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Non-Proprietary Calculations for Alternative Source Term, H21C092, Unit 1 LOCA W/Loop, AST Methodology, Attachment 8
Person / Time
Site: Nine Mile Point Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/14/2006
From: Metcalf J
Nine Mile Point
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML070110240 (414)


{{#Wiki_filter:ATTACHMENT (8) ENCLOSED CALCULATIONS FOR ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM Non-Proprietary Versions The following calculations are provided in this attachment:

1. H21C092, "U1 LOCA w/LOOP, AST Methodology" [Non-proprietary]*
2. H21C087, "Unit 1 LOCA Secondary Containment Bypass Piping Data"
3. H21C094, "U1 MSLB, AST Methodology"
4. H21 C090, "UlI FHA, AST Methodology"
5. H21C096, "U1 CRDA, AST Methodology"
6. H21C084, "Post-LOCA Suppression Chamber (Torus) Water pH Analysis"
7. H21IC076, "X/Qs for Releases from NMP Units 1 & 2 (CNS Calcs NMPAST-0 1-001 &

NMPAST-02-00 1)"

8. H21C078, "Unit 1 MSLB Puff Release Atmospheric Relative Concentrations" A compact disc (CD) containing the above calculations is also enclosed.
*The proprietary version of this calculation is provided in Attachment (10).

Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station, LLC December 14,2006

Nine Mile Point Unit 1 Alternative Source Term Calculation H21C092 "Ul LOCA w/LOOP, AST Methodology" [Non-proprietary]


  • Ver~rl qrrtc kntkac Dage i(Next i Engineering Total 549 Services -ast 2-1 Prolect: NINE MILE POINT NUCLEAR STATION Unit (1,2 or O=Both): .1 _ Discipline: CR Title . Calculation No Unit I LOCA wi LOOP, AST Methodology H21 C092 (Sub)system(s) Building Floor Elev. Index No.

N/A IN/A N/A IN/A Originator(s) J.Metcalf (Main Body/App A,D,G,1, N), H.Pustulka (App C,E,F,H,J,K,L), R.Sher/J.Li (App B),R.Sher(App M) .Ie..,mast) Reviewer(s)/Approver(s) Independent Reviewer: D.Leaver NMP Acceptance:G . ~ ~ 4 r Accuracy Checker: D.Leaver (Main Body, App A,B,C), J. Metcalf (App E,F,L) X/1 I-( App Dchecked by App E,App Gchecked by App H,App Ichecked by J,K,App Mchecked by App N (% wtjrb' I& Eval., CR, or Rev Description ChaneNo. Prepared By Date Reviewed by Date App Date 00 Original Issue W4N 4-40 See attached Sig. Sheet 12/12/06 See attached 122/6 )J. ieI Sig. Sheet Computer Output/Microfilm separately filed? (Yes/No/N/A) N/A Safety Class: (*SR/NSR/Qxx): SIR

                                                                                            *IfSR, attach or reference the associated Design Verification Report.

Superseded Document(s): None Document Cross Reference(s) - For additional references see page(s) 3&4 Output provided? Y Ifyes, group(s) LUceo&"aq (Y/N) _______ Ref Ref Document No. Tvoe Index Sheet Rev No. Document No. Tvne lnd~x Rhew Rev Se pages 3 &4 General


See pages 3 &4 Remarks: 4 - Cnfirmation Required (Yes/No): No. Final Issue Status 4 -Troe See Page(s): AP ~ j41LReq'd (Yes/N/A): )4-10 CFR50.59 Evaluation Number(s): Component ID(s)(As shown inMEL): N/A Copy of Applicability Determination or 50.59 Screen Attached? YesDl No*O N/A P< *If"No", location of AD/Screen? Key Words: AST, OBA, LOCA, EAB, control room, dose

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -ii (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: Calculation No. Revision O riginator/Date Reviewer/Date Jo.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 00 Ref. ISignature Page Caic. Section Preparer Checker Ind. Reviewer Main Body .~L~eaverP.Lae Appendix A a- [Leaver Leaver Appendix B R qe,.P avrD.Leaver Appendix C H.Psuk D.Leaver FM eaver Appendix D ~ Jmvet aIN Checked by App. E D.Leaver

                                                       ',H.Pustulka                              DLeave Appendix E                                          I                           DLeve Appendix F               H.Pustulka                                                LMeeaver Appendix G                J.eIChecked                   by App. H          ~   ~        e Appendix H            4'  i.Pustulka                   N/A                         N/A Appendix I                JetIChecked by App. J and K                             .Leaver Appendix J                  Putu a                     N/A                         N/A Appendix K               H.Pustulka                   N/A                          N/A Appendix L              +/-Pustlal                           ~eaver Appendix M                  Rz er                 Checked by N                  ?Leaver Appendix N                                            N/A                          N/A j

NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -iii (Next _ Project:- Nine Mite Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1I Disposition:.- _ Originaor/DateRevewer/Date Calculation No. Rvso H21C092 0 J. Metcalf 1212/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 List of Effective Pages Page Latest Page Latest Page Latest Page Latest Page Latest Page Latest Page Latest No. Rev. ND. Rev. No. Rev. No. Rev. No. Rev. No. Rev. No. Rev. I 00 23 00 App M 00 2 00 24 00 App N 00 (lop) 3 00 25 00 Attach ( 2 p) 1 00 400 26 00 Attach 2 0 5 00 26 00 0 5 00 27 00 6 00 28 00 7 00 29 00 9 00 30 00 90 00 31 00 10 00 32p 00 11 00 (13 p) 0 12 00 App B 00 (138 p) 13 00 App C 00 (10 p) 14 00 App D 00 (12 3 p) 15 _____35 00 A E) - I__L)00) 16 00 App F(8 00 p) ____________ ___ 17 00 App G 00 (17 P) 18 00 App H 00 (5 P)____ 19 00 Ap 00 J 00 20 _______~ 00

                        ~~(1App (ip)       ____________

21 00 App K 00 (7p) 22 00 AppL(5 00 Total Number of Calculation Pages: 549 NEP-DSF1-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -1 (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Oriinto/DteReviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J.Me 1/2/06 flf D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 Ref. Table of Contents CALCULATION COVER SHEET ..................................................................................... I List of Effective Pages...............................I.......................................................... III Table of Contents.............................................................................................. 1 Summary of Results........................................................................................... 2 Methodology ................................................................................................... 2 Assumptions ................................................................................................... 3 References..................................................................................................... 3 Design Input Summary ........................................................................................ 4 Calculation.................................................................................................... 25 ESF Leakage Treatment during Reactor Building Drawdown .................................................... 26 Determination of Activity Removal Rates inthe Drywell and Main Steam Lines ................................. 26 Determination of Ultimate Elemental Iodine DF................................................................... 27 Calculation of Inhalation and Immersion Doses with RADTRAD - Case 1lA..................................... 30 Confirmation and Supporting Calculations with STARDOSE ..................................................... 30 Reactor Building Shine Dose to Control Room ................................................................... 30 Plume Shine Dose to Control Room .............................................................................. 31 Control Room Filter Shine Dose to Control Room ................................................................ 31 Confirmation of Early Actuation of RBEVS Based on Reactor Building Activity.................................. 31 Identification of Computer Analyses ......................................................................... 31 Detailed Results .............................................................................................. 31 Conclusions .................................................................................................. 32 Appendix A Fraction of ESF Leakage Iodine Carrier Gas Released During Drawdown (13 Pages).......... Al Appendix B Calculation of Drywell and Main Steam Line Lambdas (138 Pages) [Proprietary] ............... B1 Appendix C Representative Lambdas Based on STARNAUA (10 Pages)..................................... C1 Appendix D RADTRAD Dose Analysis (123 Pages)............................................................ D1 Appendix E STARDOSE Dose Analysis (129 Pages).......................................................... El Appendix F Reactor Building Integrated Airborne Specific Activities (8Pages) ............................... Fl Appendix G Reactor Building Shine to the Control Room Using QADMOD (17 pages)....................... G1 Appendix H Reactor Building Shine Dose Verification (5Pages) .............................................. H1 Appendix I Plume Shine to the Control Room Using QADMOD (26 pages) .................................... 1 Appendix J Plume Integrated Me V/cc (15 Pages).............................................................. Jl Appendix K Plume Shine Dose Verification (7Pages) ......................................................... K1 Appendix L Control Room Shine Dose due to Filters (5pages)................................................ Ll Appendix M Verification that RBEVS Will Actuate (5 Pages) .................................................. Ml Appendix N Check Calculation for Appendix MUsing QADMOD (10 Pages) ................................. N1 Attachment I Design Verification Report (2 Pages) ............................................................. 1-1 Attachment 2 Design Verification Checklist (1Page)............................................................ 2-1 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page (Next ___ Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Calculation No. Revision FOhginatorlDate Reviewer/Date H21C092 00 Jo.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 R-ef. Objective The objective of this calculation is to determine the offsite and Control Room (CR) radiological consequences arising from a Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) at the Nine Mile Point Unit I (NMP 1) station. The analysis is conducted in accordance with I1OCFR5O0.67 and Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.183 (Reference 1). Summary of Results The most limiting LOCA case is one assuming a single failure of an electrical division that leaves only a single train of Reactor Building Emergency Ventilation System (RBEVS) operating and forces reliance on the least effective train of containment spray. This case is referred to as Case IA. For this case, secondary containment is not available for an assumed six hours. The doses for this case are as follows: 30-day Max 2-hour 30-day CR TEDE EAB TEDE LPZ TEDE Dose (rem) . (rem) .(rem) Doe 4.81 9.02 1.60 Limit 5 25 25 Methodology The calculation of the radiological consequences for the NMP 1 LOCA is done using the RADTRAD 3.03 computer code (Reference 2). The STARDOSE computer code (Reference 3) is used to check the results of the RADTRAD analysis and also for the following: oConfirming the limiting single failure (i.e., electrical division failure leading to the availability of only one RBEVS train and the use of the least effective drywell spray train) o Confirming the assumption that basingy the dose analysis on thermal-hydraulic conditions corresponding to successful core spray operation is more limiting than basing the analysis on the current licensing basis (CLB) at the time of this calculation; i.e., thermal-hydraulic conditions corresponding to degraded core spray but with the containment leak rate coupled to the containment pressure

          " Providing activities in the Reactor Building (RB) for (1) calculating the shine dose to the CR and (2) ensuring that the RBEVS will actuate on detected radiation levels
          " Providing activities in the released plume for each of three pathways (stack release, RB release, and Turbine Building (TB) release) for calculating the shine dose to the CR from the plume
          " Providing activities on the CR filters to provide a basis for ratioing the calculated dose from an earlier shine calculation based on TIID-14844 and RG 1.3 (References 4 and 5) o Supporting the RADTRAD and STARDOSE calculations are the following:
          " The calculation of drywell spray removal coefficients (fractional removal rates or "lambdas") and main steam line removal coefficients using the STARNAUA computer code (Reference 6) o QADMOD (Reference 7) calculations for the RB shine and the plume shine to the CR and for the RB exhaust vent monitor dose rate to trigger operation of RBEVS. These calculations are confirmed NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -3 (Next Project.' Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Calculation No. Revision riginator/Date O Reviewer/Date Jo.Metcalf 12/12/06 O.Leaver 12/12106 H21C092 00 J Ref. manually for RB and plume shine and by MicroShield (Reference 8) for the RB exhaust vent monitor. o A STARpH (Reference 9) Add Acid assessment of the suppression pooi at 24 hours (nominal end of the spray period) to establish a minimum final DF for elemental iodine Assuptions

1. It is assumed that a Loss of Offsite Power (LOOP) occurs at the time of the LOCA.
2. It is assumed that since drywell sprays start not later than 75 seconds (Item 7.4 of Reference 10) and the start of release occurs at 120 seconds (Item 2.1 of Reference 10), the sprays are running when the release begins.
3. It is assumed that since the filtered intake mode of the Control Room Air Treatment System (CRATS) will begin not later than 24 seconds after the start of the LOCA (Item 3. 10 of Reference 10) and the start of release occurs at 120 seconds (Item 2.1 of Reference 10), the filtered intake is assumed to be available when the release begins.
4. It is assumed that the release is initially only to the drywell. At the time the release ends, the drywell and wetwell airspace are assumed to become well-mixed because of the thermnal-hydraulic activity that would result from the quenching, of the core and/or core debris (terminating the release).
5. It is assumed that gaseous iodine in elemental form in the primary containment will adsorb onto dispersed aerosol and be removed with the aerosol. Thus, the spray removal rate is that of aerosol except not greater than 20 per hour.
6. It is assumed that elemental iodine removed on aerosol has no DF limit. This is supported by the calculation in that the calculated elemental iodine DF is so large, the residual elemental iodine airborne would be negligible relative to the 0.15% organic iodine that is not removed from the containmnent atmosphere at all.
7. It is assumed that aerosol reaching the first closed valve in RB bypass pathways (including MSIV leakage) experienc~es a DF of 2 due to impaction. This applies also to the adsorbed elemental iodine.
8. It is assumed that no activity removal of any kind occurs in any RB bypass pathway beyond the first closed containment isolation valve except for aerosol removal in the horizontal space between two closed MSIVs.
9. It is assumed that the ESF leakage is a factor of txvo greater than the value given in the design input section per the requirement of Reference 1.


1. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.183, "Alternative Source Termis for Evaluating Design Basis Accidents At Nuclear Power Reactors," Dated July 2000.
2. NUREG/CR-6604, "RADTRAD: A simplified model for Radionuclide Transport and Removal NEP-DFOS-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -4 (Next___ Project:-Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -I Disposition: __

                                                                               -Calculation No.                     Revision Originator/Date JO.Metcalf 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date D.Leaver 12/12/06                  H21 C092                              00       J Ref.

And Dose Estimation," Dated April 1998 (with Supplements 1 and 2).

3. STAIRDOSE Model report, Polestar Applied Technology, Inc., Rev. 1, March 2002.
4. Technical Information Document (TED) - 14844, "Calculation of Distance Factors for Power and Test Reactor Sites," U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Dated March 23, 1962.
5. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.3, "Assumptions Used for Evaluating the Potential Radiological Consequences of a Loss of Coolant Accident for Boiling, Water Reactors," Dated June 1974.
6. PSAT C 101.02, "STARNAUA - A Code for Evaluating Severe Accident Aerosol Behavior in Nuclear Power Plant Containment: A Validation and Verification Report", Revision 1.04, Dated November 2005
7. "QADMOD-GP: Point Kernel Gamma-Ray Shielding Code With Geometric Progression Buildup Factors", RSIC Code Package CCC-565.
8. MicroShield, Version 5.0.3, Grove Engineering
9. STARpH, "A Code for Evaluating, Containment Water Pool pH during Accidents," Revision 4, February 2000, Polestar Applied Technology, Inc.
10. PSAT 4026CF.QA.03, "Design Data Base for Application of the Alternative DBA Source Term to Nine Mile Point Unit 1"Revision 0
11. R. R. Hobbins, "Effect of Temperature on the Dissociation Constant of a Weak Acid", Polestar Applied Technology, Inc., Proprietary Memorandum, September 11, 2000
12. NIJREG/CR-5 732, "Iodine Chemical Forms in LWR Severe Accidents" Design Input Summary Note that Item numbers refer to Project Database (Reference 10)

Core Power - 18 87MWt (Item 1.1) Core Inventory @ t=0 (Item 1.2): ENuclide  : CiIMWt [: Nuclide ý Ci/Mfft Nuclide Ci/MWt Kr83m 3.27E+03 RulO6 1.76E+04 Cs134 7.29E+03 Kr85 3.93E+02 RhiOS 2.84E+04 Cs136 2.28E+03 Kr85m 6.82E+03 Sb127 3.01 E+03 Cs137 4.35E+03 Kr87 1.30E+04 Sb129 8.91 E+03 Bal37m 4.12E+03 Kr-88 1.83E+04 Te127 3.OOE+03 Ba139 4.89+04 Kr89 2.22E+04 Tel27m 4.05E+02 Bal4O 4.71+04 Rb86 7.29E+01 Te129 8.76E+03 Lal4O 5.12+04 Sr89 2.45E+04 Tel29m 1.30E+03 Lal4l 4.45+04 Sr9O 3.14E+03 Tel3lm 3.97E+03 La142 4.29+04 Sr9l 3.10E+04 Te132 3.85E+04 Cel4l 4.47+04 Sr92 3.38E+04 1131 2.71 E+04 Ce143 4,11+04 NEP-DE-S-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page 5 (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date CluainNo. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H 1002 00 Ref. Y90 3.24E+03 1132 3.92E+04 0e144 3.70+04 Y91 3.18E+04 1133 5.51 E+04 Pr143 3,97+04 Y92 3.40E+04 1134 6.03E+04 Nd147 1.80+04 Y93 3.96E+04 1135 5.16E+04 Np239 5.78E+05 Zr95 4.46E+04 Xel3lm 3.04E+02 Pu238 1.45E+02 Zr97 4.51 E+04 Xe133 5.27E+04 Pu239 1.34E+01 Nb95 4.48 E+04 Xel33m 1.63E+03 Pu24O 1.89E+01 M099 5.13 E+04 Xe135 1.91 E+04 Pu241 5.49E+03 Tc99m 4.49 E+04 Xel35m 1.09E+04 Am241 7.48E+00 RuOM 4.29 E+04 Xe137 4.80E+04 0m242 1.85E+03 RuOM 3.01 E+04 Xe138 4.50E+04 0m244 1.23E+02 Fraction of core inventory released, 0- 120 seconds (Item 2. 1): No Release Fraction of core inventory released, 120 - 1920 seconds (Item 2.2): Gases Xe, Kr - 0. 1 /hr (0.-0 5 total) Elemental I - 4.9E-3 /hr (2.4E-3 total) Organic I - 1.5E-4 /hr (7.5E-5 total) Aerosols I, Br - 0.095 /hr (0.0475 total) Cs, Rb - 0. 1 /hr (0. 05 total) Fraction of core inventory released, 1920 - 7320 seconds (Item 2.3): Gases Xe, Kr - 0.63.3 /hr (0.95 total) Elemental I1- 8.l1E-3 /hr (1.2E-2 total) Organic I - 2.5E-4 /hr (3.8E-4 total) Aerosols I, Br - 0. 158 /hr (0.2375 total) Cs, Rb - 0.133 /hr (0.2 total) Te Group - 0.033 /hr (0.05 total) B a, Sr - 0.0 13 /hr (0. 02 total) Noble Metals - 1.7E-3 /hr (2.5E-3 total) La Group - 1.3E-4 /hr (2E-4 total) Ce Group - 3.3E-4 /hr (5E-4 total) Reference Control Room Filter Iodine Loading (Item 2.4): Iodine Isotope Integrated Activity (Ci-sec) 1131 7.3 1E4 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -6 (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: CacltoN. Disposition:___ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Caclto oRevision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 00 1132 9.34E2 1133 1.34E4 1134 3.04E2. 1135 3.98E3 Minimum Primary Containment Free Air Volume - 3.00E+05 ft3 (Item 3. 1) 3 a) Minimum Volume of Drywell (DW) - 1.80E+05 ft b) Minimum Volume of Wetwell (WW) Vapor - 1.20E+05 ft3 Minimum Volume of WW Water - 7.97E+04 ft3 (min) (Item 3.2) Mass Flowrate, DW to All Main Steam Lines (total Leakage) - 100 scfh (Item 3.3) Mass Flowrate, DW to Any One Main Steam Lines (total Leakage) - 50 scfh (Item 3.4) Mass Flowrate, Non-MSIV Reactor Building Bypass - 41.5 scfh (Item 3.5) Volume of One Main Steam Line Between MSIVs - 82.4 ft3 (Item 3.6) Initial DW Leakrate at Pa - 1.875 cfm (based on 1.5 %/day of containment free volume) (Item 3.7) WW Leakrate at Pa - 1.25 cfm (based on 1.5 %/day of containment free volume) (Item 3.8) Volume of Control Room (CR) (free volume) - 1.35E+05 ft3 (Item 3.9) Volumetric Flowrate Enviromnment to CR (Filtered) - 2025 cfm (24 sec to 30 days post-accident) (minimum flow is bounding per calculation in Appendix E) (Item 3. 10) Secondary Containment Volume to Be Credited for Holdup - 3.0 1E+/-10 cc (Item 3.11) Volumetric ESF (ECCS) Leakage into Secondary Containment - 600 gph (Item 3.12) DW Spray Flowrate - 6449 gpm (primary), 6383 gpm (secondary) (Item 3.13) Headers Fow (gpm) H Primary Secondary A 1127 1703 B 1050 1664 C 3792 2523 D 308* E *311 F *182 G 172

                                          *Flow not considered if less than 24 psid across nozzle Control Room Unfiltered Inleakage for LOCA - 100 cfm (Item 3.17)

Maximum Suppression Pool Volume - 8.6E4 ft3 (Item 3.20) Volume of SLC Injection - 1,325 gallons (Item 3.2 1) RBEVS Exhaust Rate per Train - 1600 cfrn (Item 3.22) Maximum Normal Reactor Building Exhaust Rate - 70,000 cfm (Item 3.24) NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -7 (Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 O.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 Ref. Filter Efficiency-Reactor Building Emergency Ventilation (RBEVS) (Item 4. 1): 90% efficiency for organic iodine 95% efficiency for particulate and elemental iodine Filter Efficiency-CR Intake Filter (Item 4.2): 90% efficiency for organic iodine 95% efficiency for particulate and elemental iodine Release Fraction of Radioiodine in ESF Leakage (%) - 10 (Item 4.3) X/Q for EAB (s/in 3 ) (Item 5.1): Worst 2 hr Stack (fumigation): 5.98E-05 Stack (normnal): N/A (fumigation assumed to last two hours) Ground-level: 1.90E-04 3 X/Q for LPZ (s/in ) (Item 5.2): Worst 4 hr Rest of 0-8 hr 8-24 hr 24-96 hr 96-720 hr Stack (fumigation) 2.12E-05 Stack (normnal) 1.26E-06 8.40E-07 3.45E-07 1.11 E-07 Ground-level 1.63E-05 1.63E-05 1.1OE-05 4.67E-06 1.3 7E-06 X/Q for CR (s/in 3) (Item 5.3) Worst 2 hr Rest of 0-8 hr 8-24 hr 24-96 hr 96-720 hr Stack (fumigation) 2.27E-04 Stack (normal) 1.26E-04 4.30E-05 3.58E-05 2.59E-05 TB Blowout Panel 1.03E-03 5.85E-04 2.07E-04 1.75E-04 1,52E-04 RiB Blowout Panel 4.82E-04 2.6 1E-04 9.25E-05 6.70E-05 4.93E-05 MSLB Puff Release 9.98E-04 Breathing Rates (Item 5.4): Control Room 0 - 30 days - 3.5E-4 m 3/Sec EAB, LPZ, Environment 0 - 8 hours - 3.5E-4 mn3/sec 8 -24 hours - 1.8E-4 mn3/sec 1 - 30 days - 2.3E-4 mn3 /sec Control Room Occupancy Factors (Item 5.5): From t=Otot=lI day - 1.0 From t=1 to t=4 days - 0.6 From t=4 to t=30 days - 0.4 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -8 (Next Project.: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit. -1 Disposition: Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00

Ref, Normal Operating Steam Line Temp ('F) (for MSTV Leakage) - 550OF (Item 6. 1)

Assumed Drywell Conditions for Converting Bypass SCFH to CFH (including MSIV) (Item 6.2): 5 psig = -~50 psia, Trna, = 281OF (Tsaturation for steam at 50 psia) Pa = _3 NFP-nFSo-nA Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -9 (Next - Project.- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1_ Disposition: Originator/Date Reviewer/Dale J. Metcalf 12/12/06 O.Leaver 12/12/06 Drywell Pressure - with and without Core Spray (Item 6.3): 1OS-0ZO0FCO 0 (APT AC"C-f F)ENT D"RYWELL. PJXJI2SURE; 1!1 liN EAFTE11 EN T 21-E C' Secondary Containmnent Drawdown (minutes) (Item 6.4) - 40 (2 trains of RBEVS)

                                                                             - 298 (single train of RBEVS)

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page - 0 (Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit.- 1- Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. -Revision J. Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21C0092 00 Reactor Building, Pressure Prior to Establishing Secondary Containment - Single Train RBEVS I Operation (Item 6.5 - plot of data in Attachment 2 of Reference 10): 2.5 -1 .OOE-01

                                                            -      RB Pressure in inches wg 2                                                    8.OOE-02
                                                                -RB    Pressure in psid 1.5                                                                      -6.OOE-02 1   _____                                                               4.OOE-02        in 0.5                                                                         2.OOE-02 0                                                    O.OOE+OO
                           -0.5  --                                                                      2.OOE-02 0               5000           10000        15000               20000 Seconds
  • Note: First 5000 seconds is stabilization period for GOTHIC; accident begins at t = 5000 sec.

NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page-911-(Next ) J Project.- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 -00 ýet. Drywell Pressure Long-Term with CAD Operation (Item 6.6): Hpigun V11I- Ifi coi ;uilrnunit relmiurtt F01*I4inw g CA.D Actu.1tiou -i l1u(iIcrwd Vi- i i mmit Injum-tion

                                         -L 7 1l Nitruein
                                                              '.t~IuUI N~t------------jo             ..
                             &                                        - -- -   --- --- ---- -    .---
                                                                                                   - --
                                                                                                  ---        --  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

uin~ 0 0 0 ---------- T 0

                                 -to UA                                                                                                           in Tillie. AfUr LOCA (dauyKn)

NE P-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page (Next - Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- - - -aclt o Disposition: 3 Revsio Originator/Date Reviewer/Date CluainN.Rvso J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 00 Ref. Dry-well Temperature With Core Spray (Item 6.7): J IPI

                  ~~KfTR   14 jjz     ~      Iv' Pjvni .'ITEF hCCWE3IT 5EC NEP-DES-08I Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1-I- Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 1D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 00 re.IDrywell Temperature - Without Core Spray (Item 6.8) tL] to TiMe Aller Agj!Lont Lse)ýJ Effective Inleakage Area Used in Drawdown Analysis = A/yI( = 0.8 ft2 (Item 6.9) 95 1hPercentile Wn.Spe-22mph (tm6. 10) Max Positive Cp Value Considered on Windward Side of RB in Drawdown Analysis - 0.8 (Item 6.11) Windward-Side Inleakage Area Multiplier Used in Drawdown Analysis - 0.8 (Item 6.12) Maximum Suppression Pool Temperature - 164.8 F (Item 6.13) Spray Initiation Time - < 75 seconds (Item 7.4) NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _14 (Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 Drywell Spray System Layout (Item 7.5): SA. P~riary Loojp [n the dtryweII with, thre~e dring herader as fallows

                                   -  Rfing header "C":       Elev 26:0'6`1 8.4, 1ý2` d~kameter nozzles
                                   -  Ring header "Y,~        Ele'i 279%8, 1/2 diameter nozzles Ring hpader "G": Ele'v 310'; 10, 31'8 diameter nozzles A Secondary loop in the diywell With four ring headers: ab        follows
                                   -  Ring header "A":        Elev 245'; 42, 1/2"l diarneler niozzles
                                  -   Ring. header'13":       E~ev 25-5',; 42, 1/2" diameter inozzles
                                  -   Rkag header "EL'.       Elev, 284';, 8, IQ"~di~am ter nozzles,
                                  -   Ring header -r":        Elrev 306~'; 10, 3168' diameter n~ozzlles Dry-well Spray Initiation Based on Radiation (RIHr)      - 4E6 (Item 7.7)

NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page (Next Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1I Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/112/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 j M Reactor Building Vent Monitor and Exhaust Trunk Arrangement (Item 7.8): XIMvew 1.1 2-2 Spray Nozzle! and Spray Droplet - Test Observations (Item 7.9): o At 80 psid, size range - 10 to 400 ý.tm o At 30 psid, size range - 500 to 1000 ýtm Reactor Building Vent Monitor Setpoint for RBEVS Initiation - 5 mr/hr (Item 7.14) DW Spray Pressure Drops (Item 7.15): Headers DP (psid) Primary Secondary A 28 64 B 24 61 o 55 24 D 45* NFP-nF.q-nq Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page L (Next - Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: _ Disposition: 3 T eT ,-n Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No.Rvso FJ. Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/1 2/06 H21 C092 00 E *44 F 34 G 30

                                          *FlowV not considered if less than 24 psigr across nozzle Molecular Weight of Sodium Pentaborate (Na 2 O.5B32 0 3 *10H-2 0) with Boron of 62.5% Enrichment           -

586 g/mol (Item 7.16) Mass of Sodium Pentaborate Buffer Added by the SLCS - 4.52E5 gr (Item 7.17) Mass of Primary Coolant during Normal Operations - 501,500 ibm (Item 7.18) Suppression pool pH at 24 Hours without Addition of Buffer - 4.2 (Item 7.19) NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET I Page A (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: ... Disposition: -N/A_ Originator/Date -Reviewer/Date No.

                                                                                        -Calculation                  Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06                    D.Leaver 12/12/06                            H21C092                            00 Suppression pool pH Transient without Addition of Buffer (tabular and chart) (Item 7.20):

Time (see) pH 132 5.4 1898 7.3 3641 7.9 7157 8.4 7383 8.4 10922 8.3 14448 8.2 17288 8.1 foer Cale S040RIJUS400flD%!i~poitionr 03~A

                                                                                          -'4-Tim e AMteLO GA fjYnru rs Drywell Floor Elevation -  225'-6" (Item 8. 1)

NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page (Next Project.' Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Oriinto/DteReviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J.Mecaf(212/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 00 r External Exposure DCFs (Rem-rn 3/Ci-SeC = 3.7E12 x SV-M 3 f/Bq-sec) (Item 9.1): SV-M 3 Rem-rn 3 Nuclide Bq-sec Ci-sec Noble Gas Group Kr83m 1.50E-18 5.55E-06 Kr85m 7.48E-1 5 2.77E-02 Kr85 1.19E-16 4.40E-04 Kr87 4.12E-14 1.52E-01 Kr88 1.02E-13 3.77E-01 Kr89 N/A 3.23E-01 Xel3lm 3.89E-16 1.44E-03 Xel33m 1.37E-15 5.07E-03 Xe133 1.56E-15 5.77E-03 Xel35m 2,04E-14 7.55E-02 Xe135 1.19E-14 4.40E-02 Xe137 N/A 3.03E-02 Xe138 5.77E-14 2.13E-01 Halogen Group 1131 1.82E-14 6.73E-02 1132 1.12E-13 4.14E-01 1133 2.94E-14 1.09E-01 1134 1.30E-13 4.81E-01 1135 8.29E-14 3.07E-01 Alkali Metals Group Rb86 4.81 E-1 5 1.78E-02 Rb88 3.36E-14 1.24E-01 Cs134 7.57E-14 2.80E-01 Cs136 1.06E-13 3.92E-01 Cs137 2.73E-14 1.01E-01 Tellurium Group Sbl2l 3.33E-14 1.23E-01 Sb129 7.14E-14 2.64E-01 1e127m 1.47E-16 5.44E-04 Tel2l 2.42E-16 8.95E-04 Tel29m 3.34E-15 1.23E-02 Te129 2.75E-15 1.02E-02 Tel3lm 7.46E-14 2,76E-01 Te132 1,03E-14 3.81 E-02 Barium Group Bal3lm 2.88E-14 1.07E-01 NE P-DE 5-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page 199 (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date -FCalculation No. iRevision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 0 Ref. Ba139 2.17E-15 8.03E-03 Bal4O 8.58E-1 5 3.17E-02 Noble Metals Group M099 7.28E-15 2.69E-02 Tc99m 5.89E-1 5 2.18E-02 RuOO 2.25E-14 8.33E-02 RulO5 3.81 E-1 4 1.41 E-01 RulOG 1.04E-14 3.85E-02 RhlO5 3.72E-15 1.38E-02 Lanthanum Group Y90 1.90E-16 7.03E-04 Y91 2.60E-1 6 9.62E-04 Y92 1.30E-14 4.81 E-02 Y93 4.80E-1 5 1.78E-02 Zr-95 3.60E-14 1.33E-01 ZI97 4.43E-14 1.64E-01 Nb95 3.74E-14 1.38E-01 Lal4O 1.17E-13 4.33E-01 LalW 2.39E-1 5 8.84E-03 La142 1.44E-1 3 5.33E-01 Pr-143 2.10E-17 7.77E-05 Nd147 6.19E-15 2.29E-02 Am241 8.18E-16 3.03E-03 Cm242 5.69E-18 2.11 E-05 Cm244 4.91E-18 1.82E-05 Cerium Group Cel4l 3.43E-1 5 1.27E-02 Ce143 1.29E-14 4.77E-02 Ce144 2.77E-15 1.03E-02 Np239 7.69E- 15 2.85E-02 Pu238 4.88E-1 8 1.81E-05 Pu239 4.24E-18 1.57E-05 Pu240 4.75E-1 8 1.76E-05 Pu241 7.25E-20 2,68E-07 Strontium Group SO8 7.73E-17 2.86E-04 Sr9O 7,53E-18 2.79E-05 Sr9l 4.92E-14 1.82E-01 Sr92 6.79E-14 2.51 E-0 1 NEP-DE S-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _20-. (Next_ _ tOriginator/Date Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station J.Metcalf 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date D.Leaver 12/12/06 Unit: -1 Calculation No. H21C092 Disposition.-__ Revision 00 Ref. Inhalation DCFs (Rem/Ci 3.7E 12 x Sv/Bq) (Item 9.2): SV Rem FNuclide Bq Ci Noble Gas Group Kr83m N/A N/A Kr85m N/A N/A Kr85 N/A N/A Kr87 N/A N/A Kr88 N/A N/A Kr89 N/A N/A Xel3lm N/A N/A Xel33m N/A N/A Xe133 N/A N/A Xel35m N/A N/A Xe135 N/A N/A Xe137 N/A N/A Xel38 N/A N/A Halogen Group 1131 8.89E-09 3,29E+04 1132 1.03E-1 0 3.81 E+02 1133 1.58E-09 5.85E+03 1134 3.55E-1 1 1.31E+02 1135 3.32E-10 1.23E+03 Alkali Metals Group Rb86 1.79E-09 6,62E+03 Rb88 2.26E-1 1 8.36E+01 Cs134 1.25E-08 4.63E+04 Cs136 1.98E-09 7.33E+03 Cs137 8,63E-09 3.19E+04 Tellurium Group Sb127 1.63E-09 6.03E+03 Sb129 1.74E-10 6.44E+02 Tel2lm 5.81 E-09 2.15E+04 Te127 8.60E-1 1 3.18E+02 Tel29m 6,47E-09 2,39E+04 Te129 2.09E-1 1 7.73E+01 Tel3lm 1.73E-09 6.40E+03 Te132 2.55E-09 9.44E+03 Barium Group Bal3lm N/A N/A NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page (Next _ Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: CacltoN . Disposition: ____iio Originator/Date Reviewer/Date CcuainN.Rvsio J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H210C092 00 R~ef. Ba 139 4.64E-1 1 1.72E+02 Ba 140 1.0 1E-09 3.74E+03 Noble Meta,IsGroup M099 1.07E-09 3.96E+03 Tc99m 8.80E-1 2 3.26E+01 RuO10 2.42E-09 8.96E+03 Ru 105 1.23E-1 0 4.55E+02 Ru 106 1.29E-07 4.77E+05 Rh 105 2.58E-1 0 9.55E+02 Lanthanum Group Y90 2.28E-09 8.44E+03 Y91 1,.32E-08 4.88E+04 Y92 2.11 E-1 0 7.81 E+02 Y93 5,82E-1 0 2.15E+03 Zr95 6,39E-09 2.36E+04 Zr97 1.17E-09 4.33E+03 Nb95 1.57E-09 5.81 E+03 Lal4O 1.31 E-09 4.85E+03 Lal 4 1.57E-1 0 5.81 E+02 La142 6.84E-1 1 2.53E+02 Pr143 2.19E-09 8.1 OE+03 Nd 147 1.85E-09 6.85E+03 Amn241 1.20E-04 4,44E+08 Cmn242 4.67E-06 1.73E+07 0m244 6.70E-05 2.48E+08 Cerium Gro,Ljp Cel4l 2.42E-09 8.95E+03 Cel43 9.16E-10 3.39E+03 Ce 144 1.0 1E-07 3.74E+05 Np239 6,78E-1 0 2.51 E+03 Pu238 7.79E-05 2.88E+08 Pu239 8.33E-05 3.08E+08 Pu240 8.33E-05 3.08E+08 Pu241 1.34E-06 4.96E+06 Strontium Group Sr89 1.76E-09 6.51 E+03 S179O 6.46E-08 2.39E+05 S179l 2.52E-09 9.32E+03 Sr92 1.70E-1 0 6.29E+02 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page (Next Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: Caclto N . Disposition: Revsio Originator/Date ~~~Reviewer/Date CluainN.Rvso J.Meclf1112/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 00 QADMOD Model for Reactor Building Shine (taken from H2 1C043, Attachment 1 to Reference 10) (Item 10. 1): (Note that shielding material indices were reversed - see box below - correction shown) Unit 1 LOC'A Control Room Reactor Building Shine 8 2 0 2 25 33 2 -2 1 12 6 16 0l1 3.01+10 0.0 300.23 600.45 900.68 1200.90 1501.13 1801.35 2101.58 2401.80 2702.03 3002.25 3302.48 3602.70 10363.20 10644.12 10925.05 11205.97 11486.89 11767.82 12048.74 0.0 309.56 619.13 928.69 1238.25 1547.81 1857.38 2166.94 2476.50 2786.06 3095.63 3405.19 3714.75 4024.31 4333.88 4643.44 4953.00 1 1 3602.70 2 1 5443.20 3 1 5534.60 4 1 6052.80 5 1 6144.30 6 1 7448.60 7 1 7463.80 8 1 7555.20 9 1 8723.60 10 1 10110.50 11 1 10739.10 12 1 10769.60 13 1 12324.10 14 2 3695.70 15 2 4953.00 16 2 6088.40 17 2 6179.80 18 2 6225.50 19 2 6286.50 20 2 6736.10 21 2 6766.60 22 3 10363.20 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _23-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit. Disposition: __ Calculation No. Revision FOriginator/Date Jo.Metcalf 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 00 Ref. 23 3 10110.50 24 3 9144.00 25 3 9123.70 1 1 11522 10. 10. 10. 2 2 1 1522 10. 10. 11000. 3 2 115 10. 6000. 10. 4 2 12 4000. 6000. 10. 5 2 21120 8000. 8000. 1'0. 6 2 2 91720 8000.. 6400. 10. 7 2 2 4141723 5500. 5000. 10. 8 1 2 31423 5500. 3000. 10. 9 2 3 61424 6000. 2000. 10. 10 2 3 7142324 6000. 2000. 10000. 11 1 4 5141723 6100. 5000. 10. 12 2 5 6141624 6600. 5000. 10. 13 2 5 714162324 6600. 5000. 10000. 14 1 6 81624 7500. 2000. 10. 15 1 7 8162324 7500. 2000. 10000. 16 2 2 81723 6000. 2000. 12000. 17 2 8 916 8000. 2000. 10. 18 1 5 9161723 8000. 6100. 10. 19 2 8 9161723 8000. 6100. 12000. 20 2 91018 9000. 2000. 10. 21 1 910181924 9000. 6250. 10. 22 2 910181924 9000. 6250. 12000. 23 2 9101920 9000. 6400. 10. 24 21016 12000. 2000. 10. 25 1 1013 1617 24 10500. 6100. 10. 26 2 1013 1617 24 10500. 6100. 12000. 27 2101720 12000. 6400. 10. 28 2131617 13000. 6100. 10. 29 111 122024 10750. 8000. 10. 30 1 12202124 12000. 6750. 10. 31 2122125 12000. 8000. 10. 32 112212425 12000. 8000. 9130. NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _24-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date CacltinN.Revision IJ.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 Met. 33 2112024 12000. 8000. 12000. 2.05 1.225-3 2.82+10 1.11+10 2.15+9 1.59+9 5.85+8 5.31+8 3.63+5 0.0 6.84-10 5.83-10 5.10-10 4.69-10 4.32-10 4.13-10 3.67-10 3.01-10 MEV PER REMI CM* *2 10799.59 6796.60 8625.84 1 DP #1 10799.59 8509.48 8625.84 1 DP #2 12934.79 8509.48 8625.84 1 DP #3 10799.59 6750.84 9145.00 1 DP#4 10799.59 8509.48 9145.00 1 DP#5 12934.79 8509.48 9145.00 1 DP #6

                             -1 QADMOD Model for Plume Shine (taken from H21C043, Attachment I to Reference 10) (Item 10.2):

Unit 1 LOCA Control Room Cloud Shine 8 2 0 2 2 3 3 -2 2 15 10 10 0 1 5.54+ 14 0.0 30.48 79.61 158.82 286.51 492.34 824.16 1395.05 2221.33 3611.35 5852.12 9464.33 15827.36 24674.31 39806.46 64200.00 0.0 0.157 0.314 0.417 0.628 0.785 0.942 1.100 1.257 1.414 1.571 0.0 0.157 0.314 0.417 0.628 0.785 0.942 1.100 1.257 1.414 1.571 1 3 9123.68 2 3 9144.00 1 1 1 0.0 0.0 9000.00 2 2 1 2 0.0 0.0 9130.00 3 1 2 0.0 0.0 9200.00 1.225-3 2.35 23 25 2.79+4 7.27+4 2.24+4 2.34+4 4.57+4 5.97+4 5.42+2 0.0 6.84-10 5.83-10 5.10-10 4.69-10 4.32-10 4.13-10 3.67-10 3.01-10 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page (Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: - -aclt o Disposition: ____ io Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Caclto N.Rvso J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H1020 Ref. M1E V PER REiJW CM* *2 0.0 0.0 8625.84 1 DET 1

                                 -1 Dose from CR Filter Shine - 2.5 1E-3 rem (taken from H21IC043, Attachment I to Reference 10) -

2.5 1lE-3 rem (Item 10.3) Calculation The calculation is divided into several parts as follows: oESF Leakage Treatment during Reactor Building Drawdown o Determination of Activity Removal Rates o Determination of the Ultimate DF for Elemental Iodine o Calculation of Inhalation and Immersion Doses with R-ADTRAD - Case 1A o Confirmation and Supporting Calculations with STARDOSE o Reactor Building, Shine Dose to Control Room o Plume Shine Dose to Control Room o Control Room Filter Shine Dose to Control Room o Confirmation of Early Actuation of RBEVS Based on Reactor Building Activity In performing the LOCA calculation, several cases have been identified. These are defined as follows: o Case IlA - This is the LOCA with an assumed electrical division failure leading to the availability of only one RBEVS train and the use of the least effective drywell spray train. It is analyzed in integrated formn only with STARDOSE. oCase lAa - For RADTRAD, this is the analysis of the MSIV leakage and other permanent bypass of the RB. o Case l Ab - For RADTRAD, this is the analysis of the temporary bypass of the RB during RB drawdown. o Case IlAc - For RADTRAD, this is the analysis of the stack release for containment leakage after secondary containment (SC) has been established. o Case lAd - For RADTRAD, this is the analysis of ESF leakage iodine re-evolution bypassing SC. o Case lAe - For RADTRAD, this is analysis of the stack release for ESF leakage iodine re-evolution.

           " Case l Ax - For STARDOSE, this is the analysis of activity released with the TB X/Q for purposes of calculating plume shine with Case IA.

o Case l Ay - For STARDOSE, this is the analysis of activity released with the RB X/Q for purposes of calculating plume shine with Case IA. o Case IlAz - For STARDOSE, this is the analysis of activity released with the stack XIQ for purposes of calculating plume shine with Case IA. o Case IA -filter - For STAiRDOSE, this is the analysis of activity trapped on the control room filter. o Case lARBEVS - For STAiRDOSE, this is the analysis that provides airborne activity in the NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _6-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Calculation No. n R~eviso FJo. riginator/Date Metcalf 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 00 Ref. reactor building, with normnal ventilation operating. It is used to confirm RLBEVS start time. c) Case lB - This is the LOCA with an MS1V failure to close. It is analyzed only with STARDOSE to demonstrate that Case IlA is limiting. Since both trains of RB3EVS are available for this case, the drawdoxvn time is ~-40 minutes, and this makes this case far less challenging, than the 298 minute drawdown of Case IlA (analyzed as a six hour drawdown for additional conservatism) in spite of the failed open MS IV. co Case 2A - This is also a LOCA with an assumed electrical division failure leading to the availability of only one RBEVS train and the use of the least effective drywell spray train. It differs from Case IA in that the drywell pressure and temperature are assumed to correspond to the "no core spray" case presented in the IJESAR (see the Design Input Summary and Items 6.3 and 6.8 of Reference

10) and also consider the effects of CAD operation (Design Input Summary and Item 6.6 of Reference 10). However, pursuant to the ori ginal licensing basis, the containment leakage (including RB bypass) is considered a function of drywell pressure. This case is only analyzed with STAIRDOSE to demonstrate that Case IA is limiting.1 ESF Leakage Treatment during Reactor Building Drawdown This analysis is presented in Appendix A. In Appendix A, the gas volumetric flow rate necessary to purge the re-evolved iodine from ESF leakage (liquid leakage in the RB from recirculated suppression pool water) is calculated. It is compared to what the RB can leak to the atmosphere during the drawdown period. The difference is assumed to be released from the stack via the RBEVS even during the RB drawdown period. The results of this analysis are as follows (for input to RADTRAD and STAIRDOSE) for 5 time intervals ending at 30 minutes, 42 minutes, 60 minutes, 122 minutes, and 250 minutes. The midpoints are chosen at 14 minutes, 36 minutes, 50 minutes, 90 minutes, and 186 minutes:

ESF Leakage Re-evolved Iodine Treatment in RADTRAD and STARDOSE Case 1A Based on Time Interval Midpoints Iodine purge Iodine purge Fraction of total flow released flow released Fraction of total Fraction of released at ground at ground from stack released at total released level based on level (cfrn) filtered (cfrn) ground level from stack interval average 1481 0 1.00 0.00 1.00 918 495 0.65 0.35 0.63 792 1761 0.31 0.69 0.29 474 5253 0.08 0.92 0.09 252 6710 0.04 0.96 0.03 Determination of Activity Removal Rates inthe Drywell and Main Steam Lines These analyses are presented in Appendices B and C. Appendix B does the following: oD It calculates the representative droplet size to use in the spray removal calculation. This representative droplet size is taken to be the mass or volume mean diameter even though the Sauter (or "area") mean diameter may be the more appropriate single representative value. (Note that it is conservative to use the mass or volume mean rather than the Sauter mean because this mass mean NE P-DE S-08 Rev 09

Wo04Vczý:r-.yionnta6 Pole~tar Proprietdry [[trade secrets bracketed]I 7> ENIERIGSRVCSCALCULATION CON~TINUATION SHEET Page-2 (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: _N/A_ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date CEalculIation No. Revision J. Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 00 diameter is larger). Because both primary and secondary sprays use multiple spray headers but with different flows being delivered to each header, the individual header nozzle differential pressures are different for primary and secondary sprays (see the Design Input Summary). As a result, the representative mass mean spray droplet size is different for each of the two subsystems (since droplet size is a function of nozzle differential pressure). o It calculates a representative fall height of the spray droplets for both primary and secondary sprays. o It calculates the volumetric flows to be used in the transfer of aerosol from the drywell to the main steam lines. There are two calculations involved: (1) the conversion of MSIV leakage limits in scfh to volumetric flows in cfh (this conversion ratio also being applicable to the other RB bypass leak paths where the leakage limit is applied in scfh) and (2) the calculation of reduction factors for volumetric containment leakage (including MSIV and other RB bypass leakage) as a function of containment pressure (for application to Case 2A wherein the containment leakage and the containment pressure are coupled). o It calculates the mass release rates from the core to the drywell and identifies the initial aerosol size distribution. o It calculates the time-dependent removal rate (or "lambda") of aerosol in the drywell due to drywell sprays. o It calculates the mass leaking into the steam lines as a function of time and the associated size distribution. Using this information, it calculates aerosol removal in the steam lines between the MSIVs for those steam lines in which both steamn lines are closed. It justifies and applies a DE of two for particulate at the first closed isolation valve in the main steam lines and other reactor building bypass pathways. Appendix C then provides a discretization of the lambda transient values from Appendix B for use in Appendices D (RADTRAD dose calculations) and E (STARDOSE dose calculations). Determination of Ultimate Elemental Iodine DF NFP-flF -ooR Rev 09

ENIERNGSRIE CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEETK' ~ w Page [Originator/Date Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station J.Metcalf 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date D.Leaver 12/12/06 Unit Calculation No. H21CO92 Disposition: _N/A_ Revision 00 Ref. NEP-DES'-08 Rev 09

140a- 0rr,0ri&47,~r-Q ~tfeu ENGINEERING SERVICES 4CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET '. Page 299 (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: _N/A_ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 00 Ref. NFP-nFl,-nR Rev 09

                                                 )40n - j?   pf;&rl"" vaf21~.0 ENGINEERING SERVICES                         CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHE~ET                  I<<      Page _30-(Next Project., Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station                   Unit.- -1                         Disposition: _N/A_

Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No, Revision J. Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 JH21 C092 100 R~ef. 11 Calculation of Inhalation and Immersion Doses with RADTRAD - Case 1A Refer to Appendix D. Confirmation and Supporting Calculations with STARDOSE Refer to Appendix E. Reactor Building Shine Dose to Control Room The RB activities and photon sources are presented in Appendix F. Appendix G provides the QADMOD analysis with confirmnation provided in Appendix H. NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page 91-(Next Project.' Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1- Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 00 Ref. Plume Shine Dose to Control Room The plume activities, photon sources, and the QADMOD analyses are presented in Appendix 1. Appendix J provides a check of the sources with confirmation of the QADMOD analysis provided in Appendix K. Control Room Filter Shine Dose to Control Room Refer to Appendix L. Confirmation of Early Actuation of RBEVS Based on Reactor Building Activity These analyses (basis and confirmation) are presented in Appendices M and N. Identification of Computer Analyses Computer analyses are presented (1) in the main body of the calculation (STARpH, Add Acid) to determine the pH at 24 hours with suppression pooi buffering considered), (2) in Appendix B (STARNAUA) to determine the spray and steam line sedimentation removal rates), (3) in Appendix D (RADTRAD) to calculate the immersion doses of record for Case IA, (4) in Appendix E (STARDOSE) to confirm the RADTRAD results and to provide inputs for Appendices G, 1, L, and M (QADMOD analyses for reactor building and plume shine, a manual calculation for shine from the control room filters, and a MicroShield analysis for the reactor building exhaust dose monitor response to confirm ini~tiation of RBEVS) (5) in Appendices G and I (QADMOD) for analyses of reactor building and plume shine for the control room, and (6) in Appendix M (MicroShield) for the analysis of the reactor building exhaust dose monitor response to confirmn initiation of RBEVS (confirmned in Appendix N with QADMOD) In addition the web-based RadPro Calculator is used in Appendix H in the confirmation of the Appendix G QADMOD analysis. Detailed Results The limiting Case 1A results obtained with RADTRAD are as follows: Run ftRelease Pathway 30-d Max 2-h 30-d CR TEDE EAB TEDE LPZ TEDE ______(rem) (rem) (rem) lAa MSTV and Permanent Bypass 8.55E-01 8.6 1E-0OI 2.90E-01 lAb Temporary Bypass 1.77E+00 6.3 1E+00 9.22E-0OI lAc Stack Release 5.l1E-02 O.OOE+OO 1.40E-02 lAd ESF Temporary Bypass 5.39E-01 I1.54E+00 2.84E-01 lAe I ESF Stack Release I 6.87E-01 I 3.09E-01 I 8.77E-02 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page (Next A-1) Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: - -aclto Disposition: Originator/Date Reieer/Date CluainN.Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Laver 12/1 2/06 H21CO92 00 Ref. (2) External Shine 9.10E-01 (1) (1) Total All Pathways 4.8 1E+00 9.02E+00 1.60E+/-00 Li7mitT 5 25 25 (1) Not applicable for offsite dose (2) Not calculated with R-ADTRAD, Total Shine is equal to O.62rem [RB shine, Appendix G] + O.26rem [Plume Shine, Appendix J] + 0.O3rem [CR Filter Shine, Appendix L] (3) LOCA dose limit at 30 days Conclusions The calculated doses meet the applicable limits of Reference 1. NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _Al-_ (Next Project.,Nine Mile Point Nuclear'Station Unit: -1 Disposition:- OriginatorIOate ReviewedfDate Calculatio n No. Revision J.Metcalf 12112/06. D.Leaver 12112106 H21C092 00 Appendix A Fraction of ESF Leakage Iodine Carrier Gas Released During Drawdown (13 Pages) Refer to the Design Input Summary of the main body of the calculation for all inputs. Background/Methodology The mechanical pressure-boundary elements of systems recirculating reactor coolant/suppression pool water post-accident outside the primary containment (such as pump seals, valve stem packing, flanges, etc.) are subject to leak-age. For? NMPl, the design basis leakage rate Is 600.gph, and, this value is increased by a factor of two for purposes o~f the dose analysis (see Assumption 8 of the main body of the calculation). Ten percent of the radioiodine dissolved in the reactor coolant is assumed to re-evolve from the liquid and become airborne as it lcaks from the ESF systems. There is a functional relationship between the iodine concentration in the liquid and that in thle gas above the liquid; iLe.: [121gas = r(EI],pH,T~aqueous. One can obtain the following exporession for the mole fraction, F, of the total aqueous iodine that is in elemental form (from Rcfecrcncc A-I): F = [1/[2[I)= (1 + e"(PH)rp )'I Where a = 1.72 and 13=-6.08. Note that this is a mole, concentration ratio as written, not. a mass concentration ratio. Two other ratios of importance are the, partition factor, P, defined as: P = [121 ....... [I2lg,. And the overall DF, H, which is the reciprocal of the ratio of mass concentration in the gas phase (airborne elemental; i.e., 2 [IL-)gs) to total iodine mass concentration in the liquid phase. which is assumed tot),e [Iauos= 2 [12]aqueous + Iflaqucouso So: H = (I 1 2]aqueous+([lr1aqucou) 2

                                                           }/[12]5 gar, These three ratios may be combined to obtain H in terms of P and F;ý ie.:.

H O.5P(1+ 1/F). P is also Reference A- I as: Logl(oP = 6.29-0.0149T (for T in degrees Kelvin). Therefore, using the expressions for P and F: H = lo5.990.OOI49T ( 2 +4 et .721pH)-6.O8). For example, if T is .164.8 F (347 K, the maximum suppressiont pool temperature) is us 'ed in connection. wvith a pH of 7, the value of H is 2571. This means the liquid, phase mass concentration of iodine will be 2571 times the gas phase concentration of iodine at equilibrium. If the liquid phase leak rate is L in ggph, then the fraction, ý, of incoming iodine that. can be. removed by an equilibrium gas flow, GF, in cfmn is the iodine removed/iodine in or:

                        =GF(448.8       ophlcfm)/HL Solvittg for the gas flow:

2 ~o)L(4. p/fn GF=4HL/(448.8 gphlcfm) = tl { 0 9'.0:49T( 2 + e'l NEP-DE S-OS Rev 09

ENGINEEiRING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _A2 3 Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition;- - Trigin~atorlDate _Reviewer/Date calculation No. Revison J. Metcalf 12/12106 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21.CO92 GO

             ýFor L= 1200 gph and iJ= 10%:

GF =0.267 f 10 5.99_O0l49T( 9 4 e1 .72(PH).6.08)i. [Equation A- I) For~the pH of 7/pool1 temi-perature of 3.47 K example, GF = 68.7 cfm. WNhile this gas flow is not excessive in a general ventilation sense, it .is large relative to the outleakage of

             .the reactor building during the drawdown period. The reactor building leakage pathway necessary to meet the leaktightness requirements of the building is given in the Design Input Summ ary as:

Af,,K= 0.S ft' The 95h percentile wind speed. is 22 mph. In determining the drawdown time of the reactor building, 80%/ of this area is assumed to be on the windward side of the building with a wind pressure coeffieient, Cp, value of 0.8 (the Cp value being the multiplier for the dynamic pressure component of the total

             .stagnation pressure). A typical pressure distribution on a prismatic building (in terms of Cp) sa follows (where the point of interest is located at zero, degrees and the wind is assumed to vary around the

Figure A Variation in Cp with Wind Direction 0.7----______________---____ 0.6 0 .5 ._

                                                                                     ...........                                _

0.4,_ _ 0.32 .-

                                        -0   01                     ... ---  --- -   .     -        . .           ---       ...
                                                                                                                        ......  .......
                                        -0.1    ...................       ..            --                 --      .     .        .       _
                                        -0.34__                                                                                        __
                                        -0.5                                                            __

0 50 120 180 240 300 360 Wind Direction The data for this figure are taken from Table 3 of Reference A-2.. Using a value of Cp =+0.& is evidently conservative. 2 For a 22 mph wind, the dynamic pressure component of the total stagnation, pressure is 0.00048(mph) (in inches of water) where the 0.0.0048 is the conversion factor for ( 12 "/ft)(l.2E-3 specific gravity of air)[2.15 (ft/se C).2 /m h 2 ]/(2g). The dynamic pressure component of the total stagnation pressure is, therefore, 0.232 inches of water; and assuming a Cp value of 0.8, the pressure at the inleakage location -t NFP-GP S-SR_ Rev 09

[ENGINEERiNG SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -A3_ (Next __ Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -I Disposition: Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J.Me~tcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 00 Ref on the windward side of the building wo~uld be (0.8)(Q.232 inches of water) or 0.186 inches of water. The following prcssurc is the maximum pressure in the reactor building during, drawdown assuming single RBEVS operation (see Design Input Summnary in the main body of the calculation for a reference to the data set): Figure A-2 -ReactorBuilding Max Pressure 2 ..........

                                                         ...............  -                 --- *--**-** *............... . -----

0 1 .........-

                             -0.5 0      '0.5         1        .1.5         2       2.5              3     3.5          4         4.5 Hours The peak reactor building pressure of 2.31 inches of water is reached in 205 seconds after the LOCA and concurrent LOOP. Sincc the activity release does not begin for two minutes, it is conservative (but not excessively so) to assurne that the peak pressure exists frocm t = 0 until.205 seconds.

Using the pressure transient in the reactor building as shown in Fi gure A-2, 'one may calculate the potential outleak-age during drawdown. Note that in calculating this internal pressure, 80% of the leakage area w~as assumed. to be at the point of maximum pressure on the windward side of the building (this maximum pressure being determined by the assumed Cp = +0.8). If this assumptionwr ple consistently, only 20% of the leakage area would be available for outleakage. However, for conservatism, outleakage is calculated on the basis of 50% of the leakage area being at a point on the leeward side of the reactor building where the Cp is conservatively assumed to be -0.7 For the 9 5 th percentile. wind, speed of 22 "mph,the corresponding pressure is -0. 162 inches of water. Note that this pressure is reached at 250 minutes (4.167 hours) which is the point where the curve of Figure A-2 is truncated. Note also that the drawdown time of 298 minutes is a conservative interpretation of a drawdown analysis performied for zero wind speed but with a~conser'ative acceptance criterion for establishing secondary containment of the maximum pressure being, no greater than -0.25 inches of water (used in Rcfcrcnce A-3 as the basis for the 298 minute drawdown time). Once the outleakage is known, it may be compared to the GF calculated from the expression given NEP-DE S-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _A4_. (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -I- Disposition: 6gmor/Date Reviewer/Date Calculaton No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 0. Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 00 F~ef. above as a function of: pH and T (Equation A-1,).. The suppression pooi pH is as follows (refer to Design Input Summary): tjrkPi Ppsi-LOCA Toortis pht rur Ci*~sO-oicoc9 lpofk~ 03A 4% AI . 1:1 Note that these data. are for suppression pooi pl-1 prior to introduction. of sodium pentaborate, with the increase in pH being due to fission product cesium compounds introduced concurrently with the release of iodine. Because the vapor Pressures of fission product cesium and fission product iodine are similar, the release from the core is expected to be nearly simultaneous. The same data in tablular form spanning the period of interest, (i,.e., up to 4.167 hours or 15000 seconds) are as follows: Time (sec) pH

                                                                ,132             5.4 1898               7.3.

3.641 7.9 7157 84 7383 8.4 10922 8.3 14448 8.2 17288 8.1 The ratio of the volumetric flow that is able to leak from the reactor building during drawdow-n to the total volumetric flow is the fraction of the ESE leakage iodine re-evolution during drawdown that can be leaked from the reactor building at ground level. The remainder is assumed to be. released with ýthe RBEVS exhaust flow (filtered and to the stack), but with no holdup in the reactor building. NFP-Df~4r-q0 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _A5_ (Next) Project:Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: Disposition: __ [Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calcula~on No. Revision ~J. Metcalf 12112106 D.Leaver 12112106 H21009CO2 0 Calculation An Excel spreadsheet is used to rmake the calculation. The calculation is made with two-minute time-steps. The following constants (as discussed above) arc, shown at the top of the spreadsheet: Suppression pool temperature T (for the calculation of Hl) = 164.5 F 1= 347 K Alpha (for the calculation of H) = 1,72 Beta (for the calculation of H) = -6.08 ESF leakage = 1200 gph = 2.67 cfmn ESF leakage iodine re-evolution fraction = 0. 1 95 thpercentile wind speed = 22 mph Leeward side Cp = -0.7 Minimum pressure on reactor building exterior = (0.00048)Cp(mph) 2 0. 162 inches of water Conversion of inches of water to psi = 0.036 psi/inch of water A/"K = 0.8 ft, Fraction of AY-A( on. leeward side of reactor building =0.5 In the first column is the time (in minutes). In the second column is the reactor building pressure in inches of water.. Note that it is calculated using three curve fits (where 'x' is. the time in hours and "ýy" is the inches of water): First tiimeframe fromn t = 2 minutes to, tx= 28 minutes. MMF Model: y-(a*b+c*.x~d)!(b~x A4) Coefficient Data: a 2.37081 b =0020 c- 0.13783 d = 3.356376, sf-cond time frame from t =30 minuite.s to t =72minutes MMNF Model: yx(,A*b+c*x'd)/(b)+XA d) Coefficient Data: a =-0.39996 b = 0.56122 cx= 0.2496 19 d =2.61.779 Third time frame from t = 74 minutes to t 250 minutes Sinusoidlal Fit: ya-+b*cos(ex+d) Coefficient Data: a =-0.1141.4 b x 0.04868 NEP-DES- 8 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _A6-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition:- 0nginatorl0alte Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12112/06 H1210C092 00 ef. c = 0.90319)56 d = -0.72094. The comparison of the three expressions to the actual data is shown on the following Figure A-3: Figure A Actual Data vs. Fit

                                                           -ActualI 2---....            Fit
                               . 1. 5j            .
                                              .......          ..........                   _ _   ____                   _     __  _


                                                                  .       . _ _                                __              ...
                                -0.5 -                              .   .
                                                          ..... ...........                     .                                       I 0            0.5           1          1.5      2        2.5            3      3.5     4         4.5:

Hours In, the third coIlumn., the differential between the pressure shown above -and the minifimumn pressure on the

            ,exterior of the reactor building for a 22 mph wind (-0. 162 inches of water) is calculated. This differential pressure is converted to psi in Column 4 by multiplying Cokum~n 3 by 0.036.

In the fifth columin, the volumetric flowrate'out of the building, Q~,due to the available leakage area and the maximum available differential pressure is calIculated from the classical expression for low-M\ach number (incompressible) flow: Qou,*= (Ai.,/&)(,Pgc144Ap/0) (from e.g., Equation 6.98 from Reference A-4 for Qot = AV) 2 Where g, is 32.2 lbm-fth/lbf-sec2, 144 is in /ft7, Ap jis the maximum value in psi (Column 4), pis assumed to be at standard conditions (0.075 lbmr/ft3), and A/yI( is 50% of the value given in the Background/Methodology section of this appendix (in ft2 ). Note that the resuilt is multiplied by 60 to obtain cfm. In the sixth column, the p1H is given. It is based on. the following curve fit (for x =time in minutes and y Rational Function: y=(a+bx.)/( 1+cx+dxA2) Coefficient Data: a = 5.15E+00 ............ NEP-OES-OS Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES: CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _A7_ (Next, Project: Nine Mile:Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: Ori~injtor/Date Reviewer/Date calculation No. Revision J. Metcalf 12/12/06 0. Leaver 12/12/06 TH21,0092 00

Ref, b = 0.254658 c=0,025184 d=l1.75E-05 The comrpais~on of this curve fit to the actual. data isas follows:

Time (sec) pI-I(actual) pH (fit) 132 5,4 5.407 1898 73 7_277, 3641 7.9 7.945 7.157 8.4 8.351 713 83 8.4 8.359 10922 8:3 8.353 14448 8.2 8.225 17288 8.1 8.085 Inthe seventh co~lumn,. the GF iscalculated according to the expression (Equation A-i1): 9 '-"'49 T(2 +e .2p)60 GF= 0.267{ý105' Where the constant 0.267 isthe product of the ESF leakage incfmn and the iodine re-evolution fraction of 0.1. The GF value calculated with this expression isthe volumetric flow of gas that isneeded to. purge the 10% iodine re-evolution from the reactor building. To the extent that this purge value exceeds the Qou value inColumn 5,the difference must either remain inthe reactor building or be exhausted by the ventilation system., Itwill be assumed thadt prior to the end of drawdown, all of the re-evolved iodine will escape the reactor building instantaneously. -Therefore, the fraction of the GF that cannot leak' through the 50% of the leak area at negative pressure isassumed to be released.(filtered) as part of the ventilation exhaust flow. Note that this isconservatively non-physical; inreality,, the fraction of this iodine purge flow that cannot leak or be exhausted from the building would remain inthe reýactor 'buildirhg where it would either plate out or r~emain airborne, thus retarding further iodine re-evolution from 'the ESE leakage stream. The ratio of the butleakage 'to the iodine purge flow (GF) is given in Column 8. If this ratio is greater than unity, then, it is possible that all of the ESF leakage iodine release could escape. the buildingD unfiltered as part of the outleakage. Once this ratio becomes less than unity, however, this ratio determnines the fraction of the, re-evolved iodine that can bypass the RBEVS filters as reactor building outleakage. This is because it is only this fraction of GF that can also be. Q,,,. Columnus 9 and 10 present the points that will be used in the dose analysis for the portion of GE that is released at ground level and the portion that is filtered and released via the stack, respectively. Points are selected to be the midpoints of certain intervals. The first interval ends with the ratio in Columrn 8 becomes less than unity. The next interv~al ends when the ratio becomes less than 0.5, then 0.2, 0.06, and then finally, the point where the outleakage becomes zero (250 minutes or 4.167 hours). Therefore, there are 5 points for intervals ending at 30 minutes, 42 minutes, 60 minutesI122 minutes, and 250 mi,nutes. The midpoints are chosen at 14 minutes, 36 minutes, 50 minutes, 90 minutes, and 186 minutes. In Columnn 9, the Column 5 value at 14 minutes is shown opposite 30 minutcs, thc Columrn. 5 valuc at 36 minutes is shown opposite 42 minutes, the Column 5 value at 50 minutes is shown opposite 60 mninutes, the Column 5 value at 90 minutes is s~hown opposit~e .122 minutes, and the Column 5 value at 1186 minutes is shown, opposite 250 minutes. In Column 10, the difference between the Column 5/9 value NFP-0FES-iR Rev 09

ENGNEEINGERVCESCALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _A8_ (Next____ Project' Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition:- Oiiaor/Data Reviewer/Date Calculaton No. Revision

                 -2/2/6D.                    Leaver 12/12/06                  H21C092                                 00       J Ref.

and its corresponding Column 7 value (but not less than zero)j.s presented. This is the "excess" iodine-bearing gas flow that is assumed to be released via the R.BEVS (i.e., that which is too great to be leaked). Note that for the first interval (in which the Column 8 value is greater than unity), the Column 10 value is zero. F or the first 30 minutes, because of low pH and high reactor building prcssurc and outleakage, all of the re-evolved iodine is able to leak from the reactor building. In Columnns f 1 and 12, the fractional releases, based on Columns 9 and 10 are presented. Sum mary Th1eý data to be used in the dose analysis is, as follows: Based on~ Interval Midpoints. Iodine purge Iodine purge Fraction of total flow released flow released Fraction of total Fraction of released at ground at ground. from stack released at. total released level based) on level (cfln) filtered (ecfin) ground level from stack interval average 1481 0 11.00 0.00 1.00 918 495, 0.65 0.3 5 0.63 792 1761. 0.31 0.69 0.29 474 5253 0.08 0.92 0.09 252 6710 0.04 0.96 0.03 -I NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENG INEER ING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _A9_ (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1I Disposition: C'dginatoril~ate Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 1ZI12/06 D,. Leaver '12/12/06 H21CO92 00 et. a)3 C: TO e) Cv :n6 -.4' < r- v4I'5 , C=, *14 N u) 0) c V, I'D)oC r-Z - N r r A ae4

1. +3+ .44 + +' +* +
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C7- 4IU LJ 4Jw uJ W WUJ- aL JJwLL~J l u43l w wwi, Z E to~k - 0",.. 6 '4~4)


m-- -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -rJX4)j (D coWcNc Ll

                                                 '3                  WWWWJJW~J~J4U (4

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                      '3)N                                        r      4       -     -                                             )      'rlý          m c        )       ý C4r1                m C4                   D   nt         \          N)zc               -    -m           (,4 v'         CC                    M0             o C14                              0ý 44D
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(0 t2 M ci(4 m m w ul-c -L c*) 0- CA.--10 4X C-c - ' - - 0mo o 0:: 0 ' m4 UJ E 'm= NEP-DES-Oa Rtev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page._AlO_- (Next ) J LOngirtator,/Date Project.- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station J.Metcalf 12112106 .D. Reviewer/Date Leaver 12/12/06 Unit: -1 Calculation No., H210C092 Disposition: - Revision 00 Ref. C. I ;I D" 0 CD1 r01 C5 01 146:6 0 ~I 0, a4I 01C)4 C3 01 0~ '4 (10 01or 0C-01 '0 1 01(N 01 "4-. W 4-011 W,1* 4

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ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Paige _All1_ (Next EOriginator/Date Project:, Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station L4. Metcalf 12/12/06 Revieve~r/Date, D.Leaver 12/12/06 unit: 1I Calculaton No. H21CO92 Disposition: __ Revision 00 Ref. 4 U)

          "I 0




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01) CI '.- f_' ,- )'ýC U) C7 Zn0 CZ ) (Z3 0..

C) 0 <C )Cr) C U)U)N 81) no

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NU)Zn)). 4" Zn1 N 04 LN g N 0 m U) U') '4 N 4"' C'- I 00 -CU. )U d)N~nU)'J ' A, -N U) (<40). N <7) '4-0 U) U) N)))

4) Zn (C) <N <7(4) 4') 0 0 U) Zn N ('.1 )... - <4) 0 4) (4) '4 4-. <4) 0~
                                                         <'.4' <5') 4"') 4'1' U) -                <'4 "I <4) 4')') 4)                                  N U) U) n0   §4                  N'                                                                                                 N ('4. N N 0Q~4U)0'                                                                    000                                         0          r   lb0. 04~0 oooooo                                   ~o100o                                          00'0-0
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                                                         -I-ES0 Rev 09


                                                                                                                                                                                                              ) j (Next Project: Nine Mile P0/nt Nuclear Station                                                                            Unit:               1I                                              Disposition. -

[Originator/Date ReviewveriDate CF-alculatin No: FRevision J. Mtcalf 12112106 0. Leaver 12/12/06 H210C092 00 L"C K M Cý'm 'g - 0V ' r- )m

                                                              -           ",L,
                                                                             "       M     -m r Z ul            fz           n     "     ! I-            "

0~~' Cr, 0 0 C.5 6 O C') a,0 C- - ("C 'ýCn ( In . ("N mN ' mC 11 mN m' I-) t t' - "I m f -', (v000i 00 0 "0 0")*00 6TPO 6 o 4-9.1.00 T to 0 1) 000 W M 00000 ` 092 o nC 0~ V N' tjN w' C" 0' Ili (0 C') (0C 0 C16 to to tb . (4 . -i () in Lo%0 u) 0 4 N.~ ) 'CC) 'aC;U C. CL) m md ) m) ML f-C i N) 0 CL) N IN) INCL) INCC' IN)C4'CC) iN (N) IN NC N4)U) 0i

                        ,6     06a           Mw          n      o    00'  a         ca0.Cu)0t0W000                 toto-           0O to                 C6 to,0le0          )           )ts~464 0 C15                               m
             .m            40 r-  C, tC  0     )C u       , '       C-
                                                                     '     '             (     N UN '4P, to I,>                  C')           (N   LN      '     'q C          C;   ei         ;bImu                                  m     _          1   1    0                            0r,        x C)2                                                  C)
                                                                               ý!                         ML a     L)a>r-tz                     qm0             Z c)       (06i a>             -W     (c   'n . I         )  1-4.       (0C' M)        N.-C      -    C        U`) in' tr,      C') tz)     wI Lt.       C C) I"-

In' t'- mC 00( C -1 o o 00o ~~~do o00 0 o) .C' 4'C)'C( N'"'(C- C Cu ~) aU 04 C)(I CC (4 tf: C) '- I CC) w4 0 C C m' ( . ' , s(C(0)00C2 A <- c),-NI0Z'-020'i '~.'a(-C I 0)

                                                                                                                                                    -4'          3 L')(4'C)N    r       -

co L! 2 1C(0)--Lmm 6 C5 N N NC)

                                                   -    -       -   -      -    -    -    -    -

00;0000000:0 , 6 0 0'( )'(4- 1 C IN t' M) INfL, C' N C&O NC0C N CN N N 4tl)N

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Rev 09

ENGIINEIERNG SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _A13_ (Next 8 1 Project: Nine Mile Point1 Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition:'- [OrigimatorlDate Reviewerd~ate Caiculation No. Revision [J._Metcalf 12/1 2/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 00 Ref. References A-1I NtJREG/CR-5 732, "Iodine Chemical Forms in LW/R Severe Accidents" A-2 Persily, A.K. and Ivy, E. M., "Input.Data for Multizone Airflow and TAQ Analysis",.N1ST.1R 6585, January 2001 Aý.3 Calculatioii SO-GOTHIC-DDOI A-4 FluidMkchanics, White, Frank M., WCB-McGraw-Hill, Boston, 4 1 Edition., 1999 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

Polestar Proprietary trade secrets bracketed ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page_-BI_ (Next Project.' Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: TCalculation No. Revision rOriginator/Date R.Sher/J. Li 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 0 Ref. Appendix B Calculation of Drywell and Main Steam Line Lambdas (138 Pages) [Proprietary] [[Proprietary information deleted NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -C1 (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Ong inator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 0.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 Ref. Appendix C Representative Lambdas Based on STARNAUA (10 Pages) Background/Methodology A spreadsheet methodology was used to find representative spray lambdas for use in the drywell and steam line activity removal from the information provided in Appendix B of this calculation. Calculation Three cases were run using in Appendix B. These cases were as follows:

                          " Case 1lA: Core Spray, Division Electrical Failure (secondary spray)
                          " Case 2A: No Core Spray, Division Electrical Failure (secondary spray)
  • Case IB: Core Spray, MSIV. Failure (primary spray)

The Appendix B output Lambda values and time in seconds were imported into an excel spreadsheet. By calculating the rate of change of the lambda value over time (AX /At) it can be seen where lambda changes uniformly. Representative lambda values were chosen to most closely model the lambdq cur-ve generated by the output values. Each case was handled in the same manner, using an excel spreadsheet. For illustrative purposes, a blank table has been provided as a template. Table C- I has the following formnat by column: I1. Time in seconds (From plt file in Appendix B)

2. Time in hours (Column I divided by 3600 seconds in one hour)
3. Time plus two minutes (Column 2 plus 0.0333 (2minl60min in an hour)). In the STARDOSE [Ref C-i]

computer code, t0-is the time of the accident. In Appendix B and RADTRAD [Ref C-2] computer codes t=0O refers to the time of release. For that reason 2 minutes is added to the Appendix B time whet calculating inpu*tsfor the ST-ARDOSE computer code.

4. Noble Gas Lambda (Noble gases are not removed by sprays, this value equals zero for all cases)
5. Elemental Iodine Lambda (Values determined by the STARNAUA computer code, this value is capped at 20 for Drywell (DW) Lambdas [Ref C-3] , and credit is not taken for main steam line lambdas *).
6. Organic Iodine Lambda (Credit is not taken for the removal of organic iodine per Assumption 6 of the Main Body).
7. Particulate Iodine Lambda (Determined by Appendix B)**
8. Solubles (Determined by Appendix B)**
9. Insolubles (Determined by Appendix B)*
           *A DF of 2 is used in the Steam Line analysis. For this reason, no credit is taken for the removal of elemental Iodine downstream.
             **Values are equal per Reference C-3.

NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page - I(Next 12 Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date No.

                                                                                             -Calculation                                  Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06                __       D.Leaver 12/12/06                         IH21C092                                             00 Table C-1: Template for Lambda Determination (Case Numnber) Title              ~        .- ,'-...

Column No. 2~ 3 47

                                  ~Ti~l~).ime2mn-."N~obea Tim~s6)                                   Eemo~dinej     _')igipdine'-   Patodin~e         Slbes The RADTRAD Inputs of time (h), Aerosol, Elemental 1, and Organic I are taken from colum-ns 2, 7, 5 and 6 respectively.

The area without shading is used in the STARDOSE input file where applicable. The charts and graphs below are the calculated representative lambdas to be used in the dose analysis computer codes of this calculation, as well as graphs of the calculated values plotted next to the data from Appendix B. The

           .information is presented in the following order:

CASE IlA: Core Spray, Division Electrical Failure (DW) CASE IlA: Core Spray, Division Electrical Failure (MSL) CASE 2A: No Core Spray, Division Electrical Failure (DW) CASE 2A: No Core Spray, Division Electrical Failure (MSL) CASE IB: Core -Spray, MSIV Failure (DW) CASE I B: Core Spray, MSIV Failure (MSL) N~p-IDFq-naq Rev 09

fENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -C3 (Next EOriginator/Date Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station H.Pustulka 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date Unit: D.Leaver 12/12/06

                                                                 -1 Calculation No.Rvso H210C092 Disposition:  ____sio 00      J CASE IA: Core Spray, Division Electrical Failure (DXV)

Saswl A OWcrqec'ot srvo

                             ~       ie2mnNbl~sEimoi~OgIdiePTtoiemeIb~~                                              nslbe 1.1230 03O<         0.064            0         20.000                 0      52.895 52.895          52.895
                          .O49633 0.~Z~          0.530            0           19.125               0      19.125 19.125          19.125
              .I 1q8UO5 0.~523260        0.557            0         20.000                 0      31.616 31.616          31.616 2       .    .03           0.834            0         20.000                 0      22.682 22.682          22.682
            ~7145.3 198 480              2.018            0           19.849               0      19.849 19.849          19.849
            '9 & >2. 7683"               2.760            0            4.936               0       4.936   4.936           4.936
             ~1-5410 4J8    2805         4.314            0            2.975               0       2.975   2.975           2.975 5 39 64 14 990 1        15.023            0            2.010               0       2.010   2.010           2.010
               'ý3E +06~      ~720]         720           0            0.000               0       0.000   0.000           0.000 55                             DW (core spray and see. cont. sprays on) 50 45 40                                                       -STARNAUA             Output 35 Cu 30                                                             Representative Spray Lambdas 25 2

Cu 20 --- Calculated Spray Lambda Curve 15 10 5 0 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 Time (see)

-I NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page C4 (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: CacltoN. Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date CllaonN.Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D,Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 00 Ref. CASE 1A: Core Spray, Division Electrical Failure (MSL)l Time(sec) Time h Tm 2mn Nbea Elnld <Ogdi Ratdje Slubles .-'Insolubles' 2'36-,761J o:Oi0 1 0.044 0 0.000 0 1.354 1.354 1.354 943"4':5 4 .2-25959: 0.293 0 0.000 0 1.246 1.246 1.246 1.94-3 05860.562 0 0.000 0 0.860 0.860 0.860

               '.4-241)         '1 -177177,         1.211                 0        0.000           0         0.752    0.752          0.752 t758&              21078,            2.244                  00.000                  0         0.777    0.777          0.777 1t78-27.        94,95210           4.985                 0        0.000           0         0.691    0.691          0.691 0

8_ ., 79948' 8.028 0 0.000 0 0.498 0.498 0.498

                     ~8 125          0 4          24.081                  00.000                   0         0.317    0.317          01 E+ý2o720                                     0        0.000           0-        0.000    0.000          0.000) 50 scfli MSL, (core spray and sec. cont. sprays on) 2.0                                                                   STARNAUA Output 1.8 1.6                                                               ClRepresentative Spray Lambdas 1.4 1.2                                                            - ---Calculated  Spray Lambda Curve
         -e 1.0 S 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0               5000        10000              15000      20000        25000         30000      35000 Time (see) 1Preliminary results, see Appendix    C-1 for further detail NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -.C5 (Next FOriginatorl~ate Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station FH. Pustulka 12/12/06 Rev iewer/Date D Leaver 12/12/06 Unit: 1_ 0.064 0 44.454 44.454 44.454 0.529 0 18.932 0 18.932 18.932 18.932 0.555 0 20.000 0 27.189 27.189 27.189 0.932 0 19.258 0 19.258 19.258 19.258 2.0 19 0 16 .487 0 16.487 16.487 16.487 3.233 0 4.427 0 4.427 4.427 4.427 4.829 0 2.718 0 2,718 2.7 18 2.718 15.803 0 1.950 0 1.950 1.950 1.950 55 DW (no core spray and sec. cont. sprays on) 50 45 40 35 30 25 E 20 15 10 5 0 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 Time (sec)

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -C6 (Next - Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1_ Disposition: Originator/Date Reviewer/Date H.Pustulka 12/12/06 ID.Leaver 12/12/06 CASE 2A: No Core Spray, Division Electrical Failure (MSL) 0.044 0 0.000 0 1 .387 1.387 1.387 0.293 0 0.000 0 1.273 1.273 1.273 0.559 0 0.000 0 0.884 0.884 0.884 1.011 0 0.000 0 0.812 0.812 0.812 1.957 0 0.000 0 0.908 0.908 0.908 3.992 0 0.000 0 0.816 0.816 0.816

                                   .5.950                 0              0.000            0    0.604    0.604         0.604 19.106                  0              0.000            0    0.380    0.380         0.380 50 scfh MSL, (no core spray and sec. cont. sprays on)
                                                           -STARNAUA               Output 2.0 1.8                                          13Representative        Spray Lambdas 1.6 1.4                                   ----      Calculated Spray Lambda Curve 1.2 Ce 7:1 1.0
        -0                                          - - -M E 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0
  • 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 Time (sec)

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -Cl (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: _ Disposition: __ Calculation No. Revision LOriginatorlDate H.Pustulka 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 00 Case 11B: Core Spray, MSIV Failure (DW) Case

                                                      '                                    o O2' I     60  02841-      0.062              0         20.000             0          59.045   59.045        59.045 1~i79 -04839        0.516              0         20.000             0          21.126   21.126        21.126 18-14 74ý.51112-2ý     0.545              0         20.000             0          34.874   34.874        34.874 28 92.6' '8O3ý50       0.837              0         20.000             0          24.969   24.969        24.969 7143.4 1.9842-8        2.018              0         20.000             0          21.706   21.706        21.706 105,29,3             2.965              0          5.014             0           5.014    5.014          5.014 1T17A4.7~70,48       4.804              0          2.961             0           2.961    2.961          2.961 13991               0.15       1                 0           1.990    1.990          1.990
           3E+j6=       "72         720              0          0.000             0           0.000    0.000          0.000 55                    DXV (core spray and primary cont. sprays on) 50 45
                                                               -STARNAUA        Output 40 35 ol   Representative Spray Lambdas 30 25           LPJ 2                                                      ---Calculated Spray Lambda Curve 20 15 10 5

0 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 Time (see) -I Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -C8-(Next - Disposition: CASE 113: Core Spray, MSIV Failure (MSL) 0.044 0 0.000 0 1.341 1.341 1.341 0.293 0 0.000 0 1.236 1.236 1.236 0.561 0 0.000 0 0.852 0.852 0.852 1.216 0 0.000 0 0.762 0.762 0.762 2.232 0 0.000 0 0.835 0.85 0.835 4.850 0 0.000 0 0.720 0.720 0.720 7.668 0 0.000 0 0.519 .0.519 0.519 20.453 0 0.000 0 0.339 0.339 0.339 720 0 0.000 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 50 scfh MSL, (core spray and primary cont. sprays on) STARNAUA Output 2.0 1.8 Representative Spray Lambdas 1.6 1.4 ---- Calculated Spray Lambda Curve 1.2

         -oj 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 5000       10000      15000      20000       25000      30000      35000 Time (see)

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION: SHEET Page -C9-(Next Project.- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 Clulto o Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Caclto oRevision H.Pustulka 12/12106 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 J Appendix C-I: Conservative Preliminary MSL Lambdas for Case 1A Methodology Preliminary MSL Lambda values were used in the dose analysis. Justification Since the preliminary values were conservative (as depicted in the graph below), the preliminary lambdas were used in the subsequent dose analyses. 50 scfh MSL, (core spray and sec. cont. sprays on) Preliminary Data 2.0 -0 Representative Spray Lambdas 1.8 1.6 -- -- - Calculated Spray Lambda Curve

                ~1.4                                    --     STARNAUA Output S1.2________________                                                                  __

20.6 0.4T 0.2 0.0 I 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 Time (sec) NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page 010 (Next I Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: FCauatoN. Disposition: Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Caclto oRevision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 0092 00 References C-1 TAROSE ode reprtPolestar Applied Technology, Inc., Rev. 1, March 2002. C-2 NUREG/CR-6604, "RADTRAD: A simplified model for Radionuclide Transport and Removal oseEstiatin,"Dated April 1998 (with Supplements 1 and 2) And NFP-DES-linR Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -DL. (Next - Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: CluainN Disposition: ____iio OriginatorlDate Reviewer/Date CluainN.Rvso FJo. Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 0 Appendix D RADTRAD Dose Analysis (123 Pages) Application of the Alternative Source Term (AST) to NMPI LOCA Approach Application of the AST to the NMP1I LOCA analysis involves the following steps:

             " Review Regulatory Guide 1.183 (Reference D-1) to ensure that methods being applied to the NMP LOCA analysis conform to the requirements of that document.
             " Using the calculated removal rates and other input data compiled in Reference D-2, prepare a RADTRAD (Reference D-3, D-4) analysis of the NMPlI LOCA radiation doses for offsite (EAB and LPZ) as well as for control room.
  • Obtain the dose contribution to control room personnel from radiation sources outside the control room.
             " Prepare an independent review of the overall AST dose analysis (Appendix E).


1. At the end of the release phase, it is assumed that complete mixing between the drywell and the wetwell will commnence. Suppression pool scrubbing is neglected.

Justification: Because of steam and hydrogen produced during and after the core quench, a rapid exchange of drywell and wetwell gas space is expected. A mixing rate of one wetwell volume per minute is assumed. Suppression pool scrubbing is neglected even though Reference D-1I states that it may be acceptable on a case-by-case basis and even though the suppression pool scrubbing was taken into account (conservatively) in the STARINAUA analysis (Appendix B).

2. Assume that all MSIVs are closed before the activity release from the core begins.

Justification: The loss of an electrical division (assumed herein for the limiting Case IA) will delay closure of the inboard MSIVs, but the impact of the delayed closure is expected to be negligible because of the extended secondary containment bypass considered in Case IA for all containment leakage.

3. Assume that the leak rate from the space between MSIVs is conservatively increased by the ratio of the sonic velocity for the higher temperature of the steam line (550 F) relative to that of the drywell (281 F).

Justification: The ratio of the steam line absolute temperature to the peak drywell absolute temperature is 1.36. The square root of this value represents the difference in sonic velocity (1.17), and this is used as a multiplier for flow out of the space between MSIVs (1.166 x 20.5 cfh/ 60 mmn/hr = 0.398 cfm). Design Inputs Design inputs are consistent with those outlined in the main body of this calculation. Representative spray removal lambdas were calculated in Appendix C from the information provided in Appendix B of this calculation. NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D2-(Next Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: ____iio Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Rvso J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 00 FRet. Methodology Ficitirp Dl-1: Srhe-maifi nf VnI, mes andr Pathkmway for DADrTRDA Volumes Drywell (DW): 1.80E+05 ft' Wetwell (WW): 1.20E+05 ft' Reactor Building (RB): 1.06E+06 ft' Steam Line (SL): 164.8 ft3 (sum of both steam lines) Suppression Pool (Pool): 7.97E+04 ft' Control Room (CR): 1.35E+05 ft3 NEP-DES Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D3.. (Next Project.' Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- -1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 1D. Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 100 Ret. Table D-1: RADTRAD Model Junction Description [I 1 J- 'VV

                                =4I Pathway 11 TX1T VV vv IDescription I 1Em,',nrr 1.oU~rrU..

or a flowrate of one volume per minut' Lamntei i 2 WW --> DW used to represent uniform mixing. 3 DW-> RB 1.875 cfm after 6hours. 4 WW-)>RB 1.25 cfm after 6hours.

                  -5       DW-) SL                           0.684 cfm total for both steam lines (100 scffi) 6      DW-) Environment                  Temporary bypass, 1.875 cfm until drawdown at 6 hours.

7 WW-) Environment Temporary bypass, 1.25 cfm until drawdown at 6 hours. 8 SL--) Environment 0.796 cfmn total for both steam lines (100 scfh) 9 DW-* Environment Permnanent bypass 0.284 cfmn (41.5 scfh) 10 Pool-) Environment ESF (Ground Level Component) I1I Pool-) Environment ESF (Stack Component) 12 Pool-> RB 1200 gph =2.67 cfm 13 RB-) Environment Stack Release to the environment 1600 cfmf. 14 Environment-> CR Unfiltered inleakage 100 cfmn 15 Environment-) CR Filtered inleakage 2025 cfmn 16 CR-) Environment Exhaust from the CR, 2125 cfm (2025 cfm + 100 cfmf) The dose calculation model consists of eight control volumes representing the Drywell (DW), Wetwell (WW), Reactor Building (R-B), Steam Line (SL), Environment, Suppression Pool (Pool), Dummy Volume (Dummy) and the Control Room (CR). All the control volumes are arranged as shown on Figure D-lI with the various junctions that connect them. These junctions are associated with volumetric flows which determine the rate at which radioactivity is exchanged between the control volumes. In addition, removal processes such as sedimentation in pipes and filtration are modeled within and between the control volumes, as appropriate. The RADTRAD computer code is used to perform this dose calculation. Multiple runs Each release pathway to the environment has its own set of X/Qs and needs to be treated separately. In RADTRAD, control room X/Q input is part of the control room volume input, not part of the release pathway description. Consequently, to each XIQ set requires a pathway specific RADTRAD run. It should also be noted that ESF pathways also require unique RADTRAD inputs. Per RO 1.183 (Reference D-1), 10% of the core inventory of iodine (as 97% elemental and 3% organic) must be released to the RB. However, the partitioning of iodine in RG 1.183 amounts to only 5% of elemental and organic iodine (and 95% particulate). Consequently, in order to retrieve the correct amount of iodine in the RB with the NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D4-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 correct species, one models the ESF leakage as follows: (1) Twice the core inventory of iodine is placed into the suppression pool so that the pooi inventory of elemental and organic iodine corresponds to 10% of the initial inventory, (2) The leakage from the pool to the RB is filtered with a filter efficiency of 100% for the particulate sp~ecie so that only the elemental and orgaanic ,;necies enter the. RB. In RADTRAD, releases from the core into a control volume are modeled by directing a fraction of an entire core inventory file into that specific volume. However, it is not possible to distinguish between nuclides, that is to say it is not possible to affect all the AST nuclides to the DW and some additional iodine nuclides to the pool for ESF treatment purposes. Moreover, the code accepts only one inventory file at a time. One easiest way to model the ESF release would have been to double the initial core inventory and to put 50% of it into the drywell and 50% of it into the suppression pooi in the same run. However, this option would have put noble gases in the suppression pool control volume in addition to the iodine and other particle isotopes. While the latter isotopes could be filtered out when modeling the leakage to the reactor building, noble gases cannot be removed. Therefore, this option was abandoned, as it would have tripled the noble gas inventory in the problem. (Note that some noble gases are actually produced, resulting from decay of iodine isotopes in the suppression pool, but there should not be any noble gases in the suppression pool in the first place.) Consequently, a specific release fraction file (named BWVRIdblt.rft) was prepared. It includes iodine nuclides (with a doubled inventory to reach the 10% release level) and all other nuclides of the original file (but with their inventories set to zero). Two additional RADTRAD runs were then performed with this specific "ESF" source term: one for the ESF activity leaking out to the environment from the base of the stack, one for the leakage out of the stack. Five plant scenario files were created for this analysis. For each run, the inactive release pathways to the environment are redirected to a dummy volume so that the flow paths are not set to zero. Shutting down completely the inactive junctions would have an impact on the activity present in each control volume over time and would not give correct results. The five runs are as follows: o IlAa: MSrV and Permanent Bypass (Uses TB X/Qs) o lAb: Temporary Bypass, ends at 6 hours (Uses RB X/Qs) o IlAc: Stack Release (Uses Stack X/Qs) o l Ad: ESF Temporary Bypass, ends at 6 hours (Uses RB X!Qs) o IlAe: ESF Stack Release (Uses Stack XIQs) Secondar Input Files Plant Scenario File (psi) Each of the five RADTRAD runs uses a specific main input file (.PSF). These files are the key input files as they contain most the key information related to the run: control volumes, junctions, filter efficiencies, X/Qs etc. Nuclide Information File (niji) The 60 isotopes used in RADTRAD are listed in the nmpl nif file. One will find the radionuclide inventories listed as Ci/MWt in this file. The inventory input is the exact inventory of Reference D-2, Item 1.2. NEP-QE s-n8 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _D5_ (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Calculation No. Revision riginator/Date O Reviewer/Date Jo.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 00

Ref, Release FractionFile (rfi):

The files BWvRDBA.rft and 13W`R-Idblt.rft were used. These file contains informnation specific to the AST source term, i.e., the fraction and timing of each release phases. A delay of two minutes is credited before the 30-minute gap) release starts, followed by a 1.5-hour early in vessel relen~e nh~ie- Thfe re-lenýRe i c~rNmphti- qff-r hours and 2 minutes (2.033 hr) accident time. This file is in agreement with Reference D-2, Items 2.1 through 2.3. BWVRIdblt.rft has all nuclide groups set to zero except for iodine to account for ESF leakage modeling. Dose Conversion FactorsFile (inp) The Dose Conversion Factors file used for these RADTRAD runs is based on the Federal Guide Reports I11 and

12. The file used is IOO6fgrnmpl.inp. This file is a modification of the default RADTRAD file called FGR1I 1&12. INP to include Rb 8 .

Table D-2 summarizes the inputs of each of the RADTRAD runs performed in this analysis. _______ Table D-2: RADTRAD Input Summary _____ Run 15NMP1-Case [ Aa INM 1Ab P1-Case IINMP1-Case lAc 1 lAd ] Ae 1 NMP1-Case 1NMP1-Case

                           -   .psf             lAa. psf     j 1Ab.psf             lAc.psf    j     lAd.psf    J       lAe.psf
                        <      .nif                                               np~i
                           ~ inp                                               1O06fgrnmpl .inp______              ______

Lr"ft IBWRDBA.rft BWRIldbl~rft MSIV & ESF Permanent Temporary Stack Temporary ESF Stack Path* Bypass Bypass Release Bypass Release 6 x -

7. X 8 x---

9 X - 10 -x 11 -- x 13 X I*O0nly pathways that release activity to the environment are included in this chart. The TEDE value for the control room and offsite doses will be obtained by adding the dose contribution from each of the RADTRAD runs. Maximum Two-Hour EAB TEDE The maximum two-hour EAB dose of one complete set of five runs is not the sum of the five maximum two-hour EAB doses of each of the five runs. Consequently, a spreadsheet (Appendix D4) was used to add up the EA]3 TEDE at each time step for each of the five runs and subsequently retrieve the maximum TEDE over a two-hour period. In this analysis the X/Q values are held constant to allow for a meaningful comparison. NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D6... (Next Project.- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -Faiuton. Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date CllaonN.Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 00 Documentation of Runs_

                -    Appendix Dl1: Five main input file*s        (PTh n.-, 1 Aq 1 Ah 1 AP Ald 5mr] I Aý
                -    Appendix D2: Four secondary input files - one .nif, two .rft, one .inp
                -    Appendix D3: Five output excerpts are shown - runs lAa, lAb, lAc, IlAd and lAe.
                -   Appendix D4: Max 2-hour EAB TEDE Spreadsheet Note that inputs were prepared using RADTRXD 3.02a. Execution was done with RADTRAD 3.03 .

Results Table D-3: RADTRAD Results Run # Release Pathway 30-d Max 2-h 30-d CR TEDE EAB TEDE LPZ TEDE ______________________ (rem) (rem) (rem) lAa MSTV and Permanent Bypass 8.55E-01 8.61 E-01 2.90E-01 lAb Temporary Bypass 1.77E+00 6.31 E+00 9.22E-01 lAc Stack Release 5.11 E-02 0.OOE+O0 1 .40E-02 lAd I ESF Temporary Bypass 5.39E-01 1 .54E+00 2.84E-01 lAe ESF Stack Release 6.87E-01 3.09E-01 8.77E-02 (2) External Shine 9.10E-01 (1) (1) Total All Pathways 4.81 E+00 9.02E+00 1.60E+00 Limit, 5 25 25 (1) Not applicable for offsite dose (2)Not calculated with RADTRAD, Total Shine is equal to 0.62 rem [RB shine, Appendix G] + 0.26 rem [Plume Shine, Appendix 1] + 0.03 rem [CR Filter Shine, Appendix L] (3) LOCA dose limit at 30 days [Ref D-1] References D-1 "Alternative Radiological Source Term-s for Evaluating Design Basis Accidents at Nuclear Power Reactors", US NRC Regulatory Guide 1. 183, Revision 0, July 2000 D-2 PSAT 4026CF.QA.03, "Design Data Base for Application of the Alternative DBA Source Term to Nine Mile Point Unit 1" Revision 0 D-3 RADTRAD Executable Version 3.03. D-4 US NRC NUREG/CR-6604, "RA.DTRAD: A Simplified Model for Radionuclide Transport and Removal and Dose Estimation", December 1997. NF-P-nFE5-Olt Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D7~ (Next ) J Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 -aclt o Disposition: Revsio Originator/Date Reviewer/Date CluainN.Rvso FJ. Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 00 Appendix D1: Plant Scenario Files (.psf) for Case 1A (LIMITING CASE: Core Spray Division Electrical Failure) IpJpeIuix Lu1. 1: iNivir I Cas Imd I tiYio V' Leak~age & Permanent Bypass) Radtrad 3.02 1/5/2000 Case Ifor NMPI-Msivs and Permanent Bypass Nuclide Inventory File: c:\[Pathnamej~nmp1.nit Plant Power Level: 1.8870E+03 Compartments: 8 Compartment 1: ow 3 1.8000E-405 0 0 0 Compartment 2: 3 1.2000E-.05 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 3: RB 3 1.0600E+06 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 4: SL 3 1.6480E+02 0 0 0 0 Compartment 5: Environment 2 0.OOOOE--00 0 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D8-(Next Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: - F 'acito N . Disposition: 'Revsio Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Caclto7N.Rvso J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 IH21C092 100 Ref. 0 0 0 0 Comnn; rt,ment 6-Pool 3 7.9700E-04 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 7: Dummy 3 1.COOCE-iCO 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 8: Control Room 1.3500E-i05 0 0 0 0 0 Pathways: 16 Pathway 1: DW to WW 2 4 Pathway 2i WW to DW 2 4 Pathway 3: DW to RB 3 4 Pathway 4: WW to RB 2 3 4 Pathway 5: DW toSL N~P-r~F~nn NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D9-(Next - Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: ____sio Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No.Rvso [Jo. Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 00 4 2 Pathway 6: DW to Environment 7 4 Pathway 7: WW to Environment 2 7 4 Pathway 8: SL to Environment 4 5 Pathway 9: DW to Environment' 5 Pathway 10: Pool to Environment 6 5 Pathway 11: Pool to Environment' 6 5 2 Pathway 12: Pool to RB 6 3 Pathway 13: RB to Environment 3 7 2 Pathway 14: Environment to Control Room 5 8 2 Pathway 15: Environment to Control Room' 5 8 2 Pathway 16: Control Room to Environment 8 5 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D10-(Next Project:Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: _____io Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Rvso J.Metcalf 12/12106 D.Leaver 12/12/06 IH210C092 00 End of Plant Model File Scenario Description Name: Plant Mode!p. Source Term: 1 1.00002+00 c:\ [Path name]\1 Oo6fgrnmpl .inp c:\ [Pathnamel\bwr -dbaArf 0.OO~oE+00 9.5DOOE-01 4.85002-02 1.5000E-03 1.0000E+00 Overlying Pool: 0 0.0000E+00 0 0 0 D Compartments: 8 Compartment 1: 0 0.001 0 10 0.OODDE+/-00 5.2895E+01 3.0900E-02 1.9125E+01 4.9630E-01 3.16162+01 5.2360E-01 2.2682E+01 8.0030E-01 1.98492+ý01 1.9848E+'00 4.9360E+00 2.7268E+00 2.9750E+00 4.2805E+00 2.0100E+00 1.4990E+01 0.0000E+00 7.2000E+02 0.000E+00 0.00002+/-00 10 0.00002+/-00 2.0000E+/-01 3.09002-02 1.9125E-01 4.9630E-01 2.00002+/-01 5.2360E-01 2.0000E+01 8.0030E-01 1.9849E+/-01 1.9848E+00 4.9360E+00 2.7268E+00 2.9750E+00 4.2805E+00 2.0100E+/-00 1.4990E+01 0.OOOOE+00 7.2000E+02 0.OOOOE+00 0.00002+00 0 0 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D11 (Next - Project.- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1I aclto o Disposition: ____sio Originator/Date Reviewer/Date CluainN.Rvso J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 00 0ef 0 0 Compartment 2: 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 Compartment 4: 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 O.DODOE-'00 1.3540E+00 1.0200E-02 1.2460E+00 2.5960E-01 8.6000E-O1 5.2900E-O1 7.5200E-01 1.1778E-f00 7.7700E-01 2.2108E-+00 6.9100E-01 4.9520E+00 4A800E-01 7,9948E+00 3.1700E-01 2.4047E+'01 0.0000E+00 T2000E-*02 0.0000E+00 n Compartment 5: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Coprmet6 Cop0mt6 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D12-(Next - Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: aclto o Disposition: ____, o Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Caclto o eiio J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 7: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CompartmentS8: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathways. 16 Pathway 1: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+OO 2.0333E+00 1.4400E+'05 0 Pathway 2: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D13-(Next Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition:__ Calculation No. Revision rIginator/Date Reviewer/Date Jo. Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 Ref. D 2 0.OOGDE-'-C 0OCDDOE--00 0 Pathway 3: 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 3 0.OOOOE-'- OD.DOOOE+00 6.0000E+00O 1.5000E-'00 2.4000E+01 7.5000E-01 0 Pathway 4: 0 0 D 0 0 0 D 0 0 3 0.ODOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 6,ODDOE+0D 1.,5000E+I00 2.4000E+01 7.5000E-01 0 Pathway 5: D U 0 0 2 D.OOOOE+00 6.8400E-01 5.OOOOE+01 5.OOOOE-'01 0.OOOOE+00 2.4000E+'01 3.4200E-01 5.OOOOE+01 5.OOODE-i01 0.OOOOE+O0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NFP-nF~q-nR Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D1 4 (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Calculation No. FRevision FOriginator/Date Jo.Metcalf 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 00 Pathway 6: 0 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 O.OOOOE-'00 1.5000E+i00 6.OOOOE-+00 0.OOOOE-i00 0 Pathway 7: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 00000 E-'00 1.5000E+'00 6.0000E-'00 00000OE-'00 0 Pathway 8: 0 0 2 0.0000E-*00 1.OOOOE+/-00 7.9600E-01 2.4000E+*01 1.OOOOE÷00 3.9800E-01 2 0,OOOOE-'00 1.0000E-+00 7.9600E-01 2.4000E-+01 1.OOOOE--00 3.9800E-01 2 0.OOOOE-'00 1.OOOOE+00 7.9600E-01 2.4000E+'01 1.OOOOE-i00 3.9800E-01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 9: 0 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D15-(Next - [ Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station riginator/Date FJ. Metcalf 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date Unit:. 1 - D.Leaver 12/12/06 FCluainN.Rvso C1uato N. H21 C092 Disposition: Revsio 00 R~ef. 0 2 0.OOOOE-+0O 2.OOOOE-'00 2.8400E-01 2 0.OOOOE+,00 2.OOOOE+00 2.8400E-01 2.4000E+s01 2.OOOOE-'00 1.4200E-01 2 0.OOOOE-'00 l.OOOOE+00 2.8400E-0l 2.4000E+01 1.OOOOE-'00 1.4200E-01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 10: 0 0 6 O.0000E-'00 1.OOOOE+'06 2,6700E+'00 5.0000E-01 1.OOOOE--06 1.7400E+00 7,OOOOE-O1 1.OOOOE+06 8.3000E-01 1,OOOOE-f00 1.0000E-'06 2.2000E-01 2.0333E+00 1.OOOOE+06 1.OOOOE-01 6.0000E+/-00 1.0000E+'06 0.OOOOE+00 6 0.OOOOE+00 1.0000E+00 2.6700E+00 5.0000E-01 10000 E+00 1.7400E+00 7.0000E-01 1.OOOOE+00 8.3000E-01 1.0000E-i00 1.0000E-'00 2.2000E-01 2.0333E+00 1.0000E+00 1.OOOOE-01 6.O0O0E-+00 1.0000E+00 0.OOOOE--00 6 0.OOOOE-'00 1.0000E+/-00 2.6700E+'00 5,OOOOE-01 1.0000E-00 1.7400E+00 1.0000E+-VW0 8.J000E-0i 1.OOOOE-'00 1.OOOOE+00 2.2000E-01 2.0333E+I00 1.OOOOE-'00 1.O0OOE-01 6,OOOOE+00 1.OOOOE-'00 0.OOOOE-*00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 11: 0 NE P-DES5-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D1 6-(Next Project:Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __

                                                                                  -FCalculation No.               FRevi~sion FOriginator/Date Jo.Metcalf 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date D.Leaver 12/12/06                   IH21 C092                    100 0

0 0 0 6 D.DDD0E-+00 D.DODDEA00 9.9990E+01 9.OOODE+01 9-0D00E-+01 5.DD0OE-01 9.3000E-D1 9.9990E+01 9.D000E+01 9.OODCE--01 7.0000E-01 1.8400E+00 9.9990E+i01 9.O000E+01 9,0000E-*01 1.00D0E+00 2.450DE+0D 9.9990E+01 9.0000E-'01 9-ODODE-'01 2.0333E+'00 2.5700E-400 9.999DE+01 9.DOODE-01 9.D000E-+01

            &0000E+00     O.OODDE+00   9.9990E+00     9.O000E+01    9.DODOE-f01 0

0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 12: 0 0 2 0.OODOE-+/-00 1.0OOOE+'06 0.OOOOE--OD 6.OOOOE-1-OD 1.OOOOE+06 2.6700E+00 2 0.0ODDE+00 1.0OODE+00 O0.ODDDE-'-00 6.DOOOE+'00 1.ODDDE+00 2.6700E-'-00 2 0.OOOOE+00 1.OODDE+00 0.D0OOE+00 6.OOOOE4-00O 1.0OOOE+00O 2.6700E+00 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 Pathway 131 0 0 0t 0 0 0.OOOOE+i00 1.6000E+'03 9.5000E+i01 9.5000E+01 9.0000E+0-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 14: NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D17-(Next - Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: - -aclt o Disposition: Rvso Originator/Date Reviewer/Date CluainN.Rvso J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 0 0 0 0 0.0000E+/-00 I .OOOOE-t02 0.DDOOE-'-0 0.0000E+00 0.OCDOE+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 15: 0 0 0 0 0 D.OOODE-tOG 2.0250E-t03 9.5000E-t01 9.5000E+0-1 9.OOODE#O1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 16: D 0 O.0000E-'00 1.OOOOE+*00 2.1 250E-+03 O.QOOGE-tOG 1.OO0OE+t00 2.1 250E-*03 O.OOOOE-tOO 1.OOO0E+'00 2.1 250E-+03 0 0 0 D 0 0 D Dose Locations: 3 Location 1: EAB 5 4 OCOG-O .OOOOE-0,00+00 NEP-DES-08 Re~v 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _D18-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: [ __ Calculation No. Revision Orginator/Date Reviewer/Date Jo.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 7H21C092 00 5.OOO0E-O1 1.9000E-04 2.5000E+00 0.0000E+C0 7,2000E+02 0,OOOOE-'00 A O.0000E+00 3.5000E-04 8.0000E-+00 1.8000E-04 2.4000E+01 2.3000E-04 7.2000E+02 0.0000E-'O0 0 Location 2: LPZ 5 5 0.O000E+OO 1.6300E-05 8.00OE00E-O 1.1000E-05 2.4000E-+01 4.6700E-06 9.6000E+01 1.3700E-06 7,2000E+02 0.0000E-+00 4 0.00E00E4O 3.5000E-04 8.O000E+00 1.8000E-04 2.4000E--01 2.3000E-04 7.2000E--02 0.OOOOE+00 0 Location 3: Control Room 8 0 2 D0.0000E+00 3,5000E-04 7.2000E+02 0.0000E+00O 4 D.0000E+/-00 1.0000E+00 2.4000E+01 6.0000E-01 9.6000E+'01 4,0000E-01 7.2000E+'02 0.OOOOE-'00 Effective Volume Location: 7 0.0000E+00 5.8500E-04 5.OOD0E-01 1.0300E-03 2.5000E+00 5.8500E-04 8.O000E+00 2.0700E-04 2.4000E+0-1 1.7500E-04 9.6000E+01 1.5200E-04 7.2000E+'02 0.0000E-+00 Simulation Parameters: 0.0000E-'-0 0.OOOOE+0D Output Filename: CA\[Path namej\N MP1 -Case 1Aa.oO PJ~Qna NEP-DES-OR Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D1 9-(Next Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1I Disposition:.-_

                                                              -TCalculation No.                 Revision Originator/Date                     Reviewer/Date J.Metcalf 12/12/06               D.Leaver 12/12/06           H1       9200 0

End of Scenario File NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D20-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nut/ear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date FC-alculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H210C092 00 Appendix D1.2: NMPI-Case lAb.psf (Temporary Bypass) Radtrad 3.02 1/5/2000 Case I for NMP1-MSIVs and Permanent Bypass Nuclide Inventory File: c:\[Pathname]\nmpl nif Plant Power Level: 1.8870E-*03 Compartments: 8 Compartment 1: DW 3 1.8000E+'05 0 0 0 Compartment 2: 3 1.2000E+05 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 3: RB 3 1.0600E+06 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 4: SL 3 1.648011+02 0 0 0 0 Compa~rtment 5: Environment 2 0.OOOOE+00 0 0 0 0 0 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D21-(Next ___ Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. FRevision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H210C092 00 Ref. Compartment 6: 7.9700E-+04 0 0 0 0 Compartment 7: Dummy 3 1.G00OE--00 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 8: Control Room 1.3500E+05 0 0 0 Pathways: 16 Pathway 1: DW to WW 2 4 Pathway 2: WWto DW 2 4 Pathway 3: DW to RB 3 4 Pathway 4: WW to RB 2 3 4 Pathway 5: DWto SL 4 2 Pathway 6: DW to Environment NEP-DE S-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D22L (Next - Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: T-acil o Disposition: Revsio Originator/Date Reiwer/Date CluainN.Rvso J.Metcalf 12112106 DLeaver 12/12/06 H21C092- 00 5 4 Pathway 7: 2 5 4 Pathway 8: SL to Environment 4 7 Pathway 9: DW to Environment' 7 Pathway 10: Pool to Environment 6 5 Pathway 11: Pool to Environment' 6 5 2 Pathway 12: Pool to RB 6 3 Pathway 13: RB to Environment 3 7 2 Pathway 14: Environment to Control Room 5 8 2 Pathway 15: Environment to Control Room' 5 8 2 Pathway 16: Control Room to Environment 8 5 End of Plant Model File Scenario Description Name: I ~NFP-DOS-q-0 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D23-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1I Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date CluainN.Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 00 Ref. Plant Model Filename: Source Term: c:\ [Pathname]\1 OD6fgrnmpl .inp c:\ fPathname]\bwr -dba.rf't D.0000E-'00 9.5000E-01 4.8500E-02 1.5000E-03 1.0000E+00 Overlying Pool: 0 0.OODOE+00 0 0 0 0 Compartments: 8 Compartment 1: 0 1.OOE0 10 O.OOOOE+/-0Q 5.2895E--01 3.0900E-02 1.9125E+01 4.9630E-01 3.1616E+'01 5.2360E-01 2.2682E+01 8.0030E-01 1.9849E+01 1.9848E-*00 4.9360E+00 2.7268E+'00 2.9750E-*00 4,2805E+00 2.0100E+'00 1.4990E+01 0.0000E-'00 7.2000E+02 0.0000E+0C 10 0.OOOOE-+00 2.0000E-'-01 3.0900E-02 1.9125E-+01 4.9630E-01 2.OCD0E+01 5.2360E-01 2.OODDE+01 8.0030E-01 1.9849E+'01 1.90'48E 1+00 4.9360E--0D 2.7268E+'00 2.9750E-100 4.2805E+'00 2.0100E-*00 1.4990E+01 00000E-+00 7.2000E-+02 0.0000E+/-+00 0.0000E+/-00 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 2: NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _D24-(Next J.Mtcl E Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station riinto/DteReviewer/Date 2/12/06 Unit: -1 D.Leaver 12/12/06 Calculation No. H21CO92 Disposition.-__ FRevision 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 3: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 4: 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0,0000E+00 1.3540E+~00 1.0200E-02 1.2460E-*00 2.5960E-01 8.6000E-01 5.2900E-01 7.5200E-O1 1.1778E-*00 7.7700E-O1 2.2108E--Ob 6.9100E-01 4.9520E+00 4.9800E-01 7.9948E+00 3.1700E-01 2.4047E+i01 0.0000E-'00 7.2000E-02 0.0000E+C0 0 Compartment 5: 0 1I 0 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 6: 0 0 0 0 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D25-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1- Disposition: __ Odginator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 IH21 C092 00 Ref. 0 0 0 0 Coprtment 7: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 8: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathways: 16 Pathway 1: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 2.0333E+00 1.4400E+05 0 Pathway 2: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0.OOOOE+00 O.0000E-'-00 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D26-(Next_ _ LOriginator/Date Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station J. Metcalf 12/12/06 Revilewer/Date DLevr12/12/06 Unit: 1-Calculation No. H21C0092 Disposition: __ Revision 00 2.0333E+00 2.1600E--05 0 Pathway 3: 0 n) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0.OOOOE--0O 0.0OOOE+00 6.OO0OE-~00 1,.5000E+00 2.4000E+01 7.500DE-01 0 Pathway 4: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0.OOOOE-'00 O.OOOOE-'00 6.OOOOE-'00 1,5000E--00 2.4000E-+01 7.5000E-01 0 Pathway 5: 0 0 0 0 0 0.OOOOE+00 6.8400E-O1 5.OOOOCE-01 5.OODOE+01 0.OOOOE-'00 2.4000E-+01 3.4200E-01 5.OOOOE--01 5.OOOOE-'01 0.OOOOE+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 6: 0 0 0 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D27U (Next - EOriginator/Date Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station J.Metcalf 12/12/06 Reviewver/Date Unit: TE7uatoN. D.Leaver 12/12/06 CluainN.Rvso H21 C092 Disposition: Revsio 00 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 O.OCOOEtOC 1.5000E--00 6.0000E-+00 0.0000E-*C0 0 Pathway 7. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 OCOOCOE-tOC 1.5000E-'00 6.OOOOE-+00 0.O0OOE-v00 0 Pathway 8: 0 0 2 0.OOOOE+00 1.OOOOE-t00 7.9600E-01 2.4000E+0-1 1.OOOOE*00 3.9800E-01 2 0.OOOOE-tOO 1.OOOOE-'00 7.9600E-01 2.4000E-t01 1.OOOOE-'00 3.9800E-O1 2 0.OOOOE-'-0 1,OOOOE+'00 7.9600E-01 2.4000E-t01 1.OOCE+00 3.9800E-01 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 9: 0 0 2 OQOOOQE-tO 1.OCCOEtOC 2.8400E-01 NEP-rDFS-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D28-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 IRef. I 2.4000E+01 2.0000E+0C0 1,.4200E-01 2 0.0000E+00 1.OOOOE+00 2.8400E-01

                             ,)nn nE'"C.~f       Afl.lflr -i V       I .ILUUE 2

0.OOOOE+/-00 1.OOOOE-+40 2.8400E-01 2.4000E+'01 1.OOOOE+00 1.4200E-01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 10: 0 0 6 0.OOOOE+0O 1.OOOOE--06 2.6700E-f00 5.0000E-01 1,OOOOE-*06 1.7400E+'00 7.OOO0E-01 1.OOO0E+()(3 8.3000E-01 1.OOOOE-*06 2.2000E-01 2.0333E+00 1.OOOOE-i06 1.OOOOE-01 6.OOOOE-i00 1.OOOOE-'06 0.OOOOE--00 6 0.OOOOE+00 1.OOOOE-+00 2.6700E+00 5.OOOOE-01 1.0000E+*00 1.7400E+'00 7.OOOOE-01 1.0000E+00 8.3000E-01 1.OOOOE-'00 1.OOOOE-i00 2.2000E-01 2.0333E-'00 1.OOOOE+/-00 1.OOOOE-01 6.OOOOE--00 1.OOOOE-i00 0.OOOOE-400 6 1.OOOOE+00 2.6700E+00 5.OOOOE-00 1.OOOOE-00 1,.7400E+i00 7.OOOOE-01 1.OOOOE-00 8.3000E-01 1 OCOCE--CO 1.OOOOE+00 2.2000E-01 2.0333E+00 1.OOOOE+'00 1.OOOOE-01 6.0000E+00 1.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE-'00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 11: 0 0 0 0 0 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _D29-(Next - Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: F allt o Disposition: Revsio Originator/Date Reviewer/Date CluainN.Rvso J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 Ref. I1 6 O.OOCOE+OO O.OOOOE+GO 9.9990E+01 9.OOOOE+O1 9.OOOOE+O1 5.OOOOE-O1 9,3000E-01 9.9990E+0-1 9.OOOOE+01 9.QOCOE+01

             -7(VVnflc(n   1 OA4,CE-1P                 nrrfnnC:P i n, n   nnc    .

