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Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law in Support of 801111 Exceptions to ASLB 801027 Initial Decision Re Applicant Proposed Expansion of Fuel Storage.Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Salem PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 01/13/1981
From: Coleman A, Coleman E
Download: ML18085A523 (29)



                                                                                                                                                           . .j UHITED $!l~ES OF AMERICA NUCiaB.i\R R3G~ORY. BISSIOI'i.
  • i ..
       .:In the Matter ct                    i Publla I!J.ectl1ic It Gas    ).                  .UOcket No, 50*272 OLA ColaP2.nY* et al               )                           (Spent               Fu~l             hol}

(Salem Nucl~ ~erating )

              ~)tatim:tt Unit No. l          )
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  • Certificate 0£ Introduotion - ?ages l and 2 Findings of Fact - Ptu;:es 1 through 17
 ~ceptions    - Pages 1 and 2 Conclusions of Law - :Pages l. and 2 E~e:f'erences .... Faf;es 1 and 2 Ser."ice List - Pages l and 2


                                                        * (Snent }~el Pool)

PUBLIC SEHVIC.2: m:,_scrt~~IO

     & CrAS CuNiPAN'f. et al                            Certification of Mailing

( t3alem Nuclear ~eneratiri.e:

     ~4- a::tion, ,..
     <..;} ... uni. t ....*.* o. l 'J I hereby certify that the enclos~c B::-ie'f in *support of
   ~ceptions filed with the Atomic '.:lafety ii: Licensing :\p!)ea.1 Board in the above e.a:otion~d IT:.a.tte.r by Intervenors'red. c. Coleman, Jr-. and. .Jleanor- G. ~Coleman was mai1ed this l)th day of January. 1981 b"J deposit in the United
 . ~lall, Pennsville, Eew Jersey, Post Of':fice to p~rsons indieated on the atts.ched mailing list.

e e Introduction. Intervenors Allred c. Colem.s..."l, Jr. and Eleanor G. Coleman {herein dter ref-erred to as The Colemans or Intervenors) took exc-e]'tiGm. to the Atomic Saf'e"cy & Licenaing Board's {ASLB) Initial Oeci.sion of :October 27. 1980 as .filed on November ll, l?Stl. It is not sur-prisinG that the ASL.B made an ini decision in favor of the apnllcant for the pro-posed a.~&"l:sion o:f £ue1 storage * .finding "" ** addl tiot'~l storage ean be. acomn:plished wi thou.'t end&~ering the health. 0r safetlf of the publio *.** ~ In our Opinion.. the 11.SLB felt eompelled to take 'this pcsi*ticm. because i:f tbi a amend-num.t :proposal were d.smied, they wau.ld have had to nd.efin~ aeoep_tabili ty of ?Jrior d9*ci sions. A denial would have overturned the .l\J,e*iear Regul.atoey COmmiesion* a (r-iRC) earlier findillt:;s and decisions re~~ing expansion of spent fuel pool.s a:t other reactors.* Our brief i-n eupport o.f excep t:ions is 'based on substantive evidence, 4 f~.cts o-ver1ook~d by tb.e Stai'.!* and !'acts completely ignored by berth the ~3ts!'f ~"ld t.he 1t:;'!LB in their conelusio*ns and decision.

rne Initial D:eeision issued by the infers, after full util.iza-tion o'.f exna.."lded on-site storage pool, a. ;perme.nerrt suent :f'"l.ilel facili 'b'cf will be available Wh~n ru~eded by nuclear utill ties.

There is no assur~Jlce that the gp&nt fuel will leave this site at any time, riven. the nonexistence o*~ of'i'*m te storage, disposal o.*r reprocessing facilities, or economic incentives in the form of gove~11ent subsidies. i'he a:nal.ysis do-ne ~o.r 'the Final ~onmental Impact Statement re.luted. to the operati.on o:f Stlem Nuclear Generating St~tion Uni ts 1 and 2 (Anril, 1973), Environmental Imp.act Ass<!lssment fcu* Salem Nuelear Unl t No. l and the l"inal Generic ?:ttvironmental Impact Statement an Handling and sto~~e 0£ Spent Light Water Power I~el {NUH.EG 0505, Vol. 1 Ex.eeutive. Summary, Aw.;us1: 1, 1979) did not consider this expansion (eozapact stora.t:~) on si.te as a long-term on-aite storage 1'.aeillty. possibly extending beyond the l l tlensing period of the power react.ors. None o~ the ana.J.:rais ccmsider&d the normal contents o-£ spen't fuel. pools :f:or light water reactor (IMR) nuclear plants and gpeci.ti-cally Salem Unit No. 1.. Anvironmen'ta.l considerations associate{! with the issuance of' ope.rating llcgnse :for the Salem Nuclear Generating Stations *Uzd t No. 1 and testing pe;rmi t :f'or Unit No. 2 (Ik1~et Nos. 50.-272 an:d 50-.)ll) were prepared by the u .. s. Atomic Energy Commission {AF..-'C), Directorau of Licensing ( stai'i") in acoordance with the Co:.mll ssion' s re~a.tio-n-s, 10 ~l-"P..* Part .50

  • Appen.di.z.:::.D, im.p1emerrt*

ing the requirements of the National iillvironm.ental Polley Act o:r 1969 (E~E?A)

  • e e

ln3f.rR.d\tqtj.oD NEPA s"tates, 1m!Ong other things, that it is the continu:lllg responsibil.i ty of the Feda..-al Government to .use aJ..l practicable means., consistmrt with other esgantial considerations of' national. polley, to imprGVe and eoordina~e Federal :Plans, :functions. programs a,.'l"td resources: to *the end ti' tb:e nation

      .fu.l:f'ill the responsibilities of each g~"'!eratio-n a.s tl"'u.stee of the environment for e~ations.                    . .
  • a.saure f'or all America.n*s sats1* heal th.ful, productive and
a;e111thetieally and eu1turally pleasing surroundings *
  • attain the widest range of benai'i cial uses of the env-1.ron-ment without degradation. risk 'to health or safety or c"thar lmdesirable and tmL.,.,.ter.tdrlfl c-onsequ9nces ..

Iu.rmer, major J.iledera.l a.etions si<<rdfieantly ai'f'ectine; the quality oi" the human. 011VL-onmS1t, 3ection 102{2) (c) of NEPA £fJr prepa.ra.tion o.f a d$'tailed statement oni

  • the environmental impactr5 cf the proposed a~tion,
      .any adverse environme."i:tal e:ff.ecte which cannot          'h~ a.voided should the proposal be inrpl9rnent.ed *
      .. the relai:i:anmup between local ahQrt.-term users 0-f           ma.~* s envi.ranment an.d the maintenance and enhancement           or  long-term produ.ctivi ty,  a..~r.1
      .a?"ty irreversible and irre-trieva.ble commi tm~"lts oi' resources which would b\!1 involved in the proposed action shoul.d it be implem'ented.,
r. The :Sal.~ Nuclear Gsneratmg Station Uni ts l
  • a.."lci 2 were presented "tc the public and lice.r1.sed as p!'J\'lGr .reactors with onJ.y a mininutl ineidental spent fuel. stol!'at';e capa-city {interim storage oi' spent :fuel.).

