MONTHYEARML20155H8271998-11-0606 November 1998 Summarizes Sce&G Responses to Seven Items in Rept of Dam Safety Audit for Service Water Pond Dams at Virgil C Summer Nuclear Plant ML20236K3111998-07-0101 July 1998 Notification of 980715 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Recent Licensed Operator Exam Process Problems & Positive Features ML20197A7281998-02-19019 February 1998 Informs That Insp Rept from NRC Technical Assistance Contractor,Ferc Received & Evaluated.Insp Conducted on 970227.List of Seven Recommendations on Page 11 of FERC Rept Should Be Followed by Licensee.Dam Is Low Hazard ML20198T3161997-10-27027 October 1997 Discusses Review for Release of Records Re Differing Professional View from L Garner.Records Behind Tab a, Identified on Encl App,Should Be Placed in PDR ML20205M3331997-07-28028 July 1997 Provides Final Agenda for Region II Enforcement Meeting to Be Held on 970730.OI Attendance Requested for Issue Involving Termination of Turkey Point Radwaste Operator Who Failed to Follow Procedure ML20198T3701997-06-25025 June 1997 Responds to 970619 Memo Forwarding Recommendation of Dpv Panel & Requesting Plan & Schedule for Actions Re Salp.Plan Schedule Listed ML20198T3481997-06-24024 June 1997 Informs of No Objections to Dpv & Identity Being Publicly Disseminated ML20198T3841997-06-19019 June 1997 Accepts Panel Recommendations of Dpv Re Plant Salp. Recommendations Requested to Be Reviewed & Plan for Completing Action Including Schedule Requested to Be Provided ML20199B6781997-06-19019 June 1997 Accepts Panel Recommendations & Rationale for Recommendations Re Dpv Concerning Plant SALP ML20198T4181997-06-13013 June 1997 Summarizes Review Findings,Conclusions & Recommendations Re Plant Salp.Differing Professional View Encl ML20198T4251997-05-0808 May 1997 Informs That Recipients Have Been Selected to Serve on Panel to Review Differing Professional View.Purpose of Panel to Review Dpv & Make Recommendations for Resolution ML20198T5101997-04-29029 April 1997 Submits Three Potential Candidates for Differing Professional View on Plant SALP ML20198T4701997-04-25025 April 1997 Forwards Memo from Region II Re Documents in Disagreement W/Conclusions of Plant SALP Board.Recipient Requested to Chair Dpv Panel,Per Regional Ofc Instruction 2304,Rev 2,dtd 970131 & Provide Dpv Panel Recommendations by 970615 ML20198T4871997-04-17017 April 1997 Provides Another Perspective & Addl Background Info Re SALP Rating in Plant Support Area.Draft, Response to Comments on Plant SALP Rept Insp 50-395/96-99, Requested to Be Modified ML20236M1171996-12-10010 December 1996 Responds to 960717 TIA 96-010 Requesting NRR Assistance in Evaluating Position Taken by Licensee for VC Summer Nuclear Station Re Interpretation of TS Definition of Core Alteration ML20029E8091994-04-22022 April 1994 Confirms Arrangements Made Between RM Fowlkes & Fs Cantrell Re 940512 Mgt Meeting in Region II Ofc to Discuss Util self-assessment of Performance ML20134B5061994-04-13013 April 1994 Submits Plants Which Will Be Discussed in Categories Indicated Re Results of Screening Meetings for June 1994. Partially Deleted ML15117A1951994-01-27027 January 1994 Notification of 940210 Meeting W/B&W Owners Group in Rockville,Md to Review Issues Re S/G Tube Plugging Installation Methodology Including Analysis of Safety Significance ML20059J1861993-11-0909 November 1993 Notification of 931130 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss SG Replacement ML20058J6441993-11-0909 November 1993 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting W/Util in Atlanta,Ga (Region II Office) on 931116 to Discuss Topics Re Onsite Engineering Organization Changes,Process engineering,re-engineering,configuration & Maint ML20056G7251993-08-20020 August 1993 Notification of Significant Meeting W/Util on 930908 in Atlanta,Ga to Discuss Listed Topics,Including self-assessment Performance & Recent Initiatives for Improved