I -- UL.1 , -.UvLS - .JZJLT -VvYUYU~ 1) uAuvuL_ I 1.OOOOE-'-O 2.4500E+00 9.9990E-+01 9.OOOOE-'-1 9.OCOOE+01 2.0333E+00 2.5700E+00 9.9990E--01 9.OOOOE-'O1 9.COOOE-+01 6.OOOOE+0O O.OOOOE+GO 9.9990E+00O 9.QOOCE+01 9.OOCOE-+O1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 12: 0 0 2 0.0000E-.00 1.0000E-s06 0.00E00E'O 6.0000E+'00 1.0000E-06 2.6700E+00 2 0.OOOOE+00 1.0000E-'00 0.OOOOE--00 6.0000EE'-0 1.0000E-+00 2.6700E-+00 2 0.0000E+'00 1.OOOOE-'00 0.0000E-'00 6.0000E-'00 1 COOCE-fOC 2.6700E+,00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 13: 0 0 0 0 0 0,OOOOE+00 1.6000E-+03 9.5000E-'01 9.5000E--01 9.OOOOE+01 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 14: 0 0 0 0 NEP-fDFg-nA Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _D30-(Next - Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: aclto Disposition: Revsio Originator/Date Reviewer/Date CacltinN. Rso [J. Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 O.OCCOE+GO 1.OOODE-'02 O.OOOOE-i-O O.OOOOE+OO0 0.OOOOE+00 0 0 0 0 Pathway 15: 0 0 0 0 0 0.OOODE-'00 2,0250E+-03 9.5000E+-01 9.5000E-+01 9.0000E÷01 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 16: 0 0 0.OOOOE-'00 1.OOOOE+00 2.1250E+03 0.OOOOE+00 1.OOOOE+00 2.1250E+t03 0 0 0.OO+01000+0215E0 0 0 0 0 Dose Locations: 3 Location 1: EAB 5 4 0,OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+'00 5.OOOOE-01 1.9000E-04 2.5000E+'00 0.OOOOE+'00 7.2000E+*02 0.OOOOE-'00 NFP-nP~q-nA Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _D31-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- -1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date RevieweriDate Calculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 0 Ref. 4

                 .OOCOCE+OO 3.5000E-04 8.OOOOE-i-O 1.8000E-04 2.4000E+01 2.3000E-04 7 ')r1)rvn)

I .t-v L U n ~ocn

                                .UUL.V 0

Location 2: LPZ 5 5 OCQOQOE--O 1.6300E-05 8.0000E+00 1.lOOCE-OS 2.4000E+01 4.67DDE-06 9.6000E+01 1.3700E-06 7.2000E+012 O.OOCOE-+OO 4 O.DOOOE+OO 3.50OJOE-04 8.ODOOOE--O 1.8000E-04 2.4000E+01 2.3000E-04 7.2000E--02 O.COOOOE-'O 0 Location 3: Control Room 8 0 2

                .0COCE-+00 3.5000E-C4 7.2000E+02 0.OOOOE+00 4

COOCCE--C 1.CCCOE--{I 2.4000E+01 6CCCCOE-01 9.6000E--01 4.OOOOE-01 7.2000E+02 OCOCCOE--O Effective Volume Location: 7 C.CCCCE--CC 2.6100E-C4 5.OCCCE-01 4.8200E-04 2.5000E+00 2.6100E-C4 8.CCCCE-.OC 9.2500E-05 2.4000E--01 6.7000E-05 9,6000E--01 4.9300E-05 7,2000E+02 C.CCCCE-PCC Simulation Parameters: C.CCCCE-OO OCCOCOE--C Output Filename:- CA\ [Pathname]\NMP1 -Case lAb~oC 1 NEP-nF~q-np Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D32-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1I Disposition: __ Calculation No. Revision FOdginator/Date Jo.Metcalf 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21C0092 00 Ref. I End of Scenario File NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D33-(Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date ReviewerlDate Calculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H210C092 00 Appendix D1.3: NMPI-Case lAc.psf (Stack Release) Radtrad 3.02 1/5/2000 Case Ifor NMP1-msIvs and Permanent Bypass Nuclide Inventory File: c:\ [Pathname]\nmpl nit Plant Power Level: 1.8870E+03 Compartments: 8 Compartment 1: DW 3 1.8000E+05 0 0 0 Compartment 2: 3 1.2000E+05 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 3: RB 3 1.0600E+.06 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 4: SL 3 1.6480E4~2 0 0 0 0 Compartment 5: Environment 2 0.OOOOE400 0 0 0 0 0 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D34-(Next - Eriginator/Date Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station J."Metcalf 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date Unit: F D.Leaver 12/12/06

                                                                     -aclto o CluainN.Rvso IH21C092 Disposition:   Revisio 00 Compartment 6:

Pool 3 7.9700E+i04 0 0 0 0 Compartment 7: Dummy 3 1.0OO000E'C 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 8: Control Room 1.3500E+05 0 0 0 0 0 Pathways: 16 Pathway 1: DW to WW 2 4 Pathway 2: WW to DW 2 4 Pathway 3: DW to RB 3 4 Pathway 4: WW to RB 2 3 4 Pathway 5: DW to SL 4 2 Pathway 6: DW to Environment NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D35-(Next ) Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J. Metcalf 12/12/06 D. Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 00 Ref. 7 4 Pathway 7: VVVV Lu EnIVV110UI1-11It-C 2 7 4 Pathway 8: SL to Environment 4 7 Pathway 9: DW to Environment' 7 Pathway 10: Pool to Environment 6 5 Pathway 11: Pool to Environment' 6 5 2 Pathway 12: Pool to RB 6 3 Pathway 13: RB to Environment 3 5 2 Pathway 14: Environment to Control Room 5 8 2 Pathway 15: Environment to Control Room' 5 8 2 Pathway 16: Control Room to Environment 8 5 End of Plant Model File Scenario Description Name: NEPF-DES5-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _D36-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit.- 1I Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 00 Ref. Plant Model Filename: Source Term: c:\ [Pa~thn~aumej\l06fgrnmpl .inp o:\ [Pathnamel\bwr -dba~rft 0.OOOOE-400 9.5000E-01 4.8500E-02 1.5000E-03 1,0000ET00 Overlying Pool: 0 0.0000E+00C 0 0 0 0 Compartments: 8 Compartment 1: 0 1.OOE0 10 0.0000E+00 5.2895E--01 3.0900E-02 1.9125E+01 4.9630E-01 3.1616E+01 5.2360E-01 2.2682E-*01 8.0030E-01 1.9849E+01 1.9848E+.00 4.9360E+'00 2.7268E+'00 2.9750E-+00 4.2805E+400 2.0100E+'00 1.4990E+0-1 0.0000E-+40 7.2000E+02 0.0000E-'00 0.0000E+00 10 0.OOOOE+00 2.OOOOE+01 3.0900E-02 1.91 25E+01 4.9630E-01 2.OOOOE--01 5.2360E-01 2.OOOOE-'01 8.0030E-01 1.9849E-'01 1.9848E+00 4.9360E+'00 2,7268E+'00 2.9750E-t00 4.2805E-'00 2.0100E+00 1.4990E+01 0.OOOOE-'00 7.2000E+02 0.0000E-'00 0,OOOOE--00 0

          *0 0

0 0 Compartment 2: NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D37-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 00 Ref. 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 3: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0oprmet4 0 0 0 0 10 O.0000E-*OO 1.3540E'-00 1.0200E-02 1.2460E+00 2.5960E-01 8.6000E-01 5,2900E-01 7.5200E-O1 1.1778E+00 7.7700E-01 2.2108E-+00 6.9100E-01 4.9520E+0-0 4.9800E-01 7.9948E-+00 3.1700E-01 2.4047E-*01 0.0000E-'00 7.2000E+02 0.0000E+00 0 Compartment 5: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 6: 0 0 0

                                   -  I                                                      NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D38-(Next Project:' Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Calculation No. Revision rig inator/Date O Reviewer/Date Jo. Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21C0092 00 0e-0 0 0 0JJ aII II 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 8: 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathways: 16 Pathway 1: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE-+CO 2.0333E+00 1.4400E-.05 0 Pathway 2: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 O.OOOOE+00 0.OOOE-+-00 NEP-DES'-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D39 (Next Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: Originator/Date Reviewer/Date jCalculation No. Revision J. Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 IH21CO92 00 Ref.jI 2.0333E-+00 2.160E+0-*5 0 Pathway 3: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0.OOOOE-'00 0.0000EO00 6.0000E+00 1.5000E+400 2.4000E+01 7.5000E-01 0 Pathway 4: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0~ 0 0 0 3 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 6,OOOOE+00 1.5000E-*00 2.4000E+01 7.5000E-01 0 Pathway 5: 0 0 0 0 0 2 0.OOOOE÷00 6.8400E-01 5.OOOOE-'0 1 5.OOOOE+01 0.0OOOE+00 2.4000E-01 3.4200E-01 5.OOOOE+01 5,0OOOE+01 0.OOO0E+i00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 6: 0 0 0 NFP-nF s-nA Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _D40-(Next - Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: aclto o Disposition: Revsio Originator/Date Reviewer/Date CluainN.Rvso [J. Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00j 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0.DOOOE-'-C 1.5000E+00 6.OOOOE-'-0 0.000DE-+O0 0 Pathway 7. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0.OOOOE-'-0 1.5000E+'00 6.OOOOE--O0 0.OOOOE-+00 0 Pathway 8: 0 D 2 0.ODOOE-+0O 1.ODODE--OD 7.9600E-01 2.4000E-+01 1.OOOOE+00 3.9800E-01 2 0.OOOOE-+00 1.OOOOE-'00 7.9600E-01 2.4000E--01 1.OOOOE+'00 3.9800E-01 2 OQOOODE--OD 1.OOOOE--00 7.9600E-01 2.4000E--01 1.OOOOE--O0 3.9800E-01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 9: 0 0 2 0.OOOOE+00 1.OQOCE+00 2.8400E-01 N~P-flP~-flR NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page D1 (Next - Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Uni t: aclto o Disposition: Revsio Originator/Date Reviewer/Date CluainN.Rvso J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 R-ef. 2.4000E+01 2.0000E+00 1.4200E-01 2 1.OOOOE-'0O 2.8400E-O1 4.40000E+01 ".UU"-E 00 1.4200E-011 2 0.0000E+00 1.DOOQE-iCO 2.8400E-O1 2.4000E+01 1.GOODE-tOO 1.4200E-01 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 Pathway 1D: 0 0 6 0.0000E÷OD 1.O000E+06 2.6700E+i00 5.0000E-01 1.DOOOE-i06 1.7400E+'00 7.0000E-01 I .0O0OE+i06 8.3000E-01 1.DO0OE+00 1.OOOOE-+06 2.2000E-01 2.0333E-+00 1.OOOOE-'06 1 0000 E-01 6.0000E-'CD 1.OOOOE+06 0.0E000E'G 6 1.OOOOE-400 2.6700E-+00 5.OOOOE-01 I.GOODE+00G 1.740DE+'00 5.OOOOE-01 1.OOOOE-'-G 8.3000 E-01 1.OOOOE-*00 1,0OOOOE+'00 2.2000 E-01 2.0333E+00 1.GOOOE-'-G 1.0000E-D1 6.OOOOE--00 1.COOGE-tOG 0.0E000-iO 6 ODOOOQE-tOD 1.DOOCE-iDO 2.6700EF-i-C 5.OOOOE-01 1.OOOOE-i00 1.7400E+t00 7.DOOODE-01 1.OOOOE+00 8.3000E-01 1.0OO000E'O 1 GOODE-i-D 2.2000E-01 2.0333E+i00 1.OOOOE-i-0 1 DODOF-Ol 6.OOOOE-t00 1.0000E-i00 0.00E00E-D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 11: 0 0 0 0 0 kirp-nr-c nq Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D42-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J,Metcalf 12/12/06 1D. Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 700 Ref. 6 O.COOOE-O0 O.DOOCE-iGO 9.9990E+'01 9.OOOOE+01 9.OOOOE-+O1 5.OOOCE-01 9,3000E-O1 9.9990E+0-1 9.QOOOOE+01 9.OOOOE-'01

             ,.UVVULU   I 10-        "
                           .U+4U7'JUuO2&0                99.DGDGE-ýO I,"KE0          9.0060E+011 1.GCOOE-1-OO 2.4500E+00 9,9990E-*01 9.OOOCE-O1 9.OOOOE+0-1 2.0333E+s00 2.5700E+00O       9.9990E-*01 9.QCOOE+O1 9.OOOOE-+01 6.OCOOE-i00 0.QOOOE+00 9.9990E+00O 9.QOOQE+01 9.OOOOE+01 0

0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 12: 0 0 2 0.OOOOE-NJO 1.OOOOE+06 0.OOOOE+00 6.OOOOE--00 1.0000E-06 2.6700E+i00 2 0.0000E-.00 1.OOOOE-'00 0.OOOOE-i00 6.0000E--0D 1.OOOOE-'O0 2.6700E--00 2 O.GOOQE-tOD 1.OOOOE-'C0 0.OOOOE-i00 6.OOOOE-'00 1.0O0OE+i00 2.6700E+'00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 13: 0 0 0 0 0 0.OOOOE+00 1.6000E+i03 9.5000E+i01 9.5000E-t01 9.OOOOE-+01 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 14: 0 0 0 0 Nrp nr:Q np Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D43-(Next - Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -I- Disposition.- ____iio Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Rvso FJ. Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 00 R~ef. 0 0.COCOE+00 1.0000E-+02 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E-'00 0.0000E+00 U 0 0 0 C 0 Pathway 15: 0 0 0 0 0 0.O000E+00 2.0250E+'03 9,5000E+01 9.5000E-*01 9.OOOOE+/-O1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 16; 0 0 OOOOOE+CO 1.OOOOE-+-0 2,1250E+03 O.OOOOE+OO 1.OOOOE-*00 2.1250E+03 0 0 0 0 0 Dose Locations: 3 Location 1: EAB 5 4 0,OOOOE+0O O.OOOOE+00 5.OOOOE-01 5,9800E-05 2.5000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 7.2000E+02 0.OOOOE+0O NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _D44-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 jH21 C092 00 Ret. I 4 3.5000E-04 8.0000E+00C 1.8000E-D4 2.4000E+01 2.3000E-04 V . U UUUL

                                   , J 0

Location 2: LPZ 5 5 0.00CCE--00 1.2600E-06 8.DOOOE+00 8.4000E-07 2.4000E-*01 3.4500E-07 9.6000E+01 1.11 OOE-07 7.2000E--02 0.0000E+00 4 0.OOOOE+ý00 3.5000E-04 8.OOOOE-'00 1.8000E-04 2,4000E+01 2.3000E-04 7.2000E+'02 0.0000E+00 0 Location 3: Control Room 8 0 2 0.OOCOE-+00 3.5000E-04 7.2000E+02 CO.DOOE+00 4 0.DDOOE+/-C0 1.OCDOE+00 2.4000E-+01 6.DDDDE-O1 9.6000E-'01 4.DDDOE-01 7.2000E+02 0.DDDDE+00 Effective Volume Location: 7 0.OCOOE-s00 1.2600E-04 5.OCOCE-Ol 1.2600E-04 2.5000E+00 1.2600E-04 8.OOOOE+/-+00 4.3000E-05 2.4000E+01 3.5800E-05 9.6000E-'01 2.5900E-C5 7.2000E+02 0.OOOOE-'-00 Simulation Parameters: 0.OOCOE+00 0.OOCOE-'00 Output Filename: CA\[Pathname]\NMP1 -Case 1Ac~oC 0 NE P-nFO-n Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D45-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Calculation No. Revision Reviewer/Date Originator/Date J'. Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 IH21C092 00 End of Scenario File NEP-D~-flF~ NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D46-(Next - Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: TCauatoN. Disposition: Rvso Originator/Date Reviewer/Date CluainN.Rvso Ji. Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00J Appendix D1.4: NMPI-Case lAd.psf (ESF-Temporary Bypass) Radtrad 3.02 1/5/2000 Case I for NMP1-MSIVs and Permanent Bypass Nuclide Inventory File: c:\ [Pathnamej\nmpl nif Plant Power Level: 1.8870E+03 Compartments: 8 Compartment 1: DW 3 1.8000E+05 I 0 0 0 Compartment 2: 3 1.2000E+05 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 3: RB 3 1.0600E-06 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 4: SL 3 1.6480E-02 0 0 0 0 Compartment 5: Environment 2 0.OOOOE+00 0 0 0 0 0 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CAL CULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D47 (Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: Calculation No. Revision O riginator/Date Reviewer/ate Jo. Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 00 Compartment 6: Pool 3 7.9700E+04 0 0 0 0 Compartment 7: Dummy 3 1.OOOOE+/-00 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 8: Control Room 1.3500E+05 0 0 0 0 Pathways: 16 Pathway 1: DVV to WW 2 4 Pathway 2: WW to DW 2 4 Pathway 3: DW to RB 3 4 Pathway 4: WW to RB 2 3 4 Pathway 5: DW to SL 4 2 Pathway 6: DW to Environment NE P-DE S-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D48-(Next Project.' Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -I Disposition: Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D,Leaver 12/12/06 H210C092 00 7 4 Pathway 7: V VV LU v~Yironient~I 2 7 4 Pathway 8: SL to Environment 4 7 Pathway 9: DW to Environment' 7 Pathway 10: Pool to Environment 6 5 Pathway 11: Pool to Environment' 6 7 2 Pathway 12: Pool to RB 6 3 Pathway 13: RB to Environment 3 7 2 Pathway 14: Environment to Control Room 5 8 2 Pathway 15: Environment to Control Room' 5 8 2 Pathway 16: Control Room to Environment 8 5 End of Plant Model File Scenario Description Name: NFP-nF~-nR Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D49-(Next - Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1I aclto o Disposition: Revsio Originator/Date Reviewer/Date CluainN.Rvso Ji. Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 0092 00J Plant Model Filename: Source Term: 1 c:\ [Pathname]\l006fgrnmpl .inp c:\ [Pathname]\bwvr -idbl.rft O.DOOOE+00 9.5000E-C1 4,8500E-02 1 5000E-03 1.OCODE-sCO Overlying Pool: 0 0.OOOOE-'00 0 0 0 0 Compartments: 8 Compartment 1: 0 0.0E000E'O 10 0.OOOOE-'00 5.2895E+01 3.0900E-02 1.9125E+01 4.9630E-01 3.1616E-+01 5.2360E-01 2.2682E+01 8.0030E-01 1.9849E+01 1.9848E+00 4.9360E+00C 2.7268E+0-0 2.9750E+00 4.2805E+00 2.0100E+00 1.4990E+01 0.OOOOE-+00 7.2000E+*02 0.DDOOE+.00 D.OOOOE+00 10 0.0000E+00 2.0000E-+01 3.0900E-02 1.9125E+01 4.9630E-01 2.0000E+01 5.2360E-01 2.0000E+01 8.0030E-01 1.9849E+01 1.9848E-+00 4.9360E+00 2.7268E+00 2.9750E+'00 4.2805E-*00 2.0100E+'00 1.4990E+01 0.00E00E-O 7.2000E+02 0.0000E-+00 0.0000E+00 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 2: I ________ MtPnpz nq Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _D50-(Next Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 00 Ref 0 0 0 0 0 D D Compartment 3: 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 D Compartment 4: 0 D 0 0 0 0 10 0.ODOOE+00 1.3540E-+0D 1.02D0E-D2 1.2460E+00 2.5960E-01 8.6000E-01 5.2900E-01 7.52D0E-01 1.1778E-f00 7.7700E-01 2.2108E+0D 6.9100E-01 4.9520E+00 4.9800E-D1 7.9948E+00J 3.1 7DOE-01 2.4D47E+01 O.DDDDE+00 7.20D0E+02 0.DDDDE-.00 0 Compartment 5: D 0 D D 0 Compartment 6: 0 0 0 D NE P-OF' Q Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D51 (Next_ _ tOriginatorIDate Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station J.Metcalf 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date Unit: -1 D.Leaver 12/12/06 Calculation No. H21C092 Disposition: __ Revision 00 Ref 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Coprmet8 0 0 0 0oprmet8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pahay2 0 0 0 0 0ahay2 0 0 0 2 0OOO000OOE0 0E-ES0 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D52-(Next - Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: T Caclto N. Disposition: Revsio Originator/Date Reviewer/DateCacltoNoRvsn J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 IH21 C092 00 2,0333E-i-O 2.1600E+05 0 Pathway 3: 0 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0.OOOOE+/-0 O0.OOOOE-'-00 6.OOOOE-*0O 1.5000E+'00 2.4000E+'01 7.5000E-01 0 Pathway 4: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0.OOOOE-+00 O.OOOOE+00 6.OOOOE-'00. 1.5000E+s00 2.4000E-i01 7.5000E-O1 0 Pathway 5: 0 0 0 0 0 2 0.OOOOE-'00 6.8400E-01 5.OOOOE+01 5.OOOOE-*01 0.OOOOE+00 2,4000E+01 3.4200E-01 5.OOOOE+01 5.OOOOE-'01 0.OOOOE-+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 6: 0 0 0 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D53-(Next_ _ Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ FoJ.Metcalf 12/12/06 riginator/Date Reviewer/Date D.Leaver 12/12/06 Calculation No. H21 C092 Revision 00 R1f. 0 0 2 0 Pahay7 0 0 0 0 0ahay7 0 0 0 2 0 Pahay0 0 0 2 0.OOOOE+00 1,5000E+'00 790E0 0.OOOOE-'00 0.O0OOE+00 790E0 0 0 0 0 0,OO+01OOO+079OE0 2 0.OOOOE+O0 2.OOOOE+00 2.8400E-01 2.4000+01 1OOOONE0 -DES-E-0 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D54-(Next - Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: - -aclt o Disposition: Revsio Originator/Date Reviewer/Date CluainN.Rvso J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 00 [Ref. 1-2.4000E-'01 2.0000E+00 1.4200E-01 2 0.OOOOE+O0 2.0000E+00 2.8400E-01 2.0000E+00 i1.4200E-0i 2 0.OOOOE+00 1.O0OOE+'00 2.8400E-01 2.4000E+01 1.OOOOE-'00 1.4200E-01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 10: 0 0 6 I .OOOOE+'06 2.6700E-i00 5.OOOOE-01 1.OOOOE-'06 1.7400E--00 7,0000E-01 1.OOOOE-+06 8.3000 E-01 1.OOOOE+00 1.OOOOE+06 2.2000E-01 2.0333E+00 1.OOOOE-.06 1.OOOOE-01 6.OO00E-*00 1.0000E+06 0.OOOOE-'00 1 6 0.0000E+00 1.000E-+00 2.6700E+00 5.O00OE-01 1.0000E+00 1.7400E--00 7.OOOOE-01 1.0000E+00 8.3000 E-01 I .OOOE-+00 1 OO0OEA00 2.2000E-01 2.0333E+'00 1.OOOOE+00 1 OQOQE-Ol 6.OOOOE-'00 1.OCOCE+00O 0.OOOOE+00 6 0.OOOOE--00 1.0000E+i00 2.6700E+i00 5.OOOOE-01 1.0OO000E'C 1.7400E-+00 7.OOOOE-01 1.OOOOE-+00 8.3000E-01 1.OOOOE--00 1.OOOOE-'00 2,2000E-01 2.0333E-+00 1,0OO000-0 1.OOOOE-01 6,OOOOE-+00 1.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE--00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 11: 0 0 0 0 0 NF-p-nF.,;-nA Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _D55-(Next - Project.' Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: _ _ 7 Cfa'ato N . Disposition: Revsio Originator/Date Reviewer/Date CluainN.Rvso [J. Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 [ef. 6 O.COOOE÷G0O. OOOCE+0O 9.9990E+0-1 9.OOOOE+01 9.OOOOE-*O1 5.OOOOE-O1 9.3000E-O1 7.0660E-01 i.o400+uu00 9.9990E+0-1 9.9990E+0 9.OOOOE+G1 9.OOODE-'O1 9.0060E'01 9.OOOOE-'-G 1.OOOOE+0O 2.4500E+00G 9.9990E+01 9.QQOOCE-'1 9.OOOOE-+01 2.0333E+00 2.5700E-'00 9.9990E-+01 9.OOOOE+01 9.OOOOE-+01 6.CODOE-+00O .OOOOE+0D 9.9990E+00 9.OODOE+01 9.OOOOE+01 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 12: 0 0 2 0.OOOOE-'OO 1.OOOOE+06 0.OOOOE-400 6.OOOOE-'00 1.OOOOE+06 2.6700E+'00 2 0QOOOOE+00 1.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE-'00 6.OOOOE+00 1.OOOOE-+0O 2.6700E+'00 2 0.OOOOE+00 1.OOOOE-'00 0.OOOOE+00 6.OOOOE+00 1.OOOOE+00 2.6700E+i00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 13: 0 0 0 0 0 0.OOOOE-'00 1.6000E-+03 9.5000E+'01 9.5000E--01 9.OOOOE-*01 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 14: 0 0 0 0 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D56-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1- Disposition: __ Calculation No. Revision O riginator/Date Reviewer/Date Jo.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 100 Ref. 0 0OOOCOE-'00 1.CCOOE+02 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE÷00 O.OOOOE+O0 U 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 15: 0 0 0 0 0 0.OOOOE+00 2.0250E+03 9.5000E+'01 9.5000E+01 9.OOOOE+01 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 16: 0 0 0.OOOOE+00 1.OOOOE+*00 2.1250E+03 0.OOOOE-+00 1.OOOOE-'00 2.1250E+03 0 0 H00E0 .OE00215E0 0 0 0 0 Dose Locations: 3 Location 1: EAB 5 4 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE--00 5.OOOOE-01 1.9000E-04 2-5000E--00 0.OOOOE-'00 7.2000E+02 0.OOOOE+ý00 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _D57-(Next - Project:Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 - Cluain o Disposition .- Revsio riginator/Date Reviewer/DateCaulto NoRvsn DO. Metcalf 12/12106 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 00 K~et. 4 O.0000E+00 3.5000E-04 8.0000E-400 1.8000E-014 2.4000E+'01 2.3000E-04 7.2000Efl+02 n nnnnOE,.n 0 Location 2: LPZ 5 5 0.0000E+00 1.6300E-05 8.0000E+/-00 1.1000E-05 2.4000E+'01 4.6700E-06 9,6000E+01 1.3700E-06 7.2000E+02 0.0000E-+00 4 0.0000E+00 3.5000E-04 8.O0O0E+00 1.8000E-04 2.4000E+01 2.3000E-04 7.2000E+02 0.0000E--00 0 Location 3: Control Room 8 0 2 0.OOOOE+00 3.5000E-04 7.2000E+02 0.0000E-'00 4 0.OOOOE+00 1.0000E-'00 2.4000E+01 60000OE-01 9.6000E+'01 4.OOOOE-01 7.2000E+02 00000E-+00 Effective Volume Location: 7 0.OOOOE+00 2.61 00E-04 5.OOOOE-01 4.8200E-04 2.5000E+00 2.6100E-04 8.OOO0E-'00 9.2500E-05 2.4000E--01 6.7000E-05 9.6000E+01 4,9300E-05 7.2000E+02 0.0000E-'00 Simulation Parameters: 0.OOOOE+/-00 0.OOOOE+00 Output Filename: CA\ [Pathname]\MP1 -Case 1lAd~oC 0 NMp-np~z nA Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _D58 (Next_ _ 1 Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- -1 Disposition.-__ Oriinto/DteReviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision 1 J.Mtci 2/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 0 End of Scenario File NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page D9 (Next - Project:Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: - -aclt o Disposition: ____sio Originotor/Date Reviewer/Date CluainN.Rvso J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 00 Appendix D1.5: NMPI-Case lAe.psf (ESF- Stack Release) Radtrad 3.02 1/5/2000 Case IA orMi-Msivs and Permanent Bypass Nuclide Inventory File: c:\ [Pathnamej\nmpl nif Plant Power Level: 1.8870E+'03 Compartments: 8 Compartment 1: DW 3 1,8000E+05 0 0 0 0 Compartment 2: wW 3 1.2000Ei-05 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 3: RB 3 1,.0600E+06 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 4: SL 3 1.6480E-i02 0 0 0 0 Compartment 5: Environment 2 0.OOOOE-'00 0 0 0 0 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _D60.- (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: aclto o Disposition: Revsio Originator/Date Reviewer/Date CluainN.Rvso J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 00 0 Compartment 6: Pool 3 7 Cq7nnc, CU 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 7: Dummy 3 1.OOOOE+00 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 8: Control Room 1.3500E+05 0 0 0 0 0 Pathways: 16 Pathway 1: DW to WW 2 4 Pathway 2: WW to DW 2 4 Pathway 3: DW to RB 3 4 Pathway 4: WW to RB 2 3 4 Pathway 5: DW to SL 4 2 Pathway 6: NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _D61-(Next Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Calculation No. Revision Reviewer/Date J., Metcalf O riginator/Date 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 00 DWto Environment Pnthlnlw 7: SL to Environment 4 7 Pathway 9: SIW to Environment 7 Pathway 10: Poo to Environment' 6 7 Pathway 10: Pool to Environment 6 5 2 Pathway 12: Pool to EvrBnet 6 5 Pathway 13: RBo to Evronen 3 1 Pathway 14: RtoEnvironmentocntrlRo 5 2 Pathway 15: Environment to Control Room 5 8 2 Pathway 16: ContirolnRoom to Eonviron omen 8 5 End of Plant Model File Scenario Description Name: NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D62-(Next Proj'ect: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Un-it: -1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision K . J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 Plant Model Filename: Source Term: i 6 1.OOOOE+0O c:\ [Pathname]\lOO6fgrnmpl .inp c:\ [PathnameJ\bwr -idbl.rft 0.OOOOE+00 9.5000E-01 4.8500E-02 1.5000E-03 1.COGOE+00 Overlying Pool: 0 0.DOODE-'00 0 0 0 0 Compartments: 8 Compartment 1: 0 1.OOEO 10 0.OO0OE-+0O 5.2895E+01 3.0900E-02 1.9125E+01 4.9630E-01 3,1616E+01 5.2360E-01 2.2682E-'01 8.0030E-01 1.9849E+01 1.9848E+00 4,9360E-.00 2.7268E-+00 2.9750E+-00 4.2805E--00 2.0100E+00 1.4990E+'01 0.0000E-+00 7.2000E-+02 0.0000E+'00 10 0.0000E--00 2.0000E+.01 3.0900E-02 11.9125E-'01 4.9630E-01 2.0000E+01 5.2360E-01 2.0000E+01 8.0030E-01 1.9849E+01 1.9848E+00 4.9360E+00 2.7268E+'00 2.9750E+00 4.2805E+00 2.0100E-*00 1.4990E+01 0.0000E+00 7.2000E+02 0.0000E-'00 0.0000E+-00 0 0 0 0 0 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D63-(Next - L Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station riginator/Date Ji. Metcalf 12112/06 Reviewer/Date Unit: F D.Leaver 12112106 Caclto N. CluainN.Rvso H21CO92 Disposition: Revsio 00 Compartment 2: 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 3: 0 0 0 0 D Compartment 4. 0 1 0 10 D.OOCDE-'-O 1.3540E+00 1.D2D0E-D2 1.2460E+'00 2.5960E-01 8.6DOOE-D1 5.2900E-01 7.5200E-D1 1.1778E+00 7.7700E-O1 2,2108E+00 6.9100E-D1 4.952DE+00O 4.9800E-01 7.9948E+00D 3.1 7DDE-D1 2.4047E+0-1 0.ODOOE+00 7.2000E--02 O.OCDOE--00 Compartment 5: 0 D 0 0 0 Compartment 6: 0 0 0 NEP-DE S-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D64-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Calculation No. Revision FJo. Originator/Date Metcalf 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date D.Leaver 12/12/06 IH21C092 00 Ref. 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 7. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 8: 0 1 0

            .0 0

0 0 0 0 Pathways: 16 Pathway 1: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0.OOOOE-400 0.OOOOE--00 2.0333E+00 1.4400E+i05 0 Pathway 2: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 N~Prw~nR NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _D65-(Next Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit. Disposition:.- _ Calculation No. Revision Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Jo.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 0 D.DODOE-'- OD.CDOOE+OO 2.0333E-'00 2.1600E+05 0 Pathway 3: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0.OOOOE+00 O.OOO0E+00 6.OOOOE+00 1.5000E+00 2.4000E+01 7.5000E-01 0 Pathway 4: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0.OOOOE+00 0.DOOOE-'00 6.OOOOE+00 1.5000E+00 2.4000E+i01 7.5000E-01 0 Pathway 5: 0 0 0 0 0 2 0.OOOOE-'00 6.8400E-01 5.OOOOE-401 5.OOOOE+01 0.OODOE+00 2.4000E+01 3.4200E-01 5.DOOOOE-01 5.OOOOE-'01 H0.OE-400 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 6: D 0 NFP-rDE~-ng Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _D66-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1- Disposition: __ IOriginator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 Rf 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 H0OOE+00 1.5000E-+00 6.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE-'00 0 Pathway 7: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0.0000E+00 1.5000E+00 6.OOOOEA-00 0.OOOOE+00 0 Pathway 8: 0 0 2 0.0000E-+00 1.0OOOE+'00 7.9600E-01 2.4000E+'01 1.0OOOE+00 3.9800E-01 2 O.0000E+~00 1.OOOOE-+00 7.9600E-01 2.4000E+~01 1.OOOOE-'00 3.9800E-01 2 0.0000E-+00 1.OOOOE+00 7.9600E-01 2.400DE-~01 1.OOOOE-'00 3,9800E-01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 9. 0 0 2 NEP-DEq-ORt Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D67-(Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date ReviewerlDate Calculation No. Revisi'on J, Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00J 0.OCOOE+00 2.OOOOE-'-0 2.8400E-01 2.4000E+01 2.OOOOE--O0 1.4200E-01 2 DDOOOOE-'-0 2.OCOOE-+CO 2.8400E-01 2.4000E+/-01 2.0000E+0C0 1.4200E-01 2 O.COOOOE+00 1.OOOCE-+00 2.8400E-01 2.4000E+01 1.OGOOE+00 1.4200E-01 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 10D: 0 0 6 0.0000E+/-00 1.COOCE--06 2.6700E+00 5.OOOCE-01 1.0000E+06 1.7400E-*-00 7.0000E-01 1.0000E-'06 8.3000E-01 1.OOODE-'00 1.0000E+06 2.2000E-01 2.0333E+00 1.0000E-406 1.OOD0E-01 6.OOOOE+00 1.0000E-'06 00000E--00 6 0.0000E-'00 1.0000E-*0O 2.6700E+00 5.OOOOE-01 1.0000E+*00 1.7400E+00 7.0000E-01 1.0000E-*OD 8.3000E-01 1.0000E-s00 1.0000E+00 2,2000E-01 2.0333E+00 1.0000E+00 l.OOCCE-0l 60000OE-'00 1.0000E-'00 O,0000E+00 6 0.0000E-'00 1.0000E-N0 2.6700E+00 5.O000E-01 1.0000E-'00 1.7400E+400 7.0000E-O1 1.0000E+00 8.3000E-01 1.0000E-400 1.0000E4C00 2.2000E-01 2.0333E+00 1.0000E-I00 1.0000E-01 6.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 11. 0 0 0 0 NEP-D-nFla-Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D68-(Next Project.- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1I Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calcuiat~on No. Revision I. Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 100 r~et. 0 1 6 0.OOOOE--OD 0.OOOOE+00 9.9990E+01 9.5000E+01 9.OOOOE+01 5.OCOOE-01 9.3000E-01 9.9990E+'01 9.5000E--01 9.OOOOE+0C1 7.OOOOE-01 1.8400E+00 9.9990E+01 9.5000E+01 9,O0OOE+01 1.OOOQE+00 2.4500E+'00 9.9990E+01 9,5000E+01 9.0000E+01 2.0333E+00 2.5700E--00 9.9990E--01 9.5000E+01 9.OOOOE-'01 6.OOOOE-'00 0.0000E-+00 9.9990E+00 9.5000E+'01 9.0000E-'C1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 12: 0 0 2 0.OOOOE+0O 1.OOOOE-*06 0.OO0OE+00 6.0000E+0O 1,OOOOE-06 2.6700E+00 2 0.OOOOE-'0O 1.OOOOE-'-0 0.OOOOE+00 6.OOOOE÷00 1.0000E-+00 2.6700E+00 2 0.OOOOE--00 1.OOOOE-i00 0.OOOOE-s00 6,OOOOE-'00 1.OOOOE-'O0 2.6700E+'00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 13: 0 0 0 0 0 0.OOOOE+00 1.6000E+03 9.5000E-'01 9.5000E+i01 9.0000E+01 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 14: 0 0 0 NE P-CE S-fl Rev 09q

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D69-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Calculation No. Revision LOriginator/Date J.Metcalf 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date D.Leaver 12/12/06 iH21C092 100 l~ef. 0 0 0.GCCOE+/-00 i.OCO--200000E+02OOOE00 0-0000E+00 0,COOOOE+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 15: 0 0 0 0 0 0.O000E+00 2.0250E+03 9.5000E+01 9.5000E+01 9.0O00E+01 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 16: 0 0 0,OOOOE+00 1.OOOOE-+00 2.1250E+03 0.OOOOE-'00 1.0000E-+C0 2.1250E+03 0.OOOOE-'0O 1.OOOOE--00 2.1250E+03 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dose Locations: 3 Location 1: EAB 5 4 0.OOOOE+/-00 0.OOOCE+/-00 5.OOOOE-01 5.9800E-05 2.5000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 7.2000E+02 0,OOOOE+00 N~PnPRnn NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _.D70-(Next Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- _ _Fuacutino Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date ClitonN.Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 00 4 O.0000E+0O 3.5000E-04 8.000E+OO 1.8OOOE-04 2.4000E-+01 2.3000E-04 7.2000E+'02 0.0OE000E'C 0 Location 2: LPZ 5 5 0.OOOOE+0O 1.2600E-06 8.OOOOE+00 8.4000E-07 2.4000E+01 3.4500E-07 9.6000E+'01 1.11 OOE-07 7.2000E+02 0.OOOOE-'00 4 0.OOOOE+00 3.5000E-04 8.OOOOE-+00 1.8000E-04 2.4000E-+01 2.3000E-04 7.2000E+'02 0.OOOOEi-00 0 Location 3: Control Room 8 0 2 0.OOOOE-400 3.5000E-04 7.2000E+02 0.OOOOE+00 4 0.OOOOE-+00 1.OOOOE+00 2.4000E+01 6.OOCCE-Ol 9.6000E-+01 4.OOOOE-01 7.2000E+02 0.OOOOE+O0 Effective Volume Location: 7 0.OOOOE+CO 1.2600E-04 5COOOCE-Ol 1.2600E-04 2.5000E+'00 1.2600E-04 8.OOOOE+00 4.3000E-05 2.4000E+01 3.5800E-05 9.6000E+01 2.5900E-05 7.2000E+'02 O.OOOOE+00 Simulation Parameters: O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 Output Filename: CA\EPathname]\NMP1 -Case 1lAe.oO NE P-DES5-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _D71-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1I Dipoiton Calculation No. Revisi .on LOriginiator/Date J. Metcalf 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 0092 00 Ref. 0 0 End of Scenario File NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D72-(Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Calculation .No. IRevision EOriginator/Date Jo.Metcalf 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 Appendix D2: Secondary Input Files for Case 1A (LIMITING CASE: Core Spray Division Electrical Failure) Appendix D2.1: Nuclide Information File (.nif) nmpi.nif Nuclide Inventory Name: ST general Power Level; 0.1000E+01 Nuclides: 63 Nuclide 001: Kr-83m 0.6696E+'04 0.8300E+'02 3.270E+'03 none 0.0000E-'00 none 0.OOOOE-+00 none 0.OOOOE+00 Nuclide 002: Kr-85m 0.16 12800000E+05 08500E-02 6.82E-*03 Kr-85 0.2100E+00 none 0.OOOOE+00 none 0.OOOOE-'00 Nuclide 003: Kr-85 0.338613048E--09 0.8500E-+02 3.93E+02 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.OOOOE-'00 none 0.OOOOE-400 Nuclide 004: Kr-87 0.4578000000E+04 0.8700E+02 1.30E+04 Rb-87 0.1000E-'01 none 0.OOOOE+00 none 0.OOOOE+00 Nuclide 005: Kr-88 0.1022400000E--05 0.8800E 4C2 1.83E+04 Rb-88 0.1000E-01 none 0.OOOOE4CO NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D73-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1- Disposition: __

                                                               ý calculation No.                  Revision FOriginaior/Date Jo.Metcalf 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date D.Leaver 12/12/06          H21C092                          00 none    0.0000E+00 Nuclide 006:

Rb-86 3 0.1612224000E+07 0.8600E+02 0.729E+02 none O.OO0OE-00 none 0.OOOOE-'00 none 0.0000E-+00 Nuclide 007: Rb-88 3 0.1062000000E+04 0.8800E+02 1.OOOE-06 none 0.OOOOE-'00 none 0.OO0OE+00 none 0.0000E+/-00 Nuclide 008: Sr-89 5 0.4363200000E+07 0.8900E+02 2.45E--04 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.OOOOE+00 none 0.OOOOE+/-00 Nuclide 009: Sr-90 5 0.91895731 20E+09 0.9000E-+02 3.14E+03 Y-90 0.1000E+01 none 0.OOOOE--00 none 0.OOOOE+00 Nuclide 010: Sr-91 5 0,3420000000E-.-05 0.9100E+02 3.10E+04 Y-91m 0.5800E+'00 Y-91 0.4200E+00 none 0.OOOOE+00 Nuclide 011: Sr-92 5 0.9756000000E+04 0.9200E+02 3.38E--04 Y-92 01000E--01 none 0.OOOOE-'00 none 0.OOOOE-'00 Nuclide 012: NEP-rDES-lI Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _D74-(Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: _1_ Disposition: ~Orginator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision [J. Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 00 Ref. Y-90 7 0.2304000000E--06 0.9000&-'42 3.24E-+403 none 0.OOOOE-'00 none 0.OOOOE+00 none 0.OOOOE-'00 Nuclide 013: Y-91 7 0.5055264000E+i07 0.91 00E+02 3.1 8E-C4 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E-+00 Nuclide 014: Y-92 7 0.1274400000 E+05 0.9200E-+02 3.40E+04 none 0.0000E--00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E-'00 Nuclide 015: Y-93 7 0.3636000000E+05 0.9300E+.02 3.96E-*04 Zr-93 0.1000E+01 none 0.OOOOE+00 none 0.OOOOE+00 Nuclide 016: Zr-95 7 0.5527872000E-f07 0.9500E+02 4.46E+04 Nb-95m 0.7000E-02 Nb-95 0.9900E+00 none 0.OOOOE+00 Nuclide 017: Zr-97 7 0.6084000000E+05 0.9700E+f02 4.51 E+04 Nb-97m 0.9500E+00 Nb-97 0.5300E-01 none 0.OOOOE+00 Nuclide 018: Nb-95 7 NE P-DE S-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D75-Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Dipsiin Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 - H21C092 00 0.3036960000E+07 0.9500E+02 4.48 E+044 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+/-0O Nuclide 019: Mo-99 6 0.2376000000E+'06 0.9900E+02 5.13E-+04 To-99m 0.8800E-.00 Tc-99 0.1200E+00 none O.OOOOE+00 Nuclide 020: Tc-99m 6 0.21 67200000E+05 0.9900E+'02 4.49E+04 Tc-99 0.1000E-.01 none 0.OODOE-'00 none 0.0000E-'00 Nuclide 021: Ru-i 03 6 0.3393792000E-.07 0.1 030E+03 4.29E+04 Rh-103m 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E-i00 none O.COOCE-tOC Nuclide 022: Ru-I 05 6 0.1 598400000 E-05 0.1050E+i03 3.01 E-04 Rh-lOS 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E--00 none 0.0000E-i00 Nuclide 023: Ru-i 06 6 0.3181248000E+08 0.1060E-.03 1.76E-+04 Rh-106 0.1000E+i01 none 0.0000E-+00 none 0.OOOOE-+00 Nuclide 024: Rh-i 05 6 0.1 272960000 E+06 0.1 050E+03 NE P-DES5-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D76- __ Dispos(Netio:_ Project.: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -I Dipoiton Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J. Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 00 ¶e, 2.84E+04 none 0.0000E-+00 none 0.OOOOE+00 none 0.OOOOE+00 Nuciide 025: Sb-i 27 4 0.3326400000E+06 0.1 270E+03 3.01 E+03 Te-127m 0.1800E+00 Te-127 0.8200E+00 none 0.0000E-i00 Nuclide 026: Sb-i 29 4 0.1 555200000 E+05 0.1290 E+03 0.891 E+04 Te-129m 0.2200E+00 Te-129 0.7700E-00 none 0.OOOOE-+00 Nuclide 027: Te-1 27 4 0.3366000000E+05 0.1 270E-'03 3,OOE+03 none 0.OOOOE+00 none 0.OOOOE+C0 none 0.OOOOE-'00 Nuclide 028: To-i 27m 4 0.941 7600000E-'07 0.1270E--03 4.05E+02 Te-127 0.9800E+00 none 0.OOOOE+00 none 0.OOOOE+00 Nuclide 029: Te-1 29 4 0.41 76000000E+0C4 0,1290E+03 8.76E-+03 1-129 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.OOOOE+00 Nuclide 030: Te-l 29m 4 0.2903040000E+07 0.1 290E+03 1.30E+03 Te-129 0.6500E+00 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D77-(Next Project.' Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ riiao/aeReviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision fJ. Metcalf 12/12/06 . D.Leaver 12/12/06 IH21C092 00 1-129 0.3500E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 031: Te-131m 4 0.1 0800000001E+06 0.1310E-'03 3.97E+03 Te-131 0.2200E+00 1-131 0.7800E-+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 032: Te-132 4 0.281 5200000E-'-06 0.1320E-+03 3.85E-'04 1-132 0.1000E-*01 none 0.0000E-00 none 0.OOOOE-+00 Nuclide 033: 1-13 1 2 0.6946560000E+'06 0.1310E+03 2.71 E+04 Xe-i 31 m 0.11 OCE-Ol none 0.OOOOE-+00 none 0.OOOOE-'00 Nuclide 034: 1-132 2 0.8280000000E+04 0.1 320E+'03 3.92E-+04 none 0.OOOOE-400 none 0.OOOOE--00 none 0.OOOOE+00 Nuclide 035: 1-133 2 0.7488000000E-'A25 0.1330E+03 5.51 E+04 Xe-i 33m 0.2900E-01 Xe-133 0.9700E+00 none 0.OOOOE+C0 Nuclide 036: 1-134 2 0.31 56000000E--04 0.1 340E+403 6.03E+044 none 0.0000E-+00 none 0.OOOOE+/-00 none 0.0000E-+00 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D78-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Cnginator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. IRevision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 Nuclide 037: 1-135 2 0.2379600000E+s05 0.1350E-'03 5.16E-*04 Xe-135m 0.1500E-'00 Xe-135 0.8500E+00 none 0.0000E+/-00 Nuclide 038: Xe-i 33 0.4531680000E+06 0.1330E-+03 5.27E-+04 none 0.OOOOE-*00 none 0.0000E-+O0 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 039: Xe-i 33rn 0.1926720000E+'06 0.1 330E+03 1.63E+03 Xe-133 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.OOOOE+00 Nuclide 040: Xe-i 35 0.3272400000E+i05 0.1350E+0J3 1.9 1E-+04 Cs-135 0.1000E-+01 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 041: Xe-i 35m 0.91800000E-'-03 0.1 350E+03 1.09E-fO4 Xe-135 0.99401E-'-0 Cs-135 0.6000E-03 none 0.0000E-+00 Nuclide 042: Xe-i 38 0.85200000E+~03 0.1380E+'03 4.50E+04 none 0.OOOOEt00 none 0.0000E-i00 none 0.OOOOE-'00 Nuclide 043: Cs-134 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _D79-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit. Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J, Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 00 R-ef. 3 0.65071771 20E+08 0.1 340E+03 7.29E+03 none O.OOOOE+400 none O.0000E+0O none 0.0000E+0O Nuclide 044: Cs-136 3 0.1131840000E+07 0.1 360E+03 2.28E+03 none 0.OOOOE+00 none 0.OOOOE+00 none 0.0000E-+O0 Nuclide 045: Cs-i 37 3 0.9467280000E+09 0.1370 E+s03 4.35E+03 Ba-137m 0.9500E--00 none 0.OOOOE-*00 none 0.0000E-*00 Nuclide 046: Ba-i 39 5 0.4962000000E--04 0.1 390E+03 4.89E-+04 none 0,0000E+'00 none 0.0000E-'00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 047: Ba-140 5 0.1 100736000E+07 0.1400E+~03 4.71 E+04 La-140 0.1000E+'01 none 0,0000E+'00 none 0.OOOOE+00 Nuclide 048: La-140 7 0.1 449792000 E+06 0.1400E+03 5.12E+'04 none 0.0000E+~00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 049: La-141 9 0.141 4800000E-f05 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D80-(Next Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: --- ltft o Disposition:___ Criginattor/Date, Reviewer/Date acutino.Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 00 Ref. 0.14 10E+03 4.45E+04 Ce-141 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000EtOO Nuclide 050: La-142 7 0.5550000000E+,4 0.1420E+03 4.29E+04 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.OOOOEi00 none 0.OOOOE+00 Nuclide 051: Ce-141 8 0,2808086400Ei-07 0.1410OE+03 4.47E+04 none 0.OOOOE-+CO none 0.OOOOE+00 none 0,0000E--00 Nuclide 052: Ce-i 43 8 0.1 188000000E+06 0.1430E-*03 4.11 E+04 Pr-143 0.1000E+01 none 0.OOOOE-i00 none OQOOOGE--CO Nuclide 053: Ce-144 8 0.2456352000E+08 0.1 440E+043 3.70E+04 Pr-144m 0.1800E-01 Pr-144 0.9800E--00 none 0.OOOOE-'00 Nuclide 054: Pr-i 43 9 0.1 171 584000E+07 0.1430E+03 3.97E--04 none 0.OO0OE-+00 none 0.OOOOE+C0 none 0.OOOOE-00( Nuclide 055: Nd-i 47 9 0,9486720000E--06 0.1470E-+03 1.80E+ý04 NEP-DES,-ng Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _D81. (Next Project. Nine Mile Point Nucle.~r Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Criginator/Date Reviewer/Date Caiculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 R-ef. Pm-147 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 056: Np-239 8 0.2034720000E+06 0.2390E-403 5.78E+05 Pu-239 0.1000E+01 none 0.OOOOE+'00 none 0.0000E+'00 Nuctide 057: Pu-238 8 0.2768863824E+1 0 0.2380E-'03 1.45E+i02 U-234 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 058: Pu-239 8 0.7594336440E+1 2 0.2390E-+03 1.34E+'01 U-235 0.1000E+'01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.OOOOE+00 Nuclide 059:' IPu-240 8 0.2063867E+l 1 0.240E+'03 1.89E+01 U-236 0.1000E-+01 none 0.0000E-I00 none 0.OOOOE+00 Nuclide 060: Pu-241 8 0.473364E+09 0.241 E+i03 5.49E-*03 Amn-241 0.1000E+'01 none 0.0000E+t00 none 0.0000E-'00 Nucllde 061: Am-241 7 0.13664441 E+1 1 0.241 E4403 7.48E+'00 Np-237 0.1000E+'01 none 0.0000E+00 NEP-rDFS-nR Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page D82-(Next) Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: _TC1cltoN. Disposition.-__ OriginatorIDate Reviewer/Date CllainN.Revision J. Metcaif 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 IH21 C092 00 ef. none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 062; Cm-242 7 0.14083200E+'08 0.242E+03 1.85E+403 Pu-238 0.1000E-*01 none 0.0000E+'00 none 0.0000E-+00 Nuclide 063: Cm-244 7 0.564881 04E-+09 0.244E+03 1.23E-s02 Pu-240 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E-*00 none 0.0000E+00 End of Nuclear Inventory File NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _D83-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: F~ -clt o Disposition: ____iio Originator/Date Reviewer/Date CluainN.Rvso J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 Appendix D2.2: Release Fraction File (.rft) BWRDBA.rft Release Fraction and Timing Name: BWR, NUREG-1 465, Tables 3.11 &3.13, June 1992 Duration (h): Design Basis Accident 0,5000E+00 0.1500E-'01 0.0000E+00 OGOOOCE--CO Noble Gases: 0.5000E-01 0.9500E+0OD .OOOOE+OD 0.OOOOE-00 Iodine: OS5OODE-Ol 0.2500E+'00 O.COO0E+00 O.DOOCE--O Cesium: 0.5000E-01 0.2000E--00 DOQOG0E--CO .OOCCE-.GC Tellurium: D.OOOCE--O 0,0500E-I00 DOOODE+O0 0.COOOE+00 Strontium: 0.OCCDE*CO 0.2000E-01 O.OCCOE-- O .OOOOE-'00 Barium: 0.OOCDE-*O0 0.2ODOE-01 0.COOOOE+00 0.OOCOE+00 Ruthenium: 0.OOOOE-'-D 0,25D0E-02 0.0OE000E-OD.O0DOE-O0 Cerium: 0.0000E+00 0.50D0E-03 OCOOOCE-OD 0.0000E+00 Lanthanum: 0.0000E+0D 0.20D0E-03 0.OOOOE--O0 0.0000E+00 Non-Radioactive Aerosols (kg): 0.0OE000E'0 O.COOGE--OC .COOOE+00 O.COODE--O End of Release File Appendix 02.3: Release Fraction File (.rft) BWR-IdbI.rft Release Fraction and Timing Name: Iodine only NUREG 1465 BWR Duration (h): 0.500DE+00 1.5000E-'00 0,ODOOE+00 G.CCOOE+0G Noble Gases: 0.0000E+.00 D.0000E-400 0.OOODE+I)0.0000OOE+00 Iodine: 0.110ODE+00C 0.5000E+-00 CODOCOE-- O.OCCOE-.-C Cesium: 0.OCDDE+00O, COOCE--CO C.CCCCE-CC 0.000C1E+00 Tellurium: 0.ODOOE-'-0 0,OCOOE+00 C,COCCE-iC 0,CCODE--00 Strontium: C.OCCCE-+-O0 0.OCCCE-+00 C.OOCE--CO OCOCCOE--O Barium: 0.CODDE+00 0.CDCCE-CO 0.00CCE+00 OCCOCE+00C Ruthenium: 0.COCDE-'-0 0.CCOCE-i-C 0.CCOCE+0CO .CCCCE-OC Cerium: OCCOCOE-OC OCCOCOE--O OCCOCE--0C OCOCCOE--C lanthanum: QOCODOE--C OCCOGOE--C OCOODOE--CO 0.0CCOE+00 Non-Radioactive Aerosols (kg): OCCOCOE--C O .CCCE+CC C.COCOE+CC C.COCCE--CC End of Release File NE P-DE S-08 Rev 09

[ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _D84 (Next) 1 Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Dale Caiculaiion No. Revision 1 [J. Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 [~ef 1 Appendix D2.4: Dose Conversion Factor File (.inp) 1OO6fgrnmpl.inp FGRDCF 10/24/95 03:24:50 beta-test version 1.10, minor FORTRAN fixes 5/4/95 Implicit daughter halflives (in) less than 90 and less than 0,100 of parent 9 ORGANS DEFINED INTHIS FILE: GONADS BREAST LUNGS RED MARR BONE SUR THYROID REMAINDER EFFECTIVE SKIN(FGR) 63 NUCLIDES DEFINED IN THIS FILE; Kr-83m Kr-85m Kr-85 Kr-87 Kr-88 Rb-86 D Rb-88 D Sr-89 Y Sr-90 Y Sr-91 Y Including:Y-91m Sr-92 Y Y-90 Y Y-91 Y Y-92 Y Y-93 Y Zr-95 D Zr-97 Y Including: Nb-97m Including:Nb-97 Nb-95 Y Mo-99 Y Tc-99m D Ru-103 Y Including: Rh-1 03m Ru-105 Y Ru-106 Y Including: Rh-1 06 Rh-lOS Y Sb-127 W Sb-129 W Te-127 W Te-127m VW Te-129 W Te-129m W Including:Te-129 Te-131m W lncluding:Te-131 Te-1 32 W 1-131 D 1-132 D 1-133 D 1-134 D 1-135 D Including:Xe-135m Xe-133 Xe-i 33m Xe-i 35

                                                                                                                   ~PPfl~~n~      I NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _D85-(Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Calculation No. Revision TOdginator/Date J.Metcalf 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 100 Ret. Xe-i 35m Xe-i 38 Cs-1 34 D Cs-136 D Cs-137 D Including:Ba-1 37m Ba-139 D Ba-140 D La-140 W La-141 D La-142 D Ce-141 Y Ce-143 Y Ce-144 Y Including:Pr-1 44m, Including: Pr-1 44 Pr-143 Y Nd-147 Y Np-239 W Pu-238 Y Pu-239 Y Pu-240 Pu-241 Am-241 Cm-242 Cm-244 CLOUDSHINE GROUND GROUND GROUND INHALED INHALED INGESTION SHINE 8HR SHINE 7DAY SHINE RATE ACUTE CHRONIC Kr-83m GONADS 1.710E-18 5.572E-15 5.855E-15 6.i60E-19-1.000E+4J0 0.OOOE-'00 0.O0E--00 BREAST 5.050E-1i8 9.498E-1 5 9.980E-1 5 1.050E-1 8-1.OOOE-fOO O.OOOE--O0 0.OOOE--00 LUNGS 1.640E-1 9 1.266E-16 1.331 E-1661.400E-20-i COCE--G O.OOQE-+00 O.OCOE--G RED MARR 3.830E-19 5.617E-16 5.902E-16 6.210E-20-1.OOOE-s-00 OGOGE-CO0.00OE-CO BONE SUR 2,250E-18 3.437E-15 3.612E-15 3.800E-19-1.QOCE-sCO0.OOOE+C00 OOGE-CO THYROID 6.430E-1 97.698E-1 68.088E-1 68.51 OE-20-1.OGGE--CO 0.COOE+00 COOGE-CO REMAINDER 5.300E-1 9 1.,393E-1551.464E-15 1.540E-1 9-1 .OOCE+O0 0.GOOE-'O0 0.000E4+00 EFFECTIVE 1.500E-18 3.437E-15 3.612E-15 3.800E-19-1.OGOE-O000.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+O0 SKIN(FGR) 3.560E-1 7 1.1 67E-1 31.226E-1 3 1.290E-1 7-1 QOCE--G O.GOOCE--OC GOOCE--O Kr-85m GONADS 7.31 OE-1 5 2.594E-1 2 3.653E-1 2 1.570E-1 6-i.GOQE+00 0.OOGE+OG 0.000E+00 BREAST 8.410OE-1 5 2.527E-1 2 3.560E-1 2 1.530E-1 6-1.000E+00O .OOOE+O0 0.OOOE+O0 LUNGS 7.040E-1 5 2.379E-1 2 3.351 E-1 2 1,.440E-1 6-1 QOE-OOOED0OOE--G 0.0OQE--0O RED MARR 6.430E-15 2.346E-1 23.304E-1 2 1.42OE-1 6-1 DOGE--GO GOODE--CO OGOCOE-GO BONE SUR 1.88OE-14 5286E-12 7.446E-12 3200E-16-1.OOOE--OO .OOOE-CO DOOOQE--O THYROID 7.330E-15 2.395E-1 23.374E-1 2 1.450E-1 6-1 GOE-OO.OOE---00 ODOE+0.OOOE-*CO REMAINDER 6.640E-1 5 2.31 3E-12 3.257E-12 1.400E-1 6-1 CODE-GO CO.GGE--O O.DOE--OO0 EFFECTIVE 7.480E-1 5 2.511 E-1 2 3.537E-1 2 1.520E-1 6-1.OCQE--CO O.OCOE-O OGOGE--CO SKIN(FGR) 2.240E-1 4 2,247E-11I 3.164E-1 1 1.360E-1 5-1.OGOE+00O O.OOOE+OG O.OCOE--O Kr-85 GONADS 1.1 70E-1 6 8.121 E-1 4 1.704E-1 2 2.820E-1 8-1.GOCE--G OD.OOOE--O.OGOODE--C BREAST 1.340E-1 6 7.891 E-1 4 1.656E-1 2 2.740E-1 8-1 DOCE--OD .OOOE+0G G.OODE--GO LUNGS 1.140E-1 6 7.056E-1 4 1.481 E-1 2 2.450E-1 8-1,OOOE--GO .OOCE-00 O.OGOE-GO RED MARR 1.090E-16 6.998E-14 1.469E-1 22.430E-1 8-1 ODGE--GO .OGCE+GO GOODE-CO0 BONE SUR 2.200E-1 6 1.287E-1 32.7O2E-1 24.47OE-1 8-1 DOQE--GO .ODOE-+C0OGOODE-GO THYROID 1.160E-16 7.459E-14 1.565E-12 2.59OE-1 8-1 GOGE--O O.OOOE-+4)C OOGE--GO REMAINDER 1.090E-16 6.941 E-14 1.457E-12 2.4IOE-18-1 COGE--GO OGOGOE-- O.GOODE--G EFFECTIVE 1.1 90E-16 7.603E-14 1.596E-1 2 2.64OE-1 8-1 .ODOE--G O.GOODE-CO ODOGE-GO SKIN(FGR) 1,320E-14 2.304E-1 1 4.835E-10 8.DOOE-16-1 CODE--GD G.OODE-CO O.OGOE-.GO Kr-87 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D86. (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: {Odginator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 GONADS 4.OOOE-1 4 4.962E-1 2 5.026E-1 2 7.61 OE-1 6-1 .OOOE-'00 0.000E+~00 0.OOCE+00 BREAST 4.500E-1 4 4.740E-1 2 4.802E-1 2 7.270E-1 6-1 .OOOE+00 0,COCE+00 0.OOOE-'00 LUNGS 4.040E-1 4 4.603E-1 2 4.663E-1 2 7.060E-1 6-1 CODE-i-DO .OCOE-i00 0.COOE+O0 RED MARR 4.000E-14 4.708E-12 4.769E-12 7.220E-16-1.000E+00 0.000E+OO O.OOE+ý00 BONE SUR 6.020E-14 6.514E-12 6.598E-12 9.990E-16-1.000E-'00 O.OOOE+O000.OOCE-i-0 THYROID 4.1 30E-14 4.473E-1 24,531 E-1 26.860E-16-1 CODE-i-GO0.OOOE-i-CO .OOCE+0O REMAINDER 3,910E-14 4,590E-12 4.650E-12 7.040E-16-1.COOE+0C C.CCOE_+00 C,0COE400C EFFECTIVE 4,120E-14 4.773E-12 4.835E-12 7.320E-16-1.OOOE-i-CO.GOODE-i-COC.OGCE+GG SKIN(FGR) 1.370E-1 3 8.802E-1 1 8.91 6E-1 11.350E-1 4-1 .OGGE+G0O.GOODE-CC O.OOOE--00 Kr-88 GONADS 9.900E-1 4 2.278E-1 12.655E-1 I11.800E-1 5-1 CODE-i-GO0.OOOE-i-D O.OOOE-i-D BREAST 1.1 10E-1 3 2.177E-1 1 2.537E-1 1 1.720E-15-1.COGE+00OC.COGE-i-D O.COCE+00G LUNGS 1.010CE-1 3 2.1 39E-1 1 2.493E-1 I11.690E-15-1.CODE-iG OCOEiDO.OOOE -i-0.00E0 RED MARR 1.0ODE-1 3 2.1 90E-1 12.552E-1 I11.730E-1 5-1 .CDCE-i-D O.CDDE-i-D O.DDOE+0O BONE SUR 1,390E-1 3 2.886E-1 1 3.363E-1 1 2.280E-1 5-1.COOE-i-D O.DODE+00O.GOODE--DO THYROID 1.030E-1 3 2.01 2E-1 1 2,345E-1 11.590E-1 5-1 .ODOE+G0OG.DDOE+0O O.ODOE-i-D REMAINDER 9.790E-14 2.1 39E-1 1 2.493E-1 11.690E-1 5-1 CODE-i-DO .GDCE+G0O.GOODE-i-D EFFECTIVE 1,020E-1 3 2.202E-1 1 2.567E-1 1 1.740E-1 5-1 CODE-i-DO DODGE-i-CO D.0OEE00 SKIN(FGR) 1.350E-1 3 5.607E-1 1 6.534E-1 1 4.430E-1 5-1 CODE-i-C D.DDOE-i-C D.DCDE-400 RbJ-86 GONADS 4.710E-1 5 2.788E-1 2 5.187E-1 I 9.740E-1 7-1.DOCE-iCO 1.340E-09 2.150CE-O9 BREAST 5.340E-1 5 2.662E-1 2 4.953E-1 1 9.300E-1 7-1.OCDE-i-C 1.330E-09 2.140E-09 LUNGS 4.710OE-1 5 2.553E-1 2 4.750E-11I 8.920E-1 7-1.OOOE-i-C 3.300E-09 2.140E-09 RED MARR 4.640E-1 5 2.619E-1 2 4.873E-1 1 9,150E-1 7-1 .OODE+OD 2.320E-09 3.720E-09 BONE SUR 7,050E-1 5 3.635E-1 2 6.764E-1 11.270E-1 6-1 CODE-iCC 4.270E-09 6.860E-09 THYROID 4.840E-1 5 2.599E-1 2 4.836E-1 1 9.080E-1 7-1 .ODOE+CO 1.330E-09 2.140E-09 REMAINDER 4.520E-1 5 2.542E-1 2 4.729E-1 1 8.880E-1 7-1,DGCE-i-D 1.380E-09 2.330E-09 EFFECTIVE 4.81 CE-i 5 2.665E-1 2 4.958E-1 1 9.31 CE-i 7-1.OCCE--OD 1.790E-09 2.530E-09 SKIN(FGR) 4.850E-14 2.210E-1O 4.111E-09 7.720E-15-1.CDGE-iCD .OCOE-i-CD .0OOE-i-C Rb-B8 GONADS 3.260E-14 2.788E-1 25.1 87E-1 19.740E-1 7-1 .CCDE+CO 1.31 CE-i 22.1 5CE-09 BREAST 3.670E-14 2.662E-12 4.953E-11 9.300E-17-1.GCGE-iCO1.430E-12 2.140E-09 LUNGS 3.310E-14 2,553E-12 4.750E-11 8.920E-17-1.CGCE-+OC1.470E-1O 2.140E-09 RED MARR 3.300E-14 2.619E-1 24.873E-1 19.150E-1 7-1 .OCGE-i-C1 .450E-12 3,72GE-C9 BONE SUR 4,620E-14 3.635E-1 2 6.764E-1 11.27CE-1 6-1 .OODE+GC 1.470E-12 6.860E-09 THYROID 3.370E-14 2.599E-12 4.836E-1 19.080E-17-1 .GOOE-i-G 1.370E-12 2.140E-09 REMAINDER 3.210E-14 2.542E-12 4,729E-1 1 8.880E-17-1.CODE-i-C 1.380E-1 1 2.330E-09 EFFECTIVE 3.360E-14 2.665E-12 4.958E-1 1 9.310E-17-1.DDCE+0O 2.260E-1 1 2,530E-09 SKIN(FGR) 1.830E-13 2.21 CE-iD 4.111 E-09 7.720E-15-1 CODE-i-C.O O.OE-i-G .0OCCE-i-G Sr-89 GONADS 7,730E-1 7 7.155E-1 4 1.436E-1 2 2.490E-1 8-1.GCCE+0O 7.950E-1 2 8.050E-1 2 BREAST 9.080E-1 7 7.212E-1 4 1.447E-1 2 2.510OE-1 8-1 CODE-i-DO 7.960E-1 2 7.980E-1 2 LUNGS 7.080E-1 7 5.689E-1 4 1.142E-1 2 1.980E-1 8-1.DCCE-*4J 8.350E-08 7.970E-1 2 RED MARR 6.390E-17 5.345E-14 1.073E-12 1.860E-18-1,OCCE+CD 1.07GE-101lOBDE-lO BONE SUR 1.940E-16 1.560E-13 3.131E-12 5.430E-18-1.ODDE-i-CO1.59GE-1D 1.610E-1O THYROID 7.600E-17 6.063E-14 1.217E-12 2.110E-18-1.DDDE-i-DD7.960E-12 7.970E-12 REMAINDER 6.710OE-1 7 5.603E-1 4 1.124E-1 2 1.950E-1 8-1,DCCE-i-D 3.970E-09 8.250E-09 EFFECTIVE 7.730E-1 7 6.523E-1 4 1.309E-1 2 2.270E-1 8-1.OOOE-i-G 1.760E-09 2.500E-09 SKIN(FGR) 3.690E-14 1.914E-10 3.841E-09 6.660E-15-1 CODE-i-DO .OOOE-i-G DODGOE-i-C Sr-90 GONADS 7.780E-18 9.590E-15 2.014E-13 3.330E-19-1.COOE+00 2.690E-10 5.040E-11 BREAST 9.490E-18 1.008E-14 2.116E-13 3,500E-19-1.OGGE-i-D 2.690E-10 5.040E-11 LUNGS 6.440E-1 8 6.307E-1 5 1.324E-1 3 2.1 90E-1 9-1 GOGE-iCO 2.860E-06 5.040E-1 1 RED MARR 5.440E-18 5.558E-15 1.167E-13 1,930E-19-1.CCCE-i-CC3.28DE-08 6.450E-C9 BONE SUR 2,28CE-17 2.393E-14 5.C25E-13 8.31OE-19-1.CCCE-i0JC7.090E-08 1.390E-C8 THYROID 7.330E-18 7.171E-15 1.506E-13 2.490E-19-1.GOGE-i-CC2.690E-1D 5.G4OE-11 NEP-D~o-I18 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _D87.. (Next Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition.-__ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 0. Leaver 12/12/06 IH21CO92 00 REMAINDER 6.1 lCE-i18 6.422E-15 1.348E-13 2.23CE-19-1 .CCOE+00 5.730E-09 6.700E-09 EFFECTIVE 7.530E-1 8 8.179E-1 5 1.717E-1 3 2.840E-1 9-1.CCCE+00 6.470E-08 3.230E-09 SKIN(FGR) 9.200E-1 5 4.032E-1 2 8.465E-1 11.400E-1 6-1 .CCCE+00C C.CCCE+OC .CCOE+ý00 Sr-91 GONADS 3,380E-1 4 2.155E-1 15.062 E-1 1 1.026E-1 5-1.OCCE-+0C 5.650E-1 1 2.520E-1 0 BREAST 3.830E-14 2.059E-1 1 4.838E-1i1 9.806E-1 6-1.CCCE-'00 1.740E-1 1 3.676E-1 1 LUNGS 3.370E-14 1.970E-1 14,626E-i1 9.316E-16-1 .CCCE+CC 2.130E-09 I1.055E-1 1 RED MARR 3.310E-14 2.011 E-1 1 4,722E-1 1 9.57CE-16-1.CCCE-*OC 2.230E-11I 5.659E-1 1 BONE SUR 5.200E-14 2.852E-1 1 6.7C9E-11I 1.360E-15-1.OCCE+OC 1.270E-11I 2.070E-1 1 THYROID 3,470E-14 2.035E-1 1 4.782E-1 1 9,693E-16-1 .CCCE-.OC 9.640E-1221.968E-12 REMAINDER 3.240E-14 1,948E-1Ii 4.573E-1i1 9.268E-16-i.CCCE+OC 5.780E-10 2.557E-09 EFFECTIVE 4.929E-14 2.057E-1 1 4.832E-1 1 9.793E-16-1 .CCCE+CC 2.577E-iC 8.455E-10 SKIN(FGR) 8.140E-14 1.748E-10 3,987E-10 8.CSCE-15-1 .CCCE+OC COCCOE-iC OC.CCCE-+O Sr-92 GONADS 6.61 OE-1 4 1,593E-11 i1.830E-1 1 1.300E-1 5-1.CCCE-i-O 1.020E-i1 .18E-1i1 BREAST 7.480E-1 4 1.520E-1i1 1.745E-1 1 1,240E-1 5-1.CCCE-i-C06.490E-1 2 1.700E-1i1 LUNGS 6.670E-1 4 1,483E-11 1.703E-11 11.21 CE-i5-1 .CCCE+CC 1.050E-C9 7.22CE-1 2 RED MARR 6.620E-1 4 1.520E-1 11,745E-1 11.240E-1 5-1. .CCE+0C 6.980E-1 2 2.290E-1 1 BONE SUR 9.490E-14 2.010CE-il1 2.308E-1 I11.640E-1 5-1 .CCCE+00 4.360E-12 8.490E-1 2 THYROID 6.820E-14 1.446E-1 11.661 E-1 11.1 80E-1 5-1 .CCCE-*O 3.920E-1221.300E-12 REMAINDER 6.450E-14 1.471 E-1 1 1.689E-1i1 1.200E-15-1.CCCE+00 2.900E-10 1.720E-09 EFFECTIVE 6.790E-14 1.532E-1 1 1.759E-1 1 i.250E-15-1.CCCE-'00 1.700E-10C5.430E-10 SKIN(FGR) 8.560E-1 4 2.280E-1i1 2,618E-1 1 1.860E-1 5-1.CCCE-*0C C.CCOE-'CCC.000E-'00 Y-90 GONADS 1.890E-1 61.586E-1 31.601 E-1 2 5.750E-1 8-1 .CCCE+00 5.1 70E-1 31.430E-1 4 BREAST 2.200E-16 1.578E-13 1.593E-12 5.720E-18-i.CCCE+00C 5.170E-13 1.270E-14 LUNGS 1.770E-16 1,313E-13 1.326E-12 4.760E-18-1.CCCE-i0C 9.310E-09 1.260E-14 RED MARR 1.620E-16 1.261E-13 1.273E-12 4.570E-18-1.CCCE-.OC 1.520E-11 3.700E-13 BONE SUR 4.440E-16 3.228E-13 3.259E-12 1.170E-i7-1.CCCE-i-C 1.510E-1 1 3.670E-13 THYROID 1.870E-1 6 1.385E-1 31 .398E-1 25.020E-18-1 .CCOE-+OC 5.170E-13 1,26CE-14 REMAINDER 1.680E-1 6 1.291 E-1331.303E-1 2 4.68CE-18-1 .CCOE-'-C 3.870E-09 9.68CE-09 EFFECTIVE 1.900E-16 1.468E-1 3 1.482E-1 2 5.32CE-1 6-1 .CCCE+OC 2.280E-09 2.910OE-09 SKIN(FGR) 6.240E-14 2.897E-10C 2.924E-09 1.C5CE-14-1 .CCCE-+C C.CCCE-i00 C.CCCE-*OC Y-91 GONADS 2.560E-1 6 1.756E-1 3 3.546E-1 2 6.1 ICE-i 8-1 .CCCE-i-O 8.200E-1 2 3.540E-1 2 BREAST 2.930E-16 1.713E-i3 3.459E-12 5.96CE-18-1.CCCE+00C 8.920E-12 5.540E-13 LUNGS 2.500E-1 6 1.526E-1i3 3.082E-1 2 5,31iCE-i8-1.CCCE+00 9.870E-08 2.020E-1 3 RED MARR 2.4lCE-16 l.521E-13 3.C7CE-12 5.29CE-iS-1.CCCE-*CC3.19CE-1C 6.59CE-12 BONE SUR 4.56CE-16 2.9C3E-13 5.62E-12 1.CiCE-i7-1.CCCE+CC 3.18CE-iC 6.13CE-12 THYROID 2.600E-16 1.564E-13 3.1 57E-1 25.44CE-i 8-1 .CCCE-*OC8.500E-1 21 .29CE-i 3 REMAINDER 2.390E-1 6 1.5C9E-1 3 3.C47E-1 2 5.25CE-1 8-1.C0DE+00C 4.2C0E-C9 8.570E-09 EFFECTIVE 2.600E-1i6 1.650E-1 3 3.332E-1 2 5.740E-1 8-i.CODE+0CC 1.320E-08 2.570E-09 SKIN(FGR) 3.850E-14 1.989E-10 4.016E-09 6.92CE-15-1 .CCCE+CC COCCOE-iC 0.CCCE-i-C0 Y-92 GONADS 1.270E-14 3.855E-12 4.872E-12 2.65CE-16-i CODE-i-C 2.610E-12 1.960E-1 1 BREAST i1.440E-14 3.680E-1 2 4.652E-1 2 2.53CE-i6-1 .CCCE-i-C 1.500E-12 3.550E-1 2 LUNGS 1.270E-1 4 3.535E-1 24.468E-1 2 2.430E-1 6-1.CCCE-i-C 1.240E-09 1,39CE-i 2 RED MARR 1.25CE-i4 3.6C8E-12 4.56CE-12 2.48CE-16-1 ,CCCE-i-O2.C7CE-12 4.9ICE-i 2 BONE SUR i.95CE-14 5.C91E-12 6.435E-12 3.500E-16-1.CCCE-i-CC1.5iCE-i2 1.75CE-12 THYROID 1.3CCE-14 3.579E-124.523E-12 2.46CE-16-i.CCCE-i-CC .C5CE-12 1.77CE-13 REMAINDER 1.22CE-1 43.5C6E- 2 4,431 E-1 22.41CE-1 6-1 .CCCE-i-C2.C3CE-10Cl.700E-C9 EFFECTIVE i.300E-14 3.68CE-12 4.652E-12 2.53CE-16-1.CCCE-iCC2.1lCE-1C 5.i5CE-1C SKIN(FGR) 1.140E-13 2,022E-10 2.556E-10 1.39CE-14-1.CCCE-i-C C.CCCE-iCC 0.CCCE+00C Y-93 GONADS 4.670E-1 5 2.108E-1 2 4.989E-1 29.51 CE-i 7-1 .CCCE-i-C 5.3i CE-i 22.200E-1i BREAST 5.300E-1 5 2,026E-1 24.794E-1 2 9.140E-1 7-i .CCCE--C i1.740E-1 2 3.1 30E-1 2 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SER VICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D88-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: [Originator/Date J.Metcalf 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date D.Leaver 12/12/06 Caiculation No, H21 C092 __ Revision 00 LUNGS 4.680E-1 5 1.937E-1 2 4.585E-1 2 8.740E-1 7-1 .000E-400 2.520E-09 8.670E-1 3 RED MARR 4.580E-15 1.972E-12 4.669E-12 8.900E-17-1.000E+ý00 4.040E-12 4.930E-12 BONE SUR 7.580E-15 2.948E-12 6.977E-12 1.330E-16-1.000E+CC 3.140E-12 1.730E-12 THYROID 4.790E-1 51 .9C8E-1 24.516E-1 28.61 0E-17-1 .000E+/-00 9.260E-1 31 .260E-13 REMAINDER 4.51 CE-iS5 1.91 9E-1 2 4,543E-1 2 8.660E-1 7-1 .000E+00 9.250E-1 0 4.090E-09 EFFECTIVE 4.800E-15 2.021E-12 4.784E-12 9.12CE-17-1.000E+00 5.820E-10 1.230E-09 SKIN(FGR) 8.500E-14 2.726E-10 6.452E-10 1.230E-14-1.000E,00 OCOCOE-sC0.000E+00 Zr-95 GONADS 3.530E-1 4 2.1 82E-1 1 4.421 E-10C 7.590E-1 6-1 .COE-.O 1.880E-09 8.1 60E-10 BREAST 4.010E-14 2.084E-11 4.223E-10 7,250E-16-1,CCCE+0C 1.910E-09 1,050E-10 LUNGS 3.510E-14 1.989E-11 4.C30E-10 6.92CE-16-1.CCCE+CC 2.17CE-09 2.340E-11 RED MARR 3.430E-14 2.030E-11 4.112E-10 7.C6CE-16-1.000E+00 1.300E-08 2.140E-10 BONE SUR 5.620E-14 2.875E-1 15.824E-10Cl.C0CE-1 5-1 .CCCE+0C 1.030E-07 4.860E-10 THYROID 3.610E-1 4 2.076E-1 1 4.205E-10C 7.220E-16-1 ,000E-*00 1.44CE-C9 8.270E-12 REMAINDER 3.360E-14 1.963E-1 1 3.978E-10 6.830E-1 6-1 .OC0E+00 2.280E-09 2.530E-09 EFFECTIVE 3.600E-14 2.078E-11 4.211E-10 7.230E-16-1.CCCE-.00 6.390E-09 1.020E-C9 SKIN(FGR) 4.500E-1 4 2.561 E-1 15.1 90E-1 08.91 CE-i 6-1 CODE-sOC C.CCCE+00 0.COOE+00 Zr-97 GONADS 8.80CE-1i5 2.179E-1 1 7.799E-1 1 9,253E-1 6-1.000E+00 1.840E-1 06.228E-1 0 BREAST 9.990E-1 5 2;083E-1 17.455E-1 1 8.846E-1 6-1 .COE0CE0C 4.700E-1 1 8.137E-1 1 LUNGS 8.81 CE-i 5 1.992E-1 1 7.127E-1 1 8.456E-1 6-1 COCE-iCO 4.11iOE-09 1.770E-1 1 RED MARR 8.64CE-15 2.C34E-1 1 7.279E-1 18.634E-1 6-1.OCCE--CO 6.370E-1 11.3C2E-10 BONE SUR 1.380E-14 2.881 E-1 1 1.C31 E-10 1.224E-15-1.CCCE-+OC 3.500E-1 1 4.558E-1 1 THYROID 9.030E-1 5 2.061 E-1 1 7.377E-1 18.755E-1 6-1 .CO0E-'00 2.31 CE-il12.671 E-1 2 REMAINDER 8.48CE-1 5 1.966E-11I 7.035E-11I 8.345E-1 6-1 CODE-s-C 2.040E-09 6.990E-09 EFFECTIVE 4.432E-1 4 2.078E-11I 7.438E-11I 8.824E-1 6-1.COE-s-OO 1.171 E-09 2.283E-09 SKIN(FGR) 5.550E-14 2.281 E-1C 8.148E-10C9.587E-1 5-1 .CODE+ýO GOODE-s-CD.COOE-I-CC Nb-95 GONADS 3.660E-14 2.253E-1 14.435E-10C7,850E-1 6-1 .CCCE+CD 4.32CE-1O 8.050E-10 BREAST 4.1 6CE-14 2.1 50E-1 14.231 E-1O 7.49CE-16-1 .CDOE+CO 4.C70E-1 01 .070E-10 LUNGS 3.650E-1 4 2.055E-1 1 4.045E-1 C7.160E-1 6-1.OCCE--CO 8.320E-09 2.740E-1 1 RED MARR 3.560E-14 2.101E-11 4.135E-1C 7.320E-16-1.COCE+CD 4.420E-1C 1.990E-1C BONE SUR 5.790E-14 2,957E-11 5.819E-1C 1.03OE-15-1.C0CE+CC 5.13CE-10 2,94CE-1C THYROID 3,750E-14 2.1 44E-1 14.22CE-10C7.47CE-1 6-1 .CDCE+CC 3.580E-10C1 .18CE-1 1 REMAINDER 3.490E-1 4 2.032E-1 14.DOCE-1 C7.OBOE-1 6-1 .DOOE+CC 1.070E-09 1.470E-09 EFFECTIVE 3.740E-14 2.147E-11 4.226E-1C 7.480E-16-1.COOE-fCC1.570E-09 6.950E-1C SKIN(FGR) 4,300E-1 4 2.598E-1 1 5.1 12E-1 0 9.050E-1 6-1 COCE-sCO COCCE--ýOC C.DCCE+CC Mo-99 GONADS 7.1 30E-1 5 4.282E-1 2 4.403E-1 11.550E-1 6-1 .00CE+00C 9.51 CE-il1 2.18CE-1C0 BREAST 8.13CE-1 5 4.11 6E-1 2 4.233E-1 1 1.490E-1 6-1 .CCCE-s-0 2.750E-1 13.430E-1 1 LUNGS 7.C60E-1 5 3.867E-1 2 3.977E-1 1 1.400E-1 6-1.CCCE-s-C 4.290E-09 1.51COE-1 1 RED MARR 6.820E-1 5 3.923E-1 2 4.C34E-1 11.420E-1 6-1 CODE-s-C 5.24CE-1 18.32CE-1 1 BONE SUR 1.240E-1 4 6.105E-1 2 6.278E-1 12.21COE-1 6-1.CCCE--CC 4.130E-11I 6.320E-11I THYROID 7.270E-15 4.C33E-1 2 4.147E-11 11.46CE-16-1.COCE-sCO 1.520E-11 11.030E-11I REMAINDER 6.740E-1 5 3.81 2E-1 2 3.92CE-1 11.380E-1 6-1 .COCE+CC 1.740E-C9 4.2BCE-09 EFFECTIVE 7.280E-1 5 4.061 E-1 24.1 76E-1 11.47CE-1 6-1 .CCCE+CC 1.070E-09 1.360E-C9 SKIN(FGR) 3.14CE-14 1.039E-10 1.068E-09 3.76CE-1 5-1 .CCCE+0C D.COCEC0 C.OCCE-00 Tc-99m GONADS 5.750E-1 5 2.334E-1 2 3.877E-1 2 1.240E-1 6-1.CCCE-s-C 2.77CE-1 2 9.750E-1 2 BREAST 6.650E-1 5 2.258E-1 2 3.752E-1 2 1.200E-1 6-1.CCCE+CC 2.150E-1 2 3.570E-1 2 LUNGS 5.490E-1 5 2,127E-1 2 3.533E-1 2 1.13CE-1 6-1.CCCE-00 2.28CE-11I 3.140E-1 2 RED MARR 4.91CE-15 2,C7CE-12 3.439E-12 1.1CCE-16-1.CCCE-sCC3.36CE-12 6.29CE-12 BONE SUR 1.630E-14 5,383E-12 8,942E-12 2.86CE-16-1.CCCE-sCC2.62CE-12 4.C6CE-12 THYROID 5.750E-1 52.145E-1 23.564E-1 21 .14CE-16-1.OCCE--OC5.D1OE-1 18.460E-1 1 REMAINDER 5.150E-15 2,C7CE-12 3.439E-12 1.100E-16-1.CCCE-sCC1.C2CE-11 3.34CE-11 EFFECTIVE 5.89CE-15 2.277E-12 3.783E-12 1,210E-16-1.CCCE-sCC8.800E-12 1.680E-11 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _D89-Project: Nine Mite Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1I Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision 3.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 Ref. SKIN(FGR) 7.140E-15 2.710GE-i12 4.502E-1 2 1.440E-1 6-1 .000E-.00 0.OD0E+ý00 O.000E,00 Ru-i 03 GONADS 2.191 E-14 1,.404E-1 1 2.783E-1 0 4.892E-1 6-1 .000E+00 3.070E-10 5.720E-10 BREAST 2.51 2E-14 1,.350E-1 1 2.677E-10 4.705E-1 6-1 .OOOE+00 3.11i0E-i0 1.200E-10 LUNGS 2.1 80E-1 4 1.273E-1 12.522E-1 0 4.432E-1 6-i ,000E+00 1.561 E-08 7.31 GE-li1 RED MARR 2.100OE-1 4 1.287E-1 12.551 E-1 0 4,483E-1 6-1.000E-'OD 3.190E-1 0 1.660E-1D0 BONE SUR 3.892E-1 4 1.958E-i1 3.882E-1 0 6,823E-1 6-i .000E-'00 2.370E-1 0 9.631 E-1 1 THYROID 2,241 E-1 4 1.331 E-1 1 2.639E-1 0 4.638E-1 6-1 .0ODE+040 2.570E-1 0 6.250E-1 1 REMAINDER 2.080E-1 4 1.248E-1 1 2.472E-1 0 4.346E-1 6-i .000E+00 1.250E-09 2.11 OE-09 EFFECTIVE 2.251 E-14 1.332E-1 1 2.641 E-1 0 4.642E-16-1 .DOOE+00 2.421E-09 8.271 E-10 SKIN(FGR) 2.774E-14 1.785E-1 1 3.543E-1 0 6.229E-16-1 GOGE--OD 0OOOE+00 O.000E-'00 Ru-i 05 GONADS 3.720E-1 4 1.327E-11 11.861 E-1 1 8.070E-1 6-1.000E+00 1.590E-1 1 9.670E-1 1 BREAST 4.240 E-1 4 1.271 E-1 11.783E-1 1 7.730E-1 6-1 .000E+00 6.610OE-i 2 1.590E-1 1 LUNGS 3.700E-14 1.210CE-1 1.697E-1 1 7.360E-i 6-1 .000E+00 5.730E- 0 6.210E-12 RED MARR 3.590E-1 4 1.230E-1i1i1725E-1i1 7.480E-1 6-1.000E+00 7.700E-1 2 2.350E-1 1 BON E SUR 6.280E-14 1.809E-1i1 2.537E-1 1 1.1OE-1 5-1.000E--O0 4,620E-1 2 8.890E-1 2 THYROID 3.800E-14 1.260E-11 1i.766E-1 I 7.660E-16-1 .000E+00 4.150E-1 2 1.820E-12 REMAIN DER 3.540E-1 4 1.1 89E-1 11.667E-1 1 7.230E-1 6-i .OOOE+00 1.61 OE-iD0 .540E-1i0 EFFECTIVE 3.810OE-1 4 1.265E-1 1 1.773E-1 1 7.690E-1 6-1 CODE-GO 1.230E-1 02.870E-1 0 SKIN(FGR) 6.730E-14 7,368E-11ii.G33E-1 04.480E-1 5-1 DODE--G D000OE+000GOODE--GO Ru-i 06 GONADS 1.01 CE-1 4 6.411 E-1 2 1.340E-1 0 2.230E-1 6-1.OGGE-DO 1.300E-09 1.640E-09 BREAST 1.160E-1 4 6.152E-1 2 1.286E-1 0 2,140E-16-1.OOOE--O0 1.780E-09 1.440E-09 LUNGS 1.O10E-14 5.836E-1221.220E-10 2.030E-1 6-1 .OOOE--G0 i1.040E-06 1.420E-09 RED MARR 9.750E-15 5.893E-12 1.232E-i0 2.050E-16-1.OOOE-'00 1.760E-09 1460E-09 BONE SUR 1.720E-14 8.B83E-12 1.856E-10 3.090E-16-1.000E+DO i.610E-09 1.430E-09 THYROID 1.03OE-14 6.066E-1 21 ,26BE-1 02.11 CE-i 6-i.OOOE--00 1.720E-09 1.410E-09 REMAINDER 9.630E-1 55.721 E-1 21.1 96E-1 01 .990E-16-1 QOGE--DO1 .200E-08 2.1 1OE-08 EFFECTIVE 1.040E-1 4 6.095E-1 2 1.274E-i10 2.1 20E-1 6-1.GaGE--GO 1.290E-07 7.400E-09 SKIN(FGR) i.090E-i3 4.082E-10 8,531 E-09 i.420E-14-1.OOOE-GO0000.E--D000.OOOE+D00 Rh-lOS GONADS 3.640E-1 52.1 27E-12 1.411 E-1 17.980E-17-1.OCCE--GO2.11 CE-li 5.800E-1 1 BREAST 4.i60E-i5 2.063E-12i.369E-ii 7.740E-17-i.0OE00E-O5.610E-12 8.970E-12 LUNGS 3.570E-1 5 1.935E-1 2 1.2B4E-1 17.260E-17-1 QOGE-+-DO9.580E-10C3.860E-1 2 RED MARR 3.3BOE-i5 i.946E-12 i.291E-11 7.300E-17-1.0OE00E--D7.770E-12 1.470E-11 BONE SUR 7.530E- 5 3.332E-12 2.210E-11 11.250E-1 6-1. E00oE404.460E-12 6.750E-1 2 THYROID 3.680E-1 51 .983E-1 21.31 6E-i117.440E-i 7-i .OOOE-*002.880E-1 22.910E-1 2 REMAINDER 3.390E-15 1.885E-1 2 1.250E-1i1 7.C7OE-17-1.OOOE--DO 4.530E-10 1.270E-09 EFFECTIVE 3.720E-15 2.031E-12 1.347E-11 7.620E-17-1.DOOE--002.580E-103.990E-10 SKIN(FGR) 1.070E- 4 4.691 E-12 3.11 2E-11 11.760E-1 6-i .000E-+O0 .OOOE--000.OOOE--00 Sb-i 27 GONADS 3.260E-1 4 1.985E-1 12.441 E-1 0 7.100OE-1 6-i.OOOE+00 2.520E-1 0 6.140E-1 0 BREAST 3.720 E-1 4 1.904E-1 1 2.341 E-1D0 6.81 DE-1 6-1 .000E+O0 9.1 20E-1 17.600E-1 11 LUNGS 3,240E-1 4 1.809E-1 I 2.224E-1 0 6.470E-1 6-1 .OOOE--D0 6,940E-09 1.570E-1 1 RED MARR 3,140E-1 4 1.834E-1 1 2.255E-1G0 6.560E-1 6-1.000E--DC 1.61 OE-1C0i1330E-1 0 BONE SUR 5.520E-1 4 2.720E-1i1 3.345E-1O0 9.730E-1 6-1. OOGE--OC I 340E-1C0 5.240E-1i1 THYROI D 3.330E-1 4 1.884E-i1 2.317E-1 0 6.740E-1 6-i1.ODGE-00D 6.150E-1 1 4.640E-1 2 REMAINDER 3.090E-1 4 1,.775E-1 12.1 83E-1 0 6.350E-1 6-1. .00E+0O 2.330E-09 5.870E-09 EFFECTIVE 3.330E-1 4 1.890E-1 1 2,324E-1i0 6.760E-1 6-1.OCCE+0D 1.630E-09 1.950E-09 SKIN(FGR) 5,580E-1 4 7.967E-1 1 9.799E-1 0 2.850E-1 5-i1,GCCE+00 D.OGE--D0 O.CGOE--GO Sb-i 29 GONADS 6.970E-1 4 2.336E-1 13.231 E-1 1 1.440E-1 5-i.000E-GC 2.150E-1 151iiE-iD0 BREAST 7.910OE-1 4 2.222E-i1I 3.074E-1i1 1.370E-1 5-i.0OE00E-O 1.280E-1 1 2.560E-1i1 LUNGS 6.980E-14 2.1i41 E-1 1 2.962E-1 I11.320E-1 5-1 .000E--0 8.980E-1 0 9,390E-12 RED MARR 6.860E-1 4 2.i19CE-1i1 3.029E-11I 1.350E-1 5-i.000E--O0 1,700E-1 1 3.670E-1i1 NEP-DF-OPR Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D90-(Next Project.- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reiwer/Date Calculation No. Revision Jý.Metcalf 12112/06 DLeaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 00' BONE SUR 1.070E-13 3.033E-1 1 4.196E-11I 1.870E-15-1.000E+00 1.460E-1 1 1.340E-1 1 THYROID 7.160E-14 2.174E-1 1 3.007E-1 1 1.340E-15-1.OOOE+00 9.720E-12 1,470E-12 REMAINDER 6.710E-14 2.125E-1 1 2.939E-1 1131 OE-1 5-1 .000E-+00 1.870E-1001.450E-09 EFFECTIVE 7.140E-14 2.238E-1 13.096E-1 I11.380E-1 5-1 .OOOE+00 1.740E-1 0 4,840E-10 SKIN(FGR) 1.050E-1 3 8.273E-11 11.144E-10 5.100E-1 5-1 .000E+00 0.OOOE4C0O0,OOOE-'00 Te-127 GONADS 2.370E-1 6 1.191 E-1 3 2.661 E-1 3 5.480E-1 S-i.OOOE+00 2.020E-1 24.020E-1 2 BREAST 2.730E-16 1.158E-13 2.588E-13 5.330E-18-1.000E+00 1.880E-12 3.000E-12 LUNGS 2,320E-1 61.060E-1 3 2.370E-1 3 4.880E-1 8-1 .OOOE+O0 4.270E-1 0 2.890E-1 2 RED MARR 2.210E-16 1.058E-13 2.365E-13 4.870E-18-1.OOOE-s00 4.090E-12 6.570E-12 BONE SUR 4.650E-1 6 1.862E-13 4.162E-1 38.570E-1 8-1 .OOOE+00 4.090E-12 6.460E-1 2 THYROID 2.400E-16 1,106E-1 32.472E-1 35.090E-1 8-1 .00E~+001 .840E-12 2.860E-1 2 REMAINDER 2.210E-1 6 1.036E-1 32.316E-13 4.770E-1 8-1 .000E-00 1.11 OE-10 6.1 30E-10 EFFECTIVE 2.420E-16 1.125E-13 2.515E-13 5.180E-18-1.000E~+40 8.600E-11 1,870E-10 SKIN(FGR) 1.140E-14 1.1 73E-1 1 2.622E-1 1 5.400E-16-1 .000E+00 0.000E+00 0.OOOE-400 Te-i 27m GONADS 1.900E-1 6 4-689E-1 3 9.642E-1 2 1.630E-1 7-1.0OE00'40 1.100E-1 0 1.250E-1 0 BREAST 2.690E-1 6 5.150E-1 3 1.059E-1 1 1.790E-1 7-1.000E.*O0 1.100E-1 0 9.740E-1 1 LUNGS 7.620E-1 7 1.602E-1 3 3.295E-1 2 5.570E-1 8-1 .000E+00 3.340E-08 9.620E-1 1 RED MARR 6.430E-1 7 1.249E-13 2.567E-1 24.340E-1 8-1 .OOOE+O005.360E-09 5.430E-09 BONE SUR 3.940E-16 9.005E-13 1.852E-11 3.130E-17-1.0OE00E~402.040E-08 2.070E-08 THYROID 1.500E-16 2.779E-1 3 5.714E-1 2 9.660E-1 8-1 .000E-O0 9,660E-1 1 9.430E-1 1 REMAINDER 8.640E-1 7 1.999E-1 3 4.111 E-1 2 6.950E-1 8-1 CODE-i-G 1,.660E-09 2.980E-09 EFFECTIVE 1.470E-1 6 3.251 E-1 3 6,684E-1 21.1 30E-1 7-1 .000E+00 5.81 OE-09 2.230E-09 SKIN(FGR) 8.490E-16 1.496E-12 3.076E-1 15.200E-17-1.OOOE-i-0 0,000E+0-0 0.OOE000Ei Te-129 GONADS 2.710E-15 3.889E-13 3.922E-13 6.510E-17-1,000E-O0 5.050E-13 1.590E-12 BREAST 3.1 20E-1 5 31800E-1 3 1.832E-1 3 6,360E-1 7-1 CODE-i-G 5.390E-1 3 6.050E-1 3 LUNGS 2.640E-15 3.298E-13 3.326E-13 5.520E-17-1.000E-+40 1.530E-10 4.910E-13 RED MARR 2.540E-1 53.298E-13 3.326E-1 35.520E-1 7-1 CODE-i-GO6.1 9OE-13 7.640E-1 3 BONE SUR 4.880E-15 5.753E-13 5.8O2E-13 9.630E-17-1.OOOE--GO6.22OE-13 5,400E-13 THYROID 2.740E-15S3.525E-1 33.555E-1 35.900E-1 7-1 CODE-i-O 5.090E-1 33.36DE-1 3 REMAINDER 2.52OE-1 53.262E-1 33.289E-13 5.460E-1 7-1 .COOE-i00 7.2BCE-1 2 1.79CE-1 0 EFFECTIVE 2.750E-15 3.590E-13 3,621E-136.010E-17-1.C0OE--002.O9OE-11 5.45OE-11 SKIN(FGR) 3.570E-14 3.429E-1 1 3.458E-1 1 5.740E-1 5-1 .COE0CE0G 0.OCOE+O.O OODE-i-G To-i 29m GONADS 1,56OE-1 52.2C6E-1 24.799E-1 18.561 E-1 7-1 CODE--GO1 .780E-10 2.420E-1O BREAST 1.810E-15 2.181E-12 4.739E-11 8.454E-17-1.CCOE-iOD1.69DE-1D 1.664E-10 LUNGS 1,460E-15 1.741E-12 3.815E-11 6.808E-17-1.COCE-+4004.030E-08 1.593E-1O RED MARR 1.42DE-15 1.729E-12 3.793E-11 6.768E-17-1 CODE-i-GD3.100E-09 3.500E-C9 BONE SUR 2.600E-1 5 3.287E-12 7.147E-1 1 1.275E-16-1.OOOE+GC 7.050E-09 7.990E-09 THYROID 1.56CE-15 1.923E-12 4.201 E-1 1 7.495E-1 7-1 CODE-iCO1 .560E-1 1.572E-1C REMAINDER 1.410E-15 1.746E-12 3.822E-11 6.819E-17-1.0E00E--O3.270E-09 7.196E-09 EFFECTIVE 3.337E-1 5 1.974E-1 24.308E-1 17.686E-1 7-1 .OO00E-GC6.484E-09 2.925E-09 SKIN(FGR) I .49GE-141I.501E-10 3.360E-09 6.001 E-15-1 CODE-i-GO DODGE-i-GD .CDOE0E-- Te-131 m GONADS 6.850E-1 4 4.020E-1 1 2.343E-1 0 1.535E-1 5-1 CODE-i-G 2.340E-1 0 7.415SE-1i0 BREAST 7.780E-1 4 3.853E-1 1 2.246E-1C0 1.472E-1 5-1.OCDE-i009.250E-1 1 1.361 E-1O0 LUNGS 6.830E-1 4 3.657E-1 1 2.131 E-1 0 1.397E-1 5-1.COOE+00G 2.230E-09 6.335E-1 1 RED MARR 6.680E-1 4 3.736E-1 12.178E-1 0 1.427E-1 5-1 .OOOE--GC 1.410OE-1O0 2.435E-1D0 BONE SU R 1.090E-1 3 5.467E-11I 3.189E-1 0 2.090E-1 5-1.OCOE-i-G 2.270E-1 0 3.248E-1 0 THYROID 7.020E-1 43.741 E-1 12.181 E-1 01 .429E-1 5-1 CODE-i-GO3.610E-08 4.383E-08 REMAINDER 6.550E-1 43.626E-1 12.11 3E-1C 1.385E-1 5-1 .OO00Ei-09.460E-1D 3.153E-09 EFFCTIVE~ 7,43- 4A3,825E-1 229E-~1f I A1,41 E- 5-fn1~ f 1758-09~A I000 2,514E.09 SKIN(FGR) 8.850E-14 1.033E-1006. 188E-10C 4.056E-1 5-1.CODE-i-G 0.OOCE-i-GO0.OOOE-+GO Te-1 32 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D91-(Next Project.- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: Disposition: {Originator/Date J.Metcalf 12/12/06

                                            .Reviewer/Date D.Leaver 12/12/06
                                                                               -1 i Calcuiatfion No.

