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APS 2010c Palo Verde 2009 Annual Compliance and Monitoring Report
Person / Time
Site: Palo Verde  Arizona Public Service icon.png
Issue date: 05/14/2010
From: Grossclose M, Sheldon M
Brown & Caldwell
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Arizona Public Service Co
Download: ML103360364 (353)



_,- COMPLIANCE REPORT PALO VERDE NUCLEAR GENERATINGSTATION APP PERMIT NO. P-100388 Prepared for Arizona Public Service Company Tonopah, Arizona

-_- May 14, 2010

2009 ANNUALMONITORINGAND COMPLIANCEREPORT FOR THE PALOVERDENUCLEARGENERATINGSTATION APP PERMIT NO. P-100388 Prepared for Arizona Public Service Company Tonopah, Arizona May 14, 2010 Brown and Caldwell Project #: 138949 Mark Groseclose, R.G. Megan Project Manager Project 333EastWetmoreRoad,Suite165 Tucson,Arizona85705

Contents 2009AnnualMonitoring andCompliance Report APPNO.P.100388 TABLEOFCONTENTS

















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i P:\APS-PVNGS\138949-2009Annual Mon.andComplReport'\Deliverables\Reports\Final\Final AP$-PVNGS Annual Report 2009.doc

Contents 2009AnnualMonitoring andComplianceReport APPNO.P-100388 LIST OF FIGURES Figure1 SiteMap Figure2 Selected 2009BoronConcentrations Figure3 Selected 2009ChlorideConcentrations Figure4 Quarterly ShallowAcuiferContourMap- January2009 Figure5 QuarterlyShallow AcuiferContourMap- April2009 Figure6 Quarterly ShallowAcuiferContourMap- July2009 Figure7 QuarterlyShallow AcuiferContourMap- October2009 Figure8 QuarterlyPaloVerdeClayAquiferContourMap- January2009 Figure9 QuarterlyPaloVerdeClayAquiferContourMap- April2009 Figure10 QuarterlyPaloVerdeClayAquiferContourMap- July2009 Figure11 QuarterlyPaloVerdeClayAquiferContourMap- October2009 Figure12 Regional AquiferGroundwater Elevations - 2009 Figure13 APP-3Groundwater Elevations Figure14 APP-4andAPP-4RGroundwater Elevations Figure15 APP-5Groundwater Elevations Figure16 APP-6Groundwater Elevations Figure17 APP-7Groundwater Elevations Figure18 APP-8Groundwater Elevations Figure19 APP-9Groundwater Elevations Figure20 APP-10Groundwater Elevations Figure21 APP-11Groundwater Elevations Figure22 APP-12Groundwater Elevations Figure23 APP-13Groundwater Elevations Figure24 APP-14Groundwater Elevations Figure25 APP-15Groundwater Elevations Figure26 PV-14HGroundwater Elevations Figure27 PV-174Groundwater Elevations Figure28 PV-183Groundwater Elevations Figure29 PV-192A Groundwater Elevations Figure30 PV-193AGroundwater Elevations Figure31 PV-195AGroundwater Elevations Figure32 PV-196AGroundwater Elevations Figure33 PV-197A Groundwater Elevations

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_ 2009 Annua!Mon aria Compl Report De! verab!esRepons,F_naiFina%APS PVNGS AnnualReport 2009 doc

Contents 2009Annual Monitoring andCompliance Report APPNO,P-100388 Figure34 PV-198AR Groundwater Elevations Figure35 PV-201A Groundwater Elevations Figure36 PV-202A Groundwater Elevations Figure37 PV-203A Groundwater Elevations Figure38 PV-204A Groundwater Elevations

.... Figure39 PV-205A Groundwater Elevations Figure40 PV-206A Groundwater Elevations Figure41 PV-216R Groundwater Elevations Figure42 PV-21H Groundwater Elevations Figure43 PV-24H Groundwater Elevations Figure44 PV-24HB Groundwater Elevations Figure45 PV-25HA Groundwater Elevations Figure46 PV-28HB Groundwater Elevations Figure47 PV-29HB Groundwater Elevations Figure48 PV-33HGroundwater Elevations Figure49 PV-34HGroundwater Elevations Figure50 PV-Q5Groundwater Elevations Figure51 PV-Q8Groundwater Elevations

....... Figure52 PV-R2AR Groundwater Elevations Figure53 PV-TR1Groundwater Elevations Figure54 U5-PTWB Groundwater Elevations Figure55 TDSConcentrations forShallowAquiferWells LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A ANNUALRADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT

...... APPENDIX B ELECTRONIC DATA(CDincludesPDFofentirereport)


...... Appendix C1 VerticalTrendAnalysis AppendixC2 AnalyticalDataOutsideQNQCor PermitDetectionLimits

..... Appendix C3 Summary ofAllWellData(2009)

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1. GroundwaterMonitoring 2009AnnualMonitoring andCompliance Report APP NO,P-100388 INTRODUCTION This report documents monitoring and compliance activitiesconducted by Arizona PublicService(APS)

Company for the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (PVNGS)during calendaryear2009in accordance with Aquifer Protection Permit (APP)No. P-100388. The PVNGS, located approximately45 miles west of Phoenix near Wintersburg,Arizona, (Figure1),is a standardizedtriple-unitnuclearpower facility.The site began operations in 1985and consists of an existing electricgeneratingbaseloadplant utilizingnuclearfission for generationof electricalpower. The facilityis situatedon 4,280 acres and consists of three separate, identicalgeneratingunits/reactors. Each reactor is equippedwith three coolingtowers and is capableof independent operation. Followingsteam generator replacementsand thermal uprates in Units 1, 2, and 3, eachunit now has a nominal net electricaloutput of approximately1,346megawatts(MW),for a total plant capacityof about 4,038 MW.

The originalAPP for the sitewasissued by the Arizona Department of EnvironmentalQuality(ADEQ) in December 2003and has undergone multiple revisions. Allreferencesin this report refer to the APP revision dated February 10, 2010 (the Permit).

Section14.0of the Permit provides reporting and recordkeepingrequirements. In addition to self monitoring report forms, operation inspection/log book recordkeeping, and permit violationand alert levelstatus reporting,elements of the annualmonitoring and compliancereport are specified. The followingannual monitoringand compliancereport outline is taken directlyfrom Section 14.4of the Permit:

1. Groundwater Monitoring Thissectionofthereportshallcontainthefollowinginformation:
a. Summarytables/spreadsheets ofanalytical results;
b. Trendsingroundwater chemist{y;

_; Indicator parameterconcentration contourmaps,andall exceedances verifiedduringtheoneyear reporting perio&

d. Quarterlyshallow groundwater mapsandannualRegionalGroundwater equipotential maps(usingthe potentiometricsurfacefor contouringflow) withmapslabeledbyaquifer,"
e. ProvideTDS andchloride concentrationcontourmapsfor theshallowaquiferona biennialbasis.

Groundwater contouring maybepetformed byhandorbyusinganaa'eptedcomputerprogram/model. All calculationsfor contouringshallbeincluded in thesubmittal.

Eachwellshallhaveits owndatatablethatallowsalldatafor thatwellto beassessed andcompared tobaseline data,AL,, andAQLr for thatsamewell.Thepermitteeshallprovide a summa{y tableofalldatafor allwells in bothelectronicandhardcopy form.

Usingcrosssectionsor3-D models,thereportshallassessdownward concentration trendsfor indicatorparameters andAIgQS constituents, ifany,andshallconsider suchtrendsin combination withtopography oftheuppermost surfaceof theaquitard.Appropriatecomponents ofthereportshallbesealedbyanArizona registered geologist or profissional engineer, in accordance withArizonaBoardofTechnical Registration (BTR) requirements.

ThereportshallincludeanupdateonwellAPP-I andstatusreporting to verifithatthiswellis d0, andtherefore notsuitable for usein thegroundwater monitoring program.


-2009AnnualMon.andComplReport',Deliverables\Reports',Final\Fnal APS-PVNGS AnnualReport2009doc

1. GroundwaterMonitoring 2009Annual Monitoring andCompliance Report
2. Impoundment Monitoring Thissectionofthereportshallcontainthefollowinginformation:
a. LCRS sumpmonitoring results,"
b. Summaries ofanalytical results;
c. Summa{y ofmaintenance andrepairactivities,"
d. Summaryof theresultsofalllinerleakage," and
e. Summarytablesofall basin,impoundment, andreservoir datawhichallowsdatato bereadilycompared to leakageanddischarge quali(yAkr andpreviousdata.
3. Sludge Monitoring Thissectionofthereportshallcontainthefollowing information:
a. Sludgelandfillmonitoring analytical results;
b. Coolingtoweranalytical results,"
c. Summat7ofanyexceedances ofpermitlimitsfor sludgequali_,"

d_ Description ofanyviolations oftheARRA SpecialIa'cense for sludgeradioisotope limits;and,

e. TheRadiological Environmental MonitoringProgram Report(REMP).
4. Comp_'ance Status Thissectionofthereportshallcontainthefollowinginformation:
a. Volumeofallnon-storm waterreleases totheunlinedditchesorsedimentation basins,"
b. Sourceandcharacterization ofreleases tobasins,"

_: Contingency Planactionstakenfor releases,"

d. Violationsofthispermit;and
e. Identification ofAtr, AQLr, AWQSs orDkr thathavebeenexceeded duringthereporting periodanda discussion ofthetrendin concentrations compared to thepreviousreporting periodsandactionstakento correct thecause#ofexceedance(s).

This report is organizedbased on the four sections listed above.



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P:'&PS-PVNGS',138949- 2009 Annual Mort.and Compl Report\Deliverables'_Reports',Flnal\Final APS-PVNG$ Annual Report2O09.doc

1. Groundwater Monitoring 2009Annual Monitoring andCompliance Report APPNO.P-100388


TABLES/SPREADSHEETS OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS In accordance with Section of the Permit and the Compliance Schedule in the Permit, transducers have been installed in APP wells listed in Table 17.2-34. Wells containing transducers include piezometers, point of compliance (POC) wells, and alert wells. However, APP-1 and PV-191A do not contain transducers since these wells have been dry since installation. The location and aquifer monitored by each well listed in Table 17.2-34 is presented in Figure 1. It should be noted that PV-201A, PV-202A, PV-203A and PV-204A were abandoned in August 2008.

The sampling plan, approved by ADEQ, contains the following order for sampling monitoring wells at the PVNGS: APP-12, APP-10, APP-9, APP-8, PV-206A, PV-198AR, PV-Q8, APP-3, APP-4R, PV-193A, APP-5, PV-34H, APP-6, PV-14H, APP-13, APP-14, APP-15, PV-195A, PV-R2AR, and APP-7. Section 12.4 of the Permit requests that a description of deviations from the sampling order be included in the annual report.

The following deviations from the sampling order occurred in 2009:

  • Groundwater samples from APP-9, APP-10 and APP-12 were collected out of order on January 15, 2009.

All three samples were collected on the same day, but the sample from APP-9 was collected before the samples from APP-10 and APP-12 and the sample from APP-10 was collected before the sample from APP-12.

  • Firing range activity impacted the sampling schedules for PV-195A, PV-14H and APP-6. In June 2009, the sample from PV-195A was collected before the samples from PV-14H and APP-6 and the sample from PV-14H was collected before the sample from APP-6. In October 2009, the samples from APP-6 and PV-14H were collected before samples from APP-12, APP-10 and APP-9.
  • Groundwater samples from PV-198AR and PV-193A were collected in July and August 2009, respectively. However, these groundwater samples were collected out of order as part of verification sampling.
  • Groundwater samples from APP-3 and APP-13 were collected out of order in November 2009. The initial sample from APP-3 was collected on October 29, 2009. However, a second sample was collected from APP-3 on November 3, 2009, to be analyzed for gamma emitting radionuclides (Cesium-134, Cesium-137, Cobalt-60, Iodine-131). The second sample was collected out of order, after PV-193A. The groundwater sample from APP-13 was collected out of order, before PV-34H.

Although there were deviations in the sampling order, samples were collected at the frequency specified by the Permit and the sample order did not adversely affect the groundwater monitoring results.

At a minimum, transducers record groundwater elevations on a daily basis. A table summarizing selected groundwater levels for 2009 is provided in Table 1A-1. The table includes transducer data or manual readings recorded prior to sample collection.

In accordance with Table 17.2-10 of the Permit, POC wells and alert wells are required to be sampled on a quarterly basis for indicator parameters. Tritium is an indicator parameter at all of the POC and alert wells; however, boron and chloride are additional indicator parameters at the shallow alert wells. Analytical results for the indicator parameters are presented in Tables 1A-2 through 1A-21 of this report.

" -"!iOI'A'IiEI_"U[o l'_,l.=]!i P_PS-PVNGSi38949-2009AnnualMot;andCompRepoqDeJiverabes Re_ortsF_nai FinalAPS-PVNGS AnnualReport2009doc

1. GroundwaterMonitoring 2009Annual Monitoring andComplianceReport APPNO.P-100388 Groundwater samples are also collected on a biennial basis (every two years) for the extended list of parameters listed in Tables 17.2-11 through 17.2-20 and Tables 17.2-24 through 17.2-30 of the Permit. In general for 2009, groundwater samples collected in May or June were analyzed for the extended list of parameters for data continuity (biennial sampling occurred in 2008). The associated water quality data for 2009 are presented in Tables 1A-2 through 1A-21 of this report.

The ambient monitoring periods for POC well APP-13 and alert wells APP-14 and APP-15 were completed in August 2009; groundwater samples collected from these wells during November 2009 were analyzed for the quarterly indicator parameters listed in Table 17.2-10. Samples to be collected in 2010 will be analyzed for the extended list of parameters in accordance with Tables 17.2-31 through 17.2-33 of the Permit.

Analytical results for the groundwater samples are compared to alert levels (ALs) and aquifer quality limits (AQLs) specified in the permit, as wellas AWQSs. Exceedances are discussed in Section 1.C of this report.

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APS - PVNGS 2009 AnnualMonitoring and ComplianceReport DATE WELL ID TYPE OF MEASUREMENT MEASURED APP-1 03/10/09 920.64 Dry Dry QtrlyWQ 06/24/09 920.64 Dry Dry QtrlyWQ 08/28/09 920.64 Dry Dry QtrlyWQ 10/15/09 920.64 Dry Dry QtrlyWQ APP-3 02/18/09 916.73 225,78 690.95 QuarterlyIndicator 05/28/09 916.73 225.87 690.86 QuarterlyIndicator 08/06/09 916.73 227.65 689.08 QuarterlyIndicator 11/03/09 916.73 228.97 687.76 QuarterlyIndicator APP-4R 02/19/09 917.08 161.60 755.48 QuarterlyIndicator 05/27/09 917.08 161.31 755.77 QuarterlyIndicator 08/05/09 917.08 161.51 755,57 QuarterlyIndicator 10/28/09 917.08 161.16 755.92 QuarterlyIndicator APP-5 02/27/09 912,53 136.31 776.22 QuarterlyIndicator 06/09/09 912.53 135.65 776.88 QuarterlyIndicator 09/16/09 912.53 136.68 775.86 QuarterlyIndicator 11/08/09 912.53 133.26 779.27 QuarterlyIndicator APP-6 03/10/09 920.80 194.19 726.61 QuarterlyIndicator 06/15/09 920.80 194.45 726.35 QuarterlyIndicator 09/16/09 920,80 195,40 725,40 QuarterlyIndicator 10/21/09 920.80 195.5! 725,29 QuarterlyIndicator APP-7 03/12/09 970.63 129.00 841,63 QuarterlyIndicator 06/16/09 970.63 129.41 841.22 QuarterlyIndicator 09/29/09 970.63 130.29 840.34 QuarterlyIndicator 11/18/09 970.63 131.41 839.22 QuarterlyIndicator APP-8 0!/16/09 948.57 100.50 848.07 QuarterlyIndicator 02/10/09 948.57 100.43 848.14 QuarterlyIndicator(repeatsample,samplererror) 05/07/09 948.57 100.61 847.96 QuarterlyIndicator 07/23/09 948.57 100.90 847.67 QuarterlyIndicator 10/28/09 948.57 101.25 847.32 QuarterlyIndicator APP-9 01/15/09 952.00 93.72 858.48 QuarterlyIndicator 05/06/09 952.00 93.92 858.28 QuarterlyIndicator 07/08/09 952.00 94.15 858.05 QuarterlyIndicator 07/21/09 952.00 94.10 858.10 Verificationsamplingforchromium 10/21/09 952,00 94.34 857.86 QuarterlyIndicator P:_APS-PVNGS\138949- 2009 Annual Moil. and Compl Report\Deliverables\Reports\Fvlal\Section 1 Tables\20OgTable 1A 1 Water Levels xls Page 1 of 6

............................ v, mulJuf_u_llveraoles/KeportsU-vlal\Section 1 Tables\20OgTaMe 1A 1 Water Levels xls Page 1 of 6

APS- PVNGS 2009 Annual Monitoring and Compliance Report TOPOFCASING MEASURED DEPTH WATER WELL ID DATE ELEVATION TO WATER ELEVATION TYPE OF MEASUREMENT MEASURED APP-10 01/14/09 956.27 114.55" 841.92 QuarterlyIndicator 05/06/09 956.27  ! 15.15 841.32 QuarterlyIndicator 06/08/09 956.27 115.34 841.13 Verificationsamplingfor sulfate 07/08/09 956.27 115.69 840.78 QuarterlyIndicator 10/21/09 956.27 116.69 839.78 QuarterlyIndicator APP-1! 03/10/09 950.27 71.45 879.02 FromTransducer 08/27/09 950.27 7! .85 878.62 FromTransducer 10/16/09 950.27 72.15 878.32 FromTransducer 12/16/09 950.27 72.25 878.22 FromTransducer APP-12 01/15/09 957.83 130.29 827.54 QuarterlyIndicator 05/06/09 957.83 130.55 827.28 QuarterlyIndicator 07/08/09 957.83 !31.05 826.78 QuarterlyIndicator 10/21/09 957.83 131.75 826.08 QuarterlyIndicator APP-13 01/07/09 920.69 87.83 832.86 MonthlyAmbient 02/04/09 920.69 87.82 832.87 MonthlyAmbient 03/05/09 920.69 87.94 832.75 MonthlyAmbient 04/29/09 920.69 87.88 832.81 MonthlyAmbient 05/20/09 920,69 87.98 832.71 MonthlyAmbient 06/04/09 920.69 87.90 832.79 MonthlyAmbient 07/14/09 920.69 87.95 832.74 MonthlyAmbient 08/19/09 920.69 87.80 832,89 MonthlyAmbient 11/05/09 920.69 87.61 833.08 QuarterlyIndicator APP-14 01/07/09 920.52 60.40 860.12 MonthlyAmbient 02/04/09 920.52 60.08 860.44 MonthlyAmbient 03/05/09 920.52 60.10 860.42 MonthlyAmbient 04/29/09 920.52 60.13 860.39 MonthlyAmbient 05/20/09 920.52 60.13 860.39 MonthlyAmblent 06/04/09 920.52 60.15 860.37 MonthlyAmbient 07/14/09 920.52 60.20 860,32 MonthlyAmbient 08/19/09 920.52 60.30 860.22 MonthlyAmbient 11/09/09 920.52 60.71 859.81 QuarterlyIndicator P:_APS-PVNGS\138949 2009 Annual Men and Comp[. Report\Deliverables\Reports\Final\Section 1 Tables\2009Table 1A 1 Water Levels.xls Page 2 of 6


APP-15 01/07/09 924.74 62.09 862,65 MonthlyAmbient 02/04/09 924.74 61.88 862.86 MonthlyAmbient 03/05/09 924.74 61.97 862.77 MonthlyAmbient 04/29/09 924.74 6! .95 862.79 MonthlyAmbient 05/20/09 924.74 61.96 862.78 MonthlyAmbient 06/04/09 924.74 61.99 862.75 MonthlyAmbient 07/15/09 924.74 62.15 862.59 MonthlyAmbient 08/19/09 924.74 61.95 862.79 MonthlyAmbient 11/09/09 924.74 62.19 862.55 QuarterlyIndicator PV+14H 03/!1/09 922.01 57.96 864.05 QuarterlyIndicator 06/15/09 922.01 58.08 863.93 QuarterlyIndicator 09/17/09 922.01 58.13 863.88 QuarterlyIndicator 10/22/09 922.01 58.10 863.91 QuarterlyIndicator PV-174 03/05/09 955.75 59.76 895.99 FromTransducer 06/18/09 955.75 61.10 894.65 FromTransducer 08/27/09 955.75 61.10 894.65 FromTransducer 10/16/09 955.75 61.61 894.14 FromTransducer PV-183 03/11/09 951.70 60.01 891.69 FromTransducer 06/18/09 951.70 60.55 891.15 FromTransducer 08/27/09 951.70 6! .00 890.70 FromTransducer 10/23/09 951.70 61.!1 890.59 FromTransducer PV 191A 03/03/09 943.60 Dry Dry QtdyWQ 06/t8/09 943.60 Dry Dry QtrlyWQ 08/28/09 943.60 Dry Dry QtrlyWQ 10/21/09 943.60 Dry Dry QtrlyWQ PV-192A 03/03/09 943.31 95.68 847.63 FromTransducer 06/18/09 943.31 95.75 847.56 FromTransducer 08/28/09 943.31 95.8! 847.50 FromTransducer 10/16/09 943.31 95.88 847.43 FromTransducer PV-193A 02/27/09 943.7! 79.63 864.08 QuarterlyIndicator 05/27/09 943.71 79.48 864.23 QuarterlyIndicator 08/03/09 943.71 79.55 864.!6 QuarterlyIndicator 10/28/09 943.71 79.11 864.60 QuarterlyIndicator P \APS-PVNGS\138949 2009 Annual Mort and Compl Report\Deliverables\Reports\Final\Section 1 Tabies\2OO9Table 1A-1 Water Levels.xls Page 3 of 6


PV-195A 03/11/09 921.71 48.80 872.91 QuarterlyIndicator 06/23/09 921.71 48.99 872.72 QuarterlyIndicator 09/17/09 921.71 49.08 872.63 QuarterlyIndicator 11/10/09 921.71 49.04 872.67 QuarterlyIndicator PV-198AR 01/13/09 931.48 75.78 855.70 Contingencymonthlyindicatorsamplingfor chloride exceedance 02il 1/09 931.48 75.81 855.67 QuarterlyIndicator 05/27/08 931.48 76.33 855.15 QuarterlyIndicator 07/22/09 931.48 76.59 854.89 Quarterlyindicatorandverificationsamplingforboron, chloride,total dissolvedsolids,potassium,and chromium.

10/14/09 931.48 76.85 854.63 Quarterlyindicatorandcontingencymonthlyindicator samplingforchlorideexceedance 11/04/09 931.48 76.83 854.65 Contingencymonthlyindicatorsamplingforchloride exceedance PV-205A 03/24/09 907.23 69.94 837.29 FromTransducer 08/28/09 907.23 69.92 837.31 FromTransducer 10/15/09 907.23 7000 837.23 FromTransducer PV-206A 02/10/09 947.91 82.30 866.61 QuarterlyIndicator 05/20/09 947.9! 82.56 865.35 Quarterlyindicator 08/03/09 947.91 82.81 865.10 QuarterlyIndicator

!0/28/09 947.91 82.96 864.95 QuarterlyIndicator PV-207A 03/30/09 967.24 Dry Dry FromTransducer;Confirmedquarterlywithsounder 06/30/09 967.24 Dry Dry FromTransducer;Confirmedquarterlywithsounder 09/30/09 967.24 Dry Dry FromTransducer;Confirmedqua,,terlywithsoundeT

!0/28/09 967.24 Dry Dry FromTransducer;Confirmedquarterlywithsounder 12/30/09 967.24 Dry Dry FromTransducer;Confirmedquarterlywithsounder PV-216R 03/17/09 891.01 198.16 692.85 FornitrateexceedanceinAPP-3 06/17/09 891.01 199.33 691.68 For nitrateexceedanceinAPP*3 08/20/09 89! .01 202.15 688.86 For nitrateexceedancein APP-3, WL recheckedon 9/1/09:DTW@ 12:50= 202.57fl bmp,TROLL= 14.34ft 11/18/09 89! .01 202.82 688.19 For nitrateexceedancein APP-3 PV-21H 03/05/09 962.!0 72.78 889.32 FromTransducer 06/18/09 962.10 73.40 888.70 FromTransducer 08/27/09 962.10 73.64 888.46 FromTransducer 10/16/09 962.10 73.82 888.28 FromTransducer 3:_APS PVNGS_138949 2009 Annual Mon and Compl Report\Deliverables\Reports\Final\Section 1 Tabfes\2OO9Table 1A-1 Water Levels xls Page 4 of 6


PV-24H 0!/06/09 947.00 59.63 887.37 FromSounder 03/12/09 947.00 Noreading Probedry FromTransducer 06/23/09 947.00 59.85 887.15 FromSounder 09/0!/09 947.00 No reading Probedry FromTransducer PV-24HB 01/02/09 940.91 54.43 886.48 FromTransducer 06/!7/09 940.91 54.80 886.11 FromTransducer 08/28/09 940.91 55.03 885.88 FromTransducer 10/16/09 940.91 55.10 885.81 FromTransducer PV-25HA 01/02/09 942.10 60.11 88!.99 FromTransducer 06/17/09 942.10 60.69 881,41 FromTransducer 08/27/09 942.! 0 61.18 880.92 FromTransducer 10/23/09 942.10 61.24 880.86 FromTransducer PV-28HB 01/06/09 93081 47.32 883.49 FromTransducer 06/17/09 930.81 47.67 883.14 FromTransducer 08/27/09 930.81 48.38 882.43 FromTransducer 10/23/09 930.81 48.71 882.10 FromTransducer PV-29HB 03/13/09 928.40 48.85 879.55 FromTransducer 06/17/09 928.40 49.17 879.23 FromTransducer 08/28/09 928.40 49.51 878.89 FromTransducer 10/23/09 928.40 49.60 878.80 FromTransducer PV-34H 02/27/09 911.51 45.88 865.63 QuarterlyIndicator 06/23/09 911.51 46.45 865.06 QuarterlyIndicator 09/16/09 91!.5! 46.87 864.65 QuarterlyIndicator

! 1/05/09 911.51 46.86 864.65 QuarterlyIndicator PV-Q5 01/08/09 938.31 58.12 880,19 FromTransducer 03/13/09 938.31 58.44 879.87 FromTransducer 06/18/09 938.31 58.90 879.41 FromTransducer 10/23/09 938.31 59.55 878.76 FromTransducer P:LAPS-PVNGS\138949 -2009 Annual Mon and Compl. Report\Deliverables\Reports\Final\Section 1 Tables\2OO9Tabre 1A ! Water Levels.xls Page 5 of 6


PV-Q8 02/10/09 923.80 79.00 844.80 QuarterlyIndicator 05/27/09 923.80 78.97 844.83 QuarterlyIndicator 08/05/09 923.80 78.97 844.83 QuarterlyIndicator 10/07/09 923.80 79.07 844.73 Verificationsamplingforboron 10/28/09 923.80 78.88 844.92 QuarterlyIndicator 12/01/09 923.80 79.07 844.73 Contingencymonthlyindicatorsamplingforboron exceedance PV-R2AR 03/12/09 961.15 76.08 885.07 QuarterlyIndicator 06/17/09 961.15 76.55 884.60 QuarterlyIndicator 09/24/09 961.15 77.35 883.80 QuarterlyIndicator 1!/18/09 961.15 77.70 883.45 QuarterlyIndicator PV-TR1 03/10/09 962.60 64.35 898.25 FromTransducer 06/17/09 962.60 67.04 895.56 FromTransducer 08/27/09 962.60 67.05 895.55 FromTransducer 10/16/09 962.60 68.25 894.35 FromTransducer U5-PTWB 03/13/09 930.81 45.50 885.31 FromTransducer 06/18/09 930.81 45.65 885.16 FromTransducer 08/28/09 930.81 46.05 884.76 FromTransducer 10/23/09 930.81 46.34 884.47 FromTransducer Notes:

