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CW-08-2005-Final Operating Examination
Person / Time
Site: Callaway Ameren icon.png
Issue date: 03/10/2005
NRC Region 4
Download: ML061560189 (258)


Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facilit y: Call a w a y Scenar io No.: 1 Op T e st No.: NRC Exam in e r s: O p e r a t o r s: Initial C ond itio ns: 100% po w e r, BOL. RE-52, Blo w d o w n Disch arg e Pumps Disc har ge Mon i tor, is OOS.

BB-PCV-45 5A PORV Leaka g e - Block Valv e Clos ed. Motor Driven AFW Pump 'A' OOS.

T u rnover: Red u ce p o w e r to less than 9 0% at 1% per mi nute to remov e Cond ens ate Pump 'A' from service d ue to a seal l eak Critical T a sk: Start EDG 'A' to ener gize Em erge nc y B u s pr ior to initi a tion of ECA 0.0 cop i ng steps.

Manu all y Start 'A' HHSI pum p prior to e x it from EOP Attachment 1.

Event No.

Malf. No.

Event T y pe* Event Description 1 R - RO N - BOP, SRO R e du ce po w e r I - BOP, SRO SG level transmitter failure.

2 F W M02A T S - SRO C - ALL 4KV Bus NB0 2 Normal F e e d e r Breaker trip.

3 EPS05B T S - SRO 4 P R S 0 2 A I - RO, SRO T S - SRO Pressuriz e r Level T r ansmitter fails lo w C - RO, SRO RCS Le ak req u irin g reactor tr ip. 5 RCS0 6 C 6 BAT M - ALL Loss of off-site po w e r, SBLOCA.

7 E P S 0 6 B KJS012 C - BOP 'B' DG T r ips - 'A' DG fails to AUT O Start. MANUAL Start requ ired. 8 SBI008C C - RO 'A' HHSI pum p fails to AUT O Start - MANUAL Start requir ed. * (N)ormal, (R)eactivit y , (I)n strument, (C) o mp onent, (M)ajor Scenario Event Description NRC Scena rio 1 The crew will assume th e shift at 10 0% power with instructio ns to reduce power due to a Condensate Pump seal leak.

At approximately 95% power, a Steam Generator Lev el transmitter will d r ift low, requ iring the crew to take manual control of the fe edwater regulating valve for the affected steam generator in accordance with OTO-AE-2. The SRO will also refer to Technical Speci f ications for the appropriate action requir e ments. When technical specifica t ions have been addressed, 4KV Vital Bus NB02 normal feeder breaker will trip. 'B' EDG will automatically start and energize bus NB02. The crew will respond in accordan ce with alar m response procedures, OTO-NB-00 002 and OTO-SA-1 to st op AFW flow and secure unnecessary equipment started b y the Shutdown Sequencer. The SRO will refer to tech nical spe c ifications.

When the pl ant is stab le , a Pressurizer Level Transmitter will fail low, cau s ing Letdow n isolation

. The crew will restore letd own in acco rdance with OTO-BG-1.

The SRO will address T e chnical Specificatio ns. An RCS lea k will develo p when Letdown is place d in service, requiring th e crew to determine that the reactor must be tripped.

When the reactor is tri p p ed, a loss of off-site pow er will occur.

The RCS leak will prog ress to a SBLOCA. Diesel Generator 'B' trip s and canno t be started.

Diesel Generator 'A' fails to automatically start, and must be manually started and aligned in accordan ce with E-0 or ECA-0.0.

HHSI pump 'A' fails to automatically st art, a nd must be manually started.

The scenario may be terminated upon entry to ES-1.2, Post LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization.

EOP flow pa th: E-0, ECA-0.0, E-0, E-1, ES-1.2

Scenario 1 Scenario Malfunction L i st 1) Initialize at I C-20. 2) Run Batch File "iltone.t x t", and verify the actions on the following page are loaded correctly. 3) Ensure Immediate Boration Timer is reset. 4) Check RX trip switch ha s a RED flag.

5) Ensure NIS indicates 10 0% 6) Ensure step counters for Control Bank "D" are set at 215 step s and all oth e r step coun ters are set for 2
28. 7) Ensure the digital displa y is selected to REP048 0A and RET 0499A. 8) Ensure AE-LT-519 is se lected 9) Ensure BB-LT-459 is se lected 10) Hang hold off tags on th e "A" MDAF P. 11) Ensure Decrease Loadin g Rate Button is "ON".
12) Update status board for "B" Protected Train week. Record " A" MDAFP, LCO 3.7.5, 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />. 13) Place Letdo wn orifi A and B in service with a cau t ion tag on C 14) White board has the following boron concentrations: "A" MDAFP T/S 3.7.5, Action C.1. 7 2 Hours. OOS @ 0500 Today 'A' CCP "5 d a ys ago" 1107 ppm 'B' CCP "t wo weeks ag o" 1135 ppm
15) Supply turnover and log sheets and OTG-ZZ-00 004. 16) Ensure the RM-11 is on the training system. 17) Microphones available f o r each person being evaluated and a video tape is in the VC R. 18) Ensure char t recorders are "rolled f o rward". 19) Ensure copies of the following procedures are in the file draw ers: OTO-AE-00 002 OTG-ZZ-00 004 OTO-NB-00 002 OTN-AD-00 001 OTO-SA-00 001 OTN-BG-00 001, Addendum 4 OTO-BG-00 001 OTN-EC-00 001 ECA-0.0 E-0 E-1 E-2 Scenario 1 Scenario Malfunction L i st File: iltone.TXT

>Author: S. P. Aufdember ge >Date: 20050504 > >=========





T XT > Red lights stay on the ESFAS P anel bat al01a.txt

>Simulates de-energization of "A" PO RV Block valve due to PORV Leakage ior bbhis8000a_ic (-1 0) 0 irf bbs014 (-

1 0) 0 >=========




E VENT PREL O A D=========


>EVENT A >'A' S/G lev xmtt r fails to 0 psig over 60 sec from t r igger #1 (MANU A L) imf fw m02 a (1) 0 60 >====



E VENT PREL O A D=========



===== >EVENT B >Loss of NB02 normal feeder bre a ker, from t r igger #2 (MANUAL

) imf eps05b (2)





E VENT PREL O A D=========


>EVENT C >Pressurizer Level Transmitter F a ils Low , from t r ig ger #3 (M ANUAL) imf prs02a (3) 0 60 >====



E VENT PREL O A D=========


>EVENT D >RCS leak requir i ng Reactor trip, G ro w s to 600gp m over 10 minut es from Manual Trigger #5 imf rcs06c (5) 60 0 600 >====



E VENT PREL O A D=========



===== >EVENT E >Loss of Off-Site Power, fr om Ma nual trigger #6

> Incoming Lines imf eps03a (6 0) imf eps03b (6 3) imf eps03c (6 20) imf eps03g (6 5)

>Incoming Line lights irf msb006 (6 0

) 0 irf msb007 (6 5

) 0 irf msb008 (6 3

) 0 >=========




E VENT PREL O A D=========



===== >EVENT F >"B" EDG tr ips and "A" EDG w ill fail to automatical ly star t. "B" E D G fails on the loss of off-site pow e r imf eps06b (7)

>Loss of off-site po w e r "sensed" b y gr een light on RCP control s w itch trgset 7 " x 21o11 5g.eq.0" >Disable Automatic start of "A" ED G irf kjs012 (-1 0) 1





E VENT PREL O A D==========



====== >EVENT G > "A" CCP fails to auto star t, manual w ill be successful irf sbi008c (-1 0) 1 > > >end of file

Scenario 1 Crew Turno ver Separate Turnover sheets provided

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 1 Event # 1 Page 6 of 36 Event Descri p ti on: Red u ce Po w e r T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r SRO Refer to OT O-MA-0000 8, Rapid Load Reductio n CREW Determine a m ount of boric acid to re duce reactor power to 90%

CREW Record rate of turbine lo ad change SRO Discuss am ount and rat e of turbine load change and boric acid addition with crew SRO Notify Load Dispatcher SRO Notify Che m istry, Health Physics, an d Radwaste RO Initiate boro n equalizat ion Energize at least 1 group of backup h eaters Place the PZR Master Controller in MAN Lower PZR Master Controller output to 38% to 4 2% Place the PZR Master Controller in AUTO 6 Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 1 Event # 1 Page 7 of 36 Event Descri p ti on: Red u ce Po w e r T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r RO Borate from the BAST using any of the following: Emergency Boration o Start at least 1 Boric Acid Transfer Pump o Open Emergency Boration to Charging Pump suction BG HIS-8104 o Check Emergency Borate flow is gre a ter than 30 GPM on BG FI-183A Borate to the VCT o Place RCS Makeup Control to STOP (BG HS-

26) o Place RCS Makeup Control Selecto r to BORATE (BG HS-25) o Reset Boric Acid counter to 000 (BG FY-110B) o Set BG FY-110B for the desired galloons of boric acid to be added o Place BG HS-26 in RUN RO Place Rod Control in AUTO BOP Reduce turbine load at less than or equal to 5%

per minute using any of the followin g: o Reduce turbine load using the Load Limit potentiometer o Reduce turbine load using the %/min loading rat e o Rotate Load Limit Set potentiometer clockwise until both of the following are met: Load Limit light extinguished At Set Load - LIT o Set Loading Rate Limit %/min to desired value o Select Decrease Loadin g Rate - ON o Lower load set MW toward desired load using DECREASE LOAD push button 7 Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 1 Event # 1 Page 8 of 36 Event Descri p ti on: Red u ce Po w e r T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r BOP Check MFP Turbine Speed control in AUTO When po w e r has been reduced approximately 5%, or at Lead Evaluator's discretion, proceed to Event 2 8

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 1 Event # 2 Page 9 of 36 Event Descri p ti on: SG Level T r ansmitter F a ilure T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r Booth Operator Instructions:

When directed, insert command for SG Level Transmitter failure Indications available:

REACT O R PARTIAL T R IP, annunciator 83C SG A LEV DEV, annunciator 108C SG A LEV LO, Annunciator 108B SRO Refer to OT O-AE-00002 for level malfunction BOP IDENTIFY f a iled chann el (LT-519) by comparin g steam generator le vel indicator

s. BOP SELECT alt e rnate level channel LT-551. BOP STABILIZE steam generator level at its programmed level (4 5-55%). BOP WHEN stea m generator level is retu rned to programmed le vel and IF place d in "MANUAL" during the transient, PLACE feedwater regulating valve to automatic control.

SRO Refer to T/S LCO 3.3.1 TAB 3.3.1-1 Item 14 and T/S LCO 3.

3.2 TAB 3.3.2-1 Item 5 and 6 and ENSURE compliance with requirement for minimu m operable channels an d action statements.

o TS 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 apply (72 Hour Action) SRO Refer to T/S LCO 3.3.4 and T/S LCO 3.3.3 and ENSURE compliance.

When Tech Specs have been identified, proceed to Event 3.

9 Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 1 Event # 3 Page 10 of 36 Event Descri p ti on: 4KV Bus NB0 2 Normal F e e d e r Breaker T r ip T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r Booth Operator Instructions:

When directed, insert command for Bus NB0 2 breaker trip Indications available:

DG B sta r ts and supplies NB02 SHUTDOW N SEQUENCER ACTUATED TRAI N B Annun ciator 21C DIESEL GE NERAT OR NE02 TROUBLE Annu nciator 23D NB01 BREAKER NOT OPERABL E Annunciator 18F SRO Refer to OT O-NB-0000 2, Loss of P o wer to NB0 2 RO Check 4160 VAC Bus NB02 ENERGIZED R O Check E D G B-R u n n i n g BOP Check ESW Flow Aligned to EDG B BOP Check ESW Train A Properly Aligned RO Check Reactor Power less than 100

% BOP Check SG NR Level trending to or within 45 -55

% BOP Check TDAFP Secured o Throttle CLOSE TDAF P discharge FCVs BOP Check M D AFP Secured Throttle Closed MDAFP B Discharge FCVs RO Check Pressurizer Level at or trending to program level 10 Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 1 Event # 3 Page 11 of 36 Event Descri p ti on: 4KV Bus NB0 2 Normal F e e d e r Breaker T r ip T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r RO Check Pressurizer Pressure at or tr ending to 22 20 - 2250 p s ig BOP Check CCW Pump B or D running RO Check only one chargin g pump running. Stop one ch arging pump RO Check RCP Seal Injectio n Flow between 8 -13 gpm/pump Crew Check any Service Air Compressors running BOP Check Panel PN08 Transferred to n o rmal source RO/BOP Check SFP Cooling in service BOP Check CR (A or B) and Class IE (A and B) AC u n its running BOP Check busses PK02 and PK04 RO Go to OTA-RL-RK021, Attachment C, and verify automatic LSELS actuations o Ensure equipment is in normal alignment SRO Refer to Attachment G f o r guidance concerning possible T e ch Spec action statements o TS 3.8.1 applies SRO If desired, cr oss-tie PK0 2 and PK04 to functional battery chargers in accordance with OTN-PK-00001 11 Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 1 Event # 3 Page 12 of 36 Event Descri p ti on: 4KV Bus NB0 2 Normal F e e d e r Breaker T r ip T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r SRO If Swing Charger (NK26

) is available

, refer to OTN-NK-00001 and, as requ ired, charge batteries NK12 and NK14 RO/BOP Ensure "A" Control Room Air Condit i oner is runn ing SRO Ensure "A" Class 1E Air Conditioner is running a nd take action in accordan ce with FSAR for the inope rable "B" Class 1E Air Conditioner When TDAFP and MDAFP flow is throttled, plant is stable, and Tech Specs have been addressed, or at Lead Examiner's discretion, proceed to Event 4 12 Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 1 Event # 4 Page 13 of 36 Event Descri p ti on: PZ R Level T r ansmitter fails lo

w. PZ R LCV fails clos ed T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r Booth Operator Instructions:

When directed, insert command for Pressuri z er Level transmitter failure Indications available:

PRESSURI ZER LOW L EVEL DEVI ATION Ann unciator 32C LETDOW N HEAT EXCHANGER DISCHARGE FLOW HIGH LOW Ann unciator 39E Letdow n is olates CREW Identify the cause of the loss of letd own. CREW Determine t hat PZR LVL INST FAIL URE occurred. (LT-459)

RO Select altern ate Pressurizer Level Control Channel (LT-461)

RO Isolate letdo w n by closing all orifice isolation valves. (Already closed) RO Reduce cha r ging flow to minimum re quired for RCP seal injection a s f o llows: RO If the CCP is in service, SLOWLY CLOSE BH HC-182 while reducing ch arging flow using BG FK-121. Maintain approximate l y 8 GPM to each RCP seal.


RO Verify Reactor Makeup Control System set in automatic for the correct boro n concentrat i ons and is maintaining VCT level.

RO STABILIZE pressurizer level as follo ws: 13 Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 1 Event # 4 Page 14 of 36 Event Descri p ti on: PZ R Level T r ansmitter fails lo

w. PZ R LCV fails clos ed T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r CREW Restore normal letdown per OTO-BG-00001, Pressurizer Le vel Control Malfunctions.

RO Ensure Letdown system containment isolation valves are open BG HIS-815 2 BG HIS-816 0 RO Ensure RCS Letdown to Regenerative Heat Exch anger Valves are open BG HIS-459 BG HIS-460 RO Throttle Charging Header back Pressure Control Valve to establish 85-90 GPM BG HIS-182 RO Place Letdo wn HX Outl et Pressure Controller in Manual and RAISE setp oint to great er than 75% open BG PK-131 RO Open Orifice Isolation V a lve(s) to establish de sir ed letdown flow BG HIS-814 9AA BG HIS-814 9BA BG HIS-814 9CA RO Adjust Letdo wn HX Outl et Pressure Controller to maintain between 300 psig and 3 50 psig and place in Aut o matic BG PK-131 RO Adjust Charging flow as necessary t o maintain Pressurizer level 14 Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 1 Event # 4 Page 15 of 36 Event Descri p ti on: PZ R Level T r ansmitter fails lo

w. PZ R LCV fails clos ed T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r When Letdow n is restored, proceed to Event 5 15 Appe ndi x D Operator Actio n F o rm ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 1 Event # 5, 6, 7, & 8 Page 16 of 36 Event Descri p ti on: RCS Le ak - Lo ss of Off-Site Po w e r - SBLOC A - DG T r ip - HHSI Pump Fa ilure T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r Booth Operator Instructions:

When directed, insert commands for remaining events as sequenced Indications available:

PROCESS RADI ATION HIGH Ann unciator 61B Rising trend on Iodine and Particulate Channels 31, 32 If RMS has not been reset from previous failure, the follow i n g alarms w ill also indicate an RCS leak:


Should determine greater than 50 GPM lea k NOTE: The plant computer group tabular time trend GT-SG17 can be used to approximate the leak size.

RO USE trends of VCT level (20 GAL/%) and/or PZR level (60 GAL/%).

NOTE: Onl y one c harging pump should be in operation until PZR level is increased for the plant cooldo w n. RO COMPARE Charging and Letdown flow rates. Crew should determine that PZR level CANNOT b e maintained.

SRO Direct Reactor Trip RO CHEC K Re actor Trip:

Rod Bottom Lights - ALL LIT Reactor Trip and Bypass Breakers -

OPEN Neutron Flux - LOWERI NG 16 Appe ndi x D Operator Actio n F o rm ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 1 Event # 5, 6, 7, & 8 Page 17 of 36 Event Descri p ti on: RCS Le ak - Lo ss of Off-Site Po w e r - SBLOC A - DG T r ip - HHSI Pump Fa ilure T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r BOP CHECK Turbine Trip:

All turbine S t op valves - CLOSED.

CREW CHECK Po wer to AC Emergency Buses:

AC emerge ncy buses - AT LEAST ONE E N E R GIZED NB01(NO)

O R NB02(NO)


0, Loss of All AC Power, Step 1. RO CHEC K Re actor Trip:

Reactor Trip and Bypass Breakers -

OPEN Neutron Flux - LOWERI NG BOP CHECK Turbine Trip:

All Turbine Stop valves

- CLOSED. RO CHECK if RCS is Isolat ed: a. PZR PORV s - CLOSE D BB HIS-455 A BB HIS-456 A b. Letdown Isolation Valves - CLOSED 17 Appe ndi x D Operator Actio n F o rm ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 1 Event # 5, 6, 7, & 8 Page 18 of 36 Event Descri p ti on: RCS Le ak - Lo ss of Off-Site Po w e r - SBLOC A - DG T r ip - HHSI Pump Fa ilure T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r 1. Letdown Orifice Isolation valves: BG HIS-814 9AA BG HIS814 9BA BG HIS-814 9CA 2. RCS Letdo wn to Regen HX val v es: BG HIS-459 BG HIS-460 c. RCS to Excess Letdow n HX val v es - CLOSED BG HIS-815 3A BG HIS-815 4A BG HIS-815 3B BG HIS-815 4B RO CLOSE valve(s) as nece ssary. d. Reactor Head Vent Valves - CLOSED BB HIS-800 1A BB HIS-800 2A BB HIS-800 1B BB HIS-800 2B BOP CHECK AF W Flow - GREATER T H AN 300,00 0 LBM/HR CREW TRY to Restore Power to Any AC Emergency Bus:

a. ENERGIZE AC emerge ncy bus with diesel gene rator: 18 Appe ndi x D Operator Actio n F o rm ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 1 Event # 5, 6, 7, & 8 Page 19 of 36 Event Descri p ti on: RCS Le ak - Lo ss of Off-Site Po w e r - SBLOC A - DG T r ip - HHSI Pump Fa ilure T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r CRITIC A L TA S K 1. START D G (s): KJ HS-8A -

DG - "A"

2. CHECK AC emergency buses - AT LEAST ONE ENERGIZE D NB01 - ENERGIZED O R NB02 - NOT ENERGIZ E D CREW b. CHECK AC emergency buses - AT LEAST ONE ENERGIZE D NB01 - YES BOP c. CHECK ESW Pump associated wit h energized AC emergency bus(es) - RUNNI NG EF HIS-55A (NB01) - YES
d. Return to procedure and step in effe ct and IMPLEMENT Functional Restoration Procedures as necessar y. Crew will review CSF Status Trees.

None currently required for implementat ion SRO DIRECT S re turn to E-0.

R O CHEC K S I S t a t u s: a. CHECK is SI is actuated

Any SI annu nciator 88A through 88D - LIT O R SB069 SI Actuate RED light - LIT O R 19 Appe ndi x D Operator Actio n F o rm ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 1 Event # 5, 6, 7, & 8 Page 20 of 36 Event Descri p ti on: RCS Le ak - Lo ss of Off-Site Po w e r - SBLOC A - DG T r ip - HHSI Pump Fa ilure T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r LOCA Sequ encer annun ciators 30A or 31A - LIT
b. CHECK bot h Trains of SI - ACTUATED LOCA Sequ encer annun ciator 30A -

LIT LOCA Sequ encer annun ciator 31A -

NOT LIT SB069 SI Actuate RED light - LIT S O LID (NOT blinking)

Note: A tta ch me n t A co nt a i ns a Critical T ask BOP PERF O RM Attachment A, Automati c Action Ver i fication, while continuing w i th this pro c edure. (Actions for Attachment A begin on page 32 of t h is guide)

RO CHECK Ge nerator Output Breakers - OPEN MA ZL-3A (V55)

MA ZL-4A (V53)

RO CHECK Fee dwater Isola t ion: a. Main Feedwater Pumps - TRIPPED Annunciator 120A, MFP A Trip - LIT Annunciator 123A, MFP B Trip - LIT

b. Main Feedwater Reg Valves - CLOSED AE ZL-510 (SG A)

AE ZL-520 (SG B)

AE ZL-530 (SG C)

AE ZL-540 (SG D)

c. Main Feedwater Reg Bypass Valves - CLOSED AE ZL-550 (SG A) 20 Appe ndi x D Operator Actio n F o rm ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 1 Event # 5, 6, 7, & 8 Page 21 of 36 Event Descri p ti on: RCS Le ak - Lo ss of Off-Site Po w e r - SBLOC A - DG T r ip - HHSI Pump Fa ilure T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r AE ZL-560 (SG B)

AE ZL-570 (SG C)

AE ZL-580 (SG D)

d. Feedwater Isolation Valves - CLOSED AE HIS-39 (S G A) AE HIS-40 (S G B) AE HIS-41 (S G C) AE HIS-42 (S G D) RO CHEC K AF W Pumps: a. MD AFW Pumps - BOT H RUNNING AL HIS-23A AL HIS-22A b. TD AFW Pu mp - RUNNING IF NE CESSA RY RO CHECK AF W Valves - PROPER E M ERGE NCY ALIGNME N T MD AF P Flow Control Valves - THROTTLED AL HK-7A AL HK-9A AL HK-11A AL-HK-5A TD AFP Flow Control Valves - FULL OPEN AL HK-8A AL HK-10A AL HK-12A AL HK-6A 21 Appe ndi x D Operator Actio n F o rm ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 1 Event # 5, 6, 7, & 8 Page 22 of 36 Event Descri p ti on: RCS Le ak - Lo ss of Off-Site Po w e r - SBLOC A - DG T r ip - HHSI Pump Fa ilure T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r RO CHECK Tot al AFW Flow - GREAT E R THAN 3 00,000 LBM/HR RO CHECK PZ R PORVs and Spray Va lves: a. PZR PORV s - CLOSE D BB HIS-455 A BB HIS-456 A b. PZR PORV s - BOTH I N AUT O BB HIS-455 A BB HIS-456 A c. PORV Block Valves - BOTH OPEN BB HIS-800 0A BB HIS-800 0B d. Normal PZR Spray Valves - CLOSED BB ZL-455B BB ZL-455C RO CHECK If RCPs Should Be Stopped:
a. RCPs - AN Y RUN NIN G (N O) SRO Go to Step 13.

RO CHECK RCS Temperat ures: NO RCPs ru nning - RCS COL D LE G TE MPERATURE S STABLE AT 557°F OR TRENDI NG TO 557°F 22 Appe ndi x D Operator Actio n F o rm ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 1 Event # 5, 6, 7, & 8 Page 23 of 36 Event Descri p ti on: RCS Le ak - Lo ss of Off-Site Po w e r - SBLOC A - DG T r ip - HHSI Pump Fa ilure T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r CREW CHECK If any SG Is Fa ulted: a. CHECK pressures in all SGs: ANY S G PRESSURE L O WERI NG I N AN UNC ONT R OLLED MA NNER O R ANY S G COMPLETEL Y DEPRESS URIZED SRO Go to Step 15.

CREW CHECK If SG Tubes Are Intact:

Levels in all SGs: NO S G NA RROW RAN G E LEV E L RISIN G IN AN UNC ONT R OLLED MA NNER SG Stea mline N16 radiation - NORMAL N16 161 (SG A)

N16 162 (SG B)

N16 163 (SG C)

N16 164 (SG D)

Condenser Air Remo val radiation -

NORMAL BEFORE ISOLATI O N GEG 925 SG Blowdo wn and Sample radiation

- NORMAL BEFORE ISOLATI O N BML 256 SJL 026 23 Appe ndi x D Operator Actio n F o rm ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 1 Event # 5, 6, 7, & 8 Page 24 of 36 Event Descri p ti on: RCS Le ak - Lo ss of Off-Site Po w e r - SBLOC A - DG T r ip - HHSI Pump Fa ilure T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r SG ASD rad i ation - NORMAL AB RIC 111 (SG A) AB RIC 112 (SG B) AB RIC 113 (SG C) AB RIC 114 (SG D) Turbine Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump exha ust radiation -


Containmen t Pressure -


GN PI-934 GN PI-935 GN PI-936 GN PI-937 GN PR-934 Containmen t Normal Su mp Level -

NORMAL EJ LI-8 EJ LI-7 EJ LR-6 Containmen t Normal sump Level -

NORMAL LF LI-9 LF LI-10 24 Appe ndi x D Operator Actio n F o rm ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 1 Event # 5, 6, 7, & 8 Page 25 of 36 Event Descri p ti on: RCS Le ak - Lo ss of Off-Site Po w e r - SBLOC A - DG T r ip - HHSI Pump Fa ilure T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r Containmen t Radiation

- NORMAL BEFORE ISOLATION GTG 313 GTG 323 GTA 591 GTA 601 SRO Go To E-1, Loss of Rea c tor or Seco ndary Coola n t, Step 1.

NOTE: Seal injection flo w sho uld be maintained to all RCPs.

CHECK If RCPs Should Be Stopped:


Go to Step 3.

BOP CHECK Intact SG Level s: a. Narrow rang e levels - GREATER T H AN 7% [25%] b. CONT ROL f eed flow to maintain narrow range levels between 7% [25%] and 50% 25 Appe ndi x D Operator Actio n F o rm ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 1 Event # 5, 6, 7, & 8 Page 26 of 36 Event Descri p ti on: RCS Le ak - Lo ss of Off-Site Po w e r - SBLOC A - DG T r ip - HHSI Pump Fa ilure T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r BOP CHECK Sec ondary Radi ation - NORMAL

a. PERF O RM the following:

PERF O RM EOP Adden dum 11, Re storing SG Sampling After SI Actuation DIRECT Ch emistry to periodically sample all SGs for activity.

DIRECT He alth Physics to survey steamlines in Auxiliary Bui l ding Area 5 as necessa ry b. CHECK unisolated se condary radiation monitors:

SG Sa mple radiation:

SJL 026 SG ASD rad i ation: AB RIC 111 (SG A) AB RIC 112 (SG B) AB RIC 113 (SG C) AB RIC 114 (SG D) Turbine Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Exha ust radiation:

FC RIC 385

c. Secondary radiation - N O RMAL RO CHECK PZ R PORVs and Block Valves:
a. Power to Block Valves

- AVAILABL E BB HIS-800 0A (NO) BB HIS-800 0B 26 Appe ndi x D Operator Actio n F o rm ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 1 Event # 5, 6, 7, & 8 Page 27 of 36 Event Descri p ti on: RCS Le ak - Lo ss of Off-Site Po w e r - SBLOC A - DG T r ip - HHSI Pump Fa ilure T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r b. PZR PORV s - CLOSE D BB HIS-455 A BB HIS-456 A c. Block Valves - BOTH OPEN BB HIS-800 0A (NO) BB HIS-800 0B Crew CHECK If ECCS Flow Should Be Reduced:

a. RCS subcooling - GREATER THAN 30°F
b. Secondary heat sink:

Narrow rang e level in at least one int a ct SG - GREATER THAN 7% [2 5%] O R Total feed flow to intact SGs - GREATER THAN 300,00 LBM/HR

c. RCS pressure - STABL E OR RISING d. PZR level - GREATER THAN 9% [2 9%] (NO) RO CHECK If Containment Spray should Be Stopped:
a. Spray Pu mp s - ANY RUNNING SRO Go to Step 8. OBSERVE CAUTI O NS prior to Step 8.

