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APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3, Evaluation of Effects of Hrhf Response Spectra on Sscs.
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Site: 05200046
Issue date: 12/31/2017
Korea Electric Power Corp, Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co, Ltd
Office of New Reactors
MKD/NW-18-0036L APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3
Download: ML18078A709 (428)


Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs Revision 3 Non-Proprietary December 2017 Copyright 2017 Korea Electric Power Corporation &

Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved KEPCO & KHNP

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 REVISION HISTORY Section(s) or Revision Date Description Page(s)

November 0 All First Issue 2014 February 1, 5, 17, 19, 24, The descriptions of HRHF evaluation for EDGB/DFOT room are 1

2015 55, 111~116 added.

The description of FE model identicalness between HRHF and Page 1 CSDRS seismic analyses is added by the Action Item 3-81_3.7.2_#9.

The description of conservativeness regarding derivation of the coherency matrix is deleted, and the descriptions of details Pages 2, 5 considered for HRHF seismic analyses of NI and EDBG/DFOT room are added by the 3.7_3.8 Audit Tracking List_July 6 2016.

The description of design results of RCB internal structures and Pages 18, 19 EDGB are added by the 3.7_3.8 Audit Tracking List_July 6 2016.

Pages vi, 8, 9, 14, The descriptions and tables related to V/A and AD/V2 are deleted 37~38, 41 by the response to RAI 253-8300, Question 03.07.01-7, Rev.1.

The detailed description of generating the target PSD and related Pages 11, 94 figure are added and revised by the response to RAI 182-8160, Question 03.07.01-1, Rev.1.

The expression of equivalent stationary duration is changed and February Page 13 the description of discrete form of the Fourier spectrum is added 2

2017 by the response to RAI 182-8160, Question 03.07.01-3, Rev.2.

A table for the soil layers and the properties used in the HRHF SSI Pages vi, 16, 17, model is added with its description by the response to RAI 182-49~59 8160, Question 03.07.01-4, Rev.1.

Tables for the numerical values of the HRHF RS-compatible time Pages vi, 43~46 histories are added by the response to RAI 182-8160, Question 03.07.01-2, Rev.2.

The expression generic is changed to low-strain by the Pages viii, 106 response to RAI 182-8160, Question 03.07.01-4, Rev.1.

The descriptions and figure of HRHF evaluation for the safety Pages 21~23, 26, related equipment are added by the response to RAI 344-8407, 138 Question 03.10-7 and 9.

Table 6-9 is changed to summarize potentially HF sensitive Pages vi, 69 components by the response to RAI 344-8407, Question 03.10-8.

The revision numbers of the referred documents in References are Pages 25~27 updated.

The editorial errors are corrected to clearly describe the sentences Pages 7, 11, 20 by the response to RAI 249-8323, Question 03.08.01-16.

The equation and equation number are corrected to incorporate Page 13 the response to RAI 182-8160, Question 03.07.01-3, Rev.2.

The descriptions of the site profiles are revised by the response to Page 16 RAI 252-8299, Question 03.07.02-9, Rev.2.

December 3 The descriptions, tables, and figures related to the additional 2017 Pages v, vi, 17, 18, incoherence SSI analyses performed by the response to RAI 183-C1~C230 8197, Question 03.07.02-1, Rev.1.

The detailed descriptions, tables, and figures for HRHF Pages v, vii, viii, xi, evaluations of piping systems in accordance with the scope of the 19~23, 25, 70~77, graded approach including ASME Class 1 and 2 piping are added 146~150 by the response to RAI 311-8278, Question 03.12-9, Rev.2.


Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 This document was prepared for the design certification application to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and contains technological information that constitutes intellectual property of Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Ltd. Copying, using, or distributing the information in this document in whole or in part is permitted only to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and its contractors for the purpose of reviewing design certification application materials. Other uses are strictly prohibited without the written permission of Korea Electric Power Corporation and Korea Hydro &

Nuclear Power Co., Ltd.


Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 ABSTRACT This technical report summarizes the methodology and results of the evaluation for the effects of hard rock high frequency (HRHF) input ground motion on structures, systems, and components (SSCs) of the APR1400 standard plant.

The seismic analysis and design of the APR1400 standard plant are based on certified seismic design response spectra. The spectra are based on U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Regulatory Guide 1.60 with an enhancement in the high frequency range. However, many of the envelope response spectra of the central and eastern United States rock sites show higher amplitudes at higher frequencies than the certified seismic design response spectra. Response spectra with these characteristics are referred to as HRHF ground motion response spectra.

Based on the 2011 EPRI report Evaluation of Seismic Hazard at Central and Eastern US Nuclear Power Plant Sites", the APR1400 HRHF response spectra are determined as the 0.8-fractile, 5%-damped, horizontal composite envelope ground motion response spectra for central and eastern United States hard rock sites. The APR1400 HRHF response spectra exceed the certified seismic design response spectra for frequencies above approximately 10 Hz. However, in general, as presented in EPRI Draft White Paper, Considerations for NPP Equipment and Structures Subjected to Response Levels Caused by High Frequency Ground Motions, the high frequency input ground motion is regarded as non-damaging.

Confirmation of nondamage from high frequency seismic input motion is needed for the APR1400 structures and equipment qualified by seismic analyses for the design-basis certified seismic design response spectra. The building structures, reactor pressure vessel and internals, primary component supports, primary loop nozzles, piping, and equipment are included in the evaluation of the APR1400 standard plant for HRHF seismic responses to demonstrate that the seismic responses of the SSCs to the high frequency input ground motion are non-damaging. In the evaluation, effects of spatial incoherence of ground motion on the seismic responses of the structures due to the high frequency input ground motion are considered.


Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 1 2 INCOHERENT SSI ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY AND PROCEDURE ..................... 2 2.1 Analysis Methodology ..................................................................................................................... 2 2.2 Site Response Analysis .................................................................................................................. 4 2.3 SSI Analysis .................................................................................................................................... 4 3 SEISMIC INPUT ................................................................................................... 6 3.1 EPRI GMRS for CEUS Rock Sites ................................................................................................. 6 3.2 HRHF Response Spectra for APR1400.......................................................................................... 6 3.3 Generation of HRHF Response-spectrum-compatible Time Histories ........................................... 7 3.3.1 Ground Motion Time Histories ........................................................................................................ 7 3.3.2 Response Spectrum and Power Spectral Density Enveloping Requirements ............................... 8 3.3.3 Selection of Initial Seed Motion Time Histories .............................................................................. 8 3.4 Method for Generation Spectrum-compatible Time Histories ........................................................ 9 3.4.1 Analytical Background .................................................................................................................. 10 3.4.2 Analytical Procedure ..................................................................................................................... 10 3.5 Developing HRHF Response Spectrum-compatible PSDs .......................................................... 11 3.5.1 HRHF Response Spectrum-compatible Target PSDs .................................................................. 11 3.5.2 Minimum Required Target PSDs .................................................................................................. 12 3.5.3 Calculation of Time History PSDs................................................................................................. 12 3.6 Generation Results ....................................................................................................................... 13 4 GROUND MOTION COHERENCY FUNCTIONS................................................... 15 5 ANALYSIS RESULTS ......................................................................................... 16 5.1 Site Response Analysis ................................................................................................................ 16 5.2 INCOH Analysis Results ............................................................................................................... 16 5.3 SSI Analysis .................................................................................................................................. 17 5.4 Comparison of Incoherent-motion SSI Analysis Results Using 7 and 12 Modes ......................... 17 5.5 Comparison of ISRS Based on CSDRS and HRHF Response Spectra ...................................... 17 5.6 Convergence of Coherency Mode Expansion .............................................................................. 17 6 EVALUATION ..................................................................................................... 19 6.1 Building Structures........................................................................................................................ 19 6.2 Reactor Coolant System ............................................................................................................... 20 6.2.1 Reactor Vessel Internals and Core ............................................................................................... 20 6.2.2 RCS Component Supports, Nozzles, and Loop Pipings .............................................................. 21 6.3 Piping Systems ............................................................................................................................. 21 KEPCO & KHNP v

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 6.4 Safety-related Equipment ............................................................................................................. 22 6.4.1 Evaluation Process Steps and Description .................................................................................. 23 Potentially High-frequency Sensitive Equipment.......................................................................... 23 Use of Existing Qualification Data ................................................................................................ 23 Screening Test .............................................................................................................................. 24 Items Not Potentially HF Sensitive ............................................................................................... 24 7 CONCLUSION .................................................................................................... 25 8 REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 26 APPENDIX A APR1400 HRHF RESPONSE SPECTRA FOR 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, AND 10%


Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 LIST OF TABLES Table 2-1 Shear-modulus-degradation and Damping-value Variation Curves for Rock Considered for HRHF ........................................................................................................ 29 Table 3-1 5%-damped HRHF Horizontal Target Response Spectrum .............................................. 30 Table 3-2 5%-damped HRHF Vertical Target Response Spectrum ................................................... 32 Table 3-3 V/H Ratios for CEUS Rock Site Conditions ....................................................................... 34 Table 3-4 Scale Factors for Horizontal Response Spectra Damping Ratios Relative to 5%-

damped Response Spectrum, CEUS ................................................................................ 35 Table 3-5 Deleted ............................................................................................................................... 38 Table 3-6 Deleted ............................................................................................................................... 39 Table 3-7 Target PSD Compatible with APR1400 HRHF Response Spectra - Horizontal ............... 40 Table 3-8 Target PSD Compatible with APR1400 HRHF Response Spectra - Vertical .................... 41 Table 3-9 Deleted ............................................................................................................................... 42 Table 3-10 Cross-correlation Coefficients of HRHF Response-Spectrum-Compatible Time History Pairs....................................................................................................................... 43 Table 3-11 Stationary Duration of Generated Time Histories .............................................................. 44 Table 3-12 Maximum Acceleration (A), Velocity (V), and Displacement (D) of Generated Time Histories ............................................................................................................................. 45 Table 3-13 Number of Points of the Response Spectra below each HRHF DRS ............................... 46 Table 3-14 The Lowest Percentage below the HRHF DRS................................................................. 47 Table 4-1 EPRI (2007) Empirical Plane-Wave Coherency Function for Horizontal Seismic Ground Motions for Hard Rock .......................................................................................... 48 Table 4-2 EPRI (2007) Empirical Plane-Wave Coherency Function for Vertical Seismic Ground Motions for Hard Rock .......................................................................................... 49 Table 5-1 Soil Layers and Properties of SSI Model for HRHF Seismic Input Motions ...................... 50 Table 5-2 INCOH Results - Horizontal ............................................................................................... 54 Table 5-3 INCOH Results - Vertical ................................................................................................... 57 Table 5-4 Frequencies of Analysis - Incoherent ................................................................................ 60 Table 6-1 Comparison of Design Force and Moment for PSW ......................................................... 61 Table 6-2 Comparison of Design Force and Moment for IRWST ...................................................... 62 Table 6-3 Comparison of Design Force and Moment for SSW ......................................................... 63 Table 6-4 Comparison of Design Force and Moment for Containment Structure ............................. 65 Table 6-5 Comparison of Equivalent Accelerations for Auxiliary Building ......................................... 66 Table 6-6 Comparison of Equivalent Accelerations for EDGB/DFOT room ...................................... 67 Table 6-7 Comparison of Design Force and Moment for RCS Component Supports ....................... 68 Table 6-8 Comparison of Design Force and Moment RCS Component Nozzles .............................. 69 Table 6-9 Comparison of Design Force and Moment for Reactor Coolant System Loop Piping ................................................................................................................................. 70 KEPCO & KHNP vii

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 6-10 Comparison of Stress Analysis Results for Class 1 Piping Systems................................. 72 Table 6-11 Comparison of Stress Analysis Results for Class 2 Piping Systems................................. 73 Table 6-12 Comparison of Design Moment for Surge Line ................................................................. 74 Table 6-13 Potentially HF Sensitive Component ................................................................................. 77 KEPCO & KHNP viii

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2-1 Shear-modulus-degradation and Damping-value Variation Curves for Rock Considered for HRHF ........................................................................................................ 78 Figure 3-1 5%-Damped Maximum and Fractile Hard Rock Composite Envelope Spectra Developed for 60 Existing CEUS Nuclear Power Plant Sites ............................................ 79 Figure 3-2 APR1400 HRHF Response Spectrum for 5% Damping Ratio - Horizontal ....................... 80 Figure 3-3 APR1400 HRHF Response Spectrum for 5% Damping Ratio - Vertical ........................... 81 Figure 3-4 V/H Response Spectra Ratios (0.2 - 0.5g) ....................................................................... 82 Figure 3-5 APR1400 HRHF Response Spectra for 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 10% Damping Ratios -

Horizontal ........................................................................................................................... 83 Figure 3-6 APR1400 HRHF Response Spectra for 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 10% Damping Ratios -

Vertical ............................................................................................................................... 84 Figure 3-7 APR1400 HRHF Response Spectrum vs CSDRS for 5% Damping Ratio -

Horizontal ........................................................................................................................... 85 Figure 3-8 APR1400 HRHF Response Spectrum vs CSDRS for 5% Damping Ratio - Vertical ......... 86 Figure 3-9 Recorded Nahanni, Canada, Earthquake at Mackenzie Station #3 - 270 Component Seed Motion ................................................................................................... 87 Figure 3-10 Recorded Nahanni, Canada, Earthquake at Mackenzie Station #3 - 360 Component Seed Motion ................................................................................................... 88 Figure 3-11 Recorded Nahanni, Canada, Earthquake at Mackenzie Station #3 - VT Component Seed Motion ................................................................................................... 89 Figure 3-12 Response Spectra of Nahanni Earthquake Mackenzie Station #3 Recorded Motion Scaled to PGA of 0.46g - 270 Component ............................................................ 90 Figure 3-13 Response Spectra of Nahanni Earthquake Mackenzie Station #3 Recorded Motion Scaled to PGA of 0.46g - 360 Component ............................................................ 91 Figure 3-14 Response Spectra of Nahanni Earthquake Mackenzie Station #3 Recorded Motion Scaled to PGA of 0.46g - VT Component ............................................................. 92 Figure 3-15 Intensity Envelope Function............................................................................................... 93 Figure 3-16 Comparison of 2%-Damped Ensemble of 30 Time-History Response Spectra and Ensemble-Median Response Spectrum - Horizontal......................................................... 94 Figure 3-17 Comparison of 2%-Damped Ensemble of 30 Time-History Response Spectra and Ensemble-Median Response Spectrum - Vertical ............................................................. 95 Figure 3-18 Comparison of 2%-Damped Ensemble of Median Response Spectra and APR1400 HRHF Horizontal Target Response Spectrum - Horizontal ............................... 96 Figure 3-19 Comparison of 2%-Damped Ensemble of Median Response Spectra and APR1400 HRHF Vertical Target Response Spectrum - Vertical ........................................ 97 Figure 3-20 Computed PSDs for the Generated 30 Time History Ensemble - Horizontal .................... 98 Figure 3-21 Computed PSDs for the Generated 30 Time History Ensemble - Vertical ........................ 99 Figure 3-22 Smoothed Ensemble-Mean and Piecewise Log-Log Linear PSD Obtained from the Generated 30 Time History Ensemble - Horizontal ................................................... 100 Figure 3-23 Smoothed Ensemble-Mean and Piecewise Log-Log Linear PSD Obtained from KEPCO & KHNP ix

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 the Generated 30 Time History Ensemble - Vertical........................................................ 101 Figure 3-24 Comparison of the Horizontal Target PSD Compatible with APR1400 HRHF Horizontal Response Spectra with the SRP 3.7.1 PSDs for CEUS Rock Sites .............. 102 Figure 3-25 Target and Minimum Required PSDs - Horizontal ........................................................... 103 Figure 3-26 Target and Minimum Required PSDs - Vertical ............................................................... 104 Figure 3-27 Procedure for Determining Equivalent Stationary Duration ............................................. 105 Figure 3-28 Acceleration, Velocity, and Displacement of H1H ............................................................ 106 Figure 3-29 Comparison of Response Spectra of H1H and HRHF Horizontal Target Response Spectra ............................................................................................................................. 107 Figure 3-30 Acceleration, Velocity, and Displacement of H2H ............................................................ 108 Figure 3-31 Comparison of Response Spectra of H2H and HRHF Horizontal Target Response Spectra ............................................................................................................................. 109 Figure 3-32 Acceleration, Velocity, and Displacement of VTH............................................................ 110 Figure 3-33 Comparison of Response Spectra of VTH and HRHF Vertical Target Response Spectra .............................................................................................................................. 111 Figure 4-1 Amplitude of Empirical Plane-Wave Spatial-Coherency Function for Horizontal and Vertical Ground Motion Components for Hard Rock ................................................ 112 Figure 5-1 Shear-Wave-Velocity Profile of the Pinyon Flat Array Site .............................................. 113 Figure 5-2 Shear-Wave-Velocity Profiles of APR1400 Low-strain Sites S8 and S9 ......................... 114 Figure 5-3 Horizontal Site Response Transfer Function for the APR1400 Generic Site Profile S8 ..................................................................................................................................... 115 Figure 5-4 Horizontal Site Response Transfer Function for the APR1400 Generic Site Profile S9 ..................................................................................................................................... 116 Figure 5-5 Comparison of ISRS Based on CSDRS and HRHF Response Spectra -

Containment Structure at El. 78-0 ................................................................................. 117 Figure 5-6 Comparison of ISRS Based on CSDRS and HRHF Response Spectra -

Containment Structure at El. 160-0 ............................................................................... 118 Figure 5-7 Comparison of ISRS Based on CSDRS and HRHF Response Spectra -

Containment Structure at El. 332-0 ............................................................................... 119 Figure 5-8 Comparison ISRS Based on of CSDRS and HRHF Response Spectra - Primary Shield Wall at El. 78-0 .................................................................................................... 120 Figure 5-9 Comparison of ISRS Based on CSDRS and HRHF Response Spectra - Primary Shield Wall at El. 156-0 .................................................................................................. 121 Figure 5-10 Comparison of ISRS Based on CSDRS and HRHF Response Spectra - Primary Shield Wall at El. 191-0 .................................................................................................. 122 Figure 5-11 Comparison of ISRS Based on CSDRS and HRHF Response Spectra -

Secondary Shield Wall at El. 78-0 ................................................................................. 123 Figure 5-12 Comparison of ISRS Based on CSDRS and HRHF Response Spectra -

Secondary Shield Wall at El. 156-0 ............................................................................... 124 Figure 5-13 Comparison of ISRS Based on CSDRS and HRHF Response Spectra -

Secondary Shield Wall at El. 191-0 ............................................................................... 125 Figure 5-14 Comparison of ISRS Based on CSDRS and HRHF Response Spectra - Auxiliary KEPCO & KHNP x

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Building Shearwall at El. 55-0 ........................................................................................ 126 Figure 5-15 Comparison of ISRS Based on CSDRS and HRHF Response Spectra - Auxiliary Building Shearwall at El. 156-0 ...................................................................................... 127 Figure 5-16 Comparison of ISRS Based on CSDRS and HRHF Response Spectra - Auxiliary Building Shearwall at El. 213-6 ...................................................................................... 128 Figure 5-17 Comparison of ISRS Based on CSDRS and HRHF Response Spectra - Auxiliary Building Slabs at El. 55-0, 156-0 and 213-6 .............................................................. 129 Figure 5-18 Comparison of ISRS Based on CSDRS and HRHF Response Spectra - DFOT Room Wall at El. 63-0 .................................................................................................... 130 Figure 5-19 Comparison of ISRS Based on CSDRS and HRHF Response Spectra - DFOT Room Wall at El. 100-0 .................................................................................................. 131 Figure 5-20 Comparison of ISRS Based on CSDRS and HRHF Response Spectra - EDGB Wall at El. 100-0 ............................................................................................................. 132 Figure 5-21 Comparison of ISRS Based on CSDRS and HRHF Response Spectra - EDGB Wall at El. 135-0 ............................................................................................................. 133 Figure 5-22 Comparison of ISRS Based on CSDRS and HRHF Response Spectra - DFOT Room Slabs ..................................................................................................................... 134 Figure 5-23 Comparison of ISRS Based on CSDRS and HRHF Response Spectra - EDGB Slabs ................................................................................................................................ 135 Figure 6-1 Arrangement of RCS ....................................................................................................... 136 Figure 6-2 Reactor Coolant System Component Supports............................................................... 137 Figure 6-3 Reactor Coolant System Component Nozzles ................................................................ 138 Figure 6-4 RV Supports ..................................................................................................................... 139 Figure 6-5 SG Support (No.1) ........................................................................................................... 140 Figure 6-6 RCP Support (1A) ............................................................................................................ 141 Figure 6-7 PZR Supports .................................................................................................................. 142 Figure 6-8 RV Nozzle ........................................................................................................................ 143 Figure 6-9 SG Nozzle ........................................................................................................................ 144 Figure 6-10 RCP Nozzle ..................................................................................................................... 145 Figure 6-11 Reactor Coolant System Loop Piping Section/End Locations and Coordinate Systems ........................................................................................................................... 146 Figure 6-12 High-Frequency Screening Process ................................................................................ 149 Figure 6-13 Location of Surge Line Loads .......................................................................................... 150 KEPCO & KHNP xi

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS AB auxiliary building APR1400 Advanced Power Reactor 1400 BLPB branch line pipe break CESMD center for engineering strong motion data CEUS central eastern United States COL combined license CSDRS certified seismic design response spectra DFOT diesel fuel oil tank EDGB emergency diesel generator building EPRI Electric Power Research Institute E-W east-west GMRS ground motion response spectra HRHF hard rock high frequency ISRS in-structure response spectra ISG interim staff guidance KEPCO Korea Electric Power Corporation KHNP Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Ltd.

NI nuclear island N-S north-south PGA peak ground acceleration POSRV pilot-operated safety relief valve PSD power spectral density PZR pressurizer RCB reactor containment building RCP reactor coolant pump RCS reactor coolant system RG regulatory guide RPV reactor pressure vessel RV reactor vessel RVI reactor vessel internals SG steam generator SRP standard review plan SRSS square-root-of-the-sum-of-squares SSCs structures, systems, and components SSE safe shutdown earthquake SSI soil-structure interaction WUS western United States KEPCO & KHNP xii

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 1 INTRODUCTION This technical report presents the evaluation of the effects of hard rock high frequency (HRHF) input ground motion on structures, systems, and components (SSCs) of the APR1400 standard plant. The technical report also describes the soil-structure-interaction (SSI) analysis of the nuclear island (NI) structures including the effects of spatial incoherence of seismic ground motions. The analysis procedure for incorporating spatial incoherence of seismic input ground motion in the SSI analysis is the same as the conventional SSI analysis procedure for coherent input ground motion. The analysis is performed using the computer program SASSI, with modifications to allow the program to incorporate the spatial incoherence of ground motion in the input ground motion to the analysis.

The response spectra used in this evaluation are developed for central eastern United States (CEUS) hard rock sites. In this report, such response spectra are also called the HRHF response spectra. The HRHF response spectra have spectral amplitudes higher than the amplitudes of the certified seismic design response spectra (CSDRS) in the high frequency range from approximately 10 to 100 Hz. However, by including the effects of spatial incoherence of seismic ground motions in the seismic SSI analysis, seismic responses such as in-structure response spectra (ISRS) in the high frequency are reduced.

Since the reactor containment building (RCB) and the auxiliary building (AB) share a common basemat, the seismic SSI analysis is performed with the combined NI structures (i.e., the combined RCB and AB supported on a common basemat foundation). The incoherent-motion SSI analysis is performed using the analysis methodology described in Subsection 2.1 with the SASSI computer program. The direct method (or flexible volume method) of the SASSI substructuring methodology is used in the SSI analysis.

In addition, evaluations of the APR1400 SSCs are performed to demonstrate that the seismic responses obtained from the design-basis SSI analysis envelop the corresponding responses obtained from the incoherent-motion SSI analysis or that the seismic responses obtained from the incoherent-motion SSI analysis are non-damaging.

Apart from the combined NI structures, the seismic SSI analysis is also performed with the emergency diesel generator building (EDGB) and the diesel fuel oil tank (DFOT) room considering coherent and incoherent ground motion effects.

The FE models including material properties and damping values used for HRHF seismic analyses are identical to those FE models for CSDRS seismic analyses.

This technical report consists of eight sections. Section 1 provides an introduction and background information. Section 2 describes the methodology of the incoherent SSI analysis. Section 3 describes the methodology for generating HRHF-response-spectrum-compatible ground motion time histories and the results generated. Section 4 describes the ground motion coherency functions used in the incoherent-motion SSI analysis. Section 5 compares the ISRS generated from the seismic input of CSDRS (Reference 1) and HRHF response spectra (Reference 2). Section 6 describes the evaluation of the effects of HRHF response spectra on SSCs of the APR1400 standard plant. Section 7 contains the conclusions from the evaluation. Section 8 lists the references cited in the report.


Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 2 INCOHERENT SSI ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY AND PROCEDURE 2.1 Analysis Methodology The incoherent-motion SSI analysis determines the maximum seismic response of the APR1400 NI structures and EDGB/DFOT room, taking into account the effects of spatial incoherence of seismic ground motions. The conventional SSI analysis methodology for coherent input ground motion, utilizing the computer program SASSI (Reference 3), is modified to allow the program to incorporate the spatial incoherence of ground motion in the input ground motion to the analysis.

The seismic SSI analysis using SASSI assumes that the seismic motions input to the structure SSI system are coherent motions. These input motions result from vertically propagating plane seismic shear (S) waves for the horizontal input motion and plane seismic compression (P) waves for the vertical input motion. For a horizontally layered free-field soil/rock medium, the idealized plane-wave input ground motions can be derived from horizontal and vertical free-field site response analyses using a one-dimensional elastic wave propagation theory. These analyses are generally performed using the equivalent-linear, free-field site response analysis computer program SHAKE (Reference 4 and 5). The free-field input ground motions derived from a one-dimensional elastic wave propagation theory are spatially coherent vertically propagating plane-wave input ground motions. Such motions are used for the conventional SSI analysis without taking into account spatial incoherence of seismic motions.

To incorporate spatial incoherence in the input ground motions for the SSI analysis using SASSI, the methodology developed by Tseng and Lilhanand as described in Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)

Report TR-102631 (Reference 6), is used in the industry.

Following the methodology described in EPRI Report TR-102631, for each of the two horizontal (north-south [N-S] and East-West [E-W]) and vertical components of input ground motion, the plane-wave coherency function pw (f, ) for hard rock described in Section 4 is used to construct a spatial coherency f

matrix [] for each frequency, j , j = 1, 2, 3, , m, selected for the SASSI response analysis. The set of f

frequencies j , j = 1, 2, 3, , m is designated as the SASSI calculated frequencies. The matrix [] to be constructed is generated for the spatial locations of the nodal points on the ground surface of the SASSI finite element model used to model the excavated soil/rock volume. Thus, the matrix [] is a function of f

frequency j only, i.e., [] = [ (fj)], since the spatial separations of the nodal-point locations have been explicitly represented by the elements in the matrix. Each coefficient in this matrix expresses the spatial coherency of the co-directional input ground motions at any two nodal points lying on each horizontal plane of the SASSI finite element mesh, which is used to model the excavated soil/rock volume that corresponds to the embedded portion of the NI structure complex below grade.

Since the coherency functions for characterizing the spatial coherency of seismic motions at different depths are not available, the coherency matrix [] = [(fj)] derived for motions on a horizontal ground surface is assumed to be the same for motions on all other horizontal planes at different depths. As a result of this assumption, motions for different horizontal planes at different depths are fully coherent with depth. That is, the variation of input ground motions with depth are fully correlated in the form of vertically propagating plane-wave motions that are derivable from the one-dimensional soil column site response analyses.

The coherency matrix [] = [ (fj)] is a symmetrical full matrix with real-valued matrix coefficients with the unit of power (motion-amplitude squared). To incorporate the incoherency of motion into the input ground motion vector for SSI analysis, the square root of the coherency matrix [ (fj)] is determined. To do this, the coherency matrix [] is decomposed into two identical but complimentary matrices so that their product gives the coherency matrix []. To achieve decomposition, it is convenient to decompose the 2

matrix [] for each calculated frequency fj into its eigenvalues (principal coherency wave-numbers), i ,


Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 and associated eigenvectors (principal coherency mode shapes), {i}, i = 1, 2, 3, ., n, where the number n is the total number of nodal points that lie on each horizontal plane of the finite element model mesh T 2 used to model the excavated soil/rock volume of the NI structural foundation below grade (i.e., [] = [] [ ]


[]). The matrix [] contains in its columns all eigen-vectors {i}, i = 1, 2, 3, ., n, and [] is the transpose 2 2 of []. The matrix [ ] is a diagonal matrix containing on its diagonal terms the eigen-values i , i = 1, 2, 3,

., n.

Since the eigenvectors of the coherency matrix [] are mutually orthogonal to each other, the square root of the coherency matrix [] can be expressed as the product of [] and [], in which the diagonal matrix []

contains on its diagonal terms the square root of the eigenvalues, namely, i. Due to orthogonality of the eigenvectors, construction of the spatially incoherent input ground motion vectors can be carried out independently for each principal coherency mode. In other words, the product i{i} for each principal coherency mode i, i = 1, 2, 3, ., n, can be used independently to modify the spatially coherent, co-directional input ground motion vector for each horizontal plane.

The assumption of vertically propagating plane waves for the coherent seismic input motion implies that the spatially coherent, co-directional, seismic input motions for each horizontal plane have identical motion amplitudes and phase angles. Using the product i{i} to modify the spatially coherent seismic input motions, the identical spatially coherent seismic input motion amplitudes on each horizontal plane are modified to their corresponding non-identical spatially incoherent seismic input motion amplitudes on each horizontal plane. This modification preserves the phase angles associated with the spatially coherent seismic input motions.

By modifying the spatially coherent seismic input motions using the product i{i} for each principal coherency mode, the SSI analysis for the spatially incoherent seismic input motions constructed for each principal coherency mode is carried out independently in the same manner as the SSI analysis for the conventional, spatially coherent, seismic input motion. The contributions to the SSI response parameters of interest from different principal coherency modes are then combined using the square-root-of-the-sum-of-squares (SRSS) combination rule, which implicitly assumes that the responses of all principal coherency modes are mutually statistically independent (i.e., the phase angles of all principal coherency modes are uncorrelated).

Correlation studies for validating the SSI analysis methodology with spatially incoherent seismic input motions developed as described above have been made as reported in EPRI Report TR-102631. These studies considered the problems of the SSI response of a flexible structure on a rigid base supported on the surface of an elastic halfspace that was subjected to excitation of a spatially incoherent (random) seismic input motion. These were the same problems studied by Luco and Mita with their analytical solutions (References 7 and 8). The results of the correlation studies, as published in the EPRI report (Reference 6), indicate that to capture the global SSI response due to spatially incoherent seismic input motions adequately, it is only necessary to include a few lower principal coherency modes of the coherency matrix. For each horizontal seismic input, only the first (horizontal translation) and second (twisting) modes are sufficient to capture the global SSI response of the problems studied due to the horizontal incoherent ground motion input. Likewise, for the vertical seismic input, only the first (vertical translation), second (rocking about one horizontal axis), and third (rocking about the other orthogonal horizontal axis) modes are sufficient to capture the global SSI response due to the vertical incoherent ground motion input.

For the incoherent SSI analysis to be carried out for the APR1400 NI structure complex, for each of the two horizontal directions, a minimum of two principal coherency modes, namely, the first (horizontal translation) and second (twisting about the vertical axis) modes, need to be included in the horizontal SSI analysis. For the vertical direction, a minimum of three principal coherency modes, namely, the first (vertical translation), second, and third (rocking about the two orthogonal horizontal axes) modes need to be included in the vertical SSI analysis. Additional parametric studies are to be carried out to demonstrate that inclusion of more principal coherency modes, in addition to those described previously, does not KEPCO & KHNP 3

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 change the SSI response significantly.

2.2 Site Response Analysis The procedure used for performing the free-field site response analysis is described below.

(1) Select the soil profile from Reference 9 consistent with the hard rock coherency functions considered.

(2) Perform two horizontal (H1H and H2H) site response analyses with equivalent linear iterations on non-linear soil properties using SHAKE (Reference 4 and 5) to determine strain-compatible soil properties. The H1H and H2H ground motion time histories for the SSE are input motion at El. 98-6 (ground surface). The shear-modulus-degradation and damping-value variation curves considered for rock are from Reference 4 and 5, and are shown in Table 2-1 and Figure 2-1.

(3) Compute the averaged strain-compatible soil properties by averaging the two horizontal strain-compatible soil properties obtained from SHAKE in Step (2) for use as horizontal free-field soil properties in the SASSI soil model for the SSI analysis.

(4) Using the averaged strain-compatible soils obtained from Step (3), perform horizontal (H1H and H2H) SHAKE analyses with no iterations on soil properties to determine horizontal free-field soil response motions at other elevations and transfer functions.

(5) For vertical site response analyses, use the low-strain compression wave velocities. If the low-strain compression wave velocity is less than 4800 fps, then 4800 fps is used since the groundwater table is at the surface (El. 98-6) unless this causes Poissons Ratio to exceed 0.48, in which case a compression wave velocity corresponding to a Poissons Ratio of 0.48 is used due to limitations in SASSI.

2.3 SSI Analysis Using the SSI analysis methodology and the associated modified SSI analysis computer program SASSI and the associated INCOH program module (Reference 6) for incorporating the spatial incoherence of seismic ground motion, the SSI analysis of the APR1400 NI structures incorporating effects of spatial incoherence of input ground motion is performed for each frequency selected for the SASSI analysis following the analysis steps described below:

(1) Based on the finite element mesh for the horizontal plane on the ground surface of the finite element model for the excavated soil/rock volume, generate the horizontal and vertical incoherent ground-motion coherency matrices using INCOH and the horizontal and vertical plane-wave coherency functions for hard rock sites as described in Section 4 of this report.

(2) Perform an eigenvalue analysis of each horizontal and vertical incoherent ground-motion coherency matrix using INCOH to generate the eigenvalues (principal coherency wave-2 numbers), i , and associated eigenvectors (principal coherency mode shapes), {i}, i = 1, 2, 3, .,

n; where n is the total number of nodal points on the horizontal plane on the ground surface of the finite element mesh used to model the excavated soil/rock volume.

(3) For each principal coherency mode i, compute the product i{i} and incorporate the product into the horizontal or vertical coherent ground-motion vector, as appropriate, for the n nodal points lying on each horizontal plane of the finite element mesh used in modeling the excavated soil/rock volume. This step generates an incoherent seismic input ground-motion vector for each principal coherency mode i to be included in the incoherent-motion SSI analysis, i = 1, 2,..., m, and m << n.


Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 (4) Using the incoherent ground-motion vector generated in Step (3) for each principal coherency mode i for each of the two horizontal or vertical seismic input ground motion, input the incoherent ground-motion load vector to ACS-SASSI to perform a horizontal or vertical SASSI analysis to generate the seismic response transfer functions for all seismic response parameters of interest. Such response parameters may include absolute accelerations, relative displacements, member forces and moments, and in-structure response spectral values, at all designated structure locations.

(5) For each principal coherency mode i included in the analysis of Step (4), perform convolution of the computed seismic response transfer functions with the Fourier spectrum of the prescribed HRHF response spectrum-compatible seismic input time history to generate corresponding frequency-response functions. The resulting frequency response functions are then inverse Fourier-transformed back to the time domain to produce the response time-histories.

(6) For each principal coherency mode i included in the analysis in Step (5), generate the maximum response values from the time histories of seismic response parameters of interest.

(7) For each seismic response parameter of interest, combine the maximum response contributions from all principal coherency modes included in the analysis using the SRSS combination rule.

Steps (3) through (6) described above need to be repeated as many times as the total number of principal coherency modes, m, included in the seismic SSI analysis. As described previously, the minimum number of modes included in the incoherency SSI analysis of the NI structures is seven, which include two (m = 2) for each of the horizontal N-S and E-W seismic inputs and three (m = 3) for the vertical seismic input.

For EDGB and DFOT room, SSI analyses are also performed on a combined finite element model of EDGB and DFOT room of APR1400 to determine the seismic responses resulting from the incoherent HRHF seismic input motion. For analyses considering incoherent ground motion effects, the hard rock coherency functions developed by Norm Abrahamson (Reference 5) and the SASSI-SRSS approach (Reference 29) are employed in generating ISRS using ACS-SASSI. The method involves calculation of transfer functions corresponding to each of the principal coherency modes, which are then combined using the SRSS rule. The final transfer function is then used to calculate the ISRS. Studies are performed to compare the ISRS generated using the SASSI-SRSS approach and the ISRS generated using the SASSI-INCOH approach to confirm that ISRS generated using both approach are very similar and comparable (Appendix C.4 of Reference 31). Case studies are performed to confirm adequacy of the number of frequencies and modes used for incoherent analyses and fifty principal modes of the coherency matrix are assumed to be sufficient.


Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3 SEISMIC INPUT In this section the seismic design spectra for the APR1400 and high frequency ground motion response spectra (GMRS) are described.

3.1 EPRI GMRS for CEUS Rock Sites Following the issuance of NRC RG 1.208 A Performance-Based Approach to Define the Site-Specific Earthquake Ground Motion in March 2007, EPRI undertook seismic hazard studies in 2008 and 2011 for the existing CEUS nuclear power plant sites.

The first EPRI study was documented in an EPRI report published in August 2008. This report, Assessment of Seismic Hazard at 34 U.S. Nuclear Power Plant Sites (Reference 10), presents the results of seismic hazard assessment for 34 existing U.S. nuclear power plant sites located in the CEUS.

The study was performed using the NRC RG 1.208 methodology and guidelines and incorporated the 1989 EPRI seismic source characterization model with updated seismic source characterization information through 2003. The 5%-damped GMRS for 28 of the 34 sites studied were computed and compared with the NRC RG 1.60 design response spectra anchored to a peak ground acceleration (PGA) value of 0.3g. The comparisons indicate that the GMRS for 7 of the 28 sites developed have GMRS exceeding the RG 1.60 design response spectra anchored to 0.3g in the high frequency range of 8 Hz to 50 Hz and higher.

The second EPRI study was documented in the EPRI report, Evaluation of Seismic Hazard at Central and Eastern US Nuclear Power Plant Sites" (Reference 11). This report presents the results of seismic hazard evaluations performed for 60 U.S. nuclear power plant sites located in CEUS. The 60 sites studied include the 34 sites that were studied in the first EPRI study (Reference 10). This study, like the first EPRI study in 2008, was performed using the methodology and guidelines of NRC RG 1.208 but instead of the 1989 EPRI seismic source characterization model used in the first study, it incorporated the updated 2008 U.S. Geological Survey seismic source characterization model (Reference 12).

The site-specific GMRS for all 60 sites were computed considering their site-specific site conditions. The 60 site conditions were categorized into five site categories, labelled Site 1 through Site 5. The 5%-

damped GMRS for all 60 sites were calculated again for each of the 60 sites by assuming that each site condition of all 60 sites was represented by one of the generic site categories (Sites 1 through 5) plus a hard rock category. The computed GMRS were then enveloped and the maximum (enveloped) and 0.95, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6, and 0.5 fractiles of the composite envelope spectra were computed. These spectra represent that, if any of the 5 generic site conditions (Sites 1 through 5 or rock) exists at a specific plant site, the 0.9-fractile composite envelop spectrum will encompass 90 percent of the GMRS computed for the 60 nuclear power plant sites studied. The maximum and fractile composite envelope spectra for the CEUS nuclear power plant sites developed in this study are useful for comparison with the CSDRS used for the standard plant design to assess the approximate percentage of sites in the CEUS that will be covered by the CSDRS.

The details of the CSDRS and the CSDRS-compatible design time histories are provided in the technical report APR1400-E-S-NR-14001-P (Reference 13).

3.2 HRHF Response Spectra for APR1400 In the second EPRI study (Reference 11) described above, the maximum and fractile GMRS for the 60 CEUS nuclear power plant sites were developed, assuming that they are all hard rock sites. These 5%-

damped maximum and fractile hard rock horizontal composite envelope GMRS are shown in Figure 3-1.

