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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20084E71030 April 1984Objections & Request for Reconsideration Re Special Prehearing Conference Order on Admissibility of Offsite Emergency Planning Contentions.Aslb Incorrectly Applied ALAB-936 to Preclude Litigation.W/Certificate of SvcAccidental discharge
ML20084E73328 April 1984Petition for Reconsideration of Ruling on Admissibility of Offsite Emergency Planning Contentions.Notice of Withdrawal of Appearance & Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20084H2204 May 1984Transmittal of cross-examination Plans of J Durr & Reynolds Re Contention VI-1 Per ASLB 840315 Order Confirming Miscellaneous Oral Record Rulings.W/O Plans. Related Correspondence
ML20084P80314 May 1984Resubmittal of Financial Qualification Contention in Light of Recent DC Court of Appeals Order
ML20084R11018 May 1984Revised Issues of Concern to City of Philadelphia Re Emergency Planning.State Disaster Operations Plan,Annex E Inadequate.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20086J97620 January 1984Amended Notice of Appearance in Proceeding.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20086L32731 January 1984Responses to Questions Re Offsite Emergency Planning. Reception Ctrs Sole Purpose Is to Serve as pass-through Point.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20087E06713 March 1984Forwards Affidavit of LB Pyrih & Ps Stansbury Re Hypothetical Accidents Involving Unirradiated Fuel to Be Stored at Plant.No Credible Potential for Violating Regulations Identified.Related Correspondence
ML20087H60719 March 1984Answer to Limerick Ecology Action (Lea) Supplemental Info on Lea Offsite Emergency Planning Contentions.Proposed Contentions Should Be Denied.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20087L08921 March 1984Supplemental Responses to Info Requests of City of Philadelphia.Related CorrespondenceFatality
ML20087L11621 March 1984Transmittal of Testimony Re Contention I-42, Environ Qualification of Electrical Equipment. Related Correspondence
ML20087M47828 March 1984Brief in Opposition to Intervenor Friends of the Earth for Stay of Onsite Storage of Unirradiated Fuel.Stay Request Fails to Demonstrate Any Conceivable Harm as Result of Fuel Storage.Certificate of Svc EnclAffidavit
ML20087M63223 March 1984Response to Limerick Ecology Action (Lea) Supplemental Info on Lea Offsite Emergency Planning Contentions.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20087M63728 March 1984Transmittal of Refs & Errata to Applicant 840321 Testimony of Wj Boyer,Dj Thompson,Da Kline,L Stanley,Ef Sproat, Ww Bowers,Te Shannon & J Doering on Contention I-42.Related Correspondence
ML20087M75627 March 1984Forwards QA Audits Re Colt Industries Fairbanks Morse Engine Div,Diesel Generators.W/O Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20087M99030 March 1984Proposed Transcript Corrections of Evidentiary Hearings Held to Consider Air & Water Pollution Patrol Contention V-4 Re Carburetor Icing.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20087N6592 April 1984Transmittal of Testimony Re Onsite Emergency Plan Contentions.Related Correspondence
ML20087Q0226 April 1984Transmittal of cross-examination Plans of L Beltracchi, a Masciantonio & R Legrange Re Contention I-42.W/o Encl. W/Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence
ML20088A0653 April 1984Statement of Significance of NRC Severe Accident Mitigation Sys Contract Documents.Sufficient Info Available Re Mitigative Design Alternatives to Require Consideration in NEPA Analysis of Licensing.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20090E53819 March 1984Response to Util & NRC Affidavits Re Transporting & Storing Raw Nuclear Fuel at Site.Fuel Should Not Be Shipped to Site Until Protection from Listed Consequences Provided & Deficiencies RectifiedAffidavit
ML20090J27312 July 1984Certifies Svc of Rev 33 to Fsar,Rev 18 to Environ Rept & Rev 6 to Fire Protection Evaluation Rept on 840712
ML20090J67521 May 1984Transmittal of cross-examination Plans of L Hulman,S Acharya & B Richter Re DES-3 & DES-4 & cross-examination Plans of L Hulman & Acharya Re DES-1,DES-2,City-13 & City-14.W/o Encl.W/Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence
ML20091H93431 May 1984Restated Issues of Concern of City of Philadelphia Re Emergency Planning.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20091J6504 June 1984Transmittal of Testimony of Bw Bartram,Gf Daebeler, CF Guarino,Gd Kaiser,S Levine,Er Schmidt,Al Toblin & R Waller Re Contention City-15.Certificate of Svc Encl. Related Correspondence