H21CO92 __ TO0 Revision Ref. GONADS 1.020E-14 6.812E-12 7.706E-1 1 2.450E-l 6-1 .OOOE+00 4.150E-1 0 5.410E-10 BREAST 1.1 80E-1 4 6,756E-1 2 7.643E-1 12.430E-1 6-1 .000E-+CC 3.630E-10 3.500E-1 0 LUNGS 9.650E-1 5 5.727E-1 2 6.479E-1 12.060E-1 6-1 .COE-+00 1.670E-09 3.300E-1 0 RED MARR 8.950E-1 5 5.588E-1 2 6.322E-1 1 2.01 CE-i 6-1.OCCE--OC 4.270E-1 0 4.440E-1 0 BONE SUR 2.420E-1 4 1,273E-1 1 1.441 E-1 0 4.580E-1 6-1 .000E+00 7.120E-1 0 8.300E-1 0 THYROI D 1.020E-1 4 5.978E-1 2 6.762E-1 1 2.150E-1 6-1 CODE--CC 6.280E-08 5.950E-08 REMAI NDER 9.160E-1 5 5.644E-1 2 6.385E-1 12.030E-1 6-1 COCE--OC 7.890E-1 C0 1.490E-09 EFFECTIVE 1.030E-1 4 6.339E-1 2 7,171 E-1 1 2.280E-1 6-1.C00E~+00 2.550E-09 2.54CE-09 SKIN(FGR) 1.390E-14 8.31 3E-12 9.405E-1 1 2.99CE-16-1.000E+00 OCOOCE--OC .OOE000E 1-131 GONADS 1.780E-1 4 1.11 9E-1 I11.789E-1 C3.940E-1 6-1 CODE--CC 2.530E-1 1 4.070E-1 1 BREAST 2,040E-1 4 1,082E-1 11.73CE-1 0 3.81 CE-i 6-1.OCCE-OC 7.880E-1 11.21 CE-iC0 LUNGS 1.760E-14 1.016E-1l 1.626E-1 0 3.580E-1 6-1.COCE-+43 6.570E-1 0 1.020E-1 0 RED MARR 1.680E-1 4 1.022E-1 11.635E-1 C3.600E-1 6-1 COCE--OC 6.260E-1 19.440E-1 1 BONE SUR 3.450E-1 4 1.675E-1 1 2.679E-1 C5.900E-1 6-1 COCE--OC 5.730E-1 1 8.720E-1 1 THYROID 1.81 OE-1 4 1.053E-1 11.685E-1 0 3.71 CE-i 6-1 .CCCE+00 2.920E-07 4.760E-07 REMAINDER 1.670E-14 9.908E-1 2 1.585E-1 0 3.490E-16-1 .OCCE+0C 8.030E-11 11.570E-10C EFFECTIVE 1.820E-1 4 1.0C67E-1 11.707E-1 C3.760E-1 6-1 COCE--CO 8.890E-09 1.440E-08 SKIN(FGR) 2.980E-1 4 1.825E-1 1 2.920E-10C 6.430E-1 6-1 COCE-CO OCOCOE--O COCCOE-CO 1-132 GONADS 1.090E-13 2-523E-1 1 2.771E-11 2.320E-15-1.COCE--CC 9.950E-12 2.330E-1 1 BREAST 1.240E-1 3 2.414E-1 1 2.652E-1 1 2.220E-1 5-1.CCCE+00C 1.41COE-1 1 2.520E-1 1 LUNGS 1.090E-13 2.305E-1 1 2,532E-1 12.1 2CE-15-1 .CCCE+CC 2.710E-10 2.640E-1 1 RED MARR 1.070E-1 3 2.360E-11I 2.592E-1 1 2.170E-1 5-1.CCCE-CC 1.400E-1 1 2.460E-1 1 BONE SUR 1.730E-1 3 3.327E-1 1 3.655E-1 1 3C060E-1 5-1.CCCE--CC 1.240E-1 1 2.190E-1 1 THYROID 1.120E-1 32.381 E-1 1 2.616E-1 1 2.1 90E-1 5-1 .0CCE+00 1.740E-09 3.870E-09 REMAINDER 1.050E-13 2.283E-11 2.509E-11 2.100E-15-1.CCCE--CC 3.780E-11 1.650E-10 EFFECTIVE 1.12CE-1 3 2.403E-1 12,640E-1 12.21 CE-i 5-1 .CCCE+CC) 1.030E-1C0 1.820E-1 0 SKIN(FGR) 1.580E-1 3 8.199E-1 1 9.007E-1 1 7.540E-1 5-1.CCCE44JC C.CCCE+0C COCCOE--C 1-133 GONADS 2.870E-14 I1.585E-1 1 6,748E-1 1 6,270E-1 6-1.CCCE--CC 1.950E-1 1 3,630E-1 1 BREAST 3.280E-1 4 1.519E-1 1 6.468E-1 16.01 OE-1 6-1.CCCE--CC 2.940E-1 1 4.680E-1 1 LUNGS 2.860E-1 4 1.446E-1 16.1 56E-1 15.720E-1 6-1 .CCCE+CC 8.200E-1C0 4.530E-1 1 RED MARR 2.770E-1 4 1.466E-1 1 6.242E-1 1 5.800E-1 6-1.CCCE+OC 2.720E-1 1 4.300E-11I BONE SUR 4.870E-1 4 2.161 E-1 1 9,202E-1 1 8.550E-1 6-1.CCCE--CC 2,520E-1 1 4.070E-1 1 THYROID 2.930E-1 4 1.502E-1 1 6.393E-1 1 5.940E-1 6-1 .000E+00 4.860E-08 9.1 OOE-O8 REMAINDER 2.730E-14 1.418E-1 1 6.038E-1 1 5,61CE-16-1.CCCE-C005.CCCE-1 1 1.550E-10 EFFECTIVE 2.940E-14 1.509E-11I 6,425E-1 1 5.970E-16-1.CCCE--CC 1,580E-09 2.800E-09 SKI N(FGR) 5.830E-1 4 1.150E-1 0 4.897E-1 C4.550E-1 5-1.OCCE--OC COCCOE--O COCCOE--C 1-134 GONADS 1.270E-1 3 1.200E-1 11.202E-1 1 2.640E-1 5-1 .000E+00 4,250E-1 2 1. OCE-i 1 BREAST 1.440E-131 1.45E-i11 1.147E-1 12.520E-1 5-1.COCE--CO6.17CE-1 21 .170E-i11 LUNGS 1.270E-13 1.100E-11 1.102E-11 2.42CE-15-1.OCCE--CC 1.430E-10 1.260E-11 RED MARR 1.250E-13 1.127E-11 1.129E-11 2.48CE-1 5-1 CODE--CO6.08OE-12 1.090E-11 BONE SUR 1.96CE-13 1,.568E-11 11.571 E-1 1 3.45CE-15-1 CODE-CC 5.310E-12 9.320E-12 THYROID 1.300E-13 1.127E-11 1,129E-11 2.48CE-15-1.CCCE--CC 2.880E-1C 6.210E-10 REMAINDER 1,220E-1331.091 E-11 11.093E-1 12.400E-1 5-1 .CCCE+CC 2.27CE-11 11.340E-1C EFFECTIVE 1.300E-13 1.150E-11 1.152E-11 2.530E-15-1.CCCE--CC 3.550E-11 6.660E-11 SKIN(FGR) 1.870E-13 4.477E-11 4,485E-1 1 9.85CE-15-1.CCCE--CC COCCE--OC .CCOE+CC 1-135 GONADS B.078E-14 3.11 3E-1 I 5.489E-11 11.599E-1 5-1 CODE--CC 1.700E-1113.610CE-il BREAST 9.143E-14 2.971E-11 5.240E-11 1.526E-15-1 CODE--CC2.34CE-11 3.850E-11 LUNGS 8.145E-14 2886E-1 1 5.089E-11 11.482E-15-i COCE--OC4.4ICE-10 3.75OE-1 1 RD~r MAARO 8054-, ) 2,95E,,1 5,228E-Al 11, I ,523 l flf,000+002l ')A 4E- 36i0El BNSUR 1,1 84E-1 3 3.983E-1 1 7.024E-1 12.C46E-1 5-1 CODE-I-CC2.01 CE-il 3,360E-1 1 THYROID 8.324E-1 4 2852E-1 15.030E-11 11.465E-15-1 CODE--CC8.46CE-C9 1.790E-08 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D92-(Next Project.' Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 IH21 C092 00 Ref. REMAINDER 7.861 E-14 2.883E-11I 5.084E-1 11.481 E-1 5-1,O00E+00 4.700E-1 I 1.540E-10 EFFECTIVE 8.294E-14 2.989E-1 1 5.271 E-1 11.535E-1 5-1 .OOCE+OO 3.320E-10 6.080E-10 SKIN(FGR) 1.156E-13 9.826E-1 11.733E-10 5,047E-1 5-1 .COOE+OO 0.0O0E+00O O.OOOE*CO Xe-i 33 GONADS 1.610OE-i 5 1.465E- 12 2.052E-1 1 5.200E-1 7-1 .0COE+00 0.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO BREAST 1.960E-1 51.505E-1 2 2.1 07E-1 1 5.340E-1 7-1 .OOOE+OO 0.000CE+00 O.OOOE+OQ LUNGS 1.320E-1 5 1.045E-1 2 1.464E-1 1 3.710OE-1 7-1 .OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO O.OCOE+OC RED MARR 1.070E-1 5 8.791 E-1 3 1.231 E-1 13.1 20E-1 7-1 .OCOE4CO O.OOOE+0O O.OOOE+OO BONE SUR 5.130E-1 5 4.254E-1 2 5.958E-1 1 1.510OE-1 6-1 .OCOE-' O.OCOOCE-fO O.CCOE+OO THYROID 1.510E-1 5 1.181 E-12 1.653E-1 14.i9CE-1 7-1 .COCE+OO C.COCE-*C C.COOOE-'-O REMAINDER 1.240E-1 5 1.042E-1 2 1.460E-1 1 3.700E-1 7-1 .CCOE-+CO DO.GE--DO O.CODE+DO EFFECTIVE 1.560E-15 1.299E-12 1.81 9E-1114.61 CE-i 7-1 COQE-GO O.ODOE+OO O.OOOE-'-OO SKIN(FGR) 4.970E-1 5 1.953E-1 2 2.734E-1 16.930E-1 7-1 CODE-i-D O.CDOE-i-D O.OOOE-i-O Xe-i 33m GONADS 1.610E-15 1.465E-1 2 2.052E-1 15.200E-1 7-1 .CCOE+DD O.000E+D0 O.ODOE-*OD BREAST 1.960E-1551.505E-1 2 2.10D7E-1 1 5.34OE-17-1 CODE-i-D O.DCDE-I-O O.CCCE-*OO LUNGS 1.320E-1 51,0C45E-1 2 1,464E-1 13.71 CE-i 7-1 CODE-ICC O.OCCE-i-D C.COCE-i-C RED MARR 1.070E-1 58.791 E-1 3 1.231 E-1 13.1 20E-1 7-1 CODE--CD DODGOE-CO O.OODE+DO BONE SUR 5.130E-15 4.254E-12 5,958E-11 1.5iDE-16-1.OOOE-'-DD .OOOE-i-OO .OODE-i-D THYROID I .510E-15 1.181 E-12 1.653E-1 14. I90E-17-1 .ODOE+ýOD .CCOE+ODOC.ODE--DO REMAINDER 1.24DE-1 51 .042E-i 21 .46DE-1 13.700E-17-1 CODE--CD OOCOE-iGO .DOCE+DO EFFECTIVE 1.370E-1 5 1.299E-1 2 1.81 9E-1 1 4.61 CE-i 7-1 .COCE+00 DODDOE-iC ODOCOE-IC SKIN(FGR) 4.970E-15 1.953E-12 2.734E-1 1 6.93DE-17-1 .ODCE-i-D 0.CDOE+00 O.DDCE-i-O Xe-i 35 GONADS 1.170E-1 4 5.455E-1 21.1 94E-1 1 2.530E-1 6-1 CODE-i-D OCOCOE-CO O.OODE-i-O BREAST 1.330E-1 4 5.325E-1 21.1 66E-1 1 2.470E-1 6-1 CODE-i-G O.DOOE+G0O .OOOE+00 LUNGS 1..130E-1 4 4.959E-1 2 1.086E-1 1 2.300E-1 6-1 .ODOE-i-D D.OODE+GD DODOE--GO RED MARR 1.070E-1 4 4.959E-1 2 1.086E-1 12,300E-1 6-1 CODE--DO DO.GE-iCC DODGE--DO BONE SUR 2.570E-14 9.1 20E-12 1.997E-11I4.23DE-1 6-1 .ODOE-i-D.ODODE-iCO .ODDE+GO THYROID 1.1 80E-14 5.D23E-1 21.1 ODE-il 2.330E-16-1 CODE--DO .ODDE-i-GD .DOOE-i-G REMAINDER 1.080E-1 4 4.829E-1 21.058E-1 12.240E-1 6-1 CODE--G O.GOODE-GD O.ODDE+DD EFFECTIVE 1.190E-14 5.217E-12 1.142E-i112.420E-16-1 CODE-iCC GOODE-iCC .0OOE+OD SIKI N(FGR) 3.120E-1 4 4.506E-1 1 9.867E-1 1 2.090E-1 5-i OCCE-iCO DODGOE-CC O.DOOE+DD Xe-i 35m GONADS 2.OOOE-1 4 5.933E-1 3 5.933E-1 3 4,480E-1 6-1 CODE--D0O .ODDE-i-D D.DDOE-i-G BREAST 2,290E-1 4 5.695E-1 3 5.695E-13 4.300E-16-1 DOCE--GO.004 O.OOEiG

                                                                                        .ODE+GO LUNGS 1.980E-14 5.351E-13 5.351E-13 4.040E-16-1.OODE--DO DODDOE-iC OCODOE--G RED MARR 1.91 DE-14 5.404E-13 5.4D4E-1 3 4080E-1 6-1 DOGE--GO ODOCE--DO         .ODDE+GO BONE SUR 3.50OE-14 8.251 E-13 8.251 E-1 3 6230E-16-1 CODE--GOOO.DDDE+GD O.DOOE+GD THYROID 2.040E-14 5.615SE-i13 5.615E-1 3 4.240E-16-1 CODE-CO DODDOE--O       DODDOE--D REMAINDER 1.89DE-14 5.245E-1 35.245E-1 33.96DE-i 6-i CODE-iCC DODDE-iGO OODE--GO EFFECTIVE 2.040E-14 5.615E-13 5.615E-13 4.240E-16-1.OCDE-i-G D.CCCE-410 G.OODE-CC SKIN(FGR) 2.970E-1 41.867E-1 2 1.867E-1 2 1.41 CE-i 5-1 CODE-iCC C.OCOE-i-D D.OODE-iG Xe-i 38 GONADS 5.59CE-14 1.315E-12 1.31 SE-i21 .070E-i 5-1 CODE-GD C.ODOE-i-OO OODE-iC BREAST 6.32OE-1 41 .254E-1 21 .254E-i 21 .020E-1 5-1 CODE-iCC .CDDE-i-GD .CGDE+OD LUNGS 5.660E-1 4 1.225E-1 2 1.225E-1 2 9.970E-1 6-1 .CODE+GD D.OGCE+OC .OCCE+00 RED MARR 5.600E-14 1,254E-12 1.254E-12 1.C20E-15-i.CDOE-iCC OCOCE--DO DOODE--O BONE SUR 8.460E-14 1.733E-1 21 .733E-1 21.41 CE-i 5-i COCE-iCOCODDE--DODOODE-GO THYROID 5.770E-14 1.174E-1 21.1 74E-1 29.550E-1 6-1 CODE-iCC COCCE--ODDODGE--DC REMAINDER 5.490E-1 4 1.222E-1 2 1.222E-1 2 9.940E-1 6-1 CODE-i-G DOCC0E+-0O COCCOE-i EFFECTIVE 5.770E-14 1.266E-12 1.266E-12 1.030E-15-i CODE-i-D .ODDE+0CO.GOODE-CC SKlN(FGR) 1.070E-1 39.403E-1 29.403E-1 27.650E-1 5-1 CODE-i-GD OODE-iCC DODGE-i-D GOAD8.400E-1 4 4.607E-1 1 9.646E-1G0 1.600E-1 5-1.OOOE4GD 1.300E-08 2.060E-08 BREAST 7.400E-14 4.460E-11 9.246E-1C 1.600E-15-1 CODE-iCC1.300E-081.2.00E-08                                      NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D93-(Next Project.' Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date ICalculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 LUNGS 7.370E-14 4.204E-1 18,802E-10 1.460E-i 5-i ,OOOE-'00 1.180E-08 1.760E-08 RED MARR 7.1 90E-14 4.262E-i118.922E-10 1.480E-15-1 .OOOE+00 1.180E-08 1.870E-08 BONE SUR 1.200E-13 6.105E-1i1i.278E-09 2.i20E-15-1,000EE4J0 1.100E-08 1.740E-08 THYROID 7.570E-14 4.377E-ii 9.163E-10 1.520E-15-i.0OE00Ef01.li0E-08 i.760E-08 REMAINDER 7.060E-14 4.147E-ii 8.681E-10 i.440E-15-i.000E+00 i.390E-08 2.210E-08 EFFECTIVE 7.570E-14 4.377E-11 9.163E-10 i.520E-15-1.0DOE-'00 1.25DE-08 1.980E-08 SKIN(FGR) 9.450E-14 6.249E-1I 11.308E-09 2.1 70E-1 5-1 .000E÷00 0.000E÷00 0.000E+0O Cs-i 36 GONADS 1.040E-i 3 6.223E-1 11.1 02E-09 2.1 80E-1 5-i .000E-00 1.880E-09 3.040E-09 BREAST 1.180E-13 5.666E-1 1 1.056E-09 2.090E-15-i.OOOE-+4J 1.670E-09 2.650E-09 LUNGS 1.04DE-1 3 5.710OE-11.11 E-09 2.OD0E-1 5-1.000E+00 2.320E-09 2.620E-09 RED MARR 1.01 0E-1 3 5.824E-1 11.031 E-09 2,040E-i 5-i .OOOE+00 1,.860E-09 2,950E-09 BONE SUR 1.660E-1 3 8.422E-1i1 1.491 E-09 2.950E-1 5-1.000E--00 1.700E-09 2.71 OE-09 THYROID 1.070E-1 3 5.852E-1 11,036E-09 2.050E-1 5-i .OOOE-+00 1.730E-09 2.740E-09 REMAINDER 9.950E-1 4 5.652E-1 11.001 E-09 1.980E-1 5-1 .OOOE+O0 2.1 90E-09 3.520E-09 EFFECTIVE 1.060E-1 3 5.966E-1lI 1.056E-09 2.090E-1 5-i.000E-'00 1.980E-09 3.040E-09 SKIN(FGR) 1,250E-1 3 7.251 E-1l1 1.284E-09 2.540E-1 5-1.OOOE--00 0.OOOE-'00 0.000E+0D Cs-i 37 GONADS 2,669E-1 4 1.669E-1 1 3.530E-1i0 5.840E-1 6-1 ,000E+00 8.760E-09 1.390E-08 BREAST 3.047E-1i4 1.596E-1i1 3.376E-1i0 5.585E-1i6-1.000E-*00 7.840E-09 1.240E-08 LUNGS 2.649E-1 4 1.51 7E-1 13.209E-1 0 5.309E-1 6-1 .OOOE+00 8.820E-09 1.270E-08 RED MARR 2.583E-1i4 1.542E-1i1 3.260E-1 0 5.394E-1 6-1.000E+00 8,300E-09 1.320E-08 BONE SUR 4.382E-1 4 2.238E-1 1 4.734E-1i0 7.832E-1 6-1.000E+/-00 7.940E-09 1.260E-08 THYROID 2.725E-1 4 1.588E-1 1 3,358E-1 0 5.556E-1 6-i .000E-00 7.930E-09 1.260E-08 REMAINDER 2.536E-1 4 1.490E-1 1 3.152E-1 0 5.215E-1 6-1.OOOE+00 9.120E-09 1.450E-08 EFFECTIVE 2.725E-14 1.585E-1 1 3.353E-10 5.546E-16-i.000E-'00 8.630E-09 1.350E-08 SKIN(FGR) 4.392E-14 5.253E-1i1 1.1ilOE-09 i.836E-15-1.OOOE-'4J0 0.000E-*00 0.000E+00 Ba-i 39 GONADS 2.1 30E-1i5 3.368E-1 3 3.429E-1 3 4.790E-1 7-i .OOOE-4O0 2.560E-1i2 1.560E-1 2 BREAST 2.450E-i5 3.297E-i3 3.357E-i3 4.690E-17-1;000E+O002.460E-12 5.170E-13 LUNGS 2.030E-15 3,002E-13 3.057E-13 4.270E-i7-1.OOOE+00 2.530E-10 3.890E-13 RED MARR i.870E-15 2.932E-i3 2.985E-13 4.170E-17-1.OOOE+00 3.410E-12 8.590E-13 BONE SUR 5.290E-i5 6.841 E-13 6.965E- 3 9.730E-17-1 .000E+00 2.490E-12 4.380E-1 3 THYROID 2.i3OE-15 3.044E-i3 3.iOOE-i3 4.330E-i7-1.000E-+00 2.400E-i2 2.660E-13 REMAINDER 1,920E-15 2.932E-13 2.985E-13 4.170E-i7-i,000E-00 4.820E-1l1 3.570E-10 EFFECTIVE 2.i70E-1 5 3.227E-1 3 3.286E-1 3 4.590E-1 7-i .000EE40 4.640E-1 11.080E-1i0 SKIN(FGR) 6.i60E-14 7.241 E-1 1 7.373E-1 1 1.030E-i4-1 .ODOE+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 Ba-I 40 GONADS 8.41 OE-1 5 5.451 E-1 2 9.607E-1 i11.91 OE-i 6-1 .OOOE-+00 4.300E-1i0 9,960E-1 0 BREAST 9.640E-1 5 5.280E-1 2 9.305E-i1 1.850E-1 6-1 .OOOE+00 2.870E-1 0 1.590E-1 0 LUNGS 8.270E-1i5 4.852E-1 2 8.550E-i1 1i.700E-1i6-i.000E+00 1,660E-09 6.630E-1l1 RED MARR 7.930E-1i5 4.880E-1 2 8.601 E-1 11.71 OE-1 6-1 .000E+00 1.290E-09 4.390E-1 0 BONE SUR 1.550E-14 8.020E-12 1.413E-10 2.810E-16-i .OO00E-0O2.410E-09 5.53OE-1O THYROID 8.530E-1i5 5-109E-1i2 9.003E-i1 1i.790E-1 6-i.OOOE-+0O 2,560E-1 0 5.250E-1 1 REMAINDER 7.890E-1i5 4.766E-1 2 8.399E-1i1i.670E-1i6-i.000E+00 1.410OE-09 7.370E-09 EFFECTIVE 8.580E-1 5 5.1 37E-1 2 9.053E-1I 11.800E-1 6-1 .OODE+00 1.01 OE-09 2.560E-09 SKIN(FGR) 2.520E-1 4 5.565E-1i1 9.808E-1O0i.950E-1 5-i.OOOE-*C0 0.OOOE-'00 0.000E+Q0 La-140 GONADS I..140E-1 3 6.027E-i1 4.425E-1 0 2.240E-1i5-i .OOOE+CO 4.540E-1 0 1.340E-09 BREAST 1.290E-1 3 5.758E-1i1 4.228E-1i0 2.140E-1i5-i.000E+00 1.450E-1O0i.800E-1 0 LUNGS 1.1 50E-1 3 5.596E-1 14.1 09E-1 0 2.080E-1i5-1 .OOOE+00 4,210OE-09 4.01iOE-1 1 RED MARR 1.140E-1 3 5.731 E-1i1 4-208E-1i0 2.130E-1 5-i.000E+00 2.140E-1i0 2.810OE-i 0 BONE SUR 1.690E-13 7.776E-i1 5.709E-1i0 2.890E-1i5-1 .000E+00 1.41 OE-1 0 9.770E-1 1 THYROID 1, 80E-1 5,462E-1 140 A OE- f0 230- 6,70E-1 1 6 AflflP.A2 RMAINDER 1.11 OE-i 3 5.569E-1 1 4,089E-1i0 2.070E-1 5-i .OOOE-'00 2.1 20E-09 6.260E-09 RFECIE 1.1 70E-1 3 5.812E-1i1 4.267E-1i0 2.160E-1 5-i.OOOE+00 1.310OE-09 2.280E-09 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D94-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H210092. 00 SKIN(FGR) 1.660E-i 32.21 7E- 0 1.628E-09 8.240E-i 5-1 .OCOE+ý00 0.CCOE+,00 COOE+ý00 La-141 GONADS 2.330E-15 7.315E-13 9.675E-13 4.740E-17-i.OCOE-00l.lOiE-li 3,770E-12 BREAST 2.640E-15 7.007E-13 9.267E-13 4.540E-17-i.COOE-+00 9.840E-12 7.O7tJE-13 LUNGS 2.340E-15 6.713E-13 8.879E-13 4.350E-17-1.OOOE--00 6.460E-10 2.720E-13 RED MARR 2.310E-15 6.852E-13 9.063E-13 4.440E-17-i.OOOE+00 2.930E-1 11,070E-12 BONE SUR 3.490E-15 9.923E-1 31 .312E-1 26.430E-1 7-i .OCCE+0 1.200E-1 06.060E-1 3 THYROID 2.390E-15 6.590E-13 8.716E-13 4.270E-17-i.CCOE+00 9.400E-12 5.290E-14 REMAIN DER 2.260E-1 5 6.682E-1 3 8.838E-1 3 4.330E-1 7-i .OOOE-'00 2.280E-1i0 1.240E-09 EFFECTIVE 2.390E-15 7.007E-13 9.267E-13 4.540E-17-1.000E-'O0 1.570E-10 3.740E-10 SKIN(FGR) 6.580E-14 1.667E-10 2.204E-1 0 1.080E-1 4-1 .000E-+0 0.000E-+40 0.000E+00 La-i 42 GONADS 1.400E-13 1.978E-1i1 2.034E-1i1 2.540E-15-1.000E+00 1.660E-1i1 6,990E-1i1 BREAST 1.570E-1 3 1.885E-1i1i.938E-i1 I2.420E-1 5-1.000E+ý00 1.130E-1 1 1.540E-i11 LUNGS 1.420E-13 1.846E-1 11 .898E-1 12.370E-1 5-i .000E-00 3.010OE-110 8.400E-1 2 RED MARR 1.420E-1 3 1.900E-11I 1.954E-1 1 2.440E-1 5-1.000E+00 1.360E-1i I1.930E-1 1 BONE SUR 1.950E-1i3 2.484E-11I 2.554E-1i1 3.190E-1 5-1,000E-+00 1.l11E-il1 7.400E-1 2 THYROI D 1.450E-1 3 1.768E-1 11.81E-1i1 2.270E-1 5-i.000E+00 8,740E-1 2 1.160E-1 2 REMA INDER 1,380E-1 3 1.853E-1i1i.906E-1i1 2.380E-1 5-1,000E+00 8.070E-1i1 5.200E-1i0 EFFECTIVE 1.440E-1 3 1.91 6E-1 1 1.970E-1 1 2.460E-1 5-1 .000E+00 6.840E-1 11.790E-1 0 SKIN(FGR) 2.1 60E-13 9.111 E-1 1 9.368E-1 1i .170E-14-1 .000E+00 0.000E--00 0.000E+00 ce-i 41 GONADS 3.380E-1 5 2.213E-1 2 4.332E-1 17.71 GE-i 7-1 .000E+00 5.540E-1 1 1.080E-1l0 BREAST 3.930E-1 5 2.170E-1 2 4.247E-1 1 7.560E-1 7-i .000E400 4.460JE-1 11. 11 CE-il1 LUNGS 3.170E-15 1.951E-12 3,820E-11 6.800E-17-1.000E+00 1.670E-08 1.430E-12 RED MARR 2.830E-1 5 1.860E-1223.641 E-1 16.480E-i7-1 .000E+00 8.960E-1 1 3.390E-i11 BONE SUR 9.41 CE-iS 5.166E- 2 1.011 E-1 0 1.8CE-i 6-1 .CCCE-.CC2.540E-i0 2.300E-i11 THYROID 3.350E-i5 2.C03E-i2 3.922E-ii 6.980E-i7-i.00E0E-0C2.55CE-ii 1.800E-13 REMAINDER 2.980E-1i5 1.894E-1 2 3.708E-1i1 6.600E-1i7-1.0C0E+00 1.260E-09 2.500E-09 EFFECTIVE 3.430E-15 2.11i8E-1 2 4.146E-1 1 7.380E-i 7-i .CCE-'00 2.420E-09 7.830E-10 SKIN(FGR) 1.020E-14 3,788E-12 7.416E-1 1 1.320E-16-1 .000E+00 0.OOE00 EOC.CC0E-*00 Ce-i 43 GONADS 1.28CE-14 7.900E-1 2 4.958E-1 1 2.98CE-16-1 .OOCE+00 7.530E-1 12.1 20E-10 BREAST 1.470E-14 7.688E-1 2 4.525E-1 1 2.900E-16-1 ,CC0E+00 1.660E-1 1 2.320E-1 1 LUNGS 1.230E-14 6.893E-12 4.325E-11 2.600E-16-1.CCCE-0C 3.880E-C9 3.820E-12 RED MARR 1.170E-14 6.787E-12 4.259E-1 12.56CE-16-1 .CCCE+CC 2.960E-1 1 5.070E-1 1 BONE SUR 2.520E-14 1.323E-11 8.302E-1i1 4.990E-16-1.0OE00E'C 1.640E-11 1.610E-i11 THYROID 1.280E-1 4 7.211 E-12 4.525E-1 1 2.72CE-16-1 .CCCE+00 6.230E-1 2 4.350E-1 3 REMAINDER 1.170E-14 6.734E-1 2 4.226E-1 1 2.540E-16-i .000E+00 1.420E-09 3.890E-09 EFFECTIVE 1.290E-1 4 7.396E-1 2 4.642E-1 12.790E-1i6-i.C00E+CC 9.160E-1 0 1.230E-09 SKIN(FGR) 3.960E-1 4 1.058E-1 0 6.638E-1 0 3.990E-1 5-i1.0C0E,-00 0.000E-+O0 0.OCCE-'00 Ce-i 44 GONADS 2.725E-1 5 6.328E-1 3 1.31 9E-1 1 6.088E-1 7-i .000E-00 2.390E-1 0 6.987E-1 1 BREAST 3.129E-1 5 6.274E-1 3 1.307E-1i1 5.922E-1 7-i.C00E-'00 3.480E-1C0i.223E-1i1 LUNGS 2.639E-1 5 5.228E-1 3 1.089E-1 1 5.362E-1 7-1 .000E+00 7.911 E-07 6.551 E-1 2 RED MARR 2.507E-15 4.755E-13 9.907E-12 5.247E-17-1.CCCE+002.880E-09 8.923E-i1 BONE SUR 5.441E-15 1,646E-12 3.429E-i111.127E-16-i.000E+OC 4.720E-C9 i.280E-10 THYROID 2,753E-1 5 5.529E-13 1.1 52E-1 1 5.418E-i 7-1 .OOCE+00 2.920E-10 5.1 54E-12 REMAINDER 2.534E-1 5 5,086E-13 1.060E-1 15.283E-i 7-i .C0CE+00 1.910E-08 1.890E-08 EFFECTIVE 2.773E-15 5.909E-13 i.231E-1i 5.766E-17-i.OCOE+CC 1.010E-07 5.711E-09 SKIN(FGR) 8,574E-14 7,648E-1 3 1.594E-1 1 1.250E-14-1.OE0 0.000E-+00 CCE-OC .000E-00 Pr-i 43 GONADS 2.130E-1 7 2.264E-1 4 4,032E-1 3 7.930E-1 9-1.OCCE+CC 4.370E-1 8 8.990E-1 8

                      '2  nfl:.17 ') qlf)lI .IAQ-4 419E     .1 p   ):iQ-1i.nnnp.nn  9fli~       inonp-iq LNGS    1.860E-1 7 1.642E-1 4 2.923E-1 3 5.750E-1 9-i.C0CE+0C 1.330E-08 1.910OE-1 9 RED MARR 1.620E-1 7 1.493E-1 4 2.659E-1 3 5.230E-1 9-i.0OE00E'C       1,480E-1i1 1.030E-1 2                           NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D95 (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Calculation No. Revision O riginator/Date Reiewer/Date J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 00 BONE SUR 5.930E-1 7 5.454E-14 9.711 E-1 3 1.910OE-1 8-1.0CCE+00C 1,490E-1 1 1.030E-1 2 THYROID 2.C50E-1 7 1.8C2E-14 3.2C8E-1 36.31 CE-19-1 CODE-ICC1 .680E-1 82.660E-20 REMAINDER 1.760E-17 1.642E-14 2.923E-13 5.75CE-19-1.CCCE+OC 1.970E-09 4.220E-09 EFFECTIVE 2.100OE-1 7 2.002E-1 4 3.564E-1 3 7.011CE-1 9-1.CCCE+0C 2.190E-09 1.270E-09 SKIN(FGR) 1,760E-1 4 5.711 E-1 1 1.01 7E-D9 2.OCCE-1 5-1.CCCE+00 0.CCCE+OC C.CCCE+OC Nd-i 47 GONADS 6.130E-1 5 4.218E-1 2 7.235E-1 11.480E-1 6-1 .OOOE+00O 8.41 CE-il1 .790E-1 0 BREAST 7.1 20E-1 5 4.1 32E-1 2 7.088E-1 11.450E-1 6-1 .OOOE*OC 3,450E-1 11.870E-1 1 LUNGS 5.820E-1 5 3.648E-1 2 6.257E-1 1 1.280E-1 6-1.OOOE-i-O 1.060E-08 2.440E-1 2 RED MARR 5.400E-1 5 3.505E-1 2 6.01 3E-1 1 1.230E-1 6-1.OOCE-+-O 9.190E-11I 5.050E-1 1 BONE SUR 1.320E-14 8.265E-12 1.418E-1O 2.900E-16-1.OODE-*OO3.260E-1O 2.220E-11 THYROID 6.1 20E-1 53.876E-1 26.648E-1 11 .360E-16-1 .COCEOOE01 .820E-1 12.640E-1 3 REMAINDER 5,530E-1 5 3.562E-12 6.111 E-1 11.250E-16-1 .OOOE-'-O 1.760E-09 3.760E-09 EFFECTIVE 6.190E-1 5 3.961 E-1 2 6.795E-11I 1.390E-1 6-1.COOE+OD 1.850E-09 1.180E-09 SKIN(FGR) 1.950E-14 3.1 35E-1 1 5.377E-1 0 1.lODE-is-i .OOCE-i4J O.DOCE-i-O O.OOOE-+40 Np-239 GONADS 7.530E-1 5 4.691 E-1 2 4.380E-1 11.71 OE-1 6-i DOCE-ICO 7.450E-1 1 1.620E-1 C BREAST 8.730E-1 5 4.636E-1 2 4.329E-1 11.690E-1 6-1.DaDE-iCC 1.630E-1 11.720E-1 1 LUNGS 7.180E-1 5 4.115E-1 2 3.842E-1 1 1,500E-1 6-1 CODE-i-C 2.360E-09 2.400E-1 2 RED MARR 6,500E-1 5 4.005E-1 2 3.740E-1 11.460E-1 6-1 .OOOE-i-C 2.080E-1O0 4.660E-1 1 BONE SUR 2.OOOE-1 4 1.001 E-1 1 9.349E-1 1 3.650E-1 6-1 CODE-i-C 2.030E-09 3.590E-1 1 THYROID 7.520E-15 4.197E-12 3.919E-1 1 1.530E-16-1.COOE-iCO 7.620E-12 2.070E-13 REMAINDER 6.760E-15 4.005E-12 3.740E-11 1.460E-16-1.DOOE-i-O 9.590E-10 2.770E-09 EFFECTIVE 7.690E-1 5 4.471 E-1 2 4.175E-1 11.630E-1 6-1 .OOCE-i-O 6.780E-1 C8.820E-1 C SKIN(FGR) 1,.600E-14 7.21 5E-12 6.737E-1 1 2.630E-16-1 .OODE+O0OC.COOOE-i OO.OOCE+CO Pu-238 GONADS 6.560E-18 4.291E-14 9.011 E-13 1.490E-18-l.OOOE-i-OO 1.040E-05 2.330E-09 BREAST 1.270E-17 5.558E-14 1.167E-12 1.930E-18-1.OOOE-i-O 4.400E-10 1,800E-13 LUNGS 1.060E-1 8 2.267E-1 5 4.759E-14 7,870E-20-1 .OOCE-i-O 3.200E-04 8.640E-14 RED MARR I .680E-1 85.587E-1 51.1 73E-1 31 .940E-l 9-1 CODE-ICC5.800E-C5 1.270E-08 BONE SUR 9.300E-18 3.514E-14 7.378E-13 1.220E-18-1.CDOE-iCO7.250E-04 1.580E-07 THYROID 4.O1OE-18 9,792E-15 2.056E-13 3.400E-19-1.OCCE-iCO3.860E-1O 7.990E-14 REMAINDER 1.990E-18 9.216E-15 1.935E-13 3.2OCE-19-l CODE-ICC 2.740E-05 2.180E-08 EFFECTIVE 4.880E-1 8 2.41 3E-1 4 5.068E-1 3 8.380E-1 9-i .OCOE+OO 7.790E-05 1.340E-08 SKIN(FGR) 4.090E-1 7 2.776E-1 3 5.830E-1 2 9.640E-1 8-1 CODE-i-C O.COOE+CC ODOCOE-iC Pu-239 GONADS 4.840E-18 1.768E-1 4 3.713E-1 3 6.140E-19-1 CODE-i-C 1.200E-05 2.640E-09 BREAST 7.550E-1 8 2.238E-1 4 4.699E-1 3 7.770E-1 9-1.OCOE-iCC 3.990E-1O0 1.210OE-1 3 LUNGS 2.650E-1 8 2.267E-1 5 4.760E-1 4 7.870E-2C-l.COCE-i-C 3.23CE-C4 7.890E-1 4 RED MARR 2.67CE-18 3.456E-15 7.258E-14 i.2COE-19-1.DCOE-i-CC6.570E-C5 1.410E-C8 BONE SUR 9.470E-18 1.673E-14 3.514E-13 5.810E-19-1.OCOE-i-OC8.210E-C4 i.76CE-07 THYROID 3.880E-18 5.126E-15 l.077E-13 1.780E-19-1 CODE-i-CO3.750E-lO 7.5OCE-14 REMAINDER 2.860E-1 8 4.838E-1 5 1.016E-13 1.68CE-19-1 .CDCE-+0O 3.020E-05 2.1 20E-08 EFFECTIVE 4.240E-1 8 1.057E-1 4 2.220E-1 3 3.670E-1 9-1 CODE-i-C 8.330E-05 1.400E-08 SKIN(FGR) 1,860E-17 1.57E-13 2.220E- 2 3.67CE-l 8-i CODE-i-C.O OCE-iCO .0OOCE-i-Pu-240 GONADS 6.360E-1 8 4.118E-1 4 8,649E-1 3 1.430E-1 8-1 CODE-ICC 1.200E-05 2.640E-09 BREAST 1,.230E-1 75.328E-14 1.11 9E-12 1.850E-1 8-1.OCCE-iCO 4.330E-10 1.730E-1 3 LUNGS 1.090E-1 8 2,249E-15 4.723E-1 4 7.81COE-2C-i.CCCE-iCC 3.230E-04 8.220E-1 4 RED MARR 1,65CE-18 5.386E-15 1.131E-13 1.87CE-19-1.CCCE-.-CC6.57CE-05 1.41CE-C8 BONE SUR 9.26CE-1 83.398E-14 7.1 37E-1 31,1 80E-l 8-1 ,CCCE+CC 8.21 OE-04 1.760E-07 THYROID 3.92CE-18 9.446E-15 1.984E-13 3.28CE-19-1 CODE-i-CO3.76CE-1D 7.51CE-14 REMAINDER 1i.960E-1 8 8,870E-1 5 1.863E-1 3 3.080E-1 9-1.CCCE-i-O 3.020E-05 2.130E-08 EFFECTIVE 4,750E-1 82,313E-14 A 4,57- 3 8,030E1O9-1,000E+00 8,3E0 1 0E SI(G)3.92CE-17 2.644E-13 5.552E-12 9.18CE-18-1.CCCE-i-CC .CCCE-i-OC D.CCCE-iCC P-241 NEP-DF~q-np Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D96-(Next Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: FCacatoN. Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date CluainNRvso 3j. Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 IH21 C092 00 GONADS 7.190E-20 6.653E-17 1.396E-15 2.310E-21-1.OOOE+00 2.760E-07 5.660E-1 1 BREAST 8.67DE-2D 7.229E-17 1.517E-15 2.510E-21-1.OOOE+00 2.140E-11 2.790E-15 LUNGS 6.480E-2D 4.090E-1 7 8,584E-1 6 1.420E-21 -1.OOOE+IJO 3.1 80E-06 4.480E-1 5 RED MARR 5.630E-20 4.003E-17 8.403E-16 1.390E-21-1.DOOE-NJO1.430E-06 2.780E-10 BONE SUR 2.190E-19 1.385E-16 2.908E-15 4.810E-21-1.OOOE+00 1.780E-05 3.480E-09 THYROID 6.980E-20 4.522E-17 9.491E-16 1.570E-21-1.OCOE-+00 9.150E-12liOiDE-is REMAINDER 6.090E-2D 4.291 E-17 9.0D7E-1 61 .490E-21-1 .OOOE+00 6.020E-07 1.850E-1 0 EFFECTIVE 7.250E-20 5.558E-17 1.167E-1 5 1.930E-21-1 CODE-i-D 1.340E-06 2.070E-10 SKIN(FGR) 1,1 70E-1 92.033E-1 64.268E-1 57.060E-21 -1.OOOE+00 O.E00E40 .OOOE+DO Am-241 GONADS 8.580E-1 6 9.360E-1 3 1,966E-1 1 3.250E-1 7-1.OQOE+0O 3.250E-05 2.700E-07 BREAST 1.070E-1 5 1.014E-1 2 2.129E-1 1 3.52DE-1 7-1.ODOE-'4J 2.670E-09 2.620E-1 1 LUNGS 6.740E-1 6 5.789E-1 3 1,216E-1 12.01 OE-1 7-1.DOOE-i-D 1.840E-05 3.360E-1 1 RED MARR 5.210OE-1 64.838E-1 3 1.016E-11 1.680E-1 7-1.OOOE-iOO 1.740E-04 1.450E1-06 BONE SUR 2.870E-1 5 2.678E-1 2 5.625E-1 1 9.300E-1 7-1 CODE-i-D 2.170E-03 1.810OE-05 THYROID 7.830E-1 66.365E-1 3 1.337E-1 12.21OE-1 7-1.OOOE--OO 1.600E-09 1.32DE-1 1 REMAINDER 6.340E-16 5.933E-13 1.246E-1 12.D6OE-17-1 .OOOE+0O 7.82DE-05 6.66DE-D7 EFFECTIVE 8.180E-1 6 7.920E-1 3 1.663E-1 1 2.75DE-1 7-1.OOOE-i-D 1.200E-04 9.84DE-07 SKIN(FGR) 1.280E-1 5 2.396E-1 2 5.032E-1 1 8.320E-1 7-1 CODE-i-CO .CCDE-i- OD.ODCE+00 Cm-242 GONADS 7.830E-18 4.893E-14 1.013E-12 1.700E-18-1 CODE-i-C 5.700E-07 5.200E-09 BREAST 1.480E-1 7 6.159E-1 4 1.275E-1 2 2.140E-1 8-1.CCOE-i-C 9.440E-1D0 .950E-1 2 LUNGS 1.130E-1 8 3.022E-1 5 6.257E-1 4 1.050E-1 9-1.000OE+00C 1.550E-05 8.840E-12 RED MARR 1.890E-18 6.562E-15 1.359E-13 2.280E-19-1.COCE-i-OC3.900E-06 3.570E-C8 BONE SUR 1,060E-1 74.231 E-14 8.759E-1 31 .470E-1 8-1 .CCOE-i-CD4.870E-05 4.46CE-07 THYROID 4.91 CE-i 81.261 E-1 42.61 CE- 3 4.380E-1 9-1 .OCCE-i-CD9.41 CE-i C8.82DE-12 REMAINDER 2.270E-18 1.D79E-14 2.235E-13 3.750E-19-1.OCCE+CD 2.450E-C6 4.02CE-08 EFFECTIVE 5.690E-18 2.751E-14 5.697E-13 9.56CE-19-1.CCCE-i-CC4.67CE-06 3.100E-C8 SKIN(FGR) 4.290E-17 2.700E-13 5.589E-12 9.380E-18-1.DOCEi-CC O.COCE-i-CC .CDOE-i-C Cm-244 GONADS 6.900E-1 8 4.522E-1 4 9.492E-1 3 1.570E-1 8-1.CCCE-i-C 1.59CE-05 1.330E-C7 BREAST 1.330E-1 7 5.702E-1 41.1 97E-1 21.980E-1 8-1 .CCOE-i-CO 1.040E-09 8.820E-1 2 LUNGS 7.08DE-1 9 2.592E-1 5 5.441 E-1 4 9.COOE-20-1.OOOE-i-C 1.930E-05 8.81 OE-1 2 RED MARR 1.46CE-18 5,875E-1 51 .233E-1 3 2,O4E-1 9-1 .OCCE-i-CC9.380E-C5 7.82DE-C7 BONE SUR 8.820E-1 83.859E-1 48.101 E-1 31 ,340E-1 6-1 .OCOE+CO 1.1 70E-03 9.770E-C6 THYROID 4.190E-18 1.146E-14 2.406E-1 33.96CE-19-1 .CCCE-+101.DiCE-Og 8.44CE-12 REMAINDER 1.810E-18 9.821 E-15 2.062E-13 3.41 CE-i 9-1 .CCCE-i-O4.780E-C5 4.1 5CE-C7 EFFECTIVE 4.910OE-1 8 2.529E-1 4 5.308E-1 3 8.780E-1 9-1.CCCE+i-C 6.700E-05 5.450E-07 SKIN(FGR) 3.910E-17 2.506E-13 5,260E-12 8.700E-18-1.CCOE-i-CC .CCOE-i- .OC.COE-i-C NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D97-(Next-) t Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Originator/Date J.Metcalf 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date D.Leaver 12/12/06 Unit: -1 Calculation No. IH21 C092 Disposition: __ Revision 00 Ref. Appendix D3: RADTRAD OUTPUT File (.o0) Excerpts for Case 1A (LIMITING CASE: Core Spray Division Electrical Failure Appendix D3.1: NMPI-Case lAa.oO (MSIV Leakage & Permanent Bypass) 1-131 Summary DW WW RB Time (hr) 1-131 (Curies) 1-131 (Curies) 1-131 (Curies) 0,001 2.8009E+03 0.0000E+00 0.0000E-'00 0.010 4.0662E-404 0.OOOOE+/-00 0.0000E-'00 0.031 7.9873E+04 0.0000E+O0 0.0000E+00 0.260 2.5478E+05 0.0000E+00 0.0000E-*CO 0,496 2.7019E+05 0.0DD0E+00 0,0000E-+00 0.500 2.5913E+05 0.OODOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.524 2.693DE-+05 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E-+C0 0.529 2.8219E~+05 0.OOOOE+-00 0.OOOOE+/-00 0.700 3.8104E+05 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.800 3.8407E+05 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 1.000 4.3655E+05 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 1.178 4.3951E+05 0-0000E+00 0.0000E+00 1.478 4.4291 E+05 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+O0 1.778 4.4628E+05 0.OOOOE+00 0.00OE00E~ 1.985 4.4860E-.05 0.00-O.OOOOE .000E0

                                                                        -+0 2.000    5.41 80E+05         0.0000E-+C0           0.0000E+00 2.033    4.6306E+05          0.OOOOE+/-00            0.OOOOE+00 2.211    1.6661 E+05         1.1450E+05            0.OOOOE+U0 2.500    7.9250E+04          5.4301 E+04           0.OOOOE+00 2.727    4.7407E+04          3.2361 E-+04          0.OOOOE+00 3.127    3.0298E--04         2.0422E-+04           H00, E4CO 3.427    2.3386E+04          1.5722E+04            0.OOOOE+00 3.727    1.9320E+04          1.2957E+04            0.OOOOE+00 4.027    1.6925E-s04         1.1 329E+04           0.OOOOE+00 4.280    1,5685E-*04         1.0485E+04           0.OOOOE-f00 4.580    1.5018E+04          1.0026E+04           0.OOOOE+00 4.880    1.4544E-+04         9.7054E+'03          0.00OE00E~

4.952 1.4453E-'04 9.6441 E+0J3 0.OOOOE+O0 5.252 1.4144E+04 9.4351 E+03 0.0000E+00 5.552 1.3922E+'04 9.2859E+03 0.OOOOE--00 5.852 1.3763E+04 9.1783E+03 0.OOOOE+00 6.000 1.3701 E-404 9,1366E+03 0.OOOOE+00 6.300 1.3601 E+04 9.0689E+03 4.2058E+00 6.600 1.3525E+04 9.0182E+03 8.2675E+*00 6.900 1.3468E--04 8.9793E+03 1,2196E+01 7,200 1.3422E+04 8.9486E+03 1.5999E+01 7.500 1.3385E+04 8.9237E+03 1.9683E+01 7.800 1.3354E+04 8.9027E+043 2.3254E+01 7.995 1.3336E+,04 8.8907E+03 2,5515E+01 8.000 1.3335E+04 8.8904E+03 2.5574E+01 8.400 1.3302E+04 8.8684E+03 3.0075E+01 8.700 1.3280E+0f4 8.8536E+03 3.3333E+01 nnn 4, ')C P.A 0 0r307r-noV ')cAPor--n 9.300 1.3240E+04 8.8266E-*03 3.9559E+01 9.600 1.3221E+04 8,8138E+03 4.2534E0Q1 NPDS0 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D98-(Next Project.' Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: CacltoN. Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date jCluaonN.Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 IH21 C092 100

Ref, 9.900 1.3202E+04 8.801 5E+03 4.5420E+01 10.200 1,.3184E+04 8.7893E+03 4.8220E+01 14,990 1.2907E-t04 8.6044E+03 8.3060E+/-ý01 24.000 1.2404E+04 8.2692E+03 1.1 539E+02 24.047 1.2401 E+04 8.2676E+03 1.15 19E+02 96.000 9.2989E-*03 6.1 992E+043 5.3769E+01 720.000 7.6565E+02 5.1 043E+02 4.4231 E+00 SL Environment Pool Time (hr) 1-131 (Curies) 1-131 (Curies) 1-131 (Curies) 0.001 8.9226E-05 3.7063E-05 0.0000E+00 0.010 2.5582E-02 1.0707E-02 0.OOOOE+*00 0.031 1.7319 E-01 7.3702E-02 0.OOOOE+00 0.260 3,8369E+00 1,.9252E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.496 9,3933E+00 5.4025E+00 0.OOOOE-fCO 0.500 9.4688E+00 5.4596E+00 0.0OOOE+00 0.524 9.9449E+00 5.8262E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.529 1.0059E+01 5.9134E+00 0.0000E+00 0.700 1.5038E+01 9.4642E+00 0.0000E+400 0.800 1.7888E+01 1.1 794E+01 0.OOOOE-*00 1.000 2.3714E+01 1.7087E+01 0.OOOOE+00 1.178 2.8361 E+01 2.2214E+01 0.OOOOE+00 1.478 3.4690E+01 3.1 434E+01 0.OOOOE+00 1.778 3.9772E+01 4.1 247E+01 0,0OOOE+00 1.985 4.2748E+01 4.831 6E+01 0.OOOOE+00 2.000 4.3034E+01 4.8878E+01 0.OOOOE+00 2.033 4,3667E+01 5.01 23E+01 0.OOOOE+00 2.211 4.1368E+01 5.4298E+01 0.OOOOE+00 2.500 3.6200E+01 5.9343E+01 0.OOOOE-I00 2.727 3.1853E+01 6.2386E+01 0.OOOOE+00 3.127 2.5365E+01 6.6660E+01 0.OOOOE-*00 3.427 2,1641 E+0 1 6.9267E+01 0.OOOOE+/-00 3.727 1.8742E+01 7.15S10E+01 0.OOOOE+00 4.027 1.6516E+01 7.3487E+01 0.OOOOE+00 4.280 1.5058E+01 7.5003E+01 0.OOOOE+00 4.580 1.3735E+01 7.6662E+01 0.OOOOE+00 4.880 1.2751E+01 7.821 3E-+01 0.OOOOE+00 4.952 1.2557E+01 7,8569E+01 0.OOOOE+00 5.252 1.2017E+01 8.0031 E4ý01 0.OOOOE+00 5.552 1.1593E+01 8.1 447E+01 0,OOOOE-*00 5.852 1.1261E+01 8.2827E+01 0.OOOOE+00 6.000 1.1126E+0 1 8.3497E+01 0.OOOOE-I00 6.300 1,.0899E+01 8.4839E+01 0.OOOOE+00 6.600 1.0725E+01 8.6161 E+01 0.OOOOE+00 6.900 1.0591 E+01 8.7469E+01 0.OOOOE+00 7.200 1.0489E+01 8.8766E+01 0.OOOOE+00 7.500 1.0411 E+01 9.0054E*401 0.0000E+00 7.800 1.0354E+01 9.1 336E+01 0.00O0E+00 7.995 1.0324E+01 9.2 165E+01 0.0000E+00 8.000 1.0324E+01 9.21 87E*401 0.OOOOE+00 8.400 1.0295E-01 9.3886E+01 0.OOOOE+00 8.700 1.0278E+01 9.51 57E+01 0.OOOOE+00 9.000 1.0265E+01 9.6427E+01 0.OOOOE+00 9.0 0l 1.0V254E.01 9.7695E+01I n nnnn0.rin 9.600 1.0245E+01 9.8961 E+01 0.OOOOE+00 9.900 1.0238E+01 1.0023E+02 0.OOOOE+00 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D99 (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1- Disposition: Calculation No. Revision FOriginator/Date Reviewer/Date Jo.Metcalf 12/12/06 0. Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 10.200 1.0231 E-401 1.0149E+02 O-OOOOE+00 14.990 1.0127E+01 1.2153E+02 O.0000E+00 24.000 9,7818E-+00 1.5827E+02 0-0000E+00 24,047 9.7800E-+00 1.5836E+02 0.OOOOE÷00 96.000 7.3364E-00 2.8348E+02 0.OOOOE-400 720.000 6.0407E-01 6.2760E+02 0.OOOOE+00 Dummy Control Room Time (hr) 1-131 (Curies) 1-131 (Curies) 0.001 4.8858E-04 2.0621 E-09 0.010 1.4078E-01 5.9398E-07 0.031 9.6323E-01 4,0607E-06 0.260 2,3806E+01 9.8700E-05 0.496 6.3192E-*01 2.5432E-04 0.500 6.3803E+01 2.5664E-04 0.524 6.7703E+01 2.8693E-04 0.529 6.8633E+01 2.9410E-04 0.700 1.0674E+0O2 5.7657E-04 0.800 1.3070E+0C2 7,4560E-04 1,000 1.8347E+0J2 1.0994E-03 1.178 2.3205E+'02 1.4022E-03 1.478 3.1448E-+02 1.8656E-03 1.778 3.9747E+02 2.2728E-03 1.985 4.5505E+02 2.5244E-03 2.000 4.5973E+02 2.5453E-03 2.033 4.7011 E+02 2.5915E-03 2.211 5.0994E+02 2,5851 E-03 2.500 5,4501E+'02 2.4271 E-03 2.727 5.5927E+02 2.12 51 E-03 3,127 5.7436E+02 1.6778E-03 3.427 5,207E+02 1.4105E-03 3.727 5.8809E+02 1.1 927E-03 4.027 5M910E+02 1.01 66E-03 4.280 5,9687E+02 8.9521 E-04 4.580 6,0103E-'02 7.7869E-04 4,880 6.0501 E+02 6.8637E-04 4.952 6,0594E+02 .6.6740E-04 5,252 6.0976E+02 5.9897E-04 5.552 6.1350E+042 5.4572E-04 5.852 6.1717E+02 5.0433E-04 6.000 6,1896E+02 4.8746E-04 6.300 6.1831 E+02 4.5915E-04 6.600 6.1767E+02 4.3724E-04 6.900 6.1705E+02 4.2034E-04 7.200 6.1643E+02 4.0734E-04 7.500 6.1582E+02 3.9737E-04 7.800 6.1523E+02 3.8976E-04 7.995 6.1485E+02 3.8583E-04 8.000 6.1484E+0J2 3.8573E-04 8.400 6.1407E+02 3.0492E-04 8.700 6.1350E+0O2 2.6156E-04 9,000 6.1295E+02 2.2894E-04 9.300 6.1240E+02 2.0442E-04 9,600l 6,1186E+0J2 1,8598ENi 9.900 6.1133E+02 1.7211 E-04 10.200 6.1081 E402 1.6169E-04 NPDSO Rpv 09Q

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D100. (Next) Project.- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 00 14.990 6.0342E-02 1.2992E-04 24.000 5.9261E+02 1.2551 E-04 24.047 5.9256E+'02 1,2235E-04 96.000 4.9717E+'02 3.9783E-05 720.000 8.1351 E+01 2.8452E-06 Cumulative Dose Summary EAB LPZ Control Room Time Thyroid TEDE Thyroid TEDE Thyroid TEDE (hr) (rem) (rem) (rem) (rem) (rem) (rem) 0.001 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 3.2426E-07 1.6522E-08 2.8953E-1 0 1.2950E-11I 0,010 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE-.00 9.3672E-05 4.81 17E-06 1.3848E-06 6.2170E-08 0.031 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE÷00 6.4467E-04 3.3722E-05 2.5730E-05 1,1635E-06 0.260 0.0000E-'00 0.0000E-+O0 1.681 7E-02 9.8094E-04 4.9562E-03 2.3809E-04 0.496 0.OOOOE-+00 0.OOOOE+00 4.7117E-02 2.8194E-03 2.6012E-02 1.2711 E-03 0.500 0.OOOOE-400 0.0000E+00 4.761 4E-02 2.8502E-03 2.6487E-02 1.2948E-03 0.524 3.7543E-02 2.7506E-03 5.0834E-02 3.0862E-03 2.9709E-02 1.4578E-03 0.529 4.6557E-02 3.4957E-03 5.1 608E-02 3.1501 E-03 3.0498E-02 1.4984E-03 0.700 4.1 849E-01 4.0889E-02 8.3515E-02 6.3581 E-03 6.8149E-02 3.8939E-03 0.800 6.6299E-01 6.8668E-02 1.0449E-01 8.7412E-03 1.0213E-01 6.4407E-03 1.000 1.2181 E-ý00 1.3640E.-01 1.5211 E-0l 1.4552E-02 1.9684E-01 1.4419E-02 1.178 1.7548E+00 2.0731 E-01 1.981 6E-01 2.0636E-02 3.11 53E-01 2.5086E-02 1.478 2.71 73E+'00 3.4644E-01 2.8073E-01 3.2571 E-02 5.6466E-01 5.0920E-02 1.778 3.7382E+'00 5.0860E-01 3.6831 E-01 4.6483E-02 8.8436E-01 8.6850E-02 1.985 4.4712E+00 6,3320E-01 4,3119E-01 5.7173E-02 1.1392E-'00 1.1752E-01 2.000 4.5293E+00 6.4306E-01 4.3618E-01 5.8018E-02 1.1589E+00 1.1999E-01 2.033 4.6582E+00 6.6485E-01 4.4723E-01 5.9887E-02 1,.2027E+00 1.2547E-01 2.211 5.0892E+00 7.4541 E-01 4.8421 E-01 6.6798E-02 1.4384E+00 1.5539E-01 2.500 5.6073E+00 8.61 02E-01 5.2866E-01 7.6717E-02 1.8094E+.00 2,0520E-01 2.727 5.6073E--00 8.61 02E-01 5.5530E-01 8.3794E-02 2.071 6E+'00 2.4265E-01 3.127 5.6073E+'00 8.61 02E-01 5,9243E-01 9.5358E-02 2.4550E+00 3.0059E-01 3.427 5.6073E--00 8.6102E-01 6.1489E-01 1.0345E-01 2.6878E-'00 3.380011-01 3.727 5.6073E-*00 8.61 02E-01 6.3407E-01 1.11 IOE-01 2.8831 E-+00 3.7106E-0 1 4.027 5.6073E+0C0 8.61 02E-01 6,5085E-01 1.1836E-01 3.0480E+00 4.0055E-01 4.280 5.6073E+*00 8,6102E-01 6,6364E-01 1.2422E-01 3.1682E+00 4,2317E-01 4.580 5.6073E+00 8,6102E-01 6.7754E-01 1,3086E-01 3.2919E+00 4.4754E-01 4.880 5.6073E+00 8.6102E-01 6.9046E-01 1.3722E-01 3.3996E+00 4.6986E-01 4.952 5.6073E+00 8.6102E-01 6.9342E-01 1.3870E-01 3.4233E+'00 4,7493E-01 5.252 5.6073E-'00 8.6102E-01 7.0552E-01 1.4473E-01 3.5157E+00 4.9509E-01 5.552 5.6073E+00 8.6102E-01 7.1718E-01 1.5054E-01 3,5988E-+00 5,1386E-01 5.852 5.6073E+00 8.61 02E-01 7.2850E-01 1.5611 E-0 1 3.6746E+00 5.3141 E-0 1 6.000 5.6073E+i00 8.61 02E-01 7.3398E-01 1.5877E-01 3.7098E-400 5,3967E-01 6.300 5.6073E-'00 8.6102E-01 7.4491E-01 1.6399E-01 3.7776E+00 5.5561E-01 6.600 5.6073E~+00 8.6102E-01 7.5565E-01 1.6899E-01 3.8414E+'00 5,7067E-01 6.900 5.6073E+00 8.61 02E-01 7.6623E-01 1.7379E-01 3.9022E+00 5.8493E-01 7.200 5.6073E-÷00 8.61 02E-01 7.7669E-01 1,.7839E-01 3.9606E-+00 5.9845E-01 7.500 5.6073E+00 8.6102E-01 7.8704E-01 1.8280E-01 4.0172E+00 6.1129E-01 7.800 5.6073E+00 8.6102E-01 7.9732E-01 1.8704E-01 4.0723E+00 6.2351 E-0 1 7.995 5.6073E+'00 8.6102E-01 8.0395E-01 1.8969E-01 4.1074E+00 6.3113E-01 8.000 5.6073E+00 8.6102E-01 8.0412E-01 1.8976E-01 4.1 083E+00 6.3133E-01 Q Ann r 90n71C-11) Pan'o:n1 Q nqpn) i oi19)r:ni A ii nr~p.nn rirArfl-n.i1 8.700 5.6073E+00 8.6102E-01 8.1233E-01 1,9552E-01 4.21112E+00 6.53312E-0 1 __I 9.000 56073E+00 8.6102E-01 8.1582E-01 1.97842-01 4.24492+00 6.6020E-01 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page D101-(Next) Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Calculation No. Revision FOriginator/Date Reviewer/Date J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 00 R-ef. 9.300 5.6073E+00 8.61 02E-01 8.1930E-01 2.0006E-01 4,2747E+0~0 6.6603E-01 9.600 5.6073E+00 8.61 02E-01 8.2277E-01 2.0219E-01 4.3015E+00 6.7104E-01 9.900 5.6073E+i00 8.6102E-01 8,2623E-01 2.0424E-01 4,3260E+00 6.7542E-01 10.200 5.6073E+00 8,6102E-01 8.2967E-01 2.0621E-01 4.3488E+00 6.7933E-01 14.990 5.6073E+00 8.61 02E-01 8.8339E-01 2.3064E-01 4.6419E+00 7.1950E-01 24.000 5.6073E~+00 8.61 02E-01 9.7817E-01 2.5827E-01 5.1358E-+00 7.6425E-01 24.047 5.6073E--00 8.6102E-01 9.7830E-01 2.5830E-01 5.1373E+00 7.6435E-01 96.000 5.6073E+00 8.6102E-01 1.1347E+00 2.7880E-01 5.91 84E+'00 8,0541E-01 720.000 5.6073E+00 8.6102E-01 1.2526E-'00 2.8975E-01 7.0529E+00 8.5501 E-01 Worst Two-Hour Doses Note: All of the dose locations are shown below but the worst two-hour dose isonly meaningful for the EAR dose location. Please disregard the two-hour worst doses for the other dose locations EAB Time Whole Body Thyroid TEDE (hr) (rem) (rem) (rem) 0.5 4.3460E-01 5.6073E-+00 8.6102E-01 LPZ Time Whole Body Thyroid TEDE (hr) (rem) (rem) (rem) 0.8 4.2242E-02 4.5766E-01 7,7176E-02 Control Room Time Whole Body Thyroid TEDE (hr) (rem) (rem) (rem) 1.5 7.9693E-02 2.1471E+i00 2.9249E-01 NEPESO Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _D102 (Next [Originator/Date Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station J. Metcalf 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date D.Leaver 12/12/06 Unit: -1 CacltinN. IH1 92 Disposition: - Rvso 00 Ref. Appendix D3.2: NMPI-Case 1Ab.oO (Temporary Bypass) 1-131 Summary DW WW RB Time (hr) 1-131 (Curies) 1-131 (Curies) 1-131 (Curios) 0,001 2,8009E-*03 0.OOOOE-'00 0.0000E+/-00 0.010 4,0662E+04 0.000OE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.031 7.9873E+04 0.0000E-'40 0.0000E+00 0.260 2.5478E+05 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.496 2.7019E+05 0.0000E-+00 0.0000E+00 0.500 2.5913E+i05 0.0000E-+00 0.0000E+00 0.524 2,6930E+05 0.00O0E+00 O.0000E-+00 0.529 2.8219E+05 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE-400 0.700 3,8104E-.05 0.0000EE4J0 0.0000E+00 0.800 3.8407E+05 0.OOOOEAJO 0.OOOOE+00 1.000 4,3655E+05 0.OOOOE-+00 0.OOOOE+00 1.178 4.3951 E+05 0.OOOOE-'00 0.OOOOE+00 1.478 4.4291 E+05 0,0000E400 0.OOOOE-'00 1.778 4.4628E+405 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+~00 1.985 4.4860E-FO5 0.OOOOE-+00 0.0OOOE-*00 2.000 5.4180E+05 0.OOOOE+00 0.O0OOE+00 2.033 4.6306E-'05 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 2,211 1,6661 E-05 1.1450E+05 0.0000E+00 2.500 7.9250E+04 5.4301E+04 0.OOOOE+00 2.727 4.7407E+04 3.2361E+04 0.OOOOE-+00 3.127 3.0298E+04 2.0422E-f04 0.OOOOE+00 3.427 2.3386E+04 1.5722E-+04 0.0000EE*C0 3.727 1.9320E+04 1.2957E+0~4 0.0000E-+00 4.027 1.6925E+04 1.1329E+04 0.OOOOE-i00 4.280 1.5685E+'04 1.0485E+04 0.0000E-+00 4.580 1,5018E-104 1.0026E+.04 0.0000E+~00 4.880 1.4544E-i04 9.7054E+03 0.O0OOE+00 4.952 1.4453E+04 9.6441 E+03 0.O0OOE+00 5.252 1.4144E+04 9.4351 E+03 0.OOOOE-*00 5.552 1.3922E+04 9.2859E-03 0.0000E-.-00 5.852 1.3763E+*04 9.1783E+*03 0.OO0OE+00O 6.000 1.3701 E+04 9.1366E-+03 0.OOOOE+-00 6.300 1.3601E+-04 9.0689E+03 4.2058E+00 6.600 1.3525E+04 9.0182E+03 8.2675E-.00 6.900 1.3468E-104 8.9793E+03 1.2196E-+01 7.200 1.3422E+04 8.9486E+03 1.5999E+0J1 7.500 1.3385E+04 8.9237E+03 1.9683E+iO1 7.800 1.3354E-'-04 8.9027E-+03 2.3254E+01 7.995 1,3336E+04 8,8907E+03 2.5515E+01 8.000 1,3335E-*04 8,8904E-i03 2,5574Ei.01 8.400 1.3302E-+04 8.8684E-~F13 3.0075E+01 8.700 1.3280E+0J4 8.8536E+i03 3.3333E-i01 9.000 1.3259E+04 8.8397E+03 3.6493E+01 9.300 1.3240E+04 8.8266E+03 3.9559E+01 9.600 1.3221E-404 8.8138E-#03 4.2534E+01 9.900 i.3202Et+04 O.Ou IZr+Uj 4.04ZUt+UI 10.200 1.3184E+04 8.7893E+03 4,8220E+01 NPDS0 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D103 (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ OdginatorIDate Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00


14.990 1.2907E+04 8,6044E+'03 8.3060E+01 24.000 l.2404E+*04 8.2692E+ý03 1.1539E+02 24.047 1.2401 E-'04 8.2676E+03 1.1519E-'02 96.000 9.2989E-*03 6.1992E+03 5.3769E-'01 720.000 7.6565E+02 5.1043Ei402 4.4231 E+00 SL Environment Pool Time (hr) 1-131 (Curies) 1-131 (Curies) 1-131 (Curies) 0.001 8.9226E-05 4.8858E-04 0.OOOOE-*00 0.010 2.5582E-02 1.4078E-01 0.OOOOE+00 0.031 1,7319E-01 9.6324E-01 0.OOOOE+00 0.260 3.8369E+00 2.3811 E-01 0.OOOOE+00 0.496 9.3933E+00 6.3228E-*O1 M0.OE+00 0.500 9.4688E+00 6.3840E+01 0.OOOOE+00 0.524 9,9449E+00 6.7745E+01 0.OOO0E+00 0.529 1.0059E+01 6.8676E+01 0.00OE00E~ 0.700 1.5038E+01 1.0683E+02 0.OOOOE+00 0.800 1.7888E+01 1.3083E+02 0.00OE00E~ 1.000 2.3714E+01 1.8371 E-02 0.OOOOE--00 1.178 2.8361 E+01 2.3240E+02 0.OOOOE+00 1.478 3.4690E+01 3.1512E+02 0.OOOOE+00 1.778 3.9772E+01 3.9847E+02 0.0000E+00 1.985 4,2748E+01 4.5635E+02 0.OOOOE+00 2.000 4.3034E+01 4.6106E+02 0.OOOOE-400 2.033 4.3667E+01 4.7149E-+02 0.0000E-+00 2.211 4.1 368E-+01 5.11 62E+02 0.0OOOE-t00 2.500 3.6200E+401 5.4723E--02 0.OOOOE-*00 2.727 3.1853E+01 5,6193E--02 0.OOOOE-*00 3.127 2.5365E+01 5.7782E-'02 0.OOOOE--00 3.427 2.1641E+'01 5.8614E-+02 0.OOOOE+00 3.727 1.8742E+01 5.9278E-*02 0.OOOOE+400 4.027 1.6516E+.01 5.9842E+02 0-OOOOE+00 4.280 1.5058E+01 6.0272E+02 0.OOOOE+00 4.580 1.3735E+01 6.0752E1J02 0.OOOOE-+40 4.880 1.2751 E+01 6.1213E+02 0.0000E+00 4.952 1.2557E+01 6.1321 E+02 0.OOOOE+00 5.252 1.2017E+01 6.1768E-*02 0.OOOOE+00 5.552 1.1593E+01 6.2207E-'02 0.OOOOE--00 5.852 1.1261 E-01 6.2639E-+02 0.OOOOE+00 6.000 l.1126E+0 1 6.2851 E+02 0.OOOOE-400 6.300 1.0899E-'01 6.2851 E-02 0.OOOOE+00 6.600 1.0725E+01 6.2851E+02 0.OOOOE+00 6.900 1,0591E+01 6.2851 E-02 0.OOOOE+00 7.200 1.0489E+01 6.2851 E+02 0.OOOOE+00 7.500 1.0411 E+01 6.2851E-+02 0.OOOOE+00 7.800 1.0354E+01 6.2851 E+02 0.OOOOE+00 7.995 1.0324E-'01 6.2851 E+02 0.OOOOE-'00 8.000 1.0324E+01 6.2851 E-02 0.OOOOE+00 8.400 1.0295E--01 6.2851 E+02 0.OOOOE-'00 8.700 1.0278E+01 6.2851 E-02 0.OOOOE+00 9.000 1.0265E+01 6.2851 E+02 0-OOOOE+00 9.300 1,0254E+01 6.2851E-+02 0.OOOOE-*00 9.600 1.0245E-101 6.2851 E+02 0.OOOOE+00 10.200 1.0231 E-*01 6.2851E-02 0.OOOOEi00 14.990 1.0127E+01 6.2851 E+02 0.OOOOE+00 NPDS0 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D104t (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Calculation No. Revision Reviewer/Date O riginator/Date Jo.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12112106 IH21 C092 00 Ref. 24.000 9.7818E-400 6.2851 E+02 0.OOOOE+00 24.047 9.7800E+00 6.2851 E+02 0.OOOOEiCO 96.000 7.3364E-00 6.2851 E'02 0.OOOOE+00 720.000 6.0407E-01 6,2851 E-02 0.OOOOE+00 Dummy Control Room Time (hr) 1-131 (Curies) 1-131 (Curies) 0.001 7.4008E-05 1.21 19E-08 0.010 2.1350E-02 3.48 14E-06 0.031 1.4648E-01 2.3649E-05 0.260 3.71155E-ý400 5.421 5E-04 0.496 1.0141E+01l 1.3142E-03 0,500 1.0243E+01 1 3248E-03 0.524 1.0900E+01 1.4736E-03 0.529 1.1057E-+01 1.5089E-03 0.700 1.7447E+01 2.91 28E-03 0.800 2.1554E+011 3.7065E-03 1.000 3.0751 E+01 5,3000E-03 1.178 3.9450E+'01 6,5567E-03 1.478 5.4682E-+01 8.2850E-03 1.778 7.0487E+01 9.6250E-03 1.985 8.1676E-+01 1.0374E-02 2.000 8.2574E+01 1.0445E-02 2.033 8.4564E+01 1.0601 E-02 2.211 9.0426E+01 1.0692E-02 2.500 9.6788E+01 9.61 36E-03 2.727 1,0027E-.02 8.1 149E-03 3.127 1,0486E-'02 5.9360E-03 3,427 1.0753E-'02 4.6913E-03 3.727 1.0977E+02 3.7 187E-03 4.027 1.1169E+02 2.9655E-03 4.280 1.1314E+0J2 2.4659E-03 4.580 1.1471 E-02 2.0048E-03 4.880 1.1615E-402 1.6539E-03 4.952 1.1648E+042 1.5835E-03 5.252 1,1783E+02 1.3336E-03 5.552 1.1913E-+02 1.1437E-03 5.852 1.2039E-*02 9,9954E-04 6.000 1.2100E+02 9.41 77E-04 6.300 1.22221E-02 7.0865E-04 6.600 1.2343E-*02 5.3324E-04 6.900 1.2464E+'02 4.01 25E-04 7.200 1.2584E-+02 3.01 93E-04 7.500 1.2704E+02 2.27 19E-04 7.800 1,2825E-+02 1.7095E-04 7.995 1.2903E--02 1.4213E-04 8.000 1.2905E-402 1.4 143E-04 8.400 1.3067E-402 9.6796E-05 8.700 1.3189E+02 7.2835E-05 9.000 1.3311 E-+02 5.4806E-05 9.300 1.3434E-+02 4.1 240E-05 9.600 1.3557E+02 3.1032E-05 9.900 1.3681 E-02 2.3350E-05 1.7570EO..05 14.990 1.5849E+'02 1.8736E-07 24,000 1.9789E+02 3.6572E-1 1 NE P-nF~qn Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D105 (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Calculation No. Revision O riginator/Date Reviewer/Date Jo.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12106 H210C092 00 Ret. 24.047 1.9800E-f02 3.4978E-1 I 96.000 3.0168E+02 8.3059E-41 720.000 1.4854E+02 1.0078-297 Cumulative Dose Summary EAB LPZ Control Room Time Thyroid TEDE Thyroid TIEDE Thyroid TEDE (hr) (rem) (rem) (rem) (rem) (rem) (rem) 0.001 0.OOOOE+00 0,OOOOE+00 4.2747E-06 2.1177E-07 1,7016E-09 7.4970E-11I 0.010 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 1.2317E-03 6.1237E-05 8.1172E-06 3.5807E-07 0.031 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 8.4257E-03 4,2238E-04 1.5002E-04 6.6354E-06 0.260 0,OOOOE-'00 0.OOO0E-*00 2.0802E-01 1.1 047E-02 2,7553E-02 1.2556E-03 0.496 0.OOOOE+O0 0.OOOOE+00 5.5155E-01 2.9756E-02 1.3918E-01 6.4158E-03 0.500 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 5.5686E-01 3.0051 E-02 1.41 63E-01 6.5303E-03 0.524 4.0102E-01 2.7223E-02 5.9127E-01 3,2387E-02 1.5823E-01 7.3183E-03 0.529 4.9769E-01 3.4806E-02 5.9956E-01 3.3037E-02 1.6228E-01 7.5 150E-03 0.700 4.51 65E+00 4,1393E-01 9.4434E-01 6.5562E-02 3.5433E-01 1.9323E-02 0.800 7.0483E+'00 6.7441 E-01 1.1615SE+00 8.7909E-02 5.2507E-01 3.1 692E-02 1.000 1.2619E+01 1.2717E--00 1.6394E+'00 1.3915E-01 9.8987E-01 6.8893E-02 1.178 1.7736E+'01 1.8485E+00 2.0784E+00 1.8863E-01 1.5361 E40-0 1.1609E-01 1.478 2.6404E-+01 2.8821 E+00 2.8221 E-+00 2.7731 E-0 1 2.6920E-.00 2.2284E-01 1.778 3.5107E+01 3,9825E+00 3.5687E+00 3.7171 E-01 4.0820E+'00 3.5998E-01 1.985 4.1 132E-f01 4.7759E+00 4.0856E+00 4.3978E-01 5.1485E+00 4.7020E-01 2.000 4.1621 E+01 4.8395E+00 4.1276E+00 4,4523E-01 5.2298E+'00 4.7882E-01 2.033 4.2706E+01 4.9799E+00 4.2206E+00 4.5727E-01 5.4099E+00 4.9791 E-01 2.211 4.6868E+01 5.5891 E+00 4.5777E&4J0 5.0954E-01 6.3855E+00 6,0250E-01 2.500 5.0544E+01 6.3073E+00 4.8930E+00 5.71 15E-01 7.8993E+00 7.7339E-01 2.727 5.0544E+401 6.3073E+00 5.0220E-400 6.0804E-01 8.9247E+00 8.9674E-01 3.127 5.0544E+01 6.3073E+00 5.1600E-i00 6.6298E-01 1.0344E+01 1.0783E+i00 3,427 5.0544E+01 6.3073E+00 5.2315SE-i00 6.9935E-01 1.1 147E+01 1.1 885E-i00 3.727 5,0544E+01 6.3073E+00 5.2879E+00 7.3246E-01 1.17818E+01 1.2808E+00 4.027 5.0544E+01 6.3073E+00 5.3353E+00 7.6294E-01 1.2282E+i01 1.3587E+00 4.280 5.0544E+01 6.3073E--00 5.3713E+00 7.87008-01 1.2625E+01 1.4154E+400 4.580 5.0544E+01 6.3073E+00 5.4111 E+00 8.1390E-01 1.2957E+01 1.4737E+00 4.880 5.0544E+01 6.3073E+00 5.4493E+00 8.3939E-01 1.3227E+01 1.5243E+00 4.952 5.0544E+01 6.3073E+00 5.4582E+00 8,4526E-01 1.3284E-i01 1.5355E+00 5.252 5.0544E+i01 6.3073E+00 5.4949E+00 8.6895E-01 1,3498E+01 1.5787E+00 5.552 5.0544E+01 6.3073E+00 5,5308E+040 8.9131 E-01 1.3679E+01 1.6172E-i00 5.852 5.0544E+01 6.3073E+00 5.56618E+00 9.1241 E-01 1.38348+01 1.6519E-i-G 6.000 5.0544E+01 6.3073E+00 5.5833E+00 9.2239E-01 1.3904E-i01 1.6677E-i00 6.300 5.0544E+01 6.3073E+00 5.5834E+00 9.22408-01 1.4022E+01 1.69548+00 6.600 5.0544E+01 6.3078E+i00 5.5834E+00 9.2240E-01 1.4111 E+i01 1.7163E-i00 6.900 5.0544E+01 6.30738+00 5,5834E-i-G 9.2240E-01 1.4178E-i01 1.7317E-i00 7.200 5.0544E+01 6.3073E+030 5.5834E+00 9.2241 E-01 1.4228E+01 1.7429E+00 7.500 5,0544E-i01 6.3073E+00 5.5834E-i-00 9.2241 E-01 1.4266E-i01 1.7510E-i-G 7.800 5.0544E+01 6.3073E+i00 5.5834E+00 9.2241 E-01 1.4294E+i01 1.7568E+400 7.995 5.0544E+01 6.3073Ei-00 5.5834E+00 9.2241E-01 1.4308E+101 1.7597E+00 8.000 5.0544E+01 6.3073Ei-00 5.5834E-f00 9.2241 E-01 1,4308E÷01 1.7597E-i00 8.400 5.0544E-01 6.3073E+00 5.5834E+00 9.2241 E-01 1.4331 E+i01 1.7640E-'00 8.700 5.05448+ý01 6.30738+00 5.5834E+00 9.2241 E-01 1.4343E+01 1.7662E+00 o.0 5,0544E+0A~1 6.30l73E0 5.583 ~n4E+00 '9.2241 E- 1.4352E+01 1.7677Efl00 9.300 5.0544E+01 6.30738+00 5.5834E+00 9.22418E-01 1.4358E+i01 1.7689E+00 9.600 5,0544E-01 6.3073E+00 5.5834E+00 9.22418E-01 1.4363E+01 1.7697E+00 Ni~or~~nn IZQ

                                     - I-D Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _D 106 (Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition-: _ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date 'Calculation No. Revision J.- Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00o 9R0ef.4~O .37E0 .84+0 ,21-1146E--1170E'0 10.900 5.0544E-i01 6.3073E+00 5.5834E+00 9,2241 E-01 1.4367E+01 1.7703E+00 14,990 5.0544E+0-1 6.3073E+00 5.5834E+00 9.2241 E-01 1.,4370E4401 1.77107E+00 24.900 5.0544E+01 6.3073E+00 5.5834E+00 9.2241 E-01 1,4378E+01 1,7719E+00 24.047 5.0544E+01 6.3073E+00 5.5834E-1-0 9.2241 E-01 1.,4379E+01 1.771 9E+00 94.047 5.0544E+01 6.3073E+00 5.5834E+00 9.2241 E-01 1,4379E+01 1.7719E+00 720.000 5.05446+01 6.3073E+00 5.583411'-00 9.2241 E-01 1.4379E+01 1.7719E+00 Worst Two-Hour Doses Note: All of the dose locations are shown below but the worst two-hour dose is only meaningful for the EAB dose location. Please disregard the two-hour worst doses for the other dose locations EAB Time Whole Body Thyroid TEDE (hr) (rem) (rem) (rem) 0.5 2.3084E+00 5.0544E6+01 6.3073E+00 LPZ Time Whole Body Thyroid TEDE (hr) (rem) (rem) (rem) 0.5 1.9804E-01 4.3361E+00 5.4110E-01 Control Room Time Whole Body Thyroid TEDE (hr) (rem) (rem) (rem) 1.4 1.85836-01 8.6834E+00 9.8350E-01 NEP-nDE-,O-s Rev 09

ENGINEERING SER VICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _D1 07 (Next Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition:- Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision [J. Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 100 Ref. Appendix D3.3: NMPI-Case lAc.oO (Stack Release) DW WW RB Time (hr) 1-131 (Curies) 1-131 (Curies) 1-131 (Curies) 0.001 2.8009E+03 0.OOOOE-i00 0.OOOOE-*00 0.010 4.0662E+04 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE-'00 0.031 7.9873E+04 0.0000E--00 0.0000E-*00 0.260 2.5478E+.05 0.0000E-.00 0.0000E+00 0.496 2.7019E+05 0.0000E-+00 0.0000E+00 0.50D 2.5913E-*05 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E-*00 0.524 2.6930E+05 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.529 2.8219E+05 0.0000E--00 0.0000E+00 0.700 3.8104E+05 0.0000E'40D D.0000E-00 0.800 3.8407E-+05 0.0000E+f00 0.OOOOE-i00 1.000 4.3655E+05 0.OOOOE-s00 0.OOOOE+00 1.178 4.3951 E+05 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 1.478 4.4291E-'05 0.0000E+00 0.0000E-i00 1.778 4.4628E-+05 0.OOOOE+00 0.O000E+00 1.985 4.4860E+05 0.OOOOE--00 0.0OOOE+00 2.000 5.41 80E+05 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE-i00 2.033 4.6306E-+05 0.OOOOE-*00 0.000OE-i00 2.211 1.6661 E+05 1.1450E+05 0.OOOOE+400 2.500 7.9250E-+404 5.4301 E-04 0.OOOOE+00 2.727 4.7407E-+04 3.2361 E--04 0.OOOOE-'00 3.127 3.0298 E+'04 2,0422E-'04 0.OOOOE-*00 3.427 2,3386E-*04 1.5722E-'04 0.OOOOE+00 3.727 1.9320E+04 1.2957E+04 0.OOOOE+00 4.027 1.6925E+04 1.1329 E+04 0.OOOOE-*00 4.280 1.5685E-*04 1.0485E+04 0.OOOOE-i00 4.580 1.5018E+04 1.0026E+i04 0.OOOOE-.0D 4.880 1.4544E+04 9.7054E-*03 0.OOOOE-*00 4.952 1.4453E+04 9.6441 E+03 0.OOOOE-.00 5.252 1.4144E+04 9.4351 E+03 0.OOOOE-'00 5.552 1.3922E-+04 9.2859E+03 0.00OOE-÷00 5.852 1.3763E+04 9.1783E+i03 0.OOOOE-'00 6.000 1.3701 E+04 9.1366E--03 0.OOOOE--00 6.300 1.3601 E+04 9.0689E+03 4.2058E+*00 6.600 1,3525E-.04 9.01 82E+03 8.2675E+00 6.900 1.3468E+04 8.9793E+03 1.2196E+01 7.0)nn 22+0 AT~d 8 A.9486E~n3 1,599E__0 7.500 1.3385E+'04 8.9237E+03 1.9683E+'01 7.800 1.3354E+04 8.9027E+03 2,3254E+'01 7.995 1.3336E+'04 8.8907E+03 2.5515E+'01 8.000 1.3335E-'-04 8.8904E+03 2.5574E+01 8.400 1.3302E+'04 8.8684E+03 3.0075E+01 8.700 1.3280E-*04 8.8536E+03 3.3333E+01 9.000 1,3259E+04 8.8397E+03 3.6493E+01 9.300 1.3240E-*04 8.8266E+03 3.9559E+01 9.600 1.3221E+04 8.8138E+03 4.2534E+01 1"u O.O I1H ojL2EoV _U j '.O'&/UC-$ 4 I 10.200 1.3184E +04 8.7893E +*03 4 ,8220E+01 N P D S0 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D108 (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -I Disposition: __ Calculation No. Revision Originator/Date Reviewer/Date J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 Ref. 14 .990 1.2907E-+04 8.6044E+03 8.3060E+01 24.000 1.2404E+044 8.2692E+03 1.1539E+02 24,047 1.2401 E+ý04 8.2676E+03 1.15 19E+02 96.000 9.2989E+03 6.1992E+'03 5.3769E+01 720.000 7.6565E+02 5.1043E+02 4.4231 E+00 SL Environment Pool Time (hr) 1-131 (Curies) 1-131 (Curies) 1-131 (Curios) 0.001 8.9226 E-05 0.OOOOE+t00 0.OOOOE+00 0.010 2.5582E-02 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.031 1.73 19E-01 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.260 3.8369Ei-00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.496 9.3933E+00 0.OOOOE-I00 0.OOOOE+00 0.500 9,4688E+00 0.OOOOE+/-00 0.OOOOE+00 0.524 9.9449E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.529 1.0059E+.01 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE-t00 0.700 1.5038E+01 0.0000E400 0.OOOOE+00 0.800 1.7888E+01 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 1.000 2.371 4E-'01 0.OOOOE--00 0-OOOO0Et00 1.178 2.8361 E+401 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE-t00 1.478 3.4690E+01 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 1.778 3,9772E+01 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE-t00 1.985 4.2748E+01 0.OOOOE+00 0.O000E+00 2.000 4.3034E+01 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 2.033 4.3667E+01 0.0000E-+00 0.OOOOE-t00 2.211 4.1368E-f01 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 2.500 3.6200E-+01 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 2.727 3.1853E+01 0.OOOOE-t00 0.OOOOE-400 3.127 2.5365E+01 0.OOOOE-t00 0.OOOOE+00 3.427 2.1641 E+01 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE-t00 3,727 1.8742E+01 0.OOOOE-t00 0.OOOOE+00 4.027 1.6516E+01 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE-tOO 4.280 1.5058E-+01 0.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+O0 4.580 1.3735E+01 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 4.880 1.2751 E-01 0.OOOOEt-00 0.OOOOE+00 4.952 1.2557E+01 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE-t00 5.252 1.2017E+01 0.OOOOE--00 0.OOOOE+00 5.552 1.1593E-i01 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE÷00 5.852 1.1261E+01 0.OOOOE-t00 0.OOOOE+00 6.000 1.1126E+O I 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 6.300 1.0899E+01 5,6954E-03 0.OOOOE+00 6.600 1.0725E+401 2.2538E-02 0.OOOOE+00 6.900 1.0591 E+01 5.01 79E-02 0.OOOOE+00 7.200 1.0489E+01 8.8284E-02 0.OOOOE-+40 7.500 1.041lE+0O1 1.3654E-01 0.OOOOE-t00 7.800 1.0354E+01 1.9463E-01 0.OOOOE+00 7.995 1.0324E+01 2.3748E-01 0.OOOOE-400 8.000 1,.0324E-i01 2.3868E-01 0.0OO0E+00 8.400 1.0295E+01 3.391 7E-01 0.OOOOE-t00 8.700 1.0278E-'01 4.2506E-01 0.OOOOE-+00 9.000 1.0265E+01 5.1 967E-01 0.OOOOE-'00 9.300 1.0254E-t01 6.2274E-01 0.OOOOE+00 9.600 1.0245E+01 7,3401 E-01 0.OOOOE-t00 9.90vi i n'2Po.+n1 8,5326E-01 n nnnn0.ain 10.200 1,0231 Etý0 9.8023E-01 0.OOOOE-t00 14 .990 1,.0127E+01 3.8835E+00 0.OOOOE+00 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D109 (Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit. Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 24.000 9.7818E+00 1.2179E+01 O.0000E4GO 24.047 9.7800E-+00 1.2228E+'01 O.0000E-i00 96.000 7,3364E+00 5.6896E+01 0,OOO0E+00 720.000 6.0407E-01 1.6827E+02 0.OOOOE+00 Dummy Control Room Time (hr) 1-131 (Curies) 1-131 (Curies) 0.001 5.6259E-04 0.0000E+~00 0.010 1.6213E-01 0.OOOOE+00 0.031 1.1097E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.260 2.7521 E+01 0.OOO0E+00 0,496 7.3333E+ýl 0.OOOOE-'00 0.500 7.4047E+01 0.OOOOE-s00 0.524 7.8603E+01 0.OOOOE+00 0.529 7.9690E+01 0.OOOOE+00 0.700 1.2418E+02 0.00OE00E~ 0.800 1.5225E-+02 0.OOOOE+00 1.000 2.1422E--02 0.OOOOE-*00 1.178 2.7149E+02 0.OOOOE-.00 1.478 3.6917E+02 O.0000E400 1.778 4.6796E+'02 0.OOOOE+00 1.985 5.3672E+02 0.OOOOE+00 2.000 5.4231 E+02 0.OOOOE+00 2.033 5.5468E+02 0.0000E-+00 2.211 6.0036E-*02 0.OOOOE+00 2.500 6.4180E-*02 0.OOOOE+00 2.727 6.5954E-02 0.0000E+00 3.127 6.7921 E-02 &0000E-+00 3.427 6.8960E-*02 0.OOOOE+00 3.727 6.9786E+402 0.OOOOE+00 4.027 7,0479E+02 0.OOOOE+00 4.280 7.1001E-+02 0.OOOOE+00 4.580 7.1574E+02 0.OOO0E-*00 4.880 7.2116E+02 0.OOOOE-+00 4.952 7.2242E+042 0.0000E400 5.252 7,2759E+02 0.0000E+00 5.552 7.3262E+02 0.OOOOE-'00 5.852 7.3756E-*02 0.0OOOE+00 6.000 7.3996E+02 0.OOOOE+00 6.300 7.4052E+02 9.3102E-08 6.600 7.4106E+02 3.3717E-07 6.900 7.4158E--02 6,8951 E-07 7.200 7.4209E+02 1.1182E-06 7.500 7.4259E+02 1.5994E-06 7.800 7.4309E+02 2.1155E-06 7.995 7.4340E--02 2.4628E-06 8.000 7.4341 E+02 2.4722E-06 8.400 7.4406E+.02 2.2075E-06 8.700 7.4454E+02 2.1207E-06 9,000 7.4502E+02 2.1020E-06 9.300 7.4550E+02 2,1330E-06 9.600 7.4597E+02 2.2003E-06 9.900 7.4644E+02 2.2934E-06 10.200 7.4692E+402 2.4048E-06 14,990 7.5422E+402 4.4781 E-06 24.000 7.6669E+02 6.6198E-06 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

LENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D1 10-(Next __) Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: Caclto N. Disposition: Revsio Originator/Date Reviewer/Date CluainN.Rvso FJ. Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12112106 H21 C092 00 24.047 7.6666E-'02 6.5766E-06 96.000 7.0263E+02 2.6367E-06 720,000 1.6271 E+02 1.5690E-07 Cumulative Dose Summary EAB LPZ Control Room Time Thyroid TEDE Thyroid TEDE Thyroid TEDE (hr) (rem) (rem) (rem) (rem) (rem) (rem) 0.001 0.OOOOE-'00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E-*00 0.0000E-+00 0.010 0.0000E-'00 0.OOOOE-'00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE-*00 0.0000E+00 0.031 0.0OO0E+.00 0.0000E-'00 0.OOOOE+00O 0.0OOOE+-00 0.0000E-*00 0.0000E+00 0.260 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE-'00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE-'00 0.496 0.0000E-.00 0.0000E-'00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E-s00 0.OOO0EAJO 0,500 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E-'00 0.0000E-'00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.524 0.0000E+00 0.0000E-+C0 0.0000E-'00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E-00 0.0000E+00 0.529 0.OOOOE-+00 0.0000E+i00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+'00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.700 0.OOOOE-i00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE-*00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0OOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.800 0.OOOOE--00 0.OOOOE-400 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE-'00 OD0OOCE-0GO0.OOOOE--00 1.000 0.0000E+00 0.00006+00 0.00006+00 0.00006+00 0.00006+00 0.OOOOE+00 1.178 0.0000E-+00 0.00006E400 0.OOOOE+00 0.00006+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 1.478 0.OOOOE-'00 0.00006+ý00 0.OOOOE+00 0,0000E-+00 0,00006+00 0.OOOOE+00 1.778 0.00006+00 0,0000E-+00 0.00006+00 0.00006+/-00 0.00006+/-00 0.00006+/-00 1.985 0.00006+00 0.00006+00 0.00006+00 0.OE0000600.00006+00 0.00006+00 2.000 0.0000E-+00 0.00006+/-00 0.OOOOE+/-00 0.00006+/-00 0.00006+/-00 0.00006-4)0 2.033 0.0000E+00 0.0000E-+00 0.00006+/-00 0.OOOOE+/-00 0.00006+00 0.OOOOE+/-00 2.211 0.00006+/-00 0.00006+/-00 0.OOOOE+00 0.00006+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.00006+00 2.500 0.00006+/-00 0.OOOOE+00 0.00006+/-00 0.00006+/-00 0.00006+00 0.OOO0E+00 2.727 0.00006+/-00 0.0000E+/-00 0.0000E+00 0.00006+/-00 0.00006+00 0.00006+00 3.127 0.00006+/-00 0.00006+/-00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+/-00 0.OE0000 40.00006+00 3.427 0.00006+00 0.00006+/-00 0.00006+00 0,00006+/-00 0.00006+/-00 0.00006+00 3.727 0.00+/-00.00-C .OOOOE+/-00 0.0000E+00 0.00006+/-00 0.OOE00 E006-4-OE00 4.027 0.00006+/-ý00 0.0000E+00 0.00006+/-00 0.00006+/-00 0.00006+00 0.00006+00 4.280 0.00006+/-00 0.00006+/-00 0.00006+/-00 0.OOOOE+/-00 0.00006+00 0.00006+/-00 4.580 0.00006+00 0.OOOOE+/-00 0.0000E+00 0.00006+/-00 0.00006+00 0,OOOOE+/-00 4.880 0.00006+00 0.00006+/-00 0.00006+/-00 0.00006+/-00 0.00006+/-00 0.00006+00 4.952 0.00006+00 0.OOOOE+/-00 0.00006+/-00 0.00006+/-00 0.00006-4)0 0.0OE000641 5.252 0.00006+00 0.OOOOE+/-00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.00006+00 0.OOOOE+/-00 5.552 0.00006+00 0.0000E+00 0.00006+/-00 0.00006+/-00 0.00006-00 0.0000E--00 5.852 0.OOO0E+00 0.00OE-006-O0.OOOOE+/-00 0.OOOOE-.00 0.00006+00 0.00006+/-00 6.000 0.00006+00 0.00006+/-00 0.00006+00 0.00006+/-00 0.00006+/-00 0.00006+/-00 6.3000O.00006+00 0.00006+/-00 3.57066-06 1.6117E-05 4.75916E-06 8.0527E-06 6.600 0.0000E--00 0.00006-i00 1.41036-05 6.1689E-05 3.4276E-05 6.2555E-05 6.900 0.00006+00 0.OOOOE+00 3.1341 E-05 1.3293E-04 1.0731 E-04 2.02546-04 7.200 0.00006+00 0.00006+/-00 5.50406-05 2.2651 E-04 2.3711 E-04 4.5296E-04 7.500 0.00006+00 0.0000E+/-00 8.4970E-05 3.39456-04 4.3264E-04 8.2590E-04 7.800 0.00006-400 0.OOOOE+/-00 1.2091 E-04 4.691 56-04 6.9968E-04 1.3238E-03 7.995 0.00006+/-00 0.0000E-+00 1.4736E-04 5.6122E-04 9.1308E-04 1.7125E-03 8.000 0.00006+/-00 0.00006+/-00 1.4810OE-04 5.6374E-04 9.1 9236-04 1.72386-03 8.4000O.00006+000.00006+ý00 1.69316-04 7.0038E-04 1.36486-03 2.54626-03 8.700 0.00006+00 0.OOOOE+00 1.8739E-04 8.11 23E-04 1.6746E-03 3.1 092E-03 9.000 0.0OOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 2.0725E-04 9.28086-04 1.97566-03 3.6309E-03 9.3000O.00006+000O.00006+00 2.2884E-04 1.05006-03 2.2759E-03 4.1233E-03 9.6000O.00006+00 0.00006+00 2.5209E-04 1.1762E-03 2.58166-03 4.59696-03 NEP-DES-q-0 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D11 1 Project.- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: _1_ Disposition.-__ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. TRevision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 00 Ref. 9.900 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE-'00 2.7695E-04 1.3060E-03 2,8972E-03 5.0597E-03 10.200 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 3,0335E-04 1.4388E-03 3.2257E-03 5.51 69E-03 14.990 0.OOOOE+i00 0.OOOOE+00 8.971 5E-04 3.7229E-03 1.0771 E-02 1.3293E-02 24.000 0.0000E+'00 0.0000E+/-00 2,5288E-03 7.6049E-03 3.3019E-02 2.6496E-02 24.047 0.0000E+00 0.0000E-+00 2.5337E-03 7.61 22E-03 3.3097E-02 2.6528E-02 96.000 0.0000E+00 0.0000E--00 &.6789E-03 1.1956E-02 8.9817E-02 4.0882E-02 720.000 0.0000E+ 00 0.0000E+/-00 9.7699E-03 1.3972E-02 1.5246E-01 5.1098E-02 Worst Two-Hour Doses Note: All of the dose locations are shown below but the worst two-hour dose is only meaningful for the EAB dose location. Please disregard the two-hour worst doses for the other dose locations EAB Time Whole Body Thyroid TEDE (hr) (rem) (rem) (rem) 0.0 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 LPZ Time Whole Body Thyroid TEDE (hr) (rem) (rem) (rem) 11.5 9.4512E-04 2.4793E-04 9.5369E-04 Control Room Time Whole Body Thyroid TEDE (hr) (rem) (rem) (rem), 7.5 2.2603E-03 2.0471E-03 3.6131E-03 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

[ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page-12 (Next Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Calculation No. Revision FJo. Originator/Date Metcalf 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 100 Ref. Appendix D3.4: NMPI-Case lAd.oO (ESF..Temporary Bypass) 1-131 Summary DW WW RB Time (hr) 1-131 (Curies) 1-131 (Curies) 1-131 (Curies) 0.001 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.010 0.0000E+/-00 0,OOOOE+00 0,0000E+00 0.031 0.D000E+~00 0.0000E-i00 0.0000E-+0D 0.260 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.496 D.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E-i00 0.500 0.OODOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+400 0.524 0.OOOOE-*0O 0,ODOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.529 0.0000E+00 0.0000EE4J0 0.OOOOE-+00 0.700 0.0000E+00 0.OOO0E-'00 0.0000E+00 0.800 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.DOOOE-*00 1.000 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE--00 0.OOOOE+*00 1.178 0.OOOOE+00 0,OOOOE+00 H0.OE+00 1.478 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000EEiC0 0.0000E+00 1.778 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE--00 0.OOOOE-NJO 1.985 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 2.000 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 2.033 0.OOO0E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 2.211 0.OO0OE+0O0 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 2.500 0OOOOOE+00 0.0OOOE+00 0.0000E-+00 2.727 0OOOE0 .OOOOE-*00 0.0000E+0 .O E00 3.127 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 3.427 0.OOOOE-+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 3.727 0.OOOOE-'00 0.0000E-+00 0.OOD0E+00 4.027 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE-'00 0.ODODE+00 4.280 0.OOOOE+00 0.DOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 4.580 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 4.880 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 4.952 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 5.252 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOODE+00 5.552 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOO0E-*00 0.OOODE+00 5.852 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 6.000 0.OOOOE+00 0.00OE00E ~ 0.00E00E~ 6.300 0.OOODE+00 0.ODOOE+00 8.8357E+02 6.600 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE-+00 1.7410E+03 6.900 0.0000E+0J0 0.OOOOE+00 2.5732E+03 7.200 0.OOODE+00 0.OOOOE+00 3.3806E+03 7.500 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 4.1641 E+03 7.800 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 4.9243E+03 7.995 0.0000E-ý00 0.ODOOE+00 5.4058E+03 8.000 0.OOOOE+00 0.ODOOE+00 5.4185E+03 8.400 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 6.3774E+03 8.700 0.ODOO11+00 0.OOOOE+00 7.0715E+03 9.000 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 7.7449E+03 9.300 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 8.3980E+03 9.600 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+0D 9.0315E-'03 9.900 0.OO0OE+00 0.OOOOE+00 9.6459E+03 10.200 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE-I00 1.0242E+04 NEP-DE S-OR Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION, SHEET Page _D1 13 (Next - Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station .Unit. - -aclto Disposition: Revsio Originator/Date Reviewer/DateCacltoNoRvsn J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 14.990 O.OOOOE+0O 0.OOOOE+00 1.7621 E+04 24.000 0.0000E~+00 0.0000E+00 2.4322E+04 24.047 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 2.4341 E+04 96.000 0.0000E*00 0.0000E+00 2.0383E+04 720.000 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+/-00 6.1832E+02 SL Environment Pool Time (hr) 1-131 (Curies) 1-131 (Curies) 1-131 (Curies) 0.001 0.OOOOE+00 1.5863E-04 5.6820E+03 0.010 0.OOOOE+/-00 5.3469E-02 1.0432E+05 0.031 0.0000E+/-00 4,9067E-01 3.1599E+05 0.260 0.0000E+/-00 3.4605E-+C1 2.6520E-+06 0.496 0.0000E+/-00 1,2639E-+02 5.0648E+06 0.500 0.0000E+00 1.2828E+02 5.1025E-f06 0,524 0.0000E+00 1.3648E+02 5.5034E-*06 0.529 0.OOOOE+00 1.3844E+02 5.5951E~+06 0.700 0.OOOOE+/-00 2.1735E-'02 8.4975E~+06 0.800 0.OOOOE+00 2.4664E-'02 1.0198E+07 1.000 0.OOOOE+00 3.2080E-+02 1.3579E+07 1.178 0.OOOOE+00 3.4301 E+02 1.6584E+07 1,478 0.OOOOE+O0 3.9049E+02 2.1644E+07 1.778 0.OOOOE+00 4.5052E+02 2.6690E+07 1.985 0.OOOOE+/-00 4.9925E-+02 3.0165E+07 2.000 0.0OOOE+00 5.0306E+02 3.0420E+07 2.033 0.OOOOE+/-00 5.1145E+02 3.0414E+ý07 2.211 0.OO0OE+00 5.3176E~+02 3.0384E+07 2.500 0.OOOOE+00 5.6481E+02 3.0335E+07 2.727 0.OOOOE+00 5.9068E+02 3.0296E+07 3.127 0.OOOOE+00 6,3624E+02 3.0228E+0O7 3.427 0.0000E+00 6.7035E-'02 3.0178E+07 3.727 0.OOOOE+00 7.0439E+02 3.0127E4407 4.027 0.OOOOE+/-00 7.3838E+02 3.0076E+07 4.280 0.OOOOE+00 7.6708E+02 3.0034E+07 4.580 0.OOOOE+00 8.0096E+02 2.9983E+07 4.880 0.OOOOE+00 8.3478E+02 2.9933E+07 4.952 0.OOOOE+00 8.4284E+02 2.9921 E+07 5.252 0.OOOOE+00 8.7659E+02 2.9871 E+07 5.552 0.OOOOE+00 9.1029E+02 2.9820E+07 5.852 0.0OOOE+00 9.4393E+02 2,9770E+07 6.000 0.0OOOE+00 9.6051 E+02 2.9746E+07 6.300 0.OOOOE+00 9.6051 E+02 2.9696E+07 6.600 0.OOOOE+00 9.6051 E+02 2.9646E+407 6.900 0.OOOOE+00 9.6051 E+02 2.9596E+07 7.200 0.OOOOE+00 9.6051 E+02 2.9546E+07 7.500 0.OOOOE+00 9,6051 E+02 2.9497E-+07 7.800 0.OOOOEAOJ 9.6051E+02 2.9447E-+07 7.995 0.OOOOE+0O0 9.6051 E+02 2.9415E-'4J7 8.000 0.OOOOE+00 9.6051 E+02 2.9414E-+07 8.400 0.0000E+0~0 9.6051 E+02 2.9348E-FO7 8.700 0.OO0OE+00 9.6051 E+02 2.9299E+07 9.000 0.O0OOE+00 9.6051 E+02 2.9250E-+07 9.300 0.0000E+00 9.6051 E+02 2.9201E+0)7 9.600 0.OOOOE+F00 9.6051 E-102 2.91 52E+07 9.900 0.OO0OE+00 9.6051 E+02 2.9103E+07 10.200 0.OOO0E+00 9.6051 E-ý2 2,9054E +07 14.990 0.O0OOE+00 9.6051 E+42 2.8285E-+07 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _D1 14 (Next Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ OriintolcteReviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H210C092 00 -<et. 24.000 0.OOOOE-fOO 9.6051 E+02 2.6892E+07 24.047 0.OOOOE+/-00 9,6051 E+02 2.6885E+07 96.000 0.00E00E-Q 9.6051 E+ý02 1,.7966E+07 720.000 0.OOOOE+00 9.6051 E+02 5.4482E--05 Dummy Control Room Time (hr) 1-131 (Curies) 1-131 (Curies) 0.00 1 0.OOOOE+/-00 3.9910OE-09 0.010 0.OOOOE-+00 1.34 12E-06 0.031 0.0000E+00 1.2228E-05 0.260 0.OOOOE+00 8.0364E-04 0.496 0.00E00E-O 2.7354E-03 0.500 0.OOOOE-'0C 2.7733E-03 0.524 4.4641 E-01 3,0887E-03 0.529 5.5329E-01 3.1 639E-03 0.700 4.8500E+00 6.0950E-03 0.800 1,.1464E+01 6.8426E-03 1.000 2,8206E+01 8.81 69E-03 1.178 5,3380E+i01 8.4016E-03 1.478 1.071 8E+02 8.2548E-03 1,778 1.7517E--02 8.6520E-03 1.985 2.3032E+'02 9.1 708E-03 2.000 2.3463E+02 9.21 55E-03 2.033 2.44 12E+02 9.31 28E-03 2.211 2.9714E&4J2 8.7392E-03 2.500 3.8333E-+02 7.9869E-03 2,727 4.5077E+02 7.0277E-03 3.127 5.6936E+02 5.7640E-03 3.427 6.5802E-*O2 5.0842E-03 3.727 7.4643E-+02 4.5714E-03 4.027 8,3460E+02 4.1842E-03 4.280 9.0896E+02 3,931 7E-03 4.580 9.9668E+02 3,7006E-03 4.880 1.0842E+03 3.5255E-03 4.952 1.1050E'033 3.4904E-03 5.252 1.1921 E+03 3.3658E-03 5.552 1.2791 E+03 3.2707E-03 5.852 1.3658E-+03 3.1980E-03 6.000 1.4084E+03 3.1686E-03 6.300 1.4075E+03 2.3842E-03 6.600 1.4079E+03 1.7941 E-03 6.900 1.4094E+03 1.3500E-03 7,200 1.41 20E+03 1.0158E-03 7.500 1.4158E-+03 7.6435E-04 7.800 1.4206E-+03 5.751 4E-04 7.995 1.4243E+03 4.781 6E-04 8.000 1.4244E+03 4.7581 E-04 8.400 1,.4334E+03 3.2564E-04 8.700 1.4412E+03 2.4503E-04 9.000 1.4500E-f03 1.8438E-04 9.300 1.4598E+,3 1.3874E-04 9.600 1.4704E+03 1.0439E-04 9.900 1.4819E+03 7.8552E-05 10.200 1.4942E+03 5.91 07E-05 14.990 1.7843E+0J3 6.3021 E-07 24.000 2.6190E+~03 1.2299E-10 NEP-D~S-OR NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D1 15 (Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 Disposition: __ OrgiaorDaeReviewer/Date Calculation No. FRevision J.Mtcl 2/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 24.047 2.6239E+03 1.1 763E-10 96.000 9.1436E-s03 2.7906E-40 720.000 4.5664E+03 3.3825-297 Cumulative Dose Summary EAB LPZ Control Room Time Thyroid TEDE Thyroid TEDE Thyroid TEDE (hr) (rem) (rem) (rem) (rem) (rem) (rem) 0,001 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E400 1.3731 E-06 4.9978E-08 5.5442E-1 0 1.7648E-1 1 0.010 0.000OE+00 0.0000E+00 4,6285E-04 1,6846E-05 3,0878E-06 9,8287E-08 0.031 0.0000E-400 0.DOO0E--00 4.2471 E-03 1.5455E-04 7.3317E-05 2.3339E-06 0.260 0.000DE+00 0.0000E-*00 2.991 3E-01 1.0867E-02 3.7357E-02 1.1 895E-03 0.496 0.0000E-+00 0.0000E-+40 1.0903E+00 3.9472E-02 2.3751 E-01 7.5646E-03 0.500 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 1.1066E+00 4.0058E-02 2.4257E-01 7.7257E-03 0.524 8.21 72E-01 2.9610E-02 1.1770E+00 4.2599E-02 2.7694E-01 8.8197E-03 0.529 1.01 84E+00 3.6692E-02 1.1 939E+00 4.3206E-02 2.8532E-01 9,0866E-03 0.700 8,9242E-400 3.2062E-01 1.8722E+00 6.7564E-02 6.7299E-01 2.1431 E-02 0.800 1.1 854E-401 4.2549E-01 2.1 235E+00 7.6561 E-02 9.9457E-01 3.1 664E-02 1.000 1.9259E+01 6.8971 E-0 I 2.7588E+00 9.9229E-02 1.7643E+00 5,6133E-02 1.178 2.1471 E+0J1 7.6833E-01 2.9486E-F00 1.0597E-01 2.5183E+00 8.0065E-02 1.478 2.6188E-+01 9.3521E-01 3.3532E+00 1,2029E-01 3,7410E+00 1.1882E-01 1,778 3.2131 E+01 1.1444E-*00 3.8631 E-+00 1.3824E-01 4.9794E+00 1,5803E-01 1.985 3.6941 E+01 1.3130E+00 4.2757E-'00 1.5270E-01 5.8802E+00 1,8654E-01 2.000 3.7316E+01 1.3262E+00 4.3079E+00 1.5383E-01 5.9483E+00 1.8870E-01 2.033 3.8143E+01 1.3551 E+00 4.3788E+00 1.5631 E-01 6.0989E-+00 1.9346E-01 2.211 4,0142E+01 1.4249E-*00 4.5503E+00 1.6230E-01 6.8795E-+00 2.1815SE-01 2.500 4,3385E+01 1.5381 E+00 4.8286E+00 1.7201 E-01 8.0536E+00 2.5525E-01 2.727 4.3385E-tO1 1.5381 E-4-00 5.0458E+00 1.7957E-01 8.8776E+00 2.8127E-01 3.127 4.3385E+01 1.5381 E+00 5.4271 E+00 1.9278E-01 1.0107E+01 3.2004E-01 3.427 4.3385E+01 1.5381 E~-00 5.711 3E+00 2.0260E-01 1.0888E+01 3.4467E-01 3.727 4.3385E+041 1.5381 E+00 5.9942E-t00 2.1234E-01 1.1582E+01 3.6654E-01 4.027 4.3385E+01 1.5381 E+00 6.2757E+00 2.2201 E-01 1.2209E+01 3.8630E-01 4.280 4,3385E+0O1 1.5381 E-00 6.5126E-F00 2.3013E-01 1.2699E+01 4.01 77E-01 4.580 4.3385E+01 1.5381 E-00 6.7917E-+00 2.3967E-01 1.3243E-f01 4.1892E-01 4.880 4.3385E~+01 1.5381 E+00 7,0694E+00 2.4915SE-01 1.3757E-+M0 4.3511 E-0 1 4.952 4.3385E-*01 1,5381 E-+00 7.1354E+00 2.5140E-01 1.3875E+01 4.3886E-01 5.252 4.3385E+01 1.5381 E-*00 7.41 15E+00 2.6081 E-01I 1.4361 E-01 4.541 7E-01 5.552 4.3385E+041 1.5381 E+00 7.6864E-+00 2,7016E-01 1.4830E+01 4,6896E-01 5.852 4.3385E-+4J 1.5381 E-f00 7.9601 E~+00 2.7945E-01 1.5286E+01 4.8334E-01 6.000 4.3385E+01 1.5381 E+00 8.0946E+00 2.8401 E-01 1.5506E+01 4.9030E-01 6.300 4.3385E+01 1.5381 E-+00 8.0946E+00 2.8401 E-01 1.5894E-+01 5.0252E-01 6.600 4.3385E-+01 1.5381 E+00O 8.0946E+00 2.8401 E-01 1.6185E+01 5.11 67E-01 6.900 4.3385E+01 1.5381 E+00 8,0947E+00 2.8401 E-01 1.6403E+01 5.1853E-01 7.200 4.3385E+01 1.5381 E+I00 8.0947E+430 2.8401 E-01 1.6567E~+01 5.2368E-01 7.500 4.3385E+01 1.5381 E+00 8.0947E+00 2.8401 E-01 1.6690E+01 5.2754E-01 7.800 4.3385E-i01 1.5381 E+00 8.0947E+00 2.8401 E-01 1,6782E+01 5.3043E-01 7.995 4.3385E+01 1.5381 E+00 8.0947E+00 2.8401 E-01 1.6829E+J1I 5.3191 E-01 8.000 4.3385E+01 1.5381 E+00 8.0947E+0~0 2.8401 E-01 1.6830E+01 5.3195E-01 8.400 4.3385E+01 1,5381 E+00 8.0947E+00 2.8401 E-01 1.6903E+01 5.3423E-01 8.700 4.3385E+01 1.5381 E-+00 8.0947E+00 2.8401 E-01 1.6942E+01 5.3546E-01 9.000 4.3385E+01 1.5381 E+00 8.0947E+00 2.8401 E-01 1.6971 E--01 5.3637E-01 9.300 4.3385E-f01 1.5381 E--00 8.0947E-'00 2.8401 E-01 1.6993E+01 5,3706E-01 9,600 4.3385E+01 1.5381 E+ý00 8.0947E4-00 2.8401 E-01 1.7010OE+01 5.3758E-01 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERIN .GSERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D1 16. (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: aclto o Disposition: visio Originator/Date Reviewer/Date CluainN.Rvso DO. Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 fH21C092 00 9.0 .35E.0 .31Ee0804E-40280E-1172E01539E0 10.900 4.3385E-s01 1.5381 E+00 8.0947E+00 2.8401 E-01 1.70312E+01 5.3796E-01 14.990 4.3385E+01 1.5381 E+00 8.0947E+00 2.8401 E-01 1.70319E+01 5.3826E-01 14.000 4.3385E+01I 1.5381 E+00 8.0947E+00 2.8401 E-01 1,.7059E+01 5.3913E-01 24.047 4.3385E+01 1.5381 E+'00 8.0947E-f00 2.8401 E-01 1.7060E+01 5.3914E-01 24.000 4.3385E-'01 1.5381 E-+00 8.0947E+00O 2.8401 E-01 1.7060E+01 5.3914E-01 720.000 4.3385E+01 1.5381 E+00 8.0947E+00 2.8401 E-01 1.7060E+01 5.3914E-01 Worst Two-Hour Doses Note: All of the dose locations are shown below but the worst two-hour dose is only meaningful for the EAB dose location. Please disregard the two-hour worst doses for the other dose locations EAB Time Whole Body Thyroid TIEDE (hr) (rem) (rem) (rem) 0.5 1.7346E-01 4.3385E+01 1,5381E+00 LPZ Time Whole Body Thyroid TEDE (hr) (rem) (rem) (rem) 0.1 1.8206E-02 4.3499E+00 1.5517E-01 Control Room Time Whole Body Thyroid TEDE (hr) (rem) (rem) (rem) 0.7 2.1830E-03 8.1072E-*00 2.5676E-01 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SER VICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -DI 17U (Next -__ Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -I1Falulto o Disposition: Revsio Originator/Date Reviewer/DateCacltoNoRvsn J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 Appendix 03.5: NMPI-Case lMe.oO (ESF. Stack Release) DW WW RB Time (hr) 1-131 (Curies) 1-131 (Curios) 1-131 (Curies) 0.001 0.0000E-+00 0.0000E+0O 0,O00OE+00 0.010 0.0000E-'00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.031 0.0000E-'00 0.0000E+00 0-0000E+00 0.260 0.0000E-'00 0.0000E-.00 0.0000E+00 0.496 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+0O 0,0000E+00 0.500 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.O0OOE-400 0.524 0,0000E+ý00 0.OOOOE-'00 0.OOOO11+00 0.529 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.700 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.800 0.0OOOE+00 0.OOOOE+/-00 0.OOOOE+00 1.000 0.OOOOE--00 0.0000E-+O0 0.OOOOE-'00 1.178 0.OOOOE--00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 1.478 0.OOOOE-*00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 1.778 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE-+0O 0.OOOOE-*00 1.985 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE-i00 2.000 0.OOOOE-'00 0.OOOOE-'00 0.OOOOE+00 2.033 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE-+00 2.211 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 2.500 0.OOO0E+00 0.OOOOE-i00 0.OOOOE+00 2.727 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 3.127 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 3.427 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 3.727 0.0000E-ý00 0.OOOOE+00 0-OOOOE+00 4.027 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 4.280 0.OOOOE-'00 0,00Eý.OOOOE+00000E0 4.580 0.00OE00E ~ 0.OOOOE-i00 0.OOOOE+00 4.880 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E-'40 0.OOOOE+00 4.952 0.0000E+00 0.O0OOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 5,252 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE-'00 5.552 0.OOOOE-+00 0.OOOOE-'00 0.OOOOE+00 5.852 0.0000E-+00 0.OOOOE-*00 0.OOOOE+00 6.000 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE-'00 0,OOOOE+i00 6.300 0.OODOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 8.8357E+02 6.600 0.0000E-+00 0.0000E-+00 1.7410OE+03 6.900 0.OOOOE-'00 0.0000E400 2.5732E+03 7,200 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00O 3.3806E+03 7.500 0.OOOOE+00 0,OOODE+00 4.1641 E+03 7.800 0.OOOOE-*00 0.OOOOE+00 4,9243E+'03 7.995 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+'00 5.4058E+i03 8.000 0.OOOOE-400 0,OOOOE-i00 5.41 85E--03 8.400 0.OOOOE÷00 0.OOOOE-P00 6.3774E+03 8.700 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE-'00 7.0715E+03 9.000 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 7.7449E+03 9.300 0.OOOOE+00 0,0000E+00 8.3980E+03 9.600 0,OOOOE-'00 0,O00OE-+00 9.0315E+03 9.900 0.OOOOE+00 0O.OOODE-00 9.6459E+03 10.200 0.OOOOE-+00 0.OOOOE-+00 1.0242E-*04 NFP-ODS-C8 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D1 18 (Next __ 1 Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: CacltoN. Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date CluainN.Revision 1 Ji. Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H210C092 00