The fractile GMRS shown in Figure 3-1 provide a rational basis for determining a suitable HRHF response spectra for applicable to the APR1400. The APR1400 has selected a goal of 0.8-fratile for non-exceedance probability. Thus the 0.8-fractile horizontal composite envelope GMRS for the CEUS hard KEPCO & KHNP 6

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 rock sites is selected as the 5%-damped horizontal target HRHF response spectrum for application to the APR1400 standard plant design as shown in Figure 3-2.

The 5%-damped vertical target HRHF response spectrum is generated from the 5%-damped HRHF horizontal target response spectrum by multiplying the vertical/horizontal (V/H) ratios for CEUS rock sites recommended in NUREG/CR-6728 (Reference 14). The V/H ratios for the 0.2 to 0.5g range of the peak rock-outcrop horizontal acceleration are used. For all needed frequencies not listed in NUREG/CR-6728, the ratios used follow a log-log amplitude-frequency linear interpolation. The resulting 5%-damped vertical HRHF target response spectrum generated are plotted along with the 5%-damped HRHF horizontal target response spectrum in Figure 3-3.

The digitized values of the HRHF horizontal and vertical target response spectra are given in Table 3-1 and 3-2. The V/H ratios are given in Table 3-3 and plotted in Figure 3-4.

The horizontal HRHF response spectra for damping ratios other than 5% (namely, 2%, 3%, 7%, and 10%

damping ratios, which are not available from the EPRI study) are generated from the 5%-damped HRHF horizontal response spectrum by multiplying the 5%-damped spectral values by the spectral ratios for the CEUS rock sites given in Table 3-4 of Appendix C of SRP 3.7.1 (Reference 15). For spectral frequencies not listed in Table 3-4 of this report, the ratios that were used follow a log-log amplitude-frequency linear interpolation. The horizontal HRHF response spectrum for a 4% damping ratio, for which the spectral ratios are not available in Table 3-4 of this report, is generated by interpolating between the spectral values for 3% and 5% damping ratios on a log scale for the damping ratio and a linear scale for the spectral acceleration.

The vertical HRHF response spectra for 2%, 3%, 4%, 7%, and 10% damping ratios are generated by multiplying the V/H ratios for the CEUS rock site conditions given in Table 3-3 by the corresponding HRHF horizontal response spectra.

The resulting horizontal and vertical HRHF response spectra for 2%, 3%, 4%, 5%, 7%, and 10% damping ratios developed in the manner described above are shown in Figures 3-5 and 3-6, respectively. The spectrum curves shown in these two figures are the HRHF horizontal and vertical response spectra selected for the APR1400. The numerical values of the HRHF horizontal and vertical response spectra selected are listed in Tables A-1 and A-2 in Appendix A of this report.

Comparisons of the HRHF response spectra with the CSDRS for 5% damping are shown in Figures 3-7 and 3-8 for the horizontal and vertical directions, respectively.

3.3 Generation of HRHF Response-spectrum-compatible Time Histories The basic guidelines and criteria to be used for generating a set of three-component design time histories compatible with the HRHF target response spectra follow the guidelines and criteria in NRC SRP Section 3.7.1, for Option 1 ("single time history option"). Since the HRHF response-spectrum-compatible design time histories are to be used for the evaluation of the APR1400 standard plant design, which involves the plant SSCs with different damping ratios, the recommended approach for generating the spectrum-compatible design time history is Option 1, Approach 1. The requirements of Option 1, Approach 1, are summarized below.

3.3.1 Ground Motion Time Histories The guidelines and criteria in SRP Section 3.7.1, for Option 1, Approach 1, and the desirable spectrum-compatible design time histories are as follows:

(1) Design time histories to be generated are based on recorded seed motion time histories.


Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 (2) The set of time histories should consist of time histories in three mutually orthogonal directions -

two horizontal and one vertical.

(3) The time interval of time history digitization, t, shall be less than 1/(2 fn) where fn is the highest frequency of interest. For the APR1400, the interval of time history digitization shall be 0.005 second, which corresponds to a fn of 100 Hz.

(4) The minimum acceptable strong-motion duration, which is defined as the time required for the Arias Intensity to rise from 5 to 75 percent, should be 6 seconds.

(5) The three time histories (two horizontal and one vertical) shall be statistically independent from one another. The criterion for statistical independence shall be based on the cross-correlation coefficients computed for any pairs of time histories and these calculated coefficients shall be less than 0.16.

3.3.2 Response Spectrum and Power Spectral Density Enveloping Requirements In accordance with the guidelines and criteria for Option 1 Approach 1, the response spectrum and power spectral density (PSD) enveloping requirements for design time histories are as follows:

(1) The response spectra from the time history must envelop the target HRHF response spectra for all damping values used in the seismic response analysis.

(2) For each applicable damping value, the response spectrum of the time history shall envelop the target response spectrum with no more than five points falling below the target spectrum by no more than 10 percent of the target spectral values.

(3) In checking spectrum-enveloping, the set of frequencies at which the response spectra are to be calculated shall be the standard set of 92 frequencies from 0.2 Hz to 80 Hz as specified in SRP 3.7.1 Table 3.7.1-1.

(4) The PSD of the time history shall adequately match a target PSD, which is compatible with the target design response spectra. For design response spectra other than the NRC RG 1.60 response spectra, the response spectrum-compatible target PSDs should be generated. In generating the target PSDs, the guidelines and procedures provided in Appendix B to SRP 3.7.1 can be used.

(5) The time history PSDF shall generally envelop the minimum required target PSD, which is set at 80 percent of the target PSD, in the frequency range between 0.3 Hz and 80 Hz.

3.3.3 Selection of Initial Seed Motion Time Histories To comply with the SRP 3.7.1 guidelines, design time histories should be generated from the recorded, actual earthquake ground motion called seed motion. The selection guidelines of a set of recorded time histories to be used as the seed motion for the generation of the HRHF response spectrum-compatible design time histories are follows:

(1) The three component seed motion time histories, two horizontal and one vertical, should come from the same earthquake event and recording station.

(2) The scaled seed motions should provide a reasonably close match to the target response spectra over the amplified frequency range of the target response spectra to select seed motions that require the least amount of modifications to match the target spectra.


Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 (3) The seed motions should have a reasonable duration of 20 seconds and a strong-motion duration greater than 6 seconds as characterized by and Arias Intensity from 5 to 75 percent.

Long-duration seed motions can be truncated to duration of between 20 and 24 seconds.

(4) The seed motions with a PGA value greater than 0.10g are more desirable because they require a scale factor of less than 3.0 to bring them to the 0.3g target PGA value.

(5) Seed motions from an earthquake of magnitude M greater than or equal to 6.5 and less than or equal to 7.3 are more desirable because they tend to generate motions that are sufficiently strong.

(6) Seed motions at recording sites at a distance greater than or equal to 10 but less than or equal to 50 km from the earthquake epicenter are more desirable because they contain distinctive phases of P and S waves and have sufficiently high PGA amplitudes greater than 0.1 g.

(7) Seed motions with broadband and high frequency motion contents are more desirable than those having narrow-band and low frequency motion contents.

(8) Recorded motions from the CEUS rock sites, when available, are more desirable than recorded motions from the CEUS soil sites or western United States (WUS) soil or rock sites because they should have more high frequency motion contents.

(9) The cross-correlation coefficient computed for any pair of the three component time histories of seed motions should be less than 0.16. The modification of seed motion time histories to match the target spectra generally does not change cross-correlation coefficients of the seed motion significantly.

For generation of the horizontal and vertical HRHF response spectrum-compatible time histories, the initial seed motion time histories are selected from the catalog of recorded actual earthquake ground motion time histories for the CEUS rock sites presented in Appendix B of NUREG/CR 6728 (Reference 14).

Based on the selection guidelines described above, a set of three component earthquake motion time histories from magnitude 6.8 Nahanni, Canada, earthquake of December 23, 1985 recorded at Station #3, Mackenzie, Northwest Territories, Canada, is selected as the initial seed time histories. This recording is selected from the catalog of NRC time histories presented on Page B-50 of Appendix B in NUREG/CR 6728. The recording station is located about 16 km from the epicenter of the earthquake. The digitized data of the recording are obtained from the center for engineering strong motion data (CESMD) website (Reference 17). The recorded motion consists of time histories for two horizontal (designated as 270 and 360) and one vertical (designated as VT) components. The digitized data of the recorded time history of each component have 3,819 points digitized at 0.005-second time increments giving a total record duration of 19.09 seconds. The plots of acceleration and integrated velocity and displacement time histories of the recorded motion for each component are shown in Figures 3-9 through 3-11 for the 270, 360, and VT components, respectively.

Comparisons of the time history response spectra for the recorded motion scaled to the target PGA value of 0.46g and the corresponding APR1400 HRHF horizontal and vertical target response spectra are shown in Figures 3-12 through 3-14 for the 270, 360, and VT components, respectively. As shown in these comparisons, the recorded time histories scaled to the target PGA value of 0.46g have time history response spectra match the target response spectra over a relatively wide frequency band.

3.4 Method for Generation Spectrum-compatible Time Histories Two methods have generally been adopted for the generation of response-spectrum-compatible time KEPCO & KHNP 9

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 histories: (a) the time domain time history adjustment method and (b) the frequency domain time history adjustment method. To generate a time history that is compatible with a set of multiple damping target response spectra based on a recorded actual earthquake seed motion time history, the time domain time history adjustment method is usually adopted because it preserves the motion characteristics of the recorded seed motion.

3.4.1 Analytical Background The method for generating a design time history with response spectra closely matching a family of target response spectra of multiple damping values is the time domain time history adjustment method. This method was originally developed by Kaul (Reference 20) for matching a single damping target spectrum.

It was extended later by Lilhanand and Tseng (References 21 and 22) for matching multiple damping target response spectra. The extended method by Lilhanand and Tseng is implemented into the computer program SYNQKE-R, PC Version 1.0 (Reference 23).

The time domain time history generation method begins with the use of an appropriately selected initial seed motion time history. The seed motion time history is selected to be consistent with the pertinent earthquake source, path, site parameters and the guidelines described previously in Section 3.3.2.

Using the time domain time history generation method, the initial time history is modified (adjusted) in an iterative manner to match the time history response spectral values to the target spectral values within a prescribed tolerance. For each selected frequency for which the spectral values of multiple damping are to be matched, only localized adjustment with a wavelet is made to the time history over a short duration centered around the time when the maximum (i.e., spectral) response values occur. As a result, the iterative time history modifications produce not only a close match to the target response spectra but also only small localized perturbations to the initial time history; thus, the final modified time history closely resembles the motion characteristics of the initial seed time history.

3.4.2 Analytical Procedure For generating a set of three component design time histories matching the APR1400 HRHF target response spectra, the recommended seed motion time histories recorded from the 1985 Nahanni, Canada, earthquake, as described in Section 3.3.3 are to be used as the initial set of time histories.

These initial time histories are first adjusted by (a) scaling to have a maximum acceleration of 0.46g, (b) adding trailing zeros to make the time histories with 4,096 points with a total duration of 20.475 seconds, and (c) modulating the time histories by an intensity envelope function, g(t) as shown in Figure 3-15. The adjusted initial time histories are then used for time history modifications using the computer program SYNQKE-R.

The SYNQKE-R adjusts the initial time history by automated iterations. For each cycle of iteration, the time history response spectra are compared with the target response spectra of corresponding damping values and the necessary time history adjustments to achieve spectrum-matching for the cycle are automatically solved. By repeating this iteration process and constantly monitoring the convergence to within the SRP spectrum-enveloping guidelines, a final modified time history that which has response spectra closely matching with the target multiple damping response spectra and satisfying the SRP spectrum-enveloping guidelines is obtained.

The final modified acceleration time histories, H1H, H2H, and VTH, are integrated to obtain their integrated velocity and displacement time histories. From these results, baseline corrections are performed, as necessary, to minimize the residual velocity and displacement values and, at the same time, produce the desirable time history intensity envelopes and integrated maximum velocity (V) and displacement (D) values, giving the baseline-corrected acceleration time histories.

Time history response spectra of the baseline-corrected time histories are then computed and compared with the target spectra to provide reasonable assurance that the SRP spectrum-enveloping guidelines are KEPCO & KHNP 10

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 still satisfied; otherwise, further time history modifications and baseline corrections are performed until the guidelines are satisfied.

3.5 Developing HRHF Response Spectrum-compatible PSDs To check the adequacy of the power spectral density (PSD) of each generated response spectrum-compatible time history, horizontal and vertical target PSDs that are compatible with the horizontal and vertical HRHF target response spectra for the APR1400 are needed. The development of the horizontal and vertical target PSDs compatible with the APR1400 horizontal and vertical HRHF response spectra is described below.

3.5.1 HRHF Response Spectrum-compatible Target PSDs The development of the APR1400-HRHF response spectrum-compatible target PSDs in the frequency range of 0.3 to 80 Hz, the time history simulation method described in NUREG/CR-5347 (Reference 24) is used. Applying this method for developing the target PSD involves the following steps:

(1) Initial target PSDs compatible with the APR1400 HRHF response spectra are developed from the 2%-damped APR1400 HRHF response spectra using a PSD-to-response spectrum peak factor, as a function of frequency developed from the random vibration theory. The peak factor, which relates the target PSD value to the 2%-damped target response spectral value, is a function of frequency and non-exceedance probability of the target response spectra. The initial time history is then modified iteratively by adjusting the initial time history PSD at each frequency using the square of the ratio of the 2%-damped time history response spectral value to the 2%-

damped target response spectral value. In this step, the computer program SIMQKE (Reference

25) developed by Gasparini, D. A. and Vanmarcke, E. H., at Department of Civil Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Publication No. R76-4, November 1976 is utilized to obtain the initial target PSDs compatible with the APR1400 HRHF response spectra.

(2) Using the initial target PSDs developed in Step (1), the computer program SIMQKE, which implements the procedure in Equations (7), (8), and (9) of Appendix B of NUREG/CR-5347, is utilized to generate an ensemble of 30 time histories, each of which has the same initial target PSDs developed in Step (1) and a randomly phase angle sampled between 0 and 2, for each of APR1400 HRHF response spectra. An ensemble of 30 artificial time histories is generated using a frequency domain response spectrum-compatible time history generation method developed by Gasparini and Vanmarcke and implemented in SIMQKE (Reference 25). Each time history 30 time history ensemble has a total duration of 20.475 seconds and is modulated by the intensity envelope function shown in Figure 3-15. Each time history generated has a 2%-

damped time history response spectrum compatible with the 2%-damped horizontal APR1400 HRHF response spectra.

The 2%-damped time history response spectra for the ensemble of 30 artificial time histories are computed based on which 2%-damped ensemble-median time history response spectrum is derived. This spectrum for the ensemble of 30 artificial time histories is shown in Figure 3-16 for the horizontal motion and in Figure 3-17 for the vertical motion. The 2%-damped horizontal and vertical ensemble-median time history response spectra are then compared with the 2%-

damped horizontal and vertical target HRHF response spectra. These comparisons are shown in Figures 3-18 and 3-19.

As indicated in Figures 3-18 and 3-19, the ensemble-median time history response spectra derived from the generated horizontal and vertical 30 time history ensembles compared closely with the horizontal and vertical target horizontal and vertical APR1400 HRHF response spectra.

The good comparisons indicate that the ensembles of the 30 generated time histories are compatible with the horizontal and vertical target HRHF response spectra and are therefore KEPCO & KHNP 11

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 representative time history ensembles from which the target PSDs compatible with the horizontal and vertical target APR1400 HRHF response spectra can be developed.

(3) The PSD of each individual time history in each 30 time history ensemble is computed. Because each time history in the ensemble is intensity modulated and is therefore a non-stationary motion, an equivalent stationary duration for the motion must be determined for use in computing the PSD of the individual time history. The PSDs computed for the 30 time history ensemble are shown in Figure 3-20 for the horizontal motion and in Figure 3-21 for the vertical motion.

(4) The ensemble-average or ensemble-mean PSDs obtained from the horizontal and vertical 30 time history PSDs computed in Step (2) and shown in Figures 3-20 and 3-21 are smoothed in accordance with the PSD smoothing procedure recommended in NUREG/CR-5347 (Reference 24). To simplify the representation of the target PSDs shown in Figures 3-20 and 3-21, the smoothed ensemble-mean PSDs obtained from the PSDs of the 30 time history ensembles are segmentally smoothed using log-log amplitude frequency linear functions for seven frequency bands, namely, (a) 0.3 < f 1.5 Hz, (b) 1.5 < f 4.0 Hz, (c) 4.0 < f 19 Hz, (d) 19 < f 40 Hz, (e) 40 < f 55 Hz, (f) 55 < f 70 Hz, and (g) 70 < f 80 Hz.

The resulting horizontal and vertical, piecewise log-log linear, ensemble-mean PSDs generated for the seven frequency bands are the target PSDs compatible with the APR1400 HRHF horizontal and vertical response spectra for the frequency range 0.3 f 80 Hz and are tabulated in Tables 3-7 and 3-8. The smoothed ensemble-mean PSDs and the piecewise log-log linear smoothed PSDs are shown in Figures 3-22 and 3-23 for the horizontal and vertical motions, respectively. The horizontal target PSD is compared with the PSDs for the CEUS rock sites for magnitudes of 6 to 7 with epicentral distances of R = 0 to 100 km as given in Table 1 of SRP 3.7.1, Appendix B, in Figure 3-24. As shown in this figure, the horizontal target PSD generated to be compatible with the APR1400 HRHF horizontal response spectra envelops the PSDs given in Table 1 in SRP 3.7.1, Appendix B, for magnitudes of M = 6 to 7 and epicentral distances of R = 0 to 100 km.

The target PSDs given in Tables 3-7 and 3-8, which are designated in this report as SH (f) and SV (f),

respectively, are the target PSDs for checking adequacy of the PSDs as functions of frequency of the generated horizontal and vertical HRHF response spectrum-compatible design time histories.

3.5.2 Minimum Required Target PSDs The minimum required horizontal and vertical target PSDs, designated as S H (f) and S V (f), for checking power adequacy of the horizontal and vertical time histories are obtained as 80 percent of the target PSD, SH (f) and SV (f), given in Section 3.5.1:

(f) = 0.8 x SH (f); (f) = 0.8 x SV (f) (3-1)

The horizontal and vertical target and minimum required target PSDs are shown in Figures 3-25 and 3-26.

The minimum required target PSDs shown in these figures are used to compare the PSDs of the generated horizontal and vertical HRHF response spectrum-compatible time histories to demonstrate adequacy in power density contents.

3.5.3 Calculation of Time History PSDs To obtain the PSDs of the generated spectrum-compatible time histories for comparison with the minimum required horizontal and vertical target PSDs, the following calculation steps are used for each acceleration time history ai(t), i= H1H, H2H, VTH.


Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 (1) Calculate the (equivalent stationary) strong-motion duration _ for the time history ai(t) using the following equations:

= 0 2 (); i = H1H, H2H, VTH (3-2) 2 1

_ = (3-3) 2 1 Where P1 and P2, P1 < P2, are the ratio of the cumulative energies 1 and 2 to the total cumulative energy of the entire time history; and where 1 and 2 , 1 < 2 , are the times at which the ratios P1 and P2 are reached. The ratios P1 and P2, and the corresponding over the duration = 2 1 can best be fitted by a straight line (i.e., constant energy buildup) having a constant slope = 2 1 /(2 1 ). The equivalent stationary duration _ for the entire time history as determined from Eq. (3-3) is the duration over which the total energy of the time history is built up from P1=0% to p2=100% with the constant slope S.

This procedure of calculating _ is illustrated in Figure 3-27.

(2) Compute the one-sided PSD, Si(f) of the time history ai(t) using the following equations:

2l ()l2

() = (3-4)

Where l ()l is the amplitude of the Fourier spectrum obtained from the following equation:

() = 0 () 2 (3-5)

Where Ti is the total duration of the time history ai(t).

This discrete form of the mathematical Equation (3-5) is computed using the following discrete equation:

2( )

() = 1 =0 (3-6) 2 Where = = 2 =  ; = 0, 1, , /2 and t = , = 0, 1, , 1.


(3) Smooth the time history PSD Si(f) using the moving average technique over a +/-20 percent frequency bandwidth centered at the frequency f, in accordance with the guidelines in NUREG/CR-5347 (Reference 24), to give the smoothed time history PSD ().

The smoothed time history PSD, (), obtained from step (c) above is then compared with the minimum required target PSD, (), to check the adequacy of the power content of the generated time history.

3.6 Generation Results The acceleration time histories generated using the procedure described in Section 3.4 consist of two horizontal (H1H and H2H) and one vertical (VTH) components. Time histories H1H, H2H, and VTH are applied in the horizontal E-W, horizontal N-S, and vertical directions, respectively. The time interval of time history digitization, t, is 0.005 second, which corresponds to the highest frequency of interest of 100 Hz.

The horizontal H1H acceleration time history is plotted along with the integrated velocity and KEPCO & KHNP 13

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 displacement time histories in Figure 3-28. The comparison of the time history response spectra with the corresponding horizontal target HRHF response spectra for the corresponding damping values are shown in Figure 3-29. Similar results for the horizontal H2H time history are shown in Figures 3-30 and 3-31.

Similar results for the vertical time history VTH are shown in Figures 3-32 and 3-33.

To show the statistical independence of the set of time histories, the cross-correlation coefficients of pairs of the HRHF response spectrum-compatible time histories are given in Table 3-10. The values all are below 0.16, thus satisfying the SRP Section 3.7.1 (Reference 15) threshold for statistical independence.


Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 4 GROUND MOTION COHERENCY FUNCTIONS Spatial coherency, or simply coherency, of ground motion, designated with the symbol , is a measure of the degree of cross-correlation (similarity) between the two motions within a specific frequency band. It is defined mathematically as the normalized cross-power spectral density function of frequency (f) of co-directional ground motion time histories at two stations on a horizontal ground surface separated by a distance . Thus, coherency is a function of motion frequency f and separation distance between two stations on the horizontal ground surface (i.e., (, )). The function (f, ) is by definition a complex-valued function whose complex conjugate is anti-symmetrical with respect to the origin (f, ) = (0,

0) (i.e., the function (f, ) is a Hermitian function).

Coherency function has and amplitude l (f, ) l varying between 0 and 1. For the extreme case in which the coherency is 0 at all frequencies, the co-directional motions at the two ground surface stations are statistically independent from each other. For the other extreme case in thich the coherency a the value equal to 1 at all frequencies, the co-directional motions at the two ground stations are completely correlated (i.e., the two motions are identical to each other except by a scalar factor).

The empirical coherency functions for characterizing spatial coherency of seismic ground motions are derived from statistical analyses of amplitudes of coherency functions computed from earthquake data recorded from many instrument arrays and from many recordings of past earthquakes. Such functions reflect the statistical averages of the amplitudes of coherency functions derived from the recorded instrument-array data. Thus, the empirical coherency functions derived from statistical analyses of recorded earthquake data are real-valued functions of frequency and distance.

The coherency functions generally used for characterizing spatial coherence (or incoherence) of co-directional free field seismic motions at any two stations on the ground surface of hard rock sites are empirically derived, horizontal and vertical, plane-wave coherency functions, designated by the symbol pw (f, ). These coherency functions were developed by Abrahamson based on the recorded Pinyon Flat array data and published in the EPRI report Hard-Rock Coherency Functions Based on the Pinyon Flat Array Data, (Reference 26). In accordance with the guidance of ISG-01 (Reference 27), these coherency functions are acceptable to the NRC for application to hard rock sites. The mathematical expressions of these horizontal and vertical plane-wave coherency functions for hard rock are tabulated in Tables 4-1 and 4-2, respectively. The amplitudes of these functions, plotted as functions of frequency f and separation distance , are shown in Figure 4-1 for both the horizontal and vertical components of ground motion.


Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 5 ANALYSIS RESULTS In this section, results of incoherent-input-motion SSI analysis performed for the seismic input motion of the HRHF response spectra are discussed (Reference 28 and 31).

5.1 Site Response Analysis For the APR1400 NI structures and EDGB/DFOT room, the incoherent-input-motion SSI analysis with the HRHF-response-spectra-compatible seismic input motion is performed for the generic hard rock sites.

The shear-wave-velocity profile of the Pinyon Flat Array site (the recorded data of this site provide the bases for developing the coherency functions for hard rock sites) is shown in Figure 5-1. Excluding the 5-m-thick softer surface layers, one can find from this shear-wave-velocity profile that the site has an average shear wave velocity of about 5,000 ft/sec for the top 50-m depth and about 9,800 ft/sec below the depth of 50 m.

Of the eight (8) generic site-shear-wave-velocity profiles S1 through S4 and S6 through S9 selected for design of the APR1400, the site profiles that can be classified as hard rock sites that have shear-wave-velocity profiles of the order or higher than that of the Pinyon Flat Array site are S8 and S9. Both S8 and S9 have site shear-wave-velocity profiles of the same order as the profile of Pinyon Flat site, as shown in Figure 5-2. For the site profile S8, the depth of bedrock where the rock shear-wave velocity (Vs) equal to 9,200 ft/sec is reached is at the depth of 61 m (200 ft). Whereas for S9, the bedrock where Vs = 9,200 ft/sec is reached is at the depth of 30.5 m (100 ft).

The horizontal site response analyses performed for S8 and S9 give the horizontal site response amplification (transfer) functions from the bedrock where Vs = 9,200 ft/sec to the ground surface, as shown in Figures 5-3 and 5-4, respectively. Comparing the site response transfer functions shown in Figures 5-3 and 5-4 with the horizontal HRHF response spectra shown in Figure 3-2, one can readily see that the generic site profile S9, which has the peak amplification of the site at higher frequency, is more critical when subjected to the horizontal HRHF seismic input motion than the site profile S8. Thus, from the controlling-seismic-response-motion-point-of-view, site profile S9 is the controlling case for the incoherent-motion SSI analysis performed with the HRHF- response-spectra-compatible seismic input motion input. Thus, the incoherent-motion SSI analysis of the APR1400 NI structures and EDGB/DFOT room, subjected to the seismic input of APR1400 HRHF-response-spectra-compatible seismic input motion, is performed for the generic S9 site profile. The soil layers, and their associated properties, used in the SSI model for HRHF seismic input motions are presented in Table 5-1.

5.2 INCOH Analysis Results The INCOH program module computes the coherency matrix of the finite element mesh of the excavated soil volume on the ground surface and performs an eigenvalue analysis of the coherency matrix for each selected frequency for the SASSI analysis. Tables 5-2 and 5-3 present INCOH analysis results in terms of the eigenvalues and the participation factors of the first 15 principal coherency modes for selected representative frequencies 1, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50, Hz. The participation factors shown in these tables are defined as, for mode j:

Zj = j x [ i ] ² i=1, 2 number of nodes XXj = j x [ i (Yi-Yo) ] ² i=1, 2 number of nodes YYj = j x [ i (Xi-Xo) ] ² i=1, 2 number of nodes ZZj = XXj + YYj KEPCO & KHNP 16

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3

= square root of eigenvalues

= eigenvector (Xo, Yo) = (0.0, 0.0) (center of RCB)

The participation factors shown for each principal coherency mode are a measure of contribution of each principal coherency mode to the horizontal or vertical translation (Zj) and torsion (ZZj about the vertical Z-axis) or rocking (XXj for rocking about the X-axis or YYj for rocking about the Y-axis) rotation of the foundation.

Based on the INCOH principal coherency mode-shape plots, Mode 1 is a translational mode in X, Y, or Z direction. Modes 2 and 3 are torsional modes (when applied to the horizontal analysis) or are rocking modes (when applied to the vertical analysis). The mode-shape plot for each mode also shows the amount of spatial distortion in the mode shape, which increases as the frequency increases.

5.3 SSI Analysis The incoherent-motion SSI analysis is performed using the methodology described in Section 2. Table 5-4 lists the SASSI calculated frequencies, i.e., the frequencies selected, for the incoherent-motion SSI analysis of the APR1400 NI structures.

5.4 Comparison of Incoherent-motion SSI Analysis Results Using 7 and 12 Modes Comparison of incoherent-input-motion SSI analysis results obtained from the SRSS of the responses of Modes 1-7 versus the results of the SRSS of the responses of Modes 1-12 are provided in Appendix B.

5.5 Comparison of ISRS Based on CSDRS and HRHF Response Spectra To show the significance of the HRHF response spectra, the seismic responses resulting from the coherent CSDRS compatible seismic input motion and the corresponding responses resulting from the incoherent HRHF-response-spectra compatible seismic input motion are compared. Figures 5-5 through 5-17 show such comparisons of the 5%-damped ISRS generated at a number of locations in the NI structures. As shown in these comparisons, there are some exceedances of the CSDRS-based ISRS, most of the exceedances occur in the frequency range above 10 Hz. The comparisons shown in Figures 5-5 through 5-17 are typical of the response comparisons found throughout the NI structures.

Figures 5-18 through 5-23 provide broadened (+/- 15%) ISRS from the coherent CSDRS, coherent and incoherent HRHF response spectra for the 5% spectral damping. The calculation procedures for the ISRS from the CSDRS and the HRHF seismic input motion can be found in References 30 and 31, respectively.

ISRS plots of the walls are compared for each of the three direction (E-W, N-S, and vertical), whereas those of the slabs are compared for the vertical direction only. As shown in these comparisons, there are some exceedances of the CSDRS-based ISRS, and most of the exceedances occur in the frequency range above 10~20 Hz.

The exceedances of CSDRS-based ISRS by HRHF-based ISRS are addressed in this report as part of the sampling evaluation to confirm that high frequency seismic response has a marginal effect on the equivalent piping, and structures qualified by analysis for ISRS developed from the APR1400 CSDRS seismic input.

5.6 Convergence of Coherency Mode Expansion Additional incoherence SSI analyses are performed for the additional coherency Modes 13 through 16 to demonstrate the convergence of results and to provide the technical justification for the selection of the KEPCO & KHNP 17

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 appropriate number of modes to be used to capture the incoherent-motion and structural responses. A supplementary study is performed in advance to confirm that the accumulative effect of spatial coherency modes higher than the 16 modes is insignificant. More details about the spatial coherency mode expansion convergence are provided in Appendix C.


Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 6 EVALUATION This section describes the results of evaluations of the SSCs subjected to the seismic response demands of the HRHF response spectra. The HRHF response spectra for the following SSCs are evaluated:

  • Building structures

- RCB internal structure

- RCB containment structure

- Auxiliary building

- EDGB/DFOT room

- Reactor vessel internals and core

- Reactor coolant system supports

- Reactor coolant system component nozzles and loop pipings

  • Piping systems
  • Safety-related equipment 6.1 Building Structures Maintaining the structural integrity of the NI buildings is important to plant safety. The RCB internal structure, RCB containment structure and auxiliary building are evaluated for the effect of high frequency input ground motion.

The evaluation consists of comparisons of the responses from high frequency input ground motion to those obtained from the APR1400 CSDRS for the building structures.

The comparisons are performed to demonstrate that seismic responses from the CSDRS envelop those from the high frequency input motion. The NI structures are considered to be qualified for the high frequency input ground motion if the seismic responses from the CSDRS envelop those from the high frequency input motion.

To evaluate an effect on the RCB internal structures (i.e., PSW, IRWST, and SSW), seismic forces and moments of these structures are compared as shown in Tables 6-1, 6-2, and 6-3. Although the comparisons of forces and moments from high frequency input motion are greater than the CSDRS, the design results of the RCB internal structures are not affected by the seismic responses from the HRHF seismic input. Since the design margin of the RCB internal structures for CSDRS input motion covers the exceeded forces and moments, the arrangements of rebar are not changed due to seismic responses from the HRHF seismic input. The maximum stress of the rebar in the RCB internal structures occurs at the SSW, and the value is 51.49 ksi which is less than the allowable stress of 54 ksi.

Comparisons of the RCB containment structures are presented in Table 6-4. The comparisons of the containment structures show that seismic forces and moments resulting from the CSDRS input motion are greater than forces and moments obtained from high frequency input ground motion.


Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Equivalent accelerations of auxiliary building to seismic response story forces are evaluated for comparison of equivalent accelerations from the CSDRS and HRHF response spectra. The comparisons for the auxiliary building are presented in Table 6-5. Equivalent accelerations from CSDRS input ground motion envelop those from the HRHF except the vertical acceleration of Fuel Handling Area 3 (El. 195'-0" to 213'-0"). The effect due to the increment of equivalent acceleration in the global z direction can be absorbed in the design of the shear walls because each wall member has stiffness enough to resist the additional seismic load due to high frequency seismic input in the axial direction.

Equivalent accelerations of EDGB/DFOT room are also compared in Table 6-6 for the CSDRS and HRHF response spectra. Although some of the equivalent accelerations from HRHF input motion are greater than those from the CSDRS, the design results of the EDGB are not affected by the seismic responses from the HRHF seismic input. Since the provided reinforcement of the EDGB for the CSDRS is greater than the required reinforcement for the HRHF, the arrangements of rebar are not changed. The design critical section which has a lowest provided/required rebar ratio of 1.10 occurs at EL. 100'-0 to 135'-0

center wall of the EDGB due to the CSDRS seismic input. The critical section location is maintained for the HRHF seismic input and the provided/required rebar ratio is 1.02 which is still greater than the design limit of 1.00.

6.2 Reactor Coolant System The reactor vessel internals (RVI) support the core which is important to safety. The RVI consists of complicated components whose natural frequencies are in the relatively high frequency range. The RCS component supports are evaluated because they provide the support for the RCS components to maintain their intended safety-related functions. The nozzles are evaluated because piping failures generally occur at high stress locations such as at nozzles of a component and they represent the sensitivity of the reactor coolant loop piping to high frequency excitation. For selected items, the HRHF response is evaluated by comparing the design loads with the loads obtained from the HRHF incoherent analysis. It is concluded that the supports, nozzles, and loop pipings are acceptable for the HRHF seismic loads if the design loads from the CSDRS envelop those from the HRHF input ground motion.

6.2.1 Reactor Vessel Internals and Core The RVI and core were selected because they are important to safety and their analyses are representative of major primary components. Because the natural frequencies of the RVI components are in the relatively high frequency range, the RVI may be sensitive to high frequency excitation.

Detailed analyses were performed to obtain the responses of the RVI and core to HRHF loads. The RVI HRHF analysis was done using the HRHF excitation of the reactor vessel (RV) obtained from the response of the RCB and RCS to HRHF loads. Then, the response of the core was calculated using the detailed core model and the core plate motion obtained from the RVI analysis.

The time history analyses of the RVI and core were performed for each HRHF mode, and the responses of all modes were combined for the resultant response. The maximum response of each mode was used for the combination. The broadening of the input excitation was also considered for the RVI and core analyses by frequency variation as implemented for the CSDRS loads.

The RVI resultant responses of HRHF loads were compared with those of the CSDRS loads. Most forces and moments of the RVI components for HRHF loads were calculated to be less than those for the CSDRS loads. It was already determined that the structural integrities of the RVI and core are maintained for the CSDRS loads. The evaluations were performed for RVI components such as the core support barrel flange and cylinder because the forces and moments on the components from HRHF loads exceeded those from CSDRS loads. The results of the evaluations showed that the increases in component loads due to HRHF loads were insignificant for the structural integrity of the components.


Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 The core resultant responses of HRHF loads were compared with those of the CSDRS loads. The resultant responses for the comparison were grid impact forces. Since the natural frequency of the fuel assembly is in the relatively low range, the core responses for the HRHF loads were predicted to be less than those of the CSDRS loads. The resultant grid impact forces of the HRHF loads were calculated to be less than those of the CSDRS loads. No grid impact of the fuel assemblies occurs for all the modes except the first mode.

Therefore, the effects of HRHF loads on the structural integrity of the RVI and core are insignificant.

6.2.2 RCS Component Supports, Nozzles, and Loop Pipings The RCS structural supports support RCS components during normal operation and transients and during SSE and design basis accident conditions. RCS component supports are necessary to preserve the safety function of the RCS components. The arrangement of the RCS, including acronyms of the components, is shown in Figure 6-1. A comparison of the support loads on the RCS supports is provided in Table 6-7. The design loads for the RCS supports and nozzles are bounding at all locations.

The RV is supported by four vertical columns located under the vessel inlet nozzles. The columns are designed to be flexible in the horizontal direction to allow horizontal thermal expansion during heat-up and cool-down. They also support the reactor vessel in the vertical direction.

The steam generator (SG) is supported at the bottom by a sliding base bolted to an integrally attached conical skirt. The sliding base rests on low friction bearings, which allows unrestrained thermal expansion of the RCS. Two keyways in the sliding base mate with embedded keys to guide the movement of the steam generator during expansion and contraction of the RCS and to limit the movement of the bottom of the steam generator during SSE and branch line pipe break (BLPB) events.

The reactor coolant pump (RCP) supports consist of four vertical columns, four horizontal columns and two horizontal snubbers.

The pressurizer (PZR) is supported by a cylindrical skirt which is welded to the pressurizer and bolted to the building structure. Four keys welded to the upper shell of the pressurizer provide additional restraint for an SSE, pressurizer pilot-operated safety and relief valve (POSRV) actuation and BLPB conditions.

The component supports of the RCS are shown in Figure 6-2.

The RCS component nozzles of the RV, SG, and RCP are included in the evaluation since a component nozzle has greater potential for failure than at other locations and the cold leg, hot leg, and crossover leg are relatively sensitive to high frequencies when compared with other components.

The locations and acronyms of the RCS component nozzles are shown in Figure 6-3. A comparison of the component nozzle loads with the design basis loads is provided in Table 6-8. Table 6-8 shows that the nozzle design loads envelop the loads from the HRHF incoherent analysis at all locations.

The section locations and coordinate systems for RCS loop piping force and moment are shown in Figure 6-11. A comparison of the loop piping forces and moments with the design basis loads is provided in Table 6-9. Table 6-9 shows that the loop piping design loads envelop the loads from the HRHF incoherent analysis at all locations.

6.3 Piping Systems Since piping lines and piping supports throughout the plant are designed according to the relevant guidelines, a stress analysis of a sample of lines is representative of all lines in the plant. Evaluating the susceptibility to excitation caused by high frequency seismic input requires the following factors to be present:


Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3

  • The local HRHF-based ISRS need to have exceedances relative to the CSDRS-based ISRS in the high frequency range.
  • The system must have modes or natural frequencies in the high frequency range.
  • The system layout must include valves or other concentrated masses that would require closely spaced supports and therefore, cause high local natural frequencies. This generally yields significant cumulative mass in the high frequency range.

ASME Class 1, 2, and 3 piping systems are required to be evaluated for the HRHF-based ISRS.

A graded approach is taken to the scope of piping systems and components design. Therefore, the piping systems within the scope of the graded approach are evaluated for the HRHF seismic response spectra.

The combined license (COL) applicant is to evaluate the HRHF response spectra for piping systems other than those within the scope of the graded approach.

Comparisons of ASME Code Section III Division 1 stresses calculated the most highly stressed location in the direct vessel injection line, shutdown cooling line, main steam and main feedwater piping located inside containment and in the main steam valve house for CSDRS and HRHF response spectra are listed in Table 6-10 and 6-11 for ASME Class 1 and 2 piping systems.

The maximum surge line loads obtained from the HRHF seismic input are compared with the design loads determined from the results of the CSDRS seismic input. Because the design loads from CSDRS seismic input envelop the surge line loads from the HRHF seismic input (refer to Table 6-12), a stress evaluation is not performed.

6.4 Safety-related Equipment In some situations, the site specific spectra may exceed the certified design spectra in the high-frequency range. As a result of the high frequency ground motion, the seismic input to SSCs may also contain high-frequency excitations. The vast majority of prior existing seismic qualification tests used input frequencies up to only 33 Hz. The use of these prior testing results should be justified by demonstrating that the frequency content of the PSD of the test waveform is sufficient.

Safety-related equipment is evaluated for the effect of high frequency input motion to demonstrate their safety-related functionality.

For the evaluation of the equipment and components functionality for those cases where the GMRS/FIRS-based ISRS exceed the CSDRS-based ISRS below 50 Hz, further equipment and component functionality evaluations are needed. The screening process is applied for identification and evaluation of high-frequency sensitive mechanical and electrical equipment/components. If a new test is planned for the qualification of equipment and components, the RRS that is generated to meet GMRS/FIRS-based ISRS as well as the CSDRS-based ISRS are applied.

Evaluation process for evaluating equipment and components that are screened in is described in this report with a basis for the criteria used for each screening step that is used to identify equipment/components with potential to HF sensitivity. The method of generating the RRS at the location of support or attachment point within a structure or a cabinet that will be used in the evaluation is described.

