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Application for Amend to Ol,Changing App a of Tech Specs
Person / Time
Site: Cook  American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 05/26/1981
Shared Package
ML17331A728 List:
AEP:NRC:0372, AEP:NRC:372, NUDOCS 8105290360
Download: ML17331A727 (8)



NO DOCKET FACILi 50 315 Oonal d C Cook Nuclear Power Plant>Uni t 1 i Indi ana K~>OA>50 316 Donald C~Cook hucl.ear Power Plant>Unit 2P Indiana 8-500031.AUTH'AME AUTHOR AFFILIATION HUNTERPR~8'ndiana 8 Michigan Electric Co~REC IP~NAME RECIPIENT AFFILIATION SUBJFCT: Applicdtion for~amend to OL<changing App A of Tech Specs~DISTRIBUTION CODE: AOO'IS COPIES RECEIVED:LTR J.ENCL S SIZE::.5+T'ITLE.: General Distr ibution for af ter Issuance of Oper ating License RECIPIENT ID CODE/NAME'OTES:ICE:3 cooies all material~Send 3 copies-'of al 1 material to ICE~W/C4ucl-4 l~40~REC IP I ENT COPIES ID CODE/NAME LTTR ENCL ACTION!VARGA E 8~04 13.13 COPTES LTTR ENCL 05000315 05000316 INTERNAL: D/OIRgHUM FACOS IaE..06 OELO 11 RAO ASMT BR 1 1 2 2 1 0 1 1 OIR P DI V OF LIC NRC PDR'2 0 A-E4'S R 1 0 G FIQ 01 1 1 1 1 0 1 EXTERNAL'CRS NSIC 09.05 fe 16 1 1 LPOR 03 1 1 wl TOTAL NUMBER'F COPIES REQUIRED LTTRNCL i

INDIANA Ilt MICHIGAN ELECTRIC COMPANY P.O.BOX 18 BOWLIN G GR E EN STATION NEW YORK, N.Y.10004 May 26, 1981 AEP:NRC:0372 Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant Unit Nos.1 and 2 Docket Nos.50-315 and 50-316 License Nos.DPR-58 and DPR-74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS CHANGE REQUEST~]g/@a.a.l't'ai',pg tg 8 U~g~'ib Mr.Harold R.Denton, Director'ffice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555

Dear Mr.Denton:

This letter and its attachments request changes in several of the Appendix'A'echnical Specifications for the Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant Unit Nos.1 and 2.Attachment 1 is the description of'he changes.Attachment 2 contains the revised Technical Specification pages.A number of these changes are editorial.

All changes have been indicated by a vertical line on the right hand side of the page.We request that the NRC file and process this Technical Specification change package as a single amendment.

These proposed Technical Specifications have been reviewed and approved by the Plant Nuclear Safety CoraIIittee.

The result of these reviews is that these proposed revisions will not adversely affect the health and safety of the public.Change Nos.4, 5 and 6'ave been reviewed by the AEPSC Nuclear Safety and Design Review Committee (NSDRC).The NSDRC concurs with the Plant PNSRC findings.The remaining changes will be reviewed at the next meeting of the NSDRC scheduled for June 9, 1981.

Mr.Harold R.Denton AEP:NRC:0372 SeVen proposed Technical Specification revisions are contained in this submittal; four editorial in nature.Change Nos.4 and 7 are considered to be Class II amendments

($1,200 fee each)and change No.6 is considered to be a Class II'I amendment'$

4,000.00 fee).Class I duplicate fees also apply for change Nos.4, 6 and 7:.Accordingly, attached is a check in the amount of$7,600.00 for NRC processing of the aforementioned requests.Very truly yours, Vice President cc: John E.Dolan-Columbus R.C.Callen G.Charnoff R.M.Jurgensen D.V.Shaller-Bridgman Region III Resident Inspector 9 Cook Plant-Bridgman ATTACHMENT 1 TO AEP:NRC:0372 Technical S ecification Chan'e Descri'tions

