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Monthly Oper Rept for Oct 1978
Person / Time
Site: Salem PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 11/09/1978
From: Miller L
Public Service Enterprise Group
Shared Package
ML18078A388 List:
NUDOCS 7811160075
Download: ML18078A389 (17)



                                ;Wi:[~'\CE fJ.\ ILY r.....~,:' --~-:-

DJC~ET ~O. 50-272 #1 DATE November. 9, 1978 CO~*L?Lf:.TED BY L. K. Miller TELI;PHONt: 609-365-7000 X5Q7


DAY AllERACE DAILY POWF.R LEVEL DAY AVTR:\GE DAILY ro;ffR L.t.: 1i-:EL CT* r.-:e.- NET) "(}B'iE-NET) 1 495 17 0 524 18 0 3 *561 19 0 4 613 20 0 5 488 21 0 6 516 22 0. 607 . 0 7 23 8 761 24 *o 9 904 25 0 10 741 26 0 11 639 27 0 12 0 28 0 13 0 29 0 14 0 30 *O 15 0 31 0 16 0 Pg.2 of 18 S~l-7.PJ. V8111 ao~15"'

                      ...                                      e 0?£."<U\.TTIIG Dl\.TA REPCRI' e

ro::AET m.: 50-272


CATE : November 9, 1978 ro-!PIErrn 3Y: L. IL /vLi:.1.ler TEL:...~: 609:....365-7000 X507

            ~:G             STI>.Ttis Gnit Narre:            Salem #1                                                     Notes:

Pep=t:i.""lg P~~= October, 19 7 8

 TI";ei::::al ~ (mt) :                 3 33 8

_.;...._~------- 1135 Naireplate Rati."1.g (Gross M-iel: Cesign El.ect:r....C:tl Rating (Net 1'We): 1090 Cependable Capacity. (Gross ~l: 1124 __ MaXinun

~ Cependab.le Capacity (Net ,:.s.Ie): _ _

1_0_7_9_ _ __

    -*     If CJanses Cc:ur in Capacity :?,a.tings (Items NUIIt:er 3 'I!u:cugh 7) Last P.ep:>rt, Give Reason:


    -*     Parer !2ve.l Tc Which .Festric""...ed, If A:ey (Net me) :                  NONE

Eleasorl.s For Rest::tictioos, I f An'j: ----~~.J....----------------------------

                                                                                    'I.his M:inth
  • Year to Date Om1Jative 745 7,296 11,737 Hours *In Ref:Orting Pericd Nmter Of Eours Reactor Was Critical 258.4 4,179.8 6,723.0
-3.        P.eaCtcr    Reserve Shutd:Mn fbUZs                                                  0.0                             0.0                      0.0 Hours Generator On-Line.                                                       258.4                       3,985.3                     6,415.9
. -:;.. IJnit Peserve Shutc:Jown Hours                                                      0.0                             0.0                      0.0
.-5.       Gross '1bmnal. Energy Gerel:ated (~)                                      564,691.2            11,711,663.8                       18,406,883.8 Gi:css Electrical Energy Generated (MWB)                                  174,850                  3,919,360                       6,105,670

__,.:3_ Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) 159,265 *3,708,825 5,767,043

.23.       Onit Service Factor                                                               34.7                             54.6                     54.7
.::::J. Avai1abi1i ty Factor                                                        34.7                            54.6                      54.7

.:1.. Clpacity .Factor (Using MCC Net) 19.8 47.1 45.5 ..::z.. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) . 19.6 46 *. 6 45.1 ~:3- Onit Forced. Out.age Rate 62. 2 45.0 36.0

  '"'"     Shutdcwns Scheduled          ever Ne.."Ct 6 M:xlt:hs (Type, Date, and Duration          of :

Unit_Befu.elinci __ m~-_3/31/'_li - 6/23/79 _

..:3.      If Shut *cewn At End of flet:ort Periad! Estimated Date of Startup: _ _ _                     11
                                                                                                          ..../._5_./_7_8..___  _...__ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

. 26. anits In Test Status (Prior to Camercia.l Cperation) :

                                                                                                          - Forecast                         Achieved INITIAL CRITICALIT!                                                        9/30/76                   12/11/76
                                      !NITIAL ~CIT'!                                                          11/1/76                      12/25/76
--;. 3 of 18 ~OPER~ON 12/20/76 6/30/77
                                                                           . l;:* l.     .,* '. !:       :,i,; '*

Llt..H.~f\LT t1U.:. I


I)'.. j 'i

                                                                                                                                                                                         ,:.i:...                           .~

Iw.t'OR'r MJNf!1 October mnT Nl\ME: Sale..rn :!!l

  • DTITI:~: -:-\f6-ve-;-;ber9-,-T9.7 s '.

