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Commissioner Svinicki'S Visit to Pilgrim NPS
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 02/18/2009
From: Reddick D
To: Abramson P, Bernice Ammon, Nancy Belmore, Brenner E, Perry Buckberg, Scott Burnell, Stephen Burns, Cecilia Carson, Cole R, Cordes J, Cyr K, Eugene Dacus, Robert Davis, Robert Davis, Victor Dricks, Droggitis S, Frye R, Gitter J, Gray J, Greathead N, Roger Hannah, Hayden E, Marv Itzkowitz, Jaczko G, Andrea Jones, Julian E, Keeling B, Klein D, Lampert M, Lenehan D, Janet Lepre, Lashawnna Lewis, Peter B. Lyons, Marco C, David Mcintyre, Brian Newell, Ngbea E, Pierpoint C, Poole B, Amy Powell, Kristy Remsburg, Roth D, Rothschild T, Schmidt R, Schwartz M, Diane Screnci, Neil Sheehan, Marcia Simon, Susan Spicer, Kristine Svinicki, Uttal S, Annette Vietti-Cook, Vincent L, Warner M, Robert Weisman, Williamson E, Winsberg K, Austin Young
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel, NRC/Chairman, NRC/EDO, NRC/FSME/DILR/ILB, NRC/NRO/DE, NRC/NRO/DNRL, NRC/NRR/ADRO, Office of Congressional Affairs, NRC/OCAA, NRC/OCM, NRC/OGC, Office of Public Affairs, Office of Public Affairs Region I, Office of Public Affairs Region II, Office of Public Affairs Region IV, NRC/RGN-II, NRC/RGN-III, NRC Region 4, NRC/SECY, NRC/SECY/RAS
06-848-02-LR, 50-293-LR, RAS J-183
Download: ML090550833 (4)


A 2A Hearing Docket From: Darani Reddick Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 9:15 AM To: Mary Lampert;; CMRJACZKO Resource; CMRSVINICKI Resource; Hearing Docket; Ann Young; Richard Cole; Paul Abramson; Susan Uttal; David Roth(OGC);

Marcia Simon; Andrea Jones (OGC); Brian Newell; Perry Buckberg;;;;;;; DOCKETED;; Amy Powell; Annette Vietti-I IWqNP. Cook; Bernice Ammon; Betsy Keeling; Brooke Poole; Catherine Marco; Cecilia Carson; Christine Pierpoint; Daniel Lenehan; David McIntyre; Diane Screnci; Edward Williamson; Eliot February 18, 2009 (9:15am)

Brenner; Elizabeth Hayden; Emile Julian; Eugene Dacus; Evangeline Ngbea; JAC TEMP; Jan OFFIr.F OF SFr.RFTARY Strasma; Janet Lepre; John Cordes; Joseph Gray; Karen Cyr; Kathryn Winsberg; Kristy RULEMAKINGS AND Remsburg; Leslie Vincent; Linda Lewis; Lyons Tmp; Maria Schwartz; Marvin Itzkowitz; Afl.In1fI.ATIflNJq TAFF MaryAnn Warner; Nancy Belmore; Nancy Greathead; Neil Sheehan; OCAAMAIL Resource; Rebecca Giitter; Rebecca Schmidt; RidsAslbpMailCenter Resource; RidsEdoMailCenter Resource; RidsOgcMailCenter Resource; RidsOpaMail Resource; RidsRgnl MailCenter Resource; RidsRgn2MailCenter Resource; RidsRgn3MailCenter Resource; RidsRgn4MailCenter Resource; Robert Weisman; Roger Davis; Roger Hannah; Roland Frye; Scott Burnell; Spiros Droggitis; Stephen Burns; Susan Spicer; Trip Rothschild; Victor Dricks


RE: Commissioner Svinicki's visit to Pilgrim NPS Attachments: Pilgrim site visit.pdf Ms. Lampert, Commissioner Svinicki's visit to the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station will consist of a routine tour to gain general familiarity with the facility. As stated in my Feb. 9 notification memo, the Commissioner will not engage in any substantive discussion about any of the issues that have been raised in the ongoing adjudicatory proceeding. That memo is attached (ML090410640). Commissioner Svinicki appreciates your invitation to meet with Pilgrim Watch and regrets that she is unable to accept due to her tight travel schedule.

Regards, Darani Reddick Darani Reddick Legal Counsel to Commissioner Kristine L. Svinicki U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 301.415.1850 darani.reddick@,nrc.qov From: Mary Lampert []

Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 10:20 PM To:; CMRJACZKO Resource; CMRSVINICKI Resource; Hearing Docket; Ann Young; Richard Cole; Paul Abramson; Susan Uttal; David Roth(OGC); Marcia Simon; Andrea Jones (OGC); Brian Newell; Perry Buckberg;;;;;;; msylvia@townhall. us;; Amy Powell; Annette Vietti-Cook; Bernice Ammon; Betsy' Keeling; Brooke Poole; Catherine Marco; Cecilia Carson; Christine Pierpoint; Daniel Lenehan; Darani Reddick; David McIntyre; Diane Screnci; Edward Williamson; Eliot Brenner; Elizabeth Hayden; Emile Julian; Eugene Dacus; Evangeline Ngbea;iJAC TEMP; Jan Strasma; Janet Lepre; John Cordes; Joseph Gray; Karen Cyr; Kathryn Winsberg; Kristy Remsburg; Leslie Vincent; Linda Lewis; Lyons Tmp; Maria Schwartz; Marvin Itzkowitz; MaryAnn Warner; Nancy Belmore; Nancy Greathead; Neil Sheehan; OCAAMAIL Resource; Rebecca Giitter; Rebecca Schmidt; RidsAslbpMailCenter Resource; RidsEdoMailCenter Resource; RidsOgcMailCenter Resource; RidsOpaMail Resource; RidsRgnlMailCenter Resource; RidsRgn2MailCenter Resource; RidsRgn3MailCenter Resource; RidsRgn4MailCenter Resource; Robert Weisman; Roger Davis; Roger Hannah; Roland

