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Supplement 58 - Response to Request for Additional Information for the Review of the License Renewal Application - Building Deformation Analyses Related to Concrete Alkali-Silica Reaction
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Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/03/2017
From: Mccartney E
NextEra Energy Seabrook
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML17277A814 List:
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Enclosure 1 to this Letter Contains Proprietary Information Withh o ld Encl o sure 1 from Public Discl o sure in Acc o rdance with 10 CFR 2.3 90 October 03, 2017 10 CFR 54 Docket No. 50-443 SBK-L-17155 U. S. Nuclear Regu l atory Comm i ss ion Attn: Document Contro l Desk W ash ington, DC 20555-0001 Seabrook Stat ion NFXT era SEABROOK Supplement 58 -Response to Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Seabrook Station License Renewal Application

-Building Deformation Analyses Related To Concrete Alkali-Silica Reaction


1. NextEra Energy Seabrook LLC, letter SBK-L-10077, "Seabrook Station Application for Renewed Operating License," May 25, 2010 (Accession Number ML101590099).
2. NRC, "Request for Additional Inform at ion for the Review of the Seabrook Stat ion License Renewal Application (CAC NO. ME4028)," March 29, 2017 (Accession Number ML17088A614).

In Reference 1, NextEra Energ y Seabrook , LLC (Next Era Energy Seabrook) subm itt ed an app lication for a renewed facility operating license for Seabrook Stat ion Unit 1 in accordance with the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Parts 50, 51, and 54. In Reference 2, the NRC requested addit ion a l inform at ion to complete the review of the appl ic at ion related to Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) and Building Deformation Monitoring Programs.

Enc lo sure 1 provides NextEra Energy Seabrook's response to the NRC's Request for Additional Information (RAI) concerning the Alkali-Silica Reaction and Bui lding Deformat ion Monitoring Programs (Reference 2). NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLC P.O. Box 300, Lafayette Road, Seabrook, NH 03874 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission SBK-L-171 55/ Page 2 Enc l osure 2 provides the revised L i cense Rene w a l Application, Sect i on 3.5 , as referenced in the response to RA I 3.5-A 1-1: A M R within Enc l osure 1. E n c lo s ur e 1 to this l etter contains inform at ion proprietary to NextEra E nergy Seabrook.

T hi s l etter i s s upport ed by an aff id a vit (E nclosure 4), sett ing forth t h e basis on which the inform at ion in E nclo sure 1 may be withh e ld from public disclosure by the Comm i ss ion and add r ess in g the cons id erat ion s li sted in 10 CFR 2.39 0(b)(4). Accordingly, it i s respectfully requested that t h e inform at ion which i s proprietary be withh e ld from public d i sc lo sure in accordance with 10 CFR 2.390. A non-proprietary v ers i on of this l etter and revised Alkali-S ilic a React ion Monitoring Prog r am Aging M a n agement P l an A.2.1.31.A will be subm itt ed under separate cover by November 3 , 20 1 7. T hi s l etter co nt a ins t wo re vi sed Comm itm ents (45 a nd 66). E nclo sure 3 provides the revised LRA Appendix A -Updated Fina l Safet y Analysis Report Supp l ement Tab l e A.3, License Rene w a l Comm itm ent L i st. If there are a ny questions or add ition a l inform at ion i s n eeded , please co nt act Mr. Ed w a rd J. Car l e y, Eng in eer in g Supe rvi sor -License Renewal, at (603) 773-7957. If you h a ve any questions reg a rding this correspondence, please contact Mr. Kenneth Browne, Licensing Manag e r, at (603) 773-7932.

I declare under p e nalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. E xecuted on October 3 yi-t , 2 01 7. S incerely, NextEra E n erg y Seabroo k, LLC h e m Region U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission SBK-L-17155/ Page 3 Enc lo sures: Enc lo sure 1 -Supp lement 58 -Response to Request for Additional Inform at ion for the Review of the Seabrook Stat ion License Renewal Application

-Bu ildin g Deformation Analyses Re l ated To Concrete Alkali-Silica Reaction (Propriet ary) Enc lo s ur e 2 -Seabrook Stat ion License Rene w a l Application, Sect ion 3.5 Enc lo sure 3 -LRA Appendix A -F in a l Safety Report Supp lement Tab l e A.3, License Renewal Commitment List Updated to Ref l ect Changes to Date Enc lo sure 4 -NextEra Energy Seabroo k, Application for Withholding Propr i etary Inform at ion from Pub lic Disclosure and Affidavit cc: D. H. Dorman J.C. Poole P. C. Cataldo L. M. James Mr. Perry Plummer NRC Region I Administrator NRC Project Manager NRC Senior Resident Inspector NRC Project Manager, License Renewal Director Homeland Security and Emergency Management New Hampshire Department of Safety Division of Homeland Security and E mergency Management Bureau of Emergency Management 33 Hazen Drive Concord, NH 03305 Mr. John Giarrusso, Jr., Nuclear Preparedness Manager The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency 400 Worcester Road Framingham, MA 01702-5399 John.Giarrusso@massmail.stat e.m Enclosure 2 to SBK-L-17155 Sea brook S tation License Renewa l Application, Se ction 3.5 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com m i ss io n S BK-L-171 55 I En closu re 2/ P age 2 Tab l e 3.5.1 Summary Of Ag i ng M anagement Evaluations for Structures and St r uct u ra l Compo n e nt s I tem Component Aging Management N umber Aging Effec t I Mechan i sm Fu rth e r E v a l ua ti o n Program Recommended P W R Concrete (Rein f orced and Prestressed) and Stee l Con t a i nments 3.5.1-1 Concrete e l ements: Aging of accessible and I S i (IWL) and for inaccessible concrete , an Yes. plan t-spec i fic, i f w al l s , dome , basemat , inaccessible concrete areas e x am i nation of representative samples of environmen t is aggressive ring g i rder , buttresses.

due to aggressive chemical below-grade concrete and periodic monitor i ng containment (as attack , and corrosion of of groundwater i f environment i s non-app l icable) embedded steel aggressive. A plant-specific program is to be evaluated if environment is aggressive. D i sc u ssio n :* Seabrook manages access i b l e and i naccess i ble conc r ete componen t s due t o corros i on of embedded s t eel w i t h the AS M E Sect i o n XI , Subsec t ion I W L Program , and B.2.1.28. Aggress ive c h emica l a tt ac k is an ap pli cab l e ag i ng e ff ec t requ i ring managemen t fo r Seabroo k. Further e v a l ua ti on i s prov i ded in LRA Subsec ti o n The S t r u c t u r es M on it o ri ng Program. B.2.1.3 1 , will perform concrete tes ti n g an d rebar i nspec ti on t o deter m i ne t he effec ts o f th e ag.g r essi ve gro u nd w a t e r o n the conc r ete. The co n c r e t e tes t ing a n d th e rebar inspect i on w ill represent a ll concre t e b elo w grade.

SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 3 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Table 3.5.1 Summary Of Aging Management Evaluations for Structures and S tru ctura l Components . IFi!I ' ,,:11 :1:111: I' ' Item ,, , Agipg Managerre!lt Further Evaluation Component Aging Effect I Mechanism

!: Number

  • Program "* t1*1. Recommended 3.5.1-2 Concrete elements: all Cracks and distortion due to Structures Monitoring Program. If a de-Yes, if not within the increased stress l evels from watering system is relied upon for control of scope of the applicant's settlement settlement, then the licensee is to ensure structures monitoring proper functioning of the de-watering system program or a de-watering through the period of extended operation. system is relied upon 3.5.1-3 Concrete elements:

Reduction in foundation Structures Monitoring Program. If a de-Yes, if not within the foundation , strength , cracking , differential watering system is relied upon to control scope of the appl i cant's subfoundation settlement due to erosion of erosion of cement from porous concrete struc tur es monitoring porous concrete subfoundations, then the licensee is to ensure program or a de-watering subfoundation proper functioning of the de-watering system system is relied upon through the period of extended operation Discussion Seabrook does not rely on a dewatering system for control of settlement.

Cracking and distortion due to increased stress level s fr om settlemen t i s not an aging effec t requ i ring management.

However, Seabrook structures are monitored for sett l emen t as a part of the Structures Monitoring Program, B.2.1.31. Further e v aluation is provided in LRA Subsection 1.2. Reduction in foundation strength, cracking, and differential sett l emen t due to erosion of porous concrete subfoundations is not an aging effect requiring manage ment for the Seabrook Con tainment Structure. Further evaluation is provided in LRA Subsection

SBK-L-171 55 I Enclosure 2/ Page 4 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission T a bl e 3.5.1 S umm a ry Of Aging Manag e ment Evaluati o ns f o r Structur e s and Structura l Components t*; ,.f,1, :1: 'I' :I!* 1* "' It e m Component Aging Effect I Mechanism Aging '!!I' Further Evaluation Number Program ,ii* *i'l 1+ . ' , 3.5. 1-4 Concrete elements:

Reduction of strength and Plant-specific Yes , plant-specific if dome, wall, basemat , modulus due to elevated temperature limits are ring girder , buttresses, temperature exceeded containment , concrete fill-in annulus (as applicable) 3.5.1-5 BWR only. 3.5.1-6 Steel elements: steel Loss of material due to ISi (IW E) and 10 CFR Part 5 0 , Appendix J Yes, if corrosion is liner, liner anchors , general , pitting , and crevice significant for inaccessible integral attachments corrosion areas 3.5.1-7 Prestressed Lo s s of prestress due to TLAA evaluated in a c cordance with 10 CFR Yes, TLAA containment tendons relaxation , shrinkage , creep , 54.21 (c) and elevated temperature l*l'.1*1 !Ii Discussion

' This item is not appl i cable to Seabroo k. No containmen t components exceed the specified temperature thresholds.

Further evaluation is provided in LRA Subsection

Consisten t with NUREG-1801. Seabrook manages l oss of material with the A S ME Section X I , Subsection IW E Program , B.2.1.27. Loss of material due to corrosion i s not expected to be significant for inaccessible areas. Further e v aluation is provided in LRA S ubsection

This item i s not applicable to Seabrook. The Seab r ook Containment Building is not a pre-stressed concrete containment.

Further e v aluation is provided in LRA Subsection

SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 5 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Table 3.5.1 Summary Of Aging Management Evaluations for S tru c ture s and Structura l Components

" 1:1 ,, .,, I ' t It em l*I ,,, Aging Management Further Evaluation Numb er '*1 Component Aging Effect I Mechanism Program Recommended 1;1 I '*I' I.I Iii 3.5.1-8 BWRonly. 3.5.1-9 Steel , stainless steel Cumulative fatigue damage TLAA evaluated in accordance with 1 O CFR Yes , TLAA elements , dissimilar (CLB fatigue analysis exists) 54.21 (c) metal welds: penetration sleeves, penetration bellow s; suppression pool shell , unbraced down comers 3.5.1-10 Stainless steel Cracking due to stress I S i (IWE) and 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix J and Yes , detection of aging i s penetration sleeves , corrosion cracking additional appropriate examinations I to be evaluated penetration bellows , evaluations for bellows assemblies and dissimilar metal welds dissimilar metal welds 3.5.1-11 BWR only. 3.5.1-12 Steel , stainless steel Cracking due to cyclic ISi (IW E) and 10 C FR Part 50, Appendix J Yes, detection of aging is elements, diss imi lar loading supplemen ted to detect fine cracks to be evaluated metal welds: penetration s l eeves , penetration bellows; suppression pool shell , unbraced downc ome rs 3.5.1-13 BWRonly. , H . ,,, ,+,:i:ii'JI; Discussion .l*I Consistent with NUREG-1801 for Seabrook containment penetrations that e xp er i ence significant cyclic loading. Further evaluation is provided in LRA Subsection

Cracking due to stress corrosion cracking is not an aging effect requiring management for these stainless steel components. Further evaluation is provided in LRA Subsec tion This item i s no t applicable to Seabrook.

C racking due to cyc l ic lo ad ing is not an aging effect requiring management for the Seabrook penetration elements.

Further e valuation i s provided in LRA S ubsection

SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 6 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Table 3.5.1 Summary Of Aging Management Evaluations for Structures and Structural Components

., f. I '1 .,. Item *I Aging Management Further Evaluation Number Component Aging Effect I P.rogram Recommended

' 3.5.1-14 Concrete elements: Loss of material (scaling, ISi (IWL) Evaluation is needed for plants that Yes, for inaccessible dome , wall, basemat, cracking, and spalling) due to are located in moderate to severe weathering areas of plants located in ring girder , buttresses, freeze -thaw conditions (weathering inde x >100 day -moderate to severe containment (as inch/yr) (NUREG-1557) weathering conditions applicable)

'I Discussion I , 1J1;11!i1'1ili Loss of material due to freeze-thaw effects is not an aging effect requiring management for Se abrook. Seabrook concrete containment is enclosed by a containment enclosure building and therefore not exposed to severe weathering conditions. Further evaluation is provided in LRA Subsection 1.9.

SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 7 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Table 3.5.1 Summary Of Aging Management Evaluations for Structures and Structural Components

1; i i" ' I '1 111 ,., :i ' '"!"'"'II II , ,, Item Component Aging Effect I Mechani s m Aging Management Further Evaluation Number Program Recommended 3.5.1-15 Concrete elements:

Increase in porosity ISi (IWL) for accessible areas. None for Yes, if concrete was not walls, dome, basemat, permeability due to leaching inaccessible areas if concrete was constructed constructed as stated for ring girder, buttresses , of calcium hydroxide; in accordance with the recommendations of inaccessible areas. containment, concrete cracking due to expansion ACI 201.2R fill-in annulus (as and reacti on with aggregate applicable)

,,,,., .,,., . 'i! ,:1:111111*1:1 Discussion

+tie AMR Fes<ilts eeAel<iele ttiat eltie le eiq:iaAsieA aAel FeaetieA wi!R a§§Fe§ale is Rel aA a§iA§ Ffl66RaAiSFfl F6f:1tliFiA§ FAaAa§eFAeAI feF !Re eeA!aiAFA6AI S!Ftie!tire a t Seal:JFeelc Concrete was constructed equivalent to recommendations in AC I 201.2R. Seabrook Station Operating Experience indicated that Alkali-S i l ica Reaction (ASR) is present in the site monitoring through the Period of Extended Operation (PEO). Seabrook manages loss o f material due to leaching of calcium h y droxide with the ASME Section XI, Subsection IWL Program , B.2.1.28. Cracking due to expansion and reaction with aggregates is managed through the ASME Sect i on XI , Subsection IWL SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 8 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Table 3.5.1 Summary Of Aging M anagement Eva l uations for Structures and S tru c tur a l Compo n e nt s 1: 1'1111 11'11:111', 11111:1! ll'll 11 11 1 llt11:1il:i!l'lilil:I

!li:I , JI :1:1,11,:j::

Fl Fl ,,.,,. 1:1 *' ii! il'J.111 It em Component Aging Effect I Mechanism Aging Management , ,

  • Further Eva lu at i on ",. Numb er Program Recommended 3.5.1-16 Seals , gas k ets , and Loss of sea l ing and leakage ISi (I WE) and 10 CFR Part 50 , Append ix J N o moisture barriers through containmen t due to deter i orat i on o f joint sea l s , gaskets , and mo i sture barriers (caulking, flashing , and other sealan t s) :11*::11111:1


i'il:1:r 1 , 1 1 1 r 1 11, 1 , .1: y 1.11 1 , Discussion 1*; Prog r am , B.2. 1.2 8, aoo Alkali-Silica Reaction (A SR) M onitoring Program, B.2. 1.31A , a nd Build ing Deformation M o nit o ring Program, B.2.1.3 1B. Further e valu at i on is provided in LRA Subsection 1. 10. Consis t en t with N UREG-1801. Seabrook man ages l oss of sea l ing w i th the ASME Sec tion XI, Subsection IW E Program , B.2. 1.27 , and the 10 CFR 5 0 Appendix J P ro g ram, B.2.1.30. Seabroo k S tati o n Operating Experie nc e indi ca t ed th a t building deformation can occ ur due t o al k ali-silica reaction and th erefore Seabroo k manages lo ss of sea ling due t o ASR with th e B uilding Deformation M on it or ing Program, B.2.1.31B.

SBK-L-17 1 55 I Enclosure 2/ Page 9 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Table 3.5.1 Summary Of Aging Management Evaluation s for S tructures and Structu r al Components

" !;, I :j:i:JJ '.!: :1:1 :i: I tem Component Aging Effect I Mechanism Management Further Eva l uation Number Program Recommended 3.5.1-17 Personnel a i rlock, Loss of leak tightne s s in 1 O CFR Part 50 , Appendix J and plant No equipment hatch and closed position due to Technical S p ec ifications CRD hatch locks, mechanical wear of locks, hinges , and closure hinges , and closure mechanism s mechanisms 3.5.1-18 Steel penetration Lo s s of material due to I S i (JW E) and 10 C FR P a rt 5 0 Ap p endix J No sleeves and dissimilar general , pitting , and crevice metal welds; per s onnel corrosion airlock , equipment hatch , and CRD hatch 3.5.1-19 BWRonly. 3.5.1-20 BWR only. 3.5.1-21 BWR only. 3.5.1-22 Prestressed Loss of material due to I S i (JWL) No containment:

tendons corrosion and anchorage components Safety Related and Other S tru c tures; and Compon e nt Supports I *1;1 :Li. I 1:1 1'.l:.l.11:1; Discussion Consistent with NUREG-1801. The 10 CFR 50 Append ix J Program , B.2.1.30, is used to manage lo s s of leak tightness.

Consisten t with NUREG-1801. The ASME Section XI, Subsection IW E, B.2.1.27 manages l oss of material due to corrosion, 1 O CFR 50 Appendix J Program , B.2.1.30, manages loss of leak tightness.

Not Applicable.

Seabrook Station does not have prestressed tendons.

SBK-L-1 7155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 10 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Table 3.5.1 Summary Of Aging Management Evaluations for Structures and Structura l Components

,,,,, .. II ..* ,,:, !! w11 1 1,n!' 11: , 'il'i m111w111:11:1:111:1i1 i'1 111i:111'11 n 1 1111w11w 1 I tem 1;, Component Aging Effect I Mechanism Aging Management Further Evaluation

  • ,, Number Program Recommended 3.5.1-23 All Groups except Crac king, loss of bond, and Structures Monitoring Program Yes , if not within the Group 6: interior and loss of material (spalling, scope of the applicant's above grade exterior scaling) due to corrosion of Structures Monitoring concrete embedded steel Program 3.5.1-24 All Groups except Increase in porosity and Structures Monitoring Program Yes , if not within the Group 6: interior and permeability , cracking , loss of scope of the applicant's above grade exterior material (spalling , scaling) Structures Monitoring concrete due to aggressive chemical Program attack 3.5.1-25 All Groups except Loss of material due to Structures Monitoring Program If protective Yes , if not within the Group 6: steel corrosion coatings are relied upon to manage the effects scope of the applicant's components:

all of aging , the structures monitoring program is Structures Monitoring structural steel to include provisions to address protective Program coating monitoring and maintenance i:!!l:i;1:l'!*1,i1:J11:,11

, , '11' .11111: 'IJ' ii'iii!

11 Discuss i on , Consistent with NUREG-1801. Seabrook manages the aging effects wi th the Struc tures Monitoring Program , B.2.1.31. Further evaluation i s provided in LRA Subsect i on, Item 1. The Seabrook AMR results conclude that the groundwater is aggress iv e and chem i cal attack is applicable to Seabrook.

Therefore , all Seabrook structura l components will be monito r ed b y the Structures Monitoring Program, B.2.1.31. Further evaluation is provided in LRA Subsection, Item 2. Consisten t with NUREG-1 801. Seabrook manages corrosion of steel components with the Structures Monitoring Program , B.2.1.31.

Further evaluation is provided in LRA Subsec tion, Item 3. I SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 11 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Table 3.5.1 Summary Of Aging Management Evaluations for Structures and Structura l Components ti 1-1:1n 1*1.,.111' 11:1 1 1 l'I li:h i!iii*I* 1'1.l: 11 1 1 j:I :f'I "", lil'.lh 1 j:I I tem Component Aging Effect I Mechanism Aging Management Further Evaluation Number Program Recommended 3.5.1-26 All Groups except Loss of material (spalling, Structures Monitoring Program Evaluation is Yes, if not within the Group 6: accessible and scaling) and cracking due to needed for plants that are located in moderate scope of the applicant's inaccessible concrete:

freeze-thaw to severe weathering conditions (weathering Structures Monitoring foundation index >100 day-inch/yr) (NUREG-1557) Program or for inaccessible areas of plants located in moderate to severe weathering conditions

  • ijlj 1;1!1111111:
1.11 1;
1 *M1,: Discussion Consistent with NUREG-1801. Seabroo k manages Loss of material (spalling, sca li ng) and cracking due to freeze-thaw with the Structures Monitoring Program , B.2.1.3 1. Further evaluation is provided in LRA Subsec ti on , Item 4.

S BK-L-171 55 I En clos ure 2/ Page 1 2 U.S. N uc l e a r Re gula to ry Comm i ssion Table 3.5.1 Summary O f Aging M anagement Eva l uations for Structures and S t ruc tur a l Co mp o n e nt s " I 1,, ,1:1 I tem ' 'A ging Management Furt h er Eva l ua ti on N umber Component Aging Effect I Mechanism

' 1 , 1*1 Recomme n de d ' 3.5.1-27 All Groups e x cept Crac k ing due to e x pansion Structures Monitoring Program. None for Y es, i f not w i thin t he Group 6: accessible and due to reaction w i th inaccessible areas i f concrete was constructed scope of t he appl i can t's inaccessible interior I aggregates in accordance with the recommendations in St r uc t ures M onitoring e xt e ri or concrete AC! 201.2R-77 Program or concrete w as not cons t ructe d as stated for i naccess i ble areas ,, Discuss i o p +Ris it eFA is Ae t a1313 li eas l e t e Sea s reelc +Re Seasreel' .O.M R Fes\ollts ee A el\o!Ele !R a t Feaeti e A w i!R a§§Fe§a t es i s Ae! si§A ifi eaA! aA El !R e ee A oFe!e w as oeAs t rnete El oeAsis!eA! w i!R I The r eco mm endations o f AC! 20 1.2 R. Seabroo k S t at i on Operat i ng E x pe ri ence indicated th at A lk a li-S i lica Reaction (ASR)i s presen t in the s i t e moni t oring t h r ough the Pe ri od o f E xt ended Operation (PEO). N eAe!Reless , a ll Seas reel' Stf1:16l1:1Fa l 69FAJ39AeA

!S a1313 l ioas l e t e !R i s i t e FA will se FAeA i teFe El sy !Re S!F 1:1 0!1:1Fes M eAiteFiA§ Pre§FaFA, Crac ki ng due to expa n s i on and reacti o n with aggregates is mon i tore d b y t he S t ructures M onitor i ng Program , B.2.1.3 1, t he Al k ali-Si li ca Reac ti on (A SR) M on it oring Program , B.2.1.3 1 A , a ndth e B uil d in g D efo r ma ti o n F urth e r e v a l ua ti on i s provided i n LRA Subsect i on , I tem 5.

SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 13 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Table 3.5.1 Summary Of Aging Management Evaluations for Structures and Structura l Components 1.1.: ,, !1 1 11 1 1-i'l Iii' '*'"* .,,.1H. ,/11*' It em Component

., Aging Effect I Mechanism Aging Management I*'* Further Evaluation l'I 11'1 Number Program Recommended 3.5.1-28 Groups 1-3 , 5-9: All Cracks and distortion due to Structures Monitoring Program If a de-Yes , if not within the increased stress levels from watering system is relied upon for contro l of scope of the applicant's settlement settlement , then the licensee is to ensure Structures Monitoring proper functioning of the de-watering system Program or a de-watering through the period of extended operation system is relied upon 3.5.1-29 Groups 1-3 , 5-9: Reduction in foundation Structures Monitoring Program If a de-Yes , if not within the foundation strength , cracking , differential watering system is relied upon for control of scope of the applicant's sett l ement due to erosion of settlement , then the licensee is to ensure Structures M on it oring porous concrete proper functioning of the de-watering system Program or a de-watering subfoundation through the period of extended operation system i s relied upon Discussion M on it oring Program, B.2.1.318.

Further evaluation is provided in LRA Subsec t ion , Item 5. This item is not applicab l e to Seabrook.

The Seabrook AMR results conclude that settlemen t i s not significant.

Further, a dewatering system i s n ot relied upon for con tr o l of settlement at Seabrook.

Further evaluation is provided in LRA Subsec ti on , It em 6. This item is not applicable to Seabroo k. The Seabrook AMR results conclude that settlemen t is not significant.

Further, a dewatering system is not relied upon f or control of sett l ement at Seabroo k. Further evaluat io n is provided in LRA Subsection, Item 7.

SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 14 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Table 3.5.1 Summary Of Aging Management Evaluations for Structures and Structura l Componen t s 1: ,, i'I Item Component Aging Effect I Mechanism Aging Management Further Evaluation Number Recommended 1:1 Iii 1 1 1 1 1:1 1'1 ii, l'I ,, 3.5.1-30 Group 4: Radial beam Lock-up due to wear ISi (IWF) or Structures Monitoring Program Yes , if not within the seats in BWR drywell; scope of I Si of Structures RPV support shoes for Monitoring Program PWR with nozzle support; Steam generator supports 3.5.1-31 Groups 1-3 , 5 , 7-9: Increase i n porosity and Structures Monitoring Program Examination of Yes , plant-specific if below grade concrete permeability, cracking, loss of representative samples of below grade environment is aggressive components , such as material (sp alling , scaling) I concrete , and periodic monitoring of exterior wall s below aggressive chemical attack; groundwater, if the environment is non-grade and foundation cracking , loss of bond , and aggressive.

A plant-specific program is to be loss of material (spalling, evaluated if the environment is aggressive scaling)/ corrosion of embedded steel Discussion

' 11*1 Lubrite materia l s for nuclear applications are designed to resist deformation , have a low coefficient of friction , resist softening at elevated temperatures, resist corrosion , withstand high intensities of radiation , and will not score or mar. Further evaluation is provided in LRA Subsec ti on , Item 8. The Seabrook AMR results conclude that the groundwater is aggressive.

The Structures Monitoring Program , B.2.1.31, will manage degradation of accessible and inaccessible concrete components due to corrosion of embedded steel. Further evaluation is provided in LRA Subsection

The Struc t ures Monitoring Program , B.2.1.31 , will perform concrete testing and rebar inspection to determine the effects o f the aggressive ground w ater on the concrete. The concrete testing and the rebar inspection will represent all concrete below grade.

SBK-L-171 55/Enclosure2/Page15 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Table 3.5.1 Summary Of Aging M anagement Evaluations for Struc tures and S tru ctura l Compone nt s 1; It em Component Aging Effect I Me cha nism Aging Management Further Eva lu a ti on Numb er ' Program Recommended 1 1 1 111. :I I !I!!' :1: :Ii I :1:* :1: 3.5.1-32 Groups 1-3 , 5 , 7-9: Increase in porosity and Structures Monitoring Program for accessible Yes, if concrete w as not exterior above and permeability , loss of strength areas. None for inaccessible areas if concrete constructed as stated for below grade reinforced due to leaching of calcium w as constructed in accordance with the i naccess ibl e areas concrete foundations hydroxide recommendations in ACI 201.2R-77 3.5.1-33 Group 1-5: concrete Reduction i n strength and Plant-specific Y es, plan t spec ifi c if modulus due to e l evated temperature limit s are temperature e x ceeded ' Discuss i on :111:1 Loss of ma t er i a l due to leaching of calcium hydroxide is cons i dered t o be an aging effect requir i ng management for Seabroo k. There have been in dica tion s of l eaching in below grade concrete in Seabroo k s t ructures.

Further evaluation is provided in LRA Subsec ti on , It em 5. This item is not applicable t o Seabrook concrete componen t s do not e x ceed th e temperature limits specified in NUR EG-1 800. Furthe r eva l uat ion is provided in LRA Subsec ti on

SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 16 U.S. Nuclear Regu la tory Commission Table 3.5.1 Summary Of Aging Management Evaluations for Structures and Structura l Components

,,, *I Item Component Aging Effect I Mechanism Aging Management Further Eva l uat i on Number Program Recommended 3.5.1-34 Group 6: concrete; all Cracking, loss of bond, loss Inspection of Water Control Structures Yes, plant-specific if of material due to corrosion Associated with Nuclear Power Plants and for environment is aggressive of embedded steel , increase inaccessible concrete, examination of in porosity and permeability , representative samples of below grade cracking, loss of material due concrete , and periodic monitoring of to aggressive chemical attack groundwater , if environment is non-aggressive.

Plant-specific if environment is aggressive 3.5.1-35 Group 6: exterior above Loss of material (spalling , Inspection of Water Control Structures Yes, for inaccessible and below grade scaling) and cracking due to Associated with Nuclear Power Plants is areas of plants located in concrete foundation freeze-thaw needed for plants that are located in moderate moderate to severe to severe weathering conditions (weathering weathering conditions index >100 day-inch/yr) (NUEG 1557) 'l'l.11ll1:Ej:

Discussion Concrete in inaccessible areas is evaluated for increase in Porosity and Permeability , and Loss o f Material (Spalling, Sca lin g), Chemical Attack; Crac kin g, Loss of Bond , and Loss of Material (Spalling , Scal ing}, Corrosion of Embedded Steel is applicable to Seabrook.

Further evaluation is provided in LRA Subsec t ion , Item 1. The Structures Monitoring Program, B.2.1.31, will perform concrete testing and rebar inspection t o determine t he effects of t he aggressive groundwater on the concre t e. The concrete testing and the rebar inspection will represen t all concrete below grade. Consistent w ith NUREG-1801. Seabrook manages Loss of material (spalling , scaling) and cracking due to freeze-thaw w ith the S tr uctures Monitoring Program, B.2.1.31. Further evaluation is provided in LRA Subsection , Item 2.

SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 1 7 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Table 3.5.1 Summary Of Aging Management Evaluations for Structures and Structura l Components 1:1 ,,, ' I: It em Aging Management , Further Evaluation Number Component Aging Effect I Mechani sm Program Recommended 3.5. 1-36 Group 6: all accessible I Cracking due to expansion I Accessible areas: Inspection of Water Control Y es , if concrete was not inaccess ible reinforced reaction with aggregates Structures Associated with Nuclear Power constructed as stated for concrete Plants. None for inaccessible areas if concrete inaccessible areas was constructed in accordance with the recommendation s in ACI 201.2R77 :1; Discussion GeAsisleAI w i!R The concre t e w as constructed consistent w i th the recommendations of AC I 201.2R. Seabrook S t a t ion Operating E xp erience has indicated that Al k ali-Si li ca Reaction (A SR) i s present in site structures and will require monitoring through the Period of E xt ended Operation (PEO). The Structures M onito ring Program, B.2. 1.31 and Alkali-Si lica Reaction (A SR) M onitoring Program , B.2. 1.31A , and Buildi ng Deformation M onito ring Program, B.2.1.318 , will manage degradation of accessible and i naccess i ble concrete components fo r cracking due t o expansion I reaction with aggregates. Further evaluation is provided in LRA Su bsection, It em 3.

SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 18 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Table 3.5.1 Summary Of Aging Management Evaluations for Structures and Structural Components

' I ' *I*!. l'1 f'l1f,' ,,,,,,,,,:

Item Component Aging Effect I Mechanism Aging Management Further Eva l uation Number Program , Recommended 3.5.1-37 Group 6: exterior above Increase i'n porosity and For accessible areas , Inspection of Water Yes , if concrete was not and below grade permeability, Joss of strength Control Structures Associated with Nuclear constructed as stated for reinforced concrete due to leaching of calcium Power Plants. None for in access ible areas if inaccessible areas foundation interior slab hydroxide concrete was constructed in accordance with the recommendations in ACI 201.2R77 3.5.1-38 Group 7, 8: Tank liners Cracking due to stress Plant-specific Yes, p l ant-specific corrosion cracking; Joss of material due to pitting and crevice corrosion 3.5.1-39 Support members; Loss of material due to Structures Monit oring Program Yes, if not within the welds; bolted general and pitting corrosion scope of the applicant's connections; sup port Structures Monitoring anchorage to building Program s tructure ' 'l",;I Discussion

,"' Consistent with NUREG-1801. The Structures Monitor i ng Program, B.2.1.31 , will manage degradation o f accessible and inaccessible concrete components due to I ncrease in porosity and permeability, loss of strength due to leaching of calcium hydroxide Further evaluation is provided in LRA Subsection , Item 3. There are no componen t s at Seabrook that are subject to this aging effect. Further evaluation is provided in LRA S ubsec t ion Co nsistent w i th NUREG-1801. The Structures Monitoring Program, B.2.1.31 , wi ll manage degradation for components for loss of material due to general and pitting corrosion Further evaluation is provided i n LRA S ubsection , ltem1.

SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 19 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Table 3.5.1 Summary Of Aging Management Evaluation s for Structures and Structura l Componen t s '1'11*, !:I ,, ,, !'i ,., 1:1'1 Item Component

,, Aging Effect I Aging Management Further Evaluat i on Number

  • Prog'ram' i ,, Recommended

"' 3.5. 1-40 Building concrete at Reduction in concrete anchor S tructures Monitoring P r ogram Yes , if not within the l ocations of expansion capacity due to local scope of t he applicant's and grouted anchors; concrete degradation I Structures Monitoring grout pads for support service-induced cracking or Program base plates other concrete aging mechanisms 3.5.1-41 Vibration isolation Reduction or loss of isolation Structure s Monitoring Program Yes , if not within the elements function I radiation scope of the applicant's hardening , temperature, S tructures Monitoring humidity , sustained vibratory Program loading 3.5. 1-42 Groups 81. 1 , 81 .2 , and Cumulative fatigue damage TLAA evaluated in accordance with 10 CFR Yes , TLAA 81 .3: supp o rt members: (C LB fatigue analysis exists) 54.21(c) anchor bolts , welds '" ,,,,, ,,.,, '!'Discussion l'I 1*1' *" Consistent with N U REG-1 801. The Structures Monitoring Program , B.2.1.31, and Alkali-Silica Reactio n (ASR) Monitoring Program, B.2.1.31A will manage degradation for t he aging effects. Further evaluation is provided in LRA Subsec ti on , Item 2. This item is not applicab l e to S eabrook. S eabrook does not have any supports with v i brat i on i s olation elements which require AMR Further evaluation is provided in LRA Subsection , Item 3. This item is not applicable to Seabrook.

Seabrook does not have any CLB fatigue analy s es for support members, anchor bo l ts , or welds. Further evaluation is provided in LRA Subsection

SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 20 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Table 3.5.1 Summary Of Ag i ng Management Evaluations for Structures and Structura l Componen t s I 11:+1. I] IJ Item Component Aging Effeet I Mechanism Aging Management Further Eva l uation Number Program Recommended 3.5.1-43 Group 1-3 , 5 , 6: all Cracking due to restraint Masonry Wall Program N o masonry block walls shrinkage , creep , and aggressive environment 3.5.1-44 Group 6 ela s tomer Loss of s ealing due to Structures Monitoring Program No seals, ga s kets , and deterioration of seals , moisture barriers gaskets , and moisture barriers (caulking, flashing , and other sealants) 3.5.1-45 Group 6: exterior above Loss of material due to Inspect i on of Wat e r Contr o l S t r uctures No and below gr o und abrasion , cavitation Associated with Nuclear P ower Plants concrete foundation; interior slab 3.5.1-46 Group 5: fuel pool liners Cracking due to stress Water Chemistry and Monitoring of spent fuel No corrosion cracking; loss of pool water level and level of fluid in the leak material due to pitting and chase channel crevice corrosion Discussion Seabrook manages crac k ing of masonry block walls and masonry units w ith the Structures Monitoring Program , B.2.1.31. In addition , masonry wall F i re Barriers , are managed wi th the Fire Protect i on Program , B.2.1.15. Consisten t with NUREG-1801. The Structures Monitoring Program , B.2.1.31., a nd Building Deformatio n M onitoring Program, B.2.1.318.

Consistent with N U REG-1801. The Structures Monitoring Program , B.2.1.31 , will confirm the absence of aging effects requiring management.

The spent fuel pool is normally maintained less than 140°F , therefore S t ress Corrosion Cracking is not an aging effect that requ ir es management.

Crevice and pitting cor r osion are managed by the Water Chemistry Program , B.2.1.2.

SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 21 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Table 3.5.1 Summa ry Of Aging Management Evaluations for S tructure s and Structural Components 1*1::1:*.1:1:1'1:**, I'll! l*l ll1 :'i: 11!: 11' l:l'ili! "It* ' 1*:: 1*1:ll*l']::*!'I Item Component Aging Effect I Mechani sm Aging* Management Further Evaluation Number Program Recommended 3.5.1-47 Group 6: all metal Loss of material due to In spection of Water Control Structures No structural members general (steel only), pitting , Associated with Nuclear Power Plants. If and crevice corrosion protective coatings are relied upon to manage aging , protective coating monitoring and maintenance provisions should be included 3.5. 1-48 Group 6: earthen water Loss of material, loss of form Inspection of Water Control Structures No control s tructure s -due to erosion, settlement, Associated with Nuclear Power Plan ts dams , embankments, sedimentation , frost action, reservoirs , channels , waves , currents , surface canals, and ponds runoff, seepage 3.5.1-49 BWRonly. 3.5.1-5 0 Groups B2 and 84: Loss of material due to pitting Structures Monitoring Program No galvanized steel, and crevice corrosion aluminum , stainless steel support members; welds; bolted connections; support anchorage to building structure 3.5.1-51 Group B1.1: high Cracking due to stress Bolting Integrity No strength low-al loy bolts corrosion cracking; loss of material due to general corrosion

I: 'l:i: !*I .,:1:1> ]: 1F* Discussion Consistent with NU REG-1801. The Structures Monitoring Program , B.2. 1.31 , will confirm the absence of aging effects requiring management.

Consistent with NUREG-1801. The S tructures Monitoring Program , B.2. 1.31 will confirm the absence of aging effects requiring management.

Consisten t with NUREG-1801. The Structures Monitoring Program , B.2.1.31 , wil l confirm the absence of aging effects requiring management.

There are no high strength bolts at Seabrook that are subject to this aging effect.

SBK-L-171 55 I Enclosure 2/ Page 22 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Table 3.5.1 Summary Of Aging Management Evaluations for S tru ctu res and Struc tur a l Componen t s ' It em Component Aging Effect I Me chan i sm Aging Management Further Eva lu ation Num ber Fl


Ii!, 111 1 1 Pl 'il:I Recommended . *l:i 'Fl

  • 1*1 'i:r* '"' 'i"H"1 1 1 1 r 1*1 . 3.5.1-52 Groups 82 and 84: Loss of mechanical function Structures Monitoring Program No sliding support bearings due to corrosion , distortion, and sliding support d i rt , overload , fatigue due to surfaces v i bratory and cyc l ic thermal loads 3.5.1-5 3 Groups 81.1 , 81 .2 , and Loss of material due to ISl(IWF) No 81 .3: support members: genera l and pitting corrosion welds; bolted connections; support anchorage to building structure 3.5.1-54 Group 81.1 , 81 .2, and Loss o f mechanical function I S l(IWF) N o 81 .3: Constant and due to corrosion , distortion, variable load spr ing dirt , overload fatigue due to hangers; guides; stops vi bratory and cyclic thermal loads Discussion l'I Jti 1:1 There are no slid i ng support bearings of surfaces a t Seabrook t h at are sub je c t to this aging effect. Consistent with N UREG-1801. Seabrook manages the aging effec t with the ASME Section XI , Subsection IW F Program , Consisten t wit h NUREG-1801. Seabrook manages the ag ing effect with the ASME Section XI , Subsection IW F Prog r am , 9.

S BK-L-171 55 I Enclo su re 2/ Page 2 3 U.S. Nuclear Reg ul ato ry C omm i ssion Table 3.5.1 Summary Of Aging M anagement Evaluations for Structures and S t r u ctu r a l Componen t s ! .. , Im i 1:n' ,_ l!l 1f!i. I , ::1, ,,i1::: 1:11111 .. I,. .. 1 11 II )ll 1!1 I tem Aging Management ,J, ' * " Further E v aluatio n *i;* N umber Component Aging Effect I Mechanism Program 1.1:1' Recom m e n ded 3.5.1-55 Steel , galvanized stee l, Loss of material due to boric Boric Acid Corrosion N o and alum i num support acid corrosion members; welds; bolted connections; support anchorage to build i ng struc t ure 3.5.1-56 Groups B1.1 , B1 .2 , and Loss of material function due ISl (IWF) N o B 1 .3: Slid i ng surfaces to corrosion , distortion , dirt , overload , fat i gue due to vibra t ory and cyclic thermal loads 3.5.1-5 7 Groups B 1.1, B1 .2 , and Reduction or loss of i solation ISl (IWF) N o B 1 .3: Vibration isolation function/radiat i on hardening , elements temperature , humidity , sustained v i bratory loading t1*I IF ii ' ' D i scuss i o n Cons i sten t wi th N UREG-1 80 1. Seabrook m anages t he aging effect of l oss o f ma t erial due t o boric ac id corros i on in s t ee l, ga l van i ze d stee l, and a l uminum for a l l ty pes o f support members (i n c l uding safet y and non-safe ty), w elds , bol t ed connect i o n s and support anchorage t o bu i lding s tr uc t ure w i t h th e Bor i c Acid Corros i on Prog r am , B.2.1.4. There are no sl i d i ng support bear i ngs o f surfaces a t Seab r ook t ha t a r e subject t o t his aging effec t. T h is it em i s not app l ica b le t o Seabroo k. The Seab ro o k A M R res ult s do not inc l ude an y s u pports w i t h vibra ti on isolat i o n e l ements.

SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 24 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Table 3.5.1 Summary Of Aging M anagement Evaluations for Structures and S tru ctura l Components It em Numb er 3.5.1-58 3.5.1-59 3.5.1-60 Component Galvanized steel and a lu m in um support members; welds; bolted connections; support anchorage to building structure exposed to air -indoor uncontrolled Stainless steel support members; welds; bolted connect i ons; support anchorage to building structure Group 6 elas t omer seals, gaskets, and moisture barriers Aging Effect I Mechanism Nooe Nooe l\11:.i ,*I ;l:I ,. 'I' 'i:i Aging Management Program Reduction in structura l St ru ctures Monitoring Program capacity directly/

indirectly due t o the expansio n o f concrete Nooe I Nooe Reduc ti on in s tru c tur a l Structures M onitoring Program capacity directly/

indir ec tly due t o th e expans i on of concre t e Loss of bound, I S tru ctures Monitoring Program misalignment, distortion, a nd/or reduction in s t ructural capaci ty due t o expa n sion of concre t e 1iH *i: I Further E v a lu at i on Recommended 11 N/\ Re ag iAg effect maAagemeAt or agiAg maAagemeAt 13rogram Ye s , if not within the scope of th e app li can t's S tru c ture s Monitoring Program W\ no ag iAg effect maAagemeAt er agiAg maAagemeAt 13rogram Y es, if not within the sco p e of th e applicant's S tru c tur es M o nitoring Program Y es, if not within th e scope of th e applicant's S tru c tur es Monit ori ng Program 'I' Discussion Cons ist ent with N UREG-1801. The S tru c ture s M on itoring Program, B.2.1.31, and Building Deformation M o nit oring Program, B.2.1.31B will manage degradation for th e aging e ff ec t s. GoAsistent with NURE;G Plant Speci fi c. The S tru c ture s M oni t o ring Program, B.2.1.31, and Building Deformation M oni t oring Program , B.2.1.31B will m anage degradation for the ag ing e ff ec t s. Plant Spec ifi c The S tru c tur es M o nitoring Program, B.2.1.31, and Building Deformation M on it o ring Program, B.2.1.31B will m a nage degradation for th e aging e ffe c t s.

SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 25 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Table 3.5.1 S ummary Of Aging Man age ment Eva lu at i o n s for S tru ct ur es and S tru c tura l Components

I 1:I, I 1:; '*lli1:1:1:1:1:11

,11li Ii , 1 t1111M1 l ,1:11l!:i1 1 il1/'jl1 1 i'1illl' l!j, :1:i:1:1'1::1 I t e m Co mp one nt Aging E ff ec t I M ec hani sm Aging M a n agement *

  • 1* ** ' ' Further.Eva l uation' Number Program Re co mmended 3.5.1-6 1 S te e l, galvanized s t ee l, Reduction/loss in S tru c tur es M oni t or ing Program Yes , if not wi t hin t he and a luminum suppo rt s tru c tural capacity due to scope of t h e m embers; welds; expansion of co n cre te applicant's Structures bolted co nne c tion s; Monitoring Program s upport a n c hor age to building s tructure l i1i:lily1n I'! .. 'l'I' , Discus s i on Plant S pecifi c The Struc t ure s Monito r ing Program, B.2.1.3 1, and Building Deformation Monitoring Program, B.2.1.318 will m a nage degradation for the ag i ng effec t s.

SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 26 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission i: ,: Component Type BSAS Carbon Steel FIRE PUM P HOUSE Exposed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled B S AS Carbon Steel FIRE PUMPHOU S E Exposed to Air Outdoor BSAS Carbon S teel NONES SE NTIAL SWITCHGEAR BUILDING Expo s ed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled B S AS Carbon S teel NONES SE NTIAL S WITCHGEAR BUIL D IN G E xpo s ed to Air Outdoor BSAS Carbon S teel REV E TM E NT Exposed to Air Outdoor BSAS Carbon Steel REVETM E NT E xposed to Air Outdoor ,,, Intended Function Structural Support Structural S upport Structural Support Structural Support F lood Barrier Support Table 3.5.2-1 Building s , S tructur es Within Li ce n s e Renewal S ummary of Aging Manag e ment Evaluation Aging Effect Material Environm e nt Requiring Management Air Indoor Uncont ro lled Steel (E xternal) Loss of Material S teel Air Outd oo r (E xte rna l) Loss o f Material Air Indoor Uncontrolled Steel (Extern a l) Loss of Material S teel Air Outd o or (E xt e rnal) Loss of Material Steel Air Outdo o r (External)

Loss of Material S teel Air Outdoor (E xtern a l) Loss of Material Aging N U REG-Table "+' ' M anagement 1801 Vol. 3.X-1 N ote Program 2 Item Item Structures lll.A3-12 3.5.1-Monitoring (T-1 1) 25 A Program Structures lll.A3-12 3.5.1-Monitoring (T-11) 25 A, 503 Program Structures lll.A3-1 2 3.5.1-Monitoring (T-11) 25 A Program Structures lll.A3-12 3.5.1-Monitoring (T-11) 25 A , 503 Program S t ructures lll.A6-11 3.5.1-E , 503 , Monitoring Program (T-21) 47 51 1 Structures lll.A6-11 3.5.1-E , 503 , Monitoring Program (T-21) 47 5 11 SB K-L-171 55 I Enclosure 2/ Page 27 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Component Type BSAS Carbon Steel REVETMENT E xp osed t o Raw Water BSAS Carbon Steel REVETMENT E xpo sed t o Ra w Water BSAS Carbon Steel REVETMENT E xpo se d to Raw Water BSAS Carbon Steel REVETME N T E xpo sed t o Raw Water BSAS Carbon Steel REVETMENT E xpos ed t o Raw Water BSAS Carbon Steel REVET M ENT E xp osed to Raw Water Int ended Function F lo od Barrier Support F lood Barrier Support F l ood Barrier Support Tab l e 3.5.2-1 Bui ldin gs , S t ruc t ures Within License Renewa l Summary of Aging M a n agement Eva lu ation Aging Effec t Material Environment Requiring M a n age m e nt S t ee l Raw Water (E x terna l) Loss of M aterial Steel Raw Water (External)

Loss of Mat erial Steel Ra w Wate r (E xt ernal) Loss of Materi al Steel Raw Water (E x ternal) Loss of M a t er ial Steel Raw Water (External)

Loss of Mat eria l Steel Raw Water (External)

Loss o f M a t er i a l Aging NU REG-Table M anageme nt 1801 V o l. 3.X-1 N ote Program 2 It em IV Item Structures lll.A6-1 1 3.5.1-E , 509, M onitoring (T-2 1) 47 5 11 Program Structures lll.A6-11 3.5.1-E , 509, M onitoring (T-21) 47 5 11 P rogram S tru ctu res lll.A6-11 3.5.1-E , 509, Mo nitoring (T-21) 4 7 5 11 Program S tru c tures lll.A6-1 1 3.5.1-E , 509, M onitoring (T-21) 47 51 1 Program S tru c ture s lll.A6-11 3.5.1-M onitoring (T-21) 47 H, 514 Program Structu r es 111.A 6-11 3.5.1-Monitoring (T-21) 47 H , 514 Program SBK-L-17155 I Enclo sure 2/ Page 28 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Component Type BSAS Carbon Steel REVETMENT E x posed to Ra w Water BSAS Carbon S teel REVETMENT E x posed to Ra w Water SSAS Carbon Steel STEA M GENERATOR SLOWDOWN RECOVERY BUILDING Exposed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled SSAS Carbon Steel STEA M GENERATOR SLOWDOWN RECOVERY BUILDING E xposed to Air Outdoor SSAS Concrete NONESSENTIAL SWITCHGEAR BUILDING Exposed to Air Outdoor SSAS Concrete NONES SE NTIAL SWITCHGEAR BU I LDING Exposed to Air Outdoor Intended Function Flood Barrier Support Structural Support Structural Support Structural Support Structural Support Table 3.5.2-1 Bui l dings , S tru c ture s Within License Renewa l Summary of Aging Management Eva l uation Aging Effect Material I Environment Requ irin g 1 ,li!'I II Managemeni Steel Raw Water (External)

Loss of Material Steel Raw Water (External)

Loss of Material Air Indoor Uncontrolled Steel Loss of M aterial (E xternal) Steel Air Outdoor (Extern a l) Loss o f Material Cracking , Loss of Bond , Loss of Conc rete Air Outdoor (External)

Material (Spalling , Scal ing) E x pansion and Concrete Air Outdoor (External)

Cracking cc Aging NU REG-Tab l e , M anagement

, 1 so1 vor.; 3.X-1 N ote 1 2 1t em 1 * ' :, Program ' It em S t ructures lll.A 6-11 3.5.1-E , 509 , M onitoring (T-2 1) 47 511 Program S tr uc tur es lll.A 6-11 3.5.1-E , 509 , M onito ring (T-21) 47 5 11 Program Struc ture s lll.A3-12 3.5.1-Monit oring (T-11) 25 A P rogr a m S tru c tur es lll.A3-12 3.5.1-M onitoring (T-11) 25 A, 503 Program S t ructures M on ito ring lll.A3-9 3.5.1-A (T-04) 23 Program Structures M onitoring Program , lll.A3-2 3.5.1-A , E , Alk ali-Si li ca (T-03) 27 517 Reaction (A SR) M onitor i ng Proa ram SBK-L-17 1 55 I Enclosure 2/ Page 29 U.S. N uclear Regulato ry Commission Component Type SSAS Concrete NONESSENTIAL SWITCHGEAR BUILDING Exposed to Air Outdoor SSAS Concrete NONESSENT I AL SWITCHGEAR BUILDING Exposed to Ai r Outdoor SSAS Concrete (Sump) FIRE PUMPHOUSE Exposed to Raw Water BSAS Concrete (Sump) FIRE PUMPHOUSE E x posed to Raw Water SSAS Concrete (Sump) STEAM GENERATOR SLOWDOWN RECOVERY BUILDING Exposed to Ra w Water Intended Function Structura l Support Structural Support Structural Support Structural Support Structural Support Table 3.5.2-1 Bui l dings, Structures Within License Renewa l Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Aging Effec t Material Environment Requiring Management Increase I n Porosi ty and Concrete Air Outdoor (External)

Permeability , Cracking , Loss of Material (Spalling , Scaling) Concrete Air Outdoor (External)

Loss of Material Cracking , Loss of Concrete Raw Water (External)

Bond , Loss of Material (Spalling , Scaling) E x pansion and Conc r ete Raw Water (External)

Cracking Crac k ing, Loss of Concrete Raw Water (External)

Bond, Loss of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Aging N U REG-Table M anagement 1801 Vol. N ote Program 2 I tem I tem S t ructures M onitor i ng 1 1 1.A3-10 3.5.1-A (T-06) 24 Program Struc t ures lll.A3-6 3.5.1-M onitor i ng (T-0 1) 26 A Program Structures M onitor i ng lll.A3-4 3.5.1-A Program (T-05) 31 Structures M onitoring Program , Alk ali-ll l.A3-2 3.5.1-A, E , S ili ca Re acti o n (A SR) (T-03) 27 5 17 Mon i tor i n g Pr o g ram S t ruc t u r es M onitor i ng lll.A3-4 3.5.1-A (T-05) 31 Program SBK-L-17 1 55 I Enclosure 2/ Page 30 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Component Type SSAS Concrete (Sump) S TEAM GENERATOR SLOWDOWN RECOVERY BUILDING Exposed to Raw Water SSAS Concrete DISCHARGE TRANSITION STRUCTURE Exposed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled SSAS Concrete DISCHARGE TRANSITION STRUC TUR E E xposed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled SSAS Concrete DISCHARGE TRANSITION STRUCTURE Exposed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled Intended Function Structural Support Structural Support Structural Support Structural Support Table 3.5.2-1 Buildings, S tructure s Within License Renewa l Summary of Ag i ng Management Evaluation Aging Effect Material Environment Requiring Management Expansion and Concrete Raw Water (E xternal) Cracking Cracking , Loss of Air Indoor Uncontrolled Bond, Loss of Concrete (External)

Material (Spalling, Scaling) Air Ind oor Uncontrolled Expansion and Concrete (Externa l) Cracking Increase In Porosity and Air Ind oor Uncontrolled Permeability , Concre te (E xternal) Cracking , Los s of Material (S palling , Scal i ng) Aging NU REG-Table Management 1801 Vol. 3.X-1 Nqte Program 2 Item Item Structures Monitoring Program , A lk a li-l l l.A3-2 3.5.1-A , E , S i l i ca Reac t i o n (T-03) 27 5 17 (A SR) Monitoring Pr o gra m Structures 3.5.1-M onitor i ng l ll.A6-1 E , 5 1 1 (T-18) 34 Program Structures Monitoring Program, Alk a l i-l ll.A6-2 3.5.1-E , 511, Silica Reaction (T-17) 36 517 (ASR) Mon i torin g Prog r am Structures l l l.A3-10 3.5.1-Monitor i ng A (T-06) 24 Program SBK-L-17155 I Enclo sure 2/ Page 31 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Component Type SSAS Concrete DISCHARGE TRANS I T I ON STRUCTURE Exposed to Air Outdoor SSAS Concrete DISCHARGE TRANSITION STRUCTURE Exposed to Air Outdoor SSAS Concrete DISCHARGE TRANSITION STRUCTURE Exposed to Air Ou td oor BSAS Concrete DISCHARGE TRANS I T I ON ST RUCTUR E Exposed to Air Outdoor SSAS Concrete DISCHARGE TRANSITION STRUCTURE Exposed to Air Outdoor Intended Function Missile Barrier Structural Support Mi ssile Barr i er Structural Support Missile Barrier Table 3.5.2-1 Bui l dings , Structures Within License Renewa l Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Aging Effec t Material Environment Requ ir ing Management Cracking , Loss o f Concrete Air Outdoor (External)

Bond, Loss of Material (Spalling , Scaling) Crac k ing , L oss of Concrete Air Outdoor (External)

Bond , Loss of Material (Spalling , Scaling) E x pansion and Concrete Air Outdoor (External)

Crac king E x pansion and Concrete Air Outdoor (External)

Cracking Increase In Porosity and Concrete Air Outdoor (External)

Permeabi l ity , Cracking , Loss o f Material (S palling, Scal i ng) Aging NU REG-Tab l e '*it' M anagemen t 1801 Vol. 3.X-1 Not e Program 2 It em It em S tru ctures M onito ring lll.A 6-1 3.5.1-E , 511 (T-18) 34 Program S t ruc tures M onitoring lll.A6-1 3.5.1-E , 511 (T-18) 34 Program Struc tur es Monitoring Program, Alkali-Silica Reaction (A SR) lll.A6-2 3.5.1-E , 511 , Monitoring (T-17) 36 517, P rogram & 519 Building Deformation M oni t oring Program Struc ture s Monitoring Program , Alkali-Silica Reaction (A SR) lll.A6-2 3.5.1-E , 511 , Monitoring (T-17) 36 5 17, Program & 519 Building Deformation M onitoring Program Structures Mo ni to r ing lll.A3-10 3.5.1-A Program (T-06) 2 4 SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 32 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Component Type BSAS Concrete DISCHARGE TRANSITION STRUCTURE Exposed to Air Outdoor BSAS Concrete DISCHARGE TRANSITION STRUCTURE Exposed to Air Outdoor BSAS Concrete DISCHARGE TRANS I TION STRUCTURE Exposed to Air Outdoor BSAS Concrete DISCHARGE TRANSITION STRUCTURE E xposed to Raw Water BSAS Concrete DISCHARGE TRANSITION STRUCTURE Exposed to Raw Water Intended Function Structural Support Missile Barrier Structural Support Structural Support Structural S upport Table 3.5.2-1 Buildings, Structures Within License Renewal Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Aging Effect Material Environment Requiring Managernent Increase In Porosity and Concrete Air Outdoor (External)

Permeability , Cracking, Loss of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Loss of Material , Concrete Air Outdoor (External)

Cracking Loss of Material , Concrete Air Outdoor (External)

Cracking Cracking , Loss of Concrete Raw Water (External)

Bond , Lo ss of Material (Spalling , Scaling) Expansion and Concrete Raw Water (Exte rnal) Cracking Aging NU REG-Table Management 1801 Vol. 3.X-1 Note Program 2 Item Item Structures Monitoring 111.A3-10 3.5.1-A (T-06) 24 Program Structures l l l.A6-5 3.5.1-Monitoring (T-15) 35 E , 511 Program Structures lll.A6-5 3.5.1-Monitoring (T-15) 35 E , 511 Program Structures Monitoring lll.A3-4 3.5.1-A (T-05) 31 Program Structures Monitoring Program , A l k a l i-S i lica Reac ti on (A SR) ll l.A6-2 3.5.1-E, 511 , Monitoring (T-17) 36 5 1 7 , Program & 5 19 Buildi n g Deforma t io n M oni t oring Program SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 33 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Component Type BSAS Concrete DISCHARGE TRANS I T I ON STRUCTURE Exposed to Ra w Water BSAS Concrete FIRE PUMPHOUSE E xpo sed to Air In door Uncontr olled BSAS Concrete F IR E PUMPHOUSE E xpo sed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled BSAS Concrete F I RE PUMPHOUSE E xp osed t o Air Indoor Uncontrolled BSAS Concrete FIRE PUMPHOUSE E xp osed to Air Ou td oo r Intended Function Structural Support Structural Support Structural Support Structural Support Structura l Support Tab l e 3.5.2-1 Buildings , Structures Within License Renewa l Summary of Aging M anagement Evaluatio n ,., .. , Aging Effect Material Environment Requiring Management I ncrease In Concrete Raw Water (External)

Porosity and Permeabilit y, Loss of S trength Cracking , Loss of Concrete Air Indoor Uncontrolled Bond , Loss of (External)

M aterial (Spalling , Scal i ng) Air Indoor Uncontrolled Expansion and Concrete (E xternal) Crack ing I ncrease In Porosity and Conc r ete Air Indoor Uncontrolled Permeabil ity, (External) Cracking, Loss o f Material (Spall ing, Sca ling) Crac kin g , L oss o f Concrete Air Outdoor (External) Bond , Loss o f Material (Spall i ng , Scaling) 'Aging ' NUR EG-1 1 Table M anagemen t 1 80 1 V o l. 3.X-1 N o t e Program 2 It em It em S tru c t ures M onito ri ng lll.A6-6 3.5. 1-E , 511 (T-16) 37 Program Structures Monit oring lll.A3-9 3.5.1-A (T-04) 23 Prog ram S tructure s Mon i t o r ing Program , Alkali-Silica Reaction (A SR) lll.A3-2 3.5.1-A , Monitoring (T-03) 27 517, E , Program & 5 19 Building Deformation M oni t oring Program S t ruc ture s Monit oring lll.A3-10 3.5.1-A Program (T-06) 24 Structures Monitoring 111.A3-9 3.5.1-A (T-04) 23 Program SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 34 U.S. N uclear Regulatory Commission Component Type BSAS Concrete FIRE PUMPHOUSE E xpo sed to Air Outdoor BSAS Concrete FIRE PUMPHOUSE E x posed to Air Outdoor BSAS Concre t e FIRE PUMPHOUSE E xp osed to Air Outdoor BSAS Concrete INTAKE TRANSITION STRUCTURE E x posed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled BSAS Concrete INTAK E TRANSITION STRUCTURE E x posed to Air Ind o or Uncontrolled Intended Function Structural Support Structural Support Structural Support Structural Support Structural Support Table 3.5.2-1 Buildings , S tructure s Within License Renewa l Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Aging Effec t Material Environment Requiring Management Expansion and Concrete Air Outdoor (External)

Crack i ng Increase In Porosity and Concrete Air Outdoor (External)

Permeability , Cracking , Loss of Material (Spalling, Sca ling) Loss of Material , Conc r ete Air Outdoor (External)

Cracking Crac king , Loss o f Concrete Air I ndoor Uncontrolled Bond , Loss of (Externa l) Material (Spalling , Scaling) Air Indoor Uncontrolled E xpansion and Concrete (Externa l) Crac k ing ---------------------

