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Affidavit of JB West Describing Preliminary Site Const Activities Undertaken & Current Plans for Site Redress
Person / Time
Site: Black Fox
Issue date: 05/13/1982
From: Jason West
Shared Package
ML20052G835 List:
NUDOCS 8205190049
Download: ML20052G838 (10)


_ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _


~BEFORE THE ATOMIC SAFETY AND LICENSING BOARD In the Matter of the Application of )


Public Service Company of Oklahoma, )

Associated Electric Cooperative, ) Docket Nos. STN 50-556 and ) STN 50-557 Western Farmers Electric Cooperative )


(Black Fox Station, Units 1 and 2) )


I, John B. West, of lawful age and being first duly sworn, depose and say that:

1. My name is John B. West. I reside at 7901 South Yukon, Tulsa, Oklahoma. I am employed by Public Service Company of Oklahoma ("PS0") as Black Fox Station Project Manager. I have been associated with the Black Fox Station management staff since 1976. Prior to that, I was a member of the faculty of the School of Chemical Engineering, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, for over twenty-one years. I was also employed as a graduate assistant for four years at the Ames Laboratory, Iowa State University; and by the General Electric Company on the Chemical and Metallurgical Program and at the Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory for about one year each. I received B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Chemical Engineering from Iowa State University. I am a registered Professional Engineer in the State of Oklahoma.
2. Following the conclusion of the Black Fox Station Environmental Hearings in June, 1978, the Board issued a Partial Initial Decision 1

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^ PDR ADOCK 05000556 G PDR , _ _

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l Authorizing Limited Work Authorization. Accordingly, on June 26, 1978, the Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation granted Applicants a Limited Work Authorization for Black Fox Station, Units 1 and 2. Selected Preliminary construction activities were accomp14 shed in accordance with the Limited Work Authorization and its subsequent amendments of September 6, 1978, November 30, ,

1978, and July 24, 1979. Only a few of the Amendment 3 activities were initiated.

3. On February 16, 1982, subsequent to the completion of a portion of the authorized preliminary construction activities, the Applicants 1

announced their decision to cancel the Black Fox Station Nuclear Project and their intention to preserve the site for construction of future alternate

power generation projects. The Applicants are currently reviewing several d

different scenarios for utilizing the Black Fox site to construct an alternate power genera' ting station. The attached drawing illustrates one of the j alternate scenarios under consideration. This drawing indicates the arrangement of a 5 unit coal-fired generating station in relation to the features of the previously planned nuclear power station. It is anticipated thatadecision]illbemadebytheendof1982regardingtheformoffuture alternative power generation projects destined for the Black Fox site.

Determination'of prudent site redress activities is directly contingent upon this decision.

The nature and extent of preliminary site construction activities consistent with tbe listing of the Limited Work Authorization, as amended, as well as current plans'for near-term site redress are described below.-

2 y

4. Site Preparation The following activities were completed with respect to site preparation:
a. Construction areas of the site were cleared and grubbed to  ;

remove brush and trees as required for rough grading.

b. The central station area was graded prior to excavation for the Unit 1 and Unit 2 foundation.
c. The area north of the central station location, the laydown areas, and the warehouse areas were graded and filled. ,

Concrete aprons and ramps were provided around warehouses.

d. In preparation of concrete batch plant installation, that area was graded and gravel surfaced, and concrete laydown pads poured.

Because of the general geography of the site, the area described above is a principal candidate for locating an alternate power generating station.

Therefore, no immediate redress activities are planned.

5. Fencing The following activities were completed with respect to installing fencing:
a. Fencing was installed around the site perimeter.
b. A construction security fence was installed around the

, central station complex.

c. A fence was installed around the cemetery south of the plant is svoid disturbance during construction.
d. Fencing was installed around the weld gas storage area.


Depending upon the ultimate arrangement of a future alternate power generating station, part or all of this fencing might be utilized during construction and/or operation. Therefore, there are no current plans to dismantle the fencing.

6. Construction Electrical Power The following activities were completed with respect to providing electric power for construction:
a. Overhead power lines from offsite power sources were i

installed to provide electricity for construction purposes.

b. Cable and transformers necessary to provide power to the warehouse and laydown areas, batch plant, Reactor Building excavation, and management building areas were installed.
c. Temporary power distribution lines were installed to construction areas as required.

, d. Temporary yard lighting was installed in areas around warehouses, batch plant, and field management building.

The provisions made for construction electric power can be utilized during construction of an alternate power generating station. Therefore, there are no current plans to dismantle this electrical system.

7. Water Supply The following activities were completed with respect to providing a water supply for construction:
a. A temporary raw water supply system was installed and subsequently dismantled and replaced by the construction water supply system. ,
b. The construction water supply system was installed to meet potable water, construction water and fire water supply needs.