DTW- DepthToWater

[t amsl- feetabovemeansealevel

_tbmp- feetbelowmeasuringpoint WL- WaterLevel WQ- WaterQuality P:_APS-PVNGS\138949 - 2009 Annual Mort and Compl Report\Deliverables\Reports\Flnal\Section 1 Tables\2OOgTable 1A-1 Water Levers xIs Page 6 of 6

...................... ,_,, _.u _umpl _epor[lue!lverables\h:eports\Flnal\Section 1 Tables\2OO9Table 1A-1 Water Levers xls Page 6 of 6


2009AnnualMonitoringandComplianceReport Analyte AQL pH NE Spec Conductance @25C pmhos/om 2400 2800 2.700 2,800 NE Monitoronly NE Antimony mg/L <00020 <00020 <00020 <00020 0 006 0 0054 0 006 Dissolved Antimony mg/L <00020 <00020 <00020 <00020 Arsenic mg/L 00229 00224 0 0217 0 0247 005 0 045 0 05 DissolvedArsenic mg/L 0 0219 00221 0 0224 0 0247 Barium mg/L 0 0426 0033 0 0441 0 0507 2 18 2 DissolvedBarium mg/L 0 0321 00339 0 0338 00342 Boron mg/L 14 !4 14 13 NE NE  ! 89 NE DissolvedBoron mg/L 14 12 14 14 Beryllium mg/L <00005 <0.0005 <00005 <00005 0004 0 0036 0 004 DissolvedBeryllium mg/L <0.0005 <00005 <0 0005 <00005 Cadmium mg/L <0.0020 <00020 <00020 <00020 0 005 0 0045 0005 DissolvedCadmium mg/L <00020 <00020 <00020 <0.0020 Chromium mg/L 0 0756 0 0737 0 0862 00916_ 0 0863 01 0 09 01 DissolvedChromium mg/L 0 0744 00747 0 0803 0 0879 0 0824 Chloride mg/L 570 630 580 570 NE NE 642 NE Fluonde mg/L 55 56 57 5 46 4 NA 94 Lead mg/L 0.0027 <0 0020 c0.0020 <00020 0 05 0 045 005 DissolvedLead mg/L <00020 <00020 <00020 <00020 Mercury mg/L <00002 c00002 <00002 <00002 0002 0 0018 0 002 DissolvedMercury mg/L <00002 c00002 c00002 <00002 Nickel mg/L 0 0073 <00050 0.0077 0 0120 0 0079 01 0 09 01 DissolvedNickel mg/L <00050 <00050 <00050 <00050 <00050 Nitrate/Nitrite asN mg/L 9 4A 97r' 9 6F 9 7F 10 9 10 Potassium mg/L 55L_ 85E 29 5 7_ NE 437 NE DissolvedPotassium mg/L 6 7' 72 26 53 Selenium mglL 00030 0 0037 0 0034 0 0053 0 05 0 045 0 05 DissolvedSelenium mg/L 00035 0 0033 00033 0 0056 Sulfate mg/L 150 170 160 160 NE 199 NE TotalDissolvedSolids mg/L 1 500 1,500 1500 1,500 NE 1,513 NE Thallium mg/L <00005 <00005 <00005 <00005 0002 NA 00021 DissolvedThallium mg/L <00005 <00005 c00005 <00005 Bromodichloromethane mg/L <000050 Bromoform mg/L <00010 Chloroform mg/L <000050 Dibromochloromethane mg/L <0 00050 TotalTrihalomethanes mg/L <00025 <00025 <00025 <00025 01 0.09 01 Tritium pCi/L c323 c316 <493 <480 20000 3000 18,000 20,000 Iodine-131 pCi/L <33 <4 5 <34 <38 100 90 t00 Cesium-134 pCi/L <19 <1 9 <22 <24 75 67 5 75 Cesium-137 pCi/L <16 <19 <19 <22 110 99 110 Cobalt-60 pCi/L <! 9 <18 <23 <22 200 180 200 Notes:

lJmhosicmmicromhos percentimeter A- Reanalysis resultfor mtrate/nitnte asNwas9 3 mg/L AL AlertLevelspecifiedtnTable172-18of thePermit B - Reanalysis resuttfor potassium was6 7 mg/L AQL-AquiferQualityLimitspecifiedinTablet7 2-18ofthePermit C - Reanalysis resultfordissolvedpotassiumwas56 mg/L AWQS- AquderWaterQuahtyStandard D Reanalysis resultfor nitrateinitrite asN was9 6 mg/L IAL IndicatorAlertLevelspecified in Table172-10of thePermit E- Reanalysis resultforpotassium was7 1mg/L mg/L- milligramsperhter F - Reanalysis resultfor nitrate/nitrite asNwas9 5 mglL NE Notestablished inthePermit G- Reanalysrs resultfor chromium was0 0951mg/L pCi/L pmocunesperhter H- Reanalysis resultfor nitrate/nitrite asN was9 6 mgiL I -Reanalysisresultfor potassium was4 5 mg/L P _APS-PVNGS',138949 - 2009 Annual Mon and Compl Report\Deliverables\Reports\Final\Section 1 Tables\2OO9Table 1A-2 thru 1A-21 WQ xlsAPP-3 Page 1 of 20


2009AnnualMonitoringandComplianceReport Analyle AWQS IAL AL AQL pH NE <6 >9 NE SpecConductance @25C pmhos/cm 2,900 NE Monitoronly NE Antimony mg/L <00100 0006 Reserved Reserved DissolvedAntimony mg/L <00040 Arsenic mg/L <00150 005 Reserved Reserved DissolvedArsenic mg!L 0 0106 Barium mg/L 0 024 2 Reserved Reserved DissolvedBarium mg/L 0 0278 Boron mg/L 18 20 22 17 NE Reserved Reserved NE DissolvedBoron mg/L 18 19 18 19 Beryllium mg/L <00025 0 004 Reserved Reserved DissolvedBeryllium mg/L <00010 Cadmium mg/L <00100 0.005 Reserved Reserved DissolvedCadmium mg/L <00040 Chromium mg/L <00250 01 Reserved Reserved Dtssolved Chromtum mg/L 0 0119 Chloride mg/L 550 550 600 560 NE Reserved Reserved NE Fluoride mg/L 47 4 Reserved Reserved Lead mg/L <00100 005 Reserved Reserved DissolvedLead mg/L <00040 Mercury mg/L <00002 0 002 Reserved Reserved DissolvedMercury mg/L <00002 Nicke! mg/L <00250 01 Reserved Reserved DissolvedNickel mg/L <00100 Nitrate/Nitrite asN mg/L 45 10 Reserved Reserved Potassium mg/L 58 NE Reserved NE DissolvedPotasstum mg/L 53 Selenium mg/L <00100 005 Reserved Reserved DissolvedSelenium mg/L <00040 Sulfate mg/L 310 NE Reserved NE

[olal DissolvedSolids mg/L 11700 NE Reserved NE Thallium mg/L <00025 0002 Reserved Reserved DissolvedThallium mgiL <00010 Bromodichloromethane mg/L Bromoform mg/L Chloroform mg/L Dibromochloromethane mg/L TotalTrihalomethanes mg/L <00025 01 Reserved Reserved Tritium pCi/L <323 <316 <493 <480 20.000 3,000 Reserved Reserved Iodine-131 pCi/L <35 100 Reserved Reserved Cesium-134 pOi/L <19 75 Reserved Reserved Cesium-137 pCi/L <18 110 Reserved Reserved Cobalt-60 pCi/L <2 1 200 Reserved Reserved Notes pmhos/cm- mlcromhos percentimeter AL-AlertLevelspecifiedinTable172-19ofthePermtt AQL- AquiferQualityLimitspecified tnTable172-19of thePermtt AWQS- AquiferWaterQualityStandard IAL- IndicatorAlertLevelspecifiedinTable172-10ofthePermit mg/L milligramsperliter NE-Notestablished inthePermil pCi/L- picocuriesperliter P \APS-PVNGS 138949 2009 AnnualMon and Compl Report\Dehverabies\Reports\Final/Section 1Tables\2OO9Table 1A-2 thru 1A-21WQ xlsAPP-4R Page 2 of 20


2009 Annual Monitoring and Compliance Report Analyte AWQS IAL AL AQL pH NE <6,>11 NE Spec Conductance @25C #mhos/cm 1,100 NE Monitoronly NE Antimony mg/L <00020 0006 0 0054 0 006 Dtssolved Antimony mg/L <00020 Arsenic mg/L 00466 0 05 NA 0 175 DissolvedArsenic mg/L <00030 Barium mg/L 0 0112 2 18 2 DissolvedBarium mg/L 0012 Boron mg/L 0 62 0 66 0 59 065 NE NE 0 79 NE Dissolved Boron mg/L 0 69 0/6 0 61 068 Beryllium mg/L <00005 0004 0 0036 0 004 Dissolved Beryllium mg/L <00005 Cadmium mg/L <00020 0 005 0 0045 0 005 DissolvedCadmium mg/L <00020 Chromium mg/L 0 0332 01 009 01 DissolvedChromium mg/L <00050 Chloride mg/L 180 190 f80 200 NE NE 211 NE Fluoride mg/L 99 4 NA !2 3 Lead mg/L <00020 0 05 0 045 0 05 DissolvedLead mg/L <00020 Mercury mg/L <00002 0 002 0 0018 0 002 DissolvedMercury mg/L <00002 Nickel mgiL <00050 01 009 01 DissolvedNickel mg/L <00050 Nitrate/Nitrite asN mg/L 39 10 9 10 Potassium mg/L 28 NE 6 06 NE DissolvedPotassium mg/L 32 Selenium mg/L <00020 0 05 0 045 0 05 DissolvedSelenium mg/L <00020 Sulfate mg/L 130 NE 133 NE TotalDissolvedSolids mg/L 600 NE 676 NE Thallium mg/L <00005 0002 00018 0 002 DissolvedThallium mg/L <00005 Bromodichloromethane mg/L Bromoform mg/L Chloroform mg/L Dibromochtoromethane mg/L TotalTrihatomethanes mg/L <00025 01 0 09 0t Tritium pCi/L <317 <319 <467 <470 20,000 3,000 18000 20000 iodine-131 pCi/L <38 100 90 100 Cesium-134 pCi/L <22 75 675 75 Cesium-137 pOi/L <22 110 99 110 Cobalt-60 pCilL <2 1 200 180 200 Notes IJmhos/cm - micromhos percentimeter AL-AlertLevelspecifiedInTable172-24ofthePermit AQL AquiferQualityLimitspecified inTable172-24ofthePermit AWQS AquiferWaterQualityStandard tAL- IndicatorAlerlLevelspecifiedinTable172-10of thePermit mg/L- milligramsperliter NE-Notestablished _nthePermit pCi/L picocunes perliter P \APS-PVNGS\138949 - 2009 Annual Mon and Compl Report\Deltverables\Reports_F_nal\Sect3on 1 Tables\20OgTable 1A-2 thru 1A 21 WQ xJsAPP-5 Page 3 of 20


2009 Annual Monitoring and Compliance Report Analyte AQL pH NE Spec Conductance @25C pmhos!cm 1,700 NE Monitoronly NE Antimony mg/L <00040 0.006 0 0054 0 006 DissolvedAntimony mg/L <00040 Arsenic mg/L 0 0216 0.05 NA 0 056 D_ssolved Arsenic mg/L 0 0181 Bar!urn mg/L <00040 2 18 2 DissolvedBanum mg/L <00040 Boron mg/L 13 13 14 14 NE NE 1 64 NE DissolvedBoron mg/L 14 !3  ! 3 15 Beryllium mg/L <000t0 0004 00036 0 004 DissolvedBerylhum mg/L <00010 Cadmium mg/L <00040 0.005 0 0045 0 006 DissolvedCadmium mg/L <00040 Chromium mg/L <00100 01 0 09 01 DissolvedChromium mg/L <00100 Chlonde mg/L 330 340 320 330 NE NE 392 NE Fluoride mg/L 104 4 NA 151 Lead mg/L <00040 0 05 0 045 0 05 DissolvedLead mg/L <00040 Mercury mg/L <00002 0 002 00018 0 002 DissolvedMercury mg/L <00002 Nickel mg/L <00100 01 009 01 DissolvedNickel mg/L <00100 Nitrate/Nitrite asN mg/L <0 10 10 9 !0 Potassium mg!L <20 NE 288 NE DissolvedPotassium mg/L <20 Selenium mg/L <00040 0 05 0 045 0 05 DissolvedSelenium mg/L <00040 Sulfate mgiL 140 NE 169 NE TotalDissolved So!ids mg/L 710 NE 873 NE Thallium mg/L <00010 0 002 0 0018 0 002 D_sso!ved Thallium mg/L <00010 Bromodichloromethane mg/L Bromoform mg/L Chloroform mg/L Dibromochloromethane mgiL TotalTrihalomethanes mg/L <00025 01 009 01 Trihum pCi/L <322 <314 <467 <491 20,000 3 000 18000 20000 Iodine-131 pCi/L <38 100 90 100 Cesium-134 pCi/L <33 75 675 76 Cesium-f37 pCi/L <32 t 10 99 110 Cobalt-60 pCi/L <34 200 180 200 Notes pmhoslcm micromhos percentimeter AL-AlertLevelspecifiedinTable172-26ofthePerml(

AQL- AquiferQualityLimitspecified inTable172-26of thePerm{t AWQS- AquiferWaterQualityStandard IAL- IndicatorAlertLevelspecifiedinTable172-!0 ofthePermit rag/L-milligramsperliter NE-Notestablished inthePermit pQ/L- plcocunes perliter P ,.APS-PVNGS',138949 - 2009 Annual Mon and Compl Report_,Deliverables\Reports',Final_,Section 1 Tablesi2009Table t A-2 thru 1A-21 WQ xlsAPP-6 Page 4 of 20


2009 Annual Monitoring and Compliance Report Analyte AQL pH NE Spec Conductance @25C pmhos/cm 840 NE Monitoronly NE Antimony mg/L <0 0100 0 006 0 0054 0 006 DissolvedAntimony mg/L <0 0040 Arsenic mg/L 0 0490 0 05 NA 0 053 DissolvedArsemc mg/L 0 0555 Banum mg/L 0 0191 2 18 2 DissolvedBarium mg/L 0 0133 Boron mgiL 0 58 0 63 064 059 NE NE 073 NE DissolvedBoron mg/L 059 058 0 69 0 57 Beryllium mg/L <0 0025 0 004 0 0036 0 004 DissolvedBeryllium mg/L <00010 Cadmium mg/L <00100 0 005 0 0045 0 005 DissolvedCadmium mgiL <00040 Chromium mgiL 00676 01 009 01 DissolvedChromtum mg/L 00669 Chloride mg/L 120 120 120 120 NE NE 155 NE Fluoride mg/L 12 4 NA 14 Lead mg/L <00100 0 05 0 045 0 05 DissolvedLead mg/L <00040 Mercury mgiL <00002 0 002 0 0018 0 002 DissolvedMercury mg/L <00002 Nickel mg/L <00250 01 0 09 01 DissolvedNickel mg/L <00100 N_trate/Nitrite asN mg/L 40 10 9 10 Potassium mg/L 23 NE 78 NE DissolvedPotassium mg!L <20 Selenium mg/L <00100 0 05 0 045 0 05 DissolvedSetenium mg/L <00040 Sulfate mg/L 87 NE 108 NE TotalDissolvedSolids mg/L 450 NE 691 NE Thallium mg/L <00025 0 002 0 0018 0002 DissolvedThallium mg/L <00010 Bromod_chloromethane mg/L Bromoform mg/L Chloroform mg/L Dibromochloromethane mg/L TotalTnhalomethanes mg/L <00025 01 0 09 01 Tritium pCi/L <322 <314 <468 <489 20,000 3.000 18000 20,000 Iodine-131 pCi/L <4 5 100 90 100 Cesium-134 pCi/L <1 8 75 67 5 75 Cesium-137 pCi/L <1 8 t 10 99 110 Cobalt-60 pCi/L <2 1 200 180 200 Notes

_Jmhos/cm - micromhospercentimeter AL-AlertLevelspectfiedinTable172-30ofthePermit AQL- AquiferQualityLimitspecifiedinTable172-30of thePermtt AWQS-AquiferWaterQualityStandard IAL- Indicato[AlertLevelspecifiedinTablet7 2-10ofthePermpt mg/L- milligramsperliter NE- NotestablishedinthePermit pCt/L- plcocunes per hter P/APS-PVNGS\138949 2009 Annual Mort and CompL Report\Deliverabtes\Reports\Final\Sectlon 1 Tables\2OO9Table 1A-2 thru 1A-21 WQ xlsAPP-7 Page 5 of 20


2009AnnualMonitoringandComplianceReport Analyte AQL pH NE SpecConductance @25C pmhos/cm 1 100 NE Monitoronly NE Antimony mg/L <00020 0006 0 0054 0 006 DissolvedAntimony mg/L <00020 Arsenic mg/L 00200 0 05 0045 005 Dtssolved Arsenic mg/L 0 0202 Barium mg/L 00175 2 18 2 DissolvedBarium mg/L 0.0180 Boron mg/L 088 089 0 98 089 0 86 NE NE t NE DissolvedBoron mg/L 0 92 0 88 0 98 10 0 88 Beryllium mg/L <00005 0 004 0 0036 0 004 DissolvedBeryllium mg/L <00005 Cadmium mg/L <00020 0.005 0 0045 0 005 DissolvedCadmium mg/L <00020 Chromium mg/L 0 0180 01 0 09 01 DissolvedChromium mg/L 0 0182 Chloride mgiL 190 150 170 !70 180 NE NE 219 NE Fluoride mg/L 82 4 NE 9 Lead mg/L <00020 0 05 0 045 0 05 DissolvedLead mg/L <00020 Mercury mg/L <00002 0002 0 0018 0002 DissolvedMercury mg/L <00002 Nickel mg/L <00050 01 0 09 01 DissolvedNickel mg/L <00050 Nitrate/Nitrite asN mg/L 2! 10 9 10 Potassium mg/L 34 NE 5 27 NE DissolvedPotassium mgiL 34 Selenium mg/L <00020 0 05 0 045 005 DissolvedSelenium mg/L <00020 Sulfate mg/L t20 NE 136 NE TotalDissolvedSolids mg/L 640 NE 665 NE Thallium mg/L <00005 0002 0 0018 0 002 DissolvedThallium mgiL <00005 Bromodichloromethane mg/L Bromoform mg/L Chloroform mg/L Dibromoohloromethane mgiL TotalTrihalomethanes mg/L <00025 01 0 09 01 Tritium pCi/L <320 <326 <314 <491 <480 20,000 3,000 18,000 200%

Iodine-131 pCi/L <32 100 90 100 Cesium-134 pCi/L <18 75 675 75 Cesium-137 pCi/L <16 110 99 110 Cobalt-60 pCi/L <19 200 180 200 Notes:

pmhos/cm- mlcromhos percentimeter AL- AlertLevelspecifiedinTable!7 2-14ofthePermit AQL- AquiferQuahtyLimitspecified inTable!7 2-14ofthePermit AWQS- AquiferWaterQualityStandard IAL- IndicatorAlertLevelspecifiedinTable172-10ofthePermit mgiL-milligramsperliter NE Notestablished inthePermit pCi/L-p_cocur_es perliter P \APS-PVNGS',138949 - 2009 Annual Mon and Compl Report\Deliverables\Reports\Flnal\Section 1 Tables\2009Table 1A-2 thru 1A-21 WQ xlsAPP-8 Page 6 of 20


2009Annual Monitoringand ComplianceReport Analyte AQL pH Spec Conductance@25 C pmhos/cm 24 000 NE Monitoronly ---

Antimony mg!L <00200 0006 0 0054 ---'

DissolvedAntimony mg/L <00200 Arsenic mg/L <00300 005 0 059 i DissolvedArsenic mg/L <00300 Barium mg/L 0103 2 18 DissolvedBarium mg/L 0 093!

Boron mg/L 35 40 35 37 NE NE 46 - '

DissolvedBoron mg/L 35 40 4 1 39 Beryllium mg/L <00050 0 004 0 0036 ---

Dissolved8erylhum mg!L <00050 Cadmium mg/L <00200 0 005 01 DissolvedCadmium mg/L <00200 Chromium mg/L 0 025 0 263'_ 0 195 01 0 09 DissolvedChromium mg/L <0010 <0 0500 <0 0500 Chloride mg/L 8100 8000 7,900 8,000 NE NE 9252 ---'

Fluoride mg/L 25 4 66 --'

Lead mg/L <00200 0 05 0 045 ---*

DissolvedLead mg/L <00200 Mercur7 mg/L <0 0002 0 002 00018 --

DissolvedMercury mg/L <00002 Nickel mg/L 0 030 0 513 01 0 71 ---_

DissolvedNickel mg!L 0 061 O527 Nitrate/Nitriteas N mg/L 96 10 130 ---

_otass_um mg/L 45 NE 49 ---'

DissolvedPotassium mg/L 36 Selemum mg/L 0 0366 0 05 01 DissolvedSelenium mg/L <00200 Sulfate mg/L 1,400 NE 1 400 ---_

Total DissolvedSolids mg!L 15,000 NE 21,000 ---

Thallium mg/L <0 0050 0 002 O0018 ___ i DissolvedThallium mgiL <0 0050 Bremodlchloromethane mg/L Bromoform mg!L Chloroform mg/L Dibromochloromethane mgiL Total Trihalomethanes mgiL <0 0025 01 0 09 '

Tntium pCi/L <320 <314 <471 <491 20000 3,000 18000 20000 Iodine-131 pCi/L <39 100 90 100 Cesium-134 pCi/L <2 1 75 87 5 75 Cesium-137 pCi/L <22 110 99 110 Cobalt-60 pCi/L <24 200 180 200 Notes

  1. mhos'cm - micromhospercentimeter A - Reanalysisresultfor chromiumwas 0 311 mg/L AL Alert LevelspecifiedinTable 17 2-13of the Permit AQL AquiferQualdyLimitspecifiedin Table 172-13 of the Permit AWQS- Aquder WaterQualityStandard iAL- IndicatorAlert Levelspecifiedin Table 172-10 of the Perrmt rng/L- milligramsperliter NE - Not establishedin the Permit pCi!L- plcocudesper liter I - Forth_suppermostaquiferPOC locatedwest and down-gradientof the generatingunits AQLs areonly establishedfor radionuchdes P APS-PVNGS 138949 - 2009 Annual Mort and Compl Report\DeliverablesiReports\Final',Sectton 1Tabies_009Table 1A-2 thru 1A-21 WQ xlsAPP-9 Page 7 of 20


2009Annual Monitoringand Compliance Report Ar_lyte AQL pH _/

Spec Conductance@25C pmhosicm 3600 NE Monitoronly ---!

Antimony mg/L <00040 0006 0 0054 __1 DissolvedAntimony mg!L <00040 Arsenic mg/L 0 0071 0 05 0 045 ---_

DissolvedArsenic mg/L <0 0060 Barium mg/L 0212 2 18 --

DissolvedBarium mg/L 0 204 Boron mg/L 0 97 10 090 0 99 NE NE 12 --J DissolvedBoron mglL 10 10 10 0 96 BeryUium mg/L <00010 0 004 0 0036 ---'

DissolvedBeryllbum mg/L <00010 Cadmium mg!L <00040 0005 0 0045 ---

DissolvedCadmium mg/L <00040 Chromium mg/L 0 207 01 03 ---

DissolvedChromium mg/L <00100 Chloride mg/L 1 000 1.000 950 970 NE NE 1 300 ---'

Fluodde mg/L 38 4 46 ---1 Lead mg/L <00040 0 05 0 048 i DissolvedLead mg,'L <00040 Mercury mg/L <00002 0 002 0 0018 __i DissolvedMercury mg/L <0 0002 Nickel mg!L 0 0468 01 0 11 '

DissolvedNicke! mg/L 00349 Nitrate/Nitriteas N mg!L 64 10 9 ---

Potassium mg/L 12 NE 12 ---

DissolvedPotassium mg!L 13 Selemum mg/L <0 0040 0 05 0 045 --

DissolvedSelenium mg/L <0 0040 Sulfate mg/L 65 46 NE 64 ---'

TotalDissolvedSolids mg/L 2000 NE 2 300 Thallium mg/L <0 0010 0 002 0 0018 ---

DissolvedThallium mg/L <0 0010 Bromodichloromethane mg/L Bromoform mg/L Chloroform mg/L Dibromochloromethane mg/L TotalTrihalomethanes mg/L <0 0025 01 0 09 i Tritium pCi/L <320 <314 <471 <491 20000 3.000 18000 20000 Iodine 131 pCi/L <3 0 100 90 100 Cesium-134 pCi/L <19 75 67 5 75 Cesium-137 pCi/L <17 110 99 110 Cobalt-60 pCi/L <1 9 200 180 200 Notes pmhoslcm micromhosper centimeter

_,L- Alert Level specifiedin Table 172-12 of the Permit

&QL- AquiferQualityLimit specifiedin Table !7 2-12 of the Permit

&WQS- AquiferWaterQualityStandard IAL- IndicatorAlert Level specifiedinTable 17 2-10of the Permit mg/L- milligramsper liter NE - Not establishedinthe Permit pCi/L - pmocunesper Iiter 1 - For this uppermostaquifer POClocated west anddown-gradientof the generatingunits AQLs areonly establishedfor radionuchdes P _APS-PVNGS 138949 - 2009 Annual Mon and Comp_ Report'_Deliverables/Reports'_Fmal!Section ! Tables_0O9Table 1A 2 th[u 1A-21 WQ xisAPP-lO Page 8 of 20


2009 Annual Monitoring and Compliance Report Analyte AQL pH --/

Spec Conductance@25C pmhos/cm 5700 NE Monitoronly ---_

Antimony mg/L <0 0040 0 006 Reserved --J DissolvedAntimony mg!L <0 0040 Arsenic mg/L <0 0060 0 05 Reserved --

DissolvedArsenic mg/L <00060 Barium mg/L 0 710 2 Reserved ---

DissolvedBarium mg/L 0 594 Boron mg/L 085 0 89 081 0 92 NE NE Reserved _i DissolvedBoron mglL 086 0 89 0 95 0 94 Beryllium mg/L <0 0010 0 004 Reserved ---'

DissolvedBeryllium mgfL <0 0010 Cadmium mg!L <0 0040 0 005 Reserved ---

DissolvedCadmium mg!L <0 0040 Chromium mg/L <0 0100 01 Reserved ---_

DissolvedChromium mg/L <00100 Chloride mg/L 1800 1700 1,800 1 900 NE NE Reserved ---

Fluoride mg/L 29 4 Reserved i Lead mg/L 0 0082 0 05 Reserved _i DissolvedLead mg/L <00040 Mercury mg/L <00002 0 002 Reserved --J DissolvedMercury mg/L <00002 Nickel mg!L 0 0250 0 1 Reserved -

DissolvedNickel mg/L 0 0244 Nitrate/Nitriteas N mg/L 16 10 Reserved ---_

Potassium mg/L 21 NE Reserved -

DissolvedPotassium mg/L 21 Selenium mg/L <00040 0 05 Reserved ---

DissolvedSelenium mg/L <0 0040 Sulfate mg/L 23 NE Reserved ---

Total DissolvedSolids mg/L 3 400 NE Reserved -- '

Thallium mg/L <00010 0002 Reserved _ r OissolvedThallium mg/L <00010 Bromodichlorornethane mg!L Bromoferm mg/L Chloroform mg/L Dibromochloromethane mg&

