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Calculation C11116, Revision 0, Kewaunee Unit 1 Steam Generator Narrow Range Level Protection Channel Statistical Allowance (Csa) Calculation.
Person / Time
Site: Kewaunee Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 09/07/2010
From: Baugus A W
Dominion Energy Kewaunee
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
10-527, TAC ME2139 C11116, Rev 0
Download: ML102730398 (49)


{{#Wiki_filter:KEWAUNEE NUCLEAR POWER PLANT DESIGN BASIS DATABASE LOAD FORM Form GNP-05.27.07-1 Rev. 9 Date: MAR 20 2008 Page 11 of 11INFORMATION USE DOCUMENT INFORMATION Document Type Calculation / Evaluation Document ID C11116 Document Title Kewaunee Unit 1 Steam Generator Narrow Range Level Protection Channel Statistical Allowance (CSA) Calculation. KPS Revision 0 Addendum N/A Document Date 10/14/2009 Topic Development of the Steam Generator Narrow Range Level High Level Turbine Trip and Feedwater Isolation, Low Level Coincidence with Steam Flow Feed Flow Mismatch Reactor Trip, and the Low Low Level Reactor Trip Channel Statistical Allowances (CSA) to support Kewaunee's conversion to Improved Technical Specifications (ITS) Document Status Current Superceded By N/A Attachments Y Safety Related Y AUTHOR INFORMATION Author/Submitter AW Baugus Vendor N/A Vendor Author N/A Discipline Instrument and Control DOCUMENT RELATIONSHIPS System(s) 05A-975 DCR(s) N/A Keyword(s) CALC INDEX Inputs Outputs

ADMIN/RECORDS USE ONLY Comments Record Type Retention Period Software Application Vault Location Film Reel Reel Odometer

Calculation Cover Sheet Station: Kewaunee-KPS Calculation Number: C11116 Unit(s): 1 Revision: 0 System Code(s): DSA (Feedwater) Addendum: N/A Calculation Quality Class:'Safety Related 0 Non-Safety Related Status: Current Installation Verification Required:Yes 0 No Keyword(s): CSA, Steam Generator Narrow Range Level Supersedes: C11116-1, Rev.OJ C11116-2, Rev.1, C11116-3 J Rev.1, C11116-4, Rev.0, C11116-1 0, Rev.1.SUbject (Calculation Title): Kewaunee Unit 1 Steam Generator Narrow Range Level Protection Channel Statistical Allowance (CSA)Calculation. Initiating Document: Kewaunee Improved Technical Specifications (ITS)CM-AA-CLC-301, Revision: 1 Station: Unit: System: Equipment Location (Mark Number): Tag Number (If Applicable): KPS 1 D5A 24042 L T-461 KPS 1 05A 24043 LT-462 KPS 1 GSA 24044 LT-463 KPS 1 GSA 24046.L T-471 Objective: The objective of this calculation is to determine the Channel Statistical Allowance (CSA)value(s)associated with Kewaunee's Unit 1 Steam Generator Hi Level Turbine Trip and Feedwater Isolation J Low Level Coincidence with Steam Flow/Feed Flow Mismatch Reactor Trip, the Low-Low Reactor Trip functions and the AMSAC Low-Low Level Trip.This calculation supports Kewaunee's conversion to Improved Technical Specifications (ITS).Reviewer (Print): D.M.McGrath Originator (Print): A.W.Baugus


The Channel Statistical Allowance (GSA)values associated with the Steam Generator Narrow Range Level Trips are: CSA-NORMAL(Low Level Coincidence) CSA-NORMAL(LOw Low Level RX Trip)CSA-NORMAL(AMSAC Low Low Level TUrb/AX Trip)CSA-NORMAL Hi Level Turb Tri I FW Isol Owners Review (Print): Victor Myers Approval (Print): B.R.Morrison (1)This Is the revision of CM-AA..CLC-301 and CM..AA-CLC-301-1 001 in effect at the time the calculation was Initiated. Engineering Work Sheet Calculation Number: C11116 Revision: 0 Addendum: N/A Page 2 of 23 Affected Components (Cont.): Station: KPS KPS KPS KPS KPS KPS KPS KPS KPS KPS KPS KPS KPS KPS KPS KPS KPS KPS KPS KPS KPS KPS KPS KPS KPS KPS Unit: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 System: 05A 05A 05A 05A 05A 05A 05A 05A 05A 05A 05A 05A 05A 05A 05A 05A 05A 05A 05A 047 05A 047 05A 047 05A 047 Equipment Location (Mark Number): 24047 24048 4848601 4848401 4845801 4848301 4848101 4848201 4848602 4848402 4845803 4848302 4848102 4848202 4848403 4845802 4848103 4848203 4848404 4809808 4845804 4809808 4848104 4809807 4848204 4809807 Tag Number (If Applicable): LT-472 LT-473 LQ-461 LQ-462 LQ-463 LQ-471 LQ-472 LQ-473 LC-461A/B LC-462A/B LC-463C/D LC-471A/B LC-472A/B LC-473C/D LC-462C LC-463E LC-472C LC-473E LM-462 LC-462G LM-463B LC-463G LM-472 LC-472G LM-473B LC-473G

Engineering Work Sheet Calculation Number: C11116 Revision: 0 Addendum: N/A Page 3 of 23 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION DESCRIPTION PAGE Calculation Cover Sheet 1 Table of Contents 3 Attachments 3 Record of Revision 3

1.0 Purpose


2.0 Method

of Analysis 4

3.0 Design

Inputs 5

4.0 Assumptions

6 5.0 References 7 6.0 Computer Codes 9

7.0 Functional

Block Diagram 10

8.0 Calculation


9.0 Conclusion



Attachment 1 SG Narrow Range Level, PMA Calculation Attachment 2 50.59 Applicability Review Attachment 3 50.59 Pre-Screening RECORD OF REVISION

Rev. 0 Original Issue. This calculation replaces Calculations C11116-1, Rev. 0, C11116-2, Rev. 1, C11116-3, Rev. 1, C11116-4, Rev. 0, and C11116-10, Rev. 1. This calculation is written as a Channel Statistical Allowance (CSA) Calculation versus a Setpoint Calculation.

Engineering Work Sheet Calculation Number: C11116 Revision: 0 Addendum: N/A Page 4 of 23


The purpose of this calculation is to determine the Channel Statistical Allowance (CSA) values associated with the Steam Generator Narrow Range Level Loops. The functions addressed in this calculation are the Steam Generator Low Level Coincident Reactor Trip, Steam Generator Hi Level Turbine Trip and Feedwater (FW) isolation, Steam Generator Lo-Lo Level Reactor Trip and ESFAS Initiation, and the AMSAC Low-Low Level Trip. The applicable instrumentation loops are L-461, L-462, L-463, L-471, L-472, and L-473. The loops are similar; therefore the CSA values presented in this calculation will be applicable for all of the loops.



This calculation uses the methodology presented in STD-EEN-0304, Revision 6, Calculating Instrumentation Uncertainties by the Square Root of the Sum of the Squares Method (Reference 5.1).

The CSA determined in this calculation is a derivation of the following generic equation presented in STD-EEN-0304, Revision 6, Section 6.1: CSA = SE +/- [EA² + PMA² + PEA² + (SCA + SMTE)² + SD² + SPE² + STE² + SPSE 2 + (M1 + M1MTE)² + (M2 + M2MTE)² + ...+ (Mn + MnMTE)² + RD² + RTE² + RRA²] (Equation 1) The terms M1 through Mn refer to individual rack modules within the Steam Generator Narrow Range Level Loops. The term MnMTE refers to the Module Measuring and Test Equipment where n is the module number as shown on the Functional Block Diagram in Section 7.0. Finally, the EA term will be removed from the equation for normal conditions since there is no environmental allowance for non-harsh conditions. These changes result in the following equation.

For normal conditions:

CSA = SE +/- [PMA² + PEA² + (SCA + SMTE)² + SD² + SPE² + STE² + SPSE 2 + (M1 + M1MTE)² + (M2 + M2MTE)² + ...+ (Mn + MnMTE)² + RD² + RTE² + RRA²] (Equation 2) The error terms in the equations above are consistent with standard industry definitions and are described in Section 8.0 and in detail in Reference 5.1.