27 Appe ndi x D Operator Actio n F o rm ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 1 Event # 5, 6, 7, & 8 Page 28 of 36 Event Descri p ti on: RCS Le ak - Lo ss of Off-Site Po w e r - SBLOC A - DG T r ip - HHSI Pump Fa ilure T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r CAUTI O N: If RCS pres sure low e rs in an uncontrolled manner to less than 325 PSIG, the RHR pumps must be manuall y resta r ted to suppl y w a ter to the RCS. RO CHECK If RHR Pu mps Should Be Stopped:

a. CHEC K RC S pressure:
1. Pressure -

GREATER THAN 325 PSIG 2. Pressure -



SB HS-42A SB HS-43A d. STOP RHR Pumps and PLACE in standby:

EJ HIS-1 EJ HIS-2 e. MONITOR R C S p r e s s u r e CREW CHECK SG and RCS Pressures:

CHECK pre ssure in all SGs - STABLE OR RI SING CHECK RCS pressure

- STABLE OR LOWERING CREW CHECK If Di esel Generators Should Be Stopped:

28 Appe ndi x D Operator Actio n F o rm ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 1 Event # 5, 6, 7, & 8 Page 29 of 36 Event Descri p ti on: RCS Le ak - Lo ss of Off-Site Po w e r - SBLOC A - DG T r ip - HHSI Pump Fa ilure T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r a. AC emerge ncy buses -

ENERGIZED BY OFF S I T E POWE R NB01 (NO) NB02 (NO) TRY to restore offsite p o wer to AC emergency buses using EOP Adden dum 7, Restoring Offsite Power. b. RESET SI if necessary:

SB HS-42A SB HS-43A c. LOAD equip m ent on AC emergency bus(es) as n e cessary using EOP Addendum 8, Loading Equipment on AC emergency Buses.

CREW INITIATE Evaluation of P l ant Status:

a. CHECK cold leg recircu l ation capab ility: Train A - AVAILABLE RHR Pu mp A (EJ HIS-1

) CCW Pu mp A (EG HI S-2 1) or CCW Pump C (EG HIS-23)

RWST To RHR Pu mp A Suction (BN HIS-8812A)

Containmen t Recirc Su mp to RHR Pump A Suc t ion (EJ HIS-8811A)

CCW to RHR HX A (EG HIS-101)


) CCW Pu mp B (EG HI S-2 2) or CCW Pump D (EG HIS-24)

RWST To RHR Pu mp B Suction (BN HIS-8812B) 29 Appe ndi x D Operator Actio n F o rm ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 1 Event # 5, 6, 7, & 8 Page 30 of 36 Event Descri p ti on: RCS Le ak - Lo ss of Off-Site Po w e r - SBLOC A - DG T r ip - HHSI Pump Fa ilure T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r CCW to RHR HX B (EG HIS-102)

b. CHECK Auxiliary Buildin g radiation -

NORMAL Aux Building Process Ra diation monitor:

GLP 604 Aux Building Area Radiation monitors TRY to identify and isolat e leakage:

DIRECT He alth Physics and Chemistry to assist in the evaluation as necessary.

IF the cause is a loss of RCS invent ory outside containment, THEN Go To ECA-1.2, LOCA Outside Containment, Step 1.

c. O B T A I N sam p l e s: 1. DIRECT Ch emistry to initiate post a ccident sampling:

RCS boron concentratio n RCS activity Containmen t atmosphere

2. PLACE Hyd r ogen Analyzers in Service using EOP Addendum 16, Placing Hydrogen Analyzers In Service. 3. CONSULT Plant Engineering Staff for assessin g additional sampling requirements for fuel damage.
d. EVALUAT E plant equipment for long term recovery as necessary:

Hydrogen Recombiners Radwaste systems Radiation monitoring Post accide nt monitoring Operating safeguards e quipment:

30 Appe ndi x D Operator Actio n F o rm ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 1 Event # 5, 6, 7, & 8 Page 31 of 36 Event Descri p ti on: RCS Le ak - Lo ss of Off-Site Po w e r - SBLOC A - DG T r ip - HHSI Pump Fa ilure T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r CCPs SI Pumps RHR Pu mps CS Pu mps ESW Pump s CCW Pu mp s Containmen t Cooler Fans Containmen t Hydrogen Mixing Fans AFW Pump s Control Room ventilation Auxiliary Bui l ding ventilat i on Fuel Buildin g ventilation

e. START additional plant equipment to assist in r e covery as directed by SS/CRS CREW CHECK If RCS Cooldown And Depressurizat i on Is Required
a. RCS pressure - GREAT ER THAN 3 25 PSIG b. Go to ES-1.

2, Post LOCA Cooldown And Depressurization, Step 1 Scenario ma y be termi nated on transition to ES-1.2, or w hen all cri t ical tasks are complete and at Lead Examiner discretion 31 ATTAC H MENT A Automatic Action Veri fication BOP CHECK Ch arging Pumps:

CRITIC A L TA S K BOP a. CCPs - BOTH RUN NIN G BG HI S-1A (Must man uall y start HHSI Pump 'A') BG HIS-2 A B O P b. S T O P NCP: BG HIS-3 BOP CHEC K SI And RHR P u mps SI Pumps -


BOP a. CCPs to Boron Inj Header - FLOW INDICAT E D EM FI-917A EM FI-917B BOP b. RCS pressure - LESS T H AN 1700 PSIG BOP c. SI Pump Dis c harge - FL OW INDI CATED EM FI-918 EM FI-922 BOP d. RCS pressure - LESS T H AN 325 PSIG 32 ATTAC H MENT A Automatic Action Veri fication BOP e. RHR To Acc u mulator Injection Loop

- FLOW INDICATED EJ FI-618 EJ FI-619 CAUTI O N: If offsite pow er is lost after SI res e t, manual action ma y be required to restart s a feguards equipment.


BOP a. CCW Pu mp s - ONE RU NNIN G IN E A CH TR AIN Red Train: EG HIS-21 or EG HIS-2 3 Yellow Train EG HIS-22 or EG HIS-2 4 BOP b. CCW Service Loop Supply and Return valves for one operating CCW pump -

OPEN EG ZL-15 AND EG ZL-53 O R EG ZL-16 AND EG ZL-54 BOP CHECK Co ntainment Cooler Fans -

RUNNING I N SLOW SPEE D GN HI S-9 GN HI S-17 GN HI S-5 GN HI S-13 BOP CHECK Co ntainment Hydrogen Mi xing Fans -

RUNNING I N SLOW SP E E D 33 ATTAC H MENT A Automatic Action Veri fication GN HI S-2 GN HI S-4 GN HI S-1 GN HI S-3 BOP CHECK If Containment Spray Shoul d Be Actuated:

BOP a. CHECK the following:

Containmen t pressure -

GREATER THAN 27 PSIG O R GN PR-934 indicates co ntainment pressure - HAS BEEN GRE A TER THA N 27 PSIG O R Annunciator 59A CSAS - LIT O R Annunciator 59B CISB -

LIT BOP b. Containmen t Spray Pu mps - BOTH RUNNING EN HIS-3 EN HIS-9 BOP c. ESFAS stat us panels C SAS sections:

SA066 X W H ITE lights

- ALL LIT SA066Y W H ITE lights

- ALL LIT BOP d. ESFAS stat us panels CI SB sections:

SA066 X W H ITE lights

- ALL LIT SA066Y W H ITE lights

- ALL LIT BOP CHECK If Main Steamlines Should Be Isolated:

BOP a. CHECK for any of the following:

Containmen t pressure -

GREATER THAN 17 PSIG 34 ATTAC H MENT A Automatic Action Veri fication O R GN PR-934 indicates co ntainment pressure - HAS BEEN GRE A TER THA N 17 PSIG O R Steamline pressure - LESS THAN 615 PSIG O R AB PR-514 or PR-535 indicates ste a mline pressure -


PROP ER E M ERGE NCY ALIGNME N T BOP a. ESFAS stat us panels SI S sections:

SA066 X W H ITE lights

- ALL LIT SA066Y W H ITE lights

- ALL LIT BOP CHECK Co ntainment Isolation Phase A:

BOP a. ESFAS stat us panels CI SA sections:

SA066 X W H ITE lights

- ALL LIT SA066Y W H ITE lights

- ALL LIT BOP CHECK SG Blowdown Isolation:

BOP ESFAS stat us panels S G BSIS sections:

SA066 X W H ITE lights

- ALL LIT SA066Y W H ITE lights

- ALL LIT CAUTI O N: If offsite pow er is lost after SI res e t, manual action ma y be required to restart s a feguards equipment.

BOP CHECK Bot h Trains of control Room Ventilation I s olation: 35 Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 F a c i l i t y: C a l l a w a y S c e n a r i o No.: 2 Op Test No.:

NRC E x a m i n e r s: O p e r a t o r s: Initial Conditi ons: 50% power, BOL. RE-5 2, Blowd o wn Disch a rg e Pumps Discha rge M onit o r, is OOS.

BB-PCV-455A PORV Leak a ge - Block Valve Closed.

Motor Driven AFW Pump 'A' OOS.

Turn over: Maintain sta b l e plant co ndi tions Critical Ta sk: Insert n egative rea c tivity by insert in g co n t rol rod s or ini t iating emerg ency bo ration prio r to the end of step 4 o f FR-S.1. Isolate AFW t o faulted SG prio r to occurren ce of an O R ANGE con d i tion on the Integrity CSF Status Tre

e. Event No. Malf. No. Event Type* E v e n t Description I - RO, SRO Pressu rizer p r essu re in stru ment fails hig h 1 T+10 PRS01A TS - SRO 2 T+25 FWM0 3B C - BOP, SRO 'B' Feedwater Control Valv e fails clo s e d in automatic I - ALL Turbi ne First Stage Pressu re Tran smitter fails low 3 T+35 PCS02B TS - SRO 4 T+50 CRF04_52 CRF04_53 M - ALL Multiple Drop ped Rod s - requires rea c t o r trip 5 CRF 13 C - ALL ATWS 6 MSS14A C - BOP Stuck o pen safety valve.
  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omp onent, (M)ajor

Scenario Event Description NRC Scena rio 2 The crew will assume th e shift with i n struction s t o maintain present plant conditions The controlli ng pressurizer pressure transmitter will fail h i gh, requiring th e crew to se lect an alternate pr essure chan nel to contro l heaters an d spray in accordance with OTO-BB-6. The SRO will also determine the appropri a te technica l specif icatio n action req u irements.

When the pl ant is stab le , a Feedwater Control Valve will fail closed in au tomatic, requiring manual operation to rest ore SG level

. When SG level is restor ed, PT-506 will fail l o w, requiring the RO to place Rod Control in manual to stop rod motion, the BOP to select PT-505 for control, reset C-7, and place steam dumps in the Steam Pressure mode in accorda n ce with OTO-AC-3. Th e SRO will a l so address Technical Specificatio ns. Multiple con t rol rods will drop. A reactor trip is re quired but a n ATWS occurs. The cr ew must take action t o initiate RCS emergency boration and de-energize rod drive MG sets. A SG safety valve will stick open, req u iring the cr ew to isolate AFW flow to the SG and attempt isolation.

The scenario may be terminated when the crew transitions t o ES-1.1, SI Termination.

EOP Flow Path: E-0, FR-S.1, E-0, E-2, ES-1.1

Scenario 2 Scenario Malfunction L i st 1) Initializ e at IC-17, 50%.

2) Run Batch F i l e iltt w o.t x t and v e rif y th e action s on the foll o w i ng pa ge ar e lo ade d correctl
y. 3) Ensure imm edi ate borati on ti mer is reset.
4) Ensure BB PT

-455 is se lecte d as the controll i ng press u re ch ann el. 5) Ensure F i rst Stage Press u re T r ansmitter PT

-506 is se lecte d for control

6) Ensure NIS indicates 50% pow e r. 7) Check R x T r ip s w itc h has a re d flag. 8) Ensure step c o unters for Cont rol Bank "D" ar e set at 150 steps an d al l oth e r step count er s are set at 228 steps.
9) Ensure the dig i tal disp la y is se lected to REP 0 480A a nd RET 049 9A. 10) Place 'A' MDAFP in P T L and hand a Hold Off tag on hands w i tc h ALHIS23A.
11) Ensure D e crea se Loa di ng Rat e Button is "ON".
12) Upd a te the status boar d for "B" train w e ek. 13) Upd a te Status Board - '

A' MDAF P, T S 3.7.5, Cond ition C, 7 2 hrs. Current outag e time is 16 ho urs. 14) Ensure L e tdo w n orifi A and B are in serv ice, and a ca utio n tag pl ace d on C 15) Ensure AEHV 3 8 is appr opri a tel y t h rottled 16) W h ite boar d ha s the follo w i ng boro n conc entr a tions: "A" CCP 5 d a y s ago 11 05 p p m "B" CCP 15 da ys a go 11 32 p p m RCS bor on = 1090 PZ R boron = 1 093 17) Ensure ch art record ers are "r olle d for w ar d". 18) Microph on es a r e avai lab l e for each pers on b e in g eval uate d and a vi de otap e is in the VCR

. 19) Ensure the RM

-11 is on the tr aini ng s y stem. 20) Ensure turn ove r sheets and l o g sheets are o n the desks.

21) Ensure co pi es of the follo w i n g pr oced ures ar e in the file dra w e r s: OT O-BB-0000 6 OT O-AE-0000 1 OT O-AC-0000 3 E-0 FR-S.1 E-2 ES-1.1 Scenario 2 Scenario Malfunction L i st F ile: ilttw o.T X T >Author: S. P. Aufdember ge >Date: 20050504 > > >=========




=== >Remove 'A' M D AFP from service

>FILE AL01A.T XT >Simulates tag out of the MD A F P A in the Pull-to-lock position bat al01a.txt

>Simulates de-energization of "A" PO RV Block valve due to PORV Leakage ior bbhis8000a_ic (-1 0) 0 irf bbs014 (-

1 0) 0 >=========






=== >EVENT 1 >Pressurizer Pre ssure Channel B BPT0455 fails to 2500 over 60 sec onds >Manually Input Event 1 imf prs01a (1 0

) 2500 60 >=========






=== >EVENT 2 >"B" Feed Reg V a lve fails closed in Automatic over 90 seconds

>Manually Input Event 2 imf fw m03 b (2 0) 0 90 >=========






=== >EVENT 3 >ACPT0506 fails low ove r 60 second ramp

>Manually Input Event 3 imf pcs02b (3 0) 0 60 >=========






=== > EVENT 4

>Multiple Droppe d Rods >Manually Input Event 4 imf crf04_52 (4) imf crf04_53 (4) >=========






=== >EVENT 5 >PROTEC T IVE S Y STEM FAILU R E (ATWS) P r eloaded into scena rio. No Manual I nput >require d imf crf13 (-1 0

) b o th >=========






=== >EVENT 6 >Main Steam Safet y Valve Fails 100%

Open, w i th a 10 sec dela y , a nd a 1 sec >ram p from trigge r #6 (CONDITI ONA L) trgset 6 "sac.le.1 0" imf mss14a (6 10) 100 1 >=========


= >end of file

Scenario 2 Crew Turno ver Separate Turnover Shee ts provided

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 2 Event # 1 Page 6 of 28 Event Descri p ti on: Pressuriz e r Pressure Instrum ent Failur e T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r Booth Operator Instructions:

When directed, insert command for PT-455 failure HIGH Indications Available:

PRESSURI ZER HI GH PRESSURE DEVIATI O N Annunciator 33B PRESSURI ZER PRESSURE L O W HEATERS ON Annunc iator 33C REACT OR PARTIAL T R IP Annun ciator 83C PT-455 indicates high SRO Refer to OT O-BB-0006, Pressurizer Pressure Control System Instrument Failures RO Select an alt e rnate chan nel (457/456) RO Check PZR pressure 22 00 - 2250 p s ig RO Check P-11 correct state (Not Lit)

BOP Select recor der to valid channel SRO Direct I&C to trip the aff e cted bistab les SRO Refer to Tech Specs 3.3.1, Condition E, M 3.3.2 Condition D, L 3.3.4 Item 3 3.4.1 (DNB) After Techn ical Specifications have been addressed, proceed to Event 2

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 2 Event # 2 Page 7 of 28 Event Descri p ti on: "B" F eed w a ter Contro l Valve f a ils clos ed i n a u tomatic T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r Booth Operator Instructions:

When directed, insert command for Feedw at er Control Valve failure Indications Available:

'B' FRV faili ng closed Feed w a ter flow to "B" SG Low ering STEAM GENERAT OR B FLOW MI SMAT CH Annunciator 109D BOP Determines SG "B" level is lowering.

BOP Place AE-FK-520, SG "B" MFW Re g Valve Con t rol, in MANUAL, a nd restore SG level.

SRO Refer to OT O-AE-0001, Feedwater System Malfunctions.

RO Place Rod Control in AUTO BOP Check Main Feed Pump tripped (NO)

BOP Check Main Feed Pump Speed controlling in au t o and stable BOP Check Main Feed Reg Valves contro lling in Auto (NO) Ensure Manual control BOP Check Main Feed Reg Bypass Valves in service (NO) Check Condensate Pump operation Check Heater Drain Pump operation BOP Verify SG NR level trend 45 - 55%

and maintain RO Monitor or operate rod control to maintain Tave/Tref +/- 5 °F

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 2 Event # 2 Page 8 of 28 Event Descri p ti on: "B" F eed w a ter Contro l Valve f a ils clos ed i n a u tomatic T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r BOP Check MFP Oil Pressure normal SRO Perform communications per Ops Communications-01 SRO Verify Powe r change less than 15% in 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> When the plant is stable, proceed to Event 3

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 2 Event # 3 Page 9 of 28 Event Descri p ti on: T u rbine F i rst Stage Pressur e T r ansmitter F a i l s Lo w T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r Booth Operator Instructions:

When directed, insert command for First Sta ge Pressure Channel PT-506 failing low Indications Available:

PT-506 indication failing lo w Control Ro ds stepping in if in au to Rx Deviation alarm SRO Refer to OT O-AC-0000 3, Turbine I m pulse Pressure Channel Failure RO Place Rod Control in MANUAL BOP Identify the failed chann el by comparing meter indications an d identifying alarmed annunciators. (P T-506) BOP Select the al ternate impulse pressure channel by utilizing the Impulse Pressure sele ct or switch A C PS-505Z. RO Check Tave within 1.5°F of Tref (When restored, then maintain)

RO Check Rod Control in AUTO Will pla c e in AUTO if directed by SRO and Tave and Tref are matched RO Maintain Tavg at the corresponding Tref value for existing plant power. Ensure RX power is less th an 3565 MWth.

BOP Place the Steam Du mp Interlock Selector switch es (AB-HS-64 and AB-HS-

63) to the OFF/RESET position.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 2 Event # 3 Page 10 of 28 Event Descri p ti on: T u rbine F i rst Stage Pressur e T r ansmitter F a i l s Lo w T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r BOP Check C-7, Load Loss S t m Du mp Armed - Extin guished BOP Transfer Steam Du mps to the Steam Pressure Mode: Set the AB PK-507, Ste a m Header Pressure co ntroller for 7.28 turns (1092 psig) Place the Steam Du mp Select to STEAM P R ES S BOP Place the Steam Du mp Bypass Interlock swit che s to ON CREW Check the f o llowing per missives are in their corr ect state wit h in 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> of th e channel fa ilure per Att a chment B, permissives: P-7 (LIT) P-13 (LIT) SRO Direct an RO to Place SW12 for PT-506 at AMSAC Test/Bypass Panel and place SW11 , Bypass toggle switch, t o the right han d position SRO Refer to T/S LCO 3.3.1 (Improved T/

S LCO 3.3.1

) to ensure compliance with the requirements for minimum c hannels. Condition T RO Restore Rod Control to Manual if directed Not e: 10 minutes a fter the failure, ATWS Sy s t em Trouble Alarm, 83F, w i ll a nnun ciate. (No c onse q u e nce) When Tech Specs have been addressed, proceed to Event 4

Appe ndi x D Operator Actio n F o rm ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 2 Event # 4,5,6 Page 11 of 28 Event Descri p ti on: Multipl e dro p p ed rods, AT W S , Stuck Open Main Steam S a fet y Va lve T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r Booth Instructor Instructions:

When directed, insert commands to initiate remainder of events as sequenced Indications Available:

Tw o dropped control rods Rod Botto m lights Multiple annunciators CREW Recognizes more than one control ro d dropped.

SRO Directs reactor trip.

RO Attempts to trip reactor.

Reactor will not trip.

SRO Directs entr y to FR-S.1 RO CHEC K Re actor Trip:

Rod Bottom Lights - ALL LIT (NO)

Reactor Trip and Bypass Breakers -

O PEN (NO) Neutron Flux - LOWERI NG (Possible, if Control Rod insertion is in progress))

Manually T R IP Reactor:

SB HS-1 SB-HS-42 (B OP) IF reactor will NOT trip, THEN PERFORM the following:

CRITIC A L TA S K RO a. Manuall y I N SERT control rods w h e n AUTO slo w s belo w 48 SPM, or inse rt manuall y continuousl


Appe ndi x D Operator Actio n F o rm ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 2 Event # 4,5,6 Page 12 of 28 Event Descri p ti on: Multipl e dro p p ed rods, AT W S , Stuck Open Main Steam S a fet y Va lve T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r BOP b. OPEN supply breakers to PG19 and PG20:

PG HIS-16 PG HIS-18 WHEN react o r is tripped, THEN CL OSE supply breakers to PG19 and PG20.

BOP CHECK Turbine trip:

All Turbine Stop valves

- CLOSED BOP CHECK AF W Pumps Running:

a. MD AFW Pumps - BOT H RUNNING (Must start "B" MDAFW Pu mp) AL HIS-23A AL HIS-22A b. TD AFW Pu mp - RUNNING IF NE CESSA RY (May need t o start) CRITIC A L TA S K RO INITIATE Emergenc y Boration of RCS:

Note: If SI is actuated, HHSI w i ll b e pro v iding b o ration fl o w v i a the RWST

a. CHECK charging pumps - AT LEAST ONE RUNNING CCP(s): BG HIS-1 A BG HIS-2 A O R Appe ndi x D Operator Actio n F o rm ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 2 Event # 4,5,6 Page 13 of 28 Event Descri p ti on: Multipl e dro p p ed rods, AT W S , Stuck Open Main Steam S a fet y Va lve T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r NCP: BG HIS-3 RO b. ALIGN e m ergency boration flow path:
1. START Bori c Acid Transfer Pumps:

BG HIS-5 A BG HIS-6 A 2. OPEN Emergency Borate to Charging Pump Suc t ion valve: BG HIS-810 4 3. CHECK Emergency Boration Flow -

GREAT ER THAN 30 GPM BG FI-183A 4. MAINT A IN charging flow - GREAT ER THAN EME R GENCY BORATI ON FLOW c. CHECK PZ R Pressure - LESS THAN 2335 PSIG CREW CHECK Co ntainment Purge Isolatio n: a. ESFAS stat us panels C P IS sections:

SA066 X W H ITE lights

- ALL LIT SA066Y W H ITE lights

- ALL LIT RO CHECK If the Following Trips Have Occurred:

Appe ndi x D Operator Actio n F o rm ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 2 Event # 4,5,6 Page 14 of 28 Event Descri p ti on: Multipl e dro p p ed rods, AT W S , Stuck Open Main Steam S a fet y Va lve T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r a. R e a c t o r trip: Rod Bottom Lights - ALL LIT (YES)

Reactor Trip and Bypass Breakers -


Neutron Flux - LOWERI NG (YES) B O P b. T u r b i n e trip: All Turbine Stop Valves - CLOSED RO CHECK If Reactor Is Su bcritica l: a. Power Rang e channels


Directs entr y to E-0. RO CHEC K Re actor Trip:

Rod Bottom Lights - ALL LIT (YES)

Reactor Trip and Bypass Breakers -

OPEN (NO) o Dispatch A O to Open RTBs Neutron Flux - LOWERI NG (YES) BOP CHECK Turbine Trip:

a. All turbine S t op Valves - CLOSED BOP CHECK Po wer to AC Emergency Buses:

Appe ndi x D Operator Actio n F o rm ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 2 Event # 4,5,6 Page 15 of 28 Event Descri p ti on: Multipl e dro p p ed rods, AT W S , Stuck Open Main Steam S a fet y Va lve T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r a. AC emerge ncy buses - AT LEAST ONE E N E R GIZED NB01 O R NB02 b. AC emerge ncy buses -

BOTH ENERGIZED C R E W CHEC K S I S t a t u s: a. CHECK if SI is actuated:

Any SI annu nciator 88A through 88D - LIT O R SB069 SI Actuate RED light - LIT O R LOCA Sequ encer annun ciators 30A or 31A - LIT

b. CHECK bot h Trains of SI - ACTUATED LOCA Sequ encer annun ciator 30A -

LIT LOCA Sequ encer annun ciator 31A -

LIT SB069 SI Actuate RED light - LIT S O LID (NOT blinking)

BOP PERF O RM Attachment A, Automati c Action Ver i fication, while continuing w i th this pro c edure. BOP CHECK Ge nerator Output Breakers - OPEN MA ZL-3A (V55)

MA ZL-4A (V53)

BOP CHECK Fee dwater Isola t ion:

Appe ndi x D Operator Actio n F o rm ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 2 Event # 4,5,6 Page 16 of 28 Event Descri p ti on: Multipl e dro p p ed rods, AT W S , Stuck Open Main Steam S a fet y Va lve T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r BOP a. Main Feedwater Pumps - TRIPPED Annunciator 120A, MFP A Trip - LIT Annunciator 123A, MFP B Trip - LIT BOP b. Main Feedwater Reg Valves - CLOSED AE ZL-510 (SG A)

AE ZL-520 (SG B)

AE ZL-530 (SG C)

AE ZL-540 (SG D)

BOP c. Main Feedwater Reg Bypass Valves - CLOSED AE ZL-550 (SG A)

AE ZL-560 (SG B)

AE ZL-570 (SG C)

AE ZL-580 (SG D)

BOP d. Feedwater Isolation Valves - CLOSED AE HIS-39 (S G A) AE HIS-40 (S G B) AE HIS-41 (S G C) AE HIS-42 (S G D) BOP CHECK AF W Pumps: a. MD AFW Pumps - BOT H RUNNING (B MDAFW Pump is running. A MDAFW Pump is OFF) AL HIS-23A AL HIS-22A Appe ndi x D Operator Actio n F o rm ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 2 Event # 4,5,6 Page 17 of 28 Event Descri p ti on: Multipl e dro p p ed rods, AT W S , Stuck Open Main Steam S a fet y Va lve T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r b. TD AFW Pu mp - RUNNING IF NE CESSA RY BOP CHECK AF W Valves - PROPER E M ERGE NCY ALIGNME N T MD AF P Flow Control Valves - THROTTLED AL HK-7A AL HK-9A AL HK-11A AL HK-5A BOP TD AFP Flow Control Valves - FULL OPEN (May isolate to faulted SG)

AL HK-8A AL HK-10A AL HK-12A AL HK-6A BOP CHECK total AFW Flow - GREAT ER THAN 30 0,000 LBM/

HR RO CHECK PZ R PORVs and Spray Va lves: RO a. PZR PORV s - CLOSED BB HIS-455 A BB HIS-456 A RO b. PZR PORV s - BOTH I N AUT O BB HIS-455 A BB HIS-456 A RO c. PORV Block Valves - BOTH OPEN (NO)

Appe ndi x D Operator Actio n F o rm ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 2 Event # 4,5,6 Page 18 of 28 Event Descri p ti on: Multipl e dro p p ed rods, AT W S , Stuck Open Main Steam S a fet y Va lve T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r BB HIS-800 0A (CLOSED)

BB HIS-800 0B RO d. Normal PZR Spray Valves - CLOSE D BB ZL-455B BB ZL-455C NOTE: Seal injection flo w sho uld be maintained to all RCPs.

RO CHECK If RCPs Should Be Stopped:

RO a. RCPs - AN Y RUN NIN G RO b. ECCS Pumps - AT LEAST ON E R UNNI NG CCP O R SI Pump RO c. RCS pressure - LESS T H AN 1425 PSIG (NO)

CREW CHECK RCS Temperat ures: Any RCP ru nning - RCS TAVG ST ABLE AT 55 7°F OR TRENDI NG TO 557°F (NO)

If TEMPERATURE IS L ESS THAN 557°F and LOWERI NG, then perform THE F O L L OWING: BOP a. STOP du mp ing steam.

b. IF cooldown continues, THEN CONTROL total feed flow:

Appe ndi x D Operator Actio n F o rm ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 2 Event # 4,5,6 Page 19 of 28 Event Descri p ti on: Multipl e dro p p ed rods, AT W S , Stuck Open Main Steam S a fet y Va lve T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r MAINT A IN t o tal feed flo w greater than 300,000 LBM/HR until narrow range level is g r eater than 7%

[25%] in at least one SG.

