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 Issue dateTitleTopic
05000443/LER-1989-006, Forwards LER 89-006-00 Re Misposition of Unborated Water Source Locked Valves.In Addition to Corrective Actions Review of Operating Experience Revealed No Specific Trends or Indications of Diminished Performance28 April 1989Forwards LER 89-006-00 Re Misposition of Unborated Water Source Locked Valves.In Addition to Corrective Actions Review of Operating Experience Revealed No Specific Trends or Indications of Diminished Performance
05000443/LER-1990-004, Forwards Util Commitment to Perform Visual Insp of Four Feedwater Sys Check Valves Dash Plate Capscrews During First Refueling Outage,Per LER 90-004-001 July 1991Forwards Util Commitment to Perform Visual Insp of Four Feedwater Sys Check Valves Dash Plate Capscrews During First Refueling Outage,Per LER 90-004-00
05000443/LER-1992-002, Forwards License Amend Request 92-12 to License NPF-86, Changing TS to Correct Acceptance Value for Sum of RHR Sys Injection Line Flow Rates,Per LER 92-02-0022 October 1992Forwards License Amend Request 92-12 to License NPF-86, Changing TS to Correct Acceptance Value for Sum of RHR Sys Injection Line Flow Rates,Per LER 92-02-00Unanalyzed Condition
05000443/LER-1992-013, Forwards LER 92-013-01 Re Tornado Design of Plant Doors. Submittal Documents Root Cause & Corrective Actions Ongoing at Time of LER 92-013-00 Submittal20 November 1992Forwards LER 92-013-01 Re Tornado Design of Plant Doors. Submittal Documents Root Cause & Corrective Actions Ongoing at Time of LER 92-013-00 Submittal
05000443/LER-1992-019, Forwards LER 92-019-01 Re Delta T/Tavg Protection Channel Operational Test,Documenting Root Cause & Corrective Actions,Per Evaluation Ongoing at Time of LER 92-019-00 Submittal11 January 1993Forwards LER 92-019-01 Re Delta T/Tavg Protection Channel Operational Test,Documenting Root Cause & Corrective Actions,Per Evaluation Ongoing at Time of LER 92-019-00 Submittal
05000443/LER-1993-006, Forwards LER 93-006-00 Re Train a Svc Water Inoperability on 93040130 April 1993Forwards LER 93-006-00 Re Train a Svc Water Inoperability on 930401
05000443/LER-1993-017, Forwards LER 93-017-00 Re Service Water Pump Discharge Check Valve Testing.Due to Administrative Error During Processing LER Not Submitted within 30 Days of Determination of Reportability as Required by 10CFR50.7318 October 1993Forwards LER 93-017-00 Re Service Water Pump Discharge Check Valve Testing.Due to Administrative Error During Processing LER Not Submitted within 30 Days of Determination of Reportability as Required by 10CFR50.73
05000443/LER-1995-001, Forwards LER 95-001 Re Inadequate Overtemperature Delta T & Overpower Delta T Channel Calibr7 July 1995Forwards LER 95-001 Re Inadequate Overtemperature Delta T & Overpower Delta T Channel Calibr
05000443/LER-1996-001, Repts That During 1996 One Challenge to Plant Pressurizer PORVs Was Identified.Description of Event in LER 96-001-00 Re Automatic Rt26 February 1997Repts That During 1996 One Challenge to Plant Pressurizer PORVs Was Identified.Description of Event in LER 96-001-00 Re Automatic Rt
05000443/LER-1997-015, Forwards LER 97-015-00 for Seabrook Station for Event That Occurred on 971028.Event Being Reported Pursuant to 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(ii)26 November 1997Forwards LER 97-015-00 for Seabrook Station for Event That Occurred on 971028.Event Being Reported Pursuant to 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(ii)
05000443/LER-1997-016, Forwards LER 97-016-01 Re Event That Occurred on 971105 at Station.Ler Is Being Submitted to Retract LER 97-016-00, Which Was Determined to Be Unreportable9 February 1998Forwards LER 97-016-01 Re Event That Occurred on 971105 at Station.Ler Is Being Submitted to Retract LER 97-016-00, Which Was Determined to Be Unreportable