2.1 Process

Measurement Accuracy (PMA) Terms The Process Measurement Accuracy Terms used in this calculation are extracted from Calculation C11116-5, Rev. 0, Attachment 4 (Ref 5.19). Because they are applied deterministically as process measurement bias to the Channel Statistical Allowance, no additional uncertainty is added to these biases. For conservatism, the PMA is ignored when evaluating low or low-low level trips when the resultant CSA is a net positive (i.e. Actual level is Engineering Work Sheet Calculation Number: C11116 Revision: 0 Addendum: N/A Page 5 of 23 higher than indicated level), correspondingly the PMA is ignored when evaluating high level trips when the resultant CSA is a net negative (i.e. Actual level is lower than indicated level). The PMA terms from Attachment 1 include downcomer affects, mid deck plate affects, and Fluid Velocity effects at the lower tap. The reference leg temperature effect was determined at 95°F and per Reference 5.18, page 17 the maximum temperature could be 120°F and the minimum temperature could be 40°F. The reference leg temperature variation for 120°F and 40°F was determined in Reference 5.21 to be +0.74% of span and - 0.83% of span. Table 2-1 Function MDP + TH (1) % span Reference Leg Temperature Error (2) % span Total PMA

% span Low Level 25.5%

Level Setpoint - 1.8291%(3)- 0.83% - 2.659 Low Low Level 17% Level Setpoint - 1.6875%(4)- 0.83% - 2.518 AMSAC Low Low Level 13% Level Setpoint -1.5781%(5) -0.83% -2.408 Hi Hi Level 66.5% Level Setpoint + 5.2050 % (6)+ 0.74% + 5.945 (1) MDP + TH is the combination of the mid deck plate and thermal & hydraulic errors as shown on Attachment 1, "SG Narrow Range Level, PMA Calculation".

(2) Reference Leg Temperature Error is derived from Calculation CN-SSO-02-8, Rev. 1, page 17. The values above are for the two temperature extremes of 40°F and 120°F. 
(3) The value for the Low Level Setpoint @ 25.5% is the bounding value between the Hi Tave 0% TP, Lo Setpoint 25.5% value and the Low Tave, 10% TP Lo Setpoint 25.5% value (Ref. pg 17 of 23 of  ). 
(4) The value for the Low Low Level Setpoint @ 17.0% is the bounding value between the Hi Tave 0% TP, Lo-Lo Setpoint 17.0% value and the Low Tave, 10% TP Lo-Lo Setpoint 17.0% value (Ref. pg 11 of 23 

of Attachment 1).

(5) The value for the AMSAC Low Low Level Setpoint @ 13.0% is the bounding value between the Hi Tave 0% TP, Lo-Lo Setpoint 13.0% value and the Low Tave, 10% TP Lo-Lo Setpoint 13.0% value (Ref. pg 11 of 23 of Attachment 1). 
(6) The value for the Hi Hi Level Setpoint @ 66.5% is the bounding value between the Hi Tave 0% TP, Hi-Hi Setpoint 66.5% value and the Low Tave, 10% TP Hi-Hi Setpoint 66.5% value (Ref. pg 7 of 23 of  ). 


INPUTS The design inputs are manufacturer's published data sheets, active (current) calculations, station controlled drawings and other controlled documents as listed in Section 5.0, References.

Engineering Work Sheet Calculation Number: C11116 Revision: 0 Addendum: N/A Page 6 of 23


4.1 The Environmental Allowance (EA) term is assumed to be zero for Normal (non-accident) conditions. This term includes the effects due to degradation of cable insulation (IR) and the effects of high temperatures and radiation during an accident. The Steam Pressure/Temperature Effect (SPTE) has also been assumed to exist only during exposure to the temperature pressure profile. 4.2 Based on Reference 5.15, all test data is referenced to the rack 10 Test Point Resistor (TPR), therefore the errors associated with the installed DB Box resistors used to convert the loop current to an applied input voltage to the Foxboro or NUS module under test is included in the overall error of the Foxboro or NUS module as referenced to the rack TPR. 4.3 According to References 5.14 and 5.15, a Fluke 45 Digital Multimeter (DMM) is used to perform the transmitter and rack module calibration. According to Reference 5.13, the DC Voltage accuracies for the ranges of interest are as follows: Range Desired Acceptance Range 300 mV 300 mV 299.92 to 300.08 mV 3 V 3 V 2.9992 to 3.0008 V 30 V 30 V 29.992 to 30.008 V Range Desired Acceptance Range 1000 mV 900 mV 899.76 to 900.24 10 V 9 V 8.9976 to 9.0024 At Kewaunee, there are six possible voltage spans that could be present in the Reactor Protection System; i.e., 40 to 200 mVDC, 100 to 500 mVDC, 1 to 5 VDC, 0.4 to 12.4 VDC, 2 to 10 VDC, and 0 to 10 VDC. The DC voltage accuracies converted to % of span are given below.

100 to 500 mVDC (1000 mV range) accuracy = (0.24 mVDC / 400 mVDC)

  • 100% = 0.06% of span

0.4 to 12.4 VDC (30 V range) accuracy = (0.008 VDC / 12 VDC)

  • 100% = 0.07% of span 2 to 10 VDC (30 V range) accuracy = (0.008 VDC / 8 VDC)
  • 100% = 0.10% of span 0 to 10 VDC (30 V range) accuracy = (0.008 VDC / 10 VDC)
  • 100% = 0.08% of span

Engineering Work Sheet Calculation Number: C11116 Revision: 0 Addendum: N/A Page 7 of 23 40 to 200 mVDC (300 mVDC range) accuracy = (0.08 mVDC / 160 mVDC)

  • 100% = 0.05% of span 1 to 5 VDC (10 V range) accuracy = (0.0024 VDC / 4 VDC)
  • 100% = 0.06% of span This calculation will be bounded using an accuracy of + 0.1% of span for the Fluke 45 DMM for all possible conditions for ranges 30 VDC or less. It is acceptable for the calibration procedures to use a DMM with accuracy specifications equal to or better

than the Fluke 45 DMM. 4.4 For this calculation, when terms are treated as a bias or the net CSA is made up of two values, then a net (+) means that the actual process is higher than the indicated value and a net (-) means that the actual process is lower than the indicated value.


5.1 Dominion

Standard, STD-EEN-0304, Revision 6, "Calculating Instrumentation Uncertainties by the Square Root of the Sum of the Squares Method".

5.2 Kewaunee

Updated Safety Analysis Report (USAR), Chapters 7, 10, and 14.

5.3 Kewaunee

Technical Specifications, Section 2.3.a.5, Table TS 3.5-2, Table TS 3.5-3, and Table TS 3.5-4.

5.4 Kewaunee

Vendor Technical Manual KW-VTM-000-FOXBO-0031 (100-1762-1), Revision 15, Nuclear Energy Systems - In strumentation Reference Manual.

5.5 Kewaunee

Vendor Technical Manual KW-VTM-000-FOXBO-0015 (100-1744-1), Revision 10, Instrumentation Documentation.

5.6 Kewaunee

Vendor Technical Manual KW-VTM-000-NUSIN-0017 (240730), Revision 2, NUS Instruments Series SPS500 Power Supply.

5.7 Kewaunee

Vendor Technical Manual KW-VTM-000-NUSIN-0022 (C-N-430-9), Revision 4, SAM504-3 Single & DAM504-3 Dual Alarm Module IOM.

5.8 Kewaunee

Vendor Technical Manual KW-VTM-000-ROSEM-0006 (2566-1), Rosemount Instruction Manual, Rosemount 1154 Alphaline Nuclear Pressure Transmitter, Product Manual 00809-0100-4514, Rev. AA, June 1999.

5.9 Kewaunee

Instrument and Control Procedure ICP-82B-137, Revision 6, ICE - "Precision Test Resistor Calibration". 5.10 Kewaunee General Instrument Procedure GIP-007, Revision E, "Protection Loop mV Data Collection". Engineering Work Sheet Calculation Number: C11116 Revision: 0 Addendum: N/A Page 8 of 23 5.11 Kewaunee Instrument and Control Procedure ICP-82B-168, Revision 3, ICE - Heise PTE-1 Calibrator and HQS-2 Pressure Module Calibration. 5.12 Kewaunee Instrument and Control Procedure ICP-82B-06, Revision T, ICE - Pressure Gauge Calibration.

5.13 Kewaunee Instrument and Control Procedure ICP-82B-129, Revision 10, ICE - Fluke 45 Dual Display Multimeters Calibration.

