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Notification of 980122 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Site Licensing Status for Listed Plants & to Explore Ways to Standardize Licensing Submittals & Issuances
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf, Arkansas Nuclear, River Bend, Waterford  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 01/12/1998
From: Wigginton D
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
To: Hannon J
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
NUDOCS 9801200134
Download: ML20198M835 (7)




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i L Y- DJanuary 12,'1998.


MEMORANDUM TO: John N. ~ Hartw, Director.

Project Directorate IV-1:

Division of Reactor Projects lil/IV ONice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation FROM: David L Wigginton, Senior Project Manager 1 ORIG SIGNED BY:

Project Directorate IV .

Onnsbn of Reactorcelects lil/lV -

ONice of Nuclear Rea,etor Regulation




SITE STATUS DATE & TIME: Thursday, January 22,1998 .

8:30 am until 4:30 pm

' LOCATION: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

. One White Flint North 11555 Rockville Pike, Room 1 F-05


Rockvilt i, Maryland r r 4 s

l PURPOSE: To discuss the site licensing status for Arkansas Nuclear One, Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, River Band Station, and Waterford Steam

- Electric Station and to explore wap to standardize licensing ,

3 ;7 r ,

submittals, responses, and issuances.

,, .r ,


, > J.Hannon S. Bethey

, a 1 D. Wigginton' R. King ,

K.Hughey' J.Donohew m, C. Patel c E. Ewing W. Reckley D. Minns p _


Docket Nos. 50-313, 50-368, 50-416, 50-458, and 50 382


,p .

f- cc: See next page W- L CONTACT: David L. Wigginton. NRR 301-415-1301 (DLW@NRC> GOV)


-*Meetings between NRC technical staff and applicants or licensees are open for interested members of the public, petitioners, intervenors, or other parties. to attend as observers pursuant

., . > to " Commission Policy Statement on Staff Meetings Open to the Public" 59 Federq!! Reaister i . 48340, 9/20/94. ~a7 c a-

- - DISTRIBUTION See next page "f @, D

Document Name
~ RB012298.MTR -

hhh h M YY OFC i PM/lIVhik




NAME- DNihvw -

T; DATI }:'/ I1/98 f 4 F COPY #EhNO.

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+y PDR ADOCK 050o0313 1 L. b_ .. -.-... _ N . - . . . . ~ . - . .


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,R j NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. asseH001 o%v.... / January 12, 1998 MEMORANDUM To: John N. Harmon, Drector Project Drectorate IV-1 Division of Reador Projects lil/lV Offlee of r Reactor Regulation

. FROM: David L' Weginton, Senior Projed Manager Project Directorate IV-1 Division of Reactcr Projects lil/IV Office of Nuclear Reactx Regulation



REGARDING STANDARDIZED LICENSING APPROACHES AND SITE STATUS DATE & TIME: Thumday, January 22,1998 8:30 am until 4:30 pm LOCATION: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission One White Flint North 11555 Rockville Pike, Room 1-F-05

- Rockville, Maryland PURPOSE: To discuss the site licensing status for Arkansas Nuclear One, Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, River Bond Station, and Waterford Steam Electric Station and to explore ways to standardize licensing submittals, responses, and issuances.

PARTICIPANTS;* NRQ MTIL]IY J.Hannon- S. Bethay D. Wigginton R. King J.Donohew K.Hughey C. Patel E. Ewing

  • W. Reckley D. Minns Docket Nos. 50-313,50-368,50-416,50 458, and 50-382 cc: See next page CONTACT: David L Wigginton. NRR 30M15-1301 (DLW@NRC> GOV)
  • Meetings between NRC technical staff and applicants or licensees are open for interested members cf the puolic, petitioners, intervenors, or other parties to attend as observers pursuant to " Commission Policy Statement cn Staff Meetings Open to the Public" 59 Feders' Reaister 48340,9/20/94.

-- e_-.-----,__----,_.,--,--------.---,-.----w_._-__-----_----.---_------_-_.-a

e, m

'.5 4.

g, a Distnbution for Meet!ng Notice datodi January -12, 1998 -

Hard Conv Docket File'- --i


~ - D. W6gginton

e. ._ : Receptienist (OWFNTTWFN)


8. Collins /F; Miraglia (SJC1/FJM) .

R. Zimmerman (RPZ) '


, E. Adensam (EGA1)

' C. Howes (CMH2) .. i "N 3 'Hannon (JNH)% ,

\- J i J. Denohew (JND) . L^-

  • i

!- b* C, Patel(CPP) '" b



o W.: Rockley (WDR) i 90 3 J '

, T. Martin (SLM3) ;'~ '

-OPA- '

T. Gwyni, gTPG), RIV ,

- -d B. Henderson (BWH), RIV-  :


T. Hiltz (TGH), OEDO M. Hammond (MFH2), PAO

. PMNS '. ,;



1p i

1 5

f I

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l Erkgy Operations, Inc. Arkansas Nuclear One, Units 1 & 2 -

cc' Executive Vice President Vme President, Operations Support 7

& Chief Operating Officer Entergy Operations, Inc.

Entergy Operations, Inc. P. O. Box 31995 P. O. Box 31995 Jackson, MS 39286-1995 Jackson, MS 39286-1995 Director, Division of Radiation Wise, Carter, Child & Caraway Control and Emergency Mana9ement P. O. Box 651 Arkansas Department of Health Jackson, MS 39205 4815 West Markham Street, Slot 30 Uttle Rock, AR 72205 3867 Mr. C. Randy Hutchinson Vice President Ooerations, ANO Entergy Operatbns. Inc.

