ENOC-15-00005, Decommissioning Funding Status Report Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc

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Decommissioning Funding Status Report Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc
Person / Time
Site: Palisades, Indian Point, Pilgrim, Vermont Yankee, Big Rock Point, FitzPatrick  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/30/2015
From: Mccann J
Entergy Nuclear Operations
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Download: ML15092A141 (35)


Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc

%Entergy 440 Hamilton Avenue White Plains, NY 10601 Tel 9142723370 John F. McCann Vice President - Nuclear Safety, Emergency Planning and Licensing ENOC-15-00005 March 30, 2015 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738


Decommissioning Funding Status Report -- Enterg¥ Nuclear Operations, Inc Big Rock Point Palisades Nuclear Plant Docket 50-155 Docket 50-255 Indian Point Nuclear James A. FitzPatrick Generating Stations 1, 2, & 3 Nuclear Power Plant Dockets 50-3, 50-247 and 50-286 Docket 50-333 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station Docket 50-293 Docket 50-271


1. NUREG-1307, "Report on Waste Burial Charges," Revision 15, dated January 2013.
2. NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2001-07, "10 CFR 50.75(f)(1) Reports on the Status of Decommissioning Funds (Due March 31, 2001)."
3. NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2014-12, "Decommissioning Fund Status Report Calculations."

Dear Sir or Madam:

10 CFR 50.75(f)(1) requires each power reactor licensee to report to the NRC by March 31, 1999, and every two years thereafter, on the status of its decommissioning funding for each reactor, or share of a reactor, that it owns. 10 CFR 50.82(a)(8)(v) requires licensees of shutdown sites to report to the NRC annually, by March 31, on the status of decommissioning financial assurance for those sites. On behalf of Entergy Nuclear Indian Point 2, LLC (Indian Point 1 & 2), Entergy Nuclear Indian Point 3, LLC, Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee, LLC, Entergy Nuclear Generation Company (Pilgrim Station), Entergy Nuclear FitzPatrick, LLC, and Entergy Nuclear Palisades, LLC (Palisades and Big Rock Point), Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. hereby submits the information requested for power reactors operated by Entergy Nuclear .O(

ENOC-1 5-00005 Page 2 of 4 Operations, Inc. The reports provided in Attachments 1 through 13 for the eight licensed facilities addressed by this filing, were prepared in accordance with NUREG-1307 (Reference 1) and NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2001-07 (Reference 2). Attachments 14 and 15 are updated site specific decommissioning cost estimates for Indian Point Unit 1 and Vermont Yankee, respectively. The Minimum Funding Assurance calculation worksheets, derived from LIC-205 Revision 4, are provided in Attachment 16 for the convenience of the reviewer.

The estimated minimum decommissioning fund values were determined using the NRC's methodology in NUREG-1307 Rev 15. Pursuant to NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2014-12, Entergy Operations, Inc. understands that the NRC has directed licensees to use NUREG-1307 Rev. 15 for this filing.

The trust fund amounts reported for each facility in the responses to item 3 represent the market value of decommissioning trust funds as of December 31, 2014 net of any material current income tax liability on realized gains, interest, dividends and other income of the trusts. The New York Power Authority (NYPA) holds the decommissioning trust funds for Indian Point 3 and FitzPatrick. NYPA is a state agency, and the decommissioning trust funds held by NYPA are not subject to taxes. The trusts for the following plants had estimated balances on their 2014 tax liabilities, not reflected in the trust fund balances, as follows:

Indian Point 1 $ 0 Indian Point 2 $ 0 Indian Point 3 $ 0 Vermont Yankee $2,236,000 Pilgrim $ 0 FitzPatrick $ 0 Palisades $ 0 In accordance with guidance provided by the NRC Staff in April 2014 requests for additional information (Accession No. ML14120A273) that "[fluture 10 CFR 50.75(f) reports should clearly delineate estimate reactor and ISFSI decommissioning costs," the information in Attachments 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 and 9 includes line item 2 identifying the ISFSI decommissioning obligation, escalated from the most recent 10 CFR 72.30 filing. This obligation is also accounted for in the Excess/Shortfall calculations for each plant in Attachment 16.

The aforementioned worksheets, using the December 31, 2014 trust fund balances and parent guarantee amounts, indicate that all of the plants covered by this submittal met or exceeded the NRC's funding requirements. Accordingly, the licensees conclude that no further action is required at this time to demonstrate adequate funding assurance for decommissioning the plants covered by this submittal.

There are no new commitments made in this letter. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. David Mannai, Senior Manager, Fleet Regulatory Assurance at 802-380-1175.

Sincere0, JFM /djm/LJS

ENOC-1 5-00005 Page 3 of 4 Attachments:

1. Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Status of Decommissioning Funding - Indian Point 1
2. Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Status of Decommissioning Funding - Indian Point 2
3. Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Status of Decommissioning Funding - Indian Point 3
4. Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Calculation of Minimum Amount - Indian Point
5. Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Status of Decommissioning Funding - Vermont Yankee
6. Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Calculation of Minimum Amount - Vermont Yankee
7. Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Status of Decommissioning Funding - Pilgrim
8. Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Calculation of Minimum Amount - Pilgrim
9. Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Status of Decommissioning Funding - James A. Fitzpatrick
10. Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Calculation of Minimum Amount - James A. Fitzpatrick
11. Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Status of Decommissioning Funding - Palisades
12. Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Calculation of Minimum Amount - Palisades
13. Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Status of Decommissioning Funding - Big Rock Point
14. Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. IP1 DTF Balance Based on Decommissioning Funding Assurance Plan
15. Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Vermont Yankee Annual Cash Flow Analysis
16. Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Minimum Financial Assurance Calculation Worksheets cc: See next page

ENOC-15-00005 Page 4 of 4 cc:

Mr. J. A. Aluise (ENT)

Mr. J.S. Forbes (ECH)

Mr. B. E. Green (TMBR)

Mr. D. J. Mannai (WPO)

Mr. T. G. Mitchell (ECH)

Mr. L. Jager Smith (ECH)

Mr. J. A. Ventosa (WPO)

Mr. B. Sullivan (JAF)

Mr. J. Dent (PIL)

Mr. L. Coyle (IPEC)

Mr. A. J. Vitale (PAL)

Mr. C. J. Wamser (VTY)

USNRC Regional Administrator, Region I USNRC Regional Administrator, Region III USNRC Project Manager, Indian Point 1 USNRC Project Manager, Indian Point 2 / 3 USNRC Project Manager, J. A. FitzPatrick USNRC Project Manager, Palisades USNRC Project Manager, Pilgrim USNRC Project Manager, Vermont Yankee USNRC Resident Inspector, Indian Point 2 / 3 USNRC Resident Inspector, J. A. FitzPatrick USNRC Resident Inspector, Palisades USNRC Resident Inspector, Pilgrim USNRC Resident Inspector, Vermont Yankee Michigan Department of Environmental Quality Michigan Public Service Commission NYS Department of Public Service Vermont Department of Public Service Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency

Attachment 1 ENOC-15-00005 (Page 1 of 2)