Total Trihalomethanes mg/L <0 0025 01 Reserved ---

Tritium pCdL <320 <314 <471 <491 20.000 3000 Reserved Reserved Iodine-131 pCi/L <3 5 100 Reserved Reserved Cesium-134 pCi/L <2 2 75 Reserved Reserved Cesium-137 pCi/L <2 1 110 Reserved Reserved Cobalt-60 pCi/L <2 2 200 Reserved Reserved Notes pmhosicm - micromhospercentimeter AL Alert LevelspecifiedinTable 172-11of the Permit AQL - AquiferQuahtyLimitspecifiedinTable 172-11 of the Permit AWQS- AquiferWaterQualityStandard IAL - IndicatorAlert Level specifiedin Table 172 10 of the Perm{t mg!L milligramsper liter NE Not establishedin the Permit pCilL- pieocunesper liter 1 - For this uppermostaquiferPOC AQLswill only beestabhshedfor radlonuclides P APS-PVNGS!138949 - 2009 Annual Men and Compl Report',Deliverab{es!Reports\Final',Section I Tables,2.OOgTable 1A-2 thru 1A-21 WQ xtsAPP-12 Page 9 of 20


2009AnnualMonitoringand Compliance Report Analyte AQL pH SpecConductance @25C pmhos/cm NE Monitoronly MonitorOnly Antimony mg/L 0006 Reserved Reserved DissolvedAntimony mg/L Arsenic mg/L 005 Reserved Reserved Dissolved Arsenic mg/L Barium mg/L 2 Reserved Reserved DissolvedBanum mg/L

_oron mg/L !9 NE NE Reserved Reserved DissolvedBoron mg/L 1&

Beryllium mg/L 0 004 Reserved Reserved DissolvedBeryllium mg;L Cadmium mg/L 0005 Reserved Reserved DissolvedCadmium mg/L Chromium mg/L 0I Reserved Reserved DissolvedChromium mg/L Chloride mg/L 140 NE NE Reserved Reserved Fluoride mg/L 4 Reserved Reserved Lead mg/L 0 05 Reserved Reserved DissolvedLead mg/L Mercury mg/L 0 002 Reserved Reserved DissolvedMercury mg/L Nickel mg/L 01 Reserved Reserved DissolvedNickel mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite asN mg/L t0 Reserved Reserved Potassium mg/L NE Reserved Reserved DissolvedPotassium mg/L Selenium mg/L 005 Reserved Reserved DBsotvedSelenium mg/L Sulfate mg/L NE Reserved Reserved TotalDissolved Solids mg/L NE Reserved Reserved Thallium mg/L 0 002 Reserved Reserved DissolvedThallium mg/L Bromodichloromethane mg/L Bromoform mg/L Chloroform mg/L Dibromochloromethane mg&

TotalTrihalomethanes mg/L 01 Reserved Reserved Tritium pOi/L <486 20,000 Reserved Reserved Reserved

!odine-131 pOi/L 100 Reserved Reserved Cesium-134 pCi/L 75 Reserved Reserved Cesium-137 pCi/L 110 Reserved Reserved Cobalt-60 pOi/L 200 Reserved Reserved Notes pmhoslcm- micromhos percentimeter AL- ,'Ner_LevelspecifiedinTable172-31of thePermit AQL-AquiferQualityL_mitspecifiedinTable172-31of thePermit AWQS-AquiferWaterQualityStandard IAL- indicatorAlertLevelspecifiedin Table172-10ofthePermit mg/L milligramsperliter NE Noteslablished inthePermit pCiiL-p_cocunes per hter P \APS-PVNGS',138949 - 2009 Annual Mon and Compl Report\Dehverables\Reports\Flnal\Section 1 Tables/2009Table 1A-2 tflru 1A-21 WO xlsAPP-13 Page 10 of 20


2009 Annual Monitoring and Compliance Report Analyte AQL pH NE Spec Conductance@25C tJmhos/cm NE Monitoronly NE Antimony mg/L 0 006 Reserved --

DissolvedAntimony mg/L Arsenic mg/L 0 05 Reserved ---'

DissolvedArsenic mg/L Barium mg/L 2 Reserved ---'

DissolvedBabum mg/L Boron mg/L 18 NE NE Reserved NE DissolvedBoron mg/L 18 Beryllium mg!L 0 004 Reserved ---'

DissolvedBeryllium mg/L Cadmium mg/L 0 005 Reserved --

DissolvedCadmium mg/L Chromium mg/L 01 Reserved --

DissolvedChromium mgiL Chloride mg/L 14000 NE NE Reserved NE Ruoride mg!L 4 Reserved ---_

Lead mg/L 0 05 Reserved --)

DissolvedLead mg/L Mercury mg/L 0 002 Reserved -

DissolvedMercury mg/L Nickel mg/L 0 1 Reserved -

DissolvedNickel mg!L Nitrate/Nitriteas N mg/L 10 Reserved ---

Potassium mglL NE Reserved NE DissolvedPotassium mg/L Setenium mg/L 0 05 Reserved -

DissolvedSelenium mg/L Sulfate mg& NE Reserved NE Tote}DissolvedSolids mg)L NE Reserved NE Thalhum mg!L 0002 Reserved ---

DissolvedThallium mg/L BTomodlchloromethene mgiL Bromoform mgiL Chloroform mg/L Dibromochloromethane mg/L Total Trihalomethanes mg/L 01 Reserved ---

Tritium pCi/L ,:477 20000 Reserved Reserved Reserved Iodine-13t pCi/L 100 Reserved Reserved Cesium-134 pCI/L 75 Reserved Reserved Cesium-137 pCi/L 110 Reserved Reserved Cobalt-60 pCi/L 200 Reserved Reserved Notes pmhos/cm micromhospercentimeter AL - Alert Level specifiedinTable !7 2-32 of the Permit AQL- AquiferQualityLimdspecifiedin Table 172_32of the Permit AWQS- AquiferWaterQualifyStandard IAL - IndicatorAlert Level speclliedm Tabie17 2-10 of the Permit mglL milligramsper liter NE Not establishedin the Permit pCi/L- pieocuriesper lite[

1 - AQLswiflonly be establishedfor rad_onucltdes P tAPS-PVNGS/138949 - 2009 Annual Mon and Compl Report/Detwerables_Reports/FinaliSection I Tables'_009Table 1A-2 thru 1A-21 WQ xlsAPP-14 Page  ! ! of 20

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2009 Annual Monitoring and Compliance Report

/_nalyte AQL pH NE Speo Conductance@25C pmhoalcm NE Monitoronly I NE Antimony mglL 0 006 Reserved -- '

DrssolvedAntimony mg/L Arsenic mg/L 0 05 Reserved ---

DissolvedArsenic mg/L Barium mg/L 2 Reserved ---

DissolvedBarium mg/L Boron mg/L 13 NE NE Reserved NE DissolvedBoron mg/L 13 Beryllium mg/L 0004 Reserved --J DissolvedBeryllium mg/L Cadmium mgtL 0 005 Reserved -- '

DissolvedCadmium mg/L Chromium mg/L 0 1 Reserved ---

DissolvedChromium mg/L Chloride mg!L 9.300 NE NE Reserved NE Fluoride mg!L 4 Reserved ---'

Lead mg[L 0 05 Reserved ---'

DissolvedLead mg/L Mercury mg/L 0 002 Reserved ---

DissolvedMercury mg/L Nickel mg/L 0I Reserved ___ T

'DissolvedNicker mg/L NitrateJNitrlteas N mg/L t0 Reserved ---

Potassium mgiL NE Reserved NE DissolvedPotassium mg/L Selenium mg/L 0 05 Reserved --

DissolvedSelenium mg/L Sulfate mg/L NE Reserved NE Total DissolvedSolids mg/L NE Reserved NE Thallium mg!L 0 002 Reserved ---'

DissolvedThallium mg/L Bromodlchloromethane mgfL Bromoform mg/L Chloroform mg/L Dibromochloromethane mg/L Total Trihalomethanes mg/L 01 Reserved --

Tritium pCi/L <477 20000 Reserved Reserved Reserved Iodine-t31 pCifL 100 Reserved Reserved Cesium-134 pCifL 75 Reserved Reserved Cesium-137 pCilL 110 Reserved Reserved Cobalt-60 pCi/L 200 Reserved Reserved Notes pmhos/cm- micromhosper centimeter AL - Alert Level specifiedm Table 172-33 of the Permit AQL - AquiferQualityLimitspecifiedin Table 172-33of the Permit AWQS - AquiferWater QualityStandard IAL- IndicatorAlert Level specdiedmTable 172-10 of the Permit mg/L- milligramsper liter NE -Not estabhshedm the Permit pQ/L picocuriesperI_ter 1 - AQLswill on}ybe establishedfor radlonucl_des P APS-PVNGS!138949 2009Annual Mor_ and CompJ Report',DehverablesiReports_Fmal/Section 1Tables_0O9Table 1A-2thru 1A21WQxlsAPP-15 Page 12 of 20


2009 Annual Monitoring and Compliance Report Analyte AQL pH NA-AW SpecConductance @25C pmhos/cm 11000 11000 11000 11.000 NE Monitoronly NA-AW Antimony mgiL <0 0100 <00100 <00100 c0.0020 0 006 00054 NAAW Dissolved Antimony mg/L <0 0100 <00100 <00100 <00020 Arsenic mg/L 0 0616 0 0603 00352 0 0374 005 0 145 NA-AW DissolvedArsenic mg/L 0 0444 0 0477 0 0304 0.0378 Barium mg/L 0.0178 0 0263 0 0165 00151 2 18 NA-AW DissolvedBarium mg/L 0 0181 0 0202 0.0124 00145 Boron mg/L 65 67 13 75 NE 799 799 NA-AW Dlssofved Boron mg/L 65 65 65 73 Beryllium mg/L <0.0025 <00010 <00025 <00005 0004 0 0036 NA-AW DissolvedBeryllium mg/L <0.0025 <00025 <00025 <00005 Cadmium mg/L <00100 <00100 <00100 <00020 0005 0 043 NA-AW DissolvedCadmium mglL <00100 <00100 <00100 c00020 Chromium mg/L 0.0410 <00250 <0 0250 <00050 01 009 NA-AW DissolvedChromium mglL <0.0250 <00250 c0 0250 <00050 Chloride mg/L 2,200 2,100 2,200 2,300 NE 2.491 2,491 NA-AW Ftuoride mg/L 77 77 8 76 742 "4 I27 NA-AW Lead mg/L <00100 <00100 <00100 <0 0020 0.05 0 045 NA-AW DissolvedLead mg/L <00100 <00100 <00100 c0 0020 Mercury mg/L <00002 <00002 <00002 <0 0002 0 002 0 0035 NA-AW DissolvedMercury mglL <00002 <00002 <00002 <00002 Nickel mglL 0 0327 <00250 <00250 <0 0050 01 0 09 NA-AW DissolvedNickel mg/L <0.0250 <00250 <00250 <00050 Nitrate/Nilnte asN mglL 67_' 65 62 66_ 10 653 NA-AW Potassium mg/L 46 45 34 22F NE 363 NA-AW DissolvedPotassium mg/L 42_ 4 3_ 16r' 16_

Selenrum mg/L 0 032 0 0341 0 0292 0 0257 005 0061 NA-AW DissolvedSelenrum mg/L 0029 0 0328 0 0283 0 0257 Sulfate mg/L 11700 1,800 1,700 11800 NE 2,868 NA-AW TotalDissolvedSolids mg/L 7,500 6,800 7,400 7,600 NE 7,698 NA-AW Thallium mg/L <0 0025 <00025 <00025 <00005 0 002 00018 NA-AW DissolvedThallium mg/L <00025 <00025 <00025 <00005 Bromodichloromethane mg/L E_rom()for'm mg/L Chloroform mglL Dibromochloromethane mg/L TotalTdhalomethanes mg/L <00025 <00025 <00025 <00025 01 0 09 NA-AW Tntium pCi/L <322 <314 <467 <491 20000 3000 18,000 NA-AW ledme-131 pOi/L <50 <46 <30 <28 100 90 NA-AW Cesium-134 pCitL <18 <2 1 <19 <24 75 67 5 NA-AW Cesium-137 pCi/L <18 <2 1 <18 <22 110 99 NA-AW Cobalt-60 pCitL <18 <22 <20 <22 200 180 NA-AW Notes pmhos/cm-m_cromhos petcentimeter A - Reanalysis resultfor mtraleinitriteasN was68 mg/L AL-AlertLevelspecified inTable172-27o1thePermit B - Reanalysis resultfor dissolvedpotassium was3 8 mgiL AQL-AquiferQuatityLimitspecified_nTable172-27o1thePermit C - Reanalysis resultfordissolvedpotassium was4 3mg/L AWQS-AquiferWaterQualityStandard D Reanalysis resultfordissolvedpotassium was22rag&

IAL- Indicator AlertLevetspecifiedinTable172-10ofthePermit E- Reanalysis resultfor nitrate/nitrite asNwas65 mg/L mgiL- milligrams per ILter F - Reanalysis resultfor potassium was4 0 mg/L NA-AW- AQLsarenotapplicable toalertwellsandPV-!4H_sanalertwell G Reanalysis resultfor disso!ved potassiumwas3 7 mg/L NE- NotestablishedinthePermit pCiiL-picocuries perliter P iAPS-PVNGS',138949 - 2009 Annual Mort and Compl Report\Deliverables\Reports\Final\Section 1 Tables\2009Table 1A-2 ttlru 1A-21 WQ xlsPV-14H Page 13 of 20

  • "-r ................. n_'Ul_lrIFIdllO_CtlOn _ laoles\zuU£fable 1A-2 thru 1A-21 WQ xlsPV-14H Page 13 of 20


2009 Annual Monitoring and Compliance Report Analyte A(:IL pH NA-AW SpecConductance @25C }Jmhos/cm 22,000 NE Monitoronty NA-AW Antimony mg/L <00200 0 006 0 0054 NA-AW DissolvedAntimony mg/L <00020 Arsemc mg/L <00300 0.05 0045 NA-AW DissolvedArsenic mg/L <00030 Barium mg/L 0 03! 2 18 NA-AW DissolvedBarium mg/L 0.0052 Boron mg/L 52 B0 71 56 NE 6 62 6 62 NA-AW DissolvedBoron mg/L 58 62 64 60 Beryllium mg/L <00050 0 004 0 0036 NAAW DissolvedBeryllium mg/L <00050 Cadmium mg/L <0.0200 0 005 0086 NA-AW DissolvedCadmium mg/L <00020 Chromium mg/L 0.0891 01 009 NA-AW DissolvedChromium mg/L <00050 Chtonde mg/L 6100 5,600 5,900 5,900 NE 7220 7,220 NA-AW Fluoride mg/L 27 4 617 NA-AW Lead mg!L <00200 0.05 0 15 NA-AW DissolvedLead mg/L <00020 Mercury mg/L <00002 0002 0 0018 NAsAW DissolvedMercury mg/L <00002 Nickel mg/L 0 106 01 0 09 NA-AW DissolvedNickel mg/L 0.0131 Nitrate/Nitrite asN mg/L 260 10 3399 NA-AW Potassium mg/L 13 88 NE 8.8 NA-AW DissolvedPotassium mg/L 11_ 42 Selenium mg/L 0.0753 005 0087 NA-AW Dissolved Selenium mg/L 0.0063 Sutfate mg/L 2,400 NE 4,133 NA-AW TotalDissolvedSolids mg/L 15000 NE 18,675 NA-AW Thallium mg/L <00050 0002 00018 NA-AW Dissolved Thallium mg/L <00005 Bromodichloromethane mg/L Bromoform mg/L Chloroform mg/L Dibromochtoromethane mg/L TotalTrihalomethanes mg/L <00025 0.1 0 09 NA-AW Tiitium pQ/L <317 <316 <493 <480 20.000 3000 18,000 NA-AW Iodine-131 pQ/L <32 100 90 NA-AW Cesium134 pCi/L <21 75 675 NA-AW Cesium-t37 pCi/L <23 110 99 NA-AW Cobalt-60 pCi/L <21 200 180 NA-AW Notes:

pmhosicm- micromhos percentimeter A- Reanalysis result10rdissolvedpotassium was12mg/L AL-AlertLevelspecifiedinTable172-20ofthePermit AQL-AquiferQualityLimitspecifiedinTable!72-20 ofthePermit AWQS- AquiferWaterQualityStandard IAL.- IndicatorAJertLevelspecifiedinTable172-10of thePermit mg/L-milligrams perliter NA-AW- AQLsarenotapplicable to alertwellsandPV-193A_sanalertwell NE- Notestablished inthePermit pCi/L- picocurtes perliter P _APS PVNGSI138949 .. 2009 Annual Mort and Compl Report\Detiverables',Reports\Finar_Section 1 Tables\2009Table 1A-2 thru 1A-21 WQ xisPV-193A Page 14 of 20


2009AnnualMonitoringandComplianceReport Analyte AQL pH NA-AW Spec Conductance @25C pmhos/cm 33000 36.000 35,000 36,000 NE Monitoronly NA-AW Anbmony mg/L <00400 <00400 <00400 <00400 0006 00054 NA-AW DissolvedAntimony mg/L <00400 <00400 <00400 <00400 Arsenic mg/L <00600 <00600 <00600 <00600 0.05 0 045 NA-AW DissolvedArsenic mg/L <00600 <0.0600 <0.0600 <0.0600 Barium mg/L <00400 <00400 <00400 <00400 2 !8 NA-AW D_ssolved Barium mg/L <0.0400 00!6 <0 0400 <00400 Boron mg/L 20 21 23 23 NE 2548 2712 NA-AW DissolvedBoron mgiL 20 22 21 22 Bery!lium mg/L <00100 <00100 <00100 <00100 0004 0 0036 NA-AW DissolvedBeryllium mg/L <00100 <00100 <00100 <00100 Cadmium mg/L <0.0400 <00400 <00400 <0,0400 0005 0148 NA-AW DissolvedCadmium mg/L <0.0400 <00400 <0 0400 <0.0400 Chromium mg/L <0 100 <0 100 <0100 0193 01 0.133 NA-AW DissolvedChromium mg/L <0.100 <0100 <0100 <0,100 Chloride mg/L 7,600 8,300 8,400 9,100 NE 11,560 11,560 NA-AW Fluoride mglL 41 43 4 86 44 4 47 NA-AW Lead mg/L <00400 <O0400 <0 0400 <00400 005 0078 NA-AW DissolvedLead mg/L <00400 <0.0400 <0.0400 <0.0400 Mercury mg/L <00002 <00002 <00002 <0,0002 0002 0 0024 NAAW DissolvedMercury mg/L <0.0002 <00002 <00002 <0.0002 Nickel mg/L <0100 <0.100 <0100 <0100 01 0 09 NA-AW DissolvedNickel mglL <0100 <0 100 <0 100 <0!00 Nitrate/Nitrite asN mg/L 200 200 190 200 10 3035 NA-AW Potassium mg/L 15 t2 50 21 NE 1333 NA-AW DissolvedPotassium mg/L 15A 15_ 51' 18E' Selenium mg/L 0084 0 !04 <0 100 0.100 0.05 0 327 NA-AW DissolvedSelenium mg/L 0 087 00869 <0 100 0 0946 Sulfate mg/L 7,600 8,400 7,900 8,600 NE 9,515 NA-AW Tota!DissolvedSolids mg/L 28000 27000 28,000 29,000 NE 36,812 NA-AW Thallium mg/L <0 0100 <00100 <00100 <00100 0 002 00018 NA-AW Dissolved Thallium mg/L <0 0100 <0.0100 <0.0100 <00100 Bromodichloromethane mg/L Btomoform mg/L Chloroform mg/L Dibromochloromethane mg/L TotalTnhalomethanes mg/L <0 0025 <0,0025 <00025 <0.0025 01 0.09 NAAW Tritium pCi/L <322 <319 <467 <477 20.000 3000 !8,000 NA-AW Iodine-131 pCi/L <3.9 <42 <3.2 <4.1 100 90 NA-AW Cesium134 pQ/L <1.8 <18 <22 <2 3 75 675 NA-AW Cesium-137 pCifL <18 <17 <19 <23 110 99 NAAW Cobalt-60 pQ/L <19 <! 9 <2.2 <2 3 200 180 NA-AW Notes pmhos/cm- mieromhos percentimeter A -Reanalysis resultfor dissolvedpotassiumwas15mgiL AL-AlertLevelspecifiedinTable172-28ofthePermit B -Reanalysis resultfordissolvedpotassium was7 8mg/L AQL-AquiferQuatityLimitspecifiedinTable172-28of thePermit C Reanalysis resultfor dissolvedpotassium was72mgiL AWQS-AquiferWaterQualityStandard O- Reanalysis resultfo[ dissolvedpotassium was10mg/L IAL.- IndicatorAlertLevelspecifiedinTabte172-10ofthePermit mg/L-milligramsperliter NA-AW-AQLsarenotapplicable to alertwellsandPVq95A_sanalertwell NE- Notestablished inthePermit pCdL- pJcocunes perliter P '_APS PVNGS',138949 2009 Annual Mon and Comp! ReportlDeliverablesiReports\Final\Section  ! Tables\200Tabte 1A-2 thru 1A-21 WQ xlsPV-195A Page 15 of 20

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2009 Annual Monitoringand ComplianceReport Analyte AQL pH NA-AW Spec Conductance @25C IJmhos/cm 9100 NE Monitoronly NA-AW Antimony mg/L <00100 0 006 0 0054 NA-AW DissolvedAntimony mg/L <00100 Arsenic mg!L <00150 005 0 045 NAAW Dissolved Arsenic mgiL <00150 Banum mg/L 0 047 2 18 NA-AW DissolvedBarium mg/L 0 0536 Boron mgiL 37 35 41 34 37 39 36 NE 4 55 455 NA-AW Dissolved Boron mg/L 36 37 42 43 38 36 37 Bery!lium mg/L <0.0025 0 004 0 0036 NAAW DissolvedBeryllium mgiL <00025 Cadmium mg/L <00100 0 005 0 0045 NAAW DissolvedCadmium mg/L <00100 Chromium mg/L 0 208'_ 0 357_ 0I 0 14 NA-AW DissolvedChromium mg/L <00250 <00250 Chlonde mg/L 2 200 2 100 2.400 2400E 2 800" 2,700 H 2600_ NE 2,471 2,471 NA-AW Fluoride mg/L 50 4 68 NAAW Lead mg/L <00100 0 05 0045 NA-AW DissolvedLead mg/L <00100 Mercury mg/L <00002 0 002 0 0016 NA-AW DissolvedMercury mg/L <00002 Nickel mg/L <00250 0! 009 NA-AW DissolvedNickel mg/L <00250 Nitrate/Nitrite asN mg/L 37 41 10 42 5 NA-AW Potassium mg/L 6 5_ 27 NE 4 04 NA-AW DissolvedPotassium mg/L 57 <20 Selenium mgiL <00100 0 05 0 045 NA-AW DissolvedSelen_u m mg/L <00100 Sulfate mg/L 640 NE 701 NA-AW TotalDissolvedSohds mg/L 5300 5600F NE 4,782 NA-AW Thallium mg/L <0 0025 0 002 0002 NAAW Dissolved Thallium mg/L <0 0025 Bromodichloromethane mg/L Bromoform mg/L Chloroform mg!L Dibromochloromethane mgiL TotalTrihalomethanes mg/L <00025 01 0 09 NA-AW Tritium pCi/L <320 <326 <316 <491 <484 <472 <494 20,000 3,000 18,000 NA-AW Iodine-13t pCi/L <42 100 90 NA-AW Cesium-134 pCi!L <18 75 675 NA-AW Cesium137 pCi/L <16 110 99 NA-AW Cobalt-60 pCi/L <19 200 180 NA-AW Notes pmhos/cmmicromhospercenttmeter A-Reanalysisresultforchrom_umwas0 193mgiL AL AlertLevelspecifiedinTable172-16of thePermit B -Reanalysisresultfor potassium was5 3 mg/L AQL-AquiferQualityLimitspecifiedinTable172-16ofthePermit C - Reanalysis resultfortotaldissolvedsolidswas5200 mglL AWQS AquiferWaterQualityStandard D - Reanalysls resultforchromium was0 167mgiL IAL- Indicator AlertLevelspecified inTable172-10ofthePermit E- Reanalysis resultfor chlondewas2 300mg/L mgiL-milligramsperliter F -Differetaliquotof samplehadsameresults NA-AW-AQLsarenotapplicable to alertwellsandPV-198AR is analertwell G-Reanalysisresultfor chloridewas2800 mg/L NE-Notestablished inthePermit H- Reanalysis resultfor chloridewas2800mgiL pCi/L- p_cocunesperliter I - Reanalysisresultforchloridewas2.700mg/L P APS-PVNGS\138949 - 2009 Annual Mon and Compl Report\Deliverables\Reports\Final\Sect_on 1 Tables,2OO9Table 1A-2 thru 1A-21 WQ xlsPV-198AR Page 16 of 20


2009AnnualMonitoringand ComplianceReport Analyte AQL pH NA-AW Spec Conductance @25C Jmhos/crn 26000 26.000 25000 25,000 NE Monitoronly NA-AW Antimony mg/L <00100 <00200 <00200 <00200 0 006 00054 NA-AW DissolvedAntimony mg/L <0 0100 <00200 <00200 <00200 Arsenic mg/L 0 0163 <00300 <0.0300 <00300 0 05 0 045 NA-AW DissolvedArsenic mg/L <0 0150 <00300 <00300 <00300 Barium mg/L 0 0338 0 0304 0 0457 00311 2 18 NA-AW DissolvedBarium mg/L 0 0297 00335 00312 0 0280 Boron mg/L 16 17 !6 18 NE 2945 2945 NA-AW DissolvedBoron mg/L 16 18 18 20 Beryllium mg/L <00025 <00050 <0.0050 <00050 0 004 0 0036 NA-AW DissolvedBeryllium mg/L <0.0025 <0.0050 <00050 <0 0050 Cadmium mg/L <0 0100 <00200 <0.0200 <0 0200 0 005 0 04 NA-AW DissolvedCadmium mg/L <00100 <0.0200 <0.0200 <00200 Chromium mg/L 0231 <00500 0 124 00752 0.1 009 NA-AW DissolvedChromium mg/L <0 0250 <00500 <00500 <00500 Ch!oride mg/L 5,500 5,500 5,700 5,600 NE 8312 8,312 NA-AW Fluoride mg/L 48 47 48 4 48 4 106 NA-AW Lead mg/L <00100 <00200 <00200 <00200 0 05 0 045 NA-AW DissolvedLead mg/L <00100 <00200 <00200 <0 0200 Mercury mg/L <00002 <00002 <00002 <00002 0 002 00018 NAAW DissolvedMercury mg/L <00002 <00002 <0.0002 <00002 Nickel mg/L 0.0906 <00500 0.129 00696 01 0 09 NA-AW DissolvedNickel mg/L 0 0884 <00500 0 0911_: 00645 Nitrate/NitnteasN mg/L 21 21 17 16 10 244 NA-AW Potassium mg/L 31 28 !1 !6 NE 1069 NA-AW DissolvedPotassium mg/L 30A 33_ 14E' 16E Selenium mg/L 00202 00369 00537 <00200 005 0081 NA-AW DissolvedSelenium mg/L 0 0226 0.0329 0.0300 <00200 Sulfate mgiL 6,000 5,900 6,100 6,200 NE 10,628 NA-AW TotalD!ssolved Solids mg/L 20,000 20000 20000 17,000 NE 23,129 NA-AW Thallium mg/L <00025 <00050 <00050 <0.0050 0 002 0 0018 NA-AW DissolvedThallium mg/L <00025 <0 0050 <00050 <00050 Bromodichloromethane mg/L <000050 Bromoform mg/L <0.0010 Chloroform mg/L <000050 Dibromochloromethane mg/L <0:00050 TotalTrthalomethanes mg/L <00025 <00025 <00025 <00025 01 009 NA-AW Tntium pCi/L <326 <321 <493 <480 20000 3000 18,000 NA-AW Iodine-!31 pCi/L <35 <4 1 <3 6 <33 100 90 NA-AW Cesium-134 pCi/L <23 <22 <18 <2 3 75 675 NA-AW Cesium-137 pCi/L <23 <22 <19 <23 110 99 NA-AW Cobalt-60 pCi/L <25 <2 1 <19 <21 200 180 NA-AW Notes pmhosicmm_cromhos percentimeter A - Reanalysis resultfor dissolvedpotassium was35mgiL AL- AlertLevelspecifiedinTable172-15of thePermit B- Reanalysis resultfordissolvedpotassiumwas23 mg/L AQL-AquiferQualityDmitspecifiedinTable172-15ofthePermit C -Reanalysis resultfordissolvednickelwas0 0848mg/L AWQS-AquiferWaterQualityStandard D -Reanalysisresultfor dissolvedpotassium was84 mg/L tAL- IndicatorAlertLevelspecifiedinTable172-10ofthePermit E -Reanalysis resultfordissolvedpotassium was15mg/L mg/L- milligramsperliter NA-AW-AQLsarenotapplicable toalertwellsandPV-206A_sanalertwell NE-Notestablished inthe Permit pQ/L -picocunes perliter P ,APS-PVNGS',!38949 - 2009 Annual Mort and Compl Report\Dellverab_es\Reports\Final\Section 1 Tables\2OO9Table 1A-2 thru 1A 21 WQ xlsPV 206A Page 17 of 20


