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Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Ltd - Response to Request for Additional Information RAI 555-9163
Person / Time
Site: 05200046
Issue date: 11/27/2017
Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co, Ltd
Office of New Reactors
Shared Package
ML17331A395 List:
CAW-17-4655, KAW-17-0305, MKD/NW-17-0305L
Download: ML17331A399 (17)


Non-Proprietary 07.02 1 / 3 KEPCO/KHNP

RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION APR1400 Design Certification Korea Electric Power Corporation / Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power %Q.6&

Docket No.52-046 RAI No.: 555-9163 SRP Section: 07.02 - Reactor Trip System Application Section: 7.2 [NSAL-17-2]

Date of RAI Issue: 09/20/2017 Question No. 07.02-19 Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR), Section 52.47(a)(2), Contents of applications; technical information, requires in part, that the description of the structures, systems, and components (SSCs) of the facility shall be sufficient to permit understanding of the system designs and their relationship to the safety evaluations. 10 CFR Part 50 Appendix A, General Design Criterion (GDC) 23 states, in part, that the protection system shall be designed to fail into a safe state or into a state demonstrated to be acceptable on some other predefined basis. Due to new Common Q Platform design information presented in the Westinghouse Nuclear Safety Advisory Letter (NSAL)-17-2, dated July 5, 2017 (Agency Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML17213A208), the staff requests Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Ltd. (KHNP) to review the applicable safety-related Common Q platform based systems design descriptions of the APR1400 design certification application (DCA) and demonstrate that the APR1400 DCA is not affected by the design information contained within the NSAL. Specifically, the staff requests KHNP to:

1) Review information presented in NSAL-17-2 against information presented in the APR1400 Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) and referenced technical reports design descriptions to determine if the information present in NSAL-17-2 affects the APR1400 DCA;
2) Review and clarify whether the specified watchdog timers (WDTs) referenced in the APR1400 FSAR, Tier 2 and the APR1400-Z-J-NR-14001-P, Safety Instrumentation and Controls (I&C) System, Technical Report, Revision 1 are the window WDTs referenced in WCAP-16097, Common Qualified Platform Topical Report, Revision 3, and make appropriate modifications in the APR1400 FSAR Tier 2 and its referenced technical reports to reflect this clarification;

Non-Proprietary 07.02 2 / 3 KEPCO/KHNP

3) Verify that the window WDTs are hardware-based (i.e., does not contain software and do not rely upon software for activation), as specified in the APR1400 DCA and WCAP-16097, and include the definition for the term hardware provided in the response to RAI 356-7881, Question 07-14 into the APR1400 FSAR, Tier 2 or the Safety I&C System Technical Report; and
4) Expand the design descriptions in APR1400 FSAR Tier 1, Sections, Item 13 and, Item 10 and corresponding Inspections, Tests, Analyses and Acceptance Criteria in Tier 1, Tables 2.5.1-5, Item 13 and 2.5.4-5, Item 10, respectively, to verify that the WDTs used to generate trip and fail-safe conditions for reactor trip and engineered safety features actuation system functions, respectively, are hardware-based.


1) The watchdog timer (WDT) related design information in DCD Tier 2 and the Safety I&C System technical report refers to "window WDT" and the APR1400 safety functions of the safety systems do not utilize the stall timer addressed in NSAL-17-2.

Furthermore, the applicable safety-related Common Q platform based systems design descriptions of the APR1400 design certification application are not affected or conflicted by the design information contained within NSAL-17-2: there is no impact to the safety-related function or operability. The software stall timer currently inactivated will not be activated since it has no impact on the safety function.

Should the licensing basis be revised, the COL applicant will address the change accordingly.

2) The WDTs provided in DCD Tier 2 and the Safety I&C System technical report are all window WDTs and they will be clearly stated as indicated in the attachment with supplemental description of the window WDT.
3) The WDTs addressed in Rev.1 Response to RAI 356-7881, Question 07-14(ML16271A351), are all window WDTs. The window WDTs are external to the microprocessors which is part of the Common QTM platform. Each window WDT is strictly a hardware device (e.g., does not employ a programmable hardware device like an FPGA or contain software). Each window WDT does not rely upon software for activation.