BOP c. IF cooldown continues, THEN FAST CLOSE all MSIVs and Bypass valves: (May ha ve been performed)

AB HS-79 AB HS-80 BOP CHECK If Any SG Is Fa ulted: a. CHECK pressures in all SGs: ANY S G PRESSURE L O WERI NG I N AN UNC ONT R OLLED MA NNER ("A" SG) O R ANY S G COMPLETEL Y DEPRESS URIZED SRO b. Go To E-2, Faulted Steam Generat or Isolation, Step 1. CAUTI O NS: At least one SG must be maintained available for RCS c ooldow n. An y faulted SG or seco ndary brea k should remain isolated during subsequent recovery actions unless needed for RCS co oldo w n. BOP CHECK MSI V s and Byp a ss Valves -

CLOSED BOP CHECK If Any SG Secondary Pressure Boundary Is Intact:

a. CHECK pre ssures in all SGs - ANY STABLE OR RISING BOP IDENTIFY F aulted SG(s):

Appe ndi x D Operator Actio n F o rm ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 2 Event # 4,5,6 Page 20 of 28 Event Descri p ti on: Multipl e dro p p ed rods, AT W S , Stuck Open Main Steam S a fet y Va lve T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r BOP a. CHECK pressures in all SGs: ANY S G PRESSURE L O WERI NG I N AN UNC ONT R OLLED MA NNER ("A") O R ANY S G COMPLETEL Y DEPRESS URIZED BOP ISOLATE F aulted SG(s):

CRITIC A L TA S K BOP a. ISOLATE AFW flow to faulted SG(s):

CLOSE associated MD AFP Flow Control Val ve(s): AL HK-7A (S G A) CLOSE associated TD AFP Flow C ontrol Valve(s):

AL HK-8A (S G A) BOP b. CHECK ASD from faulted SG(s) - CLOSED AB PIC-1A (S G A) c. Locally CLOSE TDAFP Steam Supp ly From Main steam Loop Manual Isolatio n valve from faulted SG(s):

ABV0085 (SG B)

ABV0087 (SB C)

BOP d. CHECK Mai n Feedwater valves to faulted SG(s) -

CLOS ED Main Feedwater Reg Valves:

AE ZL-510 (SG A)

Main Feedwater Reg Valves:

AE ZL-550 (SG A)

Feedwater Isolation Valve:

AE HIS-39 (S G A)

Appe ndi x D Operator Actio n F o rm ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 2 Event # 4,5,6 Page 21 of 28 Event Descri p ti on: Multipl e dro p p ed rods, AT W S , Stuck Open Main Steam S a fet y Va lve T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r BOP e. CHECK SG Blowdown containment Isolation Valve from faulted SG(s) - CLOSED BM HI S-1A (SG A) BOP f. CLOSE Ste a mline Low Point Drain valve fro m faulted SG(s): AB HIS-9 (S G A) BOP CHECK CST To AFP Suction Head er Pressure

- GREAT ER THAN 2.7 PSIG CREW CHECK Sec ondary Radi ation: BOP/S R O a. PERF O RM EOP Adden dum 11, Re storing SG Sampling After SI Actuation PERF O RM EOP Adden dum 11, Re storing SG Sampling After SI Actuation DIRECT Ch emistry to periodically sample all SGs for activity DIRECT He alth Physics to survey steamlines in Auxiliary Bui l ding Area 5 as necessa ry CREW b. CHECK unisolated se condary radiation monitors:

SG Sa mple radiation:

SJL 026 SG ASD rad i ation: AB RIC 111 (SG A) AB RIC 112 (SG B) AB RIC 113 (SG C) AB RIC 114 (SG D) Turbine Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Exha ust Appe ndi x D Operator Actio n F o rm ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 2 Event # 4,5,6 Page 22 of 28 Event Descri p ti on: Multipl e dro p p ed rods, AT W S , Stuck Open Main Steam S a fet y Va lve T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r radiation:

FC RIC 385

c. Secondary radiation - N O RMAL CREW CHECK If ECCS Flow Should Be Reduced:
a. RCS subcooling - GREATER THAN 30°F
b. Secondary heat sink:

Narrow rang e level in at least one int a ct SG - GREATER THAN 7% [2 5%] O R Total feed flow to intact SGs - GREATER THAN 300,000 LBM/HR

c. RCS pressure - STABL E OR RISING d. PZR level - GREATER THAN 9% [2 9%] R O R E S E T S I: SB HS-42A SB HS-43A RO STOP All B u t One CCP: BG HIS-1 A O R BG HIS-2 A SRO Go To ES-1.

1, SI Termination, Step


Appe ndi x D Operator Actio n F o rm ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 2 Event # 4,5,6 Page 23 of 28 Event Descri p ti on: Multipl e dro p p ed rods, AT W S , Stuck Open Main Steam S a fet y Va lve T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r Scenario ma y be termi nated upon transition to ES-1.1, or at Lead Examiner's discretion after all critical tasks a r e complete

ATTAC H MENT A Automatic Action Veri fication BOP CHECK Ch arging Pumps:



BOP a. CCPs to Boron Inj Header - FLOW INDICAT E D EM FI-917A EM FI-917B BOP b. RCS pressure - LESS T H AN 1700 PSIG BOP c. SI Pump Dis c harge - FL OW INDI CATED EM FI-918 EM FI-922 BOP d. RCS pressure - LESS T H AN 325 PSIG BOP e. RHR To Acc u mulator Injection Loop

- FLOW INDICATED EJ FI-618 ATTAC H MENT A Automatic Action Veri fication EJ FI-619 CAUTI O N: If offsite pow er is lost after SI res e t, manual action ma y be required to restart s a feguards equipment.


BOP a. CCW Pu mp s - ONE RU NNIN G IN E A CH TR AIN Red Train: EG HIS-21 or EG HIS-2 3 Yellow Train EG HIS-22 or EG HIS-2 4 BOP b. CCW Service Loop Supply and Return valves for one operating CCW pump -

OPEN EG ZL-15 AND EG ZL-53 O R EG ZL-16 AND EG ZL-54 BOP CHECK Co ntainment Cooler Fans -

RUNNING I N SLOW SPEE D GN HI S-9 GN HI S-17 GN HI S-5 GN HI S-13 BOP CHECK Co ntainment Hydrogen Mi xing Fans -

RUNNING I N SLOW SP E E D GN HI S-2 GN HI S-4 ATTAC H MENT A Automatic Action Veri fication GN HI S-1 GN HI S-3 BOP CHECK If Containment Spray Shoul d Be Actuated:

BOP a. CHECK the following:

Containmen t pressure -

GREATER THAN 27 PSIG O R GN PR-934 indicates co ntainment pressure - HAS BEEN GRE A TER THA N 27 PSIG O R Annunciator 59A CSAS - LIT O R Annunciator 59B CISB -

LIT BOP b. Containmen t Spray Pu mps - BOTH RUNNING EN HIS-3 EN HIS-9 BOP c. ESFAS stat us panels C SAS sections:

SA066 X W H ITE lights

- ALL LIT SA066Y W H ITE lights

- ALL LIT BOP d. ESFAS stat us panels CI SB sections:

SA066 X W H ITE lights

- ALL LIT SA066Y W H ITE lights

- ALL LIT BOP CHECK If Main Steamlines Should Be Isolated:

BOP a. CHECK for any of the following:

Containmen t pressure -

GREATER THAN 17 PSIG O R GN PR-934 indicates co ntainment pressure - HAS

ATTAC H MENT A Automatic Action Veri fication BEEN GRE A TER THA N 17 PSIG O R Steamline pressure - LESS THAN 615 PSIG O R AB PR-514 or PR-535 indicates ste a mline pressure -


PROP ER E M ERGE NCY ALIGNME N T BOP a. ESFAS stat us panels SI S sections:

SA066 X W H ITE lights

- ALL LIT SA066Y W H ITE lights

- ALL LIT BOP CHECK Co ntainment Isolation Phase A:

BOP a. ESFAS stat us panels CI SA sections:

SA066 X W H ITE lights

- ALL LIT SA066Y W H ITE lights

- ALL LIT BOP CHECK SG Blowdown Isolation:

BOP ESFAS stat us panels S G BSIS sections:

SA066 X W H ITE lights

- ALL LIT SA066Y W H ITE lights

- ALL LIT CAUTI O N: If offsite pow er is lost after SI res e t, manual action ma y be required to restart s a feguards equipment.

BOP CHECK Bot h Trains of control Room Ventilation I s olation: BOP a. ESFAS stat us panels C R VIS sections:

SA066 X W H ITE lights


ATTACHMENT A Automatic Action Verification SA066Y WHITE lights - ALL LIT BOP CHECK Containment Purge Isolation:

BOP a. ESFAS status panels CPIS sections:

SA066X WHITE lights - ALL LIT SA066Y WHITE lights - ALL LIT BOP Notify CRS of the following:

Manual actions taken Failed Equipment Attachment A, Automatic Action Verification, completed

ATTACHMENT A Automatic Action Verification 36 BOP a. ESFAS status panels CRVIS sections:

SA066X WHITE lights - ALL LIT SA066Y WHITE lights - ALL LIT BOP CHECK Containment Purge Isolation:

BOP a. ESFAS status panels CPIS sections:

SA066X WHITE lights - ALL LIT SA066Y WHITE lights - ALL LIT BOP Notify CRS of the following:

Manual actions taken Failed Equipment Attachment A, Automatic Action Verification, completed

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 F a c i l i t y: C a l l a w a y S c e n a r i o No.: 3 Op Test No.:

NRC E x a m i n e r s: O p e r a t o r s: Initial Conditi ons: 5 - 10% power, BOL.

RE-5 2, Blowd o wn Disch a rg e Pumps Discha rge M onit o r, is OOS.

BB-PCV-455A PORV Leak a ge - Block Valve Closed.

Turn over: Incre a se po wer to 100% at 3% per hou r Critical Ta sk: Isolate ru ptur ed SG in step 3 of E-3.

Establish and Maintain RCS temperatu r e bel o w that required for d epre s su rization of the ruptu r ed SG. Event No. Malf. No. Event Type* E v e n t Description R - RO Rai s e po we r. 1 T+0 N - BOP, SRO I - ALL Powe r Ra nge NI failure.

2 T+10 NIS03D TS - SRO I - BOP, Steam Dump pres sure s e tpoint failure.

3 T+30 MSS13B S R O 4 T+40 BBV001 C - RO, SRO TS - SRO RCP hig h vibration.

5 T+60 RCS0 2 A M - ALL SGTR. Rea c tor trip re quired. 6 MSS07A C - BOP Atmosph e ri c dump valve fails op en, req u iring m anual isolation.

7 Component Override KAHIS29 C - RO Instrum ent air to containme n t fails clo s ed , requiri ng alt e rnate RCS depressu ri zat i on. * (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omp onent, (M)ajor

Scenario Event Description NRC Scena rio 3 The crew will assume th e shift with i n struction s t o raise react o r power in preparation for returning th e unit to full power. When the power ascen s ion is in pr ogress, a po wer range instrument will fail high, re quiring the crew to resp ond in accor dance with OTO-SE-1.

The crew will manually control feedwater bypass flow and remove the failed ch annel from service. The SRO will also determine the appropriate technical sp ecificat ion a c tion require ments. When the plant is stab le and technical spec if ications have been addresse d, a steam dump pressure set point failure will require t he crew to place steam dumps in off/reset and control reactor power and Tave manually in accordance with OTO-AB-1 and OT O-AB-4. When the pl ant is stab le , increasin g RCP vibration will requi re the crew to enter OTO-BB-2 to determine that the RCP must be stopped in accordance wit h OTN-BB-3. The crew will stop the affected RCP after determining reactor power is below P-8. Actions of OTO-BB-4 will also be performed to defeat Loo p Delta T and Tave inputs. The SRO will also det ermine the appropriate technical sp ecificat ion a c tion require ments. When the plant is stab le , a SGTR de velops, requiring the cre w to trip the reactor and initiate Safety Injection. An atmospheric du mp val v e will fail open in automatic and require manual closure. In strument Air to containment will fail cl osed, requiri ng alternate RCS depres surization.

The scenario may be terminated when ECCS pu mps are stopped in E-3, Steam Gen e rator Tube Rupture.

EOP Flow Path: E-0, E-3

SCENARIO SETUP GUI D E EXAM #: ILT-1 Scenario Malfunction List

1) Initialize at IC-67. pa sswo rd = re dsox, M O NITO R CA F20(4) eq ual 1.0 2) Run Batch Fil e "iltthree.

tx t", and verify the action s o n the followin g page a r e lo aded corre c tl y. 3) Ens u re Immediate Boration Timer is reset. 4) Che c k RX tri p swit ch ha s a RED flag.

5) Ensu re NIS indicates 1 0% 6) Ensu re ste p counters fo r Control Ban k "D" a r e set at 114 ste p s a n d all other ste p cou n ters are set for 228. 7) Ensu re the di gital displ a y is sel e cte d to REP048 0A and RET0 499 A. 8) Ensu re Decre a se L oadi ng Rate Button is "O N". 9) Upd a te statu s boa rd for "B" Prote c ted Train we ek. 10) Place Letd o wn orifi A and B in service with a ca ution tag on C
11) White bo ard has the follo wing boron con c entration s: 'A' CCP "5 da ys ago" 110 7 ppm 'B' CCP "two wee k s ago" 1 135 ppm 12) Supply turnov er and lo g sh eets, Xe Pred ict, Dilution/Boration cal c ul ation and OTG-ZZ-000
03. 13) Ensu re the RM-11 i s on th e training system. 14) Microph one s available for each perso n being evalu a t ed and a vide o tape is in th e VCR. 15) Ensu re chart recorders a r e "rolled forwa r d". 16) Ensu re copie s of the following pro c e d u r e s are in the fil e dra w e r s: OTO-SE-00 0 01 OTO-AB-00 0 04 OTO-AB-00 0 01 OTO-BB-00 0 02 OTN-BB-00003 E-0 E-3 Scenario 3

>File: iltthree.txt

>Author: S. P. Aufdember ge >Date: 20050517 > >=========




=== >Simulates de-energization of "A" PO RV Block valve due to PORV Leakage irf bbs014 (-

1 0) 0 >BMRE52 OOS Pre-Setup imf rms6_08 (-1

0) >=========



E VENT PREL O A D=========


>EVENT A >Fail N44 to full scale high imf nis03d (1 0) 200 10 >====



E VENT PREL O A D=========



===== >EVENT B >Steam Dump P r essure Setpoint Failure imf mss13b (2 0) 1500 100





E VENT PREL O A D=========



===== >EVENT C

>RCP Hi Vibration irf bbv001 (3 0

) 6.1 30 >=========




E VENT PREL O A D=========



===== >EVENT D >SGTR A L eak g r o w s from 0 t o 3 00 over 100 seco nds AUTO MA TI CALL Y inser t ed w h en >BBHIS37 taken to stop or PTL. trgset 4 "

x 21i115 s" imf rcs02a (4 12

0) 300 10 0 >=========



E VENT PREL O A D=========



===== >EVENT E > "A" ASD fails open requiring m a nual isolation trgset 5 "

x 04o9 o" imf mss07a (5 0)





E VENT PREL O A D=========


>EVENT F >Instrument Air Fails closed requiri ng Alternate R C S Depressuriza tion trgset 6 "jstsisa.eq.1" ior kahis29_ic (6) on ior kahis29_io (6) off ior kahis29_og (6) on ior kahis29_or (6) off >====

=== To FAST CL O SE "A" MSIV O N L Y: SAS013A set to "

O F F" SAS013B set to "

O F F" SAS013C set to "OFF" SAS017 set to "E NABLE" SAS018A set to "

F C" >end of file

Scenario 3 Crew Turno ver Separate Turnover sheets provided

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 3 Event # 1 Page 6 of 31 Event Descri p ti on: Raise P o w e r T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r SRO Refer to OT G-ZZ-0003, Plant Startup Hot Zero Power to 30%

Power, section 6.3 CREW Perform a Pre-Job Brief of power ascension:

General strategy for proceeding to 30

% Power. Any items n o t completed as expected to this po int. Applicable P r ecautions a nd Limitatio n s Activities th at can be pe rformed at any time duri ng the next sections(s) of this proce dure such a s Stroking MFRV's and Placing Reboiler in service. MFP and MFRV control status Extraction Steam Line Drain and FW Preheating status Steam Du mp strategy Discuss the use of Optional Parameter Alarms as an aid to avoid undesired challen ges to legal or system requirements BOP Initiate a 3%

per hour lo ading rate RO Commence raising react o r power RO When power is >10%, verify P-7 and P-10 permissives are illuminated When control of the plant is demonstrated during startup, proceed to the next event Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 3 Event # 2 Page 7 of 31 Event Descri p ti on: Po w e r R ang e NI F a ilure T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r Booth Instructor Instructions:

When directed, insert command for Pow e r Range NI failure Indications Available:

PRNI N-44 f a iling HIGH Annunciators 78A, 78E, 82A for Po w e r Range Channel deviation REACT OR PARTIAL T R IP Annun ciator 83C BOP Refer to Annunciator R e sponse pro c edures SRO Refer to OT O-SE-00001 , Nuclear In strument Ma lfunction RO Check Power Range Instruments normal. N-44 is failin g high RO Ensure Rod Control is in MANUAL BOP Place SG Main Feed Reg Bypass va lves in MANUAL BOP Control SG levels from 45 - 55%

BOP Stop any Main Turbine load change s (None in p r ogress) RO Maintain Tave/Tref within 1.5°F usin g manual rod control CREW Check the f o llowing per missives are in their requ ired state P-7 P-8 P-9 P-10 CREW Select an op erable chan nel on the NI Recorder

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 3 Event # 2 Page 8 of 31 Event Descri p ti on: Po w e r R ang e NI F a ilure T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r CREW Bypass the malfunctioning channel at the Detector Current Comparator Drawer Place UPPER SECTI ON switch to N-44 Place LOWER SECTION switch to N-44 Place ROD STOP B Y P ASS switch to N-44 Place POWER MI SMATCH BY PAS S switch to N-44 CREW At the Comp arator and Rate drawer, place Comparator Channel Defeat switch to N-44 CREW Ensure the following ann unciator win dows are extinguished: 78A, PR CH ANNEL DE V 78B, PR UP PER DETE CTOR FL UX DEV 78C, PR LOWER DET E CTOR FL UX DEV 82A, PR OV ER PWR ROD ST OP RO Check Rod Control in AUTO Rod Control is in MANUAL BOP Return Feed Reg Bypas s valves to automatic operation as required by the SRO BOP Control SG levels at 45 - 55%

CREW Check Reactor Power >10% (NO) Perform Att a chment B, Low Power Trips Enabled, within the ti me limit specified in TS SRO Refer to applicable Te ch Specs TS 3.3.1 Condition D, E, S

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 3 Event # 2 Page 9 of 31 Event Descri p ti on: Po w e r R ang e NI F a ilure T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r When Tech Specs have been identified, proceed to Event 3

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 3 Event # 3 Page 10 of 31 Event Descri p ti on: Steam Dump P r essure Setp oi nt F a ilure T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r Booth Instructor Instructions:

When directed, insert command for the Steam Dump pressure transmitter failure Indications Available:

Steam Dum ps start to open SRO Refers to OTO-AB-000 04, Steam Header Pressure Channel Failure BOP Check Steam header pressure indicator AB PI-5 07 indicatin g significantly different tha n SG pressure indicators BOP Check Feed Pump Spee d Changing due to failed channel Must control feed pump speed using GE potentiometers with speed controller in manual, due to PT-507 failure Restore programmed DP BOP Check Steam Du mp Co ntrol in Pressure Mode BOP Place Steam Header Pressure Controller in MANUAL BOP Check stea m dumps re sponding in MANUAL BOP Manually control SG pressure to the desired value SRO Initiate act i o n s to repair f a iled transmitter SRO Perform notifications per OPS-Communications-01 When steam pressure is under manual control, proceed to the next event

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 3 Event # 4 Page 11 of 31 Event Descri p ti on: RCP Hig h Vibr ation T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r Booth Operator Instructions:

When directed, insert command to initiate RCP high vibration Indications Available:

RCP VI B DANGER An nunciator 70A RCP VI B/SYS ALERT Annunciator 70B NOTE: In Modes 1 & 2 when a RCP is stopped, the idle loop RTD channel is IN OPERABLE and the actions of OTO-BB-00004, RTD Chann el Failures, should be p e rformed. SRO Refer to OT O-BB-00002 , Reactor Coolant Pump Off-Normal R O Check R C P V i b r a t i o n s a. RCP Vibrati on level; ALL RCPs L e ss than 5 MILS on the frame A N D ALL RCPs L e ss than 20 MILS on the shaft (at RP312, B YI-471) (See cue shee t posted beh ind back bo ards) IF Reactor power LESS THAN 48% (P-8 extinguished on SB069)

RO SECURE th e affected RCP IAW OT N-BB-00003. (Will stop pump in a subsequent step)

RO Continue to MONITOR RCP para m eters for all RCPs. SRO REFER to OTG-ZZ-00004, Power Op erations, to shutdown the plant.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 3 Event # 4 Page 12 of 31 Event Descri p ti on: RCP Hig h Vibr ation T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r SRO Refer to T/S LCO 3.3.1, T/S LCO 3.3

.2, and T/S LCO 3.4.4.

CREW Verify that permissive P8 is extinguished.

CAUTI O N: Consider the effects of securing the RCP WIL L have on S/G level and Pzr Pre ssure control. The FRV in Auto should handle the transient but will later need to be closed and the FRV Bypass placed in service to prevent a high level Turbine Trip. If the "D" RCP is secured, Pzr Press con trol is accomplished by c y cling h eaters. RO STOP the Reactor Coolant Pump.

CREW In Modes 1, and 2, when a RCP is stopped, the idle loop RT D channel is I N OPERABL E. PERF O RM actions of OTO-BB-00004, RTD CHANNEL FAILURES, for the INOPERABLE RT D channel and refer to T/S LCO 3.3.1, T/S LCO 3.3

.2, T/S LCO 3.4.4 and CARS 19960 1236. CREW GO T O OT G-ZZ-00005, Plant Shutdown 20% Power to Ho t Standby. The next event is initiated on a trigger from RCP trip

Appe ndi x D Operator Actio n F o rm ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 3 Ev ent # 5, 6, 7 Page 13 of 31 Event Descri p ti on: SGT R; Reactor T r ip Requ ired , ADV F a ils Open, IA to C T MT F a ils Clos ed T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r Indications Available:

PRESSURI ZER LOW L EVEL DEVI ATION Ann unciator 32C PRESSURI ZER PRESSURE L O W HEATERS ON Annunc iator 33C RO Determines PZR level dropping rapid l y. SRO Directs Reactor Trip an d Safety Injection actuat ion. RO CHEC K Re actor Trip:

Rod Bottom Lights - ALL LIT Reactor Trip and Bypass Breakers -

OPEN Neutron Flux - LOWERI NG BOP CHECK Turbine Trip:

a. All Turbine Stop valves

- CLOSED CREW CHECK Po wer To AC Emergency Buses: RO/B OP a. AC emerge ncy buses - AT LEAST ONE E N E R GIZED NB01 O R NB02 b. AC emerge ncy buses -


Appe ndi x D Operator Actio n F o rm ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 3 Ev ent # 5, 6, 7 Page 14 of 31 Event Descri p ti on: SGT R; Reactor T r ip Requ ired , ADV F a ils Open, IA to C T MT F a ils Clos ed T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r RO a. CHECK if SI is actuated:

Any SI annu nciator 88A through 88D - LIT O R SB069 SI Actuate RED light - LIT O R LOCA Sequ encer annun ciators 30A or 31A - LIT RO b. CHECK bot h Trains of SI - ACTUATED LOCA Sequ encer annun ciator 30A -

LIT LOCA Sequ encer annun ciator 31A -

LIT SB069 SI Actuate RED light - LIT S O LID (NOT blinking)

BOP PERF O RM Attachment A, Automati c Action Ver i fication, while continuing w i th this pro c edure. BOP CHECK Ge nerator Output Breakers - OPEN MA ZL-3A (V55)

MA ZL-4A (V53)

BOP CHECK Fee dwater Isola t ion: BOP a. Main Feedwater Pumps - TRIPPED Annunciator 120A, MFP A Trip - LIT Annunciator 123A, MFP B Trip - LIT BOP b. Main Feedwater Reg Valves - CLOSED AE ZL-510 (SG A)

AE ZL 520 (SG B)

AE ZL 530 (SG C)

Appe ndi x D Operator Actio n F o rm ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 3 Ev ent # 5, 6, 7 Page 15 of 31 Event Descri p ti on: SGT R; Reactor T r ip Requ ired , ADV F a ils Open, IA to C T MT F a ils Clos ed T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r AE ZL 540 (SG D)

BOP c. Main Feedwater Reg Bypass Valves - CLOSED AE ZL-550 (SG A)

AE ZL 560 (SG B)

AE ZL 570 (SG C)

AE ZL 580 (SG D)

BOP d. Feedwater Isolation valves - CLOSED AE HIS-39 (S G A) AE HIS-40 (S G B) AE HIS-41 (S G C) AE HIS-42 (S G D) BOP CHECK AF W Pumps: a. MD AFW Pumps - BOT H RUNNING AL HIS-23A AL-HIS-22A


Appe ndi x D Operator Actio n F o rm ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 3 Ev ent # 5, 6, 7 Page 16 of 31 Event Descri p ti on: SGT R; Reactor T r ip Requ ired , ADV F a ils Open, IA to C T MT F a ils Clos ed T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r AL HK-8A AL HK-10A AL HK-12A AL HK-6A BOP CHECK Tot al AFW Flow - GREAT E R THAN 3 00,00 LBM/

HR RO CHECK PZ R PORVs and Spray Va lves: a. PZR PORV s - CLOSE D BB HIS-455 A BB-HIS-456 A b. PZR PORV s - BOTH I N AUT O BB HIS-455 A BB-HIS-456 A c. PORV Block Valves - BOTH OPEN (NO) BB HIS-800 0A (Closed)

BB-HIS-800 0A d. Normal PZR Spray Valves - CLOSE D BB ZL-455A BB-ZL-456A RO CHECK If RCPs Should Be Stopped:

a. RCPs - AN Y RUN NIN G Appe ndi x D Operator Actio n F o rm ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 3 Ev ent # 5, 6, 7 Page 17 of 31 Event Descri p ti on: SGT R; Reactor T r ip Requ ired , ADV F a ils Open, IA to C T MT F a ils Clos ed T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r b. ECCS Pumps - AT LEAST ON E R UNNI NG CCP O R SI Pump c. RCS pressure - LESS T H AN 1425 PSIG RO CHECK RCS Temperat ures: Any RCP ru nning - RCS TAVG ST ABLE AT 55 7°F OR TRENDI NG TO 557°F RO CHECK If Any SG Is Fa ulted: a. CHECK pressures in all SGs: ANY S G PRESSURE L O WERI NG I N AN UNC ONT R OLLED MA NNER (N O) O R ANY S G COMPLETEL Y DEPRESS URIZED RO CHECK If SG Tubes Are Intact:

Levels in all SGs: NO S G NA RROW RAN G E LEV E L RISIN G IN AN UNC ONT R OLLED MA NNER SG Stea mline N16 radiation - NORMAL N16 161 (SGA)

N16 162 (SGB)

N16 163 (SGC)

N16 164 (SGD)

Condenser Air Remo val radiation -

NORMAL BEFORE ISOLATI O N GEG 925 Appe ndi x D Operator Actio n F o rm ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 3 Ev ent # 5, 6, 7 Page 18 of 31 Event Descri p ti on: SGT R; Reactor T r ip Requ ired , ADV F a ils Open, IA to C T MT F a ils Clos ed T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r SG Blowdo wn and Sample radiation


AB RIC 112 (SG B) AB RIC 113 (SG C) AB RIC 114 (SG D) Turbine Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Exha ust Radiation -

NORMAL FC RIC 385 SRO Go To E-3, Steam Gen e rator Tube Rupture, Step 1 RO CHECK If RCPs Should Be Stopped:

a. RCPs - AN Y RUN NIN G b. ECCS pu mp s - AT LEAST ONE RUNNING CCP O R SI Pump c. RCS pressure - LESS T H AN 1425 PSIG CREW IDENTIFY Ruptured SG(s):

Unexpected rise in any SG narrow range level ("A" SG)

O R High radiation from any SG sample

Appe ndi x D Operator Actio n F o rm ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 3 Ev ent # 5, 6, 7 Page 19 of 31 Event Descri p ti on: SGT R; Reactor T r ip Requ ired , ADV F a ils Open, IA to C T MT F a ils Clos ed T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r O R High radiation from any SG steamline O R High radiation from any SG Blowdo wn line sample CRITIC A L TA S K BOP ISOLATE Fl ow From Ruptured SG(s):

a. ADJUST ru ptured SG(s) ASD con troller setpoint to 1160 PSIG:

AB PIC-1 A (SG A) b. CHEC K rup t ured SG(s)


c. Locall y CL OSE TDAF P Steam Su ppl y From Main Steam Loop Manual Isolation valve from ruptured SG(s): ABV0085 (SG B)

ABV0087 (SG C)

d. CHECK SG Blow do wn and Sample Isolation valves from ruptured SG(s) -

CLOSED Blow do wn Containment Isolation Valve:

BM HI S-1A (SG A) Upper Sam p le Inner Containment Isolation valve:

BM HI S-19 (S G A) e. CLOSE Ste a mline Lo w Point Drai n valve from ruptured

Appe ndi x D Operator Actio n F o rm ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 3 Ev ent # 5, 6, 7 Page 20 of 31 Event Descri p ti on: SGT R; Reactor T r ip Requ ired , ADV F a ils Open, IA to C T MT F a ils Clos ed T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r SG(s): AB HIS-9 (S G A) f. CHECK if C-9 interlocks - LIT Cue: When Logic Channel Toggle Sw i t ches are placed in OFF during the next step, the associated FAIL light comes ON (Back Board Mockup) g. CLOSE MSI V and MSIV By pass val ve from ruptured SG(s): CLOSE rup t ured SG(s) MSIV (preferred order):

FAST CL OSE using EOP Addend um 35, MSI V Fast Closure, at MSFIS cabinets SA075A and SA075B O R CLOSE all MSIV By pa ss valves (preferred order): USE Main Steamline Isolation By p ass Valves Controller AB HIK-15 O R Locall y ISOLATE MSIV By pass val ve(s) as necessary CREW CHECK Ru ptured SG(s) Level:

a. Narrow rang e level - GREATER T H AN 7% [25%]

Stop Feed flow to the ruptured SG Close MDAFP flow control valve AL-HK-7A Close TDAFP flow control valve AL-HK-8A

Appe ndi x D Operator Actio n F o rm ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 3 Ev ent # 5, 6, 7 Page 21 of 31 Event Descri p ti on: SGT R; Reactor T r ip Requ ired , ADV F a ils Open, IA to C T MT F a ils Clos ed T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r BOP CHECK Ru ptured SG(s) Pressure -


a. CHECK RCS pressure

- LESS THAN 1970 PSIG P-11 light -

LIT b. BLOCK Ste a mline Pressure SI:

SB HS-9 SB-HS-10 CRITIC A L TA S K CREW c. DETERMINE required core exit temperature: (variable)

BOP d. DUMP steam to condenser from intact SG(s) at maxi mum rate: 1. CHECK condenser - AVAILABLE C-9 interlocks - LIT MSIVs - ANY OPE N 2. PLACE Ste a m Header Pressure Controller in MANUAL and ZERO OUTPUT: AB PK-507 3. PLACE Ste a m Du mp S e lect switch in STM PRE SS position:

AB US-500 Z 4. ADJUST St eam Header Pressure Controller in STM PRESS mo de to achieve maxi mum cooldown rate:

Appe ndi x D Operator Actio n F o rm ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 3 Ev ent # 5, 6, 7 Page 22 of 31 Event Descri p ti on: SGT R; Reactor T r ip Requ ired , ADV F a ils Open, IA to C T MT F a ils Clos ed T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r AB PK-507 RO e. Core exit TCs - LESS THAN R E QUIRED TEMP ERAT URE B O P f. STOP R C S cooldo w n BOP g. MAINT A IN core exit TCs - LESS THAN R E QUIRED TEMP ERAT URE BOP CHECK Intact SG Level s: a. Narrow rang e levels - GREATER T H AN 7% [25%] b. CONT ROL f eed flow to maintain narrow range levels between 27% and 50%

RO CHEC K PZ R PORVs A nd Block Valves:

a. Power to Block Valves - AVAILABL E BB HIS 800 0A BB HIS 800 0B b. PZR PORV s - CLOSED BB HIS 455 A BB HIS 456 B c. Block Valves - AT LEAST ONE OP EN BB HIS 800 0A BB HIS 800 0B Appe ndi x D Operator Actio n F o rm ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 3 Ev ent # 5, 6, 7 Page 23 of 31 Event Descri p ti on: SGT R; Reactor T r ip Requ ired , ADV F a ils Open, IA to C T MT F a ils Clos ed T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r R O R E S E T S I: SB HS-42A SB HS-43A RO RESET Containment Isolation Phase A and Phase B Phase A (CISA):

SB HS-53 SB HS-56 Phase B (CISB):

SB HS-52 SB HS-55 RO ESTABLISH Instrument Air To Containment:

a. CHECK if ESW To Air Compressor valves - OPEN EF HIS-43 EF HIS-44 b. START Air C o m p r e s s o r (s): KA HIS-3C KA HIS-2C c. OPEN Instrument Air Supply Containment Isolation valve:

KA HIS-29 (w i ll not ope n) PERF O RM the following:

IF valve CANNOT be o pened, THEN locally OPEN val v e. (2000 Aux South piping pen room, P-30) (Will NOT open)

Appe ndi x D Operator Actio n F o rm ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 3 Ev ent # 5, 6, 7 Page 24 of 31 Event Descri p ti on: SGT R; Reactor T r ip Requ ired , ADV F a ils Open, IA to C T MT F a ils Clos ed T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r RO CHECK If RHR Pu mps Should Be Stopped:

a. RHR Pu mps - ANY RU NNIN G WIT H SUCTI O N ALIGNE D TO RWST b. RCS pressure - GREAT ER THAN 3 25 PSIG c. STOP RHR Pumps and PLACE in standby:

EJ HIS-1 EJ HIS-2 d. MONITOR R C S p r e s s u r e BOP CHECK If RCS Cooldown Should Be Stopped:

a. Core exit TCs - LESS THAN REQUIRED T E MPERAT URE b. STOP R C S c o o l d o w n CREW c. MAINT A IN core exit TCs - LESS THAN R E QUIRED TEMP ERAT URE BOP CHECK Ru ptured SG(s) Pressure - STABLE OR RISING RO CHECK RCS Subcoolin g - GREAT ER THAN 5 0°F DEPRESSURIZE RCS To minimize Break Flow And Refill PZR: a. Normal PZR spray - AV AILABLE (NO)

Appe ndi x D Operator Actio n F o rm ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 3 Ev ent # 5, 6, 7 Page 25 of 31 Event Descri p ti on: SGT R; Reactor T r ip Requ ired , ADV F a ils Open, IA to C T MT F a ils Clos ed T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r RO DEPRESS URIZE RCS Using PZR PORV To Minimize Break Flow And Refill PZR:

a. PZR PORV - AT LEAST ONE A VAIL ABLE BB HIS-455 A O R BB HIS-456 A b. OPEN one PZR PORV until any of the following conditions satisfied: Both of the following:
1. RCS pressure - LESS T H AN RUPT URED SG(s) PRES SURE 2. PZR level - GREATER THAN 9% [2 9%] O R PZR level - GREATER THAN 74% [

64%] O R RCS subcooling LESS THAN 30°F

c. CLOS E PZ R PORV: BB HIS-455 A BB HIS-456 A RO CHEC K RC S Pressure - RISING CREW CHECK If ECCS Flow Should Be Terminated:
a. RCS subcooling - GREATER THAN 30°f
b. Secondary heat sink:

Appe ndi x D Operator Actio n F o rm ES-D-2 Op T e st No.: 1 Scenar io # 3 Ev ent # 5, 6, 7 Page 26 of 31 Event Descri p ti on: SGT R; Reactor T r ip Requ ired , ADV F a ils Open, IA to C T MT F a ils Clos ed T i me Positio n Appl icant's Acti ons or Beh a vi o r Narrow rang e level in at least one int a ct SG - GREATER THAN 7% [2 5%] O R Total feed flow to SG(s)

- GREAT ER THAN 30 0,000 LBM/HR c. RCS pressure - STABL E OR RISING d. PZR level - GREATER THAN 9% [2 9%] RO STOP ECCS Pumps An d Place In Standby:

a. Both SI Pumps:

EM HI S-4 EM HI S-5 b. All but one CCP: BG HIS-1 A O R BG HIS-2 A Scenario ma y be termi nated w hen ECCS pum ps are stopped, or at Lead Examiner's discretion w hen all cri t ical tasks have been met.

ATTAC H MENT A Automatic Action Veri fication BOP CHECK Ch arging Pumps:



BOP a. CCPs to Boron Inj Header - FLOW INDICAT E D EM FI-917A EM FI-917B BOP b. RCS pressure - LESS T H AN 1700 PSIG BOP c. SI Pump Dis c harge - FL OW INDI CATED EM FI-918 EM FI-922 BOP d. RCS pressure - LESS T H AN 325 PSIG BOP e. RHR To Acc u mulator Injection Loop


ATTAC H MENT A Automatic Action Veri fication EJ FI-618 EJ FI-619 CAUTI O N: If offsite pow er is lost after SI res e t, manual action ma y be required to restart s a feguards equipment.


BOP a. CCW Pu mp s - ONE RU NNIN G IN E A CH TR AIN Red Train: EG HIS-21 or EG HIS-2 3 Yellow Train EG HIS-22 or EG HIS-2 4 BOP b. CCW Service Loop Supply and Return valves for one operating CCW pump -

OPEN EG ZL-15 AND EG ZL-53 O R EG ZL-16 AND EG ZL-54 BOP CHECK Co ntainment Cooler Fans -

RUNNING I N SLOW SPEE D GN HI S-9 GN HI S-17 GN HI S-5 GN HI S-13 BOP CHECK Co ntainment Hydrogen Mi xing Fans -

RUNNING I N SLOW SP E E D GN HI S-2 ATTAC H MENT A Automatic Action Veri fication GN HI S-4 GN HI S-1 GN HI S-3 BOP CHECK If Containment Spray Shoul d Be Actuated:

BOP a. CHECK the following:

Containmen t pressure -

GREATER THAN 27 PSIG O R GN PR-934 indicates co ntainment pressure - HAS BEEN GRE A TER THA N 27 PSIG O R Annunciator 59A CSAS - LIT O R Annunciator 59B CISB -

LIT BOP b. Containmen t Spray Pu mps - BOTH RUNNING EN HIS-3 EN HIS-9 BOP c. ESFAS stat us panels C SAS sections:

SA066 X W H ITE lights

- ALL LIT SA066Y W H ITE lights

- ALL LIT BOP d. ESFAS stat us panels CI SB sections:

SA066 X W H ITE lights

- ALL LIT SA066Y W H ITE lights

- ALL LIT BOP CHECK If Main Steamlines Should Be Isolated:

BOP a. CHECK for any of the following:

Containmen t pressure -

GREATER THAN 17 PSIG O R ATTAC H MENT A Automatic Action Veri fication GN PR-934 indicates co ntainment pressure - HAS BEEN GRE A TER THA N 17 PSIG O R Steamline pressure - LESS THAN 615 PSIG O R AB PR-514 or PR-535 indicates ste a mline pressure -


PROP ER E M ERGE NCY ALIGNME N T BOP a. ESFAS stat us panels SI S sections:

SA066 X W H ITE lights

- ALL LIT SA066Y W H ITE lights

- ALL LIT BOP CHECK Co ntainment Isolation Phase A:

BOP a. ESFAS stat us panels CI SA sections:

SA066 X W H ITE lights

- ALL LIT SA066Y W H ITE lights

- ALL LIT BOP CHECK SG Blowdown Isolation:

BOP ESFAS stat us panels S G BSIS sections:

SA066 X W H ITE lights

- ALL LIT SA066Y W H ITE lights

- ALL LIT CAUTI O N: If offsite pow er is lost after SI res e t, manual action ma y be required to restart s a feguards equipment.

BOP CHECK Bot h Trains of control Room Ventilation I s olation: BOP a. ESFAS stat us panels C R VIS sections:

ATTACHMENT A Automatic Action Verification SA066X WHITE lights - ALL LIT SA066Y WHITE lights - ALL LIT BOP CHECK Containment Purge Isolation:

BOP a. ESFAS status panels CPIS sections:

SA066X WHITE lights - ALL LIT SA066Y WHITE lights - ALL LIT BOP Notify CRS of the following:

Manual actions taken Failed Equipment Attachment A, Automatic Action Verification, completed

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet F a c i l i t y: C a l l a w a y T a s k N o.: Task Title

Determine t he volume a nd RMCS controls sett ings for raising RWST level. JPM No.: 2005 NRC RO/SRO A1-2 K/A Referen c e: 2.1.25 (2.8)

Exa m i n e e: NRC Exa m i n e r: Facility Evaluator:

Date: Method of testing:

This J P M can be performed in an y settin g with the required references available.

Simulated Performance:

Actual Performance:

X C l a s s r o o m X S i m u l a t o r P l a n t READ T O T H E EX AMI N EE I will explain the initia l co nditions, whi c h steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initi a ting cues. When you complete the task successf ully, the objectiv e for this Jo b Performan c e Measure will be satisf ied. Initial Condit i ons: The unit is coming out of a refueling outage. A significa nt leak occurred during th e refuel pool draindown process. RWST level is 92%. RWST Boro n Concentration is 2375 PPM. BAST concentration is 7000 ppm Task Stand ard: Volume addition and con t rols sett ing s within the specified ra nge. Required Materials: Straight Edge Calculator General



v. 0 20 Handouts: OTN-BG-00 02 RWST Leve l/Volume Cu rve Initiating Cu e: You have b een directed to determine the volume addition re quired to establish th e RWST level to 98% an d the Reactor Makeup Control System settings to maintain RWST boron concen tration at it's current value with a makeup flow rate of 90 GPM Time Critical Task:

No Validation Time:

10 Minutes NUREG 102 1, Revision 9, Supplement 1 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet SIMUL A TOR SETUP N/A NUREG 102 1, Revision 9, Supplement 1 Appendix C Page 3 of 6 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N (Denote Critical Steps with a ) Evaluator Note:

There is no required sequence of steps. The candidate ma y first refer to OTN-BG-00002.

Performanc e Step: 1 Determine t he volume t o be added.

S t a n d a r d: Refers to RWST Level/Volume Curve and determines 23,500 gallons but 25,500 mu st be added.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator Cue:

Provide a cop y of the RWST Level/Volume Curve if the book is not available w here the JPM is performed or the existing document cannot be marked.

Performanc e Step: 2 Locate/review the applicable proced ure. S t a n d a r d: Locates OTN-BG-0000 2 and determines that Section 5.5 -

MAN U AL MODE OF R M CS OPE R ATION applies. C o m m e n t: Evaluator Cue:

Provide OT N-BG-0000 2, Section 5.5.

NUREG 102 1, Revision 9, Supplement 1 Appendix C Page 4 of 6 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N P r o c e d u r e N O T E S preceding the step: If the makeup water is to be blended for use somewhere other than t he Chemical and Volume Control System, ensure that t he VCT leve l is suf f icien t for expected plant operating co nditions. If makeup is required to the Spent Fuel Pool ref e r to OTN-EC-00 001 Performanc e Step: 3 Determine t he desired b o ric acid a n d makeup water flow rates, for blended f l ow using Figure 7-2.

S t a n d a r d: Refers to Figure 7-2 and determines by interpolation: Boric Acid flow =30.54 GPM. Makeup Water flow = 59.46 GPM Evaluator Cue:

Assume that adequate suppl y cap acity is available to perform the evolution.

Performanc e Step: 4 Determines RMCS settings based u pon require d blended flow rates S t a n d a r d: Refers to Figure 7-2 and determines: Boric Acid flow BG-FK-111 potentio meter setting 5.63. Blended flo w BG-F K-110 potentiometer setting 7.63. Evaluator Cue:

Assume that adequate suppl y cap acity is available to perform the evolution.

Terminating Cue:

After the co ntrols sett in gs are deter mined, this JPM is complete.

NUREG 102 1, Revision 9, Supplement 1 Appendix C Page 5 of 6 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATI O N OF COMPLETI ON Job Performance Measure No.:

2005 NRC RO/SRO A1-2 Exa m inee's Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



R e s u l t: S A T U N S A T Exa m iner's Signature:

Date: NUREG 102 1, Revision 9, Supplement 1 Appendix C Page 6 of 6 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE S H EET INITIAL CONDITIONS:

The unit is coming out of a refueling outage. A significa nt leak occurred during th e refuel pool draindown process. RWST level is 92%. RWST Boro n Concentration is 2375 PPM. BAST concentration is 7000 ppm INITIATING CUE: You have b een directed to determine the volume addition re quired to establish the RWST level to 98% and the Reactor Makeup Control System settings to maintain RWST boro n concentrat i on at its current v a lue with a makeup flow rate of 90 GPM.

NUREG 102 1, Revision 9, Supplement 1 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet F a c i l i t y: C a l l a w a y T a s k N o.: Task Title

Determine t he volume a nd RMCS controls sett ings for raising RWST level. JPM No.: 2005 NRC RO/SRO A1-2 K/A Referen c e: 2.1.25 (2.8)

Exa m i n e e: NRC Exa m i n e r: Facility Evaluator:

Date: Method of testing:

This J P M can be performed in an y settin g with the required references available.

Simulated Performance:

Actual Performance:

X C l a s s r o o m X S i m u l a t o r P l a n t READ T O T H E EX AMI N EE I will explain the initia l co nditions, whi c h steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initi a ting cues. When you complete the task successf ully, the objectiv e for this Jo b Performan c e Measure will be satisf ied. Initial Condit i ons: The unit is coming out of a refueling outage. A significa nt leak occurred during th e refuel pool draindown process. RWST level is 92%. RWST Boro n Concentration is 2375 PPM. BAST concentration is 7000 ppm Task Stand ard: Volume addition and con t rols sett ing s within the specified ra nge. Required Materials: Straight Edge Calculator General



v. 0 20 Handouts: OTN-BG-00 02 RWST Leve l/Volume Cu rve Initiating Cu e: You have b een directed to determine the volume addition re quired to establish th e RWST level to 98% an d the Reactor Makeup Control System settings to maintain RWST boron concen tration at it's current value with a makeup flow rate of 90 GPM Time Critical Task:

No Validation Time:

10 Minutes NUREG 102 1, Revision 9, Supplement 1 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet SIMUL A TOR SETUP N/A NUREG 102 1, Revision 9, Supplement 1 Appendix C Page 3 of 6 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N (Denote Critical Steps with a ) Evaluator Note:

There is no required sequence of steps. The candidate ma y first refer to OTN-BG-00002.

Performanc e Step: 1 Determine t he volume t o be added.

S t a n d a r d: Refers to RWST Level/Volume Curve and determines 23,500 gallons but 25,500 mu st be added.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator Cue:

Provide a cop y of the RWST Level/Volume Curve if the book is not available w here the JPM is performed or the existing document cannot be marked.

Performanc e Step: 2 Locate/review the applicable proced ure. S t a n d a r d: Locates OTN-BG-0000 2 and determines that Section 5.5 -

MAN U AL MODE OF R M CS OPE R ATION applies. C o m m e n t: Evaluator Cue:

Provide OT N-BG-0000 2, Section 5.5.

NUREG 102 1, Revision 9, Supplement 1 Appendix C Page 4 of 6 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N P r o c e d u r e N O T E S preceding the step: If the makeup water is to be blended for use somewhere other than t he Chemical and Volume Control System, ensure that t he VCT leve l is suf f icien t for expected plant operating co nditions. If makeup is required to the Spent Fuel Pool ref e r to OTN-EC-00 001 Performanc e Step: 3 Determine t he desired b o ric acid a n d makeup water flow rates, for blended f l ow using Figure 7-2.

S t a n d a r d: Refers to Figure 7-2 and determines by interpolation: Boric Acid flow =30.54 GPM. Makeup Water flow = 59.46 GPM Evaluator Cue:

Assume that adequate suppl y cap acity is available to perform the evolution.

Performanc e Step: 4 Determines RMCS settings based u pon require d blended flow rates S t a n d a r d: Refers to Figure 7-2 and determines: Boric Acid flow BG-FK-111 potentio meter setting 5.63. Blended flo w BG-F K-110 potentiometer setting 7.63. Evaluator Cue:

Assume that adequate suppl y cap acity is available to perform the evolution.

Terminating Cue:

After the co ntrols sett in gs are deter mined, this JPM is complete.

NUREG 102 1, Revision 9, Supplement 1 Appendix C Page 5 of 6 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATI O N OF COMPLETI ON Job Performance Measure No.:

2005 NRC RO/SRO A1-2 Exa m inee's Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



R e s u l t: S A T U N S A T Exa m iner's Signature:

Date: NUREG 102 1, Revision 9, Supplement 1 Appendix C Page 6 of 6 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE S H EET INITIAL CONDITIONS:

The unit is coming out of a refueling outage. A significa nt leak occurred during th e refuel pool draindown process. RWST level is 92%. RWST Boro n Concentration is 2375 PPM. BAST concentration is 7000 ppm INITIATING CUE: You have b een directed to determine the volume addition re quired to establish the RWST level to 98% and the Reactor Makeup Control System settings to maintain RWST boro n concentrat i on at its current v a lue with a makeup flow rate of 90 GPM.

NUREG 102 1, Revision 9, Supplement 1 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility:

Callaway Pl ant Task No.:

Task Title

Determine isolation po ints for a tagging requ est JPM No.: 2005 NRC RO A2 K/A Referen c e: 2.2.13 (3.6)

Exa m i n e e: NRC Exa m i n e r: Facility Evaluator:

Date: Method of testing:

Simulated Performance:

Actual Performance:

X C l a s s r o o m X S i m u l a t o r P l a n t READ T O T H E EX AMI N EE I will explain the initia l co nditions, whi c h steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initi a ting cues. When you complete the task successf ully, the objectiv e for this Jo b Performan c e Measure will be satisf ied. Initial Condit i ons: Containmen t Spray Pu mp "A" flow element EN F E-5 is leakin g on the high side ta

p. A job has be en initiated t o drain the a ssociate d piping and rep a ir the flow element Task Stand ard: Tagging bou ndaries are identified to provide minimum isolation of EN FE-5 Required Materials:

ODP-ZZ-00 310, Workmen's Protection Assurance M-22BN01, M-22EN01, E-23EN01 General


ODP-ZZ-03 10, Workmen's Protectio n Assurance M-22BN01, M-22EN01, E-23EN01 Initiating Cu e: You have b een directed to identify t he tagging b oundaries to allow work to be performed on flow element EN FE-5.

Time Critical Task:

NO Validation Time:

15 Minutes Callaway 20 05 NRC R O A2 NURE G 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet SIMUL A TOR SETUP None Required Callaway 20 05 NRC R O A2 NURE G 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 3 of 6 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N (Denote Cri t ical Steps with a check mark)

START TI ME: Performanc e Step: 1 Obtains required drawings S t a n d a r d: Locates prin t rack and id entifies requ ired drawings Evaluator Note:

Isolation points ma y b e identified in an y orde r C o m m e n t: Performanc e Step: 2 EN HV-1, Containment Recirc Sump Supply val v e will be cl osed S t a n d a r d: Locates and marks EN HV-1 closed C o m m e n t: Performanc e Step: 3 EN HV-6, Containment Spray "A" di scharge to Containment will be closed S t a n d a r d: Locates and marks EN HV-6 closed C o m m e n t: Performanc e Step: 4 EN V-24, Recirculat ion valve to RW ST, will be closed S t a n d a r d: Locates and marks EN V-24 closed C o m m e n t: Callaway 20 05 NRC R O A2 NURE G 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 4 of 6 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Performanc e Step: 5 BN HV-4, RWST suctio n supply to Containmen t Spray Pu mp "A", will be clo s e d S t a n d a r d: Locates and marks BN HV-4 closed C o m m e n t: Performanc e Step: 6 EITHER ONE of EN V-9 0 , EN V-92 or EN V-67, Containmen t Spray line drain or vent valves, will be open S t a n d a r d: Locates and marks any of EN V-90, EN V-92, or EN V-67 op en Comment: More than 1 valve is a cceptable Performanc e Step: 7 Pump breaker may be o pened and e l ectrica lly isolated S t a n d a r d: Identifies iso l ation of Co ntainment Spray Pu mp "A" electrical circuit brea ker Comment: Ma y also tag breakers for MOVs, but not required Terminating Cue:

When the applicant has determined the isolation boundaries for the w o r k to be performed.

STOP TI ME: Callaway 20 05 NRC R O A2 NURE G 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 5 of 6 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATI O N OF COMPLETI ON Job Performance Measure No.:

2005 NRC RO A2 Exa m inee's Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



R e s u l t: S A T U N S A T Exa m iner's Signature:

Date: Callaway 20 05 NRC R O A2 NURE G 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 6 of 6 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE S H EET INITIAL CONDITIONS:

Containmen t Spray Pu mp "A" flow element EN F E-5 is leakin g on the high sid e tap. A job has be en initiated t o drain the a ssociate d piping and rep a ir the flow ele m ent INITIATING CUE: You have b een directed to identify t he tagging b oundaries to allow work to be performed.

Callaway 20 05 NRC R O A2 NURE G 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility:

Callaway Pl ant Task No.:

Task Title

Review a ta gging reque st for approval JPM No.: 2005 NRC SRO A2 K/A Referen c e: 2.2.13 (3.6)

Exa m i n e e: NRC Exa m i n e r: Facility Evaluator:

Date: Method of testing:

Simulated Performance:

Actual Performance:

X C l a s s r o o m X S i m u l a t o r P l a n t READ T O T H E EX AMI N EE I will explain the initia l co nditions, whi c h steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initi a ting cues. When you complete the task successf ully, the objectiv e for this Jo b Performan c e Measure will be satisf ied. Initial Condit i ons: Containmen t Spray Pu mp "A" flow element EN F E-5 is leakin g on the high side ta

p. A job has be en initiated t o drain the a ssociate d piping and rep a ir the flow element Task Stand ard: Tagging bou ndaries are identified to provide minimum isolation of EN FE-5. WPA not approved due to 2 d e ficiencies Required Materials:

ODP-ZZ-00 310, Workmen's Protection Assurance M-22BN01, M-22EN01, E-23EN01 General


ODP-ZZ-03 10, Workmen's Protectio n Assurance M-22BN01, M-22EN01, E-23EN01 Initiating Cu e: You have b een directed to review the WPA for approval to allow work to be performed on flow element EN F E-5. Time Critical Task:

NO Validation Time:

15 minutes Callaway 20 05 NRC S R O A2 NURE G 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet SIMUL A TOR SETUP None Required Callaway 20 05 NRC S R O A2 NURE G 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 3 of 6 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N (Denote Cri t ical Steps with a check mark)

START TI ME: Performanc e Step: 1 Obtains required drawings S t a n d a r d: Locates prin t rack and id entifies requ ired drawings Evaluator Note:

Isolation points ma y b e identified in an y orde r C o m m e n t: Performanc e Step: 2 Reviews W PA to determine appropriate isolat io n points for Containmen t Spray Pu mp "A" flow element FE-5 S t a n d a r d: Reviews tag listing C o m m e n t: Performanc e Step: 3 Determines that BN HV-4, RWST suction supp ly to Containment Spray Pu mp "A" must be closed and tagged S t a n d a r d: Identifies de ficiency on t agging requ est. Local h andwheel must be tagged a s part of valve isolation C o m m e n t: Performanc e Step: 4 Determines that Containment Spray Pump "A" breaker must be tagged S t a n d a r d: Identifies th at the Containment Spray Pu mp "A" breaker is n o t tagged and requires tag g ing C o m m e n t: Callaway 20 05 NRC S R O A2 NURE G 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 4 of 6 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Performanc e Step: 5 Return the WPA without approval S t a n d a r d: Determines that WPA cannot be app roved C o m m e n t: Terminating Cue:

When the applicant has provided disposition of the WPA, this JPM is complete STOP TI ME: Callaway 20 05 NRC S R O A2 NURE G 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 5 of 6 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATI O N OF COMPLETI ON Job Performance Measure No.:

2005 NRC RO A2 Exa m inee's Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



R e s u l t: S A T U N S A T Exa m iner's Signature:

Date: Callaway 20 05 NRC S R O A2 NURE G 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 6 of 6 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE S H EET INITIAL CONDITIONS:

Containmen t Spray Pu mp "A" flow element EN F E-5 is leakin g on the high sid e tap. A job has be en initiated t o drain the a ssociate d piping and rep a ir the flow ele m ent INITIATING CUE: You have b een directed to review the WPA for approval to allow work to be performed on flow element EN FE-5.

Callaway 20 05 NRC S R O A2 NURE G 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility:

Callaway Pl ant Task No.:

N/A Task Title: Determine Maxi mum Allowable Stay Time JPM No.: 2005 NRC RO A3 K/A Referen c e: 2.3.2 (2.5)

Exa m i n e e: NRC Exa m i n e r: Facility Evaluator:

Date: Method of testing:

Simulated Performance:

Actual Performance:

X C l a s s r o o m S i m u l a t o r P l a n t X READ T O T H E EX AMI N EE I will explain the initia l co nditions, whi c h steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initi a ting cues. When you complete the task successf ully, the objectiv e for this Jo b Performan c e Measure will be satisf ied. Initial Conditions:

A job is being performed on RHR Pu mp "A" that r equires isolating and draining system piping.

You have b een directed to open RHR Pump "A" drain valve EJ V-148 and route a hose to the local floor dr ain Task Stand ard: Correct RWP is selecte d and stay time identifie d as 30 minutes based upon exceeding maximum dose Required Materials:

RWPs, Survey Maps General


RWPs, Survey Maps Initiating Cu e: Identify the appropriate RWP for entry and determine ma ximum allowable st ay time befo r e a dosimeter limit is exceeded.

