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Attachment 5: LaSalle County Station, Unit 1, Pressure/Temperature Limits Report
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/20/2013
Exelon Generation Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML13358A354 List:
Download: ML13358A365 (34)


ATTACHMENT 5 LaSalle County Station Unit 1 Pressure / Temperature Limits Report (NON-PROPRIETARY) 33 pages follow

EPRI Non-Proprietary Information ATTACHMENT 5 LaSalle County Station Unit 1 Pressure / Temperature Limits Report (NON-PROPRIETARY)

EPRI proprietary information has been removed indicated by (( (E))).

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EPRI Non-Proprietary Information LSCS Unit 1 P/T Limits Table of Contents Section Paqe 1 .0 Pu rp o s e ...................................................................................................................... 3 2 .0 A pplicability .................................................................................................... .. ... 3 3.0 Methodology .................................................................................................... .. .. 4 4 .0 O perating Lim its .................................................................................................... .. 5 5 .0 D iscussion ...................................................................................................... .. .. 6 6 .0 Refe re nce s ................................................................................................................ 10 Figure 1 - Bottom Head and Composite (Upper Vessel & Beltline) Pressure Test P/T Curves [Curve A] up to 32 EPY [20°F/hr or less coolant heatup/cooldown] ..................... 12 Figure 2 - Bottom Head and Composite (Upper Vessel & Beltline) Core Not Critical P/T Curves [Curve B] up to 32 EFPY [1 00°F/hr or less coolant heatup/cooldown] ................. 13 Figure 3 - Composite Core Critical P/T Curves [Curve C] up to 32 EFPY [100°F or less coolant heatup/cooldown] ................................................................................................ 14 Table 1 - LSCS Unit 1 P/T Curve Values for 32 EFPY .................................................... 15 Appendix A: Reactor Vessel Material Surveillance Program ........................................... 20 Appendix B: LSCS Unit 1 Reactor Pressure Vessel P/T Curve Supporting Plant-S pecific Inform ation ....................................................................................................... . . 21 Appendix C: LSCS Unit 1 Reactor Pressure Vessel P/T Curve Checklist ...................... 30 Page 2 of 33

EPRI Non-Proprietary Information LSCS Unit 1 P/T Limits 1.0 Purpose LaSalle County Station (LSCS) is a participant in the Boiling Water Reactor Vessel and Internals Project (BWRVIP) Integrated Surveillance Program (ISP),

currently administrated by Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). The 1200 capsule was removed from Unit 1 in February 2010 in accordance with the BWRVIP protocol of the ISP. Based on testing performed on the specimens, the limiting beltline material shift value for Unit 1 is increased, and consequently, results in an increase in the Adjusted Reference Temperature (ART) which is the initial Reference Temperature of Nil-Ductility Transition (RTNDT) plus the change in RTNDT (ARTNDT) plus margin. As a result, the Unit 1 P/T curves are non-conservative for 32 Effective Full Power Years (EFPY).

The purpose of this Pressure and Temperature Limits Amendment Request is to incorporate the ISP results into revised operating limits relating to:

1. Reactor Coolant System (RCS) Pressure versus Temperature limits during Heatup, Cooldown and Hydrostatic/Class 1 Leak Testing;
2. RCS Heatup and Cooldown rates;
3. Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) to RCS coolant AT requirements during Recirculation Pump startups;
4. RPV bottom head coolant temperature to RPV coolant temperature AT requirements during Recirculation Pump startups;
5. RPV head flange bolt-up temperature limits.

This report has been prepared in accordance with the Final Safety Evaluation for Boiling Water Reactors Owners' Group Licensing Topical Report (LTR) NEDC-33178P, General Electric Methodology for Development of Reactor Pressure Vessel Pressure -Temperature Curves (Reference 6.2) 2.0 Applicability This report is applicable to the LSCS Unit 1 RPV for up to 32 EFPY.

The following Technical Specification is affected by the information contained in this report:

TS 3.4.11 RCS Pressure and Temperature (P/T) Limits Page 3 of 33

EPRI Non-Proprietary Information LSCS Unit 1 P/T Limits 3.0 Methodology The limits in this report were derived from the NRC-approved GEH LTR methodology (Reference 6.2), using the specific revisions listed below:

1. The neutron fluence was calculated using a combination of NRC approved methods. The first thirteen cycles of fluence were calculated in accordance with BWRVIP-126: BWR Vessel and Internals Project, RAMA Fluence Methodology Software, Version 1.0, EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2003, Technical Report 1007823, as approved by the NRC in Reference 6.1.a.

The fluence subsequent to cycle 13 was calculated in accordance with the General Electric Methodology for Reactor Pressure Vessel Fast Neutron Flux Evaluation, NEDC-32983P-A, Revision 2, January 2006, approved in Reference 6.1 .b.

2. The pressure and temperature limits were calculated per GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy Methodology for Development of Reactor Pressure Vessel Pressure-TemperatureCurves, NEDC-33178P-A, Revision 1, June 2009, approved in Reference 6.2. The calculation is documented in Reference 6.4.
3. The ISP data from the LaSalle Unit 1 ISP capsule at 1200 is contained in BWRVIP-250NP, "Testing and Evaluation of the LaSalle Unit 1 1200 Surveillance Capsule", EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2011, Technical Report 1022850 (Reference 6.3). BWRVIP-250NP was transmitted to the NRC in Reference 6.5. The analysis of this data is documented in Reference 6.9 and in Attachment 7 of this submittal. The results of this testing and analysis, including the revised chemistry factor, are shown in Table B-4 of this submittal.
4. This revision of the pressure and temperature limits is to incorporate the following changes:
  • Application of GEH Topical Report for P/T Curves As mentioned above LSCS Unit 1 participates in the BWRVIP ISP. Unit 1 is a host plant and has removed and tested the 1200 capsule. This is the second capsule removed and tested from the LSCS Unit 1 vessel. The 3000 capsule was removed in 1994 and tested (Reference 6.7). The third capsule remains Page 4 of 33

EPRI Non-Proprietary Information LSCS Unit 1 P/T Limits in the vessel, and is a Future ISP (E) Capsule, or an Extended Life Capsule, as classified by BWRVIP-86, Revision 1 (Reference 6.8).

The adjusted reference temperature (ART) values for 32 EFPY included in Appendix B are developed considering the latest ISP published surveillance data available that is representative of the applicable materials in Unit 1. The surveillance data used in the Unit 1 ART calculations is obtained from actual Unit 1 RPV test specimens. The ISP weld material has the limiting ART, and is considered in development of the P/T curves.

4.0 Operating Limits The pressure/temperature (P/T) curves provided in this report represent steam dome pressure versus minimum vessel metal temperature and incorporate the appropriate non-beltline limits and irradiation embrittlement effects in the beltline region.

Complete P/T curves were developed for 32 EFPY. The P/T curves are provided in Figures 1 through 3, and a tabulation of the curves is included in Table 1.

The operating limits for pressure and temperature are required for three categories of operation: (a) hydrostatic pressure tests and leak tests, referred to as Curve A; (b) non-nuclear heatup/cooldown (core not critical), referred to as Curve B; and (c) core critical operation, referred to as Curve C.

