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Effluent & Offsite Dose Rept for Period of Jan-Mar 1986, Quarterly Dose Assessment Rept
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/31/1986
From: Standerfer F
To: Murley T
0364A, 364A, 4410-86-L-0088, 4410-86-L-88, NUDOCS 8608120582
Download: ML20212D883 (6)


ATTACHMENT 1 Page 1 of 2 o 4410-86-L-0088 EXECUTIVE


Three Mile Island Nuclear Station Unit 2 Effluent and Offsite Dose Report for the Period of January 1,1986 to March 31, 1986 This report summarizes the radioactive liquid and gaseous releases (effluents) from Three Mile Island Unit 2 and the calculated maximum hypothetical radiation exposure to the public resulting from these releases.

This report covers the period of operation from January 1 to March 31 of 1986.

Radiological releases from the plant are measured by installed plant monitors sampling the plant stack for gaseous releases and liquid monitors for discharges to the Susquehanna River. These monitors provide a means for accurate determination of the type and quantities of radioactive materials being released to the environment.

Calculations of the maximum hypothetical dose to an individual and the total population around Three Mile Island due to radioactive releases from the plant are made utilizing environmental conditions that existed at the time of the release. Susquehanna River flow data are used to calculate the maximum hypothetical doses to an individual and the population downstream of TMI due to liquid releases. Actual or "real-time" meteorological data from an onsite tower is used to determine the doses resulting from gaseous releases from the plant. The use of real-time meteorological information permits the determination of both the direction in which the release traveled and the dispersion of radioactive material in the environment.

Utilizing gaseous effluent data and real-time meteorology the maximum hypothetical dose to any individual and to the total population within 50 miles of the plant is calculated. Similarly, Susquehanna River flow and liquid effluent data are used to calculate a maximum hypothetical dose to an individual and a population dose from liquid effluents for any shoreline exposure down to the Chesapeake Bay. Exposure to the public from consumption of water and fish withdrawn from the Susquehanna River downstream of the plant is also calculated.

Dose calculations for liquid and gaseous effluents are performed using a mathematical model which is based on the methods defined by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

The maximum hypothetical doses are conservative overestimates of the actual offsite doses which are likely to occur. For example, the dose does not take into consideration the removal of radioactive material from the river water by precipitation of insoluble salts, absorption onto river sediment, biological removal, or removal during processing by water companies prior to distribution and consumption.

g25 8608120582 DR 860331 '

ADOCK 05000320 t PDR I I r

.. ,. ATTACHMENT 1 Pa e 2 of 2


44 0-86-L-0088 Liquid discharges made during the reporting period January 1 to March 31, 1985 consist.'d of 0.0005 curies of tritium, 0.00002 curies of unidentified beta activity and 0.00001 curies of cesium-137. Unidentified beta activity is treated as strontium-90 for the purpose of dose calculations. These release rates and quanttties are consistent with results of previous quarters. The quantities of each radionuclide released are actually up to 1 million times smaller than the normally existing environmental quantities that flowed past the plant during the same period.

During the reporting period January 1 to March 31 of 1986, the maximum hypothetical calculated whole body dose to an individual due to liquid effluents from Three Mile Island Unit 2 was about 0.0002 millirem. The maximum hypothetical calculated dose to any organ of an individual was 0.0006 millirem to the bone.

Airborne discharges made during this same time period consisted of 6 curies of tritium, 0.000002 curies of cesium-137, 0.00000006 curies of gross alpha activity, and 0.000005 curies of unidentified beta activity, which is, as with liquid effluents, conservatively assumed to be entirely strontium 90.

These release rates and quantities are also consistent with the results from previous reporting periods. Iodine releases consisted of about 0.000001 curies of Iodine-131 during the reporting period. The Iodine-131 was produced in Unit 1 and was exhausted through Unit 2 by exchange in the fuel handing building.

Since there were no noble gas releases for this reporting period, there was no dose to any individual from noble gas. Airborne particulates are calculated to produce about 0.0003 millirem to the lung of the maximum hypothetical individual.

The maximum hypothetical whole body dose received by any individual from effluents from the Three Mile Island Nuclear Station Unit 2 for the latest reporting period is 25,000 times lower than the dose the average individual in the Three Mile Island area receives from natural background during the same time period. Natural background averages about 25 millirem whole body per quarter in the Three Mile Island area. In addition, average equivalent dose from natural radon is acubt 90 millirem per quarter.

The doses which could be received by the maximum hypothetical individual are each less than .01 percent of the guides established by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

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(Summary of All Releases)


A. Fission and activation products (not including H-3, gases & alpha)

1. Total Release (Ci) (Note 2) 9.52E-6 7.95E-6 1.78E-5 3.53E-5
2. Concentration (pCi/cc)(Note 2) 2.25E-12 2.16E-12 4.31 E-12 2.92E-12 B. Tritium
1. Total release (Ci) 2.19E-4 9.89E-6 2.36E-4 4.65E-4 l 2. Concentration (pCi/cc) 5.17E-ll 2. 69 E-12 5.71 E-11 3.84E-11 C. Dissolved and entrained gases
1. Total release (Ci) <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD
2. Concentration (pCi/cc) N/A N/A N/A N/A D. Gross alpha radioactivity
1. Total release (C1) Note 3 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD E. Volume of waste released prior to dilution (liters) (Note 1) 4.30E4 2.47E4 5.82E4 1.26ES l F. Volume of dilution water (flow to river in liters from NPDES Report) 4.24E9 3.68E9 4.13E9 1.21E10 G. Number of batch releases:

Sumps 12 9 13 34

- The concentration of radioactive material other than dissolved or entrained noble gases in 11guid effluent released to the unrestricted area shall not exceed the values specified in 10CFR 20, Appendix B, Table II.

