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Kansas State Univ., Request for Additional Information (Acc. Fl MU9128A34~) Response Time Extension
Person / Time
Site: Kansas State University
Issue date: 01/07/2020
From: Cebula A
Kansas State University
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML20013F680 (1)


KANSAS STATE I TAIGA Mk II Nudear U N *I V E R s I y* y Reactor Laboratory ATTN: Document'Control Desk US-Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 t;; [) ~) tS7*.

7 January 2020


Request for Additional Information (Acc. fl MU9128A34~) Response Time Extension


Tq Whom it-May Concern, On Jun~ 5, 2019, the*NRC sent a Request for Additlona) lnfom1ation (RAI) to the Kansas State University (KSU) n*uclear reactor facility (license R-88, dock_et 50-188) regard_ing a licen*se amendment request (LAR) .

originaily submitted on April 9, 2012 (Acc.# ML1219A063) to add up to four 12%-loaded fuel elements to the core. On 7. October 2019, KSU submitted a request to the NRC for extending the RAI response

. tim*e. The facility is requesting an *additional extension of response time.'Based*on progre~ made to date and availability of perso_nnel, the_facility is requesting an extension to 7 March 2020. Additional time is needed for updating and benchmarking simulation models.

As *discussed in the previous extension request, the administrative restrictions on operations will remain

. in place. Advanced notification to the NRC will be *provided ifKSU plans to-change the administrative restrictions prior to completion of the LAR review. .

  • I swear* under penalty of perjury that ~he foregoing is true ~nd correct.

'Regards, Alan T. Cebula.

  • Nuclear Reactor Facility Manager Alan Levin Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering Kansas State .University Manhattan,.KS 66_506 Phone: (785)532-6657 J Fax: (785)532-7057