Other temperature limits applicable to the RPV are:

  • Heatup and Cooldown rate limit during pressure testing (Figure 1:

Curve A): < 20 OF/hour.

  • Normal Operating Heatup and Cooldown rate limit (Figure 2: Curve B -

Core Not Critical and Figure 3: Curve C - Core Critical): < 100 OF/hour.

  • RPV bottom head coolant temperature to RPV coolant temperature AT limit during Recirculation Pump startup: < 145 OF.
  • Recirculation loop coolant temperature to RPV coolant temperature AT limit during Recirculation Pump startup: < 50 OF.
  • RPV flange and adjacent shell temperature limit: >_72 OF.

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EPRI Non-Proprietary Information LSCS Unit 1 P/T Limits 5.0 Discussion The fluence must be calculated in accordance with fluence methodologies that comply with Regulatory Guide 1.190, and have been approved by the NRC.

GEH currently has an approved fluence methodology, which is the basis for the existing P/T curves. The BWRVIP analyses are performed using the Radiation Analysis Modeling Application (RAMA) fluence methodology, which is also an NRC approved methodology, but is not the current licensing basis for LaSalle.

The NRC has issued a Safety Evaluation Report for the RAMA methodology (Reference 6.1.a), which contains three conditions that must be met in order to use the methodology:

1. For plants that are similar in core, shroud and downcomer-vessel geometry to that of the Susquehanna and Hope Creek plants, the RAMA Methodology can be applied without a bias for the calculation of vessel fluence;
a. Susquehanna, Hope Creek and LaSalle all contain 764 fuel assemblies, have a shroud with an outside diameter of 207 inches, and have 20 jet pumps in the downcomer area. Therefore, the RAMA methodology can be applied at LaSalle without bias.
2. For plants (or plant groups) with a different geometry than that of the Susquehanna or Hope Creek plants, a plant-specific application for RPV neutron fluence is required to establish the value of a bias, and
a. Since LaSalle is similar to Susquehanna, this condition is not applicable.
3. Relevant benchmarking will be required for shroud and reactor internals applications.
a. LaSalle is using the RAMA methodology for evaluation of the reactor pressure vessel, not the shroud or the internals of the reactor, so this condition is not applicable.

Therefore, the use of the RAMA methodology is endorsed by the NRC and all conditions of their approval have been met.

The computer codes described in References 6.1.a, 6.1.b, and 6.2 were used in the development of the P/T curves for LSCS Unit 1.

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EPRI Non-Proprietary Information LSCS Unit 1 P/T Limits The method for determining the Initial Reference Temperature of Nil-Ductility Transition (RTNDT) for all vessel materials is defined in Section 4.1.2 of Reference 6.2. Initial RTNDT values for all vessel materials considered are presented in Tables B-I, B-2, and B-3 of this report.

For LSCS Unit 1, the surveillance data from the LaSalle 1200 capsule (Reference 6.3), which contained weld heat 1P3571, was utilized in this analysis. The limiting surveillance material, weld heat 1P3571, was considered using Procedure 1 as defined in Appendix I of Reference 6.2. This procedure was used because the vessel material and the surveillance material are identical heats.

For LSCS Unit 1, there are six (6) thickness discontinuities in the vessel:

Discontinuities one through four (1-4) are associated with the Bottom Head Lower to Upper Torus and Bottom Head to Support Skirt; discontinuity 5 is between the Bottom Head to Shell #1, and discontinuity 6 is between Shell #1 and Shell #2.

" The temperature requirement to bound discontinuities 1 through 4 is 11 3.53°F for the heatup/cooldown transient. The maximum RTNDT for the bottom head is 100 F, and the P/T curves defined in Section 4.3 of Reference 6.2 are based upon a temperature (appropriate for this location) of 137.9°F at 1050 psig.

  • The temperature requirement to bound discontinuity 5 is 116.24°F for the heatup/cooldown transient. The maximum RTNDT for the bottom head and Shell #1 is 23°F, and the P/T curves defined in Section 4.3 of Reference 6.2 are based upon a temperature (appropriate for this location) of 137.9 0 F at 1050 psig.
  • The temperature requirement to bound discontinuity 6 is 140.24°F for the heatup/cooldown transient. The maximum RTNDT for Shell #1 and Shell #2 is 80°F, and the P/T curves defined in Section 4.3 of Reference 6.2 are based upon a temperature (appropriate for this location) of 188.1°F at 1050 psig.

Therefore, the temperatures used in the development of the P/T curves bound the temperatures associated with the thickness discontinuities.

The adjusted reference temperature (ART) of the limiting beltline material is used to adjust the beltline P/T curves to account for irradiation effects. Regulatory Page 7 of 33

EPRI Non-Proprietary Information LSCS Unit 1 P/T Limits Guide 1.99, Revision 2 (RG 1.99) provides the methods for determining the ART.

The RG 1.99 methods for determining the limiting material and adjusting the P/T curves using ART are discussed in this section.

The vessel beltline copper and nickel values, except for weld EAIB on the Low Pressure Coolant Injection (LPCI or N6) nozzles, were obtained from Certified Material Test Reports (CMTRs). The copper content of weld EAIB in the N6 nozzles was based on BWR fleet and RVID data for SMAW materials using 83 unique data points and Mean +2co methodology. With the exception of weld 1P3571, the copper and nickel values were used with Tables 1 and 2 of RG 1.99 to determine a chemistry factor (CF) per Paragraph 1.1 of RG 1.99 for welds and plates respectively. For weld 1P3571, the adjusted CF was calculated using the fitted chemistry factor obtained from Reference 6.9. The water level instrumentation (WLI or N12) nozzle is fabricated from Alloy 600 material that does not require evaluation for fracture toughness, and was evaluated using the limiting material properties (chemistry and initial RTNDT) of the adjoining plate heats.

The P/T curves for the non-beltline region were conservatively developed for a Boiling Water Reactor Product Line 6 (BWRI6) with nominal inside diameter of 251 inches. The analysis is considered appropriate for LSCS Unit 1 because the plant-specific geometric values are bounded by the generic analysis for the large BWR/6. The generic value was adapted to the conditions at LSCS using plant-specific RTNDT values for the reactor pressure vessel.

The peak RPV ID fluence used in the P/T curve evaluation for Unit 1 at 32 EFPY is 8.34E17 n/cm 2 . The fluence values were calculated using methods that comply with the guidelines of RG 1.190, (as discussed in References 6.1.a and 6.1.b).

The fluence is adjusted for the lower plates and associated welds based upon an attenuation factor of 0.45; hence, the peak ID surface fluence for these components is 3.76E17 n/cm 2 .

The fluence is adjusted for the N6 nozzle (LPCI nozzle) based upon an attenuation factor of 0.376; hence the peak ID surface fluence used for this component is 3.14E17 n/cm 2 .

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EPRI Non-Proprietary Information LSCS Unit 1 P/T Limits The same method is applied to the N12 nozzle (Instrumentation nozzle), which has an attenuation factor of 0.287, resulting in a peak ID surface fluence of 2.39E17 n/cm 2 .

