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Statement of Views by Natl Power Corp,Agency of Govt of Philippines,In Response to Commission 791019 Order.Atomic Energy & Nuclear Nonproliferation Acts Were Not Promulgated to Dictate Policies on Foreign Nations
Person / Time
Site: 05000574
Issue date: 11/15/1979
Shared Package
ML19210E616 List:
NUDOCS 7912050396
Download: ML19210E618 (8)


>,..t n b*I'-D"'*]D*}~9~}]~s# '*'oJu 2.kinlo Mi'd dJu-'~.t 2 eg NOV 16137.3 >

..(Nr:ID Stm3 & AMERICA


    • s In the matter of

)A;plicat:fcn No. IR = 120 3 Ji 62GrTSE ET.ZC:RIC CERP.

1 App 14--efm No. XIM - 0013

..(D@erts to the Philippines lD:cket No. 110 - 0495 W =~ * ~ " * '- ~ -" d;i smnerr & vine g 1 hI== :ar. lear vi tery e---<m eter referred to as the g M*afm") in .*ts Cedar of Octct=r 19, 1979, requests that par *4-?Mard -

-)any other interested sarsons file with the cm'af v=fm a statement of views car

-h the e.-.1 are sur4-u -< .al sisuse y m_; in the aforesaid creer en

-t!= moeter of tha pending wantircease r"--em for emert license fer the

., , Itfifm4_= P elaar Power Plant.

.-t.: It =Taars that the purpeee of the emenf== fen in requesting sutzrissicns

" ,.eme t!= par 4-4m and any other incarenced individuals ce grimm is to 3 1 da+=mim "the prcper scope of the em= 4==icn's jurisdicticn to exan:ine health,'safety and envir:nmental questiens arising ems the ccnstructicn and cperatien j , t of am net-e facilities and wat 3 ---l :._ e 2:a a;propriate

-j f=r 1darin, m issues, if e =y are - e u. . min the 1,.s;autterity".

1 1 1;I.Iden*d 8#-Stics cf Party.I{!i ,.'I e*he ::atic=al Pcuer Cvtien (he.h referrai to as ":GC") is a l-e.u.ica McIly owned by the Gww of the Begublic cf the Philippinse

, and is charged by Philippine law with the naticeal resecnsibility of under- -

-'taking tha fr e 11*** m , produc tien, *n * =4m and bulk dishW of

, electricity in the Philippines fm indigenous and otter scurces Of erargy.

!1494 219;!79120bbl.-)%1

...D"*D'*T OO&J x-.... _-_ . .. _ _. _ ., ,*r.l.-2-..t II. Idare4Ma*4m of Interest i a In rubruary 9,1976, tbs NEC ccatracted the services and v4M cf N.wastir4heuss Electric corpcratica (hereinafter referred to as we

")..9 to ccnstruct a 620 megawatt rnetaar pcwor plant (herairafter referred tot aar.r ; .(PNPP-1) at Napet Peint, it:rmg, Bataan, Ph41dT "aa.

4.Se cx21 tract between NPC and MP== requires Wes*dP==, antog others, to apply for and in behalf u M, for all thited States ex;:crt licenses 1)and gar =1ts needed for the =himane and transportaticn of equi; cent and S'mmMrfain to tbs Philippines that are to be supplied by Westinghcuse.

n. . . .._1<III. Discussien of Issuna"i 4 4.1.mother and if so, to what extent the c=1==fm scesess the loyal 2 ,:t authority cr a legal +14~*4m to exiunine the heelth, safety and envfremanal

-3)impacts of an exgertai rnrtaar facility in reaching its 11censir4 deter =1natten

==-4'4~11y, whidt of the seven issues raised by petiticr.ars are W=te f j fcrm-f-fm rm ,., i I 2e NPC sutztits and maintairs that en the bases of f s current G rsetaar legislaticn, ireinding the 9cncrable

!I rhunt==fm's %Ac and precedents cra the 1fmnnfng s g.and regulaticn cf expert of r'e1==v facilities, the r*wf suicn

!.is of M RWt*f to WA t.M M th, safety d 14lf'enviramental tws of an expected r-e'aar facility.