The Atomic Eller~ Commission vimved interim storage on-si "te by original design for Salem Unite l and. 2 as needed .for 264 spert"t f:u.el. assemblies, and as sueh, just:ii'ied it by stating a myth. a ?ermanant s-pent fuel storage i'acillty will be available when needed b; nuclear u-tiliti. es. II. ~-e S"taf'f" * .iJ.censee and AZLB carefully limi. tee! co~teo. tions (issues), discovery., and continue to ignore material facts. Ow:" original 'Petition :f'or l.eave t"O intervene, da.te<51 i>'iaz-ch li., 1978, contained twenty (20) contentions, aliH3:t1ded and reduced to thir.te~"L { 13) by the Departmen:t ()f' the Pu.blic Advoeat~ 0£ 'th0 S:tat~ of New .Jersey on May u. 1978 .. During: the proceee<lings, the ASLB lj;ili tep, our interest to Cont~tiona 2 and 6 as amendec?. 1'hi s ap:oarerit mail-order c2.talof: use of re{;"Ulations 1 (butdnt!tss am usual) has ~~n limited the issues to be reviewed S-lld sheltersd t..1<\& utility com})any trom a full exacting analysis of undetermined and. u."'llrnown potential dat!fter to the public in the veH:ini ty of a nuclear fa.cill ty (, four reactors) rel.atetl to the compaction 0£ spe~t fuel. A.""l environment 0£ approval. wits always presen:t and apparent. This attitude and prac-tice stems from

    " ** *l -ts announcement, tl.ated September 16. 1975. the Commission stated 1 ts µosi ticm that>> in the public interest, th.are should be no def"srral. of individual lia13llsin;; actions on i;ne expansion *of' at-reae*tor spent fuel stor2.t-;e eapaci ty during the period required .for the preparation o:f this asgessment. In line ".rith this policy a.s of J*anuary. 1979, applications for modifica-tions to sto.rat;e-pool caµaoi ty at 65 operating nuclear pcr.ver reacto~s have been re.cei ved. by the HRC. *
  • The action fl can be taken wi thou:t si~cant e:f":f'ec"t on public heal tli. 2Uld safety, and to date, 39 0£ of theee a!rpll cations r...ave'l e.p:proved end actions are proceeding as plenned~ Eacll. of these a;-ppllcation.s were evaluated on.:an individual basirs with findings in each ease the.ti

r&'t"!A,i.nrs af, F§s.t

  • at-reactor apa.11*t .fue.1 storage can 'be increased.,
                          .* the a*itions can be taken wi i;f4 no sacdi"iee of pu.hlJ.c heal*th. and safety a:nd
                          ':"he Pinal G~eric Bnvironmantal Impact Stat.ement en Handling and                       sw~e of Spsn't Light \iat*e.r Power Reactor
                          ?uel is ~d on erroneous informa:tion assom.hl.ed for Dl"a;f."t Ce1$ !'HJJCI:G-04-04, Vol.* 2 Ap11andicea, cJ.a~~ad ~arch.

1978, Proj~ct Uc. f5-4, re,gardin.e; ~;aJ.~i. Nucl.eal:' G:ener-a-

                          'tin;:; Plant Uni i: No. l a~d. 2. i$;pp*andix z. ;*, ... prtrn des Sj)f;)c1;fic data ueed in a.nal.y-sis .a'td the results f~:;:

ineividual rer:!.ctor for the ne.;rt 10-year })$l'."io;l." *

                          ~;table r;.1 retlect$ spet1t fu~l ~toragce available ro.r rr-:!;;..ctor. In th~ case of ;; iJo. l used fro~ 2.2,.:,.* thQ! *:;;~J.t;:2:~ iJni*t :No **. l. pool would be :full in 1985 as av1.d~ncet i:n Tab1e ::. 3.'+ If oric~incl desit;n S:or 261+ Wl!t"e u*sed, r;i.c;;rumi.rAI.:!:: di8charge scheCule Tt1.b.l ,:£ .. ~. the :pool \l'"OUld b~ full in 198,. This t~11~e of eonf\ud.n~~ iP...f o:-n:ation m1J.1S°t hGt.Ve been ,,:~ v-en to Gill?

Gon,;;ressmarl :.;illi~ 3". Huch$S in 19??, which led him to

                           ""rri te *tnt~ :.following ort July 20, 1977 t
                           "'l'he ~~~..le?.l nuclear Pow~r Plant has l':.dc>QU$.te :f'aciliti ef~,

ayip::.'Ovc::. by t:b.-::: i::::::, tc J~eop ~p'.:!nt fuel on-rate until 1990. ::~hey toek thio added !E'G-Cau.tien to c~ard against eny pos~i bili "t".! of a.ri extension o:f t...t-i.e :.1112?:>:>~i:Y J'{~se~.rch & jjc;elo:i;-r~ent Ad'mlni ~traticn

  • s \ v~*JA) l:*equirement to .find a sl "'te by the cu!"'r~nt '-lead.line."-'

lana.1 Generic }.!nvircn":len'tal Imunc-t Stateraant crn;;;: r:n.d Ji;or-at::e o:r S'p0nt Light ;~ater ?owar* ::"teactor Puel, Aue:.uet, 1979 11 :rToject N-lh Hl.Et&.:t-057.5, Vol. 1 ,~e~ni.ti ve :::sun~max*y*, pa~~:e .i:'.;.:3-5, :1.1

                                                                        *.-,,.... ..... ""- o;iu "I 1*1 ....- i * +..;..: ... ,,, **t1f!lo * -n............... ~ ..,..£' *~'.:""e'~"
      '°';.~:.. """'.L...l~'.) *w c ,,.._,._,.~**=-i.v** ..., . .                             : 6-L *.'+   *     ****- -~. * *
  • 1 ...___ t -*

k.,cr.~,_ 0 e .._..'3.!.::lfat:~ '-';J a NUC l ea?' Fr:;rngr Plmlts (Compact. ,Storage).

