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Proposed Changes to Tech Spec Bases Section 4.9 Indicating That Diesel Generator Fuel Oil Tested in Accordance W/ Table 1 of ASTM-D975-89
Person / Time
Site: Browns Ferry  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 05/14/1990
Shared Package
ML18033B300 List:
NUDOCS 9005170261
Download: ML18033B301 (29)


Enclosure Revisions To TVA BFN TS 277 Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Units l, 2, and 3 9005170261 900514 PDR ADOCK 05000259 P PDC

UNIT 1 EFFECTIVE PAGE LIST REMOVE INSERT 3.9/4.9-1 3.9/4.9-1 3.9/4.9-2 3.9/4.9-2*

3.9/4.9-3 3.9/4.9-3*

3.9/4.9-4 3.9/4.9 4+

3.9/4.9-21 3.9/4.9-21 3.9/4.9-22 3.9/4.9.-22*

  • Denotes overleaf or spillover page.
3. 4. AUXILIARYELEC RICAL SYSTEM LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 3.9 Auxil a ectrica S ste 4.9 Aux a Electrical S stem licab Applies to all the auxiliary Applies to the periodic electrical power system. testing requirements of the e

auxiliary electrical system.

Ob ective ~Ob ective To assure an adequate supply of Verify the .operability of the electrical power for operation of auxiliary electrical system.

those systems required for safety.

S ecification S ecification A. Auxi ia Electrical E ui ment A. Auxilia Electrical S stem

1. PRIOR TO STARTUP from a Diesel Generators COLD CONDITION, the follow-ing must be satisfied: a. Each diesel generator shall be manually
a. Diesel generators A, started and loaded to B, C, and demonstrate operational D OPERABLE.

readiness in accordance

b. Requirements 3.9.A.3 with the frequency through 3.9.A.6 are specified in Table 4.9.A met. on a staggered test basis. The test shall
c. At least two of the continue for at least a following offsite power one-hour period at 100%

sources are available: or greater of the con-tinuous rating of the (1) The 500-kV.system diesel generator, and is available to the the operation of the units 1 and 2 shut- diesel fuel oil trans-down boards through fer pumps shall be the unit 1 station- demonstrated. Also, service transformer the diesel generator TUSS/1B with no starting air compressor credit taken for shall be checked for the two 500-kV operation and its Trinity lines. If ability to recharge the unit 2 station- air receivers.

service transformer is the second Once per 18 months, choice, a minimum each diesel generator of two 500-kV lines. will be tested at a load must be available. of at least 2800 KW to demonstrate full load carrying capability for

'FN "3.9/4.9-1 Unit 1

4 AUXILIARYELECTRICAL S STE LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 3.9.A. uxilia Electrical E ui ment 4.9.A. Auxilia Electrical S ste 3.9.A.l.c. (Cont'd) 4.9.A.l.a. (Cont'd)

(2) The 500-kV system is an interval of not less available to the units 1 than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

and 2 shutdown boards through the unit 2 The diesel generator .

station-service fast starts (10 seconds) transformer TUSS 2B with from standby conditions no credit taken for the shall be performed once two 500-kV Trinity lines. per 184 days in these If the unit 1 station- surveillance tests. All other engine starts for service transformer is the second choice, a minimum the purpose of this test of two 500-kV lines must may be preceeded by an be available. engine idle start.

(3) The Trinity 161-kV line is Additional reporting available to the units' requirements due to and 2 shutdown boards failures are noted in through both common Table 4.9.A.

station-service transformers. All diesel generator starts shall be logged.

Notes for (3): b. Once per operating cycle, a test will be (a) If unit 3 is claiming conducted simulating a the Trinity line as an loss of offsite power offsite source, see and similar conditions unit '3 technical that would- exist with specifications, Section the presence of an 3.9.A.l.c.2. actual safety-injection signal to demonstrate (b) If unit 1 is in cold the following:

shutdown, only one common station-service (1) Deenergization o f the transformer is required. emergency buses and load shedding from the emergency buses.