5.14 Instrument Surveillance Procedure MA-KW-ISP-FW-028A, Rev. 0, "Steam Generator Level Transmitters Calibration".

5.15 Instrument Surveillance Procedures:

  • SP-05A-028B-1, Rev. B, "Steam Generator Level Instrument Channel 461 (Red) Calibration".
  • SP-05A-028B-2, Rev. B, "Steam Generator Level Instrument Channel 462 (Blue) Calibration".
  • SP-05A-028B-3, Rev. 3, "Steam Generator Level Instrument Channel 463 (Yellow) Calibration".
  • SP-05A-028B-5, Rev. B, "Steam Generator Level Instrument Channel 472 (Red) Calibration".
  • SP-05A-028B-6, Rev. B, "Steam Generator Level Instrument Channel 473 (White) Calibration".
  • SP-05A-028B-4, Rev. 3, "Steam Generator Level Instrument Channel 471 (Yellow) Calibration".

5.16 Interconnecting Wiring Diagrams:

  • XK-100-622, Rev. 2M
  • XK-100-663, Rev. 2Q 5.17 Station Drawings:
  • XK-100-554, Rev. 2B
  • XK-100-149, Rev. 4K
  • E-3602, Rev. H 5.18 Kewaunee Power Station Environmental Qualification Plan, Rev.

5.19 Kewaunee Calculation C11116-5, Rev. 0, "Steam Generator NR Level, Control Room Indication".

5.20 Kewaunee DCR 2939, "Replace all Six Narrow Range Steam Generator Level Transmitters 24042 (LT-461), 24043 (LT-462), 24044 (LT-463), 24046 (LT-471), 24047 (LT-472), 24048 (LT-473)".

Engineering Work Sheet Calculation Number: C11116 Revision: 0 Addendum: N/A Page 9 of 23 5.21 Kewaunee Calculation CN-SSO-02-08, Rev. 1, Kewaunee Steam Generator Water Level Trip Setpoints Uncertainty Calculations for 7.4% Power Uprate, Replacement Steam Generators and WCAP-15821, Rev. 0. 5.22 Kewaunee Calculation C10746, Revision 0, Addendum A, "Instrument Loop Calibration Resistor Check".

5.23 Instrument Surveillance Procedure SP-47-281, Rev. 14, "AMSAC Quarterly Functional Test". 5.24 Kewaunee Vendor Technical Manual KW-VTM-000-NUSIN-0010, Revision 0, NUS Instruments Series 500 Analog Isolator Module Operations & Maintenance Manual.


CODES No computer codes were used to perform this calculation. All calculations were performed by hand using the method described in Section 2.0.

Engineering Work Sheet Calculation Number: C11116 Revision: 0 Addendum: N/A Page 10 of 23

7.0 Functional

Block Diagram

This drawing is representative of Loop A Channel 3. Loop A Channel 4 and Loop B Channels 1 and 2 are similar. Loop A Channel 1 and Loop B Channel 2 are similar to the other Channels with the exception of the Steam Generator Low Level Reactor Trip, and the AMSAC Low-Low Level Turbine Trip / Reactor trip.

LM-462FOXBORO LEAD/LAG M4LC-462GFOXBORO OR NUSBISTABLE M5LQ-462FOXBORO OR NUSPOWER SUPPLY M1LC-462C FOXBORO OR NUS BISTABLE M2LC-462A/BFOXBORO OR NUSBISTABLE M3 A MSACLow - Low Level Logic S/G Level Low RX Trip S/G Low LowLevel Rx Trip High Level FW IsolationLT-462ROSEMOUNTTRANSMITTER1154DP430 to 137 In-H20 Engineering Work Sheet Calculation Number: C11116 Revision: 0 Addendum: N/A Page 11 of 23 The channels listed below (Table 7-1) develop the Steam Generator Low Level Coincidence Reactor Trip, Low Low Level Reactor Trip, the High Level Turbine Trip & Feedwater Isolation, and the AMSAC Low-Low Level Trip. This calculation is applicable for all four Steam Generator Level Channels.

TABLE 7-1 Channel Tag/ Mark No. Tag/ Mark No. Tag/ Mark No. Tag/ Mark No. Tag/ Mark No. Tag/ Mark No. SG "A" Level Channel 1 (Red) LT-461 (24042) LQ-461 (4848601) LC-461A/B (4848602) SG "A" Level Channel 3 (Blue) LT-462 (24043) LQ-462 (4848401) LC-462A/B (4848402) LC-462C (4848403) LM-462 (4848404) LC-462G (4809808)SG "A" Level Channel 4 (Yellow) LT-463 (24044) LQ-463 (4845801) LC-463C/D (4845803) LC-463E (4845802) LM-463B (4845804) LC-463G (4809808)SG "B" Level Channel 1 (Red) LT-472 (24047) LQ-472 (4848101) LC-472A/B (4848102) LC-472C (4848103) LM-472 (4848104) LC-472G (4809807)SG "B" Level Channel 2 (White) LT-473 (24048) LQ-473 (4848201) LC-473C/D (4848202) LC-473E (4848203) LM-473B (4809807) LC-473G (4809807)SG "B" Level Channel 4 (Yellow) LT-471 (24046) LQ-471 (4848301) LC-471A/B (4848302)

Engineering Work Sheet Calculation Number: C11116 Revision: 0 Addendum: N/A Page 12 of 23


SE = Systematic Error No Systematic Error has been identified for these loops.

SE = 0.000% of span

PMA = Process Measurement Accuracy The PMA terms from Section 2.1 are given below for the various loop functions considered in the calculation. PMA 1 (Low Level Coincidence) Section 2.0, Table 2-1 shows a PMA value of - 1.8291 % of span for the Low Level Coincidence circuit. This PMA value is based on Low Tave, 10% tube plugging, Low Setpoint of 25.5% Level and 100% power. For conservatism, the above is the most bounding PMA value between the Hi Tave 0% tube plugging, low setpoint of 25.5% and the Low Tave 10% tube plugging, low setpoint of 25.5% level. This value will be added to the Reference Leg Temperature error (from Table 2-1) to determine the overall PMA to be applied to the Steam Generator Low Level Coincidence Trip Function. PMA 2 (Low Low Level ESFAS Initiation) Section 2.0, Table 2-1 shows a PMA value of - 1.6875 % of span for the Low Low Level ESFAS Initiation circuit. This PMA value is based on Hi Tave, 0% tube plugging, Low Low Setpoint of 17.0% Level and 100% power. For conservatism, the above is the most bounding PMA value between the Hi Tave 0% tube plugging, Lo-Lo setpoint of 17.0% and the Low Tave 10% tube plugging, Lo-Lo setpoint of 17.0% level. This value will be added to the Reference Leg Temperature error (from Table 2-1) to determine the overall PMA to be applied to the Steam Generator Low Level Coincidence Trip Function. PMA 3 (Hi Level Turbine Trip / Feedwater Isolation) Section 2.0, Table 2-1 shows a PMA value of + 5.2050 % of span for the Hi Hi Turbine Trip & Feedwater Isolation circuit. This PMA value is based on Hi Tave, 0% tube plugging, Hi Hi Setpoint of 66.5% Level and 100% power. For conservatism, the above is the most bounding PMA value between the Hi Tave 0% tube plugging, Hi Hi setpoint of 66.5% and the Low Tave 10% tube plugging, Hi Hi setpoint of 66.5% level. This value will be added to the Reference Leg Temperature error (from Table 2-1) to determine the overall PMA to be applied to the Steam Generator Low Level Coincidence Trip Function.

PMA 4 (AMSAC Low Low Level Turbine Trip / Reactor Trip)

Section 2.0, Table 2-1 shows a PMA value of - 1.5781 % of span for the AMSAC Low Low Level Turbine Trip / Reactor Trip. This PMA value is based on Hi Tave, 0% tube plugging, Lo- Lo Engineering Work Sheet Calculation Number: C11116 Revision: 0 Addendum: N/A Page 13 of 23 Setpoint of 13.0% Level (AMSAC) and 100% power. For conservatism, the above is the most bounding PMA value between the Hi Tave 0% tube plugging, Lo-Lo setpoint of 13.0% and the Low Tave 10% tube plugging, Lo-Lo setpoint of 13.0% level. This value will be added to the Reference Leg Temperature error (from Table 2-1) to determine the overall PMA to be applied to the Steam Generator Low Level Coincidence Trip Function. PMA 1 = - 2.659% of span PMA 2 = - 2.518% of span

PMA 3 = + 5.945% of span

PMA 4 = -2.408% of span PEA = Primary Element Accuracy PEA is not applicable for this loop configuration.

