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MKD/NW-18-0039L APR1400-Z-M-NR-14008-NP, Rev. 1 | |
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Non-Proprietary P-T Limits Methodology for RCS Heatup and Cooldown APR1400-Z-M-NR-14008-NP, Rev.1 Pressure-Temperature Limits Methodology for RCS Heatup and Cooldown Revision 1 Non-Proprietary January 2018 Copyright 2018 Korea Electric Power Corporation &
Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved KEPCO & KHNP
Non-Proprietary P-T Limits Methodology for RCS Heatup and Cooldown APR1400-Z-M-NR-14008-NP, Rev.1 REVISION HISTORY Revision Date Page Description November 0 All First Issue 2014 Corrected the inconsistencies between DCD and Page 9 PTLR requested from NRC by MCB Action Item 5-5.16 Change to the correct section number of reference Page 15 and correct the inconsistencies with DCD Change to the correct figure number of reference and Page 16 correct the inconsistencies with DCD January 1 Add table number of data points corresponding to the 2018 Page 18 all of the P-T limit curves provided in Figure 6-1.
Provide data points corresponding to the all of the P-Page 23 T limit curves provided in Figure 6-1 requested from NRC by MCB Action Item 5-5.17 Corrected the inconsistencies between DCD and Page 25 PTLR requested from NRC by MCB Action Item 5-5.16 This document was prepared for the design certification application to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and contains technological information that constitutes intellectual property of Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Ltd..
Copying, using, or distributing the information in this document in whole or in part is permitted only to the U.S.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission and its contractors for the purpose of reviewing design certification application materials. Other uses are strictly prohibited without the written permission of Korea Electric Power Corporation and Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Ltd.
Non-Proprietary P-T Limits Methodology for RCS Heatup and Cooldown APR1400-Z-M-NR-14008-NP, Rev.1 ABSTRACT This technical report provides the methodology for pressure-temperature (P-T) limits and the limit curves developed using APR1400 generic data for protecting the integrity of the reactor coolant pressure boundary (RCPB). The components of the RCPB are designed to withstand the effects of system pressure and temperature changes during normal heatup and cooldown of the reactor coolant system and anticipated operational occurrences over 60 years of design lifetime.
The allowable RCPB pressure at the corresponding allowable temperature is based on the stress limitations for non-ductile fracture. These limitations are derived using linear elastic fracture mechanics principles and based on the applicable requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel (BPV)
Code,Section XI, Appendix G in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix G.
In addition to the descriptions of the Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) locations for analysis, RPV material properties, thermal and stress analysis and stress intensity factor calculation, this report also includes the descriptions of neutron fluence calculation method, low temperature overpressure protection (LTOP) setpoint and temperature, RPV material surveillance program, and pressurized thermal shock (PTS) evaluation to meet the reporting requirements of Pressure and Temperature Limits Report (PTLR) of NUREG-1432.
Non-Proprietary P-T Limits Methodology for RCS Heatup and Cooldown APR1400-Z-M-NR-14008-NP, Rev.1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 1 2 FRACTURE TOUGHNESS REQUIREMENTS......................................................... 2 2.1 Background ..................................................................................................................................... 2 2.2 P-T Limits and Minimum Temperature Requirements .................................................................... 2 3 REACTOR VESSEL NEUTRON FLUENCE CALCULATION METHOD .................... 4 4 MATERIAL PROPERTIES ..................................................................................... 5 4.1 Reference Temperature for Nil-Ductility Transition (RTNDT) ............................................................ 5 4.2 Initial RTNDT of RPV Materials ......................................................................................................... 6 4.3 ART of RPV Materials ..................................................................................................................... 6 4.4 Margin of RPV Materials ................................................................................................................. 6 5 ANALYTICAL METHODS FOR DETERMINING P-T LIMITS ................................ 11 5.1 Limiting Components and Postulated Defects ............................................................................. 11 5.1.1 Reactor Vessel Beltline ................................................................................................................. 11 5.1.2 Reactor Vessel Flange.................................................................................................................. 11 5.1.3 Inlet, Outlet, and DVI Nozzles ...................................................................................................... 11 5.2 Fracture Toughness of Reactor Vessel Steels.............................................................................. 11 5.3 Transient Temperature and Thermal Stress Calculation .............................................................. 12 5.3.1 Transient ....................................................................................................................................... 12 5.3.2 ANSYS Models for the Analysis ................................................................................................... 12 5.3.3 Boundary Conditions .................................................................................................................... 12 5.4 Stress Intensity Factors, KI ........................................................................................................... 12 5.4.1 Reactor Vessel Beltline ................................................................................................................. 12 5.4.2 Reactor Vessel Flange.................................................................................................................. 12 5.4.3 Nozzle Corner ............................................................................................................................... 13 5.5 Determination of KIC Limits ........................................................................................................... 14 6 CALCULATION OF P-T LIMITS FOR THE APR1400 OPERATION ....................... 18 6.1 Normal Heatup and Cooldown ..................................................................................................... 18 6.2 Minimum Bolt Preload Temperature ............................................................................................. 19 6.3 Minimum Temperature Requirement for Normal Operation ......................................................... 19 6.4 Core Critical Limit Temperature and Limit Curve .......................................................................... 19 6.5 LTOP Setpoint and Temperature .................................................................................................. 20 6.5.1 LTOP Setpoint Determination ....................................................................................................... 20 6.5.2 LTOP Enable and Disable Temperatures ..................................................................................... 20 6.6 Preservice Hydrotest .................................................................................................................... 21 KEPCO & KHNP iv
Non-Proprietary P-T Limits Methodology for RCS Heatup and Cooldown APR1400-Z-M-NR-14008-NP, Rev.1 7 REACTOR VESSEL MATERIAL SURVEILLANCE PROGRAM .............................. 24 7.1 Surveillance Test Specimens and Capsules ................................................................................. 24 7.2 Neutron Irradiation and Temperature Exposures.......................................................................... 24 7.3 Withdrawal Schedule .................................................................................................................... 25 8 PRESSURIZED THERMAL SHOCK (PTS) ........................................................... 26 9
AND CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................ 28 10 REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 29 KEPCO & KHNP v
Non-Proprietary P-T Limits Methodology for RCS Heatup and Cooldown APR1400-Z-M-NR-14008-NP, Rev.1 LIST OF TABLES Table 2-1 Pressure and Temperature Requirements for the Reactor Pressure Vessel....................... 3 Table 4-1 APR1400 Reactor Vessel Materials and Chemical Characteristics .................................... 8 Table 4-2 Initial RTNDT and ART for the APR1400 Reactor Vessel Materials through 60 years .......... 9 Table 6-1 LTOP Set-pressure and Enable/Disable Temperatures ..................................................... 21 Table 6-2 Data points for P-T Limit Curve in Figure 6-1 .................................................................... 23 Table 7-1 Capsule Assembly Removal Schedule .............................................................................. 25 Table 8-1 RTPTS for the APR1400 Reactor Vessel Materials at EOL (60 Years) ............................... 27 KEPCO & KHNP vi
Non-Proprietary P-T Limits Methodology for RCS Heatup and Cooldown APR1400-Z-M-NR-14008-NP, Rev.1 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 4-1 RPV Beltline Welds ............................................................................................................ 10 Figure 5-1 Postulated Longitudinal 1/4t Flaw in the RV Wall .............................................................. 16 Figure 5-2 Heatup and Cooldown Transients for Primary Coolant Temperature ................................ 16 Figure 5-3 Typical FEM Analysis Models for Beltline Region, Vessel Flange and Nozzle .................. 17 Figure 6-1 The APR1400 RPV P-T Limit Curves for the limiting Case in Table 4-2 ........................... 22 KEPCO & KHNP vii
Non-Proprietary P-T Limits Methodology for RCS Heatup and Cooldown APR1400-Z-M-NR-14008-NP, Rev.1 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS AOO anticipated operational occurrence APR1400 Advanced Power Reactor 1400 ART adjusted reference temperature ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials B&PV Boiler and Pressure Vessel BTP Branch Technical Position CF chemistry factor CFR code of federal regulations Cu copper DVI direct vessel injection EFPY effective full power year EOL end of life FEM finite element method FF fluence factor HAZ heat affected zone IRTNDT initial reference temperature for nil-ductility transition ISI inservice inspection ISLH inservice leak and hydrostatic KIC, KIR critical or reference stress intensity factor KEPCO Korea Electric Power Corporation KHNP Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Ltd.
