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Np 1.7.1, Security Expectations
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/22/2004
- No Known Affiliation
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
FOIA/PA-2006-0113 NP 1.7.1, Rev 16
Download: ML062680217 (14)




PROCEDURE OWNER (title): OWNER GROUP: Administrative 16 December 22, 2004 Department Manager Group Head Security 0.1.1 .,3)0 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT NP 1.7.1 PROCEDURES MANUAL Revision 16 December 22, 2004 SECURITY EXPECTATIONS 1.0 PURPOSE This procedure describes the actions to be taken by individuals with unescorted (picture badged) access to support the security program at PBNP. Criteria for an authorized non-escort vehicle is included in this procedure.

2.0 DISCUSSION Definitions 2.1 Access Mode -Doors are unlocked and no insertion of badges into card readers is necessary to gain access or exit. A card reader in access mode is indicated by a green light. All other lights indicate a problem, contact Security.

2.2 Loggable Event -Failure, degradation, or discovered vulnerability in a Security system that could have allowed unauthorized or undetected access to a protected area or vital area if compensatory measures had NOT been established.

A threatened, attempted, or committed act with potential for reducing the effectiveness of the Security system committed to in the PBNP Security Plan is a loggable event. 2.3 Reportable event -Significant security events requiring notification of NRC within one hour of the occurrence followed by a 60-day written License Event Report. 2.4 Tailgating

-Entering a vital area improperly without realizing the card reader is processing a preceding persons badge, or entering behind another person without using a badge. The individual improperly entering the vital area may or may NOT have the authorized access level. 2.5 Authorized Non-Escort Vehicle -Vehicle permitted into a protected area after meeting search requirements and is under the control of an individual with unescorted access. 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 Security Manaeer The Security Manager is responsible to ensure personnel are informed of their expected performance to support the Security program.

3.2 Personnel Badeed For Unescorted Access It is incumbent on personnel badged for unescorted access to support the Security program. This support is demonstrated by complying with Security rules, approved practices and policies.

Immediately notify Security of detected acts, or omissions, contrary to established security practices.

Page 2 of 14 INFORMATION USE POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT NP 1.7.1 PROCEDURES MANUAL Revision 16 December 22, 2004 SECURITY EXPECTATIONS 4.0 PROCEDURE 4.1 Access Authorization 4.1.1 Vehicles Past Pop-Up Barriers a. The work supervisor shall submit an access requests to security via email address PB Security.

b. The work supervisor submitting the request shall be listed on Security Form SEC-0 Ia, Alphabetical Access Authorization Personnel Roster. c. Information to be included in the delivery access request: 0 Individual's name 0 Employer
  • Social security number
  • Arrival/departure dates
  • Supervisor point of contact 4.1.2 Protected Area (PA) a. The work supervisor or designee shall submit PA access requests to security by completing electronic security Form #163, Badging Information.
b. The work supervisor submitting the request shall be listed on the Security Form SEC-01 a, Alphabetical Access Authorization Personnel Roster. c. The work supervisor shall complete Security Form SEC-79, and submit the form to the following:
  • Security, email address PB Security. " Site Access Processing, email address *DL-PB-PBNP-SAP.
  • South Gatehouse, deliver signed copy.Page 3 of 14 INFORMATION USE POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT NP 1.7.1 PROCEDURES MANUAL Revision 16 December 22, 2004 SECURITY EXPECTATIONS 4.2 South Gatehouse Processine 4.2.1 Prior to entering the protected area, personnel shall successfully pass explosive and metal detectors.

Should either device alarm, follow the Security Force Member's (SFM) direction.

4.2.2 To facilitate smooth access through the South Gatehouse, enter: a. With as few metal, and battery operated, items as possible.

b. Without cups of coffee, open cans of soda, etc. 4.2.3 Personnel should wear street shoes and carry steel toe shoes to work or store steel toe shoes at work. Steel toe shoes shall be removed if the individual cannot pass the metal detector.

4.2.4 Place hand-carried items on the x-ray for examination.

Personnel should remove all metal objects from parcels before x-raying to ease examination.

These objects include, but are NOT limited to: a. Numerous keys or coins. b. Large belt buckles.

c. Jackets with heavy zippers/snaps.

4.2.5 Certain x-rayed objects need to be searched by security personnel because of the object's shape or density.

a. Security shall search incoming hand-carried items, as thorough as necessary.
b. At the SFM's discretion, personnel may be allowed to remove and hold certain items to assist the officer with further inspection.