Aging NU REG-Table M anagement 1801 Vol. 3.X-1 N ote Program 2 It em It em S tr uc tur es M oni tori ng Program , Alkali-Sil i c a Reaction (A SR) 111.A3-2 3.5.1-A , M onitor ing (T-03) 27 5 1 7 , E , Program & 5 19 B uilding Deformation M oni t o ring Program Struc ture s M onitoring lll.A 3-1 0 3.5.1-A Program (T-06) 24 Structures lll.A3-6 3.5.1-Monitoring (T-01) 26 A Program S tru c tur es Monit or ing lll.A6-1 3.5.1-E , 511 (T-18) 34 Program Structures M onitoring Program, Alkali-Silica Reac t ion (A SR) lll.A6-2 3.5.1-E , 5 1 1 , Monitoring (T-17) 36 517 , Program & 519 Building Deformation M on it o ring Program SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 35 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Component Type SSAS Concrete INTAKE TRANSITION STRUCTURE Exposed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled SSAS Concrete INTAKE TRANSITION STRUCTURE Exposed to Air Outdoor SSAS Concrete INTAKE TRANSITION STRUCTURE Exposed to Air Outdoor SSAS Concrete INTAKE TRANSITION STRUCTURE Exposed to Air Outdoor SSAS Concrete INTAKE TRANSITION STRUCTURE E xposed to Air Outdoor Intended Function Structural Support Missile Barrier Structural Support Missile Barrier Structural Support Table 3.5.2-1 Buildings, Structures Within License Renewal Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Aging Effect Material Environment Requiring Management Increase I n Porosity and Concrete Air I ndoor Uncontrolled Permeability, (External)

Cracking , Loss of Material (Spall ing, Scaling) Cracking , Loss of Concrete Air Outdoor (External)

Bond , Loss of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Cracking , Loss of Concrete Air Outdoor (External)

Bond , Loss of Material (Spalling, Scaling) E xpansion and Concrete Air Outdoor (Ext ernal) Crack ing Expansion and Concrete Air Outdoor (External)

Cracking Aging NU REG-Table Management 1801 Vol. 3.X-1 Note Prqgram 2 Item Item Structures Monitoring lll.A3-10 3.5.1-A Program (T-06) 24 Structures Monitoring lll.A6-1 3.5.1-E, 511 (T-18) 34 Program Structures Monitoring lll.A6-1 3.5.1-E , 51 1 (T-18) 34 Program Struc t ures Monitoring Program , Alkali-Silica Reaction (A SR) ll l.A6-2 3.5.1-E , 511 , Monitoring (T-17) 36 517, Program & 5 19 Building Deformation M o nit or ing Program Structures M onitoring Program , Alkali-Silica Reaction (A SR) lll.A6-2 3.5.1-E , 511, Monitoring (T-17) 36 517 , Program & 5 19 Building Deformation M o nit or ing Proqram SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 36 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Component Type BSAS Concrete INTAKE TRAN S ITION STRUCTURE Exposed to Air Outdoor BSAS Concrete INTAKE TRANSITION STRUCTURE Exposed to Air Outdoor BSAS Concrete INTAKE TRANSITION STRUCTURE Exposed to Air Outdoor BSAS Concrete INTAKE TRAN S ITION STRUCTURE Exposed to Air Outdoor BSAS Concrete INTAKE TRAN S ITION STRUCTURE Exposed to Raw Water BSAS Concrete INTAKE TRANSITION STRUCTURE Exposed to Raw Water '1" Intended Function Missile Barrier Structural Support Missile Barrier Structural Support Structural Support St r uctural Support T a ble 3.5.2-1 Buildings, Structures Within License Renewal Summary of Aging Management Evaluation 1: Aging Effect Material Environment Requiring Management Increase In Porosity and Concrete Air Outdoor (External)

Permeability, Cracking, Loss of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Increase In Porosity and Concrete Air Outdoor (External)

Permeability, Cracking , Loss of Material (Spalling , Scaling) Loss of Material, Concrete Air Outdoor (External)

Cracking Loss of Material, Concrete Air Outdoor (External)

Cracking Cracking, Loss of Concrete Raw Water (E xternal) Bond , Loss of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Expansion and Concrete Raw Water (Ext e rna l) Cracking ' *.1 Nl'.IREG-Aging Table. " Management 1801 Vol. 3.X-1 Note Program 2 Item Item Structures Monitoring lll.A3-10 3.5.1-A (T-06) 24 Program Structures Monitoring 111.A3-10 3.5.1-A Program (T-06) 24 Structures lll.A6-5 3.5.1-Monitoring A Program (T-15) 35 Structures lll.A6-5 3.5.1-Monitoring (T-15) 35 A Program Structures Monitoring lll.A3-4 3.5.1-A, 509 (T-05) 31 Program Structures M on it oring Program , Alkali-Silica Reaction E , 511 , (A SR) 111.A6-2 3.5.1-Monitoring (T-17) 36 517, Program & 519 Building Deformation Monitorina S BK-L-171 55 I Encl o su re 2/ P age 37 U.S. N uc l e a r Regu l a t o ry Comm i ssi o n ., Component Type SSA S Concrete INTAK E TRAN S ITIO N STRUCTURE E x posed to Raw Water B S A S Conc r ete Masonry Units F I RE PUMPHOUSE E x posed to Air I ndoor Uncon t rolled BSAS Concrete M a s onry Un i ts F I RE PUMPHOUS E E x posed to Air Indoor Uncontro l led BSA S Concrete Masonry Units NONESSE N TIAL S WIT C H G EAR BU I LD IN G E x posed to Air I ndoor Uncontrolled BSAS Concre t e Masonry Un i t s NON E SSENTIAL S WITCH G EAR BUILD IN G E x po s ed to Air Outdoor Intended Function Structural S upport F i re Barrier Structural Support Structural S upport Struc t ural S upport Table 3.5.2-1 Bui l ding s , S truc t ure s Within Li ce nse Rene w a l Summary of Aging Manag e ment Evaluation Aging Effec t Material Environment Requiring Managemen t Increase I n Con c rete Raw Water (Exte rn al) Porosity and Pe r meabilit y, Loss of Strength Concrete Air Indoor Un c ontrolled Block (External)

Crac ki ng Concrete A i r Ind o or Un c ontr o ll e d Block (Extern a l) Cracking Concrete Air Indoor Uncontr o lled Crac ki ng Block (E xt ernal) Concrete Blo c k Air Outdoor (E xternal) Crac k ing Aging N U REG-Tab l e I M anagemen t 1 801 Vo l. 3.X-1 N o t e Program 2 It em I tem Program S t ructures M onito r ing l ll.A6-6 3.5.1-E , 51 1 P r ogram (T-1 6) 37 Fire Pro t ec t ion lll.A3-11 3.5.1-Program (T-12) 4 3 E , 5 1 3 S t ruct u res lll.A3-1 1 3.5.1-M onitor i ng (T-1 2) 43 E, 5 11 Program S t ruc t ures M on it oring lll.A 3-11 3.5.1-E , 51 1 (T-1 2) 4 3 P r ogra m St r uc t ures lll.A3-11 3.5.1-M oni t or i ng (T-1 2) 43 E , 5 1 1 Prog r am SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 38 U.S. Nu cl ear Regulatory Commission Component Type BSAS Concrete NONESSENTIAL SW I TCHGEAR BUILDING Exposed to A ir Indoor Uncontrolled BSAS Concrete NONE SSENTIAL SWITCHGEAR BU I LDING Exposed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled BSAS Concrete NONES SENTIAL SWITCHGEAR BUILDING Exposed to Air I ndoor Uncontrolled BSAS Concrete REVETMENT Below Grade BSAS Concrete REVETMENT Below Grade BSAS Concrete REVETMENT Belo w Grade Intended Function Structural Support Structural Support Structural Support Flood Barrier Support Flood Barr i er Table 3.5.2-1 Build i ngs, Structures Within License Renewa l Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Agin'g Effec t Material Environment Requiri n g Management Cracking , Loss of Concrete Air Indoor Uncontrolled Bond , Loss of (External)

Material (Spalling, Scaling) Air Indoor Uncontrolled Expansion and Concrete (External)

Cracking I ncrease In Porosity and Concrete Air Indoor Uncontrolled Permeability, (External)

C racking, Loss of Material (Spalling , Scaling) Cracking, Loss o f Concrete Soil (External)

Bond, Loss of Material (Spa lling, Scaling) Crac ki ng , Loss of Concrete Soil (External)

Bond, Loss of Material (Spalling, Scaling) E x pansion and Concrete Soil (Extern a l) Crac king I' '" 1'11. ., '. Aging NU REG-Tab l e M anagement 1801 Vol. 3.X-1 Not e Program 2 It em Structures Monitoring lll.A 3-9 3.5.1-A (T-04) 23 Program Struc t ures Monitoring Program , Alkali-lll.A 3-2 3.5.1-A, E , Silica Reaction (T-03) 27 517 (A SR) Monitoring Program Structures M onitoring lll.A3-10 3.5.1-A (T-06) 24 Program Struc t u r es Monitoring lll.A3-4 3.5.1-A, 509 (T-05) 31 Program St ru ctures M onitoring lll.A 3-4 3.5.1-A, 509 (T-05) 31 Program S t ructures Monitori ng Program, Alkali-lll.A 6-2 3.5.1-E , 511 , Silica Reaction (T-1 7) 36 5 17 (ASR) Monitoring Proo ram SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 39 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Component Type I BSAS Concrete REVETMENT Below Grade BSAS Concrete REVETMENT Below Grade BSAS Concrete REVETMENT Below Grade BSAS Concrete REVETMENT Below Grade BSAS Concrete REVETMENT Below Grade BSAS Concrete REVETMENT Exposed to Air Outdoor Intended Function Support Flood Barrier Support Flood Barrier Support Flood Barrier Table 3.5.2-1 Buildings, Structures Within License Renewal Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Aging Effect Material Environment Requiring Management Expansion and Concrete So il (External)

Cracking Increase In Porosity and Concrete Soil (E xternal) Permeability, Cracking, Loss of Material (Spalling , Scaling) Increase In Porosity and Concrete Soi l (E xternal) Permeabilit y, Cracking , Loss of Material (Spalling , Scaling) Increase In Concrete So il (External)

Porosity and Permeability, Loss of Strength Increase I n Concrete Soi l (External)

Porosity and Permeability, Loss of Strength Cracking, Loss of Concrete Air Outdoor (External)

Bond, Loss of Material (Spalling , Scaling) Aging NU REG-Table Management 1801 Vol. 3.X-1 Note Program 2 Item Item I" 1:,1 Structures Monitoring Program, Al k ali-lll.A6-2 3.5.1-E , 511 , Sil i ca Reac t ion (T-17) 36 5 1 7 (ASR) M onitoring Proqram Structures Monitoring l l l.A6-3 3.5.1-E , 511 Program (T-19) 34 Structures Monitoring l l l.A6-3 3.5.1-E , 511 Program (T-19) 34 Structures Monitoring l l l.A6-6 3.5.1-E , 509, Program (T-16) 37 5 11 Structures Monitoring ll l.A6-6 3.5.1-E , 509 , (T-16) 37 51 1 Program Structures M onitor i ng l ll.A6-1 3.5.1-E , 5 1 1 (T-18) 34 Program S B K-L-1 7 1 55 I E nclosure 2/ Page 40 U.S. N uclear Regulatory Commission Component Type BSAS Conc r ete REVETMENT E x posed t o Air Outdoor BSAS Concrete REVETMENT Exposed to Air Outdoor SSAS Concrete REVETMENT Exposed to Air Outdoor SSAS Concrete REVETMENT Exposed to Air Outdoor SSAS Concrete REVETMENT E x posed to A i r Outdoor SSAS Concrete REVETMENT E x posed to Air Outdoor Intended Function Support Flood Barrier Support Flood Barrier Support Flood Barrier Table 3.5.2-1 Buildings, Structures Within License Renewa l Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Aging Effect Material Environment Requiring I Management Cracking , Loss of Concrete Air Outdoor (External)

Bond, Loss of Materia l (Spalling, Scaling) Expansion and Concrete Air Outdoor (External)

Cracking E x pans i on and Concrete Air Outdoor (External) Crac k ing Increase In Porosity and Concrete Air Outdoor (External)

Permeability , Cracking , Loss of Material (Spalling , Scaling) Increase In Porosity and Concrete Air Outdoor (External) Permeabilit y , Cracking , Loss o f Material (Spalling , Scaling) Loss of Material , Concrete Air Outdoor (External)

Cracking A ging N U REG-Tab l e M anagemen t 1 801 Vo l. 3.X-1 N ote Program 2 It em It em Structures M onito ri ng ll l.A6-1 3.5.1-E , 5 11 Program (T-1 8) 34 S t ruc t ures M onitoring Program , Alk ali-lll.A6-2 3.5.1-E , 511 , S ilic a R ea c ti o n (T-1 7) 36 517 (A S R) Mo ni tor in g P roq ra m Structures M onito ri ng Program , A lk al i-lll.A6-2 3.5.1-E , 5 11 , Si l ica Reac t ion (T-1 7) 36 5 17 (ASR) M onitoring P r oqram Struc t ures M oni t oring 111.A3-10 3.5.1-A P r og r am (T-06) 24 Struc t ures M oni t or i ng lll.A3-10 3.5.1-A (T-06) 2 4 Program S t ructures lll.A6-5 3.5.1-M on i toring (T-15) 35 E , 5 11 Program SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 41 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Component Type BSAS Concrete REVETMENT Exposed to Air Outdoor BSAS Concrete STEAM GENERATOR SLOWDOWN RECOVERY BUILDING E xpo sed to Air I ndoor Uncontrolled SSAS Concrete STEAM GENERATOR SLOWDOWN RECOVERY BUILDING E x posed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled BSAS Concrete STEAM GENERATOR SLOWDOWN RECOVERY BUILDING E xp osed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled BSAS Concrete STEAM GENERATOR SLOWDOWN RECOVERY BUILDING E xp osed to Air Outdoor BSAS Concrete STEAM GENERA T OR SLOWDOWN RECOVERY BUILDING E xp osed to Air Outdoor Intended Function Support Structural Support Structural Support Structural Support Structural Support Structural Support Table 3.5.2-1 Buildings, Structures Within License Renewa l Summary of Aging Management Eva l uation Aging Effec t Material Environment Requ irin g Management Loss of Material, Concrete Air Outdoor (External)

Cracking Cracking, Loss of Air Indoor Uncontrolled Bond, Loss of Concrete (External)

Material (Spalling , Scaling) Air Indoor Uncontrolled E x pansion and Concrete (External)

Cracking In crease I n Poros ity and Air Indoor Uncontrolled Permeabilit y, Concrete (External)

Cracking , Loss o f Material (Spalling , Scaling) Crack i ng , Loss of Bond , Loss o f Concrete Air Outdoor (External)

Material (Spalling, Scaling) E x pansion and Concrete Air Outdoor (External) Cracking 'I Aging NU REG-Tab l e M anagement 1 801 Vol. 3.X-1 Not e Program 2 It em It em S tru ctures lll.A6-5 3.5.1-Mo ni t oring (T-15) 35 E , 5 11 P rogr am S tr uctures M onitoring 11 1.A3-9 3.5.1-A (T-04) 23 Program Structures Monitor ing Program , Alkali-lll.A3-2 3.5.1-A, E , Silica React i on (T-03) 27 517 (A SR) M onitoring Proa ram S tru ctures M o nitor ing lll.A3-10 3.5.1-A (T-06) 24 Program Structures lll.A3-9 3.5.1-M onito ring (T-04) 23 A Program Structures M onitoring Program , Alkali-lll.A3-2 3.5.1-A, E , S ili ca Reaction (T-03) 27 517 (A SR) M onitoring Proa ram SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 42 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Component Type BSAS Concrete STEAM GENERATOR SLOWDOWN RECOVERY BUILDING Exposed to Air Outdoor SSAS Concrete STEAM GENERATOR SLOWDOWN RECOVERY BUILDING Exposed to Air Outdoor SSAS Rock (Riprap) REVETMENT Exposed to Air Outdoor SSAS Rock (Riprap) REVETMENT Exposed to Air Outdoor SSAS Roofing For FIRE PUMPHOUSE Exposed to Air Outdoor SSAS Roofing For NONESSENTIAL SWITCHGEAR BUILDING Exposed to Air Outdoor Intended Function Structural Sup port Structural Support Flood Barrier Suppo rt Structural Suppo rt S tructural Support Table 3.5.2-1 Buildings, Struc tures Within License Renewal Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Aging Effect Material II 1 , . 11 II Management

Increase In Porosity and Concrete Air Outdoor (External)

Permeability , Cracking, Loss of Material (Spalling, Scal ing) Loss of Material, Concrete Air Outdoor (External)

Cracking Loss of Material , Rock Air Outdoor (Extern a l) Loss of Form Loss of Material, Rock Air Outdoor (E xternal) Loss of Form Separation , Roofing Air Outdoor (E xternal) En vironmental Degradation , Water In-Lea kage Separa tion, En vironmental Roofing Air Outdoor (External)

Degradation, Water In-Leakage Aging NU REG-Table Management . 1801 Vol. '* 3.X-1 Note ., .. ,,,.H Program 1 tl '* lli'li 2'1 tem'1'11*1'

  • ltEim 1:1 H Structures Monitoring lll.A3-10 3.5.1-A (T-06) 24 Program Structures lll.A3-6 3.5.1-Monitoring (T-01) 26 A Program Structures lll.A6-9 3.5.1-Monitoring E , 511 Program (T-22) 48 Structures lll.A6-9 3.5.1-Monitoring E , 511 Program (T-22) 48 Structures Monitoring l ll.A6-12 3.5.1-H , 505 Program (TP-7) 44 Structures 1 11.A6-12 3.5.1-Monitoring (TP-7) 44 H , 505 Program SBK-L-17 155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 43 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Component Type ' BSAS Roofing For STEAM GENERATOR SLOWDOWN RECOVERY BUILDING E xposed to Air Outdoor BSAS Slide Bearing (Fluorogold)

NONESS ENTIAL SWITCHGEAR BU I LDING Exposed to Air I ndoor Uncontrolled BSAS Stainless Steel STEAM GENERATOR SLOWDOWN RECOVERY BUILD I NG E xposed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled Intend ed Function Structural Support Structural Support Struc tural Support Table 3.5.2-1 Buildings, Structures Within License Renewal Summary of Aging M anagement Evaluation Aging Effect Material Environment Requiring

  • I Management Separation , Roofing Air Outdoor (External) Environmen tal Degradation , Water In-Leakage Fluorogold Air Indoor Uncontrolled Fretting Or (External)

Lockup Stainless Air Indoor Uncontrolled None Steel (Extern al) Ag i ng I NU REG-Table Management 1801 Vol. 3.X-1 Note , Program!!' 1.1 2 ltem:if' ;.1 1; Item* *.. *i Structures Monitoring lll.A6-12 3.5.1-H, 505 (TP-7) 44 Program Structures M onitoring 111.84-2 3.5.1-c Program (TP-1) 52 No Aging Management 111.85-5 3.5.1-A Program (TP-5) 59 Required SBK-L-17 1 55 I E nclosure 2/ Page 44 U.S. Nuc l ear Regulatory Comm i ss i on Standard N o t es Table 3.5.2-1 Build i ngs, Structures Within License Renewa l Summary of Aging Management Eva l uation N o t e Description A Consistent with NUREG-1801 item for component , material , environment , and aging effect. AMP is consistent with NUREG-1 801 A M P. B Consistent w i th NUREG-1801 item for component , material , environment , and aging effect. AMP takes some e x ceptions t o NUREG-1 80 1 A M P. C Component is different , but consistent with NUREG-1801 item for material , environment, and aging effect. AMP i s consisten t wi th N UREG-1 80 1 A M P. D Component is different, but consistent with NUREG-1801 item for material , environment , and aging effect. A M P takes some e x cept i ons to N UREG-1801 A M P. E Consistent with NUREG-1801 for material , en v ironment and aging effect , but a different aging management program is cred it ed or N UREG-180 1 ident ifi es a p l ant-s p ecific aging management program. F Material not in NUREG-1801 for this component.

G Environment not in NUREG-180 1 f or this component and material.

H Aging effect not in NUREG-1801 for this component , material and environment combination. I Aging effect in NUREG-1801 for this component , material and environment combination is not applicable. J Neithe r the component nor the material and env i ronment combination is evaluated in NUREG-1 801. 501 Not used. 502 Aging effect includes " Fretting or Lockup" due to w ear. 503 Crevice and pitting will be included along with loss of material-corros i on due to a saltwater atmosphere environment.

504 Fatigue analysis e x ists and TLAA applies. 505 Bu i lt-up roofing is not in GALL; ll l.A6-12 for elastomer-mater i al is s i m i lar , aging effect is similar , environment is same, and A M P i s St r uc t ures M on it oring. 506 Component is cementitious fire proofing/insulating material and will e x hibit similar aging effects as concrete.

507 Spent Fuel Pool temperature<

60°C (<140° F); w ater chemistry and temperature will be maintained b y the Water Chemistry Program. 508 Cracking , l oss of bond , and loss of mater i a l (spall i ng, scaling)/corrosion of embedded steel-is not listed in GALL 111.A.6 as an ag i ng effect f o r concrete i n raw w a t er. Seabrook manages this effect with Structures Monitoring Program. 509 For aging management purposes , buried , be l o w grade , soil , and ground water/ raw & treated water environments are t reated t he same. 51 O Reduction in concrete anchor capacity is an aging effect that is addressed in LRAM-SUPT.

51 1 At Seabrook Station , X l.S7 " RG 1.127 , Inspection of Water-Control Structures Associated with Nuclear Po w er P l ants" an d X I.SS " M ason ry Wall Prog r a m" are comb in ed unde r Xl.S6 " Struc t ures M onitoring Program. 512 Raw w ater in lined & unlined concrete sumps. 5 1 3 Seabroo k Stat i on will age manage this condition through the Fire Protection Program. 5 14 Seabroo k Station will age manage t his condition t hrough the Structures Monitoring Program. 515 Increased hardness, shrinkage, or loss of strength of elastomer seals due to weathering is addressed b y GALL on ly for F i re Ba rri er seals. Seabroo k Sta ti on w ill manage such aging effects for non-Fire Barrier elastomer seals w ith the St r uctures Monitoring Program. 5 1 6 Seabrook Station Structures Monitoring Program wi ll perform concrete testing and rebar inspect i on to determ i ne the effec ts o f t he aggress iv e groundwa t er on the concrete. The concrete testing and the rebar inspection w ill represent all concrete below grade. 5 1 7 A fter ini ti al i den t ification and de t ermina ti on of t he presence of alkali-silica reactivity by the S t ruc t ures M o n i t or in g Prog r a m, Seab r oo k S t a ti o n will age m a n age thi s condition t hrough t he Alkali-Silica Reac t ion (ASR) M onitoring Program.

SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 45 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 519 After initial identification of alkali-silica reaction (ASR) induced building deformation by the Struc tur es Monit or ing Program, Seab rook Sta tion will age manage thi s condition through the Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) Monitoring Program and the Building Deformation Monitoring Program.

S BK-L-171 55 I En c losure 2/ Pa ge 46 U.S. Nu c lear Re g u la t o ry Commissi on Intended Component Type Function C N T-CE-Carbon Steel Structural E x posed to Air w ith Suppo rt Bo r a t ed Water Leakage C N T-CE-Carbon S t ee l St r uctural E x posed to A i r I ndoor Support Uncontrolled C N T-CE-Ca r bon Stee l Structura l E x posed to A i r Outdoor Support C N T-CE-Fire Penetration Seal E x posed t o A i r Indoor F i re Barrier Uncontrol l ed C N T-CE-Re i nforce d Shel t e r, Concre t e Belo w Grade Protect i on C N T-CE-Reinforced Structura l Concrete Belo w Grade Support '1: M ater i a l Steel Stee l Steel E l astome r Concrete Concrete Tab l e 3.5.2-2 Con t ainmen t Structures Summary of Aging Managemen t Evaluatio n +: .** Aging EffectRequiring

Env i ronment Management Air w/Borated Water Leakage Loss of M aterial (E xt erna l) Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Mater i a l (E xt erna l) Air Outdoor (External) Loss of Material ;1, Air I ndoor I ncreased Hardness and Shrin k age Uncontro l led (E xt ernal) and Loss of Strength Cracking , Loss of Bond , Loss o f Soil (E xt ernal) Mater i al (Spalling , Scaling) Cracking , Loss of Bond , Loss of Soil (E x ternal) Material (Spalling, Scaling) 1., A g in g 1:i: l'j' I 1 I 1 Tab l e ,, M anagE!men t '
  • 1 80 1V o l.'2 '3.X.1 'Nbt e 1*1 l'I P r og r a m I te m It em Boric Ac i d ll l.B2-11 Corrosion (T-25) 3.5. 1-55 A Progra m Struc t ures lll.A1-1 2 M o nit o rin g (T-11) 3.5.1-25 A Program Struc ture s 111.A 1-1 2 M onitoring (T-11) 3.5.1-25 A , 50 3 Program Fire P r otec ti on Vll.G-1 3.3.1-61 A Progra m (A-1 9) S t r u c tu res ll l.A1-4 M on it ori n g 3.5.1-31 A Progra m (T-05) St ru c t u r es ll l.A 1-4 M oni t or i ng 3.5.1-3 1 A Progra m (T-05)

SBK-L-171 55 I Enclo su re 2/ P age 47 U.S. N uc l e ar R eg u lato ry C ommi ss i o n Intended Component Type Function C N T-C E-Reinforced Shel t er, Concrete Belo w Grade Protection C N T-CE-Reinforced Structura l Concre t e Be l o w G r ade S uppo rt C N T-CE-Reinforced Shelter , Co n crete Belo w Grade Protection C N T-C E-Re i nforced S truc t u r al Concrete Belo w Grade Support M ate ri a l Concrete Concre t e Concrete Concre t e Tab l e 3.5.2-2 Co nt ainment Structures Summary o f Aging M anagement Evalua ti o n 111,1; Environment Aging 'Effect Requ i ring Management Soil (E x ternal) E x pansion and Crac k ing So i l (E x terna l) E x pansion and Crack i ng I ncrease in Porosity and Soi l (E xt ernal) Permeab i lity , C ra c king , Los s o f Mater i a l (Spalling , Scaling) I ncrease i n P oro s ity and So il (E xt ernal) P ermeab i lit y , Cra ck i ng , Loss o f Material (Spa l ling, S cal i ng) f. A g in g N U REG Tab l e M a n ageme nt 1 80 1 V o l. 2 3.X.1 N o t e Prog r a m It e m .It e m S t ructures Mon i t o rin g Program, A lk al i-Silica Reac t io n (A SR) A , E , M oni t ori ng lll.A1-2 3.5.1-2 7 Program & (T-03) 5 17 , 5 1 9 B uildin g D e f o rm a ti o n M o nit or in g P rogra m Struc tur es M on i tor in g Prog r a m , Alk a li-S i l i ca Reac ti o n (ASR) A , E , M onitoring lll.A 1-2 3.5.1-2 7 Program & (T-03) 5 17 , 5 1 9 B uilding Defor m a ti o n M o nit o rin g Prog r a m S t r u c tu res lll.A 1-5 M onitor i ng (T-07) 3.5.1-3 1 A Progra m S t ru ct ures lll.A 1-5 M on it or i ng (T-07) 3.5.1-31 A Prog r a m SBK-L-1 7155 I Enclo sure 2/ Page 48 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type , Function C N T-CE-Reinforced Shelter , Concrete Be l o w Grade Protection C N T-CE-Rein fo rced

  • S t ructural Concrete Belo w Grade S upport C N T-CE-Re in forced Shelter , Conc r ete Belo w Grade Protection CNT-CE-Re i nforced S tructural Concrete Belo w Grade Support CNT-CE-Reinforced Shelter , Concrete E xpo sed t o Air Indoor Uncontrolled Protect i on C N T-CE-Re infor ced Structura l Concrete Exposed to Air Pressure I ndoor Uncontrolled Barr ier Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-2 Co nt a inm en t S tru ct ures Summary of A g ing M a n ageme nt Evaluat i o n Environment Aging Effect Requiring 111 Managerrl'ent 1:1 1 Increase in Porosity and Soil (External)

Permeability , Loss of Strength Increase in Porosity and Soi l (E xt erna l) Permeability, Loss of Strength Soil (External)

Loss of Material, Cracking Soil (E x ternal) Loss of Mater ial , Cracking Air Indoor Cracking , Loss of Bond , Loss of Uncontrolled (E xt ernal) Material (Spalling, Sca ling) Air Indoor Cracking , Loss of Bond, Loss of Uncontrolled (E xt ernal) Material (Spall ing , Scaling) Aging NUR EG I Table M anage f)1 Emt 1 801 2 ,' 3.X.1 I Not e Program ,, lt e ri\ It em I Struc tur es lll.A1-7 Monitoring 3.5.1-32 A , 509 Program (T-02) Struc ture s lll.A1-7 Moni toring 3.5.1-32 A , 509 Prog ram (T-02) St ru c tures IJl.A1-6 Mo nitor ing (T-01) 3.5.1-26 A Program Structures lll.A1-6 Monitoring (T-0 1) 3.5.1-2 6 A Program Struc tures lll.A1-9 Mo ni toring 3.5.1-23 A Prog r a m (T-04) Struc ture s lll.A1-9 Monit oring 3.5.1-23 A Prog r a m (T-0 4)

SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 49 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function CNT-CE-Reinforced Structural Concrete Exposed to A i r Indoor Uncontrolled Support CNT-CE-Reinforced Concrete Exposed to Air Shelter, Indoor Uncontrolled Protection CNT-CE-Reinforced Structural Concrete Exposed to Air Pressure Indoor Uncontrolled Barrier CNT-CE-Reinforced Structural Concrete Exposed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled Support Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-2 Containment Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Aging Effect Requiring Environment Management

1. Air Indoor Cracking, Loss of Bond, Loss of Uncontrolled (External)

Material (Spalling, Scaling) Air Indoor Uncontrolled Expansion and Cracking (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled Expansion and Cracking (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled Expansion and Crac king (External)

' Aging NU REG Table Management 1801 Vol. 2 3.X.1 Note *I P.rogram ., .,. ltem-i:'i:i I Item Structures lll.A1-9 Monitoring 3.5.1-23 A Program (T-04) Structures Monitoring Program , Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) Monitoring lll.A1-2 3.5.1-27 A , E 517 , Program & (T-03) 519 Building Deformation Monitoring Program Structures Monitoring Program , Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) lll.A1-2 A, E, Monitoring 3.5.1-27 Program & (T-03) 517 , 519 Building Deforma t ion Monitoring Proqram Structures Monitor i ng Program , Alkali-Silica Reaction lll.A1-2 A , E , (ASR) 3.5.1-27 Monitoring (T-03) 517 , 519 Program & Building Deformation SBK-L-17155 I Enclo sure 2/ Page 50 U.S. Nucl ear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function CNT-CE-Reinforced Shelter , Concrete E x posed t o A i r Protect i on Indoor Uncontrolled CNT-CE-Re inforc ed Structural Concrete E x posed to Air Pressure Indoor Uncontrolled Barrier CNT-CE-Reinforced Structural Concrete Exposed to Air Support In door Uncontrolled CNT-CE-Reinforced Concre te E xp osed to Air Flood Barrier Outdoor CNT-CE-Reinforced Concrete Exposed to Air Missile Barrier Outdoor Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-2 Containment Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Environment

'" [ll 1 Aging !=ffect Requir i ng **11**11 Management

* A i r Indoor Increa se in Porosity and Uncontrolled Permeability , Cracking , Loss of (External) Material (Spalling , Scaling) Air Indoor Increase in Porosity and Uncontrolled Permeability , Cracking, Loss of (External)

Material (Spalling, Scaling) Air Indoor Increase in Porosity and Uncontrolled Permeability , Cracking , Loss of (External) Material (Spalling, Scaling) Air Outdoor Cracking , Loss of Bond , Loss of (External)

Material (Spalling , Scal ing) Air Outdoor Cracking , Loss of Bond , Loss of (External)

Material (Spalling, Scaling) ** Aging NU REG Tab l e II 'ii *I: 1 801 V o l. 2 3.X.1 N o t e Program It em It em M on it oring Program Struc tures lll.A1-1 0 Monitoring (T-06) 3.5.1-24 A Program St ru c ture s lll.A1-10 Monitoring (T-06) 3.5.1-24 A Program Structures lll.A1-10 M onitoring (T-06) 3.5.1-24 A Program Struc t ures lll.A 1-9 Monitoring 3.5.1-23 A Program (T-0 4) Struc ture s lll.A1-9 M onitoring 3.5.1-23 A Program (T-04)

SBK-L-1 7155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 5 I U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function CNT-CE-Reinforced She lter , Concrete Exposed to Air Outdoor Protection CNT-CE-Reinforced Structural Concrete Exposed to Air Pressure Outdoor Barrier CNT-CE-Reinforced Structural Concrete Exposed to Air Outdoor Support CNT-CE-Reinforced Concrete Exposed to A i r Flood Barrier Outdoor CNT-CE-Reinforced Concrete Exposed to Air Missile Barrier Outdoor Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-2 Containment Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Aging Effect Requiring Environment Management I* Air Outdoor Cracking , Loss of Bond, Loss of (External)

Material (Spalling , Scaling) Air Outdoor Cracking , Loss of Bond, Loss of (External)

Material (Spalling, Scal ing) Air Outdoor Cracking , Loss of Bond , Loss of (External)

Material (Spalling , Scaling) Air Outdoor E xpansion and C racking (External)

Air Outdoor E xpansion and Cracking (External)

Aging NU REG .Table Management 1801 1 Vol. 2 3.X.1 Note Program Item Item :1 Structures lll.A1-9 Monitoring 3.5.1-23 A Program (T-04) Structures ll l.A 1-9 Monitoring 3.5.1-23 A Program (T-04) Structures 111.A1-9 Monitoring 3.5.1-2 3 A Program (T-04) Structures Monitoring Program, Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) Monitoring lll.A1-2 3.5.1-27 A , E , Program & (T-03) 517 , 519 Building Deformation M onitoring Program Structures Monitoring Program , Alkali-Silica Reaction lll.A1-2 3.5.1-27 A, E , (ASR) (T-03) 517 , 519 Monitoring Program & Building SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 52 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Int ended Component Type Function CNT-CE-Reinforced Concrete E xpo sed to Air Shelte r , Protection Outdoor CNT-CE-Re in forced S tr uc tural Co ncrete Exposed to Air Pressure Outdoor Bar rier M a t er ial Concrete Conc r e te ' Table 3.5.2-2 Con tainm en t S tructur es Sum mary o f Aging M anagement Eva luation Agin g E ff ect Requiring En vir onmen t M anagemen t ' F :1:1*1 I I A i r Ou tdoor E xp ans i on and Crac k ing (E xt erna l) Air Outdoor E xp ans i on and Crac king (E xt ernal) <ii Aging NU REG Table Management 1 801 V o l. 2 3.X.1 N o t e Program It em *1*,. Deforma ti o n M oni t ori ng Program S tructures Monitoring Program , Alkali-Si l ica Reaction (A S R) Monito ring lll.A1-2 3.5.1-27 A , E , Program & (T-03) 517, 5 1 9 Bu ilding Deformation M o nit or ing Program Structures Monitoring Program , Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) Monitoring lll.A1-2 3.5.1-27 A , E , Program & (T-0 3) 5 17, 5 19 Building Deformation M o nit or ing Program SBK-L-171 55 I Enclo sure 2/ Page 53 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Component Type Intended Function CNT-CE-Re i nforced Structural Concrete E xp osed to A i r Support Outdoor C NT-CE-Reinforced Concrete E xp osed to Air Flood Barrier Ou tdoor C NT-CE-Reinforced Concrete E xp osed to Air Missile Barrier Outdoor CNT-CE-Reinforced Shelte r, Concrete E xp osed to Air Protection Outdoor CNT-CE-Reinforced Structural Concrete E x posed to Air P r essure Outdoor Barrier Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-2 Containment Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluatio n 1111 " Agi ri'g Effect Requiring I Environment Management Air Outdoor (E xt ernal) Expansion and Cracking Air Outdoor Increase in Porosity and (External) Permeability , Cracking , Loss of Material (Spall ing , Scal ing) Air Outdoor Increase in Porosity and (External) Permeability , Cracking , Loss of Material (Spalling, Scal ing) Air O ut door Increase in Porosity and (Ex t ernal) Permeability , Cracking , Loss o f Material (Spalling, Scaling) Air Outdoor I ncrease in Porosity and (E xt ernal) Permeability , Cracking , Lo ss of Material (Spal l ing, Scal ing) Aging NU REG Table :" M anagemen t 1 801 V ol. 2 3.X.1 Not e Program It em It em Struc tu res M onitoring Program , Alkali-Sil i ca Reaction (ASR) lll.A1-2 A , E , M oni to r ing (T-03) 3.5.1-2 7 517 , 519 Program & Build in g Deformation M on it or ing Program Structures lll.A1-10 M onitoring (T-06) 3.5.1-24 A P rog ram Struc tures 111.A1-10 M onitoring (T-06) 3.5.1-24 A Program Struc tur es lll.A1-10 Monitoring (T-06) 3.5.1-24 A Prog r a m Structures 111.A1-10 Mo n itoring (T-06) 3.5.1-24 A Program SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 54 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function CNT-CE-Reinforced Structural Concrete Exposed to Air Support Outdoor CNT-CE-Reinforced Concrete Exposed to Air Flood Barrier Outdoo r CNT-CE-Reinforced Concrete Exposed to Air Missile Barrier Outdoor CNT-CE-Reinforced Shelter, Concrete Expo s ed to Air Outdoor Protection CNT-CE-Reinforced Structural Concrete Expo s ed to Air Pre s sure Outdoor Barri e r CNT-CE-Reinforced Stru c tural Concrete Exposed to Air Supp o rt Outdoor Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-2 Containment Stru c tures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Aging Effect Requiring Environment Management Air Outdoor Incre a se in Poros i ty and (External)

Permeability , C racking , Loss of Material (S pall i ng , S caling) Air Outdoor (E xternal) Loss of Material, Cracking Air Outd o or (External)

Loss of Material , Cracking Air Outdoor Loss of M a teri a l , C r a cking (E xternal) Air Outdoor (External)

Lo s s of Materi a l, C r a cking Air Outdoor (External)

Lo s s of M a t e rial, C racking ---*---Aging NU REG Table Management 1801 Vol. 2 3.X.1 N o t e ' Program .. 1:1: .ltem 1 Itel"!' ,, 1

  • I Structures lll.A1-10 Monitoring (T-06) 3.5. 1-24 A Program Structures lll.A1-6 Monitoring (T-01) 3.5. 1-26 A Program Structures lll.A1-6 Monitoring (T-01) 3.5. 1-26 A Program Structures 111.A1-6 Monitoring 3.5.1-26 A Program (T-01) Structures lll.A1-6 Monitoring (T-01) 3.5. 1-26 A Program Structures lll.A1-6 Monitoring (T-01) 3.5. 1-26 A Program SBK-L-17155 I En cl osure 2/ Page 55 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission , Intended Component Type Function C N T-CE-Stainless Steel Structural E x posed to Air Outdoor Support CNT-CEVA-Built-Up Roofing E xp osed to Air Sh elter , Outdoor Protection CNT-CEVA-Carbon Steel HELB Door E x posed t o Air with Shielding Borated Water Leakage CNT-CEVA-Carbon S t ee l S helter , Door E x pose d to Air wi th Borated Water Leakage Protection CNT-CEVA-Carbon Stee l Structural Door E x posed to Air wit h Support Borated W ater Leakage CNT-CEVA-Carbon S teel HELB Door E xp osed to Air Indoor Sh ielding Uncontrolled Material Stainless Steel Roofing Stee l Steel Steel S teel Table 3.5.2-2 Containment Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Aging Effect Requiring Environment . Manag emen t Air Outdoor (Externa l) Loss of Material Air Outdoor Sepa ration, Environmental (External)

Degradation, Water In-Leakage Air w/Borated Water Leakage Loss of Material (E xternal) Air w/Bo rated Water Leakage Loss of Material (External Air w/Borated Water Leakage Loss of Material (Externa l Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss o f M aterial (E xterna l) II , Aging I M anagemen t 1*1 1 NU REG 180'1'1 V o l: 11 2 1 ,,, ,, Tabl 1 e 111 3.X.1 N ote ,, Program :r Item It em !I Structures lll.B2-7 M oni to ring (TP-6) 3.5.1-50 A Prog r am Structures Monitor i ng Program 111.A6-12 3.5.1-44 505, H, Bu ilding (TP-7) E , 520 De f o rm a ti on M oni t or ing Proaram Bor i c Acid lll.B 2-11 Corros i o n (T-25) 3.5.1-55 A Program Boric Acid 111.82-11 Corrosion 3.5.1-55 A Program (T-25) Boric Acid lll.B2-11 Co rrosion (T-25) 3.5.1-55 A Program Str u ctures lll.A 1-1 2 M onito ring (T-11) 3.5.1-25 A P rogram SBK-L-171 55 I Enclosure 2/ Page 56 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type , Function CNT-CEVA-Carbon Steel Shelter, Door E x posed to A i r Indoor Uncontrolled Protection CNT-CEVA-Carbon Stee l Structural Door E x posed to Air Indoor Support Uncontrolled CNT-CEVA-Carbon S teel Structural E xp osed to Air with Pressure Borated Water Leakage Barrier CNT-CEVA-Carbon Steel Structural E x posed to A ir with Support Borated Water Leakage CNT-CEVA-Carbon Steel Structural E x posed to Air Indoor Pressure Uncontrolled Barrier CNT-CEVA-Carbon Steel Structural E x posed to Air Indoor Support Uncontrolled Material Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Table 3.5.2-2 Containment Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Aging Effect Re,quiring Environment Management Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External)

A i r Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External) Air w/Borated Water Leakage Loss of Material (E xt ernal) Air w/Borated Water Leakage Loss of Material (External) Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External) Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External) Aging NU REG Table M anagemen t , 1 sq1 3.X.1 N o t e P r b9 1.'am n '.I *:11 ,. Item It em S tru ctures lll.A1-12 M oni toring 3.5.1-25 A Program (T-1 1) Struc tu res 111.A1-12 Mo nitoring (T-11) 3.5. 1-25 A Prog r am Boric Acid lll.B2-1 1 Corrosion (T-25) 3.5.1-55 A Program Boric Acid lll.B2-11 Corros ion (T-25) 3.5.1-55 A Program S tr uc ture s lll.A1-12 Mo ni toring (T-1 1) 3.5.1-25 A Program Structures lll.A1-12 M onitoring (T-11) 3.5.1-25 A Program S BK-L-171 55 I En c l osure 2/Page 5 7 U.S. N uc l ea r Regulatory Commission I ntended Component Type Function C N T-CEVA-Carbon Steel Struc t ural E x posed to A i r Outdoor Support C N T-CEVA-Carbon Steel Fire Door E x posed to Ai r Fire Barrier w ith Borated Water Lea k age C N T-CEVA-Carbon S teel Fire Door E x posed to A i r S tru c tural w ith Borated Water S upport Lea k age CNT-CEVA-Carbon Steel Fire Door E x posed to A i r Fire Barrier Indoor Uncontrolled CNT-C E VA-Carbon Steel S t r uctural Fire Door E x posed to Air S upport In doo r U n contro l led CNT-C E VA-Carbon Stee l Fire Doo r E x posed to Air Fire Barrier I ndoo r Uncontrolled Materia l Steel Steel Steel Stee l S teel Steel Table 3.5.2-2 Containment S tructure s Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Aging Effect Requiring Env i ronment ' .

Air Outdoor (External) Loss of Material Ai r w/Borated Wate r Leakage Loss of Mater i al (External) Air w/B o rated W a ter Leakage Loss of M a terial (Externa l) Air Indoor Uncontrolled Lo s s of Material (E xt ernal) Air I ndoor Uncontrolled L o ss of M a terial (E xternal) Air Indoor Uncontrolled Lo s s of Material (E xt ernal) A g i ng N U REG Ta bl e M anageme nt 1 80 1 V o l. 2 3.X.1 N o t e Prog r am It e m It em 'I S tr uc t ures l l l.A 1-1 2 Monito ri ng (T-11) 3.5.1-25 A , 50 3 Program Boric Ac id Corrosion lll.B2-1 1 3.5.1-55 A Prog r a m (T-25) Boric Acid Co rr o s io n lll.B2-11 3.5.1-55 A Prog r am (T-25) Structures lll.A 1-12 M onitor in g (T-11) 3.5.1-25 A Prog r am St ru c t ures lll.A 1-1 2 M onitoring (T-11) 3.5.1-25 A P r ogra m Fire Protect i o n V l l.G-3 Program (A-21) 3.3.1-63 A S BK-L-171 55 I Enclo s ure 2/ Pa ge 58 U.S. Nu c lear R eg ul at o ry C o mmi ss i o n l nterided Compon e nt Type Function C N T-CEVA-Carbon Steel Structural Fire Door E x posed to A i r S upport I ndoor Uncontrolled C N T-CEVA-Carbon Steel Structural Tech Spec Door Exposed Pressure to A i r w ith Borated Water Barrier Leakage C N T-CEVA-Carbon Stee l Tech Spec Door Exposed Structura l t o Air w ith Borated Water Support L eakage C N T-CEVA-Carbon Steel Structural Tech Spec Door E x posed Pressure t o Air I ndoor Uncontrolled Barr i er C N T-CEVA-Carbon Steel Structural Tech Spec Door E x posed Support to Air I ndoor Uncontrolled C N T-CE VA-Elastomeric Structura l Pressure Seal and Caulk Press u re E x posed to Ai r I ndoor U ncontrolled Barrier M ater i a l Steel Steel Steel Steel Stee l Elastomer Tab l e 3.5.2-2 Con t ainmen t Structures Summary o f Aging M anagemen t Eva l ua ti o n Env i ro n ment 111,, w 1:1 :i*ill, ,,, :1:111:: 1'1'11 'l:l'l'il::

' Aging Effect Req u i'ri ng ,ll: J1j::' *. M anagemen t : 1' '1 1* i," 11 Air I ndoor Uncontrolled Loss of Materi a l (E x ternal) Air w/Borated Water Leakage Loss of Material (E x ternal) Air w/Borated Water Leakage Loss of Material (E xt ernal) Air I ndoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (Externa l) Air I ndoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External) Air I ndoor Uncontrolled Increased Hardness and Shrinkage and Loss of Strength (External) :II 1 A g ln g :1.* 1 * 'I" 1'1 **'*I I 1' l'i' .* *1111 : : ' : ' : : I ' ' I I 1, ' ' ' :;1N o t e ::I M anagemen tll:' 1'1 1 80 1 1'V o l l;1 2 1 , 1l,11.3.ft 1:lt 111:']' 'I 1 l:J'I: , 'Ill '*' 'T'l , i. ,, ''f',,,1:1::

liii:J ,,!1 1:,i:1 , , P r og r c:i rn , ,, 4 , 1 , 1 ll'll*'i1l lt e 1T'l]il:]I:, 1 , 1',11 l em ,*1,," 1 i' Fire Protecti on Vll.G-3 Program (A-2 1) 3.3.1-63 A Boric A c id Co r rosio n lll.B2-11 3.5.1-55 A Program (T-25) Boric A c id Corrosion lll.B2-11 3.5.1-55 A Progra m (T-25) S t r u ct ur es lll.A 1-1 2 M oni t or i ng (T-11) 3.5.1-25 A Prog r am S t ructures Ill.A 1-1 2 M oni t oring (T-11) 3.5.1-25 A P r og r a m S t ructures M on i toring Vll.G-1 3.3.1-61 E, 5 1 5 (A-1 9) Program SBK-L-171 55 I Enclosure 2/ Page 59 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function CNT-CEVA-Elastomers E xpansion I Exposed to Air Outdoo r Separat ion CNT-CEVA-Fire Penetration Seal Exposed Fire Barrier to Air Indoor Uncontrolled C NT-CEVA-F ire Penetration Seal Exposed Fire Barrier to Air Indoor Uncontrolled CNT-CEVA-Penetration Structural Seal Exposed to Air Indoor Pressure Uncontrolled Barrier CNT-CEVA-Reinforced Shelter , Concrete Below Grade Protection CNT-CEVA-Reinforced Structural Concrete Below Grade Support CNT-CEVA-Reinforced She lter, Concrete Below Grade Protection Mat eria l Elastomer Elastomer Elastomer Elastomer Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-2 Conta inm ent Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Aging Effect Requiring Environment Air Outdoor Increased Hardness and Shrinkage (E xternal) and Loss of Strength Air Indoor Increased Hardness and Shr inkage Uncontrolled (External) and Loss of Strength Air Indoor Increased Hardness and Shrinkage Uncontrolled (External) and Loss of Strength Air Indoor Increased Hardness and Sh rinkage Uncontrolled (E xternal) and Loss of Strength Cracking, Loss of Bond, Loss of Soil (External)

Material (Spalling , Scaling) Cracking, Loss of Bond, Loss of Soil (External)

Material (Spalling, Scaling) Soil (External)

E xpansion and Crack ing Aging NU REG Table Management 1801 Vol. 2 3.X.1 N o t e

  • I 1 I tem I tem ;;I Structures Vll.G-1 Monitoring 3.3.1-61 E , 5 1 5 Program (A-19) Fire Protection Vll.G-1 3.3.1-6 1 A Program (A-19) Structures Vl l.G-1 Monitoring 3.3.1-6 1 E,515 Program (A-19) Structures Vll.G-1 Monitoring 3.3.1-6 1 E, 5 1 5 Program (A-19) Structures lll.A1-4 Monitoring 3.5.1-31 A Program (T-05) Structures lll.A1-4 Monitoring 3.5.1-31 A Program (T-05) Structures lll.A1-2 3.5.1-27 A, E , MonitorinQ (T-03) 517 , 519 SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 60 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function CNT-CEVA-Reinforced Structural Concrete Below Grade Support CNT-CEVA-Reinforced Shelter , Concrete Below Grade Protection CNT-CEVA-Reinforced S tructural Concrete Belo w Grade Support CNT-CEVA-Reinforced Shelter, Concrete Below Grade Protection Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-2 Containment Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Environment Aging Effect Requiring Management 1:1, Soil (External)

E xp ansion and Cracking In crease in Porosity and Soi l (External)

Permeability, Cracking, Loss of Material (Spalling, Scal i ng) Increa se in Porosity and Soil (Ext erna l) Permeability, Cracking , Loss of Material (Spalli ng , Scal ing) Increa se in Porosity and Soil (E xternal) Permeability , Loss of Streng th 1 1 1 Aging NU REG Table Management 1801 Vol. 2 3.X.1 N ote rl* Program *11 It em 1:1

  • 111 *'

"' Program, Alkali-Silica Reaction (A SR) M onitoring Program & Bu ilding Deformation M oni t or ina Structures Monitoring Program , Alkal i-S ili ca Reac ti on (A SR) lll.A1-2 A, E , M onitoring (T-03) 3.5. 1-27 517 , 5 19 Program & Building Deforma ti on M oni t or ing Structures lll.A1-5 Monitoring (T-07) 3.5. 1-31 A Program Structures lll.A1-5 Monitoring (T-07) 3.5. 1-31 A Program Structures lll.A1-7 M onitoring (T-02) 3.5. 1-32 A , 509 P ro gram S BK-L-171 55 I E n cl osure 2/ Page 6 1 U.S. N ucle a r Regula t ory Comm i ssio n Intended Component Type Function CNT-CEVA-Re i nforced Structural Concrete Below Grade Support CNT-CEVA-Reinforced Shelter , Concrete Belo w Grade Protection C N T-CEVA-Reinforced Structural Concrete Below Grade Support CNT-CEVA-Reinforced Concrete Exposed to Air Fire Barrier I ndoor Uncontro l le d CNT-CEVA-Reinforced Shelter , Conc r ete E x posed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled Protection C N T-CEVA-Re i nforced Structural Concrete E x posed to Air Pressure I ndoor Uncontro l led Barrier Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Tab l e 3.5.2-2 Containment Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation

!,I: 1:1:1 ,!:I ::1 ' ' '" .111:' Aging Effect Requiring Environment Management I*' : I ; j , ' j Increase in Porosity and Soil (External)

Permeability , Loss of Strength Soil (E xt ernal) Loss of Material, Cracking Soil (E x ternal) Loss of Material , Cracking Air Indoor Cracking , Loss of Bond , Loss of Uncontrolled (External) Material (Spalling , Scaling) Air Indoor Cracking, Loss of Bond, Loss of Uncontrolled (E xt erna l) Material (Spalling , Scaling) Air Indoor Cracking , Loss of Bond , Loss of Uncontrolled (External) Material (Spalling , Scaling) A g i ng N UREG , Tab l e M anagemen t 1801 V o l. 2 3.X.1 N o t e 1: Progra m ,,,, 1 l tem I tem Struc t ures ll l.A 1-7 Monitor i ng 3.5. 1-32 A, 509 Program (T-02) Structures ll l.A 1-6 M on i toring 3.5. 1-26 A Program (T-01) St r uc t ures ll l.A 1-6 M onitori n g (T-01) 3.5. 1-26 A Program Structures l l l.A 1-9 Moni t o ri ng 3.5. 1-23 A Program (T-0 4) S t ruc tu res lll.A 1-9 M onitoring 3.5.1-23 A Program (T-04) Struc t u r es 111.A 1-9 Monitoring 3.5.1-23 A Program (T-0 4)

SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 62 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function CNT-CEVA-Reinforced Structural Concrete E x posed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled Support C N T-CEVA-Re i nforced Concrete E xpo sed to Air Fire Bar ri e r Indo or Uncontrolled C NT-CE VA-Re infor ced Concrete E xp osed to Air S helter, Protection Ind oo r Uncontro ll ed CNT-CEVA-Re i nforced Structural Concrete E x posed to Air Pressure I ndoo r Uncontrolled Barrier Material Concrete Conc r ete Concrete Concrete Tab l e 3.5.2-2 Containment Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Aging Effect Requiring Env i ronment rvianagement Air Indoor Cracking , Loss of Bond , Loss o f Uncontrolled (External) Material (Spalling, Scal ing) Air Indoor Uncontrolled E x pansion and Cracking (External) Air In door Uncontrolled E x pansion and Cracking (E xt ernal) Air Indoor Uncontrolled Expansion and Cracking (External)

Aging NU REG Tab l e M anagement 1 80 1 V o l. 2 3.X.1 Not e Prog r am It em Item S t ruc tu res lll.A1-9 Monitoring 3.5.1-23 A Program (T-04) Structures M onitoring Program , Alkali-Si li ca Reaction (A SR) Mo ni torin g lll.A1-2 3.5.1-27 A, E , Program & (T-03) 517 , 5 19 Building Deformation M on it or ing Program Structures Monit or ing Program, Alkali-Silica Reaction (A SR) Monitoring lll.A1-2 3.5.1-27 A, E , Program & (T-0 3) 517 , 5 19 Building Deformation M o nit o ring Program S t ructures Monit or ing Program , Alkali-Silica Reaction lll.A1-2 3.5.1-27 A, E , (A SR) (T-03) 517, 5 19 Monitoring Program & Building SBK-L-171 SS I Enclosure 2/ Page 63 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function CNT-CEVA-Re i nforced Concrete E x posed to Air Structural Indoor Uncontrolled Support CNT-CEVA-Reinforced Concrete E x posed to Air Fire Barrier Indoor Uncontrolled C N T-CEVA-Reinforced Shelter, Concrete Exposed to Air Protection In door Uncontrolled CNT-CEVA-Reinforced Structural Concrete Exposed to Air Pressure Indoor Uncontrolled Barrier Material 'i' Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-2 Containment Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Aging Effect Requiring Environment Management Air Indoor Uncontrolled Expansion and Cracking (External)

Air Indoor In crease in Porosity and Uncontrolled Permeability, Cracking , Loss of (External)

Material (Spalling, Scaling) Air Indoor Increase in Porosity and Uncontrolled Permeability, Cracking, Loss of (External)

Material (Spall ing , Scaling) A i r Indoor Increa se in Porosity and Uncontrolled Permeability, Cracking, Loss of (External)

Material (Spall ing, Scaling) Aging N U REG Tab l e M anagement 1 801 Vol ,. 2 ':I: + N o t e Program Item It em Deforma ti on M oni t oring Program Structures Monitoring Program , Alkal i-Si li ca Reac t ion (A SR) Monitoring lll.A 1-2 3.5.1-27 A, E, Program & (T-03) 5 1 7 , 519 Bu ilding De f o rm a ti o n M on it oring Program Structures lll.A1-1 0 M onitoring (T-06) 3.5.1-2 4 A Program Structures lll.A1-10 Monitoring (T-06) 3.5.1-24 A Program Structures lll.A 1-10 Monitoring (T-06) 3.5.1-24 A Program SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 64 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

  • Intended Component Type j*I F'u 11 ction l,i i'l I:; l'I CNT-CEVA-Reinforced Structural Concrete Exposed to Air Support Indoor Uncontrolled CNT-CEVA-Reinforced Concrete Exposed to Air Flood Barrier Outdoor CNT-CEVA-Reinforced Concrete Exposed to Air Mi ssile Barrier Outdoor CNT-CEVA-Reinforced Shelter , Concrete Exposed to Air Outdoor Protection CNT-CEVA-Reinforced Structural Concrete Exposed to Air Pressure Outdoor Barrier CNT-CEVA-Reinforced Concrete Exposed to Air Flood Barrier Outdoor ii M ater ial ,, H* ;: Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Tab l e 3.5.2-2 Containment Structures Summary of Aging Manag ement Evaluation I. " Aging Effect Requiring i'I : Env i ronment Management l*I .. :* Air Indoor Increase in Porosity and Uncontrolled Permeability, Cracking, Loss of (External) Material (Spalling, Scaling) Air Outdoor Cracking , Loss of Bond, Loss of (External)

Material (Spalling , Scaling) Air Outdoor Cracking, Loss of Bond, Loss of (External)

Material (Spalling, Scaling) Air Outdoor Cracking , Loss of Bond, Lo ss of (External)

Material (Spalling, Scaling) Air Outdoor Cracking, Loss of Bond, Loss of (External)

Material (Spalling, Scaling) Air Outdoor Expansion and Cracking (External) I.* :j 1-l 1 N UREG Table' l.Jl!l1 Management 1801 Vol. 2 3.X.1 N ote 1' Program Item I tem Structures lll.A1-10 Monitoring (T-06) 3.5.1-24 A Program Structures lll.A1-9 Monitoring 3.5.1-23 A Program (T-04) Structures lll.A 1-9 M onitoring 3.5.1-23 A Program (T-04) Structures lll.A1-9 Monitoring 3.5.1-23 A P r ogram (T-0 4) Structures lll.A1-9 Monitoring 3.5.1-23 A Program (T-0 4) Structures Monitoring Program , Alkali-Silica Reaction lll.A1-2 3.5.1-27 A, E , (ASR) (T-03) 517 , 519 Monitoring Program & Buildina SBK-L-171 55 I Enclosure 2/ Page 65 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Component Type Intended Function C N T-CEVA-Reinforced Concrete E x posed to Air Missile Barrier Outdoor CNT-CEVA-Reinforced Shelter , Concrete E x posed to Air Protection Outdoor CNT-CEVA-Reinforced Structural Concrete E x posed to Air Pressure Outdoor Barrier Material Conc r ete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-2 Containment S tru c ture s Summary of Aging Man age ment Evaluation

'1:1'] ' :lil:j: ii: :pi ,I: ,, Environment Aging Effect Requiring Management Air Outdoor E x pansion and Cracking (External) Air Outdoor (External)

Expansion and Cracking Air Outdoor Expansion and Cracking (External)

1: +, , . Aging Table" M anagemen t 1 801 Vol. 2 3.X.1 N o t e Prog r am It em It em Deformation M oni t ori n g Program Structures M onitoring Program , Alkali-Silica Reaction (A SR) M onitor in g 111.A1-2 3.5.1-27 A, E , Program & (T-03) 517 , 5 19 Building Deformation M on it or ing Program Struc ture s Monitoring Program , Alkali-Silica Reaction (A SR) 111.A1-2 A, E , Monitoring (T-03) 3.5. 1-27 517, 5 19 Program & Build ing Defor m a ti o n M oni t or ing Proqra m Structures M onitoring Program , Al k a l i-Sil i ca Reaction lll.A1-2 A, E , (ASR) 3.5.1-27 Monitoring (T-03) 517 , 5 19 Program & Building Deformation SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 66 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function CNT-CEVA-Reinforced Concrete Exposed to Air Flood Barrier Outdoor CNT-CEVA-Reinforced Concrete Exposed to Air Mi ssile Barrier Outdoor CNT-CEVA-Reinforced Shelter, Concrete Exposed to Air Protection Outdoor CNT-CEVA-Reinforced Structural Concrete Exposed to Air Pressure Outdoor Barrier CNT-CEVA-Reinforced Concrete Exposed to Air Flood Barrier Outdoor Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-2 Containment Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Aging Effect Requiring Environment Manag emen t Air Outdoor Increase in Porosity and (External)

Permeability, Cracking, Loss of Material (Spall ing , Scaling) Air Outdoor Increase in Porosity and (External)

Permeability, Crac king , Loss of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Air Outdoor Increase in Porosity and (External)

Permeability , Cracking, Loss of Material (Spalling , Scaling) Air Outdoor Increa se in Porosity and (External)

Permeability, Cracking , Loss of Material (Spalling , Scaling) Air Outdoor (External)

Loss of Material, Cracking Aging NU REG Table Management 1801 Vol. 2 3.X.1 Note Program Item Item Monitoring Program Structures l ll.A1-10 Monitoring (T-06) 3.5.1-24 A Program Structures lll.A1-10 Monitoring (T-06) 3.5.1-2 4 A Program Structures lll.A1-10 Monitoring (T-06) 3.5.1-24 A Program Structures Il l.A 1-10 Monitoring (T-0 6) 3.5.1-24 A Program Structures 111.A1-6 Monitoring (T-01) 3.5.1-26 A Program SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 67 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function CNT-CEVA-Reinforced Concrete Exposed to Air Missile Barrier Outdoor CNT-CEVA-Reinforced Shelter , Concrete E x posed to Air Outdoor Protection CNT-CEVA-Re i nforced Structural Concrete E x posed to Air Pressure Outdoor Barrier CNT-CEVA-Tech Spec Structural Seal E x posed to Air Indoor Pressure Uncontrolled Barrier CNT-CEVA-Tech Spec Structura l Seal E x posed to A i r Pressure Outdoor Barrier CNT-CEVA-Thermal Insulation Aluminum Structural Jacketing in Air with Support Bo r ated Water Leakage Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Elastomer E l astomer Aluminum Table 3.5.2-2 Containment Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Environment Aging Effect Requ i ring 1 Managerrteni 1 1'. ' Air Outdoor (External)

Loss of Material , Cracking Air Outdoor Loss of Material , Cracking (External)

Air Outdoor (External)

Loss of Material , Cracking 'l*'l:ill Air Indoor Increased Hardness and Shrinkage Uncontrolled (External) and Loss of Strength Air Outdoor Increased Hardness and Shrinkage (External) and Loss of Strength Air w/Borated Water Leakage Loss of Material (External) Aging NU REG Table 11' 1 M anagemen t *1:1 1so , 1 I V 0 1..2 3: x.1 :!. *N ote Program I tem I tem I Structures ll l.A1-6 Monitoring (T-0 1) 3.5.1-26 A Program Structures l ll.A1-6 Monitoring 3.5.1-26 A Program (T-01) Struc t ures l l l.A1-6 M on it or i ng (T-01) 3.5.1-26 A Program Structures V ll.G-1 Monito ri ng (A-19) 3.3.1-6 1 E, 5 1 5 Program Struc t ures Vl l.G-1 Monitor i ng (A-19) 3.3.1-6 1 E , 5 1 5 Program Bor i c Acid Corrosion l l l.B2-6 3.5.1-55 A (TP-3) Program SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 68 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function CNT-Cl-Carbon Steel Door Structural Exposed to Air with S upport Borated Water Leakage CNT-Cl-Carbon Steel Door S helter, Exposed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled Protection CNT-Cl-Carbon Steel S tructural Exposed to Air with Support Borated Water Leakage CNT-Cl-Carbon Steel Structural Exposed to Air Indoor Support Uncontrolled CNT-Cl-Conduit Fire Wrap Exposed to Air Indoor Fire Barrier Uncontrolled CNT-Cl-Conduit Fire Wrap Exposed to Air with Fire Barrier Borated Wate r Leakage Material"" Steel Steel Steel Steel Stainless Steel Stainles s S teel Table 3.5.2-2 C ontainment Structur e s S ummary of Aging Management Evaluation Environment Aging Effe c t Requiring 1,1 Management

' Air w/Borated Water Leakage Loss of Material (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External)

Air w/Borated Water Leakage Loss of Material (E xternal) Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of M a terial (External)

Nooe Air Indoor Deformation/redu c tion in Uncontrolled s tructural c a pa c ity (External) directly/indire c tly due to the expan s ion of c oncrete Nooe Air w/Borated Deformation/reduction in Water Leakag e s tru c tural c apa c ity (E xternal) dire c tly/indire c tly due to the expan s ion of c on c rete l:f: Aging NUREG , [I 1 ,,,,, Table ,, 1 , ,,

,,,1: ::.1801 1 Vol!l 2 ' 3.X.1 1' " N ote Program It em Item Boric Acid lll.B2-11 Corrosion (TP-25) 3.5.1-55 A Program Structures lll.A4-5 M onitoring 3.5, 1-25 A Program (T-11) Bor i c Acid lll.B2-11 Corrosion (TP-25) 3.5, 1-55 A Program Structures lll.A4-5 Monitoring (T-11) 3,5 , 1-25 A Program Nooe Building lll.B1 .2-7 Deformation (TP-5) 3.5.1-59 A, E , 520 Monitoring Program Nooe Building lll.B2-9 Deformation (TP-4) 3.5, 1-59 A , E, 520 Monitoring Program S B K-L-1 7155 I En c l os ure 2/ Page 6 9 U.S. N uclea r Regu l atory Co mmi ssio n Component Type I ntended Function C N T-C l-Heat Shield Exposed to Air with Fire Barrier Borated W ater Leakage CNT-Cl-Radiant Heat Shield E x posed to Air Fire Barrier I ndoor Uncontrolled C N T-C l-Reinforced Concrete E x posed to Air Fire Barrier I ndoor Uncontrolled C N T-Cl-Reinforced Concrete E x posed to Air Flood Barrier Indoor Uncontrol l ed CNT-C l-Reinfo r ced Concrete E x posed to Air Missile Barrier I ndoor Uncontrolled C N T-Cl-Reinforced Structural Concrete E x posed to Air I ndoor Uncontrolled Support M ateria l Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-2 Containment Structures Summary of Ag i ng Management Eva l uatio n '*1 .: !* .' ,'11 I*/ :i: 'r 1*1 1*1'1'1 1 1 1, " .,, , .

