ML21070A186 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Kansas State University |
Issue date: | 02/26/2021 |
From: | Cebula A Kansas State University, Manhattan |
To: | Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
Download: ML21070A186 (10) | |
Alan Cebula, Ph.D.
Nuclear Reactor Facility Manager 3002 Rathbone Hall Kansas State University Manhattan, KS 66506 USNRC Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 26 February 2021
2020 Annual Operating Report for the Kansas State University TRI GA Mark II Nuclear Reactor (Facility License# R-88, Facility Docket# 50-188)
To Whom It May Concern:
1bis document serves as the annual operating report for the Kansas State University (KSU) nuclear reactor. The report is divided into paragraphs addressing specific items listed as requirements in the Technical Specifications 6.1 le.
Sincerely, Alan Cebula, Ph.D.
Nuclear Reactor Facility Manager Kansas State University Attachments:
- 1. Kansas State University TRIGA Mark II Reactor Annual Report, CY 2020 Cc: Linh Tran, Project Manager, NRC Craig Bassett, Inspector, NRC
ATTACHMENT 1 KANSAS STATE UNNERSITY TRIGA MARK II REACTOR ANNUAL REPORT Kansas State University TRIGA Mark II Reactor Annual Report, CY 2020 Introduction The Kansas State University Nuclear Reactor Technical Specifications (TS) require a routine written report to be transmitted to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission within 60 days after completion of the first calendar year of operating, and at intervals not to exceed twelve months thereafter, providing the following information:
TS.6.11.e. l -
A brief narrative summary of operating experience (including experiments performed), changes in facility design, performance characteristics, and operating procedures related to reactor safety occurring during the reporting period; and results of surveillance tests and inspections.
TS.6.11.e.2 -
A tabulation showing the energy generated by the reactor (in megawatt-hours).
TS.6.11.e.3 -
The number of emergency shutdowns and inadvertent SCRAMs, including the reason thereof and corrective action, if any, taken.
TS.6.11.e.4 -
Discussion of the major maintenance operations performed during the period, including the effects, if any, on the safe operation of the reactor, and the reasons for any corrective maintenance required.
TS.6.11.e.5 -
A summary of each change to the facility or procedures, tests, and experiments carried out under the conditions of 10.CFR.50.59.
TS.6.11.e.6 -
A summary of the nature and amount of radioactive effluents released or discharged to the environs beyond the effective control of the licensee as measured at or before the point of such release or discharge.
TS.6.'11.e.7 -
A description of any environmental surveys performed outside the facility.
TS.6.11.e.8 -
A summary of radiation exposures received by facility personnel *and visitors, including the dates and time of significant exposure, and a brief summary of the results of radiation and contamination surveys performed within the facility.
This information is transmitted in this report, in sections separated by TS clause. This report covers January 2020 - December 2020.
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ATTACHMENT 1 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY TRIGA MARK II REACTOR ANNUAL REPORT TS.6.11.e.1 - A brief narrative summary of operating experience (including experiments performed), changes in facility design, performance characteristics, and operating procedures related to reactor safety occurring during the reporting period; and results of surveillance tests and inspections.
The KSU reactor operated for its usual purposes in cYio20 but at a significantly reduced level due to COVID-19. A reactor operations laboratory was directly supported through remote instruction involving recordings or live streaming of operations in Fall of 2020.
The reactor theory laboratory class typically supported by the facility was interrupted and moved to remote instruction in Spring 2020. Outreach activities were most affected by the pandemic restrictions. Typical visitor volumes of over 1,000 individuals was reduced to 179 for the beginning of the year. Operating hours for training purposes increased due to the need to operate to maintain proficiency in the absence of other activities. Minimal operating hours for testing occurred due to no major maintenance issues affecting operations equipment. Primary research operations involved detector testing using beamlines, material interrogations for prompt gamma response, and gamma irradiation of materials using the decay of fission products.
Results of the NRC biennial security inspection conducted July 13-15, 2020 showed no findings of non-compliance (Inspection Report No. 05000188/2020201). The NRC routine annual inspection was completed from August 17-20, 2020. A report dated October 5, 2020 indicating no findings of significance was received as a result of the inspection (Inspection Report No. 05000188/2020202).
Water ingress into the beam port facilities is still observed to be minor and intermittent throughout the year. However, during operations to demonstrate moderator temperature coefficient for a laboratory class, water collection rate from beam port facilities increased to about 2 gallons per day while the primary water temperature was reduced approximately 10 C below room temperature. The reactor was operated to restore primary water temperature and the leak rate returned to historic levels. Bulk shield tank and primary pool cleaning and maintenance is underway in preparation for implementing repairs.