LCO limiting condition for operation LTOP low-temperature overpressure protection Ni nickel POSRV pilot-operated safety relief valve NRC U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission P-T pressure-temperature PTLR pressure and temperature limits report PTS pressurized thermal shock PVRC Pressure Vessel Research Committee KEPCO & KHNP viii
Non-Proprietary P-T Limits Methodology for RCS Heatup and Cooldown APR1400-Z-M-NR-14008-NP, Rev.1 RCPB reactor coolant pressure boundary RCS reactor coolant system RG regulatory guide RPV reactor pressure vessel RTNDT reference temperature for nil-ductility transition SCS shutdown cooling system TS Trade Secret WRCB welding research council bulletin KEPCO & KHNP ix
Non-Proprietary P-T Limits Methodology for RCS Heatup and Cooldown APR1400-Z-M-NR-14008-NP, Rev.1 Page intentionally blank KEPCO & KHNP x
Non-Proprietary P-T Limits Methodology for RCS Heatup and Cooldown APR1400-Z-M-NR-14008-NP, Rev.1 1 INTRODUCTION This document presents the methodology for developing pressure-temperature (P-T) limits for the reactor coolant pressure boundary (RCPB) of the APR1400. This technical report is based on 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix G, Fracture Toughness Requirements (Reference 1) and methodologies of the ASME BPV Code,Section XI, Appendix G (Reference 2).
The components of the RCPB are designed to withstand the effects of system pressure and temperature changes which are introduced by startup (i.e., heatup) and shutdown (i.e., cooldown) operations, and operational transients. Because of inherent conservatism in the methodology, the P-T limits provide a margin of safety to preclude non-ductile failure of the RCPB during changes in pressure and temperature.
Due to neutron irradiation over the plant lifetime, the Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) is the most critical component susceptible to non-ductile failure. The P-T limit methodology described herein applies to the limiting components of the RPV. In relation to Pressure and Temperature Limits Report (PTLR), the following topics are addressed to meet the reporting requirements of PTLR in Section 5.6.4 of NUREG-1432 (Reference 3).
Fracture toughness requirements (Section 2)
RPV neutron fluence calculation method (Section 3)
Material properties including RTNDT (Section 4)
Analytical methods regarding P-T Limits (Section 5)
P-T Limit calculation for the APR1400 Operation, Low-Temperature Overpressure Protection (LTOP) setpoint, and temperature (Section 6)
RPV material surveillance program (Section 7)
Pressurized thermal shock (PTS) temperature (Section 8)
Non-Proprietary P-T Limits Methodology for RCS Heatup and Cooldown APR1400-Z-M-NR-14008-NP, Rev.1 2 FRACTURE TOUGHNESS REQUIREMENTS 2.1 Background Pressure-retaining components in RCS are designed to withstand RCS temperature and pressure changes with margins of safety during the service lifetime. Fracture toughness requirements for ferritic materials of these components are established in 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix G as required by 10 CFR Part 50.60 (Reference 4). 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix G requires pressure-temperature (P-T) limits and minimum temperature requirements must be met for all conditions of inservice leak and hydrostatic (ISLH) testing and any condition of normal operation, including anticipated operational occurrences (AOO).
Pressure-temperature (P-T) limits must be at least as conservative as limits obtained by following the requirements of ASME Section XI, Appendix G. Compliance with these requirements ensures the structural integrity of the RCPB, especially the RPV, can be maintained.
P-T limits for the APR1400 are developed in accordance with ASME Section XI, Appendix G complying with the 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix G requirements.
2.2 P-T Limits and Minimum Temperature Requirements P-T limits are the relations of the maximum allowable RCS pressures at the corresponding minimum allowable temperatures that are based on the limitations for non-ductile failure of the RCPB.
The P-T limits and minimum temperature requirements are derived from 10 CFR 50, Appendix G and ASME Section XI, Appendix G and are specified in IV.A.2 of 10 CFR 50, Appendix G as shown below:
- a. Pressure-temperature limits and minimum temperature requirements for the reactor vessel are given in Table 2-1 , and are defined by the operating conditions. The vessel pressure is classified as a percentage of the preservice system hydrostatic test pressure. The appropriate requirements on both the pressure-temperature limits and the minimum permissible temperature must be met for all conditions.
- b. "ASME Appendix G limits" requires that the limits must be at least as conservative as limits obtained by following the methods of analysis and the margins of safety of ASME Section XI, Appendix G.
- c. The minimum temperature requirements pertain to the controlling material, which is either the material in the closure flange or the material in the beltline region with the highest reference temperature. The metal temperature of the controlling material, in the region of the controlling material which has the least favorable combination of stress and temperature, must exceed the appropriate minimum temperature requirement for the condition and pressure of the vessel specified in Table 2-1.
The material reference temperature for nil-ductility transition (RTNDT) is based on ASME BPV Code,Section III, NB-2300 (Reference 5) and is incorporated in the development of the P-T limit curves.
If neutron fluence levels are higher than anticipated during the service lifetime of RCPB components, the P-T limits should be re-evaluated to account for the potential degradation in material toughness.
Non-Proprietary P-T Limits Methodology for RCS Heatup and Cooldown APR1400-Z-M-NR-14008-NP, Rev.1 Table 2-1 Pressure and Temperature Requirements for the Reactor Pressure Vessel Requirements for Minimum Operating Vessel Pressure-Temperature Temperature Condition Pressure(1)
Limits Requirements
- 1. Hydrostatic pressure and leak tests (core is not critical):
1.a Fuel in the vessel 20% ASME Appendix G Limits (2) 1.b Fuel in the vessel > 20% ASME Appendix G Limits (2) + 50(90) (5) 1.c No fuel in the vessel, (Preservice ALL (Not Applicable) (3) + 33.3(60)
Hydrotest Only)
- 2. Normal operation (incl. heat-up and cool-down), including anticipated operational occurrences (AOOs):
2.a Core not critical 20% ASME Appendix G Limits (2) 2.b Core not critical > 20% ASME Appendix G Limits (2) + 66.7(120) (5)
ASME Appendix G Limits + Larger of [(4)] or 2.c Core critical 20%
22.2(40) [(2) + 22.2(40)]
ASME Appendix G Limits + Larger of [(4)] or 2.d Core critical > 20%
22.2(40) [(2)+ 88.9(160)]
Notes to Table 2-1:
- 1. Percent of the preservice system hydrostatic test pressure.