The P/T curves for the heatup and cooldown operating conditions at a given EFPY apply for both the 1/4T and 3/4T locations. When combining pressure and thermal stresses, it is usually necessary to evaluate stresses at the 1/4T location (inside surface flaw) and the 3/4T location (outside surface flaw). This is because the thermal gradient tensile stress of interest is in the inner wall during cooldown and the outer wall during heatup. However, as a conservative simplification, the thermal gradient stress at the 1/4T location is assumed to be tensile for both heatup and cooldown. This results in the approach of applying the maximum tensile stress at the 1/4T location. This approach is conservative because irradiation effects cause the allowable toughness, Kir, at 1/4T to be less than that at 3/4T for a given metal temperature. This approach causes no operational difficulties, .since the BWR is at steam saturation conditions during normal operation, well above the heatup/cooldown curve limits.

For the core not critical curve (Curve B) and the core critical curve (Curve C), the P/T curves specify a coolant heatup and cooldown temperature rate of

< 100°F/hr for which the curves are applicable. However, the core not critical and the core critical curves were also developed to bound transients defined on the RPV thermal cycle diagram and the nozzle thermal cycle diagrams. For the hydrostatic pressure and leak test curve (Curve A), a coolant heatup and cooldown temperature rate of < 20°F/hr must be maintained. The P/T limits and corresponding heatup/cooldown rates of either Curve A or B may be applied while achieving or recovering from test conditions. Curve A applies during pressure testing and when the limits of Curve B cannot be maintained.

For LSCS Unit 1, weld 1P3571 is the limiting material for the beltline region for 32 EFPY. The initial RTNDT for weld 1P3571 is -30'F. The generic pressure test P/T curve is applied to the LSCS Unit 1 beltline curve by shifting the P vs. (T - RTNDT) values to reflect the ART value of 116 0F for 32. EFPY. Using the fluence discussed above, the P/T curves are beltline limited above 610 psig for Curve A, and above 440 psig for Curve B.

In order to ensure that the limiting vessel discontinuity has been considered in the development of the P/T curves, the methods in Sections and Page 9 of 33

EPRI Non-Proprietary Information LSCS Unit 1 P/T Limits of Reference 6.2 for the non-beltline and beltline regions, respectively, are applied.

6.0 References 6.1.a Letter from William. H. Bateman (U.S. NRC) to Bill Eaton (BWRVIP),

"Safety Evaluation of ProprietaryEPRI Reports BWRVIP-1 14, 115, 117, and 121 and TWE-PSE-001-R-001", dated May 13, 2005.

6.1.b Final Safety Evaluation Regarding Removal of Methodology Limitations for NEDC-32983P-A, General Electric Methodology for Reactor Pressure Vessel Fast Neutron Flux Evaluation (TAC NO. MC3788), November 17, 2005.

6.2 Final Safety Evaluation for Boiling Water Reactors Owners' Group Licensing Topical Report NEDC-33178P, General Electric Methodology for Development of Reactor Pressure Vessel Pressure-Temperature Curves (TAC NO. MD2693),

April 27, 2009.

6.3 BWRVIP-250NP, "Testing and Evaluation of the LaSalle Unit 1 1200 Surveillance Capsule", EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2011, Technical Report 1022850.

6.4 "Pressure-TemperatureLimits Report for Exelon Nuclear, LaSalle County Station Unit 1", 0000-0148-2850-R2, Revision 2, January 2013.

6.5 Letter 2011-206 from Dave Czufin, Chairman, BWR Vessels and Internals Project, to Document Control Desk, Project No. 704 - BWRVIP-250NP: BWR Vessel and Internals Project, Testing and Evaluation of the LaSalle Unit 1 1200 Surveillance Capsule, EPIR Technical Report 1022850, October 2011.

6.6 Letter RA13-002 from Peter J. Karaba, Site Vice President, LaSalle County Station, to Document Control Desk, Evaluation of LaSalle County Station Unit 1 1200 Capsule Surveillance Data, January 10, 2013 6.7 "LaSalle Unit 1 RPV Surveillance Materials Testing andAnalysis", GE-NE-523-A166-1294, Revision 1, June 1995, as filed in L-002872.

6.8 BWRVIP-86, Revision 1, "Updated BWR Integrated Surveillance Program (ISP) Implementation Plan", EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2008, Technical Report 1016575.

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EPRI Non-Proprietary Information LSCS Unit 1 P/T Limits 6.9 BWRVIP Letter 2012-026, "Evaluation of the LaSalle Unit 1 1200 Surveillance Capsule Data", to Ms. JoAnn Shields, Exelon Corporation from Bob Carter, EPRI, BWRVIP Assessment Task Manager, dated January 10, 2012.

6.10 BWRVIP-135, Revision 2, "IntegratedSurveillance Program,Data Source Book and Plant Evaluations", Final Report, October 2009, Technical Report 1020231.

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EPRI Non-Proprietary Information LSCS Unit 1 P/T Limits Figure 1 - Bottom Head and Composite (Upper Vessel & Beltline) Pressure Test P/T Curves [Curve A] up to 32 EFPY [20 °F/hr or less coolant heatup/cooldown]




-j Lu 800___


.H.AD LU W 700 - ,

0 HEATUP/COOLDOWN O-0RATE OF COOLANT 1600 4 < 20°F/HR 1500 BOTTOM LU68F 400 , ,  ;


CL300 -F312 PS.A


0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 MINIMUM REACTOR VESSEL METAL TEMPERATURE (°F)

Page 12 of 33

EPRI Non-Proprietary Information LSCS Unit 1 P/T Limits Figure 2 - Bottom Head and Composite (Upper Vessel & Beltline) Core Not Critical P/T Curves [Curve B] up to 32 EFPY [100°F/hr or less coolant heatup/cooldown]

1400 - -

1300 '__ ___






'" 800, . 32 146 Co


W 700 , ,--


/ RATE OF COOLANT S600 , <100OF/HR z a I-/

500 ,_,__

LU 400 I BOTTOM 300 -- HEAD ___ _-


0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 MINIMUM REACTOR VESSEL METAL TEMPERATURE (F)

Page 13 of 33

EPRI Non-Proprietary Information LSCS Unit 1 P/T Limits Figure 3 - Composite Core Critical P/T Curves [Curve C] up to 32 EFPY

[1 000 F/hr or less coolant heatup/cooldown]

1400 --





'" 32 146 0



> < 100°F/HR W. 700

.500600 2 500 w

400 0)

C9 IL 300 ____ __ 32SI 2

BELTLNE AND NON-100 Minimum Vessel BELINE LIMITS Temperature 72°F 0

0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 MINIMUM REACTOR VESSEL METAL TEMPERATURE (F)