The HRHF evaluations of the safety equipment shall be performed and the seismic qualification test/analysis will be performed for the components to envelop the in-structure response spectra resulting from the entire set of certified seismic design response spectra (CSDRS), including ground motions for the specific sites with high frequency content.


Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 6.4.1 Evaluation Process Steps and Description Identification and evaluation process of HF sensitive mechanical and electrical equipment and components are performed for safety-related equipment and components before performing seismic qualification. Refer to Figure 6-11 for the High Frequency Screening Process. Potentially High-frequency Sensitive Equipment Safety-related equipment and components that have been undergone prior qualification testing/analysis are classified to either HF sensitive or HF insensitive. The potentially HF sensitive equipment and components are evaluated for the HF sensitivity.

The concern with potentially HF-sensitive components is related to the functionality of the devices when subjected to HF motions. Concerns over functionality of components due to HF motions have been focused on:

1) devices that have inadvertently changed state, permanently or temporarily (i.e., chattered) or had their output signals affected as a result of vibratory motions. This group is characterized as having bi-stable contacts or other mechanisms loaded by springs and/or electromagnetic forces which can be actuated/moved by inertial forces. Bi-stable devices such as relays, contactors, switches, potentiometers and similar devices, and those components whose output signal or settings (set-points) could be changed by HF vibratory motion are observed from seismic qualification tests and operating experience during which HF impact excitation (and likely high accelerations) caused relays to actuate resulting in inadvertent actions. From the industry experience, relays, contact devices, pressure transducers, and potentiometer are observed to be sensitive to high frequency motion.
2) non-ductile components such as ceramic insulators and cast iron components that have failed due to HF shock-type loads. The latter group of devices has been screened by either avoiding use of brittle materials, or by seismic and operational qualification testing of components (such as breakers and switchgear) whose operation involves impact loads and also requires potentially brittle insulating materials.

Non-ductile components and internal parts include those made of such materials as cast iron and ceramics. Standard commercial components which require non-ductile parts for function (e.g., circuit breakers) will be tested in accordance with traditional test standards; components otherwise fabricated of brittle materials should be avoided or justified on a case-by-case basis.

Based on the above considerations, the component types suggested in Table 6-13 are considered potentially sensitive to HF motions and should be screened following the procedures and criteria provided in this report. For all safety-related equipment that is designed to have part(s) of its assembly with components classified to be potentially sensitive to HF motions are to be evaluated for the adequacy in accordance with the procedures described in this report. List of HF sensitive equipment is provided to Technical Report APR1400-E-X-NR-14001-P, Equipment Qualification Program, Table 3, Equipment Qualification Equipment List. The items potential to HF sensitivity listed in Table 6-13 shall be verified for its applicability of evaluation in accordance with site specific condition and/or equipment suppliers design characteristics.

HF insensitive equipment and components are also evaluated for the adequacy of the qualification in terms of their natural frequency. Detail evaluation process for HF insensitive equipment is described in Use of Existing Qualification Data Safety-related equipment and components have been seismically qualified in accordance with IEEE Standard 344 random multi-frequency type test. Input motions containing additional HF content which is KEPCO & KHNP 23

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 greater than specified for low frequency (LF) design motions were included in seismic testing either intentionally or unintentionally. Also HF content has been combined with seismic test motions for some equipment to demonstrate equipment intended function for concurrent seismic and non-seismic loads (e.g.

hydrodynamic loads) during a seismic event. In order to define HF sensitivity vulnerability, test result could be confirmed to envelop the RRS generated for both HRHF-based ISRS and CSDRS-based ISRS including proper margins. However, proper frequency contents with sufficient energy which were used for input to the shaking table shall be demonstrated to allow use of existing test data. Screening Test HF vibration screening tests can be conducted to identify any HF sensitivities or abnormalities of the components in case when only the RRS based on CSDRS-based ISRS are confirmed to be satisfied. A high frequency screening test can also be used to demonstrate lack of component sensitivity to high frequency vibration. The procedures for screening test prepared by the equipment manufacturer shall be reviewed to identify the adequacy of the criteria used for the test. The RRS for the screening test shall be used to envelop HRHF based ISRS. Upper limit for the HF screening evaluation is set to 50 Hz since majority of HRHF based ISRS show this limit is appropriate. However, if there is any ISRS that shows HF content above 50 Hz, this frequency content will also be evaluated. Items Not Potentially HF Sensitive In case that items are not potentially sensitive to HF, the confirmation that the natural frequency of the equipment or components is at the region where CSDRS-based ISRS exceedance occurs is required.

When the natural frequency is at the CSDRS exceedance region, the higher seismic load based on the HRHF-based ISRS is imposed to the equipment compared to the CSDRS-based ISRS. Therefore, additional evaluation to ensure that HRHF-based ISRS does not affect any structural integrity and functional requirement is required although the equipment is potentially classified to be insensitive to HF.

The method of additional evaluation could be evaluating the existing data to envelop the RRS that is prepared for HRHF-based ISRS including margins, conduct screening test if necessary or any analysis to verify acceptability.


Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 7 CONCLUSION Evaluations are performed for portions of structures, components, piping, and systems for the HRHF seismic response. The sample that was evaluated consists of the following:

  • Building structures

- RCB internal structure

- RCB containment structure

- Auxiliary building

- EDGB/DFOT room

- Reactor vessel internals and core

- Reactor coolant system supports

- Reactor coolant system component nozzles and loop pipings

  • Piping systems
  • Safety-related equipment The evaluation of the building structures is performed through a comparison of the seismic responses obtained from HRHF incoherent analysis to those obtained from the design-basis seismic analysis. It is concluded that the existing design for nuclear island structures based on the CSDRS includes the seismic responses considering HRHF input ground motion.

For selected items of the reactor coolant system, the HRHF seismic responses are evaluated by comparing the design loads obtained from design-basis seismic analysis with the loads from the HRHF incoherent analysis. It is concluded that the supports and nozzles including loop pipings are acceptable for the HRHF seismic loads and the design loads from the CSDRS envelop those from the HRHF input ground motion.

The evaluations for HRHF seismic response on ASME Class 1 and 2 piping systems are performed within the scope of the graded approach. Although seismic input response spectra of HRHF in high frequency range are greater than CSDRS, the piping stress results based on ASME Code are within the allowable stresses for both CSDRS and HRHF response spectra. And surge line loads obtained from CSDRS seismic input envelop the loads from HRHF seismic input. Therefore, it is concluded that graded approach piping systems are acceptable for the HRHF seismic loading.

The evaluations for HRHF input ground motion on safety-related equipment are to be accomplished by the COL applicant.


Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 8 REFERENCES

1. APR1400 Document No. 1-300-C305-001, Artificial Time History Generation, Rev. 5, KEPCO Engineering & Construction Company, Inc. and KHNP, December 2016.
2. APR1400 Document No. 1-300-C305-002, HRHF Time History Generation, Rev. 2, KEPCO Engineering & Construction Company, Inc. and KHNP, June 2016.
3. J. Lysmer, et al., SASSI - A System for Analysis of Soil-Structure Interaction, Report No.

UCB/GT/81-02, Department of Civil Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, April 1981.

4. P. B. Schnabel, J. Lysmer, and H. B. Seed, SHAKE: A Computer Program for Earthquake Response Analysis of Horizontally Layered Sites, Report No. UCB/EERC-72/12, Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California, Berkeley, December 1972.
5. SHAKE: A Computer Program for Conducting Equivalent Linear Seismic Response Analysis of Horizontally Layered Soil Deposits, Version 1.3, User's and Theoretical Manual, Rev. 4, Paul C.

Rizzo Associates, Inc. September 2012.

6. EPRI TR-102631, Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis Incorporating Spatial Incoherence of Ground Motions, Electric Power Research Institute, October 1997.
7. J. E. Luco and A. Mita, Response of Circular Foundation to Spatially Random Ground Motion, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, American Society of Civil Engineer, Vol. 113, No. 1, January 1987.
8. J. E. Luco and A. Mita, Response of Structures to Spatially Random Ground Motion, Proceedings, Third U. S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Charleston, South Carolina, 1986.
9. APR1400 Document No. 9-310-C455-001, Seismic Analysis Report, Reactor Containment Building Seismic Analysis, Rev. 1, KEPCO Engineering & Construction Company, Inc. and KHNP, May 2013.
10. EPRI TR-1016736, Assessment of Seismic Hazard at 34 U.S. Nuclear Plant Sites, Electric Power Research Institute, August 2008.
11. EPRI TR-1023389, Evaluation of Seismic Hazards at Central and Eastern US Nuclear Power Sites, Electric Power Research Institute, June 2011.
12. Mark D. Petersen, et al., Documentation for the 2008 Update of the United States National Seismic Hazard Maps, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2008-1128, 2008.
13. APR1400-E-S-NR-14001-P, Seismic Design Bases, Rev. 1, KHNP, February 2017.
14. NUREG/CR-6728, Technical Basis for Revision of Regulatory Guidance on Design Ground Motions: Hazard- and Risk-consistent Ground Motion Spectra Guidelines, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, October 2001.
15. NUREG-0800, Standard Review Plan, Section 3.7.1, Seismic Design Parameters, Draft Rev. 4, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, December 2012.
16. Regulatory Guide 1.208, A Performance-Based Approach to Define the Site-Specific Earthquake Ground Motion, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, March 2007.


Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3

17. Center for Engineering Strong Motion Data (CESMD), (
18. NUREG-0003, Statistical Studies of Vertical and Horizontal Earthquake Spectra, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, January 1976.
19. Regulatory Guide 1.60, Design Response Spectra for Seismic Design of Nuclear Power Plants, Rev. 1, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, December 1973.
20. M. K. Kaul, Spectrum-Consistent Time-History Generation, Journal of the Engineering Mechanics Division, American Society of Civil Engineer, Vol. 104, No. EM4, pp. 781-788, August 1978.
21. K. Lilhanand, K and W. S. Tseng, Generation of Synthetic Time Histories Compatible with Multiple-Damping Design Response Spectra, SMiRT-9, Lausanne, K2/10, 1987.
22. K. Lilhanand, K and W. S. Tseng, Development and Application of Realistic Earthquake Time Histories Compatible with Multiple-Damping Design Spectra, Proceedings of 9th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Tokyo-Kyoto, Japan, August 1988.
23. Computer Program, SYNQKE-R, PC Version 1.0, Users and Theoretical Manual, Rev. 1, Paul C. Rizzo Associates, Inc., December 2009.
24. NUREG/CR-5347, Recommendations for Resolutions of Public Comments on USI A-40,

'Seismic Design Criteria', Brookhaven National Laboratory, Prepared for U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, June 1989.

25. D. A. Gasparini and E. H. Vanmarcke, SIMQKE - A Program for Artificial Motion Generation, Users Manual and Documentation; Simulated Earthquake Motions Compatible with Prescribed Response Spectra, Department of Civil Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Publication No. R76-4, November 1976.
26. EPRI TR-1015110, Effects of Spatial Incoherence on Seismic Ground Motions, Electric Power Research Institute, November 2007.
27. Interim Staff Guidance (ISG) 01, Seismic Issues Associated with High Frequency Ground Motion in Design Certification and Combined License Applications, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, May 2008.
28. APR1400 Document No. 1-310-C305-002, Seismic Analysis of NI Structures Using Incoherent Ground Motion, Rev. 0, KEPCO Engineering & Construction Company, Inc. and KHNP, July 2013.
29. Ghiocel Predictive Technologies, Inc., ACS SASSI Version 3.0 Including Options A, AA and FS, User Manuals, Revision 1, Pittsford, NY, October 2014.
30. APR1400 Document No. 1-350-C305-001, Emergency D/G BLDG Seismic Analysis, Rev. 6, KEPCO Engineering & Construction Company, Inc. and KHNP, January 2017.
31. APR1400 Document No. 1-350-C305-002, Seismic Analysis of EDGB Using Incoherent Ground Motion, Rev. 1, KEPCO Engineering & Construction Company, Inc. and KHNP, February 2015.
32. Regulatory Guide 1.100, Seismic Qualification of Electrical and Active Mechanical Equipment and Functional Qualification of Active Mechanical Equipment for Nuclear Power Plants, Rev. 3, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, September 2009.


Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3

33. EPRI TR-1015108, Program on Technology Innovation: The Effects of High-Frequency Ground Motion on Structures, Components, and Equipment in Nuclear Power Plants, Electric Power Research Institute, June 2007.
34. EPRI TR-1015109, Program on Technology Innovation: Seismic Screening of Components Sensitive to High-Frequency Vibratory Motions, Electric Power Research Institute, October 2007.
35. APR1400-E-X-NR-14001-P, Equipment Qualification Program, Rev. 1, KHNP, February 2017.


Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 2-1 Shear-modulus-degradation and Damping-value Variation Curves for Rock Considered for HRHF (a) G/Gmax Uniform shear strain, (%) G/Gmax 0.0001 1.0 0.0003 1.0 0.001 0.9875 0.003 0.9525 0.01 0.900 0.03 0.810 0.1 0.725 1.0 0.550 (b) Damping Ratio Uniform shear strain, (%) Damping Ratio (%)

0.0001 0.40 0.001 0.80 0.01 1.50 0.1 3.00 1.0 4.60 KEPCO & KHNP 29

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 3-1 (1 of 2) 5%-damped HRHF Horizontal Target Response Spectrum 5% - Damped Horizontal Response Spectrum Frequency (Hz) Sa (g) Frequency (Hz) Sa (g) 0.10 0.0144 8.00 0.8200 0.13 0.0225 8.50 0.8398 0.15 0.0323 9.00 0.8589 0.20 0.0431 9.50 0.8823 0.25 0.0539 10.00 0.9050 0.30 0.0647 10.50 0.9263 0.40 0.0862 11.00 0.9471 0.50 0.1078 11.50 0.9674 0.60 0.1271 12.00 0.9873 0.70 0.1452 12.50 1.0067 0.80 0.1622 13.00 1.0245 0.90 0.1780 13.50 1.0420 1.00 0.1960 14.00 1.0591 1.10 0.2153 14.50 1.0759 1.20 0.2346 15.00 1.0924 1.25 0.2442 16.00 1.1150 1.30 0.2535 17.00 1.1367 1.40 0.2720 18.00 1.1575 1.50 0.2905 20.00 1.1969 1.60 0.3056 22.00 1.2168 1.70 0.3205 25.00 1.2441 1.80 0.3351 28.00 1.2376 1.90 0.3497 30.00 1.2336 2.00 0.3640 31.00 1.2274 2.10 0.3747 34.00 1.2102 2.20 0.3852 35.00 1.2048 2.30 0.3955 37.00 1.1866 2.40 0.4056 40.00 1.1615 2.50 0.4156 43.00 1.1262 2.60 0.4288 45.00 1.1046 2.70 0.4420 46.00 1.0896 2.80 0.4550 49.00 1.0476 2.90 0.4679 50.00 1.0345 3.00 0.4808 52.00 0.9970 3.15 0.4961 55.00 0.9458 KEPCO & KHNP 30

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 3-1 (2 of 2) 5% - Damped Horizontal Response Spectrum Frequency (Hz) Sa (g) Frequency (Hz) Sa (g) 3.30 0.5111 58.00 0.8997 3.45 0.5259 60.00 0.8715 3.60 0.5405 61.00 0.8530 3.80 0.5596 64.00 0.8015 4.00 0.5783 65.00 0.7856 4.20 0.5942 67.00 0.7553 4.40 0.6097 70.00 0.7136 4.60 0.6249 73.00 0.6726 4.80 0.6398 75.00 0.6474 5.00 0.6545 76.00 0.6354 5.25 0.6711 79.00 0.6017 5.50 0.6873 80.00 0.5911 5.75 0.7032 82.00 0.5733 6.00 0.7187 85.00 0.5483 6.25 0.7328 88.00 0.5251 6.50 0.7467 90.00 0.5107 6.75 0.7603 91.00 0.5055 7.00 0.7736 94.00 0.4904 7.25 0.7855 97.00 0.4763 7.50 0.7972 100.00 0.4630 7.75 0.8087 KEPCO & KHNP 31

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 3-2 (1 of 2) 5%-damped HRHF Vertical Target Response Spectrum 5% - Damped Vertical Response Spectrum Frequency (Hz) Sa (g) Frequency (Hz) Sa (g) 0.10 0.0108 8.00 0.6150 0.13 0.0169 8.50 0.6298 0.15 0.0242 9.00 0.6442 0.20 0.0323 9.50 0.6617 0.25 0.0404 10.00 0.6788 0.30 0.0485 10.50 0.6989 0.40 0.0647 11.00 0.7187 0.50 0.0809 11.50 0.7381 0.60 0.0953 12.00 0.7572 0.70 0.1089 12.50 0.7759 0.80 0.1217 13.00 0.7935 0.90 0.1335 13.50 0.8108 1.00 0.1470 14.00 0.8278 1.10 0.1615 14.50 0.8445 1.20 0.1759 15.00 0.8610 1.25 0.1832 16.00 0.8858 1.30 0.1901 17.00 0.9097 1.40 0.2040 18.00 0.9329 1.50 0.2179 20.00 0.9882 1.60 0.2292 22.00 1.0335 1.70 0.2403 25.00 1.0948 1.80 0.2514 28.00 1.1322 1.90 0.2622 30.00 1.1556 2.00 0.2730 31.00 1.1628 2.10 0.2810 34.00 1.1881 2.20 0.2889 35.00 1.1963 2.30 0.2966 37.00 1.2040 2.40 0.3042 40.00 1.2199 2.50 0.3117 43.00 1.2198 2.60 0.3216 45.00 1.2177 2.70 0.3315 46.00 1.2114 2.80 0.3413 49.00 1.1765 2.90 0.3510 50.00 1.1632 3.00 0.3606 52.00 1.1238 KEPCO & KHNP 32

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 3-2 (2 of 2) 5% - Damped Vertical Response Spectrum Frequency (Hz) Sa (g) Frequency (Hz) Sa (g) 3.15 0.3721 55.00 1.0698 3.30 0.3833 58.00 1.0210 3.45 0.3944 60.00 0.9910 3.60 0.4054 61.00 0.9710 3.80 0.4197 64.00 0.9116 4.00 0.4337 65.00 0.8922 4.20 0.4456 67.00 0.8553 4.40 0.4573 70.00 0.8046 4.60 0.4687 73.00 0.7553 4.80 0.4799 75.00 0.7251 5.00 0.4909 76.00 0.7077 5.25 0.5033 79.00 0.6594 5.50 0.5155 80.00 0.6444 5.75 0.5274 82.00 0.6185 6.00 0.5390 85.00 0.5827 6.25 0.5496 88.00 0.5500 6.50 0.5600 90.00 0.5299 6.75 0.5702 91.00 0.5221 7.00 0.5802 94.00 0.4998 7.25 0.5892 97.00 0.4808 7.50 0.5979 100.00 0.4630 7.75 0.6065 KEPCO & KHNP 33

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 3-3 V/H Ratios for CEUS Rock Site Conditions Table 4-5 (FROM NUREG/CR-6728 OCTOBER 2001)


1) 1) 1)

Frequency (Hz) 0.2g 0.2 - 0.5g 0.5g 0.10 0.67 0.75 0.90 10.00 0.67 0.75 0.90 18.75 0.70 0.81 1.01 22.06 0.73 0.85 1.08 25.00 0.75 0.88 1.12 31.25 0.77 0.95 1.25 2) 37.50 0.81 1.02 1.37 41.67 0.84 1.07 1.44 46.88 0.85 1.12 1.50 62.50 0.90 1.14 1.52 75.00 0.89 1.12 1.48 93.75 0.81 1.02 1.33 100.0 0.78 1.00 1.30 Notes

1) Range in rock outcrop horizontal component peak acceleration.
2) The original Table had 1.00. 1.02 was used to make the curves smoother.


Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 3-4 (1 of 3)

Scale Factors for Horizontal Response Spectra Damping Ratios Relative to 5%-damped Response Spectrum, CEUS Scale Factors for Horizontal Response Spectra Damping Ratios (0.5 - 80 Hz) Relative to 5% - Damped Response Spectrum, CEUS 2% 3% 7% 10%

Frequency (Hz)

Damping Damping Damping Damping 0.50 1.1588 1.0835 0.9620 0.9500 0.60 1.2038 1.1113 0.9381 0.8927 0.70 1.2299 1.1263 0.9263 0.8651 0.80 1.2487 1.1369 0.9190 0.8480 0.90 1.2631 1.1445 0.9137 0.8359 1.00 1.2749 1.1503 0.9096 0.8266 1.10 1.2836 1.1546 0.9062 0.8193 1.20 1.2889 1.1571 0.9045 0.8147 1.30 1.2914 1.1587 0.9038 0.8121 1.40 1.2941 1.1603 0.9027 0.8096 1.50 1.2991 1.1623 0.9022 0.8084 1.60 1.3060 1.1657 0.9008 0.8059 1.70 1.3099 1.1675 0.9000 0.8041 1.80 1.3145 1.1699 0.8986 0.8017 1.90 1.3173 1.1720 0.8973 0.7993 2.00 1.3215 1.1745 0.8964 0.7980 2.10 1.3287 1.1785 0.8943 0.7947 2.20 1.3355 1.1816 0.8923 0.7912 2.30 1.3388 1.1828 0.8916 0.7902 2.40 1.3400 1.1831 0.8919 0.7908 2.50 1.3391 1.1825 0.8920 0.7909 2.60 1.3392 1.1829 0.8914 0.7902 2.70 1.3392 1.1827 0.8916 0.7902 2.80 1.3386 1.1820 0.8919 0.7908 2.90 1.3354 1.1796 0.8931 0.7925 3.00 1.3330 1.1781 0.8944 0.7945 3.15 1.3330 1.1777 0.8951 0.7959 3.30 1.3341 1.1779 0.8953 0.7964 3.45 1.3309 1.1764 0.8954 0.7965 3.60 1.3279 1.1748 0.8962 0.7980 KEPCO & KHNP 35

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 3-4 (2 of 3)

Scale Factors for Horizontal Response Spectra Damping Ratios (0.5 - 80 Hz) Relative to 5% - Damped Response Spectrum, CEUS 2% 3% 7% 10%

Frequency (Hz)

Damping Damping Damping Damping 3.80 1.3238 1.1721 0.8979 0.8004 4.00 1.3238 1.1719 0.8985 0.8014 4.20 1.3238 1.1717 0.8989 0.8016 4.40 1.3308 1.1752 0.8973 0.7989 4.60 1.3357 1.1773 0.8960 0.7964 4.80 1.3387 1.1791 0.8948 0.7938 5.00 1.3427 1.1813 0.8938 0.7915 5.25 1.3512 1.1853 0.8925 0.7889 5.50 1.3596 1.1892 0.8906 0.7852 5.75 1.3726 1.1961 0.8874 0.7804 6.00 1.3800 1.2002 0.8847 0.7764 6.25 1.3856 1.2024 0.8839 0.7751 6.50 1.3838 1.2010 0.8844 0.7760 6.75 1.3815 1.1995 0.8849 0.7775 7.00 1.3776 1.1973 0.8862 0.7800 7.25 1.3723 1.1945 0.8878 0.7835 7.50 1.3662 1.1917 0.8892 0.7867 7.75 1.3605 1.1887 0.8907 0.7895 8.00 1.3574 1.1863 0.8921 0.7921 8.50 1.3566 1.1857 0.8931 0.7940 9.00 1.3600 1.1877 0.8928 0.7942 9.50 1.3625 1.1892 0.8932 0.7953 10.00 1.3653 1.1906 0.8942 0.7972 10.50 1.3668 1.1911 0.8951 0.7993 11.00 1.3690 1.1920 0.8951 0.7994 11.50 1.3735 1.1941 0.8947 0.7989 12.00 1.3761 1.1953 0.8945 0.7988 12.50 1.3758 1.1952 0.8948 0.7994 13.00 1.3758 1.1946 0.8958 0.8011 13.50 1.3722 1.1924 0.8966 0.8029 14.00 1.3682 1.1900 0.8977 0.8049 14.50 1.3622 1.1868 0.8982 0.8058 KEPCO & KHNP 36

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 3-4 (3 of 3)

Scale Factors for Horizontal Response Spectra Damping Ratios (0.5 - 80 Hz) Relative to 5% - Damped Response Spectrum, CEUS 2% 3% 7% 10%

Frequency (Hz)

Damping Damping Damping Damping 15.00 1.3614 1.1866 0.8978 0.8053 16.00 1.3583 1.1845 0.8992 0.8079 17.00 1.3536 1.1819 0.9003 0.8098 18.00 1.3501 1.1801 0.9018 0.8127 20.00 1.3490 1.1796 0.9022 0.8135 22.00 1.3456 1.1781 0.9025 0.8142 25.00 1.3413 1.1759 0.9040 0.8168 28.00 1.3402 1.1755 0.9039 0.8166 31.00 1.3412 1.1764 0.9037 0.8165 34.00 1.3386 1.1745 0.9054 0.8196 40.00 1.3344 1.1723 0.9066 0.8219 45.00 1.3240 1.1671 0.9095 0.8274 50.00 1.3089 1.1592 0.9134 0.8350 55.00 1.2851 1.1465 0.9201 0.8473 60.00 1.2566 1.1316 0.9279 0.8621 65.00 1.2289 1.1171 0.9359 0.8771 70.00 1.1980 1.1009 0.9449 0.8944 75.00 1.1670 1.0847 0.9540 0.9119 80.00 1.1361 1.0691 0.9621 0.9274 KEPCO & KHNP 37

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 3-5 Deleted KEPCO & KHNP 38

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 3-6 Deleted KEPCO & KHNP 39

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 3-7 Target PSD Compatible with APR1400 HRHF Response Spectra - Horizontal Frequency ( f ) Range Piecewise Linear Target PSD 2 4 f (Hz or cps) SH ( f ) (in /sec /cps) 0.3 < f 1.5 Hz 0 () = 2 x 6.85 (0.3/)0.4 1.5 < f 4.0 Hz 0 () = 2 x 13.04 (1.5/)0.2 4.0 < f 19 Hz 0 () = 2 x 15.86 (4.0/)0.25 19 < f 40 Hz 0 () = 2 x 10.75 (19.0/)1.1 40 < f 55 Hz 0 () = 2 x 4.75 (40.0/)2.3 55 < f 70 Hz 0 () = 2 x 2.28 (55.0/)4.5 70 < f 80 Hz 0 () = 2 x 0.76 (70.0/)7.1 KEPCO & KHNP 40

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 3-8 Target PSD Compatible with APR1400 HRHF Response Spectra - Vertical Frequency ( f ) Range Piecewise Linear Target PSD 2 4 f (Hz or cps) SV ( f ) (in /sec /cps) 0.3 < f 1.5 Hz 0 () = 2 x 3.44 (0.3/)0.5 1.5 < f 4.0 Hz 0 () = 2 x 7.69 (1.5/)0.1 4.0 < f 19 Hz 0 () = 2 x 8.49 (4.0/)0.15 19 < f 40 Hz 0 () = 2 x 6.72 (19.0/)0.3 40 < f 55 Hz 0 () = 2 x 5.38 (40.0/)1.5 55 < f 70 Hz 0 () = 2 x 3.34 (55.0/)3.9 70 < f 80 Hz 0 () = 2 x 1.31 (70.0/)6.2 KEPCO & KHNP 41

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 3-9 Deleted KEPCO & KHNP 42

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 3-10 Cross-correlation Coefficients of HRHF Response-Spectrum-Compatible Time History Pairs Components Cross-Correlation Coefficient H1H x H2H 0.028 H2H x VTH 0.036 VTH x H1H 0.031 KEPCO & KHNP 43

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 3-11 Stationary Duration of Generated Time Histories Ts' (5-75%)

Components (sec)

H1H 6.090 H2H 6.400 VTH 6.505 KEPCO & KHNP 44

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 3-12 Maximum Acceleration (A), Velocity (V), and Displacement (D) of Generated Time Histories A V D Components (g) (in/sec) (in)

H1H 0.463 8.86 3.63 H2H 0.463 10.50 3.51 VTH 0.463 9.94 4.16 KEPCO & KHNP 45

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 3-13 Number of Points of the Response Spectra below each HRHF DRS Component Damping H1H H2H VTH 2% 0 1 3 3% 2 4 1 4% 1 5 2 5% 0 4 3 7% 0 0 2 10% 4 3 2 KEPCO & KHNP 46

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 3-14 The Lowest Percentage below the HRHF DRS Component Damping H1H H2H VTH

(%) (%) (%)

2% 1.02 -0.77 -2.94 3% -1.85 -4.02 -1.49 4% -0.67 -1.84 -1.61 5% 1.56 -3.02 -2.01 7% 0.76 0.33 -0.89 10% -1.94 -1.09 -4.40 KEPCO & KHNP 47

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 4-1 EPRI (2007) Empirical Plane-Wave Coherency Function for Horizontal Seismic Ground Motions for Hard Rock The EPRI (2007) empirical plane-wave coherency function for horizontal component of seismic ground motions for hard rock (Reference 6) is given as follows:

(3 ) () 1/2 (3 ) 1/2 pw (, ) = 1 + ( ) 1 1 + ( ) 2 1 () 2 where f = frequency in Hz, and = separation distance in meter.

The coefficients in the function for the horizontal component of ground motion are listed in the following table:

Coefficient Horizontal Component 1 1.0 2 40 3 0.4 2

1 () 3.80 - 0.040*ln( + 1) + 0.0105*[ln( + 1) - 3.6]

2 16.4 2

() 27.9 - 4.82*ln( + 1) + 1.24*[ln( + 1) - 3.6]


Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 4-2 EPRI (2007) Empirical Plane-Wave Coherency Function for Vertical Seismic Ground Motions for Hard Rock The equation for the EPRI (2007) plane-wave coherency function for vertical component of seismic ground motions for hard rock (Reference 6) is the same as that for the horizontal motion given in Table 4-1, i.e.,

1/2 1/2 (3 ) () (3 )

(, ) = 1 + ( ) 1 1 + ( ) 2 1 () 2 where f = frequency in Hz, and = separation distance in meter.

The coefficients in the function for the vertical component of ground motion are listed in the table below.

Coefficient Vertical Component 1 1.0 2 200 3 0.4 1 () 2.03 + 0.41*ln( + 1) - 0.078*[ln( + 1) - 3.6]

2 2 10

() 29.2 - 5.20*ln( + 1) + 1.45*[ln( + 1) - 3.6]


Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 5-1 (1 of 4)

Soil Layers and Properties of SSI Model for HRHF Seismic Input Motions 1)

Soil Layer Thick. Vs Vp 2) 3 Damp.

Type No. (ft) (k/ft ) (ft/s) (ft/s)

Rock 1 5 0.145 0.004 4,692 9,315 0.33 2 5 0.145 0.006 4,707 9,348 0.33 3 5 0.145 0.007 4,711 9,382 0.33 4 5 0.145 0.008 4,720 9,415 0.33 5 5 0.145 0.008 4,731 9,448 0.33 6 5 0.145 0.008 4,737 9,481 0.33 7 5 0.145 0.009 4,743 9,513 0.33 8 5 0.145 0.009 4,750 9,546 0.34 9 5 0.145 0.010 4,758 9,578 0.34 10 5 0.145 0.010 4,767 9,610 0.34 11 5 0.145 0.010 4,775 9,642 0.34 12 5 0.145 0.010 4,785 9,674 0.34 13 5 0.145 0.011 4,795 9,706 0.34 14 5 0.145 0.011 4,807 9,737 0.34 15 5 0.145 0.011 4,818 9,768 0.34 16 5 0.145 0.011 4,830 9,799 0.34 17 5 0.145 0.011 4,843 9,830 0.34 18 5 0.145 0.011 4,855 9,861 0.34 19 5 0.145 0.011 4,868 9,892 0.34 20 5 0.145 0.011 4,882 9,922 0.34 21 5 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 22 5 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 23 5 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 24 5 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 25 5 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 26 5 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 KEPCO & KHNP 50

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 5-1 (2 of 4) 1)

Layer Thick. Vs Vp 2)

Soil Type 3 Damp.

No. (ft) (k/ft ) (ft/s) (ft/s)

Rock 27 5 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 (cont.)

28 5 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 29 5 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 30 5 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 31 5 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 32 5 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 33 5 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 34 5 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 35 5 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 36 5 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 37 5 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 38 5 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 39 5 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 40 5 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 41 10 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 42 10 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 43 10 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 44 10 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 45 10 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 46 10 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 47 10 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 48 10 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 49 10 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 50 10 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 51 10 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 52 10 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 KEPCO & KHNP 51

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 5-1 (3 of 4) 1)

Layer Thick. Vs Vp 2)

Soil Type 3 Damp.

No. (ft) (k/ft ) (ft/s) (ft/s)

Rock 53 10 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 (cont.)

54 10 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 55 10 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 56 10 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 57 10 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 58 10 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 59 10 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 60 10 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 61 10 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 62 10 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 63 10 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 64 10 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 65 10 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 66 10 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 67 10 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 68 10 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 69 10 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 70 10 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 71 20 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 72 20 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 73 20 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 74 20 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 75 20 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 76 20 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 77 20 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 78 20 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 KEPCO & KHNP 52

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 5-1 (4 of 4) 1)

Layer Thick. Vs Vp 2)

Soil Type 3 Damp.

No. (ft) (k/ft ) (ft/s) (ft/s)

Rock 79 20 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 (cont.)

80 20 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 81 20 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 82 20 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 83 20 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 84 20 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 85 20 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 86 20 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 87 20 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 88 20 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 89 20 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 90 20 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 91 20 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 92 20 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 93 20 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 94 20 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 95 20 0.155 0.010 9,200 18,264 0.33 96 0.155 0.004 9,200 18,264 0.33 Notes

1) Unit weight density of soil/rock
2) Poissons Ratio KEPCO & KHNP 53

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 5-2 (1 of 3)

INCOH Results - Horizontal (a) Horizontal, Frequency = 1.0 Hz EIGEN- PARTICIPATION FACTOR CUMULATIVE PERCENT MODE VALUE Z XX YY ZZ Z XX YY ZZ 1 1.32E+03 48061.97 845.571 3847.529 4693.099 100 0.218 0.792 0.538 2 1.19E-01 0 608.961 480683.6 481292.5 100 0.376 99.789 55.685 3 1.03E-01 0 385241 475.733 385716.7 100 99.874 99.887 99.881 4 1.65E-02 3.09E-09 0.10187 0.17263 0.27449 100 99.874 99.887 99.881 5 1.52E-02 3.98E-07 0.01013 0.98738 0.99751 100 99.874 99.887 99.881 6 9.11E-03 6.12E-09 0.04332 3.17799 3.22131 100 99.874 99.888 99.882 7 2.46E-03 3.58E-15 339.4706 0.16315 339.6338 100 99.962 99.888 99.921 8 2.17E-03 7.45E-11 0.00572 417.828 417.8337 100 99.962 99.974 99.968 9 1.37E-03 4.56E-12 0.36757 120.4476 120.8152 100 99.962 99.998 99.982 10 1.19E-03 3.87E-16 140.4027 0.06179 140.4645 100 99.998 99.998 99.998 11 6.47E-04 1.31E-11 0.00349 0.00007 0.00356 100 99.998 99.998 99.998 12 6.30E-04 2.92E-10 0.00015 0.01408 0.01423 100 99.998 99.998 99.998 13 3.98E-04 3.96E-13 0.1725 0.00204 0.17454 100 99.998 99.998 99.998 14 3.65E-04 1.20E-12 0.00014 0.09677 0.09691 100 99.998 99.998 99.998 15 3.29E-04 9.30E-11 0.00066 0.04859 0.04926 100 99.998 99.998 99.998 SUMMATIONS: 4.81E+04 3.87E+05 4.86E+05 8.73E+05 TOTAL: 4.81E+04 3.87E+05 4.86E+05 8.73E+05 (b) Horizontal, Frequency = 10.0 Hz EIGEN- PARTICIPATION FACTOR CUMULATIVE PERCENT MODE VALUE Z XX YY ZZ Z XX YY ZZ 1 8.49E+02 38353.26 676.061 10109.89 10785.95 99.909 0.006 0.069 0.041 2 1.18E+02 0.685 17544.28 14377796 14395340 99.911 0.153 97.891 54.116 3 1.05E+02 0.001 11652642 13795.07 11666437 99.911 97.887 97.984 97.941 4 4.31E+01 5.19E-02 1595.096 116.399 1711.495 99.911 97.901 97.985 97.947 5 3.71E+01 3.02E+01 0.17102 1722.088 1722.259 99.99 97.901 97.997 97.954 6 3.02E+01 3.00E+00 25.73267 1516.082 1541.815 99.998 97.901 98.007 97.96 7 1.71E+01 3.46E-04 137619.2 34.4095 137653.6 99.998 99.055 98.007 98.477 8 1.56E+01 1.59E-01 9.94344 188827.7 188837.7 99.998 99.055 99.292 99.186 9 1.21E+01 7.54E-03 149.2213 90549.32 90698.55 99.998 99.056 99.908 99.527 10 1.04E+01 1.04E-05 99660.82 13.56101 99674.38 99.998 99.892 99.908 99.901 11 7.51E+00 5.87E-02 5.65581 2.02354 7.67936 99.998 99.892 99.908 99.901 12 7.45E+00 2.52E-01 2.61073 22.00585 24.61659 99.999 99.892 99.909 99.901 13 5.38E+00 1.26E-03 1571.751 6.7957 1578.547 99.999 99.906 99.909 99.907 14 4.61E+00 5.93E-02 0.00347 55.45493 55.4584 99.999 99.906 99.909 99.907 15 4.29E+00 3.06E-01 0.01206 166.68 166.692 100 99.906 99.91 99.908 SUMMATIONS: 3.84E+04 1.19E+07 1.47E+07 2.66E+07 TOTAL: 3.84E+04 1.19E+07 1.47E+07 2.66E+07 KEPCO & KHNP 54

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 5-2 (2 of 3)

(c) Horizontal, Frequency = 20.0 Hz EIGEN- PARTICIPATION FACTOR CUMULATIVE PERCENT MODE VALUE Z XX YY ZZ Z XX YY ZZ 1 3.45E+02 24243.5 421.141 14959.23 15380.37 99.578 0.004 0.118 0.067 2 9.16E+01 3.127 16674.5 11820376 11837051 99.591 0.165 93.484 51.479 3 8.32E+01 0.005 9641401 13762.49 9655163 99.591 93.198 93.593 93.415 4 4.93E+01 1.41E-01 22240.69 551.8312 22792.52 99.592 93.413 93.597 93.514 5 4.37E+01 6.23E+01 2.28481 9021.694 9023.979 99.848 93.413 93.669 93.554 6 3.95E+01 2.71E+01 70.33661 5225.4 5295.737 99.959 93.413 93.71 93.577 7 2.94E+01 7.26E-03 307366.5 1042.449 308408.9 99.959 96.379 93.718 94.916 8 2.82E+01 1.59E+00 277.442 422869.1 423146.5 99.965 96.382 97.058 96.754 9 2.52E+01 3.54E-02 670.9175 267245.5 267916.4 99.966 96.389 99.169 97.918 10 2.17E+01 1.98E-03 280548.9 54.21946 280603.1 99.966 99.096 99.17 99.136 11 1.97E+01 5.60E-04 0.04116 114.2055 114.2466 99.966 99.096 99.171 99.137 12 1.85E+01 1.67E+00 20.42441 0.16167 20.58607 99.972 99.096 99.171 99.137 13 1.61E+01 1.65E-02 10391.48 208.9352 10600.41 99.972 99.196 99.172 99.183 14 1.51E+01 3.54E-01 49.40599 855.1659 904.5719 99.974 99.197 99.179 99.187 15 1.40E+01 3.56E+00 2.92242 8049.306 8052.229 99.989 99.197 99.243 99.222 SUMMATIONS: 2.43E+04 1.03E+07 1.26E+07 2.28E+07 TOTAL: 2.43E+04 1.04E+07 1.27E+07 2.30E+07 (d) Horizontal, Frequency = 30.0 Hz EIGEN- PARTICIPATION FACTOR CUMULATIVE PERCENT MODE VALUE Z XX YY ZZ Z XX YY ZZ 1 1.76E+02 17249.8 280.135 12872.75 13152.89 99.448 0.004 0.135 0.076 2 5.25E+01 3.381 12679.5 8747486 8760166 99.468 0.165 91.601 50.393 3 4.80E+01 0.006 7130020 10787.74 7140808 99.468 91.037 91.713 91.408 4 3.08E+01 1.38E-01 33579.95 650.4098 34230.36 99.469 91.465 91.72 91.605 5 2.77E+01 4.60E+01 13.12859 10151.77 10164.9 99.734 91.465 91.826 91.663 6 2.54E+01 3.40E+01 54.64258 6985.28 7039.922 99.929 91.466 91.899 91.704 7 2.01E+01 7.33E-03 286975.5 2660.039 289635.5 99.929 95.123 91.927 93.367 8 1.95E+01 1.87E+00 1144.612 394361.1 395505.7 99.94 95.138 96.051 95.639 9 1.80E+01 2.15E-02 1044.081 244658.8 245702.9 99.94 95.151 98.609 97.05 10 1.56E+01 6.60E-03 268501.6 112.2362 268613.9 99.94 98.573 98.61 98.593 11 1.50E+01 4.22E-03 61.45854 208.6349 270.0934 99.94 98.574 98.612 98.595 12 1.38E+01 1.47E+00 89.87461 74.23937 164.114 99.949 98.575 98.613 98.596 13 1.27E+01 1.54E-02 7592.504 488.354 8080.858 99.949 98.672 98.618 98.642 14 1.21E+01 2.66E-01 274.1223 1796.424 2070.546 99.95 98.675 98.637 98.654 15 1.15E+01 1.69E+00 34.11959 22236.7 22270.82 99.96 98.676 98.869 98.782 SUMMATIONS: 1.73E+04 7.74E+06 9.46E+06 1.72E+07 TOTAL: 1.73E+04 7.85E+06 9.56E+06 1.74E+07 KEPCO & KHNP 55

