IR 05000407/1998202

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Insp Rept 50-407/98-202 on 980622-24.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Review of Selected Conditions & Records Since Last Safeguards & Security Insp
Person / Time
Site: University of Utah
Issue date: 07/16/1998
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
Shared Package
ML20236R732 List:
50-407-98-202, NUDOCS 9807220246
Download: ML20236R735 (8)


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.l Report No: 50-407/98-202


Licensee: University of Utah Facility: TRIGA Research Reactor in the Center for Excellence in Nuclear Technology, Engineering, and Research (CENTER)

Location: Merrill Engineering Building l Salt Lake City, Utah '

Dates: June 22-24,1998 l

Inspector: Craig Bassett, Senior Non-Power Reactor inspector Approved by: Seymour H. Weiss, Director

, Non-Power Reactors and Decommissioning  ;

Project Directorate Division of Reactor Program Management  ;

l Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation j


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I 9907220246 990716 i PDR ADOCK 05000407 e PDR

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY University of Utah TRIGA Research Reactor Facility NRC Inspection Report No.: 50-407/98-202 This routine, announced inspection consisted of a review of selected conditions and records since the last safeguards and security inspection and related discussions with licensee personnel.~ The licensee's programs were directed toward the protection of public health and safety and were found to be in compliance with NRC requirements. No safety concerns or violations of regulatory requirements were identifie During the inspection the reactor was not operated because it was the beginning of the summer quarte !

l Audit and Review Proaram '

  • The audit and review program at the facility was being acceptably carried ou !

Physical Security-l l

  • The NRC-approved security program at the facility was acceptably implemente I Material Control and Accountina e No deficiencies were identified in the licensee's Material Control and Accounting i

- progra !


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REPORT DETAILS Summarv of Plant Status Although the reactor was not operating during the inspection, a review of applicable records showed that the reactor continued to be used to support research, reactor operator training, and educational demonstrations. No safeguards events have occurred since the last inspection in the security area. No safety concerns were note . Audit and Review Program (69001) Inspection Scope i


-To verify that the licensee had established and conducted review and audit j functions required by the Technical Specifications (TS), the inspector reviewed:

  • the licensee's audit and review plan,
  • the revised security plan, and
  • logs, records, and report i Observations and Findings j i


The inspector determined that the licensee's audit and review program, entitled

" University of Utah Center for Excellence in Nuclear Technology, Engineering, and ,

Research Audit and Review Plan for NRC License R-126: TRIGA Nuclear Reactor  !

(Docket No. 50-407)," Revision (Rev.) 1, dated February 28,1996, was acceptabl l Selected portions of the licensee's Physical Security Plan and implementing  !

procedures are audited during monthly and semiannual audits of the ALARA and '

reactor operations program i Conclusion The audit and review program at the facility was acceptably carried out with respect i to safeguards and securit . Physical Security (81401,81402,81431) Inspection Scope To verify compliance with the licensee's NRC-approved Physical Security Plan (PSP)

and to assure that changes,if any, to the plan had not reduced its overall effectiveness, the inspector reviewed:

  • logs, records, and reports,
  • - security organization, e response force and protocol, a key control, a detection aids,
  • physical barriers,
  • screening and access controls, 1^



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. + annual emergency training records, e provisions for contingencies, and

  • written procedure Observations and Findings The inspector determined that the licensee's physical protection program conformed to NRC requirements and the licensee's PSP and implementing procedures. All aspects of the program reviewed were being completed and no concerns were identifie Conclusion The NRC-approved security program at the facility was acceptably implemente . Material Control and Accounting (85102) Inspection Scope l

To verify compliance with 10 CFR 70, the inspector reviewed:

e storage areas, a

procedures for tracking the quantity, identity, and location of Special Nuclear Material (SNM),

e annual inventory results, and

  • associated records and report I Observations and Findings The inspector verified through a review of records that the licensee was maintaining and implementing nuclear material control procedures documented in procedure Records showed that the nuclear material received at the facility was a::curately accounted for and stored properly. The licensee had received one shipment of SNM but had made no shipments between October 1,1995 and March 31,199 Storage and accountability of SNM were accomplished through item control. All SNM was stored in designated areas that included the reactor core, reactor pool, and a storage vaul Physicelinventor!cs were coeducted at least annually as required by 10 CFR 70.51(d). The licensee's last inventory was completed on March 30,1998.

l Exhibits I and ll (attached to this report) summarize the licensee's uranium and 1 plutonium material balances from October 1,1995 through March 30,1998.

1 Conclusion No deficiencies were identified in the licensee's Material Control and Accounting program.

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, . Exit Meeting Sumnnary The inspection scope and results were summarized on June 24,1998, with licensee representatives. The inspector discussed the findings for each area reviewed. The licensee at .nowledged the findings presente !

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l l Licensee l D. Bird, Sergeant, University Police M. Krahenbuhl, Senior Reactor Operator D. Slaughter, Reactor Administrator and CENTER Director K. Weaver, Senior Reactor Operator INSPECTION PROCEDURES (IP) USED l

IP 69001: Class ll Non-Power Reactors  !

IP 81401: Plans, Procedures, and Reviews IP 81402: Reports of Safeguards Events IP 81431: Fixed Site Physical Protection of Special Nuclear Material of Low Strategic Significance l IP 85102: Material Control and Accounting - Reactors ITEMS OPENED, CLOSED, AND DISCUSSED Opened None


Closed None i

LIST OF ACRONYMS USED ALARA As low as reasonably achievable CENTER Center for Excellence in Nuclear Technology, Engineering, and Research CFR Code of Federal Regulations IP inspection Procedure NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission PSP Physical Security Plan SNM Special Nuclear Material TS Technical Specifications

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Material Balance for Period: October 1.1995 - March 31.1998

_ Reoortino identification Symbe".. ZWW Reoort Units: Grams Hiah Enriched Uranium Plutonium Element Isotone Element Isotooflt Beginning inventory:

(October 1,1995) 2 2 114 105 Receipts: O O O O


Production: O O O O Material to Account for: ____2 ' 2* 114** _105**


Shipments: O O O O Fission and Transmutation: O O O O inventory Difference: O O O O Decay: O O O O Total Removals: .

O O O O Ending inventory:

(March 30,1998) s'f ___2 114 &

-Contained in fission chambers

" = Contained in the licensee's pub 6 sources I

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F: . . EXHIBIT ll UNIVERSITY OF UTAH TRIGA REACTOR FACILITY Docket N License N R-126 Material Balance for Period: October 1.1995 - March 30.1998 Reoortina identification Symbol: ZWW Reoort Units: Grams Low Enriched Uranium Element Isotone Beginning Inventory:

(October 1,1995) 25561 4990 Receipts:

From DOE 767 151 Production: 0 0 Material to Account for: J 6328 5141 Removals:

l Shipments: 0 0 Fission and Transmutation: -417' -417 *

I inventory Difference: 0 0 I


I l' Decay: 0 0 l I i Total Removals: -417 -417 Ending inventory:

(March 30,1998) _25911 4724 l

  • = An adjustment in the amount of Uranium-235 present in the fuel elements to account for


burnup that occurred on the fuel before it was ever used at the University of Utah's TRIGA Reactor Facilit ;


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