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 Issue dateTitleTopic
JAFP-11-0112, Relief Request (RR-8), Alternative Examination Requirements for Nozzle-to-Vessel Shell Welds and Nozzle Inner Radius Sections Using American Society of Mechanical Engineers Code Case N-702 and BWRVIP-108NP3 October 2011Relief Request (RR-8), Alternative Examination Requirements for Nozzle-to-Vessel Shell Welds and Nozzle Inner Radius Sections Using American Society of Mechanical Engineers Code Case N-702 and BWRVIP-108NP
JAFP-18-0052, Proposed Alternative to Utilize Code Case N-87930 May 2018Proposed Alternative to Utilize Code Case N-879Nondestructive Examination
JAFP-18-0053, Proposed Alternative to Utilize Code Cases N-878 and N-88030 May 2018Proposed Alternative to Utilize Code Cases N-878 and N-880Nondestructive Examination
JAFP-19-0023, Relief Request Associated with the Use of Encoded Phased Array Ultrasonic Examination Techniques in Lieu of Radiography for Ferritic and Austenitic Piping Welds15 February 2019Relief Request Associated with the Use of Encoded Phased Array Ultrasonic Examination Techniques in Lieu of Radiography for Ferritic and Austenitic Piping WeldsFlow Accelerated Corrosion
Dissimilar Metal Weld
ML0203800536 March 2002Relief Requests CIP 6111 and 4207Incorporated by reference
ML03150051127 June 2003Safety Evaluation of Relief Request 2207 for the Second Ten-Year Pump and Valve Inservice Testing ProgramIncorporated by reference
ML03308024617 November 2003Safety Evaluation of Relief Request RR-2206 Related to the Second 10-Year Inservice Testing IntervalStroke time
ML05362008328 December 2005Draft SE for Relief Request No. 4211 Core Shroud Repair
ML06011048517 January 2006Unit - SE for Relief Request No. 4211 Core Shroud RepairSafe Shutdown Earthquake
Operating Basis Earthquake
Incorporated by reference
ML07254055012 September 2007Temporary Relief from 5-year Test Requirement for Safety Relief ValvesIncorporated by reference
ML0731904796 December 2007Relief Request No. 2209 from 5-Year Test Requirement for Safety Valves
ML08098031130 April 2008Relief Request to Use Boiling Water Reactor Vessel & Internals Project Guidelines..Incorporated by reference
Stress corrosion cracking
License Renewal
ML09230058720 August 2009Relief Request for Use of Subsequent Edition and Addenda or American Society of Mechanical Engineers Code for Inservice TestingIncorporated by reference
ML09364002330 December 2009Request for Alternative 4215 Class 1 Reactor Vessel Circumferential Shell Welds, ME0407Incorporated by reference
ML10088012621 April 2010Relief from the Requirements of the ASME CodeIncorporated by reference
ML10134069110 June 2010Safety Evaluation of Relief Request Nos. 2201, 2202, and 3201, for the Third 10-Year Inservice Testing IntervalStroke time
Incorporated by reference
Grace period
Water hammer
ML10336033522 December 2010Relief Requests I3R-01, I3R-02, I3R-03, I3R-04, and I3R-05 Associated with the Third Inservice InspectionHydrostatic
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Incorporated by reference
Exemption Request
ML12121A63710 May 2012Request to Use Code Case N-789
ML13107A09918 April 2013Relief Request I3R-09 Alternative to VT-2 Visual Examination of Combustible Gas Control System PipingVT-2
Incorporated by reference
Local Leak Rate Testing
Pressure Boundary Leakage
Through-Wall Leakage
ML15180A40715 July 2015Request for Alternatives from ASME OM Code Requested Frequency (TAC Nos. MF5344 and MF5345)(RS-14-291) and RS-14-292)Safe Shutdown
Incorporated by reference
Cold shutdown justification
ML15301A8705 November 2015Relief from the Requirements of the ASME Code Concerning Snubber Inspection Interval for the Thrid10-Year Interval Inservice Inspection Program (CAC No. MF5334)(RS-14-295)
ML16012A34410 March 2016Use of BWRVIP Guidelines in Lieu of Specific ASME Code RequirementsIncorporated by reference
Aging Management
ML16230A2376 September 2016Fleet Request for Proposed Alternative to Use ASME Code Case N-513-4 (CAC Nos. MF7301-MF7322)Incorporated by reference
