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Letter Technical Specifications Changes for Inservice Inspection and Testing Requirements
Person / Time
Site: Palisades Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/01/1977
From: Hoffman D
Consumers Power Co
To: Schwencer A
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML18353A868 (26)



    • - :.\
  • Power company General Offices: 212 West Michigan Avenue, Jackson, Michigan 49201
  • Area Code 517 788-0550
  • March 1, 1977 Director of Nu.clear Reactor Regulation Att: Mr Albert Schwencer, Chief*

Operating Reactor Branch No 1

  • da.ted August 13, 1976 and January. 4, 1977, you have requested that the .. Palisades* Plant Technical Specifications and Inservice Inspection Program be reVised. to .meet the*. reqUlremerrts 'of idcFR"Par't. 5o ,' Sect:i..ori*-50. 55a'.. *.. . -
  • * .Attachment *I is. the. proposed Technical Specifications modifications to conf,orm
  • With the requir.ementi3 of 10CFR50.55a and your August 13; 1976 le_tter. In addi-
  • tion, Attacbriients II *and III to this letter are requests for relief, from spe-cific* provisions of the ASME code pursuant to lO*CFR 50, Section50.*55a(g)(6)(i),

in which it is impractical to meet the requirements.

As requested in you~ January 4, 1977.letter, a description bf our revised ISI *

  • ' .. *and testing program. should be_ su[>mitted withiri 90 days after rec.eipt ~.**. Th'is
        • commitment cannot be*met *delays in receipt of the revised.program from Southwest 'Research *. Our* reviews of the 'revised* pro'gram Will be **complete. to meet an April 30, 1977 submittal of the program description. .

David P Hoffman Assi.stant Licensing Administrator CC:. JGKeppler_, USNRC

  • 2200

_;, .....



Docket No 50-255 Request for Change to the Technical Specifications License DPR-20 For the reasons hereinafter set forth, it is requested that the Technical Specifications contained in Provisional Operating License DPR-20, Docket 50-255, issued to Consumers Power Company onOctober.16, 1972, be changed as described in Section I, below.

. \

I. Changes.

A. Change Sections 4.3, 1 4.8 and 4.9 in their entirety to read as pre-sented in Attachment I. (Changes are*noted by lines in the margin.)

  • B. Change Table 4.2.2 in its entirety to read as pres~nted in Attach-ment I. (Changes are noted by lines in the margin.)
c. Delete Table 4.3.l*in its entirety.

II. Discussion The development of these changes are based on the requirements to conform the Technical Specifications to 10CFR Part 50, Section 50.55a.

III. Conclusions Based on the foregoing, the Palisade.s Plant Review Com¢. ttee has .concluded that this change does not involve an unreviewed safety question.

CONSUMERS POWER COMPANY Sworn and subscribed to before me this** 1st day of March 1977.

(SEAL) 1979 [ ., .*



- ATTACHMENT I Proposed, Technical Specifications Change

_Sections -4~3. 4.8 and 4.9 Tabies 4.2.2 and 4.3.1

-* __ -Pa.lisii.des Technical' Specifications

_Docket - 50..,.255 License _DPR-20

.. .._ . ~- ~. . ..:- .: . ' ..... *',

. -~* ' . .......

._- *... ~ f: : ..,

. .::* . ~ . -~ .. ~ . . ' ,-


APPLICABILITY Applies to preoperational and inservice_structural slirveillance of the

  • reactor vessel and other Class 1; Class 2 and Class 3 sys~em components *

.OBJECTIVE To insUI'e the integrity of the Class l, Class .2 -and Class 3 pipirig systems

  • and components.
a. *. Prior to. initiai plant-operation, an ultrasonic survey shall be made-
  • of reactor vessel .Sheil.

welds,' Vessel nozzles, vessel flange welds, .

pipi~g system butt* weld.s *and ~Jor welds on the pressurizer and. steam generators to establish preoperational.system integrity and ba.siccon-ditions for future testing.

b .. :*Insem~e Insp~cti_ons of ASME Code q.ass l, Class 2 arid Class 3 piping

  • and *components shall be performed in accordance with Section. XI of. the

... . . . AS.ME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and applicable. Addenda as required .

' by . 10 .CFR.50;,*Sect:i.on

. 50.55a(g};

except . where . specific. . relief'

. has been granted by the NRC pursuant t.o 10 CFR 50, Section 50.55a{g}(6}(i} and*

  • except where the provisions of Section.4.12 below take precedence.
  • Inservice Testing.9f AS.ME, Code Class 1,. 2 and* Class* 3* pumps and
  • _:
  • Va.rves
  • s~ be performed*.iri *accordarice>with ,Section XL~f *the *ASME .
  • * :,:\;~)~.~oh&:,;~d* ~~~s~e: .Ve~-s~~: ~6d~* *~~. aP!>ii'cabl~e: Add~da *. a~::requ*i~ea.- by; . _*, _< *< ....__ ~

.. *.* '<_ lO~-*~FR- . 5c,* s~~tio~ '50. 55~{g)*, _exceVt.* whe~e. ~~ecif:f.c. r~lie'f' hS:~* b~en_ . :_ .** .*

. granted by the NRC pursuant to 10 CFR 50, Section 50.55a{g}(6}(i}. .

d. The structural integrity of the -primary system boundarY shall* be main- - .

ta.ined. at the level required by the original acceptance-*;rtandards throughout the life of the plant. Any evidence, as a result of the .

tests conducted pursUa.nt to b or c above, that defects have developed -<

  • or grown shall. be investigated, .including evaluation* of other compar-able . areas of the affected system.
e. Sufficient records of each inspection shall be kept to allow compari-son and *evaluation of future tests .
  • f. The ID.service Inspection program shall be reevaluated as required by.
10. CFR 50, Section 50.55a{g}(5) to consider. incorporation of new I-1

l '

  • -. inspection techniques that -have been proven* practical, and sions of the evaluation shall be used as appropriate to update the in-spection program.