- 2. The highest reference temperature of the material in the closure flange region that is highly stressed by the bolt preload.
- 3. The highest reference temperature of the vessel.
- 4. The minimum permissible temperature for the inservice system hydrostatic pressure test.
- 5. Lower temperatures are permissible if they can be justified by showing that the margins of safety of the controlling region are equivalent to those required for the beltline when it is controlling.
Non-Proprietary P-T Limits Methodology for RCS Heatup and Cooldown APR1400-Z-M-NR-14008-NP, Rev.1 3 REACTOR VESSEL NEUTRON FLUENCE CALCULATION METHOD The fission neutrons starting from the reactor core are attenuated by the core shroud, core support barrel and reactor coolant which exist between core and reactor vessel. The neutron flux calculation methodology is selected in accordance with regulatory position 1, neutron fluence calculational methods, of the Regulatory Guide 1.190, Calculational and Dosimetry Methods for Determining Pressure Vessel Neutron Fluence (Reference 6).
The DORT code (Reference 7) is used to evaluate neutron flux distributions. DORT is widely used in the nuclear industry for flux distribution evaluations of reactor vessels. DORT is a discrete ordinates Sn code, and can perform calculations in (x, y), (r, ) and (r, z) geometries.
Peak fast neutron fluence (time integrated neutron flux) at reactor vessel-clad interface is obtained to be 19 9.510 n/ by time integration which is based on the 93% capacity factor for 60 years of design lifetime.
Details of calculation method are described in Reference 12.
Non-Proprietary P-T Limits Methodology for RCS Heatup and Cooldown APR1400-Z-M-NR-14008-NP, Rev.1 4 MATERIAL PROPERTIES The RPV is a vertically-mounted cylindrical vessel consisting of forged shells, nozzles and heads.
Regarding irradiation, materials near the core beltline are considered as bounding materials. As shown in Figure 4-1, though there are no longitudinal weld seams, two(2) circumferential weld seams(G-2 and G-3 welds) are near the core beltline. Therefore, these weld materials as well as beltline forging are included in the evaluation.
Due to irradiation embrittlement on the beltline area, chemical characteristics of RPV materials are restricted as shown in Table 4-1.
The key material parameter regarding P-T limits is RTNDT. This parameter is the basis for the required minimum temperatures and the fracture toughness, KIc, curve in Reference 2. Detailed description of RTNDT is introduced in the following Section 4.1.
4.1 Reference Temperature for Nil-Ductility Transition (RTNDT)
The RTNDT values for unirradiated materials are determined by the rules given in ASME BPV Code Section III, NB-2300. The RTNDT values for irradiated materials (needed only for RPV beltline materials) are obtained from RG 1.99, Rev. 2 (Reference 8). According to RG 1.99, Rev.2, the RTNDT value for unirradiated materials is defined as the initial reference temperature for nil-ductility transition (IRTNDT).
In RG 1.99, Rev. 2, the adjusted reference temperature (ART) is given as:
ART = IRTNDT + RTNDT + Margin (4-1)
Where :
IRTNDT = initial RTNDT, RTNDT = shift in RTNDT due to irradiation, Margin = margin for uncertainty, These terms are defined further in Reference 8. The ART is the RTNDT value for irradiated materials.
The RTNDT is input to the reference fracture toughness equation of Reference 2 as shown in equation (4-
- 2) :
KIc = 33.2 + 20.734 exp[0.02(T - RTNDT)] (4-2)
Where :
KIc = the critical stress intensity factor , ksi in T = metal temperature, RTNDT = reference temperature for nil-ductility transition, As shown in equation (4-1), ART is determined based on initial RTNDT, RTNDT, and Margin which are KEPCO & KHNP 5
Non-Proprietary P-T Limits Methodology for RCS Heatup and Cooldown APR1400-Z-M-NR-14008-NP, Rev.1 introduced in the following Sections 4.2 through 4.5.
4.2 Initial RTNDT of RPV Materials The initial RTNDT of the ferritic materials is determined in accordance with the fracture toughness requirements of Reference 5, and is given in Table 4-2 for various materials of the RPV.
4.3 ART of RPV Materials Reference temperature adjustments (RTNDT) are calculated using Chemistry Factor (CF) and Fluence Factor (FF) given in Section 1.1, Section C, RG 1.99, Rev. 2 as below:
CF : from Table 1 (weld metal) and Table 2 (base metal) of Reference 8, (0.28-0.10logf)
FF = f
-0.24x 19 f = fsurf(e ) : neutron fluence at any depth in the vessel wall (10 n/)
19 fsurf : neutron fluence on vessel-clad interface (10 n/)
x : depth into the vessel wall measured from vessel-clad interface (inch)
When two or more credible surveillance data sets of the RPV are available, CF may be determined as below:
2 CF = (AiFFi) / (FFi) ,
Where :
i = 1 ~ n ( n : number of surveillance data sets)
Ai : measured value of RTNDT FFi : Fluence Factor at corresponding data point 4.4 Margin of RPV Materials Based on the requirements in RG 1.99, margin can be determined as below:
Margin = 2(i 2 + 2 )
Where :
i : standard deviation for initial RTNDT KEPCO & KHNP 6
Non-Proprietary P-T Limits Methodology for RCS Heatup and Cooldown APR1400-Z-M-NR-14008-NP, Rev.1
- standard deviation for RTNDT As RTNDT at 1/4t is lower than 16.7 (30 ) for the forging material, margin can also be estimated as lower than 16.7 (30 ). However, a higher margin of 27.8 (50 ) is assumed for higher conservatism considering 60-year operation. The margin for the weld materials is evaluated as required by RG 1.99, Rev.2, without any additional conservatism, because conservatism is considered in applying maximum neutron fluence of beltline to G-2 weld.
Table 4-2 presents a summary of ART values at the surface, 1/4t, and 3/4t locations of the vessel wall with fast neutron fluences as conservatively calculated in accordance with RG 1.99, Rev. 2 as shown in Section 4.3 instead of using the values in Reference 12.
Non-Proprietary P-T Limits Methodology for RCS Heatup and Cooldown APR1400-Z-M-NR-14008-NP, Rev.1 Table 4-1 APR1400 Reactor Vessel Materials and Chemical Characteristics Chemical Material Description Chemistry Composition Factor Cu wt % Ni wt % [()]
Reactor Vessel Type (max.) (max.)
