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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20134L23113 November 1996Comments on Nonstandard Financial Assurance Submittal for SNM-2001.Package Satisfies NRC Concerns Re Automatic Renewal of Ltr of Credit
ML20135B44720 November 1996Responds to Meeting W/Paperiello on 961108 Re Schedule for Draft EIS Being Prepared by Staff for Parks Township Shallow Land Disposal Area in Parks Township,Pa
ML20140F89729 May 1997Informs That Effective 970609,P Sobel of NMSS Will Replace H Astwood as NRC Manager for Parks Township Shallow Land Disposal Area Site Decommissioning Mgt Plan Site
ML20140F9595 June 1997Forwards Addendum to App a of 1995 Field Work,Dtd 970123, for Use in Preparing EIS for Parks Township Shallow Land Disposal Area.W/O Encl
ML20141C8019 May 1997Forwards Parks Township Slda Environ Impact Statement (EIS) Scoping Summary Rept Containing All Comments NRC Received During EIS Scoping Process.W/O Encl
ML20147B33721 January 1997Summarizes 961205 Meeting Between NRC & Arco Re NRC Analyses Performed for Deis Being Developed for Parks Township Shallow Land Disposal Area
ML20148D51614 May 1997Responds to Undated Ltr Re Comments on Working Draft EIS for B&W Shallow Land Disposal Area
ML20195B75510 November 1998Informs That Info Provided in 981013 Justification for Amend to License SNM-2001 to Require That Bmx Technologies,Inc Submit Decommissioning Plan for Shallow Land Disposal Area in Parks Township,Pa,Is Sufficient for Technical Review
ML20195E5769 June 1999Forwards Copy of Meeting Summary for Meeting Between NRC & Staff of Bwx Technologies That Occurred on 990520
ML20195G73318 November 1998Responds to Requests & Concerns Raised During 981014 Telcon Re Copies of Manifests for Radwaste Shipments from Bwx Technologies Facilities,Firehose Use to Suppress Dust During Deconstruction & Contamination Along Riverbank
ML20195K25410 June 1999Forwards Insp Repts 70-0364/99-01 & 70-3085/99-01 on 990406- 09.No Violations Identified.Nrc Conducted Safety Insp at Parks Township Facility & Shallow Land Disposal Area of Activities Authorized by Licenses
ML20203E93912 February 1998Informs That Staff Concluded That It Would Inappropriate to Conduct Further Analysis of Deis Until Formal Request for Licensing Action Is Before Nrc.Detailed Procedures for Pursuing Decommissioning of Parks Township,Pa,Site,Provided
ML20205C07615 March 1999Responds to ,Which Forwarded 1999 Field Program Workplan for Parks Land Disposal Area to NRC Staff for Review
ML20205C31422 March 1999Forwards Amend 1 to License SNM-2001,which Deletes Condition 14(a) & Replaces It with Requirement to Submit Decommissioning Plan for Slda by Dec 6,2000,in Response to 980709 RequestDecommissioning Funding Plan
ML20210N4994 August 1999Requests That All Correspondence Re Decommissioning of Shallow Land Disposal Area in Parks Township,Pa Be Sent to Listed Individuals
ML20210S53919 August 1997Forwards Deis, Deis - Decommissioning of B&W Shallow Land Disposal Area in Parks Township,Pa. Inclusion of Encl Deis in Next Fr Notice Re EISs Filed W/Epa,Requested.W/O Encl
ML20211F39118 September 1997Forwards B&W Document Entitled Parks Slda - Cost Estimate for Remediation Alternatives. W/O Encl
ML20217K39224 April 1998Informs That D Orlando of NRC Staff Assumed Interim Project Mgt Responsibilities for B&W Shallow Land Disposal Area License,Effective 980427
ML20236Q9748 July 1998Forwards Insp Repts 70-0364/98-01 & 70-3085/98-01 on 980608-12.No Violations Noted
ML20236U75127 July 1998Submits Comments on Draft Environ Impact Statement for Bwx Technologies Shallow Land Disposal Area in Park Township, Pa.Bwx Technologies Encl
ML20236X3343 August 1998Responds to Requesting That NRC Amend SNM-2001 for Bwx Technologies (Bwtx) Shallow Land Disposal Area in Parks Township,Pa.Since Bwtx Proposal Is Well Beyond Twelve Month Timeframe,Specific Justification Is Needed
ML20236X3573 August 1998Responds to Ltr Dtd 980709,requesting That NRC Amend Special Nuclear Matls License SNM-2001 for Bwx Technologies Shallow Land Disposal Area in Parks Township,Pa