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 5-2 (3 of 3)

(e) Horizontal, Frequency = 40.0 Hz EIGEN- PARTICIPATION FACTOR CUMULATIVE PERCENT MODE VALUE Z XX YY ZZ Z XX YY ZZ 1 7.67E+01 11390.36 151.134 9336.098 9487.232 99.347 0.003 0.142 0.079 2 2.48E+01 2.922 7797.281 5907077 5914874 99.373 0.147 89.842 49.379 3 2.28E+01 0.006 4799486 6899.612 4806386 99.373 88.824 89.947 89.44 4 1.55E+01 1.18E-01 42363.47 608.5324 42972.01 99.374 89.607 89.956 89.798 5 1.42E+01 2.79E+01 58.15663 8934.379 8992.535 99.617 89.608 90.092 89.873 6 1.32E+01 3.24E+01 10.63865 10543.48 10554.12 99.899 89.608 90.252 89.961 7 1.09E+01 4.11E-03 235312.7 3903.791 239216.5 99.899 93.956 90.311 91.955 8 1.07E+01 1.83E+00 2105.876 350399.7 352505.6 99.915 93.995 95.632 94.893 9 1.02E+01 8.69E-03 1516.173 148936.8 150452.9 99.915 94.023 97.893 96.147 10 8.86E+00 2.69E-03 9001.319 58.45551 9059.774 99.915 94.189 97.894 96.223 11 8.83E+00 2.26E-02 205859.9 316.4389 206176.3 99.916 97.993 97.899 97.941 12 8.16E+00 1.00E+00 348.5914 808.735 1157.326 99.924 97.999 97.911 97.951 13 7.80E+00 8.84E-03 457.7878 1194.363 1652.151 99.924 98.008 97.93 97.965 14 7.48E+00 6.33E-04 625.9269 12080.11 12706.04 99.924 98.019 98.113 98.071 15 7.34E+00 6.44E-01 70.1689 12100.52 12170.69 99.93 98.02 98.297 98.172 SUMMATIONS: 1.15E+04 5.31E+06 6.47E+06 1.18E+07 TOTAL: 1.15E+04 5.41E+06 6.59E+06 1.20E+07 (f) Horizontal, Frequency = 50.0 Hz EIGEN- PARTICIPATION FACTOR CUMULATIVE PERCENT MODE VALUE Z XX YY ZZ Z XX YY ZZ 1 1.33E+01 4702.325 0.008 5499.483 5499.491 98.658 0 0.175 0.096 2 5.73E+00 1.908 601.091 2366881 2367483 98.698 0.023 75.488 41.333 3 5.39E+00 0.007 1835093 691.137 1835785 98.698 70.648 75.51 73.31 4 4.50E+00 1.14E+01 631.1243 206988.9 207620 98.938 70.672 82.096 76.926 5 4.32E+00 1.87E+01 9094.787 26202.92 35297.71 99.331 71.022 82.93 77.541 6 4.24E+00 5.17E-01 217061.4 0.6329 217062 99.342 79.376 82.93 81.322 7 3.81E+00 4.76E+00 111065.1 66511.31 177576.4 99.441 83.651 85.047 84.415 8 3.74E+00 3.96E+00 22954.7 120507.3 143462 99.524 84.534 88.881 86.914 9 3.62E+00 2.85E+00 15328.51 23069.01 38397.52 99.584 85.124 89.615 87.583 10 3.57E+00 1.67E+00 138.1512 3509.923 3648.074 99.619 85.129 89.727 87.646 11 3.55E+00 1.47E+00 38846.49 47584.58 86431.07 99.65 86.624 91.241 89.152 12 3.51E+00 3.79E-06 43742.92 95.53992 43838.46 99.65 88.308 91.244 89.915 13 3.41E+00 4.43E-03 2716.295 1414.086 4130.38 99.65 88.412 91.289 89.987 14 3.36E+00 3.07E-01 4668.249 48284.76 52953.01 99.657 88.592 92.825 90.909 15 3.33E+00 7.77E-01 5830.066 802.9065 6632.973 99.673 88.816 92.851 91.025 SUMMATIONS: 4.75E+03 2.31E+06 2.92E+06 5.23E+06 TOTAL: 4.77E+03 2.60E+06 3.14E+06 5.74E+06 KEPCO & KHNP 56

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 5-3 (1 of 3)

INCOH Results - Vertical (a) Vertical, Frequency = 1.0 Hz EIGEN- PARTICIPATION FACTOR CUMULATIVE PERCENT MODE VALUE Z XX YY ZZ Z XX YY ZZ 1 1.32E+03 48062.11 845.576 3846.043 4691.619 100 0.292 1.057 0.718 2 6.71E-02 0 451.067 359653.9 360105 100 0.447 99.874 55.797 3 5.83E-02 0 288372.1 351.57 288723.7 100 99.944 99.971 99.959 4 1.05E-02 8.53E-10 1.02633 0.17069 1.19702 100 99.945 99.971 99.959 5 9.49E-03 9.96E-08 0.02217 1.47512 1.49729 100 99.945 99.971 99.959 6 5.17E-03 1.32E-09 0.01024 4.41502 4.42525 100 99.945 99.972 99.96 7 4.41E-04 6.68E-14 154.1602 1.12339 155.2836 100 99.998 99.973 99.984 8 2.58E-04 6.05E-17 0 0.00108 0.00108 100 99.998 99.973 99.984 9 2.56E-04 8.67E-13 0.00001 14.58438 14.58439 100 99.998 99.977 99.986 10 2.56E-04 3.96E-18 0 0.00007 0.00007 100 99.998 99.977 99.986 11 2.56E-04 1.89E-16 0 0.00317 0.00317 100 99.998 99.977 99.986 12 2.56E-04 1.43E-18 0 0.00002 0.00002 100 99.998 99.977 99.986 13 2.56E-04 8.64E-17 0 0.00143 0.00143 100 99.998 99.977 99.986 14 2.56E-04 5.52E-18 0 0.00009 0.00009 100 99.998 99.977 99.986 15 2.56E-04 1.28E-22 0 0 0 100 99.998 99.977 99.986 SUM: 4.81E+04 2.90E+05 3.64E+05 6.54E+05 TOTAL: 4.81E+04 2.90E+05 3.64E+05 6.54E+05 (b) Vertical, Frequency = 10.0 Hz EIGEN- PARTICIPATION FACTOR CUMULATIVE PERCENT MODE VALUE Z XX YY ZZ Z XX YY ZZ 1 8.24E+02 37738.77 664.723 11113.02 11777.75 99.882 0.005 0.073 0.043 2 1.27E+02 0.877 17897.76 14977162 14995059 99.884 0.15 98.241 54.336 3 1.12E+02 0.001 12127285 14013.46 12141299 99.884 98.252 98.333 98.297 4 4.36E+01 5.47E-02 926.2077 92.4951 1018.703 99.884 98.259 98.334 98.3 5 3.67E+01 3.89E+01 0.38246 1468.329 1468.712 99.987 98.259 98.343 98.306 6 2.95E+01 3.91E+00 21.71158 1546.521 1568.233 99.998 98.259 98.353 98.311 7 1.55E+01 2.83E-04 120804.6 18.65786 120823.3 99.998 99.237 98.353 98.749 8 1.39E+01 1.66E-01 20.05946 160854.8 160874.9 99.998 99.237 99.408 99.331 9 1.03E+01 7.14E-03 119.6594 81873.05 81992.71 99.998 99.238 99.944 99.628 10 8.87E+00 4.32E-06 86044.06 12.3334 86056.39 99.998 99.934 99.945 99.94 11 6.04E+00 3.06E-01 0.00406 29.04362 29.04767 99.999 99.934 99.945 99.94 12 5.93E+00 9.37E-03 11.8822 1.38529 13.26748 99.999 99.934 99.945 99.94 13 4.15E+00 9.64E-04 1033.033 3.2689 1036.302 99.999 99.942 99.945 99.944 14 3.42E+00 6.03E-02 0.02454 28.12761 28.15215 99.999 99.942 99.945 99.944 15 3.18E+00 2.62E-01 0.10925 93.42087 93.53012 100 99.942 99.946 99.944 SUM: 3.78E+04 1.24E+07 1.52E+07 2.76E+07 TOTAL: 3.78E+04 1.24E+07 1.53E+07 2.76E+07 KEPCO & KHNP 57

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 5-3 (2 of 3)

(c) Vertical, Frequency = 20.0 Hz EIGEN- PARTICIPATION FACTOR CUMULATIVE PERCENT MODE VALUE Z XX YY ZZ Z XX YY ZZ 1 3.42E+02 23991.18 424.111 20335.2 20759.31 99.33 0.004 0.149 0.084 2 1.07E+02 5.079 17678.86 12816477 12834156 99.351 0.162 93.951 51.747 3 9.69E+01 0.008 10462583 14462.53 10477045 99.351 93.755 94.057 93.921 4 5.61E+01 1.73E-01 18190.24 500.2161 18690.46 99.351 93.918 94.061 93.997 5 4.87E+01 9.57E+01 0.00317 8705.818 8705.821 99.747 93.918 94.124 94.032 6 4.38E+01 4.71E+01 75.09215 7136.58 7211.672 99.943 93.919 94.177 94.061 7 3.15E+01 1.17E-02 310698.2 513.9933 311212.2 99.943 96.698 94.18 95.313 8 2.99E+01 2.45E+00 55.22288 419091.3 419146.5 99.953 96.699 97.248 97.001 9 2.61E+01 5.46E-02 530.1361 289011.2 289541.3 99.953 96.703 99.363 98.166 10 2.24E+01 1.51E-03 288354.7 37.11927 288391.8 99.953 99.283 99.363 99.327 11 1.96E+01 5.46E-05 28.72722 64.58576 93.31298 99.953 99.283 99.364 99.327 12 1.87E+01 2.59E+00 7.67512 38.16717 45.84228 99.964 99.283 99.364 99.328 13 1.56E+01 2.29E-02 10446.72 125.9579 10572.68 99.964 99.377 99.365 99.37 14 1.44E+01 5.76E-01 12.90948 563.8406 576.7501 99.966 99.377 99.369 99.372 15 1.33E+01 5.69E+00 0.18258 3235.971 3236.154 99.99 99.377 99.393 99.386 SUMMATIONS: 2.42E+04 1.11E+07 1.36E+07 2.47E+07 TOTAL: 2.42E+04 1.12E+07 1.37E+07 2.48E+07 (d) Vertical, Frequency = 30.0 Hz EIGEN- PARTICIPATION FACTOR CUMULATIVE PERCENT MODE VALUE Z XX YY ZZ Z XX YY ZZ 1 1.84E+02 17444.11 297.76 22148.32 22446.08 98.928 0.003 0.202 0.113 2 6.95E+01 7.461 15005.49 9992415 10007420 98.97 0.17 91.46 50.309 3 6.35E+01 0.012 8163067 12707.01 8175774 98.971 91.004 91.576 91.318 4 4.08E+01 2.03E-01 34686.3 716.9716 35403.28 98.972 91.39 91.582 91.495 5 3.61E+01 7.81E+01 2.8711 11335.66 11338.54 99.415 91.39 91.686 91.552 6 3.31E+01 7.96E+01 84.04466 12003.42 12087.47 99.866 91.391 91.795 91.613 7 2.58E+01 2.03E-02 329165.8 1838.513 331004.3 99.866 95.053 91.812 93.273 8 2.49E+01 3.99E+00 566.9417 428165.7 428732.6 99.889 95.06 95.722 95.424 9 2.26E+01 4.20E-02 946.0785 333234.9 334180.9 99.889 95.07 98.766 97.1 10 1.95E+01 6.80E-03 323814.6 77.98925 323892.6 99.889 98.673 98.766 98.724 11 1.82E+01 4.12E-03 7.59452 210.9296 218.5241 99.889 98.673 98.768 98.726 12 1.70E+01 3.14E+00 50.96982 0.00006 50.96988 99.907 98.674 98.768 98.726 13 1.52E+01 3.51E-02 12722.14 331.4841 13053.62 99.907 98.816 98.771 98.791 14 1.43E+01 7.41E-01 112.281 1098.638 1210.919 99.912 98.817 98.781 98.797 15 1.33E+01 5.63E+00 19.97653 19787.79 19807.76 99.944 98.817 98.962 98.897 SUMMATIONS: 1.76E+04 8.88E+06 1.08E+07 1.97E+07 TOTAL: 1.76E+04 8.99E+06 1.10E+07 1.99E+07 KEPCO & KHNP 58

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 5-3 (3 of 3)

(e) Vertical, Frequency = 40.0 Hz EIGEN- PARTICIPATION FACTOR CUMULATIVE PERCENT MODE VALUE Z XX YY ZZ Z XX YY ZZ 1 1.16E+02 13805.98 222.552 22082.7 22305.25 98.628 0.003 0.242 0.134 2 4.85E+01 8.661 12812.7 8179456 8192269 98.69 0.174 89.864 49.398 3 4.45E+01 0.016 6676960 11135.2 6688095 98.69 89.166 89.986 89.616 4 3.00E+01 2.09E-01 44925.49 803.7979 45729.29 98.691 89.764 89.995 89.891 5 2.69E+01 6.05E+01 12.31138 11582.21 11594.52 99.123 89.764 90.121 89.96 6 2.48E+01 9.44E+01 79.78685 15753.87 15833.66 99.798 89.766 90.294 90.056 7 2.01E+01 2.22E-02 314982 3241.511 318223.5 99.798 93.964 90.33 91.969 8 1.95E+01 4.73E+00 1243.398 399492.8 400736.2 99.832 93.98 94.707 94.379 9 1.81E+01 2.24E-02 1291.82 329026.8 330318.6 99.832 93.997 98.312 96.365 10 1.56E+01 1.42E-02 318230.3 126.7995 318357.1 99.832 98.239 98.313 98.28 11 1.50E+01 1.05E-02 244.6884 301.6312 546.3196 99.832 98.242 98.317 98.283 12 1.39E+01 3.06E+00 110.616 20.03252 130.6486 99.854 98.244 98.317 98.284 13 1.28E+01 3.67E-02 10857.81 508.9235 11366.73 99.854 98.388 98.322 98.352 14 1.21E+01 7.33E-01 265.7582 1502.36 1768.118 99.859 98.392 98.339 98.363 15 1.14E+01 3.39E+00 50.28389 28135.76 28186.04 99.884 98.393 98.647 98.532 SUMMATIONS: 1.40E+04 7.38E+06 9.00E+06 1.64E+07 TOTAL: 1.40E+04 7.50E+06 9.13E+06 1.66E+07 (f) Vertical, Frequency = 50.0 Hz EIGEN- PARTICIPATION FACTOR CUMULATIVE PERCENT MODE VALUE Z XX YY ZZ Z XX YY ZZ 1 8.12E+01 11499.51 172.608 21637.13 21809.74 98.377 0.003 0.275 0.152 2 3.62E+01 9.373 11145.86 6961925 6973071 98.457 0.175 88.672 48.719 3 3.33E+01 0.018 5676524 9896.435 5686420 98.457 87.75 88.798 88.325 4 2.32E+01 2.09E-01 51733.97 838.5909 52572.56 98.459 88.548 88.809 88.691 5 2.10E+01 4.82E+01 28.4533 11121.76 11150.21 98.871 88.549 88.95 88.769 6 1.93E+01 1.01E+02 71.88129 18820.82 18892.7 99.735 88.55 89.189 88.9 7 1.60E+01 2.21E-02 297344.3 4367.455 301711.8 99.736 93.137 89.244 91.002 8 1.56E+01 5.15E+00 1819.41 371469.7 373289.1 99.78 93.165 93.961 93.602 9 1.47E+01 9.21E-03 1578.926 314107 315685.9 99.78 93.19 97.949 95.8 10 1.27E+01 2.36E-02 304740.2 188.415 304928.6 99.78 97.891 97.952 97.924 11 1.24E+01 1.48E-02 1429.911 327.2047 1757.116 99.78 97.913 97.956 97.936 12 1.15E+01 2.87E+00 182.4033 59.20523 241.6086 99.805 97.916 97.956 97.938 13 1.07E+01 3.55E-02 8270.616 656.3473 8926.964 99.805 98.043 97.965 98 14 1.02E+01 6.68E-01 419.3389 1934.856 2354.195 99.811 98.05 97.989 98.017 15 9.73E+00 2.47E+00 60.431 29117.52 29177.95 99.832 98.051 98.359 98.22 SUMMATIONS: 1.17E+04 6.36E+06 7.75E+06 1.41E+07 TOTAL: 1.17E+04 6.48E+06 7.88E+06 1.44E+07 KEPCO & KHNP 59

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 5-4 Frequencies of Analysis - Incoherent SASSI SASSI SASSI Frequency Frequency Frequency No. Freq. No. Freq. No. Freq.

f (Hz) f (Hz) f (Hz)

No. No. No.

1 1 0.0122 31 1004 12.256 61 3066 37.427 2 28 0.3418 32 1054 12.866 62 3156 38.525 3 54 0.6592 33 1104 13.477 63 3246 39.624 4 104 1.2695 34 1154 14.087 64 3336 40.723 5 154 1.8799 35 1204 14.697 65 3426 41.821 6 187 2.2827 36 1254 15.308 66 3516 42.920 7 229 2.7954 37 1304 15.918 67 3606 44.019 8 279 3.4058 38 1354 16.528 68 3696 45.117 9 304 3.7109 39 1404 17.139 69 3786 46.216 2) 10 354 4.3213 40 1500 18.311 70 3878 47.339 1) 11 379 4.6265 41 1596 19.482 71 3966 48.413 12 404 4.9316 42 1692 20.654 72 4056 49.512 13 429 5.2368 43 1740 21.240 73 4146 50.610 14 454 5.5420 44 1788 21.826 74 4219 51.501 15 479 5.8472 45 1836 22.412 75 4342 53.003 16 504 6.1523 46 1884 22.998 76 4465 54.504 17 529 6.4575 47 1932 23.584 77 4588 56.006 18 554 6.7627 48 1980 24.170 78 4834 59.009 19 579 7.0679 49 2028 24.756 79 4957 60.510 20 604 7.3730 50 2076 25.342 80 5079 62.000 21 629 7.6782 51 2166 26.440 81 5202 63.501 22 654 7.9834 52 2256 27.539 82 5325 65.002 23 679 8.2886 53 2346 28.638 83 5448 66.504 24 704 8.5938 54 2438 29.761 84 5571 68.005 25 754 9.2041 55 2526 30.835 85 5694 69.507 26 804 9.8145 56 2616 31.934 86 5817 71.008 27 854 10.4248 57 2706 33.032 28 904 11.0352 58 2796 34.131 29 954 11.6455 59 2886 35.229 3) 30 979 11.9507 60 2976 36.328 Notes:

1) 379 was removed for Mode 3, X-input, uncracked case, because it was an unstable frequency.
2) 1500 was removed for Modes 8 and 9, X-input, uncracked case, because it was an unstable frequency.
3) 2976 was removed for Mode 8, Y-input, uncracked case, because it was an unstable frequency.


Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 6-1 Comparison of Design Force and Moment for PSW Unit: kips/ft, kips-ft/ft Location CSDRS HRHF Response Spectra

1) 2) 3) 4)

M M N N M M N N 157.9 111.3 163.7 44.5 26.5 60.0 28.5 66.8 North (-195.9) (-77.9) (-138.3) (-62.6)

Wall 5) 6) 7) 8)


-74.8 -89.2 127.4 -117.6 -77.3 -92.4 144.3 -133.3 M M N N M M N N 680.7 352.1 695.0 419.2 108.8 184.5 120.9 221.7 East (-616.1) (-351.4) (-630.4) (-423.0)

Wall Q Q QT M Q Q QT M

-139.7 -135.2 99.6 -213.9 -150.2 -158.0 105.2 -230.6 M M N N M M N N 162.4 46.6 182.2 55.4 33.0 50.6 36.2 57.0 East (-144.2) (-64.0) (-146.8) (-63.4)

Wall Q Q QT M Q Q QT M

-76.3 -74.5 108.5 -106.3 -78.5 80.4 122.8 -124.0 Notes:

1) M - Meridional Moment around Horizontal Axis
2) M - Hoop Moment around Vertical Axis
3) N - Meridional Axial Force (+ : Tension, - : Compression)
4) N - Hoop Axial Force (+ : Tension, - : Compression)
5) Q - Meridional Transverse Shear Force
6) Q - Hoop Transverse Shear Force
7) QT - Tangential Shear Force (In-plane Shear Force)
8) M - Torsion Moment KEPCO & KHNP 61

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 6-2 Comparison of Design Force and Moment for IRWST Unit: kips/ft, kips-ft/ft Location CSDRS HRHF Response Spectra

1) 2) 3) 4)

M M N N M M N N 60.2 12.6 60.2 12.5 45.5 15.4 50.0 17.5 Top (-19.7) (-9.3) (-20.1) (-9.2)

Slab 5) 6) 7) 8)

Q Q QT M Q Q QT M 17.5 15.7 16.3 -5.6 19.1 17.1 19.6 -5.6 M M N N M M N N 50.3 11.6 50.3 11.6

-65.3 70.2 -65.3 70.2 Outer (-51.7) (-7.5) (-51.7) (-7.5) wall Q Q QT M Q Q QT M 47.8 3.7 10.5 -4.0 47.8 4.4 11.7 -4.0 Notes:

1) M - Meridional Moment around Horizontal Axis
2) M - Hoop Moment around Vertical Axis
3) N - Meridional Axial Force (+ : Tension, - : Compression)
4) N - Hoop Axial Force (+ : Tension, - : Compression)
5) Q - Meridional Transverse Shear Force
6) Q - Hoop Transverse Shear Force
7) QT - Tangential Shear Force (In-plane Shear Force)
8) M - Torsion Moment KEPCO & KHNP 62

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 6-3 (1 of 2)

Comparison of Design Force and Moment for SSW Unit: kips/ft, kips-ft/ft Location CSDRS HRHF Response Spectra

1) 2) 3) 4)

M M N N M M N N 130.9 240.3 136.5 265.9 88.4 154.4 90.8 159.6

(-119.8) (-130.3) (-125.4) (-155.7)



5) 6) 7) 8)


-35.3 54.0 -128.2 -71.2 -36.5 59.1 -136.1 -78.3 M M N N M M N N 1521.6 949.7 1389.5 897.3

(-1304.2) (-1038.2) 215.6 344.1 (-1165.9) 222.4 319.7



RFP Q Q QT M Q Q QT M 232.5 415.5 -158.8 673.6 213.8 377.2 -165.8 633.4 M M N N M M N N 89.1 306.8 105.7 295.7 40.4 365.6 43.7 366.3

(-74.3) (-255.6) (-90.6) (-244.5)


RFP Q Q QT M Q Q QT M 32.7 -72.3 -108.9 53.5 31.5 -71.0 -105.7 51.7 M M N N M M N N 430.3 492.3 407.5 513.1 399.2 199.4 379.6 208.6

(-335.7) (-407.3) (-313.6) (-421.7)


SG Q Q QT M Q Q QT M 61.7(g) -220.2(g) 58.1(g) -221.5(g) 114.1 92.2 -111.4(h) 280.3(h) 111.7 92.3 -108.3(h) 275.1(h)


Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 6-3 (2 of 2)

Location CSDRS HRHF Response Spectra M M N N M M N N 743.5 703.4 895.1 610.1 85.1 211.5 20.5 168.7

(-685.3) (-603.5) (-784.0) (-713.0)


SG Q Q QT M Q Q QT M 57.215) -446.015) 71.715) -362.415)

-171.4 -149.5 116.516) -324.016)

-158.9 -140.5 -131.616) -346.916)

M M N N M M N N 21.2 178.8 21.5 197.5 173.7 89.6 177.9 169.2

(-15.7) (-244.7) (-16.5) (-205.0)


PZR Q Q QT M Q Q QT M 135.715) 16.315) 138.915) -17.115)

-1.2 -92.3 95.216) -69.716)

-1.3 -96.3 118.716) -26.616)


1) M - Meridional Moment around Horizontal Axis
2) M - Hoop Moment around Vertical Axis
3) N - Meridional Axial Force (+ : Tension, - : Compression)
4) N - Hoop Axial Force (+ : Tension, - : Compression)
5) Q - Meridional Transverse Shear Force
6) Q - Hoop Transverse Shear Force
7) QT - Tangential Shear Force (In-plane Shear Force)
8) M - Torsion Moment
9) Secondary Shield Wall (Thickness 4 feet
10) South/North Wall of Refueling pool (Thickness 6 feet 2 inches)
11) West Wall of Refueling pool (Thickness 5 feet)
12) Circular Wall of Steam Generator (S/G) Enclosure (Thickness 4 feet)
13) Straight Wall of Steam Generator (S/G) Enclosure (Thickness 5 feet)
14) Pressurizer (PZR) Enclosure Wall (Thickness 2 feet 9 inches)
15) These forces are considered with N and M when designing vertical re-bar
16) These forces are considered with N and M when designing horizontal re-bar KEPCO & KHNP 64

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 6-4 Comparison of Design Force and Moment for Containment Structure Elevation CSDRS HRHF Response Spectra Location M M M M Bottom Top N N N N (kip- (kip- (kip- (kip-(ft) (ft) (kip/ft) (kip/ft) (kip/ft) (kip/ft) ft/ft) ft/ft) ft/ft) ft/ft)

RCB-1 78-0 103-0 694.33 254.56 306.00 50.42 462.93 167.78 212.05 34.27 RCB-2 103-0 143-0 598.84 64.69 300.47 40.56 400.43 44.94 209.42 38.69 RCB-3 143-0 157-6 503.42 158.60 280.95 85.44 342.62 112.57 203.42 51.43 RCB-4 157-6 197-6 471.44 117.51 272.82 47.37 317.36 79.04 191.96 31.65 RCB-5 197-6 228-0 305.13 55.19 221.56 52.64 216.83 36.39 148.83 28.71 RCB-6 228-0 254-6 272.38 126.76 223.21 144.11 196.83 94.80 156.34 95.69 Notes:

1) N - Meridional Force
2) M - Meridional Moment
3) N - Hoop Force
4) M - Hoop Moment KEPCO & KHNP 65

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 6-5 Comparison of Equivalent Accelerations for Auxiliary Building Elevation (ft) CSDRS HRHF Response Spectra Location Bottom Top Acc. X (g) Acc. Y (g) Acc. Z (g) Acc. X (g) Acc. Y (g) Acc. Z (g)

AB-FHA: 1 213-6 226-6 1.39 1.84 0.75 1.04 1.50 0.73 AB-FHA: 2 213-0 213-6 1.60 1.05 0.61 1.02 0.83 0.44 AB-FHA: 3 195-0 213-0 1.33 1.27 0.34 0.86 0.96 0.47 AB-MCR: 1 195-0 213-0 1.48 1.12 0.77 1.34 0.90 0.61 AB: 1 174-0 195-0 1.00 1.07 0.49 0.58 0.69 0.39 AB: 2 156-0 174-0 0.71 0.96 0.51 0.54 0.69 0.42 AB: 3 137-6 156-0 0.60 0.77 0.50 0.45 0.46 0.41 AB: 4 120-0 137-6 0.62 0.71 0.45 0.39 0.50 0.41 AB: 5 98-6 120-0 0.51 0.64 0.42 0.33 0.45 0.33 AB: 6 77-0 98-6 0.33 0.47 0.34 0.25 0.33 0.30 AB: 7 67-0 77-0 0.27 0.31 0.31 0.23 0.27 0.27 AB: 8 55-0 67-0 0.26 0.26 0.31 0.23 0.23 0.24 KEPCO & KHNP 66

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 6-6 Comparison of Equivalent Accelerations for EDGB/DFOT room Elevation CSDRS HRHF Response Spectra Location (ft) Acc. X (g) Acc. Y (g) Acc. Z (g) Acc. X (g) Acc. Y (g) Acc. Z (g)

DFOT Room 63 0.48 0.37 0.38 0.53 0.60 0.46 DFOT Room 100 0.81 0.90 0.45 0.53 0.65 0.72 EDGB 100 0.59 0.49 0.33 0.60 0.48 0.35 EDGB 135 0.82 0.82 0.45 0.86 0.74 0.56 KEPCO & KHNP 67

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 6-7 Comparison of Design Force and Moment for RCS Component Supports

3) 1),2) Design Load Interface Description HRHF 2)

Loads H Upper Lateral Support 1160 3190 Fa 11 30 Fb 946 1900 RV Fc 288 390 Column Base Ma 250 400 Mb 632 970 Mc 115 280 Y1 620 880 Y2 1146 1610 Sliding Vertical Pad Y3 820 1170 Y4 1201 1610 Z11 737 950 SG Lower Key Z12 737 950 X 1055 1910 Snubber Assembly (per Snubber)

S 228 400 Z1 1048 1500 Upper Key Z2 1048 1500 V1 134 200 V2 134 200 Vertical Column Support V3 134 200 V4 134 200 RCP R1 98 150 Lower Horizontal Column Support R2 98 150 R3 220 410 Upper Horizontal Column Support R4 220 410 P Snubber (Pair) 502 810 Fv 258 380 Fh 314 410 Skirt Flange PZR Mt 1160 1750 Mb 6224 8880 Fk Key 389 570 Notes : 1) The maximum loads from HRHF seismic analyses are as-calculated values.

2) Units are [kips] for forces and [ft-kips] for moments.
3) For load designation, refer to Figures 6-4 ~ 6-7.


Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 6-8 Comparison of Design Force and Moment RCS Component Nozzles 2),3) 1)

Nozzle Loads Location Case Fa Fb Fc Ma Mb Mc HRHF 131 41 120 250 164 186 RV Inlet Design Loads 180 80 170 530 480 340 HRHF 725 324 85 218 553 1907 RV outlet Design Loads 1500 540 340 680 2600 3700 HRHF 759 84 237 375 2339 571 SG Inlet Design Loads 1500 360 480 1600 3400 1800 HRHF 22 95 21 286 162 380 SG outlet Design Loads 30 130 40 390 230 490 HRHF 27 71 75 129 262 296 RCP Inlet Design Loads 40 90 100 190 370 410 HRHF 171 38 10 105 135 547 RCP outlet Design Loads 240 70 20 130 210 880 Notes:

1) The maximum loads from HRHF seismic analyses are as-calculated values.
2) Units are [kips] for forces and [ft-kips] for moments.
3) For load designation, refer to Figures 6-8 ~ 6-10 KEPCO & KHNP 69

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 6-9 Comparison of Design Force and Moment for Reactor Coolant System Loop Piping TS KEPCO & KHNP 70

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 6-9 (Contd)

Comparison of Design Force and Moment for Reactor Coolant System Loop Piping TS KEPCO & KHNP 71

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 6-10 Comparison of Stress Analysis Results for Class 1 Piping Systems TS KEPCO & KHNP 72

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 6-11 Comparison of Stress Analysis Results for Class 2 Piping Systems TS KEPCO & KHNP 73

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 6-12 Comparison of Design Moment for Surge Line TS KEPCO & KHNP 74

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 6-12 (Contd)

Comparison of Design Moment for Surge Line TS KEPCO & KHNP 75

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 6-12 (Contd)

Comparison of Design Moment for Surge Line TS KEPCO & KHNP 76

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table 6-13 Potentially HF Sensitive Component

  • Electro-mechanical relays (e.g., control relays, time delay relays, protective relays)
  • Electro-mechanical contactors (e.g., Motor Control Center(MCC) starter)
  • Circuit breakers (e.g., molded case and power breaker - low and medium voltage)
  • Control switches (e.g., benchboard panel, operator switches)
  • Transfer switches (e.g., low and medium voltage switches with instrumentation)
  • Process switches and sensors (e.g., pressure/diff. pressure, temperature, level, limit/position, and flow)
  • Digital solid-state devices (mounting and connections only)
  • microprocessors-based components
  • Connectors and connections (including circuit board connections for digital and analog equipment)
  • Unrestrained components KEPCO & KHNP 77

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 SHAKE 91 Rock 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 G/Gmax 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 Shear Strain (%)

14.00 12.00 10.00 Damping (%)

8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 Shear Strain (%)

Figure 2-1 Shear-modulus-degradation and Damping-value Variation Curves for Rock Considered for HRHF KEPCO & KHNP 78

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Figure 3-1 5%-Damped Maximum and Fractile Hard Rock Composite Envelope Spectra Developed for 60 Existing CEUS Nuclear Power Plant Sites KEPCO & KHNP 79

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 5% - Damped Horizontal HRHF Design Response Spectrum 1.4 Spectral Acceleration (g) 1.2 1

0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Figure 3-2 APR1400 HRHF Response Spectrum for 5% Damping Ratio - Horizontal KEPCO & KHNP 80

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 5% - Damped Vertical HRHF Design Response Spectrum 1.4 Spectral Acceleration (g) 1.2 1

0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Figure 3-3 APR1400 HRHF Response Spectrum for 5% Damping Ratio - Vertical KEPCO & KHNP 81

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 V/H Response Spectra Ratio (0.2 - 0.5g) 10 V/H 1 0.1 0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Figure 3-4 V/H Response Spectra Ratios (0.2 - 0.5g)


Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 HRHF Horizontal Target Response Spectra 1.8 2%

1.6 Damping 3%

1.4 Damping 4%

Spectral Acceleration (g) 1.2 Damping 5%

Damping 1 7%

Damping 0.8 10%

Damping 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Figure 3-5 APR1400 HRHF Response Spectra for 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 10% Damping Ratios -

Horizontal KEPCO & KHNP 83

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 HRHF Vertical Target Response Spectra 1.8 2%

1.6 Damping 3%

1.4 Damping 4%

Spectral Acceleration (g) 1.2 Damping 5%

1 Damping 7%

0.8 Damping 10%

0.6 Damping 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Figure 3-6 APR1400 HRHF Response Spectra for 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 10% Damping Ratios - Vertical KEPCO & KHNP 84

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 10.00 APR1400 CSDRS Horizontal, Damping=5%

5% - Damped HRHF Horizontal 1.00 Acceleration (g) 0.10 0.01 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 Frequency (cps)

Figure 3-7 APR1400 HRHF Response Spectrum vs CSDRS for 5% Damping Ratio - Horizontal KEPCO & KHNP 85

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 10.00 APR1400 CSDRS Vertical, Damping=5%

5% - Damped HRHF Vertical 1.00 Acceleration (g) 0.10 0.01 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 Frequency (cps)

Figure 3-8 APR1400 HRHF Response Spectrum vs CSDRS for 5% Damping Ratio - Vertical KEPCO & KHNP 86

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Nahanni, NWT, Canada, 12/23/85, Site #3, 270 0.60 max=.443 g's 0.40 0.20 Acc (g) 0.00



-0.60 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Time (sec)

Nahanni, NWT, Canada, 12/23/85, Site #3, 270 15 max=7.18 in/sec 10 Vel (in/sec) 5 0



-15 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Time (sec)

Nahanni, NWT, Canada, 12/23/85, Site #3, 270 6 max=-3.66 in 4

2 Dis (in) 0



-6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Time (sec)

Figure 3-9 Recorded Nahanni, Canada, Earthquake at Mackenzie Station #3 - 270 Component Seed Motion KEPCO & KHNP 87

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Nahanni, NWT, Canada, 12/23/85, Site #3, 360 0.60 max=-.417 g's 0.40 0.20 Acc (g) 0.00



-0.60 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Time (sec)

Nahanni, NWT, Canada, 12/23/85, Site #3, 360 15 max=3.95 in/sec 10 Vel (in/sec) 5 0



-15 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Time (sec)

Nahanni, NWT, Canada, 12/23/85, Site #3, 360 6 max=-1.17 in 4

2 Dis (in) 0



-6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Time (sec)

Figure 3-10 Recorded Nahanni, Canada, Earthquake at Mackenzie Station #3 - 360 Component Seed Motion KEPCO & KHNP 88

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Nahanni, NWT, Canada, 12/23/85, Site #3, VT 0.60 max=.421 g's 0.40 0.20 Acc (g) 0.00



-0.60 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Time (sec)

Nahanni, NWT, Canada, 12/23/85, Site #3, VT 15 max=-7.97 in/sec 10 Vel (in/sec) 5 0



-15 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Time (sec)

Nahanni, NWT, Canada, 12/23/85, Site #3, VT 6 max=-3.56 in 4

2 Dis (in) 0



-6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Time (sec)

Figure 3-11 Recorded Nahanni, Canada, Earthquake at Mackenzie Station #3 - VT Component Seed Motion KEPCO & KHNP 89

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 APR1400 - HRHF - 5% damping 2.5 0.8 fractile Nahanni Site 3, 12/23/85, 270, unmodified, 2.0 scaled, max=.443 g 1.5 Spectral Accel (g) 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 Frequency (Hz)

Figure 3-12 Response Spectra of Nahanni Earthquake Mackenzie Station #3 Recorded Motion Scaled to PGA of 0.46g - 270 Component KEPCO & KHNP 90

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 APR1400 - HRHF - 5% damping 2.5 0.8 fractile Nahanni, site 3, 12/23/85, 360, unmodified, 2.0 scaled, max=.417 g 1.5 Spectral Accel (g) 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 Frequency (Hz)

Figure 3-13 Response Spectra of Nahanni Earthquake Mackenzie Station #3 Recorded Motion Scaled to PGA of 0.46g - 360 Component KEPCO & KHNP 91

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 APR1400 - HRHF - 5% damping 1.8 0.8 fractile, Vertical 1.6 Nahanni, Site 3, 12/23/85, VT, unmodified, scaled, max=.421 g 1.4 1.2 Spectral Accel (g) 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 Frequency (Hz)

Figure 3-14 Response Spectra of Nahanni Earthquake Mackenzie Station #3 Recorded Motion Scaled to PGA of 0.46g - VT Component KEPCO & KHNP 92

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Time History Compound Envelope 3.0 2.5 =(t/2)² for t<2 ;

=exp(-0.7(t-16)) for t>16 2.0 Envelope 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Time (sec)

Figure 3-15 Intensity Envelope Function KEPCO & KHNP 93

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Response Spectra of 30 Horiz. Time Histories compatible with HRHF DRS 10 MEDIAN 1

Spectral Acceleration (g) 0.1 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Figure 3-16 Comparison of 2%-Damped Ensemble of 30 Time-History Response Spectra and Ensemble-Median Response Spectrum - Horizontal KEPCO & KHNP 94

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Response Spectra of 30 Vert. Time Histories compatible with HRHF DRS 10 MEDIAN 1

Spectral Acceleration (g) 0.1 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Figure 3-17 Comparison of 2%-Damped Ensemble of 30 Time-History Response Spectra and Ensemble-Median Response Spectrum - Vertical KEPCO & KHNP 95