2009 Annual Monitoring and Compliance Report Analyte AQL pH NA-AW SpecConductance @25C pmhosJcm 11000 NE Monlor only NA-AW Antimony mg/L <00100 0 006 0 0054 NA-AW Dissolved Antimony mg/L <00100 Arsenic mg/L 00987 0.05 0159 NA-AW Dissolved Arsenic mg/L 0.0986 Barium mg/L 00532 2 t 8 NA-AW DissolvedBarium mg/L 0 041 Boron mg/L 67 69 70 71 NE 1158 1158 NA-AW DissolvedBoron mg/L 70 69 63 69 Beryllium mg/L <00025 0004 0 0036 NA-AW DissolvedBeryllium mglL <0.0025 Cadmium mg/L <0 0100 0005 0 022 NA-AW DissolvedCadmium mg/L <00100 Chromium mgJL <00250 01 009 NA-AW DissolvedChromium mg/L <0.0250 Chloride mg;L 2,000 2,100 2,100 1,900 NE 2767 2.767 NA-AW Fluonde mg/L 118 4 241 NA-AW Lead mg./L <0.0100 0 05 0 045 NA-AW Dtssotved Lead mg/L <00100 Mercury mg/L <00002 0 002 0 0018 NA-AW D_ssolved Mercury mg/L <00002 N_ckel mg/L <00250 01 0 09 NAAW DissolvedNickel mglL <00250 N_traletNitrite asN mg/L 75 10 1245 NA-AW Potassium mg/L <20 NE 4 62 NAAW DissolvedPotassium mg/L 21 Setenium mgJL 0 0391 0 05 0 048 NA-AW DissolvedSelenium mg/L 0 0402 Sulfate mg/L 1,700 NE 2,355 NAAW TotalDissolved Solids mg/L 6,600 NE 9,318 NA-AW Thallium mg!L <0.0025 0 002 0 0018 NA-AW DissolvedThallium mg/L <00025 Bromodichloromethane mg/L Bromoform mg/L Chloroform mg/L Dibromochloromethane mg/L TotalTrihalomethanes mg/L <00025 01 009 NA-AW Tritium pCi/L <317 <319 <467 <470 20,000 3,000 18.000 NA-AW Iodine-131 pCi/L <48 100 90 NA-AW Cesium-134 pCi/L <t 8 75 675 NA-AW Cesium-137 pCi/L <I 7 110 99 NA-AW Cobalt-60 pCi/L <19 200 180 NAAW Notes:

pmhosiem-micromhospercentimeter AL AlertLevelspecifiedinTable172-25ofthePermit AQL-AquiferQualityLimitspecifiedinTable!7 2-25of thePermit AWQS-AquiferWaterQualityStandard IAL- Indicator AlertLevelspecified inTable172-10o1the Permit mgiL-milligramsperliter NA-AW-AQLsare notapphcable to alertwellsandPV-34Hisan alertwell NE Notestablished inthePermit pCiiL- p_cocuriesper liter P ',APS-PVNGS',13894.9 - 2009 Annual Mon and Compl Report\Deliverables\Reports\Fma!\Secrion 1 Tables\2OOgTable 1A-2 thru 1A-21 WQ xisPV-34H Page 18 of 20


2009 Annual Monitoringand ComplianceReport Analyte A(IL pH NA-AW SpecConductance @25C pmhos/cm 12.000 13,000 !2,000 13000 NE Monitoronly NA-AW Antimony mg/L 0 0066A <00100 <00100 <00100 0 006 0 0054 NA-AW DissolvedAntimony mg/L <00040 <00100 <00100 <00!00 Arsenic mg/L 00079 <00150 <00150 <00!50 0 05 0 045 NA-AW DissolvedArsenic mg/L 00094 <00150 <00150 <00150 Barium mg/L 0.0236 0 021 00318 00221 2 18 NA-AW DissolvedBarium mg/L 0 0243 00234 0 0310 0 0220 Boron mg/L 28 34' 36F 33H 29 30 NE 300 3 NA-AW D_ssolvedBoron mg/L 29 29 33 30 33 30 Beryllium mg/L <00010 <00025 <00025 <00025 0 004 0 0036 NAAW DissolvedBeryllium mg/L <00010 <00025 <00025 <00025 Cadmium mg/L <00040 <00100 <00100 <00100 0 005 0 0045 NA-AW DissolvedCadmium mg/L <00040 <00100 <00100 <00100 Chromium mg/L 0 041! 0 0569 <00250 <0.0250 01 03 NAAW D_ssolvedChromium mg/L <00100 <0 0250 <00250 <00250 Chloride mg/L 3,200 3,100 3,100 2900 3000 NE 3,755 3 755 NA-AW Fluoride mg/L 28 29 29 278 4 4 43 NA-AW Lead mglL <00040 <00!00 <00100 <00100 0 05 0 045 NA-AW D_ssolvedLead mg/L <00040 <00100 <00100 <00100 Mercury mg/L <00002 <00002 <00002 <00002 0002 0 0018 NA-AW DissolvedMercury mg/L <00002 <00002 <00002 <00002 Nickel mg/L 00343 0 0570 0 0433 0 0260 01 0 197 NAAW DissolvedNickel mg/L 0 0649 0 0486 0 0419 0 0322 Nitrate/Nitrite asN mg/L 49 50 50 49 f0 569 NAAW Potassium mg/L 7 4_ 11E 31 16_ NE 4 39 NAAW DissolvedPotassium mg/L 75 88 28 16 Selenium mg/L 00302 0 0456E 0 0476_ 0.0366 0 05 0 045 NA-AW DissolvedSelenium mgiL 00389 00344 00418 0 0411 Sulfate mg/L 2,200 2,200 2200 2.100 NE 2,745 NA-AW TotalDissolvedSolids mg/L 8,400 8,900 8,700 8500 NE 9656 NAAW Thallium mg/L <0 0010 <00025 <00025 <00025 0002 0 0022 NA-AW DissolvedThallium mg/L 0 0012 <00025 <00025 <00025 Bromodichloromethane mg/L <000050 Bromoform mg!L <0 0010 Chloroform mg/L <000050 Dibromochloromethane mg/L <000050 TotalTrihalomethanes mg/L <00025 <00025 <00025 <00025 01 0 09 NA-AW Tritium pCi/L <326 <316 <493 <480 <494 20.000 3,000 18000 NA-AW Iodine-131 pCi/L <4 3 <43 <30 <32 100 90 NA-AW Cesium-t34 pCi/L <22 <22 <19 <22 75 675 NA-AW Cesium-187 pCi/L <21 <2 1 <20 <2 3 110 99 NA-AW Cobalt-60 pCi/L <2I <20 <20 <22 200 180 NA-AW Notes:

pmhos/cm micromhos percentimeter A - Reanalysisresultfor antimonywas0 0052mg/L AL- AlertLevelspecrfiedinTable172 17of thePermit B Reanalysis resultfor potassium was8 2 mg/L AQL AquiferQualityLimitspecifiedinTable172-17of thePermit C- Reanalys_s resultforboronwas2 9 mg/L AWQS-AquiferWaterQualityStandard D- Reanalysis resultforpotassium was8 2 mg/L IAL-IndicatorAlertLevelspecifiedinTable172-10ofthePermit E- Reanalysis resultfor seleniumwas0 0422mg/L mg/L milhgramsperliter F - Reanalysisresultfor boronwas3.2mg/L NA-AW- AQLsarenotappttcable toalertwellsandPV-Q8isanalertwell G- Reanalysis resultfor seleniumwas00344mg/L NE- NotestablishedinthePermit H- Reanalysis resultforboronwas3 2 mg/L pCi/L-picocur*esperliter I -Reanatysisresultfor potassium was!9 mg/L P\APS PVNGS\138949 - 2009 Annual Mon and CompJ Report\Deliverables\Reports\Final\Sectlon 1 Tables\20O9Table 1A-2 tnru 1A-21 WQ xlsPV Q8 Page 19 of 20


2009 Annual Monitoringand ComplianceReport Analyte AQL pH NA-AW SpecConductance @25C pmhos/cm 17,000 NE Monitoronly NA-AW Antimony mg/L <00200 0.006 00054 NA-AW Dissolved Antimony mg/L <00200 Arsenic mg/L c00300 0 05 0045 NA-AW DissolvedArsenic mg/L <00300 Barium mg/L 0 105 2 !8 NA-AW DissolvedBarium mg/L 0 0620 Boron mg/L 13 f 4 14 13 NE 2 22 2 22 NA-AW DissolvedBoron mg/L 13 12 15 15 Beryllium mg/L <00010 0004 00036 NA-AW DissolvedBerylhum mg/L <00050 Cadmium mg/L <00200 0005 0 0045 NA-AW DissolvedCadmium mg/L <00200 Chromium mg/L 0 0819 01 0 09 NA-AW DissolvedChromium mg/L c00500 Chloride mg/L 4.500 5 100 5000 4800 NE 5,812 5812 NA-AW Fluoride mg/L 31 4 46 NA-AW Lead mg/L <00200 0 05 0045 NAAW DissolvedLead rng/L c00200 Mercury mg/L <00002 0002 0 0018 NA-AW DissolvedMercury mg/L <00002 Nickel mg/L 0 0733 01 0 09 NAAW DissolvedNickel mg/L <00500 Nitrate/Nitrite asN mg!L 27 10 40.8 NA-AW Potassium mg!L 13_' NE 78 NA-AW DissolvedPotassium mg/L 12 Selenium mg/L 0 0292 0 05 0 045 NA-AW Dissolved Selenium mg!L 0 0234 Sulfate mg/L 1100 NE 1342 NA-AW TotalDissolvedSotids mg/L 9,700 NE 14,284 NA-AW Thallium mg/L <00050 0 002 0 0072 NA-AW DissolvedThallium mg/L <00050 Bromodichtoromethane mg/L Bromoform mg/L Chloroform mg/L Dibromochloromethane mg/L TotalTnhalomethanes mg/L <00025 01 009 NA-AW Tntium pCi/L <322 <314 <460 <489 20,000 3,000 18000 NA-AW Iodine-131 pCi/L <49 100 90 NA-AW Cesium-134 pCi/L <23 75 67 5 NA-AW Cesium137 pCi/L <22 110 99 NA-AW Cobalt-60 pCi/L <22 200 180 NA-AW Notes:

IJmhos/cm - micromhos percentimeter A Reanalysis resultfor potasstumwas6 1 mgiL AL-AlertLevelspecifiedinTable172-29ofthePermit AQL-AquiferQualityLimitspecified inTable172-29ofthePermit AWQS AquiferWaterQualityStandard IAL- IndicatorAlertLevelspecified in Table172-10of thePermft mg/L- m_lligrams perliter NA-AWAQLsarenotapplicable to alertwellsandPV-R2ARisanalertwell NE NotestablishedinthePermit pCi/L-ptcocurles perliter P iAPS-PVNGS_138949 - 2009 Annual Mort and Compl RepomDeliverables\Reports\Final\Sectton 1 Tables',2OO9Table 1A-2 thru 1A-21 WQ xlsPV-R2AR Page 20 of 20

1. GroundwaterMonitoring 2009AnnualMonitoringand ComplianceReport APPNO,P-100388
1. GROUNDWATER MONITORING B,, TIRENDS iN GROUNDWATER CHEMISTRY In _cc(_rdance with Section 14.4.1 .A.l.b of the Pernlit, generalized trends in indicator parameters are summarized in Table 1B-l. As the table shows, the indicator parameter tritium was not detected in any of-thc wells s:m_pled during 20(19. The general trends f-or the rein:lining indicator par:tmeters boron :_nd chloride were essentially the same as comp:tred to previous years. I;or 2009, the onE" well sampled that exhibited _m increasing trend for Boron was PV-34FI. kS'ells thflt exhibited an increasing trend for chloride were ,\Pl ) .3,

,\PP-4R, APP 12, PV-I4fl, PV-193A, PV 19BAR, PV-34H, PV-QS, and PV-R2AR. Chloride conccntrati(ms in the shallow aquifer at the PVNGS site are known to be high and generffll.v have been attributed to historical agricultur_l activities conducted at the site prior to the Building of the PVNGS.

APS - PVNGS 2009Annual Monitoringand Compliance Report WellID Tritium Boron Chloride APP-3 Nochange- ND Notrend Increasing APP-4R Nochange-ND Notrend Increasing APP-5 Nochange-ND Notrend Notrend APP-6 Nochange-ND Notrend Notrend APP-7 Nochange-ND Notrend Notrend APP-8 Nochange- ND Notrend Notrend APP-9 Nochange-ND Notrend Decreasing APP-10 Nochange-ND Notrend Decreasing APP-12 Nochange-ND Notrend Increasing APP-13 Nochange-ND Notrend Notrend APP-14 Nochange-ND Notrend Notrend APP-15 Nochange-ND Notrend Notrend PV-14H Nochange-ND Notrend Increasing PV-193A Nochange-ND Notrend Increasing PV-195A Nochange-ND Notrend Decreasing PV-198AR Nochange- ND Notrend Increasing PV-206A Nochange-ND Notrend Decreasing PV-34H Nochange- ND Increasing Increasing PV-Q8 Nochange- ND Notrend Increasing PV-R2AR Nochange-ND Notrend Increasing Note._

ND- Notdetected abovethelaboratory reportlhg /imit, P:_APS-PVNGS\138949 - 2009 Annual Mon and Comp! Repod\Deliverables\Reports\Final\Section 1 Tables\2009Table 1B-1 Trends xls Page 1 of 1

1. Groundwater Monitoring 2009AnnualMonitoringandCompliance Report APPNO.P-100388

_APS, AND ALL EXCEEDANCES VERIFIED DURING THE ONEoYEAR REPORTING PERlOD Sccthm 14.4.1.A.l.c ()f the Permit requests that annual reports include indicat(_r parameter concentrati(m cont(_ur maps. Since the site is composed of multiple levels of saturation resulting from infiltration (_f excess irrigati(m water when the site was actively farmed, and based on the heter()geneous nature (>f the site ge(>l(_g)',

there is a high degree of both spatial _md temporal wtriabilit\ in inorganic water quality. These characteristics rcsuh m h_calized water level and water qualit T c(mditi(ms. The water quality results in particular are not amenable to contouring, nor would the results be technically meaningful. Therefore, rather than prcparc c(mtour maps (_f indicator parameter concentrati(ms, selected quarterly data for boron and chloride tna\'e been presented {}nI;igures 2 and 3, respectively.

,\s shown on t:igure 2, quarterl?' boron concentrations in the regional wells (APP-3 and APP-6) were 1.3 and 1.4 milligrams per liter (rag/L) throughout 2()09. Quarterl)boron concentrations in the Palo Verde Cla\

aquift_r wells in 2(1()9ranged fr(ml {/.58 to 2.2 rag/l_ For the shallow aquifer wells, boron c(mccntrations varied from less than 1 mg/L at APP-12, and up to 23 mg/L at PV-195A.

\s sh(_wn _m I
igure 3, quarterly chloridc concentramms in tlne regional and Pal(_ Verde Clay aquifer wells were within the same order (}f magnitude ranging from 120 to 630 mg/l,. Chloride concentrations in the shallow aquif_r wells w_'re approximately one (}rder of magnitude higher, ranging fr(}m 950 mg/L at APP llJ up u_ 14jill!! mg/l. at APP-14.

l.aborat{}rv analytical results were compared t_ the well-specific :\Ls and AQLs specified in the Permit. l;{_r 2()()9, 11)wells had at least (me verified exceedance of an AI, All verified exceedances of groundwater quality permit limits (Al.s and/()r AQLs) are presented in Table 1C-1.



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1, Groundwater Monitoring 2009AnnualMonitoring andCompliance Report APPNO.P-100388

1. GROUNDWATER MONITORING QUARTERLY SHALLOW GROUNDWATER 'APS AND ANNUAL REGIONAL GROUNDWATER EQUlPOTENTtfAL rVIAPS Cont_urs of the shallow water level data have been completed for each quarter of 2()()9and are presented on Figures 4 through 7. Contours of water levels f(_r the Palo Verde Clay aquifer have also been completed fi)r each quarter of 2009 and are presented on Figures 8 through 11. The groundwater elevation c(mt(mrs wcrc developed using the computer program Surfer. Minor hand drawn edits have been made to certain areas based on historical water level data or interpretation. This approach is considered appropriate for the data set utilized, and the water level data also reflects the subsurface heterogeneity. In general, the shallow water level elevation maps fi)r 20I)9 remain consistent with historical shallow groundwater elevation maps.

In Section 14.4.1 A.ld of the Permit, the completion {_fa Regional Groundwater equip_tentiai map is als(_

requested. Based <)nthe number of wells, the water level complexities created from historical on-site pumping, current off-site pumping, and different well completion depths, contouring of the regi<malaquifer water level elevation data was n<_tcompleted, nor is it considered tcchnicalh' advisable. Historically, based (m regional aquifer water level data collected both on and off site, it has been shown that regional aquifer flow directions are to the south/southwest. This flow direction is similar t_)the natural pre Pk"NGS gr<mndwatcr flow direction with the current flow gradient largely controlled by pumping in the Centennial \\'ash area t()

the south/southwest, and pumping by Duke Energy to the south of the PVN(;S property. The water level elevation data collectcd for the regional aquifer wells (APP-3, APP-6, and PV-216R) has been pr<_videdin Table 1,\ 1 and p(_sted on Figure 12. As the data posted on Figure 12 indicates, the general gr<_undwater flow direction is t(_the south/southwest tit present.

H)-drographs f{)r the monitoring wells listed in Table 17.2 34 of the Permit are provided in Figures 13 thr_mgh 54 with the exception of the fi4lowing wells for the stated reasons:

,\PP-I was dry throughout 2009 and has been dry since 2004.

PV 191A was dr) through_ut 2009 and has been dry since 1985.

'. PV 2{)7Awas dr)" throughout 20(19and has been dry since 1988.

1, Groundwater Monitoring 2009Annual Monitoring andCompliance Report APPNO.P-100388

1. GROUNDWATER MONITORING PROVIDE TDS AND CHLORIDE CONCENTRATION CONTOUR MAPS FOR THE SHALLOW AQUIFER ON A BiENNiAL BASIS Section 14.4.1.:\. l.e of the Permit requests that annual reports include TDS and chloride concentration contour maps for the shallow aquifer on a biennial basis. Since the site is composed of multiple levels of saturation resulting from infiltration of excess irrigation water when the site was activeh farmed, and based on the heterogeneous nature of the site geology, there is a high degree of both spatial and temporal variahilitv in inor,_amc water quality. These characteristics result in localized water level and water quality conditions.

The water qualib results in particular are not amenable to contouring, nor would the results be technically meaningful. Therefore, rather than prepare contour maps of TDS and chloride concentrations, selected biennial data for TDS and chloride have been presented on l;igures 55 and ,3, respectively.

Biennial TDS data collected from the shallow aquifer wells in 2008 and discretionary TDS data collected fr(ma the shallow aquifer wells in 20il9 are shown on I:Jgure 55. Biennial TDS concentrations in the shalh)w aquifer wells ranged from 3,4()()mg/l_ at APP 12 up to 27 ()0() mg/L at PV-195A.

\s stated in Section 1.C of this report, a chloride concentration map is provided as Figure 3. The figure includes quarterly results for the shallow aquifer wells, Palo \"erde Clay aquifer wells and the regional aquifer wells. In 2()()0, chloride concentrations in the shallow aquifer wells ranged from 950 mg/l. at
\PP 1()up t(J 14,()()()mg/l. at APP 14.

2, Impoundment Monitoring 2009AnnualMonitoring andComplianceReport APPNO.P-100388

2. IMPOUNDMENT MONITORING LCRS SUf41P MONlTOR)NG RESULTS The leak c(41ection and recoxcry systems (I,CRS) associated with the facility's impoundments are monitored on a daily basis fi)r the presence of fluid. Tile fidlowing I,CRS components are monitorcd in accordance with Tables 17.2 3, 17.2-5, 17.2 8 and 17.2-0 of the Permit:

Three _umps at the 85-acre WSR; Two sumps (north and south collection sumps) at the 45 acre WSR; Two sumps at Evaporation Pond 1; Two sumps at Evaporation Pond 2A and p,v(_sumps at Evaporation Pond 2B/2(I but these impoundments were under construction thr{mghout 2009; and Two sumps at Ewtporation Pond 3A and p,vo sumps at }'_vaporationPond 3B.

The t(_taldaih' volumes of water pumped by sumps at the 45-acre WSR and l-{vaporation P(md 1did not exceed the ,\1_specified in the Permit. However, there was one exceedance of an AI. based on the volume pumped by Sump 2 of the 85-acre WSR on November 24, 2(109. As stated in the five-day written n()tificati_,n letter, dated December 3, 2009, 32,617 gallons were pumped from Sump 2 on November 24, 2009, which exceeds tb,e i\IA of 17,66(/gallons per day. The volume pumped by Sump 2 did not exceed the i\12 of 577,655 gallons per day. More information on this exceedance is provided in Section 2D.

Evap(,rati, m P_md 2 was empty throughout 2009. Therefore, no water was pumped by the sumps associated with Evaporation Pond 2.

Dail) monit_)ring was conducted at both sumps at Evaporation Pond 3,\ throughout 200% daily m(mit(Jring

()f both sumps at Evaporation Pond 3B began on June 9, 20{)9,when the pond was put int{)service. The t{_taldaih' volume ()fwater pumps by Evaporation Pond 3A's and 3B's sumps did not exceed the \l_s specified in the Permit.

A summary tablc of daily sump monitoring activities conducted in 2009 is provided m Table 2A-1.


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2 Impoundment Monitoring 2009Annual Monitoring andCompliance Report APPNOP-100388

2. IMPOUNDMENT MONITORING B SUM_,,_AR_ES OF ANALYTlCAL RESULTS Water samples were collected from Evap()ration Pond 1 at the frequency' required by the Permit and analyzed for the parameters listed in Table 17.2-7 of the Permit. F()r 2009, the annual sample from F_vap()rati(m Pond 1 was collected on December 15, 2{)09. None of the Al,s specified in Table 17.2-7 were exceeded in 20!19.

For radionuclides, weekly grab samples from I-:_vaporation Pond 1 were composited on a quarterly basis and analyzed for the indicator parameters listed in Table 17.2-7 of the Permit. Tritium was detected in all of the quarterly water samples from Evaporation Pond l. Iodine-131 was detected in [:_vaporation Pond 1 quarterly water samples collected in January and July 20{19. None of the ALs specified in Table 17.2-7 were exceeded in 2()()9. Summary tables _f the water quality data for [{vaporation Pond 1 for 2009 are provided in Tables 2B 1 and 2B-2.

\X'ater samples were not collected from Evaporation Pond 2 because it was empty' fi}r re-lining.

The diss()lved b(}ron, chloride, fluoride, and diss{}lved potassium concentrations detected in the Evap{}ration Pond 1 sample collected in 2{}09are similar t{}previ()us years. Tables c{}mparin£ 2!}{!9water quality data t(}

historical evaporation pond water quality data are pr(}vided as Tables 2B-3 and 2B-4.


2009AnnualMonitoringandComplianceReport AlertLevel Analyte Units 12/15/09 (Table17.2.7of thePermit)

Antimony(dissolved) m_/L <0.1 NE Arsenic(dissolved) mgiL <0.25 NE Beryllium(dissolved) mg/L <0.05 NE Boron mg/L 33 / 36(D) NE Cadmium(dissolved) mg/L <0.05 NE Chromium(dissolved) mg/L <0.15 NE TotalAlkalinity mg/L 440 NE Chloride mg/L 41,000 NE Fluoride mg/L 27 NE pH SU 8.8 <4, >11 Potassium mg/L 2,300 / 2,500(D) NE Lead(dissolved) mg/L <0.05 NE Nickel m£t/L 0.45 / 0.35(D) NE Nitrate/Nitrite mg/L 480 NE Selenium(dissolved) mg/L <0.25 NE Sulfate mg/L 22,000 NE Thallium mg/L <0.05 NE TotalDissolvedSolids mg/L t00,000 NE TotalTrihalomethanes mg/L 0.017 NE Calcium mg/L 820 / 810(D) NE Magnesium mg/L 240 / 290(D) NE Sodium mg/L 37,000/ 37,000(D) NE CationAnionBalance  % 2.3 NE Notes:

<- Lessthantheindicatedreportinglimit.

(D)- Resultisfordissolvedmetal rag/L-milligramsperliter ME- Notestablished SU- StandardUnits P:_APS-PVNGS\138949 - 2009 Annual Mon. and Compl. Report\Deliverables\Reports\Final\Section 2 Tables\2009 Table 2B-1 and 2B-2 WQ.xlsTable 2B-1 EP1 NonRad Page 1 of 2

2. Impoundment Monitoring 2009AnnualMonitoring andCompliance Report APPNO.P-100388
2. IMPOUNDMENT MONITORING C SUrv_MARY OF MA[NTENANCE AND REPAIR ACTiViTiES Maintenance _nd repair _tctivities for the impouncimcnts are documented in the facility log bo()k in

_lccordance with the Permit. 5Ionthlv inspections of each impoundment are conducted to evaluate impoundment liner integrity (tears, punctures, crflcks, deformities, or other damage due to sunlight, wind, weather, debris, vegetation, animals, or other adverse conc{itions). ,-\ table summarizing maintenance _md repair activities in 2009 is provided in Table 2C-1.

..... II :l_,x,,,lz_z o,_T'_I_



CD g

m o

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2. Impoundment Monitoring 2009AnnualMonitoring andCompliance Report APPNO.P-100388


OF THE RESULTS OF ALL LINER LEAKAGE In general, the sumps associated with the water storage reservoirs and evaporation ponds pumped intermittently throughout 2009. In 2009, none of the ,'\l_s were cxceeded at the 45-acre \\'SR, Evaporation Pond 1, and Evaporation Ponds 3A and 3B. However, therc was one exceedance of an AI_based on the volume pumped by Sump 2 of the 85-acre WSR on November 24, 2(109. As stated in the five-day written notification letter, dated December 3, 2009, 32,617 gallons were pumped from Sump 2 on Novembcr 24, 2()(!9,which exceeds the AIA _Jf17,660 gallons per day. Volumes pumped on subsequent days were below the :\lJ of 17, 66(! galhms per day. APS began dropping the water level in the 85-acre WSR _m N_vember 1, 2(){)9,prior to the AI,1 exceedance. The 85 acre \X'SRwas about 10 percent full on November 24 as water was transferred to the 45-acre WSR by means of pumps t-loating on barges. It is believed that one of the barges made contact with the liner, causing a tear that resulted in the increased flow to Sump 2. The v_>lumc purnped b\ Sump 2 did not exceed the AI,2 of 577,655 gallons per day.

