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Amend 33 to License SNM-1168,authorizing Organizational & Administrative Changes,Including Changes in Chapter 4, Nuclear Criticality Safety. Condition S-1,also Amended
Person / Time
Site: 07001201
Issue date: 02/25/1998
From: Weber M
Shared Package
ML20217P999 List:
NUDOCS 9803110249
Download: ML20217Q002 (5)


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MATERIALS LICENSE y l 1 4 l 3 Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-438), and Title 10 j j Ccde of Federal Regulations, Chapter 1, Parts 30,31, 32. 33,34,35,39,40 and 70, and in reliance on statements and representations heretofore ')

i made riy the lice :e, a license is hereby issued authorizing the licensee to receive, acquire, possess, and transfer byproduct, source, and special l 4 nuclear materia' signated below; to use such material for the purpose (s) and at the place (s) designated below; to deliver or transfer such material lE to prsons .;uths cd to receive it in accordance with the regulations of the applicable Part(s). This license shall be deemed to contain the conditions 3 specified in Section 183 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 as amended, and is subject to all applicable rules, regulations and orders of the j Regulatory Cormission now o. hereafter in effect and to any conditions specified below.

i a y Licensee 1  !!

j I-Framatome Cogema Fuels

3. U. cense number SNM-1168, Amendment 33 Ig 1 Lynchburg, Manufacturing Facility g 1 P.O. Box 11646 !K Lynchburg, Virginia 24506-1646 !I

] 2' September 30,2000 I

] - - 4. Expiration date


5. Docket or 70-1201 Ir Reference No g d 6. Byproduct, source, and/or 7. Chemical and/or physical 8. Maximum amount that licensee [

4 special puclear material form may possess at any one time I l

under this license I 1 ;I 1 [

j Maximum i:

1 Matenel Eomi ouantity e-A. Uranium enriched A. Uranium A.15,000 kilograms  ;(E.

j (and enriched reprocessed oxide pellet of U-235 [

j uranium containing L' plutonium and other j t'

transuranic isotopes) j up to 5.1 w/o U-235 h(F 1

a B. Uranium, natural or B. Oxide, pellet or B.100,000 kilograms d 1 depleted powder of uranium I;t 1 L~

l C. Uranium, natural C.UF, C. Less than 1,000 I

kilograms with no t:

) single container to exceed 50 kilograms t:

t 1

I b D. Byproduct material D. Sealed sources D.10 curies with atomic f numbers 3 to 83, O inclusive C D

E. Plutonium E. Sealed sources E. 6 grams plutonium hj F. Califomium-252 F. Sealed sources F. 3 milligrams of l

' l Califomium-252  :

J l G. Uranium enfiched G. Any G. 350 grams of U-235 in U-235 1

1 1 9803110249 980225 PDR AD3CK 07001201  ;

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'NR FORM 374A l U.S. NUCLEAR REOULAToRY CoMMISsloN PAGE 2 or 5 moes 'g g License Number g g SNM-1168 Amendment 33 y ,

l MATERIALS LICENSE oncket or nererence Number ( i l . ,

SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET 70-1201 g j I N I E I n i I h I a H. Americium-241 H. Sealed sources H. 5 curies Americium-241 l

Byproduct material 1. Contamination on/ l.1,000 curies, total l 1.

and Plutonium within equipment, y y g tooling, and y

components and waste g g Anyiconsed material J. J.1 pCi total N J.

l y between atomic numbem Qu 'ty s Mtr&j;G U l

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y 9. Authorized place of use: Thtjicen)see's existing facilities at Lynchburg,f. irginia. Material iden U U

y Condition 6.l.,7.l., and 8.1,J.tpay be used at temporary job sites throughout>the United States where the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission retains jurisdiction for regulating thetisa of licensed materials. U I g A d m


10. This license shall be deerned to' cont 5in two sections: Safe'y CondjhoniandSafeguards I l Conditions. These secti6ns are pdrt'of th'e license, and the lican's e'is subject to compliance U l with all listed conditiois'in each section,'.( ) M' C

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] By: Mchael F Weber Division of Fuel Cycle Safety U

U I and Safeguards U I Washington, DC 20555 I I N I N I E j I #

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5 PAGES g l License Number l g

l SNM-1168 Amendment 33 g i MATERIALS LICENSE Docket or Reference Number g l ,

SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET 70-1201 g I g 1 l __



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N S-1. Authorized use: For use in accordance with statements, representations, and conditions of Part i of N the licensee's application dated June 9,1997; and supplemord. dated November 24,1997. N i N S-2. The licensee shall inform the Regional Admini: , Region ll, within 30 days if the State-permitting I l agency revokes the State-issued ofliquid effluents and shallinform I the Regional Administrator, a semiannu the StateJpermitting agency I i U

, or otherwise nullifies the eness of the State-issued NPDES supersedes, conditions,3jf iTuid effluents.

permit for the discharge f

S-3. The licensee is hereby ranted the exemptions and special aut in Sections 1.7.1 I I

i l

through 1.7.4, Chagr 1,'of the application.