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Comparison of Median of 30 Horiz. Time Histories with Target HRHF DRS 10 TARGET MEDIAN 1

Spectral Acceleration (g) 0.1 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Figure 3-18 Comparison of 2%-Damped Ensemble of Median Response Spectra and APR1400 HRHF Horizontal Target Response Spectrum - Horizontal KEPCO & KHNP 96

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Comparison of Median of 30 Vert. Time Histories with Target HRHF DRS 10 TARGET MEDIAN 1

Spectral Acceleration (g) 0.1 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Figure 3-19 Comparison of 2%-Damped Ensemble of Median Response Spectra and APR1400 HRHF Vertical Target Response Spectrum - Vertical KEPCO & KHNP 97

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Figure 3-20 Computed PSDs for the Generated 30 Time History Ensemble - Horizontal KEPCO & KHNP 98

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Figure 3-21 Computed PSDs for the Generated 30 Time History Ensemble - Vertical KEPCO & KHNP 99

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 PieceWise Linear Target of Smoothed Horizontal PSD of Mean of Raw PSD from 30 Time Histories compatible with HRHF DRS 1.E+03 Smoothed +/-20% (ZPA=.463 g) PieceWise Linear Target 1.E+02 PSD (in^2/sec^4/(Hz) 1.E+01 1.E+00 0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Figure 3-22 Smoothed Ensemble-Mean and Piecewise Log-Log Linear PSD Obtained from the Generated 30 Time History Ensemble - Horizontal KEPCO & KHNP 100

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 PieceWise Linear Target of Smoothed Vertical PSD of Mean of Raw PSD from 30 Time Histories compatible with HRHF DRS 1.E+03 Smoothed +/-20% (ZPA=.463 g) PieceWise Linear Target 1.E+02 PSD (in^2/sec^4/(Hz) 1.E+01 1.E+00 0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Figure 3-23 Smoothed Ensemble-Mean and Piecewise Log-Log Linear PSD Obtained from the Generated 30 Time History Ensemble - Vertical KEPCO & KHNP 101

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 0.462x Table 1 - Horizontal Target PSD for CEUS Rock Sites, Magnitude 6-7 (from SRP 3.7.1, Rev.4) 1,000.0 100.0 PSD (in2/sec4/cps) 10.0 APR1400 HRHF Target PSD - Horizontal 0-10km 1.0 10-50km 50-100km Average (0-100km) 0.1 0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Figure 3-24 Comparison of the Horizontal Target PSD Compatible with APR1400 HRHF Horizontal Response Spectra with the SRP 3.7.1 PSDs for CEUS Rock Sites KEPCO & KHNP 102

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Figure 3-25 Target and Minimum Required PSDs - Horizontal KEPCO & KHNP 103

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Figure 3-26 Target and Minimum Required PSDs - Vertical KEPCO & KHNP 104

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Normalized Cumulative Energy 1.00 0.90 0.80 P2 Normalized Cumulative Energy 0.70 0.60 0.50 ti P1 ti P2 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 P1 0.00 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Time (sec)

Figure 3-27 Procedure for Determining Equivalent Stationary Duration KEPCO & KHNP 105

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 1



-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 TIME (sec) 15 VELOCITY (inch/sec) 10 5




-15 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 TIME (sec) 6 DISPLACEMENT (inch) 4 2




-6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 TIME (sec)

Figure 3-28 Acceleration, Velocity, and Displacement of H1H KEPCO & KHNP 106

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 10 1

Acceleration (g) 0.1 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Figure 3-29 Comparison of Response Spectra of H1H and HRHF Horizontal Target Response Spectra KEPCO & KHNP 107

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 1



-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 TIME (sec) 15 VELOCITY (inch/sec) 10 5




-15 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 TIME (sec) 6 DISPLACEMENT (inch) 4 2




-6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 TIME (sec)

Figure 3-30 Acceleration, Velocity, and Displacement of H2H KEPCO & KHNP 108

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 10 1

Acceleration (g) 0.1 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Figure 3-31 Comparison of Response Spectra of H2H and HRHF Horizontal Target Response Spectra KEPCO & KHNP 109

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 1



-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 TIME (sec) 15 VELOCITY (inch/sec) 10 5




-15 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 TIME (sec) 6 DISPLACEMENT (inch) 4 2




-6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 TIME (sec)

Figure 3-32 Acceleration, Velocity, and Displacement of VTH KEPCO & KHNP 110

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 10 1

Acceleration (g) 0.1 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Figure 3-33 Comparison of Response Spectra of VTH and HRHF Vertical Target Response Spectra KEPCO & KHNP 111

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Plane-wave coherency for hard rock - Horizontal Component Hor-10m 1.0 Hor-25m 0.9 Hor-50m 0.8 Hor-100m 0.7 Hor-150m Plane-Wave coherency 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Frequency (Hz)

Plane-wave coherency for hard rock - Vertical Component Ver-10m 1.0 Ver-25m 0.9 Ver-50m 0.8 Ver-100m 0.7 Ver-150m Plane-Wave coherency 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Frequency (Hz)

Figure 4-1 Amplitude of Empirical Plane-Wave Spatial-Coherency Function for Horizontal and Vertical Ground Motion Components for Hard Rock KEPCO & KHNP 112

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Figure 5-1 Shear-Wave-Velocity Profile of the Pinyon Flat Array Site KEPCO & KHNP 113

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 APR1400Low-strain APR1400 Generic Soil Profiles Soil Profiles Shear Wave Velocity (ft/sec) 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 0 0 10 S8 50 S9 20 100 30 40 Depth (ft) Depth (m) 150 50 200 60 70 250 80 300 90 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Shear Wave Velocity (m/sec)

Figure 5-2 Shear-Wave-Velocity Profiles of APR1400 Low-strain Sites S8 and S9 KEPCO & KHNP 114

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Si te: 8 (ma x=1.4 @ 8.6 Hz) 6 5

4 Amplitude 3

2 1

0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Frequency (Hz)

Figure 5-3 Horizontal Site Response Transfer Function for the APR1400 Generic Site Profile S8 KEPCO & KHNP 115

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Si te: 9 (ma x=1.8 @ 12.0 Hz) 6 5

Amplitude 4

3 2

1 0

0 10 20 30 40 50 Frequency (Hz)

Figure 5-4 Horizontal Site Response Transfer Function for the APR1400 Generic Site Profile S9 KEPCO & KHNP 116

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Figure 5-5 Comparison of ISRS Based on CSDRS and HRHF Response Spectra - Containment Structure at El. 78-0 KEPCO & KHNP 117

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Figure 5-6 Comparison of ISRS Based on CSDRS and HRHF Response Spectra - Containment Structure at El. 160-0 KEPCO & KHNP 118

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Figure 5-7 Comparison of ISRS Based on CSDRS and HRHF Response Spectra - Containment Structure at El. 332-0 KEPCO & KHNP 119

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Figure 5-8 Comparison ISRS Based on of CSDRS and HRHF Response Spectra - Primary Shield Wall at El. 78-0 KEPCO & KHNP 120

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Figure 5-9 Comparison of ISRS Based on CSDRS and HRHF Response Spectra - Primary Shield Wall at El. 156-0 KEPCO & KHNP 121

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Figure 5-10 Comparison of ISRS Based on CSDRS and HRHF Response Spectra - Primary Shield Wall at El. 191-0 KEPCO & KHNP 122

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Figure 5-11 Comparison of ISRS Based on CSDRS and HRHF Response Spectra - Secondary Shield Wall at El. 78-0 KEPCO & KHNP 123

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Figure 5-12 Comparison of ISRS Based on CSDRS and HRHF Response Spectra - Secondary Shield Wall at El. 156-0 KEPCO & KHNP 124

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Figure 5-13 Comparison of ISRS Based on CSDRS and HRHF Response Spectra - Secondary Shield Wall at El. 191-0 KEPCO & KHNP 125

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Figure 5-14 Comparison of ISRS Based on CSDRS and HRHF Response Spectra - Auxiliary Building Shearwall at El. 55-0 KEPCO & KHNP 126

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Figure 5-15 Comparison of ISRS Based on CSDRS and HRHF Response Spectra - Auxiliary Building Shearwall at El. 156-0 KEPCO & KHNP 127

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Figure 5-16 Comparison of ISRS Based on CSDRS and HRHF Response Spectra - Auxiliary Building Shearwall at El. 213-6 KEPCO & KHNP 128

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Figure 5-17 Comparison of ISRS Based on CSDRS and HRHF Response Spectra - Auxiliary Building Slabs at El. 55-0, 156-0 and 213-6 KEPCO & KHNP 129

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 1.2 CSDRS 1

Acceleration in g unit HRHF - Coherent 0.8 HRHF - Incoherent 0.6 0.4

0.2 Damping


E-W (X) Response 0

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (cps) 1.8 1.6 CSDRS 1.4 Acceleration in g unit HRHF - Coherent 1.2 HRHF - Incoherent 1

0.8 0.6 0.4

0.2 Damping


N-S (Y) Response 0

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (cps) 1.8 1.6 CSDRS 1.4 Acceleration in g unit HRHF - Coherent 1.2 HRHF - Incoherent 1

0.8 0.6 0.4

0.2 Damping


Vert. (Z) Response 0

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (cps)

Figure 5-18 Comparison of ISRS Based on CSDRS and HRHF Response Spectra - DFOT Room Wall at El. 63-0 KEPCO & KHNP 130

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 4

3.5 CSDRS Acceleration in g unit 3 HRHF - Coherent 2.5 HRHF - Incoherent 2

1.5 1

0.5 Damping


E-W (X) Response 0

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (cps) 5 4.5 CSDRS 4

Acceleration in g unit HRHF - Coherent 3.5 HRHF - Incoherent 3

2.5 2

1.5 1

Damping: 5%

0.5 N-S (Y) Response 0

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (cps) 3 CSDRS 2.5 Acceleration in g unit HRHF - Coherent 2

HRHF - Incoherent 1.5 1

0.5 Damping


Vert. (Z) Response 0

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (cps)

Figure 5-19 Comparison of ISRS Based on CSDRS and HRHF Response Spectra - DFOT Room Wall at El. 100-0 KEPCO & KHNP 131

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 2.5 CSDRS 2

Acceleration in g unit HRHF - Coherent HRHF - Incoherent 1.5 1

0.5 Damping


E-W (X) Response 0

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (cps) 1.8 1.6 CSDRS 1.4 Acceleration in g unit HRHF - Coherent 1.2 HRHF - Incoherent 1

0.8 0.6 0.4

0.2 Damping


N-S (Y) Response 0

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (cps) 2.5 CSDRS 2

Acceleration in g unit HRHF - Coherent HRHF - Incoherent 1.5 1

0.5 Damping


Vert. (Z) Response 0

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (cps)

Figure 5-20 Comparison of ISRS Based on CSDRS and HRHF Response Spectra - EDGB Wall at El. 100-0 KEPCO & KHNP 132

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 5

4.5 CSDRS 4

Acceleration in g unit HRHF - Coherent 3.5 HRHF - Incoherent 3

2.5 2

1.5 1

Damping: 5%

0.5 E-W (X) Response 0

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (cps) 3.5 CSDRS 3

Acceleration in g unit HRHF - Coherent 2.5 HRHF - Incoherent 2

1.5 1

0.5 Damping


N-S (Y) Response 0

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (cps) 4 3.5 CSDRS Acceleration in g unit 3 HRHF - Coherent 2.5 HRHF - Incoherent 2

1.5 1

0.5 Damping


Vert. (Z) Response 0

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (cps)

Figure 5-21 Comparison of ISRS Based on CSDRS and HRHF Response Spectra - EDGB Wall at El. 135-0 KEPCO & KHNP 133

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 2.5 CSDRS 2

Acceleration in g unit HRHF - Coherent HRHF - Incoherent 1.5 1

0.5 Damping


Vert. (Z) Response 0

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (cps)

(a) El. 63-0 12 CSDRS 10 Acceleration in g unit HRHF - Coherent 8

HRHF - Incoherent 6

4 2 Damping: 5%

Vert. (Z) Response 0

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (cps)

(a) El. 100-0 Figure 5-22 Comparison of ISRS Based on CSDRS and HRHF Response Spectra - DFOT Room Slabs KEPCO & KHNP 134

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 2.5 CSDRS 2

Acceleration in g unit HRHF - Coherent HRHF - Incoherent 1.5 1

0.5 Damping


Vert. (Z) Response 0

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (cps)

(a) El. 100-0 7


Acceleration in g unit HRHF - Coherent 5

HRHF - Incoherent 4

3 2

1 Damping: 5%

Vert. (Z) Response 0

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (cps)

(a) El. 135-0 Figure 5-23 Comparison of ISRS Based on CSDRS and HRHF Response Spectra - EDGB Slabs KEPCO & KHNP 135

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 TS Figure 6-1 Arrangement of RCS KEPCO & KHNP 136

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 TS Figure 6-2 Reactor Coolant System Component Supports KEPCO & KHNP 137

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 TS Figure 6-3 Reactor Coolant System Component Nozzles KEPCO & KHNP 138

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Figure 6-4 RV Supports KEPCO & KHNP 139

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Figure 6-5 SG Support (No.1)


Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Figure 6-6 RCP Support (1A)


Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Figure 6-7 PZR Supports KEPCO & KHNP 142

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Figure 6-8 RV Nozzle KEPCO & KHNP 143

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Figure 6-9 SG Nozzle KEPCO & KHNP 144

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Figure 6-10 RCP Nozzle KEPCO & KHNP 145

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 TS Figure 6-11 Reactor Coolant System Loop Piping Section/End Locations and Coordinate Systems KEPCO & KHNP 146

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 TS Figure 6-11 Reactor Coolant System Loop Piping Section/End Locations and Coordinate Systems (Contd)


Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 TS Figure 6-11 Reactor Coolant System Loop Piping Section/End Locations and Coordinate Systems (Contd)


Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Safety Related Equipment Redesign or Requalification No Nat. frequency of Equipment Is item No No Additional Not Exists Potentially CSDRS Exceedance Evaluation for HF is HF Sensitive? Acceptable?

In Region?

Yes Yes Yes No Existing data No Screening has adequate Test Shows No HF HF contents? Sensitivity?

Yes Yes Item is Acceptable Figure 6-12 High-Frequency Screening Process KEPCO & KHNP 149

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 TS Figure 6-13 Location of Surge Line Loads KEPCO & KHNP 150

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 APPENDIX A APR1400 HRHF RESPONSE SPECTRA FOR 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, AND 10%


Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Page intentionally blank KEPCO & KHNP A2

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table A-1 (1 of 3)

HRHF Horizontal Target Response Spectrum for 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 10% Damping Ratios HRHF Horizontal Target Response Spectra (g) 2% 3% 4% 5% 7% 10%

Frequency (Hz)

Damping Damping Damping Damping Damping Damping 0.5 0.1249 0.1168 0.1117 0.1078 0.1037 0.1024 0.6 0.1530 0.1412 0.1333 0.1271 0.1192 0.1135 0.7 0.1786 0.1635 0.1532 0.1452 0.1345 0.1256 0.8 0.2025 0.1844 0.1719 0.1622 0.1491 0.1375 0.9 0.2248 0.2037 0.1892 0.1780 0.1626 0.1488 1 0.2499 0.2255 0.2089 0.1960 0.1783 0.1620 1.1 0.2764 0.2486 0.2298 0.2153 0.1951 0.1764 1.2 0.3023 0.2714 0.2507 0.2346 0.2122 0.1911 1.25 0.3151 0.2828 0.2610 0.2442 0.2208 0.1986 1.3 0.3274 0.2937 0.2711 0.2535 0.2291 0.2059 1.4 0.3520 0.3156 0.2911 0.2720 0.2456 0.2202 1.5 0.3774 0.3376 0.3111 0.2905 0.2621 0.2348 1.6 0.3991 0.3562 0.3277 0.3056 0.2753 0.2463 1.7 0.4198 0.3741 0.3439 0.3205 0.2884 0.2577 1.8 0.4405 0.3921 0.3600 0.3351 0.3012 0.2687 1.9 0.4606 0.4098 0.3759 0.3497 0.3137 0.2795 2 0.4810 0.4275 0.3917 0.3640 0.3263 0.2905 2.1 0.4979 0.4416 0.4039 0.3747 0.3351 0.2978 2.2 0.5144 0.4552 0.4158 0.3852 0.3437 0.3048 2.3 0.5295 0.4678 0.4271 0.3955 0.3526 0.3125 2.4 0.5436 0.4799 0.4381 0.4056 0.3618 0.3208 2.5 0.5565 0.4914 0.4487 0.4156 0.3707 0.3287 2.6 0.5743 0.5073 0.4631 0.4288 0.3823 0.3389 2.7 0.5919 0.5227 0.4772 0.4420 0.3941 0.3492 2.8 0.6091 0.5378 0.4912 0.4550 0.4058 0.3598 2.9 0.6249 0.5520 0.5047 0.4679 0.4179 0.3708 3 0.6409 0.5664 0.5182 0.4808 0.4300 0.3820 3.15 0.6613 0.5843 0.5346 0.4961 0.4441 0.3948 3.3 0.6819 0.6021 0.5509 0.5111 0.4576 0.4071 3.45 0.7000 0.6187 0.5664 0.5259 0.4709 0.4189 3.6 0.7177 0.6350 0.5818 0.5405 0.4844 0.4313 3.8 0.7408 0.6559 0.6016 0.5596 0.5024 0.4479 4 0.7656 0.6777 0.6217 0.5783 0.5196 0.4634 4.2 0.7866 0.6962 0.6387 0.5942 0.5341 0.4763 4.4 0.8114 0.7165 0.6564 0.6097 0.5471 0.4871 KEPCO & KHNP A3

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table A-1 (2 of 3)

HRHF Horizontal Target Response Spectra (g) 2% 3% 4% 5% 7% 10%

Frequency (Hz)

Damping Damping Damping Damping Damping Damping 4.6 0.8347 0.7357 0.6733 0.6249 0.5599 0.4977 4.8 0.8566 0.7544 0.6899 0.6398 0.5725 0.5079 5 0.8788 0.7732 0.7063 0.6545 0.5850 0.5180 5.25 0.9068 0.7954 0.7254 0.6711 0.5990 0.5294 5.5 0.9345 0.8174 0.7441 0.6873 0.6121 0.5397 5.75 0.9652 0.8411 0.7634 0.7032 0.6240 0.5488 6 0.9918 0.8626 0.7816 0.7187 0.6358 0.5580 6.25 1.0154 0.8812 0.7976 0.7328 0.6478 0.5680 6.5 1.0333 0.8968 0.8123 0.7467 0.6604 0.5794 6.75 1.0503 0.9120 0.8265 0.7603 0.6728 0.5911 7 1.0657 0.9262 0.8403 0.7736 0.6856 0.6034 7.25 1.0780 0.9383 0.8523 0.7855 0.6974 0.6155 7.5 1.0892 0.9501 0.8640 0.7972 0.7089 0.6272 7.75 1.1003 0.9613 0.8754 0.8087 0.7203 0.6385 8 1.1131 0.9728 0.8867 0.8200 0.7315 0.6495 8.5 1.1393 0.9957 0.9079 0.8398 0.7500 0.6668 9 1.1681 1.0201 0.9293 0.8589 0.7668 0.6821 9.5 1.2021 1.0492 0.9552 0.8823 0.7880 0.7017 10 1.2356 1.0775 0.9803 0.9050 0.8093 0.7215 10.5 1.2661 1.1033 1.0036 0.9263 0.8291 0.7404 11 1.2966 1.1290 1.0266 0.9471 0.8478 0.7571 11.5 1.3288 1.1552 1.0495 0.9674 0.8656 0.7729 12 1.3586 1.1801 1.0715 0.9873 0.8831 0.7886 12.5 1.3850 1.2032 1.0925 1.0067 0.9008 0.8048 13 1.4096 1.2239 1.1116 1.0245 0.9178 0.8208 13.5 1.4299 1.2425 1.1296 1.0420 0.9343 0.8366 14 1.4491 1.2604 1.1471 1.0591 0.9508 0.8525 14.5 1.4656 1.2769 1.1637 1.0759 0.9664 0.8670 15 1.4872 1.2962 1.1814 1.0924 0.9808 0.8797 16 1.5145 1.3207 1.2049 1.1150 1.0026 0.9008 17 1.5386 1.3435 1.2270 1.1367 1.0234 0.9205 18 1.5628 1.3660 1.2486 1.1575 1.0438 0.9407 20 1.6146 1.4119 1.2908 1.1969 1.0798 0.9737 22 1.6374 1.4336 1.3115 1.2168 1.0982 0.9907 25 1.6687 1.4629 1.3397 1.2441 1.1247 1.0162 28 1.6586 1.4548 1.3324 1.2376 1.1186 1.0106 30 1.6541 1.4508 1.3285 1.2336 1.1149 1.0073 KEPCO & KHNP A4

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table A-1 (3 of 3)

HRHF Horizontal Target Response Spectra (g) 2% 3% 4% 5% 7% 10%

Frequency (Hz)

Damping Damping Damping Damping Damping Damping 31 1.6462 1.4439 1.3220 1.2274 1.1092 1.0022 34 1.6199 1.4213 1.3024 1.2102 1.0957 0.9919 35 1.6118 1.4146 1.2964 1.2048 1.0911 0.9879 37 1.5858 1.3923 1.2765 1.1866 1.0751 0.9740 40 1.5499 1.3616 1.2489 1.1615 1.0530 0.9546 43 1.4956 1.3166 1.2094 1.1262 1.0230 0.9294 45 1.4625 1.2892 1.1852 1.1046 1.0046 0.9139 46 1.4392 1.2699 1.1683 1.0896 0.9919 0.9033 49 1.3742 1.2160 1.1211 1.0476 0.9561 0.8732 50 1.3541 1.1992 1.1064 1.0345 0.9449 0.8638 52 1.2952 1.1505 1.0641 0.9970 0.9134 0.8375 55 1.2155 1.0844 1.0063 0.9458 0.8702 0.8014 58 1.1405 1.0233 0.9537 0.8997 0.8321 0.7704 60 1.0951 0.9862 0.9216 0.8715 0.8087 0.7513 61 1.0670 0.9627 0.9009 0.8530 0.7929 0.7380 64 0.9892 0.8976 0.8435 0.8015 0.7489 0.7007 65 0.9654 0.8776 0.8258 0.7856 0.7352 0.6890 67 0.9186 0.8387 0.7917 0.7553 0.7097 0.6678 70 0.8549 0.7856 0.7451 0.7136 0.6743 0.6382 73 0.7930 0.7338 0.6993 0.6726 0.6393 0.6087 75 0.7556 0.7023 0.6714 0.6474 0.6176 0.5904 76 0.7374 0.6872 0.6580 0.6354 0.6072 0.5814 79 0.6872 0.6451 0.6207 0.6017 0.5779 0.5562 80 0.6715 0.6319 0.6089 0.5911 0.5687 0.5482 KEPCO & KHNP A5

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table A-2 (1 of 3)

HRHF Vertical Target Response Spectrum for 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 10% Damping Ratios HRHF Vertical Target Response Spectra (g)

Frequency 2% 3% 4% 5% 7% 10%

V/H (Hz) Damping Damping Damping Damping Damping Damping 0.5 0.75 0.0937 0.0876 0.0838 0.0809 0.0778 0.0768 0.6 0.75 0.1148 0.1059 0.1000 0.0953 0.0894 0.0851 0.7 0.75 0.1339 0.1227 0.1149 0.1089 0.1009 0.0942 0.8 0.75 0.1519 0.1383 0.1289 0.1217 0.1118 0.1032 0.9 0.75 0.1686 0.1528 0.1419 0.1335 0.1220 0.1116 1 0.75 0.1874 0.1691 0.1567 0.1470 0.1337 0.1215 1.1 0.75 0.2073 0.1864 0.1724 0.1615 0.1463 0.1323 1.2 0.75 0.2268 0.2036 0.1880 0.1759 0.1591 0.1433 1.25 0.75 0.2363 0.2121 0.1958 0.1832 0.1656 0.1490 1.3 0.75 0.2455 0.2203 0.2033 0.1901 0.1718 0.1544 1.4 0.75 0.2640 0.2367 0.2183 0.2040 0.1842 0.1652 1.5 0.75 0.2830 0.2532 0.2333 0.2179 0.1966 0.1761 1.6 0.75 0.2993 0.2672 0.2458 0.2292 0.2064 0.1847 1.7 0.75 0.3148 0.2806 0.2579 0.2403 0.2163 0.1933 1.8 0.75 0.3304 0.2941 0.2700 0.2514 0.2259 0.2015 1.9 0.75 0.3454 0.3073 0.2819 0.2622 0.2353 0.2096 2 0.75 0.3608 0.3206 0.2938 0.2730 0.2447 0.2179 2.1 0.75 0.3734 0.3312 0.3029 0.2810 0.2513 0.2233 2.2 0.75 0.3858 0.3414 0.3118 0.2889 0.2578 0.2286 2.3 0.75 0.3971 0.3509 0.3203 0.2966 0.2645 0.2344 2.4 0.75 0.4077 0.3599 0.3286 0.3042 0.2713 0.2406 2.5 0.75 0.4174 0.3686 0.3365 0.3117 0.2780 0.2465 2.6 0.75 0.4307 0.3805 0.3473 0.3216 0.2867 0.2541 2.7 0.75 0.4439 0.3920 0.3579 0.3315 0.2955 0.2619 2.8 0.75 0.4568 0.4034 0.3684 0.3413 0.3044 0.2699 2.9 0.75 0.4687 0.4140 0.3785 0.3510 0.3134 0.2781 3 0.75 0.4807 0.4248 0.3887 0.3606 0.3225 0.2865 3.15 0.75 0.4960 0.4382 0.4010 0.3721 0.3330 0.2961 3.3 0.75 0.5114 0.4515 0.4131 0.3833 0.3432 0.3053 3.45 0.75 0.5250 0.4640 0.4248 0.3944 0.3532 0.3142 3.6 0.75 0.5383 0.4762 0.4363 0.4054 0.3633 0.3235 3.8 0.75 0.5556 0.4919 0.4512 0.4197 0.3768 0.3359 KEPCO & KHNP A6

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table A-2 (2 of 3)

HRHF Vertical Target Response Spectra (g)

Frequency 2% 3% 4% 5% 7% 10%

V/H (Hz) Damping Damping Damping Damping Damping Damping 4 0.75 0.5742 0.5083 0.4663 0.4337 0.3897 0.3476 4.2 0.75 0.5899 0.5221 0.4790 0.4456 0.4006 0.3572 4.4 0.75 0.6085 0.5374 0.4923 0.4573 0.4103 0.3653 4.6 0.75 0.6260 0.5518 0.5050 0.4687 0.4199 0.3733 4.8 0.75 0.6424 0.5658 0.5174 0.4799 0.4294 0.3809 5 0.75 0.6591 0.5799 0.5298 0.4909 0.4387 0.3885 5.25 0.75 0.6801 0.5966 0.5441 0.5033 0.4492 0.3971 5.5 0.75 0.7009 0.6130 0.5581 0.5155 0.4591 0.4048 5.75 0.75 0.7239 0.6308 0.5726 0.5274 0.4680 0.4116 6 0.75 0.7439 0.6469 0.5862 0.5390 0.4769 0.4185 6.25 0.75 0.7616 0.6609 0.5982 0.5496 0.4858 0.4260 6.5 0.75 0.7750 0.6726 0.6092 0.5600 0.4953 0.4346 6.75 0.75 0.7877 0.6840 0.6199 0.5702 0.5046 0.4433 7 0.75 0.7993 0.6947 0.6302 0.5802 0.5142 0.4526 7.25 0.75 0.8085 0.7037 0.6392 0.5891 0.5230 0.4616 7.5 0.75 0.8169 0.7125 0.6480 0.5979 0.5317 0.4704 7.75 0.75 0.8252 0.7210 0.6565 0.6065 0.5402 0.4789 8 0.75 0.8348 0.7296 0.6650 0.6150 0.5486 0.4871 8.5 0.75 0.8545 0.7468 0.6809 0.6298 0.5625 0.5001 9 0.75 0.8761 0.7651 0.6970 0.6442 0.5751 0.5116 9.5 0.75 0.9016 0.7869 0.7164 0.6617 0.5910 0.5262 10 0.75 0.9267 0.8081 0.7353 0.6788 0.6069 0.5411 10.5 0.7545 0.9553 0.8325 0.7572 0.6989 0.6256 0.5586 11 0.7588 0.9839 0.8567 0.7790 0.7187 0.6433 0.5745 11.5 0.7629 1.0138 0.8814 0.8007 0.7381 0.6604 0.5897 12 0.7669 1.0419 0.9050 0.8218 0.7572 0.6773 0.6048 12.5 0.7708 1.0675 0.9274 0.8421 0.7759 0.6943 0.6203 13 0.7745 1.0917 0.9479 0.8609 0.7935 0.7108 0.6357 13.5 0.7781 1.1125 0.9668 0.8789 0.8108 0.7269 0.6510 14 0.7815 1.1325 0.9850 0.8965 0.8278 0.7431 0.6663 14.5 0.7849 1.1504 1.0023 0.9134 0.8445 0.7585 0.6805 15 0.7882 1.1722 1.0217 0.9312 0.8610 0.7730 0.6934 16 0.7944 1.2032 1.0492 0.9572 0.8858 0.7965 0.7156 17 0.8003 1.2314 1.0752 0.9820 0.9097 0.8190 0.7367 18 0.8060 1.2595 1.1009 1.0063 0.9329 0.8413 0.7582 20 0.8256 1.3331 1.1657 1.0657 0.9882 0.8916 0.8039 KEPCO & KHNP A7

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table A-2 (2 of 3)

HRHF Vertical Target Response Spectra (g)

Frequency 2% 3% 4% 5% 7% 10%

V/H (Hz) Damping Damping Damping Damping Damping Damping 22 0.8493 1.3906 1.2175 1.1139 1.0335 0.9327 0.8415 25 0.8800 1.4685 1.2874 1.1789 1.0948 0.9897 0.8942 28 0.9149 1.5174 1.3309 1.2190 1.1322 1.0234 0.9246 30 0.9368 1.5496 1.3591 1.2445 1.1556 1.0444 0.9436 31 0.9474 1.5596 1.3680 1.2524 1.1628 1.0509 0.9495 34 0.9818 1.5904 1.3954 1.2787 1.1881 1.0757 0.9738 35 0.9929 1.6004 1.4046 1.2873 1.1963 1.0834 0.9810 37 1.0147 1.6091 1.4127 1.2952 1.2040 1.0909 0.9882 40 1.0503 1.6279 1.4301 1.3118 1.2199 1.1060 1.0027 43 1.0831 1.6199 1.4261 1.3099 1.2198 1.1080 1.0067 45 1.1024 1.6122 1.4212 1.3066 1.2177 1.1075 1.0075 46 1.1118 1.6001 1.4118 1.2990 1.2114 1.1028 1.0042 49 1.1231 1.5433 1.3656 1.2591 1.1765 1.0737 0.9807 50 1.1245 1.5226 1.3484 1.2441 1.1632 1.0625 0.9713 52 1.1272 1.4599 1.2968 1.1994 1.1238 1.0296 0.9440 55 1.1311 1.3748 1.2265 1.1382 1.0698 0.9843 0.9064 58 1.1348 1.2942 1.1612 1.0822 1.0210 0.9442 0.8742 60 1.1371 1.2453 1.1214 1.0480 0.9910 0.9196 0.8544 61 1.1383 1.2145 1.0958 1.0255 0.9710 0.9026 0.8401 64 1.1374 1.1251 1.0209 0.9594 0.9116 0.8518 0.7969 65 1.1357 1.0964 0.9966 0.9378 0.8922 0.8350 0.7825 67 1.1323 1.0401 0.9497 0.8965 0.8552 0.8036 0.7562 70 1.1275 0.9639 0.8858 0.8401 0.8046 0.7603 0.7196 73 1.1229 0.8905 0.8240 0.7853 0.7553 0.7178 0.6835 75 1.1200 0.8462 0.7865 0.7520 0.7251 0.6918 0.6612 76 1.1138 0.8214 0.7654 0.7329 0.7077 0.6763 0.6476 79 1.0959 0.7531 0.7069 0.6802 0.6594 0.6334 0.6095 80 1.0901 0.7321 0.6889 0.6638 0.6444 0.6199 0.5976 KEPCO & KHNP A8

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 APPENDIX B COMPARISON OF INCOHERENT-MOTION SSI ANALYSIS RESULTS USING 7 AND 12 MODES KEPCO & KHNP C1

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Page intentionally blank KEPCO & KHNP B2

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 3 3 2% Damping, Incoherent 2.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 2.5 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent 2 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 5% Damping, Incoherent 1.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 1.5 5% Damping, Incoherent 1 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 3 3 2% Damping, Incoherent 2.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 2.5 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent 2 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 5% Damping, Incoherent 1.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 1.5 5% Damping, Incoherent 1 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 3 3 2% Damping, Incoherent 2.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 2.5 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent 2 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 5% Damping, Incoherent 1.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 1.5 5% Damping, Incoherent 1 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 Figure B-1 Comparison of Incoherent Results Using the 7 Modes and 12 Modes, Cracked Concrete Condition - Containment Structure at El. 78-0 KEPCO & KHNP B3

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 5 5 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 4 4 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 3 3 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 2 5% Damping, Incoherent 2 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 1 1 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 5 5 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 4 4 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 3 3 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 2 5% Damping, Incoherent 2 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 1 1 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 5 5 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 4 4 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 3 3 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 2 5% Damping, Incoherent 2 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 1 1 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 Figure B-2 Comparison of Incoherent Results Using the 7 Modes and 12 Modes, Cracked Concrete Condition - Containment Structure at El. 160-0 KEPCO & KHNP B4

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 10 10 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 8 8 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 6 6 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 4 5% Damping, Incoherent 4 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 2 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 10 10 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 8 8 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 6 6 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 4 5% Damping, Incoherent 4 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 2 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 10 10 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 8 8 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 6 6 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 4 5% Damping, Incoherent 4 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 2 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 Figure B-3 Comparison of Incoherent Results Using the 7 Modes and 12 Modes, Cracked Concrete Condition - Containment Structure at El. 332-0 KEPCO & KHNP B5

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 3 3 2% Damping, Incoherent 2.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 2.5 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent 2 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 5% Damping, Incoherent 1.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 1.5 5% Damping, Incoherent 1 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 3 3 2% Damping, Incoherent 2.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 2.5 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent 2 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 5% Damping, Incoherent 1.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 1.5 5% Damping, Incoherent 1 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 3 3 2% Damping, Incoherent 2.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 2.5 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent 2 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 5% Damping, Incoherent 1.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 1.5 5% Damping, Incoherent 1 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 Figure B-4 Comparison of Incoherent Results Using the 7 Modes and 12 Modes, Cracked Concrete Condition - Primary Shield Wall at El. 78-0 KEPCO & KHNP B6

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 10 10 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 8 8 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 6 6 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 4 5% Damping, Incoherent 4 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 2 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 10 10 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 8 8 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 6 6 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 4 5% Damping, Incoherent 4 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 2 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 10 10 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 8 8 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 6 6 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 4 5% Damping, Incoherent 4 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 2 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 Figure B-5 Comparison of Incoherent Results Using the 7 Modes and 12 Modes, Cracked Concrete Condition - Primary Shield Wall at El. 156-0 KEPCO & KHNP B7

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 10 10 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 8 8 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 6 6 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 4 5% Damping, Incoherent 4 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 2 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 30 30 2% Damping, Incoherent 25 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 25 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent 20 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 20 5% Damping, Incoherent 15 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 15 5% Damping, Incoherent 10 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 10 5 5 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 10 10 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 8 8 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 6 6 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 4 5% Damping, Incoherent 4 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 2 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 Figure B-6 Comparison of Incoherent Results Using the 7 Modes and 12 Modes, Cracked Concrete Condition - Primary Shield Wall at El. 191-0 KEPCO & KHNP B8

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 3 3 2% Damping, Incoherent 2.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 2.5 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent 2 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 5% Damping, Incoherent 1.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 1.5 5% Damping, Incoherent 1 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 3 3 2% Damping, Incoherent 2.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 2.5 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent 2 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 5% Damping, Incoherent 1.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 1.5 5% Damping, Incoherent 1 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 3 3 2% Damping, Incoherent 2.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 2.5 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent 2 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 5% Damping, Incoherent 1.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 1.5 5% Damping, Incoherent 1 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 Figure B-7 Comparison of Incoherent Results Using the 7 Modes and 12 Modes, Cracked Concrete Condition - Secondary Shield Wall at El. 78-0 KEPCO & KHNP B9

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 15 15 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 12 12 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 9 9 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 6 5% Damping, Incoherent 6 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 3 3 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 10 10 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 8 8 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 6 6 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 4 5% Damping, Incoherent 4 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 2 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 10 10 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 8 8 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 6 6 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 4 5% Damping, Incoherent 4 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 2 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 Figure B-8 Comparison of Incoherent Results Using the 7 Modes and 12 Modes, Cracked Concrete Condition - Secondary Shield Wall at El. 156-0 KEPCO & KHNP B10

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 15 15 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 12 12 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 9 9 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 6 5% Damping, Incoherent 6 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 3 3 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 30 30 2% Damping, Incoherent 25 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 25 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent 20 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 20 5% Damping, Incoherent 15 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 15 5% Damping, Incoherent 10 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 10 5 5 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 15 15 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 12 12 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 9 9 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 6 5% Damping, Incoherent 6 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 3 3 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 Figure B-9 Comparison of Incoherent Results Using the 7 Modes and 12 Modes, Cracked Concrete Condition - Secondary Shield Wall at El. 191-0 KEPCO & KHNP B11

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 3 3 2% Damping, Incoherent 2.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 2.5 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent 2 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 5% Damping, Incoherent 1.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 1.5 5% Damping, Incoherent 1 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 3 3 2% Damping, Incoherent 2.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 2.5 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent 2 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 5% Damping, Incoherent 1.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 1.5 5% Damping, Incoherent 1 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 3 3 2% Damping, Incoherent 2.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 2.5 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent 2 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 5% Damping, Incoherent 1.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 1.5 5% Damping, Incoherent 1 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 Figure B-10 Comparison of Incoherent Results Using the 7 Modes and 12 Modes, Cracked Concrete Condition - Auxiliary Building Shearwall at El. 55-0 KEPCO & KHNP B12

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 5 5 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 4 4 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 3 3 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 2 5% Damping, Incoherent 2 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 1 1 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 10 10 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 8 8 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 6 6 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 4 5% Damping, Incoherent 4 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 2 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 5 5 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 4 4 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 3 3 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 2 5% Damping, Incoherent 2 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 1 1 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 Figure B-11 Comparison of Incoherent Results Using the 7 Modes and 12 Modes, Cracked Concrete Condition - Auxiliary Building Shearwall at El. 156-0 KEPCO & KHNP B13

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 10 10 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 8 8 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 6 6 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 4 5% Damping, Incoherent 4 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 2 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 5 5 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 4 4 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 3 3 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 2 5% Damping, Incoherent 2 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 1 1 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 10 10 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 8 8 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 6 6 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 4 5% Damping, Incoherent 4 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 2 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 Figure B-12 Comparison of Incoherent Results Using the 7 Modes and 12 Modes, Cracked Concrete Condition - Auxiliary Building Shearwall at El. 213-6 KEPCO & KHNP B14

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 3 3 2% Damping, Incoherent 2.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 2.5 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent 2 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 5% Damping, Incoherent 1.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 1.5 5% Damping, Incoherent 1 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 20 20 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 16 16 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 12 12 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 8 5% Damping, Incoherent 8 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 4 4 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 10 10 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 8 8 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 6 6 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 4 5% Damping, Incoherent 4 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 2 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 Figure B-13 Comparison of Incoherent Results Using the 7 Modes and 12 Modes, Cracked Concrete Condition - Auxiliary Building Slabs at El. 55-0, 156-0 and 213-6 KEPCO & KHNP B15