As summarized on Table 2C-1, maintenance and repair activities occurred at the 85-acre reservoir and Kwlporation Pond 1 during the reporting period. Repairs wcre made t<_all indicated and _bscrved liner defects.

.... il :u.1.,._,_,,_1LLvi_

,.: 1= ....

2. ImpoundmentMonitoring 2009Annual Monitoring andCompliance Report APPNO,P-100388




,\ summary table of monthly flow metering results for 2009 is provided in Table 2A-1.

Cumulative inorganic and organic data for Evaporation Ponds 1 and 2 are provided in Tables 2B 3 and 2B-4.

The only e,;tablished alert levels for evaporation pond water quality are f_r pH and radionuclides and data have not e::ceeded the ,\Ls.

A summary of flows to the water storage reservoirs and to the evaporation ponds is provided in Table 2b_-1.

[:1i[,l",'lil_l@ 1;t'2i:-]b

3. Sludge Monitoring 2009Annual Monitoring andComplianceReport APPNO.P-100388

_ _,LtJDG_ LANDFILL MONITORING ANALYTICAL RESULTS Sludge fr(_m the \\_RF is recluJred to 1)m ch:-tracterized through representative s,wnplin_ on :t scnlJ-_mnu_[lb_tsis.

In 2{)()9, \VR[; sludge samples were collected in ]uric and October and analyzed for the parameters listed in Table 17.2-4 of the Permit.

Toxicity (;h:_racteristie l_eaching Procedure (TCI,P) metals were not detected above the lab(_rator) reporting limits in the WRF sludge samples collected in 2009, and none of the ALs were exceeded. ,\ summfuv t;_ble of the Iaboral(_rv _malvtical results for \\RF sludge s;lmples collected in 2(/09 is pr_wided in Table 3A 1.

l:_l,l',,l_0F! {il',,i:i!_

APS - PVNGS 2009 Annual Monitoring and Compliance Report AlertLevel Units 06111/09 10127109 (Table17.2.4of thePermit) pH SU 9.7 9.5 <2,>12.5 Arsenic mg/L <1.0 <1.0 5.0 Barium m_/L <5.0 <5.0 100.0 Cadmium mg/L <0.50 <0.50 1.0 Chromium(total) mg/L <1.0 <1.0 5.0 Lead m_iL <1.0 <1.0 5.0 Mercury mg/L <0.0020 <0.0020 0.2 Selenium m_iL <0.50 <0.50 1.0 Silver mg/L <1.0 <t .0 5.0 Notes:

MetalsanalyzedbyToxicityCharacteristic LeachingProcedure(TCLP).

<- Lessthantheindicatedreportinglimit.

mg/L- milligramsper liter SU- StandardUnits P:/APS-PVNGS\138949 - 2009 Annual Mon and Compl. Report\Deliverables\Reports\Final\Section 3 Tables\2009 Table 3A 1 xls Page 1 of 1

3. SludgeMonitoring 2009Annual Monitoring andComplianceReport APPNO.P-100388

,COOLING TOWER SLUDGE ANALYTICAL RESULTS Cooling tower sludge is required to be characterized prior to disposal in the Sludge Disposal Landfill, on a per disposal event basis. Four cooling tower sludge samples (canal and each of the three towers) were collected from each unit in 2009:

' Samples from Unit 1were collected in February 2009. In 2009, an estimated 216 cubic yards of cooling tower sludge from Unit 1 was disposed.

Samples from Unit 3 were collected in August 2009. In 2009, an estimated 326 cubic yards of cooling tower sludge from Unit 3 was disposed.

Samples from Unit 2 were collected in December 2009. Cooling tower sludge from Unit 2 was disposed in 2010; therefore, the estimated volume will be provided in the 2010 Annual Monitoring and Compliance Report.

All cooling tower sludge samples were analyzed for the parameters listed in Table 17.2-4 of the Permit.

TCLP metals were not detected above the laborato U reporting limits in the cooling tower sludge samples collected in 2009, and none of the ALs were exceeded. A summary, table of the laboratory analytical results for cooling tower sludge samples collected in 2009 is provided in Table 3B-1.

[-"1i:*Wi il_li'_ _ t'ZL:-II; P A':'5 PV_GS :%i_d9 2909 An'_aalk'or argoLomP Report Delve _iDle_,ReDortsFi'-L:!Firla' AF-'S-PVNG{:Ar/%a! F_esorl2009 soc

3. Sludge Monitoring 2009Annual Monitoring andCompliance Report APPNO,P-100388
3. SLUDGE MONITORING C SUI_MARY OF ANY ExCEEDANCES OF PERMl°r L_M_TS FOR SLUDGE QUALITY No cxceedances of permit limits 6)r sludge quality were observed during 2(){)9.
3. Sludge Monitoring 2009Annual Monitoring andCompliance Report APPNO,P-100388

_:_,, DESCRIPTION OF ANY VlOLA!°_ONS OF 'TNE ARRA SPECIAL LICENSE FOR SLUDGE RADiOiSOTOPE L_M_TS No excc_dances \vcre observcd during 20{)9.

4. ComplianceStatus 2009AnnualMonitoring andCompliance Report APPNO.P-100388


UNLINED £}fTCHKS OR SE#JMKNTAT_ON BASINS Thcrc \vcr{: no non-storm w;t[cr rclc_ses to thc unlined ditches or scdimcnt_tion b,gsins in 2009.

I r,lt,l"_'ll_l_"i'l[l['i l'_'i:4!

4. ComplianceStatus 2009AnnualMonitoring andCompliance Report APPNO.P-100388

_,, SOURCE AND CHARAC_ER+ZATiON OF RELEASES TO BASINS Since thmc were n() non st()rm water releases t() thc unlined ditches ()r sedimentation basins in 211()9,water samples were not c_>llcctcd for characterizati(m.

1:1I_*l','lllmm_ i','[:t It

4. ComplianceStatus 2009Annual Monitoring andCompliance Report APPNO.P-100388
4. COMPLIANCE STATUS C, (CONTINGENCY PLAN ACTIONS TAKEN FOR RELEASES Sincu there were n<_ non st{_rm water releases t<_the unlined ditches or sedimentation basins in 2t!(19, n_>

contingency plan actions were taken.

n =jl,l,,,l,_t,_ _;ivi_Ii ......

4. Compliance Status 2009Annual Monitoring andCompliance Report APPNO.P-100388
4. COMPLIANCE STATUS O V_OLAT_ONS OF TNJS PERMIT There were no violations of this permit except for the cxcccdance of 1ALs and/or ,-\l.s as described m Section I.C of this report and listed in Table 1C-1.

['! t,_,'_'lll_lll'_ IYL=..D.

4. Compliance Status 2009Annual Monitoring andCompliance Report APPNO.P-100388



"THE EXCEEDED LEVELS Tinere were no discharges from thc permitted facilities during the reporting period. As summarized on Table 2C 1, rnaintenancc and repair activities occurred at the 85-acre reservoir and Evaporation Pond l durin_ the reporting period. Repairs were made to all indicated and observed liner defects.

,\s stated in Sccmms 2,\ and 2D, there was one .\1_exceedance associated with the I,(IRS at d_e 85-acre \X*SR during the reporting period. As stated in the five-day written notification letter, dated December 3, 211119, 3_,6l ,,gall,ms were pumped from Sump 2 ()n N()vember 24, 2(1(19,which exceeds the AI.I of 17,661 gall_ms per da\. Volumes pumped on subsequent da\s were below the AIA of 17, 660 gallons per day. ,.\PS began dropping the water level in the 85-acre \VSR on November 1, 20(19,prior to the AIA exceedancc. The 85 acre \'('SR was ab_mt 10 percent full on November 24 as water was transferred to the 45-acre \VSR by means

()f pumps floating,on barges, _. It is believed that one of the barges,

. made contact with the liner, causing a tear that resulted in the increased flow to Sump 2. The volume pumped by Sump 2 did not exceed the :\12 (ff

_..,,6n._gallons per (tax.

\left levels for groundwater quality at P()C and alert wells were exceeded in 2(1(19.A summary of permit limit exceedances related to groundwater quality ix presented in Table 1C 1. In general, total or dissolvcd potassium concentrations at ,\PP-3, PVq4H, PV-195A, PV 206A, and PV-Q8 have varied over the past t\w_

years. :\Is{,, the nitratc-nitritc as N concentrations at APP-3 and PV-14H and fluoride concentrations at PV 195A in 2(1[19are similar to concentrations reported fi_rthese wells in 2008.

These ,\I, exceedances were not associated with discharges from the permitted facilities. Elevated concentrations of boron, chloride, fluoride, nitrate nitrite as N, potassium, and total dissolved solids max bc attributed to previous agricultural land use and/or changing site conditions (such as a decrease in water levels). For cxample, for many shallow aquifer wells, water levels have decreased. Many of th(_sewells arc screened in a silty clay unit and the increase in potassium (a metal commonly found in clay minerals) may again be attributable to the clayey zones that may be intersected as water levels decrease.

In addition, APS has noticed variation in concentrations for some parameters (such as potassium) that c(_rrelate with the laboratory used and/(_r meth(_d used. I_'(_rexample, EPA Meth(_d 20{I.7,a method using inductively-coupled plasma, is greatly affected b} high sodium and total dissolved solids concentrations.

Potassium and sodium are both easily ionizable and this may be contributing to the variability in the results.

EP,\ Meth(Jd 258.1 which is an atomic absorption method was used historically; however, currently, there arc no Ariz(ma-certified laboratories for this method. Alternative appropriate methods for potassium are being investigated with our contract laboratory. It is uncertain whether or not the potassium exceedances in may be within the inherent variability of EPA Method 20{I.7.

4. Compliance Status 2009AnnualMonitoring andCompliance Report APPNO.P-100388 Where elcvated chromium concentrations are determined to be associated with pump corrosion, PVN(;S c_mducts corrective actions to rcplacc the corr_dcd pumps.




2009AnnualMonitoring andCompliance Report APPNO.P-100388 FIGURES

PVNGS Weft Locations and Aquifer Monito_ed

.... PV Cay Aquifer FIGURE 1

_,,' Abandoned WeI SITE MAP

_,o P'_ NGo Bounda[y PALO VEI-<DE NUCLEAS_


> G E_Pn_jeClSAPSP _'¢_S138949 7()_}9!_rmua Mi)_t a_d Uon2p[ [kepor',G S A[-_Ck4APSF)GU_ES /"_8949 F GOl %l_b aps !?*;d L(,_s_

Updal(_d May 3 POlO

Appo-8 Dab _,'u 6,1208P_ 0 _8 PV_,20_A 2it0/2009 0 _9 Date _79,>L 5/7/2009 0.98 2/11/2009 16 7/23/2009 0,89 5/2t/2(}09 17 10/28/2009 0 86 8/4/2009 16 1(i}i2912009 18 PV--195A Date m{_/L PVo198AR 31! 1/2009 20 s_'_,'sOn:_ 37 9,17 _;00.

2f! 1/2009 35 ,,, ......_V4gSAR I I/I0_2009 23 5i27/2009. 4 _, ......

7i22/2009 ;7,4 .... APP-15 10/15/200_ 37 Date mg/L 1" ,fn_

1/4,20;,,_ 3.9 11/10/2009 13 12/1/2009 36 PV-Q8 Date mg/L 21!! 12009 28 PV.4g3A 5 " "_

,o/_8/_.,_09 29 Date mglL APP-5 8/6/2009 36 2127/2009 52 Date mg/'L ' APP.,14 I0/8/2009 33 5i28/2009 6.0 2127/2009 0,62 Date m_L 10129/2009 2,9 8/4/2009 7I 6/10/2009 0,66 1I/10/2009 !8 12/2i2009 30 10/28/2009 56 9/16/2009 059 11/5/2009 0,65 APP-13 Date mg,'L APP-3 11/6/2009 I9 Date '_


2i 18i2009 i :4 5!28/2009 i4 PV°34H 8i6/2009 _,4 _va_at_on Date m@iL PV-14H 1, 3 Pond No, 3B Oat_, mg/L 10129i2009 212712009 67 ""

6/10/2009 89 3/i t/2009 65 9/! 7/2009 70 6/15/2009 67 APP4R t I/6/2009 71 9/17/2009 i3 2/!9/2oo918 Date mg/L ' 1012212009 75 512812009 2,0 .....

8/6/2009 22 APPo6 10!29/2009 I7 .... Date m_'L 3/11/2009 13

.......... 6i16/2009 1S

9117i2009 14

.... ........  ! 0/22/2009 !4 NOTE: PVNGS WeN Locations and Aquifer Monitored mg/L = milligram pe_ Lte_



.... PALO VERDE N LICI<EAR (}ENERATIN(I_ S'['A I'{ON ARIZONA PL [-K,I( SERVI( ES P 20)9 ,_\l _'ua f'4r>n and C;om_{ _eI_or(!S,ARCMAPS[IGSIF_KSI_8949FiG02 r_o or, r_xd Last k}c_datec May 5 201(

e _- _i;ii ii, iiiii i:i:.....  !:iii <,_

iiii!i i_,,i!ii:£

!;_ ' _ i_ , _,_ * ....

(ki!i_! , _,

APP=7 3/12,'2009 120 9/80/20096/ 112°20 7/ ° Date mg/L t 1/19/2009 120 1/5/2009 1000 APPo12 5/'L2009 Date mg/l 7/9/2009 I/I 5/2009 1800 10/22/2009 970 5fU2009  ! 700 AP_',,7 7/9/2009 1800 ...........

10/22/2009  ! 900 }

Date 3/i2/2009 m_'L 4500 Date m/L 6/17/2009 5100

!/15/2009 8100 .... '

i .... , : 9/25/2009 5000 5/7/2009 8000

_¢,_ ,,  ! 1/19/2009 4800 7/9/2009 7900 _*

10/22/2009 8000 APPo8 Date mg,,t %_,

!/16/2009 190 PVo206A 2tt 0/2009 150 " Date m/L 5/7/2009 170 2/11/2009 5500 7/23/2009 !70 5/21/2009 5500 i 0/28/2009 180 8/4/2009 5700 10/29/2009 5600 PV495A Date mg/t_

PV498AR  ;:' 3/I 1/2009 7600 Date mg_,L 6/10/'2009 8300 I/!3/2009 2200 9/I7/2009 _00 2/11/2009 2100 ...._, ......... e_ _eS_,_ 11/10/2009 9100 5/27/2009 2400 ............

7/22/2009 24O0 ....L ....

I0/15/2009 2800 _ APP45

" Date mg/L 11/4/2009 2800 11/! 0/2009 9300 12/1/2009 2600 _w-PVoQ8 Date m_/L PV4 93A 2/11/2009 3200 Date m APP=5 5/28/2009 3100 2J27/2009 6100 Date mg/L APP44 8/6/2009 3100 5/28/2009 5600 2/27/2009 180 Date mg/L 18/29/2009 2900 8/4/2009 5900 6/10/2009 190 1I/I0/2009 14000 12/2/2009 3000 10/28/2009 5900 9/16/2009 180 11/5/2009 200 APPo13 Date mg/t, APPo3 .................. 11/6/2009 140 Date mf_41 2/18/2009 570 5/28/2009 630 PV_34H 8/6/2009 580 _vo_:o_m_ Date m/i PVol4H 10/29/2009 570 Pe_ Ne,,,_ 2/27/2009 2000 Date mg/L.

6/I 0/2009 2100 3/11/2009 2200 9/17/2009 2100 6/15/2009 2100 11/6/2009 1900 9/17/2009 2200 APP4R 10/22/2009 2300 Date mg/t 2/19/2009 550 5/28/2009 550 8/6/2009 600 APPo6 10/29/2009 560 Date m#%

3/11i2009 330

' 6/16/2009 340 9/I 7/2009 320 10/22/2009 330 NOTE: PVNGS We/Locations and Aquifer Monitored mgiL = milligram pe_ Lter



..... i .............

_ £>iS P O}_'CtSAPS-PVNGS _38949 2009 A_ma %b!'_ 4qd COrnOl Rep0rt GIStARCt,ffA_:_S _GL R[S 138949 F!G03.Obi(}r}d8 r_ d k_st Op4afe( M_/ 5 2010

F:eet 0 600 S_200 2¢00 PYc205A (Welt Name)

NOTES: 837.2I (Water Level Elevation) 1 Contou_lines 9ene_ated(sing Surfe_with 2 mino edits made Water/evet using n histodca etevatons feet data _S Groundwater Elevation Comou_s

-,_,,_ Contours Dashed where :nferred JANUARY 200.'9 SHALLOW AQUtFBR L:ROU ND\VAT:_R ELEY,AT:ON CONTO U RS

.huO VER:)E N I;(.Lt:_ ._<,QI{]NEI_ATII':G STA'FIO N ARI£ONA 7:.;B[ ........


,:: ¢

_'GIS Projec s A,W_.PVNGS, 38949 i?(309 A'_ :ua[ tvlo:_ ar:d Comp/ Repod (:KS/,A::CMAPS FK_:iF_ES ! 38,949 F Q04 V,_t. sha:o, 2009 01JAN mxd Last Updated: Ap:fi 28, 2,,Id

Feet 0 600 1,200 2400 P'vU205A (Weti Name)

NO,_ES: 83768 (Watel Level Elevation)

I Contour nes generated usng Surfe! wth minor edits made us{ng h{storcal data _#_

...."_'_\_j 2 Water levet elevations in feet Groundwate__E,evation Contours

'¢' _'_ _,_ Contours Dashed where hfretTed APRIL 2009 SHAL.LOW AQUIFER GROU NDWATER EEE_vATION CONTOU RL PASO VERDE NU( 13}_:'}AI_:_

([ENE}_ATING STATION A}_IZ(bNA PUBLIC SP}t_VICES P\C[S\RroiectsAPS PVNGS',,!38949 - 2009 Aw_ua! Molt and Comp[ Report\GISkARCMAPS FIGURE S\! 8949 FiG05-WL sha!io,# 2009 04APR mxd Last Updated A[:>[ _.8° 201>0

Feet 0 6@ I,200 _;

<o00 NOTES: pMo205A (Well Name}

! Contour lines generated using Surf@' with 837.22 (Water LeveI [ElevatioP,)

minor edits made using historical data=

2_Water (3roundwatur_E_evationContours above tevet mean eievations sea evel. }n feet J "_%_jF 3 NA = MeasuFement not avaiJabie 4p _'_e F'IGURE rb Contours Dashed where inferred JUILY 2009 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION CONTOURS PALO VERDE N_CI.EAR QENERA'_{'INQ STATION ikRIZOXA } } L/BI,_I(} SF;RVIC[{:S

> G!S!,ProjectsAPS-PVNGSq38949 2009 Annuai Mon and Compl Report',G S_,ARCMAPS,F G, RESH 38949 FIG06-WL shaflov,-2@9 07JL _ _axd Las Updated April 28 20t0

Feet 0 600 1200 2,400 b_OTf),S: PVc205A (We/Name}

I Conto_ iir_es get erated using Sude with 837,07 (Water Leve Elevation) m_noredits made using histor cai data 2 Water level elevations in feet £_'s_

above mean sea leve X........,+ Groundwater Elevaton Contours s _A=Mea_u_emen _o_ av_,ab,e FIGURE 7

_'_ +,+Contours Dashed where Infer;ed OCTOBER 2009 SHALIL,OW A }3UHS'ER(-" T GROU NDW ATER EDEVAII ION CONTO L,RS PAI.() \/_;" " " NL!CL_;}AIR GENERAT!NQ

_,t_DE STATION ARIZONA PUI[_I_I( SE}_VI(fX}S P ,GlS\g'ro_ects'APS-PV_,iGS 138949 200.9 A_mual Mo_ a_d Co_u:A Repol{\.G S_ARCMAPS\FI(_[IRES 1389,19 FiG07t-Wh shaHo_.2009 !0OCTmxd last Updated April 28 2010

Feet r_,

,- 600 __,,,,

' w, 2,400 EX P bA X AT I O N NOTES; APP--5 (Well Name}

1, contoul _iines generated sp,9 Surfe_'

2 Wate_level elevations in feet 776,78 (Water Level Elevation)


>A.,C) V E N [.)E N U Ci, k_A}-t (}P}N E R AT N (,1 SI'A 1" () N s_}rid Comp[ Repo_l GIS\ARCr%lAPS\FK3URES\!38949 W _ deep 200901-.AN nxd [ at L pda{ed b%y !4 201O



¢!i! ;

  • K ;}

Feet 0 500  ! ,200 2400 NOTES:

1. Contot._r Jines generated usn: Su_fer. APP5 (Weft Name)

"2,Water level eievatons in feet 77662 (Water Levet Elevation}

Groundwater Elevation APRI((_ 2009 PA[_O %ERDa!,,CL,AY AQUi[FER CSROUN[DWAS'ER ELEVA _[ON £,ON_rC L.,_RS

_iAXO \,.'_RI)B NUC ]£AR C t I'XttIRArl:,_(DsrA I'I(}_',i ARIZONA i-:L,_B]iC SBRV},CES

\GS P_oiect_W%PS-PVNGS 138949 26}09An!_u@Mort s d Co_p (<por{',GS',ARCMAPS,F!GURES138949 WL deep 2009 04APRmxd Las__.'}da{eS:Ma_'14 2010

.......... Feet 0 (00 1200 2,400 NOTES:

! Contot,r nes generated us n!.}Surfer. APP-5 (Wet Name)

2. Water evel elevatiop,s n let i}'7687 (Waler Level Elevation)

Groundwater Elevation Contours J -U]_Y 2009 PALO VERDE CLAY AQUIFER GROUNDWA]


}V\!,O \, L;RD b: _"LJ£ t,/.kP' x"C EN ERA 1.'ING S I.'AN O N ARIZONA P__B},I( S . [, k \,_I(......h b; P: G SPr@eck\A/_S PVNCS !38949 ?009 Arct a_Mol aid i;ompl Repolf\G!S_AR ;MAPS'FiGURE S 138949 W_ deep-2 09 0;' JUI mxo last Upd_te-'J:May 14 2010

_ ........ . ....... . Feet 0 600  ! 200 240(}


! Cottour nes genersted sng Su_fe_ APP-5 (WelI _ '_xarne) 2, Wate_ evel eleva'_tior]ssin feet 776_57 (Water Level Eievat on)

G_oundwater Elevation Contours OCTOB_;}_t_ £009 PALO VERDE CLAY AQUIFE[_

GRObNDWATER ELE_._A']ION CONTOU_<S Y,,°"_/ ) VEb_]}E?SbCI_.,A, "/ _) Gh}b;ERATING S AT!ON A[<IZONA PUfq,I( SE[_VICES P \G!S'@ ojecfs'i,,PS-PVN(_;S\138949 - 2)09 Ans(;ai _o] aqd Co _-/ glel)(/!t',G S'_ARCMAPS F[OLJ[_FS !38949 WI Seeg 2009 10OCI _xci [sst Jp:la e{ : May 14_ 2010

0 12f () b 0 q NOIE

! Groundwater eew;tons ae shown fo welis compieted with_ the Regiona Aq fen

2. Groundwater contours are not shown @ Regionai Aquifer We/ Locations _, -, _  ;-,

General Direction of Groundwater Flow RE.GIONAL AQUIFER GROUNDWA'tTER ELE", A FION S

[ AI.,O V [}i__.D [!f N L ( i,EAI_ G EN l£RA'i'i N (} S'FA))() N ARIZONA PUL{LI( SE {VIC[/;S Oi8 ::' ) __h,P P\/b ] b!_ ! )} A _ [<{, ru_ {}>_) R,p: tGS_R(p_/APS_ I(-,( {88 l{[S_:} QVVE{iv RgK a oxi ( st {J)d_Le< ,t_ 3 2010

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(ISUJil'leet) uo!leAel:l JelilMpunoJ!D

Pvo?06A Date g 1/18,2008 19000 5121/2009 20000 d

PVd 98AR PV.,195A

_/,"_e  :;,-

{}/: 5ae mg/L

"/2{-}/2008 4600 36/2008 27000

.... 6, 0 ,- ,0,: 27000 5/27:2009 5300 .....,............. .......

, *'17 t":


Date sK#/t 6i5:2009 20000 PVQ8 PV-193A Date  ::9v% Date r_£yL APP,,14 1/24/2008 8_00 2/I4/2008 _000 Date mgii 5/28/2009 8900 5/28/2009 15000 6/5:2009 35000 P'do44H Date m!>/t.

2/20/2008  :;'200 PV_34H 6/I !,/2009 6800

'ore:no.s_ 2//200 6400 6/10/2009 6600 PVNGS We/:Locations and Aquit%:rMo:_i_ored NorE: @ ShaI{ow Aquifer mgiL = mllg_am pe_ _ :x FIGURE 55


                                                                                                                                                             !{K%I,,()VEF, D[ ,_t.

