i------! -------------1,-_u_1_u_,p                                            No Buildup            B 'Id _ __,_o_u_1,N B 'Id       __ur           W"th I B Ul'IdUp.

l__o_.0_0_4_5~--':--____5_._92_3_e_+_l_l____s_._97_8_e_+0_l-:i-_l._37_7_e_+__o;-----i-11I 6.154e+0l 9.435e+0l , 0.0318 l.181e+12 5.971e+03 2.479e+04 ' 4.973e+0l 2.065e+02 I -----:----~~---+------;.----~-1:-------+-------i'l L..._0.Q322 2.179e+ 12 l.125e+04 4.776e+04 9.056e+0l 3_.843e+02 j 0.0364 7.930e+ 11 5.042e+03 2.697e+04 I 2.864e+0l l.532e+02 1 l_ 0.661;-=- 5.134e+13 l.514e+07 J 3.905e+07 --2-.9-3-5e_+_0=4--,:,-7-.5-7=0-e+_0_4--i L~_--T-o-t-al_s_]___-____-_-__ -5.-_~-08-_e-_:i-_1_3-____-___ -__. . ,_:_,~- ._5-~-~e-+_0__7_.J __ 3-:9~_5!,+~. ___ --~-95~e:+-~4 __[-; .65~~~~~4 -~ r"--*-* .. Results - Dose Point# 3 - (315.7984,106.68,304.8) cm (Photons/sec) Activity

                                                                -               Fl e cm sec N B "Id R t Fluen~e Rate Exposure MuVen/ce 21a e MeV/cm 2 /sec I With I mR/hr Rate J          Exposu;el Rate mR/hr 1

o m up Buildup _ I No Buildup With Buildupj

                                           ...          ----- -       .        ----- ---    - --  - --*m-       --,- -* --* -           . -       -- .         **-           -    ?l C.9 - lntermodal Size Uncontained DAW with HEPA Ground Release Dose Rate Cut-Off

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 81 of 120 ti . ~.oo_45 -* J . ~- 5.9?~t?+!l..... l 4.710e+0l J. 7.12}~~01. 3.~28_~~01 *_ r_--4.9~0e+Ol*_ 1~ I Jl.0318_

  ! __ 0.032] ____
                     !-     LI 81 e+ 1_2 J ____ 2.179e~_ll_~.
                                          ..      !J042e+D3~11r_ l._24~e+04 _ji 2,534e+O).      l   1.03 7e+02 i2~~l~~~03_ i_t.399~+/-_0~-- i ___~-~14~~01 _! __ lJ}l~~oz .'


!!__   Q.0364_     . L__7.930~+ 11 _             _I  2.569~+Q} r  l.36Je+04 _  L1_.4_60e:01 _J 7)38e+0l _ !'

II _0.§1_6 _L___ 5)34e+ 13 ---=-- 7.72_5e+/-_oilio11_~+07 i ~ .~98e+04 J~3.898e+04 J

  !    Totals     -     5.608e+l3           - 7.737e+06 ]I 2.0l~e;QZ]I 1.509~~04     J   3.941e+~~- I:

l Energy ~ctivity (MeV)



 .I 0.0045 0.031_8       !



M"t~ce 2tte MeV/cm 2/sec Ne Bc~d sec 0 __ ,___ m up l,____ 5.923e+ll~_J.047e+0l __ l*640e+Oi:] l.1_8le+l2 8.373e+02 With Rate mR/hr

                                                                                                 ~Rate mR/hr
                                                                   ~uildup , No Build!!.Jl_, With Buildue_,1; 3.645e+03 7.179e+00 J_I.124e+Ol l 6.974e+0O J- 3.036e~91 I!

_j i

 *1    0.032_2     J        2.179e+l2                l.580e+03    7.033e+03 __ ~1.271e+Ol       !_ 5.660e+0l       j j    0.0364        [      7.930e+ll                7.150e+02    4.033e+03 I 4.062e+00 I 2.292e+Ol li
  ~--------           ---------------.-------------------                -- r-------~-------
  !. -~:::,: .. -- ::~:::~: -                        ~:~~~::; . :~::;:;_ I        :::~:~:~:    _l ~:~:::: Ii C.9 - lntermodal Size Uncontained DAW with HEPA Ground Release Dose Rate Cut-Off

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissionin Fire Protection Pro ram Pa e 82 of 120 C.10 lntermodal Container Size Cut-Off Dose Rate Uncontained DAW no HEPA Elevated MicroShield 8.03 RSCS (8.03-0000) Date By Checked Filename Run Date Run Time Duration Intermodal 1 Size Uncontained DAW Elevated No November 20, 10:58:54 00:00:01 ~ 2021 AM Project Info Case Title Intermodal 1 DAW Descri tion Intermodal 1 Size Uncontained DAW Elevated No HEPA Geometry 13 - Rectangular Volume Source Dimensions Length 215.798 cm 7 ft 1.0 in Width 584.302 cm 19 ft 2.0 in) Dose Points A X y z

 #1                    7 ft 1.5 in          106.68 cm (3 ft 6.0 in        304.8 cm 10 ft 0.0 in
 #2                    8 ft 0.8 in          106.68 cm (3 ft 6.0 in        304.8 cm 10 ft 0.0 in
 #3                                         106.68 cm 3 ft 6.0 in         304.8 cm 10 ft 0.0 in
 #4     515.798 cm Shields Shield N                     Dimension                   Material             Density Source                    l .95e+07 cm3                  Carbon                0.48 Air Ga                                                      Air               0.00122 Source In ut: Grouping Method - Actual Photon Energies Nuclide                Ci                     B                  !l,Ci/cm3             B /cm 3 Ba-137m          3.0556e+001             l.1306e+012           l.565le+000          5.7907e+004 C.1 O - lntermodal Container Size Cut-Off Dose Rate Un contained DAW no HEPA Elevated

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissionin Fire Protection Pro ram Pa e 83 of 120

~-    Cs-137         I     3.2300e~:i:dupi:      Th~~:::r:~11:efer~ncel;:::::oo L. .                               6pl3e~004.            7!

1: Integration Parameters 1 Ii- - -- --- - - -- --- -- -~~-i~~~ti-on - - - - ,- - -- - - --- Ii 1.----r--= -- --- -~------- ---- ------ - -- ------ ----- -=--- - --------------------- ~*-- ---- --- ------- ---, I Y Direction ___ 20 i, F.-. , - - ' - *' . ~CDir,~cti~n. --::* .,- *c-*-r* - - - ' . J_ ~-,~___}Q__ --~.--~-*"1;,11 i' -- .. ~T -- - ~*suits -D***~**l*nt # 1 -R(2tl 7:1:::::R~*::r::::u~;;- ' ;;.;:;~r:- :

 ,                                  . .                uence a e               /         /            R                       R              
 \    Energy                   Activity            M V/ 21            MeV cm 2 sec                       ate         '           ate         11 1                                                     e cm sec                   .                                 '                        I
 .:   (MeV)                 (Photons/sec)            N B "Id                  With                    mR/hr                  mR/hr           f, i------- ___                                             o m up          Build'!.L.__ _No ;Buil~~p , With Buildu~i
 ;_p.oo~J                     l.174e+l0             --?-210e+00 ] 3:..430e~9~.J _l.515e+O0 __ l__~J5le+OO                                    j 1

j l _0.0318 _ l~_,2.34le+l0 l.575e+02 JG.02se+02 ] l.312e+/-_00 r~85le+OO _ ij I 0.0322 4.318e+I0 2.970e+-02 [ 1.356e+03 [";:390e+OO l l.09le+0l 71

 \    0.0364                  l.57le+ 10               l.338e+02 * [-;_796e+02
                                                             ---~------------~-------1       *1 7.604e-~1 4.429e+00 !:



0.6616 j

                               --=---- ---

l.0l 7e+ 12 4.334e+05 1.174e+06 j 8.402e+02 I 2.276e+03 j*l

 . Tot~L 1:-*     *-**-* -~-----____!}_!J~!~       ______L4.340e+05
                                    -- *****---***              . ' 1.1_7_7!_+_!~ ...          l-~~~~02     *--~--          .. ,. *-*11J
                                                                                                                   -j 2.300e~03_

l _ Results - Dose Point # 2 - (245. 7984,106.68,304.8) cm ,1

                                                   '                  Fluence Rate Exposure    r                           Exposure 7l Energy                   Activity           [Fluence ~ate MeV/cm 2/sec                           Rate                   Rate           fl (MeV)                 (Photons/sec)           MeV/cm /sec               With                    mR/hr                   mR/hr          il I No Buildup           Buildup                No Buildup          iWith BuildU[>          r l___-~-~O~;_-]_              l.174e+~~--            _t}7~e+O;~-;~;;~~-[ _ _l.219-e+OO                               '. 1.87~~+00      -j 1:   0.0318          I       2.34le+l0                l.183e+02        4.913e+02              r    9~;~:-01            *-;092e+OO       -,I j~ Q:,0322          I    -~~18-e+_lO -        _] 2.230e+j)2_          9.464e+02=1--~~;--9~e~Qu                           7_.6-16e+OO   -yl
 !    0.0364          I       l.571e+10          7 9.990e+0l            5.345e+02                   5.676e-0l        i     3.037e+O0         I

[~~:~f--:~:::F3 ::~::::j :~:;J-~~1=f:~~=~u Energy (MeV) Activity (Photons/sec) 1 Results - Dos~ Point# 3 - {~_15.7984,106.68,304.8) ~ - - ~ , M V/ 21 R t Fluence Rate, Exposurej Exposure ]1 1uence a e e cm sec N 0 B "Id MeV/cm 2 /sec I With i Rate R/ m hr m Rate R/h r

                                                                                                                                            -i1 ti jj i:!

UI up Buildup J No Buildu 'With Buildup i

                -*-------*       .   -----    -     ----    --------=-----------------                   ----       --~:;:;.:.-~----. _.. J C.10 - tntermodal Container Size Cut-Off Dose Rate Uncontained DAW no HEPA Elevated

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 84 of 120 f- 0.00~~- _J~_i;l74~;-10-- -. - - ~-;~-3e-Q1 --~[L4~;e;OO --1 ~ ~-3-;~e-O; ----r 9.770e~O~ II

!_0.0318           l _ 2.341e+10 _ _6.028e+01J_ 2.4~+(}2 J _5.021e-0l_ ,_. 2.055e+00 ~-r:
.]    AOJ_~!__ 4Jl§e+IL . ! l.136e+02__ , 4.754e+!)Z_J[ 9.14~e-01.,__l.826e+00 J 1

I'. 0.0364 _! 1.571e+10 J_ 5.090e+0 l 1 2.699e+02 -,1 2.892e-O 1 l.533e+00 J;

  !   _9.6616    J__           l.017e+l2            J __ l.53le+05                   3.985e+05            I    2.;68e+o2]               7.725e+02_        i r--*-**  ~

I 1.llle+12 i Totals-*-******-****'"**~----*--*---.--------****- J t.533e+05

                                                               ------- . .-*-**      3.995e+05
                                                                                   -*--*-                 I    2.991e+02 ] 7.809e+02 Ii
                                                                                          -----****- -**-*--*-***-c*--- ---------------*----- *-* -- **--~



_~_ . . 1-1-*,1uence


Rcsu)tsyose : !nt jR-(5t1;~=:~e~:~:~~~snre -~ Ex;~~~~~--- Jf: ae 1 Energy Activity M V/ 21 MeV/cm 2/sec Rate Rate

  • j (MeV) (Photons/sec) e cm sec N B "Id With mR/hr mR/hr I


 !                                                                    m up             Buildup , No Buildu() With Buildup 1