Additionally, the common output relay is a hardwired component located on the processor module.

The above information will be added to the Safety I&C System technical report as indicated in the attachment.

4) The Design description in DCD Tier 1, Section, Item 13 and its corresponding Inspections, Tests, Analyses and Acceptance Criteria in Tables 2.5.1-5, Item 13 are expanded to verify that the WDTs from NRC-approved safety I&C platform used to generate trip and fail-safe conditions for reactor trip are hardware-based as indicated in

Non-Proprietary 07.02 3 / 3 KEPCO/KHNP

the attachment. Likewise, the design description in DCD Tier 1, Section, Item 10 and its corresponding Inspections, Tests, Analyses and Acceptance Criteria in Tables 2.5.4-5, Item 10 are expanded to verify that the WDTs from NRC-approved safety I&C platform used for generating alarms are hardware-based as indicated in the attachment.

Impact on DCD Sections and, and Tables 2.5.1-5 and 2.5.4-5 of DCD Tier 1 will be revised as indicated in the attachment.

Table 7.2-7 of DCD Tier 2 will be revised as indicated in the attachment.

Impact on PRA There is no impact on the PRA.

Impact on Technical Specifications There is no impact on the Technical Specifications.

Impact on Technical/Topical/Environmental Reports Sections,,,, A.5.7, Figure 4-7, Figure 4-13, and Figure 4-18 will be revised, as indicated in the attachment.

RAI 555-9163 - Question 07.02-19 Non-Proprietary Attachment (1/14)

RAI 555-9163, 07.02-19 Safety I&C System APR1400-Z-J-NR-14001-NP, Rev.1 x A single 120 volts alternating current 9DF SRZHULVSURYLGHGWRredundant direct current (DC) power supplies in each PPS division. $ORVVRIWKH9DFSRZHUIHHGVWRD336division causes the safety outputs for the division to fail to the predefined safe state.

x The heartbeat signal of the BP is supervised by the LCL to ensure appropriate trip signals are generated for the reactor trip function.

window window window x Each PPS LCL RT processor is supervised by the built-in watchdog timer (WDT). The contacts outputs of WDT are hardwired in series to the RPS initiation circuit to ensure appropriate trip signals are generated for the reactor trip function as shown in Figure 4-7. If the WDT contained in the LCL RT processor module fails to be reset in the predefined time, the WDT will block the power going through the interposing relay. This will result in opening the interposing relay of the undervoltage trip device in the reactor trip initiation circuit. The detailed information on hardware watchdog timer configuration and relations to fail-safe operation are provided in Reference 12.

The hardware and software for the PPS meet the SFC outlined in IEEE Std. 603-1991 and IEEE Std. 379 as endorsed by RG 1.53 and RG 1.153.

Section "Watchdog Timer" of The PPS is designed to detect any error condition of the PPS through the self-diagnostic and supervisory functions such as I/O module diagnostic, processor module diagnostic, application program CRC, communication error CRC, and etc. The detailed information is provided in Reference 12.

The PPS software execution is deterministic to ensure predictable system performance and response under worst-case plant loading condition. The task scheduler schedules the execution of the application programs and periodic system software tasks based on predefined priorities. The detailed information of the deterministic performance and the deterministic performance is provided in Reference 12.

Each PPS division contains a BP and LCL racks. Each BP sends its bistable trip status to each redundant LCL processors in the same division via non-fiber optic SDL and to other redundant divisions LCL racks via fiber optic SDL. The redundant LCL racks within each division receive the bistable trip signals and perform the 2-out-of-4 local coincidence logic for each RT and ESFAS function. Each LCL rack has digital output (DO) module(s) whose outputs are combined to form the selective 2-out-of-4 coincidence initiation circuit. The configuration is shown in Figure 4-5. The window WDTs The system, including the processor modules, is subject to continuous hardware monitoring and annunciation of failures to maximize system availability. A watchdog timer within the processor modules monitors the operability of the processor modules (PMs). Refer to Section in Reference 12.