~he concl_u-g* Surveillance of the regenerative. heat exchanger and primary coolant pump flywheels* shall be performed as indicated in Table 4. 3.-2.

h *. A surveillance program to monitor radiation induced changes in the.

mechanical _and i~pact properties o_f the reactor vessel materials shall _

_be maintained as describ~d i~ Secti~n 4.5.3 of the FSAR. _* The specimen.

removal schedUle*shall be as indicated. in Table 4.3,3,

BASIS The inspection program specified places* major emphasis* _on the areas of highest stress concentration as determined by general design eval-qation and experl.ence with similar systems. (l) ._* In addition, that_ portion of the

_reacto~-:ves$el _shell welds which will be subjected to a fast neutron dose suffiCientto change ductility propertie13 will be inspected~- The inspec;..;

tions 'fill rely primarily on ultrasonic.methods u:tilizing up-to-date ana-

. .::. lyzing equipment. -and trained personnel-._ : Preoperational _inspections will establish base condit_ions by deteri:nining indications that might occur from geometrical or metallurgical sources and from discontinuities in weldments or plates. which might cause undue concern on a pbstservice inspection. 'To the-:ext~nt applicable, based' upon. the: existing desigp a.rid constructfon of - ,

-*. -. -_ , ...the. pl~t:,.- .the -~~qui_reme;nt_s of.'.-:Section JCT of the--Code shall be* comp:Lied. ,.. - * - '

I I~ - .. *.*

-wit~*:_:* significant*_ exceptions are: d~~ailed in. the -requests. for-- relief which have received NRC"approval and are contained in.the Class 1, Class 2 and-Clai:;s 3L0ng-Term Inspection-Plans.*

REACTOR VESSEL SURVEILLANCE SPECIMENS Table 4.3.3 is consistent with the surveillance program as presented in 2

-the FSAR. ( ) However, the withdrawal schedule has been modified to re-.*

fleet the slightly different wall fluence values resulting from removal of the thermal shield.

REFERENCES (1) FSAR, Section 4.5.6.

(2) FSAR, Section 4.5,3, I-2


  • - 4.8 MAIN STEAM STOP VALVES APPLICABILITY Applies to periodic testing of the main steam stop valves.


To verify ~he ability_ of the main steam stop valves to close upon signal.*


  • The operation of the main steam stop valves shall- be tested as required by Specificati_on 4. 3c to demonstr§Lte 'a ~losure time of five -seconds or -

less tip.der no-flow conditions.


-_ The main steam stop valves serve to .limit, an excessive* primary coolant system cooldown rateand resultant reactivity _insertion following a main steam break incident. Their ability to close upon signal.should be veri- -

fied* on- a re*gular basis.

REFERENCES FSAR, Sections 7.2.3~8_ and 14.14.

    • .;.
  • . . _'; ....... *
  • I-3
  • -* 4. 9 _*. AUXILIARY FEED-WATER SYSTEM APPLICABILITY Applies to periodic testing requirements of the turbine-driven and motor-driven. auxiliacy feed-water pumps.

OBJECTIVE To verify the operability of the auxiliary feed.;,.water system and its

_ability to.respond properly when required.


. _The operability of .the motor~ and steam-driven auxiliary. feed* .pumps, .and

  • discharge* valve*s
  • CV-0736A: a~d. CV:-0737 A, shall be. confirmed* as. required by Specification 4.3c.


The periodic testing of the auxiliary feed..,.water pumps will verify their O:perabi.lity by recirculating water to- the. '~ondensate. storage . -. '


. '.\

ahd simultaneously partially opening, .one at a time, the discharge *valves (CV-0736Aand CV-0737A) to confirm a flow.path to the steam genera-

... ~

  • tors ..

Proper functioning* of the steam turbine admission :valve and the feed- .

  • water pumps' .start will demonstrate the integrity of_ the steam-~riven pumps. . Verification of correct operation will be made both from instru-

.*.... mentation within. the main control room* and direct-visual observation. of

'the*. pUinps*."' ~; . .'. .,

  • ,.*r

- :_';,* ' '** -* **' - *,. *'.,

  • . ru:irERENCE:q - ,,. *~*
  • '* --  ;

FSAR, SectiOil'."9. 7

  • I-4

/ ' ,. '

TABLE 4 *2

  • 2 .*

. Section Test *.Frequency *Reference

.. 1. . Control Rods Drop Times of All Full- Each Refuel-

  • Length Rods ing Shutdown
2. Control Rods Partial Movement of All . Every Two

. Rods (Minimum of 6 In) . Weeks

3. Pressurizer Safety Valves .SetPoint As Required** 1.3.7 by Spec 4.3c
4. *
  • _3c


  • Refueling -System Functioning Prior to Interlocks Refueling Operations

......... ****6. Service Water Syst~m .* Fun~tioning ** As Required

  • 9.i.2
  • *Valve Actuation ( SIS-CHP) by Spec 4.3c 7~ Fire Protection Pumps and Functioning Monthly . 9.6.2 Power Supply_ . *,*

'*. ~ . . !';

,,** *.. 8.* -* Primary System.* teakage':.. EVa.luatec.' * *.*_Daily,* 4

.. -  :.~ . ~ . . .- ..' .** .. ***:*  :* _. .. *. Ain~iid i 5: ~** *_,;,.