  • 2~t G~i c :s:nvi.ron"nenta.l Impe-,ct Stat~e.."1t or:. Ba. .ndlin;-; and

Pro l "" ,. , Stora(::e o+/-' :3-pent ~Ls!1t ;*~'-a.ter Powar ~-; Y-uel, kar-ch, ** 197£;, ee ... ,*,i-i.t.* r.-..;:il:.-\:r-

                                        ,~. ~~. ***~   OO;, ,,~o 1 * ~
                                                          '"f' ...-,
                                                                                     . , 1*:.:::ecu1..1Ve 1::>U'JreJ.ary     ri J.JX~,
                                                                                                                                           -'-          *- l pag-e t;-

.. 040 . f ~c:>l.. 2. l~wne as 2. ~1ablo ~-2* page ~lJ.. Vol. 2. (0404)

  ~3me a3 2. -~bl.e .l;J..3, Pfl.,<a ~l9, Vol. 2 (OJ.J.04)

Scon, ~fi.lllam ~l. liut;l1es l9tter, July- 20. 1977 to Mrs. l>etty H..orner, page z. pareQai'?h 3, line l.2 ~oUt;.$ 16.

e e

                                                                                                                                ?indirtf"S               og III. 1:ne J.JJ..cansee astS"il!lied                                      er~ly ~"?proval f'or e~ided storaBS*

ret'lectsd in Robert M, Grocke~~*s letter of Ja..~uary 19, 1978 ( i.:.Yhi bit 9 and 10), qu~stion 3. :iU)Gl\t ;fuel pool capaai ty adequate throw;h 1993 {Sm.lorn No. l) .and 1994 ( ila.lem Ho

  • 2 }
  • i::ven wi tl"l the ass-umed exT,m.'l'lsion., . it vrn.s not claar to the ll(lens~e "j'hat thG rationale ws.s for .5-yerar coo1in6: fuel cr.i *teri~t \:;;;-:bit 10
  • j)a~:-~ 2 * (£'!1estiGn '+, Lines 1 r.uvJ. 2) *
    .. ¥,;5&~ ur~J;es that the :taepSl"tmmlt of Energy (.OOJ:i:) inv*st4'l*

gate further the SDent fuel s.paeitication r~:uirments with the thouf';ht o::f reducillt~ ;'.'eriod. F*::;B&n certainly woul.d :prefer to ~;:,ee it redUce.d. (l'.'.X-'1.ibi t lG. pai;r~ 2, ~~uastian !+, Lina~ 6 through 9)."  :?~*he lio, raco;&ni.zad the li.k"3'llhood oi' emal:'{~Gncy situations. "!t must be reco/;niz'i'.ll~\. tha;t 'there is the llkelihoo~l -of emarGit-* situ:J.tie.':rn such :.ts lof!'J:in~r or smne other

    *!if.ficulty which will no:;ce~mi t~te shor*t;.~r notice a~d earll~* "transfer \.:L:tll..ibit 10, page 2, 4:~uestio:n 4, Lines "1 -cnrougn
               . ..               . . . ...t...h
                                           ,. ""* .i,     s;                                        .

Fur.J'ier evidenc~ of liceilm.&e prE.H~at1tion. a.11d r~eo~..i tion

                            **, l                      ..     ~         .. *** 'oece.u$e o::i.r.> :1-m1eren               '                             t ina~,l.
                                                                                                                                                              .          '\... l.i+..

ox<> posru..o ~ :prouJ.~n, 1 ot./1 to predict *future i'uf}l d~nilg:ris, isotopic burnup, fuel lesk~s, etc.. ( ~i bit 10. page 2. Unes 24 throW(')l 27}. ~ Additional ~rvid.enc~ ot conc:'etn and licens4:fe' s opinion,

     **eoolinr of fiYe yearn a:opears to be e:-:cessi.,.:c and ?~:!1:&-U would ureter to hsve a more reasonable neriod on th~

order Oi' O~le ;ve?Sr OT lBB::El* Or' 1;he minimurr: (i.:'...~hibi 't 10,

                                                     ,....,.., .5   *.* *. .. -~"                *'tnrou.:;:n pagei  *'*       '">
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                                  *\:ues.;...* ...i,..,...        ,             ~")        tn.-          .-


  • H

i'he Licensee Y1as success!'ul in their shell game to keep

     '~n'\..,.--*t r,;;

d.(.'V'~* ._....._. ('.,...,,,,,..i,.,,,,.r..t

                                        ~k.~'Mt.l'\'      I V1*    t'>.O      °Pl"""2>""~r';a..,4 A'f'
                                                                      * . '!i.J"V- ,...._..,..,..JU..#~<<V..1.;..W  ,_,,,,,-.,
                                                                                                                                    >;;-.,.._,, v*
                                                                                                                                   .... *l,..t;......
                                                                                                                                                                                 .i-¥.,.~:..Ji or his clesic;rrne fi'om t~i:rti.fyin,;. '.i'ht.$ ASLB apparently.

did not

    ,, '          r;,_,.,,

reco;;~z(f. the r,_,,leva.:nce

                                                                                                         *of the contents of' i'.;l'.', '-'.t.'v.c..'lc.e~-c s rf!xspo.ns~ 1,0 the O()JS, By aanctio.ninf".' the exclv.siort 0£ llCiID~E.H~ wi tneF-.Se~ ..

l*lt'. Grock~tt or d~sidTH'iG em;pl-::>ye$s (not hired ezpert: wi

  • the A.>.i.B precludect Inti?..rvt?norE'. :from intro-ducing a."1.ii elal".lratin(:: en full contents of licensee* s conccrrw wJ~.ich would e'!:fec't sii.inifi cantly the conclusions tlra.i1m by 'the Btdf ~..rid ASLB. 'I*he ~~tt!'.te cf New Jersey, as intex'est;ed ~t.a.te, offered the correspondence in*to the record (:~1&..i bi ts 9 an.1 lC;
  • The ASLlL. denied responses to a. uet of interrogatories enti "Inte.rve.nors 1-~rs-t *Sert of Interrogatories of the Licensee, 0 doc..'!teted by U3N'i~C on January .29, 1.979 received by the Ool1.m1ans on February 2, .1979. The Board denied the Cole.mans anS!ffers to Interrogatories 13, 17, 18, lB(a), 18'b), 19, 19{a) 1 19(b), 1.9(c), 20, 21, 2.l(a),

a:rter t..'1.e llc,a'laee moved for a protecti vc order that discovery be disallowed. It was the responW.bill ty or t.11.e l.:iQard to inform lntervenora o~ their "'ri',hts. ~- e~ample in :point, SJ.fY:UllG'

  • O....f!" ,,.,..

x*-r.Op.c. ..._, * ..._ -r~.P

  • t~

J.e i.,Ory .u.1>o1--0rmB. _c;n ~:!'6em"L;-u ,, il r* ....., .:.. If rl

                                                                                                                                               ~ .... our righ.t to be                                inc.lucl~d with our one-time counsel.