Intermediate Shell Course SA-508 Grade 3 Class 1 0.03 1.00 11.1 (20.0)
Lower Shell Course SA-508 Grade 3 Class 1 0.03 1.00 11.1 (20.0)
(beltline material)
Weld between G-2 Weld intermediate shell and 0.05 0.10 20.8 (37.5) lower shell Weld between lower G-3 Weld 0.05 0.10 20.8 (37.5) shell and bottom head Flange SA-508 Grade 3 Class 1 0.07 1.00 24.4 (44.0)
Nozzles SA-508 Grade 3 Class 1 0.07 1.00 24.4 (44.0)
SA-508 Grade 1A for Straight pipe, RCS Piping N/A N/A N/A SA-516 Grade 70 for Elbows wt % = weight percentage KEPCO & KHNP 8
Non-Proprietary P-T Limits Methodology for RCS Heatup and Cooldown APR1400-Z-M-NR-14008-NP, Rev.1 Table 4-2 Initial RTNDT and ART for the APR1400 Reactor Vessel Materials through 60 Years Initial ART (())
Material RTNDT at 60 years Fluence (n/) at 60 years
- 3) 3) surface 1/4t 3/4t surface 1/4t 3/4t Lower Shell Course -23.3 21.2 20.2 17.4 9.5 E+19 5.52E+19 1.86E+19 (beltline material) (-10.0) (70.2) (68.4) (63.4)
G-2 Weld -12.2 38.2 32.4 19.9 2.2 E+19 1.28E+19 0.43E+19 (top of lower shell) (10.0) (100.8) (90.3) (67.8)
G-3 Weld -12.2 3.2 -0.56 -5.9 7.9 E+17 4.59E+17 1.55E+17 (bottom of lower shell) (10.0) (37.8) (31.0) (21.3)
Limiting Case -12.2 50.3 46.9 36.6
- 1) 9.5 E+19 5.52E+19 1.86E+19 (weld in beltline) (10.0) (122.6) (116.5) (97.8)
-12.2 2) 2) 2)
Head Flange NA NA NA < E+12 < E+12 < E+12 (10.0)
-12.2 2) 2) 2)
Vessel Flange NA NA NA < E+12 < E+12 < E+12 (10.0)
-12.2 2) 2) 2)
Inlet Nozzles NA NA NA ~ E+15 ~ E+15 ~ E+15 (10.0)
-12.2 2) 2) 2)
Outlet Nozzles NA NA NA ~ E+15 ~ E+15 ~ E+15 (10.0)
-12.2 2) 2) 2)
DVI Nozzles NA NA NA ~ E+12 ~ E+12 ~ E+12 (10.0)
-12.2 2) 2) 2)
RCS Piping NA NA NA negligible negligible negligible (10.0)
Notes to Table 4-2:
- 1) This case is the basis for the evaluation of P-T limits and PTS assuming conservatively that weld is in the beltline region and subjected to maximum neutron fluence.
- 2) Not applicable because fast neutron fluence is not significant.
- 3) Fluences at 1/4t and 3/4t locations are calculated using the equation, f = fsurf(e ), in Section 4.3.
Non-Proprietary P-T Limits Methodology for RCS Heatup and Cooldown APR1400-Z-M-NR-14008-NP, Rev.1 TS Figure 4-1 RPV Beltline Welds KEPCO & KHNP 10
Non-Proprietary P-T Limits Methodology for RCS Heatup and Cooldown APR1400-Z-M-NR-14008-NP, Rev.1 5 ANALYTICAL METHODS FOR DETERMINING P-T LIMITS 5.1 Limiting Components and Postulated Defects The P-T limits provide operating limits with a margin to preclude non-ductile failure of components in RCPB. P-T limits are established for the limiting RCPB components. Core beltline region, vessel flange, and nozzles in RPV are analyzed.
Due to neutron irradiation induced embrittlement, the beltline region of the reactor vessel is the most critical area. The vessel flange is important in the development of P-T limits due to preservice bolt-up stress and the minimum temperature requirements in Table 2-1. RPV nozzles are analyzed with a postulated nozzle corner crack as described in Welding Research Council Bulletin (WRCB) 175 (Reference 9). Other RCPB components are considered bounded by these three analyzed areas.
Postulated defects are described in the following subsections.
5.1.1 Reactor Vessel Beltline The methods of Reference 2 postulate the existence of a sharp surface flaw in the RPV that is normal to the direction of the maximum stress. This flaw is postulated to have a depth that is equal to one-quarter of the RPV beltline thickness (1/4t), and a length equal to 1.5 times the RPV beltline thickness, as shown TS in Figure 5-1. Geometric dimensions of beltline region are [ ] inner radius, [
] thickness, and [ ] cladding thickness. In Reference 2 the defect is postulated on both inner and outer surfaces of the reactor vessel (1/4t and 3/4t locations, respectively).
5.1.2 Reactor Vessel Flange The reactor vessel flange is subjected to high stresses due to bolt preload-induced bending and internal pressure. Because the bolt preload induces tensile bending stresses on the outer surface, an outer surface defect is postulated. The postulated defect depth is 1/4t with the aspect ratio of six (6). As tensile thermal stresses are induced in the outer side of the vessel wall during heatup, the reactor vessel flange limit is controlled by heatup rates.
As neutron irradiation on the flange region is very low, it is not necessary to consider the effects of neutron fluence increase on P-T limits proportional to the operating time.
5.1.3 Inlet, Outlet, and DVI Nozzles As allowed by Article G-2223 of Reference 2, a flaw with a depth of 1/10t is postulated in the corners of inlet, outlet, and DVI nozzles. This assumption is based on the experiences of inservice inspection (ISI) of nozzle corner radius regions in pressurized water reactors.
Because the nozzle region also does not have much exposure to neutron irradiation compared with the beltline region, the limit curves for nozzles do not change with the accumulation of operating time.
5.2 Fracture Toughness of Reactor Vessel Steels Reference 2 requires the critical stress intensity factor, KIc, defined by equation 4-2 be used in P-T limit calculations.
Non-Proprietary P-T Limits Methodology for RCS Heatup and Cooldown APR1400-Z-M-NR-14008-NP, Rev.1 5.3 Transient Temperature and Thermal Stress Calculation For the generation of P-T limits, the temperature profile and thermal stress through the reactor vessel wall are determined using ANSYS, a multi-purpose commercial computer code.
For beltline region, flange and nozzles, various heatup and cooldown rates are considered for the development of P-T limits for the APR1400 RPV.
5.3.1 Transient Heatup and Cooldown transients for primary coolant temperature are shown in Figure 5-2. Heatup or cooldown rates can be between steady-state condition and 55.6 /hr (100 /hr).
Inservice leak and hydrostatic (ISLH) test is assumed as isothermal process.
5.3.2 ANSYS Models for the Analysis FEM analysis models using ANSYS are shown in Figure 5-3 for beltline region, vessel flange and nozzles in RPV. An axisymmetric analysis model is prepared using an appropriate element (PLANE55 for thermal analysis and PLANE25 for structural analysis) for each temperature profile analysis and thermal stress analysis.
5.3.3 Boundary Conditions All outside surfaces of the reactor vessel are assumed to be perfectly insulated. The reactor vessel inner surface temperatures are assumed to be the same as the primary coolant temperature.
5.4 Stress Intensity Factors, KI The use of any particular stress intensity factor solution presented in this document or in Reference 2 is allowed. The choice of KI equation usually depends on the form of stress profiles used in the solution.
The applicable KI equations include those provided in Reference 2.
5.4.1 Reactor Vessel Beltline For beltline region, the stress intensity factor equations provided in Reference 2 for 1/4t semielliptical surface flaw (ASME BPV Code,Section XI, Appendix G, G-2214) are used under internal pressure, and heatup and cooldown conditions. The equation (5-3) in Section 5.5 is used in determining P-T limits for reactor vessel beltline region.
5.4.2 Reactor Vessel Flange For reactor vessel flange, the stress intensity factors are composed of the primary and secondary stress intensity factor. The primary stress intensity factor is due to pressure and bolt preload, and secondary stress intensity factor is due to thermal stress (heatup) and structural discontinuity at the flange region.