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

Status of Decommissioning Funding - Indian Point 1 For Year Ending December 31, 2014 - 10 CFR 50.75(f)(1) and 10 CFR 50.82(a)(8)(v)

Plant Name: Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit No. 1 10 CFR 50.75(f)(1)

1. Minimum Financial Assurance (MFA) $ 557.97 million [Noel estimated per 10 CFR 50.75(b) and (c) (2014$)
2. ISFSI Obligation as of 12/31/14 $0.195 million
3. Decommissioning Trust Fund Total $ 414.44 million as of 12/31/14
4. A schedule of the annual amounts remaining to be collected None
5. Assumptions used in determining rates of escalation in 2% annual real rate decommissioning costs, rates of earnings on decommissioning of return per 10 funds, and rates of other factors used in funding projections CFR 50.75(e)(1 )(i)
6. Any contracts upon which the licensee is relying pursuant to 10 None CFR 50.75(e)(1 )(v)
7. Modifications occurring to a licensee's current method of providing None financial assurance since the last submitted report
8. Any material changes to trust agreements None Note: This amount is based upon total SAFSTOR expenditures for radiological remediation and license termination set forth in the updated Decommissioning Funding Assurance Plan and SAFSTOR analysis that are provided in Attachment 14. (Calculation of the NRC Minimum Amount is provided in Attachment 4.)

Attachment 1 ENOC-1 5-00005 (Page 2 of 2)

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

Status of Decommissioning Funding - Indian Point 1 For Year Ending December 31, 2014 - 10 CFR 50.75(f)(1) and 10 CFR 50.82(a)(8)(v)

Plant Name: Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit No. 1 10 CFuR 50.82(a)(8)(v)

1. Cumulative decommissioning spending $ 136.02 million


2. 2014 decommissioning spending $ 5.49 million [No"°ll
3. Fund Balance See above in 10 CFR 50.75 information
4. No other financial assurance mechanism is being relied upon, but costs to date have been funded by operations, and not the decommissioning fund.
5. Estimated costs to complete from latest estimate $ 557.97 million [Note2]
6. Estimate is based on unrestricted release of the site per 10 CFR 20.1402
7. Modifications to financial assurance since last report See above in 10 CFR 50.75 information
8. Any material changes to trust agreements See above in 10 CFR 50.75 information Note 1: Entergy does not possess records that would permit determination of charges to IP1 prior to its acquisition in September 2001 by Entergy Nuclear Indian Point 2, LLC. The costs presented here represent those costs charged in 2014 and the total costs that have been assigned to IP1 since 2001. Entergy has not fully determined what portion of thoses costs would be considered "decommissioning" costs as that term is defined in 10 CFR 50.2.

Note 2: This amount is based upon total SAFSTOR expenditures for radiological remediation and license termination set forth in the updated Decommissioning Funding Assurance Plan and SAFSTOR analysis that are provided in Attachment 14. (Calculation of the NRC Minimum Amount is provided in Attachment 4.) This estimate does not include 2014 spending because current costs are being paid out of operating funds.

Attachment 2 ENOC-1 5-00005 (Page 1 of 1)

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

Status of Decommissioning Funding - Indian Point 2 For Year Ending December 31, 2014 - 10 CFR 50.75(f)(1)

Plant Name: Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit No. 2

1. Minimum Financial Assurance (MFA) $524.08 million lNoto11 estimated per 10 CFR 50.75(b) and (c) (2014$)
2. ISFSI Obligation as of 12/31/14 $1.88 million
3. Decommissioning Trust Fund Total as of 12/31/14 $529.41 million (Noto2J
4. A schedule of the annual amounts remaining to be collected None
5. Assumptions used in determining rates of escalation in 2% annual real rate decommissioning costs, rates of earnings on decommissioning of return per 10 funds, and rates of other factors used in funding projections CFR 50.75(e)(1)(i)
6. Any contracts upon which the licensee is relying pursuant to 10 None CFR 50.75(e)(1 )(v)
7. Modifications occurring to a licensee's current method of providing None financial assurance since the last submitted report
8. Any material changes to trust agreements None Note 1 :Calculation of the NRC Minimum Amount is provided in Attachment 4.

Note 2: Includes provisional fund balance of $31.8 million.

Attachment 3 ENOC-15-00005 (Page 1 of 1)

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

Status of Decommissioning Funding - Indian Point 3 For Year Ending December 31, 2014 - 10 CFR 50.75(f)(1)

Plant Name: Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit No. 3

1. Minimum Financial Assurance (MFA) $524.08 million [Note]

estimated per 10 CFR 50.75(b) and (c) (2014$)

2. ISFSI Obligation as of 12/31/14 $2.08 million
3. Decommissioning Trust Fund Total $ 676.65 million as of 12/31/14
4. A schedule of the annual amounts remaining to be collected None
5. Assumptions used in determining rates of escalation in 2% annual real rate decommissioning costs, rates of earnings on decommissioning of return per 10 funds, and rates of other factors used in funding projections CFR 50.75(e)(1 )(i)
6. Any contracts upon which the licensee is relying pursuant to 10 None CFR 50.75(e)(1 )(v)
7. Modifications occurring to a licensee's current method of providing None financial assurance since the last submitted report
8. Any material changes to trust agreements None Note: Calculation of the NRC Minimum Amount is provided in Attachment 4.

Attachment 4 ENOC-1 5-00005 (Page 1 of 1)

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

Calculation of Minimum Amount - Indian Point For Year Ending December 31, 2014 - 10 CFR 50.75(f)(1)

Entergy Nuclear Indian Point 2, LLC: 100% ownership interest of Indian Point 1 & 2 Entergy Nuclear Indian Point 3, LLC: 100% ownership interest of Indian Point 3 Plant Location: Buchanan, New York Reactor Type: Pressurized Water Reactor ("PWR")

Indian Point Unit 1 Power Level: <3,400 MWt (615 MWt)

Indian Point Unit 1 PWR Base Year 1986$: $85,560,000 Indian Point Unit 2 Power Level: <3,400 MWt (3,216 MWt)

Indian Point Unit 2 PWR Base Year 1986$: $103,300,800 Indian Point Unit 3 Power Level: <3,400 MWt (3,216 MWt)

Indian Point Unit 3 PWR Base Year 1986$: $103,300,800Labor Region: North Waste Burial Facility: Generic Disposal Site 10CFR50.75(c)(2) Escalation Factor Formula:

0.65(L) +0.13(E) +0.22(B)

Factor L=Labor (North) 2.661 E=Energy (PWR) 2.222 B=Waste Burial-Vendor (PWR) 13.8853 PWR Escalation Factor:

0.65(L) +0.13(E) +0.22(B)= 5.07334 1986 PWR Base Year $ Escalated:

Indian Point 1: $85,560,000

  • Factor= $434,074-65A Indian Point 2 & 3: $103,300,800
  • Factor= $524,07 698 1

Bureau of Labor Statistics, Series Report ID: CIU2010000000210i (4 th Quarter 2014) 2 Bureau of Labor Statistics, Series Report ID: wpu0543 and wpu0573 (December 2014) 3 Nuclear Regulatory Commission: NUREG-1307 Revision 15, Table 2.1 (2012)