COMl'LETf.D DY: r:-:-1z:-*Tiiller~~- I

                                                                                                                                                                .              -------------~*'.-
                                                                                                                                                          'I'l~J .F.P llON E:. 6_0_9-.-365- 7000             XSO/  ---


                                                              ..        OF OOMTION                    smrrrnJ:;         J,IC11*1SE         SYSTEM    _cn.lPO'lrnr                         Cl\USE /\ND amrur!'IVE
m. Dl\TE 'I'i1'El (llOOTIS) nFJ\.~2 COIN IMM' cooi4 CODES l\CfJON 1D *I REl\CfOR RF.PORT W Pnr.vnrr n.rumnE1ic:r::

78-235 10/3/78 .F 0.0 A 4A - - - HH H'IEXCH- llB Condenser Tube Leak' p* .- - - PUMPXx

                                                                                                                                .11 SGFP       Inboard Journal Bearing                                        -

78-236 J_a/4/78 a.a A 4A .HH overternperature . 78-237 la/4/78 F a.a A 4A - - - HH PUMPXX 11 SGFP Inspect*& Repair. Intoard Joumal Bearing I 78~238 la/4/78 F a.a A 4A - - HH PUMPXX 11 SGFP Bearing Inspection & 11 Vac. Pump Cooler Replacerrent 78-241 10/6/78 F o.a B 4A - - - HH PUMPXX .11 SGFP Bearing Inspection 78-243 la/7/78 F o.a B 4A - - - HR PUMPXX ll**cond. Pump I.ower Motor ~~ing Inspection 78-245 10/8/78 F a.o A 4A - - - HF FIL'IER 12B Traveling Screen Repair 78-246 10/la/78 F a.a A 4A - - - HH PUMPXX 12 Cond. Pump ""'.'Install Ground Brush.

                                                                                                                                  & Uncouple Motor
       *1*                         2                                                               3                                .4                                                   5 F: Forced                   Pl:!ason1                                                      t-bthodi                         F.xh I.bit G - Instrnctiong                         FY.Id bit l-f1ilrrc s:  Scheduled              ~-B:}Ui[nP-nt   failure(Explaln)                                1-Marmal
  • for Pri'!parntlon of Data rourCCl B-Malntenance or Test 2-Mmmal Seram. Entry Sh!'.'ets for Llcens0e
                                     . C-Refuellng                                                     3*-l\utanatic Scram
  • Event Pl:!port (LEll) Flle D-Regulatory nestrlction 4-0ther (Explain) (N1..ffiill- 0 ~ 61) .

E-(Jperntor Tr.aining t. Ll.cense Examination F-1\clminlstrotive . 8-l-7.R2 ~r.atlonal Error(F.xplaln) 11-0Uler (F'..xplaln) Pg. 4 - 18

UNIT Sinm.xJ:'it'JS /\ND rwrm RET.JllCrIOt'JS DOCKET NO.: 50- 2 72 RFrom* MJN'l1! October . 1 UNI l' Nl\ME:

                                                                                                                                            - - - -#1 01\TE::      November 9, 1978 c~MPJ.ETED riv: L.-x. Miller
                                                                                                                       'l'Ef,EPllONE: -609-365-7000     X50r MF.l'H()D OF OOMTim              S!llJITING       LICENSE      SYSTEM      CCMI'CNENr                 Cl\USE Af[) CDHREC'TfVE
m. 1 REl\SON2 DATE TYPE (HOURS) .JXMN ~vmr moE4 mm~5 1\CrION 1D REl\C'IDR REI'OHT #. PREVE!*IT l1Fl::uru::El a 78-249' . 10/11/78. F 111.6 A 2 - - - HH H'IEXCH llA & llB Condenser Tu1::: Leak &

Seco:;i,dary Chemistry Problems 78-250 10/16/78 F 72.0 A 4B I .- - - PC VALVEX Repair CV78 and Inspection of Stea..rn GEmerators 78-2.51 10/18/78 F 65*.0 A 4B -- - SF PUMPXX ~place 12 Safety In j ectim1 Pmp .. 78-252. .10/21/78 F 248.0 A 4B - - - CB PUMP XX Failure of Seals on 13 RCP i. I I i . .. _____ - ~ Page 5 of 18 8-1-:-7,Rl 1.