The equation (5-3) in Section 5.5 requires modification to include the bending stresses which may be important contributors to the calculated KI value at a point near a flange. A modified equation is derived as below:
Non-Proprietary P-T Limits Methodology for RCS Heatup and Cooldown APR1400-Z-M-NR-14008-NP, Rev.1 KIC = 2KI, primary + KI, secondary (ksi in) (5-1)
Where :
KI, primary = Km, pressure + Km, boltup + Kb, boltup Km, pressure = stress intensity factor for membrane stress due to pressure, ksi in
= m, pressure x Mm m, pressure : membrane (hoop) stress due to pressure, psi Mm : membrane correction factor Km, boltup = stress intensity factor for membrane stress due to boltup, ksi in
= m, boltup x Mm m, boltup : membrane (hoop) stress due to boltup, psi Kb, boltup = stress intensity factor for bending stress due to boltup, ksi in
= b, boltup x Mb b, boltup : bending stress due to boltup, psi Mb : bending correction factor KI, secondary = Kb, pressure + Kt Kb, pressure = stress intensity factor for bending stress due to pressure, ksi in
= b, pressure x Mb b, pressure : secondary bending stress due to pressure, psi Kt = stress intensity factor for thermal stress, ksi in
= t x Mb t : thermal stress at the crack, psi 5.4.3 Nozzle Corner The determination of the stress intensity factor for a nozzle corner crack is based on the method contained in Reference 9, which gives the following equation:
KI = (a) F(a/rn) (ksi in) (5-2)
Where: = hoop stress, psi KEPCO & KHNP 13
Non-Proprietary P-T Limits Methodology for RCS Heatup and Cooldown APR1400-Z-M-NR-14008-NP, Rev.1 a = crack depth, inch rn = apparent radius of nozzle, which is given by :
rn = ri + 0.29 rc (inch) ri = actual inner radius of nozzle, inch rc = nozzle radius, inch and F(a/rn) is determined from Figure A5-1 of Reference 9.
The membrane stress is the hoop stress due to pressure, and the maximum hoop stress at the inside surface is conservatively assumed as a uniform membrane stress across the entire wall thickness.
Secondary stress intensity factor is composed only of thermal bending stresses due to heatup and cooldown. Thermal bending is caused by the temperature differential across the vessel wall.
5.5 Determination of KIC Limits The equation (5-3), which is from Article G-2215 of Reference 2, is governing in determining the pressure-temperature operating limit curves :
(S.F.) KIm + KIt KIc (5-3)
Where: S.F. = safety factor
= 2 for normal and upset conditions
= 1.5 for ISLH testing KIm = stress intensity factor for membrane stress due to pressure, ksi in
= Mm x (Pr/t)
Where, Mm : membrane correction factor defined in G-2214.1 of Reference 2 P : internal RV pressure, ksi r : RV inside radius, inch t : RV wall thickness, inch KIt = stress intensity factor due to thermal stress specified in G-2214.3 of Reference 2, ksi in
-3 2.5
= 0.953 x 10 x CR x t (for inside surface defect)
-3 2.5
= 0.753 x 10 x HU x t (for outside surface defect)
Where, CR : cooldown rate [/hr] , HU : heatup rate [/hr]
Non-Proprietary P-T Limits Methodology for RCS Heatup and Cooldown APR1400-Z-M-NR-14008-NP, Rev.1 KIc = reference stress intensity factor specified in Figure G-2210-1 of Reference 2, ksi in For a thermal transient analysis, a temperature profile is calculated for a given point in time during a heatup or cooldown transient. KIc is determined for the crack-tip temperature, T, and the material RTNDT at a given location. RTNDT is determined in Section 4.2 based on the neutron fluence and chemical composition of the material. The temperature profile (thermal gradient) determines the thermal stresses at various points throughout the reactor vessel wall. If the stress intensity factor for a pressure of one psi is defined as, KIP, the allowable pressure is determined using the following equation:
Pallow = (KIc - KIt(Tf)) / [(S.F.)KIP ] (psi) (5-4)
Where: Tf = fluid temperature, A plot showing the allowable pressure as a function of bulk coolant temperature is a P-T limit curve. The same procedure applies to the ISLH testing except the safety factor is 1.5 instead of 2.0.
Non-Proprietary P-T Limits Methodology for RCS Heatup and Cooldown APR1400-Z-M-NR-14008-NP, Rev.1 TS Figure 5-1 Postulated Longitudinal 1/4t Flaw in the RV Wall
[°C] Heatup [°C] Cooldown 350 350 300 300 Heatup rate = 55.6/hr (100°F/hr) Cooldown rate = 55.6/hr (100°F/hr) 250 250 Temperature Temperature 200 200 150 150 100 100 50 50 0 0 0 Time [hr]
4.85 0 Time [hr]
4.85 Figure 5-2 Heatup and Cooldown Transients for Primary Coolant Temperature KEPCO & KHNP 16
Non-Proprietary P-T Limits Methodology for RCS Heatup and Cooldown APR1400-Z-M-NR-14008-NP, Rev.1 TS Figure 5-3 Typical FEM Analysis Models for Beltline Region, Vessel Flange and Nozzle KEPCO & KHNP 17
Non-Proprietary P-T Limits Methodology for RCS Heatup and Cooldown APR1400-Z-M-NR-14008-NP, Rev.1 6 CALCULATION OF P-T LIMITS FOR THE APR1400 OPERATION P-T Limits for APR1400 is calculated according to the requirements and methods in Sections 2 through 5.
Limiting Condition for Operation (LCO) 3.4.3 (RCS Pressure and Temperature (P-T) Limits), and LCO 3.4.11 (LTOP System) shall be maintained within the limits specified in this PTLR.
6.1 Normal Heatup and Cooldown For P-T limits calculation, geometrical data and material properties including RTNDT of the limiting materials should be determined. Table 4-1 and Table 4-2 provide the material properties used in the analysis. Heatup or cooldown rates can be between steady-state condition (0 /hr (0 /hr)) and 55.6 /hr (100 /hr). With this input, allowable pressures are calculated for selected time points of heatup or cooldown transient.
For the reactor vessel beltline region, remote from discontinuities, the 1/4t flaws are postulated at both inside and outside surfaces (1/4t and 3/4t flaws, respectively). For heatup analysis, both 1/4t and 3/4t locations are examined. Thermal stresses are compressive at the inside surface and tensile at the outside surface. The membrane stresses due to pressure are always tensile. The total stresses are always greater at the outside than the inside. However, the allowable stresses decrease more at the inside than the outside because the effects of irradiations are more pronounced inside. For the cooldown analysis, only 1/4t location needs to be examined, because during cooldown the total stresses and irradiation effects are always greater inside.
The nozzle corners are also assessed for allowable pressure at selected time points. For the nozzle, the flaw is postulated to be located on the inside surface.
Finally, the allowable pressure is determined for the vessel flange region. The vessel flange limits are developed considering the postulated outside surface flaw, as described in Subsection 5.1.2 in accordance with G-2000 of ASME Section XI Appendix G. The conditions of stress intensity factor equation (5-1) is maintained in calculating an allowable pressure corresponding to a selected temperature.
Among these pressure values, the lowest one is determined and considered to be the maximum allowable pressure value at each selected time point. In this manner the results at various selected time points are determined to produce a single lower bound P-T limit curve for normal heatup or cooldown.
The P-T limit curves associated with the three regions of the reactor vessel for normal plant heatup, cooldown, and inservice leak and hydro pressure test are presented in Figure 6-1 and data points are listed in Table 6-2.