  • Environment
  • 11 f 1 l 1 l11 A gi n g Effect I' .Iii. .I ' I LI {I ':11 ,*1*1+1 11 '!'1 I ' ' Ii: ' J 1lfl 1 1 l:ii:l 1 M anagement 1lf ll1H1111 1 J) :Iii;' '* ,. 1:1:1, il:'i, .1:1 1:: ,,,*I: Nooe Air w/Borated Deforma t ion/reduct i on in Water Leakage structural capacity (External) direc t ly/indirectly due t o th e expansion of concre t e Nooe Air Indoor Deformation/reduc t ion in Uncontrolled structura l capaci t y (External) directly/ind i rectly due to t he expansio n o f concre t e Air I ndoor Cracking, Loss of Bond, Loss of Uncontrolled (External)

Material (Spalling , Scaling) Air Indoor Cracking , Loss of Bond, Loss of Uncontrolled (External)

Material (Spalling, Scaling) Air I ndoor Cracking , Loss of Bond , Loss o f Uncontrolled (E x ternal) Material (Spalling, Scaling) Air Indoor Cracking, Loss of Bond, Loss of Uncontrolled (E x ternal) Material (Spalling, Scaling) A g in g .. N UREG '1. 111 *i:,:T ab l e /i1 1 1'1 i:i M e1 n age rT)e l 1 t , 'j"1'I , 1'ao;1 , v o 1' .. 1 2 Iii 'I. 'I" r1:i :1::r ' *:1: !N ote 1 ll',: 3.x.1:1,,' 1 1::1!11' p111'J!l111i l'i:ilili:l 1 1t em ,11J.l 1 1!,,w.1t em 1 11 * '*;i:1J: 11:1: *I""**' * "I.* .,, T Nooe Bui l d in g lll.B2-9 Defor m a ti o n (TP-4) 3.5.1-59 A , E , 52 0 M o n i t o rin g P r ogra m Nooe B uil di n g lll.B 1 .2-7 De f or m a ti o n (TP-5) 3.5.1 -59 A, E , 520 M on it or in g P r og r a m S t ructures lll.A4-3 M onitori n g 3.5.1 -23 A Program (T-0 4) Structures lll.A4-3 M onitoring 3.5.1-23 A Prog r am (T-0 4) S t ructu r es 111.A 4-3 M onitori n g 3.5.1 -23 A Program (T-0 4) Struc t ures 111.A4-3 M onitor i ng 3.5.1-23 A Program (T-0 4)

S BK-L-171 55 I En c l os ure 2/ P a ge 7 0 U.S. Nu c l e a r R egu lat o ry C o mmission Intended Component Type Function C N T-C l-Re i nforced Concrete E x posed to Air Fire B a rrier I ndoor Uncontrolled C N T-C l-Rein f orced Concrete E x posed to A i r Fl o od Bar r ier I ndoor Uncontrolled CNT-Cl-Reinforced Concrete E x posed to Air M issi l e Barr i er I ndoor Uncontro ll ed C N T-C l-Re i nforced Structural Concrete E x posed to A i r Indoor Uncontrolled S upport Materia l Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Tabl e 3.5.2-2 Conta i nment Stru c tur es Summary of Aging Managem e nt Evaluation Aging Effe c t Requiring Env i ronment Management A i r Indoor Un c ontrolled E x pan s ion a nd Cra cking (External)

Air I ndoor Uncontrolled E x pan s ion and C ra c king (External) Air I ndoor Uncontrolled E x pansion and C ra c king (E x ternal) Air Indoor Uncontrolled E x pan s ion a nd Cra cking (E xt ernal) ,, Ag i ng ,, N UREG Table M anagell!en t 1 80 1 V o l. 2 3.X.1 N o t e Program I tem It em Struc t ures M oni t oring P r ogram , Alkal i-S i lica React i o n (ASR) l l l.A4-2 A , E , M onitoring 3.5.1-27 Program & (T-03) 5 1 7 , 5 1 9 Bu il ding Deforma ti on M o n i t o rin g P r oaram Struc t ures M on it or i ng Prog r am , Al k a l i-S i l i ca React i on (ASR) M onitoring lll.A4-2 3.5.1-27 A , E , Program & (T-03) 5 1 7 , 5 1 9 Bu il d i ng Deforma t io n M o nit o rin g Prog r a m S t ruc t ures M on it oring P r og r am , Al k a l i-Silica Reaction (ASR) M oni t or i ng lll.A4-2 3.5.1-27 A, E , Program & (T-03) 5 1 7 , 5 1 9 B uil d in g De f o rm a ti o n M o nit o rin g Progra m Struc t ures l ll.A 4-2 A, E , M onitoring 3.5.1-27 Program , A l k a li-(T-03) 5 1 7 , 5 1 9 I SBK-L-1 7155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 71 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

  • 1 Intended Component Type Function '1'! CNT-Cl-Reinforced Concrete Exposed to Air Fire Barrier Indoor Uncontrolled CNT-Cl-Reinforced Concrete Exposed to Air Flood Barrier Indoor Uncontrolled CNT-Cl-Reinforced Concrete Exposed to Air Missile Barrier I ndoor Uncontrolled CNT-Cl-Reinforced Structural Concrete E xposed to Air Support I ndoor Uncontrolled CNT-Cl-Stainless Steel Structural Exposed to Air with Support Borated Water Leakage Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Stainless Stee l Table 3.5.2-2 Containment Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation
I t !ill! . n . , . .. . . {l
.1'*11:1 11'1 ..... 11. tl'!*i" '" ! . *If' 1 *:*:!**A in Effect Re umn *1: 1*1' 11 11
  • Environment , * .***.

r 1 1:'i11'iJ1l 1 1I ,*; ,I I ' I :I:,;. 1,f I, Air Indoor Increa se in Porosity and Uncontrolled Permeability, Cracking, Loss of (External) Material (Spalling, Scaling) Air Indoor Increase in Porosity and Uncontrolled Permeability, Cracking, Loss of (External)

Material (Spalling, Scaling) Air Indoor Increas e in Porosity and Uncontrolled Permeability, Cracking, Loss of (E xternal) Material (Spalling, Scaling) Air Indoor In crease in Porosity and Uncontrolled Permeability, Cracking , Loss of (E xte rnal) Mat erial (Spalling , Scaling) Nooe Air w/Bor ated Reduction in s tru c tural capac ity Water Leakage directly.

Indir ec tly due to (E xt ernal) expansion and cracking of co n cre t e

  • l:1 1 Table ji;, 1 *** , Aging 1:i :;l,J:1'M aDagemen f'lil 1 1*" t 80 1,: Vol 1: 2 11:1 'I 1 '1 11 u *.** ,j1 1'( j'1 p I' *lh!*11l'l:H1
  • It em ' I' 1'1 , *:, ,,, I*:; rogp\lm 1 .. "' *** *f:i:. ., ... I Silica Reaction (ASR) Monitoring Program & Building Deforma ti on M on it oring Proaram Structures lll.A4-4 Monitoring (T-06) 3.5.1-24 A Program Structures lll.A4-4 M onitoring (T-06) 3.5.1-24 A Program Structures llJ.A4-4 Monitoring (T-06) 3.5.1-24 A Program Structures lll.A4-4 Monitoring (T-06) 3.5.1-2 4 A Program Nooe S tru c tur es M oni t oring lll.B1.29 Program, (TP-4) 3.5.1-59 A, E , 520 Bu ilding Deformation SBK-L-1 71 55 I E nc l osur e 2/ Page 72 U.S. N u clear R e gul atory Commi ss ion I ntended Component T y pe F u nc ti on C N T-C l-S t a i n l ess S t ee l Structural E x posed t o A i r I ndoor Sup p ort U ncon t ro l le d C N T-C l-S t ainless S t eel Struc t ural Raw W a t e r Support C N T-CS-R ein f orced Concre t e E x posed to Air Fire Barr i er I n d oor Un co n t ro ll ed C N T-CS-Re i nforce d Concrete E x posed to A ir F l ood Barrier I ndoo r Uncon t ro l le d CNT-CS-Reinforced HELB Concrete E x posed to Air I ndo o r U n co n trolled Shielding M a t e ri a l Stain l ess Stee l S t a i n l ess S t eel Concrete Concre t e Co n c r e t e T ab l e 3.5.2-2 Conta i nment St r uctures Su m ma ry of Aging M anagement Eva l uat i o n Aging Effect Requ i ring Environmen t Management Nooe Air I ndoor Red u ction in s t ruc t ura l capac ity Uncontrolled direc t ly. I ndirec t ly due t o (E xt ernal) expansion and cracking o f co n cre t e Ra w Water (E xt ernal) Loss of Material A i r I ndoor Crac k ing , Loss of Bond , Loss o f Uncontrol l ed (E xt ernal) Materia l (Spalling , Sca l ing) Ai r I ndoor Cracking , Loss of Bond , Loss o f Uncontrol l ed (E xt ernal) Material (Spalling , Scal i ng) A i r Indoor Cracking , Loss of Bond , Loss o f Uncontrolled (E xt ernal) Material (Spalling , Scaling) A g in g NU REG T ab l e M a n age m e nt 1 80 1 V o L 2 3.X.1 N o t e P r og r a m It e m It e m M o nit o rin g Pr og r a m Nooe S tru c tur es M o nit o ring P r og r a m, lll.B 1 .2-7 B uilding (TP-5) 3.5.1-59 A , E , 52 0 De form a ti o n M o nit or in g P r o qr a m S t r u c tu res V.0 1-1 5 M oni t o r ing (E-01) 3.2.1-7 E , 5 14 Progra m A S M E Sect i o n ll.A1-7 XI , Subsec ti o n 3.5.1-1 A IWL P rogr a m (C-0 5) A S M E Sec ti o n ll.A1-7 XI , S u bsec ti o n 3.5.1-1 A IW L Progra m (C-05) A S M E Sec t ion ll.A 1-7 XI , Subsec tion 3.5.1-1 A IW L P rogra m (C-05)

S BK-L-171 55 I En c l osure 2/ P age 7 3 U.S. N u clear Re gul at ory C o mmissio n Intended Component Type Function C N T-CS-Rein f orced Conc r ete E x posed to Air M i ssile Barrier I ndoo r Uncon t ro l le d C N T-CS-Re i nfo r ced Shelter , Concrete E x posed to A i r I ndoor Unco n trol l ed Protection C N T-CS-Reinforced Concrete E x posed t o Air Shield i ng I ndoo r Uncon t ro l led C N T-CS-Reinforced Structural Concrete E x posed to Ai r P r essure I ndoo r Uncont r ol l ed Barrier C N T-CS-Rein f o rc ed Structural C o ncre t e E xp osed to A i r Indo o r U n contro ll ed Support C N T-CS-Re i n f orced Concrete E x posed to Air Fire Barrier I ndoor U n controlled M a t eria l Concre t e Concrete Concre t e Concrete Conc r ete Concrete Table 3.5.2-2 Containment Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluat i o n Aging Effect Requ i r i ng Environment Management Ai r I ndoor Cracking , Loss of Bond , Loss of Uncontrolled (External) Material (Spalling , Scaling) Air Indoor Cracking , Loss of Bond, Loss o f Uncontrolled (E xt erna l) M aterial (Spalling, Scaling) Air I ndoor Cracking , Loss of Bond, Loss of Uncontrolled (E xt ernal) Material (Spalling , Scaling) Air Indoor Cracking , Loss of Bond , Loss of Uncontrolled (E x ternal) Material (Spalling , Scaling) A i r Indoo r Crac k ing , Loss of Bond , Loss o f Uncontrolled (E x ternal) Material (Spalling , Sca l ing) Air Indoo r Uncontrolled Loss of Material (E x ternal) A g i ng 'N U REG Tab l e M a n agemen t 1 80 1 V o l. 2 3.X.1 N o t e Prog r a m It e m It em* AS M E Sec ti on ll.A 1-7 XI , Subsec ti on 3.5.1-1 A IW L Progra m (C-05) AS M E Sec t io n ll.A 1-7 XI , Subsection 3.5.1-1 A IWL P r og r am (C-05) A S M E Sec ti o n 1 1.A 1-7 X I , S u bsect io n 3.5.1-1 A IW L P r ogra m (C-05) A S M E Sec t ion l l.A 1-7 XI , Subsec ti on 3.5.1-1 A IW L Progra m (C-05) A S M E Sec ti on ll.A 1-7 X I , Su b sec tio n 3.5.1-1 A IWL Program (C-05) Fire Pro t ec t io n Vll.G-29 Program (A-9 1) 3.3.1-67 A SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 74 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function CNT-CS-Reinforced Concrete E xp osed to Air Flood Barrier Ind oor Uncontrolled CNT-CS-Reinforced HELB Concrete E xp osed to Air Shielding Ind oor Uncontrolled C NT-CS-Reinforced Concrete E xp osed to Air Missile Barrier Indoor Uncontrolled CNT-CS-Reinforced Shelte r, Concrete E x posed to Air I ndoor Uncontro l led Protect ion C NT-CS-Re infor ced Concrete E xpo sed to A i r Shielding Indoo r Uncon tr ol l ed CNT-CS-Reinforced Structural Concrete E x posed to Air Pressure I ndoor Uncontrolled Bar ri e r Table 3.5.2-2 Con t ainment Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Material Environment Aging Effect Requiring 1'1* 'Management

11. ' Air I ndoor Concrete Uncontrolled Loss of Material (E xt erna l) Air I ndoor Concrete Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External) Air I ndoor Concrete Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External)

Air Indoor Concrete Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External) Air Indoor Concrete Uncon t ro l led Loss of Material (Externa l) Air Indoor Concrete Uncontrolled Loss of Material (E xt ernal) Aging NU REG Table l*I M anagemen t 1 801 V o l. : 2 3 ,.X.1 N o t e Program It e m *It em Fire Protectio n Vll.G-29 Program (A-91) 3.3.1-67 A Fire Pro t ection Vll.G-29 Program (A-9 1) 3.3.1-67 A F i re Pro t ec ti on Vll.G-29 Program (A-91) 3.3.1-67 A Fire Protectio n Vll.G-29 3.3.1-67 A Prog ram (A-91) F ir e Protec tion Vll.G-29 Prog ram (A-91) 3.3.1-67 A Fire Protection Vl l.G-29 3.3.1-67 A Program (A-9 1)

SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 75 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function CNT-CS-Reinforced Structural Concrete Exposed to Air Support Indoor Uncontrolled CNT-CS-Reinforced Concrete Expo s ed to Air Fire Barrier I ndoor Uncontrolled CNT-CS-Reinforced Concrete Exposed to Air Flood Barrier I ndoor Uncontrolled CNT-CS-Reinforced Concrete Exposed to Air HELB I ndoor Uncontrolled Shielding Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-2 Containment Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Environment Aging Effe c t Requiring

' Management Air I ndoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled Expansion and Cracking (External)

Air I ndoor Uncontrolled Expansion and C r acking (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled Expansion and C r a cking (External)

Aging NU REG Table Management 1801 Vol. 2 3.X.1 N ote Program Item I tem Fire Protection Vl l.G-29 Program (A-91) 3.3.1-67 A ASME Section XI, Subsection IWL Program Alkali-Si li ca Reaction (ASR) ll.A1-3 A , E , Monitoring (C-04) 3.5.1-15 5 1 7 , 519 Program Build in g Deforma ti on M oni t oring Proaram ASME Section XI, Subsection IWL Program Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) ll.A1-3 A, E , Monitoring (C-04) 3.5.1-15 517, 519 Program Building Deformat i o n M on it or in g Proaram ASME Section XI, Subsection IWL Program ll.A1-3 3.5.1-15 A , E , (C-04) 517, 519 Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR)

S BK-L-1 7 1 55 I E ncl o su re 2/ Pa ge 7 6 U.S. Nuclear R egu l at ory Comm issi on Componen t Type Func t ion C N T-C S-Reinforced Concre t e E x posed to A i r Miss i le Barrier I ndoor Uncon t rolled C NT-CS-Re i nforced She l ter , Concrete E x posed t o A i r P rotection Indoor U n contro ll ed M ater i a l Concrete C o ncre t e Tabl e 3.5.2-2 Containm e nt S truc t ures Summary of Aging Management Evaluatio n Aging Effe c t Req 6 iring ' E n v i ronment Management Air Indoor Uncontrolled E x pans i on and C rac k ing (E xt ernal) A i r Indoor Uncontro l led E x p a nsion and Cracking (E xt erna l) A g i ng "I N UREG 'I Tab l e M anageme nt 1'1 1 80 1 V o l.1 2 1'1 3.X.1 N ote 1 1 ,,,. Progra m It em It e m M oni t o rin g Prog r a m B uil d ing Defo rm a ti o n M o nit o rin g Pro qr a m AS M E Sec ti o n XI , Su b sec ti o n I W L P r o g ra m Alkali-Si li ca Reac ti on (ASR) IL A 1-3 A , E , M o nit o ri ng (C-0 4) 3.5.1-1 5 5 17, 5 1 9 Progra m B uil d in g De f o rm a ti o n M o nit o rin g P r o ar a m AS M E Sectio n XI , Subsec ti on IW L Progra m A lk a li-S i lica React i on (ASR) IL A 1-3 A , E , M oni t oring (C-0 4) 3.5.1-15 5 17 , 5 1 9 Program B u i l d in g Defo rm a ti o n M o nit o rin g P r o gr a m SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 77 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Component

, J"ype 1 CNT-CS-Reinforced Concrete Exposed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled CNT-CS-Reinforced Concrete Exposed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled CNT-CS-Reinforced Concrete Exposed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled ti. Intended Function Shielding Structural Pressure Barrier Structura l Support ,I Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-2 Containment Struc tur es Summary o f Aging Management Evaluation Environment

' 1:1 I I I l'i' Air Indoor Uncontrolled (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled (External)

Aging Effect Requiring Man agement '* Expansion and Cracking Expansion and Cracking Expansion and Cracking 'Aging .1 Management Program ASME Section XI, Subsection IWL Program Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) Monitoring Program Building Deformation Monitoring Program ASME Section XI, Subsection IWL Program Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) Monitoring Program Building Deformation Monitoring Proqram ASME Section XI, Subsection IWL Program Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) Monitoring Program Building Deformation Monitoring NU REG 1801 Vol. 2 Item ILA1-3 (C-04) ILA1-3 (C-0 4) ll.A1-3 (C-04) Table 3.X.1 Item* 11'\l 3.5.1-15 3.5.1-15 3.5.1-15 Note A, E, 517, 519 A, E, 517, 519 A, E , 517, 519 SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 78 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

,. *I *1 :Ii Intend e d Compon e nt Type Fun c ti o n *I CNT-CS-Reinforced Concrete Exposed to A i r Fire Barrier I ndoor Uncontrolled CNT-CS-Reinfor c ed Con c rete Exp o sed to Air Flood Barrier I ndoor Uncontrolled CNT-CS-Reinforced HELB Con c rete Expos e d to Air S hielding Indoor Uncontrolled CNT-CS-Rei n forced Concrete Exposed to Air Missile Bar ri er Indoor Uncontrolled CNT-C S-Reinforced S helter , Concrete Exposed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled P rotect i o n M a terial Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Co n c r ete T a bl e 3.5.2-2 C ont a inment S tru c tur es S ummary of Aging Manag e m e nt Ev a luation I Aging Eff ec t Requiring Environment Manag e ment *1:1: 'l',1111 1., :i A i r Indoor Uncontrolled Concr e te Cra c king and Spalling (E xternal) Air Indoor Uncontrolled C oncrete C rac k in g an d S palling (External)

Air Indoor Uncont r ol l ed C oncre t e Cr ac king and S palling (E xternal) Air Indoor Uncont r olled C oncrete C racki n g a nd S pal l ing (E xternal) Air Indoor Un c o n trolled C oncr e t e C racking and S p a lling (Externa l) Aging NU REG Table *u1:: , Note 1:;1 Management 1801 Vol. 2 3.X.1 Program Item , Item Program Fire Protection Program Vll.G-28 3.3.1-65 A (A-90) Fire Protection Vll.G-28 Program (A-90) 3.3.1-65 A Fire Protection Vll.G-28 Program (A-90) 3.3.1-65 A Fire Protection Vll.G-28 Program (A-90) 3.3.1-65 A Fire Protection V ll.G-28 3.3.1-65 A Program (A-90)

SBK-L-1 7 1 55 I E nclosure 2/ Page 79 U.S. Nuclea r Regulatory Comm i ss i o n Intended Component Type Function CNT-CS-Reinforced Concrete E x posed to Air Shielding I ndoor Uncontrolled C N T-CS-Reinforced Structural Concrete E x posed to Air Pressure Indoor Uncontrol l ed Barrier CNT-CS-Re i nforced Structura l Concrete E x posed to Air Support I ndoor Uncontrolled CNT-CS-Reinforced Concrete E x posed to Air Fire Barrier I ndoor Uncontrolled CNT-CS-Reinforced Concrete E x posed to A i r Flood Barrier Indoor Uncontrolled CNT-CS-Reinforced HELB Concrete E x posed to Air Shielding Indoor Uncontrolled Materia l Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-2 Containment Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluat i on ';' Aging Effect Requiring Environment Management Air Indoor Uncontrolled Concrete Cracking and Spalling (External) Air Indoor Uncontrolled Concrete Cracking and Spalling (External) Air Indoor Uncontrolled Concrete Cracking and Spalling (External) Air Indoor Increase in Porosity and Uncontrolled Permeability, Cracking, Loss of (External)

Material (Spalling , Scaling) Air Indoor Increase in Porosity and Uncontrolled Permeability, Cracking, Loss of (Externa l) Material (Spalling , Scaling) Air Indoor Increase in Porosity and Uncontrolled Permeability, Cracking, Loss of (External)

Material (Spalling, Scaling) .. I Aging NU REG Tab l e Management 180 1 Vo l. 2 3.X.1 N ote Program I tem It em. Fi r e Pro t ection Vl l.G-28 Program (A-90) 3.3.1-65 A Fire Protection Vll.G-28 P r og r am (A-90) 3.3.1-65 A Fire Pro t ection Vll.G-28 Program (A-90) 3.3.1-65 A AS M E Section ll.A1-4 XI , Subsection (C-03) 3.5.1-1 A , 5 1 6 IW L Program ASME Section l l.A1-4 XI, Subsec t ion (C-03) 3.5.1-1 A, 5 1 6 I W L Program ASME Sect i on ll.A1-4 XI, Subsection (C-03) 3.5.1-1 A, 5 1 6 IWL Program SBK-L-171 55 I Enclosure 2/ Page 80 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Component Type 'Intended Function . ; . I i : : ' . . : . ; ' . ;

  • I ' I CNT-CS-Reinforced Concrete Exposed to Air Missile Barrier Indoor Uncontrolled CNT-CS-Reinforced Shelter, Concrete Exposed to Air Protection I ndoor Uncontrolled CNT-CS-Reinforced Concrete Exposed to Air Shielding Indoor Uncontrolled CNT-CS-Reinforced Structural Concrete Exposed to Air Pressure Indoor Uncontrolled Barrier CNT-CS-Reinforced Structural Concrete Exposed to Air Support Indoor Uncontrolled CNT-CS-Airlock Hatch Structural Sight Glass Exposed to Air Pressure Indoor Uncontrolled Barrier .Material 1:k, .: .,,, Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Glass Table 3.5.2-2 Containment Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation I , '*., l1 l*lil;11'\
  • 11:111'1' ii lllij!l!il

',1!11111*1!1,:li Environment

  • Aging' Effect Requiring 1

1 11 :I ' . .1 .I. ' Air Indoor Increase in Porosity and Uncontrolled Permeability, Cracking, Loss of (External)

Material (Spalling, Scaling) Air Indoor Increase in Porosity and Uncontrolled Permeability, Cracking, Loss of (External)

Material (Spalling , Scal ing) Air Indoor Increase in Porosity and Uncontrolled Permeability, Cracking , Loss of (External)

Material (Spalling, Scaling) Air Indoor Increase in Porosity and Uncontrolled Permeability, Cracking, Loss of (External)

Material (Spalling, Scaling) Air Indoor Increase in Porosity and Uncontrolled Permeability, Cracking, Loss of (External)

Material (Spalling, Scaling) Air Indoor Uncontrolled None (External)

,, ,. *1:1 I NURE 1 G 11 jj:11 ill .. ':1;;.j',.

  • r 'I 1 1 1*1 Ag , 1 ri g 1*:1111llil':1I 1:,1:i 11T abfe.111 ,,:i.,.I "I '11.Fl,::1:


,, Nbt e *,'* I' Management

'II .

'111 1:1,lil Progra M 111'1" 1 u 1 1:l:l1 1t em ,' *::1 1:::1* I ' I . .I 'I' 1' ASME Section 11.A1-4 XI, Subsection (C-03) 3.5. 1-1 A, 516 IWL Program ASME Section ll.A1-4 XI, Subsection (C-03) 3.5. 1-1 A, 516 IWL Program ASME Section ll.A1-4 XI, Subsection (C-03) 3.5. 1-1 A, 516 IWL Program ASME Section 11.A1-4 XI, Subsection (C-03) 3.5. 1-1 A, 516 IWL Program ASME Section 11.A1-4 XI, Subsection (C-03) 3.5.1-1 A, 516 IWL Program V.F-6 None 3.2. 1-52 A (EP-15)

SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 81 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function CNT-CS-Carbon Steel Structural Electrical Penetration Pressure Exposed to Air with Barrier Borated Water Leakage CNT-CS-Carbon Steel Electrical Penetration S tructural Exposed to Air with Suppo rt Borated Water Leakage CNT-CS-Carbon Steel Structural Electrical Penetrat ion Pressure Exposed to Air Indoor Barrier Uncontrolled CNT-CS-Carbon Steel Electrical Penetration Structural Exposed to Air Indoor Support Uncontrolled CNT-CS-Carbon Steel S tructural Equipment Hatch Exposed Pressure to Air with Borated Water Barrier Leakage CNT-CS-Carbon Steel Equipment Hatch Exposed S tructural to Air with Borated Water Support Leakage Material Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Tabl e 3.5.2-2 Containment Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation . n.11 f!, 111 , JiV' ,,, *1 ':;:11r';*1:1,YI , Aging Effect Requiring Environment 1 1 1 11 .. 1r 1 ', Management

' I 1 1 1:-:11:, 1" 11 1'1:1':111:1:11:

11:1' jli , 'l*l*I' ' Air w/Borated Water Leakage Los s of Material (External)

Air w/Borated Water Leakage Loss of Ma terial (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Mater ial (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Mate rial (External)

Air w/Borated Water Leakage Loss of M ater ial (External)

Air w/Borated Water Leakage Loss of Material (External) , . Tab l e Aging NU REG + M anagement 18.01 Vol. 2 3.X.1 N ote Program I tem 11. I t em Boric Acid l l l.B2-11 (T-Corrosion 3.5.1-55 A 25) Program Boric Acid 1 11.B2-11 (T-Corrosion

25) 3.5.1-55 A Program ASME Section ll.A3-1 XI, Subsection (C-12) 3.5.1-18 A IWE Program ASME Section l l.A3-1 XI, Subsection (C-12) 3.5.1-18 A IWE Program Boric Acid 1 1 1.B2-11 (T-Corrosion
25) 3.5.1-55 A Program Boric Acid l ll.B2-11 (T-Corrosion
25) 3.5.1-55 A Program SBK-L-1 7155 I Enclosur e 2/ Page 82 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function CNT-CS-Carbon Stee l Structural Equ ipm ent Hatch E x posed Pressure t o Air Indoor Uncontrolled Barr i er CNT-CS-Carbon Steel Structural Equipment Hatch Exposed Support to Air Indoor Uncontrolled CNT-CS-Carbon Stee l Structura l E xp osed to Air with Pressure Borated W a t e r Leakage Barrier CNT-CS-Carbon Steel Structu ral E xp osed to Air w ith Borated W ater Leakage Support C N T-CS-Carbon S teel S t ructura l E xp osed to Air with Pressure Borated Water Leakage for Barrier HVAC Penet r at i ons CNT-CS-Carbon Steel E x posed to A i r w ith Structural Borated Water Leakage for Su pport HVAC Penetrations Material Stee l Stee l Steel Steel Steel Steel Table 3.5.2-2 Containment Structures Summary of Aging Managem en t Evaluation

' r :1: Aging Effect Requiring Environment Management Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (E x ternal) Ai r Indoor Uncontrolled Los s of Mat er i a l (Externa l) Air w/Bora t ed Water Leakage Loss of Material (External) Air w/Borated Water Leakage Loss of M aterial (External) Air w/Borated Water Leakage Loss of Material (E xt ernal) Air w/Borated Water Leakage Loss of Material (External)

Aging NU REG *Table. M anagemen t 1801 Vol. 2 3.X.1 N ote Program It em It em ASME Sec tio n ll.A3-6 XI, Subsect ion (C-16) 3.5.1-18 A IW E Program ASME Sectio n ll.A 3-6 XI, Subsection (C-16) 3.5. 1-18 A IW E Program Boric Acid lll.B2-11 (T-Corros i on 3.5.1-55 A Program 25) Bo ri c A cid lll.B2-11 (T-Corrosion 3.5.1-55 A Program 25) Bor i c Acid Corros ion lll.B2-11 (T-3.5.1-55 A P rogr am 25) Boric Acid Corros ion lll.B2-11 (T-3.5.1-5 5 A Progra m 25)

SB K-L-171 55 I Enclosure 2/ Page 83 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function CNT-CS-Carbon Steel Structural Exposed to Air Indoor Pressure Uncontrolled Barrier CNT-CS-Carbon Steel Structural Exposed to Air Indoor Support Uncontrolled CNT-CS-Carbon Steel Structural Exposed to Air Indoor Pressure Uncontrolled For HVAC Barrier Penetrations CNT-CS-Carbon Steel Exposed to Air Indoor Structural Uncontrolled For HVAC Support Penetrations CNT-CS-Carbon Steel Mechanical (Piping) Structural Penetration Exposed to Air Pressure w ith Borated Water Barrier Leakage CNT-CS-Carbon Steel Mechanical (Piping) Structu ral Penetration E xposed to Air with Borated Water Support Leakage I Material Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Stee l Table 3.5.2-2 Containment Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Aging Effect Requiring Environment Management

.. Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External) Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (E xternal) Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External)

Air w/Borated Water Leakage Loss of Material (External)

Air w/Borated Water Leakage Loss of Material (External)

Aging NU REG Table ,y; Management 1801 Vol. 2 3.X.1 Note

  • Program I tem It em 1. + ASME Section l l.A1-11 XI, Subsect i on (C-09) 3.5.1-6 A IWE Program ASME Section ll.A1-11 XI , Subsection (C-09) 3.5.1-6 A IWE Program ASME Section XI, Subsection ll.A3-1 3.5.1-18 A IWE Program (C-1 2) ASME Section XI , Subsection ll.A3-1 3.5.1-18 A IWE Program (C-12) Boric Acid lll.B2-11 (T-Corrosion 3.5.1-55 A Program 25) Boric Acid l ll.B2-11 (T-Corrosion 3.5.1-55 A Program 25)

SBK-L-1 7155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 84 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Int ended Component Type Function CNT-CS-Carbon Steel Structural Mechanical (Piping) Pressure Penetration Exposed to Air Barrier I ndoor Uncontrolled CNT-CS-Carbon Steel Mechanical (Piping) Structural Penetration Exposed to Air Support I ndoor Uncontrolled CNT-CS-Carbon Steel Structural Personnel Hatch Exposed Pressure to Air with Borated Water Barrier Leakage CNT-CS-Carbon Steel Personnel Hatch Exposed Structural to Air with Borated Water Support Leakage CNT-CS-Carbon S teel Structural Personnel Hatch Exposed Pressure to Air Indoor Uncontrolled Barrier CNT-CS-Carbon Steel Structural Personnel Hatch Exposed Support to Air Indoor Uncontrolled Material Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Table 3.5.2-2 Containment Struc tures Sum mary of Aging Manag ement Evaluation

+ . J'I 'lili 1 , "' 1:1+ Hl1l;ii! *,,. , 1:*' . I' Environment

' 1 ** :

... "1* 1*1 1.p::.Management

.1,1,11,,"," 111 . :L 1-1.I:, *:1 i< , i: ir J ,, ,,, .. ,:,:1,. ir:1:1r ,,1, , ,, Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External)

Air w/Borated Water Leakage Loss of Material (E xternal) Air w/Borated Water Leakage Loss of Material (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External) . Aging , NU REG Table +, 111 M anagement 1801if\'ol:

2 j.1:I 1:1nll 3'.x.1 *I "' N pte :1::t1,:, r , *I* ii: :*ii 1 1 1 1i!l 1 tem**ji111 :!11

.':Iii, j"J!li!j 1 1111 lt em 1 l 1 '11 I' **,*1*j*I Ill ASME Section XI, Subsection ll.A3-1 3.5.1-18 A IWE Program (C-12) ASME Section XI, Subsection ll.A3-1 3.5.1-18 A IWE Program (C-12) Boric Acid Corrosion lll.B1.1-11 3.5.1-55 A Program (TP-25) Boric Acid Corrosion lll.B1 .1-11 3.5.1-55 A Program (TP-25) ASME Section ll.A3-6 XI, Subsection (C-16) 3.5.1-18 A IWE Program ASME Section ll.A3-6 XI, Subsection (C-16) 3.5.1-1 8 A !WE Program SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 85 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function C NT-CS-Elas t omers Structura l Electrica l Penetration Pressure Assembly E x posed to A i r Barrier Ind oor Uncontrolled C NT-CS-Mechanical (Piping) Penetration Structural Stainless Steel Flued Head Pressure E xp osed t o Air Indoor Barrier Uncontrolled C N T-CS-M echan ic a l (P ipin g) Penetration Structural Stain l ess Steel Flued Head Support Exposed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled C N T-CS-Me chanica l (P ipin g) Penetration Structu r al Stainless Steel Flued Head Pressure Exposed to Air with Barrier Borated Water Leakage C N T-CS-M echan i ca l (Piping) Penetration Structural Stainless Steel Flued Head Suppo rt E x posed t o Air with Borated Water Leakage Material Elastome r Stainless Steel Stainless

Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Stee l Tab l e 3.5.2-2 Conta inm ent Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Aging Effect Requiring Environment Management II ,;: !:1: '" Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Sealing , Leakage Through (External) Containment Air Indoor Uncontrolled Cracking (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled Cracking (External) Nooe Air w/Borated Reduction in structural capac ity Water Leakage directly.

Indire c tly due t o (External) expansion and cracking o f concrete Nooe Air w/Borated Reduction in s tru c tural capac ity Water Leakage directly.

Indire c tly due t o (Externa l) expansion and cracking o f concrete . Aging NU REG Tab l e M anageme nt 1 801 Vol. 2 3.X.1 Not e Program It em It em ASME Section XI, S ub section IWE Program , S tru c tur es M o nit o ring ll.A3-7 3.5.1-16 A, E , 520 Program & (C-1 8) Building Deformation M on it or ing Proaram ASME Sec t ion ll.A3-2 XI, Subsec ti on (C-15) 3.5.1-10 A IWE Program ASME Section ll.A3-2 XI , Subsec ti on (C-1 5) 3.5.1-10 A IW E Progra m Nooe S tru ctu re s M o nit or ing Program, lll.B2-9 Building (TP-4) 3.5.1-5 9 A, 520 Deformation M on it or ing Program Nooe S tru c tur es M on it o ring lll.B2-9 Program, (TP-4) 3.5.1-59 A , 520 Building Deformation M o nit or ina SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 86 U.S. Nuclear Reg ulatory Commission I ntended Component Type Function CNT-CS-Reinforced She lter, Concrete Belo w Grade Protection CNT-CS-Reinforced Structural Concrete Belo w Grade Suppo rt C NT-CS-Reinforced S helter, Concrete Below Grade Protection CNT-CS-Reinforced Structural Conc ret e Belo w Grade Suppo rt Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-2 Containment Struc tures Summary of Aging Managem e nt Evaluatio n Aging Effect Requiring Environment Management' Cracking , Loss of Bond , Loss of Soil (External)

Material (Spall ing, Scal ing) Cracking , Loss o f Bond , Loss o f Soi l (E xternal) Material (Spalling , Sca ling) Soil (E xt ernal) E x pans i on and Crac k ing Soi l (E xt ernal) E x pansion and Cracking A g ing NU REG Table M anagemen t 1 801 V o l. 2 3.X.1 N o t e Program It em *It em Program ASME Section ll.A1-7 XI, Subsec tion 3.5.1-1 A IWL Program (C-05) ASME Sec tion ll.A1-7 XI, Subsec t ion 3.5.1-1 A IWL Program (C-05) ASME Sect ion XI, Subsection IW L Program Alkali-Silica Reaction (A SR) ll.A1-3 A , E , Monitoring (C-0 4) 3.5.1-15 5 17 , 519 P r og ram Building Deformation M oni t o ring Proaram A S M E Sec t ion XI, Subsec tion IWL Program ll.A1-3 A, E , (C-04) 3.5.1-15 517 , 519 Alkali-S ilica Reaction (A SR) Mon itor inq SBK-L-1 7 1 55 I En closure 2 1 Pa ge 8 7 U.S. N ucl ear R e g u latory Com missi on *1: i*'I I* I n t ende d Co mp o n en t T y pe ' Fu n ctio n ' C N T-CS-Reinforced Shelter, Concre t e Be l o w Grade Protection C N T-CS-Re i nforced St r uc t ural Concrete Belo w Grade Support C N T-CS-Re i nfo r ced Shelte r, Concrete Belo w Grade Protection C N T-CS-Re i nfo r ced St r uctura l Concrete Belo w Grade Support ' M a t er i a l Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Tab l e 3.5.2-2 Conta inm ent Struc t ures Summary o f Agi n g M anagement Eva l ua ti o n 'J:i Ag i ng Effect Requi rin g 'En vi ro n men t ,,J.I: I *l*M I . M anagemen t I*! ' 1 I 111:1 1*1: 1 n, Increase in Porosity and Soil (E xt ernal) Permeability , Cracking , Loss o f Material (Spalling, Scaling) Increase in Porosit y and Soil (E x ternal) Permeability, Cracking, Loss of Material (Spalling, Scaling) I ncrease in Porosity and Soil (E x ternal) Permeability , Loss of Strength I ncrease in Porosit y and Soil (E x ternal) Permeabilit y, Loss of Streng t h .I I'." I :1:, I A g in g 1 NU REG Tab l e M a n age m e nt 1 80 1 V o l. 2 3.X.1 N o t e P r o gr a m It e m .,.,. Prog r am B uilding De f o rm a ti o n M o nit o rin g P r og r a m A S M E Sect i o n ll.A 1-4 XI, Subsec t io n (C-03) 3.5.1-1 A, 5 16 IW L Progra m A S M E Sect i o n ll.A 1-4 XI , Subsec ti o n (C-03) 3.5. 1-1 A, 51 6 IW L P ro g r am AS M E Sec ti o n XI, Subsec t i on IWL Program Alka l i-S i l i ca React i o n (A S R) ll.A1-6 A, 5 0 9 , Mo ni t or in g 3.5.1-1 5 516, E , P r og r a m (C-02) 5 1 7 , 5 19 B uilding D efo rmati o n M o nit o ring P r o ar a m A S M E Sect i o n XI, Subsec tion IW L P ro gra m ll.A1-6 A, 5 0 9 , (C-02) 3.5.1-1 5 5 16, E , A l k a li-S i lica 5 1 7 , 5 19 Reac ti o n (A SR) M oni t or i nq SBK-L-1 7155 I Enclosure 21 Page 88 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

'!' 1.1 Component Type Intended Function CNT-CS-Stainless Steel Electrical Penetration Structural Assembly Exposed to Air Pressure with Borated Water Barrier Leakage CNT-CS-Stainless Steel Electrical Penetration Structural Assembly Exposed to Air Pressure with Borated Water Barrier Leakage CNT-CS-Stainless S teel Structural Electrical Penetration Assembly Exposed to Air Pressure Indoor Uncontrolled Barrier CNT-CS-Stainless Steel Electrical Penetration Structural Assembly Expo s ed to Air Support Indoor Uncontrolled I' ,', Material. Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless

Steel Stainless Steel Table 3.5.2-2 Containm e nt S tructures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation 1;1:, 1 l 11 1 1,l 1 l*!li:;:1!v

' , .,, Environment 1 1:1 1;, Aging Effect Requiring

  • j}l{l'.IH
  • il'I , Management

' ,I: ,. :I* ,,, m1 1'i'1it' .,,,w111:1

11, :Iii ,,,1,1111"1

"': 111 1 1., *' Nooe Reduction in structural capaci ty Air w/Borated Water Leakage directly.

Indirectly due to (External) expan s ion and cracking of concrete Nooe Air w/Borated Reduction in structural capacity Water Leakage dire c tly. Indirectly due to (External) expan s ion and cracking of concrete Air Indoor Uncontrolled Cracking (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled Cracking (External)

,, Table 1:l,p1 Aging NU REG Management 1801 Vol. 2 3.X.1 N ote I, + Program 1 , 1 , tel'Tl

  • It em '* Program Building Deformatio n Monitoring Program Nooe Struc tu res M on it or ing Program, Building lll.B2-9 3.5. 1-59 A, 520 Deformation (TP-4) M onitoring Program Nooe Struc tur es M on it or ing Program , lll.B2-9 Bui lding (TP-4) 3.5. 1-59 A, 520 Deformation Monitoring Program ASME Section ll.A3-2 XI, Subsection (C-15) 3.5.1-10 A IWE Program ASME Section XI, Subsection 11.A3-2 3.5.1-10 A (C-15) IWE Program SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 89 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function CNT-CS-Stainless Steel Exposed to Air with Shielding Borated Water Leakage CNT-CS-Stainless Steel Structural Exposed to A i r with Suppo rt Borated Water Leakage CNT-CS-Stainless Steel Exposed to Air Indoor Shield ing Uncontrolled CNT-CS-Stainless Steel Structural Exposed to Air Indoor Suppo rt Uncontrolled CNT-CS-Stainless Steel Fuel Transfer Tube Expansion I Bellows Exposed to Air Separation with Borated Water Leakage Material Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless S teel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Table 3.5.2-2 Containment Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Aging Effect Requiring , Environment Management Nooe Air w/Borated Reduction in s tru ct ural capacity Water Leakage directly.

Indire c tly due to (External) expansion and cracking of concrete Nooe Air w/Borated Reduction in s tru c tural capacity Water Leakage directly.

Indir ec tly due to (External) expansion and cracking of concrete Air Indoor Uncontrolled Cracking (E xternal) Air Indoor Uncontrolled Cracking (External)

Nooe Air w/B orated Reduction in s tru c tural capacity Water Leakage directly.

Indir ec tly due to (External) expansion and crack ing of concrete Aging NU REG Table Management 1801 'Vol. 2 3.X.1 Note Program Item I tem* Nooe Structures Monitoring Program, lll.B2-9 Building (TP-4) 3.5.1-59 A , 520 Deformation Monitoring Program Nooe Structures Monitoring Program, lll.B2-9 Building (TP-4) 3.5.1-59 A , 520 Deformation Monitoring Program ASME Section 11.A3-2 XI, Subsection (C-15) 3.5.1-10 A IWE Program ASME Section ll.A3-2 XI , Subsection (C-15) 3.5.1-10 A IWE Program Nooe Structures Monitoring Program , lll.B2-9 Building (TP-4) 3.5.1-59 A, 520 Deformation Monitor i ng Program S BK-L-1715 5 I Enclo sure 2/ Pa g e 90 U.S. Nu c l e ar R eg ul a tory Commi ss ion , '" I :, Componen t Type I ,,. Funct i on "' C N T-CS-Stainless Steel Fuel Transfer Tube Structural Bello w s E x posed to Air Pressure w ith Borated Water Barrier Leakage C N T-CS-S t ainless Stee l Fue l Transfer Tube Expansio n I Bel l o w s E x posed to Air Separation I ndoor Uncon t ro l led C NT-CS-Sta i n l ess Steel Structural Fue l Trans f er Tube Bello w s E x posed to A i r Pressure I ndoor Uncontrolled Barrier C N T-CS-Sta i nless Stee l Fuel Transfe r Tube Structural E x posed t o A i r w ith Pressure Borated W ate r Leakage Barrier :I ,1*,1,,: ,I, l .. w . . . . 11:-1 M ater i a l , '1!11 :l:.::!11 I Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel T ab l e 3.5.2-2 Con t a i nmen t S tr uc tu res Sum m ary of A g in g M anagemen t Evalua ti o n I Env i ronmen t Aging Effect Requ i r i ng M anagement Nooe Air w/Borated Reduc t ion in struc t ura l capac ity Water Leakage direc tl y. Indirec t ly due t o (E x ternal) expansion and crac k ing o f concre t e Air Indoor U ncontrolled Cracking (E x ternal) Air Indoor Uncontrolled Cracking (E xt ernal) Nooe Air w/Borated Reduc t ion in s t r u c t ura l capaci ty Water Leakage direc t ly. In direct l y due t o (E x ternal) expans i on and crack ing o f concre t e " ' 11 I I: 11"1111' II 'ii ":. ,:,11 : 1*'1:1 ,'l'I ', Ii I J}g in g i I l . 1 w11 T a bl e i: ,1JI ;!:1 -11111::*'

i,; "1 1 l 1 a o'1 1 1 v o 1 I. 2 N o t e 1*,: Pr ogr , a T ' II ' It e m I t e m' .1:1: 1'1 '111'1;:*!:1!!

Nooe S tru c tur es M o nit o ring P r o gr a m, lll.B2-9 B uil d in g (TP-4) 3.5.1-5 9 A, 5 20 D e f o rm a ti o n M o nit o ring P r o gr a m A S M E Sec ti on XI, Subsec t io n ll.A3-2 3.5.1-10 A IW E Progra m (C-1 5) A S M E Sec ti o n ll.A 3-2 XI, S u bsectio n (C-1 5) 3.5.1-10 A IW E Prog r a m Nooe S tru c tur es M o nit o ring P r ogra m, lll.B2-9 B uildin g (T P-4) 3.5.1-5 9 A, 5 20 Defo rm a ti o n M o nit or ing P r og r a m SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 91 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Component Type CNT-CS-Stainless Steel Fuel Transfer Tube Exposed to Air with Borated Water Leakage CNT-CS-Stainless Steel Fuel Transfer Tube Exposed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled CNT-CS-Stainless Steel Fuel Transfer Tube Exposed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled CNT-CS-Thermal Insulation Stainless Steel Jacketing in Air with Borated Water Leakage Intended Function Structural Support Structural Pressure Barrier Structural Support Structural Support Material Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel CNT-CS-Reinforced Concrete Exposed to Raw Water Missile Barrier I Concrete Table 3.5.2-2 Containment Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation

.. ' 1'f1 1**' 1:1." Environment

11 ;j.' if, . Aging , Effect Requiring 1 ' *1 ' *11 11 1* 11 1 1 Mariagement i: , ,, 11:1 :1',I! <I; Air w/Borated Water Leakage (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled (External)

Air w/Borated Water Leakage Raw Water (External)

Nooe Reduction in struc tural capacity directly.

Indirectly due to expansion and cracki ng of concrete Cracking Cracking Nooe Reduction in s tructural capacity directly.

Indirectly due to expansion and cracking of concrete Cracking due to expansion/

reaction with aggregates Aging Management Program Nooe Structures Monitoring

Program, Building Deformation Monitoring Program ASME Section XI, Subsection

!WE Program ASME Section XI, Subsection

!WE Program Nooe Structures Monitoring

Program, Building Deformation Monitoring Program ASME Section XI, Subsection IWL Program Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) Monitoring ProQram NU REG 1801 Vol. 2 lll.B2-9 (TP-4) ll.A3-2 (C-15) ll.A3-2 (C-15) lll.B2-9 (TP-4) ll.A1-3 (C-04) Table 3.X.1 Item Note 3.5.1-59 I A, 520 3.5.1-10 I A 3.5.1-10 I A 3.5.1-59 3.5.1-15 A, 520 A E, 517 519 SBK-L-1 7155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 92 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Function CNT-CS-Reinforced Shelter, Concrete Exposed to Raw Protection Water CNT-CS-Reinforced Structural Concrete Exposed to Raw Pre ss ure Water Barrier CNT-CS-Reinforced Stru ctural Concrete Exposed to Raw S upport Water Mat e rial Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-2 Containment Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation ii ,!:i::l!,.,liJ*

I '. Aging Effect Requiring I I I ' : I : ' I Environment

,, I Management

., 'I' ill I' Raw Water Cracking due to expansion/ (External) reaction w ith aggregates Raw Water C ra cking due to expansion/

(E xternal) reaction with aggregates Raw Water Cracking due to expansion/ (External) reaction w ith aggregates I* I

  • 1:i'11:1r1I Aging NU REG Table ;:1"':11::1::

M anagement 1801 Vol. 2 3.X.1

  • N ote :'HI Program I tem Item . 1:1 'i'I Bui l ding Deformat i on M onitoring Program ASME Section XI, Subsection IWL Program A Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) l l.A1-3 E , 517 Monitoring 3.5.1-15 Program (C-04) Bu il di n g E, 5 1 9 Deformat i o n M onitoring Program ASME Section XI, Subsection A IWL Program Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) ll.A1-3 Monitoring 3.5.1-15 Program (C-04) Bui l ding E , 517 Deforma t ion E , 5 1 9 Mo n i t oring Proaram ASME Section A XI , Subsection IWL Program ll.A1-3 3.5.1-15 (C-04) Alkali-S ilica Reaction (ASR) E , 517 S BK-L-1 7 1 55 I En clos ure 2/ Pa ge 9 3 U.S. N u cl ear R eg u la t o ry C ommi ss ion :i*i 'i*I :h *1: 1:;: 1 11 Intended 1 Com p onen t Type. Function I:! ':i S t a n da rd N o t es ' :ij: M ateria l Tab l e 3.5.2-2 Con t ainment Structures Summary of Agi n g M anagement Evaluatio n I! 'i'i!ii:jtl'll

111 :lllt1 :I:' l'i 'II i'!,, Aging Effect Requir i ng H Envi r onment M anagement


' Tab l e 3.5.2-2 Conta i nment Structures Summary of Ag i ng M anagemen t Eva l ua t io n N o t e Description Ii', ,, 'j"I . 11r1' II ' Ill 11 'II 'A gi n g H li!:11 1 11:11 1 1 N UREG li 1 ,:' I iii ,:1*1 ***:'(I I :. *1 1' :*'*'!'I' M anage m , en t '1,1

  • 1 1 80 1 1 Yi o 1. 2 , P r ogra m 1*1 1t e m M onitoring Program B uilding D efor m a ti o n M o nit o ring P r o gr a m A Consistent with NUREG-1801 item for component , material , environment , and aging effect. AMP is consistent w ith N UREG-180 1 A M P. B Consistent with NUREG-1801 item for component, material, environment , and aging effect. AMP takes some e x ceptions to NU REG-180 1 A M P. i:ll h ab l e 1 I 1., 3: x.1 l1 II
  • It em C Componen t is different, but consistent with NUREG-1801 item for material, environment , and aging effect. A M P is consisten t wit h N UREG-180 1 A M P. D Component is different , but consistent w ith NUREG-1801 item for material , environment , and aging effect. A M P takes some e x cept i ons to NU REG-180 1 A M P. 1:: 111 Ill di I N o t e. . J, *Ir r* I ' I 1 1ll':.,;1:li,'I E , 5 1 9 E Consistent with N UREG-1801 for material , environment and aging effect , but a different aging management program is cred it ed or N UREG-1 80 1 iden t i fi es a plant-speci fi c aging management program. F M ateria l not in NUREG-1801 for this component.

G Environment not in N UREG-180 1 for this component and material.

H Aging effect not in NUREG-180 1 for this component , material and environment combination.

I Aging effect in NUREG-1801 for this component , material and environment combination is not applicable.

J N either the component nor the material and environment combination is evaluated in NUREG-1801. 501 N ot used. 502 Aging effect includes "Fretting or Lockup" due to w ear. 503 Crevice and pitting w ill be inc l uded along w ith loss of material-corrosion due to a saltwater atmosphere en v ironment.

SBK-L-171 55 I Enclosure 2/ Page 94 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 504 Fatigue analysis exists and TLAA applies. 505 Built-up roofing is not in GAL; lll.A6-12 is for elastomer-material is similar , aging effect is similar, environment is same, and AMP is Structures Monitoring.

506 Component is cementitious fire proofing/insulating material and will exhibit similar aging effects as concrete. 507 Spent Fuel Pool temperature<

60°C (<140° F), water chemistry and temperature will be maintained by the Water Chemistry Program. 508 Cracking, loss of bond, and loss of material (Spalling, Scaling)/corrosion of embedded steel-is not listed in GALL 111.A.6 as an aging effect for concrete in raw water. Seabrook manages this effect with Structures Monitoring Program. 509 For aging management purposes, buried, below grade , soil, and ground water/ raw & treated water environments are treated the same. 51 O Reduction in concrete anchor capacity is an aging effect that is addressed in LRAM-S UPT. 511 At Seabrook Station, Xl,.S7 "RG 1. 127, Inspection of Water-Control Structures Associated with Nuclear Power Plants" and Xl,.S5 "M asonry Wall Program" are combined under Xl,.S6 "Structures Monitoring Program".

512 Raw water in lined & unlined concrete sumps. 513 Seabrook Station will age manage this condition through the Fire Protection Program. 514 Seabrook Station will age manage this condition through the Structures Monitoring Program. 515 Increased hardness, shrinkage, or loss of strength of elastomer seals due to weathering is addressed by GALL only for Fire Barrier seals. Seabrook Station will manage such aging effects for non-Fire Barrier elastomer seals with the Structures Monitoring Program. 516 Seabrook Station Structures Monitoring Program will perform concrete testing and rebar inspection to determine the effects of the aggressive groundwater on the concrete. The concrete testing and the rebar inspection will represent all concrete below grade. 5 17 After initial i den tifi cation and determination of the presence of alkali-silica reactivity by the Struc tur es M on it ori ng Program, Seabroo k S t a ti o n will age manage this condition through th e Alkali-S ilica React i on (ASR) Monitoring Program. 5 1 9 After initial identification of a lk ali-s ili ca reaction (ASR) induced building deformation by the S tru c tur es M oni t oring Program, Seabroo k S t a ti o n will age man age thi s condition through the Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) Monitoring Program and the Building Deforma ti on M oni t oring Program. 520 After initial identification of alkali-silica reaction (ASR) induced building deformation affecting p l an t equ ipm e nt and co mp onen t s by the S tru c tur es M o nitoring Program, Seabrook Station will age manage this condition th rough the Building Deformation Monitoring Program.

SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 95 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Component Type Intended Function MYS -Aluminum STATION S tru c tural BLACKOUT STRUCTURE S S upport Exposed to Weather MYS -Aluminum STATION S tru c tural BLACKOUT STRUCTURE S S upport Exposed to Weather MYS -Carbon S teel CONTROL ROOM MAKEUP Structural AIR INTAKE STRUCTURE S upport Air Indoor Uncontrolled MYS -Carbon S teel CONTROL ROOM MAK E UP S tructural AIR INTAKE STRUCTURE S upport Expo s ed to Weather MYS -Carbon Steel Door ENCLOSURE FOR Structural CONDEN S ATE STORAGE Support TANK Air Indoor Uncontro l led MY S -Carbon Steel Door EN C LOSURE FOR Stru c tural CONDENSATE S TORA GE S u p port TANK Exposed to Weather Tabl e 3.5.2-4 Mi sce llaneou s Yard S tru c ture s Summary of Aging Managem e nt Evaluation Aging Effe c t Requiring Material Environment Management Air Outdoor Aluminum (External)

Crack I ni tiat i on and Growth Air Outdoor Aluminum Lo s s of Material (E xternal) Air Indoor Steel Uncontrolled Loss of Mater i al (E xternal) Air Outdoor S teel (External)

Lo ss of Material Air Indoor S teel Uncontrolled Lo ss of Material (External)

Air Outdoor Steel (E xternal) Loss of Material Aging NU REG Table Management 1801 Vol. 2 3.X.1 Note Program Item Item Structures 111.82-7 Monitoring 3.5.1-50 H , 514 Program (Tp-6) S tructures 111.82-7 Monitoring 3.5.1-50 A Program (TP-6) Structures Monitoring lll.A3-12 3.5.1-25 A Program (T-11) Structures lll.A3-12 Monitoring 3.5.1-25 A , 503 Program (T-11) Structures Monitoring lll.A3-12 3.5.1-25 A Program (T-11) Structures lll.A3-12 Monitoring 3.5.1-25 A , 503 Program (T-11)

SBK-L-1715 5 I Enclosure 2/ Page 96 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission I ntended Component Type Function MY S -Carbon Steel Door STATION BLACKOUT Structura l STRUCTURES Ai r Indoor Suppo rt Uncontrolled MY S -Carbon Steel Door ST ATION BLACKOUT S tructural STRUCTURES E x posed to Support Weather MYS -Carbon Steel ENCLOSURE FOR S tructural CONDE N SATE STORAGE Suppo rt TANK Air Indoor Uncontrolled MY S -Ca rb on Steel ENCLOSURE FOR St ructural CONDENSATE STORAGE Support TANK E x posed to W eat her MY S -Carbon Stee l NON SAFE TY RELATED S tructural ELECTRICAL DUCT Suppo rt BA NK S/MANH OLES Air Indoor Uncontrolled SAFETY RELATED Structural ELECTR I CAL MANH OLES Support E xp osed to Weather Table 3.5.2-4 Mi sce ll aneous Yard S tructures Summary of Aging Management Evalua ti on *I *! :i:w 1 * )I; I Requiring

I: Material Environment , 1: 1: 11 I II *.I ,, l'i
  • Air Indoor Stee l Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External) Air Outdoor Stee l (External)

Loss of Material Air Indoor S t eel Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External) Air Outdoor Steel (External)

Loss of M ateria l Air Indoor Stee l Uncontrolled Loss of Material (E xt ernal) Air Outdoor Steel (External)

Loss of Material Aging NU REG Table M ar.iagement . , 1801 V ol. 2 F 1 1 3.X.1 N o t e ' , 'It em*'* ' It em' **** "I *I Structures M onitor i ng lll.A3-12 3.5.1-25 A P ro gram (T-11) St ruct ures lll.A 3-1 2 M onitor in g 3.5.1-25 A, 503 Program (T-11) S tr uctures Monitoring lll.A3-12 3.5.1-25 A (T-11) Program S tru ctures lll.A3-1 2 M onitoring 3.5.1-25 A, 503 Program (T-11) S tru c tur es 111.A3-12 Monitoring 3.5.1-25 A P r ogram (T-1 1) Struc tur es lll.A3-12 M onitor ing 3.5.1-25 A , 503 Program (T-11)

SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 97 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Component Type Intended Function MYS -Carbon Steel SAFETY RELATED ELECTRICAL Structural DUCT BANKS/MANHOLES Support Air Indoor Uncontrolled MYS -Carbon Steel SAFETY RELATED ELECTRICAL Structural DUCT BANKS/MANHOLES Support Exposed to Weather MYS -Carbon Steel SERVICE WATER ACCESS Structural VAULT Air Indoor Support Uncontrolled MYS -Carbon Steel STATION BLACKOUT Structural STRUCTURES Air Indoor Support Uncontrolled MYS -Carbon Steel STATION BLACKOUT Shelter, STRUCTURES Exposed to Protection Weather MYS -Carbon Steel STATION BLACKOUT Structural STRUCTURES Exposed to Support Weather Table 3.5.2-4 Miscellaneous Yard Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation

' . 1*1 Aging Effect Requiring Material Environment 1"

Air Indoor Steel Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External)

Air Outdoor Steel Loss of Material (External)

Air Indoor Steel Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External)

Air Indoor Steel Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External)

Air Outdoor Steel (External)

Loss of Material Air Outdoor Steel (External)

Loss of Material ' :1: 1 1:'1 Aging NU REG Table Management 1801 Vol. 2 3.X.1 Note',., Program *' Item Item ... , .. Structures Monitoring lll.A3-12 3.5.1-25 A Program (T-11) Structures lll.A3-12 Monitoring 3.5.1-25 A , 503 Program (T-11) Structures Monitoring lll.A3-12 3.5.1-25 A Program (T-11) Structures Monitoring lll.A3-12 3.5.1-25 A Program (T-11) Structures lll.A3-12 Monitoring 3.5.1-25 A , 503 Program (T-11) Structures lll.A3-12 Monitoring 3.5.1-25 A , 503 Program (T-11)

SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 98 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function MYS -Concrete CONTROL ROOM MAKEUP AIR S tructural INTAKE STRUCTURE Air Supp ort Indo or Uncontrolled MYS -Concrete CONTROL ROOM MAKEUP AIR Structural INTAKE STRUCTURE Air Support Indoor Uncontrolled MY S -Conc ret e CONTROL ROOM MAKEUP AIR St ru c tural IN TAKE STRUCTURE Air S upport Ind oo r Uncontrolled MYS -Concrete CONTROL ROOM MAK E UP AIR S tructural INTAK E STRUCTURE Below Sup port Grade MYS -Conc rete CONTROL ROOM MAK E UP AIR S tructural INTAK E STRUCTURE Below Supp ort Grade Table 3.5.2-4 Mi sce llane ous Yard S tru c tur es S ummary of Aging Managem e nt Eva lu ation ;/j1: :I: 1 '*1*, !I: 111'J11ili . l* 1 :r Material Environment Aging Effect Requiring


  • Management Air Indoor Cracking , L oss of Bond, Concrete Uncontrolled Loss of Material (Spalling, (E xternal) Scal ing) Air Indoor Concrete Un co ntrolled E xp ansion and C racking (External)

Air Ind oo r In crease in Po ro s ity and Uncontrolled Permeability, Cracking , Loss Concrete of Material (Spa lling, (E xternal) Scaling) Cracking , Loss of Bond , Ground Water/So il Loss of Material (Spa lling, Concrete (E xt ernal) Scal in g) Groun d Water/So il Concrete Expansion and Crack in g (E xte rnal) , 1 Aging*. NU REG 1 Table * 'M anagen:ient 1801 Vol. 2 3:X.1 N ote Program Item It em Structures lll.A3-9 Mo nitoring (T-04) 3.5.1-23 A Program Structures Monitoring Program, Alkali-Silica Reaction (A SR) lll.A3-2 A , E , M onitoring (T-03) 3.5.1-27 517, 519 Program & Building Deformation M oni t oring Program S tru ctures lll.A3-10 Monitoring 3.5.1-2 4 A (T-06) Program Structures lll.A3-4 Monitoring 3.5.1-31 A (T-05) Program Structures Monitoring Program , Alkali-Silica Reaction (A SR) lll.A3-2 3.5.1-27 A, E , M onitoring (T-03) 517, 5 19 Program & Building Deformation M o nitoring Program SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 99 U.S. Nuclear Re gu latory Commission

' Intended Component Type Function Ill. I,',, MY S -Concrete CONTROL ROO M MAKEUP AIR Structural INTAKE STRUCTURE Below Support Grade MYS -Concrete CONTROL ROOM M AKEUP AIR S tructural IN TAKE STRUCTURE Below Support Grade MYS -Concrete CONTROL ROOM M AKEUP AIR Structural IN TAKE STRUCTURE Below Support Grade MYS -Concrete CONTROL ROOM MAKEUP AIR INTAKE STRUCTURE Missile Barrier E xp osed to Weather MYS -Concrete CONTROL ROOM MAKEUP AIR Structural INTAKE STRUCTURE Support Exposed to Weather MY S -Concrete CONTROL ROOM MAKEUP AIR Missile Barrier INTAKE STRUCTURE E xp osed to Weather Tabl e 3.5.2-4 Mi scellaneous Yard Structures Summary of Aging Management Eva lu a ti o n ,i.,1:1 . n , , i'I '*' I.Ii/Aging Material Environment 111 1 1:1 11:1 l,1[Jl

)1: 1 1 ifr , II '** " ,.,:1:i,1l:i, 1:1 :IJ :1:1 Increa se in Porosity and Ground Water/Soil Permeability , Cracking , Loss Concrete (External) of Material (Spalling , Scaling) Ground Water/Soil Increase in Porosity and Concrete (External)

Permeability, Loss of S trength Ground Water/Soil Concrete (External)

Los s of Material , Cracking Air Outdoor Cracking , Loss of Bond , Concrete (External)

Loss of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Air Outdoor Cracking , Loss of Bond , Concrete (Externa l) Loss of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Concrete Air Outdoor (External)

Expansion and Cracking Aging NUR EG Tab l e 1'11 M anagement 1801 V ol. 2 , :*1 3.X.1 N o t e 11' 11 1 1 11* 111lil'1'lt eni ,ll, :11 1:i ,I fil,j lt e ryt 1 ,tll'i Iii ,,1 *i** 111 *1 '.,: **1+ *:I Structures 111.A3-5 M onitoring 3.5.1-31 A Program (T-07) Structures lll.A3-7 M onitoring 3,5.1-32 A, 509 Program (T-02) Structures 111.A 3-6 Monitoring 3.5.1-26 A Program (T-01) Structures lll.A 3-9 M onitoring 3.5.1-23 A Program (T-04) Structures lll.A3-9 M onitoring 3.5.1-2 3 A Program (T-04) Structures M onitoring Program , Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) lll.A3-2 A, E , M onitoring (T-03) 3.5.1-2 7 517 , 519 Program & Building Deformation M on it ori nq SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 100 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission i'l":I ' l:i I ntended Component Type Function MY S -Concrete CONTROL ROOM M AKEUP AIR Structural IN TAKE STRUCTURE Support Exposed to Weather MY S -Concrete CONTROL ROOM MAKEUP AIR Missile Barrier INTAKE STRUCTURE Exposed to Weather MYS -Concrete CONTROL ROOM M AKEUP AIR S tructural INTAKE STRUCTURE Supp ort Exposed to Weather MY S -Concrete CONTROL ROO M M AKEUP AIR INTAKE STRUCTURE Mis si le Barrier Exposed to Weather i'),1 '1:1 Ir Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-4 Miscellaneous Yard Structures Summary of Aging Management Eva lu ation Aging Effect Requiring

' Environment Management 1il1iil 1!1'1.: 11:1J!:i:'

"' "'"' lil'*!I' * I Air Outdoor Expansion and Cracking (External)

Inc rease in Porosity and Air Outdoor Permeability, C racking, Loss (External) of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Increa se in Porosity and Air Outdoor Permeability, Cracking, Lo ss (External) of Material (Spalling , Scaling) Air Outdoor (External)

Loss of Mate rial , Cracking ., '* Table' ' l'!J l:!!:!,1 1 1.i.*:*:f::

I Aging NU REG ill M anagemen t 1 80 1 V o l. 2 3.X.1 N o t e 1 11 , Program It e m I.tern ,, :1 Prog ram Structures Monitoring Program , Alkali-S ili ca Reaction (A SR) M onitoring lll.A3-2 3.5.1-27 A, E, Program & (T-03) 5 1 7, 519 B uilding Deformation M o nitoring Program Structures M on i toring lll.A 3-10 3.5.1-24 A (T-06) Program Structures Monitoring lll.A 3-10 3.5.1-24 A (T-06) Program Structures lll.A3-6 Mo ni to ring (T-0 1) 3.5.1-26 A Program SBK-L-17155 I En closure 2/ Page 101 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comm is sion Intended Component Type Function MY S -Concrete CONTROL ROOM MAKEUP A I R Structura l INTAKE STRUCTURE Support E xpo sed to Weather MY S -Concrete ENCLOSURE FOR CONDE N SATE STORAGE Fire Barrier TANK Air In door Uncontrolled MYS -Concrete ENCLOSURE FOR Structural CONDENSATE STORAGE Support TA NK Air Indoor Uncontrolled MY S -Concrete E N CLOSURE FOR CONDENSATE STORAGE Fire Barrier TANK Air I ndoo r Uncontrolled MY S -Concrete ENCLOSURE FOR Structu r al CONDENSATE STORAGE Sup port TANK Air Indoor Uncontrolled MY S -Concrete ENCLOSURE FOR CONDENSATE STORAGE Fire Barrier TANK Air In door Uncontrolled Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-4 Mis ce llaneous Yard Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation 1: ,1. '* Aging Effect Requiring Environment Management Air Outdoor (External) Loss of Material , Crack i ng Air Indoor Uncontrolled Los s of Material (External)

Air I ndoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External) Air Indoor Cracking , Loss of Bond, Uncontrolled Loss of Material (S palling, (External)

Scaling) Air Indoor Cracking, Loss of Bond , Uncontrolled Loss of Material (Spalling , (External) Sca ling) Air Indoor Concrete Cracking and Uncontrolled (External)

Spall ing I 'I' 1* I 'I* *:1:1* 1:' '1, NUR EG 1' :I 1 Agjng :1: Tab l e t ,1: M anagement

  • 1 , 1801 V o l'. 2 '3.X.1 N o t e Program It em it em Structures Monitoring 111.A 3-6 (T-0 1) 3.5. 1-26 A Program Fire Protection V ll.G-29 Program (A-9 1) 3.3.1-67 A F i re Protec t ion Vll.G-29 Program (A-9 1) 3.3.1-67 A Structures Monitoring lll.A3-9 (T-04) 3.5. 1-23 A Program Structures Monitoring lll.A3-9 (T-04) 3.5.1-23 A Program Fire P r otection Vll.G-28 Progra m (A-90) 3.3. 1-65 A SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 102 U.S. Nucl ear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function MYS -Concrete ENCLOSURE FOR Structura l CONDENSATE STORAGE Support TANK A ir I ndoor Uncontrolled MY S -Concrete ENCLOSURE FOR CONDEN S ATE STORAGE Fire Barrier TANK Air I ndoor Uncontrolled MYS -Concrete EN C LOSURE FOR Structural CONDENSATE STORAGE Support TANK A i r Indoor Uncontrolled MY S -Concrete ENCLOSURE FOR CONDENSATE STORAGE Fire Barrier TANK Air Indoor Uncontrolled Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-4 Miscellaneous Yard Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation . Environment Aging Effect Requiring Management Air Indoor Concrete Cracking and Uncontrolled (External)

S palling Air Indoor Uncontrolled Exp an sion and Cracking (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled Expan s i o n and Cracking (External)

Air Indoor In c re as e i n Porosity and Uncontrolled Permeability , Cra c king, Loss (External) of Material (S palling , S caling) 'l'I I I ' F Aging NU REG Tab l e . M anagement 1801 Vol. 2 3.X.1 N o t e Program It em Item Fire Protection Vll.G-28 Program (A-90) 3.3. 1-65 A Structures Monitoring Program, Alkali-Silica Reaction (A SR) Monitoring lll.A3-2 A , E , Program & (T-0 3) 3.5.1-27 5 17 , 519 B uilding Deformation M oni t oring Program S t ructures M on it oring Program , Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) M onitoring lll.A 3-2 A, E , Program & (T-03) 3.5. 1-27 5 17, 519 Building Deformation M oni t o ring Program Fire Protection lll.A3-10 Program (T-06) 3.5. 1-24 E , 513 SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 103 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Component Type Intend ed Function' MYS -Concrete ENCLOSURE FOR CONDENSATE STORAGE Structural TANK Air Indoor Support Uncontrolled MYS -Concrete ENCLOSURE FOR Fire Barrier CONDENSATE STORAGE TANK Air Indoor Uncontrolled MYS -Concrete ENCLOSURE FOR Structural CONDENSATE STORAGE Support TANK Air Indoor Uncontrolled MYS -Concrete ENCLOSURE FOR Structural CONDENSATE STORAGE Support TANK Below Grade MYS -Concrete ENCLOSURE FOR Structural CONDENSATE STORAGE Support TANK Below Grade Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-4 Mi sce llaneous Yard Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation I ' 'l'!'I: I <I l:ji ,:i:' I'* ,1;!111f1:':!il Environment

  • Aging 1
  • I Management
  • 11 ', ;* ,1 :rl:1*1 Increase in Porosity and Air Indoor Uncontrolled Permeability, Cracking, Loss (External) of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Air Indoor Increase in Porosity and Uncontrolled Permeability, Cracking, Loss of Material (Spalling, (External)

Scaling) Air Indoor Increase in Porosity and Uncontrolled Permeability, Cracking, Loss of Material (Spalling, (External)

Scal ing) Cracking, Loss of Bond, Ground Water/Soil (External)

Loss of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Ground Water/Soil Expansion and Cracking (External)

I ;1,l!'F A '. I' . rlilt NUREd 1l: 11'w

'I' !*I I

  • ,,jll' "I' I '*I". *I l:1:i }'4ote *** , Managemer:it 2 1 1 1. ,

1: 1 1'1, 11 1 1'11 ,11'+11'1 1 ,,. 'Hill . 'ltem'I;;. . "i ' ),. 1* 1* ' *:1* I .L,.I*, 1:1!,f,l:.:!1, ', ,* "'I I *:I* 11fili Fire Protection lll.A3-10 3.5. 1-24 E, 513 Program (T-06) Structures Monitoring lll.A3-10 3.5. 1-24 A (T-06) Program Structures Monitoring lll.A3-10 3.5. 1-24 A (T-06) Program Structures lll.A3-4 Monitoring (T-05) 3.5. 1-3 1 A Program Structures Monitoring Program, Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) Monitoring lll.A3-2 3.5. 1-27 A, E, Program & (T-03) 517, 519 Building Deformation Monitoring Program SBK-L-1715 5 I Enclosur e 2/ Pa ge 104 U.S. Nucl e ar R e gulatory Co m mi s sion Component Type I n t ended Func t io n MY S -Co n cre t e E N C L OSURE FOR S t ructura l CONDE N SATE STORAGE Support TA NK Be l o w G r ade M YS -Concrete ENCLOSURE FOR S tructural CO N DE N SATE STORAGE Support TA N K Be l o w Grade M YS -Co n cre t e E N CLOSURE FOR S t ructura l CO N DE N SATE STORAGE S uppo rt TA NK Belo w Grade MY S -Co n c r ete E N CLOSURE FOR CO N DE N SATE STORAGE M iss i le Barrier TA NK E x posed to Weather MY S -Conc r e t e E N CLOSURE FOR S tructura l CO N DE N SATE S TORAGE Support T ANK E x posed to W eather MY S -Concre t e E N CLOSURE FOR M iss i le Barrier CO N DENSATE STORAGE T ANK E x posed to Weather M a t eria l Concrete Concrete Conc r ete Concrete Concrete Concrete Tab le 3.5.2-4 Mi sce ll aneous Yard Structures S u mmary of Aging M anagement Eva l ua t io n l*I *'* ,I, Ag i ng Effect Requi r ing Environment M anagement I ncreas e in Poros it y and Ground Wa t er/So i l Permeability , Crac k ing , Loss (E xt erna l) of Material (S palling , S caling) Ground Water/Soil Increase in Porosit y a n d Perme a bility , Loss of (E x ternal) Streng t h Ground Wate r/S oil Loss o f Material , C r ac k ing (E x ternal) Air Outdoor Cracki n g , Loss of Bond , Loss o f Materia l (Spalling , (E x ternal) S caling) Ai r Outdoor Crack i ng , Lo s s of Bon d , Loss of Material (Spa lli ng , (E xt ernal) S c al ing) A i r Outdoor (E x ternal) E x pan s ion and Crac k ing A g i ng* N U REG' T ab l e I: M anagemen t 1 80 1 V o l. 2 3.X: 1' N o t e P r ogra m It e m I te m S tr uc tu res ll l.A3-5 M oni t o rin g (T-0 7) 3.5.1-31 A Progra m Structures lll.A 3-7 M on i torin g 3.5. 1-32 A, 509 (T-02) Program S tructur es lll.A 3-6 M on it o ri ng 3.5. 1-26 A Program (T-0 1) S t r u ctures 111.A3-9 M oni t o ri ng 3.5. 1-2 3 A Program (T-0 4) S t r u ctures lll.A 3-9 M o nit orin g 3.5. 1-2 3 A P r og r am (T-0 4) S tru ct u res M on it o r in g P r o gr a m , Alk a li-Si l ica Reac t ion (ASR) lll.A 3-2 A, E, M oni t o ri ng (T-03) 3.5. 1-27 5 1 7 , 5 1 9 Program & B uil d in g D efor m a ti o n M o nit o rinq SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 105 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission I 'I ,,, Int ended Component Type Function MY S -Concrete ENCLOSURE FOR Structural CONDENSATE STORAGE Support TANK E xpo sed to Weather MYS -Concrete ENCLOSURE FOR Missile Barrier CONDENSATE STORAGE TANK Exposed to Weather MYS -Concrete ENCLOSURE FOR Structural CONDENSATE STORAGE Support TANK Exposed to Weather MYS -Concrete ENCLOSURE FOR Missile Barrier CONDENSATE STORAGE TANK Exposed to Weather :j' Mat er i a1 i'I ii , Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-4 Mi scellaneous Yard Structures Summary of Aging M anagement Evaluation Aging Effect Requiring , Environment " M ana , gement ' ii! ni 11: Air Outdoor Expansion and Cracking (External)

Increase in Porosity and Air Outdoor Permeability, Cracking, Loss (External) of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Increase in Porosity and Air Outdoor Permeability, Cracking, Loss (External) of Material (Spalling , Scaling) Air Outdoor Loss of Material, Cracking (External)

:, I l*I;! NU REG Table 1'1'fI:'

Aging '"'Ti Management 1801 Vol. 2 3.X.1 Note 1',:: ,: Program Item Item ,*,i:,: Program Structures Monitoring Program, Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) Monitoring lll.A3-2 3.5.1-27 A, E, Program & (T-03) 517, 519 Building Deformation Monitoring Program Structures Monitoring lll.A3-10 3.5.1-24 A (T-06) Program Structures Monitoring lll.A3-10 3.5.1-24 A Program (T-06) Stru'ctu res Monitoring lll.A3-6 3.5.1-26 A (T-0 1) Program SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 21 Page 106 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

'.;, l'i' .' 1.ntended 1 Component I ', Function MYS -Concrete ENCLOSURE FOR Structural CONDENSATE STORAGE Support TANK Exposed to Weather MYS -Concrete Ma sonry Unit (CMU) STATION BLACKOUT Fire Barrier STRUCTURES Exposed to Weather MYS -Concrete Masonry Unit (CMU) STATION BLACKOUT Structural STRUCTURES Exposed to Support Weather MYS -Concrete Masonry Unit (CMU) STATION BLACKOUT Fire Barrier STRUCTURES Exposed to Weather MYS -Concrete Ma sonry Unit (CMU) STATION BLACKOUT Structural STRUCTURES Exposed to Support Weather MYS -Concrete NON SAFETY RELATED Structural ELECTRICAL DUCT Support BANKS/MANHOLES Air Indoor Uncontrolled Table 3.5.2-4 Mi scellaneous Yard Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Aging Effe.ct Requiring Material Environment Manag emen t . I i ' Concrete Air Outdoor Loss of Material, Cracking (External)

Concrete Air Outdoor Cracking Block (External)

Concrete Air Outdoor Cracking BLOCK (External)

Concrete Air Outdoor Cracking Block (External)

Concrete Air Outdoor Cracking BLOCK (External)

Air Indoor Cracking, Loss of Bond, Concrete Uncontrolled Loss of Material (Spalling, (External)

Scaling) ' " '"*l'J ,' ,: 111*.111'1.1.1.JiT


1:lf'l11 NUREG Table '* 1'u"' ]Y'*. n1: , lf 1 , *)Aging i<:: Management I . 1801 Vol. 2 3.X.1 Note"'i'. Program Item Item ';i:: Structures Monitoring 111.A3-6 3.5. 1-26 A (T-0 1) Program Fire Protection lll.A3-11 3.5.1-43 E, 513 Program (T-12) Fire Protection lll.A3-11 3.5.1-43 E,513 Program (T-12) Structures Monitoring lll.A3-11 3.5.1-43 A, 511 (T-12) Program St ructures Monitoring lll.A3-11 3.5.1-43 A, 511 (T-12) Program Structures lll.A3-9 Monitoring (T-04) 3.5.1-23 A Program SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 107 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Ty , pe Function MYS -Concrete NON SAFETY RELATED ELECTR ICAL DUCT Structural BANKS/MANHOLES Air Support Indoor Uncontrolled MYS -Concrete NON SAFETY RELATED ELECTRICAL DUCT Structural BANKS/MANHOLES Air Support Indoor Uncontrolled MYS -Concrete NON SAFETY RELATED Structura l ELECTRICAL DUCT Support BANKS/MANHOLES Below Grade MYS -Concrete NON SAFETY RELATED ELECTRICAL DUCT S tructural BANKS/MANHOLES Below Support Grade MYS -Concrete NON SAFETY RELATED ELECTRICAL DUCT Structural BANKS/MANHOLES Below Support Grade MYS -Concrete NON SAFETY RELATED Structural ELECTRICAL DUCT Support BANKS/MANHOLES Below Grade Table 3.5.2-4 Miscellaneous Yard Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation

' Ir I IJ 1;fi

'i"111 1 J:ij\1 1 11+1 ,, Agirig Effect Requiring

.Material Management

' I l'i Air Indoor Concrete Uncontrolled Expansion and Cracking (External)

Increase in Porosity and Air I ndoor Concrete Uncontrolled Permeabilit y, Cracking, Loss (External) of Material (Spalling , Scaling) Ground Water/Soil Cracking, Loss of Bond, Concrete (External)

Loss of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Concrete Ground Water/Soil Expansion and Crac king (External)

Increase in Porosity and Concrete Ground Water/Soil Permeability, Crac king, Loss (External) of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Ground Water/Soil Increase in Porosity and Concrete (E xt ernal) Permeability , Loss of Strength iwi,I . , '1 i 11:1: 'l'I ','":I: W rable'r 'j, :11!, I I J}ging I.: ii ;j: : 1 1 r: NURE!3* !Ii Management

' r 1801Vol.2* 3.X.1 Note Program Item Item ., . r Structures Monitoring Program, Alkali-Silica Reaction lll.A3-2 3.5. 1-27 A, E, (ASR) (T-03) 517 Monitoring Program Structures Monitoring IIl.A3-10 3.5.1-24 A Program (T-06) Structures lll.A3-4 Monitoring (T-05) 3.5. 1-31 A Program Structures Monitoring Program, Alkali-Silica Reaction IIl.A3-2 3.5. 1-27 A, E, (ASR) (T-03) 517 Monitoring Program Structures Monitoring lll.A3-5 3.5. 1-31 A Program (T-07) St ructures lll.A3-7 Monitoring (T-02) 3.5. 1-32 A , 509 Program SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 108 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Cpmponent Type Intended Function MYS -Concrete NON SAFETY RELATED Structural ELECTRICAL DUCT BANKS/MANHOLES Below Support Grade MYS -Concrete NON SAFETY RELATED Structural MANHOLES Exposed to Support Weather MYS -Concrete NON SAFETY RELATED Structural MANHOLES Exposed to Support Weather MYS -Concrete NON SAFETY RELATED Structural MANHOLES Exposed t o Support Weather MYS -Concrete NON SAFETY RELATED S tructural MANHOLES Exposed to Support Weather MYS -Concrete SAFETY RELATED ELECTRICAL Structural DUCT BANKS/MANHOLES S upport Air Indoor Uncontrolled Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete C oncrete Table 3.5.2-4 Mi s cellaneous Yard Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Aging Effect Requiring Environment

i'I'" 1l'l1 Management 1:1.,,, '" l:i Ground Wate r/Soil (External)

Loss of Material , Cracking Air Outdoor Cracking, L o ss of Bond, Loss of Material (Spalling, (External)

S caling) Air Outdoor Expansion and Cracking (External)

Increase in Porosity and Air Outdoor Perme a bility, C racking, Loss (E xternal) of Mate ri al (S palling, Scaling) Air Outdoor (External)

L o s s of Material, Cracking Air Indoor Cracking , Loss of Bond, Uncontrolled Loss of Material (S palling , (External)

S caling) Aging NU REG Table Management 1801 Vol. 2 1 N ote* .. , Program .Item 1,: ' Item 1.* Structures lll.A3-6 Monitoring (T-01) 3.5.1-26 A Program Structures 111.A3-9 Monitoring 3.5.1-23 (T-04) A Program Structures Monitoring Program, Alkali-lll.A3-2 S ilica Reaction 3.5.1-27 A, E, (ASR) (T-03) 517 Monitoring Proqram Structures lll.A3-10 Monitoring 3.5.1-24 A (T-06) Program Structures lll.A3-6 Monitoring (T-01) 3.5.1-26 A Program Structures Monitoring lll.A3-9 3.5.1-23 (T-04) A Program SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 109 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function MYS -Concrete SAFETY RELATED ELECTRICAL Structural DUCT BANKS/MANHOLES Support Air Indoor Uncontrolled MYS -C oncrete S AF E TY RELATED ELECTRICAL Structural DUCT BANKS/MANHOLES Support Air Indoor Uncontrolled MYS -Concrete S AFETY RELATED ELECTRICAL Structural DUCT BANKS/MANHOLES Support Below Grade MYS -Concrete SAFETY RELATED ELECTRICAL Structural DUCT BANKS/MANHOLE S Support Below Grade Tabl e 3.5.2-4 Mi sc ellane o u s Yard S tructure s Summary of Aging Man a g e ment Evaluation

+Fl"" 11 1!1 A'gi'ng Effect Requiring Material Environment Management Air Indoor Concrete Uncontrolled Expan s ion and C racking (External)

Air Indoor Increa s e in Poro s ity and Concrete Uncontrolled Permeability, Cracking, Loss (External) of M a terial (S palling , S caling) Cra c king, Loss of Bond, Ground Water/Soil Concrete (External)

Loss of Material (S palling, S caling) Concrete Ground Water/Soil E xpansion and C racking (External) 1 , Aging 1 .. 'I

  • + , 1 111 Management 1
  • 1801 1 Vol. 2 3.X.1 Note , Program *1 *Item Item ,*1:11 Structures Monitoring Program , Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) Monitoring 111.A3-2 3.5.1-27 A, E, Program & (T-03) 517 , 519 Building Deformation Monitoring Program Structures Monitoring 111.A3-10 3.5. 1-24 A Program (T-06) Structures 111.A3-4 Monitoring (T-05) 3.5. 1-31 A Program Structure s Monitoring Program, Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) Monitoring lll.A3-2 3.5. 1-27 A, E, Program & (T-03) 517, 519 Building Deformation Monitoring Program SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 110 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function MYS -Concrete SAFETY RELATED ELECTRICAL Structural DUCT BANKS/MANHOLES Support Below Grade MYS -Concrete SAFETY RELATED ELECTRICAL Structural DUCT BANKS/MANHOLES Support Below Grade MYS -Concrete SAFETY RELATED ELECTRICAL Structural DUCT BANKS/MANHOLES Support Below Grade MYS -Concrete SAFETY RELATED MANHOLES Missile Barrier Exposed to Weather MYS -Concrete SAFETY Structural RELATED MANHOLE S Support Exposed to Weather MYS -Concrete SAFETY RELATED MANHOLES Missile Barrier Exposed to Weather Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-4 Miscellaneous Yard S tructures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Aging Effect Requiring , Environment Management Increase in Porosity and Ground Water/Soil Permeability, Cracking, Loss (External) of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Increase in Porosity and Ground Water/Soil (External)

Permeability, Loss of Strength Ground Water/Soil (External)

Loss of Material, Cracking Air Outdoor Cracking, Loss of Bond, (E xternal) Loss of Material (Spalling , Scaling) Air Outdoor Cracking, Loss of Bond, (External)

Loss of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Air Outdoor Expansion and Cracking (External) ,f Aging NU REG Table 1ITll *N.ole'I: I Management

' 1801 Vol. 2 3.X.1 Program Item Item Structures Monitoring lll.A3-5 3.5.1-31 A (T-07) Program Structures lll.A3-7 Monitoring (T-02) 3.5.1-32 A , 509 Program Structures lll.A3-6 Monitoring (T-01) 3.5.1-26 A Program Structures lll.A3-9 Monitoring (T-0 4) 3.5.1-23 A Program Structures lll.A3-9 Monitoring (T-0 4) 3.5.1-23 A Program Structures Monitoring Program, Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) lll.A3-2 3.5.1-27 A, E, Monitoring (T-03) 517 , 519 Program & Build ing Deformation Monitoring SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 111 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Int ended Component Type Function MY S -Concrete SAFETY RELATED MANHOLES Structura l E xpo sed t o W eather Support MY S -Concrete SAFETY RELATED MANH OLES Missile Barrier E x posed to Weather MY S -Concrete SAFETY RELATED MANHOLES Structural E xp osed to Weather Support MY S -Concrete SAFETY RELATED MANHOLES M issile Barrier E xp ose d to Weather Material Concrete Concrete Concre t e Concre t e Table 3.5.2-4 Mi scellaneous Yard Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Ag i ng Effect Requir i ng Environment Management Air Outdoor E x pansion and Cracking (E xt ernal) Increase in Porosity and Air Outdoor Permeability , Crac k ing , Loss (External) of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Increase in Porosity and Air Outdoor Permeability , Cracking , Loss (E xt ernal) of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Air Outdoor (E xt ernal) Loss of Material, Crac k ing Aging NU REG Table Management 1 801 Vol. 2 3.X.1 N ote Program It em It em Program Structures M on it oring Program , Alkali-Silica Reaction (A SR) M onitoring lll.A3-2 3.5.1-27 A, E , Prog r am & (T-03) 517 , 5 19 Building Deformation M o nitoring Progra m Structu r es M onito rin g lll.A3-10 3.5.1-24 A Program (T-06) Struc tur es M on it o ring lll.A 3-10 3.5.1-24 A Program (T-06) St ru c ture s lll.A3-6 Monitoring (T-01) 3.5.1-26 A Program SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 112 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Type Function MYS -Concrete SAF E TY Structural RELAT E D MANHOL E S Support Exposed to Weather MYS -Concrete S ERVICE S tructural WATER ACCE S S VAULT Air S upport Indoor Uncontrolled MYS -Concrete SERVIC E WATER ACC E SS VAULT Air Structural S upport Indoor Uncontrolled MY S -Concrete SERVI CE WAT E R A CCE SS VAULT Air S tructural Indoor Uncontrolled S upport MY S -Concrete SE RVI CE S tructural WAT E R A C C E S S VAUL T S upport Below Grade Mat e rial Concrete Concrete Concrete C o ncrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-4 Mi sce llan e ou s Yard S tru c tures Summary of Aging Manag e ment Evaluation Aging Effe c t Requiring Envir o nm e nt 'I* '*:1:'1!1 Man a g e ment Air Outdoor (E xternal) Loss of Material, Cracking Air Indoor C rack in g , Loss of Bond, Uncont r olled Lo ss of M a terial (S palling , (External)

S caling) Air Indoor Uncontro l led Expan si on and C racking (E xternal) Air Indoor I nc r ease in Poro s ity and Un co ntroll e d Perme ab ility, C r a cking, Lo s s (E xternal) o f Mat e rial (S p a lling, Sca ling) Gro und W a t e r/So il C r ac ki n g, L o ss of B o nd, (E xternal) L oss o f M a te r i a l (S palling , S c a ling) Aging NU REG Table II Management 1801 Vol. 2 3.X.1 ,. Note Program Item Item Structures lll.A3-6 Monitoring (T-01) 3.5.1-26 A Program Structures lll.A3-9 Monitoring (T-04) 3.5.1-23 A Program Structures Monitoring Program, Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) Monitoring 111.A3-2 3.5.1-27 A, E, Pr o gram & (T-03) 517, 519 Building Deformation Monitoring Program S tructures Monitoring lll.A3-10 3.5.1-24 A Program (T-06) S tructures 111.A3-4 Monitoring (T-05) 3.5.1-31 A Program SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 113 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Funct i on MYS -Concrete SERVICE Structura l WATER ACCESS VAULT Support Belo w Grade MY S -Concrete SERV I CE WATER ACCESS VAULT S tructural Below G r ade Support MY S -Concrete SERVICE Structural WATER ACCESS VAULT Support Belo w Grade MY S -Concrete SERV ICE Structura l WATER ACCESS VAULT Support Belo w Grade MYS -Concrete SERVICE S tructural WATER ACCESS VAULT S upport E xp osed to Ra w Water Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-4 Mi sce llaneous Yard Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation

:1; :1: Environment Aging Effect Requ i ring ' Management Ground Water/Soil (E x ternal) Expansion and Crack ing Increase in Porosit y and Ground Water/Soil Permeability , Crack i ng , Loss (External) of Material (Spalling , Scaling) Ground Water/Soil Increase in Poros ity and (External)

Permeability , Loss of Strength Ground Water/Soil (E xt erna l) Loss of Material, Crac k ing Raw Water Cr a c king, Loss of Bond , (External) Loss of Material (Spall i ng , Scaling) 'I. ,

,,, , 'NUR EG 1 Table *I 1801 1\(o l. 2 3.X.1 N o t e Program It em It em Structures Monitoring Program , Alkali-Silica Reaction (A SR) lll.A3-2 A , E517, M on i toring (T-03) 3.5. 1-27 5 19 Program & Building Deformation M o nit or ing Proqram S tru ct u res M on it oring lll.A3-5 3.5. 1-31 A P r ogram (T-07) Structures lll.A 3-7 M onitor i ng (T-02) 3.5. 1-32 A , 509 Program Structures lll.A3-6 M oni tori ng (T-0 1) 3.5.1-26 A Program S t ructures lll.A3-4 Monitoring (T-05) 3.5.1-31 A , 509 Program SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 114 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Int e nded C omponent Typ e Fun c ti o n MYS -Con c rete SE RVIC E Structural WA T ER ACC ESS VAULT S upport E xposed to Raw Water MY S -C oncrete S TATION S tructur a l BLACKOUT STRUCTUR ES S upport Below Grade MYS -Concrete S T ATION BLACKOUT STRUCTUR ES S t r uctur a l Below Grade S upp o rt MY S -Concrete S TATION BLACKOUT STRUCTUR ES Structural Below Grade Support Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete T a ble 3.5.2-4 Mi sce llane o u s Yard S tructur es S umm a ry o f Aging M a n a g e m e nt Evaluation II I Aging E ff ec t Requiring E nvir o nm e nt M a nag e m e nt R aw W a ter (E xt e rnal) E xpansion a nd Cracking Gr ound Wate r/S oil C r ac ki n g , L oss of Bond, (E xternal) Lo s s of M a t e rial (Spalling, S c a l i ng) G round Water/So il E x p a nsi o n a n d C racking (Extern a l) In crease in Porosity and G round Water/So il P e rme ab ili t y, C racking , Loss (E xternal) of M at e ria l (S pall i ng, S ca ling) Aging NU REG Table Management 1801 Vol. 2 3.X.1 Note Program Item r1 Item Structures Monitoring Program, Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) lll.A3-2 A , E Monitoring (T-03) 3.5.1-27 517 , 519 Program & Building Deformation Monitoring Proqram Structures 111.A3-4 Monitoring (T-05) 3.5.1-31 A Program S tructures Monitoring Program, Alkali-Silica Reaction (A S R) Monitoring lll.A3-2 3.5.1-27 A, E, Program & (T-03) 517, 519 Building Deformation Monitoring Program Structures Monitoring lll.A3-5 3.5.1-31 A Program (T-07) ---

SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 11 5 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Int ende d Co mp onen t Typ e *Function MY S -Concrete STAT I O N S t ructural BLACKOUT STRUCTURES Support Below Grade MYS -Concrete STATIO N Structu ral BLACKOUT STRUCTURES Support Below Grade MY S -Concrete STATION Structural BLACKOUT STRUCTURES Support E xp osed to We ather MY S -Concrete STATIO N BLACKOUT STRUCTURES Structural E xpo sed to W eat h er Support MY S -Concrete STAT I ON BLACKOUT STRUCT U RES Structura l Exposed to We ather Support MY S -Concrete STATION Structural BLACKOUT STRUCTURES Support E xpos ed to Weat her M a t e ri a l 1* Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-4 Mi sce ll a n eous Y a rd S tru c tur es Summary of A ging M anagemen t Eva lu a tion ':l"!i' I r I h1.';i:I:!, 1 1 I'. 1<'lill' ill1 I Aging Effect Requiring Environment . ) .I. M a nag eme ht 1 : 'i'l'I <:i r, t l'j T I ; , 1 . ,f, .' ,,i 'TI i" I Ground Water/Soil I ncrease in Porosit y and (E xt ernal) Permeability , Loss of Strength Ground Water/Soil (E xt ernal) Loss of Material, Crack i ng Air Outdoor Cracking, Loss o f Bond, (External)

Loss of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Air Outdoor Expansion and Crac king (E xt ernal) Increase in Porosity and Air Outdoor Permeability, Cracking, Loss (E xt ernal) of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Air Outdoor (E xt erna l) Loss of Material, Crac king 1 ,n'jil 111 Aging {*' i1.11 1!'i1*11 I NtJREG l' I 1 111:* . t I. , .. ,, . ' *, 11'*1

  • Table ' I : I ' I : I , * * '
  • I' 1 18 1 01 1 i11 0L 2. '* 1 *" N o te . ' ' "'" 11 l 'fl' It e m .,. I , . : 11 111 Program iii ii i', *.iii! It e m' '!',: I ,j.
  • St ructures lll.A3-7 M onito ring (T-02) 3.5.1-32 A, 509 Program Struc tu res lll.A3-6 Mo n itoring (T-01) 3.5.1-26 A Program Structu re s lll.A3-9 Mon it oring (T-0 4) 3.5.1-23 A Program Structures Monitoring Program, Alkali-S ilica lll.A3-2 3.5.1-27 A, E , R eac tion (ASR) (T-03) 517 Monitoring Program S t ruc tur es Monitoring lll.A 3-10 3.5.1-2 4 A Program (T-06) S tructure s lll.A3-6 M oni toring (T-01) 3.5.1-26 A Program SBK-L-17155


/Page 116 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function MYS -Concrete Sump CONTROL ROOM MAKEUP Structural AIR INTAKE STRUCTURE Support Exposed to Raw Water MYS -Concrete Sump CONTROL ROOM MAKEUP Structural AIR INTAKE STRUCTURE Support E xposed to Raw Water MYS -Concrete Sump NON SAFETY RELATED Structural ELECTRICAL DUCT Support BANKS/MANHOLES Exposed to Raw Water MYS -Concrete Sump NON SAFETY RELATED ELECTRICAL DUCT Structural BANKS/MANHOLES Support Exposed to Raw Water MYS -Concrete Sump SAFET Y RELATED Structural ELECTRICAL DUCT Support BANKS/MANHOLES Exposed to Raw Water Table 3.5.2-4 Miscellaneous Yard Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation

' Aging Effect Requiring

, 1 Mat eria l Environment Management Cracking, Loss of Bond, Raw Water Concrete (External)

Loss of Material (Spal ling , Scaling) Concrete Raw Water Expansion and Crack ing (External)

Raw Water Cracking , Loss of Bond, Concrete (External)

Loss of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Concrete Raw Water Expansion and Crac king (E xternal) Raw Water Cracking, Loss of Bond , Concrete (External)

Loss of Material (Spalling, Scaling) . Aging * *:; NUREG ' Table T Management

,, 1801 Vol. 2 3.X.1 Note., Program Item Item Structures lll.A3-4 Monitoring (T-05) 3.5.1-31 A , 509 Program Structures Monitoring Program, Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) Monitoring lll.A3-2 3.5.1-27 A , E, Program & (T-03) 517, 519 Building Deformation Monitoring Program Structures lll.A3-4 Monitoring (T-05) 3.5.1-31 A, 509 Program Structures Monitoring Program , Alkali-Si lica Reaction lll.A3-2 3.5.1-27 A , E , (A SR) (T-03) 5 17 Monitoring Program Structures lll.A3-4 M onitoring (T-05) 3.5.1-31 A, 509 Program SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 117 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function MYS -Concrete S ump SAFETY RELATED Structu ral ELECTRICAL DUCT Support BANKS/M ANHOLES Exposed to Raw Water MYS -EPDM Roof ENCLOSURE FOR Shelter , CONDENSATE STORAGE Protection TANK Exposed to Weather MYS -EPDM Roof STATION Shelter , BLACKOUT STRUCTURES Protection Exposed to Weather MYS -Penetration Seal ENCLOSURE FOR Shelter , CONDENSATE STORAGE Protection TANK Exposed to Weather MYS -Seismic Isolation Joint SAFETY RELATED Expansion/

ELECTRICAL DUCT BANKS/MANHOLES Air Separa tion Indoor Uncontrolled Table 3.5.2-4 Mi sce llaneou s Yard Struc tures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Aging Effect Requiring Material Environment Management Raw Water Concrete (External)

Expansion and Cracking Separation , Environmental Roofing Air Outdoor Degradation , Water In-(External)

Leakage Air Outdoor Separation , Environmenta l Roofing (External)

Degradation, Water In-Leakage Incr eased Hardness and Elastomer Air Outdoor Shrinkage and Loss of (External)

Strength Air Indoor Incre ased Hardness and E lastomer Uncontrolled Shrinkage and Loss of (E xte rna l) Strength Aging NU REG Table Management 1801 Vol. 2 3.X.1 Note Program It.em It em I' Structures Monitoring Program , Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) lll.A3-2 A, E, Monitoring (T-03) 3.5.1-27 517, 519 Program & Building Deformation Monitoring Proqram Structures Monitoring Program, Building lll.A6-12 3.5.1-44 A, 505, Deformation (TP-7) 520 Monitoring Program Structures lll.A6-12 Monitoring (TP-7) 3.5.1-4 4 A, 505, Program Structures Monitoring Vll.G-2 3.3.1-61 E , 515 Program (A-20) Structures Vll.G-1 Monitoring 3.3.1-61 E , 515 Program (A-19)

SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 118 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

, Intended Component Type ,. I*: .. , Function :1' 1*1 " MYS -Stainless Steel ENCLOSURE FOR Structural CONDENSATE STORAGE Support TANK Exposed to Weather Standard N otes 11 1: Table 3.5.2-4 Miscellaneous Yard Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation " ri'.', 1 1 1: 1 i:1' *11 1*, \I:!** Agihg Effect Requiring Material Environment Management Stainless Air Outdoor Loss of Material Steel (External)

Table 3.5.2-4 Miscellaneous Yard Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation N ote Description , 1, , *.*

1 11r1: 11 illil 1 t.JuFi.EG I Management 1801 Vol. 2 Program It em Structures Monitoring 111.82-7 (TP-6) Program A Consistent with NUREG-1801 item for component, material, environment, and aging effect. AMP is consistent with NUREG-1801 AMP. B Consistent with NUREG-1801 item for component , material, environment, and aging effect. AMP takes some exceptions to NUREG-1801 AMP. C Component is different, but consistent with NUREG-1801 item for material, environment, and aging effect. AMP is consistent with N UREG-1801 AMP. Tab l e 3.X.1 Item 3.5.1-50 D Component is different , but consistent with NUREG-1801 item for material, environment, and aging effect. AMP takes some exceptions to NUREG-18 01 AMP. 1 ,.: .i, 1:11111::J 111 1:1 r N ote 11:.,.i A E Consistent with NUREG-1801 for material , environment and aging effect , but a different aging management program is credited or NUREG-1801 identifies a plant-specific aging management program. F Material not in NUREG-1801 for this component.

G Environment not in NUREG-1801 for this component and material.

H Aging effect not in NUREG-1801 for this component, material and environment combination.

1 Aging effect in NUREG-1801 for this component, material and environment combination is not applicable.

J Neither the component nor the material and environment combination is evaluated in NUREG-1801. 501 Not used. 502 Aging effect includes "Fretting or Lockup" due to wear. 503 Crevice and pitting will be included along with loss of material-corrosion due to a saltwater atmosphere environment.

504 Fatigue analysis exists and TLAA applies. 505 Built-up roofing is not in GALL; lll.A6-12 is for elastomer-material is similar, aging effect is similar, environment is same , and AMP is Structures Monitoring.

506 Component is cementitious fire proofing/insulating material and will exhibit similar aging effects as concrete.

507 Spent Fuel Pool temperature<

60°C (<140° F); water chemistry and temperature will be maintained by the Water Chemistry Program.

SB K-L-171 55 /Enclo sure 2/ Page 119 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 508 Cracking, loss of bond, and loss of material (spalling, scaling)/corrosion of embedded steel-is not listed in GALL 111.A.6 as an aging effect for concrete in raw water. Seabrook manages this effect with Structures Monitoring Program. 509 For aging management purposes, buried, below grade, soil, and ground water/ raw & treated water environments are treated the same. 51 O Reduction in concrete anchor capacity is an aging effect that is addressed in LRAM-SUPT. 511 At Seabrook Station, Xl.S7 "RG 1.127, Inspection of Water-Control Structures Associated with Nuclear Power Plants" and XI.SS "Masonry Wall Program" are combined under Xl.S6 "Structures Monitoring Program". 512 Raw water in lined & unlined concrete sumps. 513 Seabrook Station will age manage this condition through the Fire Protection Program. 514 Seabrook Station will age manage this condition through the Structures Monitoring Program. 515 Increased hardness , shrinkage, or loss of strength of elastomer seals due to weathering is addressed by GALL only for Fire Barrier seals. Seabrook Station wi ll manage such aging effects for non-Fire Barrier elastomer seals with the Structures Monitoring Program. 516 Seabrook Station Structures Monitoring Program will perform concrete testing and rebar inspection to determine the effects of the aggressive groundwater on the concrete.

The concrete testing and the rebar inspection will represent all concrete below grade. 5 17 After initial identification and determination of the presence of alkali-silica reactivity by the Struc tur es M oni t oring Program, Seabroo k S t at i o n will age man age thi s condition through the Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) Monitoring Program. 519 After initial identification of alkali-silica reaction (ASR) induced building deformation by the S tru ctures M oni t oring Program, Seabroo k Station will age man age thi s condition through the Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) Monitoring Program and the Building Deforma ti on M oni t oring Program. 520 After initial identification of alkali-silica reaction (ASR) induced building deforma ti on affec ting plant equipmen t and componen t s by th e Structures M on it or i ng Program, Seabrook Station will age manage this condition through th e Building Deformation M o nit or ing P r og r a m.

S BK-L-1 7 1 55 I E nc l osu re 2/ P age 1 20 U.S. Nu cle ar Reg u l a to ry Co m miss io n I*; I' I ntended ,*I Compo n en t Type , 1.I' Funct i on " PST -(Structural)

Fire Proofing -COG-E x posed to Air Indoor Fire Barrier Uncontrolled PST -(Structural) Fire Proofing -COG-Exposed to Air Indoor Fire Barrier Uncontrolled PST -(Structural) Fire Proofing -COG-E x posed to Air I ndoor Fire Barrier Uncontrolled PST -(Structural) Fire Proofing -COG-E x posed to Air Indoor Fire Barrier Uncontrolled PST -Buil t-Up Roofing -COG-Shelter, E x posed t o A i r Outdoor Protection PST -Buil t-Up Roofing -EFP-Shelter , E x posed to Air Outdoor Protection M a t er i al Non-M etallic Fire-Proofing N on-Metallic Fire-Proofing N on-M etallic Fire-Proofing N on-Metallic Fire-Proofing Roofing Roofing Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Aging M anagement Eva l ua t io n , I i ' 1 11: ifr'*'* iii'.,,,,, ' .. :, l1iil'Ag j ng Env i ronme ri t , ,.i:J, ,11'l'ill'1'i:Jlil1 M anagement I'**** I'll' *fl t*:1:*]!!1'j:!1!" l'l'l'I' ,, .. ij* .11:1 .IJ;l,H!,:ii*1ll 1*l*1 u*.::* *i:i *;'::1:1:.

,!:1 1*'. '.i:l*1 :':1:1: ' I l:':'I Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (E x ternal) Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External) Air I ndoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (E x ternal) Separation , Environmenta l Air Outdoor Degradation, Water In-(External) Leakage Separation, Environmen t al Air Outdoor Degradation , Water I n-(E x ternal) Leakage ,, A g in g , ...*. Tab l e NU REG 1 80 1. ' . M anageme nt .. , w v o 1n: lt e m ji'.': 111*1 3.x;1 N o te *"I' **

  • T *Ir .1: 1111 1111 i;;1:111:

l!I ,* 1:11.*11 11:: 1 n 11fr1:1ii:;i:

1.th1I !;:*: It e m 1;<i :';T I:*: ;:t 1:** Fire Pro t ection Vl l.G-29 Program (A-9 1) 3.3.1-67 C , 506 S t ruc t ures V ll.G-29 M onitoring (A-9 1) 3.3.1-67 C , 506 Program Fire Pro t ec t ion Vll.G-29 Prog r a m (A-9 1) 3.3.1-67 C , 506 S tr uctures Vll.G-29 M onito ri ng (A-9 1) 3.3.1-67 C , 506 Program Struc t ures M oni t oring Prog r a m lll.A6-1 2 3.5.1-44 H , 5 0 5 , Bu ilding (TP-7) E , 52 0 Defor m a ti o n M o nit o rin g P r o gr a m Structures M onitor i ng Program lll.A 6-12 3.5.1-44 H, 505 , E, (TP-7) 5 20 B uilding D e form a ti o n M o n i t o ring SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 121 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function PST -Built-Up Roofing -FSB-Shelter , E xpo sed to Air Outdoor Protect io n PST -Bui lt-Up Roofing -PAB-Shelter , E x posed to Air Outdoor Protect i on PST -Bui l t-Up Roofing -PCEW-Shelter , E xp osed to Air Outdoor Protect i on PST -Bui lt-Up Roofing -PHA-Shelte r, E xp osed to Air Outdoor Pro t ection Material Roofing Roofing Roofing Roo fing Table 3.5.2-5 Primary S tru c tures Summary of Aging Managem en t Eva lu at i on " Aging Effect Requiring Environment Management Separation , Environmental Air Outdoor Degradation , Water In-(E x ternal) Leakage Separation , Environmental Air Outdoor Degradation , Water In-(E xt ernal) Leakage Separation , Environmental Air Outdoor Degradation , Water In-(E xt ernal) Leakage Separation , Environmen t al Air Outdoor Degradation , Water I n-(E xt ernal) Leakage Aging Table NU REG 1801 M anagement Vol. 2 It em 3.X.1 N ote Program I tem Program Structures Mo nitoring P ro gram lll.A 6-12 3.5.1-44 H, 505 , Building (T P-7) E , 520 Deformation M o nit or in g Program Structures Monitoring Program l ll.A6-12 3.5.1-44 H , 505 , Building (TP-7) E , 520 Deforma ti on M on it or ing Proara m Structures M onitor ing Program lll.A 6-12 3.5.1-44 H , 505, Building (T P-7) E,520 Deformation M o nit o ring Program Structures M onitoring Program lll.A6-1 2 3.5.1-44 H , 505 , Building (TP-7) E, 520 Deformation M o nit or ing Program SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 122 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function PST -Bui lt-Up Roofing -TFA-Shelter , E x posed to Air Outdoor Protect ion PST -Built-Up Roo fi ng -WPS-Shelter , E xpo sed to Air Outdoor Pro t ect io n PST -Carbon S teel -COG-Struc t ura l E xp osed t o Air Ind oor Support Uncontrolled PST -Carbon Steel -COG-Structural E x posed to Air Outdoo r Support PST -Carbon S t eel -CEHMS-Structural E xp osed to Air Outdoor Support PST -Carbon Stee l Door -COG-Structura l E xpo sed to Air Indoor Support Uncontrolled Material Roofing Roofing Stee l Steel S t eel Steel Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluat i o n Aging Effect Requiring Environment Management Separat i on , Environmental Air Outdoor Degradation , Water In-(E xternal) Leakage Separa t ion , Environmental Air Outdoor Degradation , Water In-(E x ternal) Leakage Air I ndoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (E xtern al) Air Outdoor (E xt ernal) Loss of Material Air Outdoo r (E xternal) Loss of Material Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (E x ternal) Aging NUREG 18 0 1 Table M anagemen t V o l. 2 It em 3.X.1 N o t e 1 .' Program It em Struc ture s M onitor ing Program lll.A6-12 3.5.1-44 H , 505 , Building (TP-7) E , 520 Deformation M on it or ing Proqram Structures Monitoring Program 111.A6-12 3.5.1-44 H, 505, Building (TP-7) E, 520 Deformation M o nit o ring Proqram Struc t u re s lll.A1-12 Monitorin g (T-11) 3.5.1-25 A Program Str ucture s lll.A1-12 M onitoring (T-11) 3.5.1-25 A , 503 Program Struc tu res lll.A3-12 M on it oring (T-1 1) 3.5.1-25 A , 503 Program Structures lll.A1-12 Mo n ito ring (T-11) 3.5.1-25 A P ro g ram S BK-L-171 55 I En closu re 2/ P age 1 23 U.S. Nucl e ar R egu l ato ry Co m m i ssi on I ntended Component Type Function PST -Carbon Stee l Door -COG-Structural E x posed to Ai r Outdoor Support PST -Carbon Steel Door -EFP-Structura l E x posed to Air Indoor Support Uncontrolled PST -Carbon Stee l Door -EFP-S t ructura l E x pose d t o Ai r Outdoo r Suppo rt PST -Carbon Steel Door -FSB-HELB E x posed to A i r I ndoor Shielding Uncontrolled PST -Carbon Stee l Door -FSB-S t ructura l E x pose d t o Air I ndoor Support Uncont r ol l ed PST -Carbon Steel Door -FSB-Structura l E x posed to A i r Ou t door Support M ateria l* S t eel Steel Stee l Steel Stee l Stee l Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures S um mary of Ag i ng Management Eva l uat i o n Aging Effect Requi r ing Env i ronment Management Air Outdoor (E x ternal) Loss of Material Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External) Air Outdoor (External) Loss of Material A i r Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External) Air I ndoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External) A i r Outdoor (E xt ernal) Loss of Material A g i ng N UREG 1 80 1 Tab l e ':1: t1: M anagemen t V o l. 2 It em 3.X.1 N o t e Program I tem St r uc t ures ll l.A1-1 2 M oni t o ri ng (T-11) 3.5.1-25 A, 5 03 Prog r am S t ruc t ures lll.A3-12 M onitoring (T-11) 3.5.1-25 A Program S t ruc t ures ll l.A3-1 2 M onito ri ng (T-11) 3.5.1-25 A , 5 03 Program Struct u res lll.A 5-1 2 M onitoring (T-1 1) 3.5.1-25 A Program S t ruc t ures lll.A5-1 2 M oni t or i ng (T-11) 3.5.1-25 A Program S t r u c t u r es lll.A5-1 2 M on i tor in g (T-11) 3.5.1-25 A , 50 3 Prog r am SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2 1 Page 124 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission I' I Intended 1 , I Component Type Function ,, '1*T PST -Carbon Steel Door -FSB-HELB in Air with Borated Water Shielding Leakage PST -Carbon Steel Door -FSB-Structural in Air with Borated Water Support Leakage PST -Carbon Steel Door -PAB-HELB Exposed to Air Indoor Shielding Uncontrolled PST -Carbon Steel Door -PAB-Structural Exposed to Air Indoor Support Uncontrolled PST -Carbon Steel Door -PAB-Structural Exposed to Air Outdoor Support PST -Carbon Steel Door -PAB-HELB in Air with Borated Water Shielding Leakage Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Struc ture s Su mmary of Aging Management Evaluation

' 1] 1,1 l.j , ,,1, , ,1:rl , Aging Effect Requiring Material 1' i*ll , 1 1'1 'Iii' Management " Jiii, I'll ':' ",:, 1y1 I !*Ill I 1111111'1"11 I, li1'1 11 11 ,,,, Air w/Borated Steel Water Leakage Loss of Material (External)

Air w/Borated Steel Water Leakage Loss of Material (External)

Air Indoor Steel Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External)

Air Indoor Steel Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External)

Air Outdoor Steel (External)

Loss of Material Air w/Borated Steel Water Leakage Loss of Material (External)

Aging Table NU REG 1801 Management Vol. 2 Item:, 3.X.1 N ote P r ogram Jt em " '"r:!* Boric Acid lll.B2-11 Program (T-25) 3.5.1-55 A Boric Acid lll.B2-11 Program (T-25) 3.5.1-55 A Structures lll.A3-12 Monitoring (T-11) 3.5.1-25 A Program Structures lll.A3-12 Monitoring (T-11) 3.5.1-25 A Program Structures lll.A 3-12 Monitoring (T-11) 3.5.1-25 A, 503 Program Boric Acid 111.82-11 Program (T-25) 3.5.1-55 A S BK-L-171 55 I Enclo su re 2/ Pag e 12 5 U.S. Nucle a r Reg u la t ory Comm i ssio n Component Type Intended Fun c tion PST -Carbon Stee l Door -PAB-St r uctu r al in A i r wi th Borated Water Support Lea k a g e PST -Carbon Steel Door -HELB PCEW-E x posed to Air I ndoor Shielding Uncontro l led PST -Carbon Steel Door -S t r uctu r al PCEW-E x pose d to Air Indoor Support Unc ontr ol l e d PST -Carbon Steel Door -Struc t u r a l PCEW-E x posed to Air Outdoor Support PST -Carbon Steel Door -WPB-S t ructura l E x posed to Air I ndoo r Suppo rt Uncon tr olled PST -Ca r bon Steel Door -WPB-Structural E x posed to A i r Outdoor S upport Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Aging M anagement Eva l uat i o n Materia l Environment Aging Effe c t Requiring Management Air w/Borated Steel Water Leakage Loss of Material (E xt ernal) Air Indoor Steel Uncontrolled L oss of Material (E x ternal) Air Indoo r S t eel Uncontrolled Loss of Mater i a l (E xt ernal) Air Outdoor S t eel (E x ternal) Loss of Material A i r Indoor Stee l Uncontro l led Lo s s of Mate ri al (E xt ernal) Air Outdoor Stee l (E xt ernal) Loss of Mat e rial A g i ng " Table i'I M anagement N UREG 1 80 1 3.X.1 N o t e Program V ol. 2 It em I tem Boric Ac i d 111.82-11 Program (T-25) 3.5.1-55 A Structures lll.A3-1 2 M onitoring (T-11) 3.5.1-25 A P r og r am Str u c t ures lll.A3-1 2 M on it oring (T-11) 3.5.1-25 A Program Structures 11 1.A3-1 2 M oni t oring (T-11) 3.5.1-25 A, 50 3 Prog r am S t ructures lll.A3-1 2 M oni t oring (T-11) 3.5.1-25 A Program S t ruc t ures lll.A3-1 2