(2) The diesel starts from ambient condition on the auto-start signal, energizes the emergency buses with permanently connected loads, energizes the auto-connected emer-gency loads through BFN 3.9/4.9-2

.Unit 1

LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 3.9.A. Auxilia E ectrical E ui ment 4.9.A. Auxilia Electrical S stem 3.9.A.l.c. (Cont'd) 4.9.A.l.b (Cont'd)

(4) The Athens 161-kV line is available to the units 1 load sequencing, and and 2 shutdown boards operates for greater through a common than or equal to five station-service minutes while its gener-transformer when unit* 1 is ator is loaded with the in Cold Shutdown and unit 3 emergency loads.

is not claiming the Athens line as an offsite source. (3) On diesel generator breaker trip, the loads NOTE FOR (3) AND (4): are shed from the emer-gency buses and the diesel With no cooling tower pumps output breaker recloses or fans running, a cooling on the auto-start signal, to~er transformer may be the emergency buses are substituted for a common energized with permanently station-service transformer. connected loads, the auto-connected emergency loads are energized through load sequencing, and the diesel operates for gre'ater than or equal to five minutes while its generator is loaded with the emergency loads.

c. Once a month the quantity of diesel fuel available shall be logged.
d. Each diesel generator shall be given an annual inspec-tion in accordance with instructions based on the manufacturer's recommendations.
e. Quarterly the qual'ity of each diesel generator's (A, B, C, and D) seven-day fuel supply shall be checked. The fuel oil quality shall be within the acceptable limits specified in Table 1 of ASTM-D975.

BFN 3.9/4.9-3 Unit 1


2. The reactor shall not be 2~ DC Power System Unit started up (made critical) Batteries (250-V), Diesel-from the HOT STANDBY CONDITION Generator Batteries (125-V) unless all of the following and Shutdown Board Batteries conditions are satisfied: (250-V)
a. At least one offsite power a. Every week the specific source is'" available as gravity, voltage and specified in 3.9.A.l.c. temperature of the pilot cell and overall battery voltage shall be measured and logged.
b. Three units .1 and 2 diesel b. Every three months the generators shall be measurement shall be made OPERABLE. of voltage of each cell to nearest O.l volt, specific gravity of each cell, and temperature of every fifth cell. These measurements shall be



c. An additional source of c. At least once every 24 power consisting of one months, a battery rated of the following: ~ discharge (capacity) test shall be performed (1) A second offsite and the voltage, time, power source available and output current as specified in measurements shall 3.9.A.l.c. be logged.

(2) A fourth OPERABLE units 1 and 2 diesel generator.

d. Requirements 3.9.A.3 through 3.9.A.6 are met.

BFN 3.9/4.9-4 AMENDMENT go yg8

.Unit 1

4.9 BASES (Cont'd)

The monthly test of the diesel generators -is primarily to check for failures and deterioration in the system since last use. The diesels will be loaded to at least 100 percent of its continuous rating (i.e., g 2600 KW) while engine and generator temperatures are stabilized (about one hour). ,A minimum 75-percent load will prevent soot formation in the cylinders and injection nozzles. Operation up to an equilibrium temperature ensures that there is no overheating problem. The tests also provide an engine and generator operating history to be compared with subsequent engine-generator test data to identify and to correct any mechanical or electrical deficiency before it can result in a system failure. 1 Diesel testing once per 18 months (i.e., at least once per fuel cycle) at a minimum load of 2800 KW for an interval of not less than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, assures that each diesel generator will be capable of supplying the maximum load during the first 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> of a loss of offsite power/loss of coolant accident. This test also demonstrates each diesel generator's long-term load carrying capability.

The test during refueling outages is more comprehensive, including procedures that are most effectively conducted at that time. These include automatic actuation and functional capability tests to verify that the generators can"start and be ready to assume load in 10 seconds. The annual inspection will detect any signs of wear long before failure.

'BFN tests the 7-day diesel generator fuel oil supplies in accordance with Table 1 of ASTM-D975-89. Each fuel oil supply is tested quarterly.

Battery maintenance with regard to the floating charge, equalizing charge, and electrolyte level will be based on the manufacturer's instruction and sound maintenance practices. Xn addition, written records will be maintained of the battery performance. The plant batteries will deteriorate with time but precipitous failure is unlikely. The type of surveillance called for in this specification is that which has been demonstrated through experience to provide an indication of a cell becoming irregular or unserviceable long before it becomes a failure.

The equalizing charge, as recommended by the manufacturer, is vital to maintaining the ampere-hour capacity of the battery and will be applied as recommended.

The testing of the logic systems will verify the ability of the logic systems to bring the auxiliary electrical system to running standby readiness with the presence of an accident signal from any reactor or an undervoltage signal on the 4-kV shutdown boards.