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EPRI Non-Proprietary Information LSCS Unit 1 P/T Limits TABLE 1. LSCS Unit 1 Composite P/T Curve Values for 32 EFPY Required Metal Temperature with Required Coolant Temperature Rate at 100 °F/hr for Curves B & C and 20 °F/hr for Curve A BOTTOM UPPER RPV & BOTroM UPPER RPV HEAD BELTLINEAT HEAD BELTLINE AT LIMITING 32 EFPY 32 EFPY: 32 EFPY PRESSURE. CURVEA CURVEA CURVE B CURVE. B CURVEC (PSIG). (*F) (F).  : (F) (*F)..ý (*F) 0 68.0 72.0 68.0 72.0 72.0 10 68.0 72.0 68.0 72.0 72.0 20 68.0 72.0 68.0 72.0 72.0 30 68.0 72.0 68.0 72.0 72.0 40 68.0 72.0 68.0 72.0 72.0 50 68.0 72.0 68.0 72.0 73.1 60 68.0 72.0 68.0 72.0 82.0 70 68.0 72.0 68.0 72.0 89.2 80 68.0 72.0 68.0 72.0 95.2 90 68.0 72.0 68.0 72.0 100.3 100 68.0 72.0 68.0 72.0 104.8 110 68.0 72.0 68.0 72.0 108.9 120 68.0 72.0 68.0 72.7 112.7 130 68.0 72.0 68.0 76.2 116.2 140 68.0 72.0 68.0 79.4 119.4 150 68.0 72.0 68.0 82.2 122.2 160 68.0 72.0 68.0 84.9 124.9 170 68.0 72.0 68.0 87.5 127.5 180 68.0 72.0 68.0 89.9 129.9 190 68.0 72.0 68.0 92.2 132.2 200 68.0 72.0 68.0 94.3 134.3 210 68.0 72.0 68.0 96.3 136.3 220 68.0 72.0 68.0 98.3 138.3 230 68.0 72.0 68.0 100.1 140.1 240 68.0 72.0 68.0 101.9 141.9 250 68.0 72.0 68.0 103.6 143.6 260 68.0 72.0 68.0 105.2 145.2 270 68.0 72.0 68.0 106.8 146.8 280 68.0 72.0 68.0 108.3 148.3 290 68.0 72.0 68.0 109.8 149.8 300 68.0 72.0 68.0 111.2 151.2 310 68.0 72.0 68.0 112.5 152.5 Page 15 of 33

EPRI Non-Proprietary Information LSCS Unit 1 P/T Limits TABLE 1. LSCS Unit 1 Composite P/T Curve Values for 32 EFPY Required Metal Temperature with Required Coolant Temperature Rate at 100 °F/hr for Curves B & C and 20 °F/hr for Curve A BOTTOM. UPPER RPV & BOTTOM UPPER RPV&


32 EFPY 32 EFPY 32 EFPY PRESSURE CURVE A CURVE A CURVE B>: CURVEB CURVE C (PSIG): (*F) ('F) 312.5 68.0 72.0 68.0 112.9 152.9 312.5 68.0 102.0 68.0 132.0 172.0 320 68.0 102.0 68.0 132.0 172.0 330 68.0 102.0 68.0 132.0 172.0 340 68.0 102.0 68.0 132.0 172.0 350 68.0 102.0 68.0 132.0 172.0 360 68.0 102.0 68.0 132.0 172.0 370 68.0 102.0 68.0 132.0 172.0 380 68.0 102.0 68.0 132.0 172.0 390 68.0 102.0 68.0 132.0 172.0 400 68.0 102.0 68.0 132.0 172.0 410 68.0 102.0 68.0 132.0 172.0 420 68.0 102.0 68.0 132.0 172.0 430 68.0 102.0 68.0 132.0 172.0 440 68.0 102.0 68.0 132.0 172.0 450 68.0 102.0 68.0 133.7 173.7 460 68.0 102.0 68.0 135.3 175.3 470 68.0 102.0 69.6 136.9 176.9 480 68.0 102.0 72.1 138.4 178.4 490 68.0 102.0 74.4 139.9 179.9 500 68.0 102.0 76.6 141.3 181.3 510 68.0 102.0 78.8 142.7 182.7 520 68.0 102.0 80.8 144.0 184.0 530 68.0 102.0 82.8 145.3 185.3 540 68.0 102.0 84.7 146.6 186.6 550 68.0 102.0 86.5 147.9 187.9 560 68.0 102.0 88.3 149.1 189.1 570 68.0 102.0 90.0 150.3 190.3 580 68.0 102.0 91.6 151.5 191.5 590 68.0 102.0 93.2 152.6 192.6 600 68.0 102.0 94.8 153.7 193.7 610 68.0 102.0 96.3 154.8 194.8 Page 16 of 33

EPRI Non-Proprietary Information LSCS Unit 1 P/T Limits TABLE 1. LSCS Unit 1 Composite P/T Curve Values for 32 EFPY Required Metal Temperature with Required Coolant Temperature Rate at 100 °F/hr for Curves B & C and 20 °F/hr for Curve A BOTTOM. UPPER RPV & BOTTOM UPPER RPV &


32 EFPY. 32 EFPY. 32 EPPY PRESSURE CURVE"A: CURVE A CURVE B CURVE B CURVE C (PSIG) ('F)- (*F) '(*F) (oF) 620 68.0 104.3 97.7 155.9 195.9 630 68.0 106.4 99.1 156.9 196.9 640 68.0 108.5 100.5 157.9 197.9 650 68.0 110.5 101.8 158.9 198.9 660 68.0 112.4 103.1 159.9 199.9 670 68.0 114.3 104.4 160.9 200.9 680 68.0 116.1 105.7 161.8 201.8 690 68.0 117.8 106.9 162.7 202.7 700 68.0 119.4 108.0 163.6 203.6 710 68.7 ._10T.2 164.5 204.5 720 70.1 122:6 110.3 . 165.4 .205.4 730. 71.5 124.1 111.4 166.3 206.3 740 72.8 125.6 112.5 167.1 207.1 750 74.1 127.0 113.6 168.0 208.0 760 75.4 128.4 114.6 168.8 208.8 770 76.6 129.8 115.6 169.6 209.6 780 77.8 131.1 116.6 170.4 210.4 790 79.0 132.4 117.6 171.2 211.2 800 80.2 133.6 118.5 171.9 211.9 810 81.3 134.8 119.5 172.7 212.7 820 82.4 136.0 120.4 173.4 213.4 830 83.5 137.2 121.3 174.2 214.2 840 84.5 138.3 122.2 174.9 214.9 850 85.6 139.4 123.0 175.6 215.6 860 86.6 140.5 123.9 176.3 216.3 870 87.6 141.6 124.7 177.0 217.0 880 88.5 142.6 125.6 177.7 217.7 890 89.5 143.6 126.4 178.4 218.4 900 90.4 144.6 127.2 179.0 219.0 910 91.4 145.6 128.0 179.7 219.7 920 92.3 146.6 128.7 180.3 220.3 930 93.1 147.5 129.5 181.0 221.0 Page 17 of 33

EPRI Non-Proprietary Information LSCS Unit 1 P/T Limits TABLE 1. LSCS Unit 1 Composite P/T Curve Values for 32 EFPY Required Metal Temperature with Required Coolant Temperature Rate at 100 °F/hr for Curves B & C and 20 °F/hr for Curve A BOTTOM UPPER RPV & .BOTTOM UPPER RPV-&:


.32 EFPY 32 EF PY, 32 EFPY:


( F)