G is In ailcw (Trratur), 3 NRC 563, 570-577 (1976), Westinghcuse t.ziectric Ca aticn ASCO II, Barcelcna, Spain, Licer.m No. XR-99 (Docket !b. 50-4-74) (1976), and *W and Wile =x (Buergeraktien), 5 NBC 1332,1348 (1977), it was t'm-dMai and es*'h14 =havt by the j Hrmerable C:mnissicn that the export licarsir4,. -w under f ~ .uysupp1.m,:t.deythe

1494 220;.s..l I I

,..3mm0 0" W g S k}UL'd 6 o!I f Il1-3 ,'...I--Nuclear Ncn-Pm14*antL:n Act Ca@A) was not intanded to examirm ce

_l, j--evaluate the health, safety and envizt:rz: ental t: pacts arisir4 f'!cutside the thited States territcry from esgorted nuclear ** 4 ties.

5 s.. :_._r.,*ar e <re.1 lar and ethics suggests that the mwirah1 a-d 4 rwa.4.c...m shculd not arregate unto itself the ecnsideraticn of

.-==a474a health, safety and envircrs: ental 1:: pacts of an experted L , ruetaar facility cn the territcry that is within the severeign 3'd 3urwicticn of a fcreign

-._.c, las e rh111a>1r.s. fer

_e r this will lead to a situatica cf applyirq U.S. law to acticns j tt-*? in a f=raign naticn. It is a custcznary rule cf inter-4'l'**==1 las that crie country cannot 1: pose a requirement up:n

..q't a foruign natica cr up:n its citi= ens within tra

  • =r -4*-r421 g s jnrd df-*4 m of that fcraign naticn.

j..% e= feregcing cIr emticos, e, <nly is== raised

I by the petiticriers idtich NPC cesfAars as apprt:priate fcr

.2 omstasim revier and idtich are not related to the axpert 4-of . elaar fac111 time, ars ::stters of generic safety questicns j pceed by rarimar power plants whicft are of US :normfact=re and

,{'crigin.{'.: I.2.Is the wenim's health, safety or envirt:renntal review of

{e export licWine ag211catiens II:nited to the cN.icIl cf t.h issues With ea

!3 US mn=rm <'afaram and se::uritf or are there other legal prirciples which per: nit

), I cr require the tw.uniemim to exa:Zine these : matters as part of its licensirq

_1 4.l==v1=a i l i 1. - ,manee,c5 1_eramn::."-4ts the review of expert license a; plica-mm df em c:::nissica

-to : natters affeering the US mwn deferse ard sec=rity and .en-

.I 1-m14w= goals en the cra hard and to assure cear reticra

-1494 221 4l<I:,-i

.'*.@ ant______l:l'-4-A 3-.1-I that the US is a r=1f ahia ard prdr *=h1=

supplier of rnetaar h o.j I fusis ard==4==a*-i b~A full rendirq of the se=*==rst of policy ard purpcees

(,---= 'of the talPA irn4fr-=+== that the U.S. Cc:grees did not interd

.,-the thenf amim to dictate raf fr-daa of other naticns re2 #.ive to

..their ruetaae energy program nor of steti*"*dng CS wisd m in the rur_1 mar field in the place of trat of t.% inportirq country. 2e mattar of safety, health ard envirmmetal j ispacts of rarlaar power plants whether ex;crted frm the

,lI Cs ce fim ether su; plier nacims are issues within the

~~excl'asive ard legitimate concem of the inscrting country.

,.{d 2e fact of the matter is that the P414=4_n* Coverrrent er

-.4" any other cotuttry fer that matter a:nald still ccostruct ard operate a nuclear reacter within its territerial Wicn

.I. with ccepcrects and stuismant etained fra suppliers other than the U.s.Las, teatever probles pened by the mPP-1 cn the

-~netter of health, safety ard envircznantal IW lies rest 4 i qvr Inmively within the regulatory authority and laws of the

]1 T ma Covemnant .

