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Proposed ETS Re Ecological Surveillance & Administrative Controls
Person / Time
Site: Browns Ferry  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 07/29/1981
Shared Package
ML20009G297 List:
NUDOCS 8108040105
Download: ML20009G301 (13)



. _ . Enclosure A Change 1 4.0 Ef?/TBCIME!!TAL SUR'IEILLM;CE The pro ,ra:s elements described belcre are desi6ned to detect and censure the itpact er pler.t op:retion on the environ =ent. If on the basis of this recgrar:

it is established that no significant adverse environ =cotal impact has 'resulted or is likely to result from operation of the Browns Ferry I:uclear Pls nr., eler.ents of the environ ente.1 surveillcnce progrc;n :.ny be ;nodified or ternin .cd, in accordance with Subsection 5.o.3(c).

1.1 4 Ecole;-t eal Surveillance L.l.1 Abiotic .

(a) Water Quclity Surveys Delete Requirement m

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l 8108040105 810729 PDR ADOCK 05000259 P PDR i

Heteorological data chall be su:=.ari:cd'and reported con:istent with the reccenendations of Regulatory Guide 1.21 (June 197!s) and Regulatory.

Guide 1.23 (February 1972), and meteorological observations shull be recorded in a form concisten.t vith Nationel Weather Service procedures.

If the outage of any teteorological instru ent(s) required F: Regulatory Cuide 1.23 (February 1972) exceeds seven consecutive dcys, t! e total outage tize, the dates .of cutaSe, the cause of the outage, and the instru--

cent (s) involved shall be reported within 30 days of the initiation of the outage to the US?iRO, Office of Inspection and Enforcenent, with a.

copy to the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Division of Operatir.g Reactors. Elements of this prcgran may be modified or ter=inated in t.ccordance with Subsection 5.6.3(c).

The collection of acteoroloSi cal data at the plcre site provides infor. stica for use in developing ate.ospheric diffusion partneters for estinctic-potential radiation doses to the public resulting from actue.1 routine or abnormal releases of radioactive =aterials to the pt=osphere, and for assessing the actual impact of the plant cooling systen on the atnespherie -

enviro =ent of the site area. A ceteorological datc collection pre: rca as described above is necesser/ to neet the requirenents of subparagre;h 50 36a(a)(U) of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix D to 10 ,CFR Part 50, and Appendix to 10 CFR Part 50.

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3 (b) Plume !!apping Delete Requirement

!. 1.2 Biotic (n) Benthic Monitoring' Delete Requirement e


-lh-(b) Phytoplankton !!cnitoring Delete Requirement a

r (c) '4coplankton Moni taring Delete Requirement (d) Fish Population and Distribution Studies Delete Requirement 4


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(c) Entrain.ent of Finh Ecce and Larvne Delete Requirement


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4 (f) Fish Imoincement en Intake Screens Obiective .

To detect and quantify fish impingement upon the intake screens.

Saecification P.cnitoring requirement deleted.

Recortinc Recuire ents The licensee shall submit to NRC copies of impingement study reports as now reauired by t".2 MPDES Permit No. AL0022080 or as may be required as a result of EPA's determinatien purstant to Section 316(b) of the Clean Water Act.

Submittals to 'the NRC shall be on the same schedule as required by the NPDES

permitting authority, i

Bates To avoid conflict or unnecessary cuplication between the NRC monitoring progran and the program imposed by the NPDES permit, this ETS requirement relies on the permit program. Submittal of copies of study results obtained under the NPCES permit will allow the NRC to maintain awareness of the consequences of our licensing acticn.

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t L,1. 3 Se..cini Studica. ,

Delete Requirement

!. 2 Pndioic-ice.1 Environ ~""td M3"itCTI"" PY"R"""

Obteetive An environ =mnt:1 radioler,ical nonitoring progre.2 is conducted to veriO-pre;eeted expose:cs. or enticipated rcdioactivity concentratic:s end related public Specirienticn In r.enitoring progran shall be conducted as described be lo w at locations indiciited in Figures k.2-1, k.2-2. and b.2-3 cad Tcble:: L.2-1, b.2-2,4.2 Table b.2-3,

,1. and I. 2 l, with ::acpling and cadysis frequencies civen in et.pabilitics in Table h.2-5 are achieved.Ane.lytical techniques used shall be such t e

1. At os n5eric f *onitorin:


The etcospheric consisting ronitoringstr.tions.

of 11 nor.itoring netvork is divided i'nto three subg roups located on or adje. cent Five local r.onitors src 6

The Figurefour periceter and two re.ute nonitoring stations L .2-2. . . cn are sho Tto the Atco::pheric and terrestri$1 nor.itoring. statica locations for Browns Perr/ Ituelear Plent are listec in Ta . -

Each renitor shs11 be capable of continuously senpling air at reculate:1 a particulcteflow of approdr.stely three cubic feet per cinttte throu;h filter.

pcrticulate filter is a chsr:od filter user'. to colicet a.

iodinIn serie

cnclosure a

. . Change 2 5.0 ADMINI'STRATIVE CONTROLS Chiective i This section describes the ad=inistrative and manage =ent controls established to provide continuing ptotection to the environ =ent and to i=ple,=ent the envi-con = ental Technical Specifications. Measures to be specified in this section include the assign =ent of responsibilities, organi:stional structure, operating procedures, review and audit functions, and reporting require =ents.