The periodic simulation of accident signals in conjunction with diesel generator voltage available signals will confirm the ability of the 480-V load shedding logic system to sequentially shed and restart 480-V loads if an accident signal were present, and diesel generator voltage was the only source of electrical power.


,Unit 1

4.9 BASES (Cont'd)


1. Normal Auxiliary Power System (BFNP FSAR Subsection 8.4)
2. Standby AC Power Supply and Distribution (BFNP FSAR Subsection 8.5)
3. 250-V DC Power Supply and Distribution (BFNP FSAR Subsection 8.6)
4. Memorandum from Gene M. Wilhoite to H. J. Green dated December 4, 1981 (LOO 811208 664) and memorandum from C. E. Winn to H. J. Green dated January 10, 1983 (G02 830112 002)


'FN MIBDMEHTNO. y gg 3.9/4.9-22 Unit 1

UNIT 2 EFFECTIVE PAGE LIST REMOVE INSERT 3.9/4.9-1 3.9/4.9-1 3.9/4.9-2 3.9/4.9-2*

3.9/4.9-3 3.9/4.9-3*

3.9/4.9-4 3.9/4.9 4+

3.9/4.9-21 3.9/4.9-21 3.9/4.9-22 3.9/4.9-22*

  • Denotes overleaf or spillover page.

4 AUXIL ARY ELECTRICAL SYS EM LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 3.9 ILIARY ELECTRICAL SYS E 4.9 AUXILIARYELEC R CAL SYSTEM A 1 cabi it A icab t Applies to all the auxiliary Applies to the periodic electrical power system. testing requirements of the auxiliary electrical system.

Ob ective Ob ective To assure an adequate supply of Verify the operability of the electrical power for operation of auxiliary electrical system.

those systems required for safety.

S ecification S ecification A. uxi ia Electrica F. ui ment A. uxilia Electrical S stem

1. PRIOR TO STARTUP from a 1. Diesel Generators COLD CONDITION, the follow-ing must be satisfied:
a. Each diesel generator
a. Diesel generators A, shall be manually B, C, and D OPERABLE. . started and loaded to demonstrate operational
b. Requirements 3.9.A.3 readiness in accordance through 3.9.A.6 are with the frequency met. specified in Table 4.9.A on a staggered
c. At least two of the test basis. The test following offsite power shall continue for at sources are available: least a one-hour period at 100% or greater of (1) The 500-kV system the continuous rating is available to the of the diesel generator, units 1 and 2 shut- and the operation of down boards through the diesel fuel oil the unit 1 station- transfer pumps shall service transformer be demonstrated. Also TUSS 1B with no the di'esel generator credit taken for starting air compressor the two 500-kV shall be checked for Trinity lines. I f operation and its the unit 2 station- ability to recharge service transformer air receivers.

is the second sourc'e, a minimum Once per 18 months, each of two 500-kV lines diesel generator will must be available. be tested at a load of at least 2800 KW to demonstrate full load carrying capability for BFN 3.9/4.9-1

,. Unit 2

/4 AUXILIARYELECTR CAL SYS EM LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 3.9.A. Auxilia Electr cal E ui ment 4.9.A. Auxilia E ect ica S ste 3.9.A.l.c. (Cont'd) 4.9.A.l.a. (Cont'd)

(2) The 500 kV system is an interval of not less available to the units 1 than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

and 2 shutdown boards through the unit 2 The diesel generator station-service fast starts (10 seconds) transformer TUSS 2B with from standby conditions no credit taken for the shall be performed once two 500-kV Trinity lines. per 184 days in these

.If the unit 1 station- surveillance tests. All service transformer is the other engine starts for second choice, a minimum the purpose of this test of two 500-kV lines must may be preceeded by an be available. engine idle'start.

(3) The Trinity 161-kV line is Additional reporting available to the units 1 requirements due to and 2 shutdown boards failures are noted in through both common Table 4.9.A.

station-service transformers. . All diesel generator starts shall be logged.


b. Once per operating (a) If unit 3 is claiming cycle, a test. will be the Trinity line as an conducted simulating a offsite source, see loss of offsite power unit 3 technical and similar conditions specifications, Section that would exist with 3.9.A.l.c.2. the presence of an actual safety-injection (b) If unit 1 is in- cold signal to demonstrate the following:

shutdown, only one common station-service transformer is required. (1) Deenergization of the emergency buses and load shedding from the emergency buses.