Ref, 14.990 0.OOOOE-*00 0.OOOOE+00 1.7621 E+04 24.000 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+O0 2.4322E+04 24,047 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 2.4341 E-*04 96.000 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE-'00 2.0383E+04 720.000 O.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 6.1832E+02 SL Environment .Pool Time (hr) 1-131 (Curies) 1-131 (Curies) 1-131 (Curies) 0.001 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE-+00 5.6820E-+03 0.010 0.OOOOE-'00 0.OOOOE-*00 1.0432 E+05 0.031 0.OOOOE-400 0.OOOOE--00 3.1 599E+05 0.260 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE--00 2,6520E-*06 0.496 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE--00 5.0648E-*06 0.500 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 5.1 025E+06 0.524 0.OOOOE-*00 2.3394E-01 5,5034E+0J6 0.529 0.OOOOE+400 2.8995E-01 5.595 1E+06 0.700 0.OO0OE-'00 2.5421 E-+00 8,4975E+'06 0.800 0.00E00E40 6.009 1E+00 1.01 98E-.07 1.000 0.OOOOE-*00 1.4788E+01 1.3579E+07 1.178 0.OOODE-'00 2.7992E+01 1.6584E-+07 1.478 0,OOOOE+00 5.6227E-+01 2.1 644E+07 1.778 0.OOOOE--00 9.1 927E-t01 2.6690E+07 1.985 0.OOOOE+00 1.2090E+02 3.01 65E--07 2.000 0,OOOOE-.00 1.231 7E-+02 3,0420E-'07 2.033 0,OOOOE-+00 1.2816E-+02 3,0414E+07 2.211 0.OOOOE+00 1.5603E+02 3.0384E+ý07 2.500 0.00E00E-C 2.01 37E-*02 3.0335E+047 2.727 0.OOOOE-+00 2.3689E-+02 3.0296E+07 3.127 0.0000E-+00 2.9941 E-*02 3.0228E+07 3.427 0.OOOOE+00 3.4620E+02 3.0 178E+07 3.727 0.OOOOE-+00 3.9292E+02 3.01 27E-+07 4.027 0.OOOOE-'00 4.3957E+02 3.0076E+07 4.280 0.OOOOE-+00 4.7895E+02 3.0034E+07 4,580 0.OOOOE+00 5.2545E+02 2,9983E--07 4.880 0.OOO0E+00 5.71 87E+02 2.9933 E+'07 4.952 0.OOOOE+00 5.8292E-'02 2Z992 1E-.07 5.252 0.0000E-+00 6.2924E-+02 2.987 1E+07 5.552 0.OOOOE-+00 6.7549E+'02 2.9820E+07 5.852 0.OOOOE4CO0 7.21 65E+02 2.9770E+07 6.000 0.OOOOE4CO 7.4440E+'02 2.9746E+07 6.300 0.OOOOE+00 7.4502E-+02 2.9696E-+07 6.600 0.OOOOE+00 7.4686E-+02 2.9646E+07 6.900 0.OO0OE+00 7.4988E+02 2.9596E+'07 7.200 0.OOOOE+00 7.5405E-+02 2.9546E+07 7.500 0.OOOOE+00 7.5933E-+02 2.9497E+07 7.800 0,OOOOE-'00 7.6569E-+02 2,9447E+07 7.995 0.OOOOE-'00 7.7038E-'02 2.94 15 E+07 8.000 0.OOOOE+00 7.7052E+02 2.9414E+07 8.400 0.OOOOE-*00 7.81 52E+02 2.9348E*407 8.700 0.OOOOE+00 7.9093E+02 2.9299E+07 9.000 0.OOOOE-+40 8.01 30E--02 2.9250E+0J7 9.300 0.OOOOE+00 8.1 259E-'02 2.920 1E+07 9.600 0.OOOOE+00 8.2479E+0J2 2.91 52E+407 9.900 0.OOOOE+00 8.3785E+02 2.91 03E+07 10.200 0.OOOOE-'00 8.5 177E+02 2.9054E+'07 14.990 0.OOOOE+00 1.1696E+03 2.8285 E+~07

____ I NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _D1 19 (Next L Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station riginator/Date J.Metcalf 12/12/06 Review er/Date D.Leaver 12/12/06 Unit: -1 Calculation No. H21 C092 Disposition: __ Revision 00 Ref. 24.000 0.OOOOE-00 2.0733E+0~3 2.6892E+07 24.047 0.OOOOE+00 2.0786E+03 2.6885E+'07 96.000 0.OOOOE+/-00 1.0186E+0J4 1,7966E+07 720.000 0.OOOOE+00 2.661 8E+04 5.4482E+05 Dummy Control Room Time (hr) [-131 (Curies) [-131 (Curies) 0.001 1,5863E-04 0.OOOOE--00 0.010 5.3469E-02 0.000011+00 0.031 4.9066E-01 0.0000E-fOO 0.260 3.4599E+'01 0.OOOOE+00 0.496 1.2633E+0O2 0.OOOOE--00 0.500 1.2822E+02 0.OOOOE+00 0.524 1.3641 E+'02 2.8473E-06 0.529 1.3837E-'02 3.5203E-06 0.700 2.1718E+02 2.8724E-05 0.800 2.4639E+02 6.6883E-05 1.000 3.2037E+'02 1.5423E-04 1.178 3.4236E+02 2.8027E-04 1.478 3.8946E-+02 5.1525E-04 1.778 4.4905E+02 7.7202E-04 1.985 4.9743E-'02 9.5891 E-04 2.000 5.0121 E-02 9.7289E-04 2.033 5.0954E+f02 1.0031E-03 2.211 5.2952E+02 1.1634E-03 2.500 5.6200E+02 1.3726E-03 2.727 5.8742E+'02 1.5003E-03 3.127 6.3210OE-t02 1.6672E-03 3.427 6.6551 E+02 1,7558E-03 3.727 6.9883E+02 1.8216E-03 4.027 7.3205E-*02 1.8703E-03 4.280 7.6007E-.02 1.9013E-03 4.580 7.9312E+02 1.9287E-03 4.880 8.2608E-'02 1.9485E-03 4.952 8.3392E-*02 1.9523E-03 5.252 8.6676E--02 1.9653E-03 5.552 8.9951 E+02 1.9741 E-03 5.852 9.3217E*02 1.9800E-03 6.000 9.4825E--02 1.9820E-03 6.300 9.4723E+02 1,4984E-03 6.600 9.4621 E+02 1.1475E-03 6.900 9.4519E-f02 8.9612E-04 7.200 9.4417E-*02 7.1927E-04 7.500 9.4316E-02 5.9812E-04 7.800 9.4214E+02 5,1853E-04 7.995 9.4148E-'02 4.8396E-04 8.000 9.4146E+i02 4,8319E-04 8.400 9.4011 E-02 3.6941 E-04 8.700 9.3910E+02 3.1249E-04 9.000 9.3809E-i-02 2.7315E-04 9.300 9.3708E+'02 2.4695E-04 9.600 9.3607E+~02 2.3052E-04 9.900 9.3506E--02 2,2135E-04 10.200 9,3405E+02 2.1754E-04 14.990 9.1812E+02 3.3593E-04 24,000 8.8888E+02 4.9263E-04 NEP-DE S-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -D1 20 (Next) LOriginator/Date Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station J. _Metcalf 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date D.Leaver 12/12/06 Unit: -1 Calculation No. H21 C092 Disposition: __ Revision 00 24.047 8.8873E+02 4.8942E-04 96.000 6.8631 E-02 3.5305E-04 720.000 7.2952E+01 7.7484E-06 Cumulative Dose Summary EAB LPZ Control Room Time Thyroid TEDE Thyroid TEDE Thyroid TEDE (hr) (rem) (rem) (rem) (rem) (rem) (rem) 0.001 0.OOOOE-i00 0.OOOOE-*00 0.OOOOE-+00 0.OOOOE+/-00 0.OOOOE-+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.010 0.OOOOE-i00 0.OOOOE-i40 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.00OE00E~ 0.OOOOE-.00 0.031 0.OOOOE-*O0 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.ODOOE+00 0.260 0.OOOOE-*00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE-'-00 .OOOOE+00 0.496 0.OOOOE-.40 0.0000E-00 0.OOOOE-4J0 0.OOOOE-'-0 0.OOOOE--00 0.OOOOE+00 0.500 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE-NJ O0.OOOOE-.-0 0.OOOOE-+00 0.0000E+00 0.524 7.381 3E-03 3.3072E-04 1.5553E-04 6.9683E-06 1.6695E-05 6.0288E-07 0.529 9.1482E-03 4.1004E-04 1.9275E-04 8.6396E-06 2.5234E-05 9.0947E-07 0.700 8.01 64E-02 3.5448E-03 1.6891 E-03 7.4690E-05 1.3562E-03 4.7978E-05 0.800 1.8932E-01 8.4249E-03 3.9891 E-03 1.7751 E-04 3.7329E-03 1.3206E-04 1.000 4.6523E-01 2.1 053E-02 9.8025E-03 4,4359E-04 1.4568E-02 5.1 395E-04 1.178 8.7919E-01 4.0477E-02 1.8525E-02 8.5285E-04 3.3573E-02 1.1843E-03 1.478 1.7620E-*00 8.2657E-02 3.7125E-02 1.7416E-03 9.2026E-02 3.2490E-03 1.778 2.8743E+00 1.3687E-01 6.0562E-02 2.8839E-03 1.8652E-01 6.5808E-03 1.985 3.7744E+'00 1.8127E-01 7.9528E-02 3.8194E-03 2.7408E-01 9.6664E-03 2.000 3.8447E-f00 1.8478E-01 8.1009E-02 3.8934E-03 2.81 25E-01 9,9170E-03 2.033 3.9993E+00 1.9250E-01 8.4267E-02 4.0560E-03 2.9730E-01 1.0480E-02 2.211 4.8627E-*00 2.3605E-01 1.0246E-01 4.9737E-03 3.9121 E-01 1.3797E-02 2.500 6.2638E+00 3.0868E-01 1.3198E-01 6.5040E-03 5.7018SE-0l 2.01 39E-02 2.727 6.2638E-.00 3.0868E-01 1.5503E-01 7.7232E-03 7.2838E-01 2.5760E-02 3.127 6.2638E-F00 3.0868E-01 1.9547E-01 9.8934E-03 1.0355E+00 3.67315E-02 3.427 6.2638E+00 3.0868E-01 2.2562E-01 1.1533E-02 1.2830E+00 4.5617E-02 3.727 6.2638E-*00 3.0868E-01 2.5562E-.01 1.3179E-02 1.5407E+'00 5.4921E-02 4.027 6.2638E+'00 3.0868E-01 2.8549E-01 1.4828E-02 1.8058E+00 6.4549E-02 4.280 6.2638E-+.00 3.0868E-01 3.1062E-01 1.6225E-02 2.0341 E+00 7.2882E-02 4.580 6.2638E+400 3.0868E-01 3.4023E-01 1.7877E-02 2.3075E+00 8.2929E-02 4.880 6,2638E-400 3.0868E-01 3.6969E-01 1.95315E-02 2.5834E-s00 9.3133E-02 4.952 6.2638E-s00 3.0868E-01 3.7669E-01 1.9925E-02 2.64945+00 9.5580E-02 5.252 6.2638E+00 3,0868E-01 4.0598E-01 2.1579E-02 2.9272E+00 1.05945-01 5.552 6.2638E-+00 3.0868E-01 4.3514E-01 2.3234E-02 3,2056E+00 1.1638E-01 5.852 6.2638E-sOC 3.08685-01 4.64175-01 2.4888E-02 3.4844E+00 1.2690E-01 6.000 6.2638E-f00 3.0868E-01 4.7845E-01 2.5703E-02 3.6218E-s0C 1.3211IE-01 6.300 6.2638E--O0 3.08685-01 4.7884E-01 2.5725E-02 3.8645E+00 1.4122E-01 6.600 6.2638E+s00 3.0868E-01 4.79985-01 2.5787E-02 4.0486E+00 1.4801E5-01 6.900 6.2638E+00 3.0868E-01 4.8187E-01 2.5885E-02 4.1904E+00 1.5321 E-01 7.200 6.26385+00 3.0868E-01 4.8445E-01 2.60185-02 4.3022E-sO0 1.57305-01 7.500 6.2638E-sO0 3.0868E-01 4.8773E-01 2.61855-02 4.3932&F00 1.60635-01 7.800 6.2638E+00 3.0868E-01 4.91665-01 2.63835-02 4.4702E+00 1.6346E-01 7.995 6.2638E+00 3.0868E-01 4.9455E-01 2.6528E-02 4.51 51 E+00 1.6512E-01 8.000 6,2638E+00 3.0868E-01 4.9463E-01 2.65325-02 4.51 63E+00 1.65175-01 8.400 6.2638E+00 3.0868E-01 4,9695E-01 2.6689E-02 4.59395+00 1.6804E-01 8.700 6.26385+00 3.0868E-01 4.9893E-01 2.68225-02 4.6406E+00 1.69765-01 9.000 6.26385+00 3.0868E-01 5.0111 E-01 2.6968E-02 4.68065+00 1.71 25E-01 9.300 6.26385+00 3.0868E-01 5.0347E-01 2.71 26E-02 4.7161 E+00 1.7257E-01 9.600 6.26385+00 3.0868E-01 5.0602E-01 2.7296E-02 4.74865+00 1.7378E-01 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page-D1 21 (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: aclto o Disposition: __ Oriinto/DteReviewer/Date CluainN.Revision U.Mtcl 2/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 00 HRef. 9.900 6.2638E+00 3.0868E-01 5.0874E-01 2.7477E-02 4.7793E~+00 1.7494E-01 10.200 6.2638E-'00 3.0868E-01 5.1163E-01 2.7670E-02 4.8091 E+00 1.7606E-01 14.990 6.2638E-.00 3.0868E-01 5.7661 E-01 3.1994E-02 5.3816E-+00 1.9804E-01 24.000 6.2638E+00 3.0868E-01 7.5436E-01 4.31 92E-02 7.0281E-+00 2.6029E-01 24.047 6.2638E+00 3.0868E-01 7.5490E-01 4.3220E-02 7.0339E+00 2.6051 E-01 96.0D0 6.2638E+'00 3.0868E-01 1.5031 E+00 7.2622E-D2 1.3952E+01 4.8949E-01 720.000 6,2638E+*00 3.0868E-01 1.9595E+00 8.7676E-02 2.0300E+101 6.8729E-01 Worst Two-Hour Doses Note: All of the dose locations are shown below but the worst two-hour dose is only meaningful for the EAB dose location. Please disregard the two-hour worst doses for the other dose locations EAB Time Whole Body Thyroid TEDE (hr) (rem) (rem) (rem) 0.5 1.1196E-01 6.2638E+00 3.0868E-01 LPZ Time Whole Body Thyroid TEDE (hr) (rem) (rem) (rem) 4.0 4.9220E-03 1.9563E-01 1.1023E-02 Control Room Time Whole Body Thyroid TEDE (hr) (rem) (rem) (rem) 4.0 1.1053E-02 1.8397E+00 6.8421E-02 N~PnF.~nn NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

[ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _12 (Next [Originator/Date Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station J.Metcalf 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date D.Leaver 12/12/06 Unit: -1

                                                                                        ýCalculation No.

H21C092 Disposition: Revision 00 Appendix D4: Worst two-hour EAB Dose Calculation Spreadsheet for Case 1A Time MSIV&Perm Temp Stack ESF Temp ESF Stack Total EAB 2-hour Release Release Release Release Release TEDE EAB hour (run iAa) (run lAb) (run 'Ac) (run lAd) (run 1Ae) rem rem 0l.14 ,2E-03 2.71 E-02 0.00E+00 1.88E-02 0.00E-+00 5.13E-02 8.34E+00 EAB(2.1)-EAB(0.1) 02 1.44E-02 9.23E-02 0.OOE+00 7.53E-02 0.00E+00 1.82E-01 8.65E+00 EAB(2.2)-EAB(0.2) 03 2.32E-02 1.79E-01 0.OOE+00 1.69E-01 0.00E-+00 3.71 E-01I 8.84E+00 0.4 3.25E-02 2.71 E-01 0.00E+00 3.00E-01 0.OOE+/-00 6.03E-01 8.96E+00 0.5 4+25E-02 3.66E-01 0.00E+00 4.67E-01 0.00E+00 8.75E-01 9.02E+00 0.6 5.96E-02 5.38E-01 0.OOE+00 6.07E-01 1.55E-03 1.211E+00 8.99E+00 0.7 8.40E-02 7.79E-01 0.OOE+00 7.87E-01 3.54E-03 1.65E+400 8.82E+00 0.8 1.12E-01 1.04E+00O 0.O0E+00 8.92E-01 8.41 E-03 2.05E+00 8.70E+00 0.9 1.44E-01 1.33E+00 0.OOE+00 1.02E+00 1.42E-02 2.50E+400 8.51 E+'00 1.80E-01 1.64E+00 0.OOE+00 1.16E+00 2.11 E-02 3.OOE-*00 8.27E+00 2.19gE-01 1.96E-00 0.OOE+00 1.20E+00 3,14E-02 3.41 E+00 8.11 E+00 1.2 2.61 E-0 1 2.29E+400 0.00E+~00 1.25E-+00 4,32E-02 3.84E+400 7.92E+400 1.3 3.05E-01 2.63E+00 0.OOE+O0 1.30E+00 5.62E-02 4,29E-+00 7.71 E+00 1.4 .3.52E-01 2,97E4-00 0.00E+00 1.35E-100 7.06E-02 4.75E-FO0 7.48E+00 1.5 4.02E-01 3.33E+00 0.00E+00 1,42E+00 8.62E-02 5.23E+00 7.23E+00 1.6 4.54E-01 3.69E+00 0.00E+~00 1.48E+00 1.03E-01 5.73E+00 6.95E+00 1.7 5.09E-01 4.06E+00 0.OOE-+00 1.55E+00 1.22E-01 6.24E+00 6.66E+00 1.8 5.66E-01 4.43E+00 0.OOE+00 1.63E+00 1.41 E-0 1 6.77E+00 6.35E-+00 1.9 6.26E-01 4.81 E+00 0.OOE+00 1.71 E-100 1.62E-01 7.31 E+-00 6.02E+00 2 6.88E-01 5.20E-100 0.OOE+00 1.79E+00 1.85E-01 7.87E+t00 5,66E+-00 2.1 7.42E-01 5,59E+-00 0.OOE+00 1.85E-100 2.09E-01 8.39E+00 5.35E+00 2.2 7.86E-01 5.92E+00 0.OOE+00 1.89EC00 2.33E-01 8.83E+00 5.11 E+00 2.3 8.28E-01 6.20E+'00 0.OOE+00 1.93E+00 2.58E-01 9.22E+00 4.92E+00 2.4 8.68E-01 6.45E+00 0.00E+00 1.97E+00 2.83E-01 9.57E+00 4.77E+00 2.5 9.06E-01 6.67E+-00 0.OOE+00 2.00E+00 3.08E-01 9.89E+00 4.63E+00 2.6 9.43E-01 6.87E+400 0.OOE-.00 2.04E~+00 3.34E-01 1.02E+01 4.52E+00 2.7 9.79E-01 7.05E+00 0,00E+00 2.08E+00 3,59E-01 1.05E+01 4,43E-+00 2.8 1.01 E+00 7.23E4ý00 0.00E-C00 2.1 2E+00 3.85E-01 1.07E+01 4.34E-+00 2.9 1.05E+00O 7.39E+00 0.OOE+*00 2.16E+00 4.11 E-01 1.10E+-01 4.27E+00 3 1.08E+00 7.55E +00 0.OOE+i00 2.20E+00 4.36E-01 1.13E+01 4.19E+00 3.1 1.11E+00 7.70 E-00 0.OOE+00 2.24E-*00 4.62E-01 1.15E+01 4.12Eý00 3.2 1.15E+00 7.85E+00 0.OOE+-00 2.27E+00 4.88E-01 1.18E+401 4.05E+fO0 3.3 1.18 E+'00 7.99E+00 0.00E+00 2.31 E-iCO 5.14E-01 1.20E+01 3.99E +00 3.4 1.21 E+00 8.1 3E+-00 0.OOE+00 2.35E+i00 5.40E-01 1.22E+01 3.93E-+00 3.5 1.24E+00 8.26E+O00 0.00E+*00 2.39E+00 5.66E-01 1.25E+01 3.87E+00 3.6 1.27E+00 8.39E+C00 0.OOE+00 2.43E+00 5.92E-01 1.27E+01 3.82E +00 3.7 1.30E+00 8:52E-0 0.OOE+00 2.46E-FO0 6.18E-01 1.29E-1-0 3.77E+00 3.8 1.33E+00 8,64 E+.00 0.OOE+00 2.50E-100 6.44E-01 1.31 E+01 3,72E+00 3.9 1.36E+00 8.76E-+00 0.OOE-+00 2.54E+*00 6.70E-01 1.33E-101 3.67E-+00 4 1.38E+400 8.88E+i00 0.00E+00 2.58E+00 6,96E-01 1.35E+01 3.62E+00 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATI ON CONTINUATION SHEET Page D1 23~ (Next E Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: Calculation No. Revision FOriginator/Date Reviewer/Date J'. Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 4.1 1.41E+00 8.99E+00 O.OOE4CO 2.61 E-+OO 7.22E-01 1.37E-401 3.44E+00 4.2 1.44E+00 9.10E+00 O.OOE+0O 2.65E+00 7.49E-01 1.39E+01 3.26E+00 4.3 1.47E+00 9.21E+C)O 0.0OE+00 2.69E--00 7.75E-01 1.41 E-'01 3.08E+00 44 1,49E+00 9.31 E+00O QOOE+CO 2.73E--00 8.01 E-01 1.43E--01 2.91 E-00 4.5 1.52E+00 9.42E+00O O.OQE-+OO 2.76EA.00 8.27E-01 1.45E+O1 2,74E-400 4.6 1.54E-'00 9.52E+00C O.OOE+0O 2.80E-t00 8.53E-01 1.47E-'01 2,57E-.00 47 1.57E+00 9.62E+00 O.OOE+0O 2.84E+00 8.79E-01 1.49E+01 2.40E+00 4,8 1.59E-+00 9.72E+00 O.OOE-~4)0 2.87E+00 9-05E-01 1.51 E+01 2.23E+00 4.9 1.62E+00O 9.82E+00 O.OOE-*OO 2.91 E+00 9.32E-01 1.53E+01 2.07E-.00 5 1.64E*400 9.91E+00 0.00E+030 2.95E+00 9,585-01 1-55E+01 1.91 E+00 5.1 1.665+00 1.005+01 O,00E+00 2.985+00 9.845-01 1-56E+ 01 1.75E+00 5.2 1.695+00 1.015E+01 0.OOE+00 3.02E-.00 1.01 E*00 1.58E+01 1.60E+,00 5.3 1.71E--00 1.02E+01 0.005+00 3.06E+00 1.04E+00 1.60E+01 1.445+00 5.4 1.73E+00 1.03E+01 0.OOE+00 3.09E+00 1.06E-0O 1.62E+01 1.29E+00 5.5 1.76E+00 1.04E+01 0,OOE+00 3.13E+00 1.09E+00 1.63E+01 1.14E+00 5.6 1.78E+00 1.045401 0.005+00 3.17E+00 1.11 E+00 1.635E-401 9.975-01 5.7 1.80E+00 1.05E+01 0.00E+00 3.20E+00 1.145+00 1.67E+01 8.53E-01 5.8 1.825+00 1.06E-01 0.005+00 3.24E+00 1.17E+00 1.68E+01 7.08E-01 5.9 1.84E+00 1.07E-'01 0,00E+00 3.27E-00 1.19E--00 1.70E-*01 5.68E-01 6 1.865--Go 1.08E+01 0.OOE+00 3.31 E+00 1.22E-i00 1.72E+01 4.27E-01 6.1 1.88E+0J0 1.085+01 8.77E-05 3.315E+00 1.22E+00 1.72E+01 6.2 1.90E+00 1.08E--01 3.45E-04 3.31 E+00 1.22E+00 1.72E+01 6.3 1.925+ý00 1.08E+i01 7.655-04 3.31 E+00 1.225+ý00 1.72E+01 6.4 1.94E-A00 1,08E+01 1,34E-03 3.31 E+00 1.22E+00 1.72E+01 6.5 1.96E+00 1.085+01 2.06E-03 3.31 E+00 1.22E+00 1.735*01 6.6 1.98E+00 1.08E--01 2.935-103 3.31 E+00 1.22E-*00 1.73E+01 6.7 2.00E+00 1.08E-+01 3.935-03 3.31 E-00 1.22E+00 1.73E+01 6.8 2,02E+00 1.08E-*01 5.06E-03 3.31 E-00 1.23E-+00 1.735+01 6.9 2.04E+00 1.08E+01 6.31 E-03 3,315E+00 1.23E+00 1.73E+01 7 2.06E--00 1.08E-+01 7.68E-03 3.31 E+00 1.23E+00 1.74E+01 7.1 2.07E+00 1.08E+01 9.16E-03 3,315E+00 1.23E+00 1.745+ý01 7.2 2.09E+00 1.085+01 1,08E-02 3.31 E+00 1.23E+00 1.74E+01 7.3 2.115E+00 1.08E+01 1.245-02 3.315E+00 1.24E+00 1.745+01 7.4 2.13E--GO 1,08E-401 1.425-02 3.31 E+00 1.24E+00 1.755+01 7.5 2.14E+00 1.08E-401 1.61 E-02 3.31 E+00 1.24E+00 1.75E+01 7.6 2.165+,00 1.08E+01 1.815E-02 3.31 E+00 1.255+00 1.75E+01 7.7 2.18E+00 1.085+01 2.01 E-02 3.315+00 1.255+00 1.75E+01 7.8 2.19E+00 1.085+01 2.235-02 3.31E+00 1.25E+00 1.75E-+01 7.9 2.21 E+00 1.08E+01 2.45E-02 3.31E+00 1.2S5E+00 1.76E+01 8 2.22E+00 1.085+01 2,68E-02 3.315E+00 1.26E+00 , 1.765+01 - NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -E1 (Next - Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: F Disposition: Revsio Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Caculation No.Rvso H.K Pustulka 12/8/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 Ref. Appendix E STARDOSE Dose Analysis (129 Pages) Check and Independent Review of the Appendix D RADTRAD AST Calculation This appendix represents check calculation results using the Polestar STARDOSE [Ref E- 1] computer dose to check RADTRAD results presented in Appendix D. Design inputs are consistent with those presented in the main body of this calculation with the following exceptions:

  • Removal lambdas for the drywell and the main steam lines were determined in Appendix C of this calculation based on STARNAUA runs described in Appendix B
                " Volumetric flow rate determinations for containment leakagre (including MS1V and other reactor building bypass) which can be found in Appendix B Three cases are examined in this appendix:

Case IA: Division Electrical Failure, with core spray and secondary containment sprays. Case 2A: Division Electrical Failure, with no core spray and with secondary containment spray. Case IB: MSIV Failure, with core spray and primary containment sprays. The three cases mentioned above were analyzed to determine the most limiting LOCA case. It was found to be Case IA. Seven runs were then executed to analyze the most limiting case (Case IlA) in detail. The details of the seven runs are as follows:

1. Case IA': Determination of the most limiting 2 hour dose period (all X/Q's were held constant to determine the 2 hours with the greatest rate of dose increase).
2. Case lARBEVS: A run with normal reactor building ventilation in operation to provide data regarding accumulation of activity in the reactor building. These data are then used in Appendices M and N to demonstrate that the Reactor Building Emergency Ventilation System (RBEVS) is actuated in a timely manner based on exhaust radiation.
3. Case IlA: Integrated check of the five RADTRAD runis performed in Appendix D. The output of this run also provides the basis for the reactor building shine analysis presented in Appendices F, G, and H.
4. Case lAx: The MSTV & Permanent Bypass component (all other release pathways were directed to a dummy volume). This run is comparable to the RADTRAD IlAa case. The output of this run is used to determine activity levels for plume shine from turbine building releases. Plume shine is treated in Appendices I, J, and K.
5. Case lAy: The Temporary Bypass component (all other release pathways were directed to a dummy volume). This run is comparable to the sum of the RADTRAD lAb and lAd cases.

The output of this run is used to determine activity levels for plume shine from reactor building releases other than what is released via the RBEVS and stack. Plume shine is treated in Appendices I, J, and K. NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGNERIN SRVIESCALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E2_ (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- -1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date FReviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H. Pustulka 12/8/06 D. Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 00 Ref.

6. Case IlAz: The Stack release component (all other release pathways were directed to a dummy volume). This run is comparable to the sum of the RADTRAD IlAc and IlAe cases.

The output of this r-un is used to determine activity levels for plume shine from RBEVS releases via the stack. Plume shine is treated in Appendices 1, J, and K.

7. Case IA -filter: By setting the exhaust out of the Control Room to zero, and passing the control room inleakage through a theoretical filter that removes noble gasses, the result provides the total activity that would be left on the CR filter. The output of this run is used to determine the shine due to the CR filter in Appendix L.

NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -E3 (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit Disposition:.-_ Revision r Reviewer/Date Calculation No. FOriginator/Date D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 100 lH. Pustulka 12/8/06 Case Diagrams CASE 1A:- Division Electrical Failure (Pathways are numbered to correspond to those inthe RADTRAD analysis inAppendix D) Filter 14 15 Environment Case 2A is identical except for the following:

                *There is no core spray and the operation of Containment Atmosphere Dilution (CAD) is cosdered. The result isa higher containment pressure than Case IA. However, in this case, containment leakage rates are coupled to the containment pressure per the pre-AST licensing basis.
                *Flow rates in Junctions 3to 9 are functions of time. These time-dependent inputs are based on time-dependent multipliers developed in Appendix B for Case 2A. The flow rates are the product of the Case 1A values prior to 24 hours and the time-dependent multipliers.
                *Main steam line removal lambdas are calculated for the increase in activity in the steam lines.

NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -E4. (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition:-,_ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12/8/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H210C092 00 CASE 18:- MSIV Failure, core spray and primary spray on, using a 40minute drawdown. E ~SOi DW G Environment H 4Pathway Description A DW -) WW 1.80E+05 cfm, or a flowrate of one volume per minute is used to represent uniform B WW -* DW mixing. C DW-4 R-B 1.875 cfmn after 40minutes D WW-* RB 1.25 cfm after 4Ominutes E DW-4 SLI1 0.342 cfm F SLI-* Environment 0.398 cfm exhaust from the steam line G DW-) Environment 0.342 cfm exhaust H DW-3 Environment 2.159 cfm bypass for the first 40 minutes, which then reduces to 0.284 cfm. (Temporary bypass is treated with the R-B ground level X!Qs, Permanent bypass is treated with the TB ground level XIQ's. For this junction the XIQ's are weighted to take into consideration both releases through one path.) I WW-* Environment 1.25 cfm for the first 40minutes J RB-13Environment Stack exhaust from the Reactor Building K R-B'-4 Environment ESF (Stack Component) 2.67 cfm after 40 minutes L RB'--> Environment ESF (Ground level component) 2.67cfm for 40 minutes. M Environment-> CR Filtered inleakage 2025 cfmn N Environment-> CR Unfiltered inleakag e 100 cfm 0 CR->) Environment Exhaust from the CR, 2125 cfin (2025 cfln + 100 cfln) NJ~Pr~~nR NE-ES0 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E5_ (Next Project.' Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1Disposition: ____iio Originator/Date Reviewver/Date Calculation No. Rvso H.Pustuika 12/8/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 IH210C092 00 STARDOSE Analysis The Design Input Summary data and the Assumptions are the same as those used in Appendix D. These are found in the main body of the calculation. The STARDOSE LIEBFILE 1 TXT file is included as Appendix El. The LIBFILE1.TXT files have the following format (by column):

1. Radionuclide IED
2. Radionuclide group (see Design Input Summary for group assignments)
3. Parent
4. Daughter
5. Ci/MW (see Design Input Summary)
6. Decay constant, per sec (taken from Reference E-2)
7. Thyroid DCF (set equal to zero for these analyses)
8. WB DCF (rem-m 3 /Ci-sec) (see Design Input Summary)
9. Not used
10. Not used
11. Skin DCF (set equal to zero for these analyses)
12. CEDE DCF (remlCi) (see Design Input Summary)
13. Not used
14. Not used
15. Not used
16. Not used
17. Not used
18. Not used The 66 radionuclide inventories are the ones identified in the Design Input Summary. These 66 radionuclides include the 60 RADTRAD radionuclides minus two insignificant Cobalt nuclides plus eight additional radionuclides (mostly noble gases): Kr83m, Kr89, Xel3lIm, Xel33m, Xe135m, Xel3 7, Xe138, and Bal37m. Rb88 is included because of its importance as a decay daughter. Therefore, Rb88 has been included in Appendix ElI and in Appendix E2 the DCFs for Rb-S 8 have been added to those foi Kr-88 even though the half-life of Rb-88 (17.8 minutes) is slightly greater than 10% of its parent Kr-88 (170.4 minutes).

Eight 1NPUT.DAT files are provided in Appendices E2, E4 and E6. As previously noted, the model for Case IA (Appendices E2 and E3) is the same as the corresponding RADTRND case documented in Appendix D except for the addition of the RB' volume and a slight difference in the worst 2 hour period. The theoretical RB' volume is used to correctly distribute activity to the environment utilizing the appropriate X/Q value. When holding all X/Q's constant, the maximum two-hour EAB dose was obtained using the 0.667 to 2.667 hour period identified in Case IA'. This differs slightly from the 0.5 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E6_ (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- -1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H. Pustulka 12/8/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 J S to 2.5 time interval used in the RADTRAD calculations of Appendix D. Results Summary and Comparison to RADTRAD Results Table E-1: Most Limiting TEDE (rem) Case IA Case 2A Case LB Control Room/il) 3.79E-i00 3.29E+00 2.09E+/-00 EAB 7.60E+00 6.45E+00 1.68E+00 LPZ 1.57E+00 1.32E+00O 7.86E+00O (1) Without Shine From the above table it can be seen that Case IlA (Electrical Division Failure with core spray) is the mostI limiting case. TABLE E-2: Dose Result Summary RADTRAD__ STARDOSE Appendix D Appendix E Case Dose Case Dose No (rem) No (rem) (lAa) 8.55E-01 lAx 9.56E-0 I CR (IlAb + l Ad) 2.3 1E+00 lAy 2.05E+00O (lAc + lAe) 7.3 8E-0OI lAz 7.32E-0 I Shine' 9.I101-0O1 Shine' 9.l1OE-0 I TOTAL 4.81IE+00 TOTAL 4.65E+00 EB2 IA' 9.02E+00 IA' 7.60E+00 (IlAa.) 2.90E-0 I lAx 3.12E-0OI LPZ (lAb + lAd) 1.21 Ei00 lAy 1.04E+00 (lAc +lAe) 1.02E-0 I lAz 2.19E-0OI ___ TOTAL 1.60E+00 TOTAL 1.57E+00 (1) Shine calculated in Ap~pendices G (Reactor Building), I (Plume Shine), and L (Filter Shine (2) Worst 2hr period determined in Case IA' to be 0.667-2.667 hours in STARDOSE and 0.5-2.5 hours in RADTRAD. These results show good agreement between the two computer codes. Consequently, the RADTRAD results of Appendix D are considered acceptable. References for Appendix E (in addition to several Appendix D references) E-1 STARDOSE Version 1.01, PSAT C109.03, Rev. l, "Stardose Model Report." E-2 NTJREG/CR-5 106, "Manual for TACT5," Version SAIC 9/23/1987 NE P-DE S,-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E7-(Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H,Pustulka 12/8/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 00 Ref. Appendix El: LIBFILE1.TXT File n-isotopes 76 n_ sotope-groups 11 Kr83m NGas NONE NONE 3.27E-+03 1,05E-04 0 5,55E-06 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kr85m NGas NONE NONE 6.82E+03 4.30E-05 0 2.77E-02 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kr85 NGas NONE NONE 3.93E+02 2.05E-09 0 4.40E-04 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kr87 N Gas NONE NONE 1.30E+04 1.51lE-04 0 1.52E-01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kr88 NGas NONE NONE 1.83E-t04 6.78E-05 0 5.01 E-01 0 0 0 8.36E+-01 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kr89 NGas NONE NONE 2.22E+'04 3.63E-03 0 3.23E-01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Xe131m NGas NONE NONE 3.04E-+02 6.74E-07 0 1,44E-03 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Xe133m NGas NONE NONE 1.63E-t03 3.67E-06 0 5.07E-03 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Xe133 NGas Il33Part NONE 5.27E-+04 1.53E-06 0 5.77E-03 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Xe135m NGas NONE NONE 1.09E-t04 7.56E-04 0 7.55E-02 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Xel 35 NGas 1135Part NONE 1.91 E+04 2,12E-05 0 4.40E-02 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Xe13l N_-Gas NONE NONE 4.80E+04 2.96E-03 0 3.03E-02 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Xe138 N-Gas NONE NONE 4.50E+'04 6.80E-04 0 2.13E-01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Il3lOrg Org-I NONE NONE 2.71 E-404 9.98E-07 0 6,73E-02 0 0 0 3.29Es-04 0 0 0 0 0 0 11320rg Org-1 NONE NONE 3.92E+04 8.37E-05 0 4.14E-01 0 0 0 3.81 E+02 0 0 0 0 0 0 11330rg Orgi1 NONE NONE 5.51E+i04 9.26E-06 0 1.09E-01 0 0 0 5.85E+'03 0 0 0 0 0 0 11340rg Org-1 NONE NONE 6.03E'-04 2.20E-04 0 4.81 E-0 1 0 0 0 1.31E-+02 0 0 0 0 0 0 11350rg Org-I NONE NONE 5.16Ei-04 2.91 E-05 0 3.07E-01 0 0 0 1.23E+s03 0 0 0 0 0 0 113lEIem ElmI Te13lm NONE 2.71E-*04 9.98E-07 0 6.73E-02 0 0 0 3.29E+04 0 0 0 0 0 0 1132EIem ElmI Te132 NONE 3.92E+i04 8.37E-05 0 4.14E-01 0 0 0 3.81E-t02 0 0 0 0 0 0 1133EIem ElmI NONE NONE 5.51E-*04 9.26E-06 0 1.09E-01 0 0 0 5.85E+'03 0 0 0 0 0 0 1134EIem ElmI NONE NONE 6.03E'-04 2.20E-04 0 4.81 E-0 1 0 0 0 1.31E+0G2 0 0 0 0 0 0 113591em ElmI NONE NONE 5.16E+04 2.919E-05 0 3.07E-01 0 0 0 1.23E-f03 0 0 0 0 0 0 I13lPart. Prtl- NONE NONE 2.71 E+04 9.98E-07 0 6.739-02 0 0 0 3.29E+04 0 0 0 0 0 0 I132Part Prt NONE NONE 3.92E+04 8.37E-05 0 4.14E-0 1 0 0 0 3.81E+02 0 0 0 0 0 0 Il33Part PaI NONE Xe133 5.51E+04 9.26E-06 0 1.09E-01 0 0 0 5,85E+03 0 0 0 0 0 0 I134Part PCtI NONE NONE 6.03E+04 2.20E-04 0 4.819E-0 1 0 0 0 1.31E+02 0 0 0 0 0 0 1l35Part PCt-I NONE Xe135 5.16E+04 2.919-05 0 3.07E-01 0 0 0 1.23E+03 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rb86 CsGrp NONE NONE 7.29E+01 4.30E-07 0 1.78E-02 0 0 0 6,62Ei-03 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cs134 CsGrp NONE NONE 7.29E+03 1.07-08 0 2.80E-01 0 0 0 4.63E+04 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cs136 CsGrp NONE NONE 2.28E+03 6.12E-07 0 3,92E-01 0 0 0 7.33E+03 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cs137 CsGrp NONE Ba137m 4.35E+03 7.329-10 0 1.019-01 0 0 0 3.199+04 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sb127 TeGrp NONE Te127 3.01 E+03 2.08E-06 0 1.23E-01 0 0 0 6.03E-'03 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sb129 TeGrp NONE Tel 29 8.919E+03 4.46E-05 0 2.649-01 0 0 0 6.44E+02 0 0 0 0 0 0 Te127m TeGrp NONE NONE 4.05E+02 7,369-08 0 5.449-04 0 0 0 2.15E+04 0 0 0 0 0 0 Te127 TeGrp Sb127 NONE 3.OOE+03 2.06E-05 0 8.95E-04 0 0 0 3.18E+02 0 0 0 0 0 0 Te129m TeGrp NONE NONE 1.30E+03 2.399-07 0 1.23E-02 0 0 0 2.409+04 0 0 0 0 0 0 Te129 TeGrp Sb129 NONE 8.76E+0O3 1.66E-04 0 1.02E-02 0 0 0 7.739+01 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tel3lm Teorp NONE I13lEIem 3.97E+03 6.42E-06 0 2.76E-01 0 0 0 6.50E+03 0 0 0 0 0 0 Te132 TeGrp NONE 113291em 3.859+04 2.46E-06 0 3.81E-02 0 0 0 9.44E+03 0 0 0 0 0 0 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E8_ (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1- Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12/8/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 00 Ref. Bal3lm BaGrp Cs137 NONE 4.12E-.013 4.53E-033 03 1.07E-031 03 03 03 OOE'-1313 03 03 03 0 0 Ba139 BaGrp NONE NONE 4.89E-'014 1.403E-04 13 8.033E-03303 0 0 1.72E-+02 13 13 03 1 0 0 Ba1413 BaGrp NONE La1413 4.711E 04 6.303E-07 13 3.17E-032 03 1 0 3.74E+033 13 03 0 0 0 0 M099 N~vtIs NONE Tc99m 5.13E-'014 2,92E-036 03 2.69E-032 13 0 0 3,96E+033 03 03 03 03 0 Tc99m N~vtIs Mo99 NONE 4.49E-*A34 3.20E-035 0 2.18E-032 03 03 0 3.26E+011 13 03 03 0 0 0 Ru1O3 NMtIs NONE NONE 4.29E+04 2.034E-037 13 8.33E-032 13 0 0 8,96E-t013 03 03 3 03 0 0 Ru1135 NMtIs NONE Rh1135 3.013E +04 4,34E-035 13 1.41E-031 13 0 0 4.55E-0-12 03 03 03 0 0 0 Ru1136 NMtls NONE NONE 1.76E-s014 2.18E-038 13 3.85E-032 13 03 0 4.77E+015 13 03 03 0 0 0 Rh1135 NMtIs RulOS NONE 2,84E+134 5.45E-036 13 1,38E-032 03 0 0 9.55E+02 3 03 03 03 0 0 Y903 LaGrp S1-91 NONE 3.24E+03 3.031E-036 13 7.033E-03413 0 0 8.44E+03 13 03 03 0 0 0 Y91 LaGrp S1,91 NONE 3.18E+014 1.37E-037 13 9.62E-034 13 1 0 4+88E+034 3 03 03 1 03 0 Y92 LaGrp Sr92 NONE 3.403E+014 5.44E-035 13 4.81E-032 03 03 0 781E+0-12 13 03 03 0 0 0 Y93 LaGrp NONE NONE 3.96E-'014 1,91E-035 13 1.78E-032 0 0 0 2.15E+'-13 13 03 03 0 0 0 zr95 LaGrp NONE Nb95 4.46E+034 1.25E-07 13 1,.33E-03113 03 0 2.36E+134 13 03 03 0 0 0 Zr97 LaGrp NONE NONE 4.519E*-04 1.14E-035 13 1.649-131 03 03 0 4.339E133 13 03 03 0 0 0 Nb95 La~rp Zr95 NONE 4.48E-04 2.289-137 03 1.389-131 13 03 0 5.819-E 303 03 03 03 0 00 La1413 LaGrp Ba1413 NONE 5.12E+~04 4.78E-036 13 4,33E-031 13 0 13 4.85E+133 03 03 03 0 0 0 Lal4l LaGrp NONE Cel4l 4.45E+*04 4.903E-05 03 8.84E-033 13 13 0 5.819E+132 13 03 03 0 0 0 La142 LaGrp NONE NONE 4.29E+04 1.25E-034 13 5.33E-031 13 03 0 2.53E+0-12 13 03 03 0 0 0 Pr143 LaGrp Ce143 NONE 3.97E-s014 5.92E-037 03 7.77E-0)5 13 13 0 8.10E9+13 03 03 03 0 0 0 Nd147 LaGrp NONE NONE 1.80E+014 7.31E-037 03 2.29E-032 03 13 0 6.85E+03 13 03 03 0 0 0 Am241 LaGrp NONE NONE 7.48E-.00 5.13E-11 13 3.033E-03 13 03 0 4+44E+.08 13 03 03 0 0 0 Cm242 LaGrp NONE NONE 1.859.133 4.93E-038 13 2.11 E-05 13 03 0 1+73E.07 13 13 0 0 13 0 Cm244 LaGrp NONE NONE 1.23E+02 1.21 E-039 13 1,82E-035 03 03 0 2.489+08 13 03 03 03 0 Cel4l CeGrp Lal4l NONE 4.47E-.014 2,47E-07 13 1.27E-032 13 03 0 8.959E103 13 03 03 0 0 0 Ce143 Ce~rp NONE Pr143 4.11 E-.04 5.83E-036 13 4,77E-032 13 03 0 3.39E+.-13 03 03 03 0 0 0 Ce144 CeGrp NONE NONE 3.703E+134 2,82E-038 13 1.033E-03203 03 0 3.74E+05 13 03 03 0 13 Np239 CeGrp NONE NONE 5.78E-.-135 1.41E-036 13 2.85E-032 13 03 0 2,51E+0-13 13 1 03 03 0 0 Pu238 CeGrp NONE NONE 1.45E+132 2.503E-10 13 1.81E-05 13 03 0 2.88E+08 13 13 03 0 0 0 Pu239 CeGrp NONE NONE 1.34E+131 9.13E-13 03 1.57E-035 13 13 13 3.038E+18 13 13 13 13 13 13 Pu2413 Ce~rp NONE NONE 1.89E 101 3.36E-1 2 0 1.76E-135 13 13 13 3.038E+8 13 13 13 13 0 13 Pu241 CeGrp NONE NONE 5+49E+013 1,53E-09 13 2+68E-037 13 13 13 4.96E--06 13 13 0 13 13 13 Sr89 SrGrp NONE NONE 2.45E4-04 1.59E-07 13 2,86E-04 13 13 0 6.51 E+03 13 13 13 0 13 13 SrS13 Sr~rp NONE Y903 3,14E+03 7.54E-103 0 2+79E-035 13 13 13 2.39E+135 13 13 13 13 13 S(91 SrGrp NONE Y91 3.103E+s04 2.033E-05 13 1.82E-031 13 0 13 9.32E+.03 13 13 13 0 13 13 Sr92 SrGrp NONE Y92 3+389 +04 7.103E-035 0 2.51 E-0 13 00 13 6.29E-tF02 13 13 13 13 13 13 NEP-DES-038 Rev 139

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E9-(Next - Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition-, ____iio 9 rginator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Rvso H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D, Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 ReT. Appendix E2: INPUT.DAT Files for Case 1A (LIMITING CASE: Core Spray Division Electrical Failure) Appendix E2.1: INPUT.DAT File Case 1A'.(W~orst 2 hr Determination) edit-time 0 04170.667 0.917 1.167 1.417 1.667 1.917 2.033 2.167 2.417 2.667 2.917 3.167 3.667 4.167 6 8.033 end edit time participating-isotopes Kr83m Kr85m Kr85 Kr87 Kr88 Kr89 Xel3lm Xel33m Xe133 Xel35m Xe135 Xe137 Xe138 1131lOrg 1131lElem 1131lPart 11 320rg ll32Elem 1132Part 11330rg ll33Elem 1l33Part 11340rg ll34Elem I134 Part 11 350rg 11l35EIem ll35Part Rb86 Cs134 Cs136 Cs137 Sb127 Sb129 Tel27m Te127 Tel29m Te129 Te13lm Te132 Ba137m Ba'139 Bal4O Mo99 Tc99m RulO3 RulO5 RulO06 RhiOS Y90 Y91 Y92 Y93 Zr95 Zr97 Nb95 Lal4O Lal4l La142 2r143 Nd147 Am241 Cm242 Cm244 Cel14l Ce143 Ce'144 Np239 2u238 Pu239 Pu240 Pu241 Sr89 Sr9O Sr9l Sr92 end..participating isotopes core thermal-power 1887 elemental-iodine-frac 0.485 organic-iodine -f rac 0.0015 parti culIate_iodine-frac 0.95 release frac to-control -volume DW Time N_-Gas I-Grp CsGrp TeGrp BaGrp NMtls CeGrp LaGrp SrGrp 0.033 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.533 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.033 0.633 0.167 0.133 0.033 0.01 33 0.00167 0.00033 0.00013 0.0133 720 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 end-to-control -volume to control volume SP Time NGas I_Grp CsGrp TeGrp BaGrp NMtls CeGrp LaGrp SrGrp 0.033 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.533 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.033 0 0.334 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 720 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 end to control volume end release-frac end core control volume ob~j-ype OBJ_-CV name DWV air-volume 1.8e-005 NFP-nF~q-nR Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E10-(Next Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition: Ohginator/Date Reviewer/Date Clulation No. FRevision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 Ref. water volume 0 surface-area has recirc filter false removal-rate -to -surface Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 0.0642 0.0000 20.000 0.000 52.895 52.895 52.895 0.5297 0.0000 19.125 0.000 19.125 19.125 19.125 H.569 0.0000 20.000 0.000 31.616 31.616 31.616 0,8337 0.0000 20.000 0.000 22.682 22.682 22.682 2.018 1 0.0000 19 .849 0.000 19.849 19,849 19.849 2.7602 0.0000 4.936 0.000 4.936 4.936 4.936 4.3139 0.0000 2.975 0.000 2.975 2.975 2.975 15.0234 0.0000 2.010 0.000 2.010 2.010 2.010 720.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 end removal rate to surface frac 4-daughter-resusp-from 7surface Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 0 end -frac daughte rjes uspjrom_s urfaci end-control-volume control volume obj-type OBJCV name W'N air volume 1.2e--005 water volume 7.97e+-004 surface-area 0 has reciro filter false remov al-rate-to-waterpool Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0 0 0 0 0 0 end -removal-rateto-waterpool frac -4 daughter -esusp-from-water Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0 0 0 0 0 0 endjfrac.4-daughterjresusp-from-water decontamination factor Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 1 1 1 1 1 en d-decon ta min ation -factor end-control-volume control volume obj-type OBJCV name SLi air volume 82.4 water volume 0 surface-area 0 has-reciro-filter false removal rate to surface Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 0.0435 0.0000 0.000 0.000 1.354 1.ý354 1.354 0.2929 0.0000 0.000 0.00 1.246 1.246 1.246 0.5623 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.860 0.860 0.860 1.2111 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.752 0.752 0,752 2.2441 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.777 0.777 0.777 NEP-DES'-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page-Ell1 (Next ) Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 Disposition: __ Onginator/Date RevieweriDate Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D. Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 4.9854 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.691 0.69 1 0.691 8.0281 0.0000 0,000 0.000 0.498 0.498 0.498 24.0808 0.0000 0.000 0,000 0.317 0.317 0.317 720 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 end removal rate to surface frac 4 -daughterj-esuspjrom 7.surface Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 0 end -frac_-4_daughter resusp-from-surfaci end-control-volume control volume obj-type OBJCV name SL2 air volume 82.4 water volume 0 surface-area 0 has recirc filter false remov al-rate-to-su rface Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 0.0435 0.0000 0.000 0.000 1.354 1.354 1.354 0.2929 0.0000 0.000 0.000 1.246 1.246 1.246 0.5623 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.860 0.860 0.860 1.2111 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.752 0.752 0.752 2.244 1 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.777 0.777 0.777 4,9854 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.691 0.91 0.691 8.,028 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.498 0.498 0.498 24.0808 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.317 0.317 0.317 720 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 end removal rate to surface frac 4-daughter -resusp-from-surface Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 0 endifracA -daughter resusp~jrom-su rface end-control-volume control-volume objitype OBJ_CV name R8 air volume 1.06e--006 water-volume 0 surface-area 0 has-reciro-filter false end-control-volume control-volume obijtype 08J_CV name RB' air volume 100 water volu me 0 surface-area 0 has-recirc-filter false end-control-volume control-volume obij-ype OBJ_CV NE-P-OE s-na Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION, SHEET Page -E12 (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 Disposition.-__ __ Calculation No. Revision FOdginator/Date Reviewer/Date H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D. Leaver 12/12/06 H10C092 00 ýet. name SID air volume 7.97e+004 water volume 0 surface-area 0 has reciro filter false end-control-volume control volume obj-type OBJ_ CR name ControlRoom air volume 1.35e--005 water volume 0 surface-area 0 has recirc filter false breathing -rate Time (hr) Value (cms) 720 0.00035 end-breathing-rate occupancy-factor Time (hr) Value (frac) 24 96 0.6 720 0.4 end-occupancy-factor end-control-volume junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream location AIRSPACE upstream CORE downstream DW has filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (ctm) 720 end flow rate end-junction junction junction-type AIR_-JUNCTION downstream location AIRSPACE upstream CORE downstream SP has filter false flow-rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 720 end flow rate end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream location WATERPOOL upstream DVW downstream WWV -~1 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION. SHEET Page -El 3-(Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition- __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D. Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 00ý Ref. nas filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 2.033 0 720 1.8e5 end flow rate end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream location AIRSPACE upstream ww downstream Dw has filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 2.033 0 720 1.8e5 end flow rate end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream-location AIRSPACE upstream DW downstream SLi has filter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfmj 24 0.342 720 0.171 end flow rate filter -efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodint Orgiodine Partlodine Solubies Insolubles 720 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 end-filter-efficiency f rac-4 dau ghte rres usp Time NobleGas Elemlodint Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 end - rac -4daughterjresusp end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream-location AIRSPACE upstream SLI downstream environment has-filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (cf m) 24 0.398 720 0.199 end flow rate X overQ_4_ctrl roo m Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 5.85e-4 NF-P-nF:.q-nR Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E14-(Next - Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition: ____iio Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Rvso H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 Ref. 2.667 1.03e-3 8.033 5.85e-4 24 2.07e-4 96 1.75e-4 720 152e-4 end-X-over-Q-4ctrl-roam X-overQ_4_site-boundary Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 8.033 1.90e-4 720 0 end_-X -over_0_Q4_site_boundary X-over_0_4_low-population-zone Time (hr) Value (s/m *3) 8.033 1.63e-5 24 1.10e-5 96 4.67e-6 720 1.37e-6 endX -over_0_Q4-low-population~zone end-j unction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-locati on AIR-SPACE upstream DW downstream SL2 has filter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 24 0.342 720 0.171 end flow rate filter efficinc Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0 0,5 0 05 0.5 0. end-filter -efficiency fraq..4.daughter-resusp Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 0 end -frac_-4_daughter resusp end-.junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream-location AIRSPACE upstream SL2 downstream environment has-filter false flow-rate Time (hr) Value (cfmj 24 0.398 720 0.199 end flow rate X-over_0_4_ctrl-room Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 5.85e-4 2.667 1.03e-3 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -E15-(Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 Dispos-iti-on; __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12112/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 .00 Ref. 8.033 5.85e-4 24 2.07e-4 96 1.75e-4 720 1.52e-4 end_-X -over_0_4_ctrl-room X7over_0_-4_site-boundary Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 8.033 1.90e-4 720 0 end_-X -over_0_-4_-site -boundary X-over_0_4_low-population-zone Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 8.033 1.63e-5 24 1.10e-5 96 4.67e-6 720 1.37e-6 end_-X -over_-Q_4jlow-population-zone end-.junction junction junction-type AIR_-JUNCTION downstream -location AIRSPACE upstream DW downstream environment has filter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 6 2.159 24 0.284 720 0.142 end-flow-rate filter -efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 6 0 0.066 0 0,066 0.066 0.066 720 0 0.5 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 end -filter -efficiency fract4daughter-resusp Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 0 end -rac -4daughterjresusp X-over-Q4-ctrl-room Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 3.04e-4 2.667 5.54e-4 6 3.04e-4 8.033 5.85e-4 24 2.07e-4 96 1.75e-4 720 1.52e-4 endX over_0_4_cfrl room X-overQ_4_site-boundary Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 8.033 1.90e-4 720 0 end_-X -overQ_4_site-boundary X-over_0 4 low-populafion-zone NE P-QPs-np Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -E16-(Next ) [ Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Onginator/Date H.Pustulka 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date D.Leaver 12/12/06 Unit- 1 Calculation No. H21CO92 Disposition: ___ Revision 003 Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 8.033 1.63e-5 24 1l10e-5 96 4.67e-6 720 1.37e-6 end_-X -over_0_4Jlow-population-zone end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-location AIRSPACE upstream ww downstream environment has filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 6 1.25 720 0.0 end flow rate X -over Q4-ctrl-room Time (hr) Value (slm*3) 0.667 2.61 e-4 2.667 4.82e-4 8.033 2.61 e-4 24 9.25e-5 96 6.7e-5 720 4.93e-5 end_-X -overQ_4_ctrl-room X -over-Q site-boundary Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 8.033 1.90e-4 720 0 end_-X -over_-Q_-4_-site -boundary X -over_0_-4_low..population-zone Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 8.033 1.63e-5 24 1.10e-5 96 4.67e-6 720 1,.37e-6 end_-X -over_0_4jlow-population-zone end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream location AIRSPACE upstream SID downstream RB' has-filter true flow-rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 6 2.67 720 0 end flow rate filter -efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodim Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0.5 0.0 1.0 0 0 NEP-DES-09 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -E17 (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition: __ Odnginatoricate Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D. Leaver 12/12/06 1H21C092 F00 Re-f end -filter -efficiency II end-junction junction junction-type AIR. JU NCT ION down stream-location AIRSF'ACE upstream RB' downstream environment has filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 0.5 1481 0.7 918 1 792 2.0333 474 4.1667 252 720 0 end flow rate X-over-Q 4 ctrl room Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0,667 2.61 e-4 2.667 4.82e-4 8 2.61e-4 24 9.25e-5 96 6.7e-5 720 4.93e-5 endX overQ_4_otrl room X-over_0_4_site-boundary Time (hr) Value (slm*3) 8.033 1.90e-4 720 0 end_-X -over_0_Q4-site-boundary X over_-Q_4_low-population~zone Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 8.033 1.63e-5 24 1.10e-5 96 4.67e-6 720 1.37e-6 endX-over_0_4jlow-population-zone end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-location AIRSPACE upstream RB' downsfream environment has filter true flow-rate Time (hr) (alue (of m) 0.5 0 0.74 '95 761 2.03335 253 66 710 720 0 end-flow-rate NEP-nF~q-ng Rev 09.

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -E18 (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date T Re-viewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D. Leaver 12/12/06 H21 0092 00 filter -efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0 0.95 0.9 0.95 0.95 0.95 end -filter -efficiency fracA4-daughter-resusp Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 1 0 0 0 0 end -rac -4daughter -esusp X overQ_4_otri room Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0H67 1.26E-4 2.667 2.27E-4 8.033 1.26E-4 24 4.30E-5 96 3.58E-5 720 2.59E-5 endX overQ_4_ctrl room X-over Q-4site-boundary Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 8.033 5.98e-5 720 0 end_-X -over_-0_-4 -site -boundary X-over_0_Q4_low-population-zone Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.167 2.12e-5 4.167 1.26e-6 8.033 2.12e-5 24 8.40e-7 96 3.45e-7 720 1,11e-7 end_-X -over_0_ low-populationzone end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-location AIRSPACE upstream DW downstream RB has-filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (of m) 6 0 24 1.875 720 0.934 end flow rate end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-location AIRSPACE upstream ww downstream RB has-filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 6 0 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E 19-Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 Disposition: __ O~intot~teReviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Putuka121206D, Leaver 12/12/06 H210C092 00 wet. 24 1.25 720 0.625 end flow rate en d-ju nction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-locati on AIR_SPACE upstream SID downstream RB has filter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 6 0 720 2.67 end flow rate f ilter -efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0.5 0.0 0.0 1.0 0 0 end -filter -efficiency end-junction junction junction-type AIR-JUNCTION downstream -location AIRSPACE upstream RB downstream environment has-filter true flow-rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 720 1600 end flow rate filter-efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 720 0 0.95 0.9 0.95 0.95 0.95 end -filter -efficiency fracA-d aughter -resusp Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 1 0 0 0 0 end - rac -4daughter-resu sp X-overOQ4-ctrl-room Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 1.26E-4 2.667 2.27E-4 8.033 1.26E-4 24 4.30E-5 96 3.58E-5 720 2.59E-5 endX overQ_4_otrl room X-over_0_4_site boundary Time (hr) Value (slm*3) 8.033 5.98e-5 720 0 endXkover_0_4_site-boundary X-over-Q-4low-population-zone NEP-DE S-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E20-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D. Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 00 Ref. Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.167 2.1 2e-5 4.167 1.26e-6 8.033 2.12e-5 24 8.40e-7 96 3.45e-7 720 1.1 le-7 end_-X -over_-Q_4_1ow..po pulIationzon e end~junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-locati on AIR -_SPACE upstream environment downstream ControlRoom has filter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfn~t) 720 2025 end flow rate filter -efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 .0 0.95 D.9 0.95 0.95 0.95 end -filter -efficiency frac-4daughter-resusp Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 1 0 0 0 0 end - rac daughterjresusp end-ju nction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream location AIR -SPACE upstream environment downstream ControlRoom has-filter false flow rate lime (hr) Value (cfnm 720 100 end flow rate end-.junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream location AIRSPACE upstream ControlRoom downstream environment has filter false ftow rate Time (hir) Value (cfm) 720 2125 end flow rate m X overQ_4_ctrl roo Time (hir) Value (s/m*3) 720 0 endX-over_0_4_ctr I-room NEP-DES-OR Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -E21 (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition:, Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. TRevision H.Pustulka 12/12106 D. Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 00 Ref. X-over Q-4site-boundary Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 720 0 end_-X-over_0_t--site -boundary X-over_Q_4_Iow-population-zone Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 720 0 endX-over_0_4jlow-population-zone end-junction environment breathing-rate-s~b Time (hr) Value (cms) 8.033 0.00035 720 0.0 end-breathing-rate-sb breathing-rate-lpz Time (hir) Value (Cois) 8.033 0.00035 24 0.00018 720 0.00023 end~breathing-rate-lpz end-environment NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E22-(Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 Disposition.'__ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Psuk21/6D. Leaver 12/12/06 H210C092 0 Ref. Appendix E2.2: INPUT.DAT File Case lARBEVS (RBEVS Actuation Check) edit time 00.033 0.0667 0.10 0.133 Q.1667 0.20 end-edit-time participating-isotopes Kr83m Kr85m Kr85 lKr87 Kr88 Kr89 Xel31m Xel33m Xe133 Xel35m Xe135 Xe137 Xe138 1131lOrg 1131 Elem l131 Part l11320rg l132Elem 1132Part 11330rg l133Elem l1133Part 11 340rg ll34E~em I134Part 11 350rg 11l35Elem 1135Part Rb86 Cs134 Cs136 Cs137 Sb127 Sb129 Te127m Te127 Tel29m Te129 Tel3lm Te132 Bal37m 8a139 Bal40 Mo99 Tc99m RuIO3 Ru105 RulO6 RhlO5 Y90 Y91 Y92 Y93 Zr95 Zr97 Nb95 La14O LalW La142 Pr143 Nd147 Am241 Cm242 Cm244 Ce141 Ce143 Ce144 Np239 Pu238 Pu239 Pu240 Pu241 SrO Sr9O Sr91 Sr92 end-participating-isotopes core thermal-power 1887 elemental-iodine-frac 0.0485 organic-iodine 7frac 0.0015 particul ate_iodine_f rac 0.95 release frac to control volume .DW Time NGas I-Grp CsGrp TeGrp BaGrp NMtls CeGrp LaGrp SrGrp 0.033 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.533 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.033 0.633 0.167 0.133 0.033 0.0133 0.001 67 0.00033 0.00013 0.0133 720 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 end -to -control-volume to control volume SP Time NGas I_Grp CsGrp TeGrp BaGrp NV~tls CeGrp LaGrp SrGrp 0.033 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.533 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.033 0 0.334 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 720 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 end to control volume end release-trac end-core control volume obj-type OBJ_-CV name DW airvolume 1.8e+005 water volume 0 surtace-area 1 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E23-(Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 Disposition: __ OrgiaorDaeReviewer/Date Cýalc-ulation No. Revision