..:*: .*~.** .. *

. ,;~. .' *.... ,*

  • ./' ' ., -


  • ~ - *:~~\'..~* ::; : .:J."./ .. : ........ .
  • , -. "';'" ....* .-.


' :~ -*.. . ..... .. . : ;.

  • . ~' . -  ::'-Ques 4.3.7

' . ~-:

. *"': ;-*.

"9. *Diesel Fuel Supply.. fuel': Inventory *

  • Daily *. 8.4~1 *.

10 *. Critical Headers Service 150 Psig Hydrostatic Every Five 9.1.2 Water System Test Years li. Charcoal and Hi Effi- Charcoal Filters Each Refuel- Amend 14,

  • ciency Filters for Con- Checked ~ 99% Effi- ing Shutdown Ques 14.19-1,
  • . trol Room; Fuel Storage ** *. ciency per Freon 112 and at .Any 6.5.1, 9.8.3 Building and Containment test (ORNL) - HEPA Time Work on Purge System (Containment Filters checked ~*99% Filters Post-Accident Filter) Efficiency per ANSI Could Alter NlOl.1-1972 Their Integrity
  • I-5


TABLE 4. 2. 2 (Contd)

12. Hydrogen. Recombiner.s Each *hydrogen* recombiner uzii t
  • s_hall be. demonstrated operable:
a. At least once per 6 months by verifying during a recombiner unit func-

. tional test that the minimum heater sheath temperature increases to 2:

700°F* within 90minutes and is maintained for at least.2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />.

b. At least qnce *per 18 months by:*

.(1) Verifying that each of the electrical buses.providing recoinbiner unit aligned to receive power from separa~e* diesel gen.,..


' (2) Performing a channel calibration of all reccimbiner.instrumentation-and. control . . .circuits.

-* ( 3) . Verifying *through .a visual examination that. there ;.is. no evidence_.

of.abnorriia.l conditi.ons within the recombiners (ie, loose wiring.

or structural connections, deposits* of foreign materiais, etc) .

. ( 4) . Verifying during.~ reccimbiiier unit functional test that the heate~

sheath temperattire increases to ~ 1200°F* within 180 minutes and that the system operates for at least 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.

(5) Verifying. the integrity of .all h:eater electrical circuits by per-.

forming a* continuity _and resistance to ground .test. immediately

. following. :the above-required funct.ional test-. . The *resistance -to **

_:..* gTOUnd~*fo~:; a.iiy ~heater ~lement,,.shall be:~ 1000 ohms~ *

. ._::: .. :.. ... _. *-:-.:=:  : . ' . .,_ .... **:. _.. ;. *: -*-J* "'. .:-* .. * . . *: .. .  :. __,.

  • ' ~*

. *' ._, . ~- . .'rt .. :::*;. -~** . ; --: * :: . . *, . *-~* *. - **.. ;-" " .* *

  • * :- ....... '.""" . . * . -: . *; ' * .;.! '.; . *:::.*::- * ....  :*.*. ". ** : .* - * *.i.;. ' . . ~- ....
  • ' *~* ": ... .'J * ~ * * .' * * .~ ' I .,
',* . ..

~ *As measured by installed or portable temperature measuring instruments.




. .~. : ,* ..

  • .:J 1, ~
        • .;.

. : .* -:* ,'":'.: *~- .. -.

  • I-7


.ATTACHMENT .*II Proposed Request for Relief From.

  • Provisi~~s of 1974ASME B&PV Code Section xr*

With.Addenda*Thiou~h S-er 1975 and Including

  • . AFPendix III From Winter 1915 Pursuant to 10 CFR *50, .Section_ 50.55a(g){6)(i)
    • ....* ; **:*.*' . . . .*.*-: .
  • ... * "'* ~'.:.

. *_ ...: ~ . *. -,~ '

  • - **.j *:* .. . .*:.. *

. .

  • 7*_ *.. .
  • ~*- inspection techniques that have been.proven.practical, arid the conclu-sions of the evaluation shall be used as appropriate to update the in-

. spection program *. * * . . .

. .* ... g. Surveillance* *of the regenerative heat exc~nger and primary coolant*

pump *flywheels shall be. performed as indicat.ed .in ..Table 4

  • 3 ~ 2 ..
h. *A.surveillance. progiam-to:mOnitor radiationinduct!d *changes in the mechanical and i:.inpact prop~rties of the reactor vessel 'ma.terials shall .

. be maintained as des~ribed in Ji~ction 4 .5 ~ 3 of the: FSAR. . The. spec iJnen removal schedule shall_ be as *indicated in Tabie

  • 4 ~ 3 ~ 3. _*
  • BASIS_.

The inspectfon program specified* places major.emphasis on tlie'areas of

., highest stress . concentrati6n as det~rmined by general. design evaluation .*

and exp~rience With similar systems. ( l) In addi tfon, that po.rt ion of the .

reactor vessel shell welds whiCh-will be subjected -to a faf)t neutron dose sUf'ficient *to _change* ductility properties will be inspected. .The inspec-

.. t:L~tis' will.. rely.prilnartly on' ultrasoni~ methods; utilizing_.