  • M on it oring (T-11) 3.5.1-25 A, 50 3 P r ogra m SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 126 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Component Type Intended Function PST -Carbon Steel Door -WPB-Structural in Air with Borated Water Support Leakage PST -Carbon Steel -EFP-Structural Exposed to Air Indoor Support Uncontrolled PST -Carbon Steel -EFP-Shelter , Exposed to Air Outdoor Protection PST -Carbon Steel -EFP-Structural Exposed to Air Outdoor Support PST -Carbon Steel Fire Door -CDG-Exposed to Air Indoor Fire Barrier Uncontrolled PST -Carbon Steel Fire Door -EFP-Exposed to Air Indoor Fire Barrier Uncontrolled Material Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation

,:1* I* Environment Aging Effect Requiring Management Air w/Borated Water Leakage Loss of Material (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External)

Air Outdoor Loss of Material (External)

Air Outdoor (External)

Loss of Material Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External)

Aging Table Management NUREG 1801 3.X.1 Note Program Vol. 2 Item Item Boric Acid lll.B2-11 Program (T-25) 3.5.1-55 A Structures l ll.A3-12 Monitoring (T-11) 3.5.1-25 A Program Structures lll.A3-12 Monitoring 3.5.1-25 A , 503 Program (T-11) Structures lll.A3-12 Monitoring (T-11) 3.5. 1-25 A , 503 Program Fire Protection Vll.G-3 Program (A-21) 3.3.1-63 A Fire Protection Vll.G-3 Program (A-21) 3.3.1-63 A SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 127 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Component Type PST -Carbon Steel Fire Door -FSB-Exposed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled PST -Carbon Steel Fire Door -FSB-in Air with Borated Water Leakage PST -Carbon Steel Fire Door -PAB-Exposed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled PST -Carbon Steel Fire Door -PAB-in Air with Borated Water Leakage PST -Carbon Steel Fire Door -PCEW-Exposed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled PST -Carbon Steel Fire Door -WPB-Exposed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled Intended Funct i on Fire Barrier Fire Barrier Fire Barrier Fire Barrier Fire Barrier Fire Barrier Material Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation

'II Environment

'11 , ' 1"111 '1*1*1 1:, T ab l e 111 l'I 11n11 Ir j;i ,,, 1 '. Jl*li: 11: ',, ' l'I 1:

!i b.x.1 1:111 'I '1,; 1 ,, 1 , ,li;girig pffect fl.equ , 1.rin.g '1 , 1 ,, 1 *Iii* 1 , 1 v o l'Y 2]*1*t em l:!,11 Ii lil!1 1tem'1 1 1 11 1 , ',, r. , Managementil l' 111 : 1! , " 1 1111 Program l:j:j' , *ti 1*i:l.1*1*'1*1 1 l 1111 , , * * 'i*i' {] 1 l!I: ' I ,, , i;1 Air Indoor Uncontrolled (External)

Air w/Borated Water Leakage (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled (External)

Air w/Borated Water Leakage (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled (External)

Loss of Material Loss of Material Loss of Material Loss of Material Loss of Material Loss of Material Fire Protection Program Boric Acid Program Fire Protection Program Boric Acid Program Fire Protection Program Fire Protection Program Vll.G-3 (A-21) lll.B2-11 (T-25) Vll.G-3 (A-21) lll.B2-11 (T-25) Vll.G-3 (A-21) Vll.G-3 (A-21) 3.3.1-63 A 3.5.1-55 A 3.3.1-63 A 3.5.1-55 A 3.3.1-63 A 3.3.1-63 A S BK-L-1 7 1 55 I Enclosure 2/ P age 1 28 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com m issio n I I ntended Component Type I Fun c tion PST -Carbon Steel Fire Door -W PB-in Air w ith Borated Water Fire Barrier Leakage PST -Carbon Steel -FSB-Structural Exposed to Air Indoor Support Uncontrolled PST -Carbon Steel -FSB-in Air Structural w i th Borated Water Leakage Support PST -Carbon S teel -PAB-S tructura l Exposed to Air Indoor Support Uncontrolled PST -Carbon Steel -PAB-Structural E x posed to Air Outdo o r Support PST -Carbon Steel -PAB-in Air Structural with Bo r ated Water Leak a ge S upport M ater i a l Steel Steel S teel Steel Steel Steel Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Aging Management Eva l ua t ion r . . *:r!!ll 1"'.ill Environmen t'!: I 'I' ' ' ' * " 1 11: ' Managemen t. " 111 I I* .°1!11 11: /11'1 'I* *1il!l*lll:

'11 i::l'1!1ili1 1* *:1:1' Air w/Borated Water Leakage Loss of Materfal (Externa l) Air Indoor Uncontrol l ed Lo ss of Material (External)

Air w/Borated Water Leakage Loss of Mater i al (External)

Air Indoor Unco n t r olled Loss of Mate r ial (External)

Air Outdoor (External)

Loss of Material Air w/Borated Water Leakage Los s of Ma t erial (External)

Ag i ng , *:1: Tab l e N UREG 1 80 1 M a n agemen t v o i. 2 1 1 te m : :1 3: X.1 11' N o t e * '*' ,': ;;j 1te hi , '! I iii! ' ::i 1:' \1: Boric Acid lll.B2-11 Program (T-25) 3.5.1-55 A Structures ll l.A5-12 Monitoring (T-11) 3.5.1-25 A Program Boric Acid ll l.B2-11 Program (T-25) 3.5.1-55 A Structures lll.A3-12 M onitoring (T-1 1) 3.5.1-25 A Program S tructures lll.A3-1 2 M onitoring (T-11) 3.5.1-25 A, 503 Program Boric Ac id lll.B2-11 Program (T-25) 3.5.1-55 A SB K-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ P age 129 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

11 I ntended Component Type 'l 1 r 'Function *I* I I '*. ' PST -Carbon Steel -PCEW-Exposed to Air Indoor Flood Barrier Uncontrolled PST -Carbon Steel -PCEW-Structural Exposed to Air Indoor Support Uncontrolled PST -Carbon Steel -PCEW-Structural Exposed to Air Outdoor Support PST -Ca rb on Steel -PHA-Structural Exposed to Air Indoor Support Uncontrolled PST -Carbon Steel -PHA-Shelter, Exposed to Air Outdoor Protection PST -Carbon Steel -PHA-Structural Exposed to Air Outdoor Support Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluat i on Aging Effect Requiring Material Environment Management

.*1, Air Indoor Steel Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External)

Air Indoor Steel Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External)

Air Outdoor Steel (E xternal) Loss of Material Air Indoor Steel Uncontrolled Loss of Material (E xternal) Air Outdoor Steel (External)

Loss of Material Air Outdoor Steel (External)

Loss of Material Aging , ' Table

  • I' I: 'I{ NU REG 1801 ' ... 'I M anagement Vol. 2 It em 3.X.1 N ote 1 , 1 Program It em ' l 1 ': l: Structures lll.A 3-12 Monitoring (T-1 1) 3.5.1-25 A Program Structures lll.A3-12 Monitoring (T-11) 3.5.1-25 A Program Structures 111.A3-1 2 Monitoring (T-11) 3.5.1-25 A, 503 Program Structures lll.A 3-1 2 Monitoring (T-11) 3.5.1-25 A Program Structures ll l.A3-12 Monitoring (T-11) 3.5.1-25 A, 503 Program Structures lll.A3-12 M onitoring (T-11) 3.5.1-25 A, 503 Program SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 130 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

' Component Type " 'Intended Function PST -Carbon Steel -TFA-Structural Exposed to Air Indoor Support Uncontrolled PST -Carbon S teel -TFA-Shelter, Exposed to Air Outdoor Protection PST -Carbon Steel -TFA-Structural Exposed to Air Outdoor Suppo rt PST -Carbon Steel -TFA-in Air St ructural with Borated Water Leakage Support PST -Carbon Steel -WPB-Structural Exposed to Air Indoor Support Uncontrolled PST -Carbon Steel -WPB-Shel ter, Exposed to Air Outdoor Protection

' Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Material Environment Aging Effect Requiring Management Air Indoor Steel Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External)

Air Outdoor Steel Loss of Material (External)

Air Outdoor Steel (External)

Loss of Material Air w/Bor ated Steel Water Leakage Loss of Material (External)

Air Indoor Steel Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External)

Air Outdoor Steel (E xternal) Loss of Material Aging Table :11 Management NUREG 1801 .,. 3.X.1 Note Program Vol. 2 Item Item Structures lll.A3-12 Monitoring (T-11) 3.5.1-25 A Program Structures l ll.A3-12 Monitoring 3.5.1-25 A , 503 Program (T-11) Structures lll.A3-12 Monitoring (T-11) 3.5.1-25 A , 503 Program Boric Acid 1 1 1.82-11 Program (T-25) 3.5.1-55 A Structures 1 1 1.A3-12 Monitoring (T-11) 3.5.1-25 A Program Structures l l l.A3-12 Monitoring (T-11) 3.5.1-25 A, 503 Program SBK-L-17 155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 131 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function PST -Carbon Steel -W PB-Structura l Exposed to Air Outdoor Support PST -Carbon Steel -WPB-in Structural Air with Borated Water Leakage Support PST -Conduit Fire Wrap -COG-Exposed to Air Indoor Fire Barrier Uncontrolled PST -Conduit Fire Wrap -PAB-E xposed to Air Indoor Fire Barrier Uncontrolled PST -Conduit Fire Wrap -PAB-in Air with Borated Water Fire Barrier Leakage PST -Conduit Fire Wrap -WPB-Exposed to Air Indoor Fire Barrier Uncontrolled Material 1 Stee l Steel Aluminum Aluminum Aluminum Aluminum Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Aging Management Eva luation Aging Effect Requiring Environment Management Air Outdoor (External)

Loss of Material Air w/Borated Water Leakage Loss of Material (External)

Air Indoor Nef\e Uncontrolled Deformation/reduction in (External) s tru ctural capacity Air Indoor Nef\e Uncontrolled Deformation/reduction in (External) structural capacity Air w/Borated Water Leakage Loss of Material (External))

Nef\e Air Indoor Deformation/reduction in Uncontrolled structura l capacity (E xte rnal) Aging 1:1 Table NUREG 1801 Manag ement Vol. 2 I tem I* 3.X.1 Note Program Item :*j*I Structures ll l.A3-12 Monitoring (T-11) 3.5. 1-25 A, 503 Program Boric Acid ll l.B2-11 Program (T-25) 3.5.1-55 A Nef\e Building lll.B2-4 Deformation (T P-8) 3.5. 1-58 A, E, 520 Monitoring Program Nef\e Building lll.B2-4 Deformation (TP-8) 3.5. 1-58 A, E, 520 M on it or in g Program Boric Acid lll.B2-6 Program (TP-3) 3.5. 1-55 A Nef\e Building lll.B2-4 Deformation (TP-8) 3.5. 1-58 A, E, 520 Monitoring Program SBK-L-17 1 55 I Enclosure 2/ Page 132 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Component Type PST -Condu it Fire Wrap -in A i r with Borated Water Leakage PST -Elastomers Exposed to Air Indoor Uncon troll ed PST -Elastomers E xp osed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled PST -Elastomers E x posed to Air Outdoor PST -Elastomers E x posed to Air Outdoor PST -E l as tom ers E xpo sed to Air Outdoor Intended Funct i on Fi r e Ba rri e r Control Bldg Habitabilit y Flood Barrier E xp ansion/ Separation She l ter , Protection E x pans ion/ Separation Material Aluminum Elastomer Elastomer Elastomer Elastomer Elastomer Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Aging Management Eva lu at i o n Environment Air w/Borated Water Leakage (External))

Air Indoor Uncontrolled (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled (External) Air Outdoor (External)

Air Outdoor (External) Air Outdoor (External) 111 1:1+ ' *l'l'i'I . *I: .,, :I il Aging Effect'Requiring 1'* 1: Management 1:'; Loss of Material I ncreased Hardness, Shrinkage and Loss of Strength Increased Hardness, Shrinkage and Loss of Strength Increased Hardness, Shrinkage and Loss of Strength Increased Hardness , Shrinkage and Loss of Strength Increased Hardness , Shrinkage and Loss o f Strength Aging M anagement Program Boric Acid P rogram S tructur es M on it oring Program Structures Mon i t or ing Program Structures M on it oring Program St ru ctures M onitor ing Program Structures Monit oring Program NU REG 1801 V ol. 2 It em lll.B2-6 (TP-3) Vll.G-1 (A-19) Vll.G-1 (A-19) Vll.G-2 (A-20) Vll.G-2 (A-20) Vll.G-2 (A-20) I Table 3.X.1 It em 3.5.1-55 3.3. 1-6 1 3.3. 1-61 3.3.1-61 3.3. 1-6 1 3.3.1-6 1 N ote A E , 515 E , 515 E , 515 E , 515 E , 515 SBK-L-1715 5 I Enclo su re 2/ Page 1 33 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Component Type PST -E l astomers Exposed to Air Outdoor PST -Elastomers E x posed to Air Outdoor PST -Elastomers E xpo sed to Air Outdoor PST -Elastomers E xpo sed to Air Outdoor PST* Elastomers

-E x posed to Air Outdoor PST* Elastomers

-E xp osed to Air Outdoor Intend ed Function Shelter , Protection Expansion/ Separation Shelter , Protection Expansion/ Separation Shelter, Protection Expansion/

Separation Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Aging M anagement Eva lu at i o n , fl . 'i'I M ateria l 1 Elastomer Elastomer Elastomer Elastomer Elastomer Elastomer

, Environment jl:, :111:1 " *I* Air Outdoor (External)

Air Outdoor (External)

Air Outdoor (External)

Air Outdoor (External)

Air Outdoor (External)

Air Outdoor (External)

Aging Effect Requiring M anagement Increased Hardness, Shrinkage and Loss of Strength Increased Hardness, Shrinkage and Loss of Strength I ncreased Hardness, Shrinkage and Loss of Strength Increased Hardness, Shrinkage and Loss o f Strength Increased Hardness, Shrinkage and Loss of Strength Increased Hardness, Shrinkage and Loss of Strength :: I" ':l:1:1'.""*l'

.. '*h1*1:1' "'1*1*1*," . " 1 :* I'

  • Table" Program Vol. 2* 1tem 1 3.X.1
  • It e m Struc tur es M on itoring Program Struc t ures M onitoring Program Structures Mo nitoring Program Structures M onitoring Program Struc t ures Mo nitoring Program Structu re s Mon itoring Program Vll.G-2 (A-20) Vll.G-2 (A-20) Vll.G-2 (A-20) Vll.G-2 (A-20) Vll.G-2 (A-20) Vll.G-2 (A-20) 3.3.1-6 1 3.3.1 -6 1 3.3.1-6 1 3.3.1-61 3.3.1-61 3.3.1-61 1 1 :11*1 I j!' 1:1' 1 N o t e.1 *, 'I . , E , 5 15 E , 515 E, 515 E , 5 1 5 E , 515 E , 5 1 5 S BK-L-171 55 I Enclo su re 2/ Pag e 134 U.S. Nuclear Reg u l ato ry Co mm iss ion I ntended Com'ponent Type Function PST -E l as t omers -PCEW-Shel t er , E x posed t o A i r Outdoor Protect i on PST -Elas t omers -PHA-Expansion/ E x posed to Ai r Outdoor Separation PST -E l astomers -PHA-Shelte r, E x posed t o Air Outdoor Pro t ection PST -E l astomers -TFA-E x pansion/ E x posed to Air Outdoor Sepa r ation PST -E l astomers -TFA-Shel t er , E x posed to Ai r Outdoor Pro t ec t ion PS T -E l astomers -W PB-E x pansion/ E x posed t o Ai r Outdoor Sepa r at i on M aterial E l astomer Elastomer E l astome r Elastomer E l astomer Elastomer Table 3.5.2-5 Primary S t ructures Summary of Ag i ng M anagement Eva l uat i o n ,1'1'1' Environment . Aging Effect Requiring I,

Air Ou t door Increased Hardness , (E xt ernal) Shrinkage and Loss o f Strength Ai r Outdoor Increased Hardness , Shrinkage and Loss of (External)

Strength Air Outdoor Increased Hardness , Shrinkage and Loss of (E xt ernal) Strength Air Outdoor Increased Hardness , Shrinkage and Loss of (E x ternal) Strength Air Outdoor Increased Hardness , Shr i nkage and Loss o f (E xt erna l) Strength Air Outdoor Increased Hardness , Shrinkage and Loss of (E x ternal) Strength A g i ng I Tab l e I ' I ' I : I ; I : ' I ; M anagemen t N UREG 1 80 1 3.X.1 II ,ff . V o l. 2 It em N o t e .. r' P r og r am It e m S t ruc t ures V ll.G-2 M onitoring 3.3. 1-6 1 E , 5 1 5 Program (A-20) Struc t ures Vll.G-2 M onitoring 3.3. 1-6 1 (A-20) E , 5 1 5 Program Struc t ures V ll.G-2 M on i tori n g 3.3.1-6 1 Progra m (A-20) E , 5 1 5 St ru c t ures Vl l.G-2 M onito ri ng 3.3. 1-6 1 Program (A-20) E , 5 1 5 S t ruc tu res V ll.G-2 M on i toring 3.3.1-61 E , 5 1 5 Program (A-20) St r uc t u r es Vll.G-2 M oni t or i ng 3.3. 1-6 1 E , 5 1 5 Program (A-20)

SBK-L-1 7155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 135 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission I I :j* Intend ed Component Type Function PST -Elastomers -WPB-Shelter, Exposed to Air Outdoor Protection PST -Fire Penetration Seal -COG-Exposed to Air Indoor Fire Barrier Uncontrolled PST -Fire Penetration Seal -EFP-Exposed to Air Indoor Fire Barrier Uncontrolled PST -Fire Penetration Seal -FSB-Exposed to Air Indoor Fire Barrier Uncontrolled PST -Fire Penetration Seal -PAB-Exposed to Air Indoor Fire Barrier Uncontrolled PST -Fire Penetration Seal -PCEW-Exposed to Air Indoor Fire Barrier Uncontrolled I M aterial Elastomer Elastomer Elastomer Elastomer Elastomer Elastomer Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation

  • 1 1* 11Y*, ; ' ! ' Aging Effect Requiring "1 1 1 1 Environment Management I ' l*I* I I I' 'ii T .( 1j: "'I' :l"lli* :1 Air Outdoor Increased Hardness, (External)

Shrinkage and Loss of Strength Air Indoo r Increa sed Hardness, Uncontrolled Shrinkage and Loss of (External)

Strength Air Indoor Increased Hardness, Uncontrolled Shrinkage and Loss of (External)

Strength Air Indoor I ncreased Hardness, Uncontrolled Shrinkage and Loss of (External)

Strength Air Indoor Increased Hardness, Uncontrolled Shrinkage and Loss of (External)

Strength Air Indoor In creased Hardness, Uncontrolled Shrinkage and Loss of (External)

Strength I ,.,., I Aging N UREG 1801 Table M anagemen t V o l. 2 It em 3.X.1 P.rogram It em I Structures Vll.G-2 Monitoring (A-20) 3.3.1-61 E, 515 Program Fire Protection Vll.G-1 Program (A-19) 3.3.1-61 A Fire Protection Vll.G-1 Program (A-19) 3.3.1-61 A Fire Protection Vll.G-1 Program (A-19) 3.3.1-61 A Fire Protection Vll.G-1 Program (A-19) 3.3.1-61 A Fire Protection Vll.G-1 Program (A-19) 3.3.1-61 A S BK-L-1 7 1 55 I En closure 2/ Pa ge 1 3 6 U.S. N uc l ear Regu l atory Comm i ssion I ntended Component Type Function PST -F i re Penetration Seal -WPB-E x posed to Air Indoor Fire Barrier Uncon t ro ll ed PST -Lubrite Plate -PAB-Structural E x posed to Air I ndoor Support Uncontrol l ed PST -Rein f orced Concrete -Flood Barrier COG-Be l o w Grade PST -Reinforced Concrete -St r uctu r al COG-Belo w Grade Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -COG-Belo w Grade Flood Barr i er Mater i a l Elastomer Lubrite Concrete Concrete Concre t e Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluatio n ,. ' 111. ,, Aging Effect Requiring Environment Managemen t Air Indoor Increased Hardness , Uncontrolled Shrinkage and Loss of (E x ternal) Strength Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Mechanical Function (E x ternal) Ground Cracking , Loss of Bond, Loss Wate r/Soil (E x ternal) of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Ground Cracking, Loss of Bond, Loss Water/Soil (E x ternal) of Material (Spalling , Scaling) Ground Water/Soil E x pansion and Crac k ing (E xt ernal) .Tab l e' I Ag i ng N UREG 1 80 1 M anagement 3.X.1 N o t e Program V ol. 2 It e m I tem Fi r e Protec t ion V ll.G-1 Program (A-1 9) 3.3.1-61 A S t ructures 111.82-2 M on i toring (TP-1) 3.5.1-52 A Program S t ruc t ures lll.A 1-4 M on i toring 3.5.1-31 A Program (T-05) S t ruc t ures lll.A1-4 M onitor i ng 3.5.1-31 A P r ogram (T-05) S t ructures M on i toring Program Al k ali-Si li ca Reac t ion (ASR) lll.A 1-2 A, E , M oni t or in g (T-03) 3.5.1-2 7 5 1 7 , 5 19 P r og r am B uildin g Deforma ti o n M o nit o rin g P r o g ra m SBK-L-1 7155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 137 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function PST -Reinforced Concrete -S tructural COG-Below Grade Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -Flood Barrier COG-Below Grade PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural COG-Below Grade Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -Flood Barrier COG-Below Grade PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural COG-Below Grade Support ' Material Concrete Concrete Conc rete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Aging Manag emen t Evaluation

' Environment Aging Effect Requiring Management Ground W ater/Soil Expansion and Cracking (External)

Ground Increase in Porosity and Water/Soil Permeability , Crack ing , Loss (E xternal) of Material (Spalling , Scal ing) Ground In crease in Porosity and Water/Soil Permeability, Cracking , Loss (E xternal) of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Ground Increase in Porosity and Water/Soil Permeability , Loss of (External)

Strength Ground Increase in Porosi ty and Water/Soil Permeability, Loss of (External)

Strength ' Aging* 1 ,,

  • 1*Table 1 , .. :'I' '

Vol. 2 lteni 3.X.1 Note Program *item Structures Monitoring Program Alkali-Silica Reaction (A SR) lll.A1-2 AE , 517, Monitoring (T-03) 3.5.1-27 5 1 9 Program Building Deformation Monitoring Proaram Structures lll.A1-5 Monitoring (T-07) 3.5.1-3 1 A Program Structures lll.A1-5 Monitoring (T-07) 3.5.1-31 A Program Structures lll.A1-7 Monitoring (T-02) 3.5.1-32 A , 509 Program Structures l ll.A1-7 Monitoring (T-02) 3.5.1-32 A , 509 Program SB K-L-1 7 1 55 I Enclosure 2/ P age 138 U.S. N u cl ea r Regulatory Commiss i on Intended Component Type Function PST -Reinforced Concrete -COG-Below Grade Flood Barrier PST -Reinforced Concrete -S tructural COG-Belo w Grade Support PST -Re i nfo r ced Concrete -COG-E x posed to Air Indoor F i re Barrier Uncontro l le d PST -Reinforced Concrete -S tructural COG-E x posed to Air Ind o or S upport Uncontrolled PST -Re i nforced Con c rete -COG-E x posed to Air Indoor F i re Barrier Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concr e te -S tructural COG-E x posed to Air I ndoor Uncon t rolled Support :. Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Tab le 3.5.2-5 Primary Structur es S ummary of Aging Management Evaluation 11 I

  • Ii II :I l,' I I '. '.'


Environment Agmg Eft'.ect Requmng Management Ground Water/S oil Loss of Material , Cracking (External) Ground Water/S oil L o ss of M a teri a l, Cracking (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of M a terial (External) Air I ndoor Uncontrolled Loss of M a terial (E xternal) Air I ndoor Cracki n g , Loss of Bond, Loss Uncontrolled (External) of Material (Sp a lling , S caling) Air Indoor Cra c k i ng, Lo s s of Bond, Loss Uncontro l led (E x ternal) of M a ter ia l (S palling , Scaling) li 1Hi'!1 A g i ng ' ,, 11 1 Tab l e '"ti I" I 'l'*r,t .*!< j N UREG 180 1 . I M anageme nt v o1. 2 1 tem'1 .3.X.1 N o t e P r ogram I tem Structures lll.A3-6 M on i toring (T-0 1) 3.5.1-26 A Program Struc t ures ll l.A3-6 M onitoring (T-0 1) 3.5.1-26 A Program F i re Protec ti on V ll.G-29 Program (A-9 1) 3.3.1-67 A Fire Protec t ion V ll.G-29 P r ogram (A-9 1) 3.3.1-67 A Structures lll.A 1-9 Monitoring 3.5.1-23 A Program (T-04) Struc t ures lll.A 1-9 M onitoring 3.5.1-23 A Program (T-04)

SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 139 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Component Type ' " Intended Iii Function ij' I ' PST -Reinforced Concrete -COG-Exposed to Air Indoor Fire Barrier Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural COG-Exposed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -COG-Exposed to Air Indo or Fire Barrier Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -Struc tural COG-Exposed to Air Indoor Support Uncontrolled Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation , ,, **. l .. , , l {'"'II Material Environment

  • 'Aging I Management

' 11" ' ' ' i ' "I' Air Indoor Concrete Cracking and Concrete Uncontrolled (External)

Spalling Air Indoor Concrete Cracking and Concrete Uncontrolled (External)

Spall ing Air Indoor Concrete Uncontrolled Expansion and Cracking (External)

Air Indo or Concrete Uncontrolled E xpansion and Cracking (Ext ernal) I' 'j'l'l'I' ,,1 :!1.1i:!1J:i.11. ::!:*:1:1 1';1;1*::1;

[T ,,. , ..

1! I

',, ' N ote 'i 1.Management 1 1.j,1 '1111 'vb1 t 1 '1 1ili:l 3.X.t l:i 1;' Program'1

  • 1teln * T
    • ,. 'l , :.;1 t,:c1,1.1.,:1:*:

1 1, Fire Protection Vl l.G-28 3.3.1-65 A Program (A-90) Fire Protection Vll.G-28 3.3.1-65 A Program (A-90) Structures Monitoring Program Alkali-Silica Reaction (A SR) Monitoring 111.A1-2 3.5.1-27 A , E , Program (T-03) 517 , 5 1 9 Building Deformation M onitoring Program Structures Monitoring Program Alkali-Silica Reaction (A SR) 111.A1-2 A , E , Monitoring (T-03) 3.5.1-27 517 , 519 Program Building Deformation Moni t or i ng Program SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 140 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

,, Intended Component Type Function PST -Reinforced Concrete -COG-Exposed to Air Indoor Fire Barrier Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -Struc tural COG-Exposed to Air Indo o r Support Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -Missile Barrier COG-Exposed to Air Outdoor PST -Reinforced Concrete -Shel ter, COG-Exposed to Air Outdoor Protection PST -Reinforced Concrete -COG-Exposed to Air Outdoor Missile Barrier Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-5 Primary S tructures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation l , I ' : i'i ,I Aging' Effect Requiring Environment Air Indoor Increa se in Porosity and Uncontrolled Permeability , Crac king , Loss (External) of Material (Spalling , Sca ling) Air Indoor In crease in Porosity and Uncontrolled Permeability, Crac king, Loss (External) of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Air Outdoor Cracking, Loss of Bond , Loss (External) of Material (Spalling , Scaling) Air Outdoor Cracking, Loss of Bond, Loss (E xternal) of Material (Sp alling , Sca ling) Air Outdoor (E xternal) E xpan sion and Cracking !l ' I 'i' jq ;i':1: ,:hi. .pl:1:1:1:r:*1

.,1 1.1. ti I II Agirig'1:1'!1:1,, 11 Table i:I ,, 'I' ' ,j, ' NUREG '1801 ,, Management

,:, Vol. 2 Item' '\ 3;x.1 * Note Program Item' ,;:1. Structures lll.A1-10 Monitoring (T-06) 3.5.1-24 A Program Structures l l l.A1-10 Monitoring (T-06) 3.5. 1-24 A Program Structures lll.A1-9 Monitoring 3.5. 1-23 A Program (T-04) S tructures lll.A1-9 Monitoring 3.5. 1-23 A Program (T-04) Structures Monitoring Program Alkali-Si l ica Reaction (ASR) l ll.A1-2 A , E , Monitoring (T-03) 3.5. 1-27 5 1 7 , 519 Program Building Deformation Monitoring Program SB K-L-1 7 1 55 /Enclosure2

/Page 1 4 1 U.S. Nu clear Regulatory Comm i ssio n I I Component Type Intended Function PST -Reinforced Concrete -Shelter , COG-E x posed to Air Outdoor Protection PST -Re i nforced Concrete -COG-E x posed to Air Outdoor Mis si l e Barr i er PST -Re i nforced Concrete -Shelter , COG-E x posed to Air Outdoor Protection PST -Re i nforced Concrete -Missi l e Barrier COG-E x posed to Air Outdoor PST -Reinforced Concrete -Shelter, COG-E x po se d to Air Outdoor Protection Mat e rial Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-5 Primary S tru c tur es S ummary of Aging Manag e m e nt Evaluation

,,,,, I 1l *1 1 1 ;.J. *1*1 Environment " Aging Effect Requ i r i ng M a nag eme nt Air Outdoor (External)

E xpansion and Cracking Air O utdoor Incr ease in Porosity and Permeability , Crac king , Loss (External) of Material (Spalling , Scaling) Air Outdoor Incre ase in Poros ity and Permeability, Cracking , Loss (Externa l) of Ma terial (Spall ing , Scaling) Air Outdoor Loss of Material , C racking (E xt ernal) Air Outdoor Loss of Material , Cracking (E xtern al) ,j;, 1:. Aging N UREG 1801 Table Managemen t 3.X.1 N ote Program Vol. 2 Item Item Structures Moni t or i ng Program A l ka li-S i lica Reaction (A S R) lll.A1-2 A, E , M onitoring 3.5.1-2 7 Program (T-03) 517 , 5 1 9 Bu il ding Deforma t io n M oni t oring Proa ram Structures lll.A 1-10 Mon i toring 3.5.1-24 (T-06) A Program Structures ll l.A1-1 0 M onitoring 3.5.1-2 4 A Program (T-06) S t ructures ll l.A 1-6 Mon i toring 3.5.1-26 A Program (T-0 1) Struc t ures ll l.A1-6 M onitoring 3.5.1-26 A Program (T-01)

SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 142 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1:1; / Component Type Int ended Function PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural CDG-Exposed to Raw Water Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural CDG-Exposed to Raw Water Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural CEHMS-Below Grade Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural CEHMS-Below Grade Support Material " Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Aging Man agement Evaluation

' Environment Aging Effect Requiring Management

' ' Raw Water Cracking , Loss of Bond, Loss (External) of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Raw Water (External)

Expansion and Cracking Ground Cracking, Loss of Bond, Loss Water/Soil (External) of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Ground Water/Soil Expansion and Cracking (External) 1

  • Agir\g' I 'I;: '1 11 1:/'i'lil'
  • l"I . 'l!I.' ,!1' ti'; 11:11'1 I! r Table' Management , NUREG 1801 3.X.1 Vol. 2 I tem N ote: .. 1 '/',:l:j:

I Program Item ... : *I Structures 111.A1-4 Monitoring 3.5.1-31 A, 512 Program (T-05) Structu re s Monitoring Program Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) lll.A1-2 A, 512 , E Monitoring (T-03) 3.5.1-27 '517, Program 5 1 9 Building Deformation Monitoring Proqram Structures 111.A3-4 Monitoring 3.5.1-31 A Program (T-05) Struc tures Monitoring Program Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) 111.A3-2 A, E, Monitoring (T-03) 3.5.1 -27 5 1 7, 5 1 9 Program Bu il ding De f orma ti on M onitoring Proqram SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 143 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural CEHMS-Below Grade Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -S tructural CEHMS-Below Grade Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural CEHMS-Below Grade Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -CEHMS-Exposed to Air Missile Barrier Outdoor PST -Re i nforced Concrete -CEHMS-Exposed to Air Missile Barrier Outdoor Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Aging Effect Requiring Environment Management Ground Increase in Porosity and Water/Soil Permeability, Cracking , Loss (External) of Material (Spalling , Scaling) Ground Increase in Porosity and Water/S oil Permeabi l ity, Loss of (External)

Strength Ground Water/Soil Loss of Material , Cracking (External)

Air Outdoor Cracking, Loss of Bond, Loss (External) of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Air Outdoor (External)

Expan si on and Cracking 1:1 Ag/ng 1 );11 1: I 1:1 1;; i!li I 11 1 Table. NUREG 1801 Management Vol. 2 Item 3.X.1 ' Note Program I tem Structures l ll.A3-5 Monitoring (T-07) 3.5.1-31 A Program Structures l ll.A3-7 Monitoring (T-02) 3.5.1-32 A , 509 Program Structures lll.A3-6 Monitoring (T-01) 3.5.1-26 A Program Structures lll.A3-9 Monitoring 3.5.1-23 A (T-04) Program Structures Monitoring Program Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) lll.A3-2 A , E , Monitoring 3.5.1-27 (T-03) 5 1 7 , 519 Program Build i ng Deformation Monitoring Proaram SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 144 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

! Component "f;ype Intended II', Function " :1 ! PST -Reinfor c ed Concrete -CEHMS-Exposed to Air Mi s sile Barrier Outdoor PST -Reinforced Concrete -CEHMS-Expo s ed to Air Missile Barrier Outdoor PST -Reinforced Concrete -Flood Barrier EFP-Below Grade PST -Reinforced Con c rete -Structural EFP-Below Grade Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -Flood Barrier EFP-Below Grade !1.11' Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation iil:1: IT 1 1 11 1'1' ['111'1"1' 1'l'l"IT 1" 1' ! 'llfl :: 1 1 , ,,,+ 1 * ! :


.. '1*1<<1'"';1 l'i!l:if'I:

Environment Ag1 , ng Efl'.ect 1 Req\J 1 m'lg'11 fl Management

,, *, Air Outdoor Increase i n P o rosity and (External)

Permeabi l ity, Cra c king, Loss of Material (S p a lling, Scaling) Air Outdoor (External)

Lo s s of Material, Cracking Ground Cracking , Lo s s of Bond, Lo s s Water/Soil (External) of Mater i al (S palling, S caling) G round Cracking, Loss of Bond , Loss Water/Soil (External) of Mate ri al (S palling , Scaling) Ground Water/So i l Expan s ion and C racking (External) 1 1 1 11 NUREG'[1 sot ii . , : ' I 1'1* 1' Aging .. r I '1:1i: Taple i; . !' ' ],Ill,,, 111 IJl"I fl N ote 1*k, Management

'1:i 1:*1:i, vol'.:1 2 1 1i 0ln'mJ1, 1 '111 P,r6gram ,!!l':)l 1! 1 l1vHl:11111,. "n:u11j::!'1

'"':11:1 : 1 1 :1:1:1' 1f:.1.,J*i:;

Structures lll.A3-10 Monitoring (T-06) 3.5. 1-24 A Program Structures 111.A3-6 Monitoring (T-01) 3.5, 1-26 A Program Structures ll l.A3-4 Monitoring 3.5.1-31 A Program (T-05) Structures lll.A 3-4 Monitoring 3.5.1-31 A Program (T-05) Structures Monitoring Program Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) lll.A3-2 A, E, Monitoring 3.5.1-27 Program (T-03) 517, 519 Bui lding Deformatio n Monitoring Proaram SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 145 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural EFP-Below Grade Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -Flood Barrier EFP-Below Grade PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural EFP-Below Grade Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural EFP-Below Grade Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural EFP-Below Grade Support Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Environment Aging Effect Requiring Management Ground Water/Soil Expansion and Cracking (External)

Ground Increase in Porosity and Water/Soil Permeability, Cracking, Loss (External) of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Ground Increa se in Porosity and Water/Soil Permeability, C racking, Loss (External) of Material (Spall ing, Scaling) Ground Increase in Porosity and Water/Soil Permeability, Loss of (External)

Strength Ground Increase in Porosity and Water/Soil Permeability , Loss of (External)

Strength {j Aging ':1: .Ii 1*1'1 Table ,, 'I I NUREG 1801 Management Vol. 2 Item 3.X.1 Note Program Item Structures Monitoring Program Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) lll.A3-2 A , E , Monitoring (T-03) 3.5.1-27 517 , 519 Program Building Deformation Monitoring Proa ram Structures lll.A3-5 Monitoring (T-07) 3.5.1-31 A Program Structures lll.A3-5 Monitoring (T-07) 3.5.1-31 A Program Structures lll.A3-7 Monitoring (T-02) 3.5.1-32 A, 509 Program Structures lll.A3-7 Monitoring (T-02) 3.5.1-32 A, 509 Program SBK-L-171 55 /Enclosure 2/Page 146 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function PST -Reinforced Concrete -EFP-Belo w Grade Flood Barrier PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural EFP-Belo w Grade Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -EFP-E xpo sed to Air In door Fire Barrier Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural EFP-E x posed to Air Indoor Support Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -EFP-E xp osed to Air Indoor Fire Barrier Uncontrol led PST -Re i nforced Concrete -Structura l EFP-E xpo sed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled Support Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Concre t e Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluat i o n Aging Effect Requiring Environment Management Ground Water/Soil Loss of Material, Cracking (E x ternal) Ground Water/Soil Loss of Material , Cracking (E xt ernal) Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External)

Air Indoor Cracking , Loss of Bond , Loss Uncontrolled (External) of Material (Spall ing, Scal i ng) Air Indoor Cracking , Loss of Bond , Loss Uncontrolled (External) of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Aging NU REG 1801 Table M anagemen t V ol. 2 It em 3.X.1 N ote Program It em .. , S t ruc tur es lll.A3-6 M oni toring (T-01) 3.5.1-26 A Program Struc tu res lll.A 3-6 Monitoring (T-01) 3.5.1-26 A Program Fire Pro te ction Vll.G-29 P rogram (A-9 1) 3.3.1-67 A Fire Protection Vll.G-29 Prog ram (A-9 1) 3.3.1-67 A St ru ctu r es lll.A 3-9 M onitoring 3.5.1-23 A Program (T-04) S tru c tur es lll.A3-9 M on itoring 3.5.1-23 A Program (T-04)

SBK-L-1 71 55 I Enclosure 2/ Page 147 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function PST -Reinforced Concrete -EFP-E x posed to Air Indoor Fire Barrier Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural EFP-Exposed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled Suppo rt PST -Reinforced Concrete -EFP-E x posed to Air Indoor Fire Barrier Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural EFP-E xp osed to Air Ind oor Support Uncontrolled Material ,,, Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-5 Primary S tru c tures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation

,, Aging Effect Requiring Environment Management Air Indoor Concrete Cracking and Uncontrolled (External)

Spalling Air Indoor Concrete Cracking and Uncontrolled (External)

Spalling Air Indoor Uncontrolled Expansion and Cracking (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled E xpan sion and Cracking (External)

Aging Table , , , NUREG 1801 Management Vol. 2 Item 3.X.1 N ote Program Item Fire Protection Vll.G-2 8 3.3.1-65 A Program (A-90) Fire Protection Vll.G-28 3.3.1-65 A Program (A-90) Structures Monitoring Program Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) l ll.A3-2 A , E , Monitoring (T-03) 3.5.1-27 5 17, 519 Program Building Deformation M oni t oring Program Structures Monitoring Program Alkali-Silica Reaction (A SR) lll.A3-2 A , E, Monitoring (T-03) 3.5.1-27 517 , 5 19 Program Bu ilding Deformation M oni t oring Program S BK-L-1 7 1 55 I En c l osu re 2/ Page 1 48 U.S. Nu cle ar Regulatory C o mmi ss i o n 1:1 I ntended Component T ype **Funct i on 'I: PST -Reinforced Concrete -EFP-E x posed to Air Indoor Fire Barrier Uncontro l led PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural EFP-E x posed to Air I ndoor Support Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -Missile Barrier EFP-E x posed to Air Outdoor PST -Reinforced Concrete -Shelter, EFP-E x posed to Air Outdoor Protection PST -Reinforced Concrete -EFP-E x posed to Air Outdoor Missile Barrier I ,,, M ateria l ii' Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-5 Primary S t ructures Summary of Ag i ng Management Eva l uatio n }I ' 111 1 lli ' 1:1 . i:I Ill Jil Aging Effect* Requ i r i ng 11 i,lll Env i ronment *:I ',11.11

'I" *:1*1

  • n Air Indoor Increase in Porosity and Uncontrolled Permeability , Cracking , Loss (External) of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Air Indoor I ncrease in Porosity and Uncontrolled Permeability, Cracking, Loss (External) of Material (Spalling , Scaling) Air Outdoor Cracking, Loss of Bond, Loss (External) of Material (Spalling , Scaling) Air Outdoor Cracking , Loss of Bond , Loss (External) of Material (Spalling , Scaling) Air Outdoor (E x ternal) E x pansion and Cracking Ag i ng I I* NU REG 1 80 1 *** Table M anagemen t 'Jr 3 c X; 1 N o t e * ,, pr og r a m'l'1 iil:1M* . V o L 2 1 it em jj 1*1 il'ljl * i.1,I,,., *I L1 .. , iii'] :J!l:ll'I
  • iH lt em ,)!'I' i' Struc t ures lll.A3-1 0 M onitoring (T-06) 3.5, 1-2 4 A Prog r am Struc t ures lll.A3-1 0 M oni t o r ing (T-06) 3.5.1-2 4 A Program S t ructures lll.A3-9 M on i toring 3.5.1-23 A P rogram (T-0 4) Struct u res lll.A3-9 M oni t oring 3.5 , 1-23 A Program (T-04) Struc t ures M on i toring Program A lkali-Si li ca Reaction (ASR) lll.A3-2 A, E , M onitori n g (T-03) 3.5, 1-27 5 1 7 , 5 1 9 P r og r am B uilding Defo rm a ti o n M o nit o rin g P r o q ra m S BK-L-171 55 I En cl o su re 2/ Pa ge 149 U.S. N u clear R eg ul ato ry Comm i ssi on I n t ended Componen t Type , Funct i on PST -Re i nforced Concrete -She l ter , EFP-E x posed to Air Outdoo r Protection PST -Re i nforced Concrete -EFP-E x posed to A i r Outdoor M i ssi l e Barr i er PST -Reinforced Concrete -S h e lter , EFP-E x posed to Air Outdoor Protection PST -Rein fo rce d Concrete -EFP-E x posed to A ir Outdoor Miss i le Barrier PST -Reinfo r ced C o ncrete -She l ter , E FP-E x posed t o A i r Outdoor Protection Mate r ial Concrete Conc r ete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-5 Pr i mary Structures Summary of Aging Managem e nt Evaluat i o n ' ' ' '"11 ,, ti : ,j1l':11'!!


Effect Requ i r i ng ljj' Environment Management Air Outdoor Expan s ion and Cracking (E xt ernal) A i r Outdoor I n cr ea s e in Porosity and (E xt ernal) Perm e ability , Cracking , Lo s s of Mater i al (S pall i ng , Scal i ng) Air Outdoor I ncrea s e in Porosity and (E xt ernal) Permea bi l i ty , Cracking, Lo s s of M a terial (S palling , Sca l ing) Air Outdoor (E xt ernal) Loss of Material , Crac k ing Air Outdoor Loss of Mat e r i al, C r acking (E x ternal) 1 ,l*I :li.,4_'i' ,. 'I' , !j:I 1: ,,, Tab l e\' 1:11 ' lI I g m g N UREG 1 80 1 1' 1 1 M anage'men t ' *Ir 3.x.1 N o t e P r ogram V o l. 2 I te m I tem S t r u ctures M on i toring Program Al k ali-Si li ca Reac ti on (ASR) M on i toring 111.A3-2 3.5.1-2 7 A , E, Program (T-03) 5 17, 5 19 B uil d i ng Defo r ma t io n M o nit or in g P r og r a m S t ruc t ures lll.A3-1 0 M onitoring (T-06) 3.5.1-24 A Program S t ructures lll.A3-10 M onitoring (T-06) 3.5.1-2 4 A Program St r uc t u r es ll\.A3-6 M oni t ori n g (T-0 1) 3.5.1-26 A Program S t r u ctures lll.A3-6 M oni t or i ng 3.5.1-26 A Program (T-0 1)

S BK-L-171 55 I En cl o s ure 2/ P age 1 5 0 U.S. Nu c l ear R eg ula t ory Co mm iss ion ", , ,1;, 'I I n t ended Componen t Type Function PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural EFP-E x posed to Ra w Water Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural EFP-E x posed to Raw Water Support PST -Re i nforced Concrete -Flood Barrier F SB-Belo w Grade PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural FSB-Be l o w Grade Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -Flood Barrier FSB-Be l o w Grade M a t er i a l Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Tab l e 3.5.2-5 Primary Structu r es Su m mary of Ag i ng M anagement E v a l ua t io n ii',' 1:i: ,:1111 1, ' :1;1:* *j*I* ;.:.I*;* . ,:1:: :f*' I:' ' '

i: Environmeht 1 1:1 ,, , i:i,,,l:v:1, 111 g Ji,, 1:1.*," Raw Water Cracking , Loss o f Bond , Loss (External) of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Ra w Water (E x ternal) Expansion and Cracking Ground Cracking , Loss of Bond , Loss Water/Soil (External) of Material (Spall i ng , Scal i ng) Ground Cracking, Loss of Bond , Loss Water/Soil (External) of Material (Spalling , Sca l i n g) Ground Water/Soi l Expansion and Cracking (E x ternal) , A g in g , ':, _,!11_i:1,,,, 1 11 1: 1': M anageme nt , ,,.NU REG , ,, ' Iii }I N o t e ,,,i, ,,:V o l. 2 I te m :h ,, Ii' 1:1: ':1111it, 1il'jli1!lli;1 111: Ite m **' S t ruc t ures lll.A3-4 M oni t oring 3.5.1-3 1 A, 512 Program (T-05) Structures M on i toring Program A l k ali-S ili ca Reac t ion (ASR) 111.A3-2 A, 5 1 2 , M onitor i ng (T-03) 3.5.1-27 E , 5 1 7 , Program 5 1 9 B uilding De f o rm a ti o n M o nit o rin g Pro qr a m Str u c t ures lll.A5-4 M onitor i ng 3.5.1-3 1 A Progra m (T-05) S t ruc t ures lll.A 5-4 M onitoring 3.5.1-31 A Program (T-05) Struc t ures M onitoring Program lll.A5-2 A, E , Al k ali-Si li ca 3.5.1-27 Reaction (ASR) (T-03) 5 1 7 , 5 19 M oni t or i ng P r ogra m SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 151 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural FSB-Below Grade Sup port PST -Reinforced Concrete -Flood Barrier FSB-Below Grade PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural FSB-Below Grade Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural FSB-Belo w Grade Support Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation

,, , Aging Effect Requiring Environment Management Ground Water/Soil Expansion and Cracking (External)

Ground Increase in Porosity and Water/Soil Permeability, Cracking , Los s (External) of Material (Spalling, Sca ling) Ground Increase in Porosity and Water/Soil Permeability , Cracking , Loss (E xternal) of Material (Spalling, Sca ling) Ground Increase in Porosity and Water/Soil Permeability, Loss of (External)

Strength ': Table :1: Aging ' ' Management

  • NUREG 1 801 3.X.1 N ote Vol. 2 Item Program It em Bui lding Deformat i o n M oni t oring Prog r a m Structures Monitoring Program Alkali-S ilica Reaction (ASR) 111.A5-2 A , E , M onitor in g (T-03) 3.5.1-27 5 1 7 , 5 19 Program Bu ilding Deformation M oni t oring Proa ram Structures lll.A5-5 Monitoring (T-07) 3.5.1-31 A Program Structures lll.A 5-5 M onitori n g (T-07) 3.5.1-31 A Program Structures lll.A 5-7 Monitoring (T-02) 3.5.1-31 A , 509 Program SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 152 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

'* Intended Component Type Function I* PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural FSB-Below Grade Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -FSB-Below Grade Flood Barrier PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural FSB-Below Grade Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -FSB-Exposed to Air Indoor Fire Barrier Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -FSB-Exposed to Air Indoor Shielding Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural FSB-Exposed to Air Indoor Support Uncontrolled Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation 1:: ', Aging Effect Requiring Environment

  • ' : , Management
I 1
1 . 111'1 .'li'l!I l*11:'"11l:ff

'I *'1'tl1ii' 11 1 Ground Increase in Porosity and Water/Soil Permeability , Loss of (External)

Strength Ground Water/Soil Loss of Material, Cracking (External)

Ground Water/Soil Loss of Material, Cracking (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External)

Aging NU REG 1801 Table Management Vol .. 2.ltem I 3.X.1 N ote ,., ,,,, ., 1 Pr9gram ,

:j:I I ;' 1 ::::p,., 111:1'i'*'l}*!,:!:1 Structures Ill.AS-? Monitoring (T-02) 3.5.1-31 A, 509 Program Structures 111.AS-6 Monitoring (T-01) 3.5.1-26 A Program Structures 111.AS-6 Monitoring (T-0 1) 3.5.1-26 A Program Fire Protection Vll.G-29 3.3.1-67 A Program (A-91) Fire Protection Vll.G-29 3.3.1-67 A Program (A-9 1) Fire Protection V ll.G-29 Program (A-91) 3.3.1-67 A S BK-L-1 7 1 55 I E n cl osure 2/ P age 1 53 U.S. Nucle a r R e gula t o ry Commission I ntended Component Type Function PST -Rein f orced Concre t e -FSB-E x posed t o Air Indoor Fire Ba rri er Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concre t e -FSB-E x posed to Air Indoor S hield i ng Uncontrolled PST -Re i nforced Concrete -Structura l FSB-E x posed to Air Indoor U ncon t rolled S upport PST -Re i nforced Concrete -FSB-E x posed t o A i r I ndo o r F i re Barrier Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -FSB-E x posed t o Air Indo o r S hielding Uncontrolled PST -Rein f o r ced Conc r ete -Structural FSB-E x posed t o Air Indoor Uncon t rolled Support M ater i al Concre t e Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concre t e Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Aging Management Eva l uat i o n :: Aging Effe c t Requ i ring ***' ;.;Environment Management Air Indoo r Cracking , Loss of Bond , Loss Uncontrolled of Ma t eri a l (S palling, Sca l ing) (E xt ernal) Air Indoor Cracking , Loss of Bond , Loss Uncontro l led of Material (Spalling, S caling) (E x ternal) A i r Indoor Cracki n g , Loss o f Bond , Loss Uncontro l led (E xt ernal) of Materi a l (Spalling , S ca li ng) Air Indoor Concrete C racking and Uncont r olled S palling (External) Air Indoor Concrete C rack i ng and Uncontr o lled (E xt erna l) S p a lli n g A i r Indoor C o n c rete Cracking and Uncontrolled (E xt ernal) S p a lling Aging N UREG 1 80 1 Table M a n agemen t 3.X.1 N o t e ; P r ogram V o l. 2 It em It em St r uc t ures lll.A5-9 M onitoring (T-0 4) 3.5.1-2 3 A Program Structures lll.A5-9 M onitoring (T-04) 3.5.1-23 A Program S t ructures lll.A5-9 M on i toring 3.5.1-2 3 A Program (T-0 4) F i re P r otec t ion V ll.G-28 Program (A-90) 3.3.1-65 A Fire Pro t ection V ll.G-28 3.3.1-65 A Prog r am (A-90) F ir e Pro t ection V ll.G-2 8 3.3.1-65 A P r ogram (A-90)

SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 154 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

.Intended Component Type h function . :1:1 :* PST -Reinforced Concrete -FSB-Exposed to Air Indoor Fire Barrier Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -FSB-Exposed to Air Indoor Shielding Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural FSB-Exposed to Air Indoor Support Uncontrolled Material I,' Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation l!'1' :I: 11IJ":l!I;

'I' :11(1: i:1!I.,. :Iii: :11, *:I: , 11 {'-gir:i , 9 Environment 11* 1'::1 " Manageinen

't" '!;, 1"*11 I ' Air Indoor Uncontrolled E xpan sion and Cracking (E xternal) Air Indoor Uncontrolled Expansion and Cracking (Externa l) Air Indoor Uncontrolled Expansion and Cracking (Externa l) 111 A g'ing 1 , . i]li.,. * :11 1 *** I I 'I: I ilil 11f N: u 1 I !I !f:;, I' M anagement{I' ,: . 'V c'I' 2 1 1t e hl 1" : '1* :,.!, ,I, I l,j1j::: :** ii!, .i:I',,' :l\J'.: 11' 111 1111!11: I: **1 1: l r . : , . . i Structures Monitoring Program Alkali-Si l ica Reaction (ASR) lll.A5-2 A, E, Monitoring 3.5.1-27 Program (T-03) 5 1 7 , 5 1 9 Building Deforma ti o n M oni t or ing Proqram Structures Monitoring Program Alkali-Silica Reaction (A SR) lll.A5-2 A, E, Monitoring 3.5.1-27 Program (T-03) 5 1 7 , 519 Building Deformation M on it oring Program Structures Monitoring Program Alk ali-Silica Reaction (ASR) lll.A5-2 A, E , M onitoring (T-03) 3.5.1-27 5 1 7 , 5 19 Program Bu il ding Deformation M oni t oring Proqra m SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 155 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Component Type PST -Reinforced Concrete -FSB-E x posed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -FSB-E x posed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -FSB-E x posed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -FSB-E xp osed to Air Outdoor PST -Reinforced Concrete -FSB-E x posed to Air Outdoor Intended Function F i re Barrier Shielding Struc tural Support Missile Barrier Shelter, Protection Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete PST -Reinforced Concrete -FSB-E x posed to Air Outdoor Missile Barrier I Concrete Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Environment Air Indoor Uncontrolled (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled (E x ternal) Air Outdoor (External)

Ai r Outdoor (E xternal) Air Outdoor (External)

I . Aging Effect Requiring Management Increa se in Porosity and Permeability , Cracking , Loss of Material (Spall ing, Scaling) Increa se in Porosity and Permeability, Cracking , Loss of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Increase in Porosity and Permeability , Cracking , Loss of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Cracking , Loss of Bond , Loss of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Cracking , Loss of Bond , Loss of M aterial (Spalling, Scaling) Expansion and Cracking I *Aging ' Management Program Structures Monitoring Program Structures Monitoring Program S t ruc t ures M onitoring Program Structures M onitor ing Program St r uctures M onitor in g Program Structures Monitoring Program Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) M onitoring P r ogram Buildinq **I I I NUREG 1801 Vol. 2 It em lll.A5-10 (T-06) lll.A 5-10 (T-06) l ll.A5-10 (T-06) lll.A 5-9 (T-04) lll.A5-9 (T-04) lll.A 5-2 (T-03) Table 3.X.1 I tem 3.5.1-24 3.5.1-24 3.5.1-2 4 3.5.1-2 3 3.5.1-23 3.5.1-27 N ote A A A A A A , E , 5 17, 519 SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 156 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function PST -Reinforced Concrete -Shelter , FSB-E x posed to Air Outdoor Protection PST -Reinforced Concrete -Missile Barrier FSB-Exposed to Air Outdoor PST -Re i nforced Concrete -Shelter, FSB-E x posed to A i r Outdoor Protection PST -Re i nforced Concrete -Missile Barrier FSB-E x posed to Air Outdoor Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation 1, Environment Aging Effect Requiring Man'agement Air Outdoor (External)

E xpansion and Cracking Air Outdoor Increase in Porosity and Permeability, Cr a cking, Loss (External) of Material (S palling, Scaling) Air Outdoor Increase in Por os ity and Permeability , C racking , Loss (External) of M a terial (Spall i ng, Scal i ng) Air Outdoor Los s of Material , Cracking (E xternal) A ging l'I ,11 " :1:1', /', ' Table Management

11 NUREG'1801 " 3.X.1 ;, ,, Vol. 2 Item N ote Program I tem Deforma ti on M on it oring Program Structures Monitoring Program Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) lll.A5-2 M onitoring 3.5.1-27 A, E , Program (T-03) 5 1 7 , 519 Bui lding Deforma ti o n Monitoring Proaram Structures lll.A5-10 Monitoring 3.5.1-24 (T-06) A Program S t ructures lll.A5-10 Monitoring 3.5.1-24 A Program (T-06) Structures lll.A5-6 Monitoring 3.5.1-26 A Program (T-01)

SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 157 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function PST -Reinforced Concrete -Shelter, FSB-Exposed to Air Outdoor Protection PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural FSB-Exposed to Raw Water Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural FSB-Exposed to Raw Water Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -Flood Barrier PAB-Below Grade PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural PAB-Below Grade Su pport 1:1 *1:' ii' .J Material 111 ,,: I Concrete Concrete Concrete Co ncrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-5 Primary S tructure s Summary of Aging Manag e ment Eva lu at i on Aging .Effect Requiring

  • 11 Environment Management I!! :, ', ::1 1:, :j11 .I* Air Outdoor Loss of Material, Cracking (External)

Raw Water Cracking, Loss of Bond, Loss (E xternal) of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Raw Water (External)

Expansion and Cracking Ground Cracking, Loss of Bond, Loss Water/Soil (External) of Material (Spalling , Scaling) Ground Cracking, Loss of Bond, Loss Water/Soil (External) of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Aging Table I *l*I NUREG 1801 .i:I: Management Vol. 2 It em 3.X.1 N ote I Program Item Structures lll.A5-6 Monitoring 3.5.1-26 A Program (T-0 1) Structures lll.A5-4 Monitoring 3.5.1-3 1 A, 512 Program (T-05) Structures Monitoring Program Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) lll.A5-2 A, 512, Monitoring (T-03) 3.5.1-27 E , 517, Program 5 1 9 Bu ilding Deformation M on it or ing Proaram Structures lll.A3-4 Monitoring 3.5.1-31 A Program (T-05) Structures lll.A 3-4 M onitoring 3.5.1-31 A Program (T-05)

S BK-L-1 7 1 55 I En closure 2/ Pa ge 1 58 U.S. Nu cle ar R egu l ato r y Com mi ss i o n I In t ended Com.ponent Type Function PST -Reinforced Concrete -Flood Barrier PAB-Belo w Grade PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural PAB-Be l ow Grade Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -Flood Barrier PAB-Belo w Grade PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural PAB-Be l o w Grade Support :I :* , I M ateria l Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Tab l e 3.5.2-5 Pr i mary Structures Sum m ary of Aging M anagement Eva l ua ti o n I ' I lili Aging Effect Requiring :ii 11 '" M anagement 11 i11 i.1 Iii' rilil 11: ,;;;: :11 Ground Water/Soil Expansion and Cracking (E x ternal) Ground Water/Soil Expansion and Cracking (E x ternal) Ground I ncrease in Porosity and Water/Soil Permeability , Cracking , Loss (E x ternal) of Material (Spalling , Scaling) Ground I ncrease in Porosity and Water/Soil Permeability, Cracking, Loss (External) of Material (Spalling , Scaling) A g in g Tab l e ni1 N UREG 1 80 1 M a n age m e nt 3.X.1 N o t e V o l. 2 It em : it em P r og r a m Structu r es M onitor i ng Program Alkali-Silica Reac t ion (ASR) lll.A3-2 A, E , M onitor i ng (T-03) 3.5.1-27 5 1 7 , 5 1 9 Program B uildin g De f or m a ti o n M o nit or in g P r oq r a m Structures M onitoring Program Alkal i-S il ica Reaction (ASR) ll l.A3-2 A, E, M oni t oring (T-03) 3.5.1-27 5 1 7 , 5 19 Program B uil d in g Defo rm a ti o n M o nit o ring P r o a ra m Structures 111.A 3-5 M oni t oring (T-07) 3.5.1-3 1 A Program S tr uc t u r es ll l.A 3-5 M onito ri ng (T-0 7) 3.5.1-3 1 A Program S B K-L-1 7 1 55 I Encl osure 2/ Page 1 59 U.S. N uc l ea r Regulatory Commiss i o n I 1:,*, Intended 'I Componen t Type Function PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural PAB-Belo w Grade Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural PAS-Below Grade Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -PAB-Belo w Grade Flood Barrier PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural PAS-Belo w Grade Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -PAS-E x posed to Air Indoor Fire Barrier Uncontrolled PST -Rein f orced Concrete -Structural PAS-E x posed t o Air Indoor Support Uncontrolled

,, Mater i a l Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Tab l e 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Ag i ng M anagement Eva l ua t io n ' I ':i!!:'f I '!:::': I: 1 I :IJtFil" :1;, I 'I' ,11 , Aging .E:ttei;t Requ ir ing ,:, Env i ronment I, 1:: 1 * '11*i 1[,:lil .. ,1:1f I Ii 11 11 , , ,, : , "1'h Hi!: '.11:i,I.