DOCKET* NO. : MAJOR PLANT MODIFICATI0NS S ;:1 I c* rn it l. r~*- 9 7 fl .UNI'I' -ME: RE:'POHT MONTH Oc toLr:c

                                               .      DATE:

COMPLETED BY: NovcrnLcr 9, 197B "L. K. Miller TEL.EPHONE: 609-365-7000 X507

   *DCR NO.            PRINCIPLE SYSTEM                     SUBJECT lED-0316       Service Air                Place No. 2 SAC In Service lED-0320       Circ Water                 Modify Waterbox Gratings iED-0356        Fuel Handling              Modify Manipulator Crane Control!

Circuit I lED-0364- service water Install* Modified No.12 S.W. Pumr: 12 ii lEC-0375 Gland Seal Remove. Test*Orifice lEC-0397 Circ Water Mqdify Diff. Indicator lEC-0405 RMS l-R-22 $~tpoint 6hange 2.5mR/Hr. to 25mR/Hr.

-lMD-0054        25kV                       Modify Gen. Potential Ind.

lMD-0093- Condensate Install Modified Bearing in B No.

  • 13 Condensate. Pump lPD-0036 Aux. Annunciator *Nomencl~ture Change for Points 573 & 594 lPD-0159 Feed & Conden~ate Install Test & Vent Valves in SGFP ~urbine Gov. Actuators
  • DESIGN CHANGE"REQUEST* Page 6 of *1s 8-1,- 7. Rl

i . I DOCKET NO.: 50-272 (-1i*.JOP. PL..Z\NT MODIFICAT.S UNi T 91*1E: . __*_s_.:1_J_c_:**r_11_ll_.l_ _ _ __ RE;ORT MONTH *octobcr,~;7~ November 9, 197U DATE: COMPLETED BY: L. K. Miller


TELEPHONE:.609-365-7rroo X507 i

         *OCR NO.            10CFRS0.59                  SAFETY EVALUATION                                      I
                                                                                                               *1 I

lED-0316 Compressor #2 was j'umpered out because only the No.' s 1 &. 3 '

                        *air compressq~s were tu~ned over with Unit #1.               The DCR completes the original .design (i.e. servicing of* three Station Air Compressors). None of the *conditions for an                            i I

unreviewed safety question* exist. *

  • 1 I

lED-0320 This does not alter any approved design criteria, procedures, I or set points. Safety related equipment will not be affected ~i lED-0356 It will* decrease the margin of* safety now specified in fhe I Technical* specification. j lED-0364- *A revised seismic analysis has been done on the new aluminum

  • 1.

12 b.ronze column* pipe. The impeller modification produced a flatter head-capacity curve without affecting design flow 1 point, (see SGS/M-DM-077). Syste~ still performs original '1 design function. *Prohabil"i ty. of accidents has not increased,

                       .nor has the occurance of new accidents been made possible.                              II The Tech~ Spec. bases are unaff~cted. -                                                I lEC-0375           This design change does not* affect any piesently performed                            I safety ~nalysis, nor does it create any new safety hazards.

Th.e basis of the Technical Spec:j..fications are not affected. I System is Non-Nuclear, and Non-Safety Related. This system is not safety.related; the frinction affected by this change does not impact a safety related system, nor create conditions requiring a safety analysis. I lEC-0405 This monitor and its setting does not affect the safe oper-ation or shutdown of the plant. It will also not invalidate any safety analysis or require that a new one be performed. lMD-0054 Safety rela_ted equipment wiLI: not be affected .. lMD-0093- This design_ chang*e does not af_fect any safety related

               .B        systems or components .

lPD-0036 Safety related equipment will not be affected. lPD-0159 The design change will improve system operation. No functiqnal system change is involved. I I I Paqe *7 of is .

