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Correction to Intervenor 800619 Proposed Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law.Correct Exhibit D Re Civil Action 79- 1129,encl
Person / Time
Site: Salem PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 06/25/1980
From: Valore C
NUDOCS 8007110112
Download: ML18082A701 (53)


{{#Wiki_filter:- .. --~--- i UNITED STATES OF AMERI~

            . T                            *. NUCLEAR REGULATORY CO!'-WII.lON Before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board In the Matter of                          T)or.1-:et: .u 50-272 PUBLIC SERVICE ELECTRIC                   Proposed Issuance of Amendment
                         & GAS COM.PANY to Facility Operating License No. DPR-70 (Salem Nuclear Generating Station, Unit #1)

CORRECTION TO INTERVENOR'S TOWNSHIP Ol<' LOWE"R ALLOWAYS C"REEK PROPOSED FINDING OF FACT AND L~W "FILED O"N ,JUNF 19 I 1980 It has been brought to our attention that Exhihit D of the Intervenor's Township of Lower Alloways Creek Prooosed Pin<lin~s of Fact and Law was an incorrect attachment due to a clerical error. The corrected Exhibit D is being forwarded to all parties indicated on the attached mailing list. June 25, 1980

Gary L. Milholin, Esq. Chairman, Atomic Safety

& Licensing Board 1815 Jefferson Street Madison, Wisconsin, 53711 Dr. James C. Lamb, III Member, Jl"tomic Safety &.

Licensing Board Panel 313 Woodhaven Road Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514 Frederick J. Shon Atomic Safety & Licensing Board, Member U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C., 20555 Chairman, Atomic Safety & Licensing Appeal Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C., 20555 Chairman, Atomic Safety & Licensing Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C., 20555 Janice E. Moore, Esq. Office of the Executive Legal Director U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C., 20555 Rebecca Fields, Esq. Deputy Attorney General Department of Law & Public Safety Environmental Protection Section 36 West State Street Trenton, N.J., 08625 Mark J. Wetterhahn, Esq. 1747 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Suite 1050 Washin~ton, D.C., 20006 Richard Fryling, Jr., Esq. Assistant General Solicitor Public Service Electric & Gas Company 80 Park Place Newark, N.J., 07101 Menasha J. Tausner, Esq. Department of Public Advocate Division of Public Interest P.O. Box 141 Trenton, N.J., 08601 Sandra T. Ayres, Esq. Department of the Public Advocate 520 East State Street Trenton, N.J., 08625 Mr. Alfred C. Coleman, Jr . .Mrs. Eleanor G. Coleman 35 "K" Drive Pennsville, N.J., 08070 Office of the Secretary Docketing and Service Section U.S.* Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 June D. MacArtor, Esq. Deputy Attorney General Tatnall Building P.O. Box 1401 Dover, Delaware, 19901 Mary 0. Henderson, Clerk Township of Lower Alloways Creek

  • Municipal Building Hancock's Bridge, N.J., 08038

.. +-

                                                                                                                                                                                                       . JUt-J 3 01980


                                                                                -vs-THE UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION, um1 JOSEPH M. HENDRIE, CHAIRMAN of Lh~ UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION & THE UNITED STATES                                   ~F           AMERICA,                                     COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATCJRY JUDGMENT AND INJUNCTION De fend J. n t s Tl1c plaintiffs, Mnyor S.:111H1c1                                                             E_. Dtlllcl.s011, nnd ll<trry Coleman, Earl Pancoast, W. D.:ivid Strong nud Robert A. Trane, all duly elected of ficial.s of the Township of Lower Allow.:iys Creek, nnd the Tmmship of Lm.,ier Allow~1ys Creek, as :,nd fell*

the cornplaint by theii* specially nppointeJ legal counsel ancl attorney named below, allege as follows:


This action is brought .:1gainst the above n;unccl defendants for fni1urc to comr*ly with the N;ition11l Envirornnu1-Jj i ta 1 Po 1 i c y Act , *'+ 2 U . S . C . , Sc c . Id 21 , c ~ s c q . ( h c r c in 2 ft c r 1- referred to as NEPA), the Atoi;1ic Energy Act, 1~2 lJ.S.C., Sec. 1 2011 cl seq., Lhc Encqw S0urcc:; Development Act /~2 lJ . .S.C. Sec. 5801 ct seq. and Lhe Adminlsl:rat-ivc Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C. 704, 705 nnd 706, et seq., and other applicable laws and regulations, the dcfcnd<mts' lcgisl8tive and rcgu-:- 1atory re~:;ponsil.ii.lity for the pc;iccful uses of atomic energy

                                               <:ind ohlig<1Llon lo pro;11uLc the                                                              ,g('\lC'rt1l.                 we1 Lue nnu provi.dc p1*0-I      t: e c t* i on               r or         t h c h c (.) i t h :rn               u       s n rc t      y or                t h c Pub 1 i c .

I\ 11 I I 11

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         -'   I 1,'1 Ii                                                                                  CORRECTED EXHIBIT D
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Plaintiff sc.'cks ;ili:1, a clcclar.:1LLon from j the Court: inL('1* n) Rcslrai11i11g till~ Ndclcar ~ . Regulatory Commission, ils employees, ugcnts and '.->crv<inls ~111cl other persons actin~ by and unJcr their nuthori.ty from pcrmilting licensing and construction of racks ancl spent fuel pools or utiliznlion of racks 'and spent fuel pools at the Salem I and Salem II nuclear generating power facilities beyond the capacity of 264 fuel assemblies for each spent fuel pool, and b) For dee] a.i*ntory judgment thnt expansion of t:he spent fuel pools by rc-r; c'.1t Salem I and II is beyond the regulatory jurisdiction of Lhc Nuclear Regulatory Commis-sion in that i.t contr3VC'ncs lhc statutory mamlntc that* the Nuclenr Regulntory Commissi 011 ~;h<1 l l ensure lhc snfc, pcr;nnncnt disrusnl of high ll.*vc1 r<.1dio:1ct Jve *w:1sle lhrou1~h the licensing process, nnd c) That the Nucl('ar Regulatory Commis:;ion be compelled Lo prcp.Jrc <lll cnvi i*ornncntal impact statement i.n con-fonlit.y \dlh the requircint:nls o[ the Nationnl Environm~ntaL Policy Act involving ~;ubst.anlial actions affecting the environ ment in respect to the proposl~d ('Xpansion of the spent fuel .,,... ~. pool~; <tl St'.1lc*m I. CTnd S.1]cm 11.


d) Tli:d: lhc Nuc]c[lr l(egulatory Commission be compelled pursuant to t: 11 c N:1ti.ona1 Environmcntnl Policy Act to provide .1 plan for t hc u 'l t i in<1 t e disposal of the spent fuel gcncrnLins i1 t Sa J cm 1 nnd T1. cl Th.'.1L Lhc Nuclt:<:tr *1\cgulntory Commission's li-ccnsing procedures to permit expansion of spent fuel pools for the long term storngc of spent fuel rods at nuclccir power I generating facility sites Lo wit: Salem I nnd II are unlawful I . <1ncJ vioLicivc of P1ninti rf'_:~ const:itutlonnl rl_ghts and beyond I the Nuclc.:11* Hcgul,1tory C:om!lli~;~;ion's jurisdiction .Jnd r0sponsi-bilit.ics undc-r*tlw st:1lt:LC'S cn':1Ling Llw H.cgulatory

                                                                                              *1 I                                                                           i.

ii I,

               ~  .       .. .    .  :'. . " . '     .* .                                                               . =~<>: .               *  -    ._ ~ I*
                                                           ... : * .. 1. ..
             .I II Commission and the Nnlion<ll J:nvironmont.11. Policy Act.

f) Th,1l the Nuclc:ir 1\cguL1tory Commission has not lldl'_qu;1lcly considered cnvi ronrncntal lmpncts of the ,long term storage of the spent fuc'l rods nt nuclc.1r power generating fncilili.cs. g) Th.'.1t t*hc exp;1nsion nf Lhe spent fuel pools

                          <Jt Snlem I and I I Lo 1 l                          Lhc long l:crrn storage n[ spent fuel rods creates &n um*ca[>011<1ble risk to the health and safety of the public and t*hc Plninti Cf in that:

.;-,, ..._

 ,. 1
   *.                                           (1)           Nuclcm* ;1ccidcnts and unreasonable risks lo tlic s:1fety and hcnlth of lhe public I                                     :ind Uw Pl<Jintiff can result from in-
                     .,I c r (~- .1 s c d            '.i t o r n g c c n pa c i. t y o [ s p e n t f u e l I

(2 ) llic long lerm effects n!ld health ant.I snfc~ly problems of Lhc long term storage of spent fuel rods at S.1lem I and Salem IT h:ivc not.: been nclcquntely ass~sscd-- lhc in violation of !Jefcn-dant's responsibility under the statutes cn~nling Lhe Nucl0ar Regulatory Commis-sion <1nd Lhc NL1tionnl Environmcnl<.Il Pol j cy 1\ct ,:rnd the United States and Now Jcrscv Constitution.

2. JURI SlHCT1 m:

a) This nct:ion ;nises under t*he: (1) Fifth i\rncndrncnt to the United St.Jtes Const.\Lut!on, nnd Article 1 Section 1 o[ the Constitution. (2) /42 U.S.C. Section !+321 of the Nation-al l~nvi.ronrncnt Policy /\ct nncl 42 U.S.C.

                                                             - '3-i 11 11
l. *'

I- 4 ' * "* 1 ' ... _~ *- ~

                                                                                                                                         <  ,:--:* ~- I

2 01 1 :t 11d S~ ()l ct s c~ q . - -. ... --.- ~ (3) Co u 11 c i l on  !~ 11 vi r o mn c n l Q11 a 1 i l y Cui de - 1i nc s ror P.r e p n r n t i on o f En v i r on men - lnl Stat'cmC'1~ts (August 1, 1973). b) The <11110unt 111 con}-_1*ovcrsy exceeds

                                                                          $1 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0                             c x c 1 us i v c                                    0 [               i n l' c r (' s L                                 :1 II d             c 0 s L" c)                        A Fcdcr.11 quest: ion .1nd constitutionnl rights are involved.
3. VENUE The vertuc is prop0r in this case pursuant to 28

U.S.C., S(?ction 1391, .in lhat this is the judicial district in which the plaintiffs rc~si.dc <lIKl in which the United States is present nnJ whc1*0 Lhc cLiJm ~1rlscs.

4. p,\RTT ES
                                                                                                                                .J)                        'fhc               PLlintirf~;,                                                         ~:imucl                             E. Donelson, Mayor,
                                                                       .:rnc.l       l!an~y                      Colenrnll, E;n*l                                                        l':rncon!;t., \.J.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                .                                                ]);1vid SLron1*. and f{obert A.       Trao.c, arc 311 duly                                                                              elccl<<~d                                      co1 11m.lttecrnen                                                       o[              Lov.1C;c Alloways CrC'ck Township. The Plnint.Lff, Lm,'cr Alloways Creek To ..mship is loc.:ltcd in the soul'hcrn p:irl nf Nch1 Jci:scy, forming the southwcstcn1 extension o[                                                                                                     s~1li.'l11                        County. Elsinboro, Salein and Quinton '.JorcJer th2 north, no1*Lhh*cstern pnrts of the TownshLp.

Stow Creek rind Grcc:m.;iicl1, which nrc locntccl in Curnhcrland County, .:ire the bouncl.:ii.-ic!; 1oc;1letl on the snuth oncl soulhc.-:i:st-c r n po r t i on s o f U 1c t oh' u s h i p . Th c Dc 1 ah' a re lU v c r n a kc s i t s pDth nlong tbc ~;outht>rn nnd cns 1.crn shores of the township. Lower Al.1oways Creek Toh*nship i:::; nbout th.irtccn miles lont; sq. miles) of lhe tm,nshi p ! s 1n;1rsh. Some twelve thousnnd acres

                                                                      .of snlt. rn;irsh iies nlong the                                                                                                                   Dcl;\\*.'<HC                                   between Alloways nnd Stow Crct*ks; 1\bout lhrt*C t.hous;1rnl ncrcs :H*c rec] aimed meadow 1.:111d. The terrain is                                                                             1cvc~1                           h1 i       ll1 dm.*k loam <-ind some clay.                                                                                                             Peat-beds hc:ivc been                                                      V-1 c1*ke<.l                      in l:ht' \*.'C~il'C'J"l1                                                           rl1rt.                            The nrcas in the SOt:Lh                                   Zl     r ('
                                                               !!,                                                                                                                                 -- '-i' ..

l\ I!

               * ,.._. 1 ........-1'-' ~. * ** ~..:; **--~ *.i1 ~-<"..;,.,;,~ ~* ...... , ..... ~ t...* -. '-~. ~ ...*J~ ,.__,,  ...  * ,. ...  ~ "'":  -.:.~oc.~'t;:* .*. 1   ' , '\- ... ,...~. .a-.i.,'l, ..... ~~~,.:. .,;;;. ........ \ .- ......,,...,,.. * ...., ~*.*.*~     .... .J.~ ....-':::...."t~.,....._.,e,,...::~ ... r<$:!'~'~~.:.t..i.*.~*.... ;..;~;.l.;.Or.i.*~
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                                                                                                                                **'I              .......                                                                                                                                                                                   '   l 1
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                                                                                                                                               . 1'.*

I S t ow Cr e ck s wh i ch f 1. O\ i n Lu t lh ~ De l:nv [l r c hi. v e r . Tri but a r i cs within the borders of th<' tmm~;Jdp include Mnd Horse nncl !lope Creeks and other strc<Jm:; whose.' :'ources rest in the marshy belt

         \,*hich borders the river. Hancock's Bridge, Harmersville, and Canton arc tho three villages wLLhin Lower Alloways Creek Town-ship.
                    *Ninety-four percent of Lhe Township's land is either vacant 6r       i~- agricuitural use. Furlherrnore, over half of the six percent of the land Lhnl js developed is used for power plants and el cc tr lr;rnsmissi.on 1. incs. Over half of the lotnl area of the Township is \vatcr and wctL1nd that has no development potential.
                     'l'his wctlnnu is prirnal" i.11 the \vC'st*crn Jn:l southern primarily in t:he norlh and ccnLr;il sections. There is a sub-stantial concentration of                    undcvc~loped               woodlnnd in the eastern carrier of the Township.

b) AnnC'xcd he re Lo :rnd m.'.1d c J pc:i rt he rco L- and m.:irked Plaintiff's Exhi1)ils l Lln-ough 16, nrc a series of maps

          ;rnd documcn ts showing:
1) Nn t u r .:.11 f c* a t u r c s ;
2) draln.'.1gc basins and flood prone
                                             ;i   r Cll S ;
3) c*x is ti. ng Lmd use;
                                   /~)        potential pipe line corridors;
5) environmental constraints and g,)Vl' nrn1f'1H ownership;
6) !ocnt io11 ;1f l:nnkcr casualties -

1 C) Ci 9 - 1 CJ 7I~ -- Dc 1 i1 wu r c RI v c r ;

7) st) i 1 s m;1 p ;
8) b t"Oltnd \,'iJ Le 1* map;
9) rcso1ul"ion of Township of Lower "To
                                              ;1ny mon~               i1ucl.ear gcnc1<<1ting units i 11 l.oh't.*1* /\11 O\v.:-;ys Creek or in Lhe 1,'<1   l <' i
  • s a d j .1 c c n t t h c r c l n 11 ;

1 0) lcltvr dated May 16. 1977 to alL r c' s i cl c, it ~:; \v j 1* h i n S ri i 1 c c v <Jc u .-1 t lo n

                                              ; '. lll1 c - rn; 1 p o f z o n c n rn I n u c 1 c L:J r a c c i cl en t JiO st. c r ;
                                                      -* _)



11) popul:1t. iCln l;1hlc fnJm ur;1[l: of th
                                                '.                                              proposed m;1stcr plnn; 12 )        t: a x 111.1 p - I. m..i c r A l l ow ll y s Cr c c k S h '
      .-.-~                                                                                     11., Block 26 - ownership dcsi.gnat
              ; ;..;,;i1ffi                                                          13)         Lnx map - 1.owcr Alloways Creek Sh
                                     .                                                          8, ownership designated;
                    -****                                                             ]I*)      gcncrnl t*nx mllp;
               .          -~-.
15) c,[ficlnl map of Lower.Alloways Cr
                                                                                                'J'Oh'l1Sh i p;
16) ordinance' ;nncnding the Zoning un.1 c) The defendant, the Nucle<.ir R0gulatory sion was cstnb_lished under 42 U.S. Code, Sectiun 5841, ~
                     '     .. ;;
                       *;* c-.
                . =~.::~
                       .   ~:-.;

ns an independent regulatory c6mmission of the United St I: ,. of Americn divided ~nto various offices for specific pur I clenling \*Jith Lt111ctl1)n:> previously performed by the Atomi ergy Commission anJ ;1d(l!.t:ilrn.1L power given pursuant to ~ U . S . C . , S C' c t i 0 n 5 8.t* l , c L ~> c q . dl The dct1'11d:rnl, Lhc Nuclcnr J{cgul.1L*nry of the U11LtcJ .St;1t:cs ,,[ /1nw1*ic~1.rc.~~;ponsihle for: 11 Evaluating mclhocls of trnnsporting

                          . *.-:.                                                      spc~ci     al nucle;.ir nnd other nuclear materials c11td of transporting and storing high-level radioactive wastes to prevent rndL<1lion hazards to 11 c1np1 oyces and the ~encral public.
                                                                                       £~2 ll.S.C., Sec. 58+3(b) (2) (B) 11 ln~;uring the safe, permnr.cnt disposa:

of rndionctivc wastes tlwm1~h the licensing of nuclear a c t iv i t i cs a n<l f n c i 1 i t i es . 11

      **-~                                                                              '* 2 u . s . c . s c c . 5 8 7 7 ( c ) ( 5 )
  --"'.      ~.: ;r.J!.~ ~-:-'.j The \'1!clcar Regulatory Commission has other gen-
                    -   ~'
                                                    ;md       ~~pccific       pc>WC'r*s do.nling h1 ith              the licensing and regu tionnl pcrmii*              ct1 Nt::\*.' Jc-rsry Public Service Zlcctric nnd lo construct:            :1;1J  Oi)(~l"i.lll'     (l nuclcur powct* plant--S;1lem I lo consln1c.L             t !1rcc ut lier nuclcnr r)owcr pl nnts, S;1 lcin Ir II   !!ope Creek l             ;i:hl 11      on :\rlifici.d            fslnnd in Ll1c 'i'ownshi I   LO\JCr         All(w;1y:. Cree'\(, Sr11C'm County, tfow JcrsC'y.
                                       . ~~
                                              . *.I j
                       .     .'  I     '

The DcfcncJant, Joseph ~1. llcndrie, is Chi! i rin:rn of the United Stntcs Nucle;ir R<'gu1:1tn1*y Cnmmfssion nncl Lhe !Jniled Slates of America is the ft'dcral u1fi t of government that creatcc. the Unites St.:itcs ;l.Juc1cnr Hcgul.nlory Commission.