The PPS has redundancy and diversity features. Redundant PPS analog input parameters considering DBEs are assigned to each analog input module for minimizing the effects of a single failure of an analog input (AI) module as shown in Figure 4-5. Each BP processes the bistable logic in the reverse order to that of the other BP to increase the degree of software diversity. The design includes redundant BP racks in each division. The independent configuration of the I/O and communication devices in redundant cabinets is provided.

The selective 2-out-of-4 initiation logic combination of RPS initiation signals is designed to permit testing of the LCL processor without causing RT initiation in a division and still permit valid trip signals to propagate to the RTSS. This design provides hot swap capability for a single PLC module, without causing an output initiation signal. A design goal is to enhance the systems fault tolerance by accommodating a single processor module or SDL data communication link failure in the division without causing There are two windowa division WDTs intrip or component a processor module:actuation (i.e.,

one located in reactor trip circuit the processing breaker section opening and the or in other one auxiliary the communication section of feedwater pump/valve operation).

the processor module. Those two window WDTs share a common output relay (a hardwired component located on the processor module) that is tripped by a fault either in the processing section or in the communication section of the processor module.

The window WDTs are external to the microprocessors which are part of the Common QTM platform. Each window WDT is strictly a hardware device (e.g., does not employ a programmable hardware device like an FPGA). See Section of Reference 12 for more details.


RAI 555-9163 - Question 07.02-19 Non-Proprietary Attachment (2/14)

RAI 555-9163, 07.02-19 Safety I&C System APR1400-Z-J-NR-14001-NP, Rev.1 TS Figure 4-7 Watchdog Timer for PPS KEPCO & KHNP 42

RAI 555-9163 - Question 07.02-19 Non-Proprietary Attachment (3/14)

RAI 555-9163, 07.02-19 Safety I&C System APR1400-Z-J-NR-14001-NP, Rev.1 TS KEPCO & KHNP 55

RAI 555-9163 - Question 07.02-19 Non-Proprietary Attachment (4/14)

RAI 555-9163, 07.02-19 Safety I&C System APR1400-Z-J-NR-14001-NP, Rev.1 TS 4.3.4 System Interfaces The CPCS interface with other systems is shown in Figure 4-12. The CPCS cabinet housing the CPC rack and CEACs rack interfaces with the following equipment:

x Auxiliary protective cabinet - safety x Ex-core neutron flux monitoring system x Reactor coolant pump shaft speed sensing system x Reed switch position transmitter x Plant protection system x Information processing system x Qualified indication and alarm system - P x Qualified indication and alarm system - non-safety x 9LWDObus power supply system x Field sensors Auxiliary Process Cabinet-Safety The CPC processor receives the pressurizer pressure signals via hardwired cable from the APC-S . The pressurizer pressure signals are used in the DNBR and the LPD calculations Ex-core Neutron Flux Monitoring System The CPC processor receives the linear sub-channel power signals from the ENFMS. via hardwired cable These are used for the reactor power calculation and power distribution calculation.


RAI 555-9163 - Question 07.02-19 Non-Proprietary Attachment (5/14)

RAI 555-9163, 07.02-19 Safety I&C System APR1400-Z-J-NR-14001-NP, Rev.1 TS Figure 4-13 Watchdog Timer for CPCS KEPCO & KHNP 60

RAI 555-9163 - Question 07.02-19 Non-Proprietary Attachment (6/14)

RAI 555-9163, 07.02-19 Safety I&C System APR1400-Z-J-NR-14001-NP, Rev.1 TS KEPCO & KHNP 83

RAI 555-9163 - Question 07.02-19 Non-Proprietary Attachment (7/14)

RAI 555-9163, 07.02-19 Safety I&C System APR1400-Z-J-NR-14001-NP, Rev.1 TS KEPCO & KHNP 84

RAI 555-9163 - Question 07.02-19 Non-Proprietary Attachment (8/14)

RAI 555-9163, 07.02-19 Safety I&C System APR1400-Z-J-NR-14001-NP, Rev.1 TS Figure 4-18 Watchdog Timer for ESF-CCS KEPCO & KHNP 89

RAI 555-9163 - Question 07.02-19 Non-Proprietary Attachment (9/14)