LJU\....l:\..i:.. J.. - l*U * ~ _ _s~o~-----2 ....7....2~----- r...1~*-T r*' *-~:,-r -, *,-{ -:.:. ... 1 . . l.t * * -. - soleru i!l

  ~ ~'.,>:/.;     (~;;* :::_'; ~.!':_::*~:* ~- ::-~:::_:__,: . '.=*~::D ~*~*~':'.':-:::::: .\:: C.::'.:
                                                                                                           . '-'['I __
  • Noveinho r 9 l en 8
                                                                                                                         *DZ~: -----*-----------*--------*                    T
~: ~.::>;~~\.':'~':L.: ~,~, Pcrfonn.:..1ncc L. K. Miller TEI...EP~ON:i:::
                                                                                                                                                    - -609-365-7000
                                                                                                                                                        -                      X507 I
  ?D-5021                          RMS RlJA                                       Perform Channel Calibration Completed Cal. Check.                                                                ;


  ?D-5033 lFT-4.45                                       Erratic Setpoint.

I Tightened loose connection

  .?D-5031                         1PC456A                                        Trips High-Output unstable.

II *Replaced rrodl,lle. --

  ~'D-5035                         1Bl3E
  • Drawer* out of. spec.
                                                                                                                         .       Replaced meter *.
                                                                                                                                                                     .                  ~
  .?D-5036                         1FM425                                         No flow indication.                            Replaced.                                                           '
  .?D-5023                        Channe.iN41                                     Channel N41 out of spec.                       Calibrated.


  ?D-5084                          1XD581Q:B.                                     Blue Ribron CDnnector broken! Replaced rrodule.                                                                 .,
"?D-4803                           1TM412P, "l'IM412Q,                           Faulty capacitors.                              Replaced capacitors                       &  calibrated.*;

1TM505C. \ PD-5091 l.XD581CB. Module dropped. . Replaced connectors switch. ' I OD-10109 Control Room Area lCAAl Damper will not Adjusted limit switcho Vent System position properly.  : i OD-10098 13 Aux. Feed Pump l.MS132 Failed to open ~ Tightened loose clanp & dia- ~ i Pump inoperable. phragm nut.  ! I r* i . OD-10226 Valve 1CC215 No open indication. Extended actuator. I 1 OD-10660 1FA1550Z Inoperable liquid release Replaced transmitter. _ lI flcxv recorder I

                                                                                                                                               .                                                     I

--~PD-5125 SV-913, SV-915 Leaking SV for 12 & 14 Replac:Ed internals. Reactor Nozzle Support Fan. PD-5126 SV-910, SV-911.

  • Leaking SV for 11 & 12 Reactor Shield Vent Fan *.

Rebuilt vcilves. - - --

                                                                                                                                                                         .      =-¥* - *---

_J 1 l

      • .cc 8 of 18

CCl*l.: 2".,_::::':'.:':=D ~-!.: " I l' ll.t*1*11e,... Octolx:r, 1978 ----~-*-----* .:::._*'----~----. --*-------~------

      ~-, ~~- ::~
  • G ;., :.::, .::::--:. I ~QUI?!*lE:*1~ DESCZ:~.::?':':=CN I-i
              ."1 ._,*
  • l I

I i I C"':':::'.-1465  ! Valve, 1LW15 Do not have ()pen & closed I Tightened packing nut &_ adjustc(l I indication.

                                                                                           .                          i valve stem.


   .::.*:::>- lOO'J5
  • l Solid state ttain Relay 27A Malf\111.ctions .1 Replaced relay 27A & input card I B - NIS relays II l r i
   -:->D-4970                                I 14 Reactor Coolant        Recalibrate    to new valves.                    Calibrated *.

j Loop L.\T/Tavg ...

                                                                                                                                                       .         .         *~
   ?D-5098                                   I! Valve,     12SW:058      No open indication.                              Adjusted open limit switch.                      :
?D-5100  ! 1FA3172, 1FA3542 No flow indicat1on. verited inlet & outlet flow i'
                                                         '                                            .  -                transmitters.
                                           *i         ..


  • D-5096  ! 1FC510A/B 1BS510A out of* spec. Module setpoints* adjusted.

I .,1I JD-10245 I Valve, 14SW223 Inoperable. Vented 1FA3543Z & 1FA3176Z

                                                                                                                                                                      . 5
                                                                                                                                                                     .i I                                                                                                                           i I

. DD-10231 1 Valve, 13SW057, Vqlve will not maintain Vented 1FA3169Z. 13SW058, 13SW072 flow.

   =<B-0179                               *I     Channel N44             L.\I Meter Calibration drift.                    Replaced detector "B" current 1                                                                             :rreter and selector switch.


 .*JD-10286                                      13 Fan coil unit        _Investigate IDw Flow Alapn.                    Blew down inlet      & outlet trans-mitters.