Attachment 5 ENOC-15-00005 (Page 1 of 2)

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

Status of Decommissioning Funding Vermont Yankee For Year Endinq December 31, 2014 - 10 CFR 50.75(f)(1) and 10 CFR 50.82(a)(8)(v)

Plant Name: Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station 10 CFR 50.75(f)(1)

1. Minimum Financial Assurance (MFA) $ 817.22 million [Note11 estimated per 10 CFR 50.75(b) and (c) (2014$)
2. ISFSI Obligation as of 12/31/14 $5.06 million [NoWe21
3. Decommissioning Trust Fund Total $ 664.56 million as of 12/31/14
4. A schedule of the annual amounts remaining to be collected None
5. Assumptions used in determining rates of escalation in 2% annual real rate decommissioning costs, rates of earnings on decommissioning of return per 10 CFR funds, and rates of other factors used in funding projections 50.75(e)(1)(i)
6. Any contracts upon which the licensee is relying pursuant to 10 None CFR 50.75(e)(1 )(v)
7. Modifications occurring to a licensee's current method of None providing financial assurance since the last submitted report
8. Any material changes to trust agreements None Note 1: This amount is based upon total SAFSTOR expenditures for radiological remediation and license termination set forth in the updated Decommissioning Funding Assurance Plan and SAFSTOR analysis provided in Attachment 15. (Calculation of the NRC Minimum Amount is provided in Attachment 6).

Note 2: From Vermont Yankee's Update to Irradiated Fuel Management Program Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(bb), December 19, 2014 (Accession No. ML14358A251).

Attachment 5 ENOC-1 5-00005 (Page 2 of 2)

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

Status of Decommissioning Funding Vermont Yankee For Year Ending December 31, 2014 - 10 CFR 50.75(f)(1) and 10 CFR 50.82(a)(8)(v)

Plant Name: Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station 10 CFR 50.82(a)(8)(v)

1. Cumulative decommissioning spending through 12/31/2014 $ 0 million
2. 2014 decommissioning spending $ 0 million (No1oll
3. Fund Balance See above in 10 CFR 50.75 information
4. No other financial assurance mechanism is being relied upon, but costs through 12/31/2014 have been funded by operations, and not from the decommissioning fund.
5. Estimated costs to complete from latest estimate $ 817.22 million
6. Estimate is based on unrestricted release of the site per 10 CFR 20.1402
7. Modifications to financial assurance since last report See above in 10 CFR 50.75 information
8. Any material changes to trust agreements See above in 10 CFR 50.75 information Note 1: This estimate does not include 2014 spending because 2014 costs were paid out of operating funds and are planned to be repaid from the nuclear decommissioning trust in 2015 or later.

Attachment 6 ENOC-1 5-00005 (Page 1 of 1)

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

Calculation of Minimum Amount - Vermont Yankee For Year Ending December 31, 2014 - 10 CFR 50.75(f)(1)

Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee LLC.: 100% ownership interest Plant Location: Vernon, Vermont Reactor Type: Boiling Water Reactor ("BWR")

Power Level: <3,400 MWt (1912 MWt)

BWR Base Year 1986$: $121,208,000 Labor Region: North Waste Burial Facility: Generic Disposal Site 10CFR50.75(c)(2) Escalation Factor Formula:

0.65(L) +0.13(E) +0.22(B)

Factor L=Labor (North) 2.661 E=Energy (BWR) 2.252 B=Waste Burial-Vendor (BWR) 14.1603 BWR Escalation Factor:

0.65(L) +0.13(E) +0.22(B)= 5.13807 1986 BWR Base Year $ Escalated:


  • Factor= $622,775,764 1

Bureau of Labor Statistics, Series Report ID: ClU2010000000210i ( 4th Quarter 2014) 2 Bureau of Labor Statistics, Series Report ID: wpu0543 and wpu0573 (December 2014) 3 Nuclear Regulatory Commission: NUREG-1307 Revision 15, Table 2.1 (2012)

Attachment 7 ENOC-1 5-00005 (Page 1 of 1)

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

Status of Decommissioning Funding - Pilgrim For Year Ending December 31, 2014 - 10 CFR 50.75(f)(1)

Plant Name: Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station

1. Minimum Financial Assurance (MFA) $ 628.14 million [Note]

estimated per 10 CFR 50.75(b) and (c) (2014$)

2. ISFSI Obligation as of 12/31/14 $2.89 million
3. Decommissioning Trust Fund Total $ 896.42 million as of 12/31/14
4. A schedule of the annual amounts remaining to be collected None
5. Assumptions used in determining rates of escalation in 2% annual real rate decommissioning costs, rates of earnings on decommissioning of return per 10 CFR funds, and rates of other factors used in funding projections 50.75(e)(1)(i)
6. Any contracts upon which the licensee is relying pursuant to 10 None CFR 50.75(e)(1 )(v)
7. Modifications occurring to a licensee's current method of None providing financial assurance since the last submitted report
8. Any material changes to trust agreements None Note: Calculation of the NRC Minimum Amount is provided in Attachment 8.

Attachment 8 ENOC-1 5-00005 (Page 1 of 1)

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

Calculation of Minimum Amount - Pilgrim For Year Ending December 31, 2014 - 10 CFR 50.75(f)(1)

Entergy Nuclear Generation Co.: 100% ownership interest Plant Location: Plymouth, Massachusetts Reactor Type: Boiling Water Reactor ("BWR")

Power Level: <3,400 MWt (2028 MWt)

BWR Base Year 1986$: $122,252,000 Labor Region: North Waste Burial Facility: Generic Disposal Site 10CFR50.75(c)(2) Escalation Factor Formula:

0.65(L) +0.13(E) +0.22(B)

Factor L=Labor (North) 2.661 E=Energy (BWR) 2.252 B=Waste Burial-Vendor (BWR) 14.160' BWR Escalation Factor:

0.65(L) +0.13(E) +0.22(B)= 5.13807 1986 BWR Base Year $ Escalated:


  • Factor= $628,139,915 1

Bureau of Labor Statistics, Series Report ID: CIU2010000000210i (4 th Quarter 2014) 2 Bureau of Labor Statistics, Series Report ID: wpu0543 and wpu0573 (December 2014) 3 Nuclear Regulatory Commission: NUREG-1307 Revision 15, Table 2.1 (2012)

Attachment 9 ENOC-1 5-00005 (Page 1 of 1)

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

Status of Decommissioning Funding - James A. Fitzpatrick For Year Ending December 31, 2014 - 10 CFR 50.75(f)(1)

Plant Name: James A. Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant

1. Minimum Financial Assurance (MFA) $ 651.63 million [Notol estimated per 10 CFR 50.75(b) and (c) (2014$)

$ 3.03 million

2. ISFSI Obligation as of 12/31/14
3. Decommissioning Trust Fund Total $ 738.34 million as of 12/31/14
4. A schedule of the annual amounts remaining to be collected None
5. Assumptions used in determining rates of escalation in 2% annual real rate decommissioning costs, rates of earnings on of return per 10 CFR decommissioning funds, and rates of other factors used in 50.75(e)(1)(i) funding projections
6. Any contracts upon which the licensee is relying pursuant to None 10 CFR 50.75(e)(1)(v)
7. Modifications occurring to a licensee's current method of None providing financial assurance since the last submitted report
8. Any material changes to trust agreements None Note: Calculation of the NRC Minimum Amount is provided in Attachment 10.