RAI 555-9163, 07.02-19 Safety I&C System APR1400-Z-J-NR-14001-NP, Rev.1 A.5.7 Capability for Test and Calibration Clause 5.7: Capability for Test and Calibration Capability for testing and calibration of safety system equipment shall be provided while retaining the capability of the safety systems to accomplish their safety functions. The capability for testing and calibration of safety system equipment shall be provided during power operation and shall duplicate, as closely as practicable, performance of the safety function. Testing of Class 1E systems shall be in accordance with the requirements of IEEE Std. 338-1987. Exceptions to testing and calibration during power operation are allowed where this capability cannot be provided without adversely affecting the safety or operability of the generating station. In this case:

(1) appropriate justification shall be provided (for example, demonstration that no practical design exists),

(2) acceptable reliability of equipment operation shall be otherwise demonstrated, and (3) the capability shall be provided while the generating station is shut down.


The safety I&C system design complies with IEEE Std. 338-1987 and RG 1.22.

The safety I&C system incorporates enhanced continuous system self-checking features. System self-checking features include on-line diagnostics for the PLC software, hardware, and communications systems. Administrative procedures provide appropriate guidance in the event a portion of the safety system is in bypass or is manually tripped. These procedures are augmented by automatic indication at the system-level that a portion of the system is in bypass or that a portion of the protection system and/or the systems actuated or controlled by the protection system is tripped.

window The PPS, CPCS, and ESF-CCS make extensive use of watchdog timers in performing built-in self tests.

The output of the watchdog timer causes the fail-safe state for RPS and ESFAS functions.

window Provisions for periodic manual surveillance testing provide the overlapped testing functions that confirm operability of the system and specifically determine operability of portion of the system that is not tested by the systems self-diagnostics.

The requirement for periodic testing is addressed by channel calibrations, channel checks and functional testing. The channel calibrations are performed during refueling outages when the PPS is not required to be operable. Calibration and testing will be performed according to plant specific approved procedures that establish specific surveillance techniques and surveillance intervals intended to maintain high reliability.

Manual surveillance testing verifies that the system components and connections have not failed or degraded, and that trip signal paths for safety functions are correct. Software itself does not "degrade" over time unless there is an associated hardware failure. $OVR9 9FRQILUPVWKDWWKHVRIWZDUHLVFRUUHFW

Therefore, the purpose of surveillance testing is to validate system operability. The PLC internal diagnostic functions check the hardware integrity and supervise software integrity by CRC checks.

The test feedback of one division is displayed only by the MTP of that division. The ITP puts the data on the SDN for the MTP displays.

The PPS bypasses are initiated via channel bypass switches on the MTP switch panel.


RAI 555-9163 - Question 07.02-19 Non-Proprietary Attachment (10/14)

RAI 555-9163, 07.02-19 APR1400 DCD TIER 1 lifecycle phase in the software development process conform to the requirements of that phase.

12. The cabinets listed in Table 2.5.1-1 have key locks and door open alarms, and are located in a vital area of the facility.
13. The RT logic of the PPS is designed to fail to a safe state such that a processor lock-up or loss of electrical power to a division of PPS results in a trip condition for that division but the ESFAS logic of the PPS is designed to fail to a safe state such that loss of electrical power to a division of PPS does not result in ESF initiation for that division.
14. Redundant safety equipment listed in Table 2.5.1-1 is provided with means of identification.

by the hardware-based window watchdog timer from NRC -

15. approved The input signals ofsafety I&C platform PPS through APC-Slocated in the are or ENFMS processor module derived from RT and ESF initiation measurement instrumentation that measures monitored variables identified in Tables 2.5.1-2 and 2.5.1-3.
16. The PPS provides RT and ESF initiation signals to meet the required response time for trip and initiation conditions identified in Tables 2.5.1-2 and 2.5.1-3.
17. The Class 1E equipment listed in Table 2.5.1-1 is protected from accident related hazards such as missiles, pipe breaks, and flooding.
18. The RTS and ESF system instrumentation (referenced in Tables 2.5.1-2 and 2.5.1-3) monitors the normal operating, anticipated operational occurrence (AOO), and postulated accident (PA) events.
19. The Class 1E instrument identified in Table 2.5.1-1 as being qualified for a harsh environment can withstand the environmental conditions that would exist before, during, and following a design basis accident without loss of safety function for the time required to perform the safety function.
20. The PPS providing RT and ESF initiation signals has the testing function that can be initiated from the PPS MTP. This testing function verifies the functionality of the bistable processing logic and coincidence processing logic within the PPS.