I 7 414 4 i i 2e N==fm, in its acticn m enczt license applica-

.tims, should ret act in tetal disregard of the fcreign pc11cy I t'i14'-=**ma of its acticns. 2 e N ==4 m should make its

!l.}f..,-cn the basis of tra views and 4n%+4m received by j i 4,!it f:m the rcre authoritative agencies of t.% CS ww-t cutters of foreign policy. Again, the fact of the matter l.'" is that the CS Danct:tive Branch has rendered a faverable 1*ltz$gment on the expert license a;plications fcr the N FP-L 5 af after a thc=cogh evaluation of tra statutcry criteria cf tra 22&A cm experts fcr rnelaar uses f:tm the U.S.

j+a'3 o 1494 222;;n'_j'

  • j i i.-.4...-s-,.4 1-.!To inject core critaria thart tdiat is required by lStatutes would be ignoring the traditimal forms of d- [ccmcemafm, e, arwwurdaciert, v4=+4m and. _cutual adjuct=ent of interests which has diur . Mad l$jl' -the W of the Cnited States in its relaticns with-t_- rn --~-I farsign naticns. It would maan a detarieratian of the C5 I..k[- lcredential as a reliable suppliar of nuclear aq"4== + and

.t catarials 5d11cft is cne M the goals istandai to be achieved by tNPA.i 3 k e 3.Mint issume arising frcIn the app"**= to export a relaar.e,--4-.r-facility to the Philippi:me shot.1d the crewrf enfm examine in any future publie -

---W i-?-As we have maintained in our respense to Questicn No. 2

.ateve, the cnly issues that the r*-wnif e=4rvs may legitimately

  • <l...ex ine and zw1., relative to nuclear expert lic-se ar"~4m , a 1, be it for the 1*'4"~'=or any other foreign ecuntry, are thces affecting the enwrvs defense and sec:rity of the U.S.

!., and its ncn-proliferaticn goals as delirmated in the NNPA.

f , i.It will be recallani that Philippira PrweWnt FerdinaM

, E. Marece, as a result of the S.ree-Mile Island incident 6- - d cn March 28, 1979, crdered a ev=4m of plant

-const xtien cn the INPP-1 and at the same time c: mated an

!investigative panel (Philippine ernmisafrvi) to ccrdJct an I- ll'irrat:y cn the safeer of the PnPe-l. em Ph4"-sra i.P cewef amim taz=1nated its hearings en Sw --r 14, 1979.l'?m Philippine (*,m 4==4m has also secured the services of intam.aticnally kncun experts to act as its tac.h t advisers in assessing and evaluatir4 the evidences and I testi:rnies sutznitted by t!n participants. "hus, it will i.1494 223.

.!do bb,. . -- - -. .... . _ . ..h'oo i o..s_g--,.be seen that the P5414r4= Coverment m4== the fact

__ ,~~~that tbs heath, safr.y and erwf mm=r*=_1 igv.:ts arising fma

,,#, the sr.wh at:1 eventual c5eraticn of the HIFP-1 are

., , , . , '- l...matters within the jurisdiction of the Ph111; pine coverment. . ..,p[", to assess and evaluate web the c3 coverment in general u a,m 4 in particular aust respect an$ 7 =.

_, and the c-4 == 4 m I I It is not unlikaty tnat the findings of the . tilippira

,'e-4==1cn may nct be censistent with the frndings of the

.CS nulaar P-1=*ery emrn4 ==4m.

An h ==45 sit::aticn would thus arise with unwarranted 6 .--

4ms to the

,, , , , , _

foreign relaticns of the C3 with the P541*T = in the 4., :,, 7,,,, event of findings between the two tedies cn healti., j safety and envircznantal. impacts of the REFP-1.

  • -4.Miat : --I fcnnat snould the emenf ==4m adopt to examine arf

.-4-- - - - - - - - -

feraign health, safety and erw4m==+=1 issume falling within its pH 84-**m(, , , ,.,, 4 i s Cn the asetapticn that arr/ foreign health, safeef and

)en rf _m==r+=1 issues adversely affect the cranen Man == and I L , security of the CS f v1

  • M its tw14h+4m goals, j h the pr+=h4tity of which is far fetched with respect to

, , . , , e Pb41*y4= applicaticn fer exp::rt license, it is rem ==4_

_1 that the r_-

Mi fcz=st that the C:nmirten should a$cpt

, , j'--is a ncn-adversarf type of inquiry apprewd=*45 a legislative

., rl-ccanittee hearing. "Ja parties /participartts will initially. _ __e l h.aam to - tpcamm - andemsm ntav1-s-!-!- - 1, eiu.ated by e ~ ,= m . m e = h m e, i,-a-a - a th.1.- mterests med g f m e m a d by m - ==4-s m t ,a,e -to par - to m e 1

,.;.1494 224 i t 3 e$t!l.

i*.lDDD P n ML ht_j!I.4 3.: 7_.}:*-,'- ~ ~caly the -en+=rs ce the ccumissica ce of the W*=. . . ,_f H i investige*xi sonst will be aliced to ask cuesticms to elicit

_- . _ , . - _. : q details and infer =aticn fram the parties / participants detemined to. . . . _ _ .