2 The allowable pressure from plant startup is maintained at a constant value of 43.9 kg/cm A (625 psia)
(20 percent of the preservice hydrostatic test pressure) from the bolt preload temperature condition until the coolant temperature reaches the temperature where a calculated crack-tip metal temperature exceeds the minimum temperature requirement of Table 2-1.
As shown in Figure 6-1, the beltline P-T limit of 55.6 /hr (100 /hr) heatup rate is controlling. At 43.9 2
kg/cm A (625 psia), which corresponds to 20 percent of the preservice hydrostatic test pressure, the allowable temperature corresponds to the minimum temperature requirement of RTNDT + 66.7 (120 )
(54.4 (130 )) per Operating Condition 2.b of Table 2-1. The lowest service temperature of 43.3 (110 ), as shown in Section 6.3, is lower than the minimum temperature required, 54.4 (130 ).
The P-T limits for nozzle corners or flange are not controlling limits at any time during normal plant heatup or cooldown. The allowable pressures for the nozzles are very high and especially those of DVI nozzles are beyond the pressure range shown in Figure 6-1.
Non-Proprietary P-T Limits Methodology for RCS Heatup and Cooldown APR1400-Z-M-NR-14008-NP, Rev.1 The P-T limits presented in Figure 6-1 are corrected P-T limits, meaning that measurement uncertainty, due to instrument errors or sensor location adjustments, is included in the curves. Correction factors for pressure and temperature for the APR1400 are taken into account to express P-T limits in terms of indicated pressure and indicated temperature. [
6.2 Minimum Bolt Preload Temperature In accordance with the requirement of Operating Condition 2.a of Table 2-1, the minimum bolt preload temperature is equal to the highest reference temperature of the material in the closure flange region that is highly stressed by the bolt preload. For the APR1400, the highest reference temperature of the material in the head flange region is -12.2 (10 ). However, 21.1 (70 ), cold shutdown temperature, is to be used for the minimum bolt preload temperature instead of -12.2 (10 ).
6.3 Minimum Temperature Requirement for Normal Operation Lowest Service Temperature defined by the ASME BPV Code Section III, NB-2332 is to be the minimum allowable temperature at pressure above 20 percent of the preservice hydrostatic test pressure. This value is defined to be no lower than RTNDT +55.6 (100 ), where RTNDT is the reference temperature for the most limiting component in the RCS other than the core beltline.
Therefore, the lowest service temperature is determined to be 43.3 (110 ). However, the minimum temperature requirement of Operating Condition 2.b in Table 2-1 gives higher minimum required TS temperature of 54.4 (130 ) [ ] as shown in Figure 6-1. The maximum allowable pressure below minimum required temperature is defined to be 20 percent of the 2
preservice hydrostatic test pressure, and therefore, it is 43.9 kg/cm A (625 psia) [
] .
6.4 Core Critical Limit Temperature and Limit Curve The core critical limit temperature is obtained by determining the maximum ISLH test temperature at a 2
pressure of 174 kg/cm A (2475 psia) (1.1 times the normal full-power operating pressure). Once the ISLH 2
test temperature at 174 kg/cm A (2475 psia) is determined, it is compared to RTNDT + 88.9 (160 ).
The higher one of these two temperatures becomes the criticality limit temperature. Operating Condition 2.d in Table 2-1 specifies that the criticality limit curve is the core critical limit temperature or the Appendix G limit curve shifted by 22.2 (40 ), whichever is higher.
Following the steps above, the core critical limit temperature is determined to be approximately [
] . This temperature is compared to the value of RTNDT + 88.9 (160 ) [
] . Therefore, the higher temperature, [ ] , is determined to be the criticality limit temperature. The beltline P-T limit curve of 55.6 /hr (100 /hr) heatup rate shifted by TS 22.2 (40 ) above the core critical temperature of [ ] is core critical limit curve as shown in Figure 6-1.
Non-Proprietary P-T Limits Methodology for RCS Heatup and Cooldown APR1400-Z-M-NR-14008-NP, Rev.1 6.5 LTOP Setpoint and Temperature 6.5.1 LTOP Setpoint Determination Transients during the low temperature operating mode are more severe when the RCS is operated in water-solid condition. Addition of mass or energy to an isolated water-solid system induces a pressure increase in the system. The severity of the pressure transients depends upon the rate and total quantity of mass or energy addition. The most limiting transients initiated by a single operator error or equipment failure are:
- a. Inadvertent actuations of safety injection pumps and one charging pump (mass addition),
- b. Start of a reactor coolant pump when the steam generator secondary side water temperature is higher than the primary side (energy addition).
The most limiting transients are determined by conservative analyses which maximize mass and energy additions to the RCS. For conservatism, the RCS is assumed to be in water-solid condition at the onset of the transient. However, such a condition has been noticed to be very unlikely during plant operation since the operator is instructed to avoid water-solid conditions whenever possible.
2 The maximum pressure for LTOP is limited to 43.9 kg/cm A (625 psia), 20 percent of RCS hydraulic test 2
pressure of 219.7 kg/cm A (3,125 psia), which is the maximum RCS pressure allowed under the minimum operating temperature required in Appendix G of ASME Code,Section XI. To determine the relief valve set-pressure, the followings are considered: (1) the maximum pressurizer pressure due to a transient of mass addition by an inadvertent safety injection, (2) the actual elevation difference between the top of pressurizer and LTOP relief valves, and (3) the bottom pressure of reactor vessel. The relief valve set-2 pressure is determined to be lower than the LTOP limiting pressure of 43.9 kg/cm A (625 psia).
2 LTOP set-pressure derived from the above considerations is 37.3 kg/cm G (530 psig) as shown in Table 6-1.
6.5.2 LTOP Enable and Disable Temperatures The LTOP pressure is defined as the SCS suction line relief valve set-pressure with adjustments to provide a margin to avoid lifting and to compensate for pressure measurement inaccuracies during plant normal operation. During heatup, the RCS pressure is maintained below the LTOP pressure until the RCS cold leg temperature increases above the LTOP disable temperature. During cooldown, the RCS pressure is maintained below the LTOP pressure after the RCS cold leg temperature decreases below the LTOP enable temperature.
An LTOP enable temperature is defined in U.S.NRC Branch Technical Position (BTP) reactor system branch (RSB) 5-2, "Overpressurization protection of pressurized-water reactors while operating at Low Temperatures" (Reference 10), and SRP Subsection 5.2.2, "Overpressure Protection" (Reference 11).
U.S.NRC BTP RSB 5-2 defines it as: "the water temperature corresponding to a metal temperature of at least RTNDT + 50 (90 °F) at the reactor vessel beltline location (1/4t or 3/4t) that is controlling in the Appendix G of ASME Code Sec.III limit calculations."
According to G-2215 of ASME Code Section XI, Appendix G, LTOP systems shall be effective at coolant temperatures lower than 93.3 (200 ) or at coolant temperature corresponding to the reactor vessel metal temperature lower than RTNDT + 27.8 (50 ), whichever is higher.
Non-Proprietary P-T Limits Methodology for RCS Heatup and Cooldown APR1400-Z-M-NR-14008-NP, Rev.1 In determining the enable temperature, the difference between the 1/4t crack-tip metal temperature and the reactor coolant temperature shall be additionally accounted. Article G-2215 of ASME Code Section XI, Appendix G also specifies that LTOP systems limit the maximum pressure to 100 percent of the pressure determined to satisfy equation (5-3).