Page 4 of 14 INFORMATION USE POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT NP 1.7.1 PROCEDURES MANUAL Revision 16 December 22, 2004 SECURITY EXPECTATIONS 4.2.6 Personnel shall appear fit for duty prior to protected area entry. Security shall prevent personnel from entering the protected area if they: a. Display unprofessional behavior.

b. Have an odor of alcohol.

4.2.7 Hand Geometry Unit (HGU) a. Processing into the protected area requires the use of a HGU. b. The individual will first insert their card into the card reader. The associated HGU will then prompt the individual to place their hand on the unit. c. The individual shall place their hand flat on the HGU surface as directed by the units instruction display. When the unit has recognized the individual's hand template, the display window will state ID VERIFIED.

The proceed light on the reader will illuminate and the locking mechanism on the turnstile will release.Page 5 of 14 INFORMATION USE POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT PROCEDURES MANUAL SECURITY EXPECTATIONS NP 1.7.1 Revision 16 December 22, 2004 4.3 Visitor Escorts CAUTION Escorting several visitors simultaneously, increases the risk of inadequate visitor control.

CAUTION Changing work conditions may require additional escort support.CAUTION Escorts with multiple responsibilities (escort and task oversight) significantly increase the risk of inadequate visitor control.CAUTION Visitors can only go in areas where the escort has access. If the escort gets a red light when inserting the card into the reader, both escort and visitor should wait at the reader for Security assistance to arrive.4.3.1 The Work Supervisor

a. Determines number of escorts needed. Normal escort/visitor ratio is 1/5 for vital areas and 1/10 for non-vital areas. Heightened levels of plant security could impact escort/visitor ratio. (B-4) b. Arranges for escort coverage.

Visitor escort can be provided by anyone with an unescorted access picture badge. (B.5) c. Security escort support is provided upon availability only. Security shall be notified 3 days in advance for work requiring security support. Use form CS-1 19 to request Security to provide escort support.Page 6 of 14 INFORMATION USE POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT NP 1.7.1 PROCEDURES MANUAL Revision 16 December 22, 2004 SECURITY EXPECTATIONS 4.3.2 The SFM shall: a. Review escort requirements with the visitor and escort. b. Assist Escort/Visitor processing through a turnstile:

  • SFM shall physically be positioned at turnstile.
  • Instntct escort to process through turnstile and await visitor.
  • After escort is on the protected area side of the turnstile, hand escort badge to visitor. " Assist visitor processing thorough HGU and turnstile " Confirm with escort that have control of the visitor.

4.3.3 The Escort Shall: a. Read and sign CS-502, Escort Requirements.

b. Review escort responsibilities prior to transferring escort duties to new escort. c. Maintain visual contact with visitors.
d. Special escort situations where visual observation is NOT practical and the area has a single entrance/exit, the escort may establish visitor control near the entrancelexit.

These areas include, but are NOT limited to, welding, diving, rest rooms, and confined spaces. e. Remain focused on escort duties. f. Obtain additional escort support if distraction can occur from other duties. NOTE: Processing visitors through a door can take no longer than 30 seconds. If 30 seconds is exceeded, the transaction will be terminated and must be started over. It is imperative that when processing through a door, personnel concentrate on this task. Get assistance if necessary.

g. When entering a vital area, the visitor shall use the reader first, followed by the escort. When the visitor inserts their card into the reader a flashing green proceed light indicates the visitor card has been read and is cleared to proceed through the door. The escort shall then insert their card to access the door. If the red error light is lit, stand by for Security assistance.

Page 7 of 14 INFORMATION USE POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT NP 1.7.1 PROCEDURES MANUAL Revision 16 December 22, 2004 SECURITY EXPECTATIONS NOTE: A visitor badgc will access a protected area turnstile door for exit. h. When exiting a vital area or the protected area, the visitor shall use the reader first followed by the escort. i. If performing escort duty during plant emergency event: " Escort visitor(s) to South Gatehouse. " Instruct visitor(s) to evacuate or proceed to an off-site assembly area, e.g., Training Building North Foyer or Warehouse four and await further instructions.

4.4 Visitor Found Without an Escort If a visitor is found without an escort, or visitor is in an unauthorized area: 4.4.1 Plant personnel:

a. Approach and question the visitor.
b. Notify CAS if the escort is not within eye contact of the visitor.
c. Assume escort responsibility for the visitor.
d. Attempt to locate the visitor's escort in the immediate area. e. Remain with the visitor until relieved of escort duties. 4.4.2 Security Management:
a. Obtains details of the incident through discussion with the visitor and escort. b. Coach the visitor and escort on proper escort procedures.
c. Notifies escort's NMC supervisor of the incident and required corrective action, if needed. (B.I) d. Initiates an action request. (B.i)Page 8 of 14 INFORMATION USE POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT NP 1.7.1 PROCEDURES MANUAL Revision 16 December 22, 2004 SECURITY EXPECTATIONS 4.5 Kevcard (Badge) Badge person: 4.5.1 Ensures the proper badge is used. (B-2) 4.5.2 Attaches badge to lanyard worn around the neck or secured to clothing.