(2) The diesel starts from ambient con-dition on the auto-start signal, energizes the emer-gency buses with permanently connec-ted loads, energizes the auto-connected BFN 3.9/4.9-2 Unit 2

4 AUXIL ARY ELEC R CAL SYSTEM LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 3.9.A. Auxilia Electrical E ui ment 4.9.A. Auxilia Electrica S stem 3.9.A.l.c. (Cont'd) 4.9.A.l.b. (Cont'd) emergency loads through load sequencing, and operates for greater than or equal to five minutes while its generator is loaded with the emergency loads.

(4) The Athens 161-kV line is (3) On diesel generator available to the units 1 breaker trip, the and 2 shutdown boards loads are shed from through a common the emergency buses station-service and the diesel output transformer when unit 1 is breaker recloses on in Cold Shutdown and unit 3 the .auto-start signal, is not. claiming the Athens the emergency buses line as an offsite source. are energized with permanently connected NOTE FOR (3) AND (4): ~

loads, the auto-connected emergency With no cooling tower pumps loads are energized or fans running, a cooling through load tower transformer may be sequencing, and the substituted for a common diesel operates for station-service transformer. greater than or equal to five minutes while its generator is loaded with the emergency loads.

c. Once a month the quantity of diesel fuel available shall be logged.
d. Each diesel generator shall be given an annual inspec-tion in accordance with instructions based on the manufacturer's recommendations.
e. Quarterly the quality of each diesel generator's (A, B, C, and D) seven-day fuel supply shall be checked. The fuel oil quality shall be within the acceptable limits speci-fied in Table 1 of ASTM-D975.

BFN 3.9/4.9-3

.:Unit 2

2. The reactor shall not be 2; DC Power System Unit started up (made critical) Batteries (250-V), Diesel-from the HOT STANDBY CONDITION Generator Batteries (125-V) unless all of the following and Shutdown Board Batteries conditions are satisfied: (250-V)
a. At least one offsite power a. Every week the specific source is available as gravity, voltage and specified in 3.9.A.l.c. temperature of the pilot cell and overall battery voltage shall be measured and logged.
b. Three units 1 and 2 diesel b. Every three months the generators shall be measurement shall be made'f OPERABLE. voltage of each cell to nearest 0.1 volt, specific gravity of each


cell, and temperature of every fifth cell. These measurements shall be logged.

c. An additional source of c. At least once every 24 power consisting of one 'months, a battery rated of the following: discharge (capacity) test shall be performed (1) A second offsite and the voltage, time, power source available and output current as specified in measurements shall 3.9.A.l.c. be logged.

(2) A fourth OPERABLE units 1 and 2 diesel generator.

d. Requirements 3.9.A.3 through 3.9.A.6 are met.

BFN 3.9/4.9-4 AMPHORA'5 NP gg$

,Unit 2

4.9 BASES (Cont'd)

The monthly tests of the diesel generators are primarily to check for failures and deterioration in the system since last use. The diesels will be loaded to at least 100 percent of its continuous rating (i.e., g 2600 KW) while engine and generator temperatures are stabilized (about one hour). A minimum 75-percent load will prevent soot formation in the cylinders and injection nozzles. Operation up to an equilibrium temperature ensures that there is no overheating problem. The tests also provide an engine and generator operating history to be compared with .subsequent engine-generator test data to identify and to correct any mechanical or electrical deficiency before it can result in a system failure.

Diesel testing once per 18 months (i.e., at least once per fuel cycle).

at a minimum load of 2800 KW for an interval of not less than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> assures that each diesel generator will be capable of supplying the maximum load during the first 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> of a loss of offsite power/loss of coolant accident. This test also demonstrates each diesel generator's long-term load carrying capability.

The test during refueling outages is more comprehensive, including procedures that are most effectively conducted at that time. These include automatic actuation and functional capability tests to verify that the generators can start and be ready to assume load in 10 seconds. The annual inspection will detect any signs of wear long before failure. The. diesel generators are shared by units 1 and 2.

Therefore, the capability for the units 1 and 2 diesel generators to accept the emergency loads will be performed during the unit 1 operating cycle using the unit 1 loads.

BFN tests the 7-day diesel generator fuel oil supplies=in accordance with Table 1 of ASTM-D975-89. Each fuel oil supply is tested quarterly.