PEA = +/- 0.000% of span

SCA = Sensor Calibration Accuracy Reference 5.14 provides a transmitter calibration accuracy of + 0.25% of span. SCA = + 0.250% of span (Reference 5.14) SMTE = Sensor Measuring and Test Equipment The following Measuring and Test Equipment or its equivalent is used for calibration of the Transmitters:

1) SMTE 1 = DMM, Fluke Model 45 or equivalent SMTE 1 = +/- 0.100% of span (Assumption 4.3)
2) SMTE 2 = 10 Precision Test Resistor with an accuracy of

+/- 0.01% of span SMTE 2 = +/- 0.010% of span (Reference 5.9)

3) Reference 5.14 states that a pressure measuring device with an accuracy of + 0.2 in-H2O or better is used for the calibration of the Steam Generator Level transmitters.

SMTE 3 = 100%

  • 0.2 "H 2 O / 107 "H 2O = 0.187% of span SMTE 3 = +/- 0.187% of span

Engineering Work Sheet Calculation Number: C11116 Revision: 0 Addendum: N/A Page 14 of 23 The Transmitter Measuring and Test Equipment (SMTE) accuracy is equal to:

SMTE = [(SMTE 1 + SMTE 2)2 + SMTE 3 2] 1/2 SMTE = [(0.1 + 0.01) 2 + (0.187) 2] 1/2 SMTE = +/- 0.217% of span

SD = Sensor Drift The sensors are Rosemount Model 1154DP4 transmitters (Ref. 5.20). The calibration span of the instrument is 107" W.C. (Ref. 5.15). Based on Reference 5.8, the Rosemount Model 1154 transmitter has a drift value of +/- 0.2% of the upper range limit (URL) for a 30-month period following calibration. For a calibration cycle up to 30 months the drift value is:

SD = +/- 0.2% of the URL per 30 Months, URL = 150" W.C. SD = +/- {[(0.2% / 100%)

  • 150" W.C.] / 107" W.C.}
  • 100

SD = +/- 0.280% of span SPE = Sensor Pressure Effect The Sensor Pressure effect (SPE) will have two components, Static Pressure Zero (SPZ) effect and Static Pressure Span (SPS) effect. SPE will have a random component derived from the Static Pressure Zero (SPZ) effect and the Static Pressure Span (SPS) effect uncertainty i.e. the generally accepted value of SPE is computed for a pressure max of 1020 psia (Attachment 1).

Per Reference 5.8, the URL for the Rosemount Series D transmitter (Range Code 4) is 150" W.C. Also per Reference 5.8, the Static Pressure Zero (SPZ) effect is + 0.2% of URL per 1000 psi for model 1154DP range code 4 transmitters. The Static Pressure Span uncertainty effect is + 0.5% of input per 1000 psi.

The maximum operating pressure of the main steam header, as shown in Attachment 1 is 1020 psia. From Reference 5.14 the calibration span of the sensor is 107" W.C.

SPZ = {{[(0.2% / 100%)

  • 150" W.C.] / 107" W.C.}
  • 100%} * (1005.3 psig / 1000 psig)

SPZ = + 0.282% of span

Per Reference 5.19 the Rosemount transmitters have been corrected for a static pressure of 785 psig. Per Reference 5.8 this correction has an uncertainty of + 0.5% of input per 1000 psi. SPS = + 0.5% of input per 1000 psi

SPS = 0.5% * (1005.3 psig / 1000 psig)

SPS = + 0.503% of span Engineering Work Sheet Calculation Number: C11116 Revision: 0 Addendum: N/A Page 15 of 23 The overall Transmitter Sensor Pressure Effect (SPE1) term is equal to:

SPE= (SPZ 2 + SPS 2)1/2 SPE = (0.282 2 + 0.503 2)1/2 SPE = +/- 0.577% of span

STE = Sensor Temperature Effect Rosemount Instruction Manual (Ref. 5.8) states the temperature effect for Range Code 4 is:

+/- (0.75% of URL + 0.5% span) / 100

°F (Reference 5.8)

Upper Range Limit = 150" W.C. Transmitter Span = 107" W.C. Temperature Span = 80°F (Based on the EZD Zone L02 (Ref. 5.18) minimum temperature of 40°F and Maximum temperature of 120 °F) STE = [(0.75%

  • 150" W.C / 107" W.C.) + 0.5%] * (80°F / 100°F)

STE = +/- 1.241% of span SPSE = Sensor Power Supply Effect According to Reference 5.20, Rosemount Model 1154DP4 differential pressure transmitters are used for the Steam Generator Level Channels. According to Reference 5.8, the Sensor Power Supply Effect for this model is less than 0.005% of output span per volt. The nominal load resistance for the Steam Generator Level Channels is approximately 650 (Reference 5.15). Based on Figure 2-3 in Reference 5.8, the nominal power supply voltage at 650 at 20 mA is 25.4 VDC. From Figure 2-3, the high end qualified power supply voltage is 45 VDC and the low end voltage is 13.5 VDC.

Based on References 5.14 and 5.15, the power supply output voltage is not checked during the performance of the Channel Calibration Procedure or the Steam Generator Level Transmitter Calibration Procedure, therefore to bound all possible conditions, a power supply output tolerance of + 11.9 VDC (i.e. 25.4 VDC - 13.5 VDC) will be used to determine the Sensor Power Supply Effect.

SPSE = +/- [(0.005% / 100%) * (11.9 VDC / 1.0 VDC)]

  • 100% = 0.060%

SPSE = + 0.060% of span

Engineering Work Sheet Calculation Number: C11116 Revision: 0 Addendum: N/A Page 16 of 23 M1 = Foxboro / NUS Loop Power Supply Model 610AC-0/SPS500 According to References 5.15 and 5.16, the loop power supply is either a Foxboro H/610AC-0 or a NUS Instruments SPS500. Based on References 5.14 and 5.15, these power supplies are not used as a current to voltage converters. Therefore, the accuracy for M1 is + 0.0 % of span. M1 = + 0.000% of span M1MTE = Loop Power Supply Measuring and Test Equipment According to References 5.15 and 5.16, the loop power supply is either a Foxboro H/610AC-0 or a NUS Instruments SPS500. Based on References 5.14 and 5.15, these power supplies are not used as a current to voltage converters. Therefore, the accuracy for M1MTE is + 0.0 % of span. M1MTE = 0.000% of span

M2 = Foxboro/NUS Bistable Modul e Model 63U-AC-OHBA/SAM504-3

Based on Reference 5.16, either a Foxboro Model M/63U-BC or NUS Instruments Model SAM504-3 may be installed as a Steam Generator Low Level bistable. The calibrated accuracy is +/- 0.500 % of span.

                                 (Reference 5.15)                M2 = +/- 0.500% of span M2MTE = Foxboro/NUS Bistable Module Model 63U-AC-OHBA/SAM504-3 Measuring and Test Equipment Based on Reference 5.15, the following M&TE is used to calibrate the bistable: 

M2MTE = +/- (Fluke + TPR) Fluke Accuracy = +/- 0.100% of span (Assumption 4.3)

Test Point Resistor Accuracy = +/- 0.100% of span (Reference 5.22) M2MTE = +/- (0.100 + 0.100) = +/- 0.200% of span M2MTE = +/- 0.200% of span M3 = Foxboro/NUS Bistable Modul e Model 63U-AC-OHBA/DAM504-3 Based on Reference 5.16, either a Foxboro Model M/63U-BC or NUS Instruments Model DAM504-3 may be installed for the Steam Generator Level Low- Low and Hi Level bistable. The calibrated accuracy is +/- 0.500 % of span. (Reference 5.15) M3 = +/- 0.500% of span Engineering Work Sheet Calculation Number: C11116 Revision: 0 Addendum: N/A Page 17 of 23 M3MTE = Foxboro/NUS Bistable Module Model 63U-AC-OHBA/DAM504-3 Measuring and Test Equipment

Based on Reference 5.15, the following M&TE is used to calibrate the bistable:

M3MTE = +/- (Fluke + TPR)

Fluke Accuracy = +/- 0.100% of span (Assumption 4.3) Test Point Resistor Accuracy = +/- 0.100% of span (Reference 5.22)

M3MTE = +/- (0.100 + 0.100) = +/- 0.200% of span M3MTE = +/- 0.200% of span M4 = Foxboro/NUS Signal Converter I/I Module Model M/66BC-0/ OCA504 Based on Reference 5.16 and 5.24, either a Foxboro Model M/63U-BC or NUS Instruments Model OCA504 may be installed for the Steam Generator Signal Converter Module. The calibrated accuracy is +/- 0.500 % of span.