L ' 0.0045 l.174e+l0 2.075e-01 3.249e-01 ~ 1 l.423e-01 2.227e-0l !1 f t,1 0.0318 2.34le+10 1.659e+Ol 7.222e+0l 1 1.382e-01 6.016e-01 ij 1 0.0322 4.318e+10 3.130e+Ol 1.394e+02 2.519e-01 l.122e+O0 ~1 1 I 0.0364 i 1__:57le+10 1.417e+0l i _7.992e+0l j 8.049e-02 4.541e-0l ~1

!      0.6616                  l.017e+12                     4.506e+04           I   1.215e+05                 8.736e+0l                2.356e+02         ~I I                                                                                                                                                       ~
 ,     Totals . _              1.llle~I~          -*-        4.51~e~0~               1.21~e+05 .               ~:J97e+0l ___ }-380e+.Q~                  li C.10 - lntermodal Container Size Cut-Off Dose Rate Uncontained DAW no HEPA Elevated

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissionin Fire Protection Pro ram Pa e 85 of 120 C.11 lntermodal Container Size Cut-Off Dose Rate Uncontained DAW with HEPA Elevated I* Date

        -<----___-_-______    -   _--     ----o
                                                  ~             By- - . r

_iL _ _ _ -____-_-_-l ____ --- _

                                                                                   --- -  --_   _  _  _ Chec~e~ ___ -~-----

_____ .J; i - Filename*--~ I Run Date Run Time Durati~~ri

  !-int~~~dal ]-Si~~ U~contained DAW El~vated No                                       1 ~ovcmb~r ;O,                     10:58:54 : . . l]

0 00 01 lI - - . - -

                                                .                .--         -* -         -   - 2021
                                                                                                        -,         ..        AM
                                                                                                                            -.              . . I*
                                                                                                                                      -- -- , - I'

[_____ _ _ _ ---* _ Projectl~!i__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Jj L Case Title_J --~--~ Intermodal 1 DA\¥.__ __ ____ -=-J)

\~Descripwn~Jl---~--Intermodal 1 Size Uncontained DAW Elevated No HEPA __ J;

[ Geometry_ _ _ 13 - Rectang~ Volume il

1~~- - --- _-- -- -- - ---- S~ur~~ D-;~-~ns-io~~ _-- - --- -* -_ - --=-_--- -- -- -- -~~~] * * '* I

[!-~~-_Length ~ JJ --~~---------- 215.798 Cf!l{? ft 1.0 in)_~-----*--- __ J: I Width 584.302 cm {19 ft 2.0 in) ______ ___ ~ ll* li II ____ J. Lr ~--_ ~--

 *J       -   Height                 J                               _____ _154.~38 cm {5 ft_l_~ __ __
                                            ~ _~I -ou!"'~oi;*--=-~ ~-,- _---- z---- ~                                                                     !

r;~r-~*-;1]!)6j ?ID iLft_ 1.~ in}:] 10§j1/2IAJ:3 ft 6.0 in) _l ~-94:!cm_ (10 ft 0.-0 in) _II

1#2 245.798 cm (8 ft 0.8 in) -i 106.68 cm Q_ft 6.0 in} 304.8 cm (10 ft o~QJ&][


    #3         315.798 cm (10 ft 4.3 in)                 _J        106.68 cm (3 ft 6.0 in)           __ 304.8 cm_(l0 ft 0~0--i~)][
    ~                                                          J                                                                          J:

515.798 cm (16 ft 11.1 in) 106.3 cm (3 ft 5.9 in)

                                                                  - - Shields -                                - -           --~=r*

304.8 cm Q_O ft 0.0 in) l

!--Shield N------~------

l_ Source _ _____ _Di!_llension~ _ _ _1.95e+07 cm 3 Ji-= j Materia~-~- Carbon __ ( Densi'L_jl[ ,. 0.48 ~

                                                                                     ~                           I                        11               l
! Air Ga)'.)_ _~ - - - - - - - ~ ~

r* - -- -:. - ---- ~ -~~~~~~ ~~~~t: -Gr~~~ing Met~-o~ - ~ct~a~ ~~~~~~ Air

                                                                                                            ~~~;;i:~:- .: _:_: -*:_-


                                                                                                                                         ~-c** ---    --]\

L-~~_uclide_ J"-- _Ci ______  ! ---- Bq ____ *--=----~Ci/cm 3 __ j_____ Bq/cm 3 _. 1:

    ~---B-~~1~711:_         IL _   ~-0_?5~~+90~                l IJ~96e+0}_~ ________l_.?6~!~+9_00 __ J _ ?*??9.Z7+og~,--                                /*

C.11 - lntermodal Container Size Cut-Off Dose Rate Uncontained DAW with HEPA Elevated

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 86 of 120 f--C:s-137 3:23!)0e+-O_0L L I.195Ie+0l2 j 1.6544e+-O00 I 6.1213e+004 ]!

 !                                  Buildup: The material reference is Source                                             71
~             -~-=*-* --------------*------ Integnttion Parameters --~------------------------Ii Ii*----- ___ -----~XDirection                               _      ----~--*---------       ____  J_____ )O_ -~~!
 !                                            Y Direction                                         !         20                I:

r Z Di_rection _ ~=:] _ _ " ___ -~Q _ ---~"Ji



 !i - - -.. - .. - - ~

Results - Dose Point# 1- (217.0684,106.68,304.8) cm

*I                                                                 Fluence Rate       Exposure           Exposure              i I      Energy                 Activity           Fluence ~ate MeV/cm 2/sec              Rate                Rate              I l       (MeV)              (Photons/sec)         MeV/cm sec            With            mR/hr              mR/hr               ;

No Buildup Buildup No Buildup With Buildup , I


0.0045 l.174e+ 10 2.210e+00 3.430e+00 l.515e+00 2.35le+OO Ii 0.0318 2.341e+10 l.575e+02 7.025e+02 l.312e+00 5.851e+00 0.0322 4.318e+10 2.970e+02 l.356e+03 2.390e+00 l.091e+0l I 0.0364 l.571e+10 1.338e+02 7.796e+02 7.604e-01 4.429e+00 i 0.6616 l.017e+12 4.334e+05 1.174e+06 8.402e+02 2.276e+03 1 Totals 1.llle+12 4.340e+05 1.177e+06 8.462e+02 2.3ooe+o3 l Results - Dose Point# 2 - (245.7984,106.68,304.8) cm Fluence Rate Exposure Exposure Energy Activity Fluence Rate MeV/cm 21sec Rate Rate (MeV) (Photons/sec) MeV/cm 21sec W'th 1 mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup i Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.0045 l.174e+10 l.779e+00 2.728e+00 l.219e+00 l.870e+00 1.------:--------~-----~1------:t 0.0318 2.341e+10 l.183e+02 4.913e+02 9.855e-01 4.092e+00 0.0322 4.318e+10 2.230e+02 9.464e+02 l.794e+00 7.616e+00 0.0364 ] l.571e+l0 9.990e+0l 5.345e+02 5.676e-01 3.037e+00 1 0.6616 I 1.017e+12 3.000e+05 7.738e+05 L-5-.8-15_e,-~-02-,.----1.-50-0-e+_0_3_

 !       Totals    __J        1.llle+l2             3.004e+05        7.757e+05 [__ 5.861e+02             1.517e+03

[-~---- -,___ -- - - ==~=-~=s=:=lt=-s=-=-Dose Point# 3*--(~l~.-;;~~'~;6:~~-;~4.8) ~m, ----- -- *--* . -*- ---~

 \--~----                                                                           -*-------~~~----!

I Fl -- R t !Fluence Rate Exposure]jxposure. I Energy Activity Mu~~ce 2 / ejMeV/cm 2 /sec Rate Rate i (MeV) t (Photons/sec) Ne Bc~d secl 1 With mR/hr mR/hr [ o m up Buildup ~o B~ildu _With Buildup C.11 - lntermodal Container Size Cut-Off Dose Rate Un contained DAW with HEPA Elevated

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 87 of 120 r0.00_45 .. I. I.1;4~+10 ... I 93;3e-;l r J.42;e+OO l 6.397e-Ol I 9.77~e-Ol i!

!l*__ 0.0318__
1 0.0322 l __

r 2.34le+l0 _ 4.318e+10 J 6.028e+Ol~~ I l.136e+02 2.467e+02] I 4.754e+02 I 5.021e-01 9.142e-01 { _2.055e+O0

                                                                                                                                          ~     3.826e+00 J, I'

Ii O~BM~~~~-----1~-;;:10 -~--1 _ 5.~90~+;1_J 2~699e+02-t_;,892~-~1~!-)S3~e+{rn J! t~___0.6616__~ !_-~- l.017e+12 __j_ l.531e+05 __ 3.985e+05 _j 2.968e+02 J 7.725e+02 I;

 ,,"-   Totals                      1.111e+12
          -- -- ***--- J *----- . ----                       I
                                        ---. -*- ..... - ---* ---*1.533e+05
                                                                     .... -_____ , --   ---3.995e+05
                                                                                              -.    -- -----~------~   2.991e+02
                                                                                                                            --- ----- ----J _--7..809e+02
                                                                                                                                                    ---       Ji ii 1                                _Results_- Dose Point# 4 _- (515. 7984,106.3,304.8) cm____                                            _ ___ ___ _____ _   1:

1-1-~* --..--- -~- ---- *-* - . - - - *1 I ---~=-- ------ -*-*---- --- 1: Fl R *Fluence Rate I Exposure , Exposure I: uence ate ' i I Energy Activity M V/ 21 MeV/cm 2 /sec Rate Rate I 1 (MeV) (Photons/sec) Ne Bc~d sec 0 With mR/hr mR/hr I 1 m up Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 1

 *!-_-_0-.0-045-~__j           ___ - l.174e+~-~,--~__-_-_-2.-07~~~- 3.249e-01                                 JL       l.~23e-01            . 2.227e-01       ~

_l-Q;0318 j 2.341e+10 l.659e+0l 7.222e+Ol II l.382e-01 6.016e-;--i; L 0.0322 ] 4.318e+10 3.130e+0l l.3~4e+02 JI 2.519e-01 l.122e~00 I

!- 0.0364 - l.57le+l0 _ _Jjl7e~0l 7.992e+0l I 8.049e-02 l 4.54le-0l )


I_ _ 0.6616 1

l.017e+l2 4.506e+04 l.215e+05 I 8.736e+Ol i r 2.356e+02 l I 1l Totals___-____________1.111e+12 _ __ ~---~l~e+_04 ___ !*2_~-~!+0_5 _ ~_._797e+0l __ J __2._3~~e~02 _ C.11 - lntermodal Container Size Cut-Off Dose Rate Uncontained DAW with HEPA Elevated

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissionin Fire Protection Pro ram Pa e 88 of 120 C.12 Sea/and Cargo Container Size Cut-Off Dose Rate Uncontained DAW No HEPA

.#3    315.798 cm (10 ft 4.3 in)   106.68 cm (3 ft 6.0 in)
 #4   515.798 cm (16 ft llJ in)     106.3 cm (3 ft 5.9 i?l   304.8 cm (10 ft 0.0 in)
                                                                                     *i~ )f',

C.12 - Sea/and Cargo Container Size Cut-Off Dose Rate Uncontained DAW No HEPAGC.12

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissionina Fire Protection Proaram Paae 89 of 120 C.12 - Sea/and Cargo Container Size Cut-Off Dose Rate Uncantained DAW Na HEPAGC.12

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 90 of 120 E: : ~~ -_ l____ ~::~~:: : -~i *: ~: : -~::~: :~J : ~~:: : 1t :-: : ~~j;

'i_~0.0364 _                 7.930~-:f-09    -~~L~.J34~+0L,          1.155e+o2_[_1.2p~'.:O_I__           6.~?1~~0_1   _!.