Operational Performance ML20045H8431993-07-15015 July 1993 Notification of 930727 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Review of Plant Pulled Tube Analysis ML20045A8761993-06-10010 June 1993 Advises That Temporary Practice of Using Temporary Sealant & Other Barriers to Close Containment Penetrations During Refueling Operations Meets Intent of STS ML20044H4771993-06-0303 June 1993 Responds to TIA 93-12 Request for Technical Assistance in Determining Regulatory Basis for TS 3/4.9.4 Re Reactor Bldg Penetrations for Plant ML20044G9201993-05-22022 May 1993 Notification of 930609 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss PTS Issues ML20036B0031993-05-0606 May 1993 Notification of Significant Meeting W/Util on 920512 to Discuss SALP Board Assessment ML20035F9061993-04-20020 April 1993 Notification of 930427 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss SG Insp Results ML20035G7901993-03-30030 March 1993 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting W/Util on 930406 to Discuss Results of Two Recent Followup Insps Involving MOV Program & Edsfi Issue Resolution ML20035A8521993-03-17017 March 1993 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting W/Util on 930414 for SALP Board Meeting to Discuss Facility Performance During Period of 910901-930227 ML20127B6721993-01-11011 January 1993 Notification of 930114 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Plant Interim Plugging Criteria Amend Request ML20126J5391992-12-31031 December 1992 Notification of 930111 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Safety Injection Pump run-out Test ML20126A2231992-12-10010 December 1992 Notification of 921221 Meeting W/Sceg in Rockville,Md to Discuss Plant Interim Plugging Criteria Amend Request ML20126F2681992-12-10010 December 1992 Notification of 921221 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Interim Plugging Criteria Amend Request.Meeting Cancelled ML20125B5431992-12-0404 December 1992 Notification of 921221 Meeting W/Util to Discuss Plant Interim Plugging Criteria Amend Request ML20125D0371992-12-0404 December 1992 Forwards Rept of Findings of Insp of Program for Changes, Tests & Experiments Under 10CFR50.59 ML20024H1271991-05-16016 May 1991 Forwards AEOD Technical Review Rept Re Setpoint Testing of Pressurizer Safety Valves w/water-filled Loop Seals.Asme Ruling on Requirements to Use Steam as Test Medium Resolves Test Medium Issue ML20062A0401990-10-11011 October 1990 Submits Daily Highlight.Notifies of 901016 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Status of Licensing Issues ML20055D9821990-07-0606 July 1990 Notification of 900709 Meeting W/Util in Jenkinsville,Sc to Discuss Status of Licensing Issues ML20043D2721990-05-22022 May 1990 Notification of SALP Board Meeting in Atlanta,Ga on 900531 to Discuss Performance of Plant ML20033G8711990-04-0606 April 1990 Notification of 900419 Meeting W/Util in Jenkinsville,Sc to Discuss Status of Licensing Actions for Plant & Proposal to Incinerate Contaminated Oil ML20012B4391990-03-0909 March 1990 Forwards Safety Evaluation Re Resolution of Steam Generator Integrity.Licensee Approach Sufficient to Conclude That Steam Generator Tube Failure Unlikely During Remainder of Current Cycle ML20006B6971990-01-30030 January 1990 Notification of 900208 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Insps Associated W/Implementation of Bulletins 79-02 & 79-14 ML20006A4091990-01-22022 January 1990 Notification of 900131 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Status of Licensing Issues for Facility ML20006A4161990-01-22022 January 1990 Notification of 900201 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Relocation of Emergency Operating Facility ML19353B1671989-12-0101 December 1989 Notification of 891212 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Status of Licensing Issues for Plant ML19325E3691989-10-25025 October 1989 