The construction water supply and water treatment facilities can be utilized during construction of an alternate power generating station. Therefore, there are no current plans to dismantle this water supply and treatment system.

8. Holding Pond Area The following activities were completed with respect to preparing the wastewater holding pond for control of construction runoff and waste:
a. The areas for the wastewater holding pond and retaining dam were cleared, grubbed and stripped.
b. The holding pond and retaining dam were constructed,
c. A clay blanket seal was applied to the holding pond.
d. Holding pond dikes needed for construction water retention were constructed.
e. A wastewater outfall structure was constructed at the Verdigris River.
f. An engineered drainage system was constructed from the plant area to the holding pond and from the holding pond to the outfall structure,
g. Rip-rap and vegetation were placed to protect the holding pond dam and the engineered drainage system to the outfall structure.

The wastewater holding pond area can be used in support of alternate power generating station construction and operation. Therefore, there are no current plans to redress this area.

9. Railroad Spur Construction The following activities were completed with respect to the preparation of the railroad spur:


a. The railroad corridor was cleared and graded, the railroad bedding placed, railroad bridges constructed over Inola and Pea creeks, and railroad and ballast installed from the previously existing MOPAC railroad to the site.
b. Erosion protection, in the form of rip-rap, concrete placement, and seeding, was provided along the railroad corridor.
c. On the construction site, the railroad spur was extended to the laydown and warehouse areas.

The railroad spur can be used for deliveries in the disposal of BFS equipment and in support of alternate power plant construction and operation.

Therefore, there are no current plans to dismantle the railroad spur.

10. Roads, Parking, and Drainage The following activities were completed with respect to providing roads, parking and drainage:
a. Existing access roads to the site were upgraded and additional access roads to the site were constructed.
b. On-site access roads to the batch plant, warehouses, and other construction areas were constructed.
c. Tnree surfaced parking areas for construction personnel were constructed.


d. To assure that run off water from the construction area drained to the wastewater holding pond, an engineered * '

drainage system was installed throughout the construction site. This system minimizes off-site environmental problems caused by siltation from construction area runoff.


The drainage system will be maintained so as to serve its protective function of minimizing the effects of any on-site soil erosion. The access roads, parking areas, and drainage system can be used in support of alternate power plant construction and operation. Therefore, there are no current plans to alter these features.

11. Construction Buildings and Facilities The following activities were completed with respect to providing construction buildings and facilities:
a. To support construction, the equipment laydown area, one contractors building, one field management building, one


construction gatehouse,and two warehouses were constructed.

b. A concrete and soils testing facility, a NDE testing facility and a construction water facility were constructed.
c. A sewage handling system to serve the construction work force was installed.
d. A fire protection water distribution system was installed.
e. A construction weld gas storage facility was constructed.


f. The Happ, oxygen, and air supply systems for construction activities were installed.
g. A barge slip facility was constructed to provide access for unloading materials delivered by barge.
h. The concrete batch plant was erected.

The described construction buildings and facilities can be used in support of alternate power generating station construction and/or operation. Therefore, there are no current plans to dismantle these features.


12. Excavations The following activities were completed with respect to onsite excavations:
a. The excavation for the Unit 1 and Unit 2 Reactor Building was completed to a depth of approximately 35 feet and 45 feet, respectively, below grade,
b. A concrete excavation seal was poured to prevent deterioration of the Reactor Building excavation foundation rock.
c. Drains and sump pumps were installed.
d. Extensometers were installed in test wells at each unit -


e. In the area of the auxiliary buildings for both Units, holes were drilled for Emergency Core Cooling System and Residual Heat Removal System pump caissons and cylindrical steel caissons installed.
f. An area for the sewage handling system waste holding tank was excavated and the tank installed.
g. Excavation and dredging was completed to accommodate construction of the barge slip facility.

These excavations may be used during construction of an alternate power generating station. The barge slip facility may be used to accommodate deliveries to the site during both construction and operation. The reactor building excavation may be incorporated into a power plant design should the design require subgrade elevation for condensers or should fuel or waste handling systems be amenable to subgrade storage. The waste holding tank is 8

part of the sewage handling system which can be used during construction of an alternate power generating station. Therefore, there are no current plans to redress these site features.

13. Permanent Structures A perimeter drain system was constructed around the Reactor Building excavation to minimize any hydrostatic pressure on the excavation seal. This system helps maintain the integrity of the Reactor Building excavation. Therefore, there are no current plans to redress this feature.
14. PSO will continue to maintain the Llack Fox site in an environmentally prudent manner so as not to adversely impact the surrounding off-site environment.

Attachment Executed at Tulsa, Oklahoma 1 } 22

-- i r Subscribed And Sworn To Before Me This / ay f May, 1982 hanb Notary Public t

My Commission ExpiresNoveuber 17, I ng 9



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