.be eligible by the

-==4~to participate in the fix;uiry.

$$a 1 A party / participant shall have no right to mmd_. _ ~ ..or cress-examine witnesses, any adverse party / par +4

    • ="*=_ . . .===**==lin centrast to, and as tculd nct happen in, a Court reca type of. _ _ .W inc=.21s wuld a1emi the emiurien czzplete centrcl 3 s of the prec=ad4*? and will preclude the ===4k+14ty of investigating

_g---and placing a trial highly sensitiw fereign policy and natimal-

_ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _

$---interest and security atters of the imperting country, incitriing;.'the Inporting c:z.mtry's pcli*d-=1 system, internaticnal and

_ . . - - . - . ,., n*4 m.1 714c4 .s-5.If health, safety and env4-=1 as; mets of a CS e-14=d r clami-

'*,~~facility are to be avainead in the NRC exp:It 14-*47 process, is what ,,,,. . _-

.s'-4,4e m.,..hmid this review be -- -

t d4 8'--ly frem the n=4 ==fm's

-: dmastic reactor linanming W#"e=7 Shculd the socpe of review be different, - -

{and if so, in what preci** way?

l,:.!+2e NPC sttmits and unintains that the omniumien may i t c:r: duct its amantic reacter 14-4m prec==d4== in what-

.,~ever way it cay doen eclate ;m.:rsuant to its existing- , ,..i IT=1*4ve mandates and administrative r a-..,u_-,..,j

!t;*scwever, in the satter of expert licens1=g process,.we prepose the c -- -

-1 '~--* we have d_4 e ==ad atx:me in respense to Questicn Mc. 4.

.1494 225 ,: ,s I k;!

. ;w -lD**0*D 3'}f 'E c c Ju c J u.,..3_2.i-'., 3!.. _ . . .E-- ._. . . . . _

d, , i....!,.- 8 .-l.*-..(f)6.Are there any factual cr legal consideratials diich w:uld justify

'.]A a af **= rent IGC health, safety cr er:vLm

+=1 review for sm e egcet ife=e==. -.!--.ge14~**ma that for others?

q=-47*-=1'y, are such cmsidaraticrJ ge14=hle

$. : =:. =.1

.-t to the present niatter?

' -[a e<~<m cutside of the statutcry m'< ---+ for the

-M~~~j!to nieke a ff:xiing cn the effects of the ex;x:xt of a riv-Tw 1 t't facility cn the mwn defense a:xi se:mity of the US and

'9 ,e its w14 **v-=**m goals as m*14nad in the !aeA, IGC does not

...__.r.J see any other sutstantial factual er legal ~=<d-tim = which 4_. "h w: : - .=.:

w:uld justify ce required a different c =f ==ias app =cach

._l...for sme export 11cen e sp1fc=+4cc.s fran others.

'-Fce the h*=<m to adopt cme &^ for cne expert

,.licanso app 14~+dm and another W fer other geidm**mm

_. s.,l.. _ - .ad eo say the, t. e -~~., and .:nia do

?, ti-violence to the equal pr +m<m provisicns of the US c

.y tuticn. It would go against the C5 statutcry assurance 3-arsF to

~,.!..the ! EPA that the Q11ted States is a reliable and effective

_ .,;*._m er e ,_ faeuu.e and fm. Such a e-t1a, 4 u:. ....uny lead other estim= to view the US as a P+3 and

'---.f I 4_ -1 ,ue,.. _ . . _ . _ . .

...: Mast 3!':he devalerim countrhs in the Far East and Sout.

-3'.x.m e., _ m o m e 1d a m u ut1,4 ~ _ - -- -- . f ,.e m_ watcmr .u h.nterest the ~ . ut-t.

._._.j..issuance er Scn-issuance of the ex@ 11 cense a; plicatic,J g.-fcrth. --1.m certer - aprecumd-~ - m

.f any naticnal def m these c:xr:tries will ::nks as to which 4 supplier count:*/ they Will *i..:rn to for WAir riv-'w pcNer

'1494 226~,.9$e e