'1'1 H1i:1 i'I::'"' !ll:i 1 1il l'i:l*Jili iJ

  • Ground Increase in Porosity and Water/Soil Permeability, Loss of (External)

Strength Ground Increase in Porosity and Water/Soil Permeability, Loss of (External) Strength Ground Water/Soil Loss of Material , Crac k ing (External)

Ground Water/Soil Loss of Material, Cracking (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (E x ternal) ,,,. A ging , , N UREG 1 B0 1 iil: lt'"'M a h age'me nt ' 't

+ N o t e i'I' 'V i '2 1 ,{1' ,i,'iji I', o ,. e m: 1 1'*,1t e m'1:', ' I R ' ' ' 11' lfl ,1111*1il11 1 l1;1il i l1,111 1 l*,:1:1111111i:ll1 1 1 di* ,:i"'ii . iH : :1:, , 1:l.1:1JI

"I ,,, ,,,**h:1., Struc t ures lll.A3-7 M onitoring (T-02) 3.5.1-32 A, 509 Program Structures lll.A3-7 M onitoring (T-02) 3.5.1-32 A, 509 Program Structures lll.A3-6 M onitoring (T-01) 3.5.1-26 A Prog r a m Structures lll.A3-6 M onitoring (T-0 1) 3.5.1-26 A Program Fire Pro t ection Vll.G-29 Program (A-9 1) 3.3.1-67 A Fire Pro t ec t ion Vll.G-29 Progra m (A-9 1) 3.3.1-67 A SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 160 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1: Intended Component Type Function PST -Reinforced Concrete -PAB-Exposed to Air Indoor Fire Barrier Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -S tructural PAS-Exposed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -PAS-Exposed to Air Indoor Fire Barrier Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural PAS-Exposed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -PAS-Exposed to Air Indoor Fire Barrier Uncontrolled I Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation I Aging Effect Requiring Environment Management Air Indoor Cracking, Loss of Bond, Loss Uncontrolled (External) of Material (Spalling , Scaling) Air Indoor Cracking, Loss of Bond, Loss Uncontrolled (E xternal) of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Air Indoor Concrete Crac king and Uncontrolled (E xternal) Spalling Air Indoor Concrete Cracking and Uncontrolled (External)

Spalling Air Indoor Uncontrolled E xpan sion and Cracking (External)

Aging Table 1, 1;1:1:1,:1:

NUREG 1801 Management Vol. 21tem 3.X.1 N ote Program Item Structures l l l.A3-9 Monitoring 3.5.1-23 A Program (T-04) Structures l ll.A3-9 Monitoring 3.5.1-23 A Program (T-04) Fire Protection Vll.G-28 3.3.1-65 A Program (A-90) Fire Protection Vll.G-28 3.3.1-65 A Program (A-90) Structures Monitoring Program Alkali-S ilica Reaction (ASR) ll l.A3-2 A , E , Monitoring 3.5.1-2 7 Program (T-03) 517 , 519 Building Deformation Monitoring Proaram S BK-L-1 7 1 55 I En closu re 2/ P age 161 U.S. Nu c l ear R egu l ato r y Comm i ssio n " I ntended Component Type Funet i on I :I: PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural PAB-E x posed to Air I ndoor Support Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -PAS-E x posed to Air Indoor Fire Barrier Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural PAB-E x posed to Air I ndoor Support Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -Missile Barrier PAB-E x posed to Air Outdoor PST -Reinforced Concrete -Shelter , PAB-E xp osed to Air Outdoor Protect i on M aterial Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Tab l e 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Aging M anagement Evaluat i o n I ,J, '\" *1 , 1:1 !i1,,:f ;I ilA 11ii 11'* 1:111 11 1:1ili1:1: , ';Ir'. '1, 1Jjj ,;li'1:1 Env i ro n ment , {'-gang Effect Requm r;i g 'I' 1 1: , Management

  • 1 1. '1' k Air Indoor Uncontrolled Expansion and Cracking (External)

Air Indoor Increase in Porosity and Uncontrolled Permeability , Cracking , Loss (External) of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Air Indoor Increase in Porosity and Uncontrolled Permeability, Cracking, Loss (External) of Material (Spalling , Scaling) Air Outdoor Cracking, Loss of Bond, Loss (External) of Material (Spalling , Scaling) Air Outdoor Cracking, Loss of Bond, Loss (External) of Material (Spalling, Scaling) 'I' . . 'A . ' ,,,,. 1::* ;J:i ili1ili!


'f ,11 1::J'i 1'1 ,.;g m g :ii1*1,( l:JI 1 'Ii N UREG.i 1 80 1':jil '1'1 j:i. I' N o t e : 1 11111 v<: m 2. 1 t 0 r.T{' . * *, .. 3 ,.X.1 iJi 1. I* 'j:' '1'*: 1 .:;1 1 ,ti:, :1 *I' 'I te m. *Ii\ ** I ';I Structures M onitoring Program Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) lll.A3-2 A , E , M onitoring (T-03) 3.5.1-27 5 1 7 , 5 19 Program B uil di ng Defo rm a ti o n M o nit ori n g P r o ar a m Struc t ures lll.A3-1 0 M onitoring (T-06) 3.5.1-2 4 A Program Struc t ures l l l.A3-1 0 M onitoring (T-06) 3.5.1-24 A Program S t ruct u res 111.A3-9 M onitoring 3.5.1-23 A Program (T-0 4) S t ruc t ures 111.A3-9 M on i toring 3.5.1-23 A Program (T-04)

SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 162 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Component Type Intended Function PST -Reinforced Concrete -Missile Barrier PAB-Exposed to Air Outdoor PST -Reinforced Concrete -Shelter, PAB-Exposed to Air Outdoor Protection PST -Reinforced Concrete -Mi s sile Barrier PAB-Exposed to Air Outdoor PST -Reinforced Concrete -Shelter, PAB-E xpo s ed to Air Outdoor Protection Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-5 Primary S tructures Summary of Aging Manag e ment Evaluation Aging Effe c t Requiring Management I*' **: Air Outdoor (External)

Expans i on and Cracking Air Outdoor E xpan s ion and C ra c king (External)

Air Outdoor Increase i n Por osity and (E xternal) P erme ab ility , C r acking , Loss of Materi a l (S p a lling , Scaling) A i r Outdoor Increase i n Por o s i ty and (E xternal) Perme a bility, Cracking, Loss of M a te r i a l (S p a lling , Scaling) Aging NUREG 1801 Tab l e Management Vol. 2 Item 3.X.1 N ote Program Structures Monitoring Program Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) lll.A3-2 Monitoring 3.5.1-27 A, E , Program (T-03) 5 1 7 , 519 Building Deforma ti on Monitoring

Proqram Structures Monitoring Program Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) lll.A3-2 Monitoring 3.5.1-27 A, E , Program (T-03) 517, 519 Building Deformation Monitoring

Proaram Structures lll.A3-10 Monitoring (T-06) 3.5.1-24 A Program Structures lll.A3-10 Monitoring 3.5.1-24 A Program (T-06)

SBK-L-17155 I Enclo sure 2/ Page 163 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function PST -Reinfo r ced Concrete -PAB-E xp osed to Air Outdoor Missile Barrier PST -Reinforced Concrete -Shelter, PAB-E x posed to Air Outdoor Protection PST -Reinforced Concrete -PCEW-Belo w Grade Flood Barrier PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structura l PCEW-Below Grade Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -PCEW-Belo w Grade Flood Barrier Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation II f:J 1:1. l:i', ' ,.1 Environment 1.Aging 1 Effect Requiring Management Air Outdoor (External) Loss of Material , Crac k ing Air Outdoor (External)

Loss of Material , Cracking Ground Cracking , Loss of Bond , Loss Water/Soil of Material (Spall ing, Scaling) (External)

Ground Cracking, Loss of Bond , Loss Water/Soil of Material (Spalling, Scaling) (External)

Ground Water/Soil E xpansion and Cracking (E x ternal) Aging NU REG 1so1 1: Table M anagement 3.X.1 N o t e Progra.m Vol. 2 Item It em Structures lll.A3-6 M onitoring (T-01) 3.5.1-26 A Program Structures 111.A3-6 M onitoring (T-01) 3.5.1-26 A Program Structures lll.A3-4 Monitoring (T-05) 3.5.1-31 A Program Structures 111.A 3-4 M onitoring (T-05) 3.5.1-31 A Program Structures M onitoring Program Alkali-Silica Reaction (A SR) lll.A3-2 A, E , Monitoring (T-03) 3.5.1-2 7 5 17, 5 19 Program Bu ilding Deformation M oni t or in g Proqram SBK-L-1 7155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 164 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1: ,, Intended Component Type Function PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural PCEW-Below Grade Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -Flood Barrier PCEW-Below Grade PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural PCEW-Below Grade Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural PC E W-Below G r ade Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural PC E W-Below Grade Support Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation , II'::,,,,, 1:1 ,, 'Aging Eff e ct Requiring 11 1 1 1 .ji11 ManagelT)ent ll,,iij' 111 " , 1 , 1:1l::,:r*"'l',.'j1'***I*, :l1l *!:1J11l*1, *:* 1,+ Ground Water/Soil Expa ns ion and Cracking (External)

Ground Increase in Porosity and Water/So i l Permeability, C racki n g, Loss (External) of Mate r ial (S palling, S caling) Ground I n c r ease in Porosity and Water/S o i l Permeability, Cracking, Loss (External) of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Ground I n crease in Porosity and Water/So i l Permeabi l ity, Loss of (External)

S trength Ground Increas e in Poros i ty and Water/Soil Perme ab ility , Los s of (External)

S trength Table '*11*1* Aging NUREG 1801 M anagement Vol. 2 ., , 3.X.1 N ote J 1,1 1:1('1 ' "H 1 11 11',' 1 l*i'IFl'I

' Structures Monitoring Program Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) ll l.A3-2 A, E , Monitoring (T-03) 3.5.1-27 517, 5 19 Program Building Deformatio n M oni t oring Proaram Structures lll.A3-5 Monitoring (T-07) 3.5.1-3 1 A Program Structures lll.A3-5 Monitoring (T-07) 3.5.1-31 A Program Structures lll.A3-7 Monitoring (T-02) 3.5.1-32 A, 509 Program Structures lll.A3-7 Monitoring (T-02) 3.5.1-32 A, 509 Program ----

SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 165 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Component Type Intended Func ti on ,, 1:1' PST -Reinforced Concrete -PCEW-Below Grade Flood Barrier PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural PCEW-Be l ow Grade Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -PCEW-Exposed to Air I ndoor Fire Barrier Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -HELB PCEW-E x posed to Air Indoor Shielding Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -PCEW-E x posed to Air Indoor Shielding Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural PCEW-Exposed to A ir Indoor Support Uncontrolled M aterial ::* Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation 1; I II I T 1 ' II' Ill ,, 1' , ,', ,, 1!1:1:1: ,, . ,*ii ' l'l,,,,1'.' ,,, l'I Env ir onment , , :1 1 1 Management 1 1 1 :1 1 1 ,, ' ' Ii Ground Water/Soil Loss of Material, Cracking (External)

Ground Water/Soil Loss of Material, Cracking (External)

Air I ndoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled Los s of Mat erial (E xt ernal) 1'1 I!' 1 A ging r:I I*' ji!I {j ; :1:l*l*l'i1*1 1:, ' ' 'I' :T ab l e ;: ,,,, ,1 ,,, " I' ,, N UREG'1:?B0 1 1 1 Fi 1 1 1'1'1 1'3)<!: 1 ,,:, { 111:, N o t e 1:1 'M a n ageme nt** I' i:i_:r1*I

'1 I i'I :*,**r1 :. '.*;I 1 1 .1,11,.1.:11

.*l:i 1'.1 1 ,,:'1'1t e m 1' I: 11111 Rrogram 111'11:1.1 '1: 1'1 1'1:, '* I ' , ,, r*: 'Ti*l*I ... , .. ,,I"'* .. l.,j . ' Structures lll.A3-6 M onitoring (T-0 1) 3.5.1-26 A Program Struc tu res lll.A3-6 Mo nitoring (T-01) 3.5.1-26 A Program Fire Protection Vll.G-29 Program (A-91) 3.3.1-67 A Fire Protection Vll.G-2 9 Program (A-9 1) 3.3.1-67 A Fire Protection Vll.G-29 Program (A-9 1) 3.3.1-67 A Fire Protectio n Vll.G-29 Program (A-91) 3.3.1-67 A SBK-L-1 7155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 166 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Cornponent Type Function PST -Re i nforced Concrete -PCEW-E x posed to Air Indoor Fire Barrier Uncontrol l ed PST -Reinforced Concrete -HELB PCEW-Exposed to Air Indoor Shielding Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -PCEW-E x posed to Air Indoor Shielding Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural PCEW-E x posed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -PCEW-E x posed t o Air Indoor Fire Barrier Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -HELB PCEW-E x posed to Air Indoor Uncontro ll ed Shielding l'i Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Aging Effect Requiring Material Environment Management Air I ndoor Cracking , Loss of Bond , Loss Concrete Uncontrolled (External) of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Air Indoor Cracking, Loss of Bond , Loss Concrete Uncontrolled of Material (Spalling , Scaling) (External)

Air Indoor Cracking, Loss of Bond , Loss Concrete Uncontrolled (External) of Material (Spall ing , Sca ling) Air In door Cracking , Loss of Bond , Loss Concrete Uncontrolled (External) of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Air Indoor Concrete Crack ing and Concrete Uncontrolled (External) Spalling Air Indoor Concrete Cracking and Concrete Uncontrolled (External)

Spalling Aging i: Table NU REG 1801 Management Vol. 2 It em 3.X.1 Program Item 1:, Structures 111.A3-9 Monitoring 3.5. 1-23 A Program (T-04) Structures lll.A 3-9 M onitoring (T-04) 3.5. 1-23 A P r ogram S t ructures lll.A3-9 Monitoring 3.5. 1-2 3 A Program (T-04) Structures l l l.A3-9 Monitoring 3.5. 1-23 A Program (T-04) F i re Protect i on Vll.G-28 3.3. 1-65 A Program (A-90) Fire Protection Vll.G-2 8 3.3. 1-65 A Program (A-90)

SBK-L-17155/Enclosure2/Page167 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

,.!: 1:: Component Type PST -Reinforced Concrete -PCEW-Exposed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -PCEW-Exposed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -PCEW-Exposed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -PCEW-Exposed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled Intended Function Shielding Structural Support Fire Barrier HELB Shielding Mate'rial Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Environment Air Indoor Uncontrolled (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled (External)

I*!; Aging Effect Requiring Management Concrete Cracking and Spalling Concrete Cracking and Spalling Expansion and Cracking Expansion and Cracking Aging Management Program Fire Protection Program Fire Protection Program Structures Monitoring Program Alkali-S ilica Reaction (ASR) Monitoring Program Building Deformation Monitoring Program Structures Monitoring Program Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) Monitoring Program Building Deformation Monitoring Program 1*11;1 NUREG 1801 Vol. 2 Item Vll.G-28 (A-90) Vll.G-28 (A-90) lll.A3-2 (T-03) lll.A3-2 (T-03) Table 3.X.1 Item 3.3.1-65 3.3.1-65 3.5.1-27 3.5.1-27 ;i:!: 1 1::i:, Note',:,, A A A, E, 517, 519 A, E , 517, 519 SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 168 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Component Type PST -Reinforced Concrete -PCEW-E xp osed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -PCEW-E x posed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -PCEW-E x posed to A i r Indoor Uncontrolled PST -Re in forced Concrete -PCEW-E xpo sed t o Air Indoor Uncontrolled Intended Function Shielding Structu r a l Support Fire Barrier HELB Shielding Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Environment Air I ndoor Uncontrolled (External)

Air I ndoor Uncontrolled (External) Air I ndoor Uncontrolled (External) Air Indoor Uncontrolled (External) 1 11' I* I ' ,!; ,I,,' :1 Aging Effect Requiring 11 1 Management-

  • '
  • I Expansion and Crack in g Expansion and Cracking Increase in Porosit y and Permeability , Crack i ng , Loss of Material (Spalling , Scal in g) Increase in Porosity and Permeab i l i ty, Cracking , Loss of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Aging M anagemen t Structures Mo nitoring Program Alkali-Silica Reaction (A SR) Monitoring Program Building Deformation Monitoring Program S tructures Monito ring Program Alkali-Silica Reaction (A SR) Monitoring Prog ram Building Deformation

M on it o ring Program St ru ctures M onitor ing Program Structures Mo nitoring Program NUR EG 1801 Vol. 2 It em lll.A3-2 (T-03) lll.A3-2 (T-03) lll.A3-10 (T-06) lll.A3-10 (T-06) 'Table I 3.X.1 Item 3.5.1-27 3.5.1-27 3.5.1-24 3.5.1-24 N ote A , E, 517, 519 A, E, 517 , 519 A A SBK-L-1715 5 I Enclosure 2 1 Page 169 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

  • 1:* Intended Component Type Function PST -Reinforced Concrete -PCEW-E x posed to Air Indoor Shielding Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural PCEW-Exposed to Air Indoor Support Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -Missile Barrier PCEW-E xp osed to Air Outdoor PST -Reinforced Concrete -She lter, PCEW-Exposed to Air Outdoor Protection PST -Reinforced Concrete -PCEW-E xpo sed to Air Outdoor M iss ile Barrier M ateria l ' Concrete Conc rete Concrete Concre t e Concrete Table 3.5.2-5 Pr im ary Structures Summary of Aging Management Eva lu at i o n Aging Effect Requ irin g Env i ronment I , :1:1:1.l!f!il;

!l'it l![i ****.

' :l!I , *, 11 * *1*1 Air Indoor Increase in Porosity and Uncontrolled Permeability , Cracking, Loss (External) of Material (Spalling , Scaling) Air Indoor I ncrease in Porosity and Uncontrolled Permeability, Cracking , Loss (External) of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Air Outdoor Cracking, Loss of Bond, Loss (E xternal) of Mate rial (Spalling, Scaling) Air Outdoo r Cracking , Loss of Bond, Loss (External) of Material (Spall ing, Scaling) Air Outdoor (External)

Expansion and Cracking Aging NU REG 1 80 1 T ab l e 1:1 M anageme nt 3.X.1 N ote " , Program V o l. 2 It em It em I: I Structures lll.A3-10 M onitoring (T-06) 3.5.1-24 A Program Structures lll.A3-10 Monitoring (T-06) 3.5.1-2 4 A Progra m Struc tu res lll.A3-9 Monitoring 3.5.1-2 3 A Program (T-04) Structures lll.A 3-9 Monitoring 3.5.1-2 3 A Program (T-04) Structures M onitoring Program Alkali-S ilica Reaction (A SR) lll.A 3-2 A, E , M onitoring (T-03) 3.5.1-27 517, 519 Program Building Deformation M o nit o ring Proaram SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 170 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

'I Component Type Intended Function PST -Reinforced Concrete -Shelter , PCEW-E xp osed to Air Outdoor Protection PST -Reinforced Concrete -PCEW-E x posed to Air Outdoor Missile Barrier PST -Reinforced Concrete -Shelter , PCEW-Exposed to Air Outdoor Protection PST -Reinforced Concrete -Missile Barrier PCEW-E xp osed to Air Outdoor PST -Reinforced Concrete -Shelter , PCEW-E x posed to Air Outdoor Protection Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Tabl e 3.5.2-5 Pr im ary S tru c ture s Su mmary of Aging Managem ent Eva lu at i o n Aging Effect Requiring Environment Management Air Outdoor E x pansion and Cracking (External)

Air Outdoor Increas e in Porosity and Permeability , Crack i ng , Loss (External) of Material (Spalling, S caling) Air Outdoor Increase in Porosity and Permeability , Cracking , Loss (External) of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Air Outdoor Loss of Material, Crack i ng (E x ternal) Air Outdoor Loss of Material, Cracking (External)

Ag'ing NUR EG 1 801 Tab l e ,, 'Iii M anagemen t 3.X.1 , I : , , Program Vol. 2 It em Item N ote i: *: ' S t ructures Monitoring Program Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) lll.A 3-2 A , E , M onitoring 3.5.1-2( Program (T-03) 517, 5 19 Building Defor m a ti o n M on it or ing Proqram S t ruc tu res lll.A 3-10 Monitoring 3.5.1-24 (T-06) A Program Structures lll.A 3-10 M onitoring 3.5.1-24 A P ro gram (T-06) St r uc tur es lll.A3-6 M oni torin g 3.5.1-26 A Program (T-01) Structures lll.A3-6 M on itor ing 3.5.1-26 A Program (T-0 1)

SBK-L-1 7155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 171 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural PCEW-Exposed to Raw Water Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural PCEW-Exposed to Raw Water Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -Flood Barrier PHA-Below Grade PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural PHA-Below Grade Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -Flood Ba r rier PHA-Below Grade Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation

,,,,,, 11 1 ,::111, Aging Req'uiring ,:,. Environment I!:* 11 , ,11 '!:1 Raw Water C rack i ng, Loss of Bond, Loss (External) of Mate ri al (Spalling, Scaling) Raw Water Expansion and Cracking (External)

Ground Cracking, Loss of Bond , Lo s s Water/S o i l (Externa l) of Mat e ria l (S palling, S caling) Ground Cr ac ki n g, Los s of Bond, Loss Water/Soil (Externa l) of Material (Spalling , Scaling) Ground Water/Soil Expansion and Cracking (External)

'Aging Table N UREG 1801 M anagement Vol. 2 l fom J;X.1 N ote Pr9g , r am , 1,'"*: " , ".:!': l:!*l'i]JI 1;:11: 11.,!t em.,, Structures lll.A3-4 Monitoring 3.5.1-31 A , 512 Program (T-05) Structures Monitoring Program Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) A, 512 , Monitoring 111.A3-2 3.5.1-27 E , 517 , Program (T-03) 5 19 Bu ilding Deforma ti o n M oni t oring Program Structures lll.A3-4 Monitoring 3.5.1-31 A Program (T-05) Structures lll.A3-4 Monitoring 3.5.1-31 A Program (T-05) Structures Monitoring Program lll.A3-2 3.5.1-27 A , E, Alkali-Silica (T-03) 517, 5 1 9 Reaction (ASR) Monitoring ProQram SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 172 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intend ed Component Type Function PST -Re in forced Concre te -Struc tural PHA-Belo w Grade Suppo rt PST -Reinforced Concrete -F l ood Barrier PHA-Below Grade PST -Reinforced Conc rete -Struc tural PHA-Belo w Grade Suppo rt PST -Reinforced Concrete -Str uctural PHA-Belo w Grade Sup port Mat e rial Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Tabl e 3.5.2-5 Primary S tru c tur es S ummary o f Aging M anagemen t Evaluatio n Environment. Aging Effect Requiring M anageme nt Gro und Water/So il E xpa nsion and Crac king (External)

Ground Incr ease in Poros ity and Water/Soil Permeability , Crac king, Loss (E xt ernal) of Material (Spalling , Scal ing) Ground Incre ase in Poros ity and Water/Soil Permeability , Crac king, Loss (External) o f Material (Sp alling , Scaling) Gro und Increase in Poros ity and Wat er/So il Permeabilit y, Loss of (E xternal) Strength i' Aging NU REG 1801 Table :r Management Vol. 2 Item 3.X.1 N ote Program It e m. Building Deformation M oni t ori ng Program S tructures Monitoring Program Alkali-Si lica Reaction (A S R) lll.A3-2 A , E , Monitoring (T-03) 3.5.1-2 7 517 , 5 19 Program Bu ilding Deformation M on it ori ng Proaram Structures lll.A3-5 Monito rin g (T-0 7) 3.5.1-3 1 A Program Structures 111.A3-5 Monitoring (T-07) 3.5.1-31 A Program S tructures lll.A 3-7 M onitoring (T-02) 3.5.1-32 A , 509 Program SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 173 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function PST -Re i nforced Concrete -Structural PHA-Belo w Grade Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -PHA-Belo w Grade Flood Barrier PST -Re in forced Concrete -Structura l PHA-Belo w Grade Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -PHA-E x posed to Air Indoor Fire Barrier Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structu r a l PHA-E x posed to Air Indoor Support Uncont roll ed PST -Reinforced Concrete -PHA-E xp osed to Air Indoor Fire Barrier Uncontrolled Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Tabl e 3.5.2-5 Primary St ructures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation

' ' I : ' 1i:1: 1 111N!l ' 11:1,1 1 : I I:' 1:1:1'11:1' Aging Effect Requiring Environment Management Ground Increase in Porosity and Water/Soil Permeability , Loss of (E xt ernal) Strength Ground Water/Soil Loss of Material, Cracking (External)

Ground Water/Soil Loss of Material , Cracking (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External)

Air I ndoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External) Air Indoor Cracking, Loss of Bond, Loss Uncontrolled (External) of Material (Spalling, Scaling) I, !1 1;1 ,1:!Aging . 1 ,:11,,, ,1; I Table NUREG.'1801 Management Vol. 2 It em 3.X.1 N ote Program I tem Structures lll.A3-7 M on i toring (T-02) 3.5.1-32 A , 509 Program Structures lll.A 3-6 Monitoring (T-01). 3.5.1-26 A Program S t ruc t ures lll.A3-6 M on i toring (T-0 1) 3.5.1-26 A Program Fire Pro t ection Vll.G-29 Program (A-9 1) 3.3.1-67 A Fi r e Pro t ection Vll.G-2 9 Program (A-91) 3.3.1-67 A Structures lll.A3-9 Monit oring 3.5.1-23 A Program (T-0 4)

S BK-L-1 7 1 55 I En c l osu re 2/ Pa ge 1 74 U.S. Nu c l e a r Reg u lato ry C o mm issi on Intended Comphnent Type Function PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural PHA-E x posed t o Air I ndoor Uncontrolled S upport PST -Reinforced Concrete -PHA-E x posed to Air I ndoor Fire Barrier U ncon t rol l ed PST -Reinforced Concrete -S tructural P H A-E x posed to Air I n door Uncontrolled Support PST -Reinforced C oncrete -PHA-E x posed to Air Indoor Fire Bar r ier Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural P H A-E x posed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled Support M a t eria l Concrete Concrete Concre t e C oncrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-5 Pr i mary Struc t ures Su m mary of Aging Management Eval u a ti o n I I iF *I* '

Effect Requiring , . J M *Aging t 1 Environmen r l 11 Ii! : 'l!F .1 i:q. ! Mdnagement 1 1 il'111 . . anageme n 1 * '.i 'I' .,1,11 *1111 IJ l1',uf!f!l:l'l11:i:'l't:1111

1,1:1:W':1:,,-, .,. , '!f!:l.1 I ,!I :1!!:*1 I* Air Indoor Cracking, Lo s s of Bond, Loss Structures Unco n trolled M onitoring (External) of Material (S palling, Scaling) Program Air Indoo r Concrete Crack i ng and F i re Protec ti on Uncontrol l ed (External)

Spal l ing Program Air Indoor Concret e Cracking and Fire Pro t ection Uncontro l led (Externa l) Spalling Program Struc t ures M onitoring Program Alkali-Silica Air I ndoor Reaction (ASR) Uncontrolled Expan s ion and Cracking M on i toring (External)

Program B u i l d in g De f o rm a ti o n M o nit o rin g P r o q ra m Struc t ures M onitoring Program Air Indoor U n co n t r olled Expansion and Cracking Al k ali-Si l ica (E xternal) Reaction (AS R) M onitoring Program N UREG 1 80 1 T ab l e I 'I V o l. 2 It e m 1 , , 3.X.1. N o t e ,,, 1 , 1'1:i:* :1: :l:1!l*i:

,,,1,,!: ' .. 111.A 3-9 3.5. 1-23 A (T-0 4) Vll.G-28 3.3. 1-65 A (A-90) Vll.G-28 3.3. 1-65 A (A-90) lll.A3-2 A, E , 3.5. 1-27 (T-03) 5 17, 5 1 9 lll.A3-2 A, E , 3.5. 1-27 (T-03) 5 17, 5 19 SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 175 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Component Type PST -Reinforced Concrete -PHA-Exposed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -PHA-Exposed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -PHA-Exposed to Air Outdoor PST -Reinforced Concrete -PHA-Exposed to Air Outdoor Intended Function Fire Barrier Structural Support Shelter , Protection Shelter, Protection Material Concrete Concrete I Concrete I Concrete Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation 1:1:' :111 ', 1 111 .,11: Environment 1 ** :i!li 1 A. g .* g. f:iHect Requiring , I .I 'I' 'l'l'il: ,: Management. ., :::1*:: II :l:H:l1 <j11I: : *l:'":i: ' 'I Air Indoor Increase in Porosity and Uncontrolled Pe rm eabi l ity, Cracking, Loss (External) of Mat e rial (S palling , Scaling) Air Indoor Increase in Poro s ity and Uncontrolled Permeab i lity, C racking, Loss (E xternal) of Material (S palling, S caling) Air Outdoor Cracking, Loss of Bond, Loss (External) of Material (S palling, Scaling) Air Outdoor I E xpans i on and Cracking (External)

Aging , Management 11 Program Building Deformation Monitoring Program Structures Monitoring Program Structures Monitoring Program Structures Monitoring Program Structures Monitoring Program Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) Monitoring Program Building Deformation Monitoring Program NUREG 1801 I Table Vol. 2 Item 3.X.1 *i :i, 'I* , ,,,: 11 11j.ltem N ote lll.A3-10 (T-06) I 3.5.1-24 IA I lll.A3-10 (T-06) I 3.5.1-24 IA 111.A3-9 I 3.5.1-23 IA (T-04) 111.A3-2 I 3.5.1-27 A, E, (T-03) 517, 519 S BK-L-171 55 I E n cl o sure 2/ P ag e 176 U.S. Nucl e ar R e g u lat or y C o mm ission Intended ' Component Type Funct i on PST -Re i nfo r ced Concrete -Shelter. PHA-E x posed to A i r Outdoor Protection PST -Re i nforced Concrete -Shelter , PHA-E x posed to Air Outdoor Protection PST -Rein f o r ced Conc r e t e -Flood Barr i er TFA-Be l o w G r ade PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structura l TFA-Belo w Grade Support PST -Re i nfo r ced Concrete -F l ood Barrier TFA-Be l o w Gra d e M ater i a l Concre t e Concrete Concrete Concrete Con cr ete Tab l e 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary o f Aging Management Eva l ua ti o n ,1, l:' 'l:'I" ' i' ,,, ' 1:. , Aging' Effect Requi ri'ng 1 Environment Managemen t ! ' I ' ' A i r Ou t door Increase in Porosity and (E xt erna l) Permeability , Crac k ing , Loss of Material (Spalling , Scaling) Air Outdoor Loss of Material, Cracking (E x ternal) Ground Crac k ing , Loss of Bond , Loss Water/Soil (E x terna l) of Material (Spalling , Sca l ing) Ground Cracking , Loss of Bond , Loss Water/Soil (External) of Material (Spalling , Scal i ng) Ground Water/So i l E x pansion and Cracking (E x terna l) Tab l e ,, 1 Aging N UREG 1 80 1 , M a n agemen t V o l. 2 It em 3.X.1 N o t e' P r ogram I tem S t ruc t ures lll.A 3-1 0 M on i toring (T-06) 3.5.1-24 A Program St r uctu r es lll.A3-6 Monito r ing 3.5.1-26 A Program (T-0 1) S t r u c t ures lll.A3-4 M on i tori ng 3.5.1-31 A Progra m (T-05) Struc t ures lll.A 3-4 M onitoring 3.5.1-31 A Program (T-05) Struc t ures M on it or i ng Pr o gram A lk a li-S i lica Reac ti on (ASR) lll.A3-2 A , E , M on it oring 3.5.1-2 7 Program (T-03) 517 , 5 1 9 Bu ildin g De f o rm a ti o n M o nit o rin g Proa r a m SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 177 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Int ended Component Type Function PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural TFA-Below Grade Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -Flood Barrier TFA-Belo w Grade PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural TFA-Below Grade Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural TFA-Below Grade Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural TFA-Below Grade Support Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluatio n ;1: 'I Aging Effect Requiring Environment Management Ground Water/Soil Expansion and Cracking (External)

Ground Increase in Porosity and Water/Soi l Permeability , Cracking , Loss (External) of Material (Spalling , Scaling) Ground Increase in Porosity and Water/Soil Permeability, Cracking , Loss (External) of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Ground Increase in Porosity and Water/Soil Permeability , Loss of (E xt ernal) Strength Ground In crease in Porosity and Water/Soil Permeability, Loss of (External)

Strength Aging Table NUREG 1801 Management Vol. 2 Item 3.X.1 Note Program It em Structures Monitoring Program Alkali-Silica Reaction (A SR) l l l.A3-2 A, E , Monit oring (T-03) 3.5.1-27 517, 5 19 Program Building Deformation Monitoring Proaram Structures lll.A3-5 Monitoring (T-07) 3.5.1-31 A Program Structures lll.A3-5 Monitoring (T-07) 3.5.1-31 A Program Structures lll.A3-7 Monitoring (T-02) 3.5.1-32 A, 509 Program Structures lll.A3-7 Monitoring (T-02) 3.5.1-32 A , 509 Program S BK-L-1 7 1 55 I E ncl o su re 2/ P age 1 78 U.S. Nucl ear R egul a to ry C o m m i ssio n Intended Component Type '" , 1 ,11 1 F u nct i on . " 1, PST -Reinforced Concrete -TFA-Be l o w Grade Flood Barrier PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural TFA-Belo w Grade Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -TFA-E x posed to Air Indoor Fire Barrier Uncontrol l ed PST -Reinforced Concrete -T FA-E x posed to Air I ndoor Shielding Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -St r uctural TFA-E x posed to Air I ndoor Support Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -TF A-E x posed to Ai r Indoor Fire Barrier Uncontro l led :r* Tab le 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Aging Management Evalua ti o n t t 111 1 1[:'.1 M ateria l Environment

' M anagement 1:11.1:'11 11 : 11 11 I ' * ,,, .,, ;i'l;,1 JI Ground Concrete Water/Soil Loss of Material , Cracking (External)

Ground Concrete Water/Soil Loss of Material, Cracking (E x ternal) Air Indoor Concrete Uncontrolled Loss of Material (E x ternal) Air Indoor Concrete Uncontrolled Loss of Material (E xt ernal) Air Indoor Concrete Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External)

Air Indoor Cracking, Loss of Bond, Loss Concrete Uncontrolled (External) of Material (Spalling, Scaling) + ,,* I t!l:1: A gi n g i; :1, 1'1i 1 1[ :1: I 1:, 1:1, M anager:nr nt , 1 , 1 , N UREG 1 80 , 1 1'n ;111

11.1, ... :11 1 ,1.,1 P r ogram* t1 1 'llllJ1'1:1!

1 l111111 *'*l:i!ll 1 1f:I::,,, '.: :; :\It e m 'l 1 , 1 lij: 1 1*1 .' ' * ,I.' I :: *I; S t ructures lll.A3-6 M onitoring (T-0 1) 3.5.1-26 A Program Structures lll.A3-6 M onitoring (T-0 1) 3.5.1-26 A Program Fire Pro t ection V l l.G-29 Program (A-9 1) 3.3. 1-6 7 A Fire Pro t ec t ion Vll.G-29 Program (A-9 1) 3.3.1-67 A Fire Protection Vll.G-29 Program (A-9 1) 3.3.1-67 A Struc t ures lll.A3-9 M onitoring 3.5.1-2 3 A Program (T-04)

S BK-L-1 7 1 SS I En closure 2/ Page 1 7 9 U.S. N u cl e ar R eg ula to ry C ommi ssio n I n t ended Componen t Type Function PST -Reinforced Concrete -TFA-Exposed to Air I ndoor Shielding U ncon t ro ll ed PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural TFA-E x posed to Air I ndoor Uncontrol l ed Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -TFA-E x posed to A i r I ndoor Fire Barrier Uncontro l led PST -Re i nforced Concrete -TFA-E x posed to Air I ndoor Shielding Uncontro l led PST -Re i nforced Concrete -Structural TFA-E x posed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -TF A-E x posed t o Air Indoor Fire Barrier Uncontrolled I I M ater i a l ' Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-5 Pr i mary Struc t ures Summary of Agi n g M anagement Eva l ua ti o n 'I i+i ' '


,*11 Environment 1 l'l:!Jli; 111 '1 I, I I :I: * :': 1:j:1 *l 1 11:l:,:i:p11fDitl

,11 *1111: ':11 'I' , , Air I ndoor Cracking , Loss of Bond , Loss Uncontrolled of Material (Spalling, Sca l ing) (E x ternal) Air Indoor C r acking , Loss of Bond , Loss Uncontrolled of Material (Spalling, Scaling) (E x ternal) Air Indoor Concrete Cracking and Uncontrolled Spa I ling (E x ternal) Air Indoor Concrete Cracking and Uncontrolled Spa I ling (External)

Air Indoor Concrete Cracking an d Uncontrolled Spalling (External) Air I ndoor Uncontrolled E x pansion and Cracking (External)

A g in g T ab l e 1lil,j1:jll*.::1:1; NU REG 1 8 01 M anage m e nt 3.X.1 V o l. 2 It e m P r og r a m It em ' Structures lll.A3-9 M oni t oring 3.5.1-2 3 A (T-0 4) Program Structures lll.A3-9 M onitoring 3.5.1-23 A (T-0 4) Program F ir e Pro t ec t ion Vll.G-28 3.3.1-65 A Progra m (A-90) F ir e Protec t ion Vll.G-28 3.3.1-6 5 A Program (A-9 0) Fire Protec ti o n Vll.G-28 A 3.3.1-65 P r ogram (A-90) Structures M oni t oring Pr ogram Al k a li-S i lica lll.A3-2 A , E , Reaction (A SR) (T-03) 3.5.1-27 5 1 7 , 5 19 M on it ori n g Program B uilding SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 180 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Component Type Intended Function PST -Re i nforced Concrete -TFA-E xpo sed to Air I ndoor Shielding Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural TFA-E xp osed to Air Indoor Support Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -TFA-E x posed to Air Indoor Fire Barrier Uncontrolled Material Conc r ete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Aging Management Eva lu atio n !.t I H ,,, Environment Aging Effect , Requiri p g Management Air Indoor Uncontrolled E xpan sion and Cracking (External) Air Indoor Uncontrolled E xpa nsion and Crack in g (E x ternal) Air Indoor Inc rease in Porosity and Uncontrolled Permeability, Cracking , Loss (External) of Material (Spalling , Scaling) Aging M anagemen t NU REG 1 801 3.X.1 N ote V o l. 2 It em P r ogram , ,, It em Deformation M o nit or ing Program Structu r es Monitoring Program Alkali-S ilica React i on (ASR) lll.A 3-2 A, E , Monitoring (T-03) 3.5.1-27 517, 5 19 Program Building Deformation M on it or ing Proaram Structures M on it oring Program Alkali-Si lica Reaction (A SR) lll.A3-2 A, E , M oni tori ng (T-0 3) 3.5.1-2 7 517, 519 Program Building Deformation M on it or ing Proqram Struc t ures lll.A 3-10 M oni t oring (T-06) 3.5.1-24 A Program S BK-L-171 55 I En cl o sure 2/ Pa g e 1 8 1 U.S. Nucl e ar R egu l atory Com mi ssion I ntended Component Type Fun c t i on PST -Rein f orced Concrete -TFA-E x posed to Air Indoor Shielding Uncon t ro ll ed PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural TFA-E x posed to Air I ndoor S upport Uncontrolled PST -Re i nforced Concrete -M i ssi l e Ba r r i er TFA-E x posed to Air Outdoor PST -Re i n f orced Concrete -Shelter , TF A-E x posed to Air Outdoor Protection PST -Reinforced Concrete -TFA-E x pose d to Air Outdoor Miss i le Barrier PST -Re i nforced Conc r ete -Shelte r, T FA-E x posed to Air Outdoor Protection Material Concrete C onc r ete Conc r ete C onc r ete Concre t e Concrete Tabl e 3.5.2-5 Primary Stru c tur e s S ummary of Aging M a nag e m e nt Evaluat i on ' II 1:! Aging Effe c t Requiring Env i ronment Management Air Indoor Increase in Porosity and Uncontrolled Permeab i l i ty , C racking , Loss (E xt ernal) of Material (S palling , Scaling) Air Indoor Incr e a se i n Poros i ty and Uncontro l l e d P e r m e a bil i ty, C r a cking , Loss (External) of Mate ri al (S palling , Scaling) A i r Outdoor Cracki n g , Loss of Bond , Loss (External) of M a teri a l (Spalling , Scaling) Air Outdoor C ra c k i ng, Loss of Bond , Loss (External) of Mater i al (S pa l ling, Scaling) Air Outdoor (E xt ernal) E x pansion and Cra c k ing A i r Outdoor E x pan si on and Cracking (E x ternal) ,,, A g i ng N UREG 1 80 1 T ab l e M anagement V o l. 2 It e m 3.X.1 N o t e Prog r a m I tem Struc t u r es lll.A3-1 0 M onitoring (T-06) 3.5.1-2 4 A Program S t ructures 111.A3-1 0 M onitoring (T-06) 3.5.1-2 4 A Program S t ructures lll.A3-9 M onitoring 3.5.1-23 A Program (T-0 4) S t ruc t ures lll.A 3-9 M on i toring 3.5.1-23 A Program (T-0 4) . St r uc t u r es lll.A3-2 M oni t or i ng (T-03) 3.5.1-27 A Program S t ructures M on it o r ing Program Alkali-Silica ll l.A3-2 3.5.1-27 A, E , Reaction (A S R) (T-03) 5 17 , 5 19 M onitor i ng P r ogram B uilding SBK-L-171 55 I En c l osure 2/ Pa g e 18 2 U.S. Nuclear Regulat o ry Com m i ss ion Compone nt Type I ntended Function PST -Reinforced Concrete -M issile Barrier TFA-E xp osed t o Air Outdoor PST -Reinfo r ced Concrete -Shel t er , TFA-E xp osed t o Air Outdoor Protec t ion PST -Reinforced Concrete -Missile Barrier TFA-E x posed t o Ai r Outdoor PST -Re i n fo rced Concrete -She lt er , TFA-E x posed to Ai r Outdoor Pro t ect i on PST -Re in forced Concrete -W PB-Belo w Grade F l ood Barrier M ateria l Concrete Concre t e Concrete Co n crete Conc r ete Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Struc t u r es Summary o f Aging M anagement Eva l ua t io n II ' I*; 1::1:.i:*

"' :[:i: IJ'* Aging Effect Requ i ri n g 111 Environment Managemen t Air Outdoor I ncrease in Porosity and Permeability , Cracking , Loss (External) of Material (Spall i ng , Scaling) Air Ou t door I ncrease in Poros it y and Permeability , Cracking , Loss (E xt erna l) of Material (Spalling , Scaling) Air Ou t door Loss o f Material , Crac k ing (External) Air Outdoor Loss of Material , Crac ki ng (E xt ernal) Ground Crack i ng, Loss of Bond, L oss Water/Soi l (External) of M aterial (Spalling , Scal i ng) n1 1*,,111:11 , , 1:1, ' ' II' 1 1! rl I ll *

  • I !"'* 1 >r" l'I '
  • 11] *:, f ,. :: 'l' 1 1 1'r T ab l e 1:k M anageme nt i*ll , , NU REC?;, 1 , so 1 1 , ' 3.X.1
  • N ote P r og r am 111 N ol. 2' It e m I tem Defo rm a ti o n M o nit o rin g P r og r a m S t ructures lll.A3-1 0 M on i to r ing 3.5.1-24 A Program (T-06) S t ruc t ures lll.A3-10 M o ni toring 3.5.1-2 4 A Program (T-06) S t r u c t ures lll.A3-6 M o ni torin g 3.5.1-26 A Prog r am (T-0 1) S truct u r es l ll.A3-6 M oni t o rin g 3.5.1-2 6 A P r ogram (T-0 1) S t ruc t u r es M oni t o ri n g lll.A3-4 3.5.1-3 1 (T-05) A Program SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/Page 183 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural WPB-Below Grade Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -WPB-Below Grade Flood Barrier PST -Reinforced Concrete -S tructural WPB-Below Grade Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -WPB-Below Grade Flood Barrier Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-5 Primary S tru c tur es S ummary of Aging Manag emen t Evaluation
1: T *I Aging Effect Requiring Environment Management Ground Cracking, Loss of Bond, Loss Water/Soil (External) of Material (Spalling, Sca ling) Ground Water/Soil E xpan sion and Cracking (External)

Ground Water/Soil E xpansion and C racking (E xternal) Ground Increase in Poros ity and Water/Soil Permeabilit y, Cracking, Loss (External) of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Aging NUREG 1801 Table Management Vol. 2 Item 3.X.1 Note Program Item Structures lll.A3-4 Monitoring 3.5.1-31 A Program (T-05) Struc tures Monitoring Program Alkali-Silica Reaction (A SR) lll.A3-2 A , E , Monitoring (T-0 3) 3.5.1-2 7 517 , 519 Program Building Deformation Monitoring Proa ram Structures Monitoring Program Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) l ll.A3-2 A , E , Monitoring (T-03) 3.5.1-27 517 , 519 Program Building Deformation Monitoring Proaram Structures l ll.A3-5 Monitoring (T-07) 3.5.1-31 A Program SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 184 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function PST -Re i nforced Concrete -S tructural WPS-Below Grade Support PST -Reinforced Con c rete -Structural WPS-Below Grade Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural WPB-Below Grade Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -Flood Barrier WPS-Below Grade PST -Re i nforced Concrete -Structural WPS-Belo w Grade Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -WPS-E x posed to Air Indoor Fire Barrier Uncontrolled Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Structure s Summary of Aging Managem e nt Evaluation

,,,, , 'l 'I'll:(

i' ::1 Environment Aging Effect Requiring 11' , , , ' ll Mana , gemen.t 1: 1 ,,,, Ground Increas e in Porosity and Water/S oil Permeab i l it y , C rack i ng , Loss (External) of Mater ia l (S palling , Scaling) Ground In c re a se in Porosity and Water/Soil Permea bi l i ty, Loss of (E xternal) Strength Ground Increase i n P or o sity and Water/Soil Perme a bility, Loss of (External)

Strength Ground Water/Soil Lo s s of M a t e rial, Cracking (E xternal) Ground Water/Soil Loss of Mater i al , Cracking (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External)

Agir;ig ,,, ::IJ, fr,j:I , ,,,, I Tab l e , Management

  • NU REG 1 , 801 ix.1 N ote Program Vol. 2 Item , I tem '1;:;, Structures l l l.A3-5 Monitoring (T-07) 3.5.1-3 1 A Program Structures lll.A3-7 Monitoring (T-02) 3.5.1-32 A , 509 Program Structures lll.A 3-7 Monitoring (T-02) 3.5.1-32 A , 509 Program Structures lll.A3-6 Monitoring (T-01) 3.5.1-26 A Program Structures 111.A3-6 M onitoring (T-01) 3.5.1-26 A Program Fire Protection Vll.G-29 3.3.1-67 A Program (A-91)

SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 185 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Intended Component Type Function PST -Reinforced Concrete -WPB-Exposed to Air Ind oor Shielding Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -St ructural WPB-Exposed to Air Indoor Support Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -WPB-Exposed to Air Indoor Fire Barrier Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -WPB-Exposed to Air Indo or Shielding Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural WPB-Exposed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -WPB-Exposed to Air Indoor Fire Barrier Uncontrolled Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation

' ' ' Aging Effect Requiring Environment 1: 1* Management Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (Extern al) Air Indoor Cracking , Loss of Bond, Loss Uncontrolled (External) of Material (Spalling , Sca ling) Air Indoor Cracking, Loss of Bond, Loss Uncontrolled (E xternal) of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Air Indoor Cracking, Loss of Bond, Loss Uncontrolled (External) of Material (Spall ing , Scaling) Air Indoor Concrete Cracking and Uncontrolled (External)

Spalling Aging NUREG 1801 Table Management 1 Note Program Vol. 2 Item 1 1tem Fire Protection Vll.G-29 Program (A-91) 3.3.1-67 A Fire Protection Vll.G-29 Program (A-91) 3.3.1-67 A Structures ll l.A3-9 Monitoring 3.5.1-23 A Program (T-04) Structures lll.A3-9 Monitoring 3.5.1-23 A Program (T-04) Structures lll.A3-9 Monitoring 3.5.1-23 A Program (T-04) Fire Protection Vll.G-2 8 3.3.1-65 A Program (A-90)

SB K-L-171 55 I Enclosure 2/ P age 186 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Co mmi ss i on Component Type * ' ' Intended Function'!' PST -Reinforced Concrete -WPS-Exposed to Air Indoor Shielding Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -Structural WPS-Exposed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled Support PST -Reinforced Concrete -WPS-Exposed to Air Indoor Fi r e Barrier Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -WPS-Exposed to Air Indoor Shielding Uncontrolled

" Material " :1: Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation 11111: ,,111 qi, ,1111 it.l,.11'111111111 Environment Agmg Effect , 1 Management Air Indoor Concrete Cracking and Uncontrolled (External)

Spalling Air Indoor Concrete Cracking and Uncontrolled (External)

S palling Air Indoor Uncontrolled Expansion and Cracking (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled Expans i on and Cracking (Externa l) 1il1 i1'!11i*1 11111 1-lillllillllll"llllli llr 11*1 1 li rab1 1 e/1 1[:1i

  • M anagemen t I '1 3 x I" .*, 1. N ote 1 y o 1.l 2 1t em t * *111111 111,1_ !], .. 'I' . ' Program Item' Fire Protection Vll.G-28 3.3.1-65 A Program (A-90) Fire Protection Vll.G-28 3.3.1-65 A Program (A-90) Structures Monitoring Program Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) Monitoring lll.A3-2 3.5.1-27 A, E, Program (T-03) 517, 519 B u i ldin g Defor m a ti o n M oni t ori ng Program Structures Monitoring Program Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) lll.A3-2 A, E, Monitoring (T-03) 3.5.1-27 517, 5 19 Program B uilding Deforma ti o n M oni t or in g Proqram SBK-L-1 7155 I Enclosure 2/ P age 187 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Component Type PST -Reinforced Concrete -WPS-Exposed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -WPS-Exposed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -WPS-Exposed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled PST -Reinforced Concrete -WPS-Exposed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled I ntended Function 1::. Structural Support Fire Barrier Shielding Structural Support Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete PST -Reinforced Concrete -I Missile Barrier I Concrete WPS-Exposed to Air Outdoor Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Ag i ng Management Evaluation I'. + . :1: 1: .I I j' ,I" I I ' ' ' : I ! Environment

,., .. " .. '.I ,,.


{Ir Air Indoor Uncontrolled (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrol l ed (External)

I Air Outdoor (External)

Expansion and Cracking Increa s e in Porosity and Permeability , Cracking , Loss of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Increase in Porosity and Permeability, Cracking, Loss of Material (Spalling , Scaling) Increase in Porosity and Permeability, Cracking , Loss of Material (Spalling, Scaling) I Cracking, Loss of Bond, Loss of Mate r ial (Spalling, Scaling) Aging . N URE. G '1 80 1-,' : '1 3 1 x 1 1'.i' : . N ote ')' . I ... ' *. '1:1'1 'I'll * ' *; *: r: I ,, ln 1:1 Table l'l*I*.* M .. a. nager:nent 1ll'i, It em *I.Ii lte' m :1*1 11i:"*\ 1*l!l1i:.1. , ::.1 I '.,,, I '"1:1**1::

'I' *1*1*1* :1 I. . '::. "," ' ::* *'1.:.'Prog r am 1" 111 i 11* '-!-,,,,,,11111

"' I* , .1 ... I*):'.**}

, 1 I ., !,,* Structures Monitoring Program Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) Monitoring Program Build in g Deforma ti on M onitoring Program Structures Monitoring Program Structures Monitoring Program Structures Monitoring Program Structures Monitoring Program lll.A3-2 (T-03) lll.A3-10 (T-06) lll.A3-10 (T-06) lll.A3-10 (T-06) lll.A3-9 (T-04) 3.5.1-27 3.5.1-24 3.5.1-24 3.5. 1-24 3.5.1-23 A, E, 517, 5 1 9 A A A A SBK-L-17155 I E nclosure 2/ Page 188 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

I Component Typ , e Intended Function PST -Reinforced Concrete -Shelter, WPS-Exposed to Air Outdoor Protection PST -Reinforced Concrete -WPS-Expo s ed to A i r Outdoor Mi s sile Barrier PST -Reinforced Concrete -Shelter , WPS-Exposed to Air Outdoor Protection PST -Reinforced Concrete -WPS-Exposed to Air Outdoor Mis s ile Barrie r ,;1 Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Con c rete Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Aging Management Eva l uation I H'
  • ;* Environment Aging Effe c t Requiring

' Management

\l l'i' 111 Air Outdoor Cracking, Lo s s of Bond , Loss (External) of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Air Outdoor (External)

Expa ns ion and Cracking A i r Outdoor Expansio n and C racking (External)

Air Outdoor Incre a se in Poro s ity and (E xternal) Permeab i l i ty , Cr a cking , Loss of Ma t e ri a l (S pall i ng, S cal i ng) '1*'Aging 'l ;1: 'y, i'I , li' . ' ' Table *, *!::t1!1: Management NUREG 1801 3.X.1 N ote.i 1 1:il:f'! Vol. 2 I tem ' :II Prog r am I tem '

  • 1:1:1 Structures lll.A3-9 Monitoring 3.5.1-23 A Program (T-04) Structures Monitoring Program Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) 111.A3-2 A, E, Monitoring (T-03) 3.5.1-27 5 1 7, 5 1 9 Program Bu ilding Deforma ti o n M onitori n g Proaram S tructures Monitoring Program Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) lll.A3-2 A, E, Monitoring 3.5.1-27 Program (T-03) 517, 5 19 Bu ilding Deforma ti o n M onitori n g Program Structures lll.A3-10 Monitoring (T-06) 3.5.1-24 A Program SBK-L-17155 I En closure 2/ Page 189 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

,. *intended Component Type Fu n ction 1:1 PST -Reinforced Concrete -Shelter , WPB-Exposed to Air Outdoor Protection PST -Reinforced Concrete -WPB-Exposed to Air Outdoor Missile Barrier PST -Reinforced Concrete -Shelter, WPB-Exposed to Air Outdoor Protection PST -Stainless Steel -COG-Structural Exposed to Air Indoor Support Uncontrolled PST -Stainless Steel -COG-Shelter , Exposed to Raw Water Protection PST -Stainless Steel -CEHMS-Structural Exposed to Air Outdoor Support Material ,, Concrete Concrete Concrete Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless

Steel Table 3.5.2-5 Primary S tru ct ures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation

Aging Effect Requiring Environment Management

.* :. Air Outdoor Increase in Porosity and (External)

Permeability, Cracking, Loss of Material (Spalling , Scaling) Air Outdoor (External)

Loss of Material , Cracking Air Outdoor Loss of Material, Cracking (External)

Air Indoor Nooe Uncontrolled Deformation/reduction in (External) structural capacity Raw Water Loss of Material (External)

Air Outdoor (External)

Loss of Material II '1:1,l:J:,.

'. 111:1 l'I *. *l.1

    • N UREG 1 1 ao1 * .** Tabre. M anagemen t V ol. 2 It em 3.X.1 N ote I( Prog r am I tem 1" I Structures lll.A3-1 0 Monitoring (T-06) 3.5.1-24 A Program Structures lll.A3-6 M onitoring (T-01) 3.5.1-26 A Program Structures lll.A3-6 Monitoring 3.5.1-26 A Program (T-0 1) Nooe Bu ildin g 111.82-8 Deformation (TP-5) 3.5.1-59 C, E, 520 M oni t oring Program Structures Vll.H2-18 Monitoring 3.3.1-80 E , 512 Program (Ap-55) Structures 111.82-7 Monitoring (TP-6) 3.5.1-50 c Program SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 190 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function PST -Stainless Steel -FSB-Structural Exposed to Air Indoor Support Uncontrolled PST -Stainless Steel -FSB-Shelte r, Exposed to Raw Water Protection PST -Stainless Steel -FSB-Shelter , Exposed to Treated Borated Water Protection PST -Stainless Steel -FSB-Shelter, Exposed to Treated Borated Water Protection PST -Stainless Steel -FSB-Structural Fuel Transfer Tube in Air with Support Borated Water Leakage PST -Stainless Steel -FSB-Structural Fuel Transfer Tube in Air Indoor Support Uncontrolled Material Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation

,; ::': 1!.j !*1:1 'l:I Environment Aging Effect Requiring Management

' Air Indoor Nooe Uncontrolled Deformation/reduction in (External}

structural capacity Raw Water (External)

Loss of Material Treated Borated Cracking Water (External)

Treated Borated Loss of Material Water (External)

Air w/Borated Nooe Water Leakage Deformation/reduction in (External) s tructural capac ity Air Indoor Nooe Uncontrolled Deformation/reduction in (External) s tructural capaci ty h Aging 'i::' 1.l,:1*1 :1:1 I' ,, NUREG 1801 Table , Managemept 1 1 1 Vol. 2 1 tem 3.X.1 Note Program lt!'!m Nooe Building lll.B2-8 Deformation (TP-5) 3.5.1-59 C , E, 520 Monitoring Program Structures Vll.H2-18 Monitoring (Ap-55) 3.3.1-80 E, 512 Program Water Chemistry l ll.A5-13 A, 3.5.1-46 Program (T-14) 507 , 518 Water Chemistry 111.A5-13 3.5.1-46 A , 518 Program (T-14) Nooe Building lll.B2-9 Deformation (TP-5) 3.5.1-59 A, E, 520 Monitoring Program Nooe Building l ll.B2-8 Deformation (TP-5) 3.5.1-59 C, E, 520 Monitoring Program S BK-L-171 55 /En cl o s ure 2/Pa ge 191 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comm is sion I n t ended Compone nt T y pe l'I ,., , F u nc ti on ,, 'I I 1: 1 ' 1:. PST -S t ainless Steel -FSB-in S t ructura l A ir wi th Borated W ater Leakage Support PS T -S t a i n l ess Stee l -PAB-Structural E x posed t o Air I ndoor Support Uncontrolled PST -S t ainless Steel -PAB-Shelter , E x posed to Ra w W a t er Protection PST -S t ainless Stee l -PAB-i n Struc t ural A ir w ith Borated W ater Leakage Support PST -Stainless Steel -WPB-Structural E x pose d t o Air I ndoor Support U n cont ro l l ed PST -S t a i n l ess Stee l -WPB-Shelter, E x posed t o Ra w W ater Protection M a t eria l Stainless Steel Sta i nless Steel Stainless Stee l Stainless S t eel Stainless Steel Sta i nless Steel T ab l e 3.5.2-5 P ri mary S t ruct u res S u mmary of Aging M anageme nt E v a lu a ti o n 1, 11 1Jff 1'1' 'l'i '1'1 , 1" ' 11". , "' , Aging E ff ect It Environmen t

  • M anageme nt: 1.,li *1 , Air w/Borated Nooe Water Leakage De f orma t ion/reduc t io n in (E xt ernal) s t ruc t ura l capaci ty Air Indoor Nooe U ncontrolled Deforma t ion/reduc ti o n in (E x ternal) s t r u c t ura l capac ity Raw Water (E xt ernal) Loss of Materia l Air w/Borated Nooe Water Leakage Deforma ti o n/reduc ti o n in (E x ternal) s t ruc t ura l capac ity Air I ndoor Nooe Uncontrolled Deforma ti o n/reduc ti o n in (E x ternal) s tr uc t ura l capac ity Ra w Water (E x ternal) Loss of Material '\ 11:1 nr' , ,1'j:'W':1:111'i'k

11:1 NU REG:, 1 s o1 1:i:I 111 , V o J.', 2 1 tMm 1'" :( 1 , 1 111 :1: N o t e it e m 11 i' V ,.,,1,, ,,,, , Pr og r a m IJ1 1 111 '1111:! ' ,,, "'1 ' Hii: Nooe B uilding lll.B2-9 D e f o rm a ti o n (T P-5) 3.5.1-5 9 A, E , 52 0 M o nit o ring Pr o gr a m Nooe Building lll.B2-8 De f o rm a ti o n (T P-5) 3.5.1-59 C , E , 5 2 0 M o nit o ring Pr og r a m S t ructures Vl l.H 2-18 M on it ori n g (Ap-55) 3.3.1-80 E, 5 1 2 Pro g ram Nooe B uilding l ll.B2-9 D e form a ti o n (T P-5) 3.5.1-59 A , E , 5 20 M o nit o ring P r og r a m Nooe Building lll.B2-8 D efo rm a ti o n (T P-5) 3.5.1-59 C , E , 5 20 M o nit o ring Pr o gr a m S t ruc tu res Vll.H 2-18 M o n i t o rin g (Ap-55) 3.3.1-8 0 E , 5 1 2 Prog r am SBK-L-1 7 1 55 I Enclosure 2/ Page 192 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function PST -Stainless Steel -WPB-in Structural Air w ith Borated Water Leakage Support PST -Tech Spec CEVA Seal -Structural EFP-Exposed to Air Indoor Pressure Uncontrolled Barrier PST -Tech Spec CEVA Seal -Structural EFP-Exposed to Air Outdoor Pressure Barrier PST -Tech Spec CEVA Seal -Structural FSB-Exposed to Air Indoor Pressure Uncontrolled Barrier PST -Tech Spec CEVA Seal -Structural PAB-Exposed to Air Indoor Pressure Uncontrolled Barrier PST -Tech Spec CEVA Seal -Structura l PAB-Exposed to Air Outdoor Pressure Barrier Material Stainless Steel Elastomer Elastomer Elastomer Elastomer Elastomer Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation

'I: Aging Effect Requidng Environment Management Air w/Borated NeRe Water Leakage Deformation/reduction in (External) structural capacity Air Indoor Increased Hardness, Uncontrolled Shrinkage and Loss of (External)

Strength Air Outdoor Increased Hardness, (External)

Shrinkage and Loss of Strength Air Indoor Increased Hardness , Uncontrolled Shrinkage and Loss of (External)

Strength Air Indoor Increased Hardness, Uncontrolled Shrinkage and Loss of (External)

Strength Air Outdoor Increased Hardness , (External)

Shrinkage and Loss of Strength *1 *' ' Aging NUREG 1801 Table Management 3.X.1 N ote Program Vol. 2 Item Item NeRe Building lll.B2-9 Deformation (TP-5) 3.5.1-59 A , E, 520 Monitoring Program Structures Vll.G-1 Monitoring (A-19) 3.3.1-61 E , 515 Program Structures Vll.G-2 Monitoring (A-20) 3.3.1-61 E, 515 Program Structures V l l.G-1 Monitoring (A-19) 3.3.1-61 E, 515 Program Structures Vll.G-1 Monitoring (A-19) 3.3.1-61 E, 515 Program Structures Vll.G-2 Monitoring (A-20) 3.3.1-61 E, 515 Program SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 193 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended* Component Type Function PST -Tech Spec CEVA Seal -Structural PCEW-E xpo sed to Air Indoor Pressure Uncontrolled Barrier PST -Tech Spec CEVA Seal -St ructural Pressure PCEW-E x posed to Air Outdoor Barrier PST -Tech S pec Con trol Room Control Bldg Seal -CDG-E x posed t o Air Habitability Indoor Uncontrolled PST -Tech Spec Fuel Storage S t r uctural Building Seal -FSB-E xpo se d to Pressure Air I ndoor Uncontrolled Barrie r PST -Thermal Insulati on Structura l A luminum Jacketing -FSB-in Air Support with Borated Water Lea k age PST -Thermal Insulation Structura l Aluminum Jacketing -PAB-i n Support Air with Borated Water Leakage ' Material Elastomer E lastomer Elas tomer Elas tome r Aluminum Aluminum Table 3.5.2-5 Primary S tru c tur es S ummary of Aging M anagement Eva lu ation Environment Aging Effec t Requiring M a n age ment Air Indoor Increased Hardness , Uncontrolled Sh rinkag e and Loss of (E xternal) Strength Air Outdoor Incre ased Hardness, Shrin k age and Loss of (E xterna l) Strength Air I ndoor In creased Hardness , Uncontrolled Shrin k age and Loss of (E xternal) S tre ngth Air Indoor Increa sed Hardness , Uncontrolled Shrinkage and Loss of (E x ternal) Strength Air w/Borated Water Leakage Loss of Material (External) Air w/Borated Water Leakage Loss of Material (External)

Aging NUR EG 1 80 1 Table M anagement 3.X.1 N o te' Program V o l. 2 It em Item Structures Vll.G-1 Mo nitoring (A-19) 3.3. 1-61 E , 515 Program S tructures Vll.G-2 Monitoring 3.3. 1-61 E , 515 Program (A-20) Structures Vll.G-1 M onitor ing (A-19) 3.3. 1-61 E , 515 Program Structures Vll.G-1 M onitoring (A-19) 3.3. 1-61 E, 515 Program Boric Acid lll.B2-6 Program (T P-3) 3.5. 1-55 A Boric Acid lll.B2-6 Program (TP-3) 3.5.1-55 A SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 194 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

  • intended* Component Type Function PST -Thermal I nsulation Structural Aluminum Jacketing -TFA-in Air Support with Borated Water Leakage PST -Thermal Insulation Structura l Aluminum Jacketing -WPB-in Support Air with Borated Water Leakage Material Aluminum Aluminum Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Struct ure s Summary of Aging Managem en t Evaluation Aging Effect Requiring Environment Manag eme nt Air w/Borated Water Leakage Loss of Mate rial (External)

Air w/B orated W ater Leakage Loss of M aterial (External)

  • I* ,1,,1, ,1 Aging
  • NUREG 1801 Table. Management 3.X.1 N ote Program Vol. 2 Item . Item Boric Acid lll.B2-6 Program (TP-3) 3.5.1-55 A Boric Acid lll.B2-6 Program (TP-3) 3.5.1-55 A SBK-L-171 SS I Enclosure 2/ Page 19S U.S. Nuclea r Regulatory Commission Table 3.5.2-5 Primary Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Standard Notes Note Description A Consistent with NUREG-1801 item for component , material , environment , and aging effect. AMP is consistent with NUREG-1801 AMP. B Consistent with NUREG-1801 item for component , material , environment, and aging effect. AMP takes some exceptions to NUREG-1801 AMP. C Component is different , but consistent with NUREG-1801 item for material , environment, and aging effect. AMP is cons i stent with NUREG-1801 AMP. D Component is different , but consistent with NUREG-1801 item for material , environment, and aging effect. AMP takes some exceptions to NUREG-1801 AMP. E Consistent with NUREG-18 01 for material , environment and aging effect , but a different aging management program is credited or NUREG-1801 iden t ifies a plan t-specific aging management program. F Material not in NUREG-1801 for this component.