IL _0.6616 _7_____ 5.134e+ll ____ I, 6.575e+04 i I.761e+05~_ l_l.275e+02_, 3.413e+02 J:1 i Totals j 5.608e+ll j~84e+o;J~.765e+05 ~ 1.284e+02 i 3.449e+02 j; l Results - Dose Point# 4 - (515.7984,106.3,304.8) cm [,i Rat ~ Fluence Rate 1 j ,1 Fl Exposure Exposure ' 1 Energy ' Activity MuVen/ce 21 e MeV/cm 2 /sec Rate Rate  :




II l (Photons/sec) e cm sec No Buil dup With B_ UI"Id UJ) mR/hr N 0 B UI"Id _ UJ) W"th I mR/hr B UI"Id up i [ 0.0045 5.923e+09 9.812e-02 l.540e-01 I 6.725e-02 l.056e-01 j 1 J 0.031_L_J l.181e+l0 7.958e+00 3.478e+0l 6.629e-02 -~- 2.897e-0l I r.

  ,i,,  0.0322               2.l 79e+ 10             l.502e+0l       6.713e+0l          l.208e-0l        5.402e-0l         !

r I 0.0364 7.930e+09 6.799e+O0 3.854e+0l 3.863e-02 2.190e-01 I*j l 1 I 0.6616 5.134e+ll 2.175e+04 I 5.90le+04 I 4.216e+0l l.144e+02 I I I I Totals

           . -    I  . -- *-

5.608e+ll 2.178e+04 5.915e+04 I 4.245e+0l 1.156e+02 I C.12 - Sea/and Cargo Container Size Cut-Off Dose Rate Uncontained DAW No HEPAGC.12

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 91 of 120 C.13 Sea/and Size Uncontained Uncompacted DAW with HEPA Ground Release Cut-Off Dose Rates

-:_ *_ .**. **o:;;=-1 * ?y
  • r . -. - * -->~ .*1 MicroShield 8.03 RSCS (8.03-0000)


  • 1 1 Filename i Run Date f Run Time iDurationJ*i
~:seal~~-           ~i~~ ~nc~~~i~~d DAW ~~ound ~it~ ~E~~-.msdlDecember 3, 20?I_h:38:15_PMl'oQ:Q_Qj)~d:

I --1 I Project Info l*.i

~~e:c:i:::: F- --Se~l~:d*~~~o~i~e~n:::~:~::                                                            W-~~        ::A-~ou:::=1iJi
  ,-=--;~~~---]                         -                        _ 1~- ~- ~ec!an~111~; ~ol-u::--_-_--                                        - ________
l__-*---~--__ -- -So~rc~-~i-~e~sion_~_-_--___ - __ - _ -- - -_- ~

L~ngth _I____ _ _ __ 215.79_?_cm ~ftJJU~2--------------~-~~--J

 ;I_ _

I t ]'

*~-                Width_                                        589.178cmQ2ft4.0in)_____                               ~--~----=------              Ii tt     -~   _Height        J                               269.1_38 ~m (8 ft__} 0.0)n)                                                         1 r~r-------~----~1 -

I i --=-----=----~-


Dose Points y

                                                                          *-=            c-*--*7

_- ~ - -

                                                                                                  --,            -------;:-----r
                                                                                                               ,---------                   -~- -:*
 'i#d _            217.068 Cfil (?J! 1.5 in)_LJ06.68 Cll2.__(3 ft 6.0 in) --- 304._8 cm                                     c~q ft 0.0 _Laj_J f~:-~-,

I _ _ _ 245.798 cm 18 ft 0.8 j.n) __~-- 106.68 cjl1(3 ft 6.0 in)

                                                                                                     'i __ _304.8 cm (10 ft 0.0 in)                  I; 1


 ,'.!!l            315.798cm(10~4.3in) _           I 106.68cm_(3ft6.0in)_I 304_.ScmQ0ft0.0in) I:
    #4            515.798cm(16ftll.lin)            I      106.3cm(3ft5.9in)                        J        3Q4.~_cm_{10ft0.0in)                    J 1---*- Shield N ~T-~ -Dimension Shic~


 *1      --     -
                  ~ir ~ap - .
                              --1 *--; 09e+IJ6in,
                              --    L~- - -. - - - - -"-"

r------~---~-~----------------- ---------------- ---- ------ -

                                                                   -7         1*--        ~aterial--1~-Densicy Carbon -

_Air --- - - L _ O; i

                                                                                                                                    -- ---- - - -- ---------------1*'


 ,i       ___       _ _ ___   _§9urc~_lnpl!t: Q_!:_ouping Method -Actual Photon Energies
                                           ----,-=-~~-                                           --------~---! _ _ --ii1                                             1
 ,:--- --~------- -=-~---- =-
[ __ Nuclide _ I Ci ____ _I ____ Bq__ -_J -~Si/cm -*,----B!J/cm 3 3
I Ba-137m i l.5420e+003 l 5.7053e+013 ! 4.5062e+001 I l.6673e+006 11 1*1 __ ~g_s~1~2- J~_~l-.?_3_02e~~q~:- :-~-~- _6:~~!0~~;~_-~3 _]_ -~:_?.6~4~;~Q!~ ____-_[ _ J:76?5e~qo~ _-_]

C.13 - Sea/and Size Uncontained Uncompacted DAW with HEPA Ground Release Cut-Off Dose Rates

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 92 of 120

           -    -                      B~~ldup: The mate;ia~ refere~~: is Sour~e                                    -                        -     --   i Integration Parameters                                                                           !

11 _____ --- ~ ~-- ------~-----~-- ~J)i_~;c~n __ --~--*---------__ - _--~-L----~-_19- --]

!------ ------------------: ~:;::::::--------------------- -I                                                                             ~~ --*1~

Results - Dose Point # 1 - (85.46,42,120) in Ii i I IIFluence Rate Exposure Exposure Energy Activity ,Flue~ce ~ate MeV/cm 2/sec Rate Rate ' (MeV) (Photons/sec) MeV cm sec W'th mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup Bui:duJ) No Buildup With BuilduJ) ~ I 0.0045 5.923e+ 11 6.540e+0l I l.0lle+02 4.483e+0l 6.929e+0l 1 1 [__ 0.031_-8-:----1_.1_8_1e_+_1_2_ _1--_4_.5_7_6e_+_0_-~----9l--*-;;37e~;--- 3. 811 e+0 1 1.697 e+02 ]

I' 0.0322 I 2.179e+12 8.629e+03 3.933e+04 6.944e+0l 3.165e+02

[ 0.0364  ! 7.930e+l 1 3.888e+03 2.273e+04 2.209e+0l l.291e+02

  )     0.6616        ]       5.134e+13                        1.296e+07                 3.773e+07        2.512e+04                   7.315e+04          ,.

L _Totals -]:-~~~8e+13 . _ [1_.~?7~-t-~7- ___ ~~7~2~-+-:ii] 2.529e~04 G.383e+04__ 1------ -* ----- ***-- ----Results-DosePoint#2-(9.68e+Ol,42,120)*i~-----*---*--*-* ---- .. JI Fluence Rate Exposure Exposure Energy Activity Fluence Rate MeV/cm 21sec Rate Rate (MeV) (Photons/sec) MeVIcm 21sec W'th 1 mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.0045 5.923e+ll 5.490e+0l 8.496e+0l 3.763e+0l 5.823e+0l [ :~ 0 .0318 ] 1. 18_1_e_+_l2_ _~_3_._98_8=e_+_03......,._1_.7~_2_9e_+_0_4_,__3_.3_2_2e_+__0_l_ _l .440e+02 [ 0.0322 ~79e+12 7.520e+03 3.334e+04 6.052e+0l 2.683e+02 I 0.0364  ! 7.930e+ll 3.385e+03 l.902e+04 l.923e+0l l.081e+02

  *    -_0.66{6      l        5.134e+ 13 _ -                   l.073e+07                 2.947;~ ~-;_080e~--0-4~--:,--5-.7-l-3e_+_;=-

i ir~*-'= Totals

              ~=*             5.608e+13                       1.074e+07
                               *-.,*=**                        *=-*-*-,;,-,..~, . --~ -




                                                                                                          *c-C -* """ ,.,.,. "' -*-**


                                                                                                                                       "'O"' * * "-***

I~ Results - Dos_e Point# 3 --,,,._(1_.2_4_e_+_0-'2,'-4_2,'-1_2_,0)'-i_n~-~---------- Fluence Rate Exposure Exposure Energy Activity Fluence ~ate MeV/cm 2 /sec Rate Rate (MeV) (Photons/sec) MeV/cm /sec With mR/hr mR/hr L ___ __._________ No Buildup

                                                           ..:..-------.i--~uildup                        No Buildup            With Buildup l _ 0_:0_04~     _]_ _                             7 5.9.23e~_ll __ ~ 3.704e+0l _                               5.716e+~l,,_._,,,)_.539e+0l            _ --~-9.18e+:o}J C.13 - Sea/and Size Uncontained Uncompacted DAW with HEPA Ground Release Cut-Off Dose Rates

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 93 of 120

,),.._ _ _ ___,._ _ _

1 3e_+_0_2"""",4_._19_e_+_,o,.._1,__1_2"""'0),_i_n_ _,_ _ _~__1li R_e_su_l_ts_-D_o_se_P"""o_i_n_t#_4_-_,(_2....0....

!                                                                  J    Fluence Rate                      Exposure            Exposure

( Energy Activity tel Fluence ~a MeV/cm 2 /sec Rate Rate , J (MeV) (Photons/sec) MeV/cm /sec With mR/hr mR/hr i l No Buildup I Buildup No Buildu11 With BuilduJJ I 0.0045 5.923e+ 11 9.812e+00 l.540e+0l 6.725e+00 1.056e+0l  : 0.0318 l.181e+12 7.958e+02 [ 3.478e+03 6.629e+00 2.897e+0l

                  ~---~----------1*,__                                                                                                    I l.

0.0322 2.l 79e+ 12 l.502e+03 I 6.713e+03 l.208e+0l 5.402e+0l I I 0.0364 7.930e+ 11 6.799e+02 3.854e+03 3.863e+00 2.190e+0l 0.6616 5.134e+ 13 2.l 75e+06 5.901e+06 4.216e+03 1.144e+o4 I


Totals 5.608e+ 13 2.178e+06 5.915e+06 4.245e+03 1.1s6e+o4 I C.13 - Sea/and Size Uncontained Uncompacted DAW with HEPA Ground Release Cut-Off Dose Rates

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissionin Fire Protection Pro ram Pa e 94 of 120 ATTACHMENT D - MICROSHIELD CUT OFF DOSE RATES FOR OPEN CONTAINERS OF UNCOMPACTED DAW D.1 MicroShield Cut Off Dose Rates for Open B-25 Box Ground Release No HEPA Case Title B-25 DAW Description 0 en Container Groend Release No HEPA Length 121.92 cm 4 ft Width 182.88 cm 6 ft) Height 121.92 cm (:!J!) Dose Points I y z Li!~#_l--11----J}~.349 cm (4 ft 0.6 in) I

 '#2           152.079 cm (4 ft 11.9 in) 60.96 cm 2 ft) 60.96 cm 2 ft) 91.44 cm 3 ft) 91.44 cm (3 ft) r

I j S)~~~Jt

                                                                                                           .,,,c*   ~'"i l 222.47 cm 7 ft 3.6 in                60.96 cm (2 ft)              91.44 cm 3 ft_       ;J~t:;JJ:,i 422.47 cm (13 ft l~.3 _in)            60.96 cm(~ ft)               91.44 cm_ (:u'.!2     '*:   1 ;_ ,'/"

v.-------...---------S_h_i_el_d_s_ _ _ _ _ _ _.....,.._ _ _ _ _-,11~ l-==-=ss_ho_i:-1:_:~~--1 --~=2-~_~_e+_e:_:_i:_:=3--~ __M_c_:=::_:_i:_1_,_,,,,~_n_:_~:_t_~Y~ .}~f;~\j I Shield I .15 9 cm Iron I 7 .86 I Z" *:;*~; L - A_i~G~2-~--,-- _______ -*-* *- _ __ **- ___ ., .. L. --- **o-~i~----u --,---=**,£:Qtt0122 ':~~;,:Ar D.1 - MicroShield Cut Off Dose Rates for Open B-25 Box Ground Release No HEPA