05000443/LER-1998-001, Forwards LER 98-001-00 Re Inadequate ECCS Venting Surveillance for Event That Occurred on 980103.Event Being Reported,Per 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(i),10CFR50.73(a)(2)(ii), 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(v) & 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(vii)2 February 1998Forwards LER 98-001-00 Re Inadequate ECCS Venting Surveillance for Event That Occurred on 980103.Event Being Reported,Per 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(i),10CFR50.73(a)(2)(ii), 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(v) & 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(vii)
05000443/LER-1998-003, Forwards LER 98-003-00,re Class 1E 125 Vdc Battery Surveillance Testing Which Occurred on 98021719 March 1998Forwards LER 98-003-00,re Class 1E 125 Vdc Battery Surveillance Testing Which Occurred on 980217
05000443/LER-1998-004, Forwards LER 98-004-00 Re Min Shift Crew Composition Event That Occurred on 980504.Rept Is Submitted Per Requirements of 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(i)3 June 1998Forwards LER 98-004-00 Re Min Shift Crew Composition Event That Occurred on 980504.Rept Is Submitted Per Requirements of 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(i)
05000443/LER-1998-006, Forwards LER 98-006-00 Re Seabrook Station 980611 Plant Shutdown Which Was Caused by Inoperability of Control Room Air Condition Subsystem10 July 1998Forwards LER 98-006-00 Re Seabrook Station 980611 Plant Shutdown Which Was Caused by Inoperability of Control Room Air Condition Subsystem
05000443/LER-1998-008, Forwards LER 98-008-00 Re Inadvertent ESF Actuation Due to Personnel Error on 98062322 July 1998Forwards LER 98-008-00 Re Inadvertent ESF Actuation Due to Personnel Error on 980623
05000443/LER-1998-013, Forwards LER 98-013-00 Re 981214 Discovery That Valves Were Not Included within Scope of Plant IST Program.Commitments Made by Util,Encl14 January 1999Forwards LER 98-013-00 Re 981214 Discovery That Valves Were Not Included within Scope of Plant IST Program.Commitments Made by Util,Encl
05000443/LER-1998-014, Forwards LER 98-014-00 for Event That Occurred at Seabrook Station on 981222.Encl 2 Is List of Util Commitments Made in Response to LER18 January 1999Forwards LER 98-014-00 for Event That Occurred at Seabrook Station on 981222.Encl 2 Is List of Util Commitments Made in Response to LER
05000443/LER-1999-001, Forwards LER 99-001-00 for Event That Occurred at Seabrook Station on 990329.List of Commitments Made in Response to Ler,Encl28 April 1999Forwards LER 99-001-00 for Event That Occurred at Seabrook Station on 990329.List of Commitments Made in Response to Ler,Encl
B15878, Informs NRC of Nuclear Organization Changes to Addressee & Distribution Lists for Correspondence from NRC9 September 1996Informs NRC of Nuclear Organization Changes to Addressee & Distribution Lists for Correspondence from NRC
B15922, Discusses Changes in Northeast Utilities Nuclear Organization3 October 1996Discusses Changes in Northeast Utilities Nuclear OrganizationSystematic Assessment of Licensee Performance
B15929, Informs of Management Changes within Nuclear Group Which Affect Distribution of NRC Correspondence.Revisions to Distribution Lists,Provided6 November 1996Informs of Management Changes within Nuclear Group Which Affect Distribution of NRC Correspondence.Revisions to Distribution Lists,Provided
B15962, Forwards Response to GL 96-06, Assurance of Equipment Operability & Containment Integrity During Design-Basis Accident Conditions30 October 1996Forwards Response to GL 96-06, Assurance of Equipment Operability & Containment Integrity During Design-Basis Accident Conditions
ML17348B49215 August 1990Forwards Revised Evacuation Time Estimates Incorporating Vehicles Hidden from Aerial Observation,Per ALAB-932 & ASLB Memorandum & Order LBP-90-20.Revised Estimates Will Be Incorporated Into Radiological Emergency Response Plan
ML18004C00527 January 1987Comments on Pending Licensing of Plant & Reducing Emergency Evacuation Zone to 1 Mile from Present 10 Miles.Evacuation Regulations Should Be Modified to Allow Util to Prepare Evacuation Plan for Independent Review & Approval