Spectfications 5.1 Responsibility 5.1.1 The power plant superint.adent has responsib!lity for operating .

the plant in co=pliance with these Technical Specifications. <

5.1.2 The Manager, Office of Natural Resources, is responsible for the non-radiological environmental monitoring program outside the plant. The Chief, Radiological Hygiene Branch, is responsible for the radiological monitoring program out-side the plant.

! 5.2 oreanization 5.2.1 The organization of TVA - ace =ent which directly relates to j operation of the plant . nown on Figure 5.2-1.

) 5.2.2 The principal organi:stions within TVA which are concerned with i , environ = ental =atters related to nuclear power plant operations 3

l are the Office of Power, Office of Natural Resources. and the

,  ! Office of Health and Safety. The Office of Power is directly

} responsible for operating the plant in accordance with =cecified j requirements and conducting onsite =onitoring. The Offics 9f I

Natural Resources and the Office of Fealt.Y and Safety are respon-f sible for providing technical guidance, assistance, =onitoring, i

j , and other services as needed for environ = ental compliance. The

{ organizations above report to the General Manager as shown

{ in Figure 5.2.1.

5.3 Review and AMdit i

I i

5.3.1 The Office of Power Quality Assurance and Audit Staff shall ensure that a periodic audit of the environ = ental monitoring program is conducted at least once per calendar year.


- 5.3.2 The Office of Power Regulatory Staff conducts an interdesciplinary review of the .following items:

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a. Preparation of the proposed enviren= ental Technical Speci. ar*~ s.
b. Coordination of environ = ental Technical Specification develop-nent with the safety Technical Specificatiens to avoid conflicts and maintain consistency.
c. Proposed changes to the Environnental Technical Specificaticas and the evaluated inpact of the change.
d. Preposed vritten orecadures, as described in Section 3.5 and preposed chznges thereto which esuld significantly aff act tha plane's enviror=neneal i= pac:.
e. Preposed eht.ngee or sodifiestions to plant systess or equip-sunt vnich could significastly Mf ect the plant's environ-mental i= pact end the evaluated i:yact of the changss.
f. 24scits of the envire= mental scuitering progr==s prict to their er.bsittr.1 in each Annual Operating leport. See Secticus 3.5.1 and 3.5.2.

3 Re: creed inst sces of violatices of envire=sental tachsical specificati.~. s. Where investi;2tien indicates, evaluation and for-ulation of sce=nendaticas ts prevent tem.cncs.

3.4 Ac-1:n s be Taken if en E=vtr renenta1 I.03 ie I:eeedad l

l 5.5 ? seeduren l 5.3.1 Det211cd writt=a oreceduros for the in-plant coaradiologiesl

! txrnitorin pror;r=a, including check-off lists, whars applicable, l

shti he prepared by CNP and vv M by the plant superintendent I (or his dest;; nee) and adhered to. '


' 3.3.2 Detailed written procedures for the environ = ental moniaering progras

  • outsida the plant, including checkmf f lists, where applicable, shall ha prepared, receive approprista adminiscrstive approval and be adhered to.

A quality control progrzza for the radiological envirec:sental monitoring progrca Itas been established with the Alabsma Department of ?nblic Health Ad:sinistration I.sbosatory and the t=viren=sotal l Protection Agenc7, Mont:ternery, Alabs:aa. Samples of air, water, silk, and vegetatien collacted around the 37NP are forvarded to these laboratorina for analysta; and reunits are exchanged for cczparison.

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l An internal quality control program for the radiological environ-sental monitoring progrm is being conducted whereby roughly one tenth of all sacoles are analyzed in duplicate. A quality control progran is cenducend with the Envirec=mneal ?rotection Agency in ' Tests in which spiked samples ars #"m17ted and the tesults compared.

l l

5.5.3 All procedures described in Section 5.5.1 and all chantes t.iereto shall be reviewed and sooroved orior to 1:-olementation and on an annual basis thereaf ter by the olant management.

Te=corary chanzee to orocedures which do not change the intent of the original procedure may be made, provided such channes are documented and are aopro-ted my two of the followinz nlant personnel:

Sueerintendant Assistant Suoerintendent Onerations Suoervisor Assistant Operations Supervisor Shift Engineer 5.6 Me wrting tecuir- sent s I

3.6.1 A recort shall be precered by T7A and submitted to NRC following the end of each 12--mnth seriod of operation, which shall su=marize the results of the nonradiological environ = ental =enitoring orogram.