~Ch N.1 (EC(Unit No.1-Page 3/4 8-8-Section the definitions of the two D.C.bus trains, the second one should be changed from AB to CD.Cch¹N.E (EC(Unit Ho.2-Pages 3/4 8-9 and 3/4 8-10;Section In item (d), the table number for-battery emergency.

loads must be changed to 4-.8-1A.This revision is due to the fact that currently there are two tables numbered"Table 4.8.1".~Ch N.1 (EC(Unit 1;Page 1-7;Table 1.2'.Unit 2;Page 1-8, Table 1.2 In Table 1.2 of both units, frequence notations of the surveillance scheduling will be specified as a specific number of days whenever the frequency is greater than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.The words"6 months" and"18 months" will be revised to read"184 days" and"549 days" respectively.

This terminology conforms to ASME boiler and pressure vessel code,Section III.Chan e Ho.4 Unit 1;page 3/4 2-2;Section 3.2.1 Unit 2;Page 3/4 2-2;Section 3.2.1 As presently written, Specification

3.2.1 requires

that a Licensee Event Report (LER)be submitted whenever the Axial Flux Difference (AFD)exceeds the target AFD by more than+5%regardless of the cumuiattve penalty deviation.

In Section 3.2.1 of the bases it is clearly stated that the use of control rods can'be expected, in the majority of instances, to cause the actual AFD to differ from the target AFD by more than+55.~c c'h 1~~~~

It is our understanding that the intent of Specification 3.2.1 is to re-quire LER submittal only in those instances when the cumulative penalty deviation exceeds, the allowable values specified in the action statement of the specification.

However, our present.Specification 3.2.1 does not reflect this understanding.

In order to clarify the requirements of the specification and to minimize submittal of unnecessary LERs, we are re-questing that a Section 3.2.l.d be added to the existing AFD specification.

The-revised Technical Specification pages reflect this proposed change.Unit 2;Page 3/4 l-ll;Section The centrifugal charging pumps, when=tested on recirculation flow during modes 5 and 6,, must develop a discharge pressure 2390 psig.The 15 psi pressure difference between discharge pressures of the pump during Modes 5 and 6 and during Modes 1-4-is-due-to'Volume Control Tank (VCT)pressure in those modes.This was reflected in the Unit 1 Technical Specifications.

earlier and is now being revised accordingly, in the Unit 2 Technical Specification.

Chan e No.5 Unit 1;Page 3/4 6-35;Section Unit 2;Page 3/4 6-44;Section The intent of the Ceq fan motor current surveillance is to check for disengaged drive shafts, broken fan blades, frozen or bad bearings, and other malfunctions in the fan-motor system which would cause a significant deviation from the normal motor load.Our review o surveillance test data indicates that the average current observed during tests is less than 56 amperes and the range of deviations under normal yet variable operating slightly greater than 10 amperes.Me are therefore requesting a change to Specification to read: "b.Verifying that with the return air fan dampers closed, the fan motor current is 56+10 A'1PS when the fan speed is 880+20 RPM.This envelope would bound all normal operating readings and ensure that the intent of the Specification, to detect an inoperable system, is met."

Chan e No.7 Unit 1;Page 3/4 1-15;Section Unit 2;Page 3/4 1-15;Section D.1.2.7 and The Technical Specifications require the refueling water storage tank borated water solution temperature be maintained at 70oF or above in Unit 1 and 80oF or above in Unit 2, when it is to be used as a borated water source in Modes 5 and 6.This temperature can be very difficult to maintain when adding cool water to the RWST by blending following draining of the tank for refueling purposes.Since the present solution temperature limits are derived from emergency core cooling requirements, this high temperature limit should only apply in Modes 1, 2, 3 and 4 which is covered by Technical Specifications and 3.5.5.It is therefore requested that the minimum tem-perature limit for Modes 5 and 6 be returned to its original value of 35.oF