Battery maintenance with regard to the floating charge, equalizing =

charge, and electrolyte level will be based on the manufacturer's instruction and sound maintenance practices. In addition, written records will be maintained of the battery performance. The plant batteries will deteriorate with time but precipitous failure is unlikely.. The type of surveillance called for in this specification is that which has been demonstrated through experience to provide an indication of a cell becoming irregular or unserviceable long before it becomes a failure.

The equalizing charge, as recommended by the manufacturer, is vital to maintaining the ampere-hour capacity of the battery and will be applied as recommended.

The testing of the logic systems will verify the ability of the logic systems to bring the auxiliary electrical system to running standby readiness with the presence of an accident signal from any reactor or an undervoltage signal on the 4-kV shutdown boards.

BFN 3.9/4."9-21 Unit 2

4.9 BASES (Cont'd)

The'eriodic simulation of accident signals in conjunction with diesel generator voltage available signals will confirm the ability of the 480-V load shedding logic system to sequentially shed and restart 480-V loads if an accident signal were present, and diesel generator voltage were the only source of electrical power.


1. Normal Auxiliary Power System (BFNP FSAR Subsection 8.4)
2. Standby AC Power Supply and Distribution (BFNP FSAR Subsection 8.5)
3. 250-V DC Power Supply and Distribution (BFNP FSAR Subsection 8.6)
4. Memorandum from Gene M. Wilhoite to H. J. Green dated December 4, 1981 (LOO 811208 664) and memorandum from C. E. Winn. to H. J. Green dated January 10, 1983 (G02 830112 002)

BFN Unit 2 3 9/4 9-22


I4 9

UNIT 3 EFFECTIVE PAGE LIST REMOVE INSERT 3.9/4.9-1 3.9/4.9-1 3.9/4.9-2 3.9/4.9-2*

3.9/4.9-3 3.9/4.9-3*

3.9/4.9-4 3.9/4.9 4*

3.9/4.9-20 3.9/4.9-20 3.9/4.9-21 3.9/4.9-21*

  • Denotes overleaf or spillover page.
4. AUXILIARYELECTRICAL S STEM LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 3.9 Auxiliar Electrical S st 4.9 Auxilia E ectr cal S stem A licabi it A licabilit Applies to all the auxiliary Applies to the periodic electrical power system. testing requirements of the auxiliary electrical system.

Ob ective ~Ob ective To assure an adequate supply of Verify the operability of the electrical power'or operation of auxiliary electrical system.

those systems required for safety.

S ecification S ecification A. u ilia Electrica .E ui ment A. Aux lia Electrica S stem

1. PRIOR TO STARTUP from a COLD 1. Diesel Generators CONDITION, the following must be satisfied:
a. Each diesel generator
a. Diesel generators 3A, shall be manually 3B, 3C, and 3D OPERABLE. ~

, started and loaded to demonstrate operational

b. Requirements 3.9.A.3 readiness in accordance'ith through 3.9.A.6 are the frequency met. specified in Table 4.9.A on a staggered
c. At least two of the test basis. The test following offsite power shall continue for at sources'are available: least a one-hour period at 100% or greater of (1) The 500-kV system the continuous rating is available to the of the diesel gener-unit 3 shutdown ator, and the operation boards through the of the diesel fuel oil unit 3 station- transfer pumps shall service transformer be demonstrated. Also, TUSS 3B with no the diesel generator credit taken for starting air compressor the two 500-kV shall be checked for Trinity lines. operation and its ability to recharge air receivers.

Once per 18 months, each diesel generator will be tested at a load of at least 2800 KW to demonstrate full load carrying capability BFN 3.9/4.9-1

,Unit 3

4 AUX LIARY ELEC CAL SYS E LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 3.9.A. Auxi a Electrical E ui ment 4.9.A. Auxilia Electrical S stem 3.9.A.l.c. (Cont'd) 4.9.A.l.a. (Cont'd)

(2) The Trinity 161-kV line interval of not is available to the less than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

unit 3 shutdown boards through a common The diesel generator fast station-servt.ce or starts (10 seconds) from cooling tower standby conditions shall

.'ransformer. be performed once per 184 days in these surveil-NOTE FOR (2): lance tests. All other engine starts for the If units 1 and 2 are purpose of this test may both in operation and be preceeded by an engine claiming the Trinity idle start.

'All line as an offsite source, TUSS 3B must Additional reporting be claimed as the other requirements due to offsite source for failures are noted in unit 3. Table 4.9.A.