Attachment 10 ENOC-1 5-00005 (Page 1 of 1)

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

Calculation of Minimum Amount - James A. Fitzpatrick For Year Endina December 31. 2014 - 10 CFR 50.75(t)(1)

Entergy Nuclear FitzPatrick LLC.: 100% ownership interest Plant Location: Oswego, New York Reactor Type: Boiling Water Reactor ("BWR")

Power Level: <3,400 MWt (2536 MWt)

BWR Base Year 1986$: $126,824,000 Labor Region: North Waste Burial Facility: Generic Disposal Site 10CFR50.75(c)(2) Escalation Factor Formula:

0.65(L) +0.13(E) +0.22(B)

Factor L=Labor (North) 2.661 E=Energy (BWR) 2.252 B=Waste Burial-Vendor (BWR) 14.1603 BWR Escalation Factor:

0.65(L) +0.13(E) +0.22(B)= 5.13807 1986 BWR Base Year $ Escalated:


  • Factor= $651,631,192 1

Bureau of Labor Statistics, Series Report ID: CIU2010000000210i (4 th Quarter 2014) 2 Bureau of Labor Statistics, Series Report ID: wpu0543 and wpu0573 (December 2014) 3 Nuclear Regulatory Commission: NUREG-1307 Revision 15, Table 2.1 (2012)

Attachment 11 ENOC-1 5-00005 (Page 1 of 1)

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

Status of Decommissioning Funding - Palisades For Year Ending December 31, 2014 - 10 CFR 50.75(f)(1)

Plant Name: Palisades Nuclear Plant

1. Minimum Financial Assurance (MFA) $ 484.94 million [Note]

estimated per 10 CFR 50.75(b) and (c) (2014$)

$ 3.97 million

2. ISFSI Obligation as of 12/31/14
3. Decommissioning Trust Fund Total $ 384.16 million as of 12/31/14
4. A schedule of the annual amounts remaining to be None collected
5. Assumptions used in determining rates of escalation in 2% annual real rate of decommissioning costs, rates of earnings on return per 10 CFR decommissioning funds, and rates of other factors used in 50.75(e)(1)(i) funding projections
6. Any contracts upon which the licensee is relying pursuant None to 10 CFR 50.75(e)(1)(v)
7. Modifications occurring to a licensee's current method of None providing financial assurance since the last submitted report
8. Any material changes to trust agreements None Note: Calculation of the NRC Minimum Amount is provided in Attachment 12.

Attachment 12 ENOC-1 5-00005 (Page 1 of 1)

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

Calculation of Minimum Amount - Palisades For Year Ending December 31, 2014 - 10 CFR 50.75(f)(1)

Entergy Nuclear Palisades LLC.: 100% ownership interest Plant Location: Covert, Michigan Reactor Type: Pressure Water Reactor ("PWR")

Power Level: <3,400 MWt (2565 MWt)

PWR Base Year 1986$: $97,572,000 Labor Region: Midwest Waste Burial Facility: Generic Disposal Site 10CFR50.75(c)(2) Escalation Factor Formula:

0.65(L) +0.13(E) +0.22(B)

Factor L=Labor (Midwest) 2.5013" E=Energy (PWR) 2.2214 B=Waste Burial-Vendor (PWR) 13.88515 PWR Escalation Factor:

0.65(L) +0.13(E) +0.22(B)= 4.97006 1986 PWR Base Year $ Escalated:


  • Factor= $484,939,114 13 Bureau of Labor Statistics, Series Report ID: ClU2010000000230i (4t' Quarter 2014) 14 Bureau of Labor Statistics, Series Report ID: wpu0543 and wpu0573 (December 2014) 15 Nuclear Regulatory Commission: NUREG-1 307 Revision 15, Table 2.1 (2012)

Attachment 13 ENOC-1 5-00005 (Page 1 of 1)

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

Status of Decommissioning Funding - Big Rock Point For Year Ending December 31, 2014 - 10 CFR 50.75(f)(1)

Plant Name: Big Rock Point ISFSI

1. Amount of decommissioning funds required from $ 1.63 million (Notel1 most recent estimate (2014 dollars).
2. Decommissioning Funding Assurance Method. Parent Guarantee ($5 million)
3. A schedule of the annual amounts remaining to None be collected
4. Assumptions used in determining rates of Escalation rate: CPIU escalation in decommissioning costs, rates of earnings on decommissioning funds, and rates of Rate of earnings: n/a other factors used in funding projections
5. Any contracts upon which the licensee is relying None pursuant to 10 CFR 50.75(e)(1)(v)
6. Modifications occurring to a licensee's current None method of providing financial assurance since the last submitted report
7. Any material changes to trust agreements None Note 1: See 10 CFR §72.30 filing for Big Rock Point, dated December 13, 2012, Accession No. ML12352A126. Adjusted for inflation.

Attachment 14 ENOC-15-00005 (Page 1 of 4)

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

IP1 DTF Balance Based on Decommissioning Funding Assurance Plan For Year Ending December 31, 2014 - 10 CFR 50.75(f)(1)

On October 23, 2008, Entergy Nuclear Indian Point 2, LLC (ENIP2) submitted a preliminary decommissioning cost analysis to the NRC in conjunction with its spent fuel management plan under 10 CFR 50.75(f)(3) and 10 CFR 50.54(bb) (Accession No. ML083040378, as supplemented by ENIP2's reply to RAls on July 15, 2009 (Accession No. ML092050204). The preliminary decommissioning cost analysis contained separate site-specific decommissioning cost estimates for Indian Point 1 and Indian Point 2. The estimates were subsequently found to be reasonable by the NRC on March 17, 2010 (Accession No. ML100280544).

Pursuant to Regulatory Guide 1.159, Revision 2, adjustment to the site-specific cost estimates should be made at least once a year for the effects of inflation. Adjustment to site-specific cost estimates for the effects of technological and status changes should be made according to the amount of change experienced, as appropriate, but in no event, less than once every 5 years.

As such, ENIP2 has updated the aforementioned estimates consistent with the requirements of Regulatory Guide 1.159, Revision 2.

ENIP2 has determined that use of a SAFSTOR analysis shows that there is presently reasonable assurance that adequate funds will be available for the decommissioning process in compliance with NRC decommissioning funding assurance rules.

Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.75(e)(1)(i), "A licensee that has prepaid funds based on a site-specific estimate under § 50.75(b)(1) of this section may take, credit for projected earnings on the prepaid decommissioning trust funds, using up to a 2 percent annual real rate of return from the time of future funds' collection through the projected decommissioning period, provided that the site-specific estimate is based on a period of safe storage that is specifically described in the estimate." ENIP2 understands that a facility-specific analysis may be used for demonstrating the adequacy of decommissioning funds, provided that "the NRC-required cost estimate for decommissioning costs as defined in 10 CFR 50.2 is equal to or greater than the amount stated in the formulas in 10 CFR 50.75(c)(1) and (2) as the basis for justifying a higher than minimum funding level." (Regulatory Guide 1.159 Rev. 2, Section 1.1.1.) ENIP2 also understands that NRC should be provided the analysis, and that the analysis should include data for each year of the analysis.

The updated Indian Point 1 site-specific decommissioning cost estimate is based on a period of safe storage that is specifically described in the estimate, namely storage until 2075, at which time the plant will be decommissioned and the site released for alternative use without restriction. Table 14-1 below provides the annual license termination costs computed in the updated estimate. These costs to date have been funded by operations, and not by the decommissioning fund. The decommissioning trust fund (DTF) ending balance is escalated each year by the 2% real growth figure allowed pursuant to 10 CFR 50.75(e)(1)(i).

Attachment 14 ENOC-1 5-00005 (Page 2 of 4)

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

IP1 DTF Balance Based on Decommissioning Funding Assurance Plan For Year Ending December 31, 2014 - 10 CFR 50.75(f)(1)

Table 14-1 NRC License Termination Cost

($ millions 2014 $ Unit Ending DTF 1 Radiological Balance 2014 414.436 2015 0.946 421.778 2016 3.784 426.429 2017 3.784 431.174 2018 3.795 436.002 2019 3.784 440.938 2020 3.784 445.972 2021 3.784 451.108 2022 3.795 456.335 2023 3.784 461.677 2024 3.784 467.126 2025 3.784 472.685 2026 3.795 478.344 2027 3.784 484.126 2028 3.784 490.024 2029 3.784 496.040 2030 3.795 502.167 2031 3.784 508.426 2032 3.784 514.810 2033 3.784 521.322 2034 3.795 527.953 2035 3.784 534.728 2036 3.784 541.638 2037 3.784 548.687 2038 3.795 555.866 2039 3.784 563.199 2040 3.784 570.678 2041 3.784 578.307 2042 3.795 586.079 2043 3.784 594.016 2044 3.784 602.112 2045 3.784 610.370 2046 3.795 618.783 2047 3.784 627.374 2048 3.784 636.137 2049 3.784 645.075

Attachment 14 ENOC-1 5-00005 (Page 3 of 4)

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

IP1 DTF Balance Based on Decommissioning Funding Assurance Plan For Year Ending December 31, 2014 - 10 CFR 50.75(f)(1) 2050 3.795 654.182 2051 3.784 663.481 2052 3.784 672.967 2053 3.784 682.642 2054 3.795 692.500 2055 3.784 702.565 2056 3.784 712.832 2057 3.784 723.305 2058 3.795 733.976 2059 3.784 744.871 2060 3.795 755.974 2061 3.784 767.309 2062 3.784 778.871 2063 3.784 790.664 2064 3.795 802.683 2065 27.795 790.941 2066 61.062 745.698 2067 102.265 658.346 2068 109.050 562.464 2069 15.701 558.012 2070 15.900 553.272 2071 15.900 548.437 2072 15.944 543.461 2073 7.841 546.489 Total 557.974

Attachment 14 ENOC-15-00005 (Page 4 of 4)

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

IPI DTF Balance Based on Decommissioning Funding Assurance Plan For Year Ending December 31, 2014 - 10 CFR 50.75(f)(1)

As can be seen from the information provided in Table 14-1, the required funding for SAFSTOR decommissioning, $557.97 million, is greater than the NRC formula amount per 10 CFR 50.75(b) and 1(c) of $434.07 million, therefore, the site-specific analysis complies with the requirement from Regulatory Guide 1.159 section 1.1.1 previously discussed. The foregoing SAFSTOR analysis shows that when the December 31, 2014 DTF balance is escalated at the allowable rate and compared against the annual figures for the SAFSTOR period, an approximately $546.49 million surplus exists at the end of the decommissioning project.

Accordingly, ENIP2 concludes that no further action is required at this time to demonstrate adequate funding assurance for decommissioning Indian Point 1.

Attachment 15 ENOC-1 5-00005 (Page 1 of 5)

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

Vermont Yankee Annual Cash Flow Analysis For Year Ending December 31, 2014 - 10 CFR 50.75(f)(1)

Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station (Vermont Yankee) permanently ceased operations on December 29, 2014. The Vermont Yankee decommissioning trust fund balance is approximately $665 million as of December 31, 2014. Tables 3.4 and 3.5 of the site-specific decommissioning cost estimate (Reference 1, Attachment 1) set forth the estimated annual expenditures for license termination and spent fuel management, respectively. A cash flow analysis utilizing this annual expenditure information is included as Table 15-1.

The cash flow analysis demonstrates that the Vermont Yankee decommissioning trust fund is sufficiently funded for all license termination activities and certain spent fuel management activities (i.e., operational costs). As discussed in the Irradiated Fuel Management Program Update (Reference 2) costs related to spent fuel management operations (e.g., operations and maintenance costs for the spent fuel pool and Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation, totaling approximately $225 million) will be funded from the decommissioning trust fund, assuming that Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. obtains an exemption that allows the use of trust funds for spent fuel management activities.

The licensee has determined that use of a SAFSTOR analysis shows that there is presently reasonable assurance that adequate funds will be available for the decommissioning process in compliance with NRC decommissioning funding assurance rules; Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.75(e)(1)(i), "A licensee that has prepaid funds based on a site-specific estimate under § 50.75(b)(1) of this section may take, credit for projected earnings on the prepaid decommissioning trust funds, using up to a 2 percent annual real rate of return from the time of future funds' collection through the projected decommissioning period, provided that the site-specific estimate is based on a period of safe storage that is specifically described in the estimate." The licensee understands that a facility-specific analysis may be used for demonstrating the adequacy of decommissioning funds, provided that "the NRC-required cost estimate for decommissioning costs as defined in 10 CFR 50.2 is equal to or greater than the amount stated in the formulas in 10 CFR 50.75(c)(1) and (2) as the basis for justifying a higher than minimum funding level." (Regulatory Guide 1.159 Rev. 2, Section 1.1.1.) The licensee also understands that NRC should be provided the analysis, and that the analysis should include data for each year of the analysis. An updated decommissioning estimate was provided with the licensee's Post Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report on December 19, 2014 (Accession No. ML14357A110).

The updated Vermont Yankee site-specific decommissioning cost estimate is based on a period of safe storage that is specifically described in the estimate, namely storage until approximately 2068, at which time the plant will be decommissioned and the site released for alternative use without restriction. Table 15-1 below provides the annual license termination and spent fuel management costs computed in the updated estimate. These costs to date have been funded by operations, and not by the decommissioning fund. The decommissioning trust fund (DTF) ending balance is escalated each year by the 2% real growth figure allowed pursuant to 10 CFR 50.75(e)(1)(i).