In*t;-ervenors were derd.ecl consti tutiona.l right of due procei3?. ~..nd excluded f'rom 2:.xxon conf'e.:r.ence during the with no of rev*iew. 'This exclu3ion makes 1* ">'....- c-~-*+r->~.:-.1

              ._.._ ... "' - ~---   _... _ v
                                           "      ~:::: ~'f'i l.4-L--  ..... -- "U1
                                                                    ~     -- ~ -!*o
                                                                             ~  tJ.

r~ ~**r->1">714nr.i +'h".'.lt tn""r.+1* oner~

                                                                                      ....r.t.;; l~ ~- ~   v,;  ***\;.::(. _ .. t;; __  ..;   ~  --

interro{-:atories wouJ.d not have had a very important in.flt.tcnce on this ca~e. Dy littltint::- eonterttions f'._'Yld discovery, -the B.o.ard. jt:~t~ fied its decision ey rtJ-f'~rring to 10 C.f'H 2.. 74-0 (b) (1;, Jf * *

  • di scov-ery* *** shall relate only to those matters in .

contr.ovor~r w1' haYe been !G.enti:fied.c .... re[.'."E.rd.leBs of whether the ans*11ers to tha questions woul:-3. yrotect the heal th a.."'.l.d 8<?..fety of the !.)1J.blic ~'"'ld. po*('.!rf.'.d. bly h.a.V"e eome ef'f'ec*~ on th.eir (ASLB) plai."'t1'1.Ed conclusions. V. i::vi.G.e-.ncc o:f ASLTI not *wa...""lting to address f'a.ctual findings a...---id. questions r~l;:).tinr: to this, without response, is one limi -"W?.id app~ance written statemen:t, dated A?>ril lJ, 1979 by F.iehael JiEerrmrdo 1'.'hich E~ddressed six.. ( 6) material issues related to +.,he proposed increased. stora;,r,e o:f SI'e?lt fuel rod assemblies to be etGred at S.alem Unit No. 1 and No. 2 *

  • Normal routine releases to t>he environment, increa.aed inv-en*l;o:ry, ~Teater :nercen*tace of nossil)iJ.i tjr of lar(;er, r9sult in tmdue risk to health and safety of the public *
  • Bcron concei'1."tration, many reportable ocCU?rances of low coneentration of boron and an event o:r hir-her concentra-tion, reports :rrom. Aug12st, 1976 thro~ March .22, 1979, what i.s pro"babili 1;,y of' d~terlaration or effect cm racks with. such nuctuations .*

I *.**

        ~:., ( ..


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modify llJni t on F

  • at.* :fl-aotional thermal *.. * *. . .*. * *
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  • o.* '3 . ( Cyole ..)) to allovr gp~zatiorr o1: *oc~e * * : . * *:* *
  • loadin;;; :patterns at ho-t.i"ull powar conditions without i.~curring a ..restrictivs I"x:y ~~at  : :. *. ;~ .:~:*
                                                                       ..                                                                                  low power.                                                              This cou.ld. lead.... ".                                                                                                      *            **         "**~::'"              _; ...*:.. *
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                                                     .:,*                                        *Each *cycle                                                     la~ter
  • erpiruns'arerrt fuel. mtt-n.iip.*:*:'.J~:: :::~:*. *:.*.. . *** : *.
                                                                    , *                       . nwnber -cf .fue.l :assaabll Gs to *be replaced and. d.ift~t..* . , *. ::.~:. * ..... * *:
                                         **. * * :..  .. * *e?1:ichmen"t o:f' certain new ass001blie.s. Cycl.e .. :r ;:* .;.\; , : . , \:,:;. *:*:~~-. ,. *.- .*. *-~
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  • ass~J?llee.*,,c;w"p.o:ssibJ.e ~d in:tef:.~i~y .during usage,._. ..>) ~:;i".\;:~::?~:~;':.'.~\".":
                           .. .* . *. i~ *, . .*.*. rli.i:~~~~ ;ti.~~~
                                                                                                      .turai .aspeots: ~ *the ~alem. Unit 1,0.*.. 1 .SJ>ent fuel* pool.,._~~;~.*¥-*"'--"*..*:* , ;

o; i~cllan,i;,.i, -terial ~a**~~~'.i.!~'.:

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  • comp~~t*el:y.*i*m.oriid 'the '.i'act" ':-'4lat :ti:ls **spent fuel ~1)1,.)~~.:.*::.~:::~~\'~:...:> . c :
                                                .* , . . .                                             leaking J:h.t.d.n~':: the* prc;>ceeding {Report Num.ber. 80-0~/qjt~?~f'.;;~,!'~*,~*f;:'-':" . ,
                                                                          *.*. .** . Report                                                 .r.late:.~F:e~J 14..._19~10.,. Caourra.nce. date Jan~;~,\:=,~::::;::*.:"{k~ : '*
                                                 * * ' * . .. , l?                                           . *.* 1980         . .
  • rel>G~!!e~ . ""' A n*- . .L~ ..-.~t.- i n ~!JG'a'l.

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                *:>> ~::~:r~*(:_' ::,~~:~. ..
                                                       .. .-~~ *..:~eP?~::*;wa.s_ ..round* by 'the Col.emans in the* LPDR.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               :\ *: L ---~-- ..-~*:.:.>:}~~*,> *. -
                                                                              *: *"                    The:. re~ord wiri show ccrrespo:nd~~ee da:ted Januar1<~s. * *:._'.~*-:._'*. :**~ \.~;-:;:: C:.
                                          * * * * ** *:                                                1980 frt>m.* Kdth .ll. 0,nsdor.t'f
  • Counsel for the Gol.emans: *'-:.:;.;:. *'.C,.~~: *:**._~::-~* *.
                                                                    ..-**.*'.'~*.      **          ;.'t-0              '(J!:r~'.l.* IEilhG""'*,t- .,.,.,\.,..,.; ___ ASLl:i in \y'I....: "h wa*                                                                                                                                                                                                  .... * .. :, >.,*',;'._:.* /-:>:'(:~.;:~:,:<,"~,*
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  • ~;--:)~t:<.=_-:,~~:-_*,.;**~-.Bt-Q&r{ and -~rkii't..S, ._ *1ne:.-, manufaeture '_poiscili 'mated,llit,'.~/ '.~ -:- .
'*:--*,*::*:":):_;'.,!::-:*.-; 'mnd. 'in this -caae, has supplied the 30ra1 materiil. <*.. -;;.*1::.:*:..:.--
         *.                     '.- *,: :.      .r:;~._:.;~-                   -'<>-                '~e- .L.'3.ckenj)y m~a.ot,Ur1ri~,7fit"m'. if?-..~der: ~~et>~::*..~-~{}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  -
             .: '"                   *        *:->~- .'*_ <-:,_:;-_"*; ...~rt Nuel.aar -~~....:W *(here~ter :""JSxx.011~). to .-assembl~~::-::.:- * -~--..

y*~;,~~t1i~(Jf i:;(:~if~;,~fa-ai~~W~e~~~~rJt~b~~;fjrz~~:;;~ik:

                                             *-"'!i.~*~:.:*;;;*:         ............., **             f:a~ica:tion*-~'                                                                 *E::k:xQn                     also **did- the testln.g*and.***--*f* .... * .. *. .,... ,...... , .....- .,,.'-'r'**""'° *.\ ..-
     >?%~/:_{~°}{.~;~f:~~[~j~~}'.e~;~1~J-\ \F(;erf'ti e~li tif'1~l.~~u.1ai~ ons -:iri"*>mapport- o:e_1:ths'>l~t~~#1*ty ~:~~~:~::-'~8{~f2.--*(-~ . /.,
   - .** -:: ':::_._~.;< . ?~:f::>?:~.                                                           ";"the_ ra.ckiri,7~. -sYat*~*-* llThe 'Licensee _has*.:*doi_te:.:iu:? -:* *                                                                                                                                                                                                                     --_:_..,; *~**--,_ , *J ,
     -.- -                      : . . *: -.'. ::'- .. ,: in-dependent studies. -                                                                                                                                                                                .                     . *                                  .. _~                                                              * .: ~...... .
    .                           . .. ,. . *";.- *.:\~_;*:.~ *. -~~:/ -.:,-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       '.,.,. >: ..:*...                                                                                                                  **._ ._. (:._
                   -:°:,*'.:*. - -':* . .-.
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s __ Ei'x0n* *cri1;ic:~t1i tY. salynis, -.subm tted )Vi -s:~ the *.. ..* *;. ,.* :*" ,.*. :.