                                 (Reference 5.23)                M4 = +/- 0.500% of span M4MTE = Foxboro/NUS Signal Converter I/I Module Model M/66BC-0/OCA504 Measuring and Test Equipment Based on Reference 5.15, the following M&TE is used to calibrate the Signal Converter Module: 

M4MTE = +/- (Fluke + TPR) 2 + (Fluke + TPR) 2 Fluke Accuracy = +/- 0.100% of span (Assumption 4.3)

Test Point Resistor Accuracy = +/- 0.100% of span (Reference 5.22)

M4MTE = +/- (0.100 + 0.100) 2 + (0.100 + 0.100) 2 = +/- 0.283% of span M4MTE = +/- 0.283% of span M5 = Allen Bradley Processor Mini PLC-2 Based on Reference 5.17, an Allen Bradley Mini PLC-2 is installed for use as the Steam Generator AMSAC Low-Low Level trip function. The calibrated accuracy is +/- 0.500 % of span.

                    (References 5.17 & 5.23)

M5 = +/- 0.500% of span

Engineering Work Sheet Calculation Number: C11116 Revision: 0 Addendum: N/A Page 18 of 23 M5MTE = Allen Bradley PLC Module Measuring and Test Equipment Based on Reference 5.15, the following M&TE is used to calibrate the Allen Bradley PLC AMSAC Low-Low Level trip function:

M5MTE = +/- (Fluke + TPR)

Fluke Accuracy = +/- 0.100% of span (Assumption 4.3) Test Point Resistor Accuracy = +/- 0.100% of span (Reference 5.22)

M5MTE = +/- (0.100 + 0.100) = +/- 0.200% of span M5MTE = +/- 0.200% of span RD = Rack Drift The superseded calculations specified a drift value derived from previous testing. However, that data is not current and Kewaunee is replacing Foxboro rack modules with NUS Instruments equivalents where sufficient drift trends have not been established. Therefore, the standard and conservative value of + 1.0% of span as referenced in STD-EEN-0304, Revision 6 will be used in this calculation.

RD = + 1.000% of span (Reference 5.1) RTE = Rack Temperature Effect For Kewaunee calculations the Rack Temperature Effect term was either assumed to be embedded in the Rack Drift term or set to zero percent of span. However, the effects of rack temperature changes have not been monitored or documented. Therefore, the standard and conservative value of + 0.5% of span as referenced in STD-EEN-0304, Revision 6 will be used for this calculation.

RTE = + 0.500% of span (Reference 5.1) RRA = Rack Readability Allowance Rack Readability Allowance (RRA) is applicable for the indication portion of the loops. This calculation is determining the CSA value associated with the applicable trips and not the indication. Thus, RRA = + 0.000% of span (Reference 5.1)

Engineering Work Sheet Calculation Number: C11116 Revision: 0 Addendum: N/A Page 19 of 23 Steam Generator Low Level Coincidence Reactor Trip Uncertainty (Normal Conditions) The Channel Uncertainty for the Steam Generator Low Level Coincident Reactor Trip based on NORMAL conditions is given by the following equation: CSA = SE + PMA 1 + [PEA 2 + (SCA + SMTE) 2 + SD 2 + SPE 2 + STE 2 + SPSE 2 + (M1 + M1MTE)2 + (M2 + M2MTE) 2 + RD 2 + RTE 2]1/2 Where: SE = 0.000% of span

PMA 1 = - 2.659% of span PEA = 0.000% of span SCA = 0.250% of span SMTE = 0.217% of span SD = 0.280% of span SPE = 0.577% of span STE = 1.241% of span SPSE = 0.060% of span M1 = 0.000% of span M1MTE = 0.000% of span M2 = 0.500% of span M2MTE = 0.200% of span RD = 1.000% of span RTE = 0.500% of span

CSA = 0.0 - 2.659 +

[0.0 2 + (0.25 + 0.217) 2 + 0.28 2 + 0.577 2 + 1.241 2 + 0.060 2 + (0.0 +        0.0)2 + (0.50 + 0.20) 2 + 1.00 2 + 0.50 2]1/2 CSA-NORMAL (SG Low Level Coincidence)
= - 0.681% of span to - 4.637% of span = - 0.681% Level                 to - 4.637% Level Note: When the resultant CSA is a net negative (-) the actual level is lower than indicated level. 

Engineering Work Sheet Calculation Number: C11116 Revision: 0 Addendum: N/A Page 20 of 23 Steam Generator Low Low Level Reactor Trip Uncertainty (Normal Conditions) The Channel Uncertainty for the Steam Generator Low Low Level Reactor Trip based on NORMAL conditions is given by the following equation: CSA = SE + PMA 2 + [PEA 2 + (SCA + SMTE) 2 + SD 2 + SPE 2 + STE 2 + SPSE 2 + (M1 + M1MTE)2 + (M3 + M3MTE) 2 + RD 2 + RTE 2]1/2 Where: SE = 0.000% of span

PMA 2 = - 2.518% of span PEA = 0.000% of span SCA = 0.250% of span SMTE = 0.217% of span SD = 0.280% of span SPE = 0.577% of span STE = 1.241% of span SPSE = 0.060% of span M1 = 0.000% of span M1MTE = 0.000% of span M3 = 0.500% of span M3MTE = 0.200% of span RD = 1.000% of span RTE = 0.500% of span

CSA = 0.0 - 2.518 +

[0.0 2 + (0.25 + 0.217) 2 + 0.28 2 + 0.577 2 + 1.241 2 + 0.060 2 + (0.0 +        0.0)2 + (0.50 + 0.20) 2 + 1.00 2 + 0.50 2]1/2 CSA-NORMAL (SG Lo-1 Level)
= - 0.540% of span to - 4.496% of span = - 0.540% Level to                              -4.496% Level Note: When the resultant CSA is a net negative (-) the actual level is lower than indicated level. 

Engineering Work Sheet Calculation Number: C11116 Revision: 0 Addendum: N/A Page 21 of 23 Steam Generator Hi Level Turbine Trip & FW Isolation Uncertainty (Normal Conditions) The Channel Uncertainty for the Steam Generator Hi Level Turbine Trip / FW Isolation for NORMAL conditions is given by the following equation: CSA = SE + PMA 3 + [PEA 2 + (SCA + SMTE) 2 + SD 2 + SPE 2 + STE 2 + SPSE 2 + (M1 + M1MTE)2 + (M3 + M3MTE) 2 + RD 2 + RTE 2]1/2 Where: SE = 0.000% of span

PMA 3 = +5.945% of span PEA = 0.000% of span SCA = 0.250% of span SMTE = 0.217% of span SD = 0.280% of span SPE = 0.577% of span STE = 1.241% of span SPSE = 0.060% of span M1 = 0.000% of span M1MTE = 0.000% of span M3 = 0.500% of span M3MTE = 0.200% of span RD = 1.000% of span RTE = 0.500% of span

CSA = 0.0 + 5.945 +

[0.0 2 + (0.25 + 0.217) 2 + 0.28 2 + 0.577 2 + 1.241 2 + 0.060 2 + (0.0 +        0.0)2 + (0.50 + 0.20) 2 + 1.00 2 + 0.50 2]1/2 CSA-NORMAL (Hi Level Turb Trip/FW Isol)    = + 3.967% of span to + 7.923% of span = + 3.967%                     Level to + 7.923% Level Note: When the resultant CSA is a net positive (+) the actual level is higher than indicated level. 

Engineering Work Sheet Calculation Number: C11116 Revision: 0 Addendum: N/A Page 22 of 23 Steam Generator AMSAC Low Low Level Turbine Trip / Reactor Trip Uncertainty (Normal Conditions)

The Channel Uncertainty for the Steam Generator AMSAC Low Low Level Turbine Trip / Reactor Trip based on NORMAL conditions is given by the following equation: CSA = SE + PMA 4 + [PEA 2 + (SCA + SMTE) 2 + SD 2 + SPE 2 + STE 2 + SPSE 2 + (M1 + M1MTE)2 + (M4 + M4MTE) 2 + (M5 + M5MTE) 2 + RD 2 + RTE 2]1/2 Where:

SE = 0.000% of span

PMA 4 = - 2.408% of span PEA = 0.000% of span SCA = 0.250% of span SMTE = 0.217% of span SD = 0.280% of span SPE = 0.577% of span STE = 1.241% of span SPSE = 0.060% of span M1 = 0.000% of span M1MTE = 0.000% of span M4 = 0.500% of span M4MTE = 0.283% of span M5 = 0.500% of span M5MTE = 0.200% of span RD = 1.000% of span RTE = 0.500% of span

CSA = 0.0 - 2.408 +

[0.0 2 + (0.25 + 0.217) 2 + 0.28 2 + 0.577 2 + 1.241 2 + 0.060 2 + (0.0 +        0.0)2 + (0.50 + 0.283) 2 + (0.50 + 0.20) 2 + 1.00 2 + 0.50 2]1/2 CSA-NORMAL (SG Lo-1 Level)
= - 0.281% of span to - 4.535% of span = - 0.281% Level to                     - 4.535% Level Note: When the resultant CSA is a net negative (-) the actual level is lower than indicated level. 