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 3 3 2% Damping, Incoherent 2.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 2.5 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent 2 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 5% Damping, Incoherent 1.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 1.5 5% Damping, Incoherent 1 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 3 3 2% Damping, Incoherent 2.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 2.5 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent 2 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 5% Damping, Incoherent 1.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 1.5 5% Damping, Incoherent 1 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 3 3 2% Damping, Incoherent 2.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 2.5 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent 2 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 5% Damping, Incoherent 1.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 1.5 5% Damping, Incoherent 1 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 Figure B-14 Comparison of Incoherent Results Using the 7 Modes and 12 Modes, Uncracked Concrete Condition - Containment Structure at El. 78-0 KEPCO & KHNP B16

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 10 10 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 8 8 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 6 6 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 4 5% Damping, Incoherent 4 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 2 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 10 10 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 8 8 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 6 6 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 4 5% Damping, Incoherent 4 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 2 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 5 5 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 4 4 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 3 3 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 2 5% Damping, Incoherent 2 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 1 1 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 Figure B-15 Comparison of Incoherent Results Using the 7 Modes and 12 Modes, Uncracked Concrete Condition - Containment Structure at El. 160-0 KEPCO & KHNP B17

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 15 15 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 12 12 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 9 9 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 6 5% Damping, Incoherent 6 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 3 3 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 10 10 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 8 8 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 6 6 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 4 5% Damping, Incoherent 4 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 2 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 15 15 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 12 12 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 9 9 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 6 5% Damping, Incoherent 6 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 3 3 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 Figure B-16 Comparison of Incoherent Results Using the 7 Modes and 12 Modes, Uncracked Concrete Condition - Containment Structure at El. 332-0 KEPCO & KHNP B18

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 3 3 2% Damping, Incoherent 2.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 2.5 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent 2 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 5% Damping, Incoherent 1.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 1.5 5% Damping, Incoherent 1 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 3 3 2% Damping, Incoherent 2.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 2.5 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent 2 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 5% Damping, Incoherent 1.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 1.5 5% Damping, Incoherent 1 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 3 3 2% Damping, Incoherent 2.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 2.5 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent 2 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 5% Damping, Incoherent 1.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 1.5 5% Damping, Incoherent 1 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 Figure B-17 Comparison of Incoherent Results Using the 7 Modes and 12 Modes, Uncracked Concrete Condition - Primary Shield Wall at El. 78-0 KEPCO & KHNP B19

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 10 10 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 8 8 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 6 6 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 4 5% Damping, Incoherent 4 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 2 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 10 10 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 8 8 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 6 6 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 4 5% Damping, Incoherent 4 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 2 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 10 10 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 8 8 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 6 6 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 4 5% Damping, Incoherent 4 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 2 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 Figure B-18 Comparison of Incoherent Results Using the 7 Modes and 12 Modes, Uncracked Concrete Condition - Primary Shield Wall at El. 156-0 KEPCO & KHNP B20

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 10 10 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 8 8 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 6 6 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 4 5% Damping, Incoherent 4 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 2 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 40 40 2% Damping, Incoherent 35 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 35 Acceleration in g unit 30 2% Damping, Incoherent 30 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 25 25 5% Damping, Incoherent 20 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 20 15 5% Damping, Incoherent 15 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 10 10 5 5 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 10 10 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 8 8 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 6 6 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 4 5% Damping, Incoherent 4 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 2 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 Figure B-19 Comparison of Incoherent Results Using the 7 Modes and 12 Modes, Uncracked Concrete Condition - Primary Shield Wall at El. 191-0 KEPCO & KHNP B21

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 3 3 2% Damping, Incoherent 2.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 2.5 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent 2 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 5% Damping, Incoherent 1.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 1.5 5% Damping, Incoherent 1 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 3 3 2% Damping, Incoherent 2.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 2.5 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent 2 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 5% Damping, Incoherent 1.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 1.5 5% Damping, Incoherent 1 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 3 3 2% Damping, Incoherent 2.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 2.5 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent 2 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 5% Damping, Incoherent 1.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 1.5 5% Damping, Incoherent 1 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 Figure B-20 Comparison of Incoherent Results Using the 7 Modes and 12 Modes, Uncracked Concrete Condition - Secondary Shield Wall at El. 78-0 KEPCO & KHNP B22

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 15 15 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 12 12 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 9 9 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 6 5% Damping, Incoherent 6 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 3 3 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 10 10 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 8 8 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 6 6 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 4 5% Damping, Incoherent 4 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 2 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 10 10 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 8 8 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 6 6 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 4 5% Damping, Incoherent 4 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 2 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 Figure B-21 Comparison of Incoherent Results Using the 7 Modes and 12 Modes, Uncracked Concrete Condition - Secondary Shield Wall at El. 156-0 KEPCO & KHNP B23

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 20 20 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 16 16 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 12 12 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 8 5% Damping, Incoherent 8 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 4 4 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 40 40 2% Damping, Incoherent 35 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 35 Acceleration in g unit 30 2% Damping, Incoherent 30 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 25 25 5% Damping, Incoherent 20 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 20 15 5% Damping, Incoherent 15 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 10 10 5 5 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 10 10 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 8 8 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 6 6 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 4 5% Damping, Incoherent 4 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 2 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 Figure B-22 Comparison of Incoherent Results Using the 7 Modes and 12 Modes, Uncracked Concrete Condition - Secondary Shield Wall at El. 191-0 KEPCO & KHNP B24

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 3 3 2% Damping, Incoherent 2.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 2.5 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent 2 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 5% Damping, Incoherent 1.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 1.5 5% Damping, Incoherent 1 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 3 3 2% Damping, Incoherent 2.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 2.5 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent 2 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 5% Damping, Incoherent 1.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 1.5 5% Damping, Incoherent 1 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 3 3 2% Damping, Incoherent 2.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 2.5 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent 2 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 5% Damping, Incoherent 1.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 1.5 5% Damping, Incoherent 1 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 Figure B-23 Comparison of Incoherent Results Using the 7 Modes and 12 Modes, Uncracked Concrete Condition - Auxiliary Building Shearwall at El. 55-0 KEPCO & KHNP B25

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 10 10 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 8 8 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 6 6 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 4 5% Damping, Incoherent 4 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 2 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 10 10 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 8 8 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 6 6 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 4 5% Damping, Incoherent 4 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 2 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 5 5 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 4 4 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 3 3 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 2 5% Damping, Incoherent 2 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 1 1 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 Figure B-24 Comparison of Incoherent Results Using the 7 Modes and 12 Modes, Uncracked Concrete Condition - Auxiliary Building Shearwall at El. 156-0 KEPCO & KHNP B26

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 10 10 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 8 8 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 6 6 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 4 5% Damping, Incoherent 4 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 2 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 10 10 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 8 8 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 6 6 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 4 5% Damping, Incoherent 4 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 2 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 10 10 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 8 8 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 6 6 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 4 5% Damping, Incoherent 4 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 2 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 Figure B-25 Comparison of Incoherent Results Using the 7 Modes and 12 Modes, Uncracked Concrete Condition - Auxiliary Building Shearwall at El. 213-6 KEPCO & KHNP B27

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 3 3 2% Damping, Incoherent 2.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 2.5 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent 2 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 2 5% Damping, Incoherent 1.5 SRSS (Modes 1-7) 1.5 5% Damping, Incoherent 1 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 25 25 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 20 20 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 15 15 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 10 5% Damping, Incoherent 10 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 5 5 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 10 1 Period (s) 0.1 0.01 20 20 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 16 16 Acceleration in g unit 2% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-12) 12 12 5% Damping, Incoherent SRSS (Modes 1-7) 8 5% Damping, Incoherent 8 SRSS (Modes 1-12) 4 4 0 0 0.1 1 Frequency (cps) 10 100 Figure B-26 Comparison of Incoherent Results Using the 7 Modes and 12 Modes, Uncracked Concrete Condition - Auxiliary Building Slabs at El. 55-0, 156-0 and 213-6 KEPCO & KHNP B28


Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Page intentionally blank KEPCO & KHNP C2

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 C.1 INTRODUCTION In order to provide justification for implementing ISRS reduction levels in excess of those provided in SRP Section 3.7.2.II.4 and for the selection of the appropriate number of modes to be used in the SSI analysis to capture the incoherent-motion structural response, an investigation of spatial mode expansion convergence is performed in this Appendix. Based on the result of the investigation, it is concluded that the 16-mode-combined incoherent-motion responses are adequate for the APR1400 standard design for HRHF input motion. This Appendix also describes the evaluation of the seismic demand on the NI structures based on the 16-mode-combined response.


Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 C.2 IN-STRUCTURE RESPONSE SPECTRA (ISRS) REDUCTION LIMITS The magnitude of ISRS amplitude reductions due to incoherence of hard-rock high-frequency (HRHF) seismic input motion shown in this report is justifiable since the ISRS results obtained from incoherence SSI analyses that include additional coherency modes (13 to 16) as described in the C.3 below demonstrate that the converged solution has ISRS amplitude reductions still exceeding the reduction limits set forth in SRP Section 3.7.2.II.4.

To further confirm that the cumulated effect of principal coherency modes higher than the 16 modes is insignificant and, thus, can be neglected, a supplementary study has been performed. For this supplemental study, a simplified basemat model extracted from the full SSI FE model of APR1400 NI for the S09 hard-rock soil profile case is created. The basemat foundation in this model is modeled with solid elements with the element shape and mesh being exactly the same as the NI full model, as shown in Figure C-1. The concrete material property is assigned to the entire basemat (elements in blue in Figure C-1). The elements surrounding the basemat (elements in red in Figure C-1) are assigned the backfill properties between El. 45 to 55. Additional rigid beams are installed in the locations of the major shear walls to properly simulate the stiffening effect of the walls to the foundation basemat stiffness, as shown in Figure C-2.

Incoherence SSI analyses for the vertical direction motion input, which is considered most sensitive to the incoherent-motion SSI response, are performed using the ACS SASSI V3.0 (Reference 1) for principal coherency modes up to 50 modes. The frequency points selected for these analyses are the same as those documented in Section 5. The amplitudes of vertical Acceleration Response Spectra (ARS) obtained for the vertical response motions, with different number of cumulated spatial coherency modes, are compared with each other at the locations of the corners, the center of the basemat, and selected locations between walls. The selected different numbers of spatial coherency modes cumulated are as follows: 1-7 modes, 1-16 modes, and 1-50 modes. The locations for the selected shear wall and floor slab nodes are shown in Figure C-3 and Figure C-4, respectively. The comparisons shown in Figure C-5 through Figure C-33 are intended to demonstrate that the additional thirty plus coherency modes beyond the first 16 modes have an insignificant effect on the basemat vertical response due to the HRHF incoherent vertical input motion considered in the study.

Based on the results shown in Figure C-5 through Figure C-33, the accumulative effect of spatial coherency modes higher than 16 on the ISRS for the vertical response motions of the basemat are concluded to be insignificant and the16-mode-combined results are concluded to have achieved a converged solution.


Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 C.3 SSI ANALYSIS FOR ADDITIONAL COHERENCY MODES 13 THROUGH 16 To provide the technical justification for the selection of the appropriate number of principal coherency modes to be used in the SSI analysis to capture the incoherentmotion structural response, incoherence SSI analyses using the same methodology as documented in Section 2 are performed for the additional coherency modes 13 through 16. This additional set of analyses is in addition to the 7 and 12 total numbers of modes that have been considered in the previous analyses.

From these additional analyses, the incoherent-motion SSI responses of the structures are obtained for the combination of modes 1 through 16 using the square-root-of-the-sum-of-squares (SRSS) combination rule. The adequacy of using 16 modes to capture the APR1400 NI HRHF incoherent-motion effect satisfying the response convergence acceptance criteria is confirmed from the comparisons of responses developed from the study in CC-1 and CC-2 outlined as follows:

CC-1. Compare the 12-modes-combined and 16-modes-combined, 5%-damped in structure response spectra (ISRS) at selected key locations. The convergence acceptance criterion is set as the differences of responses from the two sets of analysis results being within 5%.

CC-2. Compare the amplitudes of vertical response acceleration transfer function (ATF) due to the vertical input at the key locations as defined in item a) at the foundation level mode by mode from modes 12 to 16, based on the consideration that the vertical response due to vertical incoherent motion input at the foundation level is most sensitive to the addition of higher coherency modes.

These are further explained below.

The incoherent-motion SSI analysis models and the coherency functions used in the study for CC-1 described above are identical to those used in this report. Both uncracked and cracked concrete stiffness conditions are considered. All other conditions such as the input site properties and input ground motion for HRHF are the same as those documented in this report.

For this study, the INCOH program module, as used in this report, is developed and used to perform the modal decomposition for coherency matrices based on the NRC approved Abrahamson 2007 hard-rock spatial coherency functions. The SASSI seismic input motion load vector for each principal coherency modes considered in the analysis is developed following the methodology described in EPRI Technical Report No. TR-106231 (Reference 2). The resulting seismic load vectors for all the coherency modes considered in the analysis so developed are then incorporated into ACS SASSI. The responses of the SSI system to the modal seismic load vectors developed are then obtained using the ACS SASSI module ANALYS. The modal responses for all the coherency modes considered so computed are then combined using the SRSS combination rule. These combined responses are considered as the system response to the incoherent ground motions. The INCOH program module used in these analyses is validated and verified by comparing the results computed using the procedures described above with the corresponding results documented in this report.

For the incoherent-motion SSI analyses carried out for the additional coherency modes 13 through 16, SSI response transfer functions are calculated at 86 frequencies ranging from 0 to 71 Hz. These frequencies are consistent with the frequencies used for the analyses documented in Section 5. To provide results for comparison purposes, the coherent-motion SSI analysis using the same model is also performed for the same frequency points as those considered for in the incoherent-motion SSI analysis.

The same analysis procedure as that documented in this report is employed to develop the ISRS at selected locations considering ground motion incoherency. This procedure is summarized as follows:

Step 1 Perform SSI analyses for the principal coherency modes to be considered and three directional seismic excitations.

Step 2 For each principal coherency mode and each selected node, obtain the directional KEPCO & KHNP C5

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 responses in terms of ARS.

Step 3 Combine the co-directional nodal response ARS using the SRSS rule.

Step 4 Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for other principal coherency modes considered in the analysis.

Step 5 Combine the modal responses obtained in Step 4 for all modes considered using the SRSS rule.

Step 6 Repeat Steps 2 to Steps 5 for other nodes in the group and envelop the ISRS for the responses in the same group and then broaden the resulting enveloped ISRS to obtain the design ISRS for the group.

In the study of convergence of response in CC-2 described above, the vertical response ATF at representative nodes of the foundation basemat due to vertical input at the foundation level is computed to show the relatively low amplitude of higher modes 13 through 16 as compared to the SRSS-combined response amplitude obtained using modes 1 through 12. Figure C-35 through Figure C-48 show the ATF for the nodes shown in Figure C-34.

In each plot in these figures, the black data line named Mode 1-12 is computed using a function of the MOTION module of ACS SASSI to combine the modal transfer function results using the rule of SRSS (ATF-SRSS) rule. The results show that the vertical response amplitude of the higher modes 13 through 16 is small as compared to the amplitude of the SRSS-combined response from modes 1 through 12.

However, for the 1-F slab locations, the results generally do not show a decaying pattern from mode to mode. As indicated in Figure C-49 (node 9501), mode 15 has the highest amplitude of the 4 additional higher modes considered, namely, modes 13 through 16. This is also apparent in other locations throughout the NI model. Figure C-50 and Figure C-51 show as examples the ATF results for nodes 12875 (2-F Wall, Uncracked) and 18165 (3-F Wall, Cracked), respectively. These results show that there is no clear decaying response pattern from mode to mode up to mode 16 for these locations, as the ATF amplitudes of some modes from 2 through 16 are of the same magnitude or greater than that of mode 1.

As shown in the ATF comparison in Figure C-35 to Figure C-51, the SRSS-combined ATFs for the first 12 modes are generally smooth and the amplitudes of the combined ATF are much greater than the amplitudes of the individual modes from 13 to mode 16. As indicated from these figures, the interpolated ATF curves for mode 16 are not as smooth as expected and exhibit suspicious spikes and dips in some frequency ranges, while the interpolated ATF curves for other individual modes presented in the figures are generally smooth. The suspicious spikes and dips are suspected to be due to the transfer function interpolation scheme used. While the suspicious spikes in the ATF always result in a conservative acceleration response spectrum, the suspicious dips in the interpolated ATF for mode 16 have insignificant effects on the multiple-mode SRSS-combined ISRS of interest due to their relatively lower amplitudes at their frequencies as compared to the amplitudes at other frequencies. The sensitivity of such response anomalies is further investigated as described below.

Investigation of Response Sensitivity due to Interpolation Scheme The interpolation scheme used in the ATF comparison figures for all the modes considered is a five-point interpolation scheme based on complex response of a 2-DOF oscillator (ACS SASSI interpolation Option 0). If the responses of the two adjacent frequency steps analyzed have abrupt phase change (e.g. phase difference is greater than 90 degrees), it is likely that the Option 0 interpolation scheme will produce a dip or peak between the two calculated frequencies. For coherent analysis, if the frequencies analyzed are adequately spaced, the interpolation will capture correctly the dips and peaks of the responses. However, for the incoherence analysis using modal decomposition of the coherency matrix, it is possible that for two reasonably close enough frequencies, the interpolation Option 0 may predict a suspicious peak or dip in between. For a particular frequency considered in incoherence analysis, the phase angle of complex ATF could be flipped 180 degrees and still satisfy the SASSI SSI dynamic system equations, because the eigenvector of the coherency matrix or resulting SASSI seismic load vector could be in the opposite KEPCO & KHNP C6

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 direction. Therefore, the complex ATF phase difference between two adjacent frequencies analyzed is possible to be greater than 90 degrees and a suspicious peak or dip may be predicted in between by using interpolation scheme Option 0 for incoherence analysis even with the use of reasonably spaced analysis frequencies.

Figure C-37 and Figure C-39 show typical unsmooth ATF curves of mode 16 that result from the use of interpolation scheme Option 0. From the curves, nine frequencies, 15.00, 16.31, 16.85, 17.50, 18.55, 18.80, 18.99, 20.99, and 21.50 Hz, are determined approximately as the frequencies of potential suspicious interpolated ATF peaks and dips. Incoherence analysis for mode 16 and the nine frequencies mentioned above are performed for the uncracked case HRHF NI model to evaluate the adequacy of the 86 selected frequencies used in the analysis. Figure C-52 and Figure C-53 shown below compare the mode-16 ATFs of the uncracked HRHF NI model for the four cases for nodes 9501 and 9579, respectively.

The four cases considered are described as follows: The black and red dots are the ATF magnitudes obtained from incoherent analyses using the original 86 frequencies (Case 1) and the original 86 frequencies plus the additional nine frequencies, i.e., a total of 95 frequencies (Case 2), respectively; the solid black line represents the interpolated ATF using Option 0 from the 86-frequency ATF directly obtained from the INCOH+ACS SASSI analysis. The 86-frequency ATFs are evaluated for the phase angle difference and the phase angles are then adjusted to limit the difference within 90 degrees for the adjacent frequencies. The blue dashed curve presents the interpolated curve obtained using interpolation Option 0 with the phase-adjusted 86-frequency ATFs (Case 3). These figures indicate that, while the black curve (Case 1), which has no phase adjustments, shows unexpected spikes and dips at the frequencies that are approximate to the added nine frequencies, the blue curve (Case 4), which has phase adjustments, is smooth and contains no suspicious peaks or dips. Furthermore, the red dots (Case 2) that result from the use of 95 frequencies, agree very well with the blue curve (Case 4) that results from the use of 86 phase-adjusted-frequencies obtained using Option 0 interpolation scheme. This indicates that the phase adjustments made (Case 3) correctly captures the dynamic responses at the nine additional frequencies (Case 4).

The comparisons shown in Figure C-52 and Figure C-53 demonstrate as typical examples that, while the 86 frequencies selected for the incoherence analysis for mode 16 may contain some irregular peaks and dips, the 86 frequencies select are adequate, as compared to the response obtained using more closely spaced frequencies, to capture the incoherent-motion SSI response within the frequency range of interest are adequate.

ACS SASSI provides interpolation scheme Option 6 as an alternative to Option 0 intended to produce smoother interpolated ATF curves. Option 6 uses a complex bi-cubic spline function to eliminate the suspicious spikes and dips assuming that the frequencies analyzed are adequate. Figure C-54 and Figure C-55 compare the mode 16 interpolated ATF using Options 0 and 6. The black curve and black and red dots represent the same quantities as described previously for the Figure C-52 and Figure C-53. The green dashed line shows the interpolated ATF using the Option 6 from the 86-frequency ATF output of INCOH+ACS SASSI without limiting the phase angle difference. Figure C-54 and Figure C-55 demonstrate that Option 6 produces smoother interpolated ATFs and predicted ATFs at the nine additional frequencies are in good agreement with the calculated ATFs for the added 9 frequencies.

Figure C-56 and Figure C-57 present comparison of the mode 16 vertical ARS due to vertical input resulting from the interpolation of the analysis results using 86 frequencies for the nodes 9501 and 9579, respectively, which are selected as typical examples. The black solid lines and the green dashed lines are obtained from the interpolation of the 86-frequency ATF results without limiting the phase angle difference using Options 0 and 6, respectively. The red dashed lines show the response spectra obtained from Option 0 interpolation of the 86-frequency ATF results but limiting the phase differences within 90 degrees.

The comparisons shown in these figures show minor differences between the three curves. Figure C-58 demonstrates that the minor difference shown in Figure C-56 and Figure C-57 has an insignificant and, thus, negligible impact on the SRSS-combined design basis ISRS. Figure C-58 presents the enveloped and frequency-broadened vertical ISRS obtained from the SRSS-combined ISRS for mode 1 through mode 16 for the AB 1-F slab. The ISRS shown in this figure represent the enveloped and broadened ISRS for the group of responses at nodes 9501, 9579, and other nodes. In this figure, the black line KEPCO & KHNP C7

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 represents the ISRS obtained from using Option 0 interpolation of the computed 86-frequency ATFs and the red dashed line is the mode-1-to-16 SRSS-combined ISRS obtained using the same interpolation Option 0 for the same set of 86 frequencies but with the mode 16 ATF phase angles limited to the difference of 90 degrees. As shown this figure, there is practically no difference between the two lines.

This demonstrates that the enveloped and broadened ISRS obtained using mode 1 through mode 16 is not sensitive to the different interpolation scheme options used for this group of nodes.

Convergence of 16-Mode-Combined Incoherent-Motion SSI Responses The study performed for convergence criterion CC-2 as described previously demonstrates that the enveloped and broadened ISRS obtained using coherency mode 1 through mode 16 has achieved convergence of solution. Thus, the incoherent-motion SSI responses obtained using mode 1 through mode 16 are concluded to be adequate to capture the incoherent-motion SSI response.

In-structure response spectra (ISRS) are developed using the procedure described in CC-1 above in Step 1 through Step 6 to demonstrate the convergence of SSI analysis results considering 12 principal coherency modes based on comparing the 12-mode-combined responses to the 16-mode-combined responses (convergence criterion CC-1). The designated structure locations and their nodal points used in these response comparisons are the same as those documented in Technical Report APR1400-E-S-NR-14003. The ISRS for all locations are calculated for 5% damping ratio.

Figure C-59 through Figure C-218 show the ISRS comparison of results of NI between the responses of three levels, the 7-mode-combined, 12-mode-combined, and 16-mode-combined, and the coherent-input-motion SSI analysis results. Based on the ISRS comparisons (Figure C-59 through Figure C-218), the results satisfy the convergence criteria for most of the locations in the NI except for few locations, which are considered the outliers.

Therefore, the results of the studies for CC-1 and CC-2 as presented previously demonstrate that the 16-mode-combined incoherent-motion SSI response has achieved convergence response in general and, thus, is adequate to capture the incoherent-motion SSI effect. Thus, for the APR1400 standard design for the HRHF input motion, the 16-mode-combined incoherent-motion SSI response is used to substituted the current 7-mode-combined response. The responses at a few outlier structure locations that do not show clear convergent response using 16 modes are further investigated below.

Investigation of Sensitivity of Responses at the Outlier AB Below-Grade Exterior Shear Wall Responses due to Different Backfill Modeling Approaches North-South (NS) direction ISRS developed at the five locations (each location consisting of a node group and being associated with uncracked and cracked concrete stiffness cases) associated with the AB below-grade shear walls, designated as 1-M and 2-F for uncracked, 1-M, 2-F and 3-F for cracked concrete stiffness cases were identified to be outlier locations that exhibit noticeable response deviations that do not satisfy the specified modal-response combination convergence criterion, for the responses of three levels of modal response combination, namely, the 7-mode-combined, 12-mode-combined, and 16-mode-combined. The comparisons of the ISRS generated at these three levels for the five aforementioned outlier locations are shown in Figure C-150, Figure C-151, and Figure C-169 through Figure C-171.

In addition to the observed noticeable differences between the responses for the three levels of modal response combination, Figure C-151, Figure C-170, and Figure C-171 show suspicious coherency-mode-combined responses indicated by the observation that the NS direction response to corresponding coherent ground motion over the full range of frequency. It is noted that for those five outlier locations/cases, the multiple-mode-combined, incoherent-motion-response ISRS for the EW and vertical directions show reasonable comparisons with the corresponding coherent-motion-response ISRS and their 16-mode-combined incoherent-motion-response ISRS show converged response and, thus, these incoherent-motion-response ISRS are adequate for capturing the incoherent ground motion SSI response effects.


Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 For the APR1400 standard design, the seismic response for a designated structural location is represented by the envelope of the responses of a group of representative nodes (node group) at that location. For the aforementioned AB below-grade shear wall locations identified as the outlier locations, the node groups consist of selected representative nodes at interior and perimeter (exterior) basement (below-grade) shear walls.

A review of the multiple-coherency-modes-combined ISRS at the five locations (node groups) indicates that the ISRS for these five locations are generally controlled by the responses at the nodes representing the exterior walls, as shown typically in Figure C-219. Figure C-219 presents the two sets of ISRS for the AB shear wall group 2-F and uncracked concrete stiffness case, one for the entire set of nodes in the node group (black line) and one for the subgroup with the exterior wall nodes excluded (red line). This figure shows that the black lines (exterior-wall nodes included) dominate the ISRS amplitude and envelop the red lines (exterior-wall nodes excluded), indicating that the responses associated with the exterior-wall nodes dominate the response at the location of AB shear wall group 2-F.

The APR1400 design basis model for the HRHF SSI analysis, referred to herein as the original model, simulates the near-field backfill using solid elements, which are modeled as replacement of the free-field soil. The nodes of the AB below-grade exterior shear wall elements are connected to the nodes of the backfill solid elements at the interface of the basement structure and the backfill by rigid spring elements.

The backfill elements share the same nodes with the excavated soil elements at the same locations.

These backfill element nodes are therefore also interaction nodes in the SSI analysis. A second approach to backfill modeling in SASSI is to model the backfill soil as structural elements, which are connected to nodes that are different from the excavated-soil nodes (interaction nodes). The backfill structural elements share the nodes with the excavated soil elements only at the interface of the backfill structural elements and the free-field soils.

The first backfill modeling approach described above is considered an approximate modeling approach to the second backfill modeling approach, which is more consistent with the actual intent of the SASSI substructuring formulation. It should, however, be noted that the first backfill modeling approach adopted by the APR1400 design-basis SSI model produces a correct solution for the extreme case in which the backfill soil is exactly identical to the free-field soil. Whereas, the second backfill modeling approach, which is considered more consistent with the SASSI substructuring formulation, will produce an approximate solution since for this extreme case the structural elements of the backfill do not model the excavated soil elements exactly since they do not share exactly the same nodes.

To investigate the degree of approximation of the first approximate backfill modeling approach described above, the original HRHF SSI models for the uncracked (UC), cracked horizontal (CH), and cracked vertical (CV) models were modified by removing the rigid spring elements between the basement structure and the backfill, merging the exterior shear wall element nodes and backfill element nodes at the interfaces, and decoupling the interaction nodes and the backfill element nodes except at the exterior boundary nodes of the backfill. Incoherent-motion SSI analyses using the same methodology and the same set of analysis frequencies as the original analyses using the original design-basis models were performed on the modified UC, CH, and CV models with coherency modes 1 to 16. Analysis results obtained from the modified UC, CH, and CV models are also used to study convergence of the 16-mode-combined response at the identified outlier structure locations. The comparisons of the results obtained from the original models and corresponding results obtained from the modified models are made. These comparison results are described below.

Figure C-220 to Figure C-224 compare the ISRS results from the original models and modified models at the five identified response locations (node groups). The ISRS are the 16-mode-combined response for both the uncracked (UC) and cracked models. The ISRS curves for original models and modified models are denoted in these figures by Orig. (black line) and OS (red line), respectively. The comparisons shown in these figures present noticeable differences in all-three-direction ISRS results obtained from the two sets of models. However, for the responses in the NS direction, the ISRS of the modified models are generally enveloped by the corresponding ISRS of the original models. For the uncracked cases as shown in Figure C-220 and Figure C-221, the EW-direction, 16-mode-combined, ISRS from the original KEPCO & KHNP C9

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 and modified models are comparable although the responses from the original models do not always envelop the responses from the modified models.

For the AB below-grade shear wall locations, ISRS are developed separately for the subgroups that contain only the representative nodes at the interior walls of each shear wall node group. Comparisons of the ISRS developed for the AB interior shear wall node subgroups from the original models and modified models are presented in Figure C-225 through Figure C-229. Figure C-230 through Figure C-247 compare the ISRS at selected critical locations in the RCB. As shown by the comparisons in these figures, the two sets of model yield similar and comparable responses for the AB interior shear wall locations and the selected critical RCB locations.

For the uncracked modified model, Figure C-248 through Figure C-259 compare the 7-mode-combined, 12-mode-combined, and 16-mode-combined ISRS at the three levels at selected AB shear wall and representative RCB critical locations. For the cracked modified model, Figure C-260 through Figure C-271 compare the 7-mode-combined, 12-mode-combined, 14-mode-combined, and 16-mode-combined ISRS at the three levels at selected AB shear wall and representative RCB critical locations. The comparisons in these figures demonstrate convergence of the 16-mode-combined responses. Compared to the suspicious behavior as shown for the original models for the AB shear wall NS direction responses in Figure C-150, Figure C-151, and Figure C-169 through Figure C-171, the modified models yield more reasonable and expected mode-combined responses at the selected locations.

Based on the response results obtained from the analysis performed with the modified model as presented, it demonstrates with quantitative results that The modeling approach for the backfill used in the original APR1400 HRHF SSI models (original models) approximates the intended SASSI substructuring formulation, whereas the modeling approach for the backfill of the modified models are considered more consistent with the original intent of the SASSI substructuring formulation. The response of the nodes adjacent to the nodes of the AB below-grade exterior shear walls that are connected to the backfill elements are affected by the different backfill modeling approaches. The original models and the modified models yield similar and comparable responses at the locations away from the interface of the structure and the backfill because their responses are not affect by the backfill modeling approaches. Further, the abnormal behavior for the NS direction response obtained from the original models at the AB below-grade shear walls in contact with the backfill is not observed in the modified models.

Based on the mode-combined ISRS from the modified uncracked and cracked models, the 16-mode-combined EW, NS, and vertical responses of the modified models are observed to have achieved the converged responses. For the five identified outlier locations/cases, namely, the NS responses of the AB shear wall node-groups 1-M and 2-F for the uncracked, and 1-M, 2-F, and 3-F for cracked concrete stiffness cases, the analyses using the original models generally produce conservative results as compared to the corresponding results obtained from the modified models.

Summary Based on the results of the response sensitivity investigation due to the different backfill modeling approach adopted in the original models versus that adopted in the modified models that have demonstrated convergence of the 16-mode-combined response obtained from the modified models, the non-convergence of the 16-mode-combined responses at the five identified outlier locations as observed from the original model results are concluded to be adequate for the APR1400 standard design.

For these outlier AB below-grade shear wall locations/cases, namely, 1-M and 2-F for uncracked, and 1-M, 2-F, and 3-F for cracked, the envelope of 16-mode-combined ISRS obtained from the original models and modified models is conservatively used in the APR1400 standard design.

For the RCB locations, the 16-mode-combined responses from both original models and modified models show converged responses, and the two different backfill modeling approaches have insignificant effects on these responses. As such, the 16-mode-combined incoherent-motion ISRS developed from the KEPCO & KHNP C10

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 original model for the RCB locations are adequate and, therefore, can be used for the APR1400 standard design.


Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 C.4 SEISMIC RESPONSE DEMAND BASED ON 16 MODE-COMBINED RESPONSE To re-evaluate the seismic demand on the NI structures based on the 16-mode-combined response, the results of seismic load analysis using the 16-mode-combined response of each structure are calculated and compared with the results obtained from the CSDRS seismic analysis response and the 7-mode-combined HRHF incoherent-motion seismic response results.

The seismic design forces of the containment structure (CS) and CIS are computed through the response spectrum analysis using the ISRS computed at the top of the basemat at EL. 78.

For the CS, the ISRS curves from the CSDRS, 7-mode-combined, and 16-mode-combined HRHF response spectra computed at EL. 78 are compared in Figure C-272. As shown in Figure C-272, the ISRS obtained from the HRHF response spectra are higher than the corresponding ISRS obtained from the CSDRS in the higher frequency range above approximately 10 Hz. The comparisons show an increase of spectral amplitude for the HRHF ISRS as the number of coherency modes increases up to 16 modes. However, the comparisons also show that the main spectral amplitude peaks in the CSDRS ISRS are shifted to the higher frequency range. Since the governing natural frequencies of the CS lie below about 10 Hz (the dominant horizontal and vertical natural frequencies for the uncracked concrete model are 3.5 Hz and 10.6 Hz, respectively), the peak shift in the HRHF ISRS curves to the higher frequency range will not influence the overall seismic load analysis results for the CS.

To evaluate the effect of 16-mode-combined response on the CIS, the response spectrum analysis using the 16-mode-combined basemat ISRS is performed. The stresses of rebar calculated from the seismic forces and moments in the CIS, especially for the PSW and SSW, obtained from the response spectrum analysis are summarized in Table C-1. Although the rebar stresses at some locations exceed the allowable stress of 54 ksi by 1~8%, their magnitudes are still below the yield stress of the rebar. Hence, the current rebar arrangement can still be maintained while still maintaining the rebar stress demands to within the elastic range of the material even subjected to seismic load increase due to the increased 16-mode-combined incoherent-motion seismic response. The response spectrum analysis, which is used to obtain the seismic demands for the design of the CIS, produces conservative seismic demands relative to the seismic demands obtained from the time history analysis. In addition, the ISRS enveloping the two sets of ISRS for the uncracked and cracked concrete stiffness conditions are conservatively used in the response spectrum analysis. Based on the level of conservatism in the seismic demands obtained from the response spectrum analysis over the seismic demands obtained from the time history analysis, and comparing such level of conservatism with the level of increased rebar stresses based on the response spectrum analysis with HRHF input over the allowable rebar stresses, the rebar stresses based on seismic demands from the time history analysis (i.e., SASSI analysis) with HRHF input are not expected to exceed the allowable stress.

For the AB, equivalent accelerations of the AB derived from the seismic response story forces are calculated for the 16-mode-combined response. The comparisons of the equivalent accelerations so derived from the CSDRS, 7-mode-combined, and 16 mode-combined HRHF response for the AB are presented in Table C-2. As shown by the comparison in Table C-2, equivalent accelerations calculated from the 16-mode-combined HRHF response are not much greater than the corresponding accelerations calculated from the 7-mode-combined HRHF response. Most of the acceleration values calculated from the 7-mode and 16-mode-combined HRHF response are enveloped by the corresponding values calculated from the CSDRS response, except the vertical acceleration values of Fuel Handling Area 1 (El.

213-6 to 226-6) and Fuel Handling Area 3 (El. 195-0 to 213-0). These exceptional local acceleration values in the global z-direction can be accommodated by the current design of the shear walls. Based on the revised results developed following the approach described above, the equivalent accelerations calculated for the AB with consideration of the envelope of the 16-mode-combined response from the original model and modified models for the five identified locations/cases of the AB below-grade shear wall are expected not to exceed the equivalent accelerations calculated from CSDRS seismic input.

Thus, based on the results of re-evaluation of the seismic response force demands due to the converged, 16-coherency-mode-combined incoherent-motion seismic responses, the current design of the CS, CIS, KEPCO & KHNP C12

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 and AB is concluded to have adequate design margin to accommodate the increased, 16-mode-combined incoherent-motion seismic response demands.


Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 C.5 REFERENCES

1. ACS SASSI NQA Version 3.0 R2 Including Options A and FS, An Advanced Computational Software for 3D Dynamic Analysis Including Soil-Structure Interaction, User Manuals Revision 3, Ghiocel Predictive Technologies, Inc., March 31, 2015.
2. W. S. Tseng and K. Lihanand, Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis Incorporating Spatial Incoherence of Ground Motions, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, Report No. TR-102631, October, 1997.


Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Table C-1 Rebar Stresses Calculated from 16 Mode-combined Response of RCB Internal Structure Calculated Stress (ksi) Yield Stress Structure Location (ksi)

Meridional Hoop North Wall 55.99 51.52 PSW East Wall 49.40 58.36 South Wall 53.41 52.72 SSW 51.49 51.68 South/North 55.80 55.35 60.00 RFP West 53.16 52.56 SSW Circular 48.07 54.76 SG Straight 49.34 52.96 PZR 48.82 45.57 Table C-2 Comparison of Equivalent Accelerations for Auxiliary Building HRHF Response Spectra Elevation (ft) CSDRS Location Modes 1~7 Modes 1~16 Acc. X Acc. Y Acc. Z Acc. X Acc. Y Acc. Z Acc. X Acc. Y Acc. Z Bottom Top (g) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g)

AB-FHA: 1 213-6 226-6 1.39 1.84 0.75 1.04 1.50 0.73 1.13 1.63 0.77 AB-FHA: 2 213-0 213-6 1.60 1.05 0.61 1.02 0.83 0.44 1.07 0.88 0.44 AB-FHA: 3 195-0 213-0 1.33 1.27 0.34 0.86 0.96 0.47 0.89 1.01 0.47 AB-MCR: 1 195-0 213-0 1.48 1.12 0.77 1.34 0.90 0.61 1.40 0.92 0.62 AB: 1 174-0 195-0 1.00 1.07 0.49 0.58 0.69 0.39 0.58 0.68 0.38 AB: 2 156-0 174-0 0.71 0.96 0.51 0.54 0.69 0.42 0.54 0.69 0.42 AB: 3 137-6 156-0 0.60 0.77 0.50 0.45 0.46 0.41 0.45 0.45 0.38 AB: 4 120-0 137-6 0.62 0.71 0.45 0.39 0.50 0.41 0.40 0.51 0.41 AB: 5 98-6 120-0 0.51 0.64 0.42 0.33 0.45 0.33 0.33 0.45 0.29 AB: 6 77-0 98-6 0.33 0.47 0.34 0.25 0.33 0.30 0.25 0.33 0.28 AB: 7 67-0 77-0 0.27 0.31 0.31 0.23 0.27 0.27 0.20 0.27 0.27 AB: 8 55-0 67-0 0.26 0.26 0.31 0.23 0.23 0.24 0.18 0.23 0.24 KEPCO & KHNP C15

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Figure C-1 Simplified Basemat Model for APR1400 NI Figure C-2 Rigid Beam Locations in Simplified Basemat Model KEPCO & KHNP C16

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Figure C-3 Locations for Selected Shear Wall Nodes at Basemat Figure C-4 Locations for Selected Slab Nodes at Basemat KEPCO & KHNP C17

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3

ISRS Comparison 2.5 NODE 2772, COHERENT NODE 2772, 1 - 7 MODES 2 NODE 2772, 1 - 16 MODES NODE 2772, 1 - 50 MODES AMPLITUDE 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY (Hz)

Figure C-5 ARS - Shear Wall Node 2772 - Response in Vert. Direction 3

ISRS Comparison 2.5 NODE 2939, COHERENT NODE 2939, 1 - 7 MODES 2 NODE 2939, 1 - 16 MODES NODE 2939, 1 - 50 MODES AMPLITUDE 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY (Hz)

Figure C-6 ARS - Shear Wall Node 2939 - Response in Vert. Direction KEPCO & KHNP C18

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3

ISRS Comparison 2.5 NODE 3668, COHERENT NODE 3668, 1 - 7 MODES 2 NODE 3668, 1 - 16 MODES NODE 3668, 1 - 50 MODES AMPLITUDE 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY (Hz)

Figure C-7 ARS - Shear Wall Node 3668 - Response in Vert. Direction 3

ISRS Comparison 2.5 NODE 3295, COHERENT NODE 3295, 1 - 7 MODES 2 NODE 3295, 1 - 16 MODES NODE 3295, 1 - 50 MODES AMPLITUDE 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY (Hz)

Figure C-8 ARS - Shear Wall Node 3295 - Response in Vert. Direction KEPCO & KHNP C19

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3

ISRS Comparison 2.5 NODE 2665, COHERENT NODE 2665, 1 - 7 MODES 2 NODE 2665, 1 - 16 MODES NODE 2665, 1 - 50 MODES AMPLITUDE 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY (Hz)

Figure C-9 ARS - Shear Wall Node 2665 - Response in Vert. Direction 3

ISRS Comparison 2.5 NODE 2681, COHERENT NODE 2681, 1 - 7 MODES 2 NODE 2681, 1 - 16 MODES NODE 2681, 1 - 50 MODES AMPLITUDE 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY (Hz)

Figure C-10 ARS - Shear Wall Node 2681 - Response in Vert. Direction KEPCO & KHNP C20

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3

ISRS Comparison 2.5 NODE 2930, COHERENT NODE 2930, 1 - 7 MODES 2 NODE 2930, 1 - 16 MODES NODE 2930, 1 - 50 MODES AMPLITUDE 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY (Hz)

Figure C-11 ARS - Shear Wall Node 2930 - Response in Vert. Direction 3

ISRS Comparison 2.5 NODE 2950, COHERENT NODE 2950, 1 - 7 MODES 2 NODE 2950, 1 - 16 MODES NODE 2950, 1 - 50 MODES AMPLITUDE 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY (Hz)

Figure C-12 ARS - Shear Wall Node 2950 - Response in Vert. Direction KEPCO & KHNP C21

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3

ISRS Comparison 2.5 NODE 3288, COHERENT NODE 3288, 1 - 7 MODES 2 NODE 3288, 1 - 16 MODES NODE 3288, 1 - 50 MODES AMPLITUDE 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY (Hz)

Figure C-13 ARS - Shear Wall Node 3288 - Response in Vert. Direction 3

ISRS Comparison 2.5 NODE 3303, COHERENT NODE 3303, 1 - 7 MODES 2 NODE 3303, 1 - 16 MODES NODE 3303, 1 - 50 MODES AMPLITUDE 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY (Hz)

Figure C-14 ARS - Shear Wall Node 3303 - Response in Vert. Direction KEPCO & KHNP C22

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3

ISRS Comparison 2.5 NODE 3311, COHERENT NODE 3311, 1 - 7 MODES 2 NODE 3311, 1 - 16 MODES NODE 3311, 1 - 50 MODES AMPLITUDE 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY (Hz)

Figure C-15 ARS - Shear Wall Node 3311 - Response in Vert. Direction 3

ISRS Comparison 2.5 NODE 3659, COHERENT NODE 3659, 1 - 7 MODES 2 NODE 3659, 1 - 16 MODES NODE 3659, 1 - 50 MODES AMPLITUDE 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY (Hz)

Figure C-16 ARS - Shear Wall Node 3659 - Response in Vert. Direction KEPCO & KHNP C23

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3

ISRS Comparison 2.5 NODE 3679, COHERENT NODE 3679, 1 - 7 MODES 2 NODE 3679, 1 - 16 MODES NODE 3679, 1 - 50 MODES AMPLITUDE 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY (Hz)

Figure C-17 ARS - Shear Wall Node 3679 - Response in Vert. Direction 3.5 ISRS Comparison 3

NODE 3946, COHERENT NODE 3946, 1 - 7 MODES 2.5 NODE 3946, 1 - 16 MODES NODE 3946, 1 - 50 MODES AMPLITUDE 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY (Hz)

Figure C-18 ARS - Shear Wall Node 3946 - Response in Vert. Direction KEPCO & KHNP C24

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3.5 ISRS Comparison 3

NODE 3872, COHERENT NODE 3872, 1 - 7 MODES 2.5 NODE 3872, 1 - 16 MODES NODE 3872, 1 - 50 MODES AMPLITUDE 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY (Hz)

Figure C-19 ARS - Shear Wall Node 3872 - Response in Vert. Direction 3

ISRS Comparison 2.5 NODE 3930, COHERENT NODE 3930, 1 - 7 MODES 2 NODE 3930, 1 - 16 MODES NODE 3930, 1 - 50 MODES AMPLITUDE 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY (Hz)

Figure C-20 ARS - Shear Wall Node 3930 - Response in Vert. Direction KEPCO & KHNP C25

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3.5 ISRS Comparison 3

NODE 2688, COHERENT NODE 2688, 1 - 7 MODES 2.5 NODE 2688, 1 - 16 MODES NODE 2688, 1 - 50 MODES AMPLITUDE 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY (Hz)

Figure C-21 ARS - Floor Slab Node 2688 - Response in Vert. Direction 3

ISRS Comparison 2.5 NODE 2780, COHERENT NODE 2780, 1 - 7 MODES 2 NODE 2780, 1 - 16 MODES NODE 2780, 1 - 50 MODES AMPLITUDE 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY (Hz)

Figure C-22 ARS - Floor Slab Node 2780 - Response in Vert. Direction KEPCO & KHNP C26

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3

ISRS Comparison 2.5 NODE 3216, COHERENT NODE 3216, 1 - 7 MODES 2 NODE 3216, 1 - 16 MODES NODE 3216, 1 - 50 MODES AMPLITUDE 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY (Hz)

Figure C-23 ARS - Floor Slab Node 3216 - Response in Vert. Direction 3

ISRS Comparison 2.5 NODE 3380, COHERENT NODE 3380, 1 - 7 MODES 2 NODE 3380, 1 - 16 MODES NODE 3380, 1 - 50 MODES AMPLITUDE 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY (Hz)

Figure C-24 ARS - Floor Slab Node 3380 - Response in Vert. Direction KEPCO & KHNP C27

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3

ISRS Comparison 2.5 NODE 3809, COHERENT NODE 3809, 1 - 7 MODES 2 NODE 3809, 1 - 16 MODES NODE 3809, 1 - 50 MODES AMPLITUDE 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY (Hz)

Figure C-25 ARS - Floor Slab Node 3809 - Response in Vert. Direction 3.5 ISRS Comparison 3

NODE 3915, COHERENT NODE 3915, 1 - 7 MODES 2.5 NODE 3915, 1 - 16 MODES NODE 3915, 1 - 50 MODES AMPLITUDE 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY (Hz)

Figure C-26 ARS - Floor Slab Node 3915 - Response in Vert. Direction KEPCO & KHNP C28

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3

ISRS Comparison 2.5 NODE 2787, COHERENT NODE 2787, 1 - 7 MODES 2 NODE 2787, 1 - 16 MODES NODE 2787, 1 - 50 MODES AMPLITUDE 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY (Hz)

Figure C-27 ARS - Floor Slab Node 2787 - Response in Vert. Direction 3

ISRS Comparison 2.5 NODE 3816, COHERENT NODE 3816, 1 - 7 MODES 2 NODE 3816, 1 - 16 MODES NODE 3816, 1 - 50 MODES AMPLITUDE 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY (Hz)

Figure C-28 ARS - Floor Slab Node 3816 - Response in Vert. Direction KEPCO & KHNP C29

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3

ISRS Comparison 2.5 NODE 2794, COHERENT NODE 2794, 1 - 7 MODES 2 NODE 2794, 1 - 16 MODES NODE 2794, 1 - 50 MODES AMPLITUDE 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY (Hz)

Figure C-29 ARS - Floor Slab Node 2794 - Response in Vert. Direction 3

ISRS Comparison 2.5 NODE 3823, COHERENT NODE 3823, 1 - 7 MODES 2 NODE 3823, 1 - 16 MODES NODE 3823, 1 - 50 MODES AMPLITUDE 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY (Hz)

Figure C-30 ARS - Floor Slab Node 3823 - Response in Vert. Direction KEPCO & KHNP C30

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3

ISRS Comparison 2.5 NODE 2802, COHERENT NODE 2802, 1 - 7 MODES 2 NODE 2802, 1 - 16 MODES NODE 2802, 1 - 50 MODES AMPLITUDE 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY (Hz)

Figure C-31 ARS - Floor Slab Node 2802 - Response in Vert. Direction 3

ISRS Comparison 2.5 NODE 3589, COHERENT NODE 3589, 1 - 7 MODES 2 NODE 3589, 1 - 16 MODES NODE 3589, 1 - 50 MODES AMPLITUDE 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY (Hz)

Figure C-32 ARS - Floor Slab Node 3589 - Response in Vert. Direction KEPCO & KHNP C31

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3

ISRS Comparison 2.5 NODE 3831, COHERENT NODE 3831, 1 - 7 MODES 2 NODE 3831, 1 - 16 MODES NODE 3831, 1 - 50 MODES AMPLITUDE 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY (Hz)

Figure C-33 ARS - Floor Slab Node 3831 - Response in Vert. Direction KEPCO & KHNP C32

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Figure C-34 Selected Nodes for AB Floor Slab at El. 55 (1-F)


Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 1.2 ATF Comparison F Slab - Nd. 09501 - HRHF - Uncracked Mode 1 ZZ 1 Mode 13 - ZZ Mode 14 - ZZ 0.8 Mode 15 - ZZ AMPLITUDE Mode 16 - ZZ 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-35 ATF - AB Slabs (1-F) at El. 55 - Node 9501 - Z Resp. due to Z Input - Uncracked 1.2 ATF Comparison F Slab - Nd. 09501 - HRHF - Cracked Mode 1 ZZ 1 Mode 13 - ZZ Mode 14 - ZZ 0.8 Mode 15 - ZZ AMPLITUDE Mode 16 - ZZ 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-36 ATF - AB Slabs (1-F) at El. 55 - Node 9501 - Z Resp. due to Z Input - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C34

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 1.2 ATF Comparison F Slab - Nd. 09579 - HRHF - Uncracked Mode 1 ZZ 1 Mode 13 - ZZ Mode 14 - ZZ 0.8 Mode 15 - ZZ AMPLITUDE Mode 16 - ZZ 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-37 ATF - AB Slabs (1-F) at El. 55 - Node 9579 - Z Resp. due to Z Input - Uncracked 1.2 ATF Comparison F Slab - Nd. 09579 - HRHF - Cracked Mode 1 ZZ 1 Mode 13 - ZZ Mode 14 - ZZ 0.8 Mode 15 - ZZ AMPLITUDE Mode 16 - ZZ 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-38 ATF - AB Slabs (1-F) at El. 55 - Node 9579 - Z Resp. due to Z Input - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C35

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 1.2 ATF Comparison F Slab - Nd. 09604 - HRHF - Uncracked Mode 1 ZZ 1 Mode 13 - ZZ Mode 14 - ZZ 0.8 Mode 15 - ZZ AMPLITUDE Mode 16 - ZZ 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-39 ATF - AB Slabs (1-F) at El. 55 - Node 9604 - Z Resp. due to Z Input - Uncracked 1.2 ATF Comparison F Slab - Nd. 09604 - HRHF - Cracked Mode 1 ZZ 1

Mode 13 - ZZ Mode 14 - ZZ 0.8 Mode 15 - ZZ AMPLITUDE Mode 16 - ZZ 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-40 ATF - AB Slabs (1-F) at El. 55 - Node 9604 - Z Resp. due to Z Input - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C36

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 1.2 ATF Comparison F Slab - Nd. 09709 - HRHF - Uncracked Mode 1 ZZ 1 Mode 13 - ZZ Mode 14 - ZZ 0.8 Mode 15 - ZZ AMPLITUDE Mode 16 - ZZ 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-41 ATF - AB Slabs (1-F) at El. 55 - Node 9709 - Z Resp. due to Z Input - Uncracked 1.2 ATF Comparison F Slab - Nd. 09709 - HRHF - Cracked Mode 1 ZZ 1 Mode 13 - ZZ Mode 14 - ZZ 0.8 Mode 15 - ZZ AMPLITUDE Mode 16 - ZZ 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-42 ATF - AB Slabs (1-F) at El. 55 - Node 9709 - Z Resp. due to Z Input - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C37

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 1.2 ATF Comparison F Slab - Nd. 09743 - HRHF - Uncracked Mode 1 ZZ 1 Mode 13 - ZZ Mode 14 - ZZ 0.8 Mode 15 - ZZ AMPLITUDE Mode 16 - ZZ 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-43 ATF - AB Slabs (1-F) at El. 55 - Node 9743 - Z Resp. due to Z Input - Uncracked 1.2 ATF Comparison F Slab - Nd. 09743 - HRHF - Cracked Mode 1 ZZ 1 Mode 13 - ZZ Mode 14 - ZZ 0.8 Mode 15 - ZZ AMPLITUDE Mode 16 - ZZ 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-44 ATF - AB Slabs (1-F) at El. 55 - Node 9743 - Z Resp. due to Z Input - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C38

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 1.2 ATF Comparison F Slab - Nd. 09861 - HRHF - Uncracked Mode 1 ZZ 1 Mode 13 - ZZ Mode 14 - ZZ 0.8 Mode 15 - ZZ AMPLITUDE Mode 16 - ZZ 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 10.1 20.1 30.1 40.1 50.1 60.1 70.1 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-45 ATF - AB Slabs (1-F) at El. 55 - Node 9861 - Z Resp. due to Z Input - Uncracked 1.2 ATF Comparison F Slab - Nd. 09861 - HRHF - Cracked Mode 1 ZZ 1 Mode 13 - ZZ Mode 14 - ZZ 0.8 Mode 15 - ZZ AMPLITUDE Mode 16 - ZZ 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-46 ATF - AB Slabs (1-F) at El. 55 - Node 9861 - Z Resp. due to Z Input - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C39

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 1.2 ATF Comparison F Slab - Nd. 09905 - HRHF - Uncracked Mode 1 ZZ 1 Mode 13 - ZZ Mode 14 - ZZ 0.8 Mode 15 - ZZ AMPLITUDE Mode 16 - ZZ 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-47 ATF - AB Slabs (1-F) at El. 55 - Node 9905 - Z Resp. due to Z Input - Uncracked 1.2 ATF Comparison F Slab - Nd. 09905 - HRHF - Cracked Mode 1 ZZ 1 Mode 13 - ZZ Mode 14 - ZZ 0.8 Mode 15 - ZZ AMPLITUDE Mode 16 - ZZ 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-48 ATF - AB Slabs (1-F) at El. 55 - Node 9905 - Z Resp. due to Z Input - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C40

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 0.2 ATF Comparison F Slab - Nd. 09501 - HRHF - Uncracked 0.18 Mode 13 - ZZ 0.16 Mode 14 - ZZ 0.14 Mode 15 - ZZ AMPLITUDE 0.12 Mode 16 - ZZ 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-49 ATF - AB Slabs (1-F) at El. 55 - Node 9501 - Z Resp. due to Z Input - Uncracked -

Modes 13 through 16 1.6 ATF Comparison F Wall - Nd. 12875 - HRHF - Uncracked Mode 1 - XY 1.4 Mode 4 - XY 1.2 Mode 7 - XY Mode 11 - XY 1

AMPLITUDE Mode 13 - XY 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-50 ATF - AB Walls (2-F) at El. 78 - Node 12875 - Y Resp. due to X Input - Uncracked -

Modes 1, 4, 7, 11, 13 KEPCO & KHNP C41

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 2

ATF Comparison F Wall - Nd. 18165 - HRHF - Cracked 1.8 Mode 1 - YY Mode 3 - YY 1.6 Mode 7 - YY 1.4 Mode 12 - YY AMPLITUDE 1.2 Mode 14 - YY 1

0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-51 ATF - AB Walls (3-F) at El. 100 - Node 18165 - Y Resp. due to Y Input - Cracked -

Modes 1, 3, 7, 12, 14 KEPCO & KHNP C42

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Figure C-52 Node 9501 ATF Comparison Option 0 Phase Adjusted vs No Phase Adjustment Figure C-53 Node 9579 ATF Comparison Option 0 Phase Adjusted vs No Phase Adjustment KEPCO & KHNP C43

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Figure C-54 Node 9501 ATF Comparison No Phase Adjustment Option 0 vs Option 6 Figure C-55 Node 9579 ATF Comparison No Phase Adjustment Option 0 vs Option 6 KEPCO & KHNP C44

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Figure C-56 Node 9501 Vertical ARS Comparison Figure C-57 Node 9579 Vertical ARS Comparison KEPCO & KHNP C45

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Figure C-58 ISRS - AB Floor Slabs (1-F) at El. 55 - Uncracked - Vertical Response KEPCO & KHNP C46

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 2.5 ISRS Comparison - CS78 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2.5 ISRS Comparison - CS78 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2.5 ISRS Comparison - CS78 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-59 ISRS - Containment Structure (CS78) at El. 78 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C47

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3

ISRS Comparison - CS90 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison - CS90 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison - CS90 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-60 ISRS - Containment Structure (CS90) at El. 89.75 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C48

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 4.5 ISRS Comparison - CS104 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 4 COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 3


1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

4.5 ISRS Comparison - CS104 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 4 COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 3


1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

4.5 ISRS Comparison - CS104 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 4 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 3


1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-61 ISRS - Containment Structure (CS104) at El. 103.75 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C49

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 5

ISRS Comparison - CS118 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 4

Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

5 ISRS Comparison - CS118 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 4

Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

5 ISRS Comparison - CS118 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 4

Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-62 ISRS - Containment Structure (CS118) at El. 117.75 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C50

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 6

ISRS Comparison - CS124 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

6 ISRS Comparison - CS124 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

6 ISRS Comparison - CS124 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-63 ISRS - Containment Structure (CS124) at El. 123.62 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C51

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 6

ISRS Comparison - CS132 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

6 ISRS Comparison - CS132 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

6 ISRS Comparison - CS132 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-64 ISRS - Containment Structure (CS132) at El. 131.56 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C52

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 6

ISRS Comparison - CS160 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

6 ISRS Comparison - CS160 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

6 ISRS Comparison - CS160 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-65 ISRS - Containment Structure (CS160) at El. 159.75 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C53

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 6

ISRS Comparison - CS180 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

6 ISRS Comparison - CS180 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

6 ISRS Comparison - CS180 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-66 ISRS - Containment Structure (CS180) at El. 180 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C54

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 4.5 ISRS Comparison - CS196 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 4 COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 3


1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

4.5 ISRS Comparison - CS196 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 4 COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 3


1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

4.5 ISRS Comparison - CS196 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 4 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 3


1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-67 ISRS - Containment Structure (CS196) at El. 195.5 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C55

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 5

ISRS Comparison - CS216 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 4

Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

5 ISRS Comparison - CS216 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 4

Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

5 ISRS Comparison - CS216 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 4

Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-68 ISRS - Containment Structure (CS216) at El. 215.96 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C56

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 6

ISRS Comparison - CS241 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

6 ISRS Comparison - CS241 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

6 ISRS Comparison - CS241 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-69 ISRS - Containment Structure (CS241) at El. 241 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C57

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 6

ISRS Comparison - CS255 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

6 ISRS Comparison - CS255 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

6 ISRS Comparison - CS255 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-70 ISRS - Containment Structure (CS255) at El. 254.5 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C58

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 6

ISRS Comparison - CS275 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

6 ISRS Comparison - CS275 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

6 ISRS Comparison - CS275 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-71 ISRS - Containment Structure (CS275) at El. 274.49 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C59

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 7

ISRS Comparison - CS302 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 6

Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction 5

Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 4 3

2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

7 ISRS Comparison - CS302 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 6

Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction 5

Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 4 3

2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

7 ISRS Comparison - CS302 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 6

Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 5

Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 4 3

2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-72 ISRS - Containment Structure (CS302) at El. 301.53 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C60

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 8

ISRS Comparison - CS328 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 7 COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 6 Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 5


2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

8 ISRS Comparison - CS328 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 7 COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 6 Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 5


2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

8 ISRS Comparison - CS328 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 7 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 6 Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 5


2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-73 ISRS - Containment Structure (CS328) at El. 328.42 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C61

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 8

ISRS Comparison - CS332 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 7 COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 6 Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 5


2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

8 ISRS Comparison - CS332 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 7 COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 6 Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 5


2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

8 ISRS Comparison - CS332 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 7 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 6 Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 5


2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-74 ISRS - Containment Structure (CS332) at El. 331.75 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C62

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 5

ISRS Comparison - PCO1241 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 4

Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

5 ISRS Comparison - PCO1241 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 4

Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

5 ISRS Comparison - PCO1241 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 4

Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-75 ISRS - Polar Crane (PCO1241) at El. 241 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C63

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 10 ISRS Comparison - PCO2241 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 9 COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 8

Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction 7 Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 6 5

4 3

2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

10 ISRS Comparison - PCO2241 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 9 COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 8

Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction 7 Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 6 5

4 3

2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

10 ISRS Comparison - PCO2241 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 9 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 8

Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 7 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 6 5

4 3

2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-76 ISRS - Polar Crane (PCO2241) at El. 241 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C64

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 7

ISRS Comparison - PCO3241 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 6

Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction 5

Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 4 3

2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

7 ISRS Comparison - PCO3241 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 6

Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction 5

Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 4 3

2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

7 ISRS Comparison - PCO3241 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 6

Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 5

Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 4 3

2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-77 ISRS - Polar Crane (PCO3241) at El. 241 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C65

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 2.5 ISRS Comparison - PSW66 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2.5 ISRS Comparison - PSW66 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2.5 ISRS Comparison - PSW66 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-78 ISRS - Primary Shield Wall (PSW66) at El. 66 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C66

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3

ISRS Comparison - PSW78 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison - PSW78 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison - PSW78 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-79 ISRS - Primary Shield Wall (PSW78) at El. 78 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C67

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3

ISRS Comparison - PSW100 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison - PSW100 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison - PSW100 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-80 ISRS - Primary Shield Wall (PSW100) at El. 100 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C68

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3.5 ISRS Comparison - PSW107 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3.5 ISRS Comparison - PSW107 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3.5 ISRS Comparison - PSW107 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-81 ISRS - Primary Shield Wall (PSW107) at El. 106.5 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C69

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3.5 ISRS Comparison - PSW114 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3.5 ISRS Comparison - PSW114 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3.5 ISRS Comparison - PSW114 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-82 ISRS - Primary Shield Wall (PSW114) at El. 114 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C70

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3.5 ISRS Comparison - PSW130 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3.5 ISRS Comparison - PSW130 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3.5 ISRS Comparison - PSW130 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-83 ISRS - Primary Shield Wall (PSW130) at El. 130 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C71

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 4

ISRS Comparison - PSW137 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 3.5 COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 3 Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 2.5 ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

4 ISRS Comparison - PSW137 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 3.5 COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 3 Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 2.5 ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

4 ISRS Comparison - PSW137 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 3.5 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 3 Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2.5 ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-84 ISRS - Primary Shield Wall (PSW137) at El. 136.5 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C72

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 8

ISRS Comparison - PSW156 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 7 COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 6 Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 5


2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

8 ISRS Comparison - PSW156 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 7 COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 6 Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 5


2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

8 ISRS Comparison - PSW156 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 7 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 6 Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 5


2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-85 ISRS - Primary Shield Wall (PSW156) at El. 156 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C73

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 25 ISRS Comparison - PSW191a - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 20 Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 15 10 5

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

25 ISRS Comparison - PSW191a - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 20 Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 15 10 5

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

25 ISRS Comparison - PSW191a - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 20 Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 15 10 5

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-86 ISRS - Primary Shield Wall (PSW191a) at El. 191 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C74

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 14 ISRS Comparison - PSW191b - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 12 Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction 10 Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 8 6

4 2

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

14 ISRS Comparison - PSW191b - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 12 Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction 10 Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 8 6

4 2

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

14 ISRS Comparison - PSW191b - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 12 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 10 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 8 6

4 2

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-87 ISRS - Primary Shield Wall (PSW191b) at El. 191 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C75

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3

ISRS Comparison - SSW78 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison - SSW78 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison - SSW78 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-88 ISRS - Secondary Shield Wall (SSW78) at El. 78 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C76

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3.5 ISRS Comparison - SSW100a - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3.5 ISRS Comparison - SSW100a - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3.5 ISRS Comparison - SSW100a - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-89 ISRS - Secondary Shield Wall (SSW100a) at El. 100 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C77

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 5

ISRS Comparison - SSW100b - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 4

Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

5 ISRS Comparison - SSW100b - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 4

Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

5 ISRS Comparison - SSW100b - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 4

Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-90 ISRS - Secondary Shield Wall (SSW100b) at El. 100 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C78

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 4

ISRS Comparison - SSW107 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 3.5 COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 3 Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 2.5 ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

4 ISRS Comparison - SSW107 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 3.5 COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 3 Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 2.5 ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

4 ISRS Comparison - SSW107 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 3.5 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 3 Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2.5 ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-91 ISRS - Secondary Shield Wall (SSW107) at El. 106.5 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C79

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 4.5 ISRS Comparison - SSW114 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 4 COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 3


1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

4.5 ISRS Comparison - SSW114 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 4 COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 3


1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

4.5 ISRS Comparison - SSW114 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 4 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 3


1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-92 ISRS - Secondary Shield Wall (SSW114) at El. 114 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C80

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 5

ISRS Comparison - SSW130 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 4

Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

5 ISRS Comparison - SSW130 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 4

Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

5 ISRS Comparison - SSW130 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 4

Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-93 ISRS - Secondary Shield Wall (SSW130) at El. 130 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C81

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 6

ISRS Comparison - SSW137 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

6 ISRS Comparison - SSW137 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

6 ISRS Comparison - SSW137 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-94 ISRS - Secondary Shield Wall (SSW137) at El. 136.5 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C82

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 12 ISRS Comparison - SSW156 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 10 Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 8


2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

12 ISRS Comparison - SSW156 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 10 Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 8


2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

12 ISRS Comparison - SSW156 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 10 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 8


2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-95 ISRS - Secondary Shield Wall (SSW156) at El. 156 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C83

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 25 ISRS Comparison - SSW191 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 20 Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 15 10 5

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

25 ISRS Comparison - SSW191 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 20 Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 15 10 5

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

25 ISRS Comparison - SSW191 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 20 Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 15 10 5

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-96 ISRS - Secondary Shield Wall (SSW191) at El. 191 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C84

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 2.5 ISRS Comparison - CS78 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2.5 ISRS Comparison - CS78 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2.5 ISRS Comparison - CS78 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-97 ISRS - Containment Structure (CS78) at El. 78 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C85

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3

ISRS Comparison - CS90 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison - CS90 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison - CS90 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-98 ISRS - Containment Structure (CS90) at El. 89.75 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C86

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3.5 ISRS Comparison - CS104 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3.5 ISRS Comparison - CS104 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3.5 ISRS Comparison - CS104 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-99 ISRS - Containment Structure (CS104) at El. 103.75 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C87

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3.5 ISRS Comparison - CS118 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3.5 ISRS Comparison - CS118 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3.5 ISRS Comparison - CS118 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-100 ISRS - Containment Structure (CS118) at El. 117.75 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C88

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3.5 ISRS Comparison - CS124 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3.5 ISRS Comparison - CS124 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3.5 ISRS Comparison - CS124 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-101 ISRS - Containment Structure (CS124) at El. 123.62 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C89

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3.5 ISRS Comparison - CS132 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3.5 ISRS Comparison - CS132 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3.5 ISRS Comparison - CS132 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-102 ISRS - Containment Structure (CS132) at El. 131.56 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C90

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3

ISRS Comparison - CS160 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison - CS160 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison - CS160 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-103 ISRS - Containment Structure (CS160) at El. 159.75 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C91

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3.5 ISRS Comparison - CS180 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3.5 ISRS Comparison - CS180 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3.5 ISRS Comparison - CS180 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-104 ISRS - Containment Structure (CS180) at El. 180 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C92

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3.5 ISRS Comparison - CS196 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3.5 ISRS Comparison - CS196 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3.5 ISRS Comparison - CS196 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-105 ISRS - Containment Structure (CS196) at El. 195.5 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C93

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 4

ISRS Comparison - CS216 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 3.5 COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 3 Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 2.5 ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

4 ISRS Comparison - CS216 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 3.5 COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 3 Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 2.5 ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

4 ISRS Comparison - CS216 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 3.5 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 3 Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2.5 ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-106 ISRS - Containment Structure (CS216) at El. 215.96 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C94

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 4.5 ISRS Comparison - CS241 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 4 COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 3


1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

4.5 ISRS Comparison - CS241 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 4 COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 3


1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

4.5 ISRS Comparison - CS241 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 4 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 3


1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-107 ISRS - Containment Structure (CS241) at El. 241 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C95

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 4.5 ISRS Comparison - CS255 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 4 COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 3


1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

4.5 ISRS Comparison - CS255 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 4 COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 3


1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

4.5 ISRS Comparison - CS255 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 4 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 3


1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-108 ISRS - Containment Structure (CS255) at El. 254.5 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C96

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 4.5 ISRS Comparison - CS275 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 4 COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 3


1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

4.5 ISRS Comparison - CS275 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 4 COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 3


1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

4.5 ISRS Comparison - CS275 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 4 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 3


1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-109 ISRS - Containment Structure (CS275) at El. 274.49 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C97

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 5

ISRS Comparison - CS302 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 4

Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

5 ISRS Comparison - CS302 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 4

Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

5 ISRS Comparison - CS302 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 4

Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-110 ISRS - Containment Structure (CS302) at El. 301.53 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C98

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 6

ISRS Comparison - CS328 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

6 ISRS Comparison - CS328 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

6 ISRS Comparison - CS328 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-111 ISRS - Containment Structure (CS328) at El. 328.42 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C99

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 7

ISRS Comparison - CS332 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 6

Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction 5

Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 4 3

2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

7 ISRS Comparison - CS332 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 6

Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction 5

Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 4 3

2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

7 ISRS Comparison - CS332 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 6

Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 5

Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 4 3

2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-112 ISRS - Containment Structure (CS332) at El. 331.75 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C100

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 4

ISRS Comparison - PCO1241 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 3.5 COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 3 Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 2.5 ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

4 ISRS Comparison - PCO1241 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 3.5 COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 3 Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 2.5 ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

4 ISRS Comparison - PCO1241 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 3.5 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 3 Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2.5 ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-113 ISRS - Polar Crane (PCO1241) at El. 241 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C101

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 9

ISRS Comparison - PCO2241 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 8 COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 7

Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 6


3 2

1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

9 ISRS Comparison - PCO2241 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 8 COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 7

Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 6


3 2

1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

9 ISRS Comparison - PCO2241 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 8 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 7

Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 6


3 2

1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-114 ISRS - Polar Crane (PCO2241) at El. 241 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C102

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 4.5 ISRS Comparison - PCO3241 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 4 COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 3


1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

4.5 ISRS Comparison - PCO3241 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 4 COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 3


1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

4.5 ISRS Comparison - PCO3241 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 4 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 3


1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-115 ISRS - Polar Crane (PCO3241) at El. 241 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C103

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 1.6 ISRS Comparison - PSW66 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 1.4 COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 1.2 Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 1

ACCELERATION (g) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

1.6 ISRS Comparison - PSW66 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 1.4 COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 1.2 Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 1

ACCELERATION (g) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

1.6 ISRS Comparison - PSW66 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 1.4 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 1.2 Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 1

ACCELERATION (g) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-116 ISRS - Primary Shield Wall (PSW66) at El. 66 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C104

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 2.5 ISRS Comparison - PSW78 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2.5 ISRS Comparison - PSW78 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2.5 ISRS Comparison - PSW78 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-117 ISRS - Primary Shield Wall (PSW78) at El. 78 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C105

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 2.5 ISRS Comparison - PSW100 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2.5 ISRS Comparison - PSW100 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2.5 ISRS Comparison - PSW100 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-118 ISRS - Primary Shield Wall (PSW100) at El. 100 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C106

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 2.5 ISRS Comparison - PSW107 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2.5 ISRS Comparison - PSW107 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2.5 ISRS Comparison - PSW107 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-119 ISRS - Primary Shield Wall (PSW107) at El. 106.5 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C107

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3

ISRS Comparison - PSW114 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison - PSW114 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison - PSW114 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-120 ISRS - Primary Shield Wall (PSW114) at El. 114 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C108

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3

ISRS Comparison - PSW130 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison - PSW130 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison - PSW130 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-121 ISRS - Primary Shield Wall (PSW130) at El. 130 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C109

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3.5 ISRS Comparison - PSW137 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3.5 ISRS Comparison - PSW137 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3.5 ISRS Comparison - PSW137 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-122 ISRS - Primary Shield Wall (PSW137) at El. 136.5 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C110

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 6

ISRS Comparison - PSW156 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

6 ISRS Comparison - PSW156 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

6 ISRS Comparison - PSW156 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-123 ISRS - Primary Shield Wall (PSW156) at El. 156 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C111

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 20 ISRS Comparison - PSW191a - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 18 COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 16 Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction 14 Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 12 10 8

6 4

2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

20 ISRS Comparison - PSW191a - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 18 COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 16 Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction 14 Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 12 10 8

6 4

2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

20 ISRS Comparison - PSW191a - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 18 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 16 Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 14 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 12 10 8

6 4

2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-124 ISRS - Primary Shield Wall (PSW191a) at El. 191 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C112

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 10 ISRS Comparison - PSW191b - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 9 COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 8

Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction 7 Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 6 5

4 3

2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

10 ISRS Comparison - PSW191b - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 9 COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 8

Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction 7 Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 6 5

4 3

2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

10 ISRS Comparison - PSW191b - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 9 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 8

Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 7 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 6 5

4 3

2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-125 ISRS - Primary Shield Wall (PSW191b) at El. 191 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C113

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 2

ISRS Comparison - SSW78 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 1.8 COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 1.6 Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction 1.4 Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.2 1

0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2 ISRS Comparison - SSW78 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 1.8 COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 1.6 Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction 1.4 Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.2 1

0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2 ISRS Comparison - SSW78 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 1.8 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 1.6 Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 1.4 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.2 1

0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-126 ISRS - Secondary Shield Wall (SSW78) at El. 78 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C114

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3

ISRS Comparison - SSW100a - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison - SSW100a - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison - SSW100a - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-127 ISRS - Secondary Shield Wall (SSW100a) at El. 100 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C115

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3.5 ISRS Comparison - SSW100b - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3.5 ISRS Comparison - SSW100b - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3.5 ISRS Comparison - SSW100b - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-128 ISRS - Secondary Shield Wall (SSW100b) at El. 100 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C116

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3.5 ISRS Comparison - SSW107 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3.5 ISRS Comparison - SSW107 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3.5 ISRS Comparison - SSW107 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-129 ISRS - Secondary Shield Wall (SSW107) at El. 106.5 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C117

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 4

ISRS Comparison - SSW114 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 3.5 COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 3 Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 2.5 ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

4 ISRS Comparison - SSW114 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 3.5 COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 3 Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 2.5 ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

4 ISRS Comparison - SSW114 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 3.5 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 3 Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2.5 ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-130 ISRS - Secondary Shield Wall (SSW114) at El. 114 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C118

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 5

ISRS Comparison - SSW130 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 4

Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

5 ISRS Comparison - SSW130 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 4

Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

5 ISRS Comparison - SSW130 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 4

Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-131 ISRS - Secondary Shield Wall (SSW130) at El. 130 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C119

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 5

ISRS Comparison - SSW137 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 4

Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

5 ISRS Comparison - SSW137 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 4

Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

5 ISRS Comparison - SSW137 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 4

Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-132 ISRS - Secondary Shield Wall (SSW137) at El. 136.5 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C120

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 14 ISRS Comparison - SSW156 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 12 Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction 10 Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 8 6

4 2

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

14 ISRS Comparison - SSW156 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 12 Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction 10 Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 8 6

4 2

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

14 ISRS Comparison - SSW156 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 12 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 10 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 8 6

4 2

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-133 ISRS - Secondary Shield Wall (SSW156) at El. 156 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C121

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 20 ISRS Comparison - SSW191 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 18 COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 16 Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction 14 Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 12 10 8

6 4

2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

20 ISRS Comparison - SSW191 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 18 COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 16 Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction 14 Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 12 10 8

6 4

2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

20 ISRS Comparison - SSW191 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 18 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 16 Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 14 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 12 10 8

6 4

2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-134 ISRS - Secondary Shield Wall (SSW191) at El. 191 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C122

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 1.8 ISRS Comparison - SL66 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 1.6 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 1.4 Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 1.2 ACCELERATION (g) 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-135 ISRS - RCB Floor Slab (SL66) at El. 66 - HRHF - Uncracked 6

ISRS Comparison - SL100 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-136 ISRS - RCB Floor Slab (SL100) at El. 100 - HRHF - Uncracked 2.5 ISRS Comparison - SL106.5 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-137 ISRS - RCB Floor Slab (SL106.5) at El. 106.5 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C123

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 6

ISRS Comparison - SL111 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-138 ISRS - RCB Floor Slab (SL111) at El. 111 - HRHF - Uncracked 7

ISRS Comparison - SL114 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 6

Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 5

Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 4 3

2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-139 ISRS - RCB Floor Slab (SL114) at El. 114 - HRHF - Uncracked 5

ISRS Comparison - SL125 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 4

Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-140 ISRS - RCB Floor Slab (SL125) at El. 125 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C124

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 5

ISRS Comparison - SL156 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 4

Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-141 ISRS - RCB Floor Slab (SL156) at El. 156 - HRHF - Uncracked 3.5 ISRS Comparison - SL66 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-142 ISRS - RCB Floor Slab (SL66) at El. 66 - HRHF - Cracked 8

ISRS Comparison - SL100 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 7 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 6 Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 5


2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-143 ISRS - RCB Floor Slab (SL100) at El. 100 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C125

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 2

ISRS Comparison - SL106.5 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 1.8 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 1.6 Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 1.4 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.2 1

0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-144 ISRS - RCB Floor Slab (SL106.5) at El. 106.5 - HRHF - Cracked 6

ISRS Comparison - SL111 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-145 ISRS - RCB Floor Slab (SL111) at El. 111 - HRHF - Cracked 7

ISRS Comparison - SL114 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 6

Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 5

Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 4 3

2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-146 ISRS - RCB Floor Slab (SL114) at El. 114 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C126

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 5

ISRS Comparison - SL125 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 4

Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-147 ISRS - RCB Floor Slab (SL125) at El. 125 - HRHF - Cracked 5

ISRS Comparison - SL156 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 4

Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-148 ISRS - RCB Floor Slab (SL156) at El. 156 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C127

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3

ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-149 ISRS - AB Shear Walls (1-F) at El. 55 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C128

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3

ISRS Comparison M Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison M Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison M Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-150 ISRS - AB Shear Walls (1-M) at El. 68 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C129

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3

ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-151 ISRS - AB Shear Walls (2-F) at El. 78 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C130

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3

ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-152 ISRS - AB Shear Walls (3-F) at El. 100 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C131

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3.5 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3.5 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3.5 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-153 ISRS - AB Shear Walls (4-F) at El. 120 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C132

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 5

ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 4

Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

5 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 4

Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

5 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 4

Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-154 ISRS - AB Shear Walls (5-F) at El. 137.5 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C133

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 7

ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 6

Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction 5

Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 4 3

2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

7 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 6

Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction 5

Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 4 3

2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

7 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 6

Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 5

Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 4 3

2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-155 ISRS - AB Shear Walls (6-F) at El. 156 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C134

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 8

ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 7 COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 6 Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 5


2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

8 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 7 COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 6 Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 5


2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

8 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 7 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 6 Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 5


2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-156 ISRS - AB Shear Walls (7-F) at El. 174 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C135

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 8

ISRS Comparison 1 Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 7 COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 6 Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 5


2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

8 ISRS Comparison 1 Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 7 COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 6 Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 5


2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

8 ISRS Comparison 1 Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 7 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 6 Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 5


2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-157 ISRS - AB Shear Walls (8-1) at El. 195 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C136

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 7

ISRS Comparison M Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 6

Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction 5

Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 4 3

2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

7 ISRS Comparison M Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 6

Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction 5

Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 4 3

2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

7 ISRS Comparison M Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 6

Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 5

Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 4 3

2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-158 ISRS - AB Shear Walls (8-M) at El. 195 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C137

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 8

ISRS Comparison 2 Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 7 COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 6 Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 5