G Environment not in NUREG-1801 for this component and material.

H Aging effect not in NUREG-1801 for this component, material and environment combination.

Aging effect in NUREG-1801 for this component , material and environment combination is not applicable.

J Neither the component nor the material and environment combination is evaluated in NUREG-1801.

501 Not used. 502 Aging effect includes "Fretting or Lockup" due to wear. 503 Crevice and pitting will be included along with loss of material-corrosion due to a saltwater atmosphere environment.

504 Fatigue analysis exists and TLAA applies. 505 Built-up roofing is not in GALL; lll.A6-12 is for elastomer-material is similar, aging effect is similar, environment is same , and AMP is Structures Monitoring.

506 Component is cementitious fire proofing/insulating material and w ill exhibit similar aging effects as concrete.

507 Spent Fuel Pool temperature<

60°C (<140° F); water chemistry a nd temperature will be maintained by the Water Chemistry Program. 508 Cracking, loss of bond , and loss of material (spalling, scaling)/corrosion of embedded steel-is not listed in GALL 111.A.6 as an aging effect for concrete in raw water. Seabrook manages thi s effect with Structures Monitoring Program. 509 For aging management purposes , buried , below grade , soil , and ground water/ raw & treated water environments are treated the same. 51 O Reduction in concrete anchor capacity is an aging effect that is addressed in LRAM-SUPT.

511 At Seabrook Station , Xl.S7 " RG 1.127, Inspection of Water-Control Structures Associated with Nuclear Power Plants" and XI.SS " Masonry Wall Program" are combined under Xl.S6 " St ru ctures Monitoring Program".

512 Raw water in lined & unlined concrete sumps. 513 Seabrook Station will age manage this condition through the Fire Protection Program. 514 Seabrook Station will age manage this condition through the Structures Mon ito ring Program. 515 Increased hardness, shrinkage , or loss of strength of elastomer seals due to weathering is addressed by GALL only for Fire Barrier seals. Seabrook Station will manage such aging effects for non-Fire Barrier elastomer seals with the Structures Monitoring Program.

SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 196 U.S. Nuclear Re gulatory Commission 516 Seabrook Station Structures Monitoring Program w ill perform concrete testing and rebar inspection to determine the effects of the aggressi v e groundwater on the concrete.

The concrete testing and the rebar inspection w ill represent all concrete below grade. 5 17 Aft er initial iden tifi ca ti on and determination o f the presence of alkali-silica reactivity by the S t r u c tur es M o nit o ring Program, Seabroo k S t a ti o n will age m a nage thi s condi ti on thr ough th e Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) Monitoring Program. 5 18 For this component , material , environment , and aging effect, aging management by the Water Chemist ry Program is augmented by monitoring of spent fuel pool wa ter l evel and leakage from the leak chase channels.

519 Aft er initial identification of alkali-silica reaction (ASR) induced building deformation by the S tru c tur es M on it o ring Program, Sea bro o k S t a ti o n will age m a n age thi s cond iti on thr ough th e Alkali-Silica React i on (ASR) M on it oring Program and the Building Deformation Monitoring Program. 520 After initial identification of alka li-silica reaction (ASR) indu ced building deformation affec tin g plant equipment and co mponent s by the S tru c t ur es Monitoring Program, Seab r oo k S t a ti o n will age manage this condit i on through th e Building Deformation M o nitoring Program.

SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 197 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function ASME Class 1 -Constant & Variable Load Spring Hangers -Structural Exposed to Air Indoor Support Uncontrolled ASME Class 1 -Constant & Variable Load Spring Hangers -Structural in Air with Borated Water Support Leakage ASME Class 1 -Lubrite -Structural Exposed to Air Indoor Uncontrolled Support ASME Class 1 -Pipe Supports -Structural Concrete -E xposed to Air Indoor Support Uncontrolled ASME Class 1 -Stainless Steel -Exposed to Air Indoor S tructural Uncontrolled Support Material Steel Steel Lubrite Concrete Stainless Steel Table 3.5.2-6 Supports Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Aging 'Effect Requiring Environment Management Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Mechanical Function (External)

Air w/Borated Water Leakage Loss of Material (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Mechanical Function (External)

Air Indoor Reduction in Concrete Anchor Uncontrolled Capacity (E xternal) Air Indoor Nooe Uncontrolled Deformation/reduction in (External) s tructural capac ity Aging .. NUREG I Table Management , 1801 2

  • 3.X.1 Note Program Item Item ASME Section XI, Subsection 111.81 .1-2 3.5.1-54 A IWF Program (T-28) Boric Acid Corrosion 111.81 .1-14 3.5.1-55 A Program (T-25) ASME Section 111.81 .1-5 XI,, Subsection 3.5.1-56 A IWF Program (T-3 2) Structures Monitoring Program, Alkali-111.81 .1-1 Silica Reaction (T-29) 3.5.1-40 A, E, 517 (ASR) Monitoring Program Nooe Structures Monitoring Program, 111.81 .1-9 3.5.1-59 A, E, 520 Building (TP-5) Deformation Monitoring Program S BK-L-1 7155 I En c lo sure 2/ P age 19 8 U.S. N uc l e ar R egu l ato ry Co mmi ss i o n Tab le 3.5.2-6 Supports Summary of Aging Management Eva l ua t ion 1 1 t d d 1: . f:I 1 / 1 . A . . Eff t R . . A g i ng
  • NU REG Tab l e Component Type Fn ent.e M ateria l 1 Environ 1 men t:!11il 11 ,il' ging M. ec equ tm ng M anageme n t 180 1 V o l. *2 .3.X.1 N ote unc ion 1 :i , .. iJil!, anagemen ,, . , p ,*1 t . i* <<"'It 'I' . I' ,.. ,., .... ', :1:.1, 1.1 , * .i 1.,
  • T * .r og r a m 111. . .e (Tl , 1 , 1:: 1::1: .. , e m * :1:11* I iii *1* ,,l,1 I . ,, ,!.;, .I. ,, I * ,I, Id Nooe S tru c tur es . . M o nit o rin g AS M E C l ass 1 -Stam less Steel St t 1 St . 1 Air w/Borated Nooe p 11 1 B 1 1 10 -i n Air w ith Borated Water ess Water Leakage Deformation! in (T.P-4) -3.5. 1-59 A, E , 520 Leakage PP (External) s t ruc t ura l capacity 0 & g t* e 1 o rm a i o n M o nit o rin g P r og r a m AS M E Class 1 Support -Carbon St t 1 Air Indoor AS M E Section 111 B1 1 _1 3 Steel -E x posed to Air Indoor Steel Uncontrolled Loss of Material XI, Subsec t ion 3.5.1-53 A Uncontrol l ed PP (External)

I WF Prog r am AS M E Class 1 Support -Carbon St t 1 Air w/Borated Bor i c Aci d 111 B1 1_14 Steel -i n Air w ith Borated Steel Water Leakage Loss of Material Corrosion 3.5. 1-55 A Water Lea k age PP (E x ternal) Program AS M E Class 2/3 -.constant and Air Indoor A S M E Sec t ion Variab l e Load Spring Hangers -Structura l . . . lll.B1 .2-2 E d t A 1 d S rt Steel Uncontrolled Loss of Mechanical Function X I, Subsec ti on (T 28) 3.5. 1-54 A xpose o 1r n oar uppo (External)

I W F Program -Uncontrolled AS M E Class 2/3 -.constant

& Air w/Borated Bo r ic A cid Variable Load Spring Hangers -Structural St 1 W t L k L f M t .

1 C . 111.B 1 .2-11 3 5 1 55 A . A' 'th B t d W t S rt ee a er ea age ass o a eria orros1on (T 25) . . -L i n kt r wt ora e a er uppo (External)

Program -ea age AS M E Class 2/3 -Lubrite -St t I Air I ndoor AS M E Section Ill B 1 2_3 E x posed t o Ai r I ndoor Lubrite Uncontrolled Loss of Mechanical Function XI, Subsec ti o n 3.5.1-56 A Uncontrol l ed PP (External)

I WF Program SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 199 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Component Type Intended Function ASME Class 2/3 Pipe Supports Structura l -Concrete -Exposed to Air Support Indoor Uncontrolled ASM E Class 2/3 -Stainless Steel -Exposed to Air Indoor Structural Uncontrolled Support ASME Class 2/3 -Sta inless Struc tural Stee l -in Air with Borated Support Water Leakage ASME Class 2/3 -Stainless Structural Steel -in Raw Water Support ASME Class 2/3 -Stainless Structural Steel -in Raw Water Support Material Concrete Stainless Steel S tainle ss Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Stee l Table 3.5.2-6 Supports Summary of Aging M anagement Evaluation

'i'i Environment . Aging 'Effe.c:t Manag emen t Air Indoor Reduction in Concrete Anchor Uncontrolled Capacit y (E xternal) Air Indoor Nooe Uncontrolled Deformation/

reduction in (External) struc tural capac ity Air w/Borated Water Leakage None (E xtern al) Raw Water Loss of Material (E xtern a l) Raw Water (External)

Loss of Material Aging NU REG Table Management 1801*Vol.2 1:1 3.X.1 '" 1: Note Program Item Item Structures Monitoring Program, Alkali-111.81 .2-1 Silica Reaction (T-29) 3.5.1-40 A, E, 517 (ASR) Monitoring Program Nooe Structures Monitoring Program, 111.81 .2-7 3.5.1-59 A, E, 520 Building (TP-5) Deformation Monitoring Program Boric Acid 111.81 .2-11 Corrosion (TP-25) 3.5.1-55 A Program ASME Section 111.81.1-11 H , 509 , XI, Subsec tion 3.5.1-49 IWF Program (TP-10) 514 A S ME Section 111.81 .1-11 XI, Subsection (TP-10) 3.5.1-49 A, 509 IWF Program SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 200 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Int e nd e d Component Type Fun c tion l*j .:1: A S ME Class 2/3 -S t ainless Structural Steel -in Treated Water Sup port ASME Class 2/3 Support -S t ructura l Carbon Steel -Exposed to Air Support Indoor Uncontrolled ASME Class 2/3 Support Structu ral Carbon Steel -in Air with Support Borated Water Leakage Baral Poison Sheet in Spen t Absorb Fuel Racks -in Treated Water Neutro ns Emergency Diesel Generator Struc tural (EOG) -Concrete -E xpos ed t o Support Air Indoor Un co ntrolled Emergency Diesel Gene rator Structural (EOG) -Lubrite -E xposed to Support Air Indoor Uncontroll ed M a t e rial Ii Stainless Steel Steel Steel Bora I Concrete Lubrite Tabl e 3.5.2-6 Supports S ummary of Aging Manag emen t E v a luation :I;

1:!i 11 Environment

' 1 Management

.,. 1 .1: .i: . , I . . " ::: Treated Bora t ed Loss of Materi a l Water (E xtern a l) Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of M aterial (Ext ernal) Air w/Bo rated Water Leakage Loss of Material (E xtern al) Treated Borated Reduction of N eutron Absorbing Wat er (E xte rnal) Capacity and Los s of Material Air Indoor Reduction in Concrete Anchor Uncontrolled Capacit y (External)

Air I ndoor Uncontrolled Loss of Mechanical Function (E xtern al) , *f *"' . *11 ., 1 1 11'1 I NUREG i1:

I 1:1* 1:1:1 ij Aging '" i .1:j 1;1 " I I *.: , 'I :: N ote :111, ' ' ':Ii 1 ao1 l v;o1.;.2 , . 3.X.1 , .. ,, 'I I 1 Item' ,, *1:.: ' .. 11 ,. I',,. 'Program "'ilil' 11 1 111 ltelljl 1.

  • Water Chemistry lll.A5-13 3.5.1-46 A Program (T-14) ASME Section lll.B1.2-10 XI, Subsection (T-2 4) 3.5.1-5 3 A IWF Program Boric Acid lll.B1 .2-11 Corrosion (TP-25) 3.5.1-55 A Program Baral Monitoring Vll.A2-5 3.3.1-13 A Program (A-88) S tructures M o nitoring Program, Alkali-lll.B4-1 Silica Reaction (T-2 9) 3.5.1-40 A, E, 5 1 7 (ASR) M onitoring Program Structures lll.B4-2 Monitoring (TP-1) 3.5.1-52 A Program SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 201 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

., ,: '.I Intended *'component Type Function Emergency Diesel Generator (EOG) Support -Carbon Steel -Struc tural Exposed to Air Indoor Support Uncontrolled HVAC System Components

-Structural Exposed to Air Outdoor Support HVAC System Components

-Structural Exposed to Air Outdoor Support HVAC System Components

-Structural Exposed to Air Outdoor Support l*I Material Steel Concrete Concrete Steel Table 3.5.2-6 Supports Summary of Aging Management Evaluation

' :, ',iJ 1'1 t*' :1:1'! I 1 111: 11 , 1

'ij., *

  • 11 :1'111111" :I Management 1:! ,,, . , ' *'j'I ' l::l:l'l:l"i:i:*


'li 1 :1:11 1: Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External)

Air Outdoor Reduction in Concrete Anchor (External)

Capacity Air Outdoor E xpansion and cracking (External)

Air Outdoor Deformation/reduction in (External) structura l capaci ty :1 Aging NU REG Table Management 1801,Vol.2 1*: J.X.1 Vci/. 1:1 Note '*** Prog , ram ;;,, 1:. j;1:': I ' ,' : T :.. . , 1 111 : Structures Monitoring 111.84-10 3.5.1-39 A Program (T-30) Structures Monitoring Program, Alkali-111.84-1 Silica Reaction 3.5.1-40 A, E, 517 (ASR) (T-29) Monitoring Program Structures Monitoring Program, Alkali Silica Reaction (ASR) 111.84-1 A,E, Monitoring 3.5.1-27 Program & (T-29) 517, 519 Building Deformation Monitoring Program Building Deformation lll.B4-1 3.5.1-61 A, E, 520 Monitoring (T-29) Program SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 202 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

'Intended Component Type Function 1:i HVAC System Components

-S tructural Exposed to Air Indoor Support New Fuel Storage Racks Support -Carbon Steel -Structural Exposed to Air Indoor Support Uncontrolled New Fuel Storage Racks Structural Support -Carbon Steel -in Air Support with Borated Water Leakage Non-ASME -Constant and Variable Load Spring Hangers -Structural Expos e d to Air Indoor Support Uncontrolled Non-ASME -Constant and Variable Load Spring Hangers -S tructural in Air with Borated Water Support Leakage . ' Material w1: **. Steel Steel Steel Steel S teel Tabl e 3.5.2-6 Supports Summary of Aging Management Evaluation

,'.!.' Aging Effect Requiring " Environment Management Air Ind o or Deformation/reduction in (External) structural int e grity Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External)

Air w/Borated Water Leakage Loss of Ma t erial (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss o f Mechani c al Function (External)

Air w/Borated Water Leakage Loss of M a terial (External)

';!Aging 1:1 :1: *1 '1

111 111.1 J*1,,:111:

Table .:rl:r 1 Management . 1801 Vol. 2 3.X.1 Program Item Item Note , j;i Building Deformation

/11.84-1 3.5.1-61 A, E, 519 Monitoring (T-29) Program Structures Monitoring Vll.A1-1 3.3.1-86 A Program (A-94) Boric Acid lll.B5-8 Corrosion (T-25) 3.5.1-55 A Program Structures Monitoring lll.B1.2-2 3.5.1-54 H, 514 Program (T-28) Boric Acid Corrosion lll.B1 .2-11 3.5.1-55 A Program (T-25)

SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 203 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

  • 1. Intended Component Type Fun c tion. Non-ASM E Piping & Components

-Concrete -S tructural Exposed to Air Indoor Support Uncontrolled Non-ASME Piping & Stru c tural Components

-Concrete -Support Exposed to Air Outdo o r Non-ASME Piping & Components

-Lubrite -Structural Exposed to Air Indoor Support Uncontrolled Non-ASME -Stainless Steel -Structural Exposed to Air Indoor Support Uncontrolled Material Concrete Concrete Lubrite Stainless Steel Table 3.5.2-6 Supports Summary of Aging Management Evaluation

  • '1'1 :i:' I I Aging , Effect Requiring Envir o nment ' 1 111 . I :J: .1 *1 +111.:IJ .. '1' Air Indoor Reduction in Concrete Anchor Uncontrolled Capacity (External)

Air Outdoo r Redu c tion i n Concrete Anchor (External)

Capacity Air Indoor Uncontrolled Los s of Mechan i cal Function (External)

Nooe Air Indoor Deformation/reduction in Uncontrolled stru c tural integrity (External)

Aging NU REG 'Table 1 1so1 vo1. 2 * . .

  • Management 3.X;1 Note 1 ,f 1_1 , 1 w Program*, ,i1' Ii
1* Structures Monitoring Program, Alkali-111.82-1 Sili c a Reaction (T-29) 3.5.1-40 A , E, 517 (ASR) Monitoring Program Structures Monitoring Program, Alkali-111.82-1 Silica Reaction (T-29) 3.5.1-40 A,E,517 (ASR) Monitoring Program S tructures Monitoring 111.82-2 3.5.1-52 A (TP-1) Program Nooe Structures Monitoring Program, & 111.81 .2-8 Building (TP-4) 3.5.1-59 A, E, 520 Deformation Monitoring Program SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 204 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission " *' Componenf Type Intended 'Function Non-ASM E Support -Carbon Structural Steel -Exposed to Air Indoor Support Uncontrolled Non-ASME Support -Carbon Structural Steel -Exposed to Air Outdoor Support Non-ASME Support -Carbon Structural Steel -in Air with Borated Support Water Leakage Panels -Aluminum -Exposed Structural to Air Indoor Uncontrolled Support Panels -Aluminum -in Air with Structural Borated Water Leakage Support Panels -Carbon Steel -Structural Exposed to Air Indoor Support Uncontrolled
  • I Mat eria l '1!1 1 ;!'I Steel Steel Steel Aluminum Aluminum Steel Table 3.5.2-6 Supports Summary of Aging Management Evaluation 1 Eriv , ironment Aging Effect Requiring r'. ,, Management 1* 1. 1 1 1 1 Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External)

Air Outdoor Loss of Material (External)

Air w/Borated Water Leakage Loss of Material (External)

Air Indoor Noo* Uncontrolled Deformation/reduction in (External) structural capacity Air w/Borated Water Leakage Loss of Material (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External)

Aging ,\'1l':1:ri NU REG Table Management 1801Vol.2 3.X.1 Note"':,. Program Item Item Structures lll.B2-10 Monitoring (T-30) 3.5.1-39 A Program Structures lll.B2-10 Monitoring 3.5.1-39 A Program (T-30) Boric Acid lll.B2-11 Corrosion (T-25) 3.5.1-55 A Program Noo* Structures Monitoring Program & lll.B3-2 3.5.1-58 A, E, 520 Building (TP-8) Deformation Monitoring Program Boric Acid lll.B3-4 Corrosion (T-3) 3.5.1-55 A Program Structures lll.B3-7 Monitoring (T-30) 3.5.1-39 A Program SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 205 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type , , 1 , Function ' I Panels -Carbon Steel -E xposed Structural to Air Outdoor Support Panels -Carbon Steel -in Air Structural with Borated Water Leakage Support Panels -Concrete -E xpo sed to S tructural Air Indoor Uncontrolled Support Panels -Concrete -E xpo sed to Structural Air Outdoor Sup port Material ':1: .:1* '.1:. Steel Steel Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-6 Supports Summary of Aging Management Evaluation

!'],* .:1 1'1'11.,:I' ' 11 Vl ,11'11i.1'Jt' Aging Effect Environment Management ' ' Air Outdoor Loss of Material (E xternal) Air w/Bor ated Water Leakage Loss of Material (E xternal) Air Indoor Reduction in Concrete Anchor Uncontrolled Capacit y (External)

Air Outdoor Reduction in Concrete Anchor (E xternal) Capacit y ,'1'1*1 11 1' ' ' i!]:ir NGREG ill 1 1: 'l' "* 'If ": 1!1, I *I* I 11 I I :, j;T abl'e* : 1 111 Ii: Management 1:. 1801 Yol. 2 1* I 3.X.1 11 IJI Ii; '] ll'i1:1 :I

  • Ji: Pr()g.ram 1'it!I
  • 11 i']i'1

.'*' i:I ,,.,,*, .. Item 1. . .,.,,,,, Structures lll.B3-7 Monitoring 3.5.1-39 A Program (T-30) Boric Acid lll.B3-8 Corrosion (T-25) 3.5. 1-55 A Program Structures Monitoring Program, Alkali-lll.B3-1 Silica Reaction (T-29) 3.5. 1-40 A, E, 517 (ASR) Monitoring Program Structures Monitoring Program, Alkali-lll.B3-1 Silica Reaction (T-2 9) 3.5. 1-40 A, E, 517 (ASR) Monitoring Program SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 206 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function Platform -Concrete -Exposed Structural to Air Indoor Uncontrolled Support Platform -Concrete -Exposed S tructural to Air Outdoor Support Platform Supports -Carbon Structural Steel -Exposed to Air Indoor Support Uncontrolled Platform Supports -Carbon Structural Steel -E x posed to Air Outdoor Support Platform Supports -Carbon Structura l Steel -Exposed to Air Indoor Support Uncontrolled Material Concrete Concrete Steel Steel S teel Table 3.5.2-6 Supports Summary of Aging Management Evaluation

-;I j'l
I: Jl:i 1;i.1; 111' _:j:i Aging Effect Requiring I Environment Management Air Indoor Reduction in Concrete Anchor Uncontrolled (External)

Capacit y Air Outdoor Reduction in Concrete Anchor (External)

Capaci ty Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of Material (E xternal) Air Outdoor Los s of Material (E xternal) Air Indoor Deformati o n/reduction in Un co ntr o lled s tru c tural capacity (External) 1 .* Aging NUREGlii 1 1 **:*Table I:! I 1801 Vol. 2 ., ' Management 1* 3.X.1 N ote Program Item *lte.m Structures Monitoring Program , Alkali-111.85-1 Silica Reaction 3.5.1-40 A,E,517 (ASR) (T-29) M onitoring Program Structures Monitoring Program, Alkali-111.85-1 Silica Reaction (T-29) 3.5.1-40 A , E,517 (ASR) Monit oring Program Structures 111.85-7 Monitoring (T-30) 3.5.1-39 A Program Structures 111.85-7 Monitoring 3.5.1-39 A , 503 Program (T-30) Structures 111.85-7 Monitoring (T-30) 3.5.1-59 E, 520 Program, BD SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 207 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Fun c tion Platform Supports -Carbon Structural Steel -Exposed to Air Support Outdoor Platform Supports -Carbon Structural Steel -in Air with Borated Support Water Leakage Spent Fuel Rack Support -Structural Stainless Steel -in Treated Water S upport Thermal Insulation Aluminum Structural Jacketing

-Expo s ed to Air Support Indoor Uncontrolled Thermal Insulation Stainless Structural Steel Jacketing

-Exposed to Air Support Indoor Uncontrolled Material Steel Steel Stainless Steel Aluminum Stainless Steel Table 3.5.2-6 Supports Summary of Aging Management Evaluation "

  • Aging Effect Requ.iring Environment Management Air Outdoor Deformation/redu c tion in (External) structural capacity Air w/Borated Water Leakage Loss of Material (External)

Treated Borated Cracking Water (E xternal) Air Indoor Nooe Uncontrolled Deformation/redu c tion in (External) stru c tural capacity Air Indoor Nooe Uncontrolled Deformation/reduction in (External) s tructural capacity Aging NU REG Table Management 1801 Yol. 2 3.X.1 Note Program Item Item Structures lll.B5-7 Monitoring (T-30) 3.5.1-61 E, 520 Program, BD Boric Acid lll.B5-8 Corrosion (T-25) 3.5.1-55 A Program Water Chemistry Vll.A2-7 3.3.1-90 A, 507 Program (A-97) Nooe Building lll.B2-4 Deformation (TP-8) 3.5.1-58 A , E, 520 Monitoring Program Nooe Building lll.B2-8 Deformation (TP-4) 3.5.1-59 A , E, 520 Monitoring Program SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 208 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Table 3.5.2-6 Supports Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Standard Notes Note Description A Consistent with NUREG-1801 item for component, material, environment, and aging effect. AMP is consistent with NUREG-1801 AMP. B Consistent with NUREG-1801 item for component, material, environment, and aging effect. AMP takes some exceptions to NUREG-1801 AMP. C Component is different, but consistent with NUREG-1801 item for material, environment, and aging effect. AMP is consistent with NUREG-1801 AMP. D Component is different, but consistent with NUREG-1801 item for material, environment, and aging effect. AMP takes some exceptions to NUREG-1801 AMP. E Consistent with NUREG-1801 for material, environment and aging effect, but a different aging management program is credited or NUREG-1801 identifies a plant-specific aging management program. F Material not in NUREG-1801 for this component.

G Environment not in NUREG-1801 for this component and material.

H Aging effect not in NUREG-1801 for this component, material and environment combination. I Aging effect in NUREG-1801 for this component, material and environment combination is not applicable.

J Neither the component nor the material and environment combination is evaluated in NUREG-1801.

501 Not used. 502 Aging effect includes "Fretting or Lockup" due to wear. 503 Crevice and pitting will be included along with loss of material-corrosion due to a saltwater atmosphere environment.

504 Fatigue analysis exists and TLAA applies. 505 Built-up roofing is not in GALL; lll.A6-12 is for elastomer-material is similar, aging effect is similar, environment is same, and AMP is Structures Monitoring.

506 Component is cementitious fire proofing/insulating material and will exhibit similar aging effects as concrete. 507 Spent Fuel Pool temperature<

60°C (<140° F); water chemistry and temperatu r e will be maintained by the Water Chemistry Program. 508 Cracking, loss of bond, and loss of material (spalling, scaling)/corrosion of embedded steel-is not listed in GALL 111.A.6 as an aging effect for concrete in raw water. Seabrook manages this effect with Structures Monitoring Program. 509 For aging management purposes, buried, below grade, soil, and ground water/ raw & treated water environments are treated the same. 510 Reduction in concrete anchor capacity is an aging effect that is addressed in LRAM-SUPT. 511 At Seabrook Station, Xl,.S7 RG 1.127, Inspection of Water-Control Structures Associated with Nuclear Power Plants" and Xl,.S5 "Masonry Wall Program" are combined under Xl,.S6 "Structures Monitoring Program".

512 Raw water in lined & unlined concrete sumps.

SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 209 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 513 Seabrook Station will age manage this condition through the Fire Protection Program. 514 Seabrook Station will age manage this condition through the Structures Monitoring Program. 515 Increased hardness , shrinkage , or loss of strength of elastomer seals due to weathering is addressed by GALL only for Fire Barrier seals. Seabrook Station will manage such aging effects for non-Fire Barrier elastomer seals with the Structures Monitoring Program. 516 Seabrook Station Structures Monitoring Program will perform concrete testing and rebar inspection to determine the effects of the aggressive groundwater on the concrete. The concrete testing and the rebar inspection will represent all concrete below grade. 517 After initial identification and determination of the presence of alkali-silica reactivity by the Structures Monitoring Program, Seabrook Station will age manage this condition through the Alkali-S ilica Reaction (A SR) Monitoring Program. 519 After initial identifi ca tion of alkali-silica reaction (A SR) induced building deformation by the S tructures Monitoring Program , Seabrook Station will age manage thi s condition through the Alkali-S ilica Reaction (A SR) Monitoring Program and the Building Deformation Monitoring Program. 520 After initial identification of alkali-silica reaction (A SR) indu ced building deformation affecting plant equipment and components by the Structures Monitoring Program, Seabrook S tation will age manage thi s condi tion through the Building Deformation Monitoring Program.

SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 210 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function TUR -Aluminum -in Air Indoor Structural Uncontrolled Support TUR -Built-Up Roofing -Structural Exposed to Air Outdoor S upport TUR -Carbon Steel -Expo s ed Structural to Air Outdoor S upport TUR -Carbon Steel -in Air Structural Indoor Uncontrolled Support TUR -Concrete (Sump) -Structural Exposed to Raw Water Support Material Aluminum Roofing S teel Steel Concrete Table 3.5.2-7 Turbine Building Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Aging Effect Requiring Environment Management Air Indoor Uncontrolled None (Ext e rnal) Air Outdoor S epa r at io n, E nvironmental (External)

Degrad a t i on, Water In-Leakage Air Outdoor Los s of M a terial (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled Loss of M a terial (External)

Raw Water Cracking, Los s of Bond, Loss of (E xternal) M a teri a l (S palling, Scaling) Aging NU REG Table Management 1801 Vol. 2 3.X.1 Note Program Item Item None 111.83-2 3.5.1-58 A Structures Ill .A6-12 Monitoring 3.5.1-44 H , 505 Program , (TP-7) Structures Ill .A3-12 Monitoring 3.5.1-25 A, 503 Program (T-11) Structures Ill .A3-12 Monitoring (T-11) 3.5.1-25 A Program Structures Ill .A3-4 Monitoring 3.5.1-31 A , 509 Program (T-05)

SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 211 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Typ e Fun c tion TUR -Concrete (Sump) -Structural Exposed to Raw Wat e r S upport TUR -Concrete -E xpo s ed t o Air S tructural Outdoor S upport TUR -Concrete -Exposed to Air S tructural Outdoor S upport TUR -Concrete -Exposed to Air S tructural Outdoor S upport ,!j Material Concrete Concrete C oncrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-7 Turbine Building S ummary of Aging Manag e m e nt Evaluation I Aging E ff ect R e quiring Envir o nm e nt Man a g e ment Raw Water (External)

E xpa ns i on a n d Cracking Air Outdoor C ra c king, Loss o f Bond, Loss of (E xterna l) M a t er ia l (S pall i ng, S caling) Air Outdoor E xpa n s i o n a n d C racking (E xterna l) Air Outdoor I ncrea s e i n P oros i ty and (E xternal) P ermea b il i ty, C racking, Loss of Material (S p a ll i ng, S cal i ng) *.Aging I. NUREG Table *:1:,:;:r:

3.x.1 ,:j' Managemen.t 1801 Vol. 2 :. Note* Program Item Item Structures Monitoring Program , Alkali-Ill .A3-2 Silica Reaction (T-03) 3.5.1-27 A, 517 (ASR) Monitoring Prog r am Structures Ill .A3-9 Monitoring 3.5.1-23 A Program (T-04) Structures Monitoring Program , Alkali-Ill .A3-2 3.5.1-27 A, 517 Silica Reaction (T-03) (A S R) Monitoring Structures Ill .A3-10 Monitoring (T-06) 3.5.1-24 A Program SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 212 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Component Type Intend ed Function TUR -Concrete -E xposed to Air I St ructural Outdoor Support TUR -Concrete -in Air Indoor Uncontrolled TUR -Concrete -in Air In door Uncontrolled TUR -Concrete -in Air Indoor Uncontrolled I St ructural Support S tructural Support I Structural Support TUR -Concrete Ma son ry Units -I Structura l in Air Indoor Uncontrolled Support M a terial I Concrete I Concrete Concrete I Concrete I Concrete Block Table 3.5.2-7 Turbine Building Summary of Aging Manag emen t Evaluation Environment I Air Outdoor (External)

Air Indoor I Uncontrolled (E xternal) Air Indoor Uncontrolled (External)

Air Indoor I Uncontrolled (E xterna l) Air Indo or I Uncontrolled (External)

  • :i:1.I: : Aging Effec t Requiring Management I Loss of Material , Cracking Aging Man ageme nt Program 1 Structures Monitoring Program --Cracking , Loss of Bond, Loss of M .t . I . I Structures Material (Spalling, Scaling)

E xp ansion and Cracking Increase i n Porosit y and Permeability , Crac king , Loss of Material (Spalling , Scal ing) Cracking Structures Monitoring Program , AlkaliSilica Reaction (ASR) Monitoring Structures Monitoring Program Structures Monitoring Program NU REG 1801 Vol. 2 Item Ill .A3-6 (T-01) Ill .A3-9 (T-04) Ill .A3-2 (T-03) I Ill .A3-10 (T-0 6) I Ill .A3-11 (T-12) Table 3.X.1 Item 3.5.1-26 3.5.1-23 3.5.1-27 I 3.5.1-24 I 3.5.1-43 Note A A A , 517 IA IA SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 213 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Component Type Intended Function TUR -Fire Penetration Seal -in Fire Barrier Air Indoor Uncontrolled TUR -Fire Penetration Seal -in Fire Barrier Air Indoor Uncontrolled TUR -Penetration Seal -Structural Exposed to Air Outdoor Support Material Elastomer Elastomer Elastomer Table 3.5.2-7 Turbine Building Summary of Aging Management Evaluation I' 1,i; .1,., '* ,I* Environment Aging Effect Requiring Management Air Indoor Incr eased Hardness, Shrinkage Uncontrolled (External) and Loss of Strength Air Indoor Increased Hardness, Shrinkage Uncontrolled (External) and Loss of Strength Air Outdoor I ncreased Hardness , Shrinkage (External) and Loss of Strength Aging NU REG Table Management 1801 Vol. 2 3.X.1 Note Program Item Item Fire Protection Vll.G-1 3.3.1-61 A Program (A-19) Structures Vll.G-1 Monitoring 3.3.1-61 E , 514 Program (A-19) Struc t ures V l l.G-2 Monitoring 3.3.1-61 E , 515 Program (A-20)

SB K-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 2 1 4 U.S. Nu clear Regulatory Commission Table 3.5.2-7 Turbine Building Summary of Aging Management Evaluat i on S t andard N otes N ote Description A Consistent w ith NUREG-180 1 item for component , material , environment , and aging effect. AMP is consistent with NUREG-1 80 1 AMP. B Cons i stent wi th NUREG-180 1 item for component , material , environment , and aging effect. AMP takes some e x cept i ons to N UREG-180 1 AMP. C Component i s d i fferent , but consistent wi th NUREG-1801 item for material , environment, and aging effect. A M P i s consisten t wit h N UREG-180 1 AMP. D Component is different , but consistent with NUREG-1801 item for material, environment, and aging effect. A M P ta k es some e x cep t ions to N UREG-1801 A M P. E Consistent with NUREG-1801 for materia l, environment and aging effect , but a different aging management program i s credited o r N UREG-1801 i dent i fies a plan t-spec ifi c aging management program. F M aterial not in NUREG-180 1 for th i s component.

G En vi ronment not in NUREG-1801 for th i s component and material.

H Aging effect not in NUREG-1801 for this component , material and environment combination.

I Aging effect in NUREG-1801 for this component, material and environment combination is not applicable.

J Neither t he component nor the mater i al and environment combination is evaluated in NUREG-1801. 50 1 N ot used. 502 Aging effect i ncludes "Fretting or Lockup" due to w ear. 503 Crevice and pitting will be included along w ith loss of material-corros i on due to a saltwater atmosphere environmen

t. 50 4 Fatigue analysis ex i sts and TLAA applies. 505 Bui l t-up roofing is not in GALL; l ll.A6-12 is for elastomer-material is similar , aging effect is similar , envi r onment i s same , and A M P i s S t ruc t ures M on i to r ing. 506 Compo n ent is cementitious fi re proo fi ng/insulating mater i al and will e x hibit similar aging effects as concre t e. 507 Spen t Fuel Poo l tempera t ure< 60°C (<1 40° F); w ater chemistry and temperature will be mainta i ned b y the Wa t e r Chem i s t ry Prog r am. 508 Cracking , loss of bond , and loss of material (spalling , scaling)/corrosion of embedded steel-is not listed in GALL 111.A.6 as an aging effec t for concrete in r a w w ate r. Seabrook manages this effect w ith Structures Monitoring Program. 509 For ag i ng management purposes , bur i ed , belo w grade , soil , and ground water/ raw & treated water environments a r e t reated t he same. 5 1 0 Reduction in concrete ancho r capacit y is an aging effect that is addressed in LRAM-SUPT.

5 11 At Seab r ook S tation , Xl.S7 " RG 1.127 , I nspect i on of Water-Control Structures Assoc i ated with Nuclea r Po w er P l ants" a n d XI.SS "M ason ry Wa ll Program" are combine d under Xl.S6 " Structures Monitor i ng Program". 5 1 2 Raw w ater in lined & unlined concrete sumps. 513 Seabrook Station will age manage this cond i tion through the Fire Protection Program. 5 14 Seabroo k Station will age manage this condition through the Structures Monitoring Program. 515 I ncreased hardness , shrinkage , or l oss of strength of elastomer seals due to weather i ng is addressed by GALL o n ly f or Fi r e Barrier seals. Seabroo k S t a t ion wi ll ma n age such aging effects for non-F i re Barrier e l astomer seals w ith the Structures Monitoring Program. 5 1 6 Seabroo k Station Structures M onitoring Program w ill perform concrete testing and reba r inspection to de t ermine t he effec ts o f the aggressive ground w ater on the concrete. The concrete testing and the rebar inspection will represe n t all concrete be l ow grade. 5 1 7 After i n it ia l identification and determination of the presence of alkali-silica reac t ivity by t he S t ruc tu res M on it o rin g Progra m, Sea br oo k S t a ti o n will age manage t his condit i on through t he Alkali-Silica Reac t ion (ASR) Moni t oring Program.

SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 215 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function WCS -Built-Up Roofing -SERV I CE WATER COOLING Shelter , TOWER Including Switchgear Protection Rooms in Air Outdoor WCS -Built-Up Roofing -SERVICE WATER Shelter , PU M PHOUSE in Air Outdoor Protection WCS -Carbon S teel Door -SERV I CE WATER COOLING She lter, TOWER Including S wi tchgear Pro t ection Rooms in Air Outdoor W CS -Carbon Stee l Door -SERVICE WAT ER COOLING Structura l TWR Including S w g r Rms in Air Support I ndoor Uncontrolled WCS -Ca rbon Steel Door -SERVICE WATER Structural PU M PHOUSE in Air I ndoor Supp ort Uncontrolled WCS -Carbon Stee l Door -She lt er , SERVICE WATER Protection PUMPHOUSE in Air Outdoor Table 3.5.2-8 Water Control S tructures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Aging Material Environment Management Separation , Environmen t al Air Outdoor Roofing (External)

Degradation, Water In-Leakage Separation , Environmental Roofing Air Outdoor Degradation , Water In-(External) Leakage Stee l Air Outdoor Loss of M aterial (External)

Air Indoor Steel Uncontrolled Loss of Material (E xt ernal) Air Indoor Steel Uncontrolled Loss of Material (E xt ernal) Air Outdoor Stee l (E xt ernal) Loss of Material *:11 Aging NU REG.1 1801 Tab M anagemen t Vol. 2 Item 3.X.1 N o t e Program It em I Structures Monitoring Program , Bu ilding lll.A 6-12 H , 505 , Deformation (T P-7) 3.5.1-44 E , 520 M on it oring Program Structures M onitoring Program, Building lll.A 6-12 3.5.1-44 H , 505 , Deformation (TP-7) E , 520 M o nit or ing Program Structures Monitoring lll.A3-12 3.5.1-25 A , 503 (T-11) Program Structu r es lll.A3-1 2 Monitor ing (T-11) 3.5.1-25 A Program Struc tures lll.A3-1 2 Monit oring (T-11) 3.5.1-25 A P rogr am Structures lll.A3-12 Monitoring (T-11) 3.5.1-25 A , 503 Program SBK-L-17 1 55 I Enclosure 2/ Page 216 U.S. N uclear Regulatory Commission Component Type Intended Function WCS -Carbon Steel Fire Door -SERVICE WATER COOLING Fire Barrier TWR Including Swgr Rms in Air Indoor Uncontrolled WCS -Carbon Steel Fire Door -SERVICE WATER Fire Barrier PUMPHOUSE in Air Indoor Uncontrolled WCS -Carbon Steel -SERV ICE WATER COOLING TOWER S tructural Includ i ng Switchgear Rooms in Supp ort A i r Outdoor WCS -Carbon Steel -SERV IC E Structural WATER COOLING TOWER in Support Raw Water WCS -Carbon Steel -SERVICE S tructural WATER COOLING TOWER in Support Raw Water WCS -Carbon Steel -SERVICE Structural WATER COOLING TOWER in Support Raw Water Table 3.5.2-8 Water Control Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation 1:l I: '*' :, . Fl"I' Material Environment

Aging Effect Requiring Managem en t Air Indoor Steel Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External)

Air Indoor Steel Uncontrolled Loss of Mate rial (External)

Steel Air Outdoor Loss of Material (E xternal) Raw Water Steel (E xternal) Loss of Material Raw Water Steel (External) Loss of Material Raw Water Steel (External)

Loss of Material Aging n* .Jab l e Management NUREG 18P1 *: 3.X.1 Note Program Vol. 2 Item ltein Fire Protection Vll.G-3 3.3. 1-63 A Program (A-2 1) Fire Protection Vll.G-3 3.3. 1-63 A Program (A-21) Structures Monitoring lll.A3-12 3.5. 1-25 A , 503 (T-11) Program Structures 11 1.A6-1 1 Monitoring (T-2 1) 3.5.1-47 E, 511 Program Structures l l l.A6-1 1 Monitoring (T-21) 3.5.1-47 E , 51 1 Program Structures 111.A6-11 Monitoring (T-21) 3.5.1-47 H, 511 Program SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 217 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Component Type WCS -Carbon Steel -SERVICE WATER COOLING TOWER in Raw Water WCS -Carbon Steel -SERVICE WATER COOLING TWR Including Swgr Rms in Air Indoor Uncontrolled WCS -Carbon Steel -SERVICE WATER PUMPHOUSE in Air Indoor Uncontrolled WCS -Carbon Steel -SERVICE WATER PUMPHOUSE in Raw Water WCS -Carbon Steel -SERVICE WATER PUMPHOUSE in Raw Water WCS -Carbon Steel -SERVICE WATER PUMPHOUSE in Raw Water Intended Function Structural Support Structural Support Structural Support Structural Support Structural Support Structural Support Material Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Table 3.5.2-8 Water Control Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Raw Water (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled (External)

Raw Water (External)

Raw Water (External)

Raw Water (External) . I -; ... , .Table .. , * . Agmg NUREG 180 , 1 11 1 :::, 3* x*. I ' * * ' ' 'II I 1:11:1!11.,.

  • , *1* '.A. g __ in_ g
  • I . ' M_
  • anagemen_ t. *I.* " Vol_:_, z_ ltery:i_ wi" I . ,, Item* .. ; . *:1:1: Management

" 1**' 1*1 , * *l:i1 Program ,, *1:. , "I* l:i:." 1 :1 *1* " '1* I .. J, *,*1*::1:i:1:

  • 1;1 :1; . !* ' ' ' 1. iii I Ii. Note 1: Loss of Material Loss of Material Loss of Material Loss of Material Loss of Material Loss of Material Structures Monitoring Program Structures Monitoring Program Structures Monitoring Program Structures Monitoring Program Structures Monitoring Program Structures Monitoring Program lll.A6-11 (T-21) lll.A3-12 (T-11) lll.A3-12 (T-11) lll.A6-11 (T-21) lll.A6-11 (T-21) lll.A6-11 (T-21) 3.5.1-47 I E, 511 3.5.1-25 I A 3.5.1-25 I A 3.5. 1-47 I E, 511 3.5. 1-47 I E, 511 3.5.1-47 I H, 511 S BK-L-1 7 1 55 I En clos ure 2/ Pa ge 2 1 8 U.S. N uc l ear R egu l ato ry C o mmi ss i o n *1;. , I ntended' Component Type Funct i o n ,' 1 ' ' WCS -Carbon Stee l -SERV I CE Structural W A TER PU M PHOUSE in Raw Support W ater WCS -Carbon Steel -SERV I CE Shelter, W ATER PUMPHOUSE Siding in Air I ndoor Uncontrolled Protection WCS -Carbon Steel -SERVICE Shelter , W ATER PUMPHOU S E Siding in Ai r Outdoor Protection WCS -Concrete -Structural CIRCULAT IN G WATER PU M P H OUSE Belo w Grade Support W CS -Concrete -Structural CIRCULATI N G WATER Support PU M PHOUSE Belo w Grade Tab l e 3.5.2-8 W a t er Contro l Structures Summary of Aging M anagement Eva l uat i o n ,I ,I :j:'J',, ,' ,,, j.11, :t Aging Effect Requ i r ir;i g ,, , Materia l Environment Managemen t '1 '!:'" ii: ; ' Ra w Water Steel (External)

Loss of Material Air Indoor Steel Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External)

Air Outdoor Steel Loss of Material (External)

Ground Cracking, Loss of Bond, Loss Concrete Water/Soil (External) of Material (Spalling, Sca l ing) Ground Concrete Water/Soil Expansion and Cracking (External) ,;p,, I A. I :I l'l'I 'if:, 11 'I ilJ1:1j 11'*1 T b l I:*, i 1:11:, ,, m o g 'i: ,;lil:i :1:1 N UREG*l 1 ao t l ii , 1 , ,., , a 1 e ,, l ffl N o t e M a n ageme nt :::,, ::1ti:**l1

  • t.1 t'11l**1 'I ,: ' 1 1 3.X.1 1:1 i' P r og r a m. ,. ' 1 N o l;1 2 It e m ,' 1!,,:'::11 1 ,i I, ., I* lt em 1. :. 1:1, ' " Structures lll.A6-11 M oni t oring (T-2 1) 3.5.1-47 E, 5 11 Progra m S t ructures lll.A3-12 M onitoring 3.5.1-25 A Program (T-11) S t ructures lll.A3-1 2 M onitor i ng 3.5.1-25 A , 503 Program (T-11) Structu r es 111.A3-4 M onitori n g 3.5. 1-31 A Program (T-05) Structures M onitoring Program , A lk al i-Silica Reac ti on (ASR) ll l.A3-2 A, E , M oni t o r ing (T-03) 3.5. 1-27 5 1 7 , 5 19 Program & B uil d in g Defo rm a t io n M o nit o rin g Proara m SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 219 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission lntende'd tlii ' Component Type Function WCS -Concrete -Structural CIRCULATING WATER Support PUMPHOUSE Below Grade WCS -Concrete -Structural CIRCULATING WATER Support PUMPHOUSE Below Grade WCS -Concrete -Structural CIRCULATING WATER Support PUMPHOUSE Below Grade WCS -Concrete -CIRCULATING WATER Structural PUMPHOUSE in Air Indoor Support Uncontrolled WCS -Concrete -CIRCULATING WAT ER Struct ural PUMPHOUSE in Air I ndoor Support Un con trolled " 1:111 i:. 1 Material 111 1*1 ' Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-8 Water Control St ructures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation

'1'1 Environment Aging Effect Requiring 11 ;(:1 :I::. Ah:', 1 I; Management

,1*1 .. 1!' ""' ,,, ,,. Ground Increa se in Porosity and Water/Soil Permeability, Cracking, Loss (Externa l) of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Ground Increase in Porosity and Water/Soil Permeability, Loss of (Ext ernal) Strength Ground Water/Soil Loss of Material, Cracking (E xterna l) Air Indoor Uncontrolled Cracking, Loss of Bond , Loss of Material (Spalling, Scaling) (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled E xpa nsion and Crac king (External) .1 I J1 lJ I 1*1 :j ,.'"J:,'i


"'1'1' t Table l".i:i:' ,;j: 111: il:I, . ' Aging:iJ , . NUREG 1801 'I' 'Ii .Iii Management 1 3.X.1 1 Note lil'I Vol. 2 Item Program Item , t1/m1****., :1 Structures lll.A3-5 Monitoring (T-0 7) 3.5.1-31 A Program Structures lll.A3-7 Monitoring (T-02) 3.5.1-32 A, 509 Program Structures lll.A3-6 Monitoring (T-0 1) 3.5.1-26 A Program Structures Monitoring lll.A3-9 3.5.1-23 A (T-0 4) Program Structures Monitoring Program, Alkali-Silica Reaction (A SR) lll.A3-2 A , E, Monitoring (T-03) 3.5.1-27 517, 519 Program & Building Deformation Monitoring

Proqram SBK-L-1 7155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 220 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function *1:1 WCS -Concrete -CIRCULATING WATER Structura l PUMPHOUSE in Air Indoor Support Uncontrolled WCS -Concrete -Shelter , CIRCULATING WATER PUMPHOUSE in Air Outdoor Protection WCS -Concrete -CIRCULATING WATER Shelter, Protection PUMPHOUSE in Air Outdoor WCS -Concrete -Shelter , C I RCULATING WATER Protection PUMPHOUSE in Air Outdoor WCS -Concrete -Shelter , CIRCULATING WATER PUMPHOUSE in Air Outdoor Protection Material 'I' Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-8 Water Contro l Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation ii! I 11m '1:1:1,!i I I'll', ' ' A in 'I Effect Re u irin , Environment . I *,:l.g l g l , l'l.1.1." 1111*.q :* .. 1: *l g l*I: !*1'l1 1 Management 1:1 *1 {

  • I J .I . Air Indoor Increase in Porosity and Uncontrolled Permeability, Cracking , Loss (External) of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Air Outdoor Cracking, Loss of Bond, Loss (External) of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Air Outdoor Expansion and Cracking (External)

Air Outdoor Incre ase in Porosity and (External)

Permeability , Cracking, Lo ss of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Air Outdoor Loss of Material, Cracking (External)

i.1 Aging Table 111
1 NU REG 180 , 1 , .1: '3.:X.1 H 1: M anagemen t V I I 1 1 1* N ote H. :I. ' , .,: ' ' ilj I ii:? "/Tu: m !*,:," l 1f ' 1 1:1 1:1!: },. 1.:1!ji1*.;1:-* ep1 1n 1. i' Structures lll.A 3-10 Monitoring (T-06) 3.5.1-24 A Program Structures 111.A3-9 Monitoring 3.5.1-23 A Program (T-04) Structures Monitoring Program , Alkali-Silica Reac t ion (ASR) Monitoring ll l.A3-2 3.5.1-27 A, E, Program & (T-03) 517 , 5 19 Bu ilding Deformation M oni t oring Program Structures lll.A 3-10 Monitoring (T-06) 3.5.1-2 4 A Program Structures lll.A3-6 Monitoring 3.5.1-26 A Program (T-01)

SBK-L-17155 I Enclosur e 2/ Page 221 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission In tended Component Type Function WCS -Concrete -St ructural C IR CULAT IN G WAT ER Support PUMPHOUSE i n Raw Water WCS -Concrete -CIRCULATING WATER Structura l Support PUMPHOUSE i n Raw Water WCS -Concrete -St ructural C IR CULATING WAT ER Support PUMPHOUSE in Ra w Water WCS -Concrete -Structural CIRCULATING WATER Support PUMPHOUSE in Ra w Water WCS -Concrete -SERVICE WATER COOLING TOWER Structural Including S wit chgear Rooms Sup port Belo w Grade Material Concrete Conc r ete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-8 Water Control S tru ctures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation I Aging Effect Requiring Environment Management Raw Water Cracking , Loss of Bond , Loss (External) of Material (Spalling, Scal in g) Raw Water E xpansion and Crack ing (E xternal) Raw Water Increase in Porosity and (External)

Permeability, Lo ss of Strength Ra w Water (Extern a!) Loss o f Material G ro und Water/Soil Cracking, Loss of Bond , Loss (External) of Material (Spalling , Scaling) *, Agiri'9'J, ilt, , 1 1!1 ,. *11 i:l:1*1*1:t::l 1* ,, + ii ,I .. NU REG 1801 1 M anagement V ol. 2 It em 3.X.1 Note .. Program It em Structures lll.A3-4 M oni t or ing (T-05) 3.5.1-3 1 A , 509 Program Structures M onitoring Program , Alka l i-Silica Reaction (A SR) M onito ri ng lll.A3-2 3.5.1-27 A, E, Program & (T-03) 517, 5 19 Bu ilding Deformation M on it or ing Program Structures lll.A3-7 M onitoring (T-02) 3.5.1-32 A Program Structures lll.A6-7 M on it oring (T-2 0) 3.5.1-45 E , 5 11 Program S t ructures Monito ring lll.A3-4 3.5.1-31 A Program (T-05)

SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 222 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function WCS -Concrete -SERVICE WATER COOLING TOWER Structural Including Switchgear Rooms Support Below Grade WCS -Concrete -SERVICE WATER COOLING TOWER Structural Including Switchgear Rooms Support Below Grade WCS -Concrete -SERV ICE WATER COOLING TOWER Structural Including Switchgear Rooms Support Below Grade WCS -Concrete -SERVICE WATER COOLING TOWER Structural Including Switchgear Rooms Support Below Grade WCS -Concrete -SERVICE WATER COOLING TOWER Missile Barrier Including Switchgear Rooms in Air Outdoor Table 3.5.2-8 Water Control Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Aging Effect Requiring' 'l Material Environment Management Ground Concrete Water/Soil Expansion and Cracking (External)

Ground Increase in Porosity and Concrete Water/Soil Permeability, Cracking , Loss (External) of Material (Spalling , Scaling) Ground Increase in Porosity and Concrete Water/Soil Permeability, Loss of (External)

Strength Ground Concrete Water/Soil Loss of Material, Cracking (External)

Cracking, Loss of Bond, Loss Concrete Air Outdoor (External) of Material (Spa lling, Scaling) *';1::1l'i1 Agin'g II l:i: :li:ll'"'

'1:l:::,,:al:111l:1:*1:1::1 l' ,11 1:1: .l iable ;;* ' Management . NLJREG, 1801 , '*3.X.1 " Note iJ Vol. 2 Item *Item Program Structures Monitoring Program , Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) A , E, Monitoring lll.A3-2 3.5.1-2 7 Program & (T-03) 517 , 519 Building Deformation Monitoring Program Structures l ll.A3-5 Monitoring (T-07) 3.5.1-31 A Program Structures lll.A3-7 Monitoring (T-02) 3.5.1-32 A , 509 Program Structures l ll.A3-6 Monitoring (T-01) 3.5.1-26 A Program Structures lll.A3-9 Monitoring (T-04) 3.5.1-2 3 A Program SBK-L-1 7155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 223 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission r ' *I* !:I Component Type Intended Function WCS -Concrete -SERVICE WATER COOLING TOWER Shelter, Including Switchgear Rooms in Protection Air Outdoor WCS -Concrete -SERVICE WATER COOLING TOWER Miss i le Barrier Including Switchgear Rooms in Air Outdoor WCS -Concrete -SERV I CE WATER COOLING TOWER Shelter , Including Switchgear Rooms in Protection Air Outdoor WCS -Concrete -SERVICE WATER COOLING TOWER Including Switchgear Rooms in Missile Barrier Air Outdoor ,, :i: Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-8 Water Control Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation

Aging Effect Requiring Environmer:it Management ii. Jfli] ' ljjlll ,. 'I' Air Outdoor Cracking, Loss of Bond, Loss (External) of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Air Outdoor Expansion and Cracking (External)

Air Outdoor (External)

Expansion and Cracking Inc rease in Porosity and Air Outdoor (External)

Permeability, Cracking, Loss of Material (Spa lling , Scaling) 'Aging I* l'.I . ' '".*'*I* .,.1 . l'li'll1

11 11li . NUREG 1801' Table* *'*1' Ji ,::,-:.:Ii


Management 3.X.1 . "Ir Vol. 2 I tem N ote t'*i!ii:I Program Item :I:: :J:1 Structures Monitoring ll l.A3-9 3.5.1-23 A Program (T-04) Structures Monitoring Program , Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) Monitoring l l l.A3-2 3.5.1-27 A, E, Program & (T-03) 517, 519 Building Deformatio n M onitor i ng Program Structures Monitoring Program, Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) l l l.A3-2 A, E, Monitoring (T-03) 3.5.1-27 517, 519 Program & Building Deformatio n M on i toring Proara m Structures l l l.A3-10 Monitoring (T-06) 3.5.1-24 A Program S BK-L-1 71 55 I En closure 2/ P age 22 4 U.S. Nu c l e ar Regulatory Commissi on Intended Component Type Fun c t i on WCS -Concrete -SERV I C E WATER COOLING TOWER She l ter , I ncluding S w itchgear Rooms in Protection A i r Outdoo r WCS -Concrete -SERVICE WATER COOLING TOW E R Missile Barrier Including S w itchgear Rooms in A i r Outdoo r WCS -Concrete -SERVICE WA T ER COOLING TOW E R Shelter , Inc l uding S w itchgear Room s in Protec t ion Ai r Outdoor WCS -Concrete -SERVI C E Structural WATER COOLI N G TOWER in Ra w Water Support W CS -Concre te -SERVI C E U l timate Hea t WATER COOLI N G TOWER in Sin k Ra w Wa t e r WCS -Concrete -SERVI C E Structural WAT E R COOLING TOWER in S upport Ra w Water Table 3.5.2-8 Water Control S tructures Summary of Aging Management Evaluatio n iji ' *'*1: I 11