. ?D-5014 11 Reactor Coolant- Comparator Tripping IDw. -1 Replaced ITC41G/H I Loop L.\T/Tavg.

                                                                                                                                                                        .!I i
 ?D-4968                                        11 Reactor Coolc:nt       Recalibrate to new valves.                     Calibrated.                                      i I

Loop L.\T/Tavg . I 1 ~?D-4928 Channel N44 Recorder pen oscillates. Tightened loose connection. I _?fr-4991 Valve, l1MS169 Restroke Valve. .. - Stroked valve

  • I
                                                -------                                                                                                                 i
: . c; ,:~ 9 O £ 18

_:_ 7

  • l\l

l.Jl)C !\..LJ L -TIU * ;; _._ _S~l"'-J_Z=-*~//."-'--.- - - - - -

                                  ;:::.=;~;,*rr ED :,:_--*=*~;~: :.*.: ~ ::-:::~
  • Perfornrntcc
.::::::,;-~:I....;:;'J~'?D ;3'!: - - ~

L. K. Mil1cr 609-365-7000 X507


C l-:JJER 1 II F ;,:cl.URS_ "'Es c": c *r* :cc; I. CGO.Rc:c-:*.:,:*2 ~.c-:*rn:< I I

D-10350 iI 1LI459A 1LI460A, All channels read di.ff-*- Chaimels I, II, & III I 1LI461A. I erently. calibrated.
  • D-10731 I Channel I

N32 I~ter pegged *High. 'rightened loose connector &  : I! replaced pen.

                     *1 I

I JD-10741 j lF'Cll6. Be'Zel Alarm - 13 RCP Flow Replaced rrodule. ' is zerq. . ...  : JD-10729 1 Valve; 12SW122 Valve ir)ope:rable. Blew down transmitter & re-:- I.

                      !                                                                                              calibrated.                                                                   
?D-5096 1FC510A/B 1BS510A out of spec. Calibra,ted.  :


.:)D-4991             I Valve,         lL.1\15169               Faulty operation-control                             Repaired.leak
  • I .. air leak.

i - PD-5008 Channel N44* out of spec. Adju5ted 1NM307 Gain.

                                                                                                                                              -                                                   l MD-3079                    l.13D627A                            Blciwn output diode.                                Replaced diode.

PD-5124 Valve, 11BF019 Re stroke valve. Valve stroked.  !' PD-5103 1FA3172Z-l, IDw Flow Indication .. Recalibrated. I 1FA3572Z-l, i 1FA3542Z-l~ I i iI I 1 PD-5114 Channel N42 Adjust Isolation Amplifiers. Adjusted I/A 306 & 307. i I PD-5119 1PM403D, 1PM405B. out of spec. Replaced 1PM405B & repaired I l'

                                                                                                                          -                                                           0           I PD-5110                    1FM543C                              1BS541B out of spec.                                Replaced~.                                                                    I I

"2SC lOof 18 __ 7 . ~\.l

            -~~-: ~ ;~                                                ~:~.=:2_, ..:. -::;_*~~ D y,-9,~*=:*: ,~_: :c~~
                       ;-*, *;:'. :~ :-
                       -    ~-* -~*
- r** I .r .--;:* ~
                                     .. -e ..........-~' ....

J7"fl Pcrlo i::-n1c--:u1cc'

                                                                         -------------                                                            609-365-7000 X507
 ~'D-10414                                          Y,..."15        1Rl3E                              Out of spec *.     .            Calibrated.


'.;D-5140 1TC1072VB lI No output from 1TC107A/B Replaced rrodule.


?D-5136                                         I I    .lLT-459                                        I Equalize     transmitter.       Completed.

I I ,.. l

?D-~123 Valve, 11MS16~ Re stroke valve. *Co~leted. . .
?D-5098                                               12 Fan CoiJ, Unit                                Adjust limit switches on        Adjusted open limit.
                                                                                          ..           valve 12SW058.

I .. I



                                                                                      ..                                                                                    I II ,
c;e 11 of 18 ci-1.~1

Nmrc1i1bcr 9_, 19 7 8

                                                                                .      L. K. Miller October, 1978 609-3G5-7000 X507
  ~\m-3040        i Yalve, i

13MS10 Packing_ leak. Tightened packing gland. i

  -:'D-10453      !valve, 13CV78         \ B~nnet *l.eak.              Repl_aced bonnet.