   .Psuka12/12/06                               D.Leaver 12/12/06                                H210C092                            00       j Ref.                                                                       F1 has recirc filter                           false removal-rate -to -surface Time         NobleGas Elemlodine            OrgIodine  Partiodine Solubles Insolubles 0,0642      0.000       20 .000   0.000     52.895     52.895      52.895 0,5297      0.000 0 19.125        0.000     19.125     19.125      19.125 0.5569      0.0000      20.000   0.000      31.616     31.616      31.616 0.8337      0.0000      20.000   0.000      22.682     22.682      22.682 2.0181      0.0000      19 .849  0.000      19.849     19.849      19.849 2.7602      0.0000     4.936     0M00       4.936      4.936       4.936 4.3 139     0.0000     2.975     0.000      2,975      2.975       2.975 15.0D234 0.000        2.010     0.000      2Z010      2.010       2,010 720.000D 0.0000        0.000     0.000      0.000      0.000       0.000 end removal rate to surface frac 4 daugtiter-resusp-from -su rface Time        NobleGas Elemlodine             Orgiodine  Partlodine Solubies    Insolubles 720         1          0         0         0           0           0 end -frac -4 daughter resusp-from-surface end-control-volume control volume obj-type                                   OBJ CV name                                       wwV air volume                                  1.2e--005 water volume                               7.97e'-004 surface-area                               0 has-recirc-filter                          false removal -rate -to -waterpool Time        NobieGas Elemlodine            Orglodine Partlodine Solubles     Insolubles 720         0          0         0         0           0          0 end -removal-rate-to -waterpool frac daughter-resusp-from 7water Time        NobleGas Elemlodine            Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720         0          0         0         0           0          0 end - rac - -daughterjresuspjrom_water decontamination-factor Time        NobleGas Elemlodine            Orglodine Partlodine Solubles     Insolubles 720         1          1         1         1           1          1 end-decontamination-factor end-control-volume control-volume obij-ype                                  OBJCV name                                      SUi air-volume                                82.4 water volume                              0 surface-area                              0 has-recirc-filter                         false removal-rate-to-surface Time        NobleGas Elemlodine           Orglodine   Partlodine  Solubles  Insolubles 0.0435      0.0000     0.000     0.000    1.354       1.354       1.354 0.2929      0.0000     0,000     0.000    1.246       1.246       1.246 0.5623      0.0000     0.000     0.000    0.860       0.860      0.860 1.2111      0.0000     0.000     0.000    0.752       0.752      0.752 2.2441      0.0000     0.000     0.000    0.777       0.777      0.777 4.9854      0.0000     0.000     0.000    0.691       0.691      0.691 8.0281      0,0000     0,000     0.000    0,498       0.498      0498 N~Pnrna NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E24-(Next Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 Disposition.-__ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustuika 12/12/06 D. Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 24.0808 0.0000 0.000 0,000 0.317 0.317 0.317 720 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0 000 0.000 0.000 end removal rate to surface frac4-d aughter-resus pfro m surface Time NobleGas Elemnlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 0 end - rac -4daughterjresusp-from-surfacE end-control-volume control volume obj-type 082_CV name SL2 air volume 82.4 water volume 0 surface-area 0 has recirc: filter false removal-rate to -surface Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partoloine Solubles Insolubles 0,0435 0.0000 0.000 0.000 1,354 1.354 1,354 0.2929 0.0000 0.000 0.000 1,246 1,246 1,246 0,5623 0.0000 0.000 0000 0,860 0,860 0.860 1.2111 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.752 0.752 0.752 2.2441 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.777 0.777 0.777 4.9854 0.0000 0.000 0,000 0.691 0.691 0.691 8,0281 0.0000 0.000 0M00 0.498 0.498 0.498 24.0808 0.0000 0.000 0 000 0.317 0.317 0.317 720 0,0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 end removal rate to surface frac 4-daughter -resuspjfrom-su rface Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 0 endjfrac-4daughter- .resusp-ffromsurface end-control-volume control volume obj-type OBJ_CV name RB air volume 1.06e+006 water volume 0 surf ace-area 0 has-recirc-filter false end-control-volume control-volume obj-type 082_CV name SID air volume 7.97e-004 water volume 0 surface-area 0 has-recirocillter false end-control-volume control-volume obi-type OBJ_CV name Dummy air-volume 100 NE P-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -E25 (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 Disposition:__ Onginator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D. Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 00 Ref. water volume 0 surface-area 0 has recirc filter false end-control-volume control volume obj-type OBJ_CR name ControlRoom air volume 1.35e-005 water volume 0 surface-area 0 has recirc: filter false breathing- ate Time (hr) Value (oms) 720 0.00035 end-breathing-rate occupancy-factor Time (hr) Value (frac) 24 1 96 0.6 720 0.4 end-occupancy-factor end-control-volume junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-1locati on AIRSPACE upstream CORE downstream DoW has filter false flow-rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 720 end-flow-rate end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-location AIRSPACE upstream CORE downstream SID has-filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (of m) 720 end-flow-rate end-.junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-Ilocati on WATERPOOL upstream DW downstream wW has-filter false flow-rate Time (hr) Value (ct m) NEP-nFFq-nA Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -E26-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 Disposition:-__ Calculation No. Revision IOriginator/Date Reviewer/Date 1H.Pustulka 12112/06 D. Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 00 Ref. 2.033 0 720 1.8e5 end flow rate end-junction junction junction-type AIR-JUNCTIGN down stream-location AIRSPACE upstream ww downstream Dw has filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 2.033 0 720 1.8e5 end flow rate end-.junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-location AIRSPACE upstream DW downstream S~I-has filter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 24 0.342 720 0.171 end flow rate filter -efficiency Time NobleGas ElemlodinE Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 end -filter -efficiency frac-4 daugh te rre su sp Time NobleGas Elemlodin( Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 end -frac_-4_daughter-resusp end-junction junction junct ion-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-location AIRSPACE upstream SLi downstream Gummy has-filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 24 0.398 720 0.199 end flow rate end-ju notion junction junot ion-type AIRJUNCTION down stream1location AIRSPACE upstream DW

~~~1 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION: SHEET Page _E27- ____ Dispo(Netio __ Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Dipoifon Onginator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 0 downstream SL2 has filter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 24 0.342 720 0.171 end flow rate filter-efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0 0.5 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 end -filter -efficiency frac-4daughter -resusp Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 0 end -frac_-4_daughterjresusp end-ju nction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream-location AIRSPACE upstream SL2 downstream Dummy has filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 24 0.398 720 0.199 end Plow rate end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream -location AIRSPACE upstream DW downstream Dummy has-filter true flow-rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 24 0.284 720 0.142 end flow rate filter efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodin( Orglodine Partodine Solubles lnsolubles 720 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 end-filter-efficiency frac-4dca ug hte rresus p Time NobieGas Elemlodin( Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 end -frac_-4_daughter-resusp end-junction junction

           ýunctiontype                                 AIRJUNCTION down stream-locati on             AIRSPACE upstream                          DWV downstream                                   RB NEP-DFS-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E28-(Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit, 1 Disposition:__ OdiatrDaeReviewer/Date Calculation No. TR -evision-H.Pstla12/12/06 D. Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 Loo Ref. has filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (of M) 720 1,875 end flow rate en d-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream location AIRSPACE upstream tV'N downstream RB has filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (cf m) 720 1.25 end flow rate end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-location AIR_ SPACE upstream sP downstream RB has filter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 720 2.67 end flow rate filter -efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Solubies insolubles 720 0.5 0.0 0.0 1.0 0 0 end-filter-efficiency end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream -location AIRSPACE upstream RB downstream Environment has filter false flow-rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 720 77000 end flow rate X overQ_4_ctrl room Time (hr) Value (slm*3) 720 0 endX overQ_4_ctrl room X-over_0_4_site boundary Time (hr) Value (s/m *3) 720 0 end_-X -over_0_-4_-site -boundary X-over_0_4_low-population-zone Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 720 0 NEP-DE S-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -E29-(Next Project:, Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition:__ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D. Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 00 end_-X -over_0_4 low population-zone junction junction-type AIRJUNCTiON downstream-location AIRSPACE upstream environment downstream ControlRoom has filIter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 720 2025 end flow rate filter -eff iciency Time NobleGas Elemlodin e Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 120 0 0.95 0.9 0.95 0.95 0.95 end -filter -efficiency frac.4-daughter - esusp Time NobleGas Elemlodin a Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 1 0 0 0 0 end-frac_4_daughter-resusp end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-location AIRSPACE upstream environment downstream ControlRoom has filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 720 100 end flow rate end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-Ilocation AIRSPACE upstream ControlRoom downstream environment has-filter false flow-rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 720 2125 end flow rate X-over _0_4_otrl~room Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 720 0 endX overQ_4_ctrl room X-over_-Q_-4_-site -boundary Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 720 0 end_-X -over_0_-4_-site -ooundary X-over_-Q_-4_low-population-zone Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 720 0 AJFP.r~RflR NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -E30-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition:-__ Calculation No. Revision FOriginator/Date Reviewer/Date 1H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D. Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 Ref. end_-X -overQ_4-low-population-zone end-junction environment breathing-rate -sb lime (hr) Value (cms) 8.033 0.00035 720 0.0 end -brearhing-rate-sb breath ing-rate-lpz Time (hr) Value (oms) 8.033 0.00035 24 0.00018 720 0.00023 end -breath ing-rate-jpz end-environment NEP-DEFS-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -E31-(Next - Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Dispositio-n: ____sio Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Rvso H.Pustuika 12/12/06 D. Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 Ref. Appendix E2.3: INPUT.DAT File Case 1A (integrated Check Caic for Appendix D) edit time 0 0.417 0.667 0.9171.167 1.417 1.667 1.917 2.D33 2.167 2.417 2.667 2.917 3.167 3.667 4.167 6 8.D33 24 48 96240 720 end-edit-time participating-isotopes Kr83m Kr85m Kr85 Kr87 Kr88 Kr89 Xe131m Xe133m Xe133 Xe135m Xe135 Xe137 Xe138 11310rng l131 Elem 1131 Part 11 320rg 11l32Elem ll32Part 11330rg 11l33Elem 11l33Part 11l34Org 11l34Elem 11l34Part 11 350rg 11l35Elem l135 Part Rb86 Cs134 Cs136 Cs137 Sb127 Sb129 Tel27m Te127 Tel29m Te129 Tel3lm Te132 Bal37m Ba139 6a140 Mo99 Tc99m RulO3 Ru105 RulO6 RhlO5 Y90 Y91 Y92 Y93 Zr-95Zr97 Nb95 Lal4O LaW~ La142 Pr143 Nd1147 Am241 Cm242 Cm244 Cel4l Ce143 Ce144 Np239 Pu238 Pu239 Pu240 Pu241 Sr-89Sr9O Sr-9lSr92 end..partcipatingjisotopes core thermal-power 1887 elemental-iodine-frac 0.0485 organic-iodi nejrac 0.0015 parti culIate-iodine-f rac 0.95 release frac to control volume OW Time NGas I-Grp CsGrp TeGrp BaGrp NMtls CeGrp LaGrp SrGrp 0.033 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,533 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.033 0.633 0.167 0.133 0.033 0.0133 0.00167 0.00033 0.00013 0.01 33 720 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 end to control volume to control volume SP Time NGas I_Grp CsGrp TeGrp BaGrp NMtls CeGrp LaGrp SrGrp 0,033 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.533 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.033 0 0.334 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 720 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 end to control volume end release-frac end-core control volume obj-type OBJCV name DW air volume 1.8e--005 water volume 0 surface-area has recirc-filter false NEP-DFRS-n8 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E32-(Next Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition: __ Calculation No. Revision POriginator/Date 1H.Pustulka 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 00 Pef.II removal_ rate-to-surf.ace Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 0.0642 0.0000 20.000 0.000 52.895 52.895 52.895 0,5297 0.0000 19.125 0.000 19.125 19.125 19.125 0.5569 0.0000 20.000 0.000 31.616 31.616 31.616 0.8337 0.0000 20.000 0.000 22.882 22.682 22.682 2.0 181 0.0000 19.849 0.000 19.849 19.849 19.849 2.7602 0.0000 4.936 0.000 4.936 4.936 4.936 4.3 139 0.0000 2.975 0.000 2.975 2.975 2.975 15.0234 0.0000 2.010 0.000 2.010 2.010 2.010 720.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 end -removal-rate-to-surface frac - -daughter -resusp-from~surface Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 0 end -raq.. 4.daughter-resuspjfrom-surfacE end-control-volume control-volume obj-type OBJ_CV name ww air volume 1.2e+005 water volume 7.97e--004 surface-area 0 has recirc filter false removal-rate-to-waterpool Time NobleGas Elem Iodine Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0 0 0 0 0 0 end -removal-rate-to waterpool frac-4.daughterjresusp-from..water Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0 0 0 0 0 0 end -frac daughter - esusp-from-water decontamination-factor Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 1 1 1 1 1 end-decontamination-factor end-control-volume control-volume obj-type OBJCV name SLI air volume 82.4 water volume 0 surface-area 0 has-recirc-filter false removal -rate tossurface Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 0.0435 0.0000 0.000 0.000 1.354 1.354 1.354 0.2929 0.0000 0.000 0.000 1.246 1.246 1.246 0.5623 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.860 0.860 0.860 1.2111 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.752 0.752 0.752 2.2441 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.777 0.777 0.777 4.9854 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.691 0.691 0.691 8.0281 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.498 0.498 0.498 24.0808 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.317 0.317 0.317 NEP-DrSF.-nR Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -E33-(Next - Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 Disposition.-__ Onginator/Oate Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12112106 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H210C092 00 720 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 end-remo' val-rate-to-surface frac_4_dat ughter~resusp-from u rface Time NobleGas Elemlodline Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 0 end-frac_ 4-daughter-resuspjfrom-surtace end contr ol-volume control volume obij-ype OBJ-cv name SL2 air-volume 82.4 water volL me 0 ea 0 has-recirc-filter false removal rate to surface Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 0.0435 0.0000 0.000 0.000 1.354 1.354 1.354 0.2929 0.0000 0.000 0.000 1.246 1.246 1.246 0.5623 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.860 0.860 0.860 1.2111 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.752 0.752 0.752 2.2441 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.777 0.777 0.777 4.9854 0.0000 0.000 0H00 0.91 0.691 0.691 8.028 1 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.498 0.498 0.498 24.0808 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.317 0.317 0.317 720 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 end-removal-rate-to-surface frac -4 daughter -esusp-from-surface Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 0 end-frac 4daughterjresuspjrom_surface end control volume control volume obj-type OBi-cv name RB air volume 1.06e-006 water volume 0 surface-area 0 has recirc filter false end-control-volume control volume obj-type OBJGV name RB' air-volume 100 water volume 0 surface-area 0 has-reciro -filter false end-control volume control volume obj-jype OBJ-CV name SID air-Volume 7,97e-'004 water-volume 0 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES .CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -E34-(Next LOriginator/Oate Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station H.Pustulka 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date D.Leaver 12/12/06 Unit- 1 Calculation No. H21CO92 Disposition: __ Revision 00 R~ef. surface area 0 has recirc filter false end-control-volume control volume obi type OBJCR name ControlRoom air volume 1.35e-~005 water volume 0 surface-area 0 has recirc filter false breathing- ate Time (hr) Value (cms) 720 0.00035 end breathing-rate occupancy-factor Time (hr) Value (frac) 24 1 96 0.6 720 0.4 end -occupancy-factor end-control-volume junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream-location AIRSPACE upstream CORE downstream DW has filter false flow-rate Time (hr) Value (of m) 720 end flow rate end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-1location AIRSPACE upstream CORE downstream SIP has-filter false flow-rate Time (hr) Value (of m) 720 end flow rate end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream-location WATERPOOL upstream DW downstream WW has filter false tlow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) NJ~pflg~nR NEP-DES-0 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -E35 (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision IH. Pustulka 12/12/06 D. Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 100 Ret. 2,033 0 720 1.8e5 end flow rate end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream-location AIRSPACE upstream ww downstream ow has filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (of M) 2.033 0 720 1.8e5 end flow rate end-ju nction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-1location AlRSPACE upstream DW downstream SL1 has filter true flow rate Time (hr) Value jofin) 24 0.342 720 0.171 end flow rate filter -efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0 0.5 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 end -filter -efficiency frac4-d aug hter-esus p Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 0 end -frac daughter - esusp. end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream-location AIRSPACE upstream SL1 downstream environment has filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (of m) 24 0.398 720 0.199 end flow rate X overQ_4_ctrI roo Tt Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0,667 5.85e-4 2.667 1.03e-3 8.033 5.85e-4 24 2.07e-4 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -E36-(Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition.-__ Odginator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Re-vision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H210C092 00 Ref. 96 1.75e-4 720 1.52e-4 endX over_0_4_ctrl room X -over_-Q_4_site-boundary Time (hr) Value (,s/m*) 0.667 0 2.667 1.90e-4 720 0 end -X-overQ04_site-boundary X-over_0_Q4_low-population zone Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 8.033 1.63e-5 24 1.10e-5 96 4.67e-6 720 1.37e-6 end_-X -over _0_4low-population_zone end..junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-location AIRSPACE upstream DW downstream SIL2 has filter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 24 0.342 720 0.171 end flow rate filter -efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodin Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insoluoles 720 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 end -filter -efficiency frad-4-daughter - esusp Time NobleGas Elemlodin Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 end -tfrac_-4_daughterjresusp end-junctioin junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream-location AIRSPACE upstream SL2 downstream environment has filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 24 0,398 720 0.199 end flow rate X7over_-Q_4_ctrl-room Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 5.85e-4 2.667 1.03e-3 8.033 5.85e-4 24 2.07e-4 NEP-DES-08 Rp~vn9

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E37-(Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition: __ Oriinto/DteReviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pstla12/12/06 D. Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 00 Ref. 96 1.75e-4 720 1.52e-4 end -X-ove r-Q-4ct rl-room X7over_-Q_-4_-site -boundary Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 0 2.667 1.90e-4 720 0 end_-X -over_-0_-4_-site -boundary X-over_0_4_low-population-zone Time (hr) Value (s/m 3) 8.033 1,.63e-5 24 1.i1 e-5 96 4.67e-6 720 1.37e-6 end -Xover-Q-4-ow-population-zone end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream-location AIRSF ACE upstream Dw downstream environment has filter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (cf m) 6 2.159 24 0.284 720 0.142 end flow rate filter -efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 6 0 0.066 0 0.066 0.066 0.066 720 0 0.5 0 0.5 . 0.5 0.5 end -filter -efficiency frac -4 daughter-resusp Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 0 end -frac_-4_daughter-resusp X overQ_4_ctrl room Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 3.04e-4 2.667 5.54e-4 6 3.04e-4 8.033 5,85e-4 24 2,07e-4 96 1.75e-4 720 1.52e-4 end -X-over 0-4 -ctrl -room X-over_Q_4_site boundary Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 0 2.667 1.90e-4 720 0 end_-X -over_0_-4_s ite boun dary X-o ver__4_low .po puIati onzone NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E38.. (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition'.__ LOriginator/Date H.Pustulka 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date D. Leaver 12/12/06 Calculation No. H21 C092 Revision 00J Ref. Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 8.033 1.63e-5 24 1.10e-5 96 4.67e-6 720 1.37e-6 end_-X -over_0_Q4-low-population-zone end-j unction junction jun ction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-location AIRSPACE upstream vw downstream environment has filIter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (of M) 6 1.25 720 0.0 end-flow-rate XoverU_-4_otrl -room Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 2.61 e-4 2.667 4.82e-4 8.033 2.6e-4 24 9.25e-5 96 6.7e-5 720 4.93e-5 endX overQ0_4_o t rl -room X-over_0_Q4_site-boundary Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 0 2.667 1.90e-4 720 0 endX over_0_-4_-site -boundary X-over_0_Q4_low-population-zone Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 8.033 1.63e-5 24 1.10e-5 96 4.67e-6 720 1.37e-6 end_-X -overQ_4_4 lo w-pop ulIation zon e end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-Ilocati on AIRSPACE upstream SP downstream RB' has f ilIter true flow rate Time (hir) Value (cfmj 6 2.67 720 0 end flow rate filter -efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E39-(Next ) Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit. 1 Disposition: __ Onginator/Date ReviewerlDate Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H210C092 00 Ref. [_ 720 0.5 0.0 0.0 1.0 0 0 end -filter -efficiency end-junction junction junction-type AIR_-JUNCTION down strea m-location AIRSPACE upstream RB' downstream environment has-filter false flow-rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 0.5 1481 0.7 918 1 792 2.0333 474 4.1667 252 720 0 end flow rate X-over_0_4_otrl-room Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 2.61 e-4 2.667 4.82e-4 8 2.61 e-4 24 9.25e-5 96 6.7e-5 720 4.93e-5 endX-overQ_4_ctrl-room X-over_0_-4_site-boundary Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 0 2.667 1.90e-4 720 0 endX-over_0_4_site-boundary X-overQ_4_low population-zone Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 8.033 1.63e-5 24 1.10e-5 96 4.67e-6 720 1.37e-6 endX-over_0_4-low..population-zone end~junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream-locati on AIRSPACE upstream RB' downstream environment has-filter true flow-rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 0.5 0 0.7 495 1 1761 2.0333 5253 6 6710 NEP-nFS-n8 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -E40 (Next [Originator/Date Project:-Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station H.Pustulka 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date D. Leaver 12/12/06 Unit: 1 Calculation No. H21CO92 Disposition.-__ FRevision 00 720 0 end flow rate filter -efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0 0.95 0.9 0.95 0.95 0.95 end -filter -efficiency frac-4d augh terres us p Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 1 0 0 0 0 end frac -4daughter-resusp X overQ_4_ctrl room Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 1.26E-4 2.667 2.27E-4 8.033 1.26E-4 24 4.30E-5 96 3.58E-5 720 2.59E-5 end_-X -over_0_Q4_ctrl-room X-over_0_4_site-boundary Time (hir) Value (slm*3) 0.667 0 2.667 5.98e-5 720 0 end_-X -over_0_Q4_site-boundary X-overQ_4_low-population-zone Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.167 2.12e-5 4.167 1.26e-6 8.033 2.12e-5 24 8,40e-7 96 3,45e-7 720 1.1lle-7 end_-X -over_0_Q4-low-population-zone end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-1location AIRSPACE upstream OwV downstream RB has filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (cf m) 6 0 24 1.875 720 0.934 end flow rate end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream -location AIRSPACE upstream WW downstream RB has-filter false NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -E4 1 (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 Disposition- __ Odginator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 100 Ref. flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 6 0 24 1.25 720 0,625 end flow rate end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-location AIR_ SPACE upstream SID downstream RB has filter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 6 0 720 2.67 end flow rate filter -efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0.5 0.0 0.0 1.0 0 0 end -filter -efficiency end-.ju nction junction iunction type AIRJUNCTION down stream-location AIRSF~ACE upstream RB downstream environment has filter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 720 1600 end flow rate filter-efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 720 0 0.5 0.9 0.95 0.95 0.95 end -filter -efficiency frac-4daughter - esusp Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 1 0 0 0 0 end -frac_-4_daughter resusp X overQ_4_ctrl room Time (hr) Value (slm*3) 0.667 1.26E-4 2.667 2.27E-4 8.033 1.26E-4 24 4.30E-5 96 3.58E-5 720 2.59E-5 end_-X -over_0_4_ctrl-room X-o ve r_0_4_s ite boun dary Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 0 N9-P-nFS-CX-Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E42-(Next [Onginator/Date Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station H,Pustulka 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date D.Leaver 12/12/06 Unit: 1

                                                                                             -    Tcalculation No.

1H210092_ Disposition:.-_ Revision 00 Ret. 2,667 5.98e-5 720 0 end_-X -over_0_-4_-site -boundary X_,over_0_Q4_low-populationzone Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.167 2.12e-5 4.167 1.26e-6 8,033 2.12e-5 24 8.40e-7 96 3.45e-7 720 1.11le-7 end_-X -overQ_4-low~population-zone end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream-location AIR -SPACE upstream environment downstream ControlRoom has filter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfrr1) 720 2025 end flow rate filter -efficiency Time Nobie~as Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0 0.95 0.9 0.95 0.95 0.95 end -filter -efficiency frac-4daughter -resusip Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 1 0 0 0 0 end -frac;-4-daughterjresusp end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream location AIR. -SPACE upstream environment downstream Control-Room has filter false flow-rate Time (hr) Value (cfrr 720 100 end-flow-rate en-ju notion junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream location AIRSPACE upstream ControlRoom downstream environment has-filter false flow-rate Time (hr) Value (cf m) 720 2125 end flow-rate -I NE P-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E43-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 Disposition-,__ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Rvso H.Pustulka 12112106 D. Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 0 Ref. X-over -Q-4ctrl-room Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 720 0 end_-X -overQ_4_ctrilroom X-over_-Q_4_site-boundary Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 720 0 end_-X -over_0_4_site-boundary X-over_0 _4_low population-zone Time (hr) Value (s/m *3) 720 0 endX-over_0_4-low~population-zone end-junction environment breathing- rate -sb Time (hr) Value (cms) 8.033 0.00035 720 0.0 end-breath ing-rate-sb breath ing-rate- lpz Time (hr) Value (oms) 8.033 0.00035 24 0.00018 720 0.00023 end-b reath ing-rate-Ipz end-environment NE P-nlF-.,n Rev 09q

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -E44 (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition __ Onginator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 00 Ref. Appendix E2.4: INPUT.DAT File Case lAx: (MSIV Leakage & Permanent Bypass) edit time 0 0.417 0.66710,9171.1671.417 1.667 1.9172.0332.16712.4172.6672.9173.1673.6674,167 68033 24 4896 240 720 end-edit-time I participating-isotopes Kr83m Kr85m Kr85 Kr-87 Kr88 Kr89 Xel3lm Xel33m Xe133 Xel35mn Xe135 Xe137 Xe138 l131lOrg 1131 Elem 1131 Part 11 320rg 11l32EIemn 1132Part 11330rg 11l33Elemn Il33Part 11340rg Il34EIem )I34Part 11350rg 11l35EIemn 1l35Part Rb86 Cs134 Cs136 Cs137 Sb127 Sb129 Tel27m Te127 Tel29mn Te129 Tel3lmn Te132 8a137m Ba139 8a140 Mo99 Tc99m Ru103 Ru105 RulO6 RhlO5 Y90 Y91 Y92 Y93 Zr95 Zr97 Nb95 Lal14O LalW La142 Pr143 Nd147 Am241 Cm242 Cm244 Cel4l Ce143 Ce144 Np239 Pu238 Pu239 Pu240 2u241 Sr89 Sr9O Sr-9l Sr-92 end-participating-isotopes core thermal-power 1887 elemental iodine-frac 0,0485 organ ic-iodine-frac 0,0015 particulatejiodine-frac 0.95 release frac to control volume DW Time N-Gas L-Grp CsGrp TeGrp BaGrp NMtls CeGrp LaGrp SrGrp 0.033 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.533 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.033 0,633 0.167 0.133 0.033 0.0133 0.00167 0.00033 0.00013 0.0133 720 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 end -to -control-volume to-control -volume SP Time N-Gas I-Grp CsGrp TeGrp BaGrp NMtls CeGrp LaGrp SrGrp 0.033 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.533 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,033 0 0,334 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 720 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 end to control volume end release frac end-core control-volume objjtype OBJCV name DW air volume 1.8e--005 water volume 0 surface area 1 has recirc filter false removal-rate-to-surface NFP-nF-q-nR Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E45-(Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit, 1 Disposition:__ P riginator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Re-vision IH. Pustuika 12/12/06 D. Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 0.0642 0.0000 20.000 0.000 52.895 52,895 52.895 0.5297 0.0000 19.125 0.000 19.125 19.125 19.125 0.5569 0.0000 20.000 0.000 31.616 31.616 31.616 0.8337 0.0000 20,000 0.000 22.682 22.682 22.682 2.0181 0.0000 19 .849 0.000 19,849 19.849 19.849 2.7602 0.0000 4.936 0.000 4.936 4.936 4.936 4.3 139 0.0000 2.975 0.000 2.975 2.975 2.975 15.0234 0.0000 2.010 0.000 2.010 2.010 2.010 720.0000 0,0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 end removal rate to surface frac 4 daughter-resusp-from 7surface Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 0 end -frac_-4_da ugh teL-res usprom_su rface end-control-volume control volume obj-type OBJ_Cv name ww air volume 1.2e+'005 water volume 7.97e+004 surface-area 0 has recirc filter false removal-rate_to-waterpool Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodline Partlodine Solubles Insolubies 720 0 0 0 0 0 0 end -removal-rateto-waterpool frac-4daughter-resusp-from..water Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodline Solubles Insolubles 720 0 0 0 0 0 0 end -frac_-4_daughter -resuspifrom-water decontamination factor Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 1 1 1 1 1 end-decontamination-factor end-control-volume control-volume obj-type 08J_CV name SLi air volume 82.4 water volume 0 surface-area 0 has recirc filter false removal-rate -to -surface Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodline Solubles Insolubles 0.0435 0.0000 0.000 0.000 1.354 1.354 1.354 0.2929 0.0000 0.000 0.000 1.246 1.246 1.246 0.5623 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.860 0.860 0.860 1.2111 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.752 0.752 0.752 2.2441 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.777 0.777 0.777 4.9854 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0,691 0.691 0.691 8.0281 00000 0.00 0.000 0.498 0.498 0.498 24.0808 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.317 0.317 0.317 720 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 NER-DESq-O Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E46-(Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition: __ Odginator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 00 Ref. end removal rate to surface frac4 dau ghter-res uspfrom-su rface Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 0 end -frac_-4_daughter resusp-from-surfac end-control-volume control volume obj-type OBJ_cv name SL2 air volume 82.4 water volume 0 surface-area 0 has recirc filter false removal-rate -to -surface Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 0.0435 0.0000 0.000 0.000 1.354 1.354 1.354 0.2929 0.0000 0.000 0.000 1.246 1.246 1.246 0.5623 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.860 0.860 0.860 1.2111 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.752 0.752 0.752 2.244 1 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.777 0.777 0.777 4,9854 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.691 0.691 0.691 8.0281 0.0000 MO00 0.000 0.498 0.498 0.498 24.0808 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.317 0.317 0.317 720 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 end removal rate to surface frac 4 daughter-resuspirom -surface Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 0 end frac-4daughter-resusp-from-surface end control volume control-volume obj-type OBJ_Cv name RB air-volume 1.06e+006 water volume 0 surface-area 0 has-recirc-filter false end-control-volume control-volume obj-type oBJ_Cv name RB' air volume 100 water volume 0 surface-area 0 has-recirc-filter false end-control-volume control-volume obj-type 08J_cv name SID air volume 7.97e--004 water-volume 0 surface-area 0 NEP-ORS-08 Rev Oq

ENGINEERING SERVICES Page -E47 CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET (Next _ )___ Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 Disposition __ Originator/Date H.Pustulka 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date D. Leaver 12/12/06 Calculation No. H21C0092 Revision 00 j ~et. has recirc filter false end-control-volume control volume obi-type OSJCV name Dummy air volume 100 wafer volume 0 surface_area 0 has recirc filter false end-control-volume control-volume obj-type OBJCR name ControlRoom air volume 1.35e+005 water volume 0 surface-area 0 has recirc filter false breathing - ate Time (hr) Val ue (cms) 720 0D00035 end-breathing-rate occupancy-factor Time (hr) Vali ue (frac) 241 96 0.6 720 0.4 end-occupancy-factor end-control-volume junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream location AIR-SPACE upstream CORE downstream DW has filter false flow-rate Time (hr) Vali ue (cfm) 720 end flow rate end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream location AIRSPACE upstream CORE downstream SID has-filter false flow rate Time (hr) Vali ue (cfm) 720 end flow rate end-junction junction pr~qn~ NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E48-(Next _ Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 -CluainN.Disposition:- Revsio Originator/Date Reviewer/Date CluainN.Rvso SH. Pustulka 12/12/06 D. Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 100 j Pef. 1 junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-location WATER-POOL upstream DW downstream ww has filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (cf m) 2.033 0 720 1.8e5 end flow rate end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-location AIRSPACE upstream ww downstream OW has filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 2.033 0 720 1.8e5 end flow rate end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-location AIRSPACE upstream OW downstream SLi has filter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (of m) 24 0.342 720 0.171 end-flow-rate filter efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodini Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 end -filter -efficiency frac-4daughter -resusp Time NobleGas Elemlodini Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 end-frac_4_daughter-resusp end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-location AIRSPACE upstream SLi downstream environment has filter false flow-rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 24 0.398 720 0.199 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E49-(Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reiwer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 .Leaver 12/12/06 H210C092 0 Ref. end flow rate X -overQ_4_otrl -room Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 5.85e-4 2.667 1.03e-3 8.033 5.85e-4 24 2.07e-4 96 1.75e-4 720 1.52e-4 end -X-over-Q-4_trl-room X-over_-Q_-4_site-boundary Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 0 2.667 1.90e-4 720 0 end_-X -over_0_-4_-site -boundary X-overQ_4_low-population - one Time (hr) Value (s/mi3) 8.033 1.63e-5 24 1.1Oe-5 96 4.67e-6 720 1.37e-6 end_-X -over_-Q_4 -low-population-zone end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream-location AIRSPACE upstream DW downstream SL2 has tilter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 24 0.342 720 0.171 end flow - ate filter -efficiency Time NobleGas ElemiodinE Orglodline Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 end -ilter -efficiency frac-4daughter - esusp Time NobleGas Elemlodinm Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 end - rac -4daughterjresusp end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-location AIRSPACE upstream SL2 downstream environment has-tilter false tlow rate Time (hr) Value (ctm) 24 0.398 720 0.199

                                         -E-ES0 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E50-Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- I Disposition.-__ Originator/Date Reiwer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 DLeaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 00 Re-f end flow rate X 7overQ_4_ctrl-room Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0,667 5.85e-4 2.667 1.03e-3 8.033 5.85e-4 24 2.07e-4 96 1.115e-4 720 1.52e-4 endX overQ_4_otrl room X-over_0_4_site-boundary Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 0 2.667 1.90e-4 720 0 end_-X -over_0_Q4_site-boundary X-over_0_4_Iow-populIation-zon e Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 8.033 1.63e-5 24 1.10e-5 96 4.67e-6 720 1.37e-6 end_-X -overQ_4-low populIation -zone end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-location AIRSF ACE upstream DW downstream environment has filter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 24 .0.284 720 0.142 end flow rate filter -efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles insolubles 720 0 0.5 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 end -filter -efficiency frac-4daughter - esusp Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 0 end -frac_-4_daughter -resusp X-over_0_4_ctrl-room Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 5.85e-4 2.667 1.03e-3 8.033 5.85e-4 24 2.07e-4 96 1.75e-4 720 1.52e-4 endX over_0_Q4_otrl-room X7over_0_Q4_site-boundary Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 0 NEP-flnS-n~ NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -E5 1 (Next ) Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition-. ____si Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Rvso H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 00 Ref. 2.667 1.90e-4 720 0 end_-X -over_-Q_-4_-site -boundary X-over_0_4_low-population-zone Time (hr) Value (slm*3) 8.033 1.63e-5 24 1.10e-5 96 4.57e-6 720 1.37e-6 end_-X -over_0_4jlow..population-zone end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-location AIRSPACE upstream DW downstream Dummy has filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (of m) 6 1.875 720 0.0 end tlow rate end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream-location AIRSPACE upstream ww downstream Dummy has filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (of m) 6 1.25 720 0.0 end flow rate end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream-location AIR_ SPACE upstream SID downstream RB' has filter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 6 2.67 720 0 end flow rate filter -efficiency Time Nobie~as Elemliodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0.5 0.0 0.0 1.0 0 0 end -filter -efficiency end-junction junction NFP-r~~ng NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -E52 (Next___ Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition:__ Onginator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 Pef. junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream location AIRSPACE upstream RB' downstream Dummy has filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfM) 0.5 1481 0.7 918 1 792 2,0333 474 4.1667 252 720 0 end flow rate end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream-location AIRSPACE upstream RB' downstream Dummy has filIter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 0.5 0 0.7 495 1 1761 2,0333 5253 6 6710 720 0 end flow rate filter -efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0 0.95 0.9 0.95 0.95 0.95 end -tilter -efficiency frac4d aughter-es usp Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 1 0 0 0 0 end frac..Adaughter-resusp end..ju notion junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream -location AIRSPACE upstream DW downstream RB has-filter false flow-rate Time (hr) Value (cfM) 6 0 24 1.875 720 0.934 end flow rate end-junction junction NEP-DES-08 Rs~v09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page E53-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition:,__ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date T Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 Ref. II junotion jype AIRJUNCTION down stream-location AIRSPACE upstream ww downstream RB has filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 6 0 24 1.25 720 0.625 end flow rate end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream location AIR -SPACE upstream SID downstream RB has filter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfn 6 0 720 2.67 end flow rate filter -efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0.5 0.0 0.0 1.0 0 0 end -filter -efficiency end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream location AIR -SPACE upstream RB downstream Dummy has filter true flow-rate Time (hr) Value (cfrr*ij 720 1600 end flow rate filter-.efficiency Time NobleGas Elemiodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 720 0 0.95 0.9 0.95 0.95 0.95 end -filter -efficiency frac-4daughter -resusp Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 1 0 0 0 0 end -rac -4daughterjresusp end-ju nction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream location AIR. -SPACE upstream environment downstream ControlRoom NFP-r)na~- Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E54-(Next Project:, Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition: __ Onginator/Date R

                                                   ýeviewer/Date                                  -CaliculationNo.                  Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06                                 D.Leaver 12/12/06                             H21 C092                          00 Ref I has filter                                     true flow rate Time           (hr)     Value      (cf m) 720            2025 end flow-rate filter -efficiency Time           NobleGas Elemlodine             Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720            0        0.95       0.9         0.95      0.95       0.95 end -Jilter-efficiency frac-4d aughte rres usp Time           NobleGas Elemlodine             Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720            1        1          0          0          0          0 end -frac -4daughterjresusp end-junction junction junction-type                                  AIRJUNCTION downstream -location              AIRSF ACE upstream                                      environment downstream                                     ControlRoom has filter                                    false flow rate Time           (hr)     Value      (cfm) 720             100 end flow rate end-junction junction junction-type                                 AIRJUNCTION downstream -location               AIRSF ACE upstream                                      ControlRoom downstream                                     environment has tilter                                    false flow-rate Time           (hr)     Value     (cfmj 720            2125 end flow rate X overQ_4_ctrl room Time           (hr)     Value     (s/m*3) 720            0 end -X-over Q4_ctrl_room X-overQ_4_site-boundary Time           (hr)     Value     (s/m*3) 720            0 end -Xover-Q_4site-boundary Time           (hr)     Value     (s/m*3) 720            0 end_-X -overQ-_4low-population-zone end-junction environment breathing-rate -sb Time           (hr)     Value     (cms) 8.033                   0.00035 720                     0.0 NEP-DEF.qnp Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -E55-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 0092 0 Rf. I end -breathing ratesb breath ing-rate-1pz Time (hr) Value (cms) 8.033 0.00035 24 0.00018 720 0.00023 end -breathing rate-Ipz end environment NEP-OFES-n8 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E56-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station IOnginator/Date H.Pustulka 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date D. Leaver 12/12/06 Unit- 1 Calculation No. H21 C092 Disposition: __ Revision

                                                                                                                                        ý00j Ref.

Appendix E2.5: INPUTOAT File Case lAy (Temporary Bypass) edit time 00.417 0.667 0.917 1.167 1.417 1.667 1.917 2.033 2.167 2.417 2.667 2.917 3,167 3.667 4.167 68.033 24 48 96240 720 end-edit-time participating-isotopes Kr83m Kr85m Kr85 Kr87 Kr88 Kr89 Xel3lm Xel33m Xe133 Xel35m Xe135 Xe137 Xe138 1131lOrg 1131lElem l131lPart 11 320rg 1132E1em 11l32Part 11330rg l133Elem l133Part 11340rg 11l34Elem 11l34Part 11350rg ll35Elem l1l35Part Rb86 Cs134 Cs136 Cs137 Sb127 Sb129 Tel27m Te127 Tel29m Te129 Tel3lm Te132 Bal37m Ba139 Bal14O Mo99 Tc99m RulO3 fRul05 RulO6 RhlO5 Y90 Y91 Y92 Y93 Zr95 Zr97 Nb95 Lal4O La14 La142 Pr143 Nd147 Am241 Cm242 Cm244 Ce141 Ce143 Ce144 Np239 Pu238 Pu239 Pu240 Pu241 SrS9 Sr9O Sr9l Sr92 end-participating-isotopes core thermal-power 1887 elemental-iodine-frac 0.0485 organic-iodine - rac 0.0015 particulate-iodine-frac 0.95 release frac to control volume DW Time NGas I_Grp CsGrp TeGrp BaGrp NMtls CeGrp LaGrp SrGrp 0.033 0 0 *0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.533 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.033 0.633 0,167 0.133 0.033 0.01 33 0.001 67 0.00033 0.00013 0.01 33 720 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 end -to -control-volume to control volume SP Time NGas I-Grp CsGrp TeGrp BaGrp NIVtls CeGrp LaGrp SrGrp 0.033 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.533 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.033 0 0.334 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 720 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 end to control volume end release-frac end-core control volume obj-type 06JCV name OW air volume 1.8e--005 water volume 0 surface-area1 has-recirc-filter false NE:P.OFR.-nq Rev O9

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -E57-(Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 1H210C092 100 Pef.I removal rate -to -surface Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 0.0642 0M0000 20.000 0.000 52.895 52.895 52.895 0.5297 0.0000 19.125 0.000 19.125 19.125 19.125 0.5569 0H000 20.000 0.000 31.616 31.616 31.616 0.8337 0.0000 20.000 0.000 22.682 22.682 22.682 2.0181 0.0000 19.849 0.000 19.849 19.849 19.849 2.7602 0.0000 4.936 0.000 4.936 4.936 4.936 4.31 39 0.0000 2.975 0.000 2.975 2.975 2.975 15.0234 0.0000 2.010 0.000 2.010 2.010 2.010 720.0000 0H0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 end removal rate to surface frac 4 daughter-resusp-jrom -su rface Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 0 end-frac_4_daughter-resuspjfrom-surfact end-control-volume control volume obi-type OBJCV name ww air volume 1.2e+005 water volume 7.97e--004 surface_area 0 has recirc filter false removal-rate-to-waterpool Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles insolubles 720 0 0 0 0 0 0 end -removal-rate-to -waterpool frac..Adaughter-resusp-from..water Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0 0 0 0 0 0 end-frac4-daughter -esusp-from-water decontamination-factor Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodline Solubles Insolubles 720 1 1 1 1 1 1 end decontamination factor end-control-volume control-volume obL..type O8JCV name SLi air volume 82.4 water volume 0 surface-area 0 has-recirc-filter false removal rate to surface Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 0.0435 0.0000 0.000 0.000 1.354 1.354 1.354 0.2929 0.0000 0.000 0.000 1,246 1.246 1.246 0.5623 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.860 0.860 0.860 1.2111 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.752 0.752 0.752 2.2441 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.777 0.777 0.777 4.9854 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.691 0.691 0.691 8.0281 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.498 0.498 0.498 24,0808 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.317 0.317 0.317 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page E58-(Next Project: Nine Mite Point Nuclear Station Unit: I Disposition- __ Ohginatorioate Reiwer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 DLeaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 00 720 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 end removal rate to surface frac 4 -daughter-resuspjfrom -surface Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 0 end -frac_-4_daughter-resusp-from-surfface end-control-volume control-volume obj-type OBJCV name SL-2 air volume 82.4 water volume 0 surface-area 0 has reciro: filter false removal-rate-to-surface Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 0,0435 0.0000 0.000 0.000 1.354 1.354 1.354 0.2929 0.0000 0.000 0.000 1.246 1.246 1.246 0,5623 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.860 0.860 0.860 1.2111 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.752 0,752 0.752 2.244 1 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.777 0.777 0,777 4.9854 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.691 0,691 0.691 8.028 1 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.498 0.498 0.498 24.0808 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.317 0.317 0.317 720 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 end-removal-rate-to-surface fracA4-daughterjresusp-from-surface Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 0 end-fracA4-daughteriresusp-from-surfac e end-control-volume control-volume obi-type OBJCV name RB air volume 1.06e+006 water volume 0 surface-area 0 has-recirc-filter false end-control-volume control-volume obj-type OBJCV name RB' air volume 100 water volume 0 surface-area 0 has-recirc-filter false end-control-volume control-volume obj-type OBJCV name SID air volume 7.97e--004 water volume 0 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -E59-(Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit.- 1 Disposition:__ Ohinto/OteReieerDate Caculation No. Revision H.Pstla12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H210C092 00 j Ref. surface-area 0 has recirc filter false end-control-volume control volume obj-type OBJCV name Dummy air volume 100 water volume 0 surface-area 0 has recirc filter false end-control-volume control volume obj-type OBJCR name ControlRoom air volume 1.35e--005 water volume 0 surface-area 0 has recirc filter false breathing- ate Time (hr) Value (oms) 720 0.00035 end-breathing-rate occu pancy-f actor Time (hr) Value (frac) 241 96 0.6 720 0.4 end..occupancy-factor end-control-volume junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream location AIRSPACE upstream CORE downstream DW has filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 720 end-flow-rate end-ju nction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream location AIRSPACE upstream CORE downstream SP has filter false flow-rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 720 end flow rate end-junction NEP-DES-08 RP.vn09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -E60-(Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 Disposition:-__ Onginator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H210C092 00 Ref. junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down strea mIocaion WATERPOOL upstream DW downstream vWW has tilter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 2.033 0 720 1.8e5 end flow rate end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream location AIRSPACE upstream VW downstream DW has filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (ofm) 2Z033 0 720 1.8e5 end-flow-rate end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream location AIRSPACE upstream DWV downstream SLI has filter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 24 0.342 720 0,171 end-flow-rate filter -efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodini Orgiocine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0 0,5 0.5 0.5 0.5 end-filter~efficiency frac-td aughter-re su sp Time NobleGas Elemlodlin( Orgicoine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 end -frac-4-daughter-resusp end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-location AIRSPACE upstream S~I-downstream Dummy has-filter false flow-rate Time (hr) Value (of M) 24 0.398 NE-P-nFR-np Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -E6 1 (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition: __ O~into/OteReviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision

    .Psuia12112/06                                D. Leaver 12/12/06                            H21 C092                     700 Ref.

720 0.199 end-flow-rate end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stre am-1location AlRSPACE upstream DW downstream SL2 has-filter true flow-rate Time (hr) Value (cfmn) 24 0,342 720 0.171 end-flow-rate filter efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0 0.5 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 end-filter efficiency frac-4-daughter - esusp Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 0 end-frac-4daughterjresusp end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downs tream-location AIRSPACE upstream SL2 downstream Dummy has-filter false flow-rate Time (hr) Value (cf m) 24 0.398 720 0.199 end-flow-rate end-junction junction junction type AIRJUNCTION downstream-location AIR-SPACE upstream DW downstream Dummy has-filter true flow-rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 24 0.284 720 0.142 end-flow-rate filter-efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodin( Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 end -filter -efficiency fracA daughter -resusp Time NobleGas Elemlodiin Orglodine Partlodine Solubles lnsolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 -I NE P-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -E62-(Next Project:, Nine Mite Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition- __ Onginator/Oate Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision Len H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D. Leaver 12/12/06 7 H21C092 00 d -frac-4-daughterjresusp junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downs trea m-loca tion AIRSF ACE upstream OW downstream environment has filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 6 1.875 720 0.0 end flow rate X-over_-Q_-4_-ctrl room Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 2.61 e-4 2.667 4.82e-4 8.033 2.61 e-4 24 9.25e-5 96 6.7e-5 720 4.93e-5 end_-X -over_0_Q4_otrl-room X-over_0_Q4_site-boundary Time (hr) Value (slm*3) 0.667 0 2.667 1.90e-4 720 0 end_-X -over_0_-4_-site -boundary X-over_-Q_4_low-population-zone Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 8.033 1.63e-5 24 1.10e-5 96 4.67e-6 720 1.37e-6 end_-X -over_0_Q4_lo\ fvpopulation_zone end~junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-location AIRSPACE upstream WW downstream environment has filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 6 1.25 720 0.0 end flow rate X-over_0_4_ctrl-roe Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 2.6 le-4 2.667 4.82e-4 8.033 2.6 le-4 24 9.25e-5 96 6.7e-5 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E63-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 Disposition: __ riginator/Oate Reiwer/Date Calculation No. _Revision H.Pustuika 121/12/06 DLeaver 12/12/06 H21 0092 00 Ref. 720 4.93e-5 end_-X -over_-Q_4_ctrl-room X7over_0_-4_site-boundary Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 0 2.667 1.90e-4 720 0 end_-X -over_0_4_site-boundary X Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 8.033 1.63e-5 24 1.10e-5 96 4.67e-6 720 1.37e-6 end_-X -over_0_Q4-low..population-zone end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-location AIR -SPACE upstream SID downstream RB' has filter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfrrI) 6 2.67 720 0 end flow rate filter -efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0.5 0.0 0.0 1.0 0 0 end -filter -efficiency end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream-location AIR. -SPACE upstream RB' downstream environment has filter false tlow rate Time (hr) Value (cfrr 0.5 1481 0.7 918 1 792 2.0333 474 4.1667 252 720 0 end flow rate X-over_0_4_ctrl -room Time (hr) Value (s/rn '3) 0,667 2.61 e-4 2.667 4.82e-4 8,033 2.61 e-4 24 9.25e-5 96 6.7e-5 NEP-DFS-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E64-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition:_ _ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H210C092 0Reiiný Re-f 720 4.93e-5 end_-X -over_0_4_ctrl-room X -over_0_-4_site-boundary Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 0 2.667 1.90e-4 720 0 end_-X -over_0_-4_-site -boundary X -over_0_-4_Iow-population-zone Time (hr) Value (slm*3) 8.033 1.63e-5 24 1.10e-5 96 4.67e-6 720 1.37e-6 end_-X -over_0_Q4jlow-population-zone end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down strea m location AIR -SPACE upstream RB' downstream Dummy has filter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfn 0.5 0 0.7 495 1 1761 2.0333 5253 6 6710 720 0 end flow rate filter -efficiency Time NobleGas. ElemlIodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0 0.95 0.9 0.95 0.95 0.95 end -filter -efficiency frac.-d augh ter-resus p Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 1 0 0 0 0 end - rac 4-daughter-resusp end-j unction junction junction-type AIR.J UNCTION downstream location AIRSPACE upstream DVW downstream RB has filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (ofm) 24 1,875 720 0.934 end flow rate end-ju nction NEPDE-0 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E65-(Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 Disposition:-__ O~intoI~teReviewer/Date Calculation No. TRevision H.Pstla12/12106 D. Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 00 junction junction-type AIR-JUNCTION downstream location AIRSPACE upstream Vww downstream RB has filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 6 0 24 1.25 720 0.625 end flow rate end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-location AlR -SPACE upstream SP downstream RB has filter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfn 6 0 720 2.67 end flow rate filter -efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodline Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0.5 0,0 0.0 1.0 0 0 end -filter -efficiency end-junction junction junction-type AIR_-JUNCTION downstream -location AIRSPACE upstream RB downstream Dummy has filter true flow-rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 720 1600 end flow rate filter-efficiency Time Noble~as Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 720 0 0.95 0.9 0.5 0.95 0,95 end -filter -efficiency frac-4daughter -esusp Time NobieGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 1 0 0 0 0 end-frac-4-daughterjresusp end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream location AIRSPACE upstream environment NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -E66 (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D. Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 00 downstream ControlRoom has filter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (din) 720 2025 end flow rate filter -efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodin e Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0 0.95 0.9 0.95 0.95 0.95 end -filter -efficiency fract daughterrjesu sp Time NobleGas Elemlodin e Orglodline Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 1 0 0 0 0 end -frac daughter-resusp end-junction junction junction jype AIRJUNCTION downstream-location AIRSPACE upstream environment downstream ControlRoom has-filter false flow-rate Time (hr) Value (cf in) 720 100 end-flow-rate end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-locati on AIRSP ACE upstream ControlRoom downstream environment has filter false flow-rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 720 2125 end-flow-rate X overQ_4_ctrl room Time (hr) Value (slm*3) 720 0 endX overQ_4_ctrl room X-ove r_0_4_s itelbo undary Time (hr) Value (slm*3) 720 0 end_-X -over_0_4_site-boundary X7over_-0_-4_low~population-zone Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 720 0 endX-over_0_41low-population-zone end-junction environment breath ing-rate -sb Time (hr) Value (cms) 8.033 0.00035 NEP-OrSF'-OB Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION: SHEET Page -E67 (Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition:.- _ Onginator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D. Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 00 Ref. 720 0.0 end -breathing-rate-s b breath ingjrateilpz Time (hr) Value (oms) 8.033 0.00035 24 0.00018 720 0.00023 end -breath ing-rate-jpz end-environment NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -E68-(Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition,__ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 1H21 C092 7 00 Ref. Appendix E2.6: INPUT.DAT File Case lAz (Stack Release) edit time 00.417 D,667 0.917 1,167 1.417 1.667 1.917 2.033 2.167 2.417 2.667 2.917 3.1673.667 4.167 68.033 2448 96 24D 72D end-edit-time par-ticipating-isotopes Kr-83m Kr85m Kr85 Kr687 Kr688 Kr-89 Xel3lm Xel33m Xe133 Xel35m Xe135 Xe137 Xe138 1131lOrg 1131lElem 1131lPart 11l32Org l1l32Elem 11i32Part 1l33Org ll33Elem 11l33Part 11340rg ll34Elem 11l34Part 11350rg l135Elem 11l35Part Rb86 Cs134 Cs136 Cs137 Sb127 Sb129 Tel27mn Te127 Tel29m Te129 Tel3lm Te132 Bal37m Ba139 Bal14O Mo99 Tc99m RulO3 RulOS Ru106 Rh1O5 Y90 Y91 Y92 Y93 Zr95 Zr-97 Nb95 Lal4O LalW La142 Pr143 Nd147 Am241 Cm242 Cm244 Ce141 Ce143 Ce144 Np239 Pu238 Pu239 Pu240 Pu241 Sr-89 Sr9O Sr-9l Sr92 end..participating-isotopes core thermal-power 1687 elemen tal-iod in e~frac 0.0485 organic-iodineifrac 0.0015 pa rticulIate-iodine-frac 0.95 releaseIfrac to control volume DW Time NGas I-Grp CsGrp TeGrp BaGrp NMtls CeGrp LaGrp SrGrp 0.033 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.533 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.033 0.633 0.167 0.133 0.033 0.0133 0. 00167 0.00033 0.00013 0.0133 720 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 end -to -control-volume to control volume SP Time NGas I_Grp CsGrp TeGrp BaGrp NMtls CeGrp LaGrp SrGrp 0.033 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.533 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.033 0 0,334 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 720 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 end to control volume end release-frac end-core control volume obij-ype OBJ-cv name DW airvolume 1.8e+005 water volume 0 surface_area has-recirc-filter false NFP-nFRq-n8 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -E69-(Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition:__ Onginator/Oate Reviewer/Date Calculation No. FRevision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D. Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 00 J Ref. 1 removal rate to surface Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 0.0642 0.0000 20.000 0.000 52.895 52.895 52.895 0.5297 0H0000 19.125 0.000 19.125 19.125 19.125 0.5569 0.0000 20.000 0.000 31.615 31.616 31.616 0.8337 0.0000 20.000 0.000 22.682 22.682 22.682 2.018 1 0.0000 19. 849 0.000 19.849 19.849 19.849 2.7602 0.0000 4.936 0.000 4.936 4.9363 4.936 43139 0.0000 2.975 0.000 2.975 2.975 2.975 15.0234 0.0000 2,010 0.000 2.010 2.010 2.010 720.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 end removal rate to surface frac 4 daughter-resuspjfrom -surface Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 0 end -frac -4..daughter -esusp-from-surfacE end-control-volume control volume obj-type OBJCV name ww air volume 1.2e+005 water volume 7.97e+004 surface-area 0 has recirc filter false rem oval-rate_to_waterpool Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0 0 0 0 0 0 end -removal-rate-to-waterpool frac-4 daughter-resusp-from -water Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0 0 0 0 0 0 end - rac-4-daughter-resuspjfrom-water decontamin ation-factor Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 1 1 1 1 1 end-decontamination-factor end-control-volume control-volume obj-type OBJ-CV name S~I-air volume 82.4 water volume 0 surface-area 0 has recirc filter false removal-rate -to -surface Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 0.0435 0.0000 0.000 0.000 1.354 1.354 1,354 0.2929 0.0000 0.000 0.000 1.246 1.246 1.246 0.5623 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.860 0.860 0.860 1,2111 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.752 0.752 0.752 2,2441 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.777 0.777 0.777 4,9854 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.691 0.691 0.691 8.0281 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.498 0.498 0.498 24,0808 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.317 0.317 0.317

                                                                                                                             ~NEP-DES-0 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E70-(Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition- __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H,Pustulka 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H210C092 00 Ref. 720 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 end removal rate to surface frac 4 -daughter-resusp-from -surface Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 0 end frac-4daughterjresusp-from_surface end-control-volume control-volume obj-type OBJCV name SL2 air volume 82.4 water volume 0 surface-area 0 has-recirc-filter false removal rate to surface Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 0.0435 0.0000 0.000 0.000 1.354 1.354 1.354 0.2929 0.0000 0.000 0.000 1.246 1.246 1.246 0.5623 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.860 0.860 0.860 1.2111 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.752 0.752 0.752 2.244 1 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.777 0.777 0.777 4.9854 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.691 0.691 0.691 8,.028 1 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.498 0.498 0,498 24.0808 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.317 0.317 0.317 720 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 end_ removal rate to surface frac_ 4-daughter-resusp-from 7surface Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insoiubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 0 end -frac-4-daughterjresusp-from-surface end-control-volume control-volume obj-type OBJ_CV name RB air volume 1.06e+006 water volume 0 surface-area 0 has-recirc-filter false end-control-volume control-volume obj-type OBJ CV name RB' air-volume 100 water volume 0 surface-area 0 has-recirc-filter false end-control-volume control-volume obj-type OB3jCt name SID air volume 7.97e--004 water volume 0 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E7 1 (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit; 1 Disposition: __ Calculation No. Revision POhginator/Date 1H.Pustulka 12/12/06 Reviewer/Gate D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 0092 00 Ref. surface area0 has-recirc_filter false end-control-volume control volume obj-type O6J_CV name Dummy air volume 100 water volume 0 surface_area 0 has-recirc-filter false end-control-volume control volume obj-type OBJ_CR name ControlRoom air volume 1.35e-005 water volume 0 surface_area 0 has recirc filter false breathing-rate Time (hr) falue (cms) 720 1.00035 02 enddbreathing-rate occupancyjfactor Time (hr) (alue (frac) 241 96 1.6 12 720 1.4 12 end-occupancy-factor end-control-volume junction junction jype AIRJUNCTION downstream location AIRSPACE upstream CORE downstream DW has filter false flow-rate Time (hr) /alue (cfm) 720 end-tlow-rate end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream location AIRSPACE upstream CORE downstream SID has-filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (Cf M) 720 end-flow-rate end-junction _NEP-DES_08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -E72-(Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 Disposition:__ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H210C092 00 ref. junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream-location WATERPOOL upstream OW downstream WW has filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 2.033 0 720 1.8e5 end flow rate end-ju nction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream-location AIRSPACE upstream WW downstream DoW has filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (of m) 2.033 D 720 1.8e5 end flow rate end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream-1locati on AIRSPACE upstream DW downstream SLI has filter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (of m) 24 0.342 720 0.171 end flow rate filter -efficiency Time NobleGas Elem Iodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0 0.5 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 end -filter -efficiency frac4d aughter-res usp Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 0 end -frac_-4_daughteL-resusp end-ju notion junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream-location AIRSPACE upstream S~I-downstream Dummy has filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (of m) 24 0.398 MeP.nn~n~ NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E73-(Next Project: Nine Mite Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition.-__ Originator/Date Reiwer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D. eaver 12/12/06 H210C092 00 Ref. 720 0.199 end flow rate end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream location AIRSPACE upstream Dw downstream SL2 has filter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (of m) 24 0.342 720 0.171 end flow rate filter-efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodin Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 end -filter -efficiency frac-4-daughter -resusp Time NobleGas Elemlodin, Orglodine Parfiodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 end-frac aughterjresusp end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream-location AIRSPACE upstream SL2 downstream Dummy nas filter false flow-rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 24 0.398 720 0,199 end flow rate end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream location AIRSPACE upstream DVw downstream Dummy has filter true flow-rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 24 0.284 720 0.142 end-flow-rate filter-efficiency Time NobleGas Ejemlodinf Orglodine Partlcoine Solubles Insolubles 720 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 end -filter -efficiency frac-4daughter - esusp Time NobleGas ElemlodinE Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0

                                      --           IDS-)

Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E74-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition.-__ nI Orginator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Reiso H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H210C092 00 end -frac_-4_daughterjresusp end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream-location AIRSPACE upstream DW downstream Dummy has tilter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfM) 6 1.875 720 0.0 end flow rate end..ju nct ion junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-locati on AIRSPACE upstream ww downstream Dummy has filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 6 1.25 720 0.0 end flow rate end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream -location AIR_- SPACE upstream SP downstream RB' has filter true flow-rate Time (hr) Value (cf m) 6 2.67 720 0 end flow rate filter-efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0.5 0.0 0.0 10 0 0 end-filter-efficiency end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream location SPACE upstream RB' downstream Dummy has filter false flow-rate Time (hr) Value (cfmj 0.5 1481 0.7 918 NEP-nES-nOt Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -E75-(Next - Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Dispositio-n: __Rviio Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Rvso H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 00 ýef. 792 2.0333 474 4,1667 252 720 0 end flow rate end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream-location AIRSPACE upstream rmO downstream environment has filter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 0.5 0 0.7 495 1 1761 2.0333 5253 6 6710 720 0 end flow rate filter -efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0 0.95 0.9 0.95 0.95 0.95 end -filter -efficiency frac-4daughter -esusp Time NobteGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 1 0 0 0 0 end -frac-4-daughter-resusp X overQ_4_ctrl room Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0,667 1.26E-4 2.667 2.27E-4 8.033 1.26E-4 24 4.30E-5 96 3.58E-5 720 2.59E-5 end_-X -overQ_4_otrl-room X -over_0_-4_site-boundary Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 0 2.667 5.98e-5 720 0 end_-X -over_0_-4 -site -boundary X:-over-Q-4low-popuiationzone Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.167 2.12e-5 4.167 1.26e-6 8.033 2.12e-5 24 8.40e-7 96 3.45e-7 720 1.1lle-7 endX-overQ_4-low-population-zone end-ju nction Prt~n~ NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E76-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition: [ __ Calculation No. Revision Odginator/Date Reviewer/Date 1H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21C0092 00 Ref. I junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-locati on AIRSPACE upstream OW downstream RB has-tilter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfmj 6 0 24 1.875 720 0.934 end flow rate end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-location AIRSPACE upstream ww downstream RB has filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 6 0 24 1.25 720 0.625 end flow rate end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream-location AIR_SPACE upstream SP downstream RB has-filter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (cf m) 6 0 720 2.67 end flow rate filter-efficiency Time NobieGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodline Solubles Insolubles 720 0.5 0.0 0.0 1.0 0 0 end -filter -efficiency end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-locati on AIRSPACE upstream RB downstream environment has-filter true flow-rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 720 1600 end flow rate filter-efficiency ~1. NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -E77 (Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 Disposition'.__ Criginator/Date Reiwer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D. eaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 J Pef I Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 720 0 0.95 0.9 0.95 0.95 095 end -filter -efficiency frac-4daughter -resusp Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 1 0 0 0 0 end -frac_-4_daugltter-resusp X overQ_4_ctrl room Time (hr) Value (s/m *3) 0.667 1.26E-4 2.667 2.27E-4 8.033 1.26E-4 24 4.30E-5 96 3.58E-5 720 2.59E-5 endX overQ_4_ctrl room X-over_0_4_site-boundary Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 0 2.667 5.98e-5 720 0 end_-X -over_0_-4_-site -boundary X-over_-Q-4-_low-po pulIati onzon e Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.167 2,12e-5 4.167 1,26e-6 8.033 2.12e-5 24 8.40e-7 96 3.45e-7 720 1.11 e-7 end -X-over-Q 4-1ow-po pulIati on -zon e end-j unction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-location AIR_ SPACE upstream environment downstream ControlRoom has filter true flow-rate Time (hr) Value (cf m) 720 2025 end flow rate filter -efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0 0.95 0.9 0.95 0.95 0.95 endo-filter -efficiency frac-4daughter - esusp Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Scrubles insolubles 720 1 1 0 0 0 0 endjfrack4daughter-resusp end-junction junction junction-.type AIRJUNCTION NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION. SHEET Page _E78-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit, 1 Disposition: __ (Driginator/Date H.Pustulka 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date D.Leaver 12/12/06 Calculation No. H21CO92 T010Revision downstream-location AIRSPACE upstream environment downstream ControlRoom has filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 720 100 end flow rate end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream -location AIRSPACE upstream Control_-Room downstream environment has filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (of m) 720 2125 end flow rate X overQ_4_ctrl room Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 720 0 endX overQ_4_otrl room X-ove r__4 _site-bo un dary Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 720 0 end_-X -over_0_Q4_site-boundary X-over_-0_4_low-population-zone Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 720 0 endX-over_0_4jlow-population-zone end-junction environment breath ing-rate-s b Time (hr) Value (oms) 8.033 0.00035 720 0.0 end-breathing-rate- .sb breath ing-rate-lpz Time (hr) Value (oms) 8,033 0.00035 24 0.00018 720 0.00023 end-b re ath ing-ate .lpz end-environment -j NrP r~rQ nQ Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E79-(Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition: [ __ Calculation No. Revision Originator/Date TR-evewer/Date H. Pustulka 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H210C092 0 Ref. Appendix E2.7: INPUT.DAT File Case lA-filter edit time 00.417 0,6670.9171 1.67 1.417 1.667 1 9172.0332,167 2.417 2.667 2.917 3.167 3.667 4.167 68.033 2448 96240 720 end-edit-time participating-isotopes Kr83m Kr85m Kr85 Kr87 Kr88 Kr89 Xel3lm Xel33m Xe133 Xel35m Xe135 Xe137 Xe138 1131lOrg 1131lElem 1131lPart 11 320rg 11l32Elem 11l32Part 11 330rg 11l33Elem 1133Par1 11340rg ll34Elem 11l34Part 11350rg ll35Elem 11l35Part Rb86 Cs134 Cs136 Cs137 Sb127 Sb129 Tel27m Te127 Tel29mn Te129 Tel3lm Te132 Bal37m Ba139 Ba140 Mo99 Tc99m RulO03 RulO5 RulOS6 RhlO5 Y90 Y91 Y92 Y93 Zr95 Zr97 Nb95 Lal4O LalW La142 2r143 Nd147 Am241 Cm242 Cm244 Ce141 Ce143 Ce144 Np239 Pu238 Pu239 Pu240 Pu241 Sr89 Sr9O Sr9l Sr,92 end-participating-isotopes core thermal-power 1887 el em ental iodine-frac 0.0485 organic-iodine -frac 0.0015 particu late-iodiine-frac 0.95 release frac to control volume DW Time NGas iGrp CsGrp TeGrp BaGrip NMtls CeGrp LaGrp SrGrp 0,033 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.533 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 .0 0 0 0 0 2.033 0.633 0.167 0.133 0.033 0.0133 0.00167 0.00033 0.00013 0.0133 720 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 end -to -control-volume to control volume SP Time NGas I-Grp CsGrp TeGrp BaGrp NMtls CeGrp LaGrp SrGrp 0.033 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.533 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.033 0 0.334 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 720 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 end to control volume end release-frac end core control-volume obj-type OBJ_OV name air volume 1.8e+i005 water volume 0 surface-area has-recirc-filler false removal-rate-to-surface NERP-nS-neq Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -E80-(Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition:'._ 7Orgi nator/Date IH.Pustuika 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date D.Leaver 12/12/06 Calculation No. H21 C092 R~evision 00 Time NobleGas Elemlodine Org Iodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 0.0642 0.0000 20.000 0.000 52.895 52.895 52.895 0.5297 0.0000 19.125 0.000 19.125 19.125 19.125 0.5569 0.0000 20.000 0.000 31 .616 31.616 31.616 0,8337 0.0000 20.000 0.000 22.682 22.682 22.682 2.018 1 0,0000 19,849 0.000 19.849 19.849 19.849 2.7602 0.0000 4.936 0.000 4.936 4.936 4.936 4.3 139 0.0000 2.975 0.000 2.975 2.975 2.975 15.0234 0.0000 2.010 0.000 2.010 2.010 2.010 720.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 end removal rate to surface frac 4 daughter-resuspjfrom 7 surface Time NobleGas Elemlodine Drglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 0 end -frac-4-daughter resusp-from-surface end-control-volume control volume obj-type DBJ-cv name air volume1 I.2e+005 7 water volume .97e-*004 surface_area has recirc filterf alse removal-rate-to -waterpool Time NobleGas Elemlodine Drglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0 0 0 0 0 0 end -removal-ratejto.waterpool frac-4daughter-resuspjrom~water Time NobieGas Elemlodine Drglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0 0 0 0 0 0 end frac.A..daughter-resuspjfrom-water decontamination factor Time NobleGas Elemlodline Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 1 1 1 1 1 end-decontamination-factor end control volume control-volume obij-ype OBJ-CV name SL1 air volume 82.4 water volume 0 surface-area 0 has-reciro-filter false removal-rate-to-surface Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 0.0435 0.0000 0.000 0.000 1.354 1.354 1.354 0.2929 0.0000 0.000 0.000 1.246 1.246 1.246 0.5623 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.860 0.860 0.860 1.2111 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.752 0.752 0.752 2.2441 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.777 0.777 0.777 4.9854 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.691 0.691 0.691 8.028 1 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.498 0.498 0.498 24 .0808 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.317 0.317 0.317 720 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 N~PF~J~R NEPDE-0 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION. CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E81-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition: __ Calculation No. Revision POriginator/Date 1H.Pustulka 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date D. Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 00 Rf. I end removal rate to surface frac 4-dau ghterjresu sp-rom-su rface Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 D 0 0 0 0 end -frac daughter-resusp-jrom-surfacc end-control-volume control volume obj-type OBJ_CV name SL2 air volume 82.4 water volume 0 surface-area 0 has recirc filter false removal-rate -to -surface Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 0.0435 0.0000 0.000 0.000 1.354 1.354 1.354 0.2929 0.0000 0.000 0.000 1.246 1.246 1.246 0.5623 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.860 0.860 0.860 1.2111 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.752 0,752 0.752 2.2441 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.777 0.777 0.777 4.9854 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.691 0.691 0.691 8.0281 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.498 0.498 0.498 24.0808 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.317 0.317 0.317 720 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 end removal rate to surface frac rface Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 0 endjfrac..4-daughterjresuspjrom-surfacE end-control-volume control-volume obj-type 083_CV name RB air volume 1.06e--006 water volume 0 surface-area 0 has-recirc-filter false end control volume control-volume obj-type 083_CV name RB' air volume 100 water volume 0 surface-area 0 has recirc filter false end-control-volume control-volume obi type OBJ_CV name sP air volume 7.97e--004 water-volume 0 surface-area 0 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E82-(Next Project:, Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 Disposition-: _ Oniginator/Date -Reviewer/Date _- Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H210C092 003 Ref. has recirc filter false end-control-volume control volume objjtype OBJ_CR name ControlRoom air-volume 1.35e+'005 water volume 0 surface-area 0 has recirc filter false breathing-rate Time (hr) Value (cms) 720 0.00035 end breathing-rate occupancy-factor Time (hr) Value (frac) 24 1 96 0.6 720 0.4 end-occupancy-factor end-control-volume junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream location AIRSPACE upstream CORE downstream DW has tilter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (of M) 720 end-flow-rate end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream-Ilocation AIRSPACE upstream CORE downstream SP has filter false flow-rate Time (hr) Value (of m) 720 end flow rate end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream-location WATERPOOL upstream DW downstream wW has tilter false flow-rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 2.033 0 N~pngQnp NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION. SHEET Page -E83-(Next - Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 J CluainN .Disposition: Revisio Originator/Date Reviewer/Date CluainN.Rvso H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D. Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 00 R<ef. 720 1.8e5 end flow rate end-.junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream-location AIRSPACE upstream wwV downstream DW has filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 2.033 0 720 1.8e5 end flow rate end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream location AIRSPACE upstream Dw downstream SLI has filter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfin) 24 0.342 720 0.171 end flow rate filter -efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0 0.5 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 end -filter -efficiency frac-4daughter - esusp Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 0 endjfrac-4daughter-resusp end-ju nction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream-location AIRSPACE upstream SL1 downstream environment has filter false flow rate Time (hir) Value (cfm) 24 0.398 720 0.199 end flow rate X overQ_4_ctrl room Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 5.85e-4 2.667 1.03e-3 8.033 5.85e-4 24 2.07e-4 96 1.75e-4 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E84-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition: __ Criginator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustuika 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 Ref. 720 1.52e-4 endX overQ_4_ctrl room X_over_0_4_site-boundary Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 0 2.667 1.90e-4 720 0 end_-X -over_-0_-4_-site -boundary X7over_0_-4_low..population-zone Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 8.033 1.63e-5 24 1.10e-5 96 4.67e-6 720 1.37e-6 end_-X -over_0_4-low-popu lation-zone end-junction ju notion junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-location AIRSPACE upstream DW downstream SL2 has filter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (of M) 24 0,342 720 0.171 end flow rate filter -efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodini e Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0 0.5 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 end -filter -efficiency frac-4d au ght er-es us p Time NobleGas Elemlodini e Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 0 end -frac-4 daughterjresusp end-junction ju notion junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-location AIRSPACE upstream SL2 downstream environment has filter false flow rate Time (hr) Vatlue (ofm) 24 0..398 720 0.199 end flow rate X7overQ04-ctrl-room Time (hr) Va3lue (s/m*3) 0.667 5.85e-4 2,667 1.03e-3 8.033 5.85e-4 24 2.107e-4 96 1.75e-4 NE P-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E85-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D. Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 00

Ref, 720 1.52e-4 end_-X -over_0_4_Gtrl-room X -over_0_-4_site-boundary Time (hir) Value (s/m *3) 0,667 0 2.667 1.90e-4 720 0 end_-X -over_-Q_-4_-site -boundary X-over_0_4_low-population-zone Time (hr) Value (s/m *3) 8.033 1.63e-5 24 1.10e-5 96 4.67e-6 720 1.37e-6 end_-X -over_-Q_4-low-population-zone end-j unction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-location AIRSF'ACE upstream DW downstream environment has filter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 6 2.159 24 0.284 720 0.142 end flow rate filter -efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 6 0 0.066 0 0.066 0.066 0.066 720 0 05 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 end -filter -efficiency frac-4daug hter-resu sp Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 0 end -frac -4daughter-resusp X-over_0_4_otd-room Time (hr) Value (slm*3) 0,667 3.04e-4 2.667 5,54e-4 6 3.04e-4 8.033 5.85e-4 24 2.07e-4 96 1.75e-4 720 1.52e-4 endX over_0_4_otrl room X-over_-Q_-4_-site -boundary Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 0 2.667 1.90e-4 720 0 end_-X te-bou ndary X -over_-Q_-4_low-population~zone Time (hr) Value (s/m*3)
                                                                                                                               -1 ýoývu Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION. CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E86-(Next Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition: __ Calculation No. Revision POriginator/Date 1H.Pustulka 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 Ref. 8.033 1.63e-5 24 1.10e-5 96 4.67e-6 720 1.37e-6 end -X-over-Q-4-owpopulation-zone end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream location AIRSPACE upstream ww downstream environment has filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 6 1.25 720 0.0 end-flow-rate X-overU_-4_o trli-room Time (hr) Value (s/m 3) 0,667 2.61 e-4 2.667 4.82e-4 8.033 2.61e-4 24 9.25e-5 96 6.7e-5 720 4.93e-5 end_-X -over_0_4_ctrl -room X -over_0_-4_site-boundary Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 0 2.667 1.90e-4 720 0 end_-X -over_0_-4_-site -boundary X-over-Q-4low-populationzone Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 8.033 1.63e-5 24 1.1Oe-5 96 4.67e-6 720 1.37e-6 end_-X -over_0_Q4-low-population-zone end-ju nction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream location AIRSPACE upstream SID downstream RB' has filter true flow-rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 6 2.67 720 0 end flow rate filIter -efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodline Solubles Insolubles 720 0.5 0.0 0.0 1.0 0 0 ~~1 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E87-(Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition: __ Odginator/Date Reiwer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 DLeaver 12/12/06 H210C092 00 Ref. end -filter -efficiency end-.junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream location AIRSPACE upstream RB' downstream environment has fiter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 0.5 1481 0.7 918 1 792 2.0333 474 4,1667 252 720 0 end flow rate X over Q 4 ctrl room Time -(hr) - Value (s/m*3) 0.667 2.61 e-4 2.667 4.82e-4 8 2.61 e-4 24 9.25e-5 96 6.7e-5 720 4.93e-5 endX overQ_4_ctrl room X -over_0_-4_site-boundary Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 0 2.667 1.90e-4 720 0 end -X-over-0 4-site-bound~ary X -over_0_-4_low-population-. zone Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 8.033 1.63e-5 24 1.i1 e-5 96 4.67e-6 720 1.37e-6 endX over_0 4_low~population-zone end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream location AIRSPACE upstream RB' downstream environment has-filter true flow-rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 0.5 0 0.7 495 1 1761 2.0333 5253 6 6710 720 0 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -E88-(Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition:__ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 KeT. end flow rate filter -efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0 0.95 0.9 0.95 0.95 0.95 end-filter-efficiency frac daughter-resusp Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 1 0 0 0 0 end -frac_-4_daughter -resusp X-over Q-4ctrl-room Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 1.26E-4 2.667 2.27E-4 8.033 1.26E-4 24 4.30E-5 96 3.58E-5 720 2,59E-5 end_-X overQ_4_otrl room X-over_0_4_site-boundary Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 0 2.667 5.98e-5 720 0 end_-X -over_0_-4_-site -boundary X-over_0_4_low-.population zone Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0,167 2.12e-5 4.167 1.26e-6 8.033 2,12e-5 24 8.40e-7 96 3.45e-7 720 1.11 e-7 end_-X -over_0_Q4jlow population-zone end-junction junction junction-type AIR -JUNCTION down stream-1location AIRSPACE upstream DW downstream RB has-filter false tlow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 6 0 24 1.875 720 0.934 end-flow-rate end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream location AlIR-SPACE upstream ww downstream RB has filter false flow rate NEP-DES0 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVIICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION. SHEET Page _E89-(Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 Disposition: __ Oiginator/Date Reviewer/Date -CalculationNo. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D. Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 007 Ret. Time (hr) Value (of M) 6 0 24 1.25 720 0,625 end flow rate end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream location AIRSPACE upstream SID downstream RB has filter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (ofim) 6 0 720 2.67 end flow rate filter -efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodline Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0.5 0.0 0.0 1.0 0 0 end -filter -efficiency end-.ju notion junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-locati on AIRSF~ACE upstream RB downstream environment has filter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 720 1600 end flow rate filter-efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodline Solubles Insolubles 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 720 0 0.95 0.9 0.95 0.95 0.95 end -filter -efficiency Ifrac-4daug hter-res usp Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodline Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 1 0 0 0 0 end -frac-4-daughter - esusp X overQ_4_otrl room Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 1.26E-4 2,667 2.27E-4 8.033 1,.26E-4 24 4,30E-5 96 3.58E-5 720 2.59E-5 end_-X -overQ_4_otrl-room X-over_-Q_-4_site-ooundary Time (hr) Value (s/m *3) 0.667 0 2.667 5,98e-5 NFR~P.qlF-fR Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E90-(Next ) Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 Disposition- __ Orginator/Date Reviewer/Date C~a lculIation No0. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D. Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 00 Ref. 720 0 end_-X -over_0_-4_s ite-boun dar X7over-Q-4low-population-zone Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.167 2.12e-5 4.167 1.26e-6 8.033 2.12e-5 24 8.40e-7 96 3.45e-7 720 1.11e-7 end_-X -ov erQ_4jow-po pulIa tion zon e endjunction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream location AIRSPACE upstream environment downstream ControlRoom has filter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 720 2025 end flow rate filter -efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodinm Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 end -filter -efficiency frac-4daughter -resusp Time NobleGas ElemlodinE Orglodline Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 1 0 0 0 end-frac-4daughterjresusp end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream-location AIRSPACE upstream environment downstream ControlRoom has-filter false flow-rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 720 0 end-flow-rate endjunction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-1location AIRSPACE upstream ControlRoom downstream environment has-filter false flow-rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 720 0 end flow rate X-over_0_4_otrl-room NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SER VICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -E91 (Next ) Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. TRevision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 Ref. Time (hr) Value (s/m 3) 720 0 endX overQ_4_ctrl room X-over_0_-4_-site -boundary Tine (hr) Value (sim *3) 720 D end_-X -over_-Q_-4_-site -boundary X-over_0_4_Iow-populIation-zon e Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 720 0 end_-X -overQ_4-low-population-zone end-.junction environment breath ing- Time (hr) Value (oms) 8.033 0.00035 720 0.0 end -breathing-ratesb breath ing-rate-Ipz Time (hr) Value (Gins) 8.033 0.00035 24 0.00018 720 0.00023 end -breathing-rate-lpz end-environment NFP-nFl.q-nR Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E92.. (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition: -__ Calculation No. Revision POriginator/Date Reviewer/Date 1H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D. Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 0 ReF Appendix E3: RESULTS.QUIT Files Excerpts for Case 1A (LIMITING CASE: Core Spray Division Electrical Failure) Appendix E3.1: RESULTS.OUT File Case 1A' (Worst 2 hr Determination) edit- time 0.000000 environment thyroid wbody skin CEDE LAB dose: C. OOE+0OO 0 OOE+/-OOO C OCLA-OQO 0 COLA-COO LPZ dose: 0 OOE+OOO 0 OCLA-OCO 0. COOE-CO 0 COOE-COO edit time 0.417000 environment thlyroid wbody skin CEDE LAB dose: 0 OOE+OOO 9. 28E-002 0. COL+/-COO 0. OOE-001 L2Z dose: 0 OOE+OOO 7. 96E-003 O COL-COO U 4. 29E-002 edit time 0-1.667000 environment thyroid wbody skin CEDE EAB dose: 0 COLA-COO 2 .16E-001 0 OOE+OOC 1. 07LE-000 LPZ dose: 0 OOE+OOO 1 . 35E-002 0 COLA-COO0 9. 20E-002 edit time 0.917000 environment thyroid wbody sk-in CEDE LAB dose: 0. OCL+OOO 4 . 36E-001 0. OOE+/-CCO 1.71EA-000 LPZ dlose: 0 . COLA-COO 3. 73E-002 0 COLA-COO 1. 4 6E-001 edit time 1.167000 environment thyroid wb ody skin CEDE LAB dose: C.COLA-COO 7. 36E-001 C. COL-COO 2. 30E+000 LPZ dose: 0 . COLA-COO 6. 29E-002 0 COLA-COO 1. 96E-0011 NF-P-nF.,,-nA Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E93-(Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit, 1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date CacuatonN. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D. Leaver 12/12/06 H192 00 J Ref. edit time 1.417000 enviironment th yroi d wbodv ski-n CEDGE EAE dose: o0.007-+000 1 . i1E+000 0 .007-+000 2 .86E+000 LPZ dose: 0. OOEtOOD 9. 47E-002 C. 00E'-000 2.43O-7-00 edit time 1.667000 environ-ment thyroid wbody skin CEDE EAE dose: 0. OOE+000 155E+000 o OOE+000 3. 47E+i000 LPZ dose: 0.- 00E+000 1 . 32E-001 0. OOE+000 2 .93E-001 edit time 1.917000 en viro0nmne nt thyroid wbody CEDE EAE dose: o .OOE+000 2 . O5E+000 o0OOE+000 4.-10E+000 LPZ dose: 0. OOE+000 1. 75E-001 0. OOE+000 3.46GE-001 edit time 2.033000 environmenit thyroid wbody sk~in CEDE EAB dose: 0.OOE+000 2. 31E+000 0. OOE--OQO 4 .42E4-000 T.PZ do~c~p- 0. OOE+000 1. 97F-001 0 .ooF+o00 3. 71E-001 edit time 2.167000 erivironmenct thyroid wbody sk~in CEDGE KIr:D nQ (nQ ______ I Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATI ON SHEET Page -E94. (Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition:__ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D. Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 00 Ref I LAB dose: 0 .00-7+000 2. 58-7+000 0 0E+000

                                                          .          4. 71E+t000 LPZ dose:      0o00--+000      2 .20E-001   0. OOE+000    3. 95E-001 edit   time 2.417000 environment th yroi d       wbody         sk*in        CEDE EAB dose:      C0G
                            .'OE000       3. 07E.ý-000 0. OCOi-QOC  5. 10E+000 LPZ dose:      0 . OOE-i000   2 . 62E-001   0. OOE-l000  4. 26E-001 edit time 2.667000 en7vironment thyroid         wbody         s kin        CEDE EAB dose:     0 . 0E+000      3 .52E+000    0 . OOE+000  5 . 37E+000 L2Z dose:     0 .OOE+000      3 . OOE-001   0. OOE+000   4 .47E-001 edit time 2.917000 environment thyroid         wbody          skin        CEDE EAB dose:     0. OOE+000      3. 96E+/-000    0 .OOE+000   5 . 60E+C000 L2Z dose:     0 . OOE+000     3. 37E-001    0. OOE+/-000   4. 64E-001 edit time 3.167000 environment thvroid         wb ody        s kin,       CEDE LAB dose:     0. OOE+000      4. 37E+000    0 . OOE+000  5 .80E+000 LPZ dose:     0. OOL+000      3. 72E-001    0. DOE+000   4. 797-001 edit time 3.667000 NFP-n~Fq-n Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E95-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station LOinginator/Date H.Pustulka 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date D. Leaver 12/12/06 Unit: 1 Calculation No. H21 C092 Disposition:-,_ Revision 00o Ref. environmentý th yr oi d wb cdv s kin CEFD E EAB dose: 0OO.00+000 5 .13E+000 0 0 E06+000 6. 17E+/-000 LPZ dose: 0 . 00+000 4 .36E-001 0 . 00+000 5 .06E-001 edit t-ime 4.167000 environmen: thyroid wbody skin CEDE EAB dose: 0. 006+000 5.82E+000 0.006+000 6. 51E+/-000 LPZ dose: 0 . 00+000 49 56E- 00 1 0 . 006+000 5.31E-001 edit time 6.000000 environment thyroid wbody skin CEDE EAB dose: 0.006+000 7 .876+ý000 0 .006+000 7 .056+/-000 LPZ dose: 0.006+000 6.8BE-001 0.006E+000 6 .49E-001 edit time 8.033000 environment thyroid wbody skin CEDE EAB dose: 0. 006+000 8.25E+000 0.006+000 7 .176+000 LPZ dose: 0 . 00+000 7. 31E6-001 0.006+000 6. 66E-001 STARDOSE 1.01 (c) 1996-2002 Polestar Applied Technology, Inc. Frn Nov 10 08:42:19 2006 Total elapsed hours: 0, mins: 0, secs: 12 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -E96-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition:-__ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D. Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 00 Appendix E3.2: Data Extracted from RESULTS.OUT Case 1ARBEVS (RBEVS Actuation Check) Activities in the Reactor Building Normnal Ventilation in Operation Hours 0.04 0.08 0. 12 0.16 0.2 Kr83rn 9. 21E-03 3.86K-Cl 1. 23E+00 2 .4 5E+00 3. 97E+00 Kr8 Sm 1. 94E-02 8 .20K-Cl 2.64K-i-C 5.31E-i-C 8 . 65E+/-00 KrS 5 1. 12E-03 4 .79E-02 1.55K-Cl 3.13F'E-C1 5. 14K7-Cl0 Kr87 3. 64E-02 I. 52KEi-C 4 .81EK+C0 9. SC0E00 1 .53E+/-01 Kr83 5. 18E-02 2.19KEi-C 7 .02r-_+00 1.40KEi-C 2. 23Em01 Kr8 9 3.77E-02 9. 51K-Cl 1. 83E+00 2. 19E-i0C 2. 13E+00 Xel3lm 8 . 69E-04 3.70EK-02 1.20K-Cl, 2.42E-01 3. 9 36E-01 Xel33m 4 . 66E-03 1 .99K-Cl1 6. 43K-Cl0 1. 30E+00 2. 13E+00 Xe133 1.51K-Cl 6.42E+00 2 . 08KEi0C 4 . 20E+/-01 6. 90K+/-01 Xel35m 2. 80E-02 1.07E+00 3. 11K-i-0 5. 62E+00 8. 28E+00 Xe135 5 . 46E-C02 2. 35E+00 7. 68KE+0C 1. 56E+01 2 . 59E+01 Xe137 8 .97E-02 2 .449E-0C 5. 28E+00 6. 96K+/-00 7 .46E+00 Xe138 1. 17E-0 1 4 . 51E+/-CC 1. 32E+C1 2. 43E+01C 3. 6 1KE+/-+0 T1131 9. 40E-02 2 .95E+00 8 . 96E+/-00 1. 67E+01 2. 53K-i0C 1132 1 .34KE-Cl 4 .15E+00 1I25E+01 2 . 30E+/-01 3. 44E+01I 1133 1 .91E-0l 5 .96E+00C 1. 81E+i01 3. 38E+/-01 5. 11E+01 1134 2. 03E-Cl 6. 15K+00 1. 891E+0 3. 28E+01 4 .8 1K+/-Cl 1135 1.78E-01 5. 56E+00 1. 69K+C 1 3. 13E-01 4 .71E-i-Cl1 Rb8 6 1.395E-04 4. 97K-C03 1. 47E-02 2. 61E-02 3. 71E-02 Cs 1314 1 .3 3K-02 4 . 98E-01 1 . 47E+00 2. 61K-E-CO 3. 7 1 E+/-C0 Cs136 5. 73E-03 1 .56K-Cl 4 .60K-Cl 8.15K-Cl 1 . 1 6E+C0C Cs 137 1 .lOE-02 2.97K-Cl 8 .78K-Cl 1. 56E+00 2. 21K-i-C Ba137m 7 . 92E-04 1 .04KE-Cl 4 .59K-Cl 9.94K-Cl 1 . 58E+00 Appendix E3.: RESULTS.OUT Case 1A (Integrated Check Call: for Appendix D) edit timae 720.0000CC Control Room thyroid wbody skin CEDK Total dose: C . 006+0CC 8. 21E-001 C. 0OE0K-CO 2.97K-i-CO Noble gas 0. CCE+O00 7. 93E-0011 0. 0E0K-iCO 5. 97E-001 Org iodine 0 .CCK+/-000 3. 95E-004 0 . OCK+OCO 2. 437-001 Klein iodine C. CCK+CCC 2. 61E-002 0.COKE+CCC 1. 20K-i-CO Part iodine C. 0OE0KiCO -. 81E-003 C . 0OE0K-CO 5. 30K-001 Cesium C. CCK+O00 1 .65K-CO4 C . COK+000 1. 83E-001 Tellurium 0 0+0K-iCO 4. 68E-005 0 . OCK+/-COC 3.56E-002 Barium 0. CCK-'-CC 2. 91E-005 C .CCK+COC 5 . 77E-003 Noble metal C. OCKE-00 5 . 17K-CC06 C .OOK+00 3. 68E-002 Lanthanides 0 . 00+000 5. 14E-006 C. CCKi-C00 2. 25E-002

                                - I-D Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E97-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition: __ Onginator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 Re.I Cerýium 0 .008+000 1.997--006 0.008+000 7 .65E-002 S- rontiumm 0O.008000 3.81E-005 o0.00E7+000 3. 76E-002 environment thyroid wbody CEDE EAB dose: 0 .008+000 3.31E+000 0 .00E+000 4 .308+0CC LPZ dose: o .008+/-000 8. 42 E- 00 1 0.008+/-+000 7.27E-001 STARDOSE 1.01 (c) 1996-2002 Polestar Applied Technology, Inc. Fri Nov 10 12:13:17 2006 Total elapsed hours: 0, mins: 2, secs: 52 Appendix E3.4: RESULTS.OUT File Case lAx (MSIV Leakage & Permanent Bypass) edit time 720.000000 Control R~oom tylirod wbody skin CEDF8 Total dose: 0. 007-+00OO 3 .178-001 0. 00E+000 6. 39E-001 Noble gas 0 . 008+000 3.118-001 0 . 00+000 2 .16E-001 Org iodine 0 . 008F+000 1318-004 0.008+000 1 .198-001 Elem iodine 0.008+000 6. 24E8-003 0.008+000 5 .378-002 Part iodine 0 .008+000 4 .35E-004 0.008-+000 1. 44E-001 Cesium 0. 007+000 4.568-005 0.008E+000 5.06E-002 Tellurium 0.008+000 1.178-005 0 . 008+000 9.27E-003 Barium 0.008E+000 8 .018-006 0 .008+000 1 .518-003 Noble metal 0 .008+000 1.328-006 0 . 008+000 9. 638-003 Lanthanides 0 . 008+000 1.778-006 0 . 008+000 5 .968-003 Cerium 0 . 008+000 5 .17E-007 0. 008+000 2 .01E-002 Stronra-num 0.008+000 8 .91E-006 0 .008E+000 9. 75E-003 environment thyroid wbody skin CEDE 8AB dose: 0.008+/-000 5.04E-001 0.008+000 3. 51E-001 LPZ dose: 0 . 008i000 2 .30E-001 0 .008+000 8 .19E-002 STAIRDOSE -1.01 (c) 1996-2002 Polestar Applied Technology, Inc. F-ri Nov 10 13:32:51 2006 Total elapsed hours: 0, mins: 2, secs: 37 Appendix E3.5: RESULTS.OUT File Case lMy (Temporary Bypass) edit time 720.000000 NP P-FtP NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E98.. (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 CluainN .Disposition - Revsio Originator/Date Reviewer/Date CluainN.Rvso H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D. Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 00 S Control Room thvroid wb odV CE303 Total dose: 0.-003+/-000 4.353-001 0 . 003+/-000 1.61E+0100 Noble gas 0.00E+000 4 .116E-001 0.00E+000 3.74E-001 Org iodine 0 .003+/-000 2 .03E-004 0.00E+000 6. 94E-002 Elem iodine 0 . 0OE000OC 1 .81E-002 0. 003+/-000 5.33E-001 Part iodine 0 . 003+000 1.28E-003 0 . 0OE00-OQ 3.62E-001 Cesium 0 . 00E+000 1 .11E-004 0 . 0OE03-OQ 1.23E-001 Tellurium 0 .003+000 3 .28E-005 0 .003+/-000 2.46E-002 Bariumm 0 . 003+000 1.- 973-005 0 .003+/-000 3.99E-003 Noble metal 0 . 003+/-000 3.61-W-006 0 .003+/-000 2.54E-002 Lanthanides 0. OOE+000 3. 16E-006 0. 0OE00-OD 1.55E-002 Ce rium 0 . OOE+000 1 .38E-006 0.003+/-+000 5.28E-002 Strontinum. 0 . 003+000 2.737--005 0.003E+000 2.61E-002 environment thyro id wbodv ski n CEDE3 EA-B dose: 0 . 00+000 2 .783E000 0 . 00+000 3. 74E+000 LPZ dose: 0 . 00+000 5.152E-001 0.003+000 4 .883E-001 STARDOSE 1.01 (c) 1996-2002 Polestar Applied Technology, inc. Fri Nov 10 13:49:21 2006 Total elapsed hours: 0, mins: 2, secs: 56 Appendix E3,6: RESULTS.OUT File Case lAz (Stack Release) edit time 720.000000 Control Room thyroid wo ody skin CED03 Total dose: 0 . 00+000 6. 733-002 0.003+000 6. 653-001 Noble gas 0 . 00+000 6. 663-002 0 .003+000 6. 57E-003 Org iodine 0.003+/-+000 6. 123-005 0 . 003+000 6 .02E-002 Elem iodine 0. 003+000 6.32E-004 0 . 003+/-000 5. 98E-001 Part iodine 0.003+/-+000 1 .00OE-009 0 . 003+000 7 .83E-007 Cesium 0 . 003+/-000 2 .73E-010 0. 003+000 3 .053D-007 Tellurium 0. 003+000 5.623-011 0.003+/-+000 6.053E-008 Barium 0 . 00+000 4.-98E-011 0 . 003+000 1.053-008 Noble metal 0 . 003000 7 .46E-012 0 . 003+000 6. 96E-008 Lanthanides 0 . 00+000 3 .59E-011 0 . 003+,000 4 .53E-008 Cerium 0.00E3+000 3. 263-012 0 . 003+000 1.45E-007 Strontinum 0. 003+000 2 .15E-011 0 . 003÷000 6 .30E-008 environment NEP-Dr(znR Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION: CONTINUATION SHEET Page E99 (Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 FacutinN.Disposition: ____io Originator/Date Reviewer/Date CluainN.Rvso H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 0092 0 Ref. thyroid wbody skin CEDE EAB dose: 0.00Ei-000 2.92E-002 O.OCE+/-000 2.09E-001 LPZ dose: 0.00E+000 5.97E-002 C.00E+000 1.58E-00l STARDOSE 1.01 (c) 1996-2002 Polestar Applied Technology, Inc. Fri Nov 10 13:53:13 2006 Total elapsed hours: 0, mins: 2, secs: 44 Appendix E3.: Data Extracted from RESULTS.OUT File Case IA-filter Activities on the Control Room Filter vs. Time Hours > 4.17E-01 6.67E-01 9.17E-01 1.17E+00 1.42E+00 1.67E+00 1.92E+00 2.03E+00 2.17E+00 2.42E+00 2.67E+00 Kr83n D.DD1E+0D D.DDE+DD .ODE+DD D.ODE+DD D.ODE+DD D.DDE+DD D.DDE+DD DDD0E+DD D.DDE+DD D.DDE+DD D.DDE-4'O Kr85m D.DDE+DD D.DDE+DD D.DDE+DD D.DDE+DD DCD0E+00 D.DDE+DD D.DDE+DD D.DDE+DD D.DDE+DD D.DDE+DD D.DDE+DD Kr85 D.DDE+DD D.DDE+0D D.DDE+OD D.DDE+DD O.ODE+DD0 ODOE+DD D.DDE+DD D.DDE+DD D.DDE+DD D.ODE+DD DDDOE+DD Kr87 D.ODE+DD DODOE+DD DODE+DD D.DDE+DD D.DDE+DD D.DDE+DD D.DE+DD D.DDE-+-D 0ODOE+D0OD.DDE+DD D.DDE+DD Kr88 D.ODE+0D D.DDE+DD D.DOE+DD D.DDE+DD D.CDE+DD D.ODE+DD0 D00E+0D 0.DDE+DD 0.DDE+DD D.DDE+DD D.DDE+OD Kr89 D.ODE+DD D.DDE+DD D.DDE+CD D.DDE+DD D.ODE+OD D.ODE+DD D.DDE+DD D.DDE+DD DDDE+00 D.DDE+DD 0.ODE+DD Xel 31 m D.DDE+DD D.ODE+DD DDDE+OD D.DOE+DD D.DDE+DD D.DDE+DD DDDOE+DD D.DDE+DD DDDE+DD D.DDE+OD D.DDE+DD Xel 33mn D.DDE+DD D.ODE+DD D.DDE+DD D.DDE+OD D.DE+DD D.ODE+DD D.DDE+DD 0.DDE+DD 0.DDE+0D DODOE+/-DD D.DDE+D Xel 33 2.95E-05 9.22E-05 2.20E-04 4.45E-D4 7.72E-04 1.2DE-03 1.73E-03 2.01 E-03 2+36E-03 3.07E-03 3.82E-03 Xel 35m D.DDE+DD DDDOE+DD D.DDE+DD D.DDE+DD 0.ODE+00OD DDE+DD D.DDE+DD D.DE+DD D.DDE+DD DDOE+DD D.DDE+DD Xe135 3.72E-04 1+14E-03 2.68E-03 5.32E-D3 9.05E-03 1.38E-02 1.96E-02 2.26E-02 2.63E-02 3.35E-02 4.1DOE-02 Xe137 DODOE+DD D.DDE+D &00DE+D0 D DOE+00 DDOOE+00 DODOE+00OD.DDE+DD D.DDE+DD DDDOE+DD D.DDE+DD D.DDE+DD Xe138 O.OOE-'-D D.DDE+D0OD.DDE+DD D.DE+00OD DDE+DD D.DDE+DD D.DDE+DD D.DOE-4-D 0.DDE+DD D.DOE+DO DDE+DD 1131lOrg 6.83E-04 1.67E-03 3+63E-D3 5.59E-03 7.76E-D3 1,05E-02 1.37E-02 1.54E-02 1.71 E-02 2-02E-02 2.34E-D2 11 320rg 8.73E-04 1.99E-03 4.DDE-D3 5.71 E-03 7.36E-03 9+22E-03 1.1 2E-02 1.22E-02 1.3DE-02 1.42E-02 1.53E-02 11 330rg 1.37E-03 3.34E-03 7 19E-03 1.1DOE-D2 1.51 E-02 2.D3E-02 2.64E-02 2.95E-02 3.26E-02 3.83E-02 4.39E-02 11 340rg 1.09E-D3 2.20E-D3 3.92E-D3 4.96E-D3 5,65E-03 6.26E-D3 6+74E-03 6.91 E-03 6.89E-03 6.69E-D3 6.35E-03 11 350rg 1.25E-D3 2.98E-D3 6.30E-03 9.46E-03 1.28E-D2 1+68E-02 2.15E-02 2.39E-02 2.61 E-02 3+02E-02 3.4DE-02 1131lElem 1.90E-02 4.45E-02 8.49E-D2 1.13E-0D1 1.36E-01 1.64E-01 1,97E-01 214E-01 2+25E-01 2.47E-01 2.67E-01 ll32E~em 2.43E-D2 5.28E-02 9.42E-02 1.18E-01 1.33E-01 1i51E-01 1.71E-01 1-81E-01 1.86E-01 1.93E-D1 1.99E-01 ll33EIem 3.83E-D2 8.87E-02 1,68E-D1 2.22E-D1 2.65E-D1 3.17E-D1 3.78E-01 4ý09E-D1 4.30E-01 4.66E-01 5.02E-01 1134EIem 3.D5E-D2 5 85E-D2 9.17E-02 l.ODE-0l 9.91 E-02 9.80E-02 9.66E-D2 9 57E-D2 9.D9E-02 8.16E-D2 7.26E-D2 Il35EIem 3.48E-02 7.92E-D2 I147E-D1 1.91E-0D1 2.24E-D1 2.64E-D1 3.D9E-01 3.31E-01 1.45E-01 3.68E-01 3.88E-01 1131lPart 1.62E-02 3.D4E-D2 6.41 E-02 1.02E-01 1.41 E-D1 1+80E-01 2.2DE-01 2.39E-01 2.59E-D1 2.83E-D1 2+96E-01 1132Part 2.07E-02 3.6DE-02 7-06E-D2 1.D4E-D1 1.34E-01 1.59E-01 1.80E-D1 1.89E-01 1.97E-01 1.99E-D1 1.94E-01 1133Part 1.25E-02 6.05E-02 1.27E-01 2.D01E-D 1 2+75E-01 3.49E-01 4.23E-D1 4.58E-01 4+94E-01 5.35E-01 5.56E-01 1134Part 2.59E-D2 3.99E-02 6.93E-02 9.D7E-02 1.D3E-01 1.08E-D1 1+08E-01 1,07E-01 1.D5E-01 9.35E-D2 8D04E-02 11l35Part 2.95E-02 5.40E-D2 1. 11E-01 1.73E-01 2.33E-D1 2.90E-01 3.46E-D1 3.71E-D1 3.96E-D1 4.21 E-01 4.30E-D1 Rb86 4.58E-D5 8+25E-05 1.59E-04 2.46E-04 3+34E-04 4.24E-D4 5.15E-04 5+58E-04 6D04E-04 6.57E-D4 6.88E-04 Csl 34 4,59E-D3 8.25E-03 1.60E-02 2.46E-02 3.35E-D2 4 25E-D2 5.16E-02 5.60E-02 6.06E-02 6.60E-D2 6.91 E-D2 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -El100 (Next _ _ Project:, Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition:__ O~gnaorDat Rviwer/Date Calculation No. 7Revision H.Pstla12/12106 DLeaver 12/121/06 H21C092 00 Ref. 0s136 1.43E-03 2.58E-03 4.98E-03 T69E-03 1.04E-02 1.32E-02 1.61 E-02 134E-02 1.89E-02 2.05E-02 2.15E-02 Csl 37 2.74E-03 4.93E-03 9.52E-03 1.47E-02 2.OOE-02 2.54E-02 3.08E-02 1.34E-02 3.61 E-02 3.94E-02 4.12E-02 Sb127 0.001E-00 1.45E-04 9.OOE-04 1.76E-03 2.63E-03 152E-03 4.41 E-03 4.84E-03 5.29E-03 5.81 E-03 6.1 OE-03 Sb129 O.DOE+OO 3.89E-04 2.32E-03 4.35E-03 6.27E-03 8.07E-03 9.75E-03 1.05E-02 1.12E-02 1. 19E-02 1.20E-02 Tel27m O.DOE+DD 1.97E-05 1.22E-04 2,39E-04 3.58E-04 4.79E-04 6.02E-04 6.61 E-04 7.23E-04 7.95E-04 8.36E-04 Te'127 O.DDE+DD 1-40E-04 8.57E-04 1.66E-03 2.47E-03 3.28E-03 4.09E-03 4.47E-03 4.88E-03 5.35E-03 5.63E-03 Tel29m 0 DDE+DD 6.31 E-05 3.91 E-04 7.65E-04 1.15E-03 1,54E-03 1.93E-03 2.12E-03 2.32E-03 2.55E-03 2.68E-03 Te129 D.DDE+OD 3.04E-04 1.78E-03 3.32E-03 4.79E-03 6.18E-03 7.51 E-03 8.11 E-03 8.79E-03 9.77E-03 1.04E-02 Tel3lm O.DDE+DD 1.90E-04 1.17E-03 2-28E-03 3.40E-03 4.52E-03 5.65E-03 6.18E-03 6.75E-03 7.38E-03 7.71 E-03 Te132 O.DDE+DD 1.86E-03 1,15E-02 2.24E-02 3.36E-02 4.49E-02 5.63E-02 6,17E-02 6.75E-02 74DE-02 7.77E-02 Bal37m 2.46E-03 4.61 E-03 8.89E-03 1.40E-02 1.93E-02 2.47E-02 3.02E-02 1.27E-02 3.59E-02 3.94E-02 4.12E-02 Ba139 D.ODE+00 6.84E-04 3.74E-03 6.45E-03 8.53E-03 1.01E-02 1.12E-02 1.15E-02 1.18E-02 1.15E-02 1.06E-02 Bal14O O.DOE+OD 9.21 E-04 5.71 E-03 1.12E-02 1.67E-02 2-24E-02 2.81 E-02 3.08E-02 3.37E-02 3.71 E-02 1.90E-02 Mo99 D.DDE+0D 1.25E-04 7.74E-04 1.51 E-03 2.26E-03 10D2E-03 3.79E-03 4.1SE-03 4.53E-03 4.97E-03 5.21 E-03 Tc99m O.0DE+00 1.03E-04 6.33E-04 1.22E-03 1.82E-03 2.41 E-03 3.DOE-03 3,28E-03 3.57E-03 3.94E-03 4.16E-03 Ru1D3 O.D0E+00 1 05E-04 6.53E-04 1.28E-03 1.92E-03 2.57E-03 3.23E-03 3.54E-03 3.87E-03 4.26E-03 4.48E-03 Ru1D5 ODDOE+CD 6.67E-05 3,98E-04 7.48E-04 1.08E-03 1.39E-03 1.68E-03 1.81 E-03 1.94E-03 2.05E-03 2.07E-03 Ru1D6 O.OOE+OD 4.33E-05 2.68E-04 5.25E-04 7.87E-04 1.05E-03 1.33E-03 1 451E-03 1.59E-03 1-75E-03 1.84E-03 RhlO5 D.DDE+0D 6.90E-05 4.27E-04 8.32E-04 1.25E-03 1.66E-03 2.08E-03 2.28E-03 2.49E-03 2.74E-03 2.87E-03 Y90 D.DOE+DD 6.68E-07 4.60E-06 9.97E-06 1.64E-05 2.40E-05 3.27E-05 3.72E-05 4.26E-05 5.21 E-05 6.11 E-05 Y91 DDOOE+OD 6.11 E-06 3.80E-05 7.48E-05 1.13E-04 1.52E-04 1,92E-04 2.11E-04 2.32E-04 2.57E-04 2.72E-04 Y92 D.DOE+DD 14A4E-05 1.57E-04 4.35E-04 8.26E-04 1,31 E-03 1.88E-03 2.16E-03 2.51 E-03 3.20E-03 3.84E-03 Y93 D.OOE+DD 7.24E-06 4.41 E-05 8.48E-05 1.25E-04 1.65E-04 2.03E-04 2.21 E-04 2.40E-04 2.60E-04 2.68E-04 Zr95 O.DOE+0D 853E-06 5.29E-05 I.03E-04 1.55E-04 2.08E-04 2.61 E-04 2.87E-04 3.14E-04 3.45E-04 3.63E-04 Zr97 O.DOE+0D 8.40E-06 5,15E-05 9.98E-05 1.48E-04 1.96E-04 2.44E-04 2.67E-04 2.90E-04 3.16E-04 3.29E-04 Nb95 D.DDE+00 8.57E-06 5.31 E-05 1ý04E-04 1.56E-04 2.09E-04 2.62E-04 2.88E-04 3.15E-04 3.46E-04 3.64E-04 Lal4D 0.DO1E+00D1.09E-05 7.87E-05 1i77E-04 3.OOE-04 4.50E-04 6.25E-04 7.16E-04 8.28E-04 1.03E-03 1.24E-03 Lal4l D.DDbE+DD 7.57E-06 4.49E-05 8.41 E-05 1.21 E-04 1,55E-04 1.86E-04 2.ODE-04 2,14E-04 2-25E-04 2.26E-04 La142 D.DCE+CD 6.08E-06 3.37E-05 5.89E-05 7.89E-05 9.45E-05 1.06E-04 1.1IE-04 1.14E-04 1 12E-04 1.05E-04 Pr143 O.ODE+DD 7.59E-06 4.71 E-05 9.21 E-05 1.38E-04 1.85E-04 2.33E-04 2.55E-04 2.79E-04 3-07E-04 3.23E-04 Nd147 O.OOE-+0O3.44E-06 2.13E-05 4.16E-05 6.24E-05 8.36E-05 1.05E-04 1.15E-04 1.26E-04 1.38E-04 1.45E-04 Am241 O.OOE+OD 1.43E-09 8.87E-09 1.74E-08 2.60E-08 3.49E-08 4.38E-08 4.81 E-08 5.26E-08 5.79E-08 6.09E-08 Cm242 D.DDE+DO 3.54E-07 2.19E-06 4 29E-06 6.44E-06 8.62E-06 1.08E-05 1. 19E-05 1.30E-05 1+43E-05 1.50E-05 Dm244 D.DOE+DD 2.35E-08 1.46E-07 2 8E-07 4.28E-07 5.73E-07 7.21 E-07 7.91 E-07 8.66E-07 9.52E-07 1.DDE-06 Cel14l O.DDE+DD 2.17E-05 1.35E-04 2-63E-04 3.95E-04 5.28E-04 6.64E-04 7.29E-04 7.97E-04 8.77E-04 9.22E-04 Ce143 D.DDE+DD 1.97E-05 1.21 E-04 236E-04 3.53E-04 4.70E-04 5.87E-04 6.43E-04 7.02E-04 7.68E-04 8.03E-04 ce'144 O.OOE+DD 1.80E-05 1.11E-04 2.18E-04 3.27E-04 4.38E-04 5.50E-04 6.04E-04 6+61 E-04 727E-04 7+64E-04 Np239 O.ODE+DD 2.78E-04 1,72E-03 3.36E-03 5.02E-03 6.70E-03 8+40E-03 9.20E-03 1.01 E-02 1.1 OE-02 1.16E-02 Pu238 D.DOE+DD 7.D4E-08 4+37E-07 8.54E-07 1.28E-06 1+72E-06 2.16E-06 2,37E-06 2.59E-06 2.85E-06 3.D0E-06 Pu239 O.ODE+00 6+51E-09 4.04E-08 7.89E-08 1.18E-07 1.59E-07 1.99E-07 2.19E-07 2.39E-07 2.63E-07 2.77E-07 Pu240 D.ODE+OD 9.18E-09 5.69E-08 1.I11E-07 1.67E-07 2+24E-07 2.81 E-07 3.09E-07 3.38E-07 3.71 E-07 3.90E-07 Pu241 D.ODE+OD 2+67E-06 1.65E-05 3.23E-05 4.85E-05 6.50E-05 8.17E-05 8+96E-05 9.81 E-05 1+08E-04 1. 13E-04 SrS89 O.DDE+DD 4.79E-04 2+97E-03 5.81 E-03 8.72E-03 1.17E-02 1.47E-02 1.61 E-02 1.76E-02 1.94E-02 2.04E-02 SrYD O.DDE+OD 6.15E-05 3+81 E-04 7.45E-04 1.12E-03 1+50E-03 1.88E-03 2.07E-03 2.26E-03 2.49E-03 2.61 E-03 Sr91 O.DDE+OD 5.78E-04 3.52E-03 6.76E-03 9.96E-03 1+31 E-02 1.62E-02 1.76E-02 1+90E-02 2.06E-02 2.12E-02 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -E1 01 (Next Project:, Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit:- 1 Disposition : _ Originator/Date Reviewer/Gate Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D. Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 00 Ref. Sr92 0.OOE+O0 5.58E-04 3.25E-03 5.96E-03 8.38E-03 1.05E-02 1.248-02 1.32E-02 1.40E-02 1.44E-02 1.42E-02 Hours > 2.92E+00 3.17E+00 3.67E+00 4.17E+00 6.008+00 8.03E+00 2.40E+01 4.80E+01 9.60E+01 2.40E+02 7.208+02 Kr83m 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0 00+00 0.008+00 0.008+00 0.OOE+00 0.008+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.008+00 Kr85m 0.008+00 0.OOE+00 0008E+00 0008E+00 0 OE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0 OE+00 0.0011+00 Kr85 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.008+00 0.0+0.OOE+00 0.008+00

                                                                                            .OE       0.008M+00      0.OOE+00    0.OOE+00     0.008+00 Kr87      0.OE008    0 OOO+00   .OOE+00 0        .OOE+00 0       .OOE+00
0. OOE+00
0. OOE+00 0 .OOE+00 0.00E+00 0 E+00 0 _OO .OOE+000080 Kr88 0.008+00 0OOE+00 0OOE+00 0.008+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.008+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.008+00 Kr89 0.008+00 0 008+00 0.OOE+00 0_00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.008+00 0.OOE+00 0.008+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.0081+00 Xel3lm 0 08+0 000+00 0.OOE+00 0.001E+00 0.OOE+00 0_008+00 0.008+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 OOE+00 0

O.O+0 .008+00 Xel33m 0.008+00 0.008+00 0.001E+00 0.001E+00 0.OOE+00 0.008+00 0.008+00 0.OOE+00 0.008+00 0.008+00 0.008+00 Xe133 4.58E-03 5.35E-03 6.888-03 8.41 E-03 1.39E-02 1.97E-02 5.20E-02 7.158-02 7.04E-02 3.43E-02 2+44E-03 Xel35m 0.008+00 0.008+00 0.008+00 0.008+00 0.008+00 0.008E+00 0.008+00 0.008+00 0.008+00 0.008+00 0.008+00 Xe135 4.838-02 5.548-02 6.888-02 8.118E-02 1.188-01 1.44E-01 1.228-01 3.068-02 1.008-03 1.818-08 2.238-24 Xe137 0.008+00 0.008+00 0.008E+00 0.008+00 0.008+00 0.008+00 0.008+00 0.008E+00 0.008E+00 0.008+00 0.008+00 Xe138 0.008+00 0.008+00 0.008E+00 &0.008+00 0.008+00 0.008+00 0.008+00 0.008+00 0.008+00 0.008+00 0.008+00 1131 Org 2.518E-02 2,698-02 3.048-02 3.408-02 4.588-02 5.018E-02 6.348-02 7.178-02 8.298-02 7.898-02 2.758-02 11 320rg 1.528-02 1.+518E-02 1.488-02 1.428-02 1.118E-02 6.638-03 7.238-05 6.458-08 4.648-14 1.078-32 3.218E-95 11 330rg 4.688-02 4.978-02 5.548-02 6.108E-02 7.79E-02 8.02E-02 6.318E-02 3.508-02 9.708-03 1.278-04 2.80E-1 1 11 340rg 5.618E-03 4.928-03 3.768-03 2.838-03 8.998-04 1.988-04 8.558-10 5.868-18 2.508-34 1.188-83 0.008+00 11l350rg 3.568-02 3.718E-02 3.99E-02 4.248-02 4.758-02 4.238-02 1.06E-02 1.ý068-03 9.568-06 4.298-12 1.238-33 1131lElem 2.788-01 2.898-01 3.118E-01 3.328-01 3.638-01 3.638-01 3.938-01 4.518E-0 1 5.34E-01 4.848-01 1.418E-01 11 32EIem 1.978-01 1.958-01 1.918E-01 1.858-01 1.518E-01 1.218E-01 7.508-02 6.048-02 3.958-02 1.108E-02 1.578-04 I1133E1em 5.188-01 5.358-01 5.668-01 5.968-01 6.168-01 5.818E-0 1 3.918E-0 1 2.208-01 6.238-02 7.808-04 1.438-1 0 1134E1em 6.208-02 5.298-02 3.848-02 2.768-02 7.118E-03 1.448-03 5.298-09 3.688-1 7 1.ý608-33 7.168-83 0.008+00 1l35EIem 3.948-01 3.998-01 4.088-01 4.158-01 3.768-01 3.078-01 6.598-02 6.678-03 6.148-05 2.628-1 1 6.218E-33 1131lPart 3.018E-01 3.048-01 3.098-01 31138-01 3.218E-01 3.248-01 3.098-01 2.838-01 2.388-01 1.428-01 2.53E-02 11l32Part 1.82E-01 1.718E-01 1.508-01 1.318E-01 7.788-02 4.298-02 3.528-04 2.558-07 1.338-1 3 1.918E-32 2.938-95 11l33Part 5.608-01 5.638-01 5.648-01 5.628-01 5.468-01 5.198-01 3.078-01 1.388-01 2.798-02 2.298-04 2.588-1 1 11l34Part 6.718E-02 5.578-02 3.828-02 2.618E-02 6.308-03 1.288-03 4.168-09 2.318E-1 7 7.15E-34 2.118E-83 0.008+00 11l3SPart 4.268-01 4.208-01 4.068-01 3.918E-01 3.33E-01 2.74E-01 5.18E-02 4.20E-03 2.758-05 7.728-12 1.128-33 Rb86 6.99E-04 7.088-04 7.208-04 7.308-04 7.518E-04 7.628-04 7.49E-04 7.228-04 6.708-04 5.368-04 2.558-04 cs1 34 7.028-02 7.118-02 7.248-02 7.348-02 7.578-02 7.718E-02 7.778-02 7.768-02 7.758-02 7.718E-02 7.578-02 cs136 2.188-02 2.218E-02 2.258-02 2.288-02 2.348-02 2.378-02 2.318E-02 2.19E-02 1.ý978-02 1.438-02 4.988-03 Cs137 4.198-02 4.24E-02 4.328-02 4.388-02 4.528-02 4.608-02 4.648-02 4.648-02 4.648-02 4.648-02 4.638-02 Sb127 6.198-03 6.268-03 6.368-03 6.428-03 6.538-03 6.558-03 5.868-03 4.898-03 3.428-03 1. 168-03 3.198-05 Sb1 29 1.1 78-02 1.148-02 1.078-02 1.008-02 7.728-03 5.678-03 4.408-04 9.338-06 4.208-09 3.828-1 9 1.298-52 Tel27m 8.518-04 8.628-04 8.788-04 8.908-04 9.188-04 9.348-04 9.378-04 9.318E-04 9.208-04 8.858-04 7.808-04 Te127 5.738-03 5.828-03 5.948-03 6.048-03 6.278-03 6.428-03 6.258-03 5.408-03 3.808-03 1.298-03 3.558-05 Tel29m 2.738-03 2.768-03 2.818E-03 2.858-03 2.948-03 2.988-03 2.978-03 2.918E-03 2.798-03 2.468-03 1.638-03 Te129 1.088-02 1.108-02 1.128E-02 1.118E-02 9.658-03 7.488-03 6.028-04 1.288-05 5.748-09 5.228-19 1.778-52 Tel3lm 7.808-03 7.868-03 7.928-03 7938-03 7.84E-03 7.628-03 5.318E-03 3,058-03 1.018E-03 3618E-05 5.48E-10 Tel132 7.89E-02 7.978-02 8.098-02 8.168-02 8.29E-02 8.298-02 7.258-02 5.868-02 3.838-02 1.078-02 1.538-04 Ba137m 4.198-02 4.248-02 4.32E-02 4.388-02 4.528-02 4.608-02 4.648-02 4.648-02 4.64E-02 4.64E-02 4.63E-02 Ba`139 9.52E-03 8.518-03 6.748-03 5.318E-03 2.178-03 7.958-04 2.568-07 1.438-12 4.468-23 1.358-54 0.008+00 Bal4O 3.968-02 4.018E-02 4.098-02 4.148-02 4.258-02 4.318E-02 4.198-02 3.978-02 3.568-02 2ý578-02 8.648-03 NEP-0~q-C)R Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E 102 (Next - Project:, Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition: ____iio Onginator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Rvso H.P, suk 2/2'6 D. Leaver 12/12/06 H210C092 00 Ref. M099 5.29E-03 5 35E-03 5A42-03 5,47E-03 5 53E-03 5.51 E-03 4.70E-03 165E-03 2.20E-03 4.85E-04 3.12E-06 Tc99m 4 26E-03 4.34E-03 4.48E-03 4.59E-03 4.90E-03 5.11 E-03 5 02E-03 4.01 E-03 2.43E-03 5.34E-04 3,44E-06 RulOD 4ý55E03 4.61 E-03 4.70E-03 4.76E-03 4.91 E-03 4,99E-03 4 97E-03 4.88E-03 4.71 E-03 4.24E-03 2.98E-03 RuiCS5 2.03E-03 1.98E-03 1ý86E-03 1.75E-03 1.35E-03 1.00E-03 8,35E-05 1.96E-06 1,09E-09 1.84E-19 4.95E-52 RulOS 1.87E-03 1.90E-03 1,93E-03 1.96E-03 2.02E-03 2.06E-03 2.07E-03 2,07E-03 2.06E-03 2.04E-03 1.96E-03 RhiOS 2.92E-03 2,95E-03 3.OOE-03 3.03E-03 3.07E-03 3.05E-03 2.34E-03 1,47E-03 5.73E-04 3.40E-05 2.76E-09 Y90 6.91 E-05 7,70E-05 9.27E-05 1.08E-04 1.66E-04 2.29E-04 6.63E-04 1.19E-03 1.90E-03 2.73E-03 2.94E-03 Y91 2.80E-04 2 8E-04 2.96E-04 3.06E-04 3.33E-04 3.56E-04 430E-04 4.53E-04 4.48E-04 4.1 8E-04 330E-04 Y92 4.37E-03 4,85E-03 5 62E-03 6.19E-03 6.99E-03 6,49E-03 6.46E-04 7,44E-06 6.53E-1 0 3.71 E-22 5ý55E-63 Y93 2.68E-04 2.67E-04 2 63E-04 2.58E-04 2.34E-04 2.08E-04 5.98E-05 1.34E-05 4.94E-07 2.47E-1 1 1.15E-25 Zr95 3.69E-04 3.74E-04 3.81 E-04 3.86E-04 1.98E-04 4.05E-04 4.05E-04 4.01 E-04 3.92E-04 3.67E-04 2.96E-04 Zr97 3.31 E-04 3,32E-04 3.32E-04 3.29E-04 3.15E-04 2.95E-04 1.55E-04 577E-05 8.05E-06 2.18E-08 6,08E-17 Nb95 3.70E-04 175E-04 3.83E-04 3.88E-04 4.OOE-04 4.07E-04 4.11 E-04 4.1 OE-04 4. 1OE-04 4.06E-04 3.81 E-04 Lal4O 1.42E-03 1 60E-03 I .97E-03 2.33E-03 3.65E-03 5.07E-03 1.41 E-02 2 31 E-02 3.11 E-02 2.87E-02 9ý95E-03 Lal4l 2.20E-04 2.14E-04 1.99E-04 1.85E-04 1.38E-04 9-82E-05 5.92E-06 8,59E-08 1.81 E-1 1 1.68E-22 2.83E-59 La142 9.56E-05 8.65E-05 7.04E-05 5.70E-05 2.58E-05 1.05E-05 8.03E-09 1.64E-1 3 6.82E-23 4-91 E-51 0.OOE+00 Pr143 3.29E-04 3.34E-04 3+41 E-04 3.46E-04 3.59E-04 3.67E-04 3.81 E-04 1.84E-04 3.68E-04 2.81 E-04 1+01E-04 Nd147 14A8E-04 1.50E-04 1.52E-04 1.54E-04 1 58E-04 1+60E-04 1.55E-04 1+46E-04 1.28E-04 8.78E-05 2-48E-05 Amn241 6,19E-08 6 27E-08 6.40E-08 6.48E-08 6.69E-08 6.81 E-08 6.86E-08 6,86E-08 6.86E-08 6.86E-08 6,86E-08 Cm242 1.53E-05 1 55E-05 1ý58E-05 1ý60E-05 1ý65E-05 1 .68E-05 1,.69E-05 1 .68E-05 1.67E-05 1.63E-05 1 49E-05 Cm244 1.02E-06 1 03E-06 1.05E-06 1.07E-06 1.i1CE-06 1.12E-06 1.13E-06 1.13E-06 1.13E-06 1.13E-06 1.13E-06 Cel4l 9.37E-04 9.50E-04 M.71E-04 9.80E-04 1.01 E-03 1,03E-03 1:02E-03 9,99E-04 9ý57E-04 8.42E-04 5.50E-04 ce-143 813E-04 8, 19E-04 &.26E-04 8.29E-04 8.22E-04 8.02E-04 5.78E-04 3150E-04 1.28E-04 6.22E-06 2.62E-10 Ce144 7.77E-04 7.SE-04 8.03E-04 8.14E-04 8.39E-04 8.54E-04 8.60E-04 8.58E-04 8.53E-04 8.41 E-04 8. 01 E-04 Np239 1.17E-02 1.18E-02 1 20E-02 1+21E-02 1.22E-02 1.21 E-02 1 OOE-02 7.47E-03 4.14E-03 7.07E-04 1.95E-06 Pu238 3.05E-06 3.09E-06 3.15E-06 3,19E-06 3.29E-06 3.35E-06 3,38E-06 3.38E-06 3.38E-06 3.38E-06 138E-06 Pu239 2.82E-07 2.85E-07 2.91 E-07 2.95E-07 3.04E-07 3. 1OE-07 3.12E-07 3,12E-07 3.12E-07 3112E-07 3.12E-07 Pu24O 3.97E-07 4.02E-07 4.1 OE-07 4.16E-07 4.29E-0J7 4.37E-07 4A40E-07 4.40E-07 4.40E-07 4.40E-07 4.40E-07 Pu241 1.15E-04 1,17E-04 1.19E-04 1.21 E-04 1.25E-04 1.27E-04 1.28E-04 1.28E-04 1.28E-04 1 28E-04 1.27E-04 Sr89 2.07E-02 2.1OE-02 2.14E-02 2.17E-02 223E-02 2.27E-02 2 27E-02 2.24E-02 2.18E-02 2.OOE-02 1+52E-02 S rSo 2.66E-03 2.69E-03 2375E-03 2.78E-03 2.87E-03 2.92E-03 2.95E-03 2.95E-03 2.95E-03 2-95E-03 2.94E-03 Sr9l 2.12E-02 2.11 E-02 2.07E-02 2.03E-02 1.83E-02 1.61 E-02 5.04E-03 8.72E-04 2.61 E-05 7,03E-1 0 4.1 OE-25 S r92 1.36E-02 1.29E-02 1.16E-02 1.03E-02 6.67E-03 4.04E-03 6.88E-05 1 495E-07 7.OOE-1 3 7.25E-29 3 78E-82 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -El03 (Next ___ Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition- __ OriginatorlDate Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision 1H. Pustulka 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 0 ýef. Appendix E4: INPUT.DAT File for Case 2A (No Core Spray, Division Electrical Failure) edit time 00.417 0.67 0.917 1.167 1.417 1.667 1.917 2.033 2.167 2.417 2.667 2.917 3.16713.667 4.167 68.033 24 4896 240 720 end-edit-time participating-isotopes Kr83m Kr-85m Kr85 Kr-87 Kr88 Kr-89 Xel3lm Xel33m Xe133 Xel35m Xe135 Xe137 Xe138 l131lOrg 1131 Elem 1131 Part 11 320rg 11l32Elem 11l32Part 11330rg ll33Elem l1l33Part 11340rg ll34Elem 11l34Part 11350rg t1l35Elemn t135Part Rb86 cs134 Cs136 Cs137 Sb127 Sb129 Tel27m Te127 Tel29m Te129 Tel3lm Te132 8a137m Ba139 Ba140 Mo99 Tc99m RulO3 RulO05 RulO6 RhiOS Y90 Y91 Y92 Y93 Zr-95Zr97 Nb95 Lal14O LalW La142 Pr143 Nd147 Am241 Cm242 Cm244 Cel4l Ce'143 Ce144 Np239 Pu238 Pu239 Pu240 Pu241 Sr89 Sr9O Sr9l Sr92 end~participating-isotopes core thermal-power 1887 elemen tal-iod ine-frao 0,0485 organic-iodine -frac 0.0015 particulate - odine-frac 0.95 release-frac to-control -volume DW Time N_-Gas I_Grp csGrp TeGrp BaGrp NMtls CeGrp LaGrp SrGrp 0033 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,533 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 2.033 0,633 0.167 0.133 0.033 0.0133 01.001 67 0.00033 0.00013 0.0133 720 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 end to control volume to control volume SP Time NGas I_Grp CsGrp TeGrp BaGrp NMtls CeGrp LaGrp SrGrp 0.033 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.533 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.033 0 0.334 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 720 0 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 end to control volume end release-frac end-core control volume obi-type OBJ CV name DVV air volume 1.8e+005 water volume 0 surface-area has recirc tilter false removal-rate-to-surface ____ Lz-n Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -El104. (Next F Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station riginator/Date HI Putla1/20 Reviewer/Date D. Leaver 12/12/06 Unit: 1 Calculation No. H21 C092 Disposition- __ Revision 00 Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Rartlodine Solubles insolubles 0.0642 0.0000 20.000 0.000 44.454 44.454 44.454 0.5292 0.0000 18.932 0.000 18.932 18.932 18.932 0.5554 0.0000 20.000 0.000 27.189 27.189 27.189 0.9324 0.0000 19.258 0.000 19.258 19.258 19.258 2.01 88 0,0000 16.487 0,000 16.487 16.487 16.487 3,2333 0,0000 4,427 0.000 4.427 4.427 4.427 4.8293 0.0000 2.718 0.000 2.718 2.718 2.718 15.8029 0.0000 1.950 0.00 1.950 1.950 1,950 720.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 end removal rate to surface frac 4-daughter-jesuspjfrom -surface Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 0 end frac-4 daughterjresuspjrom-surface end-control-volume control volume obj-type OBJCV name WW air volume 1.2e--005 water volume 7.97e--004 surface_area 0 has-recirc-filter false removal -rate_to_waterpool Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0 0 0 0 0 0 end -removal-rate-to-waterpool frac-4-daughter-resusp-from -water Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0 0 0 0 0 0 endjfrac-4 aughterjresusp-from-water decontamination factor Time NobleGas Elemlodine OrglodineF Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 1 1 11 end decontamination -factor end control-volume control volume obj-type O8J cv name SLI air-volume 82.4 water volume 0 surface-area 0 has-recirc-filter false removal-rate-to-surface Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 0H436 0.0000 0.000 0.000 1.387 1.387 1.387 0.2928 0.0000 0.000 0.000 1.273 1273 1,273 0.5587 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.884 0.884 0.884 1.0113 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.812 0.812 03812 1.9565 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.908 0.908 0.908 3.9920 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.816 0.816 0.816 5,9502 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.604 0.604 0.604

19. 1058 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.380 0.380 0.380 720.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION. CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E 105 (Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition- __ Originator/Date 1 Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision IH. Pustulka 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 100 end -removal rate to surface frac.A-d aug hter-resus p~fro m surface Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 0 endj-rac -4 daughter-,esusp-jrom-surface end control volume control volume obj-type OBJCV name SL2 air volume 82.4 water volume 0 surface-area 0 has recirc -filter false rem oval-rate-to-su rface Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 0,0436 0.0000 0.000 0.000 1.387 1.387 1.387 0.2928 0.0000 0.000 0.000 1.273 1.273 1.273 0.5587 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.884 0.884 0.884 1.0113 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.812 0.812 0.812 1.9565 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.908 0.908 0.908 3.9920 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.816 0.816 0.816 5.9502 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.604 0.604 0.604 19.1058 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.380 0.380 0.380 720.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 end -removal-rate-to-surface frac-4daughter -resusp-from-surface Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 0 endi-rac: aughter-resusp-from-surface end control volume control volume obij-ype OBJCV name RB air volume 1.06e-.006 water-volume 0 surface-area 0 has recirc -filter false end control volume control volumne obj-type OBJ CV name RB' air volume 100 water volume 0 surface-area 0 has -recirc-filter false end-control-volume control-volume objjtype 08JCV name SID air volume 7.97e-,004 water-volume 0 surface-area 0 NEP-DP-,-nA Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E 106 (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition: __ Onginator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision D.Leaver 12/12/06 J K H.Pustuika 12/12106 1H21 C092 700 has recirc filter false end-control-volume control volume obij-ype OBJ_CR name ControlRoom air-volume 1.35e-+005 water volu me 0 surface_area 0 has-recirc-filter false oreathing-rate Time (hr) Value (cms) 720 0.00035 end-breathing-rate occupancy f actor Time (hr) Value (frac) 24 96 720 0.4 end-occu pancyjfactor end control volume junction junction-type AIRJUNCTlON down stream-location AIRSPACE upstream CORE downstream OWV has-filter false flow-rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 720 end flow rate end-junction junction junctionjtype AIRJUNCTION downstream location AIRSPACE upstream CORE downstream sP has-filter false flow-rate Time (hr) Value (cfM) 720 end-flow-rate end-junction junction junction type AIRJUNCTION down stream-locati on WATERPOOL upstream DW downstream WW has-filter false flow-rate Time (hr) Value (cfM) 2.033 0 NE P-D ES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -El107 (Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D. Leaver 12/12/06 H21C0092 100

Ref, 720 1.8e5 end-flow-rate end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-location AIRSPACE upstream ww downstream DW has filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (of m) 2.033 0 720 1.8e5 end_flow-rate end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-location AIRS PACE upstream DWV downstream SLI has filter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 0.033333333 0,342 0.055555556 0.26484123 0.069444444 0.25210074 0.111111111 0.250035166 0.166666667 0.254123074 0.25 0.26484123 0.319444444 0.2786791 55 0.5 0.290714629 0.533333333 0.310810764 0.583333333 0.286088981 0.833333333 0.26484123 2.033333333 0,257402003 2,777777778 0.254787866 16.66666667 0,25210074 27.77777778 0,229167164 96 0.22016269 277.7777778 0.22016269 480.5555556 0.258682837 720 0.278679155 end flow rate filter -efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0 0.5 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 end-filter -efficiency frac-4daughter-resusp Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 0 end-frac-4-daughter-resusp end-junction junction NnPr~~nR NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -E108 (Next ) Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition- __ Cnginator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D. Leaver 12/12/06 IH210C092 700 ref. junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream-location AlERSPACE upstream St-i downstream environ ment has filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfrn) 0.033333333 0.398 0,055555556 0,308207045 0069444444 0.293380394 0.111111111 0.290976596 0.166666667 0.29573387 0.25 0.308207045 0.319444444 0.324310829 0.5 0.338317024 0.533333333 0.361703755 0.583333333 0.332933961 0.833333333 0.308207045 2.033333333 0.299549699 2.777777778 0.296507517 16.66666667 0.293380394 27.77777778 0.266691611 96 0.256212721 277,7777778 0.25621 2721 480.5555556 0.301040261 720 0.324310829 end flow rate X overQ_4_ctrl room Time (hr) Value (s/rn*3) 0.667 5.85e-4 2.667 1.03e-3 8.033 5.85e-4 24 2.07e-4 96 1.75e-4 720 1.52e-4 end_-X -overQ_4_otrl-room X-over_0_-4_site-boundary Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 0 2,667 1.90e-4 720 0 end_-X -over_0_-4_-site -boundary X-over_0_-4_low-population-zone lime (hr) Value (s/m*3) 8.033 1.63e-5 24 1.l1Oe-5 96 4.67e-6 720 1.37e-6 end_-X -over_-Q_4_low..population_zone end-.junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream location AIRSPACE upstream DW downstream SL-2 NEP-DFQ-n;t Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E 109 (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 Disposition: __ CriginatorI~ate Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 has filter true flow rate Time (hr) V/alue (cfm) 0.033333333 0.342 0.0555555506 0.26484123 0.069444444 0.25210074 0.111111111 0.250035166 0.166666667 0.254123074 0.25 0.26484123 0,31 9444444 0.273619155 0.5 0.290714629 0.533333333 0.31081 0764 0.583333333 0.286088981 0.833333333 0.26484123 2.033333333 0.257402003 2.777777778 0.254787866 16.66666667 0.25210074 27,77777778 0.229167164 96 0,22016269 277.7777778 0.22016269 480.5555556 0.258682837 720 0.278679155 end flow rate filter -efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodline Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0 0.5 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 end -filter -efficiency frac daughter- esusp Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodline Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 0 end -frac -4 daughterjresusp end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-location AllRSPACE upstream SIL2 downstream environment has filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 0.033333333 0.398 0.055555556 0.308207045 0.069444444 0.293380394 0.111111111 0.290976596 0.166666667 0.29573387 0.25 0.308207045 0.319444444 0.32431 0829 0.5 0.33831 7024 0.533333333 0.361703755 0.583333333 0.332933961 0.833333333 0.308207045 2.033333333 0.299549699 2.777777778 0.296507517 16.66666667 0.293380394 27.77777778 0.266691611 NRP-OF~-O~ Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -El 110-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition- __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 00 Re-f 96 0,256212721 277 7777778 0,25621 2721 480.5555556 0.301040261 720 0.324310829 end flow_ rate X overQ_4_ctrl room Time (hr) V/alue (s/m*3) 0.667 5.85e-4 2,667 1.03e-3 8.033 5.85e-4 24 2.07e-4 96 1.75e-4 720 1.52e-4 end_-X -over_0_4_otrl-room X -over_-Q_-4_site-boundary Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 0 2.667 1.90e-4 720 0 end_-X -over_0_4_siteDoundar ry X -over_0_-4_low-population-z one Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 8.033 1.63e-5 24 1.10e-5 96 4.67e-6 720 1.37e-6 end_-X -over_0Q4-low-populati on-zone end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream-location AlRSPACE upstream Dw downstream environ ment has filter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (ofm) 0.033333333 2.159 0.55555556 1.671907063 0.069444444 1.591478064 0.111111111 1.57843837 0.166666667 1.604244789 0.25 1.671907063 0.319444444 1.75926402 0.5 1.83524235 0.533333333 1.962106548 0.583333333 1.80604126 0,833333333 1.671907063 2.033333333 1.624944224 2.777777778 1.60844153 61.591478064 16.66666667 0.209346813 27.77777778 0.190302557 96 0.182825158 277.7777778 0.182825158 480.5555556 0.21 4612648 NFP-DESI-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION. SHEET Page-E1 11 (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition.-__ SLOrigfnator/Date evewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.PUStulka 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 Ref.I 720 0.231417777 end flow rate filter -efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 60 0.066 0 &.066 0.066 0.066 720 0 0.5 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 end -filter -efficiency frac-4daughter -resusp Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles; 720 1 0 0 0 0 0 end -frac daughter-resusp X overQ_4_ctrl room Time (hr) Value (sIm*3) 0.667 3.04e-4 2,667 5.54e-4 6 3.04e-4 8.033 5.85e-4 24 2.07e-4 96 1.75e-4 720 1.52e-4 endX -over_0_4_otrl-room X over_0_4_site-boundary Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 0 2.667 1.90e-4 720 0 endX over_0_-4_-site -boundary X-over - &4_ow-poPulation~zone Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 8,033 1.63e-5 24 1.1 e-5 96 4.67e-6 720 1.37e-6 end_-X -over_0. .4_Iow-population-zone end-ju notion junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream-location All RSPACE upstreamW downstream environment has-filter fal~ flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfiMn) 0.033333333 1.25 0&055555556 0.967986952 0.069444444 0.921420834 0.111111111 0.913871219 0.166666667 0.928812407 0.25 0.967986952 0.319444444 1.018564161 0.5 1.062553468 0.533333333 1.136004254 0.583333333 1.045646862 0.833333333 0.967986952 2.033333333 0.940796795 NRP-F~-flR NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E1 12 (Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition:-__ Oniginator/Date, Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustuika 12/12/06 D. Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 00 Ref. 2.777777778 0.931 242201 60.921420834 720 end flow rate X-overO04-ctrl room Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 2.61 e-4 2.667 4.82e-4 8.033 2.61 e-4 24 9.25e-5 96 6.7e-5 720 4.93e-5 endX overQ_4_ctrl room X-over_-Q-4_-site -boundary Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 0 2.667 1.90e-4 720 0 end_-X -over_0_-4 -site -boundary X -over_0_-4_low-population-zone Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 8.033 1.63e-5 24 1,10e-5 96 4.67e-6 720 1.37e-6 end_-X -o ver_Q_-4l1ow-populIation _z one end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream-location AIR- SPACE upstream SP downstream RB' has filter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (cf m) 6 2.67 720 0 end flow rate filter -efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodline Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0.5 0.0 0.0 1.0 0 0 end -filter -efficiency end-.ju nct ion junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream-1locati on AIRSPACE upstream R8B downstream environment has-filter false flow-rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 0.5 1481 0.7 918 792 NE-ES0 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _El 13 (Next Project:, Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition __ Odginator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Reiso H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D. Leaver 12/12/06 H210C092 00 j Fef. 2.0333 474 4.1667 252 720 0 end flow rate X-over-Q4-ctri -room Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.6672  ?.61 e-4 2.6674 .82e-4 8 2.61 e-4 24 9.25e-5 96 6.7e-5 720 4.93e-5 endX overQ_4_ctrl room X -over_0_-4_site-boundary Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 0 2.667 1.90e-4 720 0 end_-X -over_0_4_site-boundary X -over_-0_-4_low-population-zone Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 8.033 1.63e-5 24 1,10e-5 96 4.67e-6 720 1.37e-6 end_-X -over_-Q_4_low-popu lation-zone end-junction junction junction-tjype AIRJUNCTION down stream-location AIRSPACE upstream R8' downstream environment has filter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 0.5 0 0.7 495 1 1761 2.0333 5253 6 6710 720 0 end flow rate filter -.efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0 0.95 0.9 0.95 0.95 0.95 end-filter..eff iciency frac daughter -resusp Time NobleGas Elemlodline Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 1 0 0 0 0 end- rac -4daughterjresusp X-overQ_4_ctrl -room Time (hr) Value (s/m *3) 0.667 1.26E-4 2,667 2,27E-4 8.033 1.26E-4 NFP-nFER-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -El 14 (Next Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition: __ FOniginator/Data Reviewer/Date Calculation No. TRevision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 00 Lel24 96 720 4.30E-5 3.58E-5 2.59E-5 endX overQ_4_ctrl room X-over_-Q_-4_site-boundary Time (hr) Value (s/m *3) 0.667 0 2.667 5.98e-5 720 0 end_-X -over_0_Q4_site -boundary X-over_0_Q4_-low-population -zone Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.167 2.12e-5 4.167 1.26e-6 8.033 2.12e-5 24 8.40e-7 96 3.45e-7 720 1.l11e-7 end_-X -overQ_4_low-population-zone end-ju nction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream location AIRSPACE upstream DWV downstream RB has filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (cf m) 6 0 16.66666667 1.382131251 27.77777778 1.256398923 96 1,207032291 277.7777778 . 1.207032291 480.5555556 1.418217308 720 1.527846242 end flow rate end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream location AIRSPACE upstream VWw downstream RB has filter false flow-rate Time (hr) Value (cfM) 6 0 16.66666667 0.921420834 27.77777778 0.837599282 96 0.804688194 277.7777778 0.804688194 480.5555556 0.945478205 720 1.018564161 end-flow-rate end-.junction NEP-DnS-,ns I Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -El 15. (Next____ Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition: -__ Oniginator/Date Reiwer/Gate Calculation No. Revision 7 H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D. eaver 12/12/06 H210C092 00 junction junction-type AIR_-JUNCTION downstream-location AIRSPACE upstream SID downstream RB has filter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 6 0 720 2.67 end flow rate filter -efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0.5 0.0 0.0 1.0 0 0 end -filter -efficiency end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream-location AIR_ SPACE upstream RB downstream enviro )nment has filter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 720 1600 end flow rate filter -efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 60 0 0 0 0 0 720 0 0.95 0.9 0.95 0.95 0.95 end -filter -efficiency frac.A-daughter - esusp Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 1 0 0 0 0 end frac 4.daughter resuspQ X~over_0_4_otr~l room Time (hr) Value (S/M* 3) 0,667 1.26E-4 2,667 2.27E-4 8.033 1,26E-4 24 4.30E-5 96 3.58E-5 720 2.59E-5 end_-X -over_0_Q4_ctrl-room X -over_-0_-4_site-boundary Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 0 2.667 5.98e-5 720 0 end_-X -over_0_Q4_site-boundary Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.167 2.12e-5 4.167 1.26e-6 NFP-nF~q-nR Rev c~ Rpv Oq

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E 116 (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition.-__ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 Fe-f 8,033 2.12e-5 24 8.40e-7 96 3.45e-7 720 1.1lle-7 end_-X -over_0_4-jow-population-zone end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream -location AIR_ SPACE upstream environment downstream Contr o1_Roomn has filter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 720 2025 end flow rate filter -efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodline Solubles Insolubles 720 0 0.95 0.9 0.95 0.95 0.95 end -filter -efficiency frac -4daughter -esusp Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodline Partlodline Solubles Insolubles 720 1 1 0 0 0 0 end frac 4-daughterjresusp end-junction junction junction jype AIRJUNCTION down stream-location AIR_, PACE upstream environment downstream Contr olRoom has filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (cf r) 720 100 end flow rate end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream-location AIRS PACE upstream ControlRoom downstream envirc nment has tilter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (cf m) 720 2125 end flow rate X overQ_4_ctrl room Time (hr) Value (s/m*3 720 0 end -X-over -Q 4 ctrl room X-over-Q-4site-boundary Time (hir) Value (s/m*3I) 720 0 NEP-r)n~-nn NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -El 17U (Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition: __ Calculation No. Revision rOriginator/Date H.Pustulka 12/12/06 Reviewer/Dale D. Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 Ref. end_-X -overQ_4_site-bou nd ary X7 over_-0 -4_low-population-zone Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 720 0 end_-X -overQ_4_low population-zone end-junction environment breath ing-rate sb Time (hr) Value (cms) 8.033 0.00035 720 0.0 end -breathing-ratesb breath ing-ralejIpz Time (hr) Value (cms) 8.033 0.00035 24 0.00018 720 0.00023 end -breathing-rate-lpz end-environment Appendix E5: RESULTS.OUT File Excerpt for Case 2A (No Core Spray, Division Electrical Failure) Control Room thyroid wbody skin CEDE Total dose: 0. OGE-i-OO 6.34E-001 0. 005+000 2 .66E+/-O000 Noble gas 0.OOE+ 000 6. 09E-0O01 0 . 0E+/-000 4.32E-001 Org iodine 0.OOE+Q000 3. 31E-004 0.005+/-000 2 . 36E-001 Elem iodine 0.005+000 2.33E-002 0.OOE+000 1 . 17E+000 Part iodine 0.005+/-000 1. 58E-003 0.005+000 4.6SE-001 Cesium 0.- OOE+0OO 1. 44E-004 o0.OOE+000 1.60E-001 Tell ur i um o.-ooE+ooo 4.13E-005 0 . OOE+0oo 3.14E-002 Barium 0 . OOE+/-OOO 2 .56E-005 0 . OOE+ooo 5.l0E-003 Noble metal 0 . OOE+/-000 4.56E-006 0.005--OQO 3.25E-002 Lanthanides 0 . OOE+/-000 4.61E-006 o . oo+ooo 1.99E-002 Cerium 0.005+000 1 .7 6E-006 0. 005+/-000 6.76E-002 St ron tin um 0. 005+000 3. 35E-005 0 . 005+/-000 3.32E-002 environment thyro id wbody skin CEDE EAB dose: 0 00+000

                                    .               2 . 51E000        0 005000
                                                                        .           3.- 94 E+000 LPZ dose:             0 OOE+0OO          6.47E-001         0 OOE+0OO     6.77E-001 STARDOSE 1.01 (c) 1996-2002                        Polestar Applied Technology,                 Inc.

Sun Dec 10 22:09:52 2006 Total elapsed hours: 0, m--ins: 9, secs: 49

                                                                                                                         ~nP.n~.nR NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E1 18 (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 -CluainN

                                                                                                                 .Disposition:         Revsio Onginator/Date                                       Reviewer/Date                                   CluainN.Rvso H.Pustulka 12/12/06                                  D. Leaver 12/12/06                             IH1       9200 Ref.

Appendix E6: INPUT.DAT File for Case 1lB (Core Spray MSIV Failure) edit-time 0 0.417 0.6670.9171.1671.417 16671.9172.0332.1672.4172.6672.9173.1673.6674,167 68.033 24 48 96240 720 end-edit-time participating isotopes Kr83m Kr85m Kr85 Kr87 Kr88 Kr89 Xe13lm Xel33m Xe133 Xe135m Xe135 Xe137 Xe138 1131 Org 1131Elem l131lPart 11320rg 11l32Elem 11l32Part 11330rg Il33Elem 1133Part 11340rg ll34EIem l1134Part 11 350rg l1 35EIem 1135Part Rb86 Cs134 Cs136 Cs137 Sb127 Sb129 Te127m Te127 Tel29m Te129 Tel3lm Te132 8a137m Ba139 Ba140 Mo99 Tc99mn Ru103 Ru105 Ru106 Rh105 Y90 Y91 Y92 Y93 Mr5 Zr97 Nb95 Lal4O LaW~ La142 Pri43 Nd147 Am241 Cm242 Cm244 Ce14l Ce143 Ce144 Np239 Pu238 Pu239 Pu240 2u241 Sr89 Sr9O Sr9l Sr92 end-participating-isotopes core thermal-power 1887 elemental iodine frac 0.0485 organic-iodine-frac 0.0015 particu late_iodi ne-frac 0.95 release frac to-control-volume OW Time N-Gas I-Grp CsGrp TeGrp BaGrip NMtls CeGrp LaGrp SrGrp 0.033 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.533 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.033 0.633 0.167 0.133 0.033 0.0133 01.001 67 0.00033 0.00013 0.01 33 720 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 end -to -control-volume to control volume SP Time N-Gas I-Grp CsGrp TeGrip BaGrp NMtIs CeGrp LaGrp SrGrp 0,033 0 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 0.533 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.033 0 0.334 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 720 0 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 end to control volume end release-frac end core control volume obj-type OBJ_cv name DW air-volume 1.8e--005 water-Volume 0 surface-area has-recirc-filter false removal-rate-to-s urface NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E1 19 (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustuika 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 Ref. I Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 0.06 17 0.0000 20O00 0.000 59.045 59.045 59.045 0.5164 0.0000 20.000 0.000 21.126 21.126 21.126 0.5446 0.0000 20M00 0.000 34.874 34.874 34.874 0.8368 0.0000 20.000 0.000 24.969 24.969 24.969 2.01 76 0.0000 20.000 0.000 21.706 21.706 21.706 2.9647 0.0000 5.014 0.000 5.014 5.014 5.014 4.8038 0.0000 2.96 1 0.000 2.961 2.961 2.961 13.0 189 0.0000 1.990 0.000 1.990 1.990 1.990 720.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 end removal rate to surface frac 4 daughter-resusp-from -surface Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 0 end -frac -4 daughter -esuspjrom_surface end-control-volume control volume obj-type OBJ_Cv name WW air volume 1.2e+i005 water volume 7.97e+004 surface-area 0 has reoirc filter false removal-rate-to -waterpool Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0 0 0 0 0 0 end -removal-rate-to -waterpool frac-4daughterjresusp-from-water Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0 0 0 0 0 0 end trac 4.daughterjresusp-from-water decontamination factor Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 1 1 1 1 1 end -decontamination,_factor end-control-volume control-volume obj-type OBJ_Cv name SLi air-volume 82.4 water volume 0 surface-area 0 has-reciro-filter false removal-rate-to-surface Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 0.0435 0.0000 0.000 0.000 1.341 1,341 1.341 0.2927 0.0000 0.000 0.000 1.236 1.236 1.236 0.5614 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.852 0.852 0.852 1.2155 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.762 0.762 0,762 2.2325 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.835 0.835 0.835 4.8498 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.720 0.720 0.720 7.6680 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.519 0.519 0.519 20.4528 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.339 0.339 0.339 720.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 NE P-nF S-OR Re~v 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -E120 (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Unit- 1 Calculation No. Disposition: __Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D. Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 00 Ref. end -removal-rate-to-surface frac-4daughter-resusp-from -su rface Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1.- 0 0 0 0 0 eno-frac -4daugnterjresuspjfrom-sur-face end control-volume control-volume obj-type OBJ_-CV name RB air volume 1.06e--006 water volume 0 surface-area 0 has-recirc-filter false end-control-volume control volume obj-type OBJ_-CV name RB' air volume 2.67 water volume 0 surface_area 0 has-recirc-filter false end-control-volume control-volume obi-type 0131 -CV name SIP air volume 7.97e+.004 water volume 0 surface_area 0 has -recirc filter false end-control volume control-volume obj-type OBJ_-CR name ControlRoom air volume I .35e-+005 water volume 0 surface-area 0 has-recirc-filter false breathing-rate Time (hr) Value (cms) 720 0.00035 end -breathing-rate occupancy-factor Time (hr) Value (frac) 24 1 96 0.6 720 0.4 end_occupancyjfactor end-control-volume junction NEP-DE s-ne Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -E121 (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 junction type AIRJUNCTION down stream_-Docation AIR-SPACE upstream CORE downstream DW has filter false flow-rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 720 end-flow-rate end-ju notion junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-locati on AIRSPACE upstream CORE downstream SID has-filter false flow-rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 720 end-flow-rate end-ju nction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream-location WATERPOOL upstream DW downstream WIN has-filter false flow-rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 2.033 0 720 1.8e5 end-flow-rate end-jun ction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream-locati on AIRSPACE upstream WIN downstream DOW has-filter false flow-rate Time (hr) Value (cfM) 2.033 0 720 1.8e5 end-flow-rate end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-location AIRSPACE upstream OW downstream S~I-has-filter true flow-rate NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E1 22 (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition- ____sio Onginator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Rvso [H. Pustullka 12/12/06 1D. Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 J Time (hr) Value (cfin) 24 0.342 720 0.171 end flow rate filIte r-efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Soiubles Insolubles 720 0 0.5 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 end -filter -efficiency fract4daughter -esusp Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 0 end -frac aughter-resusp end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream-location AlRSPACE upstream SLi downstream erivironnient has filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (cifm) 24 0.398 720 0.199 end flow rate X-overQ_4_ctrl-room Time (hr) Value (s/~m*3) 0,667 5.85e-4 2.667 1.03e-3 8,033 5.85e-4 24 2.07e-4 96 1.75e-4 720 1.52e-4 end_-X -over_0_Q4_-ctrl -room X-overQ_4_site-boundary Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 0 2.667 1.90e-4 720 0 end_-X -over_-Q_-4 -site -boundary X-over_0_4_low-population-zone Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 8,033 1.63e-5 24 1.10e-5 96 4.67e-6 720 1.37e-6 end_-X -over_-Q_4-low-population-zone end-junct ion junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-location AIRSPACE upstream DW downstream environment has filter false tinP-nF~.nR NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVIICES CALCULATION. CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E 123 (Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition: __ Onginator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Rvso H.Pustulka 12/12/06 D. Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 0 FRet. flow rate Time (hr) Value (cf m) 24 0.342 720 0.171 end flow rate X overQ_4_ctri room Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 5.85e-4 2.667 1.03e-3 8.033 5.85e-4 24 2.07e-4 96 1.75e-4 720 1.52e-4 endX overQ_4_ctrl room X -over_0_-4_site-boundary Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 0 2.667 1.90e-4 720 0 end_-X -over_0_4_site-boundar ry X 7over_-0_-4_low-population.zc one Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 8.033 1.63e-5 24 1.10e-5 96 4.67e-6 720 1.37e-6 end_-X -over_-Q_4_low_ populaticon-zone end-junction junction junotion-type AIRJUNCTION downstream-location AIRSPACE upstream DW downstream environment has filter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 0.667 2.159 24 0.284 720 0.142 end flow rate filter -efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodlira Orglooine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 0.667 0 0.066 0.066 0.066 0.066 720 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 end -filter -efficiency fract4daughter-resusp Time NobleGas Elemlodinf Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 1 0 0 0 0 end -frac - 4 daughter-resusp X over_0_4_ctrl room Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 3.04e-4 2.667 5.54e-4 6 3.04e-4 8.033 5.85e-4 NFP-CES~-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -E124 (Next LOrignatr/Date Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station H-.Pustulka 12/12/06 Reiwer/Date DLeaver 12/12/06 Unit- 1 Calculation No. H21CO92 Disposition: __ Revision 00 Ref. 24 2.07e-4 96 1.75e-4 720 1.52e-4 end_-X -over_0_Q4_ctrl-room X-over-Q-4site -boundary Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 0 2.667 1.90e-4 720 0 end-X-over Q 4-site boundary X-oveL-Q-4low-population-zone Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 8.033 1.63e-5 24 1.10e-5 96 4.67e-6 720 1.37e-6 end_-X -over_0_4-low-population-zone end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-location AIRSPACE upstream WW downstream environment has filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 0.667 1.25 720 0.0 end flow rate X-over_0_4_otrl room Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 2.61 e-4 2,667 4.82e-4 8.033 2.61 e-4 24 9.25e-5 96 6.7e-5 720 4.93e-5 end_-X -over_0_4_otrl-room X-over 04site-boundary Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 0 2.667 1.90e-4 720 0 endX-over_0_4 site boundary Time (hr) Value (s/m *3) 8.033 1.63e-5 24 1.10e-5 96 4.67e-6 720 1.37e-6 endX-over_0_4-low-population-zone end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E 125 (Next - Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 CluainN.Disposition  : PIH. Pustulka ____iio dginatoriDate Reviewer/Date CluainN.Rvso 12/12/06 D. Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 down streamI location AIR_ 3PACE upstream sP downstream RB' has flter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 0.667 2.67 720 0 end flow rate filter -efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodine Oirglodine PartIodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0.5 0.0 0.0 1.0 0 0 end -filter -efficiency end-junction junction junction-type AIR JUNCTION downstream-location AIR-SPACE upstream RB' downstream environment has filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 0.667 2.67 720 0 end flow rate X over-Q_4_ctrl room Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 2.61 e-4 2,667 4.82e-4 8 2.61 e-4 24 9.25e-5 96 6.7e-5 720 .4.93e-5 endX overQ_4_otrt-room X_over_0_4_site-boundary Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.667 0 2.667 1.90e-4 720 0 endX over_0_-4_-site -boundary X -over_0_-4 _low_populIation-zone Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 8.033 1.63e-5 24 1.1Oe-5 96 4.67e-6 720 1.37e-6 endX -over_0_-4_low -population-zone end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstreamj1ocation AIRSPACE upstream DW downstream RB has-filter false Nl~rp~rc~nR -I Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -El 26 (Next tOnginatorlDate Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station H.Pustulka 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date D. Leaver 12/12/06 Unit- 1 Calculation No. H21 C092 Disposition ___ TOO Revision flow rate Time (hr) Value (of m) 0.667 0 24 1.875 720 0.934 end flow rate end-ju nction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream-location AIRSPACE upstream ww downstream RB has filter false flow rate Time (hr) Value (of m) 0.667 0 24 1.25 720 0.625 end flow rate end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstreamn-location AIRSPACE upstream downstream RB has filter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (of m) 0.667 0 720 2.67 end flow rate filter -efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodline Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 720 0.5 0.0 &0. 1.0 0 0 end -filter -efficiency end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down strea m-location AIR -SPACE upstream RB downstream env iron ment has filter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (cf n 720 1600 end flow rate filter -efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodine Solubles Insolubles 0.667 0 0 0 0 0 0 720 0 0.95 0,9 0.95 0.95 0.95 end -filter -efficiency f rac-4dau sus p Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orglodine Partlodline Solubles Insolubles NEP-DFES-OS Rev 0

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E127 (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- 1 Disposition: __ Oniao/aeReviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Putlk 1/2/6D. Leaver 12/12/06 -FPO2 0 Ref. 1 720 1 1 0 0 0 0 end-f rac -4 daughter -esuspQ X-over_0_4_ctrl -room Time (hr) Value (slm*3) 0.667 1.26E-4 2.667 2.27E4 8,033 1.26E-4 24 4.30E-5 96 3.58E-5 720 2.59E-5 endX overQ_4_ctrl room X-over-Q-4site-boundary Time (hr) Value (sim*3) 0.667 0 2.667 5.98e-5 720 0 end_-X -overQ_4_site-boundary X-over-Q-4 low-popu Ilatio none Time (hr) Value (s/m*3) 0.167 2.12e-5 4.167 1.26e-6 8,033 2.12e-5 24 8.40e-7 96 3.45e-7 720 1.l11e-7 end_-X -over_-Q_4_l ow-pop ulIatiocn _zone end-junction junction junction-type AIRJUNCTION down stream-1locati on AIR -SPACE upstream environment downstream Cor ~trolRoom has filter true flow rate Time (hr) Value (cfn 720 2025 end flow rate filter-efficiency Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Solubles insolubles 720 0 0,95 0.9 0.95 0.95 0.95 end-filter~efficiency frac-4d caughterresusp Time NobleGas Elemlodine Orgiodine Partlodine Sclubles Insolubles 720 1 1 0 0 0 0 endjfrac-4daughterjresuspc end-junction junction junction - ype AIRJUNCTION downs tream-location AIKSPACE upstream environment downstream ControlRoom has-filter false flow-rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _E1 28 (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit.- 1 Disposition:___ Or/ginator/Date H.Pustulka 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date ID. Leaver 12/12/06 CluainNo.

                                                                                            )2C02              TO0 Revision Pet.

720 100 end-flow-rate end-junction iunction junction-type AIRJUNCTION downstream-locati on AIRSP'ACE upstream ControlRoom downstream environi ment has-filter false flow-rate Time (hr) Value (cfm) 720 2125 end-flow-rate X-over_0_-4_otrl -room Time (hr) Value (sim*3) 720 0 endX-over_0_4_otrl-room X-ove rQ_4_site-bo un dary Time (hr) Value (s/m 3) 720 0 endX overQ_4 site boundary X-over_0_Q4_low-population-zone Time. (hr) Value (s/m*3) 720 0 endX -over_0_4jlow population-zone endju nction environment breathing-rate -sb Time (hr) Value (Gins) 8.033 0.00035 720 0.0 end-breathing-rate-sb breath ingj-atejlpz Time (hr) Value (Gins) 8.033 0.00035 24 0.00018 720 0.00023 end-breathing-rate-lpz end- environment Appendix E7: RESULTS.OUT File for Case 1B (Core Spray MSIV Failure) edit time 720.000000 Contro-l Room thyroid wbody skin CEDE Tctal dose: 0.D0E+i-CO0 4. 63E-001 I . OOE+000 Nczroie gas 0-. 0E+000 4 .53E-001 2. 90E-001 0 . OOE-i000 0O-g iodine 0 .OOE+000 1. 9SE-004 1. 79E-001-

0. OOE+000 Elem iodine 0. OOE÷000 9 74E-003 6. 65E-001 0 . OOE+000 Part_ iodine 0. OOE+/-000 8. 27E-004 2. 30E-001

NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _El129 (Next F1 LOhrignator/Date Project:, Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station H,Pustuika 12112106 Reviewer/Date D.Leaver 12/12/06 Unit: 1 Clutio No.,eiso H2C92 Disposition: ____sio 00 Ref. Ces ium 7.338E- 00 5 0. 008+/-000 8. 13E-002

         'el,_     i -urn.

r1u o . OOE+i000 1.74E-005 0.008+000 1. 328_-002 B a ri4um 0. 008+/-000 1.2 4E-005 0.00 + 000 2. 15E-00 3 Noble mre tal1 .93E-006 0. GOor+oo 1 .3 7E-0 0 2

0. 00E+000 Lanthanides I.99E-006 0. 008+000 8 . 38E-003 Cer-ium o .008E+000 7 .4 1E-007 0. OOE+000 2. 83E-002 St ron t mnum 0.008E+000 14 2E-005 0. 008+000 1.407--00-2 envýironment thy~r oi d wbo dy sk+in Cý'D ý CAB dose: 0.008+/-000 8.808-001 01J.008+000 6. 70E-001 LPZ dose: 0. 008+/-000 4 .39E-001 0 .008+;000 3 .21E-001 STARDOSE 1.01 (c) 1996-2002 Polestar Applied Technology, In--.

Sun Dec 1-0 21:14:27 2006 Total elapsed hours: 0, mins: 7, secs: 45 KIED nc

                                                                                                                      ~-08 Ri.v fl9

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _F 1 (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit. Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision Heather Pustulka 12/12/06 J.Metcalf 12/12/06! D.Leaver 12/12/06 H210C092 00 Appendix F Reactor Building Integrated Airborne Specific Activities (8 Pages) (Integrated 0-30d post using LOCA source term for the RB atmosphere) Background/Methodology A spreadsheet methodology was used to determine airborne activity concentration in the reactor building from output generated by the STARDOSE computer code [Ref F-i]. STARDOSE provides the curies resulting from each of the 76 radionuclides analyzed in the reactor building (RB) as a function of edit time. Integrating curies over time, (multiplying total curies by At) and applying the appropriate occupancy factors provides an occupancy weighted Ci-hr value for each radionuclide. Converting from curies to disintegrations per second, and hours to seconds gives values in disintegrations. These results are multiplied by the nuclide specific MeV/dis values for each energy level. The sum of these results by nuclide provide the total MeV in the reactor building. Dividing by the RB volume allows the calculation of MeV/cc for each of the six energy levels. Calculation An Excel spreadsheet was used to carry out the calculation. The spreadsheet was created to accommodate the STARDOSE edit time. These times are: every 15 minutes from 25 min to 190 min, 3.667, 4.167, 6, 8.033, 24, 48, 96, 240 and 720 hours after the accident. It should be noted that no activity accumulates in the RB before drawdown. For ease of presenting this calculation, edit times before 6 hours (drawdown) have been omitted. (These values are all zero, and omission does not change results). Data Table F 1.1 provides MeV/dis values for the radionuclides at six energy levels. These values were taken from Reference F-2. Typically short-lived decay daughters are included when (1) the daughter has a half-life less than 90 minutes and (2) the daughter has a half-life less than 0. 1 times the parent. Even though the half-life of Rb-88 (17.8 minutes) is slightly greater than 10% of its parent Kr-88 (170.4 minutes) an exception has been made for Rb88 because of its importance as a decay daughter. Therefore the MeV/dis values for Rb-88 have been added to those for Kr-88 so its contribution can be monitored in this analysis. Data Table F1.2 presents the STARDOSE output values (Ci in RB airspace) for the times 0, 6, 8.033, 24, 48, 96, 240 and 720 hours [STARDOSE input used from Appendix E-2.2] Table F1.3 has the following format by column: I1. Integrate curies over time. The sum of the curies at each time step multiplied by the respective At. Occupancy factors are applied based on time step. Occupancy factor values of 100% for the first day, 60% for days two through four, and 40% for four to 30 days were used per Reference F-3, Item 5.5.

2. Integrated Ci-hrs are converted to Ci-sec. (1 hir = 3600 sec).
3. Ci-sec are converted to disintegrations, (1 Ci = 3.7E 10 di~s/sec).

NEP-npRR-np Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _F2_. (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ FOriginator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H~eather Pustuika 12/12/06 J.Metcalf 12/12/06! 0 Leaver 12/12/06 H21C0092 00

4. Multiplying the total disintegrations for each nuclide by its corresponding MeV/dis value for ElI found in Table Fl. 1. This results in a MeV energy value.
5. Identical to column four except calculation is carried out for the E2 energy level.
6. Identical to column four except calculation is carried out for the E3 energy level.
7. Identical to column four except calculation is carried out for the E4 energy level.
8. Identical to column four except calculation is carried out for the E5 energy level.
9. Identical to column four except calculation is carried out for the E6 energy level.

The last row of Table F1.3 (in bold text) sums all radionuclide values calculated in columns 4-9 to 3 give a total MeV by energy level in the R.B. Dividing the total MeV by the volume of the RB in cm gives MeV/cc values. Summary The calculation provides source strength values for the RB by energy level, as can be seen in the table below. These inputs can be used in the QAD computer code [Ref F-4] as discussed in Appendix G. RB activity concentrations Energy Inerated Activity (MeV (MeV-secl With Occupancy Interval mdpt cc-sec) Factor El 0-.3 0.2 1.30E+10 8.60E+09 E2 .3-.5 0.4 4.84E+09 2.71 E+09 E3 .5-1 0.75 3.36E+09 2.47E+09 E4 1-1.5 1.25 5.78E+08 5.19E+08 E5 1.5-2 1.75 2.13E+08 2.06E+08 FE6 2+ 2.5 1.56E+08 1.55E+08 References F-i STALRDOSE Model report, Polestar Applied Technology, Inc., Rev. 1, March 2002. F-2 Memorandum "Generalization of Spreadsheet Methodology for Comparing TID- 14844 and AST Gammna Shine Dose Potential" Prepared by James Metcalf 7/27/03. F-3 PSAT 4026CF.QA. 03, "Design Data Base for Application of the Alternative DBA Source Term to Nine Mile Point Unit 1"Revision 0 F-4 "QADMOD-GP: Point Kernel Gamma-Ray Shielding Code With Geometric Progression Buildup Factors", RSIC Code Package CCC-565. NE P-DE S-OS Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -F3-(Next Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ FOriginator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision IHeather Pustulka 12/12/06 J.Metcalf 12/12/06/ D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 100 Ref. Appendix Fl: Referenced Data tables Table Fl .: GAMEN Energy Data Table* _____ _gejyGroup:~. -i2'E3 t4 Kr83m 2.57E-03 0.OOE+00 0,00E+00 0 OE+0O 0 OOE-'00 0.OOE-'00 Kr85m 1.15E-01 4.27E-02 1.20E-04 0.00E+0O 0.OOE+C0 0.OOE+00 Kr85 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.23E-03 0.OOE-+0O 0.OOE-400 0.OOE--00 Kr87 2.OOE-05 1,99E-01 8.33E-02 2.76E-02 5.79E-02 4.25E-01 Kr88** 5.87E-02 1.55E-02 2.66E-01 1.28E-01 6.20E-01 1.50EO00 Kr89 5.03E-02 8,84E-02 3.77E-01 2.84E-01 3.35E-01 7.OOE-01 Xel31m 2.01E-02 0.OOE-+00 0.OOE-4C0 0.OOE+00 0.OOE--00 0.OOE+0O Xel 33m 4.15E-02 0.OOE-*00 0.OOE-400 0.OOE+*0O 0.OOE-+O0 0.00E-'0 Xe133 4.53E-02 0.OOE-s00 O.OOE4-00 0.00E400 0.00E4ý00 0.00E-+-0O Xel35m 4.18E-03 0.OOE+0O 4.27E-01 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.00E-I00 Xe135 2.27E-01 2.25E-03 1.90E-02 QOQOE-CO 0OOE*00 O.OOEC00 Xe137 4.50E-04 1.40E-01 7.23E-03 2.36E-02 1.09E-02 5.16E-03 Xe1 38 1.02E-01 1.24E-01 3.18E-02 6.16E-02 3.44E-01 4.62E-01 11310rg 2.12E-02 2.97E-01 6.25E-02 OQOOECO0 O.OOE-+00 0.OOE+00 11320rg 7.10E-03 1,37E-02 1.89E+00 3.14E-01 2.80E-02 3.76E-02 11330rg 1.41E-03 2.71E-03 5.45E-01 5.80E-02 0.OOE -00 0.OOE-C00 11340rg 1.40E-02 6.84E-02 1.86E+00 3.91 E-0 1 2.72E-01 1.73E-02 11350rg 1.47E-02 2.27E-02 1.30E-01 9,33E-01 4.20E-01 5.46E-02 1l31EIem 2.12E-02 2.97E-01 6.25E-02 0.OOE+-00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE-00 1l32EIem 7.10E-0J3 1.37E-02 1.89E--00 3.14E-01 2.80E-02 3.76E-02 1l33EIem 1.41E-03 2.71E-03 5.45E-01 5,80E-02 0.OOE*C0 0.OOE-+00 1l34EIem 1.40E-02 6.84E-02 1.86E+00 3.91 E-0 1 2.72E-01 1.73E-02 1l35EIem 1.47E-02 2.27E-02 1.30E-01 9.33E-01 4,20E-01 5.46E-02 Ii31 Pa A 2.12E-02 2.97E-01 6.2HE-02 6.00ý-CO O.OOE--00 0.OEC00 1l32Part 7.10E-03 1.37E-02 1.89E+00 3.14E-01 2.80E-02 3.76E-02 11WPart 1.41E-03 2.71 E-03 5.45E-01 5.80E-02 0.OOE-,00 0.OOE-+00 Il34Part 1.40E-02 6.84E-02 11.86E--00 3.91E-01 2.72E-01 1,73E-02 11WPart 1.47E-02 2.27E-02 1.30E-01 9.33E-01 4.20E-01 5.46E-02 Rb86 0.OOE-00 0.OOE-tO0 0.OOE--00 9.45E-02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE--00 Cs134 3.50E-04 6.94E-03 1.47E--00 7.29E-02 0.OOE-C0 O.QOECO0 Cs136 9.98E-02 1.67E-0J1 8.24E-01 1.08E-+00 0.OOE--00 0.OOE--00 Cs137 2.31 E-03 0.OOE+00 5.63E-01 0.OOE+00 O.OOE-C0 QO.CE-CO Sbi27 3.09E-02 1.58E-01 4.64E-01 8.54E-03 0.OOE-00 0.OOE+00 Sb129 1.10E-02 2.69E-02 9.50E-01 2.45E-01 1.76E-01 2.OOE-02 Tel27m 1.12E-02 O.GOEGO 7,00E-05 0.OOE00ý 0.OOE*00 0.OOE-+00 Tel 27 2.20E-04 4,61E-03 0.OOE-'00 0.OOE-00 0.OOE-CO 0.00E-00 TeI129m 8.10E-0J3 O.QOEGO0 3.13E-02 OOC 0.00E+00 0.OOE -AJO00+0 Te129 7.87E-03 3.90E-02 3.90E-03 6.88E-03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Tel3lm 7.55E-02 6.37E-02 8.58E-01 3.26E-01 4.60E-02 5.66E-02 Te132 2.31E-01 0.OOE+00 0.00E400 0.OOE-00 0.OOE--00 0.0OE+00 6a137m Ba139 2.99E-02 0.OOE-0O 0.OOE-'00 5.32E-03 QOGOE--C 0.OOE--00 Bal4O 1.70E-02 3.69E-02 1.37E-01 .Q0EC00 0.OOE--00 QO.CE-GO M099 1.76E-02 5.02E-03 1.32E-01 O.OOE-00 0.OOE-00 Q.OOE+00 NFP-fl~S-flR NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CAL.CULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -F4 (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition.-__ FOriginator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision IHeather Pustulka 12/12/06 J.Metcalf 12/12/06/ O.Leaver 12/12/06 H210C092 00 Ref. II Table Fl .: GAMEN Energy Data Table (cant.) Tc99m 1.27E-01 0.OOE-+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE-.00 0.00E400 0 OOE-+00 RulO3 1.12E-03 4.44E-01 3.88E-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+O0 000E*O00 RulO5 5.76E-02 1.79E-01 5.76E-01 6.50E-03 0.00E400 0 OOE-+00 RulO6 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.74E-01 3.05E-02 2.45E-03 0-00E+'00 RhlO5 7.30E-04 7.69E-02 0.00E+00 0.OOE+/JO 0.OOE--00 0.00E+~00 Y90 0.OE00 OOE+00 0.00E+00000E+C00 0 0.00E+-00 .OOE'0 00E+00 Y91 0.00E+00 0.00E+O0 0.00E+00 3,61E-03 0.OOE*ý00 0.00E+00 Y92 0.00E-.00 1.29E-02 1.60E-01 7.OOE-02 9.15E-03 000E-*O0 Y93 1.83E-02 0.00E--00 2.26E-02 1.41E-02 2.70E-02 7.14E-03 Zr95 0.0OE+00 0.00E-'00 7.35E-01 0.OOE-*O0 0.00E-+00 0.OOE-'00 Zr97 4.58E-03 1.05E-02 6.07E-02 7.47E-02 3.01 E-02 0.00E+00 Nb95 2.OOE-05 1.1OE-04 7.64E-01 0.00E+00 0.OOE+i00 0.OOE+00 Lal4O 4.09E-03 3.02E-01 3.71E-01 5.03E-03 1.52E+00 1.10E-01 La14l O.OOE-400 0.00E+00 0.00E-+00 3.55E-02 7.20E-03 O.0OE-+OO La142 4.30E-04 3.72E-03 4.56E-01 2.23E-01 3.84E-01 1.65E+*00 Pr143 OOE0 0.00E+-00 COEC .OOE--00 ODOOECOý 0.OOE-'00 0.OOE-00 Nd147 4.71E-0J2 1.64E-02 7.73E-02 0.00E-00 0.OOE+00 0.00E-+00 Am241 2.81E-02 0.OOE +00 0.OOE--00 000OE+00 0.OOE-'00 000OE400 Cm242 1.67E-03 0.00E400 000OE400 0.00E*00 0.00E-'00 0.00E400 Cm244 1.49E-03 0.00E-00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+ý00 0.OOE--00 0.OOE+00 Ce14l 7.69E-02 OCQOE-CO 0.00E-00 0.00E+C0( 0.OOE-+00 OQOOECO0 Ce143 1.59E-01 2.35E-02 8.69E-02 4.03E-03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Ce144 1.93E-02 0.00E.+00 0.OOE-s00 0.00E-+O0 OQOOECO 0.00E--00 Np239 1.60E-01 1.18E-02 0.00E-00 0.00E-*O0 0.OOE-O0 QOQOE-IC Pu238 1.60E-03 0.OOE+00 0.040 .OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00O.O00 Pu239 6.50E-04 OOE00.00E 0 +00.OOE-+C0 0 .OOE--000 .OOE-0 0000 Pu24O 1.53E-03 0.00E--00 0.00E-*00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Pu2411 OCOOECO CO.DE-O 0.OOE--00 0.OOE-*O0 0.OOE--00 0.OOE-*00 Sr89 0.00E+00 COQOE--G 1.40E-04 0.0QE-,00 0.OOE--00 0.OOE+00 Sr-9O 0.OOE+00 0.00E-+O0 CO.DE--O0 O0 0.00E+0 OO C+0 0.00E--00 Sr9l 4.59E-03 5.40E-04 3.10E-01 3.64E-01 7.36E-03 0.OOE-*OO Sr92 7.17E-03 1.56E-02 3.79E-02 1.28E--00 0.OOE-'OO 0.OOE--OO

                      *Table from Reference 2
                      -Kr88 energy values were edited to accommodate the presence of Rb88.
~~~1 NEP-nFS-.q-Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -F5-(Next __ Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -I Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision Heather Pustulka 12/12/06 J.Metcalf 12/12/06/ D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 Table F1.2: STARDOSE Output in Ci 6 '8'03372 -46, 2072 Kr83m 0.OOE+00 0 OOE-.00 3.42E-+02 3.88E+00 2.93E-04 3.54E-12 7.72E-36 1.01 E-1 14 Kr85m 0,00E-00 0.OOE+O0 4.28E+03 1,72E-f03 2,74E+01 1.49E-02 2.93E-1 2 1.30E-44 Kr85 0.OOE-4-0O O.O0E-+O0 8.56E-+02 4,06E+i03 2.67E-'03 2.44E+i03 2.30E-+03 1.88E+i03 Kr87 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 3.59E-+02 2.90E-01 4.11E-07 1.95E-18 1.68E-52 6.61E-166 Kr88 O.OOE+00 0.OOE-+00 5.61E+03 5.40E-+C2 1.01 E+00O 7.59E-06 4.01E-21 4.23E-72 Kr89 O.OOE+00 O.OOE-+OO 1.26E-41 1.51E-131 6.59E-268 6.32E-322 6.32E-322 6.32E-322 Xe13lm O.OOE-*OO H.OE-.0O 6.49E+i02 2.96E+403 1.84E+03 1.50E+03 9.95E--02 2.55E--02 Xe133m O.OOE+00 O.0OE-+OO 3.19E+03 1.23E+04 5.87E+~03 2.85E+03 4.01E+i02 5.80E-01 Xe133 O.OOE+fOO O.OOE-+OO 1.14E+05 5.17E+.05 3.39E+05 2.60E+05 1.08E4-05 5.67E-iC3 Xel35m O.OOE+OO O.00E400 7.60E-06 4.83E-24 1.36E-52 2.30E-109 1.35E-279 3.03E-321 Xe135 O.OOE+0O O00OE400 5.20E-+04 1.27E-+05 3.11 E-04 1.03E-s03 1.50E-02 9.37E-19 Xe137 O.OOEfOO O.OOE-+OO 7,03E-33 4.34E-106 2.50E-217 7.41E-322 7.41 E-322 7.41 E-322 Xe138 000E4+00 O.00E400 2.83E-04 1.42E-20 2.84E-46 2.43E-97 1.84E-250 3.61E-321 113l0rg 0.OOE+OO O.00E400 1.91E+'02 8.46E+0C2 8.52E-fO2 6.66E+'02 3.04E+02 2.30E+i01 11320rg 0.OOE-*O O.OOE+O0 2.53E+0O1 9.65E-01 7.66E-04 3.72E-10 4.08E-29 2.67E-92 11330rg O.OOE4CO O.OOE-+CO 3.06E-iO2 8.43E-t02 4.15E+042 7.79E-+01 4.90E-01 2.34E-08 11340rg O.OOE.C0 O.00E400 7.55E-01 1.14E-05 6.96E-14 2.OOE-30 4.51 E-80 1.52E-245 11350rg O.OOE400 0.OOE4C0 1.61E--02 1.42E+.02 1.26E+0-1 7.68E-02 1.65E-08 1.02E-30 1l31EIem 0.OOE-'00 0.00E+00 5.34E+03 2.36E+0-4 2.53E-+04 1.98E+04 8.84E-403 6.OOE+02 Il32Elem 0.OOE+O0 0.OOEOO0 7.07E+02 2.70E+01 2.40E-02 1.46E-05 1.11E-06 1.30E-08 1133Elem O.OOE-+00 0.OOE+00 8.55E-+03 2.35E-+04 1.23E-+04 2.32E+ý03 1.43E+0-1 6.11 E-07 Il34EIem 0.00E-400 O.OOE+O0 2.11 E+'01 3.18E-04 2.07E-12 5.94E-29 1.31 E-78 3-95E-244 Il35EIem 0.OOE-O0 0.00E400 4,51E-403 3.97E+03 3.75E-t02 2,28E+00 4.80E-07 2.65E-29 1131lPart 0.OOE+OO O.OOE+00 2.01E-01 4.99E-02 5.23E-03 7.96E-05 1.29E-05 1.89E-06 1l32Part 0.OOE-+00 O.OOE-.O0 2.65E-02 5.69E-05 4.70E-09 4.47E-17 1.75E-36 2.21 E-99 1133Part 0.OOE4CO 0:OOE+00 3.21E.01 4.97E-02 2.55E-03 9.32E-0J6 2.09E-08 1.93E-15 1l34P3art O.OOE.0O O.OOE--OO 7.93E-04 6.72E-10 4.27E-19 2.39E-37 1.93E-87 1.26E-252 11l35Part O.O0E+00 O.OOEOO0 1.69E-01 8.38E-03 7.75E-05 9.18E-09 7.02E-16 8.94E-38 Rb86 0.OOE-.O0 O.OOE+0O 4.60E-04 1.18E-04 1.30E-05 2.19E-07 4.76E-08 1.86E-08 Cs134 0.OOE4CO O.OOE-tO0 4,66E-02 1.22E-02 1.40E-03 2.53E-05 6.84E-06 5.52E-06 Cs136 0.OOE+O0 O.OOE-4-0 1.43E-02 3.64E-03 3.94E-04 6.42E-06 1.27E-06 3,63E-07 Cs137 0.OOE-+0O 0.OOE-'-O0 2.78E-02 7.31E-03 8.36E-04 1.51E-05 4.12E-06 3.38E-06 Sb127 0.OOE-*O0 O.OOE--O0 4.49E-03 1.05E-03 1.OOE-04 1.27E-06 1.17E-07 2.65E-09 Sb129 O.OOE+00 0.00E400 3.89E-03 7.88E-05 1.91E-07 1.56E-12 3.85E-23 1.07E-56 Tel27m 0.OOE400 0.00E400 6.41 E-04 1.68E-04 1.91 E-05 3.41 E-07 8.93E-08 6.46E-08 Te127 0.OOE*O0 0,OOE-4OO 4.28E-03 1.11E-03 1.10E-04 1.41E-06 1.30E-07 2.94E-09 Te129m 0.OOE+O0 0.OOE4O0 2,05E-03 5.31 E-04 5.95E-05 1.03E-06 2.48E-07 1.35E-07 Tel29 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+0O 5.05E-03 1.08E-04 2.61E-07 2.13E-12 5.26E-23 1.46E-56 Tel3lm O.OOE+0O 0.00E-+00 5.23E-03 9.51E-04 6.24E-05 3.73E-07 3.64E-09 4.54E-14 Te132 O.OOE-4-0 0.OOE-.-00 5.68E-02 1.30E-02 1.20E-03 1.42E-05 1.08E-06 1.26E-08 Bal37m 0.OOE-i-O O.OOE-400 2.78E-02 7.31E-03 8.36E-04 1.51E-05 4,12E-06 3.38E-06 B~a139 0.OOE-'O0 0.OOE-+00 5.45E-04 4.59E-08 2.93E-14 1,66E-26 1.37E-58 9.69E-164 FBalO ]E 0.OOEtOO 0.OOE-.-0 2.95E-0J2 7.50E-03 8.12E-04 1.32E-05 2.59E-06 7.16E-07 LM099 O.OOE--0O O.OOE+00 3.78E-03 8.42E-04 7.47E-05 8.17E-07 4.89E-08 2.59E-10 Tc99m 0.00E400 O.OOE+00 3.38E-03 8.93E-04 8.20E-05 8.99E-07 5.38E-08 2.85E-10 Ru1O3 O.OOE-'O0 0.00E+00 3.42E-03 8.90E-04 9.99E-05 1.75E-06 4.28E-07 2.47E-07 Ru 105 O.OOE-*OO I O.OOE+0O I 6.88E-G4 6.88E-04 1.49E-05 4.02 E-08 4.03 E-13 1.86E-23 I 4.11 E-56 Ru105 O.OOE-+ýO O.OOE+00 NEP DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -F6 (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit. -1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Review er/Date Calculation No. Revision Heather Pustuika 12/12/06 J.Metcalf 12/12/06/0DLeaver 12112/06 H21 C092 00 Ref.I _______Table F1.2: STARDOSE Output in Ci (cont.)