,a,, ,ýkLAi' -046O-

Frye; Scott Burnell; Spiros Droggitis; Stephen Burns; Susan Spicer; Trip Rothschild; Victor Dricks


Commissioner Svinicki's visit to Pilgrim NPS To the Honorable Commissioners:

Pilgrim Watch submitted a request to Commissioner Svinicki on February 11, 2009 for Mary Lampert to be present during the Commissioner's planned February 18, 2009 visit to Pilgrim Station due to concerns regarding NRC's ex parte rule (10 CFR 2.347).

Copy attached. NRC made no reply.

Given the broad range of topics covered in the Petition for Review currently before the Commission, there can be no assurance that "communication relevant to the merits of the proceeding" may not occur during Commissioner Svinicki's visit to Pilgrim without Pilgrim Watch present during the visit.

I look forward to hearing from the staff early tomorrow morning regarding this matter.

Thank-you for your consideration, Mary Lampert Pilgrim Watch, pro se Duxbury, MA 781-934-0389 Attachment February 11, 2009 To the Honorable Commissioner Svinicki:

David Lewis, Counsel for Entergy, brought forward an important cautionary point regarding NRC's ex parte rule (10 CFR 2.347). Given the broad range of topics covered in the Petition for Review currently before the Commission, it is likely that your February 1 8 th planned visit to Pilgrim Station may give the impression that "communication relevant to the merits of the proceeding" may have inadvertently occurred. Therefore, we suggest that the best way the trip can take place would be for me to be present during your visit; and for an Entergy representative to be present if you would like and are able to take a tour offsite with Pilgrim Watch.

Thank-you for your consideration, Mary Lampert Pilgrim Watch, pro se 2

Received: from ([]) by TWMS01

([]) with mapi; Wed, 18 Feb 2009 09:17:12 -0500 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef; name="winmail.dat" Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary From: Darani Reddick <>

To: Mary Lampert <>, ""

<>, CMRJACZKO Resource <>,

CMRSVINICKI Resource <>, Hearing Docket

<>, Ann Young <>, Richard Cole

<>, Paul Abramson <>, Susan Uttal

<>, "David Roth(OGC)" <>, Marcia Simon

<>, "Andrea Jones (OGC)" <>, Brian Newell <>, Perry Buckberg <>,

"" <>, " us"

<>, ""

<>, ""

<>, ""

<>, "matthew. brock@ago.state. ma. us"

<matthew. brock@ago. state. ma. us>, "msylvia@townhall. plymouth."

<>, ""

<>, Amy Powell <>, Annette Vietti-Cook <>, Bernice Ammon

<>, Betsy Keeling <>, Brooke Poole

<Brooke.>, Catherine Marco <Catherine.>, Cecilia Carson <>, Christine Pierpoint

<>, Daniel Lenehan <>, David McIntyre <>, Diane Screnci <>,

Edward Williamson <>, Eliot Brenner

<>, Elizabeth Hayden <>, Emile Julian <>, Eugene Dacus <>,

Evangeline Ngbea <>, JAC TEMP <>,

Jan Strasma <>, Janet Lepre <>, John Cordes

<>, Joseph Gray <>, Karen Cyr

<>, Kathryn Winsberg <>, Kristy Remsburg <>, Leslie Vincent <>,

Linda Lewis <>, Lyons Tmp <>, Maria Schwartz <>, Marvin Itzkowitz

<>, MaryAnn Warner <>, Nancy Belmore <Nancy.>, Nancy Greathead <>,

Neil Sheehan <>, OCAAMAIL Resource

<>, Rebecca Giitter <Rebecca.>,

Rebecca Schmidt <>, RidsAslbpMailCenter Resource

<>, RidsEdoMailCenter Resource

<>, RidsOgcMailCenter Resource

<>, RidsOpaMail Resource

<>, RidsRgnl MailCenter Resource

<RidsRgnl>, RidsRgn2MailCenter Resource

<>, RidsRgn3MailCenter Resource

<>, RidsRgn4MailCenter Resource

<>, Robert Weisman

<>, Roger Davis <>, Roger Hannah

<>, Roland Frye <>, Scott Burnell

<Scott.>, Spiros Droggitis <>, Stephen Burns <>, Susan Spicer <>, Trip Rothschild <Trip.>, Victor Dricks <Victor.>

Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2009 09:15:05 -0500


RE: Commissioner Svinicki's visit to Pilgrim NPS Thread-Topic: Commissioner Svinicki's visit to Pilgrim NPS Thread-Index: AcmNPbq+A4o9m5xpS3+XPS+20TQWjwAA4qZwAQOZyqAAF2fiJA==




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,<000001 c991 77$e873aacO$b95b0040$@lam pert@comcast. net>

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