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 95 of 120 I I I II l IFluence Rate Exposure Exposure ' Energy Activity Fluence !ate MeV/cm 2/sec Rate Rate I MeV/cm /sec 1 w*th mR/hr mR/hr l (MeV) (Photons/sec) No Buildup 1 Buildup No Buildup With Buildup I

  • 0.0045

2.042e+09 4.256e-33 l.427e-24 2.917e-33 9.779e-25  ; f I I 0.0318 4.073e+09 5.714e-03 I_ 6.167e-03 4.760e-05 5.137e-05 I 0.0322 7.514e+09 1.462e-02 l.578e-02 1.l 76e-04 l.270e-04 I 0.0364 2.734e+09 9.376e-02 l.032e-01 5.327e-04 0.6616 l.770e+ll 4.153e+05 8.802e+05 8.051e+02 l.706e+03 Totals 1.934e+11 4.153e+05 8.802e+05 8.051e+02 _ 1.706e+03 I Results - Dose Point# 2 - (1.52e+02,60.96,91.44) cm Fluence Rate Exposure Exposure Fluence Rate Energy Activity MeV/cm 2/sec Rate Rate MeV/cm 2 /sec (MeV) (Photons/sec) With mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup Buildup No Buildup With Buildup I

 --   0.0045 0.0318 2.042e+09 4.073e+09 l.641e-32 5.003e-03 6.993e-25 5.400e-03 l.125e-32 4.168e-05             -

4.793e-25 4.498e-05 0.0322

                         -               7.514e+09                          l.280e-02                 l.383e-02                        l.030e-04                      l.113e-04           ]

I 0.0364 2.734e+09 8.350e-02 9.191e-02 4.744e-04 5.222e-04 I

                             -        -                        --*                                                                    ~                     r                               11 Il I

I 0.6616 l .770e+ 11 2.673e+05 5.068e+05 5.182e+02 9.824e+02 Totals 1.934e+ll 2.673e+05 5.068e+05 5.182e+02 9.824e+02

.r I

L- - _,., *" ~ . -*- -*;; a- ilt Results - Dose Point# 3 - (222.47,60.96,91.44) cm

                                          * ,-, :**gc*-*e *e *
  • w@~<<-::.-:1,_~ ~ *t* * * -tc::'~ * * ~-- * ** - -i.-::.-. *- ... ,, c; * * **..,~ " *-*s* "- r,, r ;r
                                                                                                                                                                                          ~1 D.1 - MicroShield Cut Off Dose Rates for Open B-25 Box Ground Release No HEPA

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Paae 96 of 120

         -- -- - - -           - . - - *-* ... .. - .. .. --*      - .... -- - .. ....                                       --- - - -               --    -       .. - t
   *1                                                                                  Fluence Rate                       Exposur:l Exposure                                   .
  .,           E nergy                            A c t*1v1ty
                                                          .        Fluence M V/ Rate           M eV/cm 21sec                         R a te                       R at e              i, 1                                                                         21 I

11 [

    '          (MeV) 0.0045

_*- - *- (Ph otons / sec) 2.042e+09 _ Noe Buildup cm sec

                                                                 *==** _ _ _

l.443e-32 With Bu~!!.P=_ ~~uildt!J!~ 2.402e-25 I mR/hr 9.893e-33 l


mR/hr l.647e-25 IJ

   .!           0.0318                           4.073e+09           4.374e-03               4.719e-0~--~l,..... 3.644e-05                      I      3.931e-05             1*;

I ~.0322 -f- - 7.514e+09

  • l.112e-~2 l.201e-02 II 8.949e-05 9.663e-oLl~
._,1 _ _ _ _ _  0...:._.0} _63_____ --~ _2 . 7] 4 ee__++_o_2 _       :~:~::~: __            J3ise-OL !                   J.804e~04 _             ~ }!-1§'1/2:0d 0 66 16                          1 77 0 11                                   l.720e+05                *1  l.786e+02                   3.334e+02              1; 1
                                                                                                                       .                                                      I Totals                           1.934e+ll           9.214e+04              1.720e+05                     1.786e+02                   3.334e+02 Results - Dose Point# 4 - (422.47,60.96,91.44) cm I Fluence Rate                        Exposure                    Exposure Fluence Rate Energy                             Activity                             MeV /cm 2 /sec                        Rate                         Rate                !

MeV /cm 2 /sec I (MeV) (Photons/sec) No Buildup With Buildup mR/hr No Buildup mR/hr With Buildup I 0.0045 2.042e+09 8.925e-33 4.90le-26 6.l 18e-33 3.359e-26 0.0318 4.073e+09 l.372e-03 l.477e-03 l.143e-05 l.23le-05 0.0322 7.514e+09 3.434e-03 3.701e-03 2.763e-05 2.978e-05 0.0364 2.734e+09 l.785e-02 1.960e-02 l.014e-04 l.114e-04 l 0.6616 1.770e+ll l.638e+04 3.207e+04 3.l 76e+0l 6.218e+0l Totals

   .,.;;__* -- --* * - * * ~ - ~ -

1.934e+ll 1.638e+04

                                                                         -~---~--    ..:.


                                                                                          ---  ~ .. . -

3.176e+0l 6.218e+0l

                                                                                                                                                        ~      --- .. - -- -

I D.1 - MicroShield Cut Off Dose Rates for Open 8-25 Box Ground Release No HEPA

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissionin Fire Protection Pro ram Pa e 97 of 120 D.2 MicroShield Cut Off Dose Rates for Open 8-25 Box Elevated Release with HEPA MicroShield 8.03 RSCS (8.03-0000) Date By Checked Filename Run Date Run Time Duration TMI-2 DAW B-25 open Container Ground with December 4, 10:42:48 00:00:00 2021 AM Project Info Case Title B-25 DAW Descri tion 0 en Container Ground Release with HEP A Geometl)' 13 - Rectangular Volume Source Dimensions Length 121.92 cm 4 ft Width 182.88 cm (6 ft Dose Points X Y Z

   #1            123.349 cm 4 ft 0.6 in                        60.96 cm (2 ft                   91.44 cm 3 ft 1
   #2 \,1---15-2-.0-7_9_c_m___,.4_f1_t_ll-.-9-in"-)---+--6-0-.9-6_c_m__,_2_f1.....t.___-1,..--9-1._4_4_c_m....._---'-_
 * #3             222.47 cm 7 ft 3.6 in                        60.96 cm 2 ft                    91.44 cm 3 ft
   #4           422.47 cm   (B_fU. 211!!2                      60.96 cm 2 ft)                   91.44 cm 3 ft Shields Shield N                     Dimension                          Material                     Density Source                    2.72e+06 cm3                          Carbon                        0.48 Shield 1                       .159 cm                            Iron                         7.86 Air Ga                                                             Air                       0.00122 i

Source In ing Method - Actual Photon Energies Nuclide Ci Bq µCi/cm 3 Bg/cm 3 Ba-137m 5.3165e+002 l.9671e+013 l.9557e+002 7.2362e+006 D.1 - MicroShield Cut Off Dose Rates for Open B-25 Box Ground Release No HEPA

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 98 of 120 l-,~~~..,-~-~-'----"'<=-~==*,oa-"-..,,--.. =-~-~~=e~,~~--~ts---~~se-~~~~~- #'~- ~-(;:;~e~02,~~:~6,91.~~)-c~- - . - . -** =-1

              ---~--~                 -            - - - - - - - , . - - - - - . . . . , . - ~ - - - - - - , , - - - - - - - - - - - ~ -"'=-rl Fluence Rate         Exposure                          Exposure ~

iFluence Rate M eV/cm 21sec Energy Activity Rate Rate ~ (MeV) (Photons/sec) MeVI cm 21sec w*th 1 mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.0045 2.042e+l 1 4.256e-31 I.427e-22 i 2.917e-31 9.779e-23 0.0318 4.073e+ 11 5.714e-01 6.167e-01 4.760e-03 5.137e-03 0.0322 7.514e+ 11 1.462e+00 l.578e+00 l.176e-02 l.270e-02 0.0364 2.734e+ll 9.376e+00 l.032e+0l 5.327e-02 5.863e-02  ;


0.6616 l.770e+13 4.153e+07 8.802e+07 1 8.05le+04 l.706e+05 Totals -- 1.934e+13 4.153e+07 8.802e+07 8.051e+04 1. 706e+05 1 - -* . ~ ,, ___ *-- - - *r ** Results - Dose Point# 2 - (1.52e+02,60.96,91.44) cm Fluence Rate Exposure Exposure Fluence Rate I Energy Activity MeV/cm 2 /sec Rate Rate MeV/cm 2 /sec (MeV) (Photons/sec) With mR/hr mR/hr

'                                                                                         No Buildup Buildup      No Buildup                        With Buildup 0.0045                                    2.042e+l 1                              l.641e-30               6.993e-23          l.125e-30                         4.793e-23 i       0.0318                                    4.073e+ 11                             5.003e-01                5.400e-01          4.168e-03                         4.498e-03 0.0322                                   7.514e+ll                              1.280e+00                l.383e+00          l.030e-02                         l .113e-02 I

0.0364 2.734e+ll 8.350e+00 9.191e+00 I I 4.744e-02 5.222e-02 I I 0.6616 l.770e+13 2.673e+07 5.068e+07 I 5.182e+04 9.824e+04 Totals 1.934e+13., -- --*- _...,..., 2.673e+07 5.068e+07 .L I 5.182e+04 9.824e+04 I... . **- .. . . . ... - *-- ...,._' . --* .. ~ - -~- ****-- - --- ,.. . -- ..- -- ..... - "". ~---"** ..

                                                       "  **rn* *~ ** - * -                                                                   "~-

Results - Dose Point# 3 - (222.47,60.96,91.44) cm II Energy Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate MeV/cm /sec 2 Exposure Rate Exposure Rate II I' (MeV) (Photons/sec) MeV/cm2 /sec With mR/hr mR/hr I No Buildup I I - Buildup No Buildup .. With Buildupj

                      -  .            ..    ..,,         ...           ..   - -      -     ,.. ~* .                 **      -     ...

D.1 - MicroShield Cut Off Dose Rates for Open B-25 Box Ground Release No HEPA

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 99 of 120 D.1 - MicroShield Cut Off Dose Rates for Open B-25 Box Ground Release No HEPA

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissionin Fire Protection Pro ram Pa e 100 of 120 D.3 MicroShield Cut Off Dose Rates for Open B-25 Box Elevated Release No HEPA 11 ~ __ . -- D~~-- I~ By _;~f'.;~~~~~o~~~ -*** * ~becked___ .-- -- ~--... **- ~ I: .~ ----*- -~~]---. -. - - ------ -~---~.---- I;

-  ! I
     ! -----------                               Filename                                                           Run Date              fRun Time Duration/:;

Gi,rr-2 DAW B-25 Open Container Elevated Release No November 20, I 9:42:41 OO*OO*OOJj r.,: _ 2021 , _ Al\1 ~- * *. _, 11 I 1*1

      ~- _____ --------.,---~--                                                  Project Info                 ---~- ~~ ~ -~- ________ *j I              Case Title Description B-25 DAW Open Container Elevated Release No HEPA Geometry                                                               13 - Rectangular Volume                                                          II Dose Points 1A                                       X                                                       y                                    z
                                           ===--=~~---~~=--~--,"*                                                         ~=~==-=~-
    ; #1
   * #3 123.349 cm 4 ft 0.6 in
         #_24-_ _1_52_._07_9_c_m___,__(4_ft_l_l._9_in__,_)_ _ _ _6_0_.9_6_c_m___2_ft,__-

222.47 cm 7 ft 3.6 in 60.96 cm 2 ft) 60.96 cm 2 ft) R- 91.44 cm 3 ft 1.44 cm 3 ft 91.44 cm 3 ft

         +/-#_4 - ---*-- -~ _422:17.c~_(_l~)j_ 10}_~~2                      ----~-~~ c~Qin..._ IL,,-* ..                          ~~-4~ c~~QJ!)

ill___ _____________-------~S_h_ie_l_ds_s---~-~----- -----~~,:~~;~[];

   . Shield N                                            Dimension                                          Material                        Density          :i$:~~{:

l1 Source 2.72e+06 cm 3 Carbon 0.48 r':~;:'.:~i:;;

    '1             Shield 1                                 .159 cm                                            Iron                          7.86           f;{_;{;::~1;;


     ~      __ ., _______ *,*---_. __ -_____ -,*--__ *-., *: ___ -.~--~ *_*_

I Air --1-- 0.00122 IL;'a;;ltli.

