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License Amend Request 97-03 to License,Revising TS Administrative Control to Include Ref to NRC Approved W Topical Rept WCAP-12610-P-A, Vantage + Fuel Assembly Ref Core Rept
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/19/1997
From: Drawbridge B
Shared Package
ML20141B341 List:
NUDOCS 9706230397
Download: ML20141B352 (10)



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This License Amendment Request is submitted by North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation pursuant to 10 CFR 50.90 and 10 CFR 50.4. The following information is enclosed in support of this License Amendment Request; e Section 1 -

Introduction and Safety Assessment for Proposed Changes

. Section ll -

Markup of Proposed Changes e Section ll! -

Retype of Proposed Changes

. Section IV -

Determination of Significant Hazards for Proposed Changes

. Section V - Proposed Schedule for License Amendment issuance and Effectiveness

. Section VI -

Environmentalimpact Assessment Sworn and Subscribed

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1 L INTRODUCTION AND SAFETY ASSESSMENT OF PROPOSED CHANGES A. Introduction License Amendment Request 97-03 proposes to include an additional reference in Technical Specification Administrative Contro!, " Core Operating Limits Report." Technical l Specification Administrative Control specifies the NRC-approved methodologies used .

l to determine the parameters specified in the Core Operating Limits Report. Specifically, the l proposed change revises Technical Specification Administrative Control to include a reference to an NRC approved Westinghouse topical report, WCAP-12610-P-A, " VANTAGE +

Fuel Assembly Reference Core Report," dated April 1995. WCAP-12610-P-A describes the modifications in the Westinghouse Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) evaluation models which account for the presence of and the properties of ZIRLO cladding material, t

l B. Safety Assessment of Proposed Changes i

North Atlantic submitted LAR 93-18 on November 23, 1993, and received NRC approval in License Amendment 33 on November 23, 1994. Amendment 33 approved a revision to the Technical Specifications to permit operation of Seabrook Station with an expanded axial flux difference band (wide-band operation). Other Technical Specification changes were also made j to allow for fuel design enhancements. Additionally, Technical Specification was -

revised to include an updated list of analytical methods used to determine the core operating limits that were previously reviewed and approved by the NRC. At that t.ime, the need to include a reference to WCAP-12610-P-A in this Technical Specification was not recognized.

On June 18, 1997, in a conference call, the NRC Staff requested that rechnical Specification

- Administrative Control specifically reference WCAP-12610-P-A as a methodology used to determine the core operating limits. This methodology has been previously reviewed and approved by the NRC. As a result, North Atlantic is submitting LAR 97-03 on an emergency basis. The proposed change to Technical Specification Administrative Control is to ensure completeness in the listing of methodologies referenced to support the core operating limits. The omission of this reference from LAR 93-18 did not in any way adversely afTect the analyses supporting Amendment 33. All analyses supporting the core operating limits were performed utilizing NRC approved methodologies. The proposed change is administrative in nature and has no safety significance.

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II. MARKUP OF PROPOSED CHANGES l Refer to the attached markup of the proposed changes to the Technical Specifications. The attached markup reflects the currently issued revision of the Technical Specifications listed below. Pending Technical Specifications or Technical Specification changes issued subsequent to this submittal are not reflected in the enclosed markup.

The following Technical Specification is included in the attached markup:

Technical Soecification Iille Eage l TS Core Operating Limits Report 6-18C i i,

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]'(Continued) l 10.

l YAEC-1855P, "Seabrook Station Unit'1 Fixed Incore Detector System Analysis," October 1992  :

. Methodology for Specification: l 3.2.1 - AXIAL FLUX DIFFERENCE -

3.2.2 - Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor I 3.2.3 - Nuclear Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Factor - i 11.. YAEC-1624P, " Maine Yankee RPS Setpoint. Methodology Using Statistical Combination of Uncertainties - Volume 1 - Prevention of Fuel Centerline Melt," March 1988 '

'Methcdology for Specification:


i 3.2.2 - Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor .

3.2.3 - Nuclear Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Factor * '

12. NYN-95048, Letter from T. C. Feigenbaum (NAESco) to NRC, " License o Amendment Request 95-05: Positive Moderator Temperature Coefficient", May 30, 1995 '

L Methodology for Specificat. ion: .! Moderator Temperature Coefficient

-P The core operating limits shall be determined so that all R

,.Q applicable limits (e.g., fuel thermal-mechanical limits, core

~ ; thermal-hydraulic limits, ECCS limits, nuclear limits such as SHUTDOWN MARGIN, and transient and accident analysis limits) of the safety analysis are met.

The CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT for each reload cycle, including any mid-cycle revisions or supplements thereto, shall be provided upon issuance, to the NRC Document Control Desk with copies to the Regional Administrator and the Resident Inspector. .


13. WCAP-12610-P-A," VANTAGE + Fuel Assembly Reference Core Report",

April 1995, (Westinghouse Proprietary)

Methodology for Specification:

3.2.2- Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor

%m SEABROOK - liNIT 1 6-18C Amendment No. %


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4 I III. RETYPE OF PROPOSED CHANGES Refer to the attached retype of the proposed changes to the Technical Specifications. The attached retype reflects the currently issued version of the Technical Specifications. Pending

} Technical Specification changes or Technical Specification changes issued subsequent to this a

submittal are not reflected in the enclosed retype. The enclosed retype should be checked for i continuity with Technical Specifications prior to issuance. '

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10. YAEC-1855P "Seabrook Station Unit 1 Fixed Incore Detector System Analysis." October 1992 Methodology for Specification: )

3.2.1 - AXIAL FLUX DIFFERENCE l 3.2.2 - Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor  ;

3.2.3 - Nuclear Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Factor l 1

11. YAEC-1624P " Maine Yankee RPS Setpoint Methodology Using Statistical Combination of Uncertainties - Volume 1 - Prevention of Fuel Centerline Melt." March 1988 Methodology for Specification.

l 3.2.1 - AXIAL FLUX DIFFERENCE 3.2.2 - Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor j 3.2.3 - Nuclear Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Factor

12. NYN-95048. Letter from T. C. Feigenbaum (NAESCo) to NRC. " License Amendment Request 95-05
Positive Moderator Temperature l Coefficient". May 30, 1995 L Methodology for Specification:

L Moderator Temperature Coefficient i 13. WCAP-12610-P-A. " VANTAGE + Fuel Assembly Reference Core Report". l April 1995. (Westinghouse Proprietary)

Methodology for Specification:

3.2.2- Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor The core operating limits shall be determined so that all applicable limits (e.g. , fuel thermal-mechanical limits core thermal-hydraulic limits.

ECCS limits, nuclear limits such as SHUTDOWN MARGIN, and transient and accident analysis limits) of the safety analysis are met. The CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT for each reload cycle including any mid-cycle revisions or supalements thereto, shall be provided upon issuance to the NRC Document Control Jesk with copies to the Regional Administrator and the Resident Inspector.

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SEABROOK - UNIT 1 6-18C Amendment No. 9. 33. Al

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1 IV. DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANT HAZARDS FOR PROPOSED CHANGES License Amendment Request 97-03 proposes to include an additional reference in Technical i

Specification Administrative Control, " Core Operating Limits Report." Technical Specification Administrative Control specifies the NRC-approved methodologies used

. to determine the parameters specified in the Core Operating Limits Report. Specifically, the l proposed change revises Technical Specification Administrative Control to include a reference to an NRC approved Westinghouse topical report, WCAP-12610-P-A, " VANTAGE +

] Fuel Assembly Reference Core Report," dated April 1995, WCAP-12610-P-A describes the j modifications in the Westinghouse Loss of Cooiant Accident (LOCA) evaluation models which j account for the presence of and the properties of ZlRLO cladding material.

North Atlantic submitted LAR 93-18 on November 23, 1993, and received NRC approval in l License Amendment 33 on November 23, 1994. Amendment 33 approved a revision to the e

Technical Specifications to permit operation of Seabrook Station with an expanded axial flux l ~ difference band (wide-band operation). Other Technical Specification changes were also made j to allow for fuel design enhancements. Additionally, Technical Specification was

{ revised to include an updated list of analytical methods used to determine the core operating

limits that were previously reviewed and approved by the NRC. At that time, the need to include

! a reference to WCAP-12610-P-A in this Technical Specification was not recognized.


