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Comment (8) of Heinz J. Mueller on Behalf of Us Environmental Protection Agency, Supports Renewal of Operating License for Shearon Harris Power Plant for Another 20 Years
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/03/2008
From: Mueller H
Environmental Protection Agency
Rulemaking, Directives, and Editing Branch
72FR71973 00008, CEQ 20070523, NUREG-1437
Download: ML080720334 (2)



..- I Chief, Rulemaking, Directives and Editing Branch T! k -

U.S. Nuclear. Regulatory Commission m C-)

Mail Stop T6-D59 C--

rn Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 C'-)

RE: EPA Review and Commentson Draft Generic Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (DGSEIS)

Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1 TP!nt-spe.Cfic supplement 33 t_. _REG-j A37 CEQ No.'20070523

Dear Sir:

The U. S.. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 4, reviewed the Draft Generic Supplementai Environmental Impact Statement (DGSE!S), pur'suant to Section.309 of

-the Clean Air Act and Section 102 (2)(C) of .the National Environmenital Pdlicy Act (NEPA).

The purpose of this letter is to providetthe, Nuclear Regulatorvy Conitmssion (NRC) with EPA's commiierns-erdihg potential.rl6mftph'eiactstnot41hie"rene'ai, ailo<.'tfie .'gien*ses-nOLe,.forft!he..-. * -

SearoiiHafri NIuclearPower.Pa.1it _:iv-....., *C.

T3/4, U

-he proposed,.ctlon of renewlnt the OLTioa.20-year peftd-would maximiz.tte use of existing s§etsTh flicility Uses~tgkoin'tA to wtihdravy afwter*.froimthHarris ReseiVoir and the auxiliary reservoir for plant cooling, and discharges wastewater via outfalls to this reservoir and to a sewage treatment plant.

.Based-on EPA's review'of the;DGSFIS -thie project, eceived anh,'EC-l1 ratingimeaning that environmental concerns exist.. Specificaly ,protecfingthe enviroriment involves the. .'.;v...

continuing need for appropriate'storage and. ultimate'disposition of radi-active Watesgenerated-fi-SIaWte-sufac i S 011 ithdra: w u species from-Surface+water with wals ansddisch.rges and Compliance .with .th'eNPDES Permiti.

Potential impacts resulting from water withdrawals duringdrought. conditions are also a concern,.

and should be addressed in the.-FinalGenerid.Suiplemental Environmenialtmpact sttement,,

(FGSEIS). We note that the North Carolina Drought Management Advisory Council currently lists Wake County and surrounding counties as D4 Exceptional Drought areas.

. The

...-.Nat1bnal-Poutant Discharge:tirmnati tc-ýrgram* .S~stet (.NPDS~)~)P'errmt S)- <

authonzes'-'thýdi*'charge&of pollu ants!ffioi iehfarhtie:tb*at'ts /of, the Uni ted iSft .,!ro,<

Administration of the NPDES permit program in North Carolina is delegated by EPA to the N6ohti-ahn eprtmeit-of-Enwfonme[tnand Natural Resources (NCDENR). The Shearon

'Ai NkrtF~tahi h.Itii' NPDES ',P-,dfri~tiggWbd'dy ih,0bNJ

/ >"- .Internfet Address (,URL) http://www epa gov .:' .

Recycled/Recyclable e Printed with Vegetable Oil Based Inks on Recycled Paper (Minimum 3°0%Postco'nsumer) ( h5.9 )

specific pollutant discharges from the plant, requires monitoring of discharges, and regulates the flow and thermal impacts of discharges. The NPDES permittee has operated and is operating in compliance with the NPDES permit requirements.

The DGSEIS acknowledges that continuing radiological monitoring of all plant effluents and appropriate storage of spent fuel assemblies and radioactive wastes on-site are required for this project. Appropriate storage of spent fuel assemblies and radioactive wastes on-site is required, in order to prevent impacts.

In the Waste Confidence Rule (10 CFR 51.23), the Commission generically determined that the spent fuel generated by any reactor can be safely stored onsite for at least 30 years beyond the licensed operating life of the reactor. Ultimately, long-term radioactive waste disposition will require transportation of wastes to a permitted repository site. We note the information in the DGSEIS regarding the expected availability of Yucca Mountain as a geological repository for spent nuclear fuel and high-level waste.

In conclusion, the DGSEIS is clearly written and provides useful information for assessment of the proposal to renew the OL for Unit 1. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this document. We look forward to reviewing the FGSEIS. If we can be of further assistance, please contact Ramona McConney of my staff at (404) 562-9615.

Sincerely, Heinz J. Mueller, Chief NEPA Program Office