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ATTACHMENT 1 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY TRIGA MARK II REACTOR ANNUAL REPORT TS.6.11.e.2 - A tabulation showing the energy generated by the reactor (in megawatt-hours).
The monthly total energy generated by the KSU reactor is recorded in Table 1. The same data is shown as a bar chart in Figure 1. Operations were greatly affected by COVID-19 from March to June. Overall, operations were decreased by almost half in terms of MWh burn up compared to CY2019.
Table I - Energy generated by the KSU Triga Mark II reactor by month for CY 2020.
December November October September August r~:wl,~e
(I July @.'/,f/41:D June s May s April March February January s
m W.&?2!0 0
Month MWh Burnup January 6.93 February 0.64 March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL MWh Burnup 3
4 MONTHLYMWH 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.62 0.97 0.21 0.23 0.42 1.48 11.54 5
6 7
Figure I - Energy generated by the KSU Triga Mark II reactor by month for CY 2020.
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ATTACHMENT 1 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY TRIGA MARK II REACTOR ANNUAL REPORT The reactor operated for a total of 114 hours0.00132 days <br />0.0317 hours <br />1.884921e-4 weeks <br />4.3377e-5 months <br /> during 2020, at an average power of 101 kW. Table 2 lists the number of hours operated and Figure 2 shows the percentage of operation for various purposes, i.e., research support, training, education, etc. Contrary to previous years, training hours and training percent of total operations was significant.
This is due to operating specifically for maintaining proficiency instead of gaining proficiency hours while operating for another purpose. The chart demonstrates that the reactor is operated in accordance with our stated primary functions: education, research support, operator training, and demonstration (e.g., tours). Operations for classes involving the reactor were recorded and transmitted through remote instruction.
Compared to CY2019, tour operations were drastically reduced due to COVID-19 limitations. Testing hours remain low as few issues involving operations occurred in 2020.
Table 2 - Operating hours grouped by purpose at the KSU TRIG A Mark II reactor for CY 2020.
Operating Time [hr]
Purpose Research 39 Tours 3
Classes 21 Maintenance 24 Training 26 Testing TOTAL 114 Reactor Operations by Purpose
~ Research Tours Classes
~ Maintenance
- Training Testing Figure 2 - KSU TRIG A Mark II operations distribution as a percentage of total hours, CY2020, based on purpose of operation.
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ATTACHMENT 1 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY TRIGA MARK II REACTOR ANNUAL REPORT TS.6.11.e.3 - The number of emergency shutdowns and inadvertent SCRAMs, including the reason thereof and corrective action, if any, taken.
For CY2020, there was one inadvertent SCRAM and a manual SCRAM for action to maintain Limiting Conditions of Operation. Table 3 summarizes the SCRAMS for CY2020 at the KSU reactor. No emergency shutdowns occurred during the time period reported. As with CY2019, the number of inadvertent SCRAMs has decreased year to year (CY 2019: 6, CY 2018: 20).
Table 3 - Inadvertent SCRAMs.
Date Action Comments 7/29/2020 Inadvertent SCRAM All SCRAM indicators lit, spurious electrical SCRAM Bulk H2O temperature reading -24.5 C. DEV 8/25/2020 Manual SCRAM (deviation) button accidently bumped. Temperature channel restored following RESET. Temperature calibration not affected.
TS.6.11.e.4 - Discussion of the major maintenance operations performed during the period, including the effects, if any, on the safe operation of the reactor, and the reasons for any corrective maintenance required.
Various system maintenance was performed throughout CY2020 for part failure due to normal wear and tear. No effects on the safe operation of the reactor were observed. The following is a summary of all major maintenance activities during CY2020:
Exhaust Plenum Monitor (EPM) noble gas detector failed resulting in EPM and ventilation exhaust system inoperable. EPM noble gas detector head replaced with same make and model and calibrated. Original noble gas head repaired by replacing modular detector board with same make and model. Original noble gas head reinstalled and calibrated following repair.
Leak detected in secondary cooling piping near pump intake. Pipe section isolation using valves unsuccessful. Leak stopped with gasket held in place by hose clamp. Pipe section replaced.
Surge cleanup loop filter housing gasket replaced.
Sump recirculation pump brushes cleaned then replaced following pump failure.
Reactor bay ventilation fan motor replaced with same make and model following motor failure.
Automatic flux control malfunction - adjustments to potentiometer did not affect Regulating Rod position. Problem resolved by re-seating flux control chopper.
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ATTACHMENT-1 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY TRIGA MARK II REACTOR ANNUAL REPORT TS.6.11.e.5 - A summary *of each change to the facility oi-procedures, test~,
and experiments carried ori.t under.the conditions of 10.CFR.50.59.