                                                                                                      *Lte~pisee*s *application, concluded tha.t Kef::i: -~--1s lower*'.:~"--                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ,
                                                                   '                           .       'than                             '..the             *'95                    eri            teria                  aecept~d                             by          tho                 Nuol.ear                           *Regulat0%7                                                                                                . *
                                                             * -                                 :.:*Co-ro1n1ssion:* (HRC) for spent fuel storafe in high* d~..nsity _..                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             . *.. *
                                                                                 .-.*. _'._r..a-eks. Those calculations, however. a.nd 'the NRC St~f's* _ c.~ -
                                        *~   ..... .                                                    aceo~d tt.ri th -thed.r *conclusion~, were predicted upon the *,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     * * *.,
                                                                          ,_. _ " ihteg-ri ty o:!' *'.the Bora.l in t.he p:-oposed. i--ack s. According * , ,.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          *.,'
                                                                        .. . . t~ 't,h~ :ita.t":f', **the Kr:d."f o:f ~9.5. ln r~ls..tio-n to the rerackin.<-r .of the Se.lam S?.P is a function o:f how much .
                                                                                           . boron is~in the recki:.* lJ In *Short, a~ a sta:r:r witness** * *
. pointed out* H t here has to be a minimum amount of
                                                                                                        'boron ~n those racks to maintain the effective below 1
                                                                  ., .. '.;:
                         . ...                                                            *,. * **95*
  • 1 Oiven the 1.nerea.sed density o:r the new storaa-e denzl
                    ~  ~
                                                                                                        ~rray.;, 'that -m.inirrm.11! requi:ed areal                                                                                                                                                                  t'tJ of boron                                                                                             **

_. batvreen . -fne1 a:ssemblies is Lhe 2 .41 x 10 boron..l.O

                                                                            * * ,_
  • atom~ p!r.. ~'U~~ centir,'ieter created by the t\...-o Bora!

sheeLis. 5 . . . ...

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           , ....._:.:.\
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        . .     {.  ~   ..                                         .,.     "l*
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                                                                         * *.<;;l-earl.,.-.                           ~*~mpaeta>o.t* .an                                                        experiment"" 'Wi-th -~ .- .
                         . . :.                                "*c . :~)~se -~ -~:atended* period *and in ~-ifl'te :face or *real"~~. * .
    * * *.*              .* ..:;: . \ *...; .. *.*-:.:~:.-.,co~0-ai()n*prol):l61ms *. as ~-os~d itt **t.his easel tU""* blghlJ'                                                                                                                                                                                                          ..       A,,*.;'
                           * * . ,.. ** .:> _: E?,Peoula:tive ~ an.d* P.rouded wl th -u~. * -~e- *:f'Ull.. 101'\lger .
                                                                          - . :~-t~ resilta ff!** the Monticello incident a.r~ not yet in*
                                                                           . . -~a.;~ttb* J.i!.,ceq$e8*.s eonclusion ~at the occurrence 0£
                                                                                ** corro~ 'MtU :;~a,vo                                                       li~i;Le*                  -*or;'no ::aff'ect                           on* th~                          :Boral' s
                                                                         }_ .. *neum>~~)1$Q~)big,;,ct!P~t)':;£or*,~e-~ext 40 yu_r.$ is * *
".based *aoiaq; *\.lpon ~*a .bti*t one.;.year .corrosion srtudf',


  • ana_. ~'Wm~ its.* neoe~il.7 Um1 ted ~~ to
  • a -~,ai-, l'Htr!ott_. r . *fhe'*~~tu~e of the di.tterenoe
r.**  : .~etw~* th-a S'tUd.1' period **d,~e--* time frame in which the 2~T ii7' :. ii~ ,~ :*.~*~. .. *"' ** ' *,. * *.. l *. . , I I
                                                                                                                                       ~          -~
                                                                                                                                                                 - ' ' .. **..   .     '.,. -*      . ~
        . .. *----                     - . -~      .' .- . :                        ~                                                                                               ',       -.
                                                      . .    ... .     .  {'~- . -~ :.'        ...
                                                                              ,.'   .*    '       : > ..     .                                                               ,!_     ;,     i..
                                                                                                                                                                                                          *:.':*. .: *:~
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ~..   '* ;:~.*
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ..  **
  • JC ~... * ' .. .,:*: '* '*
                 *.    *.~
               . . - .*.* ,: .._.* '*
  • _. ,.1--bO'nf'idenee *~n *the *eonclusion,_ ;~~--~~ola:tion**.- : ,.Itidee~ . *. =~::"'-' : ., <*~:_,, \\
                                                                                                         . ..been i.den'tified.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 -:  '.        .~.
                                                .. ';'i.i! c*bther-~poht~S. )1~*:.~~ted thai; corrosion :~ro;i
                . '    ..                                                                                                                                                                                                                     had no1;                                  -'*>*. . ~,'..;.._: :-'* ~-r.~ "
                                     ..            **** .- ~en eomplet.ely out to rest . by the one-year study .and
                       . . *_.- -_ -              -__ * :- ~at -rn.tq,.own _quetrtj.ons reaud ~ed as *to the *,O or_ 40-:J~                                                                                                                                                   . -*~   ..
                                                          ,. P.ecl"~ee oE ;.Bbral exposed* to bonrted pool water. . .
  • _*;*~*" :~enj* *:~.$fl: tfRo Staff 'Wi~eas*. point~'" ~ut. tb~e
                                           .. * '                .are_uncertalnti~s                                                      -.s to. the, efieet of the :proposed s~                                                                                                             ...                      ~ ...
                  ".- _, . .:                                * -co.ntigura'ttoa on propogatlon o:f a 11 zirconium. fire.* J                                                                                                                                                                                  .. f         . ._._ .
                             . ._ .,,                     *
  • Af'ter ~sin: 13ases for-1!Ueh doubts.J'.3 he indica:ted
                                                             . ~at .a .eai~a.tion<to --~~ve* :them, one way 9.4' another,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        -* *~*
                         ':. ~
                                 '°_:.. .
                                                             -* cOttld -be cl.One *by.                                                  =*         person in a few months *.J
  . <ii~~. ~z.:;;"}~:::~f ~; r,*,;;/T l:;\. &>.                                                                                                                                                                   .                      . ..
        *' - Por-'*~v.-*~--the-"~;,, __iirconim*~-, is,;used l\erein,*:
.:~:. *::*-.;~'~---~4: ~:h.Se~*;j-~p~~~e~~~~t.W**. :to ,;~e,e~ to. a. cl.ass oi" s,itlia*.