  • *1yz:in:g equipment . and trained personnel.* Preoperat.ional. *inspections ~il
  • establish: base conditions by determining indications that* might occur from *..

up~to-d.B.te*'ana-* .

geOlJ!,etrical_ or metallurgical sources. *ana from discontinuities in weldin.ents

  • or plates which might .cause. undue concern on a* postservice inspection.: * 'l'o *

-**:... ~. ~-~-.. -~ . :_**- . .* . .* .. *-* .. **_. ,*-,.*-.*~ *,,,. .*

~.'.,~ ' ~* .tlie* extent. applicable; :based upon* the" exi'sting "desig:ri and.'*construction: of . ."

'<..*... _:* .,,_._ .... *.: :th~~::.~iiuii:*(t;li~;*reqilietii~~s;::*~f~~:*sectiari*~ ri:* ~r t~e "6oa:~;::.shaii.:*'be:cairi.p11*ed: -. :; ~; ....:::~;:_ .* * * ....

~ ~-*: .. '. : _, _,. ~;h~) . s1~r1e:~-t<exce~i?n~.. ~e .<ie~a11ea:: in 'th~ , re<iue~ l? far. *relief : : . . *...

  • whichhave*recei:ved NRC apProval and*ar~ contained i!lthe,Ciass*l,Class 2 and Class.3 Long-Term Inspection Plans.

REAcTOR vEsSEL.SURVEILLANCE SPECIMENS Table 4.3.3 is consistent with the surveillance program as presented in 2

--the FSAR. < > However, the withdrawal schedule has been modified to re-*

fleet the slightly different wall f'luence values resulting from removal .

of the thermal shield.


  • FSAR, Section 4. 5. 6 .

(2) FSAR, Section 4.5.3.


1 .

-*- The following*table delineates those areas of*the.19[4 XI with* Addenda through Summer.l975 a.Iid including Appendix III :from Winter.l975

. - AS.ME B&PV

. Code*Section


. which cannot be implemented at the Palisades Nuclear Plant* . Inasmuch* as the .

revised plant Technical Specifications:~ill inc-orporate by reference *the 1974 ASME Code with Addend.a through Summer l975, this* submittal represents those areas .for which* requested* that* theNRC grarit relief from the provisions

. of. the l974 ASME. B&:PV Code Section XI vi th Addend.a through Summer 1975 and in-cluding Appendix III from Winter l975.

The areas requiririg reiief are _identified by the item numbers listed in Table lWB-2600 of the Summer'75 Addenda.*.

The notes* following the table present. explanations of the .nature .of the changes .

to the list of code exceptions tabulated in the.original Technical Specifica-tions which were brought about by recent. code' chane;es' and offer a. basis.

  • . statement for the. areas* requiring relief from the* current code.
., *- ** ..... *_; ... '*
  • ,* .. '. .... *.~--* .. * .. ~ . :/... ".:.. '

. ~. *... *. : ,, ..

.. ' ' .~. . --


  • '* .. *-;':

. ; . '

I* ***


Safety*:-.:-***Area of .:. .. .. . . . : Testing -

Component Function Class*';Reqd Relief *Justification Substituted Implementation Ves.sel Closure Primary Press . _l *:_ .::~1~2: - Meridional &.Circ a. Ves,sel Hydros~.a. &b.* -Tech_ Spec Head Boundary. *seam Welds- r~ac~ b. Vessel:: Coupons c. 10-Yr.Plan cessible for c. Bl i 1 , _Bl. 2 , *

.- V~itimetriC _Exam . _B1:3 Testing Vessel Bottom . Primary Press Meriodional & Circ

  • a. _ Vessel Hydros a. &b.* _ Tech Spec Head Boundary seam Welds Inac- * .b. Vessel Coupons - c. 10-Yr Plan f, *, c~ssibie for c. Bl.l, Bl.2,

. ' .. ~ ' '

voium~tric Exam Bl. 3 Testing_

Vessel Safe-End Primary Press No_t a Dissimilar Welds .Covered as 10:.:.Year Plan Welds Boundary Metal Weld_ . -* * .B4. 5, B-J-H H

I Pressurizer Primary Press 2" No* Bolting This Not Required Not Applicable .

I\) Bolting in Place Boundary ' .~ . Size Pressurizer Primary Press 1- -~2~6 > 2 11 No Bolting This . Not Required Not Applicable Bo~dary Bolting-When Size Removed Pressurizer Primary Press 1 .:-::-B2.7 ~ 2

  • No Bolting* This Not.Required - Not Applicai;ile Pressure Re- Boundary Size taining Bolting Stm Gen Safe- Primary Press 1 . ' l ~

B3*3 Not a_Dissimilar Welds 10-Year Plan End Welds _ Boundary . Metal Weld :84. 5.,_ B-J

.. . ~

.. ...;*.


' ~" ..

" '*. :*::~ .. ' ~ ..