I GI.OSSARY Of TERMS Alpha Radiation--Tl1c stream of particles which come from the nuclei of atoms. Two neutrons nnd two protons compose each alpha pc'.lrticle. Atom--Th.'.lt of which *nl l mnl ter is composed, consisting of .'.l nucleus around which orbit one or more electrons, similar to the re vol vi ng of the pl.1lw l.: s a i*ound our sun. Bct.:i Radiation--Refcrs lo tllL' sln.~<un of particl.l's from the i1uc1 ~i of atoms; "'11cn*in c;1ch pnrt'ic1e is ;1n cl.ecti-crn, hut not the electron \vhich orbils <lround the nucleas of the <..1lo&n. Inste.c'.ld, the electron results from the decomposition of a ncu-t r on w i l h i n the nu c J c' u s l) f Lh c' n l om . I U\*-Product MateriCl}---1\ny i-ndioactive matcrinl (except *spec-ial nuclear mnteri.:il) yle] dcd in or made rnclicrnctive by c:<- 11 posure to the rndL1ti.on incicl('11L t*o lhc process nf p1*nrlucin~; I or special nuclear 111< _..... ~~; Chain Rcn_ction--Resul 1_s when atomic nuclei <ire split, :::::aus-1 n g the f re C' n e u l r on s r- c> 1 c n s c d l n the f i rs t f i s s ion to go on l o (i s s i o n ' 1 Lh c r nu c l <' i i n n c o n t i nu i n g p r o c e s s . ( S e e a 1s o , fissio11, infr3). I Con~mission--Mc<ins Lhc i~t~clc;11* Energy Commission. I I Curic--A unit of racliollcti.vity defined .1s the qun11tity of ra-I I clio.ictivc clement in \,*hich Lhe number of nlornic d!sinlcflrc'.ltions I Ls s o mu c h p c r s (.' c o 1 ?d . I n n Lh P l. \v o rt l ~; , t h c u 11 L L* of r.i c a .'.; u r c II I I The an:cJUlll 0£ rndinli<ill given off by one ~;r;1rn of r*1d!.urn in II one second is ils t'Cjlliv.1ic1it:.

                                                                                                ... 7*-



Dcsign--Mc~ms (1) ~*;)cci fic:1L ion:--., p]nns, dr~~wings, blueprints and other items of like nalurc; (2) The infonnntion contained therein; or (3) The resC'.:1rch and development data pertinent to the inform:ition cont':-lincc.1 therein. Electron--The small, nl'gaL ivt~l y-ch.'.lrgc<l p;Ht iclcs that revolve around the nucleus of nn nloin, l':1ch of \\'hich is pbout 2000 times* lighter in weight Lhnn a proton or a neutron. Elemenf--Any substance whose nt.:oms all have a certain number o( electrons revolving nround Llic nucleus and the same num-be r of pr o tons in th e ix. 11 u c J C' i . Emergency Core Cool~~&...-~Y..~~--~~ (ECCS)--An esscnti.:il safety sys-tern for *injecting emergc12sY coolant into lhc core. 11I safety system which r:i1)idly i11'.,crts control rous int.o the core nutom.3tic<1lly upon dcl<'cti0n by the r0nctor s11f0ly instruments. The term SCRAM was coined in the original nuclear reactor ex-pcriinentntions in which personnel were instructed lo reduce

  • rcnctivity by inseTtion of control rods nncl then run (SCRAM) ln the event of a power excursion.

l:~_pilntion--Phenomenon of loss of hair, either permanent or tcmpora ry. Fcillout--Relurn to enrtli of special nuclear or by-prc,duct ma-terL1l which has been produced by a nuclear pLrnt accide11L. Fission--\~hcn the m1clcus of nn ntomis split, two smaller nuclei result, giving nff the simultnncous release of n com-parntivcly vast. amount of hc~1l: c~!lcrgy, ;1s well as the rclc.:ose of CJ f C\.J f rec ncul1-ons. G< R.:ldiation--Belicvcd lo be nn clc>ctrorn11gnetic wove, short-I I er than the X-rny in W.1Ve length but slmilt1r Lo it:. 11

                                                                                                                                   -* -r""*.**IC' tl'..,~p .:v~~--~*~*..:~*..... -~--l.o *. ,.., ...... ~ ......   ~_,            .. ..

__ .. , .., - _~*:-*~-*\ ..... ...__

                              . '\-:;.***        :.***
                                                                                                            .    ~ .

l!:ilf-lifc--Thc men sure or l irnr* i*t 11uircd fo1* ;i r.idioi sot:opc t 0 l 0 s c h .'.1 1 f 0 f i t s sl  !" l' l l g L 11 () r L () d i s i Tl t cg 1* ~l L e by h ,1 1. f. *1 h i s half-life rnngcs in :;unc L1dini~;otupcs lo Lhousnnds of years to n fraction of a second. Ion--An .:itom which, hnving losL one or more rJf i.ts electrons possesses a positive clcctl" charge, or having gained one or more electrons! hnc: n nC'J~ativc. drrtrical cha.rgc'. Ionization--The pr0ccss wherein particles or rays from the nucleus of nn atom hit the ntoins or molecules of matter through which they r:-iss, kimcking out electrons from them,

                                 ~ind giving up their c1wrgy as Llwy do so. When ionizing ra-diiltion in sufficient.: doses l<nocks out: orhi t:nl electrons from atoms which are prc!;C'nl                                               L!'   Vilri   cius cr)mpounds of which the humar I              body is. m~de, body cc>lls nn.* thought (~ililL'r t() ho (]estroycd II            or to lose their abi t.u clividL'.

Jrrndiuli~.:._~--\.Jl111L_h:1ppt"l1'.i h'licn r;1c.llnlio11 fn1:n 11 r;icliuisot:opc slrikes u t<01rgct. lt .mny lie not*ccJ that some substt.mces, when exposed to, undergo ionization anu have a resultant c h<<:rn g c o f ch .:J r n c t c ri s t i c s . _1sotopcs--Elcmcnts ,.~Jiich m:1int<1i11 i.clcntic;1l chemi.c.11 proper-lies, but: whose nlomlc nuclei contain different numbers of i neutrons, causing Lhc:n Lo vnry in ato111ic weight. 4.,. -r ... ,.,., _;:~ I L~2-of -~:ooJ ant _Ac .~J~_l en£ (LUC/\) --A* coolant pi pc ruptures spon-C- n ncous 1 y. The.hut, p1*cssurized coolnnt blows itself out of

               /I I

I the reactor flnshing llw sloam ;tS the coolant pressure is re-I lic*vcd. M1crocuric--6ne millio11Lh of :1 curie. Micromicrocurie--Onc millionth of <1 millionlh of n curie. Molecule--Thc smallesl pliy'..;! c;1l uni.t of LJ substance posses-s in g a 1 l the ch a r .::i c t c l- i s ti c s o f th c s u b s t: an c c , ct ;; , f o r c x <'.:! m-ple, in n c.::isc of '111 el t'mcnt:, t.lie molecule might b(! lhe snme

1s nn <1Lor:1 of the."'dl*-*nl. In a compound, llic mol<~cule con-sists or l\..:o or mon' dl[[L'l"<'nt ntoms.
                                                                                                          *- <) -*
                                                                ~ .  . .: :. " ..
               -~I        :~* .*t . - ..*, ;     .*.-
                                                                          .. * ' ;                                                                   . ....... *       .... *.** ...
  • I Nuclear Pinnt Accidcnt--J\1*c cl;1s~;;i.fif'd hy the Nuclc.ii* Hcgula-
                      * *I I  Lory Com1;iission us   folloh1 ~;:
    • - - -** ----=*-- 1.0 Trivial incidents 2.0 Miscellaneous snwll rc1cases outside containment
                  \ '

I such as rcnctor coolill'lt lcnks (bcl.ow or just above 1. allowable Spcc.lfications limits) outside II primary contninment or reactor building. I

                          'I 3.0   Radioactive waste system failures such as any sin-gle equipment failure or any single operator error.

4.0 Events th.1t release radioactivtty into the pri-mary system sucl1 as fuel defects during transients outside the nonna1 range of plant vnrlables but within exiwcled r.1nge of protective equipment and

                        .1 11                system such ~1s i'rim;1ry coolant loop lo cooling syslcm sccnndary side of heat exchanger 6.0   Rcfuelin°u acci.dcnL;, inside containment such as dropping of fuc'J        nsscmby on reactor core or spent fuel      rnck or ngni.nst pool boundary, drop-ping   o[  spent: fuel shipping cask in pool or out-
         '..';\                           side pool.

7.0 Accidents to spcnl fuel such as transportation incident involving spent and new fuel shipment on site but oulsidc primury contai.nment or reac-tor buiJding. 8.0 Accident initiation events considered in design-b.:isis cvalunLion in lhc Safety Analysis Report. such as ( a ) Re <.1 c t i vi t y trans i c n t , ( b) Loss of re u c

  • lor COc)l.1nt i.nsiclc or outside primary containment, l

l! 0 r ( c ) 0 r f - l ', .1 ~; h () 1d \I p f.1 i 1 lJ r c () r r a i 1 ll r e 0 f l i q u i cJ I I radio n c t iv c \.J .1 st C.' l .1 n I\

  • I 9.0 llypothctic:1l scq11L'llccs of [allures more severe I\

Lhan cl ~1ss 0 such :1s c,)rC melt down accidents and run-nwny rc:*,ctc'r :1cci.dents nml various types of c:-:plosions involving the rcnctor or s 1Jent fuel pool or hot:h which can produce fallout. Ne~tron--One of the particles found in the nucleus of an ate~, which Js essentially ncutrnl .ind has no electrical charge. Nuc 1 ~n r Encrgy--Encrgy 1 i be i-n t c'u _by changes which occur in the nucleus of an l1tom, ~s by fission of n heavy nucleus or by condensation of light nucloi into heavier ones with accom-p<inying loss of mass. In 0Lhc1 ic'l"ds, the t rcrncndous force or hca t enc rgy which is l i be r;1t *d \vhcn the nuc l cu~; of an a tom 1 i s s p 1 i t: i n t o t \VO p a r Ls o r t~' ii c r o n t om i c 11 u c l e i a re j o i n e d t o - I get her under tremendcius heal. I Nuclear Power Plants--Thosc clnss of plants such as pressur-

  • i:u~d \,'nt*cr reactors ckn-aclcrizcu hy S.:ilcrn I nnd II and boil-11
ng v.*ater n:Lictors characterized by Hope Creek I nnd II, gen-I c r a 1 1 y r c f c r red t o ~1 s 1 i g h t w;1 t c r r c a c to r s .
                                ~uclc~us--The              core o[ the nlolll,                                       con~;i~;ling                                        of protons anci neu-t-rons held tor..eH1p1* hv <ln unknown bi11din2                                                                                         fr\r~- .
  ~        :

Pov.,er-Cooling Mismatch ,\ccidcnl (TCMA)--Occurs whenever a re-gion of the core ovcrhc:1ls due to cxccsivc fissioning or under-cc*olin!j. This could i*csul t fn <1 cnscading core meltdown follow-ed by sle3m explosion and rupture of the reactor vessel or. coolant piping or cone e i vn bl y even generate n s eve l*e pov!~ r I

                               *excursion by                   ~.uJclcn                    ch.'.lngcs within the core that raise 1!

the reactivity.


Ii Poh*cr Excursion Accident (I>E1\)--i\ r<1pid melting of the core I;*1 follo\.Jed by ll st.cnm C'>:pl.osinn ancl vc~-;sc~1 rupture or nn i.n:;tant

                     \1                                                                      - 1 1 --

11 li 11



                                                                          .._s *1   .*<..... ~-.;,._,_._ t_ * .: ....... .r. r.i --.......i..v:.' '"..;. .. .r-.":l'.v.-.~**.r:--.*i.-~......-.~'"'1;,,?:...t..C.,._4"""~-:_...,,..*~.::.. .. f'~~...J-.;;.;.,-:;.;
                                                                                                                                                                                              , .-,. .......... ~
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  . ~-~  :; _. *.
             **~ ~*-'***-*****--*     *~ .*.. *.*            '.I'

explosion nnd *vessel n1p-L url'. ---~--*-- Proton--One of the t\,'l) h.1~;ic com11oi1cnts ol the nuclei:'; of an atom \*:hicll carries  ::t 1)osilivc c*Lc~*L1*icnl chnrgc. R.1d--Unit of .::ibsorbccJ dose o! r.i<IJ;:1ti.on is tissues or nny othe

             \ .. *.                                          material.                                                                                                             r-.

Ro.diaticm Svndromc--Thc nggrcg.1lc o[ symptoms associated with rndintion injury or sick1u~:;s. Radioact:ivity--The emission o[ atomic particles or rays when the nuclei of nLoms disintegrate naturally or after being bombarckd with neutrons or other ntomic particles. Hndioi sc'to~--A n1dioi1ct i\*~,. isl) lope which has been mnJ*::: ra-dionctiv<'. by being lx111d1;nd1'd wl.lh neutrons (c:1rtificnl radio-isotope) or which is nal-tir.:111y radionctivc ( radi.oiso-top e ) n s i n the c ~1 s c n f r n d h 11 n

  • Rcm--Thc :1bsorbcd dose of ;111y i(1nizing 1<<1di<1tlon v.*hich hds Lhe* same biolo6icnl cUect :1s one rncl of X-ray radi;1tion.

Ro c n t £1.£!2- - The "dos c ' ' o f r a d i \1 l i on rn c n sured in the qua n t i t y

                                                              .")f garnm.::i or X-rays \,*hi ch wil 1. produce one c] ectrostatic unit o f c 1 c c t r i c i t y in o n C' cub i c c C' 11 l. i mc t er or cJ r y n i r a t 0                                                                                                      °       c en -

Ligrn<lc. Source Mntcri;il---Means uranit1m,

                                                              ~-----------T--                                                                                                    t:horium or any other mnleri-
                                                              ~11 h"hich i.s ulilizt*d liy 'lie C:n111mis'.;lon or                                                                                               CffCS                 conluinLng one 1:

II I. I topc 233 or i-11 the isoLl)pt.: 23'5 ;111d any other materinl \.;hich h:is been determined Lv lhc Comrnlss]on to he sµccinl rn1clcar mntcrL.:.l, but docs 1Ml includl' sourL'.l' 01* material I! nrtificialLy enric11l'cl by nny C>f the foregoing.

                                                             ~P_C>!.1 inn ".~~~~9 c l or - \I£.~.:~-~ 1_:~~1~ r c Ac c i cl e n t                                                                                         ( SR Vr          )- - A         s po n -

tnncous ru.ptnrc o[ the reactor VC'sscJ. due to n design or rnc:mu-L1cturing dcf~:ct. l'l1c' c111crgC'11cy core cooll ng sy::>lcm would be j11cticctive in this ~;it*u.!lion since the con* CC'u1d not b~ re-floodc:d cx~*epl fl)J' limited Vl's:;c1 rupture~; ;ilJove Llw core

                                                                                                                                                      -*I 2 --
      - ... ._,.,_ ....> ....... """"'* ... *'" *.'"..:'"':'~-;"'*,. .,......, * ~-....~:-"'*----,,~:-'  . -- ,~. ***-* 1* ... **;-. , . , ..... , .......... ~......""".'"'"-"'*'"*... *"':;'...r-...-~-.. ..,,"":',.......,., ~............."'~ ................;.....,......_"'-
        .t level. In the extreme c;1*;0 lhc n~;1ctor vessel cJosurc hcnd F1HST COUNT
1. The Plaintiff rcpc_':lls the nllcgCJtions of PCJragraph!