2.5-4 5HY

RAI 555-9163 - Question 07.02-19 Non-Proprietary Attachment (11/14)

RAI 555-9163, 07.02-19 APR1400 DCD TIER 1 Table 2.5.1-5 (8 of 12)

Design Commitment Inspections, Tests, Analyses Acceptance Criteria

11. (cont.) 11.e An inspection and analysis 11.e The test phase outputs of the outputs including including documentation documentation of the test exist and conclude that the phase will be performed. test phase activities are performed and these activities conform to the requirements of the test phase.

11.f An inspection and analysis 11.f The installation and checkout of the outputs including phase outputs including documentation of the documentation exist and installation and checkout conclude that the installation phase will be performed. and checkout phase activities and performed and these activities conform to the requirements of the installation and checkout phase.

12. The cabinets listed in Table 12.a A test of the as-built cabinets 12.a Each as-built cabinet listed 2.5.1-1 have key locks and listed in Table 2.5.1-1 for in Table 2.5.1-1 has key door open alarms, and are key lock capability, and a locking capability, and located in a vital area of the test of door open alarms, alarms are received in the as-facility. will be performed. built MCR when cabinet doors are opened.

by the hardware-based window watchdog 12.b Inspection of the cabinets 12.b The cabinets listed in Table timer from NRC-approved safety I&C listed in Table 2.5.1-1 will 2.5.1-1 are located in a vital platform located in the processor module be performed. area of the facility.

13. The RT logic of the PPS is 13. A test will be performed by 13. Each division of the as-built designed to fail to a safe making a processor lock-up RT logic of the as-built PPS state such that a processor or disconnecting the fails to a safe state upon a lock-up or loss of electrical electrical power to each processor lock-up or loss of power to a division of PPS division of the as-built PPS. electrical power to the results in a trip condition for division and does not result that division but the ESFAS in ESF initiation.

logic of the PPS is designed to fail to a safe state such by operation of the hardware-based window that loss of electrical power watchdog timer from NRC-approved safety I&C to a division of PPS does not platform located in the processor module result in ESF initiation for that division.

14. Redundant safety equipment 14. An inspection of the as-built 14. The as-built equipment listed listed in Table 2.5.1-1 is equipment for conformance in Table 2.5.1-1 and related provided with means of with the identification field equipment complies identification. requirements will be with the labeling and color performed. coding requirements.

2.5-17 5HY

RAI 555-9163 - Question 07.02-19 Non-Proprietary Attachment (12/14)

RAI 555-9163, 07.02-19 APR1400 DCD TIER 1 9.a Once a NSSS ESF actuation has been actuated (automatically or manually), the ESF actuation logic is latched in the actuated state and is not reset automatically when the NSSS ESF initiating condition has been cleared. After the initiating condition has been cleared, the NSSS ESF actuation is manually reset.

9.b Once a BOP ESF actuation has been actuated (automatically or manually), the ESF actuation logic is latched in the actuated state and is not reset automatically when the ESF actuation signal has been cleared. Once the initiating condition is cleared, the ESF actuation is manually reset.

10. Loss of power or a processor lock-up in an ESF-CCS division results in the respective ESF-CCS division output assuming fail-safe output condition.
11. Manual ESF actuation switches are provided in the MCR and RSR for the and the actuationmanual ESF actuations identified of the hardware-based in Table 2.5.4-3.

window watchdog timer from NRC-approved safety I&C platform in the ESF-CCS generates the alarm to prompt the operator action

12. The operator modules (OMs) in the MCR display ESF actuation status, manual ESF actuation status, and ESF-CCS status information including the test status for ESF actuations identified in Tables 2.5.4-2 and 2.5.4-3.
13. The component interface module (CIM) provides state-based priority logic to prioritize the ESF-CCS and diverse protection system (DPS) signals.
14. The CIM provides system-based priority logic for the front panel control switch signals on the CIM, the signals generated by the diverse manual ESF actuation (DMA) switches, the signals from the ESF-CCS, and the signals from the DPS.