(3) The Athens 161-kV line diesel generator is available to unit 3 .starts shall be logged.

shutdown boards through a common station-service b. Once per operating or cooling tower cycle, a test will be transformer. conducted simulating a loss of offsite power and NOTE FOR (3): similar conditions that would exist with the If either unit 1 or presence of an actual safety-injection signal unit 2 is claiming the Athens line as an to demonstrate the offsite source, it may following:

not be claimed as an offsite source for (1) Deenergization of the unit 3. emergency buses and load shedding from the emergency buses.

(2) The diesel starts from ambient con-dition on the auto-start signal, ener-gizes the emergency buses with perman-ently connected lo'ads, energizes the auto-connected emergency loads BFN 3.9/4.9-2

,rUnit 3

4 AUXILIARYELEC R C L SYSTE LIMITING,CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS tern 3.9.A.. Auxilia Electr ca 4.9.A. A a Elect ca gcLuuimerr t '~Ss 3.9.A.l.c.(3) (Cont'd) 4.9.A.l.b. (Cont'd) through load sequencing, and operates for greater than or equal to five minutes while its gener-ator is loaded with NOTES FOR (2) AND (3): the emergency loads.

If both Athens and (3) On diesel generator breaker trip, the Trinity lines are claimed as the two loads are shed from offsite sources for the emergency buses unit "3, no credit may and the diesel output be taken for'he breaker closes on the Athens-Trinity line auto=start signal, the tie breaker. emergency buses are Specifically, the energized with Athens line supplies permanently connected unit 3 through common loads, the auto-station-service connected emergency transformer A or loads're energized cooling tower through load transformer 1, and sequencing, and the the Trinity line diesel operates for must supply unit 3 greater than or equal through common station- to five minutes while service transformer B or its generator is cooling tower loaded with the transformer 2. emergency loads".

c. Once a month the quantity of diesel fuel available shall be loggede
d. Each diesel generator shall be given an annual inspection'n accordance with instructions based on the manufacturer's recommendations.
e. Quarterly the quality of each diesel generator's (3A; 3B, 3C, and 3D) seven-day fuel load.

supply, shall be checked. The fuel oil quality shall be'ithin the acceptable limits specified in'Table 1 of ASTM-D975.

BFN 3.9/4.9-3 Unit 3



2. The reactor shall not be 2~ DC Power S ste Unit started up (made critical) Batteries (250-V),

from the HOT STANDBY CONDITION Diesel-Generator unless all of the following Batteries (125-V)and conditions are satisfied: Shutdown Board Batteries'250-V)

a. At least one offsite power a. Every week the source is available as specific gravity, specified in 3.9.A.l.c. voltage, and temperature of the pilot cell, and overall battery voltage shall be measured and logged.
b. Three units 3 diesel b. Every three months generators shall be the measurements OPERABLE. shall be made of voltage of each cell to nearest 0.1 volt, specific gravity of each cell, and temperature of every

'fifth cell. These measurements shall be logged.

c. An additional source of c. At least once every power consisting of one'f 24 months, a battery the following: rated discharge (capacity) test (1) A second offsite shall be performed power source available and the voltage, as specified in time, and output 3.9.A.l.c. current measurements shall be logged.

(2) A fourth unit 3 diesel generator OPERABLE.

d. Requirements 3.9.A.3 through 3.9.Ae6 are met.

'AMENDMENT NO. g, p 9 BFN 3.9/4.9-4

.Unit 3

4.9 BASES (Cont'd)

The monthly tests of the diesel generators are primarily to check for, failures and deterioration in the system since last use. The diesels will be loaded to at least 100 percent of its continuous rating (i.e. g 2600 KW) while engine and generator temperatur'es are stabilized (about

~one hour). A minimum 75-percent load will prevent soot formation in the cylinders and injection nozzles. Operation up to an equilibrium temperature ensures that there is no overheating problem. The tests also provide an engine and generator operating history to be compared with subsequent engine-generator test data to identify and to correct any mechanical or electrical deficiency before it can result in a system failure.

Diesel testing once per 18 months (i.e., at least once per fuel cycle) at, a. minimum'load of 2800 KW for an interval of not less. than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> assu'res that each diesel generator will be capable of supplying the maximum load during the first 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> of a loss of offsite power/loss of coolant accident. This test also demonstrates each diesel generator's long-term load carrying capability.

The test during refueling outages is more comprehensive, including procedures that are most effectively conducted at that time. These include automatic actuation and functional capability tests to verify that the generators can start and be ready to assume load in 10 seconds. The annual inspection will detect any. signs of wear long before failure.