_ ,: :*~ons,,_~*;.U,,:-#-f;Jf~.':;~.b*.. ;f'.µods,.:h,.a technical

. . * ..... ,.-.*;.;.'la...;..:...a.~!f:.:1.:...-~ *****" m...i"**1i.*o~ 5~h~.~- >t*J.~l ,,.; .                                                                                                     .                               phySio-.
   . :;- ,,;;,;~48~:::~                                                   *<.. ,,**:*;:              "':4'.Y -'~~}~-.-~-~.. ~~                                   t
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              *.-   ~.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ,.. . *_ ~ ... 1
       ~ :, '*
                                         ~       :/                                                                                                                              .   ,,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        .  ~.
                                             *. '. *~*
                                     ":                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ..,... ~'.         ..
                                                              ' )i,;~:. *--~;; :~ ;                                                                              ; >('.                    .;:--*~, .'"
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ;-J~    *
                                                                                                                                                                     !"-.. :;.   ~                        .--'.:i .-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  . ;,   :*
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ~          ..      '
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ,. '. ;: ..,:.;,~, ,,*,
                                          */                  \~ *.
-;  : ~ *~~:~.:*:*:: .....
                                                                            .... ;,-:.. * , .


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                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ..*                    '   \.         ,} . .,:\(; :.,~: .
                                                                            .. .., ..' .-                              / . ~:.*
                                                                               ~     '                        ';,:'.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       '*                                          . --                 .,. - }::~*~'~'..3 ., .
                                                                                                                     ,... ~
; .. *._":*  !
- I  :< ,. '", .,:_. ',~
                                                                                                                                                                                                          .*'". f.                             :~*\ -:~.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ....          **'*           ~-~*.-   .***  ~   *    * :: __ *
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ...... ~ . J*                .
---. .. , *->*{,:_;_:_~r;& - --
         .       ~
                            *: \ . '                                                        ~.   '.
             ........... *.-*     ;    :-: ...
       '. / . ........ -~-- .:,_*-~~:::Ba3mii!r$i:o"ti:Y*responde?l*to*'tlie_ BOanr**~t~itM:).::~_.z;;*::.-: . . * * *
      . '.*: .. *. *'-_,'                         ': . .:.!:*:,,-:l!tt~ calCUla1iion"i$'*':indeed ~d.                                                                                                                  ma*,~**:',-*--~-:<::;* ..,.,.::
   .,:_ :* ** * <: _;/;*, ,... ..thi.8 r~d* h-s th.O ':.r~a*i;.;:.                                                                                                                                       -* :..,,_\*:)_*:.-:"':: , ., .. ,..,_<~ ;. ~.-:: ";. ,. :. _~:_~'-'. . ";::*::'..

..*-: * .: : * . .:. .-.... * .

  • _:::;~::~.<.i*-*.;~'i;.,;.;Y~!:*~,{ '.', _:_ , .-~ -.<'.~" i . -.;.: :~-~ .,~ -"::~~::~/ :.t, .*~,:.-_~- . . :* *. ,". :~<y : * . . /5:<." ;~. ' ....~*:~J;~~~~~.;-~:ir:~~~i~:~t{.~;::*~**: :>.:::.-:: .... r~::,:=: . .
         .. *. * * *                           *     *    *  * *,, * * :<<* .....                      * '   X 1'911ev.e *that ;tae possibiliV: *fd .,,,,* . N ..***                                                                                   * '*"..;::.*....,,.,,,.. - * ,.*.. -,~ *. *                                           *"*

I :' ~ ~'.-: '; ',* * ., * *' ' *

  • ..~ *.* .. *.. *;
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.. *~ .*... :..~ '".. '
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       - .. J
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      .  ,.;     ..
                     . ..   ~*..:  .. *-
                                                                                      *... ~: . .   '                                                                                                                                                                                                                   .,*,       ."-' ......
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         .. ** *..             _ . .-;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ...           ~*'.     ::.:* .,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       .....    ~.,' :'.'.::~~;~~*
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        . ;,-~ .'~~ .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                . . **:              *~*  .,_.:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                . :, .. '/. ,..
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          *~    ..          . ....,!. .'- ..
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          * ..   ;
                                                                                                                                               . ' . -~.                                                                     -*   ~ ' :- :: *. .   ..
                                                                                                                 * *-1-.,:*.1     :  .-
                                                                                                                                                      ', *.'~
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  /' .* :**.-* ... -             ...    ;*
  • l .. _,.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         .      ~:         .        ..._
                                                                          ,:, *r * * * ,-_-    .
  .. *~*.. ',        *...         '*           . *: ~.;*.                     * *               .:  .                .;.;' .* ;!_'it~./*.:~* :~*.-, *}~.\/i~~'l.\*.".' . . ,*.' ,,, ~*: ' :'. ..*.


                                                                                                                                                  -.i,..:e t.r'.,J
      ~*f,,~~~~~1iii~~ . '.... . "' .. .. ....
    ._.. .~*r* :* . . ::..-~: .' ... *:.,!~~:--staft-.-~t$!::.le:IJ'.~* -~nyes~gate. anal~~ -~e;:,_r*Vl~ ::~~-.:\~<1:);:1,',-i-.,-<~":z~***:.::-,:'
         *:~ti~: i~~:~~~~mt**.* ~ted.
         * ***'* *-               .' .... * * ~facts: sigh:tad.. )y* Mr. Jt.ichald Di.Berna.rao* iii --his* "'lliitted:>-..;,.~~. ,_.,.. :, ** .,, .
                                                                                                                                                       **~~,~~~;;,. **;*~t.:. ~:~~~:-~::-?;::.

1 Apri1 **. _We<ll!ed say ~9- more than PU'b~~ Servic_e Ele~i:c ~-Gas*,;,,*-~:\:*~":. :.~\* .;'j

                                                                                                                                                                         . . ;>.~:~f~; ;
                                                      .. own intereri 1n .nucl.ear fs.cili ties as follows* . **.                                                                        : , * -;_ ~ ..... * * .
                                                       -~;;:~~~~*.:£.                                                        . ;~r i*" :*.'