I 1 through 5 of this Co1i1rlnint <rn<i mcJkc!; them Puragraph 1 of l this Cmint. I I 2. Nuclear power plnnls represent a hazard to the he a l th a nd s a f et y o [ .the gen c r C! l . pub 1 i c and the P 1 a i n t i ff be - cause they are subject to nuclenr power plant accidents in which harmful radioacllvity cou1.d be relensed to the atmosphere as dust and expose u. large population <.rn<l pnrticularly the PJnintiff' s locnlity to a lellrnl or injurious radiation would pr*oduc.e personr.i.1 iQjury, property damngc and dc:ath .

                                                                       .3.           The source o[ th..:~ <llorcmcntioncd accident h2zard is        the nucle.:Jr rencl:nr of Lhc Nuc1cnr Power Plant. At pres-ent, on Artificial Island in llie TO\*mship                                                                      o[   Lower Allowa;*s Cr e e k , S n 1 em Co u n l y , Nr 1,.; J c r s <.' y , a pre s s u r i ;;: c d wa t c r re a c to r known as Salem I is b0in~ opcr~t~d hy New Jersey Public Ser-*

vi'ce Electric and Gas Cornp.:rny. Another pressurlzecl wnter re<lc-

                                                 ~or nt a Nuclear- Power Plant knm.m as Salem II is scheduled to go Oj)C!rntional in Lhc ycn1* 1979. Sn1em J and II have been dcsi~ncd as fundamcnLnJ ly one' st nlion. /\djaccnt tu nnd in close!

proximity l:o Sulcm I <ind II, Hope Creek I and II <1rc under construction, pur~;unnt to conslruction permits issuL'r.l by the Commission. Hope Creek I nnd IT ,1re boiling water reactors. The fund.:imenlal Jiffcrc.'nccs bdh*ccn a lypical. pressurized water reactor .:.rnd contninment nncl lypi col boi.ling wntor react*or and containment nre indic<llcd nt Exhibil 17 which is nr.nexcd to t h i s Br 1. c f :1 n d *nw uc <1 D a r* t t h e r-" n L

4. Appearing ln ExhibiL 1.8 is n schematic of the reac-
                                                                                                                                 -- l :l-
  • --* ~**"'-"" .-. ...:..,:-,r**.'*"'"i*-":""~~~*;.*>4.~c. ~*'-' * ""' *.****'** .......:-. ~*>:**~_-;**-~*"*. ' .. *'< ***'-">,. "** ** * *--*~~-~,,._,.,_,.:;.~*'.*;~*~*:*""*~~-*~~~ ": , * ......,_
                                 <.... -~*/_*_., ...*.: *~.*.;.>   l_, *** ** : . ,                                       *. I
                                  ---~-                   ~ :" . .  ..                                                                                                               . . . ~ .. -. : -*

I' .. system. The core is cn11111oscd tif. n:iJinactlvc fuel. ~1sscmhlics. nrc bundled together :ind cr.1mrlcte one fuel assembly. Each fuel assembly is possessed wilh ,1 certain nmount of diverse radioac-l i. \' i t y. Th c ll s e 0 r c 011 L r () l )"( )( h d (! v c l 0 rs (I [ i ssi 0 n re a c l i 0 n in operation nnd cstab1ishcs critic<1lity and the hc<it required to boil water which is u_scd in tl1e process of ge.nerating elec-tricity. It will also be observed in the schematic of Exhibit 17 that holh the boiling water system nnd pressurized water system reactors are connectNl Lo an emergency core cooling I system which is n safety system to be util izc<l in the event I of an. uncontrollable fission reactlon in the operntion of th! I nuclear power plant.

5. Both Sal<'m 1 arnl 11 have 193 [ucL as"'.emblics. Hope I Creek I nncl II hnve 7G/1 f11t*l ;1*;~;crnblics. Al.1 fuel nssemhlics nre lo,*ntccl in the nuclear H',1c:Lo1* or in the spent fuel pool.
6. The Commission i~sucd Solem I nn operating license on August 13, 1976. CommcrcL1l operation hcgnn on June 30, 1977. As originellly designed, Lhc storngc cnpnci.ty of the spenl I

fuel pool at Salem 1 was 2G4 fu0l nsscrnhlics. Each spent fuel II' pool roo1n in both SGlem I nnd II is located in a building alongside the contninmcnt bui.lding which houses the nuclear reactor.

7. I3y letter dnlccl November 18, 1977 and ns revised on February 14, 1978, ns supplemented on December 13, 1977, May 17, July 31, August 22, October 13, October 31, November 20, December 22, 1978 nnd Jnm1:ny 4, 1979, Puhlic Service Elcc-tric nncJ Gas requestcJ nn nmcndrnent to the facility operating license flDRP-70 for the S.:-ll0m Nuclear Generating Station, Unit I. The request WDS rn:1clc to nht.1i11 n11thorization to provide
                 .1dclitionnl storngc C[lp;1clly ;11 Lhc Snlcm Unil I spent fuel
    ~I                                                         - l .'.~ -

i\ l . -* .. -* ; ..

11 11

                                  .I                 rool. Also, by lcl:lcr tl.1lc'<i 1\1)ril                                                                                L~,             JiJ7g,                    l'ulJlic S(:rvLcc I            Llectri.c ~:nd Gas ~;ubinlllcd 1\1r~*ntl111c:11l" !/11'2 lo Llll' :1rpl.ication II I* - - ......~-~- --                     I            for licenses for thl' co*,*1stn1cLinn :~n1cl np('r-ntion of the Salem I

1! ~luclczn Gcncr<lting St.1l i.on t:11i ts r nnd I I consL>ting of change!

                                        \I                                                                                                                                ~
                                        !\            to t:he [innl                                               ~.:1fety        ;1r1:1lysis i*cport.                                inc]11ding                                      ti         revised des-11 criptic~n                                 of l:hc spcnL                            r~it~l          ~'Lornr,c i:                                                                                                                                       focilitics foL- bot:h units I              to reflect n proposed design chnngc of the UnLt I license I

amendment applicatio11. In effect, the proposed modifications for Salem I \..'ould JqcrL~c'.lsl'.' lhc capacity of the spent fuel pool at Salem I <ind II from the present design cnpacity of 264 fuel assemblies to a cnp<1city o[ 1,170 fuel assemblies at each spen 443/~.

8. In M;1rcli of 1c_178 Lil . .' Commission puhlished NL;REC--

purported to list "Comp;1ct stn1*;1ec pl <ms for reactor stori.lge pools of mnny opernling l"l'<icLors ancl reactors under construe-tion h,:ive bcC'n dC'finerl nnd :nc~ ;1t vnrious stages oi:" implemcntn* tion. Tahl(_* ].t+ list l\H' rC';1ct.ors nncl t*ho i11LcndccJ .Jcti.ons. 11 This T3ble is reproduced ;1s b:liibi t 19 zrnd is rnnclc a part of i t*h~s Cornplaint.

9. The method or incro.;1sinr, the stor:1gc of* fueL QSSCl.i 11 ii r.:cks._ There is alLdched Le Lllis Cc1rnplainL ;is Exliibit 20 a
                                 -II 11                 typi.cn1 pressurized 1.;:1LPr H'nct:o1* opc.'n fr;1:nc fuel                                                                                                                                      stor.1ge rack I:               ;rnd E:-J1il1it 21 inclic;itcs ;1 lypic:tl rc-clc'sig11c~d ~;pcnl [uc.:l rack I hns                   <1        rack design                             or         !lnmin<il Ct.*ntcr-to-ccntcr spaci.tig bctwce1 i                  fuel                 stora_ge caviLics of 21. inches. The r)roposccJ nr.w spent.

II I! i i r s p; i c i* n :, ', . u 1* l (). . _1r i t 0 ~' i 1;_* I11(' : ;

  • J*:;ich slnl11lc~;s ~,lccl ',.:;Ill o[ Lhe
                                     ,i ii
                                     !I fl 1\

1,,, Ii

                          *.,* .C...!I.,..., ?-'~**~A ... ._ ...  . \* ,*..,,, ...  * . ..:.. ..-.r..,, ..,._ ..* ** .. , ..... ~       .*1     I
                                                                                                                                                            > ,*. .'r .. /:
  • l:_' _.  ;;.,1 *.l::-!;.;._,.(>-,7 /]l*'; ... ~_-... *.. **~**-:::~ M*.;::.-~ ...~.~ '...L,..* ........ ~ ... ii:J:..*~.:..o......:i.~ .*

bi d e i n n n a l um in um m:t l r i :-: ) L' ) p r o \! i d c [ o r n cu t r on a L; :~ o r p L i on . A1 s o , a n n c x c d t o l h i s C: o nq* 1 11 i n I  ; 1 :; ': F x h i h i t* 2 2 i s a t y p i c n 1


schemat i.c of fuel hnndl i nr, L1ci 1 i lles al n prcssur-izcd w.::iter

                                                                                              /. 3 L~ n l y pi c; f1 I     r ca c tor and Ex hi bi t                                                                                                                     sch cm il l i c r C! - fuel in g
                  !,                  10.           There is no indjcalicm of che proposed incre[lse I    in reactor stornge r>ool capacity for Salem I in NUREG-0404 ii I
a r k e d Ex h i b i. t 19 o[ t: h i s Comp 1 <1i n t . I t \-.'i 1 l be obs e r v e d the incrQasc at Snlcm 1 l)f ,~/~J/~ is su!Jstnntially more than any ii I

I I T.:1ble 3.4--Exhibit 19. The incn':iscs nt 52 other nuclear power I lj-p Lm t s r .1 n g c f r om 2 4 ~~ Lo J J (, ';:, . j,

11. The fuel rod~.; g:1lh(*1*<~d togcl"lwr in Lhe fuel asser.i-creating heat to ni;1kc~ Slc.';1111 in Lile proccs~, of producing elec-Lr i c i t y . Ra cl ion c t i. v l Ly i s a l s () <l by-prod u c t o [ th i; pro cc s s 11 11 :ind the r;1dionctivi r*y accumuL1Lcs in the reactor. Although
            !1 i         the: Cor.imission h1s ri*;icL LcC'd n clcgrcc of c0nscrvatism in re-*

11 spc*cl t~ isSUl.'s o[ s;ircly <rn<l lic<Jlth, the profound and severe II

            !I,,      conscguc:icc's Lo Lhc s.1t>Ly <rnd l1c<1lth of the public anrl Lhe ii         P1.1inl:iff li<1s not ])('l~n invc.~l.ig;1Lt*cl or cvnluntcc.l by Lhe Cornmis*-

II I' l1;1;*ticul;1rlyi <1ccldc*nl.s lllln*c~ severe thnn design basl.s

         ,,ii         sion.

I' nccicL:nts in rc~SjJCct to t:l1c 11t1<..:1e.:lr ~*cactor have not been theo-

      . !:11 rctically invcstigntt>d t*o Lhc Ct)urse each could take ancl the conscqu(~nti..-11 damagt.:s,                                                     inJu1*ic'~; nnd consC(jUenccs to Lhc safety
                     .JncJ hc<tllh         c[                  the puhl ic [lml lhc P.lnintiff h:1vc not been con-sic.lcrc~d or C'V<1luatcJ by the Co:nmission. The Commission has failed '..:o provide evalunlion or l"C'Gtil;;Li.ons for reactor cont-1
                     <li.nml l1t       sysl..cms for c'c) rndionctivity ;ind fallout in Lhe evc:1c o[ acciclcnt '.; 1::nn sr.:vc~re tlwn the hnsis <Jcci-                 1
                                                                                                              -* 1 (, -

i: I'

                                            * ~ .*',... ' .. - *I  \'.    * ..,.,*.   ' 'o *
                                                                                                   ** .... l '.'   * '*  ,...._' "o'i-4,l *- """~ >II,,;." : " ....
                                                                  ;. . . . . . .
  • 1*
12. Tht' Cor111ni.r;~~ion 11:1!; L<il:il]y fai.!.cd to con~;ider, evalu3tc or .:1ddrcss in ;111y t*11vi rn1i:ncnUll. impnct :.t;1temc*nt, th e c f f I..' Lt s 0 r (' x p .111 ~~ j l) ll () r [ 1"' s p L' 11 l [ u c l p 0 () 1 ;) t sCl 1 cm I an<.1 I I even though the p1*acl L~:al effect of cxpan~ion \..:ould
   \\               permit more them 6 nucl ccir                                        C<"" or 1 ~3                 fuel osscmbl ics to be stored in the spent fuc1                                           pool. :it Salem I by the year 1993.

The Commission hns totally [ailc<.1 to addrc~s themselves to their responsibility tmder the National I::nvironmcntal Policy Act--L~2 U.S.C., Section 4132 (2) (C) to promulgate an environ-mcnt.Jl i::1pact statement on lhc effects of re-racking .ind stor-age of spent fuel at Snlcm :rnd 11. Ins tend, pursuant to 10 C.F.R.- Pnrt 51 nnd !10 C.F.l~. 1)00.6 nnd 40 C.F.R. 42801, the Commission has determined llicrl' is no bnsis for preparing an environmental irnpnct* sl,:il1'riH'11t on the: r ;1ct:j()n Lu consider fuel st0ragc c:lpacity :1L.: S;ilC'rn I ;mcl II. determination by the Cor:i;nission repn!scnl:s a departure from t*he statutory rc<]uircmcnl:s of the Nntional l':nvironmcnt Policy Act and from the slat***Jlcs establishing tho n:sponsibilities and obligations of L:hc Nuclenr RcguL1tory Commi.ssinn--1~2 U.S.C., Secti.on 5843

      'I               (h l     ( 2 ) ( n ) n n d S (' c ti on 5 8 7 7 ( 1.: ) ( ) ) re q u L r i 11 g Llw Nu c l <: <1 r*

l\cgulntory Commission lo eva1uaLl' methods for storing high 1 e v c 1 r ;1 Ji o L! c t iv e h' us t c Lo pr l2vc11 t rad i a ti<' n h .'.l z n rd s to th c I i

  • gcncr:1l public and t 1 insure> Lhc. Silfe, pc.rm<1llcnt disposal I, o f h j g h 1 e v c 1 r n d i o .J c l i v l ! wn s t* L~ t h r o u g h t h c 11 c c 11 s i n g o [ r 1u c 1 e -
,.. .. c L ! V i I i eS . ll 11 d f ll C 1 1i Li CS *
13. The Nuclen1* ReguL1lorv Commissjo11 hns L1ile<.l to

_consider the ha~anl*:; l1tto~hcd l.o the rc' consequences of stornge of spcnl fuc1 nt Salem I and II jn tr1~ fin.::il cnvir-o 111r.c11 La 1 s t" ~1 l: cir. c n t s in i* c s pc cl lo L11 c 1 i r C' n s J rig o f l" h c con - 11 srrucl:ion c'.lncl opcrllL*ion nl S.-1]c111 I nnd c0nsln1cl:ion of Salc.:rn 11 I*.I 1:

                                                                                        *-1 7 -

,* 1 ** _, .....

II and the .impact on the final cnvii-orlil1entnl statements for ndc.lition<llly foiled lo c0nsldl*1- Lile rJcJiological conscqucnc".:!s of re-r:i.cking which h'i.11 cnL1rgc the storage capucity of the spent fuel pools at S;d cm T l1nd r I. These cnnscriucnccs derive from polcntinl .1cciclcnts invn1ving: n) Con~c'qucnccs u[ rnui.oactlvc fallout in the event of a Class 9 accident at Snlem I or IJ. b) Leakage by nir nnd water routes in the evet*,t of breach of containment. c) Accident criticc.11ity accidents which could produce melting of fuel rods and absorbing material and explos-ions. ci) Acls of snliolilt'/' \..;llich could result in radio-active fnllout. el The effects on the general populati.)n in Plaintiff's locality in lhc C'Vcnt of nny type of acciclent or act of wnr or subotngc nnd n dC'l 1~1 minntion under the Nation-ril '*Envirunmcntal Policy Act ;is t n the conscq11ences to the safe-

         ... y .:ind hea 1th of the public                           j   n rL*spect to the storing of pot en-t:L"1lly      2~3110        fuel nssC'm1)lic'.; at S<1Jcm I nnd II £ind 1,328 fuel assc;*.1blics .:it llope- Creek l :ind l I; all on Artificl<:1l LslnnJ, in Lower Allow3ys Creek Townsl1ip, Salem County, New Jersey.

I Said r;rnss depository of srent fuel constitutes c:i uuisnnce per 11

  • l s c i n t I rn. t: a n i n n d c cp 1,1 l .*' n s ~-; L~ s ::; 111 C' 11 t: h n s b c r n d on C' a s r e q u i re d under lhc stQLutcs nfol*e111l'lltln11c*d governing Lhc Nuclcnr Regula.-

Lory Commission nnd Lhcir n'quircJ :1cti.vities under the Nation-al Fnvi.rnnnir*ntl.11 Policv Act

14. Ench fUL'l usscmbly ;1forcrncntioncd contains about 2 0 0 r;.:ic.i i. o a c t i v e L; o t o p e s n f '3 (J [ i s s l on pr ocJ u c t e l em c n t s pl u s Ii I

the nctinide elorncnls ;1nd t'hc\1- r.1dionctive cl;rnghler clements.