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RCTSAI 1643. Legacy Item No. 036843.01 ) Digitallysigned by Drinovsky, Louis J Drinovsky, Louis DN: ,z33099_ cn=Drinovsky, Louis J(Z33699) Reason: I am the author of this J(Z33699) do.omen, Prepared by: Date: 2010.0. 0210:24:39-07'g0' Digitally signed by Bungard, James Bungard James DN: cn=Bungard, James P(Z18012) P(Z18012) P(Z18012) dooomeo, Reason: I have reviewed this Reviewed by: Date 2010 0402 12:51:31 -07'00' Gaffney, John,z3o4sg_°'g"°"Ys'_dby_a"°eYJ_°_ DN: cn=Gaffney. John P(Z36459) P(Z36459) Date: 2910.9405 Reason:I 12:38:58 am approving this-97'00' d.... nt Approved by: Director, Radiation Protection


1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 2
2. DESCRIPTION OF THE MONITORING PROGRAM ................................................................ 3 2.1. 2009 PVNGS I_A.DIOLOG1CALENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM ............................... 3 2.2. RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM CHANGES FOR 2009 ...................... 3 2.3. REMP DEVIATIONS/ABNORMAL EVENTS SIJMMARY ............................................................... 4 2.4. SIGNIFICANT INVESTIGATION REGARDING GROUND WAFER PROTECTION ............................... 4
3. SAMPLE COLLECTION PROGRAM ........................................................................................ 12 3.1. WATER .................................................................................................................................... 12 3.2. VEGETATION ........................................................................................................................... 12 3.3. MILK ....................................................................................................................................... 12 3.4. AIR .......................................................................................................................................... 12 3.5. SLUDGE AND SEDIMENT .......................................................................................................... 13
4. ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES .................................................................................................. 13
4. I. AIR PARTICI ILATE................................................................................................................... 13 4.2. AIRBORNE RADII)IODINE ......................................................................................................... 13 4.3. MILK ....................................................................................................................................... 13 4.4. VEGETATION ........................................................................................................................... 14 4.5. SLI rDGE/SEDIMEN T. ................................................................................................................ 14 4.6. WATER .................................................................................................................................... 14 4.7. SoII......................................................................................................................................... 15
5. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTATION ............................................................................................ 15 5.1. GAMMA SPECTROMEIER ......................................................................................................... 15 5.2. LIQUID SCINTILLATION SPECTROMETER ................................................................................. 15 5.3. GAS FLOW PROPORTIONAL COUNTER ..................................................................................... 15
6. ISOTOPIC DETECTION LIMITS AND REPORTING CRITERIA .......................................... 16 6.1. LOWER LIMITS OF DETECTION ................................................................................................ 16 6.2. DATA REPORTING CRITERIA ................................................................................................... 16 6.3. LLD AND REPORTIN{_;CRITERIA OVERVIEW ........................................................................... 17
7. INTERLABORATORYCOMPARISONPROGRAM............................................................... 22
7. I. QI!ALITY CONTROL PROGRAM ................................................................................................ 22 7.2. INTER{_'OMPARISONRESI rLTS .................................................................................................. 22
8. DATA INTERPRETATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS ............................................................... 25 8.1. AIR PARTICULATES ................................................................................................................. 25 8.2. AIRBORNE RADIOI()DINE ......................................................................................................... 26 8.3. VEGETATION ........................................................................................................................... 26 8.4. MILK ....................................................................................................................................... 26 8.5. DRINKING WATER ................................................................................................................... 26 8.6. GROUND WATER ..................................................................................................................... 26 P\ ,"NGS AN_',;UAL RADI()LOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT - 2009 ii

TABLE OF CONTENTS 8.7. SURFACE WATER .................................................................................................................... 26 8.8. SLUDGE AND SEDIMENT .......................................................................................................... 27 8.9. DATA TRENDS ......................................................................................................................... 27

9. THERMOLUMINESCENT DOSIMETER (TLD) RESULTS AND DATA .............................. 49
10. LAND USE CENSUS ................................................................................................................... 55 10.1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 55 10.2. CENSUS RESULTS ..................................................................................................................... 55


AND CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................................... 57

12. REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................. 62 P'_2NGS ANNUAL RAD1OLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPEP_AT1NG REP{ }RT - 2(109 iii

LIST OF TABLES TABLE 2.1 SAMPLE COLLECTION LOCATIONS ................................................................................ 6 TABLE 2,2 SAMPLE COLLECTION SCHEDULE .................................................................................. 7 TABLE 2.3 SUMMARIES OF REMP DEVIATIONS/ABNORMAL EVENTS ...................................... 8 TABLE 6.10DCM REQUIRED LOWER LIMITS OF DETECTION (A PRIORI) ............................... 19 TABLE 62 ODCM REQUIRED REPORTING LEVELS ....................................................................... 20 TABLE 6.3 TYPICAL MDA VALUES .................................................................................................... 21 TABLE 7.1 INTERLABORATORY COMPARISON RESULTS ........................................................... 23 TABLE 8.1 PARTICULATE GROSS BETA IN AIR 1ST - 2ND QUARTER ....................................... 28 TABLE 8.2 PARTICULATE GROSS BETA IN AIR 3RD - 4TH QUARTER ....................................... 29 TABLE 8.3 GAMMA IN AIR FILTER COMPOSITES .......................................................................... 30 TABLE 8,4 RADIOIODINE IN AIR 1ST - 2ND QUARTER ................................................................. 31 TABLE 8.5 RADIOIODINE IN AIR 3RD - 4TH QUARTER ................................................................. 32 TABLE 8.6 VEGETATION ...................................................................................................................... 33 TABLE 8,7 MILK ..................................................................................................................................... 34 TABLE 8.8 DRINKING WATER ............................................................................................................. 35 TABLE 8.9 GROUND WATER ............................................................................................................... 37 TABLE 8.10 SURFACE WATER ............................................................................................................ 38 TABLE 8.11 SLUDGE/SEDIMENT ........................................................................................................ 42 TABLE 9.1 TLD SITE LOCATIONS ....................................................................................................... 50 TABLE 9.2 2009 ENVIRONMENTAL TLD RESULTS ......................................................................... 52 TABLE 10.1 2009 LAND USE CENSUS ................................................................................................. 56 TABLE 11.1 ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOLOGICAL MONITORING PROGRAM ANNUAL



LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 2.1 REMP SAMPLE SITES - MAP (0-10 miles) ................................................................. 10 FIGURE 2.2 REMP SAMPLE SITES - MAP (10-35 miles) ............................................................... 11 FIGURE 8.1 HISTORICAL GROSS BETA IN AIR (WEEKLY SYSTEM AVERAGES) ............... 45 FIGURE 8.2 HISTORICAL GROSS BETA IN AIR (ANNUAL SITE TO SITE COMPARISONS) COMPARED TO PRE-OP ..................................................................................................................... 46 FIGURE 8.3 GROSS BETA IN DRINKING WATER ........................................................................ 47 FIGURE 8.4 EVAPORATION POND TRITIUM ACTIVITY ............................................................ 48 FIGURE 9.1 NETWORK ENVIRONMENTAL TLD EXPOSURE RATES ...................................... 53 FIGURE 9.2 ENVIRONMENTAL TLD COMPARISON - PRE-OPERATIONAL VS 2009 ............ 54 P\'.'NGS AN'NUAL RADIOLO(3I('AL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REP()RT - 2009 Y

ABSTRACT The Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) is an ongoing program conducted by Arizona Public Service Company (APS) for the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (PVNGS). Various types of environmental samples are collected near PVNGS and analyzed for plant related radionuclide concentrations. During 2009, the following categories of samples were collected by APS:

  • Broad leaf vegetation
  • Ground water
  • Drinking water
  • Surface water
  • Airborne particulate and radioiodine
  • Goat and cow milk
  • Sludge and sediment Thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) were used to measure environmental gamma radiation. The Environmental TLD program is also conducted by APS.

The Arizona Radiation Regulatory Agency (ARRA) performs radiochemistry analyses on various duplicate samples provided to them by APS. Samples analyzed by ARRA include onsite samples from the Reservoirs, Evaporation Ponds, and two (2) deep wells. Offsite samples analyzed by ARRA include two (2) local resident wells. ARRA also performs air sampling at seven (7) offsite locations identical to APS and maintains approximately fifty (50) environmental TLD monitoring locations, eighteen (18) of which are duplicates of APS locations. A comparison of pre-operational and operational data indicates no changes to environmental radiation levels. Low level tritium was discovered in subsurface water onsite (not considered potable) in February 2006 at Units 2 and 3. A significant investigation was initiated to determine the source of the water, the extent of the condition, and corrective actions to protect ground water. See Section 2.4 for further discussion. (NOTE: Reference to APS throughout this report refers to PVNGS personnel) P'_.'NGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT - 2009 1


1. Introduction This report presents the results of the operational radiological environmental monitoring program conducted by Arizona Public Service Company (APS). The Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) was established for the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (PVNGS) by APS in 1979. The REMP is performed in accordance with the federal requirements to provide a complete environmental monitoring program for nuclear reactors, and with concern for maintaining the quality of the local environment. The program complies with the requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix I, PVNGS Technical Specifications, and with the guidance provided by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) in their Radiological Assessment Branch Technical Position on Environmental Monitoring, Revision 1, November 1979 (incorporated into NUREG 1301).

This report contains the measurements and findings for 2009. All references are specifically identified in Section 12. The objectives of the REMP are as follows: 1) to determine baseline radiation levels in the environs prior to plant operation and to compare the findings with measurements obtained during reactor operations: 2) to monitor potential radiological exposure pathways to the public; and 3) to determine radiological impacts on the environment caused by the operation of PVNGS. Results from the REMP help to evaluate sources of elevated levels of radioactivity in the environment (e.g., atmospheric nuclear detonations or abnormal plant releases). Results of the PVNGS pre-operational environmental monitoring program are presented m Reference 1. The initial criticality of Unit 1 occurred May 25, 1985. Initial criticality for Units 2 and 3 were April 18, 1986, and October 25, 1987, respectively. PVNGS operational findings (historical) are presented in Reference 2. P\ ._J(iS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL ()PERATING REPORT - 2009 2

2. Description of the Monitoring Program APS and vendor organizations performed the pre-operational radiological environmental monitoring program, which began in 1979. APS and vendors continued the program into the operational phase.

2.1. 2009 PVNGS Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program The assessment program consists of routine measurements of environmental gamma radiation and of radionuclide concentrations in media such as air, ground water, drinking water, surface water, vegetation, milk, sludge, and sediment. Samples were collected by APS at the monitoring sites shown in Figures 2.1 and 2.2. The specific sample types, sampling locations, and sampling frequencies, as set forth in the PVNGS Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM), Reference 4, are presented in Tables 2.1, 2.2 and 9.1. Additional onsite sampling (outside the scope of the ODCM) is performed to supplement the REMP. All results are included in this report. Sample analyses were performed by APS at the PVNGS Central Chemistry Laboratory. This laboratory is licensed by the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) to perform radiological analyses. Environmental gamma radiation measurements were performed by APS using TLDs at fifty (50) locations near PVNGS. The PVNGS Dosimetry Department is accredited by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) to perform ionizing radiation dosimeter analyses. In addition to monitoring environmental media, a land use census is performed annually to identify the nearest milk animals, residents, and gardens. This information is used to evaluate the potential dose to members of the public for those exposure pathways that are indicated. 2.2. Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Changes for 2009 Annual sampling of Evaporation Pond sediment was discontinued based on historical data and the potential to damage the new liners. This sample was not ODCM required and an evaluation of the risk vs benefit to continued sampling was documented in the Corrective Action Program by CRDR #3363010. The Land Use Census identified a new cow milk location within 5 miles and this location was added to the monitoring program. Evaporation Pond #3 (divided into sections 3A and 3B) was built and placed into service. Water from Evaporation Pond #2 was pumped into this pond. Evaporation Pond

              #2 is empty and is undergoing a complete liner replacement.


The following changes implement ODCM Revision 24 and were made as a result of the annual Land Use Census (reference CRDR #3337879);

1. Replaced the Lahti (ODCM Site #47), and Wright (ODCM Site #52), vegetation sample locations with the Batdorf location. Designated Batdorf as Site #47.
     > 2. Added the Rodriguez (cow and goat) and Davis (goat) milk sample locations.

Designated Rodriguez as Site #51 and Davis as Site #52.

3. Retained the Hernandez goat milk location as Site #54, but changed status to supplemental.

Refer to Table 2.1 for a description of all current sample locations (except TLDs). 2.3. REMP Deviations/Abnormal Events Summary During calendaryear 2009, therewere six (6) deviations/abnormalevents with regard to the monitoring program. Refer to Table 2.3 for more detail and any corrective actions taken.

  • The air samples at Site #7A were invalid from 9/15 through 9/22
  • The air samples at Site #14A were invalid from 11/9 through 11/17
  • Evaporation Pond #2 was empty the entire year for liner replacement
  • The 1-131 concentration in water exceeded the action level in Evaporation Pond #1 and both Reservoirs
  • TLDs at Site #36 were missing in the 3 rd quarter
  • The 4mquarter TLD results were delayed for more than 60 days 2.4. Significant Investigation Regarding Ground Water Protection (Follow-up from past reports)

NOTE: Althoughnot part of the REMP, this informationis being provided due to the identificationof low level tritium in the onsite environs (within the Radiological ControlledArea) and heightenedsensitivityto communicatethe potentialto affect ground water. On February 15, 2006 Palo Verde personnel observed water leakage into the Unit 2 Essential Pipe Density Tunnel through the 'B' Spray Pond (SP) supply line penetration seal (documented on Significant CRDR No. 2869959). Low level tritium was identified in this water. It has been determined that the water was not the result of leakage from a plant system, but more likely due to previous operating conditions combined with precipitation. The investigation revealed that Unit 3 had a similar situation. PVNGS initiated OE22651 and follow-up OE24237 to describe the incident of low level tritium at Unit 3 since the concentration exceeded a reporting threshold. P\ ._GS ANNUALRADIOLOGICALENVIRONNIENTA[OPERATINGREPORT- 2O09 4

Several monitoring wells have been installed to monitor the subsurface water and shallow aquifer at Units 1, 2, and 3. These wells are sampled monthly and quarterly for chemical and radiological parameters. The State of Arizona Aquifer Protection Permit (Area-Wide) No. P-100388 (APP) provides agreed upon monitoring parameters and reporting thresholds. Sample results are reported in the PVNGS Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report (ARERR). PVNGS has implemented a ground water protection program initiated by the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI). This initiative, NEI 07-07 (Industry Ground Water Protection Initiative - Final Guidance Document, August 2007), provides added assurance that ground water will not be adversely affected by PVNGS operations. The State of Arizona APP provides specific regulatory criteria for ground water protection. P\LN(iS ANNUAL RADIOLOGI('AL ENVIR()NMENTAL ()PERATING REPORT - 2009 5


                                               .N 4              air                    El6                 APS Office 6A*            air                    SSE13               Old US 80 7A             air                    ESE3                Arlington School 14A            air                    NNE2                371_tAve. and Buckeye-Salome Rd.

15 air NE2 NE Site Boundary 17A air E3 351 _ Ave. 21 air $3 S Site Boundary 29 air WI W Site Boundary 35 air NNW8 Tonopah 40 air N2 Transmission Rd 46 drinking water NNW8 Wirth residence 47 vegetation NNE2 (b) Batdorf residence 48 drinking water SWI Berryman residence 49 drinking water N2 Sandoval residence 51 milk ESE2 (b) Rodriguez residence- goats and cows 52 milk ENE3 (b) Davis residence- goats 53* milk NE30 Martin residence- goats 54 milk NNE4 Hemandez residence-goats 55 drinking water SW3 Gavette residence (supplemental) 57 ground water ONSITE Well 27ddc 58 ground water ONSITE Well 34abb 59 surface water ONSITE Evaporation Pond #1 60 surface water ONSITE 85 acre Reservoir 61 surface water ONSITE 45 acre Reservoir 62* vegetation ENE26 Duncan Family Farms 63 surface water ONSITE Evaporation Pond #2 64 surface water ONSITE Evaporation Pond #3 NOTES:

  • Designates a control site (a) Distances and direction are from the center-line of Unit 2 containment and rounded to the nearest mile (b) Denotes a change in location or a new sample location Air sample sites designated with the letter 'A" are sites that have the same site number as a TLD location, but are not in the same location (e.g. site #6 TLD location is different from site #6A air sample location: site #4 TLD location is the same as site #4 air salnple location)


Table 2.2 SAMPLE COLLECTION SCHEDULE ,%-JMPLE dlR AIRBORNE GRO{ ;ND DRINKING ,_,Y"RAZq("E 37TE # PARII('ULAIE MILK tL4DI()IODINE VEGEI3ITION W.-ITER WATER I'tNI'ER 4 W W 6A W W 7A W W 14A W W 15 W W 17A W W 21 W W 29 W W 35 W W 4O W W 46 W 47 MiAA 48 W 49 W 51 M/AA 52 MiAA 53 MiAA 54 MiAA 55 W 5v Q 5s Q 59 Q 6o Q 61 Q 62 M/AA 63 Q 64 Q



1. The air samples at Site #7A were invalid from 1. The air sample pump failed during the 9/15 through 9/22 sample period, resulting in the inability to determine the actual sample volume. The pump was replaced and the sample for the next week was valid. No further actions required.
2. The air samples at Site #14A were invalid 2. The air sample pump failed during the from l l/9through 11/17 sample period, resulting in the inability to determine the actual sample volume. The pump was replaced and the sample for the next week was valid. No further actions required.
3. Evaporation Pond #2 was empty the entire 3. The liner is being replaced. Evaporation year for liner replacement Pond #2 was empty all year. When water is added to the pond routine sampling will start.

No action required.

4. The 1-131 concentration in water exceeded the 4. Corrective Action Program document CRDR action level in Evaporation Pond #1 and both #3309449 provides the evaluation conclusion Reservoirs that radiopharmaceutical 1-131 is the cause of the elevated 1-131 concentrations.

Because the 1-131 is not the result of plant effluents, n.__o_o Special Reporting was required. Providing the information in this report meets the requirements of ODCM Section 6.1, Action b. and CRAI #3312804. No further actions are required.

5. TLDs at Site #36 were missing in the 3ra 5. The TLDs at this location were moved across quarter the road as it was determined a school bus stop was now at this location. The TLDs were not missing in the 4_h quarter.

Therefore, moving them across the road has corrected the problem. Relocation of these TLDs will be considered if the problem recurs. No further actions are required at this time. P'_LNGSANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT - 2009 8

TABLE 2.3 SUMMARIES OF REMP DEVIATIONS/ABNORMAL EVENTS Deviation/Abnormal Event {continued) Actions taken {continued)

6. The 4_hquarter TLD results were delayed for 6. The environmental TLD results showed a more than 60 days low bias in the 4 th quarter and an investigation into the cause was conducted. Corrective Action Program document CRDR #3439215 was initiated to document and correct the issue.




3. Sample Collection Program APS personnel using PVNGSprocedurescollected all samples.

3.1. Water Weekly samples were collected from four (4) residence wells for monthly and quarterly composites.Sampleswere collected in one-galloncontainersand 500ml glassbottles. The sampleswere analyzed for gross beta, galmnaemitting radionuclidesand tritium. Quarterly grab samples were collected from the (45 and 85 acre) Reservoirs, Evaporation Pond #1, Evaporation Pond #3A/3B, and onsite wells 34abb and 27ddc. Evaporation Pond

        #2 was empty for liner replacement. Samples were collected in one-gallon containers and 500 ml glass bottles. Samples were analyzed for gamma emitting radionuclides and tritium.

Treated sewage effluent from the City of Phoenix was sampled as a weekly composite at the onsite Water Reclamation Facility (WRF), and analyzed for gamma emitting radionuclides. A monthly composite was analyzed for tritium. 3.2. Vegetation Vegetation samples were collected monthly, as available, and were analyzed for gamma emitting radionuclides. 3.3. Milk Goat and cow milk samples were collected monthly, as available, and were analyzed for gamma emittingradionuclides,includinglow level I-131. 3.4. Air Air particulate filters and charcoal cartridges were collected at ten (10) sites on a weekly basis. Particulate filters were analyzed for gross beta. Charcoal cartridges were analyzed for 1-131. Particulate filters were composited quarterly, by location, and analyzed for gamma emitting radionuclides. P\LNGS ANNI _AL RADIOLOC, ICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT - 2009 12

3.5. Sludge and Sediment Sludge samples were obtained weekly from the WRF waste centrifuge (whenever the plant was operational) and analyzed for gamma emitting radionuclides. Cooling tower sludge was analyzed for gamma emitting radionuclides prior to disposal in the WRF sludge landfill.

4. Analytical Procedures The procedures described in this report are those used by APS to routinely analyze samples.

4.1. Air Particulate 4.1.1. Gross Beta A glass fiber filter sample is placed in a stainless steel planchet and counted for gross beta activity utilizing a low background gas flow proportional counter. 4.1.2. Gamma Spectroscopy The glass fiber filters are counted on a multichannel analyzer equipped with an HPGe detector. The resulting spectrum is analyzed by a computer for specific radionuclides. 4.2. Airborne Radioiodine The charcoal cartridge is counted on a multichannel analyzer equipped with an HPGe detector. The resulting spectrum is analyzed by a computer for l- 131. 4.3. Milk 4.3.1. Gamma Spectroscopy The sample is placed in a plastic lnarinelli beaker and counted on a multichannel analyzer equipped with an HPGe detector. The resulting spectrum is analyzed by a computer for specific radionuclides. P\2NGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT - 2OO9 13

4.4. Vegetation 4.4.1. Gamma Spectroscopy The sample is pureed in a food processor, placed in a one liter plastic marinelli beaker, weighed, and counted on a nmltichannel analyzer equipped with an HPGe detector. The resulting spectrum is analyzed by a computer for specific radionuclides. 4.5. Sludge/Sediment 4.5.1. Gamma Spectroscopy The wet sample is placed in a one-liter plastic marinelli beaker, weighed, and counted on a multichannel analyzer equipped with an HPGe detector. The resulting spectrum is analyzed by a computer for specific radionuclides. 4.6. Water 4.6.1. Gamma Spectroscopy The sample is placed in a one-liter plastic marinelli beaker and counted on a multichannel analyzer equipped with an HPGe detector. The resulting spectrum is analyzed by a computer for specific radionuclides. 4.6.2. Tritium The sample is evaluated to determine the appropriate method of preparation prior to counting. If the sample contains suspended solids or is turbid, it may be filtered, distilled, and/or de-ionized, as appropriate. Eight (8) milliliters of sample are mixed with fifteen (15) milliliters of liquid scintillation cocktail. The mixture is dark adapted and counted for tritium activity using a liquid scintillation counting system. P'vLNGSANNUAL IL_.DIOLOGICAI. ENVIR()NMENTAL OPERATING REPOR [ - 2009 14

4.6.3. Gross Beta A 200-250 milliliter sample is placed in a beaker. Five (5) milliliters of concentrated nitric (HNO3) acid is added and the sample is evaporated down to about twenty (20) milliliters. The remaining sample is transferred to a stainless steel planchet. The sample is heated to dryness and counted for gross beta in a gas flow proportional counter. 4.7. Soil 4.7.1. Gamma Spectroscopy The samples are sieved, placed in a one-liter plastic marinelli beaker, and weighed. The samples are then counted on a multichannel analyzer equipped with an HPGe detector. The resulting spectrum is analyzed by a computer for specific radionuclides.

5. Nuclear Instrumentation 5.1. Gamma Spectrometer The Canberra Gamma Spectrometer consists of a Canberra System equipped with HPGe detectors having resolutions of 1.73 keV and 1.88 keV (as determined by full width half max with an energy of 0.5 keV per channel) and respective efficiencies of 21.5% and 38.4% (as determined by the manufacturer with Co-60). The Canberra System is used for all gamma counting. The system uses Canberra developed software to search, identify, and quantify the peaks of interest.

5.2. Liquid Scintillation Spectrometer A Beckman LS-6500 Liquid Scintillation Counter is used for tritium determinations. The system background averages approximately 15-17 cpm with a counting efficiency of approximately 40% using a quenched standard. 5.3. Gas Flow Proportional Counter The Tennelec S5E is a low background gas flow proportional counter for gross beta analysis. The system contains an automatic sample changer capable of counting 50 samples in succession. Average beta background count rate is about 1-2 cpm with a beta efficiency of approximately 30% for Cs- 137. P'_.'NGS AN_NUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT - 2009 15

6. Isotopic Detection Limits and Reporting Criteria 6.1. Lower Limits of Detection The lower limits of detection (LLD) and the method for calculation are specified in the PVNGS ODCM, Reference 4. The ODCM required a priori LLDs are presented in Table 6.1. For reference, a priori LLDs are indicated at the top of data tables for samples having required LLD values.

6.2. Data Reporting Criteria All results that are greater than the Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA) (a posteriori LLD) are reported as positive activity with its associated 2_ counting error. All results that are less than the MDA are reported as less than values at the associated MDA. For example, if the MDA is 12 pCi/liter, the value is reported as <12. Typical MDA values are presented in Table 6.3. Occasionally, the PVNGS ODCM a priori LLDs may not be achieved as a result of:

  • Background fluctuations
  • Unavoidably small sample sizes
  • The presence of interfering radionuclides
  • Self absorption corrections
  • Decay corrections for short half-life radionuclides
  • Other uncontrollable circumstances In these instances, the contributing factors will be noted in the table where the data are presented. A summary of deviations/abnormal events is presented in Table 2.3 and includes a description of any sample results that did not meet a priori LLD requirements.


6.3. LLD and Reporting Criteria Overview Making a reasonable estimate of the limits of detection for a counting procedure or a radiochemical method is usually complicated by the presence of significant background. It must be considered that the background or blank is not a fixed value but that a series of replicates would be normally distributed. The desired net activity is the difference between the gross and background activity distributions. The interpretation of this difference becomes a problem if the two distributions intersect as indicated in the diagram. BACKGROUND GROSS If a sufficient number of replicate analyses are run, it is expected that the results would fall in a normal Gaussian distribution. Standard statistics allow an estimate of the probability of any particular deviation from the mean value. It is common practice to report the mean +/- one or two standard deviations as the result. In routine analysis, such replication is not carried out, and it is not possible to report a Gaussian standard deviation. With counting procedures, however, it is possible to estimate a Poisson standard deviation directly from the count. Data are commonly reported as the measured value + one or two Poisson standard deviations. The reported values are then considered to give some indication of the range in which the true value might be expected to occur. A LLD is the smallest amount of sample activity that will yield a net count for which there is confidence at a predetermined level that activity is present. LLDs are calculated values for individual radionuclides based on a number of different factors including sample size, counting efficiency and background count rate of the instrument, the background and sample counting time, the decay time, and the chemical recovery of the analytical procedures. A minimum detectable activity value (MDA) is the smallest amount of activity that can be detected in an actual sample and uses the values obtained from the instrument and outcome of the analytical process. Therefore, the MDA values may differ from the calculated LLD values if the sample size and chemical recovery, decay values, or the instrument efficiency, background, or count time differed from those used in the LED calculation. P'_.'NGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGIC,_,L ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT - 2009 17

The factors governingthe calculation of the LLD and MDAvalues are discussedbelow: I. Sample Size

2. Counting Efficiency The fundamentalquantity in the nleasurementof a radioactivesubstance is the number of disintegrationsper unit time. As with most physical measurementsin analytical chemistry, an absolute measurementof the disintegrationrate is seldom possible, rather it is necessary to compare the sample with one or more standards. The standards determine the counter efficiency that may then be used to convert sample counts per minute (cpm) to disintegrationsper minute (dpm).
3. Background Count Rate Any counter will show a certain counting rate without a sample in position. This background counting rate comes from several sources: 1) natural environmental radiation from the surroundingmaterials, 2) cosmic radiation, and 3) the natural radioactivity in the counter material itself. The background countingrate will depend on the amounts of these types of radiation and the sensitivityof the counterto the radiation.
4. Background and Sample Counting Time The amount of time devoted to the counting of the background depends on the level of activity being measured. In general, with low level samples, this time should be about equal to that devoted to counting a sample.
5. Time Interval between Sample Collection and Counting Decay measurements are useful in identifying certain short-lived nuclides. The disintegrationconstant is one of the basic characteristics of a specific radionuclideand is readily determined, if the half-life is sufficiently short. To ensure the required LLDs are achieved, appropriate decay correction values are used to account for radioactive decay duringtransit time and sampleprocessing.


Table 6.10DCM REQUIRED LOWER LIMITS OF DETECTION (a priori) AIRBORNE ANALYSIS/ WATER PARTICULATE or MILK VEGETATION NUCLIDE {pCi/liter) GAS (pCi/m3 t {pCi/liter I (pCi/kg, wet) Gross Beta 4 0.01 H-3 2000* Mn-54 15 Fe-59 30 Co-58, 60 15 Zn-65 30 Zr-95 30 Nb-95 15 1-131 1"* 0.07 1 60 Cs-134 15 0.05 15 60 Cs-137 18 0.06 18 80 Ba-140 60 60 La-140 15 15 NOTES:

  • If no drinking water pathway exists, a value of 3000 pCi/liter may be used.
    • If no drinking water pathway exists, a value of 15 pCi/liter may be used.

This list does not mean that only these nuclides are to be detected and reported. Other peaks that are measurable and identifiable, together with the above nuclides, shall also be identified and reported. P\_GS ANNUALRADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT- 2OO9 19

Table 6.20DCM REQUIRED REPORTING LEVELS AIRBORNE ANALYSIS/ WATER PARTICULATE MILK VEGETATION NUCLIDE tpCi/iiter) or GAS tpCi/m3) _pCi/liter) (pCi/kg, wet) H-3 20,000* Mn-54 1,000 Fe-59 400 Co-58 1,000 Co-60 300 Zn-65 300 Zr/Nb-95 400 1-131 2** 0.9 3 100 Cs- 134 30 10 60 1,000 Cs- 137 50 20 70 2,000 Ba/La-140 200 300 NOTES:

  • For drinking water samples. This is a 40CFRI41 value. If no drinking water pathway exists, a value of 30,000 pCi/liter may be used.
    • If no drinking water pathway exists, a reporting level of 20 pCi/liter may be used.

The values in this table are quarterly average values, as stated in the ODCM. P\ .'N(iS AN'NUAL RADIOLOG1CAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT - 2009 2O

Table 6.3 TYPICAL MDA VALUES ANALYSIS/ AIRBORNE VEGETATION NUCLIDE WATER MILK PARTICULATE or (pCi/kg, wet) tpCi/liter) (pCi/liter) GAS (pCi/m 3) Gross Beta 2.8 0.003 H-3 295 Mn-54 12 Fe-59 25 Co-58 12 Co-60 13 Zn-65 26 Zr-95 22 Nb-95 13 1-131 10 a 1 0.04 u 49 CS-134 12 1 0.04 b 47 CS-137 13 1 0.05 b 51 Ba-140 40 3 La-140 14 1 NOTES: a - low level 1-131 is not required since there is no drinking water pathway b - Based on 433 in3 volume P'_2NGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGI(AL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT - 20o9 21

7. Interlaboratory Comparison Program 7.1. Quality Control Program APS maintains an extensive QA/QC Program to provide assurance that samples are collected, handled, tracked, and analyzed to specified requirements. This program includes appropriate elements of USNRC Regulatory Guide 4.15, Quality Assurance for Radiological Monitoring Programs (Normal Operations) - Effluent Streams and the Environment, Rev. 1. Included in the program are procedures for sample collection, preparation and tracking, sample analysis, equipment calibration and checks, and ongoing participation in an interlaboratory comparison program. Duplicate/replicate samples are analyzed to verify analytical precision and sample methodology. Comprehensive data reviews are performed including trending of data where appropriate.