Time Critical Task:

NO Validation Time:

8 Minutes Callaway 20 05 NRC R O/SRO A3 NURE G 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet SIMUL A TOR SETUP None Required Callaway 20 05 NRC R O/SRO A3 NURE G 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 3 of 5 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N (Denote Cri t ical Steps with a check mark)

START TI ME: Performanc e Step: 1 Determine RWP required for task p e rformed S t a n d a r d: Selects RWP 500501WPA C o m m e n t: Performanc e Step: 2 Determines stay time based upon do simeter setting S t a n d a r d: Determines dosimeter setting is 10 mr total dose and 100 mr/hr dose rate.

S t a n d a r d: Selects surv ey map #11 11, RHR Pu mp "A" roo m S t a n d a r d: Determines dose rate in the area of t he work is 2 0 mr/hr S t a n d a r d: Determines maxi mum st ay time at 2 0 mr/hr is 30 minutes to avoid exceeding 10 mr total dose.

C o m m e n t: Terminating Cue:

When the candidate indicates stay time for the w o rk performed, this JPM is complete STOP TI ME: Callaway 20 05 NRC R O/SRO A3 NURE G 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 4 of 5 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATI O N OF COMPLETI ON Job Performance Measure No.:

2005 NRC RO A3 Exa m inee's Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



R e s u l t: S A T U N S A T Exa m iner's Signature:

Date: Callaway 20 05 NRC R O/SRO A3 NURE G 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 5 of 5 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE S H EET INITIAL CONDITIONS:

A job is being performed on RHR Pu mp "A" that r equires isolating and draining system piping.

You have b een directed to open RHR Pump "A" drain valve EJ V-148 and route a hose to the local f l o o r drain INITIATING CUE: Identify the appropriate RWP for entry and determine ma ximum allowable st ay time befo r e a dosimeter limit is exceeded.

Callaway 20 05 NRC R O/SRO A3 NURE G 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet F a c i l i t y: C a l l a w a y T a s k N o.: Task Title

Evaluate plant condition s, upgrade the emergency classif i cation and mak e a PA R. JPM No.: 2005 NRC SRO A4 K/A Referen c e: 2.4.44 (4.0)

Exa m i n e e: NRC Exa m i n e r: Facility Evaluator:

Date: Method of testing:

Simulated Performance:

Actual Performance:

X C l a s s r o o m S i m u l a t o r X P l a n t READ T O T H E EX AMI N EE I will explain the initia l co nditions, whi c h steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initi a ting cues. When you complete the task successf ully, the objectiv e for this Jo b Performan c e Measure will be satisf ied. Initial Condit i ons: A large break LOCA is in progress. Attempts to initiate Cont ainment Spray have failed. A Site Emergency was declared 20 minutes ago based on lo ss of the RCS subcooling an d radiation monitor GT-RE-59 reading 3.1E+3 R/hr. One minute ago contain m ent pressure lowered rapidly and now continues to lower at a slower rate. Wind speed is 5 Miles/Hr. Wind direction is from 218° The outside temperature is 88

ûF. Task Stand ard: Upgrades classification and makes a PAR.

Required Materials:

SENTRY Computer General




EIP-ZZ-00101, EIP-ZZ-00102, EIP-ZZ-00212 Initiating Cu e: Reevaluate the Emerge ncy Classification and pe rform required follow up actions requ ired of the Emergency Coordinator.

Callaway SRO NRC JPM A4 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9, Supplement 1 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Time Critical Task:

Yes Validation Time:

24 Minutes Callaway SRO NRC JPM A4 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9, Supplement 1 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet SIMUL A TOR SETUP N/A JPM Setup:

Ensure SENTRY Screen is called up on computer with plant 'WIND SECTOR" data d e leted, then minimize screen pr ior to JPM performance Callaway SRO NRC JPM A4 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9, Supplement 1 Appendix C Page 4 of 8 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N (Denote Critical Steps with a ) Performanc e Step: 1 Review cha nging condit i ons. S t a n d a r d: Enters EIP-ZZ-00101 Reviews Group 2 (Fission Product Barrier) EAL

's Declares General Emerg ency based on uncontrolled depressurization of cont ainment. C o m m e n t: Performanc e Step: 2 Enters EIP-ZZ-00102 S t a n d a r d: Announces GE and rea s on to contr o l room personnel.

Comment: The candidate ma y w o rk through the next several steps using EIP-ZZ-00102, ATTACHMENT 5 (flow c harted procedure steps).

Mark the ti me of the GE announcement: __________.

ATTACHMENT 4, OFF SITE NOTI FICATION FORM, must be provided to the communicator w i thin 15 minutes from this time. Performanc e Step: 3 Manually initiate ERFIS.

S t a n d a r d: Locates ERFIS button.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator Cue:

ERFIS w as actuated when the Site Emergenc y w as decl ared. Callaway SRO NRC JPM A4 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9, Supplement 1 Appendix C Page 5 of 8 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Performanc e Step: 4 Notify On-site personnel S t a n d a r d: Completes ATTACH ME NT 1 Sounds plan t emergency alarm. Makes the scripted anno uncement and repeats.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator Cue:

For the purpose of examination security

, dire ct the candidate to simulate the alarm actuation and announcement.

Performanc e Step: 5 Have SAS a c tivate the callout.

S t a n d a r d: Acknowledges cue.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator Cue:

SAS w as a c tivated w h en the Site Emergenc y was declared.

Performanc e Step: 6 Complete the SENTRY screen or fill out ATTACHMENT 4.

S t a n d a r d: Completes the SENTRY screen. Critical task dat a: GE Release in p r ogress Wind speed and directio n PAR - Evacuate 2 miles all around a nd 5 miles in downwind sectors B, C, and D C o m m e n t: Callaway SRO NRC JPM A4 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9, Supplement 1 Appendix C Page 6 of 8 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Performanc e Step: 7 Provide ATT A CHMENT 4 to the communicator.

S t a n d a r d: Provides ATTACHMENT 4 to the co mmunicator within 15 minutes after the GE declaration.

Comment: Mark the ti me that ATTACHMENT 4 is provided to the communicator: __________.

Terminating Cue:

After ATTACHMENT 4 is provided to the communicator, this JPM is com plete. Callaway SRO NRC JPM A4 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9, Supplement 1 Appendix C Page 7 of 8 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATI O N OF COMPLETI ON Job Performance Measure No.:

2005 NRC SRO A4 Exa m inee's Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



R e s u l t: S A T U N S A T Exa m iner's Signature:

Date: Callaway SRO NRC JPM A4 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9, Supplement 1 Appendix C Page 8 of 8 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE S H EET INITIAL CONDITIONS:

A large break LOCA is in progress. Attempts to initiate Cont ainment Spray have failed. A Site Emergency was declared 20 minutes ago based on loss of the R C S subcooling and radia t ion monitor GT-RE-59 reading 3

.1E+3 R/hr. One minute ago contain m ent pressure lowered rapidly and now continu e s to lower at a slower r a te. Wind speed is 5 Miles/Hr Wind direction is from 218° The outside temperature is 88

ûF. INITIATING CUE: Reevaluate the Emerge ncy Classification and pe rform required follow up act i ons require d of the Emergency Coordinator.

Callaway SRO NRC JPM A4 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9, Supplement 1 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet F a c i l i t y: C a l l a w a y T a s k N o.: Task Title

Borate RCS During Cooldown Outside the Control Room JPM No.: 2005 NRC J P M P1 K/A Referen c e: 068 EA 1.11 3.9 / 4.1 Exa m i n e e: NRC Exa m i n e r: Facility Evaluator:

Date: Method of testing:

Simulated Performance:

X Actual Performance:

C l a s s r o o m S i m u l a t o r P l a n t X READ T O T H E EX AMI N EE I will explain the initia l co nditions, whi c h steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initi a ting cues. When you complete the task successf ully, the objectiv e for this Jo b Performan c e Measure will be satisf ied. Initial Condit i ons: The control room is damaged beyond use and systems are aligned as per OTO-ZZ

-00001, Control Room Inaccessibility. The plant is shutdown with control fro m the Aux S/D Panel due to a fire.

The plant is in Mode 3 at normal operating temperature and pressure. Pr essurizer level is 25%, RCS boron concentration is 1000 p p m, and all shutdown and control r ods are fully inserted. C o re burnup is 295 EFPD. The "B" CCP is in service.

Task Stand ard: RCS boratio n from outside the contr o l room has been completed Required Materials:

OTS-ZZ-00 001, Cooldown From Outside the Co ntrol Room, Revision 13 Curve Book Table 1-8 Figure 7-3 General


OTS-ZZ-00 001, Cooldown From Outside the Co ntrol Room, Revision 13 Initiating Cu e: You have b een directed by the Shift Supervisor to perform Section 4.1 of OTS-ZZ-00 001 to borat e the RCS from the Boric Acid Tanks.

Time Critical Task:

NO Validation Time:

39 minutes 2005 NRC J P M P1 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 2 of 7 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N (Denote Cri t ical Steps with a check mark)

START TI ME: Performanc e Step: 1 Obtain a controlled cop y of OTS-ZZ

-00001, Cooldown From Outside the Control Room.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should obtain procedure copy.

C o m m e n t: Step 2.0 Performanc e Step: 2 Review the Precautions and Limitations of OTS-ZZ-00001.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should review all precautio ns and limit ations. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

All Precauti ons and Limitations are satisfied.

Performanc e Step: 3 Review the I n itial Conditions of OTS-ZZ-00001.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should review all Initia l Conditions.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

All Initial Conditions are satisfied.

Ask if the Operator understands the Initial Conditions and Initiating Cues.

Step 4.1 Performanc e Step: 4 Borate the RCS to X e n on-Free Cold Shutdown as follows.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should determine to borate the RCS to Cold X enon-Free Shutdown.

C o m m e n t: 2005 NRC J P M P1 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 3 of 7 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step 4.1.1 Performanc e Step: 5 Determine t he required boron conce n tration for cold shutdow n using Curve Book Table 1-8. S t a n d a r d: Operator should determine required boron conce n tration is approximate l y 1100 - 1200 ppm.

C o m m e n t: Step Performanc e Step: 6 Determine t he number of gallons of 4 WT % boric acid from the BAT required to achieve the boron concentration in Step 4.1.

1 using Figure 7-3 of the Curve Book.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should calcu l at e 1567 +/- 200 GAL.

If nomograph is used, th en 1350 - 1 400 gallons will be the volume indicated 5 1 5 6 7 6 7 0 0 0-1 0 0 0 V B 8.33 In ( 7000-1150 ) Comment: Nomograp h indicates approximatel y 1350 -1 400 gallons Cue: If requested, Boric Aci d Tank concentration is 7000 ppm Step Performanc e Step: 7 Start a Boric Acid Transf e r Pump "A" or "B" with local contro l switch or wit h the pushb utton on the associat ed breaker pu mp A(B) NG01AHF4 (NG02 AAF4). S t a n d a r d: Operator should start "A

" or "B" Boric Acid Pump.

Evaluator's Cue:

Direct the candidate to use the local HIS for the Boric Ac id Pump C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

The Boric Acid Transfer Pump is running.

2005 NRC J P M P1 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 4 of 7 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step Performanc e Step: 8 Open the Immediate Boration valve BGHV8104.

S t a n d a r d: Operator goes to "A" SI Pump Roo m and manually OPENS BG-HV-810 4. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

BGHV8104 is OPEN.

Step Performanc e Step: 9 Monitor boric acid flow on Local Indicator BGFI183B.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should monitor boric acid flow on BGFI 183B. Comment: BGFI183B i s outside the room Evaluator's Cue:

Local Indicator show s 100 GPM. Step 4.1.4 Performanc e Step: 10 Determine t he boration t i me required by dividing the gallons o f acid by the flow rate indicated.

1567 GAL S t a n d a r d: 100 GPM = 16 MIN (+/-

3 MIN) C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

The required time has elapsed.

Step Performanc e Step: 11 When the required time has elapsed , stop the B o ric Acid Transfer Pump.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should secure "A" or "B" Boric Acid Pu mp with the local control switch or the pushbutton on t he breaker A - NG01AHF4 B - NG02AAF4 C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

The Boric Acid Transfer Pump is STOPPED.

2005 NRC J P M P1 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 5 of 7 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step Performanc e Step: 12 CLOSE BGHV8104.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should CLOSE BGHV8104. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:


Step 4.1.7 Performanc e Step: 13 Have the RCS sampled to ensure th e required SDM has been obtained.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should call for Chemistry t o sample RCS for boron.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

When called, Hot Lab Chem Tech will sampl e RCS for b o ron. Terminating Cue:

When boration of the RCS has been performe d , this JPM is complete.

STOP TI ME: 2005 NRC J P M P1 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 6 of 7 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATI O N OF COMPLETI ON Job Performance Measure No.:

2005 NRC J P M P1 Exa m inee's Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



R e s u l t: S A T U N S A T Exa m iner's Signature:

Date: 2005 NRC J P M P1 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 7 of 7 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE S H EET INITIAL CONDITIONS:

The control room is damaged beyond use and systems are aligned as p e r OTO-ZZ-00001, Control Room In accessibility. The plant is shut down with control from the Aux S/D Panel due to a fire. The pla n t is in Mod e 3 at normal operating temperature and pressure. P r essurizer le vel is 25%, RCS boron concentratio n is 1000 ppm, and all shutd o wn and control rods ar e fully insert ed. Core burnup is 295 EFPD. The "B" CCP is in service.

INITIATING CUE: You have b een directed by the Shift Supervisor to perform Section 4.1 of OTS-ZZ-00001 to borate the RCS fro m the Boric Acid Tanks. 2005 NRC J P M P1 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet F a c i l i t y: C a l l a w a y T a s k N o.: Task Title

Locally Close Valves for CIS-B JPM No.: 2005 NRC J P M P2 K/A Referen c e: 103 A2.03 3.5 / 3.8 Exa m i n e e: NRC Exa m i n e r: Facility Evaluator:

Date: Method of testing:

Simulated Performance:

X Actual Performance:

C l a s s r o o m S i m u l a t o r P l a n t X READ T O T H E EX AMI N EE I will explain the initia l co nditions, whi c h steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initi a ting cues. When you complete the task successf ully, the objectiv e for this Jo b Performan c e Measure will be satisf ied. Initial Condit i ons: Callaway Pl ant was at 100% power when a Loss of All AC Power occurred. T he Control Room entered emergency procedure ECA-0.0, Loss of All A C Power. A containment spray signa l has been r e ceived and require d valve positions can not be performed from the Control Room. Task Stand ard: Upon completion of this JPM, val v es associa t ed with Penetrations 74, 75, and 76 will be clo s e d or verified closed.

Required Materials:

None General


ECA-0.0, Lo ss of All AC Power, Re vision 5 Initiating Cu e: The Control Room supervisor has dir e cted you to perform Local Operator Actions of Step 21B RNO (CISB Outer Containmen t Valves), of ECA-0.0.

Reposition any required valves and inform him when done.

Time Critical Task:

NO Validation Time:

10 minutes 2005 NRC J P M P2 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 2 of 9 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N (Denote Cri t ical Steps with a check mark)

START TI ME: Evaluator Note: All valves will be in the normal positions as stated in the JPM Performanc e Step: 1 Obtain a verified working copy of ECA-0.0, Loss of All AC Power.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should obtain ECA-0.0 copy.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

Provide operator w i th cop y of ECA-0.0.

Performanc e Step: 2 Go to the Aux Building North Piping Penetration Room #132

3. S t a n d a r d: Operator should go to th e North Piping Penetration Room #1 323. NOTE: Operator s hould go thru HP Acce ss. C o m m e n t: Performanc e Step: 3 Verify CLOS ED EG-HV-58, CCW to RCS outer CTMT ISO. S t a n d a r d: Operator should demonstrate knowledge of how to verify a motor-opera t ed valve OPEN/CL O SED. NOTE: Pen 74, valves in Steps 3 through 8 can be operated in an y order. C o m m e n t: Evaluator Cue:

EG-HV-58 is open 2005 NRC J P M P2 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 3 of 9 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Performanc e Step: 4 CLOS E EG-H V-58, CC W to RCS Outer CTMT I S O. S t a n d a r d: Operator should CLOSE EG-HV-58.

NOTE: Operator s hould be able to describe how to CLOSE a limitorque valve.

S t a n d a r d: Valves in Steps 3 throug h 8 can be o perated in a n y order. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

EG-HV-58 is no w CLOSED. Performanc e Step: 5 Verify CLOS ED EG-HV-71, CCW to RCS Outer CTMT ISO.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should verify position of E G-HV-71. N O T E: Pen 7 4 S t a n d a r d: Valves in Steps 3 throug h 8 can be o perated in a n y order. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

EG-HV-71 is OPEN.

2005 NRC J P M P2 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 4 of 9 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Performanc e Step: 6 Operator should CLOSE EG-HV-71, CCW to RCS Outer CT MT ISO. S t a n d a r d: Operator should CLOSE EG-HV-71.

N O T E: Pen 7 4 S t a n d a r d: Valves in Steps 3 throug h 8 can be o perated in a n y order. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

EG-HV-71 is no w CLOSED. Performanc e Step: 7 Verify CLOSED EG-HV-126, CCW to RCS CT MT Bypass.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should verify CLOSED EG-HV-126, CCW to RCS CTM T By pass. N O T E: Pen 7 4 S t a n d a r d: Valves in Steps 3 throug h 8 can be o perated in a n y order. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

EG-HV-126 is CLOSED.

2005 NRC J P M P2 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 5 of 9 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Performanc e Step: 8 Verify CLOSED EG-HV-127, CCW to RCS CT MT Bypass.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should verify CLOSED EG-HV-127, CCW to RCS CTM T By pass. N O T E: Pen 7 4 S t a n d a r d: Valves in Steps 3 throug h 8 can be o perated in a n y order. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

EG-HV-127 is CLOSED.

Performanc e Step: 9 Verify CLOS ED EG-HV-59, CCW from RCS Out e r CTMT ISO.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should verify position of E G-HV-59. N O T E: Pen 7 5 S t a n d a r d: Valves in Steps 9 throug h 11 can be operated in any order.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

EG-HV-59 is OPEN.

Performanc e Step: 10 CLOSE EG-HV-59, CCW from Out e r CTMT ISO.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should CLOSE EG-HV-59.

N O T E: Pen 7 5 S t a n d a r d: Valves in Steps 9 throug h 11 can be operated in any order.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

EG-HV-59 is no w CLOSED. 2005 NRC J P M P2 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 6 of 9 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Performanc e Step: 11 Verify CLOSED EG-HV-131, CCW from RCS CT MT Bypass.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should verify CLOSED EG-HV-131.

N O T E: Pen 7 5 S t a n d a r d: Valves in Steps 9 throug h 11 can be operated in any order.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

EG-HV-131 is CLOSED.

Performanc e Step: 12 Verify CLOS ED EG-HV-61, CCW from RCS Out e r CTMT ISO.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should verify position of E G-HV-61. N O T E: Pen 7 6 S t a n d a r d: Valves in Steps 12 throu gh 14 can b e operated in any order.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

EG-HV-61 is OPEN.

Performanc e Step: 13 CLOSE EG-HV-61, CCW from RCS Outer CT MT ISO. S t a n d a r d: Operator should CLOSE EG-HV-61, CCW from RCS Outer CTMT ISO. N O T E: Pen 7 6 S t a n d a r d: Valves in Steps 12 throu gh 14 can b e operated in any order.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

EG-HV-61 is no w CLOSED. 2005 NRC J P M P2 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 7 of 9 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Performanc e Step: 14 Verify CLOSED EG-HV-133, CCW from RCS CT MT BYPASS.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should verify CLOSED EG-HV-133.

N O T E: Pen 7 6 S t a n d a r d: Valves in Steps 12 throu gh 14 can b e operated in any order.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

EG-HV-133 is CLOSED.

Performanc e Step: 15 S t a n d a r d: Operator should inform Control Room Supervisor Local Operator Action is co mpleted to Isolated CIS-B Valves.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

Control Ro om Supervisor acknowledges.

Terminating Cue:

When all CIS-B valves are closed, the JPM is complete STOP TI ME: 2005 NRC J P M P2 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 8 of 9 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATI O N OF COMPLETI ON Job Performance Measure No.:

2005 NRC J P M P2 Exa m inee's Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



R e s u l t: S A T U N S A T Exa m iner's Signature:

Date: 2005 NRC J P M P2 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 9 of 9 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE S H EET INITIAL CONDITIONS:

Callaway Pl ant was at 100% power when a Loss of All AC Power occurred. T he Control Room entered emergency procedure ECA-0.0, Lo ss of All AC Power. A containment spray signal has been received and required valve po sitions can n o t be performed from the Co ntrol Room.

INITIATING CUE: The Control Room supervi sor has dir e cted you to perform Local Operator Actions of Step 21B RNO (CISB Outer Containmen t Valves), of ECA-0.0. Reposition an y required valves and in form him when done.

2005 NRC J P M P2 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet F a c i l i t y: C a l l a w a y T a s k N o.: Task Title

Perform Fire Water System Makeup to CST JPM No.: 2005 NRC J P M P3 K/A Referen c e: 061 K4.01 3.9 / 4.2 Exa m i n e e: NRC Exa m i n e r: Facility Evaluator:

Date: Method of testing:

Simulated Performance:

X Actual Performance:

C l a s s r o o m S i m u l a t o r P l a n t X READ T O T H E EX AMI N EE I will explain the initia l co nditions, whi c h steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initi a ting cues. When you complete the task successf ully, the objectiv e for this Jo b Performan c e Measure will be satisf ied. Initial Condit i ons: Callaway Pl ant has lost all AC power due to an earthquake.

Plant operators ar e currently in emergency procedure ECA-0.0, Lo ss of All AC Power, stabilizing the pla n t. Task Stand ard: Upon completion of this JPM, the operator will h a ve comme n ced fill ing the CST from the Firewater System.

Required Materials:

Key #131, Locked Valve and Breaker Key General


EOP Adden dum 23, Local CST Eme r gency Fill Initiating Cu e: The Control Room Supe rvisor has di rected you to fill the con densate storage tank using Adde ndum 23, Local CST Emergency Fill.

Inform the Control Room Supervisor when you have started filling th e CST. Time Critical Task:

NO Validation Time:

10 minutes 2005 NRC J P M P3 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 2 of 6 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N (Denote Cri t ical Steps with a check mark)

START TI ME: Performanc e Step: 1 Obtain a copy of Addendum 23, Local CST Eme r gency Fill.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should obtain procedure copy.

C o m m e n t: Performanc e Step: 2 Review Add endum. S t a n d a r d: Operator may review Addendum.

C o m m e n t: Step 1.0 Performanc e Step: 3 Obtain hydrant wrench, 1 50 ft. sect ion of 2 1/2" fire hose, 1 spanner wrench, 1 fire w a ter to CST emergency fill conne ctor. S t a n d a r d: Operator should Obtain hydrant wre n ch, 1 50 ft.

section of 2 1/2" fire hose, 1 spanner wrench, 1 Fire Water to CST Emergency Fill Connector.

C o m m e n t: Step 2.A Performanc e Step: 4 Connect the CST Emergency Fill Connector to th e Ecolo Chem Connection on APV004 3. S t a n d a r d: Operator should hook u p CST Emergency Fill Connector to t he Ecolo Chem Connection on APV0043 located plant south side of CST. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

CST Emerg enc y Fill Connector is hooked up to APV004 3 2005 NRC J P M P3 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 3 of 6 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step 2.B Performanc e Step: 5 Connect 2 1/2" fire hose to the CST Emergency Fill Connect o r at APV0043. S t a n d a r d: Operator should connect the 2 1/2" fir e hose to th e CST Emergency Fill Connect o r. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

2 1/2" fire hose is hooked up to the CST Emerg enc y Fill Connector.

Step 2.C Performanc e Step: 6 Hook up the 2 1/2" hose t o the fire hydrant.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should hook u p the 2 1/2" h o se to the fir e hydrant.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

2 1/2" hose i s hooked up to the fire h y drant. Step 3.B Performanc e Step: 7 Open APV0 043, CST Deoxygenate d Water Outlet Valve.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should break t he lock (or unlock) and open APV00 43, CST Deo x ygenated Water Outlet Valve.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

APV0043 is OPEN. Step 3.C Performanc e Step: 8 Open fire water hydrant using hydrant wrench.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should open fir e water hydrant.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

Fire w a ter h y drant is OPEN. 2005 NRC J P M P3 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 4 of 6 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step 4 Performanc e Step: 9 Ensure fire water is flowing to the CST.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should verify the fire water is flowing.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

2 1/2" fire hose fills and fire w a ter s t arts to flow. Step 5 Performanc e Step: 10 Notify SS/CRS of CST Emergency Fill statu

s. S t a n d a r d: Operator should notify SS/OS of CST Fill from fir e water. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

SS/CRS acknowledge

s. Terminating Cue:

When the control roo m has been informed, this JPM is complete.

STOP TI ME: 2005 NRC J P M P3 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 5 of 6 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATI O N OF COMPLETI ON Job Performance Measure No.:

2005 NRC J P M P3 Exa m inee's Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



R e s u l t: S A T U N S A T Exa m iner's Signature:

Date: 2005 NRC J P M P3 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 6 of 6 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE S H EET INITIAL CONDITIONS:

Callaway Pl ant has lost all AC power due to an earthquake.

Plant operators ar e currently in emergency procedure ECA-0.0, Lo ss of All AC Powe r, stabilizing the plant.

INITIATING CUE: The Control Room Supe rvisor has di rected you to fill the condensate storage tank using Adde ndum 23, Local CST Emergency Fill. Inform t he Cont rol Room Supe rvisor when you have started filling th e CST. 2005 NRC J P M P3 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility:

Callaw a y Pl ant Task No.:

Task Title

Raise Reactor Power To 10

-8 Amps JPM No.: 2005 NRC J P M S1 K/A Referen c e: 001 A2.11 (4.4/4.7) 001 AA1.05 (4.3/4.2)

Exa m i n e e: NRC Exa m i n e r: Facility Evaluator:

Date: Method of testing:

Simulated Performance:

Actual Performance:

X C l a s s r o o m S i m u l a t o r X P l a n t READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial co nd itions, whi c h step s to simu l a te or discu s s, and p r ovid e initiating cu es. Whe n you compl e te the task successf ully, t he objective for this Job Perfor mance Measure will be satisfi ed. Initial Condit i ons: A reactor st artup is in pr ogress in a c cordance with OTG-ZZ-00002, Reactor Startup The following co nditions exist: All shutdow n bank rods are fully withdrawn. Control Bank "D" is at 9 2 steps. The estimated critica l p o sition is 10 1 steps on Control Bank "D". Most recent ICRR predicts 100 steps on Control Bank D Task Stand ard: The reactor is tripped in response to inappropriat e continuou s control rod motion. Required Materials:

None General


OTG-ZZ-00 002, Reactor Startup Han dout s: OTG-ZZ-00 002, Reactor Startup ma rked up thro ugh step 4.1

.17 Initiating Cu e: The Control Room Supe rvisor direct s you to continue with th e reactor sta r tup and withdraw control rods to crit icality in accord ance with OTG-ZZ-00002, Reactor Startup, beginning at Step 4.1.18.

Time Critical Task:

NO Validation Time:

12 minutes Callaway N RC JPM S1 NURE G 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Simulator Setup:

reset to IC-187 Password = startup Run Batch File startup.tx t Callaway N RC JPM S1 NURE G 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 3 of 8 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark) START TI ME: Evaluator Cue:

Inform the candidate that all precautions and limitations are satisfied Performanc e Step: 1 Candidate initiates cont rol bank wit hdrawal, mo nitoring Sou r ce Range counts, Intermediate Range Amps, and P-6 bistable

s. S t a n d a r d: Candidate determines that P-6 is en ergized and refers to C o m m e n t: Performanc e Step: 2 Verify one decade of overlap between the source and intermediate range level instruments.

S t a n d a r d: Observes Source Range and Intermediate Range instruments and determines that suff icient overla p exists C o m m e n t: Callaway N RC JPM S1 NURE G 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 4 of 8 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Performanc e Step: 3 Verify indication on both the source a nd intermediate startup r a te instrum ents. S t a n d a r d: Candidate determines that SR and IR startup rate indicatio n exists C o m m e n t: Performanc e Step: 4 Transfer the SE NR-45 recorder to t he intermediate ranges.

S t a n d a r d: Transfers NR-45 trend to IR channels C o m m e n t: Performanc e Step: 5 Prior to exceeding 5E4 CPS on SR instruments, BLOCK the Source Range High Flu x Trips Standard:

Block "A" Train by depressing the BL OCK pushb utton on SE HS-5. S t a n d a r d: Verify SR T R IP A BL OC illuminates on SB069.


Block "B" Train by depressing the BL OCK pushb utton on SE HS-10.

Callaway N RC JPM S1 NURE G 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 5 of 8 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N S t a n d a r d: Verify SR T R IP B BL OCK illuminates on SB069.

