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Forwards CY86 Rept on NRC-imposed Changes to Sys,Components, Structures,Procedures,Organization or Design of Operating Plants,In Accordance W/House Appropriations Committee Rept 99-195
Person / Time
Issue date: 02/13/1987
From: Zech L
To: Bevill T
Shared Package
ML20209D110 List:
NUDOCS 8702240189
Download: ML20211D940 (5)


-. . _ -


',. h 'o, UNITED STATES j



%....# February 13, 1987 CHAIRMAN i

a i

1 The Honorable Tom Bevill, Chairman Subcommittee on Energ.v and Water Develoonant I Committee on Appropriations i

tinited States Hausa of Representatives Washington, DC 20515 I

Dear Mr. Chairman:

In accordance with the direction provided by Hoase Apnropriations Committep Daport 99-195, enclosed is a report for CY 1986 on all changes tn systems, components, structures, procedures, organization or design of operating plants where such changes are imposed by the Commission or its staff.

Sincerely, 4


@ cv. 9  %.

t.ando W. Zech Jr. p Encicture:

Papert on Changes to, i Comporents, Structures, l Procedures, Organization, or ,

Design of Operating Power Plants imposed by NRC cc: Reo. .lohn Myers 9

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, 1 Report on Changes to Systems, Comonnents. Structtiras Procedures, Organization,orDesigno'.0peratingP5serPfa.nts Imposed hv NRC ~ ,

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1. Purpose ,


The purpose of this report is to advise Congress ,0f 'any changes to operating power plants imposed by NRC during CY 1905.

7 Rackground Final rules, generic letters, bulletins, orders, policy statements, regulatorv guides, and the plant specific backfit tracking system were reviewed in order to identify changes to systems, components, structures, procedures, oroanization, and design of operatino reactors imposed by the NRC in CY 1086.

I 3. Rules Seven amendments to Title tr, of the Code of Federal Raoulations Part 50 were pubikhed in final form in CY 1986. Only one of these, " Physical Protectinq of Nuclear Power Plants," inposed cht.nges to operating power plant systems, components, etc. This rule'chanqe requires the submission of a plan to the NRC that details how each facili'.y plans to meet new requirements regarding ingress / egress during emergencies, maintaining access lists current, and changing or rotating keys and incks annually.

The estimated cost to the industry to implemen* the chenges is $785,000, l with a subsequent savings of $1.15 million per yetr due h the modified key and lock control requirements.

In addition, an amendment to 10 CFR Part 73 was published which imoosed changes for operating nuclear power plants. The rule chacce, " Searches of Individuals at Power Ructor Facilities," requires equipment searches of all individuals seekini1 access to protected areas. The cost of implementation of this rule by operating reactor plants is insignificant since licensees currently use electronic search equipment. The cost of the equipment for each future plant is estimated to be $16,A00

4. Generic letters The NPC issued 17 generic letters in CY 1986. None o' these generic l letters imposed new requirements which entailed changes to systems, i components, structures, procedures, organization, or design at operating power plants.

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5. Bulletins The Staff issued 4 bulletins in CY 1986. Three of the bulletirs requested operating power reactor licensees to review certain problems l

and correct those problems by implementing changes in procedures / training and potentially, in some cases, hardware modifications. The fou b

! bulletin did not apply to operating power reactor licensees.

l IE Bulletin No. 86-01: "flinimum Flow logic Problems that could Disable RHR Pumos," reported a potential single failure discovered at one plant I which could damage the Residual Heat Removal (PPR) pumps. The bulletin l


requested all General Electric-Boiling Water Peactor (GE-BWR) licensees to review the problem #or their olants and or0 Vide the necessary instructions for mitigation of the failure, should it occur, to operators.

Also, the licensees were to report to the NRC any modifications made to correct the problem. The total cost for all affected olants was estimated to be fif*y thousand dollars.

IE Bulletin No. 86-02: " Static "0" Ring (SORI Differential Pressure l Switches " reported reliability problems with certain SOR switches. The bulletin requested all licensees to identify any such swi+ches in their i plant ant

  • tast them. Also, the licensees were to report the results of  :

the tests. The total cost for all affected plants were estimatad to be l 1.5 million dollars, j

IE Bulletin No. 86-03: " Potential Failure of Multiple ECCS Pump due to Sinnie Failure of Air-Operated Valve in Minimun Flow Pacirculation lina,"

reported a potential single failure discovered at four plants which could l damage the Emergency Core Cooling pumps. The Bulletin requested all l licenseas to review the problem for their plants and to provide (1) the I necessary instructions for mitigating the event, shculd it occur, to l onerators and (?) corrective actions to reet General Design Criteria 35 Also, the licensees were to report to the NRC any rodifications made to i correct the problem. The total cost for all affected plants was estimated to be one hundred and f4fty thousand dollars.