I I- I .. . .

m-30-37 \ Valv~, llMSlO j Packing leak, nut* I Repacked-replaced nut.

I missing ..

  • I
  *JD-10485       I13 I             .

Containment fan coil unit. Motor cooler inoperable Replaced' motor cooler. i I 1-

                .I IC     Diesel           Compressor will not maintain tank pressure ..

Tightened packing glands~

                 *1 JD-10484         !valve, I

14SW223 Valve leaks. we1g.e2i temporary patch. i II JD-10497 !Panels 241-1, T . +-

  • NRC ~nspec--ion - Do Not Replace'd door seals.

235, 234. have proper door seals OD~l053i Valve, 12CV157 Diaphragm failed. Replaced diaphragm. OD-10588 14 Service Water Will not start in Reca~ibrated pressure

                     !Pump Strainer        "Auto" mode.               switch.

I OD-10585 14 RHR Sump Pump Will not shut down Adjusted rriotor contro.l automatically. relay contacts. OD-10599 ~c Diesel Failed-pressure swi~ch:1R~place~ switch. OD-10542 1valve, 12SW024 Diaphragm failed. Replaced diaphragm. I OD-10581 16 Service Water Flex Seal Water Supply: Replaced with copper tubing Pump line leaking. . OD-10457 . Valve, 12CV162 Will not stroke . Replaced diaphragm.

.ae 12 of 18
 --J_-J  .I~l

UU\.....l'd:,T l'IU,; SQ-?72 r~< >J ~ ~~, '.; ~~:1= ~-~-o,-_1 _vl_ : ~ rL11 ~\-),li'**1~--~;-:.--,*<~:-/-~3: __:_ .........

                                                                                     .     .       L) f".. *_;,  ...:l :    ."    -- . '. -. '.   -  I     - :,/   (
      ~*;:J  ..

- - - - - - . ----------------------------~------ ~-------------*--

I . YID-2901 !I Valve, 1MS168  ! Pucking lcc:ik. I . i1 - r<cp,,ct*'°'cJ.

                                                                                                                .    ~    *--  . vo *1 ve.

I I* I

                       !                                                                         I i                             1                                          I
JD--10527 !Bo.tch Tank I .
                                                      *!Drains plugged.                           ivalve l~V144 dia~hragm I
                       !         .                                                               j   r0placed &- V.:ilve J.CVltlS
                      .i                              l                                          !

cleaned . Jwestinghouse jPerform DCR ED-0009 j Completed. IBFD Relays j Replace BFD Type Relays 1 * . j & . I OD-7431 114 RHR Sump Pump False indication. Rel aced motor, pump

  • rnagnatrol.
                       ~     .                                                                                                                         . .

I I OD-10303 jValve, 10SW240 Inoperable CJ,eaned & greased. '

                     .I! . .. ..
 ~*1D-3 0 9 2            \Valve, lPSOlO                  Valve leaks.                                Replaced valve.

i .. IvID-3088 10*0' Elevation Bent hinge shaft & w:orn Repaired lllDge & replaced air lock. seal. seal. " MD-3086 100' Elevation Excessive air flow. Adjusted door.  ! air lock.  ; I  ; OD-1017.8 Valve, 12CS002 Packing leak. Repacked valve.  ; OP-0366 11 Component Tube leaks. I Pulled a tube & installed cooler lplu~s.  : 1 I MD-2997 Valve, 11MS169 Inoperable. - Reworked stem, replaced ' gaskets & repacked.  ! OD-10614 Valve, 13SJ024 .Packing leak . Tightened packing. .

                                                                                                                          -                                                             i:

OD-105*03 100' Containment Excessive air flow. Adjusted inner door latch. i air lock

                                                                                        .-                                                                                              I OD-9279 14 *service wa.ter High             !'IP. indication.                  Replaced local gauges.                                                              Ij
  ...     ..               Pump Strainer                                      ..

i I

                                         .... **-----                                                                                                                                   I
>:;c 13 of 18

~-1-7 . .:-\l

.::>::\?*:~ ,-~~,~, ':;.:*_:;:**::~*,-=,-.( *:~:::.:. -~*;,~=n :'._ce:*~*~::.-.- ..'::~:*_ D2:I'i'-..I":'..:':,:::..::: Jr;_* -Ma intc*n a nee

                                                                                                                             ~~~7-~:? :-:c::,~z:         609-365-7000 X507
 ~\:~:: C?.lJL}~                       Ir         =c~Cil?l-~~-~:*iT                i    :.:: .t:..l.~L.. ..'..-*~..::..
     *\* 1.........  ..                                                            I
     -*   ~.                           I
  • 1 OD-9286 Valve, l2SW022. \Motor operator f~iled.*, Replaced mot6r.