S t a n d a r d: Verify that the high voltage has bee n removed f r om the source range detect o rs. C o m m e n t: Evaluator Cue:

If the candidate reports that Source Range High Flux Trips have been blocked, acknowledge and provide direction to continue the control rod withdra w al Performanc e Step: 6 Continue incremental rod withdrawal until the rea c tor is cr itica l , as indicated by a stable po sitive startu p rate with no rod motion, on the intermediate range in strumentation once the p r ompt jump has receded. S t a n d a r d: Candidate initiates cont rol rod withdrawal in small incremen ts C o m m e n t: Note: The follow i ng steps represent th e alternate path of this JPM Performanc e Step: 7 Determine t hat rods are withdrawing with NO de mand signal.

S t a n d a r d: Candidate determines from CONTROL BANK D GROUP 1 and GROUP 2 ROD POSITI ON indication that rods a r e withdrawing with NO de mand signal.

C o m m e n t: Callaway N RC JPM S1 NURE G 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 6 of 8 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Performanc e Step: 8 Trip the rea c tor in respo n se to inapp ropriate cont inuous rod motion. Candidate trips the react o r in respon se to inappr opriate continuous r od motion.

S t a n d a r d: NOTE: Candidate ma y refe r to OTO-SF-0 0001 and determine that a reactor trip is re quired based on Step 6 RNO.

C o m m e n t: Terminating Cue:

When the Candidate trip s the reactor

, the evaluation for this JPM is complete.

STOP TI ME: Callaway N RC JPM S1 NURE G 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 7 of 8 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATI O N OF COMPLETI ON JPM No.: 2005 JPM S1 Exa m inee's Name:

Exa m iner's Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:

Q u e s t i o n:


Result: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Exa m iner's Signature:

Date: Callaway N RC JPM S1 NURE G 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 8 of 8 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE S H EET INITIAL CONDITIONS:

A reactor st artup is in pr ogress in a c cordance with OTG-ZZ-00002, Reactor Startup. The fo llowing cond itions exist: All shutdow n bank rods are fully withdrawn. Control Bank "D" is at 9 2 steps. The estimated critica l p o sition is 10 1 steps on Control Bank "D". Most recent ICRR predicts 100 steps on Control Bank D INITIATING CUE:

The Control Room Supe rvisor direct s you to continue with th e reactor start up and withdraw control rods to crit icality in accordance with OTG-Z Z-00002, Reactor Startup, beginning at Step 4.1.18.

Callaway N RC JPM S1 NURE G 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility:

Callaw a y Task No.:

0111-011-01-013 Task Title

Isolate SI A ccumulators During a LOCA JPM No.: 2005 NRC J P M S2 K/A Referen c e: 009 EA1.13 (4.4/4.4)

Exa m i n e e: NRC Exa m i n e r: Facility Evaluator:

Date: Method of testing:

Simulated Performance:

Actual Performance:

X C l a s s r o o m S i m u l a t o r X P l a n t READ T O T H E EX AMI N EE I will explain the initia l co nditions, whi c h steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initi a ting cues. When you complete the task successf ully, the objectiv e for this Jo b Performan c e Measure will be satisf ied. Initial Condit i ons: A LOCA has occurred.

The crew is performing ES-1.2, Post LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization.

Task Stand ard: SI Accumulators A, B, and C are iso l ated. SI Accumulator D is vented.

Required Materials:

None General


ES-1.2, Post LOCA Coo l down and Depressurizat i on Handouts:

ES-1.2, Post LOCA Coo l down and Depressurizat i on Initiating Cu e: The Control Room Supe rvisor di rect s you to isolate the SI accumulators in accordan ce with ES-1.2, Post LOCA Cooldown and Depressurizat i on, Step 23. Time Critical Task:

NO Validation Time:

7 Minutes Callaway JP M S2 NURE G 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Simulator Setup:

Initialize IC-184 Password spa321 Run bat.siacc.txt Callaway JP M S2 NURE G 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 3 of 6 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark) START TI ME: Performanc e Step: 1 (Step 23.a)

RCS subcooling based on core exit TCs - GREATER THAN 30°F S t a n d a r d: Candidate verifies RCS subcooling based on co re exit TCs is greater than 30°F C o m m e n t: Performanc e Step: 2 (Step 23.b)

PRZR level - GREATER THAN 9% [


S t a n d a r d: Candidate locates and verifies PRZR level indication is grea ter than 9%. C o m m e n t: Performanc e Step: 3 (Step 23.c)

Restore power to EP-HV-8808A, B, C, D S t a n d a r d: Candidate directs Local Operator to restore power to EP-HV-8808A - D S t a n d a r d: Candidate contacts Local Operator to restore po wer Comment: Booth Instructor: Inform candidate that po wer is restored to all 4 accumulator outlet valves Callaway JP M S2 NURE G 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 4 of 6 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Performanc e Step: 4 (Step 23.d)

Close EP-HI S-8808A, B, C, D S t a n d a r d: Candidate locates EP-HV-8808A, B, C and D control switches and places in CLOSE.

S t a n d a r d: Candidate verifies green close light o n and red open light off for each valve.

Comment: EP HV-8808 C does not close using the handsw itch on th e MCB. NOTE: The follo w i ng step represents the alternate path portion of the JPM.

Performanc e Step: 5 (Step 23.d RNO)

If any accumulator cannot be isolat ed, then ope n associate d accumulator vent valve S t a n d a r d: Locates con t rol switch fo r EITHER EP HIS-8950 D OR EP HIS-895 0E, and places switch in OPEN OR p l aces BOTH switches in OPEN. S t a n d a r d: Observes Green Light OFF, Red Light ON, and accumulator C pressure lo wering. C o m m e n t: Terminating Cue:

When the Candidate verifies that a c cumulator C pressure is lowering, the evaluation for this JPM is complete.

STOP TI ME: Callaway JP M S2 NURE G 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 5 of 6 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATI O N OF COMPLETI ON JPM No.: 2005 JPM S2 Exa m inee's Name:

Exa m iner's Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:

Q u e s t i o n:


Result: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Exa m iner's Signature:

Date: Callaway JP M S2 NURE G 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 6 of 6 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE S H EET INITIAL CONDITIONS:

A LOCA has occurred.

The crew is performing ES-1.2, Post LOCA Cooldown and Depressurizat i on. INITIATING CUE:

The Control Room Supe rvisor di rect s you to isolate the SI accumulators in accorda n ce with ES-1.2, Post L O CA Cooldown and Depressurization, Step 23.

Callaway JP M S2 NURE G 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility:

Callaway Pl ant Task No.:

Task Title

Respond to a Stuck Open Pressurizer Spray Valve JPM No.: 2005 NRC J P M S3 K/A Referen c e: 010 A2.02 (3.9/3.9)

Exa m i n e e: NRC Exa m i n e r: Facility Evaluator:

Date: Method of testing:

Simulated Performance:

Actual Performance:

X C l a s s r o o m S i m u l a t o r X P l a n t READ T O T H E EX AMI N EE I will explain the initia l co nditions, whi c h steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initi a ting cues. When you complete the task successf ully, the objectiv e for this Jo b Performan c e Measure will be satisf ied. Initial Condit i ons: A Reactor Trip has occu rred. The cr ew has transitioned to E S-0.1, Reactor Trip Response Task Stand ard: RCPs A and D are tripped Required Materials:

ES-0.1 General


ES-0.1 H a n d o u t s: N o n e Initiating Cu e: The Control Room Supe rvisor di rect s you to perform actions to stabilize the plant in accordance with ES-0.1 Time Critical Task:

NO Validation Time:

8 minutes Callaway N RC JPM S3 NURE G 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet SIMUL A TOR SETUP Reset to IC-188 Password = spray Callaway N RC JPM S3 NURE G 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 3 of 7 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N (Denote Critical Steps with an asterisk)

START TI ME: Performanc e Step: 1 Check RCS temperature - ANY RCP Running - Tave stable at or trending t o 557°F. S t a n d a r d: Candidate verifies RCPs are running and Tave is at approximate l y 557°F. C o m m e n t: Performanc e Step: 2 Check Generator Output Breakers o pen. S t a n d a r d: Candidate verifies ML ZA-3A (V55) and ML ZA-4A (V53) indicate OPE N. C o m m e n t: Performanc e Step: 3 Check all A C busses en ergized by Off-Site power S t a n d a r d: Determines that PA01 and PA02, NB01 and NB02 are energized by off-site power C o m m e n t: Performanc e Step: 4 Check Pressurizer Pressure Control - Pressure greater than 1849 psig S t a n d a r d: Candidate evaluates pressurizer pre ssure and d e termines it is greater than 1849 psig.

C o m m e n t: Callaway N RC JPM S3 NURE G 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 4 of 7 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Performanc e Step: 5 Check Pressurizer Pressure stable at or trendin g to 2235 psig.

S t a n d a r d: Candidate determines that Pressurizer Pressure is below 223 5 psig and low e ring. C o m m e n t: Note: The follow ing steps represent the alternate path of this JPM Performanc e Step: 6 Check PORVs closed S t a n d a r d: Candidate verifies BB-HIS-455A and 456A indica te CLOSED.

C o m m e n t: Performanc e Step: 7 Check Spray Valves closed S t a n d a r d: Candidate determines that Spray Val v e BB-PCV-455B is OPEN C o m m e n t: Performanc e Step: 8 Close Spray Valve S t a n d a r d: Candidate places BB-PCV-455B controller in MANUAL and attempts to reduce outpu t to ZERO.

Determines valve re mains OPE N C o m m e n t: Performanc e Step: 9 Stop RCPs A and D S t a n d a r d: Candidate places RCP A and D control switches in STOP C o m m e n t: Callaway N RC JPM S3 NURE G 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 5 of 7 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Performanc e Step: 10 Verify PRZ R Heaters - ON S t a n d a r d: Candidate verifies PRZR Heaters - ON.

C o m m e n t: Terminating Cue:

When A and D RCPs a r e tripped or upon completion of ES-0.1 Step 3, this JPM is complete.

STOP TI ME: Callaway N RC JPM S3 NURE G 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 6 of 7 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATI O N OF COMPLETI ON Job Performance Measure No.:

Callaway NRC JPM S3 Exa m inee's Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



R e s u l t: S A T U N S A T Exa m iner's Signature:

Date: Callaway N RC JPM S3 NURE G 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 7 of 7 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE S H EET INITIAL CONDITIONS:

A reactor Trip has occurr ed. The cre w has transitioned to ES-0.1, Reactor Trip Response INITIATING CUE:

The Control Room Supe rvisor dire ct s you to perform actions to stabilize the plant in accordance wit h ES-0.1 Callaway N RC JPM S3 NURE G 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet F a c i l i t y: C a l l a w a y T a s k N o.: Task Title

Start "A" Re actor Coola n t Pump JPM No.: 2005 NRC J P M S4 K/A Referen c e: 002 K6.02 3.6 / 3.8 Exa m i n e e: NRC Exa m i n e r: Facility Evaluator:

Date: Method of testing:

Simulated Performance:

Actual Performance:

X C l a s s r o o m S i m u l a t o r X P l a n t READ T O T H E EX AMI N EE I will explain the initia l co nditions, whi c h steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initi a ting cues. When you complete the task successf ully, the objectiv e for this Jo b Performan c e Measure will be satisf ied. Initial Condit i ons: Callaway Pl ant is in mo de 3 at 557°F and 2235 psig. "A" Reactor Coolant Pump had been secured fo r breaker work on PA0107. CCW is in operation and is supp lying cooling water to the Thermal Barrier Cooling coils per OTN-EG-00001.

There are no personnel in CTMT at this time.

Task Stand ard: Upon completion of this JPM, the operator will h a ve tripped "A" RCP due to high seal leakoff flow.

Required Materials:

None General


OTN-BB-00 003, Reactor Coolant Pumps, Revision 15 Initiating Cu e: Tags have been cleared on PA0107 and signed off. The Control Room Supervisor has directed you to start "A" RCP per OTN-BB-00003, Section 4.1.

WPA was restored to th e OTN-BB-00003 requir ed positions. I n form the Control Room Supervisor when the "A" Reactor Coolant Pump has been started an d the lift oil pump is secured.

Time Critical Task:

NO Validation Time:

16 minutes 2005 NRC J P M S4 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet SIMUL A TOR SETUP NOTE S: Use IC-7. Secure "A" RCP, close "A" seal inj a n d leakoff wit h BB HIS-8351A and BB HIS-814 1A. Close "A" PZR Spray Valve and place in MANUAL Set Event 1

'x21i115r.eq.true' 1 is cv06a severity 8, 12 second ramp, 10 secon d delay 2005 NRC J P M S4 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 3 of 11 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N (Denote Cri t ical Steps with a check mark)

START TI ME: Performanc e Step: 1 Obtain a verified working copy of OT N-BB-00003 , Reactor Coolant Pumps.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should obtain procedure copy.

C o m m e n t: Section 2 Performanc e Step: 2 Review the Precautions and Limitations of OTN-BB-00003.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should review the Precautions and Limitations.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

All Precauti ons and Limitations are satisfied.

Section 3 Performanc e Step: 3 Review the I n itial Conditions of OTN-BB-00003.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should read th e Initial Con d itions. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

All Initial Conditions are satisfied.

NOTE Prior To Step 4.1.1 Performanc e Step: 4 If the positio n of the CCW Outlet Throttle Valves are known to have changed, perform Section 5.2.

S t a n d a r d: Operator may ask if the WPA altered CCW Outl et Throttle Valve Positions.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

The CCW Outlet Throttle Valves position did not change.

2005 NRC J P M S4 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 4 of 11 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step Performanc e Step: 5 Initiate Seal Water Injection Flow to "A" RCP.

OPEN the RCP Seal Injectio n Isolation V a lve BB HV-8351A with BB-HIS-835 1A. S t a n d a r d: Operator should initiat e seal water injection f l ow with BB HIS-835 1A, RCP "A" Seal WTR INJ VLV, OPEN on RL02

1. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

BB HIS-835 1A RED lig ht goes ON and GREEN light goes OFF. Step Performanc e Step: 6 OPEN "A" RCP #1 Seal Leakoff Isolation Valve with Handswitch BB HIS-814 1A. S t a n d a r d: Operator should OPEN, RCP "A" Se al WTR Return VLV with BB HIS-814 1A, on RL001.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

BB HIS-814 1A RED lig ht goes ON and GREEN light goes OFF. Step 4.1.3 Performanc e Step: 7 Verify current OSP-BG-00005 or adj ust the Seal Water Injection Throttle Valve (BG-V-19

8) to establish 8 GPM fl ow to all RCP's.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should determine seal flow on BB FR-1 57, RCP "A" Seal Leakoff and Injectio n Flow, on RL021 or ve rify OSP-BG-00 005 is curre nt. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

OSP-BG-00 005 is current all RCP's sho w a flo w of 8 gpm on the Blue Pen for BG F R-157, 156, 155, and 154.

2005 NRC J P M S4 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 5 of 11 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step Performanc e Step: 8 Verify "A" RCP Seal Differential Pre ssure is > 2 00 psid. S t a n d a r d: Operator should read BB PI-153A, RCP "A" Se al DP, on RL021.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

"A" RCP DP indicates > 400 psid.

Step Performanc e Step: 9 Annunciator 73A RCP #

2 Seal Flow HI Alarm is CLEARED.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should determine status of annunciator 73A, RCP #

2 Seal Flow HI Alarm is CLEARED.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

Annunciator 73A is NOT on.

Step Performanc e Step: 10 Verify Annu nciator 42C VCT pressure HI/LO is CLEARED.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should determine status of Annunciator 42C, VCT Press HI/LO, on RL018 is CLEARED.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

Annunciator 42C is NOT on.

Step Performanc e Step: 11 Verify Annu nciator 74D RCP Oil RS VR LEV HI/

L O CLEA R E D. S t a n d a r d: Operator should determine status of Annunciator 74D, RCP Oil RSVR L EV HI/LO, on RL022 is CLEARED.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

Annunciator 74D is NOT on.

2005 NRC J P M S4 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 6 of 11 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step Performanc e Step: 12 Verify Annu nciator 71A, RCP #1 Se al dP LO CL EARED. S t a n d a r d: Operator should determine status of Annunciator 71A, RCP #

1 Seal DP LO, on RL022 is cleared.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

Annunciator 71A RCP

  1. 1 seal dP LO is NOT on. Step Performanc e Step: 13 Verify Annu nciators 70

- 73E RCP A - D Stand pipe LEV LO CLEARED. S t a n d a r d: Operator should determine status of Annunciator 70E, RCP "A" Standpipe, LEV LO, on RL022 is CLEARED.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

Annunciator 70E is NOT on.

Step Performanc e Step: 14 Verify Annu nciators 70

- 73C RCP A - D THERM BAR CCW Flow CLEA RED. S t a n d a r d: Operator should determine status of Annunciator 70C, RCP "A" THERM BAR CCW Flo w , on Rl022 is CLEARED.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

Annunciator 70C is NOT on.

Step Performanc e Step: 15 Verify #1 Se al Backpressure 15 psig. (VCT pressure).

S t a n d a r d: Operator should obtain VCT pressure from BG PI-115 on RL002.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

VCT pressu re indicates 32 psig on BG PI-115.

2005 NRC J P M S4 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 7 of 11 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step Performanc e Step: 16 Verify "A" RCP Seal Leakoff is with in the NORMAL operating range of Fig u re 1 on Page 4 of Attachment 1.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should verify "A" RCP Seal Leakoff Flo w is within t he NORMAL o perating ran ge of Figure 1 on page 4 of Attachment 1.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

"A" RCP Seal Leakoff Return is within the NORMAL operating range.

Step Performanc e Step: 17 Obtain "A" RCP Seal Leakoff Indicat i on from BG FR-157.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should obtain "

A" RCP Seal Leakoff Ind i cation from BG FR-157.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

BG FR-157 indicates Seal Leakoff is at 3 gpm on the Gree n Pen, the Red Pen is FULL SCALE.

Step Performanc e Step: 18 Dispatch so meone to inspect "A" RCP and warn personnel in the vicinity.

S t a n d a r d: Operator not required to call due to no personne l in CTMT.

C o m m e n t: Step Performanc e Step: 19 Start "A" RCP's Oil Lift P u mp with switch BB HIS-41.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should select RUN ON BB HIS-41, RCP "A" Lift Pump.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

BB HIS-41 RED light i s ON, after 20 seconds, the WHITE light on "A" Oil Lift Pump goes ON.

2005 NRC J P M S4 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 8 of 11 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step Performanc e Step: 20 Allow the Oil Lift Pump to RUN for at least 2 minutes.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should wait two (2) minutes from start time before performing next step.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

Tw o (2) min u tes has elapsed.

Step Performanc e Step: 21 Make plant announcement: ATTENTION IN THE PLANT STARTING THE "A" RCP. STAND CLEAR OF THE PUMP AND PA01 SWIT CHGEAR. S t a n d a r d: Operator should make plant announ cement about starting "

A" RCP. Should wait 10 - 15 seconds between announcement and starting pump.

C o m m e n t: Step Performanc e Step: 22 Start "A" RCP by using Switch BB HIS-37.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should select RUN on BB HIS-37, RCP "A".

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

"A" RCP BB HS-37 RE D light is ON and GREEN light is OFF.

Step Performanc e Step: 23 Monitor RCP starting cu rrent and running curren

t. S t a n d a r d: Operator should monitor BB-II-1, RCP "A" Amps, and observe starting curr ent decay away on RL0 21 to less th an 351 amps.

C o m m e n t: 2005 NRC J P M S4 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 9 of 11 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N The follo w i ng steps represent the alternate path of this JPM Performanc e Step: 24 Acknowledge annunciat o rs. S t a n d a r d: Operator should determine that contr o l room annunciators 70 B and 72A are received. 72A, RCP #1 SEAL FLO HI, is an unexpected alarm.

C o m m e n t: E v a l u a t o r's C u e: Performanc e Step: 25 Determine RCP "A" #1 seal flow S t a n d a r d: Operator should observe recorder BG FR-157 a nd verify seal flow is > 5 GPM C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Note:

Candidate MAY refer to the OTAs or OTO-BB-00002 to determine action required on high seal flo

w. Performanc e Step: 26 Trip "A" RCP S t a n d a r d: Places RCP "A" control switch in ST OP C o m m e n t: Terminating Cue:

When RCP "A" is stop ped, this JPM is comp l ete. STOP TI ME: 2005 NRC J P M S4 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 10 of 11 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATI O N OF COMPLETI ON Job Performance Measure No.:

2005 NRC J P M S4 Exa m inee's Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



R e s u l t: S A T U N S A T Exa m iner's Signature:

Date: 2005 NRC J P M S4 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 11 of 11 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE S H EET INITIAL CONDITIONS:

Callaway Pl ant is in mo de 3 at 557°F and 2235 psig. "A" Reactor Coolant Pump had been secured fo r breaker work on PA0107.

CCW is in operation and is supplying cooling wat e r to the Th ermal Barrier Cooling coils per OTN-EG-00 001. There are no personnel in CTMT at this time.

INITIATING CUE: Tags have been cleared on PA0107 and signed off. The Control Room Supe rvisor has directed you to start "A" RCP per OTN-BB-00 003, Section 4.1. WPA was restored to the OTN-BB-00 003 require d position

s. Inform the Control Room Supervisor when the "A" Reactor Coolant Pump has been started and the lift o il pump is se cured. 2005 NRC J P M S4 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet F a c i l i t y: C a l l a w a y T a s k N o.: Task Title
Place Steam Du mps in Steam Pressure Mode JPM No.: 2005 NRC J P M S5 K/A Referen c e: 041 A4.08 3.0 / 3.1 Exa m i n e e: NRC Exa m i n e r: Facility Evaluator:

Date: Method of testing:

Simulated Performance:

Actual Performance:

X C l a s s r o o m S i m u l a t o r X P l a n t READ T O T H E EX AMI N EE I will explain the initia l co nditions, whi c h steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initi a ting cues. When you complete the task successf ully, the objectiv e for this Jo b Performan c e Measure will be satisf ied. Initial Condit i ons: Callaway Pl ant is shutt i ng down for a fall outage. Reactor power is approximate l y 17.5%. The crew is p e rforming OTG-ZZ-00005.

Task Stand ard: Upon completion of this JPM, the operator has placed the ste a m dumps in the steam pressure mode and the n closed the failed stea m dumps prior to causing the stea m dumps to close due to Permissive P-12 (LO LO TAVE - 550°F)

Required Materials:

None General


OTN-AB-00 001, Main Steam Syste m , Re vision 13 Initiating Cu e: The Control Room Supe rvisor has directed you to verify the Steam Dump Controller, AB PK-507, is set f o r 1092 PSIG, then transfer the Steam Du mp Selector switch to the Steam Pres sure Mode per OTN-AB-00001, Main Steam System, Section 4.5 and infor m the CRS when done. Time Critical Task:

NO Validation Time:

9 minutes 2005 NRC J P M S5 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet SIMUL A TOR SETUP Use IC- 68 password redsox Use event trigger mode and set X 05I162S.EQ.T RUE.SET Malfunction MSS13b to AB PT-507 reading 1500 psig, 90 se cond ramp, 0 second time delay, set to event trigger.

Ensure AB PK-0507 is set at something other than 7.28.

2005 NRC J P M S5 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 3 of 7 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N (Denote Cri t ical Steps with a check mark)

START TI ME: Performanc e Step: 1 Obtain a verified working copy of OT N-AB-00001 , Main Steam System. S t a n d a r d: Operator should obtain a procedure copy. C o m m e n t: Section 2.0 Performanc e Step: 2 Review the Precautions and Limitations of OTN-AB-00001.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should read th e Precautio ns and Limit a tions. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

All Precauti ons and Limitations are satisfied.

Section 3.0 Performanc e Step: 3 Review the I n itial Conditions of OTN-AB-00001.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should read th e Initial Con d itions. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

All Initial Conditions are satisfied.

Ask if the operator understands the Initial con ditions and Initiating Cues.

Performanc e Step: 4 The operator may verify AB PK-0507 is set for 10 92 psig. S t a n d a r d: OOA-RL-00 004 states t hat 1092 psig = 7.28.

C o m m e n t: 2005 NRC J P M S5 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 4 of 7 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N NOTE: CAUTION prior to Step 4.5.1 Performanc e Step: 5 Ensure Steam Header Pressure Controller AB PK-507 matches steam dump demand AB UI-500.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should ensure AB PK-507 Steam Head er Pressure Controller matches AB UI-500.

C o m m e n t: Step 4.5.1 Performanc e Step: 6 Place the Steam Du mp Selector Switch AB US-0 500Z to Reset.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should place S t eam Du mp Selector Switch AB US-0500 Z to Reset.

C o m m e n t: Step 4.5.1 Performanc e Step: 7 Place the Steam Du mp Selector Switch AB US-0 500Z to the Steam Pres sure Mode.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should place t he Steam Dump Selector Switch AB US-0500 Z to the Steam Pressure Mode.

NOTE: When operator notices the steam dump failure, he ma y then omit Steps 8 and 9 and continue with Step 10.

C o m m e n t: Step Performanc e Step: 8 Verify C-7, L o ss of Load Interlock L i g h t is OFF.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should verify C-7, Loss of L oad Interlock Light is OFF on SC066W Panel.

C o m m e n t: 2005 NRC J P M S5 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 5 of 7 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step 4.5.2 Performanc e Step: 9 Operator may inquire if cooldown is required.

S t a n d a r d: Operator may ask if a plant cooldow n is required

. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

Respond by informing the operator that a cooldo w n is n o t required at this time.

Note: The follo w i ng st eps represent the alternate path of this JPM Performanc e Step: 10 Place Steam Du mp Interlock Select Switches AB HS-63, 64 in the OFF/RESET positio

n. S t a n d a r d: Operator should place b o th Steam Dump Selector Switches AB HAS-63, 64 in the OFF position.

Operator should CLOSE Steam Du mps by any means prior to Steam Du mps automatically closing at 550°F due to P-12, LO LO Ta ve. (May also go back to T a ve Mode) C o m m e n t: Terminating Cue:

When Steam Dumps are closed, this JPM is complete.

STOP TI ME: 2005 NRC J P M S5 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 6 of 7 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATI O N OF COMPLETI ON Job Performance Measure No.:

2005 NRC J P M S5 Exa m inee's Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



R e s u l t: S A T U N S A T Exa m iner's Signature:

Date: 2005 NRC J P M S5 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 7 of 7 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE S H EET INITIAL CONDITIONS:

Callaway Pl ant is shutt i ng down for a fall outage. Reactor power is approximately 17.5%. The crew is performing OTG-ZZ-00 005. INITIATING CUE: The Control Room Supe rv isor has directed you to verify the Steam Du mp Controller, AB PK-507, is set for 10 92 PSIG, th en transfer the Steam Du mp Selector switch to the Steam Pres sure Mode per OTN-AB-0000 1, Main Steam System, Section 4.5 and inform the CRS when do ne. 2005 NRC J P M S5 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet F a c i l i t y: C a l l a w a y T a s k N o.: Task Title

Placing Containment H2 Analyzer In Service JPM No.: 2005 NRC J P M S6 K/A Referen c e: 028 A4.03 3.1 / 3.3 Exa m i n e e: NRC Exa m i n e r: Facility Evaluator:

Date: Method of testing:

Simulated Performance:

Actual Performance:

X C l a s s r o o m S i m u l a t o r X P l a n t READ T O T H E EX AMI N EE I will explain the initia l co nditions, whi c h steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initi a ting cues. When you complete the task successf ully, the objectiv e for this Jo b Performan c e Measure will be satisf ied. Initial Condit i ons: Callaway Pl ant has experienced a L a rge Loss of Coolant Accident. A Safety Injection has occurred.

Task Stand ard: Upon completion of this JPM, the operator will h a ve placed "A" hydrogen analyzer in-service.

Required Materials:

None General


OTN-GS-00 001, Contai nment Hydrogen Control System, Revision 10 Initiating Cu e: The Control Room Supe rvisor has directed you to place the "

A" Containmen t Hydrogen Analyzer, SGS02A, in service per OTN-GS-00001, Section 4.2. The pre-service startup and standby alig nment of hydrogen analyzers has already been completed, (Section 4.

1). Inform the Control room Supervisor when SGS02A is in service.

Time Critical Task:

NO Validation Time:

10 minutes 2005 NRC J P M S6 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Simulator Setup Reset to IC-184 CTMT H2 In dication Set Malf Me ter GSAI19 Ramp Start=0 Ramp Time=60 Sec Delay Time

=15 Sec Value=1.5 Event Trigger=1 Set Event Trigger 1 1=X 20I36A 2005 NRC J P M S6 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 3 of 10 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N (Denote Cri t ical Steps with a check mark)

START TI ME: Performanc e Step: 1 Obtain a verified working copy of OT N-GS-0001.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should obtain procedure copy.

C o m m e n t: Section 2 Performanc e Step: 2 Review Pre c autions an d Limitation

s. S t a n d a r d: Operator should review Precautions and Limitations.

C o m m e n t: E v a l u a t o r's C u e: All Precautions and Limitations are satisfied. Step 4.2.1 Performanc e Step: 3 Ensure Section 4.1, Pre-service Startup and Standby Alignme n t of hydrogen analyzers is complete.