! On June 18, 1997, in a conference call, the NRC Staff requested that Technical Specification

! Administrative Control specifically reference WCAP-12610-P-A as a methodology ,

t '

used to determine the core operating limits. This methodology has been previously reviewed and j approved by the NRC. The proposed change to Technical Specification Administrative Control i is to ensure completeness in the listing of methodologies referenced to support the core operating limits. The omission of this reference from LAR 93-18 did not in any way adversely  ;

i- affect the analyses supporting Amendment 33. All analyses supponing the core operating limits 1 were performed utilizing NRC approved methodologies. The proposed change is administrative <

in nature and has no safety significance.

In accordance with 10 CFR 50.92, North Atlantic has concluded that the proposed change does not involve a significant hazards consideration (SHC). The basis for the conclusion that the proposed change does not involve a SHC is as follows:

1. The prcposed change does not involve a sign,ficant increase in the probability or consequences cfan accidentpreviously evaluated.

The proposed addition of an NRC approved method, WCAP-12610-P-A, to the list of NRC approved methodologies contained in Technical Specification Administrative Control is an administrative change having no safety significance. The proposed change to Technical l Specification Administrative Control is. to ensure completeness in the listing of )

methodologies used in the development of the core operating limits. The proposed change in no way involves an increase in the probability or consequences of accidents previously evaluated.

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! The previous omission of the reference to WCAP-12610-P-A did not in any way adversely affect l the analyses conducted in support of the development of core operating limits. All analyses supporting the core operating limits were performed utilizing NRC approved methodologies

2. The prcposed change does not create the possibility cf a new or djerent kind cf accidentfrom anypreviously analyzed.


The proposed addition of an NRC approved method, WCAP-12610-P-A, to the list of NRC approved methodologies contained in Technical Specification Administrative Control is an administrative change having no safety significance. The proposed change to Technical i Specification Administrative Control is to ensure completeness in the listing of i methodologies used in the development of the core operating limits. The proposed change in no way creates the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any previously evaluated.

3. The prcposed change does not involve a sign.ficant reduction in the margin cfscfety.

i The proposed addition of an NRC approved method, WCAP-12610-P-A, to the list of NRC I approved methodologies contained in Technical Specification Administrative Control is

' an administrative change having no safety significance. The proposed change to Technical Specification Administrative Control is to ensure completeness in the listing of methodologies used in the development of the core operating limits. The proposed change in no l way involves a reduction in the margin of safety. .


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North Atlantic requests that LAR 97-03 be reviewed on an emergency basis pursuant to 10 CFR i 50.91(a)(5) and that a license amendment be issued to support the impending startup from the current refueling outage (i.e., MODE 2) on an emergency basis. North Atlantic is presently in MODE 5 ascending, at the completion of Refueling Outage 5, with the current best estimate for achieving criticality (MODE 2) on June 23, 1997. It should be noted, however, that North  !

l Atlantic believes that there are opportunities available to improve on this schedule which may result in MODE 2 being achieved earlier than June 23,1997. North Atlantic will continue to keep the NRC apprised of schedule changes that may result in MODE 2 being achieved earlier than June 23,1997.

! ' North Atlantic requests a license amendment having immediate effectiveness and implementation required within 60 days.

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VI. ENVIRONMENTALIMPACT ASSESSMENT North Atlantic has reviewed the proposed license amendment against the criteria of 10 CFR

, 51.22 for environmental considerations. The proposed changes do not involve a significant ,

hazards consideration, nor increase the types and amounts of effluent that may be released l offsite, nor significantly increase individual or cumulative occupational radiation exposures.

. Based on the foregoing, North Atlantic concludes that the proposed change meets the criteria i delineated in 10 CFR St.22(c)(9) for a categorical exclusion from the requirements for an Environmental impact Statement. 1 i

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