During 2009, APS analyzed the following sample types under the interlaboratory comparison program;

  • Beta/Gamma/in Air Filter
  • 1-131inAir
  • Beta in Water
  • Gamma in Water
  • Tritium in Water
  • Gamma in Milk 7.2. Intercomparison Results APS participates in a crosscheck program using vendor supplied blind radionuclide samples. Results for the interlaboratory comparison program are presented in Table 7.1.


TABLE 7.1 INTERLABORATORY COMPARISON RESULTS Sample Type Anal,vsis T_'pe Nuclide PVNGS Value Certified Value _ PT Acceptance Limit 2 Results Ganuna Ba- 133 88 94.2 79.4 - 104 Accept (_'s-134 82 88.6 72.7 - 97.5 Accept Cs- 137 63 70 63 - 79.7 Accept WATER Co-60 108 110 99 - 123 Accept Zn-65 122 114 1(!3- 136 Accept Tritium H-3 3831 4230 3610 - 4660 Accept Gross Beta 37 46.1 31.0 - 53.3 Accept ERA RAD-76 PT Study Results Galmna Am-241 133 132 90.4 - 178 Accept (_'s-134 713 790 584 - 907 Accept Cs-I 37 876 913 776 - 1090 Accept WATER Co-60 1240 1230 l(170- 1450 Accept Zn-65 623 631 535 - 786 Accept l-ritium H-3 9695 11800 7680 - 17400 Accept FILTER Gamnm Am-241 74.3 55.4 32.4 - 76.0 Accept Cs- 134 766 865 563 - 1070 Accept Cs-137 793 724 544 - 951 Accept Co-60 54(1 490 379 - 612 Accept Zn-65 229 185 128 - 256 Accept (iross Beta 89 80.7 49.7 - I 18 Accept ERA MRAD-010 PT Study Results Gatmna Ba- 133 87 92.9 78.3 - 1(12 Accept WA-[ER Cs- 134 74 79.4 65.0 - 87.3 Accept Cs-137 52 54.6 49.1 - 62.9 Accept Co-60 115 117 11)5- 131 Accepl Zn-65 92 99.5 89.6 - 119 Accept Gross Beta 23.25 26.0 16.2 - 33.9 Accept ERA RAD-79 PT Study Results FILTER Gross Beta 83.8 62.5 38.5 - 91.3 Accept Gross Bela 74.7 67.4 39.4 - 98.9 Accept ERA MRAD-011 PT Study Results Thecertifiedvaluesare verifiedto meetcriteriaas establishedby NISTNWLAPin Handbooks150and 150-19and the USEPAin NationalStandardsfor WaterProficiencyJesting StudiesCriteriaDocument(December30, 1998).

"AcceptanceLimits"havebeencalculatedper the requirementsof theUSEPAin NationalStandardsfor Water ProficiencyTestingStudiesCriteriaDocument(December30. 1998).


TABLE 7.1 INTERLABORATORY COMPARISON RESULTS 1 Sample Analysis Nuclide Known PVNGS sigma Resolution Ratio Accept/Reject Type Type Value Value Error

  • Mixed Milk Gamma 1-131 39.9 38.5 1.8 21 0.97 Accept E6683-111 Ce-141 15.1 17 1.7 10 1.12 Accept Cr-51 45.6 45.5 6.7 7 1.00 Accept Cs-134 21.6 20.8 1.2 17 0.96 Accept Cs-137 26.1 28 1.4 20 1.07 Accept Co-58 23.4 24.6 1.3 19 1.05 Accept Mn-54 28.8 32.8 1.6 21 1.14 Accept Fe-59 17.7 23,1 2.3 10 1.31 Accept Zn-65 34.7 36.0 2.6 14 1.04 Accept Co-60 33.2 35.9 1.6 22 1.08 Accept Air U Iodine Cart. 1-131 95.7 101 7.3 14 1.06 I Accept II E6684-111
  • calculated from PVN(IS valueil sigma error value AcceptanceCriteria **

Resolution Ratio 4-7 0.5-2,0 8-15 0.6-1.66 16-50 0.75-1.33 51-200 0.80-1.25

         >200               0.85-1.18 "From NRC Inspection Manual, Inspection Procedure 84750, "Radioactive Waste Treatment, And Effluent And Environmenta_ Monitoring" P\LNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL        ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT - 2oo9 24
8. Data Interpretations and Conclusions Associated with the analytical process are potential random and systematic errors. Systematic errors can be caused by instrument malfunctions, incomplete precipitation, back scattering, and self-absorption. Random errors are beyond the control of the analyst.

Efforts are made to minimize both systematic and random errors in the data reported. Systematic errors are minimized by performing reviews throughout the analysis. For example, instruments are checked routinely with radioactive sources, and recovery and self-absorption factors based on individual sample analyses are incorporated into the calculation equations where necessary. Random errors are reduced by comparing all data to historical data for the same site and performing comparisons between analytical results when available. In addition, when data do not appear to match historical results, analyses may be rerun on a separate aliquot of the sample to verify the presence of the activity. The acceptance of data is dependent upon the results of quality control samples and is part of the data review process for all analytical results. The "plus or minus value" reported with each analytical result represents the counting error associated with the result and gives the 95% confidence (2_) interval around the data. Most samples contain radioactivity associated with natural background/cosmic radioactivity (e.g. K-40, Th-234, and Be-7). Gross beta results for drinking water and air are due to natural background. Gamma emitting radionuclides, which can be attributed to natural background sources, are not indicated in this report. Results and interpretation of the data for all of the samples analyzed during 2009 are presented in the following sections. Assessment ofpre-operational and operational data revealed no changes to environmental radiation levels. The only nwasurable impact on the en_qronment in 2009 was the low level tritium discovered in subsurface water onsite in the RCA in 2006. See Section 2.4 fi_r specific infi_rmation. 8.1. Air Particulates Weekly gross beta results, in quarterly fonnat, are presented in Tables 8.1 and 8.2. Gross beta activity at indicator locations ranged from 0.013 to 0.080 pCi/m 3. The associated counting error ranged from 0.001 to 0.004 pCi/m 3. Mean quarterly activity is normally calculated using weekly activity over a thirteen (13) week period. Also presented in the tables are the weekly mean values of all the sites as well as the percent relative standard deviation (RSD %) for the data. The gross beta activity is attributable to natural (background) radioactive materials. The findings are consistent with pre-operational baseline and previous operational results. The results are summarized in Table 11.1. Table 8.3 displays the results of gamma spectroscopy on the quarterly composites. No Cs-134 or Cs-137 was observed. P\LN(IS ANNUAL tL_DIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT - 2009 25

8.2. Airborne Radioiodine Tables8.4 and8.5 presentthe quarterlyradioiodineresults.Noairborneradioiodinewas observedin anyofthe samples. 8.3. Vegetation Table 8.6 presents gamma isotopic data for the vegetation samples. No gamma emitting radionuclideswere observed in any of the samples. 8.4. Milk Table 8.7 presents gamma isotopic data for the goat milk samples. No gamma emitting radionuclideswere observed in any of the samples. 8.5. Drinking Water Samples were analyzed for gross beta, tritium, and gamma emitting radionuclides. Results of these analyses are presented in Table 8.8. No tritium or gamma emitting radionuclides were detected in any samples. Gross beta activity ranged from less than detectable to a high of 5.5 pCi/liter (Gavette residence, August composite). The gross beta activity is attributable to natural (background) radioactive materials. 8.6. Ground Water Ground water samples were analyzed for tritium and gamma emitting radionuclides. Results obtainedfrom the analysis of the samples are presented in Table 8.9. No tritium or gamma emitting radionuclides were observed in any of the samples. 8.7. Surface Water Surface water samples from the Reservoirs and Evaporation Ponds were analyzed for tritium and gamma emitting radionuclides. The two Reservoirs contain processed sewage water from the City of Phoenix and are approximately 45 and 85 acres in size. The three Evaporation Ponds receive mostly circulating water from main turbine condenser cooling and are about 200-250 acres each. Evaporation Pond #3 was constructed in 2008 to allow for re-lining of the older ponds. Evaporation Pond #2 was pumped into Evaporation Pond

     #3 (sections 3A and 3B) and will be relined first. Results are presented in Table 8.10. 1-131 was observed in the Evaporation Ponds in two (2) samples (15 to 20 pCi/liter) and four (4) of the Reservoir samples (13 to 32 pCi/liter). 1-131 in these surface water locations is a result of radiopharmaceutical I-131 in the Phoenix sewage effluent.

Tritium was routinely observed in the Evaporation Ponds. The highest concentration in Evaporation Pond #1 was 1224 pCi/liter and the highest concentration in Evaporation P\LNGSANNUALRADIOLOGICALENVIRONMENTALOPERATINGREPORT- 20O9 26

Pond #3 was 991 pCi/liter. Evaporation Pond #2 was empty the entire year due to liner replacement. Tritium was not detected in the Reservoirs. The tritium identified in the Evaporation Ponds has been attributed to permitted plant gaseous effluent releases and secondary plant liquid discharges. WRF Influent (Phoenix sewage effluent containing radiopharmaceutical1-131) samples collected by the WRF were analyzed for gamma emitting radionuclides and tritium. The results, presented in Table 8.10, demonstrate that 1-131 was observed routinely. The highest 1-131concentrationwas 74 pCi!liter.None of the samples analyzed indicatedthe presenceof tritium. Table 8.10 also presents gamma spectroscopy and tritimn measurements of samples collected from SedimentationBasin #2. This basin collects rain water from site runoff and was dry for most of the year. No tritium or gamma emittingradionuclides were observed in the samples. 8.8. Sludge and Sediment 8.8.1. WRF Centrifuge waste sludge Sludge samples were obtained from the WRF centrifuge and analyzed by gamma spectroscopy. 1-131 activity in the sludge is consistent with historical values and, as previously discussed, is due to radiopharmaceuticals in the WRF Influent. 1-131 was present in all forty-nine (49) samples ranging from 387 to 1670 pCi/kg. In-Ill was also identified in the sludge in 3 of the 49 salnples. The highest concentration was 97 pCiikg. It was previously established that In-I 11 is also used in the Phoenix area as a radiopharmaceutical. Resultsfor WRFcentrifugewastesludgecanbe foundinTable8.11. 8.8.2. Cooling Tower sludge Sludge/sediment originating from the Unit 3 Cooling Towers and/or Circulating Water canals was disposed of in the WRF sludge landfill during 2009. Sample results can be found in Table 8.11. 8.9. Data Trends Figures 8.1-8.5present data in graphicalformat. Historicaldata are displayedfor comparison wherepractical. P\LNGS AN2qUAL RADIOLOGI('AL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT - 2oo9 27


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_l _ rm el _ _ +1" _.l 1. _ tm r'_ "+1- t-_ 1.'1" tr, el r',', rm 1."1- _z", =_ " '+ V _ V V W _ V V 'v V v' 'v Y, V \" 'v 'v V V el el ,A o _ 4 , _ i--tG - _ _' ¢. d- - <g _ _ r-'lo t_ ,-_,o.

TABLE 8.6 VEGETATION ODCM required samples denoted by

  • units are pCi/kg, wet
                                                            <60      <60        <80 LOCATION         TYPE        DATE COLLECTED                 1-131   Cs-134    Cs-137 BATDORF RESIDENCE                        NO SAMPLES AVAILABLE (Site #47)*

green cabbage 16-Jan-09 <60 <54 <67 red cabbage 16-Jan-09 <47 <58 <69 savoy cabbage 16-Jan-09 <46 <57 <45 DUNCAN green cabbage 13-Feb-09 <56 <34 <73 FAMILY red cabbage 13-Feb-09 <52 <41 <67 FARMS savoy cabbage 13-Feb-09 <56 <41 <49 (Site #62)* savoy cabbage 13-Mar-09 <41 <55 <61 red cabbage 13-Mar-09 <43 <58 <74 green cabbage 13-Mar-09 <46 <49 <54 red cabbage 16-Apr-09 <58 <59 <69 savoy cabbage 16-Apt-09 <56 <56 <63 green cabbage 16-Apt-09 <56 <49 < 14 P_,'NGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPEK4,TIN(I REPORT - 2009 33

TABLE 8.7 MILK ODCM requiredsamples denoted by

  • units are pCi/liter SAMPLE DATE <1 < 15 < 18 <6(7) < 15 LOCATION COLLECTED 1-131 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 RODRIGUEZ 23-Oct-09 <1 <1 <1 <3 <1 COWS 12-Nov-09 <1 <1 <1 <3 <1 10-Dec-09 <1 <1 <1 <3 <1 GOATS (Site #51J* NO SAMPLES AVAILABLE DAVIS GOATS NO SAMPLES AVAILABLE (Site #52)*

23-Jan-09 <1 <1 <1 <3 <1 27-Feb-09 <1 <1 <1 <3 <1 20-Mar-09 <1 <1 <1 <3 <1 24-Apr-09 <1 <1 <1 <3 <1 MARTIN 22-May-09 <1 <1 <1 <3 <1 GOATS 26-Jun-09 <1 <1 <1 <3 <1 (Site #53)* 24-Jul-09 <1 <1 <1 <3 <1 2l-Aug-09 <1 <1 <l <3 <1 18-Sep-09 <1 <1 <1 <3 <1 16-Oct-09 <1 <1 <1 <3 <l 12-Nov-09 <1 <1 <1 <3 <1 11-Dec-09 <1 <1 <1 <3 <1 13-Feb-09 <1 <1 <1 <3 <1 HERNANDEZ 27-Feb-09 <1 <1 <I <3 <1 GOATS 16-Apr-09 <1 <1 <1 <3 <1 (Site #54) 15-Oct-09 <1 <1 <1 <3 <1 06-Nov-09 <1 <1 <1 <3 <1 P'v,'NGSANNUA[ RADIOLOGICALENVIRONMENTALOPERATINGREPORT - 2009 34

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TABLE 8.11 SLUDGE/SEDIMENT ODCM required samples denoted by

  • units are pCi/kg, wet SAMPLE DATE LOCATION COLLECTED 1-131 Cs-134 Cs-137 In-111 6-Jan-09 1372 + 171 <15 <30 13-Jan-09 1670 + 344 <21 <27 20-Jan-09 1404 +/- 181 <31 <9 26-Jan-09 651 +/- 100 <24 <26 3-Feb-09 404 +/- 91 <15 <24 10-Feb-09 1(1512 143 <25 <27 82 +/- 40 17-Feb-09 1122 +/- 143 <25 <19 97 +/- 43 24-Feb-09 1079 +/- 227 <18 <26 38 +/- 31 3-Mar-09 866+215 <144 <177 10-Mar-09 714+ 174 <111 <177 17-Mar-09 1301 +259 <141 <148 24-Mar-09 1312 + 249 <122 <175 3 l-Mar-09 895 m 22{) <143 <179 WRF 7-Apr-09 833 +/- 213 <146 <132 CENTRIFUGE 14-Apt-09 1201 + 238 <13(i <169 WASTE SLUDGE 28-Apt-09 464 +/- 160 < 149 <114 5-May-09 664+/- 186 <134 <176 12-May-09 1303 +/- 219 <110 <166 19-May-09 831 +/- 253 <135 <144 26-May-09 612 +/- 178 <143 <148 l-Jun-09 499 m 214 <101 <134 9-Jun-09 777 + 170 <128 <176 16-Jun-09 912 +/- 242 <138 <163 22-Jun-09 1006 + 20l <115 <148 29-Jun-09 1(t28 +/- 222 <137 <169 6-Jul-09 1377 +/- 278 <135 <153 13-Jul-09 835 +/- 230 <146 <111 20-Jul-09 11_,.,+/-

_9 <135 <151 28-Ju!-09 722 +/- 221 <93 <168 3-Aug-09 909 + 216 <96 <135 10-Aug-09 1631 + 242 <111 <112 17-Aug-09 1003 + 229 < 146 <98 24-Aug-09 !636 +/- 316 <146 <166 Note: The sample volume was ].owered to 250 ml in March and the MDAs increased due to the smaller volume. PVNGS ANNI TALRADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REP{)R] - 2009 42

TABLE 8.11 SLUDGE/SEDIMENT ODCM required samlflesdenoted by

  • units are pCi/kg, wet SAMPLE DATE LOCATION COLLECTED 1-131 Cs-134 Cs-137 In-Ill 1-Sep-09 1457 + 296 <121 <172 7-Sep-!)9 876 +/- 2!7 <142 <135 15-Sep-09 791 + 222 <14(! <1(16 22-Sep-09 829 + 184 <142 <113 29-Sep-09 953 + 287 <142 <176 WRF 6-Oct-09 1032+214 <145 <156 CENTRIFUGE 13-Ocl-09 700 + 197 < 146 < 174 WASTE SLUDGE 20-Oct-09 961 + 214 <142 <163 27-Oct-09 1109 +/- 241 <86 <134 WRF shutdown for maintenance 17-Nov-09 387+ 124 <115 <168 23-Nov-09 553 +/- 197 <149 <166 l-Dec-09 469 +/- 167 <96 <108 8-Dec-09 648 +/- 172 <148 <133 15-Dec-09 741 m 167 <127 <161 21-Dec-09 861 +/- 183 <1(/5 <13(I 28-Dec-09 1372 - 327 <122 <151 PVNGS ANNI TALRADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REP_ )RT - 2O09 43
   .3 eq 0 _>   o    o Zo    _,_  -    F 0

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9. Thermoluminescent Dosimeter (TLD) Results and Data The environlnental TLD used at PVNGS is the Panasonic Model 812 Dosimeter. The Model 812 is a multi-element dosimeter Colnbining two elements of lithiuna borate and two elements of calcimn sulfate under various filters.

TLDs were placed in forty-nine locations from one to thirty-five miles from the PVNGS. TLD locations are shown in Figures 2.1 and 2.2 and are described in Table 9.1. TLD results for 2009 are presented in Table 9.2. Historical environmental galmna radiation results for 1985 through 2009 are presented in graphical form on Figure 9.1 (excluding transit control TLD #45). Figure 9.2 depicts the environmental TLD results from 2009 as compared to the pre-operational TLD results (excluding sites #41, #43, and #46-50 as they were deleted (and later assigned to a new location) or had no pre-op TLD at the location for comparison). The site to site comparisons indicate a direct correlation with respect to pre-operational results. It is evident that the offsite dose, as measured by TLDs, has not changed since Palo Verde became operational. P'v,'NGSANNUALRADIOLOGICALENVIRONMENTALOPERATINGREPORT - 2009 49

TABLE 9.1 TLD SITE LOCATIONS (distances and directions are relative to Unit 2 in miles) TLD SITE LOCATION LOCATION DESCRIPTION 1 E30 Goodyear 2 ENE24 Scott-Libby School 3 E21 Liberty School 4 E16 Buckeye 5 ESE11 Palo Verde School 6* SSE31 APS Gila Bend substation 7 SE7 Old US 80 and Arlington School Rd 8 SSE4 Southern Pacific Pipeline Rd. 9 $5 Southern Pacific Pipeline Rd. 10 SE5 355thAve. and Elliot Rd. 11 ESE5 339thAve. and Dobbins Rd. 12 E5 339thAve. and Buckeye-Salome Rd. 13 N1 N site boundary 14 NNE2 NNE site boundary 15 NE2 NE site boundary, WRF access road 16 ENE2 ENE site boundary 17 E2 E site boundary 18 ESE2 ESE site boundary 19 SE2 SE site boundary 20 SSE2 SSE site boundary 21 $3 S site boundary 22 SSW3 SSW site boundary 23 W5 N of Elliot Rd 24 SW4 N of Elliot Rd 25 WSW5 N of Elliot Rd 26 SSW4 S of Elliot Rd 27 SW1 SW site boundary 28 WSWI WSW site boundary 29 WI W site boundary 30 WNWI WNW site boundary 31 NWI NW site boundary 32 NNW1 NNW site boundary 33 NW4 S of Buckeye Rd 34 NNW5 395thAve. and Van Buren St. 35 NNW8 Tonopah 36 N5 Wintersburg Rd. and Van Buren St. 37 NNE5 363ra Ave. and Van Buren St. 38 NE5 355 th Ave. and Buckeye Rd. 39 ENE5 343rdAve. N of Broadway Rd. 40 N2 Wintersburg 41 ESE3 Arlington School 42 N8 Ruth Fisher School P\'_'NGS AN'NI_!ALRADIOLO(iICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT - 2009 5O

TABLE 9.1 TLD SITE LOCATIONS (distances and directions are relative to Unit 2 in miles) TLD SITE LOCATION LOCATION DESCRIPTION 43 NE5 Winters Well School 44* ENE35 El Mirage 45** Onsite Central Laboratory (lead pig) 46 ENE30 Litchfield Park School 47 E35 Littleton School 48 E24 Jackrabbit Trail 49 ENEI 1 Palo Verde Rd. 50 WNW5 S of Buckeye-Salome Rd.

  • Site #6 and site #44 are the control locations.
              ** Site #45 is the transit control TLD (stored in lead pig).


TABLE 9.2 2009 ENVIRONMENTAL TLD RESULTS Units are mremistd qtr TLD Site # 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Average I 23.6 23.4 21.3 23.0 22.8 2 21.8 22.1 20.4 20.6 21.2 3 22.9 22.5 21.2 21.8 22.1 4 21.8 22.7 21.8 22.3 22.2 5 22.0 22.9 21.3 20.9 21.8 6(conn'ol) 26 2 26 4 24.4 25.8 25.7 7 24 8 25 1 23.0 24.6 24.4 8 23 1 22 9 21.7 22.0 22.4 9 27 1 26 5 26.2 27.0 26.7 I0 22 4 23 4 22.5 22.9 22.8 II 23 i 25 4 22.7 23.0 23.6 12 22 7 23 2 22.3 22.1 22.6 13 23 7 26 0 24.2 24.2 24.5 14 24 7 24 2 23.6 24.2 24.2 15 23 3 23 6 22.4 22.8 23.0 16 21.1 21.3 20.8 21.5 21 2 17 23.4 24.3 23.1 24.0 23 7 18 23.1 22.8 22.1 22.5 22 6 19 24.5 24.6 23.4 24.8 24 3 20 23.8 24.1 22.7 23.3 23 5 21 24.8 24.9 24 3 24 8 24 7 22 25.3 25.1 25 5 25 6 25 4 23 22.1 22.7 20 5 21 9 21 8 24 20.3 21.5 21 2 21 3 21 1 25 22.0 21.9 21 2 22 1 21 8 26 25.4 28.0 25 1 25 8 26 1 27 25.7 26.9 25 1 26 1 26 0 28 24.4 26.6 23 7 25 3 25 0 29 23.8 24.7 22 2 23.6 23.6 30 24.7 25.7 23 3 24.1 24.5 31 22.2 22.9 22 3 22.4 22.5 32 23.9 24.7 24 1 24.4 24.3 33 25 8 26 0 24.0 25.1 25.2 34 27 0 27 5 25.2 25.9 26.4 35 29 6 31 0 29.2 29.5 29.8 36 24 6 25 0 missing 23.5 24.4 37 23 9 23 1 22.5 23.7 23.3 38 26 7 27 5 26.0 26.0 26.6 39 23 8 24 0 22.1 21.7 22.9 40 24 8 24 8 23.4 22.8 24.0 41 27 0 25 7 26.6 25.8 26.3 42 29.6 28 3 29.2 28.7 29.0 43 28.2 27 7 26.5 25.8 27.1 44(control) 19.7 20 .6 19.4 20.1 20.0 (transit control) 6.2 5.8 5.5 5.6 5.8 46 26. 8 26.5 24 .7 25. 6 25 .9 47 22.5 23 .8 21.5 23.5 22.8 48 24.9 24.1 22.5 22.8 23.6 49 22.5 24.0 21.4 21.7 22 .4

     ._o             19.2         18.5         18.6        18.2          18.6 quarter TLD resultswere delayed due to an identifiedbias with results. Refer to document CRDR #3439215.


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10. Land Use Census 10.1. Introduction In accordance with the PVNGS ODCM, Section 6.2, the annual Land Use Census was performed within five miles of Unit 2 containment in April 2009.

Observations were made in each of the 16 meteorological sectors to determine the nearest milking animals, residences, and gardens of greater than 500 square feet. This census was completed by driving the roads and speaking with residents. The results of the Land Use Census are presented in Table 10.1 and discussed below. The directions and distances listed are in sectors and miles from the Unit 2 containment. 10.2. Census Results Nearest Resident There were _ro (2) changes in nearest resident status. Dose calculations indicated the highest dose to be 0.229 mrem. Milk Animal There were five (5) changes in milk animal status. Dose calculations indicated the highest dose to be 0.872 mrem. Vegetable Gardens There were four (4) changes in nearest garden status. Dose calculations indicated the highest dose to be 0.332 mrem. See Table 10.1for a sunmaaryof the specificresults and Table 2.1 for current sample locations. P\ .'NGS ANNUAL RAD1OLOGI(2AL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT - 2009 55

TABLE 10.1 2009 LAND USE CENSUS (Distances and directions are relative to Unit 2 in miles) NEAREST NEAREST NEAREST CALCULATED DOSE SECTOR RESIDENT GARDEN MILK ANIMAL (torero) CHANGE (COW/GOAT) FROM 2008 N 1.55 NONE 2.69 Resident 392E-02 GARDEN Milk 3.50E-01 MILK NNE 1.52 2.23 2.05 Resident 7 86E-02 GARDEN Garden 3..,_E-01 MILK Milk 7.60E-01 NE 2.16 NONE 3.9 [ Resident 1.14E-O1 Mi lk 5.41E-01 ENE 2.05 4.72 2.52 Resident 8 09E-02 RESIDENT Garden 1.00E-01 GARDEN Milk 5.91E-01 MILK E 2.81 NONE NONE Resident 5.23E-02 ESE 1.89 NONE 1.95 Resident 1.32E-0! MILK Milk 8.72E-01 SE 3.36 NONE 3.40 Resident 8.80E-02 MILK Milk 5.30E-01 SSE NONE NONE NONE NA S 4.67 NONE NONE Resident 2.29E-01 RESIDENT SSW NONE NONE NONE NA SW 1.3 9 NONE NONE Resident 1.41E-01 WSW 0.75 NONE NONE Resident 1.08E-O1 W 0.70 NONE NONE Resident 5.02E-02 WNW 2.67 NONE NONE Resident 1.05E-02 NW 0.93 NONE NONE Resident 3.71E-02 NNW 1.30 4.34 NONE Resident 2.91E-02 GARDEN (iarden 4.70E-02 COMMENTS: Dose calculations were performed using the GASPAR code and 2008 meteorological data and source term Dose reported for each location is the total for all three PVNGS Units and is the highest individual dose identified (organ, bone, total body, or skin). PX,,_qGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPEK_'[IN(i REPORT- 2009 56

11. Summary and Conclusions The conclusions are based on a review of the radio assay results and environmental gamma radiation measurements for the 2009 calendar year. Where possible, the data were compared to pre-operational sample data.