                                                                  -   ~         ;4    ~       J48                 9k      ;2IO-~  ~.

RulO6 O.OOE+00 O.OOE4CO 2.38E-03 1.01 E-02 6.61 E-03 6.03E-03 5.62E-03 4.44E-03 RhlO5 0.OOE-*C0 O.OOE4CO 3.49E-03 1.13E-02 4.66E-03 1.66E-03 9.29E-05 6.21E-09 Y90 0.00E+00O 0.QOE+00 2.46E-04 3.17E-03 3.76E-03 5.54E-03 7.52E-03 6.67E-03 Y91 0.OOE-.00 0.OOE+00 4.03E-04 2.07E-03 1.43E-03 1.29E-03 1.13E-03 7.36E-04 Y92 0.00E400 0.00E400 6.74E-03 3.02E-03 2.29E-05 1.85E-09 9.89E-22 1.22E-62 Y93 O.OOE-ý00 0.00E+00 2.40E-04 3.41E-04 4.28E-05 1.45E-06 6.82E-11I 2.63E-25 Zr95 0.OOE400 0.OOE400 4.67E-04 1.98E-03 1.28E-03 1.15E-03 1.01E-03 6.71E-04 Zr97 0-0E0 .OOE+00CQ-O 3.41 E-04 7.56E-04 1,85E-04 2.36E-05 6.02E-08 1.38E-16 Nb95 O.DOE--00 0.00E+00O 4.70E-04 2.01 E-03 1.31E-0t3 1.20E-03 1.12E-03 8.63E-04 La140 0.OOE+00 0.00E400 5.42E-03 6,76E-02 7.33E-02 9.08E-02 7.92E-02 2.26E-02 Lal4l O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.13E-04 2.89E-05 2.74E-07 5.29E-1 1 4.64E-22 6.43E-59 La142 CO.DE-O 0.00E-s00 1.21 E-05 3.93E-08 5.24E-13 2.05E-22 1.36E-50 1.75E-144 Pr143 CO.DE-sO CODOE-SO 4.23E-04 1.86E-03 1.23E-03 1.08E-03 7.73E-04 2.29E-04 Nd147 CODOE-OC C.DDE+OC 1.85E-04 7.58E-04 4.65E-04 3.76E-04 2.42E-04 5,63E-05 Am241 0.00E+00O CODE-SOD 7.86E-08 3.36E-07 2.19E-07 2.01E-07 1.89E-07 1.56E-07 Cm242 CODE-s0C COCOE-sO 1.94E-05 8.26E-05 5.38E-05 4.89E-0J5 4.49E-05 3.39E-05 Cm244 CODOE-OC CODE-isOD 1.29E-06 5.52E-06 3.61E-06 3.30E-06 3.11E-06 2.55E-06 Cel141 CODE-SOD CODOE-OD 1.19E-03 4.99E-03 3.19E-03 2.80E-03 2.32E-03 1.25E-03 Ce143 CODOE-OD CODOE-SD 9.27E-04 2.83E-03 1,12E-03 3.74E-04 1.71E-05 5.94E-10 Ce144 0.00E+0 DCDOE+OD 9.87E-04 4.20E-03 2.74E-03 2.50E-03 2.32E-03 1.82E-03 Np239 O-CE-SO0 CODOE-OC 1.40E-02 4.90E-02 2.39E-02 1.21E-02 1.95E-03 4.43E-06 Pu238 C.DOE-SOD D.DCE+DD 3.87E-06 1.65E-05 1.08E-05 9.89E-06 9.31E-06 7.65E-06 Pu239 CO0DE-s00 OCQOE-SO 3.58E-07 1.53E-06 9.98E-07 9.14E-07 8.61E-07 7,08E-07 Pu240 CODOE-s-D C.OE-+0C 5.04E-7 2.15E-06 1.41E-06 1,29E-06 1.21E-06 9.98E-07 Pu241 .OCE+0 CODOE-SC 1.47E-04 6.25E-04 4.09E-04 3.74E-04 3.52E-04 2.89E-ý04 Sr89 CODE-SOC CODOESOC 2.62E-02 1.11E-01 7.15E-02 6.37E-02 5.53E-02 3.45E-02 SrSC C.OOE-sOO CODE-SOC 3.38E-03 1.44E-02 9.42E-03 8.63E-03 8.12E-03 6.67E-03 Sr~l 0.OOE-S00 CODE+SOC 1.85E-02 2.46E-02 2.79E-03 7.65E-05 1.94E-09 9.29E-25 Sr92 .ODE-sOC CODESOC 4,67E-03 3.36&0D4 476E-07 2.05E-12 2.00E-28 8.57E-82 NEP-nFES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _F7-(Next Project.- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: I Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H21 C092 100 Ref. II Table F1.3: STARDOSE Output in Ci

              ;,C                        2u                3ý               4                                             789                        .

Eni~ Level l :E E 4>5E

       ~Calc              J   i    conversion:           conversion     conversion :.- -,'ornsiion    conversion     conversion  monversionK    -conversion
               'Units ~       Ch F          i-scj   -disintegratio6§. -      e            Ke-              e"             a:MVMV Kr83m           7.57E-iC2     2.73E+0C6            1.01E+17       2.59E+14        CODOE-IC     0 DOE-i-C 0DOE-i-C 0DOE-i-C CO.DE-'-C Kr85m           3.66E-+CD4     1,32E-108          4.87E-.18      5.60E+i17         2.08E+17    5.84E-i14       COD0E-i0C O.DDE-IC         0 DOE-ICO Kr85            6.69E-I05     2.41E-I09            891E-s19      0.ODE-0C         0.0OE+00      1.99E+17       0 DOE-CO   DODOE-CO         0.ODE-CO Kr87            7.34E+0-2     2.64E+0-6           9.78E+16        1.96E+12         1.95E+16    8,15E-i15      2.70E+15    5.67E+15        4.16E+i16 Kr88            2.OOE-i-C4    7.22E-I07           2.67E-i18       1.57E+17        4.12E+i16    7.09E+17       3.42E+17    1.66E-i18       4.01E+1 8 Kr89             2.56E-41      9.22E-38            3.41E-27       1.71E-28         3.02E-28     1.29E-27       9.70E-28    1.14E-27        2.39E-27 Xel3lm          2.25E+05      8.08E+0-8           2.99E-i19      6.01E+17         CODOE-i-C    CODOE-i-C CODE-i-CC COCOE-IC               C.OOE-+CO Xel33m          3.93E+0-5     1.41E+0-9           5.23E+19       2.17E+i18        CODOE-i-C    CODOE--C CODOE-I-C CODE-ICC                COOE-.-O Xe133           2.82E-*07     1.01 E+1 1          3.75E+21        1.70E+20        O.OOE+CO     O.OCE-+00      COOE+CC     COD0E-ICC       CODE-i-C Xel35m           1.55E-05      5.56E-02           2.06E-+09      8.60E+i06        O.0OE+00     8.78E-*C8      CODOE-i-C CODE-iCO          CODE-ICC Xe135            2.61 E+06     9.40E-I09           3.48E-i20      7.88E+i19        7.83E+i17    6.62E+i18      CODEC.OOE+00OOOE            CODE-0C Xe137            1.43E-32      5.15E-29            1.90E-18       8.57E-22         2.67E-19     1.38E-20       4.50E-20    2.07E-20        9.82E-21 Xe138            5.75E-04     2.07E-+C0           7.66E+10       7.79E-i09        9.52E-IC9    2.44E-I09      4.72E-i09   2.64E+10        3.54E+10 1131IOrg        6.73E-+04     2.42E-i08           8.96E+18       1.90E+17         2.66E-i18    5.6E0E-17      COD0E-i-CO CODOE-CC         CODOE-i-C 11320rg         6.69E-'01     2.41E-i05           8.90E+15       6.32E-i13        1.22E+14     1.68E-i16      2.79E+15    2.49E+14        3.35E-i14 11330rg         2.23E-i04     8.04E-i-C7          2.97E+18       4.19E+15         8.06E+15     1.62E+18       1.72E+17    COD0E-ICC       CODE-I-C 11340rg         1.54E+00C     5.53E-*C3           2.04E+14       2.86E+12         1.40E+13     3.81E-i14      8.OOE+13    5.56E-i13       3.54E+12 11350rg         2.78E-+C3     1.OOE-I07           3.70E+17       5.45E-i15        8.39E+i15    4.80E+16       3.45E+i17   1.55E+i17       2.02E+i16 1l31EIem        1.95E-+C6     7.01 E-i09          2.59E+20       5.51E+i18        7.71E+19     1.62E+19       CODE-ICC    CODOE-CC        CODOE-CC 1l32EIem        1.87E-i03     6.73E-I06           2.49E-i17      1.77E+15         3.41E-i15    4.71E-i17      7.81 E-+16  6,96E+15        9,36E-i15 1l33EIem        6.37E-IC5     2.29E-I09           8.49E-+19      1.20E-i17        2.30E+17     4.62E+19       4,92Et18    CODE-ICC        CODE-ICC 1l34Elem        4.29E-I01     1.54E-I05           5.71E+15       7.99E+13         3.91E+14     1.06E+16       2.24E+15    1.55E+15        9.88E+13 Il35Elem        7.80E-C4      2.81 E-i08          1.04E+19       1.53E+17         2.36E+17     1.35E-i18      9.70E+18    4.37E+18        5.67E-i17 1131Part        1,28E-+C0     4.62E-I03           1.71E-'14      3.63E+12         5,09E+i13    1,07E+13       CODOE-i-C CODOE-CC          CODE-ICC 11l32Part        5.48E-02     1197E-IC2           7.30E+12       5.18E+10         1OD0E+1l1    l.38E+13       2.29E+12    2.04E÷1 I       2.74E+1 1 1133Part        1.48E-ICC     5.34E-I03           1.98E+14       2.79E-i1 1       5.35E+1l1    1.08E+I14      1.15E+13   COCOE-IO         CODE-+C0 1134Wart         1.61E-03     5.80E-I00           2.15E+1 1      3.OOE-IC9        1.47E-'1C0   4.00E+1 1      8.40E+10   5,84E+10         3.71E-I09 Il35Part         4.78E-0l     1.72E-I03           6.37E+13       9.39E+1 1        1,44E+12     8.27E+12       5,95E+13   2.68E+13         3.48E-i12 Rb86             3.02E-03     1.09E-i01           4.02E-i-1      CODOE-CC         CODE+0CC CODE-ICC           3,80E+i10  CODOE-i-C        CODE-ICC Cs134            3.12E-01     1.12E-I03           4.15E+i13      1.45E-i10        2.88E+1 1    6.13E+i13      3.03E+12   CODOE-i-C        CODE-ICC Cs136            9.32E-02     3.35E-i02           1.24E+s13      1.24E+12         2.07E+i12    1Ca 2E+013     1.34E+13   CODOE-IC         CODE+0CC Cs137            1.87E-01     6.72E-1C2           2.49E+i13      5.74E+i1C        CODOE-IC 1.40E+i13          CODE-ICC   CODE-ICC         CODOE-CC Sb127            2.74E-02     9.86E-iC1           3.65E+i12      1.13E+i1 1       5.77E+1 1    1.69E+12       3.11 EI1C0 CODOEICC        CODOE-i-C Sb129            9.17E-03     3.30E-iC1           1.22E+12       1.34E-i10        3.29E+i10    1.16E+12       3.00E+1 1  2.15E--1 1      2.45E+1C Tel27m           4.29E-03     1.54E-I01           5.71 E+1 I     6.37E-I09        CODE-ICC    4DOE-+C7        CODOE-IC CODOEICC          CODE-ICC Te127            2.81 E-02    1O01E-I02           3.74E+12       8.22E-I08        1.72E+1C     CODOE-IC       CODE-ICC   O.OCE-IC        CODE-ICC Tel29m           1.36E-02     4.89E-iC1           1.81 E+1 2     1.46E+10         CODE-ICC     5.67E+1C       CODOE-CC CODOEICC          CCCOE-CC Te129            1.20E-02     4.32E-I01           1.60E+12       1.26E+1C         6.23E+1C     6.23E-I09      1.10E+10   COCE-ICO        OCOE-+CO Tel31m           2.67E-02     9.62E-+01           3,56E+12       2.69E+11I        2.27E+1 1    3.06E+12       1,16E+12   1.64E-i1 1      2.01 E--1 1 Te132            3.41E-01     1.23E-I03           4.54E+i13      1.05E+13         COC0E+0     CODOE-i-CD 0.CE+ICO        O.DDE-IC        C.OCE+IC0 8a137m           1.87E-01     6.72E-I02           2.49E+13       COD0E-iCC        CODE-ICC    CODOE-iC CODEiC            COCOE-CO        CO.DE-+

Ba139 1.11 E-03 3.99E-IC0 1,48E+1 1 4.42E+09S CODOE-ICC CODOE-CC 7.86E-IC8 CODE-ICC CODE-ICC NFP-DESq-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page (Next. 61 Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 Disposition: Originator/Date -Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H21 C092 00 'ýef. Bal4O I 1.2-1 i6.92&*02 I 2.56E,13 4.35E+11 9.45E+11I 3.51E+12 0.00E+00 0.008*00 0.00E`*b00 Tablei F13 ST2<OS 4 unti C cn

                                                                                              -LvlEl             E2        ~      E3                E4.              E5                E
                        -   ~

Cab , .f~i onversion . conversion 'conver-sion wicoversion conversion >converin7cnesinLneso UnitSihr - lClsecý- disitgain A . MeV MeV e . 'e '~~ 6V . MeV M099 2.22E-02 8.00E*01 2.96E+12 5.20E+10 1.49E+10 3.92E+1 1 0 OOE*00 0008*+00 0.008*0C Tc99m 2.23E-02 8.04E+01 2.98E+12 3.77E+1 1 O.OOE-*00 0008E+00 O.OOE*00 000OE*00 O.OOE*0C RulO3 2.27E-02 8.18E8,01 3.03E+12 3.398+ý09 1.34E+12 1.1 7E+11I O.OOEsO0 0.OOE*00 0.008+0( Ru1OS 1.64E-03 5.89E+00 2.18E+1 1 1.26E+10 3.90E+10 1.26E+1 1 1.42E+09 0.00E-+O0 0.OOE--0 RulO6 9.46E-03 3.41 E+01l 1.26E+12 0 OOE*00 0 OOE*00 2.20E+1 1 3.85E+10 3.09E+,09 0.OOE*0C RhiOS 1.13E-02 4.06E+01 1.50E+1 2 1.10E+09 1.16E+1 1 0.00E+00 0.OOE+O0 0.OOE+00 0.00E+/-0d Y90 2.58E-03 9.28E*ý00 3.44E+1 1 0.OOE*00 0.008*00 0,0E--00 0.OOE*00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+0( Y91 1.84E-03 6.62E+00 2.45E-'1 1 0.OOE*00 0.008+00 0.00E'-00 8.85E+048 0.008+00 0.00E*0( Y92 9.91E-03 3.57E+01 1.32E+12 0.00E*00 1.70E+10 2.11 E+11I 9.23E+10 1.21E+10 0.OOE+0( Y93 4.92E-04 1.77E+00 6.56E+10 1.20E+09 0.OOE*00 1.48E+09 9.24E+08 1.77E+09 4.688*0E Zr95 1.85E-03 6.66E+00 2.46E+1 1 0.O0E+00 0.OOE+00 1.81E+1 1 0.OOE+ý00 0.OOE*00 0.OOE*0C Zr-97 8.72E-04 3.14E+00 1.168+11I 5.32E+08 1.22E+09 7.05E+09 8.68E+09 3.50E+09 0-00E+0( Nb95 1.87E-03 6.75E+00 2.50E+1 1 4.99E+06 2.75E+07 1.91 E+1 1 0.OOE*ý00 0.OOE+00 0-O0E+0( La14O 5.368-02 1.93E+02 7.13E+12 2.92E+10 2.15E+12 2.658+12 3.598+10 1.09E+13 7.83E+11 Lal41 1.54E-04 5.54E-01 2.05E+10 0.008*00 0.008*00 0.OOE*00 7.28E+ý08 1.48E+08 0.OOE*0( La142 1.47E-05 5.29E-02 1.968*09 8.41E*05 7.278*06 8.92E+08 4.368*08 7.52E*0O8 3.23E*0ý Pr143 1.72E-03 6.18E+00 2.29E+1 1 0.008*00 0.008*00 0.00E*00 0.008*00 0.008*00 0.008*0C Nd147 7.138-04 2.57E*00 9.49E+10 4.47E*09 1.558*09 7.34E*09 0.008*00 0.00E*00 0.008*0C Am241 3.148-07 1.13E-03 4.18E*07 1.17E*06 0.008*00 0.OOE-t.00 0.008*00 0.008*00 0.008*0C Cm242 7.72E-05 2.788-01 1.03E+10 1.72E+07 0.008*00 0.008*00 0.OOE+00 0.008+00 0.008*0C Cm244 5.16E-06 1.868-02 6.87E*08 1.028*+06 0.008*00 0.008*00 0.00E*00 0.008*00 0.008*0d Cel14l 4.67E-03 1.68E+01 6.228+1 1 4.788+10 0.008*00 0.008*00 0.008*ý00 0.008*00 0.008*0C Ce143 2.88E-03 1.04E*01 3.84E+1 1 6.10E+10 9.038*09 3.348+10 1.558*09 0.008*00 0.008*0C Ce144 3.938-03 1.418* 01 5.24E+11I 1.018+10 0.008*00 0.008*00 0.008*00 0.008*00 0.008*0C Np239 4.798-02 1.728*02 6.38E+12 1.028+12 7.548+10 0.008*00 0.008*00 0.008*00 0.008*0C Pu238 1.54E-05 5.56E-02 2.06E*09 3.29E8*06 0.008*00 0.008*00 0.008*00 0.008*00 0.008*0( Pu239 1.43E-06 5.13E-03 1.90E*08 1.238*05 0.008*00 0.008*00 0.008*00 0.008*00 0.008*0( Pu240 2.018E-06 7.24E-03 2.688*08 4.10E*05 0.008*00 0.008*+00 0.008*ý00 0.008*00 0.008*0C Pu241 5,84E-04 2.10E*00 7.78E+10 0.008*00 0.008*00 0.008*00 0.008*ý00 0.008*00 0.008+O Sr89 1,04E-01 3.73E*02 1.38E+13 0.008*00 0.008*00 1.938*09 0.008*00 0.008*00 0.008*0C Sr90 1.358-02 4.858*01 1.808+12 0.008*00 0.008*00 0.008*00 0.008*00 0.008*00 0.008*0( S1-911 3.70E-02 1.338*02 4.938+12 2.268+10 2.66E*09 1.538+12 1.80E+12 3.63E+10 0.008*0 Sr92 5.83E-03 2.10E*01 7.768+1 1 5.578*09 1.21E+10 2.948+10 9.928+1 1 0.008*00 0.008*0C TOTAL (MeV) inRB* 2.58E+20 8,13E+19 [ 7.41E+19 F 1.56E+19 [__6.19E+18 I -4.65E+1 E Dividing these values be the total volume of the RB, (3E+10 cc) gives the results presented in the summary table. NEP-QPlccnR Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -G1 (Next fOriginator/Date Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station J.Metcalf 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date 1D. Leaver 12/12/06 Unit- -1 Calculation No. H21 C092 Disposition: __ Revision 00 Ref. Appendix G Reactor Building Shine to the Control Room Using QADMOD (17 pages) Backwpyound In Attachment I to Reference G1, an existing QADMOD (Reference G2) model exists for reactor building shine dose to the control room following a LOCA. The model is reproduced in the Design Input Summary of the main body of the calculation and is repeated here: Unit 1 LOCA Control Room Reactor Building Shine 8 2 0 2 25 33 2 -2 1 12 6 16 0 1 3 .01+10 0.0 300.23 600.45 900.68 1200.90 1501.13 1801.35 2101.58 2401.80 2702.03 3002.25 3302.48 3602.70 10363.20 10644.12 10925.05 11205.97 11486.89 11767.82 12048.74 0.0 309.56 619 .13 928.69 1238.25 1547.81 1857.38 2166.94 2476.50 2786.06 3095.63 3405.19 3714.75 4024.31 4333.88 4643.44 4953.00 1 1 3602.70 2 1 5443.20 3* 1 5534.60 4 1 6052.80 5 1 6144.30 6 1 7448.60 7 1 7463.80 8 1 7555.20 9 1 8723.60 10 1 10110.50 11 1 10739.10 12 1 10769.60 13 1 12324.10 14 2 3695.70 15 2 4953.00 16 2 6088.40 17 2 6179.80 18 2 6225.50 19 2 6286.50 20 2 6736.10 21 2 6766.60 22 3 10363.20 23 3 10110.50 NEP-DFS-OR Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _G2_ (Next LOriginator/Date Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station J.Metcalf 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date D.Leaver 12/12/06 Unit: -1 Calculation No. H210C092 Disposition: __ Revision 00 24 3 9144.00 25 3 9123.70 1 1 1 15 22 10 . 10. 10. 2 2 1 15 22 10. 10. 11000. 3 2 1 15 10. 6000. 10. 4 2 1 2 4000. 6000. 10. 5 2 2 11 20 8000. 8000. 10. 6 2 2 9 17 20 8000. 6400. 10. 7 2 2 4 14 17 23 5500. 5000. 10. 8 1 2 3 14 23 5500. 3000. 10. 9 2 3 6 14 24 6000. 2000. 10. 10 2 3 7 14 23 24 6000. 2000. 10000. 11 1 4 5 14 1723 6100. 5000. 10. 12 2 5 6 14 16 24 6600. 5000. 10. 13 2 5 7 14 16 23 24 6600. 5000. 10000. 14 1 6 8 16 24 7500. 2000. 10. 15 1 7 8 16 23 24 7500. 2000. 10000. 16 2 2 8 17 23 6000. 2000. 12000. 17 2 8 9 16 8000. 2000. 10. 18 1 5 9 16 17 23 8000. 6100. 10. 19 2 8 9 16 17 23 8000. 6100. 12000. 20 2 9 10 18 9000. 2000. 10. 21 1 9 10 18 19 24 9000. 6250. 10. 22 2 9 10 18 19 24 9000. 6250. 12000. 23 2 9 10 19 20 9000. 6400. 10. 24 2 10 16 12000. 2000. 10. 25 1 10 13 16 17 24 10500. 6100. 10. 26 2 10 13 16 17 24 10500. 6100. 12000. 27 2 10 17 20 12000. 6400. 10. 28 2 13 16 17 13000. 6100. 10. 29 .1 11 12 20 24 10750. 8000. 10. 30 1 12 20 21 24 12000. 6750. 10. 31 2 12 21 25 12000. 8000. 10. 32 1 12 21 24 25 12000. 8000. 9130. 33 2 11 20 24 12000. 8000. 12000. 2.05 1.225-3 2.82+10 1.11+10 2.15+9 1.59+9 5.85+8 5.31+8 3.63+5 0.0 6.84-10 5.83-10 5.10-10 4.69-10 4.32-10 4.13-10 3.67-10 3.01-10 MEV PER REM M* NEP-DESq-ns Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -G3-(Next - Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: F a1cubo N. Disposition: Revsio OriginatoriDate Reviewer/Date CluainN.Rvso FJ. Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 J Ref. 10799.59 6796.60 8625.84 1 DP #1 10799.59 8509.48 8625.84 1 DP #2 12934.79 8509.48 8625.84 1 DP #3 10799.59 6750.84 9145.00 1 DP #4 10799.59 8509.48 9145.00 1 DP #5 12934.79 8509.48 9145.00 1 DP #6

                                                        -1 (Note that shielding material indices were reversed in original model - see box above - correction shown)

To execute this model for AST, it is only necessary to change the following integrated energies (MeV/cc) by energy group: 2.82+10 1.11+10 2.15+9 1.59+9 5.85+8 5.31+8 3.63+5 0.0 The corresponding group representative energies from the QADMOD documentation are as follows: 0.4 MeV 0.8 MeV 1.3 MeV 1.7 MeV 2.2 MeV 2.5 MeV 3.5 MeV 6.15 MeV To use these standard energy groups, the following information from Appendix F: RB activity concentrations Energ Integrated Activity (MeV) (MeV-secl Occupancy Interval mdpt cc-sec) Factor El 0-.3 0.2 1.30E+10 8.60E+09 E2 .3-.5 0.4 4.84E+09 2.71 E+09 E3 .5-1 0.75 3136E+09 2.47E+09 E4 1-1.5 1.25 5.78E+08 5.19E+08 E5 1.5-2 1.75 2.1-3E+08 2.-06E+08 E6 2+ 2.5 1.56E+08 1.55E+08 is adapted by (1) adding ElI and E2 and placing that energy in the 0.4 MeV group, (2) placing the E3 energy in the 0.8 MeV group, (3) placing the E4 energy in the 1.3 MeV group, (4) placing the E5 energy in the 1.7 MeV group, and (5) skipping the 2.2 MeV group and placing the E6 energy in the 2.5 MeV group. The 3.5 MeV and 6.15 MeV groups are ignored. Therefore, the inputs are as follows: 0.4 MeV. 0.8 MeV 1.3 MeV 1.7 Mey 2.2 MeV 2.5 Hey 3.5 Mey 6.15 Hey 1.13+10 2.47+9 5.18+8 2.06+8 0.0 1.55+8 0.0 0.0 NEP-QF~q-nR Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -G4-(Next - Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: aclto o Disposition: Revsio Originator/Date Reviewer/Date CluainN.Rvso J. Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 QADMOD Run The QADMOD run isreproduced as follows: Unit 1 LOCA Control Room Reactor Building Shine 8 2 0 2 25 33 2 -2 1 12 6 16 0 1 3.01+10 0.0 300.23 600.45 900.68 1200.90 1501.13 1801.35 2101.58 2401.80 2702.03 3002.25 3302.48 3602.70 10363.20 10644.12 10925.05 11205.97 11486.89 11767 .82 12048.74 0.0 309.56 619.13 928.69 1238.25 1547.81 1857.38 2166.94 2476.50 2786.06 3095.63 3405.19 3714.75 4024.31 4333.88 4643.44 4953.00 1 1 3602.70 2 1 5443.20 3 1 5534.60 4 1 6052. 80 5 1 6144.30 6 1 7448.60 7 1 7463.80 8 1 7555.20 9 1 8723.60 10 1 10110.50 11 1 10739.10 12 1 10769.60 13 1 12324.10 14 2 3695.70 15 2 4953.00 16 2 6088.40 17 2 6179.80 18 2 6225.50 19 2 6286.50 20 2 6736.10 21 2 6766.60 22 3 10363.20 23 3 10110.50 24 3 9144.00 25 3 9123 .70 1 1 1 15 22 10. 10. 10. 2 2 1 15 22 10. 10. 11000. 3 2 1 15 10. 6000. 10. 4 2 1 2 4000. 6000. 10. 5 2 2 11 20 8000. 8000. 10. NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _G5_ (Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition:.-_ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 JH210C092 00 -<et. 6 2 9 17 20 8000. 6400. 10. 7 2 4 14 17 23 5500. 5000. 10. 8 1 3 14 23 5500. 3000. 10. 9 2 6 14 24 6000. 2000. 10. 10 2 7 14 23 24 6000. 2000. 10000. 11 1 5 14 17 23 6100. 5000. 10. 12 2 6 14 16 24 6600. 5000. 10. 13 2 7 14 16 23 24 6600. 5000. 10000. 14 8 16 24 7500. 2000. 10. 15 1 8 16 23 24 7500. 2000. 10000. 16 8 17 23 6000. 2000. 12000. 1 17 9 16 8000. 2000. 10. 2 18 9 16 17 23 8000. 6100. 10. 2 19 9 16 17 23 8000. 6100. 12000. 1 20 10 18 9000. 2000. 10. 2 21 10 18 19 24 9000. 6250. 10. 2 22 10 18 19 24 9000. 6250. 12000. 23 1 10 19 20 9000. 6400. 10. 24 2 16 12000. 2000. 10. 25 2 13 16 17 24 10500. 6100. 10. 26 2 13 16 17 24 10500. 6100. 12000. 27 17 20 12000. 6400. 10. 28 16 17 13000. 6100. 10. 1 29 12 20 24 10750. 8000. 10. 2 30 20 21 24 12000. 6750. 10. 2.0 31 21 25 12000. 8000. 10. 32 21 24 25 12000. 8000. 9130. 33 20 24 12000. 8000. 12000. 1.225-3 25 23 1.13+10 2.47+9 5.19+8 2.06+8 0.00+0 1.55+8 0.00+0 0.0 6.84-10 5.83-10 5.10-10 4.69-10 4.32-10 4.13-10 3.67-10 3.01-10 MEV PER REM 10799.59 6796.60 8625.84 1 DP #1 10799.59 8509.48 8625.84 1 DP #2 12934.79 8509.48 8625.84 1 DP #3 10799.59 6750.84 9145.00 1 DP #4 10799.59 8509.48 9145.00 1 DP #5 12934.79 8509.48 9145.00 1 DP #6

-J.                                                                                                                    NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _G6_ (Next Project.- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: TCauafoN. Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date CllaonN.Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 00 j TU ELECTRIC COMANCHE PEAK ENGINEERING QADMOD-GP PROGRAM QADMOD-G CCC-396 (PC VERSION WITH OPTIONAL G-P BU FACTORS) Unit I LOCA Control Room Reactor Building Shine

                                    ***PROGRAM       CONTROL***




ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -GU-(Next EOriginator/Date Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station J.Metcalf 12/12/06 Review er/Date Unit: -1 D.Leaver 12/12/06 Calculation No. H21C092 Disposition: __ Reision 00 SOURCE 3 . 0100E+10 0.000 0E÷00 0. 0000E+O0 0. 0000E+00 0. OOOOE+00 0.0000OE+00 o .OOOOE+00 R 0. OOOOE+00 3. 0023E+02 6. 0045E+02 9. 0068E+02 1. 2009E+03 1. 5011E+03

1. 8013E+0 3 2. 1016E+03 2 .4018E+03 2 .7020E+03 3. 0023E+03 3 .3025E+03 3. 6027E+03 Z 1.0363E+04 1. 0644E+04 1. 0925E+04 1. 1206E+04 1. 1487E+04 1. 1768E+04
1. 2049E+04 PHI o .OOOOE+OO 3. 0956E+02 6 . 1913E+02 9 .2869E+02 1. 2383E+03 1. 5478E+03
1. 8574E+03 2 . 1669E+03
2. 4765E+03 2 .7861E+03 3. 0956E+03 3. 4052E+03 3 .7148E+03 4. 0243E+03 4.3339E+03 4. 6434E+03
4. 9530E+03 F(L) 1. OOOOE+00 1. 0000E+00 1. 0000E+00 1. OOOOE+00 1. 0000E+00 2..OOOOE+00
1. OOOOE+0O 1. OOOOE+i00
1. OOOOE+00 1. 0000E+O0 1. 0000E+0O 1. OOOOE+00 1. 0000E+00 F (m) 1. OOOOE+0O 1. OOOOE+0O 1. 0000E+00 1. OQOOE+00 1. 0000E+00 1..OOOOE+00
1. OOOOE+O0 F (N) 1. OOOOE+OO 1. 0000OE+00 1. 0000E+00 1.-OOOOE+00 1. 0000E+00 1. OOOOE+00
1. OOOOE+0O 1. OOOOE+OO 1.OOOOE+00 1.0000E+00 1. 0000E+00 1. OOOOE+00
1. OOOOE+O0 1. O0OOE+00
1. OOOOE+0O NEP-DES-flR Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _G8_ (Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Oiginator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision 1 Ji.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 j Ref.

             ****GEOMETRY DESCRIPTION***

BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION BOUNDARY ADM (CM) NO IND TYPE 1 0 1 3. 6027E+03 0. 00005+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. 00005+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 o .OOOOE+00 2 0 2. 5. 4432E+03 0. 00005+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. 00005+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. 00005+00 o .OOOOE+0O 3 0 1 5.5S346E+03 0. 00005+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. 00005+00 0. 00005+00 0. OOOOE+00

0. 0000E+00 4 0 1 6. 0528E+03 0. 00005+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. 00005+00 0. 00005+00 0. 00005+00 o .OOOOE+O0 5 0 1 6. 1443E+03 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. 00005+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. 00005+00 o .OOOOE+OO 6 0 1 7. 4486E+03 0. OOOOE+00 0. 00005+00 0. 00005+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. 00005+00
0. OOOOE+0O 7 0 1 7 .4638E+03 0. OOOOE+00 0. 00005+00 0. 00005+00 0. 00005+00 0. 00005+00
0. OOOOE+00 8 0 1 7. 5552E+03 0. 0000E-+00 0. 00005+00 0. OOOOE+00 0.0000OE+00 0. OOOOEO00 o .OOOOE+00 9 0 1 8. 7236E+03 0. 00005+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. 00005+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. 00005+00 o .OOOOE+00 10 0 1 1. 0111E+0 4 0. 00005+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. 00005+00 0. OOOOE+00
0. OOOOE+00 11 0 1 1. 0739E+04 0. 00005+00 0. 00005+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. 00005+00 0. 00005+/-00 o .OOOOE+00 12 0 1 1. 0770OE+04 0. 00005+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00
0. OOOOE+00 13 0 1 1. 2324E+04 0. OOOOE+00 0. 00005+00 0. 00005+00 0. 00005+00 0. OOOOE+00
0. OOOOE+00 14 0 2 3. 6957E+03 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. 00005+00 0. 00005+00
0. OOOOE+00 15 0 2 4. 9530E+03 0. 00005+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. 00005+00 0. 00005+00 0. 00005+00
0. 0000E+00 16 0 2 6. 0884E+03 0. 00005+00 0. 00005+00 0. 00005+00 0. 00005+00 0. 00005+00
0. OOOOE+00 17 0 2 6.179 8E+ 03 0. 00005+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. 00005+00
0. 0000E+00 18 0 2 6. 2255E+03 0. OOOOE+00 0. 00005+00 0. 00005+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00
0. OOOOE+00 19 0 2 6. 2865E+03 0. OOOOE+00 0. 00005+00 0. 00005+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. 00005+00
0. OOOOE+00 20 0 2 6. 7361E+ 03 0. OOOOE+00 O . 0000+00 0. 00005+00 0. 00005+00 0. OOOOE+00
0. OOOOE+00 21 0 2 6.7666E+03 0. 00005+00 0. 00005+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. 00005+00 0. 00005+00
0. OOOOE+00 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -G9-(Next Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ FJ., Metcalf 12/12/06 riginator/Date Reviewer/Date D.Leaver 12/12/06 Calculation No. H21 C092 Revision 00 Ref. 22 0 3 1.0363E+04 O.OOOOE÷O0 0.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 o.OOOOE+00 23 0 3 1.0111E+04 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 o.0000E+00 24 0 3 9.1440E+03 O.OOOOE+O0 0.OOOOE+00O0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 o.OOOOE+00 25 0 3 9. 1237E+03 0.00005+00 0.0000E÷00 O0.000E+00 0.OOOOE+0O 0.0000E+00 o.0000E+00 REGION DESCRIPTION REG MAT BOUNDS BY REGION POINT IN REGION NO NO xCCM) Y(CM) Z(CM) 1 1 1 15 22 0 0 1.OOOOE+01 1.00005+01 1.00005+01 2 2 1 15 22 0 0 1.OOOOE+01 1.00005+01 1.1000E+04 3 2 1.15 0 0 0 1.0000E+01 6.00005+03 1.OOOOE+01 4 1 2 0 0 0 4.00005+03 6.OOOOE+03 1.00005+01 5 2 11 20 0 0 8.00005+03 8.OOOOE+03 1.OOOOE+01 6 2 9 17 20 0 8.OOOOE+03 6.4000E+03 1.OOOOE+01 7 2 4 14 17 23 5.5000E+03 5.OOOOE+03 1.OOOOE+01 8 2 3 14 23 0 5.5000E+03 3.00005+03 1.O0OOE+01 9 3 6 14 24 0 6.OOOOE+03 2.OOOOE+03 1.OOOOE+01 10 3 7 14 23 24 6.OOOOE+03 2.OOOOE+03 1.OOOOE+04 11 4 5 14 17 23 6.1000E+03 5.OOOOE+03 1.OOOOE+01 12 5 6 14 16 24 6.6000E+03 5.OOOOE+03 1.OOOOE+01 13 5 7 14 16 23 6.6000E+03 5.0000E+03 1.00005+04 14 6 8 16 24 0 7.5000E+03 2.00005+03 1.0000E÷01 15 7 8 16 23 24 7.5000E+03 2.00005+03 1.00005+04 16 2 8 17 23 0 6.00005+03 2.00005+03 1.2000E+04 17 8 9 16 0 0 8.OOOOE+03 2.00005+03 1.OOOOE+01 18 5 9 16 17 23 8.OOOOE+03 6.1000E+03 1.OOOOE÷01 19 8 9 16 17 23 8.OOOOE+03 6.1000E+03 1.2000E+04 20 9 10 18 0 0 9.00005+03 2.00005+03 1.00005+01 21 9 10 18 19 24 9.OOOOE÷03 6.2500E+03 1.00005+01 22 9 10 18 19 24 9.OOOOE+03 6.2500E+03 1.2000E+04 23 9 10 19 20 0 9.00005+03 6.4000E+03 1.00005+01 24 10 16 0 0 0 1.2000E+04 2.00005+03 1.00005÷01 25 10 13 16 17 24 1.0500E+04 6.1000E+03 1.00005÷01 26 10 13 16 17 24 1.0500E+04 6.1000E+03 1.2000E+04 27 10 17 20 0 0 1.2000E+04 6.4000E+03 1.00005+01 28 13 16 17 0 0 1.3000E+04 6.1000E+03 1.00005÷01 29 11 12 20 24 0 1.0750E+04 8.OOOOE+03 1.00005+01 30 12 20 21 24 0 1.2000E+04 6.7500E+03 1.OOOOE÷01 31 12 21 25 0 0 1.2000E+04 8.00005+03 1.00005+01 32 12 21 24 25 0 1.2000E+04 8.00005÷03 9.13005+03 33 11 20 24 0 0 1.2000E+04 8.00005÷03 1.2000E+04 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -G1 0-(Next Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition:___ [Originator/Date J.Metcalf 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date D.Leaver 12/12/06 Calculation No. IH21 C092 Revision 00


COMP/MAT 1 2 1 2.0500E+00 0. QOOOE+0O 2 O.OOOOE+OO 1.2250E-03


25 23


GRP /MAT I 2 GAMMA ATTENUATION COEFFICIENT 1 9.5750E-02 9. 5270E-02 2 7. 0890E-02 7. 0680E-02 3 5. 6650E-02 5. 6470E-02 4 4. 9080E-02 4. 8830E-02 5 4. 3140E-02 4. 2730E-02 6 4. 0660E-02 4. 0130E-02 7 3 .4210E-02 3 .3290E-02 8 2. 6770E-02 2. 5000E-02 p-n~.n~ NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _G1 1. (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reiwer/Date Calculation No. Revision [J._Metcalf 12/12/06 DLeaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 J Ref. GRP SOURCE CONVERSION BO B1 B2 B3 SPECTRA FACTORS 1 1. 1300E+10 6. 8400E-10 9.9958E-01 1. 1054E+00 2 .6019E-01 4 . 1881E-03 2 2 .4700E+09 5. 8300E-10 9. 9568E-01. 9. 1546E-01 1. 5940E-01 -8.5060E-04 3 5. 1900E+08 5.10OOGE-lO 9. 9334E-01 8. 2479E-01 8. 2983E-02 -1.20385-03 4 2. 0600E+08 4. 6900E-10 9. 9420E-01 7 .7514E-01 5.2823E-02 -8. 2951E-04 5 o .OOOOE+OO 4. 3200E-10 9. 9616E-01 7 .2817E-01 3 .1157E-02 -5. 0390E-04 6 1. 5500E+08 4. 1300E-10 9. 9722E-01 7.0133E-01. 2. 4519E-02 -3 .7916E-04 7 o .OOOOE+0O 3.6700E-10 1. 0012E+00 6. 2686E-01 4. 5545E-03 -2. 4947E-05 8 0. OOOOE+00 3. OlOOE-10 1. 0053E+00 4. 8738E-01 -7.7360E-03 2.4680E-04 MEAN ENERGY FOR GROUP 4.OOOOE-01 8.OOOOE-01. 1.3000E+00 1.7000E+00 2.2000E+00 2.5000E+00 3.5000E+00


ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -G1 2.. (Next [Originator/Date Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station J.Metcalf 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date D.Leaver 12/12/06 Unit: -1 Calculation No. H21 C092 Disposition: R~evision 00 COORDINATE TYPE 1 SOURCE INTENSITY OPTION 2 COORDINATE INTENSITY COORDINATE INTENSITY COORDINATE INTENSITY COORDINATE INTENSITY X COORDINATE 1 1.5012E+02 6. 0046E+02 4. 5034E+02 6.0D044E+02 7. 5057E+02 6. 0046E+02 1. 0508E+03

6. 0044E+02 5 1.3510E+03 6. 0046E+02 1. 6512E+03 6.00D44E+02 1. 9515E+03 6. 0046E+02 2. 2517E+03
6. 0044E+02 9 2.5519E+03 6. 0046E+02 2. 8521E+03 6. 0044E+02 3. 1524E+03 6. 0046E+02 3.452 6E+03
6. 0044E+02 Y COORDINATE 1 1.5478E+02 6. 1912E+02 4. 6435E+02 6. 1914E+02 7. 7391E+02 6. 1912E+02 1. 0835E+03
6. 1912E+02 5 1.3930E+03 6. 1912E+02 1.7026E+03 6. 1914E+02 2. 0122E+03 6. 1912E+02 2.3217E+403
6. 1912E+02 9 2.6313E+03 6. 1912E+02 2. 9408E+03 6. 1914E+02 3. 2504E+03 6. 1912E+02 3. 5600E+03
6. 1912E+02 13 3.8695E+s03 6. 1912E+0-2 4 .1791E+03 6. 1914E+02 4. 4887E+03 6. 1912E+02 4. 7982E+.03
6. 1912E+02 Z COORDINATE 1 1.0504E+04 7 .0284E+01 1.0D785E+04 7. 0286E+01 1. 1066E+04 7. 0284E+01 1. 1346E+04
7. 0284Z+01 5 1.1627E+04 7. 0286E+01 1. 1908E+04 7. 02 84E+01 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -G13 L (Next - L Project:Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station riginator/Date FJ. Metcalf 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date D.Leaver 12/12/06 Unit: 1 -CacltoN. Caclto NoRvision H21 C092 Disposition: 00 e__ I RECEIVER NUMBER 1 DP #1 Unit 1 LOCA COORDINATES Control Room

                                                              -    X Reactor Building Shine 1.0800E+04       Y    6.7966E+03      Z    8.6258E+03 GRP     MEAN      MEAN BUILDUP                    ENERGY FLUX                           DOSE RATE NO     ENERGY         FACTORS           DIRECT BEAM       WITH BUILDUP       DIRECT BEAM       WITH BUILDUP MEV                                         MEV PER                               REM 1     .4000      2. 9994E+02          8 .0477E-03       2. 4138E+00        5. 5046E-12       1. 6511E-09 2     .8000      7 .7479E+01          1. 9649E+00       1. 5224E+02        1.1456E-09        8. 8757E-08 3    1.3000      3. 1290E+01          2 .4284E+01       7. 5982E+02        1.2385E-08        3. 8751E-07 4    1.7000      2. 0331E+01          8. 5846E+01       1. 7454E+03        4. 0262E-08       8. 1858E-07 5    2.2000      0. OOOOE+00          0. OOOOE+00       0. OOOOE+00        0. OOOOE+00       0. OOOOE+00 6    2.5000      1.2189E+01           7. 5292E+02       9. 1774E+03        3 .1096E-07       3. 7902E-06 7     3.5000      0. OOOOE+00          o .OOOOE+00       0. OOOOE+00        0. OOOOE+00       0. OOOOE+00 8    6.1500      0. OOOOE+00          0. OOOOE+00       0. OOOOE+00        0. OOOOE+00       0. OOOOE+00 TOTAL .2.1607                           8. 6503E+02       1. 1837E+04        3. 6475E-07       5. 0867E-06 WOBU   2.3202 ENERGY FLUX BUILDUP                 DOSE BUILDUP
1. 3684E+01 1. 3946E+01 N~PJ~Qfl~

NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -G14-(Next Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Oriinto/DteReviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision Ief J.Mtcl 2/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 Unit 1 LOCA Control Room IH21C092 Reactor Building ShineI 00 RECEIVER NUM1BER 2 DP #2 COORDINATES - X 1.0800E+04 Y 8.5095E+03 Z 8.6258E+03 GRP MEAN MEAN BUILDUP ENERGY FLUX DOSE RATE NO ENERGY FACTORS DIRECT BEAM WITH BUILDUP DIRECT BEAM WITH BUILDUP MEV MEV PER REM CM* *2 1 .4000 2. 8895E+01 1.522 6E+07 4. 3996E+08 1. 0415E-02 3. 0093E-01 2 .8000 1. 1947E+01 2. 6828E+07 3 . 2051E+08 1. 5641E-02 1. 8686E-01 3 1.3000 6. 6873E+00 1. 8691E+07 1. 2499E+08 9. 5323E-03 6 .3745E-02 4 1.7000 5. 0448Ei-00 1. 4054E+07 7. 0898E+07 6. 5912E-03 3 .3251E-02 5 2.2000 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 6 2.5000 3. 6722E+00 2 . 1590E+07 7. 9285Ei-07 8. 9169E-03 3 .2745E-02 7 3.5000 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 8 6.1500 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 TOTAL .6201 9. 6389E+07 1. 0356E+09 5. 1096E-02 6. 1753E-01 WOBU .9369 ENERGY FLUX BUILDUP DOSE BUILDUP

1. 0744E+01 1. 2086E+01 NEP-npES-np Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -G15-(Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision [J. Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 Unit 1 LOCA Control Room Reactor Building Shine RECEIVER NUMBER 3 DP #3 COORDINATES - X 1.2935E+04 Y 8.5095E+03 Z 8.6258E+03 GRP MEAN MEAN BUILDUP ENERGY FLUX DOSE RATE NO ENERGY FACTORS DIRECT BEAM WITH BUILDUP DIRECT BEAM WITH BUILDUP MEV MEV PER REM CM**2 1 .4000 2 . 8125E+01 2. 1229E+06 5. 9707E+07 1. 4520E-03 4. 0839E-02 2 .8000 1. 18 60E+0l1 3.6331E+06 4. 3090E+07 2. 1181E-03 2. 5121E-02 3 1.3000 6.8451E+00 2. 5343E+06 1. 7348E+07 1. 2925E-03 8. 8475E-03 4 1.7000 5. 3126E+00 1. 9417E+06 1. 0315E+07 9. 1064E-04 4. 8379E-03 5 2.2000 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0.-OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 6 2.5000 4. 0353E+00 3. 1510E+06 1. 2715E+07 1.3014E-03 5.2514E-03 7 3.5000 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 8 6.1500 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 TOTAL .6290 1. 3383E+07 1. 4318E+08 7. 0746E-03 8. 4898E-02 WOBU .9424 ENERGY FLUX BUILDUP DOSE BUILDUP

1. 0698E+01 1.2000E+01 NEP-DESq-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -G16-(Next Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date ReviewerlDate CFa-lculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 1H21CO92 00 J Ret. Unit 1 LOCA Control Room Reactor Building Shine RECEIVER NUMBER 4 DP #4 COORDINATES - X 1.0800E+04 Y 6.7508E+03 Z 9.1450E+03 GRP MEAN MEAN BUILDUP ENERGY FLUX DOSE RATE NO ENERGY FACTORS DIRECT BEAM WITH BUILDUP DIRECT BEAM WITH BUILDUP MEV MEV PER REM CM* *2 1 .4000 2. 5493E+00 1. 3653E+10 3. 4805E+10 9. 3385E+00 2 .3807E+01 2 .8000 1. 8574E+00 3. 9720E+09 7. 3775E+09 2. 3157E+00 4. 3011E+00 3 1.3000 1. 5732E÷00 9. 8489E+08 1. 5494E+09 5. 0230E-01 7 . 9020E-01 4 1.7000 1.4550E+00 4. 2742E+08 6 .2188E+08 2 .0046E-01 2 .9166E-01 5 2.2000 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 6 2.5000 1.3362E+00 3. 5620E+08 4. 7596E+08 1.4711lE-01 1. 9657E-01 7 3.5000 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OO0OE+00 8 6.1500 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 TOTAL .4575 1.93 93E+10 4. 4830E+10 1 .2504E+01 2. 9386E+01 WOBU .4818 ENERGY FLUX BUILDUP DOSE BUILDUP 2 .3116E+00 2.-3501E+00 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page G17U (Next _jfLLJ Proj'ect: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1I Disposition:-__ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 Unit 1 LOCA Control Room Reactor Building Shine RECEIVER NUMBER 5 DP #5 COORDINATES - X 1.0800E+04 Y 8.5095E+03 Z 9.1450E+03 GRP MEAN MEAN BUILDUP ENERGY FLUX DOSE RATE NO ENERGY FACTORS DIRECT BEAM WITH BUILDUP DIRECT BEAM WITH BUILDUP MEV MEV PER REM CM**2 1 .4000 2. 7165E+00 2 .4870E+10 6 .7557E+10 1. 7011E+01 4. 6209E+01 2 .8000 1. 9457E+00 7. 4182E+09 1. 4434E+10 4. 3248E+00 8 .4149E+00 3 1.3000 1. 6294E+00 1. 8670E+09 3. 0420E+09 9. 5217E-01 1. 5514E+00 4 1.7000 1. 4978E+00 8. 1678E+08 1.2234E+09 3. 8307E-01 5.7377E-01 5 2.2000 0.0000OE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0.0000OE+00 0.0000OE+00 6 2.5000 1.3641E+00 6. 8677E+08 9. 3685E+08 2 .8364E-01 3. 8692E-01 7 3.5000 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 8 6.1500 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 TOTAL .4580 3. 5658E+10 8 .7193E+10 2 .2954E+01 5. 7136E+01 WOBU .4842 ENERGY FLUX BUILDUP DOSE BUILDUP

2. 4452E+00 2. 4891E+00 Results The critical dose point is DP #2 as indicated in Attachment 1 of Reference Gi. The dose for this dose point (see boxed output, above) is 0.62 rem.

References GI - PSAT 4026CF.QA.03, "Design Data Base for Application of the Alternative DBA Source Termn to Nine Mile Point Unit 1"Revision 0 G2 - "QADMOD-GP: Point Kernel Gamma-Ray Shielding Code With Geometric Progression Buildup Factors", RSIC Code Package CCC-565. NE P-DE S-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -Hi (Next Project.-Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1I C Disposition: Revsio Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Caculation No. Rvso H.Pustulka 12/12/06 N/A- H21C092 00 Appendix H Reactor Building Shine Dose Verification (5 Pages) Check of Reactor Building Shine Calculated in Appendix G Background/Methodology A representative group of radionuclides are chosen such that they produce the same source strength (Me V/cc) as that calculated for the reactor building (RB) in Appendix F. By simplifying the analysis to only include 5 radionuclides, and considering the activity as a point source, the dose can be calculated at a given point in the control room. Due to the geometry of the RB, and the surrounding structures, only a portion of the RB is 'seen' by the control room. Extending this observation it can be stated that only a portion of the activity in the RB is seen by the control room. Calculations performed in this Appendix include: o Determine the percent of the RB 'seen' by the control room o Determination of the point to be used as the activity point source in the shine calculation o Distance from the activity point source to the dose location o Total curies of each representative radionuclide used

                        " Shine Dose Calculation
                        " Check of shine dose calculated to the QADMOD result presented in Appendix G NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _H2_ (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Originiator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H. Pustulka 12/12/06 N/A H21C092 00 j Ref. Calculation Geometry and Percent 'Seen' Using the schematics and input from Calculation No. H2 1C043 Rev 1[Ref H-lI] a geometric analysis of the buildings can be carried out. Location (D is the point in the control room that 'sees' the greatest portion of the RB3. This point is used in the analysis for conservatism. Point Z is the north/west most side of the north/east wall of the moisture separator/reheater area. The line of sight between location T and location (Z determines the portion of the RB that is seen. The equation of a line is: y = rnx+b The slope (in) of the line is the Ay/Ax or (Y1-Y2)/(X1-X2) = 0.49. Using the values of location T the point at where the line intercepts the y axis (constant b) is found. y =O.49x+b 8509.48 = 0.49(10799.59)+Ib b=3209.1 cm We now have the equation: y = 0.49x+3209. L This equation is used to determine the point where the line intersects the RB (Location 0). y =0.49x+3209.1, wherey =4953.0. Solving for xgives: x =3553.2 cm. 2 Area of the RB: AR-Bb*h; ARB =(3602.7*4953.0); ARB =1.78E+07 cm C4 Recognizing that location 0 has coordinates (0, 3 209. 1) and using the formula for the area of the triangle: ATrianglc =V2b*h ATriangleAVY2(495 3.0-3209.l )*(3553 .20) NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page ..H3_ (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision rH. Pustulka 12/12/06 N/A H21 C092 00 ATH-jngie A= 3. 10E+06 cm2 The percentage of activity in the RB 'seen' by the control room is ATi-angle/Ap.B 17.4% A value of 18% is used for conservatism. Activity as a Point Source The grey shaded area represents the activity 'seen' by the control room dose point. Dose is calculated at locations 0,0 and (@,assuming all the activity is present at the evaluated point. Acknowledging that dose varies as a function of the inverse of distance-squared, and is influenced by the available shielding, these locations provide the high limit dose for the calculation. t y Sx Concrete Shield Thickness and Distance from Dose Point to Activity Point Source The distance 'D' between two points is calculated using the equation:

                  - - - - -- - - -   -

D(cm) = V(Y2 -YI) 2 +(X2 _-X 2 1 ) + (Z2 _-z 1) 2 4 - Using the coordinates for locations 0,0 and (@,and recognizing that the vertical distance between location (D and locations 0,0 and @)is 2580 cm, or the average elevation of the source (11206 cm) minus0 elevation of 8626 cm. D(O) = 8474.4 cm, D(G) =112303.7 cm and D(@) = 11659.2 cm. z The incident angle (0) determines the thickness of the concrete shielding seen by the dose location. The larger 0 is, the larger the shielding thickness Vd. For the lateral increase in shielding the 2580 cm[ 0e- following equations are used: d(cm) = 20.32 _20.32 cos (0j) adjacent hypotenuse 20.32 d(0)=(0) =10799.6cm 22.64cm and d(0D)= 2079.32  : 21.39 cm 2 7 12030. cm I 13 0.1cm To take into account the vertical increase in shielding the following is used: d(cm) = l~ateral =_ lateral cos(0 5 ) adjacent hypotenuse 22.64 21.39 d(0)= d(0) = 12030.2cm =23.2cm and d(@=11370. 1cm = 21.9 cm 12303. 7cm 11659. 1cm Representative Radionulcides Using the Table F 1.1 from Appendix F, radionuclides with dominant energies in each of the energy groups are chosen to create a representative sample of the dose. Table H-i shows the nuclides chosen, and their NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -H4 (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -I Disposition: Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 N/A- H21 0092 00 1ýet. corresponding MeV/dis values.

                              *r  i's. Ukk It3  D    --   l.Iz;t.vt      .At,,M..     .- AI T....P-     t..              4;     AT  v1d; z   -   ...

MeV/dis Kr89 Xel35m 1131 La14O Sr92 (0 to 0.3)* 0.05026 0.00418 0.02124 0.00409 0.00717 (0.3 to 0.5) 0.08839 0.00000 0.29740 0.30205 0.01562 (0.5 to 1) 0.37700 0.42650 0.06250 0.37080 0.03786 (1ito 1.5) 0.28430 0.00000 0.00000 0.00503 1.27841 (1.5 to 2) 0.33461 0.00000 0.00000 1.52450 0.00000 (2+) 0.69989 0.00000O 0.00000 0.10980 0.00000 Bolded values are the dominant energy value for which the radionuclide was chosen.

                                 *No representative nuclide was chosen for this energy level because low energy levels do not significantly effect the resulting dose in a shine calculation Curies used as input are converted to MeV/cc by using the conversions: (ICi = 3.7E10 dis/sec), (Ihr = 3600sec) and the appropriate MeV/dis value listed in Table H-I, as well as dividing the value by the volume of the RB.

The amount of curies for each representative nuclide were varied using the MeV/cc values calculated in Appendix F as the goal values. The results are presented in Table H-2. Table H-2: MeV/hr-cc by Representative Nuclide _____ Nuclide Kr-89 Xel35m 1131 Lal4O Sr92 Total Curies 46740 942620 2014100 J20250 80965 ____ dis/sec-cc 2.07E+08 4.18E+09 8.94E+09 J8.99E+07 3.59E+08 - mevfe Ci. 3.7El0dis .3600sec MeV Ci-sec lh-r Di51s 1-r*. cc Volume P (0to0.3) 1.04E+07 1.75E+07 1.90E+08 3.68E+05 2.58E+06 2.21 E+08 (0.3 to 0.5) 1.83E+07 0.OOE+00 2.66E+09 2.71 E+07 5.61 E+06 2.71 E+09 (0.5 to 1) 7.82E+07 1.78E+09 5.59E+08 3.33E+07 1.36E+07 2.47E+09 (1ito 1.5) 5.90E+07 0.OOE+00 0.00 E+00 4.52E+05 4.59E+08 5.19E+08 (1.5 to 2) 6.94E+07 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.37E+08 0.OOE+00 L2.06E+08 (2+ 1.45E+08 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 I9.87E+06 0.00 E+00 1.55E+08

                       *values are normalized over hours so the dose can be calculated as remlhr to be                                     compatible with RadPro output.

Dose The shine dose is calculated using the RadPro Calculator computer program [Ref H-2]. RadPro calculated the followina by representative radionuclide and dose location: Location 0 § ___D_ D (cm) 8474.4 12303.7 11659.2 d (cm) 23.2 23.2 21.9 Kr89 0.295 0.122 0.158 Xe135m 2.021 0.830 1.169 1131 3.451 1.417 1,940 La14O 0.371 0.155 0.204 NFP-nF.EnR Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -H5-(Next ýCI Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H. Pustuika 12/12/06 N/A H21 C092 00 J Sr92 1.069 0.446 0.838 Total (remlhr) 7.207 2.971 4.308 Dose seen (rem)* 1.297 0.535 0.775

                                     *the total rem is multiplied by 18% calculated earlier in this appendix. (Seen area is -18% of the RB)

Summary The dose amount generated using the QADMOD computer code (Appendix G) is: 0.62 rem. These results show good agreement between the two methods, (i.e., 0.62 rem falls between 0.535 and 1.297 rem). Consequently, the Appendix G results are considered acceptable. References H- I Calculation H21 C043 Rev 1, "Licensing Basis LOCA Control Room Doses" H1-2 McGinnis, R., Rad Pro Calculator, Version 2.30, September 4, 2006 ______________________NEP-DE S-O Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -11. (Next EOriginator/Date Project.' Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station J.Metcalf 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date Unit: D.Leaver 12/12/06 1 __TCacatnN.Disposition: Caclto H21C092 oRevision __ 00 Ref. Appendix I Plume Shine to the Control Room Using QADMOD (26 pages)


The methodology used to establish the geometry and activity concentration of the plume surrounding the control room is as follows: I1. Assume a plume translation speed (wind speed) of 2.5 mph (1.12 meter per second).

2. The dilution flow of air at any downwind location must be at least the inverse of the local X/Q.

It will, in fact, be greater because the X/Q is a peak centerline X/Q, and the concentration is lower both vertically and in the cross-wind direction away from the centerline. However, if one assumes a uniform concentration in the plume across a plane normal to the plume's direction of travel, the area of that cross-section, A, must be equal to the inverse of the product of the wind speed (1.12 meter per second) and the X/Q; i.e., A =[(1. 12 meter per second) x X/Q]-". The physical meaning of this expression is that a given amount of dilution air must Join with the release to formn the plume (increasing with distance from the point of release), moving past the control room and reducing the local concentration to the value corresponding to the local X/Q. If the wind speed is low and the X/Q is small (significant dilution), then the flow area will be large.

3. Assume the cross-sectional area is semi-circular in form. Now consider a portion of the plume as a hemisphere of the same radius as the assumed semi-circular cross-section of the plume surrounding the control room. This hemispherical volume is assumed to contain the source at the concentration corresponding to the local X/Q.