Thus, considering the fund balance of $665 million, as of December 31, 2014, and projected fund earnings during the SAFSTOR period (assuming an annual 2% growth rate), the trust fund

Attachment 15 ENOC-1 5-00005 (Page 2 of 5)

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

Vermont Yankee Annual Cash Flow Analysis For Year Endinq December 31. 2014 - 10 CFR 50.75(f)(1) is expected to have an excess of $181.26 million after completion of license termination and the operational spent fuel management activities that will be funded by the trust fund.


1. Letter, Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. to USNRC, "Post Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report," BVY 14-078, dated December 19, 2014 (Accession No. ML14357A110).
2. Letter, Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. to USNRC, "Update to Irradiated Fuel Management Program Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(bb)," BVY 14-085, dated December 19, 2014 (Accession No. ML14358A251).

Table 15-1 Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station - SAFSTOR Methodology Annual Cash Flow Analysis - Total License Termination, Spent Fuel Management less Dry Fuel Costs (In Millions in 2014 Dollars) (see column definitions below)

Year Column I Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Column 7 Column 8 Column 9 50.75 50.54 (bb) Exclude License Beginning Withdraw Contribute Trust Year License Spent Fuel Dry Fuel Termination of Year (millions) (millions) Fund Ending Termination Management Spent Fuel Cost plus Trust Fund Earnings Trust Cost Cost Management Spent Fuel Balance (millions) Fund (millions) (millions) Cost Management (millions) Balance (millions) Cost less (millions)

Dry Fuel Cost (millions) 2015 96,362 14,319 10,001 100,680 664,558 100,680* 0 11,278 575,155 2016 36,126 29,506 7,613 58,018 575,155 58,018 0 10,343 527,480 2017 10,823 49,049 28,873 31,000 527,480 31,000 0 9,930 506,409 2018 9,548 62,330 41,644 30,235 506,409 30,235 0 9,523 485,698 2019 8,173 59,684 39,516 28,342 485,698 28,342 0 9,147 466,503 2020 17,763 20,745 10,420 28,088 466,503 28,088 0 8,768 447,183 2021 5,241 3,996 9,237 447,183 9,237 0 8,759 446,705 2022 5,191 3,996 9,187 446,705 9,187 0 8,750 446,269 2023 5,191 3,996 9,187 446,269 9,187 0 8,742 445,824 2024 3,650 4,007 7,657 445,824 7,657 0 8,763 446,930 2025 3,591 3,996 7,587 446,930 7,587 0 8,787 448,130 2026 3,733 3,996 7,729 448,130 7,729 0 8,808 449,209 2027 3,783 3,996 7,779 449,209 7,779 0 8,829 450,259 2028 3,742 4,007 7,749 450,259 7,749 0 8,850 451,361

Attachment 15 ENOC-15-00005 (Page 3 of 5)

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

Vermont Yankee Annual Cash Flow Analysis For Year Ending December 31, 2014 - 10 CFR 50.75(f)(1) 2029 3,733 3,996 7,729 451,361 7,729 0 8,873 452,505 2030 3,783 3,996 7,779 452,505 7,779 0 8,895 453,621 2031 3,733 3,996 7,729 453,621 7,729 0 8,918 454,810 2032 3,742 4,007 7,749 454,810 7,749 0 8,941 456,002 2033 3,783 3,996 7,779 456,002 7,779 0 8,964 457,188 2034 3,733 3,996 7,729 457,188 7,729 0 8,989 458,448 2035 3,733 3,996 7,729 458,448 7,729 0 9,014 459,734 2036 3,792 4,007 7,799 459,734 7,799 0 9,039 460,974 2037 3,733 3,996 7,729 460,974 7,729 0 9,065 462,310 2038 3,733 3,996 7,729 462,310 7,729 0 9,092 463,673 2039 3,783 3,996 7,779 463,673 7,779 0 9,118 465,012 2040 3,742 4,007 7,749 465,012 7,749 0 9,145 466,409 2041 3,733 3,996 7,729 466,409 7,729 0 9,174 467,853 2042 3,783 3,996 7,779 467,853 7,779 0 9,201 469,276 2043 3,733 3,996 7,729 469,276 7,729 0 9,231 470,778 2044 3,742 4,007 7,749 470,778 7,749 0 9,261 472,290 2045 3,783 3,996 7,779 472,290 7,779 0 9,290 473,802 2046 3,733 3,996 7,729 473,802 7,729 0 9,321 475,394 2047 3,733 3,996 7,729 475,394 7,729 0 9,353 477,019 2048 3,792 4,007 7,799 477,019 7,799 0 9,384 478,605 2049 3,733 3,996 7,729 478,605 7,729 0 9,418 480,293 2050 3,733 3,996 7,729 480,293 7,729 0 9,451 482,016 2051 3,783 3,996 7,779 482,016 7,779 0 9,485 483,722 2052 3,742 4,007 7,749 483,722 7,749 0 9,519 485,493 2053 3,583 0 3,583 485,493 3,583 0 9,638 491,548 2054 3,633 0 3,633 491,548 3,633 0 9,758 497,674 2055 3,583 0 3,583 497,674 3,583 0 9,882 503,973 2056 3,591 0 3,591 503,973 3,591 0 10,008 510,389 2057 3,633 0 3,633 510,389 3,633 0 10,135 516,892 2058 3,583 0 3,583 516,892 3,583 0 10,266 523,575 2059 3,583 0 3,583 523,575 3,583 0 10,400 530,393 2060 3,641 0 3,641 530,393 3,641 0 10,535 537,286 2061 3,583 0 3,583 537,286 3,583 0 10,674 544,378 2062 3,583 0 3,583 544,378 3,583 0 10,816 551,611 2063 3,633 0 3,633 551,611 3,633 0 10,960 558,938 2064 3,591 0 3,591 558,938 3,591 0 11,107 566,453 2065 3,583 0 3,583 566,453 3,583 0 11,257 574,128 2066 3,633 0 3,633 574,128 3,633 0 11,410 581,906

Attachment 15 ENOC-1 5-00005 (Page 4 of 5)

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

Vermont Yankee Annual Cash Flow Analysis For Year Ending December 31, 2014 - 10 CFR 50.75(f)(1) 2067 3,583 0 3,583 581,906 3,583 0 11,566 589,889 2068 43,277 0 43,277 589,889 43,277 0 10,932 557,545 2069 92,030 0 92,030 557,545 92,030 0 9,310 474,825 2070 104,519 0 104,519 474,825 104,519 0 7,406 377,713 2071 84,524 0 84,524 377,713 84,524 0 5,864 299,053 2072 84,953 0 84,953 299,053 84,953 0 4,282 218,382 2073 50,139 0 50,139 218,382 50,139 0 3,365 171,607 2074 512 0 512 171,607 512 0 3,422 174,518 2075 295 0 295 174,518 295 0 3,484 177,707 2076 0 0 0 177,707 0 0 3,554 181,261 817,219 363,595 138,066 1,042,748 664,558 1,042,748 0 559,451 181,261

  • As noted in Attachment 5 above, 2014 costs were paid out of operating funds and are planned to be repaid from the nuclear decommissioning trust in 2015 or later. For purposes only of this filing, the Column 6 withdrawal amount for 2015 assumes all of the 2014 decommissioning expenditures (approximately $15.2 million) will be withdrawn in from the decommissioning trust in 2015.