All sample results for 2009 are presented in Tables 8.1-8.11 and do not include observations of naturally occurring radionuclides, with the exception of gross beta in air and gross beta in drinkin¢ water. Table 11.1 summarizes the ODCM required samples and is in the format required by the NRC BTP on Environmemal Monitoring. 1-131 concentrations identified on occasion in the Evaporation Ponds, WRF Influent, WRF Centrifuge sludge, and Reservoirs is the result of offsite sources and appears in the effluent sewage from Phoenix. The levels of I-131 detected in these locations are consistent with levels identified in previous years. Tritium concentrations identified in surface water onsite have been attributed to PVNGS permitted gaseous effluent releases and secondary plant releases. These concentrations are consistent with historical values. Environmental radiation levels are consistent with measurements reported in previous Pre-operational and Operational Radiological Environmental annual reports, References 1 and 2. The only measurable impact on the environment in 2009 was the low level tritium discovered hi subsurfiwe water onsite in tile Radiologieal Controlled Area hi 2006. See Section 2.4 fi_r _wecif!c information. P\ ,'NGS ANNUAL RADIOL()GICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT - 2009 57

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12. References
1. Pre-Operational Radiological Monitoring Program, Summary Report 1979-1985
2. 1985-2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Reports, Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station
3. Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Technical Specifications and Technical Reference Manual
4. Offsite Dose Calculation Manual, PVNGS Units 1, 2, and 3
5. Regulatory Guide 4.1. Programs for Monitoring Radioactivity in the Environs of Nuclear Power Plants
6. Regulatory Guide 4.8, Environmental Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plants
7. NRC Radiological Assessment Branch Technical Position on Environmental Monitoring, Revision 1, November 1979 (Incorporated into NUREG- 1301)
8. NEI 07-07, Nuclear Energy Institute, Industry Ground Water Protection Initiative - Final Guidance Document, August 2007 P\'_'NGSANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPEtLaITING REPORT - 2009 62

2009AnnualMonitoring andCompliance Report APPNO.P-100388 APPENDIXB ELECTRONICDATA (CDincludesPDFofentirereport)

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2009Annual Monitoring andComplianceReport APPNO.P-100388 C1 - VERTICAL TREND ANALYSIS Section 14.4.1 A.1 of the Permit states "Using cross-sections of 3-D models, the report shall assess downward concentration trends for indicator parameters and AWQS constituents, if any, and shall consider such trends in combination with topography of the uppermost surface of the aquitard." In previous versions of the Permit, indicator parameter analytical results from shallow aquifer A column wells such as PV-14H, were compared with the analytical results from nearby shallow aquifer deep B column wells such as PV-14HB. (Typically, the A column wells have a longer screened interval than the B column wells. The depth of the bottom of the A and B column wells are generally the same, but the B column wells have a shorter screened interval across the same portion of the aquifer.) The reported B column indicator parameter values were then compared with A column well indicator parameter values as part of the vertical trend analysis. Later modifications of the Perrmt eliminated the requirement to sample the shallow aquifer deep B column wells. As such, for 2009 there were no A and B column well pairs sampled where vertical differences in groundwater quality could be evaluated, therefore a similar downward concentration trend analysis for indicator parameters could not be conducted. However, there were shallow aquifer and nearby Palo Verde Clay aquifer monitoring wells sampled in three locations at the PVNGS site. The three well pairs, the screened intervals monitored and the boron and chloride indicator parameter results are presented in Table C-1. As can be seen in the results, it is evident that chloride concentrations in the shallow and Palo Verde Clay aquifers differ by at least one order of magnitude, and are much higher in the shallow aquifer. Boron concentrations for the two aquifers are significantly different, also generally much higher in the shallow aquifer. This data helps demonstrate that due to the vetT heterogeneous, low permeability, free-grained material represented by the Middle Fine-Grained Unit, vertical migration of groundwater at the site is very limited. IIfI[.1",'1 i_ll_[_ k,_,I:lll P:APS PVNGS 138949- 2009 Annualr'don and Compl Reporl_Delive_ables\Reports Final Final APS-PVNGSAnnualReport 2009 doc

APS- PVNGS 2009Annual Monitoringand Compliance Report SAMPLE (m IlL) Approx. AQUITARD PaloELEVATION Verde Clay LOCATION amsl) DATE Boron (feet amsl) 888.6 - 843.6 2/27/2009 6.7 2,000 729 888.6 - 843.6 6/10/2009 6.9 2,100 888.6 - 843.6 9/17/2009 7.0 2,100 PV-34H 888.6 - 843.6 11/6/2009 7.1 1 900 746.8 - 726.8 2/27/2009 0.62 180 729 746.8 - 726.8 6/10/2009 0.66 190 746.8 - 726.8 9/16/2009 0.59 180 APP-5 746.8 - 726.8 11/5/2009 0.65 200 I ' .... 886.8 - 856.8 3/12/2009 1.3 4,500 743 886.8 - 856.8 6/17/2009 1.4 5,100 886.8 - 856.8 9/25/2009 1.4 5,000 PV-R2AR 886.8 - 856.8 11/19/2009 1.3 4,800 773.13 - 743.13 3/12/2009 0.58 120 743 773.13 - 743.13 6/17/2009 0.63 120 773.13 - 743.13 9/30/2009 0.64 120 APP-7 773.13 - 743.13 11/19/2009 0.59 120 897.3 - 847.3 2/11/2009 16 5,500 744 897.3 - 847.3 5/21/2009 17 5,500 897.3 - 847.3 8/4/2009 16 5,700 PV-206A 897.3 - 847.3 10/29/2009 18 5,600 776.02 - 746.02 1/16/2009 0.88 190 744 776.02 - 746.02 2/10/2009 0.89 150 776.02 - 746.02 5/7/2009 0.98 170 776.02 - 746.02 7/23/2009 0.89 170 APP-8 776.02 - 746.02 10/28/2009 0.86 180 Notes: amsl = above mean sea level mg/L = milligramsper liter PAAPS-PVNGS\138949 - 2009 Annual Mon. and Compl. Report\Deliverables\Reports\FinaRAppendix C\2009 Table C-1 Vertical Trends xls Page 1 of 1

2009Annual Monitoring andCompliance Report APPNO.P-100388 C2 - ANALYTICAL DATA OUTSIDE QA/QC OR PERMIT DETECTION LIMITS Table C-2 presents a summarytable of allanalyticaldata that was outside the QA/QC or permit detection limits.

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P: APS PVrqGS138949- 2009 Annualr'don and Compl Report,Delive_abies'Reporls'Finaf,Fmat APS-PVNGSAnnua! Reporl2009 doc

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APS - PVNGS 2009Annual Monitoringand ComplianceReport DATE WELL ID MEASURED TYPE OF MEASUREMENT APP-1 03/10/09 920.64 Dry Dry QtrlyWQ 06/24/09 920.64 Dry Dry QtrlyWQ 08/28/09 920.64 Dry Dry QtrlyWQ 10/15/09 920.64 Dry Dry QtrlyWQ APP-3 02/18/09 916,73 225.78 690.95 QuarterlyIndicator 05/28/09 916.73 225.87 690.86 QuarterlyIndicator 08106/09 916.73 227.65 689.08 QuarterlyIndicator 11/03t09 916.73 228.97 687,76 QuarterlyIndicator APP-4R 02/19/09 917.08 161,60 755.48 QuarterlyIndicator 05/27/09 917.08 161.31 755.77 QuarterlyIndicator 08105/09 917.08 161.51 755.57 QuarterlyIndicator 10/28/09 917.08 161.16 755.92 QuarterlyIndicator APP-5 02/27/09 912,53 136.31 776.22 QuarterlyIndicator 06/09/09 912.53 135.65 776.88 QuarterlyIndicator 09/16!09 912.53 136.68 775,86 QuarterlyIndicator 11/08/09 912.53 133.26 779.27 QuarterlyIndicator APP-6 03/10/09 920.80 194.19 726.61 QuarterlyIndicator 06/15/09 920.80 194.45 726.35 QuarterlyIndicator 09116/09 920.80 195.40 725.40 QuarterlyIndicator 10/2!/09 920,80 195.51 725.29 QuarterlyIndicator APP-7 03/12/09 970.63 !29.00 841.63 QuarterlyIndicator 06/16/09 970.63 !29.41 841.22 QuarterlyIndicator 09/29/09 970.63 130,29 840.34 QuarterlyIndicator 1!/18/09 970.63 131.41 839.22 QuarterlyIndicator APP-8 01/16/09 948.57 100.50 848.07 QuarterlyIndicator 02/10/09 948.57 100.43 848.14 QuarterlyIndicator(repeatsample,samplererror) 05/07/09 948.57 100.61 847.96 QuarterlyIndicator 07/23/09 948.57 100.90 847.67 QuarterlyIndicator 10/28/09 948,57 101.25 847.32 QuarterlyIndicator APP-9 01/15/09 952.00 93.72 858.48 QuarterlyIndicator 05/06/09 952,00 93.92 858.28 QuarterlyIndicator 07/08/09 952.00 94.15 858.05 QuarterlyIndicator 07/21/09 952.00 94.10 858.10 Verificationsamplingforchromium 10/21/09 952,00 94.34 857,86 QuarterlyIndicator P V_,PS-PVNGS\138949 - 2009 Annual Mon. and Compl. Report\Deliverables\Reports\FinaRAppendix C\Table C-3b Water Levels.xlsx Page 1 of 9

APS - PVNGS 2009Annual Monitoringand ComplianceReport DATE WELL ID MEASURED TYPE OF MEASUREMENT APP-10 01/14/09 956.27 114.55 841.92 QuarterlyIndicator 05/06/09 956.27 115.15 841.32 QuarterlyIndicator 06/08/09 956.27 115.34 841.13 Verificationsamplingforsulfate 07/08/09 956.27 1!5.69 840.78 QuarterlyIndicator 10/21/09 956.27 !16.69 839.78 QuarterlyIndicator APP-11 03/10!09 950.27 71.45 879,02 FromTransducer 08/27!09 950.27 71.85 878.62 FromTransducer 10/16/09 950.27 72.15 878.32 FromTransducer 12/16/09 950,27 72,25 878.22 FromTransducer APP-12 01/15/09 957.83 130.29 827.54 QuarterlyIndicator 05/06/09 957.83 130.55 827.28 QuarterlyIndicator 07/08109 957.83 131.05 826.78 QuarterlyIndicator 10/21109 957.83 131.75 826.08 QuarterlyIndicator APP-13 01/07109 920.69 87.83 832.86 MonthlyAmbient 02/04t09 920.69 87.82 832.87 MonthlyAmbient 03/05/09 920.69 87.94 832.75 MonthlyAmbient 04/29/09 920.69 87,88 832.81 MonthlyAmbient 05/20/09 920,69 87.98 832.71 MonthlyAmbient 06/04/09 920.69 87.90 832.79 MonthlyAmbient 07/14/09 920.69 87.95 832.74 MonthlyAmbient 08/19/09 920.69 87.80 832,89 MonthlyAmbient 11/05/09 920.69 87.61 833.08 QuarterlyIndicator APP-14 01/07/09 920.52 60.40 860.12 MonthlyAmbient 02/04/09 920.52 60.08 860.44 MonthlyAmbient 03/05/09 920.52 60.10 860.42 MonthlyAmbient 04/29/09 920.52 60,13 860.39 MonthlyAmbient 05/20/09 920.52 60.13 860.39 MonthlyAmbient 06/04/09 920.52 60.15 860.37 MonthlyAmbient 07/14/09 920.52 60.20 860.32 MonthlyAmbient 08/19/09 920.52 60.30 860.22 MonthlyAmbient 11/09/09 920.52 60.71 859.81 QuarterlyIndicator P:_APS-PVNGS\138949 - 2009 Annual Mon. and Compl. Repod\Detiverables\Reports\FtnalL_ppendix C\Table C-3b Water Levels.xlsx Page 2 of 9


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APP-15 01/07/09 924.74 62.09 862.65 MonthlyAmbient 02/04/09 924.74 61.88 862,86 MonthlyAmbient 03/05/09 924.74 61,97 862.77 MonthlyAmbient 04/29/09 924.74 61.95 862.79 MonthlyAmbient 05/20/09 924.74 61.96 862.78 MonthlyAmbient 06/04/09 924.74 61.99 862.75 MonthlyAmbient 07/15/09 924.74 62.15 862.59 MonthlyAmbient 08/19/09 924.74 61,95 862,79 MonthlyAmbient 11/09/09 924.74 62,19 862.55 QuarterlyIndicator PV-14H 03/11/09 922.01 57.96 864.05 QuarterlyIndicator 06/15/09 922.01 58.08 863.93 QuarterlyIndicator 09/17109 922.01 58.13 86'3.88 Quarterlyindicator 10/22/09 922.01 58,10 863.91 QuarterlyIndicator PV-174 03/05/09 955.75 59.76 895.99 FromTransducer 06/18/09 955.75 6I. 10 894.65 FromTransducer 08/27/09 955.75 61.10 894.65 FromTransducer 10/16/09 955.75 61.61 894.14 FromTransducer PV-183 03/11/09 951.70 60.0! 891.69 FromTransducer 06/18/09 951.70 60.55 891.I5 FromTransducer 08/27/09 951.70 61.00 890.70 FromTransducer 10/23/09 951.70 61.11 890.59 FromTransducer PV-191A 03/03/09 943.60 Dry Dry QtrlyWQ 06/18/09 943.60 Dry Dry QtrlyWQ 08/28/09 943,60 Dry Dry QtrlyWQ 10/21/09 943.60 Dry Dry QtrlyWQ PV-192A 03/03/09 943.31 95.68 847.63 FromTransducer 06/18/09 943.31 95.75 847.56 FromTransducer 08/28/09 943.31 95.81 847.50 FromTransducer 10/!6/09 943.31 95.88 847,43 FromTransducer PV-193A 02/27/09 943.71 79.63 864.08 QuarterlyIndicator 05/27/09 943.71 79.48 864.23 QuarterlyIndicator 08/03/09 943.71 79.55 864.16 QuarterlyIndicator 10/28/09 943.71 79.11 864.60 Quarterlyindicator P _APS-PVNGS\138949 - 2009 Annual Mort. and Compl. Report\Deliverables\Reports\ginal_Appendix C\Tabte C-3b Water Levels.xlsx Page 3 of 9

APS- PVNGS 2009 Annual Monitoring and Compliance Report DATE WELL ID TYPE OF MEASUREMENT MEASURED PV-195A 03/1!/09 921.71 48.80 872.91 QuarterlyIndicator 06/23/09 921.71 48.99 872.72 Quarterlyindicator 09/17/09 921.7! 49.08 872.63 QuarterlyIndicator 11/10/09 921.71 49.04 872.67 QuarterlyIndicator PV-198AR 01/13/09 931.48 75.78 855.70 Contingencymonthlyindicatorsamplingforchloride exceedance 02/11/09 931.48 75.81 855.67 Quarterlyindicator 05/27/08 931.48 76.33 855.15 Quarterlyindicator 07/22/09 931.48 76.59 854.89 Quarterlyindicatorandverificationsamplingforboron, chloride,totaldissolvedsolids,potassium,andchromium. 10/14/09 931.48 76.85 854.63 Quarterlyindicatorandcontingencymonthlyindicator samplingforchlorideexceedance 11/04/09 931.48 76.83 854.65 Contingencymonthlyindicatorsamplingforchloride exceedance PV-205A 03/24/09 907.23 69.94 837.29 FromTransducer 08/28/09 907.23 69.92 837.31 FromTransducer 10/15/09 907.23 70.00 837.23 FromTransducer PV-206A 02/10/09 947.91 82.30 865.61 QuarterlyIndicator 05/20/09 947.91 82.56 865.35 QuarterlyIndicator 08/03/09 947.91 82.81 865.10 QuarterlyIndicator 10/28/09 947.91 82.96 864.95 QuarterlyIndicator PV-207A 03/30/09 967.24 Dry Dry FromTransducer;Confirmedquarterlywithsounder 06/30/09 967.24 Dry Dry FromTransducer;Confirmedquarterlywithsounder 09/30/09 967.24 Dry Dry FromTransducer;Confirmedquarterlywithsounder 10/28/09 967.24 Dry Dry FromTransducer;Confirmedquarterlywithsounder 12/30/09 967.24 Dry Dry FromTransducer;Confirmedquarterlywithsounder PV-216R 03/17/09 891.01 198.16 692.85 FornitrateexceedanceinAPP-3 06/17/09 89! .0I 199.33 691.68 FornitrateexceedanceinAPP-3 08/20/09 891.01 202.!5 688.86 FornitrateexceedanceinAPP-3, WL recheckedon9/1/09: DTW@ 12:50= 202.57ft bmp, TROLL= 14.34fl

                   ! 1/18/09                89!.0 !                          202.82                  688.19                         FornitrateexceedanceinAPP-3 PV-21H             03/05/09                 962.10                            72.78                  889.32                                FromTransducer 06/18/09                 962.10                            73.40                  888.70                                FromTransducer 08/27/09                 962.10                            73.64                  888.46                                FromTransducer 10/16/09                 962.10                            73.82                  888.28                                FromTransducer P:_APS-PVNGS\138949   2009 Annual Mon and CompL Report\Deliverables\Reports\Final_Appendix C\Table C*3b Water Levels.xlsx                                   Page 4 of 9

APS- PVNGS 2009 AnnualMonitoringand ComplianceReport TOPOFCASING MEASURED DEPTH WATER DATE WELL ID ELEVATION TO WATER ELEVATION TYPE OF MEASUREMENT MEASURED (FTAMSL) (FTBMP} (FTAMSL) PV-24H 01/06/09 947.00 59.63 887,37 FromSounder 03/12/09 947.00 Noreading Probedry FromTransducer 06/23/09 947.00 59.85 887.15 FromSounder 09/01/09 947.00 Noreading Probedry FromTransducer PV-24HB 01/02/09 940.91 54.43 886.48 FromTransducer 06117/09 940.91 54.80 886.11 FromTransducer 08t28!09 940.91 55.03 885.88 FromTransducer 10/!6!09 940.91 55.10 885.81 FromTransducer PV-25HA 01/02/09 942.10 60.11 881.99 FromTransducer 06/17!09 942.10 60.69 881.41 FromTransducer 08!27/09 942.10 61,18 880.92 FromTransducer 10/23/09 942.10 61.24 880.86 FromTransducer PV-28HB 01/06/09 930,81 47.32 883.49 FromTransducer 06/17!09 930.8! 47.67 883.!4 FromTransducer 08/27t09 930.81 48.38 882.43 FromTransducer 10/23/09 930.81 48.71 882.10 FromTransducer PV-29HB 03/13/09 928,40 48,85 879.55 FromTransducer 06/17/09 928.40 49.17 879.23 FromTransducer 08/28/09 928.40 49.5! 878.89 FromTransducer 10/23/09 928.40 49.60 878.80 FromTransducer PV-34H 02/27/09 911,51 45.88 865.63 QuarterlyIndicator 06/23/09 911.51 46.45 865.06 QuarterlyIndicator 09/16/09 911,51 46.87 864.65 QuarterlyIndicator 11/05/09 91!.51 46.86 864.65 QuarterlyIndicator PV-Q5 01/08/09 938.31 58.12 880.19 FromTransducer 03/13/09 938.31 58.44 879.87 FromTransducer 06/18/09 938.31 5890 879.41 FromTransducer 10/23/09 938.31 59.55 878,76 FromTransducer P:LAPS-PVNGS\138949 - 2009 Annual Mon. and CompL Report\Deliverables\Reports\Final_Appendix C\Table C-3b Water Levels.xlsx Page 5 of 9


                                       ,,(FT,AMSL)                       (FTBMP)                 (FTAMSL)

PV-Q8 02/10/09 923,80 79.00 844.80 QuarterlyIndicator 05/27/09 923.80 78.97 844.83 QuarterlyIndicator 08/05/09 923.80 78.97 844.83 QuarterlyIndicator

                   !0/07/09                 923.80                           79.07                  844.73                      Verificationsamplingforboron 10/28/09                 923.80                           78.88                  844.92                            QuarterlyIndicator 12/0!/09                 923.80                           79.07                  844.73               Contingencymonthlyindicatorsamplingforboron exceedance PV-R2AR             03/12/09                 961.15                           76.08                  885.07                            Quarterlyindicator 06/17/09                 961.15                           76.55                  884.60                            QuarterlyIndicator 09/24/09                 961.15                           77.35                  883.80                            QuarterlyIndicator 11/18/09                 96t. 15                          77.70                  883.45                            QuarterlyIndicator PV-TR1             03!10/09                 962,60                           64.35                  898.25                             FromTransducer 06/17/09                 962,60                           67,04                  895.56                             FromTransducer 08/27/09                 962.60                           67.06                  895.55                             FromTransducer
                   !0/16!09                 962.60                           68.25                  894.35                             FromTransducer U5-PTWB             03/13/09                 930.81                           45.50                  885.31                             FromTransducer 06/18/09                 930.81                           45.65                  885.16                             FromTransducer 08/28/09                 930.8!                           46.05                  884.76                             FromTransducer 10/23/09                 930.81                           46.34                  884.47                             FromTransducer RPZ-la             03/19/09                  956.21                            Dry                    Dry                              FromTransducer 07/21/09                 956.21                             Dry                    Dry                              FromTransducer 10120/09                  956.21                            Dry                    Dry                              FromTransducer RPZ-lb             03/19/09                  956.20                           52.35                 903.85                             FromTransducer 07/2!/09                  956.20                            Dry                    Dry                              FromTransducer
                   !0/20/09                  956.20                            Dry                    Dry                              FromTransducer RPZ-2a             03/20/09                  953.37                           36.86                 916.5!                             FromTransducer 07/21/09                  953.37                           37.85                 915.52                             FromTransducer 10/20/09                  953.37                            Dry                    Dry                              FromTransducer RPZ-2b             03/19/09                  953.42                           56.65                 896.77                             FromTransducer 06/26/09                  953.42                           57.74                  895.68                            FromTransducer 07/21/09                  953.42                           58.01                  895.41                            FromTransducer 10/20/09                  953.42                           58.65                  894.77                                 Manual P _APS-PVNGS\138949   2009 Annual Mon. and Compl. Repod\Delwerables\Reports\Final_Appendix C\Table C-3b Water Levels xlsx                               Page 6 of 9

APS - PVNGS 2009 AnnualMonitoringand ComplianceReport DATE WELL ID TYPE OF MEASUREMENT MEASURED RPZ-3a 03/17/09 953,96 30.50 923.46 FromTransducer 07/21/09 953.96 30.69 923.27 FromTransducer 10/17/09 953.96 30.79 923,17 FromTransducer RPZ-3b 03/17/09 953.96 52.18 901.78 FromTransducer 07/21/09 953.96 53.20 900,76 FromTransducer 10/20/09 953,96 53,79 900.!7 FromTransducer RPZ-4a 03117/09 958.75 Dry Dry FromTransducer 07/21/09 958.75 Dry Dry FromTransducer 10/20/09 958.75 Dry Dry FromTransducer RPZ-4b 03/17/09 959.29 Dry Dry FromTransducer 07/21!09 959.29 Dry Dry FromTransducer 10/20/09 959,29 Dry Dry FromTransducer RPZ-5a 03119/09 964.23 30.23 934.00 FromTransducer 07/21/09 964.23 30.60 933.63 FromTransducer 10t20/09 964.23 30.76 933.47 FromTransducer RPZ-5b 03/19/09 963,92 57.69 906.23 FromTransducer 07/21/09 963.92 57.65 906.27 FromTransducer 10/20/09 963.92 57.67 906.25 FromTransducer RPZ-6a 03/19!09 956.33 29.52 926.81 FromTransducer 07/21/09 956.33 29.68 926.65 FtomTransducer 10/16/09 956,33 29.78 926.55 FromTransducer RPZ-6b 03/19/09 956.21 53.96 902.25 FromTransducer 07/21/09 956.2! 54.05 902.16 FromTransducer 10/16/09 956.21 54.10 902,11 FromTransducer RPZ-7a 03/19/09 953.72 31.62 922.10 FromTransducer 07/21/09 953.72 32.20 921.52 FromTransducer 10/16/09 953.72 32.59 921.13 FromTransducer RPZ-7b 03/19/09 955.39 54.58 900.81 FromTransducer 07/21/09 955.39 55,21 900.18 FromTransducer 10/16/09 955.39 55.40 899.99 FromTransducer P:LAPS-PVNGS\138949 2009 Annual Mon. and Compl. Report\Dehverables\Reports\Final_,ppendix C\Table C-3b Water Levels.xlsx Page 7 of 9

APS- PVNGS 2009 Annual Monitoring and Compliance Report TOPOFCASING MEASURED DEPTH WATER DATE WELL ID ELEVATION TO WATER ELEVATION TYPE OF MEASUREMENT MEASURED (FTAMS,I_) (FTBMP) (FTAMSL) RPZ-8a 03/19/09 957.25 Dry Dry FromTransducer 07/21/09 957.25 Dry Dry FromTransducer 10/16/09 957r25 Dry Dry FromTransducer RPZ-8b 03119109 957.27 Dry Dry FromTransducer 07/21/09 957.27 Dry Dry FromTransducer

                    !0116/09                 957.27                               Dry                    Dry                        FromTransducer RPZ-9a            03t19t09                  958.74                               Dry                    Dry                        FromTransducer 0712!I09                  958.74                               Dry                    Dry                        FromTransducer 10116109                 958.74                               Dry                    Dry                        FromTransducer RPZ-gb            03/19/09                  958.69                               Dry                    Dry                        FromTransducer 07121109                  958.69                               Dry                    Dry                        FromTransducer
                    !0116109                 958.69                               Dry                    Dry                        FromTransducer PV-219C            01114109                  943.00                               Dry                    Dry                           Monthly 02103/09                  943.00                               Dry                    Dry               Monthly;abandonedin February2009 PV-220C             01114109                 943.00                               Dry                    Dry                           Monthly 02/03/09                  943.00                              Dry                    Dry                            Monthly 03103/09                  943.00                              Dry                    Dry                            Monthly 04/!6/09                  943.00                              Dry                    Dry                            Monthly 05/05t09                  943.00                              Dry                    Dry                            Monthly 06/02/09                  943.00                              Dry                    Dry                            Monthly 07/21/09                  943.00                               Dry                   Dry                            Monthly PV-221C             01114109                  944.00                               Dry                    Dry                           Monthly 02/03/09                  944.00                               Dry                   Dry                            Monthly 03/03/09                  944.00                               Dry                   Dry                            Monthly 04/16/09                  944.00                               Dry                    Dry                           Monthly 05/05/09                  944.00                               Dry                    Dry                           Monthly 06/02/09                  944.00                               Dry                    Dry                           Monthly 07/21/09                  944.00                               Dry                    Dry                           Monthly P _APS*PVNGS\138949 - 2009 Annual Mon. and Compl. Report\Deliverables\Reports\Final\Appendix C\Table C-3b Water Levels.xlsx                        Page 8 of 9

APS- PVNGS 2009Annual Monitoringand ComplianceReport DATE WELL ID TYPE OF MEASUREMENT MEASURED PV-222C 01/14109 943,00 Dry Dry Monthly 02/03/09 943.00 Dry Dry Monthly 03/03/09 943.00 Dry Dry Monthly 04/16/09 943.00 Dry Dry Monthly 05/05/09 943.00 Dry Dry Monthly 06/02/09 943,00 Dry Dry Monthly 07/21/09 943.00 Dry Dry Monthly PV-223C 01/14!09 943,00 Dry Dry Monthly 02/03/09 943.00 Dry Dry Monthly 03/03/09 943,00 Dry Dry Monthly 04/16/09 943.00 Dry Dry Monthly 05/05/09 943,00 Dry Dry Monthly 06/03/09 943.00 Dry Dry Monthly 07/21/09 943,00 Dry Dry Monthly Notes: DTW- DepthToWater ft amsl- feetabovemeansealevel fl bmp- feetbelowmeasuringpoint WL- WaterLevel WQ- WaterQuality P _APS-PVNGS\138949 - 2009 Annual Mon and Compl. Report\Delicerables\Reports\Final_Appendix C\Table C 3b Water Levels.xlsx Page 9 of 9}}