Since there are three X/Q sets (turbine building release, reactor building release, and stack release) and five XIQs per set, there are potentially 15 hemispherical volumes that might have to be considered. However, the reactor building release ends at the end of drawdown (six hours), so only two X/Qs are involved in that contribution. Therefore, there are a total of 12 hemispherical volumes that have to be considered. A QADMOD (Reference 11) run is made for each of the 12 hemispherical source volumes, and the results are summed to obtain the total shine dose to the control room from the passing plumes. Development of Source Strengths The computer runs used to develop the source activities are STAIRDOSE Cases lAx, lAy, and lAz from Appendix E. The cumulative activity released for each of those runs is presented in the following set of tables: NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page (Next [Originator/Date Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station J.Metcalf 12/12/06 ID. Reviewer/Date Leaver 12/12/06 Unit: -1 Calculation No. H21CO92 Disposition: __ Revision 00 Ref. Cumulative Activity Release for Run 1Ax Hours > 4.17E-01 6.67E-01 9.17E-01 1.17E+00 1.42E+00 1.67E+00 1.92E+00 2.03E+00 2.17E+00 2.42E+00 2.67E+00 Kr83m 4.20E-*00 1.35E+'01 4.OOE-*O1 8.43E+0~1 1,45E+02 2.21 E+*02 3.10E+'02 3.55E--02 3.95E-+02 4.66E+02 5.33E+02 Kr85mn 9.33E-.00 3.15E+0O1 9.76E-*01 2.14E-'02 3.84E+'02 6.07E+i02 8.84E+'02 1.03E+03 1.16E+'03 1.41 E+'03 1.66E+03 Kr85 5.63E-01 1.96E+00 6.27E+040 1.42E+01l 2.61E+01 4.25E+01 6.35E+0-1 7.50E+0~1 8.56E-+01 1.06E+02 1.27E+02 Kr87 1.59E+01 4.97E+01 1.42E+0J2 2.90E-0O2 4.85E+02 7,18E-*02 9.81 E+'02 1.11 E+i03 1.22E-*03 1.41 E+03 1,59E-+03 Kr88 2.44E-*01 8.09E+401 2.46E+02 5.31 E+'02 9.36E+02 1.46E-*03 2.09E-*03 2.42E+03 2.72E+03 3.25E+'03 3.79E+'03 Kr89 1.52E+00 1.59E+040 1.60E+0J0 1.60E-+00 1.60E+0J0 1.60E+00 1.60E-*00 1.60E-+00 1.60E+00 1.60E-+00 1.60E+'00 Xel3lmn 4.35E-01 1.51 E+00 4.84E+00 1.10E+0-1 2,02E-'01 3.27E+01 4,90E+0-1 5.78E+01 6.59E-401 8.15E+01 9.78E-0C1 Xel33m 2.32E+00 8.06E-*00 2.58E+01 5,82E+01 1,07E-+02 1.73E+02 2.59E+02 3.05E+02 3.48E-f02 4.29E+'02 5.14E+402 Xe133 7,54E+01 2.62E+02 8.38E+02 1.90E-*03 3.49E-*4J3 5.66E-+03 8.46E+03 9.99E+0J3 1.14E-*04 1.41 E+044 1.69E-'04 Xel35mn 7,28E+00 1.56E+IJ1 2.91 E+01 4.19E+401 5.17E-+01 5.86E-+01 6.31E+.01 6.46E+O1 6.55E+01 6.66E+01 6.72E+0-1 Xe135 2.75E+i01 9.49E+041 2.98E-'02 6.65E+02 1.21E-i03 1.94E+i03 2.88E+03 3.38E+03 3.84E-'03 4.71 E+'03 5.62E-+03 Xe137 5.13E-+00 5.65E+0-0 5.78E+0-0 5.80E+00 5.80E+O00 5.80E+0-0 5.80E+00 5.80E+00 5.80E-*00 5.80E+00 5.80E-'00 Xe138 3.24E-f01 7.24E-.01 1.42E+02 2.12E-+02 2.70E+i02 3.13E-+02 3.43E+02 3.53E+02 3.60E+02 3.69E+02 3.74E+02 Il3l0rg 5.81 E-02 1.71 E-01 3.77E-01 6.90E-01 1.12E-i00 1.68E-'00 2.37E+00 2.74E+0-0 3.09E+00 3.74E+0-0 4.42E-*00 11320rg 7.71 E-02 2.15E-01 4.50E-01 7.81 E-01 1.21 E+00 1.71 E-00 2.30E+00 2.60E+00 2.87E+00 3.34E+0O0 3.81 E+00 11 330rg 1.17E-01 3.42E-01 7.51 E-01 1.37E-400 2.21 E+00 3.30JE+00 4,63E+00 5.34E+0-0 6.OOE-+00 7.23E-+00 8.52E+i00 11 340rg 1.03E-01 2.65E-01 5.09E-01 8.14E-01 1,16E-f00 1.53E-*00 1.90E+O0 2.08E+0-0 2.22E-FO0 2.46E+'00 2.66E+,-00 11 350rg 1.07E-01 3.10E-01 6.72E-01 1.21 E+0-0 1,93E+00 2.84E-+00 3.94E+0-0 4.52E+0-0 5.04E-+00 6.03E+0-0 7.03E--00 1131EBern 2.34E-01 4.92E-01 8,22E-01 1.19E+00O 1.58E+00 2.02E+00 2.48E+00 2.70E+00 2.90E+00 3.22E+0-0 3.50E+00C Il32EIem 3.14E-01 6.35E-01 1.04E-*00 1.47E+00 1.95E-i00 2.47E+00 3.05E+00 3.33E-'00 3.62E+0-0 4.17E+'00 4.71 E+00 Il33EIem 4.73E-01 9.89E-01 1.64E-.00 2.36E-'00 3.14E+0-0 3.98E+00 4.87E+0-0 5.30E+'00 5.68E-*00 6.29E-'-O0 6.80E+400 11l34EIemn 4.27E-01 8.OOE-O1 1.19E-*00 1.55E-*00 1.87E+00 2.15E+00 2.40E+00 2.51 E+00 2.59E-s00 2.71 E+0-0 2.79E-'00 1l35EIem 4.35E-01 9.OOE-01 1,48E-.00 2.10E-i00 2.77E+040 3.47E+400 4.20E+400 4.55E+0-0 4.86E+00 5.35E+00 5.75E+00 1131lPart 4.05E-f00 8.50E+00 1.44E+i01 2,13E+0O1 2.89E-s01 3.72E+0-1 4.61 E+O 1 5.04E+01 5.42E+01 6.04E+01 6.56E+0-1 11l32Part 5.40E-'00 1.09E+0-1 1.76E+0-1 2.50E-401 3.24E+0-1 4.OOE+01 4.75E+01 5.10E-'01 5.40E-+01 5.85E+0-1 6.20E+0-1 1l33Part 8.16E+00 1,71E+01 2.88E+0-1 4.25E-.01 5.73E+01 7.34E+0-1 9,04E+0-1 9,87E-+401 1.06E+'02 1.18E+02 1.28E-+02 1134Part 7.30E-+00 1.38E+0-1 2.08E-*01 2.76E-+01 3.37E-i01 3.91 E+01 4.39E-*01 4.59E+0-1 4.76E-f01 4.98E+01 5.14E+01 Il35Part 7.50E-*00 1.55E+0-1 2.59E+0-1 3.78E+01 5.04E+01 6.39E-*01 7.80E+0-1 8.47E-*01 9.07E+01 9.99E+0J1 1.08E+02 Rb86 1.15E-02 2.33E-02 3.71 E-02 5.33E-02 7.09E-02 9.OOE-02 1.10E-01 1.20E-01 1.29E-01 1.44E-01 1.56E-01 Cs134 1.15E+00 2.33E-+00 3.72E-+00 5.33E-+00 7.10E-'00 9,01 E+00 1.11 E+01 1.21E+01 1.30E-*01 1.44E+01 1.56E+01 Cs136 3.58E-01 7.27E-01 1,16E+00 1.67E-+00 2.22E-'00 2.81 E+00 3.45E-'00 3,76E+0-0 4.04E+0-0 4.49E+040 4.86E--00 Ws37 6.84E-01 1.39E+00 2.22E-i00 3.18 E--00 4.23E-*0O 5.38E-+00 6.60E+00 7,20E+00 7.73E400 8.58E+00O 9.3 E-+00 3b127 0.OOE+00 3.32E-02 1.48E-01 2.88E-01 4,45E-01 6.18E-01 8.06E-01 8.98E-01 9.79E-01 1.11 E+00 1.21 E-00 Sb129 0.0OE+00 8.95E-02 3.91 E-0 1 7.45E-01 1.12E+0-0 1.53E--00 1.95E+00C 2.15E+00 2.33E+0-0 2.59E+00 2.81 E+00 Te127nn 0.OOE-*O0 4.49E-03 2.01 E-02 3.91 E-02 6.03E-02 8.39E-02 1.09E-01 1.22E-01 1.33E-01 1.51 E-01 1.65E-01 Te127 0.00E+O0 3.18E-02 1.41 E-01 2.72E-01 4.17E-01 5.76E-01 7,46E-01 8.28E-01 9.01E-0 1 1.02E-+00J 1.11E-i00 Tel29m 0.OOE-+40 1.44E-02 6.44E-02 1.25E-01 1.93E-01 2.69E-01 3.51 E-01 3.91E-01 4.27E-01 4.83E-01 5.30E-01 Te129 0.OOE-4J0 6.86E-02 2.88E-01 5.28E-01 7,71E-01 1.02E+00 1.27E+i00 1.39E+0-0 1.50E+0-0 1.69E+00 1.86E+00 Tel3lmn 0.00E+0-0 4.34E-02 1.93E-01 3,75E-01 5,77E-01 8.OOE-01 1,04E+00 1.16E-'00 1.26E-'-0 1.42E-*00 1,56E+'00 Te132 0.OOE+O0 4.24E-01 1.90E+0-0 3.68E-+CO 5.68E-+00 7.89E+00 1.03E+01 1.15E-*01 1.25E-+01 1.41 E+01 1.55E+0-1 Bal37mn 3,06E-01 6.98E-01 1.17E+0-0 1.76E+00 2.45E-+00 3.22E-+00 4.07E+00 4.48E-FOO 4.97E-'00 5.81 E+00 6.54E-O00 NE P-GE S-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page j13-(Next _ _ Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Onginator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 IH21C092 00 Ref. Bal39 0.OOE+0O 1.60E-01 6.68E-01 1.21E+00O 1.75E-i00 2.28E+00O 2.79E+00O 3.01 E+00 3.20E+00O 3,47E+00O 3.67E+00O Bal4C CO.CE-iC 2.10E-01 9.39E-01 1.83E+00C 2.82E+00C 3.92E+00O 5.12E-+00 5.71 E+00O6.22E+0-0 7.03E-i00 7.72E+00O M099 CODOE-I-D 2.86E-02 1.28E-01 2.48E-01 3.82E-01 5.31 E-01 6.92E-01 7.71 E-01 8.41 E-01 9.50E-01 1.04E-i00 Tc99m CODOE-I-D 2.35E-02 1.04E-01 2.OOE-O1 3-05E-01 4.19E-01 5.41 E-01 6.OOE-01 6.53E-01 7.36E-01 8.08E-01 RuOM CODOE-i-C 2.41 E-02 1.08E-01 2.09E-01 3.23E-01 4.49E-01 5.87E-01 6.54E-01 7.13E-01 8.06E-01 8.85E-01 Ru105 O.OOE+OO 1.53E-02 6.71 E-02 1.28E-01 1.93E-01 2.63E-01 3.36E-01 3.70E-01 4.OOE-01 4.46E-01 4.83E-01 Ru1O6 CODOE-i-C 9.87E-03 4.41 E-02 8.59E-02 1-33E-01 1.85E-01 2.41 E-01 2.69E-01 2.93E-01 3.31 E-0O13.63E-01 Rh1OS O.COE+00 1.57E-02 7.02E-02 1.36E-01 2.10E-01 2.92E-01 3.80E-01 4.23E-01 4.61 E-01 5.21 E-01 5.71E-01 Y90 OCOE-IDO 1.44E-04 6.61 E-04 1.32E-03 2.08E-03 2.98E-03 4.01 E-03 4.54E-03 5.07E-03 6.03E-03 6.59E-03 Y91 O.COE-+DO 1.39E-03 6.22E-03 1.21 E-02 1.87E-02 2.61 E-02 3.41 E-02 3.80E-02 4.16E-02 4.71 E-02 5.18E-02 Y92 0,COE-i0D 1.97E-03 1.11E-02 2.56E-02 4.62E-02 7.43E-02 1.1CE-C1 1.30E-01 1.54E-01 2.06E-01 2.63E-01 Y93 C.OOE-i-D 1.66E-03 7.34E-03 1.41 E-02 2.16E-02 2.98E-02 3.85E-02 4.28E-02 4.65E-02 5.22E-02 5.69E-02 Zr95 O.OCE-+0O 1,95E-03 8.70E-03 1.69E-02 2.62E-02 3.64E-02 4.75E-02 5.29E-02 5.78E-02 6.53E-02 7.16E-02 Zr97 C.OOE-+-D 1.92E-03 8.53E-03 1.65E-02 2.54E-02 3.51 E-02 4.55E-02 5.06E-02 5.51 E-02 6.20E-02 6.78E-02 Nb95 O.OOE+DO 1.96E-03 8.74E-03 1,70E-02 2.63E-02 3.65E-02 4.77E-02 5.32E-02 5.80E-02 6.55E-02 7.19E-02 Lal4O O.OOE-i40 2.31 E-03 1.07E-02 2.14E-02 3.43E-02 4.97E-02 6.78E-02 7.71 E-02 8.68E-02 1.O5E-01 1.24E-01 LaW~ C.CCE-i--C 1.74E-03 7.60E-03 1.44E-02 2.'1E-02 2.95E-02 3,76E-02 4.15E-02 4.48E-02 4.98E-02 5.39E-02 La142 CO.DE-iD 1.42E-03 5.96E-03 1.09E-02 1.59E-02 2.08E-02 2.56E-02 2.77E-02 2.95E-02 3.21 E-02 3.41 E-02 Pr143 O.CCE+DO 1.73E-03 7.74E-03 1.51 E-02 2.32E-02 3.23E-02 4.22E-02 4.71 E-02 5.13E-02 5.80E-02 6.37E-02 Nd147 CODOE-i-D 7.85E-04 3.51 E-03 6.82E-03 1.05E-02 1.46E-02 1.91 E-02 2.13E-02 2.32E-02 2.63E-02 2.88E-02 Am24l CODOE-i-C 3.27E-07 1,46E-06 2.84E-06 4.39E-06 6.11E-06 7,97E-06 8.88E-06 9.69E-06 1.10E-05 1.20E-05 Cm242 CODOE-i-C 8.08E-05 3.61 E-04 7,03E-04 1.09E-03 1.51 E-03 1.97E-03 2.20E-03 2.40E-03 2.71 E-03 2.97E-03 Cm244 CODOE-i-C 5.37E-06 2,40E-05 4.67E-05 7.22E-05 lCOOE-04 1.31 E-04 1,46E-04 1,59E-04 1.80E-04 1.98E-04 Cel4l CODOE-i-C 4.95E-03 2.21 E-02 4.31 E-02 6.65E-02 9.25E-02 1.21 E-01 1.35E-01 1.47E-01 1.66E-01 1.82E-01 Ce143 CODOE-i-C 4.50E-03 2.CDE-02 3,89E-02 5.99E-02 8.31 E-02 1.08E-01 1.20E-01 1.31E-01 1.48E-01 1.62E-01 Ce144 CODOE-i-C 4.10E-03 1,83E-02 3.57E-02 5.51 E-02 7,67E-02 l.ODE-Cl 1.12E-01 1,22E-0-1 1.38E-01 1.51E-Cl Np239 CODOE-I-C 6.36E-02 2.84E-01 5.51 E-0C1 8.50E-01 1.18E-100 1.54E+00 1.71 E-I00 1.87E-i00 2.11 E+00C2.31 E-i00 Pu238 CODOE-i-C 1.61 E-05 7,19E-05 1.40E-04 2.16E-04 3.OOE-04 3.92E-04 4.37E-04 4.77E-04 5.39E-04 5.92E-04 Pu239 CODOE-i-C 1.49E-06 6.64E-06 1.29E-05 2.OOE-05 2.78E-05 3.62E-05 4.04E-05 4.41 E-05 4.98E-05 5.47E-05 Pu24C CODOE-i-C 2.09E-06 9.37E-06 1.82E-05 2.81 E-05 3.92E-05 S.1lE-C5 5.70E-05 6.22E-05 7.03E-05 7.71 E-05 Pu241 CODOE-i-D 6.08E-04 2.72E-03 5,30E-03 8.17E-03 1.14E-02 1,48E-02 1.66E-02 1.81IE-02 2.04E-02 2.24E-02 Sr89 CODOE-I-C 1.09E-01 4.89E-01 9.52E-01 1.47E+00D 2,04E-i00 2.67E-+00 2.97E+00O 3.25E+00C 3.67E-.00 4.03E-i-0 Sr9C CODOE-I-CO 1.40E-02 6.27E-02 1.22E-01 1.88E-01 2.62E-C1 3.42E-01 3.82E-01 4.16E-01 4.71 E-0O15.16E-01 Sr9l COD0E+00C 1.32E-01 5.86E-01 1,13E-I-0 1.72E+00 2.38E-i00 3.07E+00O 3.40E-+00 3.70E+00C 4.15E-i00 4.53E+00O Sr92 C.OCE-i-D 1.29E-01 5.56E-01 1.05E-I00 1.56E+00C 2.09E+00C 2.64E+00C 2.89E+00C 3.11 E-i00 3.44E-I00 3.70E+00O Hours > 2.92E+00 3.17E+00 3.67E+00 4.17E+00 6.OOE+OO 8.03E+00 2.40E+01 4.80E+01 9.60E+01 2.40E+02 7.20E+02 Kr83m 5.98E+0-2 6.59E+i02 7.71 E+C2 8.70E+0-2 1.13E-i03 1.28E-I03 1.43E+0-3 1.43E+03 1.43E+0-3 1.43E+0-3 1.43E-i03 Kr85m 1.91E-i03 2.16E+i03 2.66E-i0-3 3.16E+0-3 4.82E+i03 6.34E-i03 1.04E+0-4 1.06E-i04 1.06E-i-04 1.06E-i04 1.06E+i04 Kr85 1.49E+C2 1.73E+0-2 2.22E+0-2 2.74E+i02 4.85E-i02 7.43E-i02 2.97E-i03 4.65E+i03 7.97E+03 1.75E-+-D4 4.56E-i04 K(87 1.75E-i03 1.90E+0-3 2.15E-i03 2.36E-i03 2.81 E-i03 3.01 E-I03 3.11 E-03 3.l11E-03 3.11 E+03 3.11 E+0-3 3.11lE-.03 Kr88 4.31 E+0-3 4.83E-i03 5.82E-i03 6.75E+0D3 9.60E+0-3 1.18E-i04 1,54E+0-4 1.54E+04 1.54E+0-4 1.54E-i04 1.54E-i04 Kr89 1.60E+00 1.60E+00D 1.60E-+00 1.60E+00D 1.60E-i00 1.60E-+00 1.60E-i00 1.60Ei00 1.60E--0O 1.60E-i00 1.60E-i00 Xel3lm 1.15E--02 1,33E+02 1.70E--D2 2.10E--02 3.72E+i02 5.68E--D2 2.23E-+03 3.42E--03 5.58E-i03 1.05E+04 1.79E+04 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SEVCSCALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page it4 (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No Revision J.Metcalf 12/12106 D.Leaver 12/12/06 IH210C092 00 Re-f. Xel33m 6.03E+ý02 6.96E-+02 8.91 E+02 1.1OE+03 1.91 E+03 2.89E+s03 1.04E+04 1.47E+04 2.02E+'04 2.52E+04 2.60E+'04 Xe133 1.98E-+04 2.29E-+04 2.94E-s04 3.62E+04 6.39E-+04 9.74E+04 3.75E+05 5.67E+05 8.82E+05 1.44E+'06 1.83E+06 Xel35m 6.75E+0-1 6.77E-f01 6.78E+01 6.79E+0-1 6.79E+0-1 6.79E+01 6.79E+01 6.79E-'01 6.79E-401 6.79E+01 6,79E+01 Xe1 35 6.57E-+03 7.54E-N03 9.56E-*03 1.17E--04 1.97E+04 2.88E+04 8.07E-+04 9.32E+04 9.61 E+04 9.62E+04 9.62E-'04 Xe137 5.80E-i-OO 5.80E+00 5.80E-I00 5.80E+00 5.80E+00O 5.80E+00G 5.80E+00 5.80E-*00 5.80E+00O 5.80E-*00 5.80E-i00 Xe138 3.77E-*02 3.78E+02 3.80E+032 3.80E+i02 3,80E-i02 3.80E-'02 3.80E+02 3.80E+i02 3.80E-+02 3.80E+02 3.80E+02 1131lOrg 5.13E+00 5.87E-'00 7.42E+00 9.05E+00 1.56E+01 2.35E+01 8.89E+01 1.35E+02 2.15E+02 3.805+02 5.615E+02 11320rg 4.25E-*00 4.69E-+00 5.50E+00 6.23E+00 8.33E-i00 9.76E+00 1.16E+01 1.16E-+01 1.16E-.01 1.16E+01 1.16E+01 11 330rg 9.85E+00 1.12E+01 1.415E+01 1.70E+01 2.84E+01 4.14E+01 1.25E+02 1.58E+02 1.79E-FO2 1.84E402 1.84E+02 11 340rg 2.84E+00 2,99E+00 3.22E+00 3.39E+00 3.675+00 3.75E+00 3,775+00 3.77E+00 3.77E+00 3.775+00 3.775+00 11 350rg 8.05E+00 9.09E+00 1,12E+01 1.33E+01 2,07E-+01 2.81 E+01 5.55E+01 5.85E+01 5.87E+01 5.87E+01 5.875+01 1131lElem 3.74E+00 3.965400 4.365+00 4.70E+00 5.58E+00 6.14E+00 6.83E+00 6.83E+00 6.83E+00 6.83E+00 6.83E+00 1132E1em 5.25E+00 5.79E400 6.85E+00 7.86E+00 1.10E-i01 1.335+01 1.64E+01 1.65E+01 1.67E+01 1.68E+01 1.69E+01 11 33E1em 7.26E-+00 7,67E-i00 8,39E-i0C 9,005+00 1.05E-i-C 1,15E+01 1.245+01 1.25E+01 1.25E+01 1.25E-i-C 1,25E-i01 ll34EIem 2.85E+00 2.90E+040 2.96E+00 2.99E+00 3.03E-i00 3.045400 3,04E-i00 3.04E400 3.04E+00 3.04E+i00 3.04E+00 1135EIem 6.10E+00 6.415E400 6.94E+00 7.37E-i00 8.38E+00C 8.915E+00 9.335+00 9.33E+00 9.33E400 9.33E-i00 9.33E+00O 1131lPart 7.02E401 7.45E+01 8.20E+01 8.845+01 1.05E+02 1.16E+02 1.29E+02 1.29E+02 1.29E-i02 1.29E-+02 1.295+02 11l32Part 6.49E+01 6.74E+01 7.13E+01 7.425+01 7.98E-i01 8.185+01 8.26E+01 8.26E+01 8.26E-i01 8.26E+01 8.26E+01 Il33Part 1.36E+02 1.44E402 1.58E+02 1.70E+02 1.99E-i02 2.16E+02 2.35E+02 2.35E+02 2.35E402 2.35E+02 2.355+02 Il34Part 5.265-i-Cl 5.345+01 5.46E+01 5.52E+01 5.60E+i41 5.615E+01 5.615E+01 5.61 E+01 5.615-E-01 5.615E+0 1 5.61 E+01 11l35Part 1.14E+02 1.205-+02 1.30E-i02 1.39E-i02 1.58E-i02 1.68E+02 1.76E+02 1,76E+02 1.76E+02 1.76E+02 1.765+02 RbJ86 1.675-01 1.765E-01I 1.94E-01 2.09E-01 2.48E-01 2.73E-01 3.04E-01 3.04E-01 3.04E-01 3.04E-01 3.04E-01 Cs134 1.67E+01 1.77E+01 1,94E+01 2.10E+01 2.49E+01 2.745+01 3.05E+01 3.06E-i01 3.06E+01 3.06E-i-C 3.06E-+01 Cs136 5.20E-i-C 5.51 E+00 6.06E+00 6.52E+00 7.75E-i-C 8.53E+00 9,47E+00 9.48E+00 9.48E+00 9.48E+00 9.48E+00 Cs137 9.96E-i00 1.06E+01 1.165+01 1.25E+01 1.49E+01 1.64E+01 1.82E+01 1.82E-+01 1.82E+01 1.82E-i01 1.82E+01 Sb127 1.31E+00 1.39E+00 1.555+00 1.68E+00 2,01E+00 2.22E-i00 2.48E+00 2.48E-i00 2,48E+00 2.48E+00 2.48E+00 Sb129 2.99E-i00 3.15E+00 3,42E+00 3.63E-i00 4.095+00 4.31 E+00 4.46E+00 4.465+00 4,46&+00 4,46E+00 4.46E+00 Tel27m 1.78E-01 1.905-01 2.115E-01 2.295-01 2.765-01 3.06E-01 3.43E-01 3.43E-01 3.43E-01 3.43E-01 3.43E-01 Tel127 1.20E+00 1,28E+00 l.42E+C0 1.54E+00 1.86E-i-C 2.07E+i00 2.32E400 2.32E-i00 2.32E-i00 2.32E+00 2.325+00 Tel29m 5.71 E-01 6,09E-01 6.765-01 7.34E-01 8.84E-01 9.805-01 1.1OE+00 1.10E+00 1.10E+00 1.10E+00 1.105+00 Te129 2.02E+00 2.17E+00 2.43E-+00 2.65E-i00 3.20E+00 3.48E+00 3.67E-i00 3,675+00 3.67E+00 3.67E+00 3.67E+00 Tel3lm 1.68E-i-C 1.795+00 1.98E+00 2.14E-i-C 2.55E+00 2.805+00 3.08E+00 3.08E-i-C 3.08E+00 3.08E+00 3.08E+00 Te132 1.67E+01 1.78E+01 1.97E+01 2.14E+01 2.57E+01 2.83E+01 3.15E+01 3.15E+01 3.15E+01 3.155401 3.15E+01 Bal37m 7.19E+ý00 7.78E+00 8.83E+00 9.73E-i00 1.21E+01 1.36E+01 1.55E+01 1.55E+01 1.555+01 1.55E-+01 1.55E+01 Ba139 3.82E+00 3.95E+00 4.13E+ý00 4.25E+00 4.44E+00 4.49E+00 4.50E+00 4.505+00 4.50E-i00 4.50E+00 4.50E+00 Bal40 8.32E-.00 8.88E+00 9.855+00 1.07E-i01 1.29E+01 1.42E+01 1.59E+01 1.595401 1.59E+01 1.59E+01 1.59E+01 Mo99 1.12E+00 1.205+00 1.335+00 1.44E+00 1.72E+00 1.90E+i00 2.115-E-00 2.11 E-i00 2.11 E+00 2.11 E+00 2.I11E-i00 Tc99m 8.72E-01 9.31 E-01 1.04E+00 1.13E+00 1.37E-i00 1.53E-i00 1.74E+00 1.74E+00 1.74E+00 1.745+00 1.74E-i00 Ru103 9.54E-01 1.025+00 1.13E+00 1.23E-i00 1.48E+00 1.64E+00 1.83E+00 1.83E+00 1.83E+00 1.83E-i-0 11.835-i-CO RulO5 5.15E-01 5.43E-01 5.89E-01 6.265-01 7.07E-01 7.45E-01 7.71 E-0 1 7.71 E-01 7.715E-0 1 7.715E-01 7.715E-01 RulO6 3.925-01 4.18E-01 4.64E-01 5.04E-01 6.07E-01 6.73E-01 7.54E-01 7.55E-01 7.55E-01 7.55E-01 7.55E-01 RhiOS 6.165-01 6.565-01 7.28E-01 7.89E-01 9.48E-01 1.05E+00 1.16E+00 1.16E+00 1.16E+00 1.16E+00 1.16E+00 Y90 7.955-03 8.945-03 1,09E-02 1.29E-02 1.995-02 2,61 E-02 3,88E-02 3.91 E-02 3.91 E-02 3.91 E-02 3.915E-02 NEP-DES,-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -j5-. (Next EOriginator/Date Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station J,Metcalf 12/12/06 Reviewed/Date

0. Leaver 12/12/06 Unit: 1I Calculation No.

H210C092 Disposition: __ TRevision 00 -ýet. Y91 5.61 E-02 6.OOE-02 6.70E-02 7.31 E-02 8.96E-02 1.01 E-01 1.15E-01 1.16E-01 1.16E-01 1.16E-01 1.16E-01 Y92 3.22E-01 3.83E-01 5.06E-01 6.23E-01 9.67E-01 1.19E+00 1.37E+00 1.37E+00 1.37E+00 1.37E+00 1.37E+00 Y93 6.11 E-02 6.48E-02 7.12E-02 7.64E-02 8.93E-02 9.65E-02 1.03E-01 1.03E-01 1.03E-01 1.03E-01 1,.03E-01 Zr95 7.73E-02 8,24E-02 9.15E-02 9.93E-02 1.20E-01 1.33E-01 1.49E-01 1.49E-01 1.49E-01 1.49E-01 1.49E-01 Zr97 7.29E-02 7.75E-02 8.55E-02 9.22E-02 1.09E-01 1.19E-01 1,.29E-01 1,29E-01 1.29E-01 1.29E-01 1.29E-01 Nb95 7.76E-02 8.28E-02 9.19E-02 9.97E-02 1,.20E-01 1,33E-01 1.49E-01 1,.49E-01 1.49E-01 1.49E-01 1,.49E-01 Lal4O 1.44E-01 1.64E-01 2.06E-01 2.49E-01 4.OOE-01 5.37E-01 8.16E-01 8.22E-01 8.23E-01 8.23E-01 8.23E-01 Lal4l 5.73E-02 6.03E-02 6.53E-02 6.92E-02 7.77E-02 8.15E-02 8.39E-02 8.39E-02 8.39E-02 8.39E-02 8.39E-02 La142 3.56E-02 3.69E-02 3.88E-02 4.01 E-02 4.22E-02 4.28E-02 4.29E-02 4.29E-02 4.29E-02 4.29E-02 4.29 E-02 Fri 43 6.87E-02 7.33E-02 8.15E-02 8.84E-02 1.07E-01 1.18E-01 1.33E-01 1.33E-01 1.33E-01 1.33E-01 1.33E-01 Nd147 3.11 E-02 3.31 E-02 3.68E-02 3.99E-02 4.80E-02 5.32E-02 5.94E-02 5.95E-02 5.95E-02 5.95E-02 5.95E-02 Am241 1.30E-05 1.38E-05 1.54E-05 1.67E-05 2.01 E-05 2.23E-05 2.49E-05 2.50E-05 2.50E-05 2,50E-05 2.50E-05 Cm242 3.21 E-03 3.42E-03 3.80E-03 4.12E-03 4.97E-03 5.50E-03 6.17E-03 6.17E-03 6,17E-03 6.17E-03 6.17E-03 Cm244 2.13E-04 2.27E-04 2.53E-04 2.74E-04 3.30E-04 3.66E-04 4.10E-04 4.11 E-04 4.11 E-04 4.11 E-04 4.11 E-04 CeI4l 1.96E-01 2.10E-01 2.33E-01 2.52E-01 3.04E-01 3.37E-01 3.77E-01 3.78E-01 3.78E-01 3.78E-01 3.78E-01 Ce143 1.75E-01 1.86E-01 2.06E-01 2.22E-01 2.65E-01 2.92E-01 3.21 E-0 1 3.21 E-0 1 3.21 E-0 1 3.21 E-01 3.21 E-01I Ce144 1.63E-01 1,.74E-01 1.93E-01 2.09E-01 2.52E-01 2.80E-01 3.13E-01 3.1 3E-01 3.13E-01 3.1 3E-01 3.13E-01 Np239 2.49E+400 2.65E+00 2.94E+00 3.19E+00 3.82E+00 4.21 E+00 4.67E+00 4.67E+00 4.67E+00 4,67E+00 4.67E+00 Pu238 6.38E-04 6.81 E-04 7.56E-04 8.20E-04 9.89E-04 1.10 E-03 1.23E-03 1.23E-03 1.23E-03 1.23E-03 1.23E-03 Pu239 5.90E-05 6.29 E-05 6.98E-05 7.58E-05 9.14E-05 1.01 E-04 1.13E-04 1.14E-04 1.14 E-04 1.14E-04 1.14E-04 Pu240 8.32E-05 8.87E-05 9.85E-05 1.07E-04 1.29E-04 1.43E-04 1,60E-04 1.60E-04 1.60E-04 1.60E-04 1.60E-04 Pu241 2.42E-02 2.58E-02 2.86E-02 3.10E-02 3.74E-02 4.15E-02 4.65E-02 4,65E-02 4.65E-02 4.65E-02 4.65E-02 Sr89 4.34E+00 4.63E+00 5.14 E-'00 5.58E+00 6.72E-*00 7.45EC00 8.34E+00 8.35E+00 8.35E+00 8.35E+00 8,35E+00 Sr9o 5.57E-01 5.94E-01 6.60E-01 7.1 6E-01 8.63E-01 9.56E-01 1.07E-+00 1.07E+*00 1.07E-400 1,.07E-400 1.07E+00 Sr9l 4.86E+ý00 5.15E+00 5.65E+00 6.07E+'00 7.08E~+00 7.63E+00 8.14E+00 8.14E+00 8.14E+00 8.14E+00 8.14E+00 Sr92 3.91 E+00 4.09E-400 4.39 E+00 4.61 E-400 5.06E-+00 5.23E+00 5.32E+00 5.32E+00O 5.32E+00 5.32E+00 5.32E+00 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page 16-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 IH21 C092 00 Ref. Cumulative Activity Release for Run IlAy Hours > 0.417 0.667 0.917 1.167 1.417 1.667 1.917 2.033 2.167 2.417 2.667 Kr83mn 2.55E+0-1 7.99E-'01 2.32E+'02 4.73E+0J2 7.86E-i02 1.16E+03 1,57E-'03 1,77E+'03 2.01IE+'03 2.41 E+'03 2.78E+03 Kr85m 5.67E--01 1.86E+02 5.65E+02 1.20E+03 2.07E+'03 3.16E+03 4.45E-403 5.11 E+03 5.89E403 7.30E+03 8.66E+03 Kr85 3.42E+00O1.15E+01 3.63E+0-1 7.94E-'01 1.41 E-*02 2.21 E+02 3.19E-+02 3,70E+02 4,33E-*02 5.48E+'02 6.64E+02 Kr87 9.67E+01 2.94E+'02 8.23E+02 1.63E+03 2.63E-'03 3.77E+043 5.OOE+03 5.58E-+03 6.24E-+0t3 7.34E-fs03 8.30E'033 Kr88 1.48E+02 4.77E+02 1.43E-403 2.98E+03 5.06E-+03 7.61E+03 1.06E+04 1.20E+04 1.38E-'04 1.69E+ý04 1.98E-+04 Kr89 9.57E+00 9.98E+040 1.OOE-'-1 1.OOE-*O1 1.OOE+01 1.00E-i01 l.OGE-i-C l.OGE-il l.OOE+Ol 1.COE-*4) 1,OGE+01C Xel3lmn 2.64E+00O 8.91 E-i00 2.80E+0-1 6.13E+01J 1.09E+0-2 1.70E+0-2 2.46E-+02 2.86E+0-2 3.33E-i02 4,22E+i02 5.11lE+0-2 Xel33mn 1.41E--01 4.75E+01 1.49E+0-2 3.26E+02 5.76E+0-2 9.OOE-IC2 1.30E+i03 1.51 E+03 1.76E+i03 2.22E+s03 2.69E-i-03 Xe1 33 4.59E+'02 1.55E-'03 4.86E-*03 1.06E+0-4 1.88E-'04 2.94E-.04 4.25E-+04 4.94E+044 5.76E+0-4 7.29E-*04 8,83E+04 Xel35mn 4.46E+01O 9.30E+0l 1.71lE+042 2.41 E+0-2 2.91 E-'02 3.25E+0-2 3.46E-i02 3.53E+0-2 3,58E+i02 3.65E+0-2 3.68E+i02 Xe135 1.79E-i02 6.03E+i02 1.80E-i03 3.83E+03 6.65E-i03 1.03E+0-4 1.47E+i04 1.70E+0-4 1.97E-i-04 2.48E+04 2.98E+i04 Xel37 3.21 E+01 3.51 E+01 3.59E+0-1 3.60E+01 3.60E+01C 3.60E-'01 3.60E+0-1 3.60E+01O 3.60E+01C 3.60E+01 3.60E+01O Xe138 1.98E+02 4.31 E+0-2 8.30E+042 1.21 E-i03 1.51 E+03 1.72E+0-3 1.86E+i03 1.91 E+03 1.95E+0-3 2.OOE-i03 2.03E+i03 1131lOrg 2.61E+00O 6.28E+00C 9.88E+00C 1.30E+0-1 1.63E+01C 2.03E+0-1 2.50E+0-1 2.75E+0-1 2.98Ei-01 3.42E+01C 3.86E+01C 11320rg 3.47E+00C 7.98E+00 1.21lE+01 1.55E+0-1 1.86E+01C 2,23E+0-1 2.63E+0-1 2.83E+0-1 3.01E-i0C 3.33E-i01 3.63E-i01 11330rg 5.26E+00C 1.26E-1-01 1.97E+0-1 2.60E+01C 3.23E-+01 4.01lE+01C 4.92E+0-1 5.39E-i0C 5.84E-i01 6.68E+01 7.51 E+0-1 11340rg 4.64E-i00 9.96E+00C 1.43E+01 1.74E+01 2.OOE-iC1 2.26E-i0C 2.52E-i01 2.63E-i01 2.73E+01 2.89E+01 3.03E+i-1 11 350rg 4.83E-+00 1.14E+01 1.78E-i01 2.32E-i0:1 2,86E-i01 3.51E-i01 4.26E+01 4.65E-i01 5.01lE-i01 5.67E+01 6.32E+01C 1131lElem 7.58E-i01 1.77E+02 2.60E+02 3,14E+0-2 3.53E-i02 4.01E-i02 4.58E+02 4.87E+02 5.03E+i02 5.31 E+0-2 5.59E+02 Il32EIen 1.01E+0-2 2.25E-i042 3.21 E+0-2 3.78E+0-2 4.17E+02 4.615E+02 5.10E-i02 5.33E-i02 5.46E+02 5.68E-i02 5.87E+02 1l33EIem 1.53E+02 3.55E+02 5.20E+02 6.26E+02 7.03E-i02 7.97E+02 9.06E+02 9.61 E-i02 9.92E+02 1.05E+03 1.10E+03 Il34EIemn 1.35E+02 2.815E+02 3.81 E+02 4.35E+02 4.67E+0-2 4,98E-i02 5.29E+02 5.42E-+02 5.49E+02 5.60E+02 5.68E+02 1l35EIemn 1.40E+02 3.22E+02 4.69E+02 5.61 E+02 6.27E-i02 7,05E+02 7.95E+02 8.40E+02 8.65E-i02 9.08E+0-2 9.49E+02 1131lPart 4.85E+01 9.55E+01 1.54E+0-2 2.17E+02 2.80E+02 3.44E+042 4.08E+02 4.38E+02 4.68E+02 5.03E+02 5.20E+02 1132 Part 6.48E+01 1.23E+02 1.89E+02 2.56E-i02 3.18E+02 3.76E+02 4.31 E+02 4.55E+02 4.79E-*02 5.04E+02 5.16E+02 Il33Part 9.78E+01 1.92E+02 3.08E+02 4,32E+02 5.55E-i02 6,79E-102 8.03E+02 8.60E+02 9.18E+02 9.84E+02 1.02E-i03 Il34Part 8.77E+01 1.56E+02 2,26E+02 2.87E-+02 3.38E-i02 3.80E-'02 4.15E-i02 4.29E+042 4.42E+02 4,55E-i4J2 4.60E+02 1l35Part 8.99E-i01 1.75E+02 2.77E-i4J2 3.85E-'02 4.90E+'02 5.94E+02 6.96E+02 7.43E+02 7.90E+02 8.42E+02 8.68E+02 Rb86 1.37E-01 2.60E-01 3,92E-01 5.34E-01 6.76E-01 8.21E-01 9.66E-01 1.03E+00 1.1CE-i0C 1.18E+00 1.22E+00 Cs134 1.37E+01 2.60E+01 3,92E+01C 5.34E+01 6.77E+01 8.22E-i01 9.68E-i01 1.04E+02 1.l11E+02 1.18E+02 1.22E-i02 Cs136 4.30E-+00 8.13E+00 1.23E+01 1.67E-i0C 2.11 E+01 2.57E--C1 3.02E+01 3.23E-i01 3.45E+01 3.69E+01 3.82E+C1 Cs137 8.20E+00 1.55E+01 2.34E-+01 3.19E+01 4.04E-i01 4.91E-i01 5.77E+01 6.18E+01 6.60E+01 7.06E+01 7.30E-+4)1 Sb127 0.00E-+0C 4.23E-01 1.765-i-CO 3.21 E+00 4.65E-i00 6.12E-100 7.59E+i00 8.28E+00G 8.98E+00 9.77E+00 1,02E-i01 Sb129 O.OOE+0O 1.14E+00 4.65E-i00 8.30E-i-0 1.18E+01 1.52E-i01 1.86E+01 2.015E+01 2.16E+01 2.32E+01 2.40E+01 Te127mn O.OOE+CO 5.72E-02 2.38E-01 4.34E-01 6.31 E-01 8.31 E-01 1.03E+00 1.12E+00 1.22E+00 1.33E+00 1.38E+00 Te127 0.005+00 4.05E-01 1.68E-i0C 3.02E+00 4.35E+00 5.68E+00 6.995-i-CO 7.59E+00 8.20E+00 8.89E+00 9.25E+C00 Tel29mn OOOE+CO 1.83E-01 7.65E-01 1.39E+00 2.02E-i040 2.66E-i00 3.31 E+i00 3.61 E-0C 3.92E+CO0 4.26E+00 4.44E+C0 Tel29 O.COE-i-C 8.74E-01 3.40E-i0C 5.78E-i00 7.85E-i0C 9.68E-i0C 1.13E+01 1.19E+01 1,26E-i01 1.35E+01 1.40E-i-C Tel3lmn COOE--CO 5-53E-01 2.30E+C0 4.17E+C0 6.04E-i-C 7.93E-i-C 9.82E+C0 1.07E+C1 1.16E+C1 1.26E+01 1.31E-i-1 Tel 32 0COOE+CO 5.415E+00 2.25E-+01 4.10E-i01 5.94E+C1 7,82E+01 9.70E+0-1 1.06E-i02 1.15E+02 1.25E--C2 1l30E-i02 Bal37m 3.375-i-C 6.73E-i0C 1.0lE+i01 1.39E-i-1 1.77E+C1 2.16E-i-1 2.55E+C1 2.74E-401 3.06E-i01 3.52E-i-1 3.75E-i0C NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET . Page 9Th-(Next Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 R-ef. Ba139 O.OOE-*OO 2.04E-400 7.95E+00 1.36E+01 1.86E-'01 2.31 E+0-1 2.70E+0-1 2.87E+01 3.03E+0-1 3.20E-*01 3.27E+'01 Bal4O O.OOE-.OO 2.68E+00 1.12E-+01 2.03E--01 2.95E+01 3.88E+01 4.82E+'01 5.26E+.01 5.71 E+0-1 6.21 E+01 6.46E-F01 M099 O.GOE+OO 3.64E-01 1.52E+00O 2.76E+00 4.OOE+OO 5.26E+00 6.52E+00 7.11 E-00 7.71 E+00O8.39E+00O 8.73E+00 Tc99m O.OOE+OO 3.ODE-O1 1.23E+00 2.22E+00O 3.17E+00 4.12E+00 5.04E+00O 5.47E+00O 5,90E+00 6.38E4C0 6.63E+00O RulO3 O.OOE+OO 3,06E-01 1.28E+00 2,33E+00O 3.38E+00 4.45E-'00 5.52E-*00 6,03E+00O 6.54E+00 7,12E-*O0 7.41 E+00 RulO5 O.OOE+CO 1.95E-01 7.98E-01 1.42E+00 2,03E+00 2.62E--00 3.19E-*00 3.45E-f00 3.71 E-00 3.99E-+00 4.13E--00 RulO6 0.OOE-+0O 1.26E-01 5.24E-01 9.55E-01 1.39E+00O 1.83E+00O 2.27E+iOO 2.47E+00 2.69E+00 2.92E-+00 3.04E--00 Rh1D5 O.OOE+0O 2.01 E-0OI 8.34E-01 1.52E+00 2.20E+00 2.89E-,00 3.57E-s00 3.89E+00O 4.22E+00O 4.59E+0-0 4.78E+00J Y90 0.OOE+O0 1.84E-03 7.77E-03 1.42E-02 2.06E-02 2.72E-02 3.37E-02 3.68E-02 4.01 E-02 4.45E-02 4.72E-02 Y91 O.OOE+0O 1.77E-02 7.39E-02 1.35E-01 1.95E-01 2.57E-01 3.20E-01 3.49E-01 3.78E-01 4.12E-01 4.29E-01 Y92 O.OOE+OO 2,47E-02 1.19E-01 2.21 E-01 3.17E-01 4.11 E-01 5.01 E-0O15.41 E-0O16.04E-01 7.46E-01 8.62E-01 Y93 O.OOE+00 2.I11E-02 8.72E-02 1.57E-01 2.27E-01 2.96E-01 3.64E-01 3.96E-01 4.28E-01 4.63E-01 4.81 E-0 I Zr95 O.OOE+OO 2.48E-02 1.03E-01 1.88E-01 2.73E-01 3.60E-01 4.47E-01 4.88E-01 5.29E-01 5.76E-01 6.OOE-O1 Zr97 O.OOE-'-O 2.45E-02 1.01E-01 1.84E-01 2.65E-01 3.48E-01 4.30E-01 4.68E-01 5,06E-01 5.49E-01 5.71E-01 Nb95 O.OOE-'-O 2.49E-02 1.04E-01 1.89E-01 2.75E-01 3.62E-01 4,49E-01 4.90E-01 5.32E-01 5.78E-01 6.02E-01 Lal4O O.OOE+0O 2.93E-02 1.25E-01 2.28E-01 3.32E-01 4.37E-01 5.42E-01 5.91 E-0 I 6.46E-01 7.23E-01 7.73E-01 LalW 0.ODE+0J0 2.22E-02 9.04E-02 1.61E-0OI 2.29E-01 2,95E-01 3.58E-01 3.87E-01 4.15E-01 4.47E-01 4.62E-01 La142 O.ODE11-0O 1.81 E-02 7.10E-02 1.22E-01 1.68E-01 2.10E-01 2.47E-01 2.63E-01 2.79E-01 2.95E-01 3.02E-01 2r143 O.OOE+OO 2.21 E-02 9.20E-02 1.67E-01 2.43E-01 3.20E-01 3.97E-01 4.33E-01 4,70E-01 5.12E-01 5.33E-01 Nd147 O.OOE+OO 9.99E-03 4.17E-02 7.59E-02 1.10E-01 1.45E-01 1.80E-01 1.96E-01 2.13E-01 2.32E-01 2.41 E-0O1 Am241 D.OOE+00 4.16E-06 1.73E-05 3.16E-05 4.59E-05 6.04E-05 7.51 E-05 8.19E-05 8.89E-05 9.67E-05 1.O1E-04 Cm242 O.OOE-'-C 1.03E-03 4.29E-03 7.82E-03 1.13E-02 1.49E-02 1.86E-02 2.02E-02 2.20E-02 2.39E-02 2.49E-02 Cm244 O.00E400 6.84E-05 2.85E-04 5.20E-04 7.55E-04 9.94E-04 1.23E-03 1.35E-03 1.46E-03 1.59E-03 1.66E-03 Cel4l O.0OE-+CO 6.31 E-02 2.63E-01 4.79E-01 6-95E-01 9.16E-01 1.14E+040 1.24E+00 1,35E+00 1.46E-s00 1.53E+00O Ce143 D.OOE+0O 5.73E-02 2.38E-01 4.33E-01 6.27E-01 8.23E-01 1.02E-'00 1.11 E+00 1.20E+00 1.31 E+00 1.36E+00 Ce144 O.ODE+430 5.22E-02 2.18E-01 3.97E-01 5.76E-01 7.59E-01 9.42E-01 1.03E-i00 1.12E+0-0 1.21 E+00O1.26E+00 Np239 O.OOE+0O 8.10E-01 3,37E+00 6.13E-f-0 8-89E+00O 1.17E-'01 1.45E+0-1 1.58E+0J1 1.71E+01 1.86E+041 1.94E-'01 Pu238 O.OOE+OO 2.05E-04 8.54E-04 1.56E-03 2.26E-03 2.97E-03 3.69E-03 4.03E-03 4.37E-03 4.76E-03 4.95E-03 Pu239 0.OOE-+40 1.89E-05 7.89E-05 1.44E-04 2.09E-04 2.75E-04 3.41 E-04 3.72E-04 4.04E-04 4.40E-04 4.58E-04 Pu24O O.OOE+0O 2.67E-05 1.11 E-04 2.03E-04 2.94E-04 3.88E-04 4.81 E-04 5-25E-04 5.70E-04 6,20E-04 6.46E-04 Pu241 O.OOE-s-O 7.75E-03 3.23E-02 5.89E-02 8.55E-02 1.13E-01 1.40E-01 1.53E-01 1.66E-01 1.80E-01 1.88E-01 Sr89 G.OOE+0O 1.39E+00 5.81 E+00 1.06E+0-1 1.54E+0-1 2.02E+01 2.51 E+01 2.74E-*01 2.98E+01 3.24E+0-1 3.37E-*01 Sr9O O.OOE-.OO 1.79E-01 7.45E-01 1.36E+00C 1.97E+00 2.60E-i00 3.22E+00O 3.52E-+00 3.82E+00O 4.15E-400 4,32E'-00 S1-9I DaDOE-i-1.69E+00O 6.96E+00O 11.26E-+O1 1.81 E+0-1 2.36E+0-1 2.90E+0-1 3.15E+041 3.41 E-01 3.69E-'01 3.83E+0-1 Sr92 OOOE-i-O 1.64E+00O 6.62E+040 1.17E-*01 1.64E+0-1 2.10E+0-1 2.52E+01 2.71 E-iO1 2.90E+041 3.10E+01 3.20E+01 Hours > 2.917 3.167 3.667 4.167 6.OOE+0O 8.03E+00 2.40E+01 4.80E+01 9.60E+01 2.40E+02 7.20E+02 Kr-83m 3.12E+'03 3.42E+i03 3.95E-t423 4.39E+03 5.44E+'03 5.44E-s03 5,44E+i03 5.44E+03 5.44E+'03 5.44E+03 5.44E--03 Kr85m 9.96E-+03 1.12E--04 1.36E-fO4 1.58E+'04 2.25E+'04 2.25E+044 2.25E+04 2.25E-i04 2.25E-i04 2.25E+044 2.25E+04 Kr85 7.80E+i02 8.95E+02 1.13E+043 1.36E+03 2.20E-'03 2.20E-'03 2.20E-'03 2.20E-i03 2.20E-'03 2.20E-+03 2.20E+i03 Kr87 9.14E+03 9.87E+i03 1.11 E+044 1.20E+0J4 1.38E+i04 1.38E-'04 1.38E+i04 1.38E+i04 1.38E+i04 1.38E-'04 1.38E+04 Kr88 2.25E+04 2.50E+i04 2.97E+i04 3.39E-'04 4.54E-404 4.54E-'04 4.54E-'04 4.54E+04 4.54E-i04 4.54E+04 4.54E+044 Kr89 1.OOE+01 1.ODE-i01 lOGE+01C 1.ODE+i-1 l.OGE-i-C l.OGE--C 1.OOE-i-1 l.OGE-i-C lODE+0-1 1.OOE-i--O l.ODE-i-Xel3lm 6.OOE-i-2 6.89E-i-02 8.66E+0-2 1.04E-i03 1.69E+i03 1.69E-i03 1.69E-i03 1.69E+0-3 1.69E-i03 1.69E+i03 1.69E+0-3 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No, Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H210C092 00j lRef. 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ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -99 (Next Project.' Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 IH21 C092 00j Ref. Y91 4.39E-01 4.45E-01 4.51 E-01 4.54E-01 4.56E-01 4.56E-01 4.56E-01 4.56E-01 4.56E-01 4.56E-01 4.56E-01 Y92 9.44E-01 1.01 E-+O 1.09E-+00 1.13E+00O1.17E-+00 1.17E+00O1.17E+00O1.17E+00 1.17E+00 1.17E-400 1.17E+00O Y93 4.90E-01 4.96E-01 5.02E-01 5.04E-01 5.06E-01 5.06E-01 5.06E-01 5.06E-01 5.06E-01 5.06E-01 5.06E-01 Zr95 6.13E-01 6.20E-01 6.29E-01 6.32E-01 6.35E-01 6.35E-01 6.35E-01 6.35E-01 6.35E-01 6.35E-01 6.35E-01 Zr97 5.82E-01 5.89E-01 5.97E-01 6,OOE-01 6,02E-01 6.02E-01 6.02E-01 6.02E-01 6.02E-01 6.02E-01 6.02E-01 Nb95 6,15E-01 6.23E-01 6.31 E-0O16.35E-01 6.38E-01 6.38E-01 6.38E-01 6.38E-01 6.38E-01 6.38E-01 6.38 E-0O1 Lal4O 8.06E-01 8.30E-01 8.60E-01 8.76E-01 8.94E-01 8.94E-01 8.94E-01 8,94E-01 8,94E-01 8.94E-01 8.94E-01 Lal4 4.69E-01 4.74E-01 4.79E-01 4.80E-01 4.82E-01 4.82E-01 4.82E-01 4.82E-01 4.82E-01 4.82E-01 4.82E-01 La142 3.06E-01 3.08E-01 3.10E-01 3.10E-01 3.10E-01 3.10E-01 3.10E-01 3.10E-01 3.10E-01 3.10E-01 3.10E-01 Pr143 5.44E-01 5.51 E-01 5.59E-01 5.62E-01 5.64E-01 5.64E-01 5.64E-01 5.64E-01 5.64E-01 5.64E-01 5.64E-01 Nd147 2.46E-01 2.50E-01 2.53E-01 2.54E-01 2.55E-01 2.55E-01 2.55E-01 2.55E-01 2.55E-01 2.55E-01 2.55E-01 Am241 1.03E-04 1.04E-04 1.06E-04 1.06E-04 1.07E-04 1.07E-04 1.07E-04 1.07E-04 1.07E-04 1.07E-04 1,07E-04 Cm242 2.54E-02 2.57E-02 2.61 E-02 2.62E-02 2.64E-02 2.64E-02 2.64E-02 2.64E-02 2.64E-02 2.64E-02 2.64E-02 Cm244 1.69E-03 1.71 E-03 1.74E-03 1.75E-03 1.75E-03 1.75E-03 1.75E-03 1.75E-03 1.75E-03 1.75E-03 1.75E-03 Ce141 1.56E-ýO 1.58E-'00 1.60E+00 1.61 E+00 1.62E+00 1.62E-+00 1.62E+00O 1.62E-'00 1.62E-'00 1.62E+00 1.62E+00 Ce143 1.39E+00 1.41 E-+-0 1.42E+00O 1.43E-+00 1.44E+00 1.44E+00 1.44E+00 1.44E+00O 1.44E+00O 1.44E+00O 1.44E+00 0e144 1.29E+00O 1.31 E+00 1.33E+00 1.33E+00 1.34E-+00 1.34E+00 1.34E+00 1.34E+00O 1.34E-+00 1.34E+003 1.34E-*00 Np239 1.98E+01 2.OOE+i0l 2.03E-+01 2.04E+01 2.05E-+O1 2.05E+01 2.05E+0-1 2.05E+01 2.05E--01 2.05E+01 2.05E+0-1 Pu238 5.06E-03 5.12E-03 5.19E-03 5.22E-03 5.25E-03 5,25E-03 5.25E-03 5.25E-03 5.25E-03 5.25E-03 5.25E-03 Pu239 4.68E-04 4.74E-04 4.80E-04 4.83E-04 4.85E-04 4.85E-04 4,85E-04 4.85E-04 4.85E-04 4.85E-04 4.85E-04 Pu240 6.59E-04 6.68E-04 6.77E-04 6.81 E-04 6.84E-04 6.84E-04 6,84E-04 6.84E-04 6.84E-04 6.84E-04 6.84E-04 2u241 1.92E-01 1.94E-01 1.97E-01 1.98E-01 1.99E-01 1.99E-01 1.99E-01 1.99E-01 1.99E-01 1.99E-01 1.99E-01 Sr89 3.44E+0-1 3.49E+01 3.53E+01 3.55E-.01 3.57E+01 3.57E--01 3.57E+0-1 3.57E+0-1 3.57E+01 3.57E--01 3.57E+0O1 Sr9O 4.42E-'00 4.47E+00C4.53E+00 4.56E-*00 4.58E4ý00 4,58E+00 4.58E+00 4.58E+00O4.58E-+00 4.58E+00 4,58E-+00 Sr9l 3.90E+01 3.95E+01 3.99E+0-1 4.01 E+.01 4.03E+01 4.03E+01 4.03E-*01 4.03E-+01 4.03E+01 4.03E-'O1 4.03E-*01 Sr92 3.25E-+01 3.28E+01 3.31 E+01 3.32E+0-1 3.32E+01 3.32E+01 3.32E+01 3.32E+.01 3.32E-f01 3.32E-+0l 3,32E-*01 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -110-(Next Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 IH21 C092 00 Ref. Cumulative Activity Release for Run IAz Hours > 0.417 0.667 0.917 1.167 1.417 1.667 1.917 2.033 2.167 2.417 2.667 Kr83mn 00E0 O.OOE-+OO O.OOE-*OO O.C-O.O.OE+CO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+0O O.OQE+OO O.OOE+00O.O OE-i-C O.OOE+0O O.OOE+OO Kr85m CODOE-i-D CODOE-iC O.COE-i-O O.COE-i- OOO E0 O.OOE-+0 CEi-O CODE-IC CODOE-IC CODOE-i-D CODOE-i-C CODOE-C Kr85 OOO0E+00 COD0E-i-DO CODOE-i-G O,0 0 0.0+OOE-iO CD-iC CD-DO CODE-i-C CODOE-iC CODOE-i-C O.DE-IC CODOE-i-D Kr87 CODOE-i-D CODE-i-D O.OOE-t- CD-DO OOO E0 CODE-CC CODOE-i-D CODOE-C CODOE-i-D CODE--CD CODE--CO CODOE-CO Kr88 CODE-i-C O.OOE+DO .0E O.OOE+OOCE-DOCODE-i-DO O.OOE+0O.OCODE-IC CDOOE+00OOO CD-CO E0 CODE-i-D CODE-i-D Kr89 COD0E-i-D CODOE-i-D CODE-i-D CODE--CO O.OOE+O.OCODE-ICC O.OOE+CO CODOE-i-D O.OOE+0O OCCOE-iO O.OOE+OO Xel3lmn CODE-i-D O.OOE-00O O.OOE+DO O.OOE+DO CODOE-i-D CODE-i-D O.OCE+00OOO CD-DO E0 CODE-IC CODOE-CC DOCOE-IC Xel33mn D-0EW.OOE+0OCOE-- OCODE-i-DO.OE O.OOE+OC CD-DO CODE-i-D CODOE-IC CODOE-iC CODOE-IC CODOE-IC CODOE-i-D Xe133 COD0E-i-D 9.68E-01 6.52E-i00 2.02E+0C1 4.42E-i01 7.99E-I01 1.30E+02 1.58E+i02 1.98E-I02 2.85E-i02 3.91 E+i02 Xel35mn CODOE-i-D CODOE-I-D CODOE-i-D CODOE-i-D CODE-iCC CODOE-iD CODOE-D CODE--DO OCCOE-IC CODOE-i-C CODE-i-D Xe135 CODE-I0C 1.20E-I01 8.COE-IC1 2,44E+i02 5.28E-i02 9.43E-i02 1.51 E+i03 1.83E-I03 2.28E+i03 3.24E-I03 4.39E+0C3 Xe137 COD0E-I-D CODE--DO CODOE-IC CODOE-IC CODOE-IC .ODE-i-D O.CCE+OO COD0E-I0C CODOE-IC C.ODE-C CODOE-i-D Xe138 COD0E-i-C CODOE-IC CODOE-IC CODOE-IC CODE-+0C CODOE-iC CODOE-IC CODOE-i-D CODOE-i-D CODOECO CODE-i-D l13l0rg CODE-I0C 1.05E-01 5.74E-01 1.45E-i0D 2.70E-ICO 4.23E+00D 6.06E+00 7.OOE-i-OO 8.19E-i-0 1.04E+0-1 1.26E-i01 11320rg COD0E-i-D 1.28E-01 6.61E-0O1 1.59E-i00 2.81 E-i00 4.21E-I00 5,76E+00D 6.52E-i0D 7.44E+00O 9.06E+00D 1.06E+0-1 11 330rg CODOE-IC 2.10E-01 1.14E+00D 2.88E-I00 5.31 E-00 8.29E-I00 1.18E+0-1 1.36E-i01 1.59E-IC1 2.01 E+01 2.42E-i01 11 340rg CODOE-IC 1.47E-01 7.OOE-O1 1.55E-I00 2.55E-+00 3.56E+00 4.55E-I00 4.99E-i00 5.50E+00D 6.30E-I00 6.97E+00O 11 350rg CODOE-I-D 1.89E-01 01i E--DO 2.52E-I00 4.59E+00O 7.09E-i00 9.99E+00O 1.15E+0-1 1.33E-I01 1.66E+01D 1.99E-i01 ll31EIen CODOE-i-D 1.70E--00 9.28E--D0 2.35E--01 4.36E-+01 6.84E+01D 9.79E-i-Dl 1.13E--D2 1.32E--02 1.68E-i02 2.04E+i02 Il32EIemn CODE-i-D 2.06E+00O 1.07E-I01 2.57E-i01 4.55E-I01 6.81 E-iO1 9.31 E-01 1.05E-I02 1.20E-i02 1.46E-i02 1.71 E-i02 1l33EIem CODOE-i-D 3,40E+00 1.84E-i01 4.65E+0-1 8.58E-I01 1.34E-iC2 1.91 E+i02 2.20E+i02 2.57E+i02 3.25E+02 3.92E+i02 Il34EIem CODOE-i-D 2.38E-i0D 1.13E+0-1 2.51 E-iO1 4.12E+I01 5.76E+01D 7.35E+i-1 8.07E+0-1 8.88E-i0D 1.02E+i02 1.13E-I02 11l35EIen COD0E-I0C 3.05E+00D 1.63E-I01 4.07E-I01 7.43E-I01 1,15E-I02 1.61 E+02 1.85E-+02 2.15E-i02 2.69E-i02 3.21 E-02 1131lPart CODE-I0C CODE-i-C CODOE-ICC CODOE-i-D CODOE-IC CODOE-IC O.OOE+00OOO OE-iO CODOE-CC O.OOE-i- O .O OE-iD 11l32Part COD0E-i-D CODOE-i-D CODOE-iC CODOE-iC CODOE-i-D CODOE-IC CODOE-IC CODOE-i-D CODOE-C CODOE-i-D O.OOE-i-D 11l33Part COD0E-I0C CODE--DO CODOE-i-D CODOE-C CODOE-i-D DO.CE-iD CODOE-iD CODE--DO OCOE--DO CODE--DO CODOE-i-D 11l34Part CODOE-i-D CODOE-i-D CODOE-IC DO.DE-D CODOE-i-D CODOE-i-D CODOE-C O.OCE+0 CD-C OOO E0 CODOE-i-C CODOE-i-D 11l35Part CODOE-IC CODOE-i-D CODOE-IC CODOE-IC CODOE-IC O.C0E+00OOCODE-i-D O.CCE+DC CODOE-i-D CODOE-i-D CODOE-C Rb86 COD0E-0C CODOE-i-DO .OOE-i40 O.DDE-iD CODOE-i-C OCOE+()D CODOE-i-D CODOE-C CODOE-I-D OCCOE--O DOCOE-IO Cs134 COD0E-i0C CODOE-IC CODOE-i-C CODE--DO DO.DE-i O.OOE+00OOO CD-C E0 CODOE-i-D CODOE-IC DO.DE-iD CODE-ICC Cs136 CODOE-CC CODOE-iC CODOE-i-D CODOE-iC O.COE-i- OE-IDO CODE-I-DC CODOE-IC O.OOE+OO O.OCE-i-D OOO CODOE-i-D Cs137 COD0E-i-D CODOE-CC D.OCE-+CO CODOE-C CODOE-i-D O.CCE+0 CD-DO OOO E0 CODE-IC CODOE-i-D CODOE-i-C CODOE--C Sb127 CODE-i00 CODOE-CC CODOE-IC OCOE--DO CODOE-i-DO CODOE-IC CODOE-i-D CODOE-i-D DO.DE-I O.OOE+0O CODE--DO Sb129 O.OOE+00OOOCOE-i-D CODE-iCC DODOE--O CODOE-CO CODOE-CO CODOE-IC CODOE-i-C CODOE-C CODOE-C CODOE-i-D Tel 27mn CODOE-C O.OOE+00OOO CD-C E0 CODOE-I-D CODE-+0C CODOE-IC CODOE-i-D CODE-i-D O.OOE-i O .OCODE-i-D O.OOE+DO Tel27 C-COE+00 O.COE+DO CODOE-i-C CODOE-IC CODE-ICC CODOE-i-D CODOE-IC CODOE-i-D CODOE-D CODOE-I-D O.OOE+DO Tel 29m CODOE-i-D O.COE+DO CODOE-i-D OCCOE-IC DO.DE+0 CD-DO OOO E0 CODE-i-D CODE-iD C0-0C CDEiD O.OOE+OOOOE0000E0 Tel 29 COD0E-i-D CODOE-I-D CODOE-I-D CODE-I-D CODOE-I-D CODOE--D CODOE-I-D CODE-I-D CODE-CC CODE-I-D CODE-I-D Tel 31mr CODOE-i-D CODOE-I-D CODOE-I-D CODE-iCC CODOE-I-C CODOE-C CODOE-I-C CODOE-i-D CODE-i-D CODE-i-C CODE-i-D Tel 32 COD0E-i0C CODE-I-C CODOE-ICC CODOE-I-D CODOE-I-D CODOE-iC CODOE-I-C CODOE-I-D CODOE-C CODOE-i-C CODE-i-D Bal37m CODE-iCC CODOE-I-D CODOE-I-C CODOE-iC CODOE-I-D CODOE-I-D CODE-I-D CODE-i-C CODE-I-CC CODE-ICC CODOECO NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page 91 1.1 (Next ) J Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: CacltoN. Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Caclto oRevision 1 J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 00 Ref. I Ba 139 0.00E4O0 0.00E+00 0O.DE-CO 0 DOE--CO O.DOE-+CO OCOE--CO O.ODE+00 0.00 E-C0 DO.DE-00 0.OE00F-C 0.OE00E-C Bal4O 0.00E-*00 0.00E+00 0.OE00E-C O.OOE+00 O.OOE-*C O .OOE-CO O.DE--CO O.OOE-CO D.COE-CO O.ODE+00 0 E00 EC M099 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 C.OE00E-C 0ODOE--CO 0O.DE+00 DODOE-CO 0CD E--C D.OOE+0O O.OOE+00 CODOE-GD 0.DOE--GO Tc99m 0.OOE4CO 0.00E--00 CODOE-CO C.OOE+OC CODOE--D C.C0E--CD 0CC E-CO 0,DDE-CD DO.DE-00 0 DOE--C 0. OE00E-O RuO10 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 CODOE-CO 0.OE00E-O ODDOE+OD D.OE00E-C 0.OE00E-O 0.OOE--00 0 DDE--CO 0 OE00E-O DODOE--C Ru 105 0.00E-i00 0.00E-'00 0.CO F-00 0.OE00E-O O.OCE+C0 DODOE-CO CODOE-CD DO.DE--O 0 DOE--GO O.DDE--O 0 DDE--CO Ru 106 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00C C.OOE+00 O.COE-00 O.OOE-+CD 0CD E-CD 0.DOE--CD ODD F--CO O.00E-tC 0.OE00E-O Rh 105 0.00E-.00 0.00E+400 0.OE00E-O CO.OF--C DODOE-CO O.COE--CD 0.ODE+00 0 00 F--CO 0.00 E--G 0.ODE+0O O.DOE+00 Y90 0.00E+00 0.0011+00 0.00E--00 0.OE00 E.C O.00E-CO O.OCE-I-C 0DDE-CO0 O.OOE--00 QOCOE--O CDOE--G CODOE-CO Y91 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 OCOF--CO 0 OE00E-C O.COE+00 O.OOE-CC C.ODE-*C 0.00 E+00 0.00E-+00 0 DOE--C 0ODOE--CO Y92 0.OOE-'00 O.CQE--GO 0.OE00E-C O.00E--00 O.COE+0O.OCODE--D DO.CE--C DOQOE-+CO CODOE-CC CODOE-GO 000E--0O Y93 0.00E--00 0.00E-'00 O.O0E-CO O.OOE--00 COCOE--O O.00E--CO O.ODE+CO 0DDE--CO 0.OOE+00O O.OOE--0O CODOE-CO Zr95 0.00E+ý00 0.00E-'00 0.OOE--0O 0. DOE-CO O.DDE-+40 0.COE--CO CDOE-CO CODOE-CO CODOE-CO O.O0E+00 0.00 E--C Zr97 0.00E--00 0.00E+00 CODOE-CO C.0DOE+00 O.OOE-CO C.0OE-+C0 COCE+0C DOCOE-CO D.DOE-CC CODOE--O 0 DCE--C Nb95 0.00E-+00 0.00E--00 000 E-CO O.OOE+00 DDOOE--C0 O.00E-J00 0.DOE--CO 0DDE--CO 0.00 E-CD CODOE-CO GO.OF-CO La140 0.00E--00 0.00E-'00 0CC E-00 OCOF-CO0 ODDOE-CO OCCOE-CO 0.OE00E-C 0.OE00 E'~ O.OOE-CO OCCOE-CO O.0E+00O Lal4l 0.0-OO OE-400 0.OOE+00 QOCOE-CO DOCOE-CO O.OOE-CO 0.00CE+00D 0.OE00E-C 0.00 0DOOE+00 COD0E+00 0 DOE--GO La142 0.OOE--00 0.00E-+40 0.OE00E-C 0.OE00E-C O.OE00E-O ODOE--GO CODOE-CO 0.OOE1+00 0.00 E--OO 0ODOE-CO Q.O0E+00 Pr143 0.00E+00 0.00E--00 0ODOE--CO O.OOE+0O O.OOE--CO OCCOE-CO O.DDE-400 0ODOE--CO CODOE--O D.OCE+00 0 DDE--GD Nd147 0.00E+~00 0.00E--00 0DDE--CO 0 OE00E-O ODDOE-CO O.COE-+C O.DCE+0O 0ODOE--CO O.DOE-+00 0 00 E-CD O.O0E--00 Am241 CO.DE-CO O.CQE--C 0.OE00 -O 0 OE00E-C COCOE--G CO.DE-CD 0.OE00E-C CODOE-CO 0 OE00E-C 0 DDE--CO O.DDE+00 Cm242 0.00E-'00 0.OOE-'00 0.OE00E-O COD0E+0O OCQOE--C O.ODE--00 O.OOE+-00 CODOE-CD CODOE-CO 0.00 E+C0 CODOE-CO Cm244 0.00E-+00 0.OOE+00 O.0OE-'-C GOOF--CO DOCOE-CO O.DOE--CO 0DDE--CO OCOF-CO0 0.OOE+00D 0 DDE--GO 0. OE00E-C Cel4l .O0E+00 O .00E400 CODOE-CO 000 F-CO ODDOE--C O.00E-CO 0DO E-CO 0.ODE+GD0 0.OE00 E'0 O.ODE--CO O.COE+C0 Ce143 0.00E-+00 O.DDE--G O.OOE-CO O.OOE--0O CO.E--CO O.DE+00O D.ODE+C0 000E--CO 0.00E-CO O.00E-CO 0.DO E--00 Ce144 0.OOE-+40 0.00E+00 0 OE00E-O D.00E--CO ODDOE-GO O.OCE--0O O.DOE--C0 0DO E--G 0O.DE-00 O.C0E+00 O.ODE--0O Np239 0.00E-4J0 QOCOE--C 0.0OE--0O O.OOE-CC 0.OOE--CO OCCOE-CO CODOE-CO 0. DOE--CO CODOE-CO OCCOE--G O.OOE--CO Pu238 0.00E*O0 0.00E+00 OCCOE-CO CODOE-CO .OODE-CD O.OOE-CO0 O.OOE--00 O.CCE+00 0.OOE--CD CODE--0O 0.00E+-00 Pu239 0.00E-+C0 0.OOE-'00 0.DOE--CO O.OOE+0O O.DOE--CO QOCOE--C 0.00 E-CO D.OOE--CO ODOE--CO O.DDE-400 COGOE-CO Pu240 0.OOE+040 0.OOE--CO O.OOE-*CO C.CCEi4JC C.ODE-+CD CODOE-CC O.CCE-CO 0 DDE-CO O.OOE+0O .OOCE--G 0.0DOE+00 Pu241 0.00E+00 0.00E-4J0 0.OOE-CO 0.OOE+00 CDOOE-'-G O.OE+~00 0.OOE--00 0ODOE-CO CODOE-CC 0 DOE--CO 0.ODE-GO Sr89 CO.CE--C OGG0E-CO( DOCOE-CO 0.OE00E-C O.00E+C0 CODOE-CO ODGOE--O 0ODOE--CO OCQOE-CO 0 OE00E-G CODOE-CO Sr9o 0.00E-I00 0.01E--00 0.OE00E-0 OCOOE+0O OCCOE--O O.CE--CO 0DC E-CO CDOE--CO O.OOE-'-C 0 DDE--CO 0 00 F-CO Sr9l O.DDE--C COCOE-CO COD0E-0O 000 E--0O D.COE--CO OCCOE-CO CODOE-CO 0.ODE-CO O.OOE--CC 0 DOE-CO O.OOE--0O Sr92 COCOE--C0O0.00E+00 O.COE+OC C.DOE--CO ODDOE-CO GO.OF-CO O.OOE-'-C DOCOE-CO C00 E-CO CODOE-CO CDCE--C Hours > 2.917 3.167 3.667 4.167 6.OOE+OO 8.03E+00 2.40E+01 4.80E+01 9.60E+01 2.40E+02 7.20E+02 Kr83m 0.COE--CO QO.DE-CO O.C0E+0O CDOE--CO O.DOE--0O 4.28E--01 2.02 E-02 2.03E--02 2.03E+02 2.03 E-02 2.03E--02 Kr85m ODGOE-CO 0.0CE+400 0.OE00E-C 0.OE00E-O O.OOE--CD 4.54E-+02 6.41 E--03 7.26E-*03 7.28E--03 7.28 E+.03 7.28E--03 Kr85 CO.GE-CO O.DOE-CO CO.DE-CO 0.ODE-0O OOOCE--C 8.12E+01 4.19E--03 1.1OE+04 2.1 9E--04 5.28E--04 1,.43E--05 Kr87 CODOE-C 00 OE+CO OCOOE-+00 O.OOE--CO DODOE--O 5.14E--01 1.53E-02 1.53E-402 1.53E--02 1.53E--02 1.53E+02 Kr88 O.ODE-CO O.COE--CO C.OOE-400 0ODOE--CO 000OE-00 6.34E--C2 5.28E--03 5.46E--03 5.46E--03 5.46E--03 5.46E--03 Kr89 ODDOE-- O0.COE--00 0. ODE-CO O.CE+00O O.ODE-CO 1.23E-33 1.23E-33 1.23E-33 1.23E-33 1.23E-33 1.23E-33 Xe131m 0,00E-CO O.ODE--CC O.00E+00 0.OE00 F CODOE--GO 6.17E-+01 3.11 E-03 7.94E--03 1.50E--04 3.11 E+04 5.47 E-04 Ngp-n~Qn~ NEPDE-0 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page (Next_ _ Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Calculation No. Revision Friginator/Date Jo.Metcalf 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date D.Leaver 12/12/06 IH210C092 00 Ref. Xel33m O.OD-O DDOE+ O DOE0 OD D.OOE-00 D.DDE44J OD.DOE-+C 3.06E+'02 1.38E-+04 3.17E--04 4.95E+04 6.58E+04 6.84E-'04 Xe133 5.15E-402 6.56E+02 9.91 E+02 1.39E-'03 3.51 E-03 1.43E-*04 5.47E+'05 1.42E+046 2.71 E+'06 4.98E-+06 6.49E+06 Xel35m O.OOE+00OO ODE-tO O.DOE-i40 O.OOE-i-O O.OOE+CD 1.20E-05 1.23E-05 1.23E-05 1.23E-05 1.23E-05 1.23E-05 Xe135 5.70E+.03 7.18E-fAJ3 1.D6E-'04 1.45E-*04 3.36E+i04 3.86E-t04 2.15E-t05 3.66E-*05 4.06E-t05 4.07E-t05 4.07E--05 Xel37 O.ODE+OO D.OOE-0O.OCODE-s-C O.COE+0D 0.OOE+00D 7,64E-27 7.64E-27 7.64E-27 7.64E-27 7,64E-27 7.64E-27 Xel 38 ODD0E-s00 0,DE-+00 DOCOE+00DD OE ODD .O ODE-sOD 3,1DE-04 3.22E-D4 3.22E-04 3.22E-04 3.22E-04 3,22E-04 1131lOrg 1.48E-s01 1.70E-s01 2.14E+0-1 2.58E-I01 4.23E+01 4.41 E+0-1 1.32E-sC2 3.21 E-02 6.51 E-0-2 1.25E-s03 1,72E-t03 11320rg 1.19E+0-1 1.32Es-01 1.55E-+01 1.75E-s01 2.28E-s01 2.31 E-01 2.47E+0-1 2.48E-s01 2.48E+0-1 2.48E-t01 2.48E-t01 11330rg 2.84E-s01 3.24E-s01 4,05E-s01 4.84E-s01 7.74E+0-1 8.03E-sC1 1.88E-'02 3.23E-t02 4.11 E-s02 4.31 E-s02 4.31 E-s02 11 340rg 7.51 E-00 7.96E+00C 8.62E-sCD 9.07E-+0C 9.80E-00 9.81 E-00 9.82E-s00 9.82E-t0D 9.82E-s00 9.82E-'00 9.82E-s00 11350rg 2.30E+0-1 2.61 E-0-1 3.20E-s01 3,76E+0-1 5.65E-I01 5.82E+0-1 8.99E-t01 1.02Es-02 1.D3E-t02 1.03E+0-2 1.03E-s02 1131lElem 2.39E-s02 2.75E-s02 3.46E-sC2 4.17E+s02 6.84E+s02 7.1DE+0-2 1.94E-s03 4.69E-t03 9.60E-s03 1.85E-s04 2.51 E+044 1l32Elem 1.93E+02 2.14E-I02 2.51 E-s02 2.83E-t02 3.69E+0-2 3.73E-'02 3.96E+0-2 3.97E-s02 3.97E-s02 3.98E-s02 3.98E-s02 Il33EIem 4.58E-s02 5.25E-+02 6.55E-s02 7.83E+0-2 1.25E-s03 1.29E+0-3 2.79E-s03 4.75E-t03 6.06E+I03 6.36E-s03 6.36E-0-3 Il34EIem 1.21E-s02 1.29E-'02 1.39E-'02 1.47E-s02 1.58E-s02 1.59E+'02 1,59E-s02 1.59E+s02 1.59E-t02 1.59E+s02 1.59E+0-2 Il35EIem 3.72E-s02 4.22E-s02 5.18E+0-2 6.09E-'02 9.14E-s02 9.37E+0-2 1.38E-s03 1.55E-IC3 1.57E-t03 1.57E-+03 1.57E+0-3 1131lPart O.DDE-s-C CODOE-sD DODOES-D DODOE-s-D ODDOE-sO 1.35E-03 9.62E-03 1.18E-02 1.2DE-02 1.2DE-02 1.20E-D2 11l32Part ODE-OO COD-sOO.OOE+00.E00OD OOE-'-D CODE-OD 2.3DE-04 5.62E-04 5.63E-04 5,63E-04 5.63E-04 5.63E-04 1133Part CODOE-OD DO.DE-O CODE-OOE0 DODOE-C CODE-OOE0 2.21E-03 1.33E-02 1.51 E-02 1.52E-02 1.52E-02 1.52E-02 1134 Part CODE-s-C CODE-OOE0 CODOE-OD O.DOE+DO OCCOE-OD 1.10E-05 1.53E-D5 1.63E-05 1.53E-05 1.53E-05 1.53E-D5 Il35Pal-t CODOE-s-C CODOE-IC CO.DE-tD ODDE+00 CODE-OOE0 1.24E-D3 5.36E-03 5.55E-03 5.55E-03 5.55E-03 5.55E-D3 Rb86 CODEOOE CODE-tOOE0 O.DDE-OD CODOE-s- CODE-OOE0 3.09E-06 2.23E-05 2.74E-05 2.81E-05 2.81E-05 2.81 E-05 Cs134 CODEOOE0 CODE+OO CODEOOE CODE-tOOE CODE-tOOE03.12E-04 2.27E-03 2.81 E-03 2.88E-03 2.89E-03 2.89E-03 Cs136 O.ODE+D CODE-OOE CODE-tOOE0 D.ODE-+00 CODEOOE0 9.62E-05 6.91 E-04 8.49E-04 8.68E-04 8.69E-04 8.69E-04 Cs137 CODE-OOE DODOE-tO CODEOOE CODE-tOOE CODE-tOOE01.86E-04 1.36E-03 1.68E-03 1.72E-03 1.72E-03 1.73E-03 Sb127 CODOE-s-C DODE-tOD COD0E-+-C COCOE-tO CODEOOE 3.03E-05 2.11 E-04 2.55E-04 2.59E-04 2.6DE1-04 2.60JE-04 Sb`129 CODEOOE CODE-tOOE0 OCOE+00OOCODE-I-C DO.E-sOD 2.98E-05 1.D5E-D4 1.06E-04 1.06E-04 1.D611-D4 1.D6E-D4 Tel27m DODOE-tO ODD0E-tOD COD0E-+0D COD0E-s-C DOCOE-D 4.3DE-06 3.12E-05 3.86E-D5 3.96E-05 3.96E-05 3.97E-D5 Te127 O.DDE-tO ODDOE-D CODE-OOE0 CODOE-s-C CODOE-OC 2.86E-05 2.10E-04 2.57E-04 2.62E-D4 2.62E-D4 2.62E-04 Tel 29m O.DDE+O CODE-OOE CODE-tOOE0 ODDOE-tO ODDOE-tO 1.37E-D5 9.95E-05 1.23E-04 1.26E-04 1.26E-04 1.26E-04 Tel29 O.DOE+DO CODOE-s-D CODOE-o CODE-OOE0 O.DDE-OD 3.78E-05 1.39E-04 1.41 E-04 1.41E-04 1.41 E-04 1.41 E-04 Tel 3lm CODEOOE0 O.DDE+CO O.OOE+0 CODE+OO COD0E-+OD 3.57E-D5 2.28E-04 2.63E-04 2.65E-D4 2.65E-04 2.65E-04 Te132 .ODE+00 ODDOE-tO CODOE-s-C D.OE+00D O.DE+00C 3,84E-04 2.65E-D3 3,19E-D3 3.24E-03 3.24E-D3 3,24E-03 Bal37m O.DDE+00D D.OE+00 CODE+0OO O.DDE-tO CODE-+0O 1.86E-04 1.36E-03 1.68E-03 1.72E-03 1.72E-03 1.73E-03 Bal39 CODOE-tOO ODDOE-tO CODE+OO D.ODE+00D .ODE-+0O 5.69E-06 1D01E-05 1.0lE-O5 1.01E-05 1.01E-05 1D01E-05 Bal40 DODOE-tO COD0E-+0O O.DE-+00 DDE+00 O.DDE+s0 1.99E-04 1.43E-D3 1.75E-03 1.79E-03 1.79E-03 1.79E-03 Mo99 0.ODE-00O DODOE-sC0 DO.DE-tO O.DE+00 0.DE+00D 2.56E-05 1.75E-04 2.09E-D4 2.13E-04 2.13E-04 2.13E-04 Tc99m CODE+00 O.DDE-1-OD O.DE+OD ODOE+00D D.OE+0CO 2.24E-05 1.69E-04 2,D6E-04 2.09E-04 2D09E-D4 2.1DOE-04 RulO3 .ODE+00D DODE-tOD COD0E+00C CODOE-I-C CODE-I-C 2.3DE-05 1.66E-04 2.06E-04 2.10E-D4 2.11 E-04 2.11lE-04 RulD5 COD0E+OO D.DCE+OO D.ODE+00C COD0E-+-C OD0E-+00 5.26E-06 1.88E-05 1.91 E-05 1.91E-05 1.91 E-05 1l91 E-05 RulS COD0E-+-C C.ODE-+0D ODE-OOE0 COD0E-+0C CODE-+00 9,47E-06 6.89E-05 8,53E-05 8.74E-05 8.74E-05 8.76E-D5 RhIOS 0.0E+00D DDDE+00D CODE-I-C CODE-+0O O.DE+00J 1.40E-05 9,35E-05 1.09E-04 1.l11E-D4 1.11E-D4 1.l11E-04 Y90 CODE+00 .0DE-+0D CODE-s-D CODE-OOE COD0E-s-C 8.68E-07 1.20E-05 1.86E-05 2COOE-05 2D01E-05 2.04E-05 NEP-nFES-nR Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page 113-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Oriinto/DteReview er/Date FCalcufation No. Revision JMecf12/12/06 ID. Leaver 12/12/06 1H21 C092 00 Y91 0.E00E-OQ .OOE-'00 0.00E-'00 0.00E+00O0.00E+00 1.57E-06 1.27E-05 1.61 E-05 1.65E-05 1.66E-05 1.66E-05 Y92 0,ODE+00 D.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E-'00 0.OOE-'00 2.78E-05 1.22E-04 1.24E-04 1.24E-04 1.24E-04 1.24E-04 Y93 0.00E+00 O.00E+CD 0.00E+00 0.00E-'00 0,00E+'00 1.01 E-06 5.10E-06 5.45E-06 5.46E-06 5.46E-06 5.46E-06 Zr95 DO.DE-tD 00E+00 D.O+0 .00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.86E-06 1.35E-05 1.67E-05 1.71 E-05 1.71 E-05 1.72E-05 Zr97 O.OOE-*OO DOSEOOE 0.00E+00O.O OE-tD DOSEOOE0 1.40E-06 8.13E-06 9.04E-06 9.08E-06 9.08E-06 9.08E-06 Nb95 0.OOE-tO0 O.OOE+00 0.OOE-t0O SOGOE-tO DOSEOOE0 1.87E-06 1.36E-05 1.69E-05 1.73E-05 1.73E-05 1.74E-05 Lal4O O.OOE+00 DOSEOODOS-tOO.OOE OOOE0 -'- S,DOE+OO 1.91 E-0O52-63E-04 3.99E-04 4,24E-04 4.26E-04 4.28E-04 La141 DOE-O.OOE+0 O .ODE-.0.0E0.OOE*OO 0.OOE-*40 5.23E-07 1.75E-06 1.77E-06 1.77E-06 1.77E-06 1.77E-06 La142 GODOE-OS 0.00E+00 0.0E+0 O.OOE-4OO 0.0E0 S.ODE-*OO 7.15E-08 1.37E-07 1,37E-07 1.37E-07 1.37E-07 1.37E-07 Pr1 43 S.OOE+O0 0.OOE-'0O 0.00E+0 000+0O.OOE-t0 OE-O 1.68E-06 1.24E-05 1.54E-05 1.58E-05 1.58E-05 1.58E-05 Nd147 0.OOE-tOO ODE-OOE CODE-tOOE0 D.OOE+OO 0.OOE-tO0 7.40E-07 5.30E-06 6.50E-06 6.65E-06 6.65E-06 6.66E-06 Am241 O.OOE+0O0 0.OOE-+00 O.OOE0E-- 0.OOE+00D O.ODE-+0O 3.13E-10 2.28E-09 2.82E-09 2.89E-09 2.90E-09 2.90E-09 Cm242 DO.DE-tO O.SOE-tDO CODEOOE0 0.OOE-*O0 ODDOE-tO 7.74E-08 5.63E-07 6.96E-07 7.13E-07 7.14E-07 7.16E-07 Cm244 0.OOE-t0OO .ODE-*0OO .OOE-+00 O.ODE-0O.OSOCE-tOD 5.15E-09 3.75E-08 4.64E-08 4,76E-08 4.76E-08 4.77E-08 Cel4l D.OOE-*CO CODEOOE0 OCCOE-tO CODEOOE0 C.OOE-tOO 4.73E-06 3.42E-05 4.23E-05 4.33E-05 4.33E-05 4.34E-05 Ce143 OCCOE-tO CODOE-i-D DO.CE-tO OCCOE-tO O.ODE-+OO 3.76E-06 2.42E-05 2.81 E-05 2.84E-05 2.84E-05 2.84E-05 Ce144 DOGOE-t0OD .ODE-'{) O.OOE-t OOOOE-O. E0 OCE-tOC 3.93E-06 2.86E-05 3.54E-05 3.63E-05 3.63E-05 3.64E-05 Np239 DaE-OOE0 C.CCE-+C CODE-OOE0 DO.O~OED DODOE-iS 5.62E-05 3.81 E-04 4.53E-04 4.60E-04 4.60E-04 4.60E-04 Pu238 06E O.ODE-tOO O.OE-OCODE-t0OD .OCE-I-O CODOE-SO 1.54E-08 1.12E-07 1.39E-07 1.42E-07 1.43E-07 1.43E-07 Pu239 D.DOE-i-O O.CCE-IOC0CE-40 O .OOE-' CC-O

                                                             -0E00OOOE0          1.42E-09    1.04E-08       1.28E-08   1.32E-08    1.32E-08       1.32E-08 Pu24C          -CCE-tO0 O.CCE+D CODE-OOE0           HOCE-OC DOCOE-iDO     2.CIE-09    1.46E-08       1.81 E-08  1.86E-08    1.86E-08       1.86E-08 Pu241        O.COE-tD0   .C0iOO.C+0  00E-*00 O.CCE-'- OC.OOE-OO 5.84E-07 4.25E-06                    5.26E-06   5.39E-06    5.40E-06       5.41 E-06 Sr89         O.DOE-tO0 0.ODE-i- O.OCOE+OD OCCOE--O              CODOE-i-C 1.05E-04 7.59E-04          9.37E-04   9.60E-04    9.61 E-04      9.63E-04 Sr9O         O.CCE-tO   CO.CE-iD     CODOE-i-S     OCOE-tO      CODE-OOE0 1,35E-05 9.80E-05          1.21E-04   1.24E-04    1.24E-04       1.25E-04 Sr9l         O.OOE-tOD CODOE--S      OCCOE-iS      O.COE-tOO OCCOE-tO     7.84E-05 3.88E-04          4.13E-04   4.13E-04    4.13E-04       4.13E-04 Sr92         OCCOE-iC   CODOE-i-S    O.OOE-i-0 S.DE-t00 CODOE--D          2.31 E-05 6.23E-05         6.25E-05   6.25E-05    6.25E-05       6.25E-05 NE P-DES5-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -114-(Next -___ Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: CacltoN . Disposition: __Rviio OrgiaorDaeReviewer/Date CaclTo N.Rvso J.Mtcl 2/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 00 {photon The steps taken to convert these cumulative releases to the environment to integrated Me V/cc values by I1. energy group for each plume segment (distinguished by a specific X/Q) are as follows: The photon energy data is the same as that used in Appendix F; i.e.: Kr83m 2.57E-03 0.OOE+00 0.OOE'-00 0.OOE-+O0 0.OOE-.-00 0.OOE+00 Kr85m 1.15E-01 4.27E-02 1.20E-04 0.OOE-*CO 0.00E400 0.OOE+00 Kr85 0.OOE+00 0.OOE--00 2.23E-03 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+ý00 0.00E-+C0 Kr87 2.005-05 1.99E-01 8.33E-02 2.76E-02 5.79E-02 4.25E-01 Kr88 5.87E-02 1.55E-02 2.66E-01 1.28E-01 6.20E-01 1.50E+00 Kr89 5.03E-02 8.84E-02 3.77E-01 2.84E-01 3.35E-01 7.00E-01 Xel 13m 2.01E-02 0.00E+00 0.OOE-s00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 Xel 33m 4.15E-02 0.005+00 0.00E-400 0.00E+00 0,00E+00 0.00E+00 Xe133 4.53E-02 0.00E+00 0.OOE-00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+,00 Xel35m 4.18E-03 0.OOE+00 4.27E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.005+00 Xel 35 2.27E-01 2.25E-03 1.90E-02 0.005+00 0.00E+ý00 0.005+00 Xei 37 4.50E-04 1.40E-01 7,23E-03 2.36E-02 1.09E-02 5.16E-03 Xel38 1.02E-01 1.24E-01 3.18E-02 6.16E-02 3.44E-01 4.62E-01 11310rg 2.12E-02 2.97E-01 6.25E-02 0.OOE+00 0.005+00 O.OOE+00 11320rg 7.10E-03 1,37E-02 1.89E+00 3,14E-01 2.80E-02 3.76E-02 11330rg 1.41E-03 2.71E-03 5.45E-01 5.80E-02 0.00E*00 0.005+00 11340rg 1.40E-02 6.84E-02 1.86E+00 3.91E-01 2.72E-01 1.73E-02 11 350rg 1.47E-02 2.27E-02 1.30E-01 9.33E-01 4.20E-01 5.46E-02 1l31EIem 2.12E-02 2.97E-01 6.25E-02 O.00E+00 O.00E+0O O.OOE+0O 1l32Elem 7.10E-03 1.37E-02 1.89E+00 3.14E-01 2.80E-02 3.76E-02 1l33EIem 1.41E-03 2.71E-03 5.45E-0)1 5.80E-02 0.OOE+00 0.00E+O0 Il34EIem 1.40E-02 6.84E-02 1.86E+00 3.91 E-01 2.72E-01 1.73E-02 Il35EIemn 1.47E-02 2.27E-02 1.30E-01 9.33E-01 4.20E-01 5.46E-02 1131 Part 2.12E-02 2.97E-01 6.25E-02 0.005+00 0.005400 0.OOE+00 1132Part 7.105-03 1.37E-02 1.89E+00 3.14E-01 2.80E-02 3.76E-02 1l33Part 1.41 E-03 2.71E-03 5.45E-01 5.80E-02 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 1l34Part 1.40E-02 6.84E-02 1.86E+00 3.91E-01 2.72E-01 1.73E-02 Il35Part 1.47E-02 2.27E-02 1.30E-01 9,33E-01 4.20E-01 5.46E-02 Rb86 0.OOE+00 0.005400 0.OOE-+00 9.45E-02 0.OOE+t00 0.OOE+00 Cs134 3.505-04 6,94E-03 1.475*00 7.29E-02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Cs136 9.98E-02 1.67E-01 8.24E-01 1.08E+00 0.00E*00 0.005E+00 Csl37 2.31E-03 0.00E+00 5.63E-01 0.005*00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 Sb127 3.09E-02 1.58E-01 4.64E-01 8.545-03 0.00E+00 0.005*00 Sb129 1.10E-02 2.69E-02 9.505-01 2.45E-01 1.76E-01 2,OOE-02 Tel27m 1.12E-02 0.OOE400 7.OOE-05 0.OOE-*00 0.OOE+00 0.005+00 Te127 . 2.20E-04 4.61E-03 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0005E+00 0.OOE-400 Te129mn 8.105-03 0.OOE+00 3.135-02 0.OOE+00 0.005+00 0.OOE+00 Tel 29 7.87E-03 3.905-02 3.905-03 6.885-03 0.005-+00 0.00E+00 Tel3lm 7.555-02 6.37E-02 8.585-01 3.265-01 4.605-02 5.665-02 Te132 2.31E-01 0.005+00 0.O0E+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+0O 0.OOE+00 Ba137m Bal39 2.99E-02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 5,325-03 0.005+00 0.OOE+00 Ba14O 1.70E-02 3.69E-02 1.375-01 0.005+00 0.005+00 0,OOE+00 M099 1.76E-02 5.025-03 1.325-01 0.OOE+00 I 0.OOE+0O O.00E+0O0 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -115-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H210C092 00 Ref.I-(Continued), Tc99m 1.27E-01 0.00E400 0.00E400 0.OOE+O0 0.00E400 0.00E+00 RulO3 1.12E-03 4.44E-01 3.88E-02 0.00E400 0.00E400 0.OOE-+00 Ru1O5 5.76E-02 1.79E-01 5.76E-01 6.50E-03 0.00E+00 0.00E400 RulO6 0.OOE.*00 0.00E400 1,74E-01 I 3.05E-02 2.45E-03 0.00E400 RhiOS 7.30E-04 7,69E-02 0.OOE.*00 0.OOE+O00 0.OOE-+00 0.00E400 Y90 0.00E400 0,00E400 0.00E400 0.00E400 0.00E400 0.OOE+00 Y91 0.OOE-*00 0.00E400 0.00E400O 3.61E-03 0.OOE-QC 0.OOE-*00 Y92 0.00E400 1.29E-02 1.602-01 7.OOE-02 9.15E-03 0.00E400 Y93 1.83E-02 0.00E400 2.26E-02 1.41 E-02 2.70E-02 7.14E-03 Zr95 0.OOE+00 0.00E400 7.35E-01 0.00E400 0.00E400 0.OOE+O0 Zr97 4.58E-03 1,05E-02 6.07E-02 7.47E-02 3.01 E-02 0.00E+00 Nb95 2.00E-05 1.10E-04 7.642-01 0,00E400 0.00E400 0.00E400 La140 4.09E-03 3.022-01 3.71E-01 5.03E-03 1.52E+00 1.10E-01 Lal 41 0.00E400 0.00E400 0.00E+00 3.55E-02 7.202-03 0.002400 La142 4.30E-04 3.72E-03 4.56E-01 2.23E-01 3.84E-01 1.652400 Pr1 43 0.00E400 0.00E400 0.00E400 0.00E+00 0.0E400 0.00E400 Ndi47 4.71E-02 1.64E-02 7.73E-02 0.002400 0.002400 0.002400 Amn241 2.81E-02 0.00E +00 0.00E400 0.00E+00 0.00E400 0.00E400 Cm242 1.67E-03 0.00E4+00 0.00E400 0.00E400 0.00E400 0.00E400 Cm244 1.49E-03 0.00E400 0.00E400 0.00E4ý00 0.002400O 0.OE0020 Ce14l 7.692-02 0.00E400 0.00E400 0.00E400 0.00E+D0 0.00E4+00 Ce143 1.59E-01 2.35E-02 8.69E-02 4.032-03 0.00E400 0.00E400 Ce144 1.93E-02 0.002400 0.002400 0.00E+00 0.00E400 0.00E400 Np239 1.60E-01 1.18E-02 0.002400 0.002400 0.002400 0.00E400 Pu238 1,60E-03 0.002400 0.00E4+00 0.002400 0.00E400 0.002400 Pu239 6.50E-04 0.002400 0.00E+00 0.00E400 0.00E400 0.002400 Pu24O 1.53E-03 0.002400 0.002400 0.002400 0.00E400 0.00E400 Pu241 0.00E400 0.00E400 0.00E400 0.00E400 0.002400 0.00E4+00 Sr89 0.00E400 0.002400 1.402-04 0.002400 0.002400 0.002400 sr9o 0.00E400 0.00E400 0.00E4+00 0.00E400 0.002400 0.002400 Sr9l 4.59E-03 5.40E-04 3.10E-01 3.64E-01 7.362-03 0.00E400 Sr92 7.17E-03 1.56E-02 3.79E-02 1.282400 0.002400 0.002400

2. The X/Qs used by time interval are as follows:

For Case IlAx: 3 Up to (hours) sec/rn 0.667 5.85e-4 2.667 1.03e-3 8.033 5.85e-4 24 2.07e-4 96 1.75 e-4 720 1.52e-4 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -116-. (Next Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition:__ Calculation No. Revision F riginator/Date [J. Metcalf 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date D.Leaver 12/12/06 H210C092 00 Ref. For Case 1Ay: 3 Up to (hours) sec/rn 0.667 2.61 e-4 2.667 4.82e-4 6 2.61 e-4 For Case 1Az: 3 Up to (hours) sec/rn 0.667 1.26E-4 2.667 2.27E-4 8.033 1.26E-4 24 4.30E-5 96 3.58E-5 720 2.59E-5

3. For each of the 12 X/Q values, the time-integrated, specific energy by photon energy group is calculated based on (1) the Ci released over a given time interval for each radionuclide, (2) the MeV/sec-Ci for each photon energy group for each radionuclide, and (3) the X,/Q; i.e.,

Ci x MeV/sec-Ci x sec/rn 3 = MeV/m3 Occupancy factors are taken into account for time intervals beyond 24 hours.

4. These values are sumnmed over all radionuclides for all of the time intervals associated with a specific X/Q and the result is converted into MeV/cc for each photon energy group.
5. The volume and radius of the hemispherical source is calculated based on the assumed semi-circular cross-section of the plume being equal to the dilution air volumetric flow (I1/X/Q) divided by the assumed wind speed of 1.12 nilsec. The radius of the cross-section is:

2 r = {2 x [1I/(X/Q)]/[pi x 1.12 mlsec]}"1 and the corresponding volume of the hemispherical source is: V =2/3 x pi xr . The results of the source strength development are as follows: Radius - cnm 2.35E-'03 3.12E-+03 3.44E+03 4.67E+03 5.01E+03 5.25E+03 5.70E+03 6.12E+'03 6.72E+03 1.15E-*04 1.26E+04 l.48E+44 Volume - cc 2.72E+10 6.36E+10 8.51 E+1l0 2.13E+1l1 2.63E+1l1 3.02E+1l1 3.89E+1l1 4.80E+1l1 6.36E+1l1 3.19E+1l2 4.20E+1 2 6.83E+1 2 Me V/cc El 9.43E-*04 2.18E-*05 2,33E--05 2.64E+045 8.59E-*03 1.94E--05 1.05E+05 9.78E-iC)4 3.97E-*04 1.05E-f05 1.14E-.05 6.65E+04 E2 l.95E-f04 1.54E-+04 5.13E-+04 2.49E-.04 7.81 E+02 2.99E+'03 3.14E-+02 2.32E+i02 1.40E+03 1.83E+0C3 2.32E+03 1.89E-*03 E3 5.95E+'04 6.46E+04 1.88E+05 1.09E+05 7.76E-+03 1.56E+04 1.33E+03 2.49E-+02 9.19E+0O3 9.03E+03 4.90E+03 5.75E+i02 E4 2.62E-+04 2.63E-+04 8.47E+÷04 4.55E+04 3.71 E-03 3.87E+03 2.42E-.01 7,93E-01 3.91 E+03 1.81 E+03 3.30E+02 7.23E+00 E5 9.72E+04 1.12E--05 2.45E+'05 1.66E+05 1.50E+i03 1.73E+04 5.30E+00 1.26E-02 3.23E-*03 4,91E--03 1,56E-+02 1.07E-02 E6 2.43E+05 2.78E+05 5.94E+'05 4.05E+05 2.28E+02 4.lSE-'04 7.25E-01 1.69E-02 4.76E+03 1.12E-'04 2.24E-402 1.44E-02 NiEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -117-(Next ___ Project.- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1I Disposition.-__ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Cacltion No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 -- D.v Leaver 12/12/06 __[H21C092 00 The MeV/cc summed for all plumes is as follows (for information, the totals without noble gas and without noble gas or iodine are also presented): El1 1.54E+06 3.22E+03' 1.06E4-032 E2 1.23E+05 1.68E+04' 4.58E+022 E3 4.69E+05 1.31 E+05 17.54E+032 E4 1.96E+05 6.40E+04 12.72E+032 E5 6.47E+05 2.52E+04' 1.73E+022 E6 1.58E+06 3.78E+031 4.43E+O12 (1) Without noble gas (2) Without noble gas or iodine This summation is provided to compare to the check values in the next appendix (based on Table B3). El 1.93E+06 +25.6% E2 1.28E+05 +4.0% E3 4.75E+05 +1.2% E4 1.97E+05 +0.4% E5 6.48E+05 +0.1% E6 1.58E+06 +0.0% While there is a 26% discrepancy in the first energy group (the check value being higher), this would be expected to have little consequence because of the limited contribution of the low energy photons for thei shielded control room dose. All other energy groups are in excellent agreement. QADMOD Dose Analysis The QADMOD runs were done using a model similar to the reference plume shine hemispherical model presented in the Design Input Summary of the main body of the calculation. This model was based on a radius determined by five mean free paths of a photon in air rather than the actual amount of acitivty being released by the plume. However, because of the size of the hemisphere, the center of the hemisphere was placed at zero elevation. This did two things: (1) it placed a portion of the plume volume below the control room, and (2) it inadvertently included the control room as part of the source volume so shine was calculated from a portion of the source without shielding (as if the cloud were inside the control room as well as outside it). To avoid this difficulty, the zero datum was taken as the top of the control room. The 8" of concrete roof shield extends, downward to -20.32 cm, and the dose point is at -17 feet (same as the reference model). A typical run (the one for the first hemispherical source, volume = 2.72E 10 cc) is provided below: Unit 1 LOCA Control Room Cloud Shine 8 2 0 2 2 3 3 -2 2 15 10 10 0 1 2.72+10 0.0 2.00 3.00 6.00 10.00 16.00 26.00 43.00 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page-118-I(Next __)j Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: Disposition: Revsio Onginator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No.Rvso 1J. Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 0092 00 71.00 117.00 192.00 317.00 523.00 864.00 1425.00 2351.00 0.0 0.157 0.314 0.417 0.628 0.785 0.942 1.100 1.257 1.414 1.571 0.0 0.157 0.314 0.417 0.628 0.785 0.942 1.100 1.257 1.414 1.571 1 3 -20.32 2 3 0.00 1 1 1 0.0 0.0 -600.00 2 2 1 2 0.0 0.0 -10.00 3 1 2 0.0 0.0 1000.00

1. 225-3 2.35 23 25 1.37+5 7.26+4 3.20+4 1.17+5 0.00+0 2.93+5 0.00+0 0.00+0 6.84-10 5.83-10 5.10-10 4.69-10 4.32-10 4.13-10 3.67-10 3.01-10 MEV PER REM CM**2 0.0 0.0 -518.16 1 DET. 1
                          -- ---- -2  ----     -    1                                                         - - - - - - -- - -          - - - -      - - - -

NEP-DE S-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -119-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: _ Disposition: Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 j Ref. TU ELECTRIC COMANCHE PEAK ENGINEERING QADMOD-GP PROGRAM QADMOD-G CCC-396 (PC VERSION WITH OPTIONAL G-P BU FACTORS) Unit 1 LOCA Control Room Cloud Shine

                               *****   PROGRAM CONTROL       *****




ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page 120~ (Next Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: CacltoN. Disposition: __ Criginator/Date Reviewer/Date CcuainN.Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 IH21 C092 00 Ref. I SOURCE 2.7200E+10 0. 0000E+00 0. 0000E+00 0. OOOOH-i00 0. OOOOE-i00 0. OOOOEi-00

o. 000E+00 R 0.OOOOE+00 2. 0000E+00 3. 0000E+00 6. 0000E+00 1. OOOOE+01 1. 6000E+i01 2.6000E+01. 4.3000E+01
7. 1000E+01. 1 .1700E+02 1. 9200E+.02 3 . 1700E+02 5. 2300E+02 8. 6400E+02 1.4250E+03 2.3510E+03 Z 0.0000E+00 1.5700E-01 3. 1400E-01 4 .1700E-01 6. 2800E-01 7. 8500E-02. 9 .4200E-01 1.1000E+00
1. 2570E+00 1.4140E+00 1. 5710E+00 PHI 0.0000E+00 1.57 00E-01 3. 1400E-01 4. 1700E-01 6.2800E-01 7. 8500E-01 9. 4200E-01 1.1000E+00
1. 2570E+00 1.4140E+400 1. 5710E+00 F(L) 1.0000E+00 1. OOOOE+00 1. 0000E+00 1. 0000E+00 1. 0000H.00 1. OOOOE+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00
1. 0000E+00 1. OOOOE+00 1. 0000E+00 1. 0000H+00 1. 0000E+00 1. OOOOE+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 F(M) 1.0000E+00 1. 0000E+00 1. 0000E+00 1. OOOOE+00 1. OOOOE+00 1. OOOOEs00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00
1. 0000E+00 1. 0000E+00 1. 0000Ei00 F(N) 1.0000E+00 1. 0000E+00 1. 0000OH+00D 1. OOOOE+00 1. OOOOE+00 1. 0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00
1. 0000Ei00 1. 0000E+00 1. 0000H+00 NE P-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page 121 (Next Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Calculation No. Revision O riginator/Date Reviewer/Date Jo.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 Ret.

             ****GEOMETRY DESCRIPTION***


0. OOOOE+00 REGION DESCRIPTION REG MAT BOUNDS BY REGION POINT IN REGION NO NO X (CM) Y(CM) Z(CM) 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+OO -6.OOOOE+02 2 2 ,1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+O0 -1.OOOOE+01 3 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o.OOOOE+O0 O.OOOOE+O0 1.0000t+03 NE-P-DnS-flIn Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page 122 (Next Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -- ýaiua o Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date CluaonN.Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00

           ****MATERIAL DENSITIES****

COMP/MAT 1 2 1 1.2250E-03 0. OOOOE+00 2 0. OOOOE+00 2 .3500E+00


23 25


GRP/MAT 1 2 GAMMA ATTENUATION COEFFICIENT 1 9. 5270E-02 9. 5750E-02 2 7. 0680E-02 7. 0890E-02 3 5. 6470E-02 5. 6650E-02 4 4. 8830E-02 4. 9080E-02 5 4. 2730E-02 4 .3140E-02 6 4. 0130E-02 4. 0660E-02 7 3 .3290E-02 3 .4210E-02 8 2. 5000E-02 2. 6770E-02 NEP-DES'-nR Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page 123 (Next_ _ Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reiwer/Date Calculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 DLeaver 12/12/06 H21CO92 00 Ref. GRP SOURCE CONVERSION BO B1 B2 B3 SPECTRA FACTORS 1 1.3700OE+05 6. 8400E-1O 9. 9958E-01 1. 1054E+00 2 .6019E-01 4 . 1881E-03 2 7 .2600E+.04 5. 8300E-10 9. 9568E-01 9. 1546E-O01 1. 5940E-01 -8. 5060E-04 3 3 .2000E+i04 5 . 10OOE-10 9 . 9334E-01 8 . 2479E-O01 8.2983E-02 -1. 2038E-03 4 1. 1700E+.05 4. 6900E-10 9. 9420E-01 7 .7514E-01 5. 2823E-02 -8. 2951E-04 5 o .OOOOEi-OO 4. 3200E-1O 9. 9616E-01 7 .2817E-01 3 .1157E-02 -5.0390E-04 6 2. 9300E+05 4 . 1300E-10 9. 9722E-01 7. 0133E-01 2 .4519E-02 -3 .7916E-04 7 o . OOOE+OO 3 . 6700E-10 1. 0012E+00 6.2686E-01 4 .5545E-03 -2. 4947E-05 a 0. OOOOE+00 3 . OlOOE-10 1. 0053E+00 4. 873 8E- 01 -7 .7360E-03 2. 4680E-04 MEAN ENERGY FOR GROUP 4.OOOOE-02. 8.OOOOE-O1 1.3000E+00 1.7000E+00 2.2000E+00 2.5000E+00 3.5000E+00 6.1500E+00 NOTATIONS FOR OUTPUT UNITS UNIT G-MEV PER REM NEP-DE'Z-n.q Rev 039

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page - 24 (Next Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: jCacltoN. Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date CluainN.Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H210C092 00 Ref. COORDINATE TYPE 2 SOURCE INTENSITY OPTION 2 COORDINATE INTENSITY COORDINATE INTENSITY COORDINATE INTENSITY COORDINATE INTENSITY RHO COORDINATE I. 1.OOOCE+0O 3. 2000E+01 2. 5000E+00 7 .6000E+01 4. 5000E+00 7. 5600E+02 8. OOOOE+00 3 .1360E+03 5 1.3000E+01 1.23 84E+04 2.1000E+01 5. 3920E+04 3. 4500E+01 2. 4772E+05 5. 7000E+01

1. 1136E+06 9 9.4000E+01 4. 9748E+06 1. 5450E+02 2. 1905E+07 2. 5450E+02 9.9108E+07 4.2000OE+02 4 .4480E+08 13 6.9350E+402 2. 0077E+09 1. 1445E+03 8. 9947E+09 1.8 880E+03. 4. 0403E+10 PHI COORDINATE
1. 7.8500E-02 3. 1400E-01 2. 3550E-01 3. 1400E-01 3. 6550E-01 2. 0600E-01 5. 2250E-01 4 .2200E-02.

5 7.0650E-01 3. 1400E-01 8.6350E-01 3 .1400E-01 1. 0210E+00 3. 1600E-01 1. 1785E+00

3. 1400E-02.