According to BTP RSB 5-2, LTOP enable temperature is determined as coolant temperature corresponding to 97.2 (207 (=117+90)) at 1/4t or 86.7 (188 (=98+90)) at 3/4t depending on which location is controlling. Therefore, LTOP enable temperature is lower than 97.2 (207 ).
The temperature difference between coolant and 1/4t or 3/4t location for the APR1400 is 18.3 (33 )
or 37.8 (68 ) during heatup at a rate of 55.6 /hr (100 /hr). Therefore, a typical LTOP disable temperature is determined as 124.4 (256 ) from the metal temperature at 3/4t, which is greater than 115.6 (240 ) for 1/4t. LTOP temperature determined according to ASME Code Section XI, Appendix G is 93.3 (200 ), which is lower than 124.4 (256 ).
In the P-T limit analysis, the controlling beltline P-T limit is calculated at the 1/4t or 3/4t location for heatup, and at the 1/4t location for cooldown. At the end-of-plant life, the LTOP enable temperature for representative heatups at the 3/4t location is calculated for several heatup rates and is compared to the BTP-defined LTOP enable temperature for the controlling cooldown (isothermal) at the 1/4t location.
LTOP relief valves are required until the pressurizer POSRVs can be used for overpressure protection without violating the appropriate P-T limits during heatup process. For the higher temperature than the LTOP disable temperature that corresponds to the intersection of the P-T limit curves for heatups with the pressurizer POSRV setpoint, the overpressure protection is provided by the pressurizer POSRVs which 2
have a set pressure of 173.7 kg/cm A (2,470 psia).
During cooldown, when the RCS cold leg temperature is below the LTOP enable temperature that corresponds to the intersection of the P-T limit curve for cooldown with the pressurizer POSRV setpoint, the LTOP relief valves provide the necessary overpressure protection.
According to the discussion above, LTOP Enable and Disable temperatures are 101.7(215) and 136.1(277), respectively, as shown in Table 6-1, which meet the requirements of ASME Code Section XI, Appendix G and BTP RSB 5-2.
6.6 Preservice Hydrotest According to the Operating Condition 1.c of Table 2-1, the minimum temperature at Preservice Hydrotest without fuel in the vessel is the highest reference temperature of the vessel plus 33.3 (60 ).
° Therefore, Preservice Hydrotest should be performed at temperatures higher than 21.1 (70 F (10 +
Table 6-1 LTOP Set-pressure and Enable/Disable Temperatures 2
Set-pressure (kg/cm G (psig)) 37.3 (530)
Enable Temperature (()) 101.7(215)
Disable Temperature (()) 136.1(277)
Non-Proprietary P-T Limits Methodology for RCS Heatup and Cooldown APR1400-Z-M-NR-14008-NP, Rev.1 Indicated Temperature ()
-18 32 82 132 182 232 3500 DVI pressure limit is over 246 kg/cm2A (3500 psia).
Outlet Nozzle Inlet Nozzle 55.6/hr (100/hr) 55.6/hr Heatup Flange Heatup 3000 (100/hr) Heatup Beltline all Cooldown 2.0E+06 Inlet Nozzle Rates 55.6/hr Beltline 55.6/hr (100/hr) (100/hr) Heatup 2500 Cooldown Indicated Pressure (psia) 1 Indicated Pressure (kg/m2A)
Outlet Nozzle 55.6/hr 1.5E+06 2000 (100/hr)
Cooldown Core Critical Inservice Leak &
Hydro Test 1500 1.0E+06 Min. Required Temp.
TS 1000 Min. Boltup Temp.: 5.0E+05 21.1 (70) 500 TS TS TS 0 0.0E+00 0 100 200 300 400 500 Indicated Temperature ()
Figure 6-1 The APR1400 RPV P-T Limit Curves for the Limiting Case in Table 4-2 KEPCO & KHNP 22
Non-Proprietary P-T Limits Methodology for RCS Heatup and Cooldown APR1400-Z-M-NR-14008-NP, Rev.1 Table 6-2 Data points for P-T Limit Curve in Figure 6-1 TS KEPCO & KHNP 23
Non-Proprietary P-T Limits Methodology for RCS Heatup and Cooldown APR1400-Z-M-NR-14008-NP, Rev.1 7 REACTOR VESSEL MATERIAL SURVEILLANCE PROGRAM The irradiation surveillance program for the APR1400 will be conducted to assess the neutron-induced changes in the RTNDT and the mechanical properties of the reactor vessel materials. Changes in the impact and mechanical properties of the material will be evaluated by the comparison of pre- and post-irradiation test results. The capsules containing the surveillance test specimens used for monitoring the neutron-induced property changes of the reactor vessel materials will be irradiated under conditions which represent, as closely as practical, the irradiation conditions of the reactor vessel.
10 CFR 50 Appendix H, Reactor Vessel Material Surveillance Program Requirements, presents criteria for monitoring changes in the toughness properties of reactor vessel beltline materials through surveillance programs. The APR1400 reactor vessel surveillance program adheres to all of the requirements of 10 CFR 50 Appendix H. Additionally the APR1400 reactor vessel surveillance program satisfies ASTM E 185-82, Practice for Conducting Surveillance Tests for Light Water Cooled Nuclear Power Reactor Vessels.
7.1 Surveillance Test Specimens and Capsules The surveillance test specimens are made from the actual materials which are used in fabricating the beltline region of the reactor pressure vessel and judged most likely to be controlling with regard to radiation embrittlement according to the recommendations of Regulatory Guide 1.99, Rev. 2. They are prepared from three metallurgically different materials, including base metal, weld metal, and heat-affected zone (HAZ) material and are placed in corrosion resistant capsule assemblies for protection from the primary coolant during irradiation. A sufficient quantity of specimens to meet the requirements of 10 CFR 50 Appendix H and ASTM E 185-82 will be prepared for the APR1400 surveillance program.
Six identical surveillance capsule assemblies are provided for the reactor vessel. Four assemblies are for retrieval and two are for standby. These capsules are positioned near the inside wall of the reactor vessel so that the irradiation conditions (fluence, flux spectrum and temperature) of the test specimens resemble as closely as possible the irradiation conditions of the reactor vessel. The neutron fluence of the test specimens is expected to be approximately 1.4 times higher than that of the adjacent vessel wall.
7.2 Neutron Irradiation and Temperature Exposures The changes in the RTNDT of the reactor vessel materials are derived from specimens irradiated to various fluence levels and in different neutron energy spectra. In order to permit accurate predictions of the RT NDT of the vessel materials, complete information on the neutron flux energy spectra, and the irradiation temperature of the encapsulated specimens must be available.
The neutron threshold detectors and the thermal neutron detectors can be used to monitor the thermal and fast neutron spectra incident on the test specimens. These detectors possess reasonably long half-lives and activation cross sections covering the desired neutron energy range. Three sets of flux spectrum monitors are included in each capsule assembly. Each detector is placed inside a sheath which identifies the material and facilitates handling. Cadmium covers are used for those materials (e.g., uranium, nickel, copper, cobalt and neptunium) which have competing neutron capture activities.
The maximum temperature of the irradiated specimens can be estimated with reasonable accuracy by including in the capsule assemblies small pieces of low melting point alloys or pure metals. The monitors are selected to bracket the operating temperature of the reactor vessel. A set of temperature monitors is included in each capsule assembly.