4.5.3 Badge shall be visible at all times. Exemptions are during specific jobs where a high potential for loss or damage due to contamination, welding. grinding, or painting exist. Examples of this are: a. In contamination areas (i.e., containment), badges may be worn inside of PCs. (B-3) b. In Foreign Material Exclusion Areas, badges may be taped to the outer clothing.

c. In electrical areas where safety is a concern, badges may be secured in a way to reduce the risk of contact with electrical equipment, e.g., wearing badge inside Nomex clothing.

4.5.4 Badge wear should be monitored by badge holder to enable replacement prior to complete breakage.

4.5.5 Upon exit, have badge secured until within the immediate vicinity (i.e., 30') of South Gatehouse prior to exiting.

4.5.6 Two keys may be attached to the badge by the badge holder. 4.6 Badee Use 4.6.1 Badges shall be used when proceeding through card reader controlled security doors, except when a door is in the access mode. 4.6.2 All personnel shall log in and out of each area that is entered, unless the door is in the access mode. 4.6.3 Use card reader only when it is NOT lit from someone else's use of the reader. This confirms the individual has access to the area about to be entered, and reduces tailgate occurrences.

Paee 9 of 14 INFORMATION USE POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT NP 1.7.1 PROCEDURES MANUAL Revision 16 December 22, 2004 SECURITY EXPECTATIONS 4.7 Entry/Exit Throueh Card Reader Controlled Doors When processing through access control doors, personnel should stay focused on the task at hand, and follow these mfidelines in order to make this task successful.

4.7.1 If the badge is inserted but the door is not open within 3 seconds, the door will resecure.

Wait 30 seconds. Reinsert the badge and enter/exit through the door. 4.7.2 If a card is inserted when the door is open but the door closes and the person did not go through. the computer has logged the event as complete.

The person will get a red light (cause an alarm) if the card is reinserted in the reader. To avoid this situation, wait for the door to close completely before inserting the badge. 4.7.3 If the card reader displays a red error light from a previous user, do not use that reader. The computer will not allow any transactions until the problem can be resolved by Security.

Once the situation is corrected, the card reader can be used. NOTE: If it is an emergency situation, activate the emergency exit palm switch and leave the area. Security will respond to the emergency activation.

4.7.4 Insert badge into reader, unless door is in access. a. Insert badge slowly, with the picture side facing the reader lights. b. Push badge until it stops. c. Retract badge from reader. 4.7.5 Wait for light before turning knob or handle. a. If light fails to illuminate, re-insert badge. b. After second failure, contact CAS. 4.7.6 Proceed through door when reader proceed light illuminates.

4.7.7 Check door to ensure it is closed by turning the door handle. While the handle is turned, push and pull on door to ensure it is secure before leaving the door. Arrange for a security officer to be present if door will be held open longer than for personnel access.Paee 10 of 14 INFORMATION USE POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT NP 1.7.1 PROCEDURES MANUAL Revision 16 December 22, 2004 SECURITY EXPECTATIONS 4.8 Policy on Lost or Forgotten Badees at PBNP 4.8.1 Individuals with unescorted access to the plant are required to have their picture badge in their possession when reporting to work. Individuals are responsible for the badge however they decide where to store it when off-site.

4.8.2 The first time a badge is lost or forgotten outside the protected area in a calendar year: a. Badge will be replaced at the individual's request.

b. Badge may be retrieved on personal time. 4.8.3 Each subsequent time a person reports without their badge within that year: a. They will be required to retrieve it on personal time. b. Request from Plant Management that a replacement be made. 4.8.4 Excessive lost/forgotten badge events will be handled on a case by case basis with Plant Management, Security and the Work Group Leader. NOTE: ERO members and others who may be needed in an emergency should maintain constant control of their badge for identification when off site and for immediate response.