- All maintemmce activiti~s involved replacing ma)functioning COIJlponents with ~ame make and model equipment. No-facility changes occurred *during* CY2020 and no other actions carried out under 10CFR50.59.
TS.6.11.e.6 - A summary of the nature a_nd amount of radioactive effluents
. released or discharged to the environs_ beyond the effective control of the licensee as measured at or before the point of ~uch r~lease or di.s~harge.
Per procedure, the concentration and total activity of liquid eflluent were* calculated prior to discharge, showing both to be below the limits in 10CFR20. Table 4 the average concentration and total activity released.
Table 4 - Summary of radioactive effluent (water)
Total Total Activity Isotope Concentration Volume (Ci/mL)
Released (Ci)
<=Bkg 5.81E6
<=Bkg emitters Beta-l."I0E-11
-s.srno 6.39E-5 emitters TS.6.11.e:7 - A description of any environmental surveys performed outside
- the facility.
- Radiation surveys are performed within and around the facility to verify that radiation
. levels remain safe when at full-power operation. These surveys indicate that the dose rate (gamma and neutron) at the reactor dome does 'not exceed the hourly dose limit to members of the public.of 2 mrein/hr, as set forth in 10CFR20, which indicates that the outside dose cannot exceed this limit.
. Radiation surveys of the operations boundary at full power revealed dose rates (gamma
- .*and neutron) slightly above background readings. The maxiimim dose rate at the*
operations boundary while operating at full power of 0.4 mrem/hr was less than the ALARA goal. Two thermolumipe~nce dosimeters (TLD) are placed at the operations boundary for environmental/area monitoring monthly. Table 5.summarizes the monthly TLD measurements for CY2020. All monthly dose measurements at the coiifinement boundary were reported as zero mrem. Seven of the 12 control room door dose m~ents were reported above zero. Note readings above minimal were reported (3, 2, and J mrem) during some of the lowest operating months in terms of energy
- production (April, May, and June) for the control room door area monitor. Also note for.
Page 6 6f9
_the highest operating month of,anuary, the control room door reported zero mrem.for the monitoring period. Overall, reported values for _the control roo!Il door" ~
monitor remain very low.
Table 5 - Environmental and Area Monitor Monthly Doses CY 2020.
. Control Reactor Month Room Confinement Door (South)
January 0
0 February 2
0 March 0
. April 3
0 May -
.0 June 3
0 July 2
0 August 0
0 September 0
0 October 0
0 November 1
0 December 5
0 TOTAL 18 0
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ATTACHMENT 1 KANSAS _STATE UNIVERSITY TRIGA MARK II REACTOR ANNUAL.REPORT TS.6.11.e.8 -A summary of radiation exposures received by facility p~rsonnel and visito_rs, including the dates and time of significant exposure,- and a brief_
summary of the results. of radiation and contamination surveys performed
-within the fadlity.
Overall, no staff exceeded 20 mrem total for a reported whole-body dose during CY2020.
Table 6 shows the distribution of workers receiving given amounts of dose. The average _
deep dose equivalent was 10.5 mrem with a maximum of 20 nirepi. The lens dose equivalent had a similar average of 10.8 mrem and the maximum for an individual of21 mrem. Shallow dose equivalent av~e was 11.9 mrem with a maximum of 25 mtem. - -
Extremity monitoring had an average of 26.2 mrem and a maximum of 89 mrem for an individual.
Table 6 - Summary of total occupational dose received by KSU reactor workers from 1/1/2020 -
[0, 10]
5 5
5 5
(10, 20] _ 6 4
4 0
(20, 30]
- 2.
2 2
(~0, 40]
0 0
0 1
(40, 50]
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 2
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
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ATTACHMENT 1 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY TRIGA MARK II REACTOR ANNUAL REPORT Visitor dose at the KSU TRI GA reactor facility is measured using-self-reading pocket ion chamber dosimeters, with an indication range from 0-200 mR. Self-indicated pocket_
dosimeter readings suff~r from imprecision due to parallax error, sometimes resulting in negative values_ or readings above the true value. Figure 3 summarizes the distribution of visitor exposures reco,rded. Over 98% of the visitor dose records are at 1 mR or less.
-2020 Visitor Dose Records 180 168 160
§ 120 GI a:: i 100 -
'o 80
.. f 60 z
40 -
20 0
<=O (0,1]
(20,50] _ >50 Exposure [mR]
Figure 3 - Visitor exposure records from CY 2020.
All monthly radiation and -contamination surveys conducted at the facility in 2020 were -
no1l111lfil, and no action-levels were exceeded.
This concludes the 2020 Annual Report for the Kansas State University TRI GA Mark II Nuclear Reactor.
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