As can be seen from the information provided in Table 15-1, the required funding for SAFSTOR decommissioning, $817.2 million, is greater than the NRC formula amount per 10 CFR 50.75(b) and 1(c) of $622.8 million, therefore, the site-specific analysis complies with the requirement from Regulatory Guide 1.159 section 1.1.1 previously discussed. The foregoing SAFSTOR analysis shows that when the December 31, 2014 DTF balance is escalated at the allowable rate and compared against the annual figures for the SAFSTOR period, an approximately

$188.7 million surplus exists at the end of the decommissioning project. Accordingly, the licensee concludes that no further action is required at this time to demonstrate adequate funding assurance for decommissioning Vermont Yankee.

Table 15-1 Definitions:

Column 1: 50.75 License Termination Cost Reflects the Total Annual License Termination Plan cost in 2014 dollars at a 0.0% escalation rate Column 2: 50.54 (bb) m m Spent m

Fuel Management mm Cost Reflects the Total Annual Irradiated Fuel Management Plan cost in 2014 dollars at a 0.0% escalation rate

Attachment 15 ENOC-15-00005 (Page 5 of 5)

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

Vermont Yankee Annual Cash Flow Analysis For Year Ending December 31, 2014 - 10 CFR 50.75(f)(1)

Column 3: Exclude Transfer to Dry Fuel Storage Cost Reflects the Transfer to Dry Fuel Storage Cost included in Column 2 that is planned to be funded by external credit facilities, in 2014 dollars at a 0.0%

escalation rate Column 4: License Termination Cost plus Spent Fuel Management Cost less Transfer to Dry Fuel Storage Cost Reflects the Total Annual License Termination Plan cost plus Total Spent Fuel Management Plan cost less Transfer to Dry Fuel Storage cost all in 2014 dollars at a 0.0% escalation rate (Column 1 + Column 2 - Column 3)

Column 5: Beginning of Year Trust Fund Balance Reflects the beginning of year Trust Fund balance in 2014 dollars at a 0.0%

escalation rate and 2.0% Fund Earnings Column 6: Withdraw Reflects the annual expenditures from the Trust Fund in 2014 dollars at a 0.0%

escalation rate (equals Column 4)

Column 7: Contribute Reflects the annual contributions to the Trust Fund in 2014 dollars at a 0.0%

escalation rate Column 8: Trust Fund Earnings Reflects earnings on funds remaining in the trust. A 2.0% Earnings rate is used over a 0.0% cost escalation rate. The Annual 2.0% earnings are calculated on the beginning balance less 100% of the projected annual expenditure for each year. (Column 5 - 100% of Column 6

  • 2.0%)

Column 9: Year Ending Trust Fund Balance Reflects the end of year Trust Fund balance after all projected earnings are added and all projected expenditures are deducted for year end specified at a 0.0% escalation rate and 2.0% Fund Earnings in 2014 dollars. (Column 5 -

Column 6 + Column 7 + Column 8)

Attachment 16 ENOC-15-00005 (Page 1 of 7)

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

Minimum Financial Assurance Calculation Worksheets Plant name: Indian Point Energy Center, Unit 1 Month Day Year Year of Biennial: 12 31 2014 Termination of Operation: 9 28 2013 I MWth I

1 4

I ECI Base Lx I I

0.65 I

4 t- Ir Px I Fx I I I I PWR 615 r $85,560,000 r 123.2 2.16 1 [ 2.66 1.883 r 2.695 1 0.13 [ 2.22 1 0.22 1 13.885 1 NRC Minimum: $434,074,654 Site Specific: $565,542,258 I Ucensee: I %Owned: I Amount of NRC Minimum/Site Specific: LAmount in Trust Fundl I~- - -

i atiergyy IuU.WUU7O i "+,++ '011 1 Note: See Attachment 14 for adequacy of the trust fund.

Attachment 16 ENOC-15-00005 (Page 2 of 7)

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

Minimum Financial Assurance Calculation Worksheets Plant name: Indian Point Energy Center, Unit 2 Month Day Year Year of Biennial: 12 31 2014 Termination of Operation: 9 28 2013 I I IWth I 6 I Ec, I

Base Lx I!AI Px I Fx I g I I §_.I PWR 3216 [$103,300,8oo[ 123.2 2.16 1 0.65 [ 2.66 [ 1.880 [ 2.695 I 0.13 [ 2.22 I 0.22 1 8151 NRC Minimum: $524,079,698 Site Specific:

S License: I %Owned: I Amount of NRC Minimum/Site Specific: lAmount in Trust Fundi I Entergy 1 100.00% 1 $524,079,698 1 $529,407,345 1 Step 1:

Earnings Credit:

Real Rate of Years Left Total Real I Trust Fund Balance: Return per in License Rate of I Total Earnings: I

$529,407,345 2% I 0.00 1.00000 1 $529,407,345 ITotal Earnings = Trust Fund balance x (l+RRR)^Years left in license Step 2:


Value of Annuity per Real Rate of I year Return per Years of Annuity: Total Annuity:

$0 2% 0 $0 Real Rate of Years remaining after Total Annuity Retu per annuity Total Step 2

$0 2% 0

$0 I Tot*

al Step 1 + Step 2

$529,407,345 Step 3:

Decom Period:

Real Rate of Decom Total Real Total Earnings: Return per Period: Rate of Total Earnins for Decom:

$529,407,345 2% 71 0.14869 $39,357,642 ITotal Earnings for Decom = (112) x Total Earnings x [(1+RRR)^Decom period - 11 Total of Steps 1 - 3: 1

$568,764,988 ITotal = Total Earnings+ Total Earnings for Decom Excess (Shortfall) $ 44,685,289 to NRC minimumrn

$ (1,880,084) Less lSFSl

$ - Parent Co Guaranty

$ 42,805,205 Total Excess Financial Assurance

Attachment 16 ENOC-15-00005 (Page 3 of 7)

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

Minimum Financial Assurance Calculation Worksheets Plant name: Indian Point Energy Center, Unit 3 Month Day Year Year of Biennial: 12 31 2014 Termination of Operation: 12 12 2015 PWR IwtI 3216 1 ,-

r1lo3,30,800r 123.2 ECI 1

Base Lx 2.16 I 0.65 I L.I r 2.66 r Px 1.880 I

r Fx 2.695 I g 1 0.13 r 2.22 1 I

0.22 I

1 13.885 I NRC Minimum: $524,079,698 Site Specific:

I Licensee: IOwned:I Amount of NRC Minimum/Site Specific: lAmount in Trust Fundi I Entergy I 100.00% 1 $524,079,698 I $676,645,001 I Stop 1:

Earnings Credit:

Real Rate of IYears LetI Total Real Trust Fund Balance: Return per Iin Licensel Rate of Total Earnings: I

$676,645,001 1 2% I 0.95 11.01895 $689,466,817 ITotal Earnings = Trust Fund balance x (I+RRR)AYears left in license Step 2:


Value of Annuity per Real Rate of year Return per Years of Annuity: Total Annuity:

$0 2% 0 Step 3:

Decom Period:

Real Rate of Decom Total Real Total Earnings: Return per Period: Rate of Total Earnings for Decom:

$689,466,817 2% 7 0.14869 $51,256,917 ITotal Eamlngs for Decom = (112) x Total Earnings x [(l+RRR)^Decom period - 1]

Total of Steps 1 - 3: 1

$740,723,734 ITotal = Total Earnings + Total Earnings for Decom Excess (Shortfall) $ 216,644,036 to NRC minimum

$ (2,075,084) Less ISFSI

- Parent Co Guaranty

$ 214,568,952 Total Excess Financial Assurance

Attachment 16 ENOC-15-00005 (Page 4 of 7)

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

Minimum Financial Assurance Calculation Worksheets Plant name: Vermont Yankee Power Station Month Day Year Year of Biennial: 12 31 2014 Termination of Operation: 12 29 2014 BWR IMWth 1912 1986$ ECI r$121,208,000r 123.2 1 Base Lx 2.16 I I

0.65 r I 1A Ir 2.66

_ 1 Px 1.880 I

r Fx 2.695 I

I 0.13 I giI r 2.25 I

1 0.22 I A-1 14.16 I NRC Minimum: $622,775,764 Site Specific: $817,219,461 1

Licensee: I %Owned: I Amount of NRC Minimum/Site Specific: Amount in Trust Fundi Entergy 1 100.00% $817,219,461 I $6A55,9 I Note: See Attachment 15 for adequacy of the trust fund.

Attachment 16 ENOC-15-00005 (Page 5 of 7)

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

Minimum Financial Assurance Calculation Worksheets Plant name: Pilgrim Nuclear Generating Station Month Day Year Year of Biennial: 12 31 2014 Termination of Operation: 6 8 2032 BWR I

I MWth 2028 1 1986 r$122,252,000 r ECI 123.2 I BaseLxI 2.16 I 0.65 I

r K I 2.66 r Px 1.880 I

r Fx 2.695 I

I 0.13 Ir Ex I 2.25 1 0.22 I

I 14.16 1 NRC Minimum: $628,139,915 Site Specific:

1 Licensee: I %Owned: I Amount of NRC MinimumlSite Specific: Amount in Trust Fund:

Entergy I 100.00% I $628,139,915 $896,423,410 I Step 1:

Earnings Credit:

Real Rate of IYears LeftI Total Real Trust Fund Balance: Return per lin Licensel Rate of Total Earnings: I

$896,423,410 1 2% I 17.44 I 1.41241 I $1,266,118,244 ITotal Earnings = Trust Fund balance x (1+RRR)^Years left in license Step 2:


Value of Annuity per Real Rate of I year Return per Years of Annuity: Total Annuity:

$0 2% 0 $0 Step 3:

Decom Period:

Real Rate of Decorn Total Real Total Earnings: Return per Period: Rate of Total Earnings for Decom:

$1,266,118,244 2% 7 0.14869 $94,126,818 ITotal Earnings for Decom = (112) x Total Earnings x [(l+RRR)ADecom period - 1]

Total of Steps 1 - 3: 1

$1,360,245,M62 Total = Total Earnings + Total Earnings for Decom Excess (Shortfall) $ 732,105,147 to NRC minimum

$ (2,885,155) Less ISFSl

$ - Parent Co Guaranty

$ 729,219,993 Total Eacess Financial Assurance

Attachment 16 ENOC-15-00005 (Page 6 of 7)

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

Minimum Financial Assurance Calculation Worksheets Plant name: James A. FitzPatrick Month Day Year Year of Biennial: 12 31 2014 Termination of Operation: 10 17 2034 Px I I MWth 1 1 ECI Base Lx Fx E I I a I BWR 1 2536 r =126,824,000 r 123.2 2.16 0.65 r 2.66 r 1.880 r 2.695 1 0.13 r 2.25 1 0.22 1 14.16 NRC Minimum: $651,631,192 Site Specific:

I Licensee: I %Owned: I Amount of NRC Minimum/Site Specific: IAmount in Trust Fund I Entergy 100.00% 1 $651,631,192 I $738,342,800 1 Step 1:

Earnings Credit:

Real Rate of Years Left Total Real I Trust Fund Balance: Return per lin Licensel Rate of Total Earnings: I 1 $738,342,800 2% 1 19.79 I 1.47993 1 $1,092,693,219 ITotal Earnings = Trust Fund balance x (I+RRR)AYears left in license Step 2:


Value of Annuity per Real Rate of year Retur per Years of Annuity: Total Annuity:

$0 2% 0 $0 Step 3:

Decom Period:

Real Rate of Decorn Total Real Total Earnings: Return per Period: Rate of Total Earnings for Decom:

$1,092,693,219 2% 7 0.14869 $81,233,910 ITotal Eamings for Decom = (112)x Total Earnings x [(1+RRR)ADecom period - 1]

Total of Steps 1 - 3: 1

$1,173,927,130 ITotal = Total Earnings + Total Earnings for Decom Excess (Shortfall) $ 522,295,937 to NRC minimum

$ (3,026,996) Less ISFSI

$ - Parent Co Guaranty

$ 519,268,941 Total Excess Financial Assurance

Attachment 16 ENOC-15-00005 (Page 7 of 7)

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

Minimum Financial Assurance Calculation Worksheets Plant name: Palisades Nuclear Plant Month Day Year Year of Biennial: 12 31 2014 Termination of Operation: 3 24 2031 I



-t 2565 I

r 1._

$97,572,000 II ECI

[ 120.3 1 I

Base 2.08 I

I 1 0.65 I

I !AI r 2.50 [

Px 1.880 I

r Fx 2.695 I

I 0.13 I PiI

[ 2.22 I 0.22 I

1 B--I 13.885 NRC Minimum: $484,939,114 Site Specific:

I Licensee: I %Owned: I Amount of NRC Minimum/Site Specific: jAmount in Trust FundI I Entergy 1 100.00% 1 $484,939,114 I $384,160,403 I Stop 1:

Earnings Credit:

Real Rate of IYears Lefti Total Real I Trust Fund Balance: Return oer lin Licensel Rate of Total Eaminas: I I 2% I 16.23 I 1.37907 1 $529,785,972 ITotal Earnings = Trust Fund balance x (l+RRR)AYears left in license Step 2:


Value of Annuity per Real Rate of year Return per Years of Annuity: Total Annuity:

$0 2% 0 $0 Step 3:

Decom Period:

Real Rate of Decorn Total Real Total Earnings: Return perI Period: Rate of Total Earnings for Decom:

$529,785,972 2% 7 0.14869 $39,385,791 ITotal Earnings for Decom = (112) x Total Earnings x [(l+RRR)ADecom period - 13 Total of Steps 1 - 3: 1

$569,171,763 Total = Total Eamings+ Total Eamings for Decom Excess (Shortfall) $ 84,232,649 to NRC minimum

$ (3,970,503) Less ISFSl S - Parent Co Guaranty S 80,262,147 Total Excess Financial Assurance