S t a n d a r d: Operator may verif y Se ction 4.1 ha s been completed.

NOTE: Given in Initial Conditions.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

Section 4.1 has been completed.

2005 NRC J P M S6 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 4 of 10 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step 4.2.2 Performanc e Step: 4 Ensure the H2 mixing fa ns and CTMT coolers re in service.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should verify H2 mixing fans and CTMT coolers are in serv ice. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

All H2 mixing fans and CTMT co olers are in service.

Step 4.2.3 Performanc e Step: 5 Restore ele c trical powe r to Hydroge n Analyzer "A" CTMT ISO Valves place GS HIS-4 0 in Non-Iso

. S t a n d a r d: Operator should place GS HIS-40, Hydrogen Analyzer "A" CTMT ISO Valve, i n Non-Iso lo cated on RL011.

NOTE: Steps 5 and 6 ma y be performed in an y order. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

GS HIS-40 i s in the Non-Iso position.

Step 4.2.3 Performanc e Step: 6 Restore ele c trical powe r to Hydroge n Analyzer "A" CTMT ISO Valves, place GS HIS-4 2 in the Non-Iso position

. S t a n d a r d: Operator should place GS HIS-42, Hydrogen Analyzer "A" CTMT ISO Valve in Non-Iso.

NOTE: Steps 5 and 6 ma y be performed in an y order. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

GS HIS-42 i s in the Non-Iso position.

2005 NRC J P M S6 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 5 of 10 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step 4.2.4 Performanc e Step: 7 Open "A" Hydrogen Analyzer CTMT I s olation Valve GS HV-1 3 with pushbu tton GS HIS-13.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should OPEN "A" Hydroge n Analyzer CTMT Isolation Valve GS-HV-13 with pushbutton GS HIS-13.

NOTE: Steps 7 through 11 may be performed in an y order. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

GS HIS-13 shows RED light goes ON and GREEN light g oes OFF. Step 4.2.4 Performanc e Step: 8 Open "A" Hydrogen Analyzer CTMT I s olation Valve GS HV-1 4 with pushbu tton GS HIS-14.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should OPEN "A" Hydroge n Analyzer CTMT Isolation Valve GS HV-14 with pushbutton GS HIS-14.

NOTE: Steps 7 through 11 may be performed in an y order. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

GS HIS-14 shows RED light goes ON and GREEN light g oes OFF. Step 4.2.4 Performanc e Step: 9 Open "A" Hydrogen Analyzer CTMT I s olation Valve GS HV-1 2 with pushbu tton GS HIS-12.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should OPEN "A" Hydroge n Analyzer CTMT Isolation Valve GS HV-12 with pushbutton GS HIS-12.

NOTE: Steps 7 through 11 may be performed in an y order. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

GS HIS-12 shows RED light goes ON and GREEN light g oes OFF. 2005 NRC J P M S6 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 6 of 10 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step 4.2.4 Performanc e Step: 10 Open "A" Hydrogen Analyzer CTMT I s olation Valve GS HV-1 7 with pushbu tton GS HIS-17.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should OPEN "A" Hydroge n Analyzer CTMT Isolation Valve GS HV-17 with pushbutton GS HIS-17.

NOTE: Steps 7 through 11 may be performed in an y order. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

GS HIS-17 shows RED light goes ON and GREEN light g oes OFF. Step 4.2.4 Performanc e Step: 11 Open "A" Hydrogen Analyzer CTMT I s olation Valve GS HV-1 8 with pushbu tton GS HIS-18.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should OPEN "A" Hydroge n Analyzer CTMT Isolation Valve GS HV-18 with pushbutton GS HIS-18.

NOTE: Steps 7 through 11 may be performed in an y order. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

GS HIS-18 shows RED light goes ON and GREEN light g oes OFF. Step 4.2.6 Performanc e Step: 12 Place Hydro gen Analyzer "A" in the ANLYZ position by takin g switch GS HIS-16A for SGS02A to "ANLYZ".

S t a n d a r d: Operator should take sw itch GS HIS-16A to "ANL YZ" on RL020 C o m m e n t: 2005 NRC J P M S6 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 7 of 10 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step Performanc e Step: 13 Monitor GS AI-19 for hydrogen concentration.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should monitor GS AI-19 fo r hydrogen concentration. Comment: Meter w ill b egin to deflect 15 seconds after placing GS HIS-16 in ANAL YZ Evaluator's Cue:

Hy d r ogen concentration indicates approximatel y 0% on GS AI-19. Step Note b Performanc e Step: 14 Verify Hydro gen Analyzer SGS02A was in the Sta ndby Lineup.

S t a n d a r d: Operator may verif y "A" Hydrogen Analyzer was in the Stand by Lineup. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

Note "A" Hy drogen an al y z er w as i n the Standb y Position. Step Note b Performanc e Step: 15 Wait for a 1 5 minute warmup period prior to taking data.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should wait a minimu m of 15 minutes for "A" hydro gen analyzer use.

Comment: Ensure meter has risen to 1 - 1.5%

b e fore c ontinuing Evaluator's Cue:

Over 15 mi nutes has gone b

y. Step Performanc e Step: 16 Monitor containment hyd r ogen conce n tration on GS AI-19.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should monitor GS AI-19 fo r hydrogen concentration. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

GS AI-19 s how s hy d r ogen concentration to be at 1.5

%. 2005 NRC J P M S6 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 8 of 10 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Terminating Cue:

When the candidate has determined that H2 concentration is 1.5, this JPM is complete.

STOP TI ME: 2005 NRC J P M S6 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 9 of 10 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATI O N OF COMPLETI ON Job Performance Measure No.:

2005 NRC J P M S6 Exa m inee's Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



R e s u l t: S A T U N S A T Exa m iner's Signature:

Date: 2005 NRC J P M S6 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 10 of 10 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE S H EET INITIAL CONDITIONS:

Callaway Pl ant has experienced a L a rge Loss of Coolant Accident. A Safety Injection has occurred.

INITIATING CUE: The Control Room Supe rvis or has directed you to place the "

A" Containmen t Hydrogen Analyzer, SGS02A, in service per OTN-GS-00 001, Section 4.2. The pr e-service st artup and standby alig nment of hydr ogen analyzers has already been completed, (Section 4.1). Inform the Control room Supervisor when SGS0 2A is in serv ice. 2005 NRC J P M S6 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet F a c i l i t y: C a l l a w a y T a s k N o.: Task Title

Placing Containment H2 Analyzer In Service JPM No.: 2005 NRC J P M S6 K/A Referen c e: 028 A4.03 3.1 / 3.3 Exa m i n e e: NRC Exa m i n e r: Facility Evaluator:

Date: Method of testing:

Simulated Performance:

Actual Performance:

X C l a s s r o o m S i m u l a t o r X P l a n t READ T O T H E EX AMI N EE I will explain the initia l co nditions, whi c h steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initi a ting cues. When you complete the task successf ully, the objectiv e for this Jo b Performan c e Measure will be satisf ied. Initial Condit i ons: Callaway Pl ant has experienced a L a rge Loss of Coolant Accident. A Safety Injection has occurred.

Task Stand ard: Upon completion of this JPM, the operator will h a ve placed "A" hydrogen analyzer in-service.

Required Materials:

None General


OTN-GS-00 001, Contai nment Hydrogen Control System, Revision 10 Initiating Cu e: The Control Room Supe rvisor has directed you to place the "

A" Containmen t Hydrogen Analyzer, SGS02A, in service per OTN-GS-00001, Section 4.2. The pre-service startup and standby alig nment of hydrogen analyzers has already been completed, (Section 4.

1). Inform the Control room Supervisor when SGS02A is in service.

Time Critical Task:

NO Validation Time:

10 minutes 2005 NRC J P M S6 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Simulator Setup Reset to IC-184 CTMT H2 In dication Set Malf Me ter GSAI19 Ramp Start=0 Ramp Time=60 Sec Delay Time

=15 Sec Value=1.5 Event Trigger=1 Set Event Trigger 1 1=X 20I36A 2005 NRC J P M S6 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 3 of 10 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N (Denote Cri t ical Steps with a check mark)

START TI ME: Performanc e Step: 1 Obtain a verified working copy of OT N-GS-0001.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should obtain procedure copy.

C o m m e n t: Section 2 Performanc e Step: 2 Review Pre c autions an d Limitation

s. S t a n d a r d: Operator should review Precautions and Limitations.

C o m m e n t: E v a l u a t o r's C u e: All Precautions and Limitations are satisfied. Step 4.2.1 Performanc e Step: 3 Ensure Section 4.1, Pre-service Startup and Standby Alignme n t of hydrogen analyzers is complete.

S t a n d a r d: Operator may verif y Se ction 4.1 ha s been completed.

NOTE: Given in Initial Conditions.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

Section 4.1 has been completed.

2005 NRC J P M S6 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 4 of 10 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step 4.2.2 Performanc e Step: 4 Ensure the H2 mixing fa ns and CTMT coolers re in service.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should verify H2 mixing fans and CTMT coolers are in serv ice. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

All H2 mixing fans and CTMT co olers are in service.

Step 4.2.3 Performanc e Step: 5 Restore ele c trical powe r to Hydroge n Analyzer "A" CTMT ISO Valves place GS HIS-4 0 in Non-Iso

. S t a n d a r d: Operator should place GS HIS-40, Hydrogen Analyzer "A" CTMT ISO Valve, i n Non-Iso lo cated on RL011.

NOTE: Steps 5 and 6 ma y be performed in an y order. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

GS HIS-40 i s in the Non-Iso position.

Step 4.2.3 Performanc e Step: 6 Restore ele c trical powe r to Hydroge n Analyzer "A" CTMT ISO Valves, place GS HIS-4 2 in the Non-Iso position

. S t a n d a r d: Operator should place GS HIS-42, Hydrogen Analyzer "A" CTMT ISO Valve in Non-Iso.

NOTE: Steps 5 and 6 ma y be performed in an y order. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

GS HIS-42 i s in the Non-Iso position.

2005 NRC J P M S6 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 5 of 10 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step 4.2.4 Performanc e Step: 7 Open "A" Hydrogen Analyzer CTMT I s olation Valve GS HV-1 3 with pushbu tton GS HIS-13.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should OPEN "A" Hydroge n Analyzer CTMT Isolation Valve GS-HV-13 with pushbutton GS HIS-13.

NOTE: Steps 7 through 11 may be performed in an y order. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

GS HIS-13 shows RED light goes ON and GREEN light g oes OFF. Step 4.2.4 Performanc e Step: 8 Open "A" Hydrogen Analyzer CTMT I s olation Valve GS HV-1 4 with pushbu tton GS HIS-14.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should OPEN "A" Hydroge n Analyzer CTMT Isolation Valve GS HV-14 with pushbutton GS HIS-14.

NOTE: Steps 7 through 11 may be performed in an y order. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

GS HIS-14 shows RED light goes ON and GREEN light g oes OFF. Step 4.2.4 Performanc e Step: 9 Open "A" Hydrogen Analyzer CTMT I s olation Valve GS HV-1 2 with pushbu tton GS HIS-12.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should OPEN "A" Hydroge n Analyzer CTMT Isolation Valve GS HV-12 with pushbutton GS HIS-12.

NOTE: Steps 7 through 11 may be performed in an y order. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

GS HIS-12 shows RED light goes ON and GREEN light g oes OFF. 2005 NRC J P M S6 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 6 of 10 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step 4.2.4 Performanc e Step: 10 Open "A" Hydrogen Analyzer CTMT I s olation Valve GS HV-1 7 with pushbu tton GS HIS-17.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should OPEN "A" Hydroge n Analyzer CTMT Isolation Valve GS HV-17 with pushbutton GS HIS-17.

NOTE: Steps 7 through 11 may be performed in an y order. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

GS HIS-17 shows RED light goes ON and GREEN light g oes OFF. Step 4.2.4 Performanc e Step: 11 Open "A" Hydrogen Analyzer CTMT I s olation Valve GS HV-1 8 with pushbu tton GS HIS-18.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should OPEN "A" Hydroge n Analyzer CTMT Isolation Valve GS HV-18 with pushbutton GS HIS-18.

NOTE: Steps 7 through 11 may be performed in an y order. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

GS HIS-18 shows RED light goes ON and GREEN light g oes OFF. Step 4.2.6 Performanc e Step: 12 Place Hydro gen Analyzer "A" in the ANLYZ position by takin g switch GS HIS-16A for SGS02A to "ANLYZ".

S t a n d a r d: Operator should take sw itch GS HIS-16A to "ANL YZ" on RL020 C o m m e n t: 2005 NRC J P M S6 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 7 of 10 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step Performanc e Step: 13 Monitor GS AI-19 for hydrogen concentration.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should monitor GS AI-19 fo r hydrogen concentration. Comment: Meter w ill b egin to deflect 15 seconds after placing GS HIS-16 in ANAL YZ Evaluator's Cue:

Hy d r ogen concentration indicates approximatel y 0% on GS AI-19. Step Note b Performanc e Step: 14 Verify Hydro gen Analyzer SGS02A was in the Sta ndby Lineup.

S t a n d a r d: Operator may verif y "A" Hydrogen Analyzer was in the Stand by Lineup. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

Note "A" Hy drogen an al y z er w as i n the Standb y Position. Step Note b Performanc e Step: 15 Wait for a 1 5 minute warmup period prior to taking data.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should wait a minimu m of 15 minutes for "A" hydro gen analyzer use.

Comment: Ensure meter has risen to 1 - 1.5%

b e fore c ontinuing Evaluator's Cue:

Over 15 mi nutes has gone b

y. Step Performanc e Step: 16 Monitor containment hyd r ogen conce n tration on GS AI-19.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should monitor GS AI-19 fo r hydrogen concentration. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

GS AI-19 s how s hy d r ogen concentration to be at 1.5

%. 2005 NRC J P M S6 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 8 of 10 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Terminating Cue:

When the candidate has determined that H2 concentration is 1.5, this JPM is complete.

STOP TI ME: 2005 NRC J P M S6 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 9 of 10 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATI O N OF COMPLETI ON Job Performance Measure No.:

2005 NRC J P M S6 Exa m inee's Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



R e s u l t: S A T U N S A T Exa m iner's Signature:

Date: 2005 NRC J P M S6 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 10 of 10 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE S H EET INITIAL CONDITIONS:

Callaway Pl ant has experienced a L a rge Loss of Coolant Accident. A Safety Injection has occurred.

INITIATING CUE: The Control Room Supe rvis or has directed you to place the "

A" Containmen t Hydrogen Analyzer, SGS02A, in service per OTN-GS-00 001, Section 4.2. The pr e-service st artup and standby alig nment of hydr ogen analyzers has already been completed, (Section 4.1). Inform the Control room Supervisor when SGS0 2A is in serv ice. 2005 NRC J P M S6 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet F a c i l i t y: C a l l a w a y T a s k N o.: Task Title

Paralleling Diesel Generator "A" To XNB01 JPM No.: 2005 NRC J P M S7 K/A Referen c e: 064 A4.01 4.0 / 4.3 Exa m i n e e: NRC Exa m i n e r: Facility Evaluator:

Date: Method of testing:

Simulated Performance:

Actual Performance:

X C l a s s r o o m S i m u l a t o r X P l a n t READ T O T H E EX AMI N EE I will explain the initia l co nditions, whi c h steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initi a ting cues. When you complete the task successf ully, the objectiv e for this Jo b Performan c e Measure will be satisf ied. Initial Condit i ons: The plant is operating in Mode 3. The "A" Emerg ency Diesel Generator has been st arted per OTN-NE-000 1A, Section 5.3. NB01 is energized from its normal off-site power source. X N B01 L T C is in manual and Ta p 13 is set for modes 1 through 4.

Task Stand ard: NE01 is con nected to NB01 and is carrying at least 2 Mwe load.

Required Materials:

None General


OTN-NE-00 01A, Standby Diesel Ge neration System Train "A", Rev. 14 Initiating Cu e: You have b een directed to parallel t he "A" Diesel Generator to NB01 and load to at le ast 2 MW per OTN-NE-0001A, Section 5.4. Info rm the Control Room Supervisor when NE0 1 is running loaded > 2 Mwe. Time Critical Task:

NO Validation Time:

15 minutes 2005 NRC J P M S7 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet SIMUL A TOR SETUP NOTE S: May be run with JPM S4 Ensure "A" Emergency Diesel Generator is running unloaded if performing on the simulator. Use remote NBHS0037 place in manual.

Monitor NEPSLTC (1).

2005 NRC J P M S7 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 3 of 14 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N (Denote Cri t ical Steps with a check mark)

START TI ME: Performanc e Step: 1 Obtain a verified working copy of OT N-NE-0001 A, Standby Diesel Generation System Train "A".

S t a n d a r d: Operator should obtain procedure copy.

C o m m e n t: Section 3 Performanc e Step: 2 Review the Precautions and Limitations of OTN-NE-0001A.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should read th e Precautio ns and Limit a tions. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

All Precauti ons and Limitations are satisfied.

Section 4 Performanc e Step: 3 Review the Prerequisite s of OTN-NE-0001A.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should read th e Initial Con d itions. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

All prerequi sites are satisfied.

2005 NRC J P M S7 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 4 of 14 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step 5.4.1 Performanc e Step: 4 Ensure that the Local Master Transf e r Switch KJHS0009 is in the AUTO position.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should verify absence of MCB ANN 20 E and/or request Local Obser v ation of Ma ster Transfe r Switch.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

The Local Master Tra nsfer Sw itc h KJHS000 9 is in the AUTO position.

Step 5.4.2 Performanc e Step: 5 At RL015, Check NE-HIS-25, NB01 EMERG SUPPLY BREAKER NB0111, is OPEN.

S t a n d a r d: Green light for NE-HIS-2 5 is ON C o m m e n t: Step 5.4.3 Performanc e Step: 6 Check NB-HIS-2, NB01 NORM SUPPLY BK R NB0112, is CLOS ED S t a n d a r d: Red light for NB-HIS-2 is ON C o m m e n t: 2005 NRC J P M S7 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 5 of 14 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step 5.4.4 Performanc e Step: 7 Check diese l generator voltage and fr equency are stable in th e following ra nges: 3740 to 432 0 VAC indicated by NE EI-1, DG VOLTS 58.8 to 61.2 HZ indicate d by NE ST-1, DG FREQ/SPD S t a n d a r d: Determines that voltage is stable at approximate l y 4100 - 4200 VAC and fre quency is st able at 60 HZ C o m m e n t: Step 5.4.5 Performanc e Step: 8 Ensure operating parameters are being monitored and recor ded per Attachment 1 S t a n d a r d: Refer to Attachment 1 C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

Parameters are being monitored b y another operator Step 5.4.6 Performanc e Step: 9 If the White Parallel Operation Light is not lit, mo mentarily place NE HS-5, NE01 Unit Parallel SW to the parallel position.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should determine WHITE parallel light is NOT lit by calling the EO at NE107.

After determining white light not lit, places NE HS-5 to PARALLEL.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

When asked if WHITE Parallel Op eration Light is lit on NE107, rep o rt that it is NOT lit.

2005 NRC J P M S7 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 6 of 14 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step 5.4.7 Performanc e Step: 10 Check the White Parallel Operation Light is lit o n NE107. S t a n d a r d: Operator should contact EO to verif y the White Parallel Light is lit on NE107.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

The White Parallel Light is lit on NE107.

Step 5.4.8 Performanc e Step: 11 Verify Main Control board Annunciat o r 22B, Voltage Control Freeze is lit.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should verify Annunciator 2 2 B, Voltage Control Freeze is lit. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

Annunciator 22B, Volta ge Control Freeze is lit.

Step 5.4.9 Performanc e Step: 12 Verify EITHER Co mput er Point NBQ0003 indicates Capacit or Bank NB03 is in FREEZE OR Disconnect NB0301 is OPEN.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should verify NBQ0003 is in FREEZE or DISC ONN E CTED. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

Computer Point NBQ0003 indicates Capacitor Bank NB03 is in FREEZE mode. 2005 NRC J P M S7 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 7 of 14 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step 5.4.10 Performanc e Step: 13 Verify EITHER Co mput er Point NBX 0001 indicates FREEZE or transformer XNB01 LTC is in MANUAL and set at the appropriate Tap Changer setting.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should verify XNB01 LTC i s in MANUAL and Tap Setting 13 is selected O R Computer Point NBX 0 001 indicate s FREEZE NOTE: Given in Initial Conditions C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

Annunciator 19D, XNB01 XFMR/VOLT CTRL TRBL is LIT A N D Computer Point NBX0 001 indicates FREEZE.

Step 5.4.11 Performanc e Step: 14 Periodically monitor and adjust volta ge and frequency to maintain 4160 VAC and 60 HZ (nominal).

S t a n d a r d: Operator will adjust para m eters as necessary C o m m e n t: Step 5.4.12 Performanc e Step: 15 Place the Sync Transfer Switch NE HS-27 in the ON position.

S t a n d a r d: Operator selects ON with Sync Transfer Switch NE HS-27.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

NE HS-27 i s in the ON position.

2005 NRC J P M S7 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 8 of 14 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step 5.4.13 Performanc e Step: 16 Place the Synchroscop e Selector Switch NB HS-10 in the D/G Feeder Breaker Position.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should place t he Synchroscope Select or Switch NB HS-10 in the D/G Feeder Breaker Position.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

NB HS-10 i s selected to DG Feede r BKR Posit i on. The Sy nc Scope is rotating in fast direction; Sy nc Lights NB ZL-9 are flashing.

Step 5.4.14 Performanc e Step: 17 Adjust the diesel generat or speed using Governor Control, KJ HS-7A until the Synchroscope NB EI-3 is rotating slowly in the fact direct io n. S t a n d a r d: Operator turns KJ HS-7A, DG NE01 GOV, to RAISE if speed is SLOW and t o LOWER if speed FAST as indicate d by 4.16 KV Bus NB01 Sync Scope, NB EI-13 on RL015 to satisfy Synch check Relay

. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

Sy nch roscope NB EI-3 is rotating slo w ly in the FAST direction.

Step 5.4.15 Performanc e Step: 18 Adjust NE01 voltage to be within +50

, -0 volts of t he NB01 Bu s Voltage usin g the Auto Voltage Regulator NE HS-13A.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should adjust NE01 voltag e to be within +50, -0 volts of the NB01 Bus Voltage u s ing the Aut o Voltage Regulator NE HS-13 A. C o m m e n t: 2005 NRC J P M S7 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 9 of 14 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step 5.4.15 Performanc e Step: 19 Determine NE01 voltag e by placing the Synchroscope Sele ctor Switch NB HS-10 in the D/G Feeder Breaker position and reading NB EI-28.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should place N B HS-10 in the D/G Fee der Breaker Position and read NB EI-28 to determine NE01 voltage. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

NE EI-28 vo ltage is 4190 volts w h e n NB HS-10 is in the D/G Feeder Bre aker Position.

Step 5.4.15 Performanc e Step: 20 Determine NB01 voltag e by placing the Synchroscope Sele ctor Switch NB HS-10 in the Main FDR BKR Position and readin g the voltage from NB EI-28.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should determine NB01 vol t age by placing NB HS-1 0 in the Main FDR BKR Posit i on and read ing voltage from NB EI-28. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

NB EI-28 vo ltage is 4160 w hen NB HS-10 is in the Main FDR BKR Positi on. Step 5.4.16 Performanc e Step: 21 When NE01 voltage has been verified to be within +50, -0 volts of NB01 volt age, ensure the Synchroscope Selector Switch NB HS-10 is placed in th e D/G Feed er Breaker Position.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should place N B HS-10 in the D/G Fee der Breaker Position.

C o m m e n t: Step 5.4.17 Performanc e Step: 22 Verify proper operation of Sync Light NB ZL-9.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should verify proper operation of NB ZL-9.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

Dimmest at 12 o'clock and brightest at 6 o'clock on Sy nc h Scope NB EI-3 2005 NRC J P M S7 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 10 of 14 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step 5.4.18 Performanc e Step: 23 Verify that the Diesel Generator to Bus Synchronizing Lig h t NE ZL-27A illu minates when the Synchroscope i s between the 11 o'clock and t he 12 o'clo c k positio n. S t a n d a r d: Operator should verify that the Diesel Generator to Bus Synchronizing Light NE ZL-27A illu minates when the Synchroscope is betwe en the 11 o'clock an d th e 12 o'clo ck position.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

NE ZL-27A is coming on at five (5) degrees before the 12 o'clock position and off at five (5) degrees after 12 o'clock.

Step 5.4.19 Performanc e Step: 24 Allow Synch r oscope NB EI-3 to complete one re volution to verify proper spee d for synchronization.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should observe the Sync Scope for one complete revolutions and adjust t he speed as necessary.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

Sy nch roscope is rotating in the FAST directi on at about the speed of the second had of a clock.

Step 5.4.20 Performanc e Step: 25 When the Synchroscop e reaches th e 11 o'clo ck position turn NE HIS-25 t o CLOSE a nd hold until Breaker NB0111 indicat e s CLOSED, th en release t he control switch.

S t a n d a r d: When Sync Scope reaches the 11 o'clock posit ion and Synch Check Permissive Light ON, CL OSE NB01 EMERG SPL Y BKR NB0111 with Switch NE HIS-25 and hold until th e RED light is ON and the GREEN light is OFF, the n the operat or should release the switch. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

NE HIS-25 RED light i s ON and the GREEN l i ght is OFF.

2005 NRC J P M S7 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 11 of 14 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step 5.4.21 Performanc e Step: 26 Immediately upon closur e of the D/G Breaker Pickup Load to at least 0.2 MW by operating the D/G Governor Control JK HS-7A in the RAISE direction if necessary.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should RAISE DG Load to prevent NB0 111 Reverse Power Trip using KJ HS-7A.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

D/G Load is greater than 0.2 MW.

Step 5.4.22 Performanc e Step: 27 Adjust Diesel Generator Voltage with the Auto Voltage Regulator NE HS-13 A to maintain a power factor of 0.9 LAG.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should adjust D/G VAR Lo ading using NE HS-13 A , Auto Voltage Regulator.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

Pow e r fact or is 0.9 LAG.

Step 5.4.23 Performanc e Step: 28 Return the Synchroscope Selector Switch NB HS-10 to the "OFF" position.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should return t he Synchroscope Select or Switch NB HS-10 to the "OFF" position.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

NB HS-10 i s in "OFF".

Step 5.4.24 Performanc e Step: 29 Place Sync Transfer Switch NE HS-27 in the OFF position.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should place S y nc Transfer Switch NE HS-27 in the OFF positio

n. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

NE HS-27 i s in OFF. 2005 NRC J P M S7 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 12 of 14 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step 5.4.25 Performanc e Step: 30 Increase Diesel Generator Load as directed by the SS/OS.

S t a n d a r d: The operator should in crease Diesel Generator Load as directed by the Control Room Su pervisor.

NOTE: Initial Conditions directed NE01 BE Loaded to > 2MW.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

If asked, report that 'it has been 5 minutes at current increment' Evaluator's Cue:

The Contro l Room Supervisor dire cts y ou to i ncrease D/G Load to > tw o (2) MW. Step 5.4.25 Performanc e Step: 31 Increase Diesel Generator Load, by placing KJ HS-7A in the RAISE position, to > two (2) MW.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should go to RAISE on KJ HS-7A on RL015 to RAISE D/G Load to

> two (2) MW.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

D/G Load is

> tw o (2) MW. Performanc e Step: 32 Inform the Control Room Supervisor that NE01 is loaded >

2 MWe. S t a n d a r d: Operator should inform the Control Room Supe rvisor that NE01 is loaded >

2 Mwe. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

The Contro l Room Supervisor acknowledges.

Terminating Cue:

When DG l oad is >2 MW, this JPM is complete.

STOP TI ME: 2005 NRC J P M S7 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 13 of 14 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATI O N OF COMPLETI ON Job Performance Measure No.:

2005 NRC J P M S7 Exa m inee's Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



R e s u l t: S A T U N S A T Exa m iner's Signature:

Date: 2005 NRC J P M S7 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 14 of 14 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE S H EET INITIAL CONDITIONS:

The plant is operating in Mode 3. The "A" Emerg ency Diesel Generator has been star ted per OTN-NE-0001A, Section 5.3.

NB01 is energized from its normal off-site power source. X N B01 LTC is in manual and T ap 13 is set for modes 1 through 4.

INITIATING CUE: You have b een directed to parallel t he "A" Diesel Generator to NB01 and load to at least 2 MW per OTN-NE-00 01A, Section 5.4.

Inform the Control Room Supervisor when NE01 is running lo aded > 2 Mwe. 2005 NRC J P M S7 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet F a c i l i t y: C a l l a w a y T a s k N o.: Task Title

Paralleling Diesel Generator "A" To XNB01 JPM No.: 2005 NRC J P M S7 K/A Referen c e: 064 A4.01 4.0 / 4.3 Exa m i n e e: NRC Exa m i n e r: Facility Evaluator:

Date: Method of testing:

Simulated Performance:

Actual Performance:

X C l a s s r o o m S i m u l a t o r X P l a n t READ T O T H E EX AMI N EE I will explain the initia l co nditions, whi c h steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initi a ting cues. When you complete the task successf ully, the objectiv e for this Jo b Performan c e Measure will be satisf ied. Initial Condit i ons: The plant is operating in Mode 3. The "A" Emerg ency Diesel Generator has been st arted per OTN-NE-000 1A, Section 5.3. NB01 is energized from its normal off-site power source. X N B01 L T C is in manual and Ta p 13 is set for modes 1 through 4.