Winston & Strawn 1448 S. R. 333 1400 L Street, N.W Russellville, AR 72801 Washington, DC 20005-3502 Manager, Rockville Nuclear Uconsing Framatone Technologies 1700 Rockvitie Pike, Suite 525 Rockville, MD 20852 Senior Resident inspector U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission P. O. Box 310 London, AR 72847 Re9i onal Administrator, Region IV

, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 400 Mington, TX 76011-8064 County Judge of Pope County

, Pope County Courthouse Russellville, AR 72801

Entergy Operations, Inc. Grand Gulf Nuclear Station cc:

Executive Vice President General Manager, GGNS

& Chief Operating Officer Entergy Operations, Inc.

Enterpy Operaticos, Inc. P. O. Box 756 P. O. Box 31535 Port Gibson, MS 39150 Jackson, MS 39286 1995

] Wise, Carter, Child & Caraway Attomey General Dep6rtment of Justice

P. O. Box 651 State of Louisena Jackson,MS 39205 P. O. Box 94005 Baton Rouge, l.A 70804-9005 Winston & Strawn .

1400 L Street, N.W. - 12th Fk>or State Health Officer Washington, DC 20005 3502 State Board of Health P. O. Box 1700 Director Jackson, MS 39205 Division of Solid Waste Management Mississippi Department of Natural Office of the Govemor Resources State of Mississippi P. O. Box 10385 Jackson, MS 39201 Jackson, MS 39209 Attomey General President, Asst. Attomey General Claibome County Board of Supervisors State of Mississippi P. O. Box 339 P. O. Box 22947 Port Gibson, MS 39150 Jackson, MS 39225 Regional Administrator, Region IV Vice President, Operations Suppet U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Entergy Operations, Inc.

611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 1000 P.O. Box 31995 Arlington,TX 76011 Jackson, MS 39286-1995 Senior Resident inspector Dicactor, Nuclear Safety U. S. Nudear Regulatory Commission and Regulatory Affairs Route 2, Box 399 Entergy Operations, Inc.

Port Gibson, MS 39150 P.O. Box 756 Port Gibson, MS 39150 Mr. Joseph J. Hagan Vice President, Operations GGNS Entergy Operations, Inc.

P. O. Box 756 Port Gibson, MS 39150 s


Enlorgy Operations, Inc. River Bend Station oc:

Winston & Strawn Executive Vn:e President and 1400 L Street, N.W. Chief Operating Officer Washington, DC 20005-3502 Entergy Operatier,s, Inc.

P. O. Box 31995 Manager- Uconsing Jackson, MS 39286 Entergy Operations, Inc.

River Bond Station General Manager- Plant Operations P. O. Box 220 Entergy Operations, Inc.

St. Francisville, LA 70775 River Bond Station

- P. O. Box 220 Director St. Francisville, LA 70775 Joint Operations Cajun 10719 Airkne Nghway Director- Nucioar Safety P. O. Box 15540 Entergy Operations, Inc.

. Baton Rouge, LA 70895 River Bend Station P. O. Box 220 Senior Resident inspector St. Francisville, LA 70775  ;

P. O. Box 1050 St. Francisville, LA 70775 Vice President- Operations Support Entergy Operaticas, Inc.

President of West Feliciana P. O. Box 31695 PoFce Jurv Jackson, MS 39286-1995 P. O. Box 1921 St. Francisville, LA 70775 Attomey General State of Louisiana Regional Administrator, Region IV P. O. Box 94095 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 1000 Arkngton, TX 76011 Wise, Carter, Child & Carawsy P. O. Box 651 Ms. H. Anne Plettinger Jackson, MS 39205 3456 Villa Rose Drive y Baton Rouge, LA 70806 Vice President & Controller Cajun Electnc Power Cooperative Administrator 10719 Airline Highway Louisiana Radiation Protection Division P.O. Box 15540 P. O. Box 82135 Baton Rouge, LA 70895 Baton Rouge, LA 70884-2135 ,

- Mr. John R. McGaha Vice President- Operations

- Entorgy Operations, Inc.

Rive Bond Station P.O. Box 220

.St. Francisville, LA 70775 w .

I h - - - -

l Entergy Operations, Inc. Waterford 3 cc:

Administrator Regional Administrator, Region IV Louisiana Radiation Protection Drvision U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Post Office Box 82135 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 1000 Beton Rouge, LA 70684 2135 Arlington,TX 76011 Vice President, Operations Resident inspectorfWaterford NPS Suppori Post Office Box 822 Entergy Operations, Inc. Killona, LA 70066 P. O. Box 31995 Jackson, MS 39286 Parish President Council St. Charles Parish Director P. O. Box 302 Nuclear Safety & Regulatory Affairs Hahnville, LA 70057 Entergy Operations, Inc.

P. O. Box B Executive Vice-President Killona, LA 70066 and Chief Operating Officer Entergy Operations, Inc.

Wise, Carter, Child & Caraway P. O. Box 31995 P. O. Box 651 Jackson, MS 39286-1995 Jackson, MS 39205 Chairman General Manager Plant Operations Louisiana Public Service Commiss!on Entergy Operations, Inc. One American Place, Suite 1630 P. O. Box B Baton Rouge, LA 70825-1697 Killona, LA 70066 Licensing Manager Vice President Operations Entergy Operations, Inc. .'.ntergy Operations, Inc.

P. O. Box B P. O. Box B KHlona, LA 70066 Killena, LA 70066 Winston & Strawn 1400 L Street, N.W.

Washington, DC 20005-3502