I  ! >--------~-------~~--~!_______ I


I i*!D-2902- !Valve, llMS168  !'Packing & bonnet leak. : Uonnet gasket & packing I ,'. . replaced~

                                      .i                                                                                                I

>---------1-----------~--------------~----------------**-- JP-0487 i

                                        !Valve, 1CV075                               Leaking.                                          ! Tightened        packing gland.

I i I I

  • I ~
~'1D-3              054                    j lF_E 4_9 9.A                            Leaking.                                          !Replaced gaskets.

i .. I OD-10612 I114 .Steam Gen. Leaking. II Repacked.

                                           !Pressure tap I

ii I OD-10726 !valve, 12SJ045 Failed stroke time.  ! Re-timed valve. i I 1 OD-10727. \valve,. 10SW026 Failed stroke time. lj. Re:....timed valve*. i OD-10603 113 Containment Torn rubber at-fa~ out-jPatched all holes in plenum: I fan coil unit *1et-p1enum. I ~-~-~-~--1-~-~-~-----t----,,---~~------~-+--,------*---~--~--~-~; I OD-10606 15 Cont.ainment fan coil unit Leak. I Sealed cooling coil housing~


OD-10604 12 Containment Torn rubber at fan outlet plenum. IRepaired all holes in plenm\' fan coil unit.* i 1--~~~~~-1-~~~~~~~~-;--~~-~~--~-~~--1,1--~~~~~~-,--~~~~~~-: I OD-10718 11 Service Water Broken shear pin. !Replaced 2 new lower shoes I Pump strainer i& shear key. \ I i OD-10476 12 Boric Acid Inboard pump seal ieakstl Installed new seal. Ii transfer pump I I i 1----~~~~-l-~---'-~---~~-+-~--~-------~--t---:---~~-~~~-~~-~~--j-

.OD-10602                                    14 Containment                          Torn rubber at fan                                      Repaire~    all holes in fan coil unit.                          outlet plenum.

MD-2697 12 Reactor cool- Remove 0.1" Shim from ant pump. No. 3 Seal & test run.

                                                                       * . DUCK.l:.:'l'. NU * : _._ _5Q-2'-'-7_2___,.-'---                      I l:::I'.l' t;;,._:..           ~;.1J,*m 1!*1 * .        . .
  • D?.7;.:.: November 9-, 19 7 B October, 1978
                                                                            *y::::~::::?~::o:*E:          609-365-7000 X507



i i

 ***-9566               I 14 *steam Trap Gen. Flow Valve packing lcClkS.                    l\djustccl pa.eking.
.:*-10760              l     VC1lve,. llCSOOl      Valve position indicator disconnected.

F:eplaced . *f l  ! I f

.~8700 I Valve, 14SW20 Inoperable valve operator. Replace broken gear on hand
                                                                                                                                        *i i
                                                                                          *crank *.                                          lI i !
=*-2800                      Valve *1s2s           Does not pass flow.                      Replaced valve.                                  I j


                      -1                                                                                                                     l i
                                     -                                                            -                                         l i


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                                                                                                                                      *I li

j I i

                                                           -                            I t
                                                                                                                                      *1 I
                           *-                                                                                                               f i

II I l l I

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     ,- *j jr:-.*.

15 of lt i -..1-7 RL

        ..                        e Sl\LEM l   OPEIU\'l'JNG SUMMJ\1'\Y e.