Task Stand ard: NE01 is con nected to NB01 and is carrying at least 2 Mwe load.

Required Materials:

None General


OTN-NE-00 01A, Standby Diesel Ge neration System Train "A", Rev. 14 Initiating Cu e: You have b een directed to parallel t he "A" Diesel Generator to NB01 and load to at le ast 2 MW per OTN-NE-0001A, Section 5.4. Info rm the Control Room Supervisor when NE0 1 is running loaded > 2 Mwe. Time Critical Task:

NO Validation Time:

15 minutes 2005 NRC J P M S7 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet SIMUL A TOR SETUP NOTE S: May be run with JPM S4 Ensure "A" Emergency Diesel Generator is running unloaded if performing on the simulator. Use remote NBHS0037 place in manual.

Monitor NEPSLTC (1).

2005 NRC J P M S7 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 3 of 14 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N (Denote Cri t ical Steps with a check mark)

START TI ME: Performanc e Step: 1 Obtain a verified working copy of OT N-NE-0001 A, Standby Diesel Generation System Train "A".

S t a n d a r d: Operator should obtain procedure copy.

C o m m e n t: Section 3 Performanc e Step: 2 Review the Precautions and Limitations of OTN-NE-0001A.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should read th e Precautio ns and Limit a tions. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

All Precauti ons and Limitations are satisfied.

Section 4 Performanc e Step: 3 Review the Prerequisite s of OTN-NE-0001A.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should read th e Initial Con d itions. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

All prerequi sites are satisfied.

2005 NRC J P M S7 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 4 of 14 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step 5.4.1 Performanc e Step: 4 Ensure that the Local Master Transf e r Switch KJHS0009 is in the AUTO position.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should verify absence of MCB ANN 20 E and/or request Local Obser v ation of Ma ster Transfe r Switch.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

The Local Master Tra nsfer Sw itc h KJHS000 9 is in the AUTO position.

Step 5.4.2 Performanc e Step: 5 At RL015, Check NE-HIS-25, NB01 EMERG SUPPLY BREAKER NB0111, is OPEN.

S t a n d a r d: Green light for NE-HIS-2 5 is ON C o m m e n t: Step 5.4.3 Performanc e Step: 6 Check NB-HIS-2, NB01 NORM SUPPLY BK R NB0112, is CLOS ED S t a n d a r d: Red light for NB-HIS-2 is ON C o m m e n t: 2005 NRC J P M S7 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 5 of 14 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step 5.4.4 Performanc e Step: 7 Check diese l generator voltage and fr equency are stable in th e following ra nges: 3740 to 432 0 VAC indicated by NE EI-1, DG VOLTS 58.8 to 61.2 HZ indicate d by NE ST-1, DG FREQ/SPD S t a n d a r d: Determines that voltage is stable at approximate l y 4100 - 4200 VAC and fre quency is st able at 60 HZ C o m m e n t: Step 5.4.5 Performanc e Step: 8 Ensure operating parameters are being monitored and recor ded per Attachment 1 S t a n d a r d: Refer to Attachment 1 C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

Parameters are being monitored b y another operator Step 5.4.6 Performanc e Step: 9 If the White Parallel Operation Light is not lit, mo mentarily place NE HS-5, NE01 Unit Parallel SW to the parallel position.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should determine WHITE parallel light is NOT lit by calling the EO at NE107.

After determining white light not lit, places NE HS-5 to PARALLEL.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

When asked if WHITE Parallel Op eration Light is lit on NE107, rep o rt that it is NOT lit.

2005 NRC J P M S7 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 6 of 14 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step 5.4.7 Performanc e Step: 10 Check the White Parallel Operation Light is lit o n NE107. S t a n d a r d: Operator should contact EO to verif y the White Parallel Light is lit on NE107.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

The White Parallel Light is lit on NE107.

Step 5.4.8 Performanc e Step: 11 Verify Main Control board Annunciat o r 22B, Voltage Control Freeze is lit.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should verify Annunciator 2 2 B, Voltage Control Freeze is lit. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

Annunciator 22B, Volta ge Control Freeze is lit.

Step 5.4.9 Performanc e Step: 12 Verify EITHER Co mput er Point NBQ0003 indicates Capacit or Bank NB03 is in FREEZE OR Disconnect NB0301 is OPEN.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should verify NBQ0003 is in FREEZE or DISC ONN E CTED. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

Computer Point NBQ0003 indicates Capacitor Bank NB03 is in FREEZE mode. 2005 NRC J P M S7 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 7 of 14 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step 5.4.10 Performanc e Step: 13 Verify EITHER Co mput er Point NBX 0001 indicates FREEZE or transformer XNB01 LTC is in MANUAL and set at the appropriate Tap Changer setting.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should verify XNB01 LTC i s in MANUAL and Tap Setting 13 is selected O R Computer Point NBX 0 001 indicate s FREEZE NOTE: Given in Initial Conditions C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

Annunciator 19D, XNB01 XFMR/VOLT CTRL TRBL is LIT A N D Computer Point NBX0 001 indicates FREEZE.

Step 5.4.11 Performanc e Step: 14 Periodically monitor and adjust volta ge and frequency to maintain 4160 VAC and 60 HZ (nominal).

S t a n d a r d: Operator will adjust para m eters as necessary C o m m e n t: Step 5.4.12 Performanc e Step: 15 Place the Sync Transfer Switch NE HS-27 in the ON position.

S t a n d a r d: Operator selects ON with Sync Transfer Switch NE HS-27.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

NE HS-27 i s in the ON position.

2005 NRC J P M S7 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 8 of 14 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step 5.4.13 Performanc e Step: 16 Place the Synchroscop e Selector Switch NB HS-10 in the D/G Feeder Breaker Position.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should place t he Synchroscope Select or Switch NB HS-10 in the D/G Feeder Breaker Position.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

NB HS-10 i s selected to DG Feede r BKR Posit i on. The Sy nc Scope is rotating in fast direction; Sy nc Lights NB ZL-9 are flashing.

Step 5.4.14 Performanc e Step: 17 Adjust the diesel generat or speed using Governor Control, KJ HS-7A until the Synchroscope NB EI-3 is rotating slowly in the fact direct io n. S t a n d a r d: Operator turns KJ HS-7A, DG NE01 GOV, to RAISE if speed is SLOW and t o LOWER if speed FAST as indicate d by 4.16 KV Bus NB01 Sync Scope, NB EI-13 on RL015 to satisfy Synch check Relay

. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

Sy nch roscope NB EI-3 is rotating slo w ly in the FAST direction.

Step 5.4.15 Performanc e Step: 18 Adjust NE01 voltage to be within +50

, -0 volts of t he NB01 Bu s Voltage usin g the Auto Voltage Regulator NE HS-13A.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should adjust NE01 voltag e to be within +50, -0 volts of the NB01 Bus Voltage u s ing the Aut o Voltage Regulator NE HS-13 A. C o m m e n t: 2005 NRC J P M S7 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 9 of 14 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step 5.4.15 Performanc e Step: 19 Determine NE01 voltag e by placing the Synchroscope Sele ctor Switch NB HS-10 in the D/G Feeder Breaker position and reading NB EI-28.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should place N B HS-10 in the D/G Fee der Breaker Position and read NB EI-28 to determine NE01 voltage. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

NE EI-28 vo ltage is 4190 volts w h e n NB HS-10 is in the D/G Feeder Bre aker Position.

Step 5.4.15 Performanc e Step: 20 Determine NB01 voltag e by placing the Synchroscope Sele ctor Switch NB HS-10 in the Main FDR BKR Position and readin g the voltage from NB EI-28.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should determine NB01 vol t age by placing NB HS-1 0 in the Main FDR BKR Posit i on and read ing voltage from NB EI-28. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

NB EI-28 vo ltage is 4160 w hen NB HS-10 is in the Main FDR BKR Positi on. Step 5.4.16 Performanc e Step: 21 When NE01 voltage has been verified to be within +50, -0 volts of NB01 volt age, ensure the Synchroscope Selector Switch NB HS-10 is placed in th e D/G Feed er Breaker Position.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should place N B HS-10 in the D/G Fee der Breaker Position.

C o m m e n t: Step 5.4.17 Performanc e Step: 22 Verify proper operation of Sync Light NB ZL-9.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should verify proper operation of NB ZL-9.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

Dimmest at 12 o'clock and brightest at 6 o'clock on Sy nc h Scope NB EI-3 2005 NRC J P M S7 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 10 of 14 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step 5.4.18 Performanc e Step: 23 Verify that the Diesel Generator to Bus Synchronizing Lig h t NE ZL-27A illu minates when the Synchroscope i s between the 11 o'clock and t he 12 o'clo c k positio n. S t a n d a r d: Operator should verify that the Diesel Generator to Bus Synchronizing Light NE ZL-27A illu minates when the Synchroscope is betwe en the 11 o'clock an d th e 12 o'clo ck position.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

NE ZL-27A is coming on at five (5) degrees before the 12 o'clock position and off at five (5) degrees after 12 o'clock.

Step 5.4.19 Performanc e Step: 24 Allow Synch r oscope NB EI-3 to complete one re volution to verify proper spee d for synchronization.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should observe the Sync Scope for one complete revolutions and adjust t he speed as necessary.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

Sy nch roscope is rotating in the FAST directi on at about the speed of the second had of a clock.

Step 5.4.20 Performanc e Step: 25 When the Synchroscop e reaches th e 11 o'clo ck position turn NE HIS-25 t o CLOSE a nd hold until Breaker NB0111 indicat e s CLOSED, th en release t he control switch.

S t a n d a r d: When Sync Scope reaches the 11 o'clock posit ion and Synch Check Permissive Light ON, CL OSE NB01 EMERG SPL Y BKR NB0111 with Switch NE HIS-25 and hold until th e RED light is ON and the GREEN light is OFF, the n the operat or should release the switch. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

NE HIS-25 RED light i s ON and the GREEN l i ght is OFF.

2005 NRC J P M S7 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 11 of 14 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step 5.4.21 Performanc e Step: 26 Immediately upon closur e of the D/G Breaker Pickup Load to at least 0.2 MW by operating the D/G Governor Control JK HS-7A in the RAISE direction if necessary.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should RAISE DG Load to prevent NB0 111 Reverse Power Trip using KJ HS-7A.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

D/G Load is greater than 0.2 MW.

Step 5.4.22 Performanc e Step: 27 Adjust Diesel Generator Voltage with the Auto Voltage Regulator NE HS-13 A to maintain a power factor of 0.9 LAG.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should adjust D/G VAR Lo ading using NE HS-13 A , Auto Voltage Regulator.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

Pow e r fact or is 0.9 LAG.

Step 5.4.23 Performanc e Step: 28 Return the Synchroscope Selector Switch NB HS-10 to the "OFF" position.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should return t he Synchroscope Select or Switch NB HS-10 to the "OFF" position.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

NB HS-10 i s in "OFF".

Step 5.4.24 Performanc e Step: 29 Place Sync Transfer Switch NE HS-27 in the OFF position.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should place S y nc Transfer Switch NE HS-27 in the OFF positio

n. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

NE HS-27 i s in OFF. 2005 NRC J P M S7 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 12 of 14 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step 5.4.25 Performanc e Step: 30 Increase Diesel Generator Load as directed by the SS/OS.

S t a n d a r d: The operator should in crease Diesel Generator Load as directed by the Control Room Su pervisor.

NOTE: Initial Conditions directed NE01 BE Loaded to > 2MW.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

If asked, report that 'it has been 5 minutes at current increment' Evaluator's Cue:

The Contro l Room Supervisor dire cts y ou to i ncrease D/G Load to > tw o (2) MW. Step 5.4.25 Performanc e Step: 31 Increase Diesel Generator Load, by placing KJ HS-7A in the RAISE position, to > two (2) MW.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should go to RAISE on KJ HS-7A on RL015 to RAISE D/G Load to

> two (2) MW.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

D/G Load is

> tw o (2) MW. Performanc e Step: 32 Inform the Control Room Supervisor that NE01 is loaded >

2 MWe. S t a n d a r d: Operator should inform the Control Room Supe rvisor that NE01 is loaded >

2 Mwe. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

The Contro l Room Supervisor acknowledges.

Terminating Cue:

When DG l oad is >2 MW, this JPM is complete.

STOP TI ME: 2005 NRC J P M S7 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 13 of 14 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATI O N OF COMPLETI ON Job Performance Measure No.:

2005 NRC J P M S7 Exa m inee's Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



R e s u l t: S A T U N S A T Exa m iner's Signature:

Date: 2005 NRC J P M S7 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 14 of 14 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE S H EET INITIAL CONDITIONS:

The plant is operating in Mode 3. The "A" Emerg ency Diesel Generator has been star ted per OTN-NE-0001A, Section 5.3.

NB01 is energized from its normal off-site power source. X N B01 LTC is in manual and T ap 13 is set for modes 1 through 4.

INITIATING CUE: You have b een directed to parallel t he "A" Diesel Generator to NB01 and load to at least 2 MW per OTN-NE-00 01A, Section 5.4.

Inform the Control Room Supervisor when NE01 is running lo aded > 2 Mwe. 2005 NRC J P M S7 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet F a c i l i t y: C a l l a w a y T a s k N o.: Task Title

Reinitiate CTMT Purge Following CPIS JPM No.: 2005 NRC J P M S8 K/A Referen c e: 013 A2.06 3.7 / 4.0 Exa m i n e e: NRC Exa m i n e r: Facility Evaluator:

Date: Method of testing:

Simulated Performance:

Actual Performance:

X C l a s s r o o m S i m u l a t o r X P l a n t READ T O T H E EX AMI N EE I will explain the initia l co nditions, whi c h steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initi a ting cues. When you complete the task successf ully, the objectiv e for this Jo b Performan c e Measure will be satisf ied. Initial Condit i ons: Callaway Pl ant is in Mo de 1. A con t ainment mi ni purge was in progress to prepare for a contain m ent entry.

One hour ago, a CPIS/CRVIS occurred du e to a spike on GTRE00 22. Repairs have been made to GTRE0022 and it is now operable.

Outside air t e mperature is expected to remain > 50°F.

Task Stand ard: Upon completion of this JPM, the operator will h a ve reset CPIS and re-establish ed containment mini purge.

Required Materials:

Copy of Gas eous Radwaste Release Permit Covers installed on the E S FAS Switc hes for GTRE0022 and GTRE0033 General


OTN-GT-00 001, Containment Purg e System, Revision 20 CAR 19930 1739, 19940 0025, 19950 1723, 19970 0736 Initiating Cu e: The Control Room Supe rvisor has directed you to re-initiate t he containment mini purge per OTN-GT-00001, Section 5.6. Th e Control Room Supe rvisor has decided to no t realign the control build ing HVAC at this time.

The SS has authorized r e initiating C T MT mini pu rge. Inform the Control Room Supervisor when the mini purge has been re-initiated.

2005 NRC J P M S8 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Time Critical Task:

NO Validation Time:

22 minutes 2005 NRC J P M S8 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet SIMUL A TOR SETUP Reset to IC - 68 (May b e run with S5)

NOTE S: Manually initiate a CPIS and CRVIS (both trains)

. 2005 NRC J P M S8 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 4 of 17 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N (Denote Cri t ical Steps with a check mark)

START TI ME: Performanc e Step: 1 Obtain a verified working copy of OT N-GT-00001 , Containment Purge Syste

m. S t a n d a r d: Operator should obtain procedure copy.

C o m m e n t: Section 3 Performanc e Step: 2 Review Pre c autions an d Limitation s of OTN-GT-00001.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should review Precautions and Limitations.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

All Precauti ons and Limitations are satisfied.

Section 4 Performanc e Step: 3 Review Prerequisites of OTN-GT-00 001. S t a n d a r d: Operator should review Prerequisite

s. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

All Prerequ isites are satisfied.

Step 5.6.1 Performanc e Step: 4 The purge may be reini t iated w/out terminating the release permit provi ded the time between stopping and r e starting the release doe s not exceed two hours.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should realize purge was only secured for one hour and SS has given permissio n to reinitiat e purge. C o m m e n t: 2005 NRC J P M S8 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 5 of 17 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step 5.6.2 Performanc e Step: 5 Have the Co unt Room T e chnician ve rify alarm/trip setpoints f o r GT-RE-21 B, GT-RE-22, and GT-RE-33 are corre ct per the release per mit. S t a n d a r d: Operator should contact the Count Room Tech n ician to ver i fy setpoint for GT-RE-21, 22 and 33 a r e correct p e r the release permit. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

The Count Room Technician has verified setpoints correct per the release permit.

Step 5.6.3 Performanc e Step: 6 If monitor readings are the hihi alar m setpoint, close the pe rmit, resample, and generate a new permit.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should use the RM11 console to deter mine the color of channels 21 1, 212, 221, 222, 223, 33 1, 332, and 333 are NOT lit RED. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

RM 11 chan nels 211, 2 12, 221, 222 , 2223, 331, 332, and 333 are lit GREEN.

Step 5.6.4 Performanc e Step: 7 Check SA036D and SA0 36E. If any bistable trip lights are lit, record on th e URO Log and reset th e bistable b y depressin g and then releasing the bista b le trip ligh

t. S t a n d a r d: Operator should go to th e SA036D a nd SA036E panel in the back of the Control Room and verify NO bistable lights lit.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

NO bistable lights are lit on SA036D and SA03 6E. 2005 NRC J P M S8 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 6 of 17 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step 5.6.5 Performanc e Step: 8 If required, with SS/CRS permission, reset the f o llowing: S t a n d a r d: C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Note:

The SS has authorized resetting switches.

Step 5.6.6 Performanc e Step: 9 Reset CPIS by depressing SA HS-1 5, CTMT pu rge Train B ISO on RL018.

NOTE: Steps 9 through 12 may be performed in an y order. S t a n d a r d: Operator should depress the reset b u tton on SA HS-15, CT MT Purge Train B ISO on RL018.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Note:

The reset button on SA HS-15 ha s been depressed.

Step 5.6.6 Performanc e Step: 10 Reset CRVI S by depressing SA HS-13, Ctrl Bldg Vent Train B ISO. NOTE: Steps 9 through 12 may be performed in an y order. S t a n d a r d: Operator should depress the reset b u tton on SA HS-13, Ctrl Bldg Vent Train B ISO on RL0

18. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Note:

The reset button on SA HS-13 ha s been depressed.

2005 NRC J P M S8 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 7 of 17 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step 5.6.5 Performanc e Step: 11 Reset CPIS by depressing SA HS-1 1, CTMT Pu rge Train A ISO on RL018.

NOTE: Steps 9 through 12 may be performed in an y order. S t a n d a r d: Operator should depress the reset b u tton on SA HS-11, CT MT Purge Train A ISO on RL018.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

The reset button on SA HS-11 ha s been depressed.

Step 5.6.5 Performanc e Step: 12 Reset CRVI S by depressing SA HS-9, Ctrl Bldg Vent Train A ISO on RL018.

NOTE: Steps 9 through 12 may be performed in an y order. S t a n d a r d: Operator should depress the reset b u tton on SA HS-9, Ctrl Bl dg Vent Train A ISO on RL0

18. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

The reset button on SA HS-9 has been depressed.

Step 5.6.7 Performanc e Step: 13 Ensure CPIS and CRVI S lights OUT on ESFAS status pane ls; if required use SA HS-24 a nd/or SA HS-23, ESF panel mode SEL switches, to reset. S t a n d a r d: Operator should ensure CPIS and CRVIS lights OUT on ESFAS status panels.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

CPIS and CRVIS lights on ESFAS status panel are OUT.

2005 NRC J P M S8 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 8 of 17 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step 5.6.8 Performanc e Step: 14 Ensure MCB annunciat o rs 59D (CPIS) and 63A (CRVIS) are clear. S t a n d a r d: Operator should verify MCB annun ciators 59D and 63A are clear. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

MCB annun ciators 59D and 63A are clear.

Step 5.6.9 Performanc e Step: 15 If required, r ealign the C ontrol Building HVAC pe r OTN-GK-00 001. S t a n d a r d: The operator should con t inue with Step 5.6.10 an d not align Control Building HVAC at this time.

Given in Initial Conditions.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

The O.S. has determined to align mini-purge prior to realigning the Control Building HVAC.

Step 5.6.10 Performanc e Step: 16 Reinitiate Mini-Purge per Section 5.2 of this proce dure. S t a n d a r d: Operator should go to S e ction 5.2.

C o m m e n t: Section 5.2.

1 Performanc e Step: 17 Ensure Shutdown Purge is not in ser v ice. S t a n d a r d: Operator should verify Shutdown Purge is not in service. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

Shutdow n Purge is not in service.

2005 NRC J P M S8 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 9 of 17 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step 5.2.2 Performanc e Step: 18 Monitor or trend SD-RE-41, SD-RE-42, and GT-PDI-040.

S t a n d a r d: Operator monitor or tre nd SD-RE-4 1 , SD-RE-4 2 , and GT-PD-040.

Operator may use time trend "minivent".

C o m m e n t: E v a l u a t o r's C u e: SD-RE-41, SD-RE-42, and GT-PD-040 are all stable.

Step 5.2.3 Performanc e Step: 19 Record cont ainment pressure, using GTPDI0040 or GTD004 0, on the Gaseous Radwaste Permit.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should record containment pressure GTPDI0040 or GTD0040, o n the Gaseous Radwaste Permit.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

Containment pressure has been recorded.

Step 5.2.4 Performanc e Step: 20 Ensure that GTRE0022 and GTRE0 033 are not in bypass, and ensure the "

C TMT Purg e In Prog - Do Not Byp a ss" cover o v er the ESFAS switches for GTRE0022 and GTRE0 033. S t a n d a r d: Operator should verify GTRE0022 and GTRE0 033 are not in bypass and covers have been place d over GTRE0022 and GTRE0033 ESFAS Switches.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

GTRE022 a nd GTRE00 33 are not in b y pass. Covers have been placed over GT RE0022 and GTRE003 3 ESFAS Sw itches. 2005 NRC J P M S8 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 10 of 17 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step 5.2.6 Performanc e Step: 22 Start CGT0 2 Containment Mini Purge Exhaust Fan using GT HIS-20.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should select RUN on GT HIS-20, CT MT Mini Pur ge Exh Fan. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

GT HIS-20 RED lights illuminate and GREEN lights extinguish.

Step 5.2.7 Performanc e Step: 23 Open GTHZ 0011 using GT HIS-11.

NOTE: Steps 23 - 26 ma y be accomplished in an y o r der. S t a n d a r d: Operator should depress and hold t he OPEN p u shbutton fo r GT HIS-11.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

GT HIS-11 RED light il luminates and three (3) seconds later, the GREEN light extinguishes.

Step 5.2.8 Performanc e Step: 24 Open GTHZ 0012 using GT HIS-12.

NOTE: Steps 23 - 26 ma y be accomplished in an y o r der. S t a n d a r d: Operator should depress and hold t he OPEN p u shbutton fo r GT HIS-12.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

GT HIS-12 RED light il luminates and three (3) seconds later, the GREEN light extinguishes.

2005 NRC J P M S8 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 11 of 17 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step 5.2.9 Performanc e Step: 25 Open GTHZ 0028 using GT HIS-28.

NOTE: Steps 23 - 26 ma y be accomplished in an y o r der. S t a n d a r d: Operator should depress and hold t he OPEN p u shbutton fo r GT HIS-28.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

GT HIS-28 RED light il luminates and three (3) seconds later, the GREEN light extinguishes.

Step 5.2.10 Performanc e Step: 26 Open GTHZ 0029 using GT HIS-29.

NOTE: Steps 23 - 26 ma y be accomplished in an y o r der. S t a n d a r d: Operator should depress and hold t he OPEN p u shbutton fo r GT HIS-29.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

GT HIS-29 RED light il luminates and three (3) seconds later, the GREEN light extinguishes.

Step 5.2.11 Performanc e Step: 27 Record the date and time the CTMT Purge Exha ust and Mini Purge Exha ust Dampers are opene d on the Gaseous Radwaste Release Permit.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should record t he date and time the CTMT Purge Exhaust and Mini Purge Exhaust Da mpers are opened on th e Gaseous Radwaste Release Permit.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

The Gaseous Radw ast e Release Permit has been updated.

2005 NRC J P M S8 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 12 of 17 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step 5.2.12 Performanc e Step: 28 Inform Coun t Room Technician whe n purge initiated.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should notify the Count Room Technician of the time the purge was initiat ed. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

Count Roo m Technician ackno w l edges. Step 5.2.13 Performanc e Step: 29 When CTMT pressure is less than 10" WG, OPEN GT HZ0041 and GTHZ0 042 using GT HIS-41.

S t a n d a r d: Operator should depress and hold t he OPEN p u shbutton o n GT HIS-41 when CTMT pressure is less than 10

" WG. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

CTMT pres sure is less than 10" W G. GT HIS-41 RED light il luminates and five (5) seconds later, the GREEN light extinguishes.

2005 NRC J P M S8 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 13 of 17 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step 5.2.14 Performanc e Step: 31 When CTMT pressure is less than 4.25" WG, OPEN GTHZ0026 using GT HIS-26.

NOTE: Steps 31 and 32 ma y b e performe d in an y order. S t a n d a r d: Operator should depress and hold t he OPEN p u shbutton fo r GT HIS-26 when CTMT pressure is less than 4.

25" WG. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

CTMT pres sure is now 2.5" WG.

GT HIS-26 RED light il luminates and three (3) seconds later, the GREEN light extinguishes.

Step 5.2.14 Performanc e Step: 32 When CTMT pressure is less than 4.25" WG, OPEN GTHZ0027 using GT HIS-27.

NOTE: Steps 31 and 32 ma y b e performe d in an y order. S t a n d a r d: Operator should depress and hold t he OPEN p u shbutton fo r GT HIS-27 when CTMT pressure is less than 4.

25" WG. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

CTMT pres sure is now 2.5" WG.

GT HIS-27 RED light il luminates and three (3) seconds later, the GREEN light extinguishes.

Step 5.2.15 Performanc e Step: 33 Start SGT02 , CTMT Mini Purge Air Supply Unit with GT HIS-2

3. S t a n d a r d: Operator should select RUN on GT HIS-23.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

GT HIS-23 RED light il luminates and the GREEN light extinguishes.

2005 NRC J P M S8 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 14 of 17 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N Step 5.2.16 Performanc e Step: 34 OPEN GTHZ0005 using GT HIS-5.

NOTE: Steps 34 and 35 ma y b e performe d in an y order. S t a n d a r d: Operator should depress and hold t he OPEN p u shbutton fo r GT HIS-5.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

GT HIS-5 RED light illuminates and tw o (2) se conds later, the GREEN lig ht extinguishes.

5.2.17 Performanc e Step: 35 OPEN GTHZ0004 using GT HIS-4.

NOTE: Steps 34 and 35 ma y b e performe d in an y order. S t a n d a r d: Operator should depress and hold t he OPEN p u shbutton fo r GT HIS-4.

C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

GT HIS-4 RED light illuminates and tw o (2) se conds later, the GREEN lig ht extinguishes.

Performanc e Step: 36 Inform the Control Room Supervisor that CTMT Mini Purge has been reinitia ted. S t a n d a r d: Operator should inform the Control Room Supe rvisor that Mini Purge has been reinitiat ed. C o m m e n t: Evaluator's Cue:

Control Ro om Supervisor acknowledges.

Terminating Cue:

When Mini-Purge is rei n itiated, this JPM is co mplete. 2005 NRC J P M S8 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 15 of 17 Form ES-C-1 PERF O R M ANCE I N FORMATI O N STOP TI ME: 2005 NRC J P M S8 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 16 of 17 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATI O N OF COMPLETI ON Job Performance Measure No.:

2005 NRC J P M S8 Exa m inee's Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



R e s u l t: S A T U N S A T Exa m iner's Signature:

Date: 2005 NRC J P M S8 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9 Appendix C Page 17 of 17 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE S H EET INITIAL CONDITIONS:

Callaway Pl ant is in Mo de 1. A con t ainment mi ni purge was in progress to prepare for a containment entry. On e hour ago, a CPIS/CRVI S occurred due to a spike on GTRE0022. Repairs have been made to GT RE0022 and it is now op erable. Outside air temperature is expected to remain > 50°F.

INITIATING CUE: The Control Room Supe rvis or has directed you to re-initiate t he containment mini purge per OTN-GT-00001, Section 4.7. Th e Control Room Supervisor has decide d to not realign the contr o l building HVAC at this time. The SS has authorized reinitia ting CTMT mini purge. Inform the Control Room Su pervisor when the mini purge has been re-initiated.

2005 NRC J P M S8 NUREG 102 1, Revision 9