Notification of Postponed 891101 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss L* & F* Amend Requests ML19325E2941989-10-25025 October 1989 Notification of 891101 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Facility Amend Requests ML20248D9381989-09-26026 September 1989 Notification of 891005 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Plans for Addressing Steam Generator Problems During Next Refueling Outage ML20248E5561989-09-21021 September 1989 Notification of 890925 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Status of Licensing Issues for New Plant & Meet W/ New General Manager Responsible for Licensing Group ML20247H1641989-07-21021 July 1989 Notification of 890801 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Recent Loss of Electrical Generating Units as Result of Trip at Facility 1998-07-01
MONTHYEARML20155H8271998-11-0606 November 1998 Summarizes Sce&G Responses to Seven Items in Rept of Dam Safety Audit for Service Water Pond Dams at Virgil C Summer Nuclear Plant ML20236K3111998-07-0101 July 1998 Notification of 980715 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Recent Licensed Operator Exam Process Problems & Positive Features ML20197A7281998-02-19019 February 1998 Informs That Insp Rept from NRC Technical Assistance Contractor,Ferc Received & Evaluated.Insp Conducted on 970227.List of Seven Recommendations on Page 11 of FERC Rept Should Be Followed by Licensee.Dam Is Low Hazard ML20198T3161997-10-27027 October 1997 Discusses Review for Release of Records Re Differing Professional View from L Garner.Records Behind Tab a, Identified on Encl App,Should Be Placed in PDR ML20205M3331997-07-28028 July 1997 Provides Final Agenda for Region II Enforcement Meeting to Be Held on 970730.OI Attendance Requested for Issue Involving Termination of Turkey Point Radwaste Operator Who Failed to Follow Procedure ML20198T3701997-06-25025 June 1997 Responds to 970619 Memo Forwarding Recommendation of Dpv Panel & Requesting Plan & Schedule for Actions Re Salp.Plan Schedule Listed ML20198T3481997-06-24024 June 1997 Informs of No Objections to Dpv & Identity Being Publicly Disseminated ML20199B6781997-06-19019 June 1997 Accepts Panel Recommendations & Rationale for Recommendations Re Dpv Concerning Plant SALP ML20198T3841997-06-19019 June 1997 Accepts Panel Recommendations of Dpv Re Plant Salp. Recommendations Requested to Be Reviewed & Plan for Completing Action Including Schedule Requested to Be Provided ML20198T4181997-06-13013 June 1997 Summarizes Review Findings,Conclusions & Recommendations Re Plant Salp.Differing Professional View Encl ML20198T4251997-05-0808 May 1997 Informs That Recipients Have Been Selected to Serve on Panel to Review Differing Professional View.Purpose of Panel to Review Dpv & Make Recommendations for Resolution ML20198T5101997-04-29029 April 1997 Submits Three Potential Candidates for Differing Professional View on Plant SALP ML20198T4701997-04-25025 April 1997 Forwards Memo from Region II Re Documents in Disagreement W/Conclusions of Plant SALP Board.Recipient Requested to Chair Dpv Panel,Per Regional Ofc Instruction 2304,Rev 2,dtd 970131 & Provide Dpv Panel Recommendations by 970615 ML20198T4871997-04-17017 April 1997 Provides Another Perspective & Addl Background Info Re SALP Rating in Plant Support Area.Draft, Response to Comments on Plant SALP Rept Insp 50-395/96-99, Requested to Be Modified ML20236M1171996-12-10010 December 1996 Responds to 960717 TIA 96-010 Requesting NRR Assistance in Evaluating Position Taken by Licensee for VC Summer Nuclear Station Re Interpretation of TS Definition of Core Alteration ML20029E8091994-04-22022 April 1994 Confirms Arrangements Made Between RM Fowlkes & Fs Cantrell Re 940512 Mgt Meeting in Region II Ofc to Discuss Util self-assessment of Performance ML20134B5061994-04-13013 April 1994 Submits Plants Which Will Be Discussed in Categories Indicated Re Results of