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Motion to Terminate Further Hearings & to Deny License Application.State of or Denied Application So That Application Before NRC Rendered Moot.Relocating Plants Would Require New Application.Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: 05000514, 05000515
Issue date: 04/15/1982
From: Marbet L
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
NUDOCS 8204230567
Download: ML20054D986 (4)


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Fo r e1a wc o n B o ard *THE FOUR LAWS OF ECOLOGY

!. Everything is connected to everything Our conscience teaches ta itis right, els e.

Our reason teaches us it is useful, 2. Everything maat go somewhere.

thzt rnen should live according to the Golden Rule. 3. Nature known best.

W. Winwood Heade L There in n<> such thing a a free tunch.

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Alfred A Enopf 8,tc UNITED STATES OF AIGE:CA- 3.,



ATOMIC SAFETY AND LICENSI5G BOARD 3efore Administrative Judges: \Mk /,

Ivan W. Smith, Chairran 7 _ , V, N '/

Dr. Walter " Jordan -

Dr. Oscar ).. Paris S/ '

g# Q y  ; o f g y.

In the Matter of ) O M9 .C

) h  ? d?l, JU PORTLAND GENERAL ELECT:IC COMPANY ) Decket Nos. 50-511t? J ' " p

) 50 da (Febole Springs Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2)






April 15, 1982 FORELAWS ON BOARD MOTION TERMINATE FURT2.IR HEARINGS IN THIS PROCEEDING AFD TO DENY TE PEB3LE SPRINGS ICENSING APPLICATION Forelaws On Board, pursuant to 10 CFR 2.730 and 2 749, hereby moves the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board o terminate further hearings in this proceeding and to deny the Tebble Springs Licensing Application before the Nuclear Regulatory Co.--ission of the United States of America.

STATEMENT OF MATERIAL FACTS On April 12, 1982, Portland General Electric, through its cot el -

Warren 'Jastincs, transmitted a letter notifying the Board of the w .1-drawal of "its Application to the State of Oregon for a Site Certificate for the Pebble Springs N'uclear Plant. " Attached to PGE's letter is a copy of the Orezon Enert 1 .ility Siting Council's April 9, 1982 Order in which-the Council stateda 3 A REVERENCE FOR ALL LIFE


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. ' GutDfuNES OF CREATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL *54 8204230567, -

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, . "*, 2 (1)' All further proceedings in the Pebble Springs site certificate application cending before the Council are hereby term-inated:

(2) The by the Portland General Electric Company for a site ce rti f ic t ~e is hereby denied: and (3) The Portland Uc.eral Electric Company is directed to advise the Federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission of the action taken by this Council in order to obviate the need for the hearing scheduled for. April 20, 1992, and it is further ordered that the Portland Gen-eral Electric Company take such action before the Federal Nuclear Re-gulatory Commission to carry out the intention of this order.

In addition, Portland General Electric " enclosed for the Board's and Staff's information a copy of an Order of the Oregon Public Utility Commissioner directing Portland General Electric Company to write off

its financial investment in such f;cnt or to show cause why it shc2.'ed nct be required to do so."

I Portland General Electric's response to the Orders of both the Oregon Energy Facility si".ing Council and the Oregon Public Utility Commissioner has been to ir'orm this Board that "the Application to the Nuclear Regulatory C nmi. Men for a Construction Permit for these units is not beine withdrawn since the project could be continued at another location in another state." (emphasis added). Forelaws On Board contends that this action on the part of PGE is contrary to the intent of the Orders expressed above.

The Pebble Springs Application has been denied by the State of

Oregon and all further hearings terminated. Portland General Electric I

l cannot obtain a license to construc t the Pebble Springs plants in , agon.

t Thus the Application before the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has been rendered noot ard any further licensing proceedings should be termine.ted with the Board's denia: of the Pebble Springs Application. If Portland 1

General Electric nr any n+' : so-called Applicant intends to locate 0

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these proposed nuclear plants "at another location in another state" they may do so by reanolvine with a new application before the Nuclemr Regulatory Commission. To allow this Application to languish before this Board any longer is to prejudice our interests as a party to this proceeding as well as th:. o 12all public interest. (10 CFR 2 759). .

Thus we pray that the Be_cd end these protracted hearings and deny this Application as being without further merit.

Respectfully submitted.

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  • Pf[ 1 Lloyd 7y Mhrbet r For,e' a j laws On Spard e

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':t1 W 'i l ! E ATOi' R' r,AFETY AHD 1.ICEN">Illn DOARD In the lialtr r or )


PORTLAllD GEMEi'/.L :LECTRIC ) Docket I!os. 50-514, COMPAllY , ET AL. ) Gbi S15 20 h:i n


(Pobble Sprinc.s I:uclear Plant, ) -

Unitu 1 and P) )


I hereby certify that copies of "Forelaws On Board Motion to 5 minate Further Mearings in this Proceeding and to Deny the Febble Spr gs:Li-censing Application" dated April 15, 1982 in the above captioni ~ pro-ceedings have been served on the following by deposit in' the/Ur. .ted '

States mail, first class, this 15th day of April, 1982: -

Mr. ! van W. Smith, Chairman James W. Durham, Esq. ,,

Atomic Gare t,y ami L s n;<, Ecard Warren Hastings, Esq.

U.S. Muclear I:e.:yla ry ~ c m...i s si o n Portland General Electric. Company Washington, T '% 121 SW Salmon St., TD17 Portland, Oregon 97204 Atomic Garety & J icensing Board Frank W. Ost rander , Jr. , Esq.

U .o . Fucl ear Pe.gui ntory Commission Department of Justice V.'a sh ingt on , D.f . 20555 SpG SU Yamhill Portland, Oregon 97204 Dr. Walter.. J.r dn 881 Ucst - i .N J. Carl Freedman Oak Ridge, ";

-O Dox 553 Cannon Beach, Oregon 97110 A tomic Ca .7: '.y m ,icensing Doard Pa: -] Frank Josselson, Esq.

U.S. Huclear .c: ulatory Co::.mir" ton Uilliam L. llallmark, Est, Washington, 10 '. M 55 R. Elaine llallmark , Esq.

1 SW Columbia, 8th Floor A tomic '. ai c t., .. .icensing Portland, Oregon 97258 Appeal ' ears i U.S. !!uclear ie. .n1;i tory Cormission Kathleen 11. Shea, Esq.

Washington, DC :0- 5 Lovenstein, tiewman, Reis, & Axelrad 1025 Connecticut Ave. , II.W.

11ernard 11. .ordenich, V" i . Washington, DC 20036 i Counsel for illy 7 t.a U.S. fluclear ie ulau ry rosa.ii ssi on Docketing and Service Section

  • Uashington, I K! .'.055G Office of the Secretary U.S. !!uclear Hegulatory Commission l

Wajhington, nC 20555

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