11 1 h-11I. iiI

    !i j\


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(** .... .- . .,.-. '


             *I I

I Most o[ the inilic'.11 1*:iclio:1clivily dis~;ip:itcs so th.1t

  • i.n 5 cu c'.l) S t r on Li u m-- 9 0 h' Ll h ti~*I ha 1 L- l l f c o f 2 8 . 1 *.; c Cl r s .

i b) cc s i \1 m- 1 3 7 \,l i th n ha 1 f - ] i f c 0 f J 0 . 2 ye .1 r s

  • c) Krypton-BS with a l'fhlf-life o[ 10.74 yc;1rs.

The Strontium (n hone seeker) nrnJ Cesium (n bone and muscle *seeker) continue Lo be serious internal radiation h<lz-ards for from 350 to 1200 years (considering a 1 gignwott or one thousandth meg~watt reactor). Inking the longer span of time, nftcr 1200 years tl1c dominnting radi.oisotopcs arc: d) Iodinc-1~9 with .1 half-life of 16 to 17 mil-lion years and, e) Plutonium-239 '.vith ci half-life of 24,JQO yea;*. and the: olher f) Actinide:..;. Iodine i.s n thvroiu st>ckcr :.rnd, therefore, cnn ;1ffcct* gro\.. th nnd possibly olhcr mctnhol ic processes. Plutonium i.s 1 m.:iinly an inhalatio11 thn~at since a sm.'.111 qunntity lodged in th c lung s c .:in be fa t: n 1

  • All of the <1bovc radionucleidcs ore dangerous carco-g e: n i c n g :~ n t s
  • Th c s c w;1 s t e rad i o i so top es imp :1.c t upon the pop u-1.1tion through the ni.r us i11hal;:ints or as deposition on gr.::is~.;
  ..:*-...:!     oncl food crops. Tlic ogcnls reach Llic population through vc.:*,r~-

tnble, milk nnd me;*1t consu111pli(111. An _impnct on the pop111.nti.on occurs vin the ground \vntcr p;1Lhwnys of direct wntcr consump--

15. The dl'cisinn ils lo *,,1l1cr.c to store spent f11c~l. from nu c 1 c a r po v.1e r p L1 n l s i ~; a c rn1 p l ex i n t e r - cl i s c i p l i n a r y prob l c "' .

However, cert:ain aspect's of the problr-m nppcar to have been

                 \v c 11 - d e f i n c d a n ct g o 11 C'. r n 1 1 y n c c C' p tt~ d ,          t ,, wi.t * :

a ) ]) i s ;w 1* s c d '* .1 d i o l sot opes 01 r c r cc or~ c (~; i l. r ;1 t c d l)y ccrlinn biological rnnn:;.

                                                                       - l CJ-*

I '

b) Int c r 1 u l 1 y l ! l *I H) s !. l (*d r ;1 di o i sot op cs ; 1 re Lhe ma j o r 1 on g l c nn pr ob 1 c 11'

  • c) Abs o l" p t
  • I u 11 l, r l" :H ! i o i s o t" op c s by the g c o s p he re are not \,*ell known. Ho'n*cvcr, il is \,'ell known that rainfall
                       \,*i 1.1 cause larr,c*r amounts nf 1<<1d.i oisotopcs                                                                                                   Lo be clcp,,si ted on the eJ.r6h e.g. large C1rnot111L~; l'f would Le de-posited on the <-'                l!round in the event of n nucLcnr <iccident and fallout clurin3 a rain slorm.

d) A w.::itcr pntl1h ay can more readily be climl-0 nnted th.:rn .'.1n ll:i.r pathway.

                                                  ,~)        \~e hnvt~ 111ucli h~Ll:cr scicntifLc knowi.cdge of land ecosystems th.:Jn Llw~l'                                       or           h 1;1tcr                       systems. Based on the fore-go i n g ,    th c b c s t           L) ca t i on ~£ o i
  • con c c n t r a ti on o f 1 a r g c am o u n t s o f nu c 1 .:.' .'.1 r s p C' n t f uc l \*JO u l d 1w n d 1* y u n p op u L:i L c d a r ca s u ch as l1 des(~rt. The fai1u1'c of L.lll' Commission to ev<1luatc alterna-Live physical loc<1l Jons [()1" tlw stor;1gc of large~ amou11t~; of spent nuclear fuel £1*om Snlcr.i I ;rnd II represent .:in arbitrary, capricious and unrenson~blc regulatory practice.
16. Efforts or the Crnnmission in parti.cipnting i.n Ln-I L,*r.'.1,;enc:v revich1 .t~roups such as the* Environrnc'.nlal Protectivn I,

I Agency, Dl~pcirt:mcnt l°"lf l*'.ncrgy .:.rnd Nuc1ear R.egulc:itory Commlssi.on Ii I' II vironmcnl.:.11 Impnc:t SL<iLr'ml'li~ ll<1ndling ,1nd Storage of Spent o.'."J 11 011 11 11 Light \~::tcr Power He<tclnr Flll'l rL'pi.*esent innclcquatc reguL:itory Ii

                !1     elforts in light of l                          11\..'    ~;l:1Lulory manuntc of 42 U.S.C. Section 5843(b)(2)(B) and 587.i(c)()) Ln insun~ the safe permanent dis-r0 sa1      0 [      h i - l c \,' c 1 r cl c.1 i L)  <1 c L i v ('               h' ;1       s l: c             t      h r 0 ugh l: h c ] i c (.' n s i n g                                          0   f nuclc.:ir activity. In its                                   n;1L"i.l111,1J                            policy of permitting re-rncki:~g nt              52 nnd r:'llH*c nuc]c[n power p-lants ~ind CJt Salem I lI I

I cmd II lhc Commission ls c*ngn1',ing i11 subslnnt.iul nctions i<.-'hich h:ivc not_ been the subJccl: ol: n ~;cp.1n1tc cnvi runrncntul Lnp,1ct

1 11
              'I 11       :\c L.

II ii Ji





                                                                                 , . * " ..... ,." -i. ., .. ,,. "f'I * ... '-'* *. -.-~. ~ ...* ,,,t_*.-- ,,.._;, ~-:-*. ,*~.:1<S;.* .;,.~.~.~~*.l.- .. ~~~-~~,;:....,)..*~~.:;..\.:;.:~c.
17. The origi~rnl dc~>i~*.11 of LliL* s11enl fuel puCJl at SalL*:-n I <mc.l II arnJ in slmil,1r light \*Ji'ltrr n*aclors is cJcsignC:d to receive irric.lt1tecl fuc*l .1~.;scmhl ics removed from the rc(lctor prior to accomplishing tl core !"(*fueling or to allow fo1.- inspec-tion or modific.Jtion of core i11Lcrnals. The lnttcr purpose 11II may require sp;ice in lhc poo1 r\)r up to ,1 fllll core. When first reinove<l from the rrnctcr ;1sscmblics arc in.itL:llly in-tensely ri1dionctivc (Jue lo llieir fresh fission and product I conte~*t) and have. a high thcrm,11 output. The spent fuel rool provides ~.h.i.e1ding ;ind cooling.


18. The n::1jor 1--iurLinn nf lhL' r[Jdioacti.vity nn<l its
                                                                                  .'..lssoci:1tcd heal dec1ys                                                                                     in Lil<'             t'!rst        1..SO dnys followint.; removal II                          from the rc.::ictor con*.                                                                                      :\f'tei: this pc1-iod                        (the cooling per~od)

I I the spe'nt. fuel ;1ssembl i c*s h'cr*c i.nLcn<lcd Lo b~ pl.1ced into hcnvily shic1dl'd fw'1 c*:1sks :111d ~;!ripped off'-sitc f*Jr stor:1gc and processing.

19. At the tir!1c conslruction and oper<.ition licenses were g1--'.'lnted for Sall'm I nnd construction 1ice:nse was granted for Salem 11 11nc.! Hope Cn. c.k I ;111cl II) the nforcmentioned WLlS the int0ndcd p*...irpose of the spent fuel pool nncl at no time prior to April 7, 1977 w::i~; lt cv~1* i.ntcndrcl thnt there would b2 more than 1-1/3 fuel :1s~;c";1bJics locCJted nt each reactor

/"=-~-. on Ar t i r i c i n 1 I .s L11 n d i n Loh' c r A l.J O\*.' a y s Cr c e k Towns h i p . Th c nntionnl policy prior to Apri.l 7) 1977 was to promote the com-mcrcL:il reprocessing nrnl rf'cycling of plutonium produced by the light* wnlcr n'nctn1*~; 11l l"L'jll"()CCssing L1ctlitics. On April

                                                 .I                              7, 1977 President C:nrtc1*                                                                                          c*1\1L        Li.1wd a new nuclear pol icy position II which deferred ~ndcfinitcly the: commcrcinl reprocessing ancJ recycling of !iJWnt fu0l                                                                                            prod1_1cl'd in the 1 Jght 1,o.1;1tcr reactors 11 lj                               in the lJnilcd Slnt'cs. Suell st;11*cmcnt by Prcsl.c!cnt Curter rcpro-I'
                                                .1                             duccd as Exhi hLL )t+ <11lll 111:1dc p:1rt of this Coinpl Gint .




                                                 'I 11,,
     '-~ ... -q.,;,. .......... .....*-.:..l::* LJL-.*
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                                                             .ii*,&..,,r...;,1v.    ~*, 11111."'1' .. ~\ **** ..,...\.,, .. , ........ ' . . . . . . . . ** *
                                                                                       .                                                                      . .... ,._, .... ,,\,_ *-* ..,, ..      ' \ ~ ' .. * ¥
                                                                                 .    (   ~  .         ..
                                  .*         -. t..1         . -*~ **                               . _,*****
                            .......... ' .... ,                    ......           *--..~*          ....


                         .I i

Ii ' I' I,'/ I ils ~ta[i to .1nalyzc' ~1llc:n1:1livt*~> fo1* tlic hanJllng c:ind storage of spent light waler J'(WC'r rC':1clor\ fuel with particulc'.lr cmpha-II 1, sis on developing long r.11l[;t' JlOlicy. SubSCljllcnt to President II Carter's <.!nnounccmcnl of 11.1tionnl rolicy on April 7, 1977 the

                        \1 Commission terminated I-.,J*occc,clinr,s on the generic environmental I

statc~ent on mixed oxide fuel (Gcsmo), pending license applica-tion and other matters rcl.:1ting to the reprocessing and recycl-ing of spent light h 1 atcr rcnctcir fu~l. The Commission admits that the drnft Generic Envi.l*onmcntal Impact Stntmcnt issued on March 1978 on h.1ndli 11g nnd ~;tornge of spent light water power reactor fuel represent:; an interim action and, not a fi-nal solution. On Scptcmlwr 16, 1975 the Cornrnisssion liacl di-rected the staff to cxnminc L:he probler.; of spent fuel storage through the per1od lo Lhc mid l<J80's. In the absence Qf a n.i-tional policy di.reeled lo Llil' rinaL disposltion of spent fuel I the? StLlff extended the> fK~riod of this study to the year I 2000. PLiinti[f conLcncls Lh.-tt this action hy the Commissio. I i ;incl its slnff n~prescnt~; nrbit*rnry, cnpricious c'.lnd unrcdson-J1 11 I nblc conduct and a L.1ilurc to fulfil] the Commission's statu-I Lo1*y ob1ig.:ition unde1* 4'2 U.~~.C. Sccllon 5877(c)(5) to i.nsure I

  . ,   *~

I lhc snfc, rcrmanonl dispos.:i1 of high level radioactive waste I l~rougl1 the licensing of nuclear activities. There hc'.ls been I 11 n ro.gul.Jlory failure lo !nipo*sc rcqutrcments on applicants and i1 I!'I licensees to obtaiu adcquati:.* storage facili.ties at remote and 11 u n pop u 1 n t e ci n re .q s w i l h :. Cl t i. s Li c t or y c n vi r on mo n t n 1 p c r i. mc t c rs

                  *1 for the storage of spent fuel                                               froni light wntcr rcnctors. The 11
                !I I
                                    ;JCtion of Lhe Commission represents                                                 :1  complicity with the li-I I                   ccnscd ut.ilities -...1ho OJ'Crc'.l te light wnl:er renc t:1rs in perpet\Ja-II ting         Cl c1<1 n g c r o u s nncl                \ll1S<1fc       cornl i l ion Lo t \1 C' gt> nc r u 1. public ii i                   <ind lo chc              r 1 J i. n L i. f [           lw l"C' l H i     11   Lli11l  lnrgc  ;1rnount:i of    rue.: l J :; -
1 11 11 ll i ') ')
                 !1 ii
                 !I 1i
                  ,,ii 1:
                                  '*'t.    ..     ~            . .    ','* .*'.
                                                                  *** .. ;.:    ;**

to \.. i t: 1 risks to the s3fcty :rnd l11.c;1ltll nf-":.Lhc public ns required by r the N.Jtional Envlronn:cnL;11 l'oi.icy :(\ct and Lhe statutes estab-1ishinr, tht* Nucle<n Rc;_~.u1:1t.01*y Ctw1rnissio11 ;inc! its predcccs:;or the Atomic Energy Co:*1mi~;sion.

21. In preparing its ~;.:if cty rcf)orts and environmental impact statements the CommLssio?1 considers design basis acci-dents through Class 8 and docs not consider worse possible accidents also indicntcJ n~ CL1ss 9 ncciclcnts. In granting the construction 1 iccnsc anc.l opl'..~ri.1.ting 1 icense at Salem I the Commission only considc'recl design basis nccidcrts and di.d not consider \.:Orsc rossilbe nccicle11t:s or Class 9 .:icciclcnts. Si.mi-larly in grunting t"hc constn1cl i.on permits aL Salem II and Hope Creek I and 11 onl.y li1c dc!sign b;isLs acci.clent:~; were con-sidcrecl. For pt*rposcr, of i11uslratiun there folloh'S a table indic.Jling some t..lcsif'.ll hasi~;  ::ccidcnts and w,>rse possible acci-II dents. These nrc rwt ITil',:1nl L\: In~ exclusive <1nd other types I of acciJenLs c.'.ln occur. inst:anco., the Vermont Yankee Rcac-I 1:c)r I tor a cc id c n r a 11 y \,'en L c 1* i t l c <il du r i n 3 a :nn i n t c nan c e or c rat ion II when the rcnctor wns sl11it down ;rnd almost suff~rcd a pc,wcr excursion with bolh till' rcilcltn* vessel c 1 osun~ !1e<1u :ind the cont.:iinment dome u[[. The rc:ict"or vessel and containment are n:c]uircd lo he scaled \v'fll'llCVt:i* the rerictor is made critical, I so that should the rc0cto1* suffer <l design basis, power excur-I sion accident, the vessel <rnd conlninment \.,rould prevent the
                                             ~. e r i o u s re 1. 0 a s e o [                                                                    1* ,1 cl     i trn c r i v i L y ~ n t o th e a t rn o s p .                                                                  for tun a -

I 11 tely, rhc SCR/\M syslcm fu11ctionccl to shut dmm the reactor 11 i snf<.'lv. This inciJc*nl occurred 1J0cnw;e of lhe cornbJnation of i human errors ;:rnd v.iolallc)n oC safety procedure. /1s will be inclicnted hcrcin~1fll'r i11 rc'tCr<:'nCt' to th0 Browns Ferry (EWI\l 1.,.,;c~;. 6 ...-~~~*j~~*.;:r.,:. ...,~.***""- ....... t .. _.:i........ J_.. ...:*-:--"*"'......;...1.*; :.. , .... 0 ....... ... * - - * * * ' '"!"'* -**'- ..~  ;*'.='- . .. 11 ,.r , ....""'..._.._ .... ~, .. ->-."'"~-'~;..:~-.t~~:.."! ..~"'*:-..:<;.:,:.::;.:.- ~--"h..:.~~~j..:.i_:r.::'....:r~~

                              . f: ~ .