The front panel control switches have the highest priority, and the signals from the DMA switches have priority over signals from the ESF-CCS and DPS.

15. The application software for the ESF-CCS is implemented according to each lifecycle phase in the software development process : concept phase, requirement phase, design phase, implementation phase, test phase, and installation and checkout phase. The outputs including documentation, of each lifecycle phase in the software development process conform to the requirements of that phase.
16. The ESF-CCS equipment and components identified in Table 2.5.4-1 withstand the electrical surge, electromagnetic interference (EMI), radio-frequency interference (RFI), and electrostatic discharge (ESD) conditions that would exist 2.5-45 5HY

RAI 555-9163 - Question 07.02-19 Non-Proprietary Attachment (13/14)

RAI 555-9163, 07.02-19 APR1400 DCD TIER 1 Table 2.5.4-5 (5 of 11)

Design Commitment Inspections, Tests, Analyses Acceptance Criteria 9.b Once a BOP ESF actuation 9.b.i A test will be performed 9.b.i Each BOP ESF actuation has been actuated by returning simulated signal of the as-built ESFCCS (automatically or manually), signals to a level within remains upon return of the actuation logic is latched the predetermined limits simulated signals to a level in the actuated state and is not of plant process signals at within the predetermined reset automatically when the the as-built RMS input for limits of plant process signals BOP ESF actuation signal has BOP ESFAS functions as for BOP ESFAS functions as been cleared. Once the identified in Tables 2.5.4- identified in Tables 2.5.4-2 initiating condition is cleared, 2 and 2.5.4-3 after and 2.5.4-3 after simulating the BOP ESF actuation is simulating the BOP ESF the ESF actuation.

manually reset. actuation.

9.b.ii A Test of the as-built BOP 9.b.ii The BOP ESF actuation is ESFAS reset function is manually reset once the performed manually to initiating condition is cleared.

reset the actuated BOP ESFAS function.

10. Loss of power or a processor 10. A test will be performed 10. Loss of power or a processor lock-up in an ESF-CCS simulating loss of power lock-up in each ESF-CCS division results in the or a processor lock-up in division results in the respective ESF-CCS division each as-built ESF-CCS assumed fail-safe output output assuming fail-safe division. condition.

output condition.

11. Manual ESF actuation 11. A test will be performed 11. Each as-built ESF-CCS switches are provided in the to verify the actuation of manual ESF actuation MCR and RSR for the the as-built ESF-CCS identified in Table 2.5.4-3 manual ESF actuations manual ESF actuation actuates upon receipt of a identified in Table 2.5.4-3. using the manual ESF signal from its respective actuation switches in the manual ESF actuation MCR and RSR. switches in the MCR and RSR.
12. The operator modules (OMs) 12. A test of the as-built OM 12. Each as-built OM in the in the MCR display ESF in the MCR will be MCR displays ESF actuation actuation status, manual ESF performed to demonstrate status, remote manual ESF actuation status, and ESF- the display capability. actuation status, and ESF-CCS status information CCS status information including the test status for including the test status for ESF actuations identified in actuations identified in Tables Tables 2.5.4-2 and 2.5.4-3. 2.5.4-2 and 2.5.4-3.

and the actuation of the hardware-based window watchdog timer from NRC-approved safety I&C platform in the ESF-CCS generates the alarm to prompt the operator action energizing the hardware-based window watchdog timer from NRC-approved safety I&C platform due to the and relay output of the hardware-based window watchdog timer from NRC-approved safety I&C platform is energized for generating alarms 2.5-57 5HY

Non-Proprietary RAI 555-9163 - Question 07.02-19 Attachment (14/14)

RAI 555-9163, 07.02-19 APR1400 DCD TIER 2 Table 7.2-7 (1 of 25)