Engineering Work Sheet Calculation Number: C11116 Revision: 0 Addendum: N/A Page 23 of 23


S The results of this calculation are summarized below: Steam Generator Low Level Coincidence CSA-NORMAL (Low Level Coincidence) = - 0.681% Level to - 4.637% Level Steam Generator Low-Low Level Reactor Trip CSA-NORMAL (Low Low Level RX Trip) = - 0.540% Level to - 4.496% Level Steam Generator Hi Level Turbine Trip & FW Isolation CSA-NORMAL (Hi Level Turb Trip / FW Isol) = + 3.967% Level to + 7.923% Level Steam Generator AMSAC Low-Low Level Reactor Trip CSA-NORMAL (AMSAC Low Low Level Turb/RX Trip) = - 0.281% Level to - 4.535% Level

CALCULATION NO: C11116-5 ORIGINATOR: PDesotelte Calctrlation C11116, Rev.0 Attachment 1 Page 1 of 23 DATE: 5/6/2004 CALCULATION REV: 0 REVIEWER: JWerner DATE: 5/11/2004 Page 91 of 131 W ednesday, May 12, 2004 Attachment 4 SG Narrow Range Level, PMA Calculation Pages: 22 Page 75 of 115 Pages GALeUU TION NO: C11116-5 --0 Attachment 1 Page 2 of 23 ORIGINATOR: PDesotelJe DATE." 5/6/2004 CALCULATION REV: 0 REVIEWER: JWerner DATE: 5/11/2004 Actual vs.Indicated S/G Level and PMA Calculation for KNPP 7.4%Power Uprate Purpose: Determine the Process Measurement Accuracy (PMA)for the Narrow Range Steam Generator Leve I setpoints and indication The PMA will be used in Loop Accuracy Calculations to determine Total Loop Error.