~ . ~ *.! >**~ .. ' safety :Area of: *' Testing*

______c_o_ni._p_o_n_e_n_t___________ * .. * < < Flindt i6n Class . Reg',d .Relief * .Justification Substituted im12lementation

  • =<< *,**-:*:~*:* .. .-~'-.. ' . '

Steam Generator Bolting Primacy Press 1. B3.4 -> 2"* **No Bolting** Not Required lfot *Applicable in Place Bo~~~~\*.:~::. .*.. Thi.s Size*.,

Steam Generator Bolting Primacy Press 1 *. BJ.?. -> 2 ' *No.Bolting. Not .Required Not Applicable ,

When Removed . Bo~.~~7--:~ This *Size Steam Generator Pressure  :**Press

  • 1 B3.6 > 2" *No:Bolting 'Not Required Not .Applicab~e-

,Boiizlci~!Y: :.. . .


Retaining This Size.

Piping Bolting in Place Priniacy,:: Press 1 B4~2 > 2" No_Bol~ing Not Re_ quired Not Applicable 13oUriciary. :. . *

  • ~ ,. ~,  : r* * " *.

This Size

. ~; ~ ~  ;:, :*.


=~~~'t,,r~esS H

I Piping Bolting When Removed l .*B4.3 > 2" No Bolting Not Required Not Applicable w - This Size

... ,*; ..

  • ', j ** *

.Piping Bolting Pres.sure Pri.mB.r;Y Press l*.. B4.4. > *2" . No Bolting. Not Required Not Applicable Retaining*

. Boun4ary

  • This $ize Valve Seam Welds Pr1rria,ry Press 1 B6.6. Np Seam..:.Welded Not.Required Not Applicable Bolindacy*

. ~ '. ~* .'*

Valves.Have B~e~ Used

  • Valve Bolting in Place *.. Pri!ll~ry. fress 1 ,' B6.l -> 2'.'. No Bolting Not Required Not Applicable
  • This .Size
  • Valve Bolting When Removed Primacy. I>ress 1 . B6.2 > 2".* N9 Bol-t;ing Not Reciuired Not Applicable

.* Bb~q.~pr:'.:.~.~'* *. *. This. Size., '

' .:*1*

Valve Bolting Pressure Prim!:!-ty' :_J>~es s

  • 1 B6.3 -->* 2" No Bolting Not Required Not Applicable Retaining Boundary.**

. *.*,:~ .*. '

This Size

. . f*

. . . *.. -: ~

. . ' -~ ~: ..:* ..
  • -._;.
    • .. '\

. : * * * *...:safety.. Area of ...  : Testing . .

_ _ _ _ _c_o_m,..p_o_n_e_n_t_ _ _ _ _

  • Functioh *'; *:ciass.
  • ~* ...

Reqd Relief ~*-""'*-J,...u_s_t_i_f_i_ca_t_io_n __ .

  • Substi tlited .. * . Implementa.,tion ESS-:24-SlS-SHl-201 Penetra- P~ess**. * :. '.:'> . *2* c2.1 Jnaccessibl_e.. for. UT . Hy~ro;. Remai~i~g 10-:Year Plan tion No 53 to Pipe Weld Bouridary-. Y.~.:_ :.:. *::
  • C2.l Examfnfitions

_in Syst_e!ll

  • Ess...:24-s1s-sfil..:.202, :-203, c~~1 *Inaccessible for UT Hydro; Remaining 10-Year Plan

-204 Pipe Welds .c2.1 Examinations in*syst~

ESS-24-SlS-SH2-201 Penetra-

  • Press " C2.L .. Inaccessible for UT Hydz:'o; Renia_inirig 10..::Year Plan e .*

tion No 54 . to Pipe Weld Boundary.:.;

  • * ,. *J..

C2 .1 Exa:niinat ions *

... ~~~; y; '.* ,, ... in System._ .

  • ESs-*24-s1s:...sH2-202, . -203,

-204 Pipe Welds

~~:~ELty :!<:~*.'\ 2.. *' C2.l Inaccessibie :for l,JT Hydro ; ':Remaining C2.1 Examinations 10-Year Plan in System ESs-14-css.:.1PB-210,*-211 C2.l .... Inaccessible for UT .*iiydroi:Remaining 10-Year Plan Pipe Welds '. :.* C2 .1 Examinations **

in Syste!Il

. ', .. ..* ** '***.. l~ *- .:.\<. .. ... <.' . *

  • ESS-10-CSS-lPB-:224, -225 Pre*ss* *~* -~_:*'.*. 2:* _-:* C2.l Inaccessible for UT: Hydro; Remaining 16..,Year Plan Botindt:!-cy *:;::-":~_.,: .* ~- ..
  • c2 .1 Examnations
  • in S.ys~em*

ESS~l4-CSS-1PC-2l3 Press' ~ .**. *. _2 C2.l . Inaccessible for UT Hydro; Remaining 10-:Year.Plan Boundary ... " *... C2 .1 Examiriations.

.~: ....
  • ..... '. . i.n System .

ESS-14-SDC-LPD-213 Press.' ** * * '2 C2.l Inacces_sible for UT: Hydro; Remaining '10-Year Plan Boundacy: *** c2.1 Examinations

  • in System

. ---~ . ',,,..

. .. : ' :. ~ ,. '*

. *1.