ML20091K0604 June 1984Answer Opposing City of Philadelphia 840518 Revised Issues of Concern Re Ingestion Pathway Emergency Planning Zone & Effect on City.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20091L0694 June 1984Response to Revised Issues of Concern of City of Philadelphia Re Emergency Planning.City Revised Issues Not Appropriate for Litigation in Instant Proceeding.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20091Q56012 June 1984Transmittal of Corrected Testimony of Bw Bartram,Gd Kaiser, Gf Daebeler,Cf Guarino,S Levine,Er Schmidt,Al Toblin & R Waller Re Contention City-15.Certificate of Svc Encl. Related Correspondence
ML20091Q64111 June 1984Notice of Revised Onsite Emergency Planning Implementing Procedures.W/O Procedures.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20091R87512 June 1984Reply to Separate Answers of Commonwealth of Pa,Applicant & NRC to City of Philadelphia Revised Issues Re Emergency Planning.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20091R9358 June 1984Transmittal of Motion to Reopen Asbestos Question & Use of Judgment by Boyer & Wetterhahn & Motion to Reopen Reconsideration on Air & Water Pollution Patrol Contention VI-I.W/svc List
ML20092B71318 June 1984Response Opposing Air & Water Pollution Patrol (Awpp) 840608 Second Motion for Reconsideration of Denial of Contention Re Asbestos in Cooling Towers.Awpp Has Not Shown How Board Failed to Adequately Deal W/Contention
ML20092B72618 June 1984Answer Opposing Air & Water Pollution Patrol (Awpp) 840608 Motion to Reopen Reconsideration Re Contention VI-1.AWPP Basis for Motion Relies on Util Which Fails to Support Requested Relief
ML20092B73418 June 1984Transmittal of cross-examination Plan of Staff Witnesses Re Contention CITY-15 Per ASLB 840420 Order
ML20092B75518 June 1984Response Opposing Air & Water Pollution Patrol 840611 Motion to Withhold Final Decision on Contention VI-1 Re Qa. Certificate of Svc EnclNondestructive Examination
ML20092P5985 July 1984Transmittal of 840629 Affidavit of Vs Boyer Re Estimated Date for Fuel Loading,Per ASLB 840620 Order.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20093G08319 July 1984Notification of Adjudication in Court of Common Pleas, Chester County,Pa Re Installation of Sirens.South Coventry Township Restrained from Enforcing Zoning Ordinance.W/Svc List.Related Correspondence
ML20093J94512 October 1984Transmittal of Refs Omitted from Air & Water Pollution Patrol Appeal Served on Aslab on 841010 Re Contentions Denied by ASLB in Second Partial Initial Decision
ML20093K94326 July 1984Transmittal of Proposed Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law on Contentions DES-1,-2,-3 & -4 Re Severe Accident Risk
ML20093L10126 July 1984Transmittal of Proposed Partial Initial Decision on City of Philadelphia NEPA Severe Accident Contentions.Certificate of Svc EnclEarthquake
ML20093M19515 October 1984Notice of Withdrawal of Offsite Emergency Planning Issue. Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20093N22725 July 1984Response to NRC Response to Air & Water Pollution Patrol 840626 Contention Re Gross Alpha.W/Svc ListAffidavit
ML20094A1511 November 1984Transmittal of Testimony Re Limerick Ecology Action & Friends of the Earth Offsite Emergency Plan Contentions & City of Philadelphia Contentions City-18 & City-19. Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20094A5221 November 1984Joint Rept of Parties Re Discussion of ASLB 841019 Order & Possibility of Contending Settlement on Offsite Emergency Planning.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20094C1042 August 1984Transmittal of Vs Boyer 840802 Affidavit Re Schedule for Fuel Loading,Per ASLB 840620 Order.Certificate of Svc Encl. Related Correspondence
ML20094C92831 July 1984Appeal to Commission from Aslab 840723 Memorandum & Order ALAB-778 Re Contentions on Nuclear Fuel.Immediate Stay Requested.W/Svc List
ML20094D4527 August 1984Joint Rept of Parties on Schedule Proposal for Offsite Emergency Planning Matters Filed in Response to 840723 Order.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20094R02014 August 1984Forwards Response to Applicant Motion Re Contention VI-I & Further Support for Reopening Contention VI-I Re Welding & Welding Insp Infractions
ML20096A39628 March 1984Brief of Rl Anthony & Friends of the Earth in Support of Appeal from ASLB 840306 & 21 Verbal Orders & 840316 Written Order & Request for HearingTornado Generated Missile
ML20096B79931 August 1984Transmittal of Info Re 840829 Response to Air & Water Pollution Patrol Pleading Concerning Reopening Contention VI-1.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20096F0004 September 1984Transmittal of Vs Boyer 840904 Affidavit Re Schedule for Fuel Load,Per ASLB 840620 Order.Certificate of Svc Encl. Related Correspondence