Ii 11 II'I c a b 1e r i 190 c c i d L' n t bl' lhe prcc.:Lpl-Ii tating i*actor in J jl 11 I

                                                     .'.1i1       exclusive ]isl of nll                       Lhc ::r:cidc111:               pos~;il**s              which ca11 occur *:ind ls merely given i'nr Ll1c purpuscs of sustaining the Table I -

i\ tlcciclcnrs Worse P(ssiblc Accidents Power excursi.ons l'O\.Jcr excursions Single control roJ Lh:opnut S i 11g1 C' cont r o 1 and -c j <-! c t i on (B\.JJ-\)7\- ( lH.Ji()

                                      !1               Single conlrol anJ ejection                                      Si.nglc cont*i*ol. rod ejection

( PWR) -;- (P\~H:h1gh rc*nclivity wCJrth) i St cam vnlvc closun: wi L'lwt1l Single control ;rncJ dl*opm1t l SC!:{AM( l)\,'!~). pumps ilre assumed The cooL1nL Lo .stop ( B\.J !\ , ~*( wi L h high r ca ct i 'Ji t y

                                                                                                                        ,,,orth of the.' contiol rod

( c o c1 s l d ti,,, n ) a u L* o 111.1 l i c .ell l. y Single c<**nt.r(Jl rod dropot1t II in this event, whiLh lH'<tTs v.*ilhout SCJ<Ml (BWH.J

                                     ',,I              the cooLint t:o reduce i*t~;1c                                  Single contrc1l rocJ ejection
                                      ,I ii                l j v i t y a nd ~L i m i t t h e c x cur -                     h'i thot:t SCHM*1* (BWR) sion                                                             Cnscad1ng cuntro1 rod ejection 11,,                                                                              Sl     C ;J I\ I  V ;\] ' ' <: C ) U <; \ I r (! \.J l l h 0 U l

(~Cl<1\M, (]nd \.Jithout au.Lo 1P;1LLc co-ol;inL pump stoppage Ii le~ rc<lucc rcnctivit*/(Rt,.,'R) i C'uld water rc.Jctivitv accid1.:nt ( l'\.JJ{)

  • II Con:- d rupou l ( PWR)

PE A \,* i. Lh d c f c c t iv c r c t1 c t o r l\ v 1.' s s e 1. c 1 <> s u r c bo l ts I. II11 LA)SS of cool.:rnl' l.oss of cool;rnl: I! Lngc.'st coolnnl pipe i-upture UlCJ\ \vi th fc1 i J urc of lhc ECCS 11 llI' Dt stc~idy, full poh'C.'r" 1: l'i pc ruplur(' clt1c lo iJ cooLanl Ii,: pressure.' Sltrgc follm.Jing ,1 ii core ovcrhcnling event (PEA ii or l'CMA) - Ii

                                       !I                                                                                Spontuncous reactor vessel I\

Ii niplure Snia 11 pi pc n1ptu re with out SCRAM II Po*..: e r- coo 11 11 g n: i s nw l ch l'mvcr-cooling inismaLch

  • II
                                       '1 p11:~1p seizure (l't*,l]\)*:,                           Control nncl position misar-Conlinu~:us '-*:i lhdrnh*al oi a                                rangc~mcnt
                                       !i               group 0 r con:..1.-ol ruus ;it                                   flow blockage to one or more I*                normt1l spct:d [lfld lo\v 1-e:1c-                                fuel bundles (HWR) with-l ivi ly i-*c,rth of tho. control                               out.: SCHAM i*od ~; \v LL          lwu~:  S*CR/\>i     ( n,1p )*            CooL1nt* pu;nr seizure without
                                       ,I11/!            Flo\..' bl ockagc to                   :~  l*ucl. lH'n-          SCHAM            ( P\-.'l\)

i! b 1 (' (Bl*!!-:) II Continuous wi t:..hc'i<<1wal of n I/ sing1c.* C('ntrol rod wil:h or i: 1.,* i t:lrnut: SCP,i\M ( l'~~R) 11

                                         !j                                                                               Co 11 l i n u o u ~; ~; l O\v wi t h d r ,1 1,,: J l o f a 11                                                                               !~ 1 rn 1 p o f co 11 l r n J rod ~; v.' Lth hi g h
                                            !\                                                                            n* n c t i. v 1t y \,~ i l h ;1 nd 1.Ji l ii out SC E,\

II",, 1! i:

                                               !II[                                                           - / '~ *-

- ,:*.-:,c. ... >. .*,.-i . ..,.._ . .:i.** ,*.-. . . _ .. I\ ...... .-'

                                           -n I!
--~  -   . -
  • 11 II snfcty .:-inalysis rrvieh*:; :111d ll1l' l'f)_viro11nwnt:11 i111p:1ct stnl:cr:icnl~

on lhe b:1sis of sub.J(~CL L\'c _jt1dg1n<~ll~~ .111d sai.d failure is arbi-I trnry, capricious .Jncl u1irc:1s<1\1;1l>l(,2,. conducL on lh 12 r:irl of the; I II Commiss~on. The r.~d1url~ Ln n'vic\*J Llic µoLcnlLil consl!quenccs I of the~~c nccidc.nls on l.11e gc11*.:n11 hc*:tlth and .s.ifety of the

                                                   'I public in plaintiff's locality is arbitrary, capricinus and

11 unrensonriblc in a serious hrcilch of the defendant's auministra-tive oblig<Jtion under the lJnlled St.1tes Code cstcJblishing the Nuclear Rcgulntory Con:1:ds~dl~-n nnd Lhc N[ltion.:il Envi1*nmental Policy Act. Th e c x pa n s i o n ( 1 r ~; p c i: t J uc l pool s l o r :1 g c ;i l Sa ~ c m I

                                                                        .incl Salem II t:o permit :1ddi l itl1i.1l                                                                         i*:idLnact ivc cores to be
Lorcd in close proxL1dt..y lo (11w1*'1Ling nuclc;1r rcaclo1*s consll.-

the s.::ifcLy Lind rll'allh of ll1L.: i1uhlic all Jone in an .Jrbitrc:lry, and u11".:c:1so1111Lle m;1nnc:-r wl.t:hout: an C1dcqu...1te Envi.ron-mc:ntal I1:1pa.ct StnL*crncT1l rCC]\.li.rod uncl!,:r the i*~.Jtional EnvLron-mental Policy Act.. The pr1.'sencc o[ LlH~ nw~ll';1r rc;1._:tur in close proximily r:; i t t i n g s t o r a g e of 1 , 1 7 0 [ ll c 1 a s s c rn b 1 i c s by L h e y c a r 1 <J CJ J n t S.ilcrn I cons ti t'lltc.*s :in 1:11Li:it1n i ;rnd severe r;icli ologlcal ln;~LJrd to the ~;cncr,11 pub1 Jc <rnd t.lw~;c~ members of the public in plain-LiCf 's localiLv. In aclt!iLion, Llw wot*s *.: jh)S!dh1c ncci.clcnt: ir1volving the s p ~ n L f u c l p on l i L s 1...' l f I 1,1 ~; no t: b cc n a n n l y z c d or c v n 1 u .J t c d ~y t h c d c f c n d Hn t i \l d 11 y U' n c r i .:: c n v L r on rn c n t a 1 i mp ,1 c t s t: a t: c rn c n t s

                                                          \i I
             . , ... ..-_~-*-*~~* ....... .:.:.....*:.:."'.. .- .. '/'..*:-* .,., ___ ,,_~) *. *... ~ *** , ... ' * .,._., ....   *** 1.*.'":.,. :*** * . . '-**1*.1.' *. ~ ..

r! II*I 1* 11

                                .,      '   11. The spent" fuel pool                i Lsc1 [        h     L1rgcl y dependenl on Wc'.ltcr 1       supply nncJ rnake:-up w;1Ler in 01*iler Lo avoid Lrc.'n:r.!mlous heat bu il du p* i n t h C' c v c n t o [ a c r i L i c il l i t y n c c1 cl r~ n t c1 n rl l o s '.:i o f I

I wcJter. There been no <1n.11ysi:> \.,:lrntsocv<.'r of the ::1elting tcmpcralurcs of vnriou:~ cnrnrnncnls of the fuel rolls <rnd the I effects that melting \,'ould h.1vc in rcc;pcct to the potential Ji I for explosions c'.lncJ n1cHoacLLve falloul. The boron I itself 1~*hich is the principal neutron absorber to prevent crit-icality nccidents is c.1p;1ble uf melting at lower temperatures "-=-*, Lh~~


than othc.r materinl in ft1cl rods and the climLnation of this absorbing m[lLPri:ll could lie ;1 competent producing cause of crfticality accidents in Llw c;pC'nt fuel pool. I 23. The Commissi,m's decision to permit re-racklng 11 at Salem I and II and Lo aggn*gnlc 1 nrgc amoUnt" of radioactive spent fw'l in closL' pn~xi1nily lo upc'1-:iLln0 rc;.1ctors al Sale1,1 I .'.lnd Salem II (1979) rc:i'rcscnts suf-sl:.rntinl acti.on and a new c i rcums ta nee beyonJ thl' c i rcums t'. ;rncc s cons i dcred in the orig i-nnl final environmentn1 imp;*ict* ~;t.:1temcnt nn<l safety evnluation reports [01* t:lic licc11sing of S:1lcm I and Salem 11 c1nd flopc Creek I and I I. The Com1;li s~:Lon should be required to prcpnre nmcndmcnts to the s:1fcl'y cv;t111;1ti.on reports nnd firwl environ-rncnl.-11 i111p:1ct sllltr.f'lcnt s in rL>pc*ct to Salem I nnd I l il!-> well ~

      .... ;              I I

i II as Hope Creek r and l1 fui 1\* L'Valu<1tin[; rind assessing the worse lo I' I i1ossibh: accitlcnt <'lnd Lit(* cf feels on Lhc re-racked nnd enlarged I c.'.lpacity of the srcnL fup) pnols .1t Salem I nncl II a1ong wlth I I the consc*qt1c11ti.:il vf'l.('cL:; nn Lh" ('nvironrncnr. I: II 24. The predccL~~;so1- t.n llic~ Curnmission, Ator;1ic Energy I' 11 Commission, suppressL'd CQrt11Ln reports_ be.iring on the accident po t: c n t Lil j n l i g ht wa t: c r n' J c l. o r s . An i n t e r n a 1 n a t i on n l re n c - Ii Lor tC'sring staLi~-:>n n:pnl"L (PTR.-738) w.:is i.ssucJ l.1tc in 1964 11 I,:I or Jciuu:!cy of 1965. This rcrort co11cluclcd: I!.1

                       !I II                                                                - ..

() .. 11 1/

                        ,J 11
             *. . . . . . . . . . . . ..,1 '-* **-*-

11 a) The execs s n':1c Li vi ly of l'WR. <rnd Bl*)i{ cores I is lnrgc~ enough t:h.:-it pnh e1* C':<cu1*sion 1

                                                                                                                                                                              ,1cciclc11t~;  could he catas-trophic. This conclusion                                                             covcn~d         "single Ltllure re.:icLLvity insertions" such ns a control rod dropout,                                                                          <JS well as multiple failure power excursion accidents, ns the report noted the po s s i bi 1 i t y of u n for s cc n nu L o c n L <1 1 y U. c r ca c t i vi l y c: [ f cc t s o c -

c u r i n g in a s i n g 1 c - f Cl i l u r c re n c l i v i t y a c c i cJ <~ n t s .* b) M.Jny m~1tocatnlytic reactivity effects are conceivable. c) Complicnting neutron dyno.mi.c effects urisc .~ *..... I\ with lore cores nnd, d) An intensive six yenr minimum theoretical

                                                                     .:ind expcrimcnt.:il                                          n~scarch               progr.1m i.s necessary to in*:estigatc these mc-ittcrs. the report*                                                         h':1.*;    ncvc'r published by the Atomic Energy Commission <rnd \vas nnt m;1dc known until 10 years c.ifter iL YJas prc-p;in.:-c.l.                                       lnstc'<HI tlw 1\Lomic Energy Commission C'mbcirkeJ i n 1 9 6 5 on                         <l       ma s s i. v c . 1 i c C' n s I 11 G c ;J mp ,1 i g n o f 1 i g h t wa l c r 1 a r g e renctors (Onofre, HnddC'nm and Oyster Creek). To this day no other qua ni L;i ti vc th con~ li c ;:l ;rn.J 1 y sis of the power cxcurs ion
-lcciclcnl: potential in light \,1 .1Lcr renctors hns ever been pu!)-
25. In 1964-6) L\Jc 1\l"ornlc Energy Commi.ssion Clnd the i

N~tionnl 1.~bornLory

     ., 't

_j I ilrookhnvcn 11ndertonk to revise the 1957 11 \-.1 :\ S H- 7 Li 0 Ac c id c n t An Cl 1 y s i s j n l i g ht of th e fa c t th a t much 1 a r g ii.11 I'I  :'\tomi.c Er;c1*i~Y Commissilrn. '!'lie r(~port of t:hc study was never I issued. In l973 tho Atnmic EnC'rf,y.C:ommission m.JcJe public the i1 11

                                                      ,1I'             p;ipcrs cc11c1*:Jted by Llic st11d:' including clr:1fl reports, rnemoran 11 11 i~rep.Jrcd                       in 1957 <rnd d<':lll* 1vilh snwllcr r'~ctors,                                            hov;cver, II 11
                                                          *1 11 Ii                                                                                             .  :~   7-
                                                            'i 1.1 I;
i l\


           *-*.'!-.... ;.. * .?~ ..-_ *---..l~l(d.."* .* .._ *..* ~uJO,._,, .:. tJi.,-,   \-**  *~* .,._.._,_,~.-:**** *,~ .,..,,* *,v.~* *~ "~* ,*
  • 1; 0

e e of 1.:n1u requiring scvc1*c restrictions on living (an ;:1rc<1 the size of M.1ss~1chusclts) :111d ()80 111Jl!~s ro.quirlng total cvucu.1tior

                                        'i-.'ith a range of 118 miles. The \-J:\Sl!-740 figure for cvacuJ.tion could es~1ily engulf much of mc*L1*opo1 i t:nn Bo'.; ton,                                                                                                                                           £01*             cxumple, in the event of a rc~1cl:cn* :1cdtie11L 50 Lo 100 miles u1*.~1y. The WASH-740 estimates arc nor urpcr limits as .'.ldvcrsc weather conditions for increasing cl<rn1<1gcs were not included. Applying the \~ASH- 7 4 0 n n al y s i s t o                                                       Lhc          s i z c of pre s c n t cl u y re a c tors i t w,rnld be necessary to                                                               I 11cn';! ~;c sixfold the h ! ijhly intense short-1 ivccl rndio;1clivi Ly and f i ftcc11fold t:hc 1011g-livccJ rndio*

rictivity. the maximum concciv:iblc consequences of the v..*orse rossible accLlcnls using Llw \..Jt\SH-71'.10 t\nn1ysis would be os iollows: a) A lcLk1l c1uud or r;1uinllu11 \.Jit:h a range of b) Ev.:icuation nr severe living restrictions for

                                         .:i   land D.rcn t:hc size of Illinl)isi                                                                                Inclinnn D.ncl Ohio comblned (120,000 '.>CJ. idles), L1~;L*ing                                                                      :1     year possi!.ily lunger and, c)                       Severe long Lenn rC'stri ct ions on <lpriculture d ll 0. t   0  ,1        s t r C i 1 t: i u Ill -

1 C) 0 r ~i] I () u L t )\IC' r i1 Lrn d il r c c'.1 () f t hc s i ze o[ i.tlioul onc*-hnlf o[ Ll\l~ lnrnl L':l~>l or Lhc Mississippi lZiver (500,000 :;q. mill's) 1CJ'.;Un0 on~ lo several years \.ith dairying i)1*ohibi ted for n 101,g durnlion over* n 150.000 Sf!. mil.e ai*ea.

26. The Fi7J puhl ic disclosure by the Atomic Energy Com-mission of the study lo 1*cvise Llw 1957 \.Jnsh--740 ncci.dcnt indic.:~tc:d th,1t in ll1c: L'vcnt of a nuclc.1r poh1cr rlant accident:

n) A lan<.l an~a the; size of Pcnnsylvcrnia could be s c r i o u s l y c *O 11 t nm i n n t c d . 1..1 lcT d r <t f t. s o f l h c n~ r o r t r cm o v c J

111y riu.:.rnlit:1t.ivc csti111 ...1Lcs *

., . -..: -* ~-*"" ,.J. *-**** *~ __ .,,. * . ' ... * -** . . . . ...,.. J . * * - * * * . , ,.._ ......, *... ..: ..

                                                                                                                                        ** .............. ,   -*** *... **~--*.: .:0:::::-,*.;.;:,.a.1 o,1*...:.o::::;:.;, ...... *.:.. .......... *-*.*~~..::..-).*,,;:,.;_-;,,, .. ~* ...::.-;~J .
                                   .;        ...                                            * ....