4.8.5 When a new badge is made, the previously issued badge will be electronically destroyed (terminated) and no longer available for use. a. If the previously issued badge is found or retrieved, it must be returned to Security.

b. Attempted use of a terminated badge will resul t in a security violation by the person using the badge and may result in denial of unescorted access. 4.8.6 Failure to return the picture badge upon completion of work at the plant (end of job, relocation, termination) may result in the Denial of Unescorted Access Authorization for three (3) years. a. This denial may also affect access at other nuclear facilities.
b. This would only occur if repeated reports were disregarded or a direct refusal was given.Paee 11 of 14 INFORMATION USE POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT NP 1.7.1 PROCEDURES MANUAL Revision 16 December 22, 2004 SECURITY EXPECTATIONS 4.8.7 Badges lost within the protected area must be reported to Security immediately.

4.8.8 Badges lost outside the protected area must be reported to Security at the earliest convenience.

4.9 Passback OK Status Passback OK status is assigned to personnel approved for unrestricted access to facilitate emereency situations that require a rapid entry to or exit from a vital area. Personnel assigned Passback OK status will not be denied entry to a vital area for failing to log out of a previously entered vital area. 4.9.1 During normal operation personnel shall log-in and log-out of each VA. 4.9.2 Random audits of the Passback OK status shall be performed by security to detect personnel who fail to log-out of a VA. 4.10 Work Involvina Security Barriers 4.10.1 Review work involving security barriers with Security Management prior to start of work. Barriers include: [ Protected Area Vehicle Barrier System (includes ISFSI)

  • Protected Area " Boundary Doors (doors with card readers in access) " Vital Area " OCA Vehicle Barrier System
  • Middle Vehicle Barrier System 4.10.2 Keep the 10' area clear of material on each side of the vehicle barrier system. 4.10.3 Notify Security if work will be done within 20' of protected area fence. Additional security measures shall be established.

4.10.4 Security coverage shall be necessary if the work creates an opening 96 square inches or more in or leading to the protected or a vital area barrier.

4.10.5 Notify Shift Manager prior to creating openings in VA Barrier B-6). 4.10.6 Security shall be notified 3 days in advance for work requiring security support. Use CS-1 19 to request security support.Paee 12 of 14 INFORMATION USE POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT NP 1.7.1 PROCEDURES MANUAL Revision 16 December 22, 2004 SECURITY EXPECTATIONS 4.11 Vehicle Control 4.11.1 Keys: Keys shall be removed from all vehicles when NOT attended in the protected area. Contact Security if vehicle is stationary but the engine must run to power crane, etc. 4.11.2 Authorized Non-Escort Vehicle a. Are authorized by: " Security Manager. " Personnel on SEC-01 AND authorized non-escort status by NMC Security Management or Security Contract Management.

b. Shall be searched on initial entry. c. Are driven by picture badged personnel.
d. Remain in the protected area except for operational need or repair maintenance.
e. Picture badged person shall be responsible for:
  • Vehicle while operating in PA " Removing and securing vehicle keys after turning ignition to a locked position.

4.11.3 Authorized Escort Vehicle: a. Require a Security escort when engine is running in the protected area. b. Vehicle Ignition keys are kept by Security when NOT in use. 4.12 Consequences 4.12.1 Failure to perform these functions properly can result in NRC loggable events. 4.12.2 Failure to report errors timely or failure to take timely corrective actions may result in NRC reportable events. 4.12.3 Failure of individuals to fulfill responsibilities as described above may result in discipline up to and including denial of unescorted access.Paize 13 of 14 INFORMATION USE POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT PROCEDURES MANUAL SECURITY EXPECTATIONS NP 1.7.1 Revision 16 December 22, 2004 4.13 Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) Prior to special projects or work in the ISFSI, meet with Security Management to determine any specific security requirements needed.


5.1 10 CFR 73.55(d), "Access Requirements" 5.2 NP 1.7.17, "Fitness For Duty -Continual Behavior Observation Program" 5.3 NP 1.7.5, "Fitness For Duty Policy and Procedure" 5.4 SEC-79, "Escort, Vehicle and Status Level Authorization and Control" 5.5 CS-1 19, "Security Support or Request" 5.6 SEC-0 Ia., "Alphabetical Access Authorization Personnel Roster" 5.7 CAP055133, Security Keycards 5.8 CS-502, "Escort Requirements" 6.0 BASES B-I IR 93 -017; Security will initiate condition reports for visitor control violations and notify the supervisor of the individual involved B-2 CR 98-1799, Action Number 2; Provide directions to verify issued keycards.

B-3 CR 99-0729, Action Number 1; Allow plant personnel to place security badges inside PCs for entry in contaminated areas B-4 CAPO135 12, Visitor Escorting Violation B-5 CAOO 1181, Escort Policy Change Not Communicated B-6 IR 88-12/19, "Degradation to Barrier Requests Shift Manager Notification" Paee 14 of 14 INFORMATION USE