OCTOBER,. J. 9 7 3 10-1* l\ load iricrcase w~s .commonccd at 0025 from 50~ power to 55~. power at 0110. 'l'he unit remained at 55% power for the re~ain der of the cby. 10-2 The unit load was held at 55% power for the entire day. Unit load is b~ing held at 55% 0hile maintenanc~ is bcj_n9 performed on #11 Steam Generator Feed Pump. 10-3 Unit 16ad was held at 55% until 1605 when a power escalation was & initiated at 3% per*ho~r in order* to evaluate #11 Steam Generator Feed Pump operation .. Unit load was leveled off at 74% at 2440. Load reduction was commenced at 2310 from 74%

           "to 6 7 % at 2 3 3 5
  • 10-4 Unit l~ad was held at 67% to evaluate-#11 Steam Generator Feed *Pump operation.* Load was 0310 from 67% to 60% by 0420. A load increase was initiated at 0505 from 60%

at.3% per hour to 70% by 0800. At 0900 1 load increase was commenced at 3% per hour to 75% at*l020. Load was held a"t 75%*t~ evaluate the operation of.#11 Steam Generator Feed Pump. Load decrease was commenced at 1255 . . from 75% at a* rate of 5% per hour. Load was stabilized at 54% at 1710 and remained at 54% for the remainder.of the day. 10-5 Unit load remained at 55% while maintenance was being per-thru formed on #11 Stearn Generator Feed Pump. 10-6

  °10-7    Load was held at 55% until 0605 when a load increase at 4% per hour was initiated.             Load was       ~tabilized  at 69% at 0910. Load was held at 69% until 1620 when load was rapidly reduced to 5.1% after #11 Stearn Generator Feed Pump tripped.

Load was held. at 51% until _1805 when* a load increase was I. initiated at 4% per hour to 69% at 2220. -Load was held Page 16 of 18 I_

10-:-7 at 6 9 ';; for the remainder of the day. (con\.:.) 10-B Uriit load was held at 69~ until 1440. when a load incrcbsc was commenced* at 5% per hour to 92% at 1940. Unit load remained at 92% until 2135, when lo~d was reduced to 86% by 2225, due to two circulators being out of service on #12 Condenser Shell. Unit load remained at .8£% for the remainder of the day.* 10-9 Unit load remained at 86% for the day. 10-:-10 Unit load remained at 86% until 0355 when a load decrease was initiated at 5% per hour due to B~aring trouble_ on #12 Conden-sate Pump. Lo'ad was stabilized' at 70% at 0650~ Load was maintained at 70% for the remainder of* the day. 10-11 . Load increase was commenced at 0001 at 5% per hour and stabil-ized at 89% at 0405. Load was h~ld at 89% due to circulators 12A and 12B being out of service. A~ 0740 a lciad decrease

          ~as      initiated at 5% per hour to 82% power at 0820.
  • Load was
         .decreased to take a third circulator.out of ser~ice.           Load remained .at 82%* until 130-0.      Load was gradually increased to
          *94~ by 1500~      At 1545 a load increase ~~s ~niti~ted at 3%

_per hour- to 91% at 1710. Load was held at 91% until condenser tube leaks required load to be decreased at 1720. At 1825 the reactor .was tripped from 77% due to excessive condenser tube leakage. The unit remained shutdown for the remainder of the day. 10-12 On Saturday, October 21, the plant was being heated up and thru pressurized in preparati-on for Start-:UP when at 2130,. #13 10-31 RCP Seal failed causing the RCS to depressurize from 850 PSIA. The remainder of the month, the unit was shutdown for #13 RCP Seal replacement and containment deconing._ Page 17 of 18

      ..                  * *REFUELING INFORMATION e.

DOCKET NO.: 50-277. UNIT: Sa lorn 11 l DATE: November 9, .] ,.,. COMPLETED BY: L *. r<:. Mi lJcr TELE~HONE:G09-365-7000 Ext-so*; MONTH: .Octob~r, 1978

1. Refueling information has changed from last*month:


2. Scheduled date of next refueling: March 31, 1979
3. Scheduled date for restart following _refueling: June 2 3, 19.7 ~
4. A. . Will Technical Specific~tion .changes or ot~er license amendments be* required? YES- NO.
                                                 ~-----    ------
                                      .NOT DETERMINED TO-DATE October.            1978 Be   Has the reload fuel design* been reviewed by the Station Operatin*.,

Review Committee? YES .______NO X ** If no, when is it scheduled? January, 1979

5. Scheduled date(s) for submitting proposed licensing action:

February, _1979 If Required

6. Important licensing considerations associated with r_efueling:


7. Number of Fuel Assemblies:

A. In-Core 193 B. In Spent Fuel Storage

  • 0
8. Present lic.ens~d spent fuel storage capacity: 264 Future ~pent fuel storage capacity:.* i,170
9. Date of last refueling that can be discharged to the spent fuel pool assuming the present licensed capacity:* -April, 1982 Page 18 of 18 . i I

8-l-7.R4* I

  • I