5.5.2 ceucine tene-ting

a. A su=nar r resort shall be or-cared for both the inalant monitoring 9 ogram and the nonradiolatical renitoring prograns and submitted to the Director of Division of Licensing, NRC, as cart of the Annual Operating Report within 120 days after December 31 of each year.
b. Vedioloeiesi ?nvironmental rnitorine


Routino ensortine Reporting Requirements:

1. T7A shall orevere a report entitled "Invironmental Radio-activity Levels - Browns Ferry "uclear Planc - Annual Recort." The report shall cover the nrevious 12 sonths of eperation and shall be submitted to the Director of the l

,, NRC tezien II Office (with a copy to the Director, Of fice of Nuclear Reactor 9egulation) within 120 davs after January 1 of each vear. The report formac shovu in Regulatory Culde 4.3 Title 1 shn11 he used. The recort shall include summaries, interpretations, and evaluations of the i results of the tsdiological environnental surveillance l

activities for the report oeriod, including a comoerison with preoperational studies and/or operational controls (se acoro-priata), and u assessment of the observed impacts of the plant

  • operation on the environmenta. If harmful effects or evidence of irreversible damage ars detected by the renitoring, the licenses shall provide an analysis of the arablem and a I pranosed course of action to alleviate the proble 3.

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2. 2esul:s of all rsdiological environmental samples taken shall be su= arized and tabulated on an anrual basis. In the event that ss=e results are not available wi hin the 120-day period.

the report shall be submit:ed noting and expladning the reasons for the missing resul:s. The missing data shsil be submitted as soon as possible in a supplementary report.

i 5.6.3 Non.toutine tesorts t


s. Radistsetest Anecalous Measurements
1. If, during any 12-senth report period, a ocastered :evul of radio-activi:V in any environmental medium other than those associated with ;ascous radioindine releases excacd> ten times the control ~

ststion value, a wri::en notificatio uill be subsi:ted vi:hin one veek advising the NRC of this condition.1 This*notifica: ton should include an evaluation of any release condtrions, environ-ces:al fac: ors, or other aspec:s necessary :o explain the an==41ous result.

.  !!. during any 12-rench re or: peri =d, a eca sured level :!

radicac:1vity in any environ = ental oedium other than :hese ass:ciated with gaseous radiotedsac : lesses exceed: !sur *1:es the cen:rol station value, a vJit:en nati!*:ation vill be sut:1::ed vi:nin 30 day: advis :c the ti?.C of condi:isa.

This notification should incluele an evalea'it. . nf any reisase conditions, environ =encal facta t, or other aspec:s necessary to explais the anocalous resul:.

3.  !! individual silk samples shaa -131 conean:racion: o f 10 pic: curies per li:e: or gres: t, a plar. si.sil te subsi::cd within 10 days advising the NA0 of cha picposed ac: on :s i ensure the plant related annual doses vill ha within the l

' desig: obj ective of 13 =rma/yr / reactor to the thyroid of a:7 individual.

4.  !! =ll*r. samples collec:aa over a cair .r..; e,. .ve:er SLO. average concentrations of 6.0 picocuries per itzer er u:c .t cr . a pier.

shall 're sub=1::ad vi:hin 30 dsys sevising enu xxc of :he proposed sc: ion to ensure the planc-yelates anual oo:es vili be within the design objective of 15 u.en/yr/ reach. to :he thyroid of any individual.

'In :!= ca:e of a ce-tatively anamalaus value for esca,stranr h.a. s esnit r=.1;o ry resnalyst: of the : cupiteacu or a ceu same;c ::.y L.: 4c s : r.:.12. Ir. :hta ins:2.tce the results of the es,nfir ::sry analysia be ca.:plu:a; :: the earliet:

tire consis:en: vi:h t..e :nalysis, anc sf :ne hig.: v4;u, . res;, gia re,.ar: :s :he i N?" : hall be sub=it*st v.'than one week following this ansifats.


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3"C' ins FERRY MUC,, EAR pt;;;;

T7.*. C f' ice o f ?c.,r: -

Organi:s tion ine One, .ninn of *:ucice,r 91an;s Eiftur0 e ,7,. ,

n fl0fRD Of DIP.fCIORS c

Of fire of the .creral flanager Office of i:atural (1f fice of Pouer Office of Ilealth Resources Itanager of Pouer Opera ti',ns and Safety

  • Olvisions: (Division of !!uclear Pouer) Radiological Land and forest flanager, !!uclear Regula tion Resources and Safety flygiene Branch


  • Hater Resources
  • A flatural Resource
  • Operations '

Sta f fs:

Policy and Compli- Pequlatory ance Staff 'Juality Assurance and Audit OR*M s f(Att f.Jr.tIA* rtff.I Of fices "f rectly or I:?irectly involvei uit i !*nni tce imi, Surveillance, or oer,ci : Isnects of

  • Specifirattous e figune 5.2-2 * -

Enclosure :

Justification for Proposed ETS Change 1 Ecological surveillance requirementu identified in Section 4.1 are dupli-cate to those conditions regulated by Browns Ferry Nuclear Plants NPDES Permit No. AL0022080 which was issued to TVA on June 30, 1977. This permit authorizes TVA to discharge controlled waste water from the BFNP Units 1, 2 and 3 into the Tennessee River and provides for the protection of the aquatic environment from non-radiological effluents.

Justification for Proposed ETS Change 2 Changes to section 5.0, Administrative Controls, were made to reflect recent reorganizations and changes in the organizational responsibilities within TVA.

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