Failure Modes and Effects Analysis for the Plant Protection System Symptoms and Local Effects Including Inherent Compensating No. Name Failure Mode Cause Dependent Failures Method of Detection Provision Effect on PPS Remarks and Other Effects 1-1 Ex-core neutron flux a) Low output Loss of high power supply x Data loss x Alarm: comparison of three Three-channel redundancy The resulting reactor trip coincidence logic on Loss of high power supply makes all three sub-detector source channels variable overpower, high logarithmic power, channel detectors not work properly.

x Incorrect data DNBR/LPD becomes 2-out-of-2 coincidence x Detection failure of high neutron flux x Periodic test Operator has to bypass the channel in failure after logic.

level restoring the bypassed channel to operating state in order to restore the system logic to 2-out-of-3 coincidence logic.

b) High output x Short circuit of detector Channel trip can occur due to variable Occurrence of pre-trip and trip alarm Three-channel redundancy The resulting reactor trip coincidence logic on Operator has to bypass the channel in failure after overpower, low DNBR, high logarithmic for variable overpower, low DNBR, variable overpower, high logarithmic power, restoring the bypassed channel to operating state in x Continuous ionization power level or high LPD. high logarithmic power level, or high DNBR/LPD becomes 1-out-of-2 coincidence order to restore the system logic to 2-out-of-3 LPD. logic. coincidence logic.

1-2 Pressurizer pressure (wide a) One signal turns on x Sensor failure x High-level pressure signal is input to x Alarm: comparison of three Three-channel redundancy The resulting coincidence logic for reactor trip, Operator has to bypass the channel in failure after range) due to failure (high bistable logic. channels CIAS, and SIAS becomes 2-out-of-2 coincidence restoring the bypassed channel to operating state in x Component failure level signal) logic. order to restore the system logic to 2-out-of-3 x Low pressurizer pressure bistable logic x Periodic test coincidence logic.

does not generate trip under trip condition.

b) One signal turns off x Sensor failure x Low-level pressure signal input to bistable Occurrence of pre-trip and trip alarm Three-channel redundancy The resulting coincidence logic for reactor trip, Operator has to bypass the channel in failure after due to failure (low logic. for low pressurizer pressure channel CIAS and SIAS becomes 1-out-of-2 coincidence restoring the bypassed channel to operating state in x DC power supply failure level signal) logic. order to restore the system logic to 2-out-of-3 x Open circuit x Low pressurizer pressure bistable logic coincidence logic.

initiates channel trip.

1-3 Pressurizer pressure a) Signal turns on x Sensor failure x High-level pressure signal is input to Occurrence of pre-trip and trip alarm Three-channel redundancy x The resulting reactor trip coincidence logic on Operator has to bypass the channel in failure after (narrow range) (high level signal) bistable logic. for high pressurizer pressure channel low DNBR becomes 2-out-of-2 coincidence restoring the bypassed channel to operating state in x Component failure logic. order to restore the system logic to 2-out-of-3 x High pressurizer pressure bistable logic coincidence logic.

initiates channel trip. x The resulting reactor trip coincidence on high pressurizer pressure becomes 1-out-of-2 coincidence logic.

x The resulting CWP coincidence logic on high pressurizer pressure becomes 1-out-of-2 coincidence logic.

b) Signal turns off (low- x Sensor failure x Low-level pressure lowers margin of Occurrence of pre-trip and trip alarm Three-channel redundancy x The resulting reactor trip coincidence logic on Operator has to bypass the channel in failure after level signal) DNBR and initiates low DNBR channel for low DNBR channel low DNBR becomes 1-out-of-2 coincidence restoring the bypassed channel to operating state in x DC power supply failure trip. logic. order to restore the system logic to 2-out-of-3 x Open circuit coincidence logic.

x High pressurizer pressure bistable logic x The resulting reactor trip coincidence logic on does not generate trip under trip high pressurizer pressure becomes 2-out-of-2 condition. coincidence logic.

x The resulting CWP coincidence logic on high pressurizer pressure becomes 2-out-of-2 coincidence logic The "watchdog timer" or "WDT" described in Table 7.2-7 refers to the "window watchdog timer".

See Section of Common Qualified Platform Topical Report listed as Reference 77 in Section 7.1.5.

7.2-46 Rev. 1