Non-Proprietary P-T Limits Methodology for RCS Heatup and Cooldown APR1400-Z-M-NR-14008-NP, Rev.1 7.3 Withdrawal Schedule The capsule assemblies remain within their holders until the specimens contained therein have been exposed according to the predetermined removal schedule based on EFPYs. When the scheduled time comes, the capsule assembly is removed and the surveillance materials are evaluated. The capsule assembly removal schedule is presented in Table 7-1. When actual post-irradiation surveillance data become available for each reactor vessel, the data are used to adjust plant operating limit curves.
Table 7-1 Capsule Assembly Removal Schedule
- 1) Target Fluence Design Maximum Capsule Azimuthal Location Removal Time 2 2) 3) 2 (n/cm ) Fluence (n/cm )
19 19 A 217° 6 EFPY 0.82 X 10 1.0 X 10 19 19 B 37° 15 EFPY 1.83 X 10 2.6 X 10 19 19 C 224° 32 EFPY 3.75 X 10 5.4 X 10 19 19 D 323° End of Life 6.44 X 10 9.5 X 10 E 44° Standby F 143° Standby Notes to Table 7-1:
- 1) Schedule may be modified to coincide with those refueling outages or scheduled shutdowns most closely approximating the withdrawal schedule.
- 2) Best-estimated fluence (Best estimate values of expected neutron fluence) at specimen locations in each capsule with +/-16.28% uncertainty.
- 3) Design maximum or conservative fluence values at the reactor vessel inside surface with +/-20%
uncertainty, which are used to determine the withdrawal schedule.
Non-Proprietary P-T Limits Methodology for RCS Heatup and Cooldown APR1400-Z-M-NR-14008-NP, Rev.1 8 PRESSURIZED THERMAL SHOCK (PTS)
The reactor vessel shall meet the requirements of 10 CFR 50.61 (Reference 13). 10CFR50.61 requires that RTPTS shall meet the PTS screening criterion in 10CFR50.61(b)(2).
The PTS screening criterion is :
- 132.2 (270 ) for plates, forgings, and axial weld materials
- 148.9 (300 ) for circumferential weld materials In calculating RTPTS for the limiting beltline material, the following assumptions are applied:
- a. As shown in Table 4-2, the limiting case is the weld material subjected to the maximum 19 2 integrated fast neutron fluence of 9.5 x 10 n/cm .
- b. For the weld material, maximum copper content is 0.05 wt% and maximum nickel content is 0.10 wt% as shown in Table 4-1, and maximum initial RTNDT is -12.2 (10 ).
- c. The adjustment in the reference temperature caused by irradiation (RTPTS) is calculated to be 31.4 (56.6 ). The margin required by 10CFR50.61 is 31.1 (56 ) for the weld materials.
The calculated RTPTS is 50.3 (122.6 ) which satisfies PTS screening criterion as shown in Table 8-1.
Non-Proprietary P-T Limits Methodology for RCS Heatup and Cooldown APR1400-Z-M-NR-14008-NP, Rev.1 Table 8-1 RTPTS for the APR1400 Reactor Vessel Materials at EOL (60 Years)
Chemistry 3) Screening Initial RT NDT Fluence 2) RTPTS Margin RTPTS Material 1)
Factor Criterion
(()) Factor (()) (()) (())
(()) (())
Lower Shell Course -23.3 11.1 16.8 16.8 10.2 132.2 1.51 (beltline material) (-10) (20) (30.2) (30.2) (50.4) (270)
Weld Material -12.2 20.8 31.4 31.1 50.3 148.9 1.51 (G-2 & G-3) (10) (37.5) (56.6) (56) (122.6) (300)
-12.2 24.4 4) 4) 4) 132.2 Head Flange negligible NA NA NA (10) (44.0) (270)
-12.2 24.4 4) 4) 4) 132.2 Vessel Flange negligible NA NA NA (10) (44.0) (270)
-12.2 24.4 4) 4) 4) 132.2 Inlet Nozzles negligible NA NA NA (10) (44.0) (270)
-12.2 24.4 4) 4) 4) 132.2 Outlet Nozzles negligible NA NA NA (10) (44.0) (270)
-12.2 24.4 4) 4) 4) 132.2 DVI Nozzles negligible NA NA NA (10) (44.0) (270)
Notes to Table 8-1:
(0.28-0.10log f)
- 1) Fluence Factor = f , f = Fluence at Limiting Case in Table 4-2.
- 2) Chemistry Factor with Chemical Composition in Table 4-1.
- 3) Margin = 22 + 2 where, u = 0
= lesser of 17 or 0.5xRTPTS for the forging and lesser of 28 or 0.5 x RTPTS for the weld material.
- 4) Not applicable because fast neutron fluence is not significant.
Non-Proprietary P-T Limits Methodology for RCS Heatup and Cooldown APR1400-Z-M-NR-14008-NP, Rev.1 9
AND CONCLUSIONS This report presents the methodology for developing P-T limits for the RCPB of the APR1400. The methodology satisfies 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix G and ASME BPV Code,Section XI, Appendix G. P-T limits are derived with the methodology in this report for all conditions of ISLH and any condition of normal operation, including AOO. This report also includes the descriptions of neutron fluence calculation method, low temperature overpressure protection (LTOP) setpoint and temperature, RPV material surveillance program, and pressurized thermal shock (PTS) evaluation.
Non-Proprietary P-T Limits Methodology for RCS Heatup and Cooldown APR1400-Z-M-NR-14008-NP, Rev.1 10 REFERENCES
- 1. 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix G, Fracture Toughness Requirements.
- 2. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI, Appendix G, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2007 Edition with 2008 Addenda.
- 3. NUREG-1432, Standard Technical Specifications - Combustion Engineering Plants, Vol.1, Rev.4, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, April 2012.
- 4. 10 CFR 50.60, Acceptance Criteria for Fracture Prevention Measures for Light Water Nuclear Power Reactors for Normal Operation.
- 5. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, NB-2300, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2007 Edition with 2008 Addenda.
- 6. Regulatory Guide 1.190, Calculational and Dosimetry Methods for Determining Pressure Vessel Neutron Fluence, Rev.0, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, March 2001.
- 7. CCC-650/DOORS3.2, One-, Two- and Three-Dimensional Discrete Ordinates Neutron/Photon Transport Code System, Radiation Safety Information Computational Center, ORNL, 1998.
- 8. Regulatory Guide 1.99, Radiation Embrittlement Damage to Reactor Vessel Materials, Rev. 2, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, May 1988.
- 9. Welding Research Council Bulletin 175, Pressure Vessel Research Committee (PVRC)
Recommendations on Toughness Requirements for Ferritic Materials, Welding Research Council, PVRC Ad Hoc Group on Toughness Requirements, August 1972.
- 10. NUREG-0800 (Standard Review Plan), Branch Technical Position Reactor System Branch 5-2, Overpressurization Protection of Pressurized-Water Reactors While Operating at Low Temperatures, Rev.3, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, March 2007.
- 11. NUREG-0800 (Standard Review Plan), Subsection 5.2.2, Overpressure Protection, Rev.3, U.S.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission, March 2007.
- 12. APR1400-Z-A-NR-14015-P, Neutron Fluence Calculation Methodology for Reactor Vessel, Rev.
1, February 2017.
- 13. 10 CFR 50.61, Fracture Toughness Requirements for Protection against Pressurized Thermal Shock Events.