9 1.3355E+00 3. 1400E-01 1. 4925E+00 3. 1400E-01 THETA COORDINATE 1 7.8500E-02 2. 0480E-03 2.3550E-01 6. 0937E-03 3.6550E-01 6.1274E-03 5.2250E-01 1.7 502E-02 5 7.0650E-01. 1. 6954E-02 8. 6350E-01 1. 9851E-02 1.0210E+00 2.2409E-02 1.1785E+00

2. 4132E-02 9 1.3355E+00 2. 5397E-02 1. 4925E+00 2. 6036E-02 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _125 (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: - cluain Disposition: __ Odginatorloate Reviewer/ate CluainN.Rvso J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21C092 0 Ref Unit 1 LOCA Control Room Cloud Shine RECEIVER NUMBER 1 DET. 1 COORDINATES - X 0.0000E+00 Y 0.OOOOE+00 Z -5.1816E+02 GRP MEAN MEAN BUILDUP ENERGY FLUX DOSE RATE NO ENERGY FACTORS DIRECT BEAM WITH BUILDUP DIRECT BEAM WITH BUILDUP MEV MEV PER REM 1 .4000 1. 5630E+01 2. 0701E+05 3 .2357E+e06 1.4160E-04 2. 2132E-03 2 .8000 7. 5752E+00 4. 6138E+05 3 .4951E+06 2. 6899E-04 2. 0376E-03 3 1.3000 4 .7504E+00 4.7407E+05 2..2520E+06 2 - 4177E- 04 1. 1485E-03 4 1.7000 3 .7923E+00 2 .7446E+06 1. 0408E+07 1.2872E-03 4.8815E-03 5 2.2000 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 6 2.5000 2. 9404E+00 1. 1579E+07 3. 4048E+07 4. 7822E-03 1.4062E-02 7 3.5000 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 8 6.1500 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 TOTAL 1.5749 1. 5466E+07 5 .3439E+07 6 .7218E-03 2. 4343E- 02 WOBU 2.0073 ENERGY FLUX BUILDUP DOSE BUILDUP

3. 4552E+00 3.6214E+00 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

[ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _2 { (Next _T EOriginatorlDate Project.' Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station J.Metcalf 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date D.Leaver 12/12/06 Unit: -1 Calculation No. H210C092 Disposition: Revision 00 Ref. Unit 1 LOCA Control Room Cloud Shine RECEIVER RECEIVER RECEIVER DOSE RATE NUM1BER ID COORDINATES REM X Y Z DIRECT BEAM WITH BUILDUP 1 DET. 1 O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+OO -5.1816E+02 6.7218E-03 2.4343E-02

                **END    OF JOB    ***

Stop - Program terminated. The dose for this case is 0.024 rem. The dose for all twelve runs is as follows: Volume - cc 2.72E+10 6.36E+10 8.51E+10 2.13E+11 2.63E+11 3.02E+11 3.89E+11 4.80E+11 6.36E+11 3.19E+12 4.20E+12 6.83E+12 Total Dose - rem 0.024 0.039 0.077 0.072 0.001 0.015 0.004 0.004 0.004 0,011 0.008 0.005 0.264 Results The total dose is 0.26 rem from plume shine. The' manual check presented in Appendix K produces a result of 0.33 rem, 27% greater. This is considered good agreement given the manual nature of the check calculation. Even if 0.33 rem were correct, the five rem dose limit for the control room would not be exceeded (i.e., there is more than 0.07 rem margin). References Il "QADMOD-GP: Point Kernel Gamma-Ray Shielding Code With Geometric Progression Buildup Factors", RSJC Code Package CCC-565. NEP-rDES-nR Rev 09

FENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _JI (Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- _1 Disposition: __ Criginator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H. Pustulka 12/12/06 N/A H21C092 00 Ref. Appendix J Plume Integrated MeV/cc (15 Pages) Check of Plume Integrated Airborne Specific Activities from Appendix I (Integrated 0-30d post using LOCA source term to determine Plume shine dose) This appendix discusses the determination of the source strength (MeV/cc) by manipulating the STARDOSE output using a spreadsheet methodology. Background/Methodology A spreadsheet methodology was used to determine airborne activity concentration in the environment from output generated by the STARDOSE computer code [Ref J-1]. STARDOSE provides the curies resulting, from each of the 76 radionuclides analyzed in the environment as a function of edit time. To acknowledge the varying X/Q values by release path, three separate STARDOSE cases are executed, with only the corresponding exhaust released to the environment. All other release pathways are funneled to a dummy volume. This approach allows curies to be segregated by X/Q set. The following runs were executed for Case IlA (Core Spray, Division Electrical Failure):

           "    Case lAx: MSIV leakage and Permanent Bypass which use the TB X/Q set (RADTRAD Case !Aa)
           "    Case lAy: Temporary Bypass which uses the RB X/Q set (RADTRAD Case JAb + Case ]Ad)
  • Case lAz: Stack bypass which uses the Stack X,/Q set (RADTRAD Case lAc + Case lAe)

The worst two hour period, (and thus the application of the 2 hour X/Q value) was taken from case IlA' of Appendix E to start forty minutes after the accident (0.667 and 2.667 hours). Determining the ACi at each time step allows one to integrate over each specific X!Q time period. Converting from curies to3 disintegrations per second, and multiplying by the appropriate X/Q value gives disintegrations/m . These results are multiplied by the nuclide specific MeV/dis values for each energy level. The sum of these results by nuclide provide the total MeV/m 3 in the environment. Converting M3 to cm 3 gives results of MeV/cc for each of six energy levels analyzed. Calculation An Excel spreadsheet was used to carry out the calculation. The spreadsheet was created to accommodate the STARDOSE edit times of every fifteen minutes from 0.4 17 to 3.167 hours, 3.667, 4.167, 6, 8.033 , 24, 48, 96, 240 and 720 hours after the accident. To correspond with their associated X/Q values ACi was calculated for the following time intervals, (0-.667 brs), (0.667-2.667 hrs), (2.667-8.03 3 brs), (8.03 3-24 firs), (24-96 hrs) and (96-720 brs). The worst two hours of release are considered to be from 0.667 to 2.667 hours, which was determined in Case IA' of Appendix E. These values can be seen in Tables J1.1, JI1.2 and JIL'3 for Cases lAx, l Ay and IlAz respectively. NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page J2_ (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Criginator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H. Pustulka 12/12/06 N/A H21 C092 00 Ref. Tables J 1.1, J 1.2 & J 1.3: AGi by X/Q interval Table J 1.1: Case 1Ax "A t . 0667) .67267 .2.667-8  :ý,_24,, 2496 9672 Kr83m 1.35E+01 5.20E+02 7.47E+02 1.50E+02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+0C Kr85m 3.15E+01 .63E+03 1__ 4.68E+03 4.06E+03 2.OOE+02 0.OOE+00 Kr85 1.96E+00 ___1.25E+02 6.16E+02 2.23E+03 5.0OE+03 3.76E+04 Kr87 4.97E+01___ 1,54E+03 1.42E+03 l.OOE+02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+O0 Kr88 8.09E+01 3.71 E+03 8.01 E+'03 3.60E+03 0.OOE+00 0.COE+00 Kr89 1.59E+00 1.OOE-02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+0O 0.OOE+0O 0.OOE+00 Xel 31m 1.51 E+00 9.63E+01 4.70E+02 1,66E+03 3.35E+03 1.23E+04 Xe133m 8.06E+400 5.06E+02 2.38E+03 7.51 E+03 9.80E+03 5.80E+03 Xe133 2.62E+02 1.66E+04 8.05E+04 2.78E+05 5.07E+05 9.48E+05 Xel35m 1.56E+01 5.16E+01 7.OOE-01 0.OOE+O0 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Xe135 9.49E+01 5.53E+03 2.32E+04 5.19E+04 1.54E+04 1.OOE+02 [Xe137 5.65E+00 1.50E-01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00O .OOE+00 Xe3 1.714E-01 3.025E+02 1.91 E+01 6.54E+01 1.26E+02 3.46E+02 1131 Org 17124E-01 4.25E+00 1.91 E+01 6.54E+01 1.26E+02 3.46E+02 11320rg 2.15E-01 3.60E+00 5.95E+00 1.84E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+O0 11 330rg 3.42E-01 8.18E+00 3.29E+01 8.36E+01 5.40E+01 5.OOE+00 11 340rg 2.65E-01 2.40E+00 1.09E+00 2.OOE-02 0.OOE+00 0.OCE+00 11 350rg 3.10E-01 6.72E+00 2.11 E+01 2.74E+01 3.20E+00 0.COE+00 1131 Elem 4.58E-01 2.99E+00 2.62E+00 6.80E-01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 11l32EIem 5.93E-01 4.07E+00 8.54E+00 3.20E+00 2.OOE-01 3.OOE-01 11l33EIem 9.21 E-01 5.78E+00 4.60E+00 1.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 11l34EIem 7.48E-01 1.98E+00 2.40E-01 0.OOE+O0 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+0O 11l35E0em 8.38E-01 4.82E+00 3.13E+00 4.20E-01 O.OOE+00O .OOE+00 1131lPart 8.51 E+00 5.71 E+01 5.04E+01 1,30E+01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+O0 11 I32Part 1.09E+01 5.11 E+01 1.98E+01 8.OOE-01 0.OGE+0O 0.OOE+00 11l33Part 1.71 E+01 1.11 E+02 &80E+01 1.90E+01 0.OOE+0O 0.OOE+0O 11l34Part 1.39E+01 3.76E+01 4.70E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+0O 0.OOE+00 11l35Part 1.56E+01 9,24E+01 6.OOE+01 8.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Rb86 2.32E-02 1.33E-01 1.17E-01 3.OOE-02 1.OOE-03 0.OOE+00 Cs134 2.32E+00 1.33E+01 1.18E+01 3.10E+00 0.OCE+00 0.OOE+0O Cs136 7.25E-01 4.14E+00 3.66E+00 9.40E-01 1.OOE-02 0.OOE+OO Cs137 1.38E+00 7.92E+00 7.10E+00 1.80E+00 0.OOE+0O 0.OOE+00 Sb127 3.64E-02 1.18E+00 1.02E+00 2.50E-01 0.OOE+0O 0.OOE+00 Sb129 9.80E-02 2.73E+00 1.51 E+00 1.40E-01 0.COE+00 0.OOE+O0 Tel27m 4.92E-03 1.61 E-01 1.42E-01 3,60E-02 1.OOE-03 0.OOE+00 Te127 3.49E-02 1.09E+00 9.60E-01 2.50E-01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Te129m 1.58E-02 5,17E-01 4.52E-01 1.15E-01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+0O Te129 7.53E-02 1.79E+00 1.63E+00 1.90E-01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+O0 Tel3lm 4.75E-02 1.52E+00 1.25E+00 2.80E-01 0.OE+00 0.OOE+00 Te132 4.65E-01 1.51 E+01 1.29E+01 3.20E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Bal37m 6.87E-01 5.84E+00 7.07E+00 1.80E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page ..J3_ (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- -1 Disposition: __ Calculation No. TRevision POhginator/Date TReviewer/Date H21CO92 00 1H.Pustulka 12/12/06 N/A Ref I __________ Table J 1.1: Case 1Ax cont.) _____ z\t (hrs 0-0.667 0.667-2.667 2.667-8 f.8-24> 24-9.6 96-70,. Ba139 1.76E-01 3151 E+00 8.30E-01 1.OOE-02 O.OCE+O0 0 OOE+OO Ba14O 2.30E-01 7.54E+00 6.53E+00 1.70E+00 OOOE+OO O.OOE+00 M099 3.13E-02 1.02E+00 8.60E-01 2.10E-01 O.OOE+OO O.COE+O0 Tc99m 2.58E-02 7.87E-01 7.27E-01 2.10E-01 0.OOE+0O O.OOE+CO Ru1O3 2.63E-02 8.65E-01 7.59E-01 1.90E-01 0.OOE+O0 1.OOE-02 Ru1O5 1.68E-02 4.70E-01 2.63E-01 2.60E-02 0.OOE+O0 O.OOE+0O Ru1Q6 1.08E-02 3.55E-01 3.11 E-01 8.1 OE-02 1.QOE-03 C.OOE+OO RhlO5 1,73E-02 5.58E-01 4.75E-01 1.20E-01 0.OOE+QO O.OOE+O0 Y90 1.59E-04 6.87E-03 1.93E-02 1.27E-02 3.OOE-04 O.OOE+O0 Y91 1.52E-03 5.07E-02 4.88E-02 1.50E-02 O.OOE+O0 0.OOE+O0 Y92 2.21 E-03 2.63E-01 9.25E-01 1.90E-01 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Y93 1.82E-03 5.55E-02 3.97E-02 7.OOE-03 0.OOE+O0 0.OOE+O0 Zr95 2.13E-03 7.OOE-02 &.09E-02 1.60E-02 0.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Zr97 2.1OE-03 6.62E-02 5.17E-02 1.OOE-02 O.OCE+O0 O.OOE+0O Nb95 2.14E-03 7.03E-02 6,16E-02 1.60E-02 O.OOE+O0 0.OOE+O0 La14O 2.53E-03 1.22E-01 4.15E-01 2.80E-01 7.OOE-03 O.OOE+00 La14 1.91 E-03 5.23E-02 2.78E-02 2.40E-03 0.QOE+O0 Q.OOE+O0 La142 1.56E-03 3.27E-02 8.70E-03 2.OOE-04 O.OCE+00 0.OOE+O0 Pr143 1.90E-03 6.22E-02 5.49E-02 1.50E-02 0.OCE+O0 O.OOE+OO Nd147 8.60E-04 2.81 E-02 2.45E-02 6.30E-03 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+O0 Am241 3.58E-07 1.17E-05 1.03E-05 2.70E-06 0.GOE+O0 0.OOE+O0 Cm242 8.85E-05 2.90E-03 2.55E-03 6.60E-04 1.OCE-05 O.OOE+0O Cm244 5.88E-06 1.93E-04 1.69E-04 4.50E-05 0.OOE+O0 O.OOE+O0 Cel4l 5.42E-03 1.78E-01 1.56E-01 4.OOE-02 1.OOE-03 O.OOE+00 Ce143 4.93E-03 1,58E-01 1,30E-01 3.OOE-02 O.OOE+O0 0.OOE+O0 0e144 4.49E-03 1.48E-01 1.29E-01 3.40E-02 O.OOE+O0O0.OOE+OO Np239 6.97E-02 2.26E+00 1.90E+00 4.60E-01 1.OCE-02 O.OOE+O0 Pu238 1.76E-05 5.78E-04 5.04E-04 1.30E-04 1.OOE-05 O.OOE+OO Pu239 1.63E-06 5.35E-05 4.69E-05 1.20E-05 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+OO Pu240 2.29E-06 7.54E-05 6.63E-05 1.70E-05 O.OOE+C0 O.QOE+OO Pu241 6.67E-04 2.19E-02 1.91 E-02 5MOE-03 1.OOE-04 0.OOE+O0 Sr89 1.20E-01 3.93E+00 3.44E+00 9.OOE-01 1.OOE-02 0.OOE+O0 Sr9O 1.54E-02 5.05E-01 4.42E-01 1.18E-01 Q.OOE+0O O.QOE+OO Sr9l 1.45E-01 4.42E+00 3.12E+00{ 5.10E-01 0.OOE+00 &00OE+00 Sr92 1.41 E-01 3.58E+00 1.54E+00j 9.OOE-02 O.OOE+O0 0.OOE+OO NE-ES0 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _J4_. (Next, Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Odginator/Date RevieweriDate Calculation No. Revision H. Pustulka 12/12/06 N/A H210C092 00 Table J 1.2: Case IAy~ A hs0-O~ 0.672.67. [ 2.6-8 '-47 7 49i 672 Kr83m 7.99E+01 2.70E+03 2.66E+03 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Kr85m 1,86E+02 8.47E+03 1.38E+04 0.00E-+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Kr85 1.15E+01 6.53E+02 1.54E+03 0.COE+00 0.OOE+0O 0.OOE+00 Kr87 2.94E+02 8.01 E+03 5.50E+03 0.OOE+0C 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Kr88 4.77E+'02 1.93E+04 2.56E+04 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+0O 0.OCE+00 KrS9 9.98E+00 2.OCE-02 0.OOE+C0 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+0O 0.OOE+0O Xe131m 8.91E+00 5.02E+02 1.18E+03 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+O0 0.0OE+00 Xe133m 4.75E+01 2.64E+03 6,03E+03 0.OOE+C0 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Xe133 1.55E+03 8.68E+04 2.03E+05 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Xe135m 9.30E+01 2.75E+02 3.OOE+0C 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+0O 0.OOE+0O Xe135 6.03E+02 2.92E+04 6.36E+04 0.OOE+00 &00E+00 0.OOE+00 Xe137 3.51 E+01 9.OOE-01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Xe138 4.31 E+02 1.60E+03 3.OOE+01 0.OCE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1131 Org &.28E+00 3.23E+01 5.21 E+01 0.OOE+00 0.0OE+00 0.OOE+00 11 32Cr 7.98E+00 2.83E+01 2.22E+01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 11 330rg 1.ý26E+01 6.25E+01 9.29E+01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 11 340rg 9.96E+00 2.03E+01 5.30E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+0O 11 350rg 1.14E+01 5.18E+01 6.48E+01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1131 Elem 1.76E+02 3.83E+02 1.61 E+02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1132EIem 2,24E+02 3.63E+02 8.70E+01 1.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.OOE+00 l1133E~em 3.54E+02 7.46E+02 2.90E+02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1134Eiem 2.81E+02 2.87E+02 2.50E+01 Q.OCE+00 0.OOE+O0 0.OOE+00 1135EIem 3.21 E+02 6.27E+02 2.22E+02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1131 Part . 9.49E+01 4.28E+02 2.50E+01 0.OOE+0O 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+0O 1132Part 1.22E+02 3.96E+02 1.40E+01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1133Part 1.91 E+02 8.29E+02 5.OOE+01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1134Part 1.57E+02 3.04E+02 5.COE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 11l35Part 1.74E+02 6.98E+02 3.40E+01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+O0 0.OOE+0O Rb86 2.57E-01 9.73E-01 5.OOE-02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Cs134 2.58E+01 9.72E+01 5.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0sl 36 8.05E+00 3.03E+01 1.80E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+0O 0.OCE+00 0s137 1.54E+01 5.79E+01 3.40E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+0O O.OOE+00 Sb127 4.63E-01 9.84E+00 6.OOE-01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0,OOE+00 Sb129 1.25E+00 2.31 E+01 1.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Te127m 6.26E-02 1.34E+00 8.OOE-02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 000E+00 Te127 4.44E-01 8.91 E+00 5.OOE-01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+0O 0.OOE+00 Tel 29m 2.01 E-01 4.29E+00 2.50E-01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0,OOE+00 Tel 29 9.59E-01 1.31E+01 8.OOE-01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Tel 31m 6.05E-01 1.27E+01 7.OCE-01 I .OOE+00 - .00E+00 I .OOE+00 Te132 5.92E+00 1.25E+02 7.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Bal 37m 6.49E+00 3.12E+01 3.40E+00 0.OOE+00 - .00E+00 0.00E+00 8ýa139 2.24E+00 3.09E+01 7.OOE-01 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page J5_ (Next __ Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: _1 Disposition : _ Calculation No. Revision POriginator/Date 1H.Pustulka 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date N/A H21 C092 00 Table J 1.2: Case M~y (cont.) A~trs 0-0.667ý Q.667,2:66T 2'6884 4962 Bal4O 2.93E+OO 6.25E+01 3.60E+00 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0.OOE+00 M099 3.99E-01 8,43E+00 4.80E-01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0OOE+00 Tc99m 3.29E-01 6.38E+00 3.60E-01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+0O 0.OOE+0O RuOO 3.36E-01 7.16E+00 4.10E-01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 RulO5 2.14E-01 3.97E+00 1.70E-01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 RlOM 1.38E-01 2.94E+00 1.70E-01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0,OOE+00 Rh1O5 2.20E-01 4.61 E+00 2.60E-01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Y90 2.02E-03 4.58E-02 5.60E-03 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Y91 1.94E-02 4.15E-01 2.60E-02 0.OOE+00 0.OQE+00 0.OOE+00 Y92 2.78E-02 8.47E-01 2.95E-01 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Y93 2.31 E-02 4.64E-01 2.30E-02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Zr95 2.72E-02 5.80E-01 3.30E-02 0.OCE+O0 0.OGE+00 O.OOE+0O Zr97 2.68E-02 5.51 E-01 2.90E-02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.COE+00 Nb95 2.73E-02 5,82E-01 3.40E-02 0.OQE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+O0 Lal4O 3.22E-02 7.51 E-01 1.15E-01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 LaW4 2.43E-02 4.43E-01 1.90E-02 O.OOE÷OO 0.OOE+00 0.OOE-f00 La142 1.98E-02 2.85E-01 8.OOE-03 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+0C Pr143 2.42E-02 5.15E-01 3.OOE-02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0,OOE+00 Nd147 1.10E-02 2.33E-01 1.40E-02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Am241 4.56E-06 9.74E-05 5.OOE-06 0.QOE+00 0.OGE+00 0.OOE+00 0m242 1,13E-03 2.41 E-02 1.40E-03 0.0OE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+0O Cm244 7.49E-05 1.61 E-03 9.OCE-05 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Ce141 6.91 E-02 1.47E+00 9.OOE-02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0e143 6.28E-02 1.32E+00 7.OOE-02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.GOE+O0 Ce144 5.72E-02 1.22E+00 7.OOE-02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Np239 8.87E-01 1.87E+01 1.10E+00 0.OCE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Pu238 2.24E-04 4,79E-03 2.80E-04 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Pu239 2.07E-05 4.42E-04 2.60E-05 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Pu240 2.92E-05 6.24E-04 3.60E-05 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Pu241 8.49E-03 1.82E-01 1.00E-02 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+0O O.OOE+OO Sr91.53E+00 3.26E+01 1.90E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Sr9O 1,96E-01 4.17E+00 2.50E-01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+O0 Sr9l 1.85E+00 3.69E+01 1.90E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+0O Sr92 I 1.80E+00 3.06E+01 1.10E+00 0.OOE+00 0.COE+00 0.OOE+00 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page - (Next Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Calculation No. Revispin FOdginator/Date 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date 1H.Pustulka N/A H21 C092 00 ~Ref S~~~Table J 1.3: Case I Az_____ S0~:67~. 066~,67 .266-8 -2246,1 96ý-720 [Kr83m O.OOE+OC O.OCE+OO 4.28E+01 1.59E+02 1.OOE+0O O.OOE+00 Kr8 5m O.OOE+OO O.QOE+OO 4.54E+02 5.96E+03 8.70E+02 O.OOE+OO Kr85 Kr87

                               ]O.IO.OQE+0O OOE+OO                0.OQE+OO 0.COE+O0 8.12E+01 5.14E+01 4.11 E+03 1.02E+02 1.77E+04 O.OOE+O0 1.21 E+05 0.OOE+00 Kr88             O.OOE+OO             0.OOE+O0      6.34E+02     4.65E+03           1.80E+02    O.QOE+OO Kr89             O.OQE+OC             O.OOE+OO       1.23E-33    O.OOE+OO           O.OOE+GO    O.OOE+OO Xel31m           O.OCE+0O             OOOE+00       6.17E+01      3.05E+03          1.19E+04    3.97E+04j Xel33m           O.OOE+OO             O.OOE+OO      3.06E+02      1.35E+04          3.57E+04    1.89E+04 Xe133             9.68E-01            3.90E+02      1.39E+04      5.33E+05          2.16E+06    3.78E+06j Xe135m           O.OCE+0O             O.OOE+OO       1.20E-05     3.00E-07          0.OOE+GO    0.OOE+OO Xe135            1.20E+01             4.38E+03      3.42E+04      1.76E+05          1.91E+05    1.OOE+03 Xe137            0.OOE+OO             0.OOE+O0       7.65E-27    O.OOE+00           0.OOE+0O    O.OOE+O0 Xe138            O.OOE+0O             O.OOE+OO      3.1OE-04      1.20E-05          0.OOE+OO    0.OE+OO 1131 Org          1.05E-01            1.25E+01      3.15E+01     8.79E+01           5.19E+02    1.07E+03 11 320rg          1.28E-01            1.05E+01      1.25E+01     1.60E+00             1.OOE-01  0.OOE+OO 11 330rg          2.10E-01            2.40E+01      5.61 E+01    1.08E+02           2.23E+02    2.OOE+O1 11 340rg          1.47E-01            6.82E+00      2.84E+00      2.OOE-02          O.OOE+O0    O.OOE+O0 11 350rg          1.89E-01            1.97E+01      3.83E+01     3.17E+01           1.31 E+01   O.OOE+OO 1131Elem         1.70E+00             2.02E+02      5.06E+02     1.23E+03           7,66E+03    1.55E+04 1132EIem         2.06E+00             1.69E+02      2.02E+02     2.30E+01           1.OOE+00    1.OOE+00 1133EIem         3.40E+00             3.89E+02      8.98E+02     1.50E+03           3.27E+03    3.OOE+02 1134E8em         2.38E+00             1.11 E+02     4.60E+01     0.OOE+OO           O.OOE+G0OQ.OOE+OO 1135EIem         3.05E+00             3.18E+02      6.16E+02     4.43E+02           1.90E+02    0.OOE+OO 1131 Part        O.OOE+OO             0.OOE+OC       1.34E-03     8.29E-03           2.37E-03    1.OOE-04 1132Part         OOOE+OC              O.OOE+OO      2.28E-04      3.33E-04           1.OOE-06   O.OOE+00 11l33Part        O.OOE+OO             O.OOE+OO      2.20E-03      1.12E-02           1.80E-03  O.OOE+0O 1134Wart        O.OOE+O0              O.OCE+CO      1.09E-05      4.30E-06          O.OOE+00   O.OOE+O0 11l35Part        O.OOE+O0             0.OOE+O0       1,23E-03     4.13E-03           1.90E-04  0.OOE+O0 Rb86             0.OOE+00             O.OOE+CO      3.07E-06      1.92E-05           5.80E-06    1.OOE-07 0s134           O.OOE+O0              O.OOE+O0      3.1OE-04      1.97E-03          6.10E-04    2.OOE-05 Cs136           O.OOE+00              O.OOE+O0      9.56E-05      5.96E-04           1.78E-04   3.OOE-06 Cs137            O.OOE+OO             O.OOE+O0       1.85E-04     1.18E-03          3.70E-04     1.OOE-05 Sb127            O.OOE+OO             O.COE+OO      3.01E-05      1.81 E-04         4.90E-05   O.QOE+CO Sb129            O.OOE+OO             O.COE+OO      2.96E-05      7.54E-05           1.OOE-06  0.O0E--00 Tel27m           0.OOE+00             0.OOE+0O      4.27E-06      2.70E-05          8.40E-06    2.OOE-07 Te127           0.OOE+00              0.OOE+O0      2.84E-05      1.82E-04          5.20E-05     1.OCE-06 Tel29m           0.OOE+OO             O.OOE+OO      1.37E-05      8.60E-05          2.63E-05    1.OOE-06 Te129           O.OOE+O0              O.OOE+0O      3.75E-05      1.02E-04          2.OOE-06   O.OOE+O0 Tel31m           0.OOE+O0             O.OOE+O0      3.55E-05      1.93E-04          3.80E-05   0.OOE+00 Te132            O.OOE+O0             O.OOE+OO      3.82E-04      2.28E-03          5.90E-04   O.OOE+OO Bal 37m          0.OOE+OO             O.OOE+OO      1.85E-04      1.18E-03          3.70E-04    1.OOE-05 Ba139           O.OOE+O0              0.OO1E+00     5.64E-06      4.46E-06          O.OOE+O0O0.OOE+OO
 --  I NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page J7_ (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- -1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision rI H. Pustulka 12/12/06 N/A H210C092 7 00 Table J 1.3: Case 1Az (cont.)


OD~67 O~67Z67 Z2667-8 .<-4 724-9. ;6-§O Ba140 O.OOE+OO 0 OOE+00 I1.97E-04 1.23E-03 3.70E-04 0 00E+00 M099 0.OOE+00 I .OOE+00 2.54E-05 1.50E-04 3.80E-05 0.00E+/-00 Tc99m 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 2.23E-05 1.47E-04 4.10E-05 0.OOE+00 RuON 0_OE+00 0.OOE+00 2.28E-05 1.44E-04 4.40E-05 1.OOE-06 Ru'1O5 0.OOE+00 0OCOE+00 5.22E-06 1.36E-05 3.OOE-07 0.OOE+00 RuOM 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 9.41 E-06 5.96E-05 1,86E-05 5.OOE-07. Rh1O5 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 1.40E-05 7.96E-05 1.74E-05 0.OOE+00 Y90 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 8.63E-07 1.11 E-05 8.10E-06 7.OOE-07 Y91 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.56E-06 1.11 E-05 3.90E-06 1.OOE-07 Y92 0.OOE+00 0.QOE+00 2.76E-05 9.44E-05 2.OOE-06 0.OOE+00 Y93 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 1.OOE-06 4.11 E-06 3.50E-07 0.OOE+00 Zr95 0OOE+00 0.00E+00 1.85E-06 1.17E-05 3.70E-06 1.OOE-07 Zr97 0.OOE+00 0.OGE+00 1.40E-06 6.74E-06 9.50E-07 1.OOE-08 Nb95 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.86E-06 1.18E-05 3.60E-06 2.OOE-07 La14O 0.COE+00 0.OOE+C0 1.90E-05 2.44E-04 1.63E-04 6.00E-06 LaW ~ 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 5.20E-07 1.23E-06 2.OOE-08 0.OOE+00 La142 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 7.1 OE-08 6.50E-08 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Pr143 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.67E-06 1.07E-05 3.40E-06 1.OOE-07 Nd147 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 7.35E-07 4.58E-06 1.35E-06 2.OOE-08 Am241 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.11 E-10 1.98E-09 6.10E-10 2.OOE-1 1 Cm242 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 7.69E-08 4.87E-07 1.51 E-07 5.OOE-09 0m244 0.OOE+00 0COOE+00 5.12E-09 3.25E-08 1.01 E-08 3.OOE-10 Ce141 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 4.70E-06 2.96E-05 9.1 OE-06 2.OOE-07 0e143 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 3.73E-06 2.05E-05 4.30E-06 0.00E+00 Ce144 0,OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.91 E-06 2.48E-05 7.70E-06 2.OOE-07 Np239 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 5.59E-05 3.26E-04 7.90E-05 0.OOE+00 Pu238 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.53E-08 9.67E-08 3.1 OE-08 1.OOE-09 Pu239 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.42E-09 8.98E-09 2.80E-09 1.OOE-10 Pu240 0.OOE+0O 0.OOE+00 2.OCE-09 1.27E-08 3.90E-09 1.OCE-1O Pu241 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 5.80E-07 3.68E-06 1.14E-06 4.OOE-08 Sr89 0.00E+00 0.00Ei-00 1.04E-04 6.56E-04 2.02E-04 5.00E-06 Sr90 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 1.34E-05 8.47E-05 2.69E-05 0.00E+00 Sr9l 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 7.79E-05 3.11E-04 2.50E-05 0.OOE+00 Sr92 0.OOE+00 0.COE+00 2.29E-05 3.93E-05 2.00E-07 0.OOE+00 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page J8-(Next Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit- -1 Disposition-__ Odginator/Oate Reviewer/Date Calculation No. TRevision H. Pustulka 12/12/06 N/A H21CO92 00 Re~f The ACi value is multiplied by the appropriate X/Q, and the conversion factor of Ci to disintegrations per second (1 Ci =' .7E 10 dis/sec). Tables J2. 1, J2.2 and J2.3 give the resulting values in dis/m3 for Cases IlAx, IlAy and IlAz respectively. Tables J 2.1, J 2.2 & J 2.3: dislm3 by XIQ interval ________Table J 2. 1: Case 1lAx 77 , (rýit.: 0-0.667, 0H67-2.1667,, L26157-'ý8, 8-2ý4, 24-9,6 96-720 Kr-83m 2.92E,08 1.98E+10 1,62E-10 1.156 ý9 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 Kr85m 6.82E+08 6.216E+10 1.01E+11 3.11E+10 1.30E-09 0.00E+00 K-r8 5 4.24E+07 4.77E+09 1.33E+10 1.71E+10 3.24E+10 2.12E+1 1 Kr-87 1.08E+09 5.876+10 3.07E+10 7.66E+08 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00O Kr-88 1+756+F09 1.41 E+1 1 1.73E+11 2.76E+10 0.OOE+00 0.00+00 Kr89 3.44E+07 3.81 E+05 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00

                 -Xel3lm                  3.27E+07              3.67E+09          1.02E+10       1.27E+10          2.17E+10     6.93E+10
                 -Xel33m                  1.74E6+08              1+93E+10         5.14E+10       5.75E+10          6.356+10      3.266+10
                 -Xel33                   5.67E+09              6.34E+1 1         1.74E+12       2.13E+12          3.28E+12     5.33E+12 Xel35m                  3,38E+08               1.97E+09         1.52E+07       0.00E+00          0.00E+00     0.006+00 Xe135                   2-05E+09  j           2.11 E+11         5.02E+1 1      3.98E+1 1         9.97E+10     5.62E+08 Xel37                   1.22E+08  I           5.72E+06          0.006-+00     0.006+ý00          0.006+00     0O.006+00 Xe1 38                  1.57E+09              1.15E+10          1.30E+08      0.006+00O          0.006+00     0.006+000 1131   rg.             3.706+06              1.62E+08          4.13E+08      5.016+ý08          8.16E+08      1.95E+09 11320r                 4.65E+06              1.37E+08          1.29E+08       1.41E6+07         0.006+00     0.006+00 11330g                 7.40E+06              3.126+08          7.12E+08      6.40E+08           3.506+0O8    2.816E+07 1134r                  5,74E+06              9,13E+07          2.36E+07       1.53E+05          0.00E+00     0.006+00 11 35Cr                 6.716E+06             2.566+08          4.566+,08     2.10E+08           2.076+07     0.006+00 1131lElem              9.916E06              1.146+08          5.67E+07      5.21E+06           0.006+00     0.00E+00 Il32EIem                1.28E+07              1+55E+08          1.85E+08      2.456+07           1.306+0D6    1,696+06 1133EIem               1.99E+07              2.20E+08          9.966+07      7.666+06           0.006+00     0.006+00 ll134EIem               1.62E+07              7.556+07          5.196+06      0.006+00           0,00E+00     0.006+00 Il135EIem               1.81E6+07             1.84E+08          6.77E+07      3.226+06           0.006+00     0.006+00 1131 Part              1.84E+08              2.18E+09          1.09E+09      9.966+ý07          0.006+00     0.006+00 1132Part               2.36E+08              1.95E+09          4.29E+08      6.13E+06           0.006+00     0.006+00 1133Part               3.70E+08              4.236+ý09         1.90E+09       1.46E+08          0.006+00     0.006+00 1134Part                3.016E+08             1.43E+09          1.02E+08      0.006+00           0.006+00     0.00E+00 I135Part                3.38E+08              3.526+09          1.30E+09      6,13E+07           0.006+00     0.006+00 Rb86                    5.026+05              5.06E+06          2.536+06      2.306+ý05          6.486+ý03    0.006+00 OCsi34                  5.02E+07  f           5.066+08          2.556+08      2.376+.07          0.006+00     0.006+00 0sl36                   1.57E+07  I           1.586+08          7.926+07      7.206+06           6.476+04     0.006+00
                -Csl37                    2.99E+07              3.026+08          1.546+08      1.386+07           0.006+00     0.006+00
                -Sbl27                    7.886+05              4.516+07          2.216E+07     1.916+0O6          0.006+00     0.006+00
                -Sbl29                    2.12E+06              1.046+08          3.276+07      1.076+06           0.006+00     0.006+00 Tel27m                  1.066+05              6.146+06         3.07E+06       2.76E+05           6.486+03    0O.006+00D Tel 27                 7+55E+05               4.146+07         2.086+07       1.916+06          0.006+00     0.00+00
                -Tel29m                   3.426+05              1.976+07         9.786+06       8.816+05          0.006+00     0.006+00
                -Te129                   1.636 06               6.846+07         3.536+07       1.466+06          0.006+,00    0.006+00d NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION: SHEET Page J99 (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: FaI.1ationN. Disposition:-__ Originator/Date Reviewer/Gate CluainN.Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 N/A H210C092 0 p, I Table J 2.1: Case IlAx cont.) At-rslý 0.667-2.667 2.667-8 1 8 24Lý96 98-720 Ba139 0.OOE+O0 0.OOE+0O0 2.63E,0J1 7.10E+,00 0.OOE+00 0,OOE-.00 Ba14O O.OOE4CO 0.UOE--C0 9.18E+02 1.96E-+03 4,90E--02 0.OOE+O0 M099 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1,18E--02 2.38E+02 5.03E+01 M.OE+0O Tc99m 0.OOE+00 0.OQE-C0 1.04E+-02 2.33E-.02 5.43E--01 0.00E+00 RuOW D.QOE+00 0.00E+-00 1.06E+02 2.29E+02 5,83E-+01 9,58E-01 Ru105 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.43E+01 2.16E-+01 3.97E-01 0.OOE÷00 Ru106 DO.CE--O 0.OE006-C 4.39E+01 9.48E-.01 2.46E--01 4.79E-01 Rh 105 O.O0E-+00 OO0E+00 6.53E+01 1.27E+02 2.30E--01 0.006+00 Y90 O.OOE--00 O.OOE+0O 4.02E--00 1.77E+01 1.07E-+01 6.71 E-01 Y91 O.OOE-OO 0.OOE+00 7.27E--00 1.77E-+01 5.17E--00 9.58E-02 Y92 QOCEECO OOOE-'-00 1.29E-02 1.50E&02 2.65E+00 O.OOE--00 Y93 O.OOE+00 O.OOE--CO 4,66E-.00 6.54E+-00 4.64E-01 0.00E--00 Zr95 0.00E+00 O.OOE+CO 8.62E--00 1.85E+01 4.90E--00 9.58E-02 Zr97 O.OOE+00 0.0OE+00 6.53E+00 1.07E-01 1126E-s00 9.58E-03 Nb95 O.OOE.0O COQ0E--00 8.67E--00 1.88E--01 4.77E+00O 1,92E-01 Lal4O O.0OE-0O0 O.OOE--00 8.86E+01 3.88E+02 2.16E+02 5.75E+00 LalW O.OOE--OO HO.00E 2.42E+00 1.96E+0OO 2.65E-02 0.OOE-'-O La142 0.00E--00 0.00E+00 3.31 E-0 1.03E-01 0.00E-+00 0.00E--00 Pr143 0.OOE+00 0.00E*C0 7+79E+00 1.71 E+0 1 4.50E64)0 9.58E-02 Nd147 0.OOE-+00 O.OOE--O0 3.43E+00 7.28E+00 1.79E+00 1.92E-02 Am241 0.OOE--O0 0.OOE-4J0 1.45E-03 3.15E-03 8.08E-04 1.92E-05 Cm242 0.OOE--00 0.OOE-+00 3.59E-01 7.75E-01 2.OOE-01 4.79E-03 Cm244 Q.00E-+00 0.006+00 2.39E-02 5.17E-02 1.34E-02 2.87E-04 Ce141 0.00E+00 0.O0E+00 2.19E+01 4711E+01 1.21E+01 1.92E-01 Ce143 0.OOE+00 0.OOE--00 1.74E+01 3,26E+ý01 5.70E+00 0.OOE+00 Ce144 0,O0E+00 0.00E+0-0 1.82E+01 3.94E+~01 1.02E--01 1.92E-01 Np239 0.OOE+O00 0.OOE-00 2.61E+02 5.19E+02 1.05E+02 0.OOE+00 Pu238 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 7.13E-02 1.54E-01 4.11E-02 9.58E-04 Pu239 CO.CE-GO 0.OOE+00 6+62E-03 1.43E-02 3.71 E-03 9.58E-05 Pu240 0.OOE-+00 0.00&U00 9.32E-03 2.02E-02 5.17E-03 9.58E-05 Pu241 0.00E-+00 0.00E+00 2.70E+00 5.85E--00 1.51E+00 3.83E-02 Sr89 0.OOE--00 0.OOE+00 4.85E+02 1.04E+03 2.68E+-02 4+79E+ý0O Sr9O 0.OOE+ý00 0+OOE+00 6.25E+01 1.356+02 3.56E+01 0.OOE+00 Sr9l 0.00E--0O 0,OOE+00 3.63E-,02 4.95E+-02 3.31 E +01 0.00E-.00 Sr92 0.OOE-+00 0+OOE+00 1.07E+02 6.25E+01 [ 2.65E-01 0.OOE+00O

-I NEP-DESq-QA Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page J14-(Next Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ OriginatodDate ReviewerlDate Calculation No. Revision H.Pustuika 12/12/06 N/A H210C092 00 R-ef. The same MeV/dis values for the radionuclides at six energy levels that were used in Appendix F (Table F1.1) were used in this analysis [Ref. J-2]. It should be noted that Rb88 is handled in this analysis the same way it was in Appendix F. The values in Tables J2.l1, J2.2 and J2.3 are multiplied by the appropriate nuclide specific MeV/dis value found in Table FlI. 1 for each energy level and then summed by energy level. Converting the result from MeV/m3 to MeV/cc gives the results found in Table J3. Table J3:Plume Shine Source Strength (VeV/cc) by Pathway, Energy Level and ,/Q period MeV MeV 0-0.667 0.667-2.667 2.667-8 8-24 24-96 96-720 (0to 0.3) 0.2 1.1OE+03 9.43E+04 2.17E+05 1.94E+05 1.75E+05 2.44E+05 lAx (0.3 to 0.5) 0.4 5.88E+02 1.95E+04 1.48E+04 2.99E+03 5.24E+02 5.80E+02 (MSIV & (0.5 to 1) 0.75 2.27E+03 5.95E+04 6.23E+04 1.56E+04 2.22E+03 6.23E+02 Permanent (1Ito 1.5) 1.25 9.57E+02 2.62E+04 2.54E+04 3.88E+03 4.01 E+01 2.16E+00 Bypass) (1.5 to 2) 1.75 1.95E+03 9.72E+04 1.10E+05 1.73E+04 8.81 E+00 4.72E-02 (2+) 2.5 3.87E+03 2.43E+05 2.74E+05 4.18E+04 1.18E+00 6.35E-02 (0to 0.3) 0.2 3.18E+03 2.33E+05 2.61 E+05 2.43E-02 0.OOE+00 1,30E-02 l ~0.3 to 0.51) 0.4 2.58E+03 5.13E+04 2.23E+04 4.69E-02 0.OOE+00 2.50E-02 (Temporary (0.5 to 1) 0.75 2.09E+04 1.88E+05 8.77E+t04 6.47E+00 0.OOE+00 3.45E+00 Bypass) I1to 1.5) 1.25 8.74E+03 8&50E+04 3.69E+04 1.07E+00 0.OOE+00 5.72E-01 (1.5 to 2) 1.75 7.82E+03 2.46E+05 1.58E+05 9.57E-02 0.OOE+00 5.10E-02 (2+) 2.5 1.06E+04 5.94E+05 3.95E+05 1.29E-01 0.OOE+00 6.86E-02 (0 to 0.3) 0.2 1.35E+01 8.59E+03 3.97E+04 1.05E+05 1.90E+05 1.66E+05 (0.3 to 0.5) 0.4 3.96E+00 7.81 E+02 1.40E+03 1.83E+03 3.86E+03 4.73E+03 lAz (0.5 to 1) 0.75 5.39E+01 7.76E+03 9.13E+03 9.03E+03 8.17E+03 1.44E+03 (Stack) I1to 1.5) 1.25 2.29E+01 3.71 E+03 3.89E+03 1.82E+03 5.50E+02 1.81E+01 (1.5 to 2) 1.75 9.83E+00 1.50E+03 3.22E+03 4.91 E+03 2.61 E+02 2.68E-02 _______(2+) 2.5 1.41 E+00 2.28E+02 4.75E+03 1.12E+04 3.73E+02 3.60E-02 Occupancy factors below were used to scale the source appropriately[Ref. J-3 Item 5.5], o 0-1 day 100% o 1-4 days 60% o 4-30 days 40% The values for each energy level (the sum of each X/Q period, using occupancy factor and each pathway) are provided in the summary results Table J4. Summary The calculation provides source strength values for the plume shine by energy level, as can be seen in Table J4. These inputs can be used in the QUAD computer code [Ref. J-4] as discussed in Appendix I. NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page j1 5-(Next &L.-) Project:- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ OrgiaorDaeReviewer/Date Calculation No. TRevision HPutka12/12/06 N/A H21C092 00 Ref. Table J4: Summary of MeV/cc Comparison (crediting occupancy factor) lAx lAy 1Az MeV (MSIV and (Temporary (Stack Perm. Bypass) Bypass) Exhaust) 0.2 7.09E+05 4.96E+05 3.33E+05 0.4 3.85E+04 7.62E+04 8.22E+03 0.75 1.41 E+05 2.97E+05 3.14E+04 1.25 5.65E+04 1.31E+05 9.78E+03 1.75 2.27E+05 4.11 E+05 9.80E+03 2.5 5.63E+05 9.99E+05 1.64E+04 References J-1 STARDOSE Model report, Polestar Applied Technology, Inc., Rev. 1, March 2002. J-2 Memorandum "Generalization of Spreadsheet Methodology for Comparing TID- 14844 and AST Gamma Shine Dose Potential" Prepared by James Metcalf 7/27/03). J-3 PSAT 4026CF.QA.03), "Design Data Base for Application of the Alternative DBA Source Term to Nine Mile Point Unit 1"Revision 0. J-4 "'QADMOD-GP: Point Kernel Gamima-Ray Shielding Code With Geometric Progression Buildup Factors", RSIC Code Package CCC-565. NEP-DEFS-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _.K1_ (Next _ _ 1 LOriginator/Date Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station H.Pustulka 12/12106 Reviewer/Date NAH21 Unit: 1 Calculation No. C092 Disposition: Revision 00 Ref. Appendix K Plume Shine Dose Verification (7 Pages) Check of Plume Shine Dose Determined inAppendix I This appendix discusses the conversion of source strength to shine dose by making use of a spreadsheet methodology. Background/Methodology Using the specific X/Q value for each time period and location, a hemisphere of activity of radius R is determined. This R value is used in the calculation of the source volume and the build-up factor used to determine shine dose. This is the identical approach used in Appendix 1 , but Appendix I uses QADMOD [Ref K-i] to perform the integration of dose from the array of source points. Calculation Radius of Activity Cloud It is assumed that the activity forms a hemispherical cloud based on its dispersion coefficients. In this analysis the following X/Q values were used [Ref K-2]. It should be noted that the worst two hour period was taken to be 0.667 to 2.667 hrs, consistent with case 1A' of Appendix E. Table K-1: X/Q values by release pathway and ti-me step Time period (hrs) 0-0.667 0.667-2.667 2.667-8 8424 24-.96 96-720

                      /QStack                  1.26E-04         2.27E-04        1.26E-04       4.30E-05       3.58E-05      2.59E-05 (seclm3)         Temp           2.61 E-04     -  4,82E-04       2.61 E-04       9.25E-05       6.70E-05      4.93E-05 MSIV&Perm   -5.85E-04         -    1.03E-03      5.85E-04        2.07E-04       1.75E-04      1.52E-04 Using the model below, a hemispherical volume of radius R is determined to be the cloud of activity around a dose point:

Figure K-i: Plume Schematic 7R

                                                                                  =A hemsphre             speed     =       .

Source QY heipre2 s Rm) 100cm 2 1 Q m 1 mIs 14MS*_ýDose Location NE-ES0 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -K2 (Next Project.- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 -CluainN.Disposition: Originator/Date Reviewer/Date CluainN.Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 N/A H21 0092 00 f.

 -e Given R is the radius of the hemisphere and assuming a conservative wind speed of I mis and X/Q in s/rn3 , it can be calculated that the radius as a function of X/Q is equal to:

R (cm).zz8 0


Table K-2 gives the R values used in this calculation. Table K-2: R (cm) values by release pathway and X/Q time period ____ Time eriod (hrs) 0-0.667 0.667-2.667 2.667-8 8-24 - 24-96 96-720 R Stack 7.13E+03 5.31 E+03 7.13E+03 1.22E+04 1.34E+04 1.57E+04 (cm) Ternp 4.95E+03 3.64E+03 4.95E+03 8.32E+03 9.77E+03 1.14E+04 MSIV&Perm 13.31 E+03 2.49E+03 ,3.31 E+03 ,5.56E+03 I6.05E+03 6.49E+03 Determination of d The concrete shielding for this case is 8" or 20.32 cm thick. The dose point is assumed to be in the center of the hemisphere of activity directly below the shielding. It is important to acknowledge that the exposure angle determines the thickness of the concrete shielding. This concept is illustrated below in Figure K-2. Figure K-2: Incident angle as it relates to shielding thickness Case (a) Case (b) Z ~o concrete When the incident angle (0) is normal to the shielding [Case (a)] the dose point is shielded by 8" of concrete. When the incident angle is anything other then 90', [Case (b)] the shielding increases as a function of angle. The new shielding thickness (d, in inches) is calculated using the equation: d=18 sin(O) To determine the incident angles to be used, the hemisphere was divided into ten segments of equal NEP-rDFS-nR Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page ..K3. (Next - Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 - --Caclto o.Disposition: ____ io Originator/Date Reviewer/Date CluainN.Revso H.Pustulka 12/12/06 N/A H21C092 00 Ref. volume. The central segment is a spherical sector with a volume I/ 1 0 th of the total hemisphere. The next volume outward is a spherical sector with a volume of 2/10 of the total hemisphere MINUS the first volume. The third volume is a spherical sector equal to 3/10 of the hemisphere MINUS volume one and volume two, and so on. Figure K-3 shows a schematic with all applicable variables. Figure K-3: Hemisphere Volume Analysis as it relates to incident angle of activity r. h......... H R V3 and Vs..,~ = 2 R 2 h = i . 2R 3

                                                                                       ; simplified: h R Hemisphere -3 where i= L..10 Once we have "h", ý is found using the equation:         0=     cosj'(RR h) 2 Substituting 4into   the following equation gives 0 in degrees:

O90 -(~-LO) Recognizing that the values just calculated are the boundary angles for each incremental 10% sector, the average is taken between Orn and On-I to determine the centerline incident angle at which the activity is to NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _K4-(Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 __ cluainN.Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewver/Date CluaonN.Revision 1 H.Pustulka 12/12/06 N/A IH21 C092 00 J Rief. the dose point. Figure K-4: Aerial View The sketch to the left illustrates an aerial view of the hemispherical region under analysis. For simplicity only inner three regional. volumes are shown here, (it should be noted that ten regions were used in the complete analysis). The solid lines depict the radius 'r" from Figure K-3. The dashed lines show the radius associated with the incident angle used for each volume. The centerline of Region 1 is taken to be the center point, (Region 1 is a spherical sector, where the subsequent regions are spherical sectors MINUJS previous regions, forming a conical void in the center.) Evaluating for a unit circle (R=I1) provides the values found in Table K-3. Table K-3: Incident angle and perceived shielding thickness values Variable h 0 0 d Description Segment Angle from X axis Centerline Perceived Angle thickness

                                  %degrees                                 degrees              degrees         cm Region 1         0              0               0.00               90.00                90.00        20.32 Region 2 0.1            0.1             51.68               64.16                77.08        20.85 Region 3{

0.2 0.2 73.74 53.13 58.64 23.80 0.3 0.3 91.15 44.43 48.78 27.02 0.4 0.4 106.26 36.87 40.65 31.19 0.5 0.5 120.00 30.00 33.43 36.88 0.6 0.6 132.84 23.58 26.79 45.08 0.7 0.7 145.08 17.46 20.52 57.97 0.8 0.8 156.93 11.54 14.50 81.17 0.9 0.9 168.52 5.74 8.64 135.29 1 1 180.00 Build Up Factor The following equation was used to determine build-up factor: B(,u - d) = A - e" pid -(A -1)e a2.Pud Where. B Build-up factor (calculated) Mass attenuation coefficient A* NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _K5_ (Next__ _ J Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 CluainN.Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date CluainN.Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 N/A H210C092 00 eý6f. cc,

  • Constants for Taylor exponential representation (X2* of material buildup factors from Reference K-3 d Perceived shielding between activity and dose point.
                                 *Material and energy dependent values from Reference K-3 Build up factors are calculated at six energy levels, and for the ten values of "d" calculated above. These factors are then weighted (each "d" value represents 10% of the activity) to determnine a total weighted build-up factor for each energy level. These values are found in Table K-4.

Table K-4: Build-u factors by region (incident angle dependent) and energy level. Region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NRG 50%- 60%- 70%- so%- 90%- Level MeV 10% 20%-10% 30%-20% 40%-30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 100%-90% 1 (0 to0. 3) 20.320 20.848 23.795 27.015 31.194 36.879 45.085 57.974 81.172 135.293 2 (.3 to0.5) 23.288 24.097 28.872 34.630 43.028 56.340 80.051 130.885 284.094 1334.645 3 1(0.5 to 1 14.803 15.262 117.936 21 .077 125.522 32.295 43.729 66.379 126.276 436.806 4 (11to015) 7.549 7.745 8.866 10.144 11.888 14.422 18.432 25.661 42.044 103.951 5 (1,5 to2) 4.134 4.220 4.702 5.237 5.944 6.929 8.399 10.832 15.611 29.086 6 (21 2.955 3.007 3.297 3.617 4.035 4.609 5.451 6.804 9.340 15.8261 Flux The flux of activity or MeV/cm2 is defined by the function: Me V(Me V ýRB~dUcnrtp I1.([Me V 1- exp(-,u0 1 ,, -R)] FB - (ex Pconcrete *dcnrt Pocee CM2Ycc ) 2 \cc ,Uair isumiJ I~ xp ncocrte) conree For simplicity the above equation will be simplified to: Me V2 a b, where: CM a=IAZ MV.I-1 exp(-p,,jr R)I Sum" and b B -fB Pex(coree . d concee*Pconcrete)) The "a" Term: The 'Sum' subscript refers to the fact that the "a" term must be calculated separately for each of the three X/Q sets used, (Case l Ax: MSIV & Permanent Bypass, Case IlAy: Temporary Bypass and Case IlAz: Stack exhaust) and then summed. This is because MeV/cc values as well as the hemispherical radii (R) are X/Q dependent. The multiplier of Y/2refers to the fact that we are dealing with a hemisphere. ý-tai, is equal to 7.788E-05 cm [Ref K-41. N6P-fP5-nFltq~ Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -K6 (Next J Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 N/A H21C092 00 [ef.rII Table K-5: Sum of "a" terms for each pathway by time step MeV / t (hrs) 0-0.667 0.667-2.667 2.667-8 8-24 24-96 96-720

                   -0.2                 8.16E+06             4.94E+08        9.60E+08     8.50E+08           1.21 E+09      1.38E+09
                   -0.4                 6.18E+06             1.05E+08        7.14E+07      1.40E+07          1.73E+07       2.29E+07 0.75                4.64E+07             3.82E+08        2.96E+08     7.09E+07          3.93E+07        8.12E+06 1.25                1.94E+07             1.73E+08        1.23E+08      1.59E+07         2.38E+06        8.96E+04 1.75                1.891E+07            5.03E+08       4.94E+08      5.83E+07           1.10E+06       4.34E+02
                   -2.5                 2.74E+07             1.22E+09        1.22E+09      1.39E+08 I1.55E+06 ,5.84E+02 The "b" Term:

Since the build-up factor (B) varies with the change in the perceived concrete thickness (d), the "b" term 3 is calculated separately for each of the ten regional volumes analyzed. Pconcrete is equal to 2.35 g/cm [Ref K-4]. Since each volume represents 10% of the total activity, a weighted average can be determined for each energy level. These weighted "b" terms can be found in Table K-6. Table K-6: Weighted "b" terms

                                                       - MeV              MeV         Average (0to 0.3)              0.2         0.01 64 (0.3 to 0.5)           0.4         0.0468 (0.5 to 1)            0.75         0.0785 (1to1.5)              1.25         0.1048 (1.5 to2)            1.75         0.1207 (2+)                   2.5         0.1482 Multiplying the "a" termn to the weighted "b" term gives MeV/cm 2 values by energy level and time step as seen in the following table.

Table K-7: MeV/cm2 values by time step and energy level MeV / t (hrs) 0-0.667 0.667-2.667 2.667-8 8-24 24-96 96-720

                   -0.2                 1.34E+05             8.09E+06       1.57E+07      1.39E+07          1.98E+07        2.25E+07 0.4                 2.89E+05             4.92E+06       3.34E+06      6.53E+05          8.09E+05        1.07E+06 0.75                3.65E+06             3.OOE+07       2.32E+07 ,5.57E+06              3.08E+06        6.37E+05 1.25                2.03E+06             1.81 E+07      1.29E+07      1.67E+06          2.50E+05        9.39E+03 1.75                2.28E+06             6.07E+07       5.96E+07      7.04E+06          1.33E+05       5.24E+01
                   -2.5                 4.06E+06             1.81E+08       1.81E+08      2.05E+07 ,2.30E+05           ,8.65E+01 Using the following equation based on a curve fit of [Ref K-4] data (page 28 of Attachment 1 to [Ref K-2]:

NEP-DESq-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -K7 (Next -4n Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date FReviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision H.Pustulka 12/12/06 N/A H21 C092 00 Ref. Dose(rem) =(5.489Ei'o -l1.472E-'0 ln(MeV)) 2e Where MeV/cm2 is the flux calculated in Table K-7 and MeV is the appropriate midline MeV value tn the energy range. At this point of the calculation an occupancy factor (OF) of 0-iday: 100%, 1-4 days: 60%, and 4-30 days: 40% [Ref K-2] is taken into account. The appropriate OF is multiplied by its corresponding time step. The results are summed to provide a total plume shine dose as can be seen in Table K-8. Summary Table K-8: Summary of plume shine dose comparison (rem) MeV Appendix 1* Appendix K* 0.2 6.30E-02 0.4 7.57E-03 0.75 3.91 E-02 1.25 1.81 E-02 1.75 6.05E-02 2.5 1.60E-01 Total 3.48E-01 Total* 2.60E-01 3.30E-01 These results show good agreement between the methods. Consequently, the QAD results of Appendix I are considered acceptable. It may be noted that Appendix I used a wind speed of 2.5 mph (1.12 mlsec) as compared to the more conservative one meter per second assumed herein. The cross-sectional area of the plume varies inversely with the wind speed, and the volume of the source varies with the cross-sectional area to the 3/2 power, so a wind speed that is 89% of the wind speed assumed in Appendix I would be expected to produce a dose approximately 20% greater. The observed difference is 27%. References K-i "QAiDMOD-GP: Point Kernel Gamma-Ray Shielding Code With Geometric Progression Buildup Factors", RSIC Code Package CCC-565 K-2 4026CF.QA.03, "Design Data Base for Application of the Alternative DRA Source Term to Ninc Mile Point Unit I" Revision 0 K-3 Ingersoll, D. T., "User's Manual for PUTZ, a Point-Kernel Photon Shielding Code", ORNL/TM-9803 K-4 Niagara Mohawk Calc No. H21 C043 (Attachment I to [Ref K-2]) NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERINGGSERVICES C ALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _L1_ (Next _ EOriginator/Date Project.' Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station J.Metcalf 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date D.Leaver 12/12/06 Unit: o Cac~~nN.Revision H21C092 Disposition: __ 00 Ref. Appendix L Control Room Shine Dose due to Filters (5 pages) Backg-round The control room shine dose due to filters in the pre-AST licensing basis is small (2.5 lE-3 rem per the Design Input Summary of the main body of the calculation). It is based on a time-integrated iodine filter loading as follows (also from the Design Input Summary of the main body of the calculation): Iodine Isotope Integrated Activity (Ci-sec') 1131 7.3 1E4 1132 9.34E2 1133 1.34E4 1134 3.04E2 1135 3.98E3 Loadings have also been calculated for the AST (from App endix E): Hours > 4.17E-01 6.67E-01 9.17E-01 1.17E+00 1.42E+00 1.67E+00 1.92E+00 2.03E+00 2.17E+00 2.42E+00 2.67E+00 Kr83m O.OOE+D0OD.OOE+OO D.DOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.0OE+00 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO D.OOE+OO O.OOE+OD Kr85m O.OOE+OO D.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO ODOOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.DOE+CO O.OOE+OO D.ODE+OO Kr85 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OD O.OOE+OO O.DOE+00 O.ODE+OO ODOE+OO O.OCE+OD O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO D.OOE+OO Kr87 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OD O.OOE+OO O.0OE+00 O.ODE+OO O.OE+OO O.OOE+OO D.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Kr88 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+D0OD.OOE+OO D.OOE+OO O.DOE+OO O.DOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Kr89 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.ODE+OO D.ODE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OO1E+00 O.OOE+DO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Xel3lm 0.DOE+00 O.DOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OD O.OOE+OO Xel33m O.OOE+OO O.ODE+OO O.OOE+OO O.ODE+OO O.OOE+00 O.OOE+OO O.ODE+OO D.OOE+OO O.DOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Xe133 2.95E-D5 9.22E-05 2.20E-04 4.45E-04 7.72E-04 1.20E-03 1.73E-03 2.01 E-03 2.36E-03 3.07E-03 3.82E-03 Xel35m O.OOE+OO O.ODE+OO O.OOE+DD O.OOE+00 D.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+DO O.OOE+OO D.DOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Xe135 3.72E-04 1.14E-03 2.68E-03 5.32E-03 9.05E-03 1.38E-02 1.96E-02 2.26E-02 2.63E-D2 3.35E-02 4.10E-D2 Xe137 O.OOE+OO O.DOE+DO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OD O.OOE+OO D.OOE+OO O.DOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OD O.OOE+DO O.DOE+OO Xe138 O.ODE+DO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+00 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO D.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.DOE+0O 1l3l0rg 6.83E-04 1.67E-03 3.63E-03 5.59E-03 7,76E-03 1.05E-02 1.37E-02 1.54E-02 1.71 E-02 2.02E-02 2.34E-02 11 320rg 8.73E-04 1.99E-03 4.OOE-03 5.71 E-03 7.36E-03 9.22E-03 1.12E-02 1.22E-02 1.30E-02 1.42E-02 1.53E-02 11 330rg 1.37E-03 3.34E-03 7.19E-03 1.10E-02 1.51E-02 2.03E-02 2.64E-02 2.95E-02 3.26E-02 3.83E-02 4.39E-02 11 340rg 1.09E-03 2.20E-03 3.92E-03 4ý96E-O3 5.65E-03 6.26E-03 6,74E-03 &~91 E-03 6.89E-03 6.69E-03 6.35E-03 11 350rg 1.25E-03 2.98E-03 6.30E-03 9.46E-03 1.28E-02 1.68E-02 2.15E-02 2.39E-02 2.61 E-02 3.02E-02 3.40E-02 1131 lEem 1.90E-02 4.45E-02 8.49E-02 1.13E-01 1.36E-01 1.64E-01 1.97E-01 2.14E-01 2.25E-01 2.47E-01 2.67E-01 11l32EIem 2.43E-02 5,28E-02 9.42E-02 1.18E-01 1.33E-01 1.51 E-01 1.71E-01 1.81E-01 1.86E-01 1.93E-01 1.99E-01 ll33EIem 3.83E-02 8.87E-02 1.68E-01 2.22E-01 2.65E-01 3.17E-D1 3.78E-01 4.09E-01 4.30E-01 4.66E-01 5.02E-01 11l34Elem 3.05E-02 5.85E-02 9.17E-02 1.DOE-O1 9.91 E-02 9.80E-02 9.66E-02 9.57E-02 9.D9E-02 8.16E-02 7.26E-02 11l35EIemn 3.48E-02 7.92E-02 1.47E-01 1.91E-01 2.24E-01 2.64E-01 3.09E-01 3.31E-01 3.45E-01 3.68E-01 3.88E-01 1131lPart 1.62E-02 3.04E-02 6.41 E-02 1.02E-01 1.41E-01 1.80E-D1 2.20E-01 2.39E-01 2.59E-01 2.83E-01 2.96E-01 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -L2-(Next Project- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Uni-t: 1I Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision [J. Metcalf 12/12106 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 Ref. 11l32Part 2.07E-02 3.60E-02 7.06E-02 1.04E-01 1.34E-01 1.59E-01 1.80E-01 1.89E-01 1.97E-01 1.99E-01 1.94E-01 1133Part 3.25E-02 6.05E-02 1.27E-01 2.01E-01 2.75E-01 3.49E-01 4.23E-01 4.58E-01 4.94E-01 5.35E-01 5.56E-01 1134Part 2.59E-02 3.99E-02 6.93E-02 9.07E-02 1.03E-01 1.08E-01 1.08E-01 1.07E-01 1.05E-01 9.35E-02 8.04E-02 11l35Part 2.95E-02 5.40E-02 1.i11E-01 1.73E-01 2.33E-01 2.90E-01 3.46E-01 3.71 E-0O1 3.96E-01 4.21 E-0O1 4.30E-01 Rb86 4.58E-05 8.25E-05 1.59E-04 2.46E-04 3.34E-04 4.24E-04 5.15E-04 5.58E-04 6.04E-04 6.57E-04 6.88E-04 Cs134 4.59E-03 8.25E-03 1.60E-02 2.46E-02 3.35E-02 4.25E-02 5.1611-02 5.60E-02 6.06E-02 6.60E-02 6.91 E-02 0s136 1.43E-03 2.58E-03 4.98E-03 7.69E-03 1.04E-02 1.32E-02 1.61 E-02 1.74E-02 1.89E-02 2.05E-02 2.15E-02 0s137 2.74E-03 4.93E-03 9.52E-03 1.47E-02 2.OOE-02 2.54E-02 3.08E-02 3.34E-02 3.61 E-02 3.94E-02 4.12E-02 Sb127 O.OOE+OO 1.45E-04 9.OOE-04 1.76E-03 2.63E-03 3.52E-03 4.41 E-03 4.84E-03 5.29E-03 5.81 E-03 6. 1OE-03 Sb129 O.OOE+0O 3.89E-04 2.32E-03 4.35E-03 6.27E-03 8.07E-03 9.75E-03 1.05E-02 1.12E-02 1.19E-02 1.20E-02 Tel27m O.OOE+OO 1.97E-05 1.22E-04 2.39E-04 3.58E-04 4.79E-64 6.02E-04 6.61 E-04 7.23E-04 7.95E-04 8.36E-04 Te127 O.DDE+0O 1.40E-04 8.57E-04 1.66E-03 2.47E-03 3.28E-03 4.09E-03 4.47E-03 4.88E-03 5.35E-03 5.63E-03 Tel29m 0.OOE+OO 6.31 E-05 3.91 E-04 7.6511-04 1.15E-03 1.54E-03 1.93E-03 2.12E-03 2.32E-03 2.55E-03 2.68E-03 Te129 O.OOE+OO 3.04E-04 1.78E-03 3.32E-03 4.79E-03 6.18E-03 7.51 E-03 8.11 E-03 8.79E-03 9.77E-03 1.04E-02 Tel3lm 0.OOE+OO 1.90E-04 1.17E-03 2.28E-03 3.40E-03 4.52E-03 5.65E-03 6.18E-03 6.75E-03 7.38E-03 7.71 E-03 Te132 O.OOE+0O 1.86E-03 1.15E-02 2.24E-02 3.36E-02 4.49E-02 5.63E-02 6,17E-02 6.75E-02 7.40E-02 7.77E-02 Bal37m 2.46E-03 4.61 E-03 8.89E-03 1.40E-02 1.93E-02 2.47E-02 3.02E-02 3.27E-02 3.59E-02 3.94E-02 4.12E-02 Ba139 0.OOE+0O 6.84E-04 3.74E-03 6,45E-03 8.53E-03 1.01E-02 1.12E-02 1.15E-02 1.18E-02 1.15E-02 1.06E-02 Ba140 0.ODE+0O 9.21 E-04 5.71E-03 1.12E-02 1.67E-02 2.24E-02 2.81E-02 3.08E-02 3.37E-02 3.71 E-02 3.90E-02 M099 0.OOE+0O 1.25E-04 7.74E-04 1.51E-03 2.26E-03 3.02E-03 3.79E-03 4.15E-03 4.53E-03 4.97E-03 5.21 E-03 Tc99m O.ODE+O0 1.03E-04 6.33E-04 1.22E-03 1.82E-03 2.41E-03 3.OOE-03 3.28E-03 3.57E-03 3.94E-03 4.16E-03 Ru1O3 0.OOE+O0 1.05E-04 6.53E-04 1.28E-03 1.92E-03 2.57E-03 3.23E-03 3.54E-03 3.87E-03 4.26E-03 4.48E-03 RulO5 O.DOE+OD 6.67E-05 3.98E-04 7.48E-04 1.08E-03 1.39E-03 1.68E-03 1.81E-03 1.94E-03 2.05E-03 2.07E-03 RulO6 O.OOE+OO 4.33E-05 2.68E-04 5.25E-04 7.87E-04 1.05E-03 1.33E-03 1.45E-03 1.59E-03 1.75E-03 1.84E-03 RhlO5 O.OOE+DO 6.90E-05 4.27E-04 8.32E-04 1.25E-03 1.66E-03 2.08E-03 2.28E-03 2.49E-03 2.74E-03 2.87E-03 Y90 O.ODE+00 6.68E-07 4.60E-06 9.97E-06 1.64E-05 2.40E-05 3.27E-05 3.72E-05 4.26E-05 5.21 E-05 6.11 E-05 Y91 O.ODE+0O 6.11 E-06 3.80E-05 7.48E-05 1.13E-04 1.52E-04 1.92E-04 2.11 E-04 2.32E-04 2.57E-04 2.72E-04 Y92 0.OOE+OO 1.44E-D5 1.57E-04 4.35E-04 8.26E-04 1.31E-03 1.88E-03 2.16E-03 2.51 E-03 3.20E-03 3.84E-03 Y93 O.OOE+OD 7.24E-06 4.41 E-05 8.48E-05 1.25E-04 1.65E-04 2.03E-04 2.21 E-04 2.40E-04 2.60E-04 2.68E-04 Zr95 O.OOE+OO 8.53E-06 5.29E-05 1.03E-04 1.55E-04 2.08E-04 2.61 E-04 2.87E-04 3.14E-04 3.45E-04 3.63E-04 Zr97 O.OOE+O0 8.40E-06 5.15E-05 9.98E-05 1.48E-04 1.96E-04 2.44E-04 2.67E-04 2.90E-04 3.16E-04 3.29E-04 Nb95 O.ODE+00 8.57E-06 5.31 E-05 1.04E-04 1.56E-04 2.09E-04 2.62E-04 2.88E-04 3.15E-04 3.46E-04 3.64E-04 Lal4O 0.OOE+00 1.09E-05 7.87E-05 1.77E-04 3.OOE-04 4.50E-04 6.25E-04 7,16E-04 8.28E-04 1.03E-03 1.24E-03 LalW O.ODE+0O 7.57E-06 4.49E-05 8.41 E-05 1.21 E-04 1.55E-04 1.86E-04 2.ODE-04 2.14E-04 2.25E-04 2.26E-04 La142 O.OOE+0O 6.08E-06 3.3711-05 5.89E-05 7.89E-05 9.45E-05 1.06E-04 1. 11 E-04 1.14E-04 1.12E-04 1.05E-04 Pr143 O.OOE+OO 7.59E-06 4.71E-05 9.21 E-05 1.38E-04 1.85E-04 2.33E-04 2.55E-04 2.79E-04 3.07E-04 3.23E-04 NdI147 O.OOE+O0 3.44E-06 2.13E-05 4.16E-05 6.24E-05 8.36E-05 1.05E-04 1.15E-04 1.26E-04 1.38E-04 1.45E-04 Am241 O.OOE+O0 1.43E-09 8.87E-09 1.74E-08 2.60E-08 3.49E-08 4.38E-08 4.81 E-08 5.26E-08 5.79E-08 6.09E-08 Cm242 0.ODE+00 3.54E-07 2.19E-06 4.29E-06 6.44E-06 8.62E-06 1.08E-05 1.19E-05 1.30E-05 1.43E-05 1.50E-05 Cm244 0.ODE+00 2.35E-08 1.46E-07 2.85E-07 4.28E-07 5.73E-07 7.21 E-07 7.91 E-07 8.66E-07 9.52E-07 1.DOE-06 Ce141 0,OOE+00 2.17E-05 1.35E-04 2.63E-04 3.95E-04 5.28E-04 6.64E-04 7.29E-04 7.97E-04 8.77E-04 9.22E-04 Ce143 O.OOE+0O 1.97E-05 1.21 E-04 2.36E-04 3.53E-04 4.70E-04 5.87E-04 6.43E-04 7.02E-04 7.68E-04 8.03E-04 Ce144 0.OOE+00 1.80E-05 1.11E-04 2.18E-04 3.27E-04 4.38E-04 5.50E-04 6.04E-04 6.61 E-04 7.27E-04 7.64E-04 Np239 0.ODE+00 2.78E-04 1.72E-03 3.36E-03 5.02E-03 6.70E-03 8.40E-03 9.20E-03 1.01E-02 1.10E-02 1.16E-02 Pu238 O.ODE+0O 7.04E-08 4.37E-07 8.54E-07 1.28E-06 1.72E-06 2.16E-06 2.37E-06 2.59E-06 2.85E-06 3.OOE-06 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page - 3 (Next Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit. -1 Disposition: Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 Ref. Pu239 O.OOE+OO 6.51 E-09 4.04E-08 7.89E-08 1.18E-07 1.59E-07 1.99E-07 2.19E-07 2,39E-07 2.63E-07 2.77E-07 Pu24O O.OOE+OO 9.18E-09 5.69E-08 1.11 E-07 1.67E-07 2.24E-07 2.81 E-07 3.09E-07 3.38E-07 3.71 E-07 3.90E-07 Pu241 O.OOE+OO 2.67E-06 1.65E-05 3.23E-05 4.85E-05 6.50E-05 8.17E-05 8.96E-05 9.81 E-05 1.08E-04 1.13E-04 Sr89 O.OOE+OO 4.79E-04 2.97E-03 5.81 E-03 8.72E-03 1.17E-02 1.47E-02 1.61 E-02 1.76E-02 1.94E-D2 2.04E-02 Sr9O O.OOE+OO 6.15E-05 3.81 E-04 7.45E-04 1.12E-03 1.50E-03 1.88E-03 2.07E-03 2.26E-03 2.49E-03 2.61 E-03 S1-91 D.DOE+OO 5.78E-04 3.52E-03 6.76E-D3 9.96E-03 1.31 E-02 1.62E-02 1.76E-02 1.90E-02 2.06E-02 2.12E-02 Sr92 O.DOE+OO 5.58E-04 3.25E-03 5.96E-03 8.38E-03 1.05E-02 1.24E-02 1.32E-02 1.40E-02 1.44E-02 1.42E-02 Hours > 2.92E+00 3.17E+00 3.67E+00 4.17E+00 6.001E+00 8.03E+00 2.40E+01 4.80E+01 9.60E+01 2.40E+02 7.20E+02 Kr83m O.ODE+DO O.OOE+OO O.ODE+OD O.ODE+OO O.ODE+OO O.OOE+OO O.DDE+DD O.DOE+OD D.OOE+OD O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Kr85m O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OD O.ODE+OD O.ODE+OD O.QOE+OO O.ODE+D0OD.DOE+OD O.DOE+DD O.DOE+00O.ODOE+OD Q.DDE+DO Kr85 D.OOE+OO O.ODE+OO D.OOE+DD D.OOE+OD D.DOE+OO D.DDE+DO O.DDE+D0OD.DDE+DD O.OOE+OO O.DOE+OO D.OOE+OO Kr87 O.OOE+OD O.ODE+DD D.OOE+OD D.OOE+OD D.DOE+OO D.ODE+OO00020 D.D O.OOE+OO OE+OO O.DD+ OD.OE+DO O.OOE+OD Kr88 O.OOE+OO O.ODE+DD D.DOE+D0OD.DDE+OO O.OOE+OD O.DOE+QD O.ODE+DD D.OOE+OD D.DOE+OO O.OOE+OD O.DDE+OO Kr89 D.DOE+OO O.OOE+OO D.DDE+DD O.DOE+DD O.DOE+OO O.ODE+DO O.DO1E+00 D.ODE+DD D.DOE+OD D.ODE+OD O.DDE+OO Xel3lm O.OOE+DD O.OOE+OO O.ODE+OD D.OOE+DD D.DOE+DD D.DDE+OO D.DDE+OOD.QEO O.DO+0.OE+DO O.DOE+OO D.DDE+OD Xel33m D.OOE+OO D.OOE+OO O.OOE+OD O.DOE+OD D.DOE+OO O.DDE+OD O.ODE+OO D.OOE+OO D.OOE+DO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Xe133 4.58E-03 5.35E-03 6.88E-D3 8.41 E-03 1.39E-02 1.97E-02 5.20E-02 7.15E-02 7.04E-02 3.43E-02 2.44E-03 Xel35m O.DD1E+D0 O.DOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OD O.DDE+OD D.ODE+DO O.ODE+OO O.DOE+OD O.OOE+DD O.OOE+OD D.DDE+DD Xe135 4.83E-D2 5.54E-02 6.88E-02 8.11E-02 1.18E-01 1.44E-01 1.22E-01 3.06E-02 1.OOE-03 1.81E-08 2.23E-24 Xe137 O.DOE+OO O.DDE+OO O.OOE+D0OD.OOE+OD O.OOE+OO O.OOE+00OD .DEOD.OOE+0OO+0 O.DOE+DO O.DOE+DO O.OOE+OO Xe138 O.OOE+OO D.OOE+OO 0.DOE+00 O.DDE+DO O.DDE+OO D.DOE+OO O.DDE+DD D.DOE+OO D.ODE+OO Q.OOE+OO O.DOE+DD I131lOrg 2.51 E-02 2.69E-02 3.04E-D2 3.40E-02 4.58E-02 5.01 E-02 6.34E-02 7.17E-02 8.29E-02 7.89E-02 2.75E-02 11 320rg 1.52E-02 1.51E-02 1.48E-02 1.42E-02 1.11E-02 6.63E-03 7.23E-05 6.45E-08 4.64E-14 1.D7E-32 3.21 E-95 11 330rg 4.68E-02 4.97E-02 5.54E-02 6.1DOE-02 7.79E-02 8.02E-02 6.31 E-02 3.50E-D2 9.7DE-03 1.27E-04 2.80E-1 1 11 340rg 5.61 E-03 4.92E-D3 3.76E-03 2.83E-03 8.99E-04 1.98E-04 8.55E-10 5.86E-1 8 2.50E-34 1.18E-83 D.DDE+DO 11 350rg 3.56E-D2 3.71 E-02 3.99E-02 4.24E-02 4.75E-02 4.23E-02 1.06E-02 1.06E-03 9.56E-06 4.29E-12 1.23E-33 ll3lEIem 2.78E-01 2.89E-01 3.11 E-01 3.32E-01 3.63E-01 3.63E-01 3.93E-01 4.51E-0D1 5.34E-01 4.84E-01 1.41E-01 Il32Elem 1.97E-01 1.95E-01 1.91E-01 1.85E-01 1.51 E-01 1.21E-01 7.50E-02 6.04E-02 3.95E-02 1.1DE-02 1.57E-04 Il33EIem 5.18E-01 5.35E-01 5.66E-01 5.96E-01 6,16E-01 5.81 E-01 3.91 E-01 2.20E-01 6.23E-02 7.80E-04 1.43E-10 ll34EIem 6.20E-02 5.29E-02 3.84E-02 2.76E-02 7.11 E-03 1.44E-D3 5.29E-09 3.68E-1 7 1.60E-33 7.16E-83 D.DDE+OO Il35Elem 3.94E-01 3.99E-01 4.08E-01 4.15E-01 3.76E-01 3.07E-01 6.59E-02 6.67E-D3 6.14E-05 2.62E-1 1 6.21 E-33 1131lPart 3.01 E-01 3.D4E-01 3.09E-01 3.13E-D1 3.21E-01 3.24E-01 3.09E-01 2.83E-01 2.38E-01 1.42E-01 2.53E-02 11l32Part 1.82E-01 1.71E-0O1 1.50E-01 1.31E-01 7.78E-02 4.29E-02 3.52E-04 2.55E-07 1.33E-13 1.91 E-32 2.93E-95 Il33Part 5.60E-01 5.63E-01 5.64E-D1 5.62E-01 5.46E-01 5.19E-01 3.07E-01 1.38E-01 2.79E-02 2.29E-04 2.58E-11I 1134Part 6.71 E-02 5.57E-02 3.82E-02 2.61 E-02 6.30E-03 1.28E-03 4.16E-09 2.31 E-1 7 7.15E-34 2.11 E-83 O.DOE+OD 11l35Part 4.26E-01 4.20E-01 4.06E-01 3.91E-01 3.33E-01 2.74E-01 5.18E-02 4.20E-03 2.75E-05 7.72E-12 1.12E-33 Rb86 6.99E-04 7.08E-04 7.20E-04 7.30E-04 7.51 E-04 7.62E-04 7.49E-04 7.22E-04 6.70E-04 5.36E-04 2.55E-04 Cs134 7.02E-02 7.11 E-02 7.24E-02 7.34E-02 7.57E-02 7.71 E-D2 7.77E-02 7.76E-02 7.75E-02 7.71 E-D2 7.57E-02 0s136 2.18E-02 2.21 E-02 2.25E-02 2.28E-02 2.34E-02 2.37E-02 2.31 E-02 2.19E-02 1.97E-02 1.43E-02 4.98E-03 Cs1 37 4.19E-02 4.24E-02 4.32E-02 4.38E-02 4.52E-02 4.60E-02 4.64E-02 4.64E-02 4.64E-02 4.64E-02 4.63E-02 Sb127 6.19E-03 6.26E-03 6.36E-03 6.42E-03 6.53E-03 6.55E-03 5.86E-03 4.89E-03 3.42E-03 1.16E-03 3.19E-05 Sb129 1.17E-02 1.14E-02 1.07E-D2 1.OOE-02 7.72E-03 5.67E-03 4.40E-04 9.33E-06 4.2DE-09 1.82E-19 1.29E-52 Tel27m 8.51 E-04 8.62E-04 8.78E-04 8.90E-D4 9.18E-04 9.34E-04 9.37E-04 9.31 E-04 9.20E-04 8.85E-04 7.80E-04 Te127 5.73E-03 5.82E-03 5.94E-03 6.04E-03 6.27E-03 6.42E-03 6.25E-03 5.40E-03 3.80E-03 1.29E-03 3.55E-05 Tel29m 2.73E-03 2.76E-03 2.81 E-03 2.85E-D3 2.94E-03 2.98E-03 2.97E-03 2.91 E-03 2.79E-03 2.46E-03 1.63E-D3 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _4_ (Next LOniginator/Date Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station J.Metcalf 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date

0. Leaver 12/12/06 Unit: _-F -iult o CluainN.Rvso IH21C092 Disposition: Revsio 00 Te129 1 .08E-02 1.10E-02 1.12E-02 1. 11 E-02 9.65E-03 7.48E-03 6.02E-04 1.28E-05 5.74E-09 5,22E-19 1.77E-52 Tel 31nm 7.80E-03 7.86E-03 7.92E-03 7.93E-03 7.84E-03 7.62E-03 5.31 E-03 3.05E-03 1.01E-03 1.61 E-05 5.48E-1 0 Tel 32 7.89E-02 7.97E-02 8.09E-02 8.16E-02 8.29E-02 8.29E-02 7.25E-02 5.86E-02 3.83E-02 1.ý07E-02 1.53E-04 Ba137m 4.19E-02 4.24E-02 4.32E-02 4.38E-02 4.52E-02 4.60E-02 4.64E-02 4.64E-02 4.64E-02 4.64E-02 4.63E-02 Ba139 9.52E-03 8.51 E-03 6.74E-03 5.31E-03 2.1 7E-03 7.95E-04 2.56E-07 1.43E-12 4.46E-23 1.35E-54 0.OOE+00 Ba 140 3.96E-02 4.0 1E-02 4.09E-02 4.14E-02 4.25E-02 4.31 E-02 4.19E-02 3.97E-02 3.56E-02 2.57E-02 8.64E-03 M099 5.29E-03 5.35E-03 5.42E-03 5.47E-03 5.53E-03 5.51 E-03 4.70E-03 3.65E-03 2.20E-03 4.85E-04 3.12E-06 Tc99m 4.26E-03 4.34E-03 4.48E-03 4.59E-03 4.90E-03 5.11 E-03 5.02E-03 4.01 E-03 2.43E-03 5.34E-04 3.44E-06 Ru 103 4.55E-03 4.61 E-03 4.70E-03 4.76E-03 4.91 E-03 4.99E-03 4.97E-03 4.88E-03 4.71 E-03 4.24E-03 2.98E-03 Ru005 2.03E-03 1.98E-03 1.86E-03 1.75E-03 1.35E-03 1.00E-03 8.35E-05 1.96E-06 1.09E-09 1.84E-19 4.95E-52 RulO06 1 .87E-03 1.90E-03 1.93E-03 1.96E-03 2.02E-03 2.06E-03 2.07E-03 2.07E-03 2.06E-03 2.04E-03 1.96E-03 Rh1O5 2.92E-03 2.95E-03 3.OOE-03 3.03E-03 3.07E-03 3.05E-03 2.34E-03 1.47E-03 5.73E-04 3.40E-05 2.76E-09 Y90 6.91 E-05 7.70E-05 9.27E-05 1.08E-04 1 .66E-04 2.29E-04 6.63E-04 1.19E-03 1.90E-03 2.73E-03 2.94E-03 Y91 2.80E-04 2.86E-04 2.96E-04 3.06E-04 3.33E-04 3. 56E-04 4.30E-04 4.53E-04 4.48E-04 4.18E-04 3.30E-04 Y92 4.37E-03 4.85E-03 5.62E-03 6.19E-03 6.99E-03 6.49E-03 6.46E-04 7.44E-06 6.53E-10 3.71 E-22 5.55E-63 Y93 2.68E-04 2.67E-04 2.63E-04 2.58E-04 2.34E-04 2.08E-04 6.9E-05 1.34E-05 4.94E-07 2.47E-1 1 1.15E-25 Zr95 3.69E-04 3.74E-04 3.81 E-04 3.86E-04 3.98E-04 4.05E-04 4.05E-04 4.01 E-04 3.92E-04 3.67E-04 2.96E-04 Zr97 3.31 E-04 3.32E-04 3.32E-04 3.29E-04 3.1 5E-04 2.95E-04 1.55E-04 5.77E-05 8.05E-06 2.18E-08 6.08E-1 7 Nb95 1.70E-04 3.75E-04 3.83E-04 3.88E-04 4.OOE-04 4.07E-04 4.11 E-04 4.10E-04 4.1 OE-04 4.06E-04 3.81 E-04 La140 1.42E-03 1 .60E-03 1.97E-03 2.33E-03 3.65E-03 5.07E-03 1.41E-02 2.31 E-02 3.11 E-02 2.87E-02 9.95E-03 Lal14l 2.20E-04 2.14E-04 1 .99E-04 1.85E-04 1.38E-04 9.82E-05 5.92E-06 8.59E-08 1.81 E-1 1 1.68E-22 2.83E-59 La142 9.56E-05 8.65E-05 7.04E-05 5.70E-05 2.58E-05 1.05E-05 8.03E-09 1.64E-13 6.82E-23 4.91 E-51 0.00E+00 Pr143 3.29E-04 3.34E-04 3.41 E-04 3.46E-04 3.59E-04 3.67E-04 3.81 E-04 3.84E-04 3.68E-04 2.81 E-04 1.01E-04 Nd 147 1.48E-04 1 .50E-04 1.52E-04 1.54E-04 1.58E-04 1 .60E-04 1.55E-04 1.46E-04 1.28E-04 8.78E-05 2.48E-05 Amn241 6.1 9E-08 6.27E-08 6.40E-08 6.48E-08 6.69E-08 6.81 E-08 6.86E-08 6.86E-08 6.86E-08 6.86E-08 6.86E-08 Cmn242 1.53E-05 1.55E-05 1.58E-05 1.60E-05 1.65E-05 1 .68E-05 1.69E-05 1.68E-05 1.67E-05 1.63E-05 1.49E-05 Cm244 1.02E-06 1.03E-06 1.05E-06 1.07E-06 1.10E-06 1.12E-06 1.13E-06 1.13E-06 1.13E-06 1.13E-06 1.13E-06 Cel4l 9.37E-04 9.50E-04 9.67E-04 9.80E-04 1.01 E-03 1 .03E-03 1.02E-03 9.99E-04 9.57E-04 8.42E-04 5.50E-04 Ce143 8.1 3E-04 8.19E-04 8,26E-04 8.29E-04 8.22E-04 8.02E-04 5.78E-04 3.50E-04 1.28E-04 6.22E-06 2.62E-1 0 Ce144 7.77E-04 7.88E-04 8.03E-04 8.14E-04 8.39E-04 8.54E-04 8.60E-04 8.58E-04 8.53E-04 8.41 E-04 8.01 E-04 Np239 1.17E-02 1.18E-02 1.20E-02 1.21 E-02 1.22E-02 1.21 E-02 1.OOE-02 7.47E-03 4.14E-03 7.07E-04 1.95E-06 Pu238 3.05E-06 3.09E-06 3.15E-06 3.19E-06 3.29E-06 3.35E-06 3.38E-06 3.38E-06 3.38E-06 3.38E-06 3.38E-06 Pu239 2.82E-07 2.85E-07 2.91 E-07 2.95E-07 3.04E-07 3.10E-07 3.12E-07 3.12E-07 3.12E-07 3.12E-07 3.12E-07 Pu240 3.97E-07 4.02E-07 4.10E-07 4.16E-07 4.29E-07 4.37E-07 4.40E-07 4.40E-07 4.40E-07 4.40E-07 4.40E-07 Pu241 1.15E-04 1.17 E-04 1.19E-04 1.21 E-04 1.25E-04 1.27E-04 1.28E-04 1.28E-04 1.28E-04 1.28E-04 1.27E-04 Sr89 2.07E-02 2.1 OE-02 2.14E-02 2.17E-02 2.23E-02 2.27E-02 2.27E-02 2.24E-02 2.18E-02 2.OOE-02 1.52E-02 Sr9O 2.66E-03 2.69E-03 2.75E-03 2.78E-03 2.87E-03 2.92E-03 2.95E-03 2.95E-03 2.95E-03 2.95E-03 2.94E-03 Sr9l 2.12E-02 2.11 E-02 2.07E-02 2.03E-02 1.83E-02 1.61IE-02 5.04E-03 8.72E-04 2.61 E-05 7.03E-10 4.1 OE-25 Sr92 1.36E-02 1 .29E-02 1.16E-02 1.03E-02 6.67E-03 4.04E-03 6.88E-05 1.49E-07 7.OOE-13 7.25E-29 3.78E-82 The noble gases in this list are artificial in that they result from the decay of iodine and would, in reality, be lost from the filter. The non-iodine contribution to shine dose would be expected to be small; in Appendix 1, the integrated plume MeV/cc due to iodine was shown to dominate the non-noble gas, non-iodine specific energy. Since the activity on the control room filter is that which is drawn in from the NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page _.L5_ (Next ,v7 t Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: -1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision FJ. Metcalf 12112/06 D.Leaver 12/12/06 IH1020 Ref. plume, the following energies from Appendix I are instructive with respect to the non-iodine shine dose contribution from the filter: The MeV/cc summed for all plumes is as follows (from Appendix 1): El 1.54E+06 3.22E+03 1 1.06E+03 2 E2 1.23E+05 1.68E+04 1 4.58E+02 2 E3 4.69E+05 1.31 E+05 1 7.54E+03 2 E4 1 .96E+05 6.40E+04 1 2.72E+03 2 E5 6.47E+05 2.52E+04 1 1.73E+02 2 E6 1.58E+06 3.78E+03' 4.43E+0 1 2 (1) without noble gas (2) without noble gas or iodine Calculation of Shinfe Dose from the Control Room Filter Based on the above table, only for the El (low energy) group is the non-iodine, non-noble gas a significant contributor, about 1/3. Therefore, for conservatism, a 1.33 factor will be applied to the dose based on the iodine loading comparison. The time integration of the filter activity loading table for iodine only with the factor of 1.33 applied and occupancy factors considered is as follows: Iodine Isotope Integrated Activity (Ci-sec) Ratio to Basis for 2.52E-3 Rem 1131 7.98E5 11:1 1132 3.60E4 39:1 1133 1.78E5 13:1 1134 2.92E3 10:1 1135 4.97E4 13:1 The greatest ratio of Ci-sec for the pre-AST calculation to the above values is for 1132, but it represents only three percent of the total Ci-sec. A more representative value is 13: 1. Therefore, the pre-AST Control Room filter shine dose contribution of 2.5 1E-3 rem will be increased by a factor of 13 to 3.3E-2 rem for application to AST. NEP-nFES-n8 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -M1_ (Next Project.:Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: o Disposition: Revsio Originator/Date Reviewer/Date CluainN.Rvso R.Sher 12/12/06 D. Leaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 Ref. Appendix MVerification that RBEVS Will Actuate (5Pages) MicroShield MS5 (Reference Ml) calculations of post-LOCA dose rates at the Reactor Building vent monitors were performed to obtain conservative estimates of the time it takes to reach the detector set point of 5 mr/hour to initiate RBEVS.

1. Geometry.

The reactor building ventilation duct in the vicinity of the radiation monitors is arranged as shown below in Figure 1 (refer to the Design Input Summary in the main body of the calculation). As shown, the detector is located 4" below a section of 54" ID cast-in-wall sleeve with a 3/8" thick steel wall. The shield box significantly reduces the dose contribution from the sides and bottom. Therefore, only a limited length of the duct above is considered, 30" on either side. This is explained as follows: Assuming a point on the centerline of the assumed 3"x 3.5" x 3.5" (inside dimension) shield box 1" above the bottom and 1.75" from the edge of the box, a ray from this point intersecting the inner edge of the box will intersect the top and bottom of the source at the horizontal distances calculated below. Other dose points are modeled for a sensitivity assessment of this assumed location. Using, similar triangles, H in Box/V in Box = H in Duct/V in Duct H in Duct (H in Box/V in Box) x V in Duct where: H = horizontal distance, V = vertical distance Top: HDT in Duct = (1.75/2) x (2+4+3/8+54)= 52.828" Bottom: HDB in Duct =(1.75/2) x (2+4+3/8) = 5.578" Average Horizontal Distance in Duct 29.203" =30" HAve VDT60.375" HD8 V oB 6.375" H ,5 ' _______ ___NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CO NTINUATION SHEET Page -M2~ (Next __ IOriginator/Date Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station R.Sher 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date Unit: D. Leaver 12/12/06 Cl-lt Caclto H21 C092 o oRevision Disposition: __ 00 R~ef. Plan View El. 298'-O" 1-1 2-2 Figure 1. Vent Monitor and Exhaust Duct Geometry. NE P-DE S-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page M3-(Next ) J Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: FCauatoN . Disposition: Revsio Originator/Date Reviewer/Date JCluainN.Rvso R.Sher 12/12/06 D.Leaver 12112/06 H21C092 00 Ref.

2. MicroShield MS5 model.

The MicroShield MS5 model is as follows: Geometry Type 7 - Cylindrical Volume with Side Shields Dimension Source Dimensions - Note: Half of the source is modeled, and the results doubled. Height = 30" (the average distance calculated above) Radius =27" (54"/2) Shield thickness =0.3 75" Dose points are located at the top of the box, and 1 and 2 inches down from the top. x Y z DP-1 31.375" 0" 0"1 DP-2 32.375" 0"7 0" DP-3 33.375" 0"1 0", Materials Source Air 1.22E-3 gm/cc Transition Air 1.22E-3 gm/cc Gap Air 1.22E-3 gm/cc Shield Steel 7.86 gm/cc Buildup: Wall clad The source activities are shown in Table 1 taken from Appendix E. Table 1. Reactor Building, Activities and Calculated Conc entrations. t (hr) = 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.2 Ci pCi/cc Ci pCilcc Ci PCi/cc Ci pCi/cc Ci pCi/cc Kr83mn 9.21 E-03 1.53E-07 3.86E-01 6.41 E-06 1.23E+00 2.04E-05 2.45E+00 4.07E-05 3.97E+00 6.59E-05 Kr85mn 1.94E-02 3.22E-07 8.20E-01 1.36E-05 2,64E+00 4.39E-05 5.31 E+00 8,82E-05 8.65E+00 1.44E-04 Kr85 1.12E-03 1.86E-08 4.79E-02 7.96E-07 1.55E-01 2.57E-06 3.13E-01 5.20E-06 5.14E-01 8.54E-06 Kr87 3.64E-02 6.05E-07 1.52E+00 2.52E-05 4.81 E+00 7.99E-05 9.50E+00 1.58E-04 1.53E+01 2.54E-04 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -M4-(Next Project. Nine Mite Point Nuclear Station Unit: TCacltoN. Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reiwer/Date CluainN.Revision R.Sher 12/12/06 DLeaver 12/12/06 H21 C092 00 Kr88 5.18E-02 8.60E-07 2.19E+00 3.64E-05 7.02E+00 1. 17E-04 1.40E+01 2.33E-04 2.28E+01 3.79E-04 Kr89 3.77E-02 6,26E-07 9.51E-01 1.58E-05 1.83E+00 3.04E-05 2.19E+00 3.64E-05 2.1 3E+00 3.54E-05 Xel 31 m 8.69E-04 1.44E-08 3.70E-02 6.15E-07 1.20E-01 1.99E-06 2,42E-01 4.02E-06 3.98E-01 6.61 E-06 Xel33m 4.66E-03 7.74E-08 1.98E-01 3.29E-06 6.43E-01 1.07E-05 1.30E+00 2.16E-05 2.13E+00 3.54E-05 Xe133 1.51 E-01 2.51 E-06 6.42E+00 1.07E-04 2.08E+01 3.46E-04 4.20E+01 6.98E-04 6.90E+01 1.15E-03 Xel35mn 2.80E-02 4.65E-07 1.07E+00 1.78E-05 3.11 E+00 5.17E-05 5,62E+00 9.34E-05 8.28E+00 1.38E-04 Xe135 5.46E-02 9.07E-07 2.35E+00 3.90E-05 7.68E+00 1.28E-04 1.56E+01 2.59E-04 2.59E+01 4.30E-04 Xe 137 8,97E-02 1.49E-06 2.49E+00 4.14E-05 5.28E+00 8.77E-05 6.96E+00 1. 16E-04 7.46E+00 1.24E-04 Xe138 1.17E-01 1.94E-06 4.51 E+00 7.49E-05 1.32E+01 2.19E-04 2.43E+01 4.04E-04 3.61 E+01 6.OOE-04 1131 9.40E-02 1.56E-06 2.95E+00 4.90E-05 8.96E+00 1.49E-04 1.67E+01 2.78E-04 2.53E+01 4.20E-04 1132 1.34E-01 2.23E-06 4.15E+00 6.90E-05 1,25E+01 2.08E-04 2.30E+01 3.83E-04 3.44E+01 5.72E-04 1133 1.91lE-01 3.18E-06 5.96E+00 9.91 E-05 1.81 E+01 3.01E-04 3.38E+01 5.61 E-04 5.11 E+01 8.49E-04 1134 2.03E-01 3.37E-06 6.15E+00 1.02E-04 1.81 E+01 3.01E-04 3.28E+01 5.44E-04 4.81E+01 7.98E-04 1135 1.78E-01 2.96E-06 5.56E+00 9.24E-05 1.69E+01 2.80E-04 3.13E+01 5.19E-04 4.71 E+01 7.83E-04 Rb86 1.85E-04 3.07E-09 4.97E-03 8.26E-08 1.47E-02 2.44E-07 2.61 E-02 4.34E-07 3.71 E-02 6.16E-07 Cs134 1.85E-02 3.07E-07 4.98E-01 8.27E-06 1.47E+00 2.44E-05 2.61 E+00 4.34E-05 3.71 E+00 6.16E-05 Cs136 5.78E-03 9.60E-08 1.56E-01 2.59E-06 4.60E-01 7.64E-06 8.15E-01 1.35E-05 1.16E+00 1.93E-05 Cs137 1.10E-02 1.83E-07 2.97E-01 4.93E-06 8,78E-01 1.46E-05 1.56E+00 2.59E-05 2.21 E+00 3.67E-05 8a137m 7.92E-04 1.32E-08 1.04E-01 1.73E-06 4.59E-01 7.62E-06 9.94E-01 1.65E-05 1.58E+00 2.62E-05 In Table 1, the RiB activities in Ci at times 0.04, 0.08, 0.12, 0.16, and 0.20 hours3are shown in the columns under the time values, and the corresponding concentrations inl JCi/cm3 are shown in the adjacent columns. For conservatism the RB volume is taken as 6.02E+10 cm3 , twice the value assumed in the Appendix E calculation,

3. Results.

The dose rates (mr/br) calculated by MS5 are shown in Table 2. These are twice the values in the code output, since only half the source is modeled, as noted above. Table 2. MS5 calculated dose rates (mr/br). tI,hours II,minutes DP-1 DP-2 DP-3 0.04 2.4 0.0407 4 0 .03832 0.03614 0.08 4.8 1.300E 1.2234 1.1538 0.12 7.2 3.86 3.63 3.424 0.16 9.6 7.078 6.658 6.28 0.2 12 10.57z 9.948 9.382 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -M5-(Next vI Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1I Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. TRevision R.Sher 12/12106 D.Leaver 12/12/06 IH210C092 00 J Ref. NMP-1 radiation monitor response MicroShield MS5 calculation 10 9 8 7 6 dose rate,5 mr/hr 4 3 2 1 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 time, minutes Figure 2. MS5 calculated dose rates. Figure 2 shows these results graphically. The estimated time to reach the alarm set point of 5 mr/hr is about 8.3 minutes for DP-2, and is slightly different for the other two dose points. Note that the Design Input Summary states that the limiting Case IA drawdown time is 298 minutes, but 360 minutes (six hours) has been assumed in Appendices D (RALDTRAD) and E (STAiRDOSE). Therefore, there is considerable margin in the assumed start time of the RIBEVS and drawdown.


MI MicroShield, Version 5.0.3, Grove Engineering, r'iFPnP~n,~ NE-ES0 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page N1 (Next Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 Disposition: __ Calculation No. Revision FJo. dginator/Date Metcalf 12/12/06 Reviewer/Date N/A H21CO92 00 Ref. Appendix NCheck Calculation for Appendix MUsing QADMOD (10 Pages)


The model is fully described in Appendix M. Using the following disintegration energies from Appendix F (truncated list): Kr83mn 2.57E-03 0.OOE+00 0.002-+00 0,00E400 0.00E400 0.002+00 Kr85mn 1.15E-01 4.27E-02 1.20E-04 0.00E400 0.00E400 0.OOE-*00 Kr85 0.002400 0.00E400 2.232-03 0.00E400 0.0EOO 0.00 OOE+O0 Kr8l 2.OOE-05 1.99E-01 8.33E-02 2.76E-02 5.79E-02 4.252-01 Kr88 5.87E-02 1.55E-02 2.66E-01 1.28E-01 6.20E-01 1.50E-f00 Kr89 5.03E-02 8.84E-02 3.77E-01 2.84E-01 3.35E-01 7.00E-01 Xe13lmn 2.01E-02 0.00E400 0.00E400 0.OOE+O0 0.00E400 0.00E+00 Xe133mn 4.15E-02 0.00E+O0 0.00E400 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE--00 Xel 33 4.53E-02 0.00E400 0.OE00E4 .OE000.00E*000.O+O .OOE+00 Xel35mn 4.18E-03 0.00E400 4.27E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E400 0.00E400 Xe135 2,27E-01 2.25E-03 1.90E-02 0.002400 0.00E+00 O.00E400 Xe137 4.50E-04 1.40E-01 7.23E-03 2.362-02 1.09E-02 5.16E-03 Xe138 1.02E-01 1.24E-01 3.18E-02 6.16E-02 3.44E-01 4.62E-01 1131 2.12E-02 2.97E-01 6.25E-02 0.002400 0.00E400 0.00E400 1132 7.10E-03 1.37E-02 1.89E+00 3.14E-01 2.80E-02 3.76E-02 1133 1.41 E-03 2.71E-03 5.45E-01 5.80E-02 O.00E400 0.00E400 1134 1.40E-02 6.84E-02 1.86E-+00 3.91E-01 2.72E-01 1.73E-02 H135 1.47E-02 2.27E-02 1.30E-01 9.33E-01 4.20E-01 5.46E-02 Rb86 0.002400 0.00E400 0.002400 9.45E-02 0.00E+00 0,002400 Cs134 3.50E-04 6.94E-03 1.47E400 7.29E-02 O.00E400 0.002400 Cs136 9.98E-02 1.67E-01 8.24E-01 1.08E400 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Csl37 2.31E-03 0.00E400 5.63E-01 0.00E400 0.00E400 0.002400 And the activities at t =0.12 hours (7.2 minutes) from Appendix M, the following specific gamma power values were developed: MeV > 0.4 MeV 0.8 MeV 1.3 MeV 1.7 MeV 2.5 MeV MeV/cc/hr > 3.11E+04 1.70E+05 6.81E+04 4.30E+04 4.66E+04 These are used as input to the QADMOD (Reference NI) check calculation. QADMOD Run The duct was modeled as being 30 inches long, 54 inches in diameter, and pi radians (total volume one-fourth of the actual 79.5 ft3 (=~ 2.25E6 cc)). The detector location was established at Z =0" and R= 33.375". The model is, therefore, a quarter-model with two planes of symmetry (the duct being "cut" in half both ways that it can be cut in half). However, since the full volume is used, there is no need to multiply the result by any factor. NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGNERIGSEVIESCALCULATION CONTINUATION. SHEET Page N2-(Next Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 Disposition: Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12106 1N/A- H21C092 100 FRet. The run is presented below: Unit 1 Plant Vent Monitor 8 2 0 2 4 5 5 -2 0 6 5 20 0 3 2.25+06 0.00 11.43 22.86 34.29 47.22 57 .15 68.58 0.0 15.24 30.48 45.72 60.96 76.20 0.0 0.157 0. 314 0.417 0.628 0.785 0.942 1.100 1.257 1.414 1.571 1.728 1.885 2.042 2.199 2.356 2.513 2.670 2 .827 2.984 3.141 1 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 2 76.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 13. 0.00 69.53 0.00 76.20 0.00 0.00 4 11 0.00 68.58 0.00 76.20 0.00 0.00 1 1 1 0.0 -0.01 0.00 2 1 2 0.0 200.00 0.00 3 1 2 3 70.0 50.00 0.00 4 2 2 3 4 69.0 50.00 0.00 5 1 2 4 0.01 50.00 0.00

1. 225-3 7.85 23 11 3.11+4 1.72+5 6.83+4 4.91+4 0.00+0 4.80+4 0.00+0 0.00+0 6.84-1.0 5.83-10 5.10-10 4.69-10 4.32-10 4.13-10 3.67-10 3.01-10 MEV PER REM 84.8 0.0 0.0 0 DET. 1
                                                       -1 NFP-n~s-nn NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES -CALCULATION CO NTINUATION SHEET Page _N3_ [ (Next Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 Disposition: Calculation No. Revision F Jo. Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Metcalf 12/12/06 N/A H21 C092 00 Ref. TU ELECTRIC COMANCHE PEAK ENGINEERING QADMOD-GP PROGRAM QADMOD-G CCC-396 (PC VERSION WITH OPTIONAL G-P BU FACTORS) Unit 1 Plant Vent Monitor

                               *****   PROGRAM CONTROL      *****




ENGNERIN SRVIESCALCULATION CONTINUATION: SHEET Page -N4-(Next [Originator/Date Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station J.Metcalf 12112/06 Reviewer/Date N/A Unit: 1 Calculation No. H210C092 Disposition: __ [00 Revision Re.I SOURCE 2.2500E+i06 0. 0000E+00 0. 0000E+00 0. OOOOE+00 0 .OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 o - OODOE+00 R O.0000E+00 1..12430E+01 2 .2860E+01 3. 4290E+01 4. 7220E+01. 5 .7150E+01.

6. 8580E+01 Z 0.0000E+00 1. 5240E+i01 3 .0480E+01. 4. 5720E+01 6. 0960E+01. 7. 6200E+01 PHI 0.OOOOE+0O 1.57 OOE-01. 3 .2400E-02. 4.12700E-02. 6.2800E-02. 7.8500E-02. 9.4200E-01 1.. 2000E+00 1..2570E+00 1. 4140E+00 2.. 5710OE+00 1..7280E+00 1. 8850E+00 2. 0420E+00 2.12990E+00
2. 3560E+00
2. 5130E+00 2. 6700E+00 2. 8270E+00 2. 9840E+00 3. 1.410E+00 F(L) 2..0000E+00 1. 000OE+00 1. 0000E+00 2..000E+00 2.. 000E+00 1. OOOOE+00 2..0000E+00 F(M) 1..OOOOE+00 2..0000E+00 2.. 000OE-i00 2..OOOOE+00 2..OOOOE+00 2..OOOOE+00 F(N) 1..0000E+00 1. 0000E+00 2.. 000E+00 1. OOOOE+00 2.. 000E+00 1. 0000E+00 2..OOOOE+00 2.. 000E+00
1. OOCOE+00 2..0000E+00 2.. 000E+00 1. 0000E+00 2.. OOOE+00 2..OOOOE+00
1. 000OE+00 2.. 000E+00
1. 0000E+00 1. 0000E+00 1. 000 OE+00 1.0000OE+00 1. 0000E+00 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES 'CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page -N5-. (Next Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 Disposition: Calculation No. Revision LOriginator/Date Reviewer/Date J.Metcalf 12/12/06 N/A IH21 C092 00 Ref. I

            * * **GEOMETRY DESCRIPTION**

NO IND TYPE 1 0 2 0. 0000E+O0 o . 000E+00 o .OODOE+00 o . 000E+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 o .OOOOE+O0 2 0 2 7. 6200E+01 o . 000E+00 o .OOOOEi-00 0. 0000E+00 o .OOOOE+00 o .OOOOE+00 o .OOOOE+00 3 0 12. o . 000E+00 6. 9530E+01 o .OOOOE+00 7 . 6200E+01 o .OOOOE+00 o .OOOOE+00 o .OOOOE+00 4 0 11 0. 0000E+00 6. 8580E+01 0. OOOOE+00 7. 6200E+01 0. OOOOE+00 0. ODOOE+00 o .OODOE+0O REGION DESCRIPTION REG MAT BOUNDS BY REGION POINT IN REGION NO NO x (CM) Y(CM) Z(CM) 1 2. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o .OOOOE+O0 -1.DOOOE-02 0.DOOOE+O0 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o .OOOOE+00 2.OOOOE+02 O.OOOOE+O0 3 1 1 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 .OOOOE+01 5.DOOOE+01 0.OOOOE+O0 4 2 1 2 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 6.9000E+01 5.OOOOE+01 0.OOOOE+0O 5 1 1 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1. OOOOE-02 5.OOOOE+01 0.OOOOE+00 NEP-rDFq-OR Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION. CONTINUATION SHEET Page -N6-(Next Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 Disposition: __ Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 N/A H21CO92 00 J Ref.

             **MA~TERIAL DENSITIES****

COMP/MAT 1 2 1 1.2250E-03 O.OOOOE+OO 2 O.OOOOE-t-O 7.8500E+00


23 11


GRP/MAT 1 2 GAMMA ATTENUATION COEFFICIENT 1 9. 5270E-02 9 .2030E-02 2 7. 0680E-02 6. 6480E-02 3 5. 6470E-02 5 .3060E-02 4 4. 8830E-02 4. 6240E-02 5 4 .2730E-02 4. 1290E-02 6 4. 0130E-02 3. 9370E-02 7 3 .3290E-02 3 .4630E-02 8 2. 5000E-02 3.0510E-02 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION. CONTINUATION SHEET Page .N7-(Next Project.' Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 Disposition: ___eviio Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Rvso J.Metcalf 12/12/06 N/A IH21 C092 00 R~ef. GRP SOURCE CONVERSION BO B1 B2 B3 SPECTRA FACTORS

1. 3.11300E+04 6 .84DDE-3.O 3..OOOOE+OO 3.. 1050E+00 2 .9803E-02 3 .4759E-03 2 1..7200E+05 5 . 8300E-10O 1. OOOOE+OO 9. 9146E-01 3. 0062E-02 2. 2770E-03 3 6. 8300E+04 5.1000E-10 3.. DOOE+OO 8. 6912 E-O0i 2. 5340E-02 1.2391E-03 4 4. 9100E+04 4. 69DDE-lD 1. OOOOE+OD 7. 8300E-Oi 2 .0843E-02 6. 8625E-04 5 S.ODODE+DD 4 .3200E-1D 1. OOOOE+OO 6. 8688E-01 1.7023E-02 3. 6913E-04 6 4. 8000E+04 4. l3DDE-lD 1. OOOOE+OD 6. 3554E-01 1.5501E-02 3. 2553E-04 7 S.OOODE+00 3. 670DE-lD 1. OOOOE+OO 5.0135E-01 1. 19 91E-02 2. 4142E-04 8 D. DDOE+0O 3. iOlOE-10 9. 9801E-01 3.1i952E-01 1.5655E-02 5.7888E-05 MEAN ENERGY FOR GROUP
4. OOOOE-01 8.OOODE-Di 1.3000E+00 i.7000E+00 2.200DE+00 2.5000E+00 3.5000E+00 6 . 1500E+00 NOTATIONS FOR OUTPUT UNITS UNIT G-MEV PER REM MP-DP5~-flR NEP-DE.S-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET. Page -N8... (Next Project. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 Disposition: __ rilginator/Date ReviewedDate Calculation No. Revision [J. Metcalf 12/12/06 NIA IH21 C092 00 Ref. COORDINATE TYPE 0 SOURCE INTENSITY OPTION 2 COORDINATE INTENSITY COORDINATE INTENSITY COORDINATE INTENSITY COORDINATE INTENSITY R COORDINATE 1 5.7150E+.00 3. 9193E+02 1.7 145E+01 1. 1758E+03 2.8575E+01 1.9597E+03 4.0755E+01

3. 1618E+03 5 5.2185E+01 3. 1092E+03 6. 2865E+01 4. 3113E+03 PHI COORDINATE 1 7.8500E-02 3 .1400E-Ol 2 .3550E-01 3. 1400E- 01 3. 6550E-01 2. C600E-01 5.22 50E-01 4.22 OCE-Ol 5 7.0650E-01 3. 1400E-01 8. 635C0RE-Cl 3. 140CR-Cl 1.0210E+00 3. 160CR-Cl 1. 17 85E+00
3. 140CR-0l 9 1.3355E+00 3. 1400R-C1 1.4925E+00 3. 1400E-0l 1. 6495E+00 3. 140CR-Cl 1. 8065E+00
3. 1400R-Ol 13 1.9635E+00 3. 140CR-Cl 2 .12 05E+C0 3. 140CR-Cl 2 .2775E+00 3. 1400E- 01 2 .4345E+00
3. 140CR-0l 17 2.5915E+00 3. 1400E- 01 2 .7485E+00 3 .1400E- 01 2. 9055E+00 3 .1400E-01 3. 0625E+00
3. 140CR-Cl Z COORDINATE 1 7.6200E+00 5. 0769E+00 2. 2860E+01 5. 0769E+00 3. 8100E+01 5.07 69E+00 5. 3340E+01
5. 0769E+00 5 6.8580E+01 5 .0769E+00 NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION CONTINUATION SHEET Page - (Next 19 Project: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 Disposition: __ Odginator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision 1 J.Metcalf 12/12/06 1N/A IH210C092 100 Ref. Unit 1 Plant Vent Monitor RECEIVER NUMBER 1 DET. 1 COORDINATES - R 8.4800E+01 PHI 0.OOOOE+00 Z 0.0000E+00 GRP MEAN MEAN BUILDUP ENERGY FLUX DOSE RATE NO ENERGY FACTORS DIRECT BEAM WITH BUILDUP DIRECT BEAM WITH BUILDUP MEV MEV PER REM CM**2 1 .4000 1. 8652E+00 3 .3829E+05 6. 3097E+05 2 . 313 9E- 04 4. 3159E-04 2 .8000 1. 5 919E+ 00 2 .3252E+06 3 .7014E+06 1.3 556E-03 2. 1579E-03 3 1. 3000 1. 4250E+i00 1. 0406E+06 1.4828E+06 5. 3069E-04 7. 5623E-04 4 1. 7000 1. 33 80E+00 7. 9611E+0 5 1. 0652E+06 3 .7337E-04 4. 9957E-04 5 2.2000 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOEi-00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 6 2.5000 1.23 69E+00 8. 2962E+05 1. 0261E+06 3 .4263E-04 4. 2380E-04 7 3.5000 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 8 6.1500 S. OOOOEi-00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0. OOOOEi-00 0. OOOOE+00 TOTAL .9433 5 .3297E+06 7. 9065E+06 2. 8337E-03 4 .2691E-03 WOBU .9957 ENERGY FLUX BUILDUP DOSE BUILDUP

1. 483 5E+00 1. 5066E+00 NFP-flF~flR NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

ENGINEERING SERVICES CALCULATION, CONTINUATION SHEET Page -N10-(Next I-- Project.' Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit: 1 Disposition: Originator/Date Reviewer/Date Calculation No. Revision J.Metcalf 12/12/06 N/A IH21 C092 100 j Ref. Unit 1 Plant Vent Monitor RECEIVER RECEIVER RECEIVER DOSE RATE NUMBER ID COORDINATES REM R PHI Z DIRECT BEAM WITH BUILDUP 1 DET. 1. 8. 4800E+01 0.OOOOE+0O 0.OOOO13+00 2. 8337E-03 4 . 2691E-03

               ***   END OF JOB  ***

Stop - Program terminated. Results These results show a dose rate at 0. 12 hours (7.2 minutes) of 4.27 mr/hr, slightly greater than the MicroShield model. This result indicates that the RIBEVS could be actuated even earlier than the estimated 8.3 minutes of Appendix M. NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

RL1C49L'?- 4)( Attachment I Design Verification Report (2Pages) Page 1-1 Document being design-verified: El DCP [E] Caic L0 Spec LI NER LI DBD L3 Other Dock, Rev and Title: H21 0092, Rev. 0: Unit I LOCA w/LOOP, AST Methodology Extent of Design Verification (Briefly describe): Design verification was accomplished by: (1)accuracy checks of the main body and all appendices, with some appendices serving as checks of other appendices as indicated on the Cover Sheet.; (2)independ-ent design review of the main body and all appendices except those whose purpose is as a check of another appendix (App. E,App. H,App. J,App. K,and App. N). The acc. checks verified all design input and the calc. results, insome cases by design review and insome cases by alternate calcs. The indep-endent design review evaluated the overall methodogy and approach, the scrutability, the completeness, and the reasonableness of the results based on past Polestar work and experience. Method of Design Verification: 0~ Design Review ELI Qualification Testing Z1 Alternate Calculations ElI Applicability of Proven Design Results of Design Verification: El3 Fully acceptable with no issues identified LI Fully acceptable based on the following issues identified and resolved: All calculations are accel~table with no issues identified, Comments were Drovided durina the course o o.f the review, and were resolved o)rior to the final version of the calc. L3 Continuation Page Follows Discipline Involvement and Approvals: Lead Design D.Leaver 12/12/06 Verifier: Name Signature Date See page 2 for additional signatures for Accuracy Checks Discipline Design Verifiers, if required: Discipline Name Signature Date NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

                                                   ~iz~c~z-44 Attachment I                      Design Verification Report  Page 1-2 Caic. Section                      Preparer                      Checker Main Body                                                       1 ae Appendix A                                                      D.J:aver Appendix B                                                      D.ýeaver Appendix C                                                       .e~aver Appendix D                                                 Checked by App. E Appendix E (check for                  H.Pustulka                              fJ-te N

App. D)* Appendix F Jet lfI, Appendix G Che ked by App. H Appendix H (check for H.Pustulka N/A App.G) Appendix!I Checked by App. J _______________and K Appendix J (check for ,-~sik / App. I activities) _________ Appendix K(check for H.Pustulka N/A App. Idose) *9Ju& c4 ~2i~ Appendix L Appendix M Cbkdb Appendix N (check for \Ve 'a> N/A App. M)____ ___

  • A check signature appears for Appendix E (even though App. E itself is a check of App. D) since App. E results are used in other appendices.

NEP-DES-08 Rev 09

Attachment 2 Attachent Design Verification 2 Checklist (1Page) Page 2-1 The following questions are required to be addressed based on the Nine Mile Point commitment to NQA-1 (1983) for design verification activities. This checklist is intended to assist when using the Design Review method of design verification to ensure relevant items are addressed inthe verification effort. Each "No" answer will require correction or resolution by the originator of the document being verified prior to full acceptance by the design verifier(s). Doc #: H21C092 Lead Design Verifiers D.Leaver Name: Items Addressed with Basis of Review Answer Yeves NohN/A

1. Were the inputs correctly selected ?


2. Are assumptions necessary to perform the design activity adequately described and reasonable ? Where necessary, are the assumptions identified for subsequent re-verifications when the detailed activities are completed ?
3. Was an appropriate design method used?


4. Were the design inputs correctly incorporated into the design ?


5. Isthe design output reasonable compared to design inputs ?


6. Are the necessary design input and verification requirements for interfacing organizations specified inthe design documents or insupporting procedures or instructions ? x NEP-DES-08 Rev 09}}