(PSIG) ('F) (F) ., (*F) 940 94.0 148.4 130.3 181.6 221.6 950 94.9 149.3 131.0 182.2 222.2 960 95.7 150.2 131.7 182.9 222.9 970 96.6 151.1 132.5 183.5 223.5 980 97.4 152.0 133.2 184.1 224.1 990 98.2 152.8 133.9 184.7 224.7 1000 99.0 153.6 134.6 185.3 225.3 1010 99.7 154.5 135.2 185.8 225.8 1020 100.5 155.3 135.9 186.4 226.4 1030 101.3 156.1 136.6 187.0 227.0 1035 101.6 156.5 136.9 187.3 227.3 1040 102.0 156.8 137.2 187.5 227.5 1050 102.7 157.6 137.9 188.1 228.1 1055 103.1 158.0 138.2 188.4 228.4 1060 103.4 158.4 138.5 188.6 228.6 1070 104.2 159.1 139.1 189.2 229.2 1080 104.9 159.8 139.8 189.7 229.7 1090 105.6 160.6 140.4 190.3 230.3 1100 106.2 161.3 141.0 190.8 230.8 1105 106.6 161.6 141.3 191.0 231.0 1110 106.9 162.0 141.6 191.3 231.3 1120 107.6 162.7 142.2 191.8 231.8 1130 108.2 163.4 142.8 192.3 232.3 1140 108.9 164.0 143.3 192.8 232.8 1150 109.5 164.7 143.9 193.3 233.3 1160 110.1 165.4 144.5 193.8 233.8 1170 110.8 166.0 145.0 194.3 234.3 1180 111.4 166.7 145.6 194.8 234.8 1190 112.0 167.3 146.1 195.3 235.3 1200 112.6 167.9 146.7 195.8 235.8 1210 113.2 168.5 147.2 196.2 236.2 1220 113.8 169.1 147.8 196.7 236.7 Page 18 of 33

EPRI Non-Proprietary Information LSCS Unit 1 P/T Limits TABLE 1. LSCS Unit 1 Composite P/T Curve Values for 32 EFPY Required Metal Temperature with Required Coolant Temperature Rate at 100 °F/hr for Curves B & C and 20 °F/hr for Curve A BOTTOM UPPER RPV & BOTOM UPPER: RPV&*

HEAD BELTLINE AT HEAD BELTLINE AT LIMITING 32 EFPY 32 EFPY 32 EFPY PRESSURE CURVE A CURVE A CURVE B CURVE B CURVE C (PSIG)_ F) :. (*F). ' (*F). (*F) 114.3 1230 169.7 148.3 197.2 237.2 114.9 1240 170.3 148.8 197.6 237.6 1250 115.5 170.9 149.3 198.1 238.1 1260 116.0 171.5 149.8 198.5 238.5 1270 116.6 172.1 150.3 199.0 239.0 1280 117.1 172.6 150.8 199.4 239.4 1290 117.7 173.2 151.3 199.9 239.9 1300 118.2 173.8 151.8 200.3 240.3 1310 118.7 174.3 152.3 200.7 240.7 1320 119.3 174.9 152.8 201.2 241.2 1330 119.8 175.4 153.2 201.6 241.6 1340 120.3 175.9 153.7 202.0 242.0 1350 120.8 176.4 154.2 202.4 242.4 1360 121.3 177.0 154.6 202.8 242.8 1370 121.8 177.5 155.1 203.2 243.2 1380 122.3 178.0 155.5 203.6 243.6 1390 122.8 178.5 156.0 204.0 244.0 1400 123.3 179.0 156.4 204.4 244.4 Page 19 of 33

EPRI Non-Proprietary Information LSCS Unit 1 PIT Limits Appendix A: Reactor Vessel Material Surveillance Progqram In accordance with 10 CFR 50, Appendix H, Reactor Vessel Material Surveillance Program Requirements, the first surveillance capsule was removed from the LSCS Unit 1 reactor vessel in Spring 1994. The 300° surveillance capsule contained flux wires for neutron fluence measurement, Charpy V-Notch impact test specimens and uniaxial tensile test specimens fabricated using materials from the vessel materials within the core beltline region. The flux wires and test specimens removed from the capsule were tested according to ASTM E 185-82. The methods and results of testing were documented in Reference 6.7, and the irradiated Charpy data results were within the predicted values using Regulatory Guide 1.99 Revision 2. The flux wire results were used to estimate 32 EFPY fluence, and the resulting estimate was approximately 6% lower than the previous estimate of 32 EFPY fluence.

In accordance with 10 CFR 50, Appendix H, Reactor Vessel Material Surveillance Program Requirements, the second surveillance capsule was removed from the LSCS Unit 1 reactor vessel in February 2010, during refueling outage (RFO) 13. The 1200 surveillance capsule also contained flux wires for neutron fluence measurement, Charpy V-Notch impact test specimens and uniaxial tensile test specimens fabricated using materials from the vessel materials within the core beltline region. The flux wires and test specimens removed from the capsule were tested according to ASTM E 185-82.

The methods and results of testing are presented in References 6.3 and 6.9, as required by 10 CFR 50, Appendices G and H. These test results necessitated the revision to the Unit 1 P/T curves. The need for revised curves was communicated to the NRC in Reference 6.6.

As described in the LSCS Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR)

Section, Compliance with "Reactor Vessel Material Surveillance Program Requirements" and UFSAR Table 5.2-12, "Reactor Vessel Material Surveillance Program Withdrawal Schedule", the remaining surveillance capsule is slated to be removed as defined by the Integrated Surveillance Program (Reference 6.8).

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EPRI Non-Proprietary Information LSCS Unit 1 P/T Limits Appendix B: LSCS Unit 1 Reactor Pressure Vessel P/T Curve Supporting Plant-Specific Information Page 21 of 33

EPRI Non-Proprietary Information LSCS Unit 1 P/T Limits Figure B-i: LSCS Unit 1 Reactor Pressure Vessel TOP HEAD TOP HEAD FLANGE SHELL FLANGE SHELL #5 SHELL #4 SHELL #3 LPCI NOZZLE oP oF GIRTH 3-308


EPRI Non-Proprietary Information LSCS Unit 1 P/T Limits Table B-i: LSCS Unit 1 Initial RTNDT Values for RPV Materials [1]

Plate and Flange Materials TEST CHARPY ENERGY (TmT-60) D RTNDT COMPONENT I


TEMP. CG (F(*F ()



Top Head & Flange:

Vessel Flange, 308-02 2V-659 ATF-1 12 10 70 68 97 -20 10 10 Closure Flange, 319-02 ACT-USS-4P-1997 Ser.118 10 92 110 91 -20 10 10 Dome, 319-05 C7434-1 10 65 76 67 -20 -10 -10 Upper Torus, 319-04 C7434-1 65 76 67 -20 -10 -10 10 Lower Torus, 319-03 C7376-2 10 65 74 73 -20 -10 -10 Shell Courses:

Upper Shell C5987-1 10 63 55 35 10 -10 10 305-04 C5987-2 10 76 79 51 -20 -10 -10 C6003-2 40 65 49 50 12 10 12 Upper Int. Shell C5996-2 10 62 71 66 -20 -10 -10 305-04 C5979-2 10 64 63 49 -18 -10 -10 C5996-1 10 65 60 77 -20 -10 -10 Middle Shell A5333-1 10 56 67 53 -20 -10 -10 305-03 B0078-1 10 73 49 70 -18 -10 -10 C6123-2 10 77 60 73 -20 -10 -10 Low-Int. Shell C6345-1 10 109 88 77 -20 -40 -20 305-02 C6318-1 10 80 66 72 -20 -20 -20 C6345-2 lO 10 93 94 67 -20 -40 -20 Lower Shell C5978-1 40 53 48 48 14 10 14 305-01 C5978-2 40 62 60 41 28 -10 23" C5979-1 40 73 92 65 10 -10 10 Bottom Head:

Bottom Head Dome, 306-17 C6003-3 40 36 39 40 38 40 47".