BFN tests the 7-'day diesel generator fuel oil supplies 'in accordance with Table 1 of ASTM-D975-89. Each fuel oil supply is tested quarterly.

Battery maintenance with regard to the floating charge, equalizing charge, and electrolyte level will be based on the manufacturer's instruction and sound maintenance practices. In addition, written records will be maintained of the battery performance. The plant batteries will deteriorate with time but precipitous failure is unlikely. The type of surveillance called for .in this specification is that which has been demonstrated through experience to provide an indication of a cell becoming irregular or unserviceable long before it becomes a failure.

The equalizing charge, as recommended by the manufacturer, is vital to maintaining the ampere-hour capacity of the battery and will be applied as recommended.

The testing of the logic system will verify the ability of the logic systems to bring the auxiliary electrical system. to running standby readiness with the presence of an accident signal from any reactor or an undervoltage signal on the start buses or 4-kV shutdown boards.

The periodic simulation of accident signals in conjunction with diesel generator voltage available signals will confirm the ability of the

'80-V load shedding logic system to sequentially shed and restart 480-V loads if an accident signal were present, and diesel generator voltage were the only source of electrical power.

BFN 3.9/4.9-20

.Unit 3

4 v 4,9 Refere ces

1. Normal Auxiliary,Power System (BFNP FSAR Subsection 8.4)
2. Standby AC Power Supply and Distribution (BFNP FSAR Subsection 8.5)
3. 250-V DC Power Supply and Distribution (BFNP FSAR Subsection 8.6)
4. Memorandum from 'G. M. Wilhoite to H. J. Green dated December 4, 1981 (LOO 811208 664) and memorandum from C. E. Winn to H. J. Green dated January 10, 1983 (G02 830112 002)

BFN 3.9/4.9-21 AMENoMBr NG. I pC

~ / Unit 3

The diesel generator fuel oil system for each unit includes a day tank mounted on the diesel engine skid and a seven-day tank assembly embedded in the diesel generator building floor. Transfer between the seven-day tank assembly and the day tank is accomplished automatically by transfer pumps controlled by float operated switches which sense fuel oil level in the day tank. New fuel oil added to the seven-day tank assembly is tested in accordance with plant procedures. In addition, the auxiliary boiler reservoirs may be used as a long-term backup fuel oil supply. These reservoirs are sampled quarterly and fuel oil is not allowed to be transferred to the seven-day tank assemblies until the quality is verified to be acceptable per ASTM-D975, Table l.>>

The BFN surveillance requirements are being revised to specify that the fuel oil supply for each diesel generator is tested quarterly. This change is consistent with standard industry fuel oil sampling practices, regulatory guidelines, and the GE standard TSs. The bases section is being revised to state that BFN tests each seven-day fuel oil supply in accordance with Table 1 of ASTM-D975-89 quarterly.

4. Existing LCO 3.9.A.6 currently reads:

There shall be a minimum of 103,300 gallons of diesel fuel in the standby diesel-generator fuel tanks.

Proposed change to LCO 3.9.A.6 .would read:

There shall be a minimum of 35,280 gallons of diesel fuel in each of the seven-day diesel generator fuel tank assemblies.

Justification for LCO 3.9.A.6 This specification is being changed to'require that there be a minimum of 35,280 ga'lions of diesel fuel in each of the diesel generator seven-day fuel tank assemblies. This change is made to clarify the nature of the diesel generator fuel oil storage system and make it applicable to each diesel generator. e At BFN there are two sets of four diesel generators (Unit 1 and 2 diesel generators A, B, C, and D; and Unit 3 diesel generators 3A, 3B, 3C, and

,3D). The current technical specifications imply the existence of one large fuel storage tank for each set of diesel generators and that this tank will be required to contain at least 103,300 gallons of diesel fuel oil. Actually, 'each diesel generator has its own independent seven-day fuel oil storage tank assembly. The diesel fuel oil system has the capability to transfer fuel oil from the yard tank to the seven-day tank assemblies and between the seven-day tank assemblies for each set of diesel generators. However, this transfer system is not seismically qualified; therefore, each diesel generator seven-day fuel tank assembly must contain enough fuel oil to operate the associated diesel generator

,for'even days. Regulatory Guide 1.137, Fuel Oil Systems for Standby Diesel Generators, requires an adequate fuel supply for operation-of the diesel engines during the maximum expected time interval between replenishment.