  • "\*
" *.*

....... ,\.' :, .:_:: .- ' :>,:', .*

~~~i~~s~;;;;;;~ * ~:~ tra- .*.tf~i81i!b!:=~ .*.Re~~::::i~r *.. ~na:::::::::t::: ~~;:~l~;;6~. .UT .. ion 10,,.-Year Plan

. , <:.?:;:,,;):/:~. ':'~_: * * *.. :- < ,* *** in.System***

ESS-6-css~sLA-224 Penetra~ c2~:i, - Tnaccessiple. for UT Hydro;_ Remaining* ..10-:-Year Plan

. tion No*. 31. to Pipe Weld

  • .'. * "- . C2 .1 Exa.Diin~ticins .*

. ..' ~

Hydro ; R!'!niai~ing

  • 10-Year Plan


ESS-:-6-CSS-sLB..:224 Pipe-to- C2;T Ip.accessible for UT Penetration No 30 W~id ,.

  • .C2.. l Examinations

'. ~ : : in**.* System ESS-6-SlS-:-lHP-:-211 Pipe-to-

  • c2.1, Inaccessible for UT cHydro; Remaining 10-Year Plan Penetration No 23 ***.*.* . ' c2.i Ex:aminations H

H in System I

\J1 ESS-6-SlS-2HP-219 Pipe-to- c2.1

  • Inacce.ssible f9r UT Hydro; Remaining 10-Year Plan
  • Penetration No 22 c2 .1 Examinations in Syst.em RWS-6-CWR-SL4-201 Penetra- :Inaccessible for UT Hydro; Remaining iO-Year Plan tion No 49 to Pipe Weld
  • C?.l.Ex8.minati.ons
  • in System**

.~ *.

~. . . - .



1. Table IS-261, Item 1.2 changes to Table .IWB'-2600,. Item Bl.2.

Basis Statement * - . . . .*

. Meridional and circumfer.ential seam welds in* the bottom head* 9.rld clos:Ure.

head are inaccessible for vol:umetric inspection.ex'cept*at the flang~.

    • . Remarks Essentially unchanged.
  • change * *

. None; relief requested as before.

  • 2. *Item L 5 changes to Bl. 5 ..
    • ' Basis Statement

- '.* Penetration welds can be subjected to the visUa.l exa.itlnation during the.*

.prestart-up ~dro.

Remarks 1971 Code called for volumetric .inspeGtion of all vessel penetrations* ih-

__ :* :**: . . ** qluding CRDs *.

  • The '74 Code. ~ow li~ts CRD. housing. welds.* a;; *Bl ._18, *. B:-0, requiring
.* .

yolumetric exanuhatibn of the peripher8J.:

CRD . hou.Sing welds.

~ . .

The. .

.:Bi~5 exa.mi-nationis a hydro visu~ only. Both th~ Bl.18 and Bl.5 exa.mina.;...

tions can be* performed and will be so scheduled. * *

.. *.Change.*

Ne>> .relief requested.'_;*- .. , ** * * * . ** ~- .**


~' .

  • * *=-:i . . **. -' /-~ **. :~ ~: . -*;*' ..... "

.-:-** ' *~

  • .. *; *'

' ,* ' , * *( . >> * * ' ~* _' I

  • _.

' .. The>trans:Ltion* pl~ceir*b~tween th~ -~arbori. steel ~~zzles' . . ..

and . the carbon. steel . . '

. piping are also: carbon. steel and thus not dissimilar metal safe-ends. The *

  • examination Category B-J which applies* to piping also applies_ to these welds.

rather than Category B-F.


See CE Dwg E-232-119-11. The VT lias been dropped from the Code.

  • .Change Relief requested as before .
    • II-6

.*. *4*

  • Item 1.11 B1.11:

Basis Statement None.


-The origi~al ~xemption ~ddres~ed *. . .,


i:_ 2 11

  • The '71 Cod.e a.hd the i 74 Code both address bolting~ 2". Since certain: penetratioI1 bolting*f~lls iz:i this categozy and will at times be .available . for VT exB:!lrlnati6n~. this cate-gory* will be. added to the 10-year plan.
Cha.tlge . *
  • ... '7 :*

. ..... . :N.6. r.elief requested .

. 5. Item: 1.12 cha,nges -to BL'l2 .

Basis* Statement The. ve.ssel supports* are ::welded to bosses ' from reinforcing,

  • material th~t:. is part of :*the nozzie *forging. . Inasmuch as .the* bosses* repre'.".' : .

. ,* sent material :beyond that which is . required for the nozzles themselves;. it . *.

can .be' said t.ha~ the. supports'. 8.I'.e not integrally welded to the pre~sure

      • - - \*,
  • .boundary~ ... Category B;H.:spec~fically ~E;?xcludes supports integrally w'~:Lded* to . *

.. nozzles from the re.quired exams. . Therefore' these. :weld -areas need not be ':-**.*

examined *...


-:.* Se.e: .CE Dwg: E,-232.;.1u-J.;!;1.nd, E-232-;I.16.:..5. ... -.... _,.,

". ~.:t _,:;*.' *~.-->:*:~;-->~~f~f';*:.:: **< .:'.:~;,~-~:**:~:*-.*~_::*~<:~c:;~:~\~_t>>~* : *.:'

.. ~~ .... ....
  • ~* .
  • :..*: * .* "* *. *, No:-rel-ief: requested (nqt, required):: * -~ -:. ~.  : . ' - .... ' *-* ..
      • ~_
        *,*::-:.:~. ~ .. -_ *,, *-*::.".<~-: .. *__ . -.-.*.* -.<:.:::.' ...r::-~.:***"**~*,_ .* ... ,,-.* '

. r *; . . ' .. '  ::~. .. \ . . , : .. ....