                                                                                       .... _-, ___ . - _-_--_. __ --*-* _-- _-* -__ -**z;r*---~-~1",".--c,:,,;;li
~---- _ _ Source Input: GrouJ_)ing Method - ~ctual Photon Energies l H:~~~~:-~-1
      -- --..---- -----~-- ---

3.o;s~:+00~1-~~~::+012. -- 1.UW~::01 __L 4.1::::05 j

                                           --------------- -- - __ ,.__. . . ., _____ -----*-- - *---- -- **- --- ----*----* -- _..,. ____ == . - - . *--~---~----**-,

D.3 - MicroShield Cut Off Dose Rates for Open 8-25 Box Elevated Release No HEPA L_

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Paae 101 of 120 I

Cs~13_~-~_J_--_ - ;.2~~~e~~Ol__ J-_-- ~.l:?~i-e~;_l,~~--~J _-~ ~=1=:1_=88=-2=--e=;=OO=l=*:::a:!1=*=4=.3=9=.6=3-e=+=~=05=-~=]
'j                               Buildup: The material reference is Source                                                              --- ~

IL_____ __ _ tr--------=-=---=XDir~stio~~-*-=" __ Integration Parameters __ ___ __ ----~~~-]----~~-~ t

                                                                                             -=--=-- r ~
  • r i I'
,J                                        Y Direction                                                        I          20                  j*,
L=--=**=*=====*=*=*:as:--=**=*===Z=D=i=~e=*c=ti=?==n=.. ========*=*=** -=.. ==-=.:-'==*==2=0==--J 7
                                                                                              =*   =*



Results - Dose Point# 1 - (1.23e+02,60.96,91.44) cm 1 1 Fl R t Fluence Rate I Exposure Exposure r1 I Energy Activity MuVen/ce 21a e MeV/cm 2/sec e cm sec . Rate Rate I (MeV) (Photons/sec) N B "Id With mR/hr mR/hr l

 .                                                   o m up               Buildup            No Buildup            With Buildup .

0.0045 l.174e+10 2.446e-32 3.260e-23 l.676e-32 2.234e-23 c--~2.34;:-+-10______,_=3.-2-84-e--0-2-~-l.-75_6_e_+_OO---,:-*- 0.0318 2.736e-04 1.463e-02 0.0322 4.3 l 8e+ 10 8.400e-02 4.598e+00 6.760e-04 3.700e-02 0.0364 l.571e+10 5.388e-01 3.556e+0l 3.061e-03 2.020e-0l ~

                                                                                                               =*1 0.6616               l.017e+12                 2.387e+06            7.123e+06            4.627e+03              l.381e+04 1.llle+12                                                           4.627e+03          I   1.381e+04

Results - Dose Point# 2 - (1.52e+02,60.96,91.44) cm Fluence Rate Exposure Exposure Energy Activity Fluence Rate M eV/cm 21sec Rate Rate M eV/cm 21sec W"th (MeV) (Photons/sec) 1 mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup 1 BuilduJ_> No Buildup With Buildup 0.0045 l.174e+ 10 9.434e-32 l.598e-23 6.466e-32 l .095e-23 0.0318 2.341e+ 10 2.876e-02 l.557e+00 2.395e-04 l.297e-02 0.0322 4.318e+10 7.356e-02 4.085e+00 5.920e-04 3.287e-02 0.0364 l.571e+ 10 4.799e-01 3.271e+0l - - 12.726e-03

------~~------:1 l.858e-01 l.017e+12 l.536e+06 3.874e+06 2.978e+03 7.510e+03 1.llle+12 1.536e+06 3.874e+06 2.978e+03 7.510e+03
                                                                                                                          * - .,r-,.-:-   -

Results - Dose Point# 3 - (222.47,60.96,91.44) cm Fluence Rate Exposure Exposure Energy Activity Fluence ~ate MeV/cm2/sec Rate Rate (MeV) (Photons/sec) MeV/cm /sec W"th 1 mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup

                                             .. c
  • r ., .*,. ' ----..-> ~!1~!~up u s - - ~ ~ Buildu~ - \Yi!h ~u!ld~[> *.,

D.3 - MicroShield Cut Off Dose Rates for Open B-25 Box Elevated Release No HEPA

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 102 of 120 r *- 0.004;* _... *_ Ll 74e;10 **< *.. ,*  ;.29~e-;;JI 5..48;e~~~- . -~.68~e-32 3.;~~-~~J I 0.0318 I 2.341e+10 2.514e-02 I L322e+00 2.094e-04 L l.l0le-02 r, 1 1*1 - 0.0322 - L__ 4.318e+10 [~=~38e+OO r 5.144e-94_~[=~~;~;~-l

 'I,                    0.0364 I
                                                  .               l.571e+ 10                    _] 3.848e-01                                          2.446e+0l           J         2.186e-03                         l.390e-01             ~

I* I 0.6616 l.017e+ 12 5.295e+05 l.313e+06 l.027e+03 2.546e+03 11 r~-=iot~ls I 1.llle+12 Ll+/-_9se+05 1.313e~.027e+03

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 - 2.546e+03                 .\
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             >t l
     . - , - , - . . .-._~.~~-*~*- ***-******-- **<>.--** ***-~~---~~~*-*"* *** --*-**" ~------*-~*-~   ***~ ~-,,.. . .-.,, * .-,-.,-"*-*****-'"*"T"'**~=..,***     *-*-*****  *****-.,*-*  ****<'*~*-*** ,i-,F  -* *   *  ** -***-*, **~*-
*[                                                                  -Results -Dose Point# 4 *J422.47,60.96,91.44} cm
'.I                      ~-~ ~,=.--~~-~~*-~-~-                                        -               Fluence Rate lB'MluVen ce ~ ate ~ExRposure -- -~. ExRposure .                                                                         ~

Energy Activity M V/ 21 e 1cm 1sec ate ate , (MeV) (Photons/sec) e c~ sec With mR/hr mR/hr I No Bmldup Buildup I No BuilduR With Buildup~ 0.0045 l.174e+ 10 5.130e-32 l.120e-24 I 3.516e-32 7.674e-25 1l 0.0318 2.341e+10 7.883e-03 3.894e-01 I 6.566e-05 3.244e-03 I I 0.0322 I 4.318e+10 l.974e-02 9.954e-01 1 l.588e-04 8.01 le-03 ti 0.0364 l.571e+10 l.026e-01 6.016e+00 1 5.827e-04 3.418e-02 I I 0.6616 l.017e+12 9.416e+04 2.518e+05 l.825e+02 4.882e+02 I Totals . ,,.., 1.llle+12 9.416e+04 2.518e+05 1.825e+02 4.883e+02 D.3 - MicroShield Cut Off Dose Rates for Open B-25 Box Elevated Release No HEPA

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissionin Fire Protection Pro ram Pa e 103 of 120 D.4 MicroShield Cut Off Dose Rates for Open Roll Off Ground Release No HEPA TMI-2 0 en Roll Off Ground No December 4, 2021 10:46:30 AM 00:00:00 Project Info Case Title Roll Off Size Descri tion 0 en Roll-Off DAW No HEPA Ground Release Geometry 13 - Rectangular Volume Source Dimensions Length 243.84 cm 8 ft) Width 609.6 cm 20 ft 0.0 in Dose Points A X y z

 #1     245.269 cm 8 ft 0.6 in            106.68 cm 3 ft 6.0 in                304.8 cm (10 ft 0.0 in
 #2    273.999 cm 8 ft 11.9 in)           106.68 cm 3 ft 6.0 in                304.8 cm 10 ft 0.0 in
 #3     343.999 cm 11 ft 3.4 in           106.68 cm 3 ft 6.0 in                304.8 cm 10 ft 0.0 in
 #4 .. 843.999 cm (27 ft 8.3 ~n             106.3 c.m..(3 ft 5.9 .i~J          304.8 cm 10 ft 0.0 in Shields Shield N                    Dimension                        Material                Density Source                   3.17e+07 cm3                       Carbon                   0.48 Shield 1                     .159 cm                           Iron                   7.86 Air Gap______                                                  Air                  0.00122
                        *~**t;JJ-     nri#?

Source In ut: GrouJ.Jing Method -Actual Photon Energies Nuclide Ci B 1-!,Ci/cm3 B /cm 3 Ba-137m 5 .3 l 65e+000 l.9671e+0l 1 l .6763e-001 6.2025e+003 Cs-137 5.6200e+000 2.0794e+0 11 1. 7720e-00 1 6.5565e+003 D.4 - MicroShield Cut Off Dose Rates for Open Roll Off Ground Release No HEPA

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 104 of 120 j . .. . Buildup: ;he material reference i~*~hield 1 .. .

  • 1!

j Integration Parameters  ;

!-~-*=~~-~~~-~~.***- .. *~ ~ Di~~ctio.n *--- . ~-*--- -=- . _ *~--~~-1-~----~~W~-=---~J i . _ . _ Y Directio~ _ ~-. . .--- . _ _ *- _. ] -* ... ~ _I;
!L I!

__ Z Direction -*** _ ... ..... l 20 .J 11 I_ Results - Dose Point# 1 - (2.45e+02,106.68,304.8) cm 1:

  -.I Energy Activity I                Fluence Rate Fluence ~ate MeV/cm 2/sec Exposure Rate Exposure Ii Rate           /:

(MeV) (Photons/sec) MeV/cm /sec With mR/hr mR/hr Ii I

  *1 J                                             No Buildup         Buildup               No Buildup            With Buildup\


1-.. 0.0045


0. 0318 -.

0.0322 t-I 2.042e+09

4. 073e+09
                          . 7.514e+09 1.639e-35 2.3 89e-04 6.255e-04 2.699e-25 2.5 89e:O-:;-[

6.787e-04 I 1.124e-35 l.990e-06 5.034e-06 1.850e-25 2.15 6e-06 5.462e-06 7:! 1: J~

  !       0.0364       J     2.734e+09            5.050e-03        5.565e-03         _I    2.869e-05              3.162e-05          JJ
   '      0.6616       I     1.770e+ll            3.719e+04        8.316e+04 I 7.210e+0l                     I 1.612e+02             I'.