9 e b) Later dl".'1fl s nr t 110 1*cport i1~i~i\IJnCci .1 OllC percent r c 1 e a s c o [ s t r on t i um () 0 up o 11 ,1 c or c mcl t down a c c i d c: 1 1l . The WASH--7!4Q rcporl h;ld co11sidc1*cd a fifty pcrcc11L release of strontium 90. c) The study concluded the pnrtirle size of rele<:is-cd fission products \Wulcl be s1n.111--n smallC'r particle allows n greater land--size lund arcn coritamination. d) The ground contamination limit for strontium 90 1,*as. re} and the more stringent V::llues of WASH--740 were rejected. c) The study conc1udc*d th;1t all o[ the :Jirborne f issiqn products would be carricJ into the upper atmosphere n nd ha nn i c s s 1 y d i s p O::! r s c d . ~-- No official report~; or tlit* 1')(14-&5 sludy to n~vise the:

                                                               \.JASH--7!1J Accide11t analysis \,'ere' published,                                                                                                                                                                   instead in August 1~J74                     the Atomic Enl'rgy Co111111issLun issued a report of reactor safety study ciften referred to as the Rasmussen Report--WASH--

1400.- This report wns the product of n four million dollar exncnditur2 nnd n fifty m[ln, tlirec yc:ir renctor safety study. This rcpo1*L wns a slgniflcnnl .1tlempt in determining question~ of safety and hc;:ilt:h in that it nttcmpted tu analyze sume reac-tor ac.cidcnls that \.Jen: worse lhiln h:1secl 11ccidc1its. S p c c i f i c <l 1 l ~, i t h c r cpor l l r* c n t ~; : I- 'l \

                                                                                                                  <*    ,         Tl1e Locn---witlwul Eccs type of core meltdown.

b) /; clnss of nccidcnts cn11cd 11 trnnsi_ents" which lJasicnlly come under llH' cnLcgory of pmvcr--*cooling mis1natch a c c i d c n L s <l nd hen t cxchnngl' ;1cciclcnls ,1nd; c) The sponUn1cous reactor vcsslc rupture. The report cxcluclcs con.*;idcration o[ power excursion ac-cidcnts .::incl the v..'orst forms of power cooling mismntch ncci-i d c n t s . The s s e l" ti on i n Lh o n~ po r l t h ll t th c r c po r t c on s i d e r s I .1

                                                                                                                                                                                       - 2 CJ-I
    < -**--*c t*~--....;;.::..i.o. ... ,,....._.....__. ~- ~L-.s.: .. __.i,;.......:.:...*.* ~.1.--              ~~-.-. ~-..,~*;.~*-          J*~ .......... - 4 ..._ .                         <..*:...*-*---* *. :..: -.._1.::..l'J. . ....h.: _;;i, *:r-.*-:it""~-..**'~.?"7:.>
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:*-; .... *'
                                                                                                                                                                          . .-._.:.;                                                          . :-      *-

11 . I .. 11 "the worst ;iccidenls im;1p,i 11:1hl <' :111cl tlrnt it "covered .:ill po-tential .:1ccidcnls impo1*t.;111L L11 ddcnnlnlng U1c. public risk" is patently untrue. Ncverthelc~*.s, *,the Rasmussen report--\./ASH-- ... __ ......:~:. , 1400 does estimate consequences as~ follows:

                      \    .                                                                                                 ;}   )          A lethnl range of n1.clioactive cloud of fifteen

miles. b) E~acuation and serious agriculture restrictions for four hundred lo four thousnnd square miles of land. c) Restrictions on milk for a few months due to radioaclive iodine over forly thousnnd square miles.

27. In 1975 Congress passed a law for the development of energy sources nnd proviclccl for the creation of an Energy Rcsenrch and DevclopmL'nl. t\cl:ninistrnlion which assumed _the pro-motion a*spccts for ;itom-ic c11c'rgy formerly assumed by the /\tomic Energy Commission. The rcgul<lt.ion of the use of atomic energy was trnnsferrcd to the Nuclc;1r Hcgulntory Commission which assumed all powers .previously held by the /\tomic Energy Commis-s ion except those po\vers tlrn t had been transferred to the De-p2rt.mcnt of Er1ergy. In sh6rt J the Depnrtment of Energy is to develop nuclear pm,*C'r along wit*h other power sources and :he Nuclear Regulatory Commission is to regulntc the V.'.lrious .is-pcct.s of nuclear po\,*cr. 42 U.S. Code 5841 cl seq. C'ffcctive d ~1 t e Aug . 9 , 197 5 .
28. The Co:nmission nrgnnizcd n risk assessment review
                                                           . 11                      group on July 1, 1917 to (1) clarify the                                                                                                                     achievement~;              and lirni-Ii                     Lalions of h!ASH_,-1/-+00 l:hc "l\ns!nussen Report" and (2) assess L.he peer commcuts thl'relo anJ                                                                                          (3) study the present stole of such risk 3sscssr.K*nt rncthodo1ogy, and (4)                                                                                                                   n~commcnd            to the Cominisslon how (nnd \*Jhether)                                                                                    such methodology can be used in II II                    'he rcgulntory and li Cc'l\'.dng process.

I ~..,.,,-._.",1.,.\:.-"J..;~f-*.! ,-l'!"'?~:..*,~*~ 1 .i/... ~-4-~'"'***'"£...* ,.µ*.~-----* "'* :....._*.-fi.-~~~*:j~~.._:**:**: *i.~~* I~-*~\.*'~-* ~'"*~:*-."I** .0." ..,_,,,.. '",1!.)'l."1*.~>-..!*".._,.."':'. ~*~***

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                                                                                           ' .........       ~ _: .. : - . :         -~

I' ihe risk assessrncnl rcvic'\.J group published its report on September 8~ 1978. The rq:o1*t c'.lb~;tr.'.1ct prcpc'.lrcd on ~me fon11 335 stutes:

                                    Re.po1*t of the Risk Assessment Review Group of the Nuclear R.::gulat,ny Commission. The Croup wns charged l: o c 1 ax i f y t he n ch i c v c rn (' 11 t s .'.1 ml 1 i mi t n t i on s o f                 t he Rn smuss en report, h1ASH--1400, to study the state of such risk as*sessment methodology, and to recorr.. nend whether               ~1nd how such methodology can be used                                    in the licensing and rcgulati0n of renctors. The Group found thnt there were areas of both conservntism and non-
                                 .conservntism in WASI!-1400, so that the uncertainty in the overall p1*obability of core melt is largr~r tha11 stated in th;iL rcpoi*t. llow~vcr,                            the Group could not judge whether the central Vc'.lluc given is high or low. The Group rccommcnclcd tiwt the Commission* rnakc much more exten~ivc use of the methodology in setting priorities for the research program, and in more rationally nlloc.:-1ling its own resources. In addition, tl1is report contains discussions of a number of disjoint i te!ns,           such ns the Browns Ferry accident."
29. In the body o[ NUHEG/CR-0400-Risk Assessment Review

' . ~' Group Report ;in indic-;1tion is m.1de of the nccident at the I Browns Ferry rcnctor. This accident represents in all proba-hilily l:lw mL)St sc1~.lnu:-; nccJd<'nL wilh potential consequcnc0s II to the gcner;il public lo dcitc. The WAtcr level fcllto within

         'I I four feet of uncc vering the core co1npared to eighteen feet 1

of normal cover. There have been at lcnst fourteen other inci-dents or accidents o[ major significance b~nrlng on the paten-I tial for <:i cntastrophic :iccidcnt involving n nuclear power jl rilant. The comments of Lhc rcvic\*J Croup nppcar ns follows:

                                    ~  r  : *    .* ~                                                         ...        .
      ' ~, ....              I.  ** * **                                                                       .. * . ~ ;,....
                                                                                                                                  "*I;              **:-**:   *.. ,,...
                                                                                                                                          ... _........   ;'-

(' Bn_,wns Ferry, t\L1bnm:1, on Mnrch 22, 1'J7) i.s of particular import.'.11Kc for n number of rea~ons. It

                                \,'as the most sc1*ious Hccidcnt to hcfall n cornr:ierclal light water rcnclor in the United States, it produced co:11mon cnuse * [ni lurc's inn v<.iriety of otherwise ind epcnd cnt a ml n~dund ant sys terns, <rnd it compromi s cd I                            the reactor snf*ety syste~s more than has ever occured
                                .in other events. During the fire various me.Jns were I

I tised to make up w;1ler lost by evaporntion, but nfter l 5--1/2 hours th<..' siluntion was ;Jt. its worst. At tL1t i

                               . time             with control of all vlcven rel icf valves lost, II                                         1 the nbi I ity to ni;drrt;1in                                          t lie system .:it low pressure III 11 I

I I .:ind or inadequate Cc'.lj)<1Ci ly fo1* the ] ong term. In t:hc I end the valves \,*ere rcp<1ired in time, ai1d the reactor was safely shutdm-m, but it is h:portnnt to analyze the lessons that have been learned f1*om this event.

30. The f.irrnl cnvi ronnicnlal st<:1tcrncnts for Salem I and II .1nd :Jopc Creel< I .:rnJ TI provide nnd refer to the fnct that Lhc Rn.s:missen SLudy-\~AS!l-1400 W<lS under wny nt the time of licensing ciction. In lhc final C"nvironmcnt statement for Hope Creek Generating Station Uni Ls T nnd II, it is stated at Page 7- 5:

11 As h'i th Gll 1w*...* i nfonnnl i 011 developed which might h .'.1 v e Cl n c:. [ f cc t C'l 1 L h c Ii ca 1 L h ,:111J snf e t y of the public , the results of llw~;c st*udics (lZnsmus'>cn St.udy) wLll be rn<!cl"..~ public nn\J vcill be nsscsscd on a timely basis II within the i*cgul11lo1*:1 1woccss on generic or specific 11 11 bnscs CIS may be \.Ji1rrilllt:('d. l

                                                                                                   . . ...  .... . '     . . _;
           '   ..... , .        . ' . ~ ..   .  .       ~ . . . : *' : : . . .... . .                                                           *... * ...

The Commission h;1s arbiL1*.11*iJy, caprJcjously n11cJ unreas-onably fniled to recognize LhnL 1")cfmi.tti11g re-r.:icking and the l storage of 1,170 .fuel assemblies a~ Salem I represents a sub-stantinl nnd significnnt rndiologisnl risk to the gerwral popu-lation and the population i11 plai.nti.ff's locality. 'fh2 Com-mission has made no effort whntsoever to quantitate or assess these risks in the event that the worst possible accident in-volving the reactor and effecting the spent fuel pool occurs. There is no analysis of an imlcpcndcnt accident or of potential

1 c c id en t s .::i r i s i n g o u L o [ d c n s e s L01* n g c a nd r c - rack i n g i n the spent fuel po0l in Salem I and Salem II.
31. The Commission decided i.n ALAR-455 (Prairie Island and Vermont Yankee) Lhal Jn the cvalunli.011 of a proposed cxpan-sion the cnpncity of l"hC' spent fuel pools, neither thr NRC s Li1 [ f nor l he L i c c n s 1 11 ! " l\ n ,1 rd 1H' t' d con c c r n i t s e 1 [ \~' i. th Lhe mnttcr of the ultimate disposn1 of the spent fuel. It was held that the Commission kid cstnblished a policy for pur-poses of licensing actions ilnd it should be presumed thnt there wil 1 be spent fuel rcposi tori.cs nvailablc before deterr'ninnti on

I of the oper.:Jting license for the nuclenr plants. In that same decision of ALAB-455 the Appeals Hoard accepted the procedure of a negntivc declarnti0n being issued pursuant to 10CFR51.5-(C) (1) thnt environmental irnpi1cts associated with enlargement of the spent fuel cnpncity \*JOuld not be to be analyzec in an environmcntnl fmpnct stal:cment. Accordingly the plaintlff h:1s no nclcqu.1tc nclminlstr:1tive rC'mecJy in thnt the Commission ho.s tnkcn o. po~;ition: (1) /m environmental impact state1i1cnt I is not required for cnL1i*gcmcnL of capacity for storing fuel il rods in <t spent fuel pool in il 1 l.ght water reActor anJ, (2) nci~hcr the NRC Slaff nor t*hc: Licensing Bo<ird ncc:cl concci.*n

                                   *1 I

1l - ] J-- I 1\ 1' I


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  • I itself 1dl the mol"tcr tlw ullim! disposal o[ the spent I \I o[

f U'2 l . I I I

32. A Circuit CcJu1*L of Aprcnls Opinion--N;1turnl Resource Dcfcns.e Counsel vs. Nuclc;1r Hcgulnt0ry Commi.s~>lon decidc<l July 5, 1978:...-lJnilcd Stutes Court oC Appeols for the 2nd Circuit, Docket ~(). 77-4157 held t11ilt t-J:c Nuclear 1\cgulotory Commission

did not abuse its discretion in denying n request for a rule I m.::iking proceeding to deL*erminc h 1hethcr high level radioactive waste generated in nuclear power reoctors can be permanently disposed of safely and n reCJuesl for withholding action on operating license npplic.1Uons for nuclear power reactors until an nffirmative decision on t*hc waste disposal qu0stion coulcJ be made~ However, Lhis decision did not deal with tlic questior a s to whe the r the. Comm i s s i on w :1 ~; re qui re cl t o prep n r e Cl n en v i r:- - onmentnl impacl stnt-e111cnt: .in n'~;pcct to enL1rging lhe spent fuel cnr..-icity ~;lor:igL* :11. n giv(*11 rc*nclor and whether Lite ril:es-tion of ultimate disposal of Lhc spent fuel from that reactor should he de.::ilt with in the licensing application.

33. The Drafl C:cncric Envi.ronmcntal Impact Statement
                                               !j j            (NUREG-0404 Volume I) \.;hi ch providc*s for nn C\'nluation an nnalysis of Lhe expansion of spent fuel storage capacity at nuclear power planl:s r0prcscnts .111 unrcnson::iblc, nrbitrary
                                                            .ind ca*pricious a1wlysis of the cxp.:insion of spent fuel storage

. -.:\ --* _r capacity and docs nol lhc lwzards and dangers which can result and would hRvc a significant effect on the public heaJt*h .Jnct sc'.1fetx nnd to the Dublic 1.n nlninliff's loculltv Jl1, The risk assessmL'llL of nc.lvcrsc environmcntol impact made by the CommissJon in their finnl environmental impact st:citcmenl for $nlcm llnit .1 nnd I I nnd ]lope Creek I and II is arbi tr.:iry, cnpricicus nnu u111*casmwblc and cloe>s not systi:mize ii aml oq_;;rnizc the pn~~;C'nl kno\.Jlcdt:,c of lhc .w;_iys 111 \..JhLch risks l1! I I II -


11 Ii I: .

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l. r'"" 11.1..l.} bn- .::isscsscd 1111cl Lhe Ctl!l~;L'f'1 11cncc~; of tlJC1'.*d! 1*L~;ks on Lhc envircmrncnt of the: Tmv11';hip or l.t)\-JCl" /\llm.rny:~ Crr:i.:1*, i.e., the farm l<in<l on<l opL'n si*nCL' .incl ol:hcr l ;md 11~,c; ; ni1tt!!-.11


conditions. The ri~d<..s uf f0\.11* 11uc;lc<Jr pm..;cr plants and storage of s pe n t f lll' l ha v c no l lice n n s s c s s c d i n ;in y w <1 y i n a n y em* i r or


r:ient.Jl i11pact: scntemcnL <ls rcquin:~cl by the Nationnl Environ-I II mental Policy Act and such acliun constitutes adJitrary, C<i-prlcious <.:ind unreasonnblc conduct 1)y the Nuclear Eegulatory Commrnission.

35. The spent fuel .111d lhc fuel rods in the reactor cannot undergo n nuclc;n- fi.ssiu11 chnin re.::iction which occurs in lln lllorni.c bl)fllb h . . cnusc or tlil' low qunntlties o[ fissionable Uranium 235. llL)'.*:cvor, a by-product- of nuclear reactions is p 1 u l on i. um \,'Ii i c h h u i l d s up i n :. r c n t f u c 1 mn t c r j a l . I n t he evenl of Joss of \,*ntcr ;1ccidcnl, 1~lt1Lonium cou1d scpnr.Jt<~ fr0r:1 the molten urnniu;n oxide Sll :1s  :.o [on{1 n fission;1ble m.:i~;s of plu-tonium which could produce a sm:11.1 <itomi c bumb ty;:iC' explosi.:m.

Such .:in c x p 1 o s i on \,' u u l d b c no 1 c s s th a n t h c c qui v a 1 e n t of f iv(: (5) tons of T'.'JT nnd h'()llld c1usc c,1Lnstronhic dnmi..lge to the nuclc;:n- plnnl Hnd \NH1ld n'lc;1SL' l.:irgc nrnc1mls of plut:onium, Strontiu:n-90, CesJu1n-lJ7, rndi.o;ictivc iodine nncl other radio-nc t i vi t y .'.1 11 o f \.,i h i c 11 i s d ;u 1[_', (

  • ni u s t: o t: h e c* n v i r on mc n t .1 n cl h u -

3 o. Th c r e 1 c <l s c o f r n d ! o a c t i v i. t y t h rough c:i nu c 1 e [I r plant. .:-1cci-clcnt mny invl)lvc Lhe reactor n]onc, the spent fuel II pool nlonc, or bolh i11 cornhi11,1lion ClJ- i11(lt~pcnclcnt fro:Tl cnch 11 I I *- '.i ~ - I II I*



                                                        ~ ... *~


                                                                                                                                                               .: ' ~


.... ~ ....... --*

produce r.idi:1tion sy11dn)1;11.* ;11i 0 l c111ccr t.o l11ll!::111s. Tlic* effects of r3diation may Dl~ ncult' ,111,~ .nC' called r;1dL:1lion syndromr~. The symrto1:1s are: ( 1) Shock rcncUon in-i si nt~ one to t\*JO hours nfter ex-posure. I (2) Latent pc1*iod \,'i Lh no definite symptoms appearing I four to fourteen days later. (3) Infection :ind toxicity coming from nine to thirty Jays tliercafLer. (4) l*Icmorrh:tge arising in fourteen to thirty days aft£ exposure; (5) Anemia and malnutrition apparent in twenly-four to sixty days. i With scvc!rC rndi:1tion inji.wy, ~;hock begins irmr,edi-I ;1tcly nftcr CXj.lUS\.ffL'. 1n this rh:1 lhcrc is intr<Jctible vomf: I ing which mny occur hH* scvcr:1L d:iys. Blood pressure falls

                       ,I precipitously and the victim ls covered with pallor. the radi*

I ation victim suffers from <1 general mnlaise nnd prostra~ion. i I After 3 few days dinn*hc<1 lwgins accompani cu with a r.:1pidly rising fever and dcalh occurs lwl\.Jecn lhc fifth and ninlh day In moderately severe rndiation syndrome, the vie-Lim' s nause;i :1nJ vomiling docs not L.Jst longer thnn t'.o!enty- _...... four hours. ;'1.J.L:lisc .:i11d fcve1* develop bctvJcen Lhe eighth aild lwentiPth dny. The sevcrL~ in[cctio:n produces consider<ible in-ten1al pathology which most closely resembles the clinicnl picture of .iplastic ;rnc*min - fever, ulccralcd lesions nnd hem orrhagc. In the final sl<q_.;cs, severe cmacintion, rising fever cu:-:1n, und delirium, killlr.g nt least or:e-hnlf - fifty percent

                            - of the 3ffect:cd inclividllals.