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S-4. At not more than 2; year intervals from September 30,1 ' licensee shall update the N i

demonstration s36tions of the reriewal' application;to reflect ' licensee's7cet operations. The U i N i

updates to the application shall, as a minimuhi, include infNmation for the health and safety section I

of the apphcation as required by 10 CFR 70.22(a) thmugh70,22(f) and 70'22(i) and operational data i I or environmentiil~ releases as required tiy 70.21. In lieu;of an' update at tho'end of the 10-year renewal penod,(16e hcensee shall fils a renewal applicatiori~org or before SQtember 30,1999. N S-5.

w. s, N g g g y.e w p Deleted - Conditi6ifcomplied with - Emurgency Pinh submitted and approved by Amendment 15 u


l dated November]'7,11993.'- Emergency Plan April 6,1994. ~. 4

  • no king"er required - approved by Amendment 17 dated

-)A 'W N fs u i

' & '.% h h)W I S 6. The incumbent, Manager, Fuel Manufacturing l identified in' the amendment application dated N I N September 25,1991, is deemed to satisfy the education requirements for the posebon because of the I N incumbent's exponence in the position since 1985 and his nuclear plant experience since 1970.

I & , ,y N The licensee's Dooommissioning Fun 5ig Plan and the financel surety arrangements, to assure that U

,I S-7.

funds will be available for decommissioning,'s'ubmitted by application dated March 27,1992, and I y N y

supplements dated August 23 and October 15,1993; and May 10 and November 30,1994, October 12,1995, August 8,1996, and June 17,1997, are hereby incorporated as a condition of the y

g license.

I By August 15,1995, the licensee shall perform an inventory of its byproduct material to determine I S-8.

l U the quantity cunently possessed. The amount of byproduct material contained in field service equipment, accepted for storage or repair, shall be estimated end added to the inventory within 1 l week ofits receipt g g i N I N I I I N I N I N I 4 i N I E u m a a m m a a a a a a um a a a a a a a m m a a a a a a a m a a a a m'a a a a a a a a a a e r

lrWumumwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwg N FORM 374A U.s. NUCLEAR RE2ULAToRY CoMMisSloN g PAGE 4 OF 5 p,.Ges y j License Number g i .

SNM-1168 Amendment 33 g l MATERIALS LICENSE pocket or acterence Number g l ,



l si j S-9. The licensee may receive, rod-load, download, store and ship enriched reprocessed uranium -

containing plutonium and other transuranic isotopes, provided that the concentration of transuranic E isotopes in such uranium shall be limited to that specified in ASTM Specification C996-90. The E

, licensee shall obtain shipper certification that the uranium is within the limits for transuranics of

ASTM Specification C996-90.

I q S-10. Notwithstanding the requirements of License Condition S-4, the licensee may delay until Novernber 30,1996, the submittal of its revised Demonstration Section. #'

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yNR FORM 374A U.S. NUCLEAR REOULAToRY coMMISSloN g PAGE 5 or 5 PAGES lg Ucense Number i g 1* SNM-1168 Amendment 33 g l

( MATERIALS LICENSE Dxket or Reference Number SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET 70-1201 !g i .

. g 1 Ig i SAFEGUARDS CONDITIONS !g l SAFEGUARDS CONDITIONS I N l Section 1.0 - Material Control & Accountina N

SG-1.1 The licensee shall follow Chapters 1.0 through 9.0 of its Fundamental Nuclear Material Control Plan E

i with aC pages designated as Revision 12 and dated December 13,1997. This Plan may be further i revised in accordance with, and pursuant :o, the provisions of either 10 CFR 70.32(c) or 70.34.

l SG-1.2 Notwithstanding the requirement of 10 CFR 74.31(c)(8) to independently assess the effectiveness of y the total MC&A system at least every 24 ont licensee may assess the effectiveness of its y

contractor laboratory at intervals r[et $11 other elements and aspects of the y
licensee's MC&A program, gwge ert emain subject td 74.31(c)(8). g j SG-1.3 Notwithstanding the ments of 10 CFR 74.15 and the pro U Fundamental Nuclea rial Control (FNMC) Plann*identified SG-1.1, to perform

'ng shipments of SNM, in Co% in receipt E I

measurements and distribge DOE /NRC Form 741 within 30 days of receipt) to fulfill the I the licensee shall f(my up t6l12Qadditional days (from the date of rpa U

above stated reqdirements relative to the 166 fuel assemblie s letter dated July 13,1997. p'is" condition "sdell a'utomatically expire 1997 oh 6(fidentified N

, Section 2.0 - Physical 29. 3 "c For SNM of Low) Strateoic ProliiEtion l 4 ,,,, $, ;i( vea.dL j fi, O N g

SG-2.1 The licensee shall, follow the Security' Plan dated Miy,16,01980, as revise (May 20,1983, y j February 5,1986, and August 28,'1992,-imd as revisodin accor, dance withthe provisions of

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10 CFR 70.32(e)D r Section 3.0 - Intemational Safeauards NO -f g dF I

The licensee shall f[ow Codes 1 tthrouhh 6 of the Trarsitio'nal FacilityAttachment No. 6A dated j SG-3.1 j December 4,1995, to'the',USflAEA Safeg'uards Agreemerh.

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