IL _Totals___ r_ ~~u:~1DoseL;~,:9;;;.7~e:::,::::~:~~=~612e+02 -i


E nergy

                     -1              . *ty A ct 1v1       Fluence M V/ 21   Rate Fluence Rate II Exposure M    V/

e cm sec 21 Rate Exposure Rate (MeV) (Ph otons /sec) e cm No Buildup sec W"th I m Rib r m R/h r , l

   ~            .                                                   B_u_il_dn_,Jl._-1,---_N_o_B_u_i_ld_u~p.-:__ W_i_th_B_u_il_du-p._:I 1

i 0.00~ 2.042e+09 1.615e-33 1.829e-25 1.107e-33 1.254e-25 I [\ 0.0318 I 4.073e+09 4.235e-04 I 4.572e-04 3.528e-06 3.808e-06 j

~         0.0;-;=-*~1        7.514e+09            1.085e-03        1.172e-03           ~;;:06                 1 9.43 le-06         Ii j      0.0364       i 2.734e+09                7.134e-03        7.852e-03               4.053e-05              4.461e-05 r

IJ 0.6616 .- ! . 1.;70e+;l ~.173~+0;- -6.737e~O~ ~ 6.;52e+~l l.306e+02 _I! r Totals. I_ L934e+ll 3:!73e+04~~-.7~-7~;-o~-~.: r----*-- f

                                                                                          ;~-:5-2;!-0.!-......... 13.~~~:+-~2_       1J Results - Dose Point#~ - (3.44e+02,106.68,304.8} cm                                                  . I 1:                                           Fl         R       luence Rate              Exposure               Exposure l:.

Energy A ct*1v1'ty Muence V/ 21a e M eV/cm 2/ sec R ate Rate

(MeV) I (Photons/sec)

Ne0 Bcm'Id sec m up With. Buildup mR/hr No Buildup mR/hr

                                                                                                                ~ith Buildup_[

1 f

 ,; .____ o.oo~~ _. J     ~-~42-~~Q? .... _j) *1..?le-3iJ~.?:2~1~~~?.JL. _7.9~5e_-3~ ...... 6?_8_6~-~6.. JI D.4 - MicroShield Cut Off Dose Rates for Open Roll Off Ground Release No HEPA

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 105 of 120 Results - Do_se Point# 4 - (8.44e+02,106.3,3~}_c_m_ _...,,...._ _ _ _'""'.,

,I                                                     Fluence Rate ---Exposure 1
                                                                        -             Exposure 11 Fluence Rate                                             i.)

i Energy Activity MeV/cm 2 /sec: Rate Rate ii

  ,I                                     MeV/cm 2 /sec (MeV)          (Photons/sec)                          With         mR/hr           mR/hr    1 No Buildup
  *1                                                      Buildup [ No Buildup , With BuilduJ> j
I 0.0045 2.042e+09 3.966e-34 l.187e-2~ 2.719e-34 _I s.139e-21  :

rl ' ii 0.0318 4.073e+09 l.275e-04 l.374e-04 l.062e-06 1.145e-06 ,1 I 11 0.0322 7.514e+09 3.210e-04 3.464e-04 2.584e-06 2.788e-06 I' I 0.0364 2.734e+09 l.76le-03 l.936e-03 1.00le-05 l.l00e-05 I 0.6616 l.770e+ 11 2.017e+03 4.235e+03 3.91 le+00 8.210e+00 Totals 1.934e+ll 2.017e+03 4.235e+03 3.911e+00 8.210e+00 D.4 - MicroShield Cut Off Dose Rates for Open Roll Off Ground Release No HEPA

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissionin Fire Protection Pro ram Pa e 106 of 120 D.5 MicroShield Cut Off Dose Rates for Open Roll Off Elevated Release No HEPA If==~- _*~-Dat;=~=,,-~,T=" :By_~~~;;l==~- Checked -=---7

 ,-                                 Filename            - - - - --~~ -               - Run Date        - Run Time          Duration ;

TMI-2 Open Roll Off Elevated No l; November 20, 2021 12:20:14 PM 00:00:01 ' 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ P_ro_,,j'-ec_t_I_n_fo_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ - - - ~ , J Case Title _ L__----~----~R_o-1~1O_ff_S_iz_e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~-----ii II D escn. .t10n Open Ro!!,:-OffDAW No HEPA Elevated Release


I Geometry 13 - Rectangular Volume

    ,,,-,.. ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ , i , 0 ~ ! : ~ , , i ~ & ~ ~ e t @ t ' ' S t N ' f £ C                                                   -~ource Dimensio~s Length                                                   243.84 cm 8 ft Width                                            609.6 cm 20 ft 0.0 in)

Hei-ght ____ _] _~jl3.36_9!1_(7 ft 0.0 in) . Dose Points A X y z

    #1             245.269 cm 8 ft 0.6 in)                106.68 cm (3 ft 6.0 in)                304.8 cm 10 ft 0.0 in)
    #2            273.999 cm {8 ft 11.9 in)               106.68 cm 3 ft 6.0 in                  304.8 cm {l 0 ft 0.0 in
    #3            343.999 cm 11 ft 3.4 in                 106.68 c~ (3 ft 6.0 in)                304.8 cm (10 ft 0.0 in) 1
    #4            843.999 cm (27 ft 8.3 in)                106.3 cm 3 ft 5.9 in                  304.8 cm (10 ft 0.0 in)

Shields Shield N Dimension Material Densi!Y_ Source l .94e+06 in3 Carbon 0.48 Shield 1 .063 in Iron 7.86 Air Gap __ _ Air 0.00122 Source Input: Grouping Method - Actual Photon Energies Nuclide Ci B I µCV~m 3 i 3

                                                                                                                .,:= __!lq/cm =-*

I 1 Ba-137m


3,0556e+00I Ll306e+0l2 13_7---:~,----3-.2-3-00_e_+_O_Ol--:I - l.195le+0l~ ___ !,0184e+000 _ 9,6345e-00! 3.5648e+004 I 3.7683e+004 D.5 - MicroShield Cut Off Dose Rates for Open Roll Off Elevated Release No HEPA