In mi Id Lo mnd01*;1t(~ rndintion syndrome, the syn~p-Lorns du not [1pv:>:1r unl i 1 Lllc SCCl*lld or thtnl \*:eek after e:-:po-sur-:' .nnd ;r:anifc~,L l1H'lllsc1ves ;is general rnaJnisc 211d Loss of

                                                                      .. 1 fi ..

I' I. nppetite. Sore Lhroal, 11,11101* ;1ncl di.nrrhca m:1y occur. lrcre nre transient blood ch:111gc~;. Den th doi~s n"t usual l.y result, however, lherc may be pcrr:in1:c'11t effect:; frorn .Jll radiation syndrome in the form o.f prc1n0turc ,1ging, ch0n~e in physical

                                                \i     appearance, shortening of life: ~ind genetic pathology which ij ll. may be passed on Lo o[f-sp1*

The delayed *effects from radiation are not fully understood. Doses of radinlio11 fnr below those required to produce r.::idiation syndrome can produce cancer, leukemia and ... o l he r µ n t ho 1 o g y

  • Mu t n l"i on s n r c known t o r c s u 1 t f r om c x po sure to radint:ion~ Sterility and l)llicr genetic nbnormalities can uccui t6 the individual and his or her off-spring from radia-tion exposure. Rndi;ilion cxr~os11re above levels that are consid ercd to Le scicnlific0J ly accepl:1l)lc adversely effect the he 3 l l h n nd s a f c Ly o [ t li c* l i v l 11 g ;1 s wc 1 l :is l' u tu r c u n b or 11 g c n c r ations.

There is n scicntlfic dispute as to the long term effects of small low doses of rndi~tion. Some scientists be-1 i c v e l: li a t expos u n~ t* o a n y dos cs o f r n din t ion i s h n r rn f u 1 and that the effects of repented cx1)osure is cummulative. Other

                                             //      :, c i c n t i s t s b c 1 i c v c l l rn L c x po [1 l1 1* c t o s mn 1 1 cl o s c s o [ r a d i; 1 t i o n is harmless nnd then~ is no curnmulnlive effect. All scientists I

agree ll13t radiation exposure nbove certain levels is dangerou 1. to the S.:1fcty and health of human beings. Any Class 9.0 acci-I dent such ns a core melC-down, run-nwny reactor, or explosion, I, involving the rencto1* or spent fuel pool would produce radio-active fallout, i.e. radioactivity far in excess of acceptable iI safe levels anµ such accj.dents would produce radiation syndrom.

                                           'I and :icute and delayed 0ffccts upon the environment, nnimals, 11 humans and the plninllfrs hcrc*ln.


   ~-*, '-*'- ,..-...... .._,.,_~..-~ ,._.._....... """ '-'~" .. :--:'-*' * *"-""'\* **: ....:....... *, '*'* *-:-*.........,,..~.":.-~'-:~ ,, .*:," . * ~*-*-'"'~'" *o* .. *:': i '..<~:-:;;,~ .c;: ,,~_.....,",,_."'-'":. c; -, ........ _. -*-,,*.z:::;,~:..:.~..;..:
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  • I 3I , The NuclC' lkguL1Lor)' Co1i1J11if;sion ~1 deci~;ion to I

permit increases in reaclor st.ornge pool cnpncity by permittin; re-racking and compnct storngc nnc~* by permitting new plants to be constructed with comp.Jct storage pools a1Jinitio without r". ndcquate treatment by nn envi.ronmcnlcil impnct statement under Lhe Nnl:ional f.nvironrnc*ntnl l'o] icy 1\ct is a failure to confor:t1 to 42 U.S.C. Sec. 4321, ct seq. Re-racking and the constructio of compact storage pools represents substantial Federal action impacting upon the environment as it creates a national policy for the storage of spent fuel over n long term in close prox-imit:y to operntinr, nuclenr p<'h'cr plnnts without any adequate assessment of Lhe envirnnmcnl;:ll risks and dangers to the safet I' and health of the put)} ic .'.1rnl lhc plnintiffs herein. *

38. On or nboul Ma1*cli 28, 1979, Three Mile Isl:rnd I hn<l sumc* type of 1.uss-of-(oolnnt :rccic..lcnl involvin[; d<1ngcr o 2* pot c n t l n 1 r1 ;1 n g c r l o the nu c 1. c n r core a s we 11 as the re 1 ease o[ radioactivity to Lhe ambient environment. Three Mile Island i.s :i pressurized waler rc;ictor hc1.ving 1.77 fuel assemblies and as of March 1978 (Sec Fxllihl l 19) there \*ms n planned. increase of stor.'.lgc capacity in the spent fuel pool to 584 fuel asscm-b1 i t> s or a J 3 6 ~~ i n c 1* c" ~1 ~~ e i 11 s l: o l- n g c c n p n c f t y l n s pc n t fuel .

II This represents the l.-1q;cst p1nnncd increase for nny nuclear II

                                                       ,,                    rm,*er planL in the Unilcd Slnles. At no time were the r.i.sks and dangers to the public evaluated in any environmental impac
                                                       ,,I                   statement on increa::;ing the spent fuel storage capacity. The Ji 11                    Three Mi le Island 11ccldcnt 1*cpn.*scntcd n serious risk to the
                                                       !1 safety and hcillth of Lhe pul>l ic irnd iri Lhe event of a hydroger or steam explosion the dnngcrs Lo the safety-and h0nlth of i                       the public would hcn c l)con i ncrc.:1scd by an nlmost certain .acci 1

11 dent involvlng the fuc1 .1SS('ll1lil ies in ttl<' ~;pent fur:ol ~,torage II I

                                                                                                                                                           - lB*

I II IIii I*,I "1, Ii

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11 the Nuclc<;r RcguL:itory Cl)mmi:;sion in f:1ili111~ to <1ssess the l I conscquc.. 1ces of accidt'nts of lllc 1wrsc type at m!clc.';1r pm..;cr j pl<ints involving the nuc:lctn- rc;1clor nncl spent fuel slo:-age has t n kc n p 1 n cc in r c s pc c t to t.: li c n pp l.i ca t i on f 01* r C:! - racking at Salem I and construction of compnct stora!_',C at Salem II, all of \,rhich represents ;rn i.nfringcmcnt of plni.ntiffs' consti-tutional rights and Yights under the Nationt:il Environmental Policy Act.

39. The Nuclear J{q'_uJ.:1lory Commission's failure to pn:p.'.lre a programmatic environment:nl impnct statement 011 at-reactor storage through incn'<lsc*s in rcnct:or storage pool ca-p.:icity by re-r.:icking al oJd rn.1cle:ar power rlnnts and pE:rmlttine new nu2.lear po\,'C'r planL*s L\) he cnnstructcd with compact storag.:

pools represents a L1ilt11*c l<J c011Corm with Lhc rcqui.n2:i1c*nts ii Ii ct seq. The applicntLon before Lhc Nuclear Rcgul.1tory Commis-I,'\ sion .by Nci..: Jersey Public Service Electric t1ncl Gas to re-rack 11 at I .'.1nd consln1cl cn11ipnc.t* stor;igc nt S::ilcrn IT. represent~

                                               \\                   .111             lncremcnlal part: o[ Llli.' ovcr:11 l                        at-n~.:ict*or       slorngc program I!

th.::it h~1s lwcn .:idoptcd hy the Nuclcnr Rcgul atory Commission I' 11 1!!:

  • . '. ,;1 ~~r~1*s to the gcner:1l puli1 ic ;rnd lhc plninti ffs.

I Li 0 . ~ . .J

  • S . ,-\ . 2 6 : 2 D- 1 8 pl: cw id cs t h3 t .1 cert..: i .L j c ;1 t c 0 [


                                                ,,                   h.1ndling is rcciui.rccl                          f1*n!l~    the New Jersey Dcpnrtmcnt of Envlr(Jn-
                                                \j Ir rnentc1l                Protection           foi* Lhc        '.;Lnriigt:   of dct:ninLng of spc11t fuel.



ii l'ul>lic Service F1cclrlc .111cl Casto obtain the certi.[icacc re-111' Ii

  • 1:

I:,, ;ind vieil:1livc ()f F:"d(.'1*:11  :,n.\  :-;~<1Lc St;1L11Les. I*

                                                      *'II i;


                                                         "\i I

11 11

                                                          !'t1 i'
         . . . . . . . . . . . . ;;i:_ ...     ., . . . . . . . * - * * * * * * * , * *
  • i.
---*---*-*-*             \
1. Pl.:iintiff rcpcots Lhc .il 1 cgation:. of the~ First Counl

- *-* ----=-_: - II nnd mnkes them Paragniph 1 of this kounl- .1s J f th c y vJe re I I forth nt length.


II* 2. The Constitution of tlH.' 0;1itcd SL1tcs in A:ncndment

                                  \! provides              that no person sht11l he deprived of life, liberty
                           .\     or property without due p1*occss of lnw. The New Jersey Constl-
         -~                        tution in Article I                Section I provides that all persons are 1

by nature free with unal ienablc rights among which arc those o[ pursuing and oblaining snfeLy nnd l1appincss.

3. The Commis~;iun and Defendants Joseph M. llendrie and the United States of Americn l1nv~ violated the constitutional rights of th~ Plaintiff Snmur~l L Donelson, Mo.yor of the Town-,

I,, ship of Allowny Crc!"'k and ci L izcn of the state of New Jt*rsey

                           !,      .:rn<..l the Unit*ed Stnlcs oC i\mcdc;1. The Defernhints have foiled 1*

11 II to follo\,* slatulory l.:t\v pnwidcd in 62 USC Section 4321 and

                             !     42 USC Section 2011 und 42 USC Section 5841 ct seq.
4. The Plninliff Samuel E. Donelson, Mnyor of the Town-ship of Lower Allo\vny Creek 01Kl citizen of th<~ 'State CJ( New Jersey nnd the Untlcl'l Stnles cir 1\mr>rica and lhe PL::iintiff the Township of Lower Al.1nwC1vs Creek hnvc also,been deprived of freedcim of speech under .\mcrnlment I of the United Stntcs Con-
           ~-. ~-                    sritution in thnL the required                            p1*c~ccdures         under the NaLion-nl Environmental Policv Act hnve not.been followPd by the De-fcndant Nuclerir Rcgul nt orv Commlsslon.

h1llEREFOF,E, the PLlintiffs clcm.'.'lncl JucJ~*,mcnt: (A) Restrain-ing the Nucle<:1r }{cgu1titory Cornrnission, its employees, 1gents 11 Ii nnd serv.:ints and othc1* persons .-1cting by nncl under their Cluth-l ority frora p~rmitting 1icensinB nncl constructlon of racks and II spent fuel pools or ulilization o( rncks and spent fu~l pools I

                                     <J. t  l he   S .1 1 0 m 1 a n d S ri 1 c* 1;i 1 I _ rn 1c 1e .1 r g c n c r <1 L i n g pow c r f CJ c Ll L t i c s I
  • beyond the cnpacity of 64 fuel i1sscmblies for each spent fuel pool and (B) For declarc'.1tory judgment that r-xpansiun of the spent fuel pools by re-1*ncking nt* S.:llcm I nncl II is beyond the r~gulatory jurisdiction of Lhe Nuclear Regulatory Commis-sion in that it contravenes the stotutory mandate that the Nuclear RcGulatory. Commission shall ensure the safe, permanent disposal of high level radioactive waste through the licensing process and (C) That th~ Nuclear Regulatory Commission be com-pelled to prepare an envirornental impact statement in con-formity with the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act involving subsLn11tinl actions affecting the environ rnent in respect to the proposed expansion of the spent fuel pools at Salem I and Salem II. (D) That the Nuclear Regulatory Commission be compelled pursuant to the Nntj_onal Environmental Policy Act to provide ~ plan for the ultimnte dispoal of the spent: fuel generating nt: S;1lcm I and II. (E) That the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's licensing procedures to p~rmit expan-sion of spent fuel pools for lhc long term storage of spent .

fuel rods at nuclear power generating facility sites, *to wit: S<ilem I and II are un1awful .ind violative of Plaintiff's con-stitutional rights .::ind beyond the Nuclear Regulatory Commis-sion's juri.sdicciton and rcsponsibilitcs under the stntutes creating the Nucleor Regulatory Commission and the National Environmental Policy Act. (Fl That the Nuclear Regulatory Com-mission has not adeguntely considered environmental impact of lhc long term st:ornge of the spent fuel rods at nuclear power generating facilities. (G) Thnt the expansion of the spent fuel pools at Salem I nnd II to permit the long term storage of spent fuel rods creates CJn.unrc;1sonnhle risk to the health nnd safely of the public and the Plaintiff in that: I 11 IIii

                                   . --**     ---- *--**--- -*--- .            *- .. *-*--- ~--- .

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       \               .                  ,,,. __ ..,. ___. ....  -*-** --* *-*--  -
         -'***      J>      - ....    ----        -     .. '*****

JI 11 e e I (1) Nuclear 11ccidcnls ,'1nc! 1.111rc;ison11Li1c risks lo the safe

........ -:                                                                                                  ty nnd health                          l)f     llil' public rnid                         Ll~t* I'lointiff re s U 1 t             f r om i n c r c .1 s c tl             sit o r <1 g c c <1 pa c i t y o [ s pc n t f u e 1 rods and;                                                       '*.

(2) The long Lcrm t*ffoct..c; .-rY1J hc<1llh l!rn! snfcly problems of the long Lenn slo1*:1gc of _spent fuel rods at Saler11 I and Salem II have not been adequately assessed--tht foregoing in violation of Defendant's resporsibility under the statutes crenting the Nuclear Regulatory Comrnmission and the National Environmental Policy Act and the United Slates and New Jersey Constitu-tion. Tl!IRD COUNT

1. Plaintiff repeats the .:i1lcgations of the First count and Second count and makes them pn_rng1*r1rh nf this count as if set forth at length.
2. The Nntionnl Envi1*011n1enLnl Policy Act reriuires .1 dctnilcd analysis of commi t11w11t s of resources which i.rreversib-ly and irrctriveabl) :iff~'Cl tho environment.
3. The purpose of the NnLional Environmental Policy Act is Lo elimiate the cycle of incremental decision making nrising out of decision by default or expediency or environ-I mental problems being dc<tlt with only when they reach crisis II/' proportions. It is violative of the No.tionnl Environmental
                                        /I I

Policy Act to make imporLant environmental decisions concerning lhe use and shape of mans' environment in small and unreasoned I i ncremcnt.:il appronclws which pc.'rpctuate rnthcr than avoid en-vironmentnl impingcmcnls.