Lower Torus C5540-1 10 54 78 82 -20 -10 -10 306-18 C5328-1 40 64 51 51 10 -10 10 C5328-2 40 55 62 59 10 -10 10 Upper Torus C5505-2 10 63 96 73 -20 -10 -10 306-19 C5445-3 10 70 67 70 -20 -10 -10 Support Skirt:

309-08 5P2003 Ser.201 10 81 74 103 -20 40 40 309-06 B1 042-3 10 70 61 68 -20 10 10 309-04 C7159-4 40 28 25 34 60 60 60 STUDS: LST Closure Head Studs, 32-01 14716 10 45 43 43 70

'CnIo~re NuiitiVaher R2-412/03 7n Closure Nut/Washers 326 10 38 70 Value of RTNOT was obtained from semi curve-fit calculation using CMTR data.

Value of RTNDTISobtained from curve-fit of CMTR data.

NOTE [1]: These are minimum Charpy values.

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EPRI Non-Proprietary Information LSCS Unit 1 P/T Limits Table B-2: LSCS Unit 1 Initial RTNDT Values for RPV Materials 1 Nozzles and Stabilizer Bracket TETDROPRTo TEST CHARPY ENERGY (TeoT-60) DROPGHT N COMPONENT HEAT TEMP. CHRYEEG (T-) WEIGHT RTNO (0F) 0

(*F) (FT-LB) NDT ( F)


Recirc. Outlet Nozzle AV5840-OK9380 10 73 84 65 -20 0 0 314-02 AV5840-OK9381 10 56 84 80 -20 10 10 Recirc. Inlet Nozzle Q2Q14VW-175W 10 30 30 43 20 40 40 314-07 Q2Q6VW-175W 10 34 36 39 12 40 40 Steam Outlet Nozzles AV4276-919074 10 44 62 42 -4 30 30 316-07 AV4279-919236 10 84 55 80 -20 30 30 AV4442-9J9176 10 93 97 82 -20 30 30 AV4274-9H9176 10 69 100 71 -20 30 30 Feedwater Nozzle, 316-02 Q2Q14VW-174W-1/6 10 48 72 60 -16 40 40 Core Spray Nozzle AV4067-9H9168 10 79 70 71 -20 30 30 316-12 AV4068-9H9169 10 45 35 76 10 30 30 RHR/LPC1 Nozzles, 316-17 Q2Q22W-569F-1/3 10 44 44 37 6 10 10 CDR Hydro Return Nozzle, 315-10 AV3142-9G9640 10 34 30 44 20 30 30 Jet Pump Nozzles, 314-12 AV3138-9F-9231B/C 10 116 90 96 -20 30 30 Closure Head Inst. Nozzle, 318-07 Q2Q23W-346J-1A 10 35 47 31 18 30 30 Vent Nozzle, 318-02 Q2Q24W-345J 10 78 109 122 -20 10 10 Drain Nozzle, 315-14 Q1QlVW-738T 10 39 25 32 30 30 30 Stabilizer Bracket, 324-19 C4943-3 10 36 35 36 10 10 10 NOTE [1]: These are minimum Charpy values.

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EPRI Non-Proprietary Information LSCS Unit 1 P/T Limits Table B-3: LSCS Unit 1 Initial RTNDT Values for RPV Materials [1]


(*F) (FT-LB) (F) NDT (°F)


Vertical Welds:

2-307 Bottom Shell Long Seams 21935-1092-3889 10 97 90 83 -50 -50 -50 1-308 Upper Shell Long Seams 2-308 Upper Inter. Shell Long Seams 1-308 Upper Shell Long Seams 12008-1092-3889 10 97 90 83 -50 -50 -50 2-307 Bottom Shell Long Seams 1-308 Upper Shell Long Seams 305424-1092-3889 10 82 87 92 -50 -50 -50 3-308 Middle Shell Long Seams 3-308 Middle Shell Long Seams IP3571-1092-3958 10 40 46 46 -30 -50 -30 4-308 Lower Inter. Shell Long Seams 305414-1092-3947 10 82 66 80 -50 -50 -50 4-308 Lower Inter. Shell Long Seams 12008-1092-3947 10 92 91 92 -50 -50 -50 1-319 Closure Head Seg. Lower Torus FOAA 10 125 124 130 -50 -50 -50 2-319 Closure Head Seg. Upper Torus 1-319 Closure Head Seg. Lower Torus EAIB 10 118 129 107 -50 -50 -50 Girth Welds:

3-306 Bottom Hd. Build up for sup. Skirt 305414-1092-3951 10 66 61 62 -50 -50 -50 5-306 Bottom Hd. Dome to Side Seg, 6-306 Bottom Hd. Low. To Up Side Seg.

6-306 Bottom Hd. Low. To Up Side Seg. 305424-1092-3889 10 82 87 92 -50 -50 -50 4-307 Inlay in Bot. Sd for Core Sup Attch.

9-307 Bottom Head to Lower Shell 10120-0091-3458 10 124 130 122 -50 -50 -50 3-319 Close. Hd. Torus to Close. Hd. Fig.

9-307 Bottom Head to Lower Shell 51874-0091-3458 10 89 64 87 -50 -50 -50 3-319 Close. Hd. Torus to Close. Hd. Fig.

6-308 Upper Vessel Shell Girth Seam 9-307 Bottom Head to Lower Shell 51912-0091-3490 10 93 84 92 -50 -50 -50 6-308 Upper Vessel Shell Girth Seam 10137-0091-3999 10 101 108 107 -50 -50 -50 15-308 Flange to Upper Shell 6-308 Upper Vessel Shell Girth Seam 5P5622-0091-0831 -20 95 87 86 -80 -80 -80 6-308 Upper Vessel Shell Girth Seam 2P5755-0091-0831 -10 81 80 82 -70 -70 -70 6-308 Upper Vessel Shell Girth Seam 6329637-0091-3458 10 103 65 88 -50 -50 -50 6-308 Upper Vessel Shell Girth Seam 6329637-0091-3999 10 101 108 103 -50 -50 -50 15-308 Flange to Upper Shell 5-319 Closure Hd. Upper Torus to Dome 4-309 Support Skirt Forging to Bot. Hd. 90099-0091-3977 10 96 97 89 -50 -50 -50 4-309 Support Skirt Forging to Bot. Hd. 90136-0091-3998 10 110 109 107 -50 -50 -50 1-313 Up. Assy to Lower Closing Seams 4P6519-0091-0145 0 98 101 102 -60 -60 -60 1-313 Up. Assy to Lower Closing Seams 4P6519-0091-0842 0 46 59 48 -52 -80 -52 1-313 Up. Assy to Lower Closing Seams 4P6519-0091-0653 -40 57 63 73 -100 -60 -60 4-319 Close. Hd. Upper Torus to Lower 606L40-0091-3489 10 96 95 77 -50 -50 -50 NOTE [1]: These are minimum Charpy values.