ML19207A1471 April 1979Requests NRC Immediately Stop Const Until Design Changes Are MadeEarthquake
ML19208A11715 August 1979Responds to IE Bulletin 79-14 Re Seismic Analysis for as-built safety-related Piping Sys.Describes Method of Verification of Seismic Analysis.Westinghouse Is Responsible for Seismic Analysis of RCS
ML19208A69212 September 1979Forwards 790906 PSC of Nh Preliminary ProspectusUranium Hexafluoride
ML19208B77917 September 1979Forwards Requested Financial Info & Orders Re Exclusion of Costs of Const Work in Progress from Util Rate Base to Consumers.Negotiations W/Four Banks for Notes Are Underway, W/Nuclear Fuel as Security
ML19209A09827 September 1979Forwards 790925 Suppl to 790920 Final Prospectus of PSC of Nh Re Series B General & Refunding Mortgage Bonds
ML19209A93623 July 1979Responds to 790723 Request for Addl Financial Info.Every Effort Will Be Made to Provide Addl Info by 790731
ML19209B37820 August 1979Expresses Concerns Re Evacuation Plans & Const of Facility
ML19210C34525 October 1979Opposes Nuclear Power Plants Because of Cost & Health & Safety Effects
ML19210E4594 October 1979Responds to NRC 790828 Ltr Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Repts 50-443/79-06 & 50-444/79-06.Corrective actions:log-in & Badge Control Program Begun in Warehouses & Insp Procedure X-9 Revised
ML19211A92113 December 1979Advises That Current Schedule Calls for June 1980 Submittal of FSAR
ML19225D11228 June 1979Responds to IE Bulletins 78-12,12A & 12B.Requested Info Was Sent to NRC on 790608,in C-E Rept Atypical Weld Matl in Reactor Pressure Vessel Welds. C-E Certification Encl
ML19241B47313 July 1979Forwards 790712 Final Prospectus of PSC of Nh Re Offering of 2 Million Shares of Common Stock
ML19241B91118 July 1979Requests Suspension of Const Pending Improved Evacuation Plan
ML19241B91517 July 1979Requests Suspension of Const Pending Improved Evacuation Plan,As Residence Is Only 12 Miles from Proposed Plant
ML19242A37630 July 1979Forwards Intervenor New England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution 790730 Memo in Support of Seacoast Anti-Pollution League Request for Show Cause Order Re CP Suspension. Notice of Appearance Encl
ML19242B22812 July 1979Responds to IE Bulletin 79-11.Westinghouse Circuit Breakers DB-50 or DB-75 Are Not Used in Any safety-related Sys at Facility
ML19242B43625 May 1979Responds to IE Bulletin 79-04 & 790330 Ltr.Will Use 3-inch Valves in Primary Component Cooling Sys & 6-inch Valves in Thermal Regenerating Sys B.No Corrective Actions Necessary on Velan Swing Check Valves
ML19242B7526 August 1979Forwards Memo Submitted to Nh Public Utils Commission, Dn Merril & Rj Harrison Testimonies Before Commonwealth of Ma Dept of Public Utils & Rj Harrison Statement Before House Commerce & Consumer Affairs Committee,As Requested
ML19242B78422 May 1979Forwards 790401 Ltr & Copies of Two Public Statements. Demands Suspension of Const of Nuclear Power Plants.Util Has No Evacuation Plan or Means of Disposing of Radwaste. W/O Encl
ML19242B8026 June 1979Forwards 790401 Ltr & Copies of Two Public Statements. Demands Suspension of Const of Nuclear Power Plants.Util Has No Evacuation Plan or Means of Disposing of Radwaste
ML19242C4569 August 1979Responds to 790717 Request & Forwards Addl Financial Info. Some Quarterly Repts & Green Mountain Power Co source-of-funds Statement Will Be Sent at Later Date
ML19242D12810 August 1979Forwards Suppl 2 to Amend 40 to License Application & Request for Partial Transfer of CPPR-135 & CPPR-136
ML19246A56026 June 1979Forwards PSC of Nh 790621 Preliminary Prospectus Re Two Million Shares of Common Stock.Submittal Supplements Info Forwarded 790622
ML19247A06523 July 1979Advises That Response Date of 790731 for Addl Financial Info Cannot Be Guaranteed
ML19247B3286 July 1979Responds to IE Bulletin 79-12,Revision 1,re Pipe Support Base Plate Designs Using Concrete Expansion Anchor Bolts. Submits Procedure for Reviewing Calculations to Validate Effects of Plate Flexibility