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 107 of 120

~~~--                                            ~uil~up;;::.;;~~~:~:;~;:s_Sh~el~ ;_ -~ -~ * *
  • _- -~

1 --*= _ X: D2rect!on ~ __ = ____ ~--Jl----=~~---~

  • II~----~--~------~--

Y D~rect~on - ~ - - - - - - ~ Z D1rect10n _ _ _ _ _ _ JI j ~ 20 20

                                                                                                                                                                ~-----'il       ,

l - -- Results - Dose Poi~t # 1 - (96.5625,42,120) in - . . .. - i Fluence Rate Exposure Exposure Fluence Rate I Energy Activity MeV/cm 2 /sec Rate Rate j MeV/cm 2/sec l1 (MeV) (Photons/sec) With mR/hr mR/hr 'l No Buildup Buildup No BuilduJJ With Buildue..l! l l 0.0045 l.174e+ 10 9.422e-35 l.551e-24 6.458e-35 l .063e-24 Ii i- II 0.0318 2.34le+ 10 l.373e-03 l.488e-03 l.144e-05 I _l.239e-os i 0.0322 4.318e+10 3.595e-03 3.901e-03 2.893e-05 3.139e-05 I 0.0364 l.571e+10 2.902e-02 3.198e-02 l.649~ l.817e-04 0.66i~ l.017e+12 2.137e+05 4.779e+05 r 4.144e+02 9.265e+02 Totals

               -- . - --*- -- ... *-~-*- I 1.111e+12 2.137e+05           4.779e+05                  4.144e+02
                                                                                                                                 -- =----
                                                                                           ------ - --- -- -------- --~------:C,-=-


                                                                                                                                            *- ='.=;:-ar:--=---
                                                                                                                                                           --    .. ---==:-
                                                                                                                                                                        ,,. --~

Results - Dose Point# 2 - (1.08e+02,42,120) in I "1'""-~-----~----.....,..---------------..,,.......c......---------1 Fluence Rate Exposure Exposure Fluence Rate Energy Activity MeV/cm2 /sec Rate Rate MeV/cm 2/sec (MeV) (Photons/sec) With mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup BuilduJJ No Buildup With Buildup 0.0045 1.174e+ 10 9.283e-33 l.051e-24 6.363e-33 7.207e-25 2.434e-03 2.627e-03 2.028e-05 6.233e-03 6.735e-03 5.016e-05 0.0364 l.571e+10 4.l00e-02 4.513e-02 2.329e-04 2.564e-04 0.6616 l.017e+12 l.824e+05 3.872e+05 3.536e+02 7.507e+02 j II Totals


l Energy I,. (MeV) l ~ 0.0045 D.5 - MicroShield Cut Off Dose Rates for Open Roll Off Elevated Release No HEPA

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO# 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 108 of 120 0.0318

  --------------------r-~   2.341e+10              2.385e-03 I! 2.574e-03             l.987e-05            2.144e-05               l 0.0322               4.318e+10              6.l00e-03 I 6.591e-03          1 4.910e-05            5.304e-05              I o ._03_6_4~=-:c--**--l-.5--7-1-e+_l_O--c~3-.9-4-9e---02 il , ___                                                          4.346e-02       r*~_2;3e-04          ,   2.469e-~'.

0.6616 l.0l 7e+ 12 l .092e+05 2.233e+05 2.l 17e+02 [ 4.32se+o2 I; Totals 1.llle+12 1.092e+05 2.233e+05 2.117e+02 4.328e+02 Results - Dose Point # 4 - (3.32e+02,4.19e+0l,120) in Energy I Activity J:Fluence Rate Exposure Fluence R at e, M V/ 21 e cm sec Rate Exposure Rate */ M eV/cm 21sec w*th mR/hr (MeV) (Photons/sec) mR/hr j No Buildup B m*1*d up N o B m*1d up With Buildup I I 0.0045 l.174e+10 2.279e-33 6.824e-26 l.562e-33 4.678e-26 i i __ 0._0_31_8__:_ _ _ 2._3_41_e_+_l_0~-:,-7._3_26_e_-0_4_ _ 7_.8_99_e_-0_4_,__6_._10_3_e_-0__6_:_6_._58_0_e_-0_6_j I 0.0322 4.31Se+10 l.845e-03 l.991e-03 l.485e-05 l.602e-05 0.0364 1.571e+10 l.012e-02 l.113e-02 5.751e-05 6.323e-05 1.--*---*---*--e_+ 0 6616 1 017 _________________ 12 l.160e+04 2.434e+04 l 2.248e+0l ,__4.718e+0l ____I 1 Totals 1.llle+12 1.160e+04 2.434e+04 2.248e+0l 4.718e+0l D.5 - MicroShield Cut Off Dose Rates for Open Roll Off Elevated Release No HEPA

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 109 of 120 D.6 MicroShield Cut Off Dose Rates for Open lntermodal 1 Ground Release No HEPA MicroShield 8.03 RSCS (8.03-0000) Source Dimensions 215.798 cm (7 ft 1.0 in) II 584.302_cm Q.9J! 2.0 in) I

 ,     Height      I!                     154.838 cm (5 _ft} .0_ in)__

D.6 - MicroShield Cut Off Dose Rates for Open lntermodal 1 Ground Release No HEPA

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 110 of 120 Results - Dose Point# 1- (217.0684,106.68,304.8) cm Fl R t JIFluence Rate Ex~osure Exposure I! Energy Activity Muence V/ 21 a te,MeV/cm 2/sec Rate R a te I, (MeV) (Photons/sec) e cm sec W"th1 mR/hr mR/hr  : No Buildup Bui1 duJJ No Buildup With Buildup 1: 1 I 0.0045 I 2.042e+09 3.343e-35 3.41 le-25 2.29le-35 2.338e-25 I! rI - 0.0318 -1 4.073e+09 3.798e-04

             ---:--------*J-------1------11------:--------1 4.113e-04

3.164e-06 0.0322 I 7.514e+09 9.877e-04 l.07le-03 7.949e-06 8.619e-06 1 I 0.0364 0.6616 2.734e+09 1.770e+ 11 7.637e-03 5.893e+04 8.423e-03 l.276e+05 4.339e-05 l.142e+02 4.785e-05 2.473e+02 l Totals 1.934e+ll 5.893e+04 1.276e+05 1.142e+02

                                                                                                         . .. ~ - -- --- -

2.473e+02 \I Results - Dose Point# 2 - (245.7984,106.68,304.8) cm Fluence Rate Exposure Exposure Energy Activity Fluence Rate MeV/cm 21sec Rate Rate M eV/cm 21sec w*th (MeV) (Photons/sec) 1 mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup Buildup No BuilduJJ With Buildu(> 0.0045 2.042e+09 2.737e-33 2.166e-25 l.876e-33 l.485e-25 0.0318 4.073e+09 6.89le-04 7.438e-04 5.740e-06 6.196e-06 0.0322 7.514e+09 l.764e-03 l.906e-03 l.420e-05 l.534e-05 II 0.0364 2.734e+09 l.157e-02 l.274e-02 0.66~=--r---1-.7-70-e=+_l_l____4_.4_0_9e_+_0_4__9_.0_7_3_e+~0 -8.54 7e+0 l 1 6.575e-05 7.237e-05 r l Totals___ 1:--------- __1.~~-4~+11 4.409e+04 9.073_~+~_4 __ ---~;?4?e_+0l l.759e+02 1.759e+02 Results - Dose Point# 3 - (315.7984,106.68,304.8) cm

  • ~----...-----.--

1 Fluence Rate Exposure Exposure Energy I Activity Fluence ~ate MeV/cm 2/sec Rate Rate

  ,     (MeV)                       (Photons/sec)      MeV/c~ /sec                   With             mR/hr                    mR/hr L_____                   ....,,,_-'--~-------N_o_B_u_i_Id_u_p-i~~B_u_il_d_,u(>                   ;No Buildu(>             With BuilduE_
 !      0.0045                        2:_0~~e:09         l.938e-_3~-- J__~.109_e-2~-L- ~-3_29e-33_                       J  -?.599e-;*6 :-_

D.6 - MicroShield Cut Off Dose Rates for Open lntermodal 1 Ground Release No HEPA

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 111 of 120 Ii---- I

)   0.0045          2.042e+09         l.220e-33    3.477e-26   '   8.362e-34     2.383e-26
l. 0.0318 I_ 4.073e+09 3.413e-04 3.68le-04 2.843e-06 3.066e-06
                                                             -r- -

0.0322 I 7.514e+09 ---'8.642e-04 I 9.328e-04 i 6.955e-06 7.507e-06 0.0364 2.734e+09 5.020e-03 5.52le-03 2.852e-05 3.137e-05 J


0.6616 l.770e+l l 7.089e+03 l.449e+04 [__ l.374e+0l 2;808e+0l Totals 1.934e+ll 7.089e+03 1.449e+04 i 1.374e+0l 2.808e+0l ~ D.6 - MicroShield Cut Off Dose Rates for Open lntermodal 1 Ground Release No HEPA

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO# 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissionin Fire Protection Pro ram Pa e112of120 D.7 MicroShield Cut Off Dose Rates for Open intermodal 1 Elevated Release No HEPA MicroShield 8.03 j r,-c:,, Date:,,__, =1=By :f:,:,~ ~==,:=,:,Checked=~= '-'==-1 I RSCS (8.03-0000) i _, I l --

                                              .                Filename
                                                                          ---=--=------==-=,-_,,_.........._...,______ -=-_                      -=---------

Run Date I----~---=----:==------.;, Run Time !nuration!-l i! I; TMI-2 Open Intermodal 1 DAW Elevated No November 20, 12 24 2021 .00:00:01 fl

                                                                                                                                                                                                  *    --    .                                       l A

l'-='4--=---=-~~--==~--l-= X

     #1                 217.068 cm (7 ft 1.5 in)                                                          106.68 cm (3 ft 6.0 in                                        304.8 cm 10 ft 0.0 in) 245.798 cm (8 ft 0.8 in)                                            ~             106.68 cm 3 ft 6.0 in)                                        304.8 cm (10 ft 0.0 in)_
     #3                315.798 cm 10 ft 4.3 in                                                            106.68 cm 3 ft 6.0 in)                                  _ 304.8 cm (10 ft 0.0 in) l~Jl.:?2~_c:m re~_:_:--..~-"'-'-'-- .- ,_ --*. .. -. -...,.(16
                                                 .....-~ . . *ft
                                                              -.: . . . . 11.1       inL_J __JO~} cm-- (3
                                                                             -:..~..::...-...:....=~-=--~.::.....c:..= - - -

ft 5.9 in)_

                                                                                                                               - _ _,,.... ~-- ~ - .. "  _,,.. ... --- _~~4:_8__cm            (lQ!!-2.:Q.,~~,~-

l ~ - - Shields Shield N Dimension Material Density

*1 I                   Source                                                          1. l 9e+06 in 3                                                  Carbon                                           0.48 j                 Shield 1                           !                                  - .063 in                                                      Iron                                           7 .86 1

Air Gap

.* ,;r'.'"'~. ;1~,*:*-<"

J -

                            ;,_-,..~~.::____ - __ .. - ,. .. _____ *. - __ ,- _ -Ji!L ---~          r*--~,*-*y)L<-~;<        >*

Air 0.00122 _.;,*-*r_,_>.-"' * ,.* ii:.t'**- _---.- ~-::;-;;;::o::::,~~-'-,._ __i~:-,,~.,.-- ...*..,.:,<~7-[_+/-'.r.--,a


D.7 - MicroShield Cut Off Dose Rates foll" Open lntermodal 1 Elevated Release No HEPA

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 DecommissioninQ Fire Protection Program Page 113 of 120

~Ii. Cs-137:_ 1 *}1300::;1~~~: Th__;::.::~:fer!.ce '.:6s::::oloo 1 6. 12~3e+~04                                                  J fl___________         _ _____ ----~:-- ____

L----~---~~--- ----==--- ___ Integration Parameters XDire~~n ~~=------ __ Y Direction _________________

                                                                                            ~-----JI _ ~~-*

20 _ _ J; I! i ---,-- _____ -:-- ___ Z_ D.i~~_cti9.n _ __ __ _ _ __ _ ___ __ _ _I __ __ 20 __ ___ J Ill_~------- ~ - ---- Results - D~:* Poi*:~;;::~:~;;;;:01)ii~po,::-- -*-;,p:.::-1: 1

  ,      Energy                   Activity                 MuVen ce a e MeV/cm 2/sec            Rate                    Rate       *'
  • e 1cm 21sec .

I (MeV) (Photons/sec) N B "Id O With mR/hr mR/hr j I m up Buildup No Buildup With Buildup I L O.O_(_)i~J ___ l.174e-+/--_!0___ _ l.921e-34 _1.~60e-2_'L_L l.317e-34 I 1.344e-241::

 !0.9318               [     --?-341e+10__j 2.183e-03                        2.364e-03    I= l.818e-05         I     1.969e-05 _lj
 ,                                                                                        I                   I                    .

0.0322 4.3 l 8e+ 10 5.676e-03 6.l 55e-03 [ 4.568e-05 L__4.954e-05 i

 ;!                                                                                                                                _l

[ 0.0364 r_ l.57le+I0 4.389e-02 4.84le-02 2.494e-04 2.750e-04 t o.6616 1.011e+12 3.387e+os 7.333e+os 6.566e+o2 r 1.422e+o3 1 1 Totals [ 1.llle+12 ___ J _3.387e+05 I 7.333e+05 6._566~+02- J 1.422e+03 J~ I Results - Dose Point# 2 - (9.68e+0l,42,120) in I.I Fluence Rate Exposure Exposure ,: E nergy . *ty A c t 1v1 Fluence M V/ 21 Rate M eV/cm 21sec Rate Rate .I*I (MeV) (Photons/sec) e cm sec With mR/hr mR/hr *! ________________ No Buildup Buildup No Buildup With Buildup i*

.          0.0045               1.174e+ 10                   1.573e-32    I  1.245e-24       1.078e-32        I      8.532e-25    J.
'.L~-~318                       2.341e+10                    3.961e-03       4.~75e-03    ~* 3.2_~9e-05 -_ -,        3.561e-05   ]j
;,L.Q-~32;                      4.318e+10                    1.014e-02       l.096e-02       8.160e-05               8.818e-05    Jj H~::

L__ r -:%17e::~-=i :.::~:~~~ ::;~:;;; r-~:;::o: .:~o~~~~: I

      ~}:'_o~~~~=~~--1.l!~e:!~. _-_J_!,~3~~;o~_ 5.2!5~~~1-.,~.::?!~~~                                    7

_____ .**!~0~_le+0~ \

 ,\            ---....-..--~- Re_~~ts - Dose Point # 3 - (L24e+02,42,12~) in                          .                           ]~

1------ 1 Fluence Rate I Exposure Exposure !! 1 Energy Activity :u~~ce ~ate MeV/cm /sec 2 Rate Rate (MeV) (Photons/sec) e cm sec With mR/hr mR/hr ___ _ ___ - _____ ____ ____ N~--B~i-ld-~~-- Buildup No _Bu~l~ur,__ Wi~~ ~11_il~_llJ)_ l D.7 - MicroShield Cut Off Dose Rates for Open lntermodal 1 Elevated Release No HEPA

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissionina Fire Protection Proaram Paae 114 of 120 I - - ! - -- - - -- - - - -. -.. .. --- --- ---- - --- l r----0.0045 j ----- l.174e+ 1

                                                     -            10
                                                                          .          l.114e-32
                                                                                              --*-           6.372e-25                     7.636e-33
                                                                                                                                       ------               . -~--4.367e-25                :

1 0.0318

        ----*--*-----            j_________2.341e+10----- ___________ 1_____        3.552e-03
                                                                                           ---- - -------    3.832e-03                                               3.192e-05 I~

2.959e-05 ----~----------*'

___ 0.0~2J !____ - _~.318e+! 0 ~ 9.05'!_~-03 __ ~-?}Je-03 _II __ 7.~8_Z~Q5 __  ! 7.870e-q_5_J.

Il-2:Q]~~[__ . l.57_1e+l0 5.667e-02 6.236e-02 L. 3.220e-04 _3.543e-01_.~:

!] ___Q:_~f~§_J _                               1.017e+}~                           1.350e+05 __l_~.}3~~~ 2_.618e+02                                           ~ _5.299e+02            J; Totals
                  ~.-.... ----~-

I ..... 1.llle+ 12

                                           ------,.. - ..-. ~-----------.  ---

1.350e+05 I 2.734e+05

                                                                                                        --~---... -  ---~  .-..~-.*-

I 2.618e+02 ____ 5.299e+02 l:: i j -----------------~---------Results ---- ------ Dose=--- Point# 4 - -G.03e+02,4.19e+0l,120}

                                                                                          -- ---             ,, -                  -- _, i              n/I

l 11 1 Energy (MeV) L I 1 Activity (Photons/sec) Fl uence a e M V/ 21 e cm sec N B "Id R t lFluence Rate Me V/cm 2/sec With Exposure Rate mR/hr Exposure ; Rate mR/hr j o m up Buildup No Buildup With Buildup L. 0.0045 !_~_____ll74e+l0 7.0lle-33 _.!J98e-25 [_1.8_06e-33 __ 1}70e-25 -]J I 0.0318 I 2.341e+10 l.962e-03 ,....2_!16e-03 I 1.634e-05 ] l.762e-05 'l i 0.0322 4.318e+10 4.967e-03 5.361e-03 3.997e-05 4.314e-05 jl 1.l 0.0364 l.57le+ 10 2.885e-02 3.173e-02 1.63 9e-04 __"__1_.8_0_3e_-0_4----;1j I

  ,I 0.6616             I              l.017e+12                          4.074e+04                8.326e+04 I 7.898e+Ol i

1.614e+o2 l I iI



                -        *-      1       ----*-

1.llle+12.. - . - 4.074e+04

                                                                                       **     -      -.                                                             1_.6_14e_+02_,J;:

D.7 - MicroShield Cut Off Dose Rates for Open lntermodal 1 Elevated Release No HEPA

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissionin Fire Protection Pro ram Pa e 115 of 120 D.8 MicroShield Cut Off Dose Rates for Open Sealand Ground Release No HEPA l,. . . :==f - *- - ri~~E-J_________ 1: ~--~---- Aate __ _ __ ____ ftL

                                                                                           ~~~~~~:i __ _ ____ __                ~becked                               _= -*--[;
                                                                                                                                                                               ,I r                                                 - - --                 - - -i                          - ---- - - -                                             - -.          !

ii --~- -- - - Filename

                                                                                                      !I Run Date-- - -,[ Run Time I!nuration*j;                          -     f1 l TMI-2 Open Sealand_]?AW Grn~gd No I December 4, ~Q2!__ 11 :00:31 AM 00:00:00 f:
                           --*-------                     -                -                                    --                                                         _____ ,I Project Info
Case 'Iitle J-l - _______ _
                                                                                    -      Sealand ~~~~AW ______-----~-- - - ~ - __ ,
  ! Description
                           --~---        I1-*---------                  -           -                   -     --------------------

Open Sealand Container DAW No HEP A Ground Release - - ~

                                                                                                                                                                         -   --1 ji I Geometry
    .. ____ .:,_ __ - __ ._, -* _* ____ I
                                        *-- - -- -*- ~- ----   - --*----------------

13 - Rectangular Volume

                                                                                     -*--* --* -- ...  "  ---- -~  ------ --*------- . *------- _________ .* --- . _-           1::

1 D.8 - MicroShield Cut Off Dose Rates for Open Sealand Ground Release No HEPA

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 116 of 120


YDirection_*-------~---- Z Direction _j 20 20 __ /; _ I. I i Results - Dose Point# 1 - 2.71e+02,106.68,304.8) cm 1 1


1 F Fluence Rate Exposure Exposure

   , E
  .I       nergy               A c t*1v1*ty            luence M V/ 21             Rate       M eV/cm 21sec                 R ate                R ate I'       (MeV)             (Photons/sec)                 e cm sec No Buildup With                 mR/hr               mR/hr                   *1 1


   ,                  -----~---"---                                                      Buildup             No Buildu[> _ With Buildup :1
  *,*    0.0045       1__ ----2.042e+09           I l_.l 17~-_35                  ,_-2.464e-25                7.658e-36       _ l.689e-25                  j\

L 0.0318 4.073e+09 2.282e-04 2.473e-04 l.90le-06 2.060e-06 II I


0.0322 0.0364 7.514e+09 2.734e+09 5.994e-04 4.89le-03 6.505e-04 5.390e-03 4.824e-06 2.779e-05 5.235e-06-*l! 3.062e-05 I J r1 0.6616 l.770e+ll - 3.183e+04 7.139e+04 I 6.171e+0l l.384e+02 Ii

    ~ !:2~1e:11_ __                                    3.183e+04 7.139e+04             _~--~?~'::01        1.?_84e;9;-,1 Results - Dose Point# 2 - (299.1384,106.68,304.8) cm Fluence Rate               Exposure           Exposure Fluence Rate M eV/cm 21sec                                    Rate                 Rate Energy                Activity M eV/cm 21sec                          W'th (MeV)             (Photons/sec)                                                       1                mR/hr               mR/hr No Buildup Buildup             No Buildup      With Buildu[>

I 0.0045 2.042e+09 l.334e-33 l.703e-25 9.14le-34 l.167e-25 0.0318 4.073e+09 3.629e-04 3.917e-04 3.023e-06 3.263e--06 0.0322 7.514e+09 9.293*e---04-----=1-.0-0=4-e---03..........i 7.479e-06 8.0Sle-oU1

,,...,=_0._03_6=4_...,,_ ___2_.7_3_4e~+_09==-=&--6_._1,0=9_e-_0_3__6_.7_2_4_e-_0_3_,.[ ___3_.4 71 e-05=-                     _   3 .820e-05                I

___o_.6~6_16_______1_.7_70!_til 2.770e+04 5.928e+04 I 5.369e+oi] __!:149e+02 __ ~~

 '1 Totals               1.934e+ll 2.770e+04 : 5.928e+04 I  5.369e+0l *1       1.149e+02 J 1 h~--  - - - ~ = - -____R_e_su_l_ts_-_D_os_e_P...o_i_nt_#_3_-..,,(3_6"""'9,_.1_3_8_4.,_,_1_0_6_.6_8.,..,3_0_4_.8~)_c_m_ __,,, _______ li Fluence Rate               Exposure           Exposure                  11 E                     A f *ty             iFluence Rate M V/ 21                                         Rate                 R                    1 j
   ;     ;:~               (Pho~;::/sec)           ~:v~:~::;c                           e  ~ii;;. sec           mR/hr               m;J~r ~II
   !     ________________________B_m___                                                      .ld_u_,P..__ _  ~o ~uildup      With Buildup ~

r- I L 0.0045 -~-0~2e+~~ _--. ____ ~.686e-34 9.3~?e-~~----- 6.639e-34 __ ~--~:4~j~-26 _j

                                                                                                                                                            ,I D.8 - MicroShield Cut Off Dose Rates for Open Sealand Ground Release No HEPA

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissionina Fire Protection Program Page 117 of 120

                                                                                                                     *,~i 0.0318                     4.073e+09         3.558e-04        3.840e-04     2.963e-06            3.198e-o6 l 0.0322                     7.514e+09         9.l0le-04        9.832e-04     7.324e-06            7.913e-06

[l.- 11 0.0364- r 2.734e+o9 s.912e-o3 6.so1e r~~;_359e-os L3.697e-os I: 0.6~=--~~=1=1"-=-r,=1=.7-l=l=e+=0=4=-1.--3*-.5~;~;= - -3.317e+Ol*= 6~~0~~;~~1 _] Totals 1.934e+ll 1.711e+04 3.512e+04 3.317e+0l 6.808e+0l J; Results - Dose Point# 4 - (569.1384,106.3,304.8) cm Fl uence Rate'JI Fluence Rate Exposure Exposure Energy Activity M V/ 21 MeV/cm 2 /sec Rate Rate (MeV) (Photons/sec) e cm sec W'th mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup B .;d No Buildup With BuilduR ) Ul UR 0.0045 2.042e+09 6.675e-34 3.145e-26 4.576e-34 2.155e-26 i i 0.0318 4.073e+09 2.485e-04 2.680e-04 2.070e-06 2.233e-06 t: 1! 0.0322 7.514e+09 6.304e-04 6.806e-04 5.073e-06 5.478e-06 0.0364 0.6616 2.734e+09 l.770e+l 1 3.731e-03 5.549e+03 4.104e-03 1.137e+04 2.120e-05 1.076e+0l 2.332e-05 2.204e+0l l I Totals 1.934e+ll 5.549e+03 1.137e+04 1.076e+0l 2.204e+0l I

             *- - ~-.-. -" .,                                                              l>(W ot r'tV<'.TRtln '-cwr,;;i -trt . ~

D.8 - MicroShield Cut Off Dose Rates for Open Sealand Ground Release No HEPA

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSD # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissionin Fire Protection Pro ram Pa e118of120 D.9 MicroShield Cut Off Dose Rates for Open Sealand Elevated Release No HEPA MicroShield 8.03 RSCS (8.03-0000) Date By Checked Filename Run Date Run Time Duration TMI-2 0 en Sealand DAW Elevated No November 20, 2021 12:53:12 PM 00:00:01

        "'"~ ,-,,.,~,--~"'*-,    _ _ _ _mJ;,,d,\5 "'****<'5£i,L,;,t5t¥  0Ell§#=o/*-"f¥? Ef'                    .,~.  "'" _..,,,.,_  ....;...:.*,,-.  * ~~~~-*    -:_.'~

Project Info Case Title Sealand Cargo DAW Descri tion 0 en Sealand Container DAW No HEPA Elevated Release Geometl)' 13 - Rectang~lar Volume Source Dimensions Length 269.138 cm 8 ft 10.0 in) Width 589.178cm 19ft4.0in


Height -- -*ea-!f'.f59ffi****'J;k;il 233.782 cm (7 ft 8.0 in}

                                                                                       - P ¥ l i M - " ' & : ~ ! J
  • W < " ~ ~ - , Y - & $ i § ¥ 4 ' , ' ¥ : [ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - *_

Dose Points A X y z

'#1     270.643 cm 8 ft 10.6 in)                                                   106.68 cm 3 ft 6.0 in                                                 304.8 cm (10 ft 0.0 in i#2      299.138 cm (9 ft 9.8 in)                                                  106.68 cm 3 ft 6.0 in                                                 304.8 cm 10 ft 0.0 in
 #3     369.138 cm (12 ft 1.3 in                                                   106.68 cm (3 ft 6.0 in)                                               304.8 cm 10 ft 0.0 in 569.138 cm (18 ft 8J in                                                     106.3 cm _3 ft 5.9 in)                                               304.~ cm_ (10 ft 0.0 in Shields Shield N                                                 Dimension                                              Material                                      Densi~

Source 1309.146 ft3 Carbon 0.48 Shield 1 .005 ft Iron 7.86 Air Ga Air 0.00122 Source In ut: Grouping Method - Actual Photon Energies Nuclide Ci B µ,Ci/cm3 B /cm 3 Ba-137m 3.0556e+001 l.1306e+012 8.2425e-001 3.0497e+004 Cs-137 3.2300e+001 1.1951e+0l2 8.7130e-001 3 .223 8e+004 D.9 - MicroShield Cut Off Dose Rates for Open Sealand Elevated Release No HEPA

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 119 of 120 D.9 - MicroShield Cut Off Dose Rates for Open Sealand Elevated Release No HEPA

TMl-2 Source Term Limitations and Administrative Controls for RSCS TSO # 21-077 Rev 00 the TMl-2 Decommissioning Fire Protection Program Page 120 of 120 r-~~;-~~ J_ -- _ 0.0322 2.3~1e~l0- ____ 4.318e+10 J-l------ 2-.0-45e~03 -L_2.2~7e~03 *1U293e-~s 5.230e-03 ~ 5.651e-03 1 _J -1.83~~-o; 4.209e-05 I 4.548e-05 1*; 11

,:-----~-  --*-*-------I --- -------*  ------**--                                            11
                                                                -*-- -_-~1-- -------- -------,- -----~--       --.--- ---~------*--

i -* ~:~: :--+:I -~;:~:~-=--=-:~: :~~:L2*0;~~~~ lI- :.*:;MO; J. :*;~: ~~:-

\i     Totals                 1.llle+l2                    9.835e+;i 2.018c+05                     1.907e+02          3.913c+02 1:
\ - Results - Dose Point# 4 - (1.8;~+01,3.49e~00,10) ft I:'

l - I L1 R t JFl~ence Rate j Exposure Exposure - 1 Energy Ji Activity l.l.'MuVen/ce 21a e MeV/cm 2/sec Rate Rate ,

1 1

i (MeV) (Photons/sec) e cm sec No Buildup W"th Bui:dup mR/hr No Buildup I mR/hr With Buildu~ i iL 0.0045 J 1.174e+10 ._,.,.. 3.837e-33 ]~1.807e-25 2.630e-33 7 l.239e-25 ~ I r:l

1 0.0318

0.0364 1


2.341e+10 43l~e+l0 - l.571e+10 1.428e-03 l.541e-03 3.623e-~;=- --~.912e-03 2.144e-02 2.359e-02 L~~~~ l.190e-05 L l.218e-04 l.283e-05 3.148e-05 l.340e-04 l

 *1    0.6616         I       l.017e+ 12                   3.189e+04          6.535e+04 ,-=z;;3e+~~                    l.267e+02  -1 I--

T~tal-;---r--*-~.-llle+ 12

        -~--.     *-         -~-    -*-*   --

3.189e+04 6.535e+04 1 6.183e+0l


1.267e+~; fl:1:r ~ D.9 - MicroShield Cut Off Dose Rates for Open Sealand Elevated Release No HEPA}}