  • Aging Effect Requiring M ateria l Environment Increase i n Porosity and Concrete Air Outdoor Permeability , C r acking , Loss (E xt ernal) of Material (S pall i ng , S cal i ng) Concrete Air Outdoor Lo s s o f M a terial, Cracking (E x ternal) Concre t e Air Outdoor Loss of Material , Crac k ing (External) Cracking, L oss of Bond, Loss Ra w Wate r Concrete (E x ternal) of M at eria l (S palling, Scaling) Crack i ng, Loss of Bond , Loss Raw Water Concrete (E xt ernal) of Ma t eria l (S p a lling , Scaling) Ra w Water Concrete (External) Exp a nsion and Cracking Aging Tab l e :1:, N UREG 1 801 M anagemen t 3.X.1 N o t e V o l. 2 I tem P r ogram I tem Structures lll.A3-1 0 Monitoring (T-06) 3.5.1-24 A Program S t ructures lll.A3-6 M onitoring (T-0 1) 3.5. 1-26 A Program Structures lll.A3-6 M o ni tori n g (T-0 1) 3.5. 1-26 A Program S t ructures lll.A3-4 M on i toring 3.5. 1-31 A, 509 (T-05) Program S t ruc t ures lll.A3-4 M on i tor i ng 3.5.1-31 A , 509 (T-05) Program St r uc t ures M onitor i ng Program , A l kal i-.S i lica React i on (ASR) lll.A3-2 3.5.1-27 A , E, M on i toring (T-03) 517, 5 1 9 Program & Bu il d in g De f o rm a ti o n M o nit or in a SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 225 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission l l' Component Type Intend e d Fun c ti o n WCS -Con c reti;! -SE RVICE WAT E R COOLING TOW E R in Ultimate Heat Raw Water S ink WCS -Concrete -S ERVI C E S tructural WATER COOLING TOWER in S upport Raw Water WCS -Concrete -S E RVIC E Ultimate Heat WATER COOLING TOW E R in S ink Raw Water WCS -Concrete -SERVI C E Structural WATER COOLING TOWER in Support Raw Water Mat e rial 1*: Concr e te Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-8 Water C o ntrol S tru c tures Summary of Aging Manag e ment Evaluation Aging Effe c t Requiring 1 Environment Man a gement ',,' '1'1 11111111 111 11*., ':j, " ::i Raw Water Expa ns ion and Cracking (E xternal) Raw Water Increas e i n Porosity and (E xt e rnal) P e rm ea bility, Los s of S trength Raw Water In c r e a se i n Po r osity and (External)

P e rm e ab i lity, Lo ss of S t r e n gth Raw W a t e r (External)

Lo s s of Materi a l I '

Aging NUREG 1801 1, Tab l e rll Management Vol. 2 I tem 3.X.1 Program I tem Program Structures Monitoring Program, Alkali-Sili c a Reaction (ASR) Monitoring lll.A3-2 3.5.1-27 A, E, Program & (T-03) 517, 5 1 9 Building Deforma ti o n M oni t or in g P r ogram Stru c tures lll.A3-7 Monitoring (T-02) 3.5.1-32 A Program Structures lll.A3-7 Monitoring (T-02) 3.5.1-32 A Program Structures lll.A6-7 Monitoring (T-20) 3.5.1-45 E, 511 Program S BK-L-1 7 1 55 I Enclo s ure 2/ P age 22 6 U.S. N u c l ear R egu l a t ory C ommi ss i o n ,, I:' ' l: I ntended I' Comppnent Type Fu n ction WCS -Concrete -SERV I CE Ultimate Heat W ATER COOLI N G TOWER in Sink Raw W ater W CS -Concrete -SERVICE WATER COOLI N G TWR Fire Barrier I ncluding S w gr Rms in Air I ndoor Uncontrolled W CS -Concrete -SERV I CE W ATER COOLING TWR Structural I ncluding S w gr Rms in Air Support I ndoor Uncontrolled WCS -Concrete -SERVICE WATER COOLI N G TWR Fire Barrier I nc l uding S w gr Rms in Air I ndoor Uncontrolled WCS -Concrete -SERV I CE W ATER COOLING TWR Structural I nc l uding S w gr Rms in Ai r Support I ndoor Uncontrolled W CS -Concrete -SERVICE WATER COOLING TWR Fire Bar r ier I nc l uding S w gr Rms i n Air I ndoor Uncontrolled Tab l e 3.5.2-8 W ate r Con t ro l Structures Summary of Aging M anagement Eva l ua ti o n .1: t 1:1, I *: Aging Effect Requir i ng M ate ri a l , ill , En v i r onment M anageme nt ii* Ra w Water Concrete (E x ternal) Loss of Material Air I ndoor Concrete Uncontrolled Loss of Material (External)

Air I ndoor Concrete Uncontrolled Loss of Material (E x ternal) Air I ndoor Concrete Uncontrolled Cracking , Loss of Bond , Loss of Material (Spalling, Scaling) (E x ternal) Air Indoor Concre t e Uncontrolled Cracking , Loss of Bond , Loss (E xt ernal) of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Ai r I ndoo r Concrete Uncontrolled Concrete Cracking and (E x ternal) Spalling I 1 11 :lb .:I: :i,(' Tab l e' 11 \I 'I" 'II: :1,1' NU REG 1 8 01 M anageme nt V o l. 2 It e m , 3.X.1 I I: N o t e "lI P rogra m It e m '" ' j'I J!1:.ll: S t ructures lll.A6-7 M onitoring (T-20) 3.5.1-4 5 E , 5 11 Program Fire P r o t ec t ion V ll.G-29 3.3.1-67 A Program (A-9 1) Fire Pro t ection Vll.G-29 3.3.1-67 A Prog r am (A-9 1) Struc t ures M onitoring lll.A3-9 3.5, 1-2 3 A (T-04) Program Struc t ures M onitoring lll.A 3-9 3.5.1-2 3 A Program (T-04) F i re Protec ti o n Vll.G-2 8 3.3.1-65 A P r og r a m (A-90)

SBK-L-1 7155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 227 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

  • 1:; Component Type r ,i;11 Intended .Function ***1 ' 1:1: ;,,, WCS -Concrete -SERVICE WATER COOLING TWR Structural I ncluding Swgr Rms in Air S upport I ndoor Uncontrolled WCS -Concrete -SERVICE WATER COOLING TWR Fire Barrier Including Swgr Rms i n Air Indoor Uncontrolled WCS -Concrete -SERVICE WATER COOLING TWR S t r uctu r al Including Swgr Rms i n Air Support Indoor Uncontrolled WCS -Concrete -S ERVI C E WATER COOLING TWR Fire Barrier Including Swgr Rms i n Air Indoor Uncontrolled 1;1; Table 3.5.2-8 Water Control S tru c ture s Summary of Aging Management Evaluation

'ii ', I* .. *. 'Ji j:i'J:ii 1 1 1 11 ::j:1:*1*1;, '

Effect 'Requiring Material Environment Management

' 1 Air Indoor Concrete Uncontrolled C oncrete Cracking and (External)

S palling Air Indoor C oncrete Uncontrolled Expans i on and Cra c king (E xternal) Ai r Indoor Concrete Uncontrolled E xpan s ion and C ra c king (E xternal) Air Indoor Conc r ete Unco n trol l ed C oncrete C ra c ki n g and (External)

S p a lling T1*1:(H:*:1*1

' I 1: 1 l: !;. I .,ii 1ii'fi!' llrli' 1'!1111 ji:llJ.i "*' i ,, *r:*. ":' !'1,*,,:i:1*

' , *. 1;1 1 1 A9ing l,* Iii , ': rab!e 1 , 1 , 11 ,, ' "' *I j:j1': 1: NUREG 1 1 80 1 ** , *Management H' 11 V ol.1 2 I tem ., ':' .. l'I N ote 11' Program Item 'jl! 'l'Jlli' f' 1: ' *::: 1::1: Fire Protection V ll.G-28 3.3. 1-65 A Program (A-90) Structures Monitoring Program , Alkali-S ilic a Reaction (A S R) Monitoring lll.A3-2 3.5. 1-27 A, E, Program & (T-03) 517 , 519 Building Deforma ti o n M oni t oring Program Structures Monitoring Program , Alkali-Silica Reaction (A S R) Monitoring lll.A3-2 3.5. 1-27 A, E, Program & (T-03) 517, 519 Building Deformation M onitoring Progra m Fire Protection Vll.G-28 3.3. 1-65 A Program (A-90)

SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 228 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Component Type WCS -Concrete -SERVICE WATER COOLING TWR Including S wgr Rms in Air Indoor Uncontrolled WCS -Concrete -SERVICE WATER COOLING TWR Including Swgr Rms in Air Indoor Uncontrolled WCS -Concrete -SERVICE WATER COOLING TWR Including Swgr Rms in Air Indoor Uncontrolled WCS -Concrete -SERV I CE WATER PUMPHOUSE Below Grade WCS -Concrete -SERVICE WA TER PUMPHOUSE Below Grade Intended Function Structural Support Fire Barrier Structural Support Structural Support Structural Support Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-8 Water Control Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Environment Air Indoor Uncontrolled (External) Air Indoor Uncontrolled (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled (External) Ground Water/Soil (External)

Ground Water/Soil (External) l;:l*i . Aging Effect Requiring 1.1 Management Concrete Cracking and Spalling Increase in Porosity and Permeability, Cracking, Loss of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Increase in Poros ity and Permeability , Cracking , Loss of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Cracking , Loss of Bond, Loss of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Expansion and Crack ing Aging Management

'" ', Program Fire Protection Program Structures Monitoring Program Structures Monitoring Program St ructure s Monit or ing Program Structures Monitoring Program , Silica Reaction (ASR) Monitoring Program & Building Deformation Monitoring Program NUR EG 1801 Vol. 2 Item Vll.G-28 (A-90) lll.A3-10 (T-06) lll.A3-10 (T-06) lll.A3-4 (T-05) lll.A3-2 (T-03) Table 3.X.1 Item 3.3.1-65 3.5.1-24 3.5.1-24 3.5.1-31 3.5.1-27 N.ote A A A A A , E , 517, 519 SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 229 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission I ,*1 Component Type , , Intended I ! fiuri c ti on* WCS -Concrete -SERVICE Structural WATER PUMPHOUSE Below Support Grade WCS -Concrete -SERVICE Struc tural WATER PUMPHOUSE Below Support Grade WCS -Concrete -SERVICE Structura l WATER PUMPHOUSE Below Support Grade WCS -Concrete -SERVICE WATER PUMPHOUSE in Air Fire Barrier Ind oor Uncontrolled WCS -Concrete -SERVICE Structural WATER PUMPHOUSE in Air Ind oor Uncontrolled Support WCS -Concrete -SERVICE WATER PUMPHOUSE in Air Fire Barrier I ndoor Uncontrolled


  • 1+1 *ii' Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-8 Water Contro l Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluatio n Aging Effect II:'

1:['lilJli:i 1 ll'l 1[ 1:!:1::'1 i:lil11l:11111 1 11:1:J;1W jll 111:1*1'11 ,, , , .. Environment

'1il NU REG 1, 1 1.BO t' 11 3: X.1 'Ii '!1 11!1 i N ote .1' M , t , ,. ,* :.: 'Management

1. :

" 1 p ' ,, V ol. 2 It em '*1 It em 1 ' 1*i.1t.':iV: 1 . , 1 , . r ogram * ' . l*I 'lfJl:i;1':::*,1:1*

Ground Increase in Porosity and Structures 111.A 3-5 Water/Soil Permeability , Cracking , Loss M onitoring (T-0 7) 3.5.1-31 A (Ext ernal) of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Program Ground Increase in Porosity and Structures lll.A 3-7 Water/Soil Permeability , Lo ss of M onitoring (T-02) 3.5.1-32 A, 509 (External)

Strength Program Ground Structures lll.A 3-6 Water/Soil Loss of Material , Cracking M onitoring (T-01) 3.5.1-26 A (External)

Program Air Indoor Fire Protection Vll.G-29 Uncontrolled Lo ss of Material Program (A-9 1) 3.3.1-67 A (External)

Air Indoor Fire Protection Vll.G-29 Uncontrolled Loss of Material 3.3.1-6 7 A (E xtern al) Program (A-9 1) Air Indoo r Cracking, Loss of Bond , Loss Structures lll.A 3-9 Uncontrolled Monitoring 3.5.1-23 A (E xternal) of Material (Spall ing, Scaling) Program (T-04)

SBK-L-171 55 I En cl osure 2/ Page 23 0 U.S. Nu c lea r Regul a tory Commis si on Int ended Componen t Type Function W CS -Co n crete -SERVICE Structura l WA TER PU M PHOUSE in A i r Ind oo r U nc o n t ro l led Suppo rt WCS -Conc r e t e -SER V ICE W ATER PU M PHOUSE in A ir F i re Barrier I nd o o r U ncon t ro ll ed W CS -Concre te -SERV I CE S t ructura l W ATE R PU M PHOUSE i n Ai r I ndoor U ncontrol l ed Support W CS -Concrete -SERVICE WA TER PU M PHOUSE i n Ai r Fire Barrier In door Un controlled W CS -C on cre t e -SERVICE S t ructura l WA TER PU M PHOUSE in A i r Supp o rt I ndoor U ncontro l led M ateria l Conc r ete Concr et e Conc r e t e Concre t e Conc r ete Tab l e 3.5.2-8 W ate r Contro l S t ruc t ures Summary of Ag i ng M anageme n t Eva l ua ti o n Aging Effec t Requ i ring Env i ronment I' 1F ,:i:I M anageme n t I', , 1 ,I A i r Indoor Cracking , Loss of Bond , Loss U ncontrol l ed (E xt ernal) of Material (Spalling , Sca l ing) A ir I ndoor Concrete Cracking an d Uncontrolled (Externa l) Spall i ng Air I ndoor Concrete C r ack i ng and Uncontrolled (E xt ernal) Spalling Air I ndoor Uncont r olled E x pansion and Crac k ing (E xt ernal) Ai r Indoo r Unc o nt r olled E x pansion and Crac king (Externa l) A g in g NU REG 1 80 1 Tab l e M anage m e nt 3.X.1 N o t e P r og r a m V o l. 2 It e m It e m S t ructures lll.A3-9 M on i to ring 3.5.1-23 A Progra m (T-0 4) F i re P r o t ec ti o n Vll.G-28 3.3.1-65 A Pro g ra m (A-90) F i re P r o t ec ti o n Vll.G-2 8 3.3.1-65 A Progra m (A-90) Struc t ures M o nit o ring Program , A lk a li-S il ica R eac ti o n (ASR) lll.A3-2 A , E , M on i tori n g (T-03) 3.5.1-27 5 1 7 , 5 19 P rogra m & B uilding D efo rm a ti o n M o nit o r i ng Pr o qr a m S t ruc tur es M on it ori n g Progra m , A l k a l i-S i l i ca React i o n (A SR) lll.A3-2 A , E , M o nit o ring (T-0 3) 3.5.1-27 51 7 , 5 19 Program & B uil di ng D e f o rm a ti o n M o nit o rin g P r o gr a m SBK-L-171 55 I Enclosure 2/ Page 231 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

,., Intended Component Type Function WCS -Concrete -SERVICE WATER PUMPHOUSE in Air Fire Barrier Indoor Uncontrolled WCS -Concrete -SERVICE Structura l WATER PUMPHOUSE in Air I ndoor Uncontrolled Support WCS -Concrete -SERVICE WATER PUMPHOUSE in Air Fire Barrier Indoor Uncontrolled WCS -Concrete -SERVICE Structural WATER PUMPHOUSE in Air Support Indoor Uncontrolled WCS -Concrete -SERVICE WATER PUMPHOUSE in Air Missile Barrier Outdoor . 'l Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-8 Water Control Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluat i on Aging Effect Requiring Environment Management Air Indoor Concrete Cracking and Uncontrolled (External)

Spalling Air Indoor Concrete Cracking and Uncontrolled (External) Spall ing Air Indoor Increase in Porosity and Uncontrolled Permeability, Cracking , Loss (External) of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Air Indoor Increase in Porosity and Uncontrolled Permeability , Cracking , Loss (External) of Material (Spalling , Scaling) Air Outdoor Cracking, Loss of Bond, Loss (E xt ernal) of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Aging I* " '1; *'"'1',!I NUREG 1801 Table Manag emen t Vol. 2 Item 3.X.1 N ote Program Item Fire Protection Vll.G-28 3.3. 1-65 A Program (A-90) Fire Protection V ll.G-28 3.3.1-65 A Program (A-90) Structures lll.A3-10 Monitoring (T-06) 3.5. 1-24 A Program Structures lll.A3-10 Monitoring (T-06) 3.5.1-24 A Program Structures lll.A3-9 Monitor ing 3.5.1-23 A Program (T-04)

S BK-L-1 7 1 SS I En c lo s ure 2/ P age 2 3 2 U.S. N ucle ar R egu l atory C om mi ssio n *111:1. , "I I ntended 1 Type 1: Funct i on W CS -Concrete -SERVICE Shelter , W ATER P U MPHOUSE in Air Protection Outdoo r WCS -Concrete -SERV I CE WATER PU M PHOUSE in Air M issile Barrier Outdoo r WCS -Concrete -SERV I CE WATER PUMPHOUSE in Air Shelter , Outdoo r Protection W CS -Concrete -SERV I CE WATER PUMPHOUSE in Air Missile Barrier Outdoo r ii 11* M ate r ia l , 1:1.1 *t *I Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Tab l e 3.5.2-8 W ater Contro l St r uctures Summary of Ag i ng M anagement Eva l uatio n ,., Aging Effect Requi ri ng *1 Environment M anageme nt I :11 *:I* 'j,, Air Outdoor Cracking , Loss of Bond , Loss (External) of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Air Outdoor Expansion and Cracking (External) Air Outdoor Expansion and Cracking (External)

Ai r Outdoor Increase in Porosity and (External)

Permeability , Cracking , Loss of Material (Spalling, Scaling) , 111'1: 1 1 1:1T , , '1: 1 11 t , 'I' t* ,,JF111 'I** Tab l e ** 1 1 1 11 ' , ' .. A g m g I . , 1 NU REG 1 1 ao 1' ! I I ! 11 ' I M anage m e nt* 3.X.1 N o t e 1,: Prog r a m V o l. 2 I te m It em . I*, . :r i Struc t ures 111.A3-9 M onitoring (T-04) 3.5.1-23 A Prog r am S t ructures M onitoring Prog r am , Al k ali-Silica Reac t ion (ASR) M oni t oring lll.A3-2 3.5.1-27 A, E , Prog r am & (T-03) 5 1 7 , 5 19 B uilding D efo rm a ti o n M o nit o ring P r og r a m Structures M on i toring Program , A l k a l i-S i lica React i on (ASR) M onito ri ng lll.A3-2 3.5.1-27 A, E, Program & (T-03) 5 1 7 , 5 1 9 B uilding D efo rm a ti o n M o nit o ring Prog r a m Struc t ures lll.A3-10 M onitoring (T-06) 3.5.1-2 4 A Program SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 233 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function WCS -Concrete -SERVICE Shelter, WATER PUMPHOUSE in Air Protection Outdoor WCS -Concrete -SERV ICE WATER PUMPHOUSE in Air Missile Barrier Outdoor WCS -Concrete -SERVICE Shelter, WATER PUMPHOUSE in Air Protection Outdoor WCS -Concrete -SERV ICE Structural WATER PUMPHOUSE in Raw Water Support WCS -Concrete -SERV ICE WATER PUMPHOUSE in Raw Structural Water Support Material Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Table 3.5.2-8 Water Control Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation 1:i; .* !1 , 1: 1 '1 Env i ronment

  • 1, 1 ,,.1 M ,,,,*1 ... "* .,,,,h t''"j"*'

.1 ... 11i:1t1t1 , *

  • anagemen
  • 1.i ,, :1r 1 'I :I . y ':i'I fl:!:,. Air Outdoor Increase in Porosity and (External)

Permeability , Cracking, Loss of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Air Outdoor (External)

Loss of Material, Cracking Air Outdoor (Externa l) Loss of Material, Cracking Raw Water Cracking, Loss of Bond, Loss (External) of Material (Spalling, Scaling) Raw Water Expansion and Crac king (External)

}','* "'*A: ... ,. .. 1.* , J .. 1,:,", , .,.: ' Table. ' :::11:!' '"' gmg" 1 1!: l'E NUR EG l 1ao fl i, 'ii' ' ,,.,,*j1

'jiv. 1 1, 2 1 1 t 111:, J 1, n11.1.3: x.1 w* ,

  • Note .... ,: ... ,, 1°**."*I II j:il ,* 1 1 1111' :1 11 Program +" 1 : 1

' ,. ' 'I: '*'l'l: ',*:I* I** I 1*':'1** ,**,, 1*!***11, .. ,i* Structures llLA 3-10 Monitoring (T-06) 3.5.1-2 4 A Program Structures lll.A3-6 Monitoring (T-01) 3.5.1-26 A Program Structures lll.A 3-6 Monitoring (T-0 1) 3.5.1-26 A Program Structures lll.A3-4 Monitoring 3.5.1-31 A, 509 Program (T-05) Structures Monitoring Program, Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) Monitoring lll.A3-2 3.5.1-2 7 A, E, Program & (T-03) 517 , 519 Building Deformation M on it or ing Program S BK-L-1 7 1 55 I En closu re 2/ P age 234 U.S. Nucl e ar R eg ul ato ry Co mmi ssi on Component Type W CS -Concrete -SERVICE W ATER PU M PHOUSE in Ra w W ater W CS -Concrete -SERVICE W ATER PUMPHOUSE in Ra w Wa t er WCS -Fire Penetration Seal -SERVICE WATER COOLI N G TWR including Swgr Rms i n Air I ndoor Uncontrolled WCS -Fire Seal -SERVICE WATER PUMPHOUSE in Air I ndoor Uncontrolled W CS -Penetration Seal -SERV I CE W ATER COOLI N G TOWER Including Switchgear Rooms in A i r Outdoor WCS -Penetration Seal -SERVICE WATER PU M PHOUSE in Air Outdoor I ntended Func t ion Structural Support S t ructura l Support F i re Barrier Fi r e Barrier Shelter , Protection Shelter , Protection M ateria l Concrete Concrete E l astomer Elastomer Elastomer Elastomer Tab l e 3.5.2-8 W a t er Contro l Struc t ures S umm ary o f Aging M anagement E v a l ua t io n 'l'I 1 , 1 ,,:1:1., \ ,, . . , 1

  • A gi n g . , * ',,,I , M anagem 1 e nt}' Environmen t ,.,1:1:k!I:


1' :I! 'j':',1 l!I* ,1, , P 1 r ogra m ,'li'l,l;j!1, 1:i ;:. 1 ' ',J1' * ' Ra w Water (E x ternal) Raw Water (Externa l) Air I ndoor Uncontrolled (E x ternal) Air Indoor Uncontrolled (E x ternal) Air Outdoor (External)

Air Outdoor (E x ternal) I ncrease in Porosit y and Permeability , Loss of Strength Loss of Material I ncreased Hardness , Shrinkage and Loss of Strength Increased Hardness , Shrinkage and L oss o f Strength I ncreased Hardness, Shrinkage and Loss o f Strength I ncreased Hardness , Shrinkage and Loss of Strength S t ructures M oni t or in g Program St r uc t ures M on i tor i ng P r ogram F i re Pro t ec ti o n Progra m Fire Pro t e ct ion Progra m Str u ctures M oni t or i ng Progra m Struc t u r es M oni t oring Progra m *1' Tab l e:' ... 80 1'1 'I '"' " '"'1 , . , N o t e .... '"'l'i' ,. :1,ji P!X*l: i!*l'11."*', *,1:1 , 1 1, v o 1: 1 2 1 1 t e pi ,* *, 1 H lt e ni li' q:, 'P:Hii l:'il' *1:1 ':!:1111 1 ' , I ',, 1 1 1.A 3-7 (T-02) lll.A6-7 (T-20) Vll.G-1 (A-1 9) Vll.G-1 (A-1 9) Vll.G-2 (A-20) Vll.G-2 (A-2 0) 3,5.1-32 I A 3.5.1-4 5 I E , 5 11 3.3.1-6 1 I A 3.3.1-6 1 I A 3.3.1-6 1 I E , 5 1 5 3.3.1-61 I E , 5 1 5 SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 2/ Page 235 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Intended Component Type Function WCS -Penetration Sea/ -SERVICE WATER COOLING Shelter, TOWER Including Switchgear Protection Rooms in Air Outdoor WCS -Penetration Sea/ -SERVICE WATER Shel t er , Protection PUMPHOUSE in Air Outdoor WCS -Fire Penetration Sea l -SERVICE WATER COOLING Fire Barrier TWR including Swgr Rms in Air Indoor Uncontrolled W CS -Fire Seal -SERVICE WATER PUMPHOU SE in Air Fire Barrier Indo or Uncontrolled Material Elastomer Elastomer Elastomer Elastomer Table 3.5.2-8 Water Control Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation . '" '. '"' ll' ,1,11 Aging Effect'Requiring Environment Management Air Outdoor Separation (External)

Air Outdoor Separation (External}

Air Indoor Uncontrolled Sepa ration (External)

Air Indoor Uncontrolled Se paration (External)

., Aging :1:' 'I' 111 Tab l e J 1;1

  • NUR EG 1801. I " Management Vol. 2 It em 3.X.1 Note Program Item S tru c ture s Monitoring Program, Building Vll.G-2 3.5.1-60 E,520 Deformation (A-20) M oni toring Program Struc ture s Monitoring Program, Building Vll.G-2 3.5.1-60 E, Deformation (A-20) 520 Monitoring Program Struc ture s M oni t oring Program, Building Vll.G-1 3.5.1-60 E, 520 Deformation (A-19) Monitoring Program Structures Monitoring Program , Building Vll.G-1 3.5.1-60 E, 520 Deformation (A-19) Monitoring Program SBK-L-171 55 I Enclosure 2/ Page 236 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Standard N otes Table 3.5.2-8 Water Control Structures Summary of Aging Management Evaluation Note Description A Consistent with NUREG-1801 item for component , material , environment, and aging effect. AMP is consistent w ith NUREG-1801 AMP. B Consistent with NUREG-1801 item for component , material , environment , and aging effect. AMP takes some exceptions to NUREG-1801 AMP. C Component is different , but consistent with NUREG-1801 item for material , environment , and aging effect. AMP is consistent wit h NUREG-1801 AMP. D Component is different , but consistent with NUREG-1801 item for material , environment , and aging effect. AMP takes some e x ceptions to NUREG-1801 AMP. E Consistent with NUREG-1801 for material , environment and aging effect, but a different aging management program i s credited or NUREG-1801 identifies a plant-specific aging management program. F Material not in NUREG-1801 for this component.

G Environment not in NUREG-1801 for this component and material.

H Aging effect not in NUREG-1801 for this component, material and environment combination.

I Aging effect in NUREG-1801 for this component , material and environment combination is not applicable.

J Neither the component nor the material and environment combination is evaluated in NUREG-1801. 501 Not used. 502 Ag i ng effect includes "Fretting or Lockup" due to wear. 503 Crev i ce and pitting will be i ncluded a l ong with loss of material-corrosion due to a saltwater atmosphere environment.

504 Fatigue analysis exists and TLAA applies. 505 Built-up roofing is not in GALL; lll.A6-12 is for elastomer-material is similar , aging effect is s imilar , environment is same , and AMP is Structu r es Monitoring. 506 Component is cementitious fire proofing/i nsulating material and will exhibit similar aging effects as concrete. 507 Spent Fuel Pool temperature<

60°C (<140° F); water chemistry and temperature will be maintained by the Water Chemistry Program. 508 Cracking, loss of bond, and loss of material (spalling, scaling)/corrosion of embedded steel-is not listed in GALL 111.A.6 as an aging effect for concrete in raw water. Seabrook manages this effect with Structures Monitoring Program. 509 For aging management purposes , buried , below grade, soil, and ground water/ raw & treated water environments are treated the same. 510 Reduction in concrete anchor capacity is an aging effect that is addressed in LRAM-S UPT. 51 1 At Seabrook Station , Xl.S7 RG 1.127 , Inspection of Water-Control Structures Associated with Nuclear Power Plants" and X I.SS "Masonry Wall Program" are combined under Xl.S6 " Structures Monitoring Program". 512 Raw w ater in lined & unlined concrete sumps. 513 Seabrook Station will age manage this condition through the Fire Protection Program. 514 Seabrook Station will age manage this condition through the Structures Monitoring Program. 515 Increased hardness, shrinkage , or loss of strength of elastomer seals due to weathering is addressed by GALL only for F i re Barr i er sea l s. Seabrook Station will manage such aging effects for non-Fire Barrier elastomer seals with the Structures Monitoring Program. 516 Seabrook Station Structures Monitoring Program will perform concrete testing and rebar inspection to determine the effects of the aggressive groundwater on the concrete.

The concrete testing and the rebar inspection will represent all concrete below grade. 517 After initial identification and determination of the presence of alkali-s ilica reactivity by the Structures M oni t oring Program , Seabrook S t a ti o n will age manage this condition through the Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) Monitoring Program.

SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 21Page237 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 519 After initial id e ntifi ca tion of alkali-silica r eac tion (A SR) indu ced building deformation by the Structures Monitoring Program, Seabrook Station will age manage this condition through the Alkali-S ilica Reaction (A SR) Monit or ing Program and the Building Deformation Monitoring Program. 520 After initial identification of alkali-silica reaction (A SR) induced building d eforma tion affecting plant equipment and components by the Structures Monitoring Program, Sea brook S tation will age manage this condition through the Building Deformation Monitoring Program.

Enclosure 3 to SBK-L-17155 Supp l ement 58 -NextEra Energy Seabrook's revised LRA Appendix A -Updated F in a l Safety Analysis Report Supp l ement Tab l e A.3, License Renewa l Comm itm ent List U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 3/Page 2 A.3 LICENSE RENEW AL COMMITMENT LIST UFSAR No. PROGRAM or TOP I C COMMITMENT LOCATION Provide confirmation and acceptability of the 1. PWR Vessel Internals implementation ofMRP-227-A by addressing the p l ant-A.2.1.7 specific Applicant/Licensee Action Items outlined in section 4.2 of the NRC SER. Enhance the program to include visual inspection for 2. Closed-Cycle Cooling Water cracking, loss of material and fouling when the in-scope A.2.1.12 systems are opened for maintenan ce. Inspection of Overhead Enhance the program to monitor gen e ral c orrosion on the Heavy Load and Light Load crane and trolley structural components and the effec t s of A.2.1.13 3. (Related to Refueling) Handling Systems wear on the rails in the rail system. Inspection of Overhead 4. Heavy Load and Light Load Enhance the program to list additional cranes for A.2.1.1 3 (Related to Refueling) monitoring. Handling Systems Enhance the program to include an a nnual air quality test 5. Compre ss ed Air M onitor i ng requirement for the Di e sel Generator compressed air sub A.2.1.1 4 system. 6. Fire Protection Enhance the program to perform visual inspection o f A.2.1.1 5 penetration seals by a fire protection qualified inspector.

Enhance the program to add in s pe c tion requirements such 7. Fire Protection as spalling, and los s of material caus e d by freeze-thaw , A.2.1.1 5 chemical attack , and reaction with aggr e gates by qualified inspector.

**---------SCHEDULE Complete Prior to the period of extended operat i on. Prior to the period of extended operation.

Pri o r to the period of extended opera t io n. Prio r to the period of extended operation.

Pr i or t o t he period of extended operat i on. Prior to the peri o d of extended operat i o n.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission SBK-L-1 7155 I Enclosure 3/ Page 3 8. Fire Protection

9. F i re Water System 1 0. Fire Water System 1 1. Fire Wate r System Enhance the program to include the performance of visual inspection of fire-rated doors by a fire protection qualified inspector.

Enhance the program to include NFPA 25 (2011 Edition) guidance for " where sprinklers have been in place fo r 5 0 years, they shall be replaced or representative samples from one or more sample areas shall be submitted to a recognized testing laboratory for field service testing". Enhance the program to include the performance of per i odic flow testing of the fire water system in accorda n ce with the guidance ofNFPA 25 (2011 Edition).

E nh ance the program to include the performance of per i odic visual or volumetric inspection of the interna l surface of the fire protection system upon each entry to the system for routine or corrective maintenance to evaluate wall thickness and inner diameter of the fire protectio n piping ensuring that corrosion product buildup w i ll n o t r esult i n flow blockage due to fouling. Where surface irregularities are detected, follow-up volumetric examinations are performed.

These inspections wi ll be documented and trended to determine if a representat i ve number of inspections have been performed prior to the period of extended operation.

If a representative number of inspections have not been performed prior to the period of extended operation, focused inspections will be conducted. These inspections will commence during t h e ten year period prior to the period of extended operatio n and continue through the period of extended operation Prior to the period of extended A.2.1.1 5 o perat i o n. P rior to the period o f extended A.2.1.1 6 operat i on. P rior t o t h e per i o d of e x ten d ed A.2.1.1 6 o perat i o n. Wi thin ten years prior to t h e A.2.1.16 per i od of extended operati on.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 3/ Page 4 12. Aboveground Steel Tanks 1 3. Fire Water System 1 4. Fuel Oil Chemistry 1 5. Fuel Oil Chemistry Enhance the program to include 1) In-scope outdoor tanks, except fire water storage tanks, constructed on soil or concrete, 2) Indoor large volume storage tanks (greater than 100,000 gallons) designed to near-atmospheric internal pressures, sit on concrete or soil, and exposed internally to water, 3) Visual, surface, and volwnetric examinations of the outside and inside surfaces for managing the aging effects of loss of material and cracking , 4) External visual examinations to monitor degradation of the protective paint or coating, and 5) Inspection of sealant and caulking for degradation by performing visual and tactile examination (manual manipulation) consisting of pressing on the sealant or caulking to detect a reduction in the resiliency and pliability.

Enhance the program to perform exterior inspection of the fire water storage tanks annually for signs of degradatio n and include an ultrasonic inspection and evaluation of the internal bottom surface of the two Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks per the guidance provided in NFP A 25 (2011 Edition).

Enhance program to add requirements to 1) sample and analyze new fuel deliveries for biodiesel prior to offloading to the Auxiliary Boiler fuel oil storage tank and 2) periodically sample stored fuel in the Auxiliary Boi l er fuel oil storage tank. Enhance the program to add requirements to check for the presence of water in the Auxiliary Boiler fuel oil storage tank at least once per quarter and to remove water as necessary.

A.2.1.17 W ithin 10 years prior to the period of extended operatio n. A.2.1.16 Within ten years prior to the period of extended operatio n. Prior to the period of extended A.2.1.18 operation. A.2.1.18 Prior to the period of extended operation.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 3/ Page 5 16. Fuel Oil Chemistry

17. Fuel Oil Chemistry
18. Reactor Vessel Surveillance
19. Reactor Vessel Surveillance
20. Reactor Vessel Surveillance
21. Reactor Vessel Surveillance Enhance the program to require draining, cleaning and inspection of the diesel fire pump fuel oil day tanks on a frequency of at least once every t e n years. Enhance the program to require ultra s onic thickness measurement of the tank bottom during the 10-year draining, cleaning and inspection of the Diesel Generator fuel oil storage tanks, Diesel Generator fuel oil day tanks, diesel fire pump fuel oil day tanks and auxiliary boiler fuel oil storage tank. Enhance the program to specify that all pulled and tested capsules , unless discarded before August 31, 2000, are placed in storage. Enhance the program to specify that if plant operations exceed the limitations or bounds defined by the Reactor Vessel Surveillance Program, such as operating at a lower cold leg temperature or higher fluen c e, the impact of plant operation changes on the extent of Reactor Vessel embrittlement will be evaluated and the NRC will be notified.

Enhance the program as necessary to ensure the appropriate withdrawal schedule for cap s ules remaining in the vessel such that one capsule will be withdrawn at an outage in which the capsule receives a neutron fluence that meets the schedule requirements of 10 CFR 50 Appendix H and ASTM E 185-82 and that bounds the 60-year fluence, and the remaining capsule(s) will be removed from the vessel unless determined to provide meaningful metallurgical data. Enhance the program to ensure that any capsule removed, without the intent to test it, is stored in a manner which maintains it in a condition which would permit its future use, including during the period of extended operation. Prio r to the period of extended A.2.1.18 operation.

A.2.1.18 Prior to the period of extended operation. Prior to the period of extended A.2.1.19 operation. Prior to the period of extended A.2.1.19 operation.

Prior to the period of extended A.2.1.19 operation. A.2.1.19 Prior to the period of extended operation.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission SBK-L-17 I 55 I Enclo sure 3/ Page 6 22. One-Time Inspection

23. Selective Leaching of Materials
24. Buried Piping And Tanks In spection One-Time Inspection of 25. ASME Code Class 1 Small Bore-Piping External Surfaces 26. Monitoring Inspection of Internal Surfaces in Miscellaneous
27. Piping and Ducting Components
28. Lubricating Oil Analysis 29. Lubricating Oil Analysis Im plement the One Time Inspection Program. A.2.1.20 Within ten years prior to the period of extended operation.

Implement the Selecti v e Leaching of Materials Program. The program will include a one-time inspection of selected Within five years prior to the components where selective leaching has not been A.2.1.2 1 period of extended operation.

identified and periodic inspections of selected components where selective leaching has been identified.

Implement the Buried Piping And Tanks Inspection Within ten years prior to the Program. A.2.1.22 period of extended operation Implement the One-Time Inspection of ASME Code Class Within ten years prior to the A.2.1.23 1 Small Bore-Piping Program. period of extended operation.

Enhance the program to specifically address the scope of the program, relevant degradation mechanisms and effects Prior to the period of extended of interest, the refueling outage inspection frequency, the A.2.1.24 operation. training requirements for inspectors and the required periodic reviews to determine program effectiveness. Implement the In spection of Internal Surfaces in A.2.1.25 Prior to the period of extended Miscellaneous Piping and Ducting Components Program. operation. Enhance the program to add required equipment, lube oil Prior to the period of extended analysis required, sampling frequency, and periodic oil A.2.1.26 changes. operation.

Enhance the program to sample the oil for the Reactor A.2.1.26 Prior to the period of extended Coolant pump oil collection tanks. operation.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 3/ Page 7 30. Lubricating Oil Analysis ASME Section XI, 31. Subsection IWL Structures Monitoring

32. Program Structures Monitoring
33. Program Electrical Cables and Connections Not Subject to 34. 10 CFR 50.49 Environmental Qualification Requirements Electrical Cables and Connections Not Subject to 10 CFR 50.49 35. Environmental Qualification Requirements Used in Instrumentation Circuits Inacce ssible Power Cables Not Subject to 10 CFR 50.49 36. Environmental Qualification Requirements
37. Metal Enclosed Bus Enhance the program to require the performance of a one-time ultrasonic thickness measurement of the lower portion A.2.1.26 Prior to the period of extended of the Reactor Coolant pump oil collection tanks prior to operation.

the period of extended operation.

Enhance procedure to include the definition of A.2.1.28 Prior to the period of extended " Responsible Engineer".


Enhance procedure to add the aging effects, additional Prior to the period of extended locations, inspection frequency and ultrasonic test A.2.1.31 operation. requirements.

Enhance procedure to include inspection of opportunity Prior to the period of extended when planning excavation work that would expose A.2.1.31 operation. inaccessible concrete.

Implem ent the Electrical Cables and Connections Not Prior to the period of extended Subject to 10 CFR 50.49 Environmental Qualification A.2.1.32 operation.

Requirements program. Implement the Electrical Cables and Connections Not Prior to the period of extended Subject to 10 CFR 50.49 Environmental Qualification A.2.1.33 operation. Requirements Used in Instrum entation Circuits program. Implement the Ina ccessib le Power Cables Not Subject to Prior to the period of extended 10 CFR 50.49 Environmental Qualification Requirements A.2.1.34 operation. program. Implement the Metal Enclosed Bus program. A.2.1.35 Prior to the period of extended operation.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission SBK-L-l 71SS I Enclosure 3/ Page 8 38. Fuse Holders Electrical Cable Connections Not Subject to 10 CFR S0.49 39. Environmental Qualification Requirements

40. 34S KV SF6 Bus Metal Fatigue of Reactor 41. Coolant Pres s ure Boundary Metal Fatigue of Reactor 42. Coolant Pressure Boundary Pressure -Temperature Limits, including Low 43. Temperature Overpressure Protection Limits Implement the Fuse Holders program. A.2.1.36 Prior to the period of extended operation.

Implement the Electrical Cable Connections Not Subject to Prior to the period of extended 10 CFR S 0.49 Environmental Qualification Requirements A.2.1.37 operation.

program. Implement the 34S KV SF6 Bus program. A.2.2.1 Prior to the period of extended operation.

Enhance the program to include additional transients Prior to the period of extended beyond those defined in the Technical Specifications and A.2.3. l operation.

UFSAR. Enhance the program to implem e nt a software program, to Prior to the period of extended count transients to monitor cumulative usage on selected A.2.3.1 operation.


The updated analyses will be Seabrook Station will submit updat e s to the P-T curves and submitted at the appropriate time L TOP limits to the NRC at the appropriate time to comply A. to comply with l 0 CFR SO with 10 CFR S O Appendix G. Appendix G, Fracture Toughness Requirements.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 3/ Page 9 44. Environmentally

-Assisted Fatigue Analyses (TLAA) NextEra Seabrook will perform a review of design basis ASME Class 1 component fatigue evaluations to determine whether the NUREG/CR-6260-based components that have been evaluated for the effects of the reactor coolant environment on fatigue usage are the limiting components for the Seabrook plant configuration.

If more limiting components are identified, the most limiting component will be evaluated for the effects of the reactor coolant environment on fatigue usage. If the limiting location identified consists of nickel alloy, the environmentally-assisted fatigue calculation for nickel alloy will be perfonned using the rules ofNUREG/CR

-6909. (1) Consistent with the Metal Fatigue of Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Program Seabrook Station will update the fatigue usage calculations using refined fatigue analyses, if necessary , to determine acceptable CUFs (i.e., less than 1.0) when accounting for the effects of the reactor water environment.

This includes applying the appropriate At l east two years prior to the Fen factors to valid CUFs determined from an existing A. period of extended operation.

fatigue analysis valid for the period of extended operation or from an analysis using an NRC-approved version of the ASME code or NRC-approved alternative (e.g., NRC-approved code case). (2) If acceptable CUFs cannot be demonstrated for all the selected locations, then additional plant-specific locations will be evaluated.

For the additional plant-specific locations, if CUF, including environmental effects is greater than 1.0, then Corrective Actions will be initiated, in accordance with the Metal Fatigue of Reactor Coolant Pressure !3oundary Program, B.2.3.1. Corrective Actions will include inspection, repair, or replacement of the affected locations before exceeding a CUF of 1.0 or the effects of fatigue will be managed by an inspection program that has been reviewed and approved by the NRC (e.g., periodic non-destructive examination of the affected locations at inspection intervals to be determined by a method accepted by the NRC).

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 3/ Page 10 Alkali-Silica Reaction 45. (ASR) Monitoring Program 46. Protective Coating Monitoring and Maintenance

47. Protective Coating Monitoring and Maintenance
48. Protective Coating Monitoring and Maintenance
49. Protective Coating Monitoring and Maintenance ASME Section X I, 50. Subsection IWE 51. Number Not Used NextEra will obtain additional cores in the vicinity oftffi:ee 20% of the extensometers and perform modulus testing. Using these test results, NextEra will determine At l east ;?; 5 years prior to the the change in through-thickness expan s ion since period of extended operation installation of the extensometers and compare it to change (i nit ial s tud y) a nd 1 0 yea rs determined from extensometer readings.

Consistency th ere a f t er (follo w-up stu dy). between these results will provide additional corroboration of the methodology in MPR-4153.

Enhance the program by designating and qualifying an A.2.1.38 Prior to the period of extended Inspector Coordinator and an Inspection Results Evaluator.


Enhance the program by including, "In s truments and Equipment needed for inspection may include, but not be limited to, flashlight, spotlights, marker pen, mirror, A.2.1.38 P rior to the period of extended measuring tape, magnifier , binoculars, camera with or operat i on. without wide angle lens , and self sealing polyethylene sample bags." Enhance the program to include a review of the previous A.2.1.38 Prior t o t h e period of extended two monitoring reports. operation.

Enhance the program to require that the in s pection r eport i s to be evaluated by the responsible evaluation personnel, A.2.1.38 P rior to the period of exte n ded who is to prepare a summary of findings and operation. recommendations for future surveillance or repair. Baseli n e inspect i ons w ere Perform UT of the accessible areas of the containment completed during OR 1 6. Re p eat l i ner plate in the vicinity of the moisture barrier for loss of A.2.1.27 containment liner UT thickness examinations at i ntervals o f n o material.

Perform opportunistic UT of inaccessible areas. m ore tha n five (5) refueling outages.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 3/ Page 11 ASME Section XI, 52. Subsection IWL 53. Reactor Head Closure Studs Implement measures to maintain the exterior surface of the Contairunent Structure, from elevation

-30 feet to +20 feet, A.2.1.28 Complete in a dewatered state. Replace the spare reactor head closure stud(s) Prior to the period of extended manufactured from the bar that has a yield strength>

150 A.2.1.3 ksi with ones that do not exceed 150 ksi. operation.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 3/ Page 12 Steam Generator Tube 54. Integrity

55. Number Not Used Closed-Cycle Cooling Water 56. System 57. Closed-Cycle Cooling Water System NextEra will address the potential for cracking of the primary to secondary pressure boundary due to PWSCC of tube-to-tubesheet welds using one of the following two options: 1) Perform a one-time inspection of a representative sample oftube-to-tubesheet welds in all steam generators to determine if PWSCC cracking is present and, if cracking is identified, resolve the condition through engineering evaluation justifying continued operation or repair the condition , as appropriate, and establish an ongoing monitoring program to perfonn routine tube-to-tubesheet weld inspections for the remaining life of the steam A.2.1.10 Complete generators, or 2) Perform an analytical evaluation showing that the structural integrity of the steam generator tube-to-tubesheet interface is adequately maintaining the pressure boundary in the presence oftube-to-tubesheet weld cracking , or redefining the pressure boundary in which the tube-to-tubesheet weld is no longer included and , therefore , is not required for reactor coolant pressure boundary function.

The redefinition of the reactor coolant pressure boundary must be approved by the NRC as part of a license amendment request. Revise the station program documents to reflect the EPRI Prior to the period of extended Guideline operating ranges and Action Level values for A.2.1.12 hydrazine and sulfates.


Revise the station program documents to reflect the EPRI Prior to the period of extended Guideline operating ranges and Action Level values for A.2.1.12 operation.

Diesel Generator Cooling Water Jacket pH.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission SBK-L-1 7155 I Enclosure 3/ Page 13 58. Fuel Oil Chemistry Nickel Alloy Nozzles and 59. Penetrations Buried Piping and Tanks 60. Inspection Compressed Air Monitoring

61. Program 62. Water Chemistry
63. Flow Induced Erosion 64. Buried Piping and Tanks Inspectio n Update Technical Req u irement Program 5 .1, (Diesel Fuel Oil Testing Program) ASTM standard s to ASTM D2709-A.2.1.1 8 Prior to the period of extended 96 and ASTM D4057-9 5 required by the GALL XI.M30 operation. Rev 1 The Nickel Alloy Aging Nozzles and Penetrations program P rior to the perio d of extended will implement applica b le Bulletins , Generic Letters , and A.2.2.3 operation. staff accepted industry guidelines.

I mplement the design change replacing the buried P ri or t o t he period o f extended Auxiliary Boiler supply piping with a pipe-within-pipe A.2.1.22 operation. configuration with leak detection capa b ility. Replace the flexible hos e s associated with the Diesel W ithin ten yea r s pr ior to the Generator air compressors on a frequ e ncy of eve r y 10 A.2.1.1 4 period of extended operatio n. years. Enhance the program to include a statement that sampling P r i or to the period of extende d frequencies are increas e d when chemistry action leve l s are A.2.1.2 exceeded.

operation. Ensure that the quarterly CVCS Charging Pump testing i s continued during the PEO. Additionally, add a precaution to the test procedure to state that an increa s e in the eves A.2.1.2 Pr i or to the per i od of extended Charging Pump mini flow above the acceptance criteria ope r ation. may be indicative of erosion of th e mini flow orifice as described in L ER 50-275/94-023. Soil analysis shall be performed prior to entering the period of extended op e ration to determine the corrosivity of the soil in the vicinity of n on-cathodically protected A.2.1.22 Wi thin te n yea r s pr i or to t h e steel pipe within the scope of this program. If the initia l period of e x tended operat i o n. anal y sis sho w s the soil to be non-corrosive , this ana l ysis will be re-performed e very ten years th e reafter.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 3 1 Page 14 65. Flux Thimble Tube Alkali-Silica Reaction 66. (ASR) Monitoring Program 67. Structures Monitoring Program Implement measures to ensure that the movable incore Prior to the period of extended detectors are not returned to service during the period of extended operation.

N I A operation.

-In Progress NextEra will perfonn an integrated review of expansion trends at Seabrook Station by conducting a periodic assessment of ASR expansion behavior to confirm that the MPR/FSEL large-scale test programs remain applicable to plant structures.

This review will include the following specific considerations:

  • Review of all cores removed to date for trends of any indications of mid-plane cracking.
  • Comparison of in-plane expansion to through-At least 5 years prior to the period thickness expansion of all monitored points by A.2.1.31.A of extended operation and every plotting these data on a graph of min-plane expansion versus through-thickness expansion. 10 years thereafter.
  • Comparison of in-plane expan s ions, volumetric expansions, and through-thickness expansions recorded to date to the limits from the MPR/FSEL large-scale test programs and check of margin for future expansion.

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.,,,,ill fie eheel<eEl. Perform one shallow core bore in an area that was continuously wetted from borated water to be examined for concrete degradation and also expose rebar to detect any degradation such as loss of material.

The removed core A.2.1.31 Complete will also be subjected to petrographic examination for concrete degradation due to ASR per ASTM Standard Practice C856.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 3/ Page 15 Structures Monitoring

68. Program Open-Cycle Cooling Water 69. System 70. Closed-Cycle Cooling Water System Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) Monitoring Program I 71. Building Deformation Monitoring Program 72. Flow-Accelerated Corrosion Inspection of Internal Surfaces in Miscellaneous
73. Piping and Ducting Components Perform sampling at the leak off collection points for A.2.1.3 1 Complete chlorides, sulfates, pH and iron once every three months. Replace the Diesel Generator Heat Exchanger Plastisol PVC lined Service Water piping with piping fabricated A.2.1.11 Complete from AL6XN material.

Inspect the piping downstream of CC-V-444 and CC-V-446 to determine whether the loss of material due to Within ten years prior to the cavitation induced erosion has been eliminated or whether A.2.1.12 period of extended operation.

this remains an issue in the primary component cooling water system. NextEra has completed testing at the University of Texas Ferguson Structural Engineering Laboratory which demonstrates the parameters being monitored and acceptance criteria used are appropriate to manage the effects of ASR. A.2.1.3 lA Prior to the period of extended NextEra !implement the Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) A.2.l.31B operation.

Monitoring Program and Building Deformation Monitoring Program described in B.2.1.3 lA and B.2.1.3 lB of the License Renewal Application.

Enhance the program to include management of wall A.2.1.8 Prior to the period of extended thinning caused by mechanisms other than FAC. operation.

Enhance the program to include performance of focused examinations to provide a representative sample of20%, or a maximum of25, of each identified material, A.2.1.25 Prior to the period of extended environment, and aging effect combinations during each operation.

10 year period in the period of extended operation.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission SBK-L-17155 /Enclosure 3/Page 16 74. Fire Water System 75. Fire Water System 76. Fire Water System Enhance the program to perform sprinkler inspections annually per the guidance provided in NFP A 25 (2011 Edition).

Inspection will ensure that sprinklers are free of corrosion, foreign materials, paint, and physical damage and installed in the proper orientation (e.g., upright , pendant , or sidewall). Any sprinkler that is painted , corroded , damaged , loaded, or in the improper orientation , and any glass bulb sprinkler where the bulb has emptied, will be evaluated for replacement.

Enhance the program to a) conduct an inspection of piping and branch line conditions every 5 years by opening a flushing connection at the end of one main and by removing a sprinkler toward the end of one branch line for the purpose of inspecting for the presence of foreign organic and inorganic material per the guidance provided in NFPA 25 (2011 Edition) and b) If the presence of sufficient foreign organic or inorganic material to obstruc t pipe or sprinklers is detected during pipe inspections , the material will be removed and its source is determined and corrected.

In buildings having multiple wet pipe systems , every ot h er system shall have an internal inspection of piping every 5 years as described in NFPA 25 (2011 Edition), Section 14.2.2. Enhance the Program to conduct the following activities annually per t h e guidance provided in NFPA 25 (2011 Edition).

  • main drain tests
  • deluge valve trip tests
  • fire water storage tank exterior surface inspections Prior to the period of extended A.2.1.16 operation. Prior to the period o f e x tende d A.2.1.16 operation. A.2.1.16 Pri or to the period of extended operation.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission SBK-L-17 I 55 I Enclosure 3/ Page 17 77. Fire W ater System 78. External Surfaces Monitoring Open-Cycle Cooling Water 79. System 80. Fire Water System 8 1. Fuel Oil C h emistry The Fire Water System Program will be enhanced to include the following requirements related to the main drain testing per the guidance provided in NFPA 25 (2011 Edition).

  • The requ i rement that ifthere is a 10 percent reduction A.2.1.16 P ri o r t o the period of extended in full flow pressure when compared to the original operation. acceptance tests or previously performed tests , the cause of the reduction shall be identified and corrected if necessary.
  • Recording the time taken for the s upply water pressure to return to the original static (nonflowing) pressure. Enhance the program to include periodic inspections of in-scope insulated components for possible corrosion under insulation.

A sample of outdoor component surfaces that are insulated and a sample of indoor insulated components A.2.1.24 P r ior to the period of extended e x posed to condensation (due to the in-scope component operation.

being operated below the dew point), will be periodicall y inspected every 10 years during the period of extended operation.

Enhance the program to include visual inspection of W ithin 10 years p rior to the internal coatings

/linings for loss of coating integrit y. A.2.1.11 pe r iod of extended operat i o n. Enhance the program to include visual inspection of W ithin 10 y ears p rior to t h e internal coatings/linings for loss of coating integri ty. A.2.1.1 6 p eriod of extended operation. Enhance the program to include visual inspection o f Wi t hin 1 0 years p rior to t h e internal coatings/linings for loss of coating integrity.

A.2.1.1 8 period of extend e d operatio n.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission S BK-L-17155 I Enclosure 3/ Page 18 Inspection of Internal 82. Surfaces in Miscellaneous Piping and Ducting Components

83. Alkali-Silica Reaction Monitoring ASME Section XI, 84. Subsection IWL 85. Fire Water System 86. Fire Water System 87. Fire Water System Enhance the program to include visual inspection of internal coatings/linings for loss of coating integrity.

A.2.1.25 Within 10 years prior to the period of extended operation.

Enhance the ASR AMP to install extensometers in all Tier 3 areas of two dimensional reinforced structures to monitor expansion due to alkali-silica reaction in the out-of-plane direction. A.2.1.31A Complete Monitoring expansion in the out-of-plane direction will commence upon installation of the extensometers and continue on a six month frequency through the period of extended operation. Evaluate the acceptability of inaccessible areas for Prior to the period of extended structures within the scope of ASME Section XI, A.2.1.28 operation.

Subsection IWL Program. Enhance the program to perform additional tests and inspections on the Fire Water Storage Tanks as specified in Section 9.2.7 ofNFPA 25 (2011 Edition) in the event that A.2.1.16 Prior to the period of extended it is required by Section, which states "Steel tanks operation. exhibiting signs of interior pitting, corrosion, or failure of coating shall be tested in accordance with 9.2.7." Enhance the program to include disassembly, inspection, A.2.1.16 Prior to the period of extended and cleaning of the mainline strainers every 5 years. operation.

Increase the frequency of the Open Head Spray Nozzle Air Flow Test from every 3 years to every refueling outage to

  • A.2.1.16 Prior to the period of extended be consistent with LR-ISG-2012-02, AMP XI.M27, Table operation.


U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission SBK-L-17 I 55 I Enclosure 3/ Page 19 88. Fire Water System In s pection of Internal Surfaces in Miscellaneous

89. Piping and Ducting Components PWR Vessel Internals
90. Enhance the program to include verification that a) the drain holes associated with the transformer deluge system are draining to ensure complete drainage of the system after each test, b) the deluge sy s tem drain s and associated Within five years prior to the piping are configured to completely drain the piping, and A.2.1.16 c) normally-dry piping that could have been wetted by period of extended operation.

inadvertent system actuations or those that occur after a fire are restored to a dry state as part of the suppression system restoration.

Incorporate Coating Service Level III requirements into the RCP Motor Refurbishment Specification for the internal painting of the motor upper bearing c oolers and motor air A.2.1.25 Prior to the period of extended coolers. All four RCP motors will be refurbished and operat i on. replaced using the Coating Servi c e L e vel III requirements prior to entering the period of extended operation.

Implement the PWR Vessel Internals Program. The program will be implemented in accordance with MRP-Prior to the period of extended 227-A (Pressurized Water Reactor Internals Inspection and A.2.1.7 Evaluation Guidelines) and NEI 03-08 (Guideline for the operatio n Management of Materials Issues).

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 3/ Page 20 Building Deformation 91 Monitoring Implement the Building Deformation Monitoring Program Enhance the Structures Monitoring Program to require structural evaluations be performed on buildings and components affected by deformation as necessary to ensure that the structural function is maintained.

Evaluations of structures will validate structural performance against the design basis, and may use results from the large-scale test programs, as appropriate.

Evaluations for structural deformation will also consider the impact to functionality of affected systems and components (e.g., conduit expansion joints). NextEra will evaluate the specific circumstances against the design basis of the affected system or component.

Enhance the Building Defonnation AMP to include additional parameters to be monitored based on the results A.2.l.31B March 1 5 , 2020 of the CEB Root Cause, Structural Evaluation and walk downs. Additional parameters monitored will include: alignment of ducting , conduit, and piping; seal integrity; laser target measurements; key seismic gap measurements

and additional instrumentation.

Develop a design standard to implement Aging Managem ent Program B.2.1.3 lB Building Deformation , Program Element 3 -Parameters Monitored/Inspected.

The design standard will clarify the deformation evaluation process and provide an auditable format to assess it. The design standard will include steps for each of the three evaluation stages that include parameters monitored , basis for why the parameter is monitored, and conditions that prompts action for the subsequent step.

Enc l osure 4 to SBK-L-17155 Next E ra E nergy Seabrook, Application for Withholding Proprietary Inform ation from Pub lic Disclosure and Affidavit U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comm i ssion SBK-L-171 55 I Enc lo s ure 4/ Page 2 SEABROOK NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLC AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF APPLICATION FOR WITHHOLDING PROPRIETARY INFORMATION FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE C ounty of Rockingham ) ) State of New Hampshire ) I , Eric McCaiiney, being duly sworn according to law , depose and state th e following:

(1) I am the Regional Vice President

-No1ihern Region ofNextEra Energy Seabrook, LLC (NextEra Energy Seabrook), and have been delegated the function ofreviewing the information described in paragraph (3) which is sought to be withheld, and have been authorized to apply for its withholding.

(2) I am making this Affidavit in conjunction with NextEra Energy Seabrook's "A pplication for Withholding Proprietary Information from Public Disclosure" accompanying this Affidavit and in conformance with the provisions of 10 CFR Section 2.390. (3) The information sought to be withheld is contained in Enclosure 1 of NextEra Energy Seabrook's letter SBK-L-17155, Eric McCartney (NextEra Energy Seabrook) to U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, entitled "S upplement 58 -Response to Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Seabrook Station License Renewal Application

-Building Deformation Analyses Related To Concrete Alkali-Silica Reaction." ( 4) The information sought to be withheld is considered to be propri etary and confidential commercial information because alkali-silica reaction (ASR) is a newly-id e ntified phenomenon at domestic nuclear plants. The information requ es ted to be withheld is th e result of several years of intensive NextEra Energy Seabrook effort and the expenditure of a considerable sum of money. This information may be marketable in the event nuclear facilities or other regulated facilities identify the presence of ASR. In order for potential customers to duplicate this information , similar technical programs would hav e to be performed and a significant manpow er effort, having the requisite talent and experience, would have to be expended.

The extent to which this information i s available to potenti a l customers diminishes NextEra Energy Sea brook's ability to sell products and services involvin g the use of the information.

Thus , public disclosure of th e information sought to b e withheld is likely to cause substantial harm to N extEra U.S. Nu c l e ar Re g ulatory Commi s sion SBK-L-17155 I Enclosure 4/ Page 3 Energy Seabrook's competitive position and NextEra Energy Seabrook has a rational basis for considering this information to be confidential commercial information.

(5) The information sought to be withheld is being submitted to th e NRC in confidence. ( 6) The information sought to be withheld has, to the best of my knowledge and belief , consistently been h e ld in confidence by NextEra Energy Seabrook , has not been disclosed pub licl y , and not been made avai l ab l e in public so ur ces. (7) The information is of a sort customarily held in confidence by NextEra Energy Seabrook, and is in fact so held. (8) A ll disclosures to third parties , including any required transmittals to the NRC , have been or wi ll be pursuant to regulatory provisions and/or confidentiality agreements that provide for maintaining the information in confidence.

I declare that the foregoing affidavit and the matters stated therein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge , information , and belief. Further , the affiant sayeth not. S ubscrib ed and sworn to before me this 12 O day of October, 2 017.

Notary Public My comm ission exp ir es 3/rt;/1,.,7__ Regional Vice President

-Northern Region Ne x tEra Energy Sea brook , LLC 626 Lafayette Road Seabrook, New Hampshire 03874