Operability Determination
Through-Wall Leak
Through-Wall Leakage
ML17170A01326 June 2017Proposed Alternative to Eliminate Examination of Threads in Reactor Pressure Vessel Flange (CAC Nos. MF8712-MF8729 and MF9548)Stress corrosion cracking
Thermal fatigue
ML19161A2574 June 2019BWR Fleet Msv/Srv - Testing Frequency Relief Request NRC Pre-Application Meeting June 4, 2019Incorporated by reference
ML19269C53427 September 2019Proposed Alternative to Use Encoded Phased Array Ultrasonic Examination TechniquesIncorporated by reference
ML20010E87027 January 2020Proposed Alternative to the Requirements of the ASME CodeIncorporated by reference
ML20036D9624 February 2020Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station, Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, & Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station - Proposed Alternative to Extend Reactor Pressure Vessel Safety Relief Valve Testing FrequencyGrace period
ML20099D95517 April 2020Request to Use Provisions in the 2013 Edition of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code for Performing Non-Destructive ExaminationsNon-Destructive Examination
Incorporated by reference
ML20188A2646 July 2020Clinton Power Station, R.E. Ginna Station, Limerick Station, Nine Mile Point Station & Peach Bottom Station - Proposed Alternative to Utilize Code Case OMN-26 - Response to Request for Additional InformationIncorporated by reference
ML20218A6602 September 2020Proposed Alternative I4R-01 to the Requirements of the ASME CodeProbabilistic Risk Assessment
Incorporated by reference
Large early release frequency
DM weld
ML20219A2021 September 2020Proposed Alternative I4R-05 to the Requirements of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers CodeVT-2
Local Leak Rate Testing
Pressure Boundary Leakage
Pressure boundary leak
Through-Wall Leakage
ML20232A1881 September 2020Proposed Alternative I4R-02 to the Requirements of the ASME CodeIncorporated by reference
ML20268C2324 November 2020Proposed Alternative I4R-06 to the Requirements of the ASME CodeIntergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking
ML20269A20030 September 2020Request to Use a Provision of Later Edition of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI (EPID L2020-LLR-0117Incorporated by reference
ML21216A2205 August 2021Proposed Alternative to Eliminate Certain Documentation Requirements for Pressure Retaining BoltingCoatings
Nondestructive Examination
Incorporated by reference
ML21230A2063 September 2021Proposed Alternative to Use ASME OM Code Case OMN-28Incorporated by reference
ML21280A07827 October 2021Proposed Alternative to Use of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Case N-893 (Epids L-2020-LLR-0147 and L-2020-LLR-0148)Incorporated by reference
Stress corrosion cracking
ML22047A12722 February 2022Relief from the Requirements of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers CodeIncorporated by reference
RS-08-144, Request for Relief from ASME OM Code 5-Year Test Interval for Safety Relief Valves (Relief Request No. 2210)3 November 2008Request for Relief from ASME OM Code 5-Year Test Interval for Safety Relief Valves (Relief Request No. 2210)Scaffolding
Grace period
RS-08-156, Proposed Alternative to 10CFR 50.55a Examination Requirements for Reactor Pressure Vessel Weld Inspections3 December 2008Proposed Alternative to 10CFR 50.55a Examination Requirements for Reactor Pressure Vessel Weld Inspections
RS-20-020, Relief Request for Alternative Frequency to Supplemental Indication Requirements of 10 CFR 50.55a(b)(3)(xi)28 February 2020Relief Request for Alternative Frequency to Supplemental Indication Requirements of 10 CFR 50.55a(b)(3)(xi)Power-Operated Valves
RS-20-095, Response to Request for Additional Information Related to Relief Request I4R-06 for the Fourth Inservice Inspection Interval13 August 2020Response to Request for Additional Information Related to Relief Request I4R-06 for the Fourth Inservice Inspection IntervalIntergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking