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Forwards NRC 18th Monthly Status Rept in Response to Direction Given in House Rept 96-1093 for 820315-0415.Rept Dicusses Actions Taken on Operating Reactors & Licensing Reviews of New Facilities
Person / Time
Issue date: 04/29/1982
From: Ahearne J
To: Bevill T
Shared Package
ML20209B373 List:
FOIA-86-151 NUDOCS 8205200268
Download: ML20209B381 (2)




[ , g.. . WASHINGTON, D. C. 20$65 C

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%, * * < *. f APR 2 S 1:32 CHAIRMAN

?.e Honorable Tom Bevill, Chainnan .

Subcomittee on Energy and Water Deyelopment Comittee on Appropriations United States House of Representatives -

Washington, D.C. 20515

Dear Mr. Chaiman:

This monthly status report is in response to the direction given in House Report 96-1093. Enclosed is our eighteenth report covering the period from March 15, 1982 to April 15, 1982. This eighteenth report discusses actions that were taken during this period on operating reactors and on licensing reviews of new facilities.

On April 17, 1982, the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactorpower Regulation, issued operation) for an operating license (limited to fuel loading and 5 t.aSalle Unit 1.

Recently, changes in the construction ccrnpletion dates have been anncunced by the utilities for Fenni 2 (fro:n November 1982 to June 1983), Sumer (from March 1982 to May 1982), Watts Bar 1 (from August 1982 to August 1983), Watts Sar 2 (frem June 1983 to August 1984), Susquehanna 2 (JulyTne 1983 to January change in the 1984), and South Texas 1 (frr. July 1984 to December 1986).

Su=er Station completion date elid.inates the projected regulatory celay for that plant. The completion date for Catawba is currently being assessed by the applicant.

The report discusses the recent events concerning cracks found in no::les on makeup water lines at scrae operating plants, cracks in recirculation loop safe-ends found at Nine Mile Point, followup actions regarding the Ginna steam generator tube rupture, the status of the restart of iMI-1, and the status of hearing on Indian point 2 and 3.

Sincer ly, .

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chn F. n.hearne MA eting Chairman


NRC Mcnthly Status Report ,

to Congress ,

l cc: he Honorable John T x XA ."yers

.?850.(Q(D9(o NP -

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1. San Onofre Unit 2 - The NRC issued an operating' license on February 16, 1982. It was restricted to 5% power in accordance with the ASLB deci sion. Fuel loading has been completed. The' unit is expected to be ready for operation above 5% power in June. Authorization of full power operation is currently projected for June 1982, pending a favorable ,

Board decision. The NRC staff's review effort is complete and, therefore, no delay is shown for this u. nit.

2. Diablo Canyon Unit 1 - On March 4,1982 the Commission approved the plan for Phase I of the independent design verification program with certain modifications. Phase I is required to be completec cefore fuel loading can be recommended. On March 19,1982 :ne staff accepted Teledyne Engineering Services as the manager for the program. An audit of the quality assurance program, including implementation, of PG&E and of seismic service-related contractors, has 'been completed by R. F. Reecy as a Teledyne subcontractor. Questionable areas were observed. The s aff is determining if the scope of the Phase I' program is sufficient. The decision will be made shortly.
2. Summer Unit 1 - Based upon information from the applicant, the projected construction completion date for the facility is currently May 1982.

Assuming a favorable Boarc decision, an operating li:ense rest.-ictec to St power is scheduled to be issued in May, foliewing tne ASL3 initial decision.

This eliminates the previcus projected one-month ceiay for nis facility,

a. Shoreham Unit 1 - The NRC staff's review effort is complete and the hearing is scheculed to start May 4,1982. This schedule results in a projected decision cate of October 1982 and in a one-montn projectea delay for this

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