--**. . . .  : 6. *. Item Ll5: changes:* as foTlowsi:-*: t * ,.


  • Vessel Interior Remarks - PAR deVice inspection to be scheduled.

Change - No.relief .requested.

  • . Bl.16 Interior Attachments* and Core Support Structures Remarks*- Category B... N...;2 applies only to BWRs. Therefore,- no inspec-tion is reqUired for the bottom snubbers and* drop prevention supports.

Change - No relief requested (not' .required) .

  • II-7

~* ~.-.

Bl.17 Core Supper~ StrU.ctures

  • Remarks ... The core ba!'.rel flange and associate_d vessei support ledge*

are inspectable and will be so scheduled.

Change -No.relief requesteci.

    • .*7 *.**.*rt~ 2~2*

. Ba~is *Statement ..*

Coverage *excludes .penetratib~s-1" or less: pipe. size* per 1WB-122p.( 6) ( 3) . .'.

  • Remarks.***

Refl~cts wo~ding* of 74ST5.

Change .. ** .**.

.No' reiief requested- (not r.equired).

8 . . T-t;em: 2~3 changes to B2~3.

. Basis statement

  • ***


,* . *...  :*. * :74s75 :requi~~s vT* during hydro orily.

  • This examination will be scheduied.*.


No* relief *requested.* * .. ': .: ..

Item 2. 4 ~ Heat er~ Connections * (E-2) 74S75 counterpart.

Change *:**

  • . . . . c f.~9.*;.;;§ttt~i~~tl~~:JS"~.~k7'2~:C'.'~v:g~f_:;,\ <. *. *. ._.-** . . -- ,_ -.-.
Th~re; ~e 14*:~di:~sti1ri.'i'ar 'inetai*-' welds~ ::.riie: v~~sel. stai~ei~: ..

. cladding is ~arried ove; the. weld endS of the carbon steel nozzl~s.

  • The safe ends are either stainless or Inconel. The nozzle-to'.""safe.:..end_ welds appear *.:

as Category B2.4, B-F.

  • Remarks*

. See* CE Dwg E-231-985-lL Change.

No relief requested.

11~ Item 2.5 (G-1) changes to B2;5, B2.6, and B2.7*(BG-l).-

  • Basis Statement
  • None~
  • II-8
    • Remarks*
  • There is no pressurizer bolting > 2 11
  • Change

.. , .Relief* request_ed in ai1* three categcrdes ..*.

  • 12. *Item* 2. Tchanges toB2.8:-

Basis Statement ..

  • The welds can be volumetrically inspected and will be so scheduled.
  • Remarks, None ..*


  • No relief requested~
13. . Item 3.1 changes, tb B3. i.
  • .Basis Statement.*

None ..


.. *

  • _Q~iginal T.eci:mfoal, Specifications appear: to b~ .in -error. since. these welds .

do* erlst alld are ihspectable

~ **>*. The*w~ids*

,*. . .. .. be Will '

so. schedUred: ..

Change No relief requested.

  • Change Relief requested as before.*
15. Item 3.4 (G-1) changes to B3 .. 4, B3.5, and"B3 *. 6 (BG-1).
  • Basis . Statement ** *._,
  • None.

Remarks There is* no steam generator bolting-~ .2".


  • Relief requested in all three categories .


\ .

16. Hem 4;1 changes to.::84.1. .

. Basis* statement.

There are six nozzle-t.o-safe-end dissimilar metal welds and* 43 pipe;

  • nozzle. dissimilar metal w.elds. The nozzle:--to"".'safe,..end welds. "Will appear.

as B4;1, B-F and the pipe-to-nozzle welds as branGh *connection:B4.6 or .. ** .

B4. 7, .B~J~.. .. . .

The primary coola.nt pump sucti~n/ dis~harge""'.'to-tra.Ilsition* piece .*velds are


  • dissWla~ met~ welds ..* Since there is no . .


.- *. these*

will. be .. arbitrarily

. . . . . ;iassed . . B4 . .1, . .B-F.

  • Remarks See. CE Dwg E-232~673-7,, E~232-675-4 arid E-232.,.:676.,.;7, .


  • . No relief requested*.
11. Add *Item B5 .4. ,*.* ..
  • .. Basis statement The, primaXy: coolant ptun~.. ~1l~po;rts are .thought tC> *be welded .to, the .. cas-t* *' .
          • .. . :*** stainl~ss casing~ -~ii~<'Pariiai penetration w~lds*'
  • UT 'exa.m.ini3.tidn' will* be* ..



  • See BJ Dwg. 2F.::.1129 *..

. . **.,,, Ch~ge,:,:.,.-.,. * .. '"'*, . ... *.:.*. *;;.: ..... - .. .

.. :' -:~: .::*....Nb . ~*eii~f*, re~ti~~i-~d:~'_;'./~*~.;;;~* ;;::( :':';~*:::~*;~*(.?:..-* *:

<** * *** **;:-:y1ffJ£':;~~~~~~rt~i:t:1~~~r~~~s~~7sr~,~:* ::g'.*\**. ;:f.* ;1~t~. .'1. ':*.: !*.* .... '.** , : . *. . . * . .*.**

Puinp casing materi8.l and design make *meaningful UT exa:qri.nation. of the weids.

  • difficult. Area-background will preclude RT. UT examination will. be attempted,. probably from the inside of the pump casing.
  • Remarks Casing is .cast stainless.**

Change No *relief r.equested at this time.*

  • II:-10