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EPRI Non-Proprietary Information LSCS Unit 1 P/T Limits Table B-3 continued: LSCS Unit 1 Initial RTNDT Values for RPV Materials [

Welds Test Drop Component Heat or Heat I Flux Charpy Energy (Ts 01-60) Weight RTNDT I Lot Temp (ft-lb) (*F) NDT (°F)

Cm no

() (F)

Beltilne Nozzle Welds N6 LPCl Nozzle Weld ABEA 10 101 117 98 -50 -50 N6LPClNozzle Weld FAGA 10 120 117 116 -50 -50 N6 LPCI Nozzle Weld CCJA 10 95 98 96 -50 -50 N6 LPCI Nozzle Weld FOAA 10 125 124 130 -50 -50 N6 LPCI Nozzle Weld EAIB 10 111 88 84 -50 -50 NOTE [1]: These are minimum Charpy values.

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EPRI Non-Proprietary Information LSCS Unit 1 P/T Limits Table B-4: LSCS Unit 1 Beltline Adjusted Reference Temperatures, 32 EFPY Lower Plate and Welds 2-307 & 1-313 2 Thickness in Inches= 7.13 32 EFPY Peak I.D.fluence = 3.76E+17 4cm 2

32 EFPY Peak 1/4 T fluence = 2.45E+17 n/cm Lower-intermedlate Plates and Welds4-308 4 n/cm Thickness in inches= 6.13 32 EFPY Peak I.D.fluence = 8.34E+17 2 32 EFPY Peak 1/4 T fluence = 5.77E+17 n/cm Middle Plates and Welds 3-308 & 6-308 2 Thickness in inches= 6.13 32 EFPY Peak I.D.fluence = 6.22E+17 n/cm 2

32 EFPY Peak 1/4 T fluence = 4.31E+17 n/cm N6 LPCI Nozzle 2 n/cm Thickness in inches= 6.13 32 EFPY Peak 1D.fluence = 3.14E+17 2 n/cm 32 EFPY Peak 1/4 Tfluence = 2.17E+17 2

N12 Water Level Instrumentealon Nozzle n/cm Thickness in inches= 6.13 32 EFPY Peak I.D.fluence = 2.39E+17 n/cm' 32 EFPY Peak 1/4 T fluence = 1.65E+17 Initia Peak 14T 32 EFPY. 'F!ý 32 " 32"-

.PY t

COMPONENT . .. HEAT , 0cc "*u cF RT., Pluence Fluence

. D RTsN< a, no Margin Shift ARr

-. "- . .. ,, c*m n*" V. 'F "F 'F PLATES:

Lower Shell Assembly 307-04 G-5603-1 C5978-1 0.11 0.58 74 14 3.76E+17 2.45E+17 14 0 7 14 29 43 G-5603-2 C5978-2 0.11 0.59 74 23 3.76E+17 2.45E+17 14 0 7 14 29 52 G-5603-3 C5979-1 0.12 0.66 84 10 3.76E+17 2.45E+17 16 0 8 16 33 43 Lower-ntermedIate Shell Asembly 308-06 C-5604-1 C6345-1 0.15 0.49 104 -20 8.34E+17 5772+17 33 0 16 33 66 46 G-5604-2 C6318-1 0.12 0.51 81 -20 8.34E217 5.77E+17 26 0 13 26 51 31 G-5604-3 C6345-2 0.15 0.51 105 -20 8.34E+17 5.77E+17 33 0 17 33 66 46 Middle Shell Assembly 308-05 G-5605-1 A5333-1 0.12 0.54 82 -10 6.22E+17 4.31E+17 22 0 11 22 44 34 G-5605-2 B0076-1 0.15 0.50 105 -10 6.22E+17 4.312+17 28 0 14 28 56 46 G-5605-3 C6123-2 0.13 0.68 93 -10 6.22E+17 4.312+17 25 0 13 25 50 40 WLDS:

Girth 1-313 4P6519 0.131 0.06 64 -52 3.76E+17 2.452+17 12 0 6 12 25 -27 6-308 6329637 0.205 0.105 98 -50 6.222+17 4.31E+17 27 0 13 27 53 3 Lower 2-307A, S. C 21935/3889 0.183 0.704 172 -50 3.76E+17 2.45E+17 34 0 17 34 67 17 2-307 A. B, C 12008/3889 0.235 0.975 233 -50 3.76E+17 2.45E+17 45 0 23 45 91 41 2-307 A. B, C 21935 & 12008 Tandem 0.213 0.867 209 -50 3.762+17 2.45E+17 41 0 20 41 81 31 Lower4nternedlate 4-308 A. B. C 305414/3947 0.337 0.609 209 -50 8.34E+17 5.77E+17 66 0 28 56 122 72 4-308 A, B, C 12008/3947 0.235 0.975 233 -50 8.34E+17 5.77E+17 74 0 28 56 130 60 4-308 A. B. C 305414 & 12008Tandem 0.286 0.792 219 -50 8.34E+17 5.77E+17 69 0 28 56 125 75 Middle 3-308 A, B, C 305424/3889 0.273 0.629 189.5 -50 6.22E+17 4.31E+17 51 0 26 51 102 52 3.308 A, B. C 1P3571/3958 0.283 0.755 212 -30 6.22E+17 4.31E+17 57 0 28 56 113 83 NOZZ.ESM:

NB LPCI Nozzle 02Q22W 0.10 0.82 67 10 3.14E+17 2.17E+17 12 0 6 12 24 34 N12 Water Level Instrumentetlon Nozzle G-5605-1 A5333-1 0.12 0.54 82 -10 2.39E+17 1.65E2 17 12 0 6 12 25 15 C-5605-2 B0078-1 0.15 0.50 105 -10 2.39E+17 1.65E+17 16 0 8 16 32 22 G-5605-3 C6123-2 0.13 0.68 93 -10 2.39E+17 1.65E+17 14 0 7 14 28 18 121 NOLPCl Nozzle Weld ABEA 0.04 0.98 54 -50 3.142+17 2.17E+17 10 0 5 10 20 -30 FAGA 0.03 0.95 41 -50 3.142+17 2.172+17 7 0 4 7 15 -35 CCJA 0.02 0.86 27 -50 3.14E+17 2.17E+17 5 0 2 5 10 -40 FOAA 0.03 1.00 41 -50 3.14E+17 2.17E+17 7 0 4 7 is -35 EAIB 0.121'] 0.86 155 -50 3.142+17 2.17E+17 28 0 14 28 56 6 1 31 N12 Water Level Instrumentatlon Nozzle Weld Allay 600 BEST ESTIMATE CHEMISTRIES:

Plate N/A Weld N/A 1


tt Plate' ,,I 152.4 -20 8.342+17 5.77E+17 48 0 8.5 17 65 45 Weld[cI [E))) 437 -30 6.22E+17 4.31E+17 118 0 14 28 146 116

[11Fluence values for LaSelle Unit 1ftr 102% EPU conditions. T

[21N6 LPCI Nozzle Weld chemistry %aluesare obtained from LaSalle Unit 1 CMlRa. The test temperature, ,,, = 10F and them is no drop weight temperatucr. Thefollowing equation was used to calculate the initial T 60 RTNOT: 55T- 'F = 10OF - 60'F = -50

[3) The N12 Water Leel Instrumentation Nozzle Weld material for LaSalle Unit 1 is Ni-Cr-Fe, Alley 600. Since material is Alloy 600. no fracture toughness emluatton is required.