Ho~* v'reek No. *2 *

                                                                                  .                         2 .                     495~                                                    *.** - - * *:. * *.* -,_ ..
                                                          ¥e,ach            .Bottom
                                                      . ;Peach llottom : No. ::., "._

No1'= 2..~ 2~~

  • 42j:%
                                                                                                                                                             -~ *         * --    *         *
                                                                                                                                                                                             --~*-    .
                                                                                       .     .       **:.' ~
                                                                                                             ...    ~ '*                                            : ~l gnti on
                -*~                                   .!!.' :_:*,,;_~.:- ..      '. .' ..'. *:: ...           .....      "
.{ 11 o ..... ,"* . . . ... *:-,.*..: ... : ~-- ..
                                                   .    *:N~'1ter *'the. .**~~-'~:~ the                                              ASI.Jj etut state with, 100% .
                                       * ... 0: * 'as.sarance :1d:~hout*ever .considering :facts (III ~
                                         . * ....tIJ ':ana. tneit": *po:tentia.i ei"tect on conclusions drawn by'

_ .: . . .- ..,_* ,*. ;;,;=,-~f _witne8ses *and**ou'tllned. in "th~ *EIA. * *

  • iim.m~~:Fi~/; *. . * . },,lJ:,:L,'i;t,.;:":(:: ..
                           * -.* ".-:~:',_ . ;,::IrttorvenOr-s :do -~ :"~""~ .the--recora*-*wu* cured (Tr
                ....~_: . -.                 ._;~- :::*~**'f.~~~~~!*-~:~1 - i :~- .. :_ :_ .. .' -..:-~:'.'~'.*,~: ~- ~~o-:r -:~** _- ~. . . :. : .-. .                                                .' f-.                        .., ~
                                                    . '. *~Ji:~as .~~-*~stl:ri9a *'that'.he *was "very .*close to .
                                                        .. rer!b~*:;~heges**~.-tables*beeause I think o;f" the eonfUsion :that .~-t ~sad ... (Tr 1J2. Lines 14 throug.h .17) * .,
                                        .,.'               Jr~~"* *.DonohSW:*/~f~t;h.e~ 1 po.itited ~e>>ut. ~ 'i'here are other
                                     *** .:*_*. ~;~s'.~-~-Eid<~th ~em~ Like Table l :really_has.
                                                 *- tht>ee pages.* -,.: .It, vtas not intended to associate the tabies .* ~--.* .* o <X* * . * *
  • l -the t b t:H=r . d i elude """ * **
~tlie~*fi'9r$sJ- .. 1.'i~ *emphasis}. beCf4'.use o~ the .t~ *~~ -~~

iitticu.l~* l\e8 a

                                                                                     . * rea_   ,l.)   .'~.. '..~ ' ..    .f:he ~Q -,':to_**. cations
                                                                                                                           . 'Furt\lez-..          . hew. ... ~  , e 11.n~- ..i ,* ... *..,
                                                                 ~~:l'~ . p~e fu *assoCJ;a~,e .gr1d
                                                                                                                                                                                                           '~ ,:


                                                                                                                                                                                                                    .t *'"       ', : *..
                                                          *                                                                                                     '* ca *.                                          ..(.        ' .~ .. :
                                                             .. . ~, .*. :_.'.: .: </. *t~*;,_'v_ ; ., * *.* , -**. *. . .*.* . .* *. *.;;::'.:' . :.. . *. .. *. ,*.*.,)f. '" <:~~
                                                                                                                                                                                                            ~    -~    '
  • I'.-*,.***
                                                                                                                '~ ~' * (*
                                                                                                                           *;.*. *.*                         .  ;---~-
                                                                                                                                                                             ~.:. .
                                                                                                                                                                                           . ~-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ; ..*
~.: '
                                           ' .* ..                    . : .  ' ' -~ ; ' .' '                                                                                                                                     .  ,.                 ~
                * ... '.i.                      ;*,*.,       *     .,_.~;*.. -~:/.:*:.:\.'      ...:            ,.., .: ..           -.:~2-:*.~','~*:<_.  *****: ... *:*;-                 ,:."**-':,.***               *.*_.:**             .*'.*'***.:.
             .* * ** *. *. * *~ **~e;*.]~:*>~.*x*:7f=~*~*int~n~*~*,**~~~.*.tf-F'!r*{"< .
                                                               . *these
                                                     ..., .. l.329..

tabl.~sr. *because ::Of

                                                                                        *Lin~s tlu;(:.*tact. of' .1.:hat.::dl+tirilty* (Tr .... :**<}/:":**:


  • tnrougtr *sh a: ~*,'*"The* -~cord in\~u~*~:*t>iriion; .,::
  • _*; * .: : ._ :_ '":*.: *"
                             <;" =*- .. ~-'      .;:;,:*: .:
                       . . *~ ->~*-:

. .. . . . . ,. ,* * -- e auc ve s , sear co ee

  • e -.. , a: .._ *= *--:, *: -... * .':. .. .
                         .:* .. * . -~ *_ *. .*would _be- av.ai1ahle in terms ~. . .ao,sei rates (!LT**:i,)_6.-.< . :: *-.. '7 .. _: *                                                                                                                                      **: :*-:
                            ... *,. < :                              Line~ . .1.:5 throuf;h l7) ~"                                                  * * '_ .. : . . ; ._..                     .. * ::'-.' *._: *. >.,., * .*.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      . ," '                                       .... *~ ~-         _:    "'~:
                                                               *Mr. *:Smith* ~"lid, *M<)ne o..r the problems *tnat we :had With                                                                                                             :.'*** *
  • pu't'tir~ it (package) in as an exhibit, to be. honest'*dth * * *.

you, j.:t would bi difficult 'tg verity (with ~.s) _, * * ... _.* * (:'.:r 1339. Lines. 19 through 21)." * * * * : .. *.. * -~ * * ** *

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         .    '(*
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    .        ;.    ~
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   .. ; .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ~.     .
                                                                .* '.Co al1ow an increase in *spent :fuel storage in excees ()f ..'.* * *
                                                                    *400~, *it is a major *d.scision when weighed with the sam_f(** **** *. :*.. :

increase e:t 3a.lsm Unit No. 2 end. the fuel storage at::: , >;. *1.::" ,- **

                                                                  )Iepe Cre~k Unit No.* l and 2.                                                                                                                         * .*., ... ,,. **.:
                   ,.. *...                                  .
  • Intervenors contend that the Staff ignored *the full :- '. .
                                                              * !n:t~t* of NEPA snd failed* to resolve posSi'ble problems ,.

and consider ~torage beyend the licensing periods of . .* . : :

                                                                  .* the four { 4} reactors.. specifically Salem t1ni t No. l and                                                                                                                   .    *. .
            .   .     ~      ..   -
                                    ':** *;*     ...

Uni"t .no. *::2 (.Findings of Fact bi I through XI). ',-  :* ..