ATTACHMENT III Proposed Request for-~emptions of inservice Testing of Pumps and *Valves Pursµant to 10 CFR 50,. Section 50.55a( g) (6)(i)

  • 19>-_ItE:l?l 5~2* B5.7~
  • Basis Statement .. * * - -- * ~ ¥ * * * -


Remarks* . . . . . ----*--~----.

The: visu~. e~ation *-can be performed 'on pump. teardown *ana.. will be so schedUled~ .


  • . No. relief. requested .. *

--~- *20~-*- Item_:--Q._i-'*changes tO:B6 .. 6'... :

    • ,_. Basis Statement.


Remarks Seam-welded valves .have not been .\1Sed~ : .


'.-* *. *R.elief' r~quested 'iµ;

  • pefore .*.. *

.21. ;rtem'().4~>ca.:.1) B6~1*, B6.2; -~d B6.3** (Bi-1).*.

  • : * *'" .:*Basis.stat~ent*~ ,~,:. ,.. ,

! :* ~,-. : .*. .' ~~ ..*

ifone.* * . *..,,-*":


. . *. . .

  • If.*. .

There: is no valve ]Jolting~ 2 .*.

C'han"  ; ._; *: --~-'  :*.~-'

t~ j;~ *'J~l1,~ ;~,:~1it~t~ - ;:.;:_:* * *.'._*:,_:* *

  • i* ;_f.;_'.i_'._.pr_'._~ e_:.' :_-~.*_, :.c_*r_*:._ . _::~-*-~-~1~~~~~:,~f~¥Q;~*'.;~r0~:1{'; ~;2~~*+ 1$;;%~
  • :~*': <_.. * .. , Basis" . 'stat~rit:~ . . *.. *

.. *.* .. B_t_

>,-,:~ .* . , .-.* *c.*,.,, *. * * * ** * <......



  • VT can* be *perf'ormeci on PCS pump nuts and +igaments during. tearQ.owri inapection .

e,.nd.. will *be so scheduled.

  • .Change*.

No relief requested.

  • rr~u

,, I . .*




.. *.** Inservice testing of ASME .Code Class 1,,~2 and Class 3 Ptm1PS and- valve~.**

.**. shall be ~erformed in accordance with the 197'4 ASME'B&PY Code S~ctic:>n XI -with.

Addendaitb;rough'Summer 19.75 .and including Appendix)II '£rom Wint~*'1975 With the follow:ing ¢xceptions:

j * * * *

  • InserVice Pump T~stirig.

1.. Plant system designs do not include provisions for measuring the suction ..

  • .,of any pumps included under:: this. program.* Suction pres~ures .

will be - calculated as . applicable by ta.king:the.differerices'between.each*

~pump. section and. its associS:t~d expansion ta.Dk' level plU.s -expansion t~ .*


2 .. The* design_ of the service :water pumps does not permit the *meastirement of

b~aring *teml'erat~e~ o:Z. .monitoring of pump lubrication *since.-the PUmP* is.
  • stib~~rged in water. _*~ _ _*..
  • ') .)'; .:P:;:::~o:1:~ :~~=i:;:;~~~n::::~:\:::~::n:,,:~b=inl;. *. *

'disassembled~ a.Ii~,' crahkcase oil temperature' .is not representative. of bearing temperatures because*. of the installed cooiers ~ * .

. * .. 4~

  • The-..'designof* the,conc~ri.tra.ted bor];c .a.c:i,d>pmitps does not .permit .direct ,_ ...


  • '.*;Jct~~~,~~,*:~~~~~~~~t~l1~~1~~~~~~~~~!~t:~~e:~:Zf~:~is~~.~~~;tt ~' responsive -to**: oil temp~ra.tures* which-,. in: turn, responsive _to.

bearing temperatures.

Inservice Valve Testing -**---.:---------*-~-*.

  • 1. . ~i th respect to those Ca.tegoey A valves . for_ which seal *leakage is important from a containment isolation standpoint, but* n~t *_ '£rom a S;}"stem functional,

-s-tandpoint, the leakage rates will be determined *a.t the test pressure*

  • specified in Section 4~5.2. For these valves, leak rates need not be
  • determined a.t. fu11 system functional differential:* pressures.
2. Category C relief valve *tests* may be distributed over .each refueling cycle such that the required number of relief valves will have been tested by

...... *-*, ~...,,,_ -*--::-

the end of. cycle ,

  • III-1

Description of Pump*and Valve.Testing.Programs*

  • . *.CompretE:? descripticiI1s of .the established procedures*. for inservice testing of selected pumps and* . val.ves* is .included* in the Palisades Plant. ~gineering Manual ...
  • Proc~dure -No EM-09-:04, . dated 10/14/76; pro~ides gene~al requirements for the *.. :*.

performance: and adlliinistratibn of the inservice testing program for selected


  • Procedure No EM_:o9.:..02, dated 10/29/76, protldes *:general requlrements for 'the. 'perforinance~ administration, and evaluatio~ of inservice t~sting

'and exercising of selected valves,'

  • , L
:* . ; <*.... ..
  • ; .**.. *. ~ -. *', .

.; * . .- '.'* * ...


.. *: . . .... .'.'. * .. -  ;~ ;, .*' .

. .*.. . ' ... *':.-, - _;.- -- .. .

.:*;~,tf~;,0l~KfsWf~;A~f~~fi;r~,~~"f*,\~;~}~~.*~f~~~~ttt5~;!;;~,~r~~~;;+; J:4i'.{~;.;.;c.

. . .* ~ .. ..


  • III-2