1 Westinghouse Calculation No.CN..OPES(99)-025 t Actual vs.Indicated S/G Level and PMA Input Calculations for Kewaunee RSG.2.Westinghouse Nuclear Safety Advisory Letter NSAL-02-3. S/G Mid..deck Plate Pressure Loss Issue.3.Westinghouse Nuclear Safety Advisory Letter NSAL..024, Maximum Reliable lndicated S/G Water Level.4.Westinghouse Nuclear Safety Advisory Letter NSAL-02-5, S/G Water Level Control System Uncertainty Issue.5.Westinghouse I&CEJPOED(02)-49 Maximum Reliable Indicated Level (MIRL)for Kewaunee 7.4%Uprating..April 5, 2002 6.Westinghouse 1&CEIPOED(02)-32 Rev.-l Thennal and Hydrolic Parameters Input for Steam Generator Level Process Measurement Accuracy for Kewaunee Power Uprate and RTSR Program.July 11, 2002 7.Westinghouse CN...SSO-02-80 Kewaunee S team Generator Water Level Trip Setpoints Uncertainty Calculations for 7.4%Power Uprate, Repacement Steam Generators, and WCAP-15821, Rev.O Background Notes: Th is calculation uses the same methodology as Reference 1.Combining of the PMA uncertainties in an Excel spread sheet to detel1l1ine bounding PMA values for KNPP Steam generator level setpoint calcUlations. Reference 1 was accomplished for the Steam Generator Replacement(SGR) project and Reference 7 was accomplished for the KNPP 7 a4%Power U prate.This KNPP generated PMA calculation will use parameters from both Westinghouse generated calculations. This calculation will use a transmitter calibration curve detennined through an iterative process using the PMA calculation to evaluate a best fit and minimize errors.The (W)Power-uprate PMA calculation used High Tave.(573°F)with 0%Tube Plugging and Low Tave..(556 3Op)with 10%tube plugging as bounding conditions and calculated the PMA for a HI...HI and LO-LO setpoint of 78%and 10%respectively ..This calculation will determine the PMA for 78%, 100/0.a programmed level of 44%, the KNPP Tech.Spec.value of 15%and KNPP setpoints of 66.5%, 25.5%,20%and 19%for the bounding conditions. The 78%level is 6 inches above the mid deck plate and is the maximum recommended leveL Reference 5.Page.92 of 13IWednesday, May 12, 2004 Page 76 of 115 Pages CALCULA TION NO: C11116-S ORIGINATOR: PDesotelle Calculation C11116, Rev.0 Attachment 1 Page 3 of 23 DA TE: 5/6/2004 CALCULATION REV: 0 Method of Analysis: REVIEWER: JWerner DATE: 5/11/2004 The analysis will largely use an Excel spreadsheet to calculate the actual vs.indicated levels.The methodology is similar to that used in Reference 1..Computer Code used: The computer code used is Microsoft Excel 97 SR-2 for Windows 95 The steam table conditions were obtained from an Excel add-in called Winsteam from Techware Engineering .applications inc., desk top version 3.1.Inputs I calculations: Tap to tap height plus thermal expansion, Reference 1 Thennal and Hydraulic parameters, Reference 6 Maximum Reliable Indicated Level (MRIL), Reference 5 Nerative (w)error=actual level lower than indicated Positive (+)error=actual level higher than indicated Ltnear interpolation of the Downcommer temperature (IDC)parameter is used to determine those temperatures for speciflc levels not included in reference 6.The Following IS a column by column description of the spread sheet A.Power LevelInches of water above the lower tap e..Percent level in decimal form.D..Steam flow (pPH xlOE6)from.Reference 6 E.Steam pressure (PSIA)at the tube bundle.Reference 6.F.Temperature G.Spectfic volume of saturated fluid at specified pressure (cot-E)from W1nsteam add in.H.SpeCIfic volume of saturated gas at speCIfied pressure (coL-E)from Winsteam add in.I.Specific volume of the downcommer water at pressure (col.-E)and temperature (col.-F)from Winstearn add in.J.DIfferentIal pressure (PSI)across Mid Deck Plate (MDP)Reference 6.K.Velocity Head Effect, flow past lower level tap.Reference 6, Square of flow interpolatlon. L.SpeCIfIc volume of the Reference Leg water at pressure (col-E)and temperature 9SoF from Winsteam add in M.Reference Leg Pressure (PSI)=144.53/(Col-L*1728)Sub-cooled region Process Leg Pressure (pL..I)=30.27/(Col ..I*1728)O.Saturated water region Process Leg Pressure (PL-2)=(Col...B..30.27)/(Col-G* 1728)P.Saturated Steam regIon Process Leg Pressure (PL-3)=(144.53-Col-B)/(Col-H*1728) Q.PL-Total (PSI)Total Process Leg Pressure::: SUM(Col-N thru Col-P)Page 93 of 131Wedta,sda,Y, May 12 1 2004 Page 77 of 115 Pages CALCULATION NO: C11116-5 ORIGINATOR: POesoteJle Calculation C11116, Rev.0 Attachment 1 Page 4 of 23 DATE: 5/6/2004 CALCULATION REV: 0 REVIEWER: JWerner DATE: 5/11/2004 R.Differential Pressure (DP)across the Xmtr at specified level (pSn=(Col-M)-(Col-Q) This is the DP due to the differences in Density and height of water between the RL ands.Xmtr DP minus the rvIDP effect Plus VelQcity effect (PSI)(DP)=(Col-R)-(Col-I)+(Col-K)The MDP has a negatIve effect and the velocity a positive effect.This is the combined or resultant DP across the Xmtr for the given conditions. T.The actual water level in the steam generator when the indicated level is at the specIfied level.The actual DP t Col-S is calculated for a specific height of water and SInce the actual DP will likely differ from the Xmtr calIbrated DP for the specIfic level.The error is calculated as follows.The Indicated level is calculated based on the cal1brated DP span uSIng the actual DP.[(Col:M,Row:38)-(CoJ:S)] I the result isa%of cahbrated span.ThlS result is then subtracted from the specified%level, the resultant difference wlll be a posItive or negatlve This difference or error is then algebrmcally added to the specified%level to obtain the actual level when the indicated level is equal to the specified level.IE for a specifled level of 78%(78%+(78%-(Col:M,Row:38 ...Col:S)/Col:M,Row:39)))* 100 u.Xmtr calibrated DP for the specIfied Level.($M$38)-{O.78*$M$39) Where ($M$38)=calibration 0%DP, spread sheet location ($M$39)=Calibration Span, Spread sheet location v.Thermal Hydraulic DP error.(Col:R-Col:U) w.MOP+VelocIty DP error.(Col:S-Co):R)MOP+Velocity+thermal Hydrolic errors combined.(Col:SThermal HydrollC%error.(Co]:V I$M$39)z.MDP+Velocity%error.(Col:W I$M$39)AA.1\1DP+Velacity+Thermal Hydraulic Errors combined.(Col:X I$M$39)Page 94 of 131Wednesday, May 12, 2004 Page 78 of 115 Pages '=I r t\M QReference.,.t--c Elevation of tower Tap from top of tube sheel(.nches) 44108 Reference 1: Elevallon of feedn ng J-Tube dIscharge from lop of tUbe!:h?et{1nches) 47124 Reference 1Elevation of upper Tap from top of tube shee\{mches}too,.56506 Reference 1Reference leg Temporature (oF)95 Reference 5 Assumption......-.DP for Mld-Deck PJaie (ps.J worst case power 0164 Aefe"ence 2 lower Tap 10 J...Tube Olschatge (471 24 11.441 08 tC)+11 lor thermal expansion 3027 u Reference 1 0 0.....Programmed water Leve'44°,{, (14453" 44)=635932 5046748 Reference 1.....&.0)Conversion Factor used to convert from denSity to pressure pSI 1728 Reference 1en COnvers1on Factor to convert from pressure ps, to callbrallon"H 2 0@6S 0 F (pst-2:1729648) 27729648 Reference 1 SpeCifiC Volumes at specified pressures0;;23 Pressure (psla)200 300 4CtO 500 600 700 800 900 1020 S2425@95 Q F Ref Leg 0016105 0016101 0016096 0016091 0016086 0016081 0016076 0016071 001605626 VaF@sat 0018387 0018897 0019343 0019752 0020140 0020514 0020879 0021240 o 02Hi72a 27 V*G@sat 2288035 1 543446 1 161596 0928152 0770162.0655866 0559179 0501069 043630028..29 Reference leg (RL)and Process leg (PL)pressures I I-0 52012 52027 52043 5206183 0 51933 51949 51964 51980 51996<D 454B9 44261 43241 42344 41530 40773 40059 39379 3859409 (IJ 0 r+()0366 00542 00720 00901 01086 01275 01469 01669 o 191703XMTR m Differential Pressure (DP)psi calibraUo OP*Htgh 1 Lvi 06444 07687 08723 09636 10466 1123g 1l96S 12664 13468 1 0818745'"U>>()DP-low 0%lvl 51567 51407 51244 51079 509tO 50736 50558 50374 50145 49405604 Q)::+Q) fIl Span 4 43720 42521 41443 40444 39498 38590 37709 366n 38586858 (CQ)-CD (')g , 40 CJ1 3 Q)Differential Pressure (DP)UH20b 0 CD--h:::J 0 DH*HIgh 100%Lvi 178685 213163 24188B 267195 290229 311645 331865 351179 373456 30I\.)r-+:::Jc..u()DH-Low 0%Lvi 1429943 1425491 1420989 141 6404 1411715 1406903 140 1952 1396848 1390498 137-.,..,.,...til Callbraliol1 error atle\1ellndlcated for specified pressures 32427386.............0)..-.N J',J..ACluallvl Ok 424167 434116 442531 450052 456996-163546 469824 475914 483065 a 0;0 16996 23546 29824 55914 43065 0 0 An Error.,*05884 02531 10052CD:<0 Page 95 of 131---_..."._............ -_PO..._.."....__---- t--c 1\\a§A M50 51 Hi Tave, 00;0 TP.MRIL..18%;a,..",.,.52w 53 MId-Deck VelocIty RL&154 POWER SG lEVEL 5G Level STMnow P-STM TOG V-F V*G V..Oc DP Effect V=AL pressure...55%II abovelT%PPH x 10E6 PSIA DEGF@P..STM@P-STM PS'PSI PSl56 0 9 57 100 1127334 078 3863 7935 49922 0020855 0574175 0020397 0164 00010422 0016076 520263 58 90 1127334 078 8099 501 64 o (j209t5 OS6l718 0020451 0147 00008275 0016076 520289..............59 80 1127334 078 3041 8269 50432 0020976 0549306 0020512 0129 00006392 0016075 520316.....<>>60 70 1127334 078 26295 50732 0021040 0536961 0020582 o 111 00004777 0016074 520343 I 01 61 60 1127334 078 222 8635 51062 0021108 0524176 0020661 0094 00003401 0016073 520373 62 50 1127334 078 182 8831 51432 0021179 0511540 0020751 0077 00002290 0016072 520404 63 40 1127334 078 1 421 9035 51804 0021253 0498947 0020844 0060 00001396 0016071 520436 64 30 1127334 078 1 037 9262 52262 0021334 0485559 0020963 0044 00000743 0016070 520471&s65 20 1127334 (J 78 0674 9500 52824 0021420 0472181 0021114 0029 00000314 001-6069 520509;S66 10 1127334 078 0322-9769 53482 0021517 0457811 0021299 0014 00000072 0016068 520551 tlj67 0 1127334 078 0 10200 547 0021672 0436300 0021670 O{lOO 00000000 0016066 520618;j>: 68(S 69...::tt 70 HI T Ave.0%TP, HI-HI Selpolnl66 5%...71 72 Mid-Deck RL I r-U 73 POWER SG LEVEL SG Leval STM Row P-STM TOC V-F V-G V-DC DP Effect V;;RL pressure a CD-74 DiE.