  • E I
    . .: ~; : ' .: . .        -... *...  *
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ** . .r
                                                                     '*.*.. - .                                                                                                                  ', ....      .. :* ; ...
                                                                                          -: .  ,* '*' - ~*-*.'*                     *. *;;'°._*:**'                                    ... ,
                                                                                ..      ' . . . . . '~ -. . .~.  .~ :*.,. .: '. -: .                         .    ~   . . *. : . _: .!;- ... -*. **
                                          -~  .. l         .     -         ,,,.                                                              .~. . ......  . -: .   *
              -     -_  .~_. ; ~                              ..
                                             .,    ' "            ,_. ,~ *
~ ~*--- ,.
                 '.        * **                   -- The._ BO~ -~ul.ttreconsid.r*.-1u, '1eei~*aii*f:'coa~1ustuii*~:,.:                                                                                                      -* *'_ *::;-::~.*-.

r:;L>"*.* f. ~*. _'. _,_._ "-'  :~ ,*: . . _: *. * ,:. :~;:5o~n!u!~~~::s ~:{~!~~i!f.k::~;:s~~~~:;:/~.-~-~:i}-:;~-,--,

                                                       *: ....-:                 allowintr S"Oent ..fuel eomnaction and does                                                                            net>-***.- . '                   _*
                                                . -.. .                          adequately-review* e.ctual : S;>ent tue.l pool -in.v~ _.: .... * *'
                                                                                 *tories and *t;heir notential:                                                   e~teet. (!?acts                            Ill -***.*-'- -
                                                                                 .s.h,,,_,~,~-*_i... _. ~_,,.I.


                                                                                 --\t .a. v~ J l .. ~                                                                                               * . * .* ..,._,*~:
;~.t -. - -             .
~-.'.:.    ..  -.~    -

(' *-..

  ' .. -*~- *,..   '.
'~ -
.;:* . . : It'~is. apparen:t that the *Lic.s.'"lsee has f'tlled to pro~de -
                            , - *:*.*the Stafi' t1i th. adequate inft>nnation (Facts III through
                      ',-_ :*,'.: ~-: _X),: ~;do an :abceptable E..'IA. .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   '      ,;.,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ' . ;_".   : *--... ~   ' '
                                 '-: *           *'l:he:Appea.l Bo~d *must consider whether the decision
  • was bas~d 0-n a consideratio'!'l of the relevant factors ** . .-:*
                                    * *..... arid whether- tl'.iera has been a error in judgment                                                                                                                                                                       .**,-
                                           .* whieh ~Y requi~e some explanation il1 order to                                                                                                                                                                        ,.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 . .-~;          ~-~ ~-
                                    *;;' ,_ . i£ the .t\.:JLB* s *action is justifiable. "'.!the
  • _":*: : **'agency must artieulate .a rati.onal connection between vth*e*_:*
                                             *.*facts £ound an-d _the _Choice made (Rowman Trans., Inc.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                </*-*._ .,:*,_. ._.*_* .*_~_:_*_.*_*i_:   *._:_-.*_
                      ..                      -: :Al'-kan~as-Best .Freight~ 4-19 Ti.S. 281, 285) *                                                                                                                         *
~*-*: **::-.: __.*. ,,_._;~::.*-~*..cxJ;i~_::~j~~*::.~~~Ld~n .falls to adequately justi:f'y the . . **.:-.---~~-.-:'*:/*~-~.:.

.': * ;, ,* ~ :-: -..-.* :* . -.exr;anSion **of. 'the ~ent f'uel 'Cools at Salem uni ts 1 and

                    ~- :"'        ?** .. _*' 2\:Wi-_th~ut ~r~~r. review* and anaJ.yai s and therefore i g
  • _- .. "~'bit~,* caprl.eiaus, . an abuse *of discretion and not *:_ .. :_"""--.. *
                         -* * * * .';on. WQ~f!U'it!~l evidence. . The . doci sion is
                              **                  _in?d~_uate*'* :~,.;?~$. .. th.e ultmate conclusions *
                                 . .. -           -/:.-:;**., ;:* * *":!,-~-{ :L;:.z,t::.'.~::**.\.' ;->~-_,,. J'                                              *
. } *. ~-:. ;. . ** _* - . ' -:-' **[.'-' . ._::~;.~.: ~~:
                                                                                                                                                 .*J:*-*:;                                    ,*.
                                                  . *..     .   ~  **,                                                                    ;.       ':*           ,                             t:'* .                   . '
                                                   .*. :;
                                                              *,*;     .                                                                . ~: : :*:- tf,J~*-            ;:.   ~
                                                                                                                                                       .         ..,    ~          ..*
                                                                                                                                                        ; . ~ _,._      ~-- ..;*;. -~..                      ,:,_ ....,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    .:; ...


                             ~-/l __ *~- -:*~-.* .~/, -~                                    *. *        .                             /:;*                 '*        *,:.         .*    -..-.      ,;,*Pennsvill*e~-        n. J. 08070:
                 -;~<. _:-~ ~-                                                                                                               "**                              ":*;, __,. ,._ C-609) .67s-712s                                           **
                  .&.:leanor G.* : .                                     eman                                                       _ *.                                                                                            .

-...'. .* ~* .*: *. :.* * ***. . ** '**. *_-.*-*.

  • i*d".:_, *. ",G::;.~,:::.': .-.**.,_*. -***.-~i/. ******.*. *.:~ -~7.:;. : *: P~J ?'s;;~ tJtE 1
               **.*.                                                        -.       _, ... , ......... :                ~                -                     .:::*~*~,*.~.-:.< .. -.*                                               ."'*        -                  *-      :**-~.       **~?* ..*      -:'.-:****.
                                                  ; 1.~                       '* * ,;: ~*   *:: :'. *, * *"                                                                                                                                                                                     ', *:.   ' I    '
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                . , --      ... '::* '~  .        .      ..
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  - .:.~-* .":.-~.:~~ <* -~ . *...~ #<: ...
                                                                                                                  ..   ~..        '   - . *,, ' ..: . -~*-_ ..~                                                   '. :* *.. :'. . ~ --~-:~ >: _: -.:~ ': .
                                                                                                                                                                                                             ~:,~ :._::.~ ~'.                                                      .,,_ ..
                                                                                                                               .'   ,.... *; . *. *. ~ --. :~
  • r;t - - * ** - ' * ~--
      ~ - ,_ .. -. . :. _ ._.and -Storage ~ -~ent .-Lt'O:'t ifl~~W.;, P:twer J\eac~,2!' ,~.i*. *~~                                                                                                                                                                       ,. -.. , -*-< .,::-,.., :-:, ,


                                                                                                                                                                   -- . . ... *.* *-*.   ;,,.
         *- _.--:_-::'._:.;4; _
5. Rob,!M !lr1. Oreekett's lett~ o~ J~uy;*..19. 1978.(Edd-.UO) **'*::"; -~:-.'*.?:_"_~-

to .lieekjord.- - .. -. " -. .* - . * . . - *,,..- ' . "

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                *Mr *. Frederick. J. 5hon *. Iilomher                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ...
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Atomic .Safety -& Lieensit'lkt Boar4 ... . . :..~ ..

  • U. s. Nuclear HegUla tocy *comm.i ssion *, .*!.
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Dr * .James C** La:"!1b, III.: Member Atomic Safety- & Lioei"lsing Board* . "~ ._ -.

                     .313 Wo.odhaven Road*

Chapel Hill, N~C. 27514 Janice Moor~~ :tiso. * . --* * .  ;.\,.:..

  • O!f'ioe ot. the'.*Executive :beg&.l Director_* *-*-
                   *u. s *. hel.ear,:: ReguJ.atocy Commission* *
                     ~Jashi11t;~1'll **:.D~: -c*. *20555
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