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Supplemental Application for Amend to License NPF-11, Deleting License Condition 2.C(34) Which Allowed Continued Operation W/One Recirculation Loop Operable
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 05/31/1988
From: Allen C
4693K, GL-86-02, GL-86-2, NUDOCS 8806070373
Download: ML20197D737 (2)




-$~ CONWR0N#980th EdlSon .

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h) One Fwst Nabonal Plaza, Chica0o, Illinois Address Reply tJ: Poet Omco Box 767

~ Chica0o,Iginois 00690 0767 May 31, 1988

-y U.S. Nuclear-Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555'


.LaSalle-county Station Units 1 and 2 Proposed' Amendment;to Technical Specifications for Facility Operating Licenses NPF-ll and NPF Core Perfor: nance Monitoring NRC Docket Nos. 50-373 and 50-374 References (a): Letter dated December 6, 1982 transmitting Proposed Technical Specification Amendment to Allow Single Recirculation Loop Operation.

(b): Letter dated December 16, 1982 transmitting Proposed Amendment 11 to Facility Operating License NPF-11 Allowing a Single Recirculation Loop Operation.

(c): Letter dated October 22, 1985 transmitting Reload Licensing Package for LaSalle Unit 1 Cycle 2.

(d): . Letter. dated May 9, 1986 transmitting Amendment 40 to Facility Operating License NPF-ll to Allow Operation at Full Power for Cycle 2.

(e): Letter dated April 26, 1988 transmitting Proposed Technical Specification Amendment regarding Core Performance Monitoring

Dear Sir:

The purpose of this letter is to supplement Reference (e) to request a deletion of a license condition which is no longer applicable to NPF-ll.

This change is administrative in nature and involves no additional technical review or analysis to remove NPF-11 License condition 2.C.(34) which is obsolete.

l g 0 8806070373 880531 PDR ADOCK 05000373 4 f9 _DCD

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r US NRC May 31, 1988 License condition 2.C.(34) to NPF-ll was added at Commonwealth Edison's request (Reference (a)) to allow continued operation with one recirculation loop inoperable. That License Condition imposed in Amendment 11 (Reference (b)) reads "Through the First Puel Cycle of plant Operation, Technical Specification is modified for One Recirculation Loop Out-of-Service with Provisions...". The NRC Safety Evaluation Report (Reference (b)) for the amendment imposing the license condition indicates that "The approval for single loop operation up to power level of 50 percent is authorized during Cycle 1 until staff concerns stemming from Browns Ferry Unit 1 Single Loop Operation are satisfied."

The NRC Safety Evaluation Report for Cycle 2 Full Power Operation (Reference (d)) indicates in Saction 2.6 THERMAL-HYDRAULIC STABILITY, that a review had been made at LaSalle Cycle 2 Reload (Reference (c)) and that "Thus, one loop operation is generally acceptable for LaSalle without restrictions other than those presented in Specification 3/4.1.1". The NRC Safety Evaluation Report also references Generic Letter 86-02 "Technical Resolution of Generic Issue B-19 Thermal Hydraulic Stability", January 23, 1986 and Generic Letter 86-09 "Technical Resolution of Generic Issue No. B-59 (N-1)

Loop Operation in BVRs and PWRs", March 31, 1986. Thus, each of the concerns identified in the amendment imposing the license condition were discussed and indicated as being as being resolved in Amendment 40.

Based on this information, License Condition 2.C.(34) to NPF-11 should have been deleted in Amendment 40. Since it was not, and LaSalle Unit I will soon be on Cycle 3, it is clear that the license condition is no longer necessary and can be deleted. The proposed technical change (Reference (e))

addresses core stability and is a natural place to delete this license condition.

If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact this office.

Very trul O k &y yours, C. M. Allen i Nuclear Licensing Administrator 1m cc: Region III Administrator P. Shemanski - NRR Resident Inspector - LSCS M.C. parker - IDNS l