[4] Values am fhrs BWRVIP-135 R2.

[5] Since the ISP plate material is not the same as the plant-specific materiel, the CF should be determined by RG 1.99 Rev 2. Howeser. the ISP plate material is within the extended beltline and there are two irradiated data sets. Therefore, the ISP data prodded in Reference 6.9 should be considered in the ART determination for hte LaSalle 1 plate heat.

[6] Since the ISP weld material is the same as the plant-specific material, the 120* sureillance capsule data is included in the limiting ART calculations. The adjusted CF is calculated using the fitted CF obtained from EPRI letter 2012-026.

(7]Both the plate and weld materials are added for the fracture toughness eisluation of N6 LPCIand N12 WU nozzles.

[8) BWR fent and RVIDdata for SMAW materials was used to obtain the copper contest, considering 83 unique data points and Mean + 2o.

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EPRI Non-Proprietary Information LSCS Unit 1 PIT Limits Table B-5: LSCS Unit 1 RPV Beltline P/T Curve Input Values Adjusted RTNDT = Initial RTNDT + Shift A = -30 + 146 = 116*F (Based on ART values in Table B-4)

Vessel Height H = 863.3 inches Bottom of Active Fuel Height B = 216.3 inches Vessel Radius (to base metal) R = 127.0 inches Minimum Vessel Thickness (without clad) t = 6.13 inches Page 28 of 33

EPRI Non-Proprietary Information LSCS Unit 1 P/T Limits 1

Table B-6: LSCS Unit 1 Definition of RPV Beltline Region[ ]

SEllevati*n Component (inches from

__________________________________ RPV "0")

Shell # 3 - Top of Active Fuel (TAF) 366.3" Shell # 1 - Bottom of Active Fuel (BAF) 216.3" Shell # 3 - Top of Extended Beltline Region (32 EFPY) 371.7" Shell # 1 - Bottom of Extended Beltline Region (32 EFPY) 211.9" Centerline of Recirculation Outlet Nozzle in Shell # 1 172.5" Top of Recirculation Outlet Nozzle N1 in Shell # 1 197.2 Centerline of Recirculation Inlet Nozzle N2 in Shell # 1 181.0" Top of Recirculation Inlet Nozzle N2 in Shell # 1 197.7" Centerline of 2" Water Level Instrumentation Nozzle in Shell 366.0"

  1. 3 Centerline of LPCI Nozzle in Shell #3 372.5" Note [1]: The beltline region is defined as any location where the peak neutron fluence is expected to exceed or equal 1.0E17 n/cm2.

Based on the above, it is concluded that none of the LSCS Unit 1 reactor vessel plates, nozzles, or welds, other than those included in the Adjusted Reference Temperature Table, are in the beltline region.

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EPRI Non-Proprietary Information LSCS Unit 1 P/T Limits Appendix C: LSCS Unit 1 Reactor Pressure Vessel P/T Curve Checklist Page 30 of 33

EPRI Non-Proprietary Information LSCS Unit 1 P/T Limits Paaeter C'M lee Cor C 6metl larificationisi "sltionsl Initial RTNDT Initial RTNDT has been determined Z With the exception of weld 4P6519, all for LSCS Unit 1 for all vessel Initial RTNDT values used are consistent materials including plates, flanges, with the NRC Reactor Vessel Integrity forgings, studs, nuts, bolts, welds. Database (RVID) Initial RTNDTvalues.

For weld 4P6519, the value used was Include explanation (including determined using CMTR data and the methods/sources) of any NRC-approved methodology defined in exceptions, resolution of discrepant Section of the GEH LTR.

data (e.g., deviation from originally reported values).

Appendix B contains tables of all z Initial RTNDT values for LSCS Unit 1 Has any non-LSCS Unit 1 initial No.

RTNDT information (e.g., ISP, comparison to other plant) been used?

Ifdeviation from the LTR process z occurred, sufficient supporting information has been included (e.g.,

Charpy V-Notch data used to determine an Initial RTNDT).

All previously published Initial RTNDT z values from sources such as the GL88-01, RVID, FSAR, etc., have been reviewed.

Adjusted Reference Temperature RT)

Sigma I (standard deviation for I Initial RTNDT) is 00 F unless the RTNDT was obtained from a source other than CMTRs. If a, is not equal to 0, reference/basis has been provided.

Sigma A (standard deviation for ARTNDT) is determined per RG 1.99, Rev. 2 Page 31 of 33

EPRI Non-Proprietary Information LSCS Unit 1 PfT Limits

_____________am__ 2-Cornpleted C om iltsResoiution'sIC~aiiai Chemistry has been determined for The chemistry values for copper and all vessel beltline materials including nickel listed for many of the materials plates, forgings (if applicable), and differ from the values listed in RVID, but welds for LSCS Unit 1. in all cases the chemistry values used are consistent with the currently Include explanation (including licensed P/T curve values.

methods/sources) of any exceptions, resolution of discrepant data (e.g., deviation from originally reported values).

Non-LSCS Unit 1 chemistry information (e.g., ISP, comparison to other plant) used has been adequately defined and described.

For any deviation from the LTR process, sufficient information has been included.

All previously published chemistry I values from sources such as the GL88-01, RVID, FSAR, etc., have been reviewed.

The fluence used for determination of ART and any extended beltline region was obtained using an NRC-approved methodology.

The fluence calculation provides an axial distribution to allow determination of the vessel elevations that experience fluence of 1.0E17 n/cm 2 both above and below active fuel.

The fluence calculation provides an axial distribution to allow determination of the fluence for intermediate locations such as the beltline girth weld (if applicable) or for any nozzles within the beltline region.

All materials within the elevation range where the vessel experiences a fluence >1.0E17 n/cm 2 have been included in the ART calculation. All initial RTNDT and chemistry information is available or explained.

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EPRI Non-Proprietary Information LSCS Unit 1 P/T Limits Parameiter.I Corýn d] C.ommt**tsl**


Discontinuities The discontinuity comparison has been performed as described in Section of the LTR. Any deviations have been explained.

Discontinuities requiring additional I components (such as nozzles) to be considered part of the beltline have been adequately described. It is clear which curve is used to bound each discontinuity.

Appendix G of the LTR describes I the process for considering a thickness discontinuity, both beltline and non-beltline. Ifthere is a discontinuity in the LSCS Unit 1 vessel that requires such an evaluation, the evaluation was performed. The affected curve was adjusted to bound the discontinuity, if required.

Appendix H of the LTR defines the I basis for the CRD Penetration curve discontinuity and the appropriate transient application. The LSCS Unit 1 evaluation bounds the requirements of Appendix H.

Appendix J of the LTR defines the basis for the Water Level Instrumentation Nozzle curve discontinuity and the appropriate transient application. The LSCS Unit 1 evaluation bounds the requirements of Appendix J.

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