Screening Meetings for June 1994. Partially Deleted ML15117A1951994-01-27027 January 1994 Notification of 940210 Meeting W/B&W Owners Group in Rockville,Md to Review Issues Re S/G Tube Plugging Installation Methodology Including Analysis of Safety Significance ML20058J6441993-11-0909 November 1993 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting W/Util in Atlanta,Ga (Region II Office) on 931116 to Discuss Topics Re Onsite Engineering Organization Changes,Process engineering,re-engineering,configuration & Maint ML20059J1861993-11-0909 November 1993 Notification of 931130 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss SG Replacement ML20056G7251993-08-20020 August 1993 Notification of Significant Meeting W/Util on 930908 in Atlanta,Ga to Discuss Listed Topics,Including self-assessment Performance & Recent Initiatives for Improved Operational Performance ML20045H8431993-07-15015 July 1993 Notification of 930727 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Review of Plant Pulled Tube Analysis ML20045A8761993-06-10010 June 1993 Advises That Temporary Practice of Using Temporary Sealant & Other Barriers to Close Containment Penetrations During Refueling Operations Meets Intent of STS ML20044H4771993-06-0303 June 1993 Responds to TIA 93-12 Request for Technical Assistance in Determining Regulatory Basis for TS 3/4.9.4 Re Reactor Bldg Penetrations for Plant ML20044G9201993-05-22022 May 1993 Notification of 930609 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss PTS Issues ML20036B0031993-05-0606 May 1993 Notification of Significant Meeting W/Util on 920512 to Discuss SALP Board Assessment ML20035F9061993-04-20020 April 1993 Notification of 930427 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss SG Insp Results ML20035G7901993-03-30030 March 1993 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting W/Util on 930406 to Discuss Results of Two Recent Followup Insps Involving MOV Program & Edsfi Issue Resolution ML20035A8521993-03-17017 March 1993 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting W/Util on 930414 for SALP Board Meeting to Discuss Facility Performance During Period of 910901-930227 ML20127B6721993-01-11011 January 1993 Notification of 930114 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Plant Interim Plugging Criteria Amend Request ML20126J5391992-12-31031 December 1992 Notification of 930111 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Safety Injection Pump run-out Test ML20126A2231992-12-10010 December 1992 Notification of 921221 Meeting W/Sceg in Rockville,Md to Discuss Plant Interim Plugging Criteria Amend Request ML20126F2681992-12-10010 December 1992 Notification of 921221 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Interim Plugging Criteria Amend Request.Meeting Cancelled ML20125B5431992-12-0404 December 1992 Notification of 921221 Meeting W/Util to Discuss Plant Interim Plugging Criteria Amend Request ML20125D0371992-12-0404 December 1992 Forwards Rept of Findings of Insp of Program for Changes, Tests & Experiments Under 10CFR50.59 ML20024H1271991-05-16016 May 1991 Forwards AEOD Technical Review Rept Re Setpoint Testing of Pressurizer Safety Valves w/water-filled Loop Seals.Asme Ruling on Requirements to Use Steam as Test Medium Resolves Test Medium Issue ML20062A0401990-10-11011 October 1990 Submits Daily Highlight.Notifies of 901016 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Status of Licensing Issues ML20055D9821990-07-0606 July 1990 Notification of 900709 Meeting W/Util in Jenkinsville,Sc to Discuss Status of Licensing Issues ML20043D2721990-05-22022 May 1990 Notification of SALP Board Meeting in Atlanta,Ga on 900531 to Discuss Performance of Plant ML20033G8711990-04-0606 April 1990 Notification of 900419 Meeting W/Util in Jenkinsville,Sc to Discuss Status of Licensing Actions for Plant & Proposal to Incinerate Contaminated Oil ML20012B4391990-03-0909 March 1990 Forwards