- Present liquid effluent release limits are 10% of the concentration values specified in 10CFR 20, Appendix B, Table II.

- Liquid effluent releases are also limited to 10CFR 50, Appendix I, not to exceed a dose of 3 mrem total body and 10 mrem to any organ per year.

Note 1) Includes only those releases which were found to contain radioisotopic concentration >LLD.

Note 2) Concentration based on Industrial Waste discharged to the river.

Note 3) These activities are to be verified <LLD by composite sampling.


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4410-86-L-0088 .."


(Summary of All Releases)

TYPE EFFLUENT JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH 1st QUARTER 1986 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 2 II. Gaseous Effluent Note (1) N/A Note (1) Note (1) .

A. Fission & activation gases

1. Total release (Ci) <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD
2. Release rate (pCi/sec) N/A N/A N/A N/A B. Iodine-131 released (C1): 1.11E-6 <LLD <LLD 1.11E-6 C. Particulates with half-lives (Unit-1 origin)

>8 days:

1. Total releases (not including a)(Ci) 3.59E-6 1.90E-6 3.06E-6 8.55E-6 l 2. Release rate (pCi/sec) 1.34E-6 7.87E-7 1.14E-6 1.10E-6
3. Gross alpha radio-activity (Ci) 5.67E-9 4.58E-9 5.02E-8 6.05E-8 D. Tritium
1. Total release (C1) 1.20E0 2.52E0 2.28E0 6.00E0
2. Release rate (pCi/sec) 4.48E-1 1.04E0 8.51E-1 7.72E-1 E. Seconds in period reported 2.6784E6 2.4192E6 2.6784E6 7.7760E6 F. Number of batch releases 0 0 0 0

- The concentration of radioactive material in gaseous effluents released to the unrestricted area shall not exceed the values specified in 10CFR 20, Appendix B, Table II.

- 10CFR 50 dose to individual for: a) 10 mrad /yr, gamma radiation; b) 20 mrad /yr, beta radiation; and c) 15 mrem /yr to any organ.

- As of 01/01/81 there was less than lE-15Ci of I-131 lef t that is of Unit-2 origin.


RADIONUCLIDE JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH lst QUARTER 1986 Fission and activation products (nst including alpha, H-3 & gases) <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Ag-110m <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Ce-144 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Co-58 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Co-60 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Cs-134 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Cs-137 2. 51 E-6 2.24E-6 6.50E-6 1.13E-5 1-131 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Sr-90* 7.01E-6 5.71E-6 1.13E-5 2.40E-5 TOTAL 9.52E-6 7.95E-6 1.78E-5 3.53E-5 H-3 2.19E-4 9.89E-6 2.36E-4 4.65E-4

  • The values reported include Sr-90 activity and any activity not specifically identified. Thus, the reparted Sr-90 value represents a conservative estimate (i.e. overestimate) and contains activity from other beta-gamma emitters which were not positively identified during conduct of analytical procedures.
  • l*

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GPU Nuclear Corporation NggIg7 Post Office Box 480 Route 441 South Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057-0191 717 944 7621 TELEX 84 2386 Writer's Direct Dial Nurnber:

(717) 948-8461 4410-86-L-0088 Document ID 0364A i

May 30, 1986 Office of Inspection and Enforcement -

Attn: Dr. T. E. Murley /

Regional Administrator / (

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission -

Region I <,

631 Park Avenue King of Prussia, PA 19406

Dear Dr. Murley:

Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 2 (TMI-2)

Operating License No. DPR-73 Docket No. 50-320 Quarterly Dose Assessment Report - First Quarter 1986 Per Section 5.6.1.C of Appendix B to the Recovery Technical Specifications, the quarterly report of radiological releases and estimated doses is submitted.

Attachment 1 is an executive summary of TMI-2 effluents and doses reported in Attachments 2 and 3. Attachment 2 presents a summary of releases including estimates of total activity and the time rate of release of each nuclide.

Attachment 3 is the Dose Summary Table which provides a summary of the maximum hypothetical and/or real doses to individuals and the general population resulting from TMI-2 activities. Doses were extracted from calculational models and represent the bounding dose for all cases. The reporting period includes January 1, 1986 through March 31, 1986.

Sincerely, 7

F. R. Standerfer Vice President / Director, TMI-2 FRS/CJD/cck -

f' s Attachments 7g cc: Director - TMI-2 Cleanup Project Directorate, Dr. W. D. Travers GPU Nuclear Corporation is a subsidiary of the General Public Utilities Corporation