2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

8 ISRS Comparison 2 Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 7 COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 6 Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 5


2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

8 ISRS Comparison 2 Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 7 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 6 Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 5


2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-159 ISRS - AB Shear Walls (8-2) at El. 216.75 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C138

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 8

ISRS Comparison 3 Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 7 COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 6 Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 5


2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

8 ISRS Comparison 3 Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 7 COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 6 Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 5


2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

8 ISRS Comparison 3 Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 7 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 6 Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 5


2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-160 ISRS - AB Shear Walls (8-3) at El. 213 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C139

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 6

ISRS Comparison 4 Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

6 ISRS Comparison 4 Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

6 ISRS Comparison 4 Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-161 ISRS - AB Shear Walls (8-4) at El. 213.5 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C140

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 5

ISRS Comparison 5 Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 4

Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

5 ISRS Comparison 5 Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 4

Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

5 ISRS Comparison 5 Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 4

Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-162 ISRS - AB Shear Walls (8-5) at El. 195 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C141

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 2

ISRS Comparison H Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 1.8 COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 1.6 Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction 1.4 Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.2 1

0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2 ISRS Comparison H Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 1.8 COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 1.6 Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction 1.4 Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.2 1

0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2 ISRS Comparison H Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 1.8 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 1.6 Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 1.4 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.2 1

0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-163 ISRS - AB Shear Walls (3-H) at El. 100 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C142

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 2.5 ISRS Comparison M Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2.5 ISRS Comparison M Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2.5 ISRS Comparison M Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-164 ISRS - AB Shear Walls (3-M) at El. 114 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C143

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 2.5 ISRS Comparison H Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2.5 ISRS Comparison H Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2.5 ISRS Comparison H Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-165 ISRS - AB Shear Walls (4-H) at El. 120 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C144

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3

ISRS Comparison H Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison H Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison H Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-166 ISRS - AB Shear Walls (5-H) at El. 137.5 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C145

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 4.5 ISRS Comparison H Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 4 COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 3


1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

4.5 ISRS Comparison H Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 4 COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 3


1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

4.5 ISRS Comparison H Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 4 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 3


1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-167 ISRS - AB Shear Walls (6-H) at El. 156 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C146

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3

ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-168 ISRS - AB Shear Walls (1-F) at El. 55 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C147

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3

ISRS Comparison M Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison M Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison M Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-169 ISRS - AB Shear Walls (1-M) at El. 68 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C148

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3

ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-170 ISRS - AB Shear Walls (2-F) at El. 78 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C149

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3.5 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3.5 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3.5 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-171 ISRS - AB Shear Walls (3-F) at El. 100 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C150

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3

ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-172 ISRS - AB Shear Walls (4-F) at El. 120 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C151

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3

ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-173 ISRS - AB Shear Walls (5-F) at El. 137.5 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C152

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 4.5 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 4 COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 3


1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

4.5 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 4 COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 3


1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

4.5 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 4 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 3


1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-174 ISRS - AB Shear Walls (6-F) at El. 156 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C153

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 5

ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 4

Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

5 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 4

Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

5 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 4

Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-175 ISRS - AB Shear Walls (7-F) at El. 174 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C154

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 6

ISRS Comparison 1 Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

6 ISRS Comparison 1 Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

6 ISRS Comparison 1 Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-176 ISRS - AB Shear Walls (8-1) at El. 195 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C155

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 5

ISRS Comparison M Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 4

Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

5 ISRS Comparison M Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 4

Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

5 ISRS Comparison M Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 4

Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-177 ISRS - AB Shear Walls (8-M) at El. 195 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C156

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 6

ISRS Comparison 2 Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

6 ISRS Comparison 2 Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

6 ISRS Comparison 2 Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-178 ISRS - AB Shear Walls (8-2) at El. 216.75 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C157

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 6

ISRS Comparison 3 Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

6 ISRS Comparison 3 Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

6 ISRS Comparison 3 Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-179 ISRS - AB Shear Walls (8-3) at El. 213 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C158

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 4.5 ISRS Comparison 4 Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 4 COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 3


1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

4.5 ISRS Comparison 4 Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 4 COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 3


1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

4.5 ISRS Comparison 4 Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 4 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 3


1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-180 ISRS - AB Shear Walls (8-4) at El. 213.5 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C159

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 4

ISRS Comparison 5 Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 3.5 COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 3 Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 2.5 ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

4 ISRS Comparison 5 Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 3.5 COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 3 Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 2.5 ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

4 ISRS Comparison 5 Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 3.5 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 3 Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2.5 ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-181 ISRS - AB Shear Walls (8-5) at El. 195 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C160

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 2.5 ISRS Comparison H Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2.5 ISRS Comparison H Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2.5 ISRS Comparison H Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-182 ISRS - AB Shear Walls (3-H) at El. 100 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C161

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 1.8 ISRS Comparison M Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 1.6 COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 1.4 Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 1.2 ACCELERATION (g) 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

1.8 ISRS Comparison M Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 1.6 COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 1.4 Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 1.2 ACCELERATION (g) 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

1.8 ISRS Comparison M Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 1.6 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 1.4 Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 1.2 ACCELERATION (g) 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-183 ISRS - AB Shear Walls (3-M) at El. 114 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C162

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 2

ISRS Comparison H Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 1.8 COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 1.6 Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction 1.4 Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.2 1

0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2 ISRS Comparison H Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 1.8 COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 1.6 Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction 1.4 Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.2 1

0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2 ISRS Comparison H Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 1.8 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 1.6 Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 1.4 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.2 1

0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-184 ISRS - AB Shear Walls (4-H) at El. 120 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C163

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 2.5 ISRS Comparison H Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2.5 ISRS Comparison H Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2.5 ISRS Comparison H Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-185 ISRS - AB Shear Walls (5-H) at El. 137.5 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C164

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 6

ISRS Comparison H Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - EW (X) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - EW (X) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

6 ISRS Comparison H Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - NS (Y) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - NS (Y) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

6 ISRS Comparison H Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-186 ISRS - AB Shear Walls (6-H) at El. 156 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C165

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 2.5 ISRS Comparison F Slab - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-187 ISRS - AB Floor Slabs (1-F) at El. 55 - HRHF - Uncracked 16 ISRS Comparison M Slab - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 14 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 12 Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 10 ACCELERATION (g) 8 6

4 2

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-188 ISRS - AB Floor Slabs (1-M) at El. 68 - HRHF - Uncracked 14 ISRS Comparison F Slab - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 12 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 10 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 8 6

4 2

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-189 ISRS - AB Floor Slabs (2-F) at El. 78 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C166

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 18 ISRS Comparison F Slab - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 16 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 14 Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 12 ACCELERATION (g) 10 8

6 4

2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-190 ISRS - AB Floor Slabs (3-F) at El. 100 - HRHF - Uncracked 14 ISRS Comparison F Slab - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 12 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 10 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 8 6

4 2

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-191 ISRS - AB Floor Slabs (4-F) at El. 120 - HRHF - Uncracked 18 ISRS Comparison F Slab - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 16 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 14 Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 12 ACCELERATION (g) 10 8

6 4

2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-192 ISRS - AB Floor Slabs (5-F) at El. 137.5 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C167

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 16 ISRS Comparison F Slab - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 14 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 12 Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 10 ACCELERATION (g) 8 6

4 2

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-193 ISRS - AB Floor Slabs (6-F) at El. 156 - HRHF - Uncracked 16 ISRS Comparison F Slab - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 14 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 12 Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 10 ACCELERATION (g) 8 6

4 2

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-194 ISRS - AB Floor Slabs (7-F) at El. 174 - HRHF - Uncracked 14 ISRS Comparison 1 Slab - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 12 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 10 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 8 6

4 2

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-195 ISRS - AB Floor Slabs (8-1) at El. 195 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C168

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 10 ISRS Comparison M Slab - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 9 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 8

Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 7 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 6 5

4 3

2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-196 ISRS - AB Floor Slabs (8-M) at El. 195 - HRHF - Uncracked 18 ISRS Comparison 2 Slab - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 16 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 14 Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 12 ACCELERATION (g) 10 8

6 4

2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-197 ISRS - AB Floor Slabs (8-2) at El. 216.75 - HRHF - Uncracked 12 ISRS Comparison 3 Slab - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 10 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 8


2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-198 ISRS - AB Floor Slabs (8-3) at El. 213 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C169

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 9

ISRS Comparison 4 Slab - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 8 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 7

Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 6


3 2

1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-199 ISRS - AB Floor Slabs (8-4) at El. 213.5 - HRHF - Uncracked 16 ISRS Comparison 5 Slab - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 14 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 12 Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 10 ACCELERATION (g) 8 6

4 2

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-200 ISRS - AB Floor Slabs (8-5) at El. 195 - HRHF - Uncracked 8

ISRS Comparison H Slab - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 7 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 6 Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 5


2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-201 ISRS - AB Floor Slabs (3-H) at El. 100 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C170

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3.5 ISRS Comparison M Slab - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-202 ISRS - AB Floor Slabs (3-M) at El. 114 - HRHF - Uncracked 2.5 ISRS Comparison F Slab - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-203 ISRS - AB Floor Slabs (1-F) at El. 55 - HRHF - Cracked 9

ISRS Comparison M Slab - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 8 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 7

Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 6


3 2

1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-204 ISRS - AB Floor Slabs (1-M) at El. 68 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C171

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 12 ISRS Comparison F Slab - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 10 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 8


2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-205 ISRS - AB Floor Slabs (2-F) at El. 78 - HRHF - Cracked 12 ISRS Comparison F Slab - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 10 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 8


2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-206 ISRS - AB Floor Slabs (3-F) at El. 100 - HRHF - Cracked 10 ISRS Comparison F Slab - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 9 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 8

Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 7 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 6 5

4 3

2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-207 ISRS - AB Floor Slabs (4-F) at El. 120 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C172

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 12 ISRS Comparison F Slab - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 10 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 8


2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-208 ISRS - AB Floor Slabs (5-F) at El. 137.5 - HRHF - Cracked 12 ISRS Comparison F Slab - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 10 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 8


2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-209 ISRS - AB Floor Slabs (6-F) at El. 156 - HRHF - Cracked 14 ISRS Comparison F Slab - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 12 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 10 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 8 6

4 2

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-210 ISRS - AB Floor Slabs (7-F) at El. 174 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C173

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 10 ISRS Comparison 1 Slab - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 9 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 8

Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 7 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 6 5

4 3

2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-211 ISRS - AB Floor Slabs (8-1) at El. 195 - HRHF - Cracked 6

ISRS Comparison M Slab - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-212 ISRS - AB Floor Slabs (8-M) at El. 195 - HRHF - Cracked 14 ISRS Comparison 2 Slab - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 12 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 10 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 8 6

4 2

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-213 ISRS - AB Floor Slabs (8-2) at El. 216.75 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C174

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 9

ISRS Comparison 3 Slab - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 8 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 7

Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 6


3 2

1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-214 ISRS - AB Floor Slabs (8-3) at El. 213 - HRHF - Cracked 6

ISRS Comparison 4 Slab - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH - Vert. (Z) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-215 ISRS - AB Floor Slabs (8-4) at El. 213.5 - HRHF - Cracked 10 ISRS Comparison 5 Slab - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 9 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 8

Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction 7 Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 6 5

4 3

2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-216 ISRS - AB Floor Slabs (8-5) at El. 195 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C175

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 8

ISRS Comparison H Slab - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 7 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 6 Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 5


2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-217 ISRS - AB Floor Slabs (3-H) at El. 100 - HRHF - Cracked 4

ISRS Comparison M Slab - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 3.5 COH - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7 - Vert. (Z) Direction 3 Mode 1 to 12 - Vert. (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 - Vert. (Z) Direction 2.5 ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-218 ISRS - AB Floor Slabs (3-M) at El. 114 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C176

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 Figure C-219 Orig. Model ISRS AB Shear Walls (2-F and 2-F-Interior) at EL. 78 - HRHF -

Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C177

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 1.8 ISRS Comparison M Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 1.6 Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-EW (X)

Direction 1.4 Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-EW (X)

Direction 1.2 ACCELERATION (g) 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 2

ISRS Comparison M Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 1.8 Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-NS (Y)

Direction 1.6 Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-NS (Y) 1.4 Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.2 1

0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2.5 ISRS Comparison M Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-VERT (Z) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-VERT (Z)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-220 ISRS Comparison-AB Shear Walls (1-M) at EL. 68 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C178

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 1.6 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 1.4 Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-EW (X)

Direction 1.2 Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-EW (X)

Direction 1

ACCELERATION (g) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-NS (Y) 2.5 Direction Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-NS (Y)

Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2.5 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-VERT (Z) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-VERT (Z)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-221 ISRS Comparison -AB Shear Walls (2-F) at EL. 78 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C179

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 2

ISRS Comparison M Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 1.8 Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-EW (X)

Direction 1.6 Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-EW (X) 1.4 Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.2 1

0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 2

ISRS Comparison M Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 1.8 Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-NS (Y)

Direction 1.6 Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-NS (Y) 1.4 Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.2 1

0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 2.5 ISRS Comparison M Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-VERT (Z) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-VERT (Z)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 Figure C-222 ISRS Comparison -AB Shear Walls (1-M) at EL. 68 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C180

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 2.5 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-EW (X)

Direction 2

Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-EW (X)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-NS (Y) 2.5 Direction Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-NS (Y)

Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2.5 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-VERT (Z) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-VERT (Z)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-223 ISRS Comparison -AB Shear Walls (2-F) at EL. 78 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C181

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 4

ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-EW (X)

Direction 3

Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-EW (X)

Direction 2.5 ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3.5 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-NS (Y) 3 Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-NS (Y)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-VERT 2.5 (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-VERT (Z)

Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-224 ISRS Comparison -AB Shear Walls (3-F) at EL. 100 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C182

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 1.2 ISRS Comparison M Wall - Interior Nodes - Uncracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-EW 1 (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-EW (X)

Direction 0.8 ACCELERATION (g) 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 1.2 ISRS Comparison M Wall - Interior Nodes - Uncracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-NS 1 (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-NS (Y)

Direction 0.8 ACCELERATION (g) 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

1.4 ISRS Comparison M Wall - Interior Nodes - Uncracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-VERT 1.2 (Z) Direction 1 Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-VERT (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-225 ISRS Comparison-AB Shear Walls (1-M-Interior) at EL. 68 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C183

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 1.6 ISRS Comparison F Wall - Interior Nodes - Uncracked - 5% Damping 1.4 Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-EW (X) Direction 1.2 Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-EW (X)

Direction 1

ACCELERATION (g) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 1.6 ISRS Comparison F Wall - Interior Nodes - Uncracked - 5% Damping 1.4 Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-NS (Y) Direction 1.2 Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-NS (Y)

Direction 1

ACCELERATION (g) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

1.4 ISRS Comparison F Wall - Interior Nodes - Uncracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-VERT 1.2 (Z) Direction 1 Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-VERT (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-226 ISRS Comparison -AB Shear Walls (2-F-Interior) at EL. 78 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C184

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 1.8 ISRS Comparison M Wall - Interior Nodes - Cracked - 5% Damping 1.6 Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-EW (X)

Direction 1.4 Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-EW (X)

Direction 1.2 ACCELERATION (g) 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

1.4 ISRS Comparison M Wall - Interior Nodes - Cracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-NS (Y) 1.2 Direction 1 Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-NS (Y)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

1.4 ISRS Comparison M Wall - Interior Nodes - Cracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-VERT (Z) 1.2 Direction 1 Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-VERT (Z)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-227 ISRS Comparison -AB Shear Walls (1-M-Interior) at EL. 68 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C185

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 2.5 ISRS Comparison F Wall - Interior Nodes - Cracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-EW (X)

Direction 2

Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-EW (X)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

1.8 ISRS Comparison F Wall - Interior Nodes - Cracked - 5% Damping 1.6 Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-NS (Y)

Direction 1.4 Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-NS (Y)

Direction 1.2 ACCELERATION (g) 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

1.4 ISRS Comparison F Wall - Interior Nodes - Cracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-VERT (Z) 1.2 Direction 1 Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-VERT (Z)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-228 ISRS Comparison -AB Shear Walls (2-F-Interior) at EL. 78 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C186

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 2.5 ISRS Comparison F Wall - Interior Nodes - Cracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-EW (X)

Direction 2

Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-EW (X)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2.5 ISRS Comparison F Wall - Interior Nodes - Cracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-NS (Y)

Direction 2

Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-NS (Y)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

1.6 ISRS Comparison F Wall - Interior Nodes - Cracked - 5% Damping 1.4 Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-VERT (Z)

Direction 1.2 Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-VERT (Z)

Direction 1

ACCELERATION (g) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-229 ISRS Comparison -AB Shear Walls (3-F-Interior) at EL. 100 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C187

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 1.6 ISRS Comparison - CS78 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 1.4 Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-EW (X)

Direction 1.2 Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-EW (X)

Direction 1

ACCELERATION (g) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 1.6 ISRS Comparison - CS78 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 1.4 Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-NS (Y)

Direction 1.2 Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-NS (Y)

Direction 1

ACCELERATION (g) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

1.6 ISRS Comparison - CS78 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 1.4 Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-VERT (Z) Direction 1.2 Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-VERT (Z)

Direction 1

ACCELERATION (g) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-230 ISRS Comparison-Containment Structure (CS78) at EL. 78 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C188

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3.5 ISRS Comparison - CS118 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-EW (X) 3 Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-EW (X)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3.5 ISRS Comparison - CS118 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-NS (Y) 3 Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-NS (Y)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2 ISRS Comparison - CS118 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 1.8 Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-VERT (Z) Direction 1.6 Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-VERT (Z) 1.4 Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.2 1

0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-231 ISRS Comparison-Containment Structure (CS118) at EL. 117.75 - HRHF -

Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C189

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3.5 ISRS Comparison - CS132 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-EW (X) 3 Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-EW (X)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

4 ISRS Comparison - CS132 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-NS (Y)

Direction 3

Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-NS (Y)

Direction 2.5 ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2.5 ISRS Comparison - CS132 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-VERT (Z) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-VERT (Z)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-232 ISRS Comparison-Containment Structure (CS132) at EL. 131.56 - HRHF -

Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C190

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3

ISRS Comparison - CS160 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-EW (X) 2.5 Direction Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-EW (X)

Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

4 ISRS Comparison - CS160 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-NS (Y)

Direction 3

Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-NS (Y)

Direction 2.5 ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison - CS160 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-VERT 2.5 (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-VERT (Z)

Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-233 ISRS Comparison-Containment Structure (CS160) at EL. 159.75 - HRHF -

Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C191

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 1.6 ISRS Comparison - PSW78 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 1.4 Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-EW (X)

Direction 1.2 Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-EW (X)

Direction 1

ACCELERATION (g) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

1.6 ISRS Comparison - PSW78 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 1.4 Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-NS (Y)

Direction 1.2 Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-NS (Y)

Direction 1

ACCELERATION (g) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

1.4 ISRS Comparison - PSW78 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-VERT 1.2 (Z) Direction 1 Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-VERT (Z)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-234 ISRS Comparison-Primary Shield Wall (PSW78) at EL. 78 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C192

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 1.6 ISRS Comparison - SSW78 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 1.4 Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-EW (X)

Direction 1.2 Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-EW (X)

Direction 1

ACCELERATION (g) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

1.6 ISRS Comparison - SSW78 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 1.4 Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-NS (Y)

Direction 1.2 Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-NS (Y)

Direction 1

ACCELERATION (g) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

1.4 ISRS Comparison - SSW78 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-VERT 1.2 (Z) Direction 1 Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-VERT (Z)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-235 ISRS Comparison-Secondary Shield Wall (SSW78) at EL. 78 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C193

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3

ISRS Comparison - SSW114 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-EW (X) 2.5 Direction Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-EW (X)

Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2.5 ISRS Comparison - SSW114 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-NS (Y)

Direction 2

Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-NS (Y)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2.5 ISRS Comparison - SSW114 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-VERT (Z) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-VERT (Z)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-236 ISRS Comparison-Secondary Shield Wall (SSW114) at EL. 114 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C194

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 4.5 ISRS Comparison - SSW137 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 4 Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-EW (X)

Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-EW (X)

Direction 3


1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3.5 ISRS Comparison - SSW137 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-NS (Y) 3 Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-NS (Y)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

4 ISRS Comparison - SSW137 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-VERT (Z) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-VERT (Z)

Direction 2.5 ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-237 ISRS Comparison-Secondary Shield Wall (SSW137) at EL. 137 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C195

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 8

ISRS Comparison - SSW156 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 7 Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-EW (X)

Direction 6

Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-EW (X)

Direction 5


2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

6 ISRS Comparison - SSW156 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-NS (Y) 5 Direction Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-NS (Y)

Direction 4


1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

4 ISRS Comparison - SSW156 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-VERT (Z) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-VERT (Z)

Direction 2.5 ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-238 ISRS Comparison-Secondary Shield Wall (SSW156) at EL. 156 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C196

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 1.6 ISRS Comparison - CS78 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 1.4 Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-EW (X)

Direction 1.2 Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-EW (X)

Direction 1

ACCELERATION (g) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

1.6 ISRS Comparison - CS78 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 1.4 Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-NS (Y)

Direction 1.2 Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-NS (Y)

Direction 1

ACCELERATION (g) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

1.8 ISRS Comparison - CS78 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 1.6 Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-VERT (Z) Direction 1.4 Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-VERT (Z)

Direction 1.2 ACCELERATION (g) 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-239 ISRS Comparison-Containment Structure (CS78) at EL. 78 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C197

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3

ISRS Comparison - CS118 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-EW (X) 2.5 Direction Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-EW (X)

Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3.5 ISRS Comparison - CS118 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-NS (Y) 3 Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-NS (Y)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2 ISRS Comparison - CS118 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 1.8 Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-VERT (Z) Direction 1.6 Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-VERT (Z) 1.4 Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.2 1

0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-240 ISRS Comparison-Containment Structure (CS118) at EL. 117.75 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C198

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3

ISRS Comparison - CS132 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-EW (X) 2.5 Direction Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-EW (X)

Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3.5 ISRS Comparison - CS132 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-NS (Y) 3 Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-NS (Y)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2.5 ISRS Comparison - CS132 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-VERT (Z) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-VERT (Z)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-241 ISRS Comparison-Containment Structure (CS132) at EL. 131.56 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C199

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 2.5 ISRS Comparison - CS160 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-EW (X)

Direction 2

Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-EW (X)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison - CS160 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-NS (Y) 2.5 Direction Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-NS (Y)

Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison - CS160 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-VERT 2.5 (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-VERT (Z)

Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-242 ISRS Comparison-Containment Structure (CS160) at EL. 159.75 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C200

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 1.6 ISRS Comparison - PSW78 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 1.4 Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-EW (X)

Direction 1.2 Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-EW (X)

Direction 1

ACCELERATION (g) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

1.6 ISRS Comparison - PSW78 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 1.4 Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-NS (Y)

Direction 1.2 Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-NS (Y)

Direction 1

ACCELERATION (g) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

1.4 ISRS Comparison - PSW78 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-VERT 1.2 (Z) Direction 1 Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-VERT (Z)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-243 ISRS Comparison-Primary Shield Wall (PSW78) at EL. 78 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C201

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 1.6 ISRS Comparison - SSW78 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 1.4 Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-EW (X)

Direction 1.2 Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-EW (X)

Direction 1

ACCELERATION (g) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

1.6 ISRS Comparison - SSW78 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 1.4 Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-NS (Y)

Direction 1.2 Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-NS (Y)

Direction 1

ACCELERATION (g) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

1.4 ISRS Comparison - SSW78 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-VERT 1.2 (Z) Direction 1 Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-VERT (Z)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-244 ISRS Comparison-Secondary Shield Wall (SSW78) at EL. 78 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C202

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 2.5 ISRS Comparison - SSW114 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-EW (X)

Direction 2

Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-EW (X)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2.5 ISRS Comparison - SSW114 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-NS (Y)

Direction 2

Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-NS (Y)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2.5 ISRS Comparison - SSW114 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-VERT (Z) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-VERT (Z)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-245 ISRS Comparison-Secondary Shield Wall (SSW114) at EL. 114 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C203

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3

ISRS Comparison - SSW137 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-EW (X) 2.5 Direction Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-EW (X)

Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison - SSW137 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-NS (Y) 2.5 Direction Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-NS (Y)

Direction 2


0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3.5 ISRS Comparison - SSW137 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-VERT 3

(Z) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-VERT (Z)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-246 ISRS Comparison-Secondary Shield Wall (SSW137) at EL. 137 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C204

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 8

ISRS Comparison - SSW156 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 7 Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-EW (X)

Direction 6

Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-EW (X)

Direction 5


2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

4.5 ISRS Comparison - SSW156 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 4 Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-NS (Y)

Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-NS (Y)

Direction 3


1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

5 ISRS Comparison - SSW156 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 4.5 Mode 1 to 16 (Orig.)-VERT (Z) Direction 4

Mode 1 to 16 (OS)-VERT (Z) 3.5 Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-247 ISRS Comparison-Secondary Shield Wall (SSW156) at EL. 156 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C205

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 2

ISRS Comparison M Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 1.8 COH-EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7-EW (X) 1.6 Direction Mode 1 to 12-EW (X)

Direction 1.4 Mode 1 to 16-EW (X)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.2 1

0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2 ISRS Comparison M Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 1.8 COH-NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7-NS (Y) 1.6 Direction Mode 1 to 12-NS (Y)

Direction 1.4 Mode 1 to 16-NS (Y)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.2 1

0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison M Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH-VERT (Z) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7-VERT (Z)

Direction Mode 1 to 12-VERT (Z)

Direction Mode 1 to 16-VERT (Z) 2 Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-248 Mod. Model ISRS- AB Shear Walls (1-M) at El. 68 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C206

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 2.5 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH-EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7-EW (X) 2 Direction Mode 1 to 12-EW (X)

Direction Mode 1 to 16-EW (X)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 1.8 COH-NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7-NS (Y) 1.6 Direction Mode 1 to 12-NS (Y)

Direction 1.4 Mode 1 to 16-NS (Y)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.2 1

0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH-VERT (Z) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7-VERT (Z)

Direction Mode 1 to 12-VERT (Z)

Direction Mode 1 to 16-VERT (Z) 2 Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-249 Mod. Model ISRS- AB Shear Walls (2-F) at El. 78 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C207

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 4

ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH-EW (X) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 7-EW (X)

Direction 3 Mode 1 to 12-EW (X)

Direction Mode 1 to 16-EW (X)

Direction 2.5 ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH-NS (Y) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7-NS (Y)

Direction Mode 1 to 12-NS (Y)

Direction Mode 1 to 16-NS (Y) 2 Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH-VERT (Z) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7-VERT (Z)

Direction Mode 1 to 12-VERT (Z)

Direction Mode 1 to 16-VERT (Z) 2 Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-250 Mod. Model ISRS- AB Shear Walls (3-F) at El. 100 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C208

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 2.5 ISRS Comparison - CS78 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH-EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7-EW (X) 2 Direction Mode 1 to 12-EW (X)

Direction Mode 1 to 16-EW (X)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2.5 ISRS Comparison - CS78 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH-NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7-NS (Y) 2 Direction Mode 1 to 12-NS (Y)

Direction Mode 1 to 16-NS (Y)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2.5 ISRS Comparison - CS78 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH-VERT (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7-VERT (Z) 2 Direction Mode 1 to 12-VERT (Z)

Direction Mode 1 to 16-VERT (Z)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-251 Mod. Model ISRS- Containment Structure (CS78) at El. 78 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C209

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 5

ISRS Comparison - CS118 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH-EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7-EW (X) 4 Direction Mode 1 to 12-EW (X)

Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16-EW (X)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

5 ISRS Comparison - CS118 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH-NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7-NS (Y) 4 Direction Mode 1 to 12-NS (Y)

Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16-NS (Y)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2.5 ISRS Comparison - CS118 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH-VERT (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7-VERT (Z) 2 Direction Mode 1 to 12-VERT (Z)

Direction Mode 1 to 16-VERT (Z)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-252 Mod. Model ISRS- Containment Structure (CS118) at El. 117.75 - HRHF -

Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C210

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 5

ISRS Comparison - CS132 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH-EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7-EW (X) 4 Direction Mode 1 to 12-EW (X)

Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16-EW (X)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

6 ISRS Comparison - CS132 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH-NS (Y) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7-NS (Y)

Direction Mode 1 to 12-NS (Y)

Direction Mode 1 to 16-NS (Y) 4 Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2

1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison - CS132 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH-VERT (Z) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7-VERT (Z)

Direction Mode 1 to 12-VERT (Z)

Direction Mode 1 to 16-VERT (Z) 2 Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-253 Mod. Model ISRS- Containment Structure (CS132) at El. 131.56 - HRHF -

Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C211

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 5

ISRS Comparison - CS160 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH-EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7-EW (X) 4 Direction Mode 1 to 12-EW (X)

Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16-EW (X)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

6 ISRS Comparison - CS160 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH-NS (Y) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7-NS (Y)

Direction Mode 1 to 12-NS (Y)

Direction Mode 1 to 16-NS (Y) 4 Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2

1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison - CS160 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH-VERT (Z) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7-VERT (Z)

Direction Mode 1 to 12-VERT (Z)

Direction Mode 1 to 16-VERT (Z) 2 Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-254 Mod. Model ISRS- Containment Structure (CS160) at El. 159.75 - HRHF -

Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C212

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3

ISRS Comparison - PSW78 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH-EW (X) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7-EW (X)

Direction Mode 1 to 12-EW (X)

Direction Mode 1 to 16-EW (X) 2 Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2.5 ISRS Comparison - PSW78 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH-NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7-NS (Y) 2 Direction Mode 1 to 12-NS (Y)

Direction Mode 1 to 16-NS (Y)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2.5 ISRS Comparison - PSW78 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH-VERT (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7-VERT (Z) 2 Direction Mode 1 to 12-VERT (Z)

Direction Mode 1 to 16-VERT (Z)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-255 Mod. Model ISRS- Primary Shield Wall (PSW78) at El. 78 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C213

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 2.5 ISRS Comparison - SSW78 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH-EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7-EW (X) 2 Direction Mode 1 to 12-EW (X)

Direction Mode 1 to 16-EW (X)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2.5 ISRS Comparison - SSW78 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH-NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7-NS (Y) 2 Direction Mode 1 to 12-NS (Y)

Direction Mode 1 to 16-NS (Y)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2 ISRS Comparison - SSW78 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 1.8 COH-VERT (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7-VERT (Z) 1.6 Direction Mode 1 to 12-VERT (Z)

Direction 1.4 Mode 1 to 16-VERT (Z)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.2 1

0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-256 Mod. Model ISRS- Secondary Shield Wall (SSW78) at El. 78 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C214

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 4

ISRS Comparison - SSW114 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH-EW (X) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 7-EW (X)

Direction 3 Mode 1 to 12-EW (X)

Direction Mode 1 to 16-EW (X)

Direction 2.5 ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3.5 ISRS Comparison - SSW114 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH-NS (Y) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7-NS (Y)

Direction Mode 1 to 12-NS (Y) 2.5 Direction Mode 1 to 16-NS (Y)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3.5 ISRS Comparison - SSW114 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH-VERT (Z) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7-VERT (Z)

Direction Mode 1 to 12-VERT (Z) 2.5 Direction Mode 1 to 16-VERT (Z)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-257 Mod. Model ISRS- Secondary Shield Wall (SSW114) at El. 114 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C215

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 6

ISRS Comparison - SSW137 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH-EW (X) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7-EW (X)

Direction Mode 1 to 12-EW (X)

Direction Mode 1 to 16-EW (X) 4 Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2

1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

6 ISRS Comparison - SSW137 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH-NS (Y) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 7-NS (Y)

Direction Mode 1 to 12-NS (Y)

Direction Mode 1 to 16-NS (Y) 4 Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2

1 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

5 ISRS Comparison - SSW137 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH-VERT (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7-VERT (Z) 4 Direction Mode 1 to 12-VERT (Z)

Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16-VERT (Z)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-258 Mod. Model ISRS- Secondary Shield Wall (SSW137) at El. 136.5 - HRHF -

Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C216

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 12 ISRS Comparison - SSW156 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH-EW (X) Direction 10 Mode 1 to 7-EW (X)

Direction Mode 1 to 12-EW (X)

Direction Mode 1 to 16-EW (X) 8 Direction ACCELERATION (g) 6 4

2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

8 ISRS Comparison - SSW156 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH-NS (Y) Direction 7

Mode 1 to 7-NS (Y)

Direction 6 Mode 1 to 12-NS (Y)

Direction Mode 1 to 16-NS (Y)

Direction 5


2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

7 ISRS Comparison - SSW156 - HRHF - Uncracked - 5% Damping COH-VERT (Z) Direction 6

Mode 1 to 7-VERT (Z)

Direction Mode 1 to 12-VERT (Z) 5 Direction Mode 1 to 16-VERT (Z)

Direction ACCELERATION (g) 4 3

2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-259 Mod. Model ISRS- Secondary Shield Wall (SSW156) at El. 156 - HRHF - Uncracked KEPCO & KHNP C217

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 2.5 ISRS Comparison M Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH-EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7-EW (X) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 12-EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16-EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 14-EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2 ISRS Comparison M Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 1.8 COH-NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7-NS (Y) Direction 1.6 Mode 1 to 12-NS (Y) Direction 1.4 Mode 1 to 16-NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 14-NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.2 1

0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2.5 ISRS Comparison M Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH-VERT (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7-VERT (Z) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 12-VERT (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16-VERT (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 14-VERT (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-260 Mod. Model ISRS- AB Shear Walls (1-M) at El. 68 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C218

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 2.5 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH-EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7-EW (X) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 12-EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16-EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 14-EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 1.8 COH-NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7-NS (Y) Direction 1.6 Mode 1 to 12-NS (Y) Direction 1.4 Mode 1 to 16-NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 14-NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.2 1

0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH-VERT (Z) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7-VERT (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12-VERT (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16-VERT (Z) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 14-VERT (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-261 Mod. Model ISRS- AB Shear Walls (2-F) at El. 78 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C219

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 4

ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH-EW (X) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 7-EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12-EW (X) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 16-EW (X) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 14-EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH-NS (Y) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7-NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12-NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16-NS (Y) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 14-NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison F Wall - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH-VERT (Z) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7-VERT (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12-VERT (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16-VERT (Z) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 14-VERT (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-262 Mod. Model ISRS- AB Shear Walls (3-F) at El. 100 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C220

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 2.5 ISRS Comparison - CS78 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH-EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7-EW (X) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 12-EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16-EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 14-EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2.5 ISRS Comparison - CS78 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH-NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7-NS (Y) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 12-NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16-NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 14-NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2.5 ISRS Comparison - CS78 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH-VERT (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7-VERT (Z) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 12-VERT (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16-VERT (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 14-VERT (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-263 Mod. Model ISRS- Containment Structure (CS78) at El. 78 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C221

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3.5 ISRS Comparison - CS118 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH-EW (X) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7-EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12-EW (X) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16-EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 14-EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3.5 ISRS Comparison - CS118 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH-NS (Y) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7-NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12-NS (Y) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16-NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 14-NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2.5 ISRS Comparison - CS118 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH-VERT (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7-VERT (Z) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 12-VERT (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16-VERT (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 14-VERT (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-264 Mod. Model ISRS- Containment Structure (CS118) at El. 117.75 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C222

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3

ISRS Comparison - CS132 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH-EW (X) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7-EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12-EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16-EW (X) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 14-EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3.5 ISRS Comparison - CS132 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH-NS (Y) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7-NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12-NS (Y) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16-NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 14-NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2.5 ISRS Comparison - CS132 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH-VERT (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7-VERT (Z) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 12-VERT (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16-VERT (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 14-VERT (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-265 Mod. Model ISRS- Containment Structure (CS132) at El. 131.56 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C223

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 3

ISRS Comparison - CS160 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH-EW (X) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7-EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12-EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16-EW (X) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 14-EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison - CS160 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH-NS (Y) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7-NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12-NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16-NS (Y) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 14-NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison - CS160 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH-VERT (Z) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7-VERT (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12-VERT (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16-VERT (Z) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 14-VERT (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-266 Mod. Model ISRS- Containment Structure (CS160) at El. 159.75 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C224

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 2

ISRS Comparison - PSW78 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 1.8 COH-EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7-EW (X) Direction 1.6 Mode 1 to 12-EW (X) Direction 1.4 Mode 1 to 16-EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 14-EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.2 1

0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2.5 ISRS Comparison - PSW78 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH-NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7-NS (Y) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 12-NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 16-NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 14-NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

1.8 ISRS Comparison - PSW78 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 1.6 COH-VERT (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7-VERT (Z) Direction 1.4 Mode 1 to 12-VERT (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16-VERT (Z) Direction 1.2 Mode 1 to 14-VERT (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-267 Mod. Model ISRS- Primary Shield Wall (PSW78) at El. 78 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C225

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 2

ISRS Comparison - SSW78 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 1.8 COH-EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 7-EW (X) Direction 1.6 Mode 1 to 12-EW (X) Direction 1.4 Mode 1 to 16-EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 14-EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.2 1

0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

2 ISRS Comparison - SSW78 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 1.8 COH-NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7-NS (Y) Direction 1.6 Mode 1 to 12-NS (Y) Direction 1.4 Mode 1 to 16-NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 14-NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.2 1

0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

1.8 ISRS Comparison - SSW78 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 1.6 COH-VERT (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7-VERT (Z) Direction 1.4 Mode 1 to 12-VERT (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16-VERT (Z) Direction 1.2 Mode 1 to 14-VERT (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-268 Mod. Model ISRS- Secondary Shield Wall (SSW78) at El. 78 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C226

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 4

ISRS Comparison - SSW114 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH-EW (X) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 7-EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12-EW (X) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 16-EW (X) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 14-EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3.5 ISRS Comparison - SSW114 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH-NS (Y) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 7-NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 12-NS (Y) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 16-NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 14-NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

3 ISRS Comparison - SSW114 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH-VERT (Z) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 7-VERT (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12-VERT (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 16-VERT (Z) Direction 2

Mode 1 to 14-VERT (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-269 Mod. Model ISRS- Secondary Shield Wall (SSW114) at El. 114 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C227

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 4

ISRS Comparison - SSW137 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH-EW (X) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 7-EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12-EW (X) Direction 3

Mode 1 to 16-EW (X) Direction 2.5 Mode 1 to 14-EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

5 ISRS Comparison - SSW137 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH-NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7-NS (Y) Direction 4

Mode 1 to 12-NS (Y) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16-NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 14-NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

5 ISRS Comparison - SSW137 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH-VERT (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 7-VERT (Z) Direction 4

Mode 1 to 12-VERT (Z) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16-VERT (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 14-VERT (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-270 Mod. Model ISRS- Secondary Shield Wall (SSW137) at El. 136.5 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C228

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 12 ISRS Comparison - SSW156 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH-EW (X) Direction 10 Mode 1 to 7-EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 12-EW (X) Direction Mode 1 to 16-EW (X) Direction 8

Mode 1 to 14-EW (X) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 6 4

2 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

5 ISRS Comparison - SSW156 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping 4.5 COH-NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 7-NS (Y) Direction 4

Mode 1 to 12-NS (Y) Direction 3.5 Mode 1 to 16-NS (Y) Direction Mode 1 to 14-NS (Y) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 3 2.5 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

8 ISRS Comparison - SSW156 - HRHF - Cracked - 5% Damping COH-VERT (Z) Direction 7

Mode 1 to 7-VERT (Z) Direction Mode 1 to 12-VERT (Z) Direction 6

Mode 1 to 16-VERT (Z) Direction 5 Mode 1 to 14-VERT (Z) Direction ACCELERATION (g) 4 3

2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY [Hz]

Figure C-271 Mod. Model ISRS- Secondary Shield Wall (SSW156) at El. 156 - HRHF - Cracked KEPCO & KHNP C229

Non-Proprietary Evaluation of Effects of HRHF Response Spectra on SSCs APR1400-E-S-NR-14004-NP, Rev. 3 1.8 CS78 - EW (X) Direction - 5% Damping 1.5 CSDRS 1.2 Acceleration (g)

HRHF Mode 1 to 7 0.9 HRHF Mode 1 to 16 0.6 0.3 0.0 0 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz) 1.8 CS78 - NS (Y) Direction - 5% Damping 1.5 CSDRS 1.2 Acceleration (g)

HRHF Mode 1 to 7 0.9 HRHF Mode 1 to 16 0.6 0.3 0.0 0 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz) 1.8 CS78 - VERT (Z) Direction - 5% Damping 1.5 CSDRS 1.2 Acceleration (g)

HRHF Mode 1 to 7 0.9 HRHF Mode 1 to 16 0.6 0.3 0.0 0 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Figure C-272 ISRS Comparison-Containment Structure (CS78) at EL. 78 KEPCO & KHNP C230