*above IT 0/0 PPH x 10E6 PSfA DEGF@P-STM@ PSI PSI PSJ tb 0 15 m: 76 100 961125 0665 3883 7935 4988 0020855 0574175 0020386 0164 00010422 0016076 520263 CD 17 90 961125 0665 346 8099 5012 0020915 0561718 0020441 0147 00008275 0016076 520289 78 80 961 1 25 0665 3041 8269 5039 0020976 0549306 0020501 0129 00006392 0016075 520316 79 70 961125 0665 2629 8445 5069 0021040 0536961 0020571 0111 00004777 0016074 520343""U>>O 80 60 96 1125 0665 222 8635 5102 0021108 0524176 0020549 0094'00003407 0016073 520373 Ol::+Ol;p 81 50 961125 0665 1 82 8831 5139 0511540 0020739 0077 00002290 0016072 520404 COOl-CD (')g82 40 961125 0665 1 421 9036 5176 (}O21253 0498947 0020833 0060 00001396 0016071 520436 (j)3Q)83 30 961125 0665 1037 9262 5222 0021334 0485559 0020950 0044 00000743 0016070 520471t::l°CD!::!:84 20 96 0665 0674 9500 5278 0021420 0472181 0021102 002S 00000314 0016069 520509-h:::J 0i'.)r-t-:::J 85 10 961125 0665 0322 9769 5344 0021517 0457811 0021285 0014 00000072 0018068 52055186 10200 5470 0021672 0436300 0021670 0000 00000000 0016066 52{)618..0 961125 0665 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531 140 531 460 547 000 5.47 000 4955 4979 5005 5035 50S 8 5103 514 5184 5239 5.299 547 495 BOO 498200 500800 503 BOO 507100 510650 514350 518750 524300 530400 541000 Downcommer temperatures from Refetsnce 6 0%10%200/0 300/0 level level HI Tave H.Tave HtTave HI Teve-F*F-F-F Interpotation of downcommer temperature to vtldous levels 50%13 170%255%440°'" 665°kJ 780%HI Tave H&Tavo HI Tave HI Tavo Hi Tave HI Tave HI Tave N......-....Va:PPage 113 of 131-----.-_....._....... Calculation C11116, Rev.0 Attachment 2 Page 1 of 1 50.59 APPLICABILITY REVIEW (Is the activity excluded from 50.59 review?)Document/Activity number: 0_0_0_Brief description of proposed activity (what is being changed and why): This calculation supercedes calculation C11116-1, Revision 0, C11116-2.Revision 1 and C11116-3, Revision l.Calculation Cl1116, Revision 0 dev-el-ops-t:he-..bhannel-Stat-i-stical-AUowanee-(CSA)- values-asseciated with Unit-l Steam'6ener-at-e>r Hi Level-'Furbine-Trip-and" FeedwaterIsolation, Low Level Coincidence with Steam FlowlFeed Flow Mismatch Reactor Trip, and the Low-Low Reactor Trip functions. This calculation supports Kewaunee's conversion to Improved Technical Specifications (ITS).Does the proposed activity involve or change any of the following documents or processes? Check YES or NO for EACH applicability review item.Explain in comments if necessary. [Ref.USA 50.59 Resource Manual]3.1.2.NOTE: Ifyouare unsure if a document or process may be affected, contact the process owner.Yes No Docmnent or Applicable Contact!Action../../Process Regulation a DTechnical Specifications or Operating License lOCFR50.92 Process change per LI-AA-I01. Contact Licensing. Activity/change previously approved by NRC in Identify NRC letter in comments below.Process b 0lOCFR50.90 change: license amendment or NRC SBR Contact Licensing for assistance. c 0Activity/change covered by an existing approved lOCFR50 Appendix.B Identify screening or evaluation in comments below.lOCFRS0.59 review t screening, or evaluation. Process change.d 0Dominion Quality Assurance Program Description lOCFR50.54(a) ContactQA.(DOM-QA-l) Refer to NO-AA-I01. DEmergency Plan lOCFR50.54(q) ContactEP. e Refer to FP-R-BP-02. f 0Security Plan 10CFR50.54(p) Contact Security.Refer to FP-S-SPE-OL g 0 t81 1ST Plan 1.0 CFRS 0.55 a(t)Contact 1ST process owner.Refer to ER-AA-IST-IO. h 0lSI Plan lOCFR50.55a(g) Contact lSI process owner.Refer to BR-AA-NDB-122, NAD-ol.05, and i 0BeeS Acceptance Criteria lOCFRSO,46 Contact Licensing. USAR or any document incorporated by reference-Process USAR change per NEP-05.02. j 0Check YES only if change is editorial (see lOCFR50.71 Attachment A).Contact USAR process owner for assistance. Commitment -Commitment changes associated Contact Licensing. k 0with a response to Generic Letters and Bulletins t or 10CFR50 Appendix B if described in the USAR require a pre--screening. Refer to LI-AA-I10. Maintenance activity or new/revised maintenance Evaluate under Maintenance Rule.1 0procedure-Check YES only if clearly maintenance 10CFRSO.65 Refer to ER-AA-MRL-IO. ER-AA-MRL-IOO, and and equipment restored to its as-designed NAD-08.21. condition within 90 days (see Attachment C).New/revised administrative or managerial directive/procedure (e.g., NAn, GNP, Fleet m 0-121 Procedure) or a change to any procedure or other 10CFR50 Appendix B Process procedure/document revision.controlled document (e.g., plant drawing)which is clearlyeditoriaVadministrative. See Attachments A andB.n 0Fire Plan lOCFR50.48 Fire Protection Program Document Change Control, GNP-05.30.01. 0 0Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI)lOCFR72.48 Implement DNAP-3004, starting with Applicability. Date: 10-11/-.0 q Date:/0/1<//29 4.5.Reviewed by: D.M.McGrath (print!sign).Conclusion. Check one of the following: [8J All documents/processes listed above are checked NO.1 OCFR50.59 applies to the proposed activity.A 50.59 pre-screening shall be performed. o One or more of the documents/processes listed above are checked YES, AND controls all aspects of the proposed activity.lOCFRSO.59 does NOT apply.Process the change under the applicable program/process/procedure. o One or more of the documents/processes listed above are checked YES t however, some portion of the proposed activity is not controlled by any of the above processes. lOCFR50.59 applies to that portion.A 50.59 pre-screening shall be performed. Comments: ET-CEE-09-0009, Rev.0 will transmit the SO.59/72.48 Evaluation and program/document updates.6.Print name followed by signature. Attach completed Conn package.Prepared by: AndrewBaugus.c>----.I(print/sign) Form GNP..04..04.01-1 Rev.12 Date: APR 08 2008 Page 15 of 16 Calculation C11116, Rev.0 Attachment 3 Page 1 of 1 PRE-SCREENING (Is a 50.59 screenIng required?) Document/Activity number:_C_l_1_11_6...:.,,_R_ev_i_si..;,.o_n_O _Brief description of proposed activity (what is being changed and why): This calculation supercedes calculation C11116-L Revision 0, C11116-2, Revision 1 and Clll16-3, Revision l.Calculation Cll116, Revision 0 develops the Channel Statistical Allowance (CSA)values associated with Kewaunee's Unit 1 Steam Generator Hi Level Turbine Trip and Feedwater Isolation, Low Level Coincidence with Steam FlowlFeed Flow Mismatch Reactor Trip, and the Low-Low Reactor Trip functions. This calculation's to I!J1proved Technical .Does the proposed activity involve or change any of the following documents or processes? Explain in Comments if necessary. Check YES or NO for BACH pre-screening item.[Ref.USA 50.59 Resource Manual]NOTE: If you are unsure if a document or process may be affected, contact the process owner.NOTE: An asterisk (*)indicates that the document is incorporated by reference in the USAR or is implicitly considered part of the USAR.NOTE: Check NO if activity/change is considered editorial, administrative, or maintenance as defmed in Attachments A, B, and C.Explain in Comments if necessary. Yes t/No./DocumentlProcess Directive! Procedure a 0Updated Safety Analysis Report CUSAR)NEP-05.02 b 0*Technical Specifications Bases or Technical Requirements Manual (TRM)U-AA-IOl, LI-AA-I01-l 00 1 c 0*Commitments made in response to NRC Generic Letters and Bulletins, and those described in the USAR LI-AA-I10 d D*Environmental QUalification (EQ)Plan NAD-QI.08 e D*Regulatory Guide 1.97 eRG 1.97)Accident Monitoring Instromentation Plan NAD-05.22 f 0*Fire Plan NAD-Ol.02 g 0*Appendix.R Design Description NAD-Ol.02 h 0*Fire Protection Program Analysis (FPP A)NAD-Ol.02 i 0*Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM)NAD-05.l3 j 0*Radiological Environmental Monitoring Manual tREMM)NAD-05.l3"k 0*Station Blackout Design Description 1 0*Control Room Habitability Study 0Plant Drawing ChangeslDiscrepancies-Check YES only if: 1)the change adds information to, deletes information m from, or alters the configuration of a drawing that is incorporated in the USAR, or 2)configures an sse NAD..05.01 differently than described or credited in USAR text.n 0CalculationslEvaluationsl Analyses/Computer Software-Check YES only if: 1)It affects a method of evaluation Various described in the USAR t or 2)It independently (Le., not part of a modification) affects the licensing or design basis.0 0Permanent Plant Physical Changes-All require a screening. NAD-04.03 p 0Temporary Plant Physical Changes (rCRs)-Check No only if installed for maintenance AND in effect for less NAD-04.03 than 90 days at power conditions. q 0QA Typing DeterminationsCheck YES only ifreduction in classification, or affects design function as described NAn-OI.Ol in USAR.r 0Setpoint or Acceptance Criteria-Check YES only if change affects plant monitoring, performance) or operation. Various s 0Plant ProcedureslRevisions -Check YES only if the change directly or indirectly involves operating, controlling NAD-03.01 or configuring an sse differently than described or credited in USAR.t DEngineering Specifications -Check YES only if a design function or design requirement may be affected.NAn-OS.03 u 0Operations Night Orders or Operator Work Arounds-Check YES only if SSCs are operated or configured GNP-03.30.01 differently than described in USAR.NAD-08.14, 0Temporary plant alterations (e.g., jumpers, scaffolding, shielding, barriers)-Check YES only if installed (or in GMP-127, v effect)for for longer than 90 days at power conditions. GNP-01.23.04, FPP-08-09 w 0Temporary plant alterations -Check YES only if not associated with maintenance. x 0Corrective/Compensatory Actions-Check YES only if degraded/non-conforming plant condition accepted"as-is" OP-AA-I02 or compensatory action taken..Ib-ltI-tJ9 Date: Date: lD.Desrochers Andrew W.Baugus 4 Conclusion. Check one of the following:All of the documents or processes listed above are checked NO.A 50.59 screening is NOT required.Process change in accordance with the applicable o.One or more of the documents or processes listed above are checked YES.A 50.59 screening shall be performed. 5 Comments: ET-CEE-09-0009, Rev.0 will transmit the 50.59/72.48 Evaluation and program/document updates.6 Print name followed by signature. Either the preparer or reviewer shall be 50.59 screening qualified. Attach completed form to document/activity/change package.Prepared by: (print/sign) Reviewed by: (print/sign) I:nrnt nl1 01.?RO\f 1?}}