4. The Nuclenr Regulntory Commission's decision to per-mit rc-r<'.lcking and storing of 1:1rgc amount of fuel assemblies in nuc}c31* rcnctors Lhroughoul the country <inc! at Snlem I and
                                                                                                                                              -4 :~ -

ii ii

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I ' 11 i~*ithuut adequate cnvir0ncmL:il. ns:.cssmc11l of these- actions represents an arbitrary, unronso11;1blc nricl capricious adminis-trativ*e .'.'lction and a violatLm of Lhc National Envir*)nmental Policy Act. Wl!E.REFORE, the Plninti[f clcilwnc!s JudgmcnL: (A) l*"estrain-ing the Nucle.'.1r Rq;ulaL*ory Cclmllli:;:;i.on, its employees, .:igents and servants and oth~r persons acting by and under their authority from permitting licensing and construction of racks and spent fuel pouls or uti1 iz;1tion of racks nnd spent fuel pools nt the Salem I nml S,1lcm l I nuclear generating power facilities beyond the capacity of 264 fuel assemblies for each spent fuel pool and (B) f~9r dcclnratory judgment that expansion of the spent fuel pools by rc-r;tcking Ctt Salem I and II is beyond the rcgulalol'"y Juri.sdict ion o[ the Nuclear Regulatory Commissic,n in Lh.:it it clrntx;-ivcnc:s Lhc statutory mand*nte that the Nucleri.r Regulatory Commls~;lon shn11 ensure the snfe, p...?rma-n c n t d i s po s a 1 o f hi g h 1 c v c l r :H l i o ,1 c t iv e w a s t e L hr o ugh the 1 i - cl'nsing process anJ (C) Tlint Llw Nuclcor Rcgulotory Commission be co:npcllcd tl) pn~pa1*0 <111 l'1ivtron111cntnl lmp<lct statement in conformity wilh tbc.' rcq1Iln'11H'l1t*s of the Nation<ll Environm,~ntal Policy Act involving :;l1li:;Ln11tL1l nctions nf[ccting the cn*Ji.rcm-munt in respect to the 1woposcd cxpnnsion o[ the spent fuel

1. pools nt Snlcm I and Salem lI. (D) Th<:lt the Nuclear Regulatory Commission be compelled pur~n1:111l to the Nntional Environmental 1
   ;I I        Pol.icy Act to provide a plnn                                     [01*     t:lie ultimate dispos;i.l of the spent fuel ge11crnting al Salc1n 1 nncl II.                                            (E) That the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's liccnsjng procc<lures to permit expan-
              -s i on o f      s rent f ue 1 po o 1 s [or th c 1 on g t."e rm s tor age of s pc n t fuel rods nt                nucl~ar           pm,*c~r       gcncr<1ting facility sites, to wit:
    '.I        S.Jlern I nnd II nre unlnwful nnd violative of Plaintiff's 1
     \         c o n ~; t i t u t i o n <:1 l r i g h t s a n cl b l' y n n cl l: ll e Nu c 1 c u r Hc g u 1 CJ t o r y Comm i s -

sion 1 s ju1*isdict:ion :rnd n~~;1~onsihilitios under Lhc stt1Lutcs I' I

                                                                     .. 'I  \--
     .l lcrooting t:he Nuclear Rcgul.1lory C:ommi>sioi> and the Nntionai i l::n\'ironmcnt.'.11 j1 Polic~/    Act.      (f)     Th:1L       Lhc Nuclcnr J{cgul.:it.t"i1-y Com-jlmi.:.sion .hos not ~1dcquatL'ly cunsidc*n*d cnvironmcnt<.ll ln:p,icts 11     of the loi1g term storage of the spent fuel rods at nuclear
            !Jpm,*cr                3cncr~1Ling                facililics.          (C) Tli:1l the cxp:insion of thl"2
            \I                             ~

s p c n t f u l p D o 1 s a t S l ic <lnJ the Plnintiff in that: II ( 1 ) Nuclear accidcnt:s ,11KI unreasonable risLs to the safe-l' ty and th of the puhl i c and the Plaintiff c.:rn result from i.ncrc~1scd sl:on:igc capacity of spent fuel 1*od s and;


( 2) The long term effects rimi hc.'.11 th and safety problems I and Salem 11 ll<1vc nnl hcc11 ;1dcquately assessed--th~

                                             . f lffcgoing in viol nUJm o[ Defendant's responsibility I

under the stnlutcs crc<1ti11g the Nuclear Pegtil.atory I11 Co1-;-;rninission and lhc l\ntional Environmcnu1l Policy 11

            .I ij                                                       L:nil:cd St,1tes              c1!1c.i    N(.2h' Jersey Constitu-I!

jl tion. 1! FCillHTll C1 HlNT 1' ----***-*. -- -**---**- .. J: 1.

  • P L Ii n Li [ [ r c p c ,1 L .*3 t h (' il l l cg a li. on s of the First count,
  *-- .. i Ii Sc c on<l                  count and Thi r<l count a n<l ""'kc s them jj this count                        <1S    though set fo1*th              c1t    length.


            ;I                     2.          The actions of the Nucl c*;ir Regulatory Commis~;ion I       in p c nn i t l i n g rc-r11cki11g ;111d c*nlnq~t*mcnt o[ llic spent fuel
            .,1i   po o l s          l o s L o i* c      1 a r g e a mo u n t ~; o [ [ u c l a s s c rn b 1 i c s i s c o n t r a r y Ii i*

I t:-i the 1 i1\.J a~> sc~ forth in _tho rrcvi ous counts nn: m.1de i p~1rt of this count. As such the Nuclear Rcgul;-itory Commission 1l c re ;i l e s n 11 ' i l s n 11.c c n s a 1nu t t c r II

                            .......... *.          . '.   . )- .,.                                                          .. '


                                      \of law.

WHERE F 0 RE , t h c P 1 n i n l i f f d c 1:i <1 11 d s Ju cJ gm c n t : ( A ) Hc '.> t r a in - 11 ing the Nuclear Regulntory Corrnnissic~n, its employees, ogents Iand servants and other persons ;1cti~g by ancl under their

                                            <1uthority from permi ttinp, ] i.ccnsing~nnd constructior~ of racks
                                            ~ind       spent fuel pools en* t1Liliz;1Liun of                                                                              rnck~;            and spent fuel pools         ~t            the S3lem I and Salem II nuclear generating power facilities beyond the capacity of 264 fuel assemblies for each spent fuel pool and (B) for declar3tory judgment that expansion of the s pc n t f u e 1 po o 1 s by r c - r n ck l n g a t Sa 1 em I and I I                                                                                       i ~~

beyond the regulatory jurisdi~tion of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in that i.t contrnvcnes the statutory mandate that I the i\uclear Regulatory Cornmi ssio11 shnll ensure the safe, perma-1 nent disposal of high lcvt*l r.1dioact.:ive waste through the li-1 I ccnsing process and (C) Tlwt llie Nuclc;u Hq~ulntory Cnmmission II he compel led to prepan' illi cn\'i 1*n11mcntc11 1mpnct stntcrnent in I conformity with the requirements of the National Environmental

                                          \Policy Act involving suhst.1nt*lal actions nffccting the environ-
                                       *',, mcnt in respect to the proposed expnnsion of the spent fuel IiII  p.:-;ols at Salem I and Sah'm II.                                                                        (D) That the Nuclear Hcgulatory Commission b~ compcllc'd pursuant Lo t'hc N;itiom1l .Environmental l>olicy 1\cl to provid(' Cl plnn for lhc ultimnte disposal of the spent fuel generating at Salem I nnci II.                                                                                             (E) Th;it the Nuclear j!    Regulatory Commission's licensing procedures lo permit                                                                                                           exp~n
                                   . ,I ~;ion             of spent fuel pools [or tlu' long term slornge of spent f u c 1 r o J s a l nu c 1 ea r pow c r g c n e r a Li n g fa c L li. t y s 1 t c s , t o w i                                                                            t :

Sa 1 cm I .'.1 nd I I arc u n Ln,' f u 1 <l nd v i o l. n t iv e of P 1 n inti ff ' s constitutional rights ;;rn! beyond the Nuclec'.lr Regulatory Commis-s.ion' s jul"isdiction nnJ t*cspon~ibilities under the statutes creating the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the National (f) Tlwt the Nuclcnr Regulatory Com-i~*, i s s ion ha s no t n d c qua t' c 1 y c o 11 s i d c r c d c n v i r n nm c n L.1 1 i mp a c t s

                                                                                                                                - -- .'~ ') --
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.. . .. .. .I o( the lo.term stor.igc of t lie s pon. . ucl rods ,1 t nuc '1 car power generating fncillticf,. (C) 'l'lwl the uxpnnsion of the spent fuel pools at Salem 1 and l r lo pcrmi t lhc Long term s to r a g e of s pen t f u e 1 rod s c re ;1 t' P s a n u n r ca s on n b 1 c r i s k to the hc.' and safety of the publ Le .ind the Plai.ntiff in that: (1) Nuclear accidents and unreasonable risks to the safe-ty and health of ~he public an<l lhe Plaintiff can result from increnscd siorage capacity *of spent fuel rods and; (2) The long term effects and health and safety problems 1'7-~ of the long term storage of spent fuel rods ;::it Salem I nnd Salem II have not been adequately nsses~cd--thc foregoing in violation of Defendant's responsibility unde1* the stntutt~s crc.1ting the Nuclear ReE;ulatory Commmission ;!lld UH' N;1t i onal Envi ronrncnl.;11 Policy Act nncJ Lhc* Unitccl Sl11Le~1 11nd New Jersey C(1t'l:;tlt:u*** ti on. FIFTH COUNT

1. Plaintiff repents the .i1.Jcgntioi1s of the Fir~t count, Second count, Thi rd counl nnd Fourth count nnc.I mnkes them para~

graph 1 of this count ns though set forth nt length.

2. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission by p;rmitting re-
                                                      -rncklng nt nuclear plnnts tln-oughout the country and at Salem
       ~'.~                                           I .:rnd I I i s a cc e d in g to t' h c con v en 1 c n cc of the 1 i cc n s c d u Li 1 i -

ties rather than carrying out their statutory mission to pro-tcct the safety and health of the public and to ensure through lhc licensing procedures the ~;nfc nncl perm;::inent disposal of r.'.'ldioactive spent fuel all in violation of their st;::itutory obligations under the la~s establishing the Nuclear Regulatory C)mmission.

3. The Plaintiffs invoke ckclnrntory judgment pursuJnt t o 2 8 U . S . C . S c c t i on :: 2 0 1 Ll \~ i L l h c r c - r a ck i n g a c t i on by t he
               ~- ,-<o ~/.,*-~:--~t.~~~.~~~~-~*~.. :~~ '"*-~-:..~,~~-* ..:~,*~-, -*~*.,,~~-~~.:-: ~**~**- ..* -?***~~ :.~-~~~:~ r.*.*. 7.:*.T. *27;-*~~~~,~~::*,_~~~~~*~~:
                                        *  *                                 *    '  *  * ; : *  *  * * -,; *   "'  *               ;   ' , ,                    * -               *     .-..     '"' .,  *   # .,.J.,,': *~';.:. : .. ~- . .        . 1   #   * * . , .. : r -: .
                                              .;t.                 .                                          .                                                                                                                                                                  t*
                       * *1..1 --~ ........ *..... , _   -* *** **~ .:: ...:..:*... ::*:

1 1

                                                                                            * ' *** *.:*~:      *,,   >*. . ~'~~**: .:. . . ' ::~..   .......                        . .                  *---*-**1... .                        . -- .... .__. .......... ..__

Nuclenr Regulatory Cornmi~;sio11 constitutes n vJol,1tion of the s r i r i t and 1 c t t er o [ 4 2 U. S . C:

  • Sc' c t i on 58 l+ 1 ( h ) ( 2 ) ( B) [1 nd 4 2 U.S.C. Section 5877(c)(5).

WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff demands Judgment: (A) Restrain-ing the Nuclear Regulatory Cornmis!;ion, its employees, agents and servants and other persons ;1cting by anJ under thc.:ir authority from permitting licensing and construct.ion of racks* and spent fuel pools or utilization of racks nnd s;)ent fuel pools nt the Salem I nnd Salem II nuclear generating power facilities beyond the cnpncity of 264 fuel assemblies for each spent fuel pool Rnd (ll) for declnratory judgmer1t that expansion of the spent fuel pools by re-racking at Salem I and II is beyond the regulntory juri~~diction of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in that it contrnvcnos the statutory mandate that the Nuclec:n Regulatory Commission shall ensure the safe, perma"'.'" ncnt clisposn1 of high level rndionctivc waste through the li-censing process and (C) That the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Le com_pcllcd to prepare an environmental impact statement in conformity with the requirements of the National Environmental j! Po 1 i c y Ac t: i n v o l vi n g s uh s t .1 n l i n 1 n c t* Lon s n f f c c t i n g th c c n v i r on - j' ment in respect to ll1c p1*oposcd e:-:pansion of the spent fuel I pools .1t Salem I and Salem II. (DJ Thnt the Nuclear Regulatory 11 Commission be compcllod pursunnl to the Nationnl Environmentol I Policy Act to provide a plnn for the ultimate disposal of the spent fuel generating nt Salem I and II. (E) That the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's licensing procedures to permit expan-

  • si*,_,n of spent 'fuel pools for the long term storage of spent fuel rods nt nuclear powc1* gcncr:iting facility sites, to wtt:

Salem I and II rrre unl3wf~l and violative of Plaintiff's con-stitution.'.11 rights and beyond the Nuclear Regulatory Comrnis-I sion's jurisdiction ~:rnd rcspon'.1ibi1itics under the stntutcs i I I-,


I\ l1 iiII I'ii

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                                                                                                          -~;*.             *'                   :.. ' > . . --~ . . '/;..                            ....
                                                                                                                                                                                     ,* **.:. ....:.;..
               '      ,.1.**. * ; ; _ : : .  ::*_        * .*    1-_.:   ~:-~:- ~t.*                    .::i"                                                        ~= -.             *... ;~. '. .. _,. *_; .. -~- ....
                                                                                            **-'**. I
                              'I crcatint; t:hc ~~uclcnr l\cguL1tl)ry C:rn:imissi.on ;rnd Lhc N.:.illunal
    • -----. *~--~ -*~

Environmenlnl Policy Acl. (Fl lh:1t the Nuc1c01r Hr_'gulnLor*y Com-mission has not <H.lequ;1tely considorFJ environmental irnpJ.cts - -** ----=*-*- .!. of the long tcnn stor.1ge of t*hc spci:1t fuel rods al nuclear power gcncrnting facililics. (C:) Thilt Lhe cxran~;Lu11 of lhe r' spent fuel pools at S<llcm I and I I to permit the long term storage of spent fuC'l rods crc;1tes nn unrea:ionable risk to the health and safety of the puhlic and the Plaintiff in thnt: (1) Nuclear accidents nnd unreasonable risks to the safe-ty and health of the public and the Plaintiff can

                                               ~csult from increnscd storilgc capacity of spent fuel rods and; (2)  Th0 long term effects ;1nd health and safety proble:ns I

of the long term stor~g0 of spent fuel rods at Salem i I I .:ind SalC'm II li.:wc nnt* hccn adequately :issesscd--the [orc~going in v1 ol nl i 011 o[ Defendant's rcsponsibi lily under the statutes crcnting the Nuclear Regulatory Commmissi.on nnd the N:1tionnl Envi.ronmental Policy Ac t o. n d th c Li 11 i t c cl S L1 t c s n n cl Ncw Jc 1* s c y Con s L i tu - lion.

6. RELIEF JU:qul~?TED a) Restr.1ining t*hc t~uclcar Hcgulatoi-y Cornmissi.on, its employees, agent~-, ~1nd ~>crv<rnls and other persons acting by and unJl!r their llULhori.ty from permitting licensing and construction or racks and spent" fuel pools or utilization of rncks and spent fuel pools .1 l lhc Salem I nnd Snlem II nuclear gcner;1tin~; powc1* L1cillt ies beyond the cap11clty of 264 fuel 2ssemblics for each spc'nt fuel pool, and b) For dt.:claratory judgment that expansion of lhc spent fuel pools by re-r*< at Salem I and I I is beyond t.hc regulatory juri:;dicl.ion oC the Nucle;1r Hcgulatory Commis-
  • sion in thal il co11li-;1vvncs lht' ~.;Lnt:ulory m:111datc thnt the
                                                                                                    *- \.                          *'. '.***

Nuclear ReguL1to1-y

  • Commi~.;sion sll:dl ensure lhc safe, permanent disposc.l of level rndioaclivc waste lhrough the Licensing process, and c) That the Nuclc<1r Regulntory Commission be compelled to prepnre nn envi1*onmcnlnl impact sl:alement in con-formity \*:ith the requirements r)f the National EnvironmenLal Policy Act involving substantin.l nctions affecting the environ-ment in respect to the proposed expansion of the spent fuel pools at Salem I and Snlem fl.

d) That the Nuclc'<ir l\cgulatory Commission be compelled pursuant to the Nntion01. Environmental Policy t\ct Lo provide a plnn for the ultimate disposal of the spent fuel generating at Snlcm 1 and II. e) That the Nuclcnr Rcgul<'.1tory Commission's li-ccnsing procedures to pc'nni.L cxp:111sion of spcnl fue~ pools for the long term stornge of spent fuel rods at nuclear power generating facility sites to wit: Salem I and II are unlawful and violative of Plaintiff's constitutional rights and beyond the Nuclear Regulatory Comn1ission's jurisdiction and responsi-II hilities under the statures creating the Nuclear Regulatory Commission c:ind the N.::iLion;il Envi.ronmental Policy Act. II f) That Lhc Nuclear Regulntory Commission hns 1/ not adequately consiclcred cnvi ronmcntnl impacts of the long I* ter*in st.orHge of Lhe spent fuel rods nt nuclear power generatln~ facilities. g) Thnt the c'xp.:msion of the spent fuel pools Llt Salem I nnd II to permit the long term storage of spent f u e 1 rod s c re a t e s a n u n re a s on a bl e r i s k t o t h e he a 1 th and s n f e t *. of the public and the PlRintiff in thr-tt: ( 1) Nuc1c.:n nccldents and unreasonable risk~ lo l he ~:; ~l f ct y .J n<.J h c <1 J th of the pub 1 i c

                                                                                <!nd Lhc PL1intiff c.1n result frurn in-I' lj                                                                                           /, I. I
                                                                                        -- , ,. I.

1. ii

I ii.,
                                . .,._ .. ; '** .*,- ...., *-.,~        *,....
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  • i l
                                                                                 . *";'
  • creased storage cnpncily of spent fuel rods n nd; (2) The long t~*rm effects and health and safety problems of the long term storage

o[ spent fuel rods nt Sale~ I and Salem I I h .1 v L' no t b e c n a d c qua t c 1 y a s s e s s e d- - the foregoing in violation of Defcn-dant's responsibility under the statutes creating the Nuclear Regulatory Commis-sion and the National Environmental Policy Act and the United States and New Jersey Constitution. Respectfully submitted, VALORE, McALLlSTER, ARON & WESTMORELAND, P.A. Byc**~****~:t\-t/~1.a~}\-ic--//_//~~

                      . C~RL V/\L0RE             l- *.   '* ,

Attonwy for Plaintiffs--...

                                       .,    I 1,