Safety Evaluation Re Resolution of Steam Generator Integrity.Licensee Approach Sufficient to Conclude That Steam Generator Tube Failure Unlikely During Remainder of Current Cycle ML20006B6971990-01-30030 January 1990 Notification of 900208 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Insps Associated W/Implementation of Bulletins 79-02 & 79-14 ML20006A4091990-01-22022 January 1990 Notification of 900131 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Status of Licensing Issues for Facility ML20006A4161990-01-22022 January 1990 Notification of 900201 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Relocation of Emergency Operating Facility ML19353B1671989-12-0101 December 1989 Notification of 891212 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Status of Licensing Issues for Plant ML19325E3691989-10-25025 October 1989 Notification of Postponed 891101 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss L* & F* Amend Requests ML19325E2941989-10-25025 October 1989 Notification of 891101 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Facility Amend Requests ML20248D9381989-09-26026 September 1989 Notification of 891005 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Plans for Addressing Steam Generator Problems During Next Refueling Outage ML20248E5561989-09-21021 September 1989 Notification of 890925 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Status of Licensing Issues for New Plant & Meet W/ New General Manager Responsible for Licensing Group ML20247H1641989-07-21021 July 1989 Notification of 890801 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Recent Loss of Electrical Generating Units as Result of Trip at Facility 1998-07-01
[Table view] |
____-_ _ ___ _ _ ____ - _ _
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fB 8t W
- Docket No. 50-395 MEMORANDlM FOR: Lester S. Rubenstein Director PWR Proiect Dire::torate #?
Division of PWR Licensing-A FROM: Jon B. Hopkins, Project Manager PWR Project Directorate #2 Division of PWR Licensing-A
FORTHCOMING MEETING DATE & TIME: Thursday, March 5, 1987 9:30 a.m.
LOCATION: Phillips Building, Room 340 7920 Norfolk Avenue Bethesda, Maryland PURPOSE: To discuss the status of licensing actions at V.C. Summer PARTICIPANTS: NRC South Carolina Electric A Gas Company L. Rubenstein A. Paglia J. Hopkins J. Connelly
/s /
Jon R. Hopkins, Project Manager PWR Pro.iect Directorate #7 Division of PWR Licensing-A cc: See next page L MQf#) PM: PAD #2 Ar / ,JHopkins:he 2 87 j(f 2p(/87 0703040250 070227 PDR P
ADOCM 05000395 PDR
O Mr. D. A. Nauman South Carolina Electric & Gas Company Virgil C. Sunner Nuclear Station ec:
Mr. Williem A. Williams, Jr.
Technical Assistant - Nuclear Operations Santee Cooper P.O. Box 764 (Mail Code 167)
Columbia, South Carolina 29218 J. B. Knotts , Jr. , Esq.
Bishop. Libennan, Cook, Purcell and Reynolds 1200 17th Street, N.W.
Washington, D. C. 20036 Resident Inspector / Summer NPS c/o U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Connission Route 1, Box 64 4
_ Jenkinsville, South Carolina 29065 Regional Administrator, Region II ,
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Connission, 101 Marietta Street, N.W., Suite 2900 Atlanta, Georgia 30323 Chainnan, Fairfield County' Council P.O. Box 293 Winnsboro, South Carolina 29180 Attorney General Box 11549 Columbia, South Carolina 79211 l
g _" ~'^ ^Mr. Heyward G. Shealy, Chief .
Rureau of Radidlogical Health South Carolina Department of Health
- and Environmental Control
. 2600 Bull Street l Columbia, South Carolina 79201 l
-,l, -,---c--- ,,e,,..n.,-- + - - - , - - , ..,~- ----- , --- -------- ,.-- ---,- - - . - - , , --, -
Local PDR NSIC PRC System PD#2 Rdo.
D. Miller J. Hopkins ORAS H. Denton H. Thompson C. Rossi S. Varga G. Lear R. Youngblood V. Noonan L. Rubenstein R. Rallard C. Berlinger J. Milhoan F. Rosa V. Benaroya OGC-Bethesda J. Partlow B. Grimes E. Jordan ACRS (10)
OPA Receptionist PPAS/TOSR l
1 t