l 6 Orders Two Orders issued by the NRC in 1986 did imoose channes on operating plants. In July,1986, Detroit Edison Comnany was issued an Order modifying the Fermi-2 license in ronnection with an inadvertent criti-cality in 1985. The Order inoosed a control roon audit orngram for Fermi and limitations on the duties of cre individual. The channes imposed by the Order cost Detroit Edison Company approximate 1v four hundred thousand dollars in contract / consultant resources. Additionallv, significant in-house Detroit Edison resources were expended which the NPC is unable to estimate accurately.

In July, 1986, Philadelphia Electric Company was issued an Order confirming commitments on pipe crack issues at Peach Rottom-3. However, ir addition to th ccrrective program proposed by the licensee, the NDC inonsed a mid-cycle shutdown to insoect cracked welds. The licensee was later able to nrovida sufficient justification to allow the NRC to rc2ind the mid-cycle inspections. The. licensee had estimated that the shutdown would cost seven nillion dollars primarily due to raolace-ment power costs.

In 1986, several Grders were issued to operating power reactors. Most of the Orders were confirmatory, apnrovina a schedule chance from a previous Order or confirming plans proposed by the licensee to correct operatitral safety problems. Also, in a few cases such as Rancho Seco and Falisades, licensees proposed nadifications to correct operational

' safety problems and the NRC made plant restart contingent on completion of the licensee's proposal. '

One Show Cause Order was issued. The NRC does not consider that Show i Cause Orders impose chances on ~ 'ensees; the licansee can take the approach of explaining why the Order is nnt warranted.  !

7. Policy Statements The Commission issued several policy sts .ements in 1986. Oniv one policy statement, Emercency Planning - Medical Services, i ts identified which imposed a potential bu. den for operating plants. 'he. cost would ordinarily be incurred by State and local governments and by medical 4

institutions participating in the offsite e~ergency responsa olan.

Although there is no identifiable incremental cost to the nuclear plant licensee from the policy statement, historically, some offsite emeraency planning costs have been passed thrcugh to the licensees. This nolicy statement interpreted 10 CFR 50.47(bM10 to require preaccident arrangecents for medical services (beyond the maintenance of a list of treatment facilities) for individuals who night be exposed to dangerous levels of accident radiation. The cost of this change has been estimated to be one thousand dollars per plant in the first year and five hundred dollars per year per plant after the first year. However, the NPC believes estimated.

that the true cost of this change cannot be accurately Some State and local governments have arrangements which will likely meet the policy statement, while other eneraercy nians may result in greater costs than estimated above. This policy statament was develoned after the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia vacated ard remanded the Commission's previous interpretation.

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4 The policy statement on Fitness for Duty of Nuclear Power Plant Personnel describes the basic elements of an acceptable fitness for duty proaran for licensees. The Nuclear Utility Management and Resnurce Conmittee has indicated that all licensees implemented acceotable fitness for duty programs by early 1986, before the issuance of tha policy statement. The MDC's policy statement did not impose new requirements, the Commission indicated it would refrain from rulemaking on fitness for duty for a minimum of 18 months from the issuance of the policy statement (Auoust 1986) and would monitor the effectiveness of industrv programs. While these programs had initial costs as hioh as hundreds of thousards of dollars for each licensee, the programs are expected to result in significant net savings for licensees.

8. Reoulatorv Guides The NRC issued revisions to 3 regulatory guides (division 1-reactors) in in CY 1986. None of these revisions imposed charges to operatino olants.
9. Plant Specific Back#it Tracking Svstem No plant specific endifications which were judged to be backfits reached the final imposition stage in CY 1986, i

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% ,,,,,* February 13, 1987 CHAIRMAN The Honorable Tom Bevill, Chairman Subcomittee on Energy and Water Development Committee on Appropriations tinited States House of Representatives Washington, DC P.0515

Dear Mr. Chairman:

In accordance with the direction provided by House Appropriations Comittee Report 99-195, enclosed is a report for CY 1986 on all changes to systems, components, structures, procedures, org6nization or design of operating plants where such changes are imposed by the Commission or its staff.

Sincerely, Oritnal s@ncd by Land., W E e fr.

Lando W. Zech, Jr.


Report on Changes to Systems, Components, Structures, Procedures, Organization, or Design of Operating Power Plants Imposed by NRC cc: Rep. John Myers Ref: CR-